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AN INVISIBLE WAR In the Authors Preface to First Edition, George Hawkins Pember immediately presents the parameters for

his benchmark composition, Earths Earliest Ages: I. That the first chapter of Genesis, equally with those which follow it, is, in its primary meaning, neither vision or allegory, but plain history, and must, therefore be accepted as a literal statement of facts. That care must, however be taken to elicit the exact sense of the Hebrew text, which the English Authorized Version often fails to express. That, to those who really believe in a Supreme Being, the occurrence of supernatural interference, causing physical convulsions and changes, presents no difficulty, especially in connection with a world the moral condition of which was evidently out of course ages before the creation of our race. 1


With this, Pember carefully traces the Creation, as it was in the beginning, and chronicles a preternatural kingdom governed by an angelic host in full union with the intent and authority of the Creator. Foremost in this heavenly order was the cherub Lucifer to whom was given the best of these principalities, territories and dominions but to whose brightness, exaltation and glory was insatiable. At an indeterminate time during these remote ages, a supernatural malignancy grew and a rebellion of cosmic proportion began, a rebellion, though greatly restrained continues, sheathed within an invisible realm. From the anarchy followed judgment and from the judgment followed chaos: a Chaos described by the ancient poet Hesiod, from which the classical accounts of ancient gods and civilizations arose. It is this chaos, this ruined earth, to which the Creator began the process of restoration: it began with a sound, a reverberation that shook the fabric of the cosmos: the thunder of The Almighty, the command, [Let] light be.

Invisible Light

It is this first restorative action, a Divine utterance, which defines a central instruction and provides the key for mankinds communion with the Creator. It is also an instructive foreshadowing of the enemys strategy. From the ancients to the New Age, resonance and harmonics have long been recognized as vehicles of communication and manifestation. Ancient rock outcroppings, sacred temples and monuments have for millennia been used as gathering places for the spiritually enlightened. Through recent understanding of the high energy physics of sound and light, both with adaptable vibratory characteristics, these popular sites for gatherings with ritual chants and offerings, often employing ancient spells and mathematical harmonic codes in various sets of tandem frequencies, may well have measurable and far greater esoteric effects than even recently believed. Theorizing that rocks, silica, crystal and other inanimate objects can be sympathetically programmed to effect positive energies, healings and other desirable initiatives are realized in comparable objects from minute or galactic distances via stargates/wormholes. This bizarre but repeatedly tested principle of quantum entanglement, was dubbed by Albert Einstein as spooky action at a distance. This concept has not garnered its validity with traditional relativistic theorists who maintain that nothing travels at a speed greater than the speed of light, and yet, a sympathetic response is simultaneously transferred and initiated through the use of quantum principles. While this type of technomancy is esoterically seductive, it might cautiously and prudently be reconsidered: the breaking of the bands of Orion spoken of in Job may well unleash far more powerful energies than anticipated. Zacciah Blackburn of Sacred Sound, Sound the Codes asserts, It is not mere co-incidence many of the ancient stone temples of the world were made with crystalline embedded stones, such as granite, which are known for their properties to pass or store energy. It is no longer a mythical metaphorical approximation to speak of the symphony of the cosmos Through Sacred Sound and awareness practices, the unseen wisdom keepers and guardians of these sacred temples have communed with me, and showed me how to hold frequency of awareness in the heart and mind, and combine them into sound codes to create a key which opens the libraries of these temples of ancient star beings and wisdom keepers to the modern way traveler whom comes with pure intent. 2

THE EARGATE - Eden interrupted Pember describes the full sufficiency of Eden while acknowledging the dark ruins beyond, the horrors of the prior destruction bound only by the innocence of the new stewards of Earth. But it was in Eden that the eargate was first breached: the serpent, more subtil than any beast of the field,
spoke, Yea, hath God said

The word ear appears 120 times in Scripture, ears, 151 times. First used in Exd 15:26 the ear is linked to a covenant relationship for those that hearken to the voice of the Lord and keep His statutes. The right ear is repeatedly described in the Levitical instructions: Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand and upon the great toe of their right foot, and sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about. Exd 29:20; [Lev 8:23; Lev 8:24; Lev 14:14; Lev 14:17; Lev 14:25; Lev 14:28] Subsequent references to the ear and hearing are presented as petitions to God from His servants as well as from God as counsel, forewarning and rebukes.

THE HOLY WAR - The Battle for Mansoul, John Bunyan Eargate first appeared in English usage through an allegory penned by John Bunyan in 1682. Bunyans classic The Pilgrims Progress was the most widely read and translated book in the English language apart from the Bible: it was also an educational staple and considered to be required reading in the US from Colonial times through World War II. While The Pilgrims Progress allegorizes the encounters and obstacles of a man seeking salvation, Bunyans The Holy War or The losing and taking again of the town of Mansoul recounts the cosmic conflict for the souls of mankind with Peretti-like descriptions and precision. The town of Mansoul, designed in the image of the almighty, Shaddai, is the target of the deceptive and malevolent giant, Diabolus. Mansoul is a city of five gates: the Ear-gate, EyeGate, Mouth-Gate, Nose-Gate and Feel-Gate. The first and most strategic gate is the first gate breached: the Ear-Gate. 19th century theologian, Rev. Robert Maguire comments on the importance of the Eargate: This was the gate of audience, and through this gate the words of the tempter must penetrate, if the temptation is to be successful. Into the ears of our first mother did the wily serpent whisper the glozing words of his seductive wiles and through the Ear-gate,

he assailed her heart and won it. To give audience to the tempter is the next step to yielding up obedience to his will. 3 One of the two principal powers in Mansoul, Resistance, quickly succumbs to an arrow from the army of Diabolus. The promises of Diabolus are familiar: to enlarge the town of man-soul, to augment their freedom and in the subtlety of pattern identical to Eden, challenging the prohibition of the Tree of Knowledge itself. Dr. Maguire continues to describe this initial incursion at the Eargate with the introduction of Mr. IllPause, another of the diabolical army that visits Mansoul: Satan has many mysterious angels who are ready to second their master's temptations and to commend his wily overtures. Thus Ill-Pause persuades the men of Mansoul; and, lo! to the temptation from without (which was utterly powerless in itself), there answers the yielding from within. This is the fatal act; and is straightaway followed by another grave disaster - the death of Innocency, one of the chiefest and most honorable townsmen. His sensitive soul was poisoned by the contact of the breath of the lost. 4 The Holy War continues with civil war raging within Mansoul and the defeat of the giant Diabolus and his demonic army by the son of Shaddai, Emmanuel, but the allegory perhaps finds more direct application in the 21st century than earlier.

More than any other time in history, the seduction of high-tech has taken firm root and among the most vulnerable of the population. Culturally adrift, this high risk generation, most of whom have never hear the exquisite truths of John Bunyan, has been denied spiritual cultivation through an educational system which values tolerance above absolutes and through social training that elevates technology above heritage.

FULL FLEDGED EARGATE ASSAULT With the advent of cell phones, iPods and other personal devices the eargates of an entire generation have been dangerously compromised. In addition to the obvious physical risks that associate cell phone use and texting while driving, effects have been measured on teenage language abilities 5 and a markedly increased incidence of tinnitus, a chronic ringing-in-theears. 6 A 2005 ChildWise study found that one in four children under the age of eight had a mobile phone, a figure which increased to 89% by the time the child reaches 11 years. 7

TECH SELLS - Dressed to kill Teenagers: A Generation Unplugged, is a 2008 study which determined that four out of five teens carry a wireless device (an increase of 40% from 2004) and found that their cell phones rank second, only to clothing, in communicating personal social status and popularity, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes. Additionally, over half (52%) view cell phones as a form of entertainment and 80% feel that a cell phone provides a sense of security while 36% dislike the idea of others knowing their exact location. 8 While a recent WHO study determined that a cell phone-cancer link is inconclusive, the UN did acknowledge that the 2010 examination of 13,000 participants found up to 40 percent higher incidence of glioma, a cancerous brain tumor, among the 10% that used the mobile phone most. While there is near unanimous agreement within the scientific community that it is simply too early to accurately project damage caused by radiation, even the most modest estimates acknowledge minimal consequences, the estimated 4.6 billion cell phone users appear prepared to take the risk without firm assurances that they are safe. 9 As dire as the incidence for physical damage appears, the psychological and spiritual implications are the significantly more profound and sinister. Thought reading has come of age. First published in January, 2009, CBS revealed technology conducted at Carnegie Mellon University that makes it possible to see what is happening within the

brain while people are thinking. Using specialized magnetic resonance, neuro-activity can be recorded by analyzing brain activity. 10 While mainstream media carefully smudges the science fiction-actual science line, both government and private research groups charge the fields of neuro-fingerprinting, neuro-databases and abject control neuro-control. Following the Human Genome Projects mapping of human DNA, the Human Brain Project, HBP was launched. The international research group hopes to provide a blueprint of normal brain activity, to the goal of understanding brain function for improved health care, but inherent in the study is the very real possibility of threatening autonomous and unrestricted thought. If in 2002 the BBC was touting wireless sensors that record and generate brain waves and anatomical functions remotely, 11 and in 2008 Scientific American reported that scientists can selectively control brain function by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) via the pulsing of powerful electromagnetic fields into the brain or a subjects brain circuits, 12 what might be a more current and sinister application?

UNBOUNDED EVIL You are being lethally manipulated. A March, 2010 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that electromagnetic currents directed at the right tempero-parieto junction (TPJ), located just above and behind the right ear, can impair a persons ability to make moral judgments by inducing a current which disrupts this region of the brain. By producing striking evidence that the right TPJ is critical for making moral judgments, the lead author, Liane Young, also noted that under normal circumstances, people are very confident and consistent in these kinds of moral judgments. The researchers believe that transmagnetic stimulation, TMS, interfered with the subjects ability to interpret the intentions of others, suggesting that they are believed to be morally blameworthy. 13 Subsequent publications have proposed an interest by the US military to use transmagnetc stimulation to enhance soldiers battle duration by reducing the need to stop for sleep. 14

With the acknowledged identification, documentation and cataloging of brain-printing via wireless devices, and the comparatively recent release of the morally consequential findings of transmagnetic stimulation, the premise of Stephen Kings 2006 novel, Cell evokes a frighteningly possible scenario: Mobile phones deliver the apocalypse to millions of unsuspecting humans by wiping their brains of any humanity, leaving only aggressive and destructive impulses behind

What if cell phones didn't cause cancer? What if they did something much worse? What if they turned the user into a zombie killing machine? 15

THIS GENERATION - From hear to eternity. The auditory assault of locust swarms through the comparatively millennia of silence, the Gen Xers and Gen Yers are deluged by an onslaught of finely tuned and brilliantly organized electronic vibratory incursion. Enculturated, entrained, and entrapped, these generations hear and dance to the drumbeat of ringtones and vuvuzelas. Ancient siren songs are no longer echoes: massive gates have been breached, weve surrendered the keys. Technology reigns and John Bunyans Holy War for the possession of Mansoul rages. The theater is planet Earth, the contest is for and about blood and, for the most part, the combatants unequally armed. Unless those days be shortened, is the response of the Almighty. We are fully entrenched for Generation Omega. A passing glance at a keyboard confirms the message:




With science fast ahead and culture quickly gaining, It is ponderous to contemplate what GH Pember could have imagined over a century ago: Unlawful secrets, known in past times only to those few who seem to have acted as Satans agents in directing the course of this world, and are now recklessly offered to all men. The remembrance of that appalling scene, when their brethren were hurled by omnipotent lightnings into pits of darkness, would seem to be fading from the minds of the fallen angels; and the usual course of sin, most frightful of insanities, is urging them on to the brink of the precipice from the abysmal depths of which the groans of their blasted companions ascend. 16 Meanwhile, numbers of the puny inhabitants of earth are ready, at their bidding, to essay any deeds of madness. For not a few even of the learned and wise, unable by reason of vanity to maintain the bare conception of a God, unless His awful majesty be displayed before their eyes, have resolved, either avowedly or virtually, that there is none greater than themselves, or, at least, than their possibility. 17

[All emphases, smb] Sue Bradley, 2010

G.H. Pember, Earths Earliest Ages, Hodder and Stoughton, 1876; Pickering and Inglis and Fleming H. Revell Company, 1911; Kregel Publications, 1975. Zacciah Blackburn, Sounding the Codes, 2007. Robert Maguire, D.D., Charles J. Doe, Commentary on John Bunyans The Holy War, 2009, p. 11 Ibid., p. 7

Texting Statistics, Cellphones, Love to Know, accessed, 8.1.2010.


Cell Phone Linked to Tinnitus, News Inferno, July, 2010. ChildWise Study, National Literary Trust, 2005

Cell Phones Key to Teens Social Lives,, September, 2008. Frank Jordas, Study on Cell Phone Link to Cancer Inconclusive, Associated Press, 2010.
10 9

How Technology May Soon Read Your Mind, CBS 60 Minutes, June, 2009. Remote Control Brain Sensor, BBC, November, 2002.



R. Douglas Fields, Mind Control by Cell Phone, Scientific American, May, 2008.

Liane Young, Joan Albert Camprodon, Marc Hauser, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Rebecca Saxe, "Disruption of the right temporo-parietal junction with transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces the role of beliefs in moral judgments," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March, 2010. Mark Baard, EM field, behind right ear, suspends morality, The Sci-Tech Heretic, March 2009.
15 14


Stephen King, Cell, Pocket Books, Simon and Shuster, 2006 Pember, op. cit., p. 280 Ibid., p. 281



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