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Staff The clinical treatments described and recommended

in this publication are based on research and consulta-
Publisher tion with nursing, medical, and legal authorities. To the
J. Christopher Burghardt best of our knowledge, these procedures refllect cur-
rently accepted practice. Nevertheless, they can’t be
Nursing Officer considered absolute and universal recommendations.
Judith A. Schilling McCann, RN, MSN For individual applications, all recommendations must
be considered in light of the patient’s clinical condition
Clinical Director and, before administration of new or infrequently used
Joan M. Robinson, RN, MSN drugs, in light of the latest package-insert information.
Clinical Project Manager The authors and publisher disclaim any responsibility
for any adverse effects resulting from the suggested
Lorraine Hallowell, RN, BSN, RVS procedures, from any undetected errors, or from the
Clinical Editors reader’s misunderstanding of the text.
Lisa Morris Bonsall, RN, CRNP, MSN
Janet Rader, RN, BSN © 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. All rights
reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part
Dorothy Terry, RN of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
Product Director or transmitted, in any form or by any means—elec-
David Moreau tronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other-
wise—without prior written permission of the publisher,
Product Manager except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles
Diane Labus and reviews and testing and evaluation materials
provided by the publisher to instructors whose
Editor schools have adopted its accompanying textbook. For
Karen C. Comerford information, write Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 323
Norristown Road, Suite 200, Ambler, PA 19002-2756.
Copy Editors
Heather Ditch, Mary T. Durkin Printed in China.
Editorial Assistants
Karen J. Kirk, Jeri O’Shea, Linda K. Ruhf
Creative Director ISSN 0273-320X
Doug Smock ISBN-13: 978-1-60913-619-2
ISBN-10: 1-60913-619-5
Art Director
Elaine Kasmer
Joseph John Clark
Project Manager, Electronic Projects
John Macalino
Vendor Manager
Beth Martz
Manufacturing Manager
Beth J. Welsh
Production Services
Aptara, Inc.
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Anatomy of a monograph ....................................………… inside front cover

Contributors and consultants..........……………………………………………vi
How to use Nursing2012 Drug Handbook ® ......…………………………….vii
Quick guide to special symbols, logos, and highlighted terms ........………xi
Guide to abbreviations........……………………………………………………xii

General information
1. Drug actions, interactions, and reactions ..............……………………………1
2. Drug therapy across the lifespan ................……………………………………5
3. Safe drug administration ..........………………………………………………13
4. Selected drug classifications ............…………………………………………19

Alphabetical listing of drugs by generic name ........……………………59

Appendices ....………………………………………………………………1422
Pregnancy risk categories ......…………………………………………………1422
Controlled substance schedules ..........…………………………………………1422
Quick guide to combination drugs..........………………………………………1423
Common combination drugs: Indications and dosages ..............………………1428
Vaccines and toxoids: Indications and dosages ..............………………………1448
Vitamins and minerals: Indications and dosages ................……………………1459
Therapeutic drug monitoring guidelines ............………………………………1468
Cytochrome P-450 enzymes and common drug interactions ............................1476
Drugs that prolong the QTc interval ..........……………………………………1478
Dialyzable drugs ........…………………………………………………………1479
Abbreviations to avoid ........……………………………………………………1483
Herbal supplements ........………………………………………………………1485
Drugs that shouldn’t be crushed or chewed ............……………………………1492
Avoiding common drug errors: Best practices and prevention ..............………1495
Pediatric drugs commonly involved in drug errors ............……………………1498
Elder care medication tips ..........………………………………………………1501
Additional new drugs: Indications and dosages ............………………………1502

Index …………………………………………………………………………1505

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Contributors and consultants

Steven R. Abel, PharmD, FASHP Michael A. Mancano, RPh, PharmD
Assistant Dean for Clinical Programs Clinical Associate Professor/Associate
Bucke Professor & Head Chairman
Department of Pharmacy Practice Department of Pharmacy Practice
Purdue University College of Pharmacy Temple University School of Pharmacy
W. Lafayette, Ind. Philadelphia
Lawrence Carey, PharmD Chijioke Okafor, PharmD
Associate Program Director, Physician Medical Science Liaison
Assistant Program Bristol-Myers Squibb
Philadelphia University Plainsboro, N.J.
Jason C. Cooper, PharmD Keith M. Olsen, PharmD, FCCP, FCCM
Clinical Pharmacist/Clinical Assistant Professor and Chair
Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice
Medical University of South Carolina University of Nebraska Medical Center
Charleston Omaha
Jennifer Faulkner, PharmD, BCPP Christine K. O’Neil, PharmD, BCPS, CGP,
Director of Education, Pharmacy Service FCCP
Central Texas Veterans Health Care System Professor
Temple Duquesne University School of Pharmacy
Julie Ann Genuario, BS Pharm
Staff Pharmacist Melissa Rinaldi, RPh, PharmD
Pottstown (Pa.) Memorial Medical Center Clinical Pharmacist
Tatyana Gurvich, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacologist
USC School of Pharmacy Suzzanne Tairu, PharmD
Los Angeles, Calif. Medical Science Liaison
UCB Pharma Inc.
Toshal S. Hallowell, BS Pharm
Staff Pharmacist
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Rachel Clark Vetri, PharmD, BCOP
Center Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Worcester, Mass. Temple University School of Pharmacy
Collette Bishop Hendler, RN, MS, CCRN,
CIC Christopher S. Wisniewski, PharmD, BCPS
Infection Control Nurse Assistant Professor
Abington (Pa.) Memorial Hospital Department of Clinical Pharmacy &
Outcome Sciences
Shelly Ikeme, PharmD, MPH, MBA
South Carolina College of Pharmacy—
Immunoscience Medical Science-Research
MUSC Campus
Clinical Pharmacist, Medication Use
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Policy and Informatics
New York
Medical University of South Carolina
Patrick J. Kiel, PharmD, BCPS Charleston
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist—
Hematology/Stem Cell Transplant
Indiana University Simon Cancer Center—
Clarian Health
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How to use Nursing2012 Drug Handbook®

The best-selling nursing drug guide for Introductory chapters

more than 30 years, Nursing Drug Hand- Chapter 1, “Drug actions, interactions, and
book is meticulously reviewed and updated reactions,” explains how drugs work in the
annually by pharmacists and nurses to in- body. It provides a general overview of
clude the most current, relevant informa- drug properties (absorption, distribution,
tion that practicing nurses and students metabolism, and excretion) and other sig-
need to know to administer medications nificant factors affecting drug action (in-
safely in any health care setting. As in pre- cluding protein binding, patient’s age, un-
vious editions, Nursing2012 Drug Hand- derlying disease, dosage form, and route
book emphasizes nursing and safety aspects and timing of administration). Also dis-
of drug administration without attempting cussed are drug interactions, adverse reac-
to replace detailed pharmacology texts. tions, and toxic reactions. Chapter 2, “Drug
Only the most essential information is in- therapy across the lifespan,” discusses the
cluded, and helpful graphic symbols, logos, danger associated with indiscriminant use
and highlighting draw special attention to of drugs during pregnancy and breast-feed-
critical details that can’t be overlooked. Re- ing and the special precautions women
freshingly redesigned, this 32nd edition en- should take when medications are neces-
sures easy readability and even quicker ac- sary. This chapter also covers the unique
cess to content that busy nurses need on the challenges of giving drugs to children and
go, with larger type and a brand-new alpha- elderly patients and offers practical sugges-
betically arranged format. tions on how to minimize problems with
these special populations. Chapter 3, “Safe
New to this edition drug administration,” explores the ongoing
In this enhanced 32nd edition, look for involvement of governmental and non-
these exciting new changes: governmental organizations weighing in on
● Alphabetical format—complete generic drug safety issues and the necessary meas-
drug entries (monographs) arranged A to Z, ures nurses must take to prevent medication
with tabbed pages for quick retrieval of in- errors from occurring.
formation Chapter 4, “Selected drug classifica-
● Thoroughly updated text with over 1,025 tions,” summarizes the indications, ac-
generic and 3,300 brand names listed, 823 tions, and contraindications and cautions
comprehensive drug monographs, and 26 of more than 60 drug classes represented
generic drugs newly approved by the in Nursing2012 Drug Handbook. Generic
FDA—over 3,000 clinical changes in all drugs within each class are also listed, al-
● New introductory chapter covering safe lowing nurses to quickly identify and
drug administration—includes communica- compare similar drugs when patients can’t
tion and education improvements, the use tolerate or don’t respond to a particular
of technologies, and additional strategies to drug.
reduce drug errors
● 3 new safety-related appendices addressing Drug monographs
best practices to avoid or prevent drug errors, Each generic drug monograph in
pediatric drugs commonly involved in drug Nursing2012 Drug Handbook includes the
errors, and elder care medication tips most pertinent clinical information nurses
● Fresh, appealing design with larger type, must know to administer medications safe-
crisper headings, highlighted backgrounds ly, monitor for potential interactions and
(for generic drug headings and I.V. infor- adverse effects, implement necessary care
mation), and easy-to-spot logos and icons measures, and provide appropriate patient
(such as black box warnings and alerts) teaching. Entries are arranged alphabetical-
● Expanded color Photoguide insert, with ly, with the generic drug name prominently
actual-sized images of 398 tablets and capsules. displayed—along with its “tall man”

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viii How to use Nursing2012 Drug Handbook®

lettering (if applicable), pronunciation, cor- elderly patients or those with renal or he-
responding brand (or trade) names, thera- patic impairment.
peutic class, pharmacologic class, and
pregnancy risk category—on a shaded Administration
background for quick and easy identifica- Here, readers will find guidelines for safely
tion. Banners or symbols to identify new administering drugs by all applicable
FDA-approved drugs, drugs that warrant a routes, including P.O., I.V., I.M., subcuta-
special safety alert, or drugs that appear in neous, ophthalmic, inhalational, topical,
the color photoguide are also included in rectal, vaginal, transdermal, and buccal. A
this highlighted area. special screened background highlights I.V.
Specific information for each drug is administration guidelines (including specif-
then systematically organized under the ic instructions on how to reconstitute, mix,
headings below. Special icons and logos and store I.V. medications) and potential
may be used throughout, as warranted, to I.V. incompatibilities.
point out the drug’s safety concerns. For
example, a clinical alert logo (t) pro- Action
vides important advice about life-threat- This section succinctly describes the mech-
ening effects associated with the drug or anism of action—that is, how the drug pro-
its administration; a black box warning vides its therapeutic effect. For example,
( Black Box Warning ) represents a specif- although all antihypertensives lower blood
ic warning issued by the FDA. (See pressure, they don’t all do so by the same
Anatomy of a monograph, on the inside process. Also included, in table form, are
book cover, for a visual guide to the vari- the onset, peak (described in terms of effect
ous symbols that may appear within a or peak blood level), and duration of drug
drug entry.) action for each route of administration, if
data are available or applicable. Values
Available forms listed are for patients with normal renal func-
This section lists the preparations available tion unless otherwise specified. The drug’s
for each drug (for example, tablets, cap- half-life is also provided when known.
sules, solutions for injection) and specifies
available dosage forms and strengths. Adverse reactions
Dosage strengths specifically available in In this section, adverse reactions to each
Canada are designated with a dagger (†). drug are listed according to body system.
Preparations that may be obtained over the The most common adverse reactions (those
counter, without a prescription, are marked experienced by at least 10% of people tak-
with an open diamond (〫). ing the drug in clinical trials) appear in italic
type; less common reactions (1% to 9%)
Indications & dosages are in roman type; life-threatening reac-
General dosage information for adults and tions appear in bold italic type; and reac-
children is found in this section. Dosage in- tions that are common and life-threatening
structions reflect current trends in therapeu- are in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS.
tics and can’t be considered absolute or
universal. For individual patients, dosage Interactions
instructions must be considered in light of Within this section, readers can find each
the patient’s condition. drug’s confirmed, clinically significant in-
Indications and dosages that aren’t ap- teractions with other drugs (additive ef-
proved by the FDA are followed by a fects, potentiated effects, and antagonistic
closed diamond (⽧). It should be noted effects); herbs; foods; beverages; and
that only evidence-based off-label uses are lifestyle behaviors (such as alcohol use, sun
included in this edition. An “Adjust-a- exposure, or smoking). Interactions with a
dose” logo appearing within this section rapid onset are highlighted in color; inter-
indicates the need for a special dosage ad- actions with a delayed onset are in bold
justment for certain patients, such as type.
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How to use Nursing2012 Drug Handbook® ix

Drug interactions are listed under the sues: “Avoiding common drug errors: Best
drug that’s adversely affected. For example, practices and prevention,” “Pediatric drugs
because magnesium trisilicate, an antacid commonly involved in drug errors,” and
ingredient, interacts with tetracycline to “Elder care medication tips.” And a final
decrease tetracycline’s absorption, this appendix, “Additional new drugs: Indica-
interaction is listed under tetracycline. To tions and dosages,” covers brand-new FDA-
check on the possible effects of using two approved drugs that couldn’t be included in
or more drugs simultaneously, refer to the time for publication of this edition.
interaction section for each drug. A handy visual “Quick guide to special
symbols, logos, and highlighted terms” and
Effects on lab test results “Guide to abbreviations” immediately fol-
This section lists increased and decreased low this “How to use” piece.
levels, counts, and other values in laborato-
ry test results, which may be caused by the Photoguide to tablets and capsules
drug’s systemic effects. It also indicates To enhance patient safety and help make
false-positive, false-negative, and otherwise drug identification easier, Nursing2012
altered results of laboratory tests a drug Drug Handbook offers a 32-page full-color
may cause. photoguide to the most commonly pre-
scribed tablets and capsules. Shown in ac-
Contraindications & cautions tual size, the drugs are arranged alphabeti-
This section outlines any conditions or spe- cally by generic name for quick reference,
cial circumstances (such as diseases, pregnan- along with their most common dosage
cy, breast-feeding) in which use of the drug is strengths. Below the name of each drug is a
undesirable or for which the drug should be cross-reference to where information on the
given with caution. When applicable, spe- drug can be found in the book. Brand
cific signs and symptoms of drug overdose names of drugs that appear in the photo-
are listed as the last bulleted item under this guide are shown in text with a special
heading and highlighted by a special logo capsule symbol (i). Page references to the
(HOverdose S&S:) for easy identification. drug photos appear in boldface type in the
index (for example, C12).
Nursing considerations Photos for certain brands were provided
Within this section, readers will find practi- by the following companies for use in this
cal information on patient monitoring tech- book: Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Cam-
niques and suggestions for the prevention pral); Novartis Pharmaceuticals (Enablex);
and treatment of adverse reactions. Helpful Sepracor, Inc. (Lunesta); Teva Pharmaceu-
tips on promoting patient comfort and the ticals (Azilect); Bayer Healthcare Pharma-
proper way to prepare, administer, and ceuticals (Nexavar); and Pfizer (Sutent).
store medications are also included. Photos of the following drugs were pro-
vided by Jeff Sigler, © SFI Medical Pub-
Patient teaching lishing, Inc.: Aciphex, Actos, Aricept,
Concise guidelines for explaining the Clozaril, Dexilant, Diovan HCT, Effient,
drug’s purpose, encouraging compliance, Flomax, Lyrica, Nexium, Plavix, Pristiq,
ensuring proper use and storage, and pre- Seroquel, Topamax, TriCor, Valtrex, Vytorin,
venting or minimizing adverse reactions and Zyprexa.
are included in this section.
Online Toolkit
Appendices and other helpful aids A Toolkit containing a wide array of drug-
Nursing2012 Drug Handbook includes 17 related materials that practicing nurses and
appendices that provide nurses and students students can use on the job and for study—
with hands-on access to a wealth of sup- covering safety issues, pharmacology, drug
portive data and clinical information. Three therapy guidelines, patient populations, and
new appendices have been introduced in a host of other drug-related areas—can be
this edition to address important safety is- found online at Included
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x How to use Nursing2012 Drug Handbook®

are patient teaching sheets for more than

225 of the most commonly prescribed
drugs, a dosage calculator, drug safety and
administration videos, pharmacology ani-
mations, English-Spanish translator, audio
drug pronunciation guide, a 325-question
NCLEX-style test, and access to CE tests.
Monthly drug updates and news, drug
warnings, and patient teaching information
can also be accessed through this site.
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Quick guide to special symbols, logos, and

highlighted terms
The following symbols or highlighted features appear throughout drug monographs and se-
lect appendices in this edition.

Special symbols and logos Usage or meaning

✸ NEW DRUG New FDA-approved drug

SAFETY ALERT! Drug that presents a heightened avoidable danger

buPROPion “Tall man” lettering for FDA-designated generic

drug names prone to mix-ups

➤ Indication for drug

✷ NEW INDICATION: New indication for drug

Adjust-a-dose: Dosage adjustment needed for certain populations

tAlert: Clinical alert

† Available in Canada

〫 Over-the-counter (OTC)

⽧ Off-label use

i Appears in Photoguide

* Liquid contains alcohol

● Look alike–sound alike Drugs with easily confused names

Black Box Warning FDA black box warning

HOverdose S&S: Overdose signs & symptoms

Highlighted reactions

common Common reaction

uncommon Uncommon reaction

life-threatening Life-threatening reaction

COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING Common and life-threatening reaction

Highlighted interactions

rapid onset Causes interaction with rapid onset

delayed onset Causes interaction with delayed onset

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Guide to abbreviations

ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid

ADH antidiuretic hormone GFR glomerular filtration rate
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity GGT gamma-glutamyltransferase
GI gastrointestinal
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome gtt drops
ALT alanine transaminase GU genitourinary
ANA antinuclear antibody G6PD glucose-6-phosphate
AST aspartate transaminase
H1 histamine1
AV atrioventricular
H2 histamine2
b.i.d. twice daily
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy HDL high-density lipoprotein

BSA body surface area HIV human immunodeficiency

BUN blood urea nitrogen
HMG-CoA 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
cAMP cyclic 3⬘, 5⬘ adenosine coenzyme A
I.D. intradermal
CBC complete blood count
I.M. intramuscular
CK creatine kinase
INR International Normalized
CMV cytomegalovirus Ratio
CNS central nervous system IPPB intermittent positive-pressure
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary breathing
I.V. intravenous
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
kg kilogram
CV cardiovascular
L liter
D5W dextrose 5% in water
lb pound
DEHP di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
LDH lactate dehydrogenase
DIC disseminated intravascular
coagulation LDL low-density lipoprotein
dl deciliter M molar
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid m2 square meter
ECG electrocardiogram MAO monoamine oxidase
EEG electroencephalogram mcg microgram
EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat mEq milliequivalent
FDA Food and Drug Administration mg milligram
g gram MI myocardial infarction
G gauge min minute

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Guide to abbreviations xiii

ml milliliter T4 thyroxine
mm3 cubic millimeter t.i.d. three times daily
mo month tsp teaspoon
MS multiple sclerosis USP United States Pharmacopeia
msec millisecond UTI urinary tract infection
NNRI non-nucleoside reverse WBC white blood cell
transcriptase inhibitor wk week
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drug
OTC over-the-counter
oz ounce
PABA para-aminobenzoic acid
PCA patient-controlled analgesia
P.O. by mouth
P.R. by rectum
p.r.n. as needed
PT prothrombin time
PTT partial thromboplastin time
PVC premature ventricular
q.i.d. four times daily
RBC red blood cell
RDA recommended daily
REM rapid eye movement
RNA ribonucleic acid
RSV respiratory syncytial virus
SA sinoatrial
Subcut. subcutaneous
sec second
SIADH syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone
S.L. sublingual
SSNRI selective serotonin and
norepinephrine reuptake
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake
T3 triiodothyronine
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Drug actions, interactions, and reactions

Any drug a patient takes causes a series of for disintegration and dissolution and are
physical and chemical events in his body. usually absorbed faster. Some tablets have
The first event, when a drug combines enteric coatings to prevent disintegration
with cellular drug receptors, is the drug ac- in the acidic environment of the stomach;
tion. What happens next is the drug effect. others have coatings of varying thickness
Depending on the type of cellular drug re- that simply delay release of the drug.
ceptors affected by a given drug, an effect Drugs given I.M. must first be absorbed
can be local, systemic, or both. A systemic through the muscle into the bloodstream.
drug effect can follow a local effect. For Rectal suppositories must dissolve to be
example, when you apply a drug to the skin, absorbed through the rectal mucosa. Drugs
it causes a local effect. But transdermal given I.V. are injected directly into the
absorption of that drug can then produce bloodstream and are bioavailable com-
a systemic effect. A local effect can also pletely and immediately.
follow systemic absorption. For example,
the peptic ulcer drug cimetidine produces a Distribution
local effect after it’s swallowed by blocking After absorption, a drug moves from the
histamine receptors in the stomach’s pari- bloodstream into the fluids and tissues in the
etal cells. Diphenhydramine, on the other body, a movement known as distribution.
hand, causes a systemic effect by blocking All of the area to which a drug is distributed
histamine receptors throughout the body. is known as volume of distribution. Individ-
ual patient variations can change the amount
Drug properties of drug distributed throughout the body. For
Drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, example, in an edematous patient, a given
and excretion make up a drug’s pharmacoki- dose must be distributed to a larger volume
netics. These parts also describe a drug’s than in a nonedematous patient. Occasion-
onset of action, peak level, duration of ally, a dose is increased to account for this
action, and bioavailability. difference. In this case, the dose should be
decreased after the edema is corrected. Con-
Absorption versely, a dose given to a dehydrated patient
Before a drug can act in the body, it must must be decreased to allow for its distribu-
be absorbed into the bloodstream—usually tion to a much smaller volume. Patients who
after oral administration, the most com- are very obese may present another problem
mon route. Before an oral drug can be ab- when considering drug distribution. Some
sorbed, it must disintegrate into particles drugs—such as digoxin, gentamicin, and
small enough to dissolve in gastric juices. tobramycin—aren’t well-distributed to fatty
Only after dissolving can the drug be ab- tissue. Sometimes, doses based on actual
sorbed. Most absorption of orally given body weight may lead to overdose and se-
drugs occurs in the small intestine because rious toxicity. In these cases, doses must be
the mucosal villi provide extensive surface based on lean body weight, or adjusted body
area. Once absorbed and circulated in the weight, which may be estimated from actu-
bloodstream, the drug is bioavailable, or arial tables that give average weight range
ready to produce a drug effect. The speed for height.
of absorption and whether absorption is
complete or partial depend on the drug’s Metabolism
effects, dosage form, administration route, Most drugs are metabolized in the liver.
interactions with other substances in the GI Hepatic diseases may affect the liver’s
tract, and various patient characteristics. metabolic functions and may increase or
Oral solutions and elixirs bypass the need decrease a drug’s usual metabolism. Closely

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LWBK786-01 LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 22:55

2 General information

monitor all patients with hepatic disease for porphyria, may turn drugs into toxins,
drug effect and toxicity. with serious consequences. Patients with
The rate at which a drug is metabolized G6PD deficiency may develop hemolytic
varies from person to person. Some patients anemia when given certain drugs, such
metabolize drugs so quickly that the drug as sulfonamides. A genetically suscepti-
levels in their blood and tissues prove thera- ble patient can develop acute porphyria if
peutically inadequate. In other patients, the given a barbiturate. A patient with a highly
rate of metabolism is so slow that ordinary active hepatic enzyme system, such as a
doses can produce toxicity. rapid acetylator, can develop hepatitis when
treated with isoniazid because of the quick
Excretion intrahepatic buildup of a toxic metabolite.
The body eliminates drugs by metabolism
(usually hepatic) and excretion (usually Drug administration issues
renal). Drug excretion is the movement of a How a drug is given can also influence a
drug or its metabolites from the tissues back drug’s action in the body. The dosage form
into circulation and from the circulation of a drug is important. Some tablets and
into the organs of excretion, where they’re capsules are too large to be easily swallowed
removed from the body. Most drugs are by sick patients. An oral solution may be
excreted by the kidneys, but some can be substituted, but it will produce higher drug
eliminated through the lungs, exocrine levels than a tablet because the liquid is
glands (sweat, salivary, or mammary), liver, more easily and completely absorbed. When
skin, and intestinal tract. Drugs also may be a potentially toxic drug (such as digoxin)
removed artificially by direct mechanical is given, its increased absorption can cause
intervention, such as peritoneal dialysis or toxicity. Sometimes a change in dosage
hemodialysis. form also requires a change in dosage.
Routes of administration aren’t inter-
Other modifying factors changeable. For example, diazepam is
One important factor influencing a drug’s readily absorbed P.O. but is slowly and er-
action and effect is its tendency to bind ratically absorbed I.M. On the other hand,
to plasma proteins, especially albumin, gentamicin must be given parenterally be-
and other tissue components. Because cause oral administration results in drug
only a free, unbound drug can act in the levels too low for systemic infections.
body, protein binding greatly influences the Improper storage can alter a drug’s po-
amount and duration of effect. Malnutrition, tency. Store most drugs in tight containers
renal failure, and the presence of other protected from direct sunlight and extremes
protein-bound drugs can influence protein in temperature and humidity that can cause
binding. When protein binding changes, the them to deteriorate. Some drugs require
drug dose may need to be changed also. special storage conditions, such as refrig-
The patient’s age is another important eration. Caution patients not to store drugs
factor. Elderly patients usually have de- in a bathroom because of the constantly
creased hepatic function, less muscle mass, changing environment.
diminished renal function, and lower albu- The timing of drug administration can be
min levels. These patients need lower doses important. Sometimes, giving an oral drug
and sometimes longer dosage intervals during or shortly after a meal decreases the
to avoid toxicity. Neonates have underde- amount of drug absorbed. In most drugs,
veloped metabolic enzyme systems and this isn’t significant and may even be desir-
inadequate renal function, so they need able with irritating drugs such as aspirin.
highly individualized dosages and careful But penicillins and tetracyclines shouldn’t
monitoring. be taken at mealtimes because certain foods
Underlying disease also may affect drug can inactivate them. If in doubt about the
action and effect. For example, acidosis effect of food on a certain drug, check with
may cause insulin resistance. Genetic dis- a pharmacist.
eases, such as G6PD deficiency and hepatic
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LWBK786-01 LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 22:55

Drug actions, interactions, and reactions 3

Consider the patient’s age, height, and Not all drug interactions are beneficial:
weight. The prescriber will need this in- many drugs interact and decrease efficacy or
formation when calculating the dosage for increase toxicity. An example of decreased
many drugs. Record all information ac- efficacy occurs when a tetracycline is given
curately on the patient’s chart. The chart with drugs or foods that contain calcium
should also include all current laboratory or magnesium (such as antacids or milk).
data, especially renal and liver function These bind with tetracycline in the GI tract
studies, so the prescriber can adjust the and cause inadequate drug absorption. An
dosage as needed. example of increased toxicity can be seen
Watch for metabolic changes and phys- in a patient taking a diuretic and lithium.
iologic changes (depressed respiratory The diuretic may increase the lithium level,
function, acidosis, or alkalosis) that might causing lithium toxicity. This drug effect is
alter drug effect. known as antagonism. Avoid drug combina-
Know the patient’s medical history. tions that produce these effects, if possible.
Whenever possible, obtain a comprehen- Sometimes drug interactions occur af-
sive family history from the patient or his ter a drug, which may inhibit or increase
family. Ask about past reactions to drugs, the metabolism of another drug, has been
possible genetic traits that might affect drug discontinued. After the drug is discontin-
response, and the current use of other pre- ued, the other drug’s levels may increase or
scription, OTC, and illicit drugs, herbal decrease.
remedies, and vitamin supplements. Mul-
tiple drug therapies can cause serious and Adverse reactions
fatal drug interactions and dramatically Drugs cause adverse effects; patients have
change many drugs’ effects. adverse reactions. An adverse reaction may
be tolerated to obtain a therapeutic effect,
Drug interactions or it may be hazardous and unacceptable.
A drug interaction occurs when a drug given Some adverse reactions subside with con-
with or shortly after another drug alters the tinued use. For example, the drowsiness
effect of either or both drugs. Usually the caused by paroxetine and the orthostatic
effect of one drug is increased or decreased. hypotension caused by prazosin usually
For instance, one drug may inhibit or stimu- subside after several days when the patient
late the metabolism or excretion of the other develops tolerance. But many adverse reac-
or free it for further action by releasing the tions are dosage related and lessen or dis-
drug from protein-binding sites. appear only if the dosage is reduced. Most
Combination therapy is based on drug adverse reactions aren’t therapeutically
interaction. One drug may be given to com- desirable, but a few can be put to clinical
plement the effects of another. Probenecid, use. An outstanding example of this is the
which blocks the excretion of penicillin, is drowsiness caused by diphenhydramine,
sometimes given with penicillin to main- which makes it useful as a mild sedative.
tain an adequate level of penicillin for a Drug hypersensitivity, or drug allergy, is
longer time. In many cases, two drugs with the result of an antigen–antibody immune
similar actions are given together precisely reaction that occurs in the body when a drug
because of the additive effect. For instance, is given to a susceptible patient. Signs and
acetaminophen and codeine are commonly symptoms of a drug allergy may include
given in combination because together they rash, itching, angioedema, and shortness
provide greater pain relief than if either is of breath. One of the most dangerous of
given alone. all drug hypersensitivities is penicillin
Drug interactions are sometimes used allergy. In its most severe form, penicillin
to prevent or antagonize certain adverse anaphylaxis can rapidly become fatal.
reactions. The diuretics hydrochlorothiazide Rarely, idiosyncratic reactions occur.
and spironolactone are often given together These reactions are highly unpredictable
because the former is potassium-depleting and unusual. One of the best-known id-
and the latter potassium-sparing. iosyncratic adverse reactions is aplastic
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4 General information

anemia caused by the antibiotic chloram- effects may be extensions of the desired
phenicol. This reaction may appear in only 1 therapeutic effect. For example, normal
of 24,000 patients, but when it does occur, it doses of glyburide normalize the glucose
can be fatal. A more common idiosyncratic level, but higher doses can produce hypo-
reaction is extreme sensitivity to very low glycemia.
doses of a drug or insensitivity to higher- Drug toxicities occur when a drug level
than-normal doses. rises as a result of impaired metabolism or
To deal with adverse reactions correctly, excretion. For example, hepatic dysfunction
you need to be alert to even minor changes impairs the metabolism of theophylline,
in the patient’s clinical status. Such minor raising its levels. Similarly, renal dysfunc-
changes may be an early warning of pending tion may cause digoxin toxicity because
toxicity. Listen to the patient’s complaints this drug is eliminated from the body by the
about his reactions to a drug, and consider kidneys. Of course, excessive dosage can
each objectively. You may be able to reduce cause toxic levels also. For instance, tinnitus
adverse reactions in several ways. Obvi- is usually a sign that the safe dose of aspirin
ously, dosage reduction can help. But, in has been exceeded.
many cases, so does a simple rescheduling Most drug toxicities are predictable,
of the dose. For example, pseudoephedrine dosage-related, and reversible upon dosage
may produce stimulation that will be no adjustment. So, monitor patients carefully
problem if it’s given early in the day. Sim- for physiologic changes that might alter
ilarly, drowsiness from antihistamines or drug effect. Watch especially for hepatic
tranquilizers can be less important if these and renal impairment. Warn the patient
drugs are given at bedtime. Most important, about signs of pending toxicity, and tell him
your patient needs to be told which adverse what to do if a toxic reaction occurs. Also,
reactions to expect so that he won’t become make sure to emphasize the importance of
worried or even stop taking the drug on his taking a drug exactly as prescribed. Warn
own. Always advise the patient to report the patient that serious problems could arise
adverse reactions to the prescriber immedi- if he changes the dose or schedule or stops
ately. taking the drug without his prescriber’s
Your ability to recognize signs and symp- knowledge.
toms of drug allergies or serious idiosyn-
cratic reactions may save your patient’s
life. Ask each patient about the drugs he’s
taking currently or has taken in the past
and whether he experienced any unusual
reactions from taking them. If a patient
claims to be allergic to a drug, ask him to
tell you exactly what happens when he takes
it. He may be calling a harmless adverse
reaction, such as upset stomach, an allergic
reaction, or he may have a true tendency
toward anaphylaxis. In either case, you and
the prescriber need to know this. Of course,
you must record and report clinical changes
throughout the patient’s course of treatment.
If you suspect a severe adverse reaction,
withhold the drug until you can check with
the pharmacist and the prescriber.

Toxic reactions
Chronic drug toxicities are usually caused
by the cumulative effect and resulting
buildup of the drug in the body. These
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Drug therapy across the lifespan

Drug therapy is a fact of life for millions from maternal use of drugs. During these
of people of all ages, and certain aspects times, give all drugs with extreme caution.
of a patient’s life, such as age, growth, and Organogenesis—when fetal organs
development, can affect drug therapy. differentiate—occurs in the first trimester.
This is the most sensitive period for drug-
Drugs and pregnancy induced fetal malformation. Withhold all
Drug administration during pregnancy has drugs except those in category A or B dur-
been a source of serious medical concern ing this time, unless this would jeopardize
and controversy since the thalidomide the mother’s health. Strongly advise your
tragedy of the late 1950s, when thousands patient to avoid all self-prescribed drugs
of malformed infants were born after their during early pregnancy.
mothers were given this mild sedative– Fetal sensitivity to drugs is also of spe-
hypnotic while pregnant. To identify drugs cial concern during the last trimester. At
that may cause such teratogenic effects, birth, when separated from his mother, the
preclinical drug studies always include neonate must rely on his own metabolism
tests on pregnant laboratory animals. These to eliminate any remaining drug. Because
studies may reveal gross teratogenicity his detoxifying systems aren’t fully devel-
but don’t establish absolute safety. This oped, any residual drug may take a long
is because different animal species react time to be metabolized, and thus may induce
to drugs in different ways. Consequently, prolonged toxic reactions. For this reason,
animal studies can’t reveal all possible discourage pregnant patients from taking
teratogenic effects in humans. For example, drugs except when absolutely necessary and
the preliminary studies on thalidomide gave advised by their prescriber during the last
no warning of teratogenic effects, and it was 3 months of pregnancy.
subsequently released for general use in Of course, in many circumstances, preg-
Europe. nant women must continue to take certain
What about the placental barrier? Once drugs. For example, a woman with a seizure
thought to protect the fetus from drug ef- disorder that is well-controlled with an an-
fects, the placenta isn’t much of a barrier at ticonvulsant should keep taking the drug
all. Almost every drug a pregnant woman during pregnancy. Similarly, a pregnant
takes crosses the placenta and enters the woman with a bacterial infection must
fetal circulation, except for drugs with ex- receive antibiotics. In such cases, the po-
ceptionally large molecular structure, such tential risk to the fetus is outweighed by the
as heparin, the injectable anticoagulant. mother’s medical needs.
By this standard, heparin could be used in Complying with these general guidelines
a pregnant woman without fear of harm- can prevent indiscriminate and harmful use
ing the fetus, but even heparin carries a of drugs in pregnancy:
warning for cautious use during pregnancy. • Before a drug is prescribed for a woman
Conversely, just because a drug crosses the of childbearing age, ask the date of her last
placenta doesn’t necessarily mean it’s harm- menstrual period and whether she may be
ful to the fetus. The relative risk to the fetus pregnant. If a drug is a known teratogen
is expressed by the drug’s pregnancy risk (for example, isotretinoin), some manu-
category. facturers may recommend special precau-
Actually, only one factor—stage of fetal tions to ensure that the drug isn’t given to a
development—seems clearly related to woman of childbearing age until pregnancy
greater risk during pregnancy. During the is ruled out and that contraceptives are used
first and third trimesters of pregnancy, the throughout the course of therapy.
fetus is especially vulnerable to damage

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6 General information

• Caution a pregnant woman to avoid all Physiologic changes affecting drug

drugs except those essential to maintain her action
pregnancy or health—especially during the A child’s absorption, distribution (includ-
first and third trimesters. ing drug binding to plasma proteins),
• Topical drugs are subject to the same metabolism, and excretion processes un-
warning against use during pregnancy. dergo profound changes that affect drug
Many topically applied drugs can be ab- dosage. To ensure optimal drug effect and
sorbed in large enough amounts to be harm- minimal toxicity, consider these factors
ful to the fetus. when giving drugs to a child.
• When a pregnant woman needs a drug,
use the safest drug in the lowest possible Absorption
dose to minimize harm to the fetus. Drug absorption in children depends on the
• Instruct a pregnant woman to check with form of the drug, its physical properties,
her prescriber before taking any drug. simultaneous ingestion of other drugs or
food, physiologic changes, and concurrent
Drugs and breast-feeding disease.
Most drugs a breast-feeding mother takes The pH of neonatal gastric fluid is neutral
appear in breast milk. Drug levels in breast or slightly acidic; it becomes more acidic
milk tend to be high when drug levels in ma- as the infant matures, which affects drug
ternal blood are high, especially right after absorption. For example, nafcillin and
each dose. Advise the mother to breast-feed penicillin G are better absorbed in an infant
before taking each drug dose, not after. than in an adult because of low gastric
Also, in general, drugs with short half-lives acidity.
are preferred because they peak quickly and Various infant formulas or milk products
are then eliminated and are less likely to be may increase gastric pH and impede absorp-
excreted in breast milk. tion of acidic drugs. If possible, give a child
A mother who wants to breast-feed usu- oral drugs on an empty stomach.
ally may continue to do so with her pre- Gastric emptying time and transit time
scriber’s advice. However, breast-feeding through the small intestine—which takes
should be temporarily interrupted and re- longer in children than in adults—can affect
placed with bottle-feeding when the mother absorption. Also, intestinal hypermotility
must take tetracycline, chloramphenicol, a (as occurs in patients with diarrhea) can
sulfonamide (during the first 2 weeks post- diminish the drug’s absorption.
partum), an oral anticoagulant, a drug that A child’s comparatively thin epidermis
contains iodine, or an antineoplastic. allows increased absorption of topical
Caution the breast-feeding patient to drugs.
protect her infant by not taking drugs in-
discriminately. Instruct the mother to first Distribution
check with her prescriber to be sure she’s As with absorption, changes in body weight
taking the safest drug at the lowest dose. and physiology during childhood can sig-
Also instruct her to give her prescriber a list nificantly influence a drug’s distribution and
of all drugs and herbs she’s currently taking. effects. In a premature infant, body fluid
makes up about 85% of total body weight;
Drug therapy in children in a full-term infant, it makes up 55% to
Providing drug therapy to infants, children, 70%; in an adult, 50% to 55%. Extracellular
and adolescents is challenging. Physiologic fluid (mostly blood) constitutes 40% of a
differences between children and adults, neonate’s body weight, compared with 20%
including those in vital organ maturity and in an adult. Intracellular fluid remains fairly
body composition, significantly influence a constant throughout life and has little effect
drug’s effectiveness. on drug dosage.
Extracellular fluid volume influences
a water-soluble drug’s concentration and
effect because most drugs travel through
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Drug therapy across the lifespan 7

extracellular fluid to reach their receptors. Conversely, intrauterine exposure to

Compared with adults, distribution area in drugs may induce precocious development
children is proportionately greater because of hepatic enzyme mechanisms, increasing
their fluid-to-solid body weight proportion the infant’s capacity to metabolize poten-
is larger. tially harmful substances.
Because the proportion of fat to lean Older children can metabolize some
body mass increases with age, the distribu- drugs (theophylline, for example) more
tion of fat-soluble drugs is more limited in rapidly than adults. This ability may come
children than in adults. As a result, a drug’s from their increased hepatic metabolic ac-
fat or water solubility affects the dosage for tivity. Doses larger than those recommended
a child. for adults may be required.
Also, more than one drug given to a child
Plasma protein binding simultaneously may change the hepatic
A decrease in albumin level or intermolec- metabolism and initiate production of hep-
ular attraction between drug and plasma atic enzymes. Phenobarbital, for example,
protein causes many drugs to be less bound accelerates the metabolism of drugs taken
to plasma proteins in infants than in adults. with it and causes hepatic enzyme produc-
Strongly protein-bound drugs may dis- tion.
place endogenous compounds, such as
bilirubin or free fatty acids. Displacement Excretion
of bound bilirubin can increase unbound Renal excretion of a drug is the net result
bilirubin, which can lead to increased risk of glomerular filtration, active tubular se-
of kernicterus at normal bilirubin levels. cretion, and passive tubular reabsorption.
Conversely, an endogenous compound may Many drugs are excreted in the urine. The
displace a weakly bound drug. degree of renal development or presence
Because only an unbound (free) drug has of renal disease can greatly affect a child’s
a pharmacologic effect, a change in ratio of dosage requirements because if a child
a protein-bound to an unbound active drug can’t excrete a drug renally, the drug may
can greatly influence its effect. accumulate to toxic levels.
Several diseases and disorders, such as Physiologically, an infant’s kidneys
nephrotic syndrome and malnutrition, can differ from an adult’s because infants have
decrease plasma protein and increase the a high resistance to blood flow and their
level of an unbound drug, which can either kidneys receive a smaller proportion of
intensify the drug’s effect or produce toxicity. cardiac output. Infants have incomplete
glomerular and tubular development and
Metabolism short, incomplete loops of Henle. (A child’s
A neonate’s ability to metabolize a drug GFR reaches an adult value between ages
depends on the integrity of the hepatic 21⁄2 and 5 months; his tubular secretion rate
enzyme system, intrauterine exposure to the may reach an adult value between ages 7
drug, and the nature of the drug itself. and 12 months.) Infants also are less able to
Certain metabolic mechanisms are un- concentrate urine or reabsorb certain filtered
derdeveloped in neonates. Glucuronidation compounds. The proximal tubules in infants
is a metabolic process that renders most also are less able to secrete organic acids.
drugs more water soluble, facilitating re- Children and adults have diurnal varia-
nal excretion. This process isn’t developed tions in urine pH that correlate with sleep
enough to permit full pediatric doses un- patterns.
til the infant is age 1 month. The use of
chloramphenicol in a neonate may cause Special administration
gray baby syndrome because the infant’s considerations
immature liver can’t metabolize the drug Biochemically, a drug displays the same
and toxic levels accumulate in the blood. mechanisms of action in all people. But
Reduce dosage in a neonate and periodically the response to a drug can be affected by
monitor his levels. a child’s age and size, as well as by the
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8 General information

maturity of the target organ. To ensure his chin to prevent choking. You may also
optimal drug effect and minimal toxicity, place the drug in a nipple and allow the
consider the following factors when giving infant to suck the contents.
drugs to children. If the patient is a toddler, explain how
you’re going to give him the drug. If pos-
Adjusting dosages for children sible, have the parents enlist the child’s
When calculating children’s dosages, cooperation. Don’t mix the drug with food
don’t use formulas that just modify adult or call it “candy,” even if it has a pleasant
dosages. Base pediatric dosages on either taste. Let the child drink a liquid drug from
body weight (mg/kg) or body surface area a calibrated medication cup rather than
(mg/m2 ). A child isn’t a scaled-down ver- a spoon. It’s easier and more accurate. If
sion of an adult. the preparation is available only in tablet
Reevaluate dosages at regular intervals form, crush and mix it with an appropriate
to ensure needed adjustments as the child buffer, such as jelly or applesauce. (First,
develops. Although body surface area pro- verify with the pharmacist that the tablet
vides a useful standard for adults and older can be crushed without compromising its
children, use the body weight method in- effectiveness.)
stead in premature or full-term infants. If the patient is an older child who can
Don’t exceed the maximum adult dosage swallow a tablet or capsule by himself, have
when calculating amounts per kilogram of him place the drug on the back of his tongue
body weight (except with certain drugs such and swallow it with water or nonacidic fruit
as theophylline, if indicated). juice, because milk and milk products may
Obtain an accurate maternal drug history, interfere with drug absorption.
including prescription and nonprescription
drugs, vitamins, herbs, or other health foods Giving I.V. infusions
taken during pregnancy. Drugs passed into For I.V. infusions, in infants, use a periph-
breast milk can have adverse effects on the eral vein or a scalp vein in the temporal
breast-feeding infant. Before giving a drug region. The scalp vein is safe because the
to a breast-feeding mother, investigate its needle isn’t likely to dislodge. However, the
potential effects on the infant. head must be shaved around the site, and
For example, a sulfonamide given to a the needle and infiltrated fluids may cause
breast-feeding mother for a UTI appears in temporary disfigurement. For these reasons,
breast milk and may cause kernicterus in scalp veins aren’t used as commonly today
an infant with low levels of unconjugated as they were in the past.
bilirubin. Also, high levels of isoniazid The arms and legs are the most accessible
appear in the breast milk of a mother taking insertion sites, but because patients tend to
this drug. Because this drug is metabolized move about, take these precautions:
by the liver, the infant’s immature hepatic • Protect the insertion site to keep the
enzyme mechanisms can’t metabolize the catheter or needle from being dislodged.
drug, and he may develop CNS toxicity. • Use a padded arm board to reduce the
risk of dislodgment. Remove the arm board
Giving oral drugs during range-of-motion exercises.
Remember the following when giving oral • Place the clamp out of the child’s reach.
drugs to a child: If extension tubing is used to allow the
If the patient is an infant, give drugs child greater mobility, securely tape the
in liquid form, if possible. For accuracy, connection.
measure and give the preparation by oral • Explain in simple terms to the child why
syringe, never a parenteral syringe. It’s very he must be restrained while asleep, to allevi-
important to remove the syringe cap to keep ate anxiety and maintain trust.
the infant from aspirating it. Be sure to During an infusion, monitor flow rates
instruct parents to do the same. Never use a and check the child’s condition and inser-
vial or cup. Lift the patient’s head to prevent tion site at least every hour. Titrate the flow
aspiration of the drug, and press down on rate only while the patient is composed;
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Drug therapy across the lifespan 9

crying and emotional upset can constrict can breathe normally and unpinch his nos-
blood vessels. Flow rate may vary if a pump trils. Most inhaled drugs aren’t useful if the
isn’t used. Flow should be adequate be- drug remains in the mouth or throat—if you
cause some drugs (calcium, for example) doubt the patient’s ability to use the inhalant
can be irritating at low flow rates. Infants, correctly, don’t use it. Such devices as spac-
small children, and children with compro- ers or assist devices may help. Check with a
mised cardiopulmonary status are especially pharmacist, the prescriber, or a respiratory
vulnerable to fluid overload with I.V. drug therapist.
administration. To prevent this problem Use topical corticosteroids cautiously
and help ensure that a limited amount of because prolonged use in children may
fluid is infused in a controlled manner, use delay growth. When you apply topical
a volume-control device in the I.V. tubing corticosteroids to the diaper area of infants,
and an infusion pump or a syringe. Don’t don’t cover the area with plastic or rubber
place more than 2 hours of I.V. fluid in the pants, which act as an occlusive dressing
volume-control set at a time. and may enhance systemic absorption.

Giving I.M. injections Giving parenteral nutrition

I.M. injections are preferred when a drug Give I.V. nutrition to patients who can’t or
can’t be given by other parenteral routes and won’t take adequate food orally and to pa-
rapid absorption is needed. tients with hypermetabolic conditions who
The vastus lateralis muscle is the pre- need supplementation. The latter group in-
ferred injection site in children younger cludes premature infants and children with
than age 2. The ventrogluteal area or glu- burns or other major trauma, intractable
teus medius muscle can be used in older diarrhea, malabsorption syndromes, GI
children. To select the correct needle size, abnormalities, emotional disorders (such
consider the patient’s age, muscle mass, as anorexia nervosa), and congenital abnor-
nutritional status, and drug viscosity. malities.
Record and rotate injection sites. Explain Before giving fat emulsions to infants
to the patient that the injection will hurt but and children, weigh the potential benefits
that the drug will help him. Restrain him against any possible risks. Fats—supplied
during the injection, if needed, and comfort as 10% or 20% emulsions—are given both
him afterward. peripherally and centrally. Their use is
limited by the child’s ability to metabolize
Giving topical drugs and inhalants them. For example, an infant or child with
When you give a child a topical drug or a diseased liver can’t efficiently metabolize
inhalant, consider the following: fats.
Use eardrops warmed to room tempera- Some fats, however, must be supplied
ture. Cold drops can cause pain and vertigo. both to prevent essential fatty acid defi-
To give drops, turn the patient on his side, ciency and to permit normal growth and
with the affected ear up. If he’s younger than development. A minimum of calories
age 3, pull the pinna down and back; if age 3 (2% to 4%) must be supplied as linoleic
or older, pull the pinna up and back. acid—an essential fatty acid found in lipids.
Avoid using inhalants in young children In infants, fats are essential for normal
because it’s difficult to get them to coop- neurologic development.
erate. Before you try to give a drug to an Nevertheless, fat solutions may decrease
older child through a metered-dose inhaler, oxygen perfusion and may adversely affect
explain the inhaler to him. Then have him children with pulmonary disease. This risk
hold the inhaler upside down and close his can be minimized by supplying only the
lips around the mouthpiece. Have him ex- minimum fat needed for essential fatty acid
hale and pinch his nostrils shut. When he requirements and not the usual intake of
starts to inhale, release one dose of the drug 40% to 50% of the child’s total calories.
into his mouth. Tell the patient to continue Fatty acids can also displace bilirubin
inhaling until his lungs feel full; then he bound to albumin, causing a rise in free,
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10 General information

unconjugated bilirubin and an increased in which any change in absorption can be

risk of kernicterus. But fat solutions may crucial.
interfere with some bilirubin assays and
cause falsely elevated levels. To avoid this Hepatic function
complication, draw a blood sample 4 hours The liver’s ability to metabolize certain
after infusion of the lipid emulsion; or if drugs decreases with age. This decrease
the emulsion is introduced over 24 hours, is caused by diminished blood flow to the
be sure the laboratory is aware so they can liver, which results from an age-related
centrifuge the blood sample before the assay decrease in cardiac output, and from the
is performed. lessened activity of certain liver enzymes.
When an elderly patient takes a sleep med-
Drug therapy in elderly patients ication such as flurazepam, for example,
If you’re giving drugs to elderly patients, the liver’s reduced ability to metabolize
you’ll need to understand the physiologic the drug and the lipophilic property of the
and pharmacokinetic changes that may drug can produce a hangover effect the next
affect drug dosage, cause common adverse morning.
reactions, or create compliance problems. Decreased hepatic function may result in
more intense drug effects caused by higher
Physiologic changes affecting drug levels, longer-lasting drug effects because
action of prolonged levels, and a greater risk of
As a person ages, gradual physiologic drug toxicity.
changes occur. Some of these age-related
changes may alter the therapeutic and toxic Renal function
effects of drugs. An elderly person’s renal function is usually
sufficient to eliminate excess body fluid
Body composition and waste, but the ability to eliminate some
Proportions of fat, lean tissue, and water in drugs may be reduced by 50% or more.
the body change with age. Total body mass Many drugs commonly used by elderly
and lean body mass tend to decrease, but the patients, such as digoxin, are excreted pri-
proportion of body fat tends to increase. marily through the kidneys. If the kidneys’
Body composition varies from person to ability to excrete the drug is decreased, high
person, and these changes in body composi- blood levels may result. Digoxin toxicity
tion affect the relationship between a drug’s can be relatively common in elderly patients
concentration and distribution in the body. who don’t receive a reduced digoxin dosage
For example, a water-soluble drug such to accommodate decreased renal function.
as gentamicin isn’t distributed to fat. Be- Drug dosages can be modified to com-
cause there’s relatively less lean tissue in an pensate for age-related decreases in renal
elderly person, more drug remains in the function. Aided by results of laboratory
blood. Fat-soluble drugs tend to accumulate tests, such as BUN and creatinine levels,
in older patients, resulting in prolonged adjust drug dosages so the patient receives
half-lives and more pronounced effects. therapeutic benefits without the risk of toxi-
city. It is important to remember that serum
Gastrointestinal function creatinine is a function of muscle mass and
In elderly patients, decreases in gastric acid most elderly people lose muscle mass as
secretion and GI motility slow the emp- they age. An elderly patient can have signif-
tying of stomach contents and movement icant renal impairment even with a serum
through the entire intestinal tract. Also, re- creatinine level in the normal range. Also,
search suggests that elderly patients may observe the patient for signs and symptoms
have more difficulty absorbing drugs than of toxicity. A patient taking digoxin, for
younger patients. This is an especially sig- example, may experience anorexia, nausea,
nificant problem with drugs that have a vomiting, or confusion.
narrow therapeutic range, such as digoxin,
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Drug therapy across the lifespan 11

Special administration pressure too rapidly, resulting in insufficient

considerations blood flow to the brain, which can cause
Aging is usually accompanied by a decline dizziness, fainting, or even a stroke.
in organ function that can affect drug dis- Consequently, dosages of antihyperten-
tribution and clearance. This physiologic sives must be carefully individualized. In
decline is likely to be worsened by a dis- elderly patients, aggressive treatment of
ease or a chronic disorder. Together, these high blood pressure may be harmful. Treat-
factors can significantly increase the risk of ment goals should be reasonable. Blood
adverse reactions and drug toxicity, as well pressure needs to be reduced more slowly in
as noncompliance. elderly patients.

Adverse reactions Digoxin toxicity

Compared with younger people, elderly As the body’s renal function and rate of
patients experience twice as many adverse excretion decline, the digoxin level in the
drug reactions, mostly from greater drug blood of an elderly patient may increase
use, poor compliance, and physiologic to the point of causing nausea, vomiting,
changes. diarrhea, and, most seriously, cardiac ar-
Signs and symptoms of adverse drug rhythmias. Monitor the patient’s digoxin
reactions—confusion, weakness, agitation, level and observe him for early signs and
and lethargy—are often mistakenly at- symptoms of inotropic toxicity, such as
tributed to senility or disease. If the adverse appetite loss, confusion, or depression.
reaction isn’t identified, the patient may
continue to receive the drug. He may receive Corticosteroid toxicity
other, unnecessary drugs to treat compli- Elderly patients taking a corticosteroid may
cations caused by the original drug. This experience short-term effects, including
regimen can sometimes result in a pattern of fluid retention and psychological effects
inappropriate and excessive drug use. ranging from mild euphoria to acute psy-
Any drug can cause adverse reactions, chotic reactions. Long-term toxic effects,
but most of the serious reactions in the such as osteoporosis, can be especially
elderly are caused by relatively few drugs. severe in elderly patients who have been
Be particularly alert for toxicities resulting taking prednisone or related steroidal com-
from diuretics, antihypertensives, digoxin, pounds for months or even years. To prevent
corticosteroids, anticoagulants, sleeping serious toxicity, carefully monitor patients
aids, and OTC drugs. on long-term regimens. Observe them for
subtle changes in appearance, mood, and
Diuretic toxicity mobility; for impaired healing; and for fluid
Because total body water content decreases and electrolyte disturbances.
with age, a normal dosage of a potassium-
wasting diuretic, such as hydrochloroth- Anticoagulant effects
iazide or furosemide, may result in fluid loss Elderly patients taking an anticoagulant
and even dehydration in an elderly patient. have an increased risk of bleeding, espe-
These diuretics may deplete a patient’s cially when they take NSAIDs at the same
potassium level, making him feel weak, and time, which is common. They’re also at
they may raise blood uric acid and glucose increased risk of bleeding and bruising be-
levels, complicating gout and diabetes cause they are more likely to fall. Observe
mellitus. the patient’s INR carefully, and monitor him
for bruising and other signs of bleeding.
Antihypertensive toxicity
Many elderly patients experience light- Sleeping aid toxicity
headedness or fainting when taking antihy- Sedatives and sleeping aids such as flu-
pertensives, partly in response to atheroscle- razepam may cause excessive sedation or
rosis and decreased elasticity of the blood drowsiness. Keep in mind that consuming
vessels. Antihypertensives can lower blood alcohol may increase depressant effects,
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12 General information

even if the sleeping aid was taken the pre- Review the patient’s drug regimen with
vious evening. Use these drugs sparingly in him. Make sure he understands the dose
elderly patients. amount, the time and frequency of doses,
and why he’s taking the drug. Also, explain
Over-the-counter drug toxicity in detail if a drug is to be taken with food,
Prolonged ingestion of aspirin, aspirin- with water, or separate from other drugs. To
containing analgesics, and other OTC verify the patient’s understanding, ask him
NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen, ketoprofen, to repeat the instructions back to you.
and naproxen) may cause GI irritation— Help the patient avoid drug therapy
even ulcers—and gradual blood loss result- problems by suggesting that he use drug
ing in severe anemia. Prescription NSAIDs calendars, pill sorters, or other aids to help
may cause similar problems. Both OTC him comply. Refer him to the prescriber, a
and prescription NSAIDs can cause renal pharmacist, or social services if he needs
toxicity in older adults. Anemia from pro- further information or assistance with his
longed aspirin consumption can affect all drug therapy.
age groups, but elderly patients may be less
able to compensate because of their already
reduced iron stores. These drugs should
be used very carefully and at the lowest
effective doses.
Laxatives may cause diarrhea in elderly
patients, who are extremely sensitive to
drugs such as bisacodyl. Long-term oral use
of mineral oil as a lubricating laxative may
result in lipid pneumonia from aspiration
of small residual oil droplets in the patient’s
Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine
have anticholinergic effects and can cause
confusion and mental status changes. OTC
decongestants can have systemic effects,
such as hypertension, anxiety, insomnia,
and agitation.

Poor compliance can be a problem with
patients of any age. Many hospitalizations
result from noncompliance with a medical
regimen. In elderly patients, factors linked
to aging, such as diminished visual acuity,
hearing loss, forgetfulness, the need for
multiple drug therapy, and socioeconomic
factors, can combine to make compliance a
special problem. About one-third of elderly
patients fail to comply with their prescribed
drug therapy. They may fail to take pre-
scribed doses or to follow the correct sched-
ule. They may take drugs prescribed for
previous disorders, stop drugs prematurely,
or indiscriminately use drugs that are to be
taken as needed. Elderly patients may also
have multiple prescriptions for the same
drug and inadvertently take an overdose.
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Safe drug administration

Medication therapy is the primary interven- National Patient Safety Goals and standards
tion for many illnesses. It greatly benefits to improve the safe use of medications in its
many patients and yet is involved in many accredited facilities.
instances of patient harm from either unin-
tended consequences of therapy (adverse Causes of medication errors
drug reactions) or medication-related errors The National Coordinating Council for
(adverse drug events). Medication errors Medication Error Reporting and Preven-
are a significant cause of patient morbidity tion ( defines a
and mortality in the United States. In 1999, medication error as “any preventable event
the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published that may cause or lead to inappropriate
its first Quality Chasm report “To Err is medication use or patient harm while the
Human: Building a Safer Health System,” medication is in the control of the health
which reported that errors related to med- care professional, patient, or consumer.
ication accounted for approximately 1 out Such events may be related to professional
of 131 outpatient deaths, 1 out of 854 in- practice, health care products, procedures,
patient deaths, and more than 7,000 deaths and systems, including prescribing; order
annually. Of all sentinel events reviewed communication; product labeling, pack-
since 1995 by The Joint Commission (a aging, and nomenclature; compounding;
nonprofit organization that seeks to improve dispensing; distribution; administration;
public health care through the voluntary education; monitoring; and use.”
accreditation of health care institutions), Medication errors were once thought to
approximately 8% have been attributed to be caused by lapses in an individual nurse’s
medication errors. practice. Traditionally, teaching nurses
Many governmental and nongovernmen- to administer drugs safely focused on the
tal organizations are dedicated to improving individual nurse’s practice and the appli-
the safety of drug administration. One cation of the “rights” of safe medication
mission of the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- administration. (See The eight “rights” of
istration (FDA), for example, is to protect medication administration, page 14.)
the public health by assuring the safety, ef- Although individual nursing practice
fectiveness, and security of human drugs, is still an extremely important part of safe
vaccines, and medical devices. The U.S. drug administration, the focus has widened.
Pharmacopeia (USP), a nonprofit, non- After medication errors had been system-
governmental, public health organization, atically studied by numerous organizations
sets official public standards for drugs and who shared data, it became apparent that
other health care products manufactured or medication errors are complex events with
sold in the United States. It also sets stan- multiple factors, and are most often caused
dards for the quality, purity, and strength of by failures within systems. As a result of
food ingredients and dietary supplements. these findings, research has shifted to pre-
In 2005, The Patient Safety and Quality venting medication errors by identifying
Improvement Act authorized the creation their root causes and then developing and
of patient safety organizations (PSOs) validating evidence-based strategies. Or-
to improve the quality and safety of U.S. ganizational processes, management deci-
health care delivery. One of these PSOs, sions, inadequate medication administration
the Institute for Safe Medication Practices protocols, staffing shortages, environmental
(ISMP), is a nonprofit organization entirely conditions, poor communication, inade-
dedicated to preventing medication errors quate drug knowledge and resources, and
and using medications safely. In addition, individual mistakes or protocol violations
The Joint Commission has established may all contribute to drug errors.

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14 General information

The medication administration The eight “rights” of medication administration

Medication errors can occur from medica- Traditionally, nurses have been taught the “five
tion administration process problems within rights” of medication administration. These are
any one or within more than one of the five broadly stated goals and practices to help individ-
stages of the process. Because up to 40% ual nurses administer drugs safely.
1. The right drug: Check the drug label and verify
of a nurse’s time may be spent in medica- that the drug and form to be given is the drug
tion administration, and nursing practice that was prescribed.
intersects multiple stages, nurses may often 2. The right patient: Confirm the patient’s identity
be involved in medication errors. Here are by checking two patient identifiers.
some of the types of errors that have been 3. The right dose: Verify that the dose and form
reported in each stage. to be given is appropriate for the patient, and
check the drug label with the prescriber’s order.
Stage 1: Ordering and prescribing 4. The right time: Ensure that the drug is adminis-
tered at the correct time and frequency.
• Prescriber orders are incomplete or 5. The right route: Verify that the route by which
illegible. the drug is to be given is specified by the
• Contraindicated drugs (such as drugs to prescriber and is appropriate for the patient.
which the patient is allergic) are prescribed.
In addition to the traditional “five rights” of
• The prescriber specifies the wrong drug, individual practice, best practice researchers have
dose, route, or frequency. added three additional “rights”:
• Drugs are prescribed using inappropriate 6. The right reason: Verify that the drug pre-
or inadequate verbal orders. scribed is appropriate to treat the patient’s
Stage 2: Transcribing and verifying 7. The right response: Monitor the patient’s
• An incorrect drug, dose, route, time, or response to the drug administered.
frequency is transcribed into the medica- 8. The right documentation: Completely and
accurately document in the patient’s medical
tion administration record (MAR) by the record the drug administered, the monitoring
pharmacist or nurse. of the patient, including his response, and other
• Drug verification and documentation in nursing interventions.
the MAR by the pharmacist or nurse are
• The correct drug is given at the wrong
Stage 3: Dispensing and delivery time or frequency by the nurse or other
• The prescribed drug is filled incorrectly. licensed professional.
• Failure to deliver the right drug to the
right place for the right patient occurs. Stage 5: Monitoring and reporting
• Monitoring of the patient by the nurse
Stage 4: Administering before and after medication administration
• The wrong drug is given to the wrong is inadequate.
patient by the nurse or other licensed profes- • Documentation and reporting of the
sional. patient’s condition by the nurse before
• The wrong dose is calculated and given and after medication administration are
or infused by the nurse or other licensed inadequate.
professional. • Hand-off communication between li-
• The right drug is incorrectly prepared censed professionals is inadequate.
(such as crushing a drug that shouldn’t be • Reporting of medication errors is inade-
crushed) and is given by the nurse or other quate.
licensed professional.
• The correct drug is administered by the Elements contributing to safer
wrong route (such as an oral drug that is drug administration
injected I.V.) by the nurse or other licensed Ensuring the safe delivery of medication
professional. involves a system-wide approach, and
research has shown that improvements in
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Safe drug administration 15

communication and education can facilitate patient’s medication regimen is communi-

the safe delivery of medication. cated to the health care team. Medication
reconciliation helps prevent the inadvertent
Communication improvements omission of needed medications, prevents
Communication issues have been impli- medication duplication, and helps iden-
cated in approximately 60% of reported tify medications with potentially harmful
medication errors. Communication can interactions.
be improved in many ways throughout the
medication administration process. The Education improvements
traditional nursing process “rights” of safe Lack of knowledge has been implicated
drug administration are still important com- in many medication errors; therefore, ed-
ponents of safe drug administration but even ucation about medications is essential to
when protocols are followed exactly, some their safe administration. All health care
medication errors still occur. For example, team members involved in the process of
a nurse who’s exactly following the eight medication administration, including the
“rights” might administer a drug to which a prescriber, pharmacist, and nurse, must have
patient is allergic if his allergy information access to accurate information about each
is incomplete or undocumented or hasn’t drug’s indications, appropriate dosing regi-
been communicated effectively. Appropriate men, appropriate route, frequency, possible
communication among all members of the drug interactions, appropriate monitoring,
health care team, including nurses, is vitally any cautions, and possible adverse effects.
important. Each facility should have processes in place
Many health care facilities have insti- to educate staff and communicate important
tuted measures to help standardize and drug information.
organize appropriate communication. One Governmental and nongovernmental
tool commonly used is SBAR (Situation, agencies are doing their part toward edu-
Background, Assessment, and Recommen- cating facilities, prescribers, and nurses.
dation); its purpose is to logically organize In 1995, the FDA established the black
information to optimize proper communica- box warning system to alert prescribers to
tion among health care providers. drugs with increased risks to patients. These
Each institution must have tools and boxed warnings are the strongest labeling
policies in place for the documentation requirements for drugs that can have serious
of medication administration. Each pre- reactions. The Joint Commission requires
scribed medication order must be clearly accredited health care facilities to develop a
written and verbal orders must be used and list of abbreviations to avoid in all medica-
documented appropriately according to fa- tion communications. The ISMP maintains
cility policy. Each verbal order should be a list of high-alert medications that may
read back and verified with the prescriber cause significant patient harm when given.
before the drug is administered. The pa- (Each facility should have protocols in place
tient’s condition must be monitored after for administering high-alert medications
each medication is given, and the patient’s with safeguards built into the process.) The
response and any nursing interventions FDA and ISMP have developed a list of
must be documented appropriately. Clear drugs with similar names that can be eas-
communication through documentation is ily confused. Dissimilarities in each drug’s
essential to safe practice. name are highlighted with tall letters (so
The Joint Commission has developed each name has mixed-case letters), making
goals and standards regarding medication each drug less prone to mix-ups.
reconciliation—the process of comparing a
patient’s medication regimen at every transi- Patient education
tion in his care (for example, on admission, Patients and their families should be active
upon discharge, and between care settings participants in the patient’s care and should
and levels). Medication reconciliation helps understand the patient’s plan of care, in-
ensure that essential information about the cluding the purpose of newly prescribed
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16 General information

medications. The patient and family need • Suggest that the patient have all prescrip-
to be taught what to watch for, how the pa- tions filled at the same pharmacy so that
tient’s condition will be monitored, and what the pharmacist can warn against potentially
signs and symptoms to report, and to report harmful drug interactions.
anything that doesn’t seem right, including • Tell the patient to report his complete
unfamiliar medications. Before administer- medication history to all health care
ing a medication, the nurse needs to verify providers he sees, including his dentist.
with the patient medication allergies or • Instruct the patient to call the prescriber,
unusual past reactions to medications. poison control center, or pharmacist im-
The following general teaching guide- mediately and to seek immediate medical
lines will help ensure that the patient re- attention if he or someone else has taken
ceives the maximum therapeutic benefit an overdose. The National Poison Control
from his medication regimen and help him Center phone number is 1-800-222-1222.
avoid adverse reactions, accidental over- Tell the patient to keep this and other emer-
dose, and harmful changes in effectiveness. gency numbers handy at all times.
• Instruct the patient to learn the brand • Advise the patient to make sure he has a
name, generic names, and dosages of all sufficient supply of drugs when traveling.
drugs and supplements (such as herbs and He should carry them with him in their
vitamins) that he’s taking. original containers and not pack them in
• Tell the patient to notify the pharmacist luggage. Also, recommend that he carry a
and prescriber about everything he takes, letter from his prescriber authorizing the
including prescription drugs, OTC drugs, use of a drug, especially if the drug is a
and herbal or other supplements, and about controlled substance.
any drug allergies.
• Advise the patient to always read the label Strategies for reducing error rates
before taking a drug, to take it exactly as In addition to improvements in communica-
prescribed, and never to share prescription tion and education, other strategies that have
drugs. helped reduce medication administration
• Warn the patient not to change brands of error rates include:
a drug without consulting the prescriber, • providing adequate nurse-to-patient
to avoid harmful changes in effectiveness. staffing ratios
For example, certain generic preparations • designing drug preparation areas as safety
aren’t equivalent in effect to brand-name zones that promote making correct choices
preparations of the same drug. during the medication administration pro-
• Tell the patient to check the expiration cess according to importance, frequency of
date before taking a drug. use, and sequence of use
• Show the patient how to safely discard • improving the medication administration
drugs that are outdated or no longer needed. environment (reduce noise to 50 dB, im-
• Caution the patient to keep all drugs prove lighting to at least 100 foot candles,
safely out of the reach of children and pets. obtain nonglare computer screens)
• Advise the patient to store drugs in their • developing and using protocols that re-
original container, at the proper temper- duce distractions for nursing staff directly
ature, and in areas where they won’t be involved in administering medications
exposed to sunlight or excessive heat or • dispensing medications in unit-dose or
humidity. Sunlight, heat, and humidity can unit-of-use packaging
cause drug deterioration and reduce a drug’s • restricting high-alert drugs and admin-
effectiveness. istration routes (limiting their number,
• Encourage the patient to report adverse variety, and concentration in patient-care
or unusual reactions to the prescriber, and areas.) For example, remove all neuromus-
teach him proper techniques to monitor his cular blockers from units where patients
condition (for example, how to obtain a aren’t normally intubated. Remove highly
resting heart rate before taking Lanoxin). concentrated electrolytes from unit stock
in patient-care units. Remove concentrated
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Safe drug administration 17

oral opioids from unit stock and dispensing Orders can be immediately transmitted to
cabinets. Apply additional strong warn- the appropriate department and can also
ings to drug labels. Make sure emergency be linked to drug information databases.
equipment is always available. CPOE can be used to monitor how drugs
• switching from I.V. to oral or subcuta- are utilized and provide data for quality
neous forms as soon as possible improvement. One significant disadvantage
• dispensing I.V. and epidural infusions of CPOE systems is their high cost.
only from the pharmacy
• labeling all medications both on and off Bar codes
the sterile field Bar-code technology is widely used and
• posting drug information in patient-care was initially developed to help control and
units and having drug information available track inventory for industry. The use of this
for all health care providers at the point of technology for safer drug administration,
care; using infusion rate and dosing charts dispensing, inventory control, and drug
in patient-care areas storage and preparation has been endorsed
• avoiding unapproved abbreviations by the IOM, Joint Commission, Agency
• requiring that medication orders be pre- for Healthcare Research and Quality, and
scribed by metric weight, not by volume (for ISMP. With this technology, the patient
example in mg/kg not ml) wears a bar-code identifier on a wristband;
• establishing protocols and checklists to the medication also has a bar code that
double-check and document unusual drugs, uses the medication’s own unique National
dosages, or regimens Drug Code to identify the name, dose,
• always recalculating doses before giving manufacturer, and type of packaging. The
drugs to children or neonates. Make sure nurse scans the bar code using an optical
that the dose formula is included for cal- scanner, verifying the patient’s identity and
culating the dose. Have a second clinician medication. The system supports but does
(preferably a pharmacist) double-check the not replace the traditional “rights” of safe
calculations. medication.
• making sure each patient is monitored Bar-code systems have been shown to
appropriately before and after drug ad- reduce medication errors but they aren’t
ministration. Have appropriate monitoring without disadvantages. They don’t save time
equipment (cardiac monitors, capnography, in the medication administration process.
pulse oximetry) available as needed. Problems with the technology can cause
delays in treatment. Wristbands can become
Using technology to promote unreadable due to wear, and scanners can
safety malfunction. These problems may tempt
Technology is becoming an increasingly nurses to develop dangerous shortcuts, such
important part of providing safer drug ad- as attaching patients’ wristbands to clip-
ministration. The goal of medication admin- boards or giving the patient the medication
istration technology is to enhance individual first and then scanning his wristband. Also,
practice and help build safeguards into the this technology may be expensive to initiate.
medication administration process.
Automated dispensing cabinets
Computerized order entry Automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs)
In computerized physician order entry are computer-controlled medication dis-
(CPOE), the prescriber enters the medica- tribution systems in the patient-care unit
tion orders into a computerized record, thus that are used to store, track, and dispense
eliminating errors due to illegible handwrit- medications. ADCs can provide nurses with
ing. Such safeguards as immediate order near total access to medications needed
checking for errors (such as incorrect dos- in their patient-care area and promote the
ing or routes of administration) and drug control and security of medications. They
interactions, allergy checks, and administra- electronically track the use of drugs such
tion protocols can be built into the system. as controlled substances. They may have
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18 General information

bar-code capabilities for restocking and into parenteral syringes and inadvertently
correct medication selection, and can be injected into I.V. lines, resulting in patient
programmed to provide safeguards such as deaths.) Utilizing special tubing for epidural
drug safety alerts. ADCs can be linked with medication administration that doesn’t
external databases and billing systems to have side ports prevents an inadvertent
increase the efficiency of drug dispensing injection of an additional drug into the
and billing. epidural catheter.

“Smart” pumps Reporting medication errors

Since 2005, the FDA has received 56,000 Clearly, medication errors are a major threat
reports of adverse events and 500 deaths to patient safety. Only by sharing and ana-
linked to infusion pumps. Currently, there lyzing data and performing more research
are initiatives to improve infusion systems can evidence-based quality improvements
and technology. “Smart” I.V. pumps can be developed and validated. Several agen-
have such features as programmable drug cies and organizations provide voluntary
libraries and dosage limits, perform auto- reporting systems to study the causes and
matic calculations, and be programmed to prevalence of medication errors. The FDA
signal dosage alerts. They can be integrated has its Adverse Event Reporting System,
with bar-code and CPOE technologies and which is part of the MedWatch program.
can be wireless. Smart pumps can help The USP maintains MEDMARX (a national
alert nurses when incorrect dosages have database utilized to lower the incidence of
been selected or to dosages that may exceed hospital medication errors) and the Medica-
recommended levels. tion Errors Reporting Program. In addition,
Smart pumps can’t detect all problems the USP works with the ISMP to compile
with I.V. drug infusions, however. For ex- voluntary reports of medication errors.
ample, an incorrect drug can be selected The reports are analyzed by these watch-
from the library database and, with some dog agencies, and information is published
pumps, it’s possible to override safety alerts. about their findings. Nurses should be en-
Other infusion pump problems include soft- couraged to report medication errors and
ware defects and failure of built-in safety “near misses” and to help identify problems
alarms. Some pumps have ambiguous on- within systems.
screen directions that can lead to dosing
errors. The FDA recommends reporting
all infusion-related adverse events, plan-
ning ahead in case a pump fails, labeling
the channels and tubing to prevent errors,
checking all settings, and monitoring pa-
tients for signs and symptoms of infusion
problems. Nurses should perform indepen-
dent calculation of all doses and infusion
rates and not rely solely on the pump. It’s
essential to double-check each dose calcula-
tion. Nurses shouldn’t bypass pump alarms,
and must verify that the pump is functioning
properly before beginning an infusion.

Other technologies
Using only oral syringes that don’t have
luer-locks to administer oral or enteral
medications helps prevent oral or enteral
medications from being administered via
the wrong route. (The ISMP has reported
cases in which oral medications were drawn
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Selected drug classifications

• Use cautiously in patients receiving

Alkylating drugs other cell-destroying drugs or radiation
bendamustine hydrochloride therapy.
busulfan • In pregnant women, use only when poten-
carboplatin tial benefits to the mother outweigh known
carmustine risks to the fetus. Breast-feeding women
chlorambucil should stop breast-feeding during therapy
cisplatin because drugs are found in breast milk. In
cyclophosphamide children, safety and effectiveness of many
dacarbazine alkylating drugs haven’t been established.
ifosfamide Elderly patients have an increased risk of
lomustine adverse reactions; monitor these patients
melphalan closely.
thiotepa Alpha blockers (peripherally
INDICATIONS doxazosin mesylate
➤ Various tumors, especially those with phentolamine mesylate
large volume and slow cell-turnover rate prazosin hydrochloride
terazosin hydrochloride
Alkylating drugs appear to act indepen- INDICATIONS
dently of a specific cell-cycle phase. They’re ➤ Hypertension, or mild to moderate
polyfunctional compounds that can be di- urinary obstruction in men with BPH
vided chemically into five groups: nitrogen
mustards, ethylene imines, alkyl sulfonates, AC TION
triazines, and nitrosoureas. These drugs are Selective alpha blockers decrease vascular
highly reactive; they primarily target nucleic resistance and increase vein capacity,
acids and form links with the nuclei of dif- thereby lowering blood pressure and
ferent molecules. This allows the drugs to causing nasal and scleroconjunctival
cross-link double-stranded DNA and to pre- congestion, ptosis, orthostatic and exercise
vent strands from separating for replication, hypotension, mild to moderate miosis,
which may contribute to these drugs’ ability interference with ejaculation, and pink,
to destroy cells. warm skin. They also relax nonvascular
smooth muscle, especially in the prostate
ADVERSE REACTIONS capsule, which reduces urinary problems
The most common adverse reactions are in men with BPH. Because alpha1 blockers
bone marrow depression, chills, diarrhea, don’t block alpha2 receptors, they don’t
fever, flank pain, hair loss, leukopenia, cause transmitter overflow.
nausea, redness or pain at the injection Nonselective alpha blockers antagonize
site, sore throat, swelling of the feet or both alpha1 and alpha2 receptors. Gener-
lower legs, thrombocytopenia, secondary ally, alpha blockade results in tachycardia,
leukemia, infertility, and vomiting. palpitations, and increased renin secretion
because of abnormally large amounts of
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS norepinephrine (from transmitter overflow)
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive released from adrenergic nerve endings
to these drugs. as a result of the blockade of alpha1 and

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20 General information

alpha2 receptors. Norepinephrine’s effects tor antagonist. Persistent activation of the

are counterproductive to the major uses of NMDA receptors is thought to contribute
nonselective alpha blockers. to symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. There
is no evidence that any of the drugs alter
ADVERSE REACTIONS the course of the underlying disease
Alpha blockers may cause severe ortho- process.
static hypotension and syncope, especially
with the first few doses, an effect commonly ADVERSE REACTIONS
called the “first-dose effect.” The most com- Weight loss, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea,
mon adverse effects of alpha1 blockade are vomiting, dizziness, headache, brad-
dizziness, headache, drowsiness, somno- yarrhythmias; hypertension and consti-
lence, and malaise. These drugs also may pation (memantine).
cause tachycardia, palpitations, fluid reten-
tion (from excess renin secretion), nasal CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
and ocular congestion, and aggravation of • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
respiratory tract infection. to any of the drug components.
• May exaggerate neuromuscular blocking
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS effects of succinylcholine-type and similar
• Contraindicated in patients with MI, neuromuscular blocking agents used during
coronary insufficiency, or angina or with anesthesia.
hypersensitivity to these drugs or any of • Use cautiously with concomitant drugs
their components. Also contraindicated that slow heart rate. There is an increased
in combination therapy with phospho- risk for heart block.
diesterase type 5 inhibitors (sildenafil, • Use cautiously with NSAIDs because the
tadalafil, vardenafil), although tadalafil may drug increases gastric acid secretion. There
be taken with tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily. is increased risk of developing ulcers and
• In pregnant or breast-feeding women, active or occult GI bleeding.
use cautiously. In children, the safety and • Use cautiously in patients with moderate
effectiveness of many alpha blockers hepatic or renal impairment. The drugs
haven’t been established; use cautiously. are not recommended in severe hepatic
In elderly patients, hypotensive effects may impairment or severe renal impairment
be more pronounced. (creatinine clearance less than 9 ml/minute).
• Use cautiously in patients with a history
of asthma or COPD.
Alzheimer’s disease drugs
donepezil hydrochloride
galantamine hydrobromide Aminoglycosides
memantine hydrochloride amikacin sulfate
rivastigmine tartrate gentamicin sulfate
neomycin sulfate
INDICATIONS tobramycin sulfate
➤ Treatment of mild to moderate demen-
tia of the Alzheimer’s type INDICATIONS
➤ Septicemia; postoperative, pulmonary,
AC TION intra-abdominal, and urinary tract in-
Current theories attribute signs and symp- fections; skin, soft tissue, bone, and
toms of Alzheimer’s disease to a deficiency joint infections; aerobic gram-negative
of cholinergic neurotransmission. It’s sug- bacillary meningitis not susceptible to
gested that these drugs improve choliner- other antibiotics; serious staphylococcal,
gic function by increasing acetylcholine Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella
through reversible inhibition of its hydrol- infections; enterococcal infections;
ysis by cholinesterase. Memantine is an nosocomial pneumonia; anaerobic in-
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) recep- fections involving Bacteroides fragilis;
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Selected drug classifications 21

tuberculosis; initial empiric therapy in

febrile, leukopenic patients Angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors
Aminoglycosides are bactericidal. They benazepril hydrochloride
bind directly and irreversibly to 30S ribo- captopril
somal subunits, inhibiting bacterial protein enalaprilat
synthesis. They’re active against many enalapril maleate
aerobic gram-negative and some aerobic fosinopril sodium
gram-positive organisms and can be used in lisinopril
combination with other antibiotics for short perindopril erbumine
courses of therapy. quinapril hydrochloride
Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity are the most
serious complications. Neuromuscular INDICATIONS
blockade also may occur. Oral forms most ➤ Hypertension, heart failure, left
commonly cause diarrhea, nausea, and ventricular dysfunction (LVD), MI (with
vomiting. Parenteral drugs may cause vein ramipril and lisinopril), and diabetic
irritation, phlebitis, and sterile abscess. nephropathy (with captopril)


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ACE inhibitors prevent conversion of
to these drugs. angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent
• Use cautiously in patients with a neu- vasoconstrictor. Besides decreasing vaso-
romuscular disorder and in those taking constriction and thus reducing peripheral
neuromuscular blockades. arterial resistance, inhibiting angiotensin
• Use at lower dosages in patients with renal II decreases adrenocortical secretion of
impairment. aldosterone. This reduces sodium and water
• In pregnant women, use cautiously. In retention and extracellular fluid volume.
breast-feeding women, safety hasn’t been ACE inhibition also causes increased levels
established. In neonates and premature of bradykinin, which results in vasodila-
infants, the half-life of aminoglycosides tion. This decreases heart rate and systemic
is prolonged because of immature renal vascular resistance.
systems. In infants and children, dosage
adjustment may be needed. Elderly patients ADVERSE REACTIONS
have an increased risk of nephrotoxicity and The most common adverse effects of ther-
commonly need a lower dose and longer apeutic doses are angioedema of the face
intervals; they’re also susceptible to ototoxi- and limbs, dry cough, dysgeusia, fatigue,
city and superinfection. headache, hyperkalemia, hypotension,
proteinuria, rash, and tachycardia. Severe
hypotension may occur at toxic drug levels.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to these drugs.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
renal function or serious autoimmune
disease and in those taking other drugs
known to decrease WBC count or immune
• Women of childbearing potential taking
ACE inhibitors should report suspected
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22 General information

pregnancy immediately to prescriber. High or continuous GI suction; and patients on

risks of fetal morbidity and mortality are sodium-restricted diets.
linked to ACE inhibitors, especially in the • In patients with mild renal impairment,
second and third trimesters. Some ACE give magnesium oxide cautiously.
inhibitors appear in breast milk. To avoid • Give aluminum preparations and calcium
adverse effects in infants, instruct patient carbonate cautiously in elderly patients;
to stop breast-feeding during therapy. In in those receiving antidiarrheals, antispas-
children, safety and effectiveness haven’t modics, or anticholinergics; and in those
been established; give drug only if potential with dehydration, fluid restriction, chronic
benefits outweigh risks. Elderly patients renal disease, or suspected intestinal ab-
may need lower doses because of impaired sorption problems.
drug clearance. • Pregnant women should consult their
prescriber before using antacids. Breast-
feeding women may take antacids. In
Antacids infants, serious adverse effects are more
aluminum hydroxide likely from changes in fluid and electrolyte
calcium carbonate balance; monitor them closely. Elderly
magnesium oxide patients have an increased risk of adverse
sodium bicarbonate reactions; monitor them closely; also, give
these patients aluminum preparations,
INDICATIONS calcium carbonate, and magnesium oxide
➤ Hyperacidity; hyperphosphatemia cautiously.
(aluminum hydroxide); hypomagnesemia
(magnesium oxide); postmenopausal
hypocalcemia (calcium carbonate) Antianginals
Antacids reduce the total acid load in the Beta blockers
GI tract and elevate gastric pH to reduce atenolol
pepsin activity. They also strengthen metoprolol
the gastric mucosal barrier and increase nadolol
esophageal sphincter tone. propranolol hydrochloride

ADVERSE REACTIONS Calcium channel blockers

Antacids containing aluminum may cause amlodipine besylate
aluminum intoxication, constipation, hy- diltiazem hydrochloride
pophosphatemia, intestinal obstruction, nicardipine hydrochloride
and osteomalacia. Antacids containing nifedipine
magnesium may cause diarrhea or hyper- verapamil hydrochloride
magnesemia (in renal failure). Calcium
carbonate, magaldrate, magnesium oxide, Nitrates
and sodium bicarbonate may cause consti- isosorbide dinitrate
pation, milk-alkali syndrome, or rebound isosorbide mononitrate
hyperacidity. nitroglycerin


• Calcium carbonate and magnesium ox- ➤ Moderate to severe angina (beta
ide are contraindicated in patients with blockers); classic, effort-induced angina
severe renal disease. Sodium bicarbonate is and Prinzmetal angina (calcium channel
contraindicated in patients with hyperten- blockers); recurrent angina (long-acting
sion, renal disease, or edema; patients who nitrates and topical, transdermal, trans-
are vomiting; patients receiving diuretics mucosal, and oral extended-release
nitroglycerin); acute angina (S.L.
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Selected drug classifications 23

nitroglycerin and S.L. or chewable • Use beta blockers cautiously in patients

isosorbide dinitrate); unstable angina with nonallergic bronchospastic disorders,
(I.V. nitroglycerin) diabetes mellitus, or impaired hepatic or
renal function. Use calcium channel
AC TION blockers cautiously in patients with hepatic
Beta blockers decrease catecholamine- or renal impairment, bradycardia, heart
induced increases in heart rate, blood failure, or cardiogenic shock. Use nitrates
pressure, and myocardial contraction. cautiously in patients with hypotension or
Calcium channel blockers inhibit the flow of recent MI.
calcium through muscle cells, which dilates • In pregnant women, use beta blockers
coronary arteries and decreases systemic cautiously. Recommendations for breast-
vascular resistance, known as afterload. feeding vary by drug; use beta blockers and
Nitrates decrease afterload and left ven- calcium channel blockers cautiously. In
tricular end-diastolic pressure, or preload, children, safety and effectiveness haven’t
and increase blood flow through collateral been established. Check with prescriber
coronary vessels. before giving these drugs to children.
Elderly patients have an increased risk of
ADVERSE REACTIONS adverse reactions; use cautiously.
Ranolazine may cause dizziness, constipa-
tion, and nausea. Beta blockers may cause
bradycardia, cough, diarrhea, disturbing Antiarrhythmics
dreams, dizziness, dyspnea, fatigue, fever, adenosine
heart failure, hypotension, lethargy, nausea,
peripheral edema, and wheezing. Calcium Class IA
channel blockers may cause bradycardia, procainamide hydrochloride
confusion, constipation, depression, diar- quinidine gluconate
rhea, dizziness, dyspepsia, edema, elevated quinidine sulfate
liver enzyme levels (transient), fatigue,
flushing, headache, hypotension, insomnia, Class IB
nervousness, and rash. Nitrates may cause lidocaine hydrochloride
flushing, headache, orthostatic hypoten-
sion, reflex tachycardia, rash, syncope, and Class IC
vomiting. flecainide acetate
propafenone hydrochloride
• Ranolazine is contraindicated in pa- Class II (beta blockers)
tients taking strong inhibitors of CYP3A amiodarone hydrochloride
or inducers of CYP3A and in those with dofetilide
clinically significant hepatic impairment. esmolol hydrochloride
Beta blockers are contraindicated in patients ibutilide fumarate
hypersensitive to them and in patients with sotalol hydrochloride
cardiogenic shock, sinus bradycardia, heart
block greater than first degree, or bronchial Class IV (calcium channel
asthma. Calcium channel blockers are con- blocker)
traindicated in patients with severe hypoten- verapamil hydrochloride
sion or heart block greater than first degree
(except with functioning pacemaker). INDICATIONS
Nitrates are contraindicated in patients ➤ Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
with severe anemia, cerebral hemorrhage,
head trauma, glaucoma, or hyperthyroidism AC TION
or in patients using phosphodiesterase Class I drugs reduce the inward current
type 5 inhibitors (sildenafil, tadalafil, carried by sodium ions, which stabilizes
vardenafil). neuronal cardiac membranes. Class IA
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24 General information

drugs depress phase 0, prolong the action

potential, and stabilize cardiac membranes. Antibiotic antineoplastics
Class IB drugs depress phase 0, shorten the bleomycin sulfate
action potential, and stabilize cardiac mem- daunorubicin hydrochloride
branes. Class IC drugs block the transport doxorubicin hydrochloride
of sodium ions, which decreases conduction epirubicin hydrochloride
velocity but not repolarization rate. Class idarubicin hydrochloride
II drugs decrease the heart rate, myocardial mitomycin
contractility, blood pressure, and AV node
conduction. Class IV drugs decrease my- INDICATIONS
ocardial contractility and oxygen demand ➤ Various tumors
by inhibiting calcium ion influx; they also
dilate coronary arteries and arterioles. AC TION
Although classified as antibiotics, these
ADVERSE REACTIONS drugs destroy cells, thus ruling out their
Most antiarrhythmics can aggravate existing use as antimicrobials alone. They interfere
arrhythmias or cause new ones. They also with proliferation of malignant cells in
may produce CNS disturbances, such as several ways. Their action may be specific
dizziness or fatigue, GI problems, such as to cell-cycle phase, not specific to cell-cycle
nausea, vomiting, or altered bowel elim- phase, or both. Some of these drugs act
ination; hypersensitivity reactions; and like alkylating drugs or antimetabolites.
hypotension. Some antiarrhythmics may By binding to or creating complexes with
worsen heart failure. Class II drugs may DNA, antibiotic antineoplastics directly or
cause bronchoconstriction. indirectly inhibit DNA, RNA, and protein
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ADVERSE REACTIONS
to these drugs. The most common adverse reactions in-
• Many antiarrhythmics are contraindicated clude anxiety, bone marrow depression,
or require cautious use in patients with chills, confusion, diarrhea, fever, flank or
cardiogenic shock, digitalis toxicity, and joint pain, hair loss, nausea, redness or pain
second- or third-degree heart block (unless at the injection site, sore throat, swelling
patient has a pacemaker or implantable of the feet or lower legs, vomiting, and
cardioverter defibrillator). cardiomyopathy.
• In pregnant women, use only if poten-
tial benefits to the mother outweigh risks CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
to the fetus. In breast-feeding women, use • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
cautiously; many antiarrhythmics appear to these drugs.
in breast milk. In children, monitor closely • In pregnant women, avoid antineoplas-
because they have an increased risk of tics. Breast-feeding during therapy isn’t
adverse reactions. In elderly patients, use recommended. In children, safety and
these drugs cautiously because these pa- effectiveness of some drugs haven’t been
tients may exhibit physiologic alterations established; use cautiously. In elderly
in CV system. patients, use cautiously because of their
increased risk of adverse reactions.
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Selected drug classifications 25

neuropathy, or hiatal hernia with reflux

Anticholinergics esophagitis.
atropine sulfate • In pregnant women, safe use hasn’t been
benztropine mesylate established. In breast-feeding women,
dicyclomine hydrochloride avoid anticholinergics because they may
scopolamine decrease milk production; some may appear
in breast milk and cause infant toxicity. In
INDICATIONS children, safety and effectiveness haven’t
➤ Prevention of motion sickness, preop- been established. Patients older than age
erative reduction of secretions and block- 40 may be more sensitive to these drugs. In
age of cardiac reflexes, adjunct treatment elderly patients, use cautiously and give a
of peptic ulcers and other GI disorders, reduced dosage, as indicated.
blockage of cholinomimetic effects of
cholinesterase inhibitors or other drugs,
and (for benztropine) various spastic Anticoagulants
conditions, including acute dystonic reac-
tions, muscle rigidity, parkinsonism, and Coumarin derivative
extrapyramidal disorders warfarin sodium

AC TION Heparin derivative

Anticholinergics competitively antago- heparin sodium
nize the actions of acetylcholine and other
cholinergic agonists at muscarinic recep- Low-molecular-weight heparins
tors. dalteparin sodium
enoxaparin sodium
ADVERSE REACTIONS tinzaparin sodium
Therapeutic doses commonly cause blurred
vision, constipation, cycloplegia, de- Selective factor Xa inhibitor
creased sweating or anhidrosis, dry mouth, fondaparinux sodium
headache, mydriasis, palpitations, tachy-
cardia, and urinary hesitancy and retention. Thrombin inhibitors
These reactions usually disappear when argatroban
therapy stops. Toxicity can cause signs and bivalirudin
symptoms resembling psychosis (disorien- desirudin
tation, confusion, hallucinations, delusions,
anxiety, agitation, and restlessness); dilated, INDICATIONS
nonreactive pupils; blurred vision; hot, dry, ➤ Pulmonary emboli, deep vein throm-
flushed skin; dry mucous membranes; dys- bosis, thrombus, blood clotting, DIC,
phagia; decreased or absent bowel sounds; unstable angina, MI, atrial fibrillation
urine retention; hyperthermia; tachycardia;
hypertension; and increased respirations. AC TION
Heparin derivatives accelerate formation of
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS an antithrombin III-thrombin complex. It
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive inactivates thrombin and prevents conver-
to these drugs and in those with angle- sion of fibrinogen to fibrin. The coumarin
closure glaucoma, renal or GI obstructive derivative warfarin inhibits vitamin K–
disease, reflux esophagitis, or myasthenia dependent activation of clotting factors II,
gravis. VII, IX, and X, which are formed in the
• Use cautiously in patients with heart dis- liver. Thrombin inhibitors directly bind to
ease, GI infection, open-angle glaucoma, thrombin and inhibit its action. Selective
prostatic hypertrophy, hypertension, hyper- factor Xa inhibitors bind to antithrombin III,
thyroidism, ulcerative colitis, autonomic which in turn initiates the neutralization of
factor Xa.
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26 General information

Anticoagulants commonly cause bleeding Anticonvulsants
and may cause hypersensitivity reactions. asenapine
Warfarin may cause agranulocytosis, carbamazepine
alopecia (long-term use), anorexia, der- clonazepam
matitis, fever, nausea, tissue necrosis or diazepam
gangrene, urticaria, and vomiting. Heparin fosphenytoin sodium
derivatives may cause thrombocytopenia gabapentin
and may increase liver enzyme levels. lacosamide
Nonhemorrhagic adverse reactions associ- lamotrigine
ated with thrombin inhibitors may include levetiracetam
back pain, bradycardia, and hypotension. magnesium sulfate
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive phenobarbital sodium
to these drugs or any of their components; in phenytoin sodium
patients with aneurysm, active bleeding, CV phenytoin sodium (extended)
hemorrhage, hemorrhagic blood dyscrasias, primidone
hemophilia, severe hypertension, pericardial rufinamide
effusions, or pericarditis; and in patients tiagabine hydrochloride
undergoing major surgery, neurosurgery, or topiramate
ophthalmic surgery. valproate sodium
• Use cautiously in patients with severe valproic acid
diabetes, renal impairment, severe trauma, zonisamide
ulcerations, or vasculitis.
• Most anticoagulants (except warfarin) INDICATIONS
may be used in pregnancy only if clearly ➤ Seizure disorders; acute, isolated
necessary. In pregnant women and those seizures not caused by seizure disorders;
who have just had a threatened or complete status epilepticus; prevention of seizures
spontaneous abortion, warfarin is con- after trauma or craniotomy; neuropathic
traindicated. Women should avoid breast- pain
feeding during therapy. Infants, especially
neonates, may be more susceptible to anti- AC TION
coagulants because of vitamin K deficiency. Anticonvulsants include six classes of
Elderly patients are at greater risk for drugs: selected hydantoin derivatives, bar-
hemorrhage because of altered hemostatic biturates, benzodiazepines, succinimides,
mechanisms or age-related deterioration of iminostilbene derivatives (carbamazepine),
hepatic and renal functions. and carboxylic acid derivatives. Mag-
nesium sulfate is a miscellaneous anti-
convulsant. Some hydantoin derivatives
and carbamazepine inhibit the spread of
seizure activity in the motor cortex. Some
barbiturates and succinimides limit seizure
activity by increasing the threshold for
motor cortex stimuli. Selected benzodi-
azepines and carboxylic acid derivatives
may increase inhibition of GABA in brain
neurons. Magnesium sulfate interferes
with the release of acetylcholine at the
myoneural junction.
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Selected drug classifications 27


Anticonvulsants can cause adverse Tricyclic antidepressants may inhibit re-
CNS effects, such as ataxia, confusion, uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin
somnolence, and tremor. Many anticon- in CNS nerve terminals (presynaptic neu-
vulsants also cause CV disorders, such as rons), thus enhancing the concentration and
arrhythmias and hypotension; GI effects, activity of neurotransmitters in the synaptic
such as vomiting; and hematologic disor- cleft. Tricyclic antidepressants also exert
ders, such as agranulocytosis, bone marrow antihistaminic, sedative, anticholinergic,
depression, leukopenia, and thrombocy- vasodilatory, and quinidine-like effects.
topenia. Stevens-Johnson syndrome, other
severe rashes, and abnormal liver function ADVERSE REACTIONS
test results may occur with certain anticon- Adverse reactions include anticholiner-
vulsants. gic effects, orthostatic hypotension, and
sedation. The tertiary amines (amitripty-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS line, doxepin, and imipramine) exert the
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive strongest sedative effects; tolerance usually
to these drugs. develops in a few weeks. Amoxapine is
• Carbamazepine is contraindicated within most likely to cause seizures, especially
14 days of MAO inhibitor use. with overdose. Tricyclic antidepressants
• Use cautiously in patients with blood may cause CV effects such as T-wave ab-
dyscrasias. Also, use barbiturates cautiously normalities, conduction disturbances, and
in patients with suicidal ideation. arrhythmias.
• In pregnant women, therapy usually con-
tinues despite the fetal risks caused by some CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
anticonvulsants (barbiturates, phenytoin). In • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
breast-feeding women, the safety of many to these drugs and in patients with urine
anticonvulsants hasn’t been established. retention or angle-closure glaucoma.
Children, especially young ones, are sen- • Tricyclic antidepressants are contraindi-
sitive to the CNS depression of some anti- cated within 2 weeks of MAO inhibitor
convulsants; use cautiously. Elderly patients therapy.
are sensitive to CNS effects and may require • Use cautiously in patients with suicidal
lower doses. Also, some anticonvulsants tendencies, schizophrenia, paranoia, seizure
may take longer to be eliminated because of disorders, CV disease, or impaired hepatic
decreased renal function, and parenteral use function.
is more likely to cause apnea, hypotension, • In pregnant and breast-feeding women,
bradycardia, and cardiac arrest. safety hasn’t been established; use cau-
tiously. In children younger than age 12,
tricyclic antidepressants aren’t recom-
Antidepressants, tricyclic mended. Elderly patients are more sensitive
amitriptyline hydrochloride to therapeutic and adverse effects; they need
clomipramine hydrochloride lower dosages.
desipramine hydrochloride
doxepin hydrochloride
imipramine hydrochloride
imipramine pamoate
nortriptyline hydrochloride

➤ Depression, anxiety (doxepin hy-
drochloride), obsessive-compulsive
disorder (clomipramine), enuresis in
children older than age 6 (imipramine),
neuropathic pain
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28 General information

leaves the stomach, decreasing postpran-

Antidiabetics dial increase in glucose level, and reduces
acarbose appetite.
glimepiride Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are thia-
glipizide zolidinediones, which lower glucose levels
glyburide by improving insulin sensitivity. These
metformin hydrochloride drugs are potent and highly selective ago-
miglitol nists for receptors found in insulin-sensitive
nateglinide tissues, such as adipose, skeletal muscle,
pioglitazone hydrochloride and liver.
pramlintide acetate Sitagliptin increases insulin release by
repaglinide inhibiting the enzyme DPP-4.
rosiglitazone maleate
sitagliptin phosphate ADVERSE REACTIONS
Sulfonylureas cause dose-related reactions
INDICATIONS that usually respond to decreased dosage:
➤ Mild to moderately severe, stable, anorexia, headache, heartburn, nausea,
nonketotic, type 2 diabetes mellitus that paresthesia, vomiting, and weakness.
can’t be controlled by diet alone Hypoglycemia may follow excessive
dosage, increased exercise, decreased food
AC TION intake, or alcohol use.
Oral antidiabetics come in several types. The most serious adverse reaction linked
Sulfonylureas are sulfonamide derivatives to metformin is lactic acidosis. It’s a rare
that aren’t antibacterial. They lower glucose effect and most likely to occur in patients
levels by stimulating insulin release from with renal dysfunction. Other reactions to
the pancreas. These drugs work only in the metformin include dermatitis, GI upset,
presence of functioning beta cells in the megaloblastic anemia, rash, and unpleasant
islet tissue of the pancreas. After prolonged or metallic taste.
administration, they produce hypoglycemia Thiazolidinediones may cause fluid re-
by acting outside of the pancreas, including tention leading to or exacerbating heart
reduced glucose production by the liver and failure. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors can
enhanced peripheral sensitivity to insulin. cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and flatu-
The latter may result from an increased lence.
number of insulin receptors or from changes
after insulin binding. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Meglitinides, such as nateglinide and • Contraindicated in patients hypersen-
repaglinide, are nonsulfonylurea antidiabet- sitive to these drugs and in patients with
ics that stimulate the release of insulin from diabetic ketoacidosis with or without coma.
the pancreas. Metformin is also contraindicated in
Metformin decreases hepatic glucose patients with renal disease or metabolic
production, reduces intestinal glucose acidosis and generally should be avoided in
absorption, and improves insulin sensitivity patients with hepatic disease.
by increasing peripheral glucose uptake and • Use sulfonylureas cautiously in patients
utilization. With metformin therapy, insulin with renal or hepatic disease. Use met-
secretion remains unchanged, and fasting formin cautiously in patients with adrenal or
insulin levels and all-day insulin response pituitary insufficiency and in debilitated and
may decrease. malnourished patients. Alpha-glucosidase
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, such as inhibitors should be used cautiously in
acarbose and miglitol, delay digestion of patients with mild to moderate renal
carbohydrates, resulting in a smaller rise in insufficiency. Thiazolidinediones aren’t
glucose levels. Pramlintide, a human amylin recommended in patients with edema, heart
analogue, slows the rate at which food failure, or liver disease.
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Selected drug classifications 29

• In pregnant or breast-feeding women,

use is contraindicated. Oral antidiabetics Antiemetics
appear in small amounts in breast milk and aprepitant
may cause hypoglycemia in the infant. In dimenhydrinate
children, oral antidiabetics aren’t effective dolasetron mesylate
in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Elderly patients dronabinol
may be more sensitive to these drugs, usu- granisetron hydrochloride
ally need lower dosages, and are more likely meclizine hydrochloride
to develop neurologic symptoms of hypo- metoclopramide hydrochloride
glycemia; monitor these patients closely. In ondansetron hydrochloride
elderly patients, avoid chlorpropamide use palonosetron hydrochloride
because of its long duration of action. prochlorperazine
scopolamine hydrobromide
Antidiarrheals trimethobenzamide hydrochloride
bismuth subsalicylate
calcium polycarbophil INDICATIONS
diphenoxylate hydrochloride and ➤ Nausea, vomiting, motion sickness,
atropine sulfate and vertigo
octreotide acetate AC TION
For antihistamines (dimenhydrinate,
INDICATIONS meclizine hydrochloride, trimethobenza-
➤ Mild, acute, or chronic diarrhea. mide) the mechanism of action is unclear.
Octreotide acetate is indicated for certain Phenothiazines (prochlorperazine) work
cancers that cause diarrhea by blocking the dopaminergic receptors in
the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the brain.
AC TION Serotonin-receptor antagonists (dolasetron,
Bismuth preparations may have a mild granisetron, ondansetron) block serotonin
water-binding capacity, may absorb toxins, stimulation centrally in the chemoreceptor
and provide a protective coating for the trigger zone and peripherally in vagal nerve
intestinal mucosa. terminals.


Bismuth preparations may cause salicylism Antiemetics may cause asthenia, fatigue,
(with high doses) or temporary darkening of dizziness, headache, insomnia, abdominal
tongue and stools. pain, anorexia, constipation, diarrhea,
epigastric discomfort, gastritis, heartburn,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS nausea, vomiting, neutropenia, hiccups,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive tinnitus, dehydration, and fever.
to these drugs.
• Some antidiarrheals may appear in breast CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
milk; check individual drugs for specific • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
recommendations. For children or teenagers to any of the drug components.
recovering from flu or chickenpox, consult • Contraindicated in severe vomiting until
prescriber before giving bismuth subsalicy- etiology of vomiting is established.
late. For elderly patients, use caution when • Use cautiously in patients with tartrazine
giving antidiarrheal drugs. and sulfite sensitivities. Antiemetics may
cause allergic type reactions including
hives, itching, wheezing, asthma, and
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30 General information

common adverse reactions to ketoconazole

Antifungals are nausea and vomiting. Adverse reactions
amphotericin B lipid complex to voriconazole are uncommon. However,
amphotericin B liposomal the drug may alter renal function and cause
anidulafungin vision changes. Common adverse reactions
caspofungin acetate to caspofungin include paresthesia, tachy-
fluconazole cardia, anorexia, anemia, pain, myalgia,
itraconazole tachypnea, chills, and sweating. Reactions
ketoconazole to nystatin seldom occur, but may include
micafungin sodium diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdomi-
miconazole nitrate nal pain. Terbinafine may cause abdominal
nystatin pain, jaundice, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
posaconazole anaphylaxis, headache, rash, and vision
terbinafine hydrochloride disturbances.
INDICATIONS • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
➤ Various fungal infections to any of the drug components.
• Administer I.V. amphotericin under close
AC TION clinical observation. Acute infusion reac-
The amphotericin products bind to sterols tions can occur including fever, shaking
in the fungal cell membrane, altering chills, hypotension, anorexia, nausea, vom-
permeability and allowing intracellular iting, and tachypnea.
components to leak out. These drugs usually • Caspofungin is contraindicated with
inhibit fungal growth and multiplication, concomitant use of cyclosporine because of
but if the level is high enough, the drugs the possibility of elevated liver enzymes.
can destroy fungi. The azole class of drugs • The amphotericin drugs aren’t inter-
includes fluconazole, itraconazole, keto- changeable and are each prescribed differ-
conazole, and voriconazole. Fluconazole ently.
inhibits fungal cytochrome P450, which
weakens fungal cell walls. Itraconazole
and voriconazole interfere with fungal wall Antihistamines
synthesis by inhibiting ergosterol formation cetirizine hydrochloride
and increasing cell wall permeability and chlorpheniramine maleate
osmotic instability. Ketoconazole inter- desloratadine
feres with sterol synthesis in fungal cells, diphenhydramine hydrochloride
damaging cell membranes and increasing fexofenadine hydrochloride
permeability. Caspofungin inhibits the syn- levocetirizine
thesis of an integral component of fungal loratadine
cell walls. Nystatin binds to sterols in fungal promethazine hydrochloride
cell membranes and alters membrane per-
meability. Terbinafine inhibits fungal cell INDICATIONS
growth by inhibiting an enzyme responsible ➤ Allergic rhinitis, urticaria, pruri-
for the manufacture of ergosterol. tus, vertigo, motion sickness, nausea
and vomiting, sedation, dyskinesia,
Fluconazole may cause transient elevations
of liver enzymes, alkaline phosphatase and AC TION
bilirubin levels, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, Antihistamines are structurally related
abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, headache, chemicals that compete with histamine
hypokalemia, elevated BUN and creati- for histamine H1 -receptor sites on smooth
nine levels. Itraconazole adverse reactions muscle of bronchi, GI tract, and large blood
include headache and nausea. The most vessels, binding to cellular receptors and
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Selected drug classifications 31

preventing access to and subsequent activ-

ity of histamine. They don’t directly alter Antihypertensives
histamine or prevent its release.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme
Most antihistamines cause drowsiness and benazepril hydrochloride
impaired motor function early in therapy. captopril
They also can cause blurred vision, con- enalaprilat
stipation, and dry mouth and throat. Some enalapril maleate
antihistamines, such as promethazine, may fosinopril sodium
cause cholestatic jaundice, which may lisinopril
be a hypersensitivity reaction, and may perindopril erbumine
predispose patients to photosensitivity. quinapril hydrochloride
Promethazine may also cause extrapyrami- ramipril
dal reactions with high doses. trandolapril

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Angiotensin II receptor blockers

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive candesartan cilexetil
to these drugs and in those with angle- eprosartan mesylate
closure glaucoma, stenosing peptic ulcer, irbesartan
pyloroduodenal obstruction, or bladder neck losartan potassium
obstruction. Also contraindicated in those olmesartan medoxomil
taking MAO inhibitors. telmisartan
• In pregnant women, safe use hasn’t been valsartan
established. During breast-feeding, antihis-
tamines shouldn’t be used because many Beta blockers
of these drugs appear in breast milk and atenolol
may cause unusual excitability in the infant. carvedilol
Neonates, especially premature infants, may labetalol hydrochloride
experience seizures. Children, especially metoprolol succinate
those younger than age 6, may experience metoprolol tartrate
paradoxical hyperexcitability with rest- nadolol
lessness, insomnia, nervousness, euphoria, propranolol hydrochloride
tremors, and seizures; give cautiously.
Elderly patients usually are more sensitive Calcium channel blockers
to the adverse effects of antihistamines, amlodipine besylate
especially dizziness, sedation, hypotension, diltiazem hydrochloride
and urine retention; use cautiously and felodipine
monitor these patients closely. nicardipine hydrochloride
verapamil hydrochloride

Centrally acting alpha blockers

clonidine hydrochloride
guanfacine hydrochloride

Direct renin inhibitor

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32 General information

Peripherally acting alpha antihypertensives appear in breast milk. In

blockers children, safety and effectiveness of many
doxazosin mesylate antihypertensives haven’t been established;
prazosin hydrochloride give these drugs cautiously and monitor
terazosin hydrochloride children closely. Elderly patients are more
susceptible to adverse reactions and may
Vasodilators need lower maintenance doses; monitor
hydralazine hydrochloride these patients closely.
nitroprusside sodium
INDICATIONS atorvastatin calcium
➤ Essential and secondary hypertension cholestyramine
colesevelam hydrochloride
AC TION ezetimibe
For information on the action of ACE fenofibrate
inhibitors, alpha blockers, angiotensin II fluvastatin sodium
receptor blockers, beta blockers, calcium gemfibrozil
channel blockers, and diuretics, see their lovastatin
individual drug class entries. Centrally pitavastatin
acting sympatholytics stimulate central pravastatin sodium
alpha-adrenergic receptors, reducing rosuvastatin calcium
cerebral sympathetic outflow, thereby de- simvastatin
creasing peripheral vascular resistance and
blood pressure. Vasodilators act directly on INDICATIONS
smooth muscle to reduce blood pressure. ➤ Hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia


Antihypertensives commonly cause or- Antilipemics lower elevated lipid levels.
thostatic changes in heart rate, headache, Bile-sequestering drugs (cholestyramine
hypotension, nausea, and vomiting. Other and colesevelam) lower LDL level by
reactions vary greatly among different drug forming insoluble complexes with bile
types. Centrally acting sympatholytics salts, thus triggering cholesterol to leave
may cause constipation, depression, dizzi- the bloodstream and other storage areas to
ness, drowsiness, dry mouth, headache, make new bile acids. Fibric acid deriva-
palpitations, severe rebound hypertension, tives (gemfibrozil) reduce cholesterol
and sexual dysfunction; methyldopa also formation, increase sterol excretion, and
may cause aplastic anemia and thrombo- decrease lipoprotein and triglyceride syn-
cytopenia. Vasodilators may cause ECG thesis. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
changes, diarrhea, dizziness, heart failure, (atorvastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin, pravas-
palpitations, pruritus, and rash. tatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin) interfere
with the activity of enzymes that generate
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS cholesterol in the liver. Selective cholesterol
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive absorption inhibitors (ezetimibe) inhibit
to these drugs and in those with hypoten- cholesterol absorption by the small intes-
sion. tine, reducing hepatic cholesterol stores and
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic or increasing cholesterol clearance from the
renal dysfunction. blood.
• In pregnant women, use cautiously when
potential benefits to the mother outweigh ADVERSE REACTIONS
risks to the fetus. Check each drug because Antilipemics commonly cause GI upset.
some are safe only in the first trimester. In Bile-sequestering drugs may cause bloating,
breast-feeding women, use cautiously; some cholelithiasis, constipation, and steatorrhea.
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Selected drug classifications 33

Fibric acid derivatives may cause cholelithi-

asis and have other GI or CNS effects. Use Antimetabolite
of gemfibrozil with lovastatin may cause antineoplastics
myopathy. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
may affect liver function or cause rash, pru- capecitabine
ritus, increased CK levels, rhabdomyolysis, cytarabine
and myopathy. fludarabine phosphate
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- mercaptopurine
tive to these drugs. Also, bile-sequestering methotrexate
drugs are contraindicated in patients with pemetrexed
complete biliary obstruction. Fibric acid
derivatives are contraindicated in patients INDICATIONS
with primary biliary cirrhosis or significant ➤ Various tumors and hematologic
hepatic or renal dysfunction. HMG-CoA conditions
reductase inhibitors and cholesterol ab-
sorption inhibitors are contraindicated in AC TION
patients with active liver disease or persis- Antimetabolites are structurally similar to
tently elevated transaminase levels. naturally occurring metabolites and can be
• Use bile-sequestering drugs cautiously divided into three subcategories: purine,
in constipated patients. Use fibric acid pyrimidine, and folinic acid analogues.
derivatives cautiously in patients with peptic Most of these drugs interrupt cell repro-
ulcer. Use HMG-CoA inhibitors cautiously duction at a specific phase of the cell cycle.
in patients who consume large amounts of Purine analogues are incorporated into
alcohol or who have a history of liver or DNA and RNA, interfering with nucleic
renal disease. acid synthesis (by miscoding) and repli-
• In pregnant women, use bile-sequestering cation. They also may inhibit synthesis
drugs and fibric acid derivatives cautiously of purine bases through pseudofeedback
and avoid using HMG-CoA inhibitors. In mechanisms. Pyrimidine analogues in-
breast-feeding women, avoid using fibric hibit enzymes in metabolic pathways that
acid derivatives and HMG-CoA inhibitors; interfere with biosynthesis of uridine and
give bile-sequestering drugs cautiously. In thymine. Folic acid antagonists prevent
children ages 10 to 17, certain antilipemics conversion of folic acid to tetrahydrofolate
have been approved to treat heterozygous by inhibiting the enzyme dihydrofolic acid
familial hypercholesterolemia. Elderly reductase.
patients have an increased risk of severe
constipation; use bile-sequestering drugs ADVERSE REACTIONS
cautiously and monitor patients closely. The most common adverse effects include
anxiety, bone marrow depression (anemia,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), chills,
diarrhea, fever, flank or joint pain, hair loss,
nausea, redness or pain at injection site,
stomatitis, swelling of the feet or lower legs,
and vomiting.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to these drugs.
• Pregnant women should be informed of
the risks to the fetus. Breast-feeding isn’t
recommended for women taking these
drugs. In children, safety and effectiveness
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34 General information

of some drugs haven’t been established;

use cautiously. Elderly patients have an Antiparkinsonians
increased risk of adverse reactions; monitor amantadine hydrochloride
them closely. apomorphine hydrochloride
benztropine mesylate
bromocriptine mesylate
Antimigraine drugs diphenhydramine hydrochloride
almotriptan entacapone
eletriptan hydrobromide levodopa and carbidopa
frovatriptan succinate levodopa, carbidopa, and
naratriptan hydrochloride entacapone
rizatriptan benzoate pramipexole dihydrochloride
sumatriptan succinate rasagiline mesylate
zolmitriptan ropinirole hydrochloride
selegiline hydrochloride
➤ Migraines with or without aura
AC TION ➤ Signs and symptoms of Parkinson
The antimigraine drugs are serotonin disease and drug-induced extrapy-
5HT-1 agonists. These drugs constrict ramidal reactions
cranial vessels, inhibit neuropeptide release
and reduce transmission in the trigeminal AC TION
nerve pathway. Antiparkinsonians include synthetic an-
ticholinergics, dopaminergics, and the
ADVERSE REACTIONS antiviral amantadine. Anticholinergics
These drugs have a wide range of adverse probably prolong the action of dopamine by
reactions. These include tingling, warmth or blocking its reuptake into presynaptic neu-
hot sensations, flushing, nasal discomfort, rons and by suppressing central cholinergic
visual disturbances, parasthesias, dizziness, activity. Dopaminergics act in the brain by
fatigue, somnolence, chest pain, neck, increasing dopamine availability, thus im-
throat or jaw pain, weakness, dry mouth, proving motor function. Entacapone is a
dyspepsia, nausea, sweating, and injection reversible inhibitor of peripheral catechol-
site reactions. Intranasal sumatriptan can O-methyltransferase (commonly known as
cause nasal or throat discomfort and taste COMT), which is responsible for elimina-
disturbances. tion of various catecholamines, including
dopamine. Blocking this pathway when
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS giving levodopa and carbidopa should result
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive in higher levels of levodopa, thereby allow-
to any of the drug components. ing greater dopaminergic stimulation in the
• Contraindicated in patients with ischemic CNS and leading to a greater effect in treat-
heart disease, angina, previous MI, uncon- ing parkinsonian symptoms. Amantadine is
trolled hypertension or other significant thought to increase dopamine release in the
underlying CV conditions, cerebrovascular substantia nigra.
disease, peripheral vascular disease, and
ischemic bowel disease. ADVERSE REACTIONS
Anticholinergics may cause blurred vision,
cycloplegia, constipation, decreased sweat-
ing or anhidrosis, dry mouth, headache,
mydriasis, palpitations, tachycardia, and
urinary hesitancy and urine retention.
Dopaminergics may cause arrhythmias,
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Selected drug classifications 35

confusion, disturbing dreams, dystonias, MI, recent MI, recent stroke or periph-
hallucinations, headache, muscle cramps, eral vascular disease (clopidogrel and
nausea, orthostatic hypotension, and vomit- ticlopidine)
ing. Amantadine also causes irritability,
insomnia, and livedo reticularis (with AC TION
prolonged use). The I.V. drugs abciximab, eptifibatide,
and tirofiban antagonize the GPIIb/IIIa
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS receptors located on platelets, which are
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive involved in platelet aggregation. Clopido-
to these drugs. grel is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation
• Use cautiously in patients with prostatic by inhibiting the binding of adenosine
hyperplasia or tardive dyskinesia and in diphosphate (ADP) to its platelet receptor
debilitated patients. and the subsequent ADP mediated acti-
• Neuroleptic malignant-like syndrome vation of the glycoprotein (GP)IIb/IIIa
involving muscle rigidity, increased body complex. Ticlopidine inhibits the binding of
temperature, and mental status changes may fibrinogen to platelets.
occur with abrupt withdrawal of antiparkin-
• In pregnant women, safe use hasn’t been The I.V. drugs can cause serious bleeding,
established. Antiparkinsonians may appear thrombocytopenia, and anaphylaxis. The
in breast milk; a decision should be made most common adverse reactions to the oral
to stop the drug or stop breast-feeding, agents include anaphylaxis, rash, stomach
taking into account the importance of the pain, nausea, and headache. Ticlopidine
drug to the mother. In children, safety and may cause neutropenia and elevated alkaline
effectiveness haven’t been established. phosphatase and serum transaminase levels.
Elderly patients have an increased risk for
adverse reactions; monitor them closely. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to any of the drug components.
Antiplatelet drugs • Contraindicated in active bleeding,
abciximab bleeding disorders, intracranial neoplasm,
cilostazol AV malformation or aneurysm, cerebrovas-
clopidogrel bisulfate cular accident (within 2 years), recent major
dipyridamole surgery or trauma, severe uncontrolled
eptifibatide hypertension, or thrombocytopenia.
ticlopidine hydrochloride
tirofiban hydrochloride Antirheumatics
INDICATIONS adalimumab
➤ Reduction of thrombolytic events by auranofin
reducing platelet aggregation; adjunct gold sodium thiomalate
to percutaneous catheter intervention, leflunomide
prevention of cardiac ischemic complica-
tions, or unstable angina not responding INDICATIONS
to conventional therapy when percuta- ➤ Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing
neous catheter intervention is planned spondylitis, Crohn disease, psoriatic
within 24 hours (abciximab); acute arthritis
coronary syndrome and percutaneous
catheter interventions (eptifibatide); AC TION
acute coronary syndrome (tirofiban); Inhibits T-cell activation by binding to
non-ST-segment elevation acute coro- CD80 and CD86, thereby blocking interac-
nary syndrome and ST-segment elevation tion with CD28. Activated T lymphocytes
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36 General information

are found in the synovium of patients with ADVERSE REACTIONS

rheumatoid arthritis. Some drugs bind to tu- Adverse reactions primarily affect the GI
mor necrosis factor (TNF) so it can’t bind to tract, peripheral nervous system and hepatic
a receptor and exert an effect. TNF plays an system. Isoniazid may precipitate seizures
important role in pathologic inflammation in patients with a seizure disorder and pro-
and joint destruction. duce optic or peripheral neuritis, as well as
elevated liver enzymes. Optic neuritis is the
ADVERSE REACTIONS only significant reaction to ethambutol. The
The most serious adverse reactions in- most common adverse reactions to rifampin
clude serious infections and malignan- include epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting,
cies in patients treated with abatacept and flatulence, abdominal cramps, anorexia and
adalimumab. The most common adverse diarrhea. Cycloserine can cause seizures,
reactions include rash, pruritus, hair loss, confusion, dizziness, headache, and somno-
urticaria, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, flat- lence.
ulence, dyspepsia, anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
stomatitis, hypertension, headache, and • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
hematuria. Serious adverse reactions from to any of the drug components.
gold therapy include anaphylactic shock, • Drugs should be discontinued or dosage
bradycardia, and angioneurotic edema. The reduced if patients develop signs of CNS
most common adverse reactions from gold toxicity including convulsions, psychosis,
therapy include dermatitis, pruritus, and somnolence, depression, confusion, hyper-
stomatitis. reflexia, headache, tremor, vertigo, paresis,
or dysarthria.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to any of the drug components. Barbiturates
• Use cautiously in patients receiving two phenobarbital
antirheumatics with similar mechanisms of phenobarbital sodium
• Use with caution in patients with a history INDICATIONS
of recurrent infections, COPD, CNS disor- ➤ Sedation, preanesthetic, short-term
ders, demyelinating disorders, heart failure, treatment of insomnia, seizure disorders
and immunosuppression.
Barbiturates act throughout the CNS,
Antituberculotics especially in the mesencephalic reticular
cycloserine activating system, which controls the CNS
ethambutol hydrochloride arousal mechanism. The main anticonvul-
isoniazid sant actions are reduced nerve transmission
rifabutin and decreased excitability of the nerve
rifampin cell. Barbiturates decrease presynaptic and
rifapentine postsynaptic membrane excitability by pro-
moting the actions of GABA. They also
INDICATIONS depress respiration and GI motility and raise
➤ Acute pulmonary and extrapulmonary the seizure threshold.
tuberculosis, acute UTIs
AC TION CNS depression, drowsiness, headache,
Inhibits cell wall synthesis in susceptible lethargy, and vertigo are common with
strains of gram-positive and gram-negative barbiturates. After hypnotic doses, a hang-
bacteria and if Mycobacterium tuberculosis over effect, subtle distortion of mood, and
is identified. impaired judgment and motor skills may
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Selected drug classifications 37

continue for many hours. After dosage re- tion or amnesia in surgery (diazepam,
duction or discontinuation, rebound insom- lorazepam, midazolam); skeletal muscle
nia or increased dreaming or nightmares spasm and tremor (oral forms of chlor-
may occur. Barbiturates cause hyperalgesia diazepoxide and diazepam); delirium
in subhypnotic doses. They can also cause
paradoxical excitement at low doses, con- AC TION
fusion in elderly patients, and hyperactivity Benzodiazepines act selectively on polysy-
in children. High fever, severe headache, naptic neuronal pathways throughout the
stomatitis, conjunctivitis, or rhinitis may CNS. Precise sites and mechanisms of
precede potentially fatal skin eruptions. action aren’t fully known. However, benzo-
Withdrawal symptoms may occur after as diazepines enhance or facilitate the action
little as 2 weeks of uninterrupted therapy. of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in
the CNS. These drugs appear to act at the
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS limbic, thalamic, and hypothalamic levels
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- of the CNS to produce anxiolytic, sedative,
tive to these drugs and in those with bron- hypnotic, skeletal muscle relaxant, and
chopneumonia, other severe pulmonary anticonvulsant effects.
insufficiency, or liver dysfunction.
• Use cautiously in patients with blood ADVERSE REACTIONS
pressure alterations, pulmonary disease, and Therapeutic dose may cause drowsiness,
CV dysfunction. Use cautiously, if at all, in impaired motor function, constipation,
patients who are depressed or have suicidal diarrhea, vomiting, altered appetite, urinary
tendencies. changes, visual disturbances, and CV irreg-
• Barbiturates can cause fetal abnormali- ularities. Toxic dose may cause continuing
ties; avoid use in pregnant women. Barbi- problems with short-term memory, confu-
turates appear in breast milk and may result sion, severe depression, shakiness, vertigo,
in infant CNS depression; use cautiously. slurred speech, staggering, bradycardia,
Premature infants are more susceptible to shortness of breath, difficulty breathing,
depressant effects of barbiturates because or severe weakness. Prolonged or frequent
of their immature hepatic metabolism. use of benzodiazepines can cause physical
Children may experience hyperactivity, dependency and withdrawal syndrome when
excitement, or hyperalgesia; use cautiously drug is stopped.
and monitor closely. Elderly patients may
experience hyperactivity, excitement, or CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
hyperalgesia; use cautiously. • Contraindicated in patients hypersen-
sitive to these drugs, in those with acute
angle-closure glaucoma, and in those with
Benzodiazepines depressive neuroses or psychotic reactions
alprazolam in which anxiety isn’t prominent.
chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride • Avoid use in patients with suicidal ten-
diazepam dencies and patients with a history of drug
lorazepam abuse.
midazolam hydrochloride • Use cautiously in patients with chronic
oxazepam pulmonary insufficiency or sleep apnea and
temazepam in those with hepatic or renal insufficiency.
triazolam • In pregnant patients, benzodiazepines in-
crease the risk of congenital malformation if
INDICATIONS taken in the first trimester. Use during labor
➤ Seizure disorders (diazepam, mida- may cause neonatal flaccidity. A neonate
zolam, parenteral lorazepam); anxiety, whose mother took a benzodiazepine during
tension, and insomnia (chlordiazepox- pregnancy may have withdrawal symptoms.
ide, diazepam, lorazepam, oxazepam, In breast-feeding women, benzodiazepines
temazepam, triazolam); conscious seda- may cause sedation, feeding difficulties, and
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38 General information

weight loss in the infant. In children, use ADVERSE REACTIONS

caution; they’re especially sensitive to CNS Therapeutic dose may cause bradycardia,
depressant effects. In elderly patients, ben- dizziness, and fatigue; some may cause
zodiazepine elimination may be prolonged; other CNS disturbances, such as depres-
consider a lower dosage. sion, hallucinations, memory loss, and
nightmares. Toxic dose can produce severe
hypotension, bradycardia, heart failure, or
Beta blockers bronchospasm.


atenolol • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
betaxolol to these drugs and in patients with cardio-
esmolol hydrochloride genic shock, sinus bradycardia, heart block
metoprolol tartrate greater than first degree, and bronchial
Beta1 and beta2 blockers • Use cautiously in patients with nonal-
carvedilol lergic bronchospastic disorders, diabetes
labetalol hydrochloride mellitus, impaired hepatic or renal function,
nadolol and congestive heart failure.
propranolol hydrochloride • Use caution in discontinuing drug; dose
sotalol hydrochloride should be tapered. Suddenly stopping can
worsen angina or precipitate MI.
INDICATIONS • In pregnant women, use cautiously. Drugs
➤ Hypertension (most drugs), angina appear in breast milk. In children, safety
pectoris (atenolol, metoprolol, nadolol, and effectiveness haven’t been established;
and propranolol), arrhythmias (esmolol, use only if the benefits outweigh the risks.
propranolol and sotalol), glaucoma (be- In elderly patients, use cautiously; these
taxolol), prevention of MI (atenolol, patients may need reduced maintenance
metoprolol, and propranolol), prevention doses because of increased bioavailability,
of recurrent migraine and other vascular delayed metabolism, and increased adverse
headaches (propranolol), pheochromo- effects.
cytomas or essential tremors (selected
drugs), heart failure (atenolol, carvedilol,
metoprolol) Calcium channel blockers
amlodipine besylate
AC TION clevidipine butyrate
Beta blockers compete with beta agonists diltiazem hydrochloride
for available beta receptors; individual felodipine
drugs differ in their ability to affect beta nicardipine hydrochloride
receptors. Some drugs are nonselective: nifedipine
they block beta1 receptors in cardiac mus- nisoldipine
cle and beta2 receptors in bronchial and verapamil hydrochloride
vascular smooth muscle. Several drugs are
cardioselective and, in lower doses, inhibit INDICATIONS
mainly beta1 receptors. Some beta blockers ➤ Prinzmetal variant angina, chronic
have intrinsic sympathomimetic activity stable angina, unstable angina, mild-to-
and stimulate and block beta receptors, and moderate hypertension, arrhythmias
thereby have less affect on slowing heart
rate. Others stabilize cardiac membranes, AC TION
which affects cardiac action potential. The main physiologic action of calcium
channel blockers is to inhibit calcium influx
across the slow channels of myocardial and
vascular smooth muscle cells. By inhibiting
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Selected drug classifications 39

calcium flow into these cells, calcium chan-

nel blockers reduce intracellular calcium Cephalosporins
levels. This, in turn, dilates coronary arter-
ies, peripheral arteries, and arterioles and First generation
slows cardiac conduction. cefadroxil
When used to treat Prinzmetal variant cefazolin sodium
angina, calcium channel blockers inhibit cephalexin
coronary spasm, which then increases
oxygen delivery to the heart. Peripheral Second generation
artery dilation reduces afterload, which de- cefoxitin sodium
creases myocardial oxygen use. Inhibiting cefprozil
calcium flow into specialized cardiac con- cefuroxime axetil
duction cells in the SA and AV nodes slows cefuroxime sodium
conduction through the heart. Verapamil
and diltiazem have the greatest effect on the Third generation
AV node, which slows the ventricular rate cefdinir
in atrial fibrillation or flutter and converts cefotaxime sodium
supraventricular tachycardia to a normal cefpodoxime proxetil
sinus rhythm. ceftazidime
ceftriaxone sodium
Verapamil may cause bradycardia, hypoten- INDICATIONS
sion, various degrees of heart block, and ➤ Infections of the lungs, skin, soft
worsening of heart failure after rapid I.V. tissue, bones, joints, urinary and res-
delivery. Prolonged oral verapamil therapy piratory tracts, blood, abdomen, and
may cause constipation. Nifedipine may heart; CNS infections caused by suscep-
cause flushing, headache, heartburn, hypo- tible strains of Neisseria meningitidis,
tension, lightheadedness, and peripheral Haemophilus influenzae, and
edema. The most common adverse reactions Streptococcus pneumoniae; meningitis
with diltiazem are anorexia and nausea; it caused by Escherichia coli or Klebsiella;
also may induce bradycardia, heart failure, infections that develop after surgical
peripheral edema, and various degrees of procedures classified as contaminated or
heart block. potentially contaminated; penicillinase-
producing N. gonorrhoeae; otitis me-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS dia and ampicillin-resistant middle ear
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive infection caused by H. influenzae
to these drugs and in those with second-
or third-degree heart block (except those AC TION
with a pacemaker) and cardiogenic shock. Cephalosporins are chemically and phar-
Use diltiazem and verapamil cautiously in macologically similar to penicillin; they act
patients with heart failure. by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis,
• In pregnant women, use cautiously. Cal- causing rapid cell destruction. Their sites
cium channel blockers may appear in breast of action are enzymes known as penicillin-
milk; instruct patient to stop breast-feeding binding proteins. The affinity of certain
during therapy. In neonates and infants, cephalosporins for these proteins in var-
adverse hemodynamic effects of parenteral ious microorganisms helps explain the
verapamil are possible, but safety and effec- differing actions of these drugs. They are
tiveness of other calcium channel blockers bactericidal: they act against many aerobic
haven’t been established; avoid use, if pos- gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
sible. In elderly patients, the half-life of and some anaerobic bacteria but don’t kill
calcium channel blockers may be increased fungi or viruses.
as a result of decreased clearance; use cau- First-generation cephalosporins act
tiously. against many gram-positive cocci, including
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40 General information

penicillinase-producing Staphylococcus superinfections may result from suppression

aureus and S. epidermidis, S. pneumoniae, of normal flora.
group B streptococci, and group A beta-
hemolytic streptococci. Susceptible gram- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
negative organisms include Klebsiella • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
pneumoniae, E. coli, Proteus mirabilis, and to these drugs.
Shigella. • Use cautiously in patients with renal or
Second-generation cephalosporins are hepatic impairment, history of GI disease,
effective against all organisms attacked by or allergy to penicillins.
first-generation drugs and have additional • In pregnant women, use cautiously; safety
activity against Moraxella catarrhalis, hasn’t been definitively established. In
H. influenzae, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, breast-feeding women, use cautiously
Providencia, Acinetobacter, Serratia, and because drugs appear in breast milk. In
Neisseria. Bacteroides fragilis are suscepti- neonates and infants, half-life is prolonged;
ble to cefoxitin. use cautiously. Elderly patients are suscep-
Third-generation cephalosporins are less tible to superinfection and coagulopathies,
active than first- and second-generation commonly have renal impairment, and may
drugs against gram-positive bacteria but need a lower dosage; use cautiously.
are more active against gram-negative
organisms, including those resistant to first-
and second-generation drugs. They have the CNS stimulants
greatest stability against beta-lactamases armodafinil
produced by gram-negative bacteria. doxapram hydrochloride
Susceptible gram-negative organisms in- modafinil
clude E. coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, phentermine hydrochloride
Providencia, Acinetobacter, Serratia,
Proteus, Morganella, and Neisseria. Some INDICATIONS
third-generation drugs are active against ➤ Stimulation of respiration in patients
B. fragilis and Pseudomonas. with drug-induced postanesthesia res-
piratory depression or CNS depression
ADVERSE REACTIONS caused by overdose and as temporary
Many cephalosporins have similar adverse measure in acute respiratory insuf-
effects. Hypersensitivity reactions range ficiency (doxapram and modafinil);
from mild rashes, fever, and eosinophilia to obesity (phentermine); narcolepsy
fatal anaphylaxis and are more common in (armodafinil and modafinil)
patients with penicillin allergy. Adverse GI
reactions include abdominal pain, diarrhea, AC TION
dyspepsia, glossitis, nausea, tenesmus, and Doxapram and modafinil produce respi-
vomiting. Hematologic reactions include ratory stimulation through the peripheral
positive direct and indirect antiglobulin in carotid chemoreceptors. Phentermine is a
Coombs’ test, thrombocytopenia or throm- sympathomimetic amine. The exact mech-
bocythemia, transient neutropenia, and anism of action in treating obesity isn’t
reversible leukopenia. Minimal elevation of established.
liver function test results occurs occasion-
ally. Adverse renal effects may occur with ADVERSE REACTIONS
any cephalosporin; they are most common Phentermine’s adverse reactions are related
in older patients, those with decreased renal to its stimulatory effect including hyper-
function, and those taking other nephrotoxic tension, palpitations, tachyarrhythmias,
drugs. urticaria, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness,
Local venous pain and irritation are excitement, insomnia, tremor, and rest-
common after I.M. injection; these reactions lessness.
occur more often with higher doses and
long-term therapy. Bacterial and fungal
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Selected drug classifications 41


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Corticosteroids
to any of the drug components. beclomethasone dipropionate
• Doxapram and modafinil are contraindi- betamethasone
cated in epilepsy, seizure disorders, me- budesonide
chanical disorders of ventilation such as ciclesonide
muscle paresis, flail chest, pneumothorax, dexamethasone
asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, head injury, dexamethasone sodium phosphate
stroke, cerebral edema, uncompensated fludrocortisone acetate
congestive heart failure, severe coronary flunisolide
disease, and severe hypertension. fluticasone propionate
• Delay administration of doxapram and hydrocortisone
modafinil in patients who have received hydrocortisone acetate
general anesthesia utilizing a volatile agent hydrocortisone butyrate
until the volatile agent has been excreted. hydrocortisone cypionate
This will lessen the chance for arrhyth- hydrocortisone probutate
mias including ventricular tachycardia or hydrocortisone sodium succinate
ventricular fibrillation. hydrocortisone valerate
• Administer doxapram and modafinil cau- methylprednisolone
tiously in patients taking MAO inhibitors methylprednisolone acetate
or sympathomimetics because an added methylprednisolone sodium
pressor effect may occur. succinate
• Administer doxapram and modafinil cau- prednisolone
tiously in patients taking aminophylline or prednisolone acetate
theophylline because agitation and hyperac- prednisolone sodium phosphate
tivity may occur. prednisone
• Phentermine is contraindicated in agitated triamcinolone
states, CV disease, history of drug abuse,
severe hypertension, hyperthyroidism, INDICATIONS
glaucoma, and during or within 14 days ➤ Hypersensitivity; inflammation, par-
following use of MAO inhibitors. ticularly of eye, nose, and respiratory
tract; to initiate immunosuppression;
replacement therapy in adrenocortical
insufficiency, dermatologic diseases,
respiratory disorders, rheumatic

Corticosteroids suppress cell-mediated and
humoral immunity by reducing levels of
leukocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils;
by decreasing immunoglobulin binding to
cell-surface receptors; and by inhibiting
interleukin synthesis. They reduce inflam-
mation by preventing hydrolytic enzyme
release into the cells, preventing plasma
exudation, suppressing polymorphonuclear
leukocyte migration, and disrupting other
inflammatory processes.

Systemic corticosteroid therapy may sup-
press the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
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42 General information

(HPA) axis. Excessive use may cause Loop diuretics produce more diuresis and
cushingoid symptoms and various systemic electrolyte loss than thiazide diuretics.
disorders, such as diabetes and osteoporo-
sis. Other effects may include dermatologic ADVERSE REACTIONS
disorders, edema, euphoria, fluid and elec- Therapeutic dose commonly causes
trolyte imbalances, gastritis or GI irritation, metabolic and electrolyte disturbances,
hypertension, immunosuppression, in- particularly potassium depletion. It also
creased appetite, insomnia, psychosis, and may cause hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia,
weight gain. hypochloremic alkalosis, and hypomagne-
semia. Rapid parenteral administration may
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS cause hearing loss (including deafness) and
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive tinnitus. High doses can produce profound
to these drugs or any of their components diuresis, leading to hypovolemia and CV
and in those with systemic fungal infection. collapse. Photosensitivity also may occur.
• Use cautiously in patients with GI ulcera-
tion, renal disease, hypertension, osteoporo- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
sis, varicella, vaccinia, exanthema, diabetes • Contraindicated in patients hypersen-
mellitus, hypothyroidism, thromboembolic sitive to these drugs and in patients with
disorder, seizures, myasthenia gravis, heart anuria, hepatic coma, or severe electrolyte
failure, tuberculosis, ocular herpes simplex, depletion.
hypoalbuminemia, emotional instability, or • Use cautiously in patients with severe re-
psychosis. nal disease. Also use cautiously in patients
• In pregnant women, avoid use, if possible, with severe hypersensitivity to sulfonamides
because of risk to the fetus. Women should because allergic reaction may occur.
stop breast-feeding because these drugs • In pregnant women, use cautiously.
appear in breast milk and could cause seri- In breast-feeding women, don’t use. In
ous adverse effects in infants. In children, neonates, use cautiously; the usual pedi-
long-term use should be avoided whenever atric dose can be used, but dosage intervals
possible because stunted growth may result. should be extended. In elderly patients, use
Elderly patients may have an increased risk a lower dose, if needed, and monitor patient
of adverse reactions; monitor them closely. closely; these patients are more susceptible
to drug-induced diuresis.
Diuretics, loop
bumetanide Diuretics, potassium-sparing
ethacrynate sodium spironolactone
ethacrynic acid
furosemide INDICATIONS
torsemide ➤ Edema from hepatic cirrhosis,
nephrotic syndrome, and heart failure;
INDICATIONS mild or moderate hypertension; diag-
➤ Edema from heart failure, hepatic nosis of primary hyperaldosteronism;
cirrhosis, or nephrotic syndrome; mild- metabolic alkalosis produced by thiazide
to-moderate hypertension; adjunct treat- and other kaliuretic diuretics; recurrent
ment in acute pulmonary edema or hy- calcium nephrolithiasis; lithium-induced
pertensive crisis polyuria secondary to lithium-induced
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; aid in the
AC TION treatment of hypokalemia; prophylaxis of
Loop diuretics inhibit sodium and chloride hypokalemia in patients taking cardiac
reabsorption in the ascending loop of Henle, glycosides; precocious puberty and fe-
thus increasing excretion of sodium, chlo- male hirsutism; adjunct to treatment of
ride, and water. Like thiazide diuretics, loop myasthenia gravis and familial periodic
diuretics increase excretion of potassium. paralysis
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Selected drug classifications 43

AC TION hypertension; diabetes insipidus, particu-

Spironolactone competitively inhibits al- larly nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
dosterone at the distal renal tubules, also
promoting sodium excretion and potassium AC TION
retention. Thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics in-
terfere with sodium transport across the
ADVERSE REACTIONS tubules of the cortical diluting segment in
Hyperkalemia is the most serious adverse the nephron, thereby increasing renal excre-
reaction; it could lead to arrhythmias. Other tion of sodium, chloride, water, potassium,
adverse reactions include nausea, vomit- and calcium.
ing, headache, weakness, fatigue, bowel Thiazide diuretics also exert an antihy-
disturbances, cough, and dyspnea. pertensive effect. Although the exact mech-
anism is unknown, direct arteriolar dilation
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS may be partially responsible. In diabetes
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive insipidus, thiazides cause a paradoxical
to spironolactone, those with a potassium decrease in urine volume and an increase
level above 5.5 mEq/L, those taking other in renal concentration of urine, possibly
potassium-sparing diuretics or potassium because of sodium depletion and decreased
supplements, and those with anuria, acute plasma volume. This increases water and
or chronic renal insufficiency, or diabetic sodium reabsorption in the kidneys.
• Use cautiously in patients with severe ADVERSE REACTIONS
hepatic insufficiency because electrolyte Therapeutic doses cause electrolyte and
imbalance may lead to hepatic encephalopa- metabolic disturbances, most commonly
thy, and in patients with diabetes, who are at potassium depletion. Other abnormalities
increased risk for hyperkalemia. include elevated cholesterol levels, hyper-
• In pregnant women, no controlled studies calcemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia,
exist. Women who wish to breast-feed hypochloremic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia,
should consult prescriber because drug and hyponatremia. Photosensitivity also
may appear in breast milk. In children, may occur.
use cautiously; they’re more susceptible to
hyperkalemia. In elderly and debilitated CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
patients, observe closely and reduce dosage, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
if needed; they’re more susceptible to drug- to these drugs and in those with anuria.
induced diuresis and hyperkalemia. • Use cautiously in patients with severe
renal disease, impaired hepatic function, or
progressive liver disease.
Diuretics, thiazide and • In pregnant women, use cautiously. In
thiazide-like breast-feeding women, thiazides are con-
traindicated because they appear in breast
Thiazide milk. In children, safety and effective-
hydrochlorothiazide ness haven’t been established. In elderly
patients, reduce dosage, if needed, and
Thiazide-like monitor patient closely; these patients are
indapamide more susceptible to drug-induced diuresis.

➤ Edema from right-sided heart fail-
ure, mild-to-moderate left-sided heart
failure, or nephrotic syndrome; edema
and ascites caused by hepatic cirrhosis;
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44 General information

appetite; loss of libido; nausea; photosen-

Estrogens sitivity; swollen feet or ankles; and weight
esterified estrogens gain.
estradiol Long-term effects include benign hep-
estradiol cypionate atomas, cholestatic jaundice, elevated blood
estradiol hemihydrate pressure (sometimes into the hypertensive
estradiol valerate range), endometrial carcinoma (rare), and
estrogenic substances, conjugated thromboembolic disease (risk increases
estropipate greatly with cigarette smoking, especially in
women older than age 35).
➤ Prevention of moderate to severe CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
vasomotor symptoms linked to • Contraindicated in women with throm-
menopause, such as hot flushes and bophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders,
dizziness; stimulation of vaginal tissue unexplained abnormal genital bleeding, or
development, cornification, and secretory estrogen-dependent neoplasia.
activity; inhibition of hormone-sensitive • Use cautiously in patients with hyperten-
cancer growth; female hypogonadism; sion; metabolic bone disease; migraines;
female castration; primary ovulation seizures; asthma; cardiac, renal, or hepatic
failure; ovulation control; prevention of impairment; blood dyscrasia; diabetes;
conception family history of breast cancer; or
fibrocystic disease.
AC TION • In pregnant or breast-feeding women, use
Estrogens promote the development and is contraindicated. In adolescents whose
maintenance of the female reproductive bone growth isn’t complete, use cautiously
system and secondary sexual characteris- because of effects on epiphyseal closure.
tics. They inhibit the release of pituitary Postmenopausal women with a history of
gonadotropins and have various metabolic long-term estrogen use have an increased
effects, including retention of fluid and elec- risk of endometrial cancer and stroke. Post-
trolytes, retention and deposition in bone of menopausal women also have increased
calcium and phosphorus, and mild anabolic risk for breast cancer, MI, stroke, and blood
activity. Of the six naturally occurring es- clots with long-term use of estrogen plus
trogens in humans, estradiol, estrone, and progestin.
estriol are present in significant quantities.
Estrogens and estrogenic substances
given as drugs have effects related to en- Fluoroquinolones
dogenous estrogen’s mechanism of action. ciprofloxacin
They can mimic the action of endogenous gemifloxacin mesylate
estrogen when used as replacement therapy levofloxacin
and can inhibit ovulation or the growth of moxifloxacin hydrochloride
certain hormone-sensitive cancers. Conju- ofloxacin
gated estrogens and estrogenic substances
are normally obtained from the urine of INDICATIONS
pregnant mares. Other estrogens are manu- ➤ Bone and joint infection, bacterial
factured synthetically. bronchitis, endocervical and urethral
chlamydial infection, bacterial gas-
ADVERSE REACTIONS troenteritis, endocervical and urethral
Acute adverse reactions include abdomi- gonorrhea, intra-abdominal infection,
nal cramps; bloating caused by fluid and empiric therapy for febrile neutropenia,
electrolyte retention; breast swelling and pelvic inflammatory disease, bacterial
tenderness; changes in menstrual bleeding pneumonia, bacterial prostatitis, acute
patterns, such as spotting and prolongation sinusitis, skin and soft tissue infection,
or absence of bleeding; headache; loss of typhoid fever, bacterial UTI (prevention
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Selected drug classifications 45

and treatment), chancroid, meningococ- tis or tendon rupture. Adverse reactions

cal carriers, and bacterial septicemia that need no medical attention unless they
caused by susceptible organisms persist or become intolerable include CNS
effects (dizziness, headache, nervousness,
AC TION drowsiness, insomnia), GI reactions, and
Fluoroquinolones produce a bacterici- photosensitivity.
dal effect by inhibiting intracellular DNA
topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase), which CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
prevents DNA replication. These enzymes • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
are essential catalysts in the duplication, tive to fluoroquinolones because serious,
transcription, and repair of bacterial DNA. possibly fatal, reactions can occur.
Fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum, • Use cautiously in patients with known or
systemic antibacterial drugs active against suspected CNS disorders that predispose
a wide range of aerobic gram-positive and them to seizures or lower seizure threshold,
gram-negative organisms. Gram-positive cerebral ischemia, severe hepatic dysfunc-
aerobic bacteria include Staphylococcus tion, or renal insufficiency.
aureus, S. epidermis, S. hemolyticus, • In pregnant women, these drugs cross
S. saprophyticus; penicillinase- and non– the placenta and may cause arthropathies.
penicillinase-producing staphylococci Breast-feeding isn’t recommended because
and some methicillin-resistant strains; these drugs may cause arthropathies in
Streptococcus pneumoniae; group A (beta) newborns and infants, although it isn’t
hemolytic streptococci (S. pyogenes); group known if all fluoroquinolones appear in
B streptococci (S. agalactiae); viridans breast milk. In children, fluoroquinolones
streptococci; groups C, F, and G strepto- aren’t recommended because they can cause
cocci and nonenterococcal group D strepto- joint problems. In elderly patients, reduce
cocci; Enterococcus faecalis. These drugs dosage, if needed, because these patients are
are active against gram-positive aerobic more likely to have reduced renal function.
bacilli including Corynebacterium species,
Listeria monocytogenes, and Nocardia
asteroides. Hematopoietic agents
Fluoroquinolones are also effective darbepoetin alfa
against gram-negative aerobic bacteria in- epoetin alfa
cluding, but not limited to, Neisseria menin-
gitidis and most strains of penicillinase- and INDICATIONS
non–penicillinase-producing Haemophilus ➤ Anemia associated with chronic re-
ducreyi, H. influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, nal failure, zidovudine therapy in pa-
Moraxella catarrhalis, N. gonorrhoeae, tients with HIV and cancer patients on
and most clinically important Enterobac- chemotherapy; reduce the need for al-
teriaceae, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. logeneic blood transfusions in surgical
Certain fluoroquinolones are active against patients (epoetin alpha and related
Chlamydia trachomatis, Legionella products)
pneumophila, Mycobacterium avium-
intracellulare, Mycoplasma hominis, AC TION
M. pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas Epoetin and darbepoetin stimulate RBC
aeruginosa. production in the bone marrow.


Adverse reactions that are rare but need Hematopoietic agents may cause fatigue,
medical attention include CNS stimulation headache, weakness, chest pain, hyper-
(acute psychosis, agitation, hallucinations, tension, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting,
tremors), hepatotoxicity, hypersensitivity diarrhea, constipation, mucositis, stom-
reactions, interstitial nephritis, phlebitis, atitis, anorexia, myalgias, neutropenic
pseudomembranous colitis, and tendini- fever, dyspnea, cough, sore throat, alopecia,
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46 General information

rash, urticaria, and stinging at the injection and effectiveness haven’t been established.
site. Elderly patients have increased risk of ad-
verse reactions, particularly those affecting
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to any of the drug components or human
albumin. Immunosuppressants
• Contraindicated in uncontrolled hyperten- alefacept
sion. anakinra
• Darbepoetin alfa and epoetin alfa azathioprine
shouldn’t be used in patients with breast, basiliximab
non–small-cell lung, head and neck, lym- certolizumab pegol
phoid, and cervical cancers, or for the treat- cyclosporine
ment of cancers with curative potential. etanercept
• Use cautiously in patients with cardiac glatiramer acetate
disease, seizures, and porphyria. infliximab
lymphocyte immune globulin
Histamine2 -receptor mycophenolate mofetil
antagonists sirolimus
cimetidine tacrolimus
ranitidine hydrochloride INDICATIONS
➤ Prevention of rejection in organ trans-
INDICATIONS plants and in the management of severe
➤ Acute duodenal or gastric ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastroe-
sophageal reflux AC TION
The exact mechanism of action is not fully
AC TION known. Immunosuppressants act by sup-
All H2 -receptor antagonists inhibit the pressing cell-mediated hypersensitivity
action of H2 -receptors in gastric parietal reactions and produce various alterations in
cells, reducing gastric acid output and con- antibody production, blocking the activity
centration, regardless of stimulants, such of interleukin, inhibiting helper T cells and
as histamine, food, insulin, and caffeine, or suppressor T cells and antagonizing the
basal conditions. metabolism of purine, therefore inhibiting
ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid
ADVERSE REACTIONS structure and synthesis.
H2 -receptor antagonists rarely cause ad-
verse reactions. Cardiac arrhythmias, ADVERSE REACTIONS
dizziness, fatigue, gynecomastia, headache, Immunosuppressants may cause albumin-
mild and transient diarrhea, and thrombocy- uria, hematuria, proteinuria, renal failure,
topenia are possible. hepatotoxicity, oral Candida infections,
gingival hyperplasia, tremors, and
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS headache. The most serious reactions in-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive clude leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and
to these drugs. risk of secondary infection.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
renal or hepatic function. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• In pregnant women, use cautiously. In • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
breast-feeding women, H2 -receptor antago- to any of the drug components.
nists are contraindicated because they may
appear in breast milk. In children, safety
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Selected drug classifications 47

• Use cautiously in patients with severe

renal disease, severe hepatic disease, or Laxatives
calcium polycarbophil
digoxin Emollient
milrinone docusate calcium
docusate sodium
➤ Heart failure and supraventricular Hyperosmolar
arrhythmias including supraventricular glycerin
tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and atrial lactulose
flutter (digoxin); short-term heart failure lubiprostone
and patients awaiting heart transplanta- magnesium citrate
tion (milrinone) magnesium hydroxide
magnesium sulfate
AC TION sodium phosphates
The drugs help move calcium into the cells
which increases cardiac output by strength- Stimulant
ening contractility. Digoxin also acts on the bisacodyl
central nervous system to slow heart rate.
Milrinone relaxes vascular smooth muscle, INDICATIONS
decreasing peripheral vascular resistance ➤ Constipation, irritable bowel syn-
(afterload) and the amount of blood return- drome, diverticulosis
ing to the heart (preload).
ADVERSE REACTIONS Laxatives promote movement of intestinal
Inotropics may cause arrhythmias, nausea, contents through the colon and rectum in
vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, men- several ways: bulk-forming, emollient,
tal disturbances, visual changes, and chest hyperosmolar, and stimulant.
pain. Milrinone may cause thrombocytope-
nia, hypotension, hypokalemia, and elevated ADVERSE REACTIONS
liver enzymes. All laxatives may cause flatulence, diarrhea,
and abdominal disturbances. Bulk-forming
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS laxatives may cause intestinal obstruction,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive impaction, or (rarely) esophageal obstruc-
to any of the drug components. tion. Emollient laxatives may irritate the
• Digoxin is contraindicated in ventricular throat. Hyperosmolar laxatives may cause
fibrillation. fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Stimulant
• Use digoxin cautiously in patients with laxatives may cause urine discoloration,
renal insufficiency because of the potential malabsorption, and weight loss.
for digoxin toxicity. Use digoxin cautiously
in patients with sinus node disease or AV CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
block because of the potential for advanced • Contraindicated in patients with GI
heart block. obstruction or perforation, toxic colitis,
megacolon, nausea and vomiting, or acute
surgical abdomen.
• Use cautiously in patients with rectal or
anal conditions such as rectal bleeding or
large hemorrhoids.
• For pregnant women and breast-feeding
women, recommendations vary for
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48 General information

individual drugs. Infants and children have and to manage patients who are fighting
an increased risk of fluid and electrolyte mechanical ventilation
disturbances; use cautiously. In elderly
patients, dependence is more likely to AC TION
develop because of age-related changes in Nondepolarizing blockers (atracurium,
GI function. Monitor these patients closely. cisatracurium, pancuronium) compete with
acetylcholine at cholinergic receptor sites
on the skeletal muscle membrane. This ac-
Macrolide anti-infectives tion blocks acetylcholine’s neurotransmitter
azithromycin actions, preventing muscle contraction. Suc-
clarithromycin cinylcholine is a depolarizing blocker. This
erythromycin ethylsuccinate drug isn’t inactivated by cholinesterase,
erythromycin lactobionate thereby preventing repolarization of the mo-
erythromycin stearate tor endplate and causing muscle paralysis.


➤ Various common infections Neuromuscular blockers may cause apnea,
hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmias,
AC TION tachycardia, bronchospasm, excessive
Inhibit RNA-dependent protein synthesis bronchial or salivary secretions, and skin
by acting on a small portion of the 50S reactions.
ribosomal unit.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
These drugs may cause nausea, vomiting, to any of the drug components.
diarrhea, abdominal pain, palpitations, • The drugs should be used only by per-
chest pain, vaginal candidiasis, nephritis, sonnel skilled in airway management and
dizziness, headache, vertigo, somnolence, respiratory support.
rash, and photosensitivity.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive anti-inflammatory drugs
to any of the drug components. aspirin
• Contraindicated in patients with con- celecoxib
comitant use of terfenadine, astemizole, or diclofenac epolamine
cisapride due to the potential for cardiac diclofenac potassium
arrhythmias. These drugs also have the diclofenac sodium
potential to cause many other drug interac- diflunisal
tions when given with other drugs; screen etodolac
carefully. ibuprofen
indomethacin sodium trihydrate
Neuromuscular blockers ketoprofen
atracurium besylate ketorolac tromethamine
cisatracurium besylate nabumetone
pancuronium bromide naproxen
succinylcholine chloride naproxen sodium

➤ Relax skeletal muscle during surgery ➤ Mild to moderate pain, inflammation,
to reduce the intensity of muscle spasms stiffness, swelling, or tenderness caused
in drug- or electrically induced seizures by headache, arthralgia, myalgia, neural-
gia, dysmenorrhea, rheumatoid arthritis,
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Selected drug classifications 49

juvenile arthritis, osteoarthritis, or

dental or surgical procedures Nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors
AC TION abacavir sulfate
The analgesic effect of NSAIDs may result didanosine
from interference with the prostaglandins emtricitabine
involved in pain. Prostaglandins appear lamivudine
to sensitize pain receptors to mechanical stavudine
stimulation or to other chemical mediators. tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
NSAIDs inhibit synthesis of prostaglandins zidovudine
peripherally and possibly centrally.
Like salicylates, NSAIDs exert an anti- INDICATIONS
inflammatory effect that may result in part ➤ HIV infection, AIDS, prevention
from inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis of maternal-fetal HIV transmission,
and release during inflammation. The exact prevention of HIV infection after occu-
mechanism isn’t clear. pational exposure (as by needle stick)
or nonoccupational exposure to blood,
ADVERSE REACTIONS genital secretions, or other potentially
Adverse reactions chiefly involve the infectious body fluids of an HIV-infected
GI tract, particularly erosion of the gastric person when there’s substantial risk of
mucosa. The most common symptoms are transmission
abdominal pain, dyspepsia, epigastric dis-
tress, heartburn, and nausea. CNS and skin AC TION
reactions also may occur. Flank pain with Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
other evidence of nephrotoxicity occurs (NRTIs) suppress HIV replication by
occasionally. Fluid retention may aggravate inhibiting HIV DNA polymerase. Com-
hypertension or heart failure. petitive inhibition of nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibits DNA viral replication
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS by chain termination, competitive inhibition
• Contraindicated in patients with GI of reverse transcriptase, or both.
lesions or GI bleeding and in patients hy-
persensitive to these drugs. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Use cautiously in patients with heart Because of the complexity of HIV infection,
failure, hypertension, risk of MI, fluid it’s often difficult to distinguish between
retention, renal insufficiency, or coagulation disease-related symptoms and adverse drug
defects. reactions. The most frequently reported ad-
• In pregnant women, use cautiously in verse effects of NRTIs are anemia, leukope-
the first and second trimesters; don’t use nia, and neutropenia. Thrombocytopenia is
in the third trimester. For breast-feeding less common. Rare adverse effects of NRTIs
women, NSAIDs aren’t recommended. are hepatotoxicity, myopathy, and neurotox-
In children younger than age 14, safety of icity. Any of these adverse effects requires
long-term therapy hasn’t been established. prompt medical attention.
Patients older than age 60 may be more Adverse effects that don’t need medical
susceptible to toxic effects of NSAIDs attention unless they persist or are bother-
because of decreased renal function. some include headache, severe insomnia,
myalgias, nausea, or hyperpigmentation of


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to these drugs and patients with moderate
to severe hepatic impairment (abacavir) or
pancreatitis (didanosine).
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50 General information

• Use cautiously in patients with mild hep- disturbances, and weakness. Adverse
atic impairment or risk factors for liver im- GI effects include biliary colic, constipa-
pairment, risk for pancreatitis (didanosine), tion, nausea, and vomiting. Urine retention
or compromised bone marrow function or hypersensitivity also may occur. Tol-
(zidovudine). erance to the drug and psychological or
• In pregnant women, use drug only if ben- physical dependence may follow prolonged
efits outweigh risks. HIV-infected mothers therapy.
shouldn’t breast-feed to reduce the risk
of transmitting the virus. It isn’t known if CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
NRTIs appear in breast milk. The phar- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
macokinetic and safety profile of NRTIs tive to these drugs and in those who have
is similar in children and adults. NRTIs recently taken an MAO inhibitor. Also
may be used in children age 3 months and contraindicated in those with acute or
older, but the half-life may be prolonged in severe bronchial asthma or respiratory
neonates. In elderly patients, elimination depression.
half-life may be prolonged. • Use cautiously in patients with head
injury, increased intracranial or intraocular
pressure, hepatic or renal dysfunction,
Opioids mental illness, emotional disturbances, or
codeine phosphate drug-seeking behaviors.
codeine sulfate • In pregnant or breast-feeding women,
fentanyl citrate use cautiously; codeine, meperidine,
hydromorphone hydrochloride methadone, and morphine appear in breast
meperidine hydrochloride milk. Breast-feeding infants of women
methadone hydrochloride taking methadone may develop physical
morphine sulfate dependence. In children, safety and effec-
morphine sulfate and naltrexone tiveness of some opioids haven’t been
nalbuphine hydrochloride established; use cautiously. Elderly pa-
oxycodone hydrochloride tients may be more sensitive to opioids, and
oxymorphone hydrochloride lower doses are usually given.
pentazocine lactate

➤ Moderate to severe pain from acute
and some chronic disorders; diarrhea; Natural penicillins
dry, nonproductive cough; management penicillin G benzathine
of opioid dependence; anesthesia sup- penicillin G potassium
port; sedation penicillin G procaine
penicillin G sodium
AC TION penicillin V potassium
Opioids act as agonists at specific opioid-
receptor binding sites in the CNS and other Aminopenicillins
tissues, altering the patient’s perception of amoxicillin and clavulanate
pain. potassium
ADVERSE REACTIONS ampicillin sodium and sulbactam
Respiratory and circulatory depression sodium
(including orthostatic hypotension) are the ampicillin trihydrate
major hazards of opioids. Other adverse
CNS effects include agitation, coma, de-
pression, dizziness, dysphoria, euphoria,
faintness, mental clouding, nervousness,
restlessness, sedation, seizures, visual
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Selected drug classifications 51

Extended-spectrum penicillins Leptospira, Borrelia recurrentis, and,

piperacillin sodium and tazobactam possibly, B. burgdorferi.
sodium Aminopenicillins have uses against
ticarcillin disodium and clavulanate more organisms, including many gram-
potassium negative organisms. Like natural penicillins,
aminopenicillins are vulnerable to inactiva-
Penicillinase-resistant tion by penicillinase. Susceptible organisms
penicillins include Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis,
nafcillin sodium Shigella, Salmonella, S. pneumoniae,
N. gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus influenzae,
INDICATIONS S. aureus, S. epidermidis (non–
➤ Streptococcal pneumonia; enterococ- penicillinase-producing Staphylococcus),
cal and nonenterococcal group D endo- and Listeria monocytogenes.
carditis; diphtheria; anthrax; menin- Penicillinase-resistant penicillins are
gitis; tetanus; botulism; actinomycosis; semisynthetic penicillins designed to re-
syphilis; relapsing fever; Lyme disease; main stable against hydrolysis by most
pneumococcal infections; rheumatic staphylococcal penicillinases and thus are
fever; bacterial endocarditis; neona- the drugs of choice against susceptible
tal group B streptococcal disease; sep- penicillinase-producing staphylococci.
ticemia; gynecologic infections; infections They also act against most organisms sus-
of urinary, respiratory, and GI tracts; ceptible to natural penicillins.
infections of skin, soft tissue, bones, and Extended-spectrum penicillins offer a
joints wider range of bactericidal action than the
other three classes and usually are given
AC TION in combination with aminoglycosides.
Penicillins are generally bactericidal. They Susceptible strains include Enterobacter,
inhibit synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Serratia, Bac-
causing rapid cell destruction. They’re teroides fragilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
most effective against fast-growing sus- Proteus vulgaris, Providencia rettgeri, and
ceptible bacteria. Their sites of action are Morganella morganii. These penicillins
enzymes known as penicillin-binding pro- are also vulnerable to beta-lactamase and
teins (PBPs). The affinity of certain peni- penicillinases.
cillins for PBPs in various microorganisms
helps explain the different activities of these ADVERSE REACTIONS
drugs. With all penicillins, hypersensitivity re-
Susceptible aerobic gram-positive cocci actions range from mild rash, fever, and
include Staphylococcus aureus; nonen- eosinophilia to fatal anaphylaxis. Hemato-
terococcal group D streptococci; groups logic reactions include hemolytic anemia,
A, B, D, G, H, K, L, and M streptococci; leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and tran-
Streptococcus viridans; and Enterococcus sient neutropenia. Certain adverse reactions
(usually with an aminoglycoside). are more common with specific classes.
Susceptible aerobic gram-negative cocci For example, bleeding episodes are usually
include Neisseria meningitidis and non– seen with high doses of extended-spectrum
penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae. penicillins, whereas GI adverse effects are
Susceptible aerobic gram-positive bacilli most common with ampicillin. In patients
include Corynebacterium, Listeria, and with renal disease, high doses, especially
Bacillus anthracis. Susceptible anaerobes of penicillin G, irritate the CNS, causing
include Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, confusion, twitching, lethargy, dysphagia,
Actinomyces, Clostridium, Fusobacterium, seizures, and coma. Hepatotoxicity may oc-
Veillonella, and non–beta-lactamase– cur with penicillinase-resistant penicillins,
producing strains of Streptococcus and hyperkalemia and hypernatremia have
pneumoniae. Susceptible spirochetes been reported with extended-spectrum
include Treponema pallidum, T. pertenue, penicillins. Local irritation from parenteral
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52 General information

therapy may be severe enough to warrant ADVERSE REACTIONS

administration by subclavian or centrally Phenothiazines may produce extrapyrami-
placed catheter or stopping therapy. dal symptoms, such as dystonic movements,
torticollis, oculogyric crises, and parkin-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS sonian symptoms ranging from akathisia
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive during early treatment to tardive dyskinesia
to these drugs. after long-term use. A neuroleptic malig-
• Use cautiously in patients with history of nant syndrome resembling severe parkin-
asthma or drug allergy, mononucleosis, re- sonism may occur, most often in young men
nal impairment, CV diseases, hemorrhagic taking fluphenazine.
condition, or electrolyte imbalance. Other adverse reactions include abdom-
• In pregnant women, use cautiously. For inal pain, agitation, anorexia, arrhythmias,
breast-feeding patients, recommendations confusion, constipation, dizziness, dry
vary depending on the drug. For children, mouth, endocrine effects, fainting, halluci-
dosage recommendations have been estab- nations, hematologic disorders, local gastric
lished for most penicillins. Elderly patients irritation, nausea, orthostatic hypotension
are susceptible to superinfection and renal with reflex tachycardia, photosensitivity,
impairment, which decreases excretion of seizures, skin eruptions, urine retention,
penicillins; use cautiously and at a lower visual disturbances, and vomiting.
• Contraindicated in patients with CNS
Phenothiazines depression, bone marrow suppression, heart
chlorpromazine hydrochloride failure, circulatory collapse, coronary artery
fluphenazine or cerebrovascular disorders, subcortical
perphenazine damage, or coma. Also contraindicated
prochlorperazine maleate in patients receiving spinal and epidural
promethazine hydrochloride anesthetics and adrenergic blockers.
thioridazine hydrochloride • Use cautiously in debilitated patients and
thiothixene in those with hepatic, renal, or CV disease;
trifluoperazine hydrochloride respiratory disorders; hypocalcemia; seizure
disorders; suspected brain tumor or intesti-
INDICATIONS nal obstruction; glaucoma; and prostatic
➤ Agitated psychotic states, hallucina- hyperplasia.
tions, manic-depressive illness, excessive • In pregnant women, use only if clearly
motor and autonomic activity, nausea necessary; safety hasn’t been established.
and vomiting, moderate anxiety, behav- Women shouldn’t breast-feed during ther-
ioral problems caused by chronic organic apy because most phenothiazines appear
mental syndrome, tetanus, acute inter- in breast milk and directly affect prolactin
mittent porphyria, intractable hiccups, levels. For children younger than age 12,
itching, symptomatic rhinitis phenothiazines aren’t recommended unless
otherwise specified; use cautiously for nau-
AC TION sea and vomiting. Acutely ill children, such
Phenothiazines are believed to function as as those with chickenpox, measles, CNS
dopamine antagonists by blocking post- infections, or dehydration have a greatly
synaptic dopamine receptors in various increased risk of dystonic reactions. Elderly
parts of the CNS. Their antiemetic effects patients are more sensitive to therapeu-
result from blockage of the chemoreceptor tic and adverse effects, especially cardiac
trigger zone. They also produce varying toxicity, tardive dyskinesia, and other ex-
degrees of anticholinergic effects and alpha- trapyramidal effects; use cautiously and
adrenergic–receptor blocking. give reduced doses, adjusting dosage to
patient response.
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Selected drug classifications 53

Progestins Protease inhibitors

medroxyprogesterone acetate atazanavir sulfate
norethindrone fosamprenavir calcium
norethindrone acetate indinavir sulfate
lopinavir and ritonavir
INDICATIONS nelfinavir mesylate
➤ Amenorrhea, endometrial hyper- ritonavir
plasia, abnormal uterine bleeding, saquinavir mesylate
endometriosis tipranavir

Progestins transform proliferative en- ➤ HIV infection and AIDS
dometrium into secretory endometrium.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Protease inhibitors bind to the protease ac-
Progestins may cause amenorrhea, break- tive site and inhibit HIV protease activity.
through bleeding, spotting, changes in This enzyme is required for the proteol-
menstrual flow, breast enlargement and ysis of viral polyprotein precursors into
tenderness, alterations in weight, and mood individual functional proteins found in in-
changes. fectious HIV. The net effect is formation of
noninfectious, immature viral particles.
• Contraindicated in patients with im- ADVERSE REACTIONS
paired liver function or liver disease; known The most common adverse effects, which
or suspected breast cancer; active deep require immediate medical attention,
vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or include kidney stones, pancreatitis,
history of these conditions; active or re- diabetes or hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis,
cent arterial thromboembolic disease; and and paresthesia.
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding. Also con- Common adverse effects that don’t need
traindicated in patients hypersensitive to the medical attention unless they persist or are
drug components. bothersome include generalized weakness,
• Use cautiously in patients with depres- GI disturbances, headache, insomnia, and
sion, epilepsy, migraine headaches, asthma, taste disturbance. Less common adverse
cardiac dysfunction, or renal dysfunction. effects include dizziness and somnolence.
• In pregnant women, use is contraindi-
cated. Use cautiously in breast-feeding CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
women because detectable amounts of pro- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
gestins have been identified in the breast to these drugs or their components and
milk of mothers receiving these drugs. patients taking a drug highly dependent on
Progestins aren’t indicated in children. CYP3A4 for metabolism.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
hepatic or renal function and those with
diabetes mellitus or hemophilia.
• In pregnant women, use drug only if
benefits outweigh risks. Contact the preg-
nancy registry at 1-800-258-4263 or to report pregnant
women on therapy. HIV-infected mothers
shouldn’t breast-feed to reduce the risk of
transmitting HIV to the infant.
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54 General information

Proton pump inhibitors SSRIs selectively inhibit the reuptake of
dexlansoprazole serotonin with little or no effects on other
esomeprazole neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine or
lansoprazole dopamine, in the CNS.
rabeprazole Common adverse effects include headache,
tremor, dizziness, sleep disturbances, GI
INDICATIONS disturbances, and sexual dysfunction. Less
➤ Duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, common adverse effects include bleeding
erosive esophagitis, and GERD (all (ecchymoses, epistaxis), akathisia, breast
proton pump inhibitors); hypersecretory tenderness or enlargement, extrapyrami-
conditions (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) dal effects, dystonia, fever, hyponatremia,
(lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, mania or hypomania, palpitations, sero-
rabeprazole) tonin syndrome, weight gain or loss, rash,
urticaria, or pruritus.
The drugs reduce stomach acid production CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
by combining with hydrogen, potassium, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
and adenosine triphosphate in parietal cells to these drugs or their components.
of the stomach to block the last step in • Use cautiously in patients with hepatic,
gastric acid secretion. renal, or cardiac insufficiency.
• In pregnant women, use drug only if
ADVERSE REACTIONS benefits outweigh risks; use of certain
Proton pump inhibitors may cause abdomi- SSRIs in the first trimester may cause birth
nal pain, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, defects. Neonates born to women who took
nausea, dry mouth, headache, asthenia, an SSRI during the third trimester may de-
cough, abnormal liver function test results, velop complications that warrant prolonged
and hyperglycemia. hospitalization, respiratory support, and
tube feeding. In breast-feeding women, use
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS isn’t recommended. SSRIs appear in breast
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive milk and may cause diarrhea and sleep dis-
to the drug components. turbance in neonates. However, risks and
benefits to both the woman and infant must
be considered. Children and adolescents
Selective serotonin may be more susceptible to increased suici-
reuptake inhibitors dal tendencies when taking SSRIs or other
citalopram hydrobromide antidepressants. Elderly patients may be
escitalopram oxalate more sensitive to the insomniac effects of
fluoxetine hydrochloride SSRIs.
fluvoxamine maleate
paroxetine hydrochloride
sertraline hydrochloride Skeletal muscle relaxants
INDICATIONS carisoprodol
➤ Major depression, obsessive- cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride
compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, dantrolene sodium
premenstrual dysphoric disorders, panic tizanidine hydrochloride
disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder
(sertraline) INDICATIONS
➤ Painful musculoskeletal disorders,
spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis
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Selected drug classifications 55

AC TION aureus, and genital lesions caused by

Baclofen may reduce impulse transmission Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid).
from the spinal cord to skeletal muscle.
Carisoprodol, cyclobenzaprine, and ADVERSE REACTIONS
tizanidine’s mechanism of action is unclear. Many adverse reactions stem from hyper-
Dantrolene acts directly on skeletal muscle sensitivity, including bronchospasm, con-
to decrease excitation and reduce muscle junctivitis, erythema multiforme, erythema
strength by interfering with intracellular nodosum, exfoliative dermatitis, fever, joint
calcium movement. pain, pruritus, leukopenia, Lyell syndrome,
photosensitivity, rash, Stevens-Johnson
ADVERSE REACTIONS syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Skeletal muscle relaxants may cause ataxia, GI reactions include anorexia, diarrhea,
confusion, depressed mood, dizziness, folic acid malabsorption, nausea, pancre-
drowsiness, dry mouth, hallucinations, atitis, stomatitis, and vomiting. Hemato-
headache, hypotension, nervousness, tachy- logic reactions include agranulocytosis,
cardia, tremor, and vertigo. Baclofen also granulocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia,
may cause seizures. thrombocytopenia, and, in G6PD deficiency,
hemolytic anemia. Renal effects usually
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS result from crystalluria caused by precipita-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive tion of sulfonamide in renal system.
to these drugs.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
renal or hepatic function. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• In pregnant women and breast-feeding to these drugs.
women, use only when potential benefits • Use cautiously in patients with renal or
to the patient outweigh risks to the fetus or hepatic impairment, bronchial asthma,
infant. In children, recommendations vary. severe allergy, or G6PD deficiency.
Elderly patients have an increased risk of • In pregnant women at term and in breast-
adverse reactions; monitor them carefully. feeding women, use is contraindicated; sul-
fonamides appear in breast milk. In infants
younger than age 2 months, sulfonamides
Sulfonamides are contraindicated unless there’s no thera-
sulfadiazine peutic alternative. In children with fragile
sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim X chromosome and mental retardation, use
cautiously. Elderly patients are susceptible
INDICATIONS to bacterial and fungal superinfection and
➤ Bacterial infections, nocardiosis, have an increased risk of folate deficiency
toxoplasmosis, chloroquine-resistant anemia and adverse renal and hematologic
Plasmodium falciparum malaria effects.

Sulfonamides are bacteriostatic. They in- Tetracyclines
hibit biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid, doxycycline
which is needed for bacterial cell growth. doxycycline hyclate
They’re active against some strains of doxycycline monohydrate
staphylococci, streptococci, Nocardia as- minocycline hydrochloride
teroides and brasiliensis, Clostridium tetani tetracycline hydrochloride
and perfringens, Bacillus anthracis, Es- tigecycline
cherichia coli, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae
and meningitidis. Sulfonamides are also ac- INDICATIONS
tive against organisms that cause UTIs, such ➤ Bacterial, protozoal, rickettsial, and
as E. coli, Proteus mirabilis and vulgaris, fungal infections
Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Staphylococcus
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56 General information

AC TION use these drugs cautiously, and monitor pa-

Tetracyclines are bacteriostatic but may be tients for local irritation from slow passage
bactericidal against certain organisms. They of oral forms. Elderly patients also are more
bind reversibly to 30S and 50S ribosomal susceptible to superinfection.
subunits, which inhibits bacterial protein
Susceptible gram-positive organisms Thrombolytics
include Bacillus anthracis, Actinomyces alteplase
israelii, Clostridium perfringens and tetani, drotrecogin alfa
Listeria monocytogenes, and Nocardia. reteplase
Susceptible gram-negative organisms tenecteplase
include Neisseria meningitidis, Pasteurella urokinase
multocida, Legionella pneumophila,
Brucella, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia ente- INDICATIONS
rocolitica, Yersinia pestis, Bordetella per- ➤ To dissolve a preexisting clot or
tussis, Haemophilus influenzae, H. ducreyi, thrombus, often in acute or emergency
Campylobacter fetus, Shigella, and many situations
other common pathogens. ➤ Acute MI, acute ischemic stroke,
Other susceptible organisms include pulmonary embolism and peripheral
Rickettsia akari, typhi, prowazekii, and vascular occlusion; restore patency to
tsutsugamushi; Coxiella burnetii; Chlamy- clotted grafts and I.V. access devices
dia trachomatis and psittaci; Mycoplasma (alteplase); acute MI (reteplase and
pneumoniae and hominis; Leptospira; tenecteplase); pulmonary embolism,
Treponema pallidum and pertenue; and coronary artery thrombosis, and catheter
Borrelia recurrentis. clearance (urokinase)


The most common adverse effects involve Thrombolytics convert plasminogen to
the GI tract and are dose related; they plasma, which lyse thrombi, fibrinogen and
include abdominal discomfort; anorexia; other plasma proteins.
bulky, loose stools; epigastric burning;
flatulence; nausea; and vomiting. Superin- ADVERSE REACTIONS
fections also are common. The most common with streptokinase are
Photosensitivity reactions may be severe. bleeding, allergic responses, reperfusion
Renal failure may be caused by Fanconi arrhythmias, hemorrhage, infarct at the site
syndrome after use of outdated tetracycline. of myocardial necrosis, and temperature
Permanent discoloration of teeth occurs elevation. Other adverse reactions com-
if drug is given during tooth formation in mon to all are bleeding, allergic reactions,
children younger than age 8. flushing, headache, musculoskeletal pain,
nausea, and hypotension.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
to these drugs. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or to any of the drug components.
hepatic impairment. • Contraindicated in active bleeding,
• In pregnant or breast-feeding women, use history of stroke, recent intracranial or
is contraindicated; tetracyclines appear in intraspinal surgery or trauma, intracranial
breast milk. Children younger than age 8 neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation or
shouldn’t take tetracyclines; these drugs aneurysm, bleeding diathesis, or severe
can cause permanent tooth discoloration, uncontrolled hypertension.
enamel hypoplasia, and a reversible de-
crease in bone calcification. Elderly patients
may have decreased esophageal motility;
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Selected drug classifications 57

gangrene of extremities. Difficult or painful

Vasopressors urination can be seen with ephedrine. Less
dobutamine hydrochloride common are hypotension, thrombocyto-
dopamine hydrochloride penia, hypokalemia, nausea, and shortness
ephedrine sulfate of breath.
norepinephrine bitartrate
phenylephrine hydrochloride CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
INDICATIONS to any of the drug components.
➤ Correction of hemodynamic imbal- • Contraindicated in patients with
ances present in cardiogenic shock due pheochromocytoma, uncorrected tach-
to MI, trauma, septicemia, cardiac yarrhythmias, or ventricular fibrillation.
surgical procedures, spinal anesthesia, • Dobutamine is contraindicated in idio-
drug reactions, renal failure, and heart pathic hypertropic subaortic stenosis.
failure • Before treatment, hypovolemia should be
➤ As vasoconstrictor in regional corrected.
analgesia and to overcome paroxysmal • Some vasopressors must be used cau-
supraventricular tachycardia (phenyle- tiously in patients with a sulfite allergy, par-
phrine hydrochloride) ticularly asthmatic patients. Allergic type
➤ Stokes-Adams syndrome with reactions, including anaphylactic symptoms
complete heart block, narcolepsy, and and severe asthmatic episodes can occur.
myasthenia gravis (ephedrine sulfate) • Infusion should be given into a large vein
to prevent extravasation into surrounding
AC TION tissue because this can cause tissue necrosis.
Dobutamine is a direct-acting inotropic • Patients taking MAO inhibitors or who
whose primary activity results from stim- have been treated with MAO inhibitors
ulation of the beta receptors of the heart 2 to 3 weeks before infusion will require
while producing mild chronotropic, hyper- substantially reduced dosage of dopamine.
tensive, arrhythmogenic, and vasodilatory • Norephinephrine bitartrate shouldn’t be
effects. Dobutamine increases cardiac used during cyclopropane and halothane
output by decreasing peripheral vascu- anesthesia because of the risk of ventricular
lar resistance, reducing ventricular filling tachycardia or fibrillation.
pressure, and increasing AV node conduc- • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
tion. Dopamine is a natural catecholamine, patients with hyperthyroidism, bradycardia,
a precursor to norephinephrine in nora- partial heart block, myocardial disease, or
drenergic nerves, and a neurotransmitter severe arteriosclerosis.
in certain areas of the central nervous sys- • Safety and effectiveness in pediatric
tem. It produces positive chronotropic patients haven’t been established. Phenyle-
and inotropic effects on the myocardium, phrine can be used to treat hypotension
resulting in increased heart rate and car- during spinal anesthesia in children.
diac contractility. This is accomplished • Drugs should be given to pregnant women
by directly exerting an agonist action on only if clearly indicated.
beta-adrenoreceptors. • Caution should be used when these drugs
are administered to breast-feeding women.
Adverse reactions to vasopressors may in-
clude ventricular arrhythmias, tachycardia, Xanthine derivatives
angina, palpitations, cardiac conduction ab- theophylline
normalities, widened QRS complex, brady-
cardia, hypotension, hypertension, vaso- INDICATIONS
constriction, headache, anxiety, azotemia, ➤ Asthma and bronchospasm from
dyspnea, phlebitis, peripheral cyanosis, and emphysema and chronic bronchitis
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58 General information

Xanthine derivatives are structurally related;
they directly relax smooth muscle, stimulate
the CNS, induce diuresis, increase gastric
acid secretion, inhibit uterine contractions,
and exert weak inotropic and chronotropic
effects on the heart. Of these drugs, theo-
phylline exerts the greatest effect on smooth
The action of xanthine derivatives isn’t
completely caused by inhibition of phos-
phodiesterase. Current data suggest that
inhibition of adenosine receptors or uniden-
tified mechanisms may be responsible for
therapeutic effects. By relaxing smooth
muscle of the respiratory tract, they increase
airflow and vital capacity. They also slow
onset of diaphragmatic fatigue and stimu-
late the respiratory center in the CNS.

Adverse effects, except for hypersensitivity,
are dose related and can be controlled by
dosage adjustment. Common reactions in-
clude arrhythmias, headache, hypotension,
irritability, nausea, palpitations, restless-
ness, urine retention, and vomiting.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to these drugs.
• Use cautiously in patients with arrhyth-
mias, cardiac or circulatory impairment, cor
pulmonale, hepatic or renal disease, active
peptic ulcers, hyperthyroidism, or diabetes
• In pregnant women, use cautiously. In
breast-feeding women, avoid these drugs
because they appear in breast milk, and
infants may have serious adverse reactions.
Small children may have excessive CNS
stimulation; monitor them closely. In elderly
patients, use cautiously.
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abacavir sulfate 59
abacavir sulfate Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May decrease
ah-BAK-ah-veer elimination of drug, increasing overall
exposure. Monitor alcohol consumption.
Ziagen Discourage use together.

Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

Pharmacologic class: Nucleoside • May increase GGT, glucose, and triglyc-
reverse transcriptase inhibitor eride levels.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Black Box Warning Patients who carry
Oral solution: 20 mg/ml the HLA-B∗ 5701 allele are at high risk for
Tablets: 300 mg hypersensitivity reactions; patients should
be screened prior to beginning therapy.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
➤ HIV-1 infection to drug or its components.
Adults: 300 mg P.O. b.i.d. or 600 mg P.O. • Contraindicated in patients with moderate
daily with other antiretrovirals. to severe hepatic impairment.
Children ages 3 months to 16 years: Give Black Box Warning Due to increased risk
8 mg/kg P.O. b.i.d., up to maximum of of hepatotoxicity, use cautiously when
300 mg P.O. b.i.d., with other antiretrovirals. giving drug to patients at risk for liver
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with mild hepatic disease. Lactic acidosis and severe hepato-
impairment (Child-Pugh score 5 to 6), give megaly with steatosis, including fatal cases,
200 mg (oral solution) P.O. b.i.d. Don’t use have been reported with the use of nucleo-
in patients with moderate to severe hepatic side analogues alone or in combination,
impairment. including abacavir and other antiretrovirals.
Stop treatment with drug if events occur.
ADMINISTRATION • Use cautiously in pregnant women be-
P.O. cause the effects are unknown. Use during
• Always give drug with other antiretrovi- pregnancy only if the potential benefits out-
rals, never alone. weigh the risk. Register pregnant women
• Patient may take drug with or without with the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry
food. at 1-800-258-4263.


Converted intracellularly to the active • Women are more likely than men to
metabolite carbovir triphosphate, which experience lactic acidosis and severe
inhibits activity of HIV-1 reverse transcrip- hepatomegaly with steatosis. Obesity and
tase, terminating viral DNA growth. prolonged nucleoside exposure may be risk
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Black Box Warning Drug can cause fatal
hypersensitivity reactions; if patient devel-
Half-life: 1 to 2 hours. ops signs or symptoms of hypersensitivity
(such as fever, rash, fatigue, nausea, vomit-
ADVERSE REACTIONS ing, diarrhea, or abdominal pain), stop drug
CNS: fever, headache, insomnia and sleep and notify prescriber immediately.
disorders. Black Box Warning Don’t restart drug after
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. a hypersensitivity reaction because severe
Skin: rash. signs and symptoms will recur within hours
Other: hypersensitivity reaction. and may include life-threatening hypoten-
sion and death. To facilitate reporting of
hypersensitivity reactions, register patients

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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60 abatacept

with the Abacavir Hypersensitivity Reac- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

tion Registry at 1-800-270-0425. ➤ To reduce signs and symptoms,
• Because of a high rate of early virologic induce major clinical response, inhibit
resistance, triple antiretroviral therapy disease progression and structural
with abacavir, lamivudine, and tenofovir damage, and improve physical function
shouldn’t be used as new treatment regimen in patients with moderate to severe
for naı̈ve or pretreated patients. Monitor rheumatoid arthritis whose response
patients currently controlled with this com- to one or more disease-modifying drugs
bination and those who use this combination has been inadequate. Used alone or with
in addition to other antiretrovirals, and other disease-modifying drugs (except
consider modification of therapy. tumor necrosis factor [TNF] antagonists
• Drug may mildly elevate glucose level. and anakinra)
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults who weigh more than 100 kg
abacavir with amprenavir. (220 lb): 1 g I.V. over 30 minutes. Repeat
2 and 4 weeks after initial infusion and then
PATIENT TEACHING every 4 weeks thereafter.
• Inform patient that drug can cause a life- Adults who weigh 60 to 100 kg (132 to
threatening hypersensitivity reaction. Warn 220 lb): 750 mg I.V. over 30 minutes.
patient who develops signs or symptoms Repeat 2 and 4 weeks after initial infusion
of hypersensitivity (such as fever, rash, and then every 4 weeks thereafter.
severe tiredness, achiness, a generally ill Adults who weigh less than 60 kg: 500 mg
feeling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or I.V. over 30 minutes. Repeat 2 and 4 weeks
stomach pain) to stop taking drug and notify after initial infusion and then every 4 weeks
prescriber immediately. thereafter.
• Include information leaflet about drug ➤ As monotherapy or with methotrexate
with each new prescription and refill. Patient to reduce signs and symptoms of moder-
also should receive, and be instructed to ately to severely active juvenile idiopathic
carry, a warning card summarizing signs arthritis
and symptoms of hypersensitivity. Children 6 to 17 years weighing less than
• Inform patient that this drug doesn’t cure 75 kg (165 lb): 10 mg/kg I.V. over 30 min-
HIV infection. Tell patient that drug doesn’t utes. Repeat 2 and 4 weeks after initial
reduce the risk of transmission of HIV infusion and then every 4 weeks thereafter.
to others through sexual contact or blood Maximum dose is 1,000 mg.
contamination and that its long-term effects Children 6 to 17 years weighing 75 kg or
are unknown. more: Utilize adult dosing.
• Tell patient to take drug exactly as pre-
scribed with or without food. ADMINISTRATION
 Reconstitute vial with 10 ml of sterile
abatacept water for injection, using only the silicone-
uh-BAY-tuh-sept free disposable syringe provided, to yield
25 mg/ml.
Orencia  Gently swirl contents until completely

dissolved. Avoid vigorous shaking.

Therapeutic class: Antiarthritic  Vent the vial with a needle to clear away

Pharmacologic class: Immunomodulator foam.

Pregnancy risk category C  The solution should be clear and color-

less to pale yellow.

AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Further dilute the solution to 100 ml

Lyophilized powder for injection: 250 mg with normal saline solution. Infuse over
single-use vial (25 mg/ml when reconsti- 30 minutes using an infusion set and a
tuted) sterile, nonpyrogenic, low–protein-binding

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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abatacept 61
 Store diluted solution at room temper- treatment may cause reactivation of
ature or refrigerate at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to hepatitis B.
8◦ C). Complete infusion within 24 hours • Patients who test positive for tuberculosis
of reconstituting. should be treated before receiving drug.
 Incompatibilities: Don’t infuse in the

same line with other I.V. drugs. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

• Make sure patient has been screened for
AC TION tuberculosis before giving.
Inhibits T-cell activation, decreases T-cell • Monitor patient, especially an older adult,
proliferation, and inhibits production carefully for infections and malignancies.
of TNF-alpha, interferon-gamma, and • If patient develops a severe infection,
interleukin-2. notify prescriber; therapy may need to be
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• If patient has COPD, watch for worsening.
• Drug may cause serious adverse reactions
Half-life: 13 days. in a breast-fed infant and may affect his
developing immune system.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Ensure the availability of appropriate
CNS: headache, dizziness. supportive measures to treat possible hyper-
CV: hypertension. sensitivity reactions.
EENT: nasopharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
GI: nausea, diverticulitis, dyspepsia. PATIENT TEACHING
GU: acute pyelonephritis, UTI. • Instruct patient to have tuberculosis
Musculoskeletal: back pain, limb pain. screening before therapy.
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract • Tell patient to continue taking prescribed
infection, bronchitis, cough, pneumonia. arthritis drugs. Caution against taking TNF
Skin: cellulitis, rash. antagonists, such as Enbrel, Remicade, and
Other: infections, malignancies, herpes Humira, or anakinra.
simplex, influenza, infusion reactions. • Tell patient to avoid exposure to infec-
INTERACTIONS • Tell patient to immediately report signs
Drug-drug. Anakinra, TNF antagonists: and symptoms of infection, swollen face or
May increase risk of infection. Don’t use tongue, and difficulty breathing.
together. • Tell patient with COPD to report worsen-
Live-virus vaccines: May decrease effec- ing signs and symptoms.
tiveness of vaccine. Avoid giving vaccines • Advise patient to avoid live-virus vaccines
during or for 3 months after abatacept during and for 3 months after therapy.
therapy. • Advise woman to consult prescriber if she
becomes pregnant or plans to breast-feed.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to contact prescriber
None reported. before taking any other drugs or herbal
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Remind patient to contact prescriber
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive before scheduling surgery.
to drug or its components.
• Don’t use in patients taking a TNF antag-
onist or anakinra.
• Use cautiously in patients with active
infection, history of chronic infections,
scheduled elective surgery, or COPD.
• Patients should be screened for viral hep-
atitis before starting therapy. Antirheumatic

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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62 abciximab

of drug through a low–protein-binding

abciximab 0.2- or 5-micron syringe filter into a
ab-SIX-ah-mab syringe or by infusing with a continuous
infusion set equipped with a low–protein-
ReoPro binding 0.2 or 0.22-micron in-line filter.
Use normal saline solution or D5 W.
Therapeutic class: Antiplatelet  Infuse at 0.125 mcg/kg/minute (maxi-

Pharmacologic class: Antiplatelet mum, 10 mcg/minute) for 12 hours via a

aggregator continuous infusion pump.
Pregnancy risk category C  Discard unused portion after 12-hour

AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Incompatibilities: None reported.

Injection: 2 mg/ml
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Binds to the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
➤ Adjunct to percutaneous coronary in- (GPIIb/IIIa) receptor of human platelets
tervention (PCI) to prevent acute cardiac and inhibits platelet aggregation.
ischemic complications Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults: 0.25 mg/kg as an I.V. bolus given I.V. Immediate Immediate 48 hr
10 to 60 minutes before start of PCI; then,
a continuous I.V. infusion of 0.125 mcg/ Half-life: 10 to 30 minutes.
kg/minute to maximum 10 mcg/minute for
➤ Unstable angina not responding to CNS: confusion, headache, pain.
conventional medical therapy in patients CV: hypotension, bradycardia, chest pain,
scheduled for PCI within 24 hours peripheral edema.
Adults: 0.25 mg/kg as an I.V. bolus; then an GI: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting.
18- to 24-hour infusion of 10 mcg/minute Hematologic: bleeding, thrombocytopenia,
concluding 1 hour after PCI. anemia.
➤ Before PCI in patients with Musculoskeletal: back pain.
ST-segment elevation myocardial
Adults: 0.25 mg/kg as an I.V. bolus 10 to Drug-drug. Antiplatelet drugs, dipyri-
60 minutes before start of PCI; then, a damole, heparin, NSAIDs, other antico-
continuous I.V. infusion of 0.125 mcg/kg/ agulants, thrombolytics, ticlopidine: May
minute to maximum of 10 mcg/minute for increase risk of bleeding. Monitor patient
12 hours. closely.


I.V. • May decrease hemoglobin level.
 Give drug in a separate I.V. line. Don’t • May increase WBC count. May decrease
add other drugs to infusion solution. platelet count.
 Inspect solution for particulate matter

before administration. If opaque particles CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

are visible, discard solution and obtain new • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
vial. to drug, its ingredients, or murine proteins.
 For bolus, withdraw needed amount of • Contraindicated in those with active
drug through a low–protein-binding 0.2- or internal bleeding, significant GI or GU
5-micron syringe filter. bleeding within 6 weeks, stroke within
 Give bolus 10 to 60 minutes before past 2 years, or significant residual neu-
procedure. rologic deficit, bleeding diathesis, throm-
 For continuous infusion, filter drug bocytopenia (platelet count lower than
either by withdrawing needed amount 100,000/mm3 ), major surgery or trauma

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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acamprosate calcium 63
within 6 weeks, intracranial neoplasm, • Anticipate stopping drug and giving
intracranial arteriovenous malformation, platelets for severe bleeding or thrombo-
intracranial aneurysm, severe uncontrolled cytopenia.
hypertension, or history of vasculitis. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
• Contraindicated when oral anticoagulants abciximab with infliximab.
have been given within past 7 days unless
PT is 1.2 times control or less, or when I.V. PATIENT TEACHING
dextran is used before or during PCI. • Explain use and administration of drug to
• Use with caution in patients at increased patient and family.
risk for bleeding, including those who • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
weigh less than 75 kg (165 lb) or who are immediately.
older than age 65, those who have a history
of GI disease, and those who are receiving SAFETY ALERT!
thrombolytics. Conditions that increase
patient’s risk of bleeding include PCI within acamprosate calcium
12 hours of onset of symptoms for acute a-kam-PRO-sate
MI, prolonged PCI (lasting longer than
70 minutes), or failed PCI. Heparin use may Camprali
also increase the risk of bleeding.
Therapeutic class: Alcohol deterrent
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pharmacologic class: Synthetic amino
• The risk of bleeding is reduced by using acid neurotransmitter analog
low-dose, weight-adjusted heparin, early Pregnancy risk category C
sheath removal, and careful maintenance of
access site immobility. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Drug is intended for use with aspirin and Tablets (delayed-release): 333 mg
heparin; review and monitor other drugs
patient is taking. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Alert: Keep epinephrine, dopamine, the- ➤ Adjunct to management of alcohol
ophylline, antihistamines, and corticosteroids abstinence
readily available in case of anaphylaxis. Adults: 666 mg P.O. t.i.d.
• Monitor patient closely for bleeding at the Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine
arterial access site used for cardiac catheter- clearance of 30 to 50 ml/minute, give
ization and internal bleeding involving the 333 mg t.i.d. Do not use in patients with
GI or GU tract or retroperitoneal sites. severe renal impairment (creatinine clear-
• Institute bleeding precautions. Keep ance 30 ml/min or less).
patient on bed rest for 6 to 8 hours after
sheath removal or end of drug infusion, ADMINISTRATION
whichever is later. Minimize arterial and P.O.
venous punctures, I.M. injections, urinary • Don’t crush or break tablets.
catheters, nasogastric tubes, automatic • Give drug without regard for food.
blood pressure cuffs, and nasotracheal
intubation; avoid, if possible. AC TION
• During infusion, remove sheath only after Restores the balance of neuronal excitation
heparin has been stopped and its effects and inhibition, probably by interacting with
largely reversed. glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid
• Before treatment, obtain platelet count, neurotransmitter systems, thus reducing
PT, ACT, and activated PTT. alcohol dependence.
• Monitor platelet count closely. Obtain Route Onset Peak Duration
levels 2 to 4 hours after bolus dose, and P.O. Unknown 3–8 hr Unknown
24 hours after bolus dose or before dis-
charge, whichever is first. Half-life: 20 to 33 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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64 acarbose


CNS: abnormal thinking, amnesia, anxiety, • Tell patient to continue the alcohol absti-
asthenia, depression, dizziness, headache, nence program, including counseling and
insomnia, paresthesia, somnolence, suicidal support.
thoughts, syncope, tremor, pain. • Advise patient to notify his prescriber if
CV: hypertension, palpitations, peripheral he develops depression, anxiety, thoughts of
edema, vasodilation. suicide, or severe diarrhea.
EENT: abnormal vision, pharyngitis, • Caution patient’s family or caregiver to
rhinitis. watch for signs of depression or suicidal
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, constipation, ideation.
diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, flatulence, • Tell patient that drug may be taken with-
increased appetite, nausea, taste distur- out regard to meals, but that taking it with
bance, vomiting. meals may help him remember it.
GU: impotence. • Tell patient not to crush, break, or chew
Metabolic: weight gain. the tablets but to swallow them whole.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, • Advise women to use effective contra-
chest pain, myalgia. ception while taking this drug. Tell patient
Respiratory: bronchitis, dyspnea, in- to contact her prescriber if she becomes
creased cough. pregnant or plans to become pregnant.
Skin: increased sweating, pruritus, rash. • Explain that this drug may impair judg-
Other: accidental injury, chills, decreased ment, thinking, or motor skills. Urge patient
libido, flulike symptoms, infection. to use caution when driving or performing
hazardous activities until drug’s effects are
None significant. • Tell patient to continue taking acam-
prosate and to contact his prescriber if he
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS resumes drinking alcohol.
• May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, blood
glucose, and uric acid levels. May decrease SAFETY ALERT!
hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
• May decrease platelet count. acarbose
• Contraindicated in patients allergic to Precose
drug or its components and in those whose
creatinine clearance is 30 ml/minute or less. Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast- Pharmacologic class: Alpha-glucosidase
feeding women, elderly patients, patients inhibitor
with moderate renal impairment, and pa- Pregnancy risk category B
tients with a history of depression and
suicidal thoughts or attempts. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
•H Overdose S&S: Diarrhea, hypercalcemia Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg
in chronic overdose.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise or with
• Use only after the patient successfully a sulfonylurea, metformin or insulin, to
becomes abstinent from drinking. lower glucose level in patients with type 2
• Drug doesn’t eliminate or reduce with- diabetes
drawal symptoms. Adults: Individualized. Initially, 25 mg
• Monitor patient for development of de- P.O. t.i.d. with first bite of each main meal.
pression or suicidal thoughts. Adjust dosage every 4 to 8 weeks, based
• Drug doesn’t cause alcohol aversion or a on 1-hour postprandial glucose level and
disulfiram-like reaction if used with alcohol.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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acarbose 65
tolerance. Maintenance dosage is 50 to disease with marked disorder of digestion
100 mg P.O. t.i.d. or absorption, or conditions that may dete-
Adjust-a-dose: For patients who weigh less riorate because of increased intestinal gas
than 60 kg (132 lb), don’t exceed 50 mg formation.
P.O. t.i.d. For patients who weigh more than • Contraindicated in pregnant or breast-
60 kg, don’t exceed 100 mg P.O. t.i.d. feeding women and those with creatinine
level greater than 2 mg/dl.
ADMINISTRATION • Use cautiously in patients receiving a
P.O. sulfonylurea or insulin.
• Give dose with first bite of each main • Safety and effectiveness of drug haven’t
meal. been established in children.
•H Overdose S&S: Transient increases in
AC TION flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal discom-
Delays digestion of carbohydrates, resulting fort.
in a smaller increase in glucose level after
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Closely monitor patients receiving a
P.O. Unknown 1 hr 2–4 hr
sulfonylurea or insulin; drug may increase
risk of hypoglycemia. If hypoglycemia
Half-life: 2 hours. occurs, give oral glucose (dextrose).
Severe hypoglycemia may require I.V.
ADVERSE REACTIONS glucose infusion or glucagon administra-
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence. tion. Because dosage adjustments may be
needed to prevent further hypoglycemia,
INTERACTIONS report hypoglycemia and treatment required
Drug-drug. Calcium channel blockers, to prescriber.
corticosteroids, estrogens, fosphenytoin, • Insulin therapy may be needed during
hormonal contraceptives, isoniazid, increased stress (infection, fever, surgery,
nicotinic acid, phenothiazine, phenytoin, or trauma). Monitor patient closely for
sympathomimetics, thiazides and other hyperglycemia.
diuretics, thyroid products: May lead to loss • Monitor patient’s 1-hour postprandial
of glucose control or cause hypoglycemia glucose level to determine therapeutic
when withdrawn. Monitor glucose level. effectiveness of drug and to identify ap-
Digestive enzyme preparations containing propriate dose. Report hyperglycemia to
carbohydrate-splitting enzymes (such as prescriber. Thereafter, measure glycosylated
amylase, pancreatin), intestinal adsorbents hemoglobin level every 3 months.
(such as activated charcoal): May reduce • Monitor transaminase level every
effect of acarbose. Avoid using together. 3 months in first year of therapy and
Digoxin: May reduce digoxin level. Monitor periodically thereafter in patients receiving
digoxin level. more than 50 mg t.i.d. Report abnormali-
ties; dosage adjustment or drug withdrawal
• May increase ALT and AST levels.
May decrease calcium, vitamin B6 , and PATIENT TEACHING
hemoglobin levels and hematocrit. • Tell patient to take drug daily with first
bite of each of three main meals.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Explain that therapy relieves symptoms
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive but doesn’t cure disease.
to drug and in those with diabetic ketoaci- • Stress importance of adhering to thera-
dosis, cirrhosis, inflammatory bowel dis- peutic regimen, specific diet, weight reduc-
ease, colonic ulceration, renal impairment, tion, exercise, and hygiene programs. Show
partial intestinal obstruction, predisposition patient how to monitor glucose level and to
to intestinal obstruction, chronic intestinal recognize and treat hyperglycemia.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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66 acetaminophen

• Teach patient taking a sulfonylurea how Tablets (chewable): 80 mg , 160 mg ,

to recognize hypoglycemia. Advise treating 500 mg 
symptoms with a form of dextrose rather Tablets (dispersible): 80 mg 
than with a product containing table sugar.
• Urge patient to wear or carry medical INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
identification at all times. ➤ Mild pain or fever
• Advise patient that adverse reactions usu- P.O.
ally occur in the first few weeks of therapy Adults: 325 to 650 mg P.O. every 4 to
and diminish over time. 6 hours. Or, two extended-release caplets
P.O. every 8 hours. Maximum, 4 g daily. For
long-term therapy, don’t exceed 2.6 g daily
acetaminophen unless prescribed and monitored closely by
(APAP, paracetamol) health care provider.
a-seet-a-MIN-a-fen Children older than age 12: 650 mg P.O.
every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
Abenol† , Acephen , ACET† , Children age 12: 640 mg P.O. every 4 to
Aminofen , Apap , Apra , Aspirin 6 hours p.r.n.
Free Anacin , Atasol† , Cetafen , Children age 11 weighing 33 to 43 kg (72 to
Ed-Apap Chidren’s , ElixSure , 95 lb): 480 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
FeverAll , Genapap , Genebs , Children ages 9 to 10 weighing 27 to 32 kg
Infantaire , Mapap , Masaphen , (60 to 71 lb): 400 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours
Neopap , Nortemp Children’s Pain p.r.n.
and Fever , Pediatrix† , Q-Pap , Children ages 6 to 8 weighing 22 to 26.8 kg
Quick Melts , Silapap , Tylenol , (48 to 59 lb): 320 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours
UN-Aspirin , Valorin  p.r.n.
Children ages 4 to 5 weighing 16 to 21 kg
Therapeutic class: Analgesic (36 to 47 lb): 240 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours
Pharmacologic class: Para-aminophenol p.r.n.
derivative Children ages 2 to 3 weighing 11 to 15.9 kg
Pregnancy risk category B (24 to 35 lb): 160 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ Mild pain or fever 
Caplets: 160 mg , 500 mg  Children ages 12 to 23 months weighing
Caplets (extended-release): 650 mg  8 to 10.5 kg (18 to 23 lb): 120 mg P.O. every
Capsules: 325 mg , 500 mg  4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
Elixir: 80 mg/2.5 ml, 80 mg/5 ml, 120 mg/ Children ages 4 to 11 months weighing
5 ml, 160 mg/5 ml ∗ 5.5 to 7.7 kg (12 to 17 lb): 80 mg P.O. every
Gelcaps: 500 mg  4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
Oral liquid: 160 mg/5 ml , 167 mg/ Children up to age 3 months weighing
5 ml , 500 mg/5 ml  2.7 to 5 kg (6 to 11 lb): 40 mg P.O. every
Oral solution: 48 mg/ml , 80 mg/0.8 ml , 4 to 6 hours p.r.n. Or, 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose
100 mg/ml  every 4 hours p.r.n. Don’t exceed five doses
Oral suspension: 80 mg/0.8 ml , in 24 hours.
80 mg/ml† , 160 mg/5 ml  Rectal
Oral syrup: 16 mg/ml , 32 mg/ml† , Adults and children older than age 12:
80 mg/5 ml†  650 mg P.R. every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n. Maxi-
Sprinkles: 80 mg/capsule , 160 mg/ mum, 4 g daily. For long-term therapy, don’t
capsule  exceed 2.6 g daily unless prescribed and
Suppositories: 80 mg , 120 mg , monitored closely by health care provider.
125 mg , 300 mg , 325 mg , 650 mg  Children ages 6 to 12: 325 mg P.R. every
Tablets: 160 mg , 325 mg , 500 mg , 4 to 6 hours p.r.n. Maximum dose is
650 mg  1,950 mg in 24 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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acetaminophen 67
Children ages 3 to 6: 120 mg P.R. every 4 to Zidovudine: May decrease zidovudine
6 hours p.r.n. Maximum dose is 720 mg in effect. Monitor patient closely.
24 hours. Drug-herb. Watercress: May inhibit
Children ages 1 to 3: 80 mg P.R. every oxidative metabolism of acetaminophen.
4 hours p.r.n. Maximum dose is 480 mg in Discourage use together.
24 hours. Drug-food. Caffeine: May enhance anal-
Children ages 3 months to 11 months: gesic effects of acetaminophen. Products
80 mg P.R. every 6 hours p.r.n. may combine caffeine and acetaminophen
for therapeutic advantage.
ADMINISTRATION Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
P.O. risk of hepatic damage. Discourage use
• Use liquid form for children and patients together.
who have difficulty swallowing.
• Give drug without regard for food. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• Dispersible tablet should be allowed to • May decrease glucose and hemoglobin
dissolve in the mouth or chewed before levels and hematocrit.
swallowing. • May decrease neutrophil, WBC, RBC,
Rectal and platelet counts.
• If suppository is too soft, refrigerate • May cause false-positive test result for
for 15 minutes or run under cold water in urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. May
wrapper. falsely decrease glucose level in home
monitoring systems.
Thought to produce analgesia by inhibiting CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
prostaglandin and other substances that sen- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
sitize pain receptors. Drug may relieve fever to drug.
through central action in the hypothalamic • Use cautiously in patients with any type of
heat-regulating center. liver disease and in patients with long-term
Route Onset Peak Duration
alcohol use because therapeutic doses cause
P.O., P.R. Unknown 1⁄
2 –2 hr 3–4 hr
hepatotoxicity in these patients. Chronic
alcoholics shouldn’t take more than 2 g of
Half-life: 1 to 4 hours. acetaminophen every 24 hours.
•H Overdose S&S: Stage 1 (up to 24 hours)—
ADVERSE REACTIONS abdominal pain, diaphoresis, nausea,
Hematologic: hemolytic anemia, leukope- vomiting, malaise, pallor; stage 2 (24 to
nia, neutropenia, pancytopenia. 36 hours)—right upper quadrant pain,
Hepatic: jaundice. elevated liver function test results and PT;
Metabolic: hypoglycemia. stage 3 (72 to 96 hours)—hepatic failure,
Skin: rash, urticaria. encephalopathy, coma.


Drug-drug. Barbiturates, carbamazepine, Alert: Many OTC and prescription
hydantoins, rifampin, sulfinpyrazone: High products contain acetaminophen; be aware
doses or long-term use of these drugs may of this when calculating total daily dose.
reduce therapeutic effects and enhance • In children, don’t exceed five doses in
hepatotoxic effects of acetaminophen. 24 hours.
Avoid using together.
Lamotrigine: May decrease lamotrigine PATIENT TEACHING
level. Monitor patient for therapeutic effects. • Tell parents to consult prescriber before
Warfarin: May increase hypoprothrom- giving drug to children younger than age 2.
binemic effects with long-term use with • Advise parents that drug is only for short-
high doses of acetaminophen. Monitor INR term use; urge them to consult prescriber if

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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68 acetazolamide

giving to children for longer than 5 days or followed by 125 to 250 mg P.O. every 4 to
adults for longer than 10 days. 6 hours.
Alert: Advise patient or caregiver that ➤ Chronic open-angle glaucoma
many OTC products contain acetaminophen Adults: 250 mg to 1 g P.O. daily in divided
and should be counted when calculating doses q.i.d., or 500 mg extended-release
total daily dose. P.O. b.i.d.
• Tell patient not to use for marked ➤ To prevent or treat acute mountain
fever (temperature higher than 103.1◦ F sickness (high-altitude sickness)
[39.5◦ C]), fever persisting longer than Adults and children age 12 and older:
3 days, or recurrent fever unless directed by 500 mg to 1 g (regular or extended-release)
prescriber. P.O. daily in divided doses every 12 hours.
Alert: Warn patient that high doses or Start 24 to 48 hours before ascent and
unsupervised long-term use can cause continue for 48 hours while at high
liver damage. Excessive alcohol use may altitude. When rapid ascent is required,
increase the risk of liver damage. Caution start with 1,000 mg P.O. daily.
long-term alcoholics to limit drug to 2 g/day ➤ Adjunct for epilepsy and myoclonic,
or less. refractory, generalized tonic-clonic,
• Tell breast-feeding women that drug absence, or mixed seizures
appears in breast milk in low levels (less Adults: 8 to 30 mg/kg P.O. daily in divided
than 1% of dose). Drug may be used safely doses; 375 mg to 1 g daily is ideal. If given
if therapy is short-term and doesn’t exceed with other anticonvulsants, start at 250 mg
recommended doses. P.O. once daily, and increase to 375 mg to
1 g daily.
➤ Edema caused by heart failure; drug-
acetaZOLAMIDE induced edema
ah-set-a-ZOLE-ah-mide Adults: 250 mg to 375 mg (5 mg/kg) P.O.
daily in the morning. For best results, use
Acetazolam†, Diamox every other day or 2 days on followed by
1 to 2 days off. Or, 250 to 375 mg I.V. once
acetazolamide sodium daily for 1 or 2 days, alternating with a day
of rest.
Therapeutic class: Diuretic
Pharmacologic class: Carbonic ADMINISTRATION
anhydrase inhibitor P.O.
Pregnancy risk category C • Give drug with food to minimize GI
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Don’t crush or open extended-release
acetazolamide capsules.
Capsules (extended-release): 500 mg • If patient can’t swallow oral form,
Tablets: 125 mg, 250 mg pharmacist may make a suspension using
acetazolamide sodium crushed tablets in a highly flavored syrup,
Powder for injection: 500-mg vial such as cherry, raspberry, or chocolate to
mask the bitter flavor. Although concen-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES trations up to 500 mg/5 ml are possible,
➤ Secondary glaucoma; preoperative concentrations of 250 mg/5 ml are more
treatment of acute angle-closure palatable.
glaucoma • Refrigeration improves palatability but
Adults: 250 mg P.O. every 4 hours or doesn’t improve stability. Suspensions are
250 mg P.O. b.i.d. for short-term therapy. stable for 1 week.
In acute cases, 500 mg P.O.; then 125 to I.V.
250 mg P.O. every 4 hours. To rapidly lower  Reconstitute drug in 500-mg vial with at

intraocular pressure (IOP), initially, 500 mg least 5 ml of sterile water for injection. Use
I.V.; may repeat in 2 to 4 hours, if needed, within 12 hours of reconstitution.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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acetazolamide 69
 Inject 100 to 500 mg/minute into a large Diflunisal: May increase acetazolamide
vein using a 21G or 23G needle. adverse effects; may significantly decrease
 Direct I.V. injection is the preferred IOP. Use together cautiously.
route. Lithium: May increase lithium excretion,
 Intermittent and continuous infusions decreasing its effect. Monitor lithium level.
aren’t recommended. Methenamine: May reduce methenamine
 Incompatibilities: Multivitamins. effect. Avoid using together.
Primidone: May decrease serum and urine
AC TION primidone levels. Monitor patient closely.
Promotes renal excretion of sodium, Black Box Warning Salicylates: May cause
potassium, bicarbonate, and water. As accumulation and toxicity of acetazolamide,
anticonvulsant, drug normalizes neuronal resulting in CNS depression, metabolic
discharge. In mountain sickness, drug acidosis, anorexia, and death. Administer
stimulates ventilation and increases cere- with caution and monitor patient for
bral blood flow. In glaucoma, drug reduces toxicity.
intraocular pressure (IOP). Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May increase
Route Onset Peak Duration
risk of photosensitivity reactions. Advise
P.O. 60–90 min 1–4 hr 8–12 hr
patient to avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
P.O. (extended- 2 hr 3–6 hr 18–24 hr
I.V. 2 min 15 min 4–5 hr • May increase uric acid level. May de-
crease potassium and hemoglobin levels and
Half-life: 10 to 15 hours.
• May decrease WBC and platelet counts.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • May decrease iodine uptake by the thyroid
CNS: seizures, drowsiness, paresthesia, in hyperthyroid and euthyroid patients. May
confusion, depression, weakness, ataxia. cause false-positive urine protein test result.
EENT: transient myopia, hearing dysfunc-
GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, metallic Black Box Warning Fatalities have occurred
taste, diarrhea, black tarry stools, constipa- due to severe reactions to sulfonamides,
tion. including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic
GU: polyuria, hematuria, crystalluria, epidermal necrolysis, fulminant hepatic
glycosuria, phosphaturia, renal calculus. necrosis, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia,
Hematologic: aplastic anemia, leukope- and other blood dyscrasias. If signs and
nia, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia. symptoms of hypersensitivity or other
Metabolic: hypokalemia, asymptomatic serious reaction occur, discontinue drug.
hyperuricemia, hyperchloremic acidosis. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Skin: pain at injection site, Stevens- to drug and in those with hyponatremia or
Johnson syndrome, rash, urticaria. hypokalemia, renal or hepatic disease or
Other: sterile abscesses. dysfunction, renal calculi, adrenal gland
failure, hyperchloremic acidosis, or severe
INTERACTIONS pulmonary obstruction.
Drug-drug. Amphetamines, anticholin- • Contraindicated in those receiving long-
ergics, mecamylamine, procainamide, term treatment for chronic noncongestive
quinidine: May decrease renal clearance of angle-closure glaucoma.
these drugs, increasing toxicity. Monitor • Use cautiously in patients receiving other
patient for toxicity. diuretics and in those with respiratory aci-
Cyclosporine: May increase cyclosporine dosis or COPD.
level, causing nephrotoxicity and neurotoxi- •H Overdose S&S: Electrolyte imbalance,
city. Monitor patient for toxicity. acidotic state, CNS effects.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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70 acetylcysteine

Black Box Warning Cross-sensitivity acetylcysteine
between antibacterial sulfonamides and a-se-teel-SIS-tay-een
sulfonamide-derivative diuretics such as
acetazolamide has been reported. Acetadote
• Monitor fluid intake and output, glucose,
and electrolytes, especially potassium, bi- Therapeutic class: Mucolytic
carbonate, and chloride. When drug is used Pharmacologic class: L-cysteine
in diuretic therapy, consult prescriber and derivative
dietitian about providing a high-potassium Pregnancy risk category B
• Monitor elderly patients closely because AVAIL ABLE FORMS
they are especially susceptible to excessive Solution: 10%, 20%
diuresis. I.V. injection: 200 mg/ml
• Weigh patient daily. Rapid or excessive
fluid loss may cause weight loss and hy- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
potension. ➤ Adjunct therapy for abnormal vis-
• Diuretic effect decreases when acidosis cid or thickened mucous secretions in
occurs but can be reestablished by using patients with pneumonia, bronchitis,
intermittent administration schedules. bronchiectasis, primary amyloidosis
• Monitor patient for signs of hemolytic of the lung, tuberculosis, cystic fibro-
anemia (pallor, weakness, and palpitations). sis, emphysema, atelectasis, pulmonary
• Drug may increase glucose level and complications of thoracic surgery, or CV
cause glycosuria. surgery
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults and children: 1 to 2 ml 10% or 20%
acetazolamide with acetaminophen or solution by direct instillation into trachea as
acyclovir. often as every hour. Or, 1 to 10 ml of 20%
solution or 2 to 20 ml of 10% solution by
PATIENT TEACHING nebulization every 2 to 6 hours, p.r.n.
• Tell patient to take oral form with food to ➤ Acetaminophen toxicity
minimize GI upset. Adults and children: Initially, 140 mg/kg
• Tell patient not to crush, chew, or open P.O.; then 70 mg/kg P.O. every 4 hours
capsules. for 17 doses (total). Or, a loading dose of
• Caution patient not to perform hazardous 150 mg/kg I.V. over 60 minutes; then I.V.
activities if adverse CNS reactions occur. maintenance dose of 50 mg/kg infused over
• Instruct patient to avoid prolonged ex- 4 hours, followed by 100 mg/kg infused
posure to sunlight because drug may cause over 16 hours.
phototoxicity. ➤ Prevention of contrast media
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber of nephrotoxicity 
any unusual bleeding, bruising, tingling, or Adults: 600 mg P.O. b.i.d. starting one day
tremors. before administration of contrast media and
continued through the day of administration
for a total of 4 doses.

• Dilute oral dose (used for acetaminophen
overdose) with cola, fruit juice, or water.
Dilute 20% solution to 5% (add 3 ml of
diluent to each milliliter of drug). If patient
vomits within 1 hour of receiving loading or
maintenance dose, repeat dose. Use diluted
solution within 1 hour.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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acetylcysteine 71
• Drug smells strongly of sulfur. Mixing drugs separately. Iodized oil, trypsin, and
oral form with juice or cola improves its hydrogen peroxide are physically incom-
taste. patible with acetylcysteine; don’t add to
• Drug delivered through nasogastric tube nebulizer.
may be diluted with water.
• Store opened, undiluted oral solution in AC TION
the refrigerator for up to 96 hours. Reduces the viscosity of pulmonary secre-
I.V. tions by splitting disulfide linkages between
 Drug may turn from a colorless liquid mucoprotein molecular complexes. Also,
to a slight pink or purple color once the restores liver stores of glutathione to treat
stopper is punctured. This color change acetaminophen toxicity.
doesn’t affect the drug. Route Onset Peak Duration
 Drug is hyperosmolar and is compatible
P.O., I.V., Unknown Unknown Unknown
with D5 W, half-normal saline, and sterile inhalation
water for injection.
 Adjust total volume given for patients
Half-life: 61⁄4 hours.

who weigh less than 40 kg (88 lb) or who

are fluid restricted. ADVERSE REACTIONS
 For patients who weigh 40 kg or more, CNS: abnormal thinking, fever, drowsiness,
dilute loading dose in 200 ml of D5 W, gait disturbances.
second dose in 500 ml, and third dose in CV: chest tightness, flushing, hypertension,
1,000 ml. hypotension, tachycardia.
 For patients who weigh 25 to 40 kg EENT: rhinorrhea, ear pain, eye pain,
(55 to 88 lb), dilute loading dose in 100 ml, pharyngitis, throat tightness.
second dose in 250 ml, and third dose in GI: nausea, stomatitis, vomiting.
500 ml. Respiratory: bronchospasm, cough,
 For patients who weigh 20 kg (44 lb), dyspnea, rhonchi.
dilute loading dose in 60 ml, second dose Skin: clamminess, diaphoresis, pruritus,
in 140 ml, and third dose in 280 ml. rash, urticaria.
 For patients who weigh 15 kg (33 lb), Other: anaphylactoid reaction,
dilute loading dose in 45 ml, second dose angioedema, chills.
in 105 ml, and third dose in 210 ml.
 For patients who weigh 10 kg (22 lb), INTERACTIONS
dilute loading dose in 30 ml, second dose Drug-drug. Activated charcoal: May limit
in 70 ml, and third dose in 140 ml. acetylcysteine’s effectiveness. Avoid using
 Reconstituted solution is stable for activated charcoal before or with acetylcys-
24 hours at room temperature. teine.
 Vials contain no preservatives; discard


 Incompatibilities: Incompatible with None reported.
rubber and metals, especially iron, copper,
Inhalational • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Use plastic, glass, stainless steel, or to drug.
another nonreactive metal when giving by • Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated pa-
nebulization. Hand-bulb nebulizers aren’t tients with severe respiratory insufficiency.
recommended because output is too small Use I.V. form cautiously in patients with
and particle size too large. asthma or a history of bronchospasm.
• Incompatibilities: Physically or
chemically incompatible with inhaled NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tetracyclines, erythromycin lactobionate, Black Box Warning Solution isn’t for I.V.
amphotericin B, and ampicillin sodium. If injection.
given by aerosol inhalation, nebulize these • Monitor cough type and frequency.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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72 activated charcoal

Alert: Monitor patient for bronchospasm,

especially if he has asthma. activated charcoal
• Ingestion of more than 150 mg/kg of Actidose , Actidose-Aqua ,
acetaminophen may cause liver toxicity. Actidose with Sorbitol ,
Measure acetaminophen level 4 hours after CharcoAid , CharcoAid 2000 ,
ingestion to determine risk of liver toxicity. Liqui-Char 
Alert: Drug is used for acetaminophen
overdose within 24 hours of ingestion. Start charcoal
drug immediately; don’t wait for results of Charcoal Plus DS ,
acetaminophen level. Give within 10 hours CharcoCaps 
of acetaminophen ingestion to minimize
hepatic injury. Therapeutic class: Antidote
• If you suspect acetaminophen overdose, Pharmacologic class: Adsorbent
obtain baseline AST, ALT, bilirubin, PT, Pregnancy risk category C
BUN, creatinine, glucose, and electrolyte
Alert: Monitor patient receiving I.V. form activated charcoal
for anaphylactoid reactions. If anaphylac- Granules: 15 g 
toid reaction occurs, stop infusion and treat Liquid: 12.5 g ∗ , 15 g ∗ , 25 g ∗ ,
anaphylaxis. Once anaphylaxis treatment 30 g ∗ , 50 g ∗
starts, restart infusion. If anaphylactoid Oral suspension: 15 g , 30 g 
symptoms return, stop drug. Contact the Powder: 15 g , 30 g , 40 g , 120 g ,
Poison Control Center at (800) 222-1222 for 240 g 
more information. charcoal
• Facial erythema may occur within 30 to Capsules: 260 mg 
60 minutes of start of I.V. infusion and Tablets: 250 mg 
usually resolves without stopping infusion.
• When acetaminophen level is below toxic INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
level according to nomogram, stop therapy. ➤ Flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhea
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults: 500 to 520 mg (charcoal) P.O. after
acetylcysteine with acetylcholine. meals or at first sign of discomfort. Repeat
• The vial stopper doesn’t contain natural as needed, up to 5 g daily.
rubber latex, dry natural rubber, or blends of ➤ Poisoning
natural rubber. Adults and children from 1 to 12 years
weighing over 32 kg (71 lbs): 50 to 60 g P.O.
PATIENT TEACHING of drug in sorbitol base.
• Warn patient that drug may have a foul Children aged 1 to 12 years weighing 16 to
taste or smell that may be distressing. 32 kg (38 to 71 lbs): 25 to 30 g P.O. (sorbitol
• For maximum effect, instruct patient to base).
cough to clear his airway before aerosol Adults and children older than 1 year: 5 to
administration. 60 g P.O. (aqueous base). Dosage should be
10 times by volume the amount of poison
ingested, if known. If amount of poison
ingested is not known, a dosage of at least
20 to 30 g should be given.

• Give after emesis is complete because
activated charcoal absorbs and inactivates
ipecac syrup.
• For best effect, give within 30 minutes
after poison ingestion.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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activated charcoal 73
• Mix powder (most effective form) with NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tap water to consistency of thick syrup. Add • Although there are no known contraindi-
small amount of fruit juice or flavoring to cations, drug isn’t effective for treating all
make mix more palatable. Don’t mix with acute poisonings.
ice cream, milk, or sherbet; these decrease Alert: Drug is commonly used for
adsorptive capacity of activated charcoal. treating poisoning or overdose with acet-
• Give by large-bore nasogastric tube after aminophen, aspirin, atropine, barbiturates,
lavage, if needed. dextropropoxyphene, digoxin, poisonous
• If patient vomits shortly after administra- mushrooms, oxalic acid, parathion, phenol,
tion, repeat dose. phenytoin, propantheline, propoxyphene,
• Space doses at least 1 hour apart from strychnine, or tricyclic antidepressants.
other drugs if treatment is for indications Check with poison control center for use in
other than poisoning. other types of poisonings or overdoses.
Alert: Don’t aspirate or allow patient to
AC TION aspirate charcoal powder; this may result in
Adheres to many drugs and chemicals, death.
inhibiting their absorption from the GI tract. • Follow treatment with stool softener
Also reduces volume of intestinal gas and or laxative to prevent constipation unless
relieves related discomfort. sorbitol is part of product ingredients.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Preparations made with sorbitol have a
P.O. Immediate Unknown Unknown
laxative effect that lessens risk of severe
constipation or fecal impaction.
Half-life: Unknown. • If preparation with sorbitol is used, main-
tain patient’s fluid and electrolyte needs.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Don’t use charcoal with sorbitol in dehy-
GI: black stools, intestinal obstruction, drated or fructose-intolerant patients or in
nausea, constipation. children younger than age 1.
Alert: Drug is ineffective for poisoning or
INTERACTIONS overdose of cyanide, mineral acids, caustic
Drug-drug. Acetaminophen, barbitu- alkalis, and organic solvents; it’s not very
rates, carbamazepine, digitoxin, digoxin, effective for overdose of ethanol, lithium,
furosemide, glutethimide, hydantoins, methanol, and iron salts.
methotrexate, nizatidine, phenothiazines, • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
phenylbutazone, propoxyphene, salicylates, Actidose with Actos.
sulfonamides, sulfonylureas, tetracyclines,
theophyllines, tricyclic antidepressants, PATIENT TEACHING
valproic acid: May reduce absorption of • Explain use and administration of drug to
these drugs. Give charcoal at least 2 hours patient (if awake) and family.
before or 1 hour after other drugs. • Warn patient that stools will be black until
Acetylcysteine, ipecac: May inactivate these all the charcoal has passed through the body.
drugs. Give charcoal after vomiting has • Instruct patient to drink 6 to 8 glasses
been induced by ipecac; remove charcoal of liquid per day because drug can cause
by nasogastric tube before giving acetylcys- constipation.
teine. • Advise patient to call prescriber if diar-
Drug-food. Milk, ice cream, sherbet: May rhea lasts for more than 2 days or is accom-
decrease adsorptive capacity of drug. Dis- panied by fever.
courage use together.


None reported.


None known.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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74 acyclovir (oral; injection)

10 mg/kg based on ideal body weight every

acyclovir (oral; injection) 8 hours for 7 days. Don’t exceed maximum
ay-SYE-kloe-ver dosage equivalent of 20 mg/kg every
8 hours.
Zovirax Children younger than age 12: Give 20 mg/
kg I.V. over 1 hour every 8 hours for 7 days.
acyclovir sodium ➤ Varicella (chickenpox) infection in
Zovirax immunocompetent patients
Adults and children who weigh more than
Therapeutic class: Antiviral 40 kg (88 lb): 800 mg P.O. q.i.d. for 5 days.
Pharmacologic class: Synthetic purine Children age 2 and older, who weigh less
nucleoside than 40 kg: 20 mg/kg (maximum 800 mg/
Pregnancy risk category B dose) P.O. q.i.d. for 5 days. Start therapy as
soon as symptoms appear.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ Acute herpes zoster infection in
Capsules: 200 mg immunocompetent patients
Injection: 500 mg/vial, 1 g/vial Adults and children age 12 and older:
Suspension: 200 mg/5 ml 800 mg P.O. every 4 hours five times daily
Tablets: 400 mg, 800 mg for 7 to 10 days.
➤ Herpes simplex encephalitis
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Adults and children age 12 and older:
➤ First and recurrent episodes of muco- 10 mg/kg I.V. over 1 hour every 8 hours for
cutaneous herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 10 days.
and HSV-2) infections in immunocom- Children ages 3 months to 12 years:
promised patients; severe first episodes 20 mg/kg I.V. over 1 hour every 8 hours
of genital herpes in patients who aren’t for 10 days.
immunocompromised ➤ Neonatal herpes simplex virus infec-
Adults and children age 12 and older: tion
5 mg/kg given I.V. over 1 hour every 8 hours Neonates to 3 months old: 10 mg/kg I.V.
for 7 days. Give for 5 to 7 days for severe over 1 hour every 8 hours for 10 days.
first episode of genital herpes. ➤ Prevention of recurrent ocular herpes
Children younger than age 12: Give infection
10 mg/kg I.V. over 1 hour every 8 hours Adults and children age 12 and older:
for 7 days. 600 to 800 mg P.O. daily for 8 to 12 months.
➤ First genital herpes episode Adjust-a-dose: For patients receiving the
Adults: 200 mg P.O. every 4 hours while I.V. form, if creatinine clearance is 25 to
awake, five times daily. Continue for 50 ml/minute, give 100% of dose every
10 days. 12 hours; if clearance is 10 to 24 ml/minute,
➤ Intermittent therapy for recurrent give 100% of dose every 24 hours; if clear-
genital herpes ance is less than 10 ml/minute, give 50% of
Adults: 200 mg P.O. every 4 hours while dose every 24 hours.
awake, five times daily. Continue for 5 days. For patients receiving the P.O. form,
Begin therapy at first sign of recurrence. if normal dose is 200 mg every 4 hours
➤ Long-term suppressive therapy for five times daily and creatinine clearance is
recurrent genital herpes less than 10 ml/minute, give 200 mg P.O.
Adults: 400 mg P.O. b.i.d. for up to every 12 hours. If normal dose is 400 mg
12 months. Or, 200 mg P.O. three to five every 12 hours and clearance is less than
times daily for up to 12 months. 10 ml/minute, give 200 mg every 12 hours.
➤ Varicella zoster infections in immuno- If normal dose is 800 mg every 4 hours
compromised patients five times daily and clearance is 10 to
Adults and children age 12 and older: 25 ml/minute, give 800 mg every 8 hours;
10 mg/kg I.V. over 1 hour every 8 hours if clearance is less than 10 ml/minute, give
for 7 days. Dosage for obese patients is 800 mg every 12 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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acyclovir (oral; injection) 75

ADMINISTRATION GU: acute renal failure, hematuria.
P.O. Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope-
• Give drug without regard for meals, but nia, thrombocytosis.
give with food if stomach irritation occurs. Skin: inflammation or phlebitis at injection
• Patient should take drug as prescribed, site, rash, urticaria.
even after he feels better.
 Solutions concentrated at 7 mg/ml or Drug-drug. Interferon: May have synergis-
more may cause a higher risk of phlebitis. tic effect. Monitor patient closely.
 Encourage fluid intake because patient Probenecid: May increase acyclovir level.
must be adequately hydrated during infu- Monitor patient for possible toxicity.
sion. Zidovudine: May cause drowsiness or
 Bolus injection, dehydration (decreased lethargy. Use together cautiously.
urine output), renal disease, and use with
other nephrotoxic drugs increase the risk EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
of renal toxicity. Don’t give by bolus injec- • May increase BUN and creatinine levels.
tion. • May decrease WBC count. May increase
 Give I.V. infusion over at least 1 hour to or decrease platelet count.
prevent renal tubular damage.
 Monitor intake and output, especially CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
during the first 2 hours after administra- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
tion. to drug.
Alert: Don’t give I.M. or subcutaneously. • Use cautiously in patients with neurologic
 Incompatibilities: Amifostine, aztre- problems, renal disease, or dehydration, and
onam, biological or colloidal solutions, in those receiving other nephrotoxic drugs.
cefepime, cisatracurium besylate, dil- • Adequate studies haven’t been done in
tiazem hydrochloride, dobutamine hy- pregnant women; use only if potential bene-
drochloride, dopamine hydrochloride, fits outweigh risks to fetus.
fludarabine phosphate, foscarnet sodium, •H Overdose S&S: Agitation, coma, seizures,
gemcitabine hydrochloride, idarubicin lethargy, elevated BUN and creatinine
hydrochloride, levofloxacin, meperi- levels, renal failure.
dine hydrochloride, meropenem, mor-
phine sulfate, ondansetron hydrochloride, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
parabens, piperacillin sodium and tazobac- Alert: Long-term acyclovir use may result
tam sodium, sargramostim, tacrolimus, in nephrotoxicity. In patients with renal
vinorelbine tartrate. disease or dehydration and in those taking
other nephrotoxic drugs, monitor renal
AC TION function.
Interferes with DNA synthesis and inhibits Alert: If signs and symptoms of extrava-
viral multiplication. sation occur, stop I.V. infusion immediately
Route Onset Peak Duration
and notify prescriber. Hyaluronidase may
P.O. Unknown 21⁄2 hr Unknown
need to be injected subcutaneously at ex-
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown travasation site as an antidote.
• Encephalopathic changes are more likely
Half-life: 2 to 31⁄2 hours with normal renal function; to occur in patients with neurologic disor-
up to 19 hours with renal impairment. ders and in those who have had neurologic
reactions to cytotoxic drugs.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse acy-
CNS: headache, malaise, encephalopathic clovir sodium (Zovirax) with acetazolamide
changes (including lethargy, obtunda- sodium (Diamox) vials, which may look
tion, tremor, confusion, hallucinations, alike.
agitation, seizures, coma). • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Zovirax with Zyvox.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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76 acyclovir (topical)

PATIENT TEACHING • All lesions must be thoroughly covered.

• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, • Drug is for cutaneous use only; don’t
even after he feels better. apply to eye.
• Tell patient drug is effective in managing
herpes infection but doesn’t eliminate or AC TION
cure it. Warn patient that drug won’t prevent Inhibits herpes simplex and varicella zoster
spread of infection to others. viral DNA synthesis by inhibiting viral
• Tell patient to avoid sexual contact while DNA polymerase action.
visible lesions are present.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Teach patient about early signs and symp- Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
toms of herpes infection (such as tingling,
itching, or pain). Tell him to notify pre- Half-life: Unknown.
scriber and get a prescription for drug
before the infection fully develops. Early ADVERSE REACTIONS
treatment is most effective. Skin: mild pain, burning or stinging,
eczema, rash, dryness, pruritus, contact
dermatitis, application site reactions.
acyclovir (topical) Other: angioedema, anaphylaxis.
Zovirax None significant.

Therapeutic class: Antiviral EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

Pharmacologic class: Nucleoside None reported.
Pregnancy risk category B CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AVAIL ABLE FORMS or chemically intolerant to drug.
Cream: 5% • Women with active herpetic lesions near
Ointment: 5% or on breast should avoid breast-feeding.


➤ Initial herpes genitalis; limited, non– • Start therapy as early as possible after
life-threatening mucocutaneous herpes signs or symptoms begin.
simplex virus infections in immunocom- • Drug isn’t a cure for herpes, but it helps
promised patients improve signs and symptoms.
Adults and children age 12 and older: Cover
all lesions every 3 hours six times daily for PATIENT TEACHING
7 days. Although dose varies depending on • Teach patient that virus transmission can
total lesion area, use about 1⁄ 2 -inch (1.3-cm) occur during treatment.
ribbon of ointment on each 4-inch (10-cm) • Tell patient that there may be some dis-
square of surface area. comfort with application.
➤ Recurrent herpes labialis (cold sores) • Stress importance of compliance for
Adults and children age 12 and older: successful therapy.
Apply cream five times daily for 4 days. • Teach patient that therapy should begin as
Start therapy as early as possible after signs soon as signs and symptoms appear.
and symptoms start. • Tell patient to notify prescriber if adverse
reactions occur.
ADMINISTRATION • Instruct patient to store drug in a dry place
Topical at 59◦ to 77◦ F (15◦ to 25◦ C).
• Apply with finger cot or rubber glove to
prevent autoinoculation of other body sites
and transmission of infection to others.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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adalimumab 77
adalimumab Subcutaneous
ay-da-LIM-yoo-mab • Inject subcutaneously into abdomen or
Therapeutic class: Antiarthritic A recombinant human immunoglobulin
Pharmacologic class: Tumor necrosis G1 monoclonal antibody that blocks
factor (TNF)-alpha blocker human TNF-alpha. TNF-alpha participates
Pregnancy risk category B in normal inflammatory and immune re-
sponses and in the inflammation and joint
AVAIL ABLE FORMS destruction of RA.
Injection: 20 mg/0.4 ml, 40 mg/0.8 ml as Route Onset Peak Duration
prefilled syringes or pens Subcut. Variable Variable Unknown

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Half-life: 10 to 20 days.

➤ Rheumatoid arthritis (RA); psoriatic
arthritis; ankylosing spondylitis ADVERSE REACTIONS
Adults: 40 mg subcutaneously every CNS: headache.
other week. Patient may continue to take CV: hemorrhage, hypertension.
methotrexate, steroids, NSAIDs, salicylates, EENT: sinusitis.
analgesics or other disease-modifying an- GI: abdominal pain, nausea.
tirheumatic drugs (known as DMARDs) GU: hematuria, UTI.
during therapy. Patients with RA who aren’t Hematologic: leukopenia, pancytopenia,
also taking methotrexate may have the dose thrombocytopenia.
increased to 40 mg weekly, if needed. Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, hyper-
➤ Moderate to severe Crohn’s disease lipidemia.
when response to conventional therapy is Musculoskeletal: back pain.
inadequate or when response to infliximab Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
is lost or patient can’t tolerate the drug tion, bronchitis.
Adults: Initially, 160 mg subcutaneously Skin: rash.
on day 1 given as four 40-mg injections in Other: accidental injury, injection site re-
1 day or as two 40-mg injections per day actions (erythema, itching, pain, swelling),
for 2 consecutive days; then 80 mg 2 weeks anaphylaxis, malignancy, allergic reac-
later (day 15), followed by a maintenance tions, flulike syndrome.
dose of 40 mg every other week starting at
week 4 (day 29). INTERACTIONS
➤ To reduce the signs and symptoms of Drug-drug. Anakinra: May increase risk of
moderately to severely active polyarticu- serious infections and neutropenia. Don’t
lar juvenile idiopathic arthritis use together.
Children 4 to 17 years who weigh between Live-virus vaccines: No data are available
15 kg (33 lbs) and less than 30 kg (66 lbs): on secondary transmission of infection from
20 mg subcutaneously every other week. live-virus vaccines. Avoid using together.
Children 4 to 17 years who weigh 30 kg or Methotrexate: May decrease clearance
more: 40 mg subcutaneously every other of adalimumab. Dosage adjustment isn’t
week. necessary.
➤ Moderate to severe chronic plaque
Adults: 80 mg subcutaneously, followed by • May increase alkaline phosphatase and
40 mg subcutaneously every other week cholesterol levels.
starting one week after the initial dose.
Treatment beyond one year has not been

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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78 adefovir dipivoxil

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Alert: Warn patient to seek immediate

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive medical attention for symptoms of blood
to drug or its components, in immunosup- dyscrasias or infection, including fever,
pressed patients, and those with an active bruising, bleeding, and pallor.
chronic or localized infection. • Tell patient to rotate injection sites and to
• Use cautiously in patients with demyeli- avoid tender, bruised, red, or hard skin.
nating disorders, a history of recurrent • Teach patient to dispose of used vials,
infection, those with underlying conditions needles, and syringes properly and not in
that predispose them to infections, and those the household trash or recyclables.
who have lived in areas where tuberculosis • Tell patient to refrigerate drug in its origi-
and histoplasmosis are endemic, and in the nal container before use.
• Use cautiously and monitor closely in
heart failure patients. adefovir dipivoxil
• Don’t give to pregnant women unless ah-DEF-oh-veer
benefits outweigh risks. Because of the risk
of serious adverse reactions, the patient Hepsera
should stop breast-feeding or stop using the
drug. Therapeutic class: Antiviral
Pharmacologic class: Acyclic nucleotide
• Give first dose under supervision of Pregnancy risk category C
Black Box Warning Patient should be eval- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
uated, and treated if necessary, for latent Tablets: 10 mg
tuberculosis before starting adalimumab
therapy. Closely monitor patient for possible INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
development of tuberculosis even if he has ➤ Chronic hepatitis B infection
tested negative before initiating therapy. Adults and children age 12 and older:
Black Box Warning Serious infections and 10 mg P.O. once daily.
sepsis, including tuberculosis and inva- Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine
sive fungal infections, may occur. If patient clearance of 30 to 49 ml/minute, give
develops new infection during treatment, 10 mg P.O. every 48 hours. In patients with
monitor him closely and if infection be- clearance of 10 to 29 ml/minute, give 10 mg
comes serious, stop drug. P.O. every 72 hours. In patients receiving
• Drug may increase the risk of malignancy. hemodialysis, give 10 mg P.O. every 7 days,
Patients with highly active RA may be at an after dialysis session.
increased risk for lymphoma.
• If patient develops anaphylaxis, a severe ADMINISTRATION
infection, other serious allergic reaction, P.O.
or evidence of a lupuslike syndrome, stop • Give drug without regard for meals.
• Drug may cause reactivation of hepatitis AC TION
B virus in chronic carriers. An acyclic nucleotide analogue that inhibits
Alert: The needle cover contains latex and hepatitis B virus reverse transcription via
shouldn’t be handled by those with latex viral DNA chain termination.
sensitivity. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr Unknown
• Tell patient to report evidence of tubercu- Half-life: Unknown.
losis or infection.
• Teach patient or caregiver how to give ADVERSE REACTIONS
drug. CNS: asthenia, fever, headache.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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adenosine 79
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, • The ideal length of treatment hasn’t been
flatulence, nausea, vomiting. established.
GU: renal failure, renal insufficiency, Black Box Warning Offer patients HIV
hematuria, glycosuria. antibody testing; drug may promote re-
Hepatic: hepatic failure, hepatomegaly sistance to antiretrovirals in patients with
with steatosis. unrecognized or untreated HIV infection.
Metabolic: lactic acidosis. • For pregnant women, call the Antiretrovi-
Skin: pruritus, rash. ral Pregnancy Registry at 1-800-258-4263
to monitor fetal outcome.
Drug-drug. Ibuprofen: May increase PATIENT TEACHING
adefovir bioavailability. Monitor patient • Inform the patient that drug may be taken
for adverse effects. without regard to meals.
Nephrotoxic drugs (aminoglycosides, • Tell patient to immediately report weak-
cyclosporine, NSAIDs, tacrolimus, van- ness, muscle pain, trouble breathing, stom-
comycin): May increase risk of nephrotoxic- ach pain with nausea and vomiting, dizzi-
ity. Use together cautiously. ness, light-headedness, fast or irregular
heartbeat, and feeling cold, especially in
• May increase ALT, amylase, AST, CK, • Warn patient not to stop taking this drug
creatinine, and lactate levels. unless directed because it could cause hep-
atitis to become worse.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct woman to tell her prescriber if she
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive becomes pregnant or is breast-feeding. It’s
to any component of the drug. unknown if drug appears in breast milk. Use
• Use cautiously in patients with renal cautiously in breast-feeding women.
dysfunction, in those receiving nephrotoxic
drugs, and in those with known risk factors
for hepatic disease. adenosine
• In elderly patients, use cautiously because a-DEN-oh-seen
they’re more likely to have decreased renal
and cardiac function. Adenocard
• Safety and effectiveness in children
younger than age 12 haven’t been estab- Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic
lished. Pharmacologic class: Nucleoside
•H Overdose S&S: GI adverse reactions. Pregnancy risk category C


Black Box Warning Due to increased risk Injection: 3 mg/ml
of nephrotoxicity, monitor renal function,
especially in patients with renal dysfunction INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
or those taking nephrotoxic drugs. ➤ To convert paroxysmal supraventricu-
Black Box Warning Patients may develop lar tachycardia (PSVT) to sinus rhythm
lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly Adults and children who weigh 50 kg
with steatosis during treatment. Women, (110 lb) or more: 6 mg I.V. by rapid bolus
obese patients, and those taking antiretro- injection over 1 to 2 seconds. If PSVT isn’t
virals are at higher risk. Monitor hepatic eliminated in 1 to 2 minutes, give 12 mg by
function. Stop drug, if needed. rapid I.V. push and repeat, if needed.
Black Box Warning Stopping adefovir Children who weigh less than 50 kg: Ini-
may cause severe worsening of hepatitis. tially, 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg I.V. by rapid bolus
Monitor hepatic function closely in patients injection followed by a saline flush. If PSVT
who stop antihepatitis B therapy. isn’t eliminated in 1 to 2 minutes, give ad-
ditional bolus injections, increasing the

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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80 adenosine

amount given by 0.05- to 0.1-mg/kg incre- patients may not respond to adenosine
ments, followed by a saline flush. Continue, therapy.
as needed, until conversion or a maximum Drug-herb. Guarana: May decrease pa-
single dose of 0.3 mg/kg is given. tient’s response to drug. Monitor patient.


I.V. None reported.
 Don’t give single doses exceeding


 In adults, avoid giving drug through • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
a central line because more prolonged to drug.
asystole may occur. • Contraindicated in those with second-
 Give by rapid I.V. injection to ensure or third-degree heart block or sinus node
drug action. disease (such as sick sinus syndrome and
 Give directly into a vein, if possible. symptomatic bradycardia), except those
When giving through an I.V. line, use the with a pacemaker.
port closest to the patient. • Use cautiously in patients with asthma,
 Flush immediately and rapidly with emphysema, or bronchitis because bron-
normal saline solution to ensure that drug choconstriction may occur.
quickly reaches the systemic circulation.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Alert: By decreasing conduction through
AC TION the AV node, drug may produce first-,
Naturally occurring nucleoside that acts second-, or third-degree heart block.
on the AV node to slow conduction and Patients who develop high-level heart block
inhibit reentry pathways. Drug is also useful after a single dose shouldn’t receive addi-
in treating PSVTs, including those with tional doses.
accessory bypass tracts (Wolff-Parkinson- Alert: New arrhythmias, including heart
White syndrome). block and transient asystole, may develop;
Route Onset Peak Duration
monitor cardiac rhythm and treat as indi-
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
• If solution is cold, crystals may form;
Half-life: Less than 10 seconds. gently warm solution to room temperature.
Don’t use solutions that aren’t clear.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Drug lacks preservatives. Discard unused
CNS: dizziness, light-headedness, numb- portion. Don’t refrigerate.
ness, tingling in arms, headache. Alert: Don’t confuse adenosine with
CV: chest pressure, facial flushing. adenosine phosphate.
GI: nausea.
Respiratory: dyspnea, shortness of breath. PATIENT TEACHING
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
Drug-drug. Carbamazepine: May cause • Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V.
high-level heart block. Use together site.
cautiously. • Inform patient that he may experience
Digoxin, verapamil: May cause ventricular flushing or chest pain lasting 1 to 2 minutes.
fibrillation. Monitor ECG closely.
Dipyridamole: May increase adenosine’s
effects. Adenosine dose may need to be
reduced. Use together cautiously.
Methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline):
May decrease adenosine’s effects. Adeno-
sine dose may need to be increased or

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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albumin 5% 81
➤ Hypoproteinemia
albumin 5% Adults: 200 to 300 ml of 25% albumin.
al-BYOO-min Dosage varies with patient’s condition
and response. Usual daily dose is 50 to
Albumarc, Albuminar-5, Albutein 5%, 75 g. Rate of infusion shouldn’t exceed
Buminate 5%, Plasbumin-5 2 ml/minute.
Children: Usual daily dosage is 25 g.
albumin 20%
albumin 25% I.V.
 Make sure patient is properly hydrated
Albuminar-25, Albutein 25%,
Buminate 25%, Plasbumin-25 before infusion.
 Minimize waste when preparing and

Therapeutic class: Plasma volume giving drug. This product is expensive, and
expander supply shortages are common.
Pharmacologic class: Blood derivative  Albumin 5% is infused undiluted;

Pregnancy risk category C albumin 20% and 25% may be infused

undiluted or diluted with normal saline
AVAIL ABLE FORMS solution or D5 W injection.
albumin 5%  Avoid rapid I.V. infusion in stable

Injection: 50 mg/ml in 50-ml, 250-ml, patient. Specific rate is based on patient’s

500-ml, 1,000-ml vials age, condition, and diagnosis.
albumin 20%  Don’t give more than 250 g in 48 hours.

Injection: 200 mg/ml in 50-ml, 100-ml vials  Use solution promptly. Discard unused

albumin 25% solution.

Injection: 250 mg/ml in 20-ml, 50-ml,  Make sure solution is a clear amber

100-ml vials color. Don’t use cloudy or sediment-filled

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Follow storage instructions on bottle.

➤ Hypovolemic shock Freezing may cause bottle to break.

Adults: Initially, 500 to 750 ml of 5%  Incompatibilities: Midazolam, van-

solution by I.V. infusion, repeated every comycin, verapamil hydrochloride, amino

30 minutes, as needed. As plasma volume acid solutions, solutions containing
approaches normal, rate of infusion of 5% alcohol.
solution shouldn’t exceed 2 to 4 ml/minute.
Dosage of 20% and 25% solution varies AC TION
with patient’s condition and response. As Albumin 5% supplies colloid to the blood
plasma volume approaches normal, rate of and expands plasma volume. Albumin 25%
infusion of 25% solution shouldn’t exceed provides intravascular oncotic pressure
1 ml/minute. in a 5:1 ratio, shifting fluid from intersti-
Children: 12 to 20 ml of 5% solution/kg by tial spaces to the circulation and slightly
I.V. infusion, repeated in 15 to 30 minutes if increasing plasma protein level.
response is inadequate. Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ Burns I.V. <15 min <15 min Several hr
Adults: 25% or 20% solution infused no
faster than 2 to 3 ml/minute to maintain Half-life: 15 to 20 days.
plasma albumin concentration at approxi-
mately 2.5 plus or minus 0.5 g/100 ml with ADVERSE REACTIONS
a plasma oncotic pressure of 20 mm Hg CNS: headache, fever.
(equal to a total plasma protein concen- CV: vascular overload after rapid infusion,
tration of 5.2 g/100 ml). The duration of hypotension, tachycardia.
therapy is determined by the loss of protein GI: nausea, vomiting.
from burned areas and in the urine.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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82 albuterol sulfate

Respiratory: altered respiration, pul-

monary edema. albuterol sulfate
Skin: urticaria, rash. al-BYOO-ter-ole
Other: chills.
AccuNeb, ProAir HFA, Proventil HFA,
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors: May increase
risk of atypical reactions, such as flushing Therapeutic class: Bronchodilator
and hypotension. Withhold ACE inhibitors Pharmacologic class: Adrenergic
24 hours before giving albumin, if possible. Pregnancy risk category C


• May increase albumin level. Inhalation aerosol: 90 mcg/metered spray
Solution for inhalation: 0.083% (2.5 mg/
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 3 ml), 0.5% (5 mg/ml), 0.042% (1.25 mg/
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive 3 ml), 0.021% (0.63 mg/3 ml)
to drug and in those with severe anemia, Syrup: 2 mg/5 ml
pulmonary edema, or cardiac failure. Tablets: 2 mg, 4 mg
• Use with extreme caution in patients Tablets (extended-release): 4 mg, 8 mg
with hypertension, low cardiac reserve,
hypervolemia, pulmonary edema, or INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
hypoalbuminemia with peripheral edema. ➤ To prevent or treat bronchospasm
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic or in patients with reversible obstructive
renal failure because of increased protein airway disease
load. Tablets (extended-release)
Adults and children age 12 and older: 4 to
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 8 mg P.O. every 12 hours. Maximum, 32 mg
Alert: Watch for hemorrhage or shock daily.
after surgery or injury. Rapid increase in Children ages 6 to 11: 4 mg P.O. every
blood pressure may cause bleeding from 12 hours. Maximum, 24 mg daily.
sites that aren’t apparent at lower pressures. Tablets
• Monitor vital signs carefully. Adults and children age 12 and older: 2 to
• Watch for signs of vascular overload 4 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. Maximum, 32 mg
(heart failure or pulmonary edema). daily.
• Monitor fluid intake and output; protein, Children ages 6 to 11: 2 mg P.O. t.i.d. or
electrolyte, and hemoglobin levels; and q.i.d. Maximum, 24 mg daily.
hematocrit during therapy. Solution for inhalation
Adults and children age 12 and older:
PATIENT TEACHING 2.5 mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. by nebulizer, given
• Explain use and administration to patient over 5 to 15 minutes. To prepare solution,
and family. use 0.5 ml of 0.5% solution diluted with
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions 2.5 ml of normal saline solution. Or, use
promptly. 3 ml of 0.083% solution.
Children ages 2 to 12 weighing more than
15 kg (33 lb): 2.5 mg by nebulizer given
over 5 to 15 minutes t.i.d. or q.i.d., with
subsequent doses adjusted to response.
Don’t exceed 2.5 mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.
Children ages 2 to 12 weighing 15 kg or
less: 0.63 mg or 1.25 mg by nebulizer given
over 5 to 15 minutes t.i.d. or q.i.d. with
subsequent doses adjusted to response.
Don’t exceed 2.5 mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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albuterol sulfate 83
Adults and children older than age 14: CNS: tremor, nervousness, headache,
2 to 4 mg (1 to 2 tsp) P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. hyperactivity, insomnia, dizziness, weak-
Maximum, 32 mg daily. ness, CNS stimulation, malaise.
Children ages 6 to 13: 2 mg (1 tsp) P.O. t.i.d. CV: tachycardia, palpitations, hyperten-
or q.i.d. Maximum, 24 mg daily. sion.
Children ages 2 to 5: Initially, 0.1 mg/kg EENT: dry and irritated nose and throat
P.O. t.i.d. Starting dose shouldn’t exceed with inhaled form, nasal congestion, epis-
2 mg (1 tsp) t.i.d. Maximum, 12 mg daily. taxis, hoarseness, conjunctivitis.
Inhalation aerosol GI: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, anorexia,
Adults and children age 4 and older: 1 to altered taste, increased appetite.
2 inhalations every 4 to 6 hours as needed. Metabolic: hypokalemia.
Regular use for maintenance therapy to Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps.
control asthma symptoms isn’t recom- Respiratory: bronchospasm, cough,
mended. wheezing, dyspnea, bronchitis, increased
Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients and sputum.
those sensitive to sympathomimetic amines, Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
2 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. as oral tablets or
syrup. Maximum, 32 mg daily. INTERACTIONS
➤ To prevent exercise-induced bron- Drug-drug. CNS stimulants: May increase
chospasm CNS stimulation. Avoid using together.
Adults and children age 4 and older: Digoxin: May decrease digoxin level. Moni-
2 inhalations using the inhalation aerosol tor digoxin level closely.
15 minutes before exercise; up to 12 inhala- MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants:
tions may be taken in 24 hours. May increase adverse CV effects. Monitor
patient closely.
ADMINISTRATION Propranolol and other beta blockers: May
P.O. cause mutual antagonism. Monitor patient
• When switching patient from regular carefully.
to extended-release tablets, remember
that a regular 2-mg tablet every 6 hours is EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
equivalent to an extended-release 4-mg • May decrease potassium level.
tablet every 12 hours.
• Give drug whole; don’t break or crush CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
extended-release tablets or mix them with • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
food. to drug or its ingredients.
Inhalational • Use cautiously in patients with CV disor-
• If more than 1 inhalation is ordered, wait ders (including coronary insufficiency and
at least 2 minutes between inhalations. hypertension), hyperthyroidism, or diabetes
• Use spacer device to improve drug mellitus and in those who are unusually
delivery, if appropriate. responsive to adrenergics.
• Shake the inhaler before use. • Use extended-release tablets cautiously in
patients with GI narrowing.
AC TION •H Overdose S&S: Exaggeration of adverse
Relaxes bronchial, uterine, and vascular reactions, seizures, angina, hypotension,
smooth muscle by stimulating beta2 receptors. hypokalemia, cardiac arrest.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 15–30 min 2–3 hr 4–8 hr
P.O. (extended) Unknown 6 hr 12 hr • Drug may decrease sensitivity of spirome-
Inhalation 5–15 min 30–120 2–6 hr try used for diagnosis of asthma.
min • Syrup contains no alcohol or sugar and
Half-life: About 4 hours.
may be taken by children as young as age 2.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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84 alefacept

• In children, syrup may rarely cause ery-

thema multiforme or Stevens-Johnson alefacept
syndrome. ALE-fuh-sept
Alert: Patient may use tablets and aerosol
together. Monitor these patients closely for Amevive
signs and symptoms of toxicity.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Therapeutic class: Antipsoriatic
albuterol with atenolol or Albutein. Pharmacologic class:
PATIENT TEACHING Pregnancy risk category B
• Warn patient about risk of paradoxical
bronchospasm and to stop drug immediately AVAIL ABLE FORMS
if it occurs. Powder for injection: 15-mg single-dose
• Teach patient to perform oral inhalation vials
correctly. Give the following instructions
– Prime before first use, if not used for ➤ Moderate to severe chronic plaque
2 weeks, or if MDI has been dropped. psoriasis in candidates for systemic
– Shake the inhaler. therapy or phototherapy
– Clear nasal passages and throat. Adults: 15 mg I.M. once weekly for
– Breathe out, expelling as much air from 12 weeks. Another 12-week course may
lungs as possible. be given if CD4+ T-lymphocyte count is
– Place mouthpiece well into mouth, seal normal and at least 12 weeks have passed
lips around mouthpiece, and inhale deeply since the previous treatment.
as you release a dose from inhaler. Or, hold Adjust-a-dose: Withhold dose if CD4+
inhaler about 1 inch (two fingerwidths) from T-lymphocyte count is below 250 cells/
open mouth; inhale while dose is released. mm3 . Stop drug if CD4+ count remains
– Hold breath for several seconds, remove below 250 cells/mm3 for 1 month.
mouthpiece, and exhale slowly.
• If prescriber orders more than 1 inhala- ADMINISTRATION
tion, tell patient to wait at least 2 minutes I.M.
before repeating procedure. • Reconstitute 15-mg vial of alefacept with
• Tell patient that use of a spacer device 0.6 ml of supplied diluent.
may improve drug delivery to lungs. • Rotate I.M. injection sites so that the
• If patient is also using a corticosteroid new injection is given at least 1 inch away
inhaler, instruct him to use the bronchodila- from the old site, and not in an area that is
tor first and then to wait about 5 minutes bruised, tender, or hard.
before using the corticosteroid. This lets • After reconstitution, use product immedi-
the bronchodilator open the air passages for ately or within 4 hours.
maximal effectiveness of the corticosteroid.
• Tell patient to remove canister and wash AC TION
inhaler with warm, soapy water at least once An immunosuppressive protein that in-
a week. terferes with lymphocyte activation and
• Advise patient not to use more frequently reduces subsets of CD2+ T lymphocytes,
than prescribed and not to increase dose or which reduces circulating total CD4+ and
frequency without consulting physician. CD8+ T-lymphocyte counts.
• Advise patient not to chew or crush Route Onset Peak Duration
extended-release tablets or mix them with I.M. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: About 11 days.

CNS: dizziness.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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alendronate sodium 85
CV: coronary artery disorder. PATIENT TEACHING
EENT: pharyngitis. • Tell patient about potential adverse reac-
GI: nausea. tions.
Hematologic: LYMPHOPENIA. • Urge patient to report evidence of infec-
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. tion immediately.
Respiratory: cough. • Tell patient that blood tests will be done
Skin: pruritus, injection site pain, inflam- regularly to monitor WBC counts.
mation, bleeding, edema or mass. • Tell patient to notify prescriber if she
Other: infection, chills, malignancy, hy- is or could be pregnant within 8 weeks of
persensitivity reaction, accidental injury, receiving drug.
antibody formation. • Advise patient to either stop breast-
feeding or stop using the drug because of
INTERACTIONS the risk of serious adverse reactions in the
Drug-drug. Immunosuppressants, pho- infant.
totherapy: May increase risk of excessive
immunosuppression. Avoid using together.
alendronate sodium
• May decrease CD4+ and CD8+
T-lymphocyte counts. Fosamaxi, Fosamax Plus D
• May increase AST and ALT levels.
Therapeutic class: Antiosteoporotic
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pharmacologic class: Bisphosphonate
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Pregnancy risk category C
to drug or its components, in breast-feeding
women, and in patients with HIV, a history AVAIL ABLE FORMS
of systemic malignancy, or important Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 35 mg, 40 mg, 70 mg,
infection. 70 mg plus 2,800 international units vitamin
• Use cautiously in patients at high risk D3 , 70 mg plus 5,600 international units
for malignancy, patients with chronic or vitamin D3
recurrent infections, and pregnant women. Oral solution: 70 mg/75 ml
• Use cautiously in elderly patients because
of their increased rate of infection and INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
malignancies. ➤ Osteoporosis in postmenopausal
• Safety and effectiveness in children women; to increase bone mass in men
haven’t been established. with osteoporosis
•H Overdose S&S: Chills, headache, arthral- Adults: 10 mg P.O. daily or 70-mg tablet or
gia, sinusitis. solution P.O. once weekly.
➤ Paget disease of bone (osteitis defor-
• Ensure that CD4+ T-lymphocyte count Adults: 40 mg P.O. daily for 6 months.
is normal before therapy. Monitor CD4+ ➤ To prevent osteoporosis in post-
T-lymphocyte count weekly for the 12-week menopausal women
course. Adults: 5 mg P.O. daily or 35-mg tablet P.O.
• Monitor patient carefully for evidence of once weekly.
infection or malignancy, and stop drug if it ➤ Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
appears. in patients receiving glucocorticoids in a
• Because effects on fetal development daily dose equivalent to 7.5 mg or more
aren’t known, give drug only if clearly of prednisone and who have low bone
needed. Enroll pregnant women receiv- mineral density
ing alefacept into the Astella Pharma US Adults: 5 mg P.O. daily. For postmenopausal
pregnancy registry at 1-866-AMEVIVE women not receiving estrogen, recom-
(1-866-263-8483). mended dose is 10 mg P.O. daily.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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86 alendronate sodium

➤ Osteogenesis imperfecta  full glass of water at least 30 minutes before

Adults weighing 30 kg (66 lb) or more: food, beverages, or ingestion of other drugs.
10 mg P.O. once daily.
Adults weighing less than 30 kg: 5 mg P.O. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
once daily. • May decrease calcium and phosphate
• Give drug with 6 to 8 ounces of water at • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
least 30 minutes before patient’s first food or to drug and in those with hypocalcemia,
drink of the day to facilitate delivery to the severe renal insufficiency (CrCl less than
stomach. 35 ml/min), or abnormalities of the esopha-
• Give at least 2 ounces of water after oral gus that delay esophageal emptying.
solution. Alert: There may be an increased risk of
• Don’t allow patient to lie down for atypical fractures of the thigh in patients
30 minutes after taking drug. treated with bisphosphonates.
• Contraindicated in patients unable to
AC TION stand or sit upright for at least 30 minutes.
Suppresses osteoclast activity on newly • Use cautiously in patients with active up-
formed resorption surfaces, which reduces per GI problems (dysphagia, symptomatic
bone turnover. Bone formation exceeds esophageal diseases, gastritis, duodenitis,
resorption at remodeling sites, leading to ulcers) or mild to moderate renal insuffi-
progressive gains in bone mass. ciency.
Route Onset Peak Duration
•H Overdose S&S: Hypocalcemia, hy-
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
pophosphatemia, upset stomach, heartburn,
esophagitis, gastritis, ulcer.
Half-life: More than 10 years.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Correct hypocalcemia and other dis-
CNS: headache. turbances of mineral metabolism (such
GI: abdominal pain, nausea, dyspepsia, as vitamin D deficiency) before therapy
constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, acid begins.
regurgitation, esophageal ulcer, vomiting, • When used to treat osteoporosis, disease
dysphagia, abdominal distention, gastritis, may be confirmed by findings of low bone
taste perversion. mass on diagnostic studies or by history of
Musculoskeletal: pain. osteoporotic fracture.
• The recommended daily intake of vitamin
INTERACTIONS D is 400 to 800 international units. Fosamax
Drug-drug. Antacids, calcium Plus D provides 400 international units
supplements, many oral drugs: May in- daily when taken once weekly. Patients at
terfere with absorption of alendronate. risk for vitamin D deficiency, such as those
Instruct patient to wait at least 30 minutes who are chronically ill, who are nursing
after taking alendronate before taking other home bound, who have a GI malabsorption
drug orally. syndrome, or who are older than age 70,
Aspirin , NSAIDs: May increase risk of may require additional supplementation.
upper GI adverse reactions with drug doses • In Paget disease, drug is indicated for
greater than 10 mg daily. Monitor patient patients with alkaline phosphatase level at
closely. least two times upper limit of normal, for
Ranitidine (I.V. form): May increase avail- those who are symptomatic, and for those
ability of alendronate. Reduce dosage as at risk for future complications from the
needed. disease.
Drug-food. Any food: May decrease ab- • Monitor patient’s calcium and phosphate
sorption of drug. Advise patient to take with levels throughout therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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alfuzosin hydrochloride 87
• Severe musculoskeletal pain has been AC TION
associated with biophosphate use and may Selectively blocks alpha receptors in the
occur within days, months, or years of start prostate, which relaxes the smooth muscles
of therapy. When drug is stopped, symptoms in the bladder neck and prostate, improving
may resolve partially or completely. urine flow and reducing symptoms of BPH.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Route Onset Peak Duration
Fosamax with Flomax. P.O. Unknown 8 hr Unknown

PATIENT TEACHING Half-life: 10 hours.

• Stress importance of taking tablet only
with 6 to 8 ounces of water at least 30 min- ADVERSE REACTIONS
utes before ingesting anything else, includ- CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, pain.
ing food, beverages, and other drugs. Tell EENT: pharyngitis, sinusitis.
patient that waiting longer than 30 minutes GI: abdominal pain, constipation, dyspep-
improves absorption. sia, nausea.
• Warn patient not to lie down for at least GU: impotence.
30 minutes after taking drug to facilitate Respiratory: bronchitis, upper respiratory
delivery to stomach and to reduce risk of tract infection.
esophageal irritation.
• Advise patient to report adverse effects INTERACTIONS
immediately, especially chest pain or diffi- Drug-drug. Antihypertensives (diltiazem):
culty swallowing. May cause hypotension. Monitor blood
• Advise patient to take supplemental cal- pressure and use together cautiously.
cium and vitamin D if dietary intake is Atenolol: May cause hypotension and re-
inadequate. duce heart rate. Monitor blood pressure and
• Tell patient about benefits of weight- heart rate for these effects.
bearing exercises in increasing bone mass. Cimetidine: May increase alfuzosin level.
If applicable, explain importance of reduc- Use together cautiously.
ing or eliminating cigarette smoking and Potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (itraconazole,
alcohol use. ketoconazole, ritonavir): May inhibit hep-
atic metabolism of alfuzosin. Use together
is contraindicated.
alfuzosin hydrochloride
None reported.
Therapeutic class: BPH drug • Contraindicated in patients with Child-
Pharmacologic class: Alpha1 blocker Pugh categories B and C and those hyper-
Pregnancy risk category B sensitive to alfuzosin or its ingredients.
• Use cautiously in patients with severe
AVAIL ABLE FORMS renal insufficiency, congenital or acquired
Tablets (extended-release): 10 mg QT-interval prolongation, or symptomatic
hypotension and hypotensive responses to
➤ BPH •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension.
Men: 10 mg P.O. immediately after same
• Don’t use drug to treat hypertension.
ADMINISTRATION • Asymptomatic orthostatic hypotension
P.O. may develop within a few hours.
• Give drug after same meal each day.
• Don’t crush tablets.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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88 aliskiren hemifumarate

• Symptoms of BPH and prostate cancer AC TION

are similar; rule out prostate cancer before Inhibits conversion of angiotensin I to
therapy. angiotensin II, decreasing vasoconstriction
• If angina pectoris develops or worsens, and lowering blood pressure.
stop drug. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Current or previous use of an alpha P.O. Unknown 1–3 hr Unknown
blocker may predispose the patient to in-
traoperative floppy iris syndrome during Half-life: Unknown.
cataract surgery.
PATIENT TEACHING CNS: headache, dizziness, fatigue,
• Tell patient to take drug just after the same seizures.
meal each day. CV: hypotension.
• At start of therapy, warn patient about EENT: nasopharyngitis.
possible hypotension and explain that it may GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
cause dizziness. Caution patient against gastroesophageal reflux.
performing hazardous activities until he Metabolic: hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia.
knows how the drug affects him. Musculoskeletal: back pain.
• Tell patient to avoid situations in which he Respiratory: cough, upper respiratory tract
could be injured if he became light-headed infection.
or fainted. Skin: rash.
• Warn patient not to crush or chew the Other: angioedema.
• Advise patient planning cataract surgery INTERACTIONS
to alert his ophthalmologist about this Drug-drug. Atorvastatin: May increase
drug and current or previous alpha blocker aliskiren levels. Use cautiously together.
therapy. Cyclosporine: May increase aliskiren levels.
Avoid concomitant use.
Ketoconazole: May significantly increase
aliskiren hemifumarate aliskiren levels. Use cautiously together.
a-LIS-ke-ren Irbesartan: May decrease aliskiren levels.
Monitor patient for effectiveness.
Tekturna Furosemide: May reduce furosemide peak
levels. Monitor patient for effectiveness.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive Drug-food. High fat meals: May substan-
Pharmacologic class: Renin inhibitor tially decrease plasma levels of drug. Moni-
Pregnancy risk category C for 1st tor patient for effectiveness.
trimester; D for 2nd and 3rd trimesters
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • May increase potassium, creatine kinase,
Tablets: 150 mg, 300 mg BUN, uric acid, and serum creatinine levels.


➤ Hypertension, alone or with other • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
antihypertensives to drug or its components.
Adults: 150 mg P.O. daily; may increase to Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
300 mg P.O. daily. pregnant women. Because of risk of fetal
toxicity, stop drug as soon as possible if
ADMINISTRATION patient becomes pregnant.
P.O. • Contraindicated in breast-feeding patients
• Don’t give drug with high-fat meal and patients taking cyclosporine.
because this may decrease the drug’s • Use cautiously in patients with history
effectiveness. of angioedema, severe renal dysfunction

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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allopurinol 89
(creatinine of 1.7 mg/dl in women and INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
2 mg/dl in men, or GFR <30 ml/minute), ➤ Gout or hyperuricemia
history of dialysis, nephrotic syndrome, or Adults: Mild gout, 200 to 300 mg P.O. daily;
renovascular hypertension. severe gout with large tophi, 400 to 600 mg
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension. P.O. daily. Maximum 800 mg daily. Dosage
varies with severity of disease; can be given
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS as single dose or divided, but doses greater
• Monitor blood pressure for hypotension, than 300 mg should be divided.
especially if used in combination with other ➤ Hyperuricemia caused by malignan-
antihypertensives. cies
• Monitor potassium levels, especially in Adults and children older than age 10:
patients also taking ACE inhibitors. 200 to 400 mg/m2 daily I.V. as a single
Alert: Rarely, angioedema may occur infusion or in equally divided doses every 6,
at any time during treatment. Supportive 8, or 12 hours beginning 24 to 48 hours be-
measures may include antihistamines, fore initiation of chemotherapy. Maximum
steroids, and epinephrine. 600 mg daily.
• Monitor renal function. It’s unknown how Children age 10 and younger: Initially,
patients with significant renal disorders will 200 mg/m2 daily I.V. as single infusion or in
respond to the use of this drug. equally divided doses every 6, 8, or 12 hours
• Effect of any dose is usually seen within beginning 24 to 48 hours before initiation
2 weeks. of chemotherapy. Then titrate according to
uric acid levels. For children ages 6 to 10,
PATIENT TEACHING give 300 mg P.O. daily or divided t.i.d.; for
• Instruct patient not to take drug with a children younger than age 6, give 150 mg
high-fat meal because this may decrease the P.O. daily.
drug’s effectiveness. ➤ To prevent acute gout attacks
• Instruct patient to monitor blood pressure Adults: 100 mg P.O. daily; increase at
daily, if possible, and to report low readings, weekly intervals by 100 mg without ex-
dizziness, and headaches to prescriber. ceeding maximum dose (800 mg) until uric
• Tell patient to immediately report swelling acid falls to 6 mg/dl or less.
of the face or neck or difficulty breathing. ➤ To prevent uric acid nephropathy
• Advise patient of need for regular labora- during cancer chemotherapy
tory tests to monitor for adverse effects. Adults: 600 to 800 mg P.O. daily for 2 to
3 days, with high fluid intake.
➤ Recurrent calcium oxalate calculi
allopurinol Adults: 200 to 300 mg P.O. daily in single or
al-oh-PURE-i-nole divided doses.
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is
Lopurin, Zyloprim 10 to 20 ml/minute, give 200 mg P.O. or I.V.
daily; if clearance is less than 10 ml/minute,
allopurinol sodium give 100 mg P.O. or I.V. daily; if clearance
Aloprim is less than 3 ml/minute, give 100 mg P.O.
or I.V. at extended intervals. If patient is
Therapeutic class: Antigout receiving hemodialysis, give a 50% supple-
Pharmacologic class: Xanthine oxidase mental dose after dialysis.
Pregnancy risk category C ADMINISTRATION
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Give drug with or immediately after meals
allopurinol to minimize GI upset.
Tablets (scored): 100 mg, 300 mg
allopurinol sodium
Injection: 500 mg/30-ml vial

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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90 allopurinol

I.V. Antineoplastics: May increase potential for

 When possible, initiate therapy 24 to bone marrow suppression. Monitor patient
48 hours before the start of chemotherapy carefully.
known to cause tumor lysis. Azathioprine, mercaptopurine: May in-
 Dissolve contents of each 30-ml vial in crease levels of these drugs. Concomitant
25 ml of sterile water for injection. administration of 300 to 600 mg of oral al-
 Dilute solution to desired concentration lopurinol per day requires dosage reduction
(no greater than 6 mg/ml) with normal to 1⁄ 3 to 1⁄ 4 of usual dose of azathioprine or
saline solution for injection or D5 W. mercaptopurine. Make subsequent dosage
 Store solution at 68◦ to 77◦ F (20◦ to adjustments based on therapeutic response
25◦ C) and use within 10 hours. Don’t and appearance of toxic effects.
use solution if it contains particulates or is Chlorpropamide: May increase hypo-
discolored. glycemic effect. Avoid using together.
 Incompatibilities: Amikacin, am- Ethacrynic acid, thiazide diuretics: May
photericin B, carmustine, cefotaxime, increase risk of allopurinol toxicity. Re-
chlorpromazine, cimetidine, clindamycin duce allopurinol dosage, and monitor renal
phosphate, cytarabine, dacarbazine, function closely.
daunorubicin, diphenhydramine, dox- Uricosurics: May have additive effect. May
orubicin, doxycycline hyclate, droperidol, be used to therapeutic advantage.
floxuridine, gentamicin, haloperidol lac- Urine-acidifying drugs (ammonium chlo-
tate, hydroxyzine, idarubicin, imipenem ride, ascorbic acid, potassium or sodium
and cilastatin sodium, mechlorethamine, phosphate): May increase possibility of
meperidine, methylprednisolone sodium kidney stone formation. Monitor patient
succinate, metoclopramide, minocycline, carefully.
nalbuphine, netilmicin, ondansetron, Xanthines: May increase theophylline level.
prochlorperazine edisylate, promethazine, Adjust dosage of theophylline as needed.
sodium bicarbonate (or solutions contain- Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
ing sodium bicarbonate), streptozocin, uric acid level. Discourage use together.
tobramycin sulfate, vinorelbine.
AC TION • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
Reduces uric acid production by inhibiting and AST levels.
xanthine oxidase. • May decrease hemoglobin level and
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 30–120 hr 1–2 wk
• May increase eosinophil count.
I.V. Unknown 30 min Unknown • May decrease granulocyte and platelet
Half-life: Allopurinol, 1 to 2 hours; oxypurinol, • May increase or decrease WBC count.
about 15 hours.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
GI: nausea, diarrhea. tive to drug and in those with idiopathic
Musculoskeletal: acute gout attack. hemochromatosis.
Skin: rash, maculopapular rash.
INTERACTIONS • Monitor uric acid level to evaluate drug’s
Drug-drug. Amoxicillin, ampicillin: May effectiveness.
increase possibility of rash. Avoid using • Monitor fluid intake and output; daily
together. urine output of at least 2 L and maintenance
Anticoagulants: May increase anticoagulant of neutral or slightly alkaline urine are
effect. Dosage may need to be adjusted. desirable.
• Periodically monitor CBC and hepatic and
renal function, especially at start of therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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almotriptan malate 91
• Optimal benefits may need 2 to 6 weeks INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
of therapy. Because acute gout attacks may ➤ Acute migraine with or without aura
occur during this time, concurrent use of Adults and adolescents ages 12 to 17:
colchicine may be prescribed prophylacti- 6.25-mg or 12.5-mg tablet P.O., with one
cally. additional dose after 2 hours if headache is
• Don’t restart drug in patients who have a unresolved or recurs. Maximum, two doses
severe reaction. within 24 hours.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adjust-a-dose: For patients with hepatic or
Zyloprim with ZORprin. renal impairment, initially 6.25 mg, with
maximum daily dose of 12.5 mg.
• To minimize GI adverse reactions, tell ADMINISTRATION
patient to take drug with or immediately P.O.
after meals. • Give drug without regard for food.
• Encourage patient to drink plenty of • Give only one repeat dose within
fluids while taking drug unless otherwise 24 hours, no sooner than 2 hours after first
contraindicated. dose.
• Drug may cause drowsiness; tell patient
not to drive or perform hazardous tasks AC TION
requiring mental alertness until CNS effects May act as an agonist at serotonin receptors
of drug are known. on extracerebral intracranial blood vessels,
• If patient is taking drug for recurrent which constricts the affected vessels,
calcium oxalate stones, advise him also to inhibits neuropeptide release, and reduces
reduce his dietary intake of animal protein, pain transmission in the trigeminal path-
sodium, refined sugars, oxalate-rich foods, ways.
and calcium. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Tell patient to stop drug at first sign of P.O. 1–3 hr 1–3 hr 3–4 hr
rash, which may precede severe hypersen-
sitivity or other adverse reactions. Rash is Half-life: 3 to 4 hours.
more common in patients taking diuret-
ics and in those with renal disorders. Tell ADVERSE REACTIONS
patient to report all adverse reactions. CNS: paresthesia, headache, dizziness,
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol during somnolence.
therapy. CV: coronary artery vasospasm, transient
• Teach patient importance of continuing myocardial ischemia, MI, ventricular
drug even if asymptomatic. tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation.
GI: nausea, dry mouth.
almotriptan malate INTERACTIONS
al-moh-TRIP-tan Drug-drug. MAO inhibitors, verapamil:
May increase almotriptan level. No dose
Axert adjustment is necessary.
CYP3A4 inhibitors such as ketoconazole:
Therapeutic class: Antimigraine
May increase almotriptan level. Monitor
Pharmacologic class: Serotonin 5-HT1
patient for potential adverse reaction. May
receptor agonist
need to reduce dosage.
Pregnancy risk category C
Ergot-containing drugs, serotonin
5-HT1B/1D agonists: May cause additive
effects. Avoid using within 24 hours of
Tablets: 6.25 mg, 12.5 mg
SSRIs: May cause additive serotonin effects,
resulting in weakness, hyperreflexia, or

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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92 alosetron hydrochloride

incoordination. Monitor patient closely if • Advise patient to use only one repeat dose
given together. within 24 hours, no sooner than 2 hours
after first dose.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient that other commonly
None reported. prescribed migraine drugs can interact with
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Advise patient to report chest or throat
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive tightness, pain, or heaviness.
to drug. • Teach patient to avoid possible migraine
• Contraindicated in those with angina triggers, such as cheese, chocolate, citrus
pectoris, history of MI, silent ischemia, fruits, caffeine, and alcohol.
coronary artery vasospasm, Prinzmetal’s
variant angina, or other CV disease; un-
controlled hypertension; and hemiplegic or alosetron hydrochloride
basilar migraine. ah-LOSS-e-tron
• Don’t give within 24 hours after treatment
with other 5-HT1B/1D agonists or ergot Lotronex
• Use cautiously in patients with renal Therapeutic class: Anti-IBS drug
or hepatic impairment and in those with Pharmacologic class: Selective 5-HT3
cataracts because of the potential for receptor antagonist
corneal opacities. Pregnancy risk category B
• Use cautiously in patients with risk factors
for coronary artery disease (CAD), such AVAIL ABLE FORMS
as obesity, diabetes, and family history of Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg
•H Overdose S&S: Hypertension, more seri- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
ous cardiovascular symptoms. ➤ Severe diarrhea-predominant irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS)
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Women: 0.5 mg P.O. b.i.d. If, after 4 weeks,
• Patients with poor renal or hepatic func- drug is well tolerated but doesn’t adequately
tion should receive a reduced dosage. control IBS symptoms, increase to 1 mg
• Repeat dose after 2 hours, if needed and b.i.d. After 4 weeks at this dosage, if symp-
don’t give more than two doses in 24 hours. toms aren’t controlled, stop drug.
Alert: Combining triptans with SSRIs or
SSNRIs may cause serotonin syndrome. ADMINISTRATION
Signs and symptoms include restlessness, P.O.
hallucinations, loss of coordination, rapid • Give drug without regard for food.
heartbeat, rapid changes in blood pressure,
increased body temperature, overactive AC TION
reflexes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Selectively inhibits 5-HT3 receptors in the
Serotonin syndrome occurs more often GI tract, which blocks neuronal depolariza-
when starting or increasing the dose of a tion, resulting in less visceral pain, colonic
triptan, SSRI, or SSNRI. transit, and GI secretions.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Route Onset Peak Duration
Axert with Antivert. P.O. Unknown 1 hr Variable

PATIENT TEACHING Half-life: 11⁄2 hours.

• Tell patient that drug can be taken with or
• Advise patient to take drug only when he’s CNS: headache.
having a migraine; explain that drug isn’t GI: CONSTIPATION, nausea, GI discomfort
taken on a regular schedule. and pain, abdominal discomfort and pain,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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alosetron hydrochloride 93
abdominal distention, hemorrhoids, regur- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
gitation, reflux, ileus perforation, ischemic Black Box Warning Drug is only appropri-
colitis, small bowel mesenteric ischemia, ate for women who experience symptoms
impaction, obstruction. for at least 6 months, have no anatomic or
Skin: rash. biochemical GI tract abnormalities, and
haven’t responded to other therapies.
INTERACTIONS • Diarrhea-predominant IBS is considered
Drug-drug. CYP1A2 inhibitors (such as severe if one or more of the following ac-
cimetidine, quinolones): May increase companies the diarrhea:
alosetron level. Avoid use together. – frequent and severe abdominal pain or
CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as ciprofloxacin, discomfort
clarithromycin, ketoconazole): May de- – frequent bowel urgency or fecal inconti-
crease alosetron metabolism. Use cautiously nence
together. – disability or restriction of daily activities.
Hydralazine, isoniazid, and procainamide: Black Box Warning Patients taking drug
May cause slower metabolism of these have developed ischemic colitis and serious
drugs because of N-acetyltransferase inhibi- complications of constipation, resulting in
tion. Monitor patient for toxicity. death. If patient develops ischemic colitis
(acute colitis, rectal bleeding, or sudden
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS worsening of abdominal pain) while tak-
• May increase ALT level. ing drug, stop therapy. If patient taking
drug develops constipation, stop drug until
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- Black Box Warning Only providers who are
sitive to drug or any of its components, enrolled in the manufacturer’s prescribing
and in those with a history of or current program should prescribe this drug.
chronic or severe constipation, sequelae • Drug is approved for use only in women
from constipation, severe hepatic impair- with IBS. This drug isn’t indicated for use in
ment, intestinal obstruction, stricture, toxic men.
megacolon, GI perforation, GI adhesions, • Elderly women may be at greater risk for
ischemic colitis, impaired intestinal circula- complications of constipation.
tion, thrombophlebitis, or hypercoagulable
• Contraindicated in patients with a history Black Box Warning Have patient sign
of or current Crohn’s disease, ulcerative a Patient-Physician Agreement before
colitis, or diverticulitis and in those who are starting therapy.
unable to understand or comply with the • Urge patient to read the Medication Guide
Patient-Physician Agreement. before starting drug and each time she refills
• Don’t use drug if predominant symptom is the prescription.
constipation. • Tell patient that this drug won’t cure but
• Use cautiously in patients with mild to may alleviate some IBS symptoms.
moderate liver impairment; contraindicated • Inform patient that most women notice
in patients with severe liver impairment. their symptoms improving after about
• Use cautiously in women who are preg- 1 week of therapy, but some may take up
nant, breast-feeding, or planning to become to 4 weeks to get relief from abdominal
pregnant. pain, discomfort, and diarrhea. Let patient
• Use in children younger than age 18 know that symptoms usually return within
hasn’t been studied. 1 week after stopping the drug.
•H Overdose S&S: Inhibited metabolic • Advise patient that drug may be taken
elimination, reduced elimination of other with or without food.
drugs. Black Box Warning If constipation or signs
of ischemic colitis occur (rectal bleeding,
bloody diarrhea, or worsened abdominal

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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94 alprazolam

pain or cramping), tell patient to stop the ADMINISTRATION

drug and consult prescriber immediately. P.O.
Therapy can be resumed after the situation • Don’t break or crush extended-release
is discussed with prescriber and constipa- tablets.
tion resolves. • Mix oral solution with liquids or
• Inform patient not to share drug with semisolid food, such as water, juices,
other people having similar symptoms. carbonated beverages, applesauce, and
This drug hasn’t been shown to be safe or puddings. Use only calibrated dropper pro-
effective for men. vided with this product.
• Tell woman to notify the prescriber imme- • Use dry hands to remove ODTs from
diately if she becomes pregnant. bottle. Discard cotton from inside bottle.
• Discard unused portion if breaking scored

alprazolam AC TION
al-PRAH-zoe-lam Unknown. Probably potentiates the effects
of GABA, depresses the CNS, and sup-
Apo-Alpraz†, Apo-Alpraz TS†, presses the spread of seizure activity.
Niravam, Novo-Alprazol†, Route Onset Peak Duration
Nu-Alpraz†, Xanaxi, Xanax XR P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic (extended-
Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine release)
Pregnancy risk category D Half-life: Immediate-release, 12 to 15 hours;
Controlled substance schedule IV extended-release, 11 to 16 hours.


Oral solution: 1 mg/ml (concentrate) CNS: insomnia, irritability, dizziness,
Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs): headache, anxiety, confusion, drowsiness,
0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg light-headedness, sedation, somnolence,
Tablets: 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg difficulty speaking, impaired coordination,
Tablets (extended-release): 0.5 mg, 1 mg, memory impairment, fatigue, depression,
2 mg, 3 mg suicide, mental impairment, ataxia, pares-
thesia, dyskinesia, hypoesthesia, lethargy,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES vertigo, malaise, tremor, nervousness, rest-
➤ Anxiety lessness, agitation, nightmare, syncope,
Adults: Usual first dose, 0.25 to 0.5 mg P.O. akathisia, mania.
t.i.d. Maximum, 4 mg daily in divided doses. CV: palpitations, chest pain, hypotension.
Elderly patients: Usual first dose, 0.25 mg EENT: allergic rhinitis, blurred vision,
P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. Maximum, 4 mg daily in nasal congestion.
divided doses. GI: diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation,
➤ Panic disorders nausea, increased or decreased appetite,
Adults: 0.5 mg P.O. t.i.d., increased at in- anorexia, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal
tervals of 3 to 4 days in increments of no pain.
more than 1 mg. Maximum, 10 mg daily GU: dysmenorrhea, sexual dysfunction,
in divided doses. If using extended-release premenstrual syndrome, difficulty urinating.
tablets, start with 0.5 to 1 mg P.O. once Metabolic: increased or decreased weight.
daily. Increase by no more than 1 mg every Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia,
3 to 4 days. Maximum daily dose is 10 mg. arm or leg pain, back pain, muscle rigidity,
Adjust-a-dose: For debilitated patients muscle cramps, muscle twitch.
or those with advanced hepatic disease, Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
usual first dose is 0.25 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. tion, dyspnea, hyperventilation.
Maximum, 4 mg daily in divided doses.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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alprazolam 95
Skin: pruritus, increased sweating, dermati- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tis. • The optimum duration of therapy is
Other: influenza, injury, emergence of unknown.
anxiety between doses, dependence, feeling Alert: Don’t withdraw drug abruptly;
warm, increased or decreased libido. withdrawal symptoms, including seizures,
may occur. Abuse or addiction is possible.
INTERACTIONS • Monitor hepatic, renal, and hematopoietic
Drug-drug. Anticonvulsants, antidepres- function periodically in patients receiving
sants, antihistamines, barbiturates, benzo- repeated or prolonged therapy.
diazepines, general anesthetics, narcotics, • Closely monitor addiction-prone patients.
phenothiazines: May increase CNS depres- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
sant effects. Avoid using together. alprazolam with alprostadil or lorazepam.
Azole antifungals (including fluconazole, itra- Don’t confuse Xanax with Zantac,
conazole, ketoconazole, miconazole): May Xopenex, or Tenex.
increase and prolong alprazolam level, CNS
depression, and psychomotor impairment. PATIENT TEACHING
Avoid using together. • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
Carbamazepine, propoxyphene: May induce that require alertness and good coordination
alprazolam metabolism and may reduce until effects of drug are known.
therapeutic effects. May need to increase • Tell patient to avoid use of alcohol while
dose. taking drug.
Cimetidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, hor- • Advise patient that smoking may decrease
monal contraceptives, nefazodone: May drug’s effectiveness.
increase alprazolam level. Use cautiously • Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly
together, and consider alprazolam dosage because withdrawal symptoms or seizures
reduction. may occur.
Tricyclic antidepressants: May increase • Tell patient to swallow extended-release
levels of these drugs. Monitor patient tablets whole.
closely. • Tell patient using ODT to remove it from
Drug-herb. Kava, valerian root: May bottle using dry hands and to immediately
increase sedation. Discourage use together. place it on his tongue where it will dissolve
St. John’s wort: May decrease drug level. and can be swallowed with saliva.
Discourage use together. • Tell patient taking half a scored ODT to
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase discard the unused half.
drug level. Discourage use together. • Advise patient to discard the cotton from
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause addi- the bottle of ODTs and keep it tightly sealed
tive CNS effects. Discourage use together. to prevent moisture from dissolving the
Smoking: May decrease effectiveness of tablets.
drug. Monitor patient closely. • Warn women to avoid use during preg-
nancy and breast-feeding.
• May increase ALT and AST levels.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or other benzodiazepines and in
those with acute angle-closure glaucoma.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic,
renal, or pulmonary disease or history of
substance abuse.
•H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, confusion,
impaired coordination, diminished reflexes,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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96 alprostadil (injection)

SAFETY ALERT! arteriosus. If flushing from peripheral

vasodilation occurs, reposition catheter.
alprostadil (injection)  Reduce infusion rate if patient develops

al-PROSS-ta-dil fever or significant hypotension.

 Incompatibilities: None reported.

Prostin VR Pediatric
Therapeutic class: Prostaglandin Relaxes smooth muscle of ductus arteriosus.
Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin
Route Onset Peak Duration
Pregnancy risk category NR I.V. 20 min 1–2 hr Length of infusion

AVAIL ABLE FORMS Half-life: About 5 to 10 minutes.

Injection: 500 mcg/ml
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES CNS: fever, seizures.
➤ Palliative therapy for temporary main- CV: flushing, bradycardia, cardiac arrest,
tenance of patency of ductus arteriosus edema, hypotension, tachycardia.
until surgery can be performed GI: diarrhea.
Neonates: 0.05 to 0.1 mcg/kg/minute by Hematologic: DIC.
I.V. infusion. When therapeutic response is Metabolic: hypokalemia.
achieved, reduce infusion rate to lowest dose Respiratory: APNEA.
that will maintain response. Maximum dose Other: sepsis.
is 0.4 mcg/kg/minute. Or, give drug through
umbilical artery catheter placed at ductal INTERACTIONS
opening. None significant.


I.V. • May decrease potassium level.
 Dilute drug before giving. Prepare

fresh solution daily; discard solution after CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

24 hours. • Contraindicated in neonates before
 For infusion, dilute 1 ml of concentrate making differential diagnosis between
labeled as containing 500 mcg in normal respiratory distress syndrome and cyanotic
saline solution or D5 W injection to yield a heart disease and in those with respiratory
solution containing 2 to 20 mcg/ml. distress syndrome.
 When using a device with a volumetric • Use cautiously in neonates with bleeding
infusion chamber, add appropriate volume tendencies because drug inhibits platelet
of diluent to the chamber; then add 1 ml of aggregation.
alprostadil concentrate. •H Overdose S&S: Apnea, bradycardia,
 During dilution, avoid direct contact pyrexia, hypotension, flushing.
between concentrate and wall of plastic
volumetric infusion chamber because NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
solution may become hazy. If this occurs, Black Box Warning Apnea is most often
discard solution. seen in neonates weighing less than 2 kg
 Don’t use diluents that contain benzyl (4.5 lb) at birth and usually appears during
alcohol. Fatal toxic syndrome may occur. the first hour of drug infusion. Monitor
 Drug isn’t recommended for direct respiratory status and keep emergency
injection or intermittent infusion. Give respiratory support available.
by continuous infusion using an infusion • In infants with restricted pulmonary
pump. Infuse through a large peripheral or blood flow, measure drug’s effectiveness by
central vein or through an umbilical artery monitoring blood oxygenation. In infants
catheter placed at the level of the ductus with restricted systemic blood flow, measure

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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alprostadil (intracavernosal injection; urogenital suppository) 97

drug’s effectiveness by monitoring systemic of 2.5 mcg; then increase in increments
blood pressure and blood pH. of 5 to 10 mcg until patient achieves erec-
• Monitor arterial pressure by umbilical tion suitable for intercourse and lasting no
artery catheter, auscultation, or Doppler longer than 1 hour. If patient doesn’t re-
transducer. If arterial pressure falls signifi- spond to first dose, increase second dose to
cantly, slow infusion rate. 7.5 mcg within 1 hour, and then increase
• Carefully monitor neonates receiving further in increments of 5 to 10 mcg until
drug at recommended doses for longer than patient achieves suitable erection. Patient
120 hours for gastric outlet obstruction and must remain in prescriber’s office until com-
antral hyperplasia. plete detumescence occurs. Don’t repeat
Alert: CV and CNS adverse reactions procedure for at least 24 hours.
occur more often in infants weighing less Urogenital suppository
than 2 kg and in those receiving infusions Men: Initially, 125 to 250 mcg, under su-
for longer than 48 hours. pervision of prescriber. Adjust dosage
Alert: Stop infusion immediately if over- as needed until response is sufficient for
dose is suspected. sexual intercourse. Maximum of two ad-
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ministrations in 24 hours; maximum dose is
alprostadil with alprazolam. 1,000 mcg.
➤ Erectile dysfunction of neurogenic
PATIENT TEACHING cause (spinal cord injury)
• Tell parents why this drug is needed, and Men: Dosages are highly individualized;
explain its use. initially, inject 1.25 mcg intracavernosally.
• Encourage parents to ask questions and If partial response occurs, give second dose
express concerns. of 1.25 mcg. Increase in increments of
2.5 mcg, to dose of 5 mcg; then increase in
increments of 5 mcg until patient achieves
alprostadil (intracavernosal erection suitable for intercourse and last-
injection; urogenital ing no longer than 1 hour. If patient doesn’t
suppository) respond to first dose, give next higher dose
al-PROSS-ta-dil within 1 hour. Patient must remain in pre-
scriber’s office until complete detumescence
Caverject, Caverject Impulse, Edex, occurs. If there is a response, don’t repeat
Muse procedure for at least 24 hours.

Therapeutic class: Erectile dysfunction ADMINISTRATION

drug Injection
Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin • For intercavernosal injection, teach
Pregnancy risk category C patient to follow instructions on package
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Store injection at or below room tempera-
Intracavernosal injection: 5 mcg/ml, ture (77◦ F [25◦ C]).
10 mcg/0.5 ml, 10 mcg/ml, 20 mcg/0.5 ml, • Vial is designed for a single use. Discard
20 mcg/ml, 40 mcg/ml after reconstitution vial if injection solution is discolored or
Urogenital suppository: 125 mcg, 250 mcg, contains precipitate.
500 mcg, 1,000 mcg • Don’t shake injection contents of reconsti-
tuted vial.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Urogenital suppository
➤ Erectile dysfunction of vasculogenic, • Store unopened urogenital suppositories
psychogenic, or mixed causes in refrigerator (36◦ to 46◦ F [2◦ to 8◦ C]).
Injection Urethral suppositories may be kept at room
Men: Dosages are highly individualized; temperature for up to 14 days before use.
initially, inject 2.5 mcg intracavernosally. If • Have patient urinate before inserting
partial response occurs, give second dose suppository because moisture makes it

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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98 alprostadil (intracavernosal injection; urogenital suppository)

easier to insert drug in penis and will help children, and in sexual partners of pregnant
dissolve it. women unless condoms are used.
•H Overdose S&S: Prolonged erection, pri-
AC TION apism, hypotension, facial flushing.
Induces erection by relaxing trabecular
smooth muscle and dilating cavernosal NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
arteries. This leads to expansion of lacunar • First dose should be given in clinic. Moni-
spaces and entrapment of blood by com- tor patient for hypotension and syncope.
pressing venules against the tunica albug- • Stop drug in patients who develop penile
inea, a process referred to as the corporal angulation, cavernosal fibrosis, or Peyronie
veno-occlusive mechanism. disease.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Intracavernous 5–20 min 5–20 min 1–6 hr
Urogenital 10 min 16 min 1 hr • Teach patient how to prepare and give
drug before he begins treatment at home.
Half-life: About 5 to 10 minutes. Stress importance of reading and following
patient instructions in each package insert.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Tell him to store unopened suppositories in
CNS: headache, dizziness. refrigerator (36◦ to 46◦ F [2◦ to 8◦ C]) and
CV: hypertension, hypotension. store injection at or below room temperature
EENT: sinusitis, nasal congestion. (77◦ F [25◦ C]).
GU: penile pain, urethral burning, • Tell patient not to shake contents of re-
prolonged erection, penile fibrosis, rash constituted vial, and remind him that vial
or edema, prostatic disorder, pelvic pain, is designed for a single use. Tell him to
minor bleeding or spotting, testicular pain. discard vial if solution is discolored or con-
Musculoskeletal: back pain. tains precipitate. Advise him to use solution
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- promptly.
tion, cough, rhinitis. • Instruct patient to urinate before inserting
Skin: injection site hematoma or ecchymosis. suppository because moisture makes it
Other: localized trauma or pain, flulike easier to insert drug in penis and will help
syndrome, accidental injury. dissolve it.
• Review administration and aseptic tech-
Drug-drug. Anticoagulants: May increase • Inform patient that he can expect an erec-
risk of bleeding from intracavernosal injec- tion 5 to 20 minutes after administration,
tion site. Monitor patient closely. with a preferable duration of no more
Cyclosporine: May decrease cyclosporine than 1 hour. If his erection lasts more than
level. Monitor cyclosporine level closely. 6 hours, tell him to seek medical attention
Vasoactive drugs: Safety and effectiveness immediately.
haven’t been studied. Avoid using together. • Remind patient to take drug as instructed
(generally, no more than three times weekly,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS with at least 24 hours between each use).
None reported. Warn him not to change dosage without
consulting prescriber.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Caution patient to use a condom if his
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive sexual partner could be pregnant.
to drug, in those with conditions predispos- • Review possible adverse reactions. Tell
ing them to priapism (sickle cell anemia patient to inspect his penis daily and to
or trait, multiple myeloma, leukemia) or report redness, swelling, tenderness, curva-
penile deformation (angulation, cavernosal ture, excessive erection (priapism), unusual
fibrosis, Peyronie disease), in men with pe- pain, nodules, or hard tissue.
nile implants or for whom sexual activity is • Urge patient not to reuse or share needles,
inadvisable or contraindicated, in women or syringes, or drug.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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alteplase 99
• Warn patient that drug doesn’t protect 0.75 mg/kg (not to exceed 50 mg) infused
against sexually transmitted diseases. Also, over the next 30 minutes; then 0.5 mg/kg
caution him that bleeding at injection site (not to exceed 35 mg) infused over the next
can increase risk of transmitting blood- hour. Don’t exceed total dose of 100 mg.
borne diseases to his partner. ➤ To manage acute massive pulmonary
• Remind patient to keep regular follow-up embolism
appointments so prescriber can evaluate Adults: 100 mg by I.V. infusion over
drug effectiveness and safety. 2 hours. Begin heparin at end of infusion
when PTT or thrombin time returns to twice
SAFETY ALERT! normal or less. Don’t exceed 100-mg dose.
Higher doses may increase risk of intracra-
alteplase (tissue nial bleeding.
plasminogen activator, ➤ Acute ischemic stroke
recombinant; t-PA) Adults: 0.9 mg/kg by I.V. infusion over
al-ti-PLAZE 1 hour with 10% of total dose given as an
initial I.V. bolus over 1 minute. Maximum
Activase, Cathflo Activase total dose is 90 mg.
➤ To restore function to central venous
Therapeutic class: Thrombolytic access devices
Pharmacologic class: Enzyme Cathflo Activase
Pregnancy risk category C Adults and children older than age 2:
For patients who weigh more than 30 kg
AVAIL ABLE FORMS (66 lb), instill 2 mg in 2 ml sterile water
Cathflo Activase injection: 2-mg single- into catheter. For patients who weigh 10 kg
patient vials (22 lb) to less than 30 kg, instill 110% of the
Injection: 50-mg (29 million international internal lumen volume of the catheter, not
units), 100-mg (58 million international to exceed 2 mg in 2 ml sterile water. After
units) vials 30 minutes of dwell time, assess catheter
function by aspirating blood. If function is
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES restored, aspirate 4 ml to 5 ml of blood to
➤ Lysis of thrombi obstructing coronary remove drug and residual clot, and gently
arteries in acute MI irrigate the catheter with normal saline solu-
3-hour infusion tion. If catheter function isn’t restored after
Adults who weigh 67 kg (147 lb) or more: 120 minutes, instill a second dose.
100 mg by I.V. infusion over 3 hours, as
follows: 60 mg in first hour, 6 to 10 mg ADMINISTRATION
of which is given as a bolus over first 1 to I.V.
2 minutes. Then 20 mg/hour infused for  Immediately before use, reconstitute

2 hours. solution with unpreserved sterile water for

Adults who weigh less than 67 kg: injection. Check manufacturer’s labeling
1.25 mg/kg in a similar fashion: 60% in for specific information.
first hour, 10% of which is given as a bolus;  Don’t use 50-mg vial if vacuum isn’t

then 20% of total dose per hour for 2 hours. present; 100-mg vials don’t have a vac-
Don’t exceed total dose of 100 mg. uum.
Accelerated infusion  Using an 18G needle, direct stream of

Adults who weigh more than 67 kg (147 lb): sterile water at lyophilized cake. Don’t
100 mg maximum total dose. Give 15 mg shake.
I.V. bolus over 1 to 2 minutes, followed by  Slight foaming is common. Let it settle

50 mg infused over the next 30 minutes; before giving drug. Solution should be
then 35 mg infused over the next hour. Don’t colorless or pale yellow.
exceed total dose of 100 mg.  Drug may be given reconstituted

Adults who weigh 67 kg or less: 15 mg (at 1 mg/ml) or diluted with an equal

I.V. bolus over 1 to 2 minutes, followed by

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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100 alteplase

volume of normal saline solution or D5 W INTERACTIONS

to yield 0.5 mg/ml. Drug-drug. Aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyri-
 Give drug using a controlled infusion damole, drugs affecting platelet activity (abcix-
device. imab), heparin, warfarin anticoagulants: May
 Discard any unused drug after 8 hours. increase risk of bleeding. Monitor patient
Cathflo Activase carefully.
 Assess the cause of catheter dysfunc- Nitroglycerin: May decrease alteplase anti-
tion before using drug. Possible causes of gen level. Avoid using together. If use to-
occlusion include catheter malposition, gether is unavoidable, use the lowest effec-
mechanical failure, constriction by a su- tive dose of nitroglycerin.
ture, and lipid deposits or drug precipitates
in the catheter lumen. Don’t try to suction EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
the catheter because you risk damaging • May alter coagulation and fibrinolytic test
the vessel wall or collapsing a soft-walled results.
 Reconstitute Cathflo Activase with CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
2.2 ml sterile water to yield 1 mg/ml. • Contraindicated in patients with active
Dissolve completely to produce a colorless internal bleeding, intracranial neoplasm,
to pale yellow solution. Don’t shake. arteriovenous malformation, aneurysm,
 Don’t use excessive pressure while severe uncontrolled hypertension, or his-
instilling drug into catheter; doing so could tory or current evidence of intracranial
rupture the catheter or expel a clot into hemorrhage, suspicion of subarachnoid
circulation. hemorrhage, or seizure at onset of stroke
 Solution is stable up to 8 hours at room when used for acute ischemic stroke.
temperature. • Contraindicated in patients with history of
 Incompatibilities: None reported, but stroke, intraspinal or intracranial trauma or
don’t mix with other drugs. surgery within 2 months, or known bleeding
AC TION • Use cautiously in patients having major
Converts plasminogen to plasmin by di- surgery within 10 days (when bleeding is
rectly cleaving peptide bonds at two sites, difficult to control because of its location);
causing fibrinolysis. organ biopsy; trauma (including cardiopul-
Route Onset Peak Duration
monary resuscitation); GI or GU bleeding;
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
cerebrovascular disease; systolic pressure of
180 mm Hg or higher or diastolic pressure
Half-life: Less than 10 minutes. of 110 mm Hg or higher; mitral stenosis,
atrial fibrillation, or other conditions that
ADVERSE REACTIONS may lead to left heart thrombus; acute peri-
CNS: cerebral hemorrhage, fever. carditis or subacute bacterial endocarditis;
CV: arrhythmias, hypotension, edema, hemostatic defects caused by hepatic or re-
cholesterol embolization, venous thrombo- nal impairment; septic thrombophlebitis; or
sis. diabetic hemorrhagic retinopathy.
GI: bleeding (Cathflo Activase), nausea, • Use cautiously in patients receiving an-
vomiting. ticoagulants, in patients age 75 and older,
GU: bleeding. and during pregnancy and the first 10 days
Hematologic: spontaneous bleeding. postpartum.
Skin: ecchymosis.
Other: anaphylaxis, sepsis (Cathflo Acti- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
vase), bleeding at puncture sites, hypersen- Alert: When used for acute ischemic
sitivity reactions. stroke, give drug within 3 hours after symp-
toms occur and only when intracranial
bleeding has been ruled out.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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aluminum hydroxide 101

• Drug may be given to menstruating INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
women. ➤ Acid indigestion
• To recanalize occluded coronary arteries Adults: 500 to 1,500 mg P.O. three to six
and to improve heart function, begin treat- times daily between meals and at bedtime.
ment as soon as possible after symptoms Or, 5 to 10 ml of liquid formulation or 5 to
start. 30 ml of oral suspension between meals and
• Anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy is at bedtime or as directed by prescriber.
commonly started during or after treatment,
to decrease risk of another thrombosis. ADMINISTRATION
• Monitor vital signs and neurologic status P.O.
carefully. Keep patient on strict bed rest. • Shake suspension well.
• Coronary thrombolysis is linked with • When giving through nasogastric tube,
arrhythmias caused by reperfusion of is- make sure tube is placed correctly and is
chemic myocardium. Such arrhythmias patent; after instilling drug, flush tube with
don’t differ from those commonly linked water to ensure passage to stomach and to
with MI. Have antiarrhythmics readily clear tube.
available, and carefully monitor ECG.
• Avoid invasive procedures during throm- AC TION
bolytic therapy. Closely monitor patient for Neutralizes acid in GI tract, elevates gastric
signs of internal bleeding, and frequently pH to reduce pepsin activity, strength-
check all puncture sites. Bleeding is the ens gastric mucosal barrier, and increases
most common adverse effect and may occur esophageal sphincter tone.
internally and at external puncture sites. Route Onset Peak Duration
• If uncontrollable bleeding occurs, stop P.O. Variable Unknown 20–180 min
infusion (and heparin) and notify prescriber.
• Avoid I.M. injections. Half-life: Unknown.


• Explain use and administration of drug to CNS: encephalopathy.
patient and family. GI: constipation, intestinal obstruction.
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions Metabolic: hypophosphatemia.
promptly. Musculoskeletal: osteomalacia.

aluminum hydroxide Drug-drug. Allopurinol, antibiotics
a-LOO-mi-num (tetracyclines), corticosteroids, diflunisal,
digoxin, ethambutol, H2 -receptor antago-
AlternaGEL , Alu-Cap , Alu-Tab , nists, iron salts, isoniazid, penicillamine,
Amphojel , Dialume  phenothiazines, thyroid hormones, ticlopi-
dine: May decrease effect of these drugs by
Therapeutic class: Antacid impairing absorption. Separate doses by 1 to
Pharmacologic class: Aluminum salt 2 hours.
Pregnancy risk category C Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, lomefloxacin, moxi-
floxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin: May decrease
AVAIL ABLE FORMS quinolone effect. Give antacid at least
Capsules: 400 mg , 500 mg  6 hours before or 2 hours after quinolone.
Liquid: 600 mg/5 ml  Enteric-coated drugs: May be released
Oral suspension: 320 mg/5 ml , 450 mg/ prematurely in stomach. Separate doses by
5 ml , 675 mg/5 ml  at least 1 hour.
Tablets: 500 mg , 600 mg 
• May increase gastrin level. May decrease
phosphate level.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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102 alvimopan


• No known contraindications. alvimopan
• Use cautiously in patients with chronic al-VIM-oh-pan
renal disease.
• Monitor long-term, high-dose use in Therapeutic class: Bowel restorative
patient on restricted sodium intake. Each drug
tablet, capsule, or 5 ml of suspension may Pharmacologic class: Peripherally acting
contain 2 or 3 mg of sodium. Refer to manu- mu-opioid receptor antagonist
facturer’s label for specific sodium content. Pregnancy risk category B
• Record amount and consistency of stools.
Manage constipation with laxatives or AVAIL ABLE FORMS
stool softeners; alternate with magnesium- Capsules: 12 mg
containing antacids (if patient doesn’t have
renal disease). INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Monitor phosphate level. ➤ Acceleration of recovery after partial
• Watch for evidence of hypophosphatemia large- or small-bowel resection surgery
(anorexia, malaise, and muscle weakness) with primary anastomosis
with prolonged use; also can lead to resorp- Adults: 12 mg P.O. 30 minutes to 5 hours
tion of calcium and bone demineralization. before surgery, followed by 12 mg P.O. b.i.d.
• Aluminum hydroxide therapy may inter- beginning day after surgery, for maximum
fere with imaging techniques using sodium of 15 doses.
pertechnetate Tc-99m, and thus impair
evaluation of Meckel’s diverticulum. It ADMINISTRATION
also may interfere with reticuloendothelial P.O.
imaging of liver, spleen, or bone marrow • May be taken with or without food.
using technetium-99m sulfur colloid. It may
antagonize effect of pentagastrin during AC TION
gastric acid secretion tests. Competitively and selectively binds to
• Because drug contains aluminum, it’s mu-opioid receptors in GI tract, preventing
used in patients with renal failure to help peripheral effects of opioids on GI motil-
control hyperphosphatemia by binding with ity and secretion and thereby shortening
phosphate in the GI tract. recovery time after surgery.
• Watch for aluminum toxicity in patients Route Onset Peak Duration
with severe renal impairment (dialysis P.O. Rapid 2 hr Unknown
encephalopathy, osteomalacia). Aluminum
isn’t well removed by dialysis. Half-life: 10 to 18 hours.


• Instruct patient to shake suspension well GI: constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence.
and to follow with a small amount of milk or GU: urine retention.
water to facilitate passage. Hematologic: anemia.
• Advise patient not to take aluminum Metabolic: hypokalemia.
hydroxide indiscriminately or to switch Musculoskeletal: back pain.
antacids without prescriber’s advice.
• Urge patient to notify prescriber about INTERACTIONS
signs and symptoms of GI bleeding, such as None.
tarry stools or coffee-ground vomitus.
• Instruct pregnant patient to seek medical EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
advice before taking drug. None.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amantadine hydrochloride 103

Black Box Warning Alvimopan is available amantadine hydrochloride
only for short-term (15 doses) use in hos- a-MAN-ta-deen
pitalized patients. Only hospitals that have
registered in and met all of requirements for Therapeutic class: Antiviral
the Entereg Access Support and Education Pharmacologic class: Synthetic cyclic
(E.A.S.E.) program may use alvimopan. primary amine
• Contraindicated in patients who have Pregnancy risk category C
taken opioids for more than 7 days immedi-
ately before taking this drug. Avoid use in AVAIL ABLE FORMS
patients with severe renal or hepatic impair- Capsules: 100 mg
ment. Syrup: 50 mg/5 ml
• Use cautiously in patients with history of Tablets: 100 mg
recent opioid use.
• Use in pregnancy only if benefit to mother INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
outweighs risk to fetus. It isn’t known if ➤ Parkinson disease
drug appears in breast milk. Use cautiously. Adults: Initially, if used as monotherapy,
100 mg P.O. b.i.d. In patients with serious
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS illness or in those already receiving high
• Drug is available only to hospitals that doses of other antiparkinsonians, begin
enroll in the E.A.S.E. program (1-866-423- dose at 100 mg P.O. once daily. Increase to
6567). Hospitals that enroll must educate 100 mg b.i.d. if needed after at least 1 week.
staff about limiting use to inpatients for Some patients may benefit from 400 mg
maximum of 15 doses. daily in divided doses.
• Monitor GI status closely. ➤ To prevent or treat symptoms of in-
• Closely monitor patients with history of fluenza type A virus and respiratory tract
opioid use for chronic pain; drug is associ- illnesses
ated with increased incidence of MI in these Children age 13 or older and adults up to
patients. age 65: 200 mg P.O. daily as a single dose or
• To avoid increasing sensitivity, take care- 100 mg P.O. b.i.d.
ful drug history to rule out recent opioid Children ages 9 to 12: 100 mg P.O. b.i.d.
use. Signs and symptoms of increased sen- Children ages 1 to 8: 4.4 to 8.8 mg/kg P.O.
sitivity include abdominal pain, nausea, as a total daily dose given once daily or
vomiting, and diarrhea. divided equally b.i.d. Maximum daily dose
is 150 mg.
PATIENT TEACHING Elderly patients: 100 mg P.O. once daily in
• Tell patient to report previous use of patients older than age 65 with normal renal
opioids, including week before surgery. function.
• Instruct patient to report adverse effects, Begin treatment within 24 to 48 hours
such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, after symptoms appear and continue for
and vomiting. 24 to 48 hours after symptoms disappear
• Explain that drug is to be used only while (usually 2 to 7 days). Start prophylaxis as
in the hospital, for no more than 7 days after soon as possible after exposure and con-
surgery. tinue for at least 10 days after exposure.
May continue prophylactic treatment up to
90 days for repeated or suspected expo-
sures if influenza vaccine is unavailable. If
used with influenza vaccine, continue dose
for 2 to 3 weeks until antibody response to
vaccine has developed.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
clearance of 30 to 50 ml/minute, 200 mg the
first day and 100 mg thereafter; if clearance

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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104 amantadine hydrochloride

is 15 to 29 ml/minute, 200 mg the first Drug-herb. Jimsonweed: May adversely

day and then 100 mg on alternate days; if affect CV function. Discourage use together.
clearance is less than 15 ml/minute or if Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
patient is receiving hemodialysis, 200 mg CNS effects, including dizziness, confusion,
every 7 days. and orthostatic hypotension. Discourage use
➤ Drug-induced extrapyramidal reac- together.
Adults: 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. May increase to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
300 mg daily in divided doses. • May increase CK, BUN, creatinine, al-
kaline phosphatase, LDH, bilirubin, GGT,
• Give drug without regard for food. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AC TION to drug.
May exert its antiparkinsonian effect by • Use cautiously in elderly patients and
causing the release of dopamine in the sub- in patients with seizure disorders, heart
stantia nigra. As an antiviral, may prevent failure, peripheral edema, hepatic disease,
release of viral nucleic acid into the host mental illness, eczematoid rash, renal im-
cell, reducing duration of fever and other pairment, orthostatic hypotension, and CV
systemic symptoms. disease. Monitor renal and liver function
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr Unknown
•H Overdose S&S: Arrhythmia, hypertension,
tachycardia, pulmonary edema, respiratory
Half-life: About 24 hours; with renal dysfunction, distress, increased BUN level, decreased
as long as 10 days. creatinine clearance, renal insufficiency,
insomnia, anxiety, aggressive behavior,
ADVERSE REACTIONS hypertonia, hyperkinesia, tremor, confu-
CNS: dizziness, insomnia, irritability, light- sion, disorientation, depersonalization, fear,
headedness, depression, fatigue, confusion, delirium, hallucinations, psychotic reac-
hallucinations, anxiety, ataxia, headache, tions, lethargy, somnolence, coma, seizures,
nervousness, dream abnormalities, agita- hyperthermia.
CV: heart failure, peripheral edema, ortho- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
static hypotension. • Patients with Parkinson disease who don’t
EENT: blurred vision. respond to anticholinergics may respond to
GI: nausea, anorexia, constipation, vomit- this drug.
ing, dry mouth. Alert: Elderly patients are more suscepti-
Skin: livedo reticularis. ble to adverse neurologic effects. Monitor
patient for mental status changes.
INTERACTIONS • Suicidal ideation and attempts may occur
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May increase in any patient, regardless of psychiatric
anticholinergic effects. Use together cau- history.
tiously; reduce dosage of anticholinergic • Drug can worsen mental problems in pa-
before starting amantadine. tients with a history of psychiatric disorders
CNS stimulants: May increase CNS stimu- or substance abuse.
lation. Use together cautiously. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Co-trimoxazole, quinidine, thiazide diuret- amantadine with rimantadine.
ics, triamterene: May increase amantadine
level, increasing the risk of toxicity. Use PATIENT TEACHING
together cautiously. Alert: Tell patient to take drug exactly as
Thioridazine: May worsen Parkinson dis- prescribed because not doing so may result
ease tremor. Monitor patient closely. in serious adverse reactions or death.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ambrisentan 105
• If insomnia occurs, tell patient to take and monitor until the levels are less than
drug several hours before bedtime. three times ULN. Restart therapy with
• If patient gets dizzy when he stands up, more frequent monitoring. If ALT and AST
instruct him not to stand or change positions exceed eight times the ULN, stop therapy
too quickly. and don’t restart.
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber of
adverse reactions, especially dizziness, ADMINISTRATION
depression, anxiety, nausea, and urine reten- P.O.
tion. • Give drug without regard for food.
• Caution patient to avoid activities that • Give drug whole; don’t crush or split
require mental alertness until effects of drug tablets.
are known.
• Encourage patient with Parkinson disease AC TION
to gradually increase his physical activity as Blocks endothelin-1 receptors on vascular
his symptoms improve. endothelin and smooth muscle. Stimulation
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol while of these receptors in smooth muscle cells is
taking drug. associated with vasoconstriction and PAH.
Route Onset Peak Duration
SAFETY ALERT! P.O. Rapid 2 hr Unknown

ambrisentan Half-life: 9 hours.

Letairis CNS: headache.
CV: peripheral edema, flushing, palpita-
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive tions.
Pharmacologic class: Endothelin- EENT: nasal congestion, sinusitis,
receptor antagonist nasopharyngitis.
Pregnancy risk category X GI: abdominal pain, constipation.
Hematologic: anemia.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Hepatic: hepatic impairment.
Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg Respiratory: dyspnea.


➤ Pulmonary arterial hypertension in Drug-drug. CYP enzyme inducers, such as
patients with World Health Organization carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
class II (with significant exertion) or and rifampin: May decrease effects of
III (with mild exertion) symptoms to ambrisentan. Use together cautiously.
improve exercise tolerance and decrease CYP enzyme inhibitors, such as atazanavir,
rate of clinical worsening clarithromycin, fluvoxamine, fluconazole,
Adults: 5 mg P.O. once daily; may increase indinavir, itraconazole, nefazodone, nelfi-
to 10 mg P.O. once daily if tolerated. navir, ritonavir, saquinavir, telithromycin,
Adjust-a-dose: Don’t start therapy in patients and ticlopidine: May increase the effects of
with elevated aminotransferase levels (ALT ambrisentan. Use together cautiously.
and AST) of more than three times the Cyclosporine: May increase ambrisentan
upper limit of normal (ULN) at baseline. If levels. Use together cautiously and monitor
ALT elevations during therapy are between patient for increased adverse effects.
three and five times the ULN, remeasure.
If confirmed level is in the same range, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
reduce dose or stop therapy and remeasure Black Box Warning May increase AST,
every 2 weeks until levels are less than three ALT, and bilirubin levels.
times ULN. If ALT and AST are between • May decrease hemoglobin level and
five and eight times the ULN, stop therapy hematocrit.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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106 amikacin sulfate


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive amikacin sulfate
to drug or its components. am-i-KAY-sin
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
pregnant women because it may harm the Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
fetus. Pharmacologic class: Aminoglycoside
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in Pregnancy risk category D
those with moderate to severe hepatic im-
pairment; don’t begin therapy in those with AVAIL ABLE FORMS
elevated baseline ALT and AST levels of Injection: 50 mg/ml (pediatric) vial,
more than three times the ULN. 250 mg/ml vial, 250 mg/ml disposable
• Use cautiously in those with mild hepatic syringe
• Use cautiously in those with renal impair- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
ment; drug hasn’t been studied in those with ➤ Serious infections caused by sensi-
severe renal impairment. tive strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, or
Black Box Warning Because of risk of liver Adults and children: 15 mg/kg/day I.M. or
injury and birth defects, ambrisentan is I.V. infusion, in divided doses every 8 to
available only through the Letairis Education 12 hours for 7 to 10 days.
and Access Program (LEAP). Only regis- Neonates: Initially, loading dose of
tered prescribers and pharmacies may pre- 10 mg/kg I.V.; then 7.5 mg/kg every
scribe and dispense ambrisentan and only 12 hours for 7 to 10 days.
to patients enrolled in and meeting all the ➤ Uncomplicated UTI caused by organ-
conditions of LEAP (1-866-664-5327). isms not susceptible to less toxic drugs
• Treat women of childbearing age only Adults: 250 mg I.M. or I.V. b.i.d.
after negative pregnancy tests. ➤ Active tuberculosis, with other
PATIENT TEACHING Adults and children age 15 and older:
Black Box Warning Inform female pa- 15 mg/kg (up to 1 g) I.M. or I.V. once daily
tient that she’ll need to have a pregnancy five to seven times per week for 2 to 4
test done monthly and to report suspected months or until culture conversion. Then
pregnancy to her prescriber immediately. reduce dose to 15 mg/kg daily given two
Black Box Warning Teach woman of child- or three times weekly depending on other
bearing age to use two reliable birth control drugs in regimen. Patients older than age 59
methods unless she has had tubal steriliza- may receive a reduced dose of 10 mg/kg (up
tion or has a Copper T 380A intrauterine to 750 mg) daily.
device (IUD) or an LNg 20 IUD inserted. Children younger than age 15: Give 15 to
• Tell patient that monthly blood tests will 30 mg/kg (up to 1 g) I.M. or I.V. once daily
be done to monitor for adverse effects. or twice weekly.
• Advise patient to take the pill whole and Adjust-a-dose: For adults with impaired
not to split, crush, or chew the tablet. renal function, initially, 7.5 mg/kg I.M. or
Alert: Teach patient to notify prescriber I.V. Subsequent doses and frequency deter-
immediately of signs or symptoms of liver mined by amikacin levels and renal function
injury, including anorexia, nausea, vom- studies. For adults receiving hemodialysis,
iting, fever, malaise, fatigue, right upper give supplemental doses of 50% to 75% of
quadrant abdominal discomfort, itching, initial loading dose at end of each dialysis
and jaundice. session. Monitor drug levels and adjust
• Tell the patient to report edema and dosage accordingly.
weight gain.
• Inform male patients of the potential for
decreased sperm count.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amikacin sulfate 107

I.V. Drug-drug. Black Box Warning Acyclovir,
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- amphotericin B, bacitracin, cephalosporins,
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin cidofovir, cisplatin, methoxyflurane, van-
therapy while awaiting results. comycin, other aminoglycosides: May
 For adults, dilute I.V. drug in 100 to increase nephrotoxicity. Use together cau-
200 ml of D5 W or normal saline solution. tiously, and monitor renal function test
For children, the amount of fluid will results.
depend on the ordered dose. Atracurium, pancuronium, rocuronium, ve-
 In adults and children, infuse over 30 to curonium: May increase effects of non-
60 minutes. In infants, infuse over 1 to depolarizing muscle relaxants, including
2 hours. prolonged respiratory depression. Use to-
 After infusion, flush line with normal gether only when necessary, and expect to
saline solution or D5 W. reduce dosage of nondepolarizing muscle
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, amin- relaxant.
ophylline, amphotericin B, ampicillin, Dimenhydrinate: May mask ototoxicity
azithromycin, bacitracin, cefazolin, cef- symptoms. Monitor patient’s hearing.
tazidime, chlorothiazide sodium, cis- General anesthetics: May increase neu-
platin, heparin sodium, hetastarch in 0.9% romuscular blockade. Monitor patient for
sodium chloride, oxacillin, phenytoin, increased effects.
propofol, thiopental, vancomycin, vitamin Indomethacin: May increase trough and
B complex with C. peak amikacin levels. Monitor amikacin
I.M. level.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Black Box Warning I.V. loop diuretics such
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin as furosemide: May increase ototoxicity.
therapy while awaiting results. Use together cautiously, and monitor pa-
• Obtain blood for peak level 1 hour after tient’s hearing.
I.M. injection and 30 minutes to 1 hour Parenteral penicillins: May inactivate
after I.V. infusion ends; for trough levels, amikacin in vitro. Don’t mix.
draw blood just before next dose. Don’t
collect blood in a heparinized tube; heparin EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
is incompatible with aminoglycosides. • May increase BUN, creatinine, nonprotein
nitrogen, and urine urea levels.
Inhibits protein synthesis by binding CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
directly to the 30S ribosomal subunit; • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
bactericidal. to drug or other aminoglycosides.
Route Onset Peak Duration • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
I.V. Immediate 30 min 8–12 hr renal function or neuromuscular disorders,
I.M. Unknown 1 hr 8–12 hr in neonates and infants, and in elderly pa-
Half-life: Adults, 2 to 3 hours. Patients with severe
renal damage, 30 to 86 hours.
•H Overdose S&S: Nephrotoxicity, ototoxic-
ity, neurotoxicity.


CNS: neuromuscular blockade. Black Box Warning Due to increased risk of
EENT: ototoxicity. ototoxicity, evaluate patient’s hearing before
GU: azotemia, nephrotoxicity, increase in and during therapy if he’ll be receiving
urinary excretion of casts. the drug for longer than 2 weeks. Notify
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia. prescriber if patient has tinnitus, vertigo, or
Respiratory: apnea. hearing loss.
• Weigh patient and review renal function
studies before therapy begins.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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108 amiloride hydrochloride

• Correct dehydration before therapy be- with 10 mg, dosage can be increased to
cause of increased risk of toxicity. 15 mg, then 20 mg with careful monitoring
• Peak drug levels more than 35 mcg/ml of electrolyte levels.
and trough levels more than 10 mcg/ml may
be linked to a higher risk of toxicity. ADMINISTRATION
Black Box Warning Due to increased risk P.O.
of nephrotoxicity, monitor renal function: • Give drug with food to minimize GI
urine output, specific gravity, urinalysis, upset.
BUN and creatinine levels, and creatinine
clearance. Report to prescriber evidence of AC TION
declining renal function. Inhibits sodium reabsorption and potassium
• Watch for signs and symptoms of super- excretion in the distal tubules.
infection (especially of upper respiratory Route Onset Peak Duration
tract), such as continued fever, chills, and P.O. 2 hr 6–10 hr 24 hr
increased pulse rate.
Black Box Warning Neuromuscular block- Half-life: 6 to 9 hours.
age and respiratory paralysis have been
reported after aminoglycoside administra- ADVERSE REACTIONS
tion. Monitor patient closely. CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, weak-
• Therapy usually continues for 7 to ness, encephalopathy.
10 days. If no response occurs after 3 to GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, appetite
5 days, stop therapy and obtain new speci- changes, constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
mens for culture and sensitivity testing. vomiting.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse GU: erectile dysfunction.
amikacin with anakinra. Metabolic: hyperkalemia.
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps.
PATIENT TEACHING Respiratory: cough, dyspnea.
• Instruct patient to promptly report adverse
reactions to prescriber. INTERACTIONS
• Encourage patient to maintain adequate Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, indomethacin,
fluid intake. other potassium-sparing diuretics, potas-
sium supplements: May cause severe hy-
perkalemia. Avoid use together if possible.
amiloride hydrochloride Monitor potassium level closely if using
a-MILL-oh-ride together.
Digoxin: May decrease digoxin clearance
Midamor and decrease inotropic effects. Monitor
digoxin level.
Therapeutic class: Diuretic Lithium: May decrease lithium clearance,
Pharmacologic class: Potassium- increasing risk of lithium toxicity. Monitor
sparing diuretic lithium level.
Pregnancy risk category B NSAIDs: May decrease diuretic effective-
ness. Avoid use together.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Drug-food. Foods high in potassium (such
Tablets: 5 mg as bananas, oranges), salt substitutes
containing potassium: May cause hyper-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES kalemia. Advise patient to choose diet
➤ Hypertension; hypokalemia; edema of carefully and to use low-potassium salt
heart failure, usually in patients also tak- substitutes.
ing thiazide or other potassium-wasting
Adults: 5 mg P.O. daily, increased to 10 mg
daily if needed. If hypokalemia persists

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amino acid infusions, crystalline 109

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Caution patient not to perform hazardous
• May increase BUN and potassium levels. activities if adverse CNS reactions occur.
May decrease pH, hemoglobin, and liver • To prevent serious hyperkalemia, warn
enzyme and sodium levels. patient to avoid eating potassium-rich foods,
• May decrease neutrophil count. potassium-containing salt substitutes, and
potassium supplements.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Advise patient to reports signs of hyper-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- kalemia, such as tingling, muscle weakness,
tive to drug, in those with potassium level muscle cramps, fatigue, and limb paralysis.
greater than 5.5 mEq/L, and in those with • Instruct patient to check with prescriber
anuria, acute or chronic renal insufficiency, before taking new prescriptions or OTC
or diabetic nephropathy. drugs.
• Contraindicated in patients receiv-
ing potassium supplementation or other SAFETY ALERT!
potassium-sparing diuretics, such as
spironolactone and triamterene. amino acid infusions,
• Use cautiously in patients with diabetes crystalline
mellitus, cardiopulmonary disease, or a-MEE-noh
severe hepatic insufficiency.
• Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated Aminosyn, Aminosyn II,
patients. Aminosyn-PF, Aminosyn-RF,
• Use during pregnancy only if clearly FreAmine III, Novamine, Premasol,
needed. It’s not known whether drug Travasol, TrophAmine
appears in breast milk. Consider having
patient discontinue either drug or breast-
amino acid infusions
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t in dextrose
been established. Aminosyn II with Dextrose, Travasol
in Dextrose
• To prevent nausea, give drug with meals. amino acid infusions with
Black Box Warning Carefully monitor electrolytes
potassium level because of the risk of hy- Aminosyn with Electrolytes,
perkalemia. Monitor potassium level when Aminosyn II with Electrolytes,
drug is initiated, when diuretic dosages FreAmine III with Electrolytes,
are adjusted, and during an illness that ProcalAmine with Electrolytes,
could affect renal function. Alert prescriber Travasol with Electrolytes
immediately if potassium level exceeds
5.5 mEq/L; expect to stop drug. amino acid infusions with
• Drug may cause severe hyperkalemia
after glucose tolerance testing in patients
electrolytes in dextrose
with diabetes; stop drug at least 3 days Aminosyn II with Electrolytes in
before testing. Dextrose
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
amiloride with amiodarone. amino acid infusions for
hepatic failure
PATIENT TEACHING HepatAmine, Hepatasol
• Instruct patient to take drug with food to
minimize GI upset. amino acid infusions for
• Advise patient to avoid sudden posture high metabolic stress
changes and to rise slowly to avoid dizzi- Aminosyn-HBC, BranchAmin,
ness. FreAmine HBC

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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110 amino acid infusions, crystalline

amino acid infusions for amino acid infusions for high metabolic
renal failure stress
Aminess, Aminosyn-RF, Aminosyn-HBC: 7%
NephrAmine, RenAmin BranchAmin: 4%
FreAmine HBC: 6.9%
Therapeutic class: Nutritional amino acid infusions for renal failure
supplement Aminess: 5.2%
Pharmacologic class: Protein substrate Aminosyn-RF: 5.2%
Pregnancy risk category C NephrAmine: 5.4%
RenAmin: 6.5%
Injection: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
2,000 ml containing amino acids in ➤ Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in
various concentrations patients who can’t or won’t eat
amino acid infusions, crystalline Adults: 1 to 1.5 g/kg I.V. daily.
Aminosyn: 3.5%, 5%, 7%, 8.5%, 10% Children weighing more than 10 kg (22 lb):
Aminosyn II: 3.5%, 5%, 7%, 8.5%, 10%, 20 to 25 g I.V. daily for first 10 kg; then 1 to
15% 1.25 g/kg I.V. daily for each kilogram over
Aminosyn-PF: 7%, 10% 10 kg.
Aminosyn-RF: 5.2% Children weighing less than 10 kg: 2 to
FreAmine III: 8.5%, 10% 4 g/kg I.V. daily.
Novamine: 11.4%, 15% ➤ Nutritional support in patients
Premasol: 6%, 10% with cirrhosis, hepatitis, or hepatic
Travasol: 5.5%, 8.5%, 10% encephalopathy
TrophAmine: 6%, 10% Adults: 80 to 120 g of amino acids (12 to
amino acid infusions in dextrose 18 g of nitrogen) I.V. daily of formulation
Aminosyn II: 3.5% in 5% dextrose, 3.5% for hepatic failure.
in 25% dextrose, 4.25% in 10% dextrose, ➤ Nutritional support in patients with
4.25% in 20% dextrose, 4.25% in 25% high metabolic stress
dextrose, 5% in 25% dextrose Adults: 1.5 g/kg I.V. daily of formulation for
Travasol: 2.75% in 5% dextrose, 2.75% high metabolic stress.
in 10% dextrose, 2.75% in 25% dextrose, ➤ Nutritional support in patients with
4.25% in 5% dextrose, 4.25% in 10% dex- renal failure
trose, 4.25% in 25% dextrose Adults: Aminosyn-RF 300 to 600 ml added
amino acid infusions with electrolytes to 70% dextrose I.V. daily. NephrAmine
Aminosyn: 3.5%, 7%, 8.5% 250 to 500 ml added to 70% dextrose I.V.
Aminosyn II: 3.5%, 7%, 8.5% daily. Aminess 400 ml added to 70% dex-
FreAmine III: 3%, 8.5% trose I.V. daily. RenAmin 250 to 500 ml I.V.
ProcalAmine: 3% daily.
Travasol: 3.5%, 5.5%, 8.5% Children: 0.5 to 1 g/kg/day. Individualize
amino acid infusions with electrolytes in dosage. Maximum recommended dose is
dextrose 1 g/kg/day.
Aminosyn II: 3.5% with electrolytes in 5%
dextrose, 3.5% with electrolytes in 25% ADMINISTRATION
dextrose, 4.25% with electrolytes in 10% I.V.
dextrose, 4.25% with electrolytes in 20%  Infuse amino acids only in I.V. fluids or

dextrose, 4.25% with electrolytes in 25% TPN solution.

dextrose  Limit peripheral infusions to 2.5%

amino acid infusions for hepatic failure amino acids and 10% dextrose.
HepatAmine: 8%  Control infusion rate carefully with in-

Hepatasol: 8% fusion pump. If infusion rate falls behind,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amino acid infusions, crystalline 111

notify prescriber; don’t increase rate to CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
catch up. • Contraindicated in patients with anuria
 Check infusion site often for erythema, and in those with inborn errors of amino
inflammation, irritation, tissue sloughing, acid metabolism, such as maple syrup urine
necrosis, and phlebitis. disease and isovaleric acidemia.
 Incompatibilities: Bleomycin, gan- • Standard amino acid formulations are
ciclovir, and indomethacin. Because of contraindicated in patients with severe renal
high risk of incompatibility with other failure or hepatic disease.
substances, add only needed nutritional • Use cautiously in children and neonates.
products. • Use cautiously in patients with renal or
hepatic impairment or failure or diabetes.
AC TION • Use cautiously in patients with cardiac
Provides a substrate for protein synthesis disease or insufficiency; drug may cause
or increases conservation of existing body circulatory overload.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
• Patients with fluid restriction may tolerate
only 1 to 2 L.
Half-life: Unknown. • When diabetic patient receives drug, his
insulin requirements may increase.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Some products contain sulfites. Check
CNS: fever. contents before giving to patients with
CV: thrombophlebitis, edema, thrombosis, sulfite sensitivity.
flushing. • Safe and effective use of parenteral nu-
GI: nausea. trition requires knowledge of nutrition and
GU: glycosuria, osmotic diuresis. clinical expertise in recognizing and treat-
Metabolic: REBOUND HYPOGLYCEMIA ing complications. Frequent evaluations of
WHEN LONG-TERM INFUSIONS ARE patient and laboratory studies are needed.
ABRUPTLY STOPPED, hyperosmolar hy- • Obtain baseline electrolyte, glucose,
perglycemic nonketotic syndrome, hyper- BUN, calcium, and phosphorus levels
glycemia, metabolic acidosis, alkalosis, before therapy; monitor these levels peri-
hypophosphatemia, hyperammonemia, odically throughout therapy.
electrolyte imbalances, weight gain. • Check fractional urine for glycosuria
Musculoskeletal: osteoporosis. every 6 hours initially, and then every 12 to
Skin: tissue sloughing at infusion site from 24 hours in stable patients. Abrupt onset of
extravasation. glycosuria may be an early sign of impend-
Other: catheter-related sepsis, hypersensi- ing sepsis.
tivity reactions. • Assess body temperature every 4 hours;
elevation may indicate sepsis or infection.
INTERACTIONS • Watch for extraordinary electrolyte losses
Drug-drug. Tetracycline: May reduce that may occur during nasogastric suction,
protein-sparing effects of infused amino vomiting, diarrhea, or drainage from GI
acids because of its antianabolic activity. fistula.
Monitor patient. • If patient has chills, fever, or other signs
of sepsis, replace I.V. tubing and bottle and
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS send tubing and bottle to the laboratory to
• May increase ammonia and liver enzyme be cultured.
levels. May decrease magnesium, phos- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
phate, and potassium levels. May increase Aminosyn with amikacin.
or decrease glucose level.
• Explain need for supplement to patient
and family, and answer any questions.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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112 amiodarone hydrochloride

• Tell patient to report adverse reactions I.V.

promptly.  Give drug I.V. only if continuous ECG

and electrophysiologic monitoring are

SAFETY ALERT! available.
 Mix first dose of 150 mg in 100 ml of

amiodarone hydrochloride D5 W solution.

 If infusion will last 2 hours or longer,
mix solution in glass or polyolefin bottles.
Cordarone, Nexterone, Pacerone  If concentration is 2 mg/ml or more, give

drug through a central line. If possible, use

Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic a dedicated line.
Pharmacologic class: Benzofuran  Use an in-line filter.

derivative  Continuously monitor patient’s cardiac

Pregnancy risk category D status. If hypotension occurs, reduce infu-

sion rate.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  I.V. amiodarone (except Nexterone)

Injection: 50 mg/ml∗ leaches out plasticizers from I.V. tubing

Tablets: 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg and adsorbs to polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
tubing, which can adversely affect male
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES reproductive tract development in fe-
Black Box Warning Amiodarone is in- tuses, infants, and toddlers when used at
tended for use only in patients with life- concentrations or flow rates outside of
threatening recurrent ventricular fibrillation recommendations.
or recurrent hemodynamically unstable  Incompatibilities: Aminophylline,

ventricular tachycardia unresponsive to ampicillin sodium and sulbactam sodium,

adequate doses of other antiarrhythmics or bivalirudin, cefazolin sodium, ceftazidime,
when alternative drugs can’t be tolerated. digoxin, furosemide, heparin sodium,
Adults: Give loading dose of 800 to imipenem and cilastatin sodium, mag-
1,600 mg P.O. daily divided b.i.d. for 1 to nesium sulfate, normal saline solution,
3 weeks until first therapeutic response piperacillin sodium, piperacillin and
occurs; then 600 to 800 mg P.O. daily for tazobactam sodium, quinidine gluconate,
1 month, followed by maintenance dose sodium bicarbonate, sodium nitroprusside,
of 200 to 600 mg P.O. daily for 1 month. sodium phosphates.
Then give 400 mg P.O. daily. For patients
with severe GI intolerance, give 200 mg P.O. AC TION
b.i.d. Effects result from blockade of potassium
Or, give loading dose of 150 mg I.V. over chloride leading to a prolongation of action
10 minutes (15 mg/minute); then 360 mg potential duration.
I.V. over next 6 hours (1 mg/minute), fol- Route Onset Peak Duration
lowed by 540 mg I.V. over next 18 hours P.O. Variable 3–7 hr Variable
(0.5 mg/minute). After first 24 hours, con- I.V. Unknown Unknown Variable
tinue with maintenance I.V. infusion of
720 mg/24 hours (0.5 mg/minute). Half-life: 25 to 110 days (usually 40 to 50 days).


P.O. CNS: fatigue, malaise, tremor, peripheral
• Divide oral loading dose into two or three neuropathy, ataxia, paresthesia, insomnia,
equal doses and give with meals to decrease sleep disturbances, headache.
GI intolerance. Give maintenance dose once CV: hypotension, bradycardia, arrhyth-
daily or divide into two doses, with meals to mias, heart failure, heart block, sinus
decrease GI intolerance. arrest, edema.
EENT: asymptomatic corneal mi-
crodeposits, visual disturbances, optic

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amiodarone hydrochloride 113

neuropathy or neuritis resulting in visual Macrolide antibiotics (azithromycin,
impairment, abnormal smell. clarithromycin, erythromycin, telithromycin):
GI: nausea, vomiting, abnormal taste, May cause additive or prolongation of the
anorexia, constipation, abdominal pain. QT interval. Use with caution. Avoid use
Hematologic: coagulation abnormalities. with telithromycin.
Hepatic: hepatic failure, hepatic dysfunc- Methotrexate: May impair methotrexate
tion. metabolism, causing toxicity. Use together
Metabolic: hypothyroidism, hyperthy- cautiously.
roidism. Phenytoin: May decrease phenytoin
Respiratory: acute respiratory distress metabolism and amiodarone level. Mon-
syndrome, SEVERE PULMONARY TOXIC- itor phenytoin level and adjust dosages of
ITY. drugs if needed.
Skin: photosensitivity, solar dermatitis, Protease inhibitors (amprenavir, atazanavir,
blue-gray skin. indinavir, lopinavir and ritonavir, nelfinavir,
ritonavir, and saquinavir): May increase the
INTERACTIONS risk of amiodarone toxicity. Use of riton-
Drug-drug. Antiarrhythmics: May re- avir or nelfinavir with amiodarone is con-
duce hepatic or renal clearance of certain traindicated. Use other protease inhibitors
antiarrhythmics, especially flecainide, cautiously.
procainamide, and quinidine. Use of amio- Quinidine: May increase quinidine level,
darone with other antiarrhythmics, espe- causing life-threatening cardiac arrhyth-
cially mexiletine, propafenone, disopyr- mias. Avoid using together, or monitor
amide, and procainamide, may induce quinidine level closely if use together can’t
torsades de pointes. Avoid using together. be avoided. Adjust quinidine dosage as
Azole antifungals, disopyramide, pimozide: needed.
May increase the risk of arrhythmias, in- Rifamycins: May decrease amiodarone
cluding torsades de pointes. Avoid using level. Monitor patient closely.
together. Simvastatin: May cause myopathy and
Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers: rhabdomyolysis with concomitant use.
May potentiate bradycardia, sinus arrest, Simvastatin dosage shouldn’t exceed 20 mg
and AV block; may increase hypotensive daily.
effect. Use together cautiously. Theophylline: May increase theophylline
Cimetidine: May increase amiodarone level. level and cause toxicity. Monitor theo-
Use together cautiously. phylline level.
Cyclosporine: May increase cyclosporine Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant re-
level, resulting in an increase in the serum sponse with the potential for serious or fatal
creatinine level and renal toxicity. Monitor bleeding. Decrease warfarin dosage 33%
cyclosporine levels and renal function tests. to 50% when starting amiodarone. Monitor
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level 70% patient closely.
to 100%. Monitor digoxin level closely Drug-herb. Pennyroyal: May change rate
and reduce digoxin dosage by half or stop of formation of toxic metabolites of penny-
drug completely when starting amiodarone royal. Discourage use together.
therapy. St. John’s wort: May decrease amiodarone
Fentanyl: May cause hypotension, bradycar- levels. Discourage use together.
dia, and decreased cardiac output. Monitor Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May inhibit
patient closely. CYP3A4 metabolism of drug in the intesti-
Fluoroquinolones: May increase risk of nal mucosa, causing increased levels and
arrhythmias, including torsades de pointes. risk of toxicity. Discourage use together.
Avoid using together. Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (such as photosensitivity reaction. Advise patient
simvastatin): May cause myopathy or rhab- to avoid excessive sunlight exposure and to
domyolysis. Monitor patient carefully. take precautions while in the sun.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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114 amiodarone hydrochloride

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Monitor liver and thyroid function test
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, results and electrolyte levels, particularly
AST, GGT, reverse T3 , and T4 levels. May potassium and magnesium.
decrease T3 level. • Monitor PT and INR if patient takes
• May increase total cholesterol and serum warfarin and digoxin level if he takes
lipid levels. digoxin.
• May increase PT and INR. • Instill methylcellulose ophthalmic solu-
tion during amiodarone therapy to minimize
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS corneal microdeposits. About 1 to 4 months
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive after starting amiodarone, most patients de-
to drug or to iodine. velop corneal microdeposits, although 10%
• Contraindicated in those with cardio- or less have vision disturbances. Regular
genic shock, second- or third-degree AV ophthalmic examinations are advised.
block, severe SA node disease resulting in • Monitor blood pressure and heart rate
bradycardia unless an artificial pacemaker is and rhythm frequently. Perform continuous
present, and in those for whom bradycardia ECG monitoring when starting or changing
has caused syncope. dosage. Notify prescriber of significant
• Use cautiously in patients receiving other change in assessment results.
antiarrhythmics. • Safety and efficacy in children haven’t
• Use cautiously in patients with pul- been established. Life-threatening gasping
monary, hepatic, or thyroid disease. syndrome may occur in neonates given I.V.
•H Overdose S&S: AV block, bradycardia, solutions containing benzyl alcohol.
hypotension, cardiogenic shock, hepatotoxi- • During or after treatment with I.V. form,
city. patient may be transferred to oral therapy.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS amiodarone with amiloride.
• Be aware of the high risk of adverse reac-
• Obtain baseline pulmonary, liver, and • Advise patient to wear sunscreen or
thyroid function test results and baseline protective clothing to prevent sensitivity
chest X-ray. reaction to the sun. Monitor patient for skin
Black Box Warning Give loading doses burning or tingling, followed by redness and
in a hospital setting and with continuous blistering. Exposed skin may turn blue-gray.
ECG monitoring because of the slow onset • Advise patient to keep follow-up appoint-
of antiarrhythmic effect and the risk of ments, including eye exams and blood tests.
life-threatening arrhythmias. • Tell patient to contact prescriber if he
Black Box Warning Drug may pose life- has vision changes, weakness, “pins and
threatening management problems in pa- needles” or numbness, poor coordination,
tients at risk for sudden death. Use only weight change, heat or cold intolerance, or
in patients with life-threatening, recurrent neck swelling.
ventricular arrhythmias unresponsive to or • Tell patient to take oral drug with food if
intolerant of other antiarrhythmics or alter- GI reactions occur.
native drugs. Amiodarone can cause fatal • Inform patient that adverse effects of drug
toxicities, including hepatic and pulmonary are more common at high doses and become
toxicity. more frequent with treatment lasting longer
Black Box Warning Drug is highly toxic. than 6 months, but are generally reversible
Watch carefully for pulmonary toxicity. when drug is stopped. Resolution of adverse
Risk increases in patients receiving doses reactions may take up to 4 months.
over 400 mg/day. • Tell patient not to stop taking this medica-
• Watch for evidence of pneumonitis, exer- tion without consulting with his prescriber.
tional dyspnea, nonproductive cough, and
pleuritic chest pain. Monitor pulmonary
function tests and chest X-ray.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amitriptyline hydrochloride 115

amitriptyline hydrochloride CNS: stroke, seizures, coma, ataxia,
a-mee-TRIP-ti-leen tremor, peripheral neuropathy, anxiety, in-
somnia, restlessness, drowsiness, dizziness,
Therapeutic class: Antidepressant weakness, fatigue, headache, extrapyra-
Pharmacologic class: Tricyclic midal reactions, hallucinations, delusions,
antidepressant disorientation.
Pregnancy risk category C CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycar-
dia, heart block, arrhythmias, MI, ECG
AVAIL ABLE FORMS changes, hypertension, edema.
amitriptyline hydrochloride EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus, mydriasis,
Tablets: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, increased intraocular pressure.
100 mg, 150 mg GI: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
epigastric pain, diarrhea, constipation,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES paralytic ileus.
➤ Depression (outpatients) GU: urine retention, altered libido, impo-
Adults: Initially, 50 to 100 mg P.O. at bed- tence.
time, increasing to 150 mg daily. Maximum, Hematologic: agranulocytosis, thrombocy-
300 mg daily, if needed. Maintenance, 40 to topenia, leukopenia, eosinophilia.
100 mg daily. Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia.
Elderly patients and adolescents: 10 mg Skin: rash, urticaria, photosensitivity reac-
P.O. t.i.d. and 20 mg at bedtime daily. tions, diaphoresis.
➤ Depression (hospitalized patients) Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
Adults: Initially, 100 mg P.O. daily. If nec-
essary, gradually increase to 200 to 300 mg INTERACTIONS
daily. Maintenance dose is 40 to 100 mg Drug-drug. Barbiturates, CNS depres-
daily. sants: May enhance CNS depression. Avoid
➤ Postherpetic neuralgia  using together.
Adults: 65 to 100 mg P.O. daily for at least Cimetidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, hor-
3 weeks. monal contraceptives, paroxetine, sertraline:
➤ Prevention of chronic headache  May increase tricyclic antidepressant level.
Adults: 20 to 100 mg P.O. daily. Monitor drug levels and patient for signs of
➤ Prevention of migraine  toxicity.
Adults: 10 to 300 mg P.O. daily. Clonidine: May cause life-threatening hyper-
➤ Fibromyalgia  tension. Avoid using together.
Adults: 10 to 50 mg P.O. at bedtime. Epinephrine, norepinephrine: May increase
Black Box Warning Drug isn’t approved hypertensive effect. Use together cautiously.
for use in children. MAO inhibitors: May cause severe excita-
tion, hyperpyrexia, or seizures, usually with
ADMINISTRATION high doses. Avoid using within 14 days of
P.O. MAO inhibitor therapy.
• Give drug without regard for food. Quinolones: May increase the risk of life-
threatening arrhythmias. Avoid using to-
AC TION gether.
Unknown. A tricyclic antidepressant that Drug-herb. Evening primrose: May cause
increases the amount of norepinephrine, additive or synergistic effect, resulting in
serotonin, or both in the CNS by blocking lower seizure threshold and increasing the
their reuptake by the presynaptic neurons. risk of seizures. Discourage use together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
St. John’s wort, SAM-e, yohimbe: May
P.O. Unknown 2–12 hr Unknown
cause serotonin syndrome and decrease
amitriptyline level. Discourage use together.
Half-life: Not established, varies widely. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance
CNS depression. Discourage use together.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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116 amitriptyline hydrochloride

Smoking: May lower drug level. Watch for sedating effects of drug may increase the
lack of effect. risk of falls in this population.
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo- • If signs or symptoms of psychosis occur
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid or increase, expect prescriber to reduce
excessive sunlight exposure. dosage. Record mood changes. Monitor
patient for suicidal tendencies and allow
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS only minimum supply of drug.
• May increase or decrease glucose level. • Because patients using tricyclic antide-
• May increase eosinophil count and liver pressants may suffer hypertensive episodes
function test values. May decrease granulo- during surgery, stop drug gradually several
cyte, platelet, and WBC counts. days before surgery.
• Monitor glucose level.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Watch for nausea, headache, and malaise
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive after abrupt withdrawal of long-term ther-
to drug and in those who have received an apy; these symptoms don’t indicate addic-
MAO inhibitor within the past 14 days. tion.
• Contraindicated during acute recovery • Don’t withdraw drug abruptly.
phase of MI. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
• Use cautiously in patients with history amitriptyline with nortriptyline or amino-
of seizures, urine retention, angle-closure phylline.
glaucoma, or increased intraocular pressure;
in those with hyperthyroidism, CV disease, PATIENT TEACHING
diabetes, or impaired liver function; and in Black Box Warning Advise families and
those receiving thyroid drugs. caregivers to closely observe patient for
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in increased suicidal thinking and behavior.
patients with suicidal ideation. • Whenever possible, advise patient to
• Use cautiously in those receiving electro- take full dose at bedtime, but warn him of
convulsive therapy. possible morning orthostatic hypotension.
•H Overdose S&S: Cardiac arrhythmias, • Tell patient to avoid alcohol during drug
severe hypotension, seizures, CNS depres- therapy.
sion, impaired myocardial contractility, • Advise patient to consult prescriber
confusion, disturbed concentration, tran- before taking other drugs.
sient visual hallucinations, dilated pupils, • Warn patient to avoid activities that
disorders of ocular motility, agitation, hy- require alertness and good psychomotor
peractive reflexes, polyradiculoneuropathy, coordination until CNS effects of drug are
stupor, drowsiness, muscle rigidity, vomit- known. Drowsiness and dizziness usually
ing, hypothermia. subside after a few weeks.
• Inform patient that dry mouth may be
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS relieved with sugarless hard candy or gum.
Black Box Warning Drug may increase Saliva substitutes may be useful.
the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior • To prevent photosensitivity reactions,
in children, adolescents, and young adults advise patient to use a sunblock, wear
with major depressive disorder or other protective clothing, and avoid prolonged
psychiatric disorder. Don’t use in children exposure to strong sunlight.
younger than age 12. • Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly.
• Amitriptyline has strong anticholiner- • Advise patient that it may take as long as
gic effects and is one of the most sedating 30 days to achieve full therapeutic effect.
tricyclic antidepressants. Anticholinergic
effects have rapid onset even though thera-
peutic effect is delayed for weeks.
• Elderly patients may have an increased
sensitivity to anticholinergic effects of drug;

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amlodipine besylate 117

CV: edema, flushing, palpitations.
amlodipine besylate GI: dyspepsia, nausea, abdominal pain.
am-LOE-di-peen GU: sexual difficulties.
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps.
Norvasci Respiratory: dyspnea.
Skin: rash, pruritus.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Pharmacologic class: Calcium channel INTERACTIONS
blocker None reported.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS None reported.
Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
➤ Chronic stable angina, vasospastic to drug.
angina (Prinzmetal’s or variant angina) • Use cautiously in patients receiving other
Adults: Initially, 5 to 10 mg P.O. daily. Most peripheral vasodilators, especially those
patients need 10 mg daily. with severe aortic stenosis, and in those
Elderly patients: Initially, 5 mg P.O. daily. with heart failure. Because drug is me-
Adjust-a-dose: For patients who are small or tabolized by the liver, use cautiously and
frail or have hepatic insufficiency, initially, in reduced dosage in patients with severe
5 mg P.O. daily. hepatic disease.
➤ Hypertension •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension.
Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. daily. Dosage
adjusted according to patient response and NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tolerance. Maximum daily dose is 10 mg. Alert: Monitor patient carefully. Some
Children ages 6 to 17: 2.5 to 5 mg P.O. once patients, especially those with severe
daily. Maximum dosage is 5 mg daily. obstructive coronary artery disease, have
Elderly patients: Initially, 2.5 mg P.O. daily. developed increased frequency, duration, or
Adjust-a-dose: For patients who are small or severity of angina or acute MI after initia-
frail, are taking other antihypertensives, or tion of calcium channel blocker therapy or
have hepatic insufficiency, initially, 2.5 mg at time of dosage increase.
P.O. daily. • Monitor blood pressure frequently during
initiation of therapy. Because drug-induced
ADMINISTRATION vasodilation has a gradual onset, acute
P.O. hypotension is rare.
• Give drug without regard for food. • Notify prescriber if signs of heart failure
occur, such as swelling of hands and feet or
AC TION shortness of breath.
Inhibits calcium ion influx across cardiac Alert: Abrupt withdrawal of drug may
and smooth-muscle cells, dilates coronary increase frequency and duration of chest
arteries and arterioles, and decreases blood pain. Taper dose gradually under medical
pressure and myocardial oxygen demand. supervision.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
P.O. Unknown 6–12 hr 24 hr
amlodipine with amiloride.
Half-life: 30 to 50 hours. PATIENT TEACHING
• Caution patient to continue taking drug,
ADVERSE REACTIONS even when he feels better.
CNS: headache, somnolence, fatigue, • Tell patient S.L. nitroglycerin may be
dizziness, light-headedness, asthenia, pares- taken as needed when angina symptoms are
thesia. acute. If patient continues nitrate therapy

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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118 amoxicillin

during adjustment of amlodipine dosage, ➤ Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or both

urge continued compliance. secondary to Streptococcus pyogenes
Adults and children age 12 and older:
amoxicillin 775-mg extended-release tablet P.O. once
a-mox-i-SILL-in daily with a meal for 10 days.
➤ Uncomplicated gonorrhea
Amox†, Apo-Amoxi†, DisperMox, Adults and children who weigh more than
Moxatag, Novamoxin†, Nu-Amoxi† 45 kg (99 lb): 3 g P.O. with 1 g probenecid
given as a single dose.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic Children age 2 and older who weigh less
Pharmacologic class: Aminopenicillin than 45 kg: 50 mg/kg to a maximum of
Pregnancy risk category B 3 g P.O. with 25 mg/kg of probenecid, to a
maximum of 1 g, as a single dose. Don’t
AVAIL ABLE FORMS give probenecid to children younger than
Capsules: 250 mg, 500 mg age 2.
Oral suspension: 50 mg/ml (pediatric ➤ To prevent endocarditis in at-risk pa-
drops), 125 mg/5 ml, 200 mg/5 ml, tients having dental, oral, or respiratory
250 mg/5 ml, 400 mg/5 ml (after recon- tract procedures
stitution) Adults: 2 g P.O. 30 to 60 minutes before
Tablets (chewable): 125 mg, 200 mg, procedure.
250 mg, 400 mg Children: 50 mg/kg P.O. 30 to 60 minutes
Tablets (extended-release): 775 mg before procedure.
Tablets (film-coated): 500 mg, 875 mg ➤ Helicobacter pylori eradication to
Tablets for oral suspension: 200 mg, reduce risk of duodenal ulcer recurrence
400 mg, 600 mg Adults: Amoxicillin 1 g with lansoprazole
30 mg P.O. every 8 hours for 14 days.
➤ Mild to moderate infections of the ear, ADMINISTRATION
nose, and throat; skin and skin structure; P.O.
or GU tract • Before giving, ask patient about allergic
Adults and children who weigh 40 kg (88 lb) reactions to penicillin. A negative history
or more: 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours or of penicillin allergy is no guarantee against
250 mg P.O. every 8 hours. allergic reaction.
Children older than age 3 months who • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
weigh less than 40 kg: 25 mg/kg/day P.O. tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin
divided every 12 hours or 20 mg/kg/day P.O. therapy while awaiting results.
divided every 8 hours. • Give drug with or without food, except for
Neonates and infants up to age 3 months: extended-release tablets, which are given
Up to 30 mg/kg/day P.O. divided every with a meal.
12 hours. • Don’t crush or split extended-release
➤ Mild to severe infections of the lower tablets.
respiratory tract and severe infections of • For a child, place drops directly on child’s
the ear, nose, and throat; skin and skin tongue for swallowing or add to formula,
structure; or GU tract milk, fruit juice, water, ginger ale, or a
Adults and children who weigh 40 kg cold drink for immediate and complete
or more: 875 mg P.O. every 12 hours or consumption.
500 mg P.O. every 8 hours. • For a child taking DisperMox, mix one
Children older than age 3 months weighing tablet in about 10 ml of water, have the child
less than 40 kg: 45 mg/kg/day P.O. divided drink the resulting solution, rinse container
every 12 hours or 40 mg/kg/day P.O. divided with a small amount of water, and have the
every 8 hours. child drink again to ensure the whole dose
is taken. Mix tablet only in water. Don’t let

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amoxicillin 119
child chew tablets, swallow them whole, or • May increase eosinophil count. May
let them dissolve in mouth. decrease granulocyte, platelet, and WBC
• Store reconstituted oral suspension in counts.
refrigerator, if possible. Be sure to check • May falsely decrease aminoglycoside
individual product labels for storage infor- level. May alter results of urine glucose tests
mation. that use cupric sulfate, such as Benedict’s
reagent and Clinitest.
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis during bacterial CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
multiplication. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Route Onset Peak Duration
to drug or other penicillins.
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr 6–8 hr
• Use cautiously in patients with other drug
allergies (especially to cephalosporins)
Half-life: 1 to 11⁄2 hours (71⁄2 hours in severe renal because of possible cross-sensitivity.
impairment). • Use cautiously in those with mononucle-
osis because of high risk of maculopapular
CNS: seizures, lethargy, hallucinations, •H Overdose S&S: Oliguric renal failure.
anxiety, confusion, agitation, depression,
dizziness, fatigue, headache. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
GI: diarrhea, nausea, pseudomembranous • If large doses are given or if therapy is
colitis, vomiting, glossitis, stomatitis, gas- prolonged, bacterial or fungal superin-
tritis, enterocolitis, abdominal pain, black fection may occur, especially in elderly,
hairy tongue. debilitated, or immunosuppressed patients.
GU: interstitial nephritis, nephropathy, • Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea,
vaginitis. ranging from mild diarrhea to fatal colitis,
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leukope- has been reported with nearly all antibacte-
nia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic rial agents, including amoxicillin. Evaluate
purpura, anemia, eosinophilia, hemolytic patient if diarrhea occurs.
anemia. • Amoxicillin usually causes fewer cases of
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity diarrhea than ampicillin.
reactions, overgrowth of nonsusceptible • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
organisms. amoxicillin with amoxapine.


Drug-drug. Allopurinol: May increase risk • Tell patient to take entire quantity of drug
of rash. Monitor patient for rash. exactly as prescribed, even after he feels
Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease better.
contraceptive effectiveness. Advise use of • Instruct patient to take drug with or with-
additional form of contraception during out food, except extended-release tablets,
penicillin therapy. which are taken with a meal.
Probenecid: May increase levels of amoxi- • Tell patient to swallow extended-release
cillin and other penicillins. Probenecid may tablets whole and not to chew, crush, or split
be used for this purpose. them.
Drug-herb. Khat: May decrease antimicro- • Tell patient to notify prescriber if rash,
bial effect of certain penicillins. Discourage fever, or chills develop. A rash is the most
herb use, or tell patient to take drug 2 hours common allergic reaction, especially if
after herb use. allopurinol is also being taken.
• Tell parent to place drops directly on
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS child’s tongue for swallowing or add to
• May decrease hemoglobin level. formula, milk, fruit juice, water, ginger ale,
or a cold drink for immediate and complete

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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120 amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium

• If child takes DisperMox, tell parent to INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

mix one tablet in about 10 ml of water, to ➤ Recurrent or persistent acute otitis
have the child drink the resulting solution, media caused by Streptococcus pneu-
to rinse container with a small amount of moniae, Haemophilus influenzae, or
water, and to have the child drink again Moraxella catarrhalis in patients ex-
to ensure the whole dose is taken. Parent posed to antibiotics within the previous
should mix tablet only in water. Caution par- 3 months, who are 2 years old or younger
ent against allowing child to chew tablets, to or in day care facilities
swallow them whole, or to let them dissolve Children age 3 months and older:
in mouth. 90 mg/kg/day (600 mg amoxicillin/
42.9 mg clavulanic acid/5 ml) P.O., based on
amoxicillin component, every 12 hours for
amoxicillin and clavulanate 10 days.
potassium (amoxycillin and ➤ Lower respiratory tract infections,
clavulanate potassium) otitis media, sinusitis, skin and skin-
a-mox-i-SILL-in structure infections, and UTIs caused by
susceptible strains of gram-positive and
Aclavulanate†, Apo-Amoxi Clav†, gram-negative organisms
Augmentin, Augmentin XR, Clavulin†, Adults and children weighing 40 kg (88 lb)
Novo-Clavamoxin† or more: 250 mg P.O., based on amoxicillin
component, every 8 hours; or 500 mg every
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic 12 hours. For more severe infections,
Pharmacologic class: Aminopenicillin 500 mg every 8 hours or 875 mg every
and beta-lactamase inhibitor 12 hours.
Pregnancy risk category B Children age 3 months and older and
weighing less than 40 kg: 20 to 45 mg/kg
AVAIL ABLE FORMS P.O., based on amoxicillin component and
Oral suspension: 125 mg amoxicillin tri- severity of infection, daily in divided doses
hydrate and 31.25 mg clavulanic acid/5 ml every 8 to 12 hours.
(after reconstitution); 200 mg amoxicillin Children younger than age 3 months:
trihydrate and 28.5 mg clavulanic acid/5 ml 30 mg/kg/day P.O., based on amoxicillin
(after reconstitution); 250 mg amoxicillin component of the 125-mg/5-ml oral suspen-
trihydrate and 62.5 mg clavulanic acid/5 ml sion, in divided doses every 12 hours.
(after reconstitution); 400 mg amoxicillin Adjust-a-dose: Don’t give the 875-mg tablet
trihydrate and 57 mg clavulanic acid/5 ml to patients with creatinine clearance less
(after reconstitution); 600 mg amoxicillin than 30 ml/minute. If clearance is 10 to
trihydrate and 42.9 mg clavulanic acid/5 ml 30 ml/minute, give 250 to 500 mg P.O.
(after reconstitution) every 12 hours. If clearance is less than
Tablets (chewable): 125 mg amoxicillin 10 ml/minute, give 250 to 500 mg P.O.
trihydrate, 31.25 mg clavulanic acid; every 24 hours. Give hemodialysis patients
200 mg amoxicillin trihydrate, 28.5 mg 250 to 500 mg P.O. every 24 hours with
clavulanic acid; 250 mg amoxicillin tri- an additional dose both during and after
hydrate, 62.5 mg clavulanic acid; 400 mg dialysis.
amoxicillin trihydrate, 57 mg clavulanic ➤ Community-acquired pneumonia
acid or acute bacterial sinusitis caused by
Tablets (extended-release): 1,000 mg amox- H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis,
icillin trihydrate, 62.5 mg clavulanic acid H. parainfluenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Tablets (film-coated): 250 mg amoxicillin methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus
trihydrate, 125 mg clavulanic acid; 500 mg aureus, or S. pneumoniae with reduced
amoxicillin trihydrate, 125 mg clavulanic susceptibility to penicillin
acid; 875 mg amoxicillin trihydrate, 125 mg Adults and children age 16 and older:
clavulanic acid 2,000 mg/125 mg Augmentin XR tablets

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium 121

every 12 hours for 7 to 10 days for pneumo- GU: vaginal candidiasis, vaginitis.
nia; 10 days for sinusitis. Hematologic: anemia, thrombocytopenia,
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine thrombocytopenic purpura, eosinophilia,
clearance less than 30 ml/minute and pa- leukopenia, agranulocytosis.
tients receiving hemodialysis, don’t use Other: hypersensitivity reactions, anaphy-
Augmentin XR. laxis, pruritus, rash, urticaria, angioedema,
overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms,
ADMINISTRATION serum sickness–like reaction.
• Before giving drug, ask patient about INTERACTIONS
allergic reactions to penicillin. A negative Drug-drug. Allopurinol: May increase risk
history of penicillin allergy is no guarantee of rash. Monitor patient for rash.
against an allergic reaction. Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- hormonal contraceptive effectiveness. Ad-
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin vise use of additional form of contraception
therapy while awaiting results. during penicillin therapy.
• Give drug at the start of a meal to enhance Methotrexate: May increase risk of
absorption. methotrexate toxicity. Monitor methotrexate
• Give drug at least 1 hour before a bacte- levels.
riostatic antibiotic. Probenecid: May increase levels of amoxi-
• Avoid use of 250-mg tablet in children cillin and other penicillins. Probenecid may
weighing less than 40 kg (88 lb). Use chew- be used for this purpose.
able form instead. Tetracyclines: May reduce therapeutic ac-
• After reconstitution, refrigerate the oral tion of penicillins. Avoid coadministration.
suspension; discard after 10 days. Drug-herb. Khat: May decrease antimicro-
bial effect of certain penicillins. Discourage
AC TION khat chewing, or tell patient to take amoxi-
Prevents bacterial cell-wall synthesis during cillin 2 hours after khat chewing.
replication. Increases amoxicillin’s effec-
tiveness by inactivating beta-lactamases, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
which destroy amoxicillin. • May increase eosinophil count.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• May falsely decrease aminoglycoside
P.O. Unknown 1–21⁄2 hr 6–8 hr
level. May alter results of urine glucose tests
P.O. (600 mg Unknown 1–4 hr Unknown that use cupric sulfate, such as Benedict’s
amoxicillin/ reagent and Clinitest.
42.9 mg
P.O. Unknown 1–6 hr Unknown • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
(Augmentin to drug or other penicillins and in those with
XR) a history of amoxicillin-related cholestatic
Half-life: 1 to 11⁄2 hours. For patients with severe jaundice or hepatic dysfunction.
renal impairment, 71⁄2 hours for amoxicillin and • Augmentin XR is contraindicated in pa-
41⁄2 hours for clavulanate. tients receiving hemodialysis and those with
creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/minute.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Use cautiously in patients with other drug
CNS: agitation, anxiety, behavioral allergies (especially to cephalosporins)
changes, confusion, dizziness, insomnia. because of possible cross-sensitivity and in
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, indiges- those with mononucleosis because of high
tion, gastritis, stomatitis, glossitis, black risk of maculopapular rash.
hairy tongue, enterocolitis, pseudomembra- • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women;
nous colitis, mucocutaneous candidiasis, it’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk.
abdominal pain.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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122 amphotericin B lipid complex

• Use cautiously in hepatically impaired SAFETY ALERT!

patients, and monitor the hepatic function of
these patients. amphotericin B lipid
• Don’t give ampicillin-class antibiotics to complex
patients with mononucleosis due to high am-foe-TER-i-sin
incidence of erythematous rash.
•H Overdose S&S: Crystalluria, oliguric renal Abelcet
failure, GI symptoms, rash, hyperactivity or
drowsiness. Therapeutic class: Antifungal
Pharmacologic class: Polyene antibiotic
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pregnancy risk category B
• Each Augmentin XR tablet contains
29.3 mg (1.27 mEq) of sodium. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Augmentin XR isn’t indicated for treating Suspension for injection: 100 mg/20-ml vial
infections caused by S. pneumoniae with
penicillin minimum inhibitory concentra- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
tion, or MIC, of 4 mcg/ml or greater. ➤ Invasive fungal infections, includ-
• If large doses are given or therapy is pro- ing Aspergillus and Candida species, in
longed, bacterial or fungal superinfection patients refractory to or intolerant of
may occur, especially in elderly, debilitated, conventional amphotericin B therapy
or immunosuppressed patients. Black Box Warning Don’t use to treat non-
Alert: Don’t interchange the oral suspen- invasive forms of fungal disease in patients
sions because of varying clavulanic acid with normal neutrophil counts.
contents. Adults and children: 5 mg/kg daily
• 600 mg amoxicillin/42.9 mg clavulanic I.V. as a single infusion given at rate of
acid/5 ml is intended only for children ages 2.5 mg/kg/hour.
3 months to 12 years with persistent or Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
recurrent acute otitis media. clearance of less than 10 ml/minute, give
Alert: Both 250- and 500-mg film-coated 5 mg/kg every 24 to 36 hours
tablets contain the same amount of clavu-
lanic acid (125 mg). Therefore, two 250-mg ADMINISTRATION
tablets aren’t equivalent to one 500-mg I.V.
tablet. Regular tablets aren’t equivalent to  To prepare, shake vial gently until there’s

Augmentin XR. no yellow sediment. Using aseptic tech-

• This drug combination is particularly nique, withdraw calculated dose into one
useful in clinical settings with a high preva- or more 20-ml syringes using an 18G
lence of amoxicillin-resistant organisms. needle. More than one vial will be needed.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse  Attach a 5-micron filter needle to sy-

amoxicillin with amoxapine. ringe and inject dose into I.V. bag of D5 W.
Volume of D5 W should be sufficient to
PATIENT TEACHING yield 1 mg/ml (2 mg/ml for pediatric and
• Tell patient to take entire quantity of drug cardiovascular patients). One filter needle
exactly as prescribed, even after feeling can be used for up to four vials of ampho-
better. tericin B lipid complex.
• Instruct patient to take drug with food  Don’t use an in-line filter.

to prevent GI upset. If he’s taking the oral  If infusing through an existing I.V. line,

suspension, tell him to keep drug refriger- flush first with D5 W.

ated, to shake it well before taking it, and to  Use an infusion pump, and give by

discard remaining drug after 10 days. continuous infusion at 2.5 mg/kg/hour.

• Tell patient to call prescriber if a rash  If infusion time exceeds 2 hours, mix

occurs because rash is a sign of an allergic contents by shaking infusion bag every
reaction. 2 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amphotericin B lipid complex 123

 Monitor vital signs closely. Fever, Clotrimazole, fluconazole, itraconazole,
shaking chills, and hypotension may ketoconazole, miconazole: May counter-
appear within 2 hours of starting infu- act effects of amphotericin B by inducing
sion. Slowing infusion rate may decrease fungal resistance. Monitor patient closely.
risk of infusion-related reactions. Corticosteroids, corticotropin: May en-
 If severe respiratory distress occurs, stop hance hypokalemia, which could lead to
infusion, provide supportive therapy for cardiac toxicity. Monitor electrolyte levels
anaphylaxis, and notify prescriber. Don’t and cardiac function.
restart drug. Cyclosporine: May increase renal toxicity.
 Reconstituted drug is stable up to Monitor renal function test results closely.
48 hours if refrigerated (36◦ to 46◦ F Flucytosine: May increase risk of flucyto-
[2◦ to 8◦ C]) and up to 6 hours at room sine toxicity from increased cellular uptake
temperature. or impaired renal excretion. Use together
 Discard any unused drug because it cautiously.
contains no preservative. Leukocyte transfusions: May increase risk
 Incompatibilities: Electrolytes, other of pulmonary reactions, such as acute dys-
I.V. drugs, saline solutions. pnea, tachypnea, hypoxemia, hemoptysis,
and interstitial infiltrates. Use together with
AC TION caution; separate doses as much as possible,
Binds to sterols of fungal cell membranes, and monitor pulmonary function.
altering cell permeability and causing cell Nephrotoxic drugs (such as aminoglyco-
death. sides, pentamidine): May increase risk of
Route Onset Peak Duration
renal toxicity. Use together cautiously and
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
monitor renal function closely.
Skeletal muscle relaxants: May enhance
Half-life: About 1 week. skeletal muscle relaxant effects of ampho-
tericin B–induced hypokalemia. Monitor
ADVERSE REACTIONS potassium level closely.
CNS: fever, headache, pain. Zidovudine: May increase myelotoxicity
CV: cardiac arrest, chest pain, hyperten- and nephrotoxicity. Monitor renal and
sion, hypotension. hematologic function.
GI: GI hemorrhage, abdominal pain, diar-
rhea, nausea, vomiting. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
GU: renal failure. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope- AST, bilirubin, BUN, creatinine, GGT, and
nia, anemia. LDH levels. May decrease hemoglobin and
Hepatic: bilirubinemia. potassium levels.
Metabolic: hypokalemia. • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
Respiratory: respiratory failure, dyspnea,
respiratory disorder. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Skin: rash. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Other: MULTIPLE ORGAN FAILURE, chills, to amphotericin B or its components.
sepsis, infection. • Use cautiously in patients with renal im-
pairment. Adjust dosage based on patient’s
INTERACTIONS overall condition. Renal toxicity is more
Drug-drug. Antineoplastics: May increase common at higher dosages.
risk of renal toxicity, bronchospasm, and • It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
hypotension. Use together cautiously. milk. Encourage the patient to stop either
Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of breast-feeding or treatment.
digitalis toxicity from amphotericin B– •H Overdose S&S: Cardiorespiratory arrest.
induced hypokalemia. Monitor potassium
level closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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124 amphotericin B liposomal

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults and children: 3 to 5 mg/kg I.V. infu-

Alert: Different amphotericin B prepara- sion over 2 hours daily.
tions aren’t interchangeable, so dosages will ➤ Visceral leishmaniasis in immunocom-
vary. Confusing the preparations may cause petent patients
permanent damage or death. Adults and children: 3 mg/kg I.V. infusion
• Hydrate before infusion to reduce risk of over 2 hours daily on days 1 to 5, day 14,
nephrotoxicity. and day 21. A repeat course of therapy may
• Monitor creatinine and electrolyte levels be beneficial if initial treatment fails to clear
(especially magnesium and potassium), parasites.
liver function, and CBC during therapy. ➤ Visceral leishmaniasis in immunocom-
promised patients
PATIENT TEACHING Adults and children: 4 mg/kg I.V. infusion
• Inform patient that he may develop fever, over 2 hours daily on days 1 to 5, day 10,
chills, nausea, and vomiting during in- day 17, day 24, day 31, and day 38.
fusion, but that these symptoms usually ➤ Cryptococcal meningitis in patients
subside with subsequent doses. with HIV infection
• Instruct patient to report any redness or Adults and children: 6 mg/kg/day I.V. in-
pain at infusion site. fusion over 2 hours. Reduce infusion time
• Teach patient to recognize and report to to 1 hour if treatment is well tolerated, and
prescriber signs and symptoms of acute hy- increase infusion time if discomfort occurs.
persensitivity, such as respiratory distress. Black Box Warning Don’t use to treat non-
• Warn patient that therapy may take several invasive forms of fungal disease in patients
months. with normal neutrophil counts.
• Tell patient to expect frequent laboratory Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
testing to monitor kidney and liver function. clearance of less than 10 ml/minute, give
3 mg/kg I.V. every 24 hours.
amphotericin B liposomal I.V.
 Don’t reconstitute with bacteriostatic
water for injection, and don’t allow bacte-
AmBisome riostatic product in solution.
 Don’t reconstitute with saline solution,

Therapeutic class: Antifungal add saline solution to reconstituted con-

Pharmacologic class: Polyene antibiotic centration, or mix with other drugs.
Pregnancy risk category B  Reconstitute each 50-mg vial with

12 ml of sterile water for injection to yield

AVAIL ABLE FORMS 4 mg/ml. A yellow, translucent suspension
Powder for injection: 50-mg vial will form.
 After reconstitution, shake vial vigor-

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ously for 30 seconds or until particulate

➤ Empirical therapy for presumed matter disperses.
fungal infection in febrile, neutropenic  Dilute to 1 to 2 mg/ml by withdrawing

patients calculated amount of reconstituted solu-

Adults and children: 3 mg/kg I.V. infusion tion into a sterile syringe and injecting it
over 2 hours daily. through a 5-micron filter into D5 W. Use
➤ Systemic fungal infections caused only 1 filter needle per vial. Concentra-
by Aspergillus species, Candida species, tions of 0.2 to 0.5 mg/ml may provide
or Cryptococcus species refractory to sufficient volume of infusion for children.
amphotericin B deoxycholate or in pa-  Flush existing I.V. line with D5 W before

tients for whom renal impairment or infusing drug. If this isn’t possible, give
unacceptable toxicity precludes use of drug through a separate line.
amphotericin B deoxycholate

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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amphotericin B liposomal 125

 Use a controlled infusion device and an B–induced hypokalemia. Monitor potas-
in-line filter with a mean pore diameter of sium level closely.
1 micron or larger. Clotrimazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole,
 Initially, infuse drug over at least miconazole: May induce fungal resistance
2 hours. If drug is tolerated well, reduce to amphotericin B. Use together cautiously.
infusion time to 1 hour. If discomfort Corticosteroids, corticotropin: May in-
occurs, increase infusion time. crease potassium depletion, which could
 Store unopened vial at 36◦ to 46◦ F cause cardiac dysfunction. Monitor elec-
(2◦ to 8◦ C). Store reconstituted drug trolyte levels and cardiac function.
for up to 24 hours at 36◦ to 46◦ F. Use Flucytosine: May increase flucytosine
within 6 hours of dilution with D5 W. Don’t toxicity by increasing cellular reuptake or
freeze. impairing renal excretion of flucytosine.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs, Use together cautiously.
saline solutions. Leukocyte transfusions: May increase risk
of pulmonary reactions, such as acute dys-
AC TION pnea, tachypnea, hypoxemia, hemoptysis,
Binds to sterols of fungal cell membranes, and interstitial infiltrates. Use together cau-
altering cell permeability and causing cell tiously; separate doses as much as possible,
death. and monitor pulmonary function.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Other nephrotoxic drugs, such as antibiotics
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown and antineoplastics: May cause additive
nephrotoxicity. Use together cautiously;
Half-life: About 4 to 6 days. monitor renal function closely.
Skeletal muscle relaxants: May enhance
ADVERSE REACTIONS effects of skeletal muscle relaxants resulting
CNS: fever, anxiety, confusion, headache, from amphotericin B–induced hypokalemia.
insomnia, asthenia, pain. Monitor potassium level.
CV: chest pain, hypotension, tachycardia,
hypertension, edema, flushing. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
EENT: epistaxis, rhinitis. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, AST, bilirubin, BUN, creatinine, GGT,
diarrhea, GI hemorrhage. glucose, LDH, and sodium levels. May de-
GU: hematuria, renal failure. crease calcium, magnesium, and potassium
Hematologic: anemia, thrombocytopenia. levels.
Hepatic: bilirubinemia, hepatotoxicity. • May decrease hemoglobin and platelet
Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hypernatremia, count.
hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, hypomagne-
Musculoskeletal: back pain. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Respiratory: increased cough, dyspnea, to drug or its components.
hypoxia, pleural effusion, lung disorder, • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
hyperventilation. renal function, in elderly patients, and in
Skin: pruritus, rash, sweating. pregnant women.
Other: chills, infection, anaphylaxis, sep- • It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
sis, blood product infusion reaction. milk. Because of risk of serious adverse
reactions in breast-fed infants, encourage
INTERACTIONS patient to stop either breast-feeding or
Drug-drug. Antineoplastics: May enhance therapy, taking into account importance of
potential for renal toxicity, bronchospasm, drug.
and hypotension. Use together cautiously. •H Overdose S&S: Cardiorespiratory arrest.
Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of
digitalis toxicity caused by amphotericin

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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126 ampicillin

• Patients also receiving chemotherapy or ampicillin
bone marrow transplantation are at greater am-pi-SILL-in
risk for additional adverse reactions, includ-
ing seizures, arrhythmias, and thrombocy- Apo-Ampi†, Nu-Ampi†
Alert: Different amphotericin B prepara- ampicillin sodium
tions aren’t interchangeable, so dosages will
vary. Confusing the preparations may cause ampicillin trihydrate
permanent damage or death. Principen
• Premedicate patient with antipyretics, an-
tihistamines, antiemetics, or corticosteroids. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
• Hydrate before infusion to reduce the risk Pharmacologic class: Aminopenicillin
of nephrotoxicity. Pregnancy risk category B
• Monitor BUN, creatinine, and electrolyte
levels (particularly magnesium and potas- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
sium), liver function, and CBC. Capsules: 250 mg, 500 mg
• Watch for signs and symptoms of hy- Injection: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g
pokalemia (ECG changes, muscle weak- Oral suspension: 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml
ness, cramping, drowsiness).
• Patients treated with this drug have a INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
lower risk of chills, elevated BUN level, ➤ Respiratory tract or skin and skin-
hypokalemia, hypertension, and vomiting structure infections
than patients treated with conventional Adults and children who weigh 40 kg (88 lb)
amphotericin B. or more: 250 mg P.O. every 6 hours.
• Therapy may take several weeks or Children who weigh more than 20 kg
months. (44 lb) but less than 40 kg: 250 mg P.O.
• Observe patient closely for adverse reac- every 6 hours. Pediatric dosages shouldn’t
tions during infusion. If anaphylaxis occurs, exceed recommended adult dosages.
stop infusion immediately, provide support- Children who weigh 20 kg (44 lb) or less:
ive therapy, and notify prescriber. 50 mg/kg/day P.O. in equally divided doses
every 6 to 8 hours.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ GI infections or UTIs
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of Adults and children who weigh 20 kg or
hypersensitivity, and stress importance of more: 500 mg P.O. every 6 hours. For severe
reporting them immediately. infections, larger doses may be needed.
• Warn patient that therapy may take several Children who weigh less than 20 kg: 50 to
months; teach personal hygiene and other 100 mg/kg/day P.O. in equally divided doses
measures to prevent spread and recurrence every 6 hours.
of lesions. ➤ Bacterial meningitis or septicemia
• Instruct patient to report any adverse Adults: 150 to 200 mg/kg/day I.V. in divided
reactions that occur while receiving drug. doses every 3 to 4 hours. May be given
• Tell patient to watch for and report signs I.M. after 3 days of I.V. therapy. Maximum
and symptoms of low levels of potassium recommended daily dose is 14 g.
in the blood (muscle weakness, cramping, Children: 150 to 200 mg/kg I.V. daily in
drowsiness). divided doses every 3 to 4 hours. Give I.V.
• Advise patient that frequent laboratory for 3 days; then give I.M.
testing will be needed. ➤ Uncomplicated gonorrhea
Adults and children who weigh more than
20 kg: 3.5 g P.O. with 1 g probenecid given
as a single dose.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine
clearance of 10 to 50 ml/minute, use same

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ampicillin 127
dose but increase dosing interval to 6 to lidocaine, lincomycin, polymyxin B,
12 hours; for those with a clearance less prochlorperazine edisylate, sodium bi-
than 10 ml/minute, increase dosing interval carbonate, streptomycin, tobramycin.
to 12 to 16 hours I.V. I.M.
• Before giving drug, ask patient about
ADMINISTRATION allergic reactions to penicillin. A negative
P.O. history of penicillin allergy is no guarantee
• Before giving drug, ask patient about against a future allergic reaction.
allergic reactions to penicillin. A negative • Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv-
history of penicillin allergy is no guarantee ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while
against a future allergic reaction. awaiting results.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- • Give drug I.M. or I.V. only if infection is
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while severe or if patient can’t take oral dose.
awaiting results.
• Give drug 1 to 2 hours before or 2 to AC TION
3 hours after meals. When given orally, Inhibits cell-wall synthesis during bacterial
drug may cause GI disturbances. Food may multiplication.
interfere with absorption. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Give drug I.M. or I.V. if infection is severe P.O. Unknown 2 hr 6–8 hr
or if patient can’t take oral dose. I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
I.V. I.M. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
 Before giving drug, ask patient about

allergic reactions to penicillin. A negative Half-life: 1 to 11⁄2 hours (10 to 24 hours in severe
renal impairment).
history of penicillin allergy is no guarantee
against a future allergic reaction.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- ADVERSE REACTIONS
tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy GI: diarrhea, nausea, pseudomembranous
while awaiting results. colitis, abdominal pain, black hairy tongue,
 Give drug I.M. or I.V. only if infection is enterocolitis, gastritis, glossitis, stomatitis,
severe or if patient can’t take oral dose. vomiting.
 Give drug intermittently to prevent vein Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope-
irritation. Change site every 48 hours. nia, thrombocytopenic purpura, anemia,
 For direct injection, reconstitute with eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia, agranulo-
bacteriostatic water for injection. Use 5 ml cytosis.
for 250-mg or 500-mg vials, 7.4 ml for 1-g Other: hypersensitivity reactions, over-
vials, and 14.8 ml for 2-g vials. Give drug growth of nonsusceptible organisms.
over 10 to 15 minutes to avoid seizures.
Don’t exceed 100 mg/minute. INTERACTIONS
 For intermittent infusion, dilute in Drug-drug. Allopurinol: May increase risk
50 to 100 ml of normal saline solution for of rash. Monitor patient for rash.
injection. Give drug over 15 to 30 minutes. H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors:
 Use first dilution within 1 hour. Follow May decrease ampicillin absorption and
manufacturer’s directions for stability level. Separate administration times. Moni-
data when drug is further diluted for I.V. tor patient for continued antibiotic effective-
infusion. ness.
 Incompatibilities: Amikacin, amino Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease
acid solutions, chlorpromazine, dextran hormonal contraceptive effectiveness.
solutions, dextrose solutions, dopamine, Advise use of another form of contraception
erythromycin lactobionate, 10% fat emul- during therapy.
sions, fructose, gentamicin, heparin Oral anticoagulants: May increase risk of
sodium, hetastarch, hydrocortisone sodium bleeding. Monitor PT and INR.
succinate, hydromorphone, kanamycin,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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128 ampicillin sodium and sulbactam sodium

Probenecid: May increase levels of ampi-

cillin and other penicillins. Probenecid may ampicillin sodium and
be used for this purpose. sulbactam sodium
• May decrease hemoglobin level. Unasyn
• May increase eosinophil count. May
decrease granulocyte, platelet, and WBC Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
counts. Pharmacologic class: Aminopenicillin
• May falsely decrease aminoglycoside and beta-lactamase inhibitor
level. May alter results of urine glucose tests Pregnancy risk category B
that use cupric sulfate, such as Benedict
reagent and Clinitest. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Injection: Vials and piggyback vials con-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS taining 1.5 g (1 g ampicillin sodium with
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive 0.5 g sulbactam sodium), 3 g (2 g ampicillin
to drug or other penicillins. sodium with 1 g sulbactam sodium)
• Use cautiously in patients with other drug
allergies (especially to cephalosporins) INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
because of possible cross-sensitivity, and in ➤ Intra-abdominal, gynecologic, and
those with mononucleosis because of high skin-structure infections caused by
risk of maculopapular rash. susceptible strains
Adults: 1.5 to 3 g I.M. or I.V. every 6 hours.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Don’t exceed 4 g/day of sulbactam.
• Monitor sodium level because each gram Children age 1 or older weighing 40 kg
of ampicillin contains 2.9 mEq of sodium. (88 lb) or more (skin and skin-structure
• If large doses are given or if therapy is infections only): 1.5 to 3 g I.V. or I.M. every
prolonged, bacterial or fungal superin- 6 hours. Don’t exceed 4 g/day sulbactam.
fection may occur, especially in elderly, Children age 1 or older weighing less than
debilitated, or immunosuppressed patients. 40 kg (skin and skin-structure infections
• Watch for signs and symptoms of hyper- only): 300 mg/kg/day I.V. in divided doses
sensitivity, such as erythematous macu- every 6 hours for no longer than 14 days.
lopapular rash, urticaria, and anaphylaxis. ➤ Community-acquired pneumonia 
• In patients with impaired renal function, Adults: 3 g I.V. every 12 hours with either
decrease dosage. azithromycin or a fluoroquinolone for at
• In pediatric meningitis, drug may be least 5 days.
given with parenteral chloramphenicol for Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance in
24 hours, pending cultures. adults is 15 to 29 ml/minute, give 1.5 to 3 g
every 12 hours; if clearance is 5 to 14 ml/
PATIENT TEACHING minute, give 1.5 to 3 g every 24 hours.
• Tell patient to take entire quantity of drug
exactly as prescribed, even after he feels ADMINISTRATION
better. I.V.
• Instruct patient to take oral form on an  Before giving drug, ask patient about

empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours allergic reactions to penicillin. A negative

after meals. history of penicillin allergy is no guarantee
• Inform patient to notify prescriber if rash, against future allergic reaction.
fever, or chills develop. A rash is the most  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

common allergic reaction, especially if tivity tests. Begin therapy while awaiting
allopurinol is also being taken. results.
 Reconstitute powder with one of these

diluents: normal saline solution, sterile

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ampicillin sodium and sulbactam sodium 129

water for injection, D5 W, lactated Ringer’s ADVERSE REACTIONS
injection, M/6 sodium lactate, dextrose 5% GI: diarrhea, nausea, pseudomembranous
in half-normal saline solution for injection, colitis, black hairy tongue, enterocolitis,
or 10% invert sugar. gastritis, glossitis, stomatitis, vomiting.
 After reconstitution, let vials stand for a Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leukope-
few minutes so foam can dissipate. Inspect nia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic
solution for particles. purpura, anemia, eosinophilia.
 Give drug at least 1 hour before giving a Skin: pain at injection site.
bacteriostatic antibiotic. Other: hypersensitivity reactions, ana-
 For infusion, dilute in 50 to 100 ml of phylaxis, overgrowth of nonsusceptible
compatible diluent and infuse over 15 to organisms.
30 minutes.
 Stability varies with diluent, tempera- INTERACTIONS
ture, and concentration of solution. Drug-drug. Allopurinol: May increase risk
 Incompatibilities: Amikacin, amino of rash. Monitor patient for rash.
acid solutions, amiodarone, amphotericin Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease
B, chlorpromazine, ciprofloxacin, dextran hormonal contraceptive effectiveness.
solutions, dopamine, erythromycin lac- Strongly advise use of another contraceptive
tobionate, 10% fat emulsions, fructose, during therapy.
gentamicin, heparin sodium, hetastarch, Oral anticoagulants: May increase risk of
hydrocortisone sodium succinate, idaru- bleeding. Monitor PT and INR.
bicin, kanamycin, lidocaine, lincomycin, Probenecid: May increase ampicillin level.
netilmicin, polymyxin B, nicardipine, on- Probenecid may be used for this purpose.
dansetron, prochlorperazine edisylate,
sargramostim, sodium bicarbonate, strep- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
tomycin, tobramycin. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
I.M. AST, bilirubin, BUN, CK, creatinine, GGT,
• Before giving drug, ask patient about and LDH levels. May decrease hemoglobin
allergic reactions to penicillin. A negative level. May transiently decrease conju-
history of penicillin allergy is no guarantee gated estriol, conjugated estrone, estradiol,
against future allergic reaction. and estriol glucuronide levels in pregnant
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- women.
tivity tests. Begin therapy while awaiting • May increase eosinophil count. May
results. decrease granulocyte, platelet, and WBC
• For I.M. injection, reconstitute with sterile counts.
water for injection or 0.5% or 2% lidocaine • May alter results of urine glucose tests
hydrochloride injection. Add 3.2 ml to a that use cupric sulfate, such as Benedict’s
1.5-g vial (or 6.4 ml to a 3-g vial) to yield reagent and Clinitest.
375 mg/ml. Give deep into muscle.
• I.M. injection may cause pain at injection CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
site. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• In children, don’t use I.M. route. to drug or other penicillins.
• Use cautiously in patients with other drug
AC TION allergies (especially to cephalosporins)
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis during bacterial because of possible cross-sensitivity, and in
multiplication. those with mononucleosis because of high
Route Onset Peak Duration
risk of maculopapular rash.
I.V. Immediate 15 min Unknown
•H Overdose S&S: Neuromuscular hyperex-
I.M. Unknown Unknown Unknown citability, seizures.
Half-life: 1 to 11⁄2 hours (10 to 24 in severe renal

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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130 anakinra


• Dosage is expressed as total drug. Each Subcutaneous
1.5-g vial contains 1 g ampicillin sodium • Inject entire contents of prefilled syringe.
and 0.5 g sulbactam sodium. • Store drug in the refrigerator at 35◦ to
• In patients with impaired renal function, 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). Don’t freeze or shake.
decrease dosage. • Protect drug from light.
• Monitor liver function test results during
therapy, especially in patients with impaired AC TION
liver function. A recombinant, nonglycosylated form of
• If large doses are given or if therapy is the human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
prolonged, bacterial or fungal superin- (IL-1Ra). The level of naturally occurring
fection may occur, especially in elderly, IL-1Ra in synovium and synovial fluid from
debilitated, or immunosuppressed patients. patients with RA isn’t enough to compete
with the elevated level of locally produced
PATIENT TEACHING IL-1. Anakinra blocks the biologic activity
• Tell patient to report rash, fever, or chills. of IL-1 by competitively inhibiting IL-
A rash is the most common allergic reac- 1 from binding to the interleukin-1 type
tion. receptor, which is expressed in various
• Warn patient that I.M. injection may cause tissues and organs.
pain at injection site. Route Onset Peak Duration
Subcut. Unknown 3–7 hr Unknown

anakinra Half-life: 4 to 6 hours.

Kineret CNS: headache.
EENT: sinusitis.
Therapeutic class: Immune response GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea.
modifier Hematologic: neutropenia.
Pharmacologic class: Interleukin-1 Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
receptor antagonist tion.
Pregnancy risk category B Skin: ecchymosis, injection site reactions
(erythema, inflammation, pain).
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Other: infection (cellulitis, pneumonia,
Injection: 100 mg/0.67 ml in a prefilled bone and joint), flulike symptoms.
glass syringe
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Drug-drug. Etanercept, other TNF-
➤ To reduce signs and symptoms and blocking drugs: May increase risk of severe
slow progression of structural damage in infection. Use together isn’t recommended.
moderately to severely active rheumatoid Vaccines: May decrease effectiveness of
arthritis (RA) after one or more failures vaccines or may increase risk of secondary
with disease-modifying antirheumatic transmission of infection with live vaccines.
drugs (DMARDs), alone or combined Avoid using together.
with DMARDs other than tumor necrosis
factor (TNF)-blocking drugs EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Adults: 100 mg subcutaneously daily at the • May increase eosinophil count. May
same time each day. decrease neutrophil, platelet, and WBC
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine counts.
clearance of less than 30 ml/minute, de-
crease dosage to 100 mg subcutaneously CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
every other day. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to Escherichia coli–derived proteins or any

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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anastrozole 131
components of the product, or in patients SAFETY ALERT!
with active infections.
• Use drug cautiously in immunosup- anastrozole
pressed patients, those with a chronic an-AHS-troh-zol
infection, the elderly, and breast-feeding
women. Arimidexi
• Safety and effectiveness in patients with
juvenile RA haven’t been established. Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
Pharmacologic class: Aromatase
• Don’t start treatment if patient has active Pregnancy risk category D
• Obtain neutrophil count before treatment, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
monthly for the first 3 months of treatment, Tablets: 1 mg
and then quarterly for up to 1 year.
• Monitor patient for infections and injec- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
tion site reactions. ➤ First-line treatment of post-
• Stop drug if a serious infection develops. menopausal women with hormone
• Monitor patient for possible anaphylactic receptor–positive or hormone receptor–
reaction. unknown locally advanced or metastatic
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse breast cancer; advanced breast cancer
anakinra with amikacin. in postmenopausal women with disease
progression after tamoxifen therapy; ad-
PATIENT TEACHING junctive treatment of postmenopausal
• Tell patient to store drug in refrigerator women with hormone receptor–positive
and not to freeze or expose to excessive early breast cancer
heat. Advise letting drug come to room Adults: 1 mg P.O. daily.
temperature before giving dose.
• Teach patient proper dosage, administra- ADMINISTRATION
tion, and needle and syringe disposal. P.O.
• Urge patient to rotate injection sites. • Give drug without regard for meals.
• Review signs and symptoms of allergic
and other adverse reactions, especially signs AC TION
of serious infections. Urge patient to contact A selective nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor
prescriber if they arise. that significantly lowers estradiol levels,
• Inform patient that injection site reactions which inhibits breast cancer cell growth in
are common, usually mild, and typically last postmenopausal women.
14 to 28 days. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Tell patient to avoid live-virus vaccines P.O. <24 hr Unknown <7 days
during therapy.
Half-life: 50 hours.

CNS: headache, asthenia, pain, dizziness,
depression, paresthesia, anxiety, insomnia.
CV: hot flashes, thromboembolic disease,
chest pain, peripheral edema, hypertension,
EENT: pharyngitis, cataracts.
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipa-
tion, abdominal pain, anorexia, dry mouth,
GU: vaginal dryness, pelvic pain.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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132 anidulafungin

Metabolic: weight gain, increased appetite.

Musculoskeletal: bone pain, back pain, anidulafungin
arthritis, arthralgia, osteoporosis, fractures. an-ah-DOO-lah-fun-gin
Respiratory: dyspnea, increased cough.
Skin: rash, sweating. Eraxis
Other: lymphedema.
Therapeutic class: Antifungal
INTERACTIONS Pharmacologic class: Echinocandin
None significant. Pregnancy risk category C


• May increase liver enzyme and choles- Powder for injection: 50 mg/vial,
terol levels. 100 mg/vial with companion diluent


• Don’t use in women who are or may be ➤ Candidemia and other Candida
pregnant. infections (intra-abdominal abscess,
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women. peritonitis)
Adults: A single 200-mg loading dose
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS given by I.V. infusion at no more than
• Give drug under supervision of a pre- 1.1 mg/minute on day 1; then 100 mg daily
scriber experienced in use of antineoplas- for at least 14 days after last positive culture
tics. result.
• Patients with hormone receptor–negative ➤ Esophageal candidiasis
disease and patients who didn’t respond to Adults: A single 100-mg loading dose
previous tamoxifen therapy rarely respond given by I.V. infusion at no more than
to anastrozole. 1.1 mg/minute on day 1; then 50 mg daily
• For patients with advanced breast cancer, for at least 14 days and for at least 7 days
continue anastrozole until tumor progresses. after symptoms resolve.
• Monitor bone mineral density as indi-
• Use drug only in postmenopausal women. I.V.
• Rule out pregnancy before starting drug.  Obtain specimens for culture and sen-

sitivity tests and baseline laboratory tests

PATIENT TEACHING before starting therapy.
• Instruct patient to report adverse reac-  Reconstitute each 50-mg vial with

tions, especially difficulty breathing, chest 15 ml of supplied diluent. Reconstitute

pain, or skin lesions or blisters. each 100-mg vial with 30 ml of supplied
• Tell patient to take medication at the same diluent.
time each day.  Further dilute with D5 W or normal

• Stress need for follow-up care. saline solution.

• Counsel women about risks of pregnancy  Add 50-mg dose (in 15 ml) to 100 ml

during therapy. of D5 W or sodium chloride 0.9% for

• Tell patient that drug lowers estrogen injection. Resulting volume is 115 ml
level, which may lead to decreased bone and concentration is 0.43 mg/ml. Add
strength and increased risk of fractures. 100-mg dose (in 30 ml) to 250 ml of
D5 W or normal saline solution. Result-
ing volume is 280 ml and concentration is
0.36 mg/ml. Add 200-mg dose (in 60 ml)
to 500 ml of D5 W or normal saline so-
lution. Resulting volume is 560 ml and
concentration is 0.36 mg/ml.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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antihemophilic factor 133

 Don’t infuse at more than 1.1 mg/ • To avoid histamine-mediated symptoms,
minute. such as rash, urticaria, flushing, itching,
 Store at room temperature; don’t freeze. dyspnea, and hypotension, don’t infuse
Use reconstituted solution within 24 hours faster than 1.1 mg/minute.
of preparation. • Monitor patient closely for changes in
 Incompatibilities: Unknown. Only use liver function and blood cell counts during
supplied diluent to reconstitute and D5 W therapy.
or normal saline solution to further dilute. • Notify prescriber about signs or symp-
toms of liver toxicity, such as dark urine,
AC TION jaundice, abdominal pain, and fatigue.
Inhibits glucan synthase, which in turn • Patients with esophageal candidiasis who
inhibits formation of 1,3-β-D-glucan, an are HIV positive may need suppressive
essential component of fungal cell walls. antifungal therapy after drug to prevent
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. <24 hr Unknown Unknown
Half-life: 40 to 50 hours. • Tell patient to call the nurse if he develops
a rash, itching, trouble breathing, or other
ADVERSE REACTIONS adverse effects during infusion.
CNS: headache. • Explain that blood tests will be needed to
CV: deep vein thrombosis, hypotension. monitor the drug’s effects.
GI: nausea, diarrhea.
Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia.
Metabolic: hypokalemia. antihemophilic factor
Skin: rash. (AHF Factor VIII)
None reported. Advate, Alphanate, Helixate FS,
Hemofil M, Hyate:C, Koate-DVI,
• May increase AST, ALT, alkaline phos- Monoclate-P, Recombinate,
phatase, GGT, hepatic enzymes, amylase, ReFacto, Xyntha
lipase, bilirubin, CK, creatinine, urea, cal-
cium, glucose, potassium, and sodium Therapeutic class: Clotting factor
levels. May decrease potassium and magne- Pharmacologic class: Plasma protein
sium levels. Pregnancy risk category C
• May increase PT. May decrease neutrophil
and WBC counts. May increase or decrease AVAIL ABLE FORMS
platelet count. Injection: Vials, with diluent; units speci-
fied on label
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
tive to drug, other echinocandins, or any Drug provides hemostasis in factor VIII
component of the drug. deficiency, hemophilia A. Specific dosage
• Use cautiously in patients with liver im- depends on patient’s weight, severity of
pairment and in pregnant or breast-feeding hemorrhage, and presence of inhibitors.
women. Mild bleeding episodes require a circulating
• Safe and effective use in children hasn’t factor VIII level 20% to 30% of normal;
been established. moderate to major bleeding episodes and
minor surgery, a level 30% to 50% of nor-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS mal; severe bleeding or major surgery,
• Use only the supplied diluent to reconsti- a level 80% to 100% of normal. The
tute powder.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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134 antihemophilic factor

following dosages provide guidelines. Refer AC TION

to specific brand for actual dosage. Directly replaces deficient clotting factor.
➤ Control and prevention of mild bleed- Route Onset Peak Duration
ing in patients with hemophilia I.V. Immediate 1–2 hr Unknown
Adults and children: 10 international
units/kg daily. Half-life: 10 to 18 hours.
➤ Control and prevention of moderate
bleeding and minor surgery in patients ADVERSE REACTIONS
with hemophilia CNS: headache, somnolence, lethargy,
Adults and children: Initially, 15 to dizziness, tingling, asthenia, fever.
25 international units/kg. If further ther- CV: tightness in chest, thrombosis, hy-
apy is required, give a maintenance dose of potension, tachycardia, angina pectoris.
10 to 15 international units/kg every 8 to GI: nausea, vomiting, taste changes, consti-
12 hours. pation, diarrhea, anorexia, gastroenteritis,
➤ Control and prevention of severe abdominal pain, taste perversion.
bleeding and bleeding near vital organs Hematologic: hemolytic anemia, thrombo-
in patients with hemophilia cytopenia.
Adults and children: Initially, 40 to 50 inter- Hepatic: risk of hepatitis B, risk of
national units/kg, then 20 to 25 international hepatitis C.
units/kg every 8 to 12 hours, as needed. Musculoskeletal: myalgias, muscle weak-
➤ Major surgery in patients with ness, joint swelling.
hemophilia Respiratory: wheezing, dyspnea, cough-
Adults and children: 50 international ing.
units/kg 1 hour before surgery, then re- Skin: urticaria, stinging at injection site,
peat as needed 6 to 12 hours after first dose. rash, facial flushing, increased perspiration,
Maintain circulating factor levels at 30% acne, pruritus, urticaria.
to 60% of normal for 10 to 14 days after Other: chills, hypersensitivity reactions,
surgery. anaphylaxis, risk of HIV infection.

I.V. None significant.
 Refrigerate concentrate until ready to


 Warm concentrate and diluent bottles to • May decrease hemoglobin level.
room temperature before reconstituting. • May decrease platelet count.
 Follow manufacturer’s instructions for


 To mix drug, gently roll vial between • For monoclonally prepared drug, con-
hands. Don’t shake. traindicated in patients hypersensitive to
 Use reconstituted solution within drug or murine (mouse) protein.
3 hours. • For porcine-derived Hyate:C, don’t give to
 Filter solution before giving it. patients hypersensitive to pork products.
 Use plastic syringe; drug may bind to • Don’t use Alphanate in patients with
glass syringe. severe von Willebrand’s disease (VWD)
 Take baseline pulse rate before adminis- (type 3) who are undergoing major surgery.
tration. • Use cautiously in neonates, infants, and
 Give at 2 ml/minute; may be given up to patients with hepatic disease because of
10 ml/minute, depending on the prepara- their susceptibility to hepatitis, which may
tion being used. be transmitted in drug.
 If pulse rate increases significantly,

reduce flow rate or stop administration. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

 Incompatibilities: Protein precipitants, • Monitor coagulation studies before
other I.V. solutions. therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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anti-inhibitor coagulant complex 135

• Monitor patients with blood types A, B, hemophilia A and B in whom inhibitor
and AB for possible hemolysis. antibodies to antihemophilic factor have
• Orange or red urine discoloration may developed; to manage bleeding in patients
signify a hemolytic reaction. with acquired hemophilia who have spon-
• Determine if patient has received vaccina- taneously acquired inhibitors to factor
tions for hepatitis A and B before adminis- VIII, XI and XII
tering drug. Give vaccines if necessary. Adults and children: Drug controls hem-
• Don’t give drug I.M. or subcutaneously. orrhage in hemophilia A patients who
• Monitor vital signs regularly. have a factor VIII inhibitor level above
• Monitor coagulation studies and platelets 10 Bethesda units. Patients with a level of
frequently during therapy. 5 to 10 Bethesda units may receive the drug
• Monitor patient for allergic reactions. if they have severe hemorrhage or respond
• Patient may develop inhibitors to factor VIII, poorly to factor VIII infusion.
resulting in decreased response to drug. Adults and children: Dosage is highly indi-
• Risk of hepatitis must be weighed against vidualized and varies among manufacturers.
risk of patient not receiving drug. For Feiba VH, give 50 to 100 units/kg I.V.
• When using Alphanate for surgical pro- every 6 or 12 hours until patient shows signs
phylaxis in VWD patients, be aware that of improvement. Maximum daily dose of
the ratio of factor VIII to von Willebrand Feiba VH is 200 units/kg.
factor:ristocetin cofactor (VWF:Rco) varies ➤ Joint hemorrhage
by lot; recalculate the dosage when lot se- Adults and children: 50 to 100 units/kg
lection is changed. Feiba VH every 12 hours until patient’s
• Because of manufacturing process, risk of condition improves.
HIV, hepatitis, and West Nile virus transmis- ➤ Mucous membrane hemorrhage
sion is extremely low. Adults and children: 50 units/kg Feiba VH
every 6 hours, increasing to 100 units/kg
PATIENT TEACHING every 6 hours if hemorrhage continues.
• Explain use and administration of drug to Maximum daily dose, 200 units/kg.
patient and family. ➤ Soft-tissue hemorrhage
• Advise patient to report adverse reactions Adults and children: 100 units/kg Feiba VH
promptly. every 12 hours. Maximum daily dose,
• Advise patient to carry medical identifica- 200 units/kg.
tion. ➤ Other severe hemorrhage
• Tell patient to notify prescriber if drug Adults and children: 100 units/kg Feiba
begins to seem less effective; a change may VH every 12 hours (occasionally, every
signify the development of antibodies. 6 hours).

anti-inhibitor coagulant I.V.
complex Alert: Infusion should not exceed a
Feiba VH, Feiba VH Immuno† single dosage of 100 units per kg of body
weight and daily doses of 200 units per kg
Therapeutic class: Clotting factor of body weight.
Pharmacologic class: Plasma protein  Warm drug and diluent to room temper-

Pregnancy risk category C ature before reconstitution. Reconstitute

according to manufacturer’s directions.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Give drug as soon as possible.
Injection: Number of units of factor VIII cor-  Use filter needle provided by manufac-

rectional activity indicated on label of vial turer to withdraw reconstituted solution

from vial into syringe; then replace filter
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES needle with a sterile injection needle for
➤ To prevent or control hemor- administration.
rhagic episodes in some patients with

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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136 apomorphine hydrochloride

 For infusion, use administration set with disseminated intravascular coagulation,

filter. postoperative immobilization, elderly
 Individualize rate of administration patients, and neonates.
based on patient’s response. Feiba VH in- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
fusion shouldn’t exceed 2 units/kg/minute. to drug, in those with DIC or a normal co-
 Complete Feiba VH infusion within agulation mechanism, and in those showing
3 hours. signs of fibrinolysis.
 If flushing, lethargy, headache, transient • Don’t give to patients with severe latex
chest discomfort, or changes in blood pres- allergies. Some packaging components (vial
sure or pulse rate develop because of a closures, needle covers, syringe plungers)
rapid infusion, stop drug and notify pre- contain natural latex proteins.
scriber. These problems usually disappear • Feiba VH is contraindicated in neonates.
when infusion stops. Resume at a slower • Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
rate. disease.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs or


• Determine if patient has received vaccina-
AC TION tions for hepatitis A and B before adminis-
May be related to presence of activated fac- tering drug. Give vaccines if necessary.
tors, which leads to more complete factor X • Keep epinephrine available to treat ana-
activation with tissue factor, phospholipid, phylaxis. Monitor patient closely for hyper-
and ionic calcium to extend the coagulation sensitivity reactions.
process beyond stages in which factor VIII • Monitor vital signs regularly, and report
is needed. significant changes to prescriber.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Observe patient closely for signs of
I.V. 10–30 min Unknown Unknown
thromboembolic events.
• Reassure patient that, because of the
Half-life: Unknown. manufacturing process, his risk of HIV,
hepatitis, or West Nile virus transmission is
ADVERSE REACTIONS extremely low.
CV: changes in blood pressure, flushing,
acute MI, thromboembolic events. PATIENT TEACHING
Hematologic: DIC. • Explain use and administration of anti-
Hepatic: risk of hepatitis C infection. inhibitor coagulant complex to patient and
Skin: rash, urticaria. family.
Other: chills, hypersensitivity reactions, • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
anaphylaxis, risk of HIV infection. promptly.

Drug-drug. Antifibrinolytic drugs: May apomorphine hydrochloride
alter effects of anti-inhibitor coagulant ah-poe-MORE-feen
complex. Avoid using together.
None reported. Therapeutic class: Antiparkinsonian
Pharmacologic class: Nonergot-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS derivative dopamine agonist
Black Box Warning Thrombotic and throm- Pregnancy risk category C
boembolic events have been reported fol-
lowing infusion, particularly following the AVAIL ABLE FORMS
administration of high doses and/or in pa- Solution for injection: 10 mg/ml (contains
tients with thrombotic risk factors, such benzyl alcohol)
as coronary artery disease, liver disease,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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apomorphine hydrochloride 137

➤ Intermittent hypomobility, “off” Thought to improve motor function by
episodes caused by advanced Parkinson stimulating dopamine D2 receptors in the
disease (given with an antiemetic) brain.
Adults: Initially, give a 0.2-ml subcutaneous Route Onset Peak Duration
test dose. Measure supine and standing Subcut. 20 min 10–60 min 2 hr
blood pressure every 20 minutes for the first
hour. If patient tolerates and responds to Half-life: About 30 to 60 minutes in patients with
drug, start with 0.2 ml subcutaneously as normal or impaired renal function.
needed as outpatient. Separate doses by at
least 2 hours. Increase by 0.1 ml every few ADVERSE REACTIONS
days, as needed. CNS: confusion, dizziness, drowsiness,
If initial 0.2-ml dose is ineffective but hallucinations, somnolence, aggravated
tolerated, give 0.4 ml at next “off” period, Parkinson disease, anxiety, depression,
measuring supine and standing blood pres- fatigue, headache, insomnia, syncope,
sure every 20 minutes for the first hour. If weakness.
drug is tolerated, start with 0.3 ml subcuta- CV: angina, chest pain, chest pressure,
neously as outpatient. If needed, increase by edema, hypotension, orthostatic hypoten-
0.1 ml every few days. sion, cardiac arrest, heart failure, MI,
If patient doesn’t tolerate 0.4-ml dose, flushing.
give 0.3 ml as a test dose at the next “off” EENT: rhinorrhea.
period, measuring supine and standing GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diar-
blood pressure every 20 minutes for the rhea.
first hour. If drug is tolerated, give 0.2 ml GU: UTI.
as outpatient. Increase by 0.1 ml every Respiratory: dyspnea, pneumonia.
few days, as needed; doses higher than Metabolic: dehydration.
0.4 ml usually aren’t tolerated if 0.2 ml is Musculoskeletal: dyskinesias, arthralgia,
the starting dose. back pain, limb pain.
Maximum recommended dose is usually Skin: bruising, injection site reaction,
0.6 ml as needed. Most patients use drug pallor, sweating.
t.i.d. Experience is limited at more than five Other: falls, yawning.
times daily or more than 2 ml daily.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with mild to INTERACTIONS
moderate renal impairment, give test and Drug-drug. Antihypertensives, vasodila-
starting doses of 0.1 ml subcutaneously. tors: May increase risk of hypotension,
MI, pneumonia, falls, and joint injury. Use
ADMINISTRATION together cautiously.
Subcutaneous Dopamine antagonists, metoclopramide:
• Give with an antiemetic to avoid May reduce apomorphine’s effectiveness.
severe nausea and vomiting. Start with Use together cautiously.
trimethobenzamide 300 mg P.O. t.i.d. 3 days Drugs that prolong the QTc interval: May
before starting apomorphine, and continue further prolong the QTc interval. Use to-
antiemetic at least 2 months. gether cautiously.
• When programming the dosing pen, it’s 5-HT3 antagonists (alosetron, dolasetron,
possible to select the appropriate dose even granisetron, ondansetron, palonosetron):
though insufficient drug remains in the May cause serious hypotension and loss of
pen. To avoid insufficient dosing, track the consciousness. Don’t use together.
amount of drug received at each dose and Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
change the cartridge before drug runs out. risk of sedation and hypotension. Discour-
• Rotate injection sites and record. age use together.
Alert: Drug is for subcutaneous injection
None reported.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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138 aprepitant

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS understands that it’s marked in milliliters

• Contraindicated in patients allergic to and not milligrams.
apomorphine or its ingredients, including • Tell patient or caregiver to rotate injec-
sulfites, and in patients who take 5-HT3 tion sites and to wash hands before each
antagonists. injection. Applying ice to the site before
• Use cautiously in patients at risk for pro- and after the injection may reduce soreness,
longed QTc interval, such as those with redness, pain, itching, swelling, or bruising
hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, bradycar- at the site.
dia, or genetic predisposition. • Explain that hallucinations (either visual
• Use cautiously in patients with CV or or auditory) may occur, and urge patient or
cerebrovascular disease and in those with caregiver to report them immediately.
renal or hepatic impairment. • Explain that headaches may occur and tell
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, loss of conscious- patient to notify prescriber if they become
ness, bradycardia, hypotension. severe or don’t go away.
• Advise patient to avoid hazardous activi-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ties that require alertness until drug effects
Alert: The prescribed dose should always are known.
be specified in milliliters rather than mil- • Caution patient to avoid consuming
ligrams to avoid confusion; the dosing pen alcohol.
is marked in milliliters.
• Give test dose in a medically supervised
setting to determine tolerability and effect. aprepitant
• Monitor supine and standing blood pres- ah-PRE-pit-ant
sure every 20 minutes for the first hour after
starting doses or dosage changes. Emend
Alert: Monitor patient for drowsiness or
sleepiness, which may occur well after treat- fosaprepitant dimeglumine
ment starts. Stop drug if patient develops Emend
significant daytime sleepiness that interferes
with activities of daily living. Therapeutic class: Antiemetic
• Watch for evidence of coronary or cere- Pharmacologic class: Substance P and
bral ischemia, and stop drug if it occurs. neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist
• Adverse effects are more likely in elderly Pregnancy risk category B
patients, particularly hallucinations, falls,
CV events, respiratory problems, and GI AVAIL ABLE FORMS
effects. Capsules: 40 mg, 80 mg, 125 mg
Injection: 115 mg
• Tell patient to avoid sudden position INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
changes, especially rising too quickly from ➤ To prevent nausea and vomiting after
lying down. A sudden drop in blood pres- highly emetogenic chemotherapy (includ-
sure, dizziness, or fainting can occur. ing cisplatin) and moderately emetogenic
• Urge patient to keep taking the prescribed chemotherapy, with a 5-HT3 antagonist
antiemetic because nausea and vomiting are and a corticosteroid
likely. Adults: On day 1 of chemotherapy, 125 mg
• Instruct patient or caregiver to document P.O. 1 hour before treatment, or 115 mg
each dose to make sure enough drug re- by I.V. infusion over 15 minutes, given
mains in the cartridge to provide a full next 30 minutes before treatment. On days 2 and
dose. 3, give 80 mg P.O. every morning.
• Tell patient or caregiver to wait at least ➤ To prevent postoperative nausea and
2 hours between doses. vomiting
Alert: Show patient or caregiver how Adults: 40 mg P.O. within 3 hours before
to read the dosing pen, and make sure he induction of anesthesia.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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aprepitant 139
P.O. Drug-drug. Alprazolam, midazolam, tria-
• Give drug without regard for food. zolam: May increase levels of these drugs.
• Drug may be given with other antiemetics. Watch for CNS effects, such as increased
I.V. sedation. Decrease benzodiazepine dose by
 Reconstitute with 5 ml of normal saline 50%.
solution. Add the saline along the vial wall Carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampin, other
to prevent foaming. Swirl gently and avoid CYP3A4 inducers: May decrease aprepitant
shaking. level. Watch for decreased antiemetic effect.
 Add entire volume to infusion bag con- Clarithromycin, diltiazem, erythromycin,
taining 110 ml of saline. Total volume itraconazole, ketoconazole, nefazodone,
will be 115 ml and final concentration is nelfinavir, ritonavir, troleandomycin, other
1 mg/ml. CYP3A4 inhibitors: May increase aprepi-
 Gently invert the bag 2 to 3 times. tant level and risk of toxicity. Use together
 Administer over 15 minutes by I.V. cautiously.
infusion. Dexamethasone, methylprednisolone: May
 Final solution is stable for 24 hours at increase levels of these drugs and risk of
ambient room temperature. toxicity. Decrease P.O. corticosteroid dose
 Incompatibilities: Any solutions con- by 50%; decrease I.V. methylprednisolone
taining divalent cations (e.g., Ca2+ , dose by 25%.
Mg2+), including Ringer’s lactate and Diltiazem: May increase diltiazem level.
Hartmann’s solution Monitor heart rate and blood pressure.
Avoid using together.
AC TION Docetaxel, etoposide, ifosfamide, imatinib,
Inhibits emesis by selectively antagonizing irinotecan, paclitaxel, vinorelbine, vinblas-
substance P and neurokinin-1 receptors in tine, vincristine: May increase levels and
the brain; appears to be synergistic with risk of toxicity of these drugs. Use together
5-HT3 antagonists and corticosteroids. cautiously.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease
P.O. Unknown 4 hr Unknown
contraceptive effectiveness. Tell women to
I.V. Unknown Less than Unknown use additional birth control method during
30 min therapy.
Paroxetine: May decrease paroxetine and
Half-life: 9 to 13 hours.
aprepitant effects. Monitor patient for effec-
ADVERSE REACTIONS Phenytoin: May decrease phenytoin level.
CNS: asthenia, fatigue, dizziness, fever, Monitor level carefully. Avoid using to-
headache, insomnia. gether. Increase phenytoin dose as needed
CV: bradycardia, hypertension, hypoten- during therapy.
sion. Pimozide: May increase pimozide level.
EENT: mucous membrane disorder, tinni- Avoid using together.
tus. Tolbutamide: May decrease tolbutamide
GI: anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, nau- effects. Monitor glucose level.
sea, abdominal pain, epigastric pain, flatu- Warfarin: May decrease warfarin effective-
lence, gastritis, heartburn, vomiting. ness. Monitor INR carefully for 2 weeks
GU: UTI. after each aprepitant treatment.
Hematologic: neutropenia, anemia. Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
Respiratory: hiccups. antiemetic effects by inducing CYP3A4.
Skin: pruritus, infusion site pain, infusion Discourage use together.
site induration. Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
Other: dehydration. drug level and risk of toxicity. Discourage
use together.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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140 arformoterol tartrate

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Teach patient to take drug 1 hour before
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST, chemotherapy, then daily in the morning or
ALT, BUN, creatinine, glucose, and urine as directed.
protein levels. May decrease sodium level.
• May increase RBC and WBC counts. May
decrease neutrophil count. arformoterol tartrate
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Brovana
to fosaprepitant, aprepitant, or its compo-
nents. Therapeutic class: Bronchodilator
• Use cautiously in patients receiving Pharmacologic class: Long-acting
chemotherapy drugs metabolized mainly selective beta2 agonist
via CYP3A4 and in those with severe hep- Pregnancy risk category C
atic disease.
• Use in pregnant women only when drug’s AVAIL ABLE FORMS
benefits clearly outweigh its risks. Solution for inhalation: 15 mcg/2-ml vials
• Don’t use in breast-feeding women; it’s
unknown if drug appears in breast milk. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Safety and effectiveness haven’t been ➤ Long-term maintenance treatment
established in children. of bronchoconstriction in patients with
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, headache. COPD, including chronic bronchitis and
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults: 15 mcg, inhaled b.i.d. (morning and
• Avoid giving drug for more than 3 days evening) via nebulizer. Maximum dose is
per chemotherapy cycle. 30 mcg daily.
Alert: Fosaprepitant is given I.V. on day 1
only of a 3-day regimen. ADMINISTRATION
Alert: Before giving drug, screen patient Inhalational
carefully for possible drug and herb interac- • Use only the recommended nebulizer and
tions. compressor for treatment.
• Don’t give drug for existing nausea or • Don’t mix drugs with other drugs or
vomiting. solutions in the nebulizer.
• Expect to give drug with other antiemetics • Store vials in the foil pouches in the
to treat breakthrough emesis. refrigerator and use immediately after
• Monitor CBC, liver function test results, opening.
and creatinine level periodically during
therapy. AC TION
Relaxes bronchial and cardiac smooth mus-
PATIENT TEACHING cle by acting on beta2 -adrenergic receptors;
• If nausea or vomiting occurs, instruct stimulates the enzyme adenyl cyclase,
patient to take breakthrough antiemetics which catalyzes the conversion from ATP
rather than more aprepitant. to cAMP. This further relaxes bronchial
• Urge patient to report use of any other smooth muscle and inhibits release of medi-
drugs or herbs. ators (like histamine and leukotrienes) from
• Caution patient against taking drug with mast cells.
grapefruit juice. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Advise woman who takes a hormonal Inhalation Rapid 30 min Unknown
contraceptive to use an additional form of
birth control. Half-life: 26 hours.
• Tell patient who takes warfarin that PT
and INR will be monitored closely for ADVERSE REACTIONS
2 weeks after therapy starts. CNS: pain.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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arformoterol tartrate 141

CV: chest pain, AV block, atrial flutter, • Don’t use in patients with acutely deterio-
heart failure, MI, prolonged QT interval, rating COPD.
supraventricular tachycardia, inverted • Use cautiously in patients with seizure
T wave, peripheral edema. disorder; thyrotoxicosis; hepatic insuffi-
EENT: sinusitis. ciency; preexisting cardiovascular disease,
GI: diarrhea. including coronary insufficiency, arrhyth-
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hypokalemia. mias and hypertension; or in those unre-
Musculoskeletal: back pain, leg cramps. sponsive to sympathomimetic amines.
Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary or chest •H Overdose S&S: Exaggeration of adverse
congestion, bronchospasm. reactions, hyperglycemia, hypertension,
Skin: rash. hypotension, metabolic acidosis, cardiac
Other: hypersensitivity reaction, flu arrest.
INTERACTIONS Black Box Warning Drug may increase the
Drug-drug. Aminophylline, corticosteroids risk of asthma-related death.
(such as dexamethasone, prednisone), • Drug is twice as potent as formoterol
theophylline: May increase the risk of hy- inhaler.
pokalemia. Monitor patient’s potassium Alert: Make sure patient has a rescue
level. inhaler, such as albuterol, to treat an acute
Beta blockers (such as metoprolol, asthma attack or bronchospasm.
atenolol): May decrease effectiveness of Alert: Notify prescriber if patient expe-
arformoterol and increase risk of bron- riences decreasing control of symptoms or
chospasm. Avoid using together, if possible; begins using his short-acting beta2 agonist
otherwise, use with extreme caution. more often.
Non–potassium-sparing diuretics (such • If paradoxical bronchospasm occurs, stop
as furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide): May drug immediately.
increase the risk of hypokalemia and ECG • Monitor blood pressure, pulse, and ECG,
changes. Use cautiously together and moni- as indicated.
tor patient’s ECG and potassium level. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Other beta2 adrenergics (such as albuterol, Brovana (arformoterol tartrate) with Boniva
formoterol): May cause additive effects. (ibandronate sodium).
Avoid using together.
QT interval-prolonging drugs (such as PATIENT TEACHING
MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants): • Tell patient to store vials in the foil
May increase risk of ventricular arrhyth- pouches in the refrigerator and use im-
mias. Use cautiously together. mediately after opening.
• Tell patient to use only the recommended
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS nebulizer and compressor for treatment and
• May increase PSA levels. May decrease not to mix drug with other inhaled drugs or
potassium levels. May increase or decrease solutions.
glucose levels. Alert: Warn patient that drug is for main-
tenance treatment only and shouldn’t be
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS used to stop an asthma attack or bron-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive chospasm. For emergency treatment,
to drug, formoterol, or any other compo- use a short-acting rescue inhaler such as
nents of this drug. albuterol.
Black Box Warning Safe and effective use • Educate patient using a short-acting
of arformoterol in patients with asthma bronchodilator on a scheduled basis, to
hasn’t been established. Arformoterol is stop scheduled use and use only for rescue
contraindicated in patients with asthma who therapy.
aren’t using a long-term asthma control Alert: Warn patient that serious adverse
medication. effects, including death, can occur at higher

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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142 argatroban

than recommended doses and not to take time (ACT) 5 to 10 minutes after the bolus
more inhalations than prescribed. dose is completed.
• Tell patient to stop drug immediately Adjust-a-dose: Use the following table to
and obtain medical help if life-threatening adjust the dosage.
bronchospasm, severe rash, or swelling in Activated Additional Continuous I.V.
throat occurs. clotting time I.V. bolus infusion
• Inform patient that he may experience <300 sec 150 mcg/kg 30 mcg/kg/min∗
palpitations, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, >450 sec None needed 15 mcg/kg/min∗
tremors, or nervousness. ∗
Check ACT again after 5 to 10 minutes.
• Tell patient not to swallow the inhalation
• Caution patient to notify prescriber if he Once a therapeutic ACT (300 to 450 sec)
notices a decrease in symptom control or has been achieved, continue this dose for the
more frequent use of his rescue inhaler. duration of the procedure. In case of dissec-
tion, impending abrupt closure, thrombus
formation during the procedure, or inability
to achieve or maintain an ACT exceeding
300 seconds, give an additional bolus of
argatroban 150 mcg/kg and increase infusion rate to
ahr-GAH-troh-ban 40 mcg/kg/minute. Check ACT again after
Therapeutic class: Anticoagulant 5 to 10 minutes.
Pharmacologic class: Direct thrombin
Pregnancy risk category B I.V.
 Before starting therapy, obtain a com-

AVAIL ABLE FORMS plete list of patient’s prescription and OTC

Injection: 100 mg/ml drugs and supplements, including herbs.
 Stop all parenteral anticoagulants before

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES giving drug. Giving with antiplatelets,

➤ To prevent or treat thrombosis in thrombolytics, and other anticoagulants
patients with heparin-induced thrombo- may increase risk of bleeding.
 Before starting drug, get results of base-
Adults without hepatic impairment: 2 mcg/ line coagulation tests, platelet count,
kg/minute, given as a continuous I.V. in- hemoglobin level, and hematocrit, and
fusion; adjust dose until the steady-state report any abnormalities to prescriber.
 Dilute in normal saline solution, D5 W,
activated PTT is 11⁄ 2 to 3 times the initial
baseline value, not to exceed 100 seconds; or lactated Ringer’s injection to a final
maximum dose 10 mcg/kg/minute. See cur- concentration of 1 mg/ml.
 Dilute each 2.5-ml vial 100-fold by
rent manufacturer’s label for recommended
doses and infusion rates. mixing it with 250 ml of diluent.
 Mix the solution by repeated inversion of
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with moderate
hepatic impairment, reduce first dose to the diluent bag for 1 minute.
 Don’t expose solution to direct sunlight.
0.5 mcg/kg/minute, given as a continuous
 Prepared solutions are stable for up to
infusion. Monitor PTT closely and adjust
dosage as needed. 24 hours at 77◦ F (25◦ C).
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.
➤ Anticoagulation in patients with or
at risk for heparin-induced thrombocy-
topenia during percutaneous coronary AC TION
intervention (PCI) Reversibly binds to the thrombin-active site
Adults: 350 mcg/kg I.V. bolus over 3 to and inhibits thrombin-catalyzed or -induced
5 minutes. Start a continuous I.V. infusion at reactions: fibrin formation; coagulation
25 mcg/kg/minute. Check activated clotting factor V, VIII, and XIII activation; protein
C activation; and platelet aggregation. May

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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argatroban 143
inhibit the action of free and clot-associated major surgery, especially of the brain, spinal
thrombin. cord, or eye; patients with hematologic
Route Onset Peak Duration
conditions causing increased bleeding
I.V. Rapid 1–3 hr Duration of
tendencies, such as congenital or acquired
infusion bleeding disorders; and patients with GI
ulcers or other lesions.
Half-life: 39 to 51 minutes.
•H Overdose S&S: Excessive anticoagula-
tion, with or without bleeding.
CNS: cerebrovascular disorder, hemor- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
rhage, fever, pain. • Check activated PTT 2 hours after giv-
CV: atrial fibrillation, cardiac arrest, ing drug; dose adjustments may be re-
hypotension, ventricular tachycardia. quired to get a targeted activated PTT of
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, GI bleeding, 1.5 to 3 times the baseline, no longer than
nausea, vomiting. 100 seconds. Steady state is achieved 1 to
GU: abnormal renal function, groin bleed- 3 hours after starting drug.
ing, hematuria, UTI. • Draw blood for additional ACT about
Hematologic: anemia. every 20 to 30 minutes during prolonged
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, pneumonia, PCI.
hemoptysis. Alert: Patients can hemorrhage from any
Other: allergic reactions, brachial bleeding, site in the body. Any unexplained decrease
infection, sepsis. in hematocrit or blood pressure or any
other unexplained symptoms may signify a
INTERACTIONS hemorrhagic event.
Drug-drug. Antiplatelet drugs (clopido- • To convert to oral anticoagulant therapy,
grel, NSAIDs, salicylates), heparin, throm- give warfarin P.O. with argatroban at up
bolytics: May increase risk of intracranial to 2 mcg/kg/minute until the INR exceeds
bleeding. Avoid using together. 4 on combined therapy. After argatroban is
Oral anticoagulants: May prolong PT and stopped, repeat the INR in 4 to 6 hours. If
INR and may increase risk of bleeding. the repeat INR is less than the desired ther-
Monitor patient closely. apeutic range, resume the I.V. argatroban
Drug-herb. Angelica (dong quai), boldo, infusion. Repeat the procedure daily until
bromelains, capsicum, chamomile, dan- the desired therapeutic range on warfarin
delion, danshen, devil’s claw, fenugreek, alone is reached.
feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women;
horse chestnut, licorice, meadowsweet, it’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk.
onion, passion flower, red clover, willow: • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
May increase risk of bleeding. Discourage argatroban with Aggrastat.
use together.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient that this drug can cause bleed-
• May decrease hemoglobin level and ing, and ask him to report any unusual
hematocrit. bruising or bleeding (nosebleeds, bleed-
ing gums) or tarry stools to the prescriber
• Contraindicated in patients who have • Advise patient to avoid activities that
overt major bleeding who are hypersensitive carry a risk of injury, and to use a soft tooth-
to drug or any of its components. brush and an electric razor during therapy.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic • Advise patient to consult with prescriber
disease or conditions that increase the risk before initiating any herbal therapy; many
of hemorrhage, such as severe hypertension. herbs have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and
• Use cautiously in patients who have just fibrinolytic properties.
had lumbar puncture, spinal anesthesia, or

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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144 aripiprazole

• Instruct patient to notify prescriber if he features; adjunctive therapy to either

has wheezing, trouble breathing, or skin lithium or valproate for treatment of
rash. manic and mixed episodes associated
• Instruct woman who is pregnant, has with bipolar I disorder with or without
recently delivered, or is breast-feeding to psychotic features (acute treatment only)
notify her prescriber. Adults: Initial and target dose is 15 mg
• Tell patient to notify prescriber if he P.O. once daily. Dose can be increased to
has GI ulcers or liver disease, or has had maximum of 30 mg/day based on clinical
recent surgery, radiation treatment, falling response. For maintenance, responding
episodes, or injury. patients on monotherapy should be contin-
ued on the lowest dose needed to maintain
remission. Patients should be periodically
aripiprazole reassessed to determine the long-term use-
air-eh-PIP-rah-zole fulness of maintenance treatment.
Children ages 10 to 17: Initially, 2 mg
Abilifyi, Abilify Discmelt P.O. daily; increase to 5 mg P.O. daily after
2 days then to recommended dose of 10 mg
Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic in two more days. May titrate to maximum
Pharmacologic class: Quinolinone daily dose of 30 mg in 5-mg increments
derivative every 5 days. For maintenance, responding
Pregnancy risk category C patients on monotherapy should be contin-
ued on the lowest dose needed to maintain
AVAIL ABLE FORMS remission. Patients should be periodically
Injection: 9.75 mg/1.3 ml (7.5 mg/ml) reassessed to determine the need for mainte-
single-dose vial nance treatment.
Oral solution: 1 mg/ml ➤ Adjunctive treatment of major depres-
Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs): sive disorder
10 mg, 15 mg Adults: Initially, 2 to 5 mg P.O. daily. Dose
Tablets: 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, range is 2 to 15 mg/day. Dosage adjustments
30 mg of up to 5 mg/day should occur gradually, at
intervals of no less than 1 week.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ➤ Agitation associated with schizophre-
➤ Schizophrenia nia or bipolar I disorder, mixed or manic
Adults: Initially, 10 to 15 mg P.O. daily; in- Adults: 5.25 to 15 mg by deep I.M. injec-
crease to maximum daily dose of 30 mg if tion. Recommended dose is 9.75 mg. May
needed, after at least 2 weeks. Responding give a second dose after 2 hours, if needed.
patients should be continued on the lowest Safety of giving more frequently than every
dosage needed to maintain remission. Pa- 2 hours or a total daily dose more than
tients should be periodically reassessed to 30 mg isn’t known. Switch to oral form as
determine the need for maintenance treat- soon as possible.
ment. ✷ NEW INDICATION: Irritability associated
Adolescents age 13 to 17: Initially, 2 mg with autistic disorder
P.O. daily; increase to 5 mg after 2 days, Children ages 6 to 17: Initially, 2 mg P.O.
then to recommended dose of 10 mg in daily. Increase dosage to 5 mg/day, with
2 more days. May titrate to maximum daily subsequent increases to 10 or 15 mg/day
dose of 30 mg in 5-mg increments. Re- if needed. Dosage adjustments of up to
sponding patients should be continued on 5 mg/day should occur gradually, at inter-
the lowest dosage needed to maintain re- vals of no less than 1 week.
mission. Patients should be periodically Adjust-a-dose: When using with CYP3A4
reassessed to determine the need for mainte- inhibitors, such as ketoconazole or clar-
nance treatment. ithromycin, or CYP2D6 inhibitors, such as
➤ Bipolar mania, including manic and quinidine, fluoxetine, or paroxetine, give
mixed episodes, with or without psychotic half the aripiprazole dose. When using with

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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aripiprazole 145
CYP3A4 inducers such as carbamazepine, GU: urinary incontinence.
double the aripiprazole dose. Return to orig- Hematologic: ecchymosis, anemia.
inal dosing after the other drugs are stopped. Metabolic: weight gain, weight loss, hyper-
glycemia, hypercholesterolemia.
ADMINISTRATION Musculoskeletal: neck pain, neck stiffness,
P.O. muscle cramps.
• Give drug without regard for food. Respiratory: dyspnea, pneumonia, cough.
• Substitute the oral solution on a Skin: rash, dry skin, pruritus, sweating,
milligram-by-milligram basis for the 5-, ulcer.
10-, 15-, or 20-mg tablets, up to 25 mg. Other: flulike syndrome.
Give patients taking 30-mg tablets 25 mg of
• Keep ODTs in blister package until ready Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May en-
to use. Use dry hands to carefully peel open hance antihypertensive effects. Monitor
the foil backing and remove the tablet. blood pressure.
Don’t split tablet. Carbamazepine and other CYP3A4 induc-
• Store oral solution in refrigerator; it can ers: May decrease levels and effectiveness
be used up to 6 months after opening. of aripiprazole. Double the usual dose
I.M. of aripiprazole, and monitor the patient
• Inject slowly and deep into the muscle closely.
mass. Ketoconazole and other CYP3A4 inhibitors:
• Don’t give I.V. or subcutaneously. May increase risk of serious toxic effects.
Start treatment with half the usual dose of
AC TION aripiprazole, and monitor patient closely.
Thought to exert partial agonist activity at Potential CYP2D6 inhibitors (fluoxetine,
D2 and serotonin 1A receptors and antago- paroxetine, quinidine): May increase levels
nist activity at serotonin 2A receptors. and toxicity of aripiprazole. Give half the
Route Onset Peak Duration
usual dose of aripiprazole.
P.O. Unknown 3–5 hr Unknown
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
I.M. Unknown 1–3 hr Unknown drug level. Tell patient not to take drug with
grapefruit juice.
Half-life: About 75 hours in patients with normal Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
metabolism; about 6 days in those who can’t CNS effects. Discourage use together.
metabolize the drug through CYP2D6.


ADVERSE REACTIONS • May increase CK and glucose levels.
CNS: headache, anxiety, insomnia, light-
headedness, somnolence, akathisia, in- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
creased suicide risk, neuroleptic malignant • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
syndrome, seizures, suicidal thoughts, ex- to drug.
trapyramidal disorder (children), tremor, • Use cautiously in patients with CV dis-
asthenia, depression, fatigue, dizziness, ease, cerebrovascular disease, or conditions
nervousness, hostility, manic behavior, con- that could predispose the patient to hypoten-
fusion, abnormal gait, cogwheel rigidity, sion, such as dehydration or hypovolemia.
fever, tardive dyskinesia, restlessness. • Use cautiously in patients with history of
CV: peripheral edema, chest pain, hyperten- seizures or with conditions that lower the
sion, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, seizure threshold.
bradycardia. • Use cautiously in patients who engage in
EENT: rhinitis, blurred vision, increased strenuous exercise, are exposed to extreme
salivation, conjunctivitis, ear pain. heat, take anticholinergics, or are suscepti-
GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation, ble to dehydration.
anorexia, dry mouth, dyspepsia, diarrhea,
abdominal pain, esophageal dysmotility.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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146 aripiprazole

• Use cautiously in patients at risk for as- symptoms of hyperglycemia including

piration pneumonia, such as those with increased hunger, thirst, frequent urination,
Alzheimer’s disease. and weakness. Hyperglycemia may resolve
• Use cautiously in pregnant and breast- when patient stops taking drug.
feeding women. Alert: Monitor patient for symptoms of
Black Box Warning Abilify isn’t approved metabolic syndrome (significant weight
for use in children with depression. gain and increased body mass index,
Black Box Warning Elderly patients with hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypercholes-
dementia-related psychosis treated with terolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia).
atypical antipsychotics are at an increased • Treat patient with the smallest dose for the
risk for death. Abilify isn’t approved for the shortest time and periodically reevaluate for
treatment of patients with dementia-related need to continue.
psychosis. • Give prescriptions only for small quanti-
•H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, tremor, vom- ties of drug, to reduce risk of overdose.
iting, acidosis, aggression, atrial fibrillation, • Don’t give I.V. or subcutaneously.
bradycardia, coma, confusion, seizures,
depressed level of consciousness, hyperten- PATIENT TEACHING
sion, hypokalemia, hypotension, increased Black Box Warning Advise families and
AST and blood CK levels, lethargy, loss caregivers to closely observe patient for
of consciousness, aspiration pneumonia, clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual
prolonged QRS complex, prolonged QT in- changes in behavior.
terval, respiratory arrest, status epilepticus, • Tell patient to use caution while driving
tachycardia. or operating hazardous machinery because
psychoactive drugs may impair judgment,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS thinking, or motor skills.
Alert: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome • Tell patient that drug may be taken with-
may occur. Monitor patient for hyper- out regard to meals.
pyrexia, muscle rigidity, altered mental • Advise patients that grapefruit juice may
status, irregular pulse or blood pressure, interact with aripiprazole and to limit or
tachycardia, diaphoresis, and cardiac dys- avoid its use.
rhythmias. • Advise patient that gradual improvement
• If signs and symptoms of neuroleptic in symptoms should occur over several
malignant syndrome occur, immediately weeks rather than immediately.
stop drug and notify prescriber. • Tell patients to avoid alcohol use while
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms taking drug.
of tardive dyskinesia. Elderly patients, • Advise patients to limit strenuous activity
especially women, are at highest risk of while taking drug to avoid dehydration.
developing this adverse effect. • Tell patient to keep ODT in blister pack-
Alert: Fatal cerebrovascular adverse age until ready to use. Using dry hands, he
events (stroke, transient ischemic attack) should carefully peel open the foil backing
may occur in elderly patients with dementia. and place tablet on the tongue. Tell him not
Drug isn’t safe or effective in these patients. to split tablet.
Black Box Warning Drug may increase • Tell patient to store oral solution in refrig-
the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior erator, and that the solution can be used for
in children, adolescents, and young adults up to 6 months after opening.
ages 18 to 24 during the first 2 months of
treatment, especially in those with major
depressive or other psychiatric disorder.
Alert: Hyperglycemia may occur. Monitor
patient with diabetes regularly. Patient with
risk factors for diabetes should undergo
fasting blood glucose testing at baseline
and periodically. Monitor all patients for

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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armodafinil 147
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, constipa-
armodafinil tion, diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, loose
are-moe-DAFF-ih-nihl stools, nausea, vomiting.
Respiratory: dyspnea.
Nuvigil Skin: contact dermatitis, hyperhydrosis,
rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Therapeutic class: Stimulant Other: allergic reactions, flulike illness,
Pharmacologic class: CNS stimulant thirst.
Pregnancy risk category C
Controlled substance schedule IV INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. CNS stimulants (amphetamine,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS methylphenidate): May produce additive
Tablets: 50 mg, 150 mg, 250 mg effects. Use cautiously together.
Drugs metabolized by CYP2C19 (diazepam,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES omeprazole, phenytoin, propranolol): May
➤ To improve wakefulness in patients increase levels of these drugs. Monitor
with excessive sleepiness caused by patient and reduce doses as needed.
narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea- Drugs metabolized by CYP3A (cyclo-
hypoapnea syndrome (OAHS), or shift- sporine, ethinyl estradiol, midazolam,
work sleep disorder triazolam): May decrease levels of these
Adults: 150 mg to 250 mg P.O. daily in drugs. Adjust doses as needed.
the morning. For OAHS, doses exceeding Drugs that induce CYP3A (carbamazepine,
150 mg daily may not be more effective. phenobarbital, rifampin): May decrease
For shift-work disorder, 150 mg P.O. daily, armodafinil level. Check drug level and
1 hour before start of shift. adjust dose as needed.
Adjust-a-dose: Reduce dosage in patients Drugs that inhibit CYP3A (erythromycin,
with severe hepatic impairment, with or ketoconazole): May increase armodafinil
without cirrhosis. level. Monitor patient carefully and de-
crease dose as needed.
ADMINISTRATION Drug-food. Any food: May delay onset of
P.O. action by several hours. Monitor effect and
• Give drug consistently with or without give drug consistently with or without food,
food at same time each day. Food may delay at the same time daily.
effect of drug. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May coun-
teract armodafinil’s effect. Discourage use
AC TION together.
Unknown. May be similar to sympa-
thomimetics, such as amphetamine EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
and methylphenidate. Also may inhibit • May increase GGT and alkaline phos-
dopamine reuptake. phatase levels.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
• Contraindicated in patients younger than
Half-life: 15 hours. age 17.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
ADVERSE REACTIONS to modafinil, armodafinil, or their inactive
CNS: agitation, anxiety, depression, dizzi- ingredients.
ness, fatigue, headache, insomnia, mi- • Contraindicated with left ventricular
graine, nervousness, pain, paresthesia, hypertrophy and with mitral valve prolapse
pyrexia, tremor. developed with other CNS stimulants.
CV: increased blood pressure, increased • Use cautiously in breast-feeding or elderly
pulse, palpitations. patients.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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148 artemether/lumefantrine

• Use in pregnant patient only when benefit • Tell patient to notify prescriber of all
to mother outweighs risk to fetus. drugs he takes to avoid potentially danger-
• Use cautiously in those with a history of ous drug interactions.
drug abuse or dependence. • Tell patient to take drug at the same time,
Alert: Use cautiously in patients with a with or without food, every day.
psychiatric illness; drug may increase the • Advise patient that taking drug with food
risk of mania, delusion, hallucinations, and may delay its effects.
suicidal ideation. • Urge patient to notify prescriber right
• Use cautiously in patients with cardiac away if she becomes pregnant or plans to
disease, multiorgan hypersensitivity, or rash, breast-feed.
including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and
severe hepatic impairment.
•H Overdose S&S: Excitation or agitation, artemether/lumefantrine
insomnia, slight or moderate elevations in art-TEM-mah-ther/loo-meh-FAN-treen
hemodynamic parameters, restlessness,
disorientation, confusion, hallucinations, Coartem
nausea, diarrhea, tachycardia, bradycardia,
hypertension, chest pain. Therapeutic class: Antimalarial
Pharmacologic class: Schizontocide
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pregnancy risk category C
• Obtain a thorough medication history to
avoid potentially dangerous drug interac- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
tions. Tablets: artemether 20 mg and lumefantrine
• Obtain a complete cardiac history. Moni- 120 mg
tor patient for increased blood pressure and
pulse rate, ECG changes, chest pain, and INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
arrhythmias. ➤ Uncomplicated malaria caused by
• Monitor patient carefully for evidence Plasmodium falciparum
of allergic reaction. If rash or other symp- Adults and children who weigh 35 kg (77 lb)
toms appear, stop drug immediately, notify or more: Initially, 4 tablets P.O., followed by
prescriber, and monitor carefully. 4 tablets P.O. in 8 hours, and then 4 tablets
• Monitor patients for signs and symptoms P.O. b.i.d. for the next 2 days. Total course is
of misuse or abuse, especially those with a 24 tablets.
history of drug or stimulant abuse. Children who weigh 25 to 34 kg (55 to
• Assess patient for abnormal level of 75 lb): Initially, 3 tablets P.O., followed
sleepiness. Don’t allow patient to engage in by 3 tablets P.O. in 8 hours, and then
dangerous activities, such as driving, until 3 tablets b.i.d. on each of the next 2 days.
effect of medication is known. Total course is 18 tablets.
• Patients receiving continuous positive Children who weigh 15 to 24 kg (33 to
airway pressure therapy for OAHS should 53 lb): Initially, 2 tablets P.O., followed by
continue its use regardless of armodafinil 2 tablets in 8 hours, and then 2 tablets b.i.d.
therapy. on each of the next 2 days. Total course is
12 tablets.
PATIENT TEACHING Children who weigh 5 kg to 14 kg (11 to
Alert: Instruct patient to stop taking drug 31 lb): Initially, 1 tablet P.O., followed by
and notify prescriber if rash, hives, mouth 1 tablet in 8 hours, and then 1 tablet b.i.d.
sores, blister, peeling skin, trouble swal- on each of the next 2 days. Total course is
lowing or breathing, or other symptoms of 6 tablets.
allergic reaction occur.
• Tell patient not to perform hazardous ADMINISTRATION
tasks, such as driving, if he feels exces- P.O.
sive sleepiness or until effects of drug are • Give drug with food to improve absorp-
known. tion.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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artemether/lumefantrine 149
• For patients unable to swallow tablets, imipramine), CYP3A4 inhibitors (antide-
such as infants and children, tablets may pressants, ketoconazole, macrolides, other
be crushed and mixed with a small amount imidazole antifungals), disopyramide, flu-
of water immediately before use. Rinse oroquinolones, halofantrine, pimozide,
container with more water and have patient procainamide, quinidine, quinine, sotalol,
swallow contents. Follow with food. terfenadine, ziprasidone: May further pro-
• If vomiting occurs within 1 to 2 hours of long QT interval. Avoid using together.
administration, give a repeat dose. If patient Mefloquine: May decrease effectiveness of
vomits repeat dose, give him an alternative artemether/lumefantrine. Administer drug
antimalarial treatment. with food to increase absorption.
Hormonal contraceptives: May reduce con-
AC TION traceptive effect. Recommend alternative or
Exerts antimalarial effect by forming a additional contraception.
complex with hemin, and inhibiting nucleic Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
and protein synthesis. drug level. Discourage use together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2–8 hr Unknown
• May increase ALT and AST levels. May
Half-life: About 2 hours (artemether); 3 to 6 days decrease potassium level.
(lumefantrine). • May increase eosinophil count and hemat-
ADVERSE REACTIONS • May increase or decrease platelet and
CNS: agitation, asthenia, ataxia, clonus, granulocyte counts.
dizziness, fatigue, fever, fine motor delay,
gait disturbance, headache, hyperreflexia, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
hypoesthesia, insomnia, malaise, mood • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
swings, nystagmus, sleep disorder, tremor. to drug or its components.
CV: palpitations. • Avoid use in patients with prolonged QT
EENT: conjunctivitis, ear infection, na- syndrome and in those with hypokalemia,
sopharyngitis, oral herpes, rhinitis, tinnitus, hypomagnesemia, and those taking other
vertigo. drugs that prolong QT interval.
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, constipation, • Use cautiously in patients with severe
diarrhea, dyspepsia, dysphagia, gastroen- hepatic or renal impairment.
teritis, nausea, peptic ulcer, vomiting. • Safety and effectiveness in pregnant
GU: hematuria, proteinuria, UTI. women haven’t been established. Use only if
Hematologic: anemia. benefit outweighs risk to fetus.
Hepatic: hepatomegaly. • Give cautiously to breast-feeding women.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, It isn’t known if drug is excreted in breast
myalgia. milk. Use only if benefit outweighs risk to
Respiratory: asthma, bronchitis, cough, infant.
pharyngolaryngeal pain, pneumonia, respi- • Safety and effectiveness in children
ratory infection. weighing less than 5 kg (11 lb) haven’t
Skin: acrodermatitis, impetigo, pruritus, been established.
rash, subcutaneous abscess, urticaria.
Other: abscess, chills, helminthic in- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
fection, hookworm infection, influenza, • Patient with malaria may be averse to
malaria, Plasmodium falciparum infec- food; encourage patient to resume eating as
tion, splenomegaly. soon as food can be tolerated because food
improves drug absorption.
Drug-drug. Amiodarone, antiretrovirals, PATIENT TEACHING
astemizole, cisapride, CYP2D6 substrates • Instruct patient to take drug with
(amitriptyline, clomipramine, flecainide, food.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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150 asenapine

• Advise patient to take a repeat dose if he AC TION

vomits within 1 hour. Unknown. May block dopamine and 5-HT2
• If child has difficulty swallowing tablets, receptors.
tell parents to crush and mix tablets with Route Onset Peak Duration
1 to 2 teaspoons of water in a clean con- S.L. Immediate 1 hr Unknown
tainer, administer immediately, then rinse
the container and have child swallow the Half-life: 24 hours.
contents. Advise them to give child food
or drink, such as milk, formula, pudding, ADVERSE REACTIONS
broth, or porridge, after drug is taken. CNS: akathisia, anxiety, depression, dizzi-
• Advise patient to notify prescriber if he ness, extrapyramidal symptoms, fatigue,
develops flulike symptoms (chills, fever, headache, insomnia, irritability, somno-
headache, and muscle pain) after complet- lence.
ing treatment. CV: hypertension, prolonged QTc interval.
EENT: dry mouth, oral hypoesthesia, sali-
vary hypersecretion, toothache.
asenapine GI: constipation, dyspepsia, increased ap-
a-SEN-uh-peen petite, stomach discomfort, taste perversion,
Saphris Metabolic: weight gain.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, extremity
Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic pain.
Pharmacologic class: Dopamine and
serotonin antagonist INTERACTIONS
Pregnancy risk category C Drug-drug. Alpha1 blockers (such as dox-
azosin, terazosin): May increase risk of
AVAIL ABLE FORMS hypotension. Use together cautiously.
Tablets (S.L.): 5 mg, 10 mg Dextromethorphan, paroxetine: May in-
crease dextromethorphan and paroxetine
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES levels. Use together cautiously.
➤ Acute schizophrenia Drugs known to prolong QTc interval (such
Adults: 5 mg sublingually b.i.d. as amiodarone, gatifloxacin, levofloxacin,
➤ Acute manic or mixed episodes associ- moxifloxacin, procainamide, quinidine,
ated with bipolar I disorder as monother- sotalol): May prolong QTc interval, leading
apy or as adjunctive therapy with either to lethal arrhythmias such as torsades de
lithium or valproate pointes. Avoid use together.
Adults: For monotherapy, give 10 mg sub- Fluvoxamine: May increase asenapine level.
lingually b.i.d. For adjunctive therapy, give Use together cautiously.
5 mg P.O. b.i.d. Dosage may be increased to Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
a maximum of 10 mg P.O. b.i.d. CNS effects. Discourage use together.
Adjust-a-dose: If adverse effects occur,
reduce dosage to 5 mg b.i.d. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase glucose, cholesterol, ALT,
ADMINISTRATION AST, and prolactin levels.
P.O. • May decrease WBC and neutrophil
• Obtain blood pressure before starting drug counts.
and monitor pressure regularly. Watch for
orthostatic hypotension. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Peel back colored tab on tablet pack, Black Box Warning Elderly patients
gently remove tablet, place under patient’s with dementia-related psychosis treated
tongue, and allow to dissolve completely. with atypical or conventional antipsy-
• Advise patient not to eat or drink for chotics are at increased risk for death.
10 minutes after taking drug.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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asparaginase 151
Antipsychotics aren’t approved for the • Warn patient to avoid activities that re-
treatment of dementia-related psychosis. quire mental alertness, such as operating
Alert: Watch for signs and symptoms of hazardous machinery or operating a motor
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (extrapyra- vehicle, until drug’s effects are known.
midal effects, hyperthermia, autonomic • Advise patient to contact prescriber if
disturbance), which are rare but can be fatal. palpitations or rapid heartbeat occurs.
Alert: Avoid use in patients with condi- • Advise patient not to stand up quickly but
tions that may increase risk of torsades de to get up slowly from a sitting position to
pointes and in those taking other drugs that avoid dizziness.
prolong QTc interval. • Inform patient that weight gain may occur.
• It isn’t known if drug appears in breast • Warn patient against exposure to extreme
milk. Because of risk of adverse effects, an heat because drug may impair body’s ability
alternative method of feeding the baby is to reduce temperature.
recommended. • Advise patient to avoid alcohol.
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t
been established. SAFETY ALERT!
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, circulatory
collapse. asparaginase
• Monitor ECG before and regularly during Elspar, Kidrolase†
treatment for prolongation of QTc interval.
• Monitor patient for tardive dyskinesia, Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
which may occur after prolonged use. It may Pharmacologic class: Escherichia
disappear spontaneously or persist for life, coli–derived enzyme
despite stopping drug. Pregnancy risk category C
• Drug may alter glucose control in diabet-
ics. Monitor glucose levels closely. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Monitor CBC frequently during first few Injection: 10,000-international unit vial
months of therapy in those with history of
leukopenia or neutropenia. If WBC count INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
decreases, monitor patient for signs and ➤ Acute lymphocytic leukemia with
symptoms of infection; if infection occurs, other drugs
discontinue drug in the absence of another Adults and children: 1,000 international
cause. units/kg I.V. daily for 10 days beginning on
• Obtain blood pressure before starting day 22 of regimen, injected over 30 minutes.
drug and monitor pressure regularly. Watch Or, 6,000 international units/m2 I.M. at
for orthostatic hypotension. intervals specified in protocol.
• Monitor patient for dysphagia, which can ➤ Sole induction drug for acute lympho-
lead to aspiration and aspiration pneumonia. cytic leukemia
• Dispense lowest appropriate quantity of Adults and children: 200 international
drug, to reduce risk of overdose. units/kg I.V. daily for 28 days.
• Monitor patient for abnormal body tem-
perature regulation, especially if he ex- ADMINISTRATION
ercises, is exposed to extreme heat, takes I.V.
anticholinergics, or is dehydrated.  Preparing and giving parenteral form

of drug may be mutagenic, teratogenic,

PATIENT TEACHING or carcinogenic. Follow facility policy to
• Instruct patient to peel back colored tab reduce risks.
on tablet pack, gently remove tablet, place  Reconstitute drug with 5 ml of sterile

under the tongue, and allow to dissolve water for injection or saline solution for
completely. Advise patient not to eat or injection.
drink for 10 minutes after taking drug.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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152 asparaginase

 To avoid foaming, don’t shake vial Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hyperammone-

vigorously. mia, hyperuricemia, hypocalcemia, weight
 Use only clear solution. loss.
 Use of a 5-micron filter during infusion Skin: rash, urticaria.
removes gelatinous fiberlike particles that Other: ANAPHYLAXIS, chills, hypersensi-
occasionally form without reducing drug tivity reactions.
 Give injection over 30 minutes through a INTERACTIONS
running infusion of normal saline solution Drug-drug. Methotrexate: May decrease
or D5 W. methotrexate effectiveness. Avoid us-
 Refrigerate unopened dry powder. ing together, or give asparaginase after
Reconstituted solution is stable for 8 hours methotrexate.
if refrigerated. Prednisone: May cause hyperglycemia.
 If drug touches skin or mucous mem- Monitor glucose level.
branes, wash with a generous amount of Vincristine: May increase neuropathy. Give
water for at least 15 minutes. asparaginase after vincristine, and monitor
 Incompatibilities: None reported. patient closely.
• For I.M. injection, reconstitute with EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
2 ml normal saline solution to the 10,000– • May increase alkaline phosphatase, am-
international unit vial. Refrigerate and use monia, AST, ALT, bilirubin, BUN, glucose,
within 8 hours. and uric acid levels. May decrease calcium,
• Don’t give more than 2 ml I.M. at one cholesterol, hemoglobin, and serum albu-
injection site. min levels.
• Don’t use cloudy solutions. • May decrease thyroid function test values
• If drug touches skin or mucous mem- and WBC count.
branes, wash with a generous amount of
water for at least 15 minutes. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AC TION to drug (unless desensitized) and in those
Leads to death of leukemic cells by destroy- with pancreatitis or history of pancreatitis.
ing the essential amino acid asparagine, • Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
which is needed for protein synthesis in dysfunction.
acute lymphocytic leukemia.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate Immediate 23–33 days
Black Box Warning Drug should be given
I.M. Unknown 14–24 hr 23–33 days in a hospital setting only under the super-
vision of an experienced physician who is
Half-life: 8 to 30 hours. prepared to treat anaphylaxis.
• Monitor blood and urine glucose levels
ADVERSE REACTIONS before and during therapy. Watch for signs
CNS: agitation, confusion, drowsiness, and symptoms of hyperglycemia.
depression, fatigue, fever, hallucinations, • Start allopurinol before therapy begins to
headache, lethargy, somnolence. help prevent uric acid nephropathy.
GI: HEMORRHAGIC PANCREATITIS, Alert: Risk of hypersensitivity increases
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, cramps, stom- with repeated doses. Give 2 international
atitis. units I.D. before first dose and when 1 week
GU: azotemia, renal failure, glycosuria, or more has elapsed between doses. Ob-
polyuria, uric acid nephropathy. serve site for at least 1 hour for erythema or
Hematologic: anemia, DIC, hypofibrino- a wheal, which indicates a positive skin test.
genemia, leukopenia, depression of clotting Alert: Patient with negative skin test may
factor synthesis. still develop an allergic reaction; desensiti-
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. zation may be needed before first treatment

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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aspirin 153
dose and with retreatment. Give 1 interna- • Urge patient to immediately report severe
tional unit I.V. If no reaction occurs, double headache, stomach pain with nausea or
dose every 10 minutes until total daily dose vomiting, or inability to move a limb.
is given. • Advise patient to report signs of a hyper-
• Drug shouldn’t be used alone to induce sensitivity reaction, including rash, itching,
remission unless combination therapy is chills, dizziness, chest tightness, or diffi-
inappropriate. Drug isn’t recommended for culty breathing.
maintenance therapy.
• Keep epinephrine, diphenhydramine, and
I.V. corticosteroids available for treating aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid,
anaphylaxis. ASA)
• Monitor CBC and bone marrow function ASS-pir-in
• Obtain amylase and lipase levels to check Asaphen† , Asatab† , Bayer ,
pancreatic status. If levels are elevated, stop Ecotrin , Empirin , Entrophen† ,
asparaginase. Halfprin , Heartline , Norwich ,
• Increase patient’s fluid intake to help Novasen† , St Joseph’s ,
prevent tumor lysis, which can result in uric ZORprin 
acid nephropathy.
• Drug may affect clotting factor synthesis Therapeutic class: NSAID
and cause hypofibrinogenemia, leading Pharmacologic class: Salicylate
to thrombosis or, more commonly, severe Pregnancy risk category D
bleeding. Monitor patient and bleeding
studies closely. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Because of vomiting, give fluids par- Suppositories: 120 mg , 200 mg ,
enterally for 24 hours or until oral fluids are 300 mg , 600 mg 
tolerated. Tablets: 325 mg , 500 mg 
• Patient may become hypersensitive to Tablets (chewable): 81 mg 
drug derived from cultures of Escherichia Tablets (controlled-release): 800 mg
coli. Erwinia asparaginase, which is derived Tablets (enteric-coated): 81 mg ,
from cultures of E. carotovora, may be used 162 mg , 325 mg , 500 mg , 650 mg 
in these patients without causing cross- Tablets (extended-release): 650 mg 
• Drug toxicity is more likely to occur in INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
adults than in children. ➤ Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,
• There are several protocols for use of this or other polyarthritic or inflammatory
drug. conditions
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults: Initially, 2.4 to 3.6 g P.O. daily in
asparaginase with pegaspargase. divided doses. Maintenance dosage is 3.6 to
5.4 g P.O. daily in divided doses.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
• Tell patient to watch for signs of infection Children who weigh more than 25 kg
(fever, sore throat, fatigue) and bleeding (55 lb): 2.4 to 3.6 g P.O. daily in divided
(easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, doses.
tarry stools). Tell patient to take temperature Children who weigh 25 kg or less: 60 to
daily. 130 mg/kg daily P.O. in divided doses.
• Stress importance of maintaining ade- Increase by 10 mg/kg daily at no more than
quate fluid intake to help prevent hyper- weekly intervals. Maintenance dosages
uricemia. If adverse GI reactions prevent usually range from 80 to 100 mg/kg daily;
patient from drinking fluids, tell him to up to 130 mg/kg daily.
notify prescriber. ➤ Mild pain or fever
Adults and children older than age 12:
324 to 1,000 mg P.O. or P.R. every 4 hours

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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154 aspirin

p.r.n. Maximum dose is 4,000 mg in • Give drug with food, milk, antacid, or
24 hours. large glass of water to reduce GI effects.
Children ages 2 to 11: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose • Give sustained-release or enteric-coated
P.O. or P.R. every 4 hours up to 80 mg/kg forms whole; don’t crush or break these
daily. tablets.
➤ Suspected acute MI Rectal
Adults: Initial dose of 160 mg to 325 mg • Refrigerate suppositories.
P.O. as soon as MI is suspected. Continue
maintenance dose of 160 mg to 325 mg AC TION
P.O. daily for 30 days post infarction. After Thought to produce analgesia and exert
30 days, consider further therapy for pre- its anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting
vention of MI. prostaglandin and other substances that sen-
➤ To reduce risk of MI in patients sitize pain receptors. Drug may relieve fever
with previous MI, unstable angina, and through central action in the hypothalamic
chronic stable angina pectoris heat-regulating center. In low doses, drug
Adults: 75 to 325 mg P.O. daily. also appears to interfere with clotting by
➤ Kawasaki syndrome (mucocutaneous keeping a platelet-aggregating substance
lymph node syndrome)  from forming.
Children: 80 to 100 mg/kg P.O. daily, di- Route Onset Peak Duration
vided q.i.d. with immune globulin I.V. After P.O. (buffered) 5–30 min 1–2 hr 1–4 hr
the fever subsides, reduce dosage to 1 to P.O. (enteric- 5–30 min Variable 1–4 hr
5 mg/kg once daily. Aspirin therapy usually coated)
continues for 6 to 8 weeks. P.O. (extended- 5–30 min 1–4 hr 1–4 hr
➤ To reduce risk of recurrent transient release)
ischemic attacks and stroke or death in P.O. (solution) 5–30 min 15–40 min 1–4 hr
patients at risk P.O. (tablet) 5–30 min 25–40 min 1–4 hr
Adults: 50 to 325 mg P.O. daily. P.R. Unknown 3–4 hr Unknown
➤ Acute ischemic stroke Half-life: 15 to 20 minutes.
Adults: 50 to 325 mg P.O. daily, started
within 48 hours of stroke onset and contin- ADVERSE REACTIONS
ued for up to 2 to 4 weeks. EENT: tinnitus, hearing loss.
➤ Acute pericarditis after MI  GI: nausea, GI bleeding, dyspepsia, GI
Adults: 162 to 325 mg P.O. daily. Higher distress, occult bleeding.
doses (650 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours) may GU: renal insufficiency.
be needed. Hematologic: prolonged bleeding time,
➤ CABG leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
Adults: 325 mg P.O. daily starting 6 hours Hepatic: hepatitis.
postprocedure. Skin: rash, bruising, urticaria.
➤ PTCA Other: angioedema, Reye syndrome,
Adults: Initial dose of 325 mg P.O. 2 hours hypersensitivity reactions.
presurgery and then 160 mg to 325 mg P.O.
➤ Carotid endarterectomy Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors: May decrease
Adults: 80 mg P.O. daily to 650 mg P.O. antihypertensive effects. Monitor blood
twice daily starting presurgery. pressure closely.
Ammonium chloride and other urine acid-
ADMINISTRATION ifiers: May increase levels of aspirin prod-
P.O. ucts. Watch for aspirin toxicity.
• For patient with swallowing difficulties, Antacids in high doses and other urine
crush non–enteric-coated aspirin and dis- alkalinizers: May decrease levels of as-
solve in soft food or liquid. Give liquid pirin products. Watch for decreased aspirin
immediately after mixing because drug will effect.
break down rapidly.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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aspirin 155
Anticoagulants: May increase risk of bleed- 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and vanillyl-
ing. Use with extreme caution if must be mandelic acid tests; and with Gerhardt test
used together. for urine acetoacetic acid.
Beta blockers: May decrease antihyperten-
sive effect. Avoid long-term aspirin use if CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
patient is taking antihypertensives. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Corticosteroids: May enhance salicylate to drug and in those with NSAID-induced
elimination and decrease drug level. Watch sensitivity reactions, G6PD deficiency, or
for decreased aspirin effect. bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, von
Heparin: May increase risk of bleeding. Willebrand disease, or telangiectasia.
Monitor coagulation studies and patient • Use cautiously in patients with GI lesions,
closely if used together. impaired renal function, hypoprothrombine-
Ibuprofen, other NSAIDs: May negate mia, vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytope-
the antiplatelet effect of low-dose aspirin nia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura,
therapy. Patients using immediate-release or severe hepatic impairment.
aspirin (not enteric-coated) should take Alert: Oral and rectal OTC products con-
ibuprofen at least 30 minutes after or more taining aspirin and nonaspirin salicylates
than 8 hours before aspirin. Occasional use shouldn’t be given to children or teenagers
of ibuprofen is unlikely to have a negative who have or are recovering from chicken-
effect. pox or flulike symptoms with or without
Methotrexate: May increase risk of fever because of the risk of Reye syndrome.
methotrexate toxicity. Avoid using together. •H Overdose S&S: Severe acid-base and elec-
Nizatidine: May increase risk of salicylate trolyte disturbance, hyperthermia, dehydra-
toxicity in patients receiving high doses of tion, tinnitus, vertigo, headache, confusion,
aspirin. Monitor patient closely. drowsiness, diaphoresis, hyperventilation,
Oral antidiabetics: May increase hypo- vomiting, diarrhea.
glycemic effect. Monitor patient closely.
Probenecid, sulfinpyrazone: May decrease NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
uricosuric effect. Avoid using together. • For inflammatory conditions, rheumatic
Valproic acid: May increase valproic acid fever, and thrombosis, give aspirin on a
level. Avoid using together. schedule rather than as needed.
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, ginkgo, • Because enteric-coated and sustained-
horse chestnut, kelpware, red clover: May release tablets are slowly absorbed, they
increase risk of bleeding. Monitor patient aren’t suitable for rapid relief of acute pain,
closely for increased effects. Discourage use fever, or inflammation. They cause less
together. GI bleeding and may be better suited for
White willow: May increase risk of adverse long-term therapy, such as for arthritis.
effects. Discourage use together. • For patients who can’t tolerate oral drugs,
Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase drug ask prescriber about using aspirin rectal
absorption. Watch for increased effects. suppositories. Watch for rectal mucosal
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase irritation or bleeding.
risk of GI bleeding. Discourage use together. • Febrile, dehydrated children can develop
toxicity rapidly.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Monitor elderly patients closely because
• May increase liver function test values, they may be more susceptible to aspirin’s
blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and potas- toxic effects.
sium levels. • Monitor salicylate level. Therapeu-
• May decrease platelet and WBC counts. tic salicylate level for arthritis is 150 to
• May falsely increase protein-bound iodine 300 mcg/ml. Tinnitus may occur at levels
level. above 200 mcg/ml, but this isn’t a reli-
• May interfere with urine glucose anal- able indicator of toxicity, especially in
ysis with Diastix, Chemstrip uG, Clin- very young patients and those older than
itest, and Benedict solution; with urinary age 60. With long-term therapy, severe toxic

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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156 atazanavir sulfate

effects may occur with levels exceeding

400 mcg/ml. atazanavir sulfate
• During prolonged therapy, assess hemat- ah-TAZ-ah-nah-veer
ocrit, hemoglobin level, PT, INR, and renal
function periodically. Reyatazi
• Drug irreversibly inhibits platelet aggre-
gation. Stop drug 5 to 7 days before elective Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral
surgery to allow time for production and Pharmacologic class: Protease inhibitor
release of new platelets. Pregnancy risk category B
• Monitor patient for hypersensitivity reac-
tions, such as anaphylaxis and asthma. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Capsules: 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg
aspirin with Asendin or Afrin.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ HIV-1 infection, with other antiretro-
• Tell patient who’s allergic to tartrazine to virals
avoid aspirin. Adults: Give antiretroviral-experienced
• Advise patient on a low-salt diet that patients 300 mg (as one 300-mg capsule
1 tablet of buffered aspirin contains 553 mg or two 150-mg capsules) once daily, plus
of sodium. 100 mg ritonavir once daily with food.
• Advise patient to take drug with food, Give antiretroviral-naive patients 400 mg
milk, antacid, or large glass of water to (as two 200-mg capsules) once daily with
reduce GI reactions. food. When drug is given with efavirenz in
• Tell patient not to crush or chew antiretroviral-naive patients, give atazanavir
sustained-release or enteric-coated forms 300 mg and ritonavir 100 mg as a single
but to swallow them whole. daily dose with food and efavirenz on an
• Instruct patient to discard aspirin tablets empty stomach, preferably at bedtime.
that have a strong vinegar-like odor. Dosage recommendations for efavirenz and
• Tell patient to consult prescriber if giving atazanavir in treatment-experienced patients
drug to children for longer than 5 days or haven’t been established.
adults for longer than 10 days. Adolescents at least age 13 and weighing at
• Advise patient receiving prolonged treat- least 39 kg (86 lb) who are treatment-naive
ment with large doses of aspirin to watch and unable to tolerate ritonavir: 400 mg
for small, round, red pinprick spots, bleed- P.O. once daily with food.
ing gums, and signs of GI bleeding, and to Children and adolescents ages 6 to 18
drink plenty of fluids. Encourage use of a who are treatment-naive: Weighing 15 to
soft-bristled toothbrush. less than 25 kg (33 to less than 55 lb), give
• Because of the many drug interactions 150 mg P.O. once daily with 80 mg riton-
with aspirin, warn patient taking pre- avir; 25 to less than 32 kg (55 to less than
scription drugs to check with prescriber 70 lb), give 200 mg P.O. once daily with
or pharmacist before taking aspirin or OTC 100 mg ritonavir; 32 to less than 39 kg
products containing aspirin. (70 to less than 86 lb), give 250 mg P.O.
• Ibuprofen can interfere with the an- once daily with 100 mg ritonavir; at least
tiplatelet effect of low-dose aspirin therapy, 39 kg (86 lb), give 300 mg once daily with
negating its effect. Tell patient how to safely 100 mg ritonavir.
use ibuprofen in relation to aspirin therapy. Children and adolescents ages 6 to 18 who
• Urge pregnant women to avoid aspirin are treatment-experienced: Weighing 25 to
during last trimester of pregnancy unless less than 32 kg, give 200 mg P.O. once daily
specifically directed by prescriber. with 100 mg ritonavir; 32 to less than 39 kg,
• Drug is a leading cause of poisoning give 250 mg P.O. once daily with 100 mg
in children. Caution parents to keep drug ritonavir; at least 39 kg, give 300 mg P.O.
out of reach of children. Encourage use of once daily with 100 mg ritonavir.
child-resistant containers.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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atazanavir sulfate 157

Adjust-a-dose: In patients with Child-Pugh Cyclosporine, sirolimus, tacrolimus: May
class B hepatic insufficiency who haven’t increase immunosuppressant level. Monitor
experienced prior virologic failure, reduce immunosuppressant level.
dosage to 300 mg P.O. once daily. Diltiazem, felodipine, nicardipine, nifedip-
ine, verapamil: May increase calcium chan-
ADMINISTRATION nel blocker level. Use together cautiously,
P.O. with close ECG monitoring. Adjust calcium
• Give drug with food. channel blocker dosage as needed. Decrease
• Give drug to pregnant woman only if diltiazem dose by 50%.
potential benefit justifies fetal risk. Efavirenz: May alter atazanavir level. Re-
duce atazanavir dosage.
AC TION Ergot derivatives, pimozide: May cause
Inhibits viral maturation in HIV-1–infected serious or life-threatening reactions. Avoid
cells, resulting in the formation of immature using together.
noninfectious viral particles. Ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone: May
Route Onset Peak Duration
increase ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone
P.O. Unknown 21⁄2 hr Unknown
levels. Use cautiously together; give the
lowest effective dose of hormonal contra-
Half-life: About 7 hours. ceptive.
H2 -receptor antagonists: May decrease
ADVERSE REACTIONS atazanavir level, reducing therapeutic effect.
CNS: headache, depression, dizziness, Separate doses by at least 12 hours.
fatigue, fever, insomnia, pain, peripheral Indinavir: May increase risk of indirect
neurologic symptoms. (unconjugated) hyperbilirubinemia. Avoid
CV: prolonged PR interval. using together.
EENT: scleral yellowing. Irinotecan: May interfere with irinotecan
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, metabolism and increase irinotecan toxicity.
vomiting. Avoid using together.
Hepatic: hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice. Lovastatin, simvastatin: May cause my-
Metabolic: lipodystrophy. opathy and rhabdomyolysis. Avoid using
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain. together.
Respiratory: increased cough. Midazolam, triazolam: May cause pro-
Skin: rash. longed or increased sedation or respiratory
depression. Avoid using together.
INTERACTIONS Proton-pump inhibitors, rifampin: May
Drug-drug. Amiodarone, lidocaine (sys- significantly reduce atazanavir level. Avoid
temic), quinidine, tricyclic antidepressants: using together.
May increase levels of these drugs. Monitor Rifabutin: May increase rifabutin level.
drug levels. Reduce rifabutin dose up to 75%.
Antacids, buffered drugs, didanosine: May Ritonavir: May increase atazanavir level.
decrease atazanavir level. Give atazanavir Decrease atazanavir dose to 300 mg.
2 hours before or 1 hour after these drugs. Saquinavir (soft-gelatin capsules): May
Atorvastatin: May increase atorvastatin increase saquinavir level. Avoid using to-
levels, increasing the risk of myopathy and gether.
rhabdomyolysis. Use together cautiously. Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil: May in-
Clarithromycin: May increase clar- crease levels of these drugs, causing hy-
ithromycin level and prolong QTc interval potension, visual changes, and priapism.
while reducing active metabolite. Avoid Use together cautiously and reduce silde-
using together, except to treat Mycobac- nafil dose to 25 mg every 48 hours, tadalafil
terium avium complex infection. Decrease dose to 10 mg every 72 hours, and varde-
clarithromycin by 50% when using together. nafil dose to 2.5 mg every 72 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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158 atenolol

Tenofovir: May decrease atazanavir level, • If the patient has hemophilia, watch for
causing resistance. Give both drugs with bleeding.
ritonavir. • Monitor patient for renal colic; drug may
Warfarin: May increase warfarin level, cause nephrolithiasis.
which may cause life-threatening bleeding. • Most patients have an asymptomatic in-
Monitor INR. crease in indirect bilirubin, possibly with
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease yellowed skin or sclerae. This hyperbiliru-
drug level, reducing therapeutic effect and binemia will resolve when therapy stops.
causing drug resistance. Discourage use • Although cross-resistance occurs among
together. protease inhibitors, resistance to drug
Drug-food. Any food: May increase doesn’t preclude use of other protease in-
bioavailability of drug. Tell patient to take hibitors.
drug with food. • Register pregnant women for monitoring
of maternal-fetal outcomes by calling the
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry at 1-800-
• May increase ALT, amylase, AST, 258-4263.
bilirubin, and lipase levels. May decrease
hemoglobin level. PATIENT TEACHING
• May decrease neutrophil count. • Urge patient to take drug with food every
day and to take other antiretrovirals as
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Explain that drug doesn’t cure HIV in-
to drug or its ingredients. fection and that the patient may develop
• Contraindicated in patients taking drugs opportunistic infections and other compli-
cleared mainly by CYP3A4 or drugs that cations of HIV disease.
can cause serious or life-threatening reac- • Caution the patient that drug doesn’t
tions at high levels (dihydroergotamine, reduce the risk of transmitting the HIV virus
ergonovine, ergotamine, midazolam, meth- to others.
ylergonovine, pimozide, triazolam). • Tell patient that drug may cause altered or
• Don’t use in patients with Child-Pugh increased body fat, central obesity, buffalo
class C hepatic insufficiency. hump, peripheral wasting, facial wasting,
• Use cautiously in patients with conduction breast enlargement, and a cushingoid ap-
system disease or hepatic impairment. pearance.
• Use cautiously in elderly patients because • Tell patient to report yellowed skin or
of the increased likelihood of other disease, eyes, dizziness, or light-headedness.
additional drug therapy, and decreased • Caution patient not to take other prescrip-
hepatic, renal, or cardiac function. tions or OTC or herbal medicines without
•H Overdose S&S: Asymptomatic bifascicular first consulting his prescriber.
block, PR interval prolongation, jaundice.
Alert: Drug may prolong the PR interval. atenolol
• Monitor the patient for hyperglycemia and a-TEN-o-loll
new-onset diabetes or worsened diabetes.
Insulin and oral hypoglycemic dosages may Tenormini
need adjustment.
• Monitor a patient with hepatitis B or Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
C for elevated liver enzymes or hepatic Pharmacologic class: Beta blocker
decompensation. Pregnancy risk category D
• Watch for life-threatening lactic acido-
sis syndrome and symptomatic hyperlac- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
tatemia, especially in women and obese Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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atenolol 159
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Antihypertensives: May increase hypoten-
➤ Hypertension sive effect. Use together cautiously.
Adults: Initially, 50 mg P.O. daily alone or in Calcium channel blockers, hydralazine,
combination with a diuretic as a single dose, methyldopa: May cause additive hypoten-
increased to 100 mg once daily after 7 to sion and bradycardia. Adjust dosage as
14 days. Dosages of more than 100 mg daily needed.
are unlikely to produce further benefit. Cardiac glycosides, diltiazem, verapamil:
➤ Angina pectoris May cause excessive bradycardia and in-
Adults: 50 mg P.O. once daily, increased creased depressant effect on myocardium.
as needed to 100 mg daily after 7 days for Use together cautiously.
optimal effect. Maximum, 200 mg daily. Clonidine: May exacerbate rebound hyper-
➤ Migraine prophylaxis  tension if clonidine is withdrawn. Atenolol
Adults: 50 to 200 mg P.O. daily. should be withdrawn before clonidine by
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is several days or added several days after
15 to 35 ml/minute, maximum dose is clonidine is stopped.
50 mg daily; if clearance is below 15 ml/ Dolasetron: May decrease clearance of
minute, maximum dose is 25 mg daily. dolasetron and increase risk of toxicity.
Hemodialysis patients need 25 to 50 mg Monitor patient for toxicity.
after each dialysis session. Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May alter dosage
requirements in previously stabilized dia-
ADMINISTRATION betic patient. Observe patient carefully.
P.O. I.V. lidocaine: May reduce hepatic
• Check apical pulse before giving drug; if metabolism of lidocaine, increasing risk
slower than 60 beats/minute, withhold drug of toxicity. Give bolus doses of lidocaine
and call prescriber. at a slower rate and monitor lidocaine level
• Give drug exactly as prescribed, at the closely.
same time each day. NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive
effects. Monitor blood pressure.
AC TION Prazosin: May increase the risk of ortho-
Selectively blocks beta1-adrenergic recep- static hypotension in the early phases of
tors, decreases cardiac output and cardiac use together. Help patient stand slowly until
oxygen consumption, and depresses renin effects are known.
secretion. Reserpine: May cause hypotension or
Route Onset Peak Duration
marked bradycardia. Use together cau-
P.O. 1 hr 2–4 hr 24 hr
Half-life: 6 to 7 hours. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, BUN,
ADVERSE REACTIONS creatinine, glucose, LDH, potassium,
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, vertigo, transaminase, and uric acid levels. May
drowsiness, fever. decrease glucose level.
CV: hypotension, bradycardia, heart fail- • May increase platelet count.
ure, intermittent claudication.
Musculoskeletal: leg pain. • Contraindicated in patients with sinus
Respiratory: bronchospasm, dyspnea. bradycardia, heart block greater than first
Skin: rash. degree, overt cardiac failure, untreated
pheochromocytoma, or cardiogenic shock.
INTERACTIONS • Use cautiously in patients at risk for heart
Drug-drug. Amiodarone: May increase risk failure and in those with bronchospastic
of bradycardia, AV block, and myocardial disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and
depression. Monitor ECG and vital signs. impaired renal or hepatic function.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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160 atomoxetine hydrochloride

•H Overdose S&S: Lethargy, decreased

respiratory drive, wheezing, sinus pause, atomoxetine hydrochloride
bradycardia. at-oh-MOX-ah-teen


• Monitor patient’s blood pressure.
• Monitor hemodialysis patients closely Therapeutic class: ADHD drug
because of hypotension risk. Pharmacologic class: Selective
• Beta blockers may mask tachycardia norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
caused by hyperthyroidism. In patients with Pregnancy risk category C
suspected thyrotoxicosis, withdraw beta
blocker gradually to avoid thyroid storm. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Drug may mask signs and symptoms of Capsules: 10 mg, 18 mg, 25 mg, 40 mg,
hypoglycemia in diabetic patients. 60 mg, 80 mg, 100 mg
• Drug may cause changes in exercise
Black Box Warning Avoid abrupt discontin- ➤ Attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
uation of therapy. Withdraw drug gradually der (ADHD)
to avoid serious adverse reactions, such as Adults, children, and adolescents who weigh
severe exacerbations of angina, myocardial more than 70 kg (154 lb): Initially, 40 mg
infarction, and ventricular arrhythmias even P.O. daily; increase after at least 3 days to
in patients treated only for hypertension. a total of 80 mg/day P.O., as a single dose
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse in the morning or two evenly divided doses
atenolol with timolol or albuterol. in the morning and late afternoon or early
evening. After 2 to 4 weeks, increase total
PATIENT TEACHING dose to a maximum of 100 mg, if needed.
• Instruct patient to take drug exactly as Children who weigh 70 kg or less: Initially,
prescribed, at the same time every day. 0.5 mg/kg P.O. daily; increase after a min-
• Caution patient not to stop drug suddenly, imum of 3 days to a target total daily dose
but to notify prescriber if unpleasant ad- of 1.2 mg/kg P.O. as a single dose in the
verse reactions occur. morning or two evenly divided doses in
• Teach patient how to take his pulse. Tell the morning and late afternoon or early
him to withhold drug and call prescriber if evening. Don’t exceed 1.4 mg/kg or 100 mg
pulse rate is below 60 beats/minute. daily, whichever is less.
• Tell woman of childbearing age to notify Adjust-a-dose: In patients with moderate
prescriber about planned, suspected, or hepatic impairment, reduce to 50% of the
known pregnancy. Drug will need to be normal dose; in those with severe hepatic
stopped. impairment, reduce to 25% of the normal
• Advise breast-feeding mother to contact dose. Poor metabolizers of CYP2D6 may
prescriber; drug isn’t recommended for require a reduced dose. In children who
breast-feeding women. weigh less than 70 kg, adjust dosage to
0.5 mg/kg daily and increase to 1.2 mg/kg
daily if symptoms don’t improve after
4 weeks and if first dose is tolerated. In
children and adults who weigh more than
70 kg, start at 40 mg daily and increase to
80 mg daily if symptoms don’t improve
after 4 weeks and if first dose is tolerated.

• Give drug without regard for meals.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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atomoxetine hydrochloride 161

• Capsules should be swallowed whole and CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
not opened. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to atomoxetine or to components of drug,
AC TION in those who have taken an MAO inhibitor
May be related to selective inhibition of the within the past 2 weeks, and in those with
presynaptic norepinephrine transporter. angle-closure glaucoma.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Use cautiously in patients with hyperten-
P.O. Rapid 1–2 hr Unknown
sion, tachycardia, or CV or cerebrovascular
disease, and in pregnant or breast-feeding
Half-life: 211⁄2 hours. women.
• Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab-
ADVERSE REACTIONS lished in patients younger than age 6.
CNS: headache, insomnia, dizziness, som- •H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, agitation,
nolence, crying, irritability, mood swings, hyperactivity, abnormal behavior, GI symp-
pyrexia, fatigue, sedation, depression, toms, mydriasis, tachycardia, dry mouth,
tremor, early-morning awakening, paresthe- prolonged QT interval, disorientation, hal-
sia, abnormal dreams, sleep disorder. lucinations, seizures.
CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia,
hypertension, palpitations, hot flashes. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
EENT: mydriasis. • Use drug as part of a total treatment pro-
GI: abdominal pain, constipation, dyspep- gram for ADHD, including psychological,
sia, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, educational, and social intervention.
dry mouth. • Monitor patient for the appearance or
GU: urinary retention, urinary hesitation, worsening of aggressive behavior or hostil-
ejaculatory problems, difficulty in micturi- ity, especially when treatment is initiated.
tion, dysmenorrhea, erectile disturbance, Black Box Warning Monitor children and
impotence, delayed menses, menstrual adolescents closely for worsening of condi-
disorder, prostatitis. tion, agitation, irritability, suicidal thinking
Respiratory: cough, upper respiratory tract or behaviors, and unusual changes in be-
infection. havior, especially the first few months of
Skin: dermatitis, pruritus, increased sweat- therapy or when the dosage is increased or
ing. decreased.
Other: influenza, decreased libido, chills. • Patients taking drug for extended peri-
ods must be reevaluated periodically to
INTERACTIONS determine drug’s usefulness.
Drug-drug. Albuterol: May increase CV • Monitor growth during treatment. If
effects. Use together cautiously. growth or weight gain is unsatisfactory,
MAO inhibitors: May cause hyperthermia, consider interrupting therapy.
rigidity, myoclonus, autonomic instability Alert: Severe liver injury may occur and
with possible rapid fluctuations of vital progress to liver failure. Notify prescriber
signs, and mental status changes. Avoid use of any sign of liver injury: yellowing of
within 2 weeks of MAO inhibitor. the skin or the sclera of the eyes, pruritus,
Pressor agents: May increase blood pres- dark urine, upper right-sided tenderness, or
sure. Use together cautiously. unexplained flulike syndrome.
Strong CYP2D6 inhibitors (paroxetine, • Monitor blood pressure and pulse at
fluoxetine, quinidine): May increase at- baseline, after each dose increase, and
omoxetine level. Reduce first dose. during treatment periodically.
• Monitor for urinary hesitancy or retention
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS and sexual dysfunction.
None reported. • Patient can stop drug without tapering off.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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162 atorvastatin calcium

PATIENT TEACHING cholesterolemia (heterozygous familial

Black Box Warning Advise parents to and nonfamilial) and mixed dyslipidemia
call prescriber immediately about unusual (Fredrickson types IIa and IIb); ad-
behavior or suicidal thoughts. junct to diet to reduce triglyceride level
• Tell pregnant women, women planning (Fredrickson type IV); primary dysbeta-
to become pregnant, and breast-feeding lipoproteinemia (Fredrickson type III) in
women to consult prescriber before taking patients who don’t respond adequately to
atomoxetine. diet
• Tell patient to use caution when operating Adults: Initially, 10 or 20 mg P.O. once daily.
a vehicle or machinery until the effects of Patient who requires a reduction of more
drug are known. than 45% in LDL level may be started at
• Warn male patient to seek prompt medical 40 mg once daily. Increase dose, as needed,
attention for an erection that lasts more than to maximum of 80 mg daily as single dose.
4 hours. Dosage based on lipid levels drawn within
2 to 4 weeks of starting therapy and after
dosage adjustment.
atorvastatin calcium ➤ Alone or as an adjunct to lipid-
ah-TOR-va-stah-tin lowering treatments, such as LDL
apheresis, to reduce total and LDL
Lipitori cholesterol in patients with homozygous
familial hypercholesterolemia
Therapeutic class: Antilipemic Adults: 10 to 80 mg P.O. once daily.
Pharmacologic class: HMG-CoA ➤ Heterozygous familial hypercholes-
reductase inhibitor terolemia
Pregnancy risk category X Children ages 10 to 17 (girls should be
1 year postmenarche): Initially, 10 mg P.O.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS once daily. Adjustment intervals should be
Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg at least 4 weeks. Maximum daily dose is
20 mg.
➤ In patients with clinically evident coro- ADMINISTRATION
nary heart disease, to reduce the risk of P.O.
nonfatal MI, fatal and nonfatal strokes, • Give drug without regard for meals.
angina, heart failure, and revasculariza-
tion procedures AC TION
Adults: Initially, 10 to 20 mg P.O. daily. Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, an early
May increase based on patient response and (and rate-limiting) step in cholesterol
tolerance; usual dosage, 10 to 80 mg P.O. biosynthesis.
daily. Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ To reduce the risk of MI, stroke, P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
angina, or revascularization procedures
in patients with multiple risk factors for Half-life: 14 hours.
CAD but who don’t yet have the disease
Adults: 10 to 80 mg P.O. daily. ADVERSE REACTIONS
➤ To reduce the risk of MI or stroke in CNS: headache, asthenia, insomnia.
patients with type 2 diabetes and multiple CV: peripheral edema.
risk factors for CAD but who don’t yet EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
have the disease GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea,
Adults: 10 to 80 mg P.O. daily. dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea.
➤ Adjunct to diet to reduce LDL, to- GU: UTI.
tal cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, and Musculoskeletal: rhabdomyolysis, arthri-
triglyceride levels and to increase HDL tis, arthralgia, myalgia.
levels in patients with primary hyper- Respiratory: bronchitis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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atorvastatin calcium 163

Skin: rash. • Contraindicated in pregnant and breast-
Other: allergic reactions, flulike syndrome, feeding women and in women of childbear-
infection. ing age.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
INTERACTIONS impairment or heavy alcohol use.
Drug-drug. Amiodarone: May increase • Withhold or stop drug in patients at risk
risk of severe myopathy or rhabdomyolysis. for renal failure caused by rhabdomyolysis
Avoid use together or decrease atorvastatin resulting from trauma; in serious, acute
dose. conditions that suggest myopathy; and
Antacids, cholestyramine, colestipol: May in major surgery, severe acute infection,
decrease atorvastatin level. Separate admin- hypotension, uncontrolled seizures, or
istration times. severe metabolic, endocrine, or electrolyte
Cyclosporine, diltiazem, fibric acid deriva- disorders.
tives, macrolides (azithromycin, clar- • Limit use in children to those older
ithromycin, erythromycin, telithromycin), than age 9 with homozygous familial
nefazodone, niacin, protease inhibitors, hypercholesterolemia.
tacrolimus, verapamil: May decrease
metabolism of HMG-CoA reductase in- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
hibitors, increasing toxicity. Monitor patient • Patient should follow a standard
for adverse effects and report unexplained cholesterol-lowering diet before and dur-
muscle pain. ing therapy.
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. Moni- • Before treatment, assess patient for un-
tor digoxin level and patient for evidence of derlying causes for hypercholesterolemia
toxicity. and obtain a baseline lipid profile. Obtain
Fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, periodic liver function test results and lipid
voriconazole: May increase atorvastatin levels before starting treatment and at 6 and
level and adverse effects. Avoid using to- 12 weeks after initiation, or after an increase
gether; or if unavoidable, reduce dose of in dosage and periodically thereafter.
atorvastatin. • Watch for signs of myositis.
Hormonal contraceptives: May increase • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol lev- Lipitor with Levatol.
els. Consider increased drug levels when
selecting an oral contraceptive. PATIENT TEACHING
Drug-herb. Eucalyptus, jin bu huan, kava: • Teach patient about proper dietary man-
May increase risk of hepatotoxicity. Dis- agement, weight control, and exercise.
courage use together. Explain their importance in controlling high
Red yeast rice: May increase risk of adverse fat levels.
reactions because herb contains compounds • Warn patient to avoid alcohol.
similar to those in drug. Discourage use • Tell patient to inform prescriber of ad-
together. verse reactions, such as muscle pain,
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase malaise, and fever.
drug levels, increasing risk of adverse reac- • Advise patient that drug can be taken at
tions. Discourage use together. any time of day, without regard for meals.
Alert: Tell woman to stop drug and notify
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS prescriber immediately if she is or may be
• May increase ALT, AST, and CK levels. pregnant or if she’s breast-feeding.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in those with active liver disease
or unexplained persistent elevations of
transaminase levels.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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164 atovaquone

atovaquone Drug-drug. Rifabutin, rifampin: May
a-TOE-va-kwon decrease atovaquone’s steady-state level.
Avoid using together.
Mepron Zidovudine: May elevate zidovudine level
and lead to toxicity. Monitor closely.
Therapeutic class: Antiprotozoal
Pharmacologic class: Ubiquinone EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
analogue • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
Pregnancy risk category C and AST levels. May decrease glucose,
hemoglobin, and sodium levels.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • May decrease neutrophil count.
Suspension: 750 mg/5 ml
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
➤ Acute, mild to moderate Pneumo- to drug.
cystis jiroveci (carinii) pneumonia in • Use cautiously in breast-feeding patients;
patients who can’t tolerate trimetho- it’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk.
prim/sulfamethoxazole • Use cautiously with other highly protein-
Adults and adolescents ages 13 to 16: Give bound drugs; if used together, assess patient
750 mg P.O. b.i.d. with food for 21 days. for toxicity.
➤ To prevent P. jiroveci (carinii) pneumo- •H Overdose S&S: Methemoglobinemia,
nia in patients who are unable to tolerate rash.
Adults and adolescents ages 13 to 16: Give NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
1,500 mg (10 ml) P.O. daily with food. Alert: Monitor patient closely during
therapy because of risk of pulmonary
• Taking with meals enhances absorption. PATIENT TEACHING
• Instruct patient to take drug with meals;
AC TION food significantly enhances absorption.
May interfere with electron transport in
protozoal mitochondria, inhibiting enzymes
needed to synthesize nucleic acids and atovaquone and proguanil
adenosine triphosphate. hydrochloride
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Malarone, Malarone Pediatric
Half-life: 2 to 3 days.
Therapeutic class: Antimalarial
ADVERSE REACTIONS Pharmacologic class:
CNS: headache, insomnia, fever, pain, Hydroxynaphthoquinone and biguanide
asthenia, anxiety, dizziness. derivative
CV: hypotension. Pregnancy risk category C
EENT: sinusitis, rhinitis.
GI: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
oral candidiasis, vomiting, constipation, Tablets (adult-strength): 250 mg atovaquone
anorexia, dyspepsia, taste perversion. and 100 mg proguanil hydrochloride
Hematologic: neutropenia, anemia. Tablets (pediatric-strength): 62.5 mg ato-
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyponatremia. vaquone and 25 mg proguanil hydrochloride
Respiratory: cough.
Skin: rash, diaphoresis, pruritus.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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atovaquone and proguanil hydrochloride 165

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Children who weigh 5 to 8 kg (11 to 18 lb):
➤ To prevent Plasmodium falciparum 2 pediatric-strength tablets P.O. once daily,
malaria, including in areas where chloro- with food or milk, for 3 consecutive days.
quine resistance has been reported
Adults and children who weigh more than ADMINISTRATION
40 kg (88 lb): 1 adult-strength tablet P.O. P.O.
once daily with food or milk, beginning 1 or • Give dose at same time each day, with
2 days before entering a malaria-endemic food or milk.
area. Continue prophylactic treatment dur- • If child has difficulty swallowing tablets,
ing stay and for 7 days after return. parents may crush tablet and mix it in con-
Children who weigh 31 to 40 kg (68 to densed milk.
88 lb): 3 pediatric-strength tablets P.O. • Store tablets at controlled room tempera-
once daily with food or milk, beginning ture of 59◦ to 86◦ F (15◦ to 30◦ C).
1 or 2 days before entering endemic area.
Continue prophylactic treatment during stay AC TION
and for 7 days after return. Thought to interfere with nucleic acid repli-
Children who weigh 21 to 30 kg (46 to cation in the malarial parasite. Atovaquone
66 lb): 2 pediatric-strength tablets P.O. selectively inhibits mitochondrial electron
once daily with food or milk, beginning transport in the parasite. Cycloguanil, an
1 or 2 days before entering endemic area. active metabolite of proguanil hydrochlo-
Continue prophylactic treatment during stay ride, inhibits dihydrofolate reductase.
and for 7 days after return. Atovaquone and cycloguanil, an active
Children who weigh 11 to 20 kg (24 to metabolite of proguanil hydrochloride, are
44 lb): 1 pediatric-strength tablet P.O. daily active against the erythrocytic and exoery-
with food or milk, beginning 1 or 2 days throcytic stages of Plasmodium species.
before entering endemic area. Continue
Route Onset Peak Duration
prophylactic treatment during stay and for P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
7 days after return.
Adjust-a-dose: Don’t use for malaria pro- Half-life: atovaquone: 2 to 3 days in adults;
phylaxis in patients with severe renal im- proguanil: 12 to 21 hours in adults and children.
pairment (creatinine clearance less than
30 ml/minute). ADVERSE REACTIONS
➤ Acute, uncomplicated P. falciparum CNS: headache, fever, asthenia, dizziness,
malaria dreams, insomnia.
Adults and children who weigh more than GI: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
40 kg (88 lb): 4 adult-strength tablets P.O. diarrhea, anorexia, dyspepsia, gastritis, oral
once daily, with food or milk, for 3 consecu- ulcers.
tive days. Respiratory: cough.
Children who weigh 31 to 40 kg (68 to Skin: pruritus.
88 lb): 3 adult-strength tablets P.O. once
daily, with food or milk, for 3 consecutive INTERACTIONS
days. Drug-drug. Metoclopramide: May de-
Children who weigh 21 to 30 kg (46 to crease atovaquone bioavailability. Use
66 lb): 2 adult-strength tablets P.O. once another antiemetic.
daily, with food or milk, for 3 consecutive Rifampin, rifabutin: May decrease ato-
days. vaquone level by about 50%. Avoid using
Children who weigh 11 to 20 kg (24 to together.
44 lb): 1 adult-strength tablet P.O. once Tetracycline: May decrease atovaquone
daily, with food or milk, for 3 consecutive level by about 40%. Monitor patient with
days. parasitemia closely.
Children who weigh 9 to 10 kg (20 to 22 lb):
3 pediatric-strength tablets P.O. once daily,
with food or milk, for 3 consecutive days.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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166 atracurium besylate


• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
and AST levels. May decrease hemoglobin atracurium besylate
level and hematocrit. at-truh-KYOO-ree-um
• May decrease WBC count.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Therapeutic class: Skeletal muscle
to atovaquone, proguanil hydrochloride, or relaxant
any component of the drug. Pharmacologic class: Nondepolarizing
• Use cautiously in patients with severe neuromuscular blocker
renal impairment and in those who are Pregnancy risk category C
• Use cautiously in elderly patients because AVAIL ABLE FORMS
they have a greater frequency of decreased Injection: 10 mg/ml
renal, hepatic, and cardiac function.
• It isn’t known if atovaquone appears in INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
breast milk, but proguanil does in small ➤ Adjunct to general anesthesia to facil-
amounts. Use cautiously in breast-feeding itate endotracheal intubation and relax
women. skeletal muscles during surgery or me-
• Safety and effectiveness haven’t been chanical ventilation
established for prevention in children who Adults and children age 2 or older:
weigh less than 11 kg or for treatment in 0.4 to 0.5 mg/kg by I.V. bolus. Give main-
children who weigh less than 5 kg. tenance dose of 0.08 to 0.1 mg/kg within
•H Overdose S&S: Rash, methemoglobine- 20 to 45 minutes during prolonged surgery.
mia (atovaquone); epigastric discomfort, Give maintenance doses every 15 to
vomiting, reversible hair loss, scaling of the 25 minutes in patients receiving balanced
skin on the palms or soles, reversible aph- anesthesia. For prolonged procedures, use
thous ulceration, hematologic adverse a constant infusion at an initial rate of 9
effects (proguanil). to 10 mcg/kg/minute; then reduce to 5 to
9 mcg/kg/minute.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Children ages 1 month to 2 years: First
• Persistent diarrhea or vomiting may dose, 0.3 to 0.4 mg/kg I.V. for children
decrease drug absorption. Patients with under halothane anesthesia. Frequent main-
these symptoms may need a different tenance doses may be needed.
antimalarial. Adjust-a-dose: In adults, adolescents,
children, or infants with significant CV
PATIENT TEACHING disease or history suggesting a greater risk
• Tell patient to take dose at the same time of histamine release (anaphylactic reac-
each day with food or milk. tion, asthma), give initial dose of 0.3 to
• Tell parents that if child has difficulty 0.4 mg/kg slowly or in divided doses over
swallowing tablets, to crush and mix in 1 minute. In adults receiving enflurane
condensed milk. or isoflurane at the same time, reduce
• Tell patient to repeat dose if he vomits initial atracurium dose by 33% (0.25 to
within 1 hour. 0.35 mg/kg). In adults receiving atracurium
• Advise patient to notify prescriber if he following succinylcholine, initial dose is
can’t complete the course of therapy as 0.3 to 0.4 mg/kg.
• Instruct patient to supplement preventive ADMINISTRATION
malarial with use of protective clothing, bed I.V.
nets, and insect repellents.  Use drug only under direct supervi-

sion by medical staff skilled in using

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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atracurium besylate 167

neuromuscular blockers and maintaining Carbamazepine, phenytoin, theophylline:
patent airway. Keep available emergency May reverse, or cause resistance to, neuro-
respiratory support (endotracheal equip- muscular blockade. May need to increase
ment, ventilator, oxygen, atropine, edro- atracurium dose.
phonium, neostigmine, and epinephrine). Clindamycin, general anesthetics (enflu-
 Give sedatives or general anesthetics rane, halothane, isoflurane), kanamycin,
before neuromuscular blockers, which polymyxin antibiotics (colistin, polymyxin B
don’t reduce consciousness or alter pain sulfate), procainamide, quinidine, quinine,
threshold. thiazide and loop diuretics, trimethaphan,
 Drug usually is given by rapid I.V. bolus verapamil: May enhance neuromuscular
injection but may be given by intermittent blockade, increasing skeletal muscle relax-
infusion or continuous infusion. ation and prolonging effect of atracurium.
 Don’t give by I.M. injection. Use together cautiously during and after
 At concentrations of 0.2 mg/ml to surgery.
0.5 mg/ml, drug is compatible in D5 W, Corticosteroids: May cause prolonged
normal saline solution for injection, or weakness. Monitor patient closely.
dextrose 5% in normal saline solution for Edrophonium, neostigmine, pyridostigmine:
injection for 24 hours (at room tempera- May inhibit drug and reverse neuromuscular
ture or refrigerated). block. Monitor patient closely.
 Stable if undiluted for 6 weeks. Lithium, magnesium salts, opioid anal-
 Store in refrigerator. Don’t freeze. Once gesics: May enhance neuromuscular block-
removed from refrigeration, use within ade, increasing skeletal muscle relaxation
14 days, even if re-refrigerated. and possibly causing respiratory paralysis.
 Incompatibilities: Alkaline solutions Reduce atracurium dosage.
(such as barbiturates), lactated Ringer’s Succinylcholine: May cause quicker
solution. onset of atracurium; may increase depth
of neuromuscular blockade. Monitor pa-
AC TION tient.
Prevents acetylcholine from binding to
receptors on motor end plate, thus blocking EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
neuromuscular transmission. None reported.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. 2 min 3–5 min 35–70 min
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Half-life: 20 minutes. to drug.
• Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated
ADVERSE REACTIONS patients and in those with CV disease;
CV: bradycardia, hypotension, tachycardia. severe electrolyte disorder; bronchogenic
Respiratory: prolonged, dose-related carcinoma; hepatic, renal, or pulmonary
apnea, bronchospasm, laryngospasm, impairment; neuromuscular disease; or
wheezing, increased bronchial secretions, myasthenia gravis.
dyspnea. •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, prolonged
Skin: skin flushing, erythema, pruritus, neuromuscular blockade.
urticaria, rash.
• Dosage depends on anesthetic used, indi-
INTERACTIONS vidual needs, and response. Recommended
Drug-drug. Amikacin, gentamicin, neomycin, dosages must be individually adjusted.
streptomycin, tobramycin: May increase the • Resistance may develop in burn patients;
effects of nondepolarizing muscle relaxant increase dosage if needed.
including prolonged respiratory depres- • Give analgesics for pain. Patient may have
sion. Use together cautiously. May reduce pain but may be unable to express it.
nondepolarizing muscle relaxant dose.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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168 atropine sulfate

• Once spontaneous recovery starts, re- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

verse atracurium-induced neuromuscular ➤ Symptomatic bradycardia,
blockade with an anticholinesterase (such bradyarrhythmia (junctional or escape
as neostigmine or edrophonium), usually rhythm)
given with an anticholinergic such as at- Adults: Usually 0.5 to 1 mg I.V. push, re-
ropine. Complete reversal of neuromuscular peated every 3 to 5 minutes to maximum of
blockade is usually achieved within 8 to 3 mg.
10 minutes after using an anticholinesterase. Children and adolescents: 0.02 mg/kg
• Monitor respirations and vital signs I.V., with minimum dose of 0.1 mg and
closely until patient has fully recovered maximum single dose of 0.5 mg in children
from neuromuscular blockade, as indicated or 1 mg in adolescents. May repeat dose at
by tests of muscle strength (hand grip, head 5-minute intervals to a maximum total dose
lift, and ability to cough). of 1 mg in children or 2 mg in adolescents.
• A nerve stimulator and train-of-four ➤ Antidote for anticholinesterase-
monitoring are recommended to confirm insecticide poisoning
antagonism of neuromuscular blockade Adults: Initially, 1 to 2 mg I.V.; may repeat
and recovery of muscle strength. Make sure with 2 mg I.M. or I.V. every 5 to 60 minutes
spontaneous recovery is evident before until muscarinic signs and symptoms dis-
attempting reversal with neostigmine. appear or signs of atropine toxicity appear.
• Prior use of succinylcholine doesn’t Severe poisoning may require up to 6 mg
prolong duration of action but quickens hourly.
onset and may deepen neuromuscular Children: 0.05 mg/kg I.V. or I.M. repeated
blockade. every 10 to 30 minutes until muscarinic
• Drug contains benzyl alcohol as a preser- signs and symptoms disappear (may be
vative. repeated if they reappear) or until atropine
Alert: Careful dosage calculation is es- toxicity occurs.
sential. Always verify dosage with another ➤ Preoperatively to diminish secretions
health care professional. and block cardiac vagal reflexes
Adults and children who weigh 20 kg
PATIENT TEACHING (44 lb) or more: 0.4 to 0.6 mg I.V., I.M.,
• Explain all events and procedures to or subcutaneously 30 to 60 minutes before
patient because he can still hear. anesthesia.
Children who weigh less than 20 kg:
SAFETY ALERT! 0.01 mg/kg I.V., I.M., or subcutaneously
up to maximum dose of 0.4 mg 30 to
atropine sulfate 60 minutes before anesthesia. May repeat
AT-troe-peen every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
Infants who weigh more than 5 kg (11 lb):
AtroPen, Sal-Tropine 0.03 mg/kg every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
Infants who weigh 5 kg or less: 0.04 mg/kg
Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
Pharmacologic class: Anticholinergic, ➤ Adjunct treatment of peptic ulcer
belladonna alkaloid disease; functional GI disorders such as
Pregnancy risk category C irritable bowel syndrome; salivation and
bronchial secretion reduction; CNS con-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ditions such as parkinsonism; ureteral
Injection: 0.05 mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml, and biliary colic
0.3 mg/ml, 0.4 mg/ml, 0.5 mg/ml, Adults: 0.4 to 0.6 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours
0.8 mg/ml, 1 mg/ml p.r.n.
Prefilled auto-injectors: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg Children: 0.01 mg/kg P.O. not to exceed
Tablets: 0.4 mg 0.4 mg P.O every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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atropine sulfate 169

ADMINISTRATION EENT: blurred vision, mydriasis, photo-
P.O. phobia, cycloplegia, increased intraocular
• Give drug without regard for food. pressure.
I.V. GI: dry mouth, constipation, thirst, nausea,
 Give into a large vein or into I.V. tubing vomiting.
over at least 1 minute. GU: urine retention, impotence.
 Slow delivery may cause slowing of the Other: anaphylaxis.
heart rate.
 Incompatibilities: Alkalies, bromides, INTERACTIONS
iodides, isoproterenol, methohexital, Drug-drug. Antacids: May decrease ab-
norepinephrine, pentobarbital sodium, sorption of oral anticholinergics. Separate
sodium bicarbonate. doses by at least 1 hour.
I.M. Anticholinergics, drugs with anticholinergic
• Document administration site. effects (amantadine, antiarrhythmics, an-
Subcutaneous tiparkinsonians, glutethimide, meperidine,
• Auto-injection may be given through phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants):
clothing. May increase anticholinergic effects. Use
• Firmly jab tip into outer thigh at together cautiously.
90-degree angle. Ketoconazole, levodopa: May decrease
• Hold auto-injector in place for at least absorption of these drugs. Separate doses
10 seconds to allow time for complete by at least 2 hours, and monitor patient for
administration. clinical effect.
• Make sure needle is visible after removing Potassium chloride wax-matrix tablets:
auto-injector. If needle didn’t engage, repeat May increase risk of mucosal lesions. Use
injection, jabbing more firmly. together cautiously.
• Massage injection site for several seconds Drug-herb. Jaborandi tree, pill-bearing
after removing auto-injector. spurge: May decrease effectiveness of drug.
• In very thin or young patients, pinch the Discourage use together.
skin on the thigh together before injection. Jimsonweed: May adversely affect CV
function. Discourage use together.
AC TION Squaw vine: Tannic acid may decrease
Inhibits acetylcholine at parasympathetic metabolic breakdown of drug. Monitor
neuroeffector junction, blocking vagal patient.
effects on SA and AV nodes, enhancing
conduction through AV node and increasing EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
heart rate. None reported.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30–120 min 1–2 hr 4 hr CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
I.V. Immediate 2–4 min 4 hr • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
I.M. 5–40 min 20–60 min 4 hr to drug.
Subcut. Unknown Unknown Unknown • Contraindicated in those with acute angle-
closure glaucoma, obstructive uropathy,
Half-life: Initial, 2 hours; second phase, obstructive disease of GI tract, paralytic
121⁄2 hours.
ileus, toxic megacolon, intestinal atony,
unstable CV status in acute hemorrhage,
ADVERSE REACTIONS tachycardia, myocardial ischemia, asthma,
CNS: headache, restlessness, insomnia, or myasthenia gravis.
dizziness, ataxia, disorientation, halluci- • Use cautiously in patients with Down syn-
nations, delirium, excitement, agitation, drome because they may be more sensitive
confusion. to drug.
CV: bradycardia, palpitations, tachycardia. •H Overdose S&S: Delirium, seizures, coma,
tachycardia, fever, mydriasis, decreased

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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170 auranofin

salivation and sweating, urine retention, also alter enzyme function and immune
hypertension, vasodilation, hyperthermia. response and suppress phagocytic activity.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• In adults, avoid doses less than 0.5 mg
because of risk of paradoxical bradycardia. Half-life: About 26 days.
Alert: Watch for tachycardia in cardiac
patients because it may lead to ventricular ADVERSE REACTIONS
fibrillation. CNS: seizures, confusion, hallucinations.
• Many adverse reactions (such as dry EENT: conjunctivitis.
mouth and constipation) vary with dose. GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea,
• Monitor fluid intake and urine output. stomatitis, glossitis, anorexia, metallic
Drug causes urine retention and urinary taste, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation,
hesitancy. dysgeusia, ulcerative colitis.
GU: acute renal failure, hematuria,
PATIENT TEACHING nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis.
• Teach patient receiving oral form of drug Hematologic: aplastic anemia, agranu-
how to handle distressing anticholinergic locytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
effects such as dry mouth. eosinophilia, anemia.
• Instruct patient to report serious or persis- Hepatic: jaundice.
tent adverse reactions promptly. Skin: rash, pruritus, dermatitis, exfoliative
• Tell patient about potential for sensitivity dermatitis, urticaria, erythema, alopecia.
of the eyes to the sun and suggest use of
sunglasses. INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Phenytoin: May increase
phenytoin blood levels. Watch for
auranofin toxicity.
Ridaura • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
and AST levels.
Therapeutic class: Antiarthritic • May decrease hemoglobin level and
Pharmacologic class: Gold compound hematocrit.
Pregnancy risk category C • May increase eosinophil count.
• May decrease granulocyte, platelet, and
Capsules: 3 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Contraindicated in patients with history
➤ Rheumatoid arthritis of severe gold toxicity or toxicity from
Adults: 3 mg P.O. b.i.d. or 6 mg P.O. once previous exposure to other heavy metals
daily. After 6 months, may increase to 3 mg and in those with necrotizing enterocolitis,
P.O. t.i.d. If response is inadequate after pulmonary fibrosis, exfoliative dermatitis,
3 months of 9 mg/day, stop use. bone marrow aplasia, or severe hematologic
ADMINISTRATION • Contraindicated in patients with urticaria,
P.O. eczema, colitis, severe debilitation, hem-
• Give drug without regard for food. orrhagic conditions, or systemic lupus
erythematosus and in patients who have
AC TION recently received radiation therapy.
Probably acts by inhibiting sulfhydryl sys- • Manufacturer recommends avoiding use
tems, which alters cellular metabolism. May during pregnancy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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azacitidine 171
• Use cautiously with other drugs that cause • Inform patient that beneficial effect may
blood dyscrasias. be delayed as long as 3 months. If response
• Use cautiously in patients with rash, is inadequate and maximum dose has been
history of bone marrow depression, or renal, reached, expect prescriber to stop drug.
hepatic, or inflammatory bowel disease. • Warn patient not to give drug to others.
Auranofin is prescribed only for selected
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Black Box Warning Monitor for signs of
gold toxicity such as platelet count below SAFETY ALERT!
150,000/mm3 , fall in hemoglobin granulo-
cyte count less than 1,500/mm3 , leukopenia azacitidine
(WBC count less than 4,000/mm3 ) or az-uh-SIT-uh-deen
eosinophilia over 5%, proteinuria, hema-
turia, pruritis, rash, stomatitis, or persistent Vidaza
Alert: Monitor patient’s urinalysis results Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
monthly. If proteinuria or hematuria is Pharmacologic class: Pyrimidine
detected, stop drug because it can cause nucleoside analog
nephrotic syndrome or glomerulonephritis, Pregnancy risk category D
and notify prescriber.
• Monitor renal and liver function test AVAIL ABLE FORMS
results. Powder for injection: 100-mg vials
• Warn women of childbearing potential
about risks of drug therapy during preg- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
nancy. ➤ Myelodysplastic syndrome, including
refractory anemia, refractory anemia
PATIENT TEACHING with ringed sideroblasts (if patient has
• Encourage patient to take drug as pre- neutropenia or thrombocytopenia, or
scribed. needs transfusions), refractory anemia
• Tell patient to continue other drug thera- with excess blasts, refractory anemia
pies if prescribed. with excess blasts in transformation, or
• Remind patient to see prescriber for chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
monthly platelet counts. Adults: Initially, 75 mg/m2 subcutaneously
• Suggest that patient have regular urinaly- or I.V. daily for 7 days; repeat cycle every
sis. 4 weeks. May increase to 100 mg/m2 if no
• Tell patient to keep taking drug if mild response after two treatment cycles and
diarrhea occurs but to immediately report nausea and vomiting are the only toxic
blood in stool. Diarrhea is the most common reactions. Four to six treatment cycles are
adverse reaction. recommended.
• Advise patient to report rash or other skin Adjust-a-dose: If bicarbonate level is less
problems and to stop drug until reaction than 20 mEq/L, reduce next dose by 50%.
subsides. Itching may precede dermatitis; If BUN or creatinine levels rise during
consider itchy skin eruptions during drug treatment, delay the next cycle until they are
therapy to be a reaction until proven other- normal; then give 50% of previous dose.
wise. For patients with baseline WBC greater
• Inform patient that inflammation of the than or equal to 3 × 109 /L, absolute neu-
mouth may be preceded by a metallic taste; trophil count (ANC) greater than or equal
tell him to notify prescriber if this occurs. to 1.5 × 109 /L, and platelets greater than or
Promote careful oral hygiene during ther- equal to 75 × 109 /L, adjust the dose based
apy. on nadir counts as follows: If ANC is less
• Advise patient to report unusual bleeding than 0.5 × 109 /L and platelets are less than
or bruising. 25 × 109 /L, give 50% of dose. If ANC
is 0.5 to 1.5 × 109 /L and platelets are

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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172 azacitidine

25 to 50 × 109 /L, give 67% of dose. Ad- Route Onset Peak Duration
just further dosages during therapy based on I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
hematologic or renal toxicities. Subcut. Unknown 30 min Unknown

Half-life: About 40 minutes after subcutaneous

ADMINISTRATION injection; unknown after I.V.
 Reconstitute drug with 10 ml of sterile ADVERSE REACTIONS
water for injection. CNS: anxiety, depression, dizziness,
 Vigorously shake or roll the vial until fatigue, headache, insomnia, malaise, pain,
powder is dissolved. The resulting solution weakness, hypoesthesia, lethargy, syncope.
will be 10 mg/ml. CV: cardiac murmur, chest pain, edema, hy-
 Use only clear solution. potension, peripheral swelling, tachycardia.
 Withdraw proper dose and mix in a total EENT: epistaxis, nasopharyngitis, pharyn-
volume of 50 to 100 ml of normal saline gitis, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, post-
solution or lactated Ringer’s solution. nasal drip, sinusitis.
 Give the infusion over 10 to 40 minutes. GI: abdominal pain and tenderness,
Infusion must be completed within 1 hour anorexia, constipation, decreased appetite,
of reconstitution. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal
 Incompatibilities: Dextrose 5%, hes- distention, dyspepsia, dysphagia, gingi-
pan, bicarbonate. val bleeding, hemorrhoids, loose stools,
Subcutaneous mouth hemorrhage, oral mucosal petechiae,
• Dilute using aseptic and hazardous sub- stomatitis, tongue ulceration.
stances techniques. GU: dysuria, UTI.
• Reconstitute with 4 ml sterile water for Hematologic: anemia, FEBRILE NEU-
injection. Invert vial two to three times and TROPENIA, LEUKOPENIA, NEUTROPENIA,
gently rotate until a uniform suspension THROMBOCYTOPENIA, hematoma, post-
forms. The resulting cloudy suspension will procedural hemorrhage.
be 25 mg/ml. Metabolic: decreased weight.
• Draw up suspension into syringes for Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain,
injection (no more than 4 ml per syringe). limb pain, myalgia, muscle cramps.
• Just before giving drug, resuspend drug Respiratory: atelectasis, cough, crackles,
by inverting the syringe two to three times dyspnea, rales, rhonchi, pneumonia, upper
and gently rolling between palms for respiratory tract infection, pleural effusion,
30 seconds. Divide doses greater than wheezing.
4 ml into two syringes and inject into two Skin: bruising, contusion, ecchymosis,
separate sites. erythema, increased sweating, injection site
• Give new injections at least 1 inch from reaction, pain, pallor, petechiae, pitting
previous site, and never into tender, bruised, edema, rash, skin lesion, cellulitis, dry skin,
red, or hardened skin. granuloma, night sweats, pigmentation,
• Reconstituted drug is stable 1 hour at pruritus at injection site, skin nodules,
room temperature and 8 hours refrigerated swelling at injection site, urticaria.
(36◦ to 46◦ F [2◦ to 8◦ C]). After refriger- Other: pyrexia, rigors, herpes simplex,
ation, suspension may be allowed to warm lymphadenopathy.
for 30 minutes at room temperature.
AC TION None reported.
Causes hypomethylation of DNA and is
toxic to abnormal hematopoietic cells in EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
bone marrow. Hypomethylation may restore • May increase BUN and creatinine levels.
normal function to genes needed for prolif- May decrease bicarbonate and potassium
eration and differentiation. Drug has little levels.
effect on nonproliferating cells. • May decrease neutrophil, platelet, and
WBC counts.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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azathioprine 173
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS period and in those with impaired renal
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive function. In patients receiving allopurinol,
to azacitidine or mannitol and in patients decrease azathioprine dose to one-fourth to
with advanced malignant hepatic tumors. one-third of the usual dose.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic ➤ Severe, refractory rheumatoid
and renal disease. arthritis
•H Overdose S&S: Diarrhea, nausea, vomit- Adults: Initially, 1 mg/kg P.O. as single
ing. dose or divided into two doses. Usual dose
is 50 to 100 mg. If patient response isn’t
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS satisfactory after 6 to 8 weeks, dosage
• Check liver function test results and may be increased by 0.5 mg/kg daily to
creatinine level before therapy starts. maximum of 2.5 mg/kg daily at 4-week
• Obtain CBC before each cycle or more intervals. Maintenance therapy should be at
often. lowest effective dose. Attempt gradual dose
• Premedicate patient for nausea and vomit- reduction once the patient is stable. Reduce
ing. dosage by 0.5 mg/kg (about 25 mg daily)
• Monitor renal function closely in elderly every 4 weeks.
patients and in renally impaired patients ➤ Multiple sclerosis 
receiving drug because renal impairment Adults: 2 to 3 mg/kg P.O. daily alone or with
may increase toxicity. other immunosuppressants.
• Store unreconstituted vials at room tem-
perature (59◦ to 86◦ F [15◦ to 30◦ C]). ADMINISTRATION
PATIENT TEACHING • Give drug after meals to minimize adverse
• Inform patient that blood counts may GI effects.
decrease with febrile neutropenia, thrombo- I.V.
cytopenia, and anemia.  Use only in patients who can’t tolerate

• Advise men and women to use birth oral drugs.

control during therapy.  Reconstitute drug in 100-mg vial with

10 ml of sterile water for injection.

 Inspect for particles before use.
azathioprine  Give by direct I.V. injection, or further
ay-za-THYE-oh-preen dilute in normal saline solution for injec-
tion or D5 W solution and infuse over 30 to
Azasan, Imuran 60 minutes.
 Incompatibilities: None reported.

Therapeutic class: Immunosuppressant

Pharmacologic class: Purine antagonist AC TION
Pregnancy risk category D May alter antibody production and suppress
T-cell effects.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Route Onset Peak Duration
Powder for injection: 100 mg P.O., I.V. Unknown 1 to 2 hr Unknown
Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg
Half-life: About 5 hours.
➤ Immunosuppression in kidney trans- ADVERSE REACTIONS
plantation CNS: fever.
Adults: Initially, 3 to 5 mg/kg P.O. or I.V. GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, pancreati-
daily, usually beginning on day of trans- tis, steatorrhea, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
plantation. Maintained at 1 to 3 mg/kg daily Hematologic: LEUKOPENIA, myelosup-
based on patient response and tolerance. pression, macrocytic anemia, anemia,
Adjust-a-dose: Give drug in lower doses to pancytopenia, THROMBOCYTOPENIA,
patients with oliguria in the posttransplant immunosuppression.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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174 azathioprine

Hepatic: hepatotoxicity, jaundice. • To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. in-

Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia. jections when platelet count is below
Skin: rash, alopecia. 100,000/mm3 .
Other: infections, increased risk of • Monitor CBC and platelet counts weekly
neoplasia. for 1 month and then twice monthly. Notify
prescriber if counts drop suddenly or be-
INTERACTIONS come dangerously low. Drug may need to be
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors: May cause temporarily withheld.
severe leukopenia. Monitor patient closely. • Watch for early signs and symptoms
Allopurinol: May impair inactivation of aza- of hepatotoxicity (such as clay-colored
thioprine. Avoid using if possible; decrease stools, dark urine, pruritus, and yellow
azathioprine to one-third to one-fourth usual skin and sclera) and for increased alkaline
dose. phosphatase, bilirubin, AST, and ALT
Co-trimoxazole and other drugs that inter- levels.
fere with myelopoiesis: May cause severe • Therapeutic response usually occurs
leukopenia, especially in renal transplant within 8 weeks. Patients not improved after
patients. Use cautiously together. 12 weeks can be considered refractory to
Cyclosporine: May decrease cyclosporine treatment.
level. Monitor cyclosporine level closely. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Warfarin: May decrease action of warfarin. azathioprine with Azulfidine. Don’t confuse
Monitor patient closely. Imuran with Inderal.


• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, • Warn patient to report even mild infec-
AST, and bilirubin levels. May decrease tions (colds, fever, sore throat, malaise),
hemoglobin and uric acid levels. because drug is a potent immunosuppres-
• May decrease platelet, RBC, and WBC sant.
counts. • Instruct patient to avoid conception dur-
ing therapy and for 4 months after therapy
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Warn patient that some hair thinning is
to drug or its components and in pregnant possible.
women. • Tell patient taking drug for refractory
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic or rheumatoid arthritis that it may take up to
renal dysfunction. 12 weeks to be effective.
• Benefits must be weighed against risk • Advise patient to report unusual bleeding
when giving to patient with systemic viral or bruising.
infection, such as chickenpox or herpes • Tell patient that drug may be taken with
zoster. food to decrease nausea.
• Patients with rheumatoid arthritis previ- • Advise patient to use soft toothbrush and
ously treated with alkylating drugs, such perform oral care cautiously.
as cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, or
melphalan, may be at risk for tumor devel-
opment if treated with this drug.
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, diar-
rhea, abnormal liver function, leukopenia.

Black Box Warning Chronic immunosup-
pression with this drug increases the risk of
neoplasia. Physicians using this drug should
be very familiar with its risks.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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azelaic acid 175

azelaic acid None reported.
Azelex, Finacea • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components.
Therapeutic class: Antiacne • Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
Pharmacologic class: Dicarboxylic acid feeding women.
Pregnancy risk category B •H Overdose S&S: Pronounced local irrita-
Gel: 15% • Monitor patient for early signs and symp-
toms of hypopigmentation, especially pa-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES tient with dark complexion.
➤ Mild to moderate inflammatory acne • If sensitivity or severe irritation occurs,
vulgaris notify prescriber, who may stop drug and
Adults and children age 12 and older: order appropriate treatment.
Apply thin film of cream (Azelex) and • Avoid using occlusive dressings.
gently but thoroughly massage into affected
areas b.i.d., in morning and evening. PATIENT TEACHING
➤ Mild to moderate rosacea • Instruct patient to wash and pat dry
Adults: Apply thin film of gel (Finacea) and affected areas before applying drug and
gently but thoroughly massage into affected to wash hands well after application. Warn
areas b.i.d., in morning and evening. him not to apply occlusive dressings or
wrappings to affected areas.
ADMINISTRATION • Warn patient that skin irritation may
Topical occur, usually at start of therapy, if drug is
• Wash and pat dry affected areas before applied to broken or inflamed skin, and to
applying drug, wear gloves and wash hands notify prescriber if irritation persists.
well after application. • Advise patient to keep drug away from
• Don’t apply occlusive dressings or wrap- mouth, eyes, and other mucous membranes.
pings to affected areas. If contact occurs, tell him to rinse thor-
• Store drug at 59◦ to 86◦ F (15◦ to 30◦ C), oughly with water and to notify prescriber if
and protect it from freezing. irritation persists.
• Advise patient to report abnormal
AC TION changes in skin color.
May inhibit microbial cellular protein syn- • Urge patient to use drug for full treatment
thesis. period. In most patients with inflamma-
Route Onset Peak Duration
tory lesions, improvement occurs in 1 to
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
2 months.
• Warn patients with rosacea to avoid foods
Half-life: 12 hours. and beverages that may cause flushing,
such as spicy foods, hot food or drinks, and
Skin: pruritus, burning, stinging, tingling, • Instruct patient to store drug at 59◦ to
dermatitis, peeling, erythema, edema, acne. 86◦ F (15◦ to 30◦ C) and protect it from
Other: allergic reaction. freezing.

None significant.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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176 azelastine hydrochloride

azelastine hydrochloride • Drug is for ophthalmic use only. Don’t
ah-ZELL-ass-teen inject or give orally.
• Don’t use drug for irritation caused by
Optivar contact lenses.
Therapeutic class: Antihistamine PATIENT TEACHING
Pharmacologic class: H1 receptor • Instruct patient not to touch any surface,
antagonist eyelid, or surrounding areas with tip of
Pregnancy risk category C dropper.
• Tell patient to keep bottle tightly closed
AVAIL ABLE FORMS when not in use.
Ophthalmic solution: 0.05% • Advise patient not to wear contact lens if
eye is red.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Warn patient that soft contact lenses may
➤ Pruritus from allergic conjunctivitis absorb the preservative benzalkonium.
Adults and children age 3 and older: Instill • Instruct patient who wears soft contact
1 drop into affected eye b.i.d. lenses and whose eyes aren’t red to wait at
least 10 minutes after instilling drug before
ADMINISTRATION inserting contact lenses.
• Keep bottle tightly closed when not in use.
• Don’t touch tip of dropper to any surface. azithromycin
Inhibits the release of histamine and other Zithromaxi, Zmax
mediators from cells involved in the allergic
response. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
Pharmacologic class: Macrolide
Route Onset Peak Duration
Ophthalmic 3 min Unknown 8 hr
Pregnancy risk category B

Half-life: 22 hours. AVAIL ABLE FORMS

Injection: 500 mg
ADVERSE REACTIONS Oral suspension (extended-release): 2 g
CNS: headache, fatigue. Powder for oral suspension: 100 mg/5 ml,
EENT: bitter taste, transient eye burning or 200 mg/5 ml; 1,000 mg/packet
stinging, conjunctivitis, eye pain, pharyngi- Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg, 600 mg
tis, rhinitis, temporary blurring.
Respiratory: asthma, dyspnea. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Skin: pruritus. ➤ Acute bacterial worsening of COPD
Other: flulike syndrome. caused by Haemophilus influenzae,
Moraxella catarrhalis, or Streptococ-
INTERACTIONS cus pneumoniae; uncomplicated skin
None reported. and skin-structure infections caused by
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS pyogenes, or Streptococcus agalactiae;
None reported. second-line therapy for pharyngitis
or tonsillitis caused by Staphylococcus
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Adults and adolescents age 16 and older:
to any of drug’s components. Initially, 500 mg P.O. as a single dose on
day 1, followed by 250 mg daily on days 2
through 5. Total cumulative dose is 1.5 g.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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azithromycin 177
Or, for worsening COPD, 500 mg P.O. daily (maximum of 250 mg) can be given P.O.
for 3 days. daily. Children age 6 and older may also
➤ Community-acquired pneumonia receive 300 mg rifabutin P.O. daily.
from Chlamydia pneumoniae, H. in- ➤ M. avium complex in patients with
fluenzae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or advanced HIV infection
S. pneumoniae; or caused by Legionella Adults: 600 mg P.O. daily with ethambutol
pneumophila, M. catarrhalis, or S. aureus 15 mg/kg daily.
Adults and adolescents age 16 and older: ➤ Urethritis and cervicitis caused by
For mild infections, give 500 mg P.O. as a Neisseria gonorrhoeae
single dose on day 1; then 250 mg P.O. daily Adults: 2 g P.O. as a single dose.
on days 2 through 5. Total dose is 1.5 g. For ➤ Pelvic inflammatory disease caused
more severe infections or those caused by by C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhoeae, or
S. aureus, give 500 mg I.V. as a single daily M. hominis in patients who need initial
dose for 2 days; then 500 mg P.O. as a single I.V. therapy
daily dose to complete a 7- to 10-day course Adults and adolescents age 16 and older:
of therapy. Switch from I.V. to P.O. therapy 500 mg I.V. as a single daily dose for 1 to
based on patient response. 2 days; then 250 mg P.O. daily to complete a
➤ Community-acquired pneumonia 7-day course of therapy. Switch from I.V. to
caused by C. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, P.O. therapy, based on patient response.
M. pneumoniae, S. pneumoniae ➤ Otitis media
Children 6 months and older: 10 mg/kg oral Children older than age 6 months: 30 mg/kg
suspension P.O. (maximum of 500 mg) oral suspension P.O. as a single dose; or,
as a single dose on day 1, followed by 10 mg/kg P.O. once daily for 3 days; or,
5 mg/kg (maximum of 250 mg) daily on 10 mg/kg P.O. on day 1 and then 5 mg/kg
days 2 through 5. once daily on days 2 to 5.
➤ Single-dose treatment for mild to ➤ Pharyngitis, tonsillitis
moderate acute bacterial sinusitis caused Children age 2 and older: 12 mg/kg oral
by H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, or suspension (maximum 500 mg) P.O. daily
S. pneumoniae; or community-acquired for 5 days.
pneumonia caused by C. pneumoniae, ➤ Traveler’s diarrhea 
H. influenzae, M. pneumoniae, or Adults: 1,000 mg P.O. as a single dose.
S. pneumoniae
Adults: 2 g Zmax P.O. as a single dose taken ADMINISTRATION
1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. P.O.
➤ Acute bacterial sinusitis caused by • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, or tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin
S. pneumoniae therapy while awaiting results.
Adults: 500 mg P.O. daily for 3 days. • Give Zmax 1 hour before or 2 hours after
Children age 6 months and older: 10 mg/kg a meal. Tablets and single-dose packets for
oral suspension P.O. once daily for 3 days. oral suspension can be taken with or without
➤ Chancroid food. Don’t give with antacids.
Adults: 1 g P.O. as a single dose. • Reconstitute suspension packet with
➤ Nongonococcal urethritis or cervicitis 2 ounces (60 ml) water. After taking, rinse
caused by C. trachomatis glass with additional 2 ounces water and
Adults and adolescents age 16 and older: have patient drink it to ensure he has taken
1 g P.O. as a single dose. entire dose. Packets aren’t for children.
➤ To prevent disseminated Mycobac- I.V.
terium avium complex in patients with  Reconstitute drug in 500-mg vial with

advanced HIV infection 4.8 ml of sterile water for injection to yield

Adults and adolescents: 1.2 g P.O. once 100 mg/ml.
weekly alone or with rifabutin.  Shake well until all drug is dissolved.

Infants and children: 20 mg/kg P.O.  Further dilute in 250- or 500-ml nor-

(maximum of 1.2 g) weekly or 5 mg/kg mal saline solution, half-normal saline

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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178 azithromycin

solution, D5 W, or lactated Ringer’s solu- Antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, quinidine):

tion to yield a final concentration of 1 or May increase risk of life-threatening ar-
2 mg/ml, respectively. rhythmias, including torsades de pointes.
 Infuse a 500-mg dose of azithromycin Monitor ECG rhythm carefully.
I.V. over 1 hour or longer. Never give it as a Carbamazepine, phenytoin: May increase
bolus or I.M. injection. levels of these drugs. Monitor drug levels.
 Reconstituted solution and diluted Cyclosporine: May elevate cyclosporine
solution are stable for 24 hours when concentrations with increased risk of
stored below 86◦ F (30◦ C). Diluted solu- nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity. Moni-
tion is stable for 7 days when refrigerated tor cyclosporine levels and renal function.
at 41◦ F (5◦ C). Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. Moni-
 Incompatibilities: Amikacin sulfate, tor digoxin level.
aztreonam, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, Ergotamine: May cause acute ergotamine
ceftriaxone sodium, cefuroxime, toxicity. Monitor patient closely.
ciprofloxacin, clindamycin phosphate, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (atorvas-
famotidine, fentanyl citrate, furosemide, tatin, lovastatin): May increase HMG-CoA
gentamicin sulfate, imipenem and cilas- reductase inhibitor levels, resulting in se-
tatin sodium, ketorolac tromethamine, lev- vere myopathy or rhabdomyolysis. Consider
ofloxacin, morphine sulfate, ondansetron alternative therapy.
hydrochloride, piperacillin and tazobactam Nelfinavir: May increase azithromycin
sodium, potassium chloride, ticarcillin level. Monitor for liver enzyme abnormali-
disodium and clavulanate potassium, to- ties and hearing impairment.
bramycin sulfate. Pimozide: May prolong QT interval and
cause ventricular tachycardia. Concurrent
AC TION use is contraindicated.
Binds to the 50S subunit of bacterial Theophylline: May increase theophylline
ribosomes, blocking protein synthesis; level. Monitor theophylline level carefully.
bacteriostatic or bactericidal, depending on Triazolam: May decrease triazolam clear-
concentration. ance. Monitor patient closely.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Warfarin: May increase INR. Monitor INR
P.O. Unknown 2–5 hr Unknown
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown Drug-food. Any food: May decrease ab-
sorption of multidose oral suspension form.
Half-life: About 3 days. Advise patient to take drug on empty stom-
ADVERSE REACTIONS Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
CNS: fatigue, headache, somnolence. photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
CV: chest pain, palpitations. avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting, pseudomembranous EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, melena. • May increase ALT, AST, creatinine, LDH,
GU: candidiasis, nephritis, vaginitis. and bilirubin levels.
Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice.
Skin: photosensitivity reactions, rash, pain CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
at injection site, pruritus. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
Other: angioedema. tive to erythromycin or other macrolide or
ketolide antibiotics.
INTERACTIONS • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
Drug-drug. Antacids containing alu- hepatic function.
minum and magnesium: May lower peak
azithromycin level (immediate-release
form). Separate doses by at least 2 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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aztreonam 179
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS usual interval. If clearance is less than
• Monitor patient for superinfection. Drug 10 ml/minute, give 500 mg to 2 g; then give
may cause overgrowth of nonsusceptible 25% of the usual dose at usual interval.
bacteria or fungi. For serious infections, add 121⁄ 2 % of the
• If patient vomits within 60 minutes of initial dose to maintenance doses after
taking Zmax, notify prescriber; additional each hemodialysis session. For adults with
or different therapy may be needed. alcoholic cirrhosis, decrease dose by 20% to
• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, symptoms in cystic fibrosis patients with
even after he feels better. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
• Advise patient to avoid excessive sunlight Adults and children age 7 and older: 75 mg
and to wear protective clothing and use inhalation three times a day for 28 days,
sunscreen when outside. followed by 28 days off.
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions
• Give bronchodilator before administering
aztreonam aztreonam.
AZ-tree-oh-nam • Give short-acting bronchodilators
15 minutes to 4 hours before each dose
Azactam, Cayston or long-acting bronchodilators 30 minutes
to 12 hours before each dose.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic • Space doses at least 4 hours apart.
Pharmacologic class: Monobactam • Treatment order for patients on multiple
Pregnancy risk category B therapies is bronchodilator, mucolytics, then
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Don’t reconstitute until ready to give dose.
Inhalation: 75-mg ampule • Add one ampule of diluent to one amber
Injection: 500-mg vials, 1-g vials, 2-g vials glass vial of aztreonam. Replace rubber
stopper on vial and gently swirl until con-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES tents have completely dissolved. Administer
➤ UTI; septicemia; infections of lower immediately.
respiratory tract, skin, and skin struc- • Don’t use diluent or reconstituted drug
tures; intra-abdominal infections, surgi- if it’s cloudy or if there are particles in the
cal infections, and gynecologic infections solution.
caused by susceptible Escherichia coli, • Use only Altera Nebulizer System to
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, administer drug.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter • Never mix with other drugs in nebulizer.
cloacae, K. oxytoca, Citrobacter species, • Administration usually takes 2 to 3 min-
and Serratia marcescens; respiratory utes.
infections caused by Haemophilus in- I.V.
fluenzae  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

Adults: 500 mg to 2 g I.V. or I.M. every tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin
8 to 12 hours. For severe systemic or therapy while awaiting results.
life-threatening infections, 2 g every 6 to  For direct injection, reconstitute with

8 hours. Maximum dose is 8 g daily. 6 to 10 ml of sterile water for injection

Children ages 9 months to 15 years: and immediately shake vial vigorously.
30 mg/kg every 6 to 8 hours I.V. Maximum Constituted solutions aren’t for multiple-
dose is 120 mg/kg/day. dose use. Discard unused solution.
Adjust-a-dose: For adults with a creatinine  To give a bolus, inject drug over 3 to

clearance of 10 to 30 ml/minute, give 1 to 5 minutes, directly into I.V. tubing.

2 g; then give 50% of the usual dose at

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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180 aztreonam

 For infusion, reconstitute with a com- INTERACTIONS

patible I.V. solution to yield 20 mg/ml or Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May have
less. synergistic nephrotoxic effects. Monitor
 Give infusions over 20 minutes to 1 hour. renal function.
 Give thawed solutions only by I.V. infu- Cefoxitin, imipenem: May have antagonistic
sion. effect. Avoid using together.
 Incompatibilities: Acyclovir, ampho- Furosemide: May increase aztreonam level.
tericin B, ampicillin sodium, azithromycin, Avoid using together.
chlorpromazine, daunorubicin, ganci- Probenecid: May increase aztreonam level.
clovir, lorazepam, metronidazole, mito- Avoid using together.
mycin, mitoxantrone, nafcillin, prochlor-
perazine, streptozocin, vancomycin. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
I.M. • May increase ALT, AST, BUN, creatinine,
• To prepare I.M. injection, add at least 3 ml and LDH levels. May decrease hemoglobin
of one of the following solutions per gram level.
of aztreonam: sterile water for injection, • May increase PT, PTT, and INR. May
bacteriostatic water for injection, normal decrease neutrophil and RBC counts. May
saline solution, or bacteriostatic normal increase or decrease platelet and WBC
saline solution. counts.
• Give I.M. injections deep into a large • May cause false-positive Coombs’ test
muscle, such as the upper outer quadrant of result. May alter urine glucose determi-
the gluteus maximus or the side of the thigh. nations using cupric sulfate (Clinitest or
Give doses more than 1 g by I.V. route. Benedict reagent).
Alert: Don’t give I.M. injection to children.
• Pain and swelling may occur at injection CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
site. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or any of its components.
AC TION • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
Inhibits bacterial cell-wall synthesis, those with impaired renal or hepatic func-
ultimately causing cell-wall destruction; tion. Dosage adjustment may be needed.
bactericidal. Monitor renal function test results.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Use during pregnancy only if clearly
I.V. Unknown Immediate Unknown
needed. Because aztreonam is excreted
I.M. Unknown <1 hr Unknown in breast milk, consider advising breast-
Inhalation Unknown 1 hr Unknown feeding women to temporarily discontinue
Half-life: 2 hours.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Observe patient for signs and symptoms
CNS: seizures, confusion, headache, in- of superinfection.
somnia, pyrexia. Alert: Because drug is ineffective against
CV: hypotension, thrombophlebitis, chest gram-positive and anaerobic organisms,
discomfort. combine it with other antibiotics for imme-
GI: pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, diate treatment of life-threatening illnesses.
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Alert: Patients allergic to penicillins or
Hematologic: neutropenia, pancytopenia, cephalosporins may not be allergic to this
thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukocytosis, drug. Monitor closely those who have had
thrombocytosis. an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to
Respiratory: bronchospasm, cough, nasal these antibiotics, especially to ceftazidime.
congestion, sore throat. • Antibiotics may promote overgrowth of
Skin: discomfort and swelling at I.M. injec- nonsusceptible organisms. Monitor patient
tion site, rash. for signs of superinfection.
Other: hypersensitivity reactions.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-B LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:32

baclofen 181

• Dosage of Cayston isn’t based on weight Significantly decreased severity or fre-

or adjusted for age. quency of muscle spasm or reduced muscle B
tone should appear within 4 to 8 hours.
PATIENT TEACHING If response is inadequate, give second
• Warn patient receiving I.M. drug that pain test dose of 75 mcg/1.5 ml 24 hours after
and swelling may occur at injection site. the first. If response is still inadequate,
• Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V. give final test dose of 100 mcg/2 ml after
insertion site. 24 hours. Patients unresponsive to the
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions 100-mcg dose shouldn’t be considered
and signs and symptoms of superinfection candidates for implantable pump.
promptly. Children: Initial test dose is the same as that
• Instruct patient or caregiver in proper of adults (50 mcg); for very small children,
administration of drug by nebulizer. initial dose is 25 mcg.
• Teach patient or caregiver to use bron- For maintenance therapy: Adjust first dose
chodilator before using Cayston. based on screening dose that elicited an ad-
equate response. Double this effective dose
and give over 24 hours. However, if screen-
baclofen ing dose effectiveness was maintained for
BAK-loe-fen 12 hours or longer, don’t double the dose.
After the first 24 hours, increase dose slowly
Lioresal Intrathecal as needed and tolerated by 10% to 30%
increments at 24-hour intervals in spastic-
Therapeutic class: Skeletal muscle ity of spinal cord origin. In children with
relaxant spasticity of spinal cord origin and adults
Pharmacologic class: Gamma- and children with spasticity of cerebral
aminobutyric acid (GABA) derivative origin, increase by 5% to 15% increments at
Pregnancy risk category C 24-hour intervals. During prolonged main-
tenance therapy, increase daily dose by 10%
AVAIL ABLE FORMS to 40% in spasticity of spinal cord origin, or
Intrathecal injection: 50 mcg/ml, increase daily dose by 5% to 15% in spas-
500 mcg/ml, 2,000 mcg/ml ticity of cerebral origin, if needed; if patient
Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg experiences adverse effects, decrease dose
by 10% to 20%. Maintenance dosages range
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES from 12 mcg to 2,000 mcg daily, but experi-
➤ Spasticity in multiple sclerosis; spinal ence with dosages of more than 1,000 mcg
cord injury daily is limited. Most patients need 300 mcg
Adults and children age 12 and older: to 800 mcg daily.
Initially, 5 mg P.O. t.i.d. for 3 days; then Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired
10 mg t.i.d. for 3 days, 15 mg t.i.d. for renal function, decrease oral and intrathecal
3 days, 20 mg t.i.d. for 3 days. Increase daily doses.
dosage, based on response, to maximum of ➤ Hiccups that are intractable and unre-
80 mg. sponsive to other therapies
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with psychiatric Adults: Initially, 5 to 10 mg P.O. t.i.d. Higher
or brain disorders and for elderly patients, doses (up to 30 mg P.O. t.i.d.) may be
increase dose gradually. needed.
➤ To manage severe spasticity in patients
who don’t respond to or can’t tolerate ADMINISTRATION
oral baclofen therapy P.O.
Adults: For screening phase, after test dose • Give drug with meals or milk to prevent
to check responsiveness, give drug via im- GI distress.
plantable infusion pump. Give test dose of Intratracheal
1 ml of 50-mcg/ml dilution into intrathecal • Do not discontinue abruptly. This can
space by barbotage over 1 minute or longer. result in high fever, altered mental status,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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182 baclofen

exaggerated rebound spasticity, and muscle EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

rigidity, which in rare cases, has led to • May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST,
rhabdomyolysis, multiple-organ-system CK, and glucose levels.
failure, and death.
• Don’t give intrathecal injection by I.V., CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
I.M., subcutaneous, or epidural route. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• If patient suddenly requires a large in- to drug.
trathecal dose increase, check for a catheter • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
complication, such as kinking or dislodg- renal function or seizure disorder or when
ment. spasticity is used to maintain motor func-
• With long-term intrathecal use, about 5% tion.
of patients may develop tolerance to drug. •H Overdose S&S: Coma, dizziness, light-
In some cases, this may be treated by hos- headedness, diminished reflexes, vomiting,
pitalizing patient and slowly withdrawing hypotonia, increased salivation, drowsiness,
drug over a 2-week period. vision changes, respiratory depression,
Hyperpolarizes fibers to reduce impulse NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
transmission. Appears to reduce transmis- Alert: Don’t use oral drug to treat mus-
sion of impulses from the spinal cord to cle spasm caused by rheumatic disorders,
skeletal muscle, thus decreasing the fre- cerebral palsy, Parkinson disease, or stroke
quency and amplitude of muscle spasms in because drug’s effectiveness for these indi-
patients with spinal cord lesions. cations hasn’t been established.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Watch for sensitivity reactions, such
P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
as fever, skin eruptions, and respiratory
Intrathecal 30 min–1 hr 4 hr 4–8 hr distress.
• Expect an increased risk of seizures in
Half-life: 21⁄2 to 4 hours. patients with seizure disorder.
• The amount of relief determines whether
ADVERSE REACTIONS dosage (and drowsiness) can be reduced.
CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, headache, • Don’t withdraw drug abruptly after long-
weakness, fatigue, hypotonia, confusion, term use unless severe adverse reactions de-
insomnia, seizures with intrathecal use. mand it; doing so may precipitate seizures,
CV: hypotension. hallucinations, or rebound spasticity.
EENT: nasal congestion. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
GI: nausea, constipation. baclofen with Bactroban.
GU: urinary frequency.
Metabolic: hyperglycemia, weight gain. PATIENT TEACHING
Musculoskeletal: muscle rigidity or spas- • Instruct patient to take oral form with
ticity, rhabdomyolysis, muscle weakness. meals or milk.
Respiratory: dyspnea. • Tell patient to avoid activities that require
Skin: rash, pruritus, excessive sweating. alertness until CNS effects of drug are
Other: multiple organ-system failure. known. Drowsiness usually is transient.
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol and OTC
INTERACTIONS antihistamines while taking drug.
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May • Advise patient to follow prescriber’s
increase CNS depression. Avoid using orders regarding rest and physical therapy.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
CNS depression. Discourage use together.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-B LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:32

basiliximab 183

basiliximab Binds specifically to and blocks the in- B
ba-sil-IK-si-mab terleukin (IL)-2 receptor alpha chain on
the surface of activated T lymphocytes,
Simulect inhibiting IL-2–mediated activation of
lymphocytes, a critical pathway in the
Therapeutic class: Immunosuppressant cellular immune response involved in
Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal allograft rejection.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Pregnancy risk category B I.V. Unknown Immediate Unknown


Half-life: About 4 days in adults, 9 1⁄
2 days in
Injection: 10-mg, 20-mg vials children, 9 days in adolescents.


➤ To prevent acute organ rejection in CNS: fever, headache, insomnia, tremor,
patients receiving renal transplantation agitation, anxiety, asthenia, depression,
when used as part of an immunosuppres- dizziness, hypoesthesia, neuropathy, pares-
sive regimen that includes cyclosporine thesia, fatigue.
and corticosteroids CV: hypertension, leg or peripheral edema,
Adults and children weighing 35 kg (77 lb) arrhythmias, heart failure, angina pectoris,
or more: 20 mg I.V. given within 2 hours atrial fibrillation, chest pain, abnormal heart
before transplant surgery and 20 mg I.V. sounds, aggravated hypertension, hypoten-
given 4 days after transplantation. sion, tachycardia, generalized edema.
Children weighing less than 35 kg: 10 mg EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, abnormal
I.V. given within 2 hours before transplant vision, cataract, conjunctivitis, sinusitis.
surgery and 10 mg I.V. given 4 days after GI: abdominal pain, candidiasis, constipa-
transplantation. tion, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
GI hemorrhage, esophagitis, enlarged
ADMINISTRATION abdomen, flatulence, gastroenteritis, GI dis-
I.V. order, gum hyperplasia, melena, ulcerative
 Reconstitute 10-mg vial with 2.5 ml stomatitis.
sterile water for injection. Reconstitute GU: UTI, abnormal renal function, albu-
20-mg vial with 5-ml sterile water for minuria, bladder disorder, dysuria, frequent
injection. Shake gently to dissolve powder. micturition, genital edema, hematuria, in-
 Use reconstituted solution immediately. creased nonprotein nitrogen, oliguria, renal
 Dilute reconstituted solution to 25 ml tubular necrosis, ureteral disorder, urine
(10-mg vial) or 50 ml (20-mg vial) with retention, impotence.
normal saline solution or D5 W for infu- Hematologic: anemia, hemorrhage,
sion. thrombocytopenia, hematoma, poly-
 When mixing solution, invert bag gently cythemia, purpura, thrombosis.
to avoid foaming. Don’t shake. Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, hyper-
 Infuse over 20 to 30 minutes. glycemia, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia,
 Drug may be given as a bolus injection, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, acido-
but doing so may cause nausea, vomiting, sis, dehydration, diabetes mellitus, fluid
pain, and local reactions. overload, hypercalcemia, hyperlipemia,
 Reconstituted solution may be refriger- hypertriglyceridemia, hypocalcemia,
ated at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C) for up to hypomagnesemia, hypoproteinemia, weight
24 hours or kept at room temperature for gain.
4 hours. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, arthropathy,
 Incompatibilities: Don’t add or infuse back pain, bone fracture, cramps, hernia, leg
other drugs simultaneously through same pain, myalgia.
I.V. line.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-B LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:32

184 beclomethasone dipropionate (inhalation)

Respiratory: dyspnea, upper respiratory • Advise patient that immunosuppressive

tract infection, bronchospasm, pulmonary therapy increases risk of developing infec-
edema, abnormal chest sounds, bronchitis, tion. Tell him to report signs and symptoms
cough, pneumonia, pulmonary disorder. of infection promptly.
Skin: acne, cyst, hypertrichosis, pruritus, • Inform women of childbearing age to use
rash, skin disorder or ulceration. effective contraception before therapy starts
Other: surgical wound complications, viral and for 4 months after therapy ends.
infection, hypersensitivity reactions, sepsis, • Instruct patient to report adverse effects
accidental trauma, infection, herpes zoster, immediately.
herpes simplex. • Explain that drug is used with cy-
closporine and corticosteroids.
None significant.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS dipropionate (inhalation)
• May increase calcium, cholesterol, glu- be-kloe-METH-a-sone
cose, lipid, and uric acid levels. May de-
crease hemoglobin, magnesium, phospho- QVAR 40, QVAR 80
rus, and protein levels. May increase or
decrease potassium level. Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
• May increase RBC count. May decrease Pharmacologic class: Glucocorticoid
platelet count. Pregnancy risk category C


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Oral inhalation aerosol: 40 mcg/metered
to drug or its components. spray, 80 mcg/metered spray
Black Box Warning Use cautiously and
only under supervision of prescriber quali- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
fied and experienced in immunosuppressive ➤ Chronic asthma
therapy and organ transplantation. Adults and children age 12 and older:
• Use cautiously in elderly patients. Starting dose, 40 to 80 mcg b.i.d. when
previously used bronchodilators alone,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS or 40 to 160 mcg b.i.d. when previously
• Severe acute hypersensitivity reactions used inhaled corticosteroids. Maximum,
can occur within 24 hours after administra- 320 mcg b.i.d.
tion. Make sure drugs for treating hyper- Children ages 5 to 11: 40 mcg b.i.d., up to
sensitivity reactions are readily available; 80 mcg b.i.d.
withhold second dose if hypersensitivity
reactions occur. ADMINISTRATION
• Check for electrolyte imbalances and Inhalational
acidosis during drug therapy. • Prime the inhaler before first use by de-
• Monitor patient’s intake and output, vital pressing canister twice into the air.
signs, hemoglobin level, and hematocrit • Allow 1 minute to elapse between inhala-
during therapy. tions.
• Be alert for signs and symptoms of oppor-
tunistic infections during drug therapy. AC TION
May decrease inflammation by decreasing
PATIENT TEACHING the number and activity of inflammatory
• Inform patient of potential benefits of and cells, inhibiting bronchoconstrictor mech-
risks related to immunosuppressive therapy, anisms producing direct smooth-muscle
including decreased risk of graft loss or relaxation, and decreasing airway hyperre-
acute rejection. sponsiveness.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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beclomethasone dipropionate (intranasal) 185

Route Onset Peak Duration who change abruptly from oral corticos-
Inhalation 1–4 wk Unknown Unknown teroids to beclomethasone. B
Half-life: 2.8 hours.
• Tell patient to prime the inhaler before
ADVERSE REACTIONS first use, or after 10 days of not using it, by
CNS: headache. depressing canister twice into the air.
EENT: hoarseness, throat irritation, fungal • Inform patient that drug doesn’t relieve
infection of throat. acute asthma attacks.
GI: fungal infection of mouth, dry mouth. • Tell patient who needs a bronchodilator to
Musculoskeletal: back pain. use it several minutes before beclometha-
Respiratory: cough, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sone.
upper respiratory tract infection, exacerba- • Instruct patient to carry or wear medical
tion of asthma, sinusitis, wheezing. identification indicating his need for sup-
Other: angioedema, facial edema, hyper- plemental systemic corticosteroids during
sensitivity reactions, adrenal insufficiency, stress.
suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary- • Advise patient to allow 1 minute to elapse
adrenal function. between inhalations of drug and to hold his
breath for a few seconds to enhance drug
None significant. • Tell patient it may take up to 4 weeks to
feel the full benefit of the drug.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient to keep inhaler clean by wip-
None reported. ing it weekly with a dry tissue or cloth; don’t
get it wet.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Advise patient to prevent oral fungal
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive infections by gargling or rinsing his mouth
to drug or its ingredients and in those with with water after each use. Caution him not
status asthmaticus, nonasthmatic bronchial to swallow the water.
diseases, or asthma controlled by bron- • Tell patient to report evidence of corti-
chodilators or other noncorticosteroids costeroid withdrawal, including fatigue,
alone. weakness, arthralgia, orthostatic hypoten-
• Use cautiously, if at all, in patients with sion, and dyspnea.
tuberculosis, fungal or bacterial infections, • Instruct patient to store drug at 77◦ F
ocular herpes simplex, or systemic viral (25◦ C). Advise patient to ensure delivery
infections. of proper dose by gently warming canister
• Use cautiously in patients receiving sys- to room temperature before using.
temic corticosteroid therapy.


• Check mucous membranes frequently for dipropionate (intranasal)
signs and symptoms of fungal infection. be-kloe-METH-a-sone
• During times of stress (trauma, surgery,
or infection), systemic corticosteroids may Beconase AQ
be needed to prevent adrenal insufficiency
in previously corticosteroid-dependent Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
patients. Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
• Periodic measurement of growth and Pregnancy risk category C
development may be needed during high-
dose or prolonged therapy in children. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Alert: Taper oral corticosteroid therapy Nasal spray: 42 mcg/metered spray
slowly. Acute adrenal insufficiency and
death may occur in patients with asthma

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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186 beclomethasone dipropionate (intranasal)

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Use cautiously in patients who have re-

➤ To relieve symptoms of seasonal or cently had nasal septal ulcers, nasal surgery,
perennial rhinitis, to prevent nasal polyp or trauma until wound healing occurs.
recurrence after surgical removal
Adults and children 12 years and older: 1 or NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
2 sprays in each nostril b.i.d. • Observe patient for fungal infections.
Children ages 6 to 12: 2 sprays into each • Drug isn’t effective for acute exacerba-
nostril b.i.d. tions of rhinitis. Decongestants or antihis-
tamines may be needed.
ADMINISTRATION • Stop drug if no significant symptom
Intranasal improvement occurs after 3 weeks.
• Pump nasal spray six times until a fine
mist is produced before first use. PATIENT TEACHING
• Shake before use; pump once or twice • Advise patient or parent to read package
before first use each day. insert for instructions on drug use.
• Advise patient to pump nasal spray six
AC TION times until a fine mist is produced be-
May reduce nasal inflammation by inhibit- fore first use. If nasal spray pump hasn’t
ing mediators of inflammation. been used for 7 or more days, it should be
Route Onset Peak Duration
Intranasal 5–7 days 3 wk Unknown
• To instill, instruct patient to blow nose to
clear nasal passages, shake container, tilt
Half-life: 15 hours. head slightly forward, and insert nozzle into
nostril, pointing away from septum. Tell
ADVERSE REACTIONS him to hold other nostril closed and inhale
CNS: headache, light-headedness. gently while spraying, hold breath for a few
EENT: mild, transient nasal burning and seconds, and exhale through the mouth.
stinging, dryness, epistaxis, nasal conges- Next, have him shake container and repeat
tion, nasopharyngeal fungal infections, in other nostril.
rhinorrhea, sneezing, watery eyes. • Tell patient to pump nasal spray once or
GI: nausea. twice before first use each day. He should
Metabolic: growth velocity reduction in clean the cap and nosepiece of the activator
children and adolescents. in warm water every day, and then allow
them to air-dry.
INTERACTIONS • Advise patient to use drug regularly,
None significant. as prescribed, because its effectiveness
depends on regular use.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Explain that unlike decongestants, drug
None reported. doesn’t work right away. Most patients
notice improvement within a few days, but
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS some may need 2 to 3 weeks.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Warn patient not to exceed recommended
to drug and in those with untreated localized dosage because of risk of hypothalamic-
infection involving the nasal mucosa. pituitary-adrenal axis suppression.
• Not recommended for children less than • Tell patient to notify prescriber if signs
6 years. and symptoms don’t improve within
• Use cautiously, if at all, in patients with 3 weeks or if nasal irritation persists.
active or quiescent respiratory tract tuber- • Teach patient good nasal and oral hygiene.
culous infections or untreated fungal,
bacterial, or systemic viral or ocular her-
pes simplex infections.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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benazepril hydrochloride 187

CV: symptomatic hypotension.

benazepril hydrochloride GI: nausea. B
ben-A-za-pril GU: impotence.
Metabolic: hyperkalemia.
Lotensini Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, arthritis,
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive Respiratory: dry, persistent, nonproductive
Pharmacologic class: ACE inhibitor cough.
Pregnancy risk category D Skin: increased diaphoresis.
Other: hypersensitivity reactions, an-
Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Drug-drug. Antidiabetics: May increase
➤ Hypertension risk of hypoglycemia. Monitor patient
Adults: For patients not receiving a diuretic, carefully.
10 mg P.O. daily initially. Adjust dosage Azathioprine: May increase risk of anemia
as needed and tolerated; usually 20 to or leukopenia. Monitor hematologic study
40 mg daily in one or two divided doses. results if used together.
For patients receiving a diuretic, 5 mg P.O. Diuretics, other antihypertensives: May
daily initially. cause excessive hypotension. Stop diuretic
Children age 6 and older: 0.2 mg/kg or lower dosage of benazepril, as needed.
(between 0.1 and 0.6 mg/kg) P.O. daily. Lithium: May increase lithium level and
Adjust as needed up to 0.6 mg/kg (maxi- toxicity. Use together cautiously; monitor
mum 40 mg) P.O. daily. lithium level.
➤ Nephropathy (nondiabetic)  Nesiritide: May increase risk of hypoten-
Adults: 10 to 20 mg P.O. daily. sion. Monitor blood pressure.
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive
below 30 ml/minute, give 5 mg P.O. daily. effects. Monitor blood pressure.
Daily dose may be adjusted up to 40 mg. Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium
supplements: May cause hyperkalemia.
ADMINISTRATION Monitor potassium level and renal function.
P.O. Drug-herb. Capsaicin: May cause cough.
• Request oral suspension for patients who Discourage use together.
can’t swallow tablets. Ma huang: May decrease antihypertensive
effects. Discourage use together.
AC TION Drug-food. Salt substitutes containing
Inhibits ACE, preventing conversion of an- potassium: May cause hyperkalemia. Moni-
giotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vaso- tor potassium level and renal function.
constrictor. Less angiotensin II decreases
peripheral arterial resistance, decreasing al- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
dosterone secretion, which reduces sodium • May increase BUN, creatinine, and potas-
and water retention and lowers blood pres- sium levels.
sure. Drug also acts as antihypertensive in
patients with low-renin hypertension. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
P.O. 1 hr 2–4 hr 24 hr
to ACE inhibitors and in those with a his-
tory of angioedema regardless of prior ACE
Half-life: 10–11 hours. inhibitor use.
Black Box Warning ACE inhibitors can
ADVERSE REACTIONS cause injury and even death to the devel-
CNS: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, oping fetus when used during the second
fatigue, somnolence. and third trimesters. When pregnancy

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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188 bendamustine hydrochloride

is detected, discontinue drug as soon as face, eyes, mucous membranes, or extrem-

possible. ities; difficulty swallowing or breathing; or
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired hoarseness.
hepatic or renal function. • Tell woman of childbearing age to notify
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension. prescriber if she becomes pregnant. Drug
will need to be stopped.
• Monitor patient for hypotension. Exces-
sive hypotension can occur when drug is bendamustine hydrochloride
given with diuretics. If possible, diuretic ben-dah-MOO-steen
therapy should be stopped 2 to 3 days before hy-dro-CHLOR-ide
starting benazepril to decrease potential
for excessive hypotensive response. If drug Treanda
doesn’t adequately control blood pressure,
diuretic may be cautiously reinstituted. Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
• Although ACE inhibitors reduce blood Pharmacologic class: Mechlorethamine
pressure in all races, they reduce it less derivative
in blacks taking the ACE inhibitor alone. Pregnancy risk category D
Black patients should take drug with a thi-
azide diuretic for a more favorable response. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Drug may increase risk of angioedema in Lyophilized powder for injection: 25 mg,
black patients. 100 mg in single-use vials
• Measure blood pressure when drug level
is at peak (2 to 6 hours after administration) INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
and at trough (just before a dose) to verify ➤ Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
adequate blood pressure control. Adults: 100 mg/m2 I.V. over 30 minutes on
• Assess renal and hepatic function before days 1 and 2 of a 28-day cycle, given up to
and periodically during therapy. Monitor 6 cycles.
potassium level. Adjust-a-dose: For patients with grade 4
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse hematologic toxicity or clinically significant
benazepril with Benadryl or Lotensin with grade 2, 3, or 4 nonhematologic toxicity,
Loniten or lovastatin. delay treatment. Resume treatment when
nonhematologic toxicity has improved to
PATIENT TEACHING grade 1 or absolute neutrophil count is
• Instruct patient to avoid salt substitutes 1 × 109 /L or higher and platelet count is
because they may contain potassium, which 75 × 109 /L or higher. In those with grade
can cause high potassium level in patients 3 or greater hematologic toxicity, give
taking drug. 50 mg/m2 on days 1 and 2 of each cycle;
• Inform patient that light-headedness can if grade 3 or greater toxicity recurs, reduce
occur, especially during first few days of dose to 25 mg/m2 on days 1 and 2 of each
therapy. Tell him to rise slowly to minimize cycle. In patients with clinically significant
this effect and to report dizziness to pre- grade 3 nonhematologic toxicity or greater,
scriber. If fainting occurs, he should stop give 50 mg/m2 on days 1 and 2 of each
drug and call prescriber immediately. cycle. Increase dose in subsequent cycles, as
• Warn patient to use caution in hot weather tolerated.
and during exercise. Inadequate fluid intake, ➤ Indolent B-cell non-Hodgkin lym-
vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive perspi- phoma that has progressed during or
ration can lead to light-headedness and within 6 months of treatment with ritux-
fainting. imab or a rituximab-containing regimen
• Advise patient to report signs of infection, Adults: 120 mg/m2 I.V. over 60 minutes on
such as fever and sore throat. Tell him to days 1 and 2 of a 21-day cycle, given in up
call prescriber if he develops easy bruis- to eight cycles.
ing or bleeding; swelling of tongue, lips,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bendamustine hydrochloride 189

Adjust-a-dose: For patients with grade 4 PHARMACOKINETICS

hematologic toxicity or clinically significant Absorption: Given I.V. B
grade 2, 3, or 4 nonhematologic toxicity, Distribution: About 95% protein-bound in
delay treatment. Resume treatment when plasma.
nonhematologic toxicity has improved to Metabolism: Primarily through hydrolysis
grade 1 or absolute neutrophil count is to metabolites with low cytotoxic activity.
1 × 109 /L or higher and platelet count is Excretion: About 90% excreted in feces.
75 × 109 /L or higher. In patients with Route Onset Peak Duration
grade 4 or greater hematologic toxicity, I.V. Rapid 30 minutes Unknown
reduce dosage to 90 mg/m2 on days 1
and 2 of each cycle; if grade 4 hemato- Half-life: About 31⁄
2 hours.
logic toxicity recurs, reduce the dose to
60 mg/m2 on days 1 and 2 of each cycle. In ADVERSE REACTIONS
patients with grade 3 or greater nonhema- CNS: asthenia, fatigue, chills, anxiety,
tologic toxicity, reduce dosage to 90 mg/m2 depression, dizziness, headache, insomnia.
on days 1 and 2 of each cycle; if grade 3 or CV: hypotension, tachycardia.
greater nonhematologic toxicity recurs, give EENT: nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, nasal,
60 mg/m2 on days 1 and 2 of each cycle. congestion.
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
ADMINISTRATION pain, constipation, dyspepsia, gastroe-
I.V. sophageal reflux, stomatitis.
 Preparation and administration of par- GU: UTI.
enteral form of drug may be mutagenic, Hematologic: NEUTROPENIA, THROM-
teratogenic, or carcinogenic to staff. Fol- BOCYTOPENIA, anemia, LEUKOPENIA,
low institutional policy to reduce risks. lymphopenia.
 Reconstitute powder using sterile water Metabolic: weight loss, hyperuricemia,
for injection. Add 20 ml to a 100-mg vial. tumor lysis syndrome.
Drug should dissolve within 5 minutes. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain,
Inspect vial for particulate matter and bone pain, extremity pain.
discoloration; discard if present. Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, pneumonia,
 Reconstituted solutions must be further upper respiratory tract infection, wheezing.
diluted within 30 minutes using 500 ml of Skin: rash, pruritus.
normal saline solution; 500 ml of dextrose Other: pyrexia, hypersensitivity, infection,
2.5%/sodium chloride 0.45% may also herpes simplex, herpes zoster, infusion
be used. Discard cloudy or discolored reactions.
solution (solution should be clear and
colorless to slightly yellow). INTERACTIONS
 Reconstituted solution is stable for Drug-drug. CYP1A2 inducers (omepra-
24 hours when refrigerated, or 3 hours at zole): May decrease drug levels. Use to-
room temperature. gether cautiously.
 Incompatibilities: Compatibility with CYP1A2 inhibitors (fluvoxamine,
solutions other than normal saline and ciprofloxacin): May increase drug levels.
sterile water for injection hasn’t been Use together cautiously.
established. Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May decrease
drug levels. Discourage smoking.
Exact mechanism unknown. Mechloretha- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
mine splits into electrophilic alkyl groups, • May increase uric acid, bilirubin, AST,
which covalently bond with electron-rich ALT, and creatinine levels.
nucleophilic moieties, possibly leading to • May decrease neutrophil, platelet, RBC,
cell death. leukocyte, hemoglobin, and lymphocyte

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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190 benzonatate

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Tell patient that drug may cause tiredness
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive and to avoid driving or operating dangerous
to bendamustine or mannitol. tools or machinery until the effects of drug
• Use cautiously in patients with mild to are known.
moderate renal impairment or mild hepatic • Advise patient to report nausea, vomiting,
impairment. Avoid use in patients with or diarrhea.
creatinine clearance less than 40 ml/minute.
Avoid use in those with moderate to severe
hepatic impairment. benzonatate
• Don’t use in breast-feeding women. ben-ZOE-na-tate
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t
been established. Tessalon
•H Overdose S&S: QT interval prolongation,
sinus tachycardia, ST and T-wave devia- Therapeutic class: Antitussive
tions, left anterior fascicular block. Pharmacologic class: Local anesthetic
Pregnancy risk category C
• Give through a separate I.V. line using an AVAIL ABLE FORMS
infusion pump. Capsules: 100 mg, 200 mg
• Routinely monitor BUN, creatinine and
uric acid levels, liver function studies, and INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
complete blood count. ➤ Symptomatic relief of cough
• Monitor closely for signs of allergic Adults and children older than age 10:
reaction, including chills, rash, and pruritus. 100 to 200 mg P.O. t.i.d.; up to 600 mg daily.
• Administer antipyretics, corticosteroids,
and antihistamines, as prescribed. ADMINISTRATION
• Monitor for signs of infection (fever, P.O.
chills, malaise). • Protect drug from light and moisture.
• Monitor fluid intake and output closely,
and maintain adequate hydration. AC TION
• Allopurinol may be necessary during Chemical relative of tetracaine that sup-
the first 2 weeks of treatment to combat presses the cough reflex by direct action on
elevated uric acid levels associated with the cough center in the medulla and through
tumor lysis syndrome. an anesthetic action on stretch receptors
of vagal afferent fibers in the respiratory
PATIENT TEACHING passages, lungs, and pleura.
• Advise patient to avoid exposure to peo- Route Onset Peak Duration
ple with infections. P.O. 15–20 min Unknown 3–8 hr
• Instruct patient to watch for signs and
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat, Half-life: Unknown.
malaise) or bleeding.
• Advise patient to report any signs of ADVERSE REACTIONS
allergic reaction immediately (rash, facial CNS: dizziness, headache, sedation.
swelling, or difficulty breathing) during or EENT: nasal congestion, burning sensation
soon after infusion. in eyes.
• Caution women of childbearing age to GI: nausea, constipation, GI upset.
avoid pregnancy throughout treatment and Other: chills, hypersensitivity reactions.
for 3 months after therapy.
• Advise male patients to use reliable INTERACTIONS
contraception during treatment and for None significant.
3 months after therapy.
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding dur- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
ing therapy because of toxicity risk to infant. None reported.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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benztropine mesylate 191

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ➤ Transient extrapyramidal disorders

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Adults: 1 to 2 mg P.O. or I.M. two or three B
to drug or related compounds. times per day. After 1 or 2 weeks, withdraw
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive drug to determine continued need.
to PABA anesthetics (procaine, tetracaine) ➤ Acute dystonic reaction
because cross-sensitivity reactions may Adults: 1 to 2 mg I.V. or I.M.; then 1 to 2 mg
occur. P.O. b.i.d. to prevent recurrence.
•H Overdose S&S: Restlessness, tremors, ➤ Parkinsonism
clonic seizures, profound CNS depression. Adults: 0.5 to 6 mg P.O. or I.M. daily. First
dosage is 0.5 mg to 1 mg, increased by
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 0.5 mg every 5 to 6 days. Adjust dosage to
• Don’t use drug when cough is a valuable meet individual requirements. Maximum,
diagnostic sign or is beneficial (such as after 6 mg daily.
thoracic surgery). ➤ Postencephalitic parkinsonism
• Monitor cough type and frequency. Adults: 2 mg P.O. or I.M. daily in one or
• Use with percussion and chest vibration. more doses. In highly sensitive patients,
therapy may be initiated with 0.5 mg P.O. or
PATIENT TEACHING I.M. at bedtime, and increased as needed.
• Warn patient not to chew capsules or dis-
solve in mouth, which produces either local ADMINISTRATION
anesthesia that may result in aspiration, or P.O.
CNS stimulation that may cause restless- • Drug may be given before or after meals
ness, tremor, and seizures. depending on patient reaction. If patient is
• Instruct patient to report adverse reac- prone to excessive salivation, give drug after
tions. meal. If his mouth dries excessively, give
• Instruct patient to protect drug from light drug before meals unless it causes nausea.
and moisture. I.V.
• Tell patient to contact his prescriber if  Reserve I.V. delivery for emergencies,

cough lasts longer than 1 week, recurs such as acute dystonic reactions.
frequently, or is accompanied by high fever,  The I.V. form is seldom used because no

rash, or severe headache. significant difference exists between it and

the I.M. form.
 Incompatibilities: Haloperidol lactate.
benztropine mesylate I.M.
BENZ-troe-peen • Use filtered needle to draw up solution
from ampule.
Therapeutic class: Antiparkinsonian Unknown. May block central cholinergic
Pharmacologic class: Anticholinergic receptors, helping to balance cholinergic
Pregnancy risk category C activity in the basal ganglia.
Route Onset Peak Duration
AVAIL ABLE FORMS P.O. 1–2 hr Unknown 24 hr
Injection: 1 mg/ml in 2-ml ampules I.V., I.M. 15 min Unknown 24 hr
Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg
Half-life: Unknown.
➤ Drug-induced extrapyramidal disor- ADVERSE REACTIONS
ders (except tardive dyskinesia) CNS: confusion, memory impairment,
Adults: 1 to 4 mg P.O. or I.M. once or twice nervousness, depression, disorientation,
daily. hallucinations, toxic psychosis.
CV: tachycardia.
EENT: dilated pupils, blurred vision.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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192 benzyl alcohol

GI: dry mouth, constipation, nausea, vomit- • At certain doses, drug produces atropine-
ing, paralytic ileus. like toxicity, which may aggravate tardive
GU: urine retention, dysuria. dyskinesia.
Musculoskeletal: muscle weakness. • Watch for intermittent constipation and
Skin: decreased sweating. abdominal distention and pain, which may
indicate onset of paralytic ileus.
INTERACTIONS • Monitor elderly patients closely as they
Drug-drug. Amantadine, phenothiazines, are more prone to severe adverse effects.
tricyclic antidepressants: May cause addi- Alert: Never stop drug abruptly. Reduce
tive anticholinergic adverse reactions, such dosage gradually.
as confusion and hallucinations. Reduce • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
dosage before giving. benztropine with bromocriptine.
Cholinergics (donepezil, galantamine,
rivastigmine, tacrine): May antagonize the PATIENT TEACHING
therapeutic effects of these drugs. If used • Warn patient to avoid activities that re-
together, monitor patient for therapeutic quire alertness until CNS effects of drug are
effect. known.
• If patient takes a single daily dose, tell
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS him to do so at bedtime.
None reported. • Advise patient to report signs and symp-
toms of urinary hesitancy or urine retention.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Tell patient to relieve dry mouth with cool
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive drinks, ice chips, sugarless gum, or hard
to drug or its components, in those with candy.
angle-closure glaucoma, and in children • Advise patient to limit hot weather activi-
younger than age 3. ties because drug-induced lack of sweating
• Drug may produce anhidrosis. Use cau- may cause overheating.
tiously in hot weather, in patients with
mental disorders, in elderly patients, and in
children age 3 and older. benzyl alcohol
• Use cautiously in patients with prostatic ben-zill AL-ko-hall
hyperplasia, arrhythmias, or seizure disor-
ders. Ulesfia
•H Overdose S&S: CNS depression preceded
or followed by stimulation; confusion, ner- Therapeutic class: Scabicide,
vousness, listlessness, intensification of pediculicide
mental symptoms or toxic psychosis (in Pharmacologic class: Topical alcohol
patients with mental illness being treated Pregnancy risk category B
with neuroleptic drugs), hallucinations,
dizziness, muscle weakness, ataxia, dry AVAIL ABLE FORMS
mouth, mydriasis, blurred vision, palpita- Lotion: 5%
tions, tachycardia, hypertension, nausea,
vomiting, dysuria, numbness of fingers, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
dysphagia, allergic reactions, headache, ➤ Head lice infestation
delirium, coma, shock, seizures, respiratory Adults age 60 and younger and children age
arrest, anhidrosis, hyperthermia, glaucoma, 6 months and older: Apply to hair and scalp
constipation; hot, dry, flushed skin. until completely saturated. Allow to re-
main for 10 minutes; then rinse thoroughly
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS with water. Remove dead lice and nits with
• Monitor vital signs carefully. Watch fine-toothed comb. Repeat treatment after
closely for adverse reactions, especially 7 days. For each treatment, administer 4 to
in elderly or debilitated patients. Call pre- 6 oz for hair 0 to 2 long, 6 to 8 oz for hair
scriber promptly if adverse reactions occur. 2 to 4 long, 8 to 12 oz for hair 4 to 8

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bepotastine besilate 193

long, 12 to 24 oz for hair 8 to 16 long, PATIENT TEACHING

24 to 32 oz for hair 16 to 22 long, and • Warn patient not to swallow drug. B
32 to 48 oz for hair more than 22 long. • Instruct patient to wash (in hot water) or
dry-clean all recently worn clothing and
ADMINISTRATION hats, and recently used bedding and towels.
Topical • Tell patient a fine-tooth comb or special
• Apply to dry hair and completely cover all nit comb may be used to remove dead lice
of the hair and scalp with lotion. Be sure to and nits.
apply behind the ears. • Advise patient to wash personal care
• Don’t apply to the face or eyes. items, such as brushes, combs, and hair
clips, in hot water.
AC TION • Instruct patient to wash hands thoroughly
Prevents closure of lice respiratory spira- after application.
cles, thereby causing lice asphyxiation and • Stress to patient the importance of reap-
death. plying drug 7 days after first application
because lotion kills lice but not nits.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Warn patient to avoid contact with eyes;
instruct patient to flush immediately with
Half-life: Unknown water if drug gets into eyes.
• Advise patient to notify prescriber if
ADVERSE REACTIONS itching, redness, or skin or eye irritation
EENT: ocular irritation. occurs. If skin or eye irritation occurs, tell
Skin: irritation, anesthesia, hypoesthesia at patient to rinse affected areas with water
application site; pain; pruritus; erythema; immediately.

INTERACTIONS bepotastine besilate

None significant. beh-POT-uh-steen


None reported.
Therapeutic class: Antihistamine
• Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab- Pharmacologic class: Histamine1 -
lished in adults older than age 60. receptor antagonist
• Use during pregnancy only when clearly Pregnancy risk category C
necessary. It isn’t known if drug appears
in breast milk. Patient should either stop AVAIL ABLE FORMS
breast-feeding or stop drug. Ophthalmic solution: 1.5%
• Safety and efficacy in children younger
than age 6 months haven’t been established. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Avoid use in infants younger than age ➤ Itching associated with conjunctivitis
1 month and in preterm infants with a cor- Adults and children age 2 and older: Instill
rected age of less than 44 weeks. Gasping 1 drop into affected eye(s) b.i.d.
syndrome may occur.
• Wash hands after applying drug. • To minimize contamination of dropper
• If lotion comes into contact with eyes, tip and solution, avoid touching patient’s
flush immediately with water. eyelids or surrounding areas with dropper
tip of bottle. Keep bottle tightly closed when
not in use.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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194 beractant

Inhibits release of histamine from mast cells beractant (natural lung
by blocking histamine1 receptors. surfactant)
Route Onset Peak Duration ber-AK-tant
Ophthalmic Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
Half-life: Unknown.
Therapeutic class: Lung surfactant
ADVERSE REACTIONS Pharmacologic class: Bovine lung
CNS: headache. extract
EENT: eye irritation, mild taste, na- Pregnancy risk category NR
INTERACTIONS Suspension for intratracheal instillation:
None known. 25 mg/ml


None known. ➤ To prevent respiratory distress
syndrome (RDS), also known as
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS hyaline membrane disease, in prema-
• Drug hasn’t been studied in pregnant ture neonates weighing 1,250 g (2 lb,
women. Use during pregnancy only if po- 12 ounces) or less at birth, or having
tential benefit justifies risk to fetus. symptoms consistent with surfactant
• It isn’t known if drug appears in breast deficiency
milk. Use cautiously in breast-feeding Neonates: 4 ml/kg intratracheally. Divide
women. each dose into four quarter-doses and give
each quarter-dose with infant in a different
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS position to ensure even distribution of drug;
• Don’t use drug for irritation caused by between quarter-doses, use a hand-held
contact lenses. resuscitation bag at 60 breaths/minute and
• Remove contact lenses before instilling sufficient oxygen to prevent cyanosis. Give
drops because preservative in bepotastine, drug as soon as possible, preferably within
benzalkonium chloride, may be absorbed by 15 minutes of birth. Repeat in 6 hours if
soft contact lenses. respiratory distress continues. Give no more
than four doses in 48 hours.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Rescue treatment of RDS in premature
• Advise patient not to use drug while infants
wearing contact lenses. Lenses may be Neonates: 4 ml/kg intratracheally; be-
reinserted 10 minutes after administration. fore giving, increase ventilator rate to
• Instruct patient to avoid wearing contact 60 breaths/minute with an inspiratory time
lenses if eye redness occurs. of 0.5 second and a fraction of inspired
• Advise patient to avoid touching eye- oxygen of 1. Divide each dose into four
lids or surrounding areas with dropper tip quarter-doses and give each quarter-dose
of bottle, to minimize contamination of with infant in a different position to ensure
dropper tip and solution, and to keep bottle even distribution of drug; between quarter-
tightly closed when not in use. doses, continue mechanical ventilation
for at least 30 seconds or until stable. Give
dose as soon as RDS is confirmed by X-ray,
preferably within 8 hours of birth. Repeat
in 6 hours if respiratory distress continues.
Give no more than four doses in 48 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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beractant 195

ADMINISTRATION Route Onset Peak Duration

Inhalational Intratracheal 30–120 min Unknown 2–3 days
• Refrigerate at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C).
Half-life: Unknown.
Warm before use by allowing drug to stand
at room temperature for at least 20 minutes
or by holding in hand for at least 8 minutes. ADVERSE REACTIONS
Don’t use artificial warming methods. CV: TRANSIENT BRADYCARDIA, hypoten-
Unopened vials that have been warmed to sion, vasoconstriction.
room temperature may be returned to the Respiratory: apnea, endotracheal tube
refrigerator within 24 hours; however, warm reflux or blockage, decreased oxygen
and return drug to the refrigerator only saturation, hypercapnia, hypocapnia.
once. Vials are for single use only; discard Skin: pallor.
unused drug.
• Beractant doesn’t need sonication or re- INTERACTIONS
constitution before use. Inspect contents None significant.
before giving; make sure color is off-white
to light brown and that contents are uni- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
form. If settling occurs, swirl vial gently; None reported.
don’t shake. Some foaming is normal.
• Use a 20G or larger needle to draw up CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
drug; don’t use a filter. Give drug using a • In infants who weigh less than 600 g
#5 French end-hole catheter. Premeasure (1.5 lb) at birth or more than 1,750 g (4 lb)
and shorten catheter before use. Fill catheter at birth, use hasn’t been studied.
with beractant and discard excess drug so
that only total dose to be given remains in NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
the syringe. Insert catheter into neonate’s • Only staff experienced in treating clin-
endotracheal tube; make sure catheter tip ically unstable premature neonates, in-
protrudes just beyond end of tube above cluding neonatal intubation and airway
neonate’s carina. Don’t instill drug into a management, should give drug.
mainstream bronchus. • Accurate weight determination is essen-
• Even distribution of drug is important. tial for proper measurement of dosage.
Give each dose in four quarter-doses, with • Continuously monitor neonate before,
each quarter-dose being given over 2 to during, and after giving beractant. The
3 seconds and with the patient positioned endotracheal tube may be suctioned before
differently after each use. Between giving giving drug; allow neonate to stabilize
quarter-doses, remove the catheter and ven- before proceeding with administration.
tilate the patient. Give the first quarter-dose • Immediately after giving, moist breath
with the patient’s head and body inclined sounds and crackles can occur. Don’t suc-
slightly downward, and the head turned to tion the neonate for 1 hour unless he has
the right. Give the second quarter-dose with other signs or symptoms of airway obstruc-
the head turned to the left. Then, incline tion.
the head and body slightly upward with the • Continuous monitoring of ECG and tran-
head turned to the right to give the third scutaneous oxygen saturation are essential;
quarter-dose. Turn the head to the left for frequent arterial blood pressure monitoring
the fourth quarter-dose. and frequent arterial blood gas sampling are
highly desirable.
AC TION • Transient bradycardia and oxygen desatu-
Lowers alveolar surface tension during ration are common after dosing.
respiration and stabilizes alveoli against Alert: Drug can rapidly affect oxygenation
collapse. Drug contains neutral lipids, and lung compliance. Peak ventilator inspi-
fatty acids, surfactant-related proteins, ratory pressures may need to be adjusted if
and phospholipids that mimic naturally chest expansion improves substantially after
occurring surfactant. drug administration. Notify prescriber and

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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196 besifloxacin

adjust immediately as directed because fail- AC TION

ing to do so may cause lung overdistention Inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase,
and fatal pulmonary air leakage. preventing cell replication and division.
• Review manufacturer’s audiovisual mate- Route Onset Peak Duration
rials that describe dosage and usage proce- Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Half-life: 7 hours.
Survanta with Sufenta.
• Inform parents of neonate’s need for drug, EENT: blurred vision, conjunctival ery-
and explain drug action and use. thema, eye irritation, eye pain, eye pruritus.
• Encourage parents to ask questions, and
address their concerns. INTERACTIONS
None reported.
beh-sih-FLOX-ah-sin None reported.


• Although drug isn’t intended for systemic
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic administration, hypersensitivity reactions
Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone have been reported with systemic adminis-
antibiotic tration of quinolones. Discontinue drug at
Pregnancy risk category C first sign of allergic reaction or rash.
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS feeding women.
Ophthalmic suspension: 0.6% • Safety and efficacy in infants younger
than age 1 haven’t been established.
➤ Conjunctivitis caused by CDC coryne- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
form group G, Corynebacterium pseu- • Be aware that prolonged use may lead to
dodiphtheriticum, Corynebacterium stria- growth of resistant organisms.
tum, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella
lacunata, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphy- PATIENT TEACHING
lococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus • Instruct patient to wash his hands before
hominis, Staphylococcus lugdunensis, and after instilling the drug.
Streptococcus mitis group, Streptococcus • Teach patient how to instill drug correctly.
oralis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Remind him not to touch the tip of the bottle
Streptococcus salivarius with his hands and not to let the tip touch
Adults and children age 1 and older: Instill the eye or surrounding tissue.
1 drop into affected eye t.i.d., 4 to 12 hours • Advise patient to avoid wearing contact
apart, for 7 days. lenses if he has signs and symptoms of
conjunctivitis while taking the drug.
ADMINISTRATION • Remind patient not to share washcloths or
Ophthalmic towels with other family members to avoid
• Invert bottle and shake once before use. spreading infection.
Remove cap with bottle in inverted position. • Tell patient to take drug exactly as pre-
Alert: Don’t inject into eye or introduce scribed for as long as prescribed, even if he’s
into anterior chamber of eye. feeling better.
• Instruct patient to stop the drug and notify
his prescriber if rash or allergic reaction

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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betamethasone dipropionate 197

betamethasone Topical B
dipropionate • Shake well before use and protect from
bay-ta-METH-a-sone light.
• Gently wash skin before applying. To
Diprolene, Diprolene AF prevent skin damage, rub in gently, leaving
a thin coat. When treating hairy sites, part
betamethasone valerate hair and apply directly to lesions.
Beta-Val, Dermabet, Luxiq, Valnac • Decrease dosing frequency to once daily
following clinical improvement.
Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid • Avoid applying near eyes or mucous
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid membranes or in ear canal, groin area, or
Pregnancy risk category C armpit.
• Don’t dispense foam directly into warm
AVAIL ABLE FORMS hands because foam will begin to melt upon
betamethasone dipropionate contact.
Aerosol: 0.1% • For patients with eczematous dermatitis
Cream: 0.05% whose skin may be irritated by adhesive
Gel: 0.05% material, hold dressing in place with gauze,
Lotion: 0.05% elastic bandages, stockings, or stockinette.
Ointment: 0.05% Alert: Product is flammable. Avoid fire,
betamethasone valerate flame, or smoking during use. Don’t expose
Cream: 0.05%, 0.1% to heat.
Foam: 0.12% Alert: Don’t use occlusive dressings.
Lotion: 0.1% • Continue drug for a few days after lesions
Ointment: 0.1% clear.


➤ Inflammation and pruritus from Unclear. Is diffused across cell membranes
corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses to form complexes with receptors. Has anti-
Adults and children older than age 12: inflammatory, antipruritic, vasoconstrictive,
Clean area; apply cream, ointment, lotion, and antiproliferative activity. Considered
aerosol spray, or gel sparingly. Give dipro- a medium-potency to very-high-potency
pionate products once daily to b.i.d.; give drug (depending on product), according to
valerate 0.1% solution b.i.d., or valerate vasoconstrictive properties.
0.1% cream or ointment once daily to t.i.d. Route Onset Peak Duration
Maximum dosage of augmented betametha- Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
sone dipropionate 0.05% ointment, cream,
gel, or lotion is 45 g, 50 g, 45 g, or 50 ml per Half-life: Unknown.
week, respectively. Therapy with augmented
formulations shouldn’t exceed 2 weeks. ADVERSE REACTIONS
➤ Inflammation and pruritus from GU: glycosuria with dipropionate.
corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses Metabolic: hyperglycemia.
of scalp (valerate only) Skin: burning, pruritus, irritation, dryness,
Adults: Gently massage small amounts of erythema, folliculitis, striae, acneiform
foam into affected scalp areas b.i.d., morn- eruptions, perioral dermatitis, hypopig-
ing and evening, until control is achieved. If mentation, hypertrichosis, allergic contact
no improvement is seen in 2 weeks, reassess dermatitis, secondary infection, maceration,
diagnosis. atrophy, miliaria with occlusive dressings.
Other: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis suppression, Cushing syndrome.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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198 betaxolol hydrochloride

INTERACTIONS • Instruct patient not to use occlusive dress-

None significant. ings.
• Discuss personal hygiene measures to
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS reduce chance of infection.
• May increase glucose level.

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS betaxolol hydrochloride

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive beh-TAX-oh-lol
to corticosteroids.
• Don’t use as monotherapy in primary Betoptic, Betoptic S
bacterial infections (impetigo, paronychia,
erysipelas, cellulitis, angular cheilitis), Therapeutic class: Antiglaucoma
rosacea, perioral dermatitis, or acne. Pharmacologic class: Beta blocker
• Don’t use augmented betamethasone Pregnancy risk category C
dipropionate 0.05% ointment, betametha-
sone dipropionate 0.05% gel, cream, and AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ointment; betamethasone valerate 0.1% Ophthalmic solution: 0.5%
ointment on the face, groin, or axilla. Ophthalmic suspension: 0.25%
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
feeding women. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
•H Overdose S&S: Systemic effects. ➤ Chronic open-angle glaucoma, ocular
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults: Instill 1 or 2 drops of 0.5% solution
• Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use. or 1 drop of 0.25% suspension b.i.d.
• Because of alcohol content of vehicle, gel
products may cause mild, transient stinging, ADMINISTRATION
especially when used on or near excoriated Ophthalmic
skin. • Shake suspension well.
• If antifungal or antibiotic combined with • Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac
corticosteroid fails to provide prompt im- for 1 minute after instilling drug.
provement, stop corticosteroid until infec- • Don’t touch tip of dropper to eye or sur-
tion is controlled. rounding tissue.
• Systemic absorption is likely with pro-
longed or extensive body surface treatment. AC TION
Watch for symptoms. Unknown. Reduces aqueous formation and
• Avoid using plastic pants or tight-fitting may increase outflow of aqueous humor.
diapers on treated areas in young children. Route Onset Peak Duration
Children may absorb larger amounts of Ophthalmic 30–60 min 2 hr >12 hr
drug and be more susceptible to systemic
toxicity. Half-life: Unknown.
Alert: Diprolene and Diprolene AF may
not be replaced with generics because other ADVERSE REACTIONS
products have different potencies. CNS: insomnia, depression, dizziness,
PATIENT TEACHING CV: arrhythmias, heart block, heart fail-
• Teach patient how to apply drug. ure, palpitations.
• Emphasize that drug is for external use EENT: eye stinging on instillation caus-
only. ing brief discomfort, erythema, itching,
• Tell patient to wash hands after applica- keratitis, occasional tearing, photophobia.
tion. Respiratory: bronchospasm, asthma.
• Tell patient to stop drug and report signs
of systemic absorption, skin irritation or
ulceration, hypersensitivity, or infection.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bethanechol chloride 199


Drug-drug. Calcium channel blockers: • Stabilization of intraocular pressure B
May cause AV conduction disturbances, (IOP)–lowering response may take a few
ventricular failure, and hypotension if weeks. Determine IOP after 4 weeks of
significant systemic absorption occurs. treatment.
Monitor patient closely.
Cardiac glycosides: May cause excessive PATIENT TEACHING
bradycardia if significant systemic ab- • Teach patient how to instill drug. Advise
sorption occurs. Patient may need ECG him to wash hands before and after instil-
monitoring. lation and to apply light finger pressure on
Dipivefrin, ophthalmic epinephrine: May lacrimal sac for 1 minute after instilling
produce mydriasis. Use together cautiously. drug. Warn him not to touch tip of dropper
Inhaled hydrocarbon anesthetics: May to eye or surrounding tissue. Tell him to
prolong severe hypotension if significant shake suspension well before instilling.
systemic absorption occurs. Tell anesthesi- • Encourage patient to comply with twice-
ologist that patient is receiving ophthalmic daily regimen.
betaxolol. • Tell patient to remove contact lenses
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May cause hy- before instilling drug. Lenses may be rein-
poglycemia or hyperglycemia if significant serted about 15 minutes after using drops.
systemic absorption occurs. May need to • Advise patient to ease sun sensitivity by
adjust dosage of antidiabetics. wearing sunglasses.
Phenothiazines: May have additive hy-
potensive effects; may increase risk of
adverse effects if significant systemic ab- bethanechol chloride
sorption occurs. Monitor patient closely. be-THAN-e-kole
Prazosin: May increase risk of orthostatic
hypotension in early phases of use together. Duvoid, Urecholine
Help patient stand slowly until effects are
known. Therapeutic class: Urinary stimulant
Reserpine: May cause excessive beta block- Pharmacologic class: Cholinergic
ade. Monitor patient closely. agonist
Systemic beta blockers: May have additive Pregnancy risk category C
effects. Monitor patient closely.
Verapamil: May increase effects of both AVAIL ABLE FORMS
drugs. Monitor cardiac function closely and Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg
decrease dosages as necessary.
Drug-lifestyle. Cocaine use: May inhibit INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
betaxolol’s effects. Tell patient about this ➤ Acute postoperative and postpartum
interaction. nonobstructive (functional) urine reten-
Sun exposure: May cause photophobia. tion, neurogenic atony of urinary bladder
Advise patient to wear sunglasses. with urine retention
Adults: 10 to 50 mg P.O. t.i.d. to q.i.d. De-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS termine minimum effective dose by giving
None reported. 5 or 10 mg and repeating same amount at
hourly intervals until satisfactory response
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS or maximum of 50 mg has been given.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ➤ Gastroesophageal reflux disease 
to drug and in those with sinus bradycardia, Adults: 25 mg P.O. q.i.d.
greater than first-degree AV block, cardio-
genic shock, or overt heart failure.
• Use cautiously in patients with restricted
pulmonary function, diabetes mellitus,
hyperthyroidism, or history of heart failure.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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200 bevacizumab

ADMINISTRATION ceration, latent or active bronchial asthma,

P.O. obstructive pulmonary disease, pronounced
• Give drug 1 hour before or 2 hours after bradycardia or hypotension, vasomotor
meals because drug may cause nausea and instability, cardiac or coronary artery dis-
vomiting if taken soon after eating. ease, AV conduction defects, hypertension,
seizure disorder, Parkinson disease, spastic
AC TION GI disturbances, acute inflammatory le-
Directly stimulates muscarinic cholinergic sions of the GI tract, peritonitis, or marked
receptors, mimicking acetylcholine action, vagotonia.
increasing GI tract tone and peristalsis and • Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
contraction of the detrusor muscle of the feeding women.
urinary bladder. •H Overdose S&S: Abdominal discomfort,
Route Onset Peak Duration
excessive salivation, flushing, hot feeling,
P.O. 30–90 min 1 hr 6 hr
sweating, nausea, vomiting.
• Adverse effects are rare with P.O. use.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Monitor vital signs frequently, espe-
CNS: headache, malaise. cially respirations. Always have atropine
CV: bradycardia, profound hypotension injection available, and be prepared to give
with reflexive tachycardia, flushing. 0.6 mg subcutaneously or by slow I.V. push.
EENT: lacrimation, miosis. Provide respiratory support, if needed.
GI: abdominal cramps, diarrhea, excessive • Monitor patient for orthostatic hypoten-
salivation, nausea, belching, borborygmus. sion.
GU: urinary urgency. • Watch closely for adverse reactions that
Respiratory: bronchoconstriction, in- may indicate drug toxicity.
creased bronchial secretions.
Skin: diaphoresis. PATIENT TEACHING
• Tell patient to take drug on an empty
INTERACTIONS stomach and at regular intervals.
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics, atropine, • Inform patient that drug is usually effec-
belladonna alkaloids, procainamide, quini- tive 30 to 90 minutes after use.
dine: May reverse cholinergic effects. Ob-
serve patient for lack of drug effect. SAFETY ALERT!
Cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil),
cholinergic agonists: May cause additive bevacizumab
effects or increase toxicity. Avoid using beh-vah-SIZZ-yoo-mab
Ganglionic blockers: May cause critical Avastin
drop in blood pressure, usually preceded
by severe abdominal pain. Avoid using Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
together. Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pregnancy risk category C
• May increase amylase, lipase, and liver
enzyme levels. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Solution: 25 mg/ml in 4-ml and 16-ml vials
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
tive to drug or its components and in those ➤ First- or second-line treatment, with
with uncertain strength or integrity of blad- fluorouracil-based chemotherapy, for
der wall, mechanical obstruction of GI or metastatic colon or rectal cancer
urinary tract, hyperthyroidism, peptic ul-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bevacizumab 201

Adults: If used with bolus irinotecan, flu- ADVERSE REACTIONS

orouracil, and leucovorin (IFL) regimen, CNS: asthenia, dizziness, headache, abnor- B
give 5 mg/kg I.V. every 14 days. If used mal gait, confusion, pain, syncope.
with oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and leucov- CV: INTRA-ABDOMINAL THROMBOSIS,
orin (known as FOLFOX 4) regimen, give hypertension, thromboembolism, deep vein
10 mg/kg I.V. every 14 days. Infusion rate thrombosis, heart failure, hypotension.
varies by patient tolerance and number of EENT: epistaxis, excess lacrimation, gum
infusions. bleeding, taste disorder, voice alteration.
➤ With carboplatin and paclitaxel as GI: anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dys-
first-line treatment of unresectable, lo- pepsia, flatulence, stomatitis, vomiting, GI
cally advanced, recurrent, or metastatic hemorrhage, abdominal pain, colitis, dry
nonsquamous, non–small cell lung cancer mouth, nausea.
Adults: 15 mg/kg I.V. infusion once every GU: vaginal hemorrhage, proteinuria,
3 weeks. urinary urgency.
➤ With paclitaxel, for metastatic HER2- Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia,
negative breast cancer in patients who thrombocytopenia.
have not received chemotherapy  Metabolic: hypokalemia, weight loss,
Adults: 10 mg/kg I.V. every 14 days. bilirubinemia.
➤ With interferon alfa for metastatic Musculoskeletal: back pain, myalgia.
renal cell carcinoma; as single agent for Respiratory: HEMOPTYSIS, dyspnea,
progressive glioblastoma following prior upper respiratory tract infection.
therapy Skin: alopecia, dermatitis, discoloration,
Adults: 10 mg/kg I.V. every 14 days. dry skin, exfoliative dermatitis, nail disor-
der, skin ulcer.
ADMINISTRATION Other: decreased wound healing, hypersen-
I.V. sitivity.
 Don’t freeze or shake vials.
 Dilute drug using aseptic technique. INTERACTIONS
Withdraw proper dose and mix in a total Drug-drug. Irinotecan: May increase level
volume of 100 ml normal saline solution in of irinotecan metabolite. Monitor patient.
an I.V. bag.
 Don’t give by I.V. push or bolus. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
 Give the first infusion over 90 minutes • May increase bilirubin and urine protein
and, if tolerated, the second infusion over levels. May decrease potassium level.
60 minutes. Later infusions can be given • May decrease neutrophil, platelet, and
over 30 minutes if previous infusions were WBC counts.
 Discard unused portion; drug is CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
preservative-free. • Contraindicated in patients with recent
 Drug is stable 8 hours if refrigerated at hemoptysis or within 28 days after major
36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C) and protected surgery.
from light. • Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive
 Incompatibilities: Dextrose solutions. to drug or its components, in those who
need surgery, are taking anticoagulants, or
AC TION have significant CV disease.
A recombinant humanized vascular en- •H Overdose S&S: Headache.
dothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Alert: Reversible posterior leukoen-
cephalopathy syndrome (RPLS)-associated
Half-life: About 20 days. symptoms (hypertension, headache, visual
disturbances, altered mental function, and
seizures) may occur 16 hours to 1 year after

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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202 bimatoprost

starting the drug. Monitor patient closely. • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
If syndrome occurs, stop drug and provide immediately, especially abdominal pain,
supportive care. constipation, and vomiting.
• RPLS can be confirmed only by MRI. • Advise patient that blood pressure and
• Hypersensitivity reactions can occur urinalysis will be monitored during treat-
during infusion. Monitor the patient closely. ment.
• In patients who develop nephrotic syn- • Caution women of childbearing age to
drome, severe hypertension, hypertensive avoid pregnancy during treatment.
crisis, serious hemorrhage, GI perforation, • Urge patient to alert other health care
or wound dehiscence that needs interven- providers about treatment and to avoid
tion, stop drug. elective surgery during treatment.
Alert: Discontinue drug at least 28 days
before elective surgery. Don’t initiate for at
least 28 days after surgery or until wound is bimatoprost
fully healed. by-MAT-oh-prost
Alert: Drug may increase risk of serious
arterial thromboembolic events including Latisse, Lumigan
MI, TIAs, stroke, and angina. Those pa-
tients at highest risk are age 65 or older, Therapeutic class: Antiglaucoma
have a history of arterial thromboembolism, Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin
and have taken the drug before. If patient analogue
has an arterial thrombotic event, perma- Pregnancy risk category C
nently stop drug.
Black Box Warning Drug may cause fatal AVAIL ABLE FORMS
GI perforation. Monitor patient closely. Ophthalmic solution: 0.01%, 0.03%
Black Box Warning Bevacizumab can result Topical solution: 0.03%
in life-threatening wound dehiscence. Per-
manently discontinue bevacizumab therapy INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
in patients who experience wound dehis- ➤ Increased intraocular pressure in
cence that requires medical intervention. patients with open-angle glaucoma or
Black Box Warning Drug increases risk of ocular hypertension
severe or fatal hemorrhage, hemoptysis, GI Adults: Instill 1 drop in conjunctival sac of
bleeding, CNS hemorrhage, and vaginal affected eye once daily in the evening.
bleeding. Don’t give to patients with serious ➤ Hypotrichosis of the eyelashes
hemorrhage or recent hemoptysis. Adults: Apply 1 drop nightly directly to skin
• Monitor urinalysis for worsening pro- of upper eyelid margin at base of eyelashes
teinuria. Patients with 2+ or greater urine with single-use applicator.
dipstick test should undergo 24-hour urine
collection. Discontinue use in patients with ADMINISTRATION
nephrotic syndrome. Ophthalmic
• Monitor patient’s blood pressure every • Don’t touch tip of dropper to eye or sur-
2 to 3 weeks. rounding tissue.
• It’s unknown whether drug appears in • If more than one ophthalmic drug is being
breast milk. Women shouldn’t breast-feed used, give drugs at least 5 minutes apart.
during therapy and for about 3 weeks after • Store drug in original container between
therapy ends. 59◦ and 77◦ F (15◦ and 25◦ C).
• Adverse reactions occur more often in Topical
older patients. • Before application, ensure face is clean
and makeup and contact lenses are removed.
PATIENT TEACHING • Use new applicator for each eye, never
• Inform patient about potential adverse reuse. Don’t use any other brush or applica-
reactions. tor.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bimatoprost 203

• Blot excess solution from beyond eyelid aphakic patients, pseudophakic patients
margin. with torn posterior lens capsule, and pa- B
tients at risk for macular edema.
Has ocular hypotensive activity, which NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
selectively mimics the effects of naturally • Temporary or permanent increased pig-
occurring prostaglandins. Drug may mentation of iris and eyelid, as well as in-
also increase outflow of aqueous humor. creased pigmentation and growth of eye-
Mechanism in treating hypotrichosis is lashes, may occur.
unknown. • Patient should remove contact lenses
Route Onset Peak Duration
before using solution. Lenses may be rein-
Ophthalmic 4 hr 8–12 hr Unknown
serted 15 minutes after administration.
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: 45 minutes. • Tell patient receiving treatment in only
one eye about potential for increased brown
ADVERSE REACTIONS pigmentation of iris, eyelid skin darkening,
CNS: headache, asthenia. and increased length, thickness, pigmenta-
EENT: conjunctival hyperemia, growth of tion, or number of lashes in treated eye.
eyelashes, ocular pruritus, allergic con- • Teach patient how to instill drops, and
junctivitis, asthenopia, blepharitis, cataract, advise him to wash hands before and after
conjunctival edema, eye discharge, tear- instilling solution. Warn him not to touch tip
ing, and pain, eyelash darkening, eyelid of dropper to eye or surrounding tissue.
erythema, foreign body sensation, increase • If eye trauma or infection occurs or if
in iris pigmentation, ocular burning, dry- eye surgery is needed, tell patient to seek
ness, and irritation, photophobia, superficial medical advice before continuing to use
punctate keratitis, visual disturbance. multidose container.
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- • Advise patient to immediately report eye
tion. inflammation or lid reactions.
Skin: hirsutism, hyperpigmentation of • Advise patient to apply light pressure on
periocular skin. lacrimal sac for 1 minute after instillation of
Other: infection. drops to minimize systemic absorption of
INTERACTIONS • Tell patient to remove contact lenses
Latanoprost: May decrease intraocular before using solution and that lenses may be
pressure–lowering effect. Use cautiously reinserted 15 minutes after administration.
with either ophthalmic or topical form. • Teach patient that Latisse applicators are
for single use only. Instruct patient to wash
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS face and remove makeup and contact lenses
• May cause abnormal liver function test before applicator use.
values. • Tell patient that effects of Latisse are
gradual in onset and may not be significant
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS for 2 months. Results last only as long as
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive treatment is continued.
to bimatoprost, benzalkonium chloride, or • Instruct patient to blot excess solution
other ingredients in product. from beyond eyelid margin.
• Drug hasn’t been approved for use in • If patient is using more than one oph-
patients with angle-closure glaucoma or thalmic drug, tell him to apply them at least
inflammatory or neovascular glaucoma. 5 minutes apart.
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or • Stress importance of compliance with
hepatic impairment. recommended therapy.
• Use cautiously in patients with active
intraocular inflammation (iritis, uveitis),

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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204 bisacodyl

ing the muscle or stimulating the colonic

bisacodyl intramural plexus. Drug also promotes fluid
bye-suh-KOH-dil accumulation in colon and small intestine.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Alophen , Bisac-Evac , Bisa-Lax ,
P.O. 6–12 hr Variable Variable
Caroid , Codulax† , Correctol , P.R. 15–60 min Variable Variable
Dulcolax , Ex-Lax Ultra ,
Feen-a-Mint , Fleet Bisacodyl , Half-life: Unknown.
Fleet Bisacodyl Enema , Fleet
Laxative , Modane , Soflax EX† , ADVERSE REACTIONS
The Magic Bullet† , Woman’s CNS: dizziness, faintness, muscle weakness
Laxative†  with excessive use.
GI: abdominal cramps, burning sensation
Therapeutic class: Laxative in rectum with suppositories, nausea, vom-
Pharmacologic class: Diphenylmethane iting, diarrhea with high doses, laxative
derivative dependence with long-term or excessive
Pregnancy risk category C use, protein-losing enteropathy with exces-
sive use.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Metabolic: alkalosis, fluid and electrolyte
Enema: 0.33 mg/ml  imbalance, hypokalemia.
Suppositories: 10 mg  Musculoskeletal: tetany.
Tablets (delayed release): 10 mg 
Tablets (enteric-coated): 5 mg  INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Antacids: May cause gastric
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES irritation or dyspepsia from premature
➤ Chronic constipation; preparation for dissolution of enteric coating. Separate
childbirth, surgery, or rectal or bowel doses by at least 1 or 2 hours.
examination Drug-food. Milk: May cause gastric irrita-
Adults and children age 12 and older: tion or dyspepsia from premature dissolu-
5 to 15 mg P.O. in evening or before break- tion of enteric coating. Don’t use within 1 or
fast. Or, 10 mg P.R. for evacuation before 2 hours of drinking milk.
examination or surgery.
Children ages 6 to 11: 5 mg P.O. or P.R. at EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
bedtime or before breakfast. Oral dose isn’t • May increase phosphate and sodium
recommended if child can’t swallow tablet levels. May decrease calcium, magnesium,
whole. and potassium levels.


P.O. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Don’t give tablets within 1 hour after to drug or its components and in those with
taking an antacid or milk. rectal bleeding, gastroenteritis, intestinal
• Don’t crush or split tablets. obstruction, abdominal pain, nausea, vom-
Rectal iting, or other symptoms of appendicitis or
• Insert suppository as high as possible into acute surgical abdomen.
the rectum, and try to position suppository
against the rectal wall. Avoid embedding NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
within fecal material because doing so may • Give drug at times that don’t interfere
delay onset of action. with scheduled activities or sleep. Soft,
formed stools are usually produced 15 to
AC TION 60 minutes after rectal use.
Unknown. Stimulant laxative that increases • Before giving for constipation, determine
peristalsis, probably by direct effect on whether patient has adequate fluid intake,
smooth muscle of the intestine, by irritat- exercise, and diet.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-B LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:32

bismuth subsalicylate 205

• Tablets and suppositories are used to- Children ages 3 to 5: 5 ml P.O. every
gether to clean the colon before and after 30 minutes to 1 hour, up to maximum of B
surgery and before barium enema. eight doses and for no longer than 2 days.
➤ Traveler’s diarrhea 
PATIENT TEACHING Adults: 30 ml P.O. every 30 minutes for
• Advise patient to swallow enteric-coated 8 doses.
tablet whole to avoid GI irritation. Instruct
him not to take within 1 hour of milk or ADMINISTRATION
antacid. P.O.
• Tell patient that drug is for 1-week treat- • Shake liquid well before administration.
ment only. (Stimulant laxatives are often • Have patient chew or dissolve tablets in
abused.) Discourage excessive use. mouth.
• Advise patient to report adverse effects to
prescriber. AC TION
• Teach patient about dietary sources of May have antisecretory, antimicrobial, and
bulk, including bran and other cereals, fresh anti-inflammatory effects against bacterial
fruit, and vegetables. and viral enteropathogens.
• Tell patient to take drug with a full glass Route Onset Peak Duration
of water or juice. P.O. 1 hr Unknown Unknown

Half-life: Unknown.
bismuth subsalicylate
GI: temporary darkening of tongue and
Bismatrol , Kaopectate , stools.
Kao-Tin , Maalox Total Stomach Other: salicylism with high doses.
Relief Liquid , Peptic Relief ,
Pepto-Bismol , Pink Bismuth  INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Aspirin, other salicylates: May
Therapeutic class: Antidiarrheal cause salicylate toxicity. Monitor patient.
Pharmacologic class: Adsorbent Oral anticoagulants, oral antidiabetics:
Pregnancy risk category C May increase effects of these drugs after
high doses of bismuth subsalicylate. Moni-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS tor patient closely.
Caplets: 262 mg  Tetracycline: May decrease tetracycline
Liquid: 87 mg/5 ml , 87.3 mg/5 ml , absorption. Separate doses by at least
130 mg/15 ml , 175 mg/5 ml , 2 hours.
262 mg/15 ml, 524 mg/15 ml
Oral suspension: 525 mg/15 ml EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Tablets (chewable): 262 mg  None reported.


➤ Mild, nonspecific diarrhea • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Adults and children age 12 and older: 30 ml to salicylates.
or 2 tablets P.O. every 30 minutes to 1 hour, • Use cautiously in patients taking aspirin.
up to maximum of eight doses and for no Stop therapy if tinnitus occurs.
longer than 2 days. • Use cautiously in children and in patients
Children ages 9 to 11: 15 ml every 30 min- with bleeding disorders or salicylate sensi-
utes to 1 hour, up to maximum of eight tivity.
doses and for no longer than 2 days. • Avoid use in children or teenagers who
Children ages 6 to 8: 10 ml P.O. every have or who are recovering from influenza
30 minutes to 1 hour, up to maximum of or varicella.
eight doses and for no longer than 2 days.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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206 bivalirudin

• Use cautiously in infants and debilitated INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

patients because of increased risk of consti- ➤ Anticoagulation in patients with
pation with impaction. unstable angina undergoing percuta-
neous transluminal coronary angioplasty
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS (PTCA); anticoagulation in patients with
• Avoid use before GI radiologic proce- unstable angina undergoing percuta-
dures because drug is radiopaque and may neous coronary intervention (PCI), with
interfere with X-rays. provisional use of a platelet glycoprotein
• Liquid form is preferred for children, to IIb/IIIa inhibitor (GPI)
give more accurate dosing. Adults: 0.75 mg/kg I.V. bolus followed by
a continuous infusion of 1.75 mg/kg/hour
PATIENT TEACHING during the procedure. Check activated
• Advise patient that drug contains sali- clotting time 5 minutes after bolus dose is
cylate. Each tablet has 102 mg salicylate. given. May give additional 0.3 mg/kg bolus
Regular-strength liquid has 130 mg/15 ml. dose if needed. Infusion may continue for
Extra-strength liquid has 230 mg/15 ml. up to 4 hours after procedure. After 4-hour
• Instruct patient to shake liquid before infusion, may give an additional infusion
measuring dose and to chew tablets well of 0.2 mg/kg/hour for up to 20 hours, if
before swallowing. needed. Use with 300 to 325 mg aspirin.
• Tell patient to call prescriber if diarrhea ➤ Patients undergoing PCI who have or
lasts longer than 2 days or is accompanied are at risk for heparin-induced throm-
by high fever. bocytopenia (HIT) or heparin-induced
• Advise patient to drink plenty of clear thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syn-
fluids to help prevent dehydration, which drome (HITTS)
may accompany diarrhea. Adults: 0.75 mg/kg I.V. bolus, followed by
• Tell patient that tongue and stools may a continuous infusion of 1.75 mg/kg/hour
temporarily turn gray-black. throughout the procedure. Consult pre-
• Urge patient to consult with prescriber scriber about continuing the infusion after
before giving drug to children or teenagers PCI.
during or after recovery from the flu or Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
chickenpox. clearance of 30 ml/minute or less, decrease
• Inform patient that all forms of drug are infusion rate to 1 mg/kg/hour. For patients
effective against traveler’s diarrhea. Tablets on hemodialysis, reduce infusion rate to
and caplets may be more convenient to 0.25 mg/kg/hour. No reduction of bolus
carry. dose is needed.
• Tell patient to watch for hives, ringing in
the ears, and rectal bleeding. ADMINISTRATION
SAFETY ALERT!  Reconstitute each 250-mg vial with 5 ml

of sterile water for injection.

 Dilute each reconstituted vial in 50 ml
bye-VAL-ih-roo-din D5 W or normal saline solution to yield a
final concentration of 5 mg/ml.
Angiomax  To prepare low-rate infusion, further

dilute each reconstituted vial in 500 ml

Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive D5 W or normal saline solution to yield a
Pharmacologic class: Direct thrombin final concentration of 0.5 mg/ml.
inhibitor  Solutions with concentrations of 0.5 to
Pregnancy risk category B 5 mg/ml are stable at room temperature for
24 hours.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Incompatibilities: Alteplase, amio-
Injection: 250-mg vial darone, amphotericin B, chlorpromazine,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bivalirudin 207

diazepam, prochlorperazine, reteplase, • Use cautiously in patients with HIT or

streptokinase, vancomycin. Note: Compat- HITTS and in those with diseases linked to B
ible with dobutamine at concentrations up increased risk of bleeding.
to 4 mg/ml, but incompatible at concentra- • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women;
tion of 12.5 mg/ml. it’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk.


Binds specifically and rapidly to thrombin • Monitor coagulation test results,
to produce an anticoagulant effect. hemoglobin level, and hematocrit before
Route Onset Peak Duration
starting therapy and periodically thereafter.
I.V. Rapid Immediate 1–2 hr
• Circumstances for provisional use of
a GPI during PCI include decreased
Half-life: 25 minutes in patients with normal renal thrombolysis-in-MI, flow; slow reflow;
function. dissection with decreased flow; new or sus-
pected thrombus; persistent residual steno-
ADVERSE REACTIONS sis; distal embolization; unplanned stent;
CNS: anxiety, headache, insomnia, ner- suboptimal stenting; side-branch closure;
vousness, fever, pain. abrupt closure; instability; and prolonged
CV: bradycardia, hypertension, hypoten- ischemia.
sion. • Obtain a complete list of patient’s pre-
GI: abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, scription and OTC drugs and supplements,
vomiting. including herbs.
GU: urine retention. Alert: Hemorrhage can occur at any site
Hematologic: severe, spontaneous bleed- in the body. If patient has unexplained
ing (cerebral, retroperitoneal, GU, GI). decrease in hematocrit, decrease in blood
Musculoskeletal: back pain, pelvic pain. pressure, or other unexplained symptoms,
Skin: pain at injection site. suspect hemorrhage.
• Monitor venipuncture sites for bleeding,
INTERACTIONS hematoma, or inflammation.
Drug-drug. GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors, heparin, • Puncture-site hemorrhage and
thrombolytics, warfarin: May increase risk catheterization-site hematoma may oc-
of hemorrhage. Use together cautiously. cur in patients age 65 and older more often
Drug-herb. Angelica (dong quai), boldo, than in younger patients.
bromelains, capsicum, chamomile, dan- • Don’t give drug I.M.
delion, danshen, devil’s claw, fenugreek,
feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, PATIENT TEACHING
horse chestnut, licorice, meadowsweet, • Advise patient that drug can cause bleed-
onion, passion flower, red clover, willow: ing and tell him to report unusual bruising
May increase risk of bleeding. Discourage or bleeding (nosebleeds, bleeding gums) or
use together. tarry stools immediately.
• Counsel patient that drug is given with
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS aspirin and caution him to avoid other
None reported. aspirin-containing drugs or NSAIDs while
receiving this drug.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Advise patient to consult with prescriber
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive before initiating any herbal therapy; many
to drug or its components and in those herbs have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and
with active major bleeding. Avoid using in fibrinolytic properties.
patients with unstable angina who aren’t • Advise patient to avoid activities that
undergoing PTCA or PCI or in patients with carry a risk of injury and instruct him to use
other acute coronary syndromes. a soft toothbrush and electric razor while on

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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208 bleomycin sulfate

SAFETY ALERT! of dose; for creatinine clearance of 30 to

39 ml/minute, give 60% of dose; for creati-
bleomycin sulfate nine clearance of 20 to 29 ml/minute, give
blee-oh-MYE-sin 55% of dose; for creatinine clearance of
10 to 19 ml/minute, give 45% of dose; and
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic for creatinine clearance of 5 to 9 ml/minute,
Pharmacologic class: Cytotoxic give 40% of dose.
glycopeptide antibiotic
Pregnancy risk category D ADMINISTRATION
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Preparing and giving parenteral form

Injection: 15-unit vials, 30-unit vials of drug may be mutagenic, teratogenic,

and carcinogenic. Follow facility policy to
➤ Squamous cell carcinoma (head,  Drug may adsorb to plastic I.V. bags. For

neck, skin, penis, cervix, and vulva), prolonged infusions, use glass containers.
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, testicular  Reconstitute drug with 5 or 10 ml of

carcinoma normal saline solution for injection to

Adults: 2 units or less of bleomycin for equal 3 units/ml solution.
injection for the first two doses. If no acute  Use reconstituted solution within

reaction occurs, then 10 to 20 units/m2 24 hours.

I.V., I.M., or subcutaneously once or twice  Refrigerate unopened vials containing

weekly to total of 400 units. dry powder.

➤ Hodgkin lymphoma  Incompatibilities: Amino acids;

Adults: 2 units or less of bleomycin for aminophylline; ascorbic acid injection;

injection for the first two doses. If no acute cefazolin; diazepam; drugs contain-
reaction occurs, then 10 to 20 units/m2 I.V., ing sulfhydryl groups; fluids containing
I.M., or subcutaneously one or two times dextrose; furosemide; hydrocortisone;
weekly. After 50% response, maintenance methotrexate; mitomycin; nafcillin; peni-
dose is 1 unit I.V. or I.M. daily or 5 units cillin G; riboflavin; solutions containing
I.V. or I.M. weekly. Total cumulative dose is divalent and trivalent cations, especially
400 units. calcium salts and copper; terbutaline sul-
➤ Malignant pleural effusion fate.
Adults: 60 units given as single-dose bolus I.M.
intrapleural injection. • Dilute 15 unit-vial in 1 to 5 ml or
➤ Malignant pericardial effusion  30 unit-vial in 2 to 10 ml of sterile water
Adults: Dissolve bleomycin 5 to 20 mg for injection, bacteriostatic water for injec-
in 10 to 20 ml of normal saline and instill tion, or normal saline solution for injection.
via catheter into pericardial space after • Monitor injection site for irritation.
pericardiocentesis. Clamp catheter for up to Subcutaneous
6 hours. Continue drainage of effusion until • Dilute 15 unit-vial in 1 to 5 ml or
volume is less than 20 to 30 ml/day. Repeat 30 unit-vial in 2 to 10 ml of sterile water
if needed to reach desired drainage level. for injection, bacteriostatic water for injec-
➤ Malignant peritoneal effusion  tion, or normal saline solution for injection.
Adults: 30 to 60 mg in 100 ml of normal • Monitor injection site for irritation.
saline administered by intraperitoneal infu- Intrapleural
sion. • For intrapleural use, dilute 60 units of
➤ Warts  drug in 50 to 100 ml normal saline solution
Adults: Reconstitute with normal saline to for injection; give drug through a thoraco-
0.5 to 1 unit/ml. Give 0.1 to 2 units intrale- tomy tube.
sionally. • If patient’s condition requires sclerosis,
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine instill drug when chest tube drainage is
clearance of 40 to 50 ml/minute, give 70% 100 to 300 ml/24 hours; ideally, drainage

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bleomycin sulfate 209

should be less than 100 ml. After instilla- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

tion, clamp thoracotomy tube and move Black Box Warning Drug should be admin- B
patient from his back to his left then right istered under the supervision of a physician
side for the next 4 hours. Remove clamp and experienced in the use of cancer chemother-
reestablish suction. Amount of time chest apeutic agents.
tube is left in place after sclerosis depends • Obtain pulmonary function tests. If tests
on patient’s condition. show a marked decline, stop drug.
• Don’t use adhesive dressings. Black Box Warning Fatal pulmonary fibro-
sis may occur, especially when cumulative
AC TION dose exceeds 400 units.
May inhibit DNA synthesis and cause scis- Black Box Warning Monitor lymphoma
sion of single- and double-stranded DNA; patient for idiosyncratic reaction (hypoten-
also inhibits RNA and protein synthesis. sion, confusion, fever, and wheezing) after
Route Onset Peak Duration
receiving drug.
I.V., subcut. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Alert: Adverse pulmonary reactions are
I.M. Unknown 30–60 min Unknown
more common in patients older than age 70.
Also, in patients receiving radiation therapy,
Half-life: 2 hours. patients with lung disease, and patients
who need oxygen therapy, pulmonary toxic
ADVERSE REACTIONS adverse effects may be increased.
CNS: fever. • Monitor chest X-ray and listen to lungs
GI: stomatitis, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, regularly.
diarrhea. • Watch for fever, which may be treated
Metabolic: weight loss, hyperuricemia. with antipyretics. Fever usually occurs
Respiratory: PNEUMONITIS, pulmonary within 3 to 6 hours of administration.
fibrosis. Alert: Watch for hypersensitivity reac-
Skin: erythema, hyperpigmentation, acne, tions, which may be delayed for several
rash, striae, skin tenderness, pruritus, re- hours, especially in patients with lym-
versible alopecia, hyperkeratosis, nail phoma. (Give test dose of 1 to 2 units
changes. before first two doses in these patients. If
Other: chills, anaphylactoid reactions. no reaction occurs, follow regular dosage
Drug-drug. Anesthesia: May increase PATIENT TEACHING
oxygen requirements. Monitor patient • Warn patient that hair loss may occur but
closely. is usually reversible.
Cardiac glycosides: May decrease digoxin • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
level. Monitor digoxin level closely. promptly and to take infection-control and
Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: May decrease bleeding precautions.
phenytoin and fosphenytoin levels. Monitor • For patient who is to receive anesthesia,
drug levels closely. tell him to inform anesthesiologist that he
has taken this drug. High oxygen levels
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS inhaled during surgery may enhance pul-
• May increase uric acid level. monary toxicity of drug.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug.
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or
pulmonary impairment.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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210 bortezomib

SAFETY ALERT! ➤ Multiple myeloma or mantle cell lym-

phoma that still progresses after at least
bortezomib one therapy
bore-TEZ-uh-mib Adults: 1.3 mg/m2 by I.V. bolus twice
weekly for 2 weeks (days 1, 4, 8, and 11),
followed by a 10-day rest period (days
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic 12 through 21). This 3-week period is a
Pharmacologic class: Proteosome treatment cycle. For therapy longer than
inhibitor 8 cycles, may adjust dosage schedule to
Pregnancy risk category D once weekly for 4 weeks on days 1, 8, 15,
and 22, followed by a rest period on days 23
AVAIL ABLE FORMS through 35. Separate consecutive doses of
Powder for injection: 3.5 mg drug by at least 72 hours.
Adjust-a-dose: If grade 3 nonhematologic
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES or grade 4 hematologic toxicity (excluding
➤ Previously untreated multiple neuropathy) develops, withhold drug. When
myeloma toxicity has resolved, restart at a 25% re-
Adults: 1.3 mg/m2 I.V. over 3 to 5 seconds duced dose. If patient has neuropathic pain,
in combination with oral melphalan and peripheral neuropathy, or both, see table.
oral prednisone for nine 6-week treatment If patient has moderate to severe hepatic
cycles. In cycles 1–4, bortezomib is given dysfunction with bilirubin level greater than
twice weekly (days 1, 4, 8, 11, 22, 25, 29, 1.5 to 3 times upper limit of normal, reduce
and 32). In cycles 5–9, bortezomib is given dose of first cycle to 0.7 mg/m2 . If patient
once weekly (days 1, 8, 22, and 29). Sepa- tolerates this dose, may increase to 1 mg/m2
rate consecutive doses of drug by at least in subsequent cycles. Based on tolerability,
72 hours. Prior to initiating any cycle, dose may be reduced to 0.5 mg/m2 .
platelet count should be 70 × 109 /L or
greater, ANC should be 1 × 109 /L or Severity of neuropathy Dosage
greater, and non-hematology toxicities Grade 1 (paresthesias, No change.
should have resolved to grade 1 or baseline. loss of reflexes, or both)
Adjust-a-dose: If prolonged grade 4 neu- without pain or loss of
tropenia or thrombocytopenia, or thrombo- function
Grade 1 with pain or Reduce to 1 mg/m2 .
cytopenia with bleeding in previous cycle, grade 2 (function altered
consider reducing dose by 25% for next but not activities of daily
cycle. If platelet count less than or equal to living)
30 × 109 /L or ANC 0.75 × 109 /L or less Grade 2 with pain or Hold drug until
grade 3 (interference with toxicity resolves; then
on a day other than day 1, withhold dose. activities of daily living) start at 0.7 mg/m2
If several doses in consecutive cycles are once weekly.
withheld due to toxicity, reduce dose by Grade 4 (permanent Stop drug.
1 dose level (from 1.3 mg/m2 to 1 mg/m2 , sensory loss that
interferes with function)
or from 1 mg/m2 to 0.7 mg/m2 ). For grade 3
non-hematological toxicities, withhold drug
until symptoms are grade 1 or baseline,
then restart with one dose level reduction. ADMINISTRATION
If patient has neuropathic pain, peripheral I.V.
 Use caution and aseptic technique when
neuropathy, or both, see table.
If patient has moderate to severe hepatic preparing and handling drug. Wear gloves
dysfunction with bilirubin level greater than and protective clothing to prevent skin
1.5 to 3 times upper limit of normal, reduce contact.
 Reconstitute with 3.5 ml of normal
dose of first cycle to 0.7 mg/m2 . If patient
tolerates this dose, may increase to 1 mg/m2 saline solution and give by I.V. bolus over
in subsequent cycles. Based on tolerability, 3 to 5 seconds.
dose may be reduced to 0.5 mg/m2 .

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bortezomib 211

 Inspect solution prior ro administration. Oral antidiabetics: May cause hypo-

Don’t give if discolored or if particles are glycemia or hyperglycemia. Monitor B
seen. glucose level closely.
 Reconstituted drug may be stored up

to 3 hours in a syringe at 59◦ to 86◦ F EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

(15◦ to 30◦ C), but total storage time must • May decrease hemoglobin level.
not exceed 8 hours. • May increase or decrease glucose level.
 Store unopened vial at a controlled • May decrease neutrophil and platelet
room temperature, in original packaging, counts.
protected from light.
 Incompatibilities: None reported. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AC TION to bortezomib, boron, or mannitol.
Disrupts intracellular homeostatic mecha- • Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
nisms by inhibiting the 26S proteosome, or renal impairment or with a history of
which regulates intracellular levels of syncope or in those who are dehydrated
certain proteins, causing cells to die. or receiving other drugs known to cause
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Safety and effectiveness haven’t been
established for pregnant women or children.
Half-life: 9 to 15 hours. •H Overdose S&S: Symptomatic hypoten-
sion, thrombocytopenia.
CNS: anxiety, asthenia, dizziness, dysesthe- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
sia, fever, headache, insomnia, paresthesia, • Monitor for evidence of neuropathy,
peripheral neuropathy, rigors. such as a burning sensation, hyperesthesia,
CV: edema, hypotension. hypoesthesia, paresthesia, discomfort, or
EENT: blurred vision. neuropathic pain.
GI: abdominal pain, constipation, de- • Monitor for signs and symptoms of tumor
creased appetite, diarrhea, dysgeusia, lysis syndrome (hyperuricemia, hyper-
dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting. kalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocal-
Hematologic: NEUTROPENIA, THROMBO- cemia, and acute renal failure).
CYTOPENIA, anemia. • Watch carefully for adverse effects,
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, especially in the elderly.
bone pain, limb pain, muscle cramps, myal- • Be sure patient has an order for an
gia. antiemetic, antidiarrheal, or both to treat
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, pneumonia, drug-induced nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
upper respiratory tract infection. • Provide fluid and electrolyte replacement
Skin: pruritus, rash. to prevent dehydration.
Other: dehydration, herpes zoster, pyrexia. • To manage orthostatic hypotension, adjust
antihypertensive dosage, maintain hydration
INTERACTIONS status, and give mineralocorticoids.
Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May cause • Dialysis may reduce drug level; give after
hypotension. Monitor patient’s blood pres- dialysis.
sure closely. Alert: Because thrombocytopenia is com-
Drugs linked to peripheral neuropathy, such mon, monitor patient’s CBC and platelet
as amiodarone, antivirals, isoniazid, nitro- counts carefully during treatment, prior to
furantoin, statins: May worsen neuropathy. each dose, and especially on day 11.
Use together cautiously.
Inhibitors or inducers of CYP3A4: May PATIENT TEACHING
increase risk of toxicity or may reduce • Tell patient to notify prescriber about new
drug’s effects. Monitor patient closely. or worsening peripheral neuropathy.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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212 bosentan

• Urge women to use effective contracep- ALT and AST Treatment and monitoring
tion and not to breast-feed during treatment. levels recommendations
• Teach patient how to avoid dehydration, >3 and <5 Confirm with repeat test; if
and stress the need to tell prescriber about times upper confirmed, reduce dose to
dizziness, light-headedness, or fainting spells. limit of 62.5 mg b.i.d. or interrupt
• Tell patient to use caution when driving normal (ULN) treatment and retest every
2 wk. Once ALT and AST levels
or performing other hazardous activities return to pretreatment levels,
because drug may cause fatigue, dizziness, continue or reintroduce
faintness, light-headedness, and doubled or treatment at starting dose.
>5 and <8 Confirm with repeat test; if
blurred vision. times ULN confirmed, stop treatment and
retest at least every 2 wk. Once
levels return to pretreatment
bosentan levels, consider reintroduction
of treatment.
bow-SEN-tan >8 times ULN Stop treatment; don’t consider
restarting drug.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive ADMINISTRATION
Pharmacologic class: Endothelin- P.O.
receptor antagonist • Give drug in morning and evening with-
Pregnancy risk category X out regard for meals.


Tablets: 62.5 mg, 125 mg Specific and competitive antagonist for
endothelin-1 (ET-1). ET-1 levels are ele-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES vated in patients with pulmonary arterial
Black Box Warning Only prescribers and hypertension, suggesting a pathogenic role
pharmacies registered with the Tracleer for ET-1 in this disease.
Access Program may prescribe and dis- Route Onset Peak Duration
tribute bosentan. P.O. Unknown 3–5 hr Unknown
➤ Pulmonary arterial hypertension in
patients with World Health Organization Half-life: About 5 hours.
class III (with mild exertion) or IV (at
rest) symptoms, to improve exercise abil- ADVERSE REACTIONS
ity and decrease rate of clinical worsening CNS: headache, fatigue.
Adults: 62.5 mg P.O. b.i.d. in the morning CV: edema, flushing, hypotension, palpita-
and evening for 4 weeks. Increase to main- tions.
tenance dosage of 125 mg P.O. b.i.d. in the EENT: nasopharyngitis.
morning and evening. GI: dyspepsia.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients who develop Hematologic: anemia.
ALT and AST abnormalities, the dose may Hepatic: HEPATOTOXICITY.
need to be decreased or the therapy stopped Skin: pruritus.
until ALT and AST levels return to normal. Other: leg edema.
If therapy is resumed, begin with initial
dose. Test levels within 3 days; then give INTERACTIONS
using the following table. If liver function Drug-drug. Cyclosporine A: May increase
abnormalities are accompanied by symp- bosentan level and decrease cyclosporine
toms of liver injury or if bilirubin level is at level. Use together is contraindicated.
least twice the upper limit of normal (ULN), Glyburide: May increase risk of elevated
stop treatment and don’t restart. In pa- liver function test values and decrease levels
tients who weigh less than 40 kg (88 lb), of both drugs. Use together is contraindi-
the initial and maintenance dosage is cated.
62.5 mg b.i.d.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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brimonidine tartrate 213

Hormonal contraceptives: May cause con- level increases by greater than twice the
traceptive failure. Advise use of an addi- ULN, notify prescriber immediately. B
tional method of birth control. • Fluid retention and heart failure may
Ketoconazole: May increase bosentan occur. Patient may require diuretics, fluid
effect. Watch for adverse effects. management, or hospitalization for decom-
Rifampin: May alter bosentan level. Mon- pensating heart failure.
itor hepatic function weekly for 4 weeks • Monitor hemoglobin level after 1 and
followed by routine monitoring. 3 months of therapy; then every 3 months.
Ritonavir: May increase risk of bosentan • Gradually reduce dose before stopping
toxicity. Use together is contraindicated. drug.
Simvastatin, other statins: May decrease
levels of these drugs. Monitor cholesterol PATIENT TEACHING
levels to assess need to adjust statin dose. • Advise patient to take doses in the morn-
Tacrolimus: May increase bosentan levels. ing and evening, with or without food.
Use together cautiously. Black Box Warning Warn patient to avoid
becoming pregnant while taking this drug.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Hormonal contraceptives, including oral,
Black Box Warning May increase AST, implantable, and injectable methods, may
ALT, and bilirubin levels. not be effective when used with this drug.
• May decrease hemoglobin level and Advise patient to use a backup method of
hematocrit. contraception. A monthly pregnancy test
must be performed.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Inform male patients of risk of low sperm
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive count.
to drug and in those taking cyclosporine A, • Advise patient to have liver function tests
ritonavir, or glyburide. and blood counts performed regularly.
Black Box Warning Generally avoid using
in patients with moderate to severe liver
impairment or in those with elevated amino- brimonidine tartrate
transferase levels greater than three times bri-MOE-ni-deen
the ULN.
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in Alphagan P
pregnant women.
• Use cautiously in patients with mild liver Therapeutic class: Antiglaucoma
impairment. Pharmacologic class: Selective alpha2
• Because it’s unknown whether drug ap- agonist
pears in breast milk, drug isn’t recom- Pregnancy risk category B
mended for breast-feeding women.
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t AVAIL ABLE FORMS
been established. Ophthalmic solution: 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.2%
•H Overdose S&S: Headache, nausea, vomit-
➤ To reduce intraocular pressure in
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS open-angle glaucoma or ocular hyperten-
Black Box Warning Use of this drug can sion
cause serious liver injury. AST and ALT Adults and children age 2 and older: 1 drop
level elevations may be dose dependent and in affected eye t.i.d., about 8 hours apart.
reversible, so measure these levels before
treatment and monthly thereafter, adjusting ADMINISTRATION
dosage accordingly. If elevations are accom- Ophthalmic
panied by symptoms of liver injury (nausea, • Don’t touch tip of dropper to eye or sur-
vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, jaundice, rounding tissue.
or unusual lethargy or fatigue) or if bilirubin

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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214 bromfenac

AC TION • Use cautiously in patients with CV dis-

Reduces aqueous humor production and ease, cerebral or coronary insufficiency,
increases uveoscleral outflow. hepatic or renal impairment, depression,
Route Onset Peak Duration
Raynaud phenomenon, orthostatic hypoten-
Ophthalmic Unknown 30 min–21⁄2 hr Unknown
sion, or thromboangiitis obliterans.
• Monitor IOP because drug effect may
ADVERSE REACTIONS reverse after first month of therapy.
CNS: asthenia, dizziness, headache.
CV: hypertension, hypotension. PATIENT TEACHING
EENT: allergic conjunctivitis, ocular hy- • Tell patient to wait at least 15 minutes
peremia, pruritus, abnormal vision, allergic after instilling drug before wearing soft
reaction, blepharitis, burning, conjuncti- contact lenses.
val edema, hemorrhage, or inflammation, • Caution patient to avoid hazardous ac-
dryness, eyelid edema or erythema, fol- tivities because of risk of decreased mental
licular conjunctivitis, foreign body sensa- alertness, fatigue, or drowsiness.
tion, increased tearing, pain, pharyngitis, • Advise patient to avoid alcohol.
photophobia, rhinitis, sinus infection or • If patient is using more than one oph-
inflammation, stinging, superficial punctate thalmic drug, tell him to apply them at least
keratopathy, visual disturbances, visual field 5 minutes apart.
defect, vitreous floaters, worsened visual
GI: dyspepsia, oral dryness. bromfenac
Respiratory: bronchitis, cough, dyspnea. BROM-fen-ak
Skin: rash.
Other: flulike syndrome. Xibrom

INTERACTIONS Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory

Drug-drug. Apraclonidine, dorzolamide, (ophthalmic)
pilocarpine, timolol: May have additive IOP- Pharmacologic class: NSAID
lowering effects. Use cautiously together. Pregnancy risk category C
Antihypertensives, beta blockers, cardiac
glycosides: May further decrease blood AVAIL ABLE FORMS
pressure or pulse. Monitor vital signs. Ophthalmic solution: 0.09%
CNS depressants: May increase effects. Use
cautiously together. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
MAO inhibitors: May increase effects. ➤ Inflammation and pain after cataract
Avoid using together. surgery
Tricyclic antidepressants: May interfere Adults: 1 drop in each eye b.i.d., starting
with brimonidine’s effect. Use cautiously 24 hours after surgery and continuing for
together. 2 weeks.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
CNS-depressant effect. Urge patient to ADMINISTRATION
avoid alcohol. Ophthalmic
• Ask patient if he’s sensitive to sulfites,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS aspirin, or other NSAIDs before treatment.
None reported. Drug contains sulfite, which may cause
allergic-type reactions, including anaphy-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS laxis and life-threatening or less severe
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive asthmatic episodes, in patients sensitive to
to drug or benzalkonium chloride and in sulfites.
those taking MAO inhibitors.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bromocriptine mesylate 215

• Begin treatment at least 24 hours after surface diseases (such as dry-eye syn-
surgery and continue for 2 weeks. Starting drome), or rheumatoid arthritis because of B
treatment less than 24 hours after surgery or the increased risk of corneal adverse effects,
giving for longer than 14 days increases risk which may threaten sight.
of ocular adverse effects. • Use in pregnant women only if poten-
• After giving drop, have patient close his tial benefit justifies risk; avoid use late in
eyes and apply gentle pressure to lacrimal pregnancy because NSAIDs may cause pre-
sac for 1 to 2 minutes. mature closure of the ductus arteriosus, a
necessary structure of fetal circulation.
AC TION • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
Blocks prostaglandin synthesis by inhibit-
ing cyclooxygenase 1 and 2. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Sulfite sensitivity is more common in
Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
patients with asthma than in those without
asthma. If patient has asthma, monitor
Half-life: Unknown. closely.
• If patient takes an anticoagulant, watch
ADVERSE REACTIONS closely for increased bleeding.
CNS: headache.
EENT: abnormal sensation in the eye, burn- PATIENT TEACHING
ing, conjunctival hyperemia, eye irritation, • Teach patient how to instill the drops.
eye pain, eye pruritus, eye redness, iritis, • Instruct patient to start therapy 24 hours
keratitis, stinging. after surgery and to continue for 14 days.
• Tell patient not to use for longer than
INTERACTIONS 2 weeks after surgery or to save unused
Drug-drug. Drugs that affect coagulation: amount for other conditions.
May further increase bleeding tendency • Tell patient the signs and symptoms of
or prolong bleeding time. Avoid using adverse effects. If bothersome or serious
together, if possible, or monitor patient adverse effects occur, advise patient to stop
closely for bleeding. therapy and contact prescriber.
Topical corticosteroids: May delay healing. • Tell patient to store drug at room tempera-
Avoid using together, if possible, or monitor ture.
healing closely. • Advise patient not to use while wearing
contact lenses.
None reported.
bromocriptine mesylate
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
tive to drug or its ingredients. Drug con- Cycloset, Parlodel
tains sulfite, which may cause allergic-
type reactions, including anaphylaxis and Therapeutic class: Antiparkinsonian
life-threatening or less severe asthmatic Pharmacologic class: Dopamine
episodes in patients sensitive to sulfites. receptor agonist
• Use cautiously in patients with bleeding Pregnancy risk category B
tendencies, those taking anticoagulants,
and those sensitive to aspirin products, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
phenylacetic acid derivatives, and other Capsules: 5 mg
NSAIDs. Tablets: 0.8 mg (Cycloset), 2.5 mg
• Use cautiously in patients who have had (Parlodel)
complicated or repeat ocular surgeries or
those with corneal denervation, corneal
epithelial defects, diabetes mellitus, ocular

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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216 bromocriptine mesylate


➤ Parkinson disease (not Cycloset) CNS: dizziness, headache, fatigue, seizures,
Adults: 1.25 mg P.O. b.i.d. with meals. stroke, mania, light-headedness, drowsi-
Increase dosage by 2.5 mg/day every 14 to ness, delusions, hallucinations, nervous-
28 days, up to 100 mg daily. ness, insomnia, depression.
➤ Amenorrhea and galactorrhea from CV: orthostatic hypotension, acute MI.
hyperprolactinemia; hypogonadism, EENT: nasal congestion, rhinitis, blurred
infertility (not Cycloset) vision.
Adults and adolescents age 16 and older: GI: nausea, abdominal cramps, constipa-
1.25 to 2.5 mg P.O. daily, increased by tion, diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia.
2.5 mg daily at 2- to 7-day intervals until GU: urine retention, urinary frequency.
desired effect occurs. Therapeutic daily Skin: coolness and pallor of fingers and
dose is 2.5 to 15 mg. toes.
Children ages 11 to 15: 1.25 to 2.5 mg
P.O. daily. May increase as tolerated until INTERACTIONS
therapeutic response is achieved. Range, Drug-drug. Amitriptyline, haloperidol,
2.5 to 10 mg daily in children with imipramine, loxapine, MAO inhibitors,
prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas. methyldopa, metoclopramide, phenoth-
➤ Acromegaly (not Cycloset) iazines, reserpine: May interfere with
Adults: 1.25 to 2.5 mg P.O. with bedtime bromocriptine’s effects. Bromocriptine
snack for 3 days. Another 1.25 to 2.5 mg dosage may need to be increased.
may be added every 3 to 7 days until ther- Antihypertensives: May increase hypoten-
apeutic benefit occurs. Maximum, 100 mg sive effects. Adjust dosage of antihyperten-
daily. sive.
➤ Type 2 diabetes mellitus (Cycloset CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers: May in-
only) crease or decrease circulating levels of
Adults: Initially, 0.8 mg P.O. daily. May Cycloset, respectively. Use together with
increase by 0.8 mg weekly until maximum caution.
tolerated dosage of 1.6 to 4.8 mg daily is Dopamine receptor agonists (butyrophe-
achieved. nones, metocloperamide, phenothiazenes,
➤ Traumatic brain injury  thioxanthenes): May diminish effects of
Adults: 2.5 mg P.O. daily. Continue long- Cycloset. Concurrent use isn’t recom-
term if response is adequate. mended.
Ergot-related drugs: May increase occur-
ADMINISTRATION rence of ergot-related adverse effects and
P.O. reduce effectiveness of these therapies.
• Give drug in the evening with food to Don’t use ergot agents within 6 hours of
minimize adverse reactions. Cycloset administration.
• For treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, Erythromycin: May increase bromocriptine
give Cycloset within 2 hours of patient’s level and risk of adverse reactions. Use
waking in the morning. together cautiously.
Estrogens, hormonal contraceptives,
AC TION progestins: May interfere with effects of
Inhibits secretion of prolactin and acts as bromocriptine. Avoid using together.
a dopamine-receptor agonist by activating Levodopa: May have additive effects.
postsynaptic dopamine receptors; improves Adjust dosage of levodopa, if needed.
glycemic control. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
Route Onset Peak Duration
disulfiram-like reaction. Discourage use
P.O. 2 hr 8 hr 24 hr
Half-life: 15 hours. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
AST, BUN, CK, and uric acid levels.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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budesonide (inhalation) 217


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Instruct patient to take drug with meals. B
to ergot derivatives and in those with uncon- • Tell patient to take Cycloset within
trolled hypertension, toxemia of pregnancy, 2 hours of waking in the morning.
severe ischemic heart disease, hereditary • Advise patient to use contraceptive
galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, methods during treatment other than oral
glucose-galactose malabsorption, or periph- contraceptives or subdermal implants.
eral vascular disease. • Instruct patient to avoid dizziness and
• Cycloset is contraindicated in patients fainting by rising slowly to an upright posi-
with syncopal migraines or severe psychotic tion and avoiding sudden position changes.
disorders and in breast-feeding women. • Inform patient that it may take 8 weeks
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired or longer for menses to resume and excess
renal or hepatic function and in those with a production of milk to slow down.
history of MI with residual arrhythmias. • Advise patient to avoid alcohol while
• Use Cycloset cautiously in patients taking taking drug.
antihypertensive medications. • Advise patients not to operate heavy
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, consti- machinery if somnolence occurs while
pation, diaphoresis, dizziness, pallor, severe taking Cycloset.
hypotension, malaise, confusion, lethargy,
drowsiness, delusions, hallucinations, repet-
itive yawning. budesonide (inhalation)
• For Parkinson disease, bromocriptine Pulmicort Flexhaler, Pulmicort
usually is given with levodopa or levodopa Respules, Pulmicort Turbuhaler†
and carbidopa. The levodopa and carbidopa
may need to be reduced. Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
Alert: Monitor patient for adverse re- Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
actions, which occur in 68% of patients, Pregnancy risk category B
particularly at start of therapy. Most reac-
tions are mild to moderate; nausea is most AVAIL ABLE FORMS
common. Minimize adverse reactions by Dry powder inhaler: 90 mcg/dose,
gradually adjusting dosages to effective 180 mcg/dose, 200 mcg/dose†
levels. Adverse reactions are more common Inhalation suspension: 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg,
when drug is used for Parkinson disease. 1 mg
• Baseline and periodic evaluations of car-
diac, hepatic, renal, and hematopoietic func- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
tion are recommended during prolonged ➤ As a preventative in maintenance of
therapy. asthma
• Drug may lead to early postpartum con- All patients: Use lowest effective dose after
ception. After menses resumes, test for stabilizing asthma.
pregnancy every 4 weeks or as soon as a ➤ Turbuhaler†
period is missed. Adults previously taking bronchodilator
• Cycloset can cause orthostatic hypoten- alone: Initially, inhaled dose of 200 to
sion and syncope, particularly at start of 400 mcg b.i.d. to maximum of 400 mcg
therapy or when dosage is increased. Assess b.i.d.
orthostatic vital signs before initiation of Adults previously taking inhaled corti-
therapy and periodically thereafter. costeroid: Initially, inhaled dose of 200 to
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 400 mcg b.i.d. to maximum of 800 mcg
bromocriptine with benztropine or brimoni- b.i.d.
dine, or Parlodel with pindolol. Adults previously taking oral corticosteroid:
Initially, inhaled dose of 400 to 800 mcg
b.i.d. to maximum of 800 mcg b.i.d.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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218 budesonide (inhalation)

Children older than age 6 previously taking Route Onset Peak Duration
bronchodilator alone or inhaled corticos- Inhalation, 24 hr 1–2 wk Unknown
teroid: Initially, inhaled dose of 200 mcg powder
b.i.d. to maximum of 400 mcg b.i.d. Inhalation, 2–8 days 4–6 wk Unknown
Children older than age 6 previously taking
oral corticosteroid: 400 mcg b.i.d., maxi- Half-life: 2 to 3 hours.
Children ages 1 to 8 previously on bron- CNS: headache, asthenia, fever, hypertonia,
chodilator alone: 0.5 mg daily or 0.25 mg insomnia, pain, syncope.
b.i.d. suspension via jet nebulizer. EENT: sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, otitis
Children ages 1 to 8 previously on inhaled media, voice alteration.
corticosteroid: 0.5 mg daily or 0.25 mg GI: abdominal pain, dry mouth, dyspep-
b.i.d. suspension via jet nebulizer to maxi- sia, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, nausea, oral
mum dose of 0.5 mg b.i.d. candidiasis, taste perversion, vomiting.
Adjust-a-dose: Symptomatic children not Metabolic: weight gain.
responding to nonsteroidal therapy may Musculoskeletal: back pain, fractures,
require starting dose of 0.25 mg daily. myalgia.
➤ Flexhaler Respiratory: respiratory tract infection,
Adults: Initially, inhaled dose of 360 mcg bronchospasm, increased cough.
b.i.d. to maximum 720 mcg b.i.d. Skin: ecchymoses.
Children age 6 and older: Initially, inhaled Other: flulike symptoms, hypersensitivity
dose of 180 mcg b.i.d. to maximum reactions, viral infection.
360 mcg b.i.d.
ADMINISTRATION Drug-drug. Ketoconazole: May inhibit
Inhalational metabolism and increase level of budes-
• Give inhalation suspension at regular onide. Monitor patient.
intervals once a day or b.i.d., as directed.
• Give suspension with a jet nebulizer EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
connected to a compressor with adequate None reported.
airflow. Make sure that it’s equipped with a
mouthpiece or suitable face mask. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Total daily dose may be increased or • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
given as a divided dose to improve control to drug and in those with status asthmaticus
if needed. Titrate dosage downward again or other acute asthma episodes.
after asthma is stabilized. • Use cautiously, if at all, in patients with
• When aluminum foil envelope has been active or inactive tuberculosis, ocular herpes
opened, the shelf-life of unused ampules is simplex, or untreated systemic fungal,
2 weeks when protected from light. bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections.
• Prime inhaler before first use.
AC TION Alert: When transferring from systemic
Exhibits potent glucocorticoid activity corticosteroid to this drug, use caution and
and weak mineralocorticoid activity. Drug gradually decrease corticosteroid dose to
inhibits mast cells, macrophages, and me- prevent adrenal insufficiency.
diators (such as leukotrienes) involved in • Drug doesn’t remove the need for sys-
inflammation. temic corticosteroid therapy in some situa-
• If bronchospasm occurs after use, stop
therapy and treat with a bronchodilator.
• Lung function may improve within
24 hours of starting therapy, but maximum

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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budesonide (intranasal) 219

benefit may not be achieved for 1 to 2 weeks – Don’t use Turbuhaler with a spacer device
or longer. and don’t chew or bite the mouthpiece. B
• For Pulmicort Respules, lung function – Replace mouthpiece cover after use and
improves in 2 to 8 days, but maximum always keep it clean and dry.
benefit may not be seen for 4 to 6 weeks. • Pulmicort Flexhaler must be primed be-
• Watch for Candida infections of the fore use. Refer to patient information guide
mouth or pharynx. for complete administration instructions.
Alert: Corticosteroids may increase risk • Tell patient that improvement in asthma
of developing serious or fatal infections in control may be seen within 24 hours, al-
patients exposed to viral illnesses, such as though the maximum benefit may not ap-
chickenpox or measles. pear for 1 to 2 weeks. If signs or symptoms
• In rare cases, inhaled corticosteroids worsen during this time, instruct patient to
have been linked to increased intraocular contact prescriber.
pressure and cataract development. Stop • Advise patient to avoid exposure to chick-
drug if local irritation occurs. enpox or measles and to contact prescriber
if exposure occurs.
PATIENT TEACHING • Instruct patient to carry or wear medical
• Tell patient that budesonide inhaler isn’t identification indicating need for supple-
a bronchodilator and isn’t intended to treat mentary corticosteroids during periods of
acute episodes of asthma. stress or an asthma attack.
• Instruct patient to use the inhaler at regu- • Advise patient that unused Respules are
lar intervals because effectiveness depends good for 2 weeks after the foil envelope has
on twice-daily use on a regular basis, by been opened; however, unused Respules
following these instructions: should be returned to the envelope to protect
– Keep Pulmicort Turbuhaler upright them from light.
(mouthpiece on top) during loading, to • Tell patient to read and follow the pa-
provide the correct dose. tient information leaflet contained in the
– Prime Turbuhaler when using it for the package.
first time. To prime, hold unit upright and
turn brown grip fully to the right, then fully
to the left until it clicks. Repeat priming. budesonide (intranasal)
– Load first dose by holding unit upright and byoo-DES-oh-nide
turning brown grip to the right and then to
the left until it clicks. Rhinocort Aqua
– Turn your head away from the inhaler and
breathe out. Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
– During inhalation, Turbuhaler must be in Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
the upright or horizontal position. Pregnancy risk category B
– Don’t shake inhaler.
– Place mouthpiece between lips and to AVAIL ABLE FORMS
inhale forcefully and deeply. Nasal spray: 32 mcg/metered spray
– You may not taste the drug or sense it
entering your lungs, but this doesn’t mean it INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
isn’t effective. ➤ Symptoms of seasonal or perennial
– Don’t exhale through the Turbuhaler. If allergic rhinitis
more than one dose is required, repeat steps. Adults and children age 6 and older: 1 spray
– Rinse your mouth with water and then spit in each nostril once daily. Maximum rec-
out the water after each dose to decrease the ommended dose for adults and children 12
risk of developing oral candidiasis. and older is 4 sprays per nostril once daily
– When 20 doses remain in the Turbuhaler, (256 mcg daily). Maximum recommended
a red mark appears in the indicator window. dose for children ages 6 to 12 is 2 sprays per
When red mark reaches the bottom, the unit nostril once daily (128 mcg daily).
is empty.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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220 budesonide (oral)


Intranasal • Tell patient to avoid exposure to chicken-
• Prime pump by actuating eight times pox or measles.
before first use. Reprime pump if not used • To instill drug, instruct patient to shake
for 2 or more days. Discard bottle after container before use, blow nose to clear
120 sprays. nasal passages, and tilt head slightly for-
• Shake before each actuation. ward and insert nozzle into nostril, pointing
away from septum. Tell him to hold other
AC TION nostril closed and inhale gently while spray-
May reduce nasal inflammation by inhibit- ing. Next, have him shake container and
ing mediators of inflammation. repeat in other nostril.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Advise patient not to freeze, break, in-
Intranasal 10 hr 2 wk Unknown
cinerate, or store canister in extreme heat;
contents are under pressure.
Half-life: Unknown. • Advise patient to store canister with valve
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Warn patient not to exceed prescribed
EENT: epistaxis, nasal irritation, pharyngi- dosage or use drug for long periods because
tis. of risk of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
Respiratory: bronchospasm, cough. axis suppression.
• Tell patient to notify prescriber if signs or
INTERACTIONS symptoms don’t improve or if they worsen
Drug-drug. Potent CYP3A4 inhibitors in 3 weeks.
(erythromycin, fluconazole, indinavir, • Teach patient good nasal and oral hygiene.
omeprazole, ritonavir): May significantly • Tell patient to use drug within 6 months of
increase serum budesonide level. Use cau- opening the protective aluminum pouch.
tiously together. • Instruct patient not to share drug because
Drug-food. Grapefruit, grapefruit juice: this could spread infection.
May significantly increase serum budes-
onide level. Advise patient to avoid use
together. budesonide (oral)
None reported. Entocort EC

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Pharmacologic class: Glucocorticoid
to drug or its components and in those Pregnancy risk category C
who have had recent septal ulcers, nasal
surgery, or nasal trauma until total healing AVAIL ABLE FORMS
has occurred. Capsules: 3 mg
• Contraindicated in those with untreated
localized nasal mucosa infections. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use cautiously in patients with tubercu- ➤ Mild to moderate active Crohn’s dis-
lous infections, ocular herpes simplex, or ease involving the ileum, ascending colon,
untreated fungal, bacterial, or systemic viral or both
infections. Adults: 9 mg P.O. once daily in morning for
•H Overdose S&S: Hyperadrenocorticism. up to 8 weeks. For recurrent episodes of ac-
tive Crohn’s disease, a repeat 8-week course
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS may be given. Taper to 6 mg P.O. daily for
• Systemic effects of corticosteroid therapy 2 weeks before completely stopping.
may occur if recommended daily dose is

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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budesonide (oral) 221

➤ To maintain remission in mild to mod- Skin: acne, alopecia, dermatitis, eczema,

erate Crohn’s disease that involves the skin disorder, increased sweating. B
ileum or ascending colon Other: flulike disorder, sleep disorder,
Adults: 6 mg P.O. daily for up to 3 months. candidiasis, viral infection.
If symptom control is maintained at
3 months, taper dose to stop therapy. Ther- INTERACTIONS
apy for longer than 3 months doesn’t have Drug-drug. CYP inhibitors (erythromycin,
added benefit. indinavir, itraconazole, ketoconazole, riton-
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with moderate avir, saquinavir): May increase effects of
to severe liver disease who have increased budesonide. If use together is unavoidable,
signs or symptoms of hypercorticism, re- reduce budesonide dosage.
duce dose. Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
drug effects. Discourage use together.
• Give drug whole; don’t break or crush • May increase alkaline phosphatase and
capsule. C-reactive protein levels. May decrease
potassium and hemoglobin levels.
AC TION • May increase erythrocyte sedimentation
Significant glucocorticoid effects caused rate and WBC count.
by drug’s high affinity for glucocorticoid
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
P.O. Unknown 1⁄ –10 hr Unknown
to drug.
• Use cautiously in patients with tuberculo-

Half-life: About 2 hours. sis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, osteo-

porosis, peptic ulcer disease, glaucoma, or
ADVERSE REACTIONS cataracts; those with a family history of dia-
CNS: headache, dizziness, asthenia, hy- betes or glaucoma; and those with any other
perkinesia, paresthesia, tremor, vertigo, condition in which glucocorticosteroids
fatigue, malaise, agitation, confusion, in- may have unwanted effects.
somnia, nervousness, somnolence, pain. • Glucocorticoids appear in breast milk,
CV: chest pain, hypertension, palpitations, and infants may have adverse reactions. Use
tachycardia, flushing. cautiously in breast-feeding women only if
EENT: facial edema, ear infection, eye benefits outweigh risks.
abnormality, abnormal vision, sinusitis. •H Overdose S&S: Hypercorticism, adrenal
GI: nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdomi- suppression.
nal pain, flatulence, vomiting, anal disorder,
aggravated Crohn’s disease, enteritis, epi- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
gastric pain, fistula, glossitis, hemorrhoids, • Reduced liver function affects elimination
intestinal obstruction, tongue edema, tooth of this drug; systemic availability of drug
disorder, increased appetite. may increase in patients with liver cirrhosis.
GU: dysuria, micturition frequency, noc- • Patients undergoing surgery or other
turia, intermenstrual bleeding, menstrual stressful situations may need systemic
disorder, hematuria, pyuria. glucocorticoid supplementation in addition
Hematologic: leukocytosis, anemia. to budesonide therapy.
Metabolic: hypercorticism, dependent • Carefully monitor patients transferred
edema, hypokalemia, increased weight. from systemic glucocorticoid therapy to
Musculoskeletal: back pain, aggravated budesonide for signs and symptoms of
arthritis, cramps, arthralgia, myalgia. corticosteroid withdrawal. Watch for im-
Respiratory: respiratory tract infection, munosuppression, especially in patients
bronchitis, dyspnea. who haven’t had diseases, such as chicken-
pox or measles; these can be fatal in patients

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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222 bumetanide

who are immunosuppressed or receiving I.V.

glucocorticoids.  For direct injection, give drug over 1 to

• Replacement of systemic glucocorticoids 2 minutes using a 21G or 23G needle.

with this drug may unmask allergies, such  For intermittent infusion, give diluted

as eczema and rhinitis, which were previ- drug through an intermittent infusion de-
ously controlled by systemic drug. vice or piggyback into an I.V. line contain-
• Long-term use of drug may cause hyper- ing a free-flowing, compatible solution.
corticism and adrenal suppression.  Incompatibilities: Dobutamine,

fenoldopam, midazolam.
• Tell patient to swallow capsules whole and • Document injection site.
not to chew or break them.
• Advise patient to avoid grapefruit juice AC TION
while taking drug. Inhibits sodium and chloride reabsorption
• Tell patient to notify prescriber immedi- in the ascending loop of Henle.
ately if he is exposed to or develops chick- Route Onset Peak Duration
enpox or measles. P.O. 30–60 min 1–2 hr 4–6 hr
• Tell patient to keep container tightly I.V. Within min 15–30 min 30–60 min
closed. I.M. 40 min Unknown 5–6 hr

Half-life: 1 to 11⁄2 hours.

CNS: dizziness, headache, vertigo.
Therapeutic class: Diuretic CV: orthostatic hypotension.
Pharmacologic class: Loop diuretic GU: oliguria.
Pregnancy risk category C Metabolic: volume depletion and dehydra-
tion, hypokalemia, hypochloremic alkalosis,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS hypomagnesemia, asymptomatic hyper-
Injection: 0.25 mg/ml uricemia.
Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg Skin: rash, pruritus.


➤ Edema caused by heart failure or Drug-drug. Aminoglycoside antibiotics:
hepatic or renal disease May increase ototoxicity. Avoid using to-
Adults: 0.5 to 2 mg P.O. once daily. If di- gether if possible.
uretic response isn’t adequate, a second or Antidiabetics: May decrease hypoglycemic
third dose may be given at 4- to 5-hour inter- effects. Monitor glucose level.
vals. Maximum dose is 10 mg daily. May be Antihypertensives: May increase hypoten-
given parenterally if oral route isn’t possi- sive effects. Consider dosage adjustment.
ble. Usual first dose is 0.5 to 1 mg given I.V. Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of
or I.M. If response isn’t adequate, a second digoxin toxicity from bumetanide-induced
or third dose may be given at 2- to 3-hour hypokalemia. Monitor potassium and
intervals. Maximum, 10 mg daily. digoxin levels.
Chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, hydrochloroth-
ADMINISTRATION iazide, indapamide, metolazone: May cause
P.O. excessive diuretic response, causing serious
• Give drug with food to minimize GI electrolyte abnormalities or dehydration.
upset. Adjust doses carefully, and monitor patient
• To prevent nocturia, give drug in morn- closely for signs and symptoms of excessive
ing. If second dose is needed, give in early diuretic response.
afternoon. Cisplatin: May increase risk of ototoxicity.
Monitor patient closely.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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buprenorphine 223

Lithium: May decrease lithium clearance, • Consult prescriber and dietitian about a
increasing risk of lithium toxicity. Monitor high-potassium diet. Foods rich in potas- B
lithium level. sium include citrus fruits, tomatoes, ba-
Neuromuscular blockers: May prolong nanas, dates, and apricots.
neuromuscular blockade. Monitor patient • Monitor glucose level in diabetic patients.
closely. • Monitor uric acid level, especially in
NSAIDs, probenecid: May inhibit diuretic patients with history of gout.
response. Use together cautiously. Black Box Warning Monitor blood pressure
Other potassium-wasting drugs (such as and pulse rate during rapid diuresis. Pro-
amphotericin B, corticosteroids): May found water and electrolyte depletion may
increase risk of hypokalemia. Use together occur.
cautiously. • If oliguria or azotemia develops or in-
Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant creases, prescriber may stop drug.
effect. Use together cautiously. • Drug can be safely used in patients al-
Drug-herb. Dandelion: May interfere with lergic to furosemide; 1 mg of bumetanide
drug activity. Discourage use together. equals about 40 mg of furosemide.
Licorice: May cause unexpected, rapid
potassium loss. Discourage use together. PATIENT TEACHING
• Instruct patient to take drug with food to
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, • Advise patient to take drug in morning
AST, bilirubin, cholesterol, creatinine, to avoid need to urinate at night; if patient
glucose, LDH, and urine urea levels. May needs second dose, have him take it in early
decrease calcium, magnesium, potassium, afternoon.
sodium, and chloride levels. • Advise patient to avoid sudden posture
• May decrease platelet count. changes and to rise slowly to avoid dizziness
upon standing quickly.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct patient to notify prescriber about
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive extreme thirst, muscle weakness, cramps,
to drug or sulfonamides (possible cross- nausea, or dizziness.
sensitivity) and in patients with anuria, • Instruct patient to weigh himself daily to
hepatic coma, or severe electrolyte deple- monitor fluid status.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic SAFETY ALERT!
cirrhosis and ascites, in elderly patients, and
in those with decreased renal function. buprenorphine
•H Overdose S&S: Electrolyte depletion, Butrans
weakness, dizziness, confusion, anorexia,
lethargy, vomiting, cramps, dehydration, buprenorphine
circulatory collapse, vascular thrombosis hydrochloride
and embolism. byoo-pre-NOR-feen


• Safest and most effective dosage schedule
is alternate days or 3 or 4 consecutive days Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic
with 1 or 2 days off between cycles. Pharmacologic class: Opioid agonist-
• Monitor fluid intake and output, weight, antagonist, opioid partial agonist
and electrolyte, BUN, creatinine, and car- Pregnancy risk category C
bon dioxide levels frequently. Controlled substance schedule III
• Watch for evidence of hypokalemia, such
as muscle weakness and cramps. Instruct AVAIL ABLE FORMS
patient to report these symptoms. Injection: 0.324 mg (equivalent to 0.3 mg

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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224 buprenorphine

Sublingual tablets: 2 mg, 8 mg (as base) Adjust-a-dose: For patients with mild to
Transdermal patch: 5 mcg/hr, 10 mcg/hr, moderate hepatic impairment, start with
20 mcg/hr buprenorphine dosage of 5 mcg/hr. There-
after, individually titrate dosage to level that
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES provides adequate analgesia and tolerable
➤ Moderate to severe pain adverse effects, under close supervision of
Adults and children age 13 and older: prescriber.
0.3 mg I.M. or slow I.V. every 6 hours p.r.n., ➤ Opioid dependence
or around the clock; repeat dose (up to Adults: 12 to 16 mg S.L. as a single daily
0.3 mg), as needed, 30 to 60 minutes after dose.
first dose.
Children ages 2 to 12: 2 to 6 mcg/kg I.M. or ADMINISTRATION
I.V. every 4 to 6 hours. I.V.
Adjust-a-dose: In high-risk patients, such as  When mixed in a 1:1 volume ratio,

debilitated or elderly patients, reduce dose drug is compatible with atropine sulfate,
by one-half. diphenhydramine hydrochloride, droperi-
✷ NEW INDICATION: Moderate to severe dol, glycopyrrolate, haloperidol lactate,
chronic pain in patients requiring con- hydroxyzine hydrochloride, promethazine
tinuous opioid analgesia for an extended hydrochloride, scopolamine hydrochlo-
period of time ride, D5 W, 5% dextrose in normal saline
Adults (opioid-naı̈ve): 5 mcg/hr transder- solution, sodium chloride solution, lac-
mal patch once every 7 days. To achieve tated Ringer’s solution, and normal saline
adequate analgesia and minimize adverse solution injections.
effects, consider patient’s tolerance, con-  For direct injection, give slowly over

dition, and other medications and titrate at least 2 minutes into a vein or through
dosage to maximum of 20 mcg/hr. Allow tubing of a free-flowing, compatible I.V.
minimum of 72 hours between dosage in- solution.
creases.  Incompatibilities: Diazepam,

Adults (Non-opioid naı̈ve): Buprenorphine furosemide, lorazepam.

may precipitate withdrawal in patients al- I.M.
ready on opioids. For conversion from other • Give drug as deep I.M. injection.
opioids to buprenorphine, taper patient’s S.L.
current around-the-clock opioids for up to • Place all the tablets of the dose under the
7 days to no more than morphine 30 mg or tongue until dissolved; if uncomfortable,
equivalent per day before beginning treat- patient should take at least two at the same
ment with buprenorphine. Patients may time.
use short-acting analgesics as needed until Transdermal
analgesic efficacy with buprenorphine is Black Box Warning Avoid exposing patch
attained. For patients whose daily dose was or surrounding area to direct external heat
less than morphine 30 mg orally or equiva- source or direct sunlight. Increased temper-
lent, initiate treatment with buprenorphine ature may increase amount of drug released,
transdermal patch 5 mcg/hr. For patients which can result in overdose and death.
whose daily dose was between 30 and 80 mg Black Box Warning Transdermal patch
of morphine equivalents, initiate treatment is indicated only for moderate to severe
with buprenorphine transdermal patch chronic pain that requires around-the-clock
10 mcg/hr. To achieve adequate analgesia analgesia for an extended period of time.
with tolerable adverse effects, consider • Each patch is intended to be worn for
patient’s tolerance, condition, and other 7 days. If patch falls off during 7-day dosing
medications and titrate dose to maximum interval, apply new patch to different site.
of 20 mcg/hr transdermal patch once every • Don’t use if pouch seal is broken or patch
7 days. Allow minimum of 72 hours be- is cut, damaged, or changed in any way.
tween dosage increases. Apply patch to intact skin immediately after

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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buprenorphine 225

• Appropriate application sites are right INTERACTIONS

or left upper outer arm, upper chest, upper Drug-drug. Benzodiazepines, CNS depres- B
back, or side of the chest only. sants, MAO inhibitors, opioids: May cause
• Application site should be hairless; clip additive effects. Use together cautiously.
hair if needed but don’t shave site. If needed, Class IA or III antiarrhythmics: May in-
clean selected site with water only and allow crease risk of prolonged QT syndrome.
to dry completely before applying patch. Avoid use with transdermal patch.
• Edges of patch may be taped to the skin if CYP3A4 inducers (carbamazepine, phe-
needed. nobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin): May in-
• After removing patch, fold it in half, seal crease clearance of buprenorphine. Monitor
it in patch-disposal unit, and place it in patient for clinical effects of drug.
trash. CYP3A4 inhibitors (erythromycin, indi-
• Wait minimum of 3 weeks before apply- navir, ketoconazole, ritonavir, saquinavir):
ing new patch to same application site. May decrease clearance of buprenorphine.
Monitor patient for increased adverse ef-
AC TION fects.
Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors Skeletal muscle relaxants: May enhance
in the CNS, altering perception of and neuromuscular blocking action and increase
emotional response to pain. respiratory depression. Use together cau-
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate 2 min 6 hr
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol or illicit drug use:
I.M. 15 min 1 hr 6 hr May cause additive effects. Discourage use
S.L. Unknown Unknown Unknown together.
Transdermal 17 hr 3–6 days 7 days
Half-life: 1 to 7 hours; transdermal, 26 hours. None reported.


CNS: dizziness, sedation, vertigo, increased • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
intracranial pressure, asthenia (tablets to drug and during pregnancy or breast-
only), confusion, depression, dreaming, eu- feeding.
phoria, fatigue, headache, insomnia (tablets Black Box Warning Don’t exceed dose
only), nervousness, pain (tablets only), of one 20-mcg/hr transdermal patch ev-
paresthesia, psychosis, slurred speech, ery 7 days due to risk of prolonging QTc
weakness. interval.
CV: bradycardia, cyanosis, flushing, hyper- • Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated
tension, hypotension, tachycardia, Wencke- patients; patients who are opioid dependent;
bach block. in those undergoing biliary tract surgery
EENT: blurred vision, conjunctivitis, and those with biliary tract disease or pan-
diplopia, dry mouth (patch), miosis, rhinitis creatitis, and in those with head injury,
(tablets only), tinnitus, visual abnormalities. intracranial lesions, and increased intracra-
GI: nausea, abdominal pain (tablets only), nial pressure; severe respiratory, liver, or
constipation, diarrhea (tablets only), vomit- kidney impairment; CNS depression or
ing. coma; those at risk for hypotension and
GU: urine retention. circulatory shock; thyroid irregularities;
Respiratory: respiratory depression, dysp- adrenal insufficiency; and prostatic hyper-
nea, hypoventilation. trophy, urethral stricture, acute alcoholism,
Skin: application-site rash or erythema delirium tremens, or kyphoscoliosis.
(patch), diaphoresis, injection-site reac- •H Overdose S&S: Respiratory depression,
tions, pruritus, sweating (tablets only). pinpoint pupils, sedation, hypotension,
Other: back pain (tablets only), chills, in- death.
fection (tablets only), withdrawal syndrome.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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226 bupropion hydrobromide

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Instruct patient in proper disposal of

Black Box Warning Buprenorphine has transdermal system.
potential for abuse similar to other opioids • Teach patient proper patch application and
and is a controlled substance. Patients at advise him to read package instructions.
risk for opioid abuse include those with • Warn patient not to apply heat to patch
personal or family history of substance application site or to cut patch.
abuse or mental illness. Assess for risk • Tell patient and family to report adverse
or abuse before prescribing and monitor reactions to prescriber immediately.
patients regularly. • Warn patient not to take other long-acting
• Taper dosage before discontinuing trans- opioids while using transdermal system.
dermal patch.
• Drug may worsen increased intracranial
pressure and mask its signs and symptoms. buPROPion hydrobromide
Carefully monitor patient’s pupillary re- Aplenzin
flexes and level of consciousness.
• Reassess patient’s level of pain 15 and buPROPion hydrochloride
30 minutes after parenteral administration. byoo-PROE-pee-on
• Buprenorphine 0.3 mg is equal to 10 mg
of morphine and 75 mg of meperidine in Wellbutrini, Wellbutrin SRi,
analgesic potency. It has longer duration of Wellbutrin XL, Zybani
action than morphine or meperidine.
Alert: Naloxone won’t completely re- Therapeutic class: Antidepressant
verse the respiratory depression caused by Pharmacologic class: Aminoketone
buprenorphine overdose; an overdose may Pregnancy risk category B
require mechanical ventilation. Larger-than-
usual doses of naloxone (more than 0.4 mg) AVAIL ABLE FORMS
and doxapram also may be indicated. bupropion hydrobromide
• Treat accidental skin exposure by remov- Tablets (extended-release): 174 mg,
ing exposed clothing and rinsing skin with 348 mg, 522 mg
water. bupropion hydrochloride
• Drug may cause constipation. Assess Tablets (extended-release): 150 mg, 300 mg
bowel function and need for stool softeners Tablets (immediate-release): 75 mg, 100 mg
and stimulant laxatives. Tablets (sustained-release): 50 mg, 100 mg,
Alert: Drug’s opioid antagonist properties 150 mg, 200 mg
may cause withdrawal syndrome in opioid-
dependent patients. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• If dependence occurs, withdrawal symp- ➤ Major depressive disorder (Aplenzin
toms may appear up to 14 days after drug is only)
stopped. Adults: Initially, 174 mg P.O. (equivalent to
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 150 mg/day bupropion HCl) given as a sin-
Buprenex with Bumex or bupropion. gle daily dose in the morning. If the 174-mg
initial dose is adequately tolerated, increase
PATIENT TEACHING to the 348-mg/day target dose as early as
• Caution ambulatory patient about getting day 4 of dosing. There should be an inter-
out of bed or walking. val of at least 24 hours between successive
• When drug is used after surgery, encour- doses. The full antidepressant effect may
age patient to turn, cough, and breathe not be evident until after 4 weeks of treat-
deeply to prevent breathing problems. ment or longer. Consider increasing dosage
• Tell patient to place all the tablets of the to the maximum of 522 mg P.O. daily, given
dose under his tongue until dissolved; if this as a single dose, for patients in whom no
is uncomfortable, tell him to take at least clinical improvement is noted after sev-
two at the same time. eral weeks of treatment at 348 mg/day.
When switching patients from Wellbutrin,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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bupropion hydrobromide 227

Wellbutrin SR, or Wellbutrin XL to Aplen- patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis, don’t
zin, give the equivalent total daily dose exceed 75 mg immediate-release P.O. daily, B
when possible (522 mg bupropion HBr 100 mg sustained-release P.O. daily, 150 mg
is equivalent to 450 mg bupropion HCl; (sustained-release) P.O. every other day, or
348 mg bupropion HBr is equivalent to 150 mg extended-release P.O. every other
300 mg bupropion HCl; 174 mg bupropion day.
HBr is equivalent to 150 mg bupropion
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with renal impair- P.O.
ment or mild to moderate hepatic impair- • Don’t crush, split, or allow patients to
ment, including hepatic cirrhosis, reduced chew tablets.
frequency or dose should be considered. In • When switching patients from regular- or
patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis, don’t sustained-release tablets to extended-release
exceed 174 mg every other day. tablets, give the same total daily dose (when
➤ Seasonal affective disorder (Well- possible) as the once-daily dosage provided.
butrin XL only)
Adults: Start treatment in autumn before AC TION
depressive symptoms appear. Initially, Unknown. Drug doesn’t inhibit MAO, but it
150 mg extended-release P.O. once daily weakly inhibits norepinephrine, dopamine,
in the morning. After 1 week, increase to and serotonin reuptake. Noradrenergic or
300 mg once daily, if tolerated. Continue dopaminergic mechanisms, or both, may
300 mg daily during the autumn and winter cause drug’s effect.
and taper to 150 mg daily for 2 weeks before Route Onset Peak Duration
stopping the drug in the early spring. P.O. Unknown 5 hr Unknown
➤ Depression (extended-
Adults: For immediate-release, initially, release)
100 mg P.O. b.i.d.; increase after 3 days P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
to 100 mg P.O. t.i.d., if needed. If patient release)
doesn’t improve after several weeks of P.O. Unknown 3 hr Unknown
therapy, increase dosage to 150 mg t.i.d. (sustained-
No single dose should exceed 150 mg. release)
Allow at least 6 hours between successive Half-life: 8 to 24 hours.
doses. Maximum dose is 450 mg daily. For
sustained-release, initially, 150 mg P.O. ADVERSE REACTIONS
every morning; increase to target dose of CNS: abnormal dreams, insomnia,
150 mg P.O. b.i.d., as tolerated, as early as headache, sedation, tremor, agitation,
day 4 of dosing. Allow at least 8 hours be- dizziness, seizures, suicidal behavior, anx-
tween successive doses. Maximum dose is iety, confusion, delusions, euphoria, fever,
400 mg daily. For extended-release, initially, hostility, impaired concentration, impaired
150 mg P.O. every morning; increase to tar- sleep quality, akinesia, akathisia, fatigue,
get dosage of 300 mg P.O. daily, as tolerated, syncope, somnolence.
as early as day 4 of dosing. Allow at least CV: tachycardia, arrhythmias, hyperten-
24 hours between successive doses. Maxi- sion, hypotension, palpitations, chest pain.
mum is 450 mg daily. EENT: blurred vision, rhinitis, auditory
➤ Aid to smoking-cessation treatment disturbances, epistaxis, pharyngitis, sinusi-
Adults: 150 mg Zyban P.O. daily for 3 days; tis, dry mouth.
increased to maximum of 300 mg daily in GI: constipation, nausea, vomiting,
two divided doses at least 8 hours apart. anorexia, dry mouth, taste disturbance,
Continue therapy for 7 to 12 weeks. Some dyspepsia, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
patients may need continuous treatment. GU: impotence, menstrual complaints,
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with mild to urinary frequency, urine retention.
moderate hepatic cirrhosis or renal im- Metabolic: increased appetite, weight loss,
pairment, reduce frequency and dose. In weight gain.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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228 bupropion hydrobromide

Musculoskeletal: arthritis, myalgia, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

arthralgia, muscle spasm or twitch. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Respiratory: upper respiratory complaints, to drug, in those who have taken MAO
increase in coughing. inhibitors within previous 14 days, and in
Skin: excessive sweating, pruritus, rash, those with seizure disorders or history of
cutaneous temperature disturbance, bulimia or anorexia nervosa because of a
urticaria. higher risk of seizures.
Other: chills, decreased libido, accidental • Contraindicated in patients abruptly stop-
injury, hot flashes. ping use of alcohol or sedatives (including
INTERACTIONS • Don’t use with other drugs containing
Drug-drug. Amantadine, levodopa: May bupropion.
increase risk of adverse reactions. If used Black Box Warning Bupropion isn’t ap-
together, give small first doses of bupropion proved for use in children.
and increase dosage gradually. • Use cautiously in patients with recent
Antidepressants (desipramine, fluoxetine, history of MI, unstable heart disease, renal
imipramine, nortriptyline, sertraline), an- or hepatic impairment, a history of seizures,
tipsychotics (haloperidol, risperidone, head trauma, or other predisposition to
thioridazine), systemic corticosteroids, seizures, and in those being treated with
theophylline: May lower seizure threshold. drugs that lower seizure threshold.
Use cautiously together. •H Overdose S&S: Seizures, ECG changes,
Beta blockers, class IC antiarrhythmics: hallucinations, loss of consciousness, sinus
May increase levels of these drugs and tachycardia, coma, fever, hypotension,
adverse reactions. Use a reduced dose if muscle rigidity, rhabdomyolysis, respiratory
used with bupropion. failure, stupor.
Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin:
May enhance metabolism of bupropion and NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
decrease its effect. Monitor patient closely. • Many patients experience a period of
CYP2B6 substrates or inhibitors (cyclo- increased restlessness, including agitation,
phosphamide, orphenadrine, thiotepa), insomnia, and anxiety, especially at start of
efavirenz, fluvoxamine, nelfinavir, norfluox- therapy.
etine, paroxetine, ritonavir, sertraline: May Alert: To minimize the risk of seizures,
increase bupropion activity. Monitor patient don’t exceed maximum recommended dose.
for expected therapeutic effects and adverse Alert: Patient with major depressive dis-
effects. order may experience a worsening of de-
MAO inhibitors: May increase the risk of pression and suicidal thoughts. Carefully
bupropion toxicity. Don’t use drugs within monitor patient for worsening depression or
14 days of each other. suicidal thoughts, especially at the begin-
Nicotine replacement agents: May cause ning of therapy and during dosage changes.
hypertension. Monitor blood pressure. Black Box Warning Drug may increase
Ritonavir: May increase bupropion level. the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
Monitor patient closely for adverse reac- in children, adolescents and young adults
tions. with major depressive disorder or other
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May alter psychiatric disorder.
seizure threshold. Discourage use together. Black Box Warning Drug may cause hostil-
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo- ity, agitation, and depressed mood.
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid • Closely monitor patient with history of
excessive sunlight exposure. bipolar disorder. Antidepressants can cause
manic episodes during the depressed phase
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS of bipolar disorder. This may be less likely
• May increase liver function test values. to occur with bupropion than with other

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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buspirone hydrochloride 229

• Begin smoking-cessation treatment while

patient is still smoking; about 1 week is busPIRone hydrochloride B
needed to achieve steady-state drug levels. byoo-SPYE-rone
• Stop smoking-cessation treatment if
patient hasn’t progressed toward abstinence BuSpari, Bustab†
by week 7. Treatment usually lasts up to
12 weeks. Patient can stop taking drug Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic
without tapering off. Pharmacologic class:
Black Box Warning Zyban isn’t indicated Azaspirodecanedione derivative
for treatment of depression. Pregnancy risk category B
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
bupropion with buspirone or Wellbutrin AVAIL ABLE FORMS
with Wellcovorin. Tablets: 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg


Black Box Warning Advise families and ➤ Anxiety disorders
caregivers to closely observe patient for in- Adults: Initially, 7.5 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase
creased suicidal thinking and behavior and dosage by 5 mg daily at 2- to 3-day inter-
hostility, agitation, and depressed mood. vals. Usual maintenance dosage is 20 to
Alert: Explain that excessive use of al- 30 mg daily in divided doses. Don’t exceed
cohol, abrupt withdrawal from alcohol or 60 mg daily.
other sedatives, and addiction to cocaine, ➤ Traumatic brain injury 
opiates, or stimulants during therapy may Adults: 10 to 60 mg P.O. once daily for 3 or
increase risk of seizures. Seizure risk is also more months.
increased in those using OTC stimulants,
in anorectics, and in diabetic patients using ADMINISTRATION
oral antidiabetics or insulin. P.O.
• Tell patient not to chew, crush, or divide • Don’t give drug with grapefruit juice.
tablets. • Give drug at the same times each day, and
• Advise patient to consult prescriber be- always with or always without food.
fore taking other prescription or OTC drugs.
• Advise patient to avoid hazardous ac- AC TION
tivities that require alertness and good May inhibit neuronal firing and reduce
psychomotor coordination until effects of serotonin turnover in cortical, amygdaloid,
drug are known. and septohippocampal tissue.
Alert: Advise patient that Zyban and Well-
Route Onset Peak Duration
butrin contain the same active ingredient P.O. Unknown 40–90 min Unknown
and shouldn’t be used together.
• Tell patient that it may take 4 weeks to Half-life: 2 to 3 hours.
reach full antidepressant effect.
Alert: Advise patient to report mood ADVERSE REACTIONS
swings or suicidal thoughts immediately. CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, headache,
• Inform patient that tablets may have an nervousness, insomnia, light-headedness,
odor. fatigue, numbness, excitement, confusion,
depression, anger, decreased concentration.
CV: tachycardia, nonspecific chest pain.
EENT: blurred vision.
GI: dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal

Drug-drug. Azole antifungals: May inhibit
first-pass metabolism of buspirone. Monitor

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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230 busulfan

patient closely for adverse effects; adjust • Advise patient to take consistently, that is,
dosage as needed. always with or always without food.
CNS depressants: May increase CNS de-
pression. Use together cautiously. SAFETY ALERT!
Drugs metabolized by CYP3A4 (ery-
thromycin, nefazodone): May increase busulfan
buspirone level. Monitor patient; decrease byoo-SUL-fan
buspirone dosage and adjust carefully.
MAO inhibitors: May elevate blood pres- Busulfex, Myleran
sure. Avoid using together.
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
drug level, increasing adverse effects. Give Pharmacologic class: Alkyl sulfonate
with liquid other than grapefruit juice. Pregnancy risk category D
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
CNS depression. Discourage use together. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Injection: 6 mg/ml
None reported.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ➤ Chronic myelocytic (granulocytic)
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- leukemia
tive to drug and within 14 days of MAO Adults: 4 to 8 mg P.O. daily until WBC
inhibitor therapy. count falls to 15,000/mm3 ; stop drug until
• Drug isn’t recommended for patients with WBC count rises to 50,000/mm3 , and then
severe hepatic or renal impairment. resume dosage as before. When remission
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, dizzi- is less than 3 months, may give mainte-
ness, drowsiness, miosis, gastric distress. nance therapy of 1 to 3 mg P.O. daily. Or,
0.8 mg/kg I.V. every 6 hours for 4 days (a
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS total of 16 doses). Give cyclophosphamide
• Monitor patient closely for adverse CNS 60 mg/kg I.V. over 1 hour daily for 2 days
reactions. Drug is less sedating than other beginning 6 hours after the 16th dose of
anxiolytics, but CNS effects may be unpre- busulfan injection.
dictable. Children: 0.06 to 0.12 mg/kg daily or
Alert: Before starting therapy, don’t stop a 1.8 to 4.6 mg/m2 daily P.O. until WBC
previous benzodiazepine regimen abruptly count falls to 15,000/mm3 ; stop drug until
because a withdrawal reaction may occur. WBC count rises to 50,000/mm3 and then
• Drug shows no potential for abuse and resume dosage as before.
isn’t classified as a controlled substance.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ADMINISTRATION
buspirone with bupropion or risperidone. P.O.
• Give drug on an empty stomach to mini-
PATIENT TEACHING mize nausea and vomiting.
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities I.V.
that require alertness and good coordination  Give antiemetic before first dose of

until effects of drug are known. busulfan injection and then on a fixed
• Remind patient that drug effects may not schedule during therapy; give anticonvul-
be noticeable for several weeks. sant to prevent seizures.
• Warn patient not to abruptly stop a ben-  Follow facility policy when preparing

zodiazepine because of risk of withdrawal and handling drug. Label as a hazardous

symptoms. drug.
• Tell patient to avoid use of alcohol during  Dilute drug in either D5 W or normal

therapy. saline solution to at least 0.5 mg/ml.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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busulfan 231

 Use the 5-micron nylon filter to with- Hematologic: GRANULOCYTOPENIA,

draw the calculated volume from the am- THROMBOCYTOPENIA, LEUKOPENIA,
pule. Then use a new needle to inject the anemia, APLASTIC ANEMIA.
drug into the I.V. bag or syringe. Hepatic: jaundice, hepatomegaly, hyper-
 Invert several times to ensure mixing. bilirubinemia, hepatic veno-occlusive
 Use a central venous access device. disease.
 Flush access device with 5 ml of D5 W Metabolic: hypomagnesemia, hyper-
or normal saline solution before and after glycemia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia,
each infusion. hypervolemia, weight gain, hypophos-
 Infuse over 2 hours through a central phatemia, hyponatremia.
venous access device using a controlled- Musculoskeletal: back pain, myalgia,
infusion device. arthralgia.
 Solutions are stable 8 hours at room Respiratory: lung disorder, cough, dys-
temperature or 12 hours when diluted in pnea, irreversible pulmonary fibrosis,
normal saline solution and refrigerated. alveolar hemorrhage, asthma, atelectasis,
Infusions must be completed within these pleural effusion, hypoxia, hemoptysis.
times. Skin: inflammation at injection site, rash,
 Incompatibilities: Don’t mix or give pruritus, alopecia, exfoliative dermati-
with other I.V. solutions of unknown com- tis, erythema nodosum, acne, skin discol-
patibility. oration, hyperpigmentation.
Other: Addison-like wasting syndrome,
AC TION chills, allergic reaction, infection, hiccup.
Unknown. Thought to cross-link strands
of cellular DNA and interfere with RNA INTERACTIONS
transcription, causing an imbalance of Drug-drug. Acetaminophen, itraconazole:
growth that leads to cell death. Not specific May decrease busulfan clearance. Use
to cell cycle. together cautiously.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Anticoagulants, aspirin: May increase risk
P.O. 1–2 wk Unknown Unknown
of bleeding. Avoid using together.
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown Cyclophosphamide: May increase risk of
cardiac tamponade in patients with tha-
Half-life: About 21⁄2 hours. lassemia. Monitor patient.
Metronidazole: May increase busulfan
ADVERSE REACTIONS toxicity. Avoid using together.
CNS: fever, headache, asthenia, pain, Myelosuppressives: May increase myelo-
insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, depression, suppression. Monitor patient.
delirium, agitation, encephalopathy, confu- Other cytotoxic agents causing pulmonary
sion, hallucination, lethargy, somnolence, injury: May cause additive pulmonary
seizures. toxicity. Avoid using together.
CV: edema, chest pain, tachycardia, hy- Phenytoin: May decrease busulfan level.
pertension, hypotension, thrombosis, va- Monitor busulfan level.
sodilation, heart rhythm abnormalities, Thioguanine: May cause hepatotoxicity,
cardiomegaly, heart failure, pericardial esophageal varices, or portal hypertension.
effusion, tachycardia. Use together cautiously.
EENT: rhinitis, epistaxis, pharyngitis,
sinusitis, ear disorder, cataracts, corneal EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
thinning, lens changes. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
GI: nausea, stomatitis, vomiting, anorexia, bilirubin, BUN, creatinine, and glucose
diarrhea, abdominal pain and enlargement, levels. May decrease calcium, hemoglobin,
dyspepsia, constipation, dry mouth, rectal magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and
disorder, pancreatitis. sodium levels.
GU: dysuria, oliguria, hematuria, hemor- • May decrease WBC and platelet counts.
rhagic cystitis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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232 butorphanol tartrate


• Contraindicated in patients with chronic • Advise patient to watch for signs of in-
myelogenous leukemia resistant to drug and fection (fever, sore throat, fatigue) and
in those with chronic lymphocytic or acute bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleed-
leukemia or in the blastic crisis of chronic ing gums, tarry stools). Tell patient to take
myelogenous leukemia. temperature daily.
• Use cautiously in patients recently given • Instruct patient to report signs and symp-
other myelosuppressives or radiation treat- toms of toxicity so dosage can be adjusted.
ment and in those with depressed neutrophil Persistent cough and progressive labored
or platelet count. breathing with liquid in the lungs, sugges-
• Use cautiously in patients with history tive of pneumonia, may be caused by drug
of head trauma or seizures and in those toxicity.
receiving other drugs that lower the seizure • Advise patient to report signs of sudden
threshold because high-dose therapy has weakness, anorexia, melanoderma, nausea
been linked to seizures. and vomiting, unusual fatigue, and weight
•H Overdose S&S: GI toxicity with diarrhea, loss.
mucositis, nausea, vomiting, bone marrow • Instruct patient to avoid OTC products
depression, pancytopenia. containing aspirin and NSAIDs.
• Inform patient that drug may cause skin
Black Box Warning Do not use busulfan • Advise woman of childbearing age to
unless a diagnosis of CML has been ade- avoid becoming pregnant during therapy.
quately established. Recommend that she consult prescriber
Black Box Warning Reduce or discontinue before becoming pregnant.
the dosage if unusual depression of bone • Advise patient not to breast-feed during
marrow function occurs. therapy because of risk of toxicity to infant.
Black Box Warning Malignant tumors • Instruct patient to take drug on empty
and acute leukemias have been reported stomach to decrease nausea and vomiting.
in patients who have received busulfan • Because of risk of impotence and sterility,
therapy. advise men who want to father a child about
• Therapeutic effects are commonly accom- sperm banking before therapy.
panied by toxicity.
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. in- SAFETY ALERT!
jections when platelet count is less than
50,000/mm3 . butorphanol tartrate
• Monitor patient response (increased byoo-TOR-fa-nole
appetite and sense of well-being, decreased
total WBC count, reduced size of spleen), Stadol
which usually begins in 1 to 2 weeks.
• Monitor for jaundice and liver function Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic
abnormalities in patients receiving high- Pharmacologic class: Opioid agonist-
dose busulfan. antagonist, opioid partial agonist
• Anticipate possible blood transfusion Pregnancy risk category C
during treatment because of cumulative Controlled substance schedule IV
anemia. Patients may receive injections of
RBC colony-stimulating factor to promote AVAIL ABLE FORMS
RBC production and decrease the need for Injection: 1 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml
blood transfusions. Nasal spray: 10 mg/ml (1 mg/spray)
Alert: Pulmonary fibrosis may occur as
late as 8 months to 10 years after therapy. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
(Average length of therapy is 4 years.) ➤ Moderate to severe pain
Adults: 1 to 4 mg I.M. every 3 to 4 hours
p.r.n., or around the clock. Not to exceed

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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butorphanol tartrate 233

4 mg per dose. Or, 0.5 to 2 mg I.V. every 3 to Route Onset Peak Duration
4 hours p.r.n., or around the clock. Or, 1 mg I.V. 1 min 4–5 min 2–4 hr
by nasal spray every 3 to 4 hours (1 spray I.M. 10–30 min 30–60 min 3–4 hr
in one nostril); repeat in 60 to 90 minutes Nasal 15 min 1–2 hr 21⁄2 –5 hr
if pain relief is inadequate. For severe pain, Half-life: About 2 to 91⁄4 hours.
2 mg (1 spray in each nostril) every 3 to
4 hours.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with renal or ADVERSE REACTIONS
hepatic impairment, increase dosage inter- CNS: dizziness, insomnia, somnolence,
val to 6 to 8 hours. For elderly patients, give anxiety, asthenia, confusion, euphoria,
1 mg I.M. or 0.5 mg I.V.; wait 6 hours before headache, lethargy, nervousness, paresthe-
repeating dose. For nasal use, 1 mg (1 spray sia, tremor.
in one nostril). May give another 1 mg in CV: flushing, palpitations, vasodilation.
1.5 to 2 hours. Wait 6 hours before repeating EENT: nasal congestion, blurred vision,
sequence. nasal irritation, pharingitis, sinus conges-
➤ Labor for patients at full term; early tion, sinusitis, rhinitis, tinnitus.
labor (without signs of fetal distress) GI: nausea, unpleasant taste, vomiting,
Adults: 1 or 2 mg I.V. or I.M.; repeat after anorexia, constipation, dry mouth, stomach
4 hours as needed. Don’t give dose less than pain.
4 hours before anticipated delivery. Respiratory: bronchitis, cough, dyspnea,
➤ Preoperative anesthesia or preanesthe- upper respiratory tract infection.
sia Skin: clamminess, excessive diaphoresis,
Adults: 2 mg I.M. 60 to 90 minutes before puritis.
surgery. Other: sensation of heat.
➤ Adjunct to balanced anesthesia
Adults: 2 mg I.V. shortly before induction, INTERACTIONS
or 0.5 to 1 mg I.V. in increments during Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May cause
anesthesia. additive effects. Use together cautiously.
Elderly patients: One-half usual dose at Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
twice the interval for I.V. use. additive effects. Discourage use together.


I.V. None reported.
 Compatible solutions include D5 W and

normal saline solutions. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

 Give by direct injection into a vein or • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
into the tubing of a free-flowing I.V. solu- to drug or to preservative, benzethonium
tion. chloride, and in those with opioid addiction;
 Incompatibilities: Dimenhydrinate, may cause withdrawal syndrome.
pentobarbital sodium. • Use cautiously in patients with head in-
I.M. jury, increased intracranial pressure, acute
• Give drug I.M.; don’t give subcuta- MI, ventricular dysfunction, coronary insuf-
neously. ficiency, respiratory disease or depression,
Intranasal and renal or hepatic dysfunction.
• Watch for nasal congestion with nasal • Use cautiously in patients who have re-
spray use. cently received repeated doses of opioid
AC TION •H Overdose S&S: Respiratory depression,
May bind with opioid receptors in the CNS, CNS depression, CV insufficiency, coma,
altering perception of and emotional re- death.
sponse to pain.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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234 calcitonin salmon


• Reassess patient’s level of pain 15 and Adults: 4 units/kg every 12 hours I.M.
30 minutes after administration. or subcutaneously. If response is inade-
• Respiratory depression apparently doesn’t quate after 1 or 2 days, increase dosage to
increase with larger dosage. 8 units/kg every 12 hours. If response re-
• Drug may cause constipation. Assess mains unsatisfactory after 2 additional days,
bowel function and need for stool softener increase dosage to maximum of 8 units/kg
and stimulant laxatives. every 6 hours.
• Psychological and physical addiction may ➤ Postmenopausal osteoporosis
occur. Adults: 200 units (one activation) daily
• Periodically monitor postoperative vital intranasally, alternating nostrils daily. Or,
signs and bladder function. Because drug 100 units I.M. or subcutaneously every
decreases both rate and depth of respira- other day. Patient should receive adequate
tions, monitor arterial oxygen saturation to vitamin D and calcium supplements
help assess respiratory depression. (1.5 g calcium carbonate and 400 units
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse of vitamin D) daily.
Stadol with sotalol.
• Caution ambulatory patient about getting • I.M. route is preferred if volume of dose
out of bed or walking. Warn outpatient to exceeds 2 ml.
avoid driving and other hazardous activities • Use freshly reconstituted solution within
that require mental alertness until it’s clear 2 hours.
how the drug affects the CNS. • Give drug at bedtime, when possible, to
• Teach patient how to take and store nasal minimize nausea and vomiting.
spray. Intranasal
• Instruct patient to avoid alcohol during • Alternate nostrils daily.
therapy. • Give drug at bedtime, when possible, to
minimize nausea and vomiting.
calcitonin salmon • Use freshly reconstituted solution within
kal-si-TOE-nin 2 hours.
• Give drug at bedtime, when possible, to
Fortical, Miacalcin minimize nausea and vomiting.
• Alternate injection sites.
Therapeutic class: Antiosteoporotic
Pharmacologic class: Polypeptide AC TION
hormone Decreases osteoclastic activity by inhibiting
Pregnancy risk category C osteocytic osteolysis; decreases mineral
release and matrix or collagen breakdown in
Injection: 200 units/ml in 2-ml ampules Route Onset Peak Duration
Nasal spray: 200 units/activation I.M., Subcut. 15 min 4 hr 8–24 hr
Intranasal Rapid 30 min 1 hr
➤ Paget disease of bone (osteitis defor- Half-life: 43 to 60 minutes.
Adults: Initially, 100 units daily I.M. or ADVERSE REACTIONS
subcutaneously. Maintenance dosage is CNS: headache, weakness, dizziness, pares-
50 to 100 units daily every other day or thesia.
three times weekly. CV: chest pressure, facial flushing.
EENT: eye pain, nasal congestion, rhinitis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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calcitriol 235

GI: transient nausea, unusual taste, diar- • If symptoms have been relieved after
rhea, anorexia, vomiting, epigastric discom- 6 months, treatment may be stopped until
fort, abdominal pain. symptoms or radiologic signs recur.
GU: increased urinary frequency, nocturia. • Refrigerate drug at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to
Respiratory: shortness of breath. 8◦ C).
Skin: rash, pruritus of ear lobes, inflamma- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
tion at injection site. calcitonin with calcifediol or calcitriol.
Other: hypersensitivity reactions, anaphy-
laxis, edema of feet, chills, tender palms PATIENT TEACHING
and soles. • When drug is given for postmenopausal
osteoporosis, remind patient to take ade-
INTERACTIONS quate calcium and vitamin D supplements.
Drug-drug. Bisphosphonates: Prior use • Show home care patient and family mem-
of bisphosphonates in patients with Paget ber how to give drug. Tell them to do so at
disease may reduce the antiresorptive bedtime if only one dose is needed daily.
response to nasal spray. Monitor patient. If nasal spray is prescribed, tell patient to
alternate nostrils daily.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to notify prescriber if
None reported. significant nasal irritation or evidence of an
allergic response occurs.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Inform patient that facial flushing and
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive warmth occur in 20% to 30% of patients
to drug. within minutes of injection and usually last
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting. about 1 hour.
• Tell patient that nausea and vomiting may
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS occur at the onset of therapy.
• Skin test is usually done in patients with • Tell patient to inform prescriber promptly
suspected drug sensitivity before therapy. if signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia
Alert: Systemic allergic reactions are occur. Inform patient that, if drug loses
possible because hormone is protein. Keep its hypocalcemic activity, other drugs or
epinephrine nearby. increased dosages won’t help.
Alert: Observe patient for signs of
hypocalcemic tetany during therapy (mus-
cle twitching, tetanic spasms, and seizures calcitriol (1,25-
when hypocalcemia is severe). dihydroxycholecalciferol)
• Monitor calcium level closely. Watch for kal-SIH-trye-ol
symptoms of hypercalcemia relapse: bone
pain, renal calculi, polyuria, anorexia, nau- Calcijex, Rocaltrol
sea, vomiting, thirst, constipation, lethargy,
bradycardia, muscle hypotonicity, patho- Therapeutic class: Antihypocalcemic
logic fracture, psychosis, and coma. Pharmacologic class: Vitamin D
• Periodic examinations of urine sediment analogue
are recommended. Pregnancy risk category C
• Monitor periodic alkaline phosphatase
and 24-hour urine hydroxyproline levels to AVAIL ABLE FORMS
evaluate drug effect. Capsules: 0.25 mcg, 0.5 mcg
• In Paget disease, maximum reductions of Injection: 1 mcg/ml, 2 mcg/ml
alkaline phosphatase and urinary hydrox- Oral solution: 1 mcg/ml
yproline excretion may take 6 to 24 months
of continuous treatment. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• In patients with good first response to ➤ Hypocalcemia in patients undergoing
drug who have a relapse, expect to evaluate long-term dialysis
antibody response to the hormone protein.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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236 calcitriol

Adults: Initially, 0.25 mcg P.O. daily. In- EENT: conjunctivitis, photophobia, rhinor-
crease by 0.25 mcg daily at 4- to 8-week rhea, nephrocalcinosis.
intervals. Maintenance P.O. dosage is GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation, poly-
0.25 mcg every other day up to 1 mcg daily. dipsia, pancreatitis, metallic taste, dry
Or usual I.V. dosage is 1 to 2 mcg I.V. three mouth, anorexia.
times weekly. Increase dose by 0.5 to 1 mcg GU: polyuria, nocturia, nephrocalcinosis.
at 2- to 4-week intervals. Metabolic: weight loss.
➤ Hypoparathyroidism, pseudohy- Musculoskeletal: bone and muscle pain.
poparathyroidism Skin: pruritus.
Adults and children age 6 and older: Other: hyperthermia, decreased libido.
Initially, 0.25 mcg P.O. daily in the morning.
Dosage may be increased at 2- to 4-week INTERACTIONS
intervals. Maintenance dosage is 0.25 to Drug-drug. Cardiac glycosides: May
2 mcg P.O. daily. increase risk of arrhythmias. Use together
➤ Hypoparathyroidism cautiously.
Children ages 1 to 5: Give 0.25 to 0.75 mcg Cholestyramine, colestipol, excessive use
P.O. daily. of mineral oil: May decrease absorption
➤ To manage secondary hyperparathy- of oral vitamin D analogues. Avoid using
roidism and resulting metabolic bone together.
disease in predialysis patients (with cre- Corticosteroids: May counteract vitamin D
atinine clearance of 15 to 55 ml/minute) analogue effects. Avoid using together.
Adults and children age 3 and older: Magnesium-containing antacids: May
Initially, 0.25 mcg P.O. daily. Dosage may be cause hypermagnesemia, especially in
increased to 0.5 mcg/day if needed. patients with chronic renal failure. Avoid
Children younger than age 3: Initially, using together.
0.01 to 0.015 mcg/kg P.O. daily. Phenytoin, phenobarbital: May inhibit
calcitriol synthesis. Dose may need to be
P.O. Thiazides: May cause hypercalcemia. Use
• Give drug without regard for food. together cautiously.
• Don’t give with magnesium-containing
I.V. None reported.
 For hypocalcemia in patient undergoing

hemodialysis, give drug by rapid injection CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

through catheter at end of hemodialysis • Contraindicated in patients with hyper-
session. calcemia or vitamin D toxicity. Withhold all
 Incompatibilities: None reported. preparations containing vitamin D.
• Use cautiously in patients receiving car-
AC TION diac glycosides and in those with sarcoido-
Stimulates calcium absorption from the GI sis or hyperparathyroidism.
tract and promotes movement of calcium •H Overdose S&S: Hypercalcemia, hy-
from bone to blood. perphosphatemia, weakness, headache,
Route Onset Peak Duration
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach
P.O. 2–6 hr 3–6 hr 3–5 days
cramps, dizziness.
I.V. Immediate Unknown 3–5 days
Half-life: 5 to 8 hours. • Effective therapy is dependent on ade-
quate calcium intake.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Monitor calcium level; this level times the
CNS: headache, somnolence, weakness, phosphate level shouldn’t exceed 70. During
irritability. dose adjustment, determine calcium level
CV: hypertension, arrhythmias. twice weekly. If hypercalcemia occurs, stop

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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calcium acetate 237

drug and notify prescriber but resume af- calcium phosphate,

ter calcium level returns to normal. Patient dibasic 
should receive adequate daily intake of cal-
cium. Observe for hypocalcemia, bone pain, calcium phosphate, tribasic C
and weakness before and during therapy. Posture 
• Monitor phosphorous level, especially
in hypoparathyroid patients and dialysis Therapeutic class: Calcium supplement
patients. Pharmacologic class: Calcium salts
• Reduce dose as parathyroid hormone Pregnancy risk category NR; C (PhosLo)
levels decrease in response to therapy.
• The symptoms of vitamin D intoxication AVAIL ABLE FORMS
include headache, somnolence, weakness, calcium acetate
irritability, hypertension, arrhythmias, con- Contains 253 mg or 12.7 mEq of elemental
junctivitis, photophobia, rhinorrhea, nausea, calcium/g
vomiting, constipation, polydipsia, pancre- Capsules: 333.5 mg, 667 mg
atitis, metallic taste, dry mouth, anorexia, Gelcaps: 667 mg
nephrocalcinosis, polyuria, nocturia, weight Tablets: 667 mg
loss, bone and muscle pain, pruritus, hyper- calcium chloride
thermia, and decreased libido. Contains 270 mg or 13.5 mEq of elemental
• Protect drug from heat and light. calcium/g
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Injection: 10% solution in 10-ml ampules,
calcitriol with calcifediol or calcitonin. vials, and syringes
calcium citrate
PATIENT TEACHING Contains 211 mg or 10.6 mEq of elemental
• Tell patient to immediately report early calcium/g
symptoms of vitamin D intoxication: weak- Tablets: 250 mg, 950 mg 
ness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, con- Tablets (effervescent): 500 mg of elemental
stipation, muscle or bone pain, or metallic calcium 
taste. calcium glubionate
• Instruct patient to adhere to diet and Contains 64 mg or 3.2 mEq elemental
calcium supplementation and to avoid calcium/g
unapproved OTC drugs and antacids that Syrup: 1.8 g/5 ml
contain magnesium. calcium gluconate
Alert: Tell patient that drug is the most Contains 90 mg or 4.5 mEq of elemental
potent form of vitamin D available and calcium/g
shouldn’t be taken by anyone else. Injection: 10% solution in 10-ml ampules
and vials, 10-ml or 50-ml vials
Powder for oral suspension: 346.7 elemen-
calcium acetate tal calcium/15 ml
Eliphos, PhosLo Gelcaps Tablets: 500 mg , 650 mg , 1 g 
calcium lactate
calcium chloride Contains 130 mg or 6.5 mEq of elemental
calcium citrate  Capsules: 500 mg (96 mg elemental
Citracal , Citracal Liquitab  calcium)
Tablets: 100 mg, 650 mg (84.5 mg elemen-
calcium glubionate tal calcium)
Calciquid calcium phosphate, dibasic
Contains 230 mg or 11.5 mEq of elemental
calcium gluconate calcium/g
Tablets: 500 mg 
calcium lactate 

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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238 calcium acetate

calcium phosphate, tribasic  When giving calcium gluconate as

Contains 400 mg or 20 mEq of elemental injection, give only by I.V. route.

calcium/g  Monitor ECG when giving calcium I.V.

Tablets: 600 mg  Stop drug and notify prescriber if patient

complains of discomfort.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Extravasation may cause severe necrosis

➤ Hypocalcemic emergency and tissue sloughing. Calcium gluconate

Adults: 7 mEq to 14 mEq calcium I.V. May is less irritating to veins and tissues than
give as a 10% calcium gluconate solution, calcium chloride.
2% to 10% calcium chloride solution. Direct injection
Children: 1 mEq to 7 mEq calcium I.V.  Don’t use scalp veins in children.

Infants: Up to 1 mEq calcium I.V.  Warm solution to body temperature

➤ Hypocalcemic tetany before giving it.

Adults: 4.5 mEq to 16 mEq calcium I.V.  For calcium chloride, give at 1 ml/

Repeat until tetany is controlled. minute (1.5 mEq/minute); for calcium

Children: 0.5 to 0.7 mEq/kg calcium I.V. gluconate, 2 ml/minute.
t.i.d. to q.i.d. until tetany is controlled.  Give slowly through a small needle

Neonates: 2.4 mEq/kg calcium I.V. daily in into a large vein or through an I.V. line
divided doses. containing a free-flowing, compatible
➤ Adjunctive treatment of magnesium solution.
intoxication  After injection, keep patient recumbent

Adults: Initially, 7 mEq I.V. Base subsequent for 15 minutes.

doses on patient’s response. Intermittent infusion
➤ During exchange transfusions  Infuse diluted solution through an I.V.

Adults: 1.35 mEq I.V. with each 100 ml line containing a compatible solution.
citrated blood.  For calcium gluconate, don’t exceed

Neonates: 0.45 mEq I.V. after each 100 ml 200 mg/minute.

citrated blood.  Incompatibilities: Drug will precipitate

➤ Hyperphosphatemia if given with sodium bicarbonate or other

Adults: 1,334 to 2,000 mg P.O. calcium alkaline drugs. Calcium chloride: ampho-
acetate or 2 to 5.2 g calcium ion t.i.d. with tericin B, chlorpheniramine, dobutamine.
meals. Most dialysis patients need 3 to Calcium gluconate: amphotericin B, dobu-
4 tablets with each meal. tamine, fluconazole, indomethacin sodium
➤ Dietary supplement trihydrate, methylprednisolone sodium
Adults: 500 mg to 2 g P.O. daily. succinate, prochlorperazine edisylate.
➤ Hyperkalemia with secondary cardiac I.M.
toxicity • Use I.M. calcium gluconate only in emer-
Adults: 2.25 mEq to 14 mEq I.V. Repeat gencies when no I.V. route is available
dose after 1 to 2 minutes, if needed. because of irritation of tissue by calcium
ADMINISTRATION • Give I.M. in gluteal muscle in adults and
P.O. in side of the thigh in infants.
• Give drug with a full glass of water.
• Give 1 to 11⁄ 2 hours after meals if GI upset AC TION
occurs. Replaces calcium and maintains calcium
I.V. level.
 Calcium salts are not interchangeable;
Route Onset Peak Duration
verify preparation before use. P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
 Give calcium chloride only by I.V. route. I.V., I.M. Immediate Immediate 30 min–2 hr
When adding to parenteral solutions that
Half-life: Unknown.
contain other additives (especially phos-
phorus or phosphate), watch for precipi-
tate. Use an in-line filter.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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calcium acetate 239

ADVERSE REACTIONS ular fibrillation, hypercalcemia, hypophos-

CNS: tingling sensations, sense of oppres- phatemia, or renal calculi.
sion or heat waves with I.V. use, syncope •H Overdose S&S: Hypercalcemia, confu-
with rapid I.V. use. sion, delirium, stupor, coma.
CV: bradycardia, arrhythmias, cardiac
arrest with rapid I.V. use, mild drop in NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
blood pressure, vasodilation. • Use all calcium products with extreme
GI: constipation, irritation, chalky taste, caution in digitalized patients and patients
hemorrhage, nausea, vomiting, thirst, with sarcoidosis and renal or cardiac dis-
abdominal pain. ease. Use calcium chloride cautiously in
GU: polyuria, renal calculi. patients with cor pulmonale, respiratory
Metabolic: hypercalcemia. acidosis, or respiratory failure.
Skin: local reactions, including burning, Alert: Double-check that you are giving
necrosis, tissue sloughing, cellulitis, soft- the correct form of calcium; resuscitation
tissue calcification with I.M. use. cart may contain both calcium gluconate
and calcium chloride.
INTERACTIONS • Monitor calcium levels frequently. Main-
Drug-drug. Atenolol, tetracyclines: May tain calcium level of 9 to 10.4 mg/dl. Don’t
decrease bioavailability of these drugs and allow level to exceed 12 mg/dl. Hypercal-
calcium when oral preparations are taken cemia may result after large doses in chronic
together. Separate dosing times. renal failure. Report abnormalities.
Cardiac glycosides: May increase digoxin • Signs and symptoms of severe hyper-
toxicity. Give calcium cautiously, if at all, to calcemia may include stupor, confusion,
digitalized patients. delirium, and coma. Signs and symptoms of
Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, lomefloxacin, moxi- mild hypercalcemia may include anorexia,
floxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin: May decrease nausea, and vomiting.
effects of quinolone. Give calcium carbon- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse cal-
ate at least 6 hours before or 2 hours after cium with calcitriol, calcium gluconate with
quinolone. calcium glubionate, or calcium chloride
Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: Use together may with calcium gluconate.
decrease absorption of both drugs. Avoid
using together, or monitor levels carefully. PATIENT TEACHING
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate: May cause • Tell patient to take oral calcium 1 to
metabolic acidosis in patients with renal 11⁄2 hours after meals if GI upset occurs.
disease and a reduction of the resin’s bind- • Tell patient to take oral calcium with a full
ing of potassium. Separate drugs by several glass of water.
hours. • Tell patient to report anorexia, nausea,
Thiazide diuretics: May cause hypercal- vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, dry
cemia. Avoid using together. mouth, thirst, or polyuria.
Verapamil: May reduce effects and toxicity • Warn patient that, in the meal before he
of verapamil. Monitor patient closely. takes calcium, he shouldn’t have rhubarb,
Drug-food. Foods containing oxalic acid spinach, bran and whole-grain cereals, or
(rhubarb, spinach), phytic acid (bran, dairy products; these foods may interfere
whole-grain cereals), phosphorus (dairy with calcium absorption.
products, milk): May interfere with calcium • Inform patient that some products may
absorption. Discourage use together. contain phenylalanine or tartrazine.


• May increase calcium level.


• Contraindicated in cancer patients with
bone metastases and in those with ventric-

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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240 calcium carbonate

calcium carbonate CNS: headache, irritability, weakness.
KAL-see-um GI: nausea, constipation, flatulence,
rebound hyperacidity.
Alka-Mints , Cal-Carb Forte ,
Calci-Chew , Calci-Mix , INTERACTIONS
Calel-D , Cal-Gest , Caltrate , Drug-drug. Antibiotics (tetracyclines),
Chooz , Dicarbosil , Equilet , hydantoins, iron salts, isoniazid, salicylates:
Maalox Antacid Caplets , May decrease effect of these drugs because
Nephro-Calci , Oscal , Oysco , may impair absorption. Separate doses by
Oyst-Cal , Rolaids , Surpass , 2 hours.
Titralac , Trial , Tums  Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, lomefloxacin, moxi-
floxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin: May decrease
Therapeutic class: Antacid quinolone effects. Give antacid at least
Pharmacologic class: Calcium salt 6 hours before or 2 hours after quinolone.
Pregnancy risk category C Enteric-coated drugs: May be released
prematurely in stomach. Separate doses by
AVAIL ABLE FORMS at least 1 hour.
Calcium carbonate contains 40% calcium; Proton pump inhibitors: May decrease
20 mEq calcium per gram. calcium absorption. Monitor patient for
Capsules: 1,250 mg  clinical response; larger calcium doses may
Chewing gum: 300 mg , 450 mg , be needed.
500 mg/piece  Drug-food. Milk, other foods high in vita-
Lozenges: 600 mg  min D: May cause milk-alkali syndrome
Oral suspension: 1,250 mg/5 ml (headache, confusion, distaste for food,
Tablets: 500 mg , 600 mg , 650 mg , nausea, vomiting, hypercalcemia, hypercal-
1,000 mg , 1,250 mg , 1,500 mg  ciuria). Discourage use together.
Tablets (chewable): 350 mg , 400 mg ,
420 mg , 500 mg , 750 mg , 850 mg , EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
1,000 mg , 1,177 mg , 1,250 mg  • May decrease phosphate level.
➤ Acid indigestion, calcium supplement • Contraindicated in patients with ventricu-
Adults: 350 mg to 1.5 g P.O. or two pieces lar fibrillation or hypercalcemia.
of chewing gum 1 hour after meals and at • Use cautiously, if at all, if patient takes a
bedtime, as needed. cardiac glycoside or has sarcoidosis or renal
or cardiac disease.
• Shake suspension well before administra- • Record amount and consistency of stools.
tion. Manage constipation with laxatives or stool
AC TION • Monitor calcium level, especially in
Reduces total acid load in GI tract, ele- patients with mild renal impairment.
vates gastric pH to reduce pepsin activity, • Watch for evidence of hypercalcemia
strengthens gastric mucosal barrier, and (nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion,
increases esophageal sphincter tone. and anorexia).
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 20 min Unknown 20–180 min
• Advise patient not to take calcium carbon-
Half-life: Unknown. ate indiscriminately or to switch antacids
without prescriber’s advice.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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calcium polycarbophil 241

• Tell patient who takes chewable tablets to ADVERSE REACTIONS

chew thoroughly before swallowing and to GI: intestinal obstruction, abdominal
follow with a glass of water. fullness and increased flatus.
• Tell patient who uses suspension form to Other: laxative dependence with long-term
shake well and take with a small amount of or excessive use.
water to facilitate passage.
• Urge patient to notify prescriber about INTERACTIONS
signs and symptoms of GI bleeding, such as Drug-drug. Tetracyclines: May impair
tarry stools, or coffee-ground vomitus. tetracycline absorption. Give antibiotic
2 hours before or 1 hour after calcium.
calcium polycarbophil EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
KAL-see-um None reported.


Fiber-Lax , Konsyl Fiber  • Contraindicated in patients with signs or
symptoms of GI obstruction or those with
Therapeutic class: Laxative swallowing difficulty.
Pharmacologic class: Hydrophilic drug
Pregnancy risk category A NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Before giving drug for constipation,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS determine whether patient has adequate
Tablets: 500 mg , 625 mg  fluid intake, exercise, and diet.
Tablets (chewable): 500 mg  • In children younger than age 6, use must
be directed by prescriber.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Alert: Rectal bleeding or failure to
➤ Constipation respond to therapy may indicate need for
Adults and children older than age 12: surgery.
2 tablets (1,000 to 1,250 mg) P.O. once daily
to q.i.d., p.r.n. Maximum, 5 g in 24 hours. PATIENT TEACHING
Children ages 7 to 12: 1 tablet (500 to • Full benefit of drug may take 1 to 3 days.
625 mg) P.O. once daily to t.i.d., p.r.n. • Advise patient to chew Equalactin tablets
Maximum, 2 g in 24 hours. thoroughly before swallowing and to drink
an 8-ounce glass of water with each dose.
ADMINISTRATION When drug is used as an antidiarrheal, tell
P.O. patient not to drink the glass of water.
• Equalactin tablets should be chewed • Advise patient to seek medical attention
thoroughly before swallowing and followed if he experiences vomiting, chest pain, or
by an 8-ounce glass of water with each dose. difficulty breathing or swallowing after
• When drug is used as an antidiarrheal, taking medication.
don’t give with glass of water. • Teach patient about dietary sources of
fiber, including bran and other cereals, fresh
AC TION fruit, and vegetables.
Absorbs water and expands to increase • For severe diarrhea, advise patient to
bulk and moisture content of stools. The repeat dose every 30 minutes, but not to
increased bulk encourages peristalsis and exceed maximum daily dose. Tell patient
bowel movement. As an antidiarrheal, drug not to use for longer than 2 days, unless
absorbs free fecal water, thereby producing directed by a prescriber.
formed stools.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 12–24 hr 3 days Variable

Half-life: Unknown.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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242 calfactant

• Unopened, unused vials that have warmed

calfactant to room temperature can be rerefrigerated
kal-FAK-tant within 24 hours for future use. Avoid re-
peated warming to room temperature.
Infasurf • Store drug at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). It
isn’t necessary to warm drug before use.
Therapeutic class: Lung surfactant
Pharmacologic class: Bovine lung AC TION
extract Modifies alveolar surface tension, which
Pregnancy risk category NR stabilizes the alveoli.
Route Onset Peak Duration
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Intratracheal Unknown Unknown Unknown
Intratracheal suspension: 35 mg phospho-
lipids and 0.65 mg proteins/ml; 6-ml vial Half-life: Unknown.


➤ To prevent respiratory distress syn- CV: BRADYCARDIA.
drome (RDS) in premature infants Respiratory: AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION,
younger than 29 weeks’ gestational age APNEA, cyanosis, hypoventilation.
at high risk for RDS; to treat infants Other: reflux of drug into ETT, dislodg-
younger than 72 hours of age, who de- ment of ETT.
velop RDS (confirmed by clinical and
radiologic findings) and need an endotra- INTERACTIONS
cheal tube (ETT) None significant.
Neonates: 3 ml/kg of body weight at birth
intratracheally, given in two aliquots of EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
1.5 ml/kg each, every 12 hours for a total of None reported.
up to three doses.
Inhalational •H Overdose S&S: Hypoxia (from overload-
• Suspension settles during storage. Gentle ing lungs with isotonic solution).
swirling or agitation of the vial is commonly
needed for redispersion. Don’t shake vial. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Visible flecks in the suspension and foam- • Give drug under supervision of medi-
ing at the surface are normal. cal staff experienced in the acute care of
• Withdraw dose into a syringe from single- neonates with respiratory failure who need
use vial using a 20G or larger needle; avoid intubation.
excessive foaming. Alert: Drug intended only for intratracheal
• Give through a side-port adapter into use; to prevent RDS, give to infant as soon
the ETT. Make sure two medical staff are as possible after birth, preferably within
present while giving dose. Give dose in two 30 minutes.
aliquots of 1.5 ml/kg each. Place infant on • Monitor patient for reflux of drug into
one side after first aliquot and other side ETT, cyanosis, bradycardia, or airway
after second aliquot. Give while ventilation obstruction during the procedure. If these
is continued over 20 to 30 breaths for each occur, stop drug and take appropriate
aliquot, with small bursts timed only during measures to stabilize infant. After infant
the inspiratory cycles. Evaluate respiratory is stable, resume drug with appropriate
status and reposition infant between each monitoring.
aliquot. • After giving drug, carefully monitor
• Enter each single-use vial only once; infant so that oxygen therapy and ventila-
discard unused material. tory support can be modified in response

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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canakinumab 243

to improvements in oxygenation and lung • Using aseptic technique, reconstitute each

compliance. vial by slowly injecting 1 ml preservative-
free sterile water for injection with 1-ml
PATIENT TEACHING syringe and an 18G × 2-inch needle. Swirl
• Explain to parents the function of drug in vial slowly at an angle of about 45 degrees
preventing and treating RDS. for about 1 minute and allow to stand for
• Notify parents that, although infant may 5 minutes. Then gently turn vial upside
improve rapidly after treatment, he may down and back again 10 times. Avoid touch-
continue to need intubation and mechanical ing rubber stopper with your fingers. Allow
ventilation. to stand for about 15 minutes at room tem-
• Notify parents of possible adverse effects perature to obtain a clear solution. Don’t
of drug, including bradycardia, reflux into shake. Tap side of vial to remove any resid-
ETT, airway obstruction, cyanosis, dislodg- ual liquid from stopper. Slight foaming of
ment of ETT, and hypoventilation. product upon reconstitution isn’t unusual.
• Reassure parents that infant will be care- • Solution should be free from particles
fully monitored. and colorless to slightly yellow-brown.
Don’t use if solution is distinctly brown or
contains particles.
kan-ah-KIN-yoo-mab AC TION
Blocks interleukin (IL)-1B and neutralizes
Ilaris its activity selectively at IL-1 receptors,
Therapeutic class: Anti-autoimmune thereby decreasing inflammation.
agent Route Onset Peak Duration
Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal Subcut. Unknown 2–7 days Unknown
Half-life: 26 days.
Pregnancy risk category C


Injection: 180-mg single-use vial CNS: headache, vertigo.
EENT: nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis,
➤ Cryopyrin-associated periodic syn- GI: diarrhea, gastroenteritis, nausea.
dromes (familial cold autoinflammatory Musculoskeletal: musculoskeletal pain.
syndrome and Muckle-Wells syndrome) Respiratory: bronchitis.
Adults and children age 4 and older weigh- Other: influenza, injection-site reactions,
ing more than 40 kg (88 lb): 150 mg subcu- weight gain.
taneously every 8 weeks.
Adults and children age 4 and older weigh- INTERACTIONS
ing 15 to 40 kg (33 to 88 lb): 2 mg/kg sub- Drug-drug. CYP450 substrates (such as
cutaneously every 8 weeks; may increase omeprazole, phenytoin, and warfarin):
dosage to 3 mg/kg in children weighing May alter canakinumab drug concentration.
15 to 40 kg who have an inadequate Monitor patient closely.
response. Live vaccines: May transmit infection.
Avoid use together.
ADMINISTRATION Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, other
Subcutaneous IL-1 blockers: May increase risk of serious
• Refrigerate unopened vial at 36◦ to 46◦ F infection, including reactivation of latent
(2◦ to 8◦ C) and protect from light. After tuberculosis (TB). Avoid use together.
reconstitution, vial should be protected from
light and may be kept at room temperature if EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
used within 60 minutes of reconstitution. None reported.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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244 candesartan cilexetil


• Use cautiously in patients with infection, (used alone or with other antihyperten-
history of recurring infection, or underlying sives)
conditions that increase risk of infection. Children ages 6 to younger than 17:
• Use in pregnant women only if benefit Initially for patients weighing more than
to mother outweighs risk to fetus. It isn’t 50 kg (110 lb), 16 mg P.O. once daily. May
known if drug appears in breast milk. Use increase to 32 mg P.O. as single dose or di-
cautiously in breast-feeding women. vided doses as needed. Initially for patients
weighing less than 50 kg, 4 to 8 mg P.O.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS once daily. May increase to 16 mg P.O. as
• Test patient for latent TB before starting single dose or divided doses as needed.
therapy; if patient tests positive, treat TB Children ages 1 to younger than 6: Initially,
before initiating therapy. 0.20 mg/kg P.O. once daily. Dosage range
• Drug may increase risk of malignancies. is 0.05 to 0.4 mg/kg P.O. as single dose or
Monitor patient closely. divided doses.
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms ➤ Heart failure (New York Heart
of infection (fever, body aches, cough, sore Association class II to IV)
throat). Adults: Initially, 4 mg P.O. once daily.
Double the dose about every 2 weeks as
PATIENT TEACHING tolerated to a target dose of 32 mg once
• Advise patient to practice infection- daily.
prevention measures. Adjust-a-dose: If patient takes a diuretic,
• Instruct patient to report signs and symp- consider a lower starting dose.
toms of infection (fever, body aches, cough,
sore throat). ADMINISTRATION
• Advise women to report pregnancy, possi- P.O.
ble pregnancy, or plans to become pregnant • Give drug without regard for food.
to their health care provider. • Tablets may be made into suspension by
• Tell patient to avoid live vaccines while pharmacist for patients unable to swallow
taking this drug. pills.
• Suspension may be stored unopened at
room temperature for 100 days.
candesartan cilexetil • Shake suspension well before each use.
kan-dah-SAR-tan • Use suspension within 30 days of opening
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive Inhibits vasoconstrictive action of an-
Pharmacologic class: Angiotensin II giotensin II by blocking angiotensin II
receptor antagonist receptor on the surface of vascular smooth
Pregnancy risk category C in 1st muscle and other tissue cells.
trimester; D in 2nd and 3rd trimesters
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 3–4 hr 24 hr
Tablets: 4 mg, 8 mg, 16 mg, 32 mg Half-life: 9 hours.


➤ Hypertension (used alone or with CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache.
other antihypertensives) CV: chest pain, peripheral edema.
Adults: Initially, 16 mg P.O. once daily when EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
used alone; usual range is 8 to 32 mg P.O. GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea,
daily as a single dose or divided b.i.d. vomiting.
GU: albuminuria.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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capecitabine 245

Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain. • If hypotension occurs after a dose of

Respiratory: coughing, bronchitis, upper candesartan, place patient in the supine
respiratory tract infection. position and, if needed, give an I.V. infusion
Other: angioedema. of normal saline solution.
• Most of drug’s antihypertensive effect C
INTERACTIONS occurs within 2 weeks. Maximal effect may
Drug-drug. Lithium: May increase lithium take 4 to 6 weeks. Diuretic may be added
concentration. Monitor lithium levels if blood pressure isn’t controlled by drug
closely. alone.
Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium • Carefully monitor elderly patients and
supplements: May cause hyperkalemia. those with renal disease for therapeutic
Monitor patient closely. response and adverse reactions.
Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease
antihypertensive effects. Discourage use PATIENT TEACHING
together. • Inform women of childbearing age of the
Drug-food. Salt substitutes containing consequences of second and third trimester
potassium: May cause hyperkalemia. exposure to drug. Prescriber should be noti-
Monitor patient closely. fied immediately if pregnancy is suspected.
• Advise breast-feeding women of the risk
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS of adverse effects on the infant and the need
• May increase potassium, BUN, and serum to stop either breast-feeding or drug.
creatinine levels. • Instruct patient to store drug at room
temperature and to keep container tightly
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Inform patient to report adverse reactions
to drug or its components, in children without delay.
with glomerular filtration rate of less than • Tell patient that drug may be taken with-
30 ml/min/1.73 m2 , and in children younger out regard to meals.
than age 1.
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in SAFETY ALERT!
pregnant patients, especially in the second
and third trimesters. capecitabine
• Use cautiously in patients whose renal kap-ah-SEAT-ah-been
function depends on the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system (such as patients with Xeloda
heart failure) because of risk of oliguria
and progressive azotemia with acute renal Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
failure or death. Pharmacologic class: Pyrimidine
• Use cautiously in patients who are volume analogue
or salt depleted because they could develop Pregnancy risk category D
symptoms of hypotension. Start therapy
with a lower dosage range, and monitor AVAIL ABLE FORMS
blood pressure carefully. Tablets: 150 mg, 500 mg
•H Overdose S&S: Symptomatic hypotension.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ➤ With docetaxel or alone, metastatic
Black Box Warning Drugs such as can- breast cancer resistant to both pacli-
desartan that act directly on the renin- taxel and an anthracycline-containing
angiotensin system can cause fetal and chemotherapy regimen or resistant to
neonatal illness and death when given paclitaxel in patients for whom further
to pregnant women. If pregnancy is de- anthracycline therapy isn’t indicated;
tected, discontinue candesartan as soon as first-line treatment of metastatic colorec-
possible. tal cancer when fluoropyrimidine therapy

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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246 capecitabine

alone is preferred; Duke stage C colon Route Onset Peak Duration

cancer after complete resection of pri- P.O. Unknown 90–120 min Unknown
mary tumor when fluoropyrimidine alone
Half-life: About 45 minutes.
is preferred
Adults: 2,500 mg/m2 daily P.O., in two
divided doses, about 12 hours apart and ADVERSE REACTIONS
after a meal, for 2 weeks, followed by a CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, insom-
1-week rest period; repeat every 3 weeks. nia, paresthesia, pyrexia, fever, lethargy,
Adjuvant treatment in patients with Duke C peripheral neuropathy, asthenia.
colon cancer is recommended for a total of CV: edema, chest pain, venous thrombosis.
eight cycles (24 weeks). EENT: eye irritation, epistaxis, increased
Adjust-a-dose: Follow National Cancer In- lacrimation, rhinorrhea.
stitute of Canada (NCIC) common toxicity GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis,
criteria when adjusting dosage. Toxicity abdominal pain, constipation, anorexia,
criteria relate to degrees of severity of di- dyspepsia, taste perversion.
arrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, and Hematologic: NEUTROPENIA, thrombocy-
hand-and-foot syndrome. Refer to drug topenia, anemia, lymphopenia.
package insert for specific toxicity defini- Metabolic: dehydration.
tions. NCIC grade 1: Maintain dose level. Musculoskeletal: myalgia, limb pain, back
NCIC grade 2: At first appearance, stop pain.
treatment until resolved to grade 0 to 1; then Respiratory: dyspnea.
restart at 100% of starting dose for next Skin: hand-foot syndrome, dermatitis, nail
cycle. At second appearance, stop treatment disorder, alopecia, rash.
until resolved to grade 0 to 1 and use 75% of
starting dose for next cycle. At third appear- INTERACTIONS
ance, stop treatment until resolved to grade Drug-drug. Antacids containing aluminum
0 to 1 and use 50% of starting dose for next hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide: May
cycle. At fourth appearance, stop treatment increase exposure to capecitabine and its
permanently. NCIC grade 3: At first appear- metabolites. Monitor patient.
ance, stop treatment until resolved to grade Leucovorin: May increase cytotoxic effects
0 to 1 and use 75% of starting dose for next of 5-FU with enhanced toxicity. Monitor
cycle. At second appearance, stop treatment patient carefully.
until resolved to grade 0 to 1 and use 50% of Phenytoin: May increase toxicity or pheny-
starting dose for next cycle. At third appear- toin effect. Monitor phenytoin level.
ance, stop treatment permanently. NCIC Black Box Warning Warfarin: May de-
grade 4: At first appearance, stop treatment crease clearance of warfarin and increase
permanently or until resolved to grade 0 risk of bleeding. Monitor PT and INR.
to 1, and use 50% of starting dose for next
cycle. Reduce starting dose for patients with EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
creatinine clearance 30 to 50 ml/minute to • May increase bilirubin level. May
75% of the starting dose. decrease hemoglobin level.
• May decrease neutrophil, platelet, and
• Give drug with water within 30 minutes CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
after breakfast and dinner. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to 5-FU, patients with known dihydropyrim-
AC TION idine dehydrogenase deficiency, and in those
Converted to active 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), with severe renal impairment.
which causes cellular injury by interfering • Use cautiously in elderly patients and
with DNA synthesis to inhibit cell divi- those with history of coronary artery dis-
sion and with RNA processing and protein ease, mild to moderate hepatic dysfunction
synthesis. from liver metastases, hyperbilirubinemia,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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captopril 247

and renal insufficiency. Also, use cautiously regular dosing schedule and check with
in patients also taking warfarin. prescriber.
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, • Instruct patient to inform prescriber if he’s
diarrhea, GI irritation and bleeding, bone taking folic acid.
marrow depression. • Inform patient and caregiver about ex- C
pected adverse effects of drug, especially
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and hand-foot
• Patients older than age 80 may have a syndrome (pain, swelling, or redness of
greater risk of adverse GI effects. hands or feet). Tell him that patient-specific
• Assess patient for severe diarrhea, and dose adaptations during therapy are ex-
notify prescriber if it occurs. Give fluid and pected and needed.
electrolyte replacement if patient becomes Alert: Instruct patient to stop taking drug
dehydrated. Drug may need to be immedi- and contact prescriber immediately if he
ately interrupted until diarrhea resolves or develops diarrhea (more than four bowel
becomes less intense. movements daily or diarrhea at night),
• Monitor patient for hand-foot syndrome vomiting (two to five episodes in 24 hours),
(numbness, paresthesia, painless or painful nausea, appetite loss or decrease in amount
swelling, erythema, desquamation, blis- of food eaten each day, stomatitis (pain,
tering, and severe pain of hands or feet), redness, swelling or sores in mouth), hand-
hyperbilirubinemia, and severe nausea. foot syndrome, temperature of 100.5◦ F
Drug therapy must be immediately adjusted. (38◦ C) or higher, or other evidence of
Hand-foot syndrome is staged from 1 to 4; infection.
drug may be stopped if severe or recurrent • Tell patient that most adverse effects
episodes occur. improve within 2 to 3 days after stopping
• Hyperbilirubinemia may require stopping drug. If patient doesn’t improve, tell him to
drug. contact prescriber.
Black Box Warning Frequently monitor • Advise women of childbearing age to
the INR and PT of patients also taking avoid becoming pregnant during therapy.
capecitabine and oral coumarin-derivative • Advise breast-feeding women to stop
anticoagulant therapy; adjust anticoagulant breast-feeding during therapy.
dose accordingly.
Alert: Monitor patient carefully for toxic-
ity, which may be managed by symptomatic captopril
treatment, dose interruptions, and dosage KAP-toe-pril
• Tell patient how to take drug. Drug is Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
usually taken for 14 days, followed by 7-day Pharmacologic class: ACE inhibitor
rest period (no drug), as a 21-day cycle. Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and
Prescriber determines number of treatment 3rd trimesters
• Instruct patient to take drug with wa- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ter within 30 minutes after breakfast and Tablets: 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg
• If a combination of tablets is prescribed, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
teach patient importance of correctly iden- ➤ Hypertension
tifying the tablets to avoid possible dosing Adults: Initially, 25 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d.
error. If dosage doesn’t control blood pressure
• For missed doses, instruct patient not to satisfactorily in 1 or 2 weeks, increase
take the missed dose and not to double the it to 50 mg b.i.d. or t.i.d. If that dosage
next one. Instead, he should continue with doesn’t control blood pressure satisfactorily
after another 1 or 2 weeks, expect to add

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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248 captopril

a diuretic. If patient needs further blood GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, constipation,
pressure reduction, dosage may be raised diarrhea, dry mouth, dysgeusia, nausea,
to 150 mg t.i.d. while continuing diuretic. vomiting.
Maximum daily dose is 450 mg. Hematologic: leukopenia, agranulocy-
➤ Diabetic nephropathy tosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia,
Adults: 25 mg P.O. t.i.d. anemia.
➤ Heart failure Metabolic: hyperkalemia.
Adults: Initially, 25 mg P.O. t.i.d. Patients Respiratory: dry, persistent, nonproductive
with normal or low blood pressure who have cough, dyspnea.
been vigorously treated with diuretics and Skin: urticarial rash, maculopapular rash,
who may be hyponatremic or hypovolemic pruritus, alopecia.
may start with 6.25 or 12.5 mg P.O. t.i.d.; Other: angioedema.
starting dosage may be adjusted over several
days. Gradually increase dosage to 50 mg INTERACTIONS
P.O. t.i.d.; once patient reaches this dosage, Drug-drug. Antacids: May decrease capto-
delay further dosage increases for at least pril effect. Separate dosage times.
2 weeks. Maximum dosage is 450 mg daily. Diuretics, other antihypertensives: May
Elderly patients: Initially, 6.25 mg P.O. b.i.d. cause excessive hypotension. May need to
Increase gradually as needed. stop diuretic or reduce captopril dosage.
➤ Left ventricular dysfunction after Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May cause
acute MI hypoglycemia when captopril therapy is
Adults: Start therapy as early as 3 days after started. Monitor patient closely.
MI with 6.25 mg P.O. for one dose, followed Lithium: May increase lithium level; symp-
by 12.5 mg P.O. t.i.d. Increase over several toms of toxicity possible. Monitor patient
days to 25 mg P.O. t.i.d.; then increase to closely.
50 mg P.O. t.i.d. over several weeks. NSAIDs: May reduce antihypertensive
➤ Raynaud phenomenon  effect. Monitor blood pressure.
Adults: 12.5 mg P.O. b.i.d.; gradually in- Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium
crease to 25 mg t.i.d. supplements: May cause hyperkalemia.
Avoid using together unless hypokalemia is
P.O. Drug-herb. Black catechu: May cause
• Give 1 hour before meals to enhance drug additional hypotensive effect. Discourage
absorption. use together.
Capsaicin: May worsen cough. Discourage
AC TION use together.
Inhibits ACE, preventing conversion of Drug-food. Salt substitutes containing
angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent potassium: May cause hyperkalemia. Moni-
vasoconstrictor. Less angiotensin II de- tor patient closely.
creases peripheral arterial resistance,
decreasing aldosterone secretion, which EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
reduces sodium and water retention and • May increase alkaline phosphatase, biliru-
lowers blood pressure. bin, and potassium levels. May decrease
Route Onset Peak Duration
hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
P.O. 15–60 min 60–90 min 6–12 hr
• May decrease granulocyte, platelet, RBC,
and WBC counts.
Half-life: Less than 2 hours. • May cause false-positive urine acetone
test results.
CNS: dizziness, fainting, headache, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
malaise, fatigue, fever. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
CV: tachycardia, hypotension, angina pec- to drug or other ACE inhibitors.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carbachol (intraocular) 249

Black Box Warning Use during pregnancy

can cause injury and death to the developing carbachol (intraocular)
fetus. When pregnancy is detected, stop KAHR-buh-kawl
drug as soon as possible.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired Miostat
renal function or serious autoimmune dis-
ease, especially systemic lupus erythemato- carbachol (topical)
sus, and in those who have been exposed
to other drugs that affect WBC counts or Therapeutic class: Miotic
immune response. Pharmacologic class: Direct-acting
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension. parasympathomimetic
Pregnancy risk category C
• Monitor patient’s blood pressure and pulse AVAIL ABLE FORMS
rate frequently. Intraocular injection: 0.01%
Alert: Elderly patients may be more sensi- Topical ophthalmic solution: 1.5%, 2.25%,
tive to drug’s hypotensive effects. 3%
• Assess patient for signs of angioedema.
• Drug causes the most frequent occur- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
rence of cough, compared with other ACE ➤ To produce pupillary miosis in ocular
inhibitors. surgery
• In patients with impaired renal function Adults: Before or after securing sutures,
or collagen vascular disease, monitor WBC 0.5 ml (intraocular form) instilled gently
and differential counts before starting treat- into anterior chamber.
ment, every 2 weeks for the first 3 months of ➤ To reduce intraocular pressure in the
therapy, and periodically thereafter. treatment of glaucoma
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults: 1 or 2 drops (topical form) instilled
captopril with Capitrol. every 4 to 8 hours, up to three times daily.


• Instruct patient to take drug 1 hour before Ophthalmic
meals; food in the GI tract may reduce • Don’t touch tip of dropper to eye or sur-
absorption. rounding tissue.
• Inform patient that light-headedness is • Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal
possible, especially during first few days of sac for 1 minute after instilling drug to
therapy. Tell him to rise slowly to minimize minimize systemic absorption.
this effect and to report occurrence to pre-
scriber. If fainting occurs, he should stop AC TION
drug and call prescriber immediately. A cholinergic that causes contraction of
• Tell patient to use caution in hot weather the sphincter muscles of the iris, resulting
and during exercise. Lack of fluids, vomit- in miosis. Also produces ciliary spasm,
ing, diarrhea, and excessive perspiration can deepening of the anterior chamber, and
lead to light-headedness and syncope. vasodilation of conjunctival vessels of the
• Advise patient to report signs and symp- outflow tract.
toms of infection, such as fever and sore Route Onset Peak Duration
throat. Intraocular Seconds 2–5 min 24–48 hr
• Tell women to notify prescriber if preg- Ophthalmic 10–20 min Unknown 4–8 hr
nancy occurs. Drug will need to be stopped. (topical)
• Urge patient to promptly report swelling Half-life: Unknown.
of the face, lips, or mouth; or difficulty

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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250 carbamazepine

ADVERSE REACTIONS • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse

CV: cardiac arrhythmia, flushing, hypoten- Isopto Carbachol with Isopto Carpine.
sion, syncope.
EENT: transient stinging and burning, PATIENT TEACHING
bullous keratopathy, ciliary and conjunc- • Teach patient how to instill drug. Advise
tival injection, conjunctival vasodilation, him to wash hands before and after instil-
corneal clouding, eye and brow pain, iritis, lation and to apply light finger pressure on
retinal detachment, salivation, spasm of eye lacrimal sac for 1 minute after drops are
accommodation. instilled. Warn him not to exceed recom-
GI: diarrhea, epigastric distress, GI cramps, mended dosage.
vomiting. • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities,
GU: frequent urge to urinate, tightness in such as operating machinery or driving,
bladder. until temporary blurring subsides. Reassure
Respiratory: asthma. patient that blurred vision usually dimin-
Other: diaphoresis. ishes with prolonged use.
• Tell glaucoma patient that long-term use
INTERACTIONS may be needed. Stress compliance. Tell him
Drug-drug. Pilocarpine: May cause addi- to remain under medical supervision for
tive effects. Use together cautiously. periodic tests of intraocular pressure.
Topical NSAIDs: May inactivate carbachol. • Warn patient to use caution during night
Monitor patient for clinical effect. driving and while performing other haz-
ardous activities in reduced light.
None reported.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
tive to drug and in those with conditions Carbatrol, Epitol, Equetro, Novo-
in which cholinergic effects, such as con- Carbamaz†, Tegretol, Tegretol CR†,
striction, are undesirable (acute iritis, some Tegretol-XR, Teril
forms of secondary glaucoma, pupillary
block glaucoma, or acute inflammatory Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant
disease of the anterior chamber). Pharmacologic class: Iminostilbene
• Use cautiously in patients with acute derivative
heart failure, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer, Pregnancy risk category D
hyperthyroidism, GI spasm, Parkinson
disease, and urinary tract obstruction. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Capsules (extended-release): 100 mg,
• In case of toxicity, give atropine parenter- Oral suspension: 100 mg/5 ml
ally. Tablets: 200 mg
• Drug is used in open-angle glaucoma, Tablets (chewable): 100 mg
especially when patients are resistant or Tablets (extended-release): 100 mg,
allergic to pilocarpine hydrochloride or 200 mg, 400 mg
Alert: Patients with hazel or brown irises INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
may need stronger solutions or more fre- ➤ Generalized tonic-clonic and complex
quent instillation because eye pigment may partial seizures, mixed seizure patterns
absorb drug. (except Carbatrol and Equetro)
• If tolerance to drug develops, prescriber Adults and children older than age 12:
may switch to another miotic for a short Initially, 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. (conventional
time. or extended-release tablets), or 100 mg
P.O. q.i.d. of suspension with meals. May

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carbamazepine 251

be increased weekly by 200 mg P.O. daily 200 mg/day every 12 hours, only as needed
in divided doses at 12-hour intervals for to achieve freedom from pain. Don’t exceed
extended-release tablets or 6- to 8-hour 1,200 mg daily.
intervals for conventional tablets or sus- ➤ Borderline personality disorder 
pension, adjusted to minimum effective Adults: Initially, 400 mg P.O. daily in two
level. Maximum, 1,000 mg daily in children divided doses (tablets, ER tablets, ER
ages 12 to 15, and 1,200 mg daily in pa- capsules) or four divided doses (oral sus-
tients older than age 15. Usual maintenance pension). May increase dosage in incre-
dosage is 800 to 1,200 mg daily. ments of 200 mg/day. Maximum dosage is
Children ages 6 to 12: Initially, 100 mg P.O. 1,600 mg/day.
b.i.d. (conventional or extended-release ➤ Alcohol withdrawal 
tablets) or 50 mg of suspension P.O. q.i.d. Adults: 600 to 1,200 mg P.O. on day 1,
with meals, increased at weekly intervals by tapered to 0 mg over 5 to 10 days.
up to 100 mg P.O. divided in three to four
doses daily (divided b.i.d. for extended- ADMINISTRATION
release form). Maximum, 1,000 mg daily. P.O.
Usual maintenance dosage is 400 to 800 mg • Shake oral suspension well before mea-
daily; or, 20 to 30 mg/kg in divided doses suring dose.
three to four times daily. • Contents of extended-release capsules
Children younger than age 6: 10 to may be sprinkled over applesauce if patient
20 mg/kg in two to three divided doses has difficulty swallowing capsules. Cap-
(conventional tablets) or four divided doses sules and tablets shouldn’t be crushed or
(suspension). Maximum dosage is 35 mg/kg chewed, unless labeled as chewable form.
in 24 hours. • When giving by nasogastric tube, mix
➤ Epilepsy (Carbatrol only) dose with an equal volume of water, normal
Adults and children older than age 12: saline solution, or D5 W. Flush tube with
200 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase at weekly 100 ml of diluent after giving dose.
intervals by adding up to 200 mg daily • Don’t crush or split extended-release form
until optimal response is obtained. Dosage or give broken or chipped tablets.
shouldn’t exceed 1,000 mg daily in chil-
dren ages 12 to 15 and 1,200 mg daily in AC TION
patients older than age 15. Usual effective Thought to stabilize neuronal membranes
maintenance level is 800 to 1,200 mg daily. and limit seizure activity by either increas-
➤ Acute manic and mixed episodes asso- ing efflux or decreasing influx of sodium
ciated with bipolar I disorder (Equetro ions across cell membranes in the motor
only) cortex during generation of nerve impulses.
Adults: Initially, 200 mg Equetro P.O. Route Onset Peak Duration
b.i.d. Increase by 200 mg daily to achieve P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 –12 hr Unknown
therapeutic response. Doses higher than P.O. Unknown 4–8 hr Unknown
1,600 mg daily haven’t been studied. (extended-
➤ Trigeminal neuralgia (except Carba- release)
trol and Equetro) Half-life: 25 to 65 hours with single dose; 8 to
Adults: Initially, 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. (con- 29 hours with long-term use.
ventional or extended-release tablets) or
50 mg of suspension q.i.d. with meals, ADVERSE REACTIONS
increased by 100 mg every 12 hours for CNS: ataxia, dizziness, drowsiness, som-
tablets or 50 mg of suspension q.i.d. until nolence, vertigo, worsening of seizures,
pain is relieved. Maximum, 1,200 mg confusion, fatigue, fever, headache, syn-
daily. Maintenance dosage is usually 200 to cope, pain, depression including suicidal
400 mg P.O. b.i.d. ideation, speech disorder.
➤ Trigeminal neuralgia (Carbatrol only) CV: arrhythmias, AV block, heart failure,
Adults: Initially, 200-mg capsule P.O. daily. aggravation of coronary artery disease,
Daily dosage may be increased by up to hypertension, hypotension.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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252 carbamazepine

EENT: blurred vision, conjunctivitis, Phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone: May

diplopia, dry pharynx, nystagmus. decrease carbamazepine level. Watch for
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased effect.
anorexia, diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, Drug-herb. Plantains (psyllium seed): May
glossitis, stomatitis. inhibit GI absorption of drug. Discourage
GU: albuminuria, glycosuria, impotence, use together.
urinary frequency, urine retention.
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, aplastic EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
anemia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, • May increase BUN level. May decrease
leukocytosis. hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
Hepatic: hepatitis. • May increase liver function test values
Metabolic: hyponatremia, SIADH. and eosinophil and WBC counts. May
Respiratory: pulmonary hypersensitivity. decrease thyroid function test values and
Skin: erythema multiforme, Stevens- granulocyte and platelet counts.
Johnson syndrome, excessive diaphoresis, • May cause false pregnancy test results.
rash, urticaria, pruritus.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
INTERACTIONS to this drug or tricyclic antidepressants
Drug-drug. Atracurium, cisatracurium, pan- and in those with a history of bone marrow
curonium, rocuronium, vecuronium: May suppression; also contraindicated in those
decrease the effects of nondepolarizing who have taken an MAO inhibitor within
muscle relaxant, causing it to be less effec- 14 days.
tive. May need to increase the dose of the • Use cautiously in patients with mixed
nondepolarizing muscle relaxant. seizure disorders because they may expe-
Cimetidine, danazol, diltiazem, fluoxe- rience an increased risk of seizures. Also,
tine, fluvoxamine, isoniazid, macrolides, use with caution in patients with hepatic
propoxyphene, valproic acid, verapamil: dysfunction.
May increase carbamazepine level. Use •H Overdose S&S: Conduction disorders,
together cautiously. hypotension or hypertension, impairment
Clarithromycin, erythromycin, troleandomycin: of consciousness, irregular breathing, res-
May inhibit metabolism of carbamazepine, piratory depression, tachycardia, shock,
increasing carbamazepine level and risk of seizures, adiadochokinesia, ataxia, athetoid
toxicity. Avoid using together. movements, ballism, dizziness, drowsi-
Doxycycline, felbamate, haloperidol, hor- ness, dysmetria, motor restlessness, mus-
monal contraceptives, phenytoin, the- cular twitching, mydriasis, nystagmus,
ophylline, tiagabine, topiramate, valproate, opisthotonos, psychomotor disturbances,
warfarin: May decrease levels of these tremor; hyperreflexia followed by anuria or
drugs. Watch for decreased effect. oliguria, hyporeflexia, nausea and vomiting,
Lamotrigine: May decrease lamotrigine level urine retention.
and increase carbamazepine level. Monitor
patient for clinical effects and toxicity. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Lithium: May increase CNS toxicity of Alert: Patients of Asian ancestry should
lithium. Avoid using together. get a genetic blood test to identify their risk
MAO inhibitors: May increase depressant for rare, but serious skin reactions (toxic
and anticholinergic effects. Avoid using epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson
together. syndrome). Screen for HLA-B∗ 1502
Nefazodone: May increase carbamazepine allele before starting treatment with car-
levels and toxicity while reducing nefa- bamazepine.
zodone levels and therapeutic benefits. Use • Watch for worsening of seizures,
together is contraindicated. especially in patients with mixed seizure
disorders, including atypical absence

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carboplatin 253

Alert: Closely monitor all patients taking Some formulations may harden when ex-
or starting antiepileptic drugs for changes posed to excessive moisture, so that less is
in behavior indicating worsening of suicidal available in the body, decreasing seizure
thoughts or behavior or depression. Symp- control.
toms such as anxiety, agitation, hostility, • Inform patient that when drug is used for C
mania, and hypomania may be precursors to trigeminal neuralgia, an attempt to decrease
emerging suicidality. dosage or withdraw drug is usually made
• Obtain baseline determinations of urinal- every 3 months.
ysis, BUN and iron levels, liver function, • Advise patient to notify prescriber imme-
CBC, and platelet and reticulocyte counts. diately if fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, or
Monitor these values periodically thereafter. easy bruising or bleeding occurs.
Black Box Warning Aplastic anemia and • Tell patient that drug may cause mild to
agranulocytosis have been reported in moderate dizziness and drowsiness when
association with carbamazepine therapy. first taken. Advise him to avoid hazardous
Obtain complete pretreatment hematologic activities until effects disappear, usually
testing as a baseline. If patient in the course within 3 to 4 days.
of treatment exhibits low or decreased WBC • Advise patient that periodic eye examina-
or platelet counts, monitor patient closely. tions are recommended.
Consider discontinuing drug if evidence • Advise women of risks to fetus if preg-
of significant bone marrow depression nancy occurs while taking carbamazepine.
develops. • Advise women that breast-feeding isn’t
• Never stop drug suddenly when treating recommended during therapy.
seizures. Notify prescriber immediately if
adverse reactions occur. SAFETY ALERT!
• Adverse reactions may be minimized by
gradually increasing dosage. carboplatin
• Therapeutic level is 4 to 12 mcg/ml. Mon- KAR-bo-pla-tin
itor level and effects closely. Ask patient
when last dose was taken to better evaluate Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
drug level. Pharmacologic class: Platinum
• When managing seizures, take appropri- coordination compound
ate precautions. Pregnancy risk category D
Alert: Watch for signs of anorexia or
subtle appetite changes, which may indicate AVAIL ABLE FORMS
excessive drug level. Aqueous solution for injection: 10 mg/ml,
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 50 mg/5 ml, 150 mg/15 ml, 450 mg/45 ml,
Tegretol or Tegretol-XR with Topamax, 600 mg/60 ml
Toprol-XL, or Toradol. Don’t confuse Lyophilized powder for injection: 50-mg,
Carbatrol with carvedilol. 150-mg, 450-mg vials


• Instruct patient to take drug with food to ➤ Advanced ovarian cancer
minimize GI distress. Tell patient taking Adults: 360 mg/m2 I.V. on day 1 every
suspension form to shake container well 4 weeks. Or, 300 mg/m2 on day 1 every
before measuring dose. 4 weeks for six cycles when used with other
• Tell patient not to crush or chew chemotherapy drugs. Or, use the Calvert
extended-release form and not to take formula to calculate initial dosage:
broken or chipped tablets.
Total dose (mg) = (target AUC)
• Tell patient that Tegretol-XR tablet coating
may appear in stool because it isn’t absorbed. × (GFR + 25)
• Advise patient to keep tablets in the where target AUC (area under the curve) is
original container and to keep the container usually 4 to 6 mg/ml and GFR (glomerular
tightly closed and away from moisture. filtration rate) is measured in ml/minute.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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254 carboplatin

Doses shouldn’t be repeated until platelet  Store unopened vials at room tempera-

count exceeds 100,000/mm3 and neutrophil ture. Protect from light.

count exceeds 2,000/mm3 . Subsequent  Once reconstituted and diluted as di-

doses are based on blood counts: If platelets rected, drug is stable at room temperature
are greater than 100,000/mm3 and neu- for 8 hours.
trophils are greater than 2,000/mm3 , give  Because drug contains no preservatives,

125% of dose. If platelets are 50,000/mm3 discard after 8 hours.

to 100,000/mm3 and neutrophils are  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B

500/mm3 to 2,000/mm3 , keep same dose. If cholesteryl sulfate complex, fluorouracil,

platelets are less than 50,000/mm3 and neu- mesna, sodium bicarbonate.
trophils are less than 500/mm3 , give 75% of
dose. AC TION
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is May cross-link strands of cellular DNA and
41 to 59 ml/minute, first dose is 250 mg/m2 . interfere with RNA transcription, causing
If creatinine clearance is 16 to 40 ml/minute, an imbalance of growth that leads to cell
first dose is 200 mg/m2 . Drug isn’t rec- death. Not specific to cell cycle.
ommended for patients with creatinine Route Onset Peak Duration
clearance of 15 ml/minute or less. I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
➤ Brain tumors 
Children age 3 and older: 175 mg/m2 I.V. Half-life: 5 hours.
once weekly for 4 weeks, followed by
2-week rest period. ADVERSE REACTIONS
➤ Solid tumors  CNS: dizziness, confusion, stroke, periph-
Children age 3 and older: 300 to 600 mg/m2 eral neuropathy, CENTRAL NEUROTOXI-
I.V. every 4 weeks. CITY, pain, asthenia.
CV: heart failure, embolism.
I.V. GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea,
Black Box Warning Anaphylaxis may nausea, vomiting, mucositis, change in
occur within minutes of administration. taste, stomatitis.
Keep epinephrine, corticosteroids, and Hematologic: THROMBOCYTOPENIA,
antihistamines available when giving leukopenia, NEUTROPENIA, anemia, BONE
carboplatin. MARROW SUPPRESSION, bleeding.
 Preparing and giving parenteral form Skin: alopecia.
of drug may be mutagenic, teratogenic, Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
or carcinogenic. Follow facility policy to
reduce risks. INTERACTIONS
 Don’t use aluminum needles or I.V. Drug-drug. Aspirin, NSAIDs: May increase
administration sets because drug may risk of bleeding. Avoid using together.
precipitate or lose potency. Bone marrow suppressants, including radi-
 For premixed aqueous solution of ation therapy: May increase hematologic
10 mg/ml, dilute for infusion with normal toxicity. Monitor CBC with differential
saline solution or D5 W to a concentration closely.
as low as 0.5 mg/ml. Nephrotoxic drugs, especially aminogly-
 For vials of lyophilized powder, reconsti- cosides and amphotericin B: May enhance
tute with sterile water for injection, D5 W, nephrotoxicity of carboplatin. Use together
or normal saline. For 50-mg vial, use 5 ml cautiously.
solution; for 150-mg vial, use 15 ml solu-
tion; for 450-mg vial, use 45 ml solution to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
yield a concentration of 10 mg/ml. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST,
 Give drug by continuous or intermittent BUN, and creatinine levels. May decrease
infusion over at least 15 minutes. electrolyte and hemoglobin levels and

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carboprost tromethamine 255

• May decrease neutrophil, platelet, RBC, • Give antiemetic to reduce nausea and
and WBC counts. vomiting.
Black Box Warning Anemia may be cumu-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS lative and require transfusion support.
• Contraindicated in patients with severe • Patients older than age 65 are at greater C
bone marrow suppression or bleeding or risk for neurotoxicity.
with history of hypersensitivity to cis- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
platin, platinum-containing compounds, or carboplatin with cisplatin.
•H Overdose S&S: Bone marrow suppres- PATIENT TEACHING
sion, hepatotoxicity. • Advise patient of most common adverse
reactions: nausea, vomiting, bone marrow
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS suppression, anemia, and reduction in blood
Black Box Warning Carboplatin should platelets.
be administered under the supervision • Advise patient to watch for signs of in-
of a physician experienced in the use of fection (fever, sore throat, fatigue) and
chemotherapeutic agents. bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleed-
• Determine electrolyte, creatinine, and ing gums, tarry stools). Tell patient to take
BUN levels; CBC; platelet count; and cre- temperature daily.
atinine clearance before first infusion and • Instruct patient to avoid OTC products
before each course of treatment. containing aspirin and NSAIDs.
Alert: When using the Calvert formula, • Advise women to stop breast-feeding
the total dose is calculated in mg, not during therapy because of risk of toxicity to
mg/m2 . infant.
• Monitor CBC and platelet count fre- • Because of risk of sterility and men-
quently during therapy and, when indi- struation cessation, counsel both men and
cated, until recovery. Lowest WBC and women of childbearing age before starting
platelet counts usually occur by day 21. therapy. Also recommend that women con-
Levels usually return to baseline by day 28. sult prescriber before becoming pregnant.
Don’t repeat unless platelet count exceeds
100,000/mm3 .
Black Box Warning Bone marrow sup- carboprost tromethamine
pression is dose related and may be severe, KAR-boe-prost
resulting in infection or bleeding.
Black Box Warning Vomiting is another Hemabate
frequent drug-related side effect.
• Bone marrow suppression may be more Therapeutic class: Oxytocic
severe in patients with creatinine clearance Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin
below 60 ml/minute; adjust dosage. Pregnancy risk category C
Alert: Carefully check ordered dose
against laboratory test results. Only one AVAIL ABLE FORMS
increase in dosage is recommended. Sub- Injection: 250 mcg/ml
sequent doses shouldn’t exceed 125% of
starting dose. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Therapeutic effects are commonly accom- ➤ To terminate pregnancy between
panied by toxicity. weeks 13 and 20 of gestation
• Drug has less nephrotoxicity and neuro- Adults: Initially, 250 mcg deep I.M. Give
toxicity than cisplatin, but it causes more subsequent doses of 250 mcg at intervals
severe myelosuppression. of 11⁄2 to 31⁄2 hours, depending on uter-
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. in- ine response. Dosage may be increased in
jections when platelet count is below increments to 500 mcg if contractility is in-
50,000/mm3 . adequate after several 250-mcg doses. Total
• Monitor vital signs during infusion.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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256 carglumic acid

dose shouldn’t exceed 12 mg or continuous disorders, previous uterine surgery, or CV,

administration for more than 2 days. adrenal, renal, or hepatic disease.
➤ Postpartum hemorrhage from uter-
ine atony not managed by conventional NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
methods • Unlike other prostaglandin abortifacients,
Adults: 250 mcg by deep I.M. injection. drug is given by I.M. injection. Injectable
Repeat doses every 15 to 90 minutes as form avoids risk of expelling vaginal sup-
needed. Maximum total dose is 2 mg. positories if patient has profuse vaginal
ADMINISTRATION • Pretreating and giving with antiemetics
I.M. and antidiarrheals decreases the risk of
• Only trained personnel in a hospital common GI effects.
setting should give drug.
• Give deep in the muscle using a tuberculin PATIENT TEACHING
syringe. • Explain use and administration of drug to
patient and family.
AC TION • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
Produces strong, prompt contractions of promptly.
uterine smooth muscle, possibly mediated
by calcium and cAMP.
Route Onset Peak Duration carglumic acid
I.M. Unknown 15–60 min 24 hr kar-GLOO-mik as-id
Half-life: Unknown. Carbaglu
ADVERSE REACTIONS Therapeutic class: Antihyperammonemic
CNS: fever, headache, anxiety, paresthesia, Pharmacologic class: Ammonia
syncope, weakness. detoxicant
CV: arrhythmias, chest pain, flushing. Pregnancy risk category C
EENT: blurred vision, eye pain.
GI: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
GU: uterine rupture, endometritis, uterine Tablets: 200 mg
or vaginal pain.
Musculoskeletal: backache, leg cramps. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Respiratory: coughing, wheezing. ➤ Acute or chronic hyperammonemia
Skin: rash, diaphoresis. in patients with N-acetylglutamate syn-
Other: breast tenderness, chills, hot flashes. thetase (NAGS) deficiency
Adults and children: Initially, 100 to
INTERACTIONS 250 mg/kg/day P.O., divided into two to four
Drug-drug. Other oxytocics: May increase doses, immediately before meals. Round
action. Avoid using together. each dose to nearest 100 mg. Titrate dosage
according to ammonia level and symptoms.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Give drug immediately before meals or
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- feedings.
tive to drug and in those with acute pelvic • Don’t crush tablets or allow patient to
inflammatory disease or active cardiac, swallow them whole.
pulmonary, renal, or hepatic disease. • For oral administration in adults, disperse
• Use cautiously in patients with history of each 200-mg tablet in minimum of 2.5 ml
asthma, hypotension, hypertension, anemia, water and give immediately. Rinse mixing
jaundice, or diabetes; and those with seizure

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carisoprodol 257

container with additional water and have • It isn’t known if drug appears in breast
patient swallow contents immediately. milk. Women shouldn’t breast-feed while
• For oral administration in children, mix taking drug.
each 200-mg tablet in 2.5 ml water. Draw •H Overdose S&S: Tachycardia, profuse
up appropriate volume of dispersion in oral sweating, increased bronchial secretion,
syringe and administer immediately. fever, restlessness.
• For administration through nasogastric
(NG) tube, mix each 200-mg tablet with NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
minimum of 2.5 ml water and shake gently • Treatment should be initiated by pre-
to quickly disperse. Administer disper- scriber experienced in metabolic disorders.
sion immediately, then flush NG tube with • Drug should be administered with other
additional water to clear it. ammonia-lowering drugs.
• Before opening container, store refrig- • A high-calorie, protein-restricted diet
erated at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). After is recommended when ammonia levels
opening, don’t refrigerate and don’t store are acutely elevated. Protein intake can be
above 86◦ F (30◦ C). unrestricted when ammonia levels return to
AC TION • Monitor neurologic status, ammonia level,
Acts as a replacement for N-acetylglutamate and clinical response regularly throughout
in patients with NAGS deficiency, by ac- treatment.
tivating the enzyme carbamoyl phosphate
synthetase 1. PATIENT TEACHING
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Instruct patient to date tablet container
P.O. Unknown 3 hr Unknown
after opening and to discard container
1 month after first opening.
Half-life: 5.6 hours. • Warn patient not to swallow tablets whole
or to crush them.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Advise patient that regular blood testing
CNS: asthenia, fever, headache, somno- will be necessary during therapy.
lence. • Teach patient importance of following
EENT: ear infections, nasopharyngitis, high-calorie, protein-restricted diet when
tonsillitis. ammonia levels are high.
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, • Advise patient to report vomiting, ab-
taste perversion, vomiting. dominal pain, fever, sore throat, ear pain,
Hematologic: anemia. diarrhea, or headache.
Metabolic: weight loss.
Respiratory: influenza, pneumonia.
Skin: rash, hyperhidrosis. carisoprodol
Other: infection. kar-eye-soe-PROE-dol

None reported.
Therapeutic class: Skeletal muscle
• May decrease hemoglobin level. Pharmacologic class: Carbamate
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pregnancy risk category C
• Because of risk of irreversible neurologic
damage and death from untreated NAGS AVAIL ABLE FORMS
deficiency, women with NAGS deficiency Tablets: 250 mg, 350 mg
must receive drug during pregnancy.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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258 carisoprodol

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase

➤ Adjunctive treatment for acute, CNS depression. Discourage use together.
painful musculoskeletal conditions
Adults: 250 mg to 350 mg P.O. t.i.d. and at EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
bedtime for a maximum of 2 to 3 weeks. • May increase eosinophil count.
P.O. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Give drug with food or milk if GI upset to related compounds (such as meproba-
occurs. mate) and in those with intermittent por-
AC TION • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
May modify central perception of pain hepatic or renal function.
without modifying pain reflexes. Muscle • Safety and effectiveness in adults older
relaxant effects may be related to sedative than 65 and children younger than age 16
properties. haven’t been established.
Route Onset Peak Duration
•H Overdose S&S: Stupor, coma, seizures,
P.O. 1⁄
2 hr 11⁄2 –2 hr 4–6 hr
shock, respiratory depression, drowsiness,
dizziness, headache, diplopia, nystagmus,
Half-life: 2 hours for carisoprodol, 10 hours for delirium, dystonia, muscular incoordina-
active metabolite. tion.


CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, vertigo, ataxia, Alert: Watch for idiosyncratic reactions
tremor, agitation, irritability, headache, after first to fourth doses (weakness, ataxia,
depressive reactions, fever, insomnia, syn- visual and speech difficulties, fever, skin
cope. eruptions, and mental changes) and for
CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, severe reactions, including bronchospasm,
facial flushing. hypotension, and anaphylactic shock. After
GI: nausea, vomiting, epigastric distress, unusual reactions, withhold dose and notify
hiccups. prescriber immediately.
Respiratory: asthmatic episodes, hiccups. • Record amount of relief to help prescriber
Skin: erythema multiforme, pruritus, rash. determine whether dosage can be reduced.
Other: angioedema, anaphylaxis. • Don’t stop drug abruptly, which may
cause mild withdrawal effects, such as
INTERACTIONS insomnia, headache, nausea, or abdominal
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May increase cramps.
CNS depression. Avoid using together. • Drug may be habit forming.
CYP2C19 inducers (such as rifampin): May
increase active metabolite (meprobamate) PATIENT TEACHING
exposure and decrease available cariso- • Warn patient to avoid activities that re-
prodol. Use cautiously together. quire alertness until CNS effects of drug are
CYP2C19 inhibitors (such as fluvoxamine, known. Drowsiness is transient.
omeprazole): May decrease metabolism of • Advise patient to avoid combining drug
carisoprodol to meprobamate, increasing with alcohol or other CNS depressants.
exposure to carisoprodol. Use cautiously • Tell patient to ask prescriber before using
together. OTC cold or hay fever remedies.
Meprobamate: May increase meprobamate • Instruct patient to follow prescriber’s
level. Avoid use together. orders regarding rest and physical therapy.
Drug-herb. St. Johns wort: May increase • Advise patient to avoid sudden changes in
active metabolite (meprobamate) exposure posture if dizziness occurs.
and decrease available carisoprodol. Use • Tell patient to take drug with food or milk
cautiously together. if GI upset occurs.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carmustine 259


carmustine (BCNU)  Preparing and giving parenteral form

kar-MUS-teen of drug may be mutagenic, teratogenic,

or carcinogenic. Follow facility policy to C
BiCNU, Gliadel Wafer reduce risks. Wear gloves when handling
any form of drug.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic  Prepare drug only in glass containers.

Pharmacologic class: Nitrosourea Solution is unstable in plastic I.V. bags.

Pregnancy risk category D  If powder liquefies or appears oily,

discard because decomposition has

Injection: 100-mg vial (lyophilized), with a  To reconstitute, dissolve 100 mg of drug

3-ml vial of absolute alcohol supplied as a in 3 ml of absolute alcohol provided by

diluent manufacturer.
Wafer: 7.7 mg, for intracavitary use  Dilute solution with 27 ml of sterile

water for injection. Resulting solution

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES contains 3.3 mg of carmustine/ml in 10%
➤ Brain tumor, Hodgkin lymphoma, alcohol.
malignant lymphoma, multiple myeloma  For infusion, dilute in normal saline

Adults: 150 to 200 mg/m2 I.V. by slow solution or D5 W.

infusion every 6 weeks; may be divided  Don’t mix with other drugs during

into daily injections of 75 to 100 mg/m2 administration.

on 2 successive days; repeat dose every  Give at least 250 ml over 1 to 2 hours.

6 weeks if platelet count is greater than  To reduce pain on infusion, dilute further

100,000/mm3 and WBC count is greater or slow infusion rate.

than 4,000/mm3 .  Solution may be stored in refrigerator

Adjust-a-dose: Dosage is reduced by 30% for 24 hours or at room temperature for

when WBC nadir is 2,000 to 2,999/mm3 8 hours. It may decompose at temperatures
and platelet nadir is 25,000 to 74,999/mm3 . above 80◦ F (27◦ C). Protect from light.
Dosage is reduced by 50% when WBC  Incompatibilities: Sodium bicarbonate.

nadir is less than 2,000/mm3 and platelet Intracavitary

nadir is less than 25,000/mm3 . • Unopened foil pouches of wafer may be
➤ Adjunct to surgery to prolong survival kept at room temperature for a maximum of
in patients with recurrent glioblastoma 6 hours.
multiforme for whom surgical resection is • Wafers broken in half may be used; how-
indicated ever, discard wafers broken into more than
Adults: 8 wafers placed in the resection two pieces.
cavity if size and shape of cavity allow.
If 8 wafers can’t be accommodated, use AC TION
maximum number of wafers allowed. Or, Inhibits enzymatic reactions involved with
150 to 200 mg/m2 I.V. by slow infusion as DNA synthesis, cross-links strands of cel-
single dose, repeated every 6 to 8 weeks. lular DNA, and interferes with RNA tran-
➤ Adjunct to surgery and radiation in scription, causing an imbalance of growth
patients with newly diagnosed high-grade that leads to cell death. Not specific to cell
malignant glioma cycle.
Adults: 8 wafers placed in the resection Route Onset Peak Duration
cavity if size and shape of cavity allow. I.V., intra- Unknown Unknown Unknown
If 8 wafers can’t be accommodated, use cavitary
maximum number of wafers allowed.
Half-life: 15 to 30 minutes.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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260 carmustine


(I.V. and intracavitary wafer) • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
CNS: ataxia, brain edema, seizures. to drug.
EENT: visual disturbances.
GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
dysphagia, GI hemorrhage. Black Box Warning Carmustine for injec-
GU: nephrotoxicity, renal impairment. tion should be administered under the super-
Hematologic: cumulative bone marrow vision of a physician experienced in the use
suppression, leukopenia, thrombocy- of cancer chemotherapeutic agents.
topenia, acute leukemia or bone marrow Black Box Warning Bone marrow sup-
dysplasia, anemia, hemorrhage. pression, notably thrombocytopenia and
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. leukopenia, is the most common and severe
Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, of the toxic effects.
hyponatremia. Black Box Warning Pulmonary toxicity ap-
Respiratory: pulmonary fibrosis. pears to be dose related. Patients receiving
Other: intense pain at infusion site from greater than 1,400 mg/m2 cumulative dose
venous spasm. are at higher risk. Pulmonary toxicity can
(Intracavitary wafer only) occur years after treatment and can result
CNS: headache, hemiplegia, confusion, in death, particularly in patients treated in
aphasia, depression, somnolence, speech childhood.
disorder, amnesia, INTRACRANIAL HYPER- • Obtain pulmonary function tests before
TENSION, personality disorder, anxiety, and during therapy.
facial paralysis, neuropathy, hypoesthe- Black Box Warning Bone marrow sup-
sia, abnormal thinking, abnormal gait, pression is delayed with carmustine. Blood
hallucinations, insomnia, incoordination, counts should be monitored weekly for
hypokinesia, pain. at least 6 weeks after a dose and drug
CV: deep vein thrombophlebitis, hemor- shouldn’t be given more often than every
rhage, chest pain. 6 weeks.
GI: constipation, abdominal pain. • Give antiemetic before drug to reduce
GU: UTI, urinary incontinence. nausea.
Musculoskeletal: back pain, myasthenia. • If drug touches skin, wash off thoroughly.
Respiratory: pulmonary embolus, dys- Avoid contact with skin because drug will
pnea, pneumonia. stain skin brown.
Skin: rash, facial edema, abscess. • Perform liver, renal function, and pul-
Other: fever, allergic reaction, accidental monary function tests periodically.
injury, abnormal healing. • Monitor CBC with differential. The abso-
lute neutrophil count may be used to better
INTERACTIONS calculate the patient’s immunosuppressive
Drug-drug. Cimetidine: May increase car- state.
mustine’s bone marrow toxicity. Avoid using • Monitor uric acid level. To prevent hyper-
together. uricemia with resulting uric acid nephropa-
Digoxin, phenytoin: May decrease levels of thy, allopurinol may be used with adequate
these drugs. Monitor patient. hydration.
Myelosuppressives: May increase myelo- • Therapeutic levels are commonly toxic.
suppression. Monitor patient. • Acute leukemia or bone marrow dysplasia
may occur after long-term use.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • To prevent bleeding, avoid using
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST, I.M. when platelet count is less than
bilirubin, hemoglobin, and urine urea levels. 50,000/mm3 .
• May decrease platelet and WBC counts. • Anticipate blood transfusions during
treatment because of cumulative anemia.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carteolol hydrochloride 261

PATIENT TEACHING Route Onset Peak Duration

• Advise patient about common adverse Ophthalmic Unknown 2 hr 12 hr
reactions to drug.
Half-life: Unknown.
• Tell patient to watch for signs and symp-
toms of infection (fever, sore throat, fatigue)
and bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds, ADVERSE REACTIONS
bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell him to CNS: asthenia, dizziness, headache,
take temperature daily. insomnia.
• Instruct patient to avoid OTC products CV: arrhythmias, bradycardia, hypoten-
containing aspirin and NSAIDs. sion, palpitations.
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding EENT: burning, conjunctival hyperemia,
during therapy because of possible risk of edema, ocular tearing, transient eye irrita-
toxicity to infant. tion, abnormal corneal staining, blepharo-
• Caution woman of childbearing age to conjunctivitis, blurred and cloudy vision,
avoid becoming pregnant during therapy. corneal sensitivity, decreased night vision,
Recommend that she consult prescriber photophobia, ptosis, sinusitis.
before becoming pregnant. GI: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, taste
perversion, vomiting.
Respiratory: bronchospasm, dyspnea.
carteolol hydrochloride
Drug-drug. Aminophylline, theophylline:
Ocupress May act antagonistically, reducing the
effects of one or both drugs. May reduce
Therapeutic class: Antiglaucoma elimination of theophylline. Monitor the-
Pharmacologic class: Nonselective beta ophylline levels and patient closely.
blocker Catecholamine-depleting drugs such as
Pregnancy risk category C reserpine, oral beta blockers: May cause
additive effects and development of hy-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS potension or bradycardia. Monitor patient
Ophthalmic solution: 1% closely; monitor vital signs.
Clonidine: May cause significant increase
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES in blood pressure when either drug is started
➤ Chronic open-angle glaucoma, or stopped. Monitor blood pressure if used
intraocular hypertension together.
Adults: One drop into conjunctival sac of Epinephrine: May cause an initial hyper-
each affected eye b.i.d. tensive episode followed by bradycardia.
Stop beta blocker 3 days before anticipated
ADMINISTRATION epinephrine use. Monitor patient closely.
Ophthalmic Glucagon: May decrease the effect of
• Don’t touch tip of dropper to eye or sur- glucagon. Monitor for therapeutic effect;
rounding tissue. consider oral glucose supplement if appro-
• Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal priate.
sac for 1 minute after instilling to minimize Insulin: May mask symptoms of hypo-
systemic absorption. glycemia as a result of beta blockade (such
• If more than one ophthalmic drug is being as tachycardia). Use together cautiously in
used, give at least 10 minutes apart. patients with diabetes.
Prazosin: May increase risk of orthostatic
AC TION hypotension in early phases of use together.
Exact mechanism unknown. Reduces in- Assist patient to stand slowly until effects
traocular pressure by decreasing aqueous are known.
humor production.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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262 carvedilol

Verapamil: May increase effects of both to prescriber, and, if signs or symptoms of

drugs. Monitor cardiac function closely and serious adverse reactions or hypersensitivity
decrease dosages as necessary. occur, to stop drug and notify prescriber
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause immediately.
photophobia. Advise patient to wear sun- • Stress importance of compliance with
glasses. recommended therapy.
• Advise patient to ease sun sensitivity by
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS wearing sunglasses.
None reported.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive kar-VAH-da-lol
to drug or its components and in those with
bronchial asthma, severe COPD, sinus Coreg
bradycardia, second- or third-degree AV
block, overt cardiac failure, or cardiogenic carvedilol phosphate
shock. Coreg CR
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive
to other beta blockers; in those with non- Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
allergic bronchospastic disease, diabetes Pharmacologic class: Alpha-
mellitus, hyperthyroidism, or decreased nonselective beta blocker
pulmonary function; and in breast-feeding Pregnancy risk category C
•H Overdose S&S: Bradycardia, bron- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
chospasm, heart failure, hypotension. Capsules (extended-release): 10 mg, 20 mg,
40 mg, 80 mg
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Tablets: 3.125 mg, 6.25 mg, 12.5 mg, 25 mg
• Monitor vital signs.
Alert: Stop drug at first sign of cardiac INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
failure, and notify prescriber. ➤ Hypertension
Adults: Dosage highly individualized.
PATIENT TEACHING Initially, 6.25 mg P.O. b.i.d. Measure stand-
• If patient is using more than one topical ing blood pressure 1 hour after first dose. If
ophthalmic drug, tell him to apply them at tolerated, continue dosage for 7 to 14 days.
least 5 minutes apart. May increase to 12.5 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 to
• Teach patient how to instill drops. Ad- 14 days, following same blood pressure
vise him to wash hands before and after monitoring protocol as before. Maximum
instillation, and warn him not to touch tip of dose is 25 mg P.O. b.i.d. as tolerated. May be
dropper to eye or surrounding tissue. switched to extended-release capsule after
• Advise patient to apply light finger pres- controlled on immediate-release tablets.
sure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after drug ➤ Left ventricular dysfunction after MI
instillation to minimize systemic absorp- Adults: Dosage individualized. Start therapy
tion. after patient is hemodynamically stable and
• Tell patient to remove contact lenses fluid retention has been minimized. Ini-
before instilling drug. tially, 6.25 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase after 3 to
• Instruct patient to keep bottle tightly 10 days to 12.5 mg b.i.d., then again to a
closed when not in use and to protect it from target dose of 25 mg b.i.d. Or start with
light. 3.25 mg b.i.d., or adjust dosage slower if
• Tell patient that drug is a beta blocker and, indicated. May be switched to extended-
although given topically, may be absorbed release capsule after controlled on
systemically, causing adverse effects. Ad- immediate-release tablets.
vise patient to monitor heart rate and blood
pressure closely, to report slow heart rate

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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carvedilol 263

➤ Mild to severe heart failure CV: hypotension, postural hypotension, AV

Adults: Dosage highly individualized. block, bradycardia, edema, syncope, angina
Initially, 3.125 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 2 weeks; if pectoris, peripheral edema, hypovolemia,
tolerated, may increase to 6.25 mg P.O. b.i.d. fluid overload, hypertension, palpitations,
Dosage may be doubled every 2 weeks, as chest pain.
tolerated. Maximum dose for patients who EENT: abnormal vision, blurred vision,
weigh less than 85 kg (187 lb) is 25 mg P.O. periodontitis.
b.i.d.; for those weighing more than 85 kg, GI: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, melena,
dose is 50 mg P.O. b.i.d. May be switched to periodontitis, abdominal pain, dyspepsia.
extended-release capsule after controlled on GU: impotence, abnormal renal function,
immediate-release tablets. albuminuria, hematuria, UTI.
Adjust-a-dose: In patient with pulse rate Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, purpura.
below 55 beats/minute, reduce dosage. Metabolic: hyperglycemia, weight gain,
➤ Chronic, stable angina  hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, weight loss,
Adults: 12.5 to 50 mg P.O. b.i.d. May be hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia,
switched to extended-release capsule after hyponatremia, glycosuria, diabetes mellitus,
controlled on immediate-release tablets. gout.
➤ Idiopathic cardiomyopathy  Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, muscle
Adults: Initially, 2.5 mg P.O. once daily. cramps.
May increase dosage as tolerated up to Respiratory: lung edema, cough, rales.
75 mg/day. Other: hypersensitivity reactions.

P.O. Drug-drug. Amiodarone: May increase risk
• Give drug with food. of bradycardia, AV block, and myocardial
• Capsules may be opened, mixed in cool depression. Monitor patient’s ECG and vital
applesauce, and taken immediately; don’t signs.
store. Catecholamine-depleting drugs such as
• Give capsules in the morning. MAO inhibitors, reserpine: May cause
• Extended-release equivalent of 3.125 mg bradycardia or severe hypotension. Monitor
immediate-release b.i.d. is 10 mg; 6.25 mg patient closely.
immediate-release b.i.d. is 20 mg; 12.5 mg Cimetidine: May increase bioavailability of
immediate-release b.i.d. is 40 mg; and carvedilol. Monitor vital signs closely.
25 mg immediate-release b.i.d. is 80 mg. Clonidine: May increase blood pressure-
Dosage may be further titrated based on and heart rate-lowering effects. Monitor
clinical response. vital signs closely.
Cyclosporine: May increase cyclosporine
AC TION level. Monitor cyclosporine level.
Nonselective beta blocker with alpha- CYP4502D6 inhibitors, such as fluoxetine,
blocking activity. paroxetine, propafenone, quinidine: May
Route Onset Peak Duration
increase level of carvedilol. Monitor patient
P.O. Rapid 1–2 hr 7–10 hr
for hypotension and dizziness.
P.O. 30 min 5 hr Unknown Digoxin: May increase digoxin level by
(extended- about 15% when given together. Monitor
release) digoxin level.
Half-life: Immediate release: 7 to 10 hours; Diltiazem, verapamil: May cause isolated
extended-release: unknown. conduction disturbances. Monitor patient’s
heart rhythm and blood pressure.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May enhance
CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, stroke, hypoglycemic properties. Monitor glucose
pain, headache, malaise, fever, hypesthesia, level.
vertigo, somnolence, depression, insomnia, NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive
syncope, paresthesia. effects. Monitor blood pressure.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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264 carvedilol

Rifampin: May reduce carvedilol level by •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, brady-

70%. Monitor vital signs closely. cardia, cardiac insufficiency, cardiogenic
Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease shock, cardiac arrest, respiratory prob-
antihypertensive effects. Discourage use lems, bronchospasm, vomiting, lapses of
together. consciousness, generalized seizures.
Drug-food. Any food: May delay rate of
absorption of carvedilol with no change in NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
bioavailability. Advise patient to take drug Alert: Patients who have a history of
with food to minimize orthostatic effects. severe anaphylactic reaction to several al-
lergens may be more reactive to repeated
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS challenge (accidental, diagnostic, or ther-
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, apeutic). They may be unresponsive to
AST, BUN, cholesterol, creatinine, GGT, dosages of epinephrine typically used to
nonprotein nitrogen, potassium, triglyc- treat allergic reactions.
eride, sodium, and uric acid levels. May • Mild hepatocellular injury may occur
increase or decrease glucose level. during therapy. At first sign of hepatic dys-
• May decrease PT and platelet count. function, perform tests for hepatic injury or
jaundice; if present, stop drug.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • If drug must be stopped, do so gradually
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive over 1 to 2 weeks, if possible.
to drug and in those with New York Heart • Patient should be stable on maximum
Association class IV decompensated car- immediate-release dose before switching to
diac failure requiring I.V. inotropic therapy. extended-release form.
• Contraindicated in those with bronchial • Monitor patient with heart failure for
asthma or related bronchospastic condi- worsened condition, renal dysfunction, or
tions, second- or third-degree AV block, fluid retention; diuretics may need to be
sick sinus syndrome (unless a permanent increased.
pacemaker is in place), cardiogenic shock, • Monitor diabetic patient closely; drug
severe bradycardia, or symptomatic hepatic may mask signs of hypoglycemia, or hyper-
impairment. glycemia may be worsened.
• Use cautiously in hypertensive patients • Observe patient for dizziness or light-
with left-sided heart failure, periopera- headedness for 1 hour after giving each new
tive patients who receive anesthetics that dose.
depress myocardial function (such as cyclo- • Monitor elderly patients carefully; drug
propane and trichloroethylene), and diabetic levels are about 50% higher in elderly pa-
patients receiving insulin or oral antidia- tients than in younger patients.
betics, and in those subject to spontaneous
hypoglycemia. PATIENT TEACHING
• Use cautiously in patients with thyroid • Tell patient not to interrupt or stop drug
disease (may mask hyperthyroidism; with- without medical approval.
drawal may precipitate thyroid storm or ex- • Inform patient that improvement of heart
acerbation of hyperthyroidism), pheochro- failure symptoms might take several weeks
mocytoma, Prinzmetal’s or variant angina, of drug therapy.
bronchospastic disease (in those who can’t • Advise patient with heart failure to call
tolerate other antihypertensives), or pe- prescriber if weight gain or shortness of
ripheral vascular disease (may precipitate breath occurs.
or aggravate symptoms of arterial insuffi- • Inform patient that he may experience low
ciency). blood pressure when standing. If dizziness
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women. or fainting occurs (rare), advise him to
• Safety and effectiveness in children sit or lie down and to notify prescriber if
younger than age 18 haven’t been estab- symptoms persist.
lished. • Caution patient against performing haz-
ardous tasks during start of therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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caspofungin acetate 265

• Advise diabetic patient to promptly report infection is confirmed, treat for a minimum
changes in glucose level. of 14 days and continue therapy for at least
• Inform patient who wears contact lenses 7 days after neutropenia and symptoms re-
that his eyes may feel dry. solve. May increase daily dose to 70 mg if
• Tell patient to take drug with food. the 50-mg dose is well tolerated but clinical
Extended-release capsule may be opened response is suboptimal.
and contents mixed with cool applesauce Children age 3 months to 17 years: Single
and taken immediately; don’t store. 70-mg/m2 I.V. loading dose on day 1,
• Advise patient that capsules shouldn’t be followed by 50 mg/m2 daily thereafter.
crushed, chewed, or contents divided. May increase daily maintenance dose to
70 mg/m2 . Maximum loading dose and
daily maintenance dose shouldn’t exceed
caspofungin acetate 70 mg.
KAS-po-fun-gin ➤ Esophageal candidiasis
Adults: 50 mg I.V. daily over 1 hour for 7 to
Cancidas 14 days after symptoms resolve.
Children age 3 months to 17 years: Single
Therapeutic class: Antifungal 70-mg/m2 I.V. loading dose on day 1,
Pharmacologic class: Echinocandin followed by 50 mg/m2 daily thereafter.
Pregnancy risk category C May increase daily maintenance dose to
70 mg/m2 . Maximum loading dose and
AVAIL ABLE FORMS daily maintenance dose shouldn’t exceed
Lyophilized powder for injection: 50-mg, 70 mg.
70-mg single-use vials Adjust-a-dose: For patients with Child-Pugh
score 7 to 9, after initial 70-mg loading dose
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES (when indicated), give 35 mg/day. Dosage
➤ Invasive aspergillosis in patients who adjustment in patients with Child-Pugh
are refractory to or intolerant of other score of more than 9 is unknown.
therapies (amphotericin B, lipid forms
of amphotericin B, or itraconazole); ADMINISTRATION
candidemia and Candida-caused intra- I.V.
abdominal abscesses, peritonitis, and  Let refrigerated vial warm to room

pleural space infections temperature.

Adults: Single 70-mg I.V. loading dose on  For patients on fluid restriction, dilute

day 1, followed by 50 mg/day I.V. over about the 35-mg and 50-mg doses in 100 ml
1 hour. Base treatment duration on severity normal saline solution. For other patients,
of patient’s underlying disease, recovery dilute 35-mg, 50-mg, and 70-mg doses in
from immunosuppression, and clinical 250 ml normal saline solution.
response.  Give drug by slow infusion over about

Children age 3 months to 17 years: Single 1 hour.

70-mg/m2 I.V. loading dose on day 1,  Monitor site carefully for phlebitis.

followed by 50 mg/m2 daily thereafter.  Use reconstituted vials within 1 hour or

May increase daily maintenance dose to discard.

70 mg/m2 . Maximum loading dose and  The final product for infusion (solution

daily maintenance dose shouldn’t exceed in I.V. bag or bottle) can be stored at room
70 mg. temperature for 24 hours or at 36◦ to 46◦ F
➤ Empirical treatment of presumed (2◦ to 8◦ C) for 48 hours.
fungal infections in febrile, neutropenic  Incompatibilities: Don’t mix or infuse

patients with other drugs or dextrose solutions.

Adults: Single 70-mg I.V. loading dose
on day 1, followed by 50 mg/day I.V. over AC TION
1 hour thereafter. Continue empirical ther- Inhibits synthesis of 1,3-β-D-glucan, an
apy until neutropenia resolves. If fungal essential component of the cell wall, in

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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266 cefadroxil

susceptible Aspergillus and Candida • It’s unknown if drug appears in breast

species. Drug is extensively distributed milk. Use cautiously in breast-feeding
and has a prolonged half-life. women.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Safety information is limited, but drug is
Half-life: 9 to 11 hours. well tolerated for therapy lasting longer than
2 weeks.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Observe patients for histamine-mediated
CNS: paresthesia, fever, headache. reactions, including rash, facial swelling,
CV: tachycardia, phlebitis, infused vein pruritus, and a sensation of warmth.
GI: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, PATIENT TEACHING
abdominal pain. • Instruct patient to report signs and symp-
GU: proteinuria, hematuria. toms of phlebitis.
Hematologic: anemia, eosinophilia. • Instruct patient to immediately report any
Metabolic: hypokalemia. signs of a hypersensitivity reaction.
Musculoskeletal: pain, myalgia.
Respiratory: tachypnea.
Skin: histamine-mediated symptoms, cefadroxil
including rash, facial swelling, pruritus, sef-a-DROX-ill
sensation of warmth.
Other: chills, sweating. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
Pharmacologic class: First-generation
INTERACTIONS cephalosporin
Drug-drug. Cyclosporine: May increase Pregnancy risk category B
caspofungin level. May increase risk of
elevated ALT level; avoid using together AVAIL ABLE FORMS
unless benefit outweighs risk. Capsules: 500 mg
Inducers of drug clearance or mixed Oral suspension: 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/
inducer-inhibitors (carbamazepine, dexa- 5 ml, 500 mg/5 ml
methasone, efavirenz, nelfinavir, nevirapine, Tablets: 1 g
phenytoin, rifampin): May reduce caspo-
fungin level. May need to adjust dosage INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
upwards to 70 mg in patients who are clini- ➤ UTIs caused by Escherichia coli, Pro-
cally unresponsive. teus mirabilis, and Klebsiella species;
Tacrolimus: May reduce tacrolimus level. skin and soft-tissue infections caused by
Monitor tacrolimus level; expect to adjust staphylococci and streptococci; pharyn-
dosage. gitis or tonsillitis caused by group A
beta-hemolytic streptococci
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Adults: 1 to 2 g P.O. daily, depending on
• May increase alkaline phosphatase and infection being treated. Usually given once
liver enzyme levels. May decrease albu- daily or in two divided doses.
min, calcium, hemoglobin, potassium, and Children: 30 mg/kg P.O. daily in two
protein levels. divided doses every 12 hours.
• May increase eosinophil count. Adjust-a-dose: In patients with renal im-
pairment, give first dose of 1 g. Reduce
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS additional doses based on creatinine clear-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ance. If clearance is 25 to 50 ml/minute,
to drug or its components. give 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours. If clear-
• Safety and efficacy in neonates and in- ance is 10 to 25 ml/minute, give 500 mg P.O.
fants younger than 3 months aren’t known. every 24 hours; if clearance is less than

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cefazolin sodium 267

10 ml/minute, give 500 mg P.O. every test and urine glucose tests that use cupric
36 hours. sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and
• Before administration, ask patient if he’s • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. to drug or other cephalosporins.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- • Use cautiously in patients with a history
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin of sensitivity to penicillin and in breast-
therapy while awaiting results. feeding women.
• Give drug with food or milk to lessen GI • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
discomfort. renal function; adjust dosage as needed.


Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting • If creatinine clearance is less than 50 ml/
osmotic instability; usually bactericidal. minute, lengthen dosage interval so drug
Route Onset Peak Duration
doesn’t accumulate. Monitor renal function
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
in patients with renal dysfunction.
• If large doses are given, therapy is pro-
Half-life: About 1 to 2 hours. longed, or patient is high risk, monitor
patient for superinfection.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
CNS: seizures, fever. drug with other cephalosporins that sound
GI: pseudomembranous colitis, glossitis, alike.
abdominal cramps.
GU: genital pruritus, candidiasis, vaginitis, PATIENT TEACHING
renal dysfunction. • Instruct patient to take drug with food or
Hematologic: transient neutropenia, milk to lessen GI discomfort.
leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocy- • Tell patient to take entire amount of drug
topenia, anemia, eosinophilia. exactly as prescribed, even after he feels
Skin: maculopapular and erythematous better.
rashes, urticaria. • Advise patient to notify prescriber if
Other: anaphylaxis, angioedema, hyper- rash develops or if signs and symptoms of
sensitivity reactions. superinfection appear, such as recurring
fever, chills, and malaise.
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in-
crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Avoid using cefazolin sodium
together. sef-AH-zoe-lin
Probenecid: May inhibit excretion and
increase cefadroxil level. Use together Ancef, Kefzol
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pharmacologic class: First-generation
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, cephalosporin
AST, bilirubin, GGT, and LDH levels. May Pregnancy risk category B
decrease hemoglobin level.
• May increase eosinophil count. May AVAIL ABLE FORMS
decrease granulocyte, neutrophil, platelet, Infusion: 500 mg/50-ml bag, 1 g/50-ml bag
and WBC counts. Injection (parenteral): 500 mg, 1 g, 5 g,
• May falsely increase serum or urine cre- 10 g, 20 g
atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction.
May cause false-positive results of Coombs’

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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268 cefazolin sodium

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  For direct injection, further dilute with

➤ Perioperative prevention in contami- 5 ml of sterile water for injection.

nated surgery  Inject into a large vein or into the tubing

Adults: 1 g I.M. or I.V. 30 to 60 minutes of a free-flowing I.V. solution over 3 to

before surgery; then 0.5 to 1 g I.M. or I.V. 5 minutes.
every 6 to 8 hours for 24 hours. In oper-  For intermittent infusion, add reconsti-

ations lasting longer than 2 hours, give tuted drug to 50 to 100 ml of compatible
another 0.5- to 1-g dose I.M. or I.V. intraop- solution or use premixed solution.
eratively. Continue treatment for 3 to 5 days  If I.V. therapy lasts longer than 3 days,

if life-threatening infection is likely. alternate injection sites. Use of small I.V.

➤ Infections of respiratory, biliary, and needles in larger available veins may be
GU tracts; skin, soft-tissue, bone, and preferable.
joint infections; septicemia; endocarditis  Reconstituted drug is stable 24 hours at

caused by Escherichia coli, Enterobacte- room temperature or 10 days refrigerated.

riaceae, gonococci, Haemophilus influen-  Incompatibilities: Aminoglycosides,

zae, Klebsiella species, Proteus mirabilis, amiodarone, amobarbital, ascorbic acid

Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus injection, bleomycin, calcium gluconate,
pneumoniae, and group A beta-hemolytic cimetidine, colistimethate, hydrocortisone,
streptococci idarubicin, lidocaine, norepinephrine,
Adults: 250 to 500 mg I.M. or I.V. every oxytetracycline, pentobarbital sodium,
8 hours for mild infections or 500 mg to polymyxin B, ranitidine, tetracycline,
1.5 g I.M. or I.V. every 6 to 8 hours for theophylline, vitamin B complex with C.
moderate to severe or life-threatening infec- I.M.
tions. Maximum 12 g/day in life-threatening • Before giving first dose, obtain speci-
situations. men for culture and sensitivity tests. Begin
Children older than age 1 month: 25 to therapy while awaiting results.
50 mg/kg/day I.M. or I.V. in three or four • After reconstitution, inject drug I.M.
divided doses. In severe infections, dose without further dilution. This drug isn’t
may be increased to 100 mg/kg/day. as painful as other cephalosporins. Give
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creati- injection deep into a large muscle.
nine clearance of 35 to 54 ml/minute, give
full dose every 8 hours; if clearance is AC TION
11 to 34 ml/minute, give 50% of usual Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting
dose every 12 hours; if clearance is below osmotic instability; usually bactericidal.
10 ml/minute, give 50% of usual dose every
Route Onset Peak Duration
18 to 24 hours. I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
I.M. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
I.V. Half-life: About 1 to 2 hours.
 Before giving first dose, obtain specimen

for culture and sensitivity tests. Begin ADVERSE REACTIONS

therapy while awaiting results. CV: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis with I.V.
 Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s injection.
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. GI: diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis,
 Give commercially available frozen anorexia, glossitis, dyspepsia, abdominal
solutions in D5 W only by intermittent or cramps, anal pruritus, oral candidiasis.
continuous I.V. infusion. GU: genital pruritus, candidiasis, vaginitis.
 Reconstitute drug with sterile water, Hematologic: neutropenia, leukopenia,
bacteriostatic water, or normal saline so- thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia.
lution as follows: Add 2 ml to 500-mg Skin: maculopapular and erythematous
vial or 2.5 ml to 1-g vial, yielding rashes, urticaria, pruritus, pain, indura-
225 mg/ml or 330 mg/ml, respectively. tion, sterile abscesses, tissue sloughing at
 Shake well until dissolved. injection site, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cefdinir 269

Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse

tions, drug fever. drug with other cephalosporins that sound
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in- PATIENT TEACHING
crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Avoid using • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
together. promptly.
Anticoagulants: May increase anticoagulant • Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V.
effects. Monitor PT and INR. injection site.
Probenecid: May inhibit excretion and • Advise patient to notify prescriber if a
increase cefazolin level. Use together cau- rash develops or if signs and symptoms of
tiously. superinfection appear, such as recurring
fever, chills, and malaise.
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
AST, bilirubin, GGT, and LDH levels. cefdinir
• May increase eosinophil count. May sef-DIN-er
decrease neutrophil, platelet, and WBC
counts. Omnicef
• May falsely increase serum or urine cre-
atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
May cause false-positive results of Coombs’ Pharmacologic class: Third-generation
test and urine glucose tests that use cupric cephalosporin
sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and Pregnancy risk category B
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Suspension: 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml
to drug or other cephalosporins.
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
to penicillin because of the possibility of ➤ Mild to moderate infections caused by
cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam susceptible strains of microorganisms in
antibiotics. community-acquired pneumonia, acute
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women worsening of chronic bronchitis, acute
and in patients with a history of colitis or maxillary sinusitis, acute bacterial otitis
renal insufficiency. media, and uncomplicated skin and skin-
•H Overdose S&S: Pain, inflammation, and structure infections
phlebitis at injection site; dizziness, pares- Adults and children age 13 and older:
thesia, headache, seizures; elevated crea- 300 mg P.O. every 12 hours or 600 mg P.O.
tinine, BUN, liver enzymes, and bilirubin every 24 hours for 10 days. Give every
levels; positive Coombs’ test; thrombo- 12 hours for pneumonia and skin infections.
cytosis, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, Children ages 6 months to 12 years:
leukopenia; prolonged PT. 7 mg/kg P.O. every 12 hours or 14 mg/kg
P.O. every 24 hours for 10 days, up to max-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS imum dose of 600 mg daily. Give every
• If creatinine clearance falls below 55 ml/ 12 hours for skin infections.
minute, adjust dosage. ➤ Pharyngitis, tonsillitis
• If large doses are given, therapy is pro- Adults and children age 13 and older:
longed, or patient is at high risk, monitor 300 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 5 to 10 days
patient for signs and symptoms of superin- or 600 mg P.O. every 24 hours for 10 days.
fection. Children ages 6 months to 12 years: 7 mg/
kg P.O. every 12 hours for 5 to 10 days; or
14 mg/kg P.O. every 24 hours for 10 days.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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270 cefdinir

Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is less EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

than 30 ml/minute, reduce dosage to 300 mg • May increase alkaline phosphatase, GGT,
P.O. once daily for adults and 7 mg/kg up and LDH levels. May decrease bicarbonate
to 300 mg P.O. once daily for children. In levels.
patients receiving long-term hemodialysis, • May increase eosinophil, lymphocyte, and
give 300 mg or 7 mg/kg P.O. at end of each platelet counts.
dialysis session and then every other day. • May falsely increase serum or urine cre-
atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction.
ADMINISTRATION May cause false-positive results of Coombs’
P.O. test and urine glucose tests that use cupric
• Before administration, ask patient if he’s sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. Clinitest.
• Give antacids and iron supplements
2 hours before or after a dose of cefdinir. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Give drug without regard for meals. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or other cephalosporins.
AC TION • Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting to penicillin because of the possibility of
osmotic instability; usually bactericidal. cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam
Some microorganisms resistant to peni- antibiotics.
cillins and cephalosporins are susceptible • Use cautiously in patients with history of
to cefdinir. Active against a broad range of colitis or renal insufficiency.
gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Prolonged drug treatment may result
P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
in emergence and overgrowth of resistant
organisms. Monitor patient for signs and
Half-life: 13⁄
4 hours. symptoms of superinfection.
• Pseudomembranous colitis has been
ADVERSE REACTIONS reported with cefdinir and should be consid-
CNS: headache. ered in patients with diarrhea after antibiotic
GI: diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, therapy and in those with history of colitis.
abdominal pain, nausea. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
GU: vaginitis, increased urine proteins, drug with other cephalosporins that sound
WBCs, and RBCs. alike.
Other: hypersensitivity reactions, anaphy-
• Instruct patient to take antacids and iron
INTERACTIONS supplements 2 hours before or after a dose
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in- of cefdinir.
crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Avoid using • Inform diabetic patient that each teaspoon
together. of suspension contains 2.86 g of sucrose.
Antacids containing aluminum and mag- • Tell patient that drug may be taken with-
nesium, iron supplements, multivitamins out regard to meals.
containing iron: May decrease rate of ab- • Tell patient to take drug as prescribed,
sorption and bioavailability of cefdinir. Give even after he feels better.
such preparations 2 hours before or after • Advise patient to report severe diarrhea or
cefdinir. diarrhea with abdominal pain.
Probenecid: May inhibit renal excretion • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
of cefdinir. Monitor patient for adverse or signs and symptoms of superinfection
reactions. promptly.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cefepime hydrochloride 271

Adults and children age 16 and older: 2 g

cefepime hydrochloride I.V. over 30 minutes every 12 hours for
SEF-ah-peem 10 days.
➤ Complicated intra-abdominal infec-
tion caused by E. coli, viridans group
streptococci, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumo-
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic niae, Enterobacter species, or Bacteroides
Pharmacologic class: Fourth-generation fragilis
cephalosporin Adults and children age 16 and older: 2 g
Pregnancy risk category B I.V. over 30 minutes every 12 hours for 7 to
10 days. Give with metronidazole.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ Empirical therapy for febrile neutro-
Injection: 500-mg vial, 1-g/100-ml piggy- penia
back bottle, 1-g ADD-Vantage vial, 1-g vial, Adults and children age 16 and older: 2 g
2-g/100-ml piggyback bottle, 2-g ADD- I.V. every 8 hours for 7 days or until neu-
Vantage vial, 2-g vial tropenia resolves.
➤ Uncomplicated and complicated UTI
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES (including pyelonephritis), uncompli-
➤ Mild to moderate UTI caused by cated skin and skin-structure infection,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, pneumonia, empirical therapy for febrile
or Proteus mirabilis, including concurrent neutropenic children
bacteremia with these microorganisms Children ages 2 months to 16 years who
Adults and children age 16 and older: weigh up to 40 kg (88 lb): 50 mg/kg/dose
0.5 to 1 g I.M. or I.V. over 30 minutes I.V. over 30 minutes every 12 hours for
every 12 hours for 7 to 10 days. Use I.M. 10 days. For febrile neutropenia, give
only for E. coli infection when I.M. route 50 mg/kg every 8 hours for 7 days or un-
is considered more appropriate route of til neutropenia resolves. For UTI, treat for
administration. 7 to 10 days. Don’t exceed 2 g/dose.
➤ Severe UTI, including pyelonephritis, Adjust-a-dose: Adjust dosage based on
caused by E. coli or K. pneumoniae creatinine clearance, as shown in the
Adults and children age 16 and older: 2 g I.V. table. For patients receiving hemodialy-
over 30 minutes every 12 hours for 10 days. sis, about 68% of drug is removed after a
➤ Moderate to severe pneumonia caused 3-hour dialysis session. Cefepime dosage
by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudo- for patients receiving hemodialysis is1 g
monas aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, or on day 1, followed by 500 mg every
Enterobacter species 24 hours for treatment of all infections
Adults and children age 16 and older: 1 to except febrile neutropenia. For patients
2 g I.V. over 30 minutes every 12 hours for with febrile neutropenia, give 1 g every
10 days. 24 hours. Give cefepime after hemodialysis
➤ Moderate to severe skin infection, and at the same time each day. For patients
uncomplicated skin infection, and skin- receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal
structure infection caused by Streptococ- dialysis, give normal dose every 48 hours.
cus pyogenes or methicillin-susceptible
strains of Staphylococcus aureus
Dosage adjustments for renal impairment
If normal dosage would be
(ml/min) 500 mg every 12 hr 1 g every 12 hr 2 g every 12 hr 2 g every 8 hr
30–60 500 mg every 24 hr 1 g every 24 hr 2 g every 24 hr 2 g every 12 hr
11–29 500 mg every 24 hr 500 mg every 24 hr 1 g every 24 hr 2 g every 24 hr
<11 250 mg every 24 hr 250 mg every 24 hr 500 mg every 24 hr 1 g every 24 hr

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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272 cefepime hydrochloride


I.V. CNS: fever, headache.
 Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s CV: phlebitis.
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Skin: rash, pruritus.
tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy Other: anaphylaxis, pain, inflammation,
while awaiting results. hypersensitivity reactions.
 Follow manufacturer’s guidelines closely

when reconstituting drug. They vary with INTERACTIONS

concentration of drug ordered and how Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in-
drug is packaged (piggyback vial, ADD- crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Monitor renal
Vantage vial, or regular vial). function closely.
 The type of diluent varies with the prod- Potent diuretics: May increase risk of
uct used. Use only solutions recommended nephrotoxicity. Monitor renal function
by the manufacturer. closely.
 Give intermittent I.V. infusion with a Probenecid: May inhibit renal excretion
Y-type administration and compatible of cefepime. Monitor patient for adverse
solutions. reactions.
 Stop the main I.V. fluid while infusing.
 Infuse over about 30 minutes. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
 Incompatibilities: Aminophylline, am- • May increase ALT and AST levels. May
photericin B, amphotericin B cholesteryl decrease phosphorus level.
sulfate complex, ciprofloxacin, genta- • May increase eosinophil count. May alter
micin, metronidazole, tobramycin, van- PT and PTT.
comycin. • May falsely increase serum or urine
I.M. creatinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction.
• Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s May cause false-positive results of Coombs’
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. test and urine glucose tests that use cupric
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while Clinitest.
awaiting results.
• Reconstitute drug using sterile water for CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
injection, normal saline solution for injec- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
tion, D5 W injection, 0.5% or 1% lidocaine tive to drug, cephalosporins, beta-lactam
hydrochloride, or bacteriostatic water for antibiotics, or penicillins.
injection with parabens or benzyl alcohol. • Use cautiously in patients hypersensi-
Follow manufacturer’s guidelines for quan- tive to penicillin because of possibility of
tity of diluent to use. cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam
• Inspect solution for particulate matter be- antibiotics.
fore use. The powder and its solutions tend • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
to darken, depending on storage conditions. and in patients with history of colitis or
If stored as recommended, potency isn’t renal insufficiency.
adversely affected. •H Overdose S&S: Encephalopathy, my-
• Pain may occur at injection site. oclonus, seizures, neuromuscular excita-
Inhibits bacterial cell-wall synthesis, promotes NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
osmotic instability, and destroys bacteria. • Monitor patient for superinfection. Drug
Route Onset Peak Duration
may cause overgrowth of nonsusceptible
I.V., I.M. 30 min 1–2 hr Unknown bacteria or fungi.
• Drug may reduce PT activity. Patients
Half-life: Adults: 2 to 21⁄2 hours. Children: 11⁄2 to at risk include those with renal or hepatic
2 hours. impairment or poor nutrition and those

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cefotaxime sodium 273

receiving prolonged therapy. Monitor PT ➤ Serious infection of the lower respi-

and INR in these patients. Give vitamin K, ratory and urinary tract, CNS, skin,
as indicated. bone, and joints; gynecologic and intra-
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse abdominal infection; bacteremia;
drug with other cephalosporins that sound septicemia caused by susceptible mi-
alike. croorganisms, such as streptococci
(including Streptococcus pneumoniae
PATIENT TEACHING and S. pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus
• Warn patient receiving drug I.M. that pain [penicillinase- and non–penicillinase-
may occur at injection site. producing] and S. epidermidis),
• Advise patient to notify prescriber if a Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Haemophilus
rash develops or if signs and symptoms of influenzae, Serratia marcescens, and
superinfection appear, such as recurring species of Pseudomonas (including
fever, chills, and malaise. P. aeruginosa), Enterobacter, Proteus,
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions and Peptostreptococcus
promptly. Adults and children who weigh 50 kg
(110 lb) or more: 1 to 2 g I.V. or I.M.
every 6 to 8 hours. Up to 12 g daily can
cefotaxime sodium be given for life-threatening infections.
sef-oh-TAKS-eem Children ages 1 month to 12 years who
weigh less than 50 kg (110 lb): 50 to
Claforan 180 mg/kg/day I.M. or I.V. in four to six
divided doses.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic Neonates ages 1 to 4 weeks: 50 mg/kg I.V.
Pharmacologic class: Third-generation every 8 hours.
cephalosporin Neonates to age 1 week: 50 mg/kg I.V. every
Pregnancy risk category B 12 hours.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
AVAIL ABLE FORMS clearance of 10 to 50 ml/minute, give doses
Infusion: 1-g, 2-g premixed package every 12 to 24 hours. For patients with cre-
Injection: 500-mg, 1-g, 2-g vials atinine clearance of less than 10 ml/minute,
give doses every 24 hours. For patients re-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ceiving hemodialysis, give 1 g supplement
➤ Perioperative prevention in contami- after dialysis. For patients receiving contin-
nated surgery uous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, give
Adults: 1 g I.M. or I.V. 30 to 90 minutes be- 0.5 to 1 g every 24 hours.
fore surgery. In patients undergoing bowel
surgery, provide preoperative mechanical ADMINISTRATION
bowel cleansing and give a nonabsorbable I.V.
anti-infective, such as neomycin. In pa-  Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s

tients undergoing cesarean delivery, give 1 g allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins.

I.M. or I.V. as soon as the umbilical cord is  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

clamped; then 1 g I.M. or I.V. 6 and 12 hours tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy
later. while awaiting results.
➤ Uncomplicated gonorrhea caused  For direct injection, reconstitute drug

by penicillinase-producing strains or in 500-mg, 1-g, or 2-g vials with 10 ml

non–penicillinase-producing strains of of sterile water for injection. Solutions
Neisseria gonorrhoeae containing 1 g/14 ml are isotonic.
Adults and adolescents: 500 mg I.M. as a  Inject drug over 3 to 5 minutes into a

single dose. large vein or into the tubing of a free-

➤ Rectal gonorrhea flowing I.V. solution.
Men: 1 g I.M. as a single dose.
Women: 500 mg I.M. as a single dose.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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274 cefoxitin sodium

 For infusion, reconstitute drug in infu- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

sion vials with 50 to 100 ml of D5 W or • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
normal saline solution. AST, bilirubin, GGT, and LDH levels. May
 Interrupt flow of primary I.V. solution, decrease hemoglobin level.
and infuse this drug over 20 to 30 minutes. • May increase eosinophil count. May de-
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, amino- crease granulocyte, neutrophil, and platelet
glycosides, aminophylline, azithromycin, counts.
doxapram, filgrastim, fluconazole, het- • May cause positive Coombs’ test results.
astarch, pentamidine isethionate, sodium
bicarbonate injection, vancomycin. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
I.M. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s to drug or other cephalosporins.
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. • Use cautiously in patients hypersensi-
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- tive to penicillin because of possibility of
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam
awaiting results. antibiotics.
• For doses of 2 g, divide the dose and give • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
at different sites. and in patients with history of colitis or
• Inject deep into a large muscle, such as the renal insufficiency.
gluteus maximus or the side of the thigh. •H Overdose S&S: Elevated BUN and creati-
nine levels.
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
osmotic instability; usually bactericidal. • If large doses are given, therapy is pro-
Route Onset Peak Duration
longed, or patient is at high risk, monitor
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
patient for superinfection.
I.M. Unknown 30 min Unknown • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
drug with other cephalosporins that sound
Half-life: 1 to 2 hours. alike.


CNS: fever, headache. • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
CV: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis. and signs and symptoms of superinfection
GI: diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, promptly.
nausea, vomiting. • Instruct patient to report discomfort at I.V.
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, throm- insertion site.
bocytopenia, transient neutropenia,
eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia.
Skin: maculopapular and erythematous cefoxitin sodium
rashes, urticaria, pain, induration, sterile se-FOX-i-tin
abscesses, temperature elevation, tissue
sloughing at I.M. injection site. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac- Pharmacologic class: Second-
tions, serum sickness. generation cephalosporin
Pregnancy risk category B
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May AVAIL ABLE FORMS
increase risk of nephrotoxicity. Monitor Infusion: 1 g, 2 g in 50-ml or 100-ml
patient’s renal function tests. container
Probenecid: May inhibit excretion and Injection: 1 g, 2 g
increase cefotaxime. Use together cau-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cefoxitin sodium 275


➤ Serious infection of the respira- I.V.
tory and GU tracts; skin, soft-tissue,  Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s

bone, or joint infection; bloodstream allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins.

or intra-abdominal infection caused  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
by susceptible organisms (such as tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy
Escherichia coli and other coliform while awaiting results.
bacteria, penicillinase- and non–  Reconstitute 1 g with at least 10 ml of

penicillinase-producing Staphylococ- sterile water for injection and 2 g with

cus aureus, S. epidermidis, streptococci, 10 to 20 ml of sterile water for injection.
Klebsiella, Haemophilus influenzae, and Solutions of D5 W and normal saline solu-
Bacteroides, including B. fragilis) tion for injection also may be used.
Adults: 1 to 2 g I.V. or I.M. every 6 to  For direct injection, give drug over 3 to

8 hours for uncomplicated infections. Up 5 minutes into a large vein or into the
to 12 g daily may be used in life-threatening tubing of a free-flowing I.V. solution.
infections.  For intermittent infusion, add recon-

Children older than age 3 months: 80 to stituted drug to 50 or 100 ml of D5 W or

160 mg/kg daily I.V. or I.M., given in four to normal saline solution for injection.
six equally divided doses. Maximum daily  Interrupt flow of primary solution during

dose is 12 g. infusion.
➤ Perioperative prevention  Assess site often to detect evidence of

Adults: 2 g I.M. or I.V. 30 to 60 minutes thrombophlebitis.

before surgery; then 2 g I.M. or I.V. every  Incompatibilities: Aminoglyco-

6 hours for up to 24 hours. For patients sides, filgrastim, hetastarch, pentamidine

undergoing cesarean section, give 2 g I.V. as isethionate, ranitidine.
soon as the umbilical cord is clamped; may I.M.
give additional 2-g doses 4 and 8 hours after • Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s
initial dose. allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins.
Children age 3 months and older: 30 to • Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv-
40 mg/kg I.M. or I.V. 30 to 60 minutes ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while
before surgery; then 30 to 40 mg/kg every awaiting results.
6 hours for up to 24 hours. • Reconstitute each 1 g of drug with
➤ Uncomplicated gonorrhea  2 ml of sterile water for injection or 0.5%
Adults: 2 g I.M. with 1 g probenecid P.O. or 1% lidocaine hydrochloride (without
as a single dose. Give probenecid within epinephrine) to minimize pain. Inject deep
30 minutes before cefoxitin dose. into a large muscle, such as the gluteus
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine maximus or the lateral aspect of the thigh.
clearance of 30 to 50 ml/minute, 1 to 2 g • After reconstitution, drug may be stored
every 8 to 12 hours; if clearance is 10 to for 24 hours (6 hours for non-ADD-Vantage
29 ml/minute, 1 to 2 g every 12 to 24 hours; vials) at room temperature or 1 week under
if clearance is 5 to 9 ml/minute, 0.5 to 1 g refrigeration.
every 12 to 24 hours; and if clearance is
less than 5 ml/minute, 0.5 to 1 g every 24 to AC TION
48 hours. For patients receiving hemodialy- Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting
sis, give a loading dose of 1 to 2 g after each osmotic instability; usually bactericidal.
hemodialysis session; then give the main- Route Onset Peak Duration
tenance dose based on creatinine level. For I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
patients receiving continuous ambulatory I.M. Unknown 20–30 min Unknown
peritoneal dialysis, give 1 g every 24 hours.
Half-life: About 1⁄2 to 1 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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276 cefpodoxime proxetil


CNS: fever. Alert: The premixed frozen product is for
CV: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, hypoten- I.V. use only.
sion. • If large doses are given, therapy is pro-
GI: diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, longed, or patient is at high risk, monitor
nausea, vomiting. patient for signs and symptoms of superin-
GU: acute renal failure. fection.
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, tran- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
sient neutropenia, eosinophilia, hemolytic drug with other cephalosporins that sound
anemia, anemia. alike.
Respiratory: dyspnea.
Skin: maculopapular and erythematous PATIENT TEACHING
rashes, urticaria, pain, induration, sterile • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
abscesses, tissue sloughing at injection site, and signs and symptoms of superinfection
exfoliative dermatitis. promptly.
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac- • Instruct patient to report discomfort at I.V.
tions, serum sickness. site.
• Advise patient to notify prescriber about
INTERACTIONS loose stools or diarrhea.
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in-
crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Monitor
patient’s renal function tests. cefpodoxime proxetil
Probenecid: May inhibit excretion and SEF-pod-OX-eem
increase cefoxitin level. Probenecid may be
used for this effect. Vantin
Warfarin: May increase anticoagulation.
Monitor prothrombin times and adjust Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
warfarin dosage as needed. Pharmacologic class: Third-generation
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pregnancy risk category B
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
AST, bilirubin, and LDH levels. May AVAIL ABLE FORMS
decrease hemoglobin level. Oral suspension: 50 mg/5 ml or 100 mg/
• May increase eosinophil count. May 5 ml in 50-, 75-, or 100-ml bottles
decrease neutrophil and platelet counts. Tablets (film-coated): 100 mg, 200 mg
• May falsely increase serum or urine cre-
atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
May cause false-positive results of Coombs’ ➤ Acute community-acquired pneumo-
test and urine glucose tests that use cupric nia caused by strains of Haemophilus
sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and influenzae or Streptococcus pneumoniae
Clinitest. Adults and children age 12 and older:
200 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 14 days.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ➤ Acute bacterial worsening of chronic
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive bronchitis caused by S. pneumoniae or
to drug or other cephalosporins. H. influenzae (strains that don’t pro-
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensi- duce beta-lactamase only), or Moraxella
tive to penicillin because of possibility of catarrhalis
cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam Adults and children age 12 and older:
antibiotics. 200 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 days.
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women ➤ Uncomplicated gonorrhea in men and
and in patients with history of colitis or women; rectal gonococcal infections in
renal insufficiency. women

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cefpodoxime proxetil 277

Adults and children age 12 and older: AC TION

200 mg P.O. as a single dose. Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting
➤ Uncomplicated skin and skin- osmotic instability; usually bactericidal.
structure infections caused by
Staphylococcus aureus or S. pyogenes
Route Onset Peak Duration C
P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
Adults and children age 12 and older:
400 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 7 to 14 days. Half-life: 2 to 3 hours.
➤ Acute otitis media caused by
S. pneumoniae (penicillin-susceptible ADVERSE REACTIONS
strains only), S. pyogenes, H. influenzae, CNS: headache.
or M. catarrhalis GI: diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis,
Children age 2 months to 12 years: 5 mg/kg nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
P.O. every 12 hours for 5 days. Don’t exceed GU: vaginal fungal infections.
200 mg per dose. Skin: rash.
➤ Pharyngitis or tonsillitis caused by Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac-
S. pyogenes tions.
Adults: 100 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 5 to
Children ages 2 months to 12 years: Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in-
5 mg/kg P.O. every 12 hours for 5 to crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Monitor renal
10 days. Don’t exceed 100 mg per dose. function tests closely.
➤ Uncomplicated UTIs caused by Antacids, H2 -receptor antagonists: May
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, decrease absorption of cefpodoxime. Avoid
Proteus mirabilis, or Staphylococcus using together.
saprophyticus Probenecid: May decrease excretion of
Adults: 100 mg P.O. every 12 hours for cefpodoxime. Monitor patient for toxicity.
7 days. Drug-food. Any food: May increase ab-
➤ Mild to moderate acute maxillary sorption. Give tablets with food to enhance
sinusitis caused by H. influenzae, absorption. Oral suspension may be given
S. pneumoniae, or M. catarrhalis without regard to food.
Adults and adolescents age 12 and older:
200 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 days. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Children ages 2 months to 12 years: • May falsely increase serum or urine cre-
5 mg/kg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 days; atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction.
maximum is 200 mg/dose. May cause false-positive results of Coombs’
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine test and urine glucose tests that use cupric
clearance less than 30 ml/minute, increase sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and
dosage interval to every 24 hours. Give to Clinitest.
dialysis patients three times weekly after
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
ADMINISTRATION to drug or other cephalosporins.
P.O. • Use cautiously in patients with a history
• Before administration, ask patient if he’s of penicillin hypersensitivity because of risk
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. of cross-sensitivity.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- • Use cautiously in patients receiv-
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while ing nephrotoxic drugs because other
awaiting results. cephalosporins have been shown to have
• Give drug with food to enhance absorp- nephrotoxic potential.
tion. Shake suspension well before using. • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
• Store suspension in the refrigerator because drug appears in breast milk.
(36◦ to 46◦ F [2◦ to 8◦ C]). Discard un-
used portion after 14 days.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-C LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 20:3

278 cefprozil

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS worsening of chronic bronchitis caused

• Monitor renal function and compare with by S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and
baseline. M. catarrhalis
• Monitor patient for superinfection. Drug Adults and children age 13 and older:
may cause overgrowth of nonsusceptible 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 days.
bacteria or fungi. ➤ Uncomplicated skin and skin-
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse structure infections caused by Staphy-
drug with other cephalosporins that sound lococcus aureus and S. pyogenes
alike. Adults and children age 13 and older:
250 or 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours or
PATIENT TEACHING 500 mg daily for 10 days.
• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, Children age 2 to 12: 20 mg/kg P.O. every
even after he feels better. 24 hours. Don’t exceed adult dose.
• Instruct patient to take drug with food. ➤ Acute sinusitis caused by S. pneumo-
If patient is using suspension, tell him to niae, H. influenzae (beta-lactamase–
shake container before measuring dose and positive and –negative strains), and
to keep container refrigerated. M. catarrhalis (including strains that
• Tell patient to call prescriber if rash or produce beta-lactamase)
signs and symptoms of superinfection occur. Adults and children age 13 and older:
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber about 250 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 days; for
loose stools or diarrhea. moderate to severe infection, 500 mg P.O.
every 12 hours for 10 days.
Children ages 6 months to 12 years:
cefprozil 7.5 mg/kg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 days;
sef-PRO-zil for moderate to severe infections, 15 mg/kg
P.O. every 12 hours for 10 days.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance
Pharmacologic class: Second- is less than 30 ml/minute, give 50% of
generation cephalosporin standard dose at standard intervals. If pa-
Pregnancy risk category B tient is receiving dialysis, give dose after
hemodialysis is completed; drug is removed
AVAIL ABLE FORMS by hemodialysis.
Oral suspension: 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml
Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg ADMINISTRATION
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
➤ Pharyngitis or tonsillitis caused by tivity tests before giving first dose. Start
Streptococcus pyogenes therapy while awaiting results.
Adults and children age 13 and older: • Before giving, ask patient if he’s allergic
500 mg P.O. daily for at least 10 days. to penicillins or cephalosporins.
Children age 2 to 12: 7.5 mg/kg P.O. every • Shake suspension well before using.
12 hours for 10 days. Don’t exceed adult
dose. AC TION
➤ Otitis media caused by Streptococcus Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting
pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, osmotic instability; usually bactericidal.
and Moraxella catarrhalis
Route Onset Peak Duration
Infants and children ages 6 months to P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 hr Unknown
12 years: 15 mg/kg P.O. every 12 hours
for 10 days. Half-life: 11⁄4 hours in patients with normal renal
➤ Secondary bacterial infections of function; 2 hours in patients with impaired hepatic
function; and 51⁄4 to 6 hours in patients with
acute bronchitis and acute bacterial end-stage renal disease.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ceftazidime 279


CNS: dizziness. • Advise patient to take drug as prescribed,
GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal even after he feels better.
pain. • Tell patient to shake suspension well
GU: genital pruritus, vaginitis. before measuring dose.
Hematologic: eosinophilia. • Inform patient or parent that oral suspen-
Skin: diaper rash. sion is bubble gum–flavored to improve
Other: anaphylaxis, superinfection, hyper- palatability and promote compliance in
sensitivity reactions, serum sickness. children. Tell him to refrigerate reconsti-
tuted suspension and to discard unused drug
INTERACTIONS after 14 days.
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in- • Instruct patient to notify prescriber if rash
crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Monitor renal or signs and symptoms of superinfection
function tests closely. occur.
Probenecid: May inhibit excretion and
increase cefprozil level. Use together cau-
tiously. ceftazidime
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, Fortaz, Tazicef
AST, bilirubin, BUN, creatinine, and LDH
levels. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
• May increase eosinophil count. May Pharmacologic class: Third-generation
decrease platelet and WBC counts. cephalosporin
• May falsely increase serum or urine cre- Pregnancy risk category B
atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction.
May cause false-positive results of Coombs’ AVAIL ABLE FORMS
test and urine glucose tests that use cupric Infusion: 1 g, 2 g in 50-ml and 100-ml vials
sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and (premixed)
Clinitest. Injection (with arginine): 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g
Injection (with sodium carbonate): 500 mg,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or other cephalosporins. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensi- ➤ Serious UTI and lower respiratory
tive to penicillin because of possibility of tract infection; skin, gynecologic, intra-
cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam abdominal, bone and joint, and CNS
antibiotics. infection; bacteremia; and septicemia
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women caused by susceptible microorganisms,
and in patients with history of colitis and such as streptococci (including Strep-
renal insufficiency. tococcus pneumoniae and S. pyogenes),
penicillinase- and non–penicillinase-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS producing Staphylococcus aureus,
• Monitor renal function and liver function Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus,
test results. Enterobacter, Haemophilus influenzae,
• Monitor patient for superinfection. May Pseudomonas, and some strains of
cause overgrowth of nonsusceptible bacteria Bacteroides
or fungi. Adults and children age 12 and older: 1 to
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 2 g I.V. or I.M. every 8 to 12 hours; up to 6 g
drug with other cephalosporins that sound daily in life-threatening infections.
alike. Children ages 1 month to 12 years: 30 to
50 mg/kg I.V. every 8 hours. Maximum

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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280 ceftazidime

dose is 6 g/day. Use sodium carbonate  Infuse drug over 15 to 30 minutes.

formulation.  Incompatibilities: Aminoglycosides,
Neonates up to age 4 weeks: 30 mg/kg aminophylline, amiodarone, ampho-
I.V. every 12 hours. Use sodium carbonate tericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex,
formulation. azithromycin, clarithromycin, flucona-
➤ Uncomplicated UTI zole, idarubicin, midazolam, pentamidine
Adults: 250 mg I.V. or I.M. every 12 hours. isethionate, ranitidine hydrochloride, sar-
➤ Complicated UTI gramostim, sodium bicarbonate solutions,
Adults and children age 12 and older: vancomycin.
500 mg to 1 g I.V. or I.M. every 8 to I.M.
12 hours. • Before administration, ask patient if he’s
➤ Uncomplicated pneumonia allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins.
Adults and children age 12 and older: • Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv-
500 mg to 1 g I.V. or I.M. every 8 hours. ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while
➤ Lung infections caused by Pseu- awaiting results.
domonas in patients with cystic fibrosis • Inject deep into a large muscle, such as the
with healthy renal function gluteus maximus or the side of the thigh.
Adults and children age 12 and older: 30 to
50 mg/kg I.V. every 8 hours. Maximum dose AC TION
is 6 g/day. Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is osmotic instability; usually bactericidal.
31 to 50 ml/minute, give 1 g every 12 hours; Route Onset Peak Duration
if clearance is 16 to 30 ml/minute, give 1 g I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
every 24 hours; if clearance is 6 to 15 ml/ I.M. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
minute, give 500 mg every 24 hours; if
clearance is less than 5 ml/minute, give Half-life: 11⁄2 to 2 hours.
500 mg every 48 hours. Ceftazidime is re-
moved by hemodialysis; give a loading dose ADVERSE REACTIONS
of 1 g, followed by 1 g after each hemodial- CNS: seizures.
ysis period. CV: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.
GI: pseudomembranous colitis, nausea,
ADMINISTRATION vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps.
I.V. Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leukope-
 Before administration, ask patient if he’s nia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia,
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Skin: maculopapular and erythematous
tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy rashes, urticaria, pain, induration, sterile
while awaiting results. abscesses, tissue sloughing at injection site.
 Each brand of drug includes specific Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac-
instructions for reconstitution. Read and tions, serum sickness.
follow them carefully.
 To reconstitute solution that contains INTERACTIONS
sodium carbonate, add 5 ml sterile water Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May cause
for injection to a 500-mg vial, or add 10 ml additive or synergistic effect against some
to a 1-g or 2-g vial. Shake well to dissolve strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
drug. Because carbon dioxide is released Enterobacteriaceae; may increase risk of
during dissolution, positive pressure will nephrotoxicity. Monitor patient for effects
develop in vial. and monitor renal function.
 To reconstitute solution that contains Chloramphenicol: May cause antagonistic
arginine, use 10 ml of sterile water for effect. Avoid using together.
injection. This product won’t release gas

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ceftriaxone sodium 281


• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, ceftriaxone sodium
AST, bilirubin, and LDH levels. May de- sef-try-AX-ohn
crease hemoglobin level.
• May increase eosinophil count. May C
decrease granulocyte and WBC counts.
May increase or decrease platelet count. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
• May falsely increase serum or urine cre- Pharmacologic class: Third-generation
atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction. cephalosporin
May cause false-positive results of Coombs’ Pregnancy risk category B
test and urine glucose tests that use cupric
sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Clinitest. Infusion: 1 g, 2-g piggyback; 1 g, 2 g/50 ml
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Injection: 250 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or other cephalosporins. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensi- ➤ Uncomplicated gonococcal vulvo-
tive to penicillin because of possibility of vaginitis
cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam Adults: 125 mg I.M. as a single dose, plus
antibiotics. azithromycin 1 g P.O. as a single dose or
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women doxycycline 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 days.
and in patients with history of colitis or ➤ UTI; lower respiratory tract, gyne-
renal insufficiency. cologic, bone or joint, intra-abdominal,
•H Overdose S&S: Seizures, encephalopathy, skin, or skin structure infection; sep-
asterixis, neuromuscular excitability, coma ticemia
(in patients with renal failure). Adults and children older than age
12 years: 1 to 2 g I.M. or I.V. daily or in
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS equally divided doses every 12 hours. Total
• If large doses are given, therapy is pro- daily dose shouldn’t exceed 4 g.
longed, or patient is at high risk, monitor Children age 12 and younger: 50 to
patient for signs and symptoms of superin- 75 mg/kg I.M. or I.V., not to exceed 2 g/day,
fection. given in divided doses every 12 hours or
Alert: Drug contains either sodium car- given once daily.
bonate (Fortaz or Tazicef) or arginine to ➤ Meningitis
facilitate dissolution of drug. Safety and Adults: 1 to 2 g I.M. or I.V. once daily or in
effectiveness of solutions containing argi- equally divided doses twice daily for 4 to
nine in children younger than age 12 haven’t 14 days.
been established. ➤ Perioperative prevention
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults: 1 g I.V. as a single dose 30 minutes
drug with other cephalosporins that sound to 2 hours before surgery.
alike. ➤ Acute bacterial otitis media
Adults: 1 to 2 g I.M. or I.V. once daily or in
PATIENT TEACHING equally divided doses twice daily for 4 to
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions 14 days.
or signs and symptoms of superinfection Children: 50 mg/kg I.M. as a single dose.
promptly. Don’t exceed 1 g.
• Instruct patient to report discomfort at I.V.
insertion site. ADMINISTRATION
• Advise patient to notify prescriber about I.V.
loose stools or diarrhea.  Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s

allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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282 ceftriaxone sodium

 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Hematologic: eosinophilia, thrombocyto-

tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin sis, leukopenia.
therapy while awaiting results. Skin: pain, induration, tenderness at injec-
 Reconstitute drug with sterile water for tion site, rash.
injection, normal saline solution for in- Other: hypersensitivity reactions, serum
jection, D5 W, or a combination of normal sickness, anaphylaxis.
saline solution and dextrose injection and
other compatible solutions. INTERACTIONS
 Add 2.4 ml of diluent to the 250-mg vial, Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May cause
4.8 ml to the 500-mg vial, 9.6 ml to the synergistic effect against some strains of
1-g vial, and 19.2 ml to the 2-g vial. All P. aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae
reconstituted solutions average 100 mg/ml. species. Monitor patient.
For intermittent infusion, dilute further to Probenecid: High doses (1 or 2 g daily)
achieve desired concentration, and give may enhance hepatic clearance of ceftriax-
over 30 minutes. one and shorten its half-life. Avoid using
 Diluted I.V. preparation is stable for together.
48 hours at room temperature or 10 days if
Alert: Don’t mix or coadminister ceftri- • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
axone with calcium-containing I.V. solu- AST, bilirubin, BUN, and LDH levels.
tions, including parenteral nutrition. This • May increase eosinophil and platelet
includes the use of different infusion lines counts. May decrease WBC count.
at different sites. Don’t administer within • May falsely increase serum or urine cre-
48 hours of each other in any patient. atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction.
 Incompatibilities: Aminoglycosides, May cause false-positive results of Coombs’
aminophylline, amphotericin B cholesteryl test and urine glucose tests that use cupric
sulfate complex, azithromycin, calcium, sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and
clindamycin phosphate, filgrastim, flu- Clinitest.
conazole, gentamicin, labetalol, linezolid,
metronidazole, pentamidine isethionate, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
theophylline, vancomycin, vinorelbine • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
tartrate. to drug or other cephalosporins.
I.M. • Use cautiously in patients hypersensi-
• Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s tive to penicillin because of possibility of
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- antibiotics.
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
therapy while awaiting results. and in patients with history of colitis and
• Inject deep into a large muscle, such as the renal insufficiency.
gluteus maximus or the lateral aspect of the
• If large doses are given, therapy is pro-
AC TION longed, or patient is at high risk, monitor
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting patient for signs and symptoms of superin-
osmotic instability; usually bactericidal. fection.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Monitor PT and INR in patients with im-
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
paired vitamin K synthesis or low vitamin K
I.M. Unknown 11⁄2 –4 hr Unknown stores. Vitamin K therapy may be needed.
• Drug is commonly used in home antibi-
Half-life: 51⁄2 to 11 hours. otic programs for outpatient treatment of
serious infections, such as osteomyelitis and
ADVERSE REACTIONS community-acquired pneumonia.
GI: pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cefuroxime axetil 283

• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Children age 3 months to 12 years: 50 to

drug with other cephalosporins that sound 100 mg/kg/day cefuroxime sodium I.V. or
alike. I.M. in equally divided doses every 6 to
8 hours. Use higher dosage of 100 mg/kg/
PATIENT TEACHING day, not to exceed maximum adult dosage,
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions for more severe or serious infections. For
promptly. bacterial meningitis, 200 to 240 mg/kg/day
• Instruct patient to report discomfort at I.V. cefuroxime sodium I.V. in divided doses
insertion site. every 6 to 8 hours.
• Teach patient and family receiving home ➤ Perioperative prevention
care how to prepare and give drug. Adults: 1.5 g I.V. 30 to 60 minutes before
• If home care patient is diabetic and is surgery; in lengthy operations, 750 mg
testing his urine for glucose, tell him drug I.V. or I.M. every 8 hours. For open-heart
may affect results of cupric sulfate tests; he surgery, 1.5 g I.V. at induction of anesthesia
should use an enzymatic test instead. and then every 12 hours for a total dose
• Tell patient to notify prescriber about of 6 g.
loose stools or diarrhea. ➤ Bacterial exacerbations of chronic
bronchitis or secondary bacterial infec-
tion of acute bronchitis
cefuroxime axetil Adults and children age 13 and older:
se-fyoor-OX-eem 250 or 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 10 days
(chronic bronchitis) or 5 to 10 days (acute
Ceftin bronchitis).
➤ Acute bacterial maxillary sinusitis
cefuroxime sodium Adults and children age 13 and older:
Zinacef 250 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 10 days.
Children ages 3 months to 12 years:
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic 250 mg b.i.d. for 10 days. For children who
Pharmacologic class: Second- can’t swallow tablets whole, 30 mg/kg/day
generation cephalosporin oral suspension divided b.i.d. for 10 days.
Pregnancy risk category B ➤ Pharyngitis and tonsillitis
Adults and children age 13 and older:
AVAIL ABLE FORMS 250 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 10 days.
cefuroxime axetil Children ages 3 months to 12 years:
Suspension: 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml 125 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 10 days. For chil-
Tablets: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg dren who can’t swallow tablets whole, give
cefuroxime sodium 20 mg/kg daily of oral suspension divided
Infusion: 750-mg, 1.5-g vials, infusion b.i.d. for 10 days. Maximum daily dose for
packs, and ADD-Vantage vials suspension is 500 mg.
Injection: 750 mg, 1.5 g ➤ Otitis media
Children ages 3 months to 12 years:
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES 250 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 10 days. For chil-
➤ Serious lower respiratory tract infec- dren who can’t swallow tablets whole, give
tion, UTI, skin or skin-structure infec- 30 mg/kg/day of oral suspension divided
tions, bone or joint infection, septicemia, b.i.d. for 10 days. Maximum daily dose for
meningitis, and gonorrhea suspension is 1,000 mg.
Adults and children age 13 and older: ➤ Uncomplicated skin and skin structure
750 mg to 1.5 g cefuroxime sodium I.V. or infection
I.M. every 8 hours for 5 to 10 days. For life- Adults and children age 13 and older:
threatening infections and infections caused 250 or 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 10 days.
by less susceptible organisms, 1.5 g I.V. or ➤ Uncomplicated UTI
I.M. every 6 hours; for bacterial meningitis, Adults: 250 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 to 10 days.
up to 3 g I.V. every 8 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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284 cefuroxime axetil

➤ Uncomplicated gonorrhea  Infuse over 15 to 60 minutes.

Adults: 1,000 mg P.O. as a single dose. Or,  Incompatibilities: Aminoglyco-
1.5 g I.M. with 1 g probenecid P.O. for one sides, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin,
dose. Or, 1 g P.O. as a single dose. cisatracurium, clarithromycin, cyclophos-
➤ Early Lyme disease phamide, doxapram, filgrastim, flucona-
Adults and children age 13 and older: zole, gentamicin, midazolam, ranitidine,
500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 20 days. sodium bicarbonate injection, vancomycin,
➤ Impetigo vinorelbine tartrate.
Children ages 3 months to 12 years: I.M.
30 mg/kg/day of oral suspension divided • Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s
b.i.d. for 10 days. Maximum daily dose, allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins.
1,000 mg. • Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv-
Adjust-a-dose: In adults with creatinine ity tests before giving first dose. Therapy
clearance of 10 to 20 ml/minute, give may begin while awaiting results.
750 mg I.V. or I.M. every 12 hours; if clear- • Inject deep into a large muscle, such as the
ance is less than 10 ml/min, give 750 mg gluteus maximus or the side of the thigh.
I.V. or I.M. every 24 hours. Give patients
on hemodialysis an additional dose after AC TION
hemodialysis. Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting
osmotic instability; usually bactericidal.
ADMINISTRATION Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. P.O. Unknown 15–60 min Unknown
• Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. I.M. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv-
ity tests before giving first dose. Therapy Half-life: 1 to 2 hours.
may begin while awaiting results.
• Give tablets without regard for meals; give ADVERSE REACTIONS
oral suspension with food. CV: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.
• Crush tablets, if absolutely necessary, for GI: diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis,
patients who can’t swallow tablets. Tablets nausea, anorexia, vomiting.
may be dissolved in small amounts of apple, Hematologic: hemolytic anemia, throm-
orange, or grape juice or chocolate milk. bocytopenia, transient neutropenia,
However, the drug has a bitter taste that is eosinophilia.
difficult to mask, even with food. Skin: maculopapular and erythematous
I.V. rashes, urticaria, pain, induration, sterile
 Before giving drug, ask patient if he’s abscesses, temperature elevation, tissue
allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. sloughing at I.M. injection site.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac-
tivity tests before giving first dose. Ther- tions, serum sickness.
apy may begin while awaiting results.
 Reconstitute each 750-mg vial with INTERACTIONS
8 ml and each 1.5-g vial with 16 ml of Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May cause
sterile water for injection. synergistic activity against some organ-
 Withdraw entire contents of vial for a isms; may increase nephrotoxicity. Monitor
dose. patient’s renal function closely.
 For direct injection, inject over 3 to Loop diuretics: May increase risk of adverse
5 minutes into a large vein or into the renal reactions. Monitor renal function test
tubing of a free-flowing I.V. solution. results closely.
 For intermittent infusion, add reconsti- Probenecid: May inhibit excretion and
tuted drug to 100 ml D5 W, normal saline increase cefuroxime level. Probenecid may
solution for injection, or other compatible be used for this effect.
I.V. solution.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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celecoxib 285

Drug-food. Any food: May increase ab- • Instruct patient to notify prescriber about
sorption. Give oral suspension with food. rash, loose stools, diarrhea, or evidence of
Tablets may be given without regard to superinfection.
meals. • Advise patient receiving drug I.V. to
report discomfort at I.V. insertion site.
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
AST, bilirubin, and LDH levels. May de- celecoxib
crease hemoglobin level and hematocrit. sell-ah-COCKS-ib
• May increase PT and INR and eosinophil
count. May decrease neutrophil and platelet Celebrexi
• May falsely increase serum or urine cre- Therapeutic class: NSAID
atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction. Pharmacologic class: Cyclooxygenase-2
May cause false-positive results of Coombs’ (COX-2) inhibitor
test and urine glucose tests that use cupric Pregnancy risk category C; D in 3rd
sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and trimester
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Capsules: 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or other cephalosporins. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensi- ➤ To relieve signs and symptoms of
tive to penicillin because of possibility of osteoarthritis
cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam Adults: 200 mg P.O. daily as a single dose or
antibiotics. divided equally b.i.d.
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women ➤ To relieve signs and symptoms of
and in patients with history of colitis or rheumatoid arthritis
renal insufficiency. Adults: 100 to 200 mg P.O. b.i.d.
➤ To relieve signs and symptoms of anky-
Alert: Tablets and suspension aren’t Adults: 200 mg P.O. once daily or divided
bioequivalent and can’t be substituted b.i.d. If no response after 6 weeks, may in-
milligram-for-milligram. crease dose to 400 mg daily. If no response
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms after 6 more weeks, consider other treat-
of superinfection. ment.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ To relieve signs and symptoms of juve-
drug with other cephalosporins that sound nile rheumatoid arthritis
alike. Children age 2 and older who weigh 10 to
25 kg (22 to 55 lb): 50 mg P.O. b.i.d.
PATIENT TEACHING Children age 2 and older who weigh more
• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, than 25 kg: 100 mg P.O. b.i.d.
even after he feels better. ➤ Adjunctive treatment for familial ade-
• If patient has difficulty swallowing tablets, nomatous polyposis to reduce the number
show him how to dissolve or crush tablets, of adenomatous colorectal polyps
but warn him that the bitter taste is hard to Adults: 400 mg P.O. b.i.d. with food, for up
mask, even with food. to 6 months.
• Tell parent to shake suspension well Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients, start at
before measuring dose. Suspension may be lowest dosage.
stored at room temperature or refrigerated, ➤ Acute pain and primary dysmenor-
but must be discarded after 10 days. rhea
• Instruct caregiver to give oral suspension Adults: 400 mg P.O., initially, followed
with food. by another 200-mg dose if needed. On

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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286 celecoxib

subsequent days, 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. as Fluconazole: May increase celecoxib level.
needed. Reduce dosage of celecoxib to minimal
Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients and effective dose.
those who weigh less than 50 kg (110 lb), Furosemide, thiazides: May reduce sodium
start at lowest dosage. For patients with excretion caused by diuretics, leading
Child-Pugh class B hepatic impairment, to sodium retention. Monitor patient for
reduce dosage by about 50%. For patients swelling and increased blood pressure.
who are poor metabolizers of CYP2C9, start Lithium: May increase lithium level. Moni-
treatment at half the lowest recommended tor lithium level closely during treatment.
dose. Warfarin: May increase PT and bleeding
complications. Monitor PT and INR, and
ADMINISTRATION check for signs and symptoms of bleeding.
P.O. Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic,
• Drug can be given without regard to ginger, horse chestnut, red clover: May
meals, but food may decrease GI upset. increase risk of bleeding. Discourage use
AC TION White willow: Herb and drug contain simi-
Thought to inhibit prostaglandin synthe- lar components. Discourage use together.
sis, impeding COX-2, to produce anti- Drug-lifestyle. Long-term alcohol use,
inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic smoking: May cause GI irritation or bleed-
effects. ing. Check for signs and symptoms of
Route Onset Peak Duration bleeding.
P.O. Unknown 3 hr Unknown
Half-life: 11 hours. • May increase ALT, AST, BUN, creatinine,
and chloride levels.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • May decrease phosphate level.
CNS: headache, dizziness, insomnia.
CV: hypertension, peripheral edema. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, treatment of perioperative pain after CABG
flatulence, GI reflux, nausea. surgery.
Metabolic: hyperchloremia. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Musculoskeletal: back pain. to drug, sulfonamides, aspirin, or other
Respiratory: dyspnea, upper respiratory NSAIDs.
tract infection. • Contraindicated in those with severe
Skin: erythema multiforme, exfoliative hepatic impairment.
dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, • Avoid use in the third trimester of preg-
toxic epidermal necrolysis, rash. nancy and with any dose of a non-aspirin
Other: accidental injury. NSAID.
• Use cautiously in patients with history
INTERACTIONS of ulcers or GI bleeding, advanced renal
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II disease, dehydration, anemia, symptomatic
antagonists: May decrease antihypertensive liver disease, hypertension, edema, heart
effects. Monitor patient’s blood pressure. failure, or asthma, and in poor CYP2C9
Antacids containing aluminum or mag- metabolizers.
nesium: May decrease celecoxib level. • Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated
Separate doses. patients.
Aspirin: May increase risk of ulcers; low •H Overdose S&S: Lethargy, drowsiness,
aspirin dosages can be used safely to reduce nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, GI bleed-
the risk of CV events. Monitor patient for ing, hypertension, acute renal failure, respi-
signs and symptoms of GI bleeding. ratory depression, coma, anaphylaxis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cephalexin 287

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Alert: Advise patient to immediately

Alert: Patients allergic to or with a history report rash, unexplained weight gain, or
of anaphylactic reactions to sulfonamides, swelling.
aspirin, or other NSAIDs may be allergic to • Tell woman to notify prescriber if she
this drug. becomes pregnant or is planning to become
Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an in- pregnant during drug therapy.
creased risk of serious GI adverse events, • Instruct patient to take drug with food if
including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo- stomach upset occurs.
ration of the stomach or intestines, which • Tell patient that drug may harm the liver.
can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater Advise patient to stop therapy and notify
risk. prescriber immediately if he experiences
• Patient with history of ulcers or GI bleed- signs and symptoms of liver toxicity, in-
ing is at higher risk for GI bleeding while cluding nausea, fatigue, lethargy, itching,
taking NSAIDs such as celecoxib. Other yellowing of skin or eyes, right upper quad-
risk factors for GI bleeding include treat- rant tenderness, and flulike syndrome.
ment with corticosteroids or anticoagulants, • Inform patient that it may take several
longer duration of NSAID treatment, smok- days before he feels consistent pain relief.
ing, alcoholism, older age, and poor overall • Advise patient that using OTC NSAIDs
health. with celecoxib may increase the risk of GI
• Although drug may be used with low as- toxicity.
pirin dosages, the combination may increase
risk of GI bleeding.
• Watch for signs and symptoms of overt cephalexin
and occult bleeding. sef-a-LEX-in
Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or Apo-Cephalex†, Keflex, Novo-Lexin†,
stroke. The risk may be greater with longer Nu-Cephalex†
use or in patients with CV disease or risk
factors for CV disease. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
• Drug can cause fluid retention; monitor Pharmacologic class: First-generation
patient with hypertension, edema, or heart cephalosporin
failure. Pregnancy risk category B
• Assess patient for CV risk factors before
• Drug may be hepatotoxic; watch for signs Capsules: 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg
and symptoms of liver toxicity. Oral suspension: 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml
• Before starting drug therapy, rehydrate Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg
dehydrated patient.
• Monitor patient’s renal function; renal INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
insufficiency is possible in patients with ➤ Respiratory tract, GI tract, skin, soft-
preexisting renal disease. Long-term admin- tissue, bone, and joint infections and
istration may cause renal papillary necrosis otitis media caused by Escherichia coli
and other renal injury. and other coliform bacteria, group A
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse beta-hemolytic streptococci, Klebsiella
Celebrex with Cerebyx or Celexa. species, Proteus mirabilis, Streptococcus
pneumoniae, and staphylococci
PATIENT TEACHING Adults: 250 mg to 1 g P.O. every 6 hours or
• Tell patient to report history of allergic 500 mg every 12 hours. Maximum 4 g daily.
reactions to sulfonamides, aspirin, or other Children: 25 to 50 mg/kg/day P.O. in two
NSAIDs before therapy. to four equally divided doses. In severe
• Instruct patient to promptly report signs infections, dose can be doubled. Don’t
of GI bleeding, such as blood in vomit, exceed recommended adult dosage.
urine, or stool; or black, tarry stools.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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288 cephalexin

Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

renal function, safe dosage may be lower • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
than that usually recommended. AST, bilirubin, and LDH levels. May de-
crease hemoglobin level.
ADMINISTRATION • May increase eosinophil count. May
P.O. decrease neutrophil and platelet counts.
• Before giving, ask patient if he’s allergic • May falsely increase serum or urine cre-
to penicillins or cephalosporins. atinine level in tests using Jaffe reaction.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- May cause false-positive results of Coombs’
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while test and urine glucose tests that use cupric
awaiting results. sulfate, such as Benedict’s reagent and
• To prepare oral suspension, add required Clinitest.
amount of water to powder in two portions.
Shake well after each addition. After mix- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
ing, store in refrigerator. Mixture will re- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
main stable for 14 days. Keep tightly closed to cephalosporins.
and shake well before using. • Use cautiously in patients hypersensi-
• Give drug with food or milk to lessen GI tive to penicillin because of possibility of
discomfort. cross-sensitivity with other beta-lactam
AC TION • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting and in patients with history of colitis or
osmotic instability; usually bactericidal. renal insufficiency.
Route Onset Peak Duration
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, epigas-
P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
tric distress, diarrhea, hematuria.

Half-life: 30 minutes to 1 hour. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

• If large doses are given or if therapy is
ADVERSE REACTIONS prolonged, monitor patient for superinfec-
CNS: dizziness, headache, fatigue, agita- tion, especially if patient is high risk.
tion, confusion, hallucinations. • Treat group A beta-hemolytic streptococ-
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, pseudomembra- cal infections for a minimum of 10 days.
nous colitis, gastritis, glossitis, dyspepsia, • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
abdominal pain, anal pruritus, tenesmus, drug with other cephalosporins that sound
oral candidiasis. alike.
GU: genital pruritus, candidiasis, vaginitis,
interstitial nephritis. PATIENT TEACHING
Hematologic: neutropenia, thrombocy- • Tell patient to take drug exactly as pre-
topenia, eosinophilia, anemia. scribed, even after he feels better.
Musculoskeletal: arthritis, arthralgia, joint • Instruct patient to take drug with food
pain. or milk to lessen GI discomfort. If patient
Skin: maculopapular and erythematous is taking suspension form, instruct him to
rashes, urticaria. shake container well before measuring dose
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac- and to store in refrigerator.
tions, serum sickness. • Tell patient to notify prescriber if rash
or signs and symptoms of superinfection
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May in-
crease risk of nephrotoxicity. Avoid using
Probenecid: May increase cephalosporin
level. Use probenecid for this effect.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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certolizumab pegol 289

Route Onset Peak Duration

certolizumab pegol Subcut. Unknown 54–171 hr Unknown
SERT-oh-LIZ-u-mahb PEGH-ol
Half-life: 14 days.
Cimzia C
Therapeutic class: Immune response CNS: anxiety, bipolar disorder, suicide
modifier attempt.
Pharmacologic class: Tumor necrosis CV: angina pectoris, arrhythmias, heart
factor blocker failure, hypertensive heart disease, my-
Pregnancy risk category B ocardial infarction, pericardial effusion and
pericarditis, vasculitis.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS EENT: optic neuritis, retinal hemorrhage,
Lyophilized powder for injection: 200 mg uveitis.
Prefilled syringe: 200 mg/ml GI: abdominal pain.
GU: urinary tract infection.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia, lym-
➤ Crohn’s disease when response to phadenopathy, pancytopenia, throm-
conventional therapy is inadequate bophilia.
Adults: Initially, 400 mg subcutaneously Hepatic: elevated liver enzymes, hepatitis.
(given as two injections of 200 mg each), Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, extremity
then at 2 weeks and 4 weeks followed by pain.
a maintenance dose of 400 mg subcutane- Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
ously every 4 weeks, if adequate response. tion.
➤ Rheumatoid arthritis Skin: alopecia, dermatitis, peripheral
Adults: Initially and at weeks 2 and 4, edema, erythema nodosum, urticaria, in-
400 mg subcutaneously (given as two in- jection site pain and erythema.
jections of 200 mg each), followed by main- Other: tuberculosis and opportunistic
tenance dose of 200 mg every other week or infection, Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
400 mg every 4 weeks. toxic epidermal necrolysis and erythema
• Each 400-mg dose requires two vials. Drug-drug. Abatacept, anakinra, nata-
Reconstitute each vial with 1 ml of sterile lizumab, rituximab: May increase risk of
water for injection, using a 20-G needle. serious infection and neutropenia. Avoid
Gently swirl the vial without shaking. May using together.
take up to 30 minutes to fully reconstitute. Live vaccines: May cause infection. Avoid
Inspect vial for particulate matter and dis- using together.
coloration, and discard if present.
• Draw up each vial in its own syringe, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
switch each 20-G needle to a 23-G needle. • May falsely elevate PTT.
Inject prepared or prefilled syringes into
separate sites in the abdomen or thigh. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Reconstituted drug is stable for 2 hours • Use cautiously in patients with known
at room temperature or for up to 24 hours if hypersensitivity to other TNF blockers and
refrigerated. those with underlying conditions that may
• Give at room temperature. increase the risk of infections.
• Use cautiously in those with a history
AC TION of recurrent infections or concomitant
Selectively neutralizes TNFα, a proinflam- immunosuppressive therapy, or in those who
matory cytokine responsible for stimulating have resided in regions where tuberculosis
the production of inflammatory mediators.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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290 cetirizine hydrochloride

and histoplasmosis are endemic. Avoid use

in patients with active infections. cetirizine hydrochloride
• Use cautiously in patients with a history of se-TEER-i-zeen
central nervous system demyelinating disor-
der, hematologic disorders, or heart failure. Zyrtec 

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Therapeutic class: Antihistamine

Black Box Warning Monitor patient for Pharmacologic class: Piperazine
signs and symptoms of tuberculosis, inva- derivative
sive fungal infection, and other opportunis- Pregnancy risk category B
tic infections during and after treatment.
Discontinue treatment if serious infection AVAIL ABLE FORMS
develops. Fatal infections have occurred. Capsules: 10 mg
• Before initiating therapy, evaluate patient Syrup: 5 mg/5 ml 
for tuberculosis risk factors and test for Tablets: 5 mg , 10 mg 
latent tuberculosis infection. Tablets (chewable): 5 mg , 10 mg 
• Before therapy, consider antituberculosis
therapy in patients with past history of INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
latent or active tuberculosis when adequate ➤ Seasonal allergic rhinitis
treatment can’t be confirmed. Adults and children age 6 and older: 5 to
• Before therapy, evaluate patients at risk 10 mg P.O. once daily.
for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and Children ages 2 to 5: 2.5 mg P.O. once daily.
test for previous HBV infection. Maximum daily dose is 5 mg.
• Use during pregnancy only when benefits ➤ Perennial allergic rhinitis, chronic
to mother outweigh the risks to fetus. urticaria
• It isn’t known whether drug appears in Adults and children age 6 and older: 5 to
breast milk. Advise stopping breast-feeding 10 mg P.O. once daily.
during therapy. Children ages 6 months to 5 years: 2.5 mg
Black Box Warning Certolizumab isn’t P.O. once daily; in children ages 1 to 5, in-
indicated for use in children. crease to maximum of 5 mg daily. Children
• Use cautiously in elderly patients because ages 12 to 23 months should receive the
of increased risk for infection. 5-mg dose as two divided doses.
Adjust-a-dose: For adults and children age
PATIENT TEACHING 6 and older receiving hemodialysis, those
Black Box Warning Teach patient to seek with hepatic impairment, and those with
prompt medical attention if persistent creatinine clearance less than 31 ml/minute,
fever, cough, shortness of breath, or fatigue give 5 mg P.O. daily. Don’t use in children
develops. younger than age 6 with renal or hepatic
• Advise patient to seek immediate medical impairment.
attention for signs and symptoms of infec-
tion or for unusual bruising or bleeding. ADMINISTRATION
• Instruct patient to seek immediate med- P.O.
ical attention if any symptoms of severe • Give drug without regard for food.
allergic reaction develop.
• Tell patient to report signs and symptoms AC TION
of heart failure. A long-acting, nonsedating antihistamine
• Show patient how to self-administer that selectively inhibits peripheral H1 recep-
prefilled syringes and how to properly tors.
dispose of needles and syringes. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Rapid 60 min 24 hr

Half-life: About 8 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cetrorelix acetate 291

CNS: somnolence, fatigue, dizziness, cetrorelix acetate
headache. set-ROH-re-lix
EENT: pharyngitis.
GI: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdomi-
nal distress.
Therapeutic class: Infertility drug
INTERACTIONS Pharmacologic class: Gonadotropin-
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May cause releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist
additive effect. Monitor patient closely for Pregnancy risk category X
excessive sedation or other adverse effects.
Theophylline: May decrease cetirizine AVAIL ABLE FORMS
clearance. Monitor patient closely. Powder for injection: 0.25 mg, 3 mg
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
additive effects. Discourage use together. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ To inhibit premature luteinizing hor-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS mone (LH) surges in women undergoing
• May prevent, reduce, or mask positive controlled ovarian stimulation
result in diagnostic skin test. Women: 3 mg subcutaneously once during
early to middle follicular phase, given when
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS estradiol level indicates an appropriate stim-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ulation response, usually on stimulation
to drug or to hydroxyzine and in breast- day 7 (range, days 5 to 9). If human chori-
feeding women. onic gonadotropin (hCG) hasn’t been given
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or within 4 days after injection, give drug
hepatic impairment. 0.25 mg subcutaneously once daily until
•H Overdose S&S: Somnolence; initial rest- the day of hCG administration. Or, give
lessness and irritability, then drowsiness. 0.25-mg multiple-dose regimen subcu-
taneously on stimulation day 5 (morning
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS or evening) or day 6 (morning), and con-
• Stop drug 4 days before diagnostic skin tinue once daily until the day of hCG
testing because antihistamines can prevent, administration.
reduce, or mask positive skin test response.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ADMINISTRATION
Zyrtec with Zyprexa or Zantac. Subcutaneous
• Store 3-mg form at room temperature
PATIENT TEACHING (77◦ F [25◦ C]) and 0.25-mg form in re-
• Warn patient not to perform hazardous frigerator (36◦ to 46◦ F [2◦ to 8◦ C]). Keep
activities until CNS effects of drug are packaged tray in outer carton to protect it
known. Somnolence is a common adverse from light.
reaction. • Follow proper administration technique,
• Advise patient not to use alcohol or other as follows. Wash hands thoroughly with
CNS depressants while taking drug. soap and water. Flip off plastic cover of
• Inform patient that sugarless gum, hard vial and wipe top with an alcohol swab.
candy, or ice chips may relieve dry mouth. Attach needle with yellow mark to prefilled
syringe. Push needle through rubber stopper
of vial and slowly inject liquid into vial.
Leave syringe in place and gently swirl
(don’t shake) vial until solution is clear and
without residue. Draw liquid from vial into
syringe. If necessary, invert vial and pull
needle back as far as needed to withdraw
entire contents of vial. Detach needle with

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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292 cetuximab

yellow mark from syringe and replace it NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

with needle with gray mark. Invert syringe Alert: Carefully monitor for hypersensitiv-
and push plunger until all air bubbles are ity reaction after the first injection.
gone. • Rule out pregnancy before starting treat-
• Choose an injection site on lower ab- ment.
domen, preferably around, but staying at • Prescriber should be experienced in fertil-
least 1 inch away from, the navel. If giving ity treatment.
a multiple-dose (0.25-mg) regimen, choose • Adjust dose according to patient response.
a different site each day to minimize local • When ultrasound shows enough folli-
irritation. Clean site with alcohol swab and cles of adequate size, give hCG to induce
gently pinch a skinfold surrounding injec- ovulation and maturation of oocytes.
tion site. Insert needle completely into skin • To reduce the risk of ovarian hyperstimu-
at about a 45-degree angle and, after needle lation syndrome, don’t give hCG if ovaries
has been inserted completely, release grasp show an excessive response to treatment.
of skin. Gently pull back plunger of syringe
to check for correct positioning of needle. If PATIENT TEACHING
no blood appears, inject entire solution. • Instruct patient to store 3-mg form at
room temperature (77◦ F [25◦ C]) and
AC TION 0.25-mg form in refrigerator (36◦ to 46◦ F
Competes with natural GnRH for bind- [2◦ to 8◦ C]). Tell patient to protect drug
ing to membrane receptors on pituitary from light by storing it in outer carton and to
cells, which controls the release of LH and keep product away from children.
follicle-stimulating hormone. • Tell patient to report any adverse effects
Route Onset Peak Duration
that become bothersome.
Subcut. 1–2 hr 1–2 hr >4 days
• Teach patient the importance of following
the regimen exactly as prescribed to achieve
Half-life: 62.8 hours (single 3-mg dose); 5 hours best results.
(single 0.25-mg dose); 20.6 hours (multiple • If blood appears when patient pulls back
0.25-mg doses).
on plunger, tell her to withdraw needle and
gently press an alcohol swab onto injection
ADVERSE REACTIONS site. Explain that she’ll need to discard
CNS: headache. syringe and drug vial and repeat procedure
GI: nausea. using a new pack.
GU: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. • Urge patient to use a syringe and nee-
dle only once and then to dispose of them
INTERACTIONS properly, in a medical waste container, if
None reported. available.


• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
AST, and GGT levels. cetuximab
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- Erbitux
tive to drug, extrinsic peptide hormones,
mannitol, GnRH, or GnRH analogues. Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
• Contraindicated in patients with severe Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal
renal impairment. antibody
• Contraindicated in pregnant and breast- Pregnancy risk category C
feeding women, and in patients age 65 or
Injection: 2 mg/ml in 50-ml vial

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cetuximab 293

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Don’t shake or dilute.

➤ Squamous cell carcinoma of the head  Drug can be given by infusion pump
and neck or syringe pump, piggybacked into the
Adults: A loading dose of 400 mg/m2 I.V. patient’s infusion line. Don’t give drug by
over 2 hours (maximum rate, 10 mg/minute) I.V. push or bolus.
followed by weekly maintenance dose of  Give drug through a low–protein-

250 mg/m2 I.V. over 1 hour. If used with binding 0.22-micrometer in-line filter.
radiation therapy, begin drug 1 week before  Flush line with normal saline solution at

radiation course and continue for the dura- the end of the infusion.
tion (6 or 7 weeks). If used as monotherapy  Store vials at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C).

for recurrent or metastatic disease after Don’t freeze.

failure of platinum-based therapy, continue  Solution in infusion container is stable

until disease progresses or unacceptable up to 12 hours at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C)

toxicity occurs. and up to 8 hours at 68◦ to 77◦ F (20◦ to
➤ Epidermal growth factor–expressing 25◦ C).
metastatic colorectal cancer, alone in  Incompatibilities: Don’t dilute with

patients after failure of both irinotecan- other solutions.

based and oxaliplatin-based chemother-
apy, as monotherapy in patients intoler- AC TION
ant of ironotecan-based chemotherapy, or An epidermal growth factor receptor
with irinotecan in patients refractory to (EGFR) antagonist that binds to the EGFR
irinotecan-based chemotherapy on normal and tumor cells, inhibiting epi-
Adults: Loading dose, 400 mg/m2 I.V. over dermal growth factor from binding, which
2 hours (maximum, 10 mg/minute), alone interrupts cell growth, induces cell death,
or with irinotecan. Maintenance dosage, and decreases growth factor production.
250 mg/m2 I.V. weekly over 1 hour (maxi- Route Onset Peak Duration
mum, 10 mg/minute). I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Adjust-a-dose: If patient develops a grade 1
or 2 infusion reaction, permanently reduce Half-life: 43⁄4 days.
infusion rate by 50%. If patient develops
a grade 3 or 4 infusion reaction, stop drug ADVERSE REACTIONS
immediately and permanently. If patient CNS: asthenia, depression, fever,
develops a severe acneiform rash, follow headache, insomnia, pain.
these guidelines: CV: edema, cardiopulmonary arrest.
• After first occurrence, delay infusion EENT: conjunctivitis.
1 to 2 weeks. If patient improves, continue GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, consti-
at 250 mg/m2 . If patient doesn’t improve, pation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, dysphagia,
stop drug. mucositis, nausea, stomatitis, vomiting,
• After second occurrence, delay infusion xerostomia.
1 to 2 weeks. If patient improves, reduce GU: acute renal failure.
dose to 200 mg/m2 . If patient doesn’t im- Hematologic: anemia, LEUKOPENIA.
prove, stop drug. Metabolic: dehydration, HYPOMAGNE-
• After third occurrence, delay infusion 1 to SEMIA, weight loss.
2 weeks. If patient improves, reduce dose to Musculoskeletal: back pain.
150 mg/m2 . If patient doesn’t improve, stop Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, pulmonary
drug. embolus.
• After fourth occurrence, stop drug. Skin: alopecia, maculopapular rash, nail
disorder, pruritus, radiation dermatitis,
ADMINISTRATION acneiform rash.
I.V. Other: anaphylactoid reaction, chills,
 Solution should be clear and colorless infection, infusion reaction, sepsis.
and may contain a small amount of partic-

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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294 cevimeline hydrochloride


Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May worsen • Tell patient to promptly report adverse
skin reactions. Advise patient to avoid reactions.
excessive sun exposure. • Inform patient that skin reactions may
occur, typically during the first 2 weeks of
• May decrease magnesium, calcium, and • Advise patient to avoid prolonged or
potassium levels. unprotected sun exposure during and
2 months after treatment.
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive
to drug, its components, or murine proteins. cevimeline hydrochloride
If used with radiation, use cautiously in seh-vih-MEH-leen
patients with a history of coronary artery
disease, arrhythmias, and heart failure. Evoxac

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Therapeutic class: Cholinergic agonist

• Premedicate with H1 antagonist such Pharmacologic class: Cholinergic
as diphenhydramine 50 mg I.V. 30 to agonist
60 minutes prior to first dose. Pregnancy risk category C
Black Box Warning Severe infusion reac-
tions, including acute airway obstruction, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
urticaria, and hypotension, may occur, usu- Capsules: 30 mg
ally with the first infusion. If a severe infu-
sion reaction occurs, stop drug immediately INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
and give symptomatic treatment. ➤ Dry mouth in patients with Sjögren
• Keep epinephrine, corticosteroids, I.V. syndrome
antihistamines, bronchodilators, and oxygen Adults: 30 mg P.O. t.i.d.
available for severe infusion reactions.
• Manage mild to moderate infusion re- ADMINISTRATION
actions by decreasing infusion rate and P.O.
premedicating with an antihistamine for • Give drug without regard for food.
subsequent infusions. • Encourage fluids.
• Monitor patient for infusion reactions for
1 hour after infusion ends. AC TION
• Assess patient for acute onset or worsen- Stimulates the muscarinic receptors of the
ing of pulmonary symptoms. If interstitial exocrine glands (salivary, sweat) and in-
lung disease is confirmed, stop drug. creases GI and urinary smooth muscle tone.
• Monitor patient for skin toxicity, which Route Onset Peak Duration
starts most often during first 2 weeks of P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 –2 hr Unknown
therapy. Treat with topical and oral antibi-
otics. Half-life: 4 to 6 hours.
Black Box Warning In patients also re-
ceiving radiation therapy, closely moni- ADVERSE REACTIONS
tor electrolytes, especially magnesium, CNS: headache, anxiety, depression, fever,
potassium, and calcium, during and after dizziness, fatigue, hypoesthesia, insomnia,
therapy. Cardiopulmonary arrest has migraine, pain, tremor, vertigo.
occurred. CV: chest pain, palpitations, peripheral
• It’s unknown if drug appears in breast edema.
milk. Women shouldn’t breast-feed until EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, abnormal vision,
60 days after last dose. conjunctivitis, earache, epistaxis, eye in-
fection, eye pain, otitis media, pharyngitis,
xerophthalmia, eye abnormality.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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chloral hydrate 295

GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

anorexia, constipation, dry mouth, eruc- • Monitor patients with a history of asthma,
tation, excessive salivation, flatulence, COPD, or chronic bronchitis for an increase
gastroesophageal reflux, salivary gland in signs or symptoms, such as wheezing,
enlargement and pain, salivary calculi, increased sputum production, or cough.
ulcerative stomatitis, vomiting, dyspepsia, • Monitor patients with a history of car-
increased amylase. diac disease for changes in heart rate or
GU: cystitis, candidiasis, UTI, vaginitis. increased frequency, severity, or duration of
Hematologic: anemia. angina.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, hy- • Monitor elderly patients closely because
pertonia, hyporeflexia, leg cramps, myalgia, they have an increased risk of impaired
rigors, skeletal pain. renal, hepatic, and cardiac function.
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract in-
fection, bronchitis, pneumonia, coughing, PATIENT TEACHING
hiccups. • Advise patient not to interrupt or stop
Skin: excessive sweating, rash, pruritus, treatment without consulting prescriber.
skin disorder, erythematous rash. • Tell patient that sweating is a common
Other: fungal infections, flulike symp- adverse effect. Urge adequate fluid intake to
toms, injury, hot flushes, tooth disorder, prevent dehydration.
toothache, postoperative pain, allergic reac- • Inform patient that drug may cause visual
tion, infection, abscess. disturbances that can impair driving ability,
especially at night.
Drug-drug. Antimuscarinics: May cause SAFETY ALERT!
antagonistic effects. Monitor patient for
effectiveness. chloral hydrate
Beta blockers: May cause conduction dis- KLOR-al HYE-drate
turbances. Use together cautiously.
CYP inhibitors: May inhibit metabolism of Aquachloral, Somnote
cevimeline. Monitor patient closely.
Parasympathomimetics: May have additive Therapeutic class: Hypnotic
effects. Use together cautiously. Pharmacologic class: CNS depressant
Pregnancy risk category C
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Controlled substance schedule IV
• May increase amylase level. May decrease
hemoglobin level. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Capsules: 500 mg
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Suppositories: 325 mg, 500 mg, 650 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Syrup: 500 mg/5 ml
to drug and in those for whom miosis is
undesirable (as in those who have acute INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
iritis or angle-closure glaucoma). ➤ Sedation
• Contraindicated in patients with uncon- Adults: 250 mg P.O. or P.R. t.i.d. after meals.
trolled asthma. Maximum single or daily dose is 2 g.
• Use cautiously in patients with significant Children: 8 mg/kg P.O. t.i.d. Maximum
CV disease, controlled asthma, chronic dosage is 500 mg t.i.d.
bronchitis, or COPD and in those with a ➤ Insomnia
history of kidney stones or gallstones. Adults: 500 mg to 1 g P.O. or 0.65 to
•H Overdose S&S: CV depression, bron- 1.3 g P.R. 15 to 30 minutes before bedtime.
choconstriction. Maximum daily dose is 2 g.
Children: 50 mg/kg P.O. or 325 mg/
18 kg P.R. 15 to 30 minutes before bedtime.
Maximum single dose is 1 g.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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296 chloral hydrate

➤ Preoperatively to produce sedation Furosemide I.V: May cause sweating,

and relieve anxiety flushes, variable blood pressure, nausea,
Adults: 500 mg to 1 g P.O. 30 minutes be- and uneasiness. Use together cautiously or
fore surgery. use a different hypnotic drug.
➤ Alcohol withdrawal Oral anticoagulants: May increase risk of
Adults: 500 mg to 1 g P.O. or P.R. every bleeding. Monitor patient closely.
6 hours p.r.n. Maximum single or daily dose Phenytoin: May decrease phenytoin level.
is 2 g. Monitor patient closely.
➤ Premedication for EEG Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May react
Children: 20 to 25 mg/kg P.O. or P.R. up to synergistically, increasing CNS depression
500 mg/single dose. May give divided doses. or, rarely, may produce a disulfiram-like
reaction. Strongly discourage alcohol use
ADMINISTRATION with these drugs.
• Give drug after meals. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• Give capsule with full glass of water or • May increase eosinophil count.
juice, and have patient swallow capsule • May decrease WBC count.
whole. • May cause false-positive results in urine
• To minimize unpleasant taste and stomach glucose tests that use cupric sulfate, such
irritation, dilute syrup or give with liquid as Benedict’s reagent, and in phentolamine
such as 1⁄2 glass water, fruit juice, or ginger tests.
• Store capsules or liquid in dark container. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Rectal • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Refrigerate suppositories at least 2 hours to drug and in those with hepatic or renal
before intended use. impairment.
• Store suppositories in refrigerator. • Oral administration is contraindicated in
patients with gastric disorders.
AC TION Alert: Do not use when less potentially
Unknown. Sedative effects may be caused dangerous agents would be effective.
by drug’s main metabolite, trichloroethanol. • Use with caution in patients with severe
Route Onset Peak Duration
cardiac disease.
P.O. 30 min Unknown 4–8 hr
• Use cautiously in patients with mental
P.R. Unknown Unknown 4–8 hr depression, suicidal tendencies, or history
of drug abuse.
Half-life: 8 to 10 hours for trichloroethanol. • Some products may contain tartrazine;
use cautiously in patients with aspirin sensi-
CNS: drowsiness, nightmares, dizziness, •H Overdose S&S: Miosis, areflexia, muscle
ataxia, paradoxical excitement, hangover, flaccidity, coma, hypothermia, respiratory
somnolence, disorientation, delirium, light- depression, hypotension, cardiac arrhyth-
headedness, hallucinations, confusion, mia, vomiting, esophageal stricture, gastric
somnambulism, vertigo, malaise, physical necrosis and perforation, GI bleeding, hep-
and psychological dependence. atic and renal failure.
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence.
Hematologic: eosinophilia, leukopenia. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. Alert: Note two strengths of oral liquid
form. Double-check dose, especially when
INTERACTIONS giving to children. Fatal overdoses have
Drug-drug. CNS depressants including occurred.
opioid analgesics: May cause excessive • Take precautions to prevent hoarding or
CNS depression or vasodilation reaction. overdosing by patients who are depressed,
Use together cautiously.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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chlorambucil 297

suicidal, or drug dependent or who have single dose of 0.4 mg/kg. Then give doses at
history of drug abuse. biweekly or monthly intervals, increasing by
• Long-term use isn’t recommended; drug 0.1-mg/kg increments until lymphocytosis
loses its effectiveness in promoting sleep is controlled or toxicity occurs.
after 14 days of continued use. Long-term Adjust-a-dose: Reduce first dose if given
use may cause drug dependence, and patient within 4 weeks after a full course of radia-
may experience withdrawal symptoms if tion therapy or myelosuppressive drugs, or
drug is suddenly stopped. if pretreatment leukocyte or platelet counts
• Monitor BUN level; large doses may raise are depressed from bone marrow disease.
BUN level. For patients with severe renal impairment,
• Don’t give drug for 48 hours before fluo- adjust dosage as follows: If creatinine clear-
rometric test. ance is 10 to 50 ml/minute, give 75% of
usual dose; if creatinine clearance is less
PATIENT TEACHING than 10 ml/minute, give 50% of usual dose;
• Instruct patient to take capsule with a for patients receiving hemodialysis or peri-
full glass of water or juice and to swallow toneal dialysis, give 50% of usual dose (no
capsule whole. supplemental dosing is needed).
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol during drug
• Caution patient to avoid performing P.O.
activities that require mental alertness or • Chlorambucil is considered a cytotoxic
physical coordination. agent. Follow safe-handling procedures
• Advise patient to store drug in dark con- when preparing, administering, or dispens-
tainer and to store suppositories in refrigera- ing it.
tor. • For initial therapy and short courses of
therapy, give entire daily dose at one time.
SAFETY ALERT! • Give drug on empty stomach, 1 hour
before or 2 hours after meals.
klor-AM-byoo-sill AC TION
Cross-links strands of cellular DNA and
Leukeran interferes with RNA transcription, causing
an imbalance of growth that leads to cell
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic death. Not specific to cell cycle.
Pharmacologic class: Nitrogen mustard
Route Onset Peak Duration
Pregnancy risk category D P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown

AVAIL ABLE FORMS Half-life: 2 hours for parent compound; 21⁄2 hours
Tablets: 2 mg for phenylacetic acid metabolite.


➤ Chronic lymphocytic leukemia; malig- CNS: tremors, muscle twitching, myoclo-
nant lymphomas, including lymphosar- nia, confusion, agitation, ataxia, flaccid
coma, giant follicular lymphoma, and paresis, hallucinations, SEIZURES, periph-
Hodgkin lymphoma eral neuropathy.
Adults: For initiation of therapy or for short GU: sterile cystitis, infertility.
courses of treatment, give 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg Hematologic: BONE MARROW SUPPRES-
P.O. daily for 3 to 6 weeks (usually 4 to SION, LEUKOPENIA, NEUTROPENIA,
10 mg daily). Maintenance dosage shouldn’t THROMBOCYTOPENIA, PANCYTOPENIA,
exceed 0.1 mg/kg/day and may be as low as anemia.
0.03 mg/kg/day. Adjust dosage according to Hepatic: HEPATOTOXICITY, jaundice.
patient response; reduce when WBC count Respiratory: PULMONARY FIBROSIS,
falls abruptly. For pulse dosage, give initial interstitial pneumonia.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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298 chloramphenicol sodium succinate

Skin: urticaria, angioneurotic edema, skin control in immunocompromised patients.

hypersensitivity. Patients may receive injections of WBC
Other: fever, SECONDARY MALIGNAN- colony-stimulating factor to increase WBC
CIES. count recovery.
• Therapeutic effects are frequently accom-
INTERACTIONS panied by toxicity.
None reported. • To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. in-
jections when platelet count is below
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST, • Anticipate blood transfusions during
and blood and urine uric acid levels. May treatment because of cumulative anemia.
decrease hemoglobin level. May decrease Patient may receive injections of RBC
granulocyte, neutrophil, platelet, RBC, and colony-stimulating factor to promote RBC
WBC counts. production and decrease need for blood
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
• Contraindicated in patients with hyper- Leukeran with Alkeran.
sensitivity or resistance to previous therapy.
Patients hypersensitive to other alkylating PATIENT TEACHING
drugs may also be hypersensitive to this • Advise patient to watch for signs of in-
drug. fection (fever, sore throat, fatigue) and
• Use cautiously in patients with history bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleed-
of head trauma or seizures and in patients ing gums, tarry stools). Tell patient to take
receiving other drugs that lower the seizure temperature daily.
threshold. • Instruct patient to avoid OTC products
• Use cautiously within 4 weeks of a full containing aspirin and NSAIDs.
course of radiation or chemotherapy. • Advise women to stop breast-feeding
•H Overdose S&S: Reversible pancytopenia, during therapy because of risk of toxicity to
neurologic toxicity ranging from agitation infant.
and ataxia to multiple generalized tonic- • Advise women of childbearing age to
clonic seizures. avoid becoming pregnant during therapy
and to notify prescriber immediately if
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS pregnancy is suspected.
Black Box Warning Chlorambucil can
severely suppress bone marrow function. It
is a carcinogen in humans and is probably chloramphenicol sodium
mutagenic and teratogenic in humans. It also succinate
produces human infertility. klor-am-FEN-i-kole
• Monitor CBC with differential.
• Monitor patient for neutropenia, which Pentamycetin†
may not appear until after the third week of
treatment. The absolute neutrophil count Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
(ANC) may continue to decrease for up to Pharmacologic class: Dichloroacetic
10 days after treatment ends. acid derivative
• Use the ANC to calculate the patient’s Pregnancy risk category C
• Monitor uric acid level. To prevent hyper- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
uricemia with resulting uric acid nephropa- Injection: 1-g vial
thy, allopurinol may be used with adequate
• If WBC count falls below 2,000/mm3 or ➤ Haemophilus influenzae meningitis,
granulocyte count falls below 1,000/mm3 , acute Salmonella typhi infection, and
follow institutional policy for infection meningitis, bacteremia, or other severe

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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chloramphenicol sodium succinate 299

infections caused by sensitive Salmonella ADVERSE REACTIONS

species, rickettsia, lymphogranuloma, CNS: confusion, delirium, headache, mild
psittacosis, or various sensitive gram- depression, optic and peripheral neuritis
negative organisms with prolonged therapy.
Adults: 50 to 100 mg/kg I.V. daily, divided EENT: decreased visual acuity, optic neuri-
every 6 hours. Maximum dose is 100 mg/kg tis in patients with cystic fibrosis.
daily. GI: diarrhea, enterocolitis, glossitis, nau-
Full-term infants older than age 2 weeks sea, vomiting, stomatitis.
with normal metabolic processes: Up to Hematologic: aplastic anemia, granulocy-
50 mg/kg I.V. daily, divided every 6 hours. topenia, hypoplastic anemia, pancytope-
May use up to 100 mg/kg/day in four di- nia, thrombocytopenia.
vided doses for meningitis. Hepatic: jaundice.
Premature infants, neonates age 2 weeks Other: anaphylaxis, gray syndrome in
and younger, and children and infants with neonates, hypersensitivity reactions.
immature metabolic processes: 25 mg/kg
I.V. once daily. INTERACTIONS
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with renal or Drug-drug. Anticoagulants, barbiturates,
hepatic impairment, excessive blood lev- hydantoins, iron salts, sulfonylureas: May
els may result from administration of the increase levels of these drugs. Monitor
recommended dose. Determine drug blood patient for toxicity.
concentration at appropriate intervals and Penicillins: May have synergistic or antago-
adjust dosage accordingly. nistic effects. Monitor patient for change in
ADMINISTRATION Rifampin: May reduce chloramphenicol
I.V. level. Monitor patient for changes in effec-
 Reconstitute 1-g vial of powder for tiveness.
injection with 10 ml of sterile water for Vitamin B12 : May decrease response of
injection to yield 100 mg/ml. vitamin B12 in patients with pernicious
 Give slowly over at least 1 minute. anemia. Monitor patient closely.
 Check injection site daily for phlebitis


 Solution is stable for 30 days at room • May decrease hemoglobin level.
temperature, but you should refrigerate it. • May decrease granulocyte and platelet
 Don’t use cloudy solution. counts.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- • May falsely elevate urine PABA levels
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin if given during a bentiromide test for pan-
therapy while awaiting results. creatic function. May cause false-positive
 Incompatibilities: Chlorpromazine, results in urine glucose tests that use cupric
fluconazole, glycopyrrolate, hydroxyzine, sulfate (Clinitest).
metoclopramide, polymyxin B sulfate,
prochlorperazine, promethazine, van- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
comycin. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug.
AC TION Black Box Warning Drug has been reported
Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by bind- to cause aplastic anemia and other serious
ing to the 50S subunit of the ribosome; and fatal blood dyscrasias. Use for serious
bacteriostatic. infections only. To facilitate appropriate
Route Onset Peak Duration
studies and observation during therapy, it’s
I.V. Unknown 1–3 hr Unknown
best if patients are hospitalized.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
Half-life: 11⁄2 to 41⁄2 hours. hepatic or renal function, acute intermittent
porphyria, and G6PD deficiency.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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300 chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride

• Use cautiously in those taking other drugs INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

that cause bone marrow suppression or ➤ Mild to moderate anxiety
blood disorders. Adults: 5 to 10 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.
Alert: Use cautiously in premature infants Children older than age 6: 5 mg P.O. b.i.d.
and neonates because potentially fatal gray to q.i.d. Maximum, 10 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d.
syndrome may occur. Symptoms include ➤ Severe anxiety
abdominal distention, gray cyanosis, va- Adults: 20 to 25 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.
somotor collapse, respiratory distress, and ➤ Withdrawal symptoms of acute alco-
death within a few hours of symptom onset. holism
• Drug may be toxic to fetus. Give during Adults: 50 to 100 mg P.O. Repeat as needed,
pregnancy only if potential benefit justifies up to 300 mg daily.
potential risk to fetus. Consider advising ➤ Preoperative apprehension and
breast-feeding women to temporarily dis- anxiety
continue breast-feeding. Adults: 5 to 10 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. on day
before surgery.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adjust-a-dose: In elderly or debilitated pa-
• Obtain drug level measurement; maintain tients give 5 mg P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d. Use the
peak level of 10 to 20 mcg/ml and trough smallest effective dose to prevent overseda-
level of 5 to 10 mcg/ml. tion or ataxia.
• Monitor CBC, iron level, and platelet
and reticulocyte counts before and every ADMINISTRATION
2 days during therapy. Stop drug and notify P.O.
prescriber immediately if anemia, reticulo- Alert: 5-mg and 25-mg capsules may look
cytopenia, leukopenia, or thrombocytopenia similar in color through the packaging.
develops. Verify contents and read label carefully.
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms
of superinfection. AC TION
A benzodiazepine that may potentiate the
PATIENT TEACHING effects of GABA, depress the CNS, and
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber if suppress the spread of seizure activity.
adverse reactions occur, especially nausea, Route Onset Peak Duration
vomiting, diarrhea, fever, confusion, sore P.O. Unknown 1⁄
2 –4 hr Unknown
throat, or mouth sores.
• Tell patient receiving drug I.V. to report Half-life: 5 to 30 hours.
discomfort at I.V. insertion site.
• Instruct patient to report signs and symp- ADVERSE REACTIONS
toms of superinfection. CNS: drowsiness, lethargy, ataxia, con-
fusion, extrapyramidal reactions, minor
SAFETY ALERT! changes in EEG patterns.
CV: edema.
chlordiazepoxide GI: nausea, constipation.
hydrochloride GU: menstrual irregularities.
klor-dye-az-e-POX-ide Hematologic: agranulocytosis.
Hepatic: jaundice.
Librium Skin: swelling and pain at injection site,
skin eruptions.
Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic Other: altered libido.
Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine
Pregnancy risk category D INTERACTIONS
Controlled substance schedule IV Drug-drug. Cimetidine: May decrease
chlordiazepoxide clearance and increase
AVAIL ABLE FORMS risk of adverse reactions. Monitor patient
Capsules: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg carefully.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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chloroquine phosphate 301

CNS depressants: May increase CNS de- Alert: Use of this drug may lead to
pression. Use together cautiously. abuse and addiction. Don’t withdraw drug
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level and abruptly after long-term use because with-
risk of toxicity. Monitor patient and digoxin drawal symptoms may occur.
level closely. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse C
Disulfiram: May decrease clearance and Librium with Librax.
increase half-life of chlordiazepoxide. Mon-
itor patient for enhanced effects. Consider PATIENT TEACHING
dosage adjustment. • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
Fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, mi- that require alertness and coordination until
conazole: May increase and prolong chlor- effects of drug are known.
diazepoxide levels, CNS depression, and • Tell patient to avoid use of alcohol while
psychomotor impairment. Avoid using taking drug.
together. • Notify patient that smoking may decrease
Levodopa: May decrease control of parkin- drug’s effectiveness.
sonian symptoms in patients with Parkinson • Warn patient drug may cause psycholog-
disease. Use together cautiously. ical and physical dependence. Tell patient
Drug-herb. Kava: May increase sedation. not to increase dose or abruptly stop the
Discourage use together. drug because withdrawal symptoms may
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause addi- occur.
tive CNS effects. Discourage use together. • Warn women to avoid use during preg-
Smoking: May decrease effectiveness of nancy.
drug. Monitor patient closely.

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS chloroquine phosphate

• May increase liver function test values. KLO-ro-kwin
May decrease granulocyte count.
• May cause a false-positive pregnancy Aralen
test result. May alter urinary 17-ketosteroid
(Zimmerman reaction), urine alkaloid Therapeutic class: Antimalarial
(Frings thin-layer chromatography method), Pharmacologic class: Aminoquinoline
and urinary glucose determinations (with Pregnancy risk category C
Chemstrip uG and Diastix).
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Tablets: 250 mg (equivalent to 150 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive base), 500 mg (equivalent to 300 mg base)
to drug and in pregnant women, especially
in first trimester. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in Black Box Warning Prescribers should be
patients with mental depression, history of completely familiar with this drug before
substance abuse, porphyria, or hepatic or prescribing.
renal disease. ➤ Acute malarial attacks caused by
•H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, confusion, Plasmodium vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale,
coma, diminished reflexes. and susceptible strains of P. falciparum
Adults: Initially, 600 mg base P.O.; then
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 300 mg base at 6, 24, and 48 hours.
• In patients receiving repeated or pro- Children: Initially, 10 mg/kg base P.O.; then
longed therapy, monitor hepatic, renal, and 5 mg/kg base at 6, 24, and 48 hours. Don’t
hematopoietic function periodically. exceed adult dose.
• Watch for paradoxical reaction in psychi- ➤ To prevent malaria
atric patients and hyperactive, aggressive Adults: 300 mg base P.O. once weekly on
children. the same day each week, for 1 to 2 weeks
before entering a malaria-endemic area

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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302 chloroquine phosphate

and continued for 8 weeks after leaving the Hematologic: agranulocytosis, aplastic
area. If treatment begins after exposure, give anemia, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic
600 mg base P.O. initially, in two divided anemia.
doses 6 hours apart, followed by the usual Skin: pruritus, lichen planus eruptions,
dosing regimen. skin and mucosal pigmentary changes,
Children: 5 mg/kg base P.O. once weekly pleomorphic skin eruptions.
on the same day each week, for 1 to 2 weeks
before entering a malaria-endemic area and INTERACTIONS
continued for 4 to 8 weeks after leaving the Drug-drug. Aluminum salts (kaolin), mag-
area. Don’t exceed 300 mg. If treatment nesium: May decrease GI absorption. Sepa-
begins after exposure, give 10 mg/kg base rate dose times.
P.O. initially, in two divided doses 6 hours Cimetidine: May decrease hepatic
apart, followed by the usual dosing regimen. metabolism of chloroquine. Monitor pa-
➤ Extraintestinal amebiasis tient for toxicity.
Adults: 600 mg base P.O. once daily for Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May worsen
2 days; then 300 mg base daily for 2 to drug-induced dermatoses. Advise patient to
3 weeks. Treatment is usually combined avoid excessive sun exposure.
with an intestinal amebicide.
ADMINISTRATION • May decrease hemoglobin level.
P.O. • May decrease granulocyte and platelet
Alert: Drug dosage may be discussed counts.
in “mg” or “mg base”; be aware of the
• To improve compliance when drug is used • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
for prevention, advise patient to take drug to drug and in those with retinal or visual
immediately before or after a meal on the field changes or porphyria.
same day each week. • Use cautiously in patients with severe
GI, neurologic, or blood disorders; hepatic
AC TION disease or alcoholism; or G6PD deficiency
May bind to and alter the properties of DNA or psoriasis.
in susceptible parasites. •H Overdose S&S: Headache, drowsiness,
Route Onset Peak Duration
visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, car-
P.O. Unknown 1–3 hr Unknown
diovascular collapse, seizures, sudden and
early respiratory and cardiac arrest; atrial
Half-life: 1 to 2 months. standstill, nodal rhythm, prolonged intra-
ventricular conduction time, progressive
ADVERSE REACTIONS bradycardia leading to ventricular fibrilla-
CNS: seizures, mild and transient tion or arrest.
headache, psychic stimulation, neurop-
CV: hypotension, ECG changes. • Ensure that baseline and periodic oph-
EENT: blurred vision, difficulty in focus- thalmic examinations are performed. Check
ing, reversible corneal changes, typically periodically for ocular muscle weakness
irreversible, sometimes progressive or de- after long-term use.
layed retinal changes such as narrowing • Make sure patient is tested with an au-
of arterioles, macular lesions, pallor of diometer before, during, and after therapy,
optic disk, optic atrophy, patchy retinal pig- especially if therapy is long-term.
mentation, typically leading to blindness, • Monitor CBC and liver function studies
ototoxicity, nerve deafness, vertigo, tinnitus. periodically during long-term therapy. If a
GI: anorexia, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, severe blood disorder—not caused by the
nausea, vomiting. disease—develops, drug may need to be

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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chlorpheniramine maleate 303

Alert: Monitor patient for overdose, which Children ages 6 to 12: 2 mg P.O. every 4 to
can quickly lead to toxic symptoms. Chil- 6 hours, not to exceed 12 mg daily. Or, 8 mg
dren are extremely susceptible to toxicity; timed-release P.O. at bedtime.
avoid long-term treatment.
• To improve compliance when using drug • May be given without regard for food.
for prevention, advise patient to take drug • Give extended-release tablets whole and
immediately before or after a meal on the not crushed or divided.
same day each week. • Measure and give syrup or suspension
• Instruct patient to avoid excessive sun using dosing syringe, dosing spoon, or
exposure to prevent worsening of drug- dosing cup.
induced dermatoses.
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions AC TION
promptly, especially blurred vision, in- Competes with histamine for H1 -receptor
creased sensitivity to light, tinnitus, hearing sites on effector cells. Drug prevents, but
loss, or muscle weakness. doesn’t reverse, histamine-mediated re-
• Instruct patient to keep drug out of reach sponses.
of children. Overdose may be fatal. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 15–60 min 2–6 hr 24 hr

chlorpheniramine maleate Half-life: Adults with normal renal and hepatic

klor-fen-IR-a-meen function, 12 to 43 hours; children with normal
renal and hepatic function, 91⁄2 to 13 hours; chronic
Aller-Chlor ∗ , Allergy , renal failure on hemodialysis, 111⁄2 to 133⁄4 days.
Chlo-Amine , Chlor-Trimeton
Allergy 8 Hour , Chlor-Trimeton ADVERSE REACTIONS
Allergy 12 Hour , Pediox-S, CNS: drowsiness, stimulation, sedation,
QDALL AR excitability in children.
CV: hypotension, palpitations, weak pulse.
Therapeutic class: Antihistamine GI: dry mouth, epigastric distress.
Pharmacologic class: Alkylamine GU: urine retention.
Pregnancy risk category C Respiratory: thick bronchial secretions.
Skin: rash, urticaria, pallor.
Capsules (sustained-release) : 8 mg, INTERACTIONS
12 mg Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May in-
Suspension: 4 mg/5 ml crease sedation. Use together cautiously.
Syrup : 2 mg/5 ml∗ MAO inhibitors: May increase anticholiner-
Tablets : 4 mg gic effects. Avoid using together.
Tablets (chewable) : 2 mg Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
Tablets (extended-release) : 8 mg, 12 mg, CNS depression. Discourage use together.
16 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • May prevent, reduce, or mask positive
➤ Allergic rhinitis result in diagnostic skin test.
Adults and children age 12 and older:
4 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours, not to exceed CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
24 mg daily. Or, 8 to 12 mg timed-release • Contraindicated in patients having acute
P.O. every 8 to 12 hours, not to exceed asthmatic attacks and in those with angle-
24 mg daily. Or, 16 mg timed-release P.O. closure glaucoma, symptomatic prostatic
once daily. hyperplasia, pyloroduodenal obstruction, or
bladder neck obstruction.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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304 chlorpromazine hydrochloride

• Contraindicated in breast-feeding women 25 mg I.M.; may give an additional 25 to

and in patients taking MAO inhibitors. 50 mg I.M. in 1 hour if needed. Increase
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in over several days to 400 mg every 4 to
those with increased intraocular pressure, 6 hours. Switch to oral therapy as soon
hyperthyroidism, hypertension, bronchial as possible. Or, 25 mg P.O. t.i.d. initially;
asthma, urine retention, prostatic hyperpla- then gradually increase to 400 mg daily in
sia, stenosing peptic ulcerations, and CV, divided doses. For outpatients, 30 to 75 mg
liver, or renal disease. daily in two to four divided doses. Increase
•H Overdose S&S: CNS depression or stim- dosage by 20 to 50 mg twice weekly until
ulation, tinnitus, blurred vision, dizziness, symptoms are controlled.
ataxia, hypotension, dry mouth, fixed di- ➤ Nausea and vomiting
lated pupils, flushing, hypothermia, GI Adults and children older than age 12: 10 to
symptoms. 25 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours, p.r.n. Or,
25 mg I.M. initially. If no hypotension
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS occurs, 25 to 50 mg I.M. every 3 to 4 hours
• Stop drug 4 days before diagnostic skin may be given, p.r.n., until vomiting stops.
testing because antihistamines can prevent, Children age 6 months to 12 years:
reduce, or mask positive skin test response. 0.55 mg/kg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours or I.M.
every 6 to 8 hours. Maximum I.M. dose in
PATIENT TEACHING children younger than age 5 or who weigh
• Warn patient to avoid alcohol and haz- less than 23 kg (50 lb) is 40 mg. Maximum
ardous activities that require alertness until I.M. dose in children ages 5 to 12 or who
CNS effects of drug are known. weigh 23 to 45 kg (50 to 100 lb) is 75 mg.
• Inform patient that sugarless gum, hard ➤ Acute intermittent porphyria,
candy, or ice chips may relieve dry mouth. intractable hiccups
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber if Adults and children older than age 12:
tolerance develops because a different 25 to 50 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. If symptoms
antihistamine may need to be prescribed. persist for 2 to 3 days, 25 to 50 mg I.M.
• Advise patient that extended-release For hiccups, if symptoms still persist, 25 to
tablets should be swallowed whole and not 50 mg diluted in 500 to 1,000 ml of normal
crushed, chewed, or divided. saline solution and infused slowly with
• Advise patient or caregiver to measure patient in supine position.
and give oral syrup or suspension by dosing ➤ Tetanus
syringe, dosing spoon, or dosing cup for Adults and children older than age 12: 25 to
accuracy. 50 mg I.V. or I.M. t.i.d. or q.i.d.
Children age 6 months to 12 years:
0.55 mg/kg I.M. or I.V. every 6 to 8 hours.
chlorproMAZINE hydrochloride Maximum parenteral dosage in chil-
klor-PROE-ma-zeen dren who weigh less than 23 kg (50 lb) is
40 mg daily; for children who weigh 23 to
Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic 45 kg (50 to 100 lb), 75 mg, except in se-
Pharmacologic class: Phenothiazine vere cases. If giving I.V., dilute to 1 mg/ml
Pregnancy risk category C with normal saline and give at a rate of
0.5 mg/minute.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ Behavioral disorders; hyperactivity
Injection: 25 mg/ml Children older than 6 months to 12 years:
Tablets: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, For outpatients: 0.55 mg/kg P.O. every
200 mg 4 to 6 hours or I.M. every 6 to 8 hours, as
needed. For hospitalized patients, start with
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES low oral doses and increase gradually. In
➤ Psychosis, mania severe behavior disorders, 50 to 100 mg
Adults and children older than age 12: For P.O. daily or, in older children, 200 mg/day
hospitalized patients with acute disease, or more P.O. may be necessary. There is

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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chlorpromazine hydrochloride 305

little evidence that improvement in severely  Incompatibilities: Aminophylline, am-

disturbed mentally retarded patients is photericin B, ampicillin, chloramphenicol

enhanced by doses beyond 500 mg/day. sodium succinate, chlorothiazide, cimeti-
In hospitalized patients age 5 or younger dine, dimenhydrinate, furosemide, heparin
or weighing less than 23 kg (50 lb), don’t sodium, linezolid, melphalan, methohex-
exceed 40 mg/day I.M. In children ages 5 ital, paclitaxel, penicillin, pentobarbital,
to 12 weighing 23 to 45 kg (50 to 100 lb), phenobarbital, solutions with a pH of 4 to
don’t exceed 75 mg/day I.M., except in 5, thiopental.
unmanageable cases. I.M.
➤ Surgery • Wear gloves when preparing solutions and
Adults and children older than age 12: avoid contact with skin and clothing. Par-
Preoperatively, 25 to 50 mg P.O. 2 to 3 hours enteral forms can cause contact dermatitis.
before surgery or 12.5 to 25 mg I.M. 1 to • Slight yellowing of injection is com-
2 hours before surgery; during surgery, mon and doesn’t affect potency. Discard
12.5 mg I.M., repeated in 30 minutes, if markedly discolored solutions.
needed, or fractional 2-mg doses I.V. at • Monitor blood pressure before and after
2-minute intervals to maximum dose of I.M. administration; keep patient supine
25 mg. for 1 hour afterward and have him get up
Children age 6 months to 12 years: Preoper- slowly.
atively, 0.55 mg/kg P.O. 2 to 3 hours before • Give deep I.M. only in upper outer quad-
surgery or I.M. 1 to 2 hours before surgery. rant of buttocks. Consider giving injection
During surgery, 0.25 mg/kg I.M., repeated by Z-track method. Massage slowly after-
in 30 minutes if needed, or fractional 1-mg ward to prevent sterile abscess. Injection
doses I.V. at 2-minute intervals to maximum stings. Rotate injection sites.
of 0.25 mg/kg. May repeat fractional I.V.
regimen in 30 minutes if needed. AC TION
Elderly patients: Lower dosages are suffi- A piperidine phenothiazine that may block
cient; dosage increments should be more postsynaptic dopamine receptors in the
gradual than in adults. brain.
Route Onset Peak Duration
ADMINISTRATION P.O. 30–60 min Unknown 4–6 hr
P.O. P.O. 30–60 min Unknown 10–12 hr
• Give drug without regard to food. (extended)
I.V. I.V., I.M. Unknown Unknown Unknown
 Wear gloves when preparing solutions
Half-life: 20 to 24 hours.
and avoid contact with skin and cloth-
ing. Parenteral forms can cause contact
 Drug is compatible with most common CNS: extrapyramidal reactions, sedation,
I.V. solutions, including D5 W, Ringer’s tardive dyskinesia, pseudoparkinsonism,
injection, lactated Ringer’s injection, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome, seizures,
normal saline solution for injection. dizziness, drowsiness.
 For direct injection, dilute with normal CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia,
saline solution for injection and give into quinidine-like ECG effects.
a large vein or through the tubing of a EENT: ocular changes, blurred vision,
free-flowing I.V. solution. nasal congestion.
 Don’t exceed 1 mg/minute for adults or GI: dry mouth, constipation, nausea.
0.5 mg/minute for children. GU: urine retention, menstrual irregulari-
 For intermittent infusion, dilute with ties, inhibited ejaculation, priapism.
50 or 100 ml of a compatible solution. Hematologic: leukopenia, agranulocyto-
 Infuse over 30 minutes. sis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia,
eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia.
Hepatic: jaundice.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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306 chlorpromazine hydrochloride

Skin: mild photosensitivity reactions, pain and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid tests and
at I.M. injection site, allergic reactions, for urine pregnancy tests that use human
sterile abscess, skin pigmentation changes. chorionic gonadotropin.
Other: gynecomastia, lactation, galactor-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
INTERACTIONS to drug; in those with CNS depression, bone
Drug-drug. Antacids: May inhibit absorp- marrow suppression, or subcortical damage,
tion of oral phenothiazines. Separate antacid and in those in coma.
and phenothiazine doses by at least 2 hours. • Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated
Anticholinergics such as tricyclic antide- patients and in patients with hepatic or renal
pressants, antiparkinsonians: May increase disease, severe CV disease (may suddenly
anticholinergic activity, aggravated parkin- decrease blood pressure), respiratory disor-
sonian symptoms. Use together cautiously. ders, hypocalcemia, glaucoma, or prostatic
Anticonvulsants: May lower seizure thresh- hyperplasia. Also use cautiously in those
old. Monitor patient closely. exposed to extreme heat or cold (including
Barbiturates, lithium: May decrease phe- antipyretic therapy) or organophosphate
nothiazine effect. Monitor patient. insecticides.
Centrally acting antihypertensives: May • Use cautiously in acutely ill or dehydrated
decrease antihypertensive effect. Monitor children.
blood pressure. •H Overdose S&S: CNS depression, somno-
CNS depressants: May increase CNS de- lence, coma, hypotension, extrapyramidal
pression. Use together cautiously. symptoms, agitation, restlessness, seizures,
Electroconvulsive therapy, insulin: May fever, dry mouth, ileus, ECG changes,
cause severe reactions. Monitor patient cardiac arrhythmias.
Lithium: May increase neurologic effects. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Monitor patient closely. • Obtain baseline blood pressure measure-
Meperidine: May cause excessive sedation ments before therapy, and monitor regularly.
and hypotension. Don’t use together. Watch for orthostatic hypotension, espe-
Propranolol: May increase levels of both cially with parenteral administration.
propranolol and chlorpromazine. Monitor • Monitor patient for tardive dyskinesia,
patient closely. which may occur after prolonged use. It may
Warfarin: May decrease effect of oral anti- not appear until months or years later and
coagulants. Monitor PT and INR. may disappear spontaneously or persist for
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May cause life, despite stopping drug.
photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to • After abrupt withdrawal of long-term
avoid excessive sunlight exposure. therapy, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, dizzi-
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase ness, or tremor may occur.
CNS depression, particularly psychomotor Alert: Watch for evidence of neurolep-
skills. Strongly discourage alcohol use. tic malignant syndrome (extrapyramidal
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo- effects, hyperthermia, autonomic distur-
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid bance), which is rare but usually fatal. It
excessive sunlight exposure. may not be related to length of drug use
or type of neuroleptic; more than 60% of
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS affected patients are men.
• May decrease hemoglobin level and • If jaundice, symptoms of blood dyscrasia
hematocrit. (fever, sore throat, infection, cellulitis,
• May increase liver function test values weakness), or persistent extrapyramidal
and eosinophil count. May decrease granu- reactions (longer than a few hours) develop,
locyte, platelet, and WBC counts. or if such reactions occur in children or
• May cause false-positive results for uri- pregnant women, withhold dose and notify
nary porphyrin, urobilinogen, amylase, prescriber.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cholestyramine 307

• Don’t withdraw drug abruptly unless adjunct for reduction of increased choles-
required by severe adverse reactions. terol level in patients with primary hyper-
Alert: Elderly patients with dementia- cholesterolemia
related psychosis treated with atypical or Adults: 4 g once or twice daily. Maintenance
conventional antipsychotics are at increased dose is 8 to 16 g daily divided into two
risk for death. Antipsychotics aren’t ap- doses. Maximum daily dose is 24 g.
proved for the treatment of dementia-related Children: 240 mg/kg daily in two to three
psychosis. divided doses, not to exceed 8 g/day.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
chlorpromazine with clomipramine or with ADMINISTRATION
chlorpropamide, a hypoglycemic. P.O.
• Mix thoroughly with 60 to 180 ml of
PATIENT TEACHING water or other noncarbonated beverage.
• Warn patient to avoid activities that re- • Give drug with a meal.
quire alertness or good coordination until • Give other drugs 1 hour before or at least
effects of drug are known. Drowsiness and 4 hours after cholestyramine to avoid im-
dizziness usually subside after first few peding absorption.
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking AC TION
drug. Binds bile acids in the intestinal tract, im-
• Have patient report signs of urine reten- peding their absorption and causing their
tion or constipation. elimination in feces. In response to this bile
• Tell patient to use sunblock and to wear acid depletion, LDL cholesterol levels de-
protective clothing to avoid oversensitivity crease as the liver uses LDL cholesterol to
to the sun. This drug is more likely to cause replenish reduced bile acid stores.
sun sensitivity than other drugs in its class. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Tell patient to relieve dry mouth with P.O. Unknown Unknown 2–4 wk
sugarless gum or hard candy.
• Advise patient receiving drug by any Half-life: Unknown.
method other than by mouth to remain
lying down for 1 hour afterward and to rise ADVERSE REACTIONS
slowly. CNS: dizziness, headache, vertigo, anxiety,
fatigue, insomnia, syncope, tinnitus.
GI: abdominal discomfort, constipation,
cholestyramine fecal impaction, nausea, anorexia, diar-
koe-LESS-tir-a-meen rhea, flatulence, GI bleeding, hemorrhoids,
steatorrhea, vomiting.
Locholest, Locholest Light, Prevalite, GU: dysuria, hematuria.
Questran, Questran Light Hematologic: anemia, bleeding tendencies,
Therapeutic class: Antilipemic Metabolic: hyperchloremic acidosis.
Pharmacologic class: Bile acid Musculoskeletal: backache, muscle and
sequestrant joint pains, osteoporosis.
Pregnancy risk category C Skin: rash, irritation of skin, tongue, and
perianal area.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Other: vitamin A, D, E, and K deficiencies
Powder: 378-g cans, 9-g single-dose pack- from decreased absorption.
ets; each scoop of powder or single-dose
packet contains 4 g of cholestyramine resin INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Acetaminophen, beta block-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ers, cardiac glycosides, corticosteroids,
➤ Primary hyperlipidemia or pruri- estrogens, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and
tus caused by partial bile obstruction, K), iron preparations, niacin, penicillin G,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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308 ciclesonide (inhalation)

phenobarbital, progestins, tetracycline, • Tell patient to prepare drug in a large glass

thiazide diuretics, thyroid hormones, war- containing water, milk, or juice (especially
farin and other coumarin derivatives: May pulpy fruit juice). Tell him to sprinkle pow-
decrease absorption of these drugs. Give der on the surface of the beverage, let the
other drugs 1 hour before or 4 to 6 hours mixture stand for a few minutes, and then
after cholestyramine. stir thoroughly. Discourage mixing with
carbonated beverages because of excessive
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS foaming. After drinking preparation, patient
• May increase alkaline phosphatase should swirl a small additional amount of
and triglyceride levels. May decrease liquid in the same glass and then drink again
hemoglobin level and hematocrit. to make sure he has taken the entire dose.
• May increase PT. • Tell patient to avoid sipping or holding the
• May cause abnormal results in cholecys- suspension in the mouth because drug may
tography that uses iopanoic acid because damage tooth surfaces. Advise patient to
iopanoic acid is also bound by cholestyra- maintain good oral hygiene.
mine. • Advise patient to take at mealtime, if
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Advise patient to take all other drugs
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive at least 1 hour before or 4 to 6 hours after
to bile-acid sequestering resins and in those cholestyramine to avoid blocking their
with complete biliary obstruction. absorption.
• Use cautiously in patients predisposed to • Teach patient about proper dietary man-
constipation and in those with conditions agement of fats. When appropriate, recom-
aggravated by constipation, such as severe, mend weight control, exercise, and smoking
symptomatic coronary artery disease. cessation programs.
•H Overdose S&S: GI tract obstruction. • Tell patient that drug may deplete body
stores of vitamins A, D, E, and K, and folic
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS acid. Patient should discuss need for supple-
• Monitor cholesterol and triglyceride ments with prescriber.
levels regularly during therapy.
• Monitor levels of cardiac glycosides in
patients receiving cardiac glycosides and ciclesonide (inhalation)
cholestyramine together. If cholestyramine si-CLEH-son-ide
therapy is stopped, adjust dosage of cardiac
glycosides, if necessary, to avoid toxicity. Alvesco
• Monitor bowel habits. Encourage a diet
high in fiber and fluids. If severe constipa- Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
tion develops, decrease dosage, add a stool Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
softener, or stop drug. Pregnancy risk category C
• Watch for hyperchloremic acidosis with
long-term use or very high doses. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Long-term use may lead to deficiencies of Oral inhalation aerosol: 80 mcg, 160 mcg
vitamins A, D, E, and K, and folic acid.
• For patients with phenylketonuria, light INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
form contains 28.1 mg of phenylalanine per ➤ Preventative during asthma mainte-
6.4-g dose. nance
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults and children age 12 and older who
Questran with Quarzan. were previously taking bronchodilators
alone: Initially, inhaled dose of 80 mcg
PATIENT TEACHING b.i.d. to maximum of 160 mcg b.i.d.
Alert: Tell patient never to take drug in Adults and children age 12 and older
its dry form because it may irritate the who were previously taking inhaled
esophagus or cause severe constipation.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ciclesonide (intranasal) 309

corticosteroids: Initially, 80 mcg b.i.d. to NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

maximum of 320 mcg b.i.d. Alert: Don’t use for acute bronchospasm
Adults and children age 12 and older who or acute asthma.
were previously taking oral corticosteroids: • Assess patient for bone loss during long-
320 mcg b.i.d. term use. C
• Watch for evidence of localized mouth
ADMINISTRATION infections, glaucoma, cataracts, and im-
Inhalational munosuppression.
• Patient should rinse mouth after inhala- • Closely monitor children for growth
tion. suppression.
• Use drug only if benefits to mother justify
AC TION risks to fetus. If a woman takes a cortico-
May decrease inflammation by inhibiting steroid during pregnancy, monitor neonate
macrophages, eosinophils, and mediators for hypoadrenalism.
such as leukotrienes involved in the asth-
matic response. PATIENT TEACHING
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Inform patient that drug isn’t indicated for
Inhalation Unknown 1 hour Unknown
the relief of acute bronchospasm.
• Instruct patient to rinse his mouth with
Half-life of drug and its active metabolite: Less water and spit out after inhalation.
than an hour and 6 to 7 hours, respectively. • Advise patient to use drug at regular
intervals, as directed.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Inform patient that therapeutic results
CNS: headache, back pain. may take several weeks.
EENT: nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, pharyn- • Warn patient to avoid exposure to chick-
golaryngeal pain, upper respiratory tract enpox, measles, or other infections, and if
infection, nasal congestion. exposed to consult prescriber immediately.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, pain in the • Instruct patient to contact prescriber if
extremities. symptoms don’t improve after 4 weeks of
treatment or if condition worsens.
INTERACTIONS • Advise parents of child receiving long-
Drug-drug. Ketoconazole, other inhibitors term therapy that child should have periodic
of cytochrome P450: May increase ci- growth measurements.
clesonide level and adverse effects. Use
together cautiously.
ciclesonide (intranasal)
None reported. Omnaris
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
• Contraindicated as primary treatment of Pharmacologic class: Nonhalogenated
status asthmaticus or other acute asthmatic glucocorticoid
episodes, and in patients hypersensitive to Pregnancy risk category C
drug or its components.
• Use cautiously, if at all, in patients with AVAIL ABLE FORMS
active or quiescent respiratory tuberculosis Nasal spray: 50 mcg/metered spray
infection; untreated systemic fungal, bacte-
rial, viral, or parasitic infections; or ocular INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
herpes simplex. ➤ Symptoms of perennial allergic
• Use cautiously in pregnant and breast- rhinitis
feeding women. Adults and children age 12 and older:
2 sprays in each nostril once daily
(200 mcg/day).

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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310 cidofovir

➤ Symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis • Use cautiously in children; may cause a

Adults and children age 6 and older: decline in growth rate.
2 sprays in each nostril once daily • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
(200 mcg/day). •H Overdose S&S: Hyperadrenocorticism.


Intranasal • Monitor infants born to mothers using
• Before first use, gently shake container, then drug during pregnancy for hypoadrenalism.
prime by spraying eight times. If not used for • Monitor patients who are switched from
4 consecutive days, gently shake and reprime systemic to inhaled corticosteroids for
with 1 spray or until a fine mist appears. worsening of symptoms and other side
effects of withdrawal.
AC TION • Monitor children for decline in growth
Hydrolyzed by the nasal mucosa to a bi- rate; potential to regain growth after drug is
ologically active metabolite with anti- stopped hasn’t been studied.
inflammatory properties. • Monitor patient for nasal side effects.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Intranasal 1–2 days 1–5 wk Unknown
• Teach patient how to use the spray prop-
Half-life: Unknown. erly. Refer patient to package insert.
• Instruct patient to contact his prescriber
ADVERSE REACTIONS if he has no relief from symptoms after
CNS: headache. 1 week.
EENT: epistaxis, nasopharyngitis, ear pain, • Advise patient to use drug around the
nasal discomfort. same time every day, as directed.
Metabolic: growth retardation. • Warn patient to avoid exposure to peo-
ple with infections, such as chickenpox or
INTERACTIONS measles; corticosteroids have immunosup-
Drug-drug. Delavirdine: May increase pressant effects.
serum ciclesonide level. Use with caution. • Tell patient to discard the bottle after
Protease inhibitors (ritonavir): May 120 actuations following initial priming or
increase serum level and effects of ci- 4 months after removal from foil pouch,
clesonide. Use lowest effective ciclesonide whichever occurs first.
dosage and monitor patient closely for
Cushing syndrome.
None reported.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Therapeutic class: Antiviral
to the drug or its components. Pharmacologic class: Nucleotide
• Contraindicated in patients who have had analogue
recent nasal septal ulcers, nasal surgery, or Pregnancy risk category C
nasal trauma until healing has occurred.
• Use cautiously in patients who have AVAIL ABLE FORMS
changed from systemic to inhaled cor- Injection: 75 mg/ml in 5-ml vial
ticosteroids; renal insufficiency, steroid
withdrawal (pain, lassitude, depression) or INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
acute worsening of symptoms may occur. Black Box Warning Cidofovir is indicated
• Use cautiously in immunosuppressed only for the treatment of cytomegalovirus
patients or in those with wounds; cortico- (CMV) retinitis in patients with AIDS.
steroids suppress the immune system.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cidofovir 311

➤ CMV retinitis in patients with AIDS AC TION

Adults: Initially, 5 mg/kg I.V. infused over Suppresses CMV replication by selective
1 hour once weekly for 2 consecutive inhibition of viral DNA synthesis.
weeks; then maintenance dose of 5 mg/kg
I.V. infused over 1 hour once every 2 weeks.
Route Onset Peak Duration C
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Give probenecid and prehydration with nor-
mal saline solution I.V. simultaneously to Half-life: Unknown.
reduce risk of nephrotoxicity.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine ADVERSE REACTIONS
level of 0.3 to 0.4 mg/dl above baseline, CNS: asthenia, fever, headache, seizures,
reduce dosage to 3 mg/kg at same rate abnormal gait, amnesia, anxiety, confu-
and frequency. If creatinine level reaches sion, depression, dizziness, hallucinations,
0.5 mg/dl or more above baseline, or patient insomnia, neuropathy, paresthesia, somno-
develops 3+ or higher proteinuria, stop lence, malaise.
drug. CV: hypotension, orthostatic hypotension,
pallor, syncope, tachycardia, vasodilation.
ADMINISTRATION EENT: ocular hypotony, abnormal vision,
I.V. amblyopia, conjunctivitis, eye disorders,
Black Box Warning Drug has mutagenic iritis, pharyngitis, retinal detachment,
effects; prepare it in a class II laminar flow rhinitis, sinusitis, uveitis.
biological safety cabinet and wear surgical GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea,
gloves and a closed-front surgical gown nausea, vomiting, aphthous stomatitis, co-
with knit cuffs. litis, constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia,
 If drug contacts skin, wash and flush dysphagia, flatulence, gastritis, melena,
thoroughly with water. mouth ulcers, oral candidiasis, rectal dis-
 Place excess drug and all materials orders, stomatitis, taste perversion, tongue
used to prepare and give it in a leak-proof, discoloration.
puncture-proof container. GU: proteinuria, nephrotoxicity, glycos-
 Let drug reach room temperature before uria, hematuria, urinary incontinence, UTI.
use. Hematologic: anemia, neutropenia,
 Using a syringe, withdraw prescribed thrombocytopenia.
dose and add to an I.V. bag containing Hepatic: hepatomegaly.
100 ml of normal saline solution. Metabolic: fluid imbalance, hyperglycemia,
 Infuse over 1 hour using an infusion hyperlipemia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
pump. weight loss.
 Because of the risk of nephrotoxicity, Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia,
don’t exceed recommended dosages or myasthenia, pain in back, chest, or neck.
frequency or rate of infusion. Respiratory: dyspnea, asthma, bronchitis,
 Discard any partially used vials. coughing, hiccups, increased sputum, lung
 Give within 24 hours of preparing. disorders, pneumonia.
Admixture may be refrigerated at 36◦ to Skin: alopecia, rash, acne, dry skin, pruri-
46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C) for up to 24 hours. tus, skin discoloration, sweating, urticaria.
Black Box Warning Due to increased risk Other: chills, infections, sarcoma, sepsis,
of nephrotoxicity, give 1 L normal saline allergic reactions, facial edema, herpes
solution I.V. over 1- to 2-hour period, simplex.
immediately before giving drug. Also give
probenecid with each cidofovir infusion. INTERACTIONS
 Compatibility of admixture with Drug-drug. Black Box Warning Nephro-
Ringer’s, lactated Ringer’s, and bacte- toxic drugs (such as aminoglycosides, am-
riostatic solutions hasn’t been evaluated. photericin B, foscarnet, I.V. pentamidine):
 Incompatibilities: Other drugs or sup- May increase nephrotoxicity. Avoid using
plements. together.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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312 cilostazol


• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, • Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure
AST, BUN, creatinine, LDH, and urine CMV retinitis and that regular ophthalmo-
protein levels. May decrease bicarbonate logic examinations are needed.
and hemoglobin levels. • Alert patient taking zidovudine that he’ll
• May decrease neutrophil and platelet need to obtain dosage guidelines on days
counts. cidofovir is given.
• Tell patient that close monitoring of kid-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ney function will be needed and that abnor-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive malities may require a change in therapy.
to drug, probenecid, and other sulfa drugs. • Stress importance of completing a full
Black Box Warning Renal failure has oc- course of probenecid with each cidofovir
curred with as few as one or two doses dose. Tell patient to take probenecid after a
of cidofovir. Contraindicated in patients meal to decrease nausea.
receiving other drugs with nephrotoxic • Patients with AIDS should use effective
potential (stop such drugs at least 7 days contraception, especially during and for
before starting cidofovir therapy) and 1 month after treatment.
in those with creatinine level exceeding • Advise men to practice barrier contracep-
1.5 mg/dl, creatinine clearance of tion during and for 3 months after treatment.
55 ml/minute or less, or urine protein level
of 100 mg/dl or more (equivalent to 2+
proteinuria or more). cilostazol
• Use within 1 month of placement of sill-AHS-tah-zoll
a ganciclovir ocular implant may cause
profound hypotony. Pletal
• Safety and effectiveness in children
haven’t been established. Therapeutic class: Antiplatelet
• Use cautiously in patients with renal Pharmacologic class: Quinolone
impairment. Monitor renal function tests phosphodiesterase inhibitor
and patient’s fluid balance. Pregnancy risk category C


Black Box Warning Safety and effective- Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg
ness of drug haven’t been established for
treating other CMV infections, congenital INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
or neonatal CMV disease, or CMV disease ➤ To reduce symptoms of intermittent
in patients not infected with HIV. claudication
Black Box Warning Due to increased risk of Adults: 100 mg P.O. b.i.d., at least 30 min-
nephrotoxicity and bone marrow suppres- utes before or 2 hours after breakfast and
sion, monitor creatinine and urine protein dinner.
levels and WBC counts with differential Adjust-a-dose: Decrease dose to 50 mg
before each dose. P.O. b.i.d. when giving with drugs that may
• Drug may cause Fanconi syndrome and interact to cause an increase in cilostazol
decreased bicarbonate level with renal level.
tubular damage. Monitor patient closely.
• Drug may cause granulocytopenia. ADMINISTRATION
• Stop zidovudine therapy or reduce dosage P.O.
by 50% on the days when cidofovir is given; • Give drug at least 30 minutes before or
probenecid reduces metabolic clearance of 2 hours after breakfast and dinner.
zidovudine. • Don’t give drug with grapefruit juice.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cilostazol 313

AC TION • Contraindicated in patients with hemo-

Thought to inhibit the enzyme phosphodi- static disorders or active bleeding, such
esterase III, thus inhibiting platelet aggrega- as bleeding peptic ulcer and intracranial
tion and causing vasodilation. bleeding.
• Use cautiously in patients with severe C
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
underlying heart disease; also use cautiously
with other drugs having antiplatelet activity.
Half-life: 11 to 13 hours. • Use cautiously in patients with severe
renal impairment (creatinine clearance
ADVERSE REACTIONS less than 25 ml/minute) and in those with
CNS: dizziness, headache, vertigo. moderate to severe hepatic impairment.
CV: palpitations, peripheral edema, tachy- •H Overdose S&S: Severe headache, diar-
cardia. rhea, hypotension, tachycardia, cardiac
EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis. arrhythmias.
GI: abnormal stools, diarrhea, abdominal
pain, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Hematologic: bleeding. • Beneficial effects may not be seen for up
Musculoskeletal: back pain, myalgia. to 12 weeks after therapy starts.
Respiratory: increased cough. Black Box Warning Cilostazol and similar
Other: infection. drugs that inhibit the enzyme phospho-
diesterase decrease the likelihood of sur-
INTERACTIONS vival in patients with class III and IV heart
Drug-drug. Diltiazem: May increase failure.
cilostazol level. Reduce cilostazol dosage to Alert: CV risk is unknown in patients who
50 mg b.i.d. use drug on long-term basis and in those
Erythromycin, other macrolides: May in- with severe underlying heart disease.
crease level of cilostazol and its metabolites. • Dosage can be reduced or stopped without
Reduce cilostazol dosage to 50 mg b.i.d. such rebound effects as platelet hyperaggre-
Omeprazole: May increase level of cilosta- gation.
zol metabolite. Reduce cilostazol dosage to
Strong inhibitors of CYP3A4 (such as flu- • Instruct patient to take drug on an empty
conazole, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, itracona- stomach, at least 30 minutes before or
zole, ketoconazole, miconazole, nefazodone, 2 hours after breakfast and dinner.
sertraline): May increase level of cilosta- • Tell patient that beneficial effect of drug
zol and its metabolites. Reduce cilostazol on cramping pain isn’t likely to be noticed
dosage to 50 mg b.i.d. for 2 to 4 weeks and that it may take as long
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase as 12 weeks.
drug level. Discourage use together. • Advise patient to avoid drinking grape-
Drug-herb. Ginkgo biloba: May prolong fruit juice during drug therapy.
bleeding time. Discourage use together. • Inform patient that CV risk is unknown in
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May decrease patients who use drug on a long-term basis
drug exposure. Discourage smoking. and in those with severe underlying heart
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient that drug may cause dizziness.
• May reduce triglyceride levels. May Caution patient not to drive or perform
increase HDL level. other activities that require alertness until
response to drug is known.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components.
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
patients with heart failure of any severity.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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314 cimetidine

systemic mastocytosis, and multiple

cimetidine endocrine adenomas
sye-MET-i-deen Adults and children age 16 and older:
300 mg P.O. q.i.d. with meals and at bed-
Acid Reducer 200 , Tagamet, time; adjusted to patient needs. Maximum
Tagamet HB  oral amount, 2,400 mg daily.
For parenteral therapy, 300 mg diluted
cimetidine hydrochloride to 20 ml with normal saline solution or
Tagamet other compatible I.V. solution by I.V. push
over at least 5 minutes every 6 to 8 hours;
Therapeutic class: Antiulcer or 300 mg diluted in 50 ml D5 W or other
Pharmacologic class: H2 receptor compatible I.V. solution by I.V. infusion
antagonist over 15 to 20 minutes every 6 to 8 hours.
Pregnancy risk category B Increase parenteral dosage by giving
300-mg doses more frequently to maximum
AVAIL ABLE FORMS of 2,400 mg daily, as needed.
Injection: 300 mg/2 ml, 300 mg in 50 ml ➤ Gastroesophageal reflux disease with
normal saline solution, 300 mg/2 ml ADD- erosive esophagitis
Vantage vial Adults: 800 mg P.O. b.i.d. or 400 mg q.i.d.
Oral liquid: 300 mg/5 ml∗ before meals and at bedtime for up to
Tablets: 200 mg , 300 mg, 400 mg, 12 weeks.
800 mg Adjust-a-dose: In patients with renal impair-
ment, decrease dosage to 300 mg P.O. or I.V.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES every 12 hours, increasing frequency to
➤ Short-term treatment of duodenal every 8 hours with caution. A renally
ulcer; maintenance therapy impaired patient who also has liver dys-
Adults and children age 16 and older: function may require even further dose
800 mg P.O. at bedtime. Or, 400 mg P.O. reduction.
b.i.d. or 300 mg q.i.d. (with meals and at ➤ Heartburn
bedtime). Or, 200 mg t.i.d. with a 400-mg Adults and children age 12 and older:
bedtime dose. Treatment lasts 4 to 6 weeks 200 mg Tagamet HB P.O. with water as
unless endoscopy shows healing. For main- symptoms occur, or as directed, up to b.i.d.
tenance therapy, 400 mg at bedtime. For For prevention, 200 mg right before or up to
parenteral therapy, 300 mg diluted to 20 ml 30 minutes before eating food or drinking
total volume with normal saline solution or beverages that cause heartburn. Maximum,
other compatible I.V. solution by I.V. push 400 mg daily. Drug shouldn’t be taken daily
over at least 5 minutes every 6 to 8 hours; for longer than 2 weeks.
or 300 mg diluted in 50 ml D5 W or other
compatible I.V. solution by I.V. infusion ADMINISTRATION
over 15 to 20 minutes every 6 to 8 hours; or P.O.
300 mg I.M. every 6 to 8 hours (no dilution • Give dose at end of hemodialysis.
needed). To increase dosage, give 300-mg I.V.
doses more frequently to maximum of  Dilute I.V. solutions with normal saline

2,400 mg daily, as needed. Or, 900 mg/day solution, D5 W, dextrose 10% in water (and
(37.5 mg/hour) I.V. diluted in 100 to combinations of these), lactated Ringer’s
1,000 ml of compatible solution by con- solution, or 5% sodium bicarbonate injec-
tinuous I.V. infusion. tion.
➤ Active benign gastric ulceration  For direct injection, give over 5 minutes.

Adults: 800 mg P.O. at bedtime or 300 mg Rapid I.V. injection may result in arrhyth-
P.O. q.i.d. (with meals and at bedtime) for mias and hypotension.
up to 8 weeks.  For intermittent infusion, give drug over

➤ Pathologic hypersecretory conditions, at least 30 minutes to minimize risk of

such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, adverse cardiac effects.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cimetidine 315

 For continuous infusion, if giving a total I.V. lidocaine: May decrease clearance of
volume of 250 ml over 24 hours or less, lidocaine, increasing the risk of toxicity.
use an infusion pump. Consider using a different H2 antagonist, if
 Give dose at end of hemodialysis. possible. Monitor lidocaine level closely.
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, am- Metoprolol, propranolol, timolol: May in-
photericin B, barbiturates, cefazolin, crease the effects of beta-blocker. Consider
cefepime, chlorpromazine, combination another H2 agonist or decrease the dose of
atropine sulfate and pentobarbital sodium, beta-blocker.
indomethacin sodium trihydrate, pentobar- Procainamide: May increase procainamide
bital sodium, secobarbital, warfarin. Don’t level. Avoid this combination, if possible.
dilute with sterile water for injection. Monitor procainamide level closely and
I.M. adjust the dose as necessary.
• I.M. injection may be given undiluted. Drug-herb. Guarana: May increase caf-
• Give dose at end of hemodialysis. feine level or prolong caffeine half-life.
Monitor patient.
AC TION Pennyroyal: May change rate at which
Competitively inhibits action of histamine herb’s toxic metabolites form. Monitor
on the H2 receptor sites of parietal cells, patient.
decreasing gastric acid secretion. Yerba maté: May decrease clearance of
Route Onset Peak Duration
herb’s methylxanthines and cause toxicity.
P.O. 1⁄
4 –3 hr 45–90 min 4–5 hr
Discourage use together.
I.V. 1⁄ –3 hr
4 Immediate 4–5 hr Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
I.M. 1⁄ –3 hr
4 Unknown 4–5 hr blood alcohol level. Discourage use to-
Half-life: 2 hours. Smoking: May decrease drug’s ability to
inhibit nocturnal gastric secretion. Urge
ADVERSE REACTIONS patient to quit smoking.
CNS: confusion, dizziness, hallucinations,
headache, peripheral neuropathy, somno- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
lence. • May increase ALT, AST, and creatinine
GI: mild and transient diarrhea. levels.
GU: impotence. • May antagonize pentagastrin’s effect dur-
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, muscle pain. ing gastric acid secretion tests. May cause
Other: mild gynecomastia if used longer false-negative results in skin tests using
than 1 month, hypersensitivity reactions. allergen extracts. May impair interpretation
of Hemoccult and Gastroccult test results on
INTERACTIONS gastric content aspirate because of FD&C
Drug-drug. Antacids: May interfere with blue dye number 2 used in tablets.
cimetidine absorption. Separate doses by at
least 1 hour, if possible. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Carmustine: May enhance the bone marrow • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
suppression effects of carmustine. Avoid to drug.
use together. • Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated pa-
Digoxin, fluconazole, indomethacin, iron tients because they may be more susceptible
salts, ketoconazole, tetracycline: May de- to drug-induced confusion.
crease drug absorption. Separate doses by at •H Overdose S&S: Mental deterioration,
least 2 hours. unresponsiveness, death.
Fosphenytoin, phenytoin, some ben-
zodiazepines, theophylline, warfarin: NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
May inhibit hepatic microsomal enzyme • Assess patient for abdominal pain. Note
metabolism of these drugs. Monitor drug blood in emesis, stool, or gastric aspirate.
level. • Identify tablet strength when obtaining a
drug history.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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316 cinacalcet hydrochloride

• Schedule dose at end of hemodialysis reach target range of 150 to 300 picograms
treatment because hemodialysis reduces (pg)/ml for intact parathyroid hormone
drug levels. Adjust dosage for patients with (PTH).
renal impairment. ➤ Hypercalcemia in patients with
• Wait at least 15 minutes after giving tablet parathyroid carcinoma
before drawing sample for Hemoccult or Adults: Initially, 30 mg P.O. b.i.d.; adjust
Gastroccult test, and follow test manufac- every 2 to 4 weeks through sequential doses
turer’s instructions closely. of 30 mg, 60 mg, and 90 mg P.O. b.i.d., and
• Treatment of gastric ulcer isn’t as effec- 90 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. daily if needed to
tive as treatment of duodenal ulcer. normalize calcium level.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
cimetidine with simethicone. ADMINISTRATION
PATIENT TEACHING • Don’t break or crush tablets; give them
• Remind patient taking drug once daily to whole, with food or shortly after a meal.
take it at bedtime and to take multiple daily
doses with meals. AC TION
• Instruct patient taking Tagamet HB not Increases sensitivity of calcium-sensing
to exceed recommended dosage and not to receptor to extracellular calcium, letting
take daily for longer than 14 days. calcium be absorbed despite decreased
• Warn patient receiving drug I.M. that PTH.
injection may be painful. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Urge patient to avoid cigarette smoking P.O. Unknown 2–6 hr Unknown
because it may increase gastric acid secre-
tion and worsen disease. Half-life: Terminal half-life, 30 to 40 hours.
• Advise patient to report abdominal pain,
blood in stools or emesis, black tarry stools, ADVERSE REACTIONS
and coffee-ground emesis. CNS: dizziness, asthenia, seizures.
• Tell patient to check with prescriber or CV: chest pain, hypertension.
pharmacist before taking other drugs. GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
Metabolic: hypocalcemia.
Musculoskeletal: myalgia.
cinacalcet hydrochloride Other: access infection.
Sensipar Drug-drug. Amitriptyline: Amitriptyline
and nortriptyline exposure increases by
Therapeutic class: Hyperparathyroidism 20% in patients who are CYP2D6 exten-
drug sive metabolizers. Avoid using together, if
Pharmacologic class: Calcimimetic possible.
Pregnancy risk category C Drugs metabolized mainly by CYP2D6
with a narrow therapeutic index (such as
AVAIL ABLE FORMS flecainide, thioridazine, most tricyclic
Tablets: 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg antidepressants, vinblastine): May strongly
inhibit CYP2D6, decreasing metabolism
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES and increasing levels of these drugs. Adjust
➤ Secondary hyperparathyroidism in dosage of other drugs, as needed.
patients with chronic kidney disease Drugs that strongly inhibit CYP3A4 (such
undergoing dialysis as erythromycin, itraconazole, ketocona-
Adults: Initially, 30 mg P.O. once daily; zole): May increase cinacalcet level. Use
adjust no more than every 2 to 4 weeks together cautiously, monitoring PTH and
through sequential doses of 60 mg, 90 mg, calcium level closely and adjusting cinacal-
120 mg, and 180 mg P.O. once daily to cet dosage, as needed.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ciprofloxacin 317

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS 100 pg/ml. If this occurs, notify prescriber.
• May decrease calcium, phosphorus, and The dosage of cinacalcet or vitamin D
testosterone levels. sterols may need to be reduced or stopped.
Alert: Don’t use drug in patients with
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS chronic kidney disease who aren’t receiving
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive dialysis because they have an increased risk
to drug or its components and in patients of hypocalcemia.
with calcium level less than 8.4 mg/dl.
• Use cautiously in patients with history PATIENT TEACHING
of seizures and in those with moderate to • Tell patient not to divide tablets but to
severe hepatic impairment. take them whole, with food or shortly after a
•H Overdose S&S: Hypocalcemia. meal.
• Advise patient to report to prescriber ad-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS verse reactions and signs of hypocalcemia,
Alert: Monitor calcium level closely, which include paresthesias, muscle weak-
especially if patient has a history of ness, muscle cramping, and muscle spasm.
seizures, because decreased calcium level
lowers seizure threshold.
• Patients with moderate to severe hepatic ciprofloxacin
impairment may need dosage adjustment si-proe-FLOX-a-sin
based on PTH and calcium level. Monitor
these patients closely. Ciproi, Cipro I.V., Cipro XR,
• Give drug alone or with vitamin D sterols, Proquin XR
phosphate binders, or both.
• Measure calcium level within 1 week after Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
starting therapy or adjusting dosage. After Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone
maintenance dose is established, measure Pregnancy risk category C
calcium level monthly for patients with
chronic kidney disease receiving dialysis AVAIL ABLE FORMS
and every 2 months for those with parathy- Infusion (premixed): 200 mg in 100 ml
roid carcinoma. D5 W, 400 mg in 200 ml D5 W
• Watch carefully for evidence of hypocal- Injection: 200 mg, 400 mg
cemia: paresthesias, myalgias, cramping, Suspension (oral): 250 mg/5 ml (5%),
tetany, and seizures. 500 mg/5 ml (10%)
• If calcium level is 7.5 to 8.4 mg/dl or pa- Tablets (extended-release, film-coated):
tient develops symptoms of hypocalcemia, 500 mg, 1,000 mg
give calcium-containing phosphate binders, Tablets (film-coated): 100 mg, 250 mg,
vitamin D sterols, or both, to raise calcium 500 mg, 750 mg
level. If calcium level is below 7.5 mg/dl
or hypocalcemia symptoms persist and the INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
vitamin D dose can’t be increased, withhold ➤ Complicated intra-abdominal
drug until calcium level reaches 8.0 mg/dl, infection
hypocalcemia symptoms resolve, or both. Adults: 500 mg P.O. or 400 mg I.V. every
Resume therapy with the next lowest dose. 12 hours for 7 to 14 days. Give with metron-
• Measure intact PTH level 1 to 4 weeks idazole.
after therapy starts or dosage changes. ➤ Severe or complicated bone or joint in-
After the maintenance dose is established, fection, severe respiratory tract infection,
monitor PTH level every 1 to 3 months. severe skin or skin-structure infection
Levels in patients with chronic kidney Adults: 750 mg P.O. every 12 hours or
disease receiving dialysis should be 150 to 400 mg I.V. every 8 hours.
300 pg/ml. ➤ Severe or complicated UTI; mild to
• Adynamic bone disease may develop if moderate bone or joint infection; mild
intact PTH levels are suppressed below to moderate respiratory infection; mild

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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318 ciprofloxacin

to moderate skin or skin-structure infec- Adults with inhalational, GI, or oropha-

tion; infectious diarrhea; typhoid fever ryngeal/cutaneous anthrax with systemic,
Adults: 500 mg P.O. or 400 mg I.V. every edematous, or head or neck involvement:
12 hours. Or, 1,000 mg extended-release 400 mg I.V. every 12 hours; switch to
tablets P.O. every 24 hours. 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for a total of 60 days.
➤ Complicated UTI or pyelonephritis Children with inhalational/systemic/
Adults: 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 7 to cutaneous anthrax: 10 to 15 mg/kg I.V.
14 days. every 12 hours (maximum, 800 mg/day).
Children age 1 to 17: 6 to 10 mg/kg I.V. Convert to 10 to 15 mg/kg P.O. every
every 8 hours for 10 to 21 days. Maxi- 12 hours (maximum, 1 g/day) when clin-
mum I.V. dose, 400 mg. Or, 10 to 20 mg/kg ically indicated. Duration of therapy is
P.O. every 12 hours. Maximum P.O. dose, 60 days.
750 mg. Don’t exceed maximum dose, ➤ Plague 
even in patients who weigh more than 51 kg Adults: 400 mg I.V. twice daily. Treat for
(112 lb). 7 days after last known or suspected expo-
➤ Nosocomial pneumonia sure or until exposure has been excluded.
Adults: 400 mg I.V. every 8 hours for 10 to Continue treatment for 10 to 14 days.
14 days. Children: 10 to 15 mg/kg I.V. twice daily.
➤ Mild to moderate UTI Treat for 7 days after last known or sus-
Adults: 250 mg P.O. or 200 mg I.V. every pected exposure or until exposure has been
12 hours for 7 to 14 days. excluded. Continue treatment for 10 to
➤ Uncomplicated UTI 14 days.
Adults: 500 mg extended-release tablet P.O. ➤ Traveler’s diarrhea 
once daily for 3 days. Adults: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 3 days.
➤ Chronic bacterial prostatitis Adjust-a-dose: For patients with a creatinine
Adults: 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours or clearance of 30 to 50 ml/minute, give 250 to
400 mg I.V. every 12 hours for 28 days. 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours or the usual I.V.
➤ Mild to moderate acute sinusitis dose; if clearance is 5 to 29 ml/minute, give
Adults: 500 mg P.O. or 400 mg I.V. every 250 to 500 mg P.O. every 18 hours or 200 to
12 hours for 10 days. 400 mg I.V. every 18 to 24 hours. If patient
➤ Empirical therapy in febrile neu- is receiving hemodialysis, give 250 to
tropenic patients 500 mg P.O. every 24 hours after dialysis.
Adults: 400 mg I.V. every 8 hours used with ➤ Tularemia 
piperacillin 50 mg/kg I.V. every 4 hours (not Adults: 400 mg I.V. twice daily for 10 days.
to exceed 24 g/day of piperacillin). Children: 15 mg/kg I.V. twice daily (maxi-
➤ Inhalation anthrax (postexposure) mum, 1 g/day) for 10 days.
Adults: 400 mg I.V. every 12 hours initially
until susceptibility test results are known; ADMINISTRATION
then 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. Give drug with one P.O.
or two additional antimicrobials. Switch • Cipro XR, Proquin XR, and immediate-
to oral therapy when appropriate. Treat for release oral forms aren’t interchangeable.
60 days (I.V. and P.O. combined). • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
Children: 10 mg/kg I.V. every 12 hours; tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin
then 15 mg/kg P.O. every 12 hours. Don’t therapy while awaiting results.
exceed 800 mg/day I.V. or 1,000 mg/day • To avoid decreasing the effects of
P.O. Give drug with one or two additional ciprofloxacin, separate dosage of certain
antimicrobials. Switch to oral therapy when drugs by up to 6 hours. Food doesn’t affect
appropriate. Treat for 60 days (I.V. and P.O. absorption but may delay peak levels.
combined). • Caffeine should be avoided during therapy
➤ Anthrax prophylaxis  with this drug because of potential for
Adults with zoonotic cutaneous anthrax increased caffeine effects.
without head or neck involvement: 500 mg • Give drug with plenty of fluids to reduce
P.O. b.i.d. for 7 to 10 days. risk of urine crystals.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ciprofloxacin 319

• Don’t crush or split the extended-release Cyclosporine: May increase risk for cy-
tablets. closporine toxicity. Monitor cyclosporine
I.V. level.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Iron salts: May decrease absorption of
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin ciprofloxacin, reducing anti-infective re-
therapy while awaiting results. sponse. Give at least 2 hours apart.
 Dilute drug to 1 to 2 mg/ml using D5 W NSAIDs: May increase risk of CNS stimula-
or normal saline solution for injection. tion. Monitor patient closely.
 If giving drug through a Y-type set, stop Probenecid: May elevate level of cipro-
the other I.V. solution while infusing. floxacin. Monitor patient for toxicity.
 Infuse over 1 hour into a large vein to Black Box Warning Steroids: May increase
minimize discomfort and vein irritation. risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture.
 Incompatibilities: Aminophylline, Sucralfate: May decrease ciprofloxacin ab-
ampicillin-sulbactam, azithromycin, cef- sorption, reducing anti-infective response.
epime, clindamycin phosphate, dexa- If use together can’t be avoided, give at least
methasone sodium phosphate, furosemide, 6 hours apart.
heparin sodium, methylprednisolone Theophylline: May increase theophylline
sodium succinate, phenytoin sodium. level and prolong theophylline half-life.
Monitor level of theophylline and watch for
AC TION adverse effects.
Inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis, mainly by Tizanidine: Increases tizanidine levels,
blocking DNA gyrase; bactericidal. causing low blood pressure, somnolence,
Route Onset Peak Duration
dizziness, and slowed psychomotor skills.
P.O. Unknown 30–120 min Unknown
Avoid using together.
P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr Unknown Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant
(extended- effects. Monitor PT and INR closely.
release) Drug-herb. Dong quai, St. John’s wort:
I.V. Unknown Immediate Unknown May cause photosensitivity. Advise patient
Half-life: 4 hours; Cipro XR, 6 hours in adults with to avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
normal renal function. Yerba maté: May decrease clearance of
herb’s methylxanthines and cause toxicity.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Discourage use together.
CNS: seizures, confusion, headache, rest- Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase effect of
lessness. caffeine. Monitor patient closely.
GI: pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, Dairy products, other foods: May delay
nausea, vomiting. peak drug levels. Advise patient to take
GU: crystalluria, interstitial nephritis. drug on an empty stomach.
Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia, Orange juice fortified with calcium: May de-
thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia. crease GI absorption of drug, reducing its
Musculoskeletal: tendon rupture. effects. Discourage use together.
Skin: rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
toxic epidermal necrolysis. photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. avoid excessive sunlight exposure.


Drug-drug. Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum- • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, AST, bilirubin, BUN, creatinine, LDH, and
didanosine (chewable tablets, buffered tablets, GGT levels.
or pediatric powder for oral solution), mag- • May increase eosinophil count. May
nesium hydroxide, products containing zinc: decrease WBC, neutrophil, and platelet
May decrease ciprofloxacin absorption and counts.
effects. Give ciprofloxacin 2 hours before or
6 hours after these drugs.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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320 ciprofloxacin hydrochloride

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct patient to avoid caffeine while

• Contraindicated in patients sensitive to taking drug because of potential for
fluoroquinolones. increased caffeine effects.
• Use cautiously in patients with CNS dis- • Advise patient that hypersensitivity
orders, such as severe cerebral arterioscle- reactions may occur even after first dose.
rosis or seizure disorders, and in those at If a rash or other allergic reaction occurs,
risk for seizures. Drug may cause CNS tell him to stop drug immediately and notify
stimulation. prescriber.
Black Box Warning Drug is associated • Tell patient that tendon rupture can occur
with increased risk of tendinitis and tendon with drug and to notify prescriber if he
rupture, especially in patients older than experiences pain or inflammation.
age 60 and those with heart, kidney, or lung • Tell patient to avoid excessive sunlight or
transplants. artificial ultraviolet light during therapy.
• Because drug appears in breast milk,
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS advise women to stop breast-feeding during
• Monitor patient’s intake and output and treatment or to consider treatment with
observe patient for signs of crystalluria. another drug.
Black Box Warning Tendon rupture may
occur in patients receiving quinolones. If
pain or inflammation occurs or if patient ciprofloxacin hydrochloride
ruptures a tendon, stop drug. si-proe-FLOX-a-sin
• Long-term therapy may result in over-
growth of organisms resistant to drug. Ciloxan
• Cutaneous anthrax patients with signs of
systemic involvement, extensive edema, or Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
lesions on the head or neck need I.V. therapy Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone
and a multidrug approach. Pregnancy risk category C
• Additional antimicrobials for anthrax
multidrug regimens can include rifampin, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
vancomycin, penicillin, ampicillin, chlor- Ophthalmic ointment: 0.3% (base)
amphenicol, imipenem, clindamycin, and Ophthalmic solution: 0.3% (base)
• Steroids may be used as adjunctive INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
therapy for anthrax patients with severe ➤ Corneal ulcers caused by Pseu-
edema and for meningitis. domonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus
• Follow current Centers for Disease aureus, S. epidermidis, Streptococcus
Control and Prevention (CDC) recom- pneumoniae, and possibly Serratia
mendations for anthrax. marcescens and Streptococcus viridans
• Pregnant women and immunocompro- Adults and children older than age 1: Give
mised patients should receive the usual 2 drops in affected eye every 15 minutes for
doses and regimens for anthrax. first 6 hours; then 2 drops every 30 minutes
for remainder of first day. On the second
PATIENT TEACHING day, 2 drops hourly. On days 3 to 14, 2 drops
• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, every 4 hours. Treatment may be continued
even after he feels better. after day 14 if reepithelialization hasn’t
• Advise patient to drink plenty of fluids to occurred.
reduce risk of urine crystals. ➤ Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by
• Advise patient not to crush, split, or chew Haemophilus influenzae, S. aureus,
the extended-release tablets. S. epidermidis, and possibly S. pneu-
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous tasks moniae
that require alertness, such as driving, until Adults and children older than age 1: Give
effects of drug are known. 1 or 2 drops into conjunctival sac of affected
eye every 2 hours while awake for first

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cisatracurium besylate 321

2 days. Then, 1 or 2 drops every 4 hours • Institute appropriate therapy if superin-

while awake for next 5 days. fection occurs. Prolonged use may result in
Adults and children older than age 2: overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms,
1⁄ -inch ribbon into the conjunctival sac including fungi.
t.i.d. for the first 2 days, then 1⁄2 -inch ribbon • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse C
b.i.d. for the next 5 days. Ciloxan with Cytoxan.


Ophthalmic • Tell patient to clean eye area of excessive
• Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac discharge before instilling.
for 1 minute after drops are instilled. • Teach patient how to instill drops or apply
ointment. Advise him to wash hands before
AC TION and after using drug and not to touch tip of
Inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase, an enzyme dropper to eye or surrounding tissues.
needed for bacterial replication. • Instruct patient to apply light finger pres-
Route Onset Peak Duration
sure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after drops
Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
are instilled.
• Advise patient that drug may cause tem-
Half-life: 3 to 5 hours. porary blurring of vision or stinging after
administration. If these symptoms become
ADVERSE REACTIONS pronounced or worsen, contact prescriber.
EENT: local burning or discomfort, white • Tell patient to avoid wearing contacts
crystalline precipitate in superficial portion while treating bacterial conjunctivitis. If
of corneal defect in patients with corneal approved by prescriber, tell patient to wait at
ulcers, allergic reactions, conjunctival least 15 minutes after instilling drops before
hyperemia, foreign body sensation, itching. inserting contact lenses.
GI: bad or bitter taste in mouth. • Tell patient not to share drug, washcloths,
or towels with family members and to notify
INTERACTIONS prescriber if anyone develops same signs or
None significant. symptoms.
• Stress importance of compliance with
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS recommended therapy.
None reported.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive cisatracurium besylate
to drug or other fluoroquinolones. sis-ah-trah-KYOO-ee-hum
• It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
milk after application to eye; however, drug Nimbex
given systemically appears in breast milk.
Use cautiously in breast-feeding women. Therapeutic class: Skeletal muscle
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pharmacologic class: Nondepolarizing
Alert: Stop drug at first sign of hypersen- neuromuscular blocker
sitivity, such as rash, and notify prescriber. Pregnancy risk category B
Serious hypersensitivity reactions, includ-
ing anaphylaxis, may occur in patients AVAIL ABLE FORMS
receiving systemic drug. Injection: 2 mg/ml, 10 mg/ml
• A topical overdose may be flushed from
eyes with warm tap water. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• If corneal epithelium is still compromised ➤ Adjunct to general anesthesia to facil-
after 14 days of treatment, continue therapy. itate endotracheal intubation and relax
skeletal muscles during surgery

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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322 cisatracurium besylate

Adults: First dose of 0.15 mg/kg I.V.; then phylline, amphotericin B, amphotericin B
maintenance dosages of 0.03 mg/kg I.V. cholesteryl sulfate complex, ampicillin,
every 40 to 50 minutes p.r.n. Or, first dose ampicillin sodium and sulbactam sodium,
of 0.2 mg/kg I.V.; then maintenance dosages cefazolin, cefoperazone, cefotaxime,
of 0.03 mg/kg I.V. every 50 to 60 minutes cefoxitin, ceftazidime, ceftizoxime, ce-
p.r.n. Or, after first dose, give a maintenance furoxime, diazepam, furosemide, ganci-
infusion at 3 mcg/kg/minute and reduce to clovir, heparin sodium, ketorolac, lactated
1 to 2 mcg/kg/minute as needed. Ringer’s injection, methylprednisolone
Children ages 2 to 12: 0.1 to 0.15 mg/kg I.V. sodium succinate, piperacillin, piperacillin
over 5 to 10 seconds. After first dose, give a sodium and tazobactam sodium, propofol,
maintenance infusion of 3 mcg/kg/minute, sodium bicarbonate, sodium nitroprusside,
then reduce to 1 to 2 mcg/kg/minute as thiopental sodium, ticarcillin disodium and
needed. clavulanate potassium, trimethoprim, and
Adjust-a-dose: During coronary artery sulfamethoxazole.
bypass surgery with induced hypothermia,
reduce infusion rate by 50%. AC TION
➤ To maintain neuromuscular blockade Binds to cholinergic receptors on the motor
during mechanical ventilation in inten- end plate, antagonizing acetylcholine and
sive care unit (ICU) blocking neuromuscular transmission.
Adults: Principles for infusion in operating Route Onset Peak Duration
room apply to use in ICU. After first dose, I.V. 1–2 min 2–5 min 25–44 min
give 3 mcg/kg/minute by I.V. infusion.
Range, 0.5 to 5 mcg/kg/minute. Half-life: 22 to 29 minutes; about 3 hours for
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with neuromus- laudanosine.
cular disease, such as myasthenia gravis
or Eaton-Lambert syndrome, don’t exceed ADVERSE REACTIONS
0.02 mg/kg. Patients with burns may need CV: bradycardia, hypotension, flushing.
increased amount. Respiratory: bronchospasm, prolonged
 Drug is colorless to slightly yellow or INTERACTIONS
green-yellow. Inspect vials for particulates Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides, bacitracin,
and discoloration before use. Don’t use clindamycin, colistimethate sodium, col-
unclear solutions or those with visible istin, lithium, local anesthetics, magnesium
particulates. salts, polymyxins, procainamide, quinidine,
 The 20-ml vial is intended for use only quinine, tetracyclines: May enhance neuro-
in the ICU. muscular blocking action of cisatracurium.
 Use only under direct supervision of Use together cautiously.
medical staff skilled in using neuromus- Carbamazepine, phenytoin: May decrease
cular blockers and maintaining airway the effects of cisatracurium. May need to
patency. Don’t give drug unless resources increase cisatracurium dose.
for intubation, mechanical ventilation, and Enflurane or isoflurane given with nitrous
oxygen therapy are within reach. oxide or oxygen: May prolong cisatracurium
 Keep refrigerated; don’t freeze. Use duration of action. Patient may need less
drug within 21 days after removing from frequent maintenance doses, lower main-
refrigeration. tenance doses, or reduced infusion rate of
 Use drug within 24 hours when diluted cisatracurium.
to a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml in D5 W, Succinylcholine: May shorten time to onset
normal saline solution, or 5% dextrose and of maximal neuromuscular block. Monitor
normal saline solution. patient.
 Incompatibilities: Acyclovir, alkaline

solutions with pH higher than 8.5, amino-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cisplatin 323


None reported.
cisplatin (CDDP)
• Contraindicated in patients who are C
hypersensitive to drug, to other bis- Platinol
benzylisoquinolinium drugs, or to benzyl
alcohol (found in 10-ml vial). Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast- Pharmacologic class: Platinum
feeding women. coordination complex
•H Overdose S&S: Prolonged neuromuscular Pregnancy risk category D
• Drug isn’t recommended for rapid-
sequence endotracheal intubation because INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
of its intermediate onset. ➤ Adjunctive therapy in metastatic
• Dosage requirements vary widely among testicular cancer
patients. Adults: 20 mg/m2 I.V. daily for 5 days.
Alert: Drug has no known effect on con- Repeat every 3 weeks for three cycles.
sciousness, pain threshold, or cerebration. ➤ Adjunctive therapy in metastatic
To avoid patient distress, don’t induce neu- ovarian cancer
romuscular block before unconsciousness. Adults: 100 mg/m2 I.V.; repeat every
• Monitor neuromuscular function with 4 weeks. Or, 75 to 100 mg/m2 I.V. once
nerve stimulator during drug administra- every 4 weeks with cyclophosphamide.
tion. If stimulation doesn’t elicit a response, ➤ Advanced bladder cancer
stop infusion until response returns. Adults: 50 to 70 mg/m2 I.V. every 3 to
• To avoid inaccurate dosing, perform 4 weeks. Give 50 mg/m2 every 4 weeks
neuromuscular monitoring on a nonparetic in patients who have received other antineo-
arm or leg in patients with hemiparesis or plastics or radiation therapy.
• Monitor acid-base balance and electrolyte ADMINISTRATION
levels. Abnormalities may potentiate or I.V.
antagonize the action of cisatracurium.  Preparing and giving parenteral form

• Monitor patient for malignant hyperther- of drug may be mutagenic, teratogenic,

mia. or carcinogenic. Follow facility policy to
• Give analgesics, if indicated. Patient can reduce risks.
feel pain but can’t indicate its presence.  Hydrate patient with normal saline

Alert: Careful dosage calculation is es- solution for 8 to 12 hours before giving
sential. Always verify dosage with another drug. Maintain urine output of at least
health care professional. 100 ml/hour for 4 consecutive hours before
therapy and for 24 hours after therapy.
PATIENT TEACHING Black Box Warning Anaphylactic-type
• Explain purpose of drug. reactions may occur within minutes of ad-
• Assure patient that monitoring will be ministration. Have emergency equipment
continuous. available.
• Explain all procedures and events because  Infusions are most stable in solutions

patient can still hear. containing chloride (such as normal or

half-normal saline solution and 0.22%
sodium chloride). Don’t use D5 W alone.
 Further dilute with dextrose 5% in 0.3%

sodium chloride injection or dextrose 5%

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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324 cisplatin

in half-normal saline solution for injection Myelosuppressives: May increase myelo-

with 37.5 g mannitol added. suppression. Monitor patient.
 Administer over 6 to 8 hours.
 Solutions are stable for 20 hours at room EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
temperature. Don’t refrigerate. • May increase uric acid level. May de-
 Incompatibilities: Aluminum admin- crease calcium, hemoglobin, magnesium,
istration sets, amifostine, amphotericin phosphate, potassium, and sodium levels.
B cholesteryl sulfate complex, cefepime, • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
D5 W, etoposide with mannitol and potas-
sium chloride, fluorouracil, mesna, 0.1% CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
sodium chloride solution, paclitaxel, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
piperacillin sodium with tazobactam tive to drug or other platinum-containing
sodium, sodium bicarbonate, sodium compounds and in those with severe renal
bisulfate, sodium thiosulfate, solutions disease, hearing impairment, or myelosup-
with a chloride content less than 2%, pression.
thiotepa. • Use cautiously in patients previously
treated with radiation or cytotoxic drugs
AC TION and in those with peripheral neuropathies;
May cross-link strands of cellular DNA and also use cautiously with other ototoxic and
interfere with RNA transcription, causing nephrotoxic drugs.
an imbalance of growth that leads to cell •H Overdose S&S: Renal failure, liver fail-
death. Not specific to cell cycle. ure, deafness, ocular toxicity, significant
Route Onset Peak Duration
myelosuppression, intractable nausea and
I.V. Unknown Unknown Several days
vomiting, neuritis, death.
Half-life: Initial phase, 25 to 79 minutes; terminal NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
phase, 58 to 78 hours. Black Box Warning Drug should be admin-
istered under the supervision of a physician
ADVERSE REACTIONS experienced in the use of cancer chemother-
CNS: peripheral neuritis, seizures. apeutic agents.
EENT: tinnitus, hearing loss. Black Box Warning Be careful to avoid
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, loss of taste, nausea, overdose. Doses greater than 100 mg/m2
vomiting. per cycle every 3 to 4 weeks are rare. Con-
GU: PROLONGED RENAL TOXICITY WITH firm that dose is total dose per cycle, not
Hematologic: MYELOSUPPRESSION, • Monitor CBC, electrolyte levels (espe-
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia. cially potassium and magnesium), platelet
Metabolic: hypomagnesemia, hypo- count, and renal function studies before
kalemia, hypocalcemia. initial and subsequent doses.
Other: anaphylactoid reaction. Black Box Warning Ototoxicity may be
more pronounced in children and is mani-
INTERACTIONS fested by tinnitus or loss of high frequency
Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May hearing and occasionally, deafness.
increase nephrotoxicity. Carefully monitor • To detect hearing loss, obtain audiometry
renal function study results. tests before initial and subsequent doses.
Aminoglycosides, bumetanide, ethacrynic • Prehydration and mannitol diuresis may
acid, furosemide, torsemide: May increase significantly reduce renal toxicity and oto-
ototoxicity. Avoid using together, if possible. toxicity.
Aspirin, NSAIDs: May increase risk of • Therapeutic effects are frequently accom-
bleeding. Avoid using together. panied by toxicity.
Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: May decrease • Patients may experience vomiting 3 to
phenytoin and fosphenytoin levels. Monitor 5 days after treatment, requiring prolonged
levels. antiemetic treatment. Monitor intake and

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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citalopram hydrobromide 325

output. Continue I.V. hydration until patient Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg

can tolerate adequate oral intake. Tablets (orally disintegrating): 40 mg
Black Box Warning Renal toxicity is cu-
mulative; don’t give next dose until renal INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
function returns to normal. ➤ Depression
• Don’t repeat dose unless platelet count Adults: Initially, 20 mg P.O. once daily,
exceeds 100,000/mm3 , WBC count exceeds increasing to 40 mg daily after no less than
4,000/mm3 , creatinine level is below 1 week. Maximum recommended dose is
1.5 mg/dl, creatinine clearance is 50 ml/ 60 mg daily.
minute or more, and BUN level is below Elderly patients: 20 mg daily P.O. with
25 mg/dl. adjustment to 40 mg daily only for unre-
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. sponsive patients.
injections when platelet count is less than Adjust-a-dose: For patients with hepatic im-
50,000/mm3 . pairment, use 20 mg daily P.O. with adjust-
• Anticipate need for blood transfusions ment to 40 mg daily only for unresponsive
during treatment because of cumulative patients.
anemia. ➤ Premenstrual disorders 
Black Box Warning Immediately give Adults: Intermittent dosing consists of
epinephrine, corticosteroids, or antihis- initiating treatment on the estimated day of
tamines for anaphylactoid reactions. ovulation. Give 5 mg P.O. Each day increase
• Safety of drug in children hasn’t been dose by 5 mg to a maximum dose of 30 mg
established. P.O. daily until first day of menstruation.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse On first day of menstruation, reduce dose
cisplatin with carboplatin; they aren’t inter- to 20 mg P.O. daily. On second day, reduce
changeable. dose to 10 mg P.O. daily. No drug is given
from menstruation day 3 until estimated
PATIENT TEACHING ovulation begins.
• Advise patient to watch for signs and ➤ Obsessive-compulsive disorder 
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat, Adults: Initially, 20 mg P.O. daily, titrated
fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose- to a target dose of 40 to 60 mg P.O. daily.
bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell Typical maximum dosage is 80 mg/day.
patient to take temperature daily. Significant improvement is generally seen
• Tell patient to immediately report ringing 4 to 6 weeks after the start of therapy.
in the ears or numbness in hands or feet.
• Instruct patient to avoid OTC products ADMINISTRATION
containing aspirin. P.O.
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding during • Allow orally disintegrating tablet (ODT)
therapy because of risk of toxicity to infant. to dissolve on the patient’s tongue, then be
• Advise women of childbearing age to con- swallowed, with or without water.
sult prescriber before becoming pregnant. • Don’t cut, break, or crush ODTs.
• Give drug without regard for food.
citalopram hydrobromide AC TION
si-TAL-oh-pram Probably linked to potentiation of seroto-
nergic activity in the CNS resulting from
Celexai inhibition of neuronal reuptake of serotonin.
Therapeutic class: Antidepressant Route Onset Peak Duration
Pharmacologic class: SSRI P.O. Unknown 4 hr Unknown
Pregnancy risk category C Half-life: 35 hours.


Solution: 10 mg/5 ml

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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326 citalopram hydrobromide

ADVERSE REACTIONS MAO inhibitors (phenelzine, selegiline, tranyl-

CNS: somnolence, insomnia, suicide cypromine): May cause serotonin syndrome
attempt, anxiety, agitation, dizziness, pares- or signs and symptoms resembling neu-
thesia, migraine, impaired concentration, roleptic malignant syndrome. Avoid using
amnesia, depression, apathy, tremor, confu- within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy.
sion, fatigue, fever. Sumatriptan: May cause weakness, hy-
CV: tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, perreflexia, and incoordination. Monitor
hypotension. patient closely.
EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, abnormal accom- Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May increase
modation. the risk of serotonin syndrome. Discourage
GI: dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, use together.
dyspepsia, vomiting, abdominal pain, taste Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
perversion, increased saliva, flatulence, CNS effects. Discourage use together.
increased appetite.
GU: dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, ejacu- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
lation disorder, impotence, anorgasmia, None reported.
Metabolic: decreased or increased weight. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- to drug or its inactive components, within
tion, coughing. 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy, and in
Skin: rash, pruritus. patients taking pimozide.
Other: increased sweating, yawning, • Use cautiously in patients with history
decreased libido. of mania, seizures, suicidal thoughts, or
hepatic or renal impairment.
INTERACTIONS • Use in third trimester of pregnancy may
Drug-drug. Amphetamines, buspirone, be linked to neonatal complications at birth.
dextromethorphan, dihydroergotamine, Consider the risk versus benefit of treatment
meperidine, other SSRIs or SSNRIs (dulox- during this time.
etine, venlafaxine), tramadol, trazodone, Black Box Warning Safety and efficacy of
tricyclic antidepressants, tryptophan: May drug haven’t been established in children.
increase the risk of serotonin syndrome. •H Overdose S&S: Dizziness, sweating,
Avoid other drugs that increase the avail- nausea, vomiting, tremor, somnolence,
ability of serotonin in the CNS; monitor sinus tachycardia, amnesia, confusion,
patient closely if used together. coma, seizures, hyperventilation, cyanosis,
Carbamazepine: May increase citalopram rhabdomyolysis, ECG changes.
clearance. Monitor patient for effects.
CNS drugs: May cause additive effects. Use NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
together cautiously. • Although drug hasn’t been shown to
Drugs that affect coagulation (such as impair psychomotor performance, any
aspirin, NSAIDs): May increase bleeding psychoactive drug has the potential to
risk. Monitor patient closely. impair judgment, thinking, or motor skills.
Drugs that inhibit cytochrome P-450 isoen- • The possibility of a suicide attempt is
zymes 3A4 and 2C19: May cause decreased inherent in depression and may persist
clearance of citalopram. Monitor patient for until significant remission occurs. Closely
increased adverse effects. supervise high-risk patients at start of drug
Imipramine, other tricyclic antidepressants: therapy. Reduce risk of overdose by limiting
May increase level of imipramine metabo- amount of drug available per refill.
lite desipramine by about 50%. Use together Black Box Warning Drug may increase
cautiously. the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
Lithium: May enhance serotonergic effect in children, adolescents, and young adults
of citalopram. Use together cautiously, and with major depressive disorder or other
monitor lithium level. psychiatric disorders.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clarithromycin 327

• At least 14 days should elapse between

MAO inhibitor therapy and citalopram clarithromycin
therapy. klar-ITH-ro-my-sin
Alert: Combining triptans with an SSRI or
an SSNRI may cause serotonin syndrome Biaxini, Biaxin XLi
or neuroleptic malignant syndrome–like
reactions. Signs and symptoms of sero- Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
tonin syndrome may include restlessness, Pharmacologic class: Macrolide
hallucinations, loss of coordination, fast Pregnancy risk category C
heartbeat, rapid changes in blood pressure,
increased body temperature, overactive AVAIL ABLE FORMS
reflexes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Suspension: 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml
Serotonin syndrome may be more likely to Tablets (extended-release): 500 mg,
occur when starting or increasing the dose 1,000 mg
of triptan, SSRI, or SNRI. Tablets (film-coated): 250 mg, 500 mg
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Celexa with Celebrex or Cerebyx. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ Pharyngitis or tonsillitis caused by
PATIENT TEACHING Streptococcus pyogenes
Black Box Warning Advise families and Adults: 250 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
caregivers to closely observe patient for 10 days.
increased suicidal thinking and behavior. Children: 15 mg/kg/day P.O. divided every
• Caution patient against use of MAO 12 hours for 10 days.
inhibitors while taking citalopram. ➤ Acute maxillary sinusitis caused by
• Inform patient that, although improve- S. pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae,
ment may take 1 to 4 weeks, he should or Moraxella catarrhalis
continue therapy as prescribed. Adults: 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
• Advise patient not to stop drug abruptly. 14 days. Or, if using extended-release form,
• Tell patient that drug may be taken in the give two 500-mg tablets or one 1,000-mg
morning or evening without regard to meals. tablet P.O. daily for 14 days.
If drowsiness occurs, he should take drug in Children: 15 mg/kg/day P.O. divided every
evening. 12 hours for 10 days.
• Tell patient to allow orally disintegrating ➤ Acute worsening of chronic bronchitis
tablet to dissolve on his tongue then swal- caused by M. catarrhalis, S. pneumoniae;
low, with or without water. Tell him not to community-acquired pneumonia
cut, crush, or chew. caused by H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae,
• Instruct patient to exercise caution when Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or Chlamydia
driving or operating hazardous machinery; pneumoniae
drug may impair judgment, thinking, and Adults: 250 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
motor skills. 7 days (H. influenzae) or 7 to 14 days (other
• Advise patient to consult prescriber be- bacteria).
fore taking other prescription or OTC drugs. ➤ Acute worsening of chronic bronchitis
• Advise women of childbearing age to caused by H. influenzae or H. parain-
consult prescriber before breast-feeding. fluenzae
• Warn patient to avoid alcohol during drug Adults: 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
therapy. 7 days (H. parainfluenzae) or 7 to 14 days
• Instruct women of childbearing age to use (H. influenzae).
contraceptives during drug therapy and to ➤ Acute worsening of chronic bronchitis
notify prescriber immediately if pregnancy caused by M. catarrhalis, S. pneumoniae,
is suspected. H. parainfluenzae, or H. influenzae
Adults: Two 500-mg or one 1,000-mg of
the extended-release tablets P.O. daily for
7 days.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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328 clarithromycin

➤ Mild to moderate community- AC TION

acquired pneumonia, caused by Binds to the 50S subunit of bacterial ribo-
H. influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, somes, blocking protein synthesis; bac-
M. catarrhalis, S. pneumoniae, C. pneu- teriostatic or bactericidal, depending on
moniae, or M. pneumoniae concentration.
Adults: 250 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 to 14 days. Route Onset Peak Duration
Or, two 500-mg or one 1,000-mg extended- P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
release tablet P.O. daily for 7 days. P.O. (extended) Unknown 5–6 hr Unknown
➤ Community-acquired pneumonia
caused by S. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae, Half-life: 5 to 7 hours.
and M. pneumoniae
Children: 15 mg/kg/day P.O. divided every ADVERSE REACTIONS
12 hours for 10 days. CNS: headache.
➤ Uncomplicated skin and skin- GI: pseudomembranous colitis, abdominal
structure infections caused by Staphy- pain or discomfort, diarrhea, nausea, taste
lococcus aureus or S. pyogenes perversion, vomiting (in children).
Adults: 250 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 7 to Hematologic: coagulation abnormalities.
14 days. Skin: rash (in children).
Children: 15 mg/kg/day P.O. divided every
12 hours for 10 days. INTERACTIONS
➤ Acute otitis media Drug-drug. Alprazolam, midazolam,
Children: 7.5 mg/kg/day P.O. divided every triazolam: May decrease clearance of these
12 hours for 10 days. drugs, causing adverse reactions. Use to-
➤ To prevent and treat disseminated gether cautiously.
infection caused by Mycobacterium avium Carbamazepine, phenytoin: May inhibit
complex metabolism of these drugs, increasing
Adults: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. serum levels and risk of toxicity. Avoid
Children age 20 months and older: using together.
7.5 mg/kg P.O. b.i.d., up to 500 mg b.i.d. Cyclosporine: May increase cyclosporine
➤ Helicobacter pylori, to reduce risk of levels. Monitor cyclosporine level.
duodenal ulcer recurrence Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. Moni-
Adults: 500 mg clarithromycin with 30 mg tor patient for digoxin toxicity.
lansoprazole and 1 g amoxicillin, all given Dihydroergotamine, ergotamine: May cause
every 12 hours for 10 to 14 days. Or, 500 mg acute ergot toxicity. Avoid using together.
clarithromycin with 20 mg omeprazole and Fluconazole: May increase clarithromycin
1 g amoxicillin, all given every 12 hours level. Monitor patient closely.
for 10 days. Or, two-drug regimen with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: May
500 mg clarithromycin every 8 hours and increase levels of these drugs; may rarely
40 mg omeprazole once daily for 14 days. cause rhabdomyolysis. Use together cau-
Continue omeprazole for 14 additional tiously.
days. Other drugs that prolong the QTc interval
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine (amiodarone, antipsychotics, disopyramide,
clearance less than 30 ml/minute, cut dose fluoroquinolones, procainamide, quinidine,
in half or double frequency interval. sotalol, tricyclic antidepressants): May
have additive effects. Monitor ECG for QTc
ADMINISTRATION interval prolongation. Avoid using together
P.O. if possible.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- Pimozide: May cause torsades de pointes.
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while Use together is contraindicated.
awaiting results. Rifamycin: May decrease therapeutic effects
• Give drug with or without food. of macrolide while increasing adverse
• Don’t refrigerate the suspension form; effects of rifamycin. Monitor patient.
discard unused portion after 14 days.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clevidipine butyrate 329

Ritonavir: May increase level of clar- • Tell patient not to refrigerate the suspen-
ithromycin. May need to reduce clar- sion form, but to discard unused portion
ithromycin dosage in renally impaired after 14 days.
Sildenafil: May prolong absorption of silden-
afil. May need to reduce sildenafil dosage. clevidipine butyrate
Theophylline: May increase theophylline cle-VIH-deh-peen
level. Monitor drug level.
Warfarin: May increase PT and INR. Cleviprex
Monitor PT and INR carefully.
Zidovudine: May alter zidovudine level. Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Monitor patient closely. Pharmacologic class: Dihydropyridine
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May inhibit calcium channel blocker
metabolism, increasing adverse effects. Pregnancy risk category C
Don’t take with grapefruit juice.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Injection: 0.5 mg/ml in 50- and 100-ml
• May increase BUN level. single-use vials
• May increase PT and INR.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ➤ To lower blood pressure when oral
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive therapy isn’t feasible or desirable
to clarithromycin, erythromycin, or other Adults: Begin infusion at 1 to 2 mg/hour
macrolides and in those receiving pimozide and titrate by doubling the dose every
or other drugs that prolong QT interval or 90 seconds. When blood pressure ap-
cause cardiac arrhythmias. proaches goal, titrate every 5 to 10 minutes
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic or at less than double the dose. Maximum dose
renal impairment. is 16 mg/hour. Drug isn’t recommended for
• Safety and efficacy in children younger use beyond 72 hours.
than age 6 months haven’t been established.
• Use during pregnancy only if potential ADMINISTRATION
benefit justifies potential risk to fetus. I.V.
 Maintain aseptic technique when han-

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS dling solution. Drug can support growth

Alert: The safety and effectiveness of of microorganisms; don’t use if solution
the extended-release form haven’t been might be contaminated.
established for treating other infections for  Invert vial several times to mix emulsion

which the original form has been approved. before use.

• Monitor patient for superinfection. Drug  Inspect solution and discard if partic-

may cause overgrowth of nonsusceptible ulate matter or discoloration is present

bacteria or fungi. before use. Don’t dilute.
• Giving clarithromycin with a drug metab-  Use a continuous infusion pump to

olized by CYP3A may increase drug levels regulate flow.

and prolong therapeutic and adverse effects.  Discard unused portion within 4 hours.
 Incompatibilities: Don’t administer

PATIENT TEACHING drug in same I.V. line with other medica-

• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, tions.
even after he feels better.
• Advise patient to report persistent adverse AC TION
reactions. Inhibits calcium ion influx across car-
• Inform patient that drug may be taken diac and smooth-muscle cells, decreasing
with or without food. contractility and oxygen demand. Dilates

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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330 clindamycin hydrochloride

coronary arteries and arterioles, decreasing • Drug isn’t a beta blocker; if given with
systemic vascular resistance. beta blocker, gradually reduce beta blocker
Route Onset Peak Duration
dosage to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
I.V. 2–4 min Unknown 5–15 min
Half-life: 15 minutes; metabolite, 9 hours. • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Advise patient to seek medical atten-
CNS: headache. tion immediately if signs and symptoms
CV: atrial fibrillation. of hypertensive emergency occur (visual
GI: nausea, vomiting. changes, neurologic symptoms, heart
None reported.
clindamycin hydrochloride
• May increase bilirubin, AST, and ALT
levels. Cleocin Hcl, Dalacin C†

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS clindamycin palmitate

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive hydrochloride
to soy beans, soy products, eggs, or egg Cleocin Pediatric, Dalacin C Flavored
products. Granules†
• Contraindicated in those with defective
lipid metabolism or severe aortic stenosis. clindamycin phosphate
• Use cautiously in patients with heart Cleocin Phosphate, Dalacin C
failure. Phosphate Sterile Solution†
• Use during pregnancy only if the potential
benefit justifies the potential risk to the Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
fetus. It’s not known if drug appears in Pharmacologic class: Lincomycin
breast milk. Advise patient to stop breast- derivative
feeding during therapy. Pregnancy risk category B
• Safety and efficacy in children younger
than age 18 haven’t been established AVAIL ABLE FORMS
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, reflex tachy- clindamycin hydrochloride
cardia. Capsules: 75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg
clindamycin palmitate hydrochloride
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Granules for oral solution: 75 mg/5 ml
• Monitor blood pressure and heart rate clindamycin phosphate
continuously, especially when starting drug Injectable infusion (in D5 W): 300 mg
and during dosage adjustments. (50 ml), 600 mg (50 ml), 900 mg (50 ml)
• Drug may exacerbate heart failure; moni- Injection: 150-mg base/ml, 300-mg base/
tor patient closely. 2 ml, 600-mg base/4 ml, 900-mg base/6 ml
• Titrate dose slowly; rapid titration may
cause hypotension and reflex tachycardia. If INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
either occurs, decrease clevidipine dosage. ➤ Infections caused by sensitive staphy-
• Monitor patient who received prolonged lococci, streptococci, pneumococci,
infusion for rebound hypertension for at Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Clostridium
least 8 hours after infusion is stopped if no perfringens, and other sensitive aerobic
other antihypertensive is prescribed. and anaerobic organisms
• Because drug contains lipids, restrict Adults: 150 to 450 mg P.O. every 6 hours;
lipid intake in those with lipid metabolism or 300 to 600 mg I.M. or I.V. every 6, 8, or
disorders. 12 hours. In more severe infections, dosage

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clindamycin hydrochloride 331

may be increased to 1,200 to 2,700 mg/day rubber closures such as those on I.V.
I.M. or I.V. in two, three, or four doses. In tubing, tobramycin sulfate.
life-threatening infections, dosages as high I.M.
as 4,800 mg daily can be given. • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
Children ages 1 month to 16 years: 20 to tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin
40 mg/kg/day I.M. or I.V. in three or four therapy while awaiting results.
equal doses. In beta-hemolytic streptococcal • Inject deep into muscle. Rotate sites.
infections, treatment should continue for at Don’t exceed 600 mg per injection.
least 10 days.
Neonates younger than age 1 month: 15 to AC TION
20 mg/kg/day I.M. or I.V. in three to four Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by bind-
equal doses. ing to the 50S subunit of the ribosome.
➤ Pelvic inflammatory disease Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults and adolescents: 900 mg I.V. every P.O. Unknown 45–60 min Unknown
8 hours, with gentamicin. Continue at least I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
48 hours after symptoms improve; then I.M. Unknown 3 hr Unknown
switch to oral clindamycin 450 mg q.i.d.
for total of 10 to 14 days or doxycycline Half-life: 21⁄2 to 3 hours.
100 mg P.O. every 12 hours for total of 10 to
CV: thrombophlebitis.
ADMINISTRATION GI: nausea, pseudomembranous colitis,
P.O. abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, transient
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin leukopenia, eosinophilia.
therapy while awaiting results. Hepatic: jaundice.
• Give capsule form with a full glass of Skin: maculopapular rash, urticaria.
water to prevent esophageal irritation. Other: anaphylaxis.
• Don’t refrigerate reconstituted oral solu-
tion because it will thicken. Drug is stable INTERACTIONS
for 2 weeks at room temperature. Drug-drug. Erythromycin: May block
I.V. access of clindamycin to its site of action.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Avoid using together.
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin Kaolin: May decrease absorption of oral
therapy while awaiting results. clindamycin. Separate dosage times.
 Never give undiluted as a bolus. Neuromuscular blockers: May increase
 For infusion, dilute each 300 mg in neuromuscular blockade. Monitor patient
50 ml solution and give over 10 to closely.
60 minutes at no more than 30 mg/minute. Paclitaxel: May increase paclitaxel effects.
 Check site daily for phlebitis and Observe patient for toxicity.
irritation. Drug-food. Diet foods with sodium cycla-
 Drug may contain benzyl alcohol. mate: May decrease drug level. Discourage
Benzyl alcohol has been associated with patient from eating these foods.
a fatal gasping syndrome in premature
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, amino- • May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST,
phylline, ampicillin, azithromycin, bar- and bilirubin levels.
biturates, calcium gluconate, cefazolin, • May increase eosinophil count. May
ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, decrease platelet and WBC counts.
doxapram, filgrastim, fluconazole, gen-
tamicin sulfate, idarubicin, magnesium CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
sulfate, phenytoin sodium, ranitidine, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or lincomycin.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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332 clindamycin phosphate

• Clindamycin use may result in overgrowth

of nonsusceptible organisms, particularly clindamycin phosphate
yeasts. Monitor patient for sign of superin- klin-da-MYE-sin
• Use cautiously in neonates and patients Cleocin, Cleocin T, Clindagel,
with renal or hepatic disease, asthma, his- ClindaMax, Clindasol†, Clindesse,
tory of GI disease, or significant allergies. Clindets, Dalacin†, Evoclin
Black Box Warning Clindamycin therapy
has been associated with severe, possibly Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
fatal, colitis; its use should be reserved for Pharmacologic class: Lincomycin
serious infections. derivative
Pregnancy risk category B
• I.M. injection may raise CK level in AVAIL ABLE FORMS
response to muscle irritation. Foam: 1%
• Monitor renal, hepatic, and hematopoietic Gel: 1%
functions during prolonged therapy. Lotion: 1%
• Observe patient for signs and symptoms Pledget: 1%∗
of superinfection. Topical solution: 1%∗
Alert: Don’t give opioid antidiarrheals Vaginal cream: 2%
to treat drug-induced diarrhea; they may Vaginal suppositories: 100 mg
prolong and worsen this condition.
Black Box Warning Diarrhea, colitis, and INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
pseudomembranous colitis have developed ➤ Inflammatory acne vulgaris
up to several weeks following cessation of Adults and children age 12 and older:
drug therapy. Apply to skin b.i.d., morning and evening,
• Drug doesn’t penetrate blood-brain or once daily if using Clindagel or Evoclin.
barrier. ➤ Bacterial vaginosis
Adults: 1 applicatorful vaginally at bedtime
PATIENT TEACHING for 3 to 7 days in nonpregnant women or
• Advise patient to take capsule form with 7 days in pregnant women, or 1 suppository
a full glass of water to prevent esophageal vaginally at bedtime for 3 days, or 1 appli-
irritation. catorful of Clindesse vaginally as a single
• Warn patient that I.M. injection may be dose.
painful. ➤ Rosacea 
• Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V. Adults: Apply once or twice daily for
insertion site. 12 weeks.
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber of
adverse reactions (especially diarrhea). ADMINISTRATION
Warn him not to treat diarrhea himself Topical
because drug may cause life-threatening • Wash area with warm water and soap,
colitis. rinse, pat dry, and wait 30 minutes after
washing or shaving to apply.
• Avoid excessive washing of affected area.
• Apply to entire area, but avoid contact
with eyes, nose, mouth, and other mucous
• Make sure patient knows how to use
applicators that come with drug.
• Tell patient to remove pledgets from foil
before use.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clindamycin phosphate 333

• Advise patient to use pledgets only once CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

and then discard. Also, more than 1 pledget • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
may be used per application. to clindamycin or lincomycin and in those
with history of ulcerative colitis, regional
AC TION enteritis, or antibiotic-related colitis.
Bacteriostatic or bactericidal based on
drug level and susceptibility of organism; NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
suppresses growth of susceptible organisms • For treating acne, drug may be used with
in sebaceous glands by blocking protein tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide, as well as
synthesis. systemic antibiotics.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Drug can cause excessive dryness.
Topical, Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Topical solution and pledgets contain
vaginal alcohol base, which may irritate eyes.
• Monitor elderly patients for systemic
Half-life: 11⁄2 to 21⁄2 hours for topical and vaginal
cream; 11 hours for vaginal suppositories.

ADVERSE REACTIONS • Tell patient to wash area with warm water
CNS: headache. and soap, rinse, pat dry, and wait 30 minutes
EENT: pharyngitis. after washing or shaving to apply.
GI: abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, colitis • Warn patient to avoid excessive washing
including, pseudomembranous colitis, of area. Tell patient to cover entire affected
constipation, diarrhea, GI upset. area but to avoid contact with eyes, nose,
GU: Candida albicans overgrowth, cervici- mouth, and other mucous membranes.
tis, vaginitis, vulvar irritation, UTI, vaginal • Instruct patient to use other prescribed
discharge, vaginal moniliasis. acne medicines at a different time.
Skin: dryness, redness, burning, contact • Tell patient to use only as prescribed.
dermatitis, irritation, rash, pruritus, • Instruct patient to dab, not roll, applicator-
swelling. tipped bottle. If tip becomes dry, patient
should invert bottle and depress tip several
INTERACTIONS times to moisten.
Drug-drug. Erythromycin: May antagonize • Warn patient not to smoke while applying
clindamycin’s effect. Separate doses. topical solution.
Isotretinoin: May cause cumulative dryness, • For vaginal treatment, instruct patient how
resulting in excessive skin irritation. Use to use vaginal applicators.
together cautiously. • Advise patient that the vaginal form
Neuromuscular blockers: May increase contains mineral oil, which can weaken
action of neuromuscular blocker. Use to- latex or rubber products, such as condoms
gether cautiously. and diaphragms, and that she should use
Drug-lifestyle. Abrasive or medicated another form of birth control during and
soaps or cleansers, acne products, or other within 3 days of therapy.
preparations containing peeling drugs • Advise patient to avoid sexual intercourse
(benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic during vaginal treatment.
acid, sulfur, tretinoin), alcohol-containing • Advise patient to avoid use of tampons or
products (aftershave, cosmetics, perfumed douches during vaginal treatment.
toiletries, shaving creams or lotions), • Instruct patient to notify prescriber imme-
astringent soaps or cosmetics, medicated diately if abdominal pain or diarrhea occurs.
cosmetics or cover-ups: May cause cumu- Inform patient that an antidiarrheal may
lative dryness, resulting in excessive skin worsen condition and should only be used as
irritation. Urge caution. directed by prescriber.
• Tell patient to remove pledgets from foil
• May increase liver enzyme levels.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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334 clobetasol propionate

• Advise patient to use pledgets only once morning and evening, for maximum of
and then discard. Also, more than 1 pledget 14 days. Total dose shouldn’t exceed 50 g of
may be used per application. foam, cream, or ointment or 50 ml of lotion
• Advise patient to complete entire course or solution weekly.
of therapy. ➤ Inflammation and pruritus of mod-
erate to severe corticosteroid-responsive
dermatoses of the scalp
clobetasol propionate Adults: Apply to the affected scalp area
kloe-BAY-ta-sol b.i.d., morning and evening. Gently massage
into affected scalp area until the foam disap-
Clobex, Cormax, Embeline, pears. Repeat until entire affected scalp area
Embeline E, Olux, Olux-E, Temovate, is treated. Limit treatment to 14 days, with
Temovate E no more than 50 g of foam weekly.
➤ Moderate to severe scalp psoriasis
Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid Adults: Apply Clobex shampoo to
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid affected areas of dry scalp in thin film once
Pregnancy risk category C daily. Leave in place for 15 minutes before
lathering and rinsing. Limit treatment to
AVAIL ABLE FORMS 4 consecutive weeks.
Cream: 0.05%
Gel: 0.05% Topical
Lotion: 0.05% • Gently wash skin before applying. To
Ointment: 0.05% prevent skin damage, rub medication in
Scalp application: 0.05%∗ gently and completely. When treating hairy
Shampoo: 0.05%∗ sites, part hair and apply directly to lesions.
Solution: 0.05%∗ • Avoid applying near eyes or mucous
Spray: 0.05%∗ membranes or in ear canal.
Alert: Don’t use occlusive dressings or
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES bandages. Don’t cover or wrap treated areas
➤ Inflammation and pruritus from unless directed by prescriber.
corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses;
short-term topical treatment of mild to AC TION
moderate plaque-type psoriasis of non- Unclear. Diffuses across cell membranes
scalp regions, excluding the face and to form complexes with receptors, showing
intertriginous areas anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, vasocon-
Adults: Apply thin layer of Clobex lotion strictive, and antiproliferative activity.
to affected skin areas b.i.d., morning and Considered a very-high-potency to high-
evening, for maximum of 14 days. For potency drug, according to vasoconstrictive
lesions of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis properties.
that haven’t improved sufficiently, continue Route Onset Peak Duration
treatment for up to 2 more weeks, as long Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
as 10% or less of the body surface area is
affected. Total dose shouldn’t exceed 50 g Half-life: Unknown.
(50 ml) of spray or lotion weekly.
➤ Inflammation and pruritus from ADVERSE REACTIONS
corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses; GU: glycosuria.
short-term topical treatment of mild to Metabolic: hyperglycemia.
moderate plaque-type psoriasis of non- Skin: burning, pruritus, irritation, dryness,
scalp regions, excluding the face and erythema, folliculitis, perioral dermatitis,
intertriginous areas allergic contact dermatitis, hypopigmenta-
Adults and children age 12 and older: tion, hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions,
Apply thin layer to affected skin areas b.i.d., skin atrophy, telangiectasia.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clomiphene citrate 335

Other: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal contact with the eyes. Dispensing directly

axis suppression, Cushing syndrome, finger onto hands isn’t recommended because the
numbness. foam will melt immediately upon contact
with warm skin. Tell him to move hair away
INTERACTIONS from affected area of scalp so that foam can
None significant. be applied to each affected area.
• Tell patient using foam that contents are
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS flammable and under pressure, so he should
• May increase glucose level. avoid smoking during and immediately after
application and keep can away from flames.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Also tell him not to puncture or incinerate
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive container.
to corticosteroids and in those with primary
scalp infections.
• Don’t use as monotherapy for primary clomiPHENE citrate
bacterial infections (impetigo, paronychia, KLOE-mi-feen
erysipelas, cellulitis, angular cheilitis,
erythrasma), rosacea, perioral dermatitis, or Clomid, Serophene
• Don’t use very high-potency or high- Therapeutic class: Ovulation stimulant
potency agents on the face, groin, or axilla Pharmacologic class: Chlorotrianisene
areas. derivative
• Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use. Pregnancy risk category X
• Use cautiously in children and in pregnant
or breast-feeding women. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
•H Overdose S&S: Systemic effects. Tablets: 50 mg


• If antifungal or antibiotic combined with ➤ To induce ovulation
corticosteroid fails to provide prompt im- Women: 50 mg P.O. daily for 5 days, starting
provement, stop corticosteroid until infec- on day 5 of menstrual cycle (first day of
tion is controlled. menstrual flow is day 1) if bleeding occurs,
• Stop drug and notify prescriber if skin or at any time if patient hasn’t had recent
infection, striae, or atrophy occurs. uterine bleeding. If ovulation doesn’t occur,
• Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis may increase dose to 100 mg P.O. daily for
suppression occurs at doses as low as 2 g 5 days as soon as 30 days after previous
daily. course. Repeat until conception occurs or
until three courses of therapy are completed.
• Teach patient how to apply drug and to ADMINISTRATION
avoid contact with eyes. P.O.
• Tell patient to wash hands after applica- • Protect drug from heat, light, and exces-
tion. sive humidity.
• Tell patient to stop drug and report signs • Give drug without regard for food.
of systemic absorption, skin irritation or
ulceration, hypersensitivity, or infection. AC TION
• Warn patient to use drug for no longer Appears to stimulate release of follicle-
than 14 consecutive days. stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone,
• Tell patient using the foam to invert can and pituitary gonadotropins, resulting in
and dispense a small amount of Olux foam maturation of the ovarian follicle, ovulation,
(up to a golfball–size dollop) into the cap of and development of the corpus luteum.
the can, onto a saucer or other cool surface,
or directly on the lesion, taking care to avoid

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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336 clomipramine hydrochloride

Route Onset Peak Duration • Reinforce importance of compliance with

P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown drug regimen.
• Reassure patient that ovulation typically
Half-life: 5 days.
occurs after first course of therapy. If preg-
nancy doesn’t occur, therapy may be re-
CNS: headache. • Advise patient to stop drug and contact
EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, scotoma, prescriber immediately if pregnancy is sus-
photophobia. pected because drug may have teratogenic
GI: nausea, vomiting, bloating, distention. effect.
GU: ovarian enlargement, urinary fre- Alert: Advise patient to stop drug and
quency and polyuria, abnormal uterine contact prescriber immediately if abdominal
bleeding, ovarian cyst that regresses sponta- symptoms or pain occur; these symptoms
neously when drug is stopped. may indicate ovarian enlargement or ovar-
Metabolic: weight gain. ian cyst. Also, tell patient to immediately
Skin: reversible alopecia, urticaria, rash, notify prescriber if signs and symptoms of
dermatitis. impending visual toxicity occur, such as
Other: hot flashes, breast discomfort. blurred vision, double vision, vision defect
in one part of the eye (scotoma), or sensitiv-
INTERACTIONS ity to the sun.
None significant. • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities,
such as driving or operating machinery,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS until CNS effects are known. Drug may
None reported. cause dizziness and visual disturbances.


• Contraindicated in pregnant women and clomiPRAMINE hydrochloride
in those with undiagnosed abnormal genital kloe-MI-pra-meen
bleeding, ovarian cyst not related to poly-
cystic ovarian syndrome, hepatic disease or Anafranil
dysfunction, uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal
dysfunction, or organic intracranial lesion Therapeutic class: Antidepressant
(such as a pituitary tumor). Pharmacologic class: Tricyclic
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea; vomiting; va- antidepressant (TCA)
somotor flushes; visual blurring, spots, or Pregnancy risk category C
flashes; scotomata; ovarian enlargement
with pelvic or abdominal pain. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Capsules: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg
• Monitor patient closely because of poten- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
tially serious adverse reactions. ➤ Obsessive-compulsive disorder
• Long-term cyclic therapy isn’t recom- Adults: Initially, 25 mg P.O. daily with
mended. meals, gradually increased to 100 mg
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse daily in divided doses during first 2 weeks.
clomiphene with clomipramine or clonidine. Thereafter, increase to maximum dose of
Don’t confuse Serophene with Sarafem. 250 mg daily in divided doses with meals,
as needed. After adjustment, give total daily
PATIENT TEACHING dose at bedtime.
• Tell patient about the risk of multiple Children age 10 and older and adoles-
births, which increases with higher doses. cents: Initially, 25 mg P.O. daily with meals,
• Teach patient to take and chart basal body gradually increased over first 2 weeks to
temperature to ascertain if ovulation has daily maximum of 3 mg/kg or 100 mg P.O.
occurred. in divided doses, whichever is smaller.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clomipramine hydrochloride 337

Maximum daily dose is 3 mg/kg or 200 mg, Clonidine: May cause life-threatening hyper-
whichever is smaller; give at bedtime after tension. Avoid using together.
adjustment. Reassess and adjust dosage CNS depressants: May enhance CNS
periodically. depression. Avoid using together.
➤ Panic disorder  Epinephrine, norepinephrine: May increase
Adults: Initially, 10 mg P.O. daily and in- hypertensive effect. Use together cautiously.
creased to a maximum dosage of 150 mg MAO inhibitors: May cause hyperpyretic
P.O. daily. crisis, seizures, coma, or death. Avoid using
within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy.
ADMINISTRATION Quinolones: May increase the risk of life-
P.O. threatening arrhythmias. Avoid using to-
• Give drug without regard for food. gether.
Drug-herb. Evening primrose oil: May
AC TION cause additive or synergistic effect,
Unknown. Inhibits reuptake of serotonin resulting in lower seizure threshold and
and norepinephrine at the presynaptic increasing the risk of seizure. Discourage
neuron. use together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
St. John’s wort, SAM-e, yohimbe: May
P.O. Unknown 2–6 hr Unknown
cause serotonin syndrome. Discourage use
Half-life: Parent compound, 32 hours; active Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance
metabolite, 69 hours. CNS depression. Discourage use together.
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo-
ADVERSE REACTIONS sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid
CNS: somnolence, tremor, dizziness, excessive sunlight exposure.
headache, insomnia, nervousness, my-
oclonus, fatigue, seizures, EEG changes. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
CV: orthostatic hypotension, palpitations, None reported.
EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, visual CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
changes. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
GI: dry mouth, constipation, nausea, to drug or other tricyclic antidepressants,
dyspepsia, increased appetite, anorexia, in those who have taken MAO inhibitors
abdominal pain, diarrhea. within previous 14 days, and in patients in
GU: urinary hesitancy, UTI, dysmenorrhea, acute recovery period after MI.
ejaculation failure, impotence. • Use cautiously in patients with history
Hematologic: purpura. of seizure disorders or with brain damage
Metabolic: weight gain. of varying cause; in patients receiving
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. other seizure threshold–lowering drugs; in
Respiratory: bronchospasm, coughing, patients at risk for suicide; in patients with
dyspnea. history of urine retention or angle-closure
Skin: diaphoresis, rash, pruritus, dry skin. glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure,
Other: altered libido. CV disease, impaired hepatic or renal func-
tion, or hyperthyroidism; in patients with
INTERACTIONS tumors of the adrenal medulla; in patients
Drug-drug. Barbiturates: May decrease receiving thyroid drug or electroconvulsive
TCA level. Watch for decreased antidepres- therapy; and in those undergoing elective
sant effect. surgery.
Cimetidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, parox- Black Box Warning Clomipramine isn’t
etine, sertraline: May increase TCA level. approved for use in children except for those
Monitor drug level and patient for signs of with obsessive compulsive disorder.
toxicity. •H Overdose S&S: Cardiac arrhythmias,
severe hypotension, seizures, CNS

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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338 clonazepam

depression, coma, ECG changes, drowsi- SAFETY ALERT!

ness, stupor, ataxia, restlessness, agitation,
delirium, severe perspiration, hyperactive clonazepam
reflexes, muscle rigidity, athetoid and chor- kloe-NAZ-e-pam
eiform movements, tachycardia, congestive
heart failure, cardiac arrest, respiratory Klonopini
depression, cyanosis, shock, vomiting,
hyperpyrexia, mydriasis, oliguria or anuria. Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant
Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pregnancy risk category D
• Monitor mood and watch for suicidal Controlled substance schedule IV
tendencies. Allow patient to have only the
minimum amount of drug. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Black Box Warning Drug may increase Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg
risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in Tablets (orally disintegrating): 0.125 mg,
children, adolescents, and young adults 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg
ages 18 to 24 during the first 2 months of
treatment, especially in those with major INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
depressive disorder or other psychiatric ➤ Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, atypical
disorder. absence seizures, akinetic and myoclonic
• Don’t withdraw drug abruptly. seizures
• Because patients may suffer hypertensive Adults: Initially, no more than 1.5 mg P.O.
episodes during surgery, stop drug gradually daily in three divided doses. May be in-
several days before surgery. creased by 0.5 to 1 mg every 3 days until
• Relieve dry mouth with sugarless candy seizures are controlled. If given in unequal
or gum. Saliva substitutes may be needed. doses, give largest dose at bedtime. Maxi-
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse mum recommended daily dose is 20 mg.
clomipramine with chlorpromazine or Children up to age 10 or 30 kg (66 lb):
clomiphene, or Anafranil with enalapril, Initially, 0.01 to 0.03 mg/kg P.O. daily (not
nafarelin, or alfentanil. to exceed 0.05 mg/kg daily) in two or three
divided doses. Increase by 0.25 to 0.5 mg
PATIENT TEACHING every third day to maximum maintenance
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities dose of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg daily, as needed.
requiring alertness and good coordination, ➤ Panic disorder
especially during adjustment. Daytime Adults: Initially, 0.25 mg P.O. b.i.d.; increase
sedation and dizziness may occur. to target dose of 1 mg daily after 3 days.
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol during drug Some patients may benefit from dosages
therapy. up to maximum of 4 mg daily. To achieve
• Warn patient not to stop drug suddenly. 4 mg daily, increase dosage in increments
• Advise patient to use sunblock, wear of 0.125 to 0.25 mg b.i.d. every 3 days, as
protective clothing, and avoid prolonged tolerated, until panic disorder is controlled.
exposure to strong sunlight to prevent over- Taper drug with decrease of 0.125 mg b.i.d.
sensitivity to the sun. every 3 days until drug is stopped.
Black Box Warning Advise family mem- ➤ Restless legs syndrome 
bers and caregivers to closely observe pa- Adults: 0.5 to 2 mg P.O. 30 minutes before
tient for increased suicidal thinking and bedtime.
• Peel back the foil of the orally disinte-
grating tablet (ODT) pouch carefully. Don’t
push ODT through foil.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clonazepam 339

• Give ODT to patient with or without CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

water. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to benzodiazepines and in those with signif-
AC TION icant hepatic disease or acute angle-closure
Unknown. Probably acts by facilitating the glaucoma.
effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter • Use cautiously in patients with mixed-
GABA. type seizures because drug may cause
Route Onset Peak Duration
generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
• Use cautiously in children and in patients
with chronic respiratory disease, open-angle
Half-life: 18 to 50 hours. glaucoma, or a history of drug or alcohol
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Use cautiously in elderly patients. Drug
CNS: drowsiness, agitation, ataxia, behav- may accumulate due to potential decrease in
ioral disturbances, confusion, depression, hepatic and renal function.
slurred speech, tremor. •H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, confusion,
CV: palpitations. coma, impaired coordination, diminished
EENT: abnormal eye movements, nystag- reflexes.
GI: anorexia, change in appetite, constipa- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tion, diarrhea, gastritis, nausea, sore gums. Alert: Closely monitor all patients for
GU: dysuria, enuresis, nocturia, urine changes in behavior that may indicate wors-
retention. ening of suicidal thoughts or behavior or
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope- depression.
nia, eosinophilia. • Don’t stop drug abruptly because this may
Respiratory: respiratory depression, chest worsen seizures. Call prescriber at once if
congestion, shortness of breath. adverse reactions develop.
Skin: rash. • Assess elderly patient’s response closely.
Elderly patients are more sensitive to drug’s
Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, phenobar- • Monitor patient for oversedation.
bital, phenytoin: May lower clonazepam • Monitor CBC and liver function tests.
levels. Monitor patient closely. • Withdrawal symptoms are similar to those
CNS depressants: May increase CNS of barbiturates.
depression. Avoid using together. • To reduce inconvenience of somnolence
Fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, when drug is used for panic disorder, giving
miconazole: May increase and prolong drug one dose at bedtime may be desirable.
levels, CNS depression, and psychomotor
impairment. Avoid using together. PATIENT TEACHING
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May increase • Advise patient to avoid driving and other
hepatic metabolism, resulting in decreased hazardous activities that require mental
drug effects. Adjust clonazepam dosage as alertness until drug’s CNS effects are
needed. known.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause addi- • Instruct parent to monitor child’s school
tive CNS effects. Discourage use together. performance because drug may interfere
Smoking: May increase clearance of clo- with attentiveness.
nazepam. Monitor patient for decreased • Warn patient and parents not to stop drug
drug effects. abruptly because seizures may occur.
• Advise patient that drug isn’t for use
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
• May increase liver function test values • Tell patients to open pouch of ODTs and
and eosinophil count. May decrease platelet peel back the foil. He shouldn’t push the
and WBC counts. tablet through the foil.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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340 clonidine hydrochloride

• Tell patient to use dry hands when remov- Adults: Initially, 30 mcg/hour by continuous
ing the ODT. epidural infusion. Experience with rates
• Tell patient that ODTs can be taken with greater than 40 mcg/hour is limited.
or without water. Children: Initially, 0.5 mcg/kg/hour by
epidural infusion. Dosage should be cau-
tiously adjusted, based on response.
clonidine hydrochloride ➤ Pheochromocytoma diagnosis 
KLOE-ni-deen Adults: 0.3 mg P.O. for a single dose.
➤ Growth hormone stimulation test 
Catapres, Catapres-TTS, Dixarit†, Adults: 200 mcg or 0.15 mg/m2 P.O. as a
Duraclon, Jenloga single dose.
➤ Vasomotor symptoms of menopause 
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive Adults: 0.05 to 0.4 mg P.O. b.i.d. or
Pharmacologic class: Centrally acting 0.1-mg/24-hour patch applied once every
alpha agonist 7 days.
Pregnancy risk category C ➤ Ulcerative colitis 
Adults: 0.3 mg P.O. t.i.d. for 6 weeks.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ Opiate dependence 
Transdermal: TTS-1 (releases 0.1 mg/ Adults: Initially, 0.005 or 0.006 mg/kg test
24 hours), TTS-2 (releases 0.2 mg/ dose, followed by 0.017 mg/kg P.O. daily
24 hours), TTS-3 (releases 0.3 mg/24 hours) in three or four divided doses for 10 days.
Injection for epidural use: 100 mcg/ml Or, initially, 0.1 mg P.O. three times daily,
Injection for epidural use, concentrate: with dosage adjusted by 0.1 to 0.2 mg daily.
500 mcg/ml Dosage range is 0.3 to 1.2 mg P.O. daily.
Suspension (extended-release): 0.09 mg/ml Stop drug gradually. Follow protocols.
Tablets: 0.025 mg†, 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, 0.3 mg ➤ Symptom suppression during
Tablets (extended-release): 0.17 mg, 0.26 mg methadone withdrawal
Tablets (modified-release): 0.1 mg Adults: 0.2 mg P.O. three to four times daily
for 2 to 3 weeks. Primary dose and dosage
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES titration should be individualized.
➤ Essential and renal hypertension ➤ Smoking cessation 
Adults and children age 12 and older: Adults: Initially, 0.1 mg P.O. b.i.d., begin-
Initially, 0.1 mg P.O. b.i.d.; then increased ning on or shortly before the day of smoking
by 0.1 to 0.2 mg daily on a weekly basis. cessation. Increase dosage every 7 days
Usual range is 0.2 to 0.6 mg daily in by 0.1 mg daily, if needed. Or, 0.2-mg/
divided doses; infrequently, dosages as 24-hour transdermal patch applied every
high as 2.4 mg daily are used. Or, initially, 7 days. Therapy should begin on or shortly
0.17 mg P.O. extended-release tablet or so- before the day of smoking cessation.
lution daily; then increase by 0.09 mg/day Increase dosage by 0.1 mg/24 hours at
on weekly basis as needed. Usual dosage weekly intervals, if needed.
range is 0.17 to 0.52 mg daily. Or, initially, ➤ Attention deficit hyperactivity
0.1 mg P.O. modified-release at bedtime for disorder 
adults only. May increase by 0.1 mg/day at Children: Initially, 0.05 mg P.O. at bedtime.
weekly intervals to maximum of 0.6 mg/day May increase dosage cautiously over 2 to
divided into morning and bedtime doses. 4 weeks. Maintenance dosage is 0.05 to
Or, apply transdermal patch once every 0.4 mg P.O. daily.
7 days, starting with 0.1-mg system and
adjusted with another 0.1-mg or larger ADMINISTRATION
system. P.O.
➤ Severe cancer pain that is unrespon- • Give last dose immediately before bed-
sive to epidural or spinal opiate analgesia time.
or other more conventional methods of • Reduce dosage gradually over 2 to 4 days
analgesia before discontinuing.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clonidine hydrochloride 341

• Modified-release tablets (Jenloga) are for Digoxin, verapamil: May cause AV block
adult use only. and severe hypotension. Monitor BP and
Transdermal ECG.
• Apply patch to nonhairy area of intact Diuretics, other antihypertensives: May
skin on upper arm or torso. increase hypotensive effect. Monitor patient
Epidural closely.
Alert: The injection form is for epidural Levodopa: May reduce effectiveness of
use only. levodopa. Monitor patient.
Black Box Warning The injection form MAO inhibitors, prazosin: May decrease
concentrate containing 500 mcg/ml must be antihypertensive effect. Use together
diluted in normal saline injection before use cautiously.
to yield 100 mcg/ml. Propranolol, other beta blockers: May
cause paradoxical hypertensive response.
AC TION Monitor patient carefully.
Unknown. Thought to stimulate alpha2 Drug-herb. Capsaicum: May reduce anti-
receptors and inhibit the central vasomotor hypertensive effectiveness. Discourage use
centers, decreasing sympathetic outflow together.
to the heart, kidneys, and peripheral vas- Ma huang: May decrease antihypertensive
culature, and lowering peripheral vascular effects. Discourage use together.
resistance, blood pressure, and heart rate.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30–60 min 2–4 hr 12–24 hr
• May decrease urinary excretion of vanil-
Transdermal 2–3 days 2–3 days 7–8 days lylmandelic acid and catecholamines. May
Epidural Unknown 30–60 min Unknown cause a weakly positive Coombs’ test result.
Half-life: 6 to 20 hours. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, sedation, • Transdermal form is contraindicated in
weakness, fatigue, malaise, agitation, de- patients hypersensitive to any component of
pression. the adhesive layer of transdermal system.
CV: bradycardia, severe rebound hyperten- • Epidural form is contraindicated in pa-
sion, orthostatic hypotension. tients receiving anticoagulant therapy, in
GI: constipation, dry mouth, nausea, vomit- those with bleeding diathesis, in those with
ing, anorexia. an injection site infection, and in those
GU: urine retention, impotence. who are hemodynamically unstable or have
Metabolic: weight gain. severe CV disease.
Skin: pruritus, dermatitis with transdermal • Use cautiously in patients with severe
patch, rash. coronary insufficiency, conduction distur-
Other: loss of libido. bances, recent MI, cerebrovascular disease,
chronic renal failure, or impaired liver func-
Drug-drug. Amitriptyline, amoxapine, •H Overdose S&S: Early hypertension, then
clomipramine, desipramine, doxepin, hypotension; bradycardia; respiratory and
imipramine, nortriptyline, protriptyline, trim- CNS depression.
ipramine: May cause loss of blood pressure
control with life-threatening elevations in NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
blood pressure. Avoid using together. • Drug may be given to lower blood pres-
Beta blockers: May cause life-threatening sure rapidly in some hypertensive emergen-
hypertension. Closely monitor blood pres- cies.
sure. • Monitor blood pressure and pulse rate
CNS depressants: May increase CNS frequently. Dosage is usually adjusted to
depression. Use together cautiously. patient’s blood pressure and tolerance.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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342 clopidogrel bisulfate

• Elderly patients may be more sensitive • Inform patient that dizziness upon stand-
than younger ones to drug’s hypotensive ing can be minimized by rising slowly from
effects. a sitting or lying position and avoiding
• Observe patient for tolerance to drug’s sudden position changes.
therapeutic effects, which may require • Advise patients that, if they are scheduled
increased dosage. for an MRI, they should alert the facility
• Noticeable antihypertensive effects of that they are wearing a transdermal patch.
transdermal clonidine may take 2 to 3 days.
Oral antihypertensive therapy may have to
be continued in the interim. clopidogrel bisulfate
Alert: Remove transdermal patch before cloe-PID-oh-grel
defibrillation to prevent arcing.
• Stop drug gradually by reducing dosage Plavixi
over 2 to 4 days to avoid rapid rise in blood
pressure, agitation, headache, and tremor. Therapeutic class: Antiplatelet
When stopping therapy in patients receiving Pharmacologic class: Inhibitor of
both clonidine and a beta blocker, gradually adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet
withdraw the beta blocker several days aggregation
before gradually stopping clonidine to Pregnancy risk category B
minimize adverse reactions.
• Don’t stop drug before surgery. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• When drug is given epidurally, carefully Tablets: 75 mg, 300 mg
monitor infusion pump, and inspect catheter
tubing for obstruction or dislodgment. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Black Box Warning Epidural clonidine isn’t ➤ To reduce thrombotic events in pa-
recommended for obstetric, postpartum, or tients with atherosclerosis documented by
perioperative pain management due to the recent stroke, MI, or peripheral arterial
risk of hemodynamic instability. disease
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults: 75 mg P.O. daily.
clonidine with quinidine or clomiphene; or ➤ To reduce thrombotic events in pa-
Catapres with Cetapred or Combipres. tients with acute coronary syndrome
(unstable angina and non–Q-wave MI),
PATIENT TEACHING including those receiving drugs and those
• Instruct patient to take drug exactly as having percutaneous coronary interven-
prescribed. tion (with or without stent) or coronary
• Advise patient that stopping drug abruptly artery bypass graft
may cause severe rebound high blood pres- Adults: Initially, a single 300-mg P.O. load-
sure. Tell him dosage must be reduced ing dose; then 75 mg P.O. once daily. Start
gradually over 2 to 4 days, as instructed by and continue aspirin (75 to 325 mg once
prescriber. daily) with clopidogrel.
• Tell patient to take the last dose immedi- ➤ ST-segment elevation acute MI
ately before bedtime. Adults: 75 mg P.O. once daily, with aspirin,
• Reassure patient that the transdermal with or without thrombolytics. A 300-mg
patch usually remains attached despite loading dose is optional.
showering and other routine daily activities. ➤ Loading-dose regimen in patients
Instruct him on the use of the adhesive over- undergoing coronary stent placement 
lay to provide additional skin adherence, Adults: 150 to 600 mg P.O., followed by
if needed. Also tell him to place patch at a 75 or 150 mg P.O. daily.
different site each week.
• Caution patient that drug may cause ADMINISTRATION
drowsiness but that this adverse effect P.O.
usually diminishes over 4 to 6 weeks. • Give drug without regard to meals.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clopidogrel bisulfate 343

AC TION other pathologic conditions and in those

Inhibits the binding of adenosine diphos- with renal or hepatic impairment.
phate (ADP) to its platelet receptor, imped- •H Overdose S&S: Prolonged bleeding time,
ing ADP-mediated activation and subse- bleeding complications.
quent platelet aggregation, and irreversibly
modifies the platelet ADP receptor. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Route Onset Peak Duration
Black Box Warning Drug effectiveness
P.O. 2 hr Unknown 5 days
depends on the drug’s activation to an ac-
tive metabolite by the cytochrome P450
Half-life: 8 hours. system, principally CYP2C19. Patients
who are poor metabolizers exhibit higher
ADVERSE REACTIONS cardiovascular event rates following acute
CNS: confusion, fatal intracranial bleed- coronary syndrome or percutaneous coro-
ing, hallucinations. nary intervention than patients with normal
CV: hypotension. CYP2C19 function. Tests are available
EENT: epistaxis, rhinitis, taste disorder. to assess a patient’s CYP2C19 genotype.
GI: hemorrhage, abdominal pain, constipa- Consider alternative treatment for patients
tion, diarrhea, dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcers. identified as poor metabolizers.
GU: UTI, hematuria. • Platelet aggregation won’t return to nor-
Hematologic: purpura. mal for at least 5 days after drug has been
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia, stopped.
arthritis. Alert: Drug may cause fatal thrombotic
Respiratory: bronchospasm, interstitial thrombocytopenic purpura (thrombocytope-
pneumonitis, respiratory tract bleeding. nia, hemolytic anemia, neurologic findings,
Skin: rash, pruritus, bruising, eczema, renal dysfunction, and fever) that requires
erythema multiforme, urticaria, Stevens- urgent treatment, including plasmapheresis.
Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
necrolysis. Plavix with Paxil.
Other: flulike syndrome, angioedema,
anaphylaxis, serum sickness. PATIENT TEACHING
• Advise patient it may take longer than
INTERACTIONS usual to stop bleeding. Tell him to refrain
Drug-drug. Aspirin, NSAIDs: May increase from activities in which trauma and bleed-
risk of GI bleeding. Monitor patient. ing may occur, and encourage him to wear a
Salicylates: May increase the risk of serious seat belt when in a car.
bleeding in patients with TIA or ischemic • Instruct patient to notify prescriber if
stroke. Avoid use together. unusual bleeding or bruising occurs.
Warfarin: May increase risk of bleeding. • Tell patient to inform all health care
Use together cautiously. providers, including dentists, before un-
Drug-herb. Red clover: May increase risk dergoing procedures or starting new drug
of bleeding. Discourage use together. therapy, that he is taking drug.
• Inform patient that drug may be taken
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS without regard to meals.
• May decrease platelet count.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components and in those with
pathologic bleeding (such as peptic ulcer or
intracranial hemorrhage).
• Use cautiously in patients at risk for in-
creased bleeding from trauma, surgery, or

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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344 clotrimazole

leukemia, solid tumors, or renal trans-

clotrimazole plantation
kloe-TRIM-a-zole Adults: Dissolve lozenge in mouth over
15 to 30 minutes t.i.d. for duration of
Canesten†, Clotrimaderm†, Cruex , chemotherapy or until corticosteroid is
Gyne-Lotrimin , Lotrimin, Lotrimin reduced to maintenance levels.
AF , Mycelex, Mycelex-7 ,
Therapeutic class: Antifungal • Lozenges should dissolve in mouth and
Pharmacologic class: Imidazole not be chewed, for full benefit.
derivative Topical
Pregnancy risk category B; C (for • Clean and dry area before applying drug.
lozenges) • Don’t use occlusive wrappings or dress-
Combination pack: Vaginal tablets 100 mg • Insert suppository high into vagina.
and vulvar cream 1% , vaginal tablets • Applicators for cream and some supposi-
200 mg and vulvar cream 1%  tories are disposable. If not disposable, wash
Topical cream: 1% with soap and warm water immediately
Topical lotion: 1% after use. Rinse thoroughly and dry.
Topical solution: 1%
Troches (lozenges): 10 mg AC TION
Vaginal cream: 1% , 2%  Fungistatic or fungicidal, depending on
Vaginal suppositories: 100 mg , 200 mg  level. Alters fungal cell-wall permeability
and produces osmotic instability.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ Superficial fungal infections (tinea P.O. Unknown Unknown 3 hr
corporis, tinea cruris, tinea pedis, tinea Topical, Unknown Unknown Unknown
versicolor, candidiasis) vaginal
Adults and children age 2 and older: Apply
Half-life: Unknown.
thin film and massage into affected and
surrounding area, morning and evening, for
2 to 4 weeks. If improvement doesn’t occur ADVERSE REACTIONS
after 4 weeks, reevaluate patient. GI: lower abdominal cramps, nausea and
➤ Vulvovaginal candidiasis vomiting with lozenges.
Adults and children age 12 and older: One GU: mild vaginal burning or irritation,
100-mg vaginal suppository inserted daily urinary frequency.
at bedtime for 7 consecutive days. Or, one Skin: erythema, blistering, burning, edema,
200-mg vaginal suppository at bedtime for general irritation, peeling, pruritus, skin
3 days. Or, 1 applicatorful of vaginal cream fissures, stinging, urticaria.
daily at bedtime for 3 days (2%) or 7 days
➤ Oropharyngeal candidiasis None significant.
Adults and children age 3 and older:
Dissolve lozenge in mouth over 15 to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
30 minutes five times daily for 14 con- • May increase liver enzyme levels.
secutive days.
➤ To prevent oropharyngeal candidi- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
asis in patients immunocompromised • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or cor- to drug.
ticosteroid therapy in the treatment of • Contraindicated for ophthalmic use.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clozapine 345


• Consult prescriber before using topical
preparations in children younger than age clozapine
2. Don’t use troches in children younger KLOE-za-peen
than age 3; don’t use vaginal preparations in
children younger than age 12. Clozarili, FazaClo
• Watch for irritation or sensitivity; stop if
irritation occurs, and notify prescriber. Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic
• Improvement usually occurs within Pharmacologic class: Dibenzapine
1 week; if no improvement is seen within derivative
4 weeks, review diagnosis. Pregnancy risk category B


• Reassure patient that hypopigmentation Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs):
from tinea versicolor will resolve gradually. 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 100 mg
• Warn patient not to use occlusive wrap- Tablets: 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg,
pings or dressings. 200 mg
• Warn patient to avoid contact with eyes.
• Caution patient that frequent or persistent INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
yeast infections may suggest a more serious ➤ Schizophrenia in severely ill patients
medical problem. unresponsive to other therapies; to
• Tell patient to refrain from sexual inter- reduce risk of recurrent suicidal be-
course during vaginal treatment. havior in schizophrenia or schizoaffective
• Warn patient that topical preparation may disorders
stain clothing. Adults: Initially, 12.5 mg P.O. once daily
• Tell patient that using a sanitary napkin or b.i.d. If using the ODT, cut in half
protects clothing when using vaginal prepa- and discard the unused half. Adjust dose
ration. upward by 25 to 50 mg daily (if tolerated)
• Stress need to continue use of vaginal to 300 to 450 mg daily by end of 2 weeks.
preparations, as prescribed, even if menstru- Individual dosage is based on clinical re-
ation begins. sponse, patient tolerance, and adverse reac-
• Tell patient with athlete’s foot to change tions. Subsequent dosage shouldn’t be in-
shoes and cotton socks daily and to dry creased more than once or twice weekly and
between the toes after bathing. shouldn’t exceed 50- to 100-mg increments.
• Tell patient to allow lozenges to dissolve Many patients respond to dosages of 200 to
in mouth and not to chew, for full benefit. 600 mg daily, but some may need as much
• Stress need to continue treatment for as 900 mg daily. Don’t exceed 900 mg daily.
full course and to notify prescriber if no
improvement occurs after 4 weeks. ADMINISTRATION
• Peel the foil from the ODT blister and
gently remove the tablet immediately before
• Give ODT with or without water.

Unknown. Binds selectively to dopaminer-
gic receptors in the CNS and may interfere
with adrenergic, cholinergic, histaminergic,
and serotonergic receptors.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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346 clozapine

Route Onset Peak Duration drugs. Monitor patient closely for adverse
P.O. Unknown 21⁄2 hr 4–12 hr reactions.
Phenytoin: May decrease clozapine level
Half-life: Proportional to dose; may range from 8 to
12 hours. and cause breakthrough psychosis. Monitor
patient for psychosis and adjust clozapine
ADVERSE REACTIONS Psychoactive drugs: May cause additive
CNS: drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, ver- effects. Use together cautiously.
tigo, headache, seizures, syncope, tremor, Ritonavir: May increase clozapine levels
disturbed sleep or nightmares, restlessness, and toxicity. Avoid using together.
hypokinesia or akinesia, agitation, rigidity, Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
akathisia, confusion, fatigue, insomnia, drug level. Discourage use together.
hyperkinesia, weakness, lethargy, ataxia, Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
slurred speech, depression, myoclonus, CNS depression. Discourage use together.
anxiety, fever. Smoking: May decrease drug level. Urge
CV: tachycardia, cardiomyopathy, my- patient to quit smoking. Monitor patient for
ocarditis, pulmonary embolism, cardiac effectiveness and adjust dosage.
arrest, hypotension, hypertension, chest
pain, ECG changes, orthostatic hypoten- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
sion. • May increase glucose, cholesterol, and
EENT: visual disturbances. triglyceride levels.
GI: constipation, excessive salivation, • May increase eosinophil count. May
dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, decrease granulocyte and WBC counts.
GU: urinary frequency or urgency, urine re- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
tention, incontinence, abnormal ejaculation. • Contraindicated in patients with un-
Hematologic: leukopenia, agranulocyto- controlled epilepsy, history of clozapine-
sis, granulocytopenia, eosinophilia. induced agranulocytosis, WBC count below
Metabolic: hyperglycemia, weight gain, hy- 3,500/mm3 , severe CNS depression or
percholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia. coma, paralytic ileus, and myelosuppressive
Musculoskeletal: muscle pain or spasm, disorders.
muscle weakness. • Contraindicated in patients taking other
Respiratory: respiratory arrest. drugs that suppress bone marrow function.
Skin: rash, diaphoresis. • Use cautiously in patients with prostatic
hyperplasia or angle-closure glaucoma
INTERACTIONS because drug has potent anticholinergic
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May potenti- effects.
ate anticholinergic effects of clozapine. Use •H Overdose S&S: Altered state of conscious-
together cautiously. ness, drowsiness, delirium, coma, tachycar-
Antihypertensives: May potentiate hypoten- dia, hypotension, respiratory depression or
sive effects. Monitor blood pressure. failure, hypersalivation, aspiration pneumo-
Black Box Warning Benzodiazepines, other nia, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures.
psychotropic drugs: May increase risk of
sedation and CV and respiratory arrest. Use NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
together cautiously. • ODTs contain phenylalanine.
Bone marrow suppressants: May increase Black Box Warning Drug carries signif-
bone marrow toxicity. Avoid using together. icant risk of agranulocytosis. If possible,
Citalopram, fluoroquinolones, fluoxetine, give patient at least two trials of standard
fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline: May in- antipsychotic before starting clozapine.
crease clozapine levels and toxicity. Adjust Obtain baseline WBC and differential
clozapine dose as needed. counts before clozapine therapy. Baseline
Digoxin, other highly protein-bound drugs, WBC count must be at least 3,500/mm3
warfarin: May increase levels of these and baseline antineutrophil cytoplasmic

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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clozapine 347

antibody (ANCA) at least 2,000/mm3 . or ECG abnormalities, such as ST-T wave

Monitor WBC and ANCA values weekly abnormalities or arrhythmias), stop therapy
for at least 4 weeks after stopping drug, re- immediately and don’t restart.
gardless of how often you were monitoring Alert: Drug may cause hyperglycemia.
when therapy stopped. Monitor patients with diabetes regularly. In
• During the first 6 months of therapy, mon- patients with risk factors for diabetes, obtain
itor patient weekly and dispense no more fasting blood glucose test results at baseline
than a 1-week supply of drug. If acceptable and periodically.
WBC and ANCA values [WBC 3,500/mm3 Alert: Monitor patient for metabolic syn-
or higher and ANCA 2,000/mm3 or higher] drome, including significant weight gain
are maintained during the first 6 months of and increased body mass index, hyperten-
continuous therapy, reduce monitoring to sion, hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia,
every other week. After 6 months of every- and hypertriglyceridemia.
other-week monitoring without interruption • Monitor patient for signs and symptoms
by leukopenia, reduce frequency of moni- of cardiomyopathy.
toring WBC and ANCA to monthly. Black Box Warning Orthostatic hypoten-
• If WBC count drops below 3,500/mm3 sion, with or without syncope, can occur.
after therapy begins or if it drops substan- Rarely, collapse can be profound and be ac-
tially from baseline, monitor patient closely companied by respiratory or cardiac arrest.
for signs and symptoms of infection. If Orthostatic hypotension is more likely to
WBC count is 3,000 to 3,500/mm3 and occur during initial titration with rapid dose
granulocyte count is above 1,500/mm3 , escalation. In patients who have had even a
perform WBC and differential count brief interval off clozapine (2 or more days
twice weekly. If WBC count drops to since the last dose), start treatment with
2,000/mm3 to 3,000/mm3 or granulocyte 12.5 mg once or twice daily.
count drops to 1,000/mm3 to 1,500/mm3 , Black Box Warning Seizures may occur,
interrupt therapy and notify prescriber. especially in patients receiving high doses.
Monitor WBC and differential daily un- • Some patients experience transient fever
til WBC exceeds 3,000/mm3 and ANCA with temperature higher than 100.4◦ F
exceeds 1,500/mm3 , and monitor patient (38◦ C), especially in the first 3 weeks of
for signs and symptoms of infection. Con- therapy. Monitor these patients closely.
tinue monitoring WBC and differential Black Box Warning Drug isn’t indicated for
counts twice weekly until WBC count use in elderly patients with dementia-related
exceeds 3,500/mm3 and ANCA exceeds psychoses because of an increased risk for
2,000/mm3 . Then, restart therapy with death from CV disease or infection.
weekly monitoring for 1 year before re- • After abrupt withdrawal of long-term
turning to the usual monitoring schedule of therapy, abrupt recurrence of psychosis is
every 2 weeks for 6 months and then every possible.
4 weeks. • If therapy must be stopped, withdraw
• If WBC count drops below 2,000/mm3 drug gradually over 1 or 2 weeks. If changes
and granulocyte count drops below in patient’s medical condition (including
1,000/mm3 , patient may need protective development of leukopenia) require that
isolation. Bone marrow aspiration may be drug be stopped immediately, monitor
needed to assess bone marrow function. patient closely for recurrence of psychosis.
Future clozapine therapy is contraindicated • If therapy is reinstated in patients with-
in these patients. drawn from drug, follow usual guidelines
Black Box Warning Drug increases the risk for dosage increase. Reexposure of pa-
of fatal myocarditis, especially during, but tient to drug may increase severity and
not limited to, the first month of therapy. In risk of adverse reactions. If therapy was
patients in whom myocarditis is suspected stopped because WBC counts were below
(unexplained fatigue, dyspnea, tachypnea, 2,000/mm3 or granulocyte counts were
chest pain, tachycardia, fever, palpitations, below 1,000/mm3 , don’t restart.
and other signs or symptoms of heart failure

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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348 codeine phosphate

• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ADMINISTRATION

clozapine with clonidine, clofazimine, or P.O.
Klonopin. • Give drug with milk or meals to avoid GI
• Tell patient about need for weekly blood  Don’t give discolored solution.

tests to check for blood-cell deficiency.  Give drug by direct injection into a large

Advise him to report flulike symptoms, vein. Give very slowly.

fever, sore throat, lethargy, malaise, or other  Incompatibilities: Aminophylline, am-

signs of infection. monium chloride, amobarbital, bromides,

• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities chlorothiazide, heparin, iodides, pento-
that require alertness and good coordination barbital, phenobarbital, phenytoin, salts of
while taking drug. heavy metals, sodium bicarbonate, sodium
• Tell patient to check with prescriber iodide, thiopental.
before taking alcohol or OTC drugs. I.M.
• Advise patient that smoking may decrease • Document injection site.
drug effectiveness. Subcutaneous
• Tell patient to rise slowly to avoid dizzi- • Assess injection site for local irritation,
ness. pain, and induration.
• Tell patient to keep ODTs in the blister
package until he is ready to take them. AC TION
• Inform patient that ice chips or sugarless May bind with opioid receptors in the CNS,
candy or gum may help relieve dry mouth. altering perception of and emotional re-
sponse to pain. Also suppresses the cough
SAFETY ALERT! reflex by direct action on the cough center in
the medulla.
codeine phosphate Route Onset Peak Duration
koe-DEEN P.O. 30–45 min 1–2 hr 4–6 hr
I.V. Immediate Immediate 4–6 hr
codeine sulfate I.M. 10–30 min 30–60 min 4–6 hr
Subcut. 10–30 min Unknown 4–6 hr
Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic
Pharmacologic class: Opioid Half-life: 21⁄2 to 4 hours.
Pregnancy risk category C
Controlled substance schedule II ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: clouded sensorium, sedation, dizzi-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ness, euphoria, light-headedness, physical
codeine phosphate dependence.
Injection: 15 mg/ml, 30 mg/ml, 60 mg/ml† CV: bradycardia, flushing, hypotension.
Oral solution: 15 mg/5 ml GI: constipation, dry mouth, ileus, nausea,
Tablets: 15 mg†, 30 mg† vomiting.
codeine sulfate GU: urine retention.
Tablets: 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg Respiratory: respiratory depression.
Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus.
➤ Mild to moderate pain INTERACTIONS
Adults: 15 to 60 mg P.O. or 15 to 60 mg Drug-drug. CNS depressants, general
(phosphate) subcutaneously, I.M., or I.V. anesthetics, hypnotics, MAO inhibitors,
every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n. other opioid analgesics, sedatives, tranquil-
Children older than age 1: 0.5 mg/kg P.O., izers, tricyclic antidepressants: May cause
subcutaneously, or I.M. every 4 to 6 hours additive effects. Use together cautiously;
p.r.n. Don’t give I.V. in children. monitor patient response.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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colchicine 349

Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause PATIENT TEACHING

additive effects. Discourage use together. • Advise patient that GI distress caused by
taking drug P.O. can be eased by taking drug
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS with milk or meals.
• May increase amylase and lipase levels. • Instruct patient to ask for or to take drug C
before pain is intense.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Caution ambulatory patient about getting
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive out of bed or walking. Warn outpatient to
to drug. avoid driving and other hazardous activities
• I.V. use contraindicated in children. that require mental alertness until drug’s
• Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated effects on the CNS are known.
patients and in those with head injury, in- • Advise patient to avoid alcohol during
creased intracranial pressure, increased CSF therapy.
pressure, hepatic or renal disease, hypothy- • Warn breast-feeding woman to watch
roidism, Addison disease, acute alcoholism, for increased sleepiness, difficulty breast-
seizures, severe CNS depression, bronchial feeding, or breathing, or limpness of infant.
asthma, COPD, respiratory depression, and Tell her to immediately seek medical atten-
shock. tion if this occurs.
• Don’t administer drug during labor when
delivery of a premature infant is anticipated.
Alert: Breast-feeding mothers may put colchicine
their infants at increased risk of morphine KOL-chih-seen
overdose if the mother is an ultra-rapid
codeine metabolizer. Colcrys
•H Overdose S&S: CNS depression, respi-
ratory depression, apnea, flaccid skeletal Therapeutic class: Antigout
muscles, bradycardia, hypotension, circula- Pharmacologic class: Colchicum
tory collapse, death. autumnale alkaloid
Pregnancy risk category C
• Reassess patient’s level of pain at least AVAIL ABLE FORMS
15 and 30 minutes after use. Tablets: 0.6 mg
• Codeine and aspirin or acetaminophen are
commonly prescribed together to provide INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
enhanced pain relief. ✷ NEW INDICATION: Prevention of gout
• For full analgesic effect, give drug before flares
patient has intense pain. Adults: 0.6 mg P.O. once or twice daily.
• Drug is an antitussive and shouldn’t be Maximum daily dose is 1.2 mg.
used when cough is a valuable diagnos- ➤ Gout flares
tic sign or is beneficial (as after thoracic Adults: 1.2 mg P.O. at first sign of a flare,
surgery). followed by 0.6 mg 1 hour later; maximum
• Monitor cough type and frequency. dosage is 1.8 mg over a 1-hour period.
• Monitor respiratory and circulatory ➤ Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF)
status. Adults: 1.2 to 2.4 mg P.O. daily; may in-
• Opioids may cause constipation. Assess crease by 0.3 mg/day to maximum daily
bowel function and need for stool softeners dosage given once daily or b.i.d.
and stimulant laxatives. Adolescents older than age 12: 1.2 to
• Codeine may delay gastric emptying, 1.8 mg P.O. once daily or in two divided
increase biliary tract pressure from contrac- doses.
tion of the sphincter of Oddi, and interfere Children ages 6 to 12: 0.9 to 1.8 mg P.O.
with hepatobiliary imaging studies. once daily or in two divided doses.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Children ages 4 to 6: 0.3 to 1.8 mg P.O. once
codeine with Cardene, Lodine, or Cordran. daily or in two divided doses.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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350 colchicine

Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creati- Discontinue colchicine if signs or symp-

nine clearance of less than 30 ml/minute, toms occur.
repeat treatment for gout flares no more Moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as
than once every 2 weeks; for FMF, initially amprenavir, aprepitant, diltiazem, ery-
0.3 mg/day, carefully increasing dosage as thromycin, fluconazole, fosamprenavir,
needed. verapamil), P-gp inhibitors (such as cy-
➤ Acute pericarditis  closporine, ranolazine), strong CYP3A4 in-
Adults: Initial loading dose of 1 to 2 mg hibitors (such as atazanavir, clarithromycin,
P.O. daily, followed by maintenance dose of indinavir, itraconazole, ketoconazole, ne-
0.5 to 1 mg P.O. daily for at least 3 months. fazodone, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir,
➤ Recurrent pericarditis  telithromycin): May increase colchicine
Adults: Initial loading dose of 1 to 3 mg level, increasing the risk of toxic effects.
P.O. daily, followed by maintenance dose of Reduce colchicine dose, if alternative treat-
0.5 to 2 mg P.O. daily for at least 6 months. ment isn’t available.
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
ADMINISTRATION drug level. Discourage use together.
• Give drug with or without food. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase AST, ALT, and CK levels.
AC TION • May decrease hemoglobin and hematocrit
Exact mechanism of action is not fully levels.
known; thought to involve a reduction in • May decrease leukocyte, granulocyte, and
lactic acid produced by leukocytes, reducing platelet counts.
uric acid deposits and phagocytosis, thereby • May cause false-positive results when
decreasing the inflammatory process. urine is tested for RBCs or hemoglobin.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
• Contraindicated in patients with renal or
Half-life: 27 to 31 hours. hepatic impairment who are taking P-gp or
strong CYP3A4 inhibitors.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Use only during pregnancy if benefit to
CNS: fatigue, headache. patient outweighs risk to fetus.
EENT: pharyngolaryngeal pain. • Drug appears in breast milk; patient
GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. shouldn’t breast-feed while taking drug.
Hematologic: aplastic anemia, granu- •H Overdose S&S: Abdominal pain, nausea,
locytopenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, hypovolemia, multior-
thrombocytopenia. gan failure, death.
Other: gout.
INTERACTIONS • Safety and efficacy of repeat treatment for
Drug-drug. Acidifying agents: May inhibit gout flares haven’t been established.
action of colchicine. Avoid use together. • Drug isn’t an analgesic and shouldn’t be
Alkalinizing agents: May increase action of used to treat pain from other causes.
colchicine. Avoid use together. • Obtain baseline laboratory studies, in-
CNS depressants, sympathomimetics (such cluding CBC, before starting therapy and
as phenylephrine): May increase sensitivity periodically thereafter; watch for myelo-
to these drugs. Monitor patient closely and suppression, leukopenia, granulocytopenia,
adjust dosage as needed. thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, and aplas-
Digoxin, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors tic anemia.
(such as atorvastatin, simvastatin): May • Monitor patient who has used drug for
increase risk of myopathy or rhabdomyoly- a prolonged period for neuromuscular
sis. Avoid use together. If co-administration toxicity and rhabdomyolysis.
can’t be avoided, monitor patient carefully.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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colesevelam hydrochloride 351

• When used for gout prophylaxis, one 1.875-g packet P.O. b.i.d. or one 3.75-g
colchicine must be given with allopurinol packet P.O. once daily.
or a uricosuric drug (such as probenecid)
to decrease serum uric acid level. However, ADMINISTRATION
colchicine should be started before the other P.O.
agent because a sudden change in uric acid • Give drug with a meal and plenty of fluids.
level may cause a gout attack. • Store tablets at room temperature and
protect them from moisture.
PATIENT TEACHING • Empty entire contents of one packet into
• Tell patient that drug can be taken without glass and add 4 to 8 ounces of water. Stir
regard to food. well and give immediately.
• Advise female patient not to breast-feed
and to use an alternative method for feeding AC TION
the baby. Binds bile acids in the intestinal tract, im-
• Advise patient to report muscle pain or peding their absorption and causing their
weakness, tingling or numbness in fingers elimination in feces. In response to this bile
or toes, unusual bleeding or bruising, in- acid depletion, LDL cholesterol levels de-
creased infections, weakness, tiredness, crease as the liver uses LDL cholesterol to
severe diarrhea or vomiting, or cyanosis. replenish reduced bile acid stores.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2 wk Unknown
colesevelam hydrochloride
koe-leh-SEVE-eh-lam Half-life: Unknown.


CNS: headache, asthenia, pain.
Therapeutic class: Antilipemic EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
Pharmacologic class: Bile acid GI: constipation, flatulence, abdominal
sequestrant pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea.
Pregnancy risk category B Musculoskeletal: back pain, myalgia.
Respiratory: increased cough.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Other: infection, accidental injury, flulike
Oral suspension: 1.875-g, 3.75-g packets syndrome.
Tablets: 625 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Glyburide: May decrease glyburide level.
➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise, either Administer glyburide at least 4 hours prior
alone or with an HMG-CoA reductase to colesevelam.
inhibitor, to reduce elevated LDL choles- Hormonal contraceptives containing ethinyl
terol in patients with primary hyperc- estradiol and norethindrone: May decrease
holesterolemia (Fredrickson type IIa) levels of these contraceptives. Administer
Adults: 3 tablets (1,875 mg) P.O. b.i.d. or hormonal contraceptive at least 4 hours
6 tablets (3,750 mg) once daily. Or, one prior to colesevelam.
1.875-g packet P.O. b.i.d. or one 3.75-g Phenytoin: May decrease phenytoin level
packet P.O. once daily. and increase seizure activity. Administer
Children ages 10 to 17: One 1.875-g packet phenytoin 4 hours prior to colesevelam and
P.O. b.i.d. with meals or one 3.75-g packet monitor phenytoin level.
P.O. once daily with a meal. Thyroid hormones: Coadministration may
➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise to im- increase thyroid-stimulating hormone level.
prove glycemic control in type 2 diabetes Administer thyroid hormone replacement
mellitus 4 hours prior to colesevelam.
Adults: 3 tablets (1,875 mg) P.O. b.i.d. or Warfarin: May decrease INR. Monitor INR
6 tablets (3,750 mg) P.O. once daily. Or, and patient closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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352 collagenase Clostridium histolyticum


• May increase triglyceride levels.
collagenase Clostridium
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- kuh-LAJ-eh-nase
tive to drug or any of its components, in klos-TRID-ee-um
patients with triglyceride levels greater than hiss-toe-LIH-teh-kum
500 mg/dl, and in patients with bowel Xiaflex
• Contraindicated for glymemic control Therapeutic class: Anticollagen drug
in patients with type I diabetes and for the Pharmacologic class: Enzyme
treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Pregnancy risk category B
• Use cautiously in patients susceptible
to vitamin K or fat-soluble vitamin defi- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ciencies and in patients with swallowing Injection: 0.9-mg single-use vial
disorders, severe GI motility disorders, or
major GI tract surgery. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use cautiously in patients with triglyc- ➤ Dupuytren’s contracture with palpable
eride levels greater than 300 mg/dl. cord
•H Overdose S&S: Severe local GI reactions, Adults: 0.58 mg injected into palpable cord
especially constipation. with contracture of metacarpophalangeal
(MP) joint or proximal interphalangeal
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS (PIP) joint. May repeat up to three times per
• Before starting drug, assess patient for cord at 4-week intervals.
underlying causes of hypercholesterolemia,
such as poorly controlled diabetes, hypothy- ADMINISTRATION
roidism, nephrotic syndrome, dysproteine- Intradermal
mias, obstructive liver disease, other drug • Reconstitute drug, supplied as a
therapy, and alcoholism. lyophilized powder, with provided diluent
• Monitor patient’s bowel habits. If severe before use.
constipation develops, decrease dosage, add • Before use, remove vial containing
a stool softener, or stop drug. lyophilized powder and vial containing
• Monitor the effects of patient’s other diluent for reconstitution from refrigera-
drugs to identify drug interactions. tor and allow both vials to stand at room
• Monitor INR and total and LDL choles- temperature for at least 15 minutes and no
terol and triglyceride levels periodically longer than 60 minutes.
during therapy. • After removal of flip-off cap from each
• Use only when clearly needed in breast- vial and while using aseptic technique, swab
feeding women because it’s not known if rubber stopper and surrounding surface
drug appears in breast milk. of vial containing drug and vial contain-
ing diluent for reconstitution with sterile
PATIENT TEACHING alcohol (don’t use other antiseptics).
• Instruct patient to take drug with a meal • Use only supplied diluent for reconsti-
and plenty of fluids. tution; diluent contains calcium, which is
• Teach patient to monitor bowel habits. required for activity of drug. Using 1-ml
Encourage a diet high in fiber and fluids. In- syringe that contains 0.01-ml graduations
struct patient to notify prescriber promptly with 27-gauge, 1⁄2 -inch needle (not sup-
if severe constipation develops. plied), withdraw volume of diluent needed.
• Encourage patient to follow prescribed Inject diluent slowly into sides of vial con-
diet, exercise, and monitoring of cholesterol taining lyophilized powder. Don’t invert vial
and triglyceride levels. or shake solution. Slowly swirl solution to
• Tell patient to notify prescriber if she’s ensure that all of lyophilized powder has
pregnant or breast-feeding. gone into solution.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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collagenase Clostridium histolyticum 353

• Administration of local anesthetic before • Monitor patient for severe allergic re-
injection isn’t recommended because it may actions (hypotension, respiratory distress,
interfere with proper placement of injection. end-organ dysfunction).
• Monitor patient for swelling, bruising,
AC TION bleeding, or pain at injection site and sur-
Hydrolyzes collagen disrupting Dupuytren’s rounding tissue.
cord. • Monitor patient for signs and symp-
Route Onset Peak Duration
toms of tendon rupture (sensory changes
Intralesional Immediate Not Not
in treated finger or trouble bending finger)
applicable applicable after swelling decreases.
Half-life: Not applicable.
• Warn patient that tendon rupture, a rare
ADVERSE REACTIONS but serious complication, may occur after
CV: peripheral edema. injection.
Hematologic: lymphadenopathy, lymph • Tell patient that swelling, bruising, bleed-
node pain. ing, and pain may occur at injection site and
Musculoskeletal: axillary pain, extremity surrounding tissue after injection.
pain. • Advise patient to report signs and symp-
Skin: ecchymosis, erythema, injection-site toms of infection (fever, chills, increased
reactions (hemorrhage, swelling, tender- redness or swelling), sensory changes
ness), laceration, pruritus. in treated finger (numbness, tingling, in-
Other: contusion. creased pain), or difficulty bending finger
after swelling decreases.
INTERACTIONS • Warn patient to avoid manipulating in-
Drug-drug. Anticoagulants (clopidogrel, jected cord.
enoxaparin, heparin, warfarin): May in- • Instruct patient to avoid flexing or extend-
crease risk of injection-site hemorrhage. ing fingers of injected hand.
Use together cautiously. • Tell patient to keep injected hand elevated
until bedtime.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to return to health care
None reported. provider on day after injection for exam-
ination of injected finger and for finger-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS extension procedure, if needed.
• It isn’t known if drug appears in breast • Instruct patient to perform finger flexion
milk. Use cautiously in breast-feeding and extension exercises daily and to wear
women. splint at bedtime for up to 4 months after
• Safety and effectiveness in children finger-extension procedure.
haven’t been established. • Advise patient to avoid strenuous activity
•H Overdose S&S: Tendon rupture. with injected hand until recommended by
• Drug should be administered by health
care provider experienced in injection pro-
cedures of the hand and in treatment of
Dupuytren’s contracture.
• Finger extension should be performed
24 hours after injection if contracture per-
• Only one cord should be injected at a
time; if other palpable cords with contrac-
ture of MP or PIP joint exist, cords may be
injected in sequential order.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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354 conivaptan hydrochloride

 Give via a large vein, and change infu-

conivaptan hydrochloride sion site every 24 hours.

kah-nih-VAP-tan  Solution is stable for 24 hours at room

Vaprisol  Protect premixed solution from light

until ready to use.

Therapeutic class: Vasopressin  Incompatibilities: Lactated Ringer’s

antagonist solution, normal saline solution. Don’t mix

Pharmacologic class: Arginine or infuse with other I.V. drugs.
vasopressin receptor antagonist
Pregnancy risk category C AC TION
Increases free water eliminated by kidneys,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS inhibiting inappropriate or excessive argi-
Injection: 20 mg/4 ml nine vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone)
Injection (premixed): 0.2 mg/ml in 100 ml secretion. Typically, this causes increased
D5 W net fluid loss, increased urine output, and
decreased urine osmolality.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ Euvolemic hyponatremia (as from I.V. Unknown 2–4 hr 12 hr
SIADH, hypothyroidism, adrenal insuf-
ficiency, pulmonary disorders) and hy- Half-life: 5 hours.
pervolemic hyponatremia in hospitalized
Adults: Loading dose of 20 mg I.V. over CNS: headache, confusion, fever, insom-
30 minutes; then 20 mg I.V. by continuous nia.
infusion over 24 hours for 1 to 3 days. If CV: atrial fibrillation, hypertension, hy-
sodium level isn’t rising at desired rate, potension, orthostatic hypotension.
increase to 40 mg/day by continuous infu- EENT: pharyngolaryngeal pain.
sion. Don’t give for more than 4 days after GI: constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth,
loading dose. nausea, oral candidiasis, vomiting.
Adjust-a-dose: If sodium level rises more GU: frequency, hematuria, polyuria, UTI.
than 12 mEq/L in 24 hours, stop infusion. Hematologic: anemia.
If hyponatremia persists or recurs and Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hypokalemia,
the patient has had no adverse neurologic dehydration, hyperglycemia, hypomagne-
effects from the rapid rise in sodium level, semia, hyponatremia.
restart infusion at a reduced dose. If patient Respiratory: pneumonia.
develops hypotension or hypovolemia, stop Skin: erythema.
infusion. Monitor vital signs and volume Other: infusion site reactions, thirst.
status often. If hyponatremia persists once
the patient is no longer hypotensive and vol- INTERACTIONS
ume returns to normal, restart infusion at a Drug-drug. Amlodipine: May increase
reduced dose. amlodipine level and half-life. Monitor
blood pressure.
ADMINISTRATION Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. Mon-
I.V. itor patient, and adjust digoxin dose, as
 Dilute only with D5 W. For the loading needed.
dose, add 20 mg to 100 ml of D5 W. Gently Midazolam: May increase midazolam level.
invert bag to ensure complete mixing. Monitor patient for respiratory depression
Infuse over 30 minutes. For continuous and hypotension.
infusion, add 40 mg to 250 ml of D5 W. Potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (clarithromycin,
Gently invert bag to ensure complete indinavir, itraconazole, ketoconazole, ri-
mixing. Infuse over 24 hours. tonavir): May seriously increase levels and
toxic effects. Use together is contraindicated.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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crotamiton 355

Simvastatin: May increase simvastatin

level. Monitor patient for signs of rhab- crotamiton
domyolysis, including muscle pain, weak- kroe-TAM-ih-tuhn
ness, and tenderness.
• May decrease potassium, magnesium, Therapeutic class: Scabicide,
sodium, and hemoglobin levels and he- pediculicide
matocrit. May increase or decrease blood Pharmacologic class: Scabicide
glucose level. Pregnancy risk category C


• Contraindicated in patients with hypo- Cream: 10%
volemic hyponatremia; patients hypersensi- Lotion: 10%
tive to drug or its components, corn, or corn
products; and those taking potent CYP3A4 INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
inhibitors, such as clarithromycin, indinavir, ➤ Parasitic infestation (scabies)
itraconazole, ketoconazole, or ritonavir. Adults: Scrub entire body with soap and
• Use cautiously in hyponatremic patients water. Remove scales or crusts. Then ap-
with underlying heart failure and patients ply thin layer of cream over entire body,
with hepatic or renal impairment. from chin down (with special attention
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, thirst. to skinfolds, creases, interdigital spaces,
and genital area). Apply second coat in
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 24 hours. Change clothing and bed linen the
• Monitor sodium level and neurologic next morning. Wait another 48 hours; then
status regularly during therapy. wash off. If retreatment is needed, use an
Alert: Rapid correction of sodium level alternative regimen.
may cause osmotic demyelination syn- ➤ Itching
drome. Monitor patient’s sodium level and Adults: Apply locally, massaging gently into
volume status. affected area until completely absorbed;
• Drug may cause significant infusion site repeat p.r.n.
reactions, even with proper dilution and
administration. Rotate infusion site every ADMINISTRATION
24 hours to reduce risk of reaction. Topical
• Shake product well before each use.
PATIENT TEACHING • Don’t apply to face, eyes, mucous mem-
• Inform patient that he may experience low branes, or urethral opening.
blood pressure when standing. If he feels • If accidental contact with eyes occurs,
dizzy or faint, advise him to sit or lie down. flush with water and notify prescriber.
• Advise patient to promptly report signs
and symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as AC TION
feeling shaky, nervous, tired, sweaty, cold, Scabicidal and antipruritic actions; mecha-
hungry, confused, irritable, or impatient. nism unknown.
• Emphasize the importance of reporting an Route Onset Peak Duration
unusually fast heartbeat or weakness. Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Tell patient that analgesics and moist
heating pads can be used to treat pain and Half-life: Unknown.
inflammation at the infusion site.
• Inform patient that the infusion will be ADVERSE REACTIONS
given for a maximum of 4 days after the Skin: irritation, allergic skin sensitivity.
loading dose.
None significant.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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356 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride


• None reported. cyclobenzaprine
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components and in those Amrix, Flexeril
whose skin is raw or inflamed.
Therapeutic class: Skeletal muscle
• Estimate amount of cream needed per Pharmacologic class: Tricyclic
application; most patients tend to overuse antidepressant derivative
scabicides. For most adults, a single tube of Pregnancy risk category B
cream is enough for two applications.
• Don’t apply drug to acutely inflamed or AVAIL ABLE FORMS
raw, weeping areas. Capsules (extended-release): 15 mg, 30 mg
• Apply topical corticosteroids, as pre- Tablets: 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg
scribed, if dermatitis develops from scratch-
• Make sure hospitalized patients are placed ➤ Adjunct to rest and physical therapy to
in isolation, with special linen-handling relieve muscle spasm from acute, painful
precautions, until treatment is completed. musculoskeletal conditions
• Treat sexual contacts simultaneously. Adults and children age 15 and older: 5 mg
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse P.O. t.i.d. Based on response, dose may
Eurax with Serax or Urex. be increased to 10 mg t.i.d. Don’t exceed
60 mg/day. Or, 15 to 30 mg extended-
PATIENT TEACHING release capsule P.O. once daily. Use for
• Tell patient or family member to shake longer than 2 or 3 weeks isn’t recom-
product well before each use. mended.
• Teach patient or family member how Adjust-a-dose: In elderly patients and in
to apply drug. Tell patient not to apply to those with mild hepatic impairment, start
face, eyes, mucous membranes, or urethral with 5-mg conventional tablets and adjust
opening. If accidental contact with eyes slowly upward. Drug isn’t recommended
occurs, tell patient to flush with water and in patients with moderate to severe hepatic
notify prescriber. impairment. Don’t use extended-release
• Tell patient to stop using drug, wash it off capsules in the elderly or those with im-
skin, and notify prescriber immediately if paired hepatic function.
skin irritation or hypersensitivity develops.
• Instruct patient to change all clothing ADMINISTRATION
and bed linens the next day and to launder P.O.
them in hot cycle of washing machine or dry • Don’t split the generic 10-mg tablets
clean them. because of the high risk of inconsistent
• Instruct patient to reapply drug if it’s doses.
washed off during treatment time. • Give extended-release capsules whole;
• Tell patient to warn other family members don’t crush or break.
and sexual contacts about infestation.
• Reassure patient that although itching AC TION
may continue for several weeks, it will Unknown. Relieves skeletal muscle spasm
stop; continued itching doesn’t indicate that of local origin without disrupting muscle
therapy is ineffective. function.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride 357

Route Onset Peak Duration • Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated

P.O. 1 hr 4 hr 12–24 hr patients and in those with a history of urine
P.O. 1.5 hr 7–8 hr Unknown retention, acute angle-closure glaucoma, or
(extended- increased intraocular pressure.
• Safety and effectiveness in children C
Half-life: 1 to 3 days; 32 hours for extended- younger than age 15 haven’t been estab-
release capsules. lished.
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, tachycardia,
ADVERSE REACTIONS tremor, agitation, coma, ataxia, hyperten-
CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, seizures, sion, slurred speech, confusion, dizziness,
headache, tremor, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, cardiac
asthenia, nervousness, confusion, pares- arrest, chest pain, cardiac arrhythmias, ECG
thesia, depression, attention disturbances, changes (changes in QRS axis or width).
dysarthria, ataxia, syncope.
CV: arrhythmias, palpitations, hypoten- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
sion, tachycardia. • Drug may cause toxic reactions similar to
EENT: visual disturbances, blurred vision. those of tricyclic antidepressants. Observe
GI: dry mouth, dyspepsia, abnormal taste, same precautions as when giving tricyclic
constipation, nausea. antidepressants.
Skin: rash, pruritus, acne. • Monitor patient for nausea, headache, and
malaise, which may occur if drug is stopped
INTERACTIONS abruptly after long-term use.
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May in- Alert: Notify prescriber immediately of
crease CNS depression. Avoid using to- signs and symptoms of overdose, including
gether. cardiac toxicity.
Guanethidine: May block guanethidine’s • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
antihypertensive effect. Monitor patient’s Flexeril with Floxin.
blood pressure.
MAO inhibitors: May cause hyperpyretic PATIENT TEACHING
crisis, seizures, and death when MAO • Advise patient to report urinary hesi-
inhibitors are used with tricyclic antide- tancy or urine retention. If constipation is a
pressants; may also occur with cyclobenza- problem, suggest that patient increase fluid
prine. Avoid using within 2 weeks of MAO intake and use a stool softener.
inhibitor therapy. • Warn patient to avoid activities that re-
Naproxen: May increase drowsiness. Make quire alertness until CNS effects of drug are
patient aware of this interaction. known.
Tramadol: May increase risk of seizures. • Warn patient not to combine with alcohol
Use together cautiously. or other CNS depressants, including OTC
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase cold or allergy remedies.
CNS depression. Discourage use together. • Instruct patient not to split the generic
10-mg tablets because of the high risk of
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS inconsistent doses.
None reported.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
tive to drug; in those with hyperthyroidism,
heart block, arrhythmias, conduction distur-
bances, or heart failure; in those who have
received MAO inhibitors within 14 days;
and in those in the acute recovery phase of
an MI.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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358 cyclophosphamide

SAFETY ALERT! dissolve completely, let vial stand for a few

cyclophosphamide  Check reconstituted solution for small

sye-kloe-FOSS-fa-mide particles. Filter solution, if needed.

 Give by direct I.V. injection or infusion.

Cytoxan, Procytox†  For infusion, further dilute with D5 W,

dextrose 5% in normal saline solution

Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic for injection, dextrose 5% in Ringer’s
Pharmacologic class: Nitrogen mustard injection, lactated Ringer’s injection,
Pregnancy risk category D sodium lactate injection, or half-normal
saline solution for injection.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Reconstituted solution is stable 6 days

Injection: 500-mg, 1-g, 2-g vials if refrigerated or 24 hours at room tem-

Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg perature. Use stored solutions cautiously
because drug contains no preservatives.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B

➤ Breast or ovarian cancer, Hodgkin cholesteryl sulfate complex.

lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic
leukemia, chronic myelocytic leukemia, AC TION
acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute Cross-links strands of cellular DNA and
myelocytic and monocytic leukemia, neu- interferes with RNA transcription, causing
roblastoma, retinoblastoma, malignant an imbalance of growth that leads to cell
lymphoma, multiple myeloma, mycosis death. Not specific to cell cycle.
fungoides, sarcoma Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults and children: Initially for induction, P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
40 to 50 mg/kg I.V. in divided doses over I.V. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
2 to 5 days. Or, 10 to 15 mg/kg I.V. every
7 to 10 days, 3 to 5 mg/kg I.V. twice weekly, Half-life: 3 to 12 hours.
or 1 to 5 mg/kg P.O. daily, based on patient
Adjust subsequent doses according to ev- CV: cardiotoxicity with very high doses
idence of antitumor activity or leukopenia. and with doxorubicin.
➤ Minimal-change nephrotic syndrome GI: nausea and vomiting, anorexia, stom-
Children: 2.5 to 3 mg/kg P.O. daily for 60 to atitis.
90 days. GU: HEMORRHAGIC CYSTITIS, impaired
ADMINISTRATION Hematologic: LEUKOPENIA, thrombocy-
P.O. topenia, anemia.
• Don’t give drug at bedtime; infrequent Hepatic: hepatotoxicity.
urination during the night may increase Metabolic: hyperuricemia, SIADH.
possibility of cystitis. Respiratory: pulmonary fibrosis with high
I.V. doses.
 Preparing and giving parenteral form Skin: alopecia.
of drug may be mutagenic, teratogenic, Other: secondary malignant disease,
or carcinogenic. Follow facility policy to anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reactions.
reduce risks.
 Reconstitute powder using sterile water INTERACTIONS
for injection or bacteriostatic water for Drug-drug. Allopurinol, myelosuppres-
injection containing only parabens. sives: May increase myelosuppression.
 Add 25 ml to 500-mg vial, 50 ml to Monitor patient for toxicity.
1-g vial, or 100 ml to 2-g vial to produce Anticoagulants: May increase anticoagulant
a solution containing 20 mg/ml. Shake effect. Monitor patient for bleeding.
vigorously to dissolve. If powder doesn’t

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cyclophosphamide 359

Aspirin, NSAIDs: May increase risk of • Use caution to ensure correct dose to
bleeding. Avoid using together. decrease risk of cardiac toxicity.
Barbiturates: May enhance cyclophos- • Monitor CBC and renal and liver function
phamide toxicity. Monitor patient closely. test results.
Cardiotoxic drugs: May increase adverse • Monitor patient closely for leukopenia C
cardiac effects. Monitor patient for toxicity. (nadir between days 8 and 15, recovery in
Chloramphenicol, corticosteroids: May 17 to 28 days).
reduce activity of cyclophosphamide. Use • Monitor uric acid level. To prevent hyper-
together cautiously. uricemia with resulting uric acid nephropa-
Ciprofloxacin: May decrease antimicrobial thy, allopurinol may be used with adequate
effect. Monitor patient for effect. hydration.
Digoxin: May decrease digoxin level. Moni- • To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. in-
tor level closely. jections when platelet count is less than
Quinolones: May decrease the antimicrobial 50,000/mm3 .
effects of quinolones. Monitor patient. • Anticipate blood transfusions because of
Succinylcholine: May prolong neuromuscu- cumulative anemia.
lar blockade. Avoid using together. • Therapeutic effects are often accompa-
Thiazide diuretics: May prolong nied by toxicity.
antineoplastic-induced leukopenia. Monitor • In boys, using drug for nephrotic syn-
patient closely. drome for more than 60 days increases the
incidence of oligospermia and azoospermia.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Use for more than 90 days increases the risk
• May increase uric acid level. May of sterility.
decrease hemoglobin and pseudo- • Drug may be used to treat nononcologic
cholinesterase levels. disorders, such as lupus, nephritis, and
• May decrease platelet, RBC, and WBC rheumatoid arthritis.
• May suppress positive reaction to Can- PATIENT TEACHING
dida, mumps, Trichophyton, and tuberculin • Warn patient that hair loss is likely to
skin test results. May cause a false-positive occur but is reversible.
Papanicolaou test result. • Advise patient to watch for signs and
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell
tive to drug and in those with severe bone patient to take temperature daily.
marrow suppression. • Instruct patient to avoid OTC products
• Use cautiously in patients with leukope- that contain aspirin.
nia, thrombocytopenia, malignant cell • To minimize risk of hemorrhagic cystitis,
infiltration of bone marrow, or hepatic or encourage patient to urinate every 1 to
renal disease and in those who have recently 2 hours while awake and to drink at least 3 L
undergone radiation therapy or chemother- of fluid daily.
apy. • If patient is taking tablets, tell him not
•H Overdose S&S: Infection, myelosuppres- to take it at bedtime because infrequent
sion, cardiotoxicity. urination increases risk of cystitis.
• Advise both men and women to prac-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS tice contraception during therapy and for
• If cystitis occurs, stop drug and notify 4 months afterward; drug may cause birth
prescriber. Cystitis can occur months after defects.
therapy ends. Mesna may be given to reduce • Advise women to stop breast-feeding
frequency and severity of bladder toxicity. during therapy because of risk of toxicity to
Test urine for blood. infant.
• Adequately hydrate patients before and • Drug can cause irreversible sterility in
after dose to decrease risk of cystitis. both men and women. Before therapy,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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360 cycloserine

counsel patients who are considering par- ory, psychosis, hyperirritability, paresthesia,
enthood. Also recommend that women paresis, hyperreflexia.
consult prescriber before becoming preg- CV: sudden heart failure.
nant. Other: hypersensitivity reactions (rash,
sye-kloe-SER-een Drug-drug. Ethionamide: May increase
neurotoxic adverse reactions. Monitor
Seromycin patient closely.
Isoniazid: May increase risk of CNS tox-
Therapeutic class: Antituberculotic icity, causing dizziness or drowsiness.
Pharmacologic class: Isoxazolidine Monitor patient closely.
derivative, d-alanine analogue Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
Pregnancy risk category C risk of CNS toxicity, causing seizures.
Discourage use together.
• May increase transaminase levels.
➤ Adjunctive treatment for pulmonary CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
or extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Adults: Initially, 250 mg P.O. every to drug, in those who use alcohol exces-
12 hours for 2 weeks; then adjust dosage sively, and in those with seizure disorders,
to maintain blood concentrations at less than depression, severe anxiety, psychosis, or
30 mcg/ml. Dosage shouldn’t exceed 1 g severe renal insufficiency.
daily. • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
➤ Acute UTIs renal function; reduce dosage in these pa-
Adults: 250 mg P.O. every 12 hours for tients.
2 weeks. •H Overdose S&S: Headache, vertigo, confu-
sion, drowsiness, hyperirritability, paresthe-
ADMINISTRATION sia, dysarthria, psychosis, seizures, coma.
• Drug is considered a second-line drug in NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
TB treatment and should always be given • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
with other antituberculotics to prevent the tivity tests before therapy begins and then
development of resistant organisms. periodically to detect possible resistance.
• Use to treat UTIs only when better alter-
AC TION natives are contraindicated and susceptibil-
Inhibits cell-wall biosynthesis by interfering ity to cycloserine is confirmed.
with the bacterial use of amino acids; may • Monitor level periodically, especially in
be bacteriostatic or bactericidal, depending patients receiving high dosages (more than
on the drug level attained at the site of 500 mg daily), because toxic reactions may
infection and the organism’s susceptibility. occur with levels above 30 mcg/ml.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Watch patient receiving dosages of more
P.O. Unknown 4–8 hr Unknown
than 500 mg daily for signs and symptoms
of CNS toxicity, such as seizures, anxiety,
Half-life: 10 hours. and tremor. Giving 200 to 300 mg pyri-
doxine daily may help prevent neurotoxic
CNS: coma, seizures, suicidal behavior, • Monitor results of hematologic tests and
drowsiness, somnolence, headache, tremor, renal and liver function tests.
dysarthria, vertigo, confusion, loss of mem-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cyclosporine 361

• Observe patient for psychotic symptoms, For conversion from Sandimmune to

hallucinations, and suicidal behavior. Gengraf or Neoral, use same daily dose as
• Monitor patient for hypersensitivity reac- previously used for Sandimmune. Monitor
tions, such as allergic dermatitis. blood levels every 4 to 7 days after con-
• Give anticonvulsant, tranquilizer, or version, and monitor blood pressure and
sedative to relieve adverse reactions. creatinine level every 2 weeks during the
first 2 months.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Severe, active rheumatoid arthritis
Alert: Warn patient to avoid alcohol, (RA) that hasn’t adequately responded to
which may cause serious neurologic reac- methotrexate
tions. Adults: 2.5 mg/kg Gengraf or Neoral daily
• Advise patient not to perform hazardous P.O., taken b.i.d. as divided doses. Dosage
activities if drowsiness occurs. may be increased by 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg daily
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions after 8 weeks and again after 12 weeks to a
promptly; dosage may need to be adjusted maximum of 4 mg/kg daily. If no response
or other drugs prescribed to relieve adverse is seen after 16 weeks, stop therapy.
reactions. ➤ Psoriasis
Adults: 1.25 mg/kg Gengraf or Neoral daily
P.O. b.i.d. for at least 4 weeks. Increase
cycloSPORINE dosage by 0.5 mg/kg daily once every
sye-kloe-SPOR-een 2 weeks as needed to a maximum of
4 mg/kg daily.
Sandimmune Adjust-a-dose: For patients with adverse
cycloSPORINE, modified effects such as hypertension, creatinine
Gengraf, Neoral level 30% above pretreatment level, or
abnormal CBC count or liver function test
Therapeutic class: Immunosuppressant results, decrease dosage by 25% to 50%.
Pharmacologic class: Immunosuppres-
Pregnancy risk category C P.O.
• Give Neoral or Gengraf on an empty
Capsules for microemulsion (modified) ∗ : • Measure oral solution doses carefully in
25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg an oral syringe. Don’t rinse dosing syringe
Capsules (nonmodified): 25 mg, 50 mg, with water. If syringe is cleaned, it must be
100 mg completely dry before reuse.
Injection: 50 mg/ml • To improve the taste of Sandimmune oral
Oral solution (modified and nonmodified): solution, mix it with milk, chocolate milk,
100 mg/ml∗ or orange juice. Gengraf or Neoral oral
solution may be mixed with orange or apple
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES juice (not grapefruit juice); it’s less palatable
➤ To prevent organ rejection in renal, when mixed with milk.
hepatic, or cardiac transplantation • Use a glass container to mix, and have
Adults and children: 15 mg/kg P.O. 4 to patient drink at once.
12 hours before transplantation and con- I.V.
tinue daily for 1 to 2 weeks postopera-  This form is usually reserved for patients

tively. Then reduce dosage by 5% each who can’t tolerate oral drugs.
week to maintenance level of 5 to 10 mg/kg  Immediately before use, dilute each

daily. Or, 5 to 6 mg/kg I.V. concentrate 4 to milliliter of concentrate in 20 to 100 ml

12 hours before transplantation as a slow of D5 W or normal saline solution for
I.V. infusion over 2 to 6 hours. Postopera- injection. Give at one-third the oral dose.
tively, repeat dose daily until patient can  Infuse over 2 to 6 hours.

tolerate P.O. forms.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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362 cyclosporine

 Protect diluted drug from light. crease immunosuppressant effect from low
 Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B cyclosporine level. Cyclosporine dosage
cholesteryl sulfate complex, magnesium may need to be increased.
sulfate. Digoxin, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
(such as lovastatin), prednisolone: May
AC TION decrease clearance of these drugs. Use
May inhibit proliferation and function of together cautiously.
T lymphocytes and inhibit production and Mycophenolate mofetil: May decrease my-
release of lymphokines. cophenolate level. Monitor patient closely
when cyclosporine is added to or removed
Route Onset Peak Duration from therapy.
P.O. Unknown 90 min–3 hr Unknown
Potassium-sparing diuretics: May induce
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
hyperkalemia. Monitor patient closely.
Half-life: Initial phase, about 1 hour; terminal Sirolimus: May increase sirolimus level.
phase, 81⁄2 to 27 hours. Take sirolimus at least 4 hours after cy-
closporine dose. If separating doses isn’t
ADVERSE REACTIONS possible, monitor patient for increased
CNS: tremor, headache, confusion, pares- adverse effects.
thesia, seizures. Vaccines: May decrease immune response.
CV: hypertension, flushing. Delay routine immunization.
EENT: gum hyperplasia, sinusitis. Drug-herb. Astragalus, echinacea, licorice:
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal May interfere with drug’s effect. Discourage
discomfort. use together.
GU: NEPHROTOXICITY. St. John’s wort: May reduce drug level,
Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia, throm- resulting in transplant failure. Discourage
bocytopenia. use together.
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. Drug-food. Alfalfa sprouts: May interfere
Metabolic: hyperglycemia. with drug’s effect. Discourage use together.
Skin: hirsutism, acne. Grapefruit and grapefruit juices: May increase
Other: infections, anaphylaxis. drug level and cause toxicity. Advise patient
to avoid use together.
INTERACTIONS Drug-lifestyle. Sunlight: May increase risk
Drug-drug. Acyclovir, aminoglycosides, of sensitivity to sunlight. Advise patient to
amphotericin B, cimetidine, diclofenac, avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
gentamicin, ketoconazole, melphalan,
NSAIDs, ranitidine, sulfamethoxazole and EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
trimethoprim, tacrolimus, tobramycin, • May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, BUN,
vancomycin: May increase risk of nephro- creatinine, glucose, and LDL levels. May
toxicity. Avoid using together. decrease hemoglobin and magnesium
Allopurinol, azole antifungals, bromocrip- levels.
tine, caspofungin, cimetidine, clar- • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
ithromycin, danazol, diltiazem, ery-
thromycin, imipenem and cilastatin, methyl- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
prednisolone, metoclopramide, micafungin, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
nicardipine, prednisolone, verapamil: May tive to drug or polyoxyethylated castor oil
increase cyclosporine level. Monitor patient (found in injectable form).
for increased toxicity. • Contraindicated in patients with RA or
Azathioprine, corticosteroids, cyclophos- psoriasis with abnormal renal function,
phamide, verapamil: May increase im- uncontrolled hypertension, or malignancies
munosuppression. Monitor patient closely. (Neoral or Gengraf).
Carbamazepine, isoniazid, nafcillin, oc-
treotide, orlistat, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
rifabutin, rifampin, ticlopidine: May de-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cyclosporine 363

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS or introduction of a new NSAID. Monitor

Black Box Warning Only experienced CBC and liver function tests monthly if
physicians should prescribe this drug. patient also receives methotrexate.
Black Box Warning Psoriasis patients pre- • If hypertension occurs, decrease dosage
viously treated with psoralen and ultraviolet of Gengraf or Neoral by 25% to 50%. If hy-
light A, methotrexate or other immunosup- pertension persists, decrease dosage further
pressive agents, UVB, coal tar, or radiation or control blood pressure with antihyperten-
therapy are at an increased risk for skin ma- sives.
lignancies when taking Neoral or Gengraf. Psoriasis
• Drug can cause hepatotoxicity. • Measure blood pressure at least twice to
Black Box Warning Neoral and Gengraf determine a baseline.
may increase the susceptibility to infection • Evaluate patient for occult infection and
and the development of neoplasia. tumors initially and throughout treatment.
Alert: Drugs causing immunosuppression • Obtain baseline creatinine level (on two
increase the risk of opportunistic infections, occasions), CBC, and BUN, magnesium,
including activation of latent viral infections uric acid, potassium, and lipid levels.
such as BK virus–associated neuropathy, • Evaluate creatinine and BUN levels every
which may lead to serious outcomes, includ- 2 weeks during first 3 months and then
ing kidney graft loss. monthly thereafter if patient is stable.
• Monitor elderly patient for renal impair- • If creatinine level is 25% above pre-
ment and hypertension. treatment levels, repeat creatinine level
Black Box Warning Monitor Sandimmune measurement within 2 weeks. If creatinine
level at regular intervals. Absorption of oral level stays 25% to 50% above baseline, re-
solution can be erratic. duce dosage by 25% to 50%. If creatinine
Black Box Warning Neoral and Gengraf level is ever 50% above baseline, reduce
have greater bioavailability than Sandim- dosage by 25% to 50%. Stop therapy if cre-
mune. A lower dose of Neoral or Gengraf atinine level isn’t reversed after two dosage
may be needed to provide blood level sim- modifications.
ilar to that achieved with Sandimmune. • Monitor creatinine level after increasing
Monitor blood level when switching pa- NSAID dose or starting a new NSAID.
tients between these two brands. • Evaluate blood pressure, CBC, and uric
• Gengraf is bioequivalent to and inter- acid, potassium, lipid, and magnesium levels
changeable with Neoral capsules. every 2 weeks for the first 3 months and
Black Box Warning Always give with cor- then monthly if patient is stable, or more
ticosteroids; however, don’t give Sandim- frequently if a dosage is adjusted.
mune with other immunosuppressants. • If an adverse reaction occurs, reduce
Black Box Warning Drug can cause sys- dosage by 25% to 50%.
temic hypertension and nephrotoxicity. • Improvement in psoriasis takes 12 to
• Use Neoral or Gengraf to treat RA or 16 weeks of therapy.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse PATIENT TEACHING
cyclosporine with cyclophosphamide or • Encourage patient to take drug at same
cycloserine. Don’t confuse Sandimmune time each day and to be consistent with
with Sandostatin. relation to meals.
RA • Teach patient how to measure dosage and
• Before starting treatment, measure blood mask taste of oral solution. Tell him not to
pressure at least twice and obtain two creati- take drug with grapefruit juice.
nine levels to estimate baseline. • Instruct patient to fill glass with water
• Evaluate blood pressure and creatinine after dose and drink it to make sure he
level every 2 weeks during first 3 months consumes all of drug.
and then monthly if patient is stable. • Advise patient to take drug with meals if
• Monitor blood pressure and creatinine nausea occurs.
level after an increase in NSAID dosage

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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364 cytarabine

• Advise patient to take Neoral or Gengraf ➤ Meningeal leukemia

on an empty stomach. Adults and children: Varies from 5 to
• Tell patient being treated for psoriasis that 75 mg/m2 intrathecally. Frequency varies
improvement may not occur until after 12 to from once daily for 4 days to once every
16 weeks of therapy. 4 days. The most frequently used dose is
• Stress that drug shouldn’t be stopped 30 mg/m2 every 4 days until CSF fluid is
without prescriber’s approval. normal; then one additional dose.
• Explain to patient the importance of fre- ➤ Lymphomatous meningitis (liposomal)
quent laboratory monitoring while receiving Adults: For induction, give 50 mg liposomal
therapy. injection intrathecally every 14 days for two
• Tell patient to avoid people with infections doses (weeks 1 and 3); then, for consolida-
because drug lowers resistance to infection. tion therapy, give 50 mg liposomal injection
• Advise patient to perform careful oral intrathecally every 14 days for three doses
care and to see a dentist regularly because (weeks 5, 7, and 9) followed by one addi-
drug can cause gum disease. tional dose at week 13. Maintenance dose,
• Advise women to use barrier contraception, 50 mg liposomal injection intrathecally ev-
not hormonal contraceptives, during therapy. ery 28 days for four doses (weeks 17, 21,
Advise patient of the potential risk during 25, and 29).
pregnancy and the increased risk of tumors, Adjust-a-dose: For patients with neurotoxi-
high blood pressure, and renal problems. city, reduce dose to 25 mg. If neurotoxicity
• Warn patient to wear protection in the sun persists, stop therapy.
and to avoid excessive sun exposure.
 Preparing and giving parenteral drug

cytarabine (ara-C, cytosine may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car-

arabinoside) cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce
sye-TARE-a-been risks.
 To reduce nausea, give antiemetic be-

Cytosar†, Cytosar-U, DepoCyt, fore drug. Nausea and vomiting are more
Tarabine PFS likely with large doses given by I.V. push.
Dizziness may occur with rapid infusion.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic  Except for neonates or intrathecal use,

Pharmacologic class: Pyrimidine reconstitute drug using the provided dilu-

analogue ent, which is bacteriostatic water for injec-
Pregnancy risk category D tion containing benzyl alcohol.
 Reconstitute 100-mg vial with 5 ml of

AVAIL ABLE FORMS diluent, 500-mg or 1 g vials with 10 ml of

Injection: 20 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml diluent or 2 g vial with 20 ml of diluent.
Liposomal injection: 10 mg/ml  Discard cloudy reconstituted solution.

Powder for injection: 100-mg, 500-mg, 1-g,  For I.V. infusion, further dilute using

2-g vials normal saline solution for injection or

D5 W.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Reconstituted solution is stable for

➤ Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia 48 hours.

Adults and children: 100 mg/m2 I.V. daily  Incompatibilities: Allopurinol sodium,

by continuous I.V. infusion or 100 mg/m2 amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate com-

I.V. every 12 hours by rapid I.V. injection plex, fluorouracil, ganciclovir sodium,
or I.V. infusion on days 1 to 7 in a course of heparin sodium, hydrocortisone sodium
therapy or daily until remission is attained. succinate, insulin, methylprednisolone
➤ Acute lymphocytic leukemia sodium succinate, nafcillin, oxacillin,
Consult literature for current recommenda- penicillin.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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cytarabine 365

Intrathecal Skin: rash, pruritus, alopecia, freckling.

Black Box Warning Give liposomal form Other: flulike syndrome, infection, ana-
with dexamethasone to help decrease the phylaxis.
symptoms of chemical arachnoiditis, which
may be life-threatening. INTERACTIONS
• For intrathecal administration, use Drug-drug. Digoxin, except oral liquid and
preservative-free normal saline solution. liquid-filled capsules: May decrease oral
Use immediately after reconstitution. Dis- digoxin absorption. Monitor digoxin level
card unused drug. closely.
• Withdraw intrathecal cytarabine lipo- Flucytosine: May decrease flucytosine
somal injection from the vial immediately activity. Avoid using together.
before administration. It is a single-use vial, Gentamicin: May decrease activity against
doesn’t contain any preservative, and should Klebsiella pneumoniae. Avoid using
be used within 4 hours of withdrawal from together.
the vial. Discard unused portions of each
• Don’t use in-line filters when giving • May increase bilirubin, phosphorus,
intrathecal cytarabine liposomal injection. potassium, and uric acid levels. May
• After drug administration by lumbar decrease hemoglobin level.
puncture, instruct patient to lie flat for 1 hour. • May increase megaloblast count. May
• Patients should be observed by the physi- decrease platelet, RBC, reticulocyte, and
cian for immediate toxic reactions. WBC counts.
• Refrigerate liposomal form at 36◦ to
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AC TION to drug and active meningeal infection
Inhibits DNA synthesis. (liposomal cytarabine).
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic or
I.V., in- Unknown Unknown Unknown
renal compromise, gout, or myelosuppres-
trathecal sion.
•H Overdose S&S: Irreversible CNS toxicity,
Half-life: Initial, 8 minutes; terminal, 1 to 3 hours;
in CSF, 2 hours. death (conventional form); severe chemical
arachnoiditis (liposomal form).


CNS: neurotoxicity, malaise, dizziness, Black Box Warning Cytarabine should ad-
headache, cerebellar syndrome, fever. ministered by physicians experienced in
CV: thrombophlebitis, edema. cancer chemotherapy. For induction ther-
EENT: conjunctivitis. apy, patients should be treated in a facility
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, with laboratory and supportive resources
anal ulceration, abdominal pain, oral ulcers sufficient to monitor drug tolerance and
in 5 to 10 days, projectile vomiting, bowel protect and maintain a patient compromised
necrosis with high doses given by rapid by drug toxicity. The physician must judge
I.V. possible benefit to the patient against known
GU: urine retention, renal dysfunction. toxic effects of cytarabine.
Hematologic: leukopenia, anemia, retic- • Monitor fluid intake and output care-
ulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, mega- fully. Maintain high fluid intake and give
loblastosis. allopurinol to avoid urate nephropathy in
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity, jaundice. leukemia-induction therapy. Monitor uric
Metabolic: hyperuricemia. acid level.
Musculoskeletal: myalgia, bone pain. • Monitor hepatic and renal function studies
Respiratory: pulmonary edema, shortness and CBC.
of breath, pulmonary hypersensitivity.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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366 dacarbazine

• Therapy may be modified or stopped if • Caution women of childbearing age to

granulocyte count is below 1,000/mm3 or consult prescriber before becoming preg-
platelet count is below 50,000/mm3 . nant because drug may harm fetus.
• Corticosteroid eyedrops help prevent
drug-induced conjunctivitis. SAFETY ALERT!
• Provide diligent mouth care to help mini-
mize stomatitis. dacarbazine (DTIC)
Alert: Assess patient receiving high doses da-KAR-ba-zeen
for neurotoxicity, which may first appear as
nystagmus but can progress to ataxia and DTIC-Dome
cerebellar dysfunction.
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
injections when platelet count is below Pharmacologic class: Triazene
50,000/mm3 . Pregnancy risk category C
• Anticipate blood transfusions because
of cumulative anemia. Patient may receive AVAIL ABLE FORMS
RBC colony-stimulating factors to promote Injection: 100-mg, 200-mg
RBC production and decrease need for
blood transfusions. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Black Box Warning Monitor patient for ➤ Metastatic malignant melanoma
toxic effects, including bone marrow sup- Adults: 2 to 4.5 mg/kg I.V. daily for 10 days;
pression, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, oral repeat every 4 weeks as tolerated. Or,
ulceration and hepatic dysfunction. 250 mg/m2 I.V. daily for 5 days; repeat
• In leukopenia, initial WBC count nadir every 3 weeks.
occurs 7 to 9 days after drug is stopped. ➤ Hodgkin lymphoma
A second, more severe nadir occurs 15 to Adults: 150 mg/m2 I.V. daily (with other
24 days after drug is stopped. In thrombocy- drugs) for 5 days; repeat every 4 weeks.
topenia, platelet count nadir occurs on days Or, 375 mg/m2 on first day of combination
12 to 15. regimen; repeat every 15 days.
Alert: A cytarabine syndrome has been
described and is characterized by fever, ADMINISTRATION
myalgia, bone pain, occasionally chest pain, I.V.
maculopapular rash, conjunctivitis, and  Preparing and giving parenteral drug

malaise. It usually occurs 6 to 12 hours fol- may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car-

lowing drug administration. Corticosteroids cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce
have been shown to be beneficial in the risks.
treatment or prevention of this syndrome.  Reconstitute drug using sterile water for

• Look alike–sound alike: Do not confuse injection. Add 9.9 ml to 100-mg vial or
conventional cytarabine with liposomal 19.7 ml to 200-mg vial to yield a concen-
cytarabine. tration of 10 mg/ml.
 For infusion, dilute with up to 250 ml of

PATIENT TEACHING normal saline solution or D5 W.

• Instruct patient to watch for signs and  Infuse over at least 15 to 30 minutes.

symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,  To decrease pain at insertion site, dilute

fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose- drug further or decrease infusion rate.
bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell  Watch for irritation and infiltration

patient to take temperature daily. during infusion; extravasation can cause

• Advise patient to report visual changes, severe pain, tissue damage, and necrosis. If
blurred vision, or eye pain to prescriber. solution infiltrates, stop immediately, apply
• Advise breast-feeding women to stop ice to area for 24 to 48 hours, and notify
breast-feeding during therapy because of prescriber.
risk of toxicity to infant.  Reconstituted solutions in the vial are

stable 8 hours at room temperature and

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dacarbazine 367

with normal lighting conditions, or up to NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

3 days if refrigerated. Black Box Warning Dacarbazine should
 Solution should be colorless to clear be administered under the supervision of a
yellow. If solution turns pink, it has physician experienced in the use of cancer
decomposed. Discard it. chemotherapeutic agents.
 Diluted solutions are stable 8 hours Black Box Warning The physician must
at room temperature and with normal carefully weigh the possibility of therapeu- D
lighting, or up to 24 hours if refrigerated. tic benefit against the risk of toxicity for
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol sodium, each patient.
cefepime, hydrocortisone sodium succi- • Give antiemetics before giving this drug.
nate, piperacillin with tazobactam. Nausea and vomiting may subside after
several doses.
AC TION • To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M.
May cross-link strands of cellular DNA and injections when platelet count is below
interfere with RNA and protein synthesis. 50,000/mm3 .
Not specific to cell cycle. Black Box Warning Hemopoietic depres-
Route Onset Peak Duration
sion is the most common toxicity.
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Anticipate need for blood transfusions to
combat anemia.
Half-life: Initial phase, 19 minutes; terminal phase, • Therapeutic effects commonly occur with
5 hours. toxicity. Monitor CBC and platelet count.
Black Box Warning Hepatic necrosis may
ADVERSE REACTIONS occur. Monitor liver function tests.
GI: anorexia, severe nausea and vomiting, • For Hodgkin lymphoma, drug is usually
stomatitis. given with bleomycin, vinblastine, and
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocyto- doxorubicin.
penia. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Skin: alopecia. dacarbazine with procarbazine.
Other: anaphylaxis, severe pain with
infiltration or a too-concentrated solution, PATIENT TEACHING
tissue damage. • Tell patient to watch for evidence of
infection (fever, sore throat, fatigue) and
INTERACTIONS bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleed-
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause ing gums, tarry stools). Tell him to take
photosensitivity reaction, especially during temperature daily.
first 2 days of therapy. Advise patient to • Tell patient to avoid people with upper
avoid excessive sunlight exposure. respiratory tract infections.
• Instruct patient to avoid OTC products
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS that contain aspirin or NSAIDs.
• May increase BUN and liver enzyme • Advise patient to avoid sunlight and
levels. sunlamps for first 2 days after treatment.
• May decrease platelet, RBC, and WBC • Reassure patient that fever, malaise,
counts. and muscle pain, beginning 7 days after
treatment ends and possibly lasting 7 to
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 21 days, may be treated with mild fever
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive reducers such as acetaminophen.
to drug. • Tell patient that restricting food intake
Black Box Warning Use cautiously because for 4 to 6 hours before dose may help to
drug may be carcinogenic and teratogenic. decrease adverse GI effects.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired • Reassure patient that hair loss is re-
bone marrow function and those with severe versible.
renal or hepatic dysfunction. • Advise women to avoid pregnancy and
breast-feeding during therapy.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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368 dalfampridine


• Contraindicated in patients with moderate
dalfampridine or severe renal impairment and in those with
dal-FAM-prih-deen history of seizures.
Ampyra • Use during pregnancy only if benefit
outweighs risk to fetus.
Therapeutic class: Multiple sclerosis • It isn’t known if drug appears in breast
drug milk. Because of risk of adverse effects,
Pharmacologic class: Potassium patient should stop breast-feeding or stop
channel blocker drug.
Pregnancy risk category C •H Overdose S&S: Seizures, confusion,
tremors, diaphoresis, amnesia.
Tablets (extended-release): 10 mg NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Monitor patient for seizures.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Monitor renal function before and during
➤ To improve walking in patients with therapy.
multiple sclerosis • Monitor patient’s walking for improve-
Adults: 10 mg P.O. every 12 hours. ment.


P.O. • Tell patient to take drug without regard to
• May give with or without food approxi- food.
mately 12 hours apart. • Instruct patient to take tablets whole and
• Give tablets whole; don’t divide, crush, not to divide, crush, dissolve, or chew them.
dissolve, or allow patient to chew tablets. • Advise patient to stop drug and seek
medical attention if seizures occur.
AC TION • Instruct patient not to take more than two
Thought to increase conduction of action tablets in 24 hours.
potentials in demyelinated axons by inhibit-
ing potassium channels. SAFETY ALERT!
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Rapid 3–4 hr Unknown dalteparin sodium
Half-life: About 6 hours.
CNS: asthenia, balance disorder, dizziness, Therapeutic class: Anticoagulant
headache, insomnia, multiple sclerosis Pharmacologic class: Low–molecular-
relapse, paresthesia, seizures. weight heparin
EENT: nasopharyngitis, pharyngolaryngeal Pregnancy risk category B
GI: constipation, dyspepsia, nausea. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
GU: UTI. Injection: 2,500 antifactor Xa international
Musculoskeletal: back pain. units/0.2 ml syringe, 5,000 antifactor Xa
international units/0.2 ml syringe, 7,500
INTERACTIONS antifactor Xa international units/0.3 ml sy-
None known. ringe, 10,000 antifactor Xa international
units/0.4 ml syringe,10,000 antifactor Xa
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS international units/ml syringe, 10,000 anti-
None known. factor Xa international units/ml in 9.5-ml
multidose vial, 12,500 antifactor Xa in-
ternational units/0.5 ml syringe, 15,000

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dalteparin sodium 369

antifactor Xa international units/0.6 ml Adults: 5,000 international units subcuta-

syringe, 18,000 antifactor Xa international neously once daily for 12 to 14 days.
units/0.72 ml syringe, 95,000 antifactor ➤ Symptomatic venous thromboem-
Xa international units/3.8-ml multidose bolism in cancer patients
vial, 95,000 antifactor Xa international Adults: Initially, 200 international units/kg
units/9.5-ml multidose vial. Each multidose (maximum, 18,000 international units)
vial contains 14 mg/ml of benzyl alcohol. subcutaneously daily for 30 days; then 150 D
international units/kg (maximum, 18,000
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES international units) subcutaneously daily
➤ To prevent deep vein thrombosis months 2 through 6.
(DVT) in patients undergoing abdomi- Adjust-a-dose: In patients with platelet
nal surgery who are at moderate to high count 50,000 to 100,000/mm3 , reduce dose
risk for thromboembolic complications by 2,500 international units until platelet
Adults: 2,500 international units subcuta- count exceeds 100,000/mm3 . In patients
neously daily, starting 1 to 2 hours before with platelet count less than 50,000/mm3 ,
surgery and repeated once daily for 5 to stop drug until platelet count exceeds
10 days postoperatively. Or, for patients 50,000/mm3 . For patients with creatinine
at high risk, give 5,000 international units clearance of 30 ml/minute or less, moni-
subcutaneously the evening before surgery, tor anti-Xa levels to determine appropriate
then once daily postoperatively for 5 to dose. Target anti-Xa range is 0.5 to 1.5
10 days. Or, in patients with malignancy, international units/ml. Draw anti-Xa 4 to
give 2,500 international units subcuta- 6 hours after dose and only after the patient
neously 1 to 2 hours before surgery followed has received three to four doses.
by 2,500 international units subcutaneously
12 hours later, then 5,000 international units ADMINISTRATION
subcutaneously once daily for 5 to 10 days Subcutaneous
postoperatively. • Before giving injection, obtain complete
➤ To prevent DVT in patients undergo- list of all prescribed and OTC medications,
ing hip replacement surgery and supplements, including herbs.
Adults: 2,500 international units subcu- • Have patient sit or lie supine when giving
taneously within 2 hours before surgery drug.
and second dose 2,500 international units • Injection sites include a U-shaped area
subcutaneously in the evening after surgery around the navel, upper outer side of thigh,
(at least 6 hours after first dose). Starting and upper outer quadrangle of buttock.
on first postoperative day, give 5,000 inter- Rotate sites daily.
national units subcutaneously once daily • When area around the navel or thigh is
for 5 to 10 days. Or, give 5,000 interna- used, use thumb and forefinger to lift up a
tional units subcutaneously on the evening fold of skin while giving injection.
before surgery; then 5,000 international • Give subcutaneous injection deeply,
units subcutaneously once daily starting inserting the entire length of needle at a
in the evening of surgery for 5 to 10 days 45- to 90-degree angle.
postoperatively. • After first penetration of the rubber stop-
➤ Unstable angina; non–Q-wave MI per, store multidose vial at room tempera-
Adults: 120 international units/kg subcuta- ture for up to 2 weeks.
neously every 12 hours with aspirin (75 to
165 mg daily) P.O., unless contraindicated. AC TION
Maximum dose, 10,000 international units. Enhances inhibition of factor Xa and throm-
Treatment usually lasts 5 to 8 days. bin by antithrombin.
➤ To prevent DVT in patients at risk for Route Onset Peak Duration
thromboembolic complications because Subcut. Unknown 4 hr Unknown
of severely restricted mobility during
acute illness Half-life: 3 to 5 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

370 dalteparin sodium

ADVERSE REACTIONS severe hepatic or renal insufficiency, hyper-

CNS: fever. tensive or diabetic retinopathy, or recent GI
GU: hematuria. bleeding.
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, hem- •H Overdose S&S: Hemorrhagic complica-
orrhage, ecchymoses, bleeding complica- tions.
Skin: pruritus, rash, hematoma at injection NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
site, injection site pain. Black Box Warning Patients who have
Other: anaphylaxis. received epidural or spinal anesthesia or
spinal puncture are at increased risk for
INTERACTIONS developing an epidural or spinal hematoma,
Drug-drug. Antiplatelet drugs (aspirin, which may result in long-term or permanent
NSAIDs, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, paralysis. Monitor these patients closely for
ticlodipine), oral anticoagulants, throm- neurologic impairment.
bolytics: May increase risk of bleeding. Use • DVT is a risk factor in patients who are
together cautiously. candidates for therapy, including those
Drug-herb. Angelica (dong quai), boldo, older than age 40, those who are obese,
bromelains, capsicum, chamomile, dan- those undergoing surgery under general
delion, danshen, devil’s claw, fenugreek, anesthesia lasting longer than 30 minutes,
feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, and those who have additional risk factors
horse chestnut, licorice, meadowsweet, (such as malignancy or history of DVT or
onion, passion flower, red clover, willow: pulmonary embolism).
May increase risk of bleeding. Discourage • Never give drug I.M.
use together. • Don’t mix with other injections or in-
fusions unless specific compatibility data
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS support such mixing.
• May increase ALT and AST levels. • Multidose vial shouldn’t be used in preg-
• May decrease platelet count. nant women because of benzyl alcohol
content. Benzyl alcohol has been associated
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS with fatal “gasping syndrome” in premature
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive neonates.
to drug, heparin, or pork products; in those Alert: Drug isn’t interchangeable (unit for
with active major bleeding; and in those unit) with unfractionated heparin or other
with thrombocytopenia and antiplatelet low–molecular-weight heparin.
antibodies in presence of drug. • Periodic, routine CBC and fecal occult
• Contraindicated in patients with unstable blood tests are recommended during ther-
angina or non-Q-wave MI who are under- apy. Patients don’t need regular monitoring
going regional anesthesia because of an of PT or activated PTT.
increased risk of bleeding associated with • Monitor patient closely for thrombocy-
the dose of dalteparin recommended for topenia.
these indications. • Stop drug if a thromboembolic event
• Use with caution in patients with history occurs despite dalteparin prophylaxis.
of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and • Obtain a complete list of patient’s pre-
in patients at increased risk for hemorrhage, scription and OTC drugs and supplements,
such as those with severe uncontrolled hy- including herbs.
pertension, bacterial endocarditis, congen-
ital or acquired bleeding disorders, active PATIENT TEACHING
ulceration, angiodysplastic GI disease, or • Instruct patient and family to watch for
hemorrhagic stroke; also use with caution and report signs of bleeding (bruising and
shortly after brain, spinal, or ophthalmic blood in stools).
surgery. Monitor vital signs. • Tell patient to avoid OTC drugs con-
• Use with caution in patients with bleeding taining aspirin or other salicylates unless
diathesis, thrombocytopenia, platelet defects, ordered by prescriber.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dantrolene sodium 371

• Advise patient to consult with prescriber ➤ To prevent recurrence of malignant

prior to initiating any herbal therapy; many hyperthermic crisis
herbs have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and Adults: 4 to 8 mg/kg P.O. daily in four
fibrinolytic properties. divided doses for up to 3 days after hyper-
• Tell patient to use a soft toothbrush and thermic crisis.
electric razor during treatment.
dantrolene sodium • Give drug with food or milk.
DAN-troe-leen • Prepare oral suspension for single dose by
dissolving capsule contents in juice or other
Dantrium, Dantrium Intravenous liquid. For multiple doses, use acid vehicle
and refrigerate. Use within several days.
Therapeutic class: Skeletal muscle I.V.
relaxant  Reconstitute drug by adding 60 ml of

Pharmacologic class: Hydantoin sterile water for injection and shaking

derivative vial until clear. Don’t use a diluent that
Pregnancy risk category C contains a bacteriostatic drug.
 Protect solution from light, and use

AVAIL ABLE FORMS within 6 hours.

Capsules: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg  Incompatibilities: D5 W, normal saline

Injection: 20 mg/vial solution, other I.V. drugs mixed in a

➤ Spasticity and sequelae from severe AC TION
chronic disorders, such as multiple scle- Acts directly on skeletal muscle to decrease
rosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, excitation and contraction coupling and
stroke reduce muscle strength by interfering with
Adults: 25 mg P.O. daily. Increase by 25-mg intracellular calcium movement.
increments, up to 100 mg t.i.d. to q.i.d. Route Onset Peak Duration
Maintain each dosage level for 7 days to P.O. Unknown 5 hr Unknown
determine response. Maximum, 400 mg I.V. Unknown Unknown 3 hr after
daily. infusion
Children age 5 and older: Initially, 0.5 mg/
Half-life: P.O., 9 hours; I.V., 4 to 8 hours.
kg P.O. daily for 7 days; then 0.5 mg/kg
t.i.d. for 7 days, 1 mg/kg t.i.d. for 7 days,
and finally, 2 mg/kg, t.i.d. for 7 days. May ADVERSE REACTIONS
increase up to 3 mg/kg b.i.d. to q.i.d. if CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, malaise,
necessary. Maximum, 100 mg q.i.d. fatigue, seizures, headache, light-
➤ To manage malignant hyperthermic headedness, confusion, nervousness,
crisis insomnia, fever, depression.
Adults and children: Initially, 1 mg/kg I.V. CV: tachycardia, blood pressure changes,
push. Repeat, as needed, up to cumulative phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, heart failure.
dose of 10 mg/kg. EENT: excessive lacrimation, speech dis-
➤ To prevent or attenuate malignant turbance, diplopia, visual disturbances.
hyperthermic crisis in susceptible GI: anorexia, constipation, cramping,
patients who need surgery dysphagia, metallic taste, severe diarrhea,
Adults and children: 4 to 8 mg/kg P.O. daily GI bleeding, vomiting.
in three or four divided doses for 1 or 2 days GU: urinary frequency, hematuria, incon-
before procedure. Give final dose 3 or tinence, nocturia, dysuria, crystalluria,
4 hours before procedure. Or, 2.5 mg/kg difficult erection, urine retention.
I.V. about 1.25 hours before anesthesia; Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope-
infuse over 1 hour. nia, lymphocytic lymphoma, anemia.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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372 daptomycin


Musculoskeletal: muscle weakness, myal- • Start therapy as soon as malignant hyper-
gia, back pain. thermia reaction is recognized.
Respiratory: pleural effusion with peri- Black Box Warning Liver damage may
carditis, pulmonary edema. occur with short- or long-term use. Use the
Skin: eczematous eruption, pruritus, urti- lowest possible effective dose for each
caria, abnormal hair growth, diaphoresis, patient. If benefits don’t occur within
photosensitivity. 45 days, stop therapy.
Other: chills. Black Box Warning Obtain liver function
test results at start of therapy. Monitor he-
INTERACTIONS patic function, including AST and ALT,
Drug-drug. Clofibrate, warfarin: May frequently.
decrease protein binding of dantrolene. Use Alert: Watch for fever, jaundice, severe
together cautiously. diarrhea, weakness, and sensitivity reac-
CNS depressants: May increase CNS de- tions, including skin eruptions. Withhold
pression. Avoid using together. dose and notify prescriber.
Estrogens: May increase risk of hepatotoxi- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
city. Use together cautiously. Dantrium with Daraprim.
I.V. verapamil and other calcium channel
blockers: May cause hyperkalemia, ventric- PATIENT TEACHING
ular fibrillation, and myocardial depression. • Instruct patient to take drug with meals or
Stop verapamil before giving I.V. dantro- milk in four divided doses.
lene. • Tell patient to eat carefully to avoid chok-
Vecuronium: May increase neuromuscular ing. Some patients may have trouble swal-
blockade effect. Use together cautiously. lowing during therapy.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase • Warn patient to avoid driving and other
CNS depression. Discourage use together. hazardous activities until CNS effects of
Sun exposure: May cause photosensitivity drug are known.
reactions. Advise patient to avoid excessive • Advise patient to avoid combining drug
sunlight exposure. with alcohol or other CNS depressants.
• Advise patient to notify prescriber if skin
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS or eyes turn yellow, skin itches, or fever
• May increase ALT, AST, alkaline phos- develops.
phatase, LDH, bilirubin, and BUN levels. • Tell patient to avoid photosensitivity
reactions by using sunblock and wearing
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS protective clothing, to report abdominal
• Contraindicated for spasms in rheumatic discomfort or GI problems immediately, and
disorders and when spasticity is used to to follow prescriber’s orders regarding rest
maintain motor function. and physical therapy.
• Contraindicated in breast-feeding pa-
tients and patients with upper motor neuron
disorders or active hepatic disease. daptomycin
Black Box Warning Risk of hepatic injury dap-toe-MYE-sin
is increased in women, patients older than
age 35, and patients with hepatic disease Cubicin
(such as cirrhosis or hepatitis) or severely
impaired cardiac or pulmonary function. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
•H Overdose S&S: Muscle weakness, altered Pharmacologic class: Cyclic lipopeptide
level of consciousness, vomiting, diarrhea, Pregnancy risk category B
Powder for injection: 500-mg vial

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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daptomycin 373


➤ Bacteremia caused by Staphylococcus Binds to and depolarizes bacterial mem-
aureus (including right-sided endocardi- branes to inhibit protein, DNA, and RNA
tis caused by methicillin-susceptible and synthesis, thus causing bacterial cell death.
methicillin-resistant strains) Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults: 6 mg/kg I.V. over 30 minutes every <1 hr
24 hours for at least 2 to 6 weeks based on
I.V. Rapid Unknown D
patient response. Half-life: About 8 hours.
➤ Complicated skin or skin-structure
infection (SSSI) caused by suscep- ADVERSE REACTIONS
tible strains of S. aureus (including CNS: anxiety, confusion, dizziness, fever,
methicillin-resistant strains), Strepto- headache, insomnia.
coccus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, CV: cardiac failure, chest pain, edema,
Streptococcus dysgalactiae, and Entero- hypertension, hypotension.
coccus faecalis (vancomycin-susceptible EENT: sore throat.
strains only) GI: pseudomembranous colitis, abdominal
Adults: 4 mg/kg I.V. over 30 minutes every pain, constipation, decreased appetite,
24 hours for 7 to 14 days. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with SSSI with GU: renal failure, urinary tract infection.
creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/minute, Hematologic: anemia.
including those receiving hemodialysis or Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia,
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialy- hypokalemia.
sis, give 4 mg/kg I.V. every 48 hours. For Musculoskeletal: limb and back pain,
bacteremic patients with a clearance less myopathy.
than 30 ml/minute, give 6 mg/kg I.V. every Respiratory: cough, dyspnea.
48 hours. When possible, give drug after Skin: cellulitis, injection site reactions,
hemodialysis. pruritus, rash.
Other: fungal infections.
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- Drug-drug. HMG-CoA reductase inhib-
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin itors: May increase risk of myopathy.
therapy while awaiting results. Consider stopping these drugs while giving
 Reconstitute 500-mg vial with 10 ml of daptomycin.
normal saline solution. Tobramycin: May affect levels of both
 Further dilute with normal saline solu- drugs. Use together cautiously.
tion. Warfarin: May alter anticoagulant activity.
 Infuse over 30 minutes. Monitor PT and INR for the first several
 Refrigerate vials at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to days of daptomycin therapy.
8◦ C).
 Vials are for single use; discard excess. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
 Reconstituted and diluted solutions are • May increase alkaline phosphatase and
stable 12 hours at room temperature or CK levels. May decrease potassium and
48 hours at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). hemoglobin levels and hematocrit. May
 Incompatibilities: Dextrose-containing increase or decrease glucose level.
solutions and other I.V. drugs. If an I.V. line • May increase liver function test values.
is used for several drugs, flush the line with
normal saline solution or lactated Ringer’s CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
injection between drugs. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug.
• Use cautiously in patients with renal
insufficiency and those who are older than
age 65, pregnant, or breast-feeding.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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374 darbepoetin alfa

• Safety and effectiveness haven’t been INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

established in patients younger than age 18. ➤ Anemia from chronic renal failure
Adults: 0.45 mcg/kg I.V. or subcutaneously
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS once weekly. The I.V. route is preferred
• Monitor CBC and renal and liver function for patients on dialysis. Or, in patients not
tests periodically. receiving dialysis, give an initial dose of
Alert: Because drug may increase the risk 0.75 mcg/kg subcutaneously once every
of myopathy, monitor CK level weekly. If 2 weeks. Give the lowest effective dose to
CK level rises, monitor it more often. In gradually increase hemoglobin to a level
patients with myopathy and CK elevation where blood transfusion isn’t necessary.
over 1,000 units/L or more than 10 times Adjust dose to maintain hemoglobin level
the upper limit of normal, stop drug. Con- within 10 to 12 g/dl. Don’t increase dose
sider stopping all other drugs linked with more often than once a month. In adults
myopathy (such as HMG-CoA reductase and children older than age 1 converting
inhibitors) during therapy. from epoetin alfa, base starting dose on the
• Monitor patient for superinfection be- previous epoetin alfa dose (see table). Don’t
cause drug may cause overgrowth of non- use as initial treatment of anemia in children
susceptible organisms. with chronic renal failure.
• Watch for evidence of pseudomembra-
nous colitis and treat accordingly. Darbepoetin Darbepoetin
Previous alfa dose alfa dose
PATIENT TEACHING epoetin alfa (mcg/wk): (mcg/wk):
dose (units/wk) Adults Children
• Advise patient to immediately report
muscle weakness and infusion site irritation. <1,500 6.25 Unknown
1,500–2,499 6.25 6.25
• Tell patient to report severe diarrhea, rash,
2,500–4,999 12.5 10
and infection. 5,000–10,999 25 20
• Inform patient about possible adverse 11,000–17,999 40 40
reactions. 18,000–33,999 60 60
34,000–89,999 100 100
SAFETY ALERT! ≥90,000 200 200

darbepoetin alfa Give darbepoetin alfa less often than

dar-bah-poe-E-tin epoetin alfa. If patient was receiving epoetin
alfa two to three times weekly, give dar-
bepoetin alfa once weekly. If patient was
Therapeutic class: Colony stimulating receiving epoetin alfa once weekly, give
factor darbepoetin alfa once every 2 weeks.
Pharmacologic class: Recombinant Adjust-a-dose: If increasing hemoglobin
human erythropoietin level approaches 12 g/dl, reduce dose by
Pregnancy risk category C 25%. If hemoglobin level continues to
increase, withhold dose until hemoglobin
AVAIL ABLE FORMS level begins to decrease; then restart therapy
Injection (with albumin or polysorbate so- at a dose 25% below the previous dose.
lution): 25 mcg/ml, 40 mcg/ml, 60 mcg/ml, If hemoglobin level increases more than
100 mcg/ml, 150 mcg/0.75 ml, 200 mcg/ml, 1 g/dl over 2 weeks, decrease dose by 25%.
300 mcg/ml, and 500 mcg/ml in single-dose If hemoglobin level increases less than
vials 1 g/dl over 4 weeks and iron stores are
Prefilled syringe or autoinjector (with adequate, increase dose by 25% of previous
albumin or polysorbate solution): 25 mcg/ dose. Make further increases at 4-week
0.42 ml, 40 mcg/0.4 ml, 60 mcg/0.3 ml, intervals until target hemoglobin level is
100 mcg/0.5 ml, 150 mcg/0.3 ml, 200 mcg/ reached. Patients who don’t need dialysis
0.4 ml, 300 mcg/0.6 ml, and 500 mcg/ml may need lower maintenance doses.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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darbepoetin alfa 375

➤ Anemia from chemotherapy in pa- AC TION

tients with nonmyeloid malignancies Mimics effects of erythropoietin. Functions
Adults: 2.25 mcg/kg subcutaneously once as a growth factor and as a differentiating
weekly or 500 mcg subcutaneously once factor, enhancing RBC production.
every 3 weeks. Route Onset Peak Duration
Adjust-a-dose: For either dosing schedule,
adjust dose to maintain a target hemoglobin
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown D
Subcut. Slow 48 hr Unknown
below 12 g/dl. Give the lowest effective
dose to gradually increase hemoglobin to a Half-life: 21 hours (I.V.); 74 hours (subcutaneous).
level where blood transfusion isn’t neces-
sary. If hemoglobin exceeds 12 g/dl, hold ADVERSE REACTIONS
drug until hemoglobin drops to 11 g/dl, CNS: seizures, dizziness, fatigue, fever,
then resume at 40% of previous dose. If headache, asthenia, TIA.
hemoglobin increases more than 1 g/dl in a CV: CARDIAC ARREST, CARDIAC AR-
2-week period, or when hemoglobin exceeds RHYTHMIA, edema, hypertension, hypoten-
11 g/dl, reduce dose by 40%. For patients sion, peripheral edema, acute MI, heart
receiving the drug on a once-a-week sched- failure, stroke, thrombosis, angina, chest
ule, if hemoglobin level increases less than pain, vascular access thrombosis.
1 g/dl after 6 weeks of therapy, increase GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea,
dose up to 4.5 mcg/kg. nausea, vomiting, GI hemorrhage.
If after 8 weeks of therapy there is no re- Metabolic: dehydration.
sponse as measured by hemoglobin levels or Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, limb pain,
if transfusions are still required, discontinue myalgia, back pain.
drug. Discontinue drug after completion of Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, upper respi-
chemotherapy course. ratory tract infection, pulmonary embolism,
bronchitis, pneumonia.
ADMINISTRATION Skin: pruritus, rash.
I.V. Other: infection, bacteremia, hemorrhage
Alert: The needle cover of the prefilled at access site, peritonitis, sepsis, abscess,
syringe contains dry natural rubber (a access infection, fluid overload, flulike
derivative of latex). Assess patient for a symptoms, injection site pain.
history of latex allergy.
 Don’t shake. Shaking can denature drug. INTERACTIONS
 If drug contains particles or is discol- None reported.
ored, don’t use.
 Give undiluted by I.V. injection. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
 Single-dose vials contain no preserva- None reported.
tives; don’t pool unused portions.
 Store drug in refrigerator; don’t freeze. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Protect drug from light. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs or to drug or its components and in those with
solutions. uncontrolled hypertension.
Subcutaneous • Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab-
Alert: The needle cover of the prefilled sy- lished in patients with underlying hemato-
ringe contains dry natural rubber (a deriva- logic disease, such as hemolytic anemia,
tive of latex). Assess patient for a history of sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, or por-
latex allergy. phyria. Use with caution.
• Don’t give subcutaneously in patients •H Overdose S&S: Cardiovascular and throm-
with chronic renal failure on dialysis. botic reactions, polycythemia.
• Don’t shake. Shaking can denature drug.
• Store drug in refrigerator; don’t freeze. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Protect drug from light. Black Box Warning In patients with renal
failure, drug may increase risk of serious

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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376 darifenacin hydrobromide

CV events, including death, when target • Instruct patient how to take drug correctly
hemoglobin is greater than 12 g/dl. Monitor at home, including how to store drug and
hemoglobin level weekly until stabilized. dispose of supplies properly.
Individualize dosage to achieve and main-
tain hemoglobin level within 10 to 12 g/dl.
Rate of hemoglobin increase shouldn’t darifenacin hydrobromide
exceed 1 g/dl in 2 weeks. da-ree-FEN-ah-sin
Black Box Warning In patients with non-
small-cell lung cancer and breast, head Enablexi
and neck, lymphoid, and cervical cancers,
there is a risk of tumor growth and short- Therapeutic class: Antispasmodic
ened survival when hemoglobin levels of Pharmacologic class: Anticholinergic
12 g/dl are achieved. Target dosage to Pregnancy risk category C
achieve hemoglobin level of less than
12 g/dl. Use the lowest dosage needed to AVAIL ABLE FORMS
avoid RBC transfusions. Use only for treat- Tablets (extended-release): 7.5 mg, 15 mg
ment of anemia due to concomitant myelo-
suppressive chemotherapy and discontinue INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
drug following chemotherapy course. ➤ Urge incontinence, urgency, and
• Hemoglobin level may not increase until frequency from an overactive bladder
2 to 6 weeks after starting therapy. Adults: Initially, 7.5 mg P.O. once daily.
• If patient has a minimal response or lack After 2 weeks, may increase to 15 mg P.O.
of response at recommended dose, check once daily if needed.
for deficiencies in folic acid, iron, or vitamin Adjust-a-dose: If patient has a Child-Pugh
B12 . Other contributing factors include score of B or takes a potent CYP3A4 in-
infection, malignancy, and occult blood loss. hibitor, such as clarithromycin, itracona-
Alert: If patient develops a sudden loss zole, ketoconazole, nefazodone, nelfinavir,
of response with severe anemia and low ritonavir, don’t exceed 7.5 mg P.O. once
reticulocyte count, withhold drug and test daily.
patient for antierythropoietin antibodies. If
antibodies are present, stop treatment. Don’t ADMINISTRATION
switch to another erythropoietic protein P.O.
because a cross-reaction is possible. • Don’t crush tablet; swallow whole.
• Control blood pressure and monitor it • Give drug without regard for food.
• Monitor renal function and electrolytes in AC TION
predialysis patients. Relaxes smooth muscle of bladder by an-
• Patients who are marginally dialyzed may tagonizing muscarinic receptors, relieving
need adjustments in dialysis prescriptions. symptoms of overactive bladder.
• Serious allergic reactions, including Route Onset Peak Duration
skin rash and urticaria, may occur. If an P.O. Unknown 7 hr Unknown
anaphylactic reaction occurs, stop the drug
and give appropriate therapy. Half-life: 13 to 19 hours.


• Instruct patients on proper administration CNS: asthenia, dizziness, pain, headache.
and use and disposal of needles. CV: hypertension, peripheral edema.
• Advise patient of possible side effects and EENT: abnormal vision, dry eyes, pharyn-
allergic reactions. gitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
• Inform patient of the need for fre- GI: dry mouth, constipation, abdominal
quent monitoring of blood pressure and pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting.
hemoglobin level; stress compliance with GU: urinary tract disorder, UTI, vaginitis,
his treatment for high blood pressure. urine retention.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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darunavir ethanolate 377

Metabolic: weight gain. • If patient has bladder outlet obstruction,

Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain. watch for urine retention.
Respiratory: bronchitis. • Assess patient for decreased gastric motil-
Skin: dry skin, pruritus, rash. ity and constipation.
Other: accidental injury, flulike syndrome. • Use during pregnancy only if maternal
benefit outweighs fetal risk.
INTERACTIONS • It’s unknown if drug appears in breast D
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May increase milk.
anticholinergic effects, such as dry mouth,
blurred vision, and constipation. Monitor PATIENT TEACHING
patient closely. • Tell patient to swallow tablet whole with
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. Moni- plenty of liquid; caution against crushing or
tor digoxin level. chewing tablet.
Drugs metabolized by CYP2D6 (such as • Inform patient that drug may be taken
flecainide, thioridazine, tricyclic antide- with or without food.
pressants): May increase levels of these • Tell patient to use caution, especially
drugs. Use together cautiously. when performing hazardous tasks, until
Midazolam: May increase midazolam level. drug effects are known.
Monitor patient carefully. • Tell patient to report blurred vision, con-
Potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as clar- stipation, and urine retention.
ithromycin, itraconazole, ketoconazole, • Discourage use of other drugs that may
nefazodone, nelfinavir, ritonavir): May in- cause dry mouth, constipation, urine reten-
crease darifenacin level. Maintain dosage tion, or blurred vision.
no higher than 7.5 mg P.O. daily. • Tell patient that drug decreases sweating,
Drug-lifestyle. Hot weather: May cause and advise cautious use in hot environments
heat prostration from decreased sweating. and during strenuous activity.
Urge caution.

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS darunavir ethanolate

None reported. duh-ROO-nah-veer


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its ingredients. Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral
• Contraindicated in patients who have or Pharmacologic class: Protease inhibitor
who are at risk for urine retention, gastric Pregnancy risk category B
retention, or uncontrolled narrow-angle
• Avoid use in patients with a Child-Pugh Tablets: 75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg,
score of C. 600 mg
• Use cautiously in patients with bladder
outflow or GI obstruction, ulcerative colitis, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
myasthenia gravis, severe constipation, con- ➤ With ritonavir and other antiretrovi-
trolled narrow-angle glaucoma, decreased rals for HIV infection
GI motility, or a Child-Pugh score of B. Adults who are treatment-experienced:
•H Overdose S&S: Severe antimuscarinic 600 mg P.O. b.i.d., given with 100 mg
effects (mydriasis, decreased secretions, ritonavir P.O. b.i.d. and food.
ileus, urine retention, tachycardia, altered Adults who are treatment-naive: 800 mg
mental status). (two 400-mg tablets) P.O. once daily, given
with ritonavir 100 mg P.O. once daily and
• Assess bladder function, and monitor Children age 6 to less than 18: Don’t
drug effects. exceed the recommended dose for

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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378 darunavir ethanolate

treatment-experienced adults. For those Clarithromycin: May increase clar-

weighing 40 kg (88 lb) or more, give 600 mg ithromycin level. Reduce clarithromycin
P.O. b.i.d. with ritonavir 100 mg b.i.d. and dose in patients with renal impairment.
food; for those weighing 30 to less than CYP3A inducers (carbamazepine, dex-
40 kg (66 to less than 88 lb), give 450 mg amethasone, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
P.O. b.i.d. with ritonavir 60 mg b.i.d. and rifabutin, rifampin), efavirenz, lopinavir,
food; for those weighing 20 to less than 30 kg saquinavir: May increase darunavir clear-
(44 to less than 66 lb), give 375 mg P.O. ance and decrease darunavir level. Avoid
b.i.d. with ritonavir 50 mg b.i.d. and food. using together.
Ergot derivatives, midazolam, pimozide,
ADMINISTRATION terfenadine, triazolam: May cause life-
P.O. threatening reactions. Use together is con-
• Always give with ritonavir and food. traindicated.
Ethinyl estradiol, norethindrone: May
AC TION decrease estrogen level. Recommend alter-
Binds to the protease-active site and inhibits native or additional contraception.
enzyme activity. This prevents mature viral Itraconazole, ketoconazole: May increase
particles from forming. levels of these drugs and darunavir. Don’t
Route Onset Peak Duration
exceed 200 mg of itraconazole or ketocona-
P.O. Unknown 21⁄2 –4 hr Unknown
zole daily.
Lovastatin, simvastatin (HMG-CoA re-
Half-life: About 15 hours when combined with ductase inhibitors): May increase risk of
ritonavir. myopathy, including rhabdomyolysis. Use
extreme caution.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Methadone: May decrease methadone level.
CNS: headache, asthenia, fatigue. Monitor patient for opioid abstinence syn-
GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal disten- drome, and consider increasing methadone
tion, abdominal pain, anorexia, consti- dosage.
pation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, flatulence, Rifabutin: May decrease darunavir level.
vomiting. If used together, give rifabutin as 150 mg
Hematologic: LEUKOPENIA, neutropenia, every other day.
thrombocytopenia. SSRIs (paroxetine, sertraline): May de-
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. crease levels of these drugs. Adjust dosage
Metabolic: diabetes mellitus, hypercholes- carefully based on antidepressant response.
terolemia, hyperlipidemia, hypernatremia, Trazodone: May increase trazodone level
hyperuricemia, hyponatremia, obesity. and risk of toxicity. Decrease trazodone
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. dosage.
Skin: erythema multiforme, Stevens- Warfarin: May decrease warfarin level.
Johnson syndrome, rash. Monitor patient carefully.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
INTERACTIONS drug level significantly. Discourage use
Drug-drug. Amiodarone, bepridil, cy- together.
closporine, felodipine, fluticasone, lido- Drug-food. Food: Increases drug absorp-
caine, nicardipine, nifedipine, quinidine, tion, which is needed for adequate thera-
rifabutin, sildenafil, sirolimus, tacrolimus, peutic effect. Advise patient to take with
tadalafil, trazodone, vardenafil: May in- food.
crease levels of these drugs, increasing the
risk of adverse reactions. Use caution, and EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
monitor patient carefully. • May increase AST, ALT, GGT, alkaline
Atorvastatin, pravastatin: May increase phosphatase, bilirubin, pancreatic amylase,
levels of these drugs. Start at the lowest pancreatic lipase, cholesterol, triglyceride,
possible dose, and monitor patient carefully. and uric acid levels. May decrease albu-
min, bicarbonate, and calcium levels. May

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dasatinib 379

increase or decrease sodium and glucose

levels. dasatinib
• May decrease WBC, neutrophil, lympho- duh-SAH-tin-nib
cyte, and platelet counts.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic D
tive to any component of drug and patient Pharmacologic class: Protein-tyrosine
taking drugs metabolized by CYP3A (di- kinase inhibitor
hydroergotamine, ergonovine, ergotamine, Pregnancy risk category D
methylergonovine, midazolam, pimozide,
triazolam). AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Use cautiously in patients with liver Tablets: 20 mg, 50 mg, 70 mg, 100 mg
or renal impairment, diabetes mellitus,
hemophilia, known sulfonamide allergy, or INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
a history of opportunistic infections. ➤ Accelerated, myeloid, or lymphoid
blast-phase chronic myeloid leukemia
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS (CML) with resistance or intolerance to
Alert: Because of an increased risk of hep- earlier treatment, including imatinib;
atotoxicity, especially in patients with prior Philadelphia chromosome–positive acute
hepatic dysfunction, check liver function lymphoblastic leukemia with resistance
tests before beginning treatment and peri- or intolerance to prior therapy
odically thereafter. Discontinue treatment Adults: 140 mg P.O. once daily. If patient
in patients with elevated liver enzyme levels tolerates this dose but fails to respond to
and signs and symptoms of liver dysfunc- treatment, increase to 180 mg P.O. once
tion. daily. Continue until disease progresses or
• Make sure patient isn’t taking any drugs intolerable adverse effects occur.
that are incompatible with darunavir. Adjust-a-dose: If patient has hematologic
• If patient has diabetes, monitor glucose toxicity, consider reducing dose or inter-
level. rupting or stopping therapy. If patient has
• Risks and benefits of drug in treatment- severe, nonhematologic toxicity, hold dose
naı̈ve patients aren’t known. until condition resolves; then resume at
previous or reduced dose.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Newly diagnosed Philadelphia
• Explain that many drugs interact with chromosome-positive chronic-phase
darunavir; advise patient to report all drugs CML or chronic-phase CML resistant or
he takes, including OTC products. intolerant to previous therapy including
Alert: Instruct patient to take darunavir imatinib
and ritonavir at the same time every day, Adults: 100 mg P.O. daily. May increase to
with food. 140 mg daily.
• Tell patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV Adjust-a-dose: If patient has hematologic
infection or AIDS and doesn’t reduce the toxicity, consider reducing dosage or in-
risk of passing HIV to others. terrupting or stopping therapy. If patient
• Explain that opportunistic infections and has severe, nonhematologic toxicity, hold
other complications of HIV infection may dose until condition resolves; then resume
still develop. at previous or reduced dosage.
• If patient misses a dose by more than
6 hours, tell him to wait and take the next ADMINISTRATION
dose at the regularly scheduled time. If he P.O.
remembers within 6 hours, tell him to take • Give drug without regard for food.
the missed dose immediately. Alert: Don’t crush or cut tablets. If tablet
is crushed or broken, wear chemotherapy

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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380 dasatinib

gloves to dispose of it. Pregnant women CYP3A4 inducers (carbamazepine, dex-

shouldn’t handle broken tablets. amethasone, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
rifampicin): May decrease dasatinib level.
AC TION Avoid using together, or increase dasatinib
Reduces leukemic cell growth by inhibiting dose in 20-mg increments.
a tyrosine kinase enzyme. As a result, bone CYP3A4 inhibitors (atazanavir, clar-
marrow can resume production of normal ithromycin, erythromycin, indinavir, itra-
RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. conazole, ketoconazole, nefazodone, nelfin-
Route Onset Peak Duration
avir, ritonavir, saquinavir, telithromycin):
P.O. Unknown 1⁄
2 –6 hr Unknown
May increase dasatinib level and toxicity.
Avoid using together; if unavoidable, mon-
Half-life: 3 to 5 hours. itor patient closely and consider decreasing
dasatinib dose to 20 to 40 mg daily.
ADVERSE REACTIONS CYP3A4 substrates (cyclosporine, ergot
CNS: asthenia, chills, dizziness, fatigue, alkaloids, fentanyl, pimozide, quinidine,
headache, neuropathy, bleeding, pyrexia, sirolimus, tacrolimus): May alter levels of
seizures, anxiety, confusion, depression, these drugs. Use cautiously together, and
insomnia, somnolence, syncope, tremor, monitor patient.
vertigo, affect lability. H2 -blockers, proton pump inhibitors: May
CV: ARRHYTHMIAS, chest pain, edema, decrease dasatinib level because of gastric
cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, hyper- acid suppression. Avoid using together.
tension, hypotension, pericardial effusion, Consider antacids as an alternative.
cardiomegaly, flushing, palpitations, MI. Simvastatin: May increase simvastatin
EENT: mucositis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, level. Monitor patient.
dry eyes, dysgeusia, tinnitus. Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
GI: abdominal distention and pain, drug level. Discourage use together.
anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, nau- Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
sea, vomiting, bleeding, anal fissure, colitis, dasatinib level. Avoid use together.
dyspepsia, dysphagia, gastritis.
GU: renal failure, urinary frequency. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Hematologic: anemia, febrile neutropenia, • May increase uric acid, bilirubin,
pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia. creatinine, AST, ALT, CK, and troponin
Metabolic: weight loss or gain, hyper- levels. May decrease phosphate and calcium
uricemia, appetite changes. levels.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia, pain, • May decrease RBC, platelet, and neu-
inflammation, muscle stiffness, weakness. trophil counts.
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, upper res-
piratory tract infection, pleural effusion, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
pneumonia, asthma, pulmonary edema, • Use cautiously in patients receiving
pulmonary hypertension, lung infiltrates, antiarrhythmics, antiplatelets, or anticoag-
pneumonitis. ulants; patients receiving cumulative high-
Skin: pruritus, rash, acne, alopecia, dry dose anthracycline therapy; patients with a
skin, nail or pigment disorders, sweating, prolonged QT interval or risk of prolonged
dermatitis, photosensitivity reactions, ur- QT interval (those with hypokalemia, hy-
ticaria. pomagnesemia, or current use of drugs that
Other: infection, tumor lysis syndrome, prolong the QT interval); patients with liver
ascites, gynecomastia, herpes infection, impairment; and patients who are lactose
fluid retention. intolerant.
•H Overdose S&S: Severe myelosuppression,
Drug-drug. Antacids: May decrease dasa-
tinib absorption. Give antacid 2 hours
before or 2 hours after dasatinib.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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daunorubicin citrate liposomal 381


• Monitor CBC weekly for the first ➤ First-line cytotoxic therapy for ad-
2 months of treatment, then monthly there- vanced HIV-related Kaposi sarcoma
after, or as indicated. Adults: 40 mg/m2 I.V. over 60 minutes once
• Correct electrolyte imbalances, espe- every 2 weeks. Repeat blood counts before
cially of potassium and magnesium, before each dose; withhold drug if absolute gran-
treatment. ulocyte count is less than 750 cells/mm3 . D
• Monitor for fluid retention and heart Continue treatment until progressive disease
failure. becomes evident or until other complica-
• Drug contains lactose. tions of HIV infection preclude continua-
• Drug may cause fetal harm. Don’t use in tion of therapy.
pregnant women. If used, mother should be Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired
warned of potential harm. hepatic and renal function, if bilirubin level
• Drug affects older and younger adults is 1.2 to 3 mg/dl, give three-fourths normal
similarly, although older adults may be more dose; if bilirubin or creatinine level exceeds
sensitive to drug’s effects. 3 mg/dl, give one-half normal dose.
• It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
milk; mothers shouldn’t breast-feed during ADMINISTRATION
treatment. I.V.
 Preparing and giving drug may be muta-

PATIENT TEACHING genic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. Follow

• Tell patient to take the tablets at about the facility policy to reduce risks.
same time every day.  To dilute, withdraw calculated volume

• Caution patient not to crush or cut the of drug from vial and transfer into an
tablets. equal amount of D5 W. Recommended
• Warn women of childbearing age to use concentration after dilution is 1 mg/ml.
reliable contraception during treatment.  Use immediately after dilution.

Men who take drug should use condoms to  Don’t use an in-line filter.

avoid impregnating their partners.  Give over 60 minutes.

• Tell patient to report weight gain, Black Box Warning Back pain, flushing,
swelling, and shortness of breath. and chest tightness may develop during
• Advise patient to notify prescriber imme- first 5 minutes of infusion. These symp-
diately about easy or unusual bruising. toms subside after infusion stops and
• Tell patient to avoid grapefruit juice. usually don’t recur when drug is infused
more slowly.
SAFETY ALERT!  Monitor I.V. site closely; watch for irrita-

tion and infiltration, which can cause tissue

DAUNOrubicin citrate damage and necrosis. If it occurs, stop
liposomal infusion, apply ice, and notify prescriber.
 If needed, drug may be refrigerated
at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C) for up to
DaunoXome 6 hours.
 Incompatibilities: Bacteriostatic

Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic agents, other I.V. drugs, saline and other
Pharmacologic class: Anthracycline solutions.
glycoside antibiotic
Pregnancy risk category D AC TION
Maximizes selectivity of daunorubicin
AVAIL ABLE FORMS for solid tumors in situ. After penetrating
Injection: 2 mg/ml (equivalent to 50 mg tumor, drug is released over time to exert
daunorubicin base) antineoplastic activity by inhibiting DNA
synthesis and DNA-dependent RNA

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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382 daunorubicin citrate liposomal


I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown • Contraindicated in patients who have
experienced severe hypersensitivity reaction
Half-life: 41⁄2 hours.
to drug or its components.
• Use cautiously in patients with myelosup-
ADVERSE REACTIONS pression, cardiac disease, previous radio-
CNS: headache, neuropathy, depression, therapy encompassing the heart, previous
dizziness, insomnia, amnesia, anxiety, anthracycline use (doxorubicin cumulative
ataxia, confusion, seizures, hallucination, dose is 300 mg/m2 or above), or hepatic or
tremor, hypertonia, meningitis, fatigue, renal dysfunction.
malaise, emotional lability, abnormal gait, •H Overdose S&S: Increased severity of
hyperkinesia, somnolence, abnormal think- observed dose limiting toxicities of thera-
ing, fever. peutic doses, myelosuppression (especially
CV: chest pain, hypertension, palpitations, granulocytopenia), fatigue, nausea, vomit-
arrhythmias, pericardial effusion, cardiac ing.
arrest, angina pectoris, pulmonary hyper-
tension, flushing, edema, tachycardia, MI, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
heart failure. • Drug causes less nausea, vomiting, alope-
EENT: rhinitis, stomatitis, sinusitis, abnor- cia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and
mal vision, conjunctivitis, tinnitus, eye pain, potentially less cardiotoxicity than conven-
deafness, earache. tional daunorubicin.
GI: taste disturbances, dry mouth, gingi- Black Box Warning Give only under su-
val bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pervision of prescriber specializing in
pain, vomiting, anorexia, constipation, GI chemotherapy.
hemorrhage, gastritis, dysphagia, stom- Black Box Warning Monitor cardiac func-
atitis, increased appetite, melena, hemor- tion regularly. Assess patient before giving
rhoids, tenesmus. each dose because of risk of cardiac toxi-
GU: dysuria, nocturia, polyuria. city and heart failure. Cardiac monitoring
Hematologic: NEUTROPENIA, THROMBO- is especially advised in patients who have
CYTOPENIA. received prior anthracyclines, have pre-
Hepatic: hepatomegaly. existing cardiac disease, or have had prior
Metabolic: dehydration. radiotherapy encompassing the heart.
Musculoskeletal: rigors, back pain, arthral- • Determine left ventricular ejection frac-
gia, myalgia. tion at total cumulative doses of 320 mg/m2
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, and every 160 mg/m2 thereafter. Total cu-
hiccups, pulmonary infiltration, increased mulative doses generally shouldn’t exceed
sputum. 550 mg/m2 .
Skin: alopecia, pruritus, increased sweat- Black Box Warning Provide careful hema-
ing, dry skin, seborrhea, folliculitis, injec- tologic monitoring because severe myelo-
tion site inflammation. suppression may occur.
Other: splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, • Monitor patient closely for signs and
tooth caries, ALLERGIC REACTIONS, flulike symptoms of opportunistic infection, espe-
symptoms. cially because patients with HIV infection
are immunocompromised.
INTERACTIONS Black Box Warning Reduce dosage in
None significant. patients with impaired hepatic function.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t con-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS fuse daunorubicin citrate liposomal with
• May decrease neutrophil and platelet daunorubicin hydrochloride.
• Inform patient that hair loss may occur
but that it’s usually reversible.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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daunorubicin hydrochloride 383

• Instruct patient to call prescriber if sore give three-fourths normal dose; if bilirubin
throat, fever, or other signs or symptoms or creatinine level exceeds 3 mg/dl, give
of infection occur. Tell patient to avoid half normal dose.
exposure to people with infections.
• Advise women to report suspected or ADMINISTRATION
confirmed pregnancy during therapy. I.V.
• Tell patient to report back pain, flushing,  Preparing and giving parenteral drug
or chest tightness during infusion. may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car-
cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce
 Reconstitute with 4 ml sterile water for

DAUNOrubicin hydrochloride injection to yield 5 mg/ml.

 Withdraw desired dose into syringe
containing 10 to 15 ml of normal saline
Cerubidine solution for injection.
 Inject as a slow I.V. push over 2 to

Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic 3 minutes into tubing of a free-flowing

Pharmacologic class: Anthracycline I.V. solution of D5 W or normal saline
glycoside antibiotic solution for injection.
Pregnancy risk category D Black Box Warning Give drug into a
rapidly infusing I.V. infusion. Do not give
AVAIL ABLE FORMS I.M. or subcutaneously. Severe local tissue
Injection: 5 mg/ml necrosis will result from extravasation.
Powder for injection: 20-mg vials  If extravasation occurs, stop infusion

immediately, apply ice to area for 24 to

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES 48 hours, and notify prescriber. Because
Dosages vary. Check treatment protocol drug is a vesicant, extravasation could
with prescriber. cause severe tissue necrosis.
➤ To induce remission in acute non-  If possible, use within 8 hours of prepa-

lymphocytic (myelogenous, monocytic, ration. Reconstituted solution is stable

erythroid) leukemia 24 hours at room temperature, 48 hours if
Adults age 60 and older: In combination, refrigerated.
30 mg/m2 per day I.V. on days 1, 2, and 3  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. If

of first course and on days 1 and 2 of subse- mixed with dexamethasone or heparin,
quent courses with cytarabine infusions. drug may precipitate; don’t mix together.
Adults younger than age 60: In combina-
tion, 45 mg/m2 per day I.V. on days 1, 2, and AC TION
3 of first course and on days 1 and 2 of sub- May interfere with DNA-dependent RNA
sequent courses with cytarabine infusions. synthesis by intercalation.
➤ To induce remission in acute lym- Route Onset Peak Duration
phocytic leukemia (with combination I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Adults: 45 mg/m2 per day I.V. on days 1, 2, Half-life: Initial, 45 minutes; terminal, 181⁄2 hours.
and 3 of first course.
Children age 2 and older: 25 mg/m2 I.V. ADVERSE REACTIONS
on day 1 every week for up to 6 weeks, if CNS: fever.
Children younger than age 2 or with body ECG changes.
surface area less than 0.5 m2 : Dose based GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
on body weight, not surface area. pain, mucositis.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired Hematologic: bone marrow suppression.
hepatic and renal function, reduce dosage as Metabolic: hyperuricemia.
follows: If bilirubin level is 1.2 to 3 mg/dl,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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384 daunorubicin hydrochloride

Skin: reversible alopecia, severe cellulitis treatment and then periodically throughout
and tissue sloughing with drug extravasa- therapy.
tion, rash, darkening or redness of previ- Alert: Cumulative adult dosage is limited
ously irradiated areas, contact dermatitis to 400 to 550 mg/m2 (450 mg/m2 when
urticaria. patient is also receiving or has received
cyclophosphamide or radiation therapy to
INTERACTIONS cardiac area).
Drug-drug. Doxorubicin: May cause Black Box Warning Reduce dosage in
additive cardiotoxicity. Monitor patient patients with renal or hepatic impairment.
for toxicity. • Monitor CBC and hepatic function tests;
Hepatotoxic drugs: May increase risk of monitor ECG every month during therapy.
additive hepatotoxicity. Monitor hepatic Alert: If signs of heart failure, cardiomy-
function closely. opathy, or arrhythmia develop, stop drug
Myelosuppressive drugs: May increase immediately and notify prescriber.
risk of myelosuppression. Monitor patient • Watch for nausea and vomiting, which
closely. may last 24 to 48 hours.
Black Box Warning Severe myelosuppres-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS sion occurs when used in therapeutic doses;
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST, this may lead to infection or hemorrhage.
bilirubin, and uric acid levels. May decrease • Blood transfusions may be needed to
hemoglobin level and hematocrit. combat anemia.
• May decrease platelet and WBC counts. • Look alike–sound alike: Reddish color of
drug is similar to that of doxorubicin; don’t
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Lowest blood counts occur 10 to 14 days
to the drug. after dose.
• Use cautiously in patients with myelo- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
suppression or impaired cardiac, renal, or daunorubicin hydrochloride with daunoru-
hepatic function. bicin citrate liposomal.


Black Box Warning Only physicians expe- • Advise patient to report any pain or
rienced in leukemia chemotherapy should burning at site of injection during or after
administer drug. The physician and institu- administration.
tion must be capable of responding rapidly • Advise patient to watch for signs and
and completely to severe hemorrhage or symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
overwhelming infection. Adequate labo- fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose-
ratory and supportive resources must be bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools) and to
available. take temperature daily.
• Take preventive measures (including ade- • Inform patient that red urine for 1 to
quate hydration) before starting treatment. 2 days is normal and doesn’t indicate the
Hyperuricemia may result from rapid lysis presence of blood in urine.
of leukemic cells. Allopurinol may be • Advise patient that hair loss may occur
ordered. but that it’s usually reversible.
Black Box Warning Myocardial toxicity • Caution woman of childbearing age to
may occur when total cumulative dosage avoid becoming pregnant during therapy.
exceeds 400 to 550 mg/m2 in adults, Recommend that she consult prescriber
300 mg/m2 in children older than 2 years, or before becoming pregnant.
10 mg/kg in children younger than 2 years.
This may occur during therapy to several
months to years after therapy.
• Perform cardiac function studies, in-
cluding ECG and ejection fraction, before

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

deferasirox 385

Hepatic: liver toxicity.

deferasirox Musculoskeletal: back pain, joint pain.
deh-fah-RASS-ih-rocks Respiratory: cough, bronchitis, respiratory
tract infection.
Exjade Skin: rash, urticaria, leukocytoclastic vas-
Therapeutic class: Chelating agent Other: influenza, hypersensitivity reac- D
Pharmacologic class: Heavy metal tions, (including anaphylaxis and an-
antagonist gioedema).
Pregnancy risk category B
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Drug-drug. Aluminum-containing
Tablets for oral suspension: 125 mg, antacids: May decrease iron chelation.
250 mg, 500 mg Avoid using together.
Cholestyramine: May decrease deferasirox
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES level. If drugs must be used together,
➤ Chronic iron overload caused by blood increase initial deferasirox dosage to
transfusions (transfusional hemosiderosis) 30 mg/kg. Monitor serum ferritin level
Adults and children age 2 and older: and clinical response before further dosage
Initially, 20 mg/kg P.O. daily on an empty adjustment.
stomach 30 minutes before eating. Monitor Other iron chelators: May increase risk of
serum ferritin level monthly and adjust dose toxic effects. Avoid using together.
every 3 to 6 months by 5 or 10 mg/kg based Drug-food. Any food: May decrease drug
on ferritin trends. Don’t exceed 40 mg/kg effects. Give to patient with an empty stom-
daily. Consider stopping therapy if serum ach at least 30 minutes before eating.
ferritin level drops below 500 mcg/L.
ADMINISTRATION • May increase transaminase and creatinine
P.O. levels.
• Give drug to patient at same time each
day, about 30 minutes before he eats. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Tablets may be dissolved in water, orange • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
juice, or apple juice. to deferasirox or any component of the
AC TION Black Box Warning Drug may cause hep-
Binds with high affinity to iron, allowing atic or renal impairment, including failure,
mainly fecal excretion. or GI hemorrhage, which may be fatal. Risk
Route Onset Peak Duration
is higher in elderly patients and in those
P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 –4 hr Unknown
with high risk of myelodysplastic syndrome
(MDS), underlying renal or hepatic impair-
Half-life: 8 to 16 hours. ment, or low platelet count.
• Contraindicated in patients with creati-
ADVERSE REACTIONS nine clearance of less than 40 ml/minute
CNS: fever, headache, dizziness, fatigue. or serum creatinine level greater than age-
EENT: nasopharyngitis, pharyngolaryn- appropriate two times upper limit of normal,
geal pain, acute tonsillitis, auditory distur- in those with poor performance status and
bances, ear infection, pharyngitis, rhinitis, high risk of MDS or advanced malignan-
visual disturbances. cies, and in patients with platelet count of
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, less than 50,000/mm3 .
vomiting. • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
GU: acute renal failure. and patients with renal impairment, hep-
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, neutrope- atic impairment, hearing loss, or vision
nia, thrombocytopenia. disturbances.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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386 degarelix acetate

•H Overdose S&S: Hepatitis, nausea, SAFETY ALERT!

degarelix acetate
Black Box Warning Monitor kidney and
liver function tests closely. Monitor serum Firmagon
creatinine level or creatinine clearance
before initiation of therapy and monthly Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
thereafter; in patients with underlying renal Pharmacologic class: GnRH receptor
impairment or risk factors for renal impair- antagonist
ment, monitor serum creatinine level or Pregnancy risk category X
creatinine clearance weekly for first month,
then monthly. Monitor serum transaminase AVAIL ABLE FORMS
and bilirubin levels before initiation of Injection: 80-mg, 120-mg vial
therapy, every 2 weeks during first month,
and monthly thereafter. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Periodically evaluate patient for protein- ➤ Advanced prostate cancer
uria. Adult men: Initially, 240 mg subcuta-
• Test patient’s hearing and visual acuity neously, administered as two 120-mg
before starting drug and yearly thereafter. injections. Maintenance dose is 80 mg
• Monitor patient for rash. If mild or moder- subcutaneously every 28 days.
ate, treatment may continue. If severe, drug
may be stopped or dose reduced. Patient ADMINISTRATION
also may need corticosteroids. Subcutaneous
• Maintain adequate hydration for patients • To minimize exposure, always wear
experiencing nausea and vomiting. gloves when working with degarelix.
• Give drug within 1 hour of reconstitution.
PATIENT TEACHING • For 120-mg initial dose, draw up 3 ml
• Tell patient to take drug at about the sterile water for injection with a recon-
same time each day, on an empty stomach, stitution needle (21G/2 inch). For 80-mg
30 minutes before eating. maintenance dose, draw up 4.2 ml sterile
• Caution patient not to chew or swallow water for injection.
tablets. • Inject sterile water for injection slowly
• Instruct patient to dissolve tablets in into degarelix 120-mg or 80-mg vial. To
water, orange juice, or apple juice; drink the keep product and syringe sterile, don’t
mixture; swirl a small amount of the same remove syringe and needle.
liquid in the glass to pick up any remaining • Keeping vial in an upright position, swirl
drug; and swallow that as well. it very gently until liquid looks clear and has
• Tell patient not to take aluminum- no undissolved powder or particles. If pow-
containing antacids at the same time. der adheres to vial over the liquid surface,
• Inform patient of the need for regular vial can be tilted slightly to dissolve powder.
blood tests to evaluate the effectiveness of Avoid shaking, to prevent foam formation.
therapy and detect possible side effects. A ring of small air bubbles on surface of
• Tell patient to report changes in hearing or liquid is acceptable. The reconstitution
vision, rash, abdominal pain, yellowing of procedure may take up to 15 minutes.
skin or eyes, pale stools, or dark urine. • Tilt vial slightly and keep needle in lowest
• Urge patient to avoid driving or operating part of vial. Withdraw 3 ml of degarelix
hazardous equipment if he becomes dizzy. 120 mg or 4.2 ml of degarelix 80 mg with-
out turning vial upside down.
• Exchange reconstitution needle with ad-
ministration needle for deep subcutaneous
injection (27G/11⁄4 inch). Remove any air

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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delavirdine mesylate 387

• Inject 3 ml degarelix 120 mg or 4.2 ml • Use cautiously in patients with congenital

degarelix 80 mg subcutaneously imme- long QT syndrome, electrolyte abnormal-
diately after reconstitution. Grasp skin of ities, or heart failure and in those taking
abdomen, and elevate subcutaneous tissue. Class IA or Class III antiarrhythmics.
Insert needle deeply at angle of not less than • Use cautiously in patients with creatinine
45 degrees. Gently pull back plunger to clearance of less than 50 ml/minute or
check if blood is aspirated. If blood appears severe hepatic impairment. D
in syringe, reconstituted product can no
longer be used. Discontinue procedure and NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
discard syringe and needle. Reconstitute • Monitor QT interval in patients with
new dose. congenital long QT syndrome, electrolyte
• Repeat reconstitution procedure for sec- abnormalities, or heart failure, and in those
ond 120-mg initial dose. Choose different taking Class IA or Class III antiarrhythmics.
injection site and inject 3 ml. • Monitor PSA level; if level is elevated,
monitor testosterone level.
AC TION • Monitor bone density tests periodically.
Reversibly binds to the pituitary GnRH • Monitor liver function test values.
receptors, reducing the release of go-
nadotropins, and consequently testosterone. PATIENT TEACHING
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Teach injection technique and methods of
Subcut. Unknown 2 days 53 days
record-keeping to patient or family if they
will be giving drug.
Half-life: About 53 days. • Emphasize to patient the importance
of notifying health care provider of heart
ADVERSE REACTIONS problems, such as heart failure, irregular
CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, fever, heart rhythm, or salt imbalance, before
headache, insomnia, nausea. taking drug.
CV: hypertension, hot flashes. • Advise patient to inform all health care
GI: constipation, diarrhea. providers that he’s taking drug.
GU: erectile dysfunction, UTI, testicular
Metabolic: weight gain, increased GGT. delavirdine mesylate
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, dell-ah-VUR-den
decrease in bone density.
Skin: injection-site reactions (including Rescriptor
pain, erythema, swelling, induration, and
nodule formation), night sweats, hyper- Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral
hidrosis. Pharmacologic class: Nonnucleoside
Other: chills, gynecomastia. reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Pregnancy risk category C
Drug-drug. Class IA, Class III antiarrhyth- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
mics (such as amiodarone, procainamide, Tablets: 100 mg, 200 mg
quinidine, sotalol): May prolong QT inter-
val. Avoid use together. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ HIV-1 infection
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Adults and adolescents age 16 and older:
• May increase prostate-specific antigen 400 mg P.O. t.i.d. with other appropriate
(PSA), AST, ALT, and GGT levels. antiretrovirals.
Black Box Warning Resistant virus emerges
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS rapidly when delavirdine is administered
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive as monotherapy. Always administer with
to drug or its components. appropriate antiretroviral therapy.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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388 delavirdine mesylate

ADMINISTRATION warfarin: May increase or prolong thera-

P.O. peutic and adverse effects of these drugs.
• Patient may take drug with or without Avoid using together or, if use together is
food. unavoidable, reduce doses of indinavir and
• For patient with achlorhydria (absence of clarithromycin.
gastric acid in the stomach), drug should Antacids: May reduce absorption of delavir-
be taken with an acidic beverage, such as dine. Separate doses by at least 1 hour.
orange juice or cranberry juice. Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, pheny-
• Patient should separate doses of delavir- toin: May decrease delavirdine level. Use
dine and antacid by at least 1 hour. together cautiously.
• Drug may be dispersed in water before Clarithromycin, fluoxetine, ketoconazole:
ingestion. Add four 100-mg tablets to at May cause a 50% increase in delavirdine
least 3 ounces (90 ml) of water, allow to bioavailability. Monitor patient and reduce
stand for a few minutes, and stir until a dose of clarithromycin.
uniform dispersion occurs. Tell patient to Didanosine: May decrease absorption of
drink dispersion promptly, rinse glass, and both drugs by 20%. Separate doses by at
swallow the rinse to ensure that entire dose least 1 hour.
is consumed. Don’t try to disperse 200-mg H2 -receptor antagonists: May increase
tablets because they don’t disperse well; gastric pH and reduce absorption of delavir-
take 200-mg tablets intact. dine. Long-term use together isn’t recom-
AC TION HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, such as
A nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin: May
inhibitor of HIV-1 that binds directly to increase levels of these drugs, which in-
reverse transcriptase and blocks RNA- creases risk of myopathy, including rhab-
and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase domyolysis. Avoid using together.
activities. Rifabutin, rifampin: May decrease delavir-
Route Onset Peak Duration
dine level. May increase rifabutin level by
P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
100%. Avoid using together.
Saquinavir: May increase bioavailability of
Half-life: 51⁄4 hours. saquinavir fivefold. Monitor AST and ALT
levels frequently when used together.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Sildenafil: May increase sildenafil level
CNS: asthenia, fatigue, headache, depres- and may increase sildenafil adverse events,
sion, fever, insomnia, pain. including hypotension, visual changes, and
EENT: pharyngitis, sinusitis. priapism. Tell patient not to exceed 25 mg
GI: nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, of sildenafil in 48 hours.
distention or pain, vomiting. Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
GU: epididymitis, hematuria, hemosper- drug level. Discourage use together.
mia, impotence, metrorrhagia, nocturia,
polyuria, proteinuria, renal calculi, renal EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
pain, vaginal candidiasis. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
Respiratory: bronchitis, cough, upper amylase, AST, CK, creatinine, GGT, and
respiratory tract infection. lipase levels. May decrease glucose and
Skin: rash. hemoglobin levels and hematocrit.
Other: flulike syndrome. • May increase eosinophil count, PT, and
PTT. May decrease granulocyte, neutrophil,
INTERACTIONS platelet, RBC, and WBC counts.
Drug-drug. Amphetamines, nonsedating
antihistamines, benzodiazepines, calcium CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
channel blockers, clarithromycin, dapsone, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
ergot alkaloid preparations, indinavir, to drug or its components.
quinidine, rifabutin, sedative-hypnotics,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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denosumab 389

• Use cautiously in patients with impaired • Tell patient that drug may be taken with or
hepatic function. without food.
• Tell patient with achlorhydria to take drug
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS with an acidic beverage, such as orange or
• Because drug’s effects in patients with cranberry juice.
hepatic or renal impairment haven’t been • Instruct patient to take drug and antacids
studied, monitor renal and liver function test at least 1 hour apart. D
results carefully. • Advise patient to report use of other
• Drug-induced diffuse, maculopapular, prescription or nonprescription drugs,
erythematous, pruritic rash occurs most including herbal remedies.
commonly on upper body and arms of • Advise patient taking sildenafil about an
patients with lower CD4 cell counts, usually increased risk of sildenafil-related adverse
within first 3 weeks of treatment. Dosage events, including low blood pressure, visual
adjustment doesn’t seem to affect rash. changes, and painful penile erection. Tell
Treat symptoms with diphenhydramine, him to promptly report any symptoms to his
hydroxyzine, or topical corticosteroids. prescriber. Tell patient not to exceed 25 mg
• Drug doesn’t reduce risk of transmission of sildenafil in 48 hours.
of HIV-1.
• Monitor patient’s fluid balance and
weight. denosumab
• Tell patient to stop drug and call pre- Prolia
scriber if severe rash or such symptoms as
fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, abdominal Therapeutic class: Antiosteoporotic
pain, or cough occur. Pharmacologic class: Antiresorptive
• Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure drug
HIV-1 infection and that he may continue Pregnancy risk category C
to acquire illnesses including opportunistic
infections related to HIV-1 infection. Ther- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
apy hasn’t been shown to reduce the risk Injection: 60-mg/ml prefilled syringe,
or frequency of such illnesses. Drug hasn’t 60-mg/ml single-use vial
been shown to reduce transmission of HIV.
• Advise patient to remain under medical INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
supervision when taking drug because the ➤ Postmenopausal osteoporosis in pa-
long-term effects aren’t known. tients at risk for fracture
• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed Adults: 60 mg subcutaneously every
and not to alter doses without prescriber’s 6 months. All patients should receive
approval. If a dose is missed, tell patient to 1,000 mg of calcium daily and at least
take the next dose as soon as possible; he 400 units of vitamin D daily.
shouldn’t double the next dose.
• Inform patient that drug may be dispersed ADMINISTRATION
in water before ingestion. Add four 100-mg Subcutaneous
tablets to at least 3 ounces (90 ml) of water, • Don’t use if solution is discolored or
allow to stand for a few minutes, and stir cloudy or contains many particles or foreign
until a uniform dispersion occurs. Tell particulate matter.
patient to drink dispersion promptly, rinse • Before administration, drug may be
glass, and swallow the rinse to ensure that removed from refrigerator and brought
entire dose is consumed. to room temperature (up to 77◦ F [25◦ C])
• Instruct patient to take 200-mg tablets by letting stand in original container. This
whole; 200-mg tablets don’t disperse well in generally takes 15 to 30 minutes. Don’t
water. warm drug in any other way. Avoid vigorous
shaking of drug.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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390 denosumab

• Administer via subcutaneous injection in made to discontinue either drug or breast-

upper arm, upper thigh, or abdomen. feeding.


Inhibits osteoclast activity, thereby decreas- • Make sure patient has adequate intake of
ing bone resorption and increasing bone calcium and vitamin D.
mass and strength. • Monitor calcium, vitamin D, magnesium,
Route Onset Peak Duration
and phosphorus levels before and during
Subcut. Unknown 10 days 4–5 mo
• Drug may cause osteonecrosis of the
Half-life: About 25 days. jaw, which can occur spontaneously and is
commonly associated with tooth extraction,
ADVERSE REACTIONS local infection with delayed healing, or
CNS: asthenia, insomnia, sciatica, vertigo. both.
CV: angina, atrial fibrillation, peripheral • Consider stopping drug if severe skin
edema. reactions occur.
EENT: pharyngitis. Alert: Needle cap on single-use syringe
GI: flatulence, gastroesophageal reflux contains latex; keep away from those with
disease, upper abdominal pain. latex allergy.
GU: cystitis.
Hematologic: anemia. PATIENT TEACHING
Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, hypocal- • Advise patient to have a dental exam
cemia. before treatment and to follow good oral
Musculoskeletal: back pain, bone pain, ex- hygiene practices during therapy.
tremity pain, musculoskeletal pain, myalgia, • Instruct patient that, before dental pro-
spinal osteoarthritis. cedures, she should tell dentist that she is
Respiratory: pneumonia, upper respiratory taking drug, and to inform dentist or pre-
tract infection. scriber if persistent pain or slow healing of
Skin: pruritus, rash. mouth or jaw occurs after dental surgery.
Other: herpes zoster. • Tell patient to report jaw pain, swelling,
or numbness; loose teeth; or dramatic gum
None reported. • Advise patient to seek prompt medi-
cal care if signs and symptoms of severe
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS infection occur, including cellulitis or
• May increase cholesterol level. May skin reactions (such as dermatitis, rash,
decrease calcium level. or eczema).
• Instruct patient with severe renal impair-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ment about signs and symptoms of hypocal-
• Contraindicated in patients with hypocal- cemia and the importance of maintaining
cemia. normal calcium levels.
• Use cautiously in patients with history • Tell patient to take calcium and vitamin D
of hypoparathyroidism, thyroid surgery, supplement, as directed by prescriber.
parathyroid surgery, malabsorption syn- • Advise patient who becomes pregnant
dromes, excision of small intestine, or during therapy to enroll in Amgen’s Preg-
severe renal impairment. nancy Surveillance Program at 1-800-772-
• Use cautiously in patients taking immuno- 6436.
suppressants and in those with an impaired
immune system.
• Use during pregnancy only if benefit
outweighs risk to fetus. It isn’t known if
drug appears in breast milk. Because of
risk of adverse effects, a decision should be

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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desipramine hydrochloride 391

GU: urine retention.

desipramine hydrochloride Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia.
dess-IP-ra-meen Skin: rash, urticaria, photosensitivity reac-
tions, diaphoresis, alopecia.
Norpramin Other: sudden death in children, hypersen-
sitivity reactions.
Therapeutic class: Antidepressant D
Pharmacologic class: Tricyclic INTERACTIONS
antidepressant (TCA) Drug-drug. Barbiturates, CNS depres-
Pregnancy risk category NR sants: May enhance CNS depression. Avoid
using together.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Cimetidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, parox-
Tablets: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, etine, sertraline: May increase desipramine
100 mg, 150 mg level. Monitor drug levels and patient for
signs of toxicity.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Clonidine: May cause life-threatening blood
➤ Depression pressure elevations. Avoid using together.
Adults: 100 to 200 mg P.O. daily in divided Epinephrine, norepinephrine: May increase
doses; increase to maximum of 300 mg hypertensive effect. Use together cautiously.
daily. Or, give entire dose at bedtime. MAO inhibitors: May cause severe excita-
Adolescents and elderly patients: 25 to tion, hyperpyrexia, or seizures, usually with
100 mg P.O. daily in divided doses; increase high doses. Avoid using within 14 days of
gradually to maximum of 150 mg daily, if MAO inhibitor therapy.
needed. Quinolones: May increase the risk of life-
➤ Postherpetic neuralgia  threatening arrhythmias. Avoid using to-
Adults: Mean dose, 94 to 167 mg P.O. daily gether.
for at least 6 weeks. Drug-herb. Evening primrose oil: May
cause additive or synergistic effect, re-
ADMINISTRATION sulting in lower seizure threshold and in-
P.O. creasing the risk of seizure. Discourage use
• Give drug without regard for food. together.
St. John’s wort, SAM-e, yohimbe: May
AC TION cause serotonin syndrome. Discourage use
Unknown. Increases the amount of norep- together.
inephrine, serotonin, or both in the CNS by Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance
blocking their reuptake by the presynaptic CNS depression. Discourage use together.
neurons. Smoking: May lower drug level. Monitor
Route Onset Peak Duration
patient for lack of effect.
P.O. Unknown 4–6 hr Unknown
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo-
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid
Half-life: Unknown. excessive sunlight exposure.


CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, seizures, ex- • May increase or decrease glucose level.
citation, tremor, weakness, confusion, • May increase liver function test values.
anxiety, restlessness, agitation, headache,
nervousness, EEG changes, extrapyramidal CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
reactions. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
CV: tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, to drug and in those who have taken MAO
ECG changes, hypertension. inhibitors within previous 14 days.
EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus, mydriasis. • Contraindicated during acute recovery
GI: dry mouth, constipation, nausea, vomit- phase after MI.
ing, anorexia, paralytic ileus.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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392 desirudin

Black Box Warning Desipramine isn’t • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t con-
approved for use in children. fuse desipramine with disopyramide or
• Use with extreme caution in patients with imipramine.
CV disease; in those with a family history
of sudden death, cardiac arrhythmias, or PATIENT TEACHING
cardiac conduction disturbances; in those Black Box Warning Advise families and
with history of urine retention, glaucoma, caregivers to observe patient closely for
seizure disorders, or thyroid disease; and in increased suicidal thinking and behavior.
those taking thyroid drug. • Advise patient to take full dose at bedtime
Alert: Treatment of patients who require to avoid daytime sedation; if insomnia
as much as 300 mg desipramine should occurs, tell him to take drug in the morning.
be initiated in hospitals where access to • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
skilled health care providers and frequent that require alertness and good coordination
electrocardiograms is available. High doses until effects of drug are known. Drowsiness
may cause prolongation of the QRS or QT and dizziness usually subside after a few
interval. weeks.
•H Overdose S&S: Cardiac arrhythmias, • Advise patient to call prescriber if fever
severe hypotension, seizures, CNS de- and sore throat occur. Blood counts may
pression, coma, ECG changes, confusion, need to be obtained.
disturbed concentration, transient visual • Tell patient to avoid alcohol during ther-
hallucinations, dilated pupils, agitation, apy because it may antagonize effects of
hyperactive reflexes, stupor, drowsiness, drug.
muscle rigidity, vomiting, hypothermia, • Tell patient to consult prescriber before
hyperpyrexia. taking other prescription or OTC drugs.
• Warn patient not to stop drug suddenly.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • To prevent sensitivity to the sun, advise
Alert: Drug has been shown to lower the patient to use sunblock, wear protective
seizure threshold. Seizures precede cardiac clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure to
arrhythmias and death in some patients. strong sunlight.
• Monitor patient for nausea, headache, and
malaise after abrupt withdrawal of long- SAFETY ALERT!
term therapy; these symptoms don’t indicate
addiction. desirudin
• Don’t withdraw drug abruptly. deh-SIHR-uh-din
• Because patients may suffer hypertensive
episodes during surgery, stop drug gradually Iprivask
several days before surgery.
• If signs or symptoms of psychosis oc- Therapeutic class: Anticoagulant
cur or increase, notify prescriber. Record Pharmacologic class: Thrombin inhibitor
mood changes. Monitor patient for suicidal Pregnancy risk category C
Black Box Warning Drug may increase AVAIL ABLE FORMS
risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in Injection: 15 mg desirudin lyophilized
children, adolescents, and young adults powder and 0.6 ml mannitol (3%) diluent
ages 18 to 24, especially during the first few
months of treatment, especially in those INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
with major depressive disorder or other ➤ To prevent deep vein thrombosis in
psychiatric disorder. patients undergoing hip replacement
• Recommend sugarless hard candy or gum surgery
to relieve dry mouth. Saliva substitutes may Adults: 15 mg subcutaneously every
be needed. 12 hours for 9 to 12 days. Give first in-
Alert: Norpramin may contain tartrazine. jection 5 to 15 minutes before surgery, after

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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desirudin 393

induction of regional block anesthesia, if GI: hematemesis, nausea, vomiting.

used. GU: hematuria.
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is Hematologic: hemorrhage, anemia.
31 to 60 ml/minute, give 5 mg subcuta- Other: anaphylaxis, impaired healing,
neously every 12 hours. If creatinine clear- injection site mass, leg edema, leg pain,
ance is less than 31 ml/minute, give 1.7 mg wound seeping.
subcutaneously every 12 hours. Check acti- D
vated PTT and creatinine daily. If activated INTERACTIONS
PTT exceeds two times control, stop ther- Drug-drug. Abciximab, acetylsalicylic
apy until it’s within two times control; then acid, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, glyco-
resume at a reduced dose. protein IIb/IIIa antagonists, ketorolac,
salicylates, sulfinpyrazone, ticlopidine: May
ADMINISTRATION increase the risk of bleeding. Use together
Subcutaneous cautiously.
• Reconstitute each 15-mg vial with 0.5 ml Anticoagulants, dextran 40, glucocorti-
of provided diluent (mannitol 3%). coids, thrombolytics: May increase the risk
• Shake vial gently until powder is dis- of bleeding. Avoid using together.
solved. Once reconstituted, each 0.5 ml Drug-herb. Alfalfa, angelica (dong quai),
contains 15.75 mg of desirudin. anise, boldo, bromelains, capsicum,
• Inspect vial. If solution contains visible chamomile, dandelion, danshen, devil’s
particles, don’t use it. claw, fenugreek, feverfew, garlic, ginger,
• Use reconstituted solution immediately ginkgo, ginseng, horse chestnut, licorice,
or store it at room temperature for up to meadowsweet, onion, passion flower, red
24 hours protected from light. clover, willow: May increase the risk of
• Use a syringe with a 1⁄2 -inch 26G or 27G bleeding. Discourage use together.
needle to withdraw all the reconstituted
• With the patient lying down, inject entire • May decrease hemoglobin level and
contents of syringe by deep subcutaneous hematocrit.
injection. Insert entire length of needle
into a skinfold held between thumb and CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
forefinger. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Rotate sites between the right and left to natural or recombinant hirudins and in
thigh or right and left anterolateral and patients with active bleeding or irreversible
posterolateral abdominal walls. coagulation disorders.
• Incompatibilities: Don’t mix with any • Use cautiously in patients with a crea-
other drugs. tinine clearance less than 60 ml/minute;
patients undergoing spinal or epidural anes-
AC TION thesia; patients with hepatic insufficiency
Selectively inhibits free and clot-bound or injury; patients with GI or pulmonary
thrombin, which prolongs plasma clotting bleeding within 3 months; patients with
time. severe uncontrolled hypertension, bacterial
Route Onset Peak Duration
endocarditis, or a hemostatic disorder; and
Subcut. 30 min 60–180 min Unknown
patients with an increased risk of bleeding,
such as those with recent major surgery,
Half-life: 2 to 3 hours. organ biopsy, puncture of a noncompress-
ible vessel (within 1 month), intracranial
ADVERSE REACTIONS or intraocular bleeding, or hemorrhagic or
CNS: cerebrovascular disorder, dizziness, ischemic stroke.
fever. •H Overdose S&S: Hemorrhagic compli-
CV: thrombosis, deep thrombophlebitis, cations, excessively high activated PTT
hypotension. values.
EENT: epistaxis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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394 desloratadine


• Don’t give this drug I.M. ➤ Seasonal allergic rhinitis (patients age
Alert: If the patient has either an unex- 2 and older); perennial allergic rhinitis;
plained decline in hematocrit or blood chronic idiopathic urticaria
pressure or other unexplained symptoms, Adults and children age 12 and older: 5 mg
consider the possibility of hemorrhage. P.O. tablets or syrup once daily.
• Monitor coagulation tests, hemoglobin Children ages 6 to 11: 2.5 mg orally disin-
level, hematocrit, and renal function tegrating tablet (ODT) or syrup P.O. once
throughout therapy. daily.
• Watch venipuncture sites for bleeding, Children ages 12 months to 5 years:
hematoma, or inflammation. 1.25 mg P.O. once daily.
Black Box Warning Patients who receive Infants ages 6 to 11 months: 1 mg P.O. once
epidural or spinal anesthesia or spinal punc- daily.
ture are at increased risk of an epidural Adjust-a-dose: In adults with hepatic or
or spinal hematoma, which may result in renal impairment, start dosage at 5 mg P.O.
long-term or permanent paralysis. Mon- every other day.
itor these patients closely for neurologic
PATIENT TEACHING • Give drug without regard for meals.
• Advise patient that this drug can cause • Place ODTs on tongue immediately after
bleeding. Stress the need to report unusual opening blister pack.
bruising or bleeding (nosebleeds, blood in • Give ODTs with or without water.
urine, tarry stools) immediately.
• Caution patient not to take any other AC TION
drugs that increase the risk of bleeding, Long-acting tricyclic antihistamine with
such as aspirin or NSAIDs, while receiving selective H1 -receptor histamine antagonist
desirudin. activity. It inhibits histamine release from
• Advise patient to consult with prescriber human mast cells in vitro. Drug doesn’t
before starting any herbal therapy; many cross the blood-brain barrier.
herbs have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, or Route Onset Peak Duration
fibrinolytic properties. P.O. <1 hr 3 hr Up to 24 hr
• Advise against activities that risk injury. P.O. (orally <1 hr 21⁄2 –4 hr Up to 24 hr
• Tell patient to use a soft toothbrush and disintegrating)
electric razor during therapy.
Half-life: 27 hours.


dess-lor-AT-a-deen CNS: headache, somnolence, fatigue,
Clarinexi, Clarinex RediTabs EENT: pharyngitis, dry throat.
GI: nausea, dry mouth, dyspepsia.
Therapeutic class: Antihistamine GU: dysmenorrhea.
Pharmacologic class: Piperidine Musculoskeletal: myalgia.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS None reported.
Syrup: 0.5 mg/ml
Tablets (orally disintegrating): 2.5 mg, 5 mg • May prevent, reduce, or mask positive
result in diagnostic skin test.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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desmopressin acetate 395

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS subcutaneously daily, usually in two divided

• Contraindicated in breast-feeding women doses.
and in patients hypersensitive to drug, to Adults and children older than age 4: Give
any of its components, or to loratadine. 0.05 mg P.O. b.i.d.; adjust dosage to patient
• Use cautiously in elderly patients be- response. If patient previously received
cause of the greater likelihood of decreased the drug intranasally, begin oral therapy
hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and 12 hours after last intranasal dose. D
concomitant disease or other drug therapy. Children ages 3 months to 12 years:
•H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, increased 0.05 to 0.3 ml (5 to 30 mcg) intranasally
QTc interval. daily in one or two doses.
➤ Hemophilia A and von Willebrand
• Stop drug 4 days before diagnostic skin Adults and children: 0.3 mcg/kg diluted in
testing because antihistamines can prevent, normal saline solution and infused I.V. over
reduce, or mask positive skin test response. 15 to 30 minutes. Repeat dose, if needed,
as indicated by laboratory response and
PATIENT TEACHING patient’s condition. If used preoperatively,
• Advise patient not to exceed recom- give 30 minutes prior to the scheduled
mended dosage. Higher doses don’t increase procedure. Or, 300 mcg (one spray in each
effectiveness and may cause somnolence. nostril) of solution containing 1.5 mcg/ml.
• Tell patient that drug can be taken without Dose of 150 mcg (one spray of solution
regard to meals. containing 1.5 mg/ml into a single nostril)
• Instruct patient to remove ODTs from may be adequate for patients weighing
blister pack and place on tongue immedi- less than 50 kg (110 lb). Give drug 2 hours
ately to dissolve. before surgery.
• ODTs may be taken with or without water. ➤ Primary nocturnal enuresis
• Tell patient to report adverse effects. Adults and children age 6 and older: Ini-
tially, 0.2 mg P.O. at bedtime, and adjust
dose up to 0.6 mg to achieve desired re-
desmopressin acetate sponse.
DDAVP, Minirin, Stimate P.O.
• Discontinue in patient with acute illness
Therapeutic class: Hemostatic that may result in fluid or electrolyte imbal-
Pharmacologic class: Posterior pituitary ance.
hormone • Store at controlled room temperature.
Pregnancy risk category B I.V.
 Don’t give injection to patients with

AVAIL ABLE FORMS hemophilia A with factor VIII of up to 5%

Injection: 4 mcg/ml or with severe von Willebrand disease.
Nasal solution: 0.1 mg/ml, 1.5 mg/ml  For adults and children who weigh more

Tablets: 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg than 10 kg (22 lb), dilute with 50 ml sterile
physiologic saline solution. For children
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES who weigh 10 kg or less, 10 ml of diluent
➤ Nonnephrogenic diabetes insipidus, is recommended.
temporary polyuria, and polydipsia  Inspect drug for particulates and discol-

related to pituitary trauma oration before infusing.

Adults and children older than age 12:  Monitor blood pressure and pulse during

0.1 to 0.4 ml (10 to 40 mcg) intranasally infusion.

daily in one to three doses. Most adults need  The comparable antidiuretic dose of the

0.2 ml (20 mcg) daily in two divided doses. injection is about 1⁄10 of the intranasal dose.
Or, give 0.5 to 1 ml (2 to 4 mcg) I.V. or  Incompatibilities: None reported.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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396 desmopressin acetate

Intranasal Pressor agents: May enhance pressor ef-

• Ensure nasal passages are intact, clean, fects with large doses of desmopressin.
and free of obstruction before giving in- Monitor patient closely.
tranasally. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
• Nasal spray pump delivers only doses risk of adverse effects. Discourage use
of 10 mcg DDAVP or 150 mcg Stimate. If together.
doses other than those are required, use the
nasal tube delivery system or injection. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Subcutaneous • May decrease sodium level.
• Teach patient to rotate injection sites to
prevent tissue damage. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
AC TION tive to drug and in those with type IIB von
Increases the permeability of renal tubular Willebrand disease, moderate to severe
epithelium to adenosine monophosphate renal impairment, or hyponatremia.
and water, enabling the epithelium to pro- • Use cautiously in patients with coronary
mote reabsorption of water and produce a artery insufficiency, hypertensive CV dis-
concentrated urine. Also increases factor ease, and conditions linked to fluid and
VIII activity by releasing endogenous factor electrolyte imbalances, such as cystic fibro-
VIII from plasma storage sites. sis, because these patients are susceptible to
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 1 hr 1–11⁄2 hr 8–12 hr
• Use cautiously in patients at risk for water
I.V. 15–30 min 11⁄2 –2 hr 4–12 hr intoxication with hyponatremia.
Intranasal 1 hr 1–5 hr 8–12 hr • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women;
Subcut. Unknown Unknown Unknown it’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk.
•H Overdose S&S: Confusion, drowsiness,
Half-life: Oral, 1.5 to 2.5 hours; I.V. and intranasal, continuing headache, problems passing
7.8 minutes (initial phase) and 75.5 minutes
(terminal phase).
urine, rapid weight gain due to fluid


CNS: headache, seizures. • Morning and evening doses are adjusted
CV: flushing, slight rise in blood pressure. separately for adequate diurnal rhythm of
EENT: rhinitis, epistaxis, sore throat. water turnover.
GI: nausea, abdominal cramps. • Intranasal use can cause changes in the
GU: vulvar pain. nasal mucosa, resulting in erratic, unreliable
Metabolic: hyponatremia. absorption. Report worsening condition to
Respiratory: cough. prescriber, who may recommend injectable
Skin: local erythema, swelling, or burning DDAVP.
after injection. • Restrict fluid intake to reduce risk of
water intoxication and sodium depletion,
INTERACTIONS especially in children or elderly patients.
Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, chlor- Alert: Overdose may cause oxytocic
propamide: May increase ADH; may in- or vasopressor activity. Withhold drug
crease desmopressin effect. Avoid using and notify prescriber. If fluid retention is
together. excessive, give furosemide.
Clofibrate: May enhance and prolong • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
effects of desmopressin. Monitor patient desmopressin with vasopressin.
Demeclocycline, epinephrine, heparin, PATIENT TEACHING
lithium: May increase risk of adverse • Some patients may have trouble measur-
effects. Monitor patient closely. ing and inhaling drug into nostrils. Teach

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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desoximetasone 397

patient and caregivers correct administra- • Avoid applying near eyes, mucous mem-
tion method. branes, or in ear canal.
• Instruct patient to clear nasal passages Alert: Do not bandage, cover, or wrap the
before giving drug. treated skin area unless ordered.
• Instruct patient to press down four times • Stop drug and notify prescriber if skin
to prime pump. Tell him to discard the infection, striae, or atrophy occur.
bottle after 25 (150 mcg/spray) or 50 doses • Continue drug for a few days after lesions D
(10 mcg/spray), depending on the strength, clear.
because the amount left may be less than
desired dose. AC TION
• Advise patient to report nasal congestion, Unclear. Diffuses across cell membranes
allergic rhinitis, or upper respiratory tract to form complexes with receptors, showing
infection to prescriber; dosage adjustment anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, vasocon-
may be needed. strictive, and antiproliferative activity.
• Teach patient using subcutaneous drug Considered a high-potency drug (0.25%
to rotate injection sites to prevent tissue cream and ointment, 0.05% gel) or medium-
damage. potency drug (0.05% cream) according to
• Warn patient to drink only enough water vasoconstrictive properties.
to satisfy thirst. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Inform patient with hemophilia A or Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
von Willebrand disease that taking desmo-
pressin may prevent hazards of using blood Half-life: Unknown.
• Advise patient to carry medical identifica- ADVERSE REACTIONS
tion indicating use of drug. GU: glycosuria.
Metabolic: hyperglycemia.
Skin: burning, pruritus, irritation, dryness,
desoximetasone erythema, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, ac-
dess-OX-ee-MET-ah-sone neiform eruptions, perioral dermatitis, hy-
popigmentation, allergic contact dermatitis,
Topicort, Topicort LP maceration, secondary infection, atrophy,
striae, miliaria with occlusive dressings.
Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid Other: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid axis suppression, Cushing syndrome.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS None significant.
Cream: 0.05%, 0.25%
Ointment: 0.25% • May increase glucose level.
➤ Inflammation from corticosteroid- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
responsive dermatoses to drug or its components.
Adults and children: Clean area; apply a • Don’t use as monotherapy in primary
thin film and rub in gently b.i.d. bacterial infections (impetigo, paronychia,
erysipelas, cellulitis, angular cheilitis),
ADMINISTRATION treatment of rosacea, perioral dermatitis, or
Topical acne.
• Gently wash skin before applying. To • Don’t use very-high-potency or high-
prevent skin damage, rub in gently, leaving potency agents on the face, groin, or axillae.
thin coat. When treating hairy sites, part • Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use.
hair and apply directly to lesions.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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398 desvenlafaxine succinate

• Use cautiously in children and pregnant or INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

breast-feeding women. ➤ Major depressive disorder
•H Overdose S&S: Systemic effects. Adults: 50 mg P.O. once daily.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creati-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS nine clearance less than 30 ml/minute, give
• If fever develops and occlusive dressing 50 mg P.O. every other day. Don’t give sup-
is in place, notify prescriber and remove plemental doses after dialysis. For patients
occlusive dressing. with hepatic impairment, maximum dosage
• If antifungal or antibiotic combined with is 100 mg/day.
corticosteroid fails to provide prompt im-
provement, stop corticosteroid until infec- AC TION
tion is controlled. Thought to stimulate receptors, increasing
• Systemic absorption is likely with use of the release of serotonin and norepinephrine.
occlusive dressings, prolonged treatment, Route Onset Peak Duration
or extensive body surface treatment. Watch P.O. Unknown 7.5 hr Unknown
for symptoms of HPA axis suppression,
Cushing syndrome, hyperglycemia, and Half-life: About 11 hours.
• Avoid using plastic pants or tight-fitting ADVERSE REACTIONS
diapers on treated areas in young children. CNS: abnormal dreams, anxiety, asthenia,
Children may absorb larger amounts of drug chills, dizziness, fatigue, jittery feeling,
and be more susceptible to systemic toxicity. headache, insomnia, irritability, paresthesia,
• Gel contains alcohol and may cause burn- somnolence, tremor.
ing or irritation in open lesions. CV: hot flashes, hypertension, palpitations,
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse tachycardia.
desoximetasone with dexamethasone. EENT: blurred vision, mydriasis, tinnitus.
GI: constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth,
PATIENT TEACHING dysgeusia, GI bleeding, nausea, vomiting.
• Teach patient how to apply drug. GU: proteinuria.
• Tell patient this drug is for external use Metabolic: decreased appetite, weight loss.
only and to avoid contact with the eyes. Skin: hyperhidrosis, rash.
• If an occlusive dressing is ordered, advise Other: sexual dysfunction, yawning.
patient to leave it in place for no longer
than 12 hours each day and not to use the INTERACTIONS
dressing on infected or weeping lesions. Drug-drug. Aspirin, NSAIDs, warfarin,
• Tell patient to stop drug and report signs other drugs that affect coagulation: May
of systemic absorption, skin irritation or increase risk of bleeding. Use together
ulceration, hypersensitivity, or infection. cautiously.
CNS drugs: Drug may cause additive effect.
Avoid using together.
desvenlafaxine succinate CYP3A4 inhibitors (ketoconazole): May
des-ven-lah-FAX-in increase desvenlafaxine levels. Use together
Pristiqi Desipramine, other drugs metabolized
by CYP2D6: May increase levels of these
Therapeutic class: Antidepressant drugs. Use together cautiously.
Pharmacologic class: Selective MAO inhibitors: May cause serotonin syn-
serotonin and selective norepinephrine drome or signs and symptoms resembling
reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Avoid us-
Pregnancy risk category C ing within 7 days of MAO inhibitor therapy.
Midazolam, other drugs metabolized by
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CYP3A4: May decrease levels of these
Tablets (extended-release): 50 mg, 100 mg drugs. Use together cautiously.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dexamethasone (ophthalmic) 399

SSRIs, SNRIs: May increase risk of sero- Alert: Don’t stop drug abruptly. With-
tonin syndrome. Monitor patient closely if drawal or discontinuation syndrome may
used together. occur if drug is stopped abruptly. Signs and
Venlafaxine: Drug is a major active metabo- symptoms of withdrawal syndrome include
lite of venlafaxine. Avoid using together. dizziness, nausea, headache, irritability,
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance insomnia, diarrhea, anxiety, fatigue, abnor-
CNS depression. Discourage use together. mal dreams, and hyperhidrosis. Taper drug D
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Monitor respiratory status. Drug
• May increase total cholesterol, LDL, may cause interstitial lung disease or
triglyceride, and sodium levels. eosinophilic pneumonia. If patient devel-
ops dyspnea, cough, or chest discomfort,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or within 14 days of MAO inhibitor PATIENT TEACHING
therapy. • Advise a woman of childbearing age to
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in contact prescriber if she becomes pregnant,
patients with renal impairment, diseases or intends to become pregnant during therapy,
conditions that could affect hemodynamic or is breast-feeding.
responses or metabolism, and in those with Black Box Warning Warn family mem-
a history of mania or seizures. Use only in bers to closely monitor patient for signs
pregnant or breast-feeding women when the and symptoms of worsening condition or
benefits outweigh the possible risks to the suicidal ideation.
fetus. • Tell patient to avoid alcohol and to consult
Black Box Warning Desvenlafaxine isn’t prescriber before taking other prescription
approved for use in children. or OTC drugs.
•H Overdose S&S: Headache, vomiting, • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
agitation, dizziness, nausea, constipation, that require alertness and good coordination
diarrhea, dry mouth, paresthesia, tachy- until effects of drug are known.
cardia, change in level of consciousness, • If medication is to be stopped, tell pa-
mydriasis, seizures, ECG changes. tient to stop drug gradually by tapering the
dosage as instructed by prescriber and not to
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS abruptly stop taking drug.
Black Box Warning Closely monitor patient • Tell patient not to divide, crush, chew, or
being treated for depression for signs and dissolve tablets.
symptoms of clinical worsening and sui-
cidal ideation, especially at the beginning
of therapy and with dosage adjustments. dexamethasone
Symptoms may include agitation, insomnia, (ophthalmic)
anxiety, aggressiveness, or panic attacks. dex-a-METH-a-sone
• Carefully monitor blood pressure. Drug
may cause dose-related increases in blood Maxidex
pressure. dexamethasone sodium
• Monitor intraocular pressure in patients at phosphate
risk for angle-closure glaucoma.
• Record mood changes. Monitor patient Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory
for suicidal tendencies and allow patient (ophthalmic)
only a minimum supply of the drug. Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms Pregnancy risk category C
of bleeding.
• Monitor lipid and sodium levels before AVAIL ABLE FORMS
and during therapy. Ophthalmic solution: 0.1%
Ophthalmic suspension: 0.1%

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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400 dexamethasone (ophthalmic)


➤ Uveitis; iridocyclitis; inflammatory None significant.
conditions of eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea,
anterior segment of globe; corneal in- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
jury from chemical or thermal burns, None reported.
or penetration of foreign bodies; aller-
gic conjunctivitis; suppression of graft CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
rejection after keratoplasty; acne rosacea • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Adults and children: Initially, 1 or 2 drops to drug or its ingredients. Drug contains
of solution into conjunctival sac every sulfite.
1 to 2 hours. Decrease to 1 drop every • Contraindicated in those with ocular
4 hours when favorable response is noted. tuberculosis or acute superficial herpes
As condition improves, taper to 1 drop t.i.d. simplex (dendritic keratitis), vaccinia,
or q.i.d. to control symptoms, then, to b.i.d., varicella, or other fungal or viral diseases
then once daily. Treatment may extend from of cornea and conjunctiva; in patients with
a few days to several weeks. Or, give 1 or acute, purulent, untreated infections of eye;
2 drops of suspension in the conjunctival and in those who have had uncomplicated
sac. In severe disease, drops may be used removal of superficial corneal foreign body.
hourly, being tapered to discontinuation • Use cautiously in patients with corneal
as inflammation subsides. In mild disease, abrasions that may be infected (especially
drops may be used up to four to six times with herpes).
daily. • Use cautiously in patients with glaucoma
(any form) because intraocular pressure
ADMINISTRATION may increase. Dosage of glaucoma drugs
Ophthalmic may need to be increased to compensate.
• Shake suspension well before use. • Safe use in pregnant and breast-feeding
• Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac women hasn’t been established.
for 1 minute after instillation.
AC TION • Drug isn’t for long-term use.
Suppresses edema, fibrin deposition, capil- • Watch for corneal ulceration, which may
lary dilation, leukocyte migration, capillary require stopping drug.
proliferation, and collagen deposition. • Corneal viral and fungal infections may
Route Onset Peak Duration
be worsened by corticosteroid application.
Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
dexamethasone with desoximetasone. Don’t
Half-life: Unknown. confuse Maxidex with Maxzide.


EENT: burning, stinging, or red eyes, • Tell patient to shake suspension well
cataracts, corneal ulceration, defects in before use.
visual acuity and visual field, discharge, dis- • Teach patient how to instill drops. Advise
comfort, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, him to wash hands before and after applying
glaucoma worsening, increased intraocular solution, and warn him not to touch tip of
pressure, increased susceptibility to viral or dropper to eye or surrounding tissue.
fungal corneal infection, interference with • Tell patient to apply light finger pressure
corneal wound healing, mild blurred vision, on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after instilla-
optic nerve damage with excessive or long- tion.
term use, ocular pain, photophobia, thinning • Advise patient that he may use eye pad
of cornea. with ointment.
Other: adrenal suppression with excessive • Warn patient not to use leftover drug for
or long-term use, systemic effects. new eye inflammation; doing so may cause
serious problems.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dexamethasone (oral; injection) 401

Alert: Warn patient to call prescriber ➤ Acute, self-limited allergic disorders,

immediately and to stop drug if visual acute exacerbations of chronic allergic
acuity changes or visual field diminishes. disorders
• Tell patient not to share drug, washcloths, Adults: On day one, give 4 or 8 mg I.M.
or towels with family members and to notify (using 4 mg/ml preparation). On days two
prescriber if anyone develops same signs or and three, give four 0.75 mg tablets P.O. in
symptoms. two divided doses. On day four, give two D
• Stress importance of compliance with 0.75 mg tablets P.O. in two divided doses.
recommended therapy. On days five and six, give one 0.75 mg
• Tell patient who wears contact lenses to tablet P.O. A follow-up visit should take
check with prescriber before using lenses place on day eight.
again. ➤ Shock
Adults: 20 mg phosphate as single first
dose; then 3 mg/kg/24 hours via continuous
dexamethasone (oral; I.V. infusion. Or, 1 to 6 mg/kg phosphate
injection) I.V. as single dose. Or, 40 mg phosphate I.V.
dex-a-METH-a-sone every 2 to 6 hours, as needed, continued
only until patient is stabilized (usually not
Dexamethasone Intensol∗ , Dexpak longer than 48 to 72 hours).
Taperpak ➤ Dexamethasone suppression test for
dexamethasone sodium Cushing syndrome
phosphate Adults: Determine baseline 24-hour urine
levels of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids; then,
Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid give 0.5 mg P.O. every 6 hours for 48 hours.
Pharmacologic class: Glucocorticoid Repeat 24-hour urine collection to deter-
Pregnancy risk category C mine 17-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion
during second 24 hours of dexamethasone
AVAIL ABLE FORMS administration. Or, 1 mg P.O. as single dose
dexamethasone at 11:00 p.m. with determination of plasma
Elixir: 0.5 mg/5 ml∗ cortisol at 8 a.m. the next morning.
Oral concentrate: 1 mg/ml ➤ Adrenocortical insufficiency
Oral solution: 0.5 mg/5 ml, 0.5 mg/0.5 ml∗ Children: 0.02 to 0.3 mg/kg or 0.6 to
Tablets: 0.5 mg, 0.75 mg, 1 mg, 1.5 mg, 9 mg/m2 P.O. daily, in three or four divided
2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg doses.
dexamethasone sodium phosphate ➤ Tuberculous meningitis
Injection: 4 mg/ml, 10 mg/ml Adults: 8 to 12 mg phosphate I.M. daily;
taper over 6 to 8 weeks.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ➤ Acute exacerbation of multiple
➤ Cerebral edema sclerosis
Adults: Initially, 10 mg phosphate I.V.; then Adults: 30 mg P.O. daily for 1 week, fol-
4 mg I.M. every 6 hours until symptoms lowed by 4 to 12 mg every other day for
subside (usually 2 to 4 days); then taper 1 month.
over 5 to 7 days. Oral therapy (1 to 3 mg
t.i.d.) should replace I.M. dosing as soon as ADMINISTRATION
possible. P.O.
➤ Palliative management of recurrent or • Give oral dose with food when possible.
inoperable brain tumors Patient may need measures to prevent GI
Adults: 2 mg I.M. or I.V. b.i.d. to t.i.d. for irritation.
maintenance therapy. I.V.
➤ Inflammatory conditions, neoplasias  For direct injection, inject undiluted over

Adults: 0.75 to 9 mg/day P.O. or 0.5 to at least 1 minute.

9 mg/day phosphate I.M., depending on size  For intermittent or continuous infusion,

and location of affected area. dilute solution according to manufacturer’s

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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402 dexamethasone (oral; injection)

instructions and give over prescribed increased stress or abrupt withdrawal after
duration. long-term therapy, angioedema.
 During continuous infusion, change After abrupt withdrawal: rebound inflam-
solution every 24 hours. mation, fatigue, weakness, arthralgia, fever,
 Incompatibilities: Ciprofloxacin, dizziness, lethargy, fainting, orthostatic
daunorubicin, diphenhydramine, hypotension, dyspnea, anorexia, hypo-
doxapram, doxorubicin, glycopyrrolate, glycemia. After prolonged use, sudden
idarubicin, midazolam, vancomycin. withdrawal may be fatal.
• Give I.M. injection deep into gluteal mus- INTERACTIONS
cle. Rotate injection sites to prevent muscle Drug-drug. Aminoglutethimide: May cause
atrophy. Avoid subcutaneous injection be- loss of dexamethasone-induced adrenal
cause atrophy and sterile abscesses may suppression. Use together cautiously.
occur. Antidiabetics, including insulin: May de-
crease response. May need dosage adjust-
AC TION ment.
Unclear. Decreases inflammation, mainly by Aspirin, indomethacin, other NSAIDs: May
stabilizing leukocyte lysosomal membranes; increase risk of GI distress and bleeding.
suppresses immune response; stimulates Use together cautiously.
bone marrow; and influences protein, fat, Barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenytoin,
and carbohydrate metabolism. rifampin: May decrease corticosteroid
Route Onset Peak Duration
effect. Increase corticosteroid dosage.
P.O. 1–2 hr 1–2 hr 21⁄2 days
Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of
I.V. 1 hr 1 hr Variable arrhythmia resulting from hypokalemia.
I.M. 1 hr 1 hr 6 days May need dosage adjustment.
Cyclosporine: May increase toxicity. Moni-
Half-life: About 1 to 2 days. tor patient closely.
Ephedrine: May cause decreased half-life
ADVERSE REACTIONS and increased clearance of dexamethasone.
CNS: euphoria, insomnia, psychotic be- Monitor patient.
havior, pseudotumor cerebri, vertigo, Oral anticoagulants: May alter dosage
headache, paresthesia, seizures, depres- requirements. Monitor PT and INR closely.
sion. Potassium-depleting drugs such as thiazide
CV: heart failure, hypertension, edema, diuretics: May enhance potassium-wasting
arrhythmias, thrombophlebitis, throm- effects of dexamethasone. Monitor potas-
boembolism. sium level.
EENT: cataracts, glaucoma. Salicylates: May decrease salicylate level.
GI: peptic ulceration, GI irritation, in- Monitor patient for lack of salicylate effec-
creased appetite, pancreatitis, nausea, tiveness.
vomiting. Skin-test antigens: May decrease response.
GU: menstrual irregularities, increased Postpone skin testing until therapy is com-
urine glucose and calcium levels. pleted.
Metabolic: hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, Toxoids, vaccines: May decrease antibody
carbohydrate intolerance, hypercholes- response and may increase risk of neuro-
terolemia, hypocalcemia, sodium retention. logic complications. Avoid using together.
Musculoskeletal: growth suppression in Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
children, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, risk of gastric irritation and GI ulceration.
tendon rupture, myopathy. Discourage use together.
Skin: hirsutism, delayed wound healing,
acne, various skin eruptions, atrophy at I.M. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
injection site. • May increase cholesterol and glucose
Other: cushingoid state, susceptibility to levels. May decrease calcium, potassium,
infections, acute adrenal insufficiency after T3 , and T4 levels.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dexlansoprazole 403

• May decrease 131 I uptake and protein- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
bound iodine levels in thyroid function dexamethasone with desoximetasone.
tests. May cause false-negative results
in nitroblue tetrazolium test for systemic PATIENT TEACHING
bacterial infections. May alter reactions to • Tell patient not to stop drug abruptly or
skin tests. without prescriber’s consent.
• Instruct patient to take drug with food or D
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- • Teach patient signs and symptoms of early
tive to drug or its ingredients, in those with adrenal insufficiency: fatigue, muscle weak-
systemic fungal infections, and in those re- ness, joint pain, fever, anorexia, nausea,
ceiving immunosuppressive doses together shortness of breath, dizziness, and fainting.
with live virus vaccines. I.M. administration • Instruct patient to carry medical identifi-
is contraindicated in patients with idiopathic cation indicating his need for supplemental
thrombocytopenic purpura. systemic glucocorticoids during stress, es-
• Use with caution in patient with recent MI. pecially when dosage is decreased. This
• Use cautiously in patients with GI ulcer, card should contain prescriber’s name, drug
renal disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, name, and dosage of drug.
diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, cirrho- • Warn patient on long-term therapy about
sis, diverticulitis, nonspecific ulcerative co- cushingoid effects (moon face, buffalo
litis, recent intestinal anastomoses, throm- hump) and the need to notify prescriber
boembolic disorders, seizures, myasthenia about sudden weight gain or swelling.
gravis, heart failure, tuberculosis, active • Warn patient about easy bruising.
hepatitis, ocular herpes simplex, emotional • Advise patient receiving long-term ther-
instability, or psychotic tendencies and in apy to consider exercise or physical therapy.
women who are breast-feeding. Tell him to ask prescriber about vitamin D
• Because some forms contain sulfite or calcium supplement.
preservatives, also use cautiously in patients • Instruct patient receiving long-term ther-
sensitive to sulfites. apy to have periodic eye examinations.
• Advise patient to avoid exposure to infec-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS tions (such as measles and chickenpox) and
• Most adverse reactions to corticosteroids to notify prescriber if such exposure occurs.
are dose- or duration-dependent. • Tell patient to avoid alcohol.
• For better results and less toxicity, give
once-daily dose in morning.
• Always adjust to lowest effective dose. dexlansoprazole
• Monitor patient’s weight, blood pressure, decks-lan-SOH-prah-zole
and electrolyte levels.
• Monitor patient for cushingoid effects, Dexilanti
including moon face, buffalo hump, central
obesity, thinning hair, hypertension, and Therapeutic class: Antiulcer
increased susceptibility to infection. Pharmacologic class: Proton pump
• Watch for depression or psychotic inhibitor
episodes, especially in high-dose therapy. Pregnancy risk category B
• Diabetic patient may need increased
insulin; monitor glucose levels. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Drug may mask or worsen infections, Capsules: 30 mg, 60 mg
including latent amebiasis.
• Elderly patients may be more susceptible INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
to osteoporosis with long-term use. ➤ Erosive esophagitis
• Inspect patient’s skin for petechiae. Adults: Initially, 60 mg P.O. once daily for
• Gradually reduce dosage after long-term up to 6 weeks; maintenance dose is 30 mg
therapy. P.O. once daily for up to 6 months.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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404 dexlansoprazole

➤ Symptomatic nonerosive gastroe- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

sophageal reflux disease (GERD) • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Adults: 30 mg P.O. once daily for 4 weeks. to drug or its components.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with moderate • Alert: There may be an increased risk of
hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class B), hip, wrist, and spine fractures associated
maximum dose is 30 mg P.O. daily. with proton pump inhibitors.
• Use cautiously in patients with suspected
ADMINISTRATION gastric malignancy. Response to treatment
P.O. doesn’t eliminate the possibility of malig-
• Give drug with or without food. nancy.
• Capsules should be swallowed whole. Or, • Use in pregnant women only if benefit to
they can be opened and the intact granules the mother outweighs risk to the fetus. It
sprinkled on 1 tablespoon of applesauce and isn’t known if drug appears in breast milk;
swallowed immediately. use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t
AC TION been established.
Inhibits proton pump activity by binding
to hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphos- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
phatase, located at the secretory surface of • Monitor patient periodically for improve-
the gastric parietal cells, to suppress gastric ment in the signs and symptoms of GERD
acid secretion. and erosive esophagitis to assess success of
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 4 hr Unknown
• Monitor liver function tests results and
glucose and electrolyte levels periodically
Half-life: 1 to 2 hours. during therapy.
• Monitor patient for bleeding during
GI: abdominal discomfort, abdominal
tenderness, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, PATIENT TEACHING
vomiting. • Tell patient to report hypersensitivity
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- reactions immediately.
tion. • Urge patient to swallow capsule whole
and not to crush, split, or chew it. Capsule
INTERACTIONS may also be opened and its contents sprin-
Drug-drug. Atazanavir: May decrease kled on applesauce if desired.
atazanavir level. Avoid use together. • Advise patient that drug can be taken
Clopidogrel: May reduce clopidogrel’s without regard to meals.
plasma concentration and clinical effect. • Advise female patient to notify prescriber
Avoid use together. if she is pregnant, plans to become pregnant,
Drugs with pH-dependent absorption or is breast-feeding.
(amipicillin, digoxin, ketoconazole, iron):
May decrease absorption of these drugs.
Use together cautiously.
Warfarin: May increase INR and the risk of
bleeding. Monitor patient closely.


• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
and AST levels. May increase creatinine,
gastrin, protein, glucose, and potassium
levels. May increase or decrease bilirubin
• May decrease platelet count.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride 405

For patients who are now taking

dexmethylphenidate methylphenidate, initially give half the total
hydrochloride daily dose of methylphenidate. Patients who
decks-meth-ill-FEN-i-date are now taking the immediate-release form
of dexmethylphenidate may be switched
Focalin, Focalin XR to the same daily dose of extended-release
form. Maximum daily dose is 30 mg. D
Therapeutic class: CNS stimulant
Pharmacologic class: Methylphenidate ADMINISTRATION
derivative P.O.
Pregnancy risk category C • Capsules may be swallowed whole or the
Controlled substance schedule II contents sprinkled on a small amount of
applesauce and eaten immediately.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Don’t crush or divide the capsule or its
Capsules (extended-release): 5 mg, 10 mg, contents.
15 mg, 20 mg
Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg AC TION
Blocks presynaptic reuptake of norep-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES inephrine and dopamine and increases their
➤ Attention deficit hyperactivity release, increasing concentration in the
disorder (ADHD) synapse.
Immediate-release tablets
Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults and children age 6 and older: P.O. Unknown 1–11⁄2 hr Unknown
For patients who aren’t now taking (immediate-
methylphenidate, initially, 2.5 mg P.O. b.i.d., release)
given at least 4 hours apart. Increase weekly P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr; Unknown
by 2.5 to 5 mg daily, up to a maximum of (extended- 41⁄2 –7 hr
20 mg daily in divided doses.
For patients who are now taking Half-life: 2 to 3 hours.
methylphenidate, initially give half the
current methylphenidate dosage, up to a ADVERSE REACTIONS
maximum of 20 mg P.O. daily in divided CNS: headache, anxiety, feeling jittery,
doses. nervousness, insomnia, fever, dizziness.
Extended-release capsules CV: tachycardia.
Adults: For patients who aren’t now taking GI: anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea,
dexmethylphenidate or methylphenidate, dyspepsia, dry mouth.
or who are on stimulants other than methyl- Musculoskeletal: twitching (motor or vocal
phenidate, give 10 mg P.O. once daily in the tics).
morning. May adjust in weekly increments Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
of 10 mg to a maximum dose of 20 mg daily.
For patients who are now taking INTERACTIONS
methylphenidate, initially give half the total Drug-drug. Antacids, acid suppressants:
daily dose of methylphenidate. Patients who May alter the release of extended-release
are now taking the immediate-release form form. Avoid using together.
of dexmethylphenidate may be switched Anticoagulants, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
to the same daily dose of extended-release primidone, tricyclic antidepressants: May
form. Maximum daily dose is 20 mg. inhibit metabolism of these drugs. May
Children ages 6 and older: For patients who need to decrease dosage of these drugs;
aren’t now taking dexmethylphenidate or monitor drug levels.
methylphenidate, or who are on stimulants Antihypertensives: May decrease effective-
other than methylphenidate, give 2.5 mg ness of these drugs. Use together cautiously;
P.O. b.i.d. May adjust in weekly increments monitor blood pressure.
of 5 mg to a maximum daily dose of 20 mg.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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406 dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride

Clonidine, other centrally acting alpha • Obtain a detailed patient history, includ-
agonists: May cause serious adverse effects. ing a family history for mental disorders,
Use together cautiously. family suicide, ventricular arrhythmias, or
MAO inhibitors: May increase risk of hyper- sudden death.
tensive crisis. Using together within 14 days • Refer patient for psychological, educa-
of MAO inhibitor therapy is contraindi- tional, and social support.
cated. • Periodically reevaluate the long-term
usefulness of the drug.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Monitor CBC and differential and platelet
None reported. counts during prolonged therapy.
• Don’t use for severe depression or normal
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Stop treatment or reduce dosage if symp-
to methylphenidate or other components. toms worsen or adverse reactions occur.
• Contraindicated in patients with severe • Long-term stimulant use may temporarily
anxiety, tension, or agitation; glaucoma; or suppress growth. Monitor children for
motor tics or a family history or diagnosis growth and weight gain. If growth slows
of Tourette syndrome, or within 14 days of or weight gain is lower than expected, stop
MAO inhibitor therapy. drug.
Black Box Warning Use cautiously in pa- • Routinely monitor blood pressure and
tients with a history of substance abuse. pulse.
Chronic abuse can lead to marked toler- • Monitor patient for signs of drug depen-
ance and psychological dependence. Psy- dence or abuse.
chotic episodes can occur. Withdraw patient • If seizures occur, stop drug.
carefully from abusive use because severe
depression can occur. PATIENT TEACHING
• Use cautiously in patients with a psychi- • Stress the importance of taking the correct
atric illness, bipolar disorder, depression, or dose of drug at the same time every day.
family history of suicide; seizures, hyper- Report accidental overdose immediately.
tension, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, or Alert: Warn patient the misuse of am-
recent MI. phetamines can have serious effects includ-
• Use in pregnant women only if the ben- ing sudden death.
efits outweigh the risks; drug may delay • Advise patients unable to swallow cap-
skeletal ossification, suppress weight gain, sules to empty the contents of the capsule
and impair organ development in the fetus. onto a spoonful of applesauce and eat im-
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women. mediately.
It’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk. Alert: Tell patient not to cut, crush, or
• Don’t use in children or adolescents with chew the contents of the extended-release
structural cardiac abnormalities or other beaded capsule.
serious heart problems. • Advise parents to monitor child for medi-
•H Overdose S&S: Agitation, cardiac ar- cation abuse or sharing. Also inform parents
rhythmias, confusion, seizures, delirium, to watch for increased aggression or hostil-
dryness of mucous membranes, euphoria, ity and to report worsening behavior.
flushing, hallucinations, headache, hyper- • Advise parents to monitor child’s height
pyrexia, hyperreflexia, hypertension, muscle and weight and to tell the prescriber if they
twitching, mydriasis, palpitations, sweating, suspect growth is slowing.
tachycardia, tremors, vomiting. • Caution patient to expect blurred vision or
difficulty with accommodation and to exer-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS cise caution while performing activities that
• Diagnosis of ADHD must be based on require a clear visual field. Advise patient to
complete history and evaluation of the report blurred vision to the prescriber.
patient by psychological and educational

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dextroamphetamine sulfate 407

appear to be the cerebral cortex and the

dextroamphetamine sulfate reticular activating system.
dex-troe-am-FET-a-meen Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30–60 min 2 hr 4 hr
Dexedrine∗ , Dexedrine Spansule, P.O. (extended) 60 min 2 hr 8 hr
DextroStat, Liquadd
Half-life: 10 to 12 hours. D
Therapeutic class: CNS stimulant
Pharmacologic class: Amphetamine ADVERSE REACTIONS
Pregnancy risk category C CNS: insomnia, nervousness, restlessness,
Controlled substance schedule II tremor, dizziness, headache, chills, over-
stimulation, dysphoria, euphoria.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CV: tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmias,
Capsules (extended-release): 5 mg, 10 mg, hypertension.
15 mg GI: dry mouth, taste perversion, diarrhea,
Oral solution: 5 mg/5 ml constipation, anorexia, other GI distur-
Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg bances.
GU: impotence.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Metabolic: weight loss.
➤ Narcolepsy Skin: urticaria.
Adults: 5 to 60 mg P.O. daily in divided Other: increased libido.
Children age 12 and older: 10 mg P.O. daily. INTERACTIONS
Increase by 10 mg at weekly intervals, as Drug-drug. Acetazolamide, alkalizing
needed. Give first dose on awakening; addi- drugs, antacids, sodium bicarbonate: May
tional doses (one or two) given at intervals increase renal reabsorption. Monitor patient
of 4 to 6 hours. for enhanced amphetamine effects.
Children ages 6 to 12: 5 mg P.O. daily. Acidifying drugs, ammonium chloride,
Increase by 5 mg at weekly intervals as ascorbic acid: May decrease level and
needed. increase renal clearance of dextroam-
➤ Attention deficit hyperactivity disor- phetamine. Monitor patient for decreased
der (ADHD) amphetamine effects.
Adults and children age 6 and older: 5 mg Adrenergic blockers: May inhibit adrenergic
P.O. once daily or b.i.d. Increase by 5 mg blocking effects. Avoid using together.
at weekly intervals, as needed. It’s rarely Chlorpromazine: May inhibit central stim-
necessary to exceed 40 mg/day. ulant effects of amphetamines. May use to
Children ages 3 to 5: 2.5 mg P.O. daily. treat amphetamine poisoning.
Increase by 2.5 mg at weekly intervals, as Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May decrease
needed. antidiabetic requirements. Monitor glucose
ADMINISTRATION MAO inhibitors: May cause severe hyper-
P.O. tension or hypertensive crisis. Avoid using
• Avoid late evening doses, particularly within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy.
with extended-release capsules, due to Meperidine: May potentiate analgesic
resulting insomnia. effect. Use together cautiously.
• Certain formulations may contain Methenamine: May increase urinary excre-
tartrazine. tion of amphetamines and reduce effective-
ness. Monitor drug effects.
AC TION Norepinephrine: May enhance adrenergic
Unknown. Probably promotes nerve im- effect of norepinephrine. Monitor patient.
pulse transmission by releasing stored Phenobarbital, phenytoin: May delay ab-
dopamine and norepinephrine from nerve sorption of these drugs. Monitor patient
terminals in the brain. Main sites of activity closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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408 dextromethorphan hydrobromide

Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase am- PATIENT TEACHING

phetamine and related amine effects. Urge Black Box Warning Warn patient the mis-
caution. use of amphetamines can cause serious CV
Fruit juice: May decrease effectiveness of adverse events including sudden death.
oral solution. Avoid giving together. • Warn patient to avoid activities that re-
quire alertness, a clear visual field, or good
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS coordination until CNS effects of drug are
• May increase corticosteroid level. known.
• Tell patient he may get tired as drug ef-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- • Ask patient to report signs and symptoms
sitive to or with idiosyncratic reactions of excessive stimulation.
to sympathomimetic amines and in those • Inform parents that children may show
with hyperthyroidism, moderate to severe increased aggression or hostility and to
hypertension, symptomatic CV disease, report worsening of behavior.
glaucoma, advanced arteriosclerosis, or • Advise patient to consume caffeine-
history of drug abuse. containing products cautiously.
• Use cautiously in agitated patients and • Tell patient not to drink fruit juice at same
patients with motor tics, phonic tics, or time as oral solution.
Tourette syndrome. Also use cautiously in • Warn patient with a seizure disorder
patients whose underlying condition may that drug may decrease seizure threshold.
be worsened by an increase in blood pres- Instruct him to notify prescriber if seizures
sure or heart rate (preexisting hypertension, occur.
heart failure, recent MI); patients with a
psychiatric illness, bipolar disorder, depres-
sion, or family history of suicide; those with dextromethorphan
a seizure disorder. hydrobromide
• Don’t use in children or adolescents with dex-troe-meth-OR-fan
structural cardiac abnormalities or other
serious heart problems. AcroTuss 12, Belminil DM† ,
•H Overdose S&S: Assaultiveness, confu- Buckley’s Cough Mixture,
sion, hallucinations, hyperreflexia, rapid Creomulsion , Creo-Terpin ∗ ,
respiration, restlessness, rhabdomyolysis, Delsym , DexAlone , ElixSure
tremor, hyperpyrexia, panic states, fatigue, Children’s Cough, Hold DM ,
depression, arrhythmias, hypertension, Koffex DM† , Little Colds
hypotension, circulatory collapse, nausea, Cough Formula , PediaCare ,
vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, Robitussin , Robitussin Pediatric ,
seizures, coma. Scot-Tussin , Simply Cough ,
Sucrets Cough , Theraflu Thin
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Strips ∗ , Triaminic ∗ , Trocal ,
• Obtain a detailed patient history, includ- Vicks Formula 44 
ing a family history for mental disorders,
family suicide, ventricular arrhythmias, or Therapeutic class: Antitussive
sudden death. Pharmacologic class: Levorphanol
• Drug shouldn’t be used to prevent fatigue. derivative
Black Box Warning Drug has a high abuse Pregnancy risk category C
potential and may cause dependence. Moni-
tor patient closely. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Monitor for growth retardation in chil- Freezer pops; oral: 7.5 mg/25 ml 
dren. Gelcaps: 15 mg , 30 mg 
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Liquid (extended-release): 30 mg/5 ml 
Dexedrine with dextran or Excedrin. Lozenges: 5 mg , 7.5 mg , 10 mg 

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dextromethorphan hydrobromide 409

Solution: 3.5 mg/5 ml, 5 mg/5 ml ∗ , Quinidine: May increase the risk of dex-
7.5 mg/5 ml , 10 mg/5 ml ∗ , 12.5 mg/ tromethorphan adverse effects. Consider de-
5ml , 15 mg/5 ml ∗ , 15 mg/15 ml ∗ creasing dextromethorphan dose if needed.
Strips (orally disintegrating): 7.5 mg ∗ , Sibutramine: Serotonin syndrome may
15 mg ∗ occur. Avoid using together.
Drug-herb. Parsley: May promote or pro-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES duce serotonin syndrome. Discourage use D
➤ Nonproductive cough together.
Adults and children age 12 and older: 10 to
20 mg P.O. every 4 hours, or 30 mg every EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
6 to 8 hours. Or, 60 mg extended-release None reported.
liquid b.i.d. Maximum, 120 mg daily.
Or, give lozenges, 5 to 15 mg, every 1 to CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
4 hours, up to 120 mg/day. • Contraindicated in patients currently
Children ages 6 to 11: 5 to 10 mg P.O. every taking MAO inhibitors or within 2 weeks of
4 hours, or 15 mg every 6 to 8 hours. Or, stopping MAO inhibitors.
30 mg extended-release liquid b.i.d. Max- • Use cautiously in atopic children, sedated
imum, 60 mg daily. Or, give lozenges, 5 to or debilitated patients, and patients confined
10 mg, every 1 to 4 hours, up to 60 mg/day. to the supine position.
Or, 2 freezer pops every 6 to 8 hours. Don’t • Use cautiously in patients sensitive to
exceed 4 doses in 24 hours. aspirin or tartrazine dyes.
Children ages 2 to 5: 2.5 to 5 mg P.O. every Alert: Use of OTC cough products is not
4 hours, or 7.5 mg every 6 to 8 hours. Or, recommended for neonates and children
15 mg extended-release liquid b.i.d. Max- under 2 years.
imum, 30 mg daily. Or, 1 freezer pop •H Overdose S&S: Altered sensory percep-
every 6 to 8 hours. Don’t exceed 4 doses in tion, ataxia, dysphoria, slurred speech;
24 hours. seizures, respiratory depression (in
• Store at controlled room temperature • Don’t use dextromethorphan when cough
(59◦ to 86◦ F [15◦ to 30◦ C]), except for is a valuable diagnostic sign or is beneficial
freezer pops. (such as after thoracic surgery).
• Allow orally disintegrating strips to dis- • Dextromethorphan 15 to 30 mg is equiva-
solve on the tongue. lent to codeine 8 to 15 mg as an antitussive.
• Drug produces no analgesia or addiction
AC TION and little or no CNS depression.
Suppresses the cough reflex by direct action • Use drug with chest percussion and vibra-
on the cough center in the medulla. tion.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Monitor cough type and frequency.
P.O. < 30 min Unknown 3–6 hr
Half-life: About 11 hours. • Instruct patient to take drug exactly as
prescribed and not to exceed recommended
CNS: drowsiness, dizziness. • Tell patient to report adverse reactions.
GI: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain. • Tell patient to contact his health care
provider if cough lasts longer than 1 week,
INTERACTIONS recurs frequently, or is accompanied by high
Drug-drug. MAO inhibitors: May cause risk fever, rash, or severe headache.
of hypotension, coma, hyperpyrexia, and
death. Avoid using together.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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410 dextrose

SAFETY ALERT!  Incompatibilities: Ampicillin sodium,

cisplatin, diazepam, erythromycin lac-

dextrose (d-glucose) tobionate, 10% and 25% fat emulsion
DEKS-trohse solutions, phenytoin, procainamide, solu-
tions of 10% thiopental and above, whole
Therapeutic class: Nutritional blood.
Pharmacologic class: Carbohydrate AC TION
caloric agent A simple water-soluble sugar that mini-
Pregnancy risk category C mizes glyconeogenesis and promotes an-
abolism in patients whose oral caloric intake
AVAIL ABLE FORMS is limited.
Injection: 3-ml ampule (10%); 10 ml Route Onset Peak Duration
(25%); 25 ml (5%); 50 ml (5% and 50% I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
available in vial, ampule, and Bristoject);
70-ml pin-top vial (70% for additive use Half-life: Unknown.
only); 100 ml (5%); 150 ml (5%); 250 ml
(5%, 10%); 500 ml (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, ADVERSE REACTIONS
40%, 50%, 60%, 70%); 650 ml (38.5%); CNS: unconsciousness in hyperosmolar
1,000 ml (2.5%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome, fever,
50%, 60%, 70%); 2,000 ml (50%, 70%) confusion.
CV: worsened hypertension and heart
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES failure with fluid overload in susceptible
➤ Fluid replacement and caloric supple- patients, phlebitis, venous sclerosis, tissue
mentation in patients who can’t maintain necrosis with prolonged or concentrated in-
adequate oral intake or are restricted fusions, especially when given peripherally.
from doing so GU: glycosuria, osmotic diuresis.
Adults and children: Dosage depends on Metabolic: hypovolemia, hypervolemia,
fluid and caloric requirements. Use pe- hyperglycemia, dehydration, and hyper-
ripheral I.V. infusion of 2.5%, 5%, or 10% osmolarity with rapid infusion of concen-
solution or central I.V. infusion of 20% so- trated solution or prolonged infusion, hypo-
lution for minimal fluid needs. Use a 10% glycemia from rebound hyperinsulinemia
to 25% solution to treat acute hypoglycemia with rapid termination of long-term infu-
in neonate or older infant (2 ml/kg). Use sions.
a 50% solution to treat insulin-induced Respiratory: PULMONARY EDEMA.
hypoglycemia (20 to 50 ml). Solutions of Skin: sloughing and tissue necrosis if
10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% extravasation occurs with concentrated
are diluted in admixtures, usually amino solutions.
acid solutions, for total parenteral nutrition
(TPN) given through a central vein. INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Corticosteroids: May cause
ADMINISTRATION salt and water retention and increase potas-
I.V. sium excretion. Monitor glucose, sodium,
 Use central vein to infuse dextrose and potassium levels.
solutions at concentrations above 10%.
 Use infusion pump when giving dextrose EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
solution with amino acids for TPN. • May increase or decrease glucose level.
 Never infuse concentrated solution

rapidly. Rapid infusion may cause hy- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

perglycemia and fluid shift. Maximum • Contraindicated in patients with allergy to
infusion rate is 0.8 g/kg/hour. corn or corn products.
 Check injection site often for irritation,

tissue sloughing, necrosis, and phlebitis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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diazepam 411

• Contraindicated in patients in diabetic SAFETY ALERT!

coma while glucose level remains exces-
sively high. diazepam
• Use of concentrated solutions is con- dye-AZ-e-pam
traindicated in patients with intracranial or
intraspinal hemorrhage; in dehydrated pa- Diastat∗ , Diastat Acudial,
tients with delirium tremens; and in patients Diazemuls†, Diazepam Intensol∗ , D
with severe dehydration, anuria, diabetic Novo-Dipam†, Valiumi, Vivol†
coma, or glucose-galactose malabsorption
syndrome. Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic
• Use cautiously in patients with cardiac Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine
or pulmonary disease, hypertension, re- Pregnancy risk category D
nal insufficiency, urinary obstruction, or Controlled substance schedule IV
Alert: Never stop hypertonic solutions Oral solution: 5 mg/5 ml, 5 mg/ml∗
abruptly. Have dextrose 10% in water avail- Rectal gel twin packs∗ : 2.5 mg (pediatric),
able to treat hypoglycemia if rebound hyper- 10 mg, 20 mg (adult)
insulinemia occurs. Tablets: 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg
• Don’t give concentrated solutions I.M. or
subcutaneously. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Monitor glucose level carefully. Pro- ➤ Anxiety
longed therapy with D5 W can cause reduc- Adults: Depending on severity, 2 to 10 mg
tion of pancreatic insulin production and P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d. Or, 2 to 10 mg I.M. or I.V.
secretion. every 3 to 4 hours, p.r.n.
• Check vital signs frequently. Report Children age 6 months and older: 1 to
adverse reactions promptly. 2.5 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d., increase grad-
• Monitor fluid intake and output and ually, as needed and tolerated.
weight carefully. Watch closely for signs Elderly patients: Initially, 2 to 2.5 mg once
and symptoms of fluid overload. daily or b.i.d.; increase gradually.
• Monitor patient for signs of mental confu- ➤ Acute alcohol withdrawal
sion. Adults: 10 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. first
24 hours; reduce to 5 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.,
PATIENT TEACHING p.r.n. Or, initially, 10 mg I.V. or I.M. Then,
• Explain need for supplement to patient 5 to 10 mg I.V. or I.M. every 3 to 4 hours,
and family, and answer any questions. p.r.n.
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions ➤ Before endoscopic procedures
promptly. Adults: Adjust I.V. dose to desired sedative
response (up to 20 mg). Or, 5 to 10 mg I.M.
30 minutes before procedure.
➤ Muscle spasm
Adults: 2 to 10 mg P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d. as
an adjunct. Or, 5 to 10 mg I.V. or I.M. ini-
tially; then 5 to 10 mg I.V. or I.M. every 3 to
4 hours, p.r.n. For tetanus, larger doses up to
20 mg every 2 to 8 hours may be needed.
Children age 5 and older: 5 to 10 mg I.V. or
I.M. every 3 to 4 hours, p.r.n.
Children ages 1 month to 5 years: 1 to 2 mg
I.V. or I.M. slowly; repeat every 3 to 4 hours,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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412 diazepam

➤ Preoperative sedation ADMINISTRATION

Adults: 10 mg I.M. (preferred) or I.V. before P.O.
surgery. • When using oral solution, dilute dose just
➤ Cardioversion before giving.
Adults: 5 to 15 mg I.V. within 5 to 10 min- I.V.
utes before procedure.  I.V. route is the more reliable parenteral

➤ Adjunct treatment for seizure disorders route; I.M. route isn’t recommended be-
Adults: 2 to 10 mg P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d. cause absorption is variable and injection
Children age 6 months and older: 1 to is painful.
2.5 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. initially; increase  Keep emergency resuscitation equip-

as needed and as tolerated. ment and oxygen at bedside.

➤ Status epilepticus, severe recurrent  Avoid infusion sets or containers made

seizures from polyvinyl chloride.

Adults: 5 to 10 mg I.V. or I.M. initially. Use  If possible, inject directly into a large

I.M. route only if I.V. access is unavailable. vein. If not, inject slowly through infusion
Repeat every 10 to 15 minutes, p.r.n., up to tubing as near to the insertion site as pos-
maximum dose of 30 mg. Repeat every 2 to sible. Give at no more than 5 mg/minute.
4 hours, if needed. Watch closely for phlebitis at injection site.
Children age 5 and older: 1 mg I.V. every  Monitor respirations every 5 to 15 min-

2 to 5 minutes up to maximum of 10 mg. utes and before each dose.

Repeat every 2 to 4 hours, p.r.n.  Don’t store parenteral solution in plastic

Children ages 1 month to 5 years: 0.2 to syringes.

0.5 mg I.V. slowly every 2 to 5 minutes up  Incompatibilities: All other I.V. drugs,

to maximum of 5 mg. Repeat every 2 to most I.V. solutions.

4 hours, p.r.n. I.M.
➤ Patients on stable regimens of • Use the I.M. route if I.V. administration is
antiepileptic drugs who need diazepam impossible.
intermittently to control bouts of in- Rectal
creased seizure activity • Use Diastat rectal gel to treat no more
Adults and children age 12 and older: than five episodes per month and no more
0.2 mg/kg P.R., rounding up to the nearest than one episode every 5 days because
available dose form. A second dose may be tolerance may develop.
given 4 to 12 hours later. Alert: Only caregivers who can distin-
Children ages 6 to 11: 0.3 mg/kg P.R., guish the distinct cluster of seizures or
rounding up to the nearest available dose events from the patient’s ordinary seizure
form. A second dose may be given 4 to activity, who have been instructed and can
12 hours later. give the treatment competently, who under-
Children ages 2 to 5: 0.5 mg/kg P.R., round- stand which seizures may be treated with
ing up to the nearest available dose form. Diastat, and who can monitor the clinical
A second dose may be given 4 to 12 hours response and recognize when immediate
later. professional medical evaluation is needed
Adjust-a-dose: For elderly and debilitated should give Diastat rectal gel.
patients, reduce dosage to decrease the
likelihood of ataxia and oversedation. AC TION
➤ Tetanus A benzodiazepine that probably potenti-
Adults: Initially, 5 to 10 mg I.V. or I.M. then ates the effects of GABA, depresses the
5 to 10 mg in 3 to 4 hours, p.r.n. Larger CNS, and suppresses the spread of seizure
doses may be required. activity.
Children age 5 and older: 5 to 10 mg I.M. or
I.V. repeated every 3 to 4 hours, p.r.n.
Children age 1 month to younger than
5 years: 1 to 2 mg I.M. or I.V. slowly
repeated every 3 to 4 hours, p.r.n.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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diazepam 413

Route Onset Peak Duration Valproate: May increase CNS depression.

P.O. 30 min 2 hr 20–80 hr Monitor patient closely.
I.V. 1–5 min 1–5 min 15–60 min Drug-herb. Kava: May increase sedation.
I.M. Unknown 2 hr Unknown Discourage use together.
P.R. Unknown 90 min Unknown Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause ad-
Half-life: About 1 to 12 days. ditive CNS effects. Discourage use together.
Smoking: May decrease effectiveness of D
drug. Monitor patient closely.
CNS: drowsiness, dysarthria, slurred EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
speech, tremor, transient amnesia, fatigue, • May increase liver function test values.
ataxia, headache, insomnia, paradoxical • May decrease neutrophil count.
anxiety, hallucinations, minor changes in
CV: CV collapse, bradycardia, hypoten- • Contraindicated in patients hypersen-
sion. sitive to drug or soy protein; in patients
EENT: diplopia, blurred vision, nystagmus. experiencing shock, coma, or acute alcohol
GI: nausea, constipation, diarrhea with intoxication (parenteral form); in pregnant
rectal form. women, especially in first trimester; and
GU: incontinence, urine retention. in infants younger than age 6 months (oral
Hematologic: neutropenia. form).
Hepatic: jaundice. • Diazepam is contraindicated in patients
Respiratory: respiratory depression, with acute angle-closure glaucoma.
apnea. • Use cautiously in patients with liver or
Skin: rash, phlebitis at injection site. renal impairment, depression, history of
Other: altered libido, physical or psycho- substance abuse, or chronic open-angle
logical dependence. glaucoma. Use cautiously in elderly and
debilitated patients.
INTERACTIONS •H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, confusion,
Drug-drug. Cimetidine, disulfiram, fluoxe- coma, diminished reflexes.
tine, fluvoxamine, hormonal contraceptives,
isoniazid, metoprolol, propoxyphene, pro- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
pranolol, valproic acid: May decrease • Monitor periodic hepatic, renal, and
clearance of diazepam and increase risk of hematopoietic function studies in patients
adverse effects. Monitor patient for exces- receiving repeated or prolonged therapy.
sive sedation and impaired psychomotor • Monitor elderly patients for dizziness,
function. ataxia, mental status changes. Patients are at
CNS depressants: May increase CNS de- an increased risk for falls.
pression. Use together cautiously. Alert: Use of drug may lead to abuse and
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level and addiction. Don’t withdraw drug abruptly
risk of toxicity. Monitor patient and digoxin after long-term use; withdrawal symptoms
level closely. may occur.
Diltiazem: May increase CNS depression • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
and prolong effects of diazepam. Reduce diazepam with diazoxide or Ditropan. Don’t
dose of diazepam. confuse Valium with Valcyte.
Fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole,
miconazole: May increase and prolong PATIENT TEACHING
diazepam level, CNS depression, and psy- • Warn patient to avoid activities that re-
chomotor impairment. Avoid using together. quire alertness and good coordination until
Levodopa: May decrease levodopa effec- effects of drug are known.
tiveness. Monitor patient. • Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking
Phenobarbital: May increase effects of both drug.
drugs. Use together cautiously.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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414 diclofenac epolamine (oral; transdermal)

• Notify patient that smoking may decrease ➤ Rheumatoid arthritis

drug’s effectiveness. Adults: 50 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d., or 75 mg
• Warn patient not to abruptly stop drug P.O. b.i.d. diclofenac potassium or delayed-
because withdrawal symptoms may occur. release diclofenac sodium only. Or, 100 mg
• Warn women to avoid use during preg- P.O. daily or b.i.d. extended-release di-
nancy. clofenac sodium only.
• Instruct patient’s caregiver on the proper ➤ Analgesia, primary dysmenorrhea
use of Diastat rectal gel. Adults: 50 mg diclofenac potassium P.O.
t.i.d. For some patients, the first dose on the
first day may be 100 mg, followed by 50 mg
diclofenac epolamine (oral; for the second and third doses; maximum
transdermal) dose for first day is 200 mg. Don’t exceed
dye-KLOE-fen-ak 150 mg daily after the first day.
➤ Acute pain due to minor strains,
Flector sprains, and contusions
diclofenac potassium Adults: 1 patch to the most painful area
Apo-Diclo Rapide†, Cambia,
Cataflam, Novo-Difenac-K†, Voltaren
Rapide†, Zipsor
diclofenac sodium • Give drug with milk, meals, or antacids.
Apo-Diclo†, Novo-Difenac†, • Don’t crush or break enteric-coated
Nu-Diclo†, Voltaren, Voltaren-XR, tablets.
Voltaren SR† • Mix powder in water only. Use no other
Therapeutic class: NSAID • Mix solution well and have patient drink
Pharmacologic class: NSAID immediately.
Pregnancy risk category B; D in 3rd • Powder may be less effective if taken with
trimester food.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Do not apply to damaged or non-intact
diclofenac epolamine skin.
Transdermal patch: 1.3% • Patch should not be worn while bathing or
diclofenac potassium showering.
Capsules: 25 mg ∗
Powder for solution: 50 mg/packet AC TION
Tablets: 50 mg May inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, to
diclofenac sodium produce anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and
Tablets (delayed-release): 25 mg, 50 mg, antipyretic effects.
75 mg Route Onset Peak Duration
Tablets (extended-release): 100 mg P.O. (delayed- 30 min 2–3 hr 8 hr
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES P.O. (extended- Unknown 5–6 hr Unknown
➤ Ankylosing spondylitis release)
Adults: 25 mg delayed-release diclofenac P.O. 10 min 1 hr 8 hr
sodium P.O. q.i.d.; may add another 25-mg Transdermal Unknown 10–20 hr Unknown
dose at bedtime. Half-life: 1 to 2 hours; 12 hours for transdermal
➤ Osteoarthritis patch.
Adults: 50 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d., or 75 mg
P.O. b.i.d. diclofenac potassium or delayed- ADVERSE REACTIONS
release diclofenac sodium only. Or, 100 mg CNS: aseptic meningitis, anxiety, depres-
P.O. daily extended-release diclofenac sion, dizziness, drowsiness, headache,
sodium only. insomnia, irritability.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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diclofenac epolamine (oral; transdermal) 415

CV: heart failure, edema, fluid retention, Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
hypertension. photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
EENT: laryngeal edema, blurred vision, avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
epistaxis, eye pain, night blindness, re-
versible hearing loss, swelling of the lips EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
and tongue, tinnitus. • May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, BUN,
GI: abdominal distention, abdominal pain and creatinine levels. D
or cramps, bleeding, constipation, diarrhea, • May increase or decrease glucose level.
flatulence, indigestion, melena, nausea,
peptic ulceration, taste disorder, bloody CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
diarrhea, appetite change, colitis. Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the
GU: nephrotic syndrome, acute renal fail- treatment of perioperative pain after CABG
ure, fluid retention, interstitial nephritis, surgery.
oliguria, papillary necrosis, proteinuria. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Hepatic: jaundice, hepatitis, hepatotoxi- to drug and in those with hepatic porphyria
city. or history of asthma, urticaria, or other
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia. allergic reactions after taking aspirin or
Musculoskeletal: back, leg or joint pain. other NSAIDs. Zipsor is contraindicated in
Respiratory: asthma. patients hypersensitive to bovine protein.
Skin: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, allergic • Avoid use during late pregnancy or while
purpura, alopecia, bullous eruption, der- breast-feeding.
matitis, eczema, photosensitivity reactions, • Use cautiously in patients with history
pruritus, rash, urticaria. of peptic ulcer disease, hepatic dysfunc-
Other: anaphylactoid reactions, anaphy- tion, cardiac disease, hypertension, fluid
laxis, angioedema. retention, or impaired renal function.
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, confusion,
INTERACTIONS hypotonia, loss of consciousness, vomiting,
Drug-drug. Anticoagulants, including aspiration, pneumonitis, increased intracra-
warfarin: May cause bleeding. Monitor nial pressure.
patient closely.
Aspirin: May decrease effectiveness of NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
diclofenac and increase GI toxicity. Avoid • Because NSAIDs impair the synthesis
using together. of renal prostaglandins, they can decrease
Beta blockers: May decrease antihyperten- renal blood flow and lead to reversible renal
sive effects. Monitor patient closely. impairment, especially in patients with
Cyclosporine, digoxin, lithium, methotrex- renal or heart failure or liver dysfunction,
ate: May reduce renal clearance of these in elderly patients, and in those taking
drugs and increase risk of toxicity. Monitor diuretics. Monitor these patients closely.
patient closely. • Liver function test values may increase
Diuretics: May decrease effectiveness of during therapy. Monitor transaminase, es-
diuretics. Avoid using together. pecially ALT, levels periodically in patients
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May alter re- undergoing long-term therapy. Make first
quirements for antidiabetics. Monitor pa- transaminase measurement no later than
tient closely. 8 weeks after therapy begins.
Potassium-sparing diuretics: May enhance Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an in-
retention and increase level of potassium. creased risk of serious GI adverse events
Monitor potassium level. including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo-
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic, ration of the stomach or intestines, which
ginger, horse chestnut, red clover: May can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater
cause bleeding based on the known effects risk.
or components. Discourage use together. Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
White willow: Herb and drug contain simi- the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or
lar components. Discourage use together. stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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416 diclofenac epolamine (topical)

greater with longer use or in patients with

CV disease or risk factors for CV disease. diclofenac epolamine
Alert: Different formulations of oral (topical)
diclofenac are not bioequivalent even if the dye-KLOE-fen-ak
milligram strength is the same.
• Because of their antipyretic and anti- Flector
inflammatory actions, NSAIDs may mask
the signs and symptoms of infection. diclofenac sodium
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Solaraze, Voltaren
diclofenac with Diflucan.
Therapeutic class: NSAID
PATIENT TEACHING Pharmacologic class: NSAID
• Tell patient to take tablets or capsules with Pregnancy risk category B (topical gel);
milk, meals, or antacids to minimize GI C (topical patch)
• Instruct patient not to crush, break, or AVAIL ABLE FORMS
chew enteric-coated tablets. Topical gel: 1%, 3%
• Tell patient to mix powder form of drug Topical patch: 1.3%
well in water only and to drink immediately.
• Advise patient that, if he requires an MRI, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
to inform the facility that he is wearing a ➤ Actinic keratosis (Solaraze only)
transdermal patch. Adults: Apply gently to lesion b.i.d. for
• Advise patient not to take this drug with 60 to 90 days.
any other diclofenac-containing products ➤ Osteoarthritis (Voltaren only)
(such as Arthrotec). Adults: Apply 4 g of gel to affected foot,
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of GI knee, or ankle q.i.d. Maximum dose of 16 g
bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine, to any single joint of the lower extremities.
or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and black, Or apply 2 g of gel to affected hand, elbow,
tarry stool. Tell him to notify prescriber or wrist q.i.d. Maximum dose of 8 g to any
immediately if any of these occurs. single joint of the upper extremities. Total
• Teach patient the signs and symptoms dose shouldn’t exceed 32 g daily for all
of damage to the liver, including nausea, affected joints.
fatigue, lethargy, itching, yellowed skin or ➤ Acute pain due to minor strains,
eyes, right upper quadrant tenderness, and sprains, and contusions
flulike symptoms. Tell patient to contact Adults: Apply 1 patch to most painful area
prescriber immediately if these symptoms b.i.d.
• Advise patient to avoid drinking alcohol ADMINISTRATION
or taking aspirin during drug therapy. Topical
• Tell patient to wear sunscreen or pro- • Don’t apply to open wounds or broken
tective clothing because drug may cause skin.
sensitivity to sunlight. • Avoid contact with eyes.
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activi- • Use enough gel to cover the lesion; for
ties that require alertness until it is known example, use 0.5 g of gel on a 5 × 5-cm
whether the drug causes CNS symptoms. lesion.
• Tell pregnant women to avoid use of drug • Don’t apply Flector Patch to nonintact or
during last trimester. damaged skin, including from exudative
• Advise patient that use of OTC NSAIDs dermatitis, eczema, infected lesions, burns,
and diclofenac may increase the risk of GI or wounds.
toxicity. • Measure gel using supplied dosing cards
in package.
• Wear gloves to gently massage Voltaren
into skin of entire joint.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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diclofenac epolamine (topical) 417

AC TION • Use cautiously in patients with the aspirin

Unknown. May produce anti-inflammatory triad; these patients are usually asthmat-
and analgesic effects by ability to inhibit ics who develop rhinitis, with or without
prostaglandin synthesis. nasal polyps, after taking aspirin or other
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Use cautiously in patients with active GI
Topical Unknown 4–12 hr Unknown
bleeding or ulceration and in those with D
Half-life: 1 to 3 hours; 12 hours for patch. severe renal or hepatic impairment.
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women;
ADVERSE REACTIONS it’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk.
CNS: paresthesia, headache, pain, asthenia, Patient should either stop breast-feeding or
migraine, hypokinesia. stop treatment, taking into account impor-
CV: chest pain, hypertension. tance of drug to mother.
EENT: sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis,
conjunctivitis, eye pain. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
GI: diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain. Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
GU: hematuria, renal impairment. the risk of serious CV thrombotic events.
Hepatic: liver impairment. The risk may increase with duration of use.
Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, hyper- Patients with CV disease or risk factors for
glycemia. CV disease may be at greater risk.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, arthrosis, back Black Box Warning NSAIDs increase the
pain, myalgia, neck pain. risk of serious GI adverse reactions includ-
Respiratory: asthma, dyspnea, pneumonia. ing bleeding, ulceration, and perforation
Skin: reaction at application site, contact of the stomach or intestines, which can be
dermatitis, dry skin, exfoliation, localized fatal. These reactions can occur at any time
pain, pruritus, rash, localized edema, acne, and without warning. Elderly patients are at
alopecia, photosensitivity reactions, skin greater risk.
ulcer. • Evaluate patient with signs or symptoms
Other: anaphylaxis, flulike syndrome, of liver dysfunction or with abnormal liver
infection, allergic reaction. function test results for development of
more severe hepatic reaction while taking
Drug-drug. Oral NSAIDs: May increase • If clinical signs or symptoms of liver dis-
drug effects. Minimize use together. ease develop, or if systemic manifestation
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May increase (eosinophilia, rash) occur, discontinue drug.
risk of photosensitivity reactions. Advise • Safety and effectiveness of sunscreens,
patient to avoid excessive sun exposure. cosmetics, or other topical medications used
with drug are unknown.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Complete healing or optimal therapeutic
• May increase ALT, AST, cholesterol, effect may not be seen until 30 days after
creatinine, glucose, and phosphokinase therapy is complete.
levels. • Reevaluate lesions that don’t respond to
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Because of the risk of premature closure
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive of the ductus arteriosus, avoid drug in late
to diclofenac, benzyl alcohol, polyethylene pregnancy.
glycol monomethyl ether 350, or hyaluronic
Black Box Warning Contraindicated for pe- • Inform patient about risk of skin reac-
rioperative pain for coronary artery bypass tions (rash, itchiness, pain, irritation) at the
graft surgery. application site. Urge patient to seek med-
• Avoid use during late pregnancy. ical attention if adverse reactions persist or

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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418 dicyclomine hydrochloride

• Encourage patient to minimize sun expo- Adults: Initially, 20 mg P.O. q.i.d., increased
sure during therapy. Explain that sunscreen to 40 mg q.i.d. Or, 20 mg I.M. q.i.d. Don’t
may be helpful but that the safety of using use I.M. form for longer than 1 to 2 days.
sunscreen with drug is unknown.
• Tell patient using Solaraze that complete ADMINISTRATION
healing or optimal therapeutic effect may P.O.
not occur for up to 30 days after stopping • Give drug 30 to 60 minutes before meals
therapy. and at bedtime. Bedtime dose can be larger;
• Caution patient not to apply gel to open give at least 2 hours after last meal of day.
wounds or broken skin. I.M.
• Instruct patient to avoid contact with eyes. Alert: Don’t give subcutaneously or I.V.
• Instruct patient not to apply other topical Alert: The dicyclomine labeling may
drugs or cosmetics to affected area while be misleading. Injection concentration is
using drug, unless directed. 10 mg/ml. Carefully calculate appropri-
• Advise patient to use only on intact skin ate amount of solution for administering
unless otherwise directed. correct dose.
• Inform patient that if Flector Patch be-
gins to peel off, the edges may be taped AC TION
down. Instruct patient not to wear Flector Inhibits action of acetylcholine on post-
Patch during bathing or showering. Bathing ganglionic, parasympathetic muscarinic
should take place in between scheduled receptors, decreasing GI motility. Drug pos-
patch removal and application. sesses local anesthetic properties that may
• Tell patient to wash his hands after apply- be partly responsible for spasmolysis.
ing gel unless the hands are the treated area;
Route Onset Peak Duration
then don’t wash for at least one hour after P.O., I.M. Unknown 1–11⁄2 hr Unknown
• Instruct patient not to cover area with Half-life: Initial, about 2 hours; secondary, 9 to
clothing for at least 10 minutes after apply- 10 hours.
ing gel and to wait at least one hour before
showering or bathing. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Tell women to notify prescriber if preg- CNS: headache, dizziness, fever, insomnia,
nant or breast-feeding. light-headedness, drowsiness, nervous-
ness, confusion, and excitement in elderly
dicyclomine hydrochloride CV: palpitations, tachycardia.
dye-SYE-kloe-meen EENT: blurred vision, increased intraocular
Bentyl, Bentylol†, Di-Spaz, pressure, mydriasis, photophobia.
Formulex† GI: constipation, dry mouth, thirst, vom-
iting, nausea, abdominal distention, heart-
Therapeutic class: Antispasmodic burn, paralytic ileus.
Pharmacologic class: Anticholinergic, GU: urinary hesitancy or retention, impo-
antimuscarinic tence.
Pregnancy risk category B Skin: urticaria, decreased sweating or
inability to sweat, local irritation.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Other: allergic reactions, heat prostration.
Capsules: 10 mg, 20 mg
Injection: 10 mg/ml INTERACTIONS
Syrup: 10 mg/5 ml Drug-drug. Amantadine, antihis-
Tablets: 10 mg†, 20 mg tamines, antiparkinsonians, disopyramide,
glutethimide, meperidine, phenothiazines,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES procainamide, quinidine, tricyclic an-
➤ Irritable bowel syndrome, other func- tidepressants: May have additive adverse
tional GI disorders effects. Avoid using together.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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didanosine 419

Antacids: May interfere with dicyclomine PATIENT TEACHING

absorption. Give dicyclomine at least 1 hour • Tell patient when to take drug, and stress
before antacid. importance of doing so on time and at
evenly spaced intervals.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to avoid driving and other
None reported. hazardous activities if drowsiness, dizzi-
ness, or blurred vision occurs; to drink D
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS plenty of fluids to help prevent constipation;
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- and to report rash or other skin eruption.
tive to anticholinergics and in those with
obstructive uropathy, obstructive disease
of the GI tract, reflux esophagitis, severe didanosine (ddI,
ulcerative colitis, toxic megacolon, myas- dideoxyinosine)
thenia gravis, unstable CV status in acute dye-DAN-oh-seen
hemorrhage, tachycardia secondary to
cardiac insufficiency or thyrotoxicosis, or Videx, Videx EC
• Contraindicated in breast-feeding patients Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral
and in children younger than age 6 months. Pharmacologic class: Nucleoside
• Use cautiously in patients with autonomic reverse transcriptase inhibitor
neuropathy, hyperthyroidism, coronary Pregnancy risk category B
artery disease, arrhythmias, heart failure,
hypertension, hiatal hernia, hepatic or re- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
nal disease, prostatic hyperplasia, known Capsules (delayed-release): 125 mg,
or suspected GI infection, and ulcerative 200 mg, 250 mg, 400 mg
colitis. Powder for oral solution (pediatric): 2 g/
• Use cautiously in patients in hot or humid 4-ounce glass bottle, 4 g/8-ounce glass
environments; drug can cause heatstroke. bottle
•H Overdose S&S: Headache; nausea; vomit-
ing; blurred vision; dilated pupils; hot, dry INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
skin; dry mouth; dysphagia; CNS stimula- ➤ HIV infection
tion; muscle weakness; paralysis. Adults who weigh 60 kg (132 lb) or more:
400-mg capsule P.O. daily. Or, 200 mg b.i.d.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS (preferred dosing) or 400 mg P.O. once daily
• Adjust dosage based on patient’s needs of the pediatric powder for oral solution.
and response. Dosages up to 40 mg P.O. Adults who weigh 25 to less than 60 kg
q.i.d. have been used in adults, but safety (55 to less than 132 lb): 250-mg capsule
and effectiveness for longer than 2 weeks P.O. daily. Or, 125 mg b.i.d. (preferred
haven’t been established. dosing) or 250 mg P.O. once daily of the
• Dicyclomine may have atropine-like pediatric powder for oral solution.
adverse reactions. Adults who weigh 20 to less than 25 kg
Alert: Overdose may cause curare-like (44 to less than 55 lb): 200-mg capsule
effects such as respiratory paralysis. Keep P.O. daily. Or, 125 mg b.i.d. (preferred
emergency equipment available. dosing), or 250 mg (pediatric powder for
• Monitor patient’s vital signs and urine oral solution) P.O. once daily.
output carefully. Children older than 8 months: 120 mg/m2
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse P.O. b.i.d. of the pediatric powder for oral
dicyclomine with dyclonine or doxycy- solution. Or, for children who weigh 60 kg
cline; don’t confuse Bentyl with Aventyl or or more, give 400-mg capsule P.O. daily;
Benadryl. for children who weigh 25 to less than
60 kg, give 250-mg capsule P.O. daily; for
children who weigh 20 to less than 25 kg,
give 200-mg capsule P.O. daily.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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420 didanosine

Children 2 weeks to 8 months: 100 mg/m2 ADMINISTRATION

P.O. b.i.d. of the pediatric powder for oral P.O.
solution. • Give drug on an empty stomach, at least
Adjust-a-dose: For dialysis patients who 30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating;
weigh 60 kg (132 lb) or more, 100 mg once giving drug with meals can decrease ab-
daily of the pediatric powder for oral solu- sorption by 50%.
tion. For dialysis patients who weigh less Alert: The pediatric powder for oral so-
than 60 kg, give 75 mg once daily of the lution must be prepared by a pharmacist
pediatric powder for oral solution. For dial- before dispensing. It must be constituted
ysis patients who weigh 60 kg or more, give with purified USP water and then diluted
125 mg of Videx EC once daily. Don’t use with an antacid (Mylanta Double Strength
in dialysis patients who weigh less than Liquid, Extra Strength Maalox Plus Suspen-
60 kg. If creatinine clearance is less than sion, or Maalox TC Suspension) to a final
10 ml/minute, don’t give a supplemental concentration of 10 mg/ml. The admixture
dose after hemodialysis for either drug. is stable for 30 days at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to
In adults who weigh 60 kg or more with 8◦ C). Shake the solution well before mea-
creatinine clearance of 30 to 59 ml/minute, suring dose.
give 200-mg capsule once daily; or, 200 mg
once daily or 100 mg b.i.d. of the pediatric AC TION
powder for oral solution. If clearance is Inhibits the enzyme HIV-RNA–dependent
10 to 29 ml/minute, give 125-mg capsule, DNA polymerase (reverse transcriptase) and
or 150 mg of the pediatric powder for oral terminates DNA chain growth.
solution once daily. If clearance is less than Route Onset Peak Duration
10 ml/minute, give 125-mg capsule, or P.O. Unknown 15–90 min Unknown
100 mg of the pediatric powder for oral P.O., E.C. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
solution once daily.
In adults who weigh less than 60 kg and Half-life: 48 minutes.
have a clearance of 30 to 59 ml/minute,
give 125-mg capsule once daily; or, 150 mg ADVERSE REACTIONS
once daily or 75 mg b.i.d. of the pediatric CNS: dizziness, fever, headache, peripheral
powder for oral solution. If clearance is neuropathy, seizures, abnormal thinking,
10 to 29 ml/minute, give 125-mg capsule, asthenia, pain.
or 100 mg of the pediatric powder for oral EENT: optic neuritis, retinal changes.
solution once daily. For clearance less than GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea,
10 ml/minute, give 75 mg of the pediatric vomiting, pancreatitis, anorexia, dry mouth.
powder for oral solution once daily; capsule Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope-
not indicated for these patients. nia, anemia, granulocytosis.
For adult patients taking tenofovir who Hepatic: hepatic failure.
weigh 60 kg or more with a creatinine clear- Metabolic: hyperuricemia.
ance greater than or equal to 60 ml/minute, Musculoskeletal: myopathy.
reduce Videx dose to 250 mg once daily. Skin: alopecia, pruritus, rash.
Avoid concomitant therapy in patients Other: chills, sarcoma, allergic reactions,
with a creatinine clearance less than 60 ml/ infection.
minute. For adult patients taking tenofovir
who weigh less than 60 kg with a creatinine INTERACTIONS
clearance greater than or equal to 60 ml/ Drug-drug. Amprenavir, delavirdine,
minute, reduce Videx dose to 200 mg once indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir:
daily. Avoid concomitant therapy in patients May alter pharmacokinetics of didanosine
with a creatinine clearance less than 60 ml/ or these drugs. Separate dosage times.
minute. Antacids containing magnesium or alu-
minum hydroxides: May enhance adverse
effects of the antacid component (including
diarrhea or constipation) when given with

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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didanosine 421

didanosine tablets or pediatric suspension. • Use cautiously in patients with peripheral

Avoid using together. neuropathy, renal or hepatic impairment,
Co-trimoxazole, pentamidine, other drugs or hyperuricemia. Monitor liver and renal
linked to pancreatitis: May increase risk of function tests.
pancreatic toxicity. Use together cautiously; •H Overdose S&S: Pancreatitis, peripheral
consider temporarily stopping didanosine neuropathy, diarrhea, hyperuricemia, he-
during administration of these drugs. patic dysfunction. D
Dapsone, drugs that require gastric acid for
adequate absorption, ketoconazole: May NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
decrease absorption from buffering action. • Patients with advanced HIV disease
Give these drugs 2 hours before didanosine. or history of peripheral neuropathy may
Fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines: May de- develop numbness, tingling, or pain in the
crease absorption from buffering products hands and feet resulting in dosage reduction
in didanosine tablets or antacids in pediatric or stopping drug.
suspension. Separate dosage times by at • Patients may tolerate a reduced dose
least 2 hours. of Videx after symptoms of peripheral
Itraconazole: May decrease itraconazole neuropathy resolve; if symptoms recur,
level. Avoid using together. consider permanently stopping drug.
Black Box Warning Stavudine, other an- • Because of a high rate of early virologic
tiretrovirals: Fatal lactic acidosis has been failure and emergence of resistance, using
reported in pregnant women. Use only if tenofovir with didanosine and lamivudine
potential benefits clearly outweigh potential isn’t recommended as a new treatment
risks. regimen for therapy-naı̈ve or -experienced
Tenofovir: May increase didanosine levels patients with HIV infection. Patients on this
and risk of life-threatening adverse effects regimen should be considered for treatment
including lactic acidosis and pancreatitis. modification.
Adjust didanosine dosage. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease drug with other antiretrovirals that use
drug level, decreasing therapeutic effects. abbreviations for identification.
Discourage use together.
Drug-food. Any food: May decrease rate of PATIENT TEACHING
absorption. Advise patient to take drug on • Instruct patient to take drug on an empty
an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before stomach, 30 minutes before or 2 hours after
a meal. eating.
• Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS infection, that opportunistic infections and
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, other complications of HIV infection may
AST, bilirubin, and uric acid levels. May continue to occur, and that transmission
decrease hemoglobin level. of HIV to others through sexual contact or
• May decrease granulocyte, platelet, and blood contamination is still possible.
WBC counts. • Tell patient to report symptoms of inflam-
mation of the pancreas, such as abdominal
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or symp-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive toms of peripheral neuropathy.
to drug or its components.
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
patients with confirmed pancreatitis.
Black Box Warning Use cautiously in pa-
tients with history of pancreatitis; deaths
have occurred.
Black Box Warning Lactic acidosis and se-
vere hepatomegaly with steatosis, including
fatal cases, have been reported.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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422 diflunisal

diflunisal Drug-drug. Acetaminophen, hy-
dye-FLOO-ni-sal drochlorothiazide, indomethacin: May
substantially increase levels of these drugs,
Therapeutic class: NSAID increasing risk of toxicity. Avoid using
Pharmacologic class: Salicylate; NSAID together.
Pregnancy risk category C Antacids, aspirin: May decrease diflunisal
level. Monitor patient for reduced therapeu-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS tic effect.
Tablets: 500 mg Anticoagulants, thrombolytics: May en-
hance effects of these drugs. Use together
➤ Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis Cyclosporine: May enhance the nephrotoxi-
Adults: 500 to 1,000 mg P.O. daily in two city of cyclosporine. Avoid using together.
divided doses, usually every 12 hours. Methotrexate: May enhance the toxicity of
Maximum, 1,500 mg daily. methotrexate. Avoid using together.
Children age 12 and older: 250 to 1,000 mg Sulindac: May decrease level of sulindac’s
P.O. daily in two divided doses. Maximum metabolite. Monitor patient for reduced
dose is 1,500 mg daily. effect.
➤ Mild to moderate pain
Adults and children age 12 and older: 1 g EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
P.O., then 500 mg every 8 to 12 hours. A • May falsely elevate salicylate level.
lower dosage of 500 mg P.O., then 250 mg
every 8 to 12 hours may be appropriate. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the
ADMINISTRATION treatment of perioperative pain after CABG
P.O. surgery.
• Give tablets with water, milk, or meals. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
• Give drug whole; don’t crush or break tive to drug and in those for whom acute
tablets. asthmatic attacks, urticaria, or rhinitis are
precipitated by aspirin or other NSAIDs.
AC TION Don’t use in patients with severe renal
Unknown. Probably related to inhibition of disease.
prostaglandin synthesis. • Use cautiously in patients with GI bleed-
Route Onset Peak Duration
ing, history of peptic ulcer disease, mild to
P.O. 1 hr 2–3 hr 8–12 hr
moderate renal impairment, compromised
cardiac function, hypertension, or other
Half-life: 8 to 12 hours. conditions predisposing patient to fluid
ADVERSE REACTIONS •H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, nausea,
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, insom- vomiting, diarrhea, hyperventilation, tachy-
nia, somnolence. cardia, diaphoresis, tinnitus, disorientation,
EENT: tinnitus. stupor, coma, decreased urine output, car-
GI: constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, diac arrest.
flatulence, GI pain, nausea, stomatitis,
GU: interstitial nephritis, hematuria, renal Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
impairment. the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI or
Skin: erythema multiforme, Stevens- stroke. The risk may be greater with longer
Johnson syndrome, pruritus, rash, sweat- use or in patients with CV disease or risk
ing. factors for CV disease.
Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an in-
creased risk of serious GI adverse reactions,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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difluprednate 423

including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo- Route Onset Peak Duration

ration of the stomach or intestines, which Ophthalmic Rapid Unknown Unknown
can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater Half-life: Unknown.
Alert: The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention recommend not giving ADVERSE REACTIONS
salicylates to children and teenagers with EENT: anterior chamber cells, anterior D
chickenpox or flulike illness with or without chamber flare, blepharitis, ciliary and con-
fever because of the link to Reye syndrome. junctival hyperemia, conjunctival edema,
corneal edema, eye inflammation, eye pain,
PATIENT TEACHING iritis, photophobia, posterior capsule opaci-
• Advise patient to take with water, milk, or fication, punctate keratitis, reduced visual
meals. acuity.
• Tell patient that tablets must be swallowed
• Instruct patient to avoid aspirin or acet- None reported.
aminophen while using diflunisal.
• Inform breast-feeding woman that drug EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
appears in breast milk; she should stop None reported.
either breast-feeding or taking drug.
• Contraindicated in patients with ocular
difluprednate tuberculosis, epithelial herpes simplex
die-FLU-pred-nate keratitis (dendritic keratitis), vaccinia,
Durezol varicella, or other fungal or viral diseases of
ocular structures.
Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory • Use cautiously in patients with glaucoma
(ophthalmic) (any form) because intraocular pressure
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid may increase.
Pregnancy risk category C • Use cautiously in patients with a history
of herpes simplex; drug may prolong or
AVAIL ABLE FORMS worsen the condition.
Ophthalmic emulsion: 0.05%
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Drug isn’t intended for long-term use; if
➤ Inflammation and pain associated used for 10 days or more, monitor intraoc-
with ocular surgery ular pressure. Watch for ocular bacterial,
Adults: One drop into the conjunctival sac fungal or viral infections.
of the affected eye q.i.d. beginning 24 hours • Drug may delay healing after cataract
after surgery for 2 weeks, then decrease to surgery; examine with slit lamp biomi-
b.i.d. for one week, and then taper according croscopy and, if appropriate, fluorescein
to response. staining, if used for more than 28 days.
• Safe use in pregnant women hasn’t been
Ophthalmic • Appearance of drug in breast milk isn’t
• Shake well before each use. known. Use cautiously in breast-feeding
• Don’t touch tip of dropper to any surface, women.
including eye. • Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab-
lished in children.
May inhibit the release of arachidonic acid,
a precursor of inflammatory mediators, such
as prostaglandins and leukotrienes.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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424 digoxin

PATIENT TEACHING two doses every 6 to 8 hours as needed and

• Teach patient how to instill drops. Advise tolerated.
him to wash his hands before and after Children age 10 and older: For rapid dig-
applying the drug, and warn him not to italization, give 8 to 12 mcg/kg P.O. over
touch tip of dropper to eye or surrounding 24 hours, divided as described previously.
tissue. Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total
• Advise patient to contact prescriber if digitalizing dose, given daily as a single
pain develops or redness, itching, or inflam- dose.
mation worsens. Children ages 5 to 10: For rapid digital-
• Tell patient who wears contact lenses to ization, give 15 to 30 mcg/kg P.O. over
check with prescriber before using lenses 24 hours, divided as described previously.
again. Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total
• Advise patient to store drug at room digitalizing dose, divided and given in two
temperature in protective carton away from or three equal portions daily.
light, and to keep unused vials in foil pouch. Children ages 2 to 5: For rapid digital-
ization, give 25 to 35 mcg/kg P.O. over
SAFETY ALERT! 24 hours, divided as described previously.
Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total
digoxin digitalizing dose, divided and given in two
di-JOX-in or three equal portions daily.
Elixir, tablets
Lanoxicaps, Lanoxin∗ , Lanoxin Adults: For rapid digitalization, give
Pediatric, Toloxin† 0.75 to 1.25 mg P.O. over 24 hours in two
or more divided doses every 6 to 8 hours.
Therapeutic class: Inotrope For slow digitalization, give 0.0625 to
Pharmacologic class: Cardiac glycoside 0.5 mg daily. Titrate every 2 weeks as
Pregnancy risk category C needed. Maintenance dose is 0.0625 to
0.5 mg daily.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Children age 11 and older: 10 to 15 mcg/kg
Capsules: 0.05 mg, 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg P.O. over 24 hours in two or more divided
Elixir∗: 0.05 mg/ml (pediatric) doses every 6 to 8 hours. Maintenance dose
Injection∗: 0.05 mg/ml†, 0.1 mg/ml is 25% to 35% of total digitalizing dose.
(pediatric), 0.25 mg/ml Children ages 5 to 10: 20 to 35 mcg/kg P.O.
Tablets: 0.125 mg, 0.25 mg over 24 hours in two or more divided doses
every 6 to 8 hours. Maintenance dose is
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES 25% to 35% of total digitalizing dose.
➤ Heart failure, paroxysmal supraven- Children ages 2 to 5: 30 to 40 mcg/kg P.O.
tricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation over 24 hours in two or more divided doses
and flutter every 6 to 8 hours. Maintenance dose is
Capsules 25% to 35% of total digitalizing dose.
Adults: For rapid digitalization, give 0.4 to Infants ages 1 month to 2 years: 35 to
0.6 mg P.O. initially, followed by 0.1 to 60 mcg/kg P.O. over 24 hours in two or
0.3 mg every 6 to 8 hours, as needed and more divided doses every 6 to 8 hours.
tolerated, for 24 hours. For slow digitaliza- Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total
tion, give 0.05 to 0.35 mg daily in two di- digitalizing dose.
vided doses. Therapeutic levels are reached Neonates: 25 to 35 mcg/kg P.O. over
in 7 to 22 days. Maintenance dose is 0.05 to 24 hours in two or more divided doses every
0.35 mg daily in one or two divided doses. 6 to 8 hours. Maintenance dose is 25% to
Children: Digitalizing dose is based on 35% of total digitalizing dose.
child’s age and is given in three or more Premature infants: 20 to 30 mcg/kg P.O.
divided doses over the first 24 hours. First over 24 hours in two or more divided doses
dose is 50% of the total dose; subsequent every 6 to 8 hours. Maintenance dose is
doses are given as 25% of total dose for 20% to 30% of total digitalizing dose.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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digoxin 425

Injection Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired

Adults: For rapid digitalization, give 0.4 to renal function, give smaller loading and
0.6 mg I.V. initially, followed by 0.1 to maintenance doses; extended dosing inter-
0.3 mg I.V. every 6 to 8 hours, as needed and vals may be needed.
tolerated, for 24 hours. For slow digitaliza-
tion, give appropriate daily maintenance ADMINISTRATION
dose for 7 to 22 days until therapeutic P.O. D
levels are reached. Maintenance dose is • Before giving loading dose, obtain base-
0.075 to 0.35 mg I.V. daily in one or two line data (heart rate and rhythm, blood
divided doses. pressure, and electrolytes) and ask patient
Children: Digitalizing dose is based on about use of cardiac glycosides within the
child’s age; give in three or more divided previous 2 to 3 weeks.
doses over the first 24 hours. First dose is • Before giving drug, take apical-radial
50% of total dose; subsequent doses are pulse for 1 minute. Record and notify
given every 6 to 8 hours as needed and prescriber of significant changes (sudden
tolerated. increase or decrease in pulse rate, pulse
Children age 10 and older: For rapid dig- deficit, irregular beats and, particularly,
italization, give 8 to 12 mcg/kg I.V. over regularization of a previously irregular
24 hours, divided as described previously. rhythm). If these occur, check blood pres-
Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total sure and obtain a 12-lead ECG.
digitalizing dose, given daily as a single I.V.
dose.  Before giving loading dose, obtain

Children ages 5 to 10: For rapid digital- baseline data (heart rate and rhythm, blood
ization, give 15 to 30 mcg/kg I.V. over pressure, and electrolytes) and ask patient
24 hours, divided as described previously. about use of cardiac glycosides within the
Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total previous 2 to 3 weeks.
digitalizing dose, divided and given in two  Before giving drug, take apical-radial

or three equal portions daily. pulse for 1 minute. Record and notify
Children ages 2 to 5: For rapid digital- prescriber of significant changes (sudden
ization, give 25 to 35 mcg/kg I.V. over increase or decrease in pulse rate, pulse
24 hours, divided as described previously. deficit, irregular beats and, particularly,
Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total regularization of a previously irregular
digitalizing dose, divided and given in two rhythm). If these occur, check blood pres-
or three equal portions daily. sure and obtain a 12-lead ECG.
Infants ages 1 month to 2 years: For rapid  Dilute fourfold with D5 W, normal saline

digitalization, give 30 to 50 mcg/kg I.V. over solution, or sterile water for injection to
24 hours, divided as described previously. reduce the chance of precipitation.
Maintenance dose is 25% to 35% of total  Infuse drug slowly over at least 5 min-

digitalizing dose, divided and given in two utes.

or three equal portions daily.  Protect solution from light.

Neonates: For rapid digitalization, give  Incompatibilities: Amiodarone, am-

20 to 30 mcg/kg I.V. over 24 hours, divided photericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex,

as described previously. Maintenance dose dobutamine, doxapram, fluconazole, fos-
is 25% to 35% of the total digitalizing dose, carnet, propofol, remifentanil. Mixing
divided and given in two or three equal with other drugs isn’t recommended.
portions daily.
Premature infants: For rapid digitalization, AC TION
give 15 to 25 mcg/kg I.V. over 24 hours, di- Inhibits sodium-potassium–activated
vided as described previously. Maintenance adenosine triphosphatase, promoting
dose is 20% to 30% of the total digitaliz- movement of calcium from extracellular
ing dose, divided and given in two or three to intracellular cytoplasm and strengthening
equal portions daily. myocardial contraction. Also acts on CNS

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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426 digoxin

to enhance vagal tone, slowing conduction 11⁄2 hours before or 2 hours after other
through the SA and AV nodes. drugs.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Parenteral calcium, thiazides: May cause
P.O. 30–120 min 2–6 hr 3–4 days
hypercalcemia and hypomagnesemia,
I.V. 5–30 min 1–4 hr 3–4 days predisposing patient to digitalis toxicity.
Monitor calcium and magnesium levels.
Half-life: 30 to 40 hours. Drug-herb. Betel palm, foxglove, fumitory,
goldenseal, hawthorn, lily of the valley,
ADVERSE REACTIONS motherwort, rue, shepherd’s purse: May
CNS: agitation, fatigue, generalized mus- increase cardiac effects. Discourage use
cle weakness, hallucinations, dizziness, together.
headache, malaise, paresthesia, stupor, Gossypol, horsetail, licorice, oleander,
vertigo. Siberian ginseng, squill: May increase
CV: arrhythmias, heart block. toxicity. Monitor patient closely.
EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, light Plantain, St. John’s wort: May decrease
flashes, photophobia, yellow-green halos effectiveness of drug. Discourage use
around visual images. together.
GI: anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
INTERACTIONS • May prolong PR interval or depress ST
Drug-drug. Amiloride: May decrease segment.
digoxin effect and increase renal clearance
of digoxin. Monitor patient for altered CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
digoxin effect. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Amiodarone, diltiazem, indomethacin, to drug and in those with digitalis-induced
nifedipine, quinidine, verapamil: May in- toxicity, ventricular fibrillation, or ven-
crease digoxin level. Monitor patient for tricular tachycardia unless caused by heart
toxicity. failure.
Amphotericin B, carbenicillin, cortico- • Don’t use in patients with Wolff-
steroids, diuretics (such as chlorthalidone, Parkinson-White syndrome unless the
loop diuretics, metolazone, thiazides), ticar- conduction accessory pathway has been
cillin: May cause hypokalemia, predispos- pharmacologically or surgically disabled.
ing patient to digitalis toxicity. Monitor • Use with extreme caution in elderly pa-
potassium level. tients and in those with acute MI, incom-
Antacids, kaolin-pectin: May decrease plete AV block, sinus bradycardia, PVCs,
absorption of oral digoxin. Separate doses chronic constrictive pericarditis, hyper-
as much as possible. trophic cardiomyopathy, renal insufficiency,
Antibiotics (azole antifungals, macrolides, severe pulmonary disease, or hypothy-
telithromycin, tetracyclines), propafenone, roidism.
ritonavir: May increase risk of toxicity. •H Overdose S&S: Ventricular tachycardia,
Monitor patient for toxicity. ventricular fibrillation, bradycardia, heart
Anticholinergics: May increase digoxin block, cardiac arrest, hyperkalemia.
absorption of oral digoxin tablets. Monitor
drug level and observe for toxicity. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers: • Drug-induced arrhythmias may increase
May have additive effects on AV node con- the severity of heart failure and hypoten-
duction causing advanced or complete heart sion.
block. Use cautiously. • In children, cardiac arrhythmias, includ-
Cholestyramine, colestipol, metoclo- ing sinus bradycardia, are usually early
pramide: May decrease absorption of oral signs of toxicity.
digoxin. Monitor patient for decreased • Patients with hypothyroidism are ex-
digoxin level and effect. Give digoxin tremely sensitive to cardiac glycosides and
may need lower doses.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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digoxin immune fab 427

• Loading dose is usually divided over the

first 24 hours with about half the loading digoxin immune Fab (ovine)
dose given in the first dose. di-JOX-in
• Toxic effects on the heart may be life-
threatening and require immediate atten- Digibind, DigiFab
• Absorption of digoxin from liquid-filled Therapeutic class: Antidote D
capsules is superior to absorption from Pharmacologic class: Antibody fragment
tablets or elixir. Expect dosage reduction of Pregnancy risk category C
20% to 25% when changing from tablets or
elixir to liquid-filled capsules or parenteral AVAIL ABLE FORMS
therapy. Injection: 38-mg vial (Digibind), 40-mg
• Monitor digoxin level. Therapeutic level vial (DigiFab)
ranges from 0.8 to 2 nanogram/ml. Obtain
blood for digoxin level at least 6 to 8 hours INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
after last oral dose, preferably just before ➤ Life-threatening digoxin toxicity
next scheduled dose. Adults and children: Base dosage on in-
Alert: Excessively slow pulse rate gested amount or level of digoxin. When
(60 beats/minute or less) may be a sign of calculating amount of antidote, round up to
digitalis toxicity. Withhold drug and notify the nearest whole number.
prescriber. For digoxin tablets, calculate number of
• Monitor potassium level carefully. Take antidote vials as follows: multiply ingested
corrective action before hypokalemia oc- amount by 0.8; then divide answer by 0.5.
curs. Hyperkalemia may result from digoxin For example, if patient takes 25 tablets
toxicity. of 0.25 mg digoxin, the ingested amount
• Reduce drug dose for 1 or 2 days before is 6.25 mg. Multiply 6.25 mg by 0.8 and
elective cardioversion. Adjust dosage after divide answer by 0.5 to obtain 10 vials of
cardioversion. antidote.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse For digoxin capsules, divide the ingested
digoxin with doxepin. dose in milligrams by 0.5. For example,
if patient takes 50 capsules of 0.2 mg, the
PATIENT TEACHING ingested amount is 10 mg. Divide 10 mg by
• Teach patient and a responsible family 0.5 to obtain 20 vials of antidote.
member about drug action, dosage regimen, If digoxin level is known, determine
how to take pulse, reportable signs, and the number of antidote vials as follows:
follow-up care. multiply the digoxin level in nanograms per
• Tell patient to report pulse less than milliliter by patient’s weight in kilograms;
60 beats/minute or more than 110 beats/ then divide by 100. For example, if digoxin
minute, or skipped beats or other rhythm level is 4 nanograms/ml, and patient weighs
changes. 60 kg, multiply together to obtain 240.
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions Divide answer by 100 to obtain 2.4 vials;
promptly. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, then round up to 3 vials.
appetite loss, and visual disturbances may ➤ Acute toxicity or if estimated ingested
be indicators of toxicity. amount or digoxin level is unknown
• Encourage patient to eat a consistent Adults and children: Consider giving
amount of potassium-rich foods. 10 vials of digoxin immune Fab and ob-
• Tell patient not to substitute one brand for serving patient’s response. Follow with
another. another 10 vials if indicated. Dosage should
• Advise patient to avoid the use of herbal be effective in most life-threatening cases in
drugs or to consult his prescriber before adults and children but may cause volume
taking one. overload in young children.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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428 diltiazem hydrochloride


I.V. • In patients allergic to sheep proteins
 Reconstitute drug immediately before and in those who have previously received
use with 4 ml sterile water for injection. antibodies, skin testing is recommended
 For children or other patients who need because drug is derived from digoxin-
small doses, reconstitute 38-mg vial Di- specific antibody fragments obtained from
gibind with 38 ml of normal saline solu- immunized sheep.
tion to yield 1 mg/ml; reconstitute 40-mg • Drug is used for life-threatening over-
vial DigiFab with 40 ml of normal saline dose in patients with anaphylaxis, severe
solution to yield 1 mg/ml. hypotension, or cardiac arrest and in those
 If cardiac arrest seems imminent, drug with ventricular arrhythmias (such as ven-
may be given by direct injection. tricular tachycardia or fibrillation), pro-
 For intermittent infusion, further dilute gressive bradycardia (such as severe sinus
with normal saline solution for injection to bradycardia), or second- or third-degree AV
an appropriate volume. block not responsive to atropine.
 Infuse drug over at least 30 minutes • Heart failure and rapid ventricular rate
through a 0.22-micron membrane filter. may result by reversal of cardiac glycoside’s
 Refrigerate powder for injection. Re- therapeutic effects.
constituted solutions may be refrigerated • Monitor potassium level closely.
4 hours. • In most patients, signs of digitalis toxicity
 Incompatibilities: None reported. disappear within a few hours.
• Continue to monitor renal function care-
AC TION fully and watch for digoxin toxicity in
Binds molecules of unbound digoxin and patients with renal failure.
digitoxin, making them unavailable for
binding at site of action on cells. PATIENT TEACHING
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Explain use and administration of drug to
I.V. 30 min End of infusion 15–20 hr
patient and family.
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
Half-life: 15 to 20 hours. promptly.

CV: heart failure, rapid ventricular rate, diltiazem hydrochloride
worsening low cardiac output. dil-TYE-a-zem
Metabolic: hypokalemia.
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reac- Apo-Diltiaz†, Cardizemi, Cardizem
tions. CDi, Cardizem LAi, Cartia XT,
Dilacor XR, Dilt-CD, Dilt-XR, Diltzac,
INTERACTIONS Nu-Diltiaz†, Taztia XT, Tiazac,
None significant. Tiazac XC†

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive

• May decrease potassium level. Pharmacologic class: Calcium channel
• May interfere with digitalis immunoassay blocker
measurements until drug is cleared from the Pregnancy risk category C
body (about 48 hours).
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Capsules (extended-release): 60 mg, 90 mg,
• Use cautiously in patients allergic to 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg, 360 mg,
sheep proteins, papain (papaya), or the 420 mg
pineapple enzyme bromelain, and in those Injection: 5 mg/ml in 5-, 10-, 25-ml vials
who have previously received antibodies. Powder for injection: 25 mg
Tablets: 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg, 120 mg

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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diltiazem hydrochloride 429

Tablets (extended-release): 120 mg, 180 mg, normal saline solution, D5 W, or 5% dex-
240 mg, 300 mg, 360 mg, 420 mg trose and half-normal saline solution.
 For direct injection or continuous infu-

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES sion; give slowly while monitoring ECG

➤ To manage Prinzmetal’s or variant and blood pressure continuously.
angina or chronic stable angina pectoris  Don’t infuse for longer than 24 hours.

Adults: 30 mg P.O. q.i.d. before meals and  Incompatibilities: Acetazolamide, D

at bedtime. Increase dose gradually to max- acyclovir, aminophylline, ampicillin,
imum of 360 mg/day divided into three ampicillin sodium and sulbactam sodium,
or four doses, as indicated. Or, give 120- cefoperazone, diazepam, furosemide, hep-
or 180-mg extended-release capsule or arin, hydrocortisone, insulin, methylpred-
180-mg extended-release tablet P.O. once nisolone, nafcillin, phenytoin, rifampin,
daily. Adjust over a 7- to 14-day period as sodium bicarbonate, thiopental.
needed and tolerated up to a maximum dose
of 360 mg/day (Cardizem LA), 480 mg/day AC TION
(Cardizem CD, Cartia XT, Dilacor XR), or A calcium channel blocker that inhibits cal-
540 mg/day (Tiazac). cium ion influx across cardiac and smooth-
➤ Hypertension muscle cells, decreasing myocardial con-
Adults: 180- to 240-mg extended-release tractility and oxygen demand. Drug also
capsule P.O. once daily. Adjust dosage dilates coronary arteries and arterioles.
based on patient response to a maximum Route Onset Peak Duration
dose of 480 mg/day. Or, 120 to 240 mg P.O. P.O. 30–60 min 2–3 hr 6–8 hr
(Cardizem LA) once daily. Dosage can be P.O. (extended- 2–3 hr 10–14 hr 12–24 hr
adjusted about every 2 weeks to a maximum release capsule)
of 540 mg daily. P.O. (Cardizem 3–4 hr 11–18 hr 6–9 hr
➤ Atrial fibrillation or flutter; paroxys- LA)
mal supraventricular tachycardia I.V. <3 min 2–7 min 1–10 hr
Adults: 0.25 mg/kg I.V. as a bolus injection Half-life: 3 to 9 hours.
over 2 minutes. Repeat after 15 minutes
if response isn’t adequate with a dose of ADVERSE REACTIONS
0.35 mg/kg I.V. over 2 minutes. Follow CNS: headache, dizziness, asthenia, som-
bolus with continuous I.V. infusion at 5 to nolence.
15 mg/hour (for up to 24 hours). CV: edema, arrhythmias, AV block, brady-
cardia, heart failure, flushing, hypotension,
ADMINISTRATION conduction abnormalities, abnormal ECG.
P.O. GI: nausea, constipation, abdominal dis-
• Don’t crush or allow patient to chew comfort.
extended-release tablets; they should be Hepatic: acute hepatic injury.
swallowed whole. Skin: rash.
• Tiazac extended-release capsules can be
opened and the contents sprinkled onto a INTERACTIONS
spoonful of applesauce. The applesauce Drug-drug. Anesthetics: May increase
must be eaten immediately and without effects of anesthetics. Monitor patient.
chewing, followed by a glass of cool water. Atazanavir, cimetidine: May inhibit dilti-
I.V. azem metabolism, increasing additive AV
 For direct injection, you need not dilute node conduction slowing. Monitor patient
the 5 mg/ml injection. for toxicity.
 For continuous infusion, add 25 ml of Buspirone, quinidine, sirolimus, tacrolimus:
drug to 100 ml solution, 50 ml of drug May increase level of these drugs. Monitor
to 250 ml solution, or 50 ml of drug to drug levels and patient for toxicity.
500 ml solution of 5 mg/ml injection to Carbamazepine: May increase level of
yield 1 mg/ml, 0.83 mg/ml, or 0.45 mg/ml, carbamazepine. Monitor carbamazepine
respectively. Compatible solutions include

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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430 dimenhydrinate

level, and watch for signs and symptoms of NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

toxicity. • Patients controlled on drug alone or with
Cyclosporine: May increase cyclosporine other drugs may be switched to Cardizem
level. Monitor cyclosporine level with each LA tablets once a day at the nearest equiva-
dosage change. lent total daily dose.
Diazepam, midazolam, triazolam: May in- • Monitor blood pressure and heart rate
crease CNS depression and prolonged when starting therapy and during dosage
effects of these drugs. Use lower dose of adjustments.
these benzodiazepines. • Maximal antihypertensive effect may not
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. Moni- be seen for 14 days.
tor patient for digoxin toxicity. • If systolic blood pressure is below 90 mm
Furosemide: May form a precipitate when Hg or heart rate is below 60 beats/minute,
mixed with diltiazem injection. Give withhold dose and notify prescriber.
through separate I.V. lines. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (simvas- Tiazac with Ziac.
tatin): May increase risk of myopathy,
rhabdomyolysis, and kidney failure. Use PATIENT TEACHING
lower starting and maintenance doses of • Instruct patient to take drug as prescribed,
both agents. even when he feels better.
Lithium: May reduce lithium levels, causing • Advise patient to avoid hazardous activi-
loss of mania control, and neurotoxic and ties during start of therapy.
psychotic symptoms. Monitor patient for • If nitrate therapy is prescribed during
signs of neurotoxicity. dosage adjustment, stress patient compli-
Propranolol, other beta blockers: May pre- ance. Tell patient that S.L. nitroglycerin may
cipitate heart failure or prolong conduction be taken with drug, as needed, when angina
time. Use together cautiously. symptoms are acute.
Rifampin: May lower diltiazem levels sig- Alert: Tell patient to swallow extended-
nificantly. Avoid use together. release tablets whole, and not to crush or
Theophylline: May enhance action of the- chew them.
ophylline, causing intoxication. Monitor • If patient is taking Tiazac extended-
theophylline levels. release capsules, inform him that these
capsules can be opened and the contents
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS sprinkled onto a spoonful of applesauce. He
None reported. must eat the applesauce immediately and
without chewing, and then drink a glass of
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in those with sick sinus syn-
drome or second- or third-degree AV block dimenhyDRINATE
in the absence of an artificial pacemaker, dye-men-HYE-dri-nate
cardiogenic shock, ventricular tachycar-
dia, systolic blood pressure below 90 mm Children’s Dramamine ∗ , Dimetabs,
Hg, acute MI, or pulmonary congestion Dinate , Dramamine ∗ , Dramamine
(documented by X-ray). Liquid ∗ , Dramanate, Dymenate,
• Contraindicated in I.V. form for patients Gravol† , Nauseatol† , Travel
who have atrial fibrillation or flutter with Tabs† , TripTone Caplets 
an accessory bypass tract, as in Wolff-
Parkinson-White syndrome or short PR Therapeutic class: Antivertigo
interval syndrome. Pharmacologic class: Anticholinergic
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in Pregnancy risk category B
those with heart failure or impaired hepatic
or renal function. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Injection: 50 mg/ml

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dimenhydrinate 431

Syrup: 3 mg/ml†, 12.5 mg/4 ml ∗ , 12.5 mg/ Route Onset Peak Duration
5 ml ∗ , 15 mg/5 ml† , 15.62 mg/5 ml P.O. 15–30 min Unknown 3–6 hr
Tablets: 50 mg  I.V. Immediate Unknown 3–6 hr
Tablets (chewable): 50 mg  I.M. 20–30 min Unknown 3–6 hr

Half-life: Unknown.
➤ To prevent and treat motion sickness D
Adults and children age 12 and older: 50 to ADVERSE REACTIONS
100 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours; 50 mg I.M., CNS: drowsiness, confusion, dizziness,
as needed; or 50 mg I.V. diluted in 10 ml excitation, headache, insomnia, lassitude,
normal saline solution for injection, injected nervousness, tingling and weakness of
over 2 minutes. Maximum, 400 mg daily. hands, vertigo.
For prevention, use drug 30 minutes before CV: hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia.
motion exposure. EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, dry respira-
Children ages 6 to 11: 25 to 50 mg P.O. tory passages, nasal congestion.
every 6 to 8 hours, not to exceed 150 mg GI: anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dry
in 24 hours. Or, 1.25 mg/kg or 37.5 mg/m2 mouth, epigastric distress, nausea, vomit-
I.M. or P.O. q.i.d. ing.
Children ages 2 to 5: 12.5 to 25 mg P.O. GU: urine retention.
every 6 to 8 hours, not to exceed 75 mg in Respiratory: thickened bronchial secre-
24 hours. Or, 1.25 mg/kg or 37.5 mg/m2 tions, wheezing.
I.M. or P.O. q.i.d. Maximum, 300 mg daily. Skin: photosensitivity reactions, rash,
ADMINISTRATION Other: anaphylaxis, tightness of chest.
• May be given without regard for food. INTERACTIONS
• Give at least 30 minutes before activity or Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May cause
travel. additive CNS depression. Avoid using
I.V. together.
 Dilute each milliliter (50 mg) of drug Ototoxic drugs: Dimenhydrinate may mask
with 10 ml sterile water for injection, D5 W, symptoms of ototoxicity. Use together
or normal saline solution for injection. cautiously.
 Give by direct injection over at least Tricyclic antidepressants, other anticholin-
2 minutes. ergics: May increase anticholinergic activ-
 Don’t give if drug has particulate matter ity. Monitor patient.
or discoloration. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
 Incompatibilities: Aminophylline, additive CNS depression. Discourage use
ammonium chloride, amobarbital, butor- together.
phanol, chlorpromazine, glycopyrrolate,
heparin, hydrocortisone sodium succi- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
nate, hydroxyzine hydrochloride, midazo- • May prevent, reduce, or mask diagnos-
lam, pentobarbital sodium, phenobarbital tic skin test response. May alter xanthine
sodium, phenytoin, prochlorperazine (caffeine, aminophylline) test results.
edisylate, promazine, promethazine hy-
drochloride, and thiopental. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
I.M. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Inspect drug for particulate matter or to drug or its components.
discoloration; don’t give if present. • Use cautiously in elderly patients, patients
receiving ototoxic drugs, and patients with
AC TION seizures, acute angle-closure glaucoma, or
May affect neural pathways originating in enlarged prostate gland.
the labyrinth to inhibit nausea and vomiting. •H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, seizures,
coma, respiratory depression.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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432 dimercaprol

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS For less-severe poisoning, reduce dose to

• Elderly patients may be more susceptible 3 mg/kg after first dose.
to adverse CNS effects.
• Undiluted solution irritates veins and may ADMINISTRATION
cause sclerosis. I.M.
• Stop drug 4 days before diagnostic skin Alert: Don’t give drug I.V.; give by deep
tests to prevent falsifying test response. I.M. route only.
• Dramamine may contain tartrazine. • Don’t let drug contact skin because it may
Alert: Drug may mask symptoms of oto- cause a skin reaction.
toxicity, brain tumor, or intestinal obstruc- • Drug has an unpleasant, garlicky odor.
tion. • Solution with slight sediment is usable.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
dimenhydrinate with diphenhydramine. AC TION
Forms complexes with heavy metals to
PATIENT TEACHING create chelates that are renally excreted.
• Advise patient to avoid activities that Route Onset Peak Duration
require alertness until CNS effects of drug I.M. Unknown 30–60 min 4 hr
are known.
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions Half-life: Unknown.
CNS: fever, headache, paresthesia, anxiety.
dimercaprol CV: transient increase in blood pressure,
dye-mer-KAP-rawl tachycardia.
EENT: blepharospasm, conjunctivitis,
BAL in Oil lacrimation, rhinorrhea.
GI: nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation,
Therapeutic class: Chelating agent abdominal pain, burning sensation in lips,
Pharmacologic class: Heavy metal mouth, and throat.
antagonist Musculoskeletal: muscle pain or weakness.
Pregnancy risk category C Other: pain or tightness in throat, chest, or
Injection: 100 mg/ml INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Iron: May cause toxic metal
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES complex. Take iron 24 hours after last
➤ Severe arsenic or gold poisoning dimercaprol dose.
Adults and children: 3 mg/kg deep I.M.
every 4 hours for 2 days; then q.i.d. on third EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
day; then b.i.d. for 10 days. • May block thyroid uptake of 131 I, decreas-
➤ Mild arsenic or gold poisoning ing values.
Adults and children: 2.5 mg/kg deep I.M.
q.i.d. for 2 days; then b.i.d. on third day; CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
then once daily for 10 days. • Contraindicated in patients with hepatic
➤ Mercury poisoning dysfunction (except postarsenical jaundice)
Adults and children: Initially, 5 mg/kg or iron, cadmium, or selenium poisoning;
deep I.M.; then 2.5 mg/kg daily or b.i.d. for also contraindicated in those allergic to
10 days. peanuts.
➤ Acute lead encephalopathy or lead • Don’t use in pregnant women except for
level greater than 100 mcg/ml life-threatening acute poisoning.
Adults and children: 4 mg/kg deep I.M.; • Use cautiously in patients with hyperten-
then every 4 hours with edetate calcium sion, G6PD deficiency, or oliguria.
disodium for 2 to 7 days. Use separate sites. •H Overdose S&S: Vomiting, seizures, stupor.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dinoprostone 433


• Use antihistamine to prevent or relieve Vaginal
mild adverse reactions. • For cervical ripening, have patient lie on
• Keep urine alkaline to prevent renal her back; use a speculum to examine cervix.
damage. Use catheter provided with drug to insert
gel into cervical canal just below level of the
• Explain use and administration of drug to • Bring gel to room temperature just before
patient and family. giving. Don’t force warming with water
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions bath, microwave, or other external heat
promptly. source.
• When giving gel form, don’t try to give
small amount of drug remaining in catheter.
dinoprostone • Patient should lie down for 15 to 30 min-
dye-noe-PROST-ohn utes after using gel.
• Bring vaginal suppository to room tem-
Cervidil, Prepidil, Prostin E2 perature just before giving. Patient should
lie down for 10 minutes following vaginal
Therapeutic class: Oxytocic suppository insertion.
Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin • When using the vaginal insert, a small
Pregnancy risk category C amount of water-soluble jelly may be used
to aid insertion. There’s no need to warm the
AVAIL ABLE FORMS vaginal insert before insertion.
Endocervical gel: 0.5 mg/application • Patient should lie down for 2 hours after
(2.5-ml syringe) using vaginal insert. Remove insert at onset
Vaginal insert: 10 mg of active labor or 12 hours after insertion.
Vaginal suppositories: 20 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Produces strong, prompt contractions of
Black Box Warning Strictly adhere to rec- uterine smooth muscle, possibly mediated
ommended dosages. by calcium and cAMP. Also has a local
➤ To terminate second-trimester preg- cervical effect in initiating softening, ef-
nancy; to evacuate uterine contents in facement, and dilation.
missed abortion, intrauterine fetal death Route Onset Peak Duration
up to 28 weeks’ gestation, or benign hyda- Vaginal (gel) 15–30 min Unknown Unknown
tidiform mole Vaginal (insert) Unknown Unknown Unknown
Women: Insert 20-mg suppository high into Vaginal 10 min Unknown 2–6 hr
posterior vaginal fornix; repeat every 3 to (suppository)
5 hours until abortion is complete, for a Half-life: 21⁄2 to 5 minutes.
maximum of 2 days.
➤ To ripen an unfavorable cervix in
pregnant woman at or near term ADVERSE REACTIONS
Women: Apply 0.5 mg endocervical gel in- CNS: fever, headache, dizziness, anxiety,
travaginally; if cervix remains unfavorable paresthesia, weakness, syncope.
after 6 hours, repeat dose. Don’t exceed CV: arrhythmias, chest pain.
1.5 mg (three applications) within 24 hours. EENT: blurred vision, eye pain.
Or, place 10-mg vaginal insert transversely GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
in posterior vaginal fornix immediately after GU: vaginal pain, vaginitis, endometritis,
removing insert from foil. Take insert out uterine hyperstimulation, uterine rupture.
when active labor begins or after 12 hours Musculoskeletal: nocturnal leg cramps,
have passed, whichever occurs first. backache, muscle cramps.
Respiratory: coughing, dyspnea.
Skin: rash, diaphoresis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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434 diphenhydramine hydrochloride

Other: shivering, chills, breast tenderness, •H Overdose S&S: Uterine hyperstimulation,

hot flashes, fetal heart rate abnormality, fetal distress.
premature rupture of membranes, fetal
depression, fetal acidosis. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Black Box Warning Give drug only in a
INTERACTIONS hospital where critical care and surgical
Drug-drug. Other oxytocics: May increase facilities are available.
action. Avoid using together. • Treat drug-induced fever with water
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May inhibit sponging and increased fluid intake, not
effectiveness of drug with high doses. Dis- with aspirin.
courage use together. • Check vaginal discharge regularly.
• Abortion should be complete within
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS 30 hours when suppository form is used.
None reported.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Explain use and administration of drug to
• Gel form contraindicated in patients patient and family.
hypersensitive to prostaglandins or con- • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
stituents of gel; in those for whom pro- promptly.
longed uterine contractions are undesirable;
in those with placenta previa or unexplained
vaginal bleeding during pregnancy; and in diphenhydrAMINE
those for whom vaginal delivery isn’t in- hydrochloride
dicated (because of vasa previa or active dye-fen-HYE-drah-meen
genital herpes).
• Suppository form contraindicated in AllerMax ∗ , Altaryl Children’s
patients hypersensitive to drug, in those Allergy† , Banophen , Benadryl ,
with acute pelvic inflammatory disease, Ben-Tann , Children’s Pedia Care
and in those with active cardiac, pulmonary, Nighttime Cough† , Compoz
renal, or hepatic disease. Nighttime SleepAid , Diphen AF ,
• Insert form contraindicated in patients Diphenhist , Dormin , 40 Winks ,
hypersensitive to drug and in those with Genahist , Hydramine Cough ∗ ,
evidence of fetal distress when delivery Midol PM , Nytol , Siladryl ∗ ,
isn’t imminent, with unexplained vaginal Silphen ∗ , Simply Sleep ,
bleeding during pregnancy, or with evidence Sleep-eze 3 , Sleepinal ,
of marked fetal cephalopelvic dispropor- Sleepwell 2-nite , Sominex ,
tion; also contraindicated when oxytocics Snooze Fast , Triaminic
are contraindicated, when prolonged uter- MultiSymptom ∗ , Tusstat∗ ,
ine contraction may be detrimental to fetal Twilite 
safety or uterine integrity, when membranes
have ruptured, when patient is already re- Therapeutic class: Antihistamine
ceiving an oxytocic, and when patient is Pharmacologic class: Ethanolamine
multipara with six or more previous term Pregnancy risk category B
• Use gel form cautiously in patients with AVAIL ABLE FORMS
asthma or history of asthma, renal or he- Capsules: 25 mg , 50 mg 
patic dysfunction, ruptured membranes, Elixir: 12.5 mg/5 ml ∗
glaucoma, or increased intraocular pressure. Injection: 50 mg/ml
• Use suppository form cautiously in pa- Strips (orally disintegrating): 12.5 mg ∗ ,
tients with asthma, seizure disorders, ane- 25 mg ∗
mia, diabetes, hypertension or hypotension, Syrup: 12.5 mg/5 ml ∗
jaundice, scarred uterus, cervicitis, acute Tablets: 25 mg , 50 mg 
vaginitis, or CV, renal, or hepatic disease. Tablets (chewable): 12.5 mg 

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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diphenhydramine hydrochloride 435

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES those of the bronchial tubes, GI tract, uterus,

➤ Rhinitis, allergy symptoms, motion and blood vessels. Structurally related to
sickness, Parkinson’s disease local anesthetics, drug provides local anes-
Adults and children age 12 and older: 25 to thesia and suppresses cough reflex.
50 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours. Maximum, Route Onset Peak Duration
300 mg P.O. daily. Or, 10 to 50 mg I.V. or
deep I.M. Maximum I.V. or I.M. dosage,
P.O. 15 min 1–4 hr 6–8 hr D
I.V. Immediate 1–4 hr 6–8 hr
400 mg daily. I.M. Unknown 1–4 hr 6–8 hr
Children ages 6 to 11: 12.5 to 25 mg P.O.
every 4 to 6 hours. Maximum dose is Half-life: About 21⁄2 to 91⁄2 hours.
150 mg daily. Or, 5 mg/kg day divided into
four doses P.O., deep I.M., or I.V. Maximum ADVERSE REACTIONS
dose is 300 mg daily. CNS: drowsiness, sedation, sleepiness,
Children ages 2 to 5: 6.25 mg every 4 to dizziness, incoordination, seizures, confu-
6 hours. Maximum dose is 37.5 mg daily. sion, insomnia, headache, vertigo, fatigue,
Or, 5 mg/kg day divided into four doses restlessness, tremor, nervousness.
P.O., deep I.M., or I.V. Maximum dose is CV: palpitations, hypotension, tachycardia.
300 mg daily. EENT: diplopia, blurred vision, nasal
➤ Nighttime sleep aid congestion, tinnitus.
Adults: 50 mg P.O. at bedtime. GI: dry mouth, nausea, epigastric distress,
➤ Nonproductive cough vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, anorexia.
Adults and children age 12 and older: GU: dysuria, urine retention, urinary fre-
25 mg (syrup) P.O. every 4 hours. Don’t ex- quency.
ceed 150 mg daily. Or, 25 to 50 mg (liquid) Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, agranu-
every 4 hours. Don’t exceed 300 mg daily. locytosis, hemolytic anemia.
Children ages 6 to 11: 12.5 mg (syrup) P.O. Respiratory: thickening of bronchial secre-
every 4 hours. Don’t exceed 75 mg daily. Or, tions.
12.5 to 25 mg (liquid) every 4 hours. Don’t Skin: urticaria, photosensitivity, rash.
exceed 150 mg daily. Other: anaphylactic shock.
Children ages 2 to 5: 6.25 mg (syrup) P.O.
every 4 hours. Don’t exceed 25 mg daily. INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May in-
ADMINISTRATION crease sedation. Use together cautiously.
P.O. MAO inhibitors: May increase anticholiner-
• Give drug with food or milk to reduce GI gic effects. Avoid using together.
distress. Other products that contain diphenhy-
I.V. dramine (including topical therapy): May
 Don’t exceed 25 mg/minute. increase risk of adverse reactions. Avoid
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, amo- using together.
barbital, amphotericin B, cefepime, dex- Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
amethasone, foscarnet, haloperidol lactate, CNS depression. Discourage use together.
pentobarbital, phenobarbital, phenytoin, Sun exposure: May cause photosensitivity
thiopental. reactions. Advise patient to avoid extensive
I.M. sunlight exposure.
• Give I.M. injection deep into large mus-
• Alternate injection sites to prevent irrita- • May decrease hemoglobin level and
tion. hematocrit.
• May decrease granulocyte and platelet
AC TION counts.
Competes with histamine for H1 -receptor • May prevent, reduce, or mask positive
sites. Prevents, but doesn’t reverse, result in diagnostic skin test.
histamine-mediated responses, particularly

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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436 diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulfate

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Warn patient of possible photosensitivity

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive reactions. Advise use of a sunblock.
to drug; newborns; premature neonates;
breast-feeding women; patients with angle-
closure glaucoma, stenosing peptic ulcer, diphenoxylate hydrochloride
symptomatic prostatic hyperplasia, blad- and atropine sulfate
der neck obstruction, or pyloroduodenal dye-fen-OKS-ul-ate and A-troe-peen
obstruction; and those having an acute
asthmatic attack. Logen, Lomanate, Lomotil∗ , Lonox
• Avoid use in patients taking MAO
inhibitors. Therapeutic class: Antidiarrheal
• Use with caution in patients with prostatic Pharmacologic class: Opioid
hyperplasia, asthma, COPD, increased Pregnancy risk category C
intraocular pressure, hyperthyroidism, CV Controlled substance schedule V
disease, and hypertension.
• Children younger than age 12 should use AVAIL ABLE FORMS
drug only as directed by prescriber. Liquid: 2.5 mg/5 ml (with atropine sulfate
•H Overdose S&S: Dry mouth, fixed or di- 0.025 mg/5 ml)∗
lated pupils, flushing, GI symptoms. Tablets: 2.5 mg (with atropine sulfate
0.025 mg)
• Stop drug 4 days before diagnostic skin INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
testing. ➤ Acute, nonspecific diarrhea
• Injection form is for I.V. or I.M. adminis- Adults and children older than age 12:
tration only. Initially, 5 mg P.O. q.i.d.; then adjust as
• Dizziness, excessive sedation, syncope, needed. Maximum dosage 20 mg/day.
toxicity, paradoxical stimulation, and hy- Children ages 2 to 12: 0.3 to 0.4 mg/kg
potension are more likely to occur in elderly liquid form P.O. daily in four divided doses.
patients. For maintenance, reduce dose when initial
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse di- control of symptoms is achieved. Dosage
phenhydramine with dimenhydrinate; don’t may be reduced by as much as 75%. Maxi-
confuse Benadryl with Bentyl or benazepril. mum dosage 20 mg/day.


• Warn patient not to take this drug with P.O.
any other products that contain diphenhy- • Give drug without regard for food.
dramine (including topical therapy) because
of increased adverse reactions. AC TION
• Instruct patient to take drug 30 minutes Probably increases smooth muscle tone in
before travel to prevent motion sickness. GI tract, inhibits motility and propulsion,
• Tell patient to take diphenhydramine with and diminishes secretions.
food or milk to reduce GI distress. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Warn patient to avoid alcohol and haz- P.O. 45–60 min 3 hr 3–4 hr
ardous activities that require alertness until
CNS effects of drug are known. Half-life: Diphenoxylate, 21⁄2 hours; its major
• Inform patient that sugarless gum, hard metabolite, diphenoxylic acid, 41⁄2 hours; atropine,
21⁄2 hours.
candy, or ice chips may relieve dry mouth.
• Tell patient to notify prescriber if toler-
ance develops because a different antihis- ADVERSE REACTIONS
tamine may need to be prescribed. CNS: dizziness, sedation, confusion, de-
• Drug is in many OTC sleep and cold prod- pression, drowsiness, euphoria, headache,
ucts. Advise patient to consult prescriber lethargy, malaise, numbness in limbs,
before using these products. restlessness.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dipyridamole 437

CV: tachycardia. • Stop therapy immediately and notify

EENT: blurred vision. prescriber if abdominal distention or other
GI: dry mouth, pancreatitis, paralytic signs or symptoms of toxic megacolon
ileus, abdominal discomfort or distention, develop.
anorexia, fluid retention in bowel or mega- • Don’t use for antibiotic-induced diarrhea.
colon, nausea, swollen gums, vomiting. • Drug is unlikely to be effective if no
GU: urine retention. response occurs within 48 hours. D
Respiratory: respiratory depression. • Risk of physical dependence increases
Skin: dry skin, pruritus, rash. with high dosage and long-term use. At-
Other: anaphylaxis, angioedema, possible ropine sulfate helps discourage abuse.
physical dependence with long-term use. • Monitor for signs of overdose, which may
include restlessness, flushing, hyperther-
INTERACTIONS mia, and tachycardia, initially, followed by
Drug-drug. Barbiturates, CNS depressants, lethargy, coma, pinpoint pupils, hypotonic-
opioids, tranquilizers: May enhance CNS ity, and respiratory depression.
depression. Monitor patient closely. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
MAO inhibitors: May cause hypertensive Lomotil with Lamictal.
crisis. Avoid using together.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance PATIENT TEACHING
CNS depression. Discourage use together. • Tell patient not to exceed recommended
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Warn patient not to use drug to treat acute
None reported. diarrhea for longer than 2 days and to seek
medical attention if diarrhea continues.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Advise patient to avoid hazardous activ-
• Contraindicated in children younger ities, such as driving, until CNS effects of
than age 2 and in patients hypersensitive drug are known.
to diphenoxylate or atropine, in those with
obstructive jaundice, and with acute diar-
rhea resulting from poison, organisms that dipyridamole
penetrate intestinal mucosa, or antibiotic- dye-peer-IH-duh-mohl
induced pseudomembranous enterocolitis.
• Use cautiously in children age 2 and Persantine
older; in patients with hepatic disease,
opioid dependence, or acute ulcerative Therapeutic class: Antiplatelet
colitis; and in pregnant women. Pharmacologic class: Pyrimidine
•H Overdose S&S: Dry skin and mucous analogue
membranes, mydriasis, restlessness, flush- Pregnancy risk category B
ing, hyperthermia, tachycardia, lethargy,
coma, hypotonic reflexes, nystagmus, respi- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ratory depression. Injection: 5 mg/ml in 2- and 10-ml vials
Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg
Alert: Monitor fluid and electrolyte bal- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
ance. Correct fluid and electrolyte distur- ➤ To inhibit platelet adhesion in pros-
bances before starting drug. Dehydration, thetic heart valves (given together with
especially in young children, may increase warfarin)
risk of delayed toxicity. Fluid retention in Adults and children older than age 12: 75 to
bowel or megacolon may occur with drug 100 mg P.O. q.i.d.
use and may mask depletion of extracellular ➤ Alternative to exercise in evaluation of
fluid and electrolytes, especially in young coronary artery disease during thallium
children treated for acute gastroenteritis. myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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438 disulfiram

Adults: 0.57 mg/kg as an I.V. infusion at EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

a constant rate over 4 minutes (0.142 mg/ • May increase liver enzyme levels.
ADMINISTRATION • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
P.O. to drug.
• If GI distress develops, give drug 1 hour • Use cautiously in patients with hypoten-
before meals or with meals. sion and those with severe coronary artery
I.V. disease.
 For use as a diagnostic drug, dilute in •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, warm feel-
half-normal or normal saline solution ing, flushes, sweating, restlessness, weak-
or D5 W in at least a 1:2 ratio for a total ness, dizziness, tachycardia.
volume of 20 to 50 ml.
 Inject thallium-201 within 5 minutes NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
after completing the 4-minute dipyri- • Observe for adverse reactions, especially
damole infusion. with large doses. Monitor blood pressure.
 Don’t mix in same syringe or infusion • Observe for signs and symptoms of
container with other drugs. bleeding; note prolonged bleeding time
 Incompatibilities: Other drugs. (especially with large doses or long-term
AC TION • The value of drug as part of an antithrom-
May involve drug’s ability to increase botic regimen is controversial; its use may
adenosine, which is a coronary vasodila- not provide significantly better results than
tor and platelet aggregation inhibitor. aspirin alone.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Dipyridamole injection may contain tar-
P.O. Unknown 75 min Unknown
trazine, which may cause allergic reactions
I.V. Unknown 2 min Unknown in some patients.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Half-life: 1 to 12 hours; alpha half-life of oral form, dipyridamole with disopyramide. Don’t
40 minutes; beta half-life of oral form, 10 hours. confuse Persantine with Periactin or
CNS: dizziness, headache. PATIENT TEACHING
CV: angina pectoris, chest pain, ECG • Instruct patient to take drug exactly as
abnormalities, flushing. prescribed.
GI: nausea, abdominal distress, diarrhea, • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
vomiting. promptly.
Skin: rash, pruritus. • Tell patient receiving drug I.V. to report
discomfort at insertion site.
Drug-drug. Adenosine: May increase levels
and cardiac effects of adenosine. Adjust disulfiram
adenosine dose as needed. dye-SUL-fi-ram
Cholinesterase inhibitors: May counteract
anticholinesterase effects and aggravate Antabuse
myasthenia gravis. Monitor patient.
Heparin: May increase risk of bleeding. Therapeutic class: Alcohol deterrent
Monitor patient closely. Pharmacologic class: Aldehyde
Theophylline, other xanthine derivatives: dehydrogenase inhibitor
May prevent coronary vasodilation by I.V. Pregnancy risk category C
dipyridamole, causing a false-negative
thallium-imaging result. Avoid using AVAIL ABLE FORMS
together. Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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disulfiram 439

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Isoniazid: May cause ataxia or marked

➤ Adjunct to management of alcohol change in behavior. Avoid using together.
abstinence Metronidazole: May cause psychotic reac-
Adults: 250 to 500 mg P.O. as single dose tion. Avoid using together.
in morning for 1 to 2 weeks or in evening if Midazolam: May increase midazolam level.
drowsiness occurs. Maintenance dosage is Use together cautiously.
125 to 500 mg P.O. daily (average 250 mg) Paraldehyde: May cause toxic level of D
until permanent self-control is established. acetaldehyde. Avoid using together.
Treatment may continue for months or Phenytoin: May increase toxic effect of
years. phenytoin. Monitor phenytoin level closely,
and adjust dose as necessary.
ADMINISTRATION Tricyclic antidepressants, especially
P.O. amitriptyline: May cause transient delir-
Alert: Never give until patient has ab- ium. Closely monitor patient.
stained from alcohol for at least 12 hours. Drug-herb. Herbal preparations contain-
He should clearly understand consequences ing alcohol: May cause disulfiram reaction.
of drug and give permission for its use. Use Warn patient against using together. Alco-
drug only in patients who are cooperative, hol reaction may occur as long as 2 weeks
well motivated, and receiving supportive after single drug dose.
psychiatric therapy. Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase elim-
ination half-life of caffeine. Tell patient to
AC TION watch for effects.
Blocks oxidation of alcohol at the acetalde- Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
hyde stage. Excess acetaldehyde produces disulfiram reaction including flushing,
a highly unpleasant reaction in the presence tachycardia, bronchospasm, sweating,
of even small amounts of alcohol. nausea and vomiting, or death. Warn patient
Route Onset Peak Duration
not to use products containing alcohol,
P.O. 1–2 hr Unknown 14 days
including back rub preparations, cough
syrups, liniments, and shaving lotion, or to
Half-life: Unknown. drink alcoholic beverages.


CNS: drowsiness, headache, fatigue, delir- • May increase cholesterol level.
ium, depression, neuritis, peripheral neu-
ritis, polyneuritis, restlessness, psychotic CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
reactions. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
EENT: optic neuritis. to drug or other thiram derivatives used
GI: metallic or garlicky aftertaste. in pesticides and rubber vulcanization; in
GU: impotence. those with psychoses, myocardial disease,
Skin: acneiform or allergic dermatitis, or coronary occlusion; in those receiving
occasional eruptions. metronidazole, paraldehyde, alcohol, or
Other: disulfiram reaction precipitated by alcohol-containing products; and in those
alcohol use. experiencing alcohol intoxication or who
have ingested alcohol in preceding 12 hours.
INTERACTIONS • Don’t give drug during pregnancy.
Drug-drug. Barbiturates: May prolong du- • Use with caution in patients also receiv-
ration of barbiturate effect. Closely monitor ing phenytoin therapy and in those with
patient. diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, seizure
CNS depressants: May increase CNS de- disorder, cerebral damage, nephritis, or
pression. Use together cautiously. hepatic cirrhosis or insufficiency.
Coumarin anticoagulants: May increase
anticoagulant effect. Adjust dosage of

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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440 dobutamine hydrochloride


Black Box Warning Never give drug to a
patient when in a state of alcohol intoxication, or DOBUTamine hydrochloride
without his full knowledge. DOE-byoo-ta-meen
• Perform complete physical examination
and laboratory studies, including CBC, Therapeutic class: Inotrope
SMA-12, and transaminase level, before Pharmacologic class: Adrenergic, beta1
therapy and repeat regularly. agonist
• Disulfiram reaction may result from alco- Pregnancy risk category B
hol use, with flushing, throbbing headache,
dyspnea, nausea, copious vomiting, di- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
aphoresis, thirst, chest pain, palpitations, Injection: 12.5 mg/ml in 20-ml vials
hyperventilation, hypotension, syncope, (parenteral)
anxiety, weakness, blurred vision, confu- Dobutamine in 5% dextrose: 0.5 mg/ml
sion, and arthropathy. (125 or 250 mg); 1 mg/ml (250 or 500 mg);
Alert: A severe disulfiram reaction can 2 mg/ml (500 mg); 4 mg/ml (1,000 mg)
cause respiratory depression, CV col-
lapse, arrhythmias, MI, acute heart failure, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
seizures, unconsciousness, and death. ➤ Increased cardiac output in short-
• The longer the patient remains on the term treatment of cardiac decompensa-
drug, the more sensitive he becomes to tion caused by depressed contractility,
alcohol. such as during refractory heart failure;
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse adjunctive therapy in cardiac surgery
Antabuse with Anturane. Adults and children: 0.5 to 1 mcg/kg/minute
I.V. infusion, titrating to optimum dosage
PATIENT TEACHING of 2 to 20 mcg/kg/minute. Usual effective
Black Box Warning Caution patient’s fam- range to increase cardiac output is 2.5 to
ily that drug should never be given to patient 10 mcg/kg/minute. Rarely, rates up to
without his knowledge; severe reaction or death 40 mcg/kg/minute may be needed.
could result if patient drinks alcohol.
• Tell patient to carry medical identification ADMINISTRATION
that identifies him as a disulfiram user. I.V.
• Mild reactions may occur in sensitive  Before starting therapy, give a plasma

patient with blood alcohol levels of 5 to volume expander to correct hypovolemia

10 mg/dl; symptoms are fully developed at and a cardiac glycoside.
50 mg/dl; unconsciousness typically occurs  Dilute concentrate before injecting.

at 125 to 150 mg/dl level. Reaction may last Compatible solutions include D5 W, D10 W,
from 30 minutes to several hours or as long half-normal or normal saline solution
as alcohol remains in blood. for injection, lactated Ringer’s injection,
• Reassure patient that drug-induced ad- Isolyte-M with D5 W, Normosol-M in
verse reactions (unrelated to alcohol use), D5 W, and 20% Osmitrol.
such as drowsiness, fatigue, impotence,  Diluting one vial (250 mg) with

headache, peripheral neuritis, and metallic 1,000 ml of solution yields 250 mcg/ml.
or garlic taste, subside after about 2 weeks Diluting with 500 ml yields 500 mcg/ml.
of therapy. Diluting with 250 ml yields 1,000 mcg/ml.
• Advise patient not to drink alcoholic bev-  Oxidation may slightly discolor admix-

erages or use products containing alcohol, ture. This doesn’t indicate a significant loss
including topical preparations and mouth- of potency, provided drug is used within
wash. 24 hours of reconstitution.
• Have patient verify content of OTC prod-  Give through a central venous catheter

ucts with pharmacist before use. or large peripheral vein using an infusion

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dobutamine hydrochloride 441

 Titrate rate according to patient’s condi- Bretylium: May increase risk of arrhyth-
tion. Don’t exceed 5 mg/ml. mias. Monitor ECG.
 Infusions lasting up to 72 hours pro- General anesthetics: May have greater risk
duce no more adverse effects than shorter of ventricular arrhythmias. Monitor ECG
infusions. closely.
 Watch for irritation and infiltration; Guanethidine, oxytocic drugs: May increase
extravasation can cause tissue damage pressor response, causing severe hyperten- D
and necrosis. Change I.V. sites regularly to sion. Monitor blood pressure closely.
avoid phlebitis. Tricyclic antidepressants: May potentiate
 Solution remains stable for 24 hours. pressor response and cause arrhythmias.
Don’t freeze. Use together cautiously.
 Incompatibilities: Acyclovir, alka- Drug-herb. Rue: May increase inotropic
line solutions, alteplase, aminophylline, potential. Discourage use together.
bretylium, bumetanide, calcium chlo-
ride, calcium gluconate, cefamandole, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
cefazolin, cefepime, diazepam, digoxin, • May decrease potassium level.
ethacrynate, furosemide, heparin, hydro- • May decrease platelet count.
cortisone sodium succinate, indomethacin,
insulin, magnesium sulfate, midazo- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
lam, penicillin, phenytoin, phytonadione, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
piperacillin with tazobactam, potassium to drug or its components and in those with
chloride, sodium bicarbonate, thiopental, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.
verapamil, warfarin. Don’t give through • Use cautiously in patients with history of
same line with other drugs. hypertension because drug may increase
pressor response.
AC TION • Use cautiously after acute MI.
Stimulates heart’s beta1 receptors to in- • Use cautiously in patients with history of
crease myocardial contractility and stroke sulfite sensitivity.
volume. At therapeutic dosages, drug in- •H Overdose S&S: Anorexia, nausea, vomit-
creases cardiac output by decreasing periph- ing, tremor, anxiety, palpitations, headache,
eral vascular resistance, reducing ventricu- shortness of breath, anginal and nonspecific
lar filling pressure, and facilitating AV node chest pain, hypertension, tachyarrhythmias,
conduction. myocardial ischemia, ventricular fibrilla-
Route Onset Peak Duration
tion, hypotension.
I.V. 1–2 min 10 min <5 min after infusion
Half-life: 2 minutes. Alert: Because drug increases AV node
conduction, patients with atrial fibrillation
ADVERSE REACTIONS may develop a rapid ventricular rate.
CNS: headache. • Continuously monitor ECG, blood pres-
CV: hypertension, increased heart rate, sure, pulmonary artery wedge pressure,
angina, PVCs, phlebitis, nonspecific chest cardiac output, and urine output.
pain, palpitations, ventricular ectopy, hy- • Monitor electrolyte levels. Drug may
potension. lower potassium level.
GI: nausea, vomiting. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Respiratory: asthma attack, shortness of dobutamine with dopamine.
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity PATIENT TEACHING
reactions. • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
promptly, especially labored breathing and
INTERACTIONS drug-induced headache.
Drug-drug. Beta blockers: May antagonize • Instruct patient to report discomfort at I.V.
dobutamine effects. Avoid using together. insertion site.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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442 docetaxel

SAFETY ALERT! Adjust-a-dose: In patients who experience

febrile neutropenia, neutrophil count of
docetaxel less than 500/mm3 for longer than 1 week,
dohs-eh-TAX-ell severe or cumulative cutaneous reactions,
or other grade 3 or 4 nonhematologic toxic-
Taxotere ities, withhold drug until toxicity resolves;
then restart at 55 mg/m2 . In patients in
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic whom grade 3 peripheral neuropathy or
Pharmacologic class: Taxoid above develops, stop drug.
Pregnancy risk category D ➤ With cisplatin, unresectable, locally
advanced, or metastatic non–small-cell
AVAIL ABLE FORMS lung cancer not previously treated with
Injection: 20 mg, 80 mg, in single-dose chemotherapy
vials Adults: 75 mg/m2 docetaxel I.V. over
1 hour, immediately followed by cisplatin
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES 75 mg/m2 I.V. over 30 to 60 minutes every
➤ Locally advanced or metastatic 3 weeks.
breast cancer after failure of previous Adjust-a-dose: In patients whose lowest
chemotherapy platelet count during the previous course
Adults: 60 to 100 mg/m2 I.V. over 1 hour of therapy was less than 25,000/mm3 , and
every 3 weeks. those with febrile neutropenia or serious
Adjust-a-dose: In patients receiving nonhematologic toxicities, decrease doc-
100 mg/m2 who experience febrile neu- etaxel dosage to 65 mg/m2 . For patients who
tropenia, neutrophil count of less than require a further dosage reduction, a dosage
500/mm3 for longer than 1 week, severe of 50 mg/m2 is recommended. For cisplatin
or cumulative cutaneous reactions, or severe dosage adjustments, see manufacturers’
peripheral neuropathy, reduce subsequent prescribing information.
dose by 25%, to 75 mg/m2 . In patients who ➤ Androgen-independent metastatic
continue to experience reactions with de- prostate cancer, with prednisone
creased dose, either decrease it further to Adults: 75 mg/m2 I.V., as a 1-hour infu-
55 mg/m2 or stop drug. sion every 3 weeks, given with 5 mg pred-
➤ Adjuvant postsurgery treatment of nisone P.O. b.i.d. continuously. Premedicate
operable, node-positive breast cancer with dexamethasone 8 mg P.O. at 12 hours,
Adults: 75 mg/m2 I.V. as a 1-hour infusion 3 hours, and 1 hour before docetaxel infu-
given 1 hour after doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 sion.
and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 every Adjust-a-dose: In patients who experience
3 weeks for six cycles. febrile neutropenia, neutrophil count less
Adjust-a-dose: Patients who experience than 500/mm3 for more than 1 week, se-
febrile neutropenia should receive granulo- vere or cumulative cutaneous reactions, or
cyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in moderate neurosensory signs or symptoms,
all subsequent cycles. If febrile neutrope- reduce subsequent dose to 60 mg/m2 . In pa-
nia doesn’t resolve, continue G-CSF and tients who continue to experience reactions
reduce docetaxel dose to 60 mg/m2 . For pa- with the decreased dose, stop treatment.
tients who experience severe or cumulative ➤ Advanced gastric adenocarcinoma,
cutaneous reactions or moderate neurosen- in combination with cisplatin and fluo-
sory signs and symptoms, reduce dose to rouracil (5-FU)
60 mg/m2 . If these reactions persist at the Adults: Premedicate with antiemetics and
reduced dosage, stop treatment. hydration per cisplatin recommendations.
➤ Locally advanced or metastatic non– Give 75 mg/m2 docetaxel I.V. over 1 hour,
small-cell lung cancer after failure of followed by cisplatin 75 mg/m2 I.V. over
previous cisplatin-based chemotherapy 1 to 3 hours both on day 1 only, then, fluor-
Adults: 75 mg/m2 I.V. over 1 hour every ouracil 750 mg/m2 I.V. daily as a 24-hour
3 weeks. continuous infusion for 5 days beginning at

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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docetaxel 443

the end of cisplatin infusion. Repeat cycle Adults: 75 mg/m2 I.V. infusion over 1 hour,
every 3 weeks. followed by cisplatin 100 mg/m2 I.V. infu-
Adjust-a-dose: Patients who experience sion over 30 minutes to 3 hours on day 1,
febrile neutropenia should receive G-CSF in followed by 5-FU 1,000 mg/m2 daily as a
subsequent cycles. If episode recurs, reduce continuous I.V. infusion from day 1 to day 4.
dose to 60 mg/m2 . If subsequent episodes of Repeat this regimen every 3 weeks for three
complicated neutropenia occur, reduce dose cycles. After chemotherapy, patients should D
to 45 mg/m2 . In patients who experience receive chemoradiotherapy. Premedicate
grade 4 thrombocytopenia, reduce dosage with antiemetics and oral corticosteroids.
to 60 mg/m2 . Don’t retreat until neutrophils Adjust-a-dose: Use the same dosage ad-
are greater than 1,500/mm3 and platelets are justment schedule as for advanced gastric
greater than 100,000/mm3 . Stop treatment if adenocarcinoma.
toxicity persists.
For patients who experience diarrhea, ADMINISTRATION
adjust dosage as follows: for first episode I.V.
of grade 3 diarrhea, reduce 5-FU dose by  Wear gloves to prepare and give drug. If

20%; for second episode, reduce docetaxel solution contacts skin, wash immediately
dose by 20%; for first episode of grade 4 and thoroughly with soap and water. If
diarrhea, reduce docetaxel and 5-FU doses solution contacts mucous membranes,
by 20%; for second episode, stop drug. flush thoroughly with water.
For patients who experience stomatitis,  Dilute using supplied diluent. Let drug

adjust dosage as follows: For first episode of and diluent stand at room temperature for
grade 3, reduce 5-FU dose by 20%; second 5 minutes before mixing. After adding all
episode, stop 5-FU in subsequent cycles; the diluent to drug vial, gently rotate vial
third episode, reduce docetaxel dose by for about 45 seconds. Let solution stand
20%. For first episode of grade 4, stop 5-FU for a few minutes so foam dissipates. All
in subsequent cycles; second episode, re- foam need not dissipate before preparing
duce docetaxel dose by 20%. infusion solution.
For patients who experience liver dys-  Prepare infusion solution by withdraw-

function, reduce docetaxel dose by 20%. If ing needed amount of premixed solution
AST or ALT is greater than five times upper from vial and injecting it into 250 ml nor-
limit of normal (ULN) or alkaline phos- mal saline solution or D5 W to yield 0.3 to
phatase is greater than five times ULN, stop 0.74 mg/ml. Doses of more than 200 mg
treatment. need a larger volume to stay below
➤ Induction treatment of inoperable 0.74 mg/ml of drug. Mix infusion thor-
locally advanced squamous cell cancer oughly by manual rotation.
of the head and neck (SCCHN), with  Prepare and store infusion solution in

cisplatin and 5-FU bottles (glass or polypropylene) or plastic

Adults: 75 mg/m2 I.V. infusion over 1 hour, bags, and give through polyethylene-lined
followed by cisplatin 75 mg/m2 I.V. infusion administration sets.
over 1 hour, on day 1, followed by 5-FU  Contact between undiluted concentrate

750 mg/m2 daily as a continuous I.V. infu- and polyvinyl chloride equipment or
sion for 5 days. Repeat this regimen every devices isn’t recommended.
3 weeks for four cycles. After chemotherapy,  If solution isn’t clear or if it contains

patients should receive radiotherapy. Pre- precipitate, discard.

medicate with antiemetics and appropriate  The first dilution is stable for 8 hours.

hydration before and after giving cisplatin. Use infusion solution within 4 hours.
Adjust-a-dose: Use the same dosage ad-  Infuse over 1 hour.

justment schedule as for advanced gastric  Store unopened vials between 2◦ and

adenocarcinoma. 25◦ (36◦ and 77◦ F).

➤ Induction treatment for locally ad-  Mark all waste materials with

vanced SCCHN with cisplatin and 5-FU CHEMOTHERAPY HAZARD labels.

before chemoradiotherapy  Incompatibilities: None reported.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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444 docetaxel

AC TION containing polysorbate 80 and in those with

Promotes formation and stabilization of neutrophil count below 1,500/mm3 .
nonfunctional microtubules. This prevents Black Box Warning Patients with severe
mitosis and leads to cell death. hepatic impairment shouldn’t receive this
Route Onset Peak Duration
drug. Don’t give drug to patients with
I.V. Rapid Unknown Unknown
bilirubin levels exceeding ULN, or those
with ALT or AST levels above 11⁄2 times
Half-life: Alpha phase, 4 minutes; beta phase, ULN and alkaline phosphatase levels above
36 minutes; terminal phase, 11 hours. 21⁄2 times ULN.
• Safety and effectiveness in children
ADVERSE REACTIONS haven’t been established.
CNS: asthenia, paresthesia, peripheral •H Overdose S&S: Severe neutropenia, mild
neuropathy. asthenia, cutaneous reactions, mild pares-
CV: fluid retention, peripheral edema, thesia, bone marrow suppression, peripheral
arrhythmias, chest tightness, flushing, neurotoxicity, mucositis.
EENT: altered hearing, tearing. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, dysphagia, Black Box Warning Drug should be
esophagitis, nausea, stomatitis, vomiting. administered only under the supervi-
Hematologic: FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA, sion of a physician experienced with
NEUTROPENIA, THROMBOCYTOPENIA, • Give oral corticosteroid such as dexa-
anemia. methasone 16 mg P.O. (8 mg b.i.d.) daily for
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. 3 days, starting 1 day before docetaxel
Musculoskeletal: myalgia, arthralgia, back administration, to reduce risk or severity
pain. of fluid retention and hypersensitivity
Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary edema. reactions.
Skin: alopecia, desquamation, skin erup- Black Box Warning Don’t give drug to
tions, nail pigmentation alterations, nail patients with baseline neutrophil count less
pain, rash, reaction at injection site. than 1,500/mm3 .
Other: infection, chills, drug fever, hyper- • Bone marrow toxicity is the most frequent
sensitivity reactions. and dose-limiting toxicity. Frequent blood
count monitoring is needed during therapy.
INTERACTIONS Black Box Warning Monitor patient closely
Drug-drug. Compounds that induce, inhibit, for hypersensitivity reactions, especially
or are metabolized by CYP3A4, such as during first and second infusions. Severe
cyclosporine, erythromycin, ketoconazole, and even fatal reactions have occurred in
troleandomycin: May modify metabolism of patients who have received recommended
docetaxel. Use together cautiously. 3-day dexamethasone premedication.
Ketoconazole or other CYP3A4 inhibitors: Black Box Warning Fluid retention is dose
May increase docetaxel level and toxicity, related and may be severe. Monitor patient
including neutropenia. Monitor patient closely.
closely. Alert: When indicated, cisplatin dose
should follow dose of docetaxel.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, Taxotere with Taxol.
AST, and bilirubin levels. May decrease
hemoglobin level. PATIENT TEACHING
• May decrease platelet and WBC counts. • Caution women of childbearing age to
avoid pregnancy or breast-feeding during
• Contraindicated in patients severely • Remind patient that he will need premedi-
hypersensitive to drug or to other forms cation with dexamethasone.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

docusate calcium 445

• Advise patient to report any pain or burn- Children younger than age 2: 25 mg
ing at injection site during or after adminis- docusate sodium P.O. daily.
• Warn patient that hair loss occurs in al- ADMINISTRATION
most 80% of patients and reverses when P.O.
treatment stops. • Give liquid (not syrups) in milk, fruit
• Tell patient to promptly report sore throat, juice, or infant formula to mask bitter taste. D
fever, or unusual bruising or bleeding, • Store drug at 59◦ to 86◦ F (15◦ to 30◦ C),
as well as signs and symptoms of fluid and protect liquid from light.
retention, such as swelling or shortness of Rectal
breath. • Follow instructions accompanying rectal
docusate calcium (dioctyl AC TION
calcium sulfosuccinate) Stool softener that reduces surface tension
DOK-yoo-sayt of interfacing liquid contents of the bowel.
This detergent activity promotes incorpo-
DC Softgels , Surfak  ration of additional liquid into stools, thus
forming a softer mass.
docusate sodium (dioctyl
Route Onset Peak Duration
sodium sulfosuccinate) P.O. 1–3 days Unknown Unknown
Colace , Diocto , Dioctyn , P.R. Unknown Unknown Unknown
D.O.S , D-S-S , Dulcolax Stool
Softener , Ex-Lax Stool Softener Half-life: Unknown.
Caplets , Phillips’ Liqui-Gels ,
Regulax SS , Selax† , Soflax†  ADVERSE REACTIONS
GI: bitter taste, mild abdominal cramping,
Therapeutic class: Laxative diarrhea.
Pharmacologic class: Surfactant Other: laxative dependence with long-term
Pregnancy risk category C or excessive use.


docusate calcium Drug-drug. Mineral oil: May increase
Capsules: 240 mg  mineral oil absorption and cause toxicity
docusate sodium and lipid pneumonia. Separate doses.
Capsules: 50 mg , 100 mg , 240 mg ,
Oral liquid: 150 mg/15 ml  None reported.
Oral solution: 10 mg/ml , 50 mg/ml 
Rectal suspension: 283 mg/4 ml  CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Syrup: 20 mg/5 ml, 50 mg/15 ml , • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
60 mg/15 ml  to drug and in those with intestinal obstruc-
Tablets: 50 mg , 100 mg  tion or signs and symptoms of appendicitis,
fecal impaction, or acute surgical abdomen,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES such as undiagnosed abdominal pain or
➤ Stool softener vomiting.
Adults and children older than age 12:
50 to 300 mg docusate calcium or sodium NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
P.O. daily until bowel movements are nor- • Drug isn’t used to treat existing con-
mal. Or, give enema. Administer contents of stipation but prevents constipation from
1 bottle P.R. as a single dose. developing.
Children ages 2 to 12: 50 to 150 mg
docusate sodium P.O. daily.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

446 dofetilide

• Before giving drug, determine whether 39 ml/minute, starting dose is 125 mcg P.O.
patient has adequate fluid intake, exercise, b.i.d. Don’t use drug at all if clearance is
and diet. less than 20 ml/minute.
• Drug is laxative of choice for patients who Determine QTc interval 2 to 3 hours af-
shouldn’t strain during defecation, includ- ter first dose. If QTc interval has increased
ing patients recovering from MI or rectal by more than 15% above baseline or if it’s
surgery, those with rectal or anal disease more than 500 msec (550 msec in patients
that makes passage of firm stools difficult, with ventricular conduction abnormali-
and those with postpartum constipation. ties), adjust dosage as follows: If starting
dose based on creatinine clearance was
PATIENT TEACHING 500 mcg P.O. b.i.d., give 250 mcg P.O. b.i.d.
• Teach patient about dietary sources of If starting dose based on clearance was
fiber, including bran and other cereals, fresh 250 mcg b.i.d., give 125 mcg b.i.d. If start-
fruit, and vegetables. ing dose based on clearance was 125 mcg
• Instruct patient to use drug only occasion- b.i.d., give 125 mcg once a day.
ally and not for longer than 1 week without Determine QTc interval 2 to 3 hours
prescriber’s knowledge. after each subsequent dose while patient
• Tell patient to stop drug and notify pre- is in hospital. If at any time after second
scriber if severe cramping occurs. dose the QTc interval exceeds 500 msec
• Notify patient that it may take from 1 to (550 msec in patients with ventricular con-
3 days to soften stools. duction abnormalities), stop drug.

dofetilide P.O.
doe-FE-ti-lyed • Give drug without regard for food or
antacid administration.
Tikosyn • Don’t give drug with grapefruit juice.

Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic AC TION

Pharmacologic class: Antiarrhythmic Prolongs repolarization without affecting
Pregnancy risk category C conduction velocity. Drug doesn’t affect
sodium channels, alpha-adrenergic recep-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS tors, or beta-adrenergic receptors.
Capsules: 125 mcg, 250 mcg, 500 mcg Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
➤ To maintain normal sinus rhythm in Half-life: 10 hours.
patients with symptomatic atrial fibril-
lation or atrial flutter lasting longer than ADVERSE REACTIONS
1 week who have been converted to nor- CNS: headache, stroke, dizziness, insom-
mal sinus rhythm; to convert atrial fibril- nia, anxiety, migraine, cerebral ischemia,
lation and atrial flutter to normal sinus asthenia, paresthesia, syncope.
rhythm CV: chest pain, ventricular fibrillation,
Adults: Individualized dosage based on ventricular tachycardia, torsades de
creatinine clearance and baseline QTc in- pointes, AV block, heart block, brady-
terval (or QT interval if heart rate is below cardia, cardiac arrest, MI, bundle-branch
60 beats/minute), determined before first block, angina, atrial fibrillation, hyperten-
dose; usually 500 mcg P.O. b.i.d. for pa- sion, palpitations, edema.
tients with creatinine clearance greater than GI: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
60 ml/minute. GU: UTI.
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance Hepatic: liver damage.
is 40 to 60 ml/minute, starting dose is Musculoskeletal: back pain, arthralgia,
250 mcg P.O. b.i.d.; if clearance is 20 to facial paralysis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

dofetilide 447

Respiratory: respiratory tract infection, with creatinine clearance less than 20 ml/
dyspnea, increased cough. minute.
Skin: rash, sweating. • Contraindicated for use with thiazide
Other: angioedema, flu syndrome, periph- diuretics, verapamil, and cation transport
eral edema. system inhibitors (cimetidine, ketoconazole,
megestrol, prochlorperazine, trimethoprim
INTERACTIONS with or without sulfamethoxazole). D
Drug-drug. Antiarrhythmics (classes I and • Use cautiously in patients with severe
III): May increase dofetilide level. Withhold hepatic impairment.
other antiarrhythmics for at least three •H Overdose S&S: Prolonged QT interval,
plasma half-lives before giving dofetilide. ventricular fibrillation, torsades de pointes,
Drugs secreted by renal tubular cationic cardiac arrest.
transport (amiloride, metformin, tri-
amterene): May increase dofetilide level. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Use together cautiously; monitor patient for Black Box Warning When dofetilide is
adverse effects. initiated or reinitiated, patients should be
Drugs that prolong QT interval: May in- hospitalized for a minimum of 3 days in
crease risk of QT interval prolongation. a facility that can provide calculations of
Avoid using together. creatinine clearance, continuous electro-
Inhibitors of CYP3A4 including amio- cardiographic monitoring, and cardiac
darone, azole antifungals, cannabinoids, resuscitation. Dofetilide is available only to
diltiazem, macrolides, nefazodone, nor- hospitals and prescribers who have received
floxacin, protease inhibitors, quinine, SSRIs, appropriate dofetilide dosing and treatment
zafirlukast: May decrease metabolism initiation education.
and increase dofetilide level. Use together • Don’t discharge patient within 12 hours of
cautiously. conversion to normal sinus rhythm.
Inhibitors of renal cationic secretion (cime- • Monitor patient for prolonged diarrhea,
tidine, ketoconazole, megestrol, prochlor- sweating, and vomiting. Report these signs
perazine, trimethoprim with or without sul- to prescriber because electrolyte imbal-
famethoxazole), verapamil: May increase ance may increase potential for arrhythmia
dofetilide level. Use together is contraindi- development.
cated. • Monitor renal function and QTc interval
Potassium-depleting diuretics: May in- every 3 months.
crease risk of hypokalemia or hypomagne- • Use of potassium-depleting diuretics may
semia. Monitor potassium and magnesium cause hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia,
levels. increasing the risk of torsades de pointes.
Thiazide diuretics: May cause hypokalemia Give dofetilide after potassium level reaches
and arrhythmias. Use together is contraindi- and stays in normal range.
cated. • If patient doesn’t convert to normal
Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May decrease sinus rhythm within 24 hours of starting
hepatic metabolism and increase drug level. dofetilide, consider electrical conversion.
Discourage use together. • Before starting dofetilide, stop previous
antiarrhythmics while carefully monitoring
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS patient for a minimum of three plasma half-
None reported. lives. Don’t give drug after amiodarone
therapy until amiodarone level falls below
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 0.3 mcg/ml or until amiodarone has been
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive stopped for at least 3 months.
to drug, in those with congenital or acquired • If dofetilide must be stopped to allow
long QT interval syndromes or with base- dosing with interacting drugs, allow at least
line QTc interval greater than 440 msec 2 days before starting other drug therapy.
(500 msec in patients with ventricular
conduction abnormalities), and in those

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

448 dolasetron mesylate

PATIENT TEACHING ➤ To prevent postoperative nausea and

• Tell patient to report any change in OTC vomiting
or prescription drug use, or supplement or Adults: 100 mg P.O. within 2 hours before
herb use. surgery. Or, 12.5 mg as a single I.V. dose
• Inform patient that drug can be taken about 15 minutes before cessation of anes-
without regard to meals or antacid adminis- thesia or as soon as nausea or vomiting
tration. presents.
• Tell patient to immediately report ex- Children ages 2 to 16: 1.2 mg/kg P.O. given
cessive or prolonged diarrhea, sweating, within 2 hours before surgery, to maximum
vomiting, or loss of appetite or thirst. of 100 mg. Or, 0.35 mg/kg, up to 12.5 mg
• Advise patient not to take drug with given as a single I.V. dose about 15 minutes
grapefruit juice. before stopping anesthesia or as soon as
• Advise patient to use antacids, such as nausea or vomiting starts. I.V. form can be
Zantac 75 mg, Pepcid, Prilosec, Axid, or mixed with apple juice and given P.O.
Prevacid, instead of Tagamet HB if needed ➤ Postoperative nausea and vomiting
for ulcers or heartburn. Adults: 12.5 mg as a single I.V. dose as soon
• Instruct patient to tell prescriber if she as nausea or vomiting occurs.
becomes pregnant. Children ages 2 to 16: 0.35 mg/kg, to max-
• Advise patient not to breast-feed while imum dosage of 12.5 mg, given as a single
taking dofetilide because drug appears in I.V. dose as soon as nausea or vomiting
breast milk. occurs.
• If a dose is missed, tell patient not to
double a dose but to skip that dose and take ADMINISTRATION
the next regularly scheduled dose. P.O.
• Mix injection for oral use in apple or
apple-grape juice immediately before
dolasetron mesylate giving.
doe-LAZ-e-tron • Injection for oral use is stable in juice for
2 hours at room temperature.
Anzemet I.V.
 Drug can be injected as rapidly as

Therapeutic class: Antiemetic 100 mg over 30 seconds or diluted in

Pharmacologic class: Selective 50 ml of compatible solution and infused
serotonin (5-HT3 ) receptor antagonist over 15 minutes.
Pregnancy risk category B  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.


Injection: 20 mg/ml Blocks the action of serotonin and prevents
Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg serotonin from stimulating the vomiting
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ To prevent nausea and vomiting from P.O. Rapid 1 hr 8 hr
cancer chemotherapy I.V. Rapid 36 min 7 hr
Adults: 100 mg P.O. given as a single dose
1 hour before chemotherapy. Or, 1.8 mg/kg Half-life: 8 hours.
or a fixed dose of 100 mg as a single I.V.
dose given 30 minutes before chemotherapy. ADVERSE REACTIONS
Children ages 2 to 16: 1.8 mg/kg P.O. given CNS: headache, dizziness, drowsiness,
1 hour before chemotherapy. Or, 1.8 mg/kg fatigue, fever.
as a single I.V. dose given 30 minutes before CV: arrhythmias, ECG changes, edema,
chemotherapy. Injectable formulation can hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia.
be mixed with apple juice and given P.O. GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia,
Maximum dose is 100 mg. constipation, dyspepsia.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

donepezil hydrochloride 449

GU: hematuria, polyuria, urine retention.

Skin: pruritus, rash. donepezil hydrochloride
Other: chills, pain at injection site. doe-NEP-ah-zill

INTERACTIONS Aricepti, Aricept ODT

Drug-drug. Drugs that prolong ECG inter-
vals such as antiarrhythmics: May increase Therapeutic class: Anti-Alzheimer D
risk of arrhythmia. Monitor patient closely. Pharmacologic class: Cholinesterase
Drugs that inhibit CYP enzymes such as inhibitor
cimetidine: May increase level of hy- Pregnancy risk category C
drodolasetron, an active metabolite of
dolasetron. Monitor patient for adverse AVAIL ABLE FORMS
effects. Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs): 5 mg,
Drugs that induce CYP enzymes such 10 mg
as rifampin: May decrease level of hy- Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 23 mg
drodolasetron, an active metabolite of
dolasetron. Monitor patient for decreased INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
effectiveness of antiemetic. ➤ Mild to moderate Alzheimer’s
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Adults: 5 or 10 mg P.O. once daily.
• May increase ALT and AST levels. ➤ Moderate to severe Alzheimer’s dis-
• May increase PTT. ease
Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. once daily for
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 4 to 6 weeks; dose may then be increased
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to 10 mg P.O. once daily. The dose may be
to drug. increased to 23 mg P.O. once daily after
Alert: Give with caution in patients who patients have been taking 10 mg daily for
have or may develop prolonged cardiac con- 3 months.
duction intervals, such as those with elec- ➤ Traumatic brain injury 
trolyte abnormalities, history of arrhythmia, Adults: 5 to 10 mg P.O. daily through sub-
and cumulative high-dose anthracycline acute or long-term periods of recovery if
therapy. response is adequate.
• Drug isn’t recommended for use in chil-
dren younger than age 2. Use cautiously in ADMINISTRATION
breast-feeding women. P.O.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension; dizziness; • Allow ODT to dissolve on tongue; then
prolonged PR, QRS, and QTc intervals. follow with water.
• Give drug at bedtime, without regard for
• Monitor patient for CV complications,
such as heart block and tachyarrhythmias. AC TION
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Thought to increase acetylcholine level by
Anzemet with Aldomet or Avandamet. inhibiting cholinesterase enzyme, which
causes acetylcholine hydrolysis.
PATIENT TEACHING Route Onset Peak Duration
• Tell patient about possible adverse effects. P.O. Unknown 3–4 hr Unknown
• Instruct patient to mix injection in juice
for oral use immediately before giving. Half-life: 70 hours.
• Tell patient to report nausea or vomiting.
CNS: headache, insomnia, seizures, dizzi-
ness, fatigue, depression, somnolence,
syncope, pain.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

450 dopamine hydrochloride

CV: chest pain, hypertension, atrial fib- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

rillation, hypotension, bradycardia, heart • Monitor patient for evidence of active or
block. occult GI bleeding.
EENT: cataract, blurred vision, eye irrita- • Monitor patient for bradycardia because
tion, sore throat. of potential for vagotonic effects.
GI: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
fecal incontinence, GI bleeding. Aricept with Ascriptin.
GU: urinary frequency.
Metabolic: weight loss, dehydration. PATIENT TEACHING
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps, arthritis, • Stress that drug doesn’t alter underlying
bone fracture. degenerative disease but can temporarily
Respiratory: dyspnea, bronchitis. stabilize or relieve symptoms. Effectiveness
Skin: pruritus, urticaria, diaphoresis, ecchy- depends on taking drug at regular intervals.
moses. • Tell caregiver to give drug just before
Other: toothache, influenza, increased patient’s bedtime.
libido. • ODTs may be taken with or without food.
Have patient allow tablet to dissolve on his
INTERACTIONS tongue, then swallow with a sip of water.
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May de- • Advise patient and caregiver to report
crease donepezil effects. Avoid using to- immediately significant adverse effects
gether. or changes in overall health status and
Anticholinesterases, cholinomimetics: May to inform health care team that patient is
have synergistic effect. Monitor patient taking drug before he receives anesthesia.
closely. • Tell patient to avoid OTC cold or sleep
Bethanechol, succinylcholine: May have remedies because of risk of increased anti-
additive effects. Monitor patient closely. cholinergic effects.
Carbamazepine, dexamethasone, pheno-
barbital, phenytoin, rifampin: May increase SAFETY ALERT!
rate of donepezil elimination. Monitor
patient. DOPamine hydrochloride
NSAIDs: May increase gastric acid se- DOE-pa-meen
cretions. Monitor for active or occult GI
bleeding. Therapeutic class: Vasopressor
Pharmacologic class: Adrenergic
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pregnancy risk category C
• May increase CK level.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Injection: 40 mg/ml, 80 mg/ml, 160 mg/ml
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive parenteral concentrate for injection for I.V.
to drug or piperidine derivatives and in infusion; 0.8 mg/ml (200 or 400 mg) in
breast-feeding women. D5 W; 1.6 mg/ml (400 or 800 mg) in D5 W;
• Use cautiously in pregnant women and 3.2 mg/ml (800 mg) in D5 W parenteral
in patients who take NSAIDs or have CV injection for I.V. infusion
disease, asthma, obstructive pulmonary
disease, urinary outflow impairment, or INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
history of ulcer disease. ➤ To treat shock and correct hemody-
•H Overdose S&S: Severe nausea, vomit- namic imbalances; to improve perfusion
ing, salivation, sweating, bradycardia, hy- to vital organs; to increase cardiac out-
potension, respiratory depression, collapse, put; to correct hypotension
seizures, increasing muscle weakness. Adults and children: Initially, 2 to 5 mcg/kg/
minute by I.V. infusion. Titrate dosage to
desired hemodynamic or renal response.
Increase by 1 to 4 mcg/kg/minute at 10- to

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dopamine hydrochloride 451

30-minute intervals. In seriously ill pa- ADVERSE REACTIONS

tients, start with 5 mcg/kg/minute and CNS: headache, anxiety.
increase gradually in increments of 5 to CV: hypotension, ventricular arrhythmias
10 mcg/kg/minute to a rate of 20 to (high doses), ectopic beats, tachycardia,
50 mcg/kg/minute, as needed. angina, palpitations, vasoconstriction.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with occlu- GI: nausea, vomiting.
sive vascular disease, initial dose is Metabolic: azotemia, hyperglycemia. D
1 mcg/kg/minute or less. Respiratory: asthmatic episodes, dyspnea.
Skin: necrosis and tissue sloughing with
ADMINISTRATION extravasation, piloerection.
I.V. Other: anaphylactic reactions.
 Dilute with D5 W, normal saline solution,

D5 W in normal saline or 0.45% saline, INTERACTIONS

lactated Ringer’s, or D5 W in lactated Drug-drug. Alpha and beta blockers: May
Ringer’s. Mix just before use. antagonize dopamine effects. Monitor
 Use a central line or large vein, as in patient closely.
the antecubital fossa, to minimize risk of Ergot alkaloids: May cause extremely high
extravasation. blood pressure. Avoid using together.
 Use a continuous infusion pump to Inhaled anesthetics: May increase risk
regulate flow rate. Avoid inadvertent ad- of arrhythmias or hypertension. Monitor
ministration of a bolus of the drug. patient closely.
Black Box Warning Watch infusion site MAO inhibitors (phenelzine, tranylcypromine):
carefully for extravasation; if it occurs, May cause fever, hypertensive crisis, or
stop infusion immediately and call pre- severe headache. Avoid using together; if
scriber. To prevent sloughing and necrosis patient received an MAO inhibitor in the
in ischemic areas, you may need to infil- past 2 to 3 weeks, initial dopamine dose is
trate area with 5 to 10 mg phentolamine in less than or equal to 10% of the usual dose.
10 to 15 ml normal saline solution. Oxytocics: May cause severe, persistent
 Because solution will deteriorate rapidly, hypertension. Use together cautiously.
discard after 24 hours or earlier if it’s Phenytoin: May cause severe hypotension,
discolored. bradycardia, and cardiac arrest. Monitor
 Incompatibilities: Acyclovir sodium, patient carefully.
additives with a dopamine and dextrose Tricyclic antidepressants: May decrease
solution, alteplase, amphotericin B, pressor response. Monitor patient closely.
cefepime, furosemide, gentamicin, in-
domethacin sodium trihydrate, iron salts, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
insulin, oxidizing agents, penicillin G • May increase catecholamine, glucose, and
potassium, sodium bicarbonate or other urine urea levels.
alkaline solutions, thiopental. Don’t
mix other drugs in I.V. container with CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
dopamine. • Contraindicated in patients with uncor-
rected tachyarrhythmias, pheochromocy-
AC TION toma, or ventricular fibrillation.
Stimulates dopaminergic and alpha and beta • Use cautiously in patients with occlusive
receptors of the sympathetic nervous system vascular disease, cold injuries, diabetic
resulting in a positive inotropic effect and endarteritis, and arterial embolism; in preg-
increased cardiac output. Action is dose- nant or breast-feeding women; in those with
related; large doses cause mainly alpha a history of sulfite sensitivity; and in those
stimulation. taking MAO inhibitors.
Route Onset Peak Duration
•H Overdose S&S: Excessive blood pressure
I.V. 5 min Unknown <10 min after infusion
Half-life: 2 minutes.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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452 doripenem

• Most patients receive less than 20 mcg/kg/ doripenem
minute. Doses of 0.5 to 2 mcg/kg/minute dor-eh-PEN-em
mainly stimulate dopamine receptors and
dilate the renal vasculature. Doses of 2 to Doribax
10 mcg/kg/minute stimulate beta receptors
for a positive inotropic effect. Higher doses Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
also stimulate alpha receptors, constricting Pharmacologic class: Carbapenem
blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. Pregnancy risk category B
• Drug isn’t a substitute for blood or fluid
volume deficit. If deficit exists, replace fluid AVAIL ABLE FORMS
before giving vasopressors. Injection: 500-mg vial
• During infusion, frequently monitor ECG,
blood pressure, cardiac output, central INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
venous pressure, pulmonary artery wedge ➤ Complicated intra-abdominal in-
pressure, pulse rate, urine output, and color fections caused by Escherichia coli,
and temperature of limbs. Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas
• If diastolic pressure rises disproportion- aeruginosa, Bacteroides caccae, B. frag-
ately with a significant decrease in pulse ilis, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. uniformis,
pressure, decrease infusion rate, and watch B. vulgatas, Streptococcus intermedius,
carefully for further evidence of predomi- S. constellatus, or Peptostreptococcus
nant vasoconstrictor activity, unless such an micros
effect is desired. Adults: 500 mg I.V. every 8 hours for 5 to
• Observe patient closely for adverse re- 14 days.
actions; dosage may need to be adjusted or ➤ Complicated urinary tract infec-
drug stopped. tions, including pyelonephritis caused by
• Check urine output often. If urine flow E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis,
decreases without hypotension, notify Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter
prescriber because dosage may need to be baumannii
reduced. Adults: 500 mg I.V. every 8 hours for
Alert: After drug is stopped, watch closely 10 days. May be given for 14 days to
for sudden drop in blood pressure. Taper patient with concurrent bacteremia.
dosage slowly to evaluate stability of blood ➤ Hospital-acquired pneumonia 
pressure. Adults: 500 mg I.V. over 1 to 4 hours every
• Acidosis decreases effectiveness of drug. 8 hours for 7 to 14 days.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine
dopamine with dobutamine. clearance of 30 to 50 ml/minute, give
250 mg I.V. every 8 hours; with creati-
PATIENT TEACHING nine clearance of more than 10 to less than
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions 30 ml/minute, give 250 mg I.V. every
promptly. 12 hours.
• Instruct patient to report discomfort at I.V.
insertion site. ADMINISTRATION
 Assess for history of allergies to

beta-lactams (carbapenems, penicillins,

 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

tivity tests before beginning treatment.

 Dilute drug in single-use vials with

10 ml sterile water for injection or normal

saline for injection, shake gently to form a
concentration of 50 mg/ml.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dorzolamide hydrochloride 453

 Add reconstituted drug to 100 ml normal • Use caution in those with moderate to
saline or D5 W for a final concentration of severe renal impairment.
4.5 mg/ml.
 To prepare a 250-mg dose, remove 55 ml NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
of solution from infusion bag. • Monitor patient closely for pseudomem-
 Inspect solution for particulate matter branous colitis, which can occur up to
and discoloration. Solution should be clear 2 months after drug administration. D
to slightly yellow. • Monitor renal function.
 Solution prepared with normal saline Alert: If allergic reaction occurs, stop
may be stored at room temperature for drug, use supportive measures and contact
8 hours; D5 W, for 4 hours. If refrigerated, the prescriber.
solution may be stored for 24 hours. • To report suspected adverse reactions,
 Give only by infusion over 1 hour. contact the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.
• Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab-
AC TION lished in pregnant or pediatric patients. It’s
Inhibits bacterial cell-wall biosynthesis by unknown whether drug is excreted in breast
inactivating multiple penicillin-binding milk.
proteins, causing cell death.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Rapid 11⁄4 hr Unknown
• Tell patient to report any serious adverse
effects such as dyspnea, skin reaction, pain
Half-life: 1 hour. at injection site, or diarrhea.
Alert: Severe and life-threatening diarrhea
ADVERSE REACTIONS can occur up to 2 months after drug is given;
CNS: headache, seizures. tell patient to report immediately.
GI: pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, • Advise woman to tell prescriber if she’s
nausea. pregnant or breast-feeding.
GU: renal insufficiency, renal failure.
Hematologic: anemia.
Respiratory: interstitial pneumonia. dorzolamide hydrochloride
Skin: phlebitis, pruritus, rash, Stevens- dor-ZOLE-ah-mide
Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal
necrolysis. Trusopt
Other: anaphylaxis, infection.
Therapeutic class: Antiglaucoma
INTERACTIONS Pharmacologic class: Carbonic
Drug-drug. Valproic acid: May decrease anhydrase inhibitor, sulfonamide
valproic acid level, causing seizures. Moni- Pregnancy risk category C
tor valproic acid levels. May need to switch
to another antibacterial or anticonvulsant if AVAIL ABLE FORMS
levels can’t be maintained. Ophthalmic solution: 2%
Probenecid: May increase drug level. Avoid
using together. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ Increased intraocular pressure (IOP)
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS in patients with ocular hypertension or
• May increase ALT, AST, transaminase open-angle glaucoma
and other hepatic enzyme levels. Adults and children: One drop into conjunc-
• May decrease RBC count. tival sac of each affected eye t.i.d.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug, its components, or other beta-lactams.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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454 doxapram hydrochloride


Ophthalmic • Teach patient how to instill drops. Ad-
• Don’t touch tip of dropper to eye or sur- vise him to wash hands before and after
rounding tissue. instillation, and warn him not to touch tip of
• Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal dropper to eye or surrounding tissue.
sac for 1 minute after instilling to minimize • Tell patient that drug is a sulfonamide
systemic absorption. and, although it’s given topically, it can
• If more than one ophthalmic drug is being be absorbed systemically. Advise patient
used, give at least 10 minutes apart. to apply light finger pressure on lacrimal
sac for 1 minute after drug instillation to
AC TION minimize systemic absorption.
Decreases aqueous humor secretion, pre- • Tell patient to stop drug and notify pre-
sumably by slowing the formation of bicar- scriber immediately if signs or symptoms of
bonate ions. This reduces sodium and fluid serious adverse reactions or hypersensitiv-
transport, reducing IOP. ity occur, including eye inflammation and
Route Onset Peak Duration
eyelid reactions.
Ophthalmic 1–2 hr 2–3 hr 8 hr
• Tell patient not to wear soft contact lenses
during therapy.
Half-life: 4 months. • Stress importance of compliance with
recommended therapy.
CNS: asthenia, fatigue, headache.
EENT: blurred vision, dryness, lacrima- doxapram hydrochloride
tion, ocular allergic reaction, ocular burn- DOCKS-a-pram
ing, stinging, and discomfort, photophobia,
superficial punctate keratitis, iridocyclitis. Dopram
GI: bitter taste, nausea.
GU: urolithiasis. Therapeutic class: CNS stimulant
Skin: rash. Pharmacologic class: Analeptic
Pregnancy risk category B
Drug-drug. Oral carbonic anhydrase in- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
hibitors, salicylates: May cause additive Injection: 20 mg/ml (benzyl alcohol 0.9%)
effects. Avoid using together.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS ➤ Postanesthesia respiratory stimulation
None reported. Adults: 0.5 to 1 mg/kg as a single I.V. injec-
tion (not to exceed 1.5 mg/kg) or as multiple
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS injections every 5 minutes, total not to
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive exceed 2 mg/kg. Or, 250 mg in 250 ml of
to drug or its components. normal saline solution or D5 W infused at
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive initial rate of 5 mg/minute I.V. until satis-
to sulfonamides and in those with hepatic or factory response is achieved. Maintain at
renal impairment. 1 to 3 mg/minute. Don’t exceed total dose
•H Overdose S&S: Electrolyte imbalance, for infusion of 4 mg/kg.
acidosis, CNS effects. ➤ Drug-induced CNS depression
Adults: For injection, priming dose of 1 to
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 2 mg/kg I.V., repeated in 5 minutes and
• Normal IOP is 10 to 21 mm Hg. again every 1 to 2 hours until patient awak-
• Monitor patient who is hypersensitive to ens (and if relapse occurs). Maximum daily
sulfonamides carefully. Drug may cause dose is 3 g.
reactions similar to oral sulfonamides. For infusion, priming dose of 1 to
2 mg/kg I.V., repeated in 5 minutes and

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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doxapram hydrochloride 455

again in 1 to 2 hours, if needed. If response Musculoskeletal: muscle spasms.

occurs, give I.V. infusion (1 mg/ml) at 1 to Respiratory: bronchospasm, cough, dysp-
3 mg/minute until patient awakens. Don’t nea, rebound hypoventilation, hiccups.
infuse for longer than 2 hours or give more Skin: pruritus, diaphoresis.
than 3 g/day. May resume I.V. infusion af-
ter rest period of 30 minutes to 2 hours, if INTERACTIONS
needed. Drug-drug. General anesthetics: May D
➤ Chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- cause self-limiting arrhythmias. Avoid
ease related to acute hypercapnia using doxapram within 10 minutes of an
Adults: 1 to 2 mg/minute by I.V. infu- anesthetic that sensitizes the myocardium to
sion using 2 mg/ml solution. Maximum, catecholamines.
3 mg/minute for up to 2 hours. MAO inhibitors, sympathomimetics: May
increase adverse CV effects. Use together
 Drug is compatible with D5 W, D10 W, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
and normal saline solution. • May increase BUN level. May decrease
 Give slowly; rapid infusion may cause hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
hemolysis. • May decrease erythrocyte, RBC, and
 Watch for irritation and infiltration; it WBC counts.
can cause tissue damage and necrosis.
 Incompatibilities: Aminophylline, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
ascorbic acid, cefoperazone, cefotaxime, • Contraindicated in patients with seizure
cefuroxime sodium, dexamethasone disorders; head injury; CV disorders; frank,
sodium phosphate, diazepam, digoxin, uncompensated heart failure; severe hy-
dobutamine, folic acid, furosemide, hy- pertension; stroke; respiratory failure or
drocortisone sodium phosphate, hydro- incompetence secondary to neuromuscu-
cortisone sodium succinate, ketamine, lar disorders, muscle paresis, flail chest,
methylprednisolone sodium succinate, obstructed airway, pulmonary embolism,
minocycline, sodium bicarbonate, thiopen- pneumothorax, restrictive respiratory dis-
tal, ticarcillin disodium. ease, acute bronchial asthma, or extreme
dyspnea; or hypoxia unrelated to hyper-
AC TION capnia.
Not clearly defined. Directly stimulates the • Use cautiously in patients with bronchial
central respiratory centers in the medulla asthma, severe tachycardia or arrhythmias,
and may indirectly act on carotid, aortic, or cerebral edema, increased intracranial pres-
other peripheral chemoreceptors. sure, hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma,
Route Onset Peak Duration
or metabolic disorders.
I.V. 20–40 sec 1–2 min 5–12 min
• Don’t give drug to children younger than
age 12.
Half-life: 21⁄2 to 4 hours. •H Overdose S&S: Excessive pressor effect,
hypertension, tachycardia, skeletal mus-
ADVERSE REACTIONS cle hyperactivity, enhanced deep tendon
CNS: headache, dizziness, seizures, ap- reflexes, agitation, confusion, sweating,
prehension, disorientation, hyperactivity, cough, dyspnea.
bilateral Babinski’s signs, paresthesia.
CV: chest pain and tightness, variations NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
in heart rate, hypertension, arrhythmias, • Drug is used only in surgical or emer-
T-wave depression on ECG, flushing. gency department situations.
EENT: laryngospasm, sneezing. • Separate end of anesthetic treatment and
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. start of this drug by at least 10 minutes.
GU: urine retention, bladder stimulation
with incontinence, albuminuria.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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456 doxazosin mesylate

Alert: Establish an adequate airway before with breakfast. May increase to 8 mg at 3- to

giving drug. Prevent patient from aspirating 4-week intervals.
vomitus by placing him on his side. ➤ Pediatric hypertension 
• Monitor blood pressure, heart rate, deep Children: Initially, 1 mg P.O. daily. May
tendon reflexes, and arterial blood gases increase, as needed, at 2-week intervals to
before giving drug and every 30 minutes maximum dosage of 4 mg/day.
• Hold drug and notify prescriber if patient ADMINISTRATION
needs mechanical ventilation or shows P.O.
signs of increased arterial carbon dioxide or • Swallow extended-release tablets whole:
oxygen tension. don’t chew, divide, cut, or crush.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse • Give extended-release tablet with break-
doxapram with doxorubicin, doxepin, or fast.
doxazosin. Don’t confuse Dopram with • Don’t give evening dose the night be-
dopamine. fore switching to extended-release from
immediate-release formula.
• Inform family and patient about need for AC TION
drug. An alpha blocker that acts on the peripheral
• Answer patient’s questions and address vasculature to reduce peripheral vascular
his concerns. resistance and produce vasodilation. Drug
also decreases smooth muscle tone in the
prostate and bladder neck.
doxazosin mesylate
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 1–2 hr 2–3 hr 24 hr

Cardurai, Cardura XL Half-life: 19 to 22 hours.

Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive ADVERSE REACTIONS

Pharmacologic class: Alpha blocker CNS: dizziness, asthenia, headache, ver-
Pregnancy risk category C tigo, somnolence, drowsiness, pain.
CV: orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmias,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS hypotension, edema, palpitations, tachycar-
Tablets: 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg dia.
Tablets (extended-release): 4 mg, 8 mg EENT: rhinitis, pharyngitis, abnormal
vision, dry mouth.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipa-
➤ Essential hypertension tion.
Adults: Initially, 1 mg P.O. daily; determine GU: erectile dysfunction.
effect on standing and supine blood pressure Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia.
at 2 to 6 hours and 24 hours after dose. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia, back
May increase at 2-week intervals to 2 mg pain.
and, thereafter, 4 mg and 8 mg once daily, Respiratory: dyspnea.
if needed. Maximum daily dose is 16 mg, Skin: rash, pruritus.
but doses over 4 mg daily increase the risk
of adverse reactions. Don’t use extended- INTERACTIONS
release formulation to treat hypertension. Drug-drug. Midodrine: May decrease the
➤ BPH effectiveness of midodrine. Monitor patient
Adults: Initially, 1 mg P.O. once daily in the for therapeutic effect.
morning or evening; may increase at 1- or Drug-herb. Butcher’s broom: May de-
2-week intervals to 2 mg and, thereafter, crease effect of doxazosin. Discourage use
4 mg and 8 mg once daily, if needed. Or, together.
one 4-mg extended-release tablet once daily

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-D LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 16, 2011 23:52

doxepin hydrochloride 457

Ma huang: May decrease antihypertensive

effects. Discourage use together. doxepin hydrochloride
• May decrease WBC and neutrophil Silenor
Therapeutic class: Antidepressant D
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pharmacologic class: Tricyclic
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- antidepressant (TCA)
sitive to drug and quinazoline derivatives Pregnancy risk category C
(including prazosin and terazosin).
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired AVAIL ABLE FORMS
hepatic function. Capsules: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg,
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension. 100 mg, 150 mg
Oral concentrate: 10 mg/ml
• Monitor blood pressure closely.
• If syncope occurs, place patient in a re- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
cumbent position and treat supportively. A ➤ Depression; anxiety
transient hypotensive response isn’t consid- Adults: Initially, 75 mg P.O. daily. Usual
ered a contraindication to continued therapy. dosage range is 75 to 150 mg daily to max-
• Initial extended-release dose is 4 mg. If imum of 300 mg daily in divided doses. Or,
patient stops medication briefly, he should entire maintenance dose may be given once
resume at 4-mg dose and titrate back to daily. Maximum dosage is 300 mg/day.
8 mg if appropriate. Children age 12 and older: Initially, 75 mg
• Wait 3 to 4 weeks before increasing P.O. daily. Usual dosage range is 75 to
extended-release dose. 150 mg/day. Maximum dosage is
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 150 mg/day.
doxazosin with doxapram, doxorubicin, ✷ NEW INDICATION: Insomnia (Silenor
or doxepin. Don’t confuse Cardura with only)
Coumadin, K-Dur, Cardene, or Cordarone. Adults: 6 mg P.O. once daily within
30 minutes of bedtime.
PATIENT TEACHING Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients, give
• Instruct patient to take drug exactly as 3 mg P.O. once daily within 30 minutes of
prescribed. bedtime.
Alert: Advise patient that he is susceptible
to a first-dose effect (marked low blood ADMINISTRATION
pressure on standing up with dizziness P.O.
or fainting). This is most common after • Dilute oral concentrate with 4 ounces
first dose but also can occur during dosage (120 ml) of water, milk, or juice (orange,
adjustment or interruption of therapy. grapefruit, tomato, prune, or pineapple,
• Advise patient to consult prescriber if but not grape); don’t mix preparation with
dizziness or palpitations are bothersome. carbonated beverages.
• Advise patient to rise slowly from sitting • Give at bedtime, if possible, because it
or lying position. may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
• Advise patient to avoid driving and other • Don’t give Silenor within 3 hours of a
hazardous activities until drug’s effects are meal.
Unknown. Increases amount of norep-
inephrine, serotonin, or both in the CNS by
blocking their reuptake by the presynaptic

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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458 doxepin hydrochloride


P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown • May increase or decrease glucose level.
• May increase liver function test values.
Half-life: 6 to 8 hours.


ADVERSE REACTIONS • Contraindicated in patients hypersen-
CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, seizures, con- sitive to drug and in those with glaucoma
fusion, numbness, hallucinations, paresthe- or tendency toward urine retention; also
sia, ataxia, weakness, headache, extrapyra- contraindicated in those who have received
midal reactions. an MAO inhibitor within past 14 days and
CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, during acute recovery phase of an MI.
ECG changes. Black Box Warning Doxepin isn’t approved
EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus. for use in children.
GI: dry mouth, constipation, nausea, vomit- •H Overdose S&S: Cardiac arrhythmias,
ing, anorexia. severe hypotension, seizures, CNS depres-
GU: urine retention. sion, coma, confusion, disturbed concentra-
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia. tion, transient visual hallucinations, dilated
Skin: diaphoresis, rash, urticaria, photosen- pupils, agitation, hyperactive reflexes, stu-
sitivity reactions. por, drowsiness, muscle rigidity, vomiting,
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. hypothermia, hyperpyrexia.


Drug-drug. Barbiturates, CNS depres- • Don’t withdraw drug abruptly.
sants: May enhance CNS depression. Avoid • Monitor patient for nausea, headache, and
using together. malaise after abrupt withdrawal of long-
Cimetidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxe- term therapy; these symptoms don’t indicate
tine, sertraline: May increase doxepin level. addiction.
Monitor drug levels and patient for signs of Alert: Because hypertensive episodes may
toxicity. occur during surgery in patients receiving
Clonidine: May cause life-threatening hyper- drug, stop it gradually several days before
tension. Avoid using together. surgery.
Epinephrine, norepinephrine: May increase • If signs or symptoms of psychosis occur
hypertensive effect. Use together cautiously. or increase, expect prescriber to reduce
MAO inhibitors: May cause severe excita- dosage. Record mood changes. Monitor
tion, hyperpyrexia, or seizures, usually with patient for suicidal tendencies and allow
high dosage. Avoid using within 14 days of only a minimum supply of drug.
MAO inhibitor therapy. Black Box Warning Drug may increase
Quinolones: May increase the risk of life- risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in
threatening arrhythmias. Avoid using to- children, adolescents, and young adults
gether. ages 18 to 24, especially during the first few
Drug-herb. Evening primrose oil: May months of treatment, especially in those
cause additive or synergistic effect, re- with major depressive disorder or other
sulting in lower seizure threshold and in- psychiatric disorder.
creasing the risk of seizure. Discourage use • Drug has strong anticholinergic effects
together. and is one of the most sedating TCAs.
St. John’s wort, SAM-e, yohimbe: May Adverse anticholinergic effects can occur
cause serotonin syndrome. Discourage use rapidly.
together. • Recommend use of sugarless hard candy
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance or gum to relieve dry mouth.
CNS depression. Discourage use together. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse dox-
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo- epin with doxazosin, digoxin, doxapram, or
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid Doxidan.
excessive sunlight exposure.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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doxorubicin hydrochloride 459

PATIENT TEACHING leukemia; Wilms tumor; neuroblastoma;

• Tell patient to dilute oral concentrate lymphoma; soft tissue and bone sarcomas
with 4 ounces (120 ml) of water, milk, or Adults and children: 60 to 75 mg/m2 I.V.
juice (orange, grapefruit, tomato, prune, as single dose every 3 weeks; or when used
or pineapple, but not grape); preparation in combination with other chemotherapy
shouldn’t be mixed with carbonated drugs, 40 to 60 mg/m2 I.V. every 21 to
beverages. 28 days. D
Black Box Warning Advise families and Adjust-a-dose: Reduce dosage for patients
caregivers to closely observe patient for with myelosuppression or impaired liver
increased suicidal thinking and behavior. function. Elderly patients may need reduced
• Tell patient to take full dose at bedtime dosages. Be prepared to decrease dosage
whenever he can, but warn him of possible if bilirubin level rises: Give 50% of dose
morning dizziness on standing up quickly. when bilirubin level is 1.2 to 3 mg/100 ml;
• Tell patient that, to minimize the poten- 25% when it’s 3.1 to 5 mg/100 ml. For pa-
tial for next day effect, not to take Silenor tients with creatinine clearance of less than
within 3 hours of a meal. 10 ml/minute, consider reducing dosage to
• Advise patient to consult prescriber be- 75% of usual dose.
fore taking other prescription or OTC drugs.
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities ADMINISTRATION
that require alertness and good psychomo- I.V.
tor coordination until effects of drug are Black Box Warning Never give drug I.M.
known. Drowsiness and dizziness usually or subcutaneously.
subside after a few weeks.  Preparing and giving parenteral drug

• Tell patient to avoid alcohol during drug may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car-
therapy. cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce
• Tell patient that maximal effect may not risks.
be evident for 2 to 3 weeks.  Reconstitute with preservative-free

• Warn patient not to stop drug suddenly. normal saline solution for injection to
• To prevent sensitivity to the sun, advise yield 2 mg/ml; add 5 ml to 10-mg vial,
patient to use sunblock, wear protective 10 ml to 20-mg vial, or 25 ml to 50-mg
clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure to vial. Shake vial to dissolve drug.
strong sunlight.  Don’t place I.V. catheter over joints or

in limbs with poor venous or lymphatic

SAFETY ALERT! drainage.
 Give by direct injection over at least

DOXOrubicin hydrochloride 3 minutes into the tubing of a free-flowing

dox-oh-ROO-bi-sin I.V. solution containing D5 W or normal
saline solution for injection.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic  If vein streaking occurs, slow adminis-

Pharmacologic class: Anthracycline tration rate. If welts appear, stop drug and
glycoside antibiotic notify prescriber.
Pregnancy risk category D  Some protocols give doxorubicin as a

prolonged infusion, which requires central

AVAIL ABLE FORMS venous access.
Injection (preservative-free): 2 mg/ml Black Box Warning If extravasation oc-
Powder for injection: 10-mg, 20-mg, 50-mg curs, stop infusion immediately and notify
prescriber. Monitor area closely because
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES extravasation may be progressive. Apply
➤ Bladder, breast, lung, ovarian, stom- ice to the site for 15 minutes 4 times daily
ach, and thyroid cancers; non-Hodgkin for 3 days. Drug is a strong vesicant and
lymphoma; Hodgkin lymphoma; may cause tissue necrosis; two treatments
acute lymphoblastic and myeloblastic for extravasation include topical dimethyl

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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460 doxorubicin hydrochloride

sulfoxide and dexrazoxane I.V. Early con- Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: May decrease
sultation with a plastic surgeon may be level of phenytoin or fosphenytoin. Monitor
advisable. drug level.
 Refrigerated, reconstituted solution is Paclitaxel: May decrease doxorubicin
stable 15 days; at room temperature, it’s clearance. Monitor patient for toxicity.
stable 7 days. Phenobarbital: May increase doxorubicin
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, alu- clearance. Monitor patient closely.
minum, aminophylline, bacteriostatic Progesterone: May enhance neutropenia
diluents, cefepime, dexamethasone and thrombocytopenia. Monitor patient and
sodium phosphate, diazepam, fluor- laboratory values closely.
ouracil, furosemide, ganciclovir, heparin Streptozocin: May increase and prolong
sodium, hydrocortisone sodium succinate, doxorubicin level. Doxorubicin dosage may
piperacillin with tazobactam. have to be adjusted.


May interfere with DNA-dependent RNA • May increase uric acid level.
synthesis by intercalation. • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Contraindicated in patients with a his-
Half-life: Initial, 30 minutes; terminal, 161⁄2 hours. tory of sensitivity reactions to drug or its
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Contraindicated in patients with marked
CV: cardiac depression, arrhythmias, myelosuppression induced by previous
acute left ventricular failure, irreversible treatment with other antitumor drugs or
cardiomyopathy. radiotherapy and in those who have received
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, a lifetime cumulative dose of 550 mg/m2 of
esophagitis, anorexia. doxorubicin or daunorubicin.
GU: transient red urine.
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
nia, MYELOSUPPRESSION. Black Box Warning Drug should be admin-
Metabolic: hyperuricemia. istered under the supervision of a physician
Skin: severe cellulitis and tissue sloughing experienced with cancer chemotherapeutic
with drug extravasation, urticaria, facial agents.
flushing, complete alopecia within 3 to • Perform cardiac function studies, in-
4 weeks, hyperpigmentation of nail beds and cluding ECG and ejection fraction, before
dermal creases, radiation recall effect. treatment and then periodically throughout
Other: chills, anaphylaxis. therapy.
• Take preventive measures, including
INTERACTIONS adequate hydration of the patient, before
Drug-drug. Aminophylline, cephalothin, starting treatment. Rapid lysis of leukemic
dexamethasone, fluorouracil, heparin, cells may cause hyperuricemia. Allopurinol
hydrocortisone: May form a precipitate. may be ordered.
Don’t mix together. • Premedicate with antiemetic to reduce
Calcium channel blockers: May increase nausea.
cardiotoxic effects. Monitor patient’s ECG • If skin or mucosal contact occurs, imme-
closely. diately wash with soap and water.
Cyclosporine: May increase doxorubicin Black Box Warning Reduce dosage in
concentration. Monitor patient for toxicity. patients with hepatic impairment.
Digoxin: May decrease digoxin level. Moni- Black Box Warning Severe myelosuppres-
tor digoxin level closely. sion may occur.
• Monitor CBC with differential and hep-
atic function tests; monitor ECG monthly

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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doxorubicin hydrochloride liposomal 461

during therapy. If WBC count falls below SAFETY ALERT!

2,000/mm3 or granulocyte count falls below
1,000/mm3 , follow institutional policy for DOXOrubicin hydrochloride
infection control in immunocompromised liposomal
patients. dox-oh-ROO-bi-sin
• Monitor ECG for changes, such as sinus
tachycardia, T-wave flattening, ST-segment Doxil D
depression, and voltage reduction.
• Leukopenia may occur during days 10 to Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
15, with recovery by day 21. Pharmacologic class: Anthracycline
• If tachycardia develops, stop drug or slow glycoside antibiotic
rate of infusion, and notify prescriber. Pregnancy risk category D
Black Box Warning Myocardial toxicity
may occur during therapy or months to AVAIL ABLE FORMS
years after termination of therapy. Injection: 20 mg/10 ml, 50 mg/25 ml
Alert: If signs of heart failure develop,
stop drug and notify prescriber. Heart INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
failure can often be prevented by limiting ➤ Metastatic ovarian carcinoma refrac-
cumulative dose to 550 mg/m2 (400 mg/m2 tory to both paclitaxel- and platinum-
when patient is also receiving or has re- based chemotherapy regimens
ceived cyclophosphamide or radiation Women: 50 mg/m2 I.V. initially at 1 mg/
therapy to cardiac area). minute once every 4 weeks for minimum of
Alert: Reddish color of drug is similar to four courses. Continue as long as condition
that of daunorubicin; don’t confuse the two doesn’t progress, patient shows no evidence
drugs. of cardiotoxicity, and patient continues to
• Esophagitis is common in patients who tolerate treatment. If no infusion-related
also have received radiation therapy. adverse reactions develop, increase infusion
Alert: If patient has previously received rate to complete administration over 1 hour.
radiation therapy, he’s susceptible to radia- ➤ AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma refrac-
tion recall effect. tory to previous combination chemother-
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse apy and in patients intolerant of such
doxorubicin with doxorubicin liposomal. therapy
Adults: 20 mg/m2 I.V. over 60 minutes
PATIENT TEACHING once every 3 weeks. Initial rate should be
• Advise patient to report any pain or burn- 1 mg/minute to minimize infusion-related
ing at site of injection during or after admin- reactions. Continue as long as patient re-
istration. sponds satisfactorily and tolerates treat-
• Advise patient to watch for signs and ment.
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat, ➤ Multiple myeloma
fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose- Adults: 30 mg/m2 I.V. on day 4 following
bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools) and to bortezomib which is given at 1.3 mg/m2
take temperature daily. bolus on days 1, 4, 8, and 11, every 3 weeks.
• Advise patient that orange to red urine for Initial rate of first dose of doxorubicin
1 to 2 days is normal and doesn’t indicate hydrochloride liposomal should be 1 mg/
presence of blood. minute to minimize infusion-related re-
• Inform patient that hair loss may occur actions. If no infusion-related adverse
but that it’s usually reversible. Hair may reactions occur, increase infusion rate to
regrow 2 to 5 months after drug is stopped. complete administration over 1 hour. Treat-
ment may continue for up to 8 cycles, until
disease progression or occurrence of unac-
ceptable toxicity.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired
hepatic function, reduce dosage as follows:

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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462 doxorubicin hydrochloride liposomal

If bilirubin level is 1.2 to 3 mg/dl, give half Route Onset Peak Duration
normal dose; if bilirubin level is more than I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
3 mg/dl, give one-fourth normal dose. Dose
Half-life: 5 hours in first phase; 55 hours in second
modifications may be needed for stomatitis, phase with doses of 10 to 20 mg/m2 .
myelosuppression, and hand-foot syndrome,
based on toxicity grade.
ADMINISTRATION CNS: asthenia, paresthesia, headache, som-
I.V. nolence, dizziness, depression, insomnia,
 Don’t give I.M. or subcutaneously. anxiety, malaise, emotional lability, fatigue,
 Follow procedures for proper handling fever.
and disposal of antineoplastics. CV: chest pain, hypotension, tachycardia,
 Dilute appropriate dose (maximum, peripheral edema, cardiomyopathy, heart
90 mg) in 250 ml D5 W using aseptic failure, arrhythmias, pericardial effusion.
technique. EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis,
Black Box Warning Carefully check retinitis, optic neuritis.
label on I.V. bag before giving drug. GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation,
Accidentally substituting doxorubicin anorexia, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dys-
hydrochloride liposomal for conventional pepsia, oral candidiasis, enlarged abdomen,
doxorubicin hydrochloride may cause se- esophagitis, dysphagia, stomatitis, taste
vere adverse reactions. The two products perversion, glossitis.
can’t be substituted on a milligram-per- Hematologic: LEUKOPENIA, NEUTRO-
milligram basis. PENIA, THROMBOCYTOPENIA, anemia.
 Don’t use an in-line filter. Hepatic: hyperbilirubinemia.
 Infuse over 60 minutes. Monitor patient Metabolic: dehydration, weight loss,
carefully during infusion. hypocalcemia, hyperglycemia.
Black Box Warning Serious, sometimes Musculoskeletal: myalgia, back pain.
fatal, allergic infusion reactions can oc- Respiratory: dyspnea, increased cough,
cur. Make sure emergency equipment pneumonia.
and medications are available. Acute Skin: rash, alopecia, dry skin, pruritus,
infusion-related reactions include flush- skin discoloration, skin disorder, exfolia-
ing, shortness of breath, facial swelling, tive dermatitis, sweating, palmar-plantar
headache, chills, back pain, tightness in erythrodysesthesia.
chest or throat, and hypotension. They may Other: allergic reaction, chills, herpes
resolve when infusion rate is slowed, or zoster, infection, infusion-related reactions.
over several hours to a day when infusion
is stopped. INTERACTIONS
 If extravasation occurs, stop infusion None reported. However, drug may interact
immediately. Apply ice at the site for about with drugs that interact with conventional
30 minutes to help alleviate local reaction. form of doxorubicin hydrochloride.
Restart infusion in another vein.
 Refrigerate diluted solution at 36◦ to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C) and give within • May increase bilirubin and glucose levels.
24 hours. May decrease calcium and hemoglobin
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. levels.
• May increase PT and INR. May decrease
AC TION neutrophil, platelet, and WBC counts.
Consists of doxorubicin hydrochloride
encapsulated in liposomes. Action may CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
involve drug’s ability to bind DNA and • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
inhibit nucleic acid synthesis. to conventional formulation of doxorubicin
hydrochloride or any component in the
liposomal form.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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doxorubicin hydrochloride liposomal 463

• Contraindicated in patients with marked PATIENT TEACHING

myelosuppression and those who have • Tell patient to notify prescriber if he
received a lifetime cumulative dose of experiences signs and symptoms of hand-
550 mg/m2 (400 mg/m2 in patients who foot syndrome (such as tingling or burning,
have received radiotherapy to the mediasti- redness, flaking, bothersome swelling, small
nal area or therapy with other cardiotoxic blisters, or small sores on palms of hands or
drugs such as cyclophosphamide). soles of feet). D
• Use cautiously in patients who have re- • To reduce the risk of hand-foot syndrome,
ceived other anthracyclines. advise the patient to follow these guidelines
•H Overdose S&S: Leukopenia, mucositis, at least 1 day before and for 3 to 5 days after
thrombocytopenia. treatment:
– Avoid direct sunlight and use sunblock
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS SPF 15 or higher on all exposed skin.
• Consider previous or current therapy with – Wear loose clothing and comfortable,
related compounds such as daunorubicin well-ventilated, low-heeled shoes.
when calculating total dose of drug to be – Avoid contact with hot water and take
given. Heart failure and cardiomyopathy cool, short showers or baths.
may occur after stopping therapy. – Don’t put pressure on your skin. (Avoid
Black Box Warning Cumulative dose kneeling, leaning on your elbows, wear-
over 550 mg/m2 increases risk of ing tight jewelry or undergarments, and
cardiotoxicity. chopping hard foods.)
• Give drug to patient with history of CV • Advise patient to report signs and
disease only when benefit outweighs risk to symptoms of mouth inflammation (such
patient. as painful redness, swelling, or sores in
Alert: Monitor patient for signs and symp- mouth).
toms of palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia, • Warn patient to avoid exposure to peo-
hematologic toxicity, or stomatitis. These ple with infections. Tell patient to report
adverse reactions may be managed with temperature of 100.5◦ F (38◦ C) or higher.
dosage delays and adjustments. • Tell patient to report nausea, vomiting,
Black Box Warning Evaluate patient’s tiredness, weakness, rash, or mild hair loss.
hepatic function before therapy, and adjust • Advise women of childbearing age to
dosage accordingly. avoid pregnancy during therapy.
• Drug may increase toxicity of other anti-
• Closely monitor cardiac function by en-
domyocardial biopsy, echocardiography, or
gated radionuclide scans. If results indicate
possible cardiac injury, the benefit of con-
tinued therapy must be weighed against the
risk of myocardial injury.
Black Box Warning Severe myelosuppres-
sion may occur.
• Monitor CBC, including platelets, before
each dose and frequently throughout ther-
apy. Leukopenia is usually transient. Per-
sistent severe myelosuppression may result
in superinfection or hemorrhage. Patient
may need granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor (or granulocyte-macrophage colony-
stimulating factor) to support blood counts.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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464 doxycycline

infusions; then 100 to 200 mg I.V. daily.

doxycycline Daily doses of 200 mg I.V. can be given as a
dox-i-SYE-kleen single dose or divided b.i.d.
Children older than age 8 who weigh less
Oracea than 45 kg: 4.4 mg/kg P.O. or I.V. daily, in
divided doses every 12 hours on first day;
doxycycline calcium then 2.2 to 4.4 mg/kg daily given as a single
Vibramycin dose or divided b.i.d.
Give I.V. infusion slowly (minimum
doxycycline hyclate 1 hour). Infusion must be completed within
Apo-Doxy†, Atridox, Doryx, Doxy 12 hours (within 6 hours in lactated Ringer’s
100, Doxy 200, Doxycin†, Doxytab†, solution or dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer’s
Novo-Doxylin†, Oraxyl, Periostat, solution).
Vibramycin, Vibra-Tabs ➤ Gonorrhea in patients allergic to
doxycycline monohydrate Adults: 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 days. For
Monodox, Vibramycin epididymitis, use for 10 days and give a
single dose of ceftriaxone 250 mg I.M.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic ➤ Syphilis in patients allergic to
Pharmacologic class: Tetracycline penicillin (except Doryx, Monodox)
Pregnancy risk category D Adults: 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 14 days
(early). If more than 1-year duration,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS 100 mg P.O. daily for 4 weeks.
doxycycline ➤ Primary or secondary syphilis in
Capsules: 40 mg (30 mg immediate-release patients allergic to penicillin (Doryx,
and 10 mg delayed-release) Monodox only)
Injection: 100 mg/vial Adults: 300 mg P.O. daily in divided doses
doxycycline calcium for at least 10 days.
Syrup: 50 mg/5 ml ➤ Uncomplicated urethral, endocer-
doxycycline hyclate vical, or rectal infections caused by
Capsules: 50 mg, 100 mg C. trachomatis or Ureaplasma urealyticum
Capsules (coated pellets): 75 mg, 100 mg Adults: 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. for at least 7 days.
Injection: 100 mg, 200 mg For epididymitis, use for 10 days and give
Tablets: 20 mg, 100 mg a single dose of ceftriaxone 250 mg I.M.
doxycycline monohydrate if caused by C. trachomatis. In those with
Capsules: 50 mg, 100 mg lymphogranuloma venereum, treat for at
Oral suspension: 25 mg/5 ml least 21 days.
Tablets: 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg ➤ To prevent malaria
Adults: 100 mg P.O. daily beginning 1 to
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES 2 days before travel to endemic area and
➤ Infections caused by susceptible gram- continued for 4 weeks after travel.
positive and gram-negative organisms Children older than age 8: Give 2 mg/kg
(including Haemophilus ducreyi, Yersinia P.O. once daily beginning 1 to 2 days before
pestis, and Campylobacter fetus), Rick- travel to endemic area and continued for
ettsiae species, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 4 weeks after travel. Don’t exceed daily
Chlamydia trachomatis, and Borrelia dose of 100 mg.
burgdorferi (Lyme disease); psittacosis; ➤ Pelvic inflammatory disease 
granuloma inguinale Adults: 100 mg I.V. or P.O. every 12 hours
Adults and children older than age 8 who with 2 g cefoxitin I.V. every 6 hours. May
weigh at least 45 kg (99 lb): 100 mg P.O. stop parenteral doxycycline and cefoxitin
every 12 hours on first day; then 100 mg after 24 hours and continue with 100 mg
P.O. daily as a single dose or divided b.i.d. doxycycline P.O. every 12 hours for 14 days
Or, 200 mg I.V. on first day in one or two total.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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doxycycline 465

➤ Adjunct to other antibiotics for inhala- • Give drug with food or milk if stomach
tion, GI, and oropharyngeal anthrax upset occurs.
Adults: 100 mg every 12 hours I.V. initially • Increase fluid intake and don’t administer
until susceptibility test results are known. tablets or capsules within 1 hour of bedtime
Switch to 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. when appropri- because of possible esophageal irritation or
ate. Treat for 60 days total. ulceration.
Children older than age 8 who weigh more • Give Oracea with a full glass of water. D
than 45 kg (99 lb): 100 mg every 12 hours • Tablets may be crushed and mixed with
I.V.; then switch to 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. when low-fat or chocolate milk, chocolate pud-
appropriate. Treat for 60 days total. ding, or apple juice mixed equally with
Children older than age 8 who weigh 45 kg sugar. Store mixtures in refrigerator (except
or less: 2.2 mg/kg every 12 hours I.V.; then apple juice mixture, which can be stored
switch to 2.2 mg/kg (up to 100 mg) P.O. at room temperature) and discard after
b.i.d. when appropriate. Treat for 60 days 24 hours.
total. I.V.
Children age 8 and younger: 2.2 mg/kg  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

every 12 hours I.V.; then switch to tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy
2.2 mg/kg (up to 100 mg) P.O. b.i.d. when while awaiting results.
appropriate. Treat for 60 days total.  Reconstitute powder for injection with

➤ Cutaneous anthrax sterile water for injection. Use 10 ml in

Adults: 100 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 100-mg vial and 20 ml in 200-mg vial.
60 days. Further dilute solution to a concentration
Children older than age 8 who weigh more of 0.1 mg/ml to 1 mg/ml; don’t infuse
than 45 kg (99 lb): 100 mg P.O. every solution that contains more than 1 mg/ml.
12 hours for 60 days.  Don’t expose drug to light or heat. Pro-

Children older than age 8 who weigh 45 kg tect it from sunlight during infusion.
or less: 2.2 mg/kg (up to 100 mg) every  Infusion time varies with dose but usu-

12 hours P.O. for 60 days. ally ranges from 1 to 4 hours. Infusion

Children age 8 and younger: 2.2 mg/kg (up must be completed within 12 hours.
to 100 mg) P.O. every 12 hours for 60 days.  Monitor infusion site for evidence of

➤ Adjunct to scaling and root planing to thrombophlebitis.

improve attachment and reduce pocket  Reconstituted injectable solution is sta-

depth in periodontitis ble 72 hours if refrigerated and protected

Adults: 20 mg P.O. Periostat b.i.d., more from light.
than 1 hour before or 2 hours after the  Incompatibilities: Allopurinol; drugs

morning and evening meals and after that are unstable in acidic solutions, such
scaling and root planing. Effective for as barbiturates; erythromycin lactobionate;
9 months. heparin; meropenem; nafcillin; penicillin
➤ Inflammatory lesions of rosacea G potassium; piperacillin with tazobactam;
Adults: 40 mg Oracea P.O. once daily in riboflavin; and sulfonamides.
the morning, 1 hour before or 2 hours after
a meal. Give with a full glass of water. AC TION
Reevaluate treatment after 16 weeks. May exert bacteriostatic effect by bind-
ing to the 30S and possibly 50S ribosomal
ADMINISTRATION subunits of microorganisms and inhibit-
P.O. ing protein synthesis. May also alter the
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- cytoplasmic membrane of susceptible mi-
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while croorganisms.
awaiting results. Route Onset Peak Duration
Alert: Check expiration date. Outdated P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 –4 hr Unknown
or deteriorated tetracyclines may cause I.V. Immediate Unknown Unknown
reversible nephrotoxicity (Fanconi syn-
drome). Half-life: About 1 day after multiple dosing.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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466 doxycycline

ADVERSE REACTIONS • May increase eosinophil count. May

CNS: intracranial hypertension. decrease platelet, neutrophil, and WBC
CV: pericarditis, thrombophlebitis. counts.
GI: diarrhea, epigastric distress, nausea, • May falsely elevate fluorometric tests
anorexia, glossitis, dysphagia, vomiting, for urine catecholamines. May cause false-
oral candidiasis, enterocolitis, anogenital negative results in urine glucose tests us-
inflammation. ing glucose oxidase reagent (Diastix or
Hematologic: neutropenia, thrombocy- Chemstrip uG). Parenteral form may cause
topenia, eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia. false-positive Clinitest results.
Musculoskeletal: bone growth retardation
in children younger than age 8. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Skin: maculopapular and erythematous • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
rashes, photosensitivity reactions, increased to drug or other tetracyclines.
pigmentation, urticaria. • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity re- renal or hepatic function.
actions, superinfection, permanent discol- • In a fetus in the last half of gestation
oration of teeth, enamel defects. or a child younger than age 8, drug may
cause permanently discolored teeth, enamel
INTERACTIONS defects, and bone growth retardation.
Drug-drug. Antacids and laxatives con- •H Overdose S&S: Dizziness, nausea,
taining aluminum, magnesium, or calcium, vomiting.
antidiarrheals: May decrease antibiotic
absorption. Give antibiotic 1 hour before or NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
2 hours after these drugs. • If patient receives large doses or pro-
Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, rifamycins: longed therapy or if patient is at high risk,
May decrease antibiotic effect. Avoid using watch for signs and symptoms of super-
together. infection. If superinfection occurs, drug
Ferrous sulfate and other iron products, should be discontinued and appropriate
zinc: May decrease antibiotic absorption. therapy instituted.
Give drug 2 hours before or 3 hours after • Cutaneous anthrax with signs of systemic
iron. involvement, extensive edema, or lesions on
Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease the head or neck requires I.V. therapy and a
contraceptive effectiveness and increase risk multidrug approach.
of breakthrough bleeding. Advise use of a • Ciprofloxacin and doxycycline are first-
nonhormonal contraceptive. line therapies for anthrax. If anthrax patient
Isotretinoin: May increase risk of pseudotu- also has meningitis, ciprofloxacin is pre-
mor cerebri. Avoid using together. ferred because of better distribution to the
Methoxyflurane: May cause nephrotoxicity CNS.
with tetracyclines. Avoid using together. • In pregnant women and immunocom-
Oral anticoagulants: May increase antico- promised patients, use the usual dosage
agulant effect. Monitor PT and INR, and schedule for anthrax. In pregnant women,
adjust dosage. adverse effects on fetal teeth and bones are
Penicillins: May interfere with bactericidal dose-limited, so drug may be used for 7 to
action of penicillins. Avoid using together. 14 days before the third trimester.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May decrease • Check patient’s tongue for signs of fungal
drug’s effect. Discourage use together. infection. Emphasize good oral hygiene.
Sun exposure: May cause photosensitivity • Photosensitivity reactions may occur
reactions. Advise patient to avoid excessive within a few minutes to several hours after
sunlight exposure. exposure and may last after therapy ends.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS doxycycline, doxylamine, and dicyclomine.
• May increase BUN and liver enzyme
levels. May decrease hemoglobin level.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dronabinol 467

PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Anorexia and weight loss in patients

• Tell patient to take entire amount of drug with AIDS
exactly as prescribed, even after he feels Adults: 2.5 mg P.O. b.i.d. before lunch and
better. dinner. If patient can’t tolerate it, decrease
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions to 2.5 mg P.O. given as a single dose daily
promptly. If drug is being given I.V., tell him in evening or at bedtime. May gradually
to report discomfort at I.V. site. increase to maximum of 20 mg daily given D
• Advise patient to take oral form of drug in divided doses.
with food or milk if stomach upset occurs.
• Advise patient to increase fluid intake ADMINISTRATION
and not to take oral tablets or capsules P.O.
within 1 hour of bedtime because of possi- • Give 1 to 3 hours before chemotherapy.
ble esophageal irritation or ulceration. • Store in cool environment, but protect
• Advise parent giving drug to a child that from freezing.
tablets may be crushed and mixed with low-
fat or chocolate milk, chocolate pudding, AC TION
or apple juice mixed equally with sugar. Unknown. A derivative of marijuana.
Tell parent to store mixtures in refrigerator Route Onset Peak Duration
(except apple juice mixture, which can be P.O. 30–60 min 2–4 hr 4–6 hr
stored at room temperature) and to discard
after 24 hours. Half-life: 1 to 11⁄2 days.
• Warn patient to avoid direct sunlight and
ultraviolet light, wear protective clothing, ADVERSE REACTIONS
and use sunscreen. CNS: ataxia, dizziness, drowsiness, eupho-
• Tell patient to report signs and symptoms ria, paranoia, amnesia, asthenia, confusion,
of superinfection to prescriber. depersonalization, hallucinations, muddled
• Tell patient taking Oracea to take drug thinking, somnolence.
with a full glass of water. CV: orthostatic hypotension, palpitations,
tachycardia, vasodilation.
EENT: visual disturbances.
dronabinol (delta-9- GI: abdominal pain, dry mouth, nausea,
tetrahydrocannabinol) vomiting, diarrhea.
Marinol Drug-drug. CNS depressants, psy-
chomimetic substances, sedatives: May
Therapeutic class: Antiemetic cause additive CNS depression. Avoid using
Pharmacologic class: Cannabinoid together.
Pregnancy risk category C Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
Controlled substance schedule III additive CNS depression. Discourage use
Capsules: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
None reported.
➤ Nausea and vomiting from cancer CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
chemotherapy • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Adults: 5 mg/m2 P.O. 1 to 3 hours before to sesame oil or cannabinoids.
chemotherapy session. Then, same dose • Use cautiously in the elderly, in pregnant
every 2 to 4 hours after chemotherapy, for or breast-feeding women, and in those with
total of four to six doses daily. If needed, heart disease, psychiatric illness, or history
increase dosage in 2.5-mg/m2 increments to of drug abuse.
maximum of 15 mg/m2 per dose.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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468 dronedarone

•H Overdose S&S: Mild—drowsiness, eu-

phoria, heightened sensory awareness, dronedarone
altered time perception, reddened conjunc- dro-neh-DAR-rone
tiva, dry mouth, tachycardia; moderate—
memory impairment, depersonalization, Multaq
mood alteration, urine retention, decreased
bowel motility; severe—decreased mo- Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic
tor coordination, lethargy, slurred speech, Pharmacologic class: Benzofuran
orthostatic hypotension. derivative
Pregnancy risk category X
• Expect drug to be prescribed only for pa- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
tients who haven’t responded satisfactorily Tablets: 400 mg
to other antiemetics.
Alert: Drug is the principal active sub- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
stance in Cannabis sativa (marijuana), ➤ To reduce risk of hospitalization in
which can produce both physiologic and patients with recent episode of parox-
psychological dependence and has a high ysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation or
risk of abuse. flutter who have cardiovascular risk fac-
• Monitor patient for hypotension, hyper- tors, such as age older than 70, diabetes,
tension, syncope, and tachycardia. hypertension, stroke, left atrial diameter
• Monitor patient for worsening signs and greater than 50 mm, or left ventricular
symptoms of psychiatric illness. ejection fraction less than 40%, who are
• CNS effects are intensified at higher in normal sinus rhythm or who will be
dosages. cardioverted
• Drug effects may persist for days after Adults: 400 mg P.O. b.i.d.
treatment ends.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ADMINISTRATION
dronabinol with droperidol. P.O.
• Give drug with morning and evening
• Tell patient that drug may induce unusual • Don’t give grapefruit juice to patient
changes in mood or other adverse behav- taking this drug.
ioral effects.
• Advise patient against performing activi- AC TION
ties that require alertness until CNS effects Unknown. Exhibits properties of all four
of drug are known. Vaughan-Williams antiarrhythmic classes;
• Warn caregivers to supervise patient it’s unclear which of these is important in
during and immediately after treatment. producing drug’s clinical effects.
• Advise patient to take drug 1 to 3 hours Route Onset Peak Duration
before chemotherapy. P.O. Unknown 3–6 hr Unknown

Half-life: 13 to 19 hours.

CNS: asthenia.
CV: bradycardia, heart failure, QT interval
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
nausea, vomiting.
Skin: allergic dermatitis, dermatitis,
eczema, pruritus, rash.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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dronedarone 469

INTERACTIONS requiring hospitalization or referral to a

Drug-drug. Beta blockers: May cause heart failure clinic.
bradycardia. Initially, give low dose of • Contraindicated in second- or third-
beta blocker and increase dosage only after degree AV block or sick sinus syndrome
monitoring ECG for tolerance. (unless a functioning pacemaker is in
Calcium channel blockers: May cause place), bradycardia (less than 50 beats/
additive effects. Reduce initial dosage of minute), severe hepatic impairment, QTc D
calcium channel blocker; increase dosage interval of 500 ms or greater, or PR interval
only after monitoring ECG for tolerance. greater than 280 ms.
CYP2C9 substrates (losartan, warfarin): • Contraindicated with concomitant use
May increase metabolite levels. Monitor of CYP3A inhibitors and drugs or herbal
patient closely; monitor INR in patient preparations that prolong QT interval.
taking warfarin. • Use cautiously in patients with new or
CYP3A inducers (carbamazepine, phe- worsening heart failure.
nobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin): May • Use in pregnant women is contraindi-
decrease dronedarone level. Use together is cated. Women of childbearing age should
contraindicated. use effective birth control during therapy.
CYP3A inhibitors (clarithromycin, ery- • It isn’t known if drug appears in breast
thromycin, itraconazole, ketoconazole, milk. Women should stop breast-feeding
ritonavir, voriconazole): May increase before using this drug.
dronedarone level. Use together is con- •H Overdose S&S: QTc interval prolonga-
traindicated. tion.
CYP3A substrates (sirolimus, tacrolimus):
May increase levels of these drugs. Monitor NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
drug levels. • Potassium-depleting diuretics may cause
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level and hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia, in-
electrophysiological effects of dronedarone. creasing the risk of torsades de pointes.
Avoid use together; if necessary to use Initiate dronedarone therapy after potassium
together, decrease digoxin dosage by 50%. and magnesium levels reach and stay within
Drugs that prolong QT interval (Class I and normal range.
III antiarrhythmics, macrolide antibiotics, • Monitor cardiovascular status, ECG, and
phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants): QTc interval routinely.
May further increase QT interval, lead- • Monitor renal function and electrolyte
ing to torsades de pointes. Use together is levels regularly.
Statins: May increase statin level. Use PATIENT TEACHING
together cautiously. • Instruct patient to take drug with morning
Drug-herb. St John’s wort: May decrease and evening meals.
drug level. Discourage use together. • Warn patient to avoid grapefruit juice.
Drug-lifestyle. Grapefruit juice: May in- • Advise patient to report weight gain,
crease drug level. Discourage use together. dyspnea, fatigue, and peripheral edema,
which may indicate worsening heart failure.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient to report changes in OTC or
• May increase serum creatinine level. prescription drug use, or in supplement or
• May decrease potassium and magne- herb use.
sium levels (in patients taking potassium- • If patient misses a dose, tell patient not
depleting diuretics). to double the dose but to skip that dose and
take the next regularly scheduled dose.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct patient to report slowed heartbeat,
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
patients with New York Heart Association indigestion, fatigue, or rash.
Class IV heart failure or Class II to III • Advise women of childbearing age to
heart failure with recent decompensation use an effective method of birth control

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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470 drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol

while taking drug and to notify prescriber if same schedule. Restart light pink tablets on
becoming pregnant or thinking of becoming next day after last white tablet.
pregnant. ✷ NEW INDICATION: Acne
• Advise women not to breast-feed while Women: Follow guidelines of use for timing
taking dronedarone because drug may and initiation of dosing with YAZ. The
appear in breast milk. 28-day dosing regimen consists of 1 active
tablet P.O. for 24 consecutive days followed
by 1 inert tablet P.O. daily for 4 days. After
drospirenone and ethinyl 28 tablets are taken, new course is started
estradiol next day.
droh-SPYE-re-none and ETH-i-nill
Yasmin, YAZ • Give pill at same time each day.

Therapeutic class: Contraceptive AC TION

Pharmacologic class: Estrogenic and Reduces chance of conception by inhibiting
progestinic steroids ovulation, inhibiting sperm progression, and
Pregnancy risk category X reducing chance of implantation.
Route Onset Peak Duration
AVAIL ABLE FORMS P.O. Unknown 1–3 hr Unknown
Tablets: 3 mg drospirenone and 0.03 mg
ethinyl estradiol as 21 yellow tablets and Half-life: drospirenone, 30 hours; ethinyl estradiol,
7 white (inert) tablets (Yasmin); 3 mg 24 hours.
drospirenone and 0.02 mg ethinyl estra-
diol as 24 light pink active tablets and ADVERSE REACTIONS
4 white (inert) tablets (YAZ). CNS: cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral
thrombosis, asthenia, depression, dizziness,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES emotional lability, headache, migraine,
➤ Contraception nervousness.
Women: 1 yellow Yasmin tablet P.O. daily CV: arterial thromboembolism, mesenteric
for 21 days beginning on day 1 of menstrual thrombosis, MI, pulmonary embolism,
cycle or first Sunday after onset of menstru- hypertension, thrombophlebitis, fluid reten-
ation. Then 1 white inert tablet P.O. daily tion, edema.
on days 22 through 28. Or 1 light pink YAZ EENT: cataracts, steepening of corneal
tablet P.O. daily for 24 days beginning on curvature, intolerance to contact lenses,
day 1 of menstrual cycle or first Sunday pharyngitis, retinal thrombosis, sinusitis.
after onset of menstruation. Then 1 white GI: abdominal pain, abdominal cramping,
inert tablet P.O. daily on days 25 through 28. bloating, changes in appetite, colitis, di-
Begin next and all subsequent 28-day regi- arrhea, gastroenteritis, nausea, vomiting,
mens on same day of week that first regimen gallbladder disease.
began, following same schedule. Restart GU: amenorrhea, breakthrough bleeding,
yellow or light pink tablets on next day after change in cervical erosion and secretion,
last white tablet. change in menstrual flow, cystitis, cystitis-
➤ Premenstrual dysphoric disorder like syndrome, dysmenorrhea, impaired
Women: 1 light pink YAZ tablet P.O. daily renal function, leukorrhea, menstrual dis-
for 24 days beginning on day 1 of menstrual order, premenstrual syndrome, spotting,
cycle or first Sunday after menstruation temporary infertility after discontinuing
begins. Then 1 white inert tablet P.O. daily treatment, UTI, vaginal candidiasis,
on days 25 through 28. Begin next and all vaginitis.
subsequent 28-day regimens on same day Hepatic: Budd-Chiari syndrome, hepatic
of week that first regimen began, following adenomas, cholestatic jaundice, benign
liver tumors.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol 471

Metabolic: reduced glucose tolerance, breakthrough bleeding. Discourage use

porphyria, weight change, hyperkalemia. together, or advise use of additional method
Musculoskeletal: back pain. of birth control.
Respiratory: bronchitis, upper respiratory Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase risk
tract infection. of CV adverse effects. Advise patient to
Skin: erythema multiforme, acne, ery- avoid smoking.
thema nodosum, hemorrhagic eruption, D
hirsutism, loss of scalp hair, melasma, pru- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
ritus, rash. • May increase potassium, corticoid;
Other: changes in libido, breast tenderness, factor VII, VIII, IX, and X; prothrombin;
hemolytic-uremic syndrome. thyroid-binding globulin; total circulating
sex steroid; total thyroid hormone; triglyc-
INTERACTIONS eride levels, amylase, GGT, iron-binding
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, aldosterone capacity, transferrin, prolactin, renin
antagonists, angiotensin II receptor antago- activity, and vitamin A. May decrease an-
nists, NSAIDs, potassium-sparing diuretics: tithrombin III level, folate, albumin, zinc,
May increase risk of hyperkalemia. Monitor and vitamin B12 .
potassium level. • May increase norepinephrine-induced
Acetaminophen: May increase level of platelet aggregation. May decrease glucose
contraceptive and decrease effectiveness of tolerance and free T3 resin uptake.
acetaminophen. Monitor patient for adverse
effects. Adjust acetaminophen dose as CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
needed. • Contraindicated in women with hepatic
Antibiotics, griseofulvin, penicillins, tetra- dysfunction, tumor, or disease; renal or
cycline: May decrease contraceptive effect. adrenal insufficiency; thrombophlebitis,
Advise patient to use additional method of thromboembolic disorders, or history
birth control while taking the antibiotic. of deep vein thrombosis or thromboem-
Ascorbic acid, atorvastatin: May increase bolic disorders; cerebrovascular or coro-
level of contraceptive. Monitor patient for nary artery disease; known or suspected
adverse effects. breast cancer, endometrial cancer, or other
Carbamazepine, modafinil, oxcarbazepine, estrogen-dependent neoplasia; abnormal
phenobarbital, phenytoin, protease in- genital bleeding; or cholestatic jaundice of
hibitors: May increase metabolism of pregnancy or jaundice with other hormonal
ethinyl estradiol and decrease contracep- contraceptive use.
tive effectiveness. Advise patient to use • Contraindicated in women who are or may
another method of birth control. be pregnant and in women age 65 or older.
Clofibrate, morphine, salicylic acid, • Use cautiously in patients with CV risk
temazepam: May decrease levels and in- factors such as hypertension, hyperlipi-
crease clearance of these drugs. Monitor demias, obesity, and diabetes.
patient for effectiveness. • Use cautiously in patients with conditions
Cyclosporine, prednisolone, theophylline: aggravated by fluid retention.
May increase levels of these drugs. Monitor •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, withdrawal uter-
patient for adverse effects and toxicity. ine bleeding.
Phenylbutazone, rifampin: May decrease
contraceptive effectiveness and increase NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
menstrual irregularities. Advise patient to Alert: The use of contraceptives causes
use another method of birth control. increased risk of MI, thromboembolism,
Troleandomycin: May increase risk of stroke, hepatic neoplasia, gallbladder dis-
intrahepatic cholestasis and decrease con- ease, and hypertension. Risk increases in
traceptive effect. Advise patient to use an patients with hypertension, diabetes, hyper-
alternative method of birth control. lipidemia, and obesity.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease Black Box Warning Smoking increases the
contraceptive effectiveness and increase risk of serious CV adverse effects. The risk

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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472 drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol

increases with age (especially age older than PATIENT TEACHING

35 years) and in patients who smoke 15 or • Advise patient to use additional method
more cigarettes daily. of birth control during the first 7 days of the
• The relationship between the use of first cycle of hormonal contraceptive.
hormonal contraceptives and breast and • Inform patient that pills don’t protect
cervical cancers is unclear. Encourage against sexually transmitted diseases such
women to schedule a complete gynecologic as HIV.
examination at least yearly and to perform • Advise patient of the dangers of smoking
breast self-examinations monthly. while taking hormonal contraceptives.
• In patients scheduled to have elective Suggest smokers choose a different form of
surgery that may increase the risk of throm- birth control.
boembolism, stop contraceptive use from • Tell patient to schedule gynecologic
at least 4 weeks before until 2 weeks af- examinations yearly and perform breast
ter surgery. Also stop use during and after self-examination monthly.
prolonged immobilization. • Inform patient that spotting, light bleed-
• Because of increased risk of thromboem- ing, or stomach upset may occur during the
bolism in the postpartum period, don’t start first 1 to 3 packs of pills. Tell her to continue
contraceptive earlier than 4 to 6 weeks after taking the pills and to notify her health care
delivery. provider if these symptoms persist.
• Stop use and evaluate patient if loss of • Tell patient to take the pill at the same
vision, proptosis, diplopia, papilledema, or time each day.
retinal vascular lesions occur. Recommend • Tell patient to immediately report sharp
that contact lens wearers be evaluated by an chest pain; coughing of blood or sudden
ophthalmologist if visual changes or lens shortness of breath; calf pain; crushing
intolerance occurs. chest pain or chest heaviness; sudden severe
• If patient misses two consecutive periods, headache or vomiting; dizziness or fainting;
she should obtain a negative pregnancy test visual or speech disturbances, weakness
result before continuing use of contracep- or numbness in an arm or leg; vision loss;
tive. breast lumps; severe stomach pain or ten-
• Immediately stop use if pregnancy is derness; difficulty sleeping, lack of energy,
confirmed. fatigue, or change in mood; jaundice with
• Closely monitor patient with diabetes. fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine, or
Glucose intolerance may occur. light-colored bowel movements.
• Closely monitor patient with hypertension • Tell patient to notify health care provider
or a history of depression. Stop drug if these if she wears contact lenses and notices a
events occur. change in vision or has trouble wearing the
• In patient at high risk for hyperkalemia lenses.
and patient taking medications that may • Tell patient that the risk of pregnancy in-
increase potassium, check potassium level creases with each active yellow or light pink
during the first treatment cycle. tablet she forgets to take. Inform patient
• Stop drug and evaluate patient if persis- what to do if she misses pills.
tent, severe headaches occur or if migraines • Tell patient to use an additional method
occur or are worsened. of birth control and to notify health care
• Evaluate patient for malignancy or preg- provider if she isn’t sure what to do about
nancy if she experiences breakthrough missed pills.
bleeding or spotting. • Small amounts of hormonal contra-
• Closely monitor patient with hyperlipi- ceptives appear in breast milk. Quality
demias. and quantity of breast milk may be de-
• Stop use if jaundice occurs. creased. Yellow skin and eyes (jaundice)
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse and breast enlargement may occur in breast-
YAZ with Yasmin. fed neonates. Advise breast-feeding women
to use alternative method of birth control
until infant is completely weaned.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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drotrecogin alfa 473

SAFETY ALERT! the infusion set for about 15 minutes at

5 ml/hour.
drotrecogin alfa (activated)  Give through a dedicated I.V. line or

drow-tra-COH-gin lumen of a multilumen central venous

catheter. The only other solutions that can
Xigris be given through the same line are normal
saline solution, lactated Ringer’s injection, D
Therapeutic class: Antisepsis D5 W, or dextrose in saline mixtures.
Pharmacologic class: Recombinant  If the infusion is interrupted, restart at

human activated protein C the 24-mcg/kg/hour infusion rate.

Pregnancy risk category C  Complete infusion within 12 hours after

preparing solution.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Store in refrigerator at 35◦ to 46◦ F

Injection (preservative-free): 5-mg vial, (2◦ to 8◦ C). Don’t freeze.

20-mg vial  If needed, reconstituted vial may be

stored at 59◦ to 86◦ F (15◦ to 30◦ C) for

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES up to 3 hours.
➤ To reduce the risk of death in patients  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.

with severe sepsis from acute organ dys-

function AC TION
Adults: 24 mcg/kg/hour I.V. infusion for a May produce dose-dependent reductions in
total of 96 hours. D-dimer and interleukin (IL)-6. Activated
protein C exerts an antithrombotic effect by
ADMINISTRATION inhibiting factors Va and VIIIa.
I.V. Route Onset Peak Duration
 Avoid exposing drug to heat or direct
I.V. Immediate Unknown Unknown
 Use aseptic technique during prepara- Half-life: Unknown.
 Reconstitute 5-mg vial with 2.5 ml or ADVERSE REACTIONS
20-mg vial with 10 ml sterile water for Hematologic: hemorrhage.
injection. Swirl vial gently until powder
is completely dissolved. Don’t invert or INTERACTIONS
shake vial. Drug-drug. Drugs that affect hemostasis:
 Use reconstituted solution immediately. May increase risk of bleeding. Use together
 Dilute with sterile normal saline for cautiously.
injection by adding drug to infusion bag.
Direct the stream to the side of the bag to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
avoid agitating solution. • May prolong PT and PTT.
 When using an infusion pump, di-

lute drug to between 100 mcg/ml and CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

200 mcg/ml. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
 When using a syringe pump, dilute drug to drug or any of its components, those with
to between 100 mcg/ml and 1,000 mcg/ml. active internal bleeding, and those who have
 Gently invert the infusion bag to mix. had hemorrhagic stroke in the past 3 months
 Don’t transport the infusion bag between or intracranial or intraspinal surgery in the
locations using a mechanical delivery past 2 months.
system. • Contraindicated in patients with severe
 Inspect solution for particulates and head trauma, trauma with increased risk
discoloration before giving drug. of life-threatening bleeding, an epidural
 If drug is diluted to less than 200 mcg/ml catheter, intracranial neoplasm or mass
and flow rate is less than 5 ml/hour, prime lesion, or cerebral herniation.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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474 duloxetine hydrochloride

Alert: Use only after assessing the risk

versus benefit in patients with single organ duloxetine hydrochloride
dysfunction and recent surgery because do-LOCKS-ah-teen
these patients may not be at a high risk of
death. Cymbaltai
• Use cautiously in patients taking other
drugs that affect hemostasis such as heparin Therapeutic class: Antidepressant
(at least 15 units/kg/hour) and in those with Pharmacologic class: SSNRI
a platelet count less than 30,000 × 106 /L Pregnancy risk category C
(even if the platelet count is increased after
transfusions) or an INR greater than 3. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Use cautiously in patients who have had Capsules (delayed-release): 20 mg, 30 mg,
GI bleeding in the past 6 weeks; throm- 60 mg
bolytic therapy in the past 3 days; oral anti-
coagulants, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
or aspirin (more than 650 mg/day) or other ➤ Major depressive disorder
platelet inhibitors in the past week; ischemic Adults: Initially, 20 mg P.O. b.i.d.; then,
stroke in the past 3 months; or intracranial 60 mg P.O. once daily or divided in two
arteriovenous malformation or aneurysm, equal doses. Maximum, 60 mg daily.
bleeding diathesis, chronic severe hepatic ➤ Generalized anxiety disorder
disease, or any condition in which bleed- Adults: 60 mg P.O. daily. Or, 30 mg P.O.
ing poses a significant hazard or would be daily for 1 week; then increase to 60 mg P.O.
difficult to manage because of its location. daily. May increase in increments of 30 mg
daily to 120 mg P.O. once daily.
Alert: Monitor patient closely for bleed- Adults: Initially, 30 mg P.O. once daily for
ing. If clinically important bleeding occurs, 1 week; increase to 60 mg P.O. once daily
stop infusion immediately. after a week. Some patients may respond
• Stop drug 2 hours before an invasive sur- to the starting dose. Maximum dose is
gical procedure. After hemostasis has been 60 mg/day. Base continued treatment on
achieved, drug may be restarted 12 hours af- individual patient response.
ter major invasive procedure or immediately ➤ Neuropathic pain related to diabetic
after uncomplicated less invasive procedure. peripheral neuropathy
• Because drug has minimal effect on the Adults: 60 mg P.O. once daily.
PT, this value can be used to monitor the Adjust-a-dose: Duloxetine isn’t recom-
patient’s coagulopathy status. mended for patients with end-stage renal
disease, severe renal dysfunction, or hepatic
• Inform patient of the potential adverse
• Instruct patient to promptly report signs P.O.
of bleeding. • Give drug whole; don’t crush or open
• Advise patient that bleeding may occur capsule.
for up to 28 days after treatment.
May inhibit serotonin and norepinephrine
reuptake in the CNS.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 6 hr Unknown

Half-life: 12 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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duloxetine hydrochloride 475

ADVERSE REACTIONS Thioridazine: May prolong the QT interval

CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, insom- and increase risk of serious ventricular
nia, somnolence, suicidal thoughts, fever, arrhythmias and sudden death. Avoid using
hypoesthesia, irritability, lethargy, ner- together.
vousness, nightmares, restlessness, sleep Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline,
disorder, anxiety, asthenia, tremor. nortriptyline, imipramine): May increase
CV: hot flashes, hypertension, increased levels of these drugs. Reduce tricyclic D
heart rate. antidepressant dose, and monitor drug
EENT: blurred vision, nasopharyngitis, levels closely.
pharyngolaryngeal pain. Triptans: May cause serotonin syndrome
GI: constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, (restlessness, hallucinations, loss of coor-
nausea, dyspepsia, gastritis, vomiting. dination, fast heartbeat, rapid changes in
GU: abnormal orgasm, abnormally in- blood pressure, increased body temperature,
creased frequency of urinating, delayed or hyperreflexia, nausea, vomiting, and diar-
dysfunctional ejaculation, dysuria, erectile rhea) or neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
dysfunction, urinary hesitation. Use cautiously and with increased monitor-
Metabolic: decreased appetite, hypo- ing, especially when starting or increasing
glycemia, increased appetite, weight gain or dosages.
loss, hyponatremia. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps, myalgia. risk of liver damage. Discourage use to-
Respiratory: cough. gether.
Skin: increased sweating, night sweats,
Other: decreased libido, rigors. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
AST, bilirubin, and CK levels.
Drug-drug. Antiarrhythmics of type 1C CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
(flecainide, propafenone), phenothiazines: • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
May increase levels of these drugs. Use to drug or its ingredients, patients taking
together cautiously. MAO inhibitors, patients with uncontrolled
Anticoagulants (such as aspirin, NSAIDs, angle-closure glaucoma, and patients with a
warfarin): May increase bleeding risk. creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/minute.
Monitor patient closely. Drug isn’t recommended for patients with
CNS drugs: May increase adverse effects. hepatic dysfunction or end-stage renal
Use together cautiously. disease.
CYP1A2 inhibitors (cimetidine, fluvox- Black Box Warning Duloxetine isn’t ap-
amine, certain quinolones): May increase proved for use in children.
duloxetine level. Avoid using together. • Use cautiously in patients with a history
CYP2D6 inhibitors (fluoxetine, paroxetine, of mania or seizures, patients who drink
quinidine): May increase duloxetine level. substantial amounts of alcohol, patients
Use together cautiously. with hypertension, patients with controlled
Drugs that reduce gastric acidity: May angle-closure glaucoma, and those with
cause premature breakdown of duloxetine’s conditions that slow gastric emptying.
protective coating and early release of the •H Overdose S&S: Coma, hypotension, hy-
drug. Monitor patient for effects. pertension, seizures, serotonin syndrome,
MAO inhibitors: May cause hyperthermia, somnolence, syncope, tachycardia, vomit-
rigidity, myoclonus, autonomic instability, ing.
rapid fluctuations of vital signs, agitation,
delirium, and coma. Avoid use within NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
2 weeks after MAO inhibitor therapy; wait • Monitor patient for worsening of depres-
at least 5 days after stopping duloxetine sion or suicidal behavior, especially when
before starting MAO inhibitor. therapy starts or dosage changes.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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476 dutasteride

Black Box Warning Drug may increase PATIENT TEACHING

risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in Black Box Warning Warn families or
children, adolescents, and young adults caregivers to report signs of worsening
ages 18 to 24, especially during the first few depression (such as agitation, irritability,
months of treatment, especially in those insomnia, hostility, impulsivity) and
with major depressive disorder or other signs of suicidal behavior to prescriber
psychiatric disorder. immediately.
• Treatment of overdose is symptomatic. • Tell patient to consult his prescriber or
Don’t induce emesis; gastric lavage or acti- pharmacist if he plans to take other pre-
vated charcoal may be performed soon after scription or OTC drugs or an herbal or other
ingestion or if patient is still symptomatic. dietary supplement.
Because drug undergoes extensive distri- • Instruct patient to swallow capsules whole
bution, forced diuresis, dialysis, hemo- and not to chew, crush, or open them be-
perfusion, and exchange transfusion aren’t cause they have an enteric coating.
useful. Contact a poison control center for • Urge patient to avoid activities that are
information. hazardous or require mental alertness until
• If taken with tricyclic antidepressants, he knows how the drug affects him.
duloxetine metabolism will be prolonged, • Warn against drinking alcohol during
and patient will need extended monitoring. therapy.
• Periodically reassess patient to determine • If patient takes drug for depression, ex-
the need for continued therapy. plain that it may take 1 to 4 weeks to notice
• Decrease dosage gradually, and watch an effect.
for symptoms that may arise when drug
is stopped, such as dizziness, nausea,
headache, paresthesia, vomiting, irritability, dutasteride
and nightmares. doo-TAS-teh-ride
• If intolerable symptoms arise when de-
creasing or stopping drug, restart at previ- Avodart
ous dose and decrease even more gradually.
• Monitor blood pressure periodically Therapeutic class: BPH drug
during treatment. Pharmacologic class: 5-alpha-reductase
• Use during the third trimester of preg- enzyme inhibitor
nancy may cause neonatal complications Pregnancy risk category X
including respiratory distress, cyanosis, ap-
nea, seizures, vomiting, hypoglycemia, and AVAIL ABLE FORMS
hyperreflexia, which may require prolonged Capsules: 0.5 mg
hospitalization, respiratory support, and
tube feeding. Consider potential benefit of INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
drug to the mother versus risks to the fetus. ➤ To treat and improve the symptoms
• Older patients may be more sensitive to of BPH, reduce the risk of acute urine
drug effects than younger adults. retention, and reduce the need for BPH-
Alert: Combining triptans with an SSRI or related surgery
an SSNRI may cause serotonin syndrome Men: 0.5 mg P.O. once daily. May be given
or neuroleptic malignant syndrome–like with tamsulosin 0.4 mg P.O. once daily.
reactions. Signs and symptoms of sero- ➤ Prostate cancer prevention 
tonin syndrome may include restlessness, Men: 0.5 mg P.O. once daily for up to
hallucinations, loss of coordination, fast 7 years.
heartbeat, rapid changes in blood pressure,
increased body temperature, overactive ADMINISTRATION
reflexes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. P.O.
Serotonin syndrome may be more likely to • Don’t crush or break capsules.
occur when starting or increasing the dose • Give drug without regard for food.
of triptan, SSRI, or SSNRI.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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ecallantide 477

Alert: Drug is considered a teratogen. • Patients should wait at least 6 months

Follow safe-handling procedures when after their last dose before donating blood.
preparing, administering, or dispensing • Establish a new baseline PSA level in men
drug. treated for 3 to 6 months and use it to assess
potentially cancer-related changes in PSA
AC TION level.
Inhibits conversion of testosterone to di- • To interpret PSA values in men treated for
hydrotestosterone, the androgen primarily 6 months or more, double the PSA value for
responsible for the initial development and comparison with normal values in untreated E
subsequent enlargement of the prostate men.
gland. • Evaluate patients for prostate cancer
Route Onset Peak Duration
prior to initiating therapy and periodically
P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
Half-life: About 5 weeks. PATIENT TEACHING
• Tell patient to swallow the capsule whole.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Inform patient that ejaculate volume may
GU: impotence, decreased libido, ejacula- decrease but that sexual function should
tion disorder. remain normal.
Other: gynecomastia. • Teach women who are pregnant or may
become pregnant not to handle drug. A
INTERACTIONS male fetus exposed to drug by the mother’s
Drug-drug. CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as swallowing or absorbing the drug through
cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, diltiazem, ke- her skin may be born with abnormal sex
toconazole, ritonavir, verapamil): May organs.
increase dutasteride level. Use together Alert: Tell patient not to donate blood for
cautiously. at least 6 months after final dose to prevent
drug administration to a pregnant female
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS transfusion recipient.
• May lower prostate-specific antigen • Tell patient he’ll need periodic blood tests
(PSA) level. to monitor therapeutic effects.
• Contraindicated in women and children ecallantide
and in patients hypersensitive to dutas- ee-KAL-lan-tide
teride or its ingredients or to other 5-alpha-
reductase inhibitors. Kalbitor
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
disease and in those taking long-term potent Therapeutic class: Protein inhibitor
cytochrome P-450 inhibitors. Pharmacologic class: Human plasma
kallikrein inhibitor
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pregnancy risk category C
• Because drug may be absorbed through
the skin, women who are or may become AVAIL ABLE FORMS
pregnant shouldn’t handle the drug. Injection: 10-mg/ml vials
• If contact is made with leaking capsules,
wash the contact area immediately with INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
soap and water. ➤ Acute attacks of hereditary
• Carefully monitor patients with a large angioedema
residual urine volume or severely dimin- Adults and adolescents age 16 and older:
ished urine flow, or both, for obstructive 30 mg subcutaneously given as three
uropathy. 10-mg injections; give additional 30-mg
dose if attack persists.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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478 econazole nitrate

ADMINISTRATION medical support available to treat anaphy-

Subcutaneous laxis and hereditary angioedema. Monitor
• Visually inspect each vial for particulate patient closely.
matter and discoloration before admin- • Use during pregnancy only if clearly
istration. If there is particulate matter or needed.
discoloration, don’t use vial. • It isn’t known if drug appears in breast
• Using aseptic technique, withdraw 1 ml milk. Use cautiously in breast-feeding
(10 mg) of ecallantide from vial using large- women.
bore needle. Then change needle on syringe • Use cautiously in elderly patients because
to one suitable for subcutaneous injection they may be at increased risk for adverse
(27 gauge). reactions.
• Inject subcutaneously into skin of
abdomen, thigh, or upper arm. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Site for each injection may be in same or • Be aware that signs and symptoms of hy-
in different anatomic location (abdomen, persensitivity reactions and acute hereditary
thigh, or upper arm); there is no need for angioedema may be very similar.
site rotation. Separate injection sites by at • Monitor patient closely for signs and
least 2 inches (5 cm) and avoid anatomic symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions
site of attack. (including chest discomfort, flushing,
pharyngeal edema, pruritus, rhinorrhea,
AC TION sneezing, nasal congestion, throat irrita-
Inhibits kallikrein within the inflammatory tion, urticaria, wheezing, and hypotension),
pathways, preventing excess bradykinin especially within first hour after dosing.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Subcut. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
• Advise patient to immediately report
wheezing, cough, chest tightness, trou-
Half-life: About 2 hours. ble breathing, dizziness, fainting, throat
tightness, itchiness, hives, and swelling of
ADVERSE REACTIONS tongue or throat.
CNS: fatigue, fever, headache. • Inform patient that drug must be given by
EENT: nasopharyngitis. health care provider in health care setting, in
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, case serious allergic reaction occurs.
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract
infection. econazole nitrate
Skin: injection-site reactions, pruritus, rash, ee-KOE-na-zole
Other: ANAPHYLAXIS. Therapeutic class: Antifungal
Pharmacologic class: Imidazole
None reported. Pregnancy risk category C


None reported. Cream: 1%


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ➤ Tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea
to drug or its components. pedis, tinea versicolor
Black Box Warning Anaphylaxis has oc- Adults and children: Rub into affected areas
curred after administration (usually within daily for at least 2 weeks (1 month for tinea
first hour after dosing). Drug should be ad- pedis).
ministered only by health care provider with

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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eculizumab 479

➤ Cutaneous candidiasis • Tell patient to stop drug and notify

Adults and children: Rub into affected areas prescriber if condition persists or worsens or
b.i.d. if irritation occurs.
• Warn patient that drug may stain clothing.
ADMINISTRATION • Tell patient with athlete’s foot to change
Topical shoes and cotton socks daily and to dry
• Clean and dry affected area before between toes after bathing.
applying. • Tell patient to keep drug out of eyes.
• Don’t use occlusive dressings. E
• Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use. SAFETY ALERT!

AC TION eculizumab
Fungistatic, but may be fungicidal de- eck-u-LIZ-uh-mob
pending on level. Appears to alter fungal
cell-wall permeability and produce osmotic Soliris
Therapeutic class: Hemolysis inhibitor
Route Onset Peak Duration
Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal IgG
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: Unknown. Pregnancy risk category C


Skin: burning, erythema, pruritus, stinging. Injection: 10 mg/ml in 300-mg single-use
Drug-drug. Corticosteroids: May inhibit INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
antifungal activity against certain organ- Black Box Warning Meningococcal vaccine
isms. Monitor patient for effect. is required at least 2 weeks before adminis-
tration of eculizumab.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS ➤ Hemolysis in patients with paroxysmal
None reported. nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Adults: 600 mg I.V. every 7 days for
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 4 weeks, 900 mg 7 days later, then 900 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive every 14 days thereafter.
to drug or its components.
• Improvement should be seen after treat-  Dilute to a final concentration of

ment period. If no change is noted, patient 5 mg/ml with 0.9% or 0.45% NaCl, D5 W
should be reevaluated. or Ringer’s solution (equal volume of
diluent to drug volume).
PATIENT TEACHING  Don’t give as I.V. push or bolus injec-

• Tell patient to use drug for entire treat- tion.

ment period, even if signs and symptoms  Solution should be clear and at room

improve. Instruct him to notify prescriber temperature before giving.

if no improvement occurs after 2 weeks  Discard any unused portion left in vial;

in fungal infection on hairless skin (tinea solution contains no preservatives.

corporis), jock itch, or fungal skin infec-  Reconstituted solution remains stable

tion (tinea versicolor), or after 4 weeks for for 24 hours refrigerated or at room
athlete’s foot. temperature.
• Reassure patient that lack of pigmentation  Infuse over 35 minutes. Don’t exceed

from tinea versicolor resolves gradually. 2 hours total infusion time if infusion is

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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480 eculizumab

 Monitor the patient for adverse reac- meningococcal vaccine at least 2 weeks
tions, including anaphylaxis or hypersensi- before infusing eculizumab; revaccinate
tivity during and 1 hour after infusion. according to guidelines. Monitor patient
 Store vials in refrigerator and protect for early signs of meningococcal infec-
from light. Don’t freeze or shake. tions. Evaluate immediately if infection
 Incompatibilities: Other drugs. is suspected and treat with antibiotics if
AC TION • Give infusion at recommended intervals.
Antibody binds to complement protein C5 • Monitor the patient for hemolysis after
to reduce intravascular hemolysis. therapy is stopped. Signs of hemolysis
Route Onset Peak Duration
include increased LDH levels greater than
I.V. Immediate Unknown Unknown
pretreatment level; greater than 25% abso-
lute decrease in PNH red blood cell clone
Half-life: 272 hours. size within a week; hemoglobin of less than
5 g/dl or a decrease of more than 4 g/dl
ADVERSE REACTIONS in less than 7 days; angina; mental status
CNS: headache, fatigue, fever. changes; 50% increase in serum creatinine;
EENT: nasopharyngitis, sinusitis. or thrombosis.
GI: nausea, constipation. • Watch for hemolysis for 8 weeks after
Musculoskeletal: back pain, myalgia, pain stopping drug.
in arm or leg. • If hemolysis occurs, treatment may
Hematologic: anemia. include blood transfusion, anticoagulation,
Respiratory: cough, respiratory tract corticosteroids, or restarting eculizumab.
Other: meningococcal infection/sepsis, PATIENT TEACHING
herpes simplex infection, flulike illness. • Tell patient that meningococcal vaccine is
required at least 2 weeks before eculizumab
INTERACTIONS infusion; revaccination may also be re-
Drug interaction studies haven’t been quired, according to guidelines.
performed. Alert: Advise patient that vaccination
won’t prevent all meningococcal infection
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS and to report moderate to severe headache
• May decrease LDH level if hemolysis accompanied by nausea or vomiting, fever,
declines. or stiff neck or back.
• May increase RBC count. • Advise patient to report high fever, fever
with rash, confusion, severe muscle aches
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS with flulike symptoms, and sensitivity to
• Contraindicated in patient with unre- light.
solved serious Neisseria meningitidis • Tell patient he will need periodic blood
infection or in patients who aren’t vacci- tests during treatment and continued moni-
nated against N meningitidis. toring for at least 8 weeks after therapy is
• Use cautiously in patients with any stopped.
systemic infection. • Advise patient to carry the provided
• Use during pregnancy only if benefits Patient Safety Card at all times and to show
outweigh risks to fetus. the card to any health care provider who
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women treats him.
because drug may appear in breast milk.
• Safety and efficacy in patients younger
than age 18 haven’t been established.

Black Box Warning Eculizumab increases
the risk of meningococcal infections. Give

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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edetate calcium disodium 481

Route Onset Peak Duration

edetate calcium disodium I.V., I.M. 1 hr 24–48 hr Unknown
ED-e-tate Half-life: 20 minutes to 11⁄4 hours.
Calcium Disodium Versenate
Therapeutic class: Chelating agent CNS: fever, tremors, headache, paresthesia,
Pharmacologic class: Heavy metal malaise, fatigue.
antagonist CV: hypotension, rhythm irregularities. E
Pregnancy risk category B EENT: histamine-like reactions (including
sneezing, congestion, and lacrimation).
AVAIL ABLE FORMS GI: cheilosis, nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
Injection: 200 mg/ml excessive thirst.
GU: nephrotoxicity with renal tubular
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES necrosis leading to fatal nephrosis, protein-
➤ Acute lead encephalopathy or lead uria, hematuria.
levels greater than 70 mcg/dl Hematologic: transient bone marrow
Adults and children: Use in conjunction suppression, anemia.
with dimercaprol. Consult published proto- Metabolic: zinc deficiency, hypercalcemia.
cols and specialized references for dosage Musculoskeletal: myalgia, arthralgia.
recommendations. Skin: rash.
➤ Lead poisoning without encephalo- Other: pain at I.M. injection site, chills.
pathy or asymptomatic with lead levels
less than 70 mcg/dl INTERACTIONS
Adults and children: 1 g/m2 I.V. infused Drug-drug. Insulin: May interfere with
over 8 to 12 hours once daily or 1 g/m2 I.M. action of insulin by binding with zinc.
daily in divided doses spaced 8 to 12 hours Adjust insulin dosage as directed.
apart for 5 days. Steroids: May increase edetate’s renal toxi-
city. Avoid use together. Use mannitol for
ADMINISTRATION cerebral edema.
 Dilute 5-ml ampule with 500 ml or EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
250 ml of D5 W or normal saline solution • May increase ALT, AST, and calcium
for injection to yield 2 mg/ml to 4 mg/ml, levels. May decrease hemoglobin level and
respectively. hematocrit.
 Infuse half of daily dose over 1 hour

and remaining infusion at least 12 hours CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

later. Or, give by slow infusion over at least • Contraindicated in patients with anuria,
8 hours. hepatitis, or acute renal disease.
 Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B, • Use with caution in patients with mild
dextrose 10% in water, hydralazine hydro- renal disease. Dosage may be reduced.
chloride, invert sugar 10% in normal saline •H Overdose S&S: Zinc deficiency.
solution, invert sugar 10% in water, lac-
tated Ringer’s solution, Ringer’s injection, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
1⁄ M sodium lactate.
6 Black Box Warning Because rapid I.V.
I.M. use may increase intracranial pressure,
• Add lidocaine or procaine hydrochloride especially in children, I.M. route may be
to I.M. solution to minimize pain. Watch for preferred for lead encephalopathy. I.V.
local reactions. infusion is still recommended whenever
possible. Avoid rapid infusion and never
AC TION exceed recommended daily dosage.
Forms stable, soluble complexes with • Monitor fluid intake and output, urinaly-
metals, particularly lead. sis, BUN level, and ECG daily.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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482 efavirenz

• To avoid toxicity, use with dimercaprol; Children age 3 and older who weigh 10
don’t mix in same syringe. to less than 15 kg (22 to less than 33 lb):
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 200 mg P.O. once daily on an empty
edetate calcium disodium with edetate stomach, preferably at bedtime.
disodium. Both drugs may be abbreviated Adjust-a-dose: For adults also taking
EDTA; clarify drug order with prescriber. voriconazole, increase voriconazole main-
tenance dose to 400 mg every 12 hours and
PATIENT TEACHING decrease efavirenz capsules to 300 mg once
• Explain use of drug to patient and family. daily.
• Tell patients with lead encephalopathy to
avoid excess fluids. ADMINISTRATION
• Give drug at bedtime to decrease CNS
efavirenz adverse effects.
Sustiva Inhibits the transcription of HIV-1 RNA to
DNA, a critical step in the viral replication
Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral process, suppressing viral replication.
Pharmacologic class: Nonnucleoside
Route Onset Peak Duration
reverse transcriptase inhibitor P.O. Unknown 3–5 hr Unknown
Pregnancy risk category D
Half-life: 40 to 76 hours.
Capsules: 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg ADVERSE REACTIONS
Tablets: 600 mg CNS: dizziness, abnormal dreams or
thinking, agitation, amnesia, confusion,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES depersonalization, depression, euphoria,
➤ HIV-1 infection, with a protease fever, fatigue, hallucinations, headache,
inhibitor or nucleoside analogue reverse hypoesthesia, impaired concentration,
transcriptase inhibitors insomnia, nervousness, somnolence.
Adults and children age 3 and older who GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain,
weigh 40 kg (88 lb) or more: 600 mg (three anorexia, dyspepsia, vomiting.
200-mg capsules or one 600-mg tablet) P.O. Skin: rash, erythema multiforme, Stevens-
once daily on an empty stomach, preferably Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal
at bedtime. necrolysis, increased sweating, pruritus.
Children age 3 and older who weigh 32.5
to less than 40 kg (72 to less than 88 lb): INTERACTIONS
400 mg P.O. once daily on an empty Drug-drug. Amprenavir, clarithromycin,
stomach, preferably at bedtime. indinavir, lopinavir: May decrease levels of
Children age 3 and older who weigh 25 to these drugs. Consider alternative therapy or
less than 32.5 kg (55 to less than 72 lb): dosage adjustment.
350 mg P.O. once daily on an empty Atorvastatin, calcium channel blockers,
stomach, preferably at bedtime. itraconozole, pravastatin, rifampin, simvas-
Children age 3 and older who weigh 20 tatin: May decrease levels of these drugs.
to less than 25 kg (44 to less than 55 lb): Dosage adjustments may be necessary.
300 mg P.O. once daily on an empty Bepridil, ergot derivatives, midazolam, pi-
stomach, preferably at bedtime. mozide, triazolam: May inhibit metabolism
Children age 3 and older who weigh 15 of these drugs and cause serious or life-
to less than 20 kg (33 to less than 44 lb): threatening adverse events (such as arrhyth-
250 mg P.O. once daily on an empty mias, prolonged sedation, or respiratory
stomach, preferably at bedtime. depression). Avoid using together.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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efavirenz 483

Drugs that induce the cytochrome P-450 hepatotoxic drugs. Monitor liver function
enzyme system (such as phenobarbital test results in patients with history of
phenytoin, rifampin): May result in lower hepatitis B or C and in those taking
drug levels of efavirenz. Avoid using ritonavir.
together. •H Overdose S&S: Increased nervous system
Estrogens, ritonavir: May increase drug symptoms, involuntary muscle contractions.
levels. Monitor patient.
Hormonal contraceptives: May increase NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
ethinyl estradiol level. Advise use of a • Monitor cholesterol level. E
reliable method of barrier contraception in Alert: Drug shouldn’t be used as
addition to use of hormonal contraceptives. monotherapy or added on as a single drug
Psychoactive drugs: May cause additive to a regimen failing because of viral resis-
CNS effects. Avoid using together. tance.
Rifabutin: May decrease rifabutin level. • Using drug with ritonavir may increase
Increase daily rifabutin dosage by 50%. liver enzyme levels and adverse effects
Consider doubling rifabutin dosage when (such as dizziness, nausea, paresthesia).
rifabutin is given two or three times per • Pregnancy must be ruled out before
week. starting therapy in women of childbearing
Ritonavir: May increase levels of both age.
drugs. Monitor patient and liver function • Children may be more prone to adverse
closely. reactions, especially diarrhea, nausea,
Saquinavir: May decrease saquinavir level vomiting, and rash.
and efavirenz exposure to the body. Don’t
use with saquinavir as sole protease in- PATIENT TEACHING
hibitor. • Instruct patient to take drug with water,
Voriconazole (in standard doses): De- preferably at bedtime and on an empty
creases voriconazole levels significantly, stomach.
while efavirenz levels significantly increase. • Inform patient about need for scheduled
Avoid using together unless doses of each blood tests to monitor liver function and
are adjusted. cholesterol level.
Warfarin: May increase or decrease level • Tell patient to use a barrier contraceptive
and effects of warfarin. Monitor INR. with a hormonal contraceptive and to notify
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease prescriber immediately if pregnancy is
drug level. Discourage use together. suspected; drug is a known risk to the fetus.
Drug-food. High-fat meals: May increase • Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV
absorption of drug. Instruct patient to main- infection, that opportunistic infections and
tain a proper low-fat diet. other complications of HIV infection may
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance continue to occur, and that transmission
CNS effects. Discourage use together. of HIV to others through sexual contact or
blood contamination is still possible.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Instruct patient to take drug at the same
• May increase ALT, AST, and cholesterol time daily and always with other antiretro-
levels. virals.
• May cause false-positive urine cannabi- • Tell patient to take drug exactly as pre-
noid test results. scribed and not to stop it without medical
approval. Also instruct patient to report
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Inform patient that rash is the most com-
to drug or its components and in those mon adverse effect. Tell patient to report
taking bepridil, midazolam, pimozide, rash immediately because it may be serious
triazolam, or ergot derivatives. in rare cases.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic • Advise patient to report use of other
impairment and in those receiving drugs.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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484 eletriptan hydrobromide

• Advise patient that dizziness, difficulty ADVERSE REACTIONS

sleeping or concentrating, drowsiness, or CNS: asthenia, dizziness, headache,
unusual dreams may occur during the first hypertonia, hypesthesia, pain, paresthesia,
few days of therapy. Reassure him that somnolence, vertigo.
these symptoms typically resolve after 2 to CV: chest tightness, pain, and pressure,
4 weeks and may be less problematic if drug flushing, palpitations.
is taken at bedtime. EENT: pharyngitis.
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol, driving, or GI: abdominal pain, discomfort or cramps,
operating machinery until the drug’s effects dry mouth, dyspepsia, dysphagia, nausea.
are known. Musculoskeletal: back pain.
Skin: increased sweating.
Other: chills.
eletriptan hydrobromide
Drug-drug. CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as
Relpaxi clarithromycin, itraconazole, ketocona-
zole, nefazodone, nelfinavir, ritonavir,
Therapeutic class: Antimigraine troleandomycin): May decrease eletrip-
Pharmacologic class: Serotonin 5-HT1 tan metabolism. Avoid use within 72 hours
receptor agonist of these drugs.
Pregnancy risk category C Ergotamine-containing or ergot-type drugs
(such as dihydroergotamine or methy-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS sergide), other triptans: May prolong
Tablets: 20 mg, 40 mg vasospastic reactions. Avoid use within
24 hours of these drugs.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES SSRIs: May increase the risk of serotonin
➤ Acute migraine with or without aura syndrome (weakness, hyperreflexia, and
Adults: 20 to 40 mg P.O. at first migraine incoordination). If used together, observe
symptom. If headache recurs, dose may be patient closely.
repeated at least 2 hours later to a maximum
None known.
• Give drug without regard for food. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Give drug whole; don’t crush or break to drug or its components and in those with
tablet. severe hepatic impairment; ischemic heart
• Give drug with a full glass of water. disease, such as angina pectoris, a history
• If headache returns after first dose, give a of MI, or silent ischemia; coronary artery
second dose after 2 hours. Don’t give more vasospasm, including Prinzmetal’s variant
than 80 mg in 24 hours. angina; and other significant CV conditions.
• Contraindicated in patients with cere-
AC TION brovascular syndromes, such as stroke or
Binds to 5-HT1 receptors and may con- transient ischemic attack; peripheral vas-
strict intracranial blood vessels and inhibit cular disease, including ischemic bowel
proinflammatory neuropeptide release. disease; uncontrolled hypertension; or
Route Onset Peak Duration
hemiplegic or basilar migraine.
P.O. 1⁄
2 hr 11⁄2 –2 hr Unknown
• Contraindicated within 24 hours of
another 5-HT1 agonist, drugs containing
Half-life: About 4 hours. ergotamine, or ergot-type drug.
• Contraindicated in patients with risk
factors for coronary artery disease (CAD),
such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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eltrombopag 485

smoking, obesity, diabetes, strong family • Instruct patient to take each dose with a
history of CAD, postmenopausal women, full glass of water.
or men older than age 40, unless patient is
free from cardiac disease. Monitor patient
closely after first dose. eltrombopag
• Safety of treating more than three ell-trom-BOW-pag
migraine headaches in 30 days hasn’t been
established. Promacta
•H Overdose S&S: Hypertension, more E
serious cardiovascular reactions. Therapeutic class: Hematopoietic
Pharmacologic class: Thrombopoietin
• Drug isn’t intended for migraine preven- Pregnancy risk category C
Alert: Combining a triptan with an SSRI AVAIL ABLE FORMS
or an SSNRI may cause serotonin syn- Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg
drome. Signs and symptoms may include
restlessness, hallucinations, loss of coor- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
dination, fast heartbeat, rapid changes in Black Box Warning Only prescribers en-
blood pressure, increased body tempera- rolled in the Promacta Cares program may
ture, hyperreflexia, nausea, vomiting, and prescribe eltrombopag.
diarrhea. Serotonin syndrome may be more ➤ Thrombocytopenia associated with
likely to occur when starting or increasing chronic immune thrombocytopenic pur-
the dose of a triptan, SSRI, or SSNRI. pura when response to corticosteroids,
• Use drug only when patient has a clear immunoglobulins, or splenectomy is
diagnosis of migraine. If the first use pro- inadequate
duces no response, reconsider the migraine Adults: Initially, 50 mg P.O. once daily.
diagnosis. Adjust dosage as necessary to achieve and
Alert: Serious cardiac events including maintain platelet count at 50 × 109 /L or
acute MI, arrhythmias, and death occur greater; maximum dosage is 75 mg daily.
rarely within a few hours after use of 5-HT1 Adjust-a-dose: For patients of East Asian
agonists. descent and those with moderate or se-
• Ophthalmologic effects may occur with vere hepatic impairment, reduce dosage
long-term use. to 25 mg P.O. once daily. For patients with
• Older patients may develop higher blood platelet count less than 50,000/mm3 after
pressure than younger patients after taking at least 2 weeks of therapy, increase daily
drug. dosage by 25 mg to maximum dosage of
75 mg daily. For platelet count of 200,000
PATIENT TEACHING to 400,000/mm3 , decrease daily dosage
• Instruct patient to take dose at the first by 25 mg. For platelet count greater than
sign of a migraine headache. If the headache 400,000/mm3 , stop drug and monitor
comes back after the first dose, he may take platelet count twice weekly. Restart therapy
a second dose after 2 hours. Caution patient at 25 mg less than the daily dosage when
not to take more than 80 mg in 24 hours. platelet count is less than 150,000/mm3 .
• Warn patient to avoid driving and operat- When platelet count is greater than
ing machinery if he feels dizzy or fatigued 400,000/mm3 after 2 weeks at lowest
after taking the drug. dosage, permanently discontinue drug.
• Tell patient to immediately report pain,
tightness, heaviness, or pressure in the ADMINISTRATION
chest, throat, neck, or jaw. P.O.
• Tell patient to swallow tablet whole and • Give drug on an empty stomach either
not to split, crush, or chew. 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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486 eltrombopag

• Allow a 4-hour interval between eltrom- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

bopag administration and the administration Black Box Warning Drug may cause hep-
of other medications or supplements con- atotoxicity. Use cautiously in patients with
taining iron, calcium, aluminum, magne- hepatic disease.
sium, selenium, and zinc. • Drug may cause collagen fiber deposition
in bone marrow. Obtain a CBC before treat-
AC TION ment and then monthly. Discontinue drug
Interacts with the transmembrane of human if morphologic blood cell abnormalities or
thrombopoietin receptors, inducing prolifer- cytopenias develop.
ation and differentiation of megakaryocytes • Effects of eltrombopag on pregnant
from progenitor cells in bone marrow. women are unknown. Use cautiously during
Route Onset Peak Duration
pregnancy only if the benefit to the mother
P.O. Unknown 2–6 hr Unknown
outweighs the risk to the fetus.
• Safety and efficacy in children younger
Half-life: 21 to 32 hours. than age 10 haven’t been established.
•H Overdose S&S: Increased platelet count,
ADVERSE REACTIONS increased AST and ALT levels, rash, brady-
CNS: paresthesia. cardia, fatigue.
EENT: cataract, conjunctival hemorrhage.
GI: dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
GU: menorrhagia. Black Box Warning Drug is available only
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia. through a restricted distribution program
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. called Promacta Cares. Only prescribers,
Skin: ecchymosis. pharmacies, and patients registered with
the program are able to prescribe, dispense,
INTERACTIONS and receive the drug. To enroll, call l-877-9-
Drug-drug. Acetaminophen, NSAIDS, PROMACTA.
opioids: May increase levels of these drugs. Black Box Warning Enroll pregnant pa-
Use together cautiously. tients in the Promacta pregnancy registry at
Aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, 1-888-825-5249.
selenium, zinc, other polyvalent cations: Black Box Warning Monitor CBC, platelet
May reduce eltrombopag absorption. Avoid count, and peripheral blood smear before
using within 4 hours of each other. therapy, weekly during dosage adjustments,
CYP1A2 inhibitors (ciprofloxacin, fluvox- and then monthly. Monitor weekly for
amine): May increase eltrombopag level. 4 weeks after therapy ends.
Use together cautiously. Black Box Warning Drug may cause hep-
Substrates of OATPlB1 (atorvastatin, atotoxicity. Monitor liver function test
benzylpenicillin, fluvastatin, methotrexate, results before therapy, every 2 weeks dur-
nateglinide, pravastatin, repaglinide, ing dosage adjustment, and then monthly.
rifampin, rosuvastatin): May increase levels If bilirubin level is elevated, fractionation
of these drugs. Reduce drug dosages. should be performed. If abnormal values
Drug-food. Dairy products: May reduce are detected, repeat tests within 3 to 5 days
eltrombopag absorption. Advise patient until the abnormality resolves, stabilizes, or
to avoid dairy products within 4 hours of returns to baseline levels. Discontinue drug
administration. if ALT levels are three times or more the
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May alter drug upper limit of normal and are progressive,
level. Discourage use together. persistent for 4 weeks or more, or accompa-
nied by increased direct bilirubin or clinical
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS symptoms of liver injury.
• May increase ALT and AST levels and Alert: In patients with thrombocytopenia
platelet count. due to chronic liver disease, drug has been
associated with an increased risk of portal
venous thrombosis with platelet counts

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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emtricitabine 487

greater than 200,000/mm3 . Drug isn’t Adjust-a-dose: In adults with creatinine

indicated for these patients. clearance of 30 to 49 ml/minute, give one
• Patient should have a baseline eye exami- 200-mg capsule every 48 hours or 120 mg
nation before, and regularly during therapy to oral solution every 24 hours; if clearance
monitor for cataract formation or worsening. is 15 to 29 ml/minute, give one 200-mg
• Drug may increase the risk of hematologic capsule every 72 hours or 80 mg oral
malignancies. solution every 24 hours; if clearance is less
than 15 ml/minute or patient is receiving
PATIENT TEACHING dialysis, give one 200-mg capsule every E
• Advise patient to avoid situations and 96 hours or 60 mg oral solution every
medications that increase the risk of 24 hours. Give dose after dialysis session.
bleeding. In children with renal insufficiency,
• Instruct patient to avoid foods, mineral consider a dose reduction and increased
supplements, and antacids containing iron, dosing interval.
calcium, aluminum, magnesium, selenium, Black Box Warning Emtricitabine isn’t
and zinc within 4 hours of taking drug. indicated for the treatment of chronic
• Advise patient to immediately report hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection; safety
yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, and efficacy of drug haven’t been estab-
unusual darkening of urine, unusual tired- lished in patients coinfected with HBV
ness, or right upper stomach pain. and HIV.
• Warn patient that, after stopping drug,
the risk of bleeding may be worse than ADMINISTRATION
before therapy, especially if patient is taking P.O.
anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs. • Give drug with or without food.
• Refrigerate oral solution; if stored at room
temperature, use within 3 months.
em-tra-SYE-tah-ben AC TION
Inhibits replication of HIV by blocking
Emtriva viral DNA synthesis and inhibits reverse
transcriptase by acting as an alternative
Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral for the enzyme’s substrate, deoxycytidine
Pharmacologic class: Nucleoside triphosphate.
reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Route Onset Peak Duration
Pregnancy risk category B P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown

AVAIL ABLE FORMS Half-life: About 10 hours.

Capsules: 200 mg
Oral solution: 10 mg/ml ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: abnormal dreams, asthenia, dizzi-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ness, headache, insomnia, depression,
➤ HIV-1 infection, with other antiretro- fatigue, neuritis, paresthesia, peripheral
virals neuropathy.
Adults: One 200-mg capsule or 240 mg EENT: rhinitis.
(24 ml) oral solution P.O. once daily. GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea,
Children ages 3 months to 17 years: For dyspepsia, vomiting.
children who weigh more than 33 kg (73 lb) Hepatic: hepatotoxicity.
and can swallow intact capsules, give one Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia.
200-mg capsule P.O. once daily. Otherwise, Respiratory: increased cough.
give 6 mg/kg, up to a maximum dose of Skin: allergic skin reaction, discoloration,
240 mg (24 ml) oral solution once daily. maculopapular rash, pruritus, urticarial
Children younger than age 3 months: and purpuric lesions, vesiculobullous rash.
3 mg/kg oral solution P.O. once daily.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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488 enalaprilat

INTERACTIONS • Tell patient to refrigerate oral solution but

None reported. if stored at room temperature, to use within
3 months.
• May increase ALT, amylase, AST, bilirubin,
CK, lipase, glucose, and triglyceride levels. enalaprilat
• May decrease neutrophil count. eh-NAH-leh-prel-at


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Vasoteci
to drug or its ingredients.
• In elderly patients, use cautiously because Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
of the potential for other diseases and drug Pharmacologic class: ACE inhibitor
therapies and for decreased hepatic, renal, Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and
or cardiac function. 3rd trimesters
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
renal function. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Black Box Warning Lactic acidosis and enalaprilat
severe hepatomegaly, including fatal cases, Injection: 1.25 mg/ml
have been reported. enalapril maleate
Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg
• Test all patients for HBV before starting INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
drug. ➤ Hypertension
Black Box Warning Hepatitis B may worsen Adults: In patients not taking diuretics,
after emtricitabine therapy stops. Patients initially, 5 mg P.O. once daily; then adjusted
with both HIV and HBV need close clinical based on response. Usual dosage range is
and laboratory follow-up for several months 10 to 40 mg daily as a single dose or two
or longer after stopping drug. divided doses. Or, 1.25 mg I.V. infusion over
• Like other antiretrovirals, emtricitabine 5 minutes every 6 hours.
may cause changes or increases in body fat, Children ages 2 months to 16 years:
including central obesity, buffalo hump, 0.08 mg/kg (up to 5 mg) P.O. once daily;
peripheral wasting, facial wasting, breast dosage should be adjusted as needed up
enlargement, and a cushingoid appearance. to 0.58 mg/kg (maximum 40 mg). Don’t
• Use drug only if clearly needed in preg- use if creatinine clearance is less than
nant women. 30 ml/minute.
Adjust-a-dose: If patient is taking diuretics
PATIENT TEACHING or creatinine clearance is 30 ml/minute or
• Remind patient that anti-HIV medicine less, initially, 2.5 mg P.O. once daily. Or,
must be taken for life. 0.625 mg I.V. over 5 minutes, and repeat in
• Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV 1 hour, if needed; then 1.25 mg I.V. every
infection, that opportunistic infections and 6 hours.
other complications of HIV infection may ➤ To convert from I.V. therapy to oral
continue to occur, and that transmission therapy in patients receiving diuretics
of HIV to others through sexual contact or Adults: Initially, 2.5 mg P.O. once daily; if
blood contamination is still possible. patient was receiving 0.625 mg I.V. every
• Explain possible adverse reactions, in- 6 hours, then 2.5 mg P.O. once daily. Adjust
cluding lactic acidosis, hepatotoxicity, and dosage based on response.
changes or increases in body fat. ➤ To convert from oral therapy to I.V.
• Tell woman to notify prescriber immedi- therapy
ately if she is or could be pregnant. Adults: 1.25 mg I.V. over 5 minutes every
• Inform patient the drug may be taken with 6 hours.
or without food.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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enalaprilat 489

Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine level is more GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain,

than 1.6 mg/dl or sodium level below vomiting.
130 mEq/L, initially, 2.5 mg P.O. daily GU: decreased renal function (in patients
and adjust slowly. with bilateral renal artery stenosis or heart
➤ To manage symptomatic heart failure failure).
Adults: Initially, 2.5 mg P.O. daily or b.i.d., Hematologic: bone marrow depression.
increased gradually over several weeks. Respiratory: dry, persistent, tickling, non-
Maintenance is 5 to 20 mg daily in two productive cough, dyspnea.
divided doses. Maximum daily dose is Skin: rash. E
40 mg in two divided doses. Other: angioedema.
➤ Asymptomatic left ventricular
dysfunction INTERACTIONS
Adults: Initially, 2.5 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase Drug-drug. Azathioprine: May increase
as tolerated to target daily dose of 20 mg risk of anemia or leukopenia. Monitor
P.O. in divided doses. hematologic study results if used together.
Diuretics: May excessively reduce blood
ADMINISTRATION pressure. Use together cautiously.
P.O. Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May cause
• Give drug without regard for food. hypoglycemia, especially at start of
• Request oral suspension for patient who enalapril therapy. Monitor patient closely.
has difficulty swallowing. Lithium: May cause lithium toxicity.
I.V. Monitor lithium level.
 Compatible solutions include D5 W, NSAIDs: May reduce antihypertensive
normal saline solution for injection, effect. Monitor blood pressure.
dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer’s injection, Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium
dextrose 5% in normal saline solution for supplements: May cause hyperkalemia.
injection, and Isolyte E. Avoid using together unless hypokalemia is
 Inject drug slowly over at least 5 min- confirmed.
utes, or dilute in 50 ml of a compatible Drug-herb. Capsaicin: May cause cough.
solution and infuse over 15 minutes. Discourage use together.
 Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B, Ma huang: May decrease antihypertensive
cefepime hydrochloride, phenytoin sodium. effects. Discourage use together.
Drug-food. Salt substitutes containing
AC TION potassium: May cause hyperkalemia.
May inhibit ACE, preventing conversion of Monitor patient closely.
angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent
vasoconstrictor. Less angiotensin II EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
decreases peripheral arterial resistance, • May increase bilirubin, BUN, creatinine,
decreasing aldosterone secretion, reducing and potassium levels. May decrease sodium
sodium and water retention, and lowering and hemoglobin levels and hematocrit.
blood pressure. • May increase liver function test values.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 1 hr 4–6 hr 24 hr
I.V. 15 min 1–4 hr 6 hr • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in those with a history of an-
Half-life: 12 hours. gioedema related to previous treatment with
an ACE inhibitor.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Black Box Warning Use during pregnancy
CNS: asthenia, headache, dizziness, can cause injury and death to the developing
fatigue, vertigo, syncope. fetus. When pregnancy is detected, stop
CV: hypotension, chest pain, angina drug as soon as possible.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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490 enfuvirtide

• Use cautiously in renally impaired

patients or those with aortic stenosis or enfuvirtide
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. en-foo-VEER-tide
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension.
• Closely monitor blood pressure response Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral
to drug. Pharmacologic class: Fusion inhibitor
• Look alike–sound alike: Similar packaging Pregnancy risk category B
and labeling of enalaprilat injection and
pancuronium, a neuromuscular-blocking AVAIL ABLE FORMS
drug, could result in a fatal medication Powder for injection: 108-mg single-use
error. Check all labels carefully. vials (90 mg/ml after reconstitution)
• Monitor CBC with differential counts
before and during therapy. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Diabetic patients, those with impaired ➤ To help control HIV-1 infection, with
renal function or heart failure, and those other antiretrovirals, in patients who
receiving drugs that can increase potassium have continued HIV-1 replication despite
level may develop hyperkalemia. Monitor antiretroviral therapy
potassium intake and potassium level. Adults: 90 mg subcutaneously b.i.d.,
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse injected into the upper arm, anterior thigh,
enalapril with Anafranil or Eldepryl. or abdomen.
Children ages 6 to 16: Give 2 mg/kg sub-
PATIENT TEACHING cutaneously b.i.d.; maximum 90 mg per
• Instruct patient to report breathing dose.
difficulty or swelling of face, eyes, lips,
or tongue. Swelling of the face and throat ADMINISTRATION
(including swelling of the larynx) may Subcutaneous
occur, especially after first dose. • Reconstitute vial with 1.1 ml sterile water
• Advise patient to report signs of infection, for injection. Tap vial for 10 seconds and
such as fever and sore throat. then gently roll to prevent foaming. Let
• Inform patient that light-headedness can drug stand for up to 45 minutes to ensure
occur, especially during first few days of reconstitution. Or, gently roll vial between
therapy. Tell him to rise slowly to minimize hands until product is completely dissolved.
this effect and to notify prescriber if symp- Then draw up correct dose and inject drug.
toms develop. If he faints, he should stop • If you won’t be using drug immediately
taking drug and call prescriber immediately. after reconstitution, refrigerate in original
• Tell patient to use caution in hot weather vial and use within 24 hours. Don’t inject
and during exercise. Inadequate fluid intake, drug until it’s at room temperature.
vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive perspi- • Vial is for single use; discard unused
ration can lead to light-headedness and portion.
fainting. • Rotate injection sites. Don’t inject into
• Advise patient to avoid salt substitutes; the same site for two consecutive doses, and
these products may contain potassium, don’t inject into moles, scar tissue, bruises,
which can cause high potassium levels in or the navel.
patients taking this drug. • Store unreconstituted vials at room tem-
• Tell women of childbearing age to notify perature.
prescriber if pregnancy occurs. Drug will
need to be stopped. AC TION
Interferes with entry of HIV-1 into cells
by inhibiting fusion of HIV-1 to cell

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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enoxaparin sodium 491

Route Onset Peak Duration PATIENT TEACHING

Subcut. Unknown 4–8 hr Unknown • Teach patient how to prepare and give
drug and how to safely dispose of used
Half-life: 4 hours.
needles and syringes.
• Tell patient to rotate injection sites and to
ADVERSE REACTIONS watch for cellulitis or local infection.
CNS: fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, asthenia, • Urge patient to immediately report
depression, peripheral neuropathy. evidence of pneumonia, such as cough
EENT: conjunctivitis, sinusitis, taste distur- with fever, rapid breathing, or shortness of E
bance. breath.
GI: diarrhea, nausea, pancreatitis, abdomi- • Tell patient to stop taking drug and seek
nal pain, constipation. medical attention if evidence of hypersensi-
Metabolic: anorexia, weight decrease. tivity develops, such as rash, fever, nausea,
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. vomiting, chills, rigors, and hypotension.
Respiratory: bacterial pneumonia, cough. • Teach patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV
Skin: injection site reactions, pruritus, skin infection and that it must be taken with
papilloma. other antiretrovirals.
Other: herpes simplex, influenza, • Tell patient to inform prescriber if she’s
influenza-like illness, lymphadenopathy. pregnant, plans to become pregnant, or
is breast-feeding while taking this drug.
INTERACTIONS Because HIV could be transmitted to the
None reported. infant, HIV-infected mothers shouldn’t
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient that drug may affect his ability
• May increase ALT, amylase, AST, CK, to drive or operate machinery.
GGT, lipase, and triglyceride levels. May • Tell patient that information on self-
decrease hemoglobin level. administration is available by calling 1-877-
• May decrease eosinophil count. 4FUZEON or at


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in those not infected with HIV. enoxaparin sodium
• Use in pregnant women only if clearly en-OCKS-a-par-in
needed. Pregnant women can be registered
in the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry by Lovenox
calling 1-800-258-4263.
• Safety and effectiveness haven’t been Therapeutic class: Anticoagulant
established in children younger than age 6. Pharmacologic class: Low–molecular-
weight heparin
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pregnancy risk category B
• Injection site reactions (pain, discomfort,
induration, erythema, pruritus, nodules, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
cysts, ecchymosis) are common and may Syringes (graduated prefilled): 60 mg/
require analgesics or rest. 0.6 ml, 80 mg/0.8 ml, 100 mg/ml, 120 mg/
Alert: Monitor patient closely for evi- 0.8 ml, 150 mg/ml
dence of bacterial pneumonia. Patients at Syringes (prefilled): 30 mg/0.3 ml, 40 mg/
high risk include those with a low initial 0.4 ml
CD4 count or high initial viral load, those Vial (multidose): 300 mg/3 ml (contains
who use I.V. drugs or smoke, and those with 15 mg/ml of benzyl alcohol)
history of lung disease.
• Hypersensitivity may occur with the first
dose or later doses. If symptoms occur, stop

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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492 enoxaparin sodium

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES followed by 1 mg/kg subcutaneously every

➤ To prevent pulmonary embolism and 12 hours (maximum of 100 mg for the first
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) after hip or two doses only) with aspirin (75 to 325 mg
knee replacement surgery P.O. once daily). When given with a throm-
Adults: 30 mg subcutaneously every bolytic, give enoxaparin from 15 minutes
12 hours for 7 to 10 days. Treatment for before to 30 minutes after the start of fib-
up to 14 days has been well tolerated. Give rinolytic therapy. For patients with percu-
initial dose between 12 and 24 hours post- taneous coronary intervention (PCI), if the
operatively, as long as hemostasis has been last subcutaneous dose was given less than
established. Continue treatment during 8 hours before balloon inflation, no addi-
postoperative period until risk of DVT tional dose is needed. If the last dose was
has diminished. Hip replacement patients given more than 8 hours before balloon
may receive 40 mg subcutaneously given inflation, give 0.3 mg/kg I.V. bolus.
12 hours preoperatively. After initial phase Adults age 75 and older: Don’t use an initial
of therapy, hip replacement patients should I.V. bolus. Give 0.75 mg/kg subcutaneously
continue with 40 mg subcutaneously daily every 12 hours (maximum 75 mg for the
for 3 weeks. first two doses only).
➤ To prevent pulmonary embolism and Adjust-a-dose: In adults younger than age
DVT after abdominal surgery 75 with severe renal impairment, 30 mg
Adults: 40 mg subcutaneously daily with single I.V. bolus plus 1 mg/kg subcuta-
initial dose 2 hours before surgery. Give neously followed by 1 mg/kg subcuta-
subsequent dose, as long as hemostasis neously once daily. In adults age 75 and
has been established, 24 hours after initial older with severe renal impairment, 1 mg/kg
preoperative dose and continue once daily subcutaneously once daily with no initial
for 7 to 10 days. Treatment for up to 12 days bolus.
has been well tolerated. Continue treatment ➤ Inpatient treatment of acute DVT with
during postoperative period until risk of and without pulmonary embolism when
DVT has diminished. given with warfarin sodium
➤ To prevent pulmonary embolism and Adults: 1 mg/kg subcutaneously every
DVT in patients with acute illness who 12 hours. Or, 1.5 mg/kg subcutaneously
are at increased risk because of decreased once daily (at same time daily) for 5 to
mobility 7 days until therapeutic oral anticoagulant
Adults: 40 mg once daily subcutaneously effect (INR 2 to 3) is achieved. Warfarin
for 6 to 11 days. Treatment for up to 14 days sodium therapy is usually started within
has been well tolerated. 72 hours of enoxaparin injection.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine ➤ Outpatient treatment of acute DVT
clearance less than 30 ml/minute receiving without pulmonary embolism when given
drug as prophylaxis after abdominal surgery with warfarin sodium
or hip or knee replacement surgery, and Adults: 1 mg/kg subcutaneously every
in medical patients for prophylaxis during 12 hours for 5 to 7 days until therapeutic
acute illness, give 30 mg subcutaneously oral anticoagulant effect (INR 2 to 3) is
once daily. achieved. Warfarin sodium therapy usually
➤ To prevent ischemic complications of is started within 72 hours of enoxaparin
unstable angina and non–Q-wave MI injection.
with oral aspirin therapy Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine
Adults: 1 mg/kg subcutaneously every clearance less than 30 ml/minute receiv-
12 hours until clinical stabilization (min- ing drug for acute DVT or prophylaxis of
imum 2 days) with aspirin 100 to 325 mg ischemic complications of unstable angina
P.O. once daily. Usual duration of treatment and non–Q-wave MI, give 1 mg/kg subcuta-
is 2 to 8 days. neously once daily.
➤ Acute ST-segment elevation MI
Adults younger than age 75: 30 mg single
I.V. bolus plus 1 mg/kg subcutaneously

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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enoxaparin sodium 493

ADMINISTRATION onion, passion flower, red clover, willow:

I.V. May increase risk of bleeding. Discourage
 Use multidose vial. use together.
 Flush I.V. access with sufficient amount

of saline or dextrose solution before and EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

following I.V. bolus administration. • May increase ALT and AST levels. May
 Incompatibilities: Don’t mix with other decrease hemoglobin level.
I.V. drugs. • May decrease platelet count.
Subcutaneous E
• With patient lying down, give by deep CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
subcutaneous injection, alternating doses • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
between left and right anterolateral and to drug, heparin, or pork products; in those
posterolateral abdominal walls. with active major bleeding; and in those
• Don’t massage after subcutaneous injec- with thrombocytopenia and antiplatelet
tion. Watch for signs of bleeding at site. antibodies in presence of drug.
Rotate sites and keep record. • Use cautiously in patients with history
of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia,
AC TION aneurysms, cerebrovascular hemorrhage,
Accelerates formation of antithrombin III– spinal or epidural punctures (as with anes-
thrombin complex and deactivates throm- thesia), uncontrolled hypertension, or
bin, preventing conversion of fibrinogen to threatened abortion.
fibrin. Drug has a higher antifactor-Xa-to- • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
antifactor-IIa activity ratio than heparin. those with conditions that place them at
Route Onset Peak Duration
increased risk for hemorrhage, such as bac-
Subcut. Unknown 4 hr Unknown
terial endocarditis, congenital or acquired
bleeding disorders, ulcer disease, angiodys-
Half-life: 41⁄2 hours after a single dose; 7 hours plastic GI disease, hemorrhagic stroke, or
after repeated dosing. recent spinal, eye, or brain surgery.
• Use cautiously in patients with prosthetic
ADVERSE REACTIONS heart valves, with regional or lumbar block
CNS: confusion, fever, pain. anesthesia, blood dyscrasias, recent child-
CV: edema, peripheral edema. birth, pericarditis or pericardial effusion,
GI: nausea, diarrhea. renal insufficiency, or severe CNS trauma.
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, hem- •H Overdose S&S: Hemorrhagic complica-
orrhage, ecchymoses, bleeding complica- tions.
tions, hypochromic anemia.
Skin: irritation, pain, hematoma, and NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
erythema at injection site, rash, urticaria. • It’s important to achieve hemostasis at
Other: angioedema, anaphylaxis. the puncture site after PCI. The vascular
access sheath for instrumentation should
INTERACTIONS remain in place for 6 hours after a dose if
Drug-drug. Anticoagulants, antiplatelet manual compression method is used; give
drugs, NSAIDs: May increase risk of bleed- next dose no sooner than 6 to 8 hours after
ing. Use together cautiously. Monitor PT sheath removal. Monitor vital signs and site
and INR. for hematoma and bleeding.
SSRIs: May increase risk of severe bleed- • Monitor pregnant women closely. Warn
ing. Monitor PT, INR, and patient. Adjust pregnant women and women of childbear-
therapy as needed. ing age about the potential risk of therapy to
Drug-herb. Angelica (dong quai), boldo, her and the fetus.
bromelains, capsicum, chamomile, dan- • Multidose vial shouldn’t be used in preg-
delion, danshen, devil’s claw, fenugreek, nant women because of benzyl alcohol
feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, content.
horse chestnut, licorice, meadowsweet,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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494 entacapone

• Monitor anti-Xa levels in pregnant

women with mechanical heart valves. entacapone
Black Box Warning Patients who receive en-tah-KAP-own
epidural or spinal anesthesia or spinal punc-
ture during therapy are at increased risk for Comtan
developing an epidural or spinal hematoma,
which may result in long-term or permanent Therapeutic class: Antiparkinsonian
paralysis. Monitor these patients closely for Pharmacologic class: Catechol-O-
neurologic impairment. methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor
• Draw blood to establish baseline coagula- Pregnancy risk category C
tion parameters before therapy.
• Never give drug I.M. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Alert: Don’t try to expel the air bubble Tablets: 200 mg
from the 30- or 40-mg prefilled syringes.
This may lead to loss of drug and an INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
incorrect dose. ➤ Adjunct to levodopa and carbidopa for
• Avoid I.M. injections of other drugs to treatment of idiopathic Parkinson disease
prevent or minimize hematoma. in patients with signs and symptoms of
• Monitor platelet counts regularly. Patients end-of-dose wearing off
with normal coagulation won’t need close Adults: 200 mg P.O. with each dose of
monitoring of PT or PTT. levodopa and carbidopa, up to eight times
• Regularly inspect patient for bleeding daily. Maximum, 1,600 mg daily. May need
gums, bruises on arms or legs, petechiae, to reduce daily levodopa dose or extend the
nosebleeds, melena, tarry stools, hematuria, interval between doses to optimize patient’s
hematemesis. response.
• To treat severe overdose, give protamine
sulfate (a heparin antagonist) by slow I.V. ADMINISTRATION
infusion at concentration of 1% to equal P.O.
dose of drug injected. • Give drug with immediate- or sustained-
Alert: Drug isn’t interchangeable with release levodopa and carbidopa.
heparin or other low–molecular-weight • Give drug without regard for food.
PATIENT TEACHING A reversible COMT inhibitor given with
• Instruct patient and family to watch for levodopa and carbidopa. The combination
signs of bleeding or abnormal bruising is thought to cause higher levels of levo-
and to notify prescriber immediately if any dopa and optimal control of parkinsonian
occur. symptoms.
• Tell patient to avoid OTC drugs con- Route Onset Peak Duration
taining aspirin or other salicylates unless P.O. 1 hr 1 hr 6 hr
ordered by prescriber.
• Advise patient to consult with prescriber Half-life: About 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 hour for first phase and
before initiating any herbal therapy; many about 21⁄2 hours for second phase.
herbs have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, or
fibrinolytic properties. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: dyskinesia, hyperkinesia, hypoki-
nesia, dizziness, anxiety, somnolence,
agitation, fatigue, asthenia, hallucinations.
GI: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, con-
stipation, vomiting, dry mouth, dyspepsia,
flatulence, gastritis, taste perversion.
GU: urine discoloration.
Hematologic: purpura.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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entecavir 495

Musculoskeletal: back pain. • Diarrhea most often begins within 4 to

Respiratory: dyspnea. 12 weeks of starting therapy but may begin
Skin: sweating. as early as 1 week or as late as many months
Other: bacterial infection. after starting treatment.
• Drug may discolor urine.
INTERACTIONS • Rarely, rhabdomyolysis has occurred with
Drug-drug. Ampicillin, chloramphenicol, drug use.
cholestyramine, erythromycin, probenecid: • Rapid withdrawal or abrupt reduction in
May block biliary excretion, resulting in dose could lead to signs and symptoms of E
higher levels of entacapone. Use together Parkinson disease; it may also lead to hy-
cautiously. perpyrexia and confusion, a group of symp-
CNS depressants: May cause additive toms resembling neuroleptic malignant
effect. Use together cautiously. syndrome. Stop drug gradually, and monitor
Drugs metabolized by COMT (dobutamine, patient closely. Adjust other dopaminergic
dopamine, epinephrine, isoetharine, isopro- treatments, as needed.
terenol, norepinephrine): May cause higher
levels of these drugs, resulting in increased PATIENT TEACHING
heart rate, changes in blood pressure, or • Instruct patient not to crush or break tablet
arrhythmias. Use together cautiously. and to take it at same time as levodopa and
Nonselective MAO inhibitors (such as carbidopa.
phenelzine, tranylcypromine): May inhibit • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
normal catecholamine metabolism. Avoid until CNS effects of drug are known.
using together. • Advise patient to avoid alcohol during
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause ad- treatment.
ditive CNS effects. Discourage use together. • Instruct patient to use caution when stand-
ing after a prolonged period of sitting or
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS lying down because dizziness may occur.
None reported. This effect is more common during initial
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Warn patient that hallucinations, in-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive creased difficulty with voluntary move-
to drug. ments, nausea, and diarrhea could occur.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic • Inform patient that drug may turn urine
impairment, biliary obstruction, or ortho- brownish orange.
static hypotension. • Advise patient to notify prescriber about
•H Overdose S&S: Abdominal pain, loose planned, suspected, or known pregnancy,
stools. and to notify prescriber if she’s breast-
• Use drug only with levodopa and car-
bidopa; no antiparkinsonian effects occur entecavir
when drug is given as monotherapy. en-TEK-ah-veer
• Levodopa and carbidopa dosage require-
ments are usually lower when drug is given Baraclude
with entacapone; lower levodopa and car-
bidopa dose or increase dosing interval to Therapeutic class: Antiviral
avoid adverse effects. Pharmacologic class: Guanosine
• Drug may cause or worsen dyskinesia, nucleoside analogue
even if levodopa dose is lowered. Pregnancy risk category C
• Hallucinations may occur or worsen
during therapy with this drug. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Monitor blood pressure closely, and watch Oral solution: 0.05 mg/ml
for orthostatic hypotension. Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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496 entecavir


➤ Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) Drug-drug. Cyclosporine, tacrolimus: May
infection in patients with active viral further decrease renal function. Monitor
replication and either persistently renal function carefully.
increased aminotransferase levels or Drugs that reduce renal function or compete
histologically active disease for active tubular secretion: May increase
Adults and adolescents age 16 and older level of either drug. Monitor renal function,
who have had no previous nucleoside treat- and watch for adverse effects.
ment: 0.5 mg P.O. once daily at least 2 hours Drug-food. All foods: Delays absorption
before or after a meal. and decreases drug level. Give drug at least
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is 2 hours before or after a meal.
30 to 49 ml/minute, give 0.25 mg P.O.
once daily. If clearance is 10 to less than EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
30 ml/minute, give 0.15 mg P.O. once daily. • May increase ALT, amylase, AST, blood
If clearance is less than 10 ml/minute or glucose, creatinine, lipase, and total biliru-
patient is undergoing hemodialysis or con- bin levels.
tinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, give • May decrease platelet count.
0.05 mg P.O. once daily.
Adults and adolescents age 16 and older CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
who have a history of viremia and are tak- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
ing lamivudine or have resistance muta- to drug or its components.
tions: 1 mg P.O. once daily at least 2 hours Black Box Warning Don’t use in patients
before or after a meal. coinfected with HIV/HBV who aren’t
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is also receiving highly active antiretroviral
30 to 49 ml/minute, give 0.5 mg P.O. once therapy.
daily. If clearance is 10 to less than 30 ml/ • Use cautiously in patients with renal
minute, give 0.3 mg P.O. once daily. If clear- impairment and in patients who have had a
ance is less than 10 ml/minute or patient liver transplant.
is undergoing hemodialysis or continuous
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, give 0.1 mg NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
P.O. once daily. Black Box Warning Drug may cause life-
threatening lactic acidosis and severe
ADMINISTRATION hepatomegaly with steatosis.
P.O. Black Box Warning HBV infection may
• Drug should be taken on an empty stom- worsen severely after therapy stops. Monitor
ach at least 2 hours before or after a meal to hepatic function for several months in pa-
increase absorption. tients who stop therapy. If appropriate, start
therapy for HBV infection.
AC TION • Use cautiously in pregnant women only
Inhibits HBV polymerase and reduces viral if maternal benefit outweighs fetal risk. For
DNA levels. monitoring of fetal outcome data, call the
Route Onset Peak Duration
pregnancy registry at 1-800-258-4263.
P.O. Unknown 1⁄
2 –11⁄2 hr Unknown
• It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
milk. Avoid use in breast-feeding women.
Half-life: About 5 or 6 days. • In elderly patients, adjust dosage for age-
related decrease in renal function.
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache. PATIENT TEACHING
GI: diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea. • Tell patient to take drug on an empty stom-
GU: glycosuria, hematuria. ach at least 2 hours before or after a meal.
Hepatic: hepatomegaly. • Caution against mixing or diluting oral
Metabolic: lactic acidosis. solution with any other substance. Teach
proper use of dosing spoon.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ephedrine sulfate 497

• Tell patient to report to prescriber any new  Incompatibilities: Fructose 10% in

adverse effects from this drug and any new normal saline solution; hydrocortisone
drugs he’s taking. sodium succinate; Ionosol B, D-CM,
• Explain that drug doesn’t reduce the risk and D solutions; pentobarbital sodium;
of HBV transmission to others. phenobarbital sodium; thiopental.
• Teach patient the signs and symptoms of I.M.
lactic acidosis, such as muscle pain, weak- • Don’t use solution with particulate matter
ness, dyspnea, GI distress, cold hands and or discoloration.
feet, dizziness, or fast or irregular heartbeat. • Document injection site. E
• Teach patient the signs and symptoms of Subcutaneous
hepatotoxicity, such as jaundice, dark urine, • Don’t use solution with particulate matter
light-colored stool, loss of appetite, nausea, or discoloration.
and stomach pain. • Document injection site.
• Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly.
SAFETY ALERT! Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by stim-
ulating beta2 receptors; also stimulates
ephedrine sulfate alpha and beta receptors and is a direct- and
e-FED-rin indirect-acting sympathomimetic.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Therapeutic class: Vasopressor P.O. 15–60 min Unknown 3–5 hr
Pharmacologic class: Adrenergic I.V. 5 min Unknown 60 min
Pregnancy risk category C I.M., 10–20 min Unknown 30–60 min
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Half-life: 3 to 6 hours.
Capsules: 25 mg
Injection: 50 mg/ml ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: insomnia, nervousness, cerebral
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES hemorrhage, dizziness, headache, muscle
➤ Hypotension weakness, euphoria, confusion, delirium,
Adults: 5 to 25 mg I.V., p.r.n., to maximum tremor.
of 150 mg/24 hours. Or, 25 to 50 mg I.M. or CV: palpitations, arrhythmias, tachycardia,
subcutaneously. hypertension, precordial pain.
Children: 0.5 mg/kg or 16.7 mg/m2 subcu- EENT: dry nose and throat.
taneously or I.M. every 4 to 6 hours. GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
➤ Bronchodilation GU: urine retention, painful urination from
Adults and children older than age 12: visceral sphincter spasm.
12.5 to 25 mg P.O. every 4 hours, as needed, Skin: diaphoresis.
not to exceed 150 mg in 24 hours.
Children: 0.5 mg/kg or 16.7 mg/m2 subcu- INTERACTIONS
taneously or I.M. every 4 to 6 hours. Drug-drug. Acetazolamide: May increase
ephedrine level. Monitor patient for toxicity.
ADMINISTRATION Alpha blockers: May reduce vasopressor
P.O. response. Monitor patient closely.
• Give last dose of the day at least 2 hours Antihypertensives: May decrease effects.
before bedtime to prevent insomnia. Monitor blood pressure.
I.V. Beta blockers: May block the effects of
 Drug is compatible with most common ephedrine. Monitor patient closely.
solutions. Cardiac glycosides, general anesthetics
 Give slowly by direct injection. (halogenated hydrocarbons): May increase
 If needed, repeat in 5 to 10 minutes. risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Monitor
ECG closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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498 epinastine hydrochloride

Guanethidine: May decrease pressor effects PATIENT TEACHING

of ephedrine. Monitor patient closely. • Tell patient taking oral form of drug at
MAO inhibitors (phenelzine, tranylcypromine): home to take last dose of day at least 2 hours
May cause severe headache, hypertension, before bedtime to prevent insomnia.
fever, and hypertensive crisis. Avoid using • Warn patient not to take OTC drugs or
together. herbs that contain ephedrine without con-
Methyldopa, reserpine: May inhibit sulting prescriber.
ephedrine effects. Use together cautiously.
Oxytocics: May cause severe hypertension.
Avoid using together. epinastine hydrochloride
Tricyclic antidepressants: May decrease ep-ih-NAS-teen
pressor response. Monitor patient closely.
None reported. Therapeutic class: Antihistamine
Pharmacologic class: H1 receptor
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS antagonist and mast cell stabilizer
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Pregnancy risk category C
to ephedrine and other sympathomimet-
ics and in those with porphyria, severe AVAIL ABLE FORMS
coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, angle- Ophthalmic solution: 0.05%
closure glaucoma, psychoneurosis, angina
pectoris, substantial organic heart disease, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
or CV disease. ➤ To prevent pruritus from allergic
• Contraindicated in those receiving MAO conjunctivitis
inhibitors or general anesthesia with cyclo- Adults and children age 3 and older: Instill
propane or halothane. 1 drop into each eye b.i.d. Continue treat-
• Use with caution in elderly patients and in ment as long as allergen is present, even if
those with hypertension, hyperthyroidism, symptoms resolve.
nervous or excitable states, diabetes, or
prostatic hyperplasia. ADMINISTRATION
•H Overdose S&S: Seizures, nausea, vomit- Ophthalmic
ing, chills, cyanosis, irritability, nervous- • Drug is for ophthalmic use only. Don’t
ness, fever, suicidal behavior, tachycardia, inject or give orally.
dilated pupils, blurred vision, opisthotonos, • Keep bottle tightly closed when not in use.
spasms, pulmonary edema, gasping respi- • Don’t touch tip of dropper to any surface.
rations, coma, respiratory failure, hyperten-
sion followed by hypotension and anuria. AC TION
Inhibits release of mediators from cells
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS involved in hypersensitivity reactions,
Alert: Hypoxia, hypercapnia, and acidosis temporarily preventing pruritus.
must be identified and corrected before or Route Onset Peak Duration
during therapy because they may reduce Ophthalmic Immediate Unknown 8 hr
effectiveness or increase adverse reactions.
• Drug isn’t a substitute for blood or fluid Half-life: About 12 hours.
volume replenishment. Volume deficit must
be corrected before giving vasopressors. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Effectiveness decreases after 2 to 3 weeks CNS: headache.
as tolerance develops. Prescriber may in- EENT: cold symptoms, burning eyes,
crease dosage. Drug isn’t addictive. hyperemia, increased lymph nodes near
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse eyes, pharyngitis, pruritus, rhinitis,
ephedrine with epinephrine. sinusitis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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epinephrine 499

Respiratory: increased cough, upper respi- SAFETY ALERT!

ratory tract infection.
epinephrine (adrenaline)
None reported.
Primatene Mist ∗
None reported. epinephrine hydrochloride
Adrenalin Chloride, EpiPen, EpiPen E
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Jr, microNefrin , Nephron , S2 
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components. Therapeutic class: Vasopressor
• Contraindicated for irritation related to Pharmacologic class: Adrenergic
contact lenses. Pregnancy risk category C
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
feeding women. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Safety and effectiveness haven’t been Aerosol inhaler: 220 mcg 
established in children younger than age 3. Injection: 0.1 mg/ml (1:10,000), 0.5 mg/ml
(1:2,000), 1 mg/ml (1:1,000) parenteral
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Nebulizer inhaler: 1% (1:100) , 1.125% 
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms
• Soft contact lenses may absorb the preser- ➤ Bronchospasm, hypersensitivity
vative benzalkonium. reactions, anaphylaxis
Adults: 0.2 to 1 mg of 1:1,000 solution
PATIENT TEACHING I.M. or subcutaneously. Repeat every 10 to
• Teach patient proper instillation tech- 15 minutes as needed. Or, 0.1 to 0.25 mg
nique. Instruct him not to touch any surface, of 1:10,000 solution I.V. slowly over 5 to
eyelid, or surrounding areas with tip of 10 minutes. May repeat every 5 to 15 min-
dropper. utes as needed, or follow with a continuous
• Caution patient not to use drops to treat I.V. infusion, starting at 1 mcg/minute and
contact lens–related eye irritation and not to increasing to 4 mcg/minute, as needed. Or,
wear contact lenses if eyes are red. 0.3 mg I.M. or subcutaneously with autoin-
• Warn patient that soft contact lenses may jector into outer aspect of thigh, through
absorb the preservative benzalkonium. clothing if necessary. Repeat as needed.
• Advise patient to report adverse reactions Infants and children: 0.01 mg/kg (10 mcg)
to drug. of 1:1,000 solution subcutaneously; repeat
• Tell patient to keep bottle tightly closed every 4 hours, as needed. Maximum single
when not in use. dose shouldn’t exceed 0.5 mg. Or, 0.3 mg
• Instruct patient who wears soft contact of 1:10,000 solution I.V. Repeat every
lenses and whose eyes aren’t red to wait at 15 minutes for three or four doses p.r.n. Or,
least 10 minutes after instilling drug before 0.15 mg by autoinjector if patient weighs
inserting contact lenses. 15 to 29 kg (33 to 64 lb) or 0.3 mg by au-
toinjector if patient weighs 30 kg (66 lb) or
more, I.M. or subcutaneously, into outer as-
pect of thigh, through clothing if necessary.
Repeat p.r.n.
Neonates: 0.01 mg/kg of 1:1,000 solution
➤ Hemostasis
Adults: 1:50,000 to 1:1,000, sprayed or
applied topically.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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500 epinephrine

➤ Acute asthma attacks • Massage site after I.M. injection to coun-

Adults and children age 4 and older: One teract vasoconstriction. Repeated local
inhalation, repeated once if needed after injection can cause necrosis at injection site.
at least 1 minute; don’t give subsequent • Don’t give if solution is discolored or
doses for at least 3 hours. Or, 1 to 3 deep contains precipitate.
inhalations using a hand-bulb nebulizer • Don’t give autoinjectors I.V.
containing 1% (1:100) solution of epineph- Subcutaneous
rine repeated every 3 hours, as needed. • Don’t refrigerate; protect from light.
➤ To restore cardiac rhythm in cardiac • Don’t give if solution is discolored or
arrest  contains precipitate.
Adults: 0.5 to 1 mg I.V., repeated every 3 to • Don’t give autoinjectors I.V.
5 minutes, if needed. • Preferred route. Don’t inject too deeply
Children: 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 ml/kg of and enter muscle.
1:10,000 injection) I.V. or intraosseous push Inhalational
every 3 to 5 minutes. First endotracheal • Teach patient to perform oral inhalation
dose is 0.1 mg/kg (0.1 ml/kg of a 1:1,000 correctly. See “Patient teaching” for com-
injection) diluted in 1 to 2 ml of half-normal plete instructions.
or normal saline solution. Give subsequent • Epinephrine 1:100 will turn from pink to
I.V. or intratracheal doses 0.1 (0.1 ml/kg brown if exposed to air, light, heat, alkalies,
of a 1:1,000 injection), repeated every 3 to and some metals. Don’t use solution that’s
5 minutes, if needed. discolored or has a precipitate.

I.V. Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by stimu-
 Keep solution in light-resistant con- lating beta2 receptors and alpha and beta
tainer, and don’t remove before use. receptors in the sympathetic nervous system.
 Just before use, mix with D5 W, nor-
Route Onset Peak Duration
mal saline solution for injection, lactated I.V. Immediate 5 min Short
Ringer’s injection, or combinations of I.M. Variable Unknown 1–4 hr
dextrose in saline solution. Subcut. 5–15 min 30 min 1–4 hr
 Monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and
Inhalation 1–5 min Unknown 1–3 hr
ECG when therapy starts and frequently
thereafter. Half-life: Unknown.
 Discard solution if it’s discolored or

contains precipitate or after 24 hours. ADVERSE REACTIONS

 Don’t give autoinjectors I.V. CNS: drowsiness, headache, nervousness,
 Incompatibilities: Aminophylline; tremor, cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, ver-
ampicillin sodium; furosemide; tigo, pain, disorientation, agitation, fear,
hyaluronidase; Ionosol D-CM, PSL, and dizziness, weakness.
T solutions with D5 W; mephentermine; CV: palpitations, ventricular fibrillation,
thiopental sodium. Compatible with most shock, widened pulse pressure, hyperten-
other I.V. solutions. Rapidly destroyed sion, tachycardia, anginal pain, altered ECG
by alkalies or oxidizing drugs, including (including a decreased T-wave amplitude).
halogens, nitrates, nitrites, permanganates, GI: nausea, vomiting.
sodium bicarbonate, and salts of easily Respiratory: dyspnea.
reducible metals, such as iron, copper, and Skin: urticaria, hemorrhage at injection
zinc. Don’t mix with alkaline solutions. site, pallor.
I.M. Other: tissue necrosis.
• Avoid I.M. use of parenteral suspension
into buttocks. Gas gangrene may occur be- INTERACTIONS
cause drug reduces oxygen tension of the Drug-drug. Alpha blockers: May cause hy-
tissues, encouraging growth of contaminat- potension from unopposed beta-adrenergic
ing organisms. effects. Avoid using together.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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epinephrine 501

Antihistamines, thyroid hormones: When • Use cautiously in patients with long-

given with sympathomimetics, may cause standing bronchial asthma or emphysema
severe adverse cardiac effects. Avoid using who have developed degenerative heart
together. disease.
Cardiac glycosides, general anesthetics • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
(halogenated hydrocarbons): May increase those with hyperthyroidism, CV disease,
risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Monitor hypertension, psychoneurosis, and diabetes.
ECG closely. •H Overdose S&S: Precordial distress, vom-
Carteolol, nadolol, penbutolol, pindolol, pro- iting, headache, dyspnea, hypertension, E
pranolol, timolol: May cause hypertension peripheral vascular constriction, pulmonary
followed by bradycardia. Stop beta blocker edema, cerebral hemorrhage.
3 days before starting epinephrine.
Doxapram, methylphenidate: May enhance NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
CNS stimulation or pressor effects. Monitor • In patients with Parkinson disease, drug
patient closely. increases rigidity and tremor.
Ergot alkaloids: May decrease vasocon- • Drug interferes with tests for urinary
strictor activity. Monitor patient closely. catecholamines.
Guanadrel, guanethidine: May enhance • Note that 1 mg equals 1 ml of 1:1,000
pressor effects of epinephrine. Monitor solution or 10 ml of 1:10,000 solution.
patient closely. • Epinephrine is drug of choice in emer-
Levodopa: May enhance risk of arrhyth- gency treatment of acute anaphylactic
mias. Monitor ECG closely. reactions.
MAO inhibitors: May increase risk of hy- • Observe patient closely for adverse reac-
pertensive crisis. Monitor blood pressure tions. Notify prescriber if adverse reactions
closely. develop; adjusting dosage or stopping drug
Tricyclic antidepressants: May potentiate the may be necessary.
pressor response and cause arrhythmias. • If blood pressure increases sharply,
Use together cautiously. give rapid-acting vasodilators, such as
nitrates and alpha blockers, to counteract
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS the marked pressor effect of large doses.
• May increase BUN, glucose, and lactic • Drug is rapidly destroyed by oxidizing
acid levels. products, such as iodine, chromates, nitrites,
oxygen, and salts of easily reducible metals
• Contraindicated in patients with angle- • When treating patient with reactions
closure glaucoma, shock (other than ana- caused by other drugs given I.M. or sub-
phylactic shock), organic brain damage, cutaneously, inject this drug into the site
heart failure, cardiac dilation, arrhythmias, where the other drug was given to minimize
coronary insufficiency, or cerebral arte- further absorption.
riosclerosis. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
• Contraindicated in patients receiving epinephrine with ephedrine or nore-
general anesthesia with halogenated hydro- pinephrine.
carbons or cyclopropane and in patients in
labor (may delay second stage). PATIENT TEACHING
• Commercial products containing sulfites • Teach patient to perform oral inhalation
contraindicated in patients with sulfite correctly. Give the following instructions
allergies, except when epinephrine is being for using a metered-dose inhaler:
used to treat serious allergic reactions or – Shake canister.
other emergency situations. – Clear nasal passages and throat.
• Contraindicated for use in fingers, toes, – Breathe out, expelling as much air from
ears, nose, or genitalia when used with local lungs as possible.
anesthetic. – Place mouthpiece well into mouth, and
inhale deeply as you release dose from

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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502 epirubicin hydrochloride

inhaler. Or, hold inhaler about 1 inch (two solution on day 1 of each cycle, or divided
fingerwidths) from open mouth, and inhale equally in two doses on days 1 and 8 of each
while releasing dose. cycle; cycle repeated every 3 to 4 weeks for
– Hold breath for several seconds, remove six cycles; used with regimens containing
mouthpiece, and exhale slowly. cyclophosphamide and fluorouracil.
• If more than one inhalation is prescribed, Dosage modification after first cycle is
advise patient to wait at least 2 minutes based on toxicity. For patients with platelet
before repeating procedure. count nadir below 50,000/mm3 , absolute
• Tell patient that use of a spacer device neutrophil count (ANC) below 250/mm3 ,
may improve drug delivery to lungs. neutropenic fever, or grade 3 or 4 non-
• If patient is also using a corticosteroid hematologic toxicity, reduce day 1 dose in
inhaler, instruct him to use the bronchodila- subsequent cycles to 75% of day 1 dose
tor first and then to wait about 5 minutes given in current cycle. Delay day 1 therapy
before using the corticosteroid. This lets in subsequent cycles until platelet count
the bronchodilator open the air passages for is at least 100,000/mm3 , ANC is at least
maximal effectiveness. 1,500/mm3 , and nonhematologic toxicities
• Instruct patient to remove canister and recover to grade 1.
wash inhaler with warm, soapy water at For patients receiving divided doses
least once weekly. (days 1 and 8), day 8 dose should be 75%
• If patient has acute hypersensitivity reac- of day 1 dose if platelet count is 75,000
tions (such as to bee stings), you may need to 100,000/mm3 and ANC is 1,000 to
to teach him to self-inject drug. 1,499/mm3 . If day 8 platelet count is below
• Instruct patient in autoinjector use. 75,000/mm3 , ANC is below 1,000/mm3 , or
• Tell patient to give autoinjector in outer grade 3 or 4 nonhematologic toxicity has
thigh and not into the buttock. occurred, omit day 8 dose.
• Caution patient or caregiver to only give Adjust-a-dose: For patients with bone mar-
two sequential doses unless under direct row dysfunction (heavily pretreated pa-
medical supervision. Patient should seek tients, patients with bone marrow depres-
immediate medical care for acute hypersen- sion, or those with neoplastic bone marrow
sitivity reactions. infiltration), start at lower doses of 75 to
90 mg/m2 .
SAFETY ALERT! Black Box Warning For patients with
hepatic dysfunction, if bilirubin is 1.2 to
epirubicin hydrochloride 3 mg/dl or AST is two to four times upper
ep-uh-ROO-bi-sin limit of normal, give half recommended
starting dose. If bilirubin level is above
Ellence 3 mg/dl or AST is more than four times
upper limit of normal, give one-fourth
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic recommended starting dose.
Pharmacologic class: Anthracycline For patients with severe renal dysfunc-
glycoside antibiotic tion (creatinine level over 5 mg/dl), consider
Pregnancy risk category D lower doses.


Injection: 2 mg/ml I.V.
Powder for injection: 50 mg, 200 mg  Wear protective clothing (goggles, gown,

disposable gloves) when handling drug,

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES which is a vesicant.
➤ Adjuvant therapy in patients with evi- Black Box Warning Never give drug
dence of axillary node tumor involvement I.M. or subcutaneously. Always give
after resection of primary breast cancer I.V. through free-flowing normal saline
Adults: 100 to 120 mg/m2 I.V. infusion over solution or D5 W over 3 to 20 minutes
3 to 5 minutes through a free-flowing I.V.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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epirubicin hydrochloride 503

depending on dosage and volume of infusion Cimetidine: May increase epirubicin level
solution. by 50%. Avoid using together.
Black Box Warning Avoid veins over Cytotoxic drugs: May cause additive toxi-
joints or in limbs with compromised cities (especially hematologic and GI).
venous or lymphatic drainage. Monitor patient closely.
 Avoid repeated injection into the same


 Facial flushing and erythematous streak- • May decrease hemoglobin level.
ing along vein may indicate overly rapid • May decrease neutrophil, platelet, and E
delivery. WBC counts.
Black Box Warning If burning or stinging
occurs, stop infusion immediately and restart CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
in another vein. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
 After vial has been penetrated, discard to drug, other anthracyclines, or anthracene-
unused solution after 24 hours. diones, and in patients with baseline neu-
 Incompatibilities: Fluorouracil, trophil counts below 1,500/mm3 , severe
heparin, ifosfamide with mesna, other myocardial insufficiency, recent MI, serious
I.V. drugs. arrhythmias, or severe hepatic dysfunction.
• Contraindicated in patients who have had
AC TION previous treatment with anthracyclines to
May form a complex with DNA by getting total cumulative doses.
between nucleotide base pairs, inhibiting • Use cautiously in patients with active
DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis; DNA or dormant cardiac disease, previous or
cleavage occurs, resulting in cytocidal activ- current radiotherapy to mediastinal and
ity. Drug may also interfere with replication pericardial areas, or previous therapy with
and transcription of DNA and may generate other anthracyclines or anthracenediones.
cytotoxic free radicals. • Use cautiously in patients receiving other
cardiotoxic drugs.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
•H Overdose S&S: Bone marrow aplasia,
grade 4 mucositis, GI bleeding, hyperther-
Half-life: 31 to 35 hours. mia, multiple organ failure, lactic acidosis,
increased LDH level, anuria, death.
CV: cardiomyopathy, heart failure, hot Black Box Warning Give drug under super-
flashes. vision of prescriber experienced in cancer
EENT: conjunctivitis, keratitis. chemotherapy.
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, • Don’t handle drug if you are pregnant.
mucositis. • For patients taking 120 mg/m2 , give
GU: amenorrhea, red urine. prophylactic co-trimoxazole or fluoro-
Hematologic: LEUKOPENIA, NEUTROPE- quinolones.
NIA, febrile neutropenia, anemia, THROM- • Give antiemetic before drug to reduce
BOCYTOPENIA. nausea and vomiting.
Skin: alopecia, rash, itch, skin changes, • Before therapy, obtain total bilirubin,
local toxicity. AST, and creatinine levels; CBC including
Other: infection. ANC; and left ventricular ejection fraction
INTERACTIONS • Monitor LVEF regularly during therapy.
Drug-drug. Calcium channel blockers, Stop drug at first sign of impaired cardiac
other cardioactive compounds: May in- function. Early signs of cardiac toxicity
crease risk of heart failure. Monitor cardiac include sinus tachycardia, ECG abnormal-
function closely. ities, tachyarrhythmias, bradycardia, AV
block, and bundle-branch block.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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504 eplerenone

Black Box Warning Delayed cardiac toxic- • Tell patient that hair usually regrows
ity may occur 2 to 3 months after treatment within 2 to 3 months after therapy stops.
ends; indications include reduced LVEF and
signs and symptoms of heart failure (tachy-
cardia, dyspnea, pulmonary edema, depen- eplerenone
dent edema, hepatomegaly, ascites, pleural ep-LER-eh-nown
effusion, and gallop rhythm). Delayed car-
diac toxicity depends on cumulative dose of Inspra
epirubicin. Don’t exceed cumulative dose of
900 mg/m2 . Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Black Box Warning Severe myelosuppres- Pharmacologic class: Selective
sion may occur. aldosterone receptor antagonist
• Obtain total and differential WBC, CBC, Pregnancy risk category B
platelet counts, and liver function tests
before and during each cycle of therapy. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• WBC nadir is usually reached 10 to Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg
14 days after drug administration, and
returns to normal by day 21. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Monitor uric acid, potassium, calcium ➤ Hypertension
phosphate, and creatinine levels immedi- Adults: 50 mg P.O. once daily. If response is
ately after initial chemotherapy administra- inadequate after 4 weeks, increase dosage
tion in patients susceptible to tumor lysis to 50 mg P.O. b.i.d. Maximum daily dose,
syndrome. Hydration, urine alkalinization, 100 mg.
and prophylaxis with allopurinol may pre- Adjust-a-dose: In patients taking weak
vent hyperuricemia and minimize potential CYP3A4 inhibitors (erythromycin, flu-
complications of tumor lysis syndrome. conazole, saquinavir, verapamil), reduce
• Drug may enhance the effects of radia- eplerenone starting dose to 25 mg P.O. once
tion therapy or cause an inflammatory cell daily.
reaction at irradiation site. Monitor patient ➤ Heart failure after an MI
closely. Adults: Initially, 25 mg P.O. once daily.
Black Box Warning Secondary AML has Increase within 4 weeks, as tolerated and
been reported in patients with breast can- according to potassium level, to 50 mg P.O.
cer treated with anthracyclines including once daily.
epirubicin. Adjust-a-dose: If potassium level is less
than 5 mEq/L, increase dosage from 25 mg
PATIENT TEACHING every other day to 25 mg daily; or increase
• Advise patient to report any pain or burn- dosage from 25 mg daily to 50 mg daily.
ing at site of injection during or after admin- If potassium level is 5 to 5.4 mEq/L, don’t
istration. adjust dosage. If potassium level is 5.5 to
• Advise patient to report nausea, vomiting, 5.9 mEq/L, decrease dosage from 50 mg
mouth inflammation, dehydration, fever, daily to 25 mg daily; or decrease dosage
evidence of infection, or symptoms of heart from 25 mg daily to 25 mg every other
failure (rapid heart beat, labored breathing, day; or if dosage was 25 mg every other
swelling). day, withhold drug. If potassium level is
• Tell patient that urine will be reddish pink greater than 6 mEq/L, withhold drug. May
for 1 to 2 days after treatment. restart drug at 25 mg every other day when
• Inform patient of risk of heart damage potassium level is less than 5.5 mEq/L. In
and treatment-related leukemia with use of patients taking weak CYP3A4 inhibitors
drug. (erythromycin, fluconazole, saquinavir,
• Advise men to use effective contraception verapamil), reduce eplerenone starting dose
during treatment. to 25 mg P.O. once daily.
• Advise women that irreversible, prema-
ture menopause may occur.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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eplerenone 505


P.O. • May increase ALT, BUN, cholesterol,
• Give drug without regard for meals. creatinine, GGT, potassium, triglyceride,
and uric acid levels. May decrease sodium
AC TION level.
Binds to mineralocorticoid receptors and
blocks aldosterone, which increases blood CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
pressure through induction of sodium reab- • When used for hypertension, contraindi-
sorption and possibly other mechanisms. cated in patients with type 2 diabetes E
Route Onset Peak Duration
with microalbuminuria, creatinine level
P.O. Unknown 90 min Unknown
greater than 2 mg/dl in men or greater than
1.8 mg/dl in women, or creatinine clear-
Half-life: 4 to 6 hours. ance less than 50 ml/minute and in patients
taking potassium supplements or
ADVERSE REACTIONS potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride,
CNS: dizziness, fatigue. spironolactone, or triamterene).
GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain. • Contraindicated in patients with potas-
GU: albuminuria, abnormal vaginal sium level greater than 5.5 mEq/ml or crea-
bleeding. tinine clearance 30 ml/minute or less and in
Metabolic: hyperkalemia. patients taking strong CYP3A4 inhibitors,
Respiratory: cough. such as ketoconazole, clarithromycin, riton-
Other: flulike syndrome, gynecomastia. avir, nelfinavir, nefazodone, or itraconazole.
• Use cautiously in patient with mild to
INTERACTIONS moderate hepatic impairment.
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II • Use in pregnant women only if the po-
receptor antagonists: May increase risk of tential benefits justify the potential risk to
hyperkalemia. Use together cautiously. the fetus. Use cautiously in breast-feeding
Azole antifungals (itraconazole, ketocona- women; it’s unknown if drug appears in
zole), macrolides (clarithromycin), nefa- breast milk.
zodone, protease inhibitors (nelfinavir, riton- •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, hyper-
avir): Inhibits the CYP3A4 metabolism of kalemia.
eplerenone. Use together is contraindicated.
Lithium: May increase risk of lithium toxic- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
ity. Monitor lithium level. • Drug may be used alone or with other
NSAIDs: May reduce the antihypertensive antihypertensives.
effect and cause severe hyperkalemia in pa- • Full therapeutic effect of the drug occurs
tients with impaired renal function. Monitor in 4 weeks.
blood pressure and potassium level. • In patients with heart failure, measure
Potassium supplements, potassium-sparing potassium level at baseline, within the first
diuretics (amiloride, spironolactone, tri- week, at 1 month after starting therapy, and
amterene): May increase risk of hyper- periodically thereafter.
kalemia and sometimes-fatal arrhythmias. • Monitor patient for signs and symptoms
Use together is contraindicated. of hyperkalemia.
Weak CYP3A4 inhibitors (erythromycin, • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
fluconazole, saquinavir, verapamil): Inspra with Spiriva.
May increase eplerenone level. Reduce
eplerenone starting dose to 25 mg P.O. once PATIENT TEACHING
daily. • Inform patient that drug may be taken
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease with or without food.
eplerenone level over time. Discourage use • Advise patient to avoid potassium
together. supplements and salt substitutes during
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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506 epoetin alfa

SAFETY ALERT! Adults: Initially, 100 units/kg I.V. or subcu-

taneously three times weekly for 8 weeks
epoetin alfa (erythropoietin) or until target hemoglobin level is reached.
e-poe-E-tin If response isn’t satisfactory after 8 weeks,
increase dosage by 50 to 100 units/kg I.V. or
Epogen, Eprex†, Procrit subcutaneously three times weekly. Evalu-
ate response every 4 to 8 weeks thereafter;
Therapeutic class: Colony stimulating further increase dosage in increments of
factor 50 to 100 units/kg three times weekly, up
Pharmacologic class: Recombinant to maximum of 300 units/kg I.V. or sub-
human erythropoietin cutaneously three times weekly. Give the
Pregnancy risk category C lowest effective dose to gradually increase
hemoglobin to a level where blood transfu-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS sion isn’t necessary.
Injection: 2,000 units/ml, 3,000 units/ml, ➤ Anemia from chemotherapy
4,000 units/ml, 10,000 units/ml, Adults: Don’t initiate therapy if hemoglobin
20,000 units/ml, 40,000 units/ml level is 10 g/dl or higher. Initially, 150 units/
kg subcutaneously three times weekly. If
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES response isn’t satisfactory after 4 weeks,
➤ Anemia caused by chronic renal increase dosage up to 300 units/kg subcuta-
failure neously three times weekly. Or, 40,000 units
Adults: Dosage is individualized. Starting subcutaneously once weekly. If hemoglobin
dose is 50 to 100 units/kg subcutaneously level hasn’t increased by at least 1 g/dl (in
or I.V. three times weekly. I.V. route is pre- the absence of RBC transfusion), increase
ferred for patients receiving hemodialysis. dose to 60,000 units weekly. Give the low-
Maintenance dosage is highly individu- est effective dose to gradually increase
alized. Give the lowest effective dose to hemoglobin to a level where blood trans-
gradually increase hemoglobin to a level fusion isn’t necessary. Discontinue drug
where blood transfusion isn’t necessary. after 8 weeks if no response, as measured by
Infants and children ages 1 month and older hemoglobin level or if tranfusions are still
who are on dialysis or 3 months and older required.
who aren’t on dialysis: Initially, 50 units/kg Children ages 5 to 18: 600 units/kg (max-
I.V. or subcutaneously three times weekly. imum 40,000 units) I.V. once weekly. If
I.V. route is preferred for patients receiving hemoglobin level hasn’t increased by at
hemodialysis. Maintenance dosage is highly least 1 g/dl (in the absence of RBC transfu-
individualized to keep hemoglobin level sion), increase dosage to 900 units/kg I.V.
within target range. Give the lowest effec- (maximum, 60,000 units). Discontinue drug
tive dose to gradually increase hemoglobin after 8 weeks if no response, as measured by
to a level where blood transfusion isn’t hemoglobin level or if transfusions are still
necessary. required.
Adjust-a-dose: Reduce dosage by 25% when Adjust-a-dose: Withhold drug if hemoglobin
target hemoglobin level approaches 12 g/dl level exceeds 12 g/dl. Reduce dose by 25%
or if it rises more than 1 g/dl in any 2-week and resume therapy when hemoglobin level
period. If hemoglobin level continues to is less than 11 g/dl. If hemoglobin level
increase, hold dose until hemoglobin level increases by more than 1 g/dl in any 2-week
begins to decrease; then restart at 25% period, reduce dose by 25%.
below previous dose. Increase dosage by ➤ Reduce need for allogenic blood trans-
25% if hemoglobin level is less than 10 g/dl fusion in anemic patients scheduled to
and hasn’t increased by 1 g/dl after 4 weeks have elective, noncardiac, nonvascular
or hemoglobin level falls below 10 g/dl. surgery
➤ Anemia from zidovudine therapy (less Adults: 300 units/kg daily subcutaneously
than or equal to 4,200 mg/week) in HIV- daily for 10 days before surgery, on day of
infected patients surgery, and for 4 days after surgery. Or,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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epoetin alfa 507

600 units/kg subcutaneously in once-weekly EENT: pharyngitis.

doses (21, 14, and 7 days before surgery), GI: abdominal pain and constipation
plus a fourth dose on day of surgery. (in children), diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Metabolic: hyperkalemia, hyperphos-
ADMINISTRATION phatemia, hyperuricemia.
I.V. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia.
 Store solution in refrigerator and protect Respiratory: cough, shortness of breath,
from light. upper respiratory infection.
 Don’t shake. Skin: injection site reactions, rash, E
 Give by direct injection without dilution. urticaria.
 If patient is having dialysis, drug may

be given into venous return line after dial- INTERACTIONS

ysis session. To keep drug from adhering None significant.
to tubing, inject drug with blood still in
the line. Then flush with normal saline EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
solution. • May increase BUN, creatinine, phosphate,
 Single-dose vials contain no preserva- potassium, and uric acid levels.
tives. Discard unused portion.
Alert: Multidose vials contain benzyl CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
alcohol, which has been associated with • Contraindicated in patients hypersen-
sometimes fatal neurologic and other sitive to products derived from mammal
complications in premature infants. cells or albumin (human) and in those with
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. uncontrolled hypertension.
Subcutaneous • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
• Store solution in refrigerator and protect •H Overdose S&S: Cardiovascular events.
from light.
• Don’t use if solution is discolored or has Black Box Warning In patients with renal
particulate matter. failure, drug may increase risk of serious
• Give in upper arm, abdomen, mid-thigh or CV events, including death, when target
outer buttocks. hemoglobin is greater than 12 g/dl. Monitor
• Single use vial without preservative may hemoglobin level weekly until stabilized.
be admixed in a syringe with bacteriostatic Individualize dosing to achieve and main-
sodium chloride 0.9% injection with benzyl tain hemoglobin level within 10 to 12 g/dl.
alcohol 0.9% (bacteriostatic saline) at a Rate of hemoglobin increase shouldn’t
1:1 ratio to provide local anesthetic. exceed 1 g/dl in 2 weeks.
• Rotate injection sites and document. • Before starting therapy, evaluate patient’s
iron status. Patient should receive adequate
AC TION iron supplementation beginning no later
Mimics effects of erythropoietin. Functions than when epoetin alfa treatment starts and
as a growth factor and as a differentiating continuing throughout therapy. Patient also
factor, enhancing RBC production. may need vitamin B12 and folic acid.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Monitor blood pressure before therapy.
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
Most patients with chronic renal failure
Subcut. Unknown 5–24 hr Unknown have hypertension. Blood pressure may
increase, especially when hematocrit in-
Half-life: 4 to 13 hours. creases in the early part of therapy.
Black Box Warning In patients with non-
ADVERSE REACTIONS small-cell lung cancer and breast, head
CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, and neck, lymphoid, and cervical cancers,
headache, paresthesia, pyrexia, seizures. there is a risk of tumor growth and short-
CV: edema, hypertension, increased ened survival when hemoglobin levels of
clotting of arteriovenous grafts. 12 g/dl are achieved. Target dosage to

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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508 eprosartan mesylate

achieve hemoglobin level of less than

12 g/dl. Use the lowest dosage needed to eprosartan mesylate
avoid RBC transfusions. Use only for treat- ep-row-SAR-tan
ment of anemia due to concomitant myelo-
suppressive chemotherapy and discontinue Teveten
drug following chemotherapy course.
• Institute diet restrictions or drug therapy Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
to control blood pressure. Pharmacologic class: Angiotensin II
• Monitor hemoglobin level twice weekly receptor antagonist
until it stabilizes in the target range (10 to Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and
12 g/dl for most patients) and maintenance 3rd trimesters
dose is established, then continue to monitor
at regular intervals. Resume twice weekly AVAIL ABLE FORMS
testing following any dosage adjustments. Tablets: 400 mg, 600 mg
• When used in HIV-infected adults, dosage
recommendations are for those with endo- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
genous erythropoietin levels of 500 units/L ➤ Hypertension (alone or with other
or less and cumulative zidovudine doses of antihypertensives)
4.2 g/week or less. Adults: Initially, 600 mg P.O. daily. Dosage
• Monitor blood counts; elevated hemat- ranges from 400 to 800 mg daily, given as
ocrit may cause excessive clotting. single daily dose or two divided doses.
• Patient may need additional heparin to
prevent clotting during dialysis treatments. ADMINISTRATION
Black Box Warning Due to increased P.O.
risk of deep vein thrombosis, consider • Give drug without regard for meals.
Alert: Evaluate patient who experiences AC TION
a lack or loss of effect for pure red cell An angiotensin II receptor antagonist that
aplasia. reduces blood pressure by blocking the
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting
Epogen with Neupogen. effects of angiotensin II. Drug selectively
blocks the binding of angiotensin II to its
PATIENT TEACHING receptor sites found in many tissues, such
• Inform patient that pain or discomfort in as vascular smooth muscle and the adrenal
limbs (long bones) and pelvis, and coldness gland.
and sweating may occur after injection Route Onset Peak Duration
(usually within 2 hours). Symptoms may P.O. 1–2 hr 1–3 hr 24 hr
last for 12 hours and then disappear.
• Advise patient to avoid driving or oper- Half-life: 5 to 9 hours.
ating heavy machinery at start of therapy.
There may be a relationship between too- ADVERSE REACTIONS
rapid increase in hematocrit and seizures. CNS: depression, fatigue, headache,
• Tell patient to monitor blood pressure at dizziness.
home and to adhere to dietary restrictions. CV: chest pain, dependent edema.
• Advise women that they may resume EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
menstruating after therapy and to consider GI: abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea.
the need for contraception. GU: UTI.
Hematologic: neutropenia.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia.
Respiratory: cough, upper respiratory tract
infection, bronchitis.
Other: injury, viral infection.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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eptifibatide 509


Drug-drug. NSAIDs: May decrease antihy- • Advise women of childbearing age to
pertensive effects. Monitor blood pressure. use a reliable form of contraception and to
Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease notify prescriber immediately if pregnancy
antihypertensive effects. Discourage use is suspected. Treatment may need to be
together. stopped under medical supervision.
• Advise patient to report facial or lip
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS swelling and signs and symptoms of
• May increase BUN and triglyceride infection, such as fever and sore throat. E
levels. • Tell patient to notify prescriber before
taking OTC medication to treat a dry cough.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Inform patient that drug may be taken
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive without regard to meals.
to eprosartan or its components. • Advise breast-feeding women to stop
• Use cautiously in patients with renal either therapy or breast-feeding because of
artery stenosis; in patients with an activated potential for adverse reactions in infant.
renin-angiotensin system, such as volume-
or salt-depleted patients; and in patients
whose renal function may depend on the eptifibatide
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, such ep-tiff-IB-ah-tide
as those with severe heart failure.
• Safety and effectiveness in children Integrilin
haven’t been established.
Black Box Warning Use during pregnancy Therapeutic class: Antiplatelet
can cause injury and death to the developing Pharmacologic class: Glycoprotein
fetus. When pregnancy is detected, stop IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) inhibitor
drug as soon as possible. Pregnancy risk category B


• Correct hypovolemia and hyponatremia Injection: 10-ml (2 mg/ml), 100-ml
before starting therapy to reduce risk of (0.75 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml) vials
symptomatic hypotension.
• Monitor blood pressure closely for INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
2 hours at start of treatment. If hypotension ➤ Acute coronary syndrome (unstable
occurs, place patient in a supine position angina or non–ST-segment elevation MI)
and, if needed, give an I.V. infusion of in patients receiving drug therapy and
normal saline solution. in those having a percutaneous coronary
• A transient episode of hypotension isn’t intervention (PCI)
a contraindication to continued treatment. Adults: 180 mcg/kg I.V. bolus as soon
Drug may be restarted once patient’s blood as possible after diagnosis, followed by
pressure has stabilized. a continuous I.V. infusion at a rate of
• Drug may be used alone or with other 2 mcg/kg/minute until hospital discharge
antihypertensives, such as diuretics and or start of coronary artery bypass graft
calcium channel blockers. Maximal blood (CABG) surgery, for up to 72 hours. If pa-
pressure response may take 2 or 3 weeks. tient is having a PCI, continue infusion until
• Monitor patient for facial or lip swelling hospital discharge or for 18 to 24 hours after
because angioedema has occurred with the procedure, whichever comes first, for up
other angiotensin II antagonists. to 96 hours.
• Closely observe infants exposed to Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is
eprosartan in utero for hypotension, less than 50 ml/minute or creatinine level is
oliguria, and hyperkalemia. greater than 2 mg/dl, give 180 mcg/kg I.V.
bolus as soon as possible after diagnosis,
followed by a continuous I.V. infusion at

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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510 eptifibatide

1 mcg/kg/minute. Patients with this cre- AC TION

atinine clearance who weigh more than Reversibly binds to the GP IIb/IIIa receptor
121 kg should receive a bolus not to exceed on human platelets and inhibits platelet
22.6 mg, followed by a maximum infusion aggregation.
rate of 7.5 mg/hour. Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ PCI I.V. Immediate Immediate 4–6 hr
Adults: 180 mcg/kg I.V. bolus given just
before the procedure, immediately followed Half-life: 21⁄2 hours.
by an infusion of 2 mcg/kg/minute and
a second I.V. bolus of 180 mcg/kg given ADVERSE REACTIONS
10 minutes after the first bolus. Continue CV: hypotension.
infusion until hospital discharge or for GU: hematuria.
18 to 24 hours, whichever comes first; the Hematologic: bleeding, thrombocytopenia.
minimum duration of infusion is 12 hours. Other: bleeding at femoral artery access
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is site.
less than 50 ml/minute or creatinine level is
greater than 2 mg/dl, give 180 mcg/kg I.V. INTERACTIONS
bolus just before the procedure, immedi- Drug-drug. Clopidogrel, dipyridamole,
ately followed by a continuous I.V. infusion NSAIDs, oral anticoagulants (warfarin),
at 1 mcg/kg/minute and a second bolus of thrombolytics, ticlopidine: May increase
180 mcg/kg given 10 minutes after the first risk of bleeding. Monitor patient closely for
bolus. signs of bleeding.
Other inhibitors of platelet receptor
ADMINISTRATION IIb/IIIa: May cause serious bleeding. Avoid
I.V. using together.
 Inspect solution for particles before use;

if they appear, drug may not be sterile. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Discard it. • May decrease platelet count.
 Protect drug from light before giving.
 Drug may be given in same line with CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
normal saline solution, D5 W, alteplase, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
atropine, dobutamine, heparin, lidocaine, to drug or its ingredients and in those with
meperidine, metoprolol, midazolam, history of bleeding diathesis or evidence of
morphine, nitroglycerin, or verapamil. active abnormal bleeding within previous
Main infusion may also contain up to 30 days; severe hypertension (systolic
60 mEq/L of potassium chloride. blood pressure higher than 200 mm Hg
 For I.V. push, withdraw bolus dose from or diastolic blood pressure higher than
10-ml vial into a syringe and give over 1 or 110 mm Hg) not adequately controlled with
2 minutes. antihypertensives; major surgery within
 For infusion, give undiluted drug di- previous 6 weeks; history of stroke within
rectly from 100-ml vial using an infusion 30 days or history of hemorrhagic stroke;
pump. current or planned use of another parenteral
 If patient needs thrombolytics, stop GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor; or platelet count less
infusion. than 100,000/mm3 .
 Refrigerate vials at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to • Contraindicated in patients with creati-
8◦ C). Store vials at room temperature nine level 4 mg/dl or higher and in patients
for no longer than 2 months; afterward, dependent on renal dialysis.
discard them. • Use cautiously in patients at increased
 Incompatibilities: Furosemide. risk for bleeding, in those with platelet
count less than 150,000/mm3 , in those
with hemorrhagic retinopathy, and in those
weighing more than 143 kg (315 lb).

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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erlotinib 511


• Drug is intended for use with heparin and ➤ With gemcitabine, first-line treatment
aspirin. of locally advanced, unresectable, or
• At least 4 hours before hospital discharge, metastatic pancreatic cancer
stop this drug and heparin and achieve Adults: 100 mg P.O. once daily taken at least
sheath hemostasis by standard compressive 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Con-
techniques. tinue until disease progresses or intolerable
• Remove sheath during infusion only after toxicity occurs.
heparin has been stopped and its effects ✷ NEW INDICATION: Initial mainte- E
largely reversed. nance therapy for locally advanced or
• If patient is to have a CABG, stop infusion metastatic non–small cell lung cancer in
before surgery. patients whose disease hasn’t progressed
• Minimize use of arterial and venous after four cycles of platinum-based, first-
punctures, I.M. injections, urinary catheters, line chemotherapy
and nasotracheal and nasogastric tubes. Adults: 150 mg P.O. once daily at least
• When obtaining I.V. access, avoid use of 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Con-
noncompressible sites (such as subclavian tinue until disease progresses or intolerable
or jugular veins). toxicity occurs.
• Monitor patient for bleeding. ➤ Locally advanced or metastatic non–
Alert: If patient’s platelet count is less than small cell lung cancer after failure of at
100,000/mm3 , stop this drug and heparin. least one chemotherapy regimen
• Perform baseline laboratory tests be- Adults: 150 mg P.O. once daily taken at least
fore start of drug therapy; also determine 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Con-
hemoglobin level, hematocrit, PT, INR, tinue until disease progresses or intolerable
activated PTT, platelet count, and creatinine toxicity occurs.
level. Adjust-a-dose: In patients with severe skin
reactions or severe diarrhea refractory to
PATIENT TEACHING loperamide, reduce dose in 50-mg decre-
• Explain that drug is a blood thinner used ments or stop therapy.
to prevent chest pain and heart attack. In patients with severe hepatic impair-
• Explain that benefits of drug far outweigh ment (AST greater than three times up-
risk of serious bleeding. per limit of normal) reduce initial dose to
• Tell patient to report to prescriber chest 75 mg/day and gradually increase as
discomfort or other adverse effects immedi- tolerated.
• Give drug 1 hour before or 2 hours after a
erlotinib meal.
Tarceva Probably inhibits tyrosine kinase activity in
epidermal growth factor receptors, which
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic are expressed on the surface of normal and
Pharmacologic class: Epidermal growth cancer cells. Is particularly selective for
factor receptor inhibitor human epidermal growth factor receptor 1.
Pregnancy risk category D
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 4 hr Unknown
Tablets: 25 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg Half-life: About 36 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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512 erlotinib

ADVERSE REACTIONS receiving chemotherapy because it may

CNS: fatigue. worsen adverse pulmonary effects.
EENT: conjunctivitis, keratoconjuctivitis • Use cautiously in patients receiving other
sicca. antiangiogenic agents, corticosteroids,
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, NSAIDs, or taxane-based chemotherapy,
nausea, stomatitis, vomiting. and in those with a history of peptic ulcer
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, pulmonary disease because of increased risk of GI
toxicity. perforation.
Skin: dry skin, pruritus, rash.
• Monitor renal and liver function tests
INTERACTIONS periodically during therapy.
Drug-drug. Antacids, H2 -receptor antag- Alert: GI perforation with fatalities have
onists, proton pump inhibitors: May reduce been reported. Permanently discontinue
bioavailability of drug. Separate doses by drug if GI perforation occurs.
several hours. Alert: Rarely, serious interstitial lung dis-
Anticoagulants, such as warfarin: May ease may occur. If patient develops dyspnea,
increase risk of bleeding. Monitor PT and cough, and fever, notify prescriber. Therapy
INR. may need to be interrupted or stopped.
CYP3A4 inducers, such as carbamazepine, • Monitor patient for severe diarrhea, and
phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifabutin, ri- give loperamide if needed.
fampin: May increase erlotinib metabolism. • Monitor patient for eye ulcers, bullous
Increase erlotinib dosage, as needed. blistering, and exfoliative skin conditions.
Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as • Women shouldn’t breast-feed while taking
atazanavir, clarithromycin, indinavir, itra- this drug.
conazole, ketoconazole, nefazodone, nelfi- • Drug has been used off label to treat
navir, ritonavir, saquinavir, telithromycin, squamous cell head and neck cancer.
troleandomycin, voriconazole: May de-
crease erlotinib metabolism. Use together PATIENT TEACHING
cautiously, and consider reducing erlotinib Alert: Tell patient to immediately report
dosage. new or worsened cough, shortness of breath,
Drug-food. Any food: May increase eye irritation, or severe or persistent diar-
bioavailability of drug. Give drug 1 hour rhea, nausea, anorexia, or vomiting.
before or 2 hours after meals. • Instruct patient to take drug 1 hour before
Grapefruit or grapefruit juice: May increase or 2 hours after food.
drug level. Avoid use together. • Advise women to avoid pregnancy while
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May increase taking this drug and for 2 weeks after treat-
drug metabolism. Drug dosage may need to ment ends. Drug can harm fetus.
be increased. Discourage use together. • Explain the likelihood of serious interac-
Drug-lifestyle. Cigarette smoking: May tions with other drugs and herbal supple-
decrease drug level. Encourage smoking ments and the need to tell prescriber about
cessation. any change in drugs and supplements taken.
• Counsel patient about smoking cessation,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS as smoking may decrease drug level and
• May increase ALT, AST, and bilirubin effectiveness.
• May increase INR and PT.


• Use cautiously in patients with pulmonary
disease or liver impairment. Also use cau-
tiously in patients who have received or are

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ertapenem sodium 513

If patient improves after at least 3 days of

ertapenem sodium treatment, use appropriate oral therapy to
er-tah-PEN-em complete the full course of therapy.
Infants and children ages 3 months to
Invanz 13 years: 15 mg/kg I.V. or I.M. every
12 hours for 10 to 14 days. Don’t exceed
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic 1 g daily. If patient improves after at least
Pharmacologic class: Carbapenem 3 days of treatment, use appropriate oral
Pregnancy risk category B therapy to complete the full course of E
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ Acute pelvic infection, including post-
Injection: 1 g partum endomyometritis, septic abor-
tion, and postsurgical gynecologic in-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES fections caused by S. agalactiae, E. coli,
➤ Complicated intra-abdominal infec- B. fragilis, P. asaccharolytica, Peptostrep-
tion caused by Escherichia coli, Clostrid- tococcus species, or P. bivia
ium clostridiforme, Eubacterium lentum, Adults and children age 13 and older: 1 g
Peptostreptococcus species, Bacteroides I.V. or I.M. once daily for 3 to 10 days.
fragilis, B. distasonis, B. ovatus, B. thetaio- Infants and children ages 3 months to
taomicron, or B. uniformis 13 years: 15 mg/kg I.V. or I.M. every
Adults and children age 13 and older: 1 g 12 hours for 3 to 10 days. Don’t exceed
I.V. or I.M. once daily for 5 to 14 days. 1 g daily.
Infants and children ages 3 months to Adjust-a-dose: In adult patients with creati-
13 years: 15 mg/kg I.V. or I.M. every nine clearance of 30 ml/minute or less, give
12 hours for 5 to 14 days. Don’t exceed 500 mg/day. In hemodialysis patients re-
1 g daily. ceiving daily 500-mg dose less than 6 hours
➤ Complicated skin or skin-structure in- before hemodialysis, give supplementary
fection including diabetic foot infections 150-mg dose afterward. In hemodialysis
without osteomyelitis caused by Staphylo- patients receiving dose 6 hours or more
coccus aureus (methicillin-susceptible before hemodialysis, no supplementary
strains), Streptococcus agalactiae, dose is needed.
S. pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella ➤ Prevention of surgical site infection
pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, after elective colorectal surgery
Bacteroides fragilis, Peptostreptococcus Adults: 1 g I.V. 1 hour before surgical
species, Porphyromonas asaccharolytica, incision.
or Prevotella bivia
Adults and children age 13 and older: 1 g ADMINISTRATION
I.V. or I.M. once daily for 7 to 14 days. I.V.
Diabetic foot infections may need up to  Obtain specimens for culture and sensi-

28 days of treatment. tivity testing before giving. Begin therapy

Infants and children ages 3 months to while awaiting results.
13 years: 15 mg/kg I.V. or I.M. every  Before giving first dose, check for

12 hours for 7 to 14 days. Don’t exceed previous hypersensitivity to penicillin,

1 g daily. cephalosporin, beta-lactam, or local
➤ Community-acquired pneumonia amide-type anesthetics.
from S. pneumoniae (penicillin-  Reconstitute 1-g vial with 10 ml of

susceptible strains), Haemophilus influen- sterile water for injection, normal saline
zae (beta-lactamase–negative strains), or solution for injection, or bacteriostatic
Moraxella catarrhalis; complicated UTI water for injection.
including pyelonephritis caused by E. coli  Shake well to dissolve, and then immedi-

or K. pneumoniae ately transfer contents to 50 ml of normal

Adults and children age 13 and older: 1 g saline solution.
I.V. or I.M. once daily for 10 to 14 days.  Infuse over 30 minutes.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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514 ertapenem sodium

 Complete the infusion within 6 hours Metabolic: hyperkalemia, hypokalemia,

of reconstitution or refrigerate for up to hyperglycemia.
24 hours. Infuse within 4 hours once Musculoskeletal: leg pain.
removed from refrigeration. Don’t freeze. Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, rales, respi-
 Incompatibilities: Diluents containing ratory distress, rhonchi.
dextrose (alpha-D-glucose), other I.V. Skin: erythema, extravasation, infusion site
drugs. pain and redness, pruritus, rash.
I.M. Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
• Obtain specimens for culture and sensi-
tivity testing before giving. Begin therapy INTERACTIONS
while awaiting results. Drug-drug. Probenecid: May reduce renal
• Before giving first dose, check for clearance and may increase half-life. Don’t
previous hypersensitivity to penicillin, give together with probenecid to extend
cephalosporin, beta-lactam, or local amide- half-life.
type anesthetics. Valproic acid: May decrease valproic acid
• Reconstitute 1-g vial with 3.2 ml of 1% levels, leading to loss of seizure control.
lidocaine hydrochloride injection (with- Monitor valproic acid levels, and observe
out epinephrine). Shake vial thoroughly patient for signs of seizure activity.
to form solution. Immediately withdraw
the contents of the vial and give by deep EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
I.M. injection into a large muscle, such as • May increase albumin, ALT, alkaline
the gluteal muscles or lateral part of the phosphatase, AST, bilirubin, creatinine,
thigh. Use the reconstituted I.M. solution glucose, and potassium levels. May de-
within 1 hour after preparation. Don’t give crease hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
reconstituted solution I.V. • May increase eosinophil count, PT, and
urinary RBC or urine WBC counts. May
AC TION decrease segmented neutrophil and serum
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis through WBC counts. May increase or decrease
penicillin-binding proteins. platelet count.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate 30 min 24 hr
I.M. Unknown 2 hr 24 hr • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to any component of the drug or to other
Half-life: 4 hours. drugs in the same class and in patients
who have had anaphylactic reactions to
ADVERSE REACTIONS beta-lactams. I.M. use is contraindicated in
CNS: altered mental status, anxiety, as- patients hypersensitive to local anesthetics
thenia, dizziness, fatigue, fever, headache, of the amide type (because of drug’s diluent,
insomnia. lidocaine hydrochloride).
CV: chest pain, edema, hypertension, • Use cautiously in patients with CNS
hypotension, infused vein complication, disorders, compromised renal function,
phlebitis, swelling, tachycardia, throm- or both, as seizures may occur in these
bophlebitis. patients.
EENT: pharyngitis. •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, diarrhea, dizzi-
GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain, acid regurgi- ness.
tation, constipation, dyspepsia, nausea, oral
candidiasis, vomiting. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
GU: renal dysfunction, vaginitis. • If patient has diarrhea during therapy,
Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia, notify prescriber and collect stool specimen
thrombocytopenia, anemia, coagulation ab- for culture to rule out pseudomembranous
normalities, eosinophilia, thrombocytosis. colitis.
Hepatic: jaundice. • Vomiting occurs more frequently in chil-
dren than adults. Monitor children closely

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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erythromycin (ophthalmic) 515

for signs and symptoms of dehydration and • To prevent ophthalmia neonatorum, apply
electrolyte imbalance. ointment no later than 1 hour after birth.
• If allergic reaction occurs, stop drug Use drug in neonates born either vaginally
immediately. or by cesarean birth. Gently massage eyelids
• Anaphylactic reactions require immedi- for 1 minute to spread ointment. Use new
ate emergency treatment with epinephrine, tube for each neonate.
oxygen, I.V. steroids, and airway manage-
ment. AC TION
• Anticonvulsants may continue in patients Inhibits protein synthesis; usually bacte- E
with seizure disorders. If focal tremors, my- riostatic, but may be bactericidal in high
oclonus, or seizures occur, notify prescriber. concentrations or against highly susceptible
Drug may need to be decreased or stopped. organisms.
• Monitor renal, hepatic, and hematopoietic Route Onset Peak Duration
function during prolonged therapy. Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Methicillin-resistant staphylococci and
Enterococcus species are resistant to drug. Half-life: Unknown.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Invanz with Avinza. ADVERSE REACTIONS
EENT: blurred vision, itching and burning
PATIENT TEACHING eyes, slowed corneal wound healing.
• Tell patient about adverse reactions. Skin: dermatitis, urticaria.
• Tell patient to alert nurse if discomfort Other: overgrowth of nonsusceptible organ-
occurs at injection site. isms with long-term use.

erythromycin (ophthalmic) None significant.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic • May interfere with fluorometric determi-
Pharmacologic class: Macrolide nations of urine catecholamines.
Pregnancy risk category B
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Ophthalmic ointment: 0.5% to drug.
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
➤ Acute and chronic conjunctivitis, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
other eye infections • Use drug only when sensitivity studies
Adults and children: Apply a ribbon of show it’s effective against infecting organ-
ointment about 1 cm long directly to isms; don’t use in infections of unknown
infected eye up to six times daily, depending cause.
on severity of infection. • Store drug at room temperature in tightly
➤ To prevent ophthalmia neonatorum closed, light-resistant container.
caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae or
Chlamydia trachomatis PATIENT TEACHING
Neonates: Apply a ribbon of ointment about • Tell patient to clean eye area of excessive
1 cm long in lower conjunctival sac of each discharge before application.
eye shortly after birth. • Teach patient how to apply drug. Advise
him to wash hands before and after applying
ADMINISTRATION ointment, and warn him not to touch tip of
Ophthalmic applicator to eye or surrounding tissue.
• Don’t use for infection unless causative • Tell patient that vision may be blurred
organism has been identified. for a few minutes after applying ointment.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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516 erythromycin (topical)

Instruct patient to keep eyes closed for 1 to ADVERSE REACTIONS

2 minutes after applying drug. GI: pseudomembranous colitis.
• Advise patient to watch for and report Skin: burning, dryness, pruritus, erythema,
signs and symptoms of sensitivity (itching irritation, oily skin, peeling, sensitivity
lids, redness, swelling, or constant burning). reactions.
• Tell patient not to share drug, washcloths,
or towels with family members and to notify INTERACTIONS
prescriber if anyone develops same signs or Drug-drug. Clindamycin: May antagonize
symptoms. clindamycin’s effect. Avoid using together.
• Stress importance of compliance with Isotretinoin: May cause cumulative dryness,
recommended therapy. resulting in excessive skin irritation. Use
together cautiously.
Drug-lifestyle. Abrasive or medicated
erythromycin (topical) soaps or cleansers, acne products, or other
er-ith-roe-MYE-sin preparations containing peeling drugs
(benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic
Akne-mycin, Ery-Sol†, Erythra-Derm, acid, sulfur, tretinoin), alcohol-containing
Erythro-Statin products (aftershave, cosmetics, perfumed
toiletries, shaving creams or lotions), as-
Therapeutic class: Antiacne tringent soaps or cosmetics, medicated
Pharmacologic class: Macrolide cosmetics or cover-ups: May cause cumu-
Pregnancy risk category C (topical lative dryness, resulting in excessive skin
solution); B (other topical preparations) irritation. Urge caution.


Ointment: 2% • May interfere with fluorometric determi-
Pledgets: 2% nations of urine catecholamines.
Topical gel: 2%
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES to drug or its components.
➤ Inflammatory acne vulgaris • Safety and efficacy in children haven’t
Adults and children: Apply to affected areas been established.
b.i.d., morning and evening. If no improve-
ment in 6 to 8 weeks, discontinue drug; NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
prescriber should re-evaluate treatment. • Prolonged use may be needed when treat-
ing acne vulgaris, which may result in over-
ADMINISTRATION growth of nonsusceptible organisms.
• Wash, rinse, and dry affected areas before PATIENT TEACHING
application. • Advise patient to wash, rinse, and dry face
• Use pledget once, and then discard. thoroughly before each use.
• Wash hands after each application. • Advise patient to avoid use near eyes,
nose, mouth, or other mucous membranes.
AC TION • Tell patient to wash hands after each
Usually bacteriostatic, but may be bacterici- application.
dal in high concentrations or against highly • Tell patient to stop using drug and notify
susceptible organisms. Disrupts protein prescriber if no improvement occurs or if
synthesis in susceptible bacteria. condition worsens in 3 to 12 weeks.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Advise patient not to share towels or
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Instruct patient to use each pledget once,
Half-life: Unknown. then discard.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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erythromycin base 517

• Caution patient to keep drug away from Adults: 250 mg P.O. q.i.d. or 333 mg P.O.
heat and open flame. every 8 hours, or 500 mg delayed-release
tablets P.O. every 12 hours for 10 to 14 days.
Or, 400 mg P.O. as ethylsuccinate q.i.d. for
erythromycin base 10 to 14 days.
er-ith-roe-MYE-sin Children: 30 to 50 mg/kg P.O. daily, in
divided doses, for 10 to 14 days.
Apo-Erythro Base†, Apo-Erythro ➤ To prevent rheumatic fever recurrence
E-C†, E-Mycin, Erybid†, Eryci, in patients allergic to penicillin and sul- E
Ery-Tabi, Erythromycin Delayed- fonamides
Release, Erythromycin Filmtabs, Adults: 250 mg base or stearate P.O. b.i.d.;
PCE Dispertab or, 400 mg ethylsuccinate P.O. b.i.d.
➤ Mild to moderately severe respiratory
erythromycin ethylsuccinate tract, skin, or soft-tissue infection from
Apo-Erythro-ES†, E.E.S., E.E.S. sensitive group A beta-hemolytic strep-
Granules, EryPed tococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, My-
coplasma pneumoniae, Corynebacterium
erythromycin lactobionate diphtheriae, or Bordetella pertussis
Erythrocin Lactobionate Adults: 250 to 500 mg base or stearate P.O.
every 6 hours; or 400 to 800 mg ethylsucci-
erythromycin stearate nate P.O. every 6 hours; or 15 to 20 mg/kg
Apo-Erythro-S†, Erythrocin I.V. daily, as continuous infusion or in di-
Stearate vided doses every 6 hours for 10 days
(3 weeks for Mycoplasma species infec-
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic tion). Maximum dosage is 4 g/day.
Pharmacologic class: Macrolide Children: 30 to 50 mg/kg P.O. daily, in
Pregnancy risk category B divided doses every 6 hours; or 15 to
20 mg/kg I.V. daily, in divided doses
AVAIL ABLE FORMS every 4 to 6 hours for 10 days (3 weeks
erythromycin base for Mycoplasma species infection).
Capsules (delayed-release): 250 mg ➤ Listeria monocytogenes infection
Tablets (enteric-coated): 250 mg, 333 mg, Adults: 250 mg P.O. every 6 hours or
500 mg 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours.
Tablets (filmtabs): 250 mg, 500 mg ➤ Nongonococcal urethritis caused by
erythromycin ethylsuccinate Ureaplasma urealyticum
Oral suspension: 100 mg/2.5 ml, 200 mg/ Adults: 500 mg P.O. every 6 hours or 666 mg
5 ml, 400 mg/5 ml P.O. every 8 hours for at least 7 days.
Tablets: 400 mg ➤ Legionnaires’ disease
Powder for oral suspension: 200 mg/5 ml, Adults: 1 to 4 g P.O. daily in divided doses
400 mg/5 ml for 10 to 14 days alone or with rifampin. I.V.
erythromycin lactobionate route may be used initially in severe cases.
Injection: 500-mg, 1-g vials ➤ Uncomplicated urethral, endocervical,
erythromycin stearate or rectal infection caused by Chlamydia
Tablets (film-coated): 250 mg, 500 mg trachomatis, when tetracyclines are con-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Adults: 500 mg base P.O. q.i.d. for at least
➤ Acute pelvic inflammatory disease 7 days, or 666 mg P.O. every 8 hours for
caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae at least 7 days, or 250 mg P.O. q.i.d. for
Adults: 500 mg I.V. every 6 hours for 3 days; 14 days if patient can’t tolerate higher doses.
then 500 mg P.O. every 12 hours or 333 mg ➤ Urogenital C. trachomatis infection
P.O. every 8 hours for 7 days. during pregnancy
➤ Intestinal amebiasis caused by Enta- Adults: 500 mg base or stearate P.O. q.i.d.
moeba histolytica for at least 7 days or 250 mg base or stearate

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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518 erythromycin base

or 400 mg ethylsuccinate P.O. q.i.d. for at  Incompatibilities: Ascorbic acid

least 14 days. injection, colistimethate, dextrose 2.5%

➤ Pneumonia in infants caused by in half-strength Ringer’s lactate, dextrose
C. trachomatis 5% in lactated Ringer’s solution, dextrose
Infants: 50 mg/kg/day base or stearate P.O. 5% in normal saline solution, dextrose
in four divided doses for 21 days, or 15 to 5% in Normosol-M, dextrose 10% in
20 mg/kg/day lactobionate I.V. as a continu- water, D5 W, furosemide, heparin sodium,
ous infusion or in four divided doses. linezolid, metoclopramide, Normosol-R,
➤ Chancroid caused by Haemophilus Ringer’s injection, vitamin B complex
ducreyi  with C.
Adults: 500 mg base P.O. t.i.d. to q.i.d. for
7 days. AC TION
➤ Pertussis Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by bind-
Adults: 40 to 50 mg/kg/day P.O. in divided ing to the 50S subunit of the ribosome.
doses for 5 to 14 days. Bacteriostatic or bactericidal, depending on
➤ Preoperative prophylaxis for elective concentration.
colorectal surgery Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults: Two 500-mg tablets, three 333-mg P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 hr Unknown
tablets, or four 250-mg tablets P.O. at 1 p.m., I.V. Immediate 11⁄2 hr Unknown
2 p.m., and 11 p.m. on preoperative day 1
before 8 a.m. surgery. Half-life: 11⁄2 hours.
➤ Primary syphilis
Adults: 30 to 40 g P.O. in divided doses for ADVERSE REACTIONS
10 to 15 days. CNS: fever.
CV: vein irritation or thrombophlebitis
ADMINISTRATION after I.V. injection, ventricular arrhythmias.
P.O. GI: pseudomembranous colitis, abdominal
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- pain and cramping, diarrhea, nausea,
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while vomiting.
awaiting results. Hepatic: hepatocellular or cholestatic
• When giving suspension, note the concen- hepatitis.
tration. Skin: eczema, rash, urticaria.
• Give drug with full glass of water 2 hours Other: anaphylaxis, overgrowth of nonsus-
before or 2 hours after meals for best ab- ceptible bacteria or fungi.
• Give drug with food if GI upset occurs. INTERACTIONS
Don’t give drug with fruit juice. Make sure Drug-drug. Antihistamines (astemizole,
patient doesn’t swallow chewable tablets terfenadine): May cause fatal cardiac
whole. arrhythmias when used together. Don’t
• Coated tablets or encapsulated pellets use together.
cause less GI upset, so they may be better Carbamazepine: May inhibit metabolism of
tolerated by patients who have trouble carbamazepine, increasing blood level and
tolerating drug. risk of toxicity. Avoid using together.
I.V. Clindamycin, lincomycin: May be antago-
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- nistic. Avoid using together.
tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy Cyclosporine: May increase cyclosporine
while awaiting results. level. Monitor drug level.
 Reconstitute drug according to manufac- Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. Moni-
turer’s directions. tor patient for digoxin toxicity.
 Dilute each 250 mg in at least 100 ml of Disopyramide: May increase disopyramide
normal saline solution. level, which may cause arrhythmias and
 Infuse over 1 hour. prolonged QT intervals. Monitor ECG.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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escitalopram oxalate 519

Ergot alkaloids: May cause acute ergot NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

toxicity with severe peripheral vasospasm • Monitor patient for superinfection. Drug
and dysesthesias. Monitor carefully. may cause overgrowth of nonsusceptible
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (lovastatin, bacteria or fungi.
simvastatin): May increase concentrations • Monitor hepatic function. Drug may
of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors; rhab- cause hepatotoxicity.
domyolysis has occurred rarely. Monitor CK
and serum transaminase levels. PATIENT TEACHING
Midazolam, triazolam: May increase effects • Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, E
of these drugs. Monitor patient closely. even after he feels better.
Oral anticoagulants: May increase antico- • Instruct patient to take oral form of drug
agulant effect. Monitor PT and INR closely. with full glass of water 2 hours before or
Fluoroquinolones, other drugs that prolong 2 hours after meals for best absorption.
the QTc interval (amiodarone, antipsychotics, • Drug may be taken with food if GI upset
procainamide, quinidine, sotalol, tricyclic occurs. Tell patient not to take drug with
antidepressants): May have additive effects. fruit juice or to swallow the chewable tablets
Monitor ECG for QTc interval prolonga- whole.
tion. Avoid using together, if possible. • Instruct patient to report adverse reac-
Rifamycins (rifabutin, rifampin, rifapentine): tions, especially nausea, abdominal pain,
May decrease therapeutic effects of ery- vomiting, and fever.
thromycin while increasing adverse effects
of rifamycin. Monitor patient.
Strong CYP3A inhibitors (such as diltiazem, escitalopram oxalate
verapamil, troleandomycin): May increase ess-si-TAL-oh-pram
the risk of sudden death from cardiac
causes. Don’t use together. Lexaproi
Theophylline: May decrease erythromycin
level and increase theophylline toxicity. Use Therapeutic class: Antidepressant
together cautiously. Pharmacologic class: SSRI
Drug-herb. Pill-bearing spurge: May Pregnancy risk category C
inhibit CYP3A enzymes, affecting drug
metabolism. Urge caution. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Drug-food. Food, grapefruit juice: Food Oral solution: 5 mg/5 ml
can delay absorption; grapefruit juice may Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg
inhibit drug’s metabolism. Don’t give within
2 hours of a meal; caution patient to avoid INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
grapefruit juice during therapy. ➤ Treatment and maintenance therapy
for patients with major depressive
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, Adults and adolescents: Initially, 10 mg P.O.
AST, and bilirubin levels. once daily, increasing to 20 mg if needed
• May interfere with fluorometric deter- after at least 1 week.
mination of urine catecholamines and with ➤ Generalized anxiety disorder
colorimetric assays. Adults: Initially, 10 mg P.O. once daily,
increasing to 20 mg if needed after at least
• Contraindicated in those hypersensitive to ➤ Posttraumatic stress disorder
drug or other macrolides. (PTSD)
• Use erythromycin salts cautiously in Adults: 10 mg P.O. once daily. Increase to
patients with impaired hepatic function. 20 mg once daily after 4 weeks. Consider
• Drug appears in breast milk. Use cau- tapering, over 2 weeks to 1 month, after 6 to
tiously in breast-feeding women. 12 months in patients with acute PTSD,
• Don’t use drug to treat neurosyphilis. after 12 to 24 months in patients with

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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520 escitalopram oxalate

chronic PTSD who have had an excellent INTERACTIONS

response to therapy, and after at least Drug-drug. Antiparkinsonians (such as
24 months or longer in patients with chronic rasagiline, selegiline): May cause serotonin
PTSD and residual symptoms. syndrome. Avoid use together.
Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients and Aspirin, NSAIDs, other drugs known to
those with hepatic impairment, 10 mg P.O. affect coagulation: May increase the risk of
daily, initially and as maintenance dosages. bleeding. Use together cautiously.
In pregnant patients, consider tapering Carbamazepine: May increase escitalopram
dosage in the third trimester. clearance. Monitor patient for expected
antidepressant effect and adjust dose as
P.O. Cimetidine: May increase escitalopram
• Give drug without regard for food. level. Monitor patient for increased adverse
reactions to escitalopram.
AC TION Citalopram: May cause additive effects.
Action may be linked to increase of sero- Using together is contraindicated.
tonergic activity in the CNS from inhibition CNS drugs: May cause additive effects. Use
of neuronal reuptake of serotonin. Drug is together cautiously.
closely related to citalopram, which may be Desipramine, other drugs metabolized
the active component. by CYP2D6: May increase levels of these
Route Onset Peak Duration
drugs. Use together cautiously.
P.O. Unknown 5 hr Unknown
Lithium: May enhance serotonergic effect of
escitalopram. Use together cautiously, and
Half-life: 27 to 32 hours. monitor lithium level.
MAO inhibitors: May cause fatal serotonin
ADVERSE REACTIONS syndrome or signs and symptoms resem-
CNS: suicidal behavior, fever, insomnia, bling neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
dizziness, somnolence, paresthesia, light- Avoid using within 14 days of MAO in-
headedness, migraine, tremor, vertigo, hibitor therapy.
abnormal dreams, irritability, impaired Triptans: May increase serotonergic effects,
concentration, fatigue, lethargy. leading to weakness, hyperreflexia, incoor-
CV: palpitations, hypertension, flushing, dination, rapid changes in blood pressure,
chest pain. nausea, and diarrhea. Use together cau-
EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, blurred vision, tiously, especially at the start of therapy or at
tinnitus, earache. dosage increases.
GI: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, indiges- Tramadol: May cause serotonin syndrome.
tion, abdominal pain, vomiting, increased or Monitor patient closely.
decreased appetite, dry mouth, flatulence, Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May cause
heartburn, cramps, gastroesophageal reflux. serotonin syndrome. Use with caution.
GU: ejaculation disorder, impotence, anor- Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
gasmia, menstrual cramps, UTI, urinary CNS effects. Discourage use together.
Metabolic: weight gain or loss, hypona- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
tremia. None reported.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia,
muscle cramps, pain in arms or legs. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Respiratory: bronchitis, cough. • Contraindicated in patients taking pi-
Skin: rash, increased sweating. mozide, MAO inhibitors, or within 14 days
Other: decreased libido, yawning, flulike of MAO inhibitor therapy and in those hy-
symptoms. persensitive to escitalopram, citalopram, or
any of its inactive ingredients.
Black Box Warning Escitalopram isn’t
approved for use in children.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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esmolol hydrochloride 521

• Use cautiously in patients with a his- PATIENT TEACHING

tory of mania, seizure disorders, suicidal • Inform patient that symptoms should
thoughts, or renal or hepatic impairment. improve gradually over several weeks,
• Use cautiously in patients with diseases rather than immediately.
that produce altered metabolism or hemody- • Tell patient that although improvement
namic responses. may occur within 1 to 4 weeks, he should
• Use with caution in elderly patients be- continue drug as prescribed.
cause they may have greater sensitivity to Black Box Warning Caution patient and
drug. patient’s family to report signs of worsening E
• Use in third trimester of pregnancy may depression (such as agitation, irritabil-
cause complications at birth. Consider the ity, insomnia, hostility, impulsivity) and
risk versus benefit of treatment during this signs of suicidal behavior to prescriber
time. immediately.
• Drug appears in breast milk. Patient • Tell patient to use caution while driving
should either stop breast-feeding or stop or operating hazardous machinery because
taking drug. of drug’s potential to impair judgment,
•H Overdose S&S: Seizures, coma, dizziness, thinking, and motor skills.
ECG changes, hypotension, insomnia, • Advise patient to consult health care
nausea, sinus tachycardia, somnolence, provider before taking other prescription or
vomiting, acute renal failure. OTC drugs.
• Tell patient that drug may be taken in the
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS morning or evening without regard to meals.
• Closely monitor patients at high risk of • Encourage patient to avoid alcohol while
suicide. taking drug.
Black Box Warning Drug may increase • Tell women to notify health care provider
risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in if pregnant or breast-feeding.
children, adolescents, and young adults
ages 18 to 24, especially during the first few SAFETY ALERT!
months of treatment, especially in those
with major depressive disorder or other esmolol hydrochloride
psychiatric disorder. ESS-moe-lol
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
escitalopram with estazolam. Brevibloc
• Evaluate patient for history of drug abuse
and observe for signs of misuse or abuse. Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic
• Periodically reassess patient to deter- Pharmacologic class: Selective beta
mine need for maintenance treatment and blocker
appropriate dosing. Pregnancy risk category C
Alert: Combining triptans with an SSRI or
an SSNRI may cause serotonin syndrome AVAIL ABLE FORMS
or neuroleptic malignant syndrome–like Injection: 10 mg/ml in 10-ml vials,
reactions. Signs and symptoms of sero- 20 mg/ml in 5-ml vials
tonin syndrome may include restlessness, Premixed bags in sodium chloride:
hallucinations, loss of coordination, fast 10 mg/ml in 100-ml bags; 20 mg/ml in
heart beat, rapid changes in blood pressure, 100-ml bags
increased body temperature, overactive
reflexes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Serotonin syndrome may be more likely to ➤ Supraventricular tachycardia; post-
occur when starting or increasing the dose operative tachycardia or hypertension;
of triptan, SSRI, or SSNRI. noncompensatory sinus tachycardias
Adults: 500 mcg/kg/minute as loading
dose by I.V. infusion over 1 minute;
then 4-minute maintenance infusion of

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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522 esmolol hydrochloride

50 mcg/kg/minute. If adequate response GI: nausea, vomiting.

doesn’t occur within 5 minutes, repeat Skin: inflammation or induration at
loading dose and follow with mainte- infusion site.
nance infusion of 100 mcg/kg/minute
for 4 minutes. Repeat loading dose and INTERACTIONS
increase maintenance infusion by incre- Drug-drug. Digoxin: May increase digoxin
ments of 50 mcg/kg/minute. Maximum level by 10% to 20%. Monitor digoxin level.
maintenance infusion for tachycardia is Morphine: May increase esmolol level.
200 mcg/kg/minute. Adjust esmolol dosage carefully.
➤ Intraoperative tachycardia or hyper- Prazosin: May increase risk of orthostatic
tension hypotension. Help patient to stand slowly
Adults: For intraoperative treatment of until effects are known.
tachycardia or hypertension, 80 mg (about Reserpine, other catecholamine-depleting
1 mg/kg) I.V. bolus over 30 seconds; then drugs: May increase bradycardia and hy-
150 mcg/kg/minute I.V. infusion, if needed. potension. Adjust esmolol dosage carefully.
Titrate infusion rate, as needed, to maxi- Succinylcholine: May prolong neuromuscu-
mum of 300 mcg/kg/minute. lar blockade. Monitor patient closely.
➤ Hypertensive emergency  Verapamil: May increase the effects of both
Children ages 1 to 17: 100 to 500 mcg/kg/ drugs. Monitor cardiac function closely and
minute by I.V. infusion. decrease dosages as necessary.


I.V. None reported.
 Don’t dilute 10-mg/ml single-dose,


 Give with an infusion-control device • Contraindicated in patients with sinus
rather than by I.V. push. bradycardia, second- or third-degree heart
 If concentration exceeds 10 mg/ml, give block, cardiogenic shock, or overt heart
drug through a central line. failure.
 Don’t use for longer than 48 hours. • Use cautiously in patients with renal
Watch infusion site carefully for signs of impairment, diabetes, or bronchospasm.
extravasation; if they occur, stop infusion •H Overdose S&S: Bradycardia, hypoten-
immediately and call prescriber. sion, loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest,
 Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B pulseless electrical activity.
cholesteryl sulfate complex, diazepam,
furosemide, procainamide, sodium bicar- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
bonate 5%, thiopental sodium, warfarin • Dosage for postoperative treatment of
sodium. tachycardia and hypertension is same as for
supraventricular tachycardia.
AC TION Alert: Monitor ECG and blood pressure
A class II antiarrhythmic and ultra–short- continuously during infusion. Nearly half
acting selective beta blocker that decreases of patients will develop hypotension. Di-
heart rate, contractility, and blood pressure. aphoresis and dizziness may accompany
Route Onset Peak Duration
hypotension. Monitor patient closely, espe-
I.V. Immediate 30 min 30 min after infusion cially if he had low blood pressure before
Half-life: About 9 minutes. • Hypotension can usually be reversed
within 30 minutes by decreasing the dose or,
ADVERSE REACTIONS if needed, by stopping the infusion. Notify
CNS: anxiety, depression, dizziness, som- prescriber if this becomes necessary.
nolence, headache, agitation, fatigue, confu- • If a local reaction develops at the infusion
sion. site, change to another site. Avoid using
CV: hypotension, peripheral ischemia. butterfly needles.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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esomeprazole magnesium 523

• When patient’s heart rate becomes stable, ➤ Short-term therapy (up to 10 days)
replace drug with an alternative antiar- of GERD in patients with a history of
rhythmic, such as propranolol, digoxin, or erosive esophagitis who are unable to take
verapamil. Reduce infusion rate by half, drug orally
30 minutes after the first dose of the new Adult: Reconstitute 20 or 40 mg with 5 ml
drug. Monitor patient response and, if heart of D5 W, normal saline solution, or lactated
rate is controlled for 1 hour after adminis- Ringer’s injection and give by I.V. bolus
tration of the second dose of the replace- over 3 minutes. Or, further dilute to a total
ment drug, stop esmolol infusion. volume of 50 ml and give I.V. over 10 to E
30 minutes. Switch patient to oral therapy as
PATIENT TEACHING soon as he can tolerate it.
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions ➤ To heal erosive esophagitis
promptly. Children age 1 to 11 who weigh less than
• Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V. site. 20 kg (44 lb): 10 mg P.O. once daily for up
to 8 weeks.
Children age 1 to 11 who weigh 20 kg or
esomeprazole magnesium more: 10 or 20 mg P.O. once daily for up to
ess-oh-ME-pray-zol 8 weeks.
➤ To reduce the risk of gastric ulcers
Nexiumi in patients receiving continuous NSAID
esomeprazole sodium therapy
Nexium I.V. Adults: 20 or 40 mg P.O. once daily for up to
6 months.
Therapeutic class: Antiulcer ➤ Long-term treatment of pathological
Pharmacologic class: Proton pump hypersecretory conditions, including
inhibitor Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Pregnancy risk category B Adults: 40 mg P.O. b.i.d. Adjust dosage
based on patient response.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ To eliminate Helicobacter pylori
esomeprazole magnesium Adults: 40 mg esomeprazole magnesium
Capsules (delayed-release): 20 mg, 40 mg P.O. daily, 1,000 mg amoxicillin P.O. b.i.d.,
Powder for suspension (delayed-release): and 500 mg clarithromycin P.O. b.i.d., given
10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg together for 10 days to reduce duodenal
esomeprazole sodium ulcer recurrence.
Powder for injection: 20 mg, 40 mg single- Adjust-a-dose: For patient with severe
use vials hepatic failure, maximum daily dose is
20 mg.
➤ Gastroesophageal reflux disease ADMINISTRATION
(GERD); to heal erosive esophagitis P.O.
Adults: 20 or 40 mg P.O. daily for 4 to • Give drug at least 1 hour before meals.
8 weeks. Maintenance dose for healing If patient has difficulty swallowing the
erosive esophagitis is 20 mg P.O. for up to capsule, contents of the capsule can be
6 months. emptied and mixed with 1 tablespoon of
Children and adolescents age 12 to 17: For applesauce and swallowed (without chewing
GERD only, 20 or 40 mg P.O. once daily for the enteric-coated pellets).
up to 8 weeks. • If giving capsule via nasogastric (NG)
Children age 1 to 11: For GERD only, tube, open capsule and empty the gran-
10 mg P.O. once daily for up to 8 weeks. ules into a 60-ml syringe. Mix with 50 ml
➤ Symptomatic GERD of water. Replace the plunger and shake
Adults: 20 mg P.O. daily for 4 weeks. If vigorously for 15 seconds. Flush NG tube
symptoms are unresolved, may continue with additional water after use. Don’t give if
treatment for 4 more weeks. pellets have dissolved or disintegrated.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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524 esomeprazole magnesium

• For oral suspension, mix contents of Clopidogrel: May decrease antiplatelet

packet with 1 tablespoon of water, and then activity. Use cautiously together.
let it sit for 2 to 3 minutes to thicken. Stir the Diazepam: May decrease clearance of
suspension and drink within 30 minutes. diazepam. Monitor patient for diazepam
• To give oral suspension via NG tube, toxicity.
add 15 ml of water to a syringe, then add Drugs metabolized by CYP2C19: May alter
contents of packet. Shake syringe and leave clearance of esomeprazole, especially in
for 2 to 3 minutes to thicken. Shake syringe elderly patients or patients with hepatic
again and inject through NG or gastric tube insufficiency. Monitor patient for toxicity.
within 30 minutes. Iron salts: May interfere with absorption of
I.V. iron due to decreased gastric acid. Monitor
 Flush I.V. line with D5 W, normal saline effectiveness of iron therapy.
solution, or lactated Ringer’s injection Warfarin: May prolong PT and INR, caus-
before and after administration. ing abnormal bleeding. Monitor the patient
 Use reconstituted solution within and his PT and INR.
12 hours. Drug-food. Any food: May reduce drug
 Use admixture diluted with D5 W within level. Advise patient to take drug 1 hour
6 hours. before food.
 If diluted with normal saline solution

or lactated Ringer’s injection, use within EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

12 hours. None reported.
 Store reconstituted solution and admix-

ture at room temperature. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or components of esomeprazole or
AC TION omeprazole (a drug similar to this one).
Reduces gastric acid secretion and de- Alert: There may be an increased risk of
creases gastric acidity. hip, wrist, and spine fractures associated
Route Onset Peak Duration
with proton pump inhibitors.
P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 hr 13–17 hr
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown insufficiency and in pregnant or breast-
feeding women. It’s unknown if this drug
Half-life: 1 to 11⁄2 hours. appears in breast milk, but omeprazole does.
• Use cautiously in patients receiving con-
ADVERSE REACTIONS tinuous NSAID therapy who are at in-
CNS: headache, dizziness. creased risk for gastric ulcers (those age
GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, 60 and older and those with a history of
dry mouth, flatulence, nausea, vomiting. gastric ulcers).
Respiratory: sinusitis, respiratory infec- •H Overdose S&S: Blurred vision, confusion,
tion. diaphoresis, drowsiness, flushing, headache,
Skin: pruritus. nausea, tachycardia.


Drug-drug. Amoxicillin, clarithromycin: • Antacids can be used while taking drug,
May increase levels of esomeprazole. Moni- unless otherwise directed by prescriber.
tor patient for toxicity. • Monitor patient for rash or signs and
Azole antifungals (such as voriconazole): symptoms of hypersensitivity. Monitor GI
May significantly increase esomeprazole symptoms for improvement or worsening.
level. Adjust dosage in patients receiving Monitor liver function tests, especially in
higher doses. patients with preexisting hepatic disease.
Azole antifungals (such as itraconazole, Alert: Amoxicillin may trigger anaphy-
ketoconazole): May decrease bioavailability laxis in patients with a history of penicillin
of antifungal. Avoid use together. hypersensitivity.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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esterified estrogens 525

• Long-term therapy may cause atrophic ➤ Castration, primary ovarian failure

gastritis. Women: 1.25 mg daily in cycles of 3 weeks
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse on, 1 week off. Adjust for symptoms. Can
Nexium with Nexavar. be given continuously.
➤ Vasomotor menopausal symptoms
PATIENT TEACHING Women: 1.25 mg P.O. daily in cycles of
• Instruct patient to take drug exactly as 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Dosage may be
prescribed. increased to 2.5 to 3.75 mg P.O. daily, if
• Tell patient to take drug at least 1 hour needed. E
before a meal. ➤ Moderate to severe menopausal vulvar
• Advise patient that antacids can be used and vaginal atrophy
while taking drug unless otherwise directed Women: 0.3 to 1.25 mg or more P.O. daily in
by prescriber. cycles of 3 weeks on, 1 week off.
• Warn patient not to chew or crush drug
pellets because this inactivates the drug. ADMINISTRATION
• If patient has difficulty swallowing cap- P.O.
sule, tell him to mix contents of capsule • Use lowest effective dose needed for
with 1 tablespoon of soft applesauce and specific indication.
swallow immediately.
• Advise patient to store capsules at room AC TION
temperature in a tight container. Mimics the actions of endogenous estro-
• Tell patient to inform prescriber of wors- gens; increases synthesis of DNA, RNA,
ening signs and symptoms or pain. and protein in responsive tissues; reduces
• Instruct patient to alert prescriber if rash release of follicle-stimulating and luteiniz-
or other signs and symptoms of allergy ing hormones from pituitary gland.
occur. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown

esterified estrogens Half-life: Unknown.

ESS-tehr-eh-fide ESS-troe-jenz
Menest, Neo-Estrone† CNS: headache, dizziness, chorea, depres-
sion, stroke, seizures.
Therapeutic class: Estrogen CV: thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism,
Pharmacologic class: Estrogen hypertension, edema, pulmonary em-
Pregnancy risk category X bolism, MI.
EENT: worsening myopia or astigmatism,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS intolerance of contact lenses.
Tablets (film-coated): 0.3 mg, 0.625 mg, GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps,
1.25 mg, 2.5 mg bloating, anorexia, increased appetite,
pancreatitis, increased risk of gallbladder
➤ Inoperable progressing prostate GU: breakthrough bleeding, altered men-
cancer strual flow, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea,
Men: 1.25 to 2.5 mg P.O. t.i.d. increased risk of endometrial cancer,
➤ Palliative treatment for metastatic cervical erosion, altered cervical secretions,
breast cancer enlargement of uterine fibromas, vaginal
Men and postmenopausal women: 10 mg candidiasis, testicular atrophy, impotence.
P.O. t.i.d. for 3 or more months. Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice, hepatic
➤ Hypogonadism adenoma.
Women: 2.5 to 7.5 mg daily in divided doses Metabolic: hypercalcemia, weight changes,
in cycles of 20 days on, 10 days off. hypertriglyceridemia.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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526 esterified estrogens

Skin: melasma, rash, hirsutism or hair loss, disease), estrogen-dependent neoplasia,

erythema nodosum, dermatitis. active thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic
Other: breast tenderness, enlargement, or disorders, undiagnosed abnormal genital
secretion;, gynecomastia;, increased risk of bleeding, or history of thromboembolic
breast cancer. disease.
• Use cautiously in patients with history of
INTERACTIONS hypertension, mental depression, cardiac
Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, or renal dysfunction, liver impairment,
phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin: May gallbladder disease, bone disease, migraine,
decrease effectiveness of estrogen therapy. seizures, or diabetes.
Monitor patient closely.
Clarithromycin, erythromycin, itraconazole, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
ketoconazole, ritonavir: May increase • When used for vasomotor symptoms in
estrogen plasma levels and side effects. menstruating women, cyclic administration
Monitor patient. is started on day 5 of bleeding.
Corticosteroids: May enhance effects. • When given cyclically for short-term
Monitor patient closely. use, administration should be cyclic and
Cyclosporine: May increase risk of toxicity. attempts to discontinue or taper the med-
Use together with caution, and monitor ication should be made at 3- to 6-month
cyclosporine level frequently. intervals.
Dantrolene, hepatotoxic drugs: May in- • Make sure patient has thorough physical
crease risk of hepatotoxicity. Monitor liver examination before starting estrogen
function closely. therapy. Patients receiving long-term
Oral anticoagulants: May decrease antico- therapy should have annual examinations.
agulant effects. Adjust dosage if needed. Periodically monitor body weight, blood
Monitor PT and INR. pressure, lipid levels, and hepatic function.
Tamoxifen: May interfere with tamoxifen • Notify pathologist about patient’s estro-
effectiveness. Avoid using together. gen therapy when sending specimens to
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease laboratory for evaluation.
effects of drug. Discourage use together. Alert: Because of risk of thromboem-
Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine bolism, stop therapy at least 1 month before
level. Urge caution. procedures that cause prolonged immobi-
Grapefruit, grapefruit juice: May increase lization or increased risk of thromboem-
risk of adverse effects. Discourage use bolism, such as knee or hip surgery.
together. Black Box Warning Estrogens have been
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase risk reported to increase the risk of endometrial
of CV effects. If smoking continues, may carcinoma.
need another form of therapy. Black Box Warning Estrogens should not be
used during pregnancy.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Glucose tolerance may be impaired.
• May increase calcium, thyroid-binding Monitor glucose level closely in patients
globulin, serum triglyceride, serum phos- with diabetes.
pholipid, and clotting factor VII, VIII, IX,
• May increase norepinephrine-induced • Tell patient to read package insert describ-
platelet aggregation and PT. ing estrogen’s adverse effects; also, give
• May reduce metyrapone test results and patient verbal explanation.
cause impaired glucose tolerance. • Emphasize importance of regular physical
examinations. Postmenopausal women who
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS use estrogen replacement for longer than
• Contraindicated in pregnant women, in 5 years to treat menopausal symptoms may
patients hypersensitive to drug, and in pa- be at increased risk for endometrial cancer.
tients with breast cancer (except metastatic This risk is reduced by using cyclic rather

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estradiol 527

than continuous therapy and the lowest estradiol hemihydrate

possible estrogen dosage. Adding progestins Estrasorb, Vagifem
to the regimen decreases risk of endometrial
hyperplasia, but it’s unknown whether estradiol valerate
progestins affect risk of endometrial cancer. (oestradiol valerate)
Alert: Warn patient to immediately Delestrogen
report abdominal pain; pain, numbness,
or stiffness in legs or buttocks; pressure or Therapeutic class: Estrogen
pain in chest or shortness of breath; severe Pharmacologic class: Estrogen E
headaches; visual disturbances, such as Pregnancy risk category X
blind spots, flashing lights, or blurriness;
vaginal bleeding or discharge; breast lumps; AVAIL ABLE FORMS
swelling of hands or feet; yellow skin or estradiol
sclera; dark urine; or light-colored stools. Spray, topical solution: 1.53 mg
• Tell diabetic patient to report elevated Tablets (micronized): 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 1.5 mg,
glucose level so that antidiabetic dosage can 2 mg
be adjusted. Transdermal: 0.014 mg/24 hours,
• Explain to woman receiving cyclic ther- 0.025 mg/24 hours, 0.0375 mg/24 hours,
apy for postmenopausal symptoms that she 0.05 mg/24 hours, 0.06 mg/24 hours,
may experience withdrawal bleeding during 0.075 mg/24 hours, 0.1 mg/24 hours
week off drug. Tell her to report unusual Vaginal cream (in nonliquefying base):
vaginal bleeding. 0.1 mg/g
• Teach woman to perform routine breast Vaginal ring (extended-release):
self-examination. 0.0075 mg/24 hours
• Advise woman of childbearing age to estradiol acetate
consult prescriber before taking drug and Tablets: 0.45 mg, 0.9 mg, 1.8 mg
to advise prescriber immediately if she Vaginal ring: 0.05 mg/24 hours; 0.1 mg/
becomes pregnant. 24 hours
• Teach patient methods to decrease risk of estradiol cypionate
blood clots. Injection (in oil): 5 mg/ml
• Encourage patient to stop smoking or estradiol gel
reduce number of cigarettes smoked Transdermal gel: 0.06% (1.25 g/metered
because of the risk of CV complications. dose), 0.1% (in 0.25-, 0.5-, and 1-g single-
dose packets)
estradiol hemihydrate
estradiol (oestradiol) Topical emulsion: 0.25%
ess-tra-DYE-ole Vaginal tablets: 10 mcg, 25 mcg
estradiol valerate
Alora, Climara, Estracei, Estrace Injection (in oil): 10 mg/ml, 20 mg/ml,
Vaginal Cream, Estraderm, Estring 40 mg/ml
Vaginal Ring, Evamist, Menostar,
Vivelle, Vivelle-Dot INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ Vasomotor menopausal symptoms,
estradiol acetate female hypogonadism, female castration,
Femring, Femtrace primary ovarian failure
Women: 1 to 2 mg P.O. estradiol daily.
estradiol cypionate Or, for vasomotor symptoms, 1 to 5 mg
Depo-Estradiol cypionate I.M. once every 3 to 4 weeks; for
female hypogonadism, 1.5 to 2 mg cypi-
estradiol gel onate I.M. once every month.
Divigel, Elestrin, EstroGel Transdermal patch
Women: Apply patch according to manu-
facturer’s instructions. Alora, Estraderm,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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528 estradiol

Vivelle, and Vivelle-Dot are applied twice Estraderm patch twice weekly in a cyclic
weekly. Climara and Menostar are applied regimen in women with an intact uterus.
once a week. Apply to clean, dry area of the In women with a hysterectomy, apply one
trunk. Adjust dose, if necessary, after the Estraderm patch twice weekly in a continu-
first 2 or 3 weeks of therapy; then every 3 to ous regimen. For each system, press firmly
6 months as needed. Rotate application sites in place for about 10 seconds; ensure com-
weekly with an interval of at least 1 week plete contact, especially around edges. Or,
between particular sites used. Adjust dosage 0.025-mg/24 hours Vivelle, Vivelle-Dot, or
as needed. Alora system applied to a clean, dry area of
➤ Postmenopausal urogenital symptoms the trunk twice weekly. Or, 0.5 mg P.O. daily
Women: One ring inserted into the upper for 23 days, followed by 5 days without
third of the vagina. Ring is kept in place for drug.
3 months. ➤ Moderate to severe vasomotor symp-
➤ Vulvar and vaginal atrophy toms from menopause
Women: 0.05 mg/24 hours Estraderm Women: Apply contents of two 1.74-g foil
applied twice weekly in a cyclic regimen. Or, pouches (total 3.48 g) of Estrasorb daily. Or,
0.05 mg/24 hours Climara applied weekly Divigel 0.1% at dose of 0.25, 0.5, or 1 g/day.
in a cyclic regimen. Or, 2 to 4 g vaginal Start with Divigel 0.25 g daily and adjust
applications of cream daily for 1 to 2 weeks. dose based on individual patient response.
When vaginal mucosa is restored, mainte- Or, 1 pump per day of Elestrin applied to
nance dose is 1 g one to three times weekly the upper arm. Or, Evamist 1 spray per
in a cyclic regimen. If using Vagifem for day initially; may adjust dose based on
atrophic vaginitis, give 1 tablet vaginally clinical response. Or, 0.05 to 0.1 mg daily
once daily for 2 weeks. Maintenance dose by vaginal ring. Replace vaginal ring every
is 1 tablet inserted vaginally twice weekly. 3 months.
Or, 10 to 20 mg valerate I.M. every 4 weeks
as needed. Or, 1 to 5 mg estradiol cypionate ADMINISTRATION
I.M. once every 3 to 4 weeks. Or, 0.05 to P.O.
0.1 mg daily by vaginal ring. Replace • Give drug without regard for food. If
vaginal ring every 3 months. stomach upset occurs, give with food.
➤ Moderate to severe vasomotor symp- • Don’t give drug with grapefruit juice.
toms, as well as vulvar and vaginal • Store at controlled room temperature.
atrophy associated with menopause I.M.
Women: 1.25 g EstroGel applied once daily • To give I.M. injection, make sure drug
to skin in a thin layer from wrist to shoulder is well dispersed by rolling vial between
of one upper extremity. palms. Inject deep into large muscle. Rotate
➤ Palliative treatment of advanced, injection sites to prevent muscle atrophy.
inoperable breast cancer Never give drug I.V.
Men and postmenopausal women: 10 mg Transdermal
P.O. estradiol t.i.d. for 3 months. • Open each pouch of Estrasorb individu-
➤ Palliative treatment of advanced, ally and use contents of one pouch for each
inoperable prostate cancer leg. Rub emulsion into thigh and calf for
Men: 30 mg valerate I.M. every 1 to 3 minutes until thoroughly absorbed; rub
2 weeks, or 1 to 2 mg P.O. estradiol t.i.d. emulsion remaining on hands onto the but-
➤ To prevent postmenopausal osteopo- tocks. Allow areas to dry before covering
rosis with clothing. Wash hands with soap and
Women: Place a 6.5-cm2 (0.025 mg/ water to remove excess drug.
24 hours) Climara patch once weekly on • Apply Elestrin once daily to the upper
clean, dry skin of lower abdomen or upper arm.
quadrant of buttock. Or, place a 3.25-cm2 • Apply EstroGel over the entire area of one
(0.014 mg/24 hours) Menostar patch once arm.
weekly to clean, dry area of the lower • Apply Evamist each morning to adjacent,
abdomen. Or, place a 0.5 mg/24 hours non-overlapping areas on the inner surface

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estradiol 529

of the forearm, starting near the elbow. ADVERSE REACTIONS

Allow to dry for 2 minutes and do not wash CNS: stroke, headache, dizziness, chorea,
the site for 30 minutes. depression, seizures, insomnia (Vagifem).
• Apply Divigel once daily on skin of CV: thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism,
either right or left upper thigh. Application hypertension, edema, pulmonary embolism
surface area should be about 5 by 7 inches (PE), MI.
(about the size of two palm prints). Apply EENT: worsening myopia or astigmatism,
entire contents of a unit dose packet each intolerance of contact lenses, sinusitis
day. To avoid potential skin irritation, apply (Vagifem). E
Divigel to right or left upper thigh on alter- GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps,
nating days. Don’t apply Divigel on face, bloating, increased appetite, pancreatitis,
breasts, or irritated skin, or in or around the anorexia, gallbladder disease, dyspepsia
vagina. After application, allow gel to dry (Vagifem).
before dressing. Don’t wash application site GU: breakthrough bleeding, altered men-
within 1 hour after applying Divigel. Avoid strual flow, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea,
contact of gel with eyes. Wash hands after increased risk of endometrial cancer, cer-
application. vical erosion, abnormal Pap smear, altered
• Apply transdermal patch to clean, dry, cervical secretions, enlargement of uterine
hairless, intact skin on abdomen or buttock. fibromas, vaginal candidiasis in women,
Don’t apply to breasts, waistline, or other testicular atrophy, impotence in men, genital
areas where clothing can loosen patch. pruritus, hematuria, vaginal discomfort,
When applying, ensure thorough contact vaginitis (Vagifem).
between patch and skin, especially around Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice, hepatic
edges, and hold in place for about 10 sec- adenoma.
onds. Apply patch immediately after open- Metabolic: weight changes, hypothy-
ing and removing protective cover. Rotate roidism, hypercalcemia (in patients with
application sites. breast cancer and bone metastases).
Vaginal Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
• Using the applicator, insert Vagifem as tion, allergy, bronchitis (Vagifem).
far into vagina as it can comfortably go, Skin: melasma, urticaria, erythema
without using force. nodosum, dermatitis, hair loss, pruritus.
• Remove vaginal ring from its pouch. Other: gynecomastia, increased risk of
Squeeze sides together and insert ring into breast cancer, hot flashes, pain (Vagifem),
vagina where comfortable. breast tenderness, enlargement, or secre-
tion, flulike syndrome.
Increases synthesis of DNA, RNA, and INTERACTIONS
protein in responsive tissues; reduces re- Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, fosphenytoin,
lease of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin: May
hormones from the pituitary gland. decrease effectiveness of estrogen therapy.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Monitor patient closely.
P.O., I.M., Unknown Unknown Unknown
Clarithromycin, erythromycin, itraconazole,
vaginal ketoconazole, ritonavir: May increase
Transdermal Immediate Unknown Unknown estrogen plasma levels and side effects.
(Estrasorb) Monitor patient.
Transdermal Immediate 1 hr 24–36 hr Corticosteroids: May enhance effects of
gel (EstroGel)
corticosteroids. Monitor patient closely.
Half-life: Alora transdermal patch, 1.75 ± 2.87 Cyclosporine: May increase risk of toxicity.
hours; Vivelle transdermal patch, 4.4 ± 2.3 hours; Use together with caution, and monitor
Vivelle-Dot transdermal patch, 5.9 to 7.7 hours;
cyclosporine level frequently.
other forms, unknown.
Dantrolene, other hepatotoxic drugs: May
increase risk of hepatotoxicity. Monitor
liver function closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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530 estradiol

Oral anticoagulants: May decrease antico- fibrocystic breasts, or abnormal mammo-

agulant effect. Dosage adjustments may be gram findings.
needed. Monitor PT and INR. Alert: Postmenopausal women ages 50 to
Tamoxifen: May interfere with tamoxifen 79 who are taking estrogen and progestin
effectiveness. Avoid using together. have an increased risk of MI, stroke, in-
Drug-herb. Black cohosh: May increase vasive breast cancer, PE, and thrombosis.
drug’s adverse effects. Discourage use Postmenopausal women age 65 or older also
together. have an increased risk of dementia.
Saw palmetto: May negate drug’s effects. •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, with-
Discourage use together. drawal uterine bleeding.
St. John’s wort: May decrease effects of
drug. Discourage use together. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine • Ensure that patient has physical exam-
level. Advise patient to avoid or minimize ination before starting therapy. Patients
use of caffeine. receiving long-term therapy should have
Grapefruit juice: May elevate drug level. yearly examinations. Monitor lipid levels,
Tell patient to take drug with liquid other blood pressure, body weight, and hepatic
than grapefruit juice. function.
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase • Ask patient about allergies, especially
risk of adverse CV effects. If smoking to foods and plants. Estradiol is available
continues, may need another therapy. as an aqueous solution or as a solution in
Sunscreen use: May increase absorption of peanut oil; estradiol cypionate, as a solution
Estrasorb. Tell patient to separate applica- in cottonseed oil; estradiol valerate, as a
tion times. solution in castor oil or sesame oil.
Black Box Warning Estrogen increases the
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS risk of endometrial cancer. Use adequate
• May increase clotting factor VII, VIII, IX, diagnostic measures, including endometrial
and X; total T4 ; thyroid-binding globulin; sampling when indicated, to rule out malig-
liver function test; and triglyceride levels. nancy in all cases of undiagnosed persistent
• May increase norepinephrine-induced or recurring abnormal vaginal bleeding.
platelet aggregation and PT. Black Box Warning Do not use estrogens
• May decrease metyrapone test results. with or without progestins to prevent car-
diovascular disease or dementia.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • When estrogen is prescribed for a post-
• Contraindicated in pregnant patients and menopausal woman with a uterus, also
patients with thrombophlebitis or throm- initiate a progestin to reduce the risk of
boembolic disorders, estrogen-dependent endometrial cancer.
neoplasia, breast or reproductive organ Alert: EstroGel contains alcohol. Avoid
cancer (except for palliative treatment), fire, flame, or smoking until area dries in
undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding, or 2 to 5 minutes.
history of thrombophlebitis or thromboem- • In women also taking oral estrogen, treat-
bolic disorders linked to previous estrogen ment with the Estraderm transdermal patch
use (except for palliative treatment of breast can begin 1 week after withdrawal of oral
and prostate cancer). therapy, or sooner if menopausal symptoms
• Contraindicated in patients with liver appear before the end of the week.
dysfunction or disease. • Transdermal systems may be used contin-
• Use cautiously in patients with cere- ually rather than cyclically. Other alternative
brovascular or coronary artery disease, regimens are 1 to 5 mg cypionate I.M. every
asthma, bone disease, migraine, seizures, or 3 to 4 weeks and 10 to 20 mg (valerate) I.M.
cardiac or renal dysfunction. every 4 weeks, as needed.
• Use cautiously in women who have a • Instruct patients using Vagifem who have
strong family history (grandmother, mother, severely atrophic vaginal mucosa to be
sister) of breast cancer, breast nodules, careful when inserting the applicator. After

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estradiol 531

gynecologic surgery, tell patient to use any • Tell patient to use transdermal system
vaginal applicator cautiously and only if correctly, to rotate sites, to avoid breasts and
clearly indicated. waistline, and to reapply patch if it falls off.
• The prescriber should assess the patient’s • Teach patient using transdermal gel
need to continue estradiol therapy. Make (EstroGel) to apply in a thin layer on one
attempts to stop or taper at 3- to 6-month arm and allow to dry before smoking,
intervals. getting near flames, dressing, or touching
• Because of risk of thromboembolism, the arm. Recommend bathing before
stop therapy at least 1 month before high- application to maintain full dosage. E
risk procedures or those that cause pro- • Tell patient that estradiol gel should never
longed immobilization, such as knee or hip be applied directly to the breast.
surgery. • Tell patient to insert Vagifem by the appli-
• Glucose tolerance may be impaired. cator as far into vagina as it can comfortably
Monitor glucose level closely in patients go, without using force.
with diabetes. Alert: Warn patient to immediately report
• Notify pathologist about estrogen therapy abdominal pain, pressure or pain in chest,
when sending specimens to laboratory for shortness of breath, severe headaches,
evaluation. visual disturbances, vaginal bleeding or
• Estrace 2 mg micronized tablets contain discharge, breast lumps, swelling of hands
tartrazine. or feet, yellow skin or sclera, dark urine,
light-colored stools, and pain, numbness, or
PATIENT TEACHING stiffness in legs or buttocks.
• Tell patient to read package insert de- • Explain to patient receiving cyclic therapy
scribing estrogen’s adverse effects and give for postmenopausal symptoms that with-
verbal explanation. drawal bleeding may occur during week
Alert: Advise patient not to allow contact off drug. Tell her to report unusual vaginal
between children and Evamist application bleeding.
site. Accidental exposure may cause prema- • Tell diabetic patient to report elevated
ture puberty in children. If contact occurs, glucose level so that antidiabetic dosage can
immediately wash child’s skin with soap and be adjusted.
water. • Teach woman how to perform routine
• Emphasize importance of regular physical breast self-examination.
examinations. Postmenopausal women • Teach patient methods to decrease risk of
who use estrogen replacement for longer blood clots.
than 5 years may be at increased risk for • Advise woman not to become pregnant
endometrial cancer. Risk is reduced by during estrogen therapy.
using cyclic rather than continuous therapy • Advise woman of childbearing age to
and the lowest possible dosages of estrogen. consult prescriber before taking drug and
Adding progestins to the regimen decreases to advise prescriber immediately if she
risk of endometrial hyperplasia; however, it becomes pregnant.
isn’t known whether progestins affect risk • Encourage patient to stop or reduce smok-
of endometrial cancer. No increased risk of ing because of the risk of CV complications.
breast cancer has been reported. • Advise patient not to allow pets to lick or
• Teach woman how to use cream. She touch Evamist application site. If signs of
should wash vaginal area with soap and illness occur, patient should contact pet’s
water before applying and insert cream high veterinarian.
into the vagina (about two-thirds the length
of the applicator). She should take drug
at bedtime, or lie flat for 30 minutes after
instillation to minimize drug loss.
• Tell patient using topical emulsion not to
apply it with sunscreen.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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532 estradiol and norethindrone acetate transdermal system

• Reapply patch, if needed, to another area

estradiol and norethindrone of lower abdomen. If patch fails to adhere,
acetate transdermal system replace with a new one.
ess-tra-DYE-ole and nor-ETH-in-drone
CombiPatch A matrix transdermal system in which
estradiol and norethindrone are released
Therapeutic class: Estrogen continuously. Estrogen replacement therapy
Pharmacologic class: Estrogen and can reduce menopausal symptoms and re-
progestin lease of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing
Pregnancy risk category X hormones in postmenopausal women.
Route Onset Peak Duration
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Transdermal 12–24 hr Unknown 3–4 days
Transdermal: 9-cm2 system releasing
0.05 mg estradiol and 0.14 mg norethin- Half-life: 2 to 23 hours (estradiol); 6 to 8 hours
drone acetate daily; 16-cm2 system re- (norethindrone).
leasing 0.05 mg estradiol and 0.25 mg
norethindrone acetate daily ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: asthenia, stroke, depression, insom-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES nia, nervousness, dizziness, headache, pain.
➤ Moderate to severe vasomotor symp- CV: thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis,
toms from menopause; vulval and vaginal hypertension, edema, pulmonary em-
atrophy; hypoestrogenemia from hypog- bolism, MI.
onadism, castration, or primary ovarian EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis,
failure in women with intact uterus retinal vascular thrombosis, intolerance to
Continuous combined regimen contact lenses.
Women: Wear 9-cm2 patch continuously GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
on lower abdomen. Replace system twice changes in appetite, flatulence, nausea,
weekly during 28-day cycle. May increase constipation, gallbladder disease.
to 16-cm2 patch. GU: dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea, menstrual
Continuous sequential regimen disorder, suspicious Papanicolaou smears,
Women: For use in sequential regimen with vaginitis, menorrhagia, vaginal hemor-
an estradiol transdermal system (such as rhage.
Alora, Estraderm, Vivelle), wear 0.05-mg Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice.
estradiol transdermal patch for first 14 days Metabolic: weight changes, hypercalcemia,
of 28-day cycle; replace system twice hypertriglyceridemia.
weekly. Wear 9-cm2 patch system on lower Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain.
abdomen for rest of 28-day cycle; replace Respiratory: respiratory disorder, bron-
system twice weekly. May increase to chitis.
16-cm2 patch as needed. Skin: application site reactions, acne,
melasma, chloasma.
ADMINISTRATION Other: accidental injury, flulike syndrome,
Transdermal breast pain, tooth disorder, peripheral
• Apply patch system to a smooth (fold- edema, breast enlargement, infection,
free), clean, dry, nonirritated area of skin changes in libido.
on lower abdomen, avoiding the waistline.
Rotate application sites, with an interval of INTERACTIONS
at least 1 week between applications to same Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, fosphenytoin,
site. phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin: May
• Don’t apply patch on or near breasts. decrease estrogen therapy effectiveness.
• Avoid applying to areas that may get Monitor patient closely.
prolonged sun exposure. Clarithromycin, erythromycin, itraconazole,
ketoconazole, ritonavir: May increase

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estradiol and norethindrone acetate transdermal system 533

estrogen plasma levels and side effects. • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
Monitor patient. and in patients with impaired liver function,
Corticosteroids: May enhance effects of asthma, epilepsy, migraine, or cardiac or
corticosteroids. Monitor patient closely. renal dysfunction.
Cyclosporine: May increase risk of toxi-
city. Use together with caution; monitor NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
cyclosporine level frequently. Black Box Warning Do not use estrogens,
Dantrolene, hepatotoxic drugs: May in- with or without progestins, to prevent car-
crease risk of hepatotoxicity. Monitor liver diovascular disease or dementia. E
function closely. Black Box Warning Postmenopausal
Oral anticoagulants: May decrease effect women treated for 5 years have an in-
of anticoagulant. May need to adjust dose. creased risk of MI, stroke, invasive breast
Monitor PT and INR. cancer, pulmonary emboli and deep vein
Tamoxifen: May interfere with tamoxifen thrombosis.
effectiveness. Avoid using together. • Women not receiving continuous estrogen
Drug-herb. Black cohosh: May increase or combined estrogen and progestin therapy
adverse effects of drug. Discourage use may start therapy at any time.
together. • Women receiving continuous hormone
Saw palmetto: May cause antiestrogenic replacement therapy should complete
effects. Discourage use together. the current cycle before starting therapy.
St. John’s wort: May decrease effects of Women commonly have withdrawal bleed-
drug. Discourage use together. ing at completion of cycle; first day of
Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine withdrawal bleeding is appropriate time to
level. Advise patient to avoid or minimize start therapy.
use of caffeine. • Store patches in refrigerator before dis-
Grapefruit juice: May elevate estrogen pensing. Patient may then store patches at
level. Advise patient to take with liquid room temperature for up to 6 months, or the
other than grapefruit juice. expiration date, whichever comes first.
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase • Reevaluate therapy at 3- to 6-month
risk of adverse CV effects. If smoking intervals.
continues, may need alternative therapy. • A combined estrogen and progestin regi-
men is indicated for a woman with an intact
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS uterus. Progestins taken with estrogen sig-
• May increase T3 and T4 , HDL, and nificantly reduce, but don’t eliminate, risk of
triglyceride levels. May decrease LDL endometrial cancer linked to use of estrogen
levels. alone.
• May increase fibrinogen activity and • Because of risk of thromboembolism,
platelet count. May decrease T3 resin up- stop therapy at least 4 to 6 weeks before
take. May alter activated PTT, INR, and surgery associated with an increased risk
platelet aggregation times. of thromboembolism, or during periods of
• May reduce metyrapone test values. May prolonged immobilization.
alter glucose tolerance test results. • Blood pressure increases have been linked
to estrogen use. Monitor patient’s blood
• Contraindicated in women hypersensitive • Treatment of postmenopausal symptoms
to estrogen, progestin, or any component of usually starts during menopausal stage
the patch; in pregnant patients; and in pa- when vasomotor symptoms occur.
tients with known or suspected breast can- • Monitor glucose level closely in patients
cer, known or suspected estrogen-dependent with diabetes.
neoplasia, undiagnosed abnormal genital Alert: Don’t interchange CombiPatch
bleeding, active thrombophlebitis, throm- with other estrogen patches. Verify therapy
boembolic disorders, or stroke. before application.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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534 estradiol valerate and estradiol valerate/dienogest


• Teach woman how to apply patch prop-
erly. She should wear only one patch at any estradiol valerate and
time during therapy. Tell her to apply patch estradiol valerate/dienogest
immediately after opening protective cover. ess-tra-DYE-ole VAL-er-ate and
• Tell patient an oil-based cream or lotion dye-EN-oh-jest
may help remove adhesive from the skin
after patch has been removed and the area Natazia
allowed to dry for 15 minutes.
• Advise woman not to use patch if she’s Therapeutic class: Estrogen
pregnant or plans to become pregnant. Pharmacologic class: Estrogen and
• Urge woman of childbearing age to con- progestin
sult prescriber before applying patch and Pregnancy risk category X
to advise prescriber immediately if she
becomes pregnant. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Instruct patient that the continuous com- Tablets: 28-day blister pack containing two
bined regimen may lead to irregular bleed- 3-mg estradiol valerate, five 2-mg estradiol
ing, particularly in the first 6 months, but valerate with 2-mg dienogest, seventeen
that it usually decreases with time, and often 2-mg estradiol valerate with 3-mg
stops completely. dienogest, two 1-mg estradiol valerate,
• Tell patient that, for the continuous and two inert tablets
sequential regimen, monthly withdrawal
bleeding is common. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Advise patient to alert prescriber and ➤ Contraception
remove patch at first sign of clotting dis- Women: 1 tablet P.O. daily beginning on first
orders (thrombophlebitis, cerebrovascular day of menstrual cycle as directed on blister
disorders, and pulmonary embolism). pack at same time each day. When changing
• Instruct patient to stop using patch and from another combination hormonal con-
call prescriber about any loss of vision, traceptive, begin on first day of withdrawal
sudden onset of protrusion of the eyeball bleeding. When changing from combina-
(proptosis), double vision, or migraine. tion hormonal vaginal ring or transdermal
• Encourage patient to stop or reduce smok- patch, begin on day vaginal ring or trans-
ing because of the risk of CV complications. dermal patch is removed. When changing
• Tell patient to perform monthly self breast from progestin-only, begin next day. When
exams and to have annual gynecologic changing from implant contraceptive or
and breast examinations by a health care intrauterine system, begin day of implant or
provider. intrauterine system removal. When chang-
• Advise patient not to store patches where ing from injection contraceptive, begin day
extreme temperatures can occur. next injection is due.
• Tell patient undergoing an MRI to alert
facility that she’s using a transdermal patch. ADMINISTRATION
• Give at same time each day; don’t delay
by more than 12 hours.
• Tablets must be given in order indicated
on blister pack.

Prevents pregnancy by suppressing ovu-
lation. May also cause changes in en-
dometrium and cervical mucus, inhibiting
sperm penetration and reducing likelihood
of implantation.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estradiol valerate and estradiol valerate/dienogest 535

Route Onset Peak Duration Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase

P.O. Unknown 3 hr (estradiol); Unknown levels of hormones. Avoid use together.
11⁄2 hr (dienogest) Drug-lifestyle. Black Box Warning Smok-
Half-life: 14 hours (estradiol); 11 hours ing: Increases risk of medical problems,
(dienogest). such as stroke, emboli, or heart disease.
Recommend smoking cessation.
CNS: depression, headache. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
CV: MI, DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT), • May increase thyroid-binding globulin, E
hypertension. glucose, cholesterol, and lipid levels.
GI: nausea, vomiting. • May increase coagulation factors.
GU: amenorrhea, irregular uterine bleed-
ing, metrorrhagia, oligomenorrhea, uterine CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
leiomyoma, ruptured ovarian cyst. • Contraindicated in pregnant patients and
Metabolic: weight gain, hyperglycemia. in those with benign or malignant liver
Skin: acne. tumors; liver disease; breast cancer or
Other: breast pain, tenderness, or discom- history of breast cancer; undiagnosed
fort. abnormal genital bleeding; headaches with
focal neurologic symptoms or migraine
INTERACTIONS headaches with or without aura if older than
Drug-drug. Antibiotics: May reduce con- age 35; diabetes with vascular disease; un-
traceptive effectiveness. Advise use of controlled hypertension; hypertension with
back-up contraception during therapy. vascular disease; inherited or acquired hy-
HIV protease inhibitors: May either in- percoagulopathies; thrombogenic valvular
crease or decrease estrogen and proges- or thrombogenic rhythm disease of heart,
terone levels. Use together cautiously and such as endocarditis or atrial fibrillation;
monitor patient for effectiveness of hor- coronary artery disease; cerebrovascular
mone treatment. disease; DVT; or current or past pulmonary
Lamotrigine: May decrease lamotrigine embolism.
serum level, reducing seizure control. Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
Adjust lamotrigine dosage as necessary. women who smoke and who are older than
Strong CYP3A4 inducers (such as barbitu- age 35.
rates, carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampin): • Use cautiously in women with CV disease
May reduce contraceptive effectiveness or risk factors, history of cholestasis, history
increase breakthrough bleeding. An alter- of well-controlled hypertension, predia-
native method of birth control should be betes or well-controlled diabetes, history
used. of hyperlipidemia, new-onset headaches,
Strong and moderate inhibitors of CYP3A4 history of bleeding irregularities, history
(such as cimetidine, erythromycin, keto- of emotional disorders, angioedema, or
conazole, selective serotonin reuptake chloasma.
inhibitors, verapamil): May increase levels • Safety and efficacy in women with body
of hormones. Avoid use together. If drugs mass index greater than 30 kg/m2 haven’t
must be used together, monitor patient for been evaluated.
adverse effects. • Drug hasn’t been studied in post-
Thyroid hormone: May increase serum menopausal women and isn’t indicated
concentration of thyroid-binding globulin, in this population.
leading to decreased effectiveness of thyroid • When possible, breast-feeding women
replacement therapy. Monitor patient; thyroid should use other forms of contraception
hormone dosage may need adjustment. while breast-feeding because estrogen may
Drug-herb. St John’s wort: May reduce reduce milk production and small amount of
contraceptive effectiveness or increase drug is present in breast milk.
breakthrough bleeding. Recommend alter-
native method of birth control.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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536 estradiol valerate and estradiol valerate/dienogest

• Safety and efficacy in women of reproduc- PATIENT TEACHING

tive age have been established. Use of this • Teach patient to take tablet once daily
product before menarche isn’t indicated. and not to skip doses or delay taking tablet
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, withdrawal by more than 12 hours. Advise patient that
bleeding. tablets should be taken in the order marked
on each pack.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Instruct patient to read package insert for
• Start drug no earlier than 4 weeks after information on missed tablets or to contact
delivery in women who aren’t breast- her pharmacist or prescriber and that back-
feeding. Risk of postpartum venous throm- up contraception must be used.
botic event (VTE) decreases and ovulation • Tell patient starting drug for first time to
risk increases after third postpartum week. begin taking tablets on day 1 of her period
• Ensure that oral contraceptives aren’t and to use back-up contraceptive method for
given to pregnant women. Evaluate reported first 9 days
amenorrhea. • Instruct patient that spotting or light
• Monitor blood pressure; elevations are bleeding is normal at first.
possible in nonhypertensive women. • Advise patient that she may feel nauseous,
• Monitor coagulation factors as appropri- especially during first few months, but that
ate. this symptom usually disappears and she
• Monitor glucose and cholesterol levels shouldn’t stop taking tablets. Tell patient
regularly, especially in women who are to report to prescriber if nausea doesn’t
prediabetic and in those with history of resolve.
elevated lipid levels. • Warn patient to start drug no earlier than
• Monitor women for headache. New-onset 4 weeks after giving birth.
headaches may require discontinuing oral • Advise patient to notify prescriber if she
contraceptives. is pregnant before taking drug.
• Carefully monitor women with history of • Tell patient that breast-feeding while
depression for recurrence or exacerbation. taking tablets isn’t recommended because
• Stop drug if arterial or deep VTE occurs. milk production may be reduced and small
Highest risk of VTE is during first year of amounts of drug appear in breast milk.
contraceptive use. If feasible, stop tablets at • Inform patient taking tablets that blood
least 4 weeks before and for 2 weeks after tests may be needed to check blood glucose
major surgery. and cholesterol levels and how her blood
• Oral contraceptives are associated with is clotting and that her blood pressure may
increased risk of thrombotic and hemor- also be checked.
rhagic strokes, especially in women older • Tell patient to inform prescriber of all
than age 35, in those with hypertension, and prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal
in smokers. Stop drug if unexplained vision supplements she is taking.
loss, proptosis, diplopia, papilledema, or • Advise patient, if appropriate, to quit
retinal vascular changes occur. Evaluate smoking before taking drug.
retinal vein thrombosis immediately. Black Box Warning Advise patient who
• Risk of drug causing breast cancer or smokes that she is at increased risk for
cervical or endometrial cancer is controver- serious CV events from combination oral
sial and uncertain. As a precaution, women contraceptive use. Risk increases with age,
should have regular Papanicolaou tests, especially after age 35, and with number of
breast examinations, and mammograms. cigarettes smoked.
• Discontinue drug if jaundice develops. • Inform patient that contraceptive use
Women who take oral contraceptives are doesn’t protect against HIV infection or
at slightly higher risk for developing liver other sexually transmitted diseases.
tumors and gallstones. Monitor patient for • Tell patient a missed period may occur but
skin color changes and pain in upper right that pregnancy should be ruled out if she
quadrant. misses two or more consecutive menstrual

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estrogens, conjugated 537

• Warn patient to call prescriber imme- symptoms of vulvar and vaginal atrophy
diately if she experiences persistent leg associated with menopause
pain; sudden shortness of breath; sudden Adults: Initially, 0.3 mg Premarin or
blindness (partial or complete); severe chest Enjuvia P.O. daily. Premarin may also be
pain; sudden, severe headache; weakness or given cyclically 25 days on, 5 days off.
numbness in an arm or leg; trouble speak- Adjust dosage based on patient response.
ing; or yellowing of skin or eyes. ➤ Moderate to severe vasomotor symp-
• Advise patient with tendency to chloasma toms from menopause
to avoid sun exposure and ultraviolet radia- Adults: 0.45 mg Cenestin P.O. daily. Adjust E
tion. dose based on patient response.
• Advise patient to stop smoking while tak- ➤ Moderate to severe symptoms of
ing oral contraceptive because of increased vulvar and vaginal atrophy from
risk of stroke and other thromboembolic menopause
events. Adults: 0.3 mg Cenestin P.O. daily.
➤ To prevent osteoporosis
Adults: 0.3 mg Premarin P.O. daily, or cycli-
estrogens, conjugated cally, 25 days on, 5 days off. Adjust dose
(estrogenic substances, based on response of bone mineral density
conjugated; oestrogens, testing.
conjugated) ➤ Palliative treatment of inoperable
ESS-troe-jenz prostatic cancer
Adults: 1.25 to 2.5 mg Premarin P.O. t.i.d.
Cenestin, C.E.S.†, Enjuvia, ➤ Palliative treatment of breast cancer
Premarini, Premarin Intravenous Adults: 10 mg Premarin P.O. t.i.d. for at
least 3 months.
Therapeutic class: Estrogen
Pharmacologic class: Estrogen ADMINISTRATION
Pregnancy risk category X P.O.
• Give drug at same time each day.
Injection: 25 mg/5 ml  Refrigerate before reconstituting.

Tablets: 0.3 mg, 0.45 mg, 0.625 mg, 0.9 mg,  Reconstitute only with diluent provided.

1.25 mg Agitate gently after adding diluent.

Vaginal cream: 0.625 mg/g  Drug is compatible with normal saline,

dextrose, or invert sugar solutions.

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Use reconstituted solution within a few

➤ Abnormal uterine bleeding (hormonal hours, if possible. Reconstituted solution

imbalance) is stable under refrigeration for 60 days.
Adults: 25 mg I.V. (preferred) or I.M. Don’t use if solution darkens or precipi-
Repeat dose in 6 to 12 hours, if necessary. tates.
➤ Vulvar or vaginal atrophy  Give direct injection slowly to avoid

Adults: 0.5 to 2 g cream intravaginally once flushing reaction.

daily in cycles of 3 weeks on, 1 week off.  Incompatibilities: Acidic solutions,

➤ Castration and primary ovarian ascorbic acid, protein hydrolysate.

failure I.M.
Adults: Initially, 1.25 mg Premarin P.O. • Reconstitute only with diluent provided.
daily in cycles of 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Agitate gently after adding diluent.
Adjust dose as needed. • Inject deep into large muscle. Rotate
➤ Female hypogonadism injection sites to prevent muscle atrophy.
Adults: 0.3 to 0.625 mg Premarin P.O. daily, Vaginal
given cyclically 3 weeks on, 1 week off. • Wash the vaginal area with soap and
➤ Moderate to severe vasomotor symp- water, insert about two-thirds the length of
toms with or without moderate to severe the applicator into the vagina, and release

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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538 estrogens, conjugated

drug. Give drug at bedtime or when the Cyclosporine: May increase risk of toxicity.
patient will lie flat for 30 minutes after use Use together with caution, and monitor
to minimize drug loss. cyclosporine level frequently.
Dantrolene, other hepatotoxic drugs: May
AC TION increase risk of hepatotoxicity. Monitor
Increases synthesis of DNA, RNA, and liver function closely.
protein in responsive tissues. Also reduces Itraconazole, ketoconazole, macrolide an-
release of follicle-stimulating and luteiniz- tibiotics, ritonavir: May increase estrogen
ing hormones from the pituitary gland. plasma levels and side effects. Monitor
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O., I.V., I.M., Unknown Unknown Unknown
Oral anticoagulants: May decrease antico-
vaginal agulant effects. May need to adjust dosage.
Monitor PT and INR.
Half-life: Unknown.
Tamoxifen: May interfere with tamoxifen
effectiveness. Avoid using together.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Thyroid hormones: May increase serum
CNS: headache, dizziness, chorea, depres- thyroxine-binding globulin levels, which
sion, stroke, seizures. may increase thyroid hormone require-
CV: flushing with rapid I.V. administration, ments.
thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, hy- Drug-herb. Black cohosh: May increase
pertension, edema, pulmonary embolism, adverse effects of drug. Discourage use
MI. together.
EENT: worsening myopia or astigmatism, Red clover: May interfere with hormonal
intolerance of contact lenses. therapies. Discourage use together.
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, Saw palmetto: May have antiestrogenic
bloating, anorexia, increased appetite, effects. Discourage use together.
pancreatitis, gallbladder disease. St. John’s wort: May decrease effects of
GU: breakthrough bleeding, altered men- drug. Discourage use together.
strual flow, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine
increased risk of endometrial cancer, level. Advise caution.
cervical erosion, altered cervical secretions, Grapefruit juice: May increase concentra-
enlargement of uterine fibromas, vaginal tion of estrogen. Avoid using together.
candidiasis, testicular atrophy, impotence. Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase risk
Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice, hepatic of adverse CV effects. If smoking contin-
adenoma. ues, recommend nonhormonal contracep-
Metabolic: weight changes, hypercalcemia, tion.
Skin: melasma, chloasma, urticaria, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
hirsutism or hair loss, erythema nodosum, • May increase clotting factor VII, VIII,
dermatitis. IX, and X; total T4 ; phospholipid; thyroid-
Other: breast tenderness, enlargement, or binding globulin; and triglyceride levels.
secretion, gynecomastia, increased risk of • May increase norepinephrine-induced
breast cancer, changes in libido. platelet aggregation and PT.
• May cause a false-positive metyrapone
INTERACTIONS test result.
Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, fosphenytoin,
phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin: May CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
decrease effectiveness of estrogen therapy. Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
Monitor patient closely. pregnant patients.
Corticosteroids: May enhance corticos- • Contraindicated in patients with throm-
teroid effects. Monitor patient closely. bophlebitis, thromboembolic disorders,
estrogen-dependent neoplasia, breast or
reproductive cancer (except for palliative

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estrogens, conjugated 539

treatment), or undiagnosed abnormal • Because of thromboembolism risk, stop

genital bleeding. therapy at least 1 month before procedures
• Use cautiously in patients with cere- that prolong immobilization or raise the risk
brovascular or coronary artery disease, of thromboembolism, such as knee or hip
asthma, bone disease, migraine, seizures, or surgery.
cardiac, hepatic, or renal dysfunction. • Glucose tolerance may be impaired.
• Use cautiously in women who have a Monitor glucose level closely in patients
strong family history (mother, grandmother, with diabetes.
sister) of breast or genital tract cancer, • Re-evaluate need for therapy at 3- to E
breast nodules, fibrocystic breasts, or abnor- 6-month intervals.
mal mammogram findings. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Pre-
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, breast marin with Primaxin, Provera, or Remeron.
tenderness, abdominal pain, drowsiness or
fatigue, withdrawal uterine bleeding. PATIENT TEACHING
• Tell patient to read package insert describ-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ing estrogen’s adverse effects and to explain
• Make sure patient has thorough physical them back to you.
exam before starting therapy, and patients • Emphasize importance of regular physical
receiving long-term therapy should have exams.
yearly exams. Periodically monitor lipid • Teach woman how to use vaginal cream.
levels, blood pressure, body weight, and Tell patient to wash the vaginal area with
hepatic function. soap and water, insert about two-thirds the
• Rapid treatment of dysfunctional uterine length of the applicator into the vagina,
bleeding or reduction of surgical bleeding and release drug. Tell her to use drug at
usually requires delivery by I.V. or I.M. bedtime or to lie flat for 30 minutes after use
route. to minimize drug loss.
Black Box Warning Don’t use to prevent • Explain to patient that cyclic therapy
CV disease. In postmenopausal women re- for postmenopausal symptoms may cause
ceiving therapy for more than 5 years, drugs withdrawal bleeding during week off drug.
may increase risks of MI, stroke, invasive Tell her to report unusual vaginal bleeding.
breast cancer, pulmonary emboli, and deep Alert: Warn patient to immediately
vein thrombosis. Use the lowest effective report abdominal pain; pain, numbness,
doses for the shortest time, considering the or stiffness in legs or buttocks; pressure or
benefits and risks. pain in chest; shortness of breath; severe
Black Box Warning In postmenopausal headaches; visual disturbances, such as
women receiving therapy for more than blind spots, flashing lights, or blurriness;
5 years, drug may increase risk of endome- vaginal bleeding or discharge; breast lumps;
trial cancer. Cyclic therapy and the lowest swelling of hands or feet; yellow skin or
possible dose reduces risk. Adding pro- sclera; dark urine; and light-colored stools.
gestins decreases risk of endometrial hyper- • Tell diabetic patient to report elevated
plasia, but it’s unknown whether they affect glucose level so that antidiabetic dosage can
risk of endometrial cancer. be adjusted.
Black Box Warning In postmenopausal • Teach woman how to perform routine
women 65 years of age or older during breast self-examination.
4 years of treatment with conjugated estro- • Advise woman not to become pregnant
gens plus medroxyprogesterone acetate, during estrogen therapy.
drug may increase the risk of dementia. • Advise woman of childbearing age to
• When used solely for the treatment of consult prescriber before taking drug and
vulval and vaginal atrophy, consider topical to advise prescriber immediately if she
products. becomes pregnant.
• Notify pathologist about estrogen therapy • Encourage patient to stop smoking or
when sending specimens to laboratory for reduce number of cigarettes smoked
evaluation. because of the risk of CV complications.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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540 estropipate

• Tell patient using drug for osteoporosis patient is able to lie flat for 30 minutes after
prevention to ensure adequate intake of application to minimize drug loss.
calcium and vitamin D.
• Inform patient that vaginal cream has AC TION
been reported to weaken latex condoms and Increases synthesis of DNA, RNA, and pro-
to use an alternative method of birth control. teins in responsive tissues; reduces follicle-
stimulating and luteinizing hormones.
Route Onset Peak Duration
estropipate (piperazine
P.O., vaginal Unknown Unknown Unknown
estrone sulfate)
ess-troe-PIH-pate Half-life: Unknown.


CNS: depression, headache, dizziness,
Therapeutic class: Estrogen migraine, seizures, stroke.
Pharmacologic class: Estrogen CV: edema, thrombophlebitis, hyperten-
Pregnancy risk category X sion, pulmonary embolism (PE), MI,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS EENT: steepening of corneal curvature,
Tablets: 0.75 mg, 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg intolerance to contact lenses.
Vaginal cream: 1.5 mg/g GI: nausea, vomiting, gallbladder disease,
abdominal cramps, bloating.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES GU: increased size of uterine fibromas,
➤ Vulval and vaginal atrophy endometrial cancer, vaginal candidiasis,
Women: 0.75 to 6 mg P.O. daily, 3 weeks on cystitis-like syndrome, dysmenorrhea,
and 1 week off; or 2 to 4 g vaginal cream amenorrhea, breakthrough bleeding,
daily. condition resembling premenstrual syn-
➤ Primary ovarian failure, female drome.
castration, female hypogonadism Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice, hepatic
Women: 1.5 to 9 mg P.O. daily for first adenoma.
3 weeks; then a rest period of 8 to 10 days. If Metabolic: weight changes, hypercalcemia,
bleeding doesn’t occur by end of rest period, hypertriglyceridemia.
cycle is repeated. Skin: hemorrhagic eruption, erythema
➤ Moderate to severe vasomotor nodosum, erythema multiforme, hirsutism
menopausal symptoms or hair loss, melasma.
Women: 0.75 to 6 mg P.O. daily in cyclic Other: breast engorgement or enlargement,
method, 3 weeks on and 1 week off. Can be breast cancer, breast tenderness, changes in
given continuously. libido.
➤ To prevent osteoporosis
Women: 0.75 mg P.O. daily for 25 consec- INTERACTIONS
utive days of a 31-day cycle, followed by Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, fosphenytoin,
6 days without drug. Repeat regimen as phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin: May
indicated. decrease estrogen effect. Monitor patient
ADMINISTRATION Clarithromycin, erythromycin, itraconazole,
P.O. ketoconazole, ritonavir: May increase
• Give drug with meals to minimize GI estrogen plasma levels and side effects.
upset. Monitor patient.
Vaginal Corticosteroids: May enhance corticos-
• Wash vaginal area with soap and water teroid effect. Monitor patient closely.
and then insert vaginal cream high into Cyclosporine: May increase risk of toxic-
vagina (about two-thirds the length of ity. Use together with caution; frequently
applicator). Use drug at bedtime or when monitor cyclosporine level.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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estropipate 541

Dantrolene, other hepatotoxic drugs: May NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

increase risk of hepatotoxicity. Monitor • Make sure patient has thorough physical
liver function closely. examination before starting estrogen ther-
Oral anticoagulants: May decrease antico- apy. Patients receiving long-term therapy
agulant effect. Dosage adjustments may be should have examinations yearly. Periodi-
needed. Monitor PT and INR. cally monitor lipid levels, blood pressure,
Tamoxifen: May interfere with tamoxifen body weight, and hepatic function.
effect. Avoid using together. Black Box Warning Estrogens and pro-
Drug-herb. Black cohosh: May increase gestins shouldn’t be used to prevent CV E
adverse effects of estrogen. Discourage use disease. The Women’s Health Initiative
together. study reported increased risks of MI, stroke,
Red clover: May interfere with hormonal invasive breast cancer, PE, and deep vein
therapies. Discourage use together. thrombosis in postmenopausal women dur-
Saw palmetto: May have antiestrogenic ing 5 years of combination therapy. Because
effect. Discourage use together. of these risks, estrogens and progestins
St. John’s wort: May decrease estrogen should be prescribed at the lowest effective
effect. Discourage use together. doses and for the shortest duration consis-
Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine tent with treatment goals and risks for the
level. Advise caution. individual woman.
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase Black Box Warning Estrogens may
risk of adverse CV effects. If smoking increase the risk of endometrial cancer in
continues, may need alternative therapy. postmenopausal women.
• When used to treat hypogonadism,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS duration of therapy needed to produce
• May increase clotting factor VII, VIII, withdrawal bleeding depends on patient’s
IX, and X; total T4 ; phospholipid; thyroid- endometrial response to drug. If satisfactory
binding globulin; and triglyceride levels. withdrawal bleeding doesn’t occur, an oral
• May increase norepinephrine-induced progestin is added to the regimen. Explain
platelet aggregation and PT. to patient that, despite return of withdrawal
• May reduce metyrapone test results. bleeding, pregnancy can’t occur because she
doesn’t ovulate.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Because of risk of thromboembolism,
Black Box Warning Contraindicated during stop therapy at least 1 month before proce-
pregnancy or during the immediate postpar- dures that prolong immobilization or raise
tum period. the risk of thromboembolism, such as knee
• Contraindicated in patients with active or hip surgery.
thrombophlebitis; thromboembolic dis- • Glucose tolerance may be impaired.
orders; estrogen-dependent neoplasia; Monitor glucose level closely in patients
undiagnosed genital bleeding; and breast, with diabetes.
reproductive organ, or genital cancer.
• Use cautiously in patients with cere- PATIENT TEACHING
brovascular or coronary artery disease; • Tell patient to read package insert describ-
asthma; mental depression; bone disease; ing estrogen’s adverse effects; also, explain
migraine; seizures; or cardiac, hepatic, or effects verbally.
renal dysfunction. • Teach woman how to use vaginal cream.
• Use cautiously in women who have a Patient should wash the vaginal area with
family history (mother, grandmother, sister) soap and water and then insert vaginal
of breast or genital tract cancer, breast cream high into the vagina (about two-thirds
nodules, fibrocystic breasts, or abnormal the length of the applicator). Tell her to use
mammogram findings. drug at bedtime or to lie flat for 30 minutes
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, with- after application to minimize drug loss.
drawal uterine bleeding. • Tell diabetic patient to report elevated
glucose level to prescriber.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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542 eszopiclone

• Stress importance of regular physical Elderly patients having trouble falling

examinations. Postmenopausal women who asleep: 1 mg P.O. immediately before
use estrogen replacement for longer than bedtime. Increase to 2 mg as needed.
5 years may have increased risk of endome- Elderly patients having trouble staying
trial cancer. Using cyclic therapy and lowest asleep: 2 mg P.O. immediately before
possible estrogen dosage reduces risk. bedtime.
Adding progestins to regimen decreases Adjust-a-dose: In patients with severe
risk of endometrial hyperplasia; however, it hepatic impairment, start with 1 mg P.O.
isn’t known whether progestins affect risk of In patients who also take a potent CYP3A4
endometrial cancer. inhibitor, start with 1 mg and increase to
Alert: Warn patient to immediately 2 mg as needed.
report abdominal pain; pain, stiffness, or
numbness in legs or buttocks; pressure or ADMINISTRATION
pain in chest; shortness of breath; severe P.O.
headaches; visual disturbances, such as • Avoid giving drug after a high-fat meal.
blind spots or flashing lights; vaginal bleed- • Give drug immediately before bedtime
ing or discharge; breast lumps; swelling of because drug may cause dizziness or light-
hands or feet; yellow skin or sclera; dark headedness.
urine; and light-colored stools. • Patient must swallow tablet whole.
• Teach woman how to perform routine
breast self-examination. AC TION
• Advise woman not to become pregnant Probably interacts with GABA receptors at
while on estrogen therapy. binding sites close or connected to benzodi-
• Encourage patient to stop or reduce smok- azepine receptors.
ing because of the risk of CV complications. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Advise woman of childbearing age to P.O. Rapid 1 hr Unknown
consult prescriber before taking drug and to
tell prescriber immediately if she becomes Half-life: 6 hours.
• Teach patient at risk for osteoporosis ADVERSE REACTIONS
about the importance of adequate calcium CNS: abnormal dreams, anxiety, complex
and vitamin D intake. sleep-related behavior, confusion, decreased
libido, depression, dizziness, hallucinations,
SAFETY ALERT! headache, nervousness, pain, somnolence,
eszopiclone EENT: unpleasant taste.
ess-ZOP-ah-klone GI: diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, nausea,
Lunestai GU: dysmenorrhea, UTI.
Respiratory: respiratory tract infection.
Therapeutic class: Hypnotic Skin: pruritus, rash.
Pharmacologic class: Pyrrolopyrazine Other: anaphylaxis, angioedema, acciden-
derivative tal injury, gynecomastia, viral infection.
Pregnancy risk category C
Controlled substance schedule IV INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May have
AVAIL ABLE FORMS additive CNS effects. Adjust dosage of
Tablets: 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg either drug as needed.
CYP3A4 inhibitors (clarithromycin, itra-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES conazole, ketoconazole, nefazodone, nelfi-
➤ Insomnia navir, ritonavir, troleandomycin): May de-
Adults: 2 mg P.O. immediately before bed- crease eszopiclone elimination, increasing
time. Increase to 3 mg as needed. the risk of toxicity. Use together cautiously.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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etanercept 543

Olanzapine: May impair cognitive function • Caution patient not to take drug unless he
or memory. Use together cautiously. can get a full night’s sleep.
Rifampicin: May decrease eszopiclone • Advise patient to avoid taking drug after a
activity. Don’t use together. high-fat meal.
Drug-food. High-fat meals: May decrease • Tell patient to avoid activities that require
drug absorption and effects. Discourage mental alertness until the drug’s effects are
high-fat meals with or just before taking known.
drug. • Tell patient to swallow tablet whole.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May decrease • Advise patient to avoid alcohol while E
psychomotor ability. Discourage use to- taking drug.
gether. • Urge patient to immediately report
changes in behavior and thinking.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly
None reported. or change dose without consulting the
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Inform patient that tolerance or depen-
• Use cautiously in elderly and debilitated dence may develop if drug is taken for a
patients, and in patients with diseases or prolonged period.
conditions that could affect metabolism
or hemodynamic responses. Also use cau-
tiously in patients with compromised respi- etanercept
ratory function, severe hepatic impairment, ee-tan-ER-sept
or signs and symptoms of depression.
•H Overdose S&S: CNS depression. Enbrel

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Therapeutic class: Antiarthritic

Alert: Anaphylaxis and angioedema may Pharmacologic class: Tumor necrosis
occur as early as the first dose; monitor the factor (TNF) blocker
patient closely. Pregnancy risk category B
• Evaluate patient for physical and psychi-
atric disorders before treatment. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Use the lowest effective dose. Injection: 25-mg multiuse vial
Alert: Give drug immediately before Prefilled syringe: 25 mg/0.5 ml, 50 mg/ml
patient goes to bed or after patient has gone
to bed and has trouble falling asleep. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use only for short periods (for example, ➤ To reduce signs and symptoms of mod-
7 to 10 days). If patient still has trouble erately to severely active polyarticular-
sleeping, check for other psychological course juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
disorders. (RA) in patients whose response to one or
• Monitor patient for changes in behavior, more disease-modifying antirheumatic
including those that suggest depression or drugs has been inadequate
suicidal thinking. Children ages 2 to 17: 0.8 mg/kg subcuta-
neously weekly (maximum 50 mg/week).
PATIENT TEACHING For children weighing 63 kg (138 lb) or
Alert: Warn patient that drug may cause more, give weekly dose using the prefilled
allergic reactions, facial swelling, and syringe. For children weighing 31 to 62 kg
complex sleep-related behaviors, such as (68 to 136 lb), give total weekly dose as two
driving, eating, and making phone calls subcutaneous injections, either on the same
while asleep. Advise patient to report these day or 3 or 4 days apart using the multiuse
adverse effects. vial. For children weighing less than 31 kg
• Urge patient to take drug immediately (68 lb), give weekly dose as single subcu-
before going to bed because drug may cause taneous injection using the correct volume
dizziness or light-headedness. from the multiuse vial. Glucocorticoids,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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544 etanercept

NSAIDs, or analgesics may be continued • Incompatibilities: Don’t add other drugs

during treatment. Use with methotrexate or diluents to solution.
hasn’t been studied in pediatric patients.
➤ RA, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing AC TION
spondylitis Binds specifically to TNF and blocks its
Adults: 50 mg subcutaneously once weekly action with cell surface TNF receptors,
using the 50-mg/ml single-use prefilled reducing inflammatory and immune
syringe. Methotrexate, glucocorticoids, responses found in RA.
salicylates, NSAIDs, or analgesics may be Route Onset Peak Duration
continued during treatment. Subcut. Unknown 72 hr Unknown
➤ Chronic moderate to severe plaque
psoriasis in patients who are candidates Half-life: About 5 days.
for systemic therapy or phototherapy
Adults: 50 mg subcutaneously twice weekly, ADVERSE REACTIONS
3 to 4 days apart for 3 months. Then, reduce CNS: headache, asthenia, dizziness.
dose to 50 mg subcutaneously once weekly. CV: peripheral edema.
Give dose using 50-mg/ml single-use pre- EENT: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis,
filled syringes. mouth ulcers.
GI: abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea,
Subcutaneous Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
• Give 50-mg dose as one subcutaneous tions, cough, respiratory disorder.
injection using a 50-mg/ml single-use pre- Skin: injection site reaction, rash, alopecia.
filled syringe or as two 25-mg subcutaneous Other: infections, malignancies.
injections using multiuse vial. Give the two
25-mg injections on the same day or 3 to INTERACTIONS
4 days apart. Drug-drug. Anakinra: Increased rate of
• Store prefilled syringe at 36◦ to 46◦ F serious infection when used together. Use
(2◦ to 8◦ C), but let it reach room tempera- together cautiously.
ture (15 to 30 minutes) before use. Cyclophosphamide: May increase risk of
• Reconstitute multiple-use vial aseptically solid malignancies. Concurrent use not
with 1 ml of supplied sterile bacteriostatic recommended.
water for injection (0.9% benzyl alcohol). Sulfasalazine: May cause decreased neu-
Use a 25G needle rather than the supplied trophil count. Monitor patient carefully.
vial adapter if the vial will be used for mul- Vaccines: May affect normal immune re-
tiple doses. Don’t filter reconstituted solu- sponse. Postpone live-virus vaccine until
tion when preparing or giving drug. Inject therapy stops.
diluent slowly into vial. Refrigerate in vial
for up to 14 days at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
8◦ C). None reported.
• Minimize foaming by gently swirling
during dissolution rather than shaking. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Dissolution takes less than 10 minutes. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Don’t use solution if it’s discolored or to drug or its components, in those with
cloudy, or if it contains particulate matter. sepsis, and in those receiving a live vaccine.
• Separate injection sites by at least 1 inch, • Drug isn’t indicated for use in children
rotate regularly, and never use areas where younger than age 2.
skin is tender, bruised, red, or hard. Use sites • Use cautiously in patients with underlying
on the thigh, abdomen, and upper arm. diseases that predispose them to infection,
Alert: Needle covers of diluent syringe such as diabetes, heart failure, or history
and prefilled syringe contain latex and of active or chronic infections. Also use
shouldn’t be handled by persons sensitive to cautiously in RA patients with preexisting
latex. or recent onset of demyelinating disorders,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ethacrynate sodium 545

including multiple sclerosis, myelitis, and

optic neuritis. ethacrynate sodium
• Methotrexate, glucocorticoids, salicy- Edecrin Sodium
lates, NSAIDs, or analgesics may be contin-
ued during treatment in adults. ethacrynic acid
Black Box Warning Anti-TNF therapies Edecrin
that include drug may affect defenses E
against infection. If serious infection Therapeutic class: Diuretic
occurs, stop therapy and notify prescriber. Pharmacologic class: Loop diuretic
Black Box Warning Infections including Pregnancy risk category B
bacterial sepsis and tuberculosis have been
reported. Evaluate patient’s risk factors and AVAIL ABLE FORMS
test for latent tuberculosis. Begin treatment ethacrynate sodium
for latent tuberculosis prior to therapy with Injection: 50 mg/vial
etanercept. ethacrynic acid
Alert: Don’t give live vaccines during Tablets: 25 mg
• If possible, bring patients with juvenile INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
RA up-to-date with all immunizations ➤ Acute pulmonary edema
before starting treatment. Adults: 50 mg or 0.5 to 1 mg/kg I.V. Usually
Alert: Histoplasmosis, coccidioidomyco- only one dose is needed, although a second
sis, blastomycosis, and other opportunistic dose may be needed.
infections may develop with use of this ➤ Edema
drug. Adults: 50 to 200 mg P.O. daily. May
• Use of this drug may increase the risk of increase to 200 mg b.i.d. for desired effect.
lymphoma. Children age 13 months and older: First
dose is 25 mg P.O., increase cautiously by
PATIENT TEACHING 25 mg daily until desired effect is achieved.
• If patient will be self-administering drug, Dosage for infants hasn’t been established.
advise him about mixing and injection Adjust-a-dose: If added to an existing
techniques, including rotation of injection diuretic regimen, first dose is 25 mg and
sites. dosage adjustments are made in 25-mg
• Instruct patient to use puncture-resistant increments.
container for disposal of needles and
• Tell patient that injection site reactions P.O.
generally occur within first month of • Give drug in morning to prevent nocturia.
therapy and decrease thereafter. I.V.
• Inform patient of importance of avoiding  Add to vial 50 ml of D5 W or normal

live vaccine administration during therapy. saline solution.

• Stress importance of alerting other health  Don’t use cloudy or opalescent solution.

care providers of etanercept use.  Give over several minutes through

• Instruct patient to promptly report signs tubing of running infusion.

and symptoms of infection to prescriber,  If more than one I.V. dose is needed,

including persistent fever, cough, shortness use a new injection site to avoid throm-
of breath or fatigue. bophlebitis.
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding  Discard unused solution after 24 hours.

during therapy.  Incompatibilities: Hydralazine,

Normosol-M, procainamide, ranitidine,

reserpine, solutions or drugs with pH

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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546 ethacrynate sodium

below 5, tolazoline, triflupromazine, whole closely for signs and symptoms of excessive
blood, and its derivatives. diuretic response.
Cisplatin: May increase risk of ototoxicity.
AC TION Avoid using together.
Potent loop diuretic; inhibits sodium and Lithium: May decrease lithium clearance,
chloride reabsorption at the proximal and increasing risk of lithium toxicity. Monitor
distal tubules and the ascending loop of lithium level.
Henle. Neuromuscular blockers: May enhance
Route Onset Peak Duration
neuromuscular blockade. Monitor patient
P.O. 30 min 2 hr 6–8 hr
I.V. 5 min 15–30 min 2 hr NSAIDs: May decrease diuretic effect. Use
together cautiously.
Other potassium-wasting drugs (ampho-
ADVERSE REACTIONS tericin B, corticosteroids): May increase
CNS: malaise, confusion, fatigue, vertigo, risk of hypocalcemia. Use together cau-
headache, nervousness, fever. tiously.
CV: orthostatic hypotension. Probenecid: May decrease diuretic effect.
EENT: transient or permanent deafness Avoid using together.
with over-rapid I.V. injection, blurred Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant
vision, tinnitus, hearing loss. effect. Use together cautiously.
GI: cramping, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, Drug-herb. Dandelion: May interfere with
vomiting, GI bleeding, pancreatitis. diuretic activity. Discourage use together.
GU: oliguria, hematuria, nocturia, polyuria, Licorice: May cause unexpected rapid
frequent urination. potassium loss. Discourage use together.
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, neutrope-
nia, thrombocytopenia, azotemia. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Metabolic: asymptomatic hyperuricemia, • May increase glucose and uric acid
hypokalemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, levels. May decrease calcium, magnesium,
fluid and electrolyte imbalances, including potassium, and sodium levels.
dilutional hyponatremia, hypocalcemia and • May decrease granulocyte, neutrophil,
hypomagnesemia, hyperglycemia and im- and platelet counts.
paired glucose tolerance, volume depletion
Skin: rash. • Contraindicated in infants, patients hyper-
Other: chills. sensitive to drug, and patients with anuria.
Black Box Warning Drug is potent diuretic
INTERACTIONS and can cause severe diuresis with water
Drug-drug. Aminoglycoside antibiotics: and electrolyte depletion. Monitor patient
May increase ototoxic adverse reactions of closely.
both drugs. Use together cautiously. • Use cautiously in patients with electrolyte
Antidiabetics: May decrease hypoglycemic abnormalities or hepatic impairment.
effects. Monitor glucose level. •H Overdose S&S: Dehydration, electrolyte
Antihypertensives: May increase risk of depletion.
hypotension. Use together cautiously.
Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
digoxin toxicity from ethacrynate-induced • Monitor fluid intake and output, weight,
hypokalemia. Monitor potassium and blood pressure, and electrolyte levels.
digoxin levels. • Watch for signs of hypokalemia, such as
Chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, hydrochloroth- muscle weakness and cramps.
iazide, indapamide, metolazone: May cause • Monitor glucose level in diabetic patients.
excessive diuretic response, causing serious • Consult prescriber and dietitian about
electrolyte abnormalities or dehydration. providing a high-potassium diet. Foods rich
Adjust doses carefully, and monitor patient in potassium include citrus fruits, tomatoes,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ethambutol hydrochloride 547

bananas, dates, and apricots. Potassium INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

chloride and sodium supplements may be ➤ Adjunctive treatment for pulmonary
needed. tuberculosis
• Dosage may be on an alternate daily Adults and children older than age 13: In
schedule or more prolonged periods of patients who haven’t received prior antitu-
diuretic therapy may be interspersed with bercular therapy, 15 mg/kg P.O. daily as a
rest periods. Intermittent dosage schedule single dose once every 24 hours, combined
allows time to correct electrolyte imbalance with other antituberculotics. For retreat-
and may provide a more efficient diuretic ment, 25 mg/kg P.O. every 24 hours as a E
response. single dose for 60 days (or until bacterio-
• Drug may increase risk of gastric hemor- logic smears and cultures become negative)
rhage caused by steroid treatment. with at least one other antituberculotic;
• Monitor elderly patients, who are espe- after 60 days, decrease to 15 mg/kg/day as a
cially susceptible to excessive diuresis. single dose every 24 hours.
• Monitor uric acid level, especially in
patients with history of gout. ADMINISTRATION
Alert: If patient develops severe diarrhea, P.O.
stop drug. Patient shouldn’t receive drug • Always give drug with other antitubercu-
again after diarrhea has resolved. lotics to prevent development of resistant
PATIENT TEACHING • Giving drug with food doesn’t signifi-
• Instruct patient to take drug with food to cantly alter absorption.
minimize GI upset. • Administer on a once-every-24-hour basis
• Advise patient to take drug in morning only.
to avoid need to urinate at night; if patient
needs second dose, have him take it in early AC TION
afternoon. May inhibit synthesis of one or more
• Advise patient to avoid sudden posture metabolites of susceptible bacteria, chang-
changes and to rise slowly to avoid dizziness ing cell metabolism during cell division;
upon standing quickly. bacteriostatic.
• Tell patient to notify prescriber about Route Onset Peak Duration
muscle weakness, cramps, nausea, diarrhea, P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
or dizziness.
• Caution patient not to perform hazardous Half-life: About 31⁄2 hours.
activities if drug causes drowsiness.
• Advise diabetic patient to closely monitor ADVERSE REACTIONS
glucose level. CNS: dizziness, fever, hallucinations,
headache, malaise, mental confusion,
peripheral neuritis.
ethambutol hydrochloride EENT: optic neuritis, irreversible blind-
e-THAM-byoo-tole ness.
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, GI upset,
Etibi†, Myambutol nausea, vomiting.
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, leukope-
Therapeutic class: Antituberculotic nia, neutropenia.
Pharmacologic class: Synthetic Metabolic: hyperuricemia.
antituberculotic Musculoskeletal: joint pain.
Pregnancy risk category B Skin: toxic epidermal necrolysis, dermati-
tis, pruritus.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Other: anaphylactoid reactions, precipita-
Tablets: 100 mg, 400 mg tion of acute gout.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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548 ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel

Drug-drug. Aluminum salts: May delay and ethinyl estradiol and
reduce absorption of ethambutol. Separate desogestrel
doses by several hours. ETH-i-nill and DAY-so-jest-rul


• May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, and Apri, Desogen, Ortho-Cept
uric acid levels. May decrease glucose level. biphasic
• May decrease platelet count. Kariva, Mircette
• Contraindicated in children younger than Caziant, Cesia, Cyclessa, Velivet
age 13, patients hypersensitive to drug, and
patients with optic neuritis. ethinyl estradiol and
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired ethynodiol diacetate
renal function, cataracts, recurrent eye monophasic
inflammation, gout, or diabetic retinopathy. Zovia 1/35E, Zovia 1/50E
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ethinyl estradiol and
• Perform visual acuity and color discrimi- levonorgestrel
nation tests before and during therapy. monophasic
• Ensure that any changes in vision don’t Aviane, Lessina, Levlen, Levora-28,
result from an underlying condition. Lybrel, Nordette-28, Portia-28,
• Obtain AST and ALT levels before ther- Seasonale
apy, and monitor these levels every 3 to
4 weeks. biphasic
• In patients with impaired renal function, Lo Seasonique, Seasonique
base dosage on drug level.
• Monitor uric acid level; observe patient triphasic
for signs and symptoms of gout. Enpresse, Trivora-28

PATIENT TEACHING ethinyl estradiol and

• Reassure patient that visual disturbances norethindrone
usually disappear several weeks to months monophasic
after drug is stopped. Inflammation of the Brevicon, Modicon, Necon 1/35,
optic nerve is related to dosage and duration Necon 0.5/35, Norethin 1/35E,
of treatment. Norinyl 1 + 35, Nortrel 0.5/35,
• Inform patient that drug is given with Nortrel 1/35, Ortho-Novum 1/35,
other antituberculotics. Ovcon-35, Ovcon-50
• Stress importance of compliance with
drug therapy. biphasic
• Advise patient to report adverse reactions Necon 10/11
to prescriber. triphasic
Aranelle, Leena, Necon 7/7/7,
Nortrel 7/7/7, Ortho-Novum 7/7/7,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel 549

ethinyl estradiol and ethinyl estradiol and ethynodiol diacetate

norethindrone acetate Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg and ethyn-
monophasic odiol diacetate 1 mg (Zovia 1/35E); ethinyl
Junel 21 Day 1/20, Junel 21 estradiol 50 mcg and ethynodiol diacetate
Day 1.5/30, Junel Fe 1/20, 1 mg (Zovia 1/50E)
Loestrin 21 1.5/30, Loestrin 21 1/20, ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel
Microgestin 1.5/30, Microgestin 1/20 Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg and levo-
norgestrel 0.1 mg (Aviane, Lessina); ethinyl
ethinyl estradiol and estradiol 20 mcg and levonorgestrel 0.9 mg E
norgestimate (Lybrel); ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and
monophasic levonorgestrel 0.15 mg (Levlen, Levora-28,
MonoNessa, Ortho-Cyclen, Nordette-28, Portia-28, Seasonale); ethinyl
Sprintec estradiol 30 mcg and 0.15 mg levonorgestrel
(84 tablets), and 10 mcg ethinyl estradiol
triphasic (7 tablets) (Seasonique)
Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone
Lo, Tri-Lo-Sprintec, Tri-Previfem, Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg and
Tri-Sprintec norethindrone 0.4 mg (Ovcon-35); ethinyl
estradiol 35 mcg and norethindrone 0.5 mg
ethinyl estradiol and (Brevicon, Modicon, Necon 0.5/35,
norgestrel Nortel 0.5/35-28); ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg
monophasic and norethindrone 1 mg (Norethin 1/35E,
Cryselle, Lo/Ovral, Low-Ogestrel, Norinyl 1 + 35, Nortrel 1/35, Ortho-
Ogestrel Novum 1/35); ethinyl estradiol 50 mcg
and norethindrone 1 mg (Ovcon-50)
ethinyl estradiol, ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone
norethindrone acetate, and acetate
ferrous fumarate Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg and
monophasic norethindrone acetate 1 mg (Junel 21 day
Femcon Fe, Loestrin 24 Fe, 1/20, Loestrin 21 1/20, Microgestin 1/20);
Loestrin Fe 1/20, Loestrin Fe 1.5/30, ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and norethin-
Microgestin Fe 1/20, drone acetate 1.5 mg (Junel 21 day 1.5/30,
Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 Loestrin 21 1.5/30, Microgestin 1.5/30)
ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate
triphasic Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg and
Estrostep Fe, Tilia Fe, Tri-Legest Fe norgestimate 0.25 mg (MonoNessa,
Ortho-Cyclen, Sprintec)
mestranol and ethinyl estradiol and norgestrel
norethindrone Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and
monophasic norgestrel 0.3 mg (Cryselle, Lo/Ovral,
Necon 1/50, Norinyl 1 + 50, Lo-Ogestrel); ethinyl estradiol 50 mcg and
Ortho-Novum 1/50-28 norgestrel 0.5 mg (Ogestrel)
ethinyl estradiol, norethindrone acetate,
Therapeutic class: Contraceptive and ferrous fumarate
Pharmacologic class: Estrogenic and Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg, norethin-
progestinic steroids drone acetate 1 mg, and ferrous fumarate
Pregnancy risk category X 75 mg (Loestrin Fe 1/20, Loestrin 24 Fe,
Microgesin Fe 1/20); ethinyl estradiol
AVAIL ABLE FORMS 30 mcg, norethindrone acetate 1.5 mg,
monophasic hormonal contraceptives and ferrous fumarate 75 mg (Loestrin Fe
ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel 1.5/30, Microgesin Fe 1.5/30)
Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and deso-
gestrel 0.15 mg (Apri, Desogen, Ortho-Cept)

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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550 ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel

Chewable tablets: norethindrone 0.4 mg/ ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate

ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg; inactive tablets Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 25 mcg and
contain ferrous fumarate 75 mg norgestimate 0.18 mg (7 days); ethinyl
mestranol and norethindrone estradiol 25 mcg and norgestimate
Tablets: mestranol 50 mcg and norethin- 0.215 mg (7 days); ethinyl estradiol
drone 1 mg (Necon 1/50, Norinyl 1 + 50, 25 mcg and norgestimate 0.25 mg (7 days)
Ortho-Novum 1/50-28) (Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo); ethinyl estradiol
biphasic hormonal contraceptives ethinyl 35 mcg and norgestimate 0.18 mg (7 days);
estradiol and desogestrel ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg and norgestimate
Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg and deso- 0.215 mg (7 days); ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg
gestrel 0.15 mg (21 days), then inert tablets and norgestimate 0.25 mg (7 days) (Ortho
(2 days), then ethinyl estradiol 10 mcg Tri-Cyclen, TriSprintec)
(5 days) (Kariva, Mircette) ethinyl estradiol, norethindrone acetate,
ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel and ferrous fumarate
Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg and levo- Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg and
norgestrel 0.1 mg (84 days), then ethinyl norethindrone acetate 1 mg (5 days); ethinyl
estradiol 0.01 mg (7 days) (Lo Seasonique); estradiol 30 mcg and norethindrone acetate
ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and levonorgestrel 1 mg (7 days); ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg and
0.15 mg (84 days), then ethinyl estradiol norethindrone acetate 1 mg (9 days); and
10 mcg (7 days) (Seasonique) 75-mg ferrous fumarate tablets (7 days)
ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone (Estrostep Fe)
Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg and
norethindrone 0.5 mg (10 days); ethinyl INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
estradiol 35 mcg and norethindrone 1 mg ➤ Contraception
(11 days) (Necon 10/11) Monophasic hormonal contraceptives
triphasic hormonal contraceptives ethinyl Women: 1 tablet P.O. daily beginning on
estradiol and desogestrel first day of menstrual cycle or first Sun-
Tablets: 0.1 mg desogestrel with 25 mcg day after menstrual cycle begins. With 20-
ethinyl estradiol (7 tablets); 0.125 mg and 21-tablet package, new cycle begins
desogestrel with 25 mcg ethinyl estradiol 7 days after last tablet taken. With 28-tablet
(7 tablets); 0.15 mg desogestrel with 25 mcg package, dosage is 1 tablet daily without
ethinyl estradiol (7 tablets) (Cyclessa, interruption; extra tablets taken on days 22
Velivet) to 28 are placebos or contain iron. Or, for
ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel Seasonale, 1 pink tablet P.O. daily beginning
Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and levo- on first Sunday after menstrual cycle begins,
norgestrel 0.05 mg (6 days); ethinyl estra- for 84 consecutive days, followed by 7 days
diol 40 mcg and levonorgestrel 0.075 mg of white (inert) tablets. Or, for Lybrel,
(5 days); ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and levo- 1 tablet P.O. daily beginning on the first
norgestrel 0.125 mg (10 days) (Enpresse, day of menstrual cycle. When changing
Trivora-28) from 21-day or 28-day combination oral
ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone contraceptive, begin on first day of with-
Tablets: ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg and drawal bleeding, at the latest 7 days after
norethindrone 0.5 mg (7 days); ethinyl last active tablet. When changing from
estradiol 35 mcg and norethindrone progestin-only pill begin the next day. When
1 mg (9 days); ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg changing from implant contraceptive, begin
and norethindrone 0.5 mg (5 days) the day of implant removal. When changing
(Tri-Norinyl); ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg from injection contraceptive, begin the day
and norethindrone 0.5 mg (7 days); ethinyl when next injection is due.
estradiol 35 mcg and norethindrone Biphasic hormonal contraceptives
0.75 mg (7 days); ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg Women: 1 color tablet P.O. daily for 10 days;
and norethindrone 1 mg (7 days) (Necon then next color tablet for 11 days. With
7/7/7, Nortrel 7/7/7, Ortho-Novum 7/7/7) 21-tablet packages, new cycle begins
7 days after last tablet taken. With 28-tablet

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel 551

packages, dosage is 1 tablet daily without ADVERSE REACTIONS

interruption. Or, for Seasonique, 1 light CNS: headache, dizziness, depression,
blue-green tablet P.O. once daily for 84 con- lethargy, migraine, stroke, cerebral hemor-
secutive days followed by 1 yellow tablet for rhage.
7 consecutive days; then repeat cycle. CV: thromboembolism, hypertension,
Triphasic hormonal contraceptives edema, pulmonary embolism, MI.
Women: 1 tablet P.O. daily in the sequence EENT: worsening myopia or astigmatism,
specified by the brand. With 21-tablet pack- intolerance of contact lenses, exophthalmos,
ages, new dosing cycle begins 7 days after diplopia. E
last tablet taken. With 28-tablet packages, GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps,
dosage is 1 tablet daily without interruption. bloating, anorexia, changes in appetite,
➤ Moderate acne vulgaris in women age gallbladder disease, pancreatitis.
15 and older who have no known con- GU: breakthrough bleeding, spotting,
traindications to hormonal contraceptive granulomatous colitis, dysmenorrhea,
therapy, who want oral contraception amenorrhea, cervical erosion or abnormal
for at least 6 months, who have reached secretions, enlargement of uterine fibromas,
menarche, and who are unresponsive to vaginal candidiasis.
topical antiacne drugs Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice, liver tumors,
Women age 15 and older: 1 tablet Ortho gallbladder disease.
Tri-Cyclen or Estrostep P.O. daily (21 tablets Metabolic: weight change, additive insulin
contain active ingredients and 7 are inert). resistance in diabetics.
Skin: rash, acne, erythema multiforme,
ADMINISTRATION melasma, hirsutism.
P.O. Other: breast tenderness, enlargement, or
• Give drug at the same time each day; give secretion, anaphylaxis, hemolytic uremic
at night to reduce nausea and headaches. syndrome.
• Chewable tablet may be swallowed whole
or chewed and followed with a full glass of INTERACTIONS
liquid. Drug-drug. Anti-infectives (chlorampheni-
col, fluconazole, griseofulvin, neomycin,
AC TION nitrofurantoin, penicillins, sulfonamides,
Inhibit ovulation and may prevent transport tetracyclines): May decrease contraceptive
of the ovum (if ovulation should occur) effect. Advise patient to use another method
through the fallopian tubes. of contraception.
Estrogen suppresses follicle-stimulating Atorvastatin: May increase norethindrone
hormone, blocking follicular development and ethinyl estradiol levels. Monitor patient
and ovulation. for adverse effects.
Progestin suppresses luteinizing hormone Benzodiazepines: May decrease or increase
so that ovulation can’t occur even if the benzodiazepine levels. Adjust dosage, if
follicle develops; it also thickens cervical necessary.
mucus, interfering with sperm migration, Beta blockers: May increase beta blocker
and prevents implantation of the fertilized level. Dosage adjustment may be necessary.
ovum. Carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobar-
Route Onset Peak Duration
bital, phenytoin, rifampin: May decrease
P.O. Unknown 2 hours (ethinyl Unknown
estrogen effect. Use together cautiously.
estradiol) 0.5 to Corticosteroids: May enhance corticos-
4 hr (varies by teroid effect. Monitor patient closely.
progestin) Insulin, sulfonylureas: Glucose intolerance
Half-life: 6 to 20 hours (ethinyl estradiol); 5 to may decrease antidiabetic effects. Monitor
45 hours (varies by progestin). these effects.
Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase in-
hibitors, protease inhibitors: May decrease

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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552 ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel

hormonal contraceptive effect. Avoid using • Use cautiously in patients with hyperlipi-
together, if possible. demia, hypertension, migraines, seizure
Oral anticoagulants: May decrease antico- disorders, asthma, or cardiac, renal, or
agulant effect. Dosage adjustments may be hepatic insufficiency, bleeding irregular-
needed. Monitor PT and INR. ities, gallbladder disease, ocular disease,
Tamoxifen: May inhibit tamoxifen effect. diabetes, and emotional disorders.
Avoid using together. •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, withdrawal
Drug-herb. Black cohosh: May increase uterine bleeding.
adverse effects of estrogen. Discourage use
Red clover: May interfere with drug. Dis- Black Box Warning Cigarette smoking
courage use together. increases the risk of serious cardiovascular
Saw palmetto: May have antiestrogenic side effects from oral contraceptives. This
effect. Discourage use together. risk increases with age and with heavy
St. John’s wort: May decrease drug effect smoking (at least 15 cigarettes daily) and is
because of increased hepatic metabolism. quite marked in women older than 35 years.
Discourage use together, or advise patient to Women who use oral contraceptives should
use an additional method of contraception. not smoke.
Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine • Triphasic hormonal contraceptives may
level. Urge caution. cause fewer adverse reactions, such as
Grapefruit juice: May increase estrogen breakthrough bleeding and spotting.
level. Advise patient to take with liquid • The Centers for Disease Control and
other than grapefruit juice. Prevention reports that use of hormonal
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase contraceptives may decrease risk of ovarian
risk of adverse CV effects. If smoking and endometrial cancers and doesn’t seem
continues, may need alternative therapy. to increase risk of breast cancer. However,
the FDA reports that some studies suggest
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS that hormonal contraceptives may be
• May increase clotting factor II, VII, VIII, linked to an increase in cervical cancer.
IX, X; fibrinogen; phospholipid; plasmino- • Monitor lipid levels, blood pressure, body
gen; thyroid-binding globulin; total T4 ; and weight, and hepatic function.
triglyceride levels. Alert: Many hormonal contraceptives
• May increase norepinephrine-induced share similar names. Make sure to check the
platelet aggregation and PT. hormone strength for verification.
• May reduce metyrapone test results. • Estrogens and progestins may alter
May cause false-positive result in nitroblue glucose tolerance, thus changing dosage
tetrazolium test. requirements for antidiabetics. Monitor
glucose level.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Stop hormonal contraceptives for a few
• Contraindicated in patients with throm- weeks before adrenal function tests.
boembolic disorders, cerebrovascular or • Stop hormonal contraceptive and notify
coronary artery disease, diplopia or ocular prescriber if patient develops granuloma-
lesions arising from ophthalmic vascular tous colitis.
disease, classic migraine, MI, known or • Stop drug at least 1 week before surgery
suspected breast cancer, known or suspected to decrease risk of thromboembolism. Tell
estrogen-dependent neoplasia, benign or patient to use an alternative method of birth
malignant liver tumors, active liver disease control.
or history of cholestatic jaundice with preg- • Women who are nonlactating mothers
nancy or previous use of hormonal contra- or those who have had second-trimester
ceptives, and undiagnosed abnormal vaginal abortion must wait 28 days before starting
bleeding. oral contraception.
• Contraindicated in women who are or may
be pregnant or breast-feeding.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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etodolac 553

• In case of first-trimester abortion, pa- utive missed menstrual periods; lumps in

tient may start Lybrel immediately without the breast; swelling of hands or feet; or se-
additional contraceptive method. vere pain in the abdomen (tumor rupture in
PATIENT TEACHING • Advise patient of increased risks cre-
• Tell patient to take tablets at same time ated by simultaneous use of cigarettes and
each day; nighttime doses may reduce hormonal contraceptives.
nausea and headaches. • If one menstrual period is missed and
• Advise patient to use additional method of tablets have been taken on schedule, tell E
birth control, such as condom or diaphragm patient to continue taking them. If two
with spermicide, for first week of first cycle. consecutive menstrual periods are missed,
• Tell patient that missing doses in midcycle tell patient to stop drug and have pregnancy
greatly increases likelihood of pregnancy. test. Progestins may cause birth defects if
• Tell patient that missing a dose may cause taken early in pregnancy.
spotting or light bleeding. • Tell patient to chew chewable tablet and
• Tell patient that hormonal contraceptives follow with a full glass of liquid or swallow
don’t protect against HIV or other sexually whole.
transmitted diseases. • Advise patient not to take same drug
• Tell patient using Seasonale that there for longer than 12 months without con-
will be four planned menses per year, but sulting prescriber. Stress importance of
spotting or bleeding between menses may Papanicolaou tests and annual gynecologic
occur. examinations.
• If 1 pill is missed, tell patient to take it as • Advise patient to check with prescriber
soon as possible (2 pills if remembered on about how soon pregnancy may be at-
the next day) and then to continue regular tempted after hormonal therapy is stopped.
schedule. Advise an additional method of Many prescribers recommend that women
contraception for remainder of cycle. If not become pregnant within 2 months after
2 consecutive pills are missed, tell patient stopping drug.
to take 2 pills a day for next 2 days and • Warn patient of possible delay in achiev-
then resume regular schedule. Advise an ing pregnancy when drug is stopped.
additional method of contraception for the • Teach women how to perform routine
next 7 days or preferably for the remainder breast self-examination.
of cycle. If 2 consecutive pills are missed • Teach patient methods to decrease risk of
in the 3rd or 4th week or if patient misses thromboembolism.
3 consecutive pills, tell patient to contact • Advise patient taking hormonal con-
prescriber for instructions. traceptives to use additional form of birth
• Warn patient of common adverse effects, control during concurrent treatment with
such as headache, nausea, dizziness, breast certain antibiotics.
tenderness, spotting, and breakthrough • Advise patient that hormonal contracep-
bleeding, which usually diminish after 3 to tives may change the fit of contact lenses.
6 months.
• Instruct patient to weigh herself at least
twice a week and to report any sudden etodolac
weight gain or swelling to prescriber. ee-toe-DOE-lak
• Warn patient to avoid exposure to ultravi-
olet light or prolonged exposure to sunlight. Therapeutic class: NSAID
Alert: Warn patient to immediately report Pharmacologic class: NSAID
abdominal pain; numbness, stiffness, or Pregnancy risk category C; D in 3rd
pain in legs or buttocks; pressure or pain in trimester
chest; shortness of breath; severe headache;
visual disturbances, such as blind spots, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
blurriness, or flashing lights; undiagnosed Capsules: 200 mg, 300 mg
vaginal bleeding or discharge; two consec- Tablets: 400 mg, 500 mg

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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554 etodolac

Tablets (extended-release): 400 mg, GU: dysuria, urinary frequency, renal

500 mg, 600 mg failure.
Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES hemolytic anemia.
➤ Acute pain Hepatic: hepatitis.
Adults: 200 to 400 mg P.O. every 6 to Metabolic: weight gain.
8 hours p.r.n., not to exceed 1,200 mg daily. Respiratory: asthma.
➤ Short- and long-term management of Skin: pruritus, rash, cutaneous vasculitis,
osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Adults: 600 to 1,000 mg P.O. daily, divided Other: chills.
into two or three doses. Maximum daily
dose is 1,200 mg. For extended-release INTERACTIONS
tablets, 400 to 1,000 mg P.O. daily. Maxi- Drug-drug. Antacids: May decrease
mum daily dose is 1,200 mg. etodolac’s peak level. Watch for decreased
➤ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis effect of etodolac.
Children ages 6 to 16: 400 mg (extended- Aspirin: May decrease protein-binding of
release) P.O. once daily if weight is 20 to etodolac without altering its clearance. May
30 kg (40 to 66 lb); 600 mg (extended- increase GI toxicity. Avoid using together.
release) P.O. once daily if weight is 31 to Beta blockers, diuretics: May blunt effects
45 kg (68 to 99 lb); 800 mg (extended- of these drugs. Monitor patient closely.
release) P.O. once daily if weight is 46 to Cyclosporine: May increase risk of nephro-
60 kg (101 to 132 lb); or 1,000 mg P.O. once toxicity. Avoid using together.
daily if weight exceeds 60 kg. Digoxin, lithium, methotrexate: May impair
elimination of these drugs, increasing risk
ADMINISTRATION of toxicity. Monitor drug levels.
P.O. Phenylbutazone: May increase etodolac
• Give drug with milk or meals to minimize level. Avoid using together.
GI discomfort. Phenytoin: May increase phenytoin level.
Monitor patient for toxicity.
AC TION Warfarin: May decrease the protein binding
Unknown. Produces anti-inflammatory, of warfarin but doesn’t change its clear-
analgesic, and antipyretic effects, possibly ance. Although no dosage adjustment is
by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. needed, monitor INR closely and watch for
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30 min 1–2 hr 4–12 hr
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic,
P.O. (extended- Unknown 3–12 hr 6–12 hr
ginger, horse chestnut, red clover: May
release) increase risk of bleeding. Discourage use
Half-life: 71⁄4 hours.
White willow: Herb and drug contain simi-
lar components. Discourage use together.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
CNS: asthenia, malaise, dizziness, depres- risk of adverse effects. Discourage use
sion, drowsiness, nervousness, insomnia, together.
syncope, fever. Sun exposure: May cause photosensitivity
CV: hypertension, heart failure, flushing, reactions. Advise patient to avoid excessive
palpitations, edema, fluid retention. sunlight exposure.
EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus, photopho-
GI: dyspepsia, flatulence, abdominal pain, • May increase BUN and creatinine. May
diarrhea, nausea, constipation, gastritis, me- decrease uric acid and hemoglobin levels
lena, vomiting, anorexia, peptic ulceration and hematocrit.
with or without GI bleeding or perforation, • May decrease WBC count.
ulcerative stomatitis, thirst, dry mouth.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring 555

• May cause a false-positive test result for • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
urine bilirubin, possibly from phenolic that require alertness until harmful CNS
metabolites and ketone bodies. effects of drug are known.
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of liver
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS damage, including nausea, fatigue, lethargy,
Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the itching, yellowed skin or eyes, right upper
treatment of perioperative pain after CABG quadrant tenderness, and flulike symptoms.
surgery. Tell him to contact prescriber immediately if
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- any of these symptoms occurs. E
sitive to drug and in those with history of • Advise patient to use a sunblock, wear
aspirin- or NSAID-induced asthma, rhinitis, protective clothing, and avoid prolonged
urticaria, or other allergic reactions. exposure to sunlight because of possible
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and sensitivity to sunlight.
in patients with history of renal or hepatic • Tell pregnant women to avoid use of drug
impairment, preexisting asthma, or GI during last trimester.
bleeding, ulceration, and perforation. • Advise patient that use of OTC NSAIDs
•H Overdose S&S: Lethargy, drowsiness, and etodolac may increase the risk of GI
nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, GI bleed- toxicity.
ing, coma, hypertension, acute renal failure,
respiratory depression, anaphylaxis.
etonogestrel and ethinyl
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS estradiol vaginal ring
• Because NSAIDs impair the synthesis e-toe-noe-JES-trel and ETH-i-nill
of renal prostaglandins, they can decrease
renal blood flow and lead to reversible renal NuvaRing
impairment, especially in patients with
renal or heart failure or liver dysfunction, Therapeutic class: Contraceptive
in elderly patients, and in those taking Pharmacologic class: Estrogenic and
diuretics. Monitor these patients closely. progestinic steroids
Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an Pregnancy risk category X
increased risk of serious GI adverse events
including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ration of the stomach or intestines, which Vaginal ring: Delivers 0.12 mg etonogestrel
can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater and 0.015 mg ethinyl estradiol daily
Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or ➤ Contraception
stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be Women: Insert one ring into the vagina and
greater with longer use or in patients with leave in place for 3 weeks. Insert new ring
CV disease or risk factors for CV disease. 1 week after the previous ring is removed.


• Tell patient to take drug with milk or Vaginal
meals to minimize GI discomfort. • In women who did not use hormonal
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of GI contraception during the previous month,
bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine, therapy should be initiated on the first day
or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and black, of the menstrual cycle. A woman using a
tarry stool. Tell him to notify prescriber combination oral contraceptive may switch
immediately if any of these occurs. to NuvaRing on any day, but at the latest on
• Advise patient to avoid consuming the day following the usual hormone-free
alcohol or aspirin while taking drug. interval.
• Leave ring in place continuously for a
full 3 weeks to maintain effect. It’s then

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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556 etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring

removed for 1 week. During this time, Ascorbic acid, atorvastatin, itraconazole:
withdrawal bleeding occurs (usually starting May increase ethinyl estradiol level. Moni-
2 or 3 days after removal). Insert a new tor patient for adverse effects.
ring inserted 1 week after removal of the Clofibric acid, morphine, salicylic acid,
previous one, regardless of whether patient temazepam: May increase clearance of
is still menstruating. these drugs. Monitor patient for effective-
AC TION Cyclosporine, prednisolone, theophylline:
Suppresses gonadotropins, which inhibits May increase levels of these drugs. Monitor
ovulation, increases the viscosity of cervical levels if appropriate and adjust dosage.
mucus (decreasing the ability of sperm to HIV protease inhibitors: May affect contra-
enter the uterus), and alters the endometrial ceptive effect. Refer to the specific protease
lining (reducing potential for implantation). inhibitor drug literature. May need to use a
Route Onset Peak Duration
backup method of contraception.
Vaginal Immediate 200 hr Unknown
Miconazole (oil-based vaginal capsule):
(etonogestrel) May increase serum concentrations of
60 hr (ethinyl etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Monitor
estradiol) patient for adverse effects.
Half-life: etonogestrel, 29 hours; ethinyl estradiol, Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May reduce
45 hours. drug effectiveness and increase the risk
of breakthrough bleeding and pregnancy.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Discourage use together.
CNS: headache, emotional lability, cerebral Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase risk
thrombosis, cerebral hemorrhage. of serious CV adverse effects, especially in
CV: hypertension, thromboembolic events, those older than age 35 who smoke 15 or
MI. more cigarettes daily. Urge patient to avoid
EENT: sinusitis, changes in corneal curva- smoking.
ture, intolerance to contact lenses.
GU: vaginitis, leukorrhea, device-related • May increase clotting factor VII, VIII,
events (for example, foreign body sensation, IX, and X; prothrombin; thyroid-binding
coital difficulties, device expulsion), vaginal globulin (leading to increased circulating
discomfort, breakthrough bleeding. total thyroid hormone levels); sex hormone–
Hematologic: coagulation abnormalities. binding globulin (and other binding pro-
Hepatic: hepatic adenomas, benign liver teins); and triglyceride levels. May decrease
tumors, cholestatic jaundice. antithrombin III and folate levels.
Metabolic: weight gain. • May increase norepinephrine-induced
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- platelet aggregation. May decrease T3 resin
tion. uptake.
Skin: melasma.
INTERACTIONS • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Drug-drug. Acetaminophen: May decrease to any component of drug, patients who are
acetaminophen level and increase ethinyl or may be pregnant, patients older than age
estradiol level. Monitor patient for effects. 35 who smoke 15 or more cigarettes daily,
Ampicillin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, and patients with thrombophlebitis, throm-
felbamate, griseofulvin, oxcarbazepine, boembolic disorder, history of deep vein
phenylbutazone, phenytoin, rifampin, thrombophlebitis, cerebral vascular or coro-
tetracyclines, topiramate: May decrease nary artery disease (current or previous),
contraceptive effect and increase risk of valvular heart disease with complications,
pregnancy, breakthrough bleeding, or both. severe hypertension, diabetes with vas-
Tell patient to use an additional form of cular complications, headache with focal
contraception while taking these drugs. neurologic symptoms, major surgery with

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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etoposide 557

prolonged immobilization, known or sus- Tell patient not to use diaphragm if backup
pected cancer of the endometrium or breast, method of birth control is needed.
estrogen-dependent neoplasia, abnormal • Tell patient who wears contact lenses to
undiagnosed genital bleeding, jaundice contact an ophthalmologist if vision or lens
related to pregnancy or previous use of hor- tolerance changes.
monal contraceptive, active liver disease, or • Advise patient to follow manufacturer’s
benign or malignant hepatic tumors. instructions for use if switching from
• Use cautiously in patients with hyperten- different form of hormonal contraceptive.
sion, hyperlipidemias, obesity, or diabetes. • Tell patient to insert ring into vagina E
• Use cautiously in patients with conditions (using fingers) and keep it in place continu-
that could be aggravated by fluid retention, ously for 3 weeks to maintain effect, saving
and in patients with a history of depression. foil package for later disposal. Explain
that it is then removed for 1 full week and
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS that, during this time, withdrawal bleeding
Alert: Drug may increase the risk of MI, occurs (usually starting 2 or 3 days after
thromboembolism, stroke, hepatic neopla- removal). Tell patient to insert new ring
sia, and gallbladder disease. 1 week after removing previous one, regard-
Black Box Warning Cigarette smoking less of menstrual bleeding. Tell patient to
increases the risk of serious adverse cardiac reseal ring in the package after removing it
effects. The risk increases with age and in from vagina.
patients who smoke 15 or more cigarettes • Advise patient that, if the ring is removed
daily. or expelled (such as while removing a tam-
• Stop drug at least 4 weeks before and for pon, straining, or moving bowels), it should
2 weeks after procedures that may increase be washed with cool to lukewarm (not hot)
the risk of thromboembolism, and during water and reinserted immediately. Stress
and after prolonged immobilization. that contraceptive effect may be compro-
• Stop drug and notify prescriber if mised if the ring stays out for longer than
patient develops unexplained partial or 3 hours and that she should use a backup
complete loss of vision, proptosis, diplopia, method of contraception until the newly
papilledema, retinal vascular lesions, reinserted ring is used continuously for
migraines, depression, or jaundice. 7 days.
• Monitor blood pressure closely if patient • Tell patient that there’s no danger of the
has hypertension or renal disease. vaginal ring being pushed too far up in the
• Rule out pregnancy if woman hasn’t vagina or getting lost.
adhered to the prescribed regimen and a
period is missed, if prescribed regimen has SAFETY ALERT!
been adhered to and two periods are missed,
or if the patient has retained the ring for etoposide (VP-16-213)
longer than 4 weeks. e-toe-POE-side

PATIENT TEACHING etoposide phosphate

• Stress importance of having regular Etopophos
annual physical examinations to check
for adverse effects or developing contraindi- Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
cations. Pharmacologic class: Podophyllotoxin
• Tell patient that drug doesn’t protect derivative
against HIV and other sexually transmitted Pregnancy risk category D
• Advise patient not to smoke while using AVAIL ABLE FORMS
contraceptive. etoposide
• Tell patient to use backup method until Capsules: 50 mg
ring has been used continuously for 7 days. Injection: 20 mg/ml in 5-, 12.5-, and 25-ml

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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558 etoposide

etoposide phosphate or glass, unprotected from light; at

Injection: 119.3-mg vials equivalent to 0.4 mg/ml, it’s stable 24 hours under same
100 mg etoposide conditions. Diluted etoposide phosphate
solution is stable for same times at room
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES temperature or 24 hours refrigerated.
➤ Refractory testicular cancer in com-  Incompatibilities: Cefepime hydrochlo-

bination with other chemotherapeutic ride, filgrastim, gallium nitrate, idarubicin.

Adults: 50 to 100 mg/m2 daily I.V. on AC TION
5 consecutive days every 3 to 4 weeks. Inhibits topoisomerase II enzyme, causing
Or, 100 mg/m2 daily I.V. on days 1, 3, and inability to repair DNA strand breaks, which
5 every 3 to 4 weeks for three or four leads to cell death. Cell cycle specific to G2
courses of therapy. portion of cell cycle.
➤ Small-cell carcinoma of the lung in Route Onset Peak Duration
combination with other chemotherapeu- P.O., I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
tic agents
Adults: 35 mg/m2 daily I.V. for 4 days. Or, Half-life: Initial phase, 1⁄2 to 2 hours; terminal
50 mg/m2 daily I.V. for 5 days. P.O. dose phase, 51⁄4 hours.
is two times I.V. dose, rounded to nearest
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine CNS: peripheral neuropathy.
clearance of 15 to 50 ml/minute, reduce CV: hypotension.
dose by 25%. GI: anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, stomatitis, mucositis.
• Give drug without regard for food. myelosuppression.
• Don’t give drug with grapefruit juice. Hepatic: hepatotoxicity.
I.V. Skin: reversible alopecia, rash.
 Preparing and giving parenteral drug Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity
may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car- reactions.
cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce
 For etoposide infusion, dilute to 0.2 or Drug-drug. Cyclosporine: May increase
0.4 mg/ml in either D5 W or normal saline etoposide level and toxicity. Monitor CBC
solution. Higher concentrations may and adjust etoposide dose.
crystallize. Phosphatase inhibitors: May decrease
 Give etoposide by slow infusion over at etoposide effectiveness. Monitor drug
least 30 minutes to prevent severe hypoten- effects.
sion. Warfarin: May further prolong PT. Monitor
 For etoposide phosphate, give without PT and INR closely.
further dilution or dilute to as low as Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May reduce
0.1 mg/ml in either D5 W or normal saline etoposide concentrations. Avoid using
solution. together.
 Give etoposide phosphate over 5 to


 Check blood pressure every 15 minutes • May decrease hemoglobin level.
during infusion. Hypotension may occur • May decrease neutrophil, platelet, RBC,
if infusion is too rapid. If systolic pressure and WBC counts.
falls below 90 mm Hg, stop infusion and
 Etoposide diluted to 0.2 mg/ml is stable • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
96 hours at room temperature in plastic to drug.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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etravirine 559

• Use cautiously in patients who have had INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

cytotoxic or radiation therapy and in those ➤ HIV-1 in patients who have had pre-
with hepatic impairment. vious treatment and have replication of
HIV-1 strains resistant to an NNRTI and
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS other antiretrovirals
Black Box Warning Give drug under the Adults: 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. after meals. Given
supervision of a physician experienced in with other antiretrovirals.
the use of cancer chemotherapy.
• Obtain baseline blood pressure before ADMINISTRATION E
starting therapy. P.O.
• Anticipate need for antiemetics. • Give drug after meal.
• Have diphenhydramine, hydrocortisone, • If patient can’t swallow tablets, disperse
epinephrine, and emergency equipment tablets in a glass of water. Stir the dispersion
available to establish an airway in case well and have the patient drink immediately.
anaphylaxis occurs. Rinse the glass with water several times and
• Store capsules in refrigerator. have patient swallow each rinse completely.
Black Box Warning Monitor CBC. Watch
for evidence of bone marrow suppression. AC TION
• Observe patient’s mouth for signs of Binds to reverse transcriptase, an enzyme
ulceration. that replicates HIV.
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. Route Onset Peak Duration
injections when platelet count is below P.O. Unknown 2.5–4 hours Unknown
50,000/mm3 .
• Etoposide phosphate dose is expressed as Half-life: About 41 hours.
etoposide equivalents; 119.3 mg of etopo-
side phosphate is equivalent to 100 mg of ADVERSE REACTIONS
etoposide. CNS: abnormal dreams, amnesia,
anxiety, confusion, disorientation, fatigue,
PATIENT TEACHING headache, hypoesthesia, insomnia, pares-
• Tell patient to watch for signs and symp- thesia, peripheral neuropathy, seizures,
toms of infection (fever, sore throat, fatigue) sluggishness, syncope, tremors.
and bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds, CV: angina, atrial fibrillation, hyperten-
bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell patient to sion, MI.
take temperature daily. EENT: blurred vision, vertigo.
• Inform patient of need for frequent blood GI: abdominal distension, abdominal pain,
pressure readings during I.V. administration. anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth,
• Caution women of childbearing age to flatulence, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux
avoid pregnancy and breast-feeding during disease, hematemesis, nausea, pancreatitis,
therapy. retching, stomatitis, vomiting.
GU: renal failure.
Hepatic: hepatitis, hepatomegaly, increased
etravirine liver enzyme levels.
eh-trah-VIGH-reen Hematologic: anemia, hemolytic anemia.
Metabolic: diabetes, dyslipidemia.
Intelence Respiratory: bronchospasm, dyspnea.
Skin: rash.
Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral Other: facial wasting, fat redistribution or
Pharmacologic class: Antiviral accumulation, gynecomastia, hypersensitiv-
Pregnancy risk category B ity, immune reconstitution syndrome.


Tablets: 100 mg Drug-drug. Amiodarone, bepridil, disopy-
ramide, flecainide, lidocaine, mexiletine,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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560 etravirine

propafenone, quinidine: May decrease with a protease inhibitor and ritonavir,

levels of these drugs. Use caution, and give rifabutin 300 mg daily. If etravirine is
monitor patient closely. given with darunavir and ritonavir or with
Amprenavir and ritonavir: May increase raquinavir and ritonavir, avoid rifabutin.
amprenavir level. Avoid use together. Rifampin, rifapentine: May decrease
Atazanavir and ritonavir: May decrease etravirine level. Avoid use together.
atazanavir level and increase etravirine Ritonavir: May decrease etravirine level.
level. Avoid use together. Avoid use together.
Atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin: May Ritonavir and tipranavir: May decrease
decrease levels of these drugs. Adjust etravirine level. Avoid use together.
dosage, if needed. Warfarin: May increase warfarin level.
Clarithromycin: May decrease clar- Monitor INR closely, and adjust warfarin
ithromycin level and increase etravirine dosage if needed.
level. Consider using azithromycin for Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
treating Mycobacterium avium complex. etravirine level. Avoid use together.
CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as itraconazole,
ketoconazole): May decrease levels of these EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
drugs. Adjust dosage, if needed. • May increase amylase, lipase, creatinine,
CYP450 inducers (such as carbamazepine, total cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride, AST,
phenobarbital, phenytoin): May decrease ALT, and glucose levels. May decrease
etravirine level. Avoid use together. hemoglobin level.
Delavirdine: May increase etravirine level. • May decrease RBC, neutrophil, and
Avoid use together. platelet counts.
Dexamethasone: May decrease etravirine
level. Avoid use together. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Diazepam: May increase diazepam level. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Reduce diazepam dose, as needed. to etravirine or its components.
Efavirenz, nevirapine: May decrease • Use cautiously in elderly patients and pa-
etravirine level. Avoid use together. tients with hepatic impairment or hepatitis
Fluconazole, posaconazole: May increase B or C.
etravirine level. Use together cautiously. • Pregnant women should take etravirine
Fluvastatin: May increase fluvastatin level. only if potential benefits to mother outweigh
Adjust dosage, if needed. risks to fetus.
Immunosuppressants (such as cyclosporine, • Pregnant women who take etravirine
sirolimus, tacrolimus): May decrease levels should be enrolled in the Antiretrovi-
of these drugs. Use together cautiously, and ral Pregnancy Registry, which monitors
monitor patient closely. maternal-fetal outcomes, by calling 1-800-
Lopinavir and ritonavir: May increase 258-4263.
etravirine level. Use together cautiously.
Methadone: May cause withdrawal symp- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
toms. Monitor patient, and consider increas- Alert: Etravirine may interact with many
ing methadone dosage. drugs. Review patient’s complete drug
Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (sildenafil, regimen.
tadalafil, vardenafil): May decrease effec- • If patient can’t swallow the tablet whole,
tiveness of these drugs. Adjust dosage, as dissolve it in water and have patient drink it
needed. immediately. To make sure patient receives
Protease inhibitors (such as atazanavir, entire dose, refill the glass several times and
fosamprenavir, indinavir, nelfinavir): May have patient drink.
alter protease inhibitor level if given without Alert: Monitor patient closely for skin
ritonavir. Avoid use together unless given reactions. Fatalities have occurred due to
with low-dose ritonavir. toxic epidermal necrolysis and hypersensi-
Rifabutin: May decrease etravirine and tivity reactions that may be accompanied by
rifabutin levels. If etravirine isn’t given

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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everolimus 561

hepatic failure. Discontinue drug if severe INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

skin or hypersensitivity reactions develop. ➤ Advanced renal cell carcinoma after
• Monitor patient for signs of fat redistri- treatment with sunitinib or sorafenib
bution, including central obesity, buffalo fails
hump, peripheral wasting, breast enlarge- Adults: 10 mg P.O. once daily.
ment, and cushingoid appearance. Adjust-a-dose: For severe or intolerable
• Notify prescriber if signs, symptoms, or adverse effects, reduce dosage to 5 mg P.O.
laboratory abnormalities suggest pancreatitis. daily or interrupt therapy. For moderate
Monitor amylase and lipase levels. hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class B), E
• Monitor patient’s CBC, platelet count, reduce dosage to 5 mg P.O. daily.
and renal and liver function studies. Report ✷ NEW INDICATION: Prevention of kidney
abnormalities. transplant rejection in patients at low to
moderate immunologic risk (Zortress
• Advise patient to take etravirine after a Adults: Initially, 0.75 mg P.O. twice daily
meal. with cyclosporine as soon as possible after
• Warn patient to tell prescriber about any transplantation. Dosage adjustments may
other prescription drugs, over-the-counter be made at 4- to 5-day intervals based on
drugs, and herbal supplements he takes. patient response and clinical situation.
• Advise patient to report adverse effects to Adjust-a-dose: In patients with moderate
prescriber. hepatic impairment, give half the recom-
• Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure mended initial daily dose and monitor blood
HIV infection, that opportunistic infections concentrations.
and other complications of HIV infection
may still occur, and that HIV may still be ADMINISTRATION
transmitted to others through sexual contact P.O.
or blood contamination. • Give drug at same time each day with or
• Advise patient to take drug as prescribed without food.
and not to alter dose or stop drug without • Have patient swallow tablets whole with a
medical approval. glass of water. Tablets shouldn’t be chewed
• If patient misses a dose, tell him to take or crushed.
it as soon as possible and then return to • Patient should avoid grapefruit or grape-
his normal schedule. Advise patient not to fruit juice while taking drug.
double the dose.
• Tell patient that routine blood tests will be AC TION
needed to assess how he is tolerating drug Binds to an intracellular protein, thereby
therapy. inhibiting mammalian target rapamycin
(mTOR), a kinase. Inhibiting mTOR re-
SAFETY ALERT! duces cancer cell proliferation, angiogene-
sis, and glucose uptake.
everolimus Route Onset Peak Duration
eh-ver-OH-lih-mus P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown

Afinitor, Zortress Half-life: 30 hours.

Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic ADVERSE REACTIONS

Pharmacologic class: Kinase inhibitor CNS: asthenia, dizziness, dysgeusia,
Pregnancy risk category D headache, insomnia, paresthesia, fever,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CV: chest pain, heart failure, hypertension,
Tablets (Afinitor): 5 mg, 10 mg tachycardia.
Tablets (Zortress): 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, EENT: conjunctivitis, eyelid edema,
0.75 mg epistaxis, mucosal inflammation,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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562 everolimus

nasopharyngitis, pharyngolaryngeal pain, • May decrease hemoglobin level and

rhinorrhea, sinusitis. lymphocyte, neutrophil, and platelet counts.
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea,
dry mouth, dysphagia, hemorrhoids, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
nausea, stomatitis, vomiting. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
GU: renal failure, UTI. to drug, its components, other rapamycin
Hematologic: hemorrhage. derivatives, or sirolimus (Zortress only).
Metabolic: exacerbation of diabetes melli- • Avoid use in patients with severe hepatic
tus, weight loss. impairment or severe infection.
Musculoskeletal: extremity pain, jaw pain. • Avoid use in pregnant women because of
Respiratory: bronchitis, cough, dyspnea, potential hazards to fetus.
pleural effusion, pneumonia, PNEUMONI- • It isn’t known if drug appears in breast
TIS. milk. Women shouldn’t breast-feed while
Skin: acneiform dermatitis, dry skin, ery- taking drug.
thema, hand-foot syndrome, nail disorder,
pruritus, onychoclasis, rash, skin lesion. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Other: chills, peripheral edema. Black Box Warning Drug should only be
prescribed by providers experienced in im-
INTERACTIONS munosuppressive therapy and management
Drug-drug. Black Box Warning Cyclo- of transplant patients.
sporine: Increased nephrotoxicity can • Don’t crush tablets. Avoid direct contact
occur with standard cyclosporine dosing with skin or mucous membranes. If contact
in combination with everolimus. Decrease occurs, wash area thoroughly.
cyclosporine dosage and monitor serum Black Box Warning Drug increases risk
cyclosporine and everolimus levels. of infection and malignancies, such
Strong CYP3A4 inducers (carba- as lymphoma and skin cancer, due to
mazepine, dexamethasone, phenobar- immunosuppression.
bital, phenytoin, rifabutin, rifampin): • Monitor patient for signs of infection
May decrease everolimus level. Avoid (fever, chills, sore throat, fatigue).
using together; if drugs must be used Black Box Warning There is an increased
together, increase everolimus dosage at risk of arterial and venous renal thrombosis
5 mg-increments up 20 mg daily. leading to graft loss, usually in first 30 days
Strong or moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors after transplant.
(such as amprenavir, aprepitant, atazanavir, • Monitor renal function studies and CBC
clarithromycin, delavirdine, diltiazem, before and during therapy.
erythromycin, fluconazole, fosamprenavir, • Avoid mouthwash containing alcohol or
indinavir, itraconazole, ketoconazole, ne- peroxide in patients who develop mouth
fazodone, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, ulcers, stomatitis, or oral mucositis.
telithromycin, verapamil, and voriconazole) • Monitor respiratory status for signs and
and P-gp inhibitors (such as amiodarone, symptoms of noninfectious pneumonitis
atorvastatin, and spironolactone): May (hypoxia, pleural effusion, cough, dyspnea).
increase everolimus level. Avoid using For severe cases, discontinue therapy and
together. administer corticosteroids.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May alter drug
level. Discourage use together. PATIENT TEACHING
Drug-food. Grapefruit, grapefruit juice: • Advise women of childbearing age to use
May increase drug level. Discourage use an effective method of contraception during
together. therapy and for 8 weeks after therapy ends.
• Tell patient to swallow the tablets whole
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS with a full glass of water.
• May increase creatinine, cholesterol, • Advise patient to notify his health care
triglyceride, and glucose levels. provider if he experiences mouth ulcers,
fever, shortness of breath, cough, rash,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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exemestane 563

headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomit- generalized weakness, asthenia, confusion,

ing, diarrhea, swelling of the extremities or hypoesthesia, fever.
face, weakness, tiredness, or nosebleeds. CV: hot flashes, hypertension, edema, chest
• Tell patient not to receive live vaccines pain.
and to avoid close contact with anyone who EENT: sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis.
has received a live vaccine. GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, increased
SAFETY ALERT! appetite, dyspepsia.
exemestane Hematologic: lymphopenia.
ecks-eh-MES-tayn Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, pathologic
fractures, arthritis, back pain, skeletal pain.
Aromasin Respiratory: dyspnea, bronchitis, cough,
upper respiratory tract infection.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic Skin: increased sweating, alopecia, itching,
Pharmacologic class: Aromatase dermatitis, rash.
inhibitor Other: infection, flulike syndrome, lym-
Pregnancy risk category D phedema.


Tablets: 25 mg Drug-drug. Drugs containing estrogen:
May interfere with exemestane’s action.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Avoid using together.
➤ Advanced breast cancer in post- Potent CYP3A4 inducers, such as pheny-
menopausal women whose disease has toin and rifampicin: May increase the
progressed after treatment with tamox- metabolism of exemestane, decreasing
ifen level. Increase exemestane dosage to 50 mg
Adults: 25 mg P.O. once daily after food. daily.
➤ Early-stage breast cancer in patients Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
who have taken tamoxifen for 2 to 3 years effectiveness of drug. Discourage use to-
Adults: 25 mg P.O. once daily after food gether.
to complete a 5-year course, unless cancer
recurs or is found in the other breast. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase bilirubin, alkaline phos-
ADMINISTRATION phatase, and creatinine levels.
P.O. • May decrease lymphocyte count.
• Give drug after a meal.
AC TION • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
A highly protein-bound, irreversible, to drug or its components.
steroidal aromatase inactivator that reduces
circulating estrogen levels, which decreases NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
cell growth in estrogen-dependent breast • Use drug only in postmenopausal women.
cancer. Pregnancy must be ruled out before starting
Route Onset Peak Duration
drug therapy.
P.O. Unknown 1 hr 24 hr
• Patients with advanced disease should
continue treatment until tumor progression
Half-life: About 24 hours. is apparent.


CNS: fatigue, insomnia, pain, depression, • Tell patient to take drug after a meal.
anxiety, dizziness, headache, paresthesia, • Stress the importance of maintaining
healthy bones by staying active, eating

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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564 exenatide

foods containing calcium and vitamin D, AC TION

minimizing alcohol consumption, and Reduces fasting and postprandial glucose
quitting smoking. levels in type 2 diabetes by stimulating
• Advise patient to report adverse effects, insulin production in response to elevated
especially fever or swelling of arms or legs. glucose levels, inhibiting glucagon release
after meals, and slowing gastric emptying.
SAFETY ALERT! Route Onset Peak Duration
Subcut. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
Half-life: 21⁄2 hours.


CNS: dizziness, headache, jittery feeling,
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic weakness.
Pharmacologic class: Incretin mimetic GI: anorexia, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea,
Pregnancy risk category C pancreatitis, vomiting, reflux.
Metabolic: hypoglycemia.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Skin: excessive sweating, pruritis, urticaria,
Injection: 5 mcg/dose in 1.2-ml prefilled rash.
pen (60 doses); 10 mcg/dose in 2.4-ml Other: hypersensitivity reactions, injection
prefilled pen (60 doses) site reaction, angioedema, anaphylaxis.


➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise to im- Drug-drug. Acetaminophen: May de-
prove glycemic control in patients with crease acetaminophen concentration. Give
type 2 diabetes acetaminophen at least 1 hour before or
Adults: 5 mcg subcutaneously b.i.d. within 4 hours after exenatide injection.
60 minutes before morning and evening Digoxin, lisinopril, lovastatin: May
meals. If needed, increase to 10 mcg b.i.d. decrease concentrations of these drugs.
after 1 month. Monitor patient.
Adjust-a-dose: Use caution when esca- Drugs that are rapidly absorbed: May slow
lating doses from 5 to 10 mcg in patients gastric emptying and reduce absorption of
with moderate renal impairment (crea- some oral drugs. Separate administration by
tinine clearance of 50 to 80 ml/minute). 1 hour.
Drug isn’t recommended for patients with Oral drugs that need to maintain a thresh-
end-stage renal disease or severe renal im- old concentration to maintain effectiveness
pairment (creatinine clearance of less than (antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives):
30 ml/minute). May reduce rate and extent of absorption of
these drugs. Give these drugs at least 1 hour
ADMINISTRATION before giving exenatide.
Subcutaneously Sulfonylureas: May increase the risk of
• Drug comes in two strengths; check car- hypoglycemia. Reduce sulfonylurea dose as
tridge carefully before use. needed, and monitor patient closely.
• Give as a subcutaneous injection in the
thigh, abdomen, or upper arm. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• Before first use, store drug in refrigerator None reported.
at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). After first use,
drug can be kept at temperature up to 77◦ F CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
(25◦ C). Don’t freeze, and don’t use drug if • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
it has been frozen. Protect drug from light. to drug or its components.
Discard pen 30 days after first use, even if • Don’t use in patients with type 1 diabetes
some drug remains. or diabetic ketoacidosis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ezetimibe 565

• Don’t use in patients with end-stage renal • Stress importance of proper storage
disease, creatinine clearance less than (refrigerated), infection prevention, and
30 ml/minute, or severe GI disease timing of exenatide dose in relation to other
(including gastroparesis). oral drugs.
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast- • Tell patient that if a dose is missed, re-
feeding women, and in patients with renal sume treatment as prescribed with the next
transplant. scheduled dose.
•H Overdose S&S: Severe nausea, severe
vomiting, hypoglycemia. E
• Assess GI and renal function before and
during treatment. Zetiai
Alert: Drug-related nausea, vomiting, and
diarrhea resulting in dehydration have led to Therapeutic class: Antilipemic
increased serum creatinine levels and acute Pharmacologic class: Selective
renal failure. cholesterol absorption inhibitor
• Monitor glucose level regularly and Pregnancy risk category C
glycosylated hemoglobin level periodically.
Alert: Stop drug if pancreatitis is sus- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
pected. Initiate appropriate treatment and Tablets: 10 mg
monitor patient carefully. Byetta should not
be readministered. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise to
exenatide with ezetimibe. reduce total-cholesterol (C), LDL-C,
and apolipoprotein B (Apo B) levels
PATIENT TEACHING in patients with primary hypercholes-
• Explain the risks of drug. terolemia, alone or combined with HMG-
• Review proper use and storage of dosage CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) or
pen, particularly the one-time setup for each bile acid sequestrants; adjunct to other
new pen. lipid-lowering drugs (combined with
• Inform patient that prefilled pen doesn’t atorvastatin or simvastatin) in patients
include a needle; explain which needle with homozygous familial hypercholes-
length and gauge is appropriate. terolemia; adjunct to diet in patients with
• Instruct patient to inject drug in the thigh, homozygous sitosterolemia to reduce
abdomen, or upper arm within 60 minutes sitosterol and campesterol levels; adjunct
before morning and evening meals. Caution to fenofibrate and diet to reduce total-C,
against injecting drug after a meal. LDL-C, Apo B, and non–HDL-C levels in
• Advise patient that drug may decrease patients with mixed hyperlipidemia
appetite, food intake, and body weight, and Adults and children age 10 and older:
that these changes don’t warrant a change in 10 mg P.O. daily.
• Advise patient to seek immediate med- ADMINISTRATION
ical care if unexplained, persistent, severe P.O.
abdominal pain, with or without vomiting, • Give drug without regard for meals.
• Review steps for managing hypo- AC TION
glycemia, especially if patient takes a Inhibits absorption of cholesterol by the
sulfonylurea. small intestine, unlike other drugs used
• Inform patient of potential risk of worsen- for cholesterol reduction; causes reduced
ing renal function and signs and symptoms hepatic cholesterol stores and increased
of renal dysfunction. cholesterol clearance from the blood.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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566 factor IX complex

Route Onset Peak Duration according to the HMG-CoA reductase

P.O. Unknown 4–12 hr Unknown inhibitor manufacturer’s recommendations.
• Patient should maintain a cholesterol-
Half-life: 22 hours.
lowering diet during treatment.
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache. PATIENT TEACHING
CV: chest pain. • Emphasize importance of following
EENT: pharyngitis, sinusitis. a cholesterol-lowering diet during drug
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea. therapy.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, • Tell patient he may take drug without
myalgia. regard for meals.
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- • Advise patient to notify prescriber of
tion, cough. unexplained muscle pain, weakness, or
Other: viral infection. tenderness.
• Urge patient to tell his prescriber about any
INTERACTIONS herbal or dietary supplements he’s taking.
Drug-drug. Bile acid sequestrant • Advise patient to visit his prescriber for
(cholestyramine): May decrease ezetim- routine follow-ups and blood tests.
ibe level. Give ezetimibe at least 2 hours • Tell woman to notify prescriber if she
before or 4 hours after cholestyramine. becomes pregnant.
Cyclosporine, fenofibrate: May increase
ezetimibe level. Monitor patient for adverse
reactions. factor IX complex
Fibrates: May increase excretion of choles- Bebulin VH, Profilnine SD, Proplex T
terol into the gallbladder bile. Avoid using
together. factor IX (human)
AlphaNine SD, Mononine
• May increase liver function test values. factor IX (recombinant)
• Contraindicated in patients allergic to any Therapeutic class: Clotting factor
component of the drug. Pharmacologic class: Plasma protein
• Contraindicated with HMG-CoA reduc- Pregnancy risk category C
tase inhibitor in pregnant or breast-feeding
women and in patients with active hepatic AVAIL ABLE FORMS
disease or unexplained increased transami- Injection: Vials, with diluent; International
nase level. units specified on label
• Use cautiously in elderly patients.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ➤ Factor IX deficiency (also called
• Before starting treatment, assess patient hemophilia B or Christmas disease),
for underlying causes of dyslipidemia. anticoagulant overdosage; factor VII
• Obtain baseline triglyceride and total, deficiency (Proplex T only)
LDL, and HDL cholesterol levels. Adults and children: To calcu-
• Using drug with an HMG-CoA reduc- late international units of factor IX
tase inhibitor significantly decreases total needed, use the following equations:
and LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B,
and triglyceride levels and (except with Human product
pravastatin) increases HDL cholesterol level percentage
more than use of an HMG-CoA reductase 1 body of desired
inhibitor alone. Check liver function test international × weight × increase of
values when therapy starts and thereafter unit/kg in kg factor IX level

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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factor IX complex 567

Recombinant product ADVERSE REACTIONS

percentage of CNS: headache, transient fever, chills,
1.2 body desired somnolence.
international × weight × increase of CV: thromboembolic reactions, MI,
unit/kg in kg factor IX level pulmonary embolism, changes in blood
pressure, flushing.
Proplex T GI: nausea, vomiting, altered taste.
percentage Hematologic: DIC.
0.5 body of desired Hepatic: Hepatitis B or C.
international × weight × increase of Skin: urticaria, injection-site reaction.
unit/kg in kg factor VII level Other: tingling, anaphylaxis. F

Infusion rates vary with product and patient INTERACTIONS

comfort. Dosage is highly individualized, Drug-drug. Aminocaproic acid: May
depending on degree of deficiency, level of increase risk of thrombosis. Avoid using
factor VII or IX desired, patient weight, and together.
severity of bleeding.
 Warm to room temperature before CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
reconstituting. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
 Reconstitute each vial of lyophilized to murine (mouse) protein (Mononine) or
drug with sterile water for injection hamster protein (BeneFIX).
according to manufacturer’s directions. • Use cautiously in neonates and infants
 Don’t shake, refrigerate, or mix with because of susceptibility to hepatitis, which
other solutions. may be transmitted with factor.
 Use factor IX (human) within 3 hours

after reconstitution. Factor IX complex NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

is stable 12 hours after reconstitution, • Determine if patient has been vaccinated
although delivery should start within against hepatitis A and B. If necessary, give
3 hours of reconstitution. hepatitis A and B vaccines before giving
 Filter drug before giving. factor.
 The rate of administration varies • Observe patient for allergic reactions and
between each product; infuse slowly at monitor vital signs regularly.
suggested rate of 2 to 3 ml/minute and • Observe patient closely for signs and
adapt to patient response. symptoms of thromboembolic events.
 Avoid rapid infusion. If tingling sensa- • Risk of hepatitis must be weighed against
tion, fever, chills, or headache develop, risk of not receiving drug.
decrease flow rate and notify prescriber.
 Store away from heat. PATIENT TEACHING
 Incompatibilities: All I.V. drugs and • Explain use and administration of factor
solutions, except normal saline solution. to patient and family.
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions
AC TION promptly and to stop using drug if they
Directly replaces deficient clotting factor. occur.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Advise patient to report chest tightness,
I.V. Immediate 10–30 min Unknown
wheezing, respiratory distress, cough, or
low blood pressure.
Half-life: 20 to 25 hours. • Tell patient that risk of HIV, hepatitis, or
West Nile virus transmission is extremely
low because of manufacturing process.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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568 famciclovir

Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine

famciclovir clearance of 20 to 39 ml/minute, give
fam-SYE-kloe-vir 500 mg P.O. every 24 hours; if clearance
is less than 20 ml/minute, give 250 mg P.O.
Famvir every 24 hours. For hemodialysis patients,
give 250 mg P.O. after each hemodialysis
Therapeutic class: Antiviral session.
Pharmacologic class: Synthetic acyclic ➤ Recurrent herpes labialis (cold sores)
guanine derivative Adults: 1,500 mg P.O. for one dose. Give at
Pregnancy risk category B the first sign or symptom of cold sore.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
AVAIL ABLE FORMS clearance of 40 to 59 ml/minute, give
Tablets: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg 750 mg as a single dose; for clearance
of 20 to 39 ml/minute, give 500 mg P.O.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES as a single dose; if clearance is less than
➤ Acute herpes zoster infection 20 ml/minute, give 250 mg as a single dose.
(shingles) For hemodialysis patient, give 250 mg
Adults: 500 mg P.O. every 8 hours for single dose following dialysis session.
7 days.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine ADMINISTRATION
clearance of 40 to 59 ml/minute, give P.O.
500 mg P.O. every 12 hours; if clearance • Give drug without regard for meals.
is 20 to 39 ml/minute, give 500 mg P.O.
every 24 hours; if clearance is less than AC TION
20 ml/minute, give 250 mg P.O. every A guanosine nucleoside that is converted
24 hours. For hemodialysis patients, to penciclovir, which enters viral cells and
give 250 mg P.O. after each hemodialysis inhibits DNA polymerase and viral DNA
session. synthesis.
➤ Recurrent genital herpes Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults: 1,000 mg P.O. b.i.d. for a single day. P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
Begin therapy at the first sign or symptom.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine Half-life: 2 to 3 hours.
clearance of 40 to 59 ml/minute, give
500 mg every 12 hours for 1 day; for clear- ADVERSE REACTIONS
ance of 20 to 39 ml/minute, give 500 mg CNS: headache, fatigue, dizziness, pares-
P.O. as a single dose; if clearance is less thesia, somnolence.
than 20 ml/minute, give 250 mg as a single GI: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
dose. For hemodialysis patient, give 250 mg vomiting.
single dose following dialysis session. Skin: pruritus.
➤ Suppression of recurrent genital Other: zoster-related signs, symptoms, and
herpes complications.
Adults: 250 mg P.O. b.i.d. for up to 1 year.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine INTERACTIONS
clearance of 20 to 39 ml/minute, give Drug-drug. Probenecid: May increase
125 mg P.O. every 12 hours; if clearance level of penciclovir, the active metabolite of
is less than 20 ml/minute, give 125 mg P.O. famciclovir. Monitor patient for increased
every 24 hours. For hemodialysis patients, adverse reactions.
give 125 mg P.O. after each hemodialysis
➤ Recurrent mucocutaneous herpes • None reported.
simplex infections in HIV-infected
Adults: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 days.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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famotidine 569

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ➤ Short-term treatment for benign

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive gastric ulcer
to drug. Adults: 40 mg P.O. daily at bedtime or
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or 20 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 8 weeks.
hepatic impairment. Children ages 1 to 16: 0.5 mg/kg/day P.O. at
bedtime or divided b.i.d., up to 40 mg daily.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ➤ Pathologic hypersecretory conditions
• In patients with renal or hepatic impair- (such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)
ment, adjust dosage as needed. Adults: 20 mg P.O. every 6 hours, up to
• Monitor renal and liver function tests. 160 mg every 6 hours.
➤ Hospitalized patients who can’t take F
PATIENT TEACHING oral drug or who have intractable ulcers
• Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure or hypersecretory conditions
genital herpes but can decrease the length Adults: 20 mg I.V. every 12 hours.
and severity of symptoms. ➤ Gastroesophageal reflux disease
• Teach patient how to avoid spreading (GERD)
infection to others. Adults: 20 mg P.O. b.i.d. for up to 6 weeks.
• Urge patient to recognize the early signs For esophagitis caused by GERD, 20 to
and symptoms of herpes infection, such 40 mg b.i.d. for up to 12 weeks.
as tingling, itching, and pain, and to report Children ages 1 to 16: 1 mg/kg/day P.O.
them. Therapy is more effective if started divided twice daily up to 40 mg b.i.d.
within 48 hours of rash onset. Children age 3 months to younger than
1 year: 0.5 mg/kg/dose oral suspension
b.i.d. for up to 8 weeks.
famotidine Children younger than age 3 months:
fa-MOE-ti-deen 0.5 mg/kg/dose oral suspension once daily
for up to 8 weeks.
Pepcidi, Pepcid AC  ➤ To prevent or treat heartburn
Adults: 10 mg Pepcid AC P.O. 1 hour
Therapeutic class: Antiulcer before meals to prevent symptoms, or
Pharmacologic class: H2 receptor 10 mg Pepcid AC P.O. with water when
antagonist symptoms occur. Maximum daily dose is
Pregnancy risk category B 20 mg. Drug shouldn’t be taken daily for
longer than 2 weeks.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
Gelcaps: 10 mg  clearance below 50 ml/minute, give half the
Injection: 10 mg/ml dose, or increase dosing interval to every
Powder for oral suspension: 40 mg/5 ml 36 to 48 hours.
after reconstitution
Premixed injection: 20 mg/50 ml in normal ADMINISTRATION
saline solution P.O.
Tablets: 10 mg , 20 mg , 40 mg • Reconstitute and shake oral suspension
Tablets (chewable): 10 mg , 20 mg  before use.
• Store reconstituted oral suspension below
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES 86◦ F (30◦ C). Discard after 30 days.
➤ Short-term treatment for duodenal I.V.
ulcer  Compatible solutions include sterile

Adults: For acute therapy, 40 mg P.O. once water for injection, normal saline solution
daily at bedtime or 20 mg P.O. b.i.d. Healing for injection, D5 W or dextrose 10% in
usually occurs within 4 weeks. For main- water for injection, 5% sodium bicarbonate
tenance therapy, 20 mg P.O. once daily at injection, and lactated Ringer’s injection.
bedtime. Drug also can be added to total parenteral
nutrition solutions.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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570 fat emulsions

 For direct injection, dilute 2 ml (20 mg) NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

with compatible solution to a total volume • Assess patient for abdominal pain.
of either 5 or 10 ml. • Look for blood in emesis, stool, or gastric
 Inject over at least 2 minutes. aspirate.
 For intermittent infusion, dilute 20 mg

(2 ml) in 100-ml compatible solution. The PATIENT TEACHING

premixed 50-ml solution doesn’t need • Instruct patient in proper use of OTC
further dilution. product, if appropriate.
 Infuse over 15 to 30 minutes. • Warn patient with phenylketonuria that
 After dilution, solution is stable 48 hours Pepcid AC chewable tablets contain pheny-
at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). lalanine.
 Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B • Tell patient to take prescription drug with
cholesterol complex, azithromycin, a snack, if desired.
cefepime, piperacillin with tazobactam. • Advise patient to limit use of prescription
drug to no longer than 8 weeks, unless
AC TION ordered by prescriber, and OTC drug to no
Competitively inhibits action of histamine longer than 2 weeks.
on the H2 receptor sites of parietal cells, • With prescriber’s knowledge, let patient
decreasing gastric acid secretion. take antacids together, especially at begin-
Route Onset Peak Duration
ning of therapy when pain is severe.
P.O. 1 hr 1–3 hr 12 hr
• Urge patient to avoid cigarette smoking
I.V. 1 hr 1–4 hr 12 hr because it may increase gastric acid secre-
tion and worsen disease.
Half-life: 21⁄2 to 31⁄2 hours. • Advise patient to report abdominal pain,
blood in stools or vomit, black tarry stools,
ADVERSE REACTIONS or coffee-ground emesis.
CNS: headache, dizziness, fever, malaise,
paresthesia, vertigo. SAFETY ALERT!
CV: flushing, palpitations.
EENT: orbital edema, tinnitus. fat emulsions
GI: anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dry Intralipid 20%, Intralipid 30%,
mouth, taste perversion. Liposyn II 10%, Liposyn II 20%,
Musculoskeletal: bone and muscle pain. Liposyn III 10%, Liposyn III 20%,
Skin: acne, dry skin. Liposyn III 30%
Other: transient irritation at I.V. site.
Therapeutic class: Nutritional
None significant. Pharmacologic class: Lipids
Pregnancy risk category C
• May increase BUN, creatinine, and liver AVAIL ABLE FORMS
enzyme levels. Injection: 50 ml (20%), 100 ml (10%, 20%),
• May cause false-negative results in skin 200 ml (10%, 20%), 250 ml (20%), 500 ml
tests using allergen extracts. May antago- (10%, 20%, 30%)
nize pentagastrin in gastric acid secretion
Black Box Warning Death in preterm
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS infants after infusion of I.V. fat emulsions
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive have occurred. Adhere strictly to the
to drug. recommended total daily dose. Hourly
I.V. infusion rate should not exceed 1 g/kg
in 4 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fat emulsions 571

➤ Adjunct to total parenteral nutrition  Because lipids support bacterial and

(TPN) to provide adequate source of fungal growth, change all tubing before
calories each infusion, and check infusion site
Adults: 1 ml/minute I.V. for 15 to 30 min- daily.
utes (10% emulsion) or 0.5 ml/minute I.V.  Use an infusion pump to regulate rate.

for 15 to 30 minutes (20% emulsion). If no Rapid infusion may cause fluid or fat
adverse reactions occur, increase rate to overload.
deliver 250 ml (20% Liposyn) or 500 ml  Refrigeration isn’t needed unless part of

(10% Liposyn; 10% or 20% Intralipid) an admixture.

over the first day; don’t give more than  Incompatibilities: Acyclovir, albumin,

2.5 g/kg (10%) or 3 g/kg (20%) daily. For amikacin, aminophylline, amphotericin B, F
30% Liposyn III, initial infusion rate is the ampicillin sodium, ascorbic acid injec-
equivalent of 0.1 g fat/minute for the first tion, calcium chloride, calcium gluconate,
15 to 30 minutes. If no adverse reactions cyclosporine, dopamine, doxorubicin,
occur, increase infusion rate to equivalent of doxycycline, droperidol, fluorouracil, gan-
0.2 g fat/minute. The admixture shouldn’t ciclovir, gentamicin, haloperidol, heparin
contain more than 330 ml of Liposyn III sodium, hydromorphone hydrochloride
30% on first day of therapy. If patient has (HCl), iron dextran, levorphanol tartrate,
no adverse reactions, increase dose the next lorazepam, magnesium chloride, methyl-
day. Daily dosage shouldn’t exceed 2.5 g of dopate HCl, midazolam HCl, minocycline
fat/kg of body weight. HCl, morphine sulfate, nalbuphine HCl,
Children: 0.1 ml/minute for 10 to 15 min- ondansetron HCl, penicillin G, pento-
utes (10% emulsion) or 0.05 ml/minute I.V. barbital sodium, phenobarbital sodium,
for 10 to 15 minutes (20% emulsion). If phenytoin sodium, potassium chloride,
no adverse reactions occur, increase rate potassium phosphates, ranitidine HCl,
to deliver 1 g/kg over 4 hours; don’t give sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride
more than 3 g/kg daily. For 30% Liposyn, solution, sodium phosphates, vitamin B
initial infusion rate is no more than 0.01 g complex.
fat/minute for the first 10 to 15 minutes. If
no adverse reactions occur, change rate to AC TION
permit infusion of 0.1 g fat/kg/hour. Daily Provides neutral triglycerides, predom-
dosage shouldn’t exceed 3 g of fat/kg of inantly unsaturated fatty acids; acts as a
body weight. Fat emulsion supplies 60% of source of calories and prevents fatty acid
daily caloric intake; protein-carbohydrate deficiency. When substituted for dextrose as
TPN should supply remaining 40%. a source of calories, fat emulsions decrease
Premature infants: Begin at 0.5 g fat/kg/ carbon dioxide production.
24 hours (2.5 ml Intralipid 20%, 1.7 ml Route Onset Peak Duration
Liposyn III 30%) and may be increased in I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
relation to the infant’s ability to eliminate
fat. Maximum recommended dosage is 3 g Half-life: Unknown.
fat/kg/24 hours.
➤ Fatty acid deficiency ADVERSE REACTIONS
Adults and children: 8% to 10% of total Early reactions
caloric intake I.V. CNS: headache, sleepiness, dizziness,
ADMINISTRATION CV: chest and back pains, flushing.
I.V. EENT: pressure over eyes.
 Don’t use if it separates or becomes oily. GI: nausea, vomiting.
 Drug may be mixed in same container Hematologic: hypercoagulability.
with amino acids, dextrose, electrolytes, Respiratory: dyspnea, cyanosis.
vitamins, and other nutrients. Skin: diaphoresis, irritation at infusion site.
Other: hypersensitivity reactions.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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572 febuxostat

Delayed reactions
CNS: focal seizures, fever. febuxostat
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, leuko- feh-BUCKS-oh-stat
penia, leukocytosis.
Hepatic: hepatomegaly. Uloric
Other: splenomegaly.
Therapeutic class: Antigout
INTERACTIONS Pharmacologic class: Xanthine oxidase
None significant. inhibitor
Pregnancy risk category C
• May increase bilirubin, lipid, and liver AVAIL ABLE FORMS
enzyme levels. Tablets: 40 mg, 80 mg
• May decrease platelet count. May increase
or decrease WBC count. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ Hyperuricemia associated with gout
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Adults: 40 mg P.O. daily. May increase
• Contraindicated in patients with severe dosage to 80 mg after 2 weeks if uric acid
egg allergies, hyperlipidemia, lipid nephro- level remains above 6 mg/dl.
sis, or acute pancreatitis with hyperlipi-
• Use cautiously in patients with severe P.O.
hepatic or pulmonary disease, anemia, • Give drug without regard to food or
or blood coagulation disorders including antacid use.
thrombocytopenia, and in patients at risk for
fat embolism. AC TION
• Use cautiously in jaundiced or premature Reduces uric acid production by inhibiting
infants. xanthine oxidase.
Route Onset Peak Duration
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS P.O. Rapid 1–11⁄2 hr Unknown
• Watch for adverse reactions, especially
during first half of infusion. Half-life: 5 to 8 hours.
• Monitor lipid levels closely when patient
is receiving fat emulsion therapy. Lipemia ADVERSE REACTIONS
must clear between doses. GI: nausea.
• Monitor hepatic function carefully in Hepatic: liver function abnormalities.
long-term therapy. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia.
• Check platelet count frequently in Skin: rash.
Black Box Warning Carefully monitor INTERACTIONS
triglyceride levels and free fatty acids in Drug-drug. Azathioprine, mercaptopurine,
infants, especially premature and jaundiced theophylline: May increase levels of these
infants. drugs, leading to toxicity. Use together is
• Available products differ mainly by their contraindicated.
fatty acid components.
PATIENT TEACHING • May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST,
• Explain need for fat emulsion therapy, and and ALT levels.
answer any questions.
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
promptly. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components and in those

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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felodipine 573

taking azathioprine, mercaptopurine, or INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

theophylline. ➤ Hypertension
• Use cautiously in patients with severe Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. daily. Adjust
hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class C) or dosage based on patient response, usually at
renal impairment (creatinine clearance less intervals not less than 2 weeks. Usual dose
than 30 ml/minute). is 2.5 to 10 mg daily; maximum dosage is
• Use during pregnancy only if benefit to 10 mg daily.
the mother outweighs risk to the fetus. It Elderly patients: 2.5 mg P.O. daily; adjust
isn’t known if drug appears in breast milk; dosage as for adults. Maximum dosage is
use cautiously in breast-feeding women. 10 mg daily.
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired F
been established. hepatic function, 2.5 mg P.O. daily; adjust
dosage as for adults. Maximum daily dose is
• Acute gouty attacks may occur during first ➤ Pediatric hypertension
6 weeks of therapy; colchicine or another Children ages 1 to 17: 2.5 mg P.O. once
anti-inflammatory may be added prophylac- daily.
tically and drug should be continued.
• Monitor hepatic function at 2 months ADMINISTRATION
and 4 months after starting therapy and P.O.
periodically thereafter. • Give drug whole; don’t crush or cut
• Monitor uric acid level. tablets.
• Patient taking drug may be at risk for • Give drug without food or with a light
thromboembolic events, such as MI and meal.
stroke. Monitor patient closely. • Don’t give drug with grapefruit juice.


• Warn patient about the risk of gout flares Unknown. A dihydropyridine-derivative
and the importance of taking a nonsteroidal calcium channel blocker that prevents entry
anti-inflammatory drug or colchicine during of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle
the first 6 weeks of treatment. and cardiac cells; shows some selectivity
• Instruct women of childbearing age to for smooth muscle compared with cardiac
notify prescriber if pregnant or breast- muscle.
feeding or planning a pregnancy during Route Onset Peak Duration
therapy. P.O. 2–5 hr 21⁄2 –5 hr 24 hr
• Inform patient that drug may increase the
risk of MI or stroke. Advise him to report Half-life: 11 to 16 hours.
rash, chest pain, dyspnea, or neurologic
symptoms of a stroke. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: headache, dizziness, paresthesia,
felodipine CV: peripheral edema, chest pain, palpita-
fell-OH-di-peen tions, flushing.
Renedil† EENT: rhinorrhea, pharyngitis.
GI: abdominal pain, nausea, constipation,
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive diarrhea.
Pharmacologic class: Calcium channel Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps, back
blocker pain.
Pregnancy risk category C Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
tion, cough.
Tablets (extended-release): 2.5 mg, 5 mg,
10 mg

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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574 fenofibrate

INTERACTIONS • Advise patient to continue taking drug

Drug-drug. Anticonvulsants: May decrease even when he feels better, to watch his diet,
felodipine level. Avoid using together. and to check with prescriber or pharmacist
CYP3A4 inhibitors such as azole anti- before taking other drugs, including OTC
fungals, cimetidine, erythromycin: May drugs, nutritional supplements, or herbal
decrease clearance of felodipine. Reduce remedies.
doses of felodipine; monitor patient for • Advise patient to observe good oral
toxicity. hygiene and to see a dentist regularly; use of
Metoprolol: May alter pharmacokinetics drug may cause mild gum problems.
of metoprolol. Monitor patient for adverse
NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive fenofibrate
effects. Monitor blood pressure. fee-no-FYE-brate
Tacrolimus: May increase tacrolimus level.
Monitor patient closely. Antara, Fenoglide, Lipofen, TriCori,
Theophylline: May slightly decrease theo- Triglide
phylline level. Monitor patient response
closely. Therapeutic class: Antilipemic
Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease Pharmacologic class: Fibric acid
antihypertensive effects. Discourage use derivative
together. Pregnancy risk category C
Drug-food. Grapefruit, lime: May increase
drug level and adverse effects. Discourage AVAIL ABLE FORMS
use together. Capsules (delayed-release): 45 mg, 135 mg
Capsules: 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Capsules (micronized): 43 mg, 67 mg,
None reported. 130 mg, 134 mg, 200 mg
Tablets: 40 mg, 48 mg, 50 mg, 54 mg,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 107 mg, 120 mg, 145 mg, 160 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Use cautiously in patients with heart ➤ Hypertriglyceridemia (Fredrickson
failure, particularly those receiving beta types IV and V hyperlipidemia) in
blockers, and in patients with impaired patients who don’t respond adequately to
hepatic function. diet alone
•H Overdose S&S: Peripheral vasodilation, Adults: For Antara, initial dose is 43 to
hypotension, bradycardia. 130 mg P.O. daily. Maximum dose, 130 mg
daily. For Lipofen, initial dose is 50 to
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 150 mg daily. Maximum dose, 150 mg
• Monitor blood pressure for response. daily. For TriCor, initial dose is 48 to
• Monitor patient for peripheral edema, 145 mg daily. Maximum dose, 145 mg
which appears to be both dose- and age- daily. For Triglide, initial dose is 50 to
related. It’s more common in patients taking 160 mg daily. Maximum dose, 160 mg
higher doses, especially those older than daily. For Fenoglide the initial dose is 40 to
age 60. 120 mg/day. For all forms, adjust dose based
on patient response and repeat lipid deter-
PATIENT TEACHING minations every 4 to 8 weeks.
• Tell patient to swallow tablets whole and ➤ Primary hypercholesterolemia
not to crush or chew them. or mixed dyslipidemia (Fredrickson
• Tell patient to take drug without food or types IIa and IIb) in patients who don’t
with a light meal. respond adequately to diet alone
• Advise patient not to take drug with Adults: For Antara, initial dose is 130 mg
grapefruit juice. P.O. daily. For Lipofen, initial dose is

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fenofibrate 575

150 mg daily. For TriCor, initial dose is INTERACTIONS

145 mg daily. For Triglide, initial dose is Drug-drug. Bile-acid sequestrants: May
160 mg daily. For Fenoglide the initial dose bind and inhibit absorption of fenofibrate.
is 120 mg/day. May reduce dose if lipid Give drug 1 hour before or 4 to 6 hours after
levels fall significantly below the target bile-acid sequestrants.
range. Coumarin-type anticoagulants: May po-
➤ Hyperuricemia  tentiate anticoagulant effect, prolonging PT
Adults: 200 mg/day (micronized formula- and INR. Monitor PT and INR closely. May
tion) P.O. for up to 12 months or 100 mg need to reduce anticoagulant dosage.
t.i.d. for 6 weeks. Cyclosporine, immunosuppressants,
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is less nephrotoxic drugs: May induce renal F
than 50 ml/minute or in elderly patients, dysfunction that may affect fenofibrate
initially 43 mg daily for Antara, 50 mg elimination. Use together cautiously.
daily for Lipofen, 48 mg daily for TriCor, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: May
50 mg daily for Triglide, or 40 mg/day for increase risk of adverse musculoskeletal
Fenoglide. Increase only after evaluating effects. Avoid using together, unless poten-
effects on renal function and triglyceride tial benefit outweighs risk.
level at this dose. Drug-food. Any food: May increase capsule
absorption. Advise patient to take capsule
P.O. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
• Give Lipofen capsules with food to en- triglyceride levels. Discourage use together.
hance absorption; give other preparations
without regard for food. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase ALT, AST, BUN, CK, and
AC TION creatinine levels. May decrease uric acid
May lower triglyceride levels by inhibiting and hemoglobin levels and hematocrit.
triglyceride synthesis with less very–low- • May decrease WBC count.
density lipoproteins released into circula-
tion. Drug may also stimulate breakdown of CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
triglyceride-rich protein. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
Route Onset Peak Duration
tive to drug and in those with gallbladder
P.O. Unknown 6–8 hr Unknown
disease, hepatic dysfunction, primary
biliary cirrhosis, severe renal dysfunction,
Half-life: 20 hours. or unexplained persistent liver function
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Use cautiously in patients with a history
CNS: dizziness, headache, asthenia, fatigue, of pancreatitis.
insomnia, localized pain, paresthesia.
EENT: blurred vision, conjunctivitis, ear- • Obtain baseline lipid levels and liver
ache, eye discomfort, eye floaters, rhinitis, function test results before therapy, and
sinusitis. monitor liver function periodically during
GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, therapy. Stop drug if enzyme levels persist
dyspepsia, eructation, flatulence, increased above three times normal.
appetite, nausea, vomiting. • Watch for signs and symptoms of pancre-
GU: polyuria, vaginitis. atitis, myositis, rhabdomyolysis, cholelithi-
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia. asis, and renal failure. Monitor patient for
Respiratory: cough. muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, espe-
Skin: pruritus, rash. cially with malaise or fever.
Other: infection, decreased libido, flulike • If an adequate response isn’t obtained
syndrome, hypersensitivity reactions. after 2 months of treatment with maximum
daily dose, stop therapy.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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576 fentanyl citrate

• Drug lowers uric acid level by increas- Transdermal system: Patches that release
ing uric acid excretion in patients with or 12.5 mcg, 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 75 mcg, or
without hyperuricemia. 100 mcg of drug per hour
• Beta blockers, estrogens, and thiazide Transmucosal (buccal tablet): 100 mcg,
diuretics may increase triglyceride levels; 200 mcg, 300 mcg, 400 mcg, 600 mcg,
evaluate need for continued use of these 800 mcg, 1,200 mcg
drugs. Transmucosal (lozenge): 200 mcg, 400 mcg,
• Hemoglobin level, hematocrit, and WBC 600 mcg, 800 mcg, 1,200 mcg, 1,600 mcg
count may decrease when therapy starts but
will stabilize with long-term administration. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ Adjunct to general anesthetic
PATIENT TEACHING Adults: For low-dose therapy, 2 mcg/kg I.V.
• Inform patient that drug therapy doesn’t For moderate-dose therapy, 2 to 20 mcg/kg
reduce need for following a triglyceride- I.V.; then 25 to 100 mcg I.V. or I.M. p.r.n.
lowering diet. For high-dose therapy, 20 to 50 mcg/kg I.V.;
• Advise patient to promptly report unex- then 25 mcg to one-half initial loading dose
plained muscle weakness, pain, or tender- I.V. p.r.n.
ness, especially with malaise or fever. ➤ Adjunct to regional anesthesia
• Tell patient to take capsules with meals Adults: 50 to 100 mcg I.M. or slowly I.V.
for best drug absorption. over 1 to 2 minutes p.r.n.
• Advise patient to continue weight control ➤ To induce and maintain anesthesia
measures, including diet and exercise, and Children ages 2 to 12: 2 to 3 mcg/kg I.V.
to limit alcohol before therapy. ➤ Postoperative pain, restlessness,
• Instruct patient who is also taking a bile- tachypnea, and emergence delirium
acid resin to take fenofibrate 1 hour before Adults: 50 to 100 mcg I.M. every 1 to
or 4 to 6 hours after resin. 2 hours p.r.n.
• Advise patient about risk of tumor growth. ➤ Preoperative medication
• Tell breast-feeding women to either stop Adults: 50 to 100 mcg I.M. 30 to 60 minutes
breast-feeding or stop taking drug. before surgery.
➤ To manage persistent, moderate to
SAFETY ALERT! severe chronic pain in opioid-tolerant
patients who require around-the-clock
fentanyl citrate opioid analgesics for an extended time
FEN-ta-nil Adults and children age 2 and older: When
converting to Duragesic, base the first dose
Onsolis, Sublimaze on the daily dose, potency, and character-
istics of the current opioid therapy; the
fentanyl transdermal reliability of the relative potency estimates
system used to calculate the needed dose; the de-
Duragesic-12, Duragesic-25, gree of opioid tolerance; and the patient’s
Duragesic-50, Duragesic-75, condition. Each patch may be worn for
Duragesic-100 72 hours, although some adult patients may
need a patch to be applied every 48 hours
fentanyl transmucosal during the first dosage period. May increase
Actiq, Fentora dose 3 days after the first dose, then every
6 days thereafter.
Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic Adjust-a-dose: For elderly, cachectic, or
Pharmacologic class: Opioid agonist debilitated patients, start transdermal
Pregnancy risk category C system doses at no higher than 25 mcg/hr
Controlled substance schedule II unless these patients are already tolerat-
ing around-the-clock opioid at a dose and
AVAIL ABLE FORMS potency comparable to fentanyl 25 mcg/hr
Injection: 50 mcg/ml transdermal system.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fentanyl citrate 577

➤ To manage breakthrough cancer pain I.M.

in patients already receiving and tolerat- • Document administration site.
ing an opioid Transdermal
Adults: 200 mcg Actiq initially; may give • Dosage equivalent charts are available
second dose 15 minutes after completing to calculate the fentanyl transdermal dose
the first (30 minutes after first lozenge based on the daily morphine intake; for
placed in mouth). Maximum dose is example, for every 90 mg of oral morphine
2 lozenges per breakthrough episode. If or 15 mg of I.M. morphine per 24 hours,
several episodes of breakthrough pain 25 mcg/hour of transdermal fentanyl is
requiring 2 lozenges occur, dose may be needed.
increased to the next available strength. • Clip hair at application site but don’t use F
After a successful dosage has been reached, a razor, which may irritate skin. Wash area
patient should limit use to no more than 4 with clear water, if needed, but not with
lozenges daily. soaps, oils, lotions, alcohol, or other sub-
Or, initially 100 mcg buccal tablet be- stances that may irritate skin or prevent
tween the upper cheek and gum. May repeat adhesion. Dry area completely before
same dose once per breakthrough episode application.
after at least 30 minutes. Adjust in 100-mcg • Remove transdermal system from pack-
increments. Doses above 400 mcg can be age just before applying, hold in place for
increased by 200 mcg. Generally, dosage 30 seconds, and be sure edges of patch stick
should be increased when patient requires to skin.
more than one dose per breakthrough • Don’t cut or otherwise alter transdermal
episode. Once a successful maintenance patch before applying.
dose has been established, reevaluate if • Place transdermal patch on the upper
patient experiences more than four break- back for a child or patient who’s cognitively
through episodes per day. impaired to reduce the chance the patch will
➤ Switching from Actiq to Fentora to be removed and placed in the mouth.
manage breakthrough cancer pain in • Heat from fever or heating pads, electric
opioid-tolerant patients blankets, heat lamps, hot tubs, or water
Adults: If current Actiq dose is 200 to beds may increase transdermal delivery and
400 mcg, start with 100 mcg Fentora; if cause toxicity.
current Actiq dose is 600 to 800 mcg, use Transmucosal
200 mcg Fentora; if current Actiq dose is • Remove foil just before giving.
1,200 to 1,600 mcg, use 400 mcg Fentora. • For Actiq: Place lozenge between patient’s
Actiq and Fentora aren’t bioequivalent. cheek and gum and allow to dissolve over
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with renal or about 15 to 20 minutes; it must not be bit-
hepatic impairment, use lowest possible ten, sucked, or chewed. Lozenge may be
dose. moved from one side to the other using the
stick. Discard stick in the trash after use
ADMINISTRATION or, if any drug matrix remains on the stick,
I.V. place under hot running tap water until
 Only those trained to give I.V. anesthet- dissolved. Or, place in child-resistant con-
ics and manage adverse effects should give tainer provided and discard as for schedule
this form. II drugs.
 Keep opioid antagonist (naloxone) and • For buccal tablet: Place tablet between
resuscitation equipment available. patient’s cheek and gum and leave there
 I.V. form often used with droperidol to until disintegrated, usually 14 to 25 min-
produce neuroleptanalgesia. utes. Tablet shouldn’t be sucked, chewed, or
 Inject slowly over 1 to 2 minutes. swallowed; this results in lower plasma con-
 Incompatibilities: Azithromycin, centrations. After 30 minutes, if remnants
fluorouracil, lidocaine, methohexi- from tablet remain, they may be swallowed
tal, pentobarbital sodium, phenytoin, with a glass of water.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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578 fentanyl citrate

AC TION monitor patient and adjust fentanyl dosage

Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors as needed.
in the CNS, altering perception of and Diazepam: May cause CV depression when
emotional response to pain. given with high doses of fentanyl. Monitor
Route Onset Peak Duration
patient closely.
I.V. 1–2 min 3–5 min 30–60 min
Droperidol: May cause hypotension and
I.M. 7–15 min 20–30 min 1–2 hr decrease pulmonary arterial pressure. Use
Transdermal 12–24 hr 1–3 days Variable together cautiously.
Transmucosal 5–15 min 20–30 min Unknown Protease inhibitors: May increase fentanyl
levels and adverse effects. Monitor patient
Half-life: 31⁄2 hours after parenteral use; 5 to closely for respiratory depression.
15 hours after transmucosal use; 18 hours after
transdermal use.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
additive effects. Discourage use together.


CNS: asthenia, clouded sensorium, con- • May increase amylase and lipase levels.
fusion, euphoria, sedation, somnolence,
seizures, anxiety, depression, dizziness, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
hallucinations, headache, nervousness. • Contraindicated in patients intolerant to
CV: arrhythmias, chest pain, hypertension, drug.
hypotension. Black Box Warning Transdermal form con-
EENT: pharyngitis. traindicated in patients hypersensitive to
GI: constipation, abdominal pain, anorexia, adhesives, those who are opioid-naive, those
diarrhea, dyspepsia, dry mouth, ileus, nau- who need postoperative pain management,
sea, vomiting. and those with acute, mild, or intermittent
GU: urine retention. pain that can be managed with nonopioids.
Musculoskeletal: skeletal muscle rigidity Don’t use in patients with increased in-
(dose-related). tracranial pressure, head injury, impaired
Respiratory: apnea, hypoventilation, consciousness, or coma.
respiratory depression, dyspnea, cough. Black Box Warning Transmucosal forms
Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, erythema at contraindicated in those who need acute or
application site (transdermal). postoperative pain management.
Other: physical dependence. • Fentora contraindicated in patients with
mucositis more severe than grade 1.
INTERACTIONS • Use with caution in patients with brain
Drug-drug. Amiodarone: May cause hy- tumors, COPD, decreased respiratory re-
potension, bradycardia, and decreased serve, potentially compromised respira-
cardiac output. Monitor patient closely. tions, hepatic or renal disease, or cardiac
CNS depressants, general anesthetics, hyp- bradyarrhythmias.
notics, MAO inhibitors, other opioid anal- • Use with caution in elderly or debilitated
gesics, sedatives, tricyclic antidepressants: patients.
May cause additive effects. Use together •H Overdose S&S: CNS depression, respi-
cautiously. Reduce dosages of these drugs ratory depression, apnea, flaccid skeletal
and reduce fentanyl dose by one-fourth to muscles, bradycardia, hypotension, circula-
one-third. tory collapse.
CYP3A4 inducers (carbamazepine, pheny-
toin, rifampin): May decrease analgesic NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
effects. Monitor patient for adequate pain • For better analgesic effect, give drug
relief. before patient has intense pain.
Black Box Warning CYP3A4 inhibitors Alert: High doses can produce muscle
(such as cyclosporine, itraconazole, keto- rigidity, which can be reversed with neuro-
conazole): May increase fentanyl level and muscular blockers; however, patient must be
cause fatal respiratory depression. Carefully artificially ventilated.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fentanyl citrate 579

• Monitor circulatory and respiratory status may take up to 6 days; delay dosage adjust-
and urinary function carefully. Drug may ment until after at least two applications.
cause respiratory depression, hypotension, • Monitor patient who develops adverse
urine retention, nausea, vomiting, ileus, or reactions to the transdermal system for at
altered level of consciousness, no matter least 12 hours after removal. Drug level
how it’s given. drops gradually and may take as long as
• Periodically monitor postoperative vital 17 hours to decline by 50%.
signs and bladder function. Because drug • Most patients experience good control
decreases both rate and depth of respira- of pain for 3 days while wearing the trans-
tions, monitoring of arterial oxygen satu- dermal system, but a few may need a new
ration (SaO2 ) may help assess respiratory application after 48 hours. F
depression. Immediately report respiratory • Because the drug level rises for the first
rate below 12 breaths/minute, decreased 24 hours after application, analgesic effect
respiratory volume, or decreased SaO2 . can’t be evaluated on the first day. Make
• Drug may cause constipation. Assess sure patient has adequate supplemental
bowel function and need for stool softeners analgesic to prevent breakthrough pain.
and stimulant laxatives. • When reducing opioid therapy or switch-
Black Box Warning Fentanyl is an opioid ing to a different analgesic, withdraw the
agonist and schedule II controlled substance transdermal system gradually. Because the
with potential for abuse. Be alert for signs drug level drops gradually after removal,
of misuse, abuse, or diversion. give half the equianalgesic dose of the new
Transdermal form analgesic 12 to 18 hours after removal.
Alert: Transdermal drug levels peak be- Transmucosal form
tween 24 and 72 hours after initial applica- Black Box Warning Transmucosal forms
tion and dose increases. Monitor patients for are used only to manage breakthrough
life-threatening hypoventilation, especially cancer pain in patients who are already
during these times. receiving and tolerating opioids.
• Fentanyl patches should be used only Black Box Warning Transmucosal forms
in patients age 2 or older who are opioid- aren’t bioequivalent and can’t be substituted
tolerant, who have chronic moderate to se- on a microgram-per-microgram basis.
vere pain poorly controlled by other drugs, • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
and who need a total daily opioid dose at fentanyl with alfentanil.
least equivalent to the 25-mcg/hour fentanyl
• When converting a patient from another • When drug is used for pain control,
opioid, determine the initial fentanyl dosage instruct patient to request drug before pain
with great care; overestimating the dosage becomes intense.
could be dangerous or fatal. Alert: Inform family members only the
• Identify all daily drugs, particularly patient should be activating the Ionsys
CYP3A4 inhibitors, which may increase system for pain control to decrease the risk
fentanyl levels. of fatal respiratory depression.
• Monitor patients closely, and provide im- • When drug is used after surgery, encour-
mediate care for evidence of overdose, such age patient to turn, cough, and breathe
as slow or shallow breathing, a slow heart- deeply to prevent lung problems.
beat, severe sleepiness, cold and clammy • Instruct patient to avoid hazardous activi-
skin, trouble walking and talking, and feel- ties until CNS effects subside.
ing faint, dizzy, or confused. • Tell home care patient to avoid drinking
• Give patients detailed instructions for alcohol or taking other CNS-type drugs
using fentanyl patches correctly and safely. because additive effects can occur.
• Make dosage adjustments gradually in • Advise patient not to stop drug abruptly.
patient using the transdermal system. • Teach patient about proper application of
Reaching steady-state level of a new dosage transdermal patch. Tell patient to clip hair
at application site but not to use a razor,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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580 ferrous fumarate

which may irritate skin. Wash area with

clear water, if needed, but not with soaps, ferrous fumarate
oils, lotions, alcohol, or other substances FAIR-us
that may irritate skin or prevent adhesion.
Dry area completely before application. Euro-Fer† , Feostat , Ferrate† ,
• Tell patient to remove transdermal system Hemocyte , Ircon , Neo-Fer† ,
from package just before applying, hold in Nephro-Fer , Palafer† 
place for 30 seconds, and be sure the edges
of patch stick to skin. Therapeutic class: Iron supplement
Alert: Teach patient not to alter the trans- Pharmacologic class: Hematinic
dermal patch (such as by cutting it) before Pregnancy risk category A
• Advise parent or caregiver to place trans- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
dermal patch on the upper back for a child Each 100 mg of ferrous fumarate provides
or a patient who’s cognitively impaired, to 33 mg of elemental iron.
reduce the chance the patch will be removed Tablets: 90 mg , 200 mg , 300 mg† ,
and placed in the mouth. 324 mg , 325 mg , 350 mg 
• Teach patient to dispose of the transder- Tablets (chewable): 100 mg 
mal patch by folding it so the adhesive side
adheres to itself and then flushing it down INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
the toilet. ➤ Iron deficiency
• Tell patient that, if another patch is needed Adults: One tablet P.O. daily between meals
after 48 to 72 hours, he should apply it to a or as directed by prescriber. Or, 100-mg
different skin site. chewable tablet P.O. once daily to q.i.d.
• Tell patient that pain relief with the patch ➤ As a supplement during pregnancy
may not occur for several hours after the Women: 30 mg elemental iron P.O. daily.
patch is applied. Oral, immediate-release
opioids may be needed for initial pain relief. ADMINISTRATION
• Inform patient that heat from fever or P.O.
environment, such as from heating pads, • Between-meal doses are preferable. Drug
electric blankets, heat lamps, hot tubs, or can be given with some foods, although
water beds, may increase transdermal de- absorption may be decreased.
livery and cause toxicity requiring dosage • Give tablets with juice (preferably orange
adjustment. Instruct patient to notify pre- juice) or water but not with milk or antacids.
scriber if fever occurs or if he’ll be spending • Don’t crush tablets.
time in a hot climate.
• Instruct patient that, if he requires an AC TION
MRI, to inform the facility that he is wear- Provides elemental iron, an essential com-
ing a transdermal patch. ponent in the formation of hemoglobin.
Black Box Warning Warn patient and pa-
Route Onset Peak Duration
tient’s family that the amount of drug in one P.O. 4 days 7–10 days 2–4 mo
transmucosal tablet can be fatal to a child.
Keep well secured and out of children’s Half-life: Unknown.
GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diar-
rhea, black stools, GI irritation.
Other: temporarily stained teeth from
suspension and drops.

Drug-drug. Antacids, cholestyramine resin,
H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors:

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ferrous fumarate 581

May decrease iron absorption. Separate perfusion, metabolic acidosis, fever, leuko-
doses by at least 2 hours. cytosis, hyperglycemia, dyspnea, coma,
Chloramphenicol: May delay response to diffuse vascular congestion, pulmonary
iron therapy. Monitor patient. edema, shock, seizures, anuria, death.
Fluoroquinolones, penicillamine, tetracy-
clines: May decrease GI absorption of these NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
drugs, possibly causing decreased levels or • GI upset may be related to dose.
effect. Separate doses by 2 to 4 hours. • Enteric-coated products reduce GI upset
Levodopa, methyldopa: May decrease but also reduce amount of iron absorbed.
absorption and effectiveness of levodopa • Check for constipation; record color and
and methyldopa. Watch for decreased effect amount of stools. F
of these drugs. Alert: Oral iron may turn stools black.
L-thyroxine: May decrease L-thyroxine Although this unabsorbed iron is harmless,
absorption. Separate doses by at least it could mask presence of melena.
2 hours. Monitor thyroid function. • Monitor hemoglobin level, hematocrit,
Mycophenolate mofetil: May decrease and reticulocyte count during therapy.
absorption of mycophenolate. Avoid simul- • Combination products such as Ferro-
taneous administration. Sequels contain stool softeners, which help
Penicillamine: May decrease absorption and prevent constipation—a common adverse
effect of penicillamine. Separate doses by reaction.
2 hours.
Vitamin C: May increase iron absorption. PATIENT TEACHING
Use together for therapeutic effect. Black Box Warning Inform parents that
Drug-herb. Black cohosh, chamomile, as few as 5 or 6 tablets of a high-potency
feverfew, gossypol, hawthorn, nettle, plan- form can cause fatal poisoning in children.
tain, St. John’s wort: May decrease iron Tell parents to keep all iron-containing
absorption. Discourage use together. products out of the reach of children and
Oregano: May decrease iron absorption. to immediately call prescriber or poison
Tell patient to separate ingestion of herb control center if an accidental overdose
from ingestion of food containing iron or occurs.
iron supplement by at least 2 hours. • Tell patient to take tablets with juice
Drug-food. Cereals, cheese, coffee, eggs, (preferably orange juice) or water but not
milk, tea, whole-grain breads, yogurt: May with milk or antacids.
decrease iron absorption. Discourage use • Tell patient to take suspension with straw
together. and place drops at back of throat to avoid
staining teeth.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Caution patient not to crush tablets.
• May yield false-positive guaiac test re- • Advise patient not to substitute one iron
sults. May decrease uptake of technetium- salt for another; the amount of elemental
99m and interfere with skeletal imaging. iron may vary.
• Advise patient to report constipation and
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS change in stool color or consistency.
• Contraindicated in patients with pri-
mary hemochromatosis or hemosiderosis,
hemolytic anemia (unless patient also has
iron deficiency anemia), peptic ulcer dis-
ease, regional enteritis, or ulcerative colitis.
• Contraindicated in those receiving re-
peated blood transfusions.
• Use cautiously on long-term basis.
•H Overdose S&S: Lethargy, nausea, vom-
iting, abdominal pain, tarry stools, weak
rapid pulse, hypotension, diminished tissue

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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582 ferrous gluconate

ferrous gluconate Drug-drug. Antacids, cholestyramine resin,
FAIR-us H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors:
May decrease iron absorption. Separate
Fergon , Fertinic†, doses by at least 2 hours.
Novo-ferrogluc†  Chloramphenicol: Delays response to iron
therapy. Monitor patient.
Therapeutic class: Iron supplement Fluoroquinolones, penicillamine, tetracy-
Pharmacologic class: Hematinic clines: May decrease GI absorption of these
Pregnancy risk category A drugs, possibly causing decreased level or
effect. Separate doses by 2 to 4 hours.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Levodopa, methyldopa: May decrease
Each 100 mg of ferrous gluconate provides levodopa and methyldopa absorption and
11.6 mg of elemental iron. effect. Watch for decreased effect of these
Tablets: 225 mg , 324 mg , 325 mg  drugs.
L-thyroxine: May decrease L-thyroxine
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES absorption. Separate doses by at least
➤ Iron deficiency 2 hours. Monitor thyroid function.
Adults: 100 to 200 mg P.O. elemental iron Mycophenolate mofetil: May decrease
daily in three divided doses. absorption of mycophenolate. Avoid simul-
Adolescent boys up to age 18: 120 mg/day taneous administration.
P.O. Penicillamine: May decrease absorption and
Menstruating adolescent girls ages 12 to effect of penicillamine. Separate doses by
18: 60 to 120 mg/day P.O. 2 hours.
Preadolescent school-age children: 60 mg/ Vitamin C: May increase iron absorption.
kg/day P.O. Use together for therapeutic effect.
Infants and children: 3 mg/kg P.O. daily in Drug-herb. Black cohosh, chamomile,
three divided doses. feverfew, gossypol, hawthorn, nettle, plan-
➤ As a supplement during pregnancy tain, St. John’s wort: May decrease iron
Adults: 15 to 30 mg elemental iron P.O. absorption. Discourage use together.
daily during last two trimesters. Oregano: May decrease iron absorption.
Tell patient to separate ingestion of herb
ADMINISTRATION from ingestion of food containing iron or
P.O. iron supplement by at least 2 hours.
• Between-meal doses are preferable. Drug Drug-food. Cereals, cheese, coffee, eggs,
can be given with some foods, although milk, tea, whole-grain breads, yogurt: May
absorption may be decreased. decrease iron absorption. Discourage using
• Give tablets with juice (preferably orange together.
juice) or water but not with milk or antacids.
AC TION • May yield false-positive guaiac test
Provides elemental iron, an essential com- results. May decrease uptake of technetium-
ponent in the formation of hemoglobin. 99m and interfere with skeletal imaging.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 4 days 7–10 days 2–4 mo
• Contraindicated in patients with peptic
Half-life: Unknown. ulceration, regional enteritis, ulcerative
colitis, hemosiderosis, primary hemochro-
ADVERSE REACTIONS matosis, or hemolytic anemia (unless
GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diar- patient also has iron deficiency anemia)
rhea, black stools, GI irritation. and in those receiving repeated blood
• Use cautiously on long-term basis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ferrous sulfate 583

•H Overdose S&S: Lethargy, nausea, vom- Capsules: 190 mg (dried)

iting, abdominal pain, tarry stools, weak Drops : 125 mg/ml
rapid pulse, hypotension, diminished tissue Elixir : 220 mg/5 ml ∗
perfusion, metabolic acidosis, fever, leuko- Liquid : 150 mg/5 ml†, 300 mg/5 ml
cytosis, hyperglycemia, dyspnea, coma, Tablets : 195 mg, 200 mg (dried), 300 mg
diffuse vascular congestion, pulmonary (dried), 325 mg
edema, shock, seizures, anuria, death. Tablets (slow-release) : 160 mg (dried)


• GI upset may be related to dose. ➤ Iron deficiency
• Enteric-coated products reduce GI upset Adults: One tablet P.O. b.i.d. to t.i.d. Or, F
but also reduce amount of iron absorbed. 5 ml (300 mg) P.O. t.i.d. between meals.
• Check for constipation; record color and Children age 12 and older: 5 ml (300 mg)
amount of stools. P.O. t.i.d. between meals.
Alert: Oral iron may turn stools black. Children age 4 and younger: 0.6 ml (75 mg
Although this unabsorbed iron is harmless, ferrous sulfate) P.O. daily or as prescribed.
it could mask melena.
• Monitor hemoglobin level, hematocrit, ADMINISTRATION
and reticulocyte count during therapy. P.O.
• Between-meal doses are preferable. Drug
PATIENT TEACHING can be given with some foods, although
• Tell patient to take tablets with juice absorption may be decreased.
(preferably orange juice) or water, but not • Give tablets with juice (preferably or-
with milk or antacids. ange juice) or water, but not with milk or
• Caution patient not to substitute one iron antacids.
salt for another because the amounts of • Don’t crush extended-release form.
elemental iron vary.
• Advise patient to report constipation and AC TION
change in stool color or consistency. Provides elemental iron, an essential com-
ponent in the formation of hemoglobin.
Route Onset Peak Duration
ferrous sulfate P.O. 4 days 7–10 days 2–4 mo
Half-life: Unknown.
Feosol ∗ , Fer-Gen-Sol ∗ ,
GI: nausea, constipation, black stools,
ferrous sulfate, dried diarrhea, GI discomfort.
Feosol , Feratab , Novo- Other: temporarily stained teeth from
ferrosulfate† , Slow FE , Slow liquid forms.
Release Iron
Therapeutic class: Iron supplement Drug-drug. Antacids, cholestyramine resin,
Pharmacologic class: Hematinic H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors:
Pregnancy risk category A May decrease iron absorption. Separate
doses if possible.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Chloramphenicol: May delay response to
Each 100 mg of ferrous sulfate provides iron therapy. Monitor patient.
20 mg of elemental iron, about 30 mg Fluoroquinolones, penicillamine, tetracy-
of elemental iron in ferrous sulfate dried clines: May decrease GI absorption of these
products. drugs, possibly resulting in decreased levels
Caplets (extended-release) : 160 mg or effect. Separate doses by 2 to 4 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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584 fesoterodine fumarate

Levodopa, methyldopa: May decrease Alert: Oral iron may turn stools black.
absorption and effect of levodopa and Although this unabsorbed iron is harmless,
methyldopa. Watch for decreased effect it could mask melena.
of these drugs. • Monitor hemoglobin level, hematocrit,
L-thyroxine: May decrease L-thyroxine and reticulocyte count during therapy.
absorption. Separate doses by at least • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse dif-
2 hours. Monitor thyroid function. ferent iron salts; elemental content may vary.
Mycophenolate mofetil: May decrease
absorption of mycophenolate. Avoid simul- PATIENT TEACHING
taneous administration. • Tell patient to take tablets with juice
Penicillamine: May decrease absorption and (preferably orange juice) or water, but not
effect of penicillamine. Separate doses by with milk or antacids.
2 hours. • Instruct patient not to crush or chew
Vitamin C: May increase iron absorption. extended-release form.
Use together for therapeutic effect. • Caution patient not to substitute one
Drug-herb. Black cohosh, chamomile, iron salt for another because amounts of
feverfew, gossypol, hawthorn, nettle, plan- elemental iron vary.
tain, St. John’s wort: May decrease iron • Advise patient to report constipation and
absorption. Discourage use together. change in stool color or consistency.
Oregano: May decrease iron absorption.
Tell patient to separate ingestion of herb
from ingestion of food containing iron or fesoterodine fumarate
iron supplement by at least 2 hours. fezz-oh-TER-ah-deen
Drug-food. Cereals, cheese, coffee, eggs,
milk, tea, whole-grain breads, yogurt: May Toviaz
decrease iron absorption. Discourage use
together. Therapeutic class: Antispasmodic
Pharmacologic class: Muscarinic
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS receptor antagonist
• May yield false-positive guaiac test re- Pregnancy risk category C
sults. May decrease uptake of technetium-
99m and interfere with skeletal imaging. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Tablets (extended-release): 4 mg, 8 mg
• Contraindicated in patients with INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
hemosiderosis, primary hemochromatosis, ➤ Urge incontinence, urgency, and
hemolytic anemia (unless patient also has frequency from overactive bladder
iron deficiency anemia), peptic ulceration, Adults: 4 mg P.O. once daily; increase to
ulcerative colitis, or regional enteritis and in 8 mg if needed.
those receiving repeated blood transfusions. Adjust-a-dose: Don’t exceed 4 mg in patients
• Use cautiously on long-term basis. with severe renal insufficiency and in those
•H Overdose S&S: Abdominal pain, coma, taking CYP3A4 inhibitors.
diminished tissue perfusion, dyspnea, fever,
hyperglycemia, hypotension, lethargy, ADMINISTRATION
leukocytosis, metabolic acidosis, nausea, P.O.
tarry stools, vomiting, weak rapid pulse, • Give drug with or without food.
anuria, seizures, pulmonary edema, shock, • Don’t divide or crush tablets. Give with
diffuse vascular congestion, death. water and have patient swallow whole.


• GI upset may be related to dose. Antagonizes muscarinic (M3) receptors,
• Enteric-coated products reduce GI upset increasing bladder capacity and decreasing
but also reduce amount of iron absorbed. unstable detrusor contractions.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fexofenadine hydrochloride 585

Route Onset Peak Duration and continuing urination, urinary inconti-

P.O. Unknown 5 hr Unknown nence.
Half-life: 7 hours.
• Give drug without regard to food.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Monitor patient for urinary symptoms and
CNS: insomnia. adverse reactions.
CV: peripheral edema.
GI: dry mouth, constipation, dyspepsia, • Warn patient to avoid hot environments
nausea, abdominal pain. because drug may decrease sweating, caus- F
GU: UTI, dysuria, urine retention. ing severe heat illness.
Musculoskeletal: back pain. • Advise patient to avoid driving, operating
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- machinery, and other dangerous activities
tion, dry throat, cough. until drug’s effects are known.
Skin: rash. • Tell patient to avoid alcohol as it may
cause drowsiness.
INTERACTIONS • Tell patient to report stomach or intestinal
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics, antimus- problems, constipation, difficulty emptying
carinics: May increase risk of anticholin- the bladder, weak urine stream, glaucoma,
ergic effects (such as constipation, blurred kidney or liver problems, or myasthenia
vision, urine retention). Use together cau- gravis.
tiously. • Instruct woman of childbearing age to
Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as clar- consult prescriber if she’s pregnant, trying
ithromycin, itraconazole, ketoconazole): to become pregnant, or is breast-feeding.
May increase fesoterodine concentrations. • Tell patient to take drug with water and to
Avoid use together. swallow tablet whole. Tell him not to chew,
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause crush, or divide tablet.
additive CNS depression. Discourage use
fexofenadine hydrochloride
None known.
Allegrai, Allegra ODT
• Contraindicated in patients with hyper- Therapeutic class: Antihistamine
sensitivity to drug or its components and in Pharmacologic class: Piperidine
those with urine retention, gastric retention, Pregnancy risk category C
or uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma.
• Avoid use in patients with severe hepatic AVAIL ABLE FORMS
impairment. Oral suspension: 30 mg/5 ml
• Use cautiously in patients with bladder Tablets: 30 mg, 60 mg, 180 mg
outlet obstruction, decreased GI motility, Tablets (orally disintegrating): 30 mg
myasthenia gravis, or controlled narrow-
angle glaucoma. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Use in pregnant women only if benefit to ➤ Seasonal allergic rhinitis
the mother outweighs risk to the fetus. It Adults and children age 12 and older:
isn’t known if drug appears in breast milk. 60 mg P.O. b.i.d. or 180 mg P.O. once daily.
Women shouldn’t breast-feed while taking Children ages 2 to 11: 30 mg P.O. b.i.d.
drug. either as a tablet or 5 ml oral suspension.
•H Overdose S&S: Confusion, blurred ➤ Chronic idiopathic urticaria
vision, tachycardia, constipation, dry Adults and children age 12 and older:
mouth, light-headedness, difficulty starting 60 mg P.O. b.i.d. or 180 mg P.O. once daily.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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586 fexofenadine hydrochloride

Children ages 2 to 11: 30 mg P.O. b.i.d. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
either as a tablet or 5 ml oral suspension. CNS depression. Discourage use together.
Children ages 6 months to younger than
2 years: 15 mg (2.5 ml) P.O. b.i.d. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired • May prevent, reduce, or mask positive
renal function or a need for dialysis, give result in diagnostic skin test.
adults and children age 12 and older 60 mg
daily, children ages 2 to 11, 30 mg daily, and CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
children ages 6 months to 2 years, 15 mg • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
daily. to drug or its components.
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
ADMINISTRATION renal function.
P.O. •H Overdose S&S: Dizziness, drowsiness, dry
• Don’t give antacid within 2 hours of this mouth.
• Give orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
to patient with an empty stomach. Allow • Stop drug 4 days before patient undergoes
ODT to disintegrate on the patient’s tongue; diagnostic skin tests because drug can
and it may be swallowed with or without prevent, reduce, or mask positive skin test
water. response.
• Don’t remove ODT from blister package • It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
until time of administration. milk; use caution when using drug in breast-
feeding women.
A long-acting nonsedating antihistamine PATIENT TEACHING
that selectively inhibits peripheral H1 recep- • Instruct patient or parent not to exceed
tors. prescribed dosage and to use drug only
Route Onset Peak Duration
when needed.
P.O. Rapid 3 hr 14 hr
• Warn patient to avoid alcohol and haz-
ardous activities that require alertness until
Half-life: 141⁄2 hours. CNS effects of drug are known. Explain that
drug may cause drowsiness.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Tell patient not to take antacids within
CNS: fatigue, drowsiness, fever, headache. 2 hours of this drug.
EENT: otitis media. • Advise patient with dry mouth to try
GI: nausea, dyspepsia, vomiting. sugarless gum, hard candy, or ice chips.
GU: dysmenorrhea. • Tell parents to keep the oral suspension
Musculoskeletal: back pain. in a cool, dry place, tightly closed, and to
Respiratory: cough, rhinorrhea, upper shake well before using.
respiratory tract infection. • Instruct patient to let ODT disintegrate
Other: viral infection. on the tongue then swallow with or without
INTERACTIONS • Tell patient ODT should be taken on an
Drug-drug. Aluminum or magnesium empty stomach.
antacids: May decrease fexofenadine level. • Tell patient to keep ODT in original blister
Separate dosage times. package until time of use.
Erythromycin, ketoconazole: May increase
fexofenadine level. Monitor patient for side
Drug-food. Apple juice, grapefruit juice,
orange juice: May decrease drug effects.
Patients should take drug with liquid other
than these juices.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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filgrastim 587

SAFETY ALERT! ➤ Congenital neutropenia

Adults: 6 mcg/kg subcutaneously b.i.d.
filgrastim (G-CSF; Adjust dosage based on patient response.
granulocyte-colony Adjust-a-dose: For patients with an ANC
stimulating factor) persistently above 10,000/mm3, reduce
fill-GRASS-tim dosage, as directed.
➤ Idiopathic or cyclic neutropenia
Neupogen Adults: 5 mcg/kg subcutaneously daily.
Adjust dosage based on patient response.
Therapeutic class: Colony stimulating ➤ Peripheral blood progenitor cell
factor collection and therapy in cancer patients F
Pharmacologic class: Hematopoietic Adults: 10 mcg/kg subcutaneously (as bolus
Pregnancy risk category C or continuous infusion) daily. Give 4 days
before leukapheresis and continue until last
AVAIL ABLE FORMS leukapheresis.
Injection: 300 mcg/ml in 1-ml and 1.6-ml Adjust-a-dose: Patients with WBC count
vials, 300 mcg/0.5 ml in 0.5-ml and 0.8-ml over 100,000/mm3 may need dosage
prefilled syringes adjustment.
➤ Neutropenic fever 
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Adults: 5 mcg/kg subcutaneously daily 24 to
➤ To decrease risk of infection in 72 hours after administration of myelotoxic
patients with nonmyeloid malignant chemotherapeutic agents. Continue until
disease receiving myelosuppressive ANC is at least 2 to 3 ×109 /L.
Adults and children: 5 mcg/kg daily I.V. ADMINISTRATION
(as continuous or intermittent infusion), I.V.
subcutaneous infusion, or subcutaneously as  Dilute in 50 to 100 ml of D5 W. Dilution

a single dose given no sooner than 24 hours to less than 5 mcg/ml isn’t recommended.
after cytotoxic chemotherapy. Doses may  Don’t dilute with normal saline solution.

be increased in increments of 5 mcg/kg for  If drug yield is 5 to 15 mcg/ml, add

each chemotherapy cycle depending on albumin at 2 mg/ml (0.2%) to minimize

duration and severity of the nadir of abso- binding of drug to plastic containers or
lute neutrophil count (ANC). Administer tubing.
daily for up to 2 weeks.  Give by intermittent infusion over 15 to

➤ To decrease risk of infection in 60 minutes or by continuous infusion over

patients with nonmyeloid malignant 24 hours.
disease receiving myelosuppressive  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B,

antineoplastics followed by bone marrow cefepime, cefonicid, cefotaxime, cefoxitin,

transplantation ceftizoxime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime,
Adults and children: 10 mcg/kg daily I.V. clindamycin, dactinomycin, etoposide,
infusion of 4 or 24 hours or as continuous fluorouracil, furosemide, heparin sodium,
24-hour subcutaneous infusion at least mannitol, methylprednisolone sodium
24 hours after cytotoxic chemotherapy and succinate, metronidazole, mitomycin,
bone marrow infusion. Adjust subsequent piperacillin, prochlorperazine edisylate,
dosages based on neutrophil response. sodium solutions, thiotepa.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with ANC over Subcutaneous
1,000/mm3 for 3 consecutive days, reduce • Rotate administration sites and record.
dosage to 5 mcg/kg daily; if ANC remains
over 1,000/mm3 for 3 more consecutive AC TION
days, stop drug. If ANC decreases to below Binds cell receptors to stimulate prolifer-
1,000/mm3 , resume therapy at 5 mcg/kg ation, differentiation, commitment, and
daily. end-cell function of neutrophils.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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588 finasteride

Route Onset Peak Duration doses of chemotherapy, which may increase

I.V. 5–60 min 24 hr 1–7 days risk of toxicities.
Subcut. 5–60 min 2–8 hr 1–7 days • A transiently increased neutrophil count
Half-life: 31⁄2 hours.
is common 1 or 2 days after therapy starts.
Give daily for up to 2 weeks or until ANC
has returned to 10,000/mm3 after the ex-
ADVERSE REACTIONS pected chemotherapy-induced neutrophil
CNS: fever, headache, weakness, fatigue. nadir.
CV: MI, arrhythmias, chest pain, hypoten- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
sion. Neupogen with Epogen or Neumega.
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mucositis,
stomatitis, constipation. PATIENT TEACHING
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, leukocy- • If patient will give drug, teach him how
tosis, NEUTROPENIC FEVER. to do so and how to dispose of used nee-
Metabolic: hyperuricemia. dles, syringes, drug containers, and unused
Musculoskeletal: bone pain. medicine.
Respiratory: dyspnea, cough. Alert: Rarely, splenic rupture may occur.
Skin: alopecia, rash, cutaneous vasculitis. Advise patient to immediately report upper
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. left abdominal or shoulder tip pain.
• Instruct patient to report persistent or
INTERACTIONS serious adverse reactions promptly.
Drug-drug. Chemotherapeutic drugs:
Rapidly dividing myeloid cells may be
sensitive to cytotoxic drugs. Don’t use finasteride
within 24 hours before or after a dose of one fin-AS-teh-ride
of these drugs.
Lithium: May potentiate release of neu- Propecia, Proscar
trophils, causing a greater increase in WBC
count than expected. Use together cau- Therapeutic class: BPH drug
tiously. Pharmacologic class: 5-alpha-reductase
enzyme inhibitor
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pregnancy risk category X
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, creati-
nine, LDH, and uric acid levels. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• May increase WBC count. May decrease Tablets: 1 mg, 5 mg
platelet count.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ➤ To improve symptoms of BPH and
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive reduce risk of acute urine retention and
to drug or its components or to proteins need for surgery, including transurethral
derived from Escherichia coli. resection of prostate and prostatectomy
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women. Men: 5 mg P.O. Proscar daily.
•H Overdose S&S: Excessive leukocytosis. ➤ With doxazosin, to reduce the risk of
BPH symptom progression (Proscar)
• Obtain baseline CBC and platelet count ➤ Male pattern hair loss (androgenetic
before therapy. alopecia) in men only
• Once a dose is withdrawn, don’t reuse vial. Men: 1 mg P.O. Propecia daily.
Discard unused portion. Vials are for single- ➤ Women with polycystic ovary
dose use and contain no preservatives. syndrome hirsutism
• Obtain CBC and platelet count two to Adults: 2.5 to 5 mg P.O. daily.
three times weekly during therapy. Patients ➤ Prostate cancer prevention 
who receive drug also may receive high Men: 5 mg P.O. once daily for up to 7 years.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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flecainide acetate 589

ADMINISTRATION • Sustained increase in PSA level could

P.O. indicate noncompliance with therapy.
• Give drug without regard for food. • A minimum of 6 months of therapy may
Alert: Drug is a potential teratogen. Follow be needed for treatment of BPH.
safe handling procedures when preparing,
administering, or dispensing drug. PATIENT TEACHING
• Tell patient that drug may be taken with or
AC TION without meals.
Inhibits conversion of testosterone to • Warn woman who is or may become
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the androgen pregnant not to handle crushed tablets
primarily responsible for the initial devel- because of risk of adverse effects on male F
opment and subsequent enlargement of the fetus.
prostate gland. In male pattern baldness, the • Inform patient that signs of improvement
scalp contains miniaturized hair follicles may require at least 3 months of daily use
and increased DHT level; drug decreases when drug is used to treat hair loss or at
scalp DHT level in such cases. least 6 months when taken for BPH.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Reassure patient that drug may decrease
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr 24 hr
volume of ejaculate without impairing
normal sexual function.
Half-life: 6 hours; 8 hours in elderly patients. • Instruct patient to report breast changes,
such as lumps, pain, or nipple discharge.
CNS: dizziness, asthenia, headache.
CV: hypotension, orthostatic hypotension. flecainide acetate
GU: impotence, decreased volume of ejacu- FLEH-kay-nighd
late, decreased libido.
Other: gynecomastia. Tambocor

INTERACTIONS Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic

None significant. Pharmacologic class: Benzamide
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pregnancy risk category C
• May decrease prostate-specific antigen
Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
to drug or to other 5-alpha-reductase in- ➤ Prevention of paroxysmal supraven-
hibitors, such as dutasteride. Although drug tricular tachycardia, including AV nodal
isn’t used in women or children, manufac- reentrant tachycardia and AV reentrant
turer indicates pregnancy as a contraindica- tachycardia or paroxysmal atrial fib-
tion. rillation or flutter in patients without
• Use cautiously in patients with liver structural heart disease; life-threatening
dysfunction. ventricular arrhythmias such as sus-
tained ventricular tachycardia
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults: For paroxysmal supraventricular
• Before therapy, evaluate patient for condi- tachycardia, 50 mg P.O. every 12 hours.
tions that mimic BPH, including hypotonic Increase in increments of 50 mg b.i.d. every
bladder, prostate cancer, infection, or stric- 4 days. Maximum dose is 300 mg/day. For
ture. life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias,
• Carefully monitor patients who have a 100 mg P.O. every 12 hours. Increase in
large residual urine volume or severely increments of 50 mg b.i.d. every 4 days until
diminished urine flow.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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590 flecainide acetate

desired effect occurs. Maximum dose for by 20% to 30%. Watch for propranolol and
most patients is 400 mg/day. flecainide toxicity.
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is Ritonavir: May significantly increase
35 ml/minute or less, first dose is 100 mg flecainide levels and toxicity. Use together is
P.O. once daily or 50 mg P.O. b.i.d. contraindicated.
Urine-acidifying and urine-alkalinizing
ADMINISTRATION drugs: May cause extremes of urine pH,
P.O. which may alter flecainide excretion.
• Give drug exactly as prescribed. Monitor patient for flecainide toxicity or
• Give drug without regard for food. decreased effectiveness.
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May decrease
AC TION flecainide level. Monitor patient closely.
A class IC antiarrhythmic that decreases
excitability, conduction velocity, and au- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
tomaticity by slowing atrial, AV node, None reported.
His-Purkinje system, and intraventricular
conduction; prolongs refractory periods in CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
these tissues. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Route Onset Peak Duration
to drug and in those with second- or third-
P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
degree AV block or right bundle-branch
block with a left hemiblock (in the absence
Half-life: 12 to 27 hours. of an artificial pacemaker), recent MI, or
cardiogenic shock, and in patients taking
CNS: dizziness, headache, light- Black Box Warning Patients who received
headedness, syncope, fatigue, fever, tremor, flecainide for atrial fibrillation or flutter had
anxiety, insomnia, depression, malaise, increased risk of ventricular tachycardia
paresthesia, ataxia, vertigo, asthenia. and ventricular fibrillation. Its use for these
CV: new or worsened arrhythmias, heart conditions isn’t recommended.
failure, cardiac arrest, chest pain, palpita- • Use cautiously in patients with heart
tions, edema, flushing. failure, cardiomyopathy, severe renal or
EENT: blurred vision and other visual hepatic disease, prolonged QT interval, sick
disturbances, eye pain, eye irritation. sinus syndrome, or blood dyscrasia.
GI: nausea, constipation, abdominal pain,
dyspepsia, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Respiratory: dyspnea. Black Box Warning When used to prevent
Skin: rash. ventricular arrhythmias, reserve drug for
patients with documented life-threatening
INTERACTIONS arrhythmias. For patients with sustained
Drug-drug. Amiodarone, cimetidine, ventricular tachycardia, initiate therapy in
CYP2D6 inhibitors (clozapine, quinidine): the hospital and monitor rhythm.
May increase level of flecainide. Watch for Black Box Warning Patients treated with
toxicity. In the presence of amiodarone, flecainide for atrial flutter have a 1:1 atri-
reduce usual flecainide dose by 50% and oventricular conduction due to slowing of
monitor the patient for adverse effects. the atrial rate. A paradoxical increase in the
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level by ventricular rate may occur. Concomitant
15% to 25%. Monitor digoxin level. negative chronotropic therapy with digoxin
Disopyramide, verapamil: May increase or beta blockers may lower the risk of this
negative inotropic properties. Avoid using complication.
together. • Check that pacing threshold was deter-
Propranolol, other beta blockers: May mined 1 week before and after starting ther-
increase flecainide and propranolol levels apy in a patient with a pacemaker; flecainide
can alter endocardial pacing thresholds.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluconazole 591

• Correct hypokalemia or hyperkalemia Children: 6 mg/kg P.O. or I.V. on first day,

before giving flecainide because these then 3 mg/kg daily for at least 3 weeks and
electrolyte disturbances may alter drug’s for at least 2 weeks after symptoms resolve.
effect. Maximum daily dose 12 mg/kg.
• Monitor ECG rhythm for proarrhythmic ➤ Vulvovaginal candidiasis
effects. Adults: 150 mg P.O. for one dose only.
• Most patients can be adequately main- ➤ Systemic candidiasis
tained on an every-12-hours dosing sched- Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. on first day, then
ule, but some need to receive flecainide 200 mg once daily for at least 4 weeks and
every 8 hours. for 2 weeks after symptoms resolve. Doses
• Monitor flecainide level, especially if up to 400 mg/day may be used. F
patient has renal or heart failure. Thera- Children: 6 to 12 mg/kg/day P.O. or I.V.
peutic flecainide levels range from 0.2 to ➤ Cryptococcal meningitis
1 mcg/ml. Risk of adverse effects increases Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. on first day, then
when trough blood level exceeds 1 mcg/ml. 200 mg once daily for 10 to 12 weeks after
CSF culture result is negative. Doses up to
PATIENT TEACHING 400 mg/day may be used.
• Stress importance of taking drug exactly Children: 12 mg/kg/day P.O. or I.V. on first
as prescribed. day, then 6 mg/kg/day for 10 to 12 weeks
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions after CSF culture result is negative.
promptly and to limit fluid and sodium ➤ To prevent candidiasis in bone marrow
intake to minimize fluid retention. transplant and cancer patients
Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. once daily. Start
treatment several days before anticipated
fluconazole agranulocytosis, and continue for 7 days
floo-KON-a-zole after neutrophil count exceeds 1,000/mm3 .
➤ To suppress relapse of cryptococcal
Diflucani meningitis in patients with AIDS
Adults: 200 mg P.O. or I.V. daily.
Therapeutic class: Antifungal Children: 6 mg/kg/day P.O. or I.V. once
Pharmacologic class: Bis-triazole daily.
derivative Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is
Pregnancy risk category C less than 50 ml/minute and patient isn’t
receiving dialysis, reduce dosage by 50%.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Patients receiving regular hemodialysis
Injection: 200 mg/100 ml, 400 mg/200 ml treatment should receive usual dose after
Powder for oral suspension: 10 mg/ml, each dialysis session.
40 mg/ml
Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg ADMINISTRATION
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Give drug without regard for food.
➤ Oropharyngeal candidiasis • Add 24 ml of distilled or purified water
Adults: 200 mg P.O. or I.V. on first day, then to the bottle and shake oral suspension well
100 mg once daily for at least 2 weeks. before giving.
Children: 6 mg/kg P.O. or I.V. on first day, I.V.
then 3 mg/kg daily for 2 weeks.  To ensure product sterility, don’t remove

➤ Esophageal candidiasis protective wrap from I.V. bag until just

Adults: 200 mg P.O. or I.V. on first day, then before use.
100 mg once daily. Up to 400 mg daily has  The plastic container may show some

been used, depending on patient’s condition opacity from moisture absorbed during
and tolerance of treatment. Patients should sterilization. This doesn’t affect drug and
receive drug for at least 3 weeks and for diminishes over time.
2 weeks after symptoms resolve.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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592 fluconazole

 To prevent air embolism, don’t connect HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (atorvastatin,

in series with other infusions. fluvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin):
 Use an infusion pump. May increase levels and adverse effects of
 Give by continuous infusion at no more these drugs. Avoid using together or reduce
than 200 mg/hour. dosage of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor.
 Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B, Isoniazid, oral sulfonylureas, phenytoin, ri-
amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate com- fampin, valproic acid: May increase hepatic
plex, ampicillin sodium, calcium glu- transaminase level. Monitor liver function
conate, cefotaxime sodium, ceftazidime, test results closely.
ceftriaxone, cefuroxime sodium, chlor- Oral sulfonylureas (such as glipizide, gly-
amphenicol sodium succinate, clin- buride): May increase levels of these drugs.
damycin phosphate, co-trimoxazole, Monitor patient for enhanced hypoglycemic
diazepam, digoxin, erythromycin lacto- effect.
bionate, furosemide, haloperidol lactate, Proton pump inhibitors: May decrease
hydroxyzine hydrochloride, imipenem fluconazole effect. Give fluconazole 2 hours
and cilastatin sodium, pentamidine, or more before proton pump inhibitors.
piperacillin sodium, ticarcillin disodium, Rifampin: May enhance fluconazole
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Don’t add metabolism. Monitor patient for lack of
other drugs to I.V. bag. response to fluconazole.
Tacrolimus: May increase tacrolimus level
AC TION and nephrotoxicity. Monitor patient care-
Inhibits fungal cytochrome P-450 (respon- fully.
sible for fungal sterol synthesis); weakens Warfarin: May increase risk of bleeding.
fungal cell walls. Monitor PT and INR.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Zidovudine: May increase zidovudine
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr 30 hr
activity. Monitor patient closely.
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown Zolpidem: May increase therapeutic effects
of zolpidem. Monitor patient closely. A
Half-life: 20 to 50 hours. decrease in dosage may be needed.


CNS: headache, dizziness. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, AST, bilirubin, and GGT levels.
diarrhea, dyspepsia, taste perversion. • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope-
Skin: rash. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Other: anaphylaxis. to drug and breast-feeding patients.
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive
INTERACTIONS to other antifungal azole compounds.
Drug-drug. Alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide, •H Overdose S&S: Hallucinations, paranoid
clonazepam, clorazepate, diazepam, esta- behavior.
zolam, flurazepam, midazolam, quazepam,
triazolam: May increase and prolong levels NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
of these drugs, CNS depression, and psy- • Serious hepatotoxicity has occurred in
chomotor impairment. Avoid using together. patients with underlying medical condi-
Cimetidine: May decrease fluconazole level. tions.
Monitor patient’s response to fluconazole. • If patient develops mild rash, monitor him
Cyclosporine, phenytoin, theophylline: closely. Stop drug if lesions progress.
May increase levels of these drugs. Monitor • Likelihood of adverse reactions may be
cyclosporine, phenytoin, and theophylline greater in HIV-infected patients.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fludarabine phosphate 593

PATIENT TEACHING  Dilute further in 100 or 125 ml of D5 W

• Tell patient to take drug as directed, even or normal saline solution for injection.
after he feels better.  Use within 8 hours of reconstitution.

• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions  Store drug in refrigerator at 36◦ to 46◦ F

promptly. (2◦ to 8◦ C).

 Incompatibilities: Acyclovir sodium,

SAFETY ALERT! amphotericin B, chlorpromazine, daunoru-

bicin, ganciclovir, hydroxyzine hydrochlo-
fludarabine phosphate ride, prochlorperazine edisylate.
Fludara, Oforta Unknown. After conversion to its active
metabolite, drug interferes with DNA
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic synthesis by inhibiting DNA polymerase
Pharmacologic class: Purine analogue alpha, ribonucleotide reductase, and DNA
Pregnancy risk category D primase.
Route Onset Peak Duration
AVAIL ABLE FORMS P.O., I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Liquid for injection: 50 mg/2 ml
Powder for injection: 50 mg Half-life: About 10 hours.
Tablets: 10 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES CNS: fatigue, malaise, weakness, pares-
➤ B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia in thesia, peripheral neuropathy, stroke,
patients with no or inadequate response headache, sleep disorder, depression, cere-
to at least one standard alkylating drug bellar syndrome, transient ischemic attack,
regimen agitation, confusion, fever, coma, pain.
Adults: 25 mg/m2 I.V. daily over 30 minutes CV: edema, angina, phlebitis, arrhythmias,
for 5 consecutive days. Repeat cycle every heart failure, MI, supraventricular tachy-
28 days. For oral dosing, give 40 mg/m2 P.O. cardia, deep vein thrombosis, aneurysm,
daily for 5 consecutive days; repeat cycle hemorrhage.
every 28 days. EENT: visual disturbances, hearing loss,
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with creatinine delayed blindness, sinusitis, pharyngitis,
clearance of 30 to 70 ml/minute, decrease epistaxis.
dose by 20%. Don’t use drug in patients GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, consti-
with clearance less than 30 ml/minute. pation, anorexia, stomatitis, GI bleeding,
esophagitis, mucositis.
ADMINISTRATION GU: dysuria, UTI, urinary hesitancy, pro-
P.O. teinuria, hematuria, renal failure.
• Give with or without food. Hematologic: hemolytic anemia, MYELO-
• Don’t break or crush tablets; have patient SUPPRESSION.
swallow tablets whole with water. Hepatic: liver failure, cholelithiasis.
I.V. Metabolic: hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia,
 Preparing and giving parenteral drug hyperglycemia, dehydration, hyperuricemia,
may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car- hyperphosphatemia.
cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce Musculoskeletal: myalgia.
risks. Respiratory: cough, pneumonia, dyspnea,
 To prepare, add 2 ml of sterile water for upper respiratory tract infection, allergic
injection to the vial. If using powder for pneumonitis, hemoptysis, hypoxia, bron-
injection, dissolution should occur within chitis.
15 seconds. Skin: rash, pruritus, alopecia, seborrhea,
 Each milliliter contains 25 mg of drug. diaphoresis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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594 fludrocortisone acetate

Other: chills, tumor lysis syndrome, • Give blood transfusions because of

INFECTION, anaphylaxis. cumulative anemia. Patients should be
given irradiated blood only, to minimize
INTERACTIONS transfusion-associated graft-versus-host
Drug-drug. Cytarabine: May decrease disease.
metabolism of subsequently given fludara- • Hyperuricemia, hypocalcemia, hyper-
bine and inhibition of fludarabine activity. kalemia, and renal failure may result from
Monitor patient closely. rapid lysis of tumor cells. Take preventative
Myelosuppressives: May increase toxicity. measures against tumor lysis syndrome,
Avoid using together, if possible. such as I.V. hydration, alkalinization of
Black Box Warning Pentostatin: May urine, and treatment with allopurinol as
increase risk of pulmonary toxicity, which appropriate.
can be fatal. Avoid using together. • Avoid vaccination with live vaccines
during and after treatment.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
• May increase glucose, phosphate, potas- fludarabine with floxuridine, fluorouracil, or
sium, and uric acid levels. flucytosine.
• May decrease calcium and hemoglobin
levels. May decrease platelet, RBC, and PATIENT TEACHING
WBC counts. • Instruct patient to watch for signs and
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell
to drug or its components and in those with patient to take temperature daily.
creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/minute. • Advise women to consult prescriber
• Use cautiously in patients with renal before becoming pregnant.
insufficiency. • Caution women to stop breast-feeding
•H Overdose S&S: Delayed blindness, coma, during therapy because of risk of toxicity to
thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, death. infant.
• Tell patient not to chew or break tablets
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS but to swallow tablets whole with water.
Black Box Warning Administer under the
supervision of a physician experienced in
the use of antineoplastic therapy. fludrocortisone acetate
Black Box Warning Higher than recom- floo-droe-KOR-ti-sone
mended doses are associated with severe
neurologic toxicity, including blindness, Therapeutic class: Mineralocorticoid
coma, and death. Pharmacologic class: Mineralocorticoid
Alert: Monitor patient closely and expect Pregnancy risk category C
modified dosage based on toxicity. Most
toxic effects are dose dependent. Advanced AVAIL ABLE FORMS
age, renal insufficiency, and bone marrow Tablets: 0.1 mg
impairment may predispose patients to
increased or excessive toxicity. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Black Box Warning Careful hematologic ➤ Salt-losing adrenogenital syndrome
monitoring is needed, especially of neu- Adults: 0.1 to 0.2 mg P.O. daily.
trophil and platelet counts. Bone marrow ➤ Addison disease (adrenocortical insuf-
suppression can be severe. ficiency)
Black Box Warning Monitor patient for Adults: 0.1 mg P.O. daily. Usual dosage
development of hemolytic anemia. range is 0.1 mg three times weekly to
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. 0.2 mg daily. Decrease dosage to 0.05 mg
injections when platelet count is below daily if transient hypertension develops as a
50,000/mm3 . result of drug therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fludrocortisone acetate 595

➤ Orthostatic hypotension  corticosteroid. Corticosteroid dosage may

Adults: 0.1 to 0.4 mg P.O. daily in patients need to be increased.
with diabetes; 0.05 to 0.2 mg daily in pa- Digoxin: May increase the risk of digoxin
tients with orthostatic hypotension as a toxicity associated with hypokalemia. Mon-
result of levodopa therapy. itor potassium and digoxin levels.
Potassium-depleting drugs such as ampho-
ADMINISTRATION tericin B, thiazide diuretics: May enhance
P.O. potassium-wasting effects of fludrocorti-
• Continually monitor patients for signs sone. Monitor potassium level. Use potas-
that dosage adjustment is needed, such as sium supplements as needed.
remissions or exacerbations of the disease, Salicylates: May decrease salicylate ef- F
and stress (surgery, infection, trauma). fectiveness. Coadministration also may
• Store at room temperature and avoid increase the ulcerogenic effects of each.
excessive heat. Monitor patient for decreased effect and for
AC TION Drug-food. Sodium-containing drugs
Increases sodium resorption and potas- or foods: May increase blood pressure.
sium and hydrogen secretion at the distal Advise patient of need for sodium intake
convoluted tubules of nephrons. adjustment.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Variable 2 hr 1–2 days
• May decrease potassium level.
Half-life: 18 to 36 hours (biological). • May affect the nitroblue tetrazolium test
for bacterial infection and produce false-
ADVERSE REACTIONS negative results.
CNS: convulsions, increased intracranial
pressure with papilledema (pseudotumor CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
cerebri), vertigo, headache, severe mental • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
disturbances, insomnia. to drug and in those with systemic fungal
CV: heart failure, hypertension, cardiac infections.
hypertrophy, edema, syncope. • Use cautiously in patients with hypothy-
EENT: cataracts, glaucoma, increased roidism, recent MI, cirrhosis, ocular herpes
intraocular pressure, exophthalmos. simplex, emotional instability, psychotic
GI: peptic ulcer with possible perforation tendencies, diverticulitis, fresh intestinal
and hemorrhage, pancreatitis, abdominal anastomoses, active or latent peptic ulcer,
distension, ulcerative esophagitis. renal insufficiency, hypertension, osteo-
Hematologic: bruising. porosis, myasthenia gravis, active hepatitis,
Metabolic: sodium and water retention, active tuberculosis, or nonspecific ulcerative
hypokalemia, hyperglycemia. colitis. Also use cautiously in breast-feeding
Musculoskeletal: muscle weakness. women.
Skin: diaphoresis, urticaria, allergic rash, • Patients shouldn’t be vaccinated against
impaired wound healing, acne. smallpox while taking drug.
Other: anaphylaxis. •H Overdose S&S: Hypertension, edema, hy-
pokalemia, excessive weight gain, increased
INTERACTIONS heart size.
Drug-drug. Anabolic steroids, estrogen:
May increase fludrocortisone levels. Moni- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tor patient for adverse effects and increased • Drug is used with cortisone or hydrocorti-
edema. sone in adrenal insufficiency.
Barbiturates, carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, • Perform glucose tolerance tests only if
phenytoin, rifampin: May increase clear- needed because addisonian patients tend to
ance of fludrocortisone acetate. Monitor develop severe hypoglycemia within 3 hours
patient for possible diminished effect of of the test.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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596 flumazenil

Alert: Monitor patient’s blood pressure Children age 1 year and older: 0.01 mg/kg
and electrolyte levels. If hypertension oc- (up to 0.2 mg) I.V. over 15 seconds. If pa-
curs, notify prescriber and expect dosage to tient doesn’t reach desired level of con-
be decreased by 50%. sciousness after 45 seconds, repeat dose.
• Weigh patient daily; notify prescriber Repeat at 1-minute intervals, if needed, until
about sudden weight gain. cumulative dose of 0.05 mg/kg or 1 mg,
• Unless contraindicated, give low-sodium whichever is lower, has been given (first
diet that’s high in potassium and protein. dose plus four more doses).
Potassium supplements may be needed. ➤ Suspected benzodiazepine overdose
• Drug may cause adverse effects similar to Adults: Initially, 0.2 mg I.V. over 30 sec-
those of glucocorticoids. onds. If patient doesn’t reach desired level
of consciousness after 30 seconds, give
PATIENT TEACHING 0.3 mg over 30 seconds. If patient still
• Tell patient to notify prescriber if low doesn’t respond adequately, give 0.5 mg
blood pressure, weakness, cramping, or over 30 seconds. Repeat 0.5-mg doses, as
palpitations worsen, or if changes in mental needed, at 1-minute intervals until cumu-
status occur. lative dose of 3 mg has been given. Most
• Warn patient that mild swelling is common. patients with benzodiazepine overdose re-
• Caution patient to avoid exposure to spond to cumulative doses between 1 and
infections (such as chickenpox or measles) 3 mg; rarely, patients who respond partially
and to notify prescriber if such exposure after 3 mg may need additional doses, up
occurs. to 5 mg total. If patient doesn’t respond in
5 minutes after receiving 5 mg, sedation is
unlikely to be caused by benzodiazepines.
flumazenil In case of resedation, dosage may be re-
floo-MAZ-eh-nill peated after 20 minutes, but never give more
than 1 mg at any one time or exceed 3 mg in
Romazicon any 1 hour.

Therapeutic class: Antidote ADMINISTRATION

Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine I.V.
antagonist  Store drug in vial until use.

Pregnancy risk category C  Make sure airway is secure and patent.

 Compatible solutions include D5 W,

AVAIL ABLE FORMS lactated Ringer’s injection, and normal

Injection: 0.1 mg/ml in 5-ml and 10-ml saline solution.
multiple-dose vials  To minimize pain at injection site, inject

drug over 15 to 30 seconds into large vein

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES through free-flowing solution.
➤ Complete or partial reversal of  Monitor patient for signs of extravasa-

sedative effects of benzodiazepines tion.

after anesthesia or conscious sedation  Drug is stable in a syringe for 24 hours.

Adults: Initially, 0.2 mg I.V. over 15 sec-  Incompatibilities: None reported.

onds. If patient doesn’t reach desired level

of consciousness after 45 seconds, re- AC TION
peat dose. Repeat at 1-minute intervals, Competitively inhibits the actions of benzo-
if needed, until cumulative dose of 1 mg has diazepines on the GABA-benzodiazepine
been given (first dose plus four more doses). receptor complex.
Most patients respond after 0.6 to 1 mg of Route Onset Peak Duration
drug. In case of resedation, dosage may be I.V. 1–2 min 6–10 min Variable
repeated after 20 minutes, but never give
more than 1 mg at any one time or exceed Half-life: 54 minutes.
3 mg in any 1 hour.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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flunisolide (inhalation) 597

ADVERSE REACTIONS acting benzodiazepines, such as 10 mg of

CNS: dizziness, abnormal or blurred vision, midazolam. In most cases, severe resedation
headache, seizures, agitation, emotional is unlikely in patients who fail to show signs
lability, tremor, insomnia. of resedation 2 hours after a 1-mg dose.
CV: arrhythmias, cutaneous vasodilation, Black Box Warning Monitor patients for
palpitations. seizures, especially those who have been on
GI: nausea, vomiting. benzodiazepines for long-term sedation or
Respiratory: dyspnea, hyperventilation. in overdose cases where patients are show-
Skin: diaphoresis. ing signs of serious cyclic antidepressant
Other: pain at injection site. overdose.
Drug-drug. Antidepressants, drugs that • Warn patient not to perform hazardous
may cause seizures or arrhythmias: May activities within 24 hours of procedure
increase risk of seizures or arrhythmias. because of resedation risk.
Don’t use flumazenil when overdose in- • Tell patient to avoid alcohol, CNS depres-
volves more than one drug, especially when sants, and OTC drugs for 24 hours.
seizures (from any cause) are likely. • Give family necessary instructions or
provide patient with written instructions.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Patient won’t recall information given after
None reported. the procedure; drug doesn’t reverse amnesic
effects of benzodiazepines.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to flumazenil or benzodiazepines, in those flunisolide (inhalation)
with evidence of serious tricyclic antide- floo-NISS-oh-lide
pressant overdose, and in those who have
received benzodiazepines to treat a poten- Nasarel, Rhinalar†
tially life-threatening condition, such as
status epilepticus. flunisolide hemihydrate
• Use cautiously in patients with head AeroSpan HFA
injury, psychiatric disorders, or alcohol
dependence. Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
• Use cautiously in patients at high risk Pharmacologic class: Glucocorticoid
for developing seizures and in those who Pregnancy risk category C
have recently received multiple doses of
a parenteral benzodiazepine, who display AVAIL ABLE FORMS
signs of seizure activity, or who may be at flunisolide
risk for benzodiazepine dependence, such as Nasal solution: 25 mcg/metered spray
intensive care unit patients. flunisolide hemihydrate
•H Overdose S&S: Anxiety, agitation, Oral inhalant in a hydrofluoroalkane (HFA)
increased muscle tone, hyperesthesia, inhaler: 80 mcg/metered dose
• Monitor patient closely for resedation that Adults and children age 12 and older:
may occur after reversal of benzodiazepine 2 inhalations (160 mcg) with HFA inhaler
effects; drug’s duration of action is the b.i.d. Don’t exceed 320 mcg twice daily.
shortest of all benzodiazepines. Length of Children ages 6 to 11: 1 inhalation (80 mcg)
monitoring period depends on specific drug with HFA inhaler b.i.d. Don’t exceed
being reversed. Monitor patient closely after 160 mcg twice daily.
doses of long-acting benzodiazepines, such
as diazepam, or after high doses of short-

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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598 flunisolide (inhalation)

➤ Seasonal or perennial rhinitis EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

Adults and adolescents older than age 14: None reported.
2 sprays (50 mcg) in each nostril b.i.d. May
be increased to t.i.d., as needed. Maxi- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
mum dose is 8 sprays in each nostril daily • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
(400 mcg). to drug and in those with status asthmaticus
Children ages 6 to 14: 1 spray (25 mcg) in or respiratory tract infections.
each nostril t.i.d. or 2 sprays (50 mcg) in • Drug isn’t recommended in patients with
each nostril b.i.d. Maximum dose is 4 sprays nonasthmatic bronchial diseases or with
in each nostril daily (200 mcg). asthma controlled by bronchodilator or
other noncorticosteroid alone.
• For best results, the canister should be at Black Box Warning All patients with
room temperature before use. asthma should have routine tests of adrenal
• Allow 1 minute between doses. cortical function, including measurement
Intranasal of early morning resting cortisol levels
• Before the first use, prime the nasal spray to establish a baseline in the event of an
by pushing down on the pump 5 or 6 times emergency.
until a fine mist appears. Black Box Warning There is an increased
risk of death due to adrenal insufficiency
AC TION in patients transferred from systematically
A corticosteroid that may decrease inflam- active corticosteriods to flunisolide inhaler.
mation of asthma by inhibiting macro- Monitor patient carefully.
phages, T-cells, eosinophils, and mediators Black Box Warning Withdraw drug slowly
such as leukotrienes, while reducing the in patients who have received long-term oral
number of mast cells within the airway. corticosteroid therapy.
Black Box Warning After withdrawing
Route Onset Peak Duration
Inhalation < 3 wk Unknown Unknown
systemic corticosteroids, patient may need
(nasal) supplemental systemic corticosteroids if
Inhalation 1–4 wk Unknown Unknown stress (trauma, surgery, or infection) causes
(oral) adrenal insufficiency.
Half-life: About 13⁄4 hours. • Store drug at room temperature.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
flunisolide with fluocinonide.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Stop nasal spray after 3 weeks if symp-
CNS: headache, dizziness, fever, irritabil- toms don’t improve.
ity, nervousness.
CV: chest pain, edema, palpitations. PATIENT TEACHING
EENT: nasal congestion, sore throat, Oral inhalant
altered taste, hoarseness, nasal burning or • Warn patient that drug doesn’t relieve
stinging, nasal irritation, nasopharyngeal acute asthma attacks.
fungal infections, throat irritation. Alert: Instruct patient to immediately
GI: diarrhea, nausea, unpleasant taste, contact prescriber if asthma episodes
upset stomach, vomiting, abdominal pain, unresponsive to bronchodilators occur
decreased appetite, dry mouth. during treatment.
Respiratory: cold symptoms, upper respi- • Advise patient to ensure delivery of
ratory tract infection. proper dose by gently warming the can-
Skin: pruritus, rash. ister to room temperature before using.
Other: influenza. Some patients carry the canister in a pocket
to keep it warm.
None significant.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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flunisolide (intranasal) 599

• Tell patient who also uses a bronchodila- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

tor to use it several minutes before begin- ➤ Symptoms of seasonal or perennial
ning flunisolide treatment. rhinitis
• Instruct patient to begin inhaling immedi- Adults and children age 15 and older: Start-
ately before activating the canister to get the ing dose is 2 sprays in each nostril b.i.d. If
full dose. needed, dosage may be increased to 2 sprays
• Instruct patient to allow 1 minute to in each nostril t.i.d. Maximum total daily
elapse before repeating inhalations and to dose is 8 sprays in each nostril per day.
hold his breath for a few seconds to enhance Children ages 6 to 14: Starting dose is
drug action. 1 spray in each nostril t.i.d. or 2 sprays in
• Teach patient to keep inhaler clean and each nostril b.i.d. Maximum total daily dose F
unobstructed. The HFA inhaler doesn’t need is 4 sprays in each nostril per day.
cleaning during normal use.
• Teach patient to check mucous mem- ADMINISTRATION
branes frequently for signs and symptoms of Intranasal
fungal infection. • Shake well before each use.
• Advise patient to prevent oral fungal • Before first use, prime the nasal spray by
infections by gargling or rinsing mouth with pushing down on the pump five or six times
water after each inhaler use. Caution him until a fine mist appears. If the pump hasn’t
not to swallow the water. been used for 5 days or more, the spray must
• Warn patient to avoid exposure to chick- be primed again.
enpox or measles. If exposed, contact pre-
scriber immediately. AC TION
• Advise parents of a child receiving long- Exact mechanism unknown. Decreases
term therapy that the child should have nasal inflammation, mainly by stabilizing
periodic growth measurements and be leukocyte lysosomal membranes.
checked for evidence of hypothalamic- Route Onset Peak Duration
pituitary-adrenal axis suppression. Intranasal Unknown Unknown Unknown
Nasal spray
• Tell patient to prime the nasal inhaler Half-life: 1 to 2 hours.
(5 to 6 sprays) before first use and after long
periods of no use. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Advise patient to clear nasal passageways CNS: dizziness, headache.
before use. EENT: mild, transient nasal burning and
• Patient should follow manufacturer’s stinging, epistaxis, nasal dryness, nasal
instructions for use and cleaning. Tell him congestion, pharyngitis, sneezing, watery
to discard open containers after 3 months. eyes.
• Advise patient that therapeutic results GI: nausea, vomiting.
may take several weeks. Respiratory: cough.
Other: aftertaste, hypersensitivity reaction,
loss of taste and smell.
flunisolide (intranasal)
None significant.
Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Pregnancy risk category C None reported.


Nasal spray: 25 mcg/spray, 29 mcg/spray • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in those with untreated localized
infection involving nasal mucosa.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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600 fluocinolone acetonide

• Use cautiously, if at all, in patients with

active or quiescent respiratory tract tu- fluocinolone acetonide
berculous infections or untreated fungal, floo-oh-SIN-oh-lone
bacterial, or systemic viral or ocular herpes
simplex infections. Capex, Derma-Smoothe/FS,
• Use cautiously in patients who have re- Synalar
cently had nasal septal ulcers, nasal surgery,
or nasal trauma. Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pregnancy risk category C
• Drug isn’t effective for acute exacerba-
tions of rhinitis. Decongestants or antihis- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
tamines may be needed. Cream: 0.01%, 0.025%
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Oil: 0.01%
flunisolide with fluocinonide, fluticasone, or Ointment: 0.025%
Flumadine. Shampoo: 0.01%
Topical solution: 0.01%
• Tell patient to avoid exposure to chicken- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
pox or measles. ➤ Inflammation from corticosteroid-
• Advise patient or parent to read package responsive dermatoses
instructions for drug use. Adults and children: Clean area; apply
• Instruct patient to shake container before product sparingly t.i.d. to q.i.d.
use, blow nose to clear nasal passages, tilt ➤ Atopic dermatitis
head slightly forward, and insert nozzle into Adults: Apply thin film of topical oil t.i.d.
nostril, pointing away from septum. Tell him Children 3 months and older: Apply thin
to hold other nostril closed and inhale gently film of topical oil b.i.d. for maximum of
while spraying. Have him repeat procedure 4 weeks. Avoid face and diaper area.
in other nostril. Tell him to clean nosepiece ➤ Scalp psoriasis
with warm water daily. Adults: Wet or dampen hair and scalp thor-
• Explain that drug doesn’t work right away. oughly. Apply a thin film of topical oil and
Most patients notice improvement within a massage into scalp. Cover with supplied
few days, but some may need 2 to 3 weeks. shower cap overnight or for a minimum of
• Advise patient to use drug regularly, as 4 hours before washing thoroughly with
prescribed. regular shampoo and then rinsing thor-
• Warn patient not to exceed recommended oughly with water.
dosage to avoid hypothalamic-pituitary- ➤ Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp
adrenal axis suppression. Adults: Apply no more than 30 ml of 0.01%
• Tell patient to stop drug and notify pre- shampoo to the scalp once daily, lather, and
scriber if signs and symptoms don’t dimin- rinse thoroughly with water after 5 minutes.
ish in 3 weeks or if nasal irritation persists.
• Gently wash skin before applying. To
prevent skin damage, rub in gently, leaving
a thin coat. When treating hairy sites, part
hair and apply directly to lesions.
• Avoid application near eyes or mucous
membranes; in armpits, groin, or rectal
area; or in ear canal if eardrum is perforated.
• Do not use occlusive dressing unless

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluocinonide 601

• For patients with eczematous dermatitis NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

whose skin may be irritated by adhesive • If an occlusive dressing has been applied
material, hold dressing in place with gauze, and a fever develops, notify prescriber and
elastic bandages, stockings, or stockinette. remove dressing.
• Change dressing as prescribed. Stop • If antifungal or antibiotic combined with
drug and notify prescriber if skin infection, corticosteroid fails to provide prompt
striae, or atrophy occur. improvement, stop corticosteroid until
• Shake shampoo well prior to use. infection is controlled.
• Systemic absorption is likely with use of
AC TION occlusive dressings, prolonged treatment,
Unclear. Is diffused across cell membranes or extensive body surface treatment. Watch F
to form complexes with receptors. Shows for symptoms, such as hyperglycemia,
anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, vasocon- glycosuria, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
strictive, and antiproliferative activity. axis suppression, or Cushing syndrome.
Considered a medium-potency to low- • Avoid using plastic pants or tight-fitting
potency drug, according to vasoconstrictive diapers on treated areas in young children.
properties. Children may absorb larger amounts of
Route Onset Peak Duration
drug and be more susceptible to systemic
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
Alert: Body oil and scalp oil formulations
Half-life: Unknown. contain peanut oil.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse flu-
ADVERSE REACTIONS ocinolone with fluocinonide or fluticasone.
GU: glycosuria.
Metabolic: hyperglycemia. PATIENT TEACHING
Skin: burning, pruritus, irritation, dryness, • Teach patient or family how to apply drug
erythema, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, hypo- using gloves or sterile applicator.
pigmentation, acneiform eruptions, perioral • Tell patient to wash hands after applica-
dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, tion.
maceration, secondary infection, atrophy, • If an occlusive dressing is used, advise
striae, miliaria with occlusive dressings. patient to leave it in place for no longer than
Other: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal 12 hours each day and not to use dressing on
axis suppression, Cushing syndrome. infected or weeping lesions.
• Tell patient to stop using solution and
INTERACTIONS notify prescriber if he develops signs of
None significant. systemic absorption, skin irritation or
ulceration, hypersensitivity, or infection.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient using the shampoo not to
• May increase glucose level. bandage, cover, or wrap the treated scalp
area unless directed.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components. fluocinonide
• Don’t use as monotherapy in primary floo-oh-SIN-oh-nide
bacterial infections (impetigo, paronychia, Lidex, Lidex-E, Vanos
erysipelas, cellulitis, angular cheilitis), treat-
ment of rosacea, perioral dermatitis, or acne. Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
• Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use. Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
• Use cautiously in patients with peanut Pregnancy risk category C
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
feeding women. Cream: 0.05%, 0.1%
•H Overdose S&S: Systemic effects. Gel: 0.05%

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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602 fluocinonide

Ointment: 0.05% dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis,

Topical solution: 0.05% maceration, secondary infection, atrophy,
striae, miliaria with occlusive dressings.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Other: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
➤ Inflammation from corticosteroid- axis suppression, Cushing syndrome.
responsive dermatoses
Adults and children: Clean area; apply INTERACTIONS
cream, gel, ointment, or topical solution None significant.
sparingly b.i.d. to q.i.d. In children, use
lowest dosage that promotes healing. If EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
using Vanos 0.1% cream in adults and • May increase glucose level.
children age 12 and older, apply a thin layer
once or twice daily for up to 2 weeks. Don’t CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
use more than 60 g/week. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components.
ADMINISTRATION • Don’t use as monotherapy in primary
Topical bacterial infections (impetigo, paronychia,
• Gently wash skin before applying. To erysipelas, cellulitis, angular cheilitis),
prevent skin damage, rub in gently, leaving treatment of rosacea, perioral dermatitis, or
a thin coat. When treating hairy sites, part acne.
hair and apply directly to lesion. • Don’t use very-high-potency or high-
• Avoid applying near eyes or mucous potency agents on the face, groin, or armpits.
membranes or in ear canal. • Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use.
• Occlusive dressings may be used in severe • Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
or resistant dermatoses. feeding women.
• For patients with eczematous dermatitis •H Overdose S&S: Systemic effects.
whose skin may be irritated by adhesive
material, hold dressing in place with gauze, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
elastic bandages, stockings, or stockinette. • If an occlusive dressing has been applied
• Change dressing as prescribed. Stop and a fever develops, notify prescriber and
drug and notify prescriber if skin infection, remove dressing.
striae, or atrophy occur. • If antifungal or antibiotic combined with
• Continue treatment for a few days after corticosteroid fails to provide prompt im-
lesions clear. provement, stop corticosteroid until infec-
tion is controlled.
AC TION • Systemic absorption is likely with use of
Unclear. Diffuses across cell membranes to occlusive dressings, prolonged treatment,
form complexes with cytoplasmic receptors, or extensive body surface treatment. Watch
showing anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, for such symptoms as hyperglycemia, gly-
vasoconstrictive, and antiproliferative cosuria, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
activity. Considered a high-potency drug, axis suppression.
according to vasoconstrictive properties. • Avoid using plastic pants or tight-fitting
Route Onset Peak Duration
diapers on treated areas in young children.
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
Children may absorb larger amounts of
drug and be more susceptible to systemic
Half-life: Unknown. toxicity.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse flu-
ADVERSE REACTIONS ocinonide with fluocinolone or fluticasone.
GU: glycosuria.
Metabolic: hyperglycemia. PATIENT TEACHING
Skin: burning, pruritus, irritation, dryness, • Teach patient and family how to apply
erythema, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, hypo- drug using careful hand washing and gloves
pigmentation, acneiform eruptions, perioral or sterile applicator.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluorometholone 603

• If an occlusive dressing is ordered, advise AC TION

patient to leave it in place no more than Suppresses edema, fibrin deposition, capil-
12 hours each day and not to use the dress- lary dilation, leukocyte migration, capillary
ing on infected or weeping lesions. proliferation, and collagen deposition.
• Tell patient to stop drug and report signs Route Onset Peak Duration
of systemic absorption, skin irritation or Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
ulceration, hypersensitivity, or infection.
Half-life: Unknown.

fluorometholone ADVERSE REACTIONS

flur-oh-METH-oh-lone EENT: increased intraocular pressure F
(IOP), thinning of cornea, interference with
FML, FML Forte, FML S.O.P. corneal wound healing, corneal ulceration,
increased susceptibility to viral or fungal
fluorometholone acetate corneal infections, glaucoma worsening,
Flarex discharge, discomfort, ocular pain, foreign
body sensation, cataracts, decreased visual
Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory acuity, diminished visual field, optic nerve
(ophthalmic) damage with excessive or long-term use.
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid Other: systemic effects, adrenal suppres-
Pregnancy risk category C sion with excessive or long-term use.


fluorometholone None significant.
Ophthalmic ointment: 0.1%
Ophthalmic suspension: 0.1%, 0.25% EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
fluorometholone acetate None reported.
Ophthalmic suspension: 0.1%
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Contraindicated in patients with vaccinia,
➤ Inflammatory and allergic conditions varicella, acute superficial herpes simplex
of cornea, conjunctiva, sclera, anterior (dendritic keratitis), other fungal or viral
uvea eye diseases, ocular tuberculosis, or acute,
Adults and children older than age 2 purulent, untreated eye infections.
(acetate form not for use in children of any • Use cautiously in patients with corneal
age): 1 drop b.i.d. to q.i.d. or 1⁄2 inch oint- abrasions that may be contaminated
ment one to three times daily. For first 24 to (especially with herpes).
48 hours, may increase dosing frequency to • Safety and effectiveness of fluo-
every 4 hours. For fluorometholone acetate, rometholone in children younger than age 2
1 to 2 drops q.i.d.; may give 2 drops every haven’t been established. Fluorometholone
2 hours during the initial 24 to 48 hours of acetate not for use in children of any age.
ADMINISTRATION • Treatment may last from a few days to
Ophthalmic several weeks, but avoid long-term use.
• Shake suspension well before use. Monitor IOP.
• Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac • Drug is less likely to increase IOP with
for 1 minute after instillation. extended use than other ophthalmic anti-
• Wait at least 10 minutes before giving any inflammatories (except medrysone).
other eye preparations. • In chronic conditions, withdraw treat-
ment by gradually decreasing frequency of

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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604 fluorouracil

PATIENT TEACHING if no toxicity, give 6 mg/kg on days 6, 8, 10,

• Tell patient to shake container well before and 12; then give a single weekly mainte-
use. nance dose of 10 to 15 mg/kg I.V. begun
• Teach patient how to instill drops or apply after toxicity (if any) from first course has
ointment. Advise him to wash hands before subsided. (Recommended dosages are
and after using either form, and warn him based on actual body weight unless patient
not to touch tip of dropper or tube to eye or is obese or retaining fluid.)
surrounding tissue. ➤ Multiple actinic (solar) keratoses
• Advise patient to apply light finger pres- Adults: Apply Carac cream once daily
sure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after instil- for up to 4 weeks. Or, apply Efudex or
lation. Fluoroplex cream or topical solution b.i.d.
• Tell patient not to use any other eye prepa- for 2 to 6 weeks.
ration for at least 10 minutes. ➤ Superficial basal cell carcinoma
• Urge patient to call prescriber imme- Adults: Apply 5% Efudex cream or topical
diately and to stop drug if visual acuity solution b.i.d. usually for 3 to 6 weeks;
decreases or visual field diminishes. maximum, 12 weeks.
• Tell patient not to share drug, washcloths,
or towels with family members and to notify ADMINISTRATION
prescriber if anyone develops same signs or I.V.
symptoms.  Preparing and giving parenteral drug

• Warn patient not to use leftover drug for may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car-
new eye inflammation; it may cause serious cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce
problems. risks.
• Advise patient to consult prescriber if  To reduce nausea, give antiemetic before

condition doesn’t improve after 2 days. fluorouracil.

Don’t stop treatment prematurely.  Don’t use cloudy solution. If crystals

• Tell patient to store drug in tightly form, redissolve by warming.

covered, light-resistant container.  Drug may be given by direct injection

without dilution.
SAFETY ALERT!  For infusion, dilute drug with D5 W,

sterile water for injection, or normal saline

fluorouracil (5-fluorouracil, solution for injection.
 For continuous infusion, use plastic
flure-oh-YOOR-a-sill I.V. containers. Solution is more stable in
plastic than in glass bottles.
Carac, Efudex, Fluoroplex  Don’t refrigerate. Protect drug from

Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic  Discard unused portion of vial after

Pharmacologic class: Pyrimidine 1 hour.

analogue  Incompatibilities: Aldesleukin, ampho-

Pregnancy risk category D (injection); tericin B cholesterol complex, carboplatin,

X (topical form) cisplatin, cytarabine, diazepam, doxoru-
bicin, droperidol, epirubicin, fentanyl
AVAIL ABLE FORMS citrate, filgrastim, gallium nitrate, leucov-
Cream: 0.5%, 1%, 5% orin calcium, metoclopramide, morphine
Injection: 50 mg/ml sulfate, ondansetron, topotecan, vinorel-
Topical solution: 2%, 5% bine tartrate.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Apply topical form cautiously near
➤ Colon, rectal, breast, stomach, and patient’s eyes, nose, and mouth.
pancreatic cancers • Avoid occlusive dressings with topical
Adults: Initially, 12 mg/kg I.V. daily for form because they increase risk of inflam-
4 days (daily dose shouldn’t exceed 800 mg); matory reactions in adjacent normal skin.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluorouracil 605

• Apply topical form with nonmetal (in urine), and LDH levels. May decrease
applicator or suitable gloves. Wash hands hemoglobin and plasma albumin levels.
immediately after handling topical form. • May decrease granulocyte, platelet, RBC,
• The 1% topical strength is used on and WBC counts.
patient’s face. Higher strengths, such as
5%, are used for thicker skinned areas or CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
resistant lesions, such as superficial basal • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
cell carcinoma. to drug and in those with bone marrow
suppression (WBC counts of 5,000/mm3 or
AC TION less or platelet counts of 100,000/mm3 or
May interfere with DNA and RNA syn- less) or potentially serious infections. F
thesis, leading to a thymine deficiency that • Contraindicated in patients in a poor
provokes unbalanced growth and death of nutritional state and those who have had
the cell. major surgery within previous month.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Topical formulations contraindicated in
I.V., topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
pregnant women.
• Use cautiously in patients who have
Half-life: 20 minutes. received high-dose pelvic radiation or
alkylating drugs and in those with impaired
ADVERSE REACTIONS hepatic or renal function or widespread
CNS: acute cerebellar syndrome, con- neoplastic infiltration of bone marrow.
fusion, disorientation, euphoria, ataxia, •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, di-
headache, weakness, malaise. arrhea, GI ulceration and bleeding, bone
CV: myocardial ischemia, angina, throm- marrow depression (thrombocytopenia,
bophlebitis. leukopenia, agranulocytosis).
EENT: epistaxis, photophobia, lacrimation,
lacrimal duct stenosis, nystagmus, visual NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
changes, eye irritation. Black Box Warning I.V. drug should be
GI: stomatitis, GI ulcer, nausea, vomiting, administered under the supervision
diarrhea, anorexia, GI bleeding. of a physician experienced in cancer
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope- chemotherapy.
nia, agranulocytosis, anemia. Black Box Warning Patient should be hos-
Skin: dermatitis, erythema, scaling, pruri- pitalized at least during the initial course of
tus, nail changes, pigmented palmar creases, I.V. drug therapy.
erythematous contact dermatitis, desqua- • Ingestion and systemic absorption of
mative rash of hands and feet, hand-foot topical form may cause leukopenia, throm-
syndrome with long-term use, photosensi- bocytopenia, stomatitis, diarrhea, or GI
tivity reactions, reversible alopecia, pain, ulceration, bleeding, and hemorrhage.
burning, soreness, suppuration, swelling, Application to large ulcerated areas may
dryness, erosion with topical use. cause systemic toxicity.
Other: anaphylaxis. • Watch for stomatitis or diarrhea (signs
of toxicity). Consider using topical oral
INTERACTIONS anesthetic to soothe lesions. Stop drug and
Drug-drug. Leucovorin calcium: May notify prescriber if diarrhea occurs.
increase cytotoxicity and toxicity of fluo- • Encourage diligent oral hygiene to
rouracil. Monitor patient closely. prevent superinfection of denuded mucosa.
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause • Monitor WBC and platelet counts. WBC
photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to counts with differential are recommended
avoid excessive sunlight exposure. before each dose. Watch for ecchymoses,
petechiae, easy bruising, and anemia.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Monitor fluid intake and output, CBC, and
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST, renal and hepatic function tests.
ALT, bilirubin, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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606 fluoxetine hydrochloride

• Long-term use may cause erythematous, Capsules (pulvules): 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg

desquamative rash of the hands and feet, Oral solution: 20 mg/5 ml
which may be treated with pyridoxine 50 to Tablets: 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg
150 mg P.O. daily for 5 to 7 days.
• Dermatologic adverse effects are rever- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
sible when drug is stopped. ➤ Depression, obsessive-compulsive
• To prevent bleeding, avoid I.M. injections disorder (OCD) (excluding Sarafem)
when platelet count is below 50,000/mm3 . Adults: Initially, 20 mg P.O. in the morning;
• Anticipate blood transfusions because of increase dosage based on patient response.
cumulative anemia. Maximum daily dose is 80 mg.
Alert: Toxicity may be delayed for 1 to Children ages 7 to 17 (OCD): 10 mg P.O.
3 weeks. daily. After 2 weeks, increase to 20 mg
• The WBC count nadir occurs 9 to 14 days daily. Dosage is 20 to 60 mg daily.
after first dose; the platelet count nadir Children ages 8 to 18 (depression): 10 mg
occurs in 7 to 14 days. P.O. once daily for 1 week; then increase to
Alert: Drug may be ordered as “5-fluoro- 20 mg daily.
uracil” or “5-FU.” The numeral “5” is part ➤ Maintenance therapy for depression
of the drug name and shouldn’t be confused (excluding Sarafem) in stabilized patients
with dosage units. (not for newly diagnosed depression)
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Adults: 90 mg Prozac Weekly P.O. once
fluorouracil with floxuridine, fludarabine, or weekly. Start once-weekly doses 7 days after
flucytosine. the last daily dose of Prozac 20 mg.
➤ Short-term and long-term treatment
PATIENT TEACHING of bulimia nervosa (excluding Sarafem)
• Warn patient that hair loss may occur but Adults: 60 mg P.O. daily in the morning.
is reversible. ➤ Short-term treatment of panic disor-
• Caution patient to avoid prolonged der with or without agoraphobia
exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light Adults: 10 mg P.O. once daily for 1 week;
when topical form is used. then increase dose as needed to 20 mg daily.
• Tell patient to use highly protective sun- Maximum daily dose is 60 mg.
block to avoid inflammatory skin irritation. ➤ Depressive episodes associated with
• Warn patient that topically treated area bipolar I disorder (with olanzapine)
may be unsightly during therapy and for Adults: 20 mg P.O. with 5 mg P.O. olan-
several weeks afterward. Complete healing zapine once daily in the evening. Dosage
may take 1 or 2 months. adjustments can be made based on efficacy
• Caution women of childbearing age to and tolerability within ranges of fluoxetine
consult prescriber before becoming pregnant. 20 to 50 mg and olanzapine 5 to 12.5 mg.
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding during ➤ Treatment-resistant depression
therapy because of risk of toxicity to infant. Adults: 20 mg P.O. with 5 mg P.O. olan-
zapine once daily in the evening. Dosage
adjustments can be made based on efficacy
fluoxetine hydrochloride and tolerability within ranges of fluoxetine
floo-OX-e-teen 20 to 50 mg and olanzapine 5 to 20 mg.
➤ Posttraumatic stress disorder
Prozaci, Prozac Weeklyi, (PTSD)
Sarafemi Adults, children, and adolescents: 10 to
20 mg P.O. daily. Evaluate response every
Therapeutic class: Antidepressant 1 to 2 weeks. Average target daily dose is
Pharmacologic class: SSRI 20 to 50 mg (20 mg in older adults). Max-
Pregnancy risk category C imum target dose is 80 mg/day. Recom-
mended therapy duration is 6 to 12 months
AVAIL ABLE FORMS for acute PTSD, 12 to 24 months for chronic
Capsules (delayed-release): 90 mg PTSD with excellent response, and at least

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluoxetine hydrochloride 607

24 months for chronic PTSD with residual Musculoskeletal: muscle pain.

symptoms. Tapering dosage over 2 weeks to Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
1 month is recommended. tion, cough, respiratory distress.
➤ Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Skin: rash, pruritus, diaphoresis.
Adults: 20 mg Sarafem P.O. daily continu- Other: flulike syndrome.
ously (every day of the menstrual cycle) or
intermittently (daily dose starting 14 days INTERACTIONS
before the anticipated onset of menstrua- Drug-drug. Amphetamines, buspirone,
tion through the first full day of menses and dextromethorphan, dihydroergotamine,
repeating with each new cycle). Maximum lithium salts, meperidine, other SSRIs or
daily dose is 80 mg P.O. SSNRIs (duloxetine, venlafaxine), tramadol, F
➤ Raynaud phenomenon  trazodone, tricyclic antidepressants, tryp-
Adults: 20 to 60 mg P.O. daily. tophan: May increase the risk of serotonin
➤ Borderline personality disorder  syndrome. Avoid combinations of drugs
Adults: 20 to 80 mg P.O. daily. A reason- that increase the availability of serotonin
able trial period for treatment is at least in the CNS; monitor patient closely if used
12 weeks. together.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with renal or Benzodiazepines, lithium, tricyclic an-
hepatic impairment and those taking several tidepressants: May increase CNS effects.
drugs at the same time, reduce dose or Monitor patient closely.
increase dosing interval. Beta blockers, carbamazepine, flecainide,
vinblastine: May increase levels of these
ADMINISTRATION drugs. Monitor drug levels and monitor
P.O. patient for adverse reactions.
• Give drug without regard for food. Cyproheptadine: May reverse or decrease
• Avoid giving drug in the afternoon, when- fluoxetine effect. Monitor patient closely.
ever possible, because doing so commonly Dextromethorphan: May cause unusual
causes nervousness and insomnia. side effects such as visual hallucinations.
• Delayed-release capsules must be swal- Advise use of cough suppressant that
lowed whole; don’t crush or open. doesn’t contain dextromethorphan while
taking fluoxetine.
AC TION Highly protein-bound drugs: May increase
Thought to be linked to drug’s inhibition of level of fluoxetine or other highly protein-
CNS neuronal uptake of serotonin. bound drugs. Monitor patient closely.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May alter
P.O. Unknown 6–8 hr Unknown
glucose level and antidiabetic requirements.
Adjust dosage.
Half-life: Fluoxetine, 2 to 3 days; norfluoxetine, 7 to MAO inhibitors (phenelzine, selegiline, tranyl-
9 days. cypromine): May cause serotonin syndrome
and signs and symptoms resembling neu-
ADVERSE REACTIONS roleptic malignant syndrome. Avoid using at
CNS: nervousness, somnolence, anxiety, the same time and for at least 5 weeks after
insomnia, headache, drowsiness, tremor, stopping.
dizziness, asthenia, suicidal behavior, Phenytoin: May increase phenytoin level
fatigue, fever. and risk of toxicity. Monitor phenytoin level
CV: palpitations, hot flashes. and adjust dosage.
EENT: nasal congestion, pharyngitis, Thioridazine: May increase thioridazine
sinusitis. level, increasing risk of serious ventricular
GI: nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, anorexia, arrhythmias and sudden death. Avoid using
dyspepsia, constipation, abdominal pain, at the same time and for at least 5 weeks
vomiting, flatulence, increased appetite. after stopping.
GU: sexual dysfunction. Triptans: May cause weakness, hyper-
Metabolic: weight loss. reflexia, incoordination, rapid changes

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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608 fluoxetine hydrochloride

in blood pressure, nausea, and diarrhea. with major depressive disorder or other
Monitor patient closely, especially at psychiatric disorder.
the start of treatment and when dosage • Drug has a long half-life; monitor patient
increases. for adverse effects for up to 2 weeks after
Warfarin: May increase risk for bleeding. drug is stopped.
Monitor PT and INR. Alert: Combining triptans with an SSRI or
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May increase an SSNRI may cause serotonin syndrome
sedative and hypnotic effects; may cause or neuroleptic malignant syndrome–like
serotonin syndrome. Discourage use to- reactions. Signs and symptoms of sero-
gether. tonin syndrome may include restlessness,
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase hallucinations, loss of coordination, fast
CNS depression. Discourage use together. heartbeat, rapid changes in blood pressure,
increased body temperature, overactive
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS reflexes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
None reported. Serotonin syndrome may be more likely to
occur when starting or increasing the dose
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- • When discontinuing drug, taper dosage
sitive to drug and in those taking MAO over 2 weeks to 1 month to avoid withdrawal
inhibitors within 14 days of starting therapy. syndrome.
MAO inhibitors shouldn’t be started within • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
5 weeks of stopping fluoxetine. Avoid using fluoxetine with fluvoxamine or fluvas-
thioridazine with fluoxetine or within tatin. Don’t confuse Prozac with Proscar,
5 weeks after stopping fluoxetine. Prilosec, or ProSom.
• Use cautiously in patients at high risk for
suicide and in those with history of diabetes PATIENT TEACHING
mellitus, seizures, mania, or hepatic, renal, • Tell patient to avoid taking drug in the
or CV disease. afternoon whenever possible because do-
• Use in third trimester of pregnancy may ing so commonly causes nervousness and
be associated with neonatal complications insomnia.
at birth. Consider the risk versus benefit of • Drug may cause dizziness or drowsiness.
treatment during this time. Warn patient to avoid driving and other
Black Box Warning Fluoxetine is approved hazardous activities that require alertness
for use in children with major depressive and good psychomotor coordination until
disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. effects of drug are known.
Sarafem isn’t approved for use in children. • Tell patient to consult prescriber before
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, seizures, som- taking other prescription or OTC drugs.
nolence, tachycardia, vomiting, coma, • Advise patient that full therapeutic effect
delirium, ECG abnormalities, hypotension, may not be seen for 4 weeks or longer.
mania, neuroleptic malignant syndrome– Black Box Warning Advise families and
like reactions, pyrexia, stupor, syncope. caregivers to carefully observe patient for
worsening suicidal thinking or behavior.
• Use antihistamines or topical corticos-
teroids to treat rashes or pruritus.
• Watch for weight change during therapy,
particularly in underweight or bulimic
• Record mood changes. Watch for suicidal
Black Box Warning Drug may increase
the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
in children, adolescents, and young adults

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluphenazine decanoate 609

fluphenazine decanoate • Parenteral forms can cause contact
floo-FEN-a-zeen dermatitis. Wear gloves when preparing
solutions, and avoid contact with skin and
Modecate†, Modecate Concentrate† clothing.
• Protect drug from light. Slight yellowing
fluphenazine hydrochloride of injection is common and doesn’t affect
potency. Discard markedly discolored
Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic solutions.
Pharmacologic class: Phenothiazine • For long-acting form (decanoate), which
Pregnancy risk category C is an oil preparation, use a dry needle of at F
least 21G.
fluphenazine decanoate • Long-acting form (decanoate) is indicated
Depot injection: 25 mg/ml∗ for subcutaneous administration.
fluphenazine hydrochloride • Use a dry needle of at least 21G.
Elixir: 2.5 mg/5 ml∗ , 5 mg/ml
I.M. injection: 2.5 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml AC TION
Oral concentrate: 5 mg/ml∗ A piperazine phenothiazine that probably
Tablets: 1 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg blocks postsynaptic dopamine receptors in
the brain.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ Psychotic disorders P.O. <1 hr 30 min 6–8 hr
Adults: Initially, 2.5 to 10 mg fluphenazine I.M. 24–72 hr Unknown 1–6 wk
hydrochloride P.O. daily in divided doses (decanoate)
every 6 to 8 hours; may increase cautiously I.M. <1 hr 90–120 min 6–8 hr
to 20 mg. Maximum daily dose is 40 mg. (hydrochloride)
Maintenance dose is 1 to 5 mg P.O. daily. Subcut. Unknown Unknown Unknown
I.M. doses are one-third to one-half of P.O. Half-life: Hydrochloride, 15 hours; decanoate, 7 to
doses. Usual I.M. dose is 1.25 mg. Give 10 days.
more than 10 mg daily with caution.
Or, 12.5 to 25 mg of fluphenazine de- ADVERSE REACTIONS
canoate I.M. or subcutaneously every 1 to CNS: extrapyramidal reactions, tardive
6 weeks; maintenance dose is 25 to 100 mg, dyskinesia, pseudoparkinsonism, seizures,
as needed. neuroleptic malignant syndrome, sedation,
Elderly patients: 1 to 2.5 mg fluphenazine EEG changes, drowsiness, dizziness.
hydrochloride P.O. daily. CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia,
ECG changes.
ADMINISTRATION EENT: blurred vision, ocular changes,
P.O. nasal congestion.
• Oral liquid forms can cause contact GI: dry mouth, constipation, increased
dermatitis. Wear gloves when preparing appetite.
solutions, and avoid contact with skin and GU: urine retention, dark urine, menstrual
clothing. irregularities, inhibited ejaculation.
• Protect drug from light. Slight yellowing Hematologic: leukopenia, agranulocyto-
of concentrate is common and doesn’t sis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia,
affect potency. Discard markedly discolored eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia.
solutions. Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice.
• Dilute liquid concentrate with water, fruit Metabolic: weight gain.
juice, milk, or semisolid food just before Skin: mild photosensitivity reactions,
administration. allergic reactions.
Other: gynecomastia, galactorrhea.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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610 fluphenazine decanoate

INTERACTIONS • Use cautiously in those exposed to

Drug-drug. Antacids: May inhibit absorp- extreme heat or cold (including antipyretic
tion of oral phenothiazines. Separate antacid therapy) or phosphorus insecticides.
and phenothiazine doses by at least 2 hours. • Use parenteral form cautiously in patients
Anticholinergics: May increase anticholin- who have asthma or are allergic to sulfites.
ergic effects. Use together cautiously. •H Overdose S&S: Stupor, coma, seizures in
Barbiturates, lithium: May decrease phe- children.
nothiazine effect and increase neurologic
adverse effects. Monitor patient. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Centrally acting antihypertensives: May • Monitor patient for tardive dyskinesia,
decrease antihypertensive effect. Monitor which may occur after prolonged use. It may
blood pressure. not appear until months or years later and
CNS depressants: May increase CNS de- may disappear spontaneously or persist for
pression. Use together cautiously. life, despite ending drug.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May increase Alert: Watch for signs and symptoms of
risk of photosensitivity reactions. Advise neuroleptic malignant syndrome (extrapyra-
patient to avoid excessive sunlight exposure. midal effects, hyperthermia, autonomic
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase disturbance), which is rare but often fatal.
CNS depression, especially that involving It may not be related to length of drug use
psychomotor skills. Strongly discourage or type of neuroleptic; more than 60% of
alcohol use. affected patients are men.
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo- • Withhold dose and notify prescriber
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid if patient, especially child or pregnant
excessive sunlight exposure. woman, develops signs or symptoms of
blood dyscrasia (fever, sore throat, infec-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS tion, cellulitis, weakness) or extrapyramidal
• May increase liver function test values. reactions persisting longer than a few hours.
May decrease hemoglobin level and hemat- Alert: Elderly patients with dementia-
ocrit. related psychosis treated with atypical or
• May increase eosinophil count. May conventional antipsychotics are at increased
decrease granulocyte, platelet, and WBC risk for death. Antipsychotics aren’t ap-
counts. proved for the treatment of dementia-related
• May cause false-positive results for psychosis.
amylase, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, • Don’t withdraw drug abruptly unless
urinary porphyrin, and urobilinogen tests serious adverse reactions occur.
and for urine pregnancy tests that use • Abrupt withdrawal of long-term therapy
human chorionic gonadotropin. may cause gastritis, nausea, vomiting,
dizziness, tremor, feeling of warmth or
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS cold, diaphoresis, tachycardia, headache, or
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- insomnia.
tive to drug and in those with coma, CNS
depression, bone marrow suppression or PATIENT TEACHING
other blood dyscrasia, subcortical damage, • Warn patient to avoid activities that
or liver damage. require alertness and good coordination
• Use cautiously in elderly or debilitated until effects of drug are known. Drowsiness
patients and in those with pheochromocy- and dizziness usually subside after first few
toma, severe CV disease (may cause sudden weeks.
drop in blood pressure), peptic ulcer, res- • Warn patient to avoid alcohol while taking
piratory disorder, hypocalcemia, seizure drug.
disorder (may lower seizure threshold), • Tell patient to relieve dry mouth with
severe reactions to insulin or electroconvul- sugarless gum or hard candy.
sive therapy, mitral insufficiency, glaucoma, • Have patient report signs of urine reten-
or prostatic hyperplasia. tion or constipation.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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flutamide 611

• Advise patient to use sunblock and wear CV: peripheral edema, hypertension, hot
protective clothing to avoid sensitivity to the flashes.
sun. GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
• Tell patient that drug may discolor urine. GU: impotence, urine discoloration.
Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia, throm-
SAFETY ALERT! bocytopenia, hemolytic anemia.
Hepatic: hepatic encephalopathy, liver
flutamide failure.
FLOO-ta-mide Skin: rash, photosensitivity reactions.
Other: loss of libido, gynecomastia.
Euflex† F
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic Drug-drug. Warfarin: May increase PT.
Pharmacologic class: Nonsteroidal Monitor PT and INR.
antiandrogen Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
Pregnancy risk category D photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
Capsules: 125 mg, 250 mg† EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase BUN, creatinine,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES hemoglobin, and liver enzyme levels.
➤ Metastatic locally confined prostate • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
cancer (stages B2 , C, D2 ), combined with • May alter pituitary-gonadal system tests
luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone during therapy and for 12 weeks after.
analogues such as leuprolide acetate or
Men: 250 mg P.O. every 8 hours. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
➤ Hirsutism in women with polycystic tive to drug and in those with severe liver
ovary syndrome dysfunction.
Women: 125 to 500 mg P.O. daily. •H Overdose S&S: Gynecomastia, breast
tenderness, increased AST level.
• Drug is a hormonal agent and considered Black Box Warning Drug may cause liver
a potential teratogen. Follow safe-handling failure. Obtain liver function test before
procedures. the start of therapy, monthly for the first
• Give drug with a full glass of water. 4 months of therapy, and at the first signs
• Give drug without regard for food. and symptoms suggesting liver dysfunc-
tion (nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue).
AC TION Immediately stop drug if jaundice occurs or
Inhibits androgen uptake or prevents bind- AST level rises above two times upper limit
ing of androgens in nucleus of cells in target of normal.
tissues. • Monitor CBC periodically.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Flutamide must be taken continuously
P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
with drug used for medical castration (such
as leuprolide) to allow full therapeutic
Half-life: For steady-state metabolite, about benefit. Leuprolide suppresses testos-
61⁄2 hours. terone production, whereas flutamide in-
hibits testosterone action at cellular level;
ADVERSE REACTIONS together, they can impair growth of
CNS: drowsiness, confusion, depression, androgen-responsive tumors.
anxiety, nervousness, paresthesia.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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612 fluticasone furoate

PATIENT TEACHING Children ages 4 to 11: For patients pre-

• Advise patient not to stop drug without viously on bronchodilators alone or on
consulting prescriber. inhaled corticosteroids, initially, inhaled
• Tell patient to take drug with a full glass dose of 50 mcg b.i.d. to maximum of
of water. 100 mcg b.i.d.
• Tell patient drug may be taken without Flovent HFA
food, but if stomach irritation occurs, to take Adults and children age 12 and older: In
with food. those previously taking bronchodilators
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions alone, initially, inhaled dose of 88 mcg b.i.d.
promptly, especially dark yellow or brown to maximum of 440 mcg b.i.d.
urine, vomiting, or yellowing of the eyes or Adults and children age 12 and older pre-
skin. viously taking inhaled corticosteroids:
Initially, inhaled dose of 88 to 220 mcg b.i.d.
to maximum of 440 mcg b.i.d.
fluticasone furoate Adults and children age 12 and older previ-
FLOO-tih-ka-sone ously taking oral corticosteroids: Initially,
inhaled dose of 440 mcg b.i.d. to maximum
Veramyst of 880 mcg b.i.d.
Children ages 4 to 11 years: 88 mcg inhaled
fluticasone propionate b.i.d. regardless of prior therapy.
Flonase, Flovent Diskus, Flovent ➤ Nasal symptoms of seasonal and
HFA perennial allergic and nonallergic rhinitis
Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid Adults: Initially, 2 sprays (100 mcg) in
Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid each nostril daily or 1 spray b.i.d. Once
Pregnancy risk category C symptoms are controlled, decrease to
1 spray in each nostril daily. Or, for seasonal
AVAIL ABLE FORMS allergic rhinitis, 2 sprays in each nostril
Nasal spray (furoate): 27.5 mcg/spray once daily, as needed, for symptom control.
Nasal spray (propionate): 50 mcg/metered Adolescents and children age 4 and older:
spray Initially, 1 spray (50 mcg) in each nostril
Oral inhalation aerosol: 44 mcg, 110 mcg, daily. If not responding, increase to 2 sprays
220 mcg in each nostril daily. Once symptoms are
Oral inhalation powder: 50 mcg, 100 mcg, controlled, decrease to 1 spray in each
250 mcg nostril daily. Maximum dose is 2 sprays
in each nostril daily.
➤ As preventative in maintenance of Adults and children age 12 and older:
chronic asthma in patients requiring oral 110 mcg once daily administered as 2 sprays
corticosteroid (27.5 mcg/spray) in each nostril.
Flovent Diskus Children ages 2 to 11 years: 55 mcg
Adults and children ages 12 and older: In once daily administered as 1 spray
patients previously taking bronchodilators (27.5 mcg/spray) in each nostril.
alone, initially, inhaled dose of 100 mcg
b.i.d. to maximum of 500 mcg b.i.d. ADMINISTRATION
Adults and children age 12 and older pre- Inhalational
viously taking inhaled corticosteroids: • Prime and shake well before each use.
Initially, inhaled dose of 100 to 250 mcg Intranasal
b.i.d. to maximum of 500 mcg b.i.d. • Prime and shake well before use.
Adults and children ages 12 and older
previously taking oral corticosteroids: AC TION
Inhaled dose of 500 to 1,000 mcg b.i.d. Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor that
Maximum dose, 1,000 mcg b.i.d. may decrease inflammation by inhibiting

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluticasone furoate 613

mast cells, macrophages, and mediators • Contraindicated as primary treatment of

such as leukotrienes. patients with status asthmaticus or other
Route Onset Peak Duration acute, intense episodes of asthma.
Inhalation 12 hr Several days 1–2 wk • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
(nasal) •H Overdose S&S: Hypercorticism.
Inhalation 24 hr Several days 1–2 wk
Half-life: 3 hours. • Because of risk of systemic absorption
of inhaled corticosteroids, observe patient
ADVERSE REACTIONS carefully for evidence of systemic cortico-
CNS: headache, dizziness, fever, migraine, steroid effects. F
nervousness. Alert: Monitor patient, especially postop-
EENT: pharyngitis, blood in nasal mucus, eratively, during periods of stress or severe
cataracts, conjunctivitis, dry eye, dysphonia, asthma attack for evidence of inadequate
epistaxis, eye irritation, hoarseness, laryn- adrenal response.
gitis, nasal burning or irritation, nasal Alert: During withdrawal from oral cor-
discharge, rhinitis, sinusitis. ticosteroids, some patients may experience
GI: oral candidiasis, abdominal discom- signs and symptoms of systemically active
fort, abdominal pain, diarrhea, mouth irrita- corticosteroid withdrawal, such as joint or
tion, nausea, viral gastroenteritis, vomiting. muscle pain, lassitude, and depression, de-
GU: UTI. spite maintenance or even improvement of
Hematologic: eosinophilia. respiratory function. Deaths due to adrenal
Metabolic: cushingoid features, growth insufficiency have occurred with transfer
retardation in children, hyperglycemia, from active corticosteroids to fluticasone
weight gain. propionate inhaler.
Musculoskeletal: aches and pains, disorder • For patients starting therapy who are
or symptoms of neck sprain or strain, joint currently receiving oral corticosteroid
pain, muscular soreness, osteoporosis. therapy, reduce dose of prednisone to no
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- more than 2.5 mg/day on a weekly basis,
tion, bronchospasm, asthma symptoms, beginning after at least 1 week of therapy
bronchitis, chest congestion, cough, dyspnea. with fluticasone.
Skin: dermatitis, urticaria. Alert: As with other inhaled asthma drugs,
Other: angioedema, influenza, viral bronchospasm may occur with an imme-
infections. diate increase in wheezing after a dose. If
bronchospasm occurs after a dose of in-
INTERACTIONS halation aerosol, treat immediately with a
Drug-drug. Ketoconazole and other cy- fast-acting inhaled bronchodilator.
tochrome P-450 3A4 inhibitors: May in-
crease mean fluticasone level. Use together PATIENT TEACHING
cautiously. • Tell patient that drug isn’t indicated for
Ritonavir: May cause systemic cortico- the relief of acute bronchospasm.
steroid effects, such as Cushing syndrome • For proper use of drug and to attain max-
and adrenal suppression. Avoid using imal improvement, tell patient to carefully
together. follow the accompanying patient instruc-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to use drug at regular
• May cause an abnormal response to the intervals, as directed.
6-hour cosyntropin stimulation test in pa- • Instruct patient to contact prescriber if
tients taking high doses of fluticasone. nasal spray doesn’t improve condition after
4 days of treatment.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct patient to immediately contact
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive prescriber if asthma episodes unresponsive
to ingredients in these preparations. to bronchodilators occur during treatment

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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614 fluticasone propionate

with fluticasone. During such episodes,

patient may need therapy with oral cortico- fluticasone propionate
steroids. FLOO-ti-ka-sone
• Warn patient to avoid exposure to chick-
enpox or measles and, if exposed, to consult Cutivate
prescriber immediately.
• Tell patient to carry or wear medical Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
identification indicating that he may need Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
supplementary corticosteroids during stress Pregnancy risk category C
or a severe asthma attack.
Alert: During periods of stress or a severe AVAIL ABLE FORMS
asthma attack, instruct patient who has been Cream: 0.05%
withdrawn from systemic corticosteroids Lotion: 0.05%
to resume prescribed oral corticosteroids Ointment: 0.005%
immediately and to contact prescriber for
further instruction. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Tell patient to prime inhaler with 4 test ➤ Inflammation and pruritus from
sprays (away from his face) before first use, dermatoses responsive to corticosteroids
shaking well before each spray. Also, prime Adults: Apply sparingly to affected area
with 1 spray if inhaler has been dropped or b.i.d.; rub in gently and completely.
not used for 1 week or longer. Children age 3 months and older: Apply a
• Advise patient to avoid spraying inhala- thin film of cream (0.05%) to affected areas
tion aerosol into eyes. b.i.d. Rub in gently. Don’t use for longer
• Instruct patient to shake canister well than 4 weeks. If using lotion (0.05%) in
before using inhalation aerosol. adults and children 1 year and older, apply
• Instruct patient to rinse his mouth and spit once daily.
water out after inhalation. ➤ Inflammation and pruritus from
• Advise patient to store fluticasone powder atopic dermatitis
in a dry place. Children age 3 months and older: Apply
Flonase nasal spray thin film (0.05%) to affected areas once
• Tell patient to prime the nasal inhaler daily or b.i.d. Rub in gently. Don’t use for
before first use or after 1 week or longer of longer than 4 weeks.
• Have patient clear nasal passages before ADMINISTRATION
use. Topical
• Advise patient to follow manufacturer’s • Don’t use drug with an occlusive dressing
recommendations for use and cleaning. or in diaper area.
• Advise patient to use at regular intervals
for full benefit. AC TION
• Tell patient to contact provider if signs or Unclear. Is diffused across cell membranes
symptoms don’t improve within 4 days or if to form complexes with cytoplasmic recep-
signs or symptoms worsen. tors. Shows anti-inflammatory, antipruritic,
• Tell patient that the correct amount of vasoconstrictive, and antiproliferative ac-
spray can’t be guaranteed after 120 sprays, tivity. Considered a medium-potency drug,
even though the bottle may not be com- according to vasoconstrictive properties.
pletely empty. Route Onset Peak Duration
Topical Rapid Unknown 10 hr

Half-life: About 71⁄

2 hours.

CNS: light-headedness.
GU: glycosuria.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder 615

Metabolic: hyperglycemia. • Tell patient to avoid prolonged use and

Skin: urticaria, burning, hypertrichosis, contact with eyes. Warn him not to apply
pruritus, irritation, erythema, hives, to face, in skin creases, or around eyes,
dryness. genitals, underarms, or rectum.
Other: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal • Instruct patient to notify prescriber if
axis suppression, Cushing syndrome. condition persists or worsens or if burning
or irritation develops.
None significant.
fluticasone propionate and
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS salmeterol inhalation F
• May increase glucose level. powder
FLOO-tih-ka-sone and sal-MEE-ter-ol
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Advair Diskus 100/50, Advair Diskus
to drug or its components. 250/50, Advair Diskus 500/50, Advair
• Don’t use as monotherapy in primary HFA 45/21, Advair HFA 115/21, Advair
bacterial, viral, fungal, herpetic, or tubercu- HFA 230/21
lar skin infections; for treatment of rosacea,
perioral dermatitis, or acne. Therapeutic class: Antiasthmatic
• Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use. Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid,
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast- long-acting beta2 -adrenergic agonist
feeding women. Pregnancy risk category C
•H Overdose S&S: Systemic effects (in-
cluding reversible hypothalamic-pituitary- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
adrenal [HPA] axis suppression, Cushing Inhalation powder: 100 mcg fluticasone and
syndrome, hyperglycemia, glycosuria.) 50 mcg salmeterol, 250 mcg fluticasone and
50 mcg salmeterol, 500 mcg fluticasone and
• Don’t mix drug with other bases or Aerosol spray: 45 mcg fluticasone pro-
vehicles because doing so may affect pionate and 21 mcg salmeterol, 115 mcg
potency. fluticasone propionate and 21 mcg salme-
• If adverse reactions occur, prescriber may terol, 230 mcg fluticasone propionate and
order less potent drug. 21 mcg salmeterol
• Stop drug if local irritation or systemic
infection, absorption, or hypersensitivity INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
occurs. ➤ Long-term maintenance of asthma
• Absorption of corticosteroid is increased Adults and children age 12 and older:
when drug is applied to inflamed or dam- 1 inhalation b.i.d., at least 12 hours apart of
aged skin, eyelids, or scrotal area; it’s lowest Advair Diskus; or 2 inhalations twice daily
when applied to intact normal skin, palms of of Advair HFA. Starting doses are depen-
hands, or soles of feet. dent on the patient’s current asthma therapy.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Maximum dose of Advair Diskus is 1 in-
fluticasone with fluconazole, fluocinolone, halation of fluticasone 500 mcg/salmeterol
or fluocinonide. 50 mcg b.i.d. Maximum dose of Advair
HFA is 2 inhalations of fluticasone
PATIENT TEACHING 230 mcg/salmeterol 21 mcg b.i.d.
• Teach patient or family member how to Children age 12 and older: 1 inhalation
apply drug using gloves, sterile applicator, of Advair Diskus b.i.d. about 12 hours
or after careful hand washing. apart. Starting doses are based on patient’s
• Tell patient to wash hands after applica- asthma severity. Or, 2 inhalations of Advair
tion. HFA b.i.d. about 12 hours apart. Starting
dose is based on patient’s current asthma

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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616 fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder

therapy. Maximum dose for Advair HFA is GI: abdominal pain and discomfort,
2 inhalations of fluticasone 230 mcg/21 mcg appendicitis, constipation, diarrhea, gas-
salmeterol. troenteritis, nausea, oral candidiasis, oral
Children ages 4 to 11 (Advair Diskus): 1 in- discomfort and pain, oral erythema and
halation of fluticasone 100 mcg/salmeterol rashes, oral ulcerations, unusual taste,
50 mcg b.i.d. about 12 hours apart. vomiting.
➤ Maintenance therapy for airflow Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, articular
obstruction in patients with COPD from rheumatism, bone and cartilage disorders,
chronic bronchitis; to reduce exacerba- muscle pain, muscle stiffness, rigidity,
tions of COPD in patients with a history tightness.
of exacerbations Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
Adults: 1 inhalation of Advair Diskus tion, bronchitis, cough, lower respiratory
250/50 only, b.i.d., about 12 hours apart. tract infections, pneumonia.
Skin: disorders of sweat and sebum, infec-
ADMINISTRATION tion, skin flakiness, sweating, urticaria.
Inhalational Other: allergic reactions, chest symptoms,
• Prime Advair HFA before first use by fluid retention, viral or bacterial infections.
releasing 4 test sprays into the air, away
from the face, shaking well for 5 seconds INTERACTIONS
before each spray. If inhaler hasn’t been Drug-drug. Beta blockers: Blocked pul-
used for 4 weeks or has been dropped, prime monary effect of salmeterol may produce
inhaler again by shaking well before each severe bronchospasm in patients with
spray and releasing 2 test sprays into the air. asthma. Avoid using together. If neces-
• Discard Advair HFA canister when sary, use a cardioselective beta blocker
counter reads “000.” cautiously.
• After administration, have the patient Ketoconazole, other inhibitors of cy-
rinse his mouth without swallowing. tochrome P-450: May increase flutica-
sone level and adverse effects. Use together
AC TION cautiously.
Fluticasone is a synthetic corticosteroid Loop diuretics, thiazide diuretics:
with potent anti-inflammatory activity. Potassium-wasting diuretics may cause
Salmeterol xinafoate, a long-acting beta or worsen ECG changes or hypokalemia.
agonist, relaxes bronchial smooth muscle Use together cautiously.
and inhibits release of mediators. MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants:
Route Onset Peak Duration
May potentiate the action of salmeterol
Inhalation Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
on the vascular system. Separate doses by
(fluticasone) 2 weeks.
Inhalation Unknown 5 min Unknown
Half-life: Fluticasone: 8 hours; salmeterol: • May increase liver enzyme levels.
51⁄2 hours.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
CNS: headache, compressed nerve syn- to drug or its components.
dromes, hypnagogic effects, sleep disorders, Alert: When treating asthma use only for
tremors, pain. patients not adequately controlled on other
CV: palpitations. asthma-controller medications.
EENT: pharyngitis, blood in nasal mucosa, • Contraindicated as primary treatment of
congestion, conjunctivitis, dental discom- status asthmaticus or other acute asthmatic
fort and pain, eye redness, hoarseness or episodes.
dysphonia, keratitis, nasal irritation, rhinor- • Use cautiously, if at all, in patients with
rhea, rhinitis, sinusitis, sneezing, viral eye active or quiescent respiratory tuberculosis
infections. infection; untreated systemic fungal,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder 617

bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection; or • Monitor patient for increased use of

ocular herpes simplex. inhaled short-acting beta2 agonist. The
• Use cautiously in patients with CV dis- dose of Advair may need to be increased.
orders, seizure disorders or thyrotoxicosis; • Closely monitor children for growth
in patients unusually responsive to sympa- suppression.
thomimetic amines; and in patients with
hepatic impairment. PATIENT TEACHING
•H Overdose S&S: Hypercorticism, angina, • Instruct patient on proper use of the
arrhythmias, dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, prescribed inhaler to provide effective
headache, hypertension, hypotension, treatment.
insomnia, malaise, muscle cramps, nausea, • Tell patient to avoid exhaling into the F
nervousness, palpitations, seizures, dry-powder multidose inhaler, to activate
tachycardia, prolonged QTc interval, and use the dry-powder multidose inhaler
hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, cardiac in a level, horizontal position and not to use
arrest, death. Advair Diskus with a spacer device.
• Instruct patient to keep the dry-powder
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS multidose inhaler in a dry place, away from
Alert: Patient shouldn’t be switched from direct heat or sunlight, and to avoid washing
systemic corticosteroids to Advair Diskus the mouthpiece or other parts of the device.
or Advair HFA because of hypothalamic- Patient should discard device 1 month after
pituitary-adrenal axis suppression. Death removal from the moisture-protective over-
from adrenal insufficiency can occur. wrap pouch or after every blister has been
Several months are required for recovery used, whichever comes first. He shouldn’t
of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function attempt to take device apart.
after withdrawal of systemic cortico- • Instruct patient to rinse mouth after in-
steroids. halation to prevent oral candidiasis.
• Don’t start therapy during rapidly de- • Inform patient that improvement may
teriorating or potentially life-threatening occur within 30 minutes after dose, but the
episodes of asthma. Serious acute respira- full benefit may not occur for 1 week or
tory events, including fatality, can occur. more.
• The benefit of Advair 250/50 in treating • Advise patient not to exceed recom-
patients with COPD for more than 6 months mended prescribing dose.
is unknown. If drug is used for longer than • Instruct patient not to relieve acute symp-
6 months, periodically reevaluate patient to toms with Advair. Treat acute symptoms
assess for benefits or risks of therapy. with an inhaled short-acting beta2 agonist.
• Monitor patient for urticaria, angioedema, • Instruct patient to report decreasing
rash, bronchospasm, or other signs of hyper- effects or use of increasing doses of their
sensitivity. short-acting inhaled beta2 agonist.
• Don’t use this drug to stop an asthma • Tell patient to report palpitations, chest
attack. Patients should carry an inhaled, pain, rapid heart rate, tremor, or nervous-
short-acting beta2 agonist (such as ness.
albuterol) for acute symptoms. • Instruct patient to call immediately if
• If drug causes paradoxical bronchospasm, exposed to chickenpox or measles.
treat immediately with a short-acting in-
haled bronchodilator (such as albuterol),
and notify prescriber.
Black Box Warning Rare, serious asthma
episodes or asthma-related deaths have
occurred in patients taking salmeterol.
Don’t use for patients whose asthma is
adequately controlled on low or medium-
dose inhaled corticosteroids.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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618 fluvastatin sodium

Adults: In patients who must reduce LDL

fluvastatin sodium cholesterol level by at least 25%, initially,
flue-va-STA-tin 40 mg P.O. once daily or b.i.d.; or one 80-mg
extended-release tablet as a single dose in
Lescoli, Lescol XL the evening. In patients who must reduce
LDL cholesterol level by less than 25%,
Therapeutic class: Antilipemic initially, 20 mg P.O. daily. Dosages range
Pharmacologic class: HMG-CoA from 20 to 80 mg daily.
reductase inhibitor
Pregnancy risk category X ADMINISTRATION
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Give drug without regard for meals.
Capsules: 20 mg, 40 mg • For once-daily dosage, give immediate-
Tablets (extended-release): 80 mg release capsules in the evening.
• Don’t crush or break tablets; don’t open
➤ To reduce LDL and total cholesterol
levels in patients with primary hyper- AC TION
cholesterolemia (types IIa and IIb); to Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, an early (and
slow progression of coronary atheroscle- rate-limiting) step in the synthetic pathway
rosis in patients with coronary artery of cholesterol.
disease; to reduce elevated triglyceride Route Onset Peak Duration
and apolipoprotein B (apoB) levels in pa- P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
tients with primary hypercholesterolemia
and mixed dyslipidemia whose response Half-life: Less than 1 hour.
to dietary restriction and other nonphar-
macologic measures has been inadequate ADVERSE REACTIONS
Adults: Initially, 20 to 40 mg P.O. at bed- CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, insom-
time, increasing if needed to maximum nia.
of 80 mg daily in divided doses or 80 mg EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
Lescol XL P.O. at bedtime. GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea,
➤ Adjunct to diet to reduce LDL, total dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, vomiting.
cholesterol, and apoB levels in pediatric Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope-
patients with heterozygous familial nia, hemolytic anemia.
hypercholesterolemia whose response to Musculoskeletal: rhabdomyolysis, arthral-
dietary restriction hasn’t been adequate gia, back pain, myalgia.
and for whom the following findings are Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
present: LDL-C remains at 190 mg/dl or tion, bronchitis, cough.
more; or LDL-C remains at 160 mg/dl or Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
more and there’s a positive family history
of premature cardiovascular disease or INTERACTIONS
two or more other cardiovascular disease Drug-drug. Cholestyramine, colestipol:
risk factors are present May bind with fluvastatin in the GI tract and
Adolescent boys and girls (who are at least decrease absorption. Separate doses by at
1 year postmenarche) ages 9 to 16: 20 mg least 4 hours.
P.O. once daily at bedtime. Dosage adjust- Cimetidine, omeprazole, ranitidine: May
ments may be made at 6-week intervals up decrease fluvastatin metabolism. Monitor
to maximum of 40 mg (capsule) P.O. b.i.d. patient for enhanced effects.
or 80 mg extended-release tablet P.O. once Cyclosporine and other immunosuppres-
daily. sants, erythromycin, gemfibrozil, niacin:
➤ To reduce the risk of undergoing May increase risk of polymyositis and
coronary revascularization procedures rhabdomyolysis. Avoid using together.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluvoxamine maleate 619

Digoxin: May alter digoxin pharmacokinet- increase in ALT or AST levels of at least
ics. Monitor digoxin level carefully. three times the upper limit of normal.
Fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole: • Watch for signs of myositis.
May increase fluvastatin level and adverse • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
effects. Use cautiously together, or, if given fluvastatin with fluoxetine.
together, reduce dose of fluvastatin.
Glyburide: May increase levels of both PATIENT TEACHING
drugs. Monitor serum glucose and signs and • Tell patient that drug may be taken with-
symptoms of toxicity. out regard for meals; if taken once daily,
Phenytoin: May increase phenytoin levels. immediate-release capsules are taken in the
Monitor phenytoin levels. evening. F
Rifampin: May enhance fluvastatin • Advise the patient who is also taking a
metabolism and decrease levels. Monitor bile-acid resin such as cholestyramine to
patient for lack of effect. take fluvastatin at bedtime, at least 4 hours
Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant effect after taking the resin.
with bleeding. Monitor PT and INR. • Teach patient about proper dietary man-
Drug-herb. Eucalyptus, jin bu huan, kava: agement, weight control, and exercise.
May increase risk of hepatotoxicity. Dis- Explain their importance in controlling
courage use together. elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Red yeast rice: May increase risk of adverse • Warn patient to avoid alcohol.
reactions because herb contains compounds • Tell patient to notify prescriber of adverse
similar to those in drug. Discourage use reactions, especially muscle aches and
together. pains.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase • Advise patient that it may take up to
risk of hepatotoxicity. Discourage use to- 4 weeks for the drug to be completely
gether. effective.
Alert: Tell woman of childbearing age to
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS stop drug and notify prescriber immedi-
• May increase ALT, AST, and CK levels. ately if she is or may be pregnant or if she’s
May decrease hemoglobin level and hemat- breast-feeding.
• May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
fluvoxamine maleate
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in those with active liver disease Luvox, Luvox CR
or unexplained persistent elevations of
transaminase levels; also contraindicated in Therapeutic class: Antidepressant
pregnant and breast-feeding women and in Pharmacologic class: SSRI
women of childbearing age. Pregnancy risk category C
• Use cautiously in patients with severe re-
nal impairment and history of liver disease AVAIL ABLE FORMS
or heavy alcohol use. Capsules (extended-release): 100 mg,
•H Overdose S&S: GI complaints, elevated 150 mg
AST and ALT levels. Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg


• Patient should follow a diet restricted in ➤ Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
saturated fat and cholesterol during therapy. Adults: Initially, 50 mg (tablet) P.O. daily
• Test liver function at start of therapy, at at bedtime; increase by 50 mg every 4 to
12 weeks after start of therapy, 12 weeks 7 days. Maximum, 300 mg daily. Give total
after an increase in dose, and then peri- daily amounts above 100 mg in two divided
odically. Stop drug if there is a persistent doses. Or, 100-mg extended-release capsule

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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620 fluvoxamine maleate

P.O. once per day as a single daily dose at Adjust-a-dose: In elderly patients and those
bedtime. Increase in 50-mg increments with hepatic impairment, give lower first
every week, as tolerated, until maximum dose and adjust dose more slowly. When
therapeutic benefit is achieved. Maximum using Luvox CR capsules, titrate dosage
dose is 300 mg/day. more slowly after initial 100-mg dose.
Children ages 8 to 17: Initially, 25 mg P.O.
daily at bedtime; increase by 25 mg every ADMINISTRATION
4 to 7 days. Maximum, 200 mg daily for P.O.
children ages 8 to less than 11 and 300 mg • Give drug without regard for food.
daily for children ages 11 to 17. Give total • Capsules shouldn’t be crushed or chewed.
daily amounts over 50 mg in two divided • Give extended-release capsules at bedtime.
➤ Social anxiety disorder (capsules only) AC TION
Adults: Initially, 100-mg extended-release Unknown. Selectively inhibits the presynap-
capsule P.O. once per day as a single daily tic neuronal uptake of serotonin, which may
dose at bedtime. Increase in 50 mg in- improve OCD.
crements every week, as tolerated, until Route Onset Peak Duration
maximum therapeutic benefit is achieved. P.O. (capsules) Unknown Unknown Unknown
Maximum dose is 300 mg/day. P.O. (tablets) Unknown 3–8 hr Unknown
➤ Bulimia nervosa 
Adults: 50 mg P.O. daily. May titrate dosage Half-life: 15 to 17 hours.
based on therapeutic response to 200 mg/day
for up to 12 weeks. ADVERSE REACTIONS
➤ Panic disorder  CNS: agitation, headache, asthenia, som-
Adults: Initially, 50 mg P.O. daily. Main- nolence, insomnia, nervousness, dizziness,
tain dosage for several days; then gradually tremor, anxiety, hypertonia, depression,
increase to 150 mg daily. Further dosage CNS stimulation.
increases up to 300 mg daily may be con- CV: palpitations, vasodilation.
sidered for patients without response after EENT: amblyopia.
several weeks. Continue treatment for 1 to GI: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, dys-
2 years after response. When discontin- pepsia, vomiting, dry mouth, anorexia,
uing drug, slowly taper dosage over 2 to flatulence, dysphagia, taste perversion.
6 months with close supervision. GU: abnormal ejaculation, urinary fre-
➤ Posttraumatic stress disorder quency, impotence, anorgasmia, urine
(PTSD) retention.
Adults, children, and adolescents: Initially, Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
50 mg P.O. daily. Average daily target doses tion, dyspnea.
are 50 mg P.O. daily in children and younger Skin: sweating.
adolescents, 100 to 250 mg P.O. daily Other: tooth disorder, flulike syndrome,
for adults, and 100 mg P.O. daily for older chills, decreased libido, yawning.
adults. Maximum dosage is 300 mg/day for
adults. Consider tapering dosage after 6 to INTERACTIONS
12 months in patients with acute PTSD, af- Drug-drug. Benzodiazepines, theophylline,
ter 12 to 24 months in patients with chronic warfarin: May reduce clearance of these
PTSD who have had an excellent response drugs. Use together cautiously (except for
to treatment and after at least 24 months in diazepam, which shouldn’t be used with
patients with chronic PTSD and residual fluvoxamine). Adjust dosage as needed.
symptoms. Tapering should take place over Carbamazepine, clozapine, methadone,
2 weeks to 1 month and over 4 to 12 weeks metoprolol, propranolol, theophylline, tri-
in patients at risk for relapse. cyclic antidepressants: May increase levels
➤ Migraine prevention  of these drugs. Use together cautiously, and
Adults: 50 mg P.O. at bedtime for 12 weeks. monitor patient closely for adverse reactions.
Dosage adjustments may be needed.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fluvoxamine maleate 621

Diltiazem: May cause bradycardia. Monitor NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

heart rate. • Record mood changes. Monitor patient
Lithium, tryptophan: May enhance effects for suicidal tendencies.
of fluvoxamine. Use together cautiously. Black Box Warning Don’t use for the
MAO inhibitors (phenelzine, selegiline, tranyl- treatment of major depressive disorders
cypromine): May cause serotonin syndrome in children younger than age 18 because of
(CNS irritability, shivering, and altered an increased risk of suicidal behavior.
consciousness) or neuroleptic malignant Black Box Warning Drug may increase
syndrome. Avoid using within 2 weeks of the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
MAO inhibitor. in young adults ages 18 to 24, especially
Pimozide, thioridazine: May prolong QTc during the first few months of treatment. F
interval. Avoid using together. Alert: Combining an SSRI with a triptan
Sumatriptan: May cause weakness, hy- may cause serotonin syndrome or neurolep-
perreflexia, and incoordination. Monitor tic malignant syndrome–like reactions.
patient closely. May cause serotonin syn- Signs and symptoms of serotonin syndrome
drome. Avoid using within 2 weeks of MAO may include restlessness, hallucinations,
inhibitor. loss of coordination, fast heartbeat, rapid
Tramadol: May cause serotonin syndrome. changes in blood pressure, increased body
Monitor patient closely. temperature, hyperreflexia, nausea, vom-
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May increase iting, and diarrhea. Serotonin syndrome
sedative-hypnotic effects. Avoid use to- is more likely to occur when starting or
gether. increasing the dose of a triptan.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase • Patients shouldn’t stop drug without first
CNS effects. Discourage use together. consulting prescriber; abruptly stopping
Smoking: May decrease drug’s effective- drug may cause withdrawal syndrome, in-
ness. Urge patient to stop smoking. cluding headache, muscle ache, and flulike
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
None reported. fluvoxamine with fluoxetine.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Black Box Warning Advise families and
to drug or to other phenyl piperazine an- caregivers to closely observe patient for
tidepressants, in those receiving pimozide, increased suicidal thinking or behavior.
alosetron, tizanidine, or thioridazine ther- • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
apy, and within 2 weeks of MAO inhibitor. until CNS effects of drug are known.
• Use cautiously in patients with he- • Tell women to notify prescriber about
patic dysfunction, other conditions that planned, suspected, or known pregnancy.
may affect hemodynamic responses or • Tell patient who develops a rash, hives, or
metabolism, or history of mania or seizures. a related allergic reaction to notify prescriber.
Black Box Warning Fluvoxamine tablets • Inform patient that several weeks of
aren’t approved for use in children, except therapy may be needed to obtain full ther-
for those with obsessive-compulsive disor- apeutic effect. Once improvement occurs,
der. Fluvoxamine extended-release capsules advise patient not to stop drug until directed
shouldn’t be used in children. by prescriber.
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, di- • Suggest that patient keep a diary of
arrhea, coma, hypokalemia, hypotension, changes in mood or behavior. Tell patient
respiratory difficulties, somnolence, tachy- to report suicidal thoughts immediately.
cardia, ECG abnormalities, seizures, dizzi- • Advise patient to check with prescriber
ness, liver function disturbances, tremor, before taking OTC drugs; drug interactions
increased reflexes. can occur.
• Tell patient drug can be taken with or
without food.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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622 folic acid

folic acid (vitamin B9 )  Protect from light and heat; store at

FOE-lik room temperature.

Novo-Folacid† • Don’t mix with other drugs in same
syringe for I.M. injections.
Therapeutic class: Vitamin • Protect drug from light and heat; store at
Pharmacologic class: Folic acid room temperature.
derivative Subcutaneous
Pregnancy risk category A • Protect drug from light and heat; store at
room temperature.
Injection: 10-ml vials (5 mg/ml with 1.5% AC TION
benzyl alcohol, 5 mg/ml with 1.5% benzyl Stimulates normal erythropoiesis and nucle-
alcohol and 0.2% ethylenediamine- oprotein synthesis.
tetraacetic acid) Route Onset Peak Duration
Tablets: 0.4 mg, 0.8 mg, 1 mg, 5 mg† P.O., I.M., Unknown 30–60 min Unknown
Half-life: Unknown.
Adults and children age 14 and older:
Children ages 9 to 13: 300 mcg. CNS: altered sleep pattern, general malaise,
Children ages 4 to 8: 200 mcg. difficulty concentrating, confusion, im-
Children ages 1 to 3: 150 mcg. paired judgment, irritability, hyperactivity.
Infants ages 7 months to 1 year: 80 mcg. GI: anorexia, nausea, flatulence, bitter taste.
Neonates and infants age 6 months and Respiratory: bronchospasm.
younger: 65 mcg. Skin: allergic reactions including rash,
Pregnant women: 600 mcg. pruritus, and erythema.
Breast-feeding women: 500 mcg.
➤ Megaloblastic or macrocytic anemia INTERACTIONS
from folic acid or other nutritional Drug-drug. Aminosalicylic acid, chlor-
deficiency, hepatic disease, alcoholism, amphenicol, hormonal contraceptives,
intestinal obstruction, or excessive methotrexate, sulfasalazine, trimetho-
hemolysis prim: May antagonize folic acid. Watch for
Adults and children age 4 and older: decreased folic acid effect. Use together
0.4 to 1 mg P.O., I.V., I.M., or subcuta- cautiously.
neously daily. After anemia caused by folic Phenytoin: May increase anticonvulsant
acid deficiency is corrected, proper diet and metabolism, which decreases anticonvul-
RDA supplements are needed to prevent sant level. Monitor phenytoin level closely.
Children younger than age 4: Up to 0.3 mg EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
P.O., I.V., I.M., or subcutaneously daily. • May decrease serum and RBC folate
Pregnant and breast-feeding women: levels.
0.8 mg P.O., I.V., I.M., or subcutaneously
Infants: 0.1 mg P.O., I.M., I.V., or subcuta- • Contraindicated in patients with undi-
neously daily. agnosed anemia (it may mask pernicious
anemia) and in those with vitamin B12
• Give drug without regard for food.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fondaparinux sodium 623

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Giving the dose earlier than 6 hours after

• The U.S. Public Health Service recom- surgery increases the risk of major bleeding.
mends use of folic acid during pregnancy to Patients undergoing hip fracture surgery
decrease fetal neural tube defects. Patients should receive an extended prophylaxis
with history of fetal neural tube defects in course of up to 24 additional days; a to-
pregnancy should increase folic acid in- tal of 32 days (perioperative and extended
take for 1 month before and 3 months after prophylaxis) has been tolerated.
conception. ➤ Acute DVT (with warfarin); acute
• Patients with small-bowel resections pulmonary embolism (with warfarin)
and intestinal malabsorption may need when treatment is started in the hospital
parenteral administration. Adults who weigh more than 100 kg F
• Most CNS and GI adverse reactions occur (220 lb): 10 mg subcutaneously daily for
at higher doses, such as 15 mg daily for 5 to 9 days (drug has been given for up to
1 month. 26 days) and until INR level is 2 to 3. Begin
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse folic warfarin therapy as soon as possible, usually
acid with folinic acid. within 72 hours.
Adults who weigh 50 to 100 kg: 7.5 mg
PATIENT TEACHING subcutaneously daily for 5 to 9 days (drug
• Teach patient about proper nutrition to has been given for up to 26 days) and until
prevent recurrence of anemia. INR level is 2 to 3. Begin warfarin therapy
• Stress importance of follow-up visits and as soon as possible, usually within 72 hours.
laboratory studies. Adults who weigh less than 50 kg: 5 mg
• Teach patient about foods that contain subcutaneously daily for 5 to 9 days (drug
folic acid: liver, oranges, whole wheat, has been given for up to 26 days) and until
broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. INR level is 2 to 3. Begin warfarin therapy
as soon as possible, usually within 72 hours.
fondaparinux sodium Subcutaneous
fon-dah-PEAR-ah-nucks • Give subcutaneously only, never I.M.
Inspect the single-dose, prefilled syringe for
Arixtra particulate matter and discoloration before
Therapeutic class: Anticoagulant • Give the drug in fatty tissue, rotating
Pharmacologic class: Activated factor X injection sites. If the drug has been properly
inhibitor injected, the needle will pull back into the
Pregnancy risk category B syringe security sleeve and the white safety
indicator will appear above the blue upper
AVAIL ABLE FORMS body. A soft click may be heard or felt
Injection: 2.5 mg/0.5 ml, 5 mg/0.4 ml, when the syringe plunger is fully released.
7.5 mg/0.6 ml, 10 mg/0.8 ml single-dose After injection of the syringe contents, the
prefilled syringe plunger automatically rises while the needle
withdraws from the skin and retracts into
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES the security sleeve. Don’t recap the needle.
➤ To prevent deep vein thrombosis • Incompatibilities: Other injections or
(DVT), which may lead to pulmonary infusions.
embolism, in patients undergoing surgery
for hip fracture, hip replacement, knee AC TION
replacement, or abdominal surgery Binds to antithrombin III (AT-III) and po-
Adults who weigh 50 kg (110 lb) or more: tentiates the neutralization of factor Xa by
2.5 mg subcutaneously once daily for AT-III, which interrupts coagulation and
5 to 9 days. Give first dose after hemostasis inhibits formation of thrombin and blood
is established, 6 to 8 hours after surgery. clots.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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624 fondaparinux sodium

Route Onset Peak Duration result for antiplatelet antibody after taking
Subcut. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown fondaparinux.
• Use cautiously in patients being treated
Half-life: 17 to 21 hours.
with platelet inhibitors; in those at increased
risk for bleeding, such as congenital or
ADVERSE REACTIONS acquired bleeding disorders; in those with
CNS: fever, insomnia, dizziness, confusion, active ulcerative and angiodysplastic GI
headache, pain. disease; in those with hemorrhagic stroke;
CV: hypotension, edema. and in patients shortly after brain, spinal, or
GI: nausea, constipation, vomiting, diar- ophthalmologic surgery.
rhea, dyspepsia. • Use cautiously in elderly patients, in pa-
GU: UTI, urine retention. tients with creatinine clearance of 30 to
Hematologic: hemorrhage, anemia, 50 ml/minute, and in those with a history of
hematoma, postoperative hemorrhage, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a bleed-
thrombocytopenia. ing diathesis, uncontrolled arterial hyper-
Metabolic: hypokalemia. tension, or a history of recent GI ulceration,
Skin: mild local irritation (injection site diabetic retinopathy, or hemorrhage.
bleeding, rash, pruritus), bullous eruption, Alert: Use cautiously in latex-sensitive
purpura, rash, increased wound drainage. patients; the packaging (needle guard)
contains dry natural rubber.
INTERACTIONS •H Overdose S&S: Hemorrhagic complica-
Drug-drug. Drugs that increase risk of tions.
bleeding (NSAIDs, platelet inhibitors,
anticoagulants): May increase risk of hem- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
orrhage. Stop these drugs before starting • Don’t use interchangeably with heparin,
fondaparinux. If use together is unavoid- low–molecular-weight heparins, or hepari-
able, monitor patient closely. noids.
Drug-herb. Angelica (dong quai), boldo, Alert: To avoid loss of drug, don’t expel
bromelains, capsicum, chamomile, dan- air bubble from the syringe.
delion, danshen, devil’s claw, fenugreek, Black Box Warning Patients who receive
feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, epidural or spinal anesthesia or spinal
horse chestnut, licorice, meadowsweet, puncture are at increased risk for developing
onion, passion flower, red clover, willow: an epidural or spinal hematoma, which may
May increase risk of bleeding. Discourage result in long-term or permanent paralysis.
use together. Monitor these patients closely for neuro-
logic impairment.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Monitor renal function periodically and
• May increase AST, ALT, and biliru- stop drug in patients who develop unstable
bin levels. May decrease potassium and renal function or severe renal impairment
hemoglobin levels and hematocrit. while receiving therapy.
• May decrease platelet count. • Routinely assess patient for signs and
symptoms of bleeding, and regularly mon-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS itor CBC, platelet count, creatinine level,
• Contraindicated in patients with creati- and stool occult blood test results. Stop use
nine clearance less than 30 ml/minute and in if platelet count is less than 100,000/mm3 .
those who are hypersensitive to the drug. • Anticoagulant effects may last for 2 to
• Contraindicated for prophylaxis in pa- 4 days after stopping drug in patients with
tients who weigh less than 50 kg who are normal renal function.
undergoing hip fracture, hip replacement, • PT and activated PTT aren’t suitable
knee replacement, or abdominal surgery. monitoring tests to measure drug activity. If
• Contraindicated in patients with active coagulation parameters change unexpect-
major bleeding, bacterial endocarditis, edly or patient develops major bleeding,
or thrombocytopenia with a positive test stop drug.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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formoterol fumarate 625

PATIENT TEACHING every 12 hours. Maximum dose,

• Tell patient to report signs and symptoms 40 mcg/day. Or, one 12-mcg capsule
of bleeding. (Foradil) by inhalation via Aerolizer in-
• Instruct patient to avoid OTC products haler every 12 hours; total daily dosage
that contain aspirin or other salicylates. shouldn’t exceed 24 mcg/day.
• Advise patient to consult with prescriber
before starting herbal therapy; many herbs ADMINISTRATION
have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, or fibri- Inhalational
nolytic properties. Foradil
• Teach patient the correct technique for • Give Foradil capsules only by oral
subcutaneous use, if needed. inhalation and only with the Aerolizer in- F
haler. They aren’t for oral ingestion. Patient
shouldn’t exhale into the device. Capsules
formoterol fumarate should remain in the unopened blister until
for-MOH-te-rol administration time and be removed imme-
diately before use.
Foradil Aerolizer, Perforomist • Pierce Foradil capsules only once. In
rare instances, the gelatin capsule may
Therapeutic class: Bronchodilator break into small pieces and get delivered
Pharmacologic class: Selective beta2 - to the mouth or throat upon inhalation. The
adrenergic agonist Aerolizer contains a screen that should
Pregnancy risk category C catch any broken pieces before they leave
the device. To minimize the possibility
AVAIL ABLE FORMS of shattering the capsule, strictly follow
Capsules for inhalation: 12 mcg storage and use instructions.
Inhalation solution: 20 mcg/2-ml vial Perforomist
• Give Perforomist inhalational solution
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES through a standard jet nebulizer connected
➤ Maintenance treatment and preven- to an air compressor.
tion of bronchospasm in patients with
reversible obstructive airway disease or AC TION
nocturnal asthma, who usually require Long-acting selective beta2 agonist that
treatment with short-acting inhaled beta2 causes bronchodilation. It ultimately in-
agonists creases cAMP, leading to relaxation of
Adults and children age 5 and older: One bronchial smooth muscle and inhibition of
12-mcg capsule by inhalation via Aerolizer mediator release from mast cells.
inhaler every 12 hours. Total daily dosage Route Onset Peak Duration
shouldn’t exceed 1 capsule b.i.d. (24 mcg/ Inhalation 5 min 1–3 hr 12 hr
day). If symptoms occur between doses, use powder
a short-acting beta2 agonist for immediate Inhalation 12 min 1–3 hr 12 hr
relief. solution
➤ To prevent exercise-induced bron- Half-life: 10 hours for Foradil; 7 hours for
chospasm Perforomist.
Adults and children age 5 and older: One
12-mcg capsule by inhalation via Aerolizer ADVERSE REACTIONS
inhaler at least 15 minutes before exercise CNS: tremor, dizziness, insomnia, nervous-
p.r.n. Don’t give additional doses within ness, headache, fatigue, malaise.
12 hours of first dose. CV: arrhythmias, chest pain, angina, hyper-
➤ Maintenance treatment of bron- tension, hypotension, tachycardia, palpita-
choconstriction in patients with COPD tions.
(chronic bronchitis, emphysema) EENT: dry mouth, tonsillitis, dysphonia,
Adults: One 20-mcg/2 ml vial (Perforomist) nasopharyngitis.
by oral inhalation through a jet nebulizer GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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626 formoterol fumarate

Metabolic: metabolic acidosis, hy- adequately controlled with other asthma-

pokalemia, hyperglycemia. controller medications.
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps. •H Overdose S&S: Exaggeration of adverse
Respiratory: bronchitis, chest infection, reactions, hypotension, cardiac arrest.
Other: viral infection. • Drug isn’t indicated for patients who can
control asthma symptoms with just occa-
INTERACTIONS sional use of inhaled, short-acting beta2
Drug-drug. Adrenergics: May potentiate agonists or for treatment of acute bron-
sympathetic effects of formoterol. Use chospasm requiring immediate reversal with
together cautiously. short-acting beta2 agonists or in patients
Beta blockers: May antagonize effects of with rapidly deteriorating or significantly
beta agonists, causing bronchospasm in worsening asthma.
asthmatic patients. Avoid use except when • Drug may be used along with short-acting
benefit outweighs risks. Use cardioselective beta agonists, inhaled corticosteroids, and
beta blockers with caution to minimize risk theophylline therapy for asthma manage-
of bronchospasm. ment.
Diuretics, steroids, xanthine derivatives: Alert: Drug isn’t a substitute for short-
May increase hypokalemic effect of for- acting beta2 agonists for immediate relief of
moterol. Use together cautiously. bronchospasm or as substitute for inhaled or
MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, oral corticosteroids.
other drugs that prolong QT interval: May • Patients using drug twice daily shouldn’t
increase risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Use take additional doses to prevent exercise-
together cautiously. induced bronchospasm.
Non–potassium-sparing diuretics, such • For patients formerly using regularly
as loop or thiazide diuretics: May worsen scheduled short-acting beta2 agonists,
ECG changes or hypokalemia. Use together decrease use of the short-acting drug to an
cautiously, and monitor patient for toxicity. as-needed basis when starting long-acting
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Black Box Warning Drug may increase the
• May increase glucose level. May decrease risk of asthma-related death. Use only as
potassium level. additional therapy for patients not ade-
quately controlled on low to medium dose
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS of inhaled corticosteroids or in patients
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive whose disease is severe and requires treat-
to drug or its components, or with other ment with two maintenance therapies.
long-acting beta2 agonists. Alert: As with all beta2 agonists, drug
• Use cautiously in patients with CV dis- may produce life-threatening paradoxical
ease, especially coronary insufficiency, bronchospasm. If bronchospasm occurs,
cardiac arrhythmias, and hypertension, and notify prescriber immediately.
in those who are unusually responsive to Alert: If patient develops tachycardia,
sympathomimetic amines. hypertension, or other CV adverse effects,
• Use cautiously in patients with diabetes drug may need to be stopped.
mellitus because hyperglycemia and ke- • Watch for immediate hypersensitivity
toacidosis have occurred rarely with the use reactions, such as anaphylaxis, urticaria,
of beta agonists. angioedema, rash, and bronchospasm.
• Use cautiously in patients with seizure • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
disorders or thyrotoxicosis and in breast- Foradil with Toradol.
feeding women.
• Use for asthma only as additional PATIENT TEACHING
therapy for patients whose condition is not • Tell patient not to increase the dosage or
frequency of use without medical advice.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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fosamprenavir calcium 627

• Warn patient not to stop or reduce other 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. In patients previously
medication taken for asthma. treated with a protease inhibitor, 700 mg
• Advise patient that drug isn’t to be used P.O. b.i.d. plus ritonavir 100 mg P.O. b.i.d.
for acute asthmatic episodes. Prescriber Children ages 6 and older: In patients not
should give a short-acting beta2 agonist for previously treated, 30 mg/kg oral suspen-
this use. sion b.i.d., not to exceed adult dosage of
• Advise patient to report worsening symp- 1,400 mg b.i.d., or 18 mg/kg oral suspen-
toms, treatment that becomes less effective, sion plus ritonavir 3 mg/kg b.i.d., not to
or increased use of short-acting beta ago- exceed adult dosage of fosamprenavir
nists. 700 mg plus ritonavir 100 mg b.i.d. In
• Tell patient to report nausea, vomiting, therapy-experienced children age 6 and F
shakiness, headache, fast or irregular heart older, 18 mg/kg oral suspension plus ri-
beat, or sleeplessness. tonavir 3 mg/kg b.i.d., not to exceed adult
• Tell patient using drug for exercise- dosage of fosamprenavir 700 mg plus ri-
induced bronchospasm to take it at least tonavir 100 mg b.i.d. When administered
15 minutes before exercise and to wait without ritonavir, adult regimen of fosam-
12 hours before taking additional doses. prenavir 1,400 mg tablets b.i.d. may be used
• Tell patient not to use the Foradil for children weighing at least 47 kg (104 lb).
Aerolizer with a spacer device or to exhale When administered with ritonavir, fosam-
or blow into the Aerolizer. prenavir tablets may be used for children
• Advise patient to avoid washing the weighing at least 39 kg (86 lb); ritonavir
Aerolizer and to always keep it dry. Each capsules may be used for children weighing
refill contains a new device to replace the at least 33 kg (73 lb).
old one. Children ages 2 to 5: In patients not pre-
• Tell patient to avoid exposing capsules to viously treated, 30 mg/kg oral suspen-
moisture and to handle them only with dry sion b.i.d., not to exceed adult dosage of
hands. 1,400 mg b.i.d. Don’t use in therapy-
• Advise woman to notify prescriber if she experienced children in this age-group.
becomes pregnant or is breast-feeding. Adjust-a-dose: If the patient has mild
hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score
of 5 to 6), reduce dosage to 700 mg P.O.
fosamprenavir calcium b.i.d. without ritonavir (in therapy-naive
foss-am-PREN-ah-ver patients) or 700 mg b.i.d. plus ritonavir
100 mg once daily (in therapy-naive or pro-
Lexiva tease inhibitor–experienced patients). If the
patient has moderate hepatic impairment
Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral (Child-Pugh score of 7 to 9), reduce dosage
Pharmacologic class: Protease inhibitor to 700 mg b.i.d. (in therapy-naive patients)
Pregnancy risk category C without ritonavir or 450 mg b.i.d. plus riton-
avir 100 mg once daily (in therapy-naive or
AVAIL ABLE FORMS protease inhibitor–experienced patients).
Oral suspension: 50 mg/ml If the patient has severe hepatic impair-
Tablets: 700 mg ment (Child-Pugh score of 10 to 12), reduce
dosage to 350 mg b.i.d. without ritonavir
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES (in therapy-naive patients). Don’t use in
➤ HIV infection, with other antiretrovi- combination with ritonavir.
Adults: In patients not previously treated, ADMINISTRATION
1,400 mg P.O. b.i.d. (without ritonavir). P.O.
Or, 1,400 mg P.O. once daily and ritonavir • Give drug with other antiretrovirals.
200 mg P.O. once daily. Or, 1,400 mg P.O. • Tablets may be taken with or without
once daily and ritonavir 100 mg P.O. once food.
daily. Or, 700 mg P.O. b.i.d. and ritonavir

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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628 fosamprenavir calcium

• Adults should take oral suspension with- Carbamazepine, dexamethasone, H2 -

out food. Children should take oral sus- receptor antagonists, phenobarbital, pheny-
pension with food. If patient vomits within toin, proton-pump inhibitors: May decrease
30 minutes after taking medication, dose amprenavir level. Use together cautiously.
should be repeated. Delavirdine: May cause loss of virologic
• Shake oral suspension before using. response and resistance to delavirdine.
Avoid using together.
AC TION Dihydroergotamine, ergonovine, ergot-
Converts rapidly to amprenavir, which amine, flecainide, methylergonovine, mida-
binds to the active site of HIV-1 protease zolam, pimozide, propafenone, triazolam:
and forms immature noninfectious viral May cause serious adverse reactions. Avoid
particles. using together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Efavirenz, nevirapine, saquinavir: May
P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 –4 hr Unknown
decrease amprenavir level. Appropriate
combination doses haven’t been established.
Half-life: 71⁄4 hours. Efavirenz with ritonavir: May decrease
amprenavir level. Increase ritonavir by
ADVERSE REACTIONS 100 mg/day (300 mg total) when giving
CNS: depression, fatigue, headache, oral efavirenz, fosamprenavir, and ritonavir
paresthesia. once daily. No change needed in ritonavir
CV: MI. when giving efavirenz, fosamprenavir, and
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, ritonavir twice daily.
vomiting. Ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone: May
Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hypercholes- increase ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone
terolemia. levels. Recommend nonhormonal contra-
Skin: rash, pruritus. ception.
Indinavir, nelfinavir: May increase ampren-
INTERACTIONS avir level. Appropriate combination doses
Drug-drug. Amitriptyline, cyclosporine, haven’t been established.
imipramine, rapamycin, tacrolimus: May Ketoconazole, itraconazole: May increase
increase levels of these drugs. Monitor drug ketoconazole and itraconazole levels. Re-
levels. duce ketoconazole or itraconazole dosage
Antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, systemic as needed if patient receives more than
lidocaine, quinidine): May increase antiar- 400 mg/day. (More than 200 mg/day isn’t
rhythmic level. Use together cautiously and recommended.).
monitor antiarrhythmic levels. Lopinavir with ritonavir: May decrease am-
Atorvastatin: May increase atorvastatin prenavir and lopinavir levels. Appropriate
level. Give 20 mg/day or less of atorvastatin combination doses haven’t been established.
and monitor patient carefully. Or, consider Lovastatin, simvastatin: May increase risk
other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, such of myopathy, including rhabdomyolysis.
as fluvastatin, pravastatin, or rosuvastatin. Avoid using together.
Benzodiazepines (alprazolam, clorazepate, Methadone: May decrease methadone level.
diazepam, flurazepam): May increase ben- Increase methadone dosage as needed.
zodiazepine level. Decrease benzodiazepine Rifabutin: May increase rifabutin level. Ob-
dosage as needed. tain CBC weekly to watch for neutropenia,
Bepridil: May increase bepridil level, pos- and decrease rifabutin dosage by at least
sibly leading to arrhythmias. Use together half. If patient receives ritonavir, decrease
cautiously. dosage by at least 75% from the usual
Calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, 300 mg/day. (Maximum, 150 mg every
diltiazem, felodipine, isradipine, nifedi- other day or three times weekly.).
pine, nicardipine, nimodipine, nisoldipine, Rifampin: May decrease amprenavir level
verapamil): May increase calcium channel and drug effects. Avoid using together.
blocker level. Use together cautiously.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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foscarnet sodium 629

Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil: May in- • During first treatment, monitor patient for
crease levels of these drugs. Recommend opportunistic infections, such as Mycobac-
cautious use of sildenafil at 25 mg every terium avium complex, CMV, Pneumocystis
48 hours, tadalafil at 10 mg every 72 hours, jiroveci (carinii) pneumonia, and tuber-
or vardenafil at no more than 2.5 mg every culosis.
24 hours. If patient receives ritonavir, ad- • Assess patient for redistribution or accu-
vise no more than 2.5 mg vardenafil every mulation of body fat, as in central obesity,
72 hours, and tell patient to report adverse dorsocervical fat enlargement (buffalo
events. hump), peripheral wasting, facial wast-
Warfarin: May alter warfarin level. Monitor ing, breast enlargement, and a cushingoid
INR. appearance. F
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May cause
loss of virologic response and resistance PATIENT TEACHING
to drug or its class of protease inhibitors. • Tell patient that drug doesn’t reduce the
Discourage use together. risk of transmitting HIV to others.
• Inform patient that the drug may reduce
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS the risk of progression to AIDS.
• May increase ALT, AST, glucose, lipase, • Explain that fosamprenavir must be used
and triglyceride levels. with other antiretrovirals.
• May decrease neutrophil count. • Tell patient not to alter the dose or stop
taking drug without consulting prescriber.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Drug interacts with many other drugs;
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive urge patient to tell prescriber about any
to drug or its components. prescription, OTC, or herbal medicines he’s
• Contraindicated with dihydroergot- taking (especially St. John’s wort).
amine, ergonovine, ergotamine, flecainide, • Explain that body fat may redistribute or
methylergonovine, midazolam, pimozide, accumulate.
propafenone, and triazolam.
• Use cautiously in patients allergic to
sulfonamides and those with hepatic impair- foscarnet sodium (PFA,
ment or cardiac disease. phosphonoformic acid)
• Use in pregnant woman only when benefit foss-CAR-net
to mother justifies risk to fetus.
• Tell woman not to breast-feed during Foscavir
•H Overdose S&S: Increased ALT and AST Therapeutic class: Antiviral
levels. Pharmacologic class: Pyrophosphate
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Pregnancy risk category C
• Patients with hepatitis B or C or marked
increase in transaminases before treatment AVAIL ABLE FORMS
may have increased risk of transaminase Injection: 24 mg/ml in 250- and 500-ml
elevation. Monitor patient closely. bottles
• Monitor cholesterol, triglyceride, lipase,
ALT, AST, and glucose levels before start- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
ing therapy and periodically throughout Black Box Warning Drug is only indicated
treatment. for use in immunocompromised patients
• Assess and manage lipid disorders as with cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis and
clinically appropriate. mucocutaneous acyclovir-resistant herpes
• Ask patient if he’s allergic to sulfa drugs. simplex virus (HSV) infections.
• Monitor patient with hemophilia for ➤ CMV retinitis in patients with AIDS
spontaneous bleeding. Adults: Initially, for induction, 60 mg/kg
I.V. over a minimum of 1 hour every 8 hours

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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630 foscarnet sodium

or 90 mg/kg I.V. over 11⁄2 to 2 hours every Route Onset Peak Duration
12 hours for 2 to 3 weeks, depending on I.V. Unknown Immediate Unknown
patient response. Follow with a maintenance
Half-life: 3 hours.
infusion of 90 to 120 mg/kg over 2 hours
➤ Acyclovir-resistant HSV infections ADVERSE REACTIONS
Adults: 40 mg/kg I.V. over 1 hour every 8 to CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, fever,
12 hours for 2 to 3 weeks or until healed. headache, hypoesthesia, malaise, neu-
Adjust-a-dose: Adjust dosage when creati- ropathy, paresthesia, SEIZURES, abnormal
nine clearance is less than 1.4 ml/minute/kg. coordination, agitation, aggression, amne-
If clearance falls below 0.4 ml/minute/kg, sia, anxiety, aphasia, ataxia, cerebrovascular
stop drug. Consult manufacturer’s package disorder, confusion, dementia, depression,
insert for specific dosage adjustments. EEG abnormalities, generalized spasms,
hallucinations, insomnia, meningitis,
ADMINISTRATION nervousness, pain, sensory disturbances,
I.V. somnolence, stupor, tremor.
Black Box Warning To minimize renal CV: ECG abnormalities, first-degree AV
toxicity, make sure patient is adequately block, flushing, hypertension, hypotension,
hydrated before and during infusion. palpitations, sinus tachycardia, chest pain,
 Don’t exceed the recommended dosage, edema.
rate, or frequency of infusion. Doses must EENT: conjunctivitis, eye pain, pharyngi-
be individualized according to patient’s tis, rhinitis, sinusitis, visual disturbances.
renal function. GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea,
 Drug may be infused via a central or nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, constipa-
peripheral vein with enough blood flow tion, dysphagia, dry mouth, dyspepsia,
for rapid distribution and dilution. If in- flatulence, melena, rectal hemorrhage, taste
fusing into a central vein, don’t dilute the perversion, ulcerative stomatitis.
commercially available form (24 mg/ml). GU: acute renal failure, abnormal renal
If infusing into a peripheral vein, dilute to function, albuminuria, candidiasis, dysuria,
12 mg/ml with D5 W or normal saline solu- polyuria, urethral disorder, urinary reten-
tion to decrease risk of local irritation. Use tion, UTI.
an infusion pump. Hematologic: anemia, bone marrow sup-
 Give induction treatment over 1 to pression, granulocytopenia, leukopenia,
2 hours, depending on the dose, and main- thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis.
tenance infusions over 2 hours. Hepatic: abnormal hepatic function.
 Incompatibilities: Acyclovir, ampho- Metabolic: hyperphosphatemia, hypocal-
tericin B, co-trimoxazole, dextrose 30%, cemia, hypokalemia, HYPOMAGNESEMIA,
diazepam, digoxin, diphenhydramine, hypophosphatemia, hyponatremia.
dobutamine, droperidol, ganciclovir, Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, leg
haloperidol, lactated Ringer’s solution, cramps, myalgia.
leucovorin, lorazepam, midazolam, pen- Respiratory: bronchospasm, cough, dysp-
tamidine, phenytoin, prochlorperazine, nea, hemoptysis, pneumonitis, pneumo-
promethazine, solutions containing cal- thorax, pulmonary infiltration, respiratory
cium (such as total parenteral nutrition), insufficiency, stridor.
trimetrexate, vancomycin. Skin: diaphoresis, rash, erythematous
rash, facial edema, pruritus, seborrhea, skin
AC TION discoloration, skin ulceration.
Inhibits herpes virus replication in vitro by Other: sarcoma, sepsis, abscess, bacterial
blocking the pyrophosphate-binding site on or fungal infections, flulike symptoms,
DNA polymerases and reverse transcrip- inflammation and pain at infusion site,
tases. lymphadenopathy, lymphoma-like disorder,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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fosinopril sodium 631

INTERACTIONS of patients and may be severe enough to

Drug-drug. Nephrotoxic drugs (such as require transfusions.
aminoglycosides, amphotericin B): May • Drug may cause a dose-related transient
increase risk of nephrotoxicity. Avoid using decrease in ionized calcium, which may
together. not always show up in patient’s laboratory
Pentamidine: May increase risk of nephro- values.
toxicity; severe hypocalcemia also has been
reported. Monitor renal function tests and PATIENT TEACHING
electrolytes. • Explain the importance of adequate
Zidovudine: May increase risk or severity of hydration throughout therapy.
anemia. Monitor blood counts. • Advise patient to report tingling around F
the mouth, numbness in the arms and legs,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS and pins-and-needles sensations.
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, • Tell patient to alert nurse about discom-
AST, bilirubin, creatinine, and phosphate fort at I.V. insertion site.
levels. May decrease calcium, hemoglobin,
magnesium, phosphate, potassium, and
sodium levels. fosinopril sodium
• May increase platelet count. May decrease foh-SIN-oh-pril
granulocyte, platelet, and WBC counts.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
to drug. Pharmacologic class: ACE inhibitor
Black Box Warning In patients with ab- Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and
normal renal function, use cautiously and 3rd trimesters
reduce dosage. Drug is nephrotoxic and can
worsen renal impairment. Some degree of AVAIL ABLE FORMS
nephrotoxicity occurs in most patients. Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg
•H Overdose S&S: Seizures, renal im-
pairment, paresthesia (limb or perioral), INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
calcium and phosphate electrolyte distur- ➤ Hypertension
bances. Adults: Initially, 10 mg P.O. daily; adjust
dosage based on blood pressure response
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS at peak and trough levels. Usual dosage is
Alert: Because drug is highly toxic, which 20 to 40 mg daily; maximum is 80 mg daily.
is probably dose-related, always use the Dosage may be divided.
lowest effective maintenance dose. Children who weigh more than 50 kg
• Monitor creatinine clearance frequently (110 lb): Initially, 5 to 10 mg P.O. once
during therapy because of drug’s adverse daily. Maximum dosage is 40 mg/day.
effects on renal function. Obtain a baseline ➤ Heart failure
24-hour creatinine clearance. Monitor level Adults: Initially, 10 mg P.O. once daily.
two to three times weekly during induction Increase dosage over several weeks to a
and at least once every 1 to 2 weeks during maximum of 40 mg P.O. daily, if needed.
maintenance. Adjust-a-dose: For patients with moderate
Black Box Warning Drug can alter elec- to severe renal failure or vigorous diuresis,
trolyte levels; monitor levels using a sched- start with 5 mg P.O. once daily.
ule similar to that established for creatinine
clearance. Assess patient for tetany and ADMINISTRATION
seizures caused by abnormal electrolyte P.O.
levels. • Give drug without regard for meals.
• Monitor patient’s hemoglobin level and
hematocrit. Anemia occurs in about a third

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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632 fosinopril sodium

AC TION Drug-herb. Capsaicin: May cause cough.

Inhibits ACE, preventing conversion of Discourage use together.
angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent Ma huang: May decrease antihypertensive
vasoconstrictor. Less angiotensin II de- effects. Discourage use together.
creases peripheral arterial resistance, thus Drug-food. Salt substitutes containing
decreasing aldosterone secretion, which potassium: May cause hyperkalemia.
reduces sodium and water retention and Discourage use together.
lowers blood pressure.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 1 hr 3 hr 24 hr
• May increase BUN, creatinine, potassium,
and hemoglobin levels and hematocrit.
Half-life: 111⁄2 hours. • May increase liver function test values.
• May cause falsely low digoxin level with
ADVERSE REACTIONS the Digi-Tab radioimmunoassay kit for
CNS: dizziness, stroke, headache, fatigue, digoxin.
syncope, paresthesia, sleep disturbance.
CV: MI, chest pain, angina pectoris, rhythm CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
disturbances, palpitations, hypotension, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
orthostatic hypotension. to drug or other ACE inhibitors and in
EENT: tinnitus, sinusitis. breast-feeding women.
GI: pancreatitis, nausea, vomiting, diar- • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
rhea, dry mouth, abdominal distention, renal or hepatic function.
abdominal pain, constipation. Black Box Warning Use during pregnancy
GU: sexual dysfunction, renal insufficiency. can cause injury and death to the developing
Hepatic: hepatitis. fetus. When pregnancy is detected, stop
Metabolic: hyperkalemia. drug as soon as possible.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, musculoskele- •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension.
tal pain, myalgia.
Respiratory: dry, persistent, tickling, non- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
productive cough, bronchospasm. • Monitor blood pressure for drug effect.
Skin: urticaria, rash, photosensitivity reac- • Although ACE inhibitors reduce blood
tions, pruritus. pressure in all races, they reduce it less
Other: angioedema, decreased libido, gout. in blacks taking the ACE inhibitor alone.
Black patients should take drug with a
INTERACTIONS thiazide diuretic for a more favorable re-
Drug-drug. Antacids: May impair absorp- sponse.
tion. Separate dosage times by at least • ACE inhibitors appear to cause a higher
2 hours. risk of angioedema in black patients.
Azathioprine: May increase risk of anemia • Monitor potassium intake and potassium
or leukopenia. Monitor hematologic studies level. Diabetic patients, those with impaired
if used together. renal function, and those receiving drugs
Diuretics, other antihypertensives: May that can increase potassium level may de-
cause excessive hypotension. Stop diuretic velop hyperkalemia.
or lower fosinopril dosage. • Other ACE inhibitors may cause agran-
Lithium: May increase lithium level and ulocytosis and neutropenia. Monitor CBC
lithium toxicity. Monitor lithium level. with differential counts before therapy and
Nesiritide: May increase hypotensive periodically thereafter.
effects. Monitor blood pressure. • Assess renal and hepatic function before
NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive and periodically throughout therapy.
effects. Monitor blood pressure. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium fosinopril with lisinopril. Don’t confuse
supplements: May cause risk of hyper- Monopril with Monurol.
kalemia. Monitor patient closely.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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fosphenytoin sodium 633

PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Short-term substitution for oral

• Tell patient to avoid salt substitutes; these phenytoin therapy
products may contain potassium, which Adults: Same total daily dose equivalent as
can cause high potassium level in patients oral phenytoin sodium therapy given as a
taking drug. single daily dose I.M. or I.V. at infusion rate
• Instruct patient to contact prescriber if not exceeding 150 mg PE/minute. Some
light-headedness or fainting occurs. patients may need more frequent dosing.
• Advise patient to report evidence of infec- Elderly patients: Phenytoin clearance is
tion, such as fever and sore throat. decreased slightly in elderly patients; lower
• Instruct patient to call prescriber if he or less-frequent dosing may be required.
develops easy bruising or bleeding; swelling F
of tongue, lips, face, eyes, mucous mem- ADMINISTRATION
branes, arms, or legs; difficulty swallowing I.V.
or breathing; and hoarseness.  If rapid phenytoin loading is a main

• Urge patient to use caution in hot weather goal, this form is preferred.
and during exercise. Inadequate fluid intake,  For status epilepticus, give I.V. rather

vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive perspi- than I.M. because therapeutic phenytoin
ration can lead to light-headedness and level occurs more rapidly.
fainting.  For infusion, dilute in D5 W or normal

• Tell women of childbearing age to notify saline solution for injection to yield 1.5 to
prescriber if pregnancy occurs. Drug will 25 mg PE/ml.
need to be stopped.  Don’t give more than 150 mg

PE/minute. For a 50-kg (110-lb) patient,

infusion should take 5 to 7 minutes. (Infu-
fosphenytoin sodium sion of identical molar dose of phenytoin
faws-FEN-i-toe-in takes at least 15 minutes, because giving
Cerebyx phenytoin I.V. at more than 50 mg/minute
causes adverse CV effects.)
Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant  Patients receiving 20 mg PE/kg at

Pharmacologic class: Hydantoin 150 mg PE/minute typically feel dis-

derivative comfort, usually in the groin. To reduce
Pregnancy risk category D discomfort, slow or temporarily stop
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Monitor patient’s ECG, blood pressure,

Injection: 2 ml (150 mg fosphenytoin and respirations continuously during

sodium equivalent to 100 mg phenytoin maximum phenytoin level—about 10 to
sodium), 10 ml (750 mg fosphenytoin 20 minutes after end of fosphenytoin
sodium equivalent to 500 mg phenytoin infusion. Severe CV complications are
sodium) most common in elderly or gravely ill
patients. If needed, decrease rate or stop
➤ Seizures  Store drug under refrigeration. Don’t

Adults: 15 to 20 mg phenytoin sodium store at room temperature longer than

equivalent (PE)/kg I.V. at 100 to 150 mg 48 hours. Discard vials that develop partic-
PE/minute as loading dose; then 4 to 6 mg ulate matter.
PE/kg daily I.V. as maintenance dose.  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.

➤ To prevent and treat seizures during I.M.

neurosurgery (nonemergent loading or • Depending on dose ordered, may require
maintenance dosing) two separate I.M. injections.
Adults: Loading dose of 10 to 20 mg PE/kg • I.M. administration generates systemic
I.M. or I.V. at infusion rate not exceeding phenytoin levels similar enough to oral
150 mg PE/minute. Maintenance dose is phenytoin sodium to allow essentially inter-
4 to 6 mg PE/kg daily I.V. or I.M. changeable use.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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634 fosphenytoin sodium

• Store drug under refrigeration. Don’t Corticosteroids, doxycycline, estrogens,

store at room temperature longer than furosemide, hormonal contraceptives,
48 hours. Discard vials that develop quinidine, rifampin, theophylline, vita-
particulate matter. min D, warfarin: May decrease effects of
these drugs because of increased hepatic
AC TION metabolism. Monitor patient closely.
May stabilize neuronal membranes and Lithium: May increase lithium toxicity.
limit seizure activity either by increasing Monitor patient’s neurologic status closely.
efflux or decreasing influx of sodium ions Marked neurologic symptoms have been
across cell membranes in the motor cortex reported despite normal lithium level.
during generation of nerve impulses. Phenobarbital, valproate sodium, valproic
Route Onset Peak Duration
acid: May increase or decrease phenytoin
I.V. Unknown End of infusion Unknown
level. May increase or decrease levels of
I.M. Unknown 30 min Unknown these drugs. Monitor patient.
Tricyclic antidepressants: May lower
Half-life: 15 minutes. seizure threshold and require adjustments in
phenytoin dosage. Use together cautiously.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: Acute intox-
CNS: ataxia, dizziness, somnolence, brain ication may increase phenytoin level and
edema, intracranial hypertension, agita- effect. Discourage use together.
tion, asthenia, dysarthria, extrapyramidal Long-term alcohol use: May decrease
syndrome, fever, headache, hypesthesia, phenytoin level. Monitor patient and
incoordination, increased or decreased strongly discourage use together.
reflexes, nervousness, paresthesia, speech
disorders, stupor, thinking abnormalities, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
tremor, vertigo. • May increase alkaline phosphatase, GGT,
CV: hypertension, hypotension, tachycar- and glucose levels. May decrease folate,
dia, vasodilation. potassium, and T4 levels.
EENT: nystagmus, amblyopia, deafness, • May cause falsely low dexamethasone and
diplopia, tinnitus. metyrapone test results.
GI: constipation, dry mouth, taste perver-
sion, tongue disorder, vomiting. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
GU: pelvic pain. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Metabolic: hypokalemia. to drug or its components, phenytoin, or
Musculoskeletal: back pain, myasthenia. other hydantoins.
Respiratory: pneumonia. • Contraindicated in those with sinus brady-
Skin: pruritus, ecchymoses, injection site cardia, SA block, second- or third-degree
reaction and pain, rash. AV block, or Adams-Stokes syndrome.
Other: accidental injury, chills, facial • Use cautiously in patients with porphyria
edema, infection. and in those with history of hypersensitivity
to similarly structured drugs, such as barbi-
INTERACTIONS turates, oxazolidinediones, and succinimide.
Drug-drug. Amiodarone, chloramphenicol, Alert: If patient develops acute hepatotox-
chlordiazepoxide, cimetidine, diazepam, icity, discontinue drug and don’t readminis-
disulfiram, estrogens, ethosuximide, flu- ter.
oxetine, H2 antagonists, halothane, iso- •H Overdose S&S: Asystole, bradycardia,
niazid, methylphenidate, phenothiazines, cardiac arrest, hypocalcemia, hypotension,
phenylbutazone, salicylates, succinimides, lethargy, metabolic acidosis, nausea, syn-
sulfonamides, tolbutamide, trazodone: May cope, tachycardia, vomiting, death.
increase phenytoin level and effect. Use
together cautiously. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Carbamazepine, reserpine: May decrease • Most significant drug interactions are
phenytoin level. Monitor patient. those commonly seen with phenytoin.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-F LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:11

fospropofol disodium 635

Alert: Drug should always be prescribed • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t con-
and dispensed in phenytoin sodium equiva- fuse Cerebyx with Cerezyme, Celexa, or
lent units (PE). Don’t make adjustments in Celebrex.
the recommended doses when substituting
fosphenytoin for phenytoin, and vice versa. PATIENT TEACHING
• In status epilepticus, phenytoin may be • Warn patient that sensory disturbances
used instead of fosphenytoin as mainte- may occur with I.V. administration.
nance, using the appropriate dose. • Instruct patient to immediately report
• Phosphate load provided by fosphenytoin adverse reactions, especially rash.
(0.0037 millimole phosphate/mg PE fos- • Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly
phenytoin) must be taken into consideration or adjust dosage without discussing with F
when treating patients who need phosphate prescriber.
restriction, such as those with severe renal • Advise women of childbearing age to
impairment. Monitor laboratory values. discuss drug therapy with prescriber if
• Asian patients who have tested positive considering pregnancy.
for the allele HLA-B∗ 1502 have a poten- • Advise women of childbearing age that
tially increased risk of serious skin reac- breast-feeding isn’t recommended during
tions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome therapy.
and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Monitor
these patients carefully. SAFETY ALERT!
• If patient gets exfoliative, purpuric, or
bullous rash or signs and symptoms of fospropofol disodium
lupus erythematosus, Stevens-Johnson fos-PROP-ah-fol
syndrome, or toxic epidermal necrolysis,
stop drug and notify prescriber. If rash Lusedra
is mild (measleslike or scarlatiniform),
therapy may resume after rash disappears. If Therapeutic class: Hypnotic
rash recurs when therapy is resumed, further Pharmacologic class: Sedative-hypnotic
fosphenytoin or phenytoin administration Pregnancy risk category B
is contraindicated. Document that patient is
allergic to drug. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Stop drug in patients with acute hepato- Injection: 35 mg/ml in 30-ml single-use
toxicity. vials
• After administration, phenytoin levels
shouldn’t be monitored until conversion to INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
phenytoin is essentially complete—about ➤ Monitored anesthesia care in patients
2 hours after the end of an I.V. infusion or undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic
4 hours after I.M. administration. procedures
• Interpret total phenytoin levels cautiously Adults younger than age 65 classified as
in patients with renal or hepatic disease or American Society of Anesthesiologists
hypoalbuminemia caused by an increased (ASA) Physical (P) category 1 or 2:
fraction in unbound phenytoin. It may be Initially, 6.5 mg/kg (maximum, 16.5 ml)
more useful to monitor unbound phenytoin I.V., followed by 1.6 mg/kg (maximum,
levels in these patients. When giving drug 4 ml) I.V. as needed to achieve adequate
I.V., monitor patients with renal and hep- sedation. Administer supplemental doses no
atic disease because they are at increased more frequently than every 4 minutes, when
risk for more frequent and severe adverse patient is able to respond purposefully to
reactions. verbal or light tactile stimuli.
• Monitor glucose level closely in diabetic Adjust-a-dose: For patients age 65 and older
patients; drug may cause hyperglycemia. or those with severe systemic disease (ASA
• Abrupt withdrawal of drug may precipi- P3 or P4), reduce dosage by 75%.
tate status epilepticus.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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636 frovatriptan succinate

ADMINISTRATION • Safe use in children hasn’t been estab-

I.V. lished
 Don’t use drug if particulate matter or •H Overdose S&S: Cardiorespiratory depres-
discoloration is present. sion.
 May administer through a free-flowing

I.V. line containing D5 W, D5 and one- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

quarter normal saline solution, D5 and Alert: Staff trained in administration of
half-normal saline solution, normal saline general anesthesia and who aren’t involved
solution, D5 and lactated Ringer’s solution, in surgical or diagnostic procedure should
lactated Ringer’s solution, half-normal give drug and monitor patient closely.
saline solution, and D5 and half-normal Alert: Have resuscitation equipment
saline solution with 20 mEq potassium available in case of severe respiratory
chloride. depression.
 Flush infusion line with normal saline Alert: Always administer supplemental
solution before and after administration. oxygen while patient is receiving drug.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. • Continuously monitor pulse oximetry,
ECG, and vital signs during sedation and
AC TION through the recovery period.
Unknown. Thought to produce hypnosis • Assess patient’s ability to purposefully
through positive modulation of GABA, an respond to verbal or light tactile stimuli.
inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown 2–12 min Unknown • Reassure patient that he’ll be monitored
appropriately during administration.
Half-life: About 1 hour. • Inform patient that burning, tingling,
or stinging (usually in perineal area) may
ADVERSE REACTIONS occur while drug is being injected and that
CNS: headache, paresthesia, procedural these sensations are typically mild and
pain. resolve quickly without treatment.
CV: hypotension. • Advise patient to have an escort to take
GI: nausea, vomiting. him home after procedure.
Respiratory: HYPOXEMIA, respiratory
Skin: pruritus. frovatriptan succinate
Other: unresponsiveness to tactile or frow-vah-TRIP-tan
painful stimulation.
Drug-drug. Benzodiazepines, opioids, Therapeutic class: Antimigraine
sedative-hypnotics, other cardiorespiratory Pharmacologic class: Serotonin 5-HT1
depressants: May cause additive cardiores- receptor agonist
piratory effects. Avoid use together. Pregnancy risk category C


None reported. Tablets: 2.5 mg


• Use cautiously in patients with com- ➤ Acute treatment of migraine attacks
promised myocardial function, reduced with or without aura
vascular tone, or reduced vascular volume. Adults: 2.5 mg P.O. taken at the first sign of
• Use only if benefit to mother outweighs migraine attack. If the headache recurs, a
risk to fetus. second tablet may be taken at least 2 hours

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-F LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:11

frovatriptan succinate 637

after the first dose. The total daily dose CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
shouldn’t exceed 7.5 mg. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or any of its components.
ADMINISTRATION • Contraindicated in patients with history
P.O. or symptoms of ischemic heart disease
• Give drug without regard for food. or coronary artery vasospasm, including
• Give drug with a full glass of water. Prinzmetal’s variant angina; in those with
• If headache returns after first dose, give a cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular
second dose after 2 hours. Don’t give more disease, including ischemic bowel disease;
than 3 tablets in 24 hours. in those with uncontrolled hypertension;
and in those with hemiplegic or basilar F
AC TION migraine.
May inhibit excessive dilation of extra- • Contraindicated within 24 hours of an-
cerebral and intracranial arteries during other triptan, drug containing ergotamine,
migraine headaches. or ergot-type drug.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Contraindicated in patients with risk
P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
factors for coronary artery disease (CAD),
such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia,
Half-life: 26 hours. smoking, obesity, diabetes, strong family
history of CAD, postmenopausal women,
ADVERSE REACTIONS or men older than age 40, unless patient is
CNS: dizziness, headache, fatigue, pares- free from cardiac disease. If drug is used
thesia, insomnia, anxiety, somnolence, in such a patient, monitor patient closely
dysesthesia, hypoesthesia, hot or cold sensa- and consider obtaining an ECG after the
tion, pain. first dose. Intermittent, long-term users of
CV: coronary artery vasospasm, transient triptans or those with risk factors should
myocardial ischemia, MI, ventricular undergo periodic cardiac evaluation while
tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, chest using drug.
pain, palpitations, flushing. • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
EENT: abnormal vision, tinnitus, sinusitis, It’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk.
rhinitis. • The safety of treating an average of more
GI: dry mouth, dyspepsia, vomiting, ab- than four migraine headaches in a 30-day
dominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. period hasn’t been established.
Musculoskeletal: skeletal pain.
Skin: increased sweating. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Alert: Serious cardiac events, including
INTERACTIONS acute MI, life-threatening cardiac arrhyth-
Drug-drug. 5-HT1 agonists: May cause mias, and death may occur within a few
additive effects. Separate doses by 24 hours. hours of taking a triptan.
Ergotamine-containing or ergot-type drugs • Use drug only when patient has a clear
(such as dihydroergotamine or methy- diagnosis of migraine. If a patient has no
sergide): May cause prolonged vasospastic response for the first migraine attack treated
reactions. Separate doses by 24 hours. with frovatriptan, reconsider the diagnosis
SSRIs (such as citalopram, fluoxetine, flu- of migraine.
voxamine, paroxetine, sertraline): May Alert: Combining a triptan with an SSRI
cause weakness, hyperreflexia, and incoor- or an SSNRI may cause serotonin syn-
dination. Monitor patient closely. drome. Symptoms may include restlessness,
hallucinations, loss of coordination, fast
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS heartbeat, rapid changes in blood pressure,
None reported. increased body temperature, hyperreflexia,
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Serotonin
syndrome is more likely to occur when

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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638 fulvestrant

starting or increasing the dose of a triptan, ADMINISTRATION

• Drug is a potential teratogen. Follow
PATIENT TEACHING safe-handling procedures.
• Instruct patient to take dose at first sign of • Drug may be warmed before use by stor-
migraine headache. If headache comes back ing at room temperature for 1 hour or rolling
after first dose, he may take a second dose injection gently in hands.
after 2 hours. Tell patient not to take more • Expel gas bubble from syringe before
than 3 tablets in 24 hours. giving.
• Caution patient to take extra care or avoid • When using the 2.5-ml syringes, both
driving and operating machinery if dizzi- must be given to obtain full dose.
ness or fatigue develops after taking drug. • Give slowly into buttocks.
• Stress importance of immediately report-
ing pain, tightness, heaviness, or pressure in AC TION
chest, throat, neck, or jaw, or rash or itching Competitively binds estrogen receptors and
after taking drug. downregulates estrogen-receptor protein in
• Instruct the patient not to take drug within human breast cancer cells. It’s effective in
24 hours of taking another serotonin- treating estrogen receptor–positive breast
receptor agonist or ergot-type drug. tumors.
• Tell patient dose may be taken with or Route Onset Peak Duration
without food, but to take with a full glass of I.M. Unknown 7 days 1 mo
Half-life: About 40 days.
fulvestrant CNS: asthenia, headache, pain, dizziness,
insomnia, fever, paresthesia, depression,
Faslodex CV: hot flashes, chest pain, peripheral
edema, vasodilation.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic EENT: pharyngitis.
Pharmacologic class: Estrogen GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdom-
antagonist inal pain, diarrhea, anorexia.
Pregnancy risk category D GU: UTI.
Hematologic: anemia.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Musculoskeletal: bone pain, back pain,
Injection: 50 mg/ml in 2.5-ml and 5-ml pelvic pain, arthritis.
prefilled syringes Respiratory: dyspnea, cough.
Skin: injection site pain, rash, sweating.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Other: accidental injury, flulike syndrome.
➤ Hormone receptor–positive metastatic
breast cancer with disease progression INTERACTIONS
after antiestrogen therapy None reported.
Postmenopausal women: 500 mg I.M.
slowly into buttocks over 1 to 2 minutes as EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
two 5-ml injections, one in each buttock • May decrease hemoglobin level and
on days 1, 15, 29, and then once monthly hematocrit.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with moderate CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class B) • Contraindicated in pregnant women and
give 250 mg I.M. as one 5-ml injection on in patients allergic to drug or any of its
days 1, 15, 29, and then monthly thereafter. components.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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furosemide 639

• Use cautiously in patients with moderate I.M. Dosage may be increased by 1 mg/kg
or severe hepatic impairment. 2 hours after previous dose if needed up to
6 mg/kg/day.
• Because drug is given I.M., don’t use in Adults: 40 mg P.O. b.i.d. Dosage adjusted
patients with bleeding diatheses or throm- based on response. May be used as adjunct
bocytopenia, or in those taking anticoagu- to other antihypertensives if needed.
• Make sure woman isn’t pregnant before ADMINISTRATION
starting drug. P.O.
• To prevent nocturia, give in the morn- F
PATIENT TEACHING ing. Give second dose if ordered in early
• Caution women to avoid pregnancy and to afternoon, 6 to 8 hours after morning dose.
report suspected pregnancy immediately. • Give drug with food to prevent GI upset.
• Inform patient of the most common side • Store tablets in light-resistant container
effects, including pain at injection site, to prevent discoloration (doesn’t affect
headache, GI symptoms, back pain, hot potency). Refrigerate oral solution to ensure
flashes, and sore throat. drug stability.
 If discolored yellow, don’t use.
furosemide  For direct injection, give over 1 to
fur-OH-se-mide 2 minutes.
 For infusion, dilute with D5 W, normal

Lasixi∗ , Lasix Special† saline solution, or lactated Ringer’s solu-

Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive  To avoid ototoxicity, infuse no more than

Pharmacologic class: Loop diuretic 4 mg/minute.

Pregnancy risk category C  Use prepared infusion solution within

24 hours.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Incompatibilities: Acidic solutions,

Injection: 10 mg/ml aminoglycosides, amiodarone, ascorbic

Oral solution: 10 mg/ml, 40 mg/5 ml acid, azithromycin, bleomycin, buprenor-
Tablets: 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg, 500 mg† phine, chlorpromazine, ciprofloxacin,
diazepam, diltiazem, dobutamine,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES doxapram, doxorubicin, droperidol,
➤ Acute pulmonary edema epinephrine, erythromycin, esmolol,
Adults: 40 mg I.V. injected slowly over filgrastim, fluconazole, fructose 10% in
1 to 2 minutes; then 80 mg I.V. in 60 to water, gentamicin, hydralazine, idarubicin,
90 minutes if needed. invert sugar 10% in electrolyte #2, isopro-
➤ Edema terenol, levofloxacin, mannitol, meperi-
Adults: 20 to 80 mg P.O. daily in the morn- dine, methocarbamol, metoclopramide,
ing. If response is inadequate, give a second midazolam, milrinone, morphine,
dose, and each succeeding dose, every 6 to netilmicin, norepinephrine, ondansetron,
8 hours. Carefully increase dose in 20- to oxytetracycline, prochlorperazine, prometh-
40-mg increments up to 600 mg daily. Once azine, protamine, quinidine, tetracycline,
effective dose is attained, may give once thiamine, vinblastine, vincristine, vitamins
or twice daily. Or, 20 to 40 mg I.V. or I.M., B and C.
increased by 20 mg 2 hours after previous I.M.
dose until desired effect achieved. • To prevent nocturia, give in the morn-
Infants and children: 2 mg/kg P.O. daily, ing. Give second dose if ordered in early
increased by 1 to 2 mg/kg in 6 to 8 hours if afternoon, 6 to 8 hours after morning dose.
needed; carefully adjusted up to 6 mg/kg • Record administration site.
daily if needed. Or, 1 mg/kg slowly I.V. or

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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640 furosemide

AC TION from furosemide-induced hypokalemia.

Inhibits sodium and chloride reabsorption Monitor potassium level.
at the proximal and distal tubules and the Chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, hydrochloro-
ascending loop of Henle. thiazide, indapamide, metolazone: May cause
Route Onset Peak Duration
excessive diuretic response, causing serious
P.O. 20–60 min 1–2 hr 6–8 hr
electrolyte abnormalities or dehydration.
I.V. Within 5 min 30 min 2 hr Adjust doses carefully, and monitor patient
I.M. Unknown 30 min 2 hr closely for signs and symptoms of excessive
diuretic response.
Half-life: 30 minutes. Ethacrynic acid: May increase risk of oto-
toxicity. Avoid using together.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Lithium: May decrease lithium excre-
CNS: vertigo, headache, dizziness, pares- tion, resulting in lithium toxicity. Monitor
thesia, weakness, restlessness, fever. lithium level.
CV: orthostatic hypotension, throm- NSAIDs: May inhibit diuretic response. Use
bophlebitis with I.V. administration. together cautiously.
EENT: transient deafness, blurred or yel- Phenytoin: May decrease diuretic effects of
lowed vision, tinnitus. furosemide. Use together cautiously.
GI: abdominal discomfort and pain, diar- Propranolol: May increase propranolol
rhea, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipa- level. Monitor patient closely.
tion, pancreatitis. Salicylates: May cause salicylate toxicity.
GU: azotemia, nocturia, polyuria, frequent Use together cautiously.
urination, oliguria. Sucralfate: May reduce diuretic and an-
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, aplastic tihypertensive effect. Separate doses by
anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, 2 hours.
anemia. Drug-herb. Aloe: May increase drug effect.
Hepatic: hepatic dysfunction, jaundice. Discourage use together.
Metabolic: volume depletion and dehy- Dandelion: May interfere with drug activity.
dration, asymptomatic hyperuricemia, Discourage use together.
impaired glucose tolerance, hypokalemia, Ginseng: May decrease drug effect. Dis-
hypochloremic alkalosis, hyperglycemia, courage use together.
dilutional hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, Licorice: May cause unexpected rapid
hypomagnesemia. potassium loss. Discourage use together.
Musculoskeletal: muscle spasm. Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May increase
Skin: dermatitis, purpura, photosensitivity risk for photosensitivity reactions. Advise
reactions, transient pain at I.M. injection site. patient to avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
Other: gout.
INTERACTIONS • May increase cholesterol, glucose, BUN,
Drug-drug. Aminoglycoside antibiotics, creatinine, and uric acid levels. May de-
cisplatin: May increase ototoxicity. Use crease calcium, hemoglobin, magnesium,
together cautiously. potassium, and sodium levels.
Amphotericin B, corticosteroids, corti- • May decrease granulocyte, platelet, and
cotropin, metolazone: May increase risk WBC counts.
of hypokalemia. Monitor potassium level
Antidiabetics: May decrease hypoglycemic • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
effects. Monitor glucose level. to drug and in those with anuria.
Antihypertensives: May increase risk of • Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
hypotension. Use together cautiously. De- cirrhosis and in those allergic to sulfon-
crease antihypertensive dose if needed. amides. Use during pregnancy only if poten-
Cardiac glycosides, neuromuscular block- tial benefits to mother clearly outweigh risks
ers: May increase toxicity of these drugs to fetus.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-G LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:35

gabapentin 641

•H Overdose S&S: Dehydration, blood sore throat and fever; these symptoms may
volume reduction, hypotension, electrolyte indicate toxicity.
imbalance. Alert: Discourage patient from storing
different types of drugs in the same
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS container, increasing the risk of drug
Alert: Monitor weight, blood pressure, and errors. The most popular strengths of this
pulse rate routinely with long-term use. drug and digoxin are white tablets about
Black Box Warning Drug is potent diuretic equal in size.
and can cause severe diuresis with water • Tell patient to check with prescriber or
and electrolyte depletion. Monitor patient pharmacist before taking OTC drugs.
closely. • Teach patient to avoid direct sunlight and
• If oliguria or azotemia develops or to use protective clothing and a sunblock
increases, drug may need to be stopped. because of risk of photosensitivity G
• Monitor fluid intake and output and reactions.
electrolyte, BUN, and carbon dioxide levels
• Watch for signs of hypokalemia, such as gabapentin
muscle weakness and cramps. gab-ah-PEN-tin
• Consult prescriber and dietitian about
a high-potassium diet or potassium sup- Neurontini
plements. Foods rich in potassium include
citrus fruits, tomatoes, bananas, dates, and Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant
apricots. Pharmacologic class: Gamma-
• Monitor glucose level in diabetic patients. aminobutyric acid (GABA) structural
• Drug may not be well absorbed orally in analogue
patient with severe heart failure. Drug may Pregnancy risk category C
need to be given I.V. even if patient is taking
other oral drugs. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Monitor uric acid level, especially in Capsules: 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg
patients with a history of gout. Oral solution: 250 mg/5 ml
• Monitor elderly patients, who are Tablets: 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg,
especially susceptible to excessive diuresis, 800 mg
because circulatory collapse and throm-
boembolic complications are possible. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ Adjunctive treatment of partial
furosemide with torsemide or Lasix with seizures with or without secondary
Lonox, Lidex, or Luvox. generalization in patients with epilepsy
Adults and children older than age 12:
PATIENT TEACHING Initially, 300 mg P.O. t.i.d. Increase dosage
• Advise patient to take drug with food as needed and tolerated to 1,800 mg daily
to prevent GI upset, and to take drug in in divided doses. Dosages up to 3,600 mg
morning to prevent need to urinate at night. daily have been well tolerated.
If patient needs second dose, tell him to ➤ Adjunctive treatment to control
take it in early afternoon, 6 to 8 hours after partial seizures in children
morning dose. Starting dosage, children ages 3 to 12: 10 to
• Inform patient of possible need for 15 mg/kg daily P.O. in three divided doses,
potassium or magnesium supplements. adjusting over 3 days to reach effective
• Instruct patient to stand slowly to prevent dosage.
dizziness and to limit alcohol intake and Effective dosage, children ages 5 to 12:
strenuous exercise in hot weather to avoid 25 to 35 mg/kg daily P.O. in three divided
worsening dizziness upon standing quickly. doses.
• Advise patient to immediately report Effective dosage, children ages 3 to 4:
ringing in ears, severe abdominal pain, or 40 mg/kg daily P.O. in three divided doses.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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642 gabapentin

➤ Postherpetic neuralgia sion, dysarthria, incoordination, nervous-

Adults: 300 mg P.O. once daily on first day, ness, tremor.
300 mg b.i.d. on day 2, and 300 mg t.i.d. CV: peripheral edema, vasodilation.
on day 3. Adjust as needed for pain to a EENT: amblyopia, diplopia, dry throat,
maximum daily dose of 1,800 mg in three pharyngitis, rhinitis.
divided doses. GI: constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia,
Adjust-a-dose: In patients age 12 and increased appetite, nausea, vomiting.
older with creatinine clearance of 30 to GU: impotence.
59 ml/minute, give 400 to 1,400 mg daily, Hematologic: leukopenia.
divided into two doses. For clearance of Metabolic: weight gain.
15 to 29 ml/minute, give 200 to 700 mg Musculoskeletal: back pain, fractures,
daily in single dose. For clearance less than myalgia.
15 ml/minute, give 100 to 300 mg daily, Respiratory: coughing.
in single dose. Reduce daily dose in pro- Skin: abrasion, pruritus.
portion to creatinine clearance (patients Other: dental abnormalities.
with a clearance of 7.5 ml/minute should
receive one-half the daily dose of those with INTERACTIONS
a clearance of 15 ml/minute). For patients Drug-drug. Antacids: May decrease
receiving hemodialysis, maintenance dose absorption of gabapentin. Separate dosage
is based on estimates of creatinine clear- times by at least 2 hours.
ance. Give supplemental dose of 125 to Hydrocodone: May increase gabapentin
350 mg after each 4 hours of hemodialysis. level and decrease hydrocodone level.
➤ Pain from diabetic neuropathy  Monitor patient for increased adverse
Adults: 900 mg to 3.6 g P.O. daily in three effects or loss of clinical effect.
divided doses.
➤ Vasomotor symptoms in women with EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
breast cancer and in postmenopausal • May decrease WBC count.
women • May cause false-positive results with the
Women: For cancer-related symptoms, Ames-N-Multistix SG dipstick test for urine
200 to 1,600 mg P.O. once daily to q.i.d. for protein when used with other antiepileptics.
4 to 8 weeks. For postmenopausal symp-
toms, 200 to 2,700 mg P.O. once daily to CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
q.i.d. for up to 12 weeks. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug.
ADMINISTRATION • In elderly patients, adjust dosage based
P.O. on creatinine clearance values due to poten-
• Give drug without regard for food. tially decreased renal function.
• Refrigerate oral solution. •H Overdose S&S: Double vision, slurred
speech, drowsiness, lethargy, diarrhea.
Unknown. Structurally related to GABA but NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
doesn’t interact with GABA receptors, isn’t • Give first dose at bedtime to minimize
converted into GABA or GABA agonist, drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, and ataxia.
doesn’t inhibit GABA reuptake, and doesn’t Alert: Closely monitor all patients taking
prevent degradation. or starting antiepileptic drugs for changes
Route Onset Peak Duration
in behavior indicating worsening of suicidal
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
thoughts or behavior or depression. Symp-
toms such as anxiety, agitation, hostility,
Half-life: 5 to 7 hours. mania, and hypomania may be precursors to
emerging suicidality.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • If drug is to be stopped or an alternative
CNS: ataxia, dizziness, fatigue, somno- drug substituted, do so gradually over at
lence, abnormal thinking, amnesia, depres-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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galantamine hydrobromide 643

least 1 week to minimize risk of precipitat- of therapy at the previous dosage. Dosage
ing seizures. range is 16 to 24 mg daily in two divided
Alert: Don’t suddenly withdraw other anti- doses.
convulsants in patients starting gabapentin Or, 8 mg extended-release capsule P.O.
therapy. once daily in the morning with food.
• Routine monitoring of drug levels isn’t Increase to 16 mg P.O. once daily after a
necessary. Drug doesn’t appear to alter minimum of 4 weeks. May further increase
levels of other anticonvulsants. to 24 mg once daily after a minimum of
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 4 weeks, based upon patient response and
Neurontin with Noroxin. tolerability.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with Child-Pugh
PATIENT TEACHING score of 7 to 9, dosage usually shouldn’t
• Advise patient that drug may be taken exceed 16 mg daily. Drug isn’t recom- G
without regard for meals. mended for patients with Child-Pugh score
• Instruct patient to take first dose at of 10 to 15. For patients with moderate
bedtime to minimize adverse reactions. renal impairment, dosage usually shouldn’t
• Tell patient with seizures the maximum exceed 16 mg daily. For patients with crea-
time interval between doses shouldn’t tinine clearance less than 9 ml/minute, drug
exceed 12 hours. isn’t recommended.
• Warn patient to avoid driving and oper-
ating heavy machinery until drug’s CNS ADMINISTRATION
effects are known. P.O.
• Advise patient not to stop drug abruptly. Alert: Give Razadyne tablets twice daily;
• Advise women to discuss drug therapy give Razadyne ER capsules once daily. To
with prescriber if considering pregnancy. avoid dosing errors, verify any prescription
• Tell patient to keep oral solution refriger- that suggests a different dosing schedule.
ated. • Give drug with food and antiemetics, and
ensure adequate fluid intake to decrease the
risk of nausea and vomiting.
galantamine hydrobromide • Use proper technique when dispensing
gah-LAN-tah-meen the oral solution with the pipette. Dispense
measured amount into a beverage and give
Razadyne, Razadyne ER to patient right away.

Therapeutic class: Anti-Alzheimer AC TION

Pharmacologic class: Cholinesterase Thought to enhance cholinergic function by
inhibitor increasing acetylcholine level in brain.
Pregnancy risk category B
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
Capsules (extended-release): 8 mg, 16 mg, Half-life: About 7 hours.
24 mg
Oral solution: 4 mg/ml ADVERSE REACTIONS
Tablets: 4 mg, 8 mg, 12 mg CNS: depression, dizziness, headache,
tremor, insomnia, somnolence, fatigue,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES syncope, tremor.
➤ Mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia CV: bradycardia, AV block.
Adults: Initially, 4 mg b.i.d., preferably EENT: rhinitis.
with morning and evening meals. If dose GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal
is well tolerated after minimum of 4 weeks pain, dyspepsia, anorexia.
of therapy, increase dosage to 8 mg b.i.d. GU: UTI, hematuria.
A further increase to 12 mg b.i.d. may be Hematologic: anemia.
attempted, but only after at least 4 weeks Metabolic: weight loss.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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644 ganciclovir

INTERACTIONS Alert: The original trade name for

Drug-drug. Amitriptyline, fluoxetine, galantamine, “Reminyl,” was changed to
fluvoxamine, quinidine: May decrease “Razadyne” because of name confusion
galantamine clearance. Monitor patient with the antidiabetic Amaryl.
closely. • If drug is stopped for several days or
Anticholinergics: May antagonize anti- longer, restart at the lowest dose and gradu-
cholinergic activity. Monitor patient. ally increase, at 4-week or longer intervals,
Cholinergics (such as bethanechol, suc- to the previous dosage level.
cinylcholine): May have synergistic effect. • Because of the risk of increased gastric
Monitor patient closely. May need to avoid acid secretion, monitor patients closely for
use before procedures using general anes- symptoms of active or occult GI bleeding,
thesia with succinylcholine-type neuromus- especially those with an increased risk of
cular blockers. developing ulcers.
Cimetidine, clarithromycin, erythromycin,
ketoconazole, paroxetine: May increase PATIENT TEACHING
galantamine bioavailability. Monitor patient • Advise caregiver to give drug with
closely. morning and evening meals (for the con-
NSAIDs: May increase risk of bleeding due ventional form), or only in the morning (for
to increased gastric acid secretion. Monitor the extended-release form).
patient for symptoms of active or occult GI • Inform patient that nausea and vomiting
bleeding. are common adverse effects.
• Teach caregiver the proper technique
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS when measuring the oral solution with the
None reported. pipette. Tell her to place measured amount
in a nonalcoholic beverage and have patient
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Urge patient or caregiver to report slow
to drug or its components. heartbeat immediately.
• Use cautiously in patients with supraven- • Advise patient and caregiver that although
tricular cardiac conduction disorders and in drug may improve cognitive function, it
those taking other drugs that significantly doesn’t alter the underlying disease process.
slow heart rate.
• Use cautiously during or before pro-
cedures involving anesthesia using ganciclovir (DHPG)
succinylcholine-type or similar neuro- gan-SYE-kloe-vir
muscular blockers.
• Use cautiously in patients with history Cytovene
of peptic ulcer disease and in those taking
NSAIDs. Because of the potential for choli- Therapeutic class: Antiviral
nomimetic effects, use cautiously in patients Pharmacologic class: Synthetic purine
with bladder outflow obstruction, seizures, nucleoside analogue of guanine
asthma, or COPD. Pregnancy risk category C
•H Overdose S&S: Muscle weakness, muscle
fasciculations, nausea, vomiting, GI cramp- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ing, excessive salivation, excessive lacrima- Capsules: 250 mg, 500 mg
tion, sweating, bradycardia, hypotension, Injection: 500 mg/vial
respiratory depression, syncope, seizures,
QT interval prolongation, hallucinations. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Black Box Warning Ganciclovir capsules
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS are indicated only for prevention of CMV
• Drug may cause bradycardia and heart disease in patients with advanced HIV
block. Consider all patients at risk for infection at risk for CMV disease, for
adverse effects on cardiac conduction. maintenance treatment of CMV retinitis

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ganciclovir 645

in immunocompromised patients, and for P.O. therapy

prevention of CMV disease in solid organ
Creatinine Dose
transplant recipients. clearance (ml/min) (mg/kg) Interval
Black Box Warning Ganciclovir I.V. is
50–69 1,500 24 hr
indicated only for the treatment of CMV
500 8 hr
retinitis in immunocompromised patients 25–49 1,000 24 hr
and for the prevention of CMV disease 500 12 hr
in transplant patients at risk for CMV 10–24 500 24 hr
disease. <10 500 3 times weekly
➤ CMV retinitis in immunocompro- after hemodialysis
mised patients, including those with
AIDS and normal renal function Adjust-a-dose: Adjust dosage in patients
Adults: Induction treatment is 5 mg/kg I.V. with renal impairment according to the G
every 12 hours for 14 to 21 days. Don’t use table. If patient is receiving hemodialysis,
capsules for induction. Maintenance treat- give dose shortly after session is complete.
ment is 5 mg/kg I.V. daily 7 days per week
or 6 mg/kg I.V. daily five times weekly. Or, ADMINISTRATION
for maintenance therapy, give 1,000 mg P.O. P.O.
t.i.d. with food or 500 mg P.O. every 3 hours • Give drug with a meal.
while awake (six times daily). • Don’t crush or open capsule.
➤ To prevent CMV disease in patients I.V.
with advanced HIV infection and normal  To reconstitute, add 10 ml sterile water

renal function for injection to 500-mg vial. Shake vial

Adults and children age 13 and older: well to dissolve drug.
1,000 mg P.O. t.i.d. with food.  Further dilute in 50 to 250 ml (usually

➤ To prevent CMV disease in transplant 100 ml) of compatible I.V. solution.

recipients with normal renal function  If fluids are being restricted, dilute to no

Adults: 5 mg/kg I.V. (given at a constant more than 10 mg/ml.

rate over 1 hour) every 12 hours for 7 to  Don’t give as bolus.

14 days; then 5 mg/kg daily 7 days per  Use an infusion pump.

week or 6 mg/kg daily five times weekly.  Infuse over at least 1 hour.

Duration of therapy depends on degree of  Infusing drug too rapidly has toxic

immunosuppression. effects.
 Use caution when preparing solution,

Initial I.V. therapy which is alkaline.

Alert: Don’t give subcutaneously or I.M.
Creatinine  Incompatibilities: Aldesleukin, ami-
clearance Dose
(ml/min) (mg/kg) Interval
fostine, aztreonam, cefepime, cytarabine,
doxorubicin hydrochloride, fludarabine,
50–69 2.5 12 hr
foscarnet, ondansetron, other I.V. drugs,
25–49 2.5 24 hr
10–24 1.25 24 hr
paraben (bacteriostatic agent), piperacillin
<10 1.25 3 times weekly
sodium with tazobactam, sargramostim,
after hemodialysis vinorelbine.
Maintenance I.V. therapy
Creatinine Inhibits binding of deoxyguanosine triphos-
clearance Dose
phate to DNA polymerase, resulting in
(ml/min) (mg/kg) Interval
inhibition of DNA synthesis.
50–69 2.5 24 hr
25–49 1.25 24 hr Route Onset Peak Duration
10–24 0.625 24 hr P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
<10 0.625 3 times weekly I.V. Unknown Immediate Unknown
after hemodialysis
Half-life: About 3 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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646 gatifloxacin

ADVERSE REACTIONS • Use cautiously and reduce dosage in

CNS: fever, coma, seizures, abnormal patients with renal dysfunction. Monitor
thinking, agitation, altered dreams, amnesia, renal function tests.
anxiety, asthenia, ataxia, confusion, Black Box Warning Ganciclovir caused
dizziness, headache, somnolence, tremor, aspermatogenesis and was carcinogenic and
neuropathy, paresthesia. teratogenic in animal studies.
EENT: retinal detachment in CMV retinitis •H Overdose S&S: Persistent bone marrow
patients. suppression, reversible neutropenia or
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, granulocytopenia, hepatitis, renal toxicity,
nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, dyspepsia, seizures (all with I.V. form).
Hematologic: anemia, agranulocytosis, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Black Box Warning Because of the
Respiratory: pneumonia. frequency of agranulocytosis and throm-
Skin: rash, sweating, inflammation, bocytopenia, obtain neutrophil and platelet
pruritus, pain and phlebitis at injection counts every 2 days during twice-daily
site. doses and at least weekly thereafter.
Other: sepsis, chills, infection. Black Box Warning Ganciclovir capsules
are associated with a risk of more rapid
INTERACTIONS rate of CMV retinitis progression. Use
Drug-drug. Amphotericin B, cyclosporine, capsules as maintenance treatment only in
other nephrotoxic drugs: May increase risk patients for whom this risk is balanced by
of nephrotoxicity. Monitor renal function. benefit associated with avoiding daily I.V.
Cytotoxic drugs: May increase toxic infusions.
effects, especially hematologic effects and
stomatitis. Monitor patient closely. PATIENT TEACHING
Imipenem and cilastatin: May increase • Explain importance of drinking plenty of
seizure activity. Use together only if fluids during therapy.
potential benefits outweigh risks. • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
Immunosuppressants (such as azathio- promptly.
prine, corticosteroids, cyclosporine): May • Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V.
enhance immune and bone marrow suppres- insertion site.
sion. Use together cautiously. • Advise patient that drug causes birth
Probenecid: May increase ganciclovir level. defects. Instruct women to use effective
Monitor patient closely. birth control; men should use barrier contra-
Zidovudine: May increase risk of agranulo- ception during and for at least 90 days after
cytosis. Use together cautiously; monitor therapy.
hematologic function closely. • Tell patient to take capsule with food and
to swallow whole. Tell patient not to crush,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS open, or chew capsule.
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
AST, creatinine, and GGT levels. May
decrease hemoglobin level. gatifloxacin
• May decrease granulocyte, neutrophil, ga-ti-FLOKS-a-sin
platelet, and WBC counts.
Zymar, Zymaxid
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
patients hypersensitive to drug or acyclovir Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone
and in those with an absolute neutrophil Pregnancy risk category C
count below 500/mm3 or a platelet count
below 25,000/mm3 . AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Solution: 0.3%, 0.5%

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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gemcitabine hydrochloride 647

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Safety and effectiveness in infants less

➤ Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by than 1 year have not been established.
Corynebacterium propinguum, Strep- • Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
tococcus mitis, Staphylococcus aureus, feeding women.
Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Adults and children age 1 and older: Instill • Solution isn’t for injection subconjunctiv-
1 drop into affected eye every 2 hours while ally or into the anterior chamber of the eye.
patient is awake, up to eight times daily for • Systemic drug may cause serious hyper-
2 days. Then instill 1 drop up to q.i.d. for sensitivity reactions. If allergic reaction
5 more days. occurs, stop drug and treat symptoms.
➤ Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by • Monitor patient for superinfection.
S. mitis, S. aureus, S. epidermidis, • Growth of resistant organisms, includ- G
S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae ing fungi, may occur with prolonged use.
Adults and children age 1 and older: Instill Monitor patient carefully.
1 drop Zymaxid into affected eye every
2 hours while patient is awake, up to eight PATIENT TEACHING
times on day 1. Then instill 1 drop two to • Urge patient to immediately stop drug
four times daily while patient is awake on and seek medical treatment if evidence of a
days 2 to 7. serious allergic reaction develops, such as
itching, rash, swelling of the face or throat,
ADMINISTRATION or difficulty breathing.
Ophthalmic • Instruct patient to apply gentle pressure
• Apply gentle pressure to the inside corner to inside corner of eyelid for 1 to 2 minutes
of the eyelid for 1 to 2 minutes after instill- after instilling drop.
ing drop. • Tell patient not to wear contact lenses
during treatment.
AC TION • Warn patient to avoid touching the ap-
Inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase, plicator tip to anything, including eyes and
preventing cell replication and division. fingers.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Teach patient that prolonged use may
Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
encourage infections with nonsusceptible
Half-life: Unknown.
CNS: headache. gemcitabine hydrochloride
EENT: conjunctival irritation, increased jem-SITE-ah-been
lacrimation, keratitis, papillary conjunc-
tivitis, chemosis, conjunctival hemorrhage, Gemzar
discharge, dry eyes, eye irritation, eyelid Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
edema, pain, red eyes, reduced visual acuity. Pharmacologic class: Pyrimidine
GI: taste disturbance. analogue
Pregnancy risk category D
None reported. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Powder for injection: 200-mg, 1-g vials
➤ Locally advanced or metastatic adeno-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS carcinoma of pancreas
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Adults: 1,000 mg/m2 I.V. over 30 minutes
to drug or other quinolones. once weekly for up to 7 weeks, unless

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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648 gemcitabine hydrochloride

toxicity occurs. Monitor CBC with dif- If AGC is 1,000 to 1,499/mm3 , give 50%
ferential and platelet count before giving of dose. If AGC is below 1,000/mm3 or
each dose. platelet count is below 75,000/mm3 , hold
Adjust-a-dose: If bone marrow suppres- dose. Adjustments for subsequent cycles
sion is detected, adjust therapy. If absolute based on observed toxicities.
granulocyte count (AGC) is 1,000/mm3 or ➤ With paclitaxel, first-line therapy for
more and platelet count is 100,000/mm3 metastatic breast cancer after failure of
or more, give full dose. If AGC is 500 to other adjuvant chemotherapy with an
999/mm3 or platelet count is 50,000 to anthracycline
99,000/mm3 , give 75% of dose. If AGC Adults: 1,250 mg/m2 I.V. over 30 minutes
is below 500/mm3 or platelet count is on days 1 and 8 of each 21-day cycle, with
below 50,000/mm3 , withhold dose. Course 175 mg/m2 paclitaxel I.V. as a 3-hour infu-
of 7 weeks is followed by 1 week of rest. sion given before gemcitabine dose on day
Subsequent dosage cycles consist of one 1 of the cycle. Adjust dosage based on total
infusion weekly for 3 of 4 consecutive AGC and platelet counts taken on day 8 of
weeks. Dosage adjustments for subsequent the cycle.
cycles are based on AGC and platelet Adjust-a-dose: If AGC is 1,000 to
count nadirs and degree of nonhematologic 1,199/mm3 or platelet count is 50,000 to
toxicity. 75,000/mm3 , give 75% of dose. If AGC
➤ With cisplatin, first-line treatment is 700 to 999/mm3 and platelet count is
of inoperable, locally advanced, or 50,000/mm3 or above, give 50% of dose. If
metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer AGC is below 700/mm3 or platelet count is
Adults: For 4-week schedule, 1,000 mg/m2 below 50,000/mm3 , withhold dose.
I.V. over 30 minutes on days 1, 8, and 15 of
each 28-day cycle. 100 mg/m2 cisplatin on ADMINISTRATION
day 1 after gemcitabine infusion. I.V.
For 3-week schedule, 1,250 mg/m2 I.V.  Preparing and giving parenteral drug

over 30 minutes on days 1 and 8 of each may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car-

21-day cycle. 100 mg/m2 cisplatin on day 1 cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce
after gemcitabine infusion. risks.
Adjust-a-dose: If bone marrow suppres-  To prepare solution, add 5 ml of unpre-

sion is detected, adjust therapy. If absolute served normal saline solution for injection
granulocyte count (AGC) is 1,000/mm3 or to 200-mg vial or 25 ml to 1-g vial. Shake
more and platelet count is 100,000/mm3 to dissolve.
or more, give full dose. If AGC is 500 to  Resulting concentration is 40 mg/ml;

999/mm3 or platelet count is 50,000 to reconstitution at higher concentrations

99,000/mm3 , give 75% of dose. If AGC is isn’t recommended.
below 500/mm3 or platelet count is below  If needed, dilute to as little as 0.1 mg/ml

50,000/mm3 , withhold dose. by adding normal saline solution for injec-

➤ With carboplatin, for treatment of tion.
advanced ovarian cancer that relapsed  Make sure solution is clear to light

at least 6 months after platinum-based straw-colored and free of particles.

therapy  Don’t extend infusion time beyond

Adults: 1,000 mg/m2 I.V. over 30 minutes 60 minutes or give drug more often than
on days 1 and 8 of each 21-day cycle. Give once weekly; doing so may increase
carboplatin AUC 4 I.V. on day 1 after gem- toxicity.
citabine. Check CBC with differential and  Drug is stable 24 hours at room temp-

platelet count before each dose. The AGC erature.

should be 1,500/mm3 or higher and platelet  Don’t refrigerate reconstituted drug

count 100,000/mm3 or higher before each because it may crystallize.

cycle.  Incompatibilities: Acyclovir, am-

Adjust-a-dose: Base adjustment on AGC photericin B, cefoperazone, cefotaxime,

and platelet count results on day 8 of cycle. furosemide, ganciclovir, imipenem and

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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gemfibrozil 649

cilastatin, irinotecan, methotrexate, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

methylprednisolone, mitomycin, • Monitor patient closely. Expect dosage
piperacillin, piperacillin and tazobactam modification according to toxicity and
sodium, prochlorperazine, sodium degree of myelosuppression. Age, gender,
succinate. and presence of renal impairment may
predispose patient to toxicity.
AC TION • Carefully monitor hematologic values,
Cytotoxic and specific to cell cycle; inhibits especially of neutrophil and platelet counts.
DNA synthesis and blocks progression of • Obtain baseline and periodic renal and
cells. hepatic laboratory tests.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Advise patient to watch for evidence G
Half-life: About 2 to 191⁄2 hours. of infection (fever, sore throat, fatigue)
and bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds,
ADVERSE REACTIONS bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell patient to
CNS: somnolence, paresthesia, pain, fever. take temperature daily.
CV: edema, peripheral edema. • Advise patient to promptly report flulike
GI: stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, constipa- symptoms or breathing problems.
tion, diarrhea. • Tell patient that adverse effects may con-
GU: proteinuria, hematuria. tinue after treatment ends.
Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia, • Caution women to avoid pregnancy or
neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, HEMOR- breast-feeding during therapy.
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity.
Respiratory: dyspnea, bronchospasm, gemfibrozil
pneumonitis. jem-FI-broe-zil
Skin: alopecia, rash, pain at injection site. Lopidi
Other: flulike syndrome, infection.
Therapeutic class: Antilipemic
INTERACTIONS Pharmacologic class: Fibric acid
Warfarin: May increase the anticoagulant derivative
effect of warfarin. Monitor patient and INR. Pregnancy risk category C


• May increase ALT, AST, BUN, and Tablets: 600 mg
creatinine levels. May decrease hemoglobin
• May decrease neutrophil, platelet, and ➤ Types IV and V hyperlipidemia
WBC counts. unresponsive to diet and other drugs;
to reduce risk of coronary heart disease
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS in patients with type IIb hyperlipidemia
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive who can’t tolerate or who are refractory
to drug and in pregnant or breast-feeding to treatment with bile-acid sequestrants
women. or niacin
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or Adults: 1,200 mg P.O. daily in two divided
hepatic impairment. doses, 30 minutes before morning and
• Use cautiously when given within 7 days evening meals.
of radiation therapy.
• In children, safety and effectiveness ADMINISTRATION
haven’t been determined. P.O.
•H Overdose S&S: Myelosuppression, pares- • Give drug 30 minutes before breakfast
thesia, severe rash. and dinner.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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650 gemifloxacin mesylate


Inhibits peripheral lipolysis and reduces • Check CBC and test liver function period-
triglyceride synthesis in the liver; lowers ically during the first 12 months of therapy.
triglyceride levels and increases HDL • If drug has no benefits after 3 months of
cholesterol levels. therapy, stop drug.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Patient shouldn’t take drug together with
P.O. 2–5 days 4 wk Unknown
repaglinide or itraconazole.
Half-life: 11⁄4 hours. PATIENT TEACHING
• Instruct patient to take drug 30 minutes
ADVERSE REACTIONS before breakfast and dinner.
CNS: fatigue, headache, vertigo. • Teach patient about proper dietary man-
CV: atrial fibrillation. agement of cholesterol and triglycerides.
GI: abdominal and epigastric pain, When appropriate, recommend weight
dyspepsia, acute appendicitis, constipation, control, exercise, and smoking cessation
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. programs.
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocyto- • Because of possible dizziness and blurred
penia, anemia, eosinophilia. vision, advise patient to avoid driving and
Hepatic: bile duct obstruction. other hazardous activities until effects of
Metabolic: hypokalemia. drug are known.
Skin: dermatitis, eczema, pruritus, rash. • Tell patient to observe bowel movements
and to report evidence of excess fat in feces
INTERACTIONS or other signs of bile duct obstruction.
Drug-drug. Cyclosporine: May decrease • Advise patient to report muscle pain to
cyclosporine levels. Monitor cyclosporine prescriber if occurs during therapy.
levels and adjust dose as needed.
Glyburide: May increase hypoglycemic
effects. Monitor glucose level, and watch gemifloxacin mesylate
for signs of hypoglycemia. jem-ah-FLOX-a-sin
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: May cause
myopathy with rhabdomyolysis. Avoid Factive
using together.
Oral anticoagulants: May enhance effects Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
of oral anticoagulants. Monitor patient Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone
closely. Pregnancy risk category C
Repaglinide: May increase repaglinide
level. Avoid using together if possible. If AVAIL ABLE FORMS
already taking both drugs, monitor glucose Tablets: 320 mg
levels and adjust repaglinide dosage.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS ➤ Acute bacterial worsening of chronic
• May increase ALT, AST, and CK levels. bronchitis caused by Streptococcus
May decrease potassium and hemoglobin pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae,
levels and hematocrit. H. parainfluenzae, or Moraxella
• May decrease eosinophil, WBC, and catarrhalis
platelet counts. Adults: 320 mg P.O. once daily for 5 days.
➤ Mild to moderate community-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS acquired pneumonia caused by S. pneu-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive moniae (including multidrug-resistant
to drug and in those with hepatic or severe strains), H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis,
renal dysfunction (including primary biliary Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia
cirrhosis) or gallbladder disease. pneumoniae, or Klebsiella pneumoniae
Adults: 320 mg P.O. once daily for 7 days.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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gemifloxacin mesylate 651

Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is Sucralfate: May decrease gemifloxacin

40 ml/minute or less, or if patient receives level. Use together cautiously.
routine hemodialysis or continuous ambu- Warfarin: May increase anticoagulation
latory peritoneal dialysis, reduce dosage to effect. Monitor PT and INR.
160 mg P.O. once daily. Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May increase
risk of photosensitivity. Advise patient to
ADMINISTRATION avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
• Give drug with or without food; however EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
it must be given 2 hours before or 3 hours • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
after an antacid. AST, bilirubin, BUN, CK, creatinine, GGT,
• Give plenty of fluids during treatment. and potassium levels. May decrease albu-
min, protein, and sodium levels. May in- G
AC TION crease or decrease calcium and hemoglobin
Prevents cell growth by inhibiting DNA levels and hematocrit.
gyrase and topoisomerase IV, which inter- • May increase or decrease neutrophil,
feres with DNA synthesis. platelet, and RBC counts.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 1⁄
2 –2 hr Unknown
Black Box Warning Drug is associated
Half-life: 4 to 12 hours. with increased risk of tendinitis and tendon
rupture, especially in patients older than
ADVERSE REACTIONS age 60 and those with heart, kidney, or lung
CNS: headache, dizziness. transplants.
GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
vomiting. to fluoroquinolones, gemifloxacin, or their
Musculoskeletal: ruptured tendons. components.
Skin: rash. • Contraindicated in patients with a
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. history of prolonged QTc interval, those
with uncorrected electrolyte disorders (such
INTERACTIONS as hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia), and
Drug-drug. Antacids (magnesium or those taking a drug that could prolong the
aluminum), didanosine (chewable tablets, QTc interval.
buffered tablets, or pediatric powder for • Use cautiously in patients with a proar-
oral solution), ferrous sulfate, multivitamins rhythmic condition, epilepsy, or a predispo-
containing metal cations (such as zinc), sition to seizures.
sucralfate: May decrease gemifloxacin • Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab-
level. Give these drugs at least 3 hours lished for children younger than 18.
before or 2 hours after gemifloxacin.
Antiarrhythmics of class IA (procainamide, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
quinidine) or class III (amiodarone, • Use drug only for infections caused by
sotalol): May increase risk of prolonged susceptible bacteria.
QTc interval. Avoid using together. Alert: Don’t exceed recommended dosage
Antipsychotics, erythromycin, tricyclic because this increases the risk of prolonging
antidepressants: May increase risk of the QTc interval.
prolonged QTc interval. Use together • Mild to moderate maculopapular rash
cautiously. may appear, usually 8 to 10 days after
Probenecid: May increase gemifloxacin therapy starts. It’s more likely in women
level. May use with probenecid for this younger than age 40 and postmenopausal
reason. women taking hormone therapy. Stop drug
Black Box Warning Steroids: May increase if rash appears.
risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture. Monitor Alert: Serious, occasionally fatal, hyper-
patient for tendon pain or inflammation. sensitivity reactions may occur. Stop drug

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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652 gentamicin sulfate (injection)

immediately if hypersensitivity reaction I.V. infusion (premixed): 40 mg, 60 mg,

occurs. 70 mg, 80 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg, in normal
Black Box Warning Fluoroquinolones saline solution
may cause tendon rupture, arthropathy, or
osteochondrosis; stop drug if patient reports INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
pain or inflammation or ruptures a tendon. ➤ Serious infections caused by sensi-
• Stop drug if patient has a photosensitivity tive strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
reaction. Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella,
• Fluoroquinolones may cause CNS effects, Serratia, or Staphylococcus
such as tremors and anxiety. Monitor patient Adults: 3 mg/kg daily in three divided doses
carefully. I.M. or I.V. infusion every 8 hours. For
• Serious diarrhea may reflect pseudo- life-threatening infections, may give up to
membranous colitis; drug may need to be 5 mg/kg daily in three or four divided doses;
stopped. reduce dosage to 3 mg/kg daily as soon as
• Keep patient adequately hydrated to avoid patient improves.
concentration of urine. Children: 2 to 2.5 mg/kg every 8 hours I.M.
or by I.V. infusion.
PATIENT TEACHING Neonates older than 1 week and infants:
• Urge patient to finish full course of treat- 2.5 mg/kg every 8 hours I.M. or by I.V.
ment, even if symptoms improve. infusion.
• Tell patient that drug may be taken with or Neonates younger than 1 week and preterm
without food, but that it shouldn’t be taken infants: 2.5 mg/kg every 12 hours I.M. or by
within 3 hours after or 2 hours before an I.V. infusion.
antacid. Adjust-a-dose: For adults with impaired
• Tell patient to stop drug and seek medical renal function, doses and frequency are
care if evidence of hypersensitivity reaction determined by drug level and renal func-
develops. tion. To maintain therapeutic levels, adults
• Instruct patient to drink fluids liberally. should receive 1 to 1.7 mg/kg I.M. or by
• Warn patient against taking OTC drugs or I.V. infusion after each dialysis session,
dietary supplements without consulting his and children should receive 2 to 2.5 mg/kg
prescriber. I.M. or by I.V. infusion after each dialysis
• Tell patient to avoid excessive exposure to session.
sunlight or ultraviolet light.
• Urge patient to report pain, inflammation, ADMINISTRATION
or rupture of tendons. I.V.
• Warn patient to avoid driving or other  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

hazardous activities until effects of drug are tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy
known. while awaiting results.
 For intermittent infusion, dilute with

50 to 200 ml of D5 W or normal saline

gentamicin sulfate solution for injection.
(injection)  Infuse over 30 minutes to 2 hours.

jen-ta-MYE-sin  After completing infusion, flush the line

with normal saline solution or D5 W.

Therapeutic class: Antibiotic  Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, am-
Pharmacologic class: Aminoglycoside photericin B, ampicillin, azithromycin,
Pregnancy risk category D cefazolin, cefepime, cefotaxime, cef-
tazidime, ceftriaxone sodium, cefuroxime,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS certain parenteral nutrition formulations,
Injection: 40 mg/ml (adults), 10 mg/ml cytarabine, dopamine, fat emulsions,
(children) furosemide, heparin, hetastarch, idaru-
bicin, indomethacin sodium trihydrate,
nafcillin, propofol, ticarcillin, warfarin.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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gentamicin sulfate (injection) 653

I.M. reduce dosage of nondepolarizing muscle

• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitiv- relaxant.
ity tests before giving. Begin therapy while Dimenhydrinate: May mask ototoxicity
awaiting results. symptoms. Monitor patient’s hearing.
• Obtain blood for peak level 1 hour after General anesthetics: May increase neuro-
I.M. injection or 30 minutes after I.V. infu- muscular blockade. Monitor patient closely.
sion finishes; for trough levels, draw blood Indomethacin: May increase peak and
just before next dose. Don’t collect blood in trough levels of gentamicin. Monitor gen-
a heparinized tube; heparin is incompatible tamicin level.
with aminoglycosides. Black Box Warning I.V. loop diuretics
(such as furosemide): May increase risk
AC TION of ototoxicity. Monitor patient’s hearing.
Inhibits protein synthesis by binding Parenteral penicillins (such as ampicillin and G
directly to the 30S ribosomal subunit; ticarcillin): May inactivate gentamicin in
bactericidal. vitro. Don’t mix together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate 30–90 min Unknown
I.M. Unknown 30–90 min Unknown • May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, BUN,
creatinine, LDH, and nonprotein nitrogen
Half-life: 2 to 3 hours. levels. May decrease hemoglobin level.
• May increase eosinophil count. May
ADVERSE REACTIONS decrease platelet and WBC counts.
CNS: encephalopathy, seizures, fever,
headache, lethargy, confusion, dizziness, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
numbness, peripheral neuropathy, vertigo, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
ataxia, tingling. to drug or other aminoglycosides.
CV: hypotension. • Use cautiously in neonates, infants,
EENT: ototoxicity, blurred vision, tinnitus. elderly patients, and patients with impaired
GI: vomiting, nausea. renal function or neuromuscular disorders.
GU: nephrotoxicity, possible increase in •H Overdose S&S: Nephrotoxicity, neurotox-
urinary excretion of casts. icity, ototoxicity.
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leukope-
nia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
eosinophilia. Black Box Warning Evaluate patient’s
Musculoskeletal: muscle twitching, myas- hearing before and during therapy. Notify
thenia gravis–like syndrome. prescriber if patient complains of tinnitus,
Respiratory: apnea. vertigo, or hearing loss.
Skin: rash, urticaria, pruritus, injection site • Weigh patient and review renal function
pain. studies before therapy begins.
Other: anaphylaxis. Alert: Use preservative-free form when
intrathecal route is used adjunctively for
INTERACTIONS serious CNS infections, such as meningitis
Drug-drug. Black Box Warning Acyclovir, and ventriculitis.
amphotericin B, cephalosporins, cidofovir, Black Box Warning Maintain peak levels
cisplatin, methoxyflurane, vancomycin, at 4 to 12 mcg/ml and trough levels at 1 to
other aminoglycosides: May increase oto- 2 mcg/ml. The maximum peak level is
toxicity and nephrotoxicity. Monitor hearing usually 8 mcg/ml, except in patients with
and renal function test results. cystic fibrosis, who need increased lung
Atracurium, pancuronium, rocuronium, penetration. Prolonged peak levels of
vecuronium: May increase effects of non- 10 to 12 mcg/ml or prolonged trough levels
depolarizing muscle relaxants, including greater than 2 mcg/ml may increase risk of
prolonged respiratory depression. Use to- toxicity.
gether only when necessary, and expect to

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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654 gentamicin sulfate (ophthalmic)

Black Box Warning Monitor renal function: ADMINISTRATION

urine output, specific gravity, urinalysis, Ophthalmic
BUN and creatinine levels, and creatinine • Store drug away from heat.
clearance. Report to prescriber evidence of • Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac
declining renal function. for 1 minute after drops are instilled.
• Hemodialysis for 8 hours may remove up • Wait at least 10 minutes before instilling
to 50% of drug from blood. other eyedrops.
• Watch for signs and symptoms of super-
infection (especially of upper respiratory AC TION
tract), such as continued fever, chills, and Thought to inhibit protein synthesis; usually
increased pulse rate. bactericidal.
• Therapy usually continues for 7 to Route Onset Peak Duration
10 days. If no response occurs in 3 to 5 days, Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
stop therapy and obtain new specimens for
culture and sensitivity testing. Half-life: Unknown.


• Instruct patient to promptly report adverse EENT: burning, stinging, or blurred vision
reactions, such as dizziness, vertigo, unsteady with ointment, conjunctival hyperemia,
gait, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, numb- transient irritation from solution, bacterial
ness, tingling, or muscle twitching. and fungal corneal ulcers.
• Encourage patient to drink plenty of fluids. Other: overgrowth of nonsusceptible organ-
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities isms with long-term use.
if adverse CNS reactions occur.
None significant.
gentamicin sulfate
jen-ta-MYE-sin None reported.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic to drug.
Pharmacologic class: Aminoglycoside • Use cautiously in patients with history
Pregnancy risk category C of sensitivity to aminoglycosides because
cross-sensitivity may occur.
Ophthalmic ointment: 0.3% (base) NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Ophthalmic solution: 0.3% (base) • Obtain culture before giving drug.
Therapy may begin before culture results
➤ External ocular infections (conjunc- • Solution isn’t for injection into conjunc-
tivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal tiva or anterior chamber of eye.
ulcers, blepharitis, blepharoconjuncti- • If ophthalmic gentamicin is given to-
vitis, meibomianitis, and dacryocystitis) gether with systemic gentamicin, monitor
caused by susceptible organisms, espe- gentamicin level.
cially Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, • Systemic absorption from excessive use
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, may cause toxicities.
and other gram-negative organisms
Adults and children: 1 to 2 drops in affected PATIENT TEACHING
eye every 4 hours. In severe infections, up • Tell patient to clean eye area of excessive
to 2 drops every hour. Or, apply ointment to discharge before instilling drug.
lower conjunctival sac b.i.d. or t.i.d.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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gentamicin sulfate (topical) 655

• Teach patient how to instill drops or apply AC TION

ointment. Advise him to wash hands before Exact mechanism unknown. An amino-
and after applying ointment or solution and glycoside that disrupts bacterial protein
not to touch tip of dropper or tube to eye or synthesis by binding to ribosomes.
surrounding tissues. Susceptible bacteria include sensitive
• Instruct patient to apply light finger pres- strains of streptococci and Staphylococcus
sure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after drops aureus and gram-negative bacteria includ-
are instilled. ing Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aerobacter
• Tell patient to wait at least 10 minutes aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Proteus
before instilling other eyedrops. vulgaris, and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
• Instruct patient to stop drug and notify Route Onset Peak Duration
prescriber if signs and symptoms of sen- Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
sitivity (itching lids, swelling, or constant G
burning) occur. Half-life: Unknown.
• Advise patient not to share drug, wash-
cloths, or towels with family members and ADVERSE REACTIONS
to notify prescriber if anyone develops same Skin: allergic contact dermatitis, erythema,
signs or symptoms. minor skin irritation, photosensitivity.
• Tell patient that vision may be blurred for
few minutes after application of ointment. INTERACTIONS
Alert: Stress importance of following None significant.
recommended therapy. Pseudomonas infec-
tions can cause complete vision loss within EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
24 hours if infection isn’t controlled. None reported.


gentamicin sulfate (topical) • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
jen-ta-MYE-sin to drug or its components and in those
who may have cross-sensitivity with other
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic aminoglycosides, such as neomycin.
Pharmacologic class: Aminoglycoside
Pregnancy risk category C NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Alert: Avoid use on large skin lesions
AVAIL ABLE FORMS or over a wide area because of possible
Cream: 0.1% systemic toxic effects.
Ointment: 0.1% • Restrict use of drug to selected patients;
widespread use may lead to resistant organ-
➤ To treat or prevent superficial infec- • Prolonged use may result in overgrowth of
tions and superficial burns of the skin nonsusceptible organisms.
caused by susceptible bacteria
Adults and children older than age 1: Rub PATIENT TEACHING
in small amount gently three or four times • Tell patient to clean affected area and to
daily, with or without gauze dressing. remove crusts of impetigo before applying
to increase absorption.
ADMINISTRATION • Tell patient to wash hands after each
Topical application.
• Clean affected area and remove crusts • Instruct patient to store drug in cool place.
of impetigo before applying to increase • Tell patient to stop using drug and notify
absorption. prescriber immediately if no improvement
• Wash hands after each application. occurs or if condition worsens.
• Store drug in cool place.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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656 glatiramer acetate

SAFETY ALERT! EENT: rhinitis, ear pain, eye disorder,

laryngismus, nystagmus.
glatiramer acetate GI: diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, bowel
glah-TEER-ah-mer urgency, gastroenteritis, GI disorder, oral
candidiasis, salivary gland enlargement,
Copaxone ulcerative stomatitis, vomiting.
GU: urinary urgency, vaginal hemorrhage,
Therapeutic class: MS drug abnormal Papanicolaou smear, amenorrhea,
Pharmacologic class: Biologic response dysmenorrhea, hematuria, impotence,
modifier menorrhagia, vaginal candidiasis.
Pregnancy risk category B Hematologic: lymphadenopathy, ecchymo-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Metabolic: weight gain.
Injection: 20 mg glatiramer acetate and Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain,
40 mg mannitol, USP, in a single-use pre- hypertonia, footdrop, neck pain.
filled syringe Respiratory: dyspnea, bronchitis, hyper-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Skin: diaphoresis, injection site reaction,
➤ For first clinical episode and to reduce pruritus, rash, eczema, erythema or hem-
frequency of relapse in patients with orrhage, nodule, skin atrophy, urticaria,
relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis warts.
Adults: 20 mg subcutaneously daily. Other: flulike syndrome, infection, bacterial
infection, chills, cyst, dental caries, herpes
ADMINISTRATION simplex and zoster, peripheral and facial
Subcutaneous edema.
• Give drug only subcutaneously.
• Drug doesn’t contain preservatives; dis- INTERACTIONS
card if solution contains particulate matter. None significant.
• Don’t try to expel the air bubble from the
prefilled syringe. This may lead to loss of EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
drug and an incorrect dose. None reported.
• Store drug in refrigerator (36◦ to 46◦ F
[2◦ to 8◦ C]); allow drug to warm to room CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
temperature for 20 minutes before use. If • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
refrigeration is not available, may store at to drug or mannitol.
room temperature for up to 1 month.
AC TION • Immediate postinjection reactions may
May modify immune processes responsible occur; symptoms include flushing, chest
for the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. pain, palpitations, anxiety, dyspnea, con-
Route Onset Peak Duration
striction of the throat, and urticaria. They
Subcut. Unknown Unknown Unknown
typically are transient and self-limiting
and don’t need specific treatment. Onset of
Half-life: Unknown. postinjection reaction may occur several
months after treatment starts, and patients
ADVERSE REACTIONS may have more than one episode.
CNS: anxiety, asthenia, abnormal dreams, • Patient may experience at least one
agitation, confusion, emotional lability, episode of transient chest pain, which usu-
fever, migraine, nervousness, pain, speech ally begins at least 1 month after treatment
disorder, stupor, syncope, tremor, vertigo. starts; it isn’t accompanied by other signs
CV: chest pain, palpitations, vasodilation, or symptoms and doesn’t appear to be clini-
hypertension, tachycardia. cally important.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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glimepiride 657

PATIENT TEACHING Adults: 8 mg P.O. once daily; used with

• Instruct patient how to self-inject drug. low-dose insulin. Increase insulin dosage
Supervise first injection. Injection sites weekly, if needed, based on patient’s
include arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs. glucose level response. Or, if patients do
• Explain need for aseptic self-injection not respond adequately to maximum dose of
techniques and warn patient against reuse glimepiride, addition of metformin may be
of needles and syringes. Periodically review considered.
proper disposal of needles, syringes, drug Adjust-a-dose: For patients with renal or
containers, and unused drug. hepatic impairment, initially, 1 mg P.O. once
• Tell patient to notify prescriber about daily then adjust to appropriate dosage, if
planned, suspected, or known pregnancy. needed.
• Tell women to notify prescriber if breast-
• Advise patient not to change drug or P.O.
dosage schedule or to stop drug without • Give drug with first meal of the day.
medical approval.
• Tell patient to notify prescriber immedi- AC TION
ately if dizziness, hives, profuse sweating, Lowers glucose level, possibly by stimu-
chest pain, difficulty breathing, or if severe lating release of insulin from functioning
pain occurs after drug injection. pancreatic beta cells, and may lead to in-
creased sensitivity of peripheral tissues to
SAFETY ALERT! insulin.
Route Onset Peak Duration
glimepiride P.O. 1 hr 2–3 hr >24 hr
Half-life: 9 hours.
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic CNS: dizziness, asthenia, headache.
Pharmacologic class: Sulfonylurea EENT: changes in accommodation.
Pregnancy risk category C GI: nausea.
Hematologic: leukopenia, hemolytic
AVAIL ABLE FORMS anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocyto-
Tablets: 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg penia, aplastic anemia, pancytopenia.
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, dilutional
➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise to lower
glucose level in patients with type 2 INTERACTIONS
diabetes whose hyperglycemia can’t be Drug-drug. Beta blockers: May mask
managed by diet and exercise alone symptoms of hypoglycemia. Monitor
Adults: Initially, 1 or 2 mg P.O. once daily; glucose level.
usual maintenance dose is 1 to 4 mg P.O. Drugs that tend to produce hyperglycemia
once daily. After reaching 2 mg, dosage (such as corticosteroids, estrogens,
is increased in increments not exceeding fosphenytoin, hormonal contraceptives,
2 mg every 1 to 2 weeks, based on patient’s isoniazid, nicotinic acid, other diuretics,
glucose level response. Maximum dose is phenothiazines, phenytoin, thyroid prod-
8 mg daily. ucts): May lead to loss of glucose control.
➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise in Adjust dosage.
conjunction with insulin or metformin Insulin: May increase risk of hypoglycemia.
therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes Use together cautiously.
whose hyperglycemia can’t be managed NSAIDs, other drugs that are highly
with the maximum dosage of glimepiride protein-bound (such as beta blockers,
alone chloramphenicol, coumarin, MAO

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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658 glimepiride

inhibitors, probenecid, sulfonamides): May • Monitor fasting glucose level periodically

increase hypoglycemic action of sulfony- to determine therapeutic response. Also
lureas such as glimepiride. Monitor glucose monitor glycosylated hemoglobin level,
level carefully. usually every 3 to 6 months, to precisely
Rifamycins, thiazide diuretics: May increase assess long-term glycemic control.
risk of hyperglycemia. Monitor glucose Alert: Use of oral hypoglycemics may
level. carry higher risk of CV mortality than use
Salicylates: May increase hypoglycemic of diet alone or of diet and insulin therapy.
effects of sulfonylurea. Monitor glucose • When changing patient from other
level. sulfonylureas to glimepiride, a transition
Drug-herb. Burdock, dandelion, euca- period isn’t needed. Monitor patient care-
lyptus, marshmallow: May increase drug fully for 1 to 2 weeks when changing from
effects. Discourage use together. longer half-life sulfonylureas, such as chlor-
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May alter propamide.
glycemic control, most commonly causing • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
hypoglycemia. May also cause disulfiram- glimepiride with glyburide or glipizide.
like reaction. Discourage use together. Don’t confuse Amaryl with Altace.


• May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST, • Tell patient to take drug with first meal of
BUN, and creatinine levels. May decrease the day.
glucose, hemoglobin, and sodium levels. • Make sure patient understands that
• May decrease granulocyte, platelet, RBC, therapy relieves symptoms but doesn’t
and WBC counts. cure the disease. He should also understand
potential risks and advantages of taking
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS drug and of other treatment methods.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Stress importance of adhering to diet,
to drug and in those with diabetic ketoaci- weight reduction, exercise, and personal
dosis, which should be treated with insulin. hygiene programs. Explain to patient and
• Contraindicated in pregnant women or family how and when to monitor glucose
elderly patients and as sole therapy for type level, and teach recognition of and interven-
1 diabetes. tion for signs and symptoms of high and low
• Contraindicated in breast-feeding women glucose levels.
because it may cause hypoglycemia in • Advise patient to wear or carry medical
breast-fed infants. identification at all times.
• Use cautiously in debilitated or malnour- • Advise woman to consult prescriber
ished patients and in those with adrenal, before planning pregnancy. Insulin may
pituitary, hepatic, or renal insufficiency; be needed during pregnancy and breast-
these patients are more susceptible to the feeding.
hypoglycemic action of glucose-lowering • Advise patient to consult prescriber
drugs. before taking any OTC products.
• Use cautiously with drugs that can cause • Teach patient to carry candy or other
hypoglycemia. simple sugars to treat mild episodes of low
• Use cautiously in patients allergic to glucose level. Patient experiencing severe
sulfonamides. episode may need hospital treatment.
• In children, safety and effectiveness • Advise patient to avoid alcohol, which
haven’t been established. lowers glucose level.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia.

• Glimepiride and insulin may be used to-
gether in patients who lose glucose control
after first responding to therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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glipizide 659

SAFETY ALERT! glucose output by the liver, and increases

peripheral sensitivity to insulin.
glipiZIDE Route Onset Peak Duration
GLIP-i-zide P.O. 15–30 min 1–3 hr 24 hr
Glucotroli, Glucotrol XLi release)
P.O. 2–3 hr 6–12 hr 24 hr
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic (extended-
Pharmacologic class: Sulfonylurea release)
Pregnancy risk category C Half-life: 2 to 4 hours.


Tablets (extended-release): 2.5 mg, 5 mg, CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, G
10 mg syncope, asthenia, nervousness, tremor.
Tablets (immediate-release): 5 mg, 10 mg GI: nausea, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipa-
tion, diarrhea.
➤ Adjunct to diet to lower glucose level Hematologic: leukopenia, hemolytic
in patients with type 2 (non–insulin- anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocyto-
dependent) diabetes penia, aplastic anemia.
Immediate-release tablets Metabolic: hypoglycemia.
Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. daily 30 minutes Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, leg cramps.
before breakfast. Maximum once-daily dose Respiratory: rhinitis.
is 15 mg. Divide doses of more than 15 mg. Skin: pruritus, photosensitivity reactions.
Maximum daily dose is 40 mg.
Adjust-a-dose: Initially, for patients older INTERACTIONS
than age 65, give 2.5 mg P.O. daily. Drug-drug. Amantadine, anabolic steroids,
Extended-release tablets antifungals, chloramphenicol, clofibrate,
Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. with breakfast guanethidine, MAO inhibitors, NSAIDs,
daily. Increase by 5 mg every 3 months, probenecid, salicylates, sulfonamides: May
depending on level of glycemic control. increase hypoglycemic activity. Monitor
Maximum daily dose is 20 mg. glucose level.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with liver Beta blockers: May prolong hypoglycemic
disease, first dose is 2.5 mg P.O. daily. effect and mask symptoms of hypo-
➤ To replace insulin therapy glycemia. Use together cautiously.
Adults: If insulin dosage is more than Corticosteroids, glucagon, phenytoin,
20 units daily, start patient at usual dosage rifamycins, thiazide diuretics: May decrease
in addition to 50% of insulin. If insulin hypoglycemic response. Monitor glucose
dosage is less than or equal to 20 units daily, level.
insulin may be stopped when glipizide starts. Oral anticoagulants: May increase hypo-
glycemic activity or enhance anticoagulant
ADMINISTRATION effect. Monitor glucose level, PT, and INR.
P.O. Drug-herb. Burdock, dandelion, euca-
• Give immediate-release tablet about lyptus, marshmallow: May increase drug
30 minutes before meals. effects. Discourage use together.
• Give extended-release tablet with break- Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May alter
fast. glycemic control, most commonly causing
• Don’t split or crush extended-release hypoglycemia. May cause disulfiram-like
tablets. reaction. Discourage use together.


Unknown. Probably stimulates insulin • May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST,
release from pancreatic beta cells, reduces LDH, BUN, cholesterol, and creatinine

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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660 glucagon

levels. May decrease glucose and • Tell patient to carry candy or other simple
hemoglobin levels. sugars to treat mild low-glucose episodes.
• May decrease granulocyte, platelet, and Patient experiencing severe episode may
WBC counts. need hospital treatment.
• Instruct patient not to change drug dosage
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS without prescriber’s consent and to report
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive abnormal blood or urine glucose test results.
to drug and in those with diabetic ketoaci- • Tell patient not to take other drugs, in-
dosis with or without coma. cluding OTC drugs, without first checking
• Contraindicated in pregnant or breast- with prescriber.
feeding women and as sole therapy in type 1 • Advise patient to wear or carry medical
diabetes. identification at all times.
• Use cautiously in patients with severe GI • Advise women planning pregnancy to first
narrowing, renal or hepatic disease, in those consult prescriber. Insulin may be needed
allergic to sulfonamides, and in debilitated, during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
malnourished, or elderly patients. • Advise patient to avoid alcohol, which
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia. lowers glucose level.
• Tell patient that he may occasionally
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS notice something in their stool that looks
• Some patients may attain effective control like a tablet and that it’s the nonabsorbable
on a once-daily regimen, whereas others shell of the extended-release tablet.
respond better with divided dosing.
• Patient may switch from immediate-
release dose to extended-release tablets at glucagon
the nearest equivalent total daily dose. GLOO-ka-gon
• Glipizide is a second-generation sul-
fonylurea. The frequency of adverse reac- GlucaGen Diagnostic Kit, GlucaGen
tions appears to be lower than with first- HypoKit, Glucagon Emergency Kit
generation drugs such as chlorpropamide.
Alert: Use of oral hypoglycemics may Therapeutic class: Diagnostic agent
carry a higher risk of CV mortality than use Pharmacologic class: Antihypoglycemic
of diet alone or of diet and insulin therapy. Pregnancy risk category B
• During periods of increased stress,
patient may need insulin therapy. Monitor AVAIL ABLE FORMS
patient closely for hyperglycemia in these Powder for injection: 1-mg (1-unit) vial
• Patient switching from insulin therapy to INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
an oral antidiabetic should check glucose ➤ Hypoglycemia
level at least three times a day before meals. Glucagon
Patient may need hospitalization during Adults and children who weigh more than
transition. 20 kg (44 lb) or older than 6 to 8 years:
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 1 mg (1 unit) I.V., I.M., or subcutaneously.
glipizide with glyburide or glimepiride. Children who weigh 20 kg or less: 0.5 mg
(0.5 units) or 20 to 30 mcg/kg I.V., I.M., or
PATIENT TEACHING subcutaneously; maximum dose 1 mg. May
• Instruct patient about disease and im- repeat in 15 minutes, if needed. I.V. glucose
portance of following therapeutic regimen, must be given if patient fails to respond.
adhering to diet, losing weight, getting GlucaGen
exercise, following personal hygiene pro- Adults and children (more than 25 kg or
grams, and avoiding infection. Explain how older than 6 to 8 years and weight is un-
and when to monitor glucose level, and known): 1 ml I.V., I.M., or subcutaneously.
teach recognition of episodes of low and
high glucose levels.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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glyburide 661

Children (less than 25 kg or younger than INTERACTIONS

6 to 8 years and weight is unknown): 0.5 ml Drug-drug. Anticoagulants: May enhance
I.V., I.M., or subcutaneously. anticoagulant effect. Monitor prothrombin
➤ Diagnostic aid for radiologic examina- activity, and watch for signs of bleeding.
tion of the GI tract
Adults: 0.25 to 2 mg I.V. or 1 to 2 mg I.M. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
before radiologic examination. • May decrease potassium level.


I.V. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
 Reconstitute drug in 1-unit vial with to drug and in those with pheochromocy-
1 ml of diluent. toma.
 Use only diluent supplied by manufac- • Use cautiously in patients with history of G
turer when preparing doses of 2 mg or less. insulinoma or pheochromocytoma.
For larger doses, dilute with sterile water •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, diar-
for injection. rhea, inhibited GI tract motility, increased
 Unstable hypoglycemic diabetic pa- blood pressure and pulse rate.
tients may not respond to glucagon; give
 Store at room temperature before recon- • For hypoglycemia, use drug only in emer-
stituting. Avoid freezing and protect from gency situations.
light. After reconstitution, use immedi- • Monitor glucose level before, during, and
ately. after administration.
 Incompatibilities: Sodium chloride Alert: As soon as patient regains con-
solution, solutions with pH 3 to 9.5. sciousness and is able to swallow, give
I.M. additional carbohydrates orally to prevent
• Store at room temperature before recon- secondary hypoglycemic reactions.
stituting. Avoid freezing and protect from
light. After reconstitution, use immediately. PATIENT TEACHING
Subcutaneous • Instruct patient and caregivers how to
• Store at room temperature before recon- give glucagon and recognize a low glucose
stituting. Avoid freezing and protect from episode.
light. After reconstitution, use immediately. • Explain importance of calling prescriber
immediately in emergencies.
AC TION • Teach patient and caregivers how to
Raises glucose level by promoting catalytic prevent hypoglycemia.
depolymerization of hepatic glycogen to
glucose. Relaxes the smooth muscle of the SAFETY ALERT!
stomach, duodenum, small bowel, and colon.
Route Onset Peak Duration glyBURIDE (glibenclamide)
I.V. Immediate 30 min 60–90 min GLYE-byoor-ide
I.V. (gastric 1 min 30 min 9–25 min DiaBetai, Euglucon†, Gen Glybe†,
Glynase PresTab
I.M. 4–10 min 13 min 12–32 min
Subcut. 4–10 min 20 min 12–32 min
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic
Half-life: 8 to 18 minutes; 45 minutes (I.M.). Pharmacologic class: Sulfonylurea
Pregnancy risk category B (Glynase);
CV: hypotension.
GI: nausea, vomiting. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. Tablets: 1.25 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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662 glyburide

Tablets (micronized): 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 4.5 mg, glucose output by the liver, and increases
6 mg peripheral sensitivity to insulin.
Route Onset Peak Duration
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES P.O. 1 hr 1 hr 12–24 hr
➤ Adjunct to diet to lower glucose level (micronized)
in patients with type 2 (non–insulin- P.O. 2–4 hr 2–4 hr 16–24 hr
dependent) diabetes (nonmicronized)
Nonmicronized form Half-life: 10 hours.
Adults: Initially, 2.5 to 5 mg P.O. once daily
with breakfast or first main meal. Adjust to ADVERSE REACTIONS
maintenance dose at no more than 2.5-mg EENT: changes in accommodation or
increments at weekly intervals. Usual daily blurred vision.
maintenance dose is 1.25 to 20 mg, in single GI: nausea, epigastric fullness, heartburn.
dose or divided doses. Maximum daily dose Hematologic: leukopenia, hemolytic
is 20 mg P.O. anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocyto-
Micronized form penia, aplastic anemia.
Adults: Initially, 1.5 to 3 mg daily with Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis.
breakfast or first main meal. Adjust to main- Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyponatremia.
tenance dose at no more than 1.5-mg in- Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia.
crements at weekly intervals. Usual daily Skin: rash, pruritus, other allergic reactions.
maintenance dose is 0.75 to 12 mg. Dosages Other: angioedema.
exceeding 6 mg daily may have better re-
sponse with b.i.d. dosing. Maximum dose is INTERACTIONS
12 mg P.O. daily. Drug-drug. Anabolic steroids, chloram-
Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients, patients phenicol, clofibrate, fluoroquinolones,
who are more sensitive to antidiabetics, and guanethidine, MAO inhibitors, micona-
for those with adrenal or pituitary insuffi- zole, NSAIDs, probenecid, phenylbutazone,
ciency, start with 1.25 mg daily. When using salicylates, sulfonamides: May increase
micronized tablets, patients who are more hypoglycemic activity. Monitor glucose
sensitive to antidiabetics should start with level.
0.75 mg daily. Beta blockers: May prolong hypoglycemic
➤ To replace insulin therapy effect and mask symptoms of hypo-
Adults: If insulin dosage is less than glycemia. Use together cautiously.
40 units/day, patient may be switched Carbamazepine, corticosteroids, glucagon,
directly to glyburide when insulin is rifamycins, thiazide diuretics: May decrease
stopped. If insulin dose is less than 20 units/ hypoglycemic response. Monitor glucose
day, initial dose is 2.5 to 5 mg (1.5 to 3 mg level.
micronized) P.O. daily. If insulin dose is Oral anticoagulants: May increase hypo-
20 to 40 units/day, initial dose is 5 mg (3 mg glycemic activity or enhance anticoagulant
micronized) P.O. daily. If insulin dosage is effect. Monitor glucose level, PT, and INR.
40 or more units/day, initially, 5 mg (3 mg Drug-herb. Burdock, dandelion, euca-
micronized) P.O. once daily in addition to lyptus, marshmallow: May increase hypo-
50% of insulin dose. glycemic effect. Discourage use together.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May alter
ADMINISTRATION glycemic control, most commonly causing
P.O. hypoglycemia. May cause disulfiram-like
• Give drug with breakfast or first main reaction. Discourage use together.
AC TION • May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST,
Unknown. Probably stimulates insulin ALT, bilirubin, BUN, and cholesterol
release from pancreatic beta cells, reduces levels. May decrease glucose, sodium,
and hemoglobin levels.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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glycerin 663

• May decrease granulocyte, platelet, and teach recognition of and intervention for
WBC counts. low and high glucose levels.
• Tell patient not to change drug dosage
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS without prescriber’s consent and to report
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive abnormal blood or urine glucose test results.
to drug and in those with diabetic ketoaci- • Teach patient to carry candy or other
dosis with or without coma. simple sugars for mild low-glucose level.
• Contraindicated as sole therapy for type 1 Patient experiencing severe episode may
diabetes and in pregnant or breast-feeding need hospital treatment.
women. • Advise patient not to take other drugs,
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic or including OTC drugs, without first checking
renal impairment; in debilitated, malnour- with prescriber.
ished, or elderly patients; and in patients • Advise patient to wear or carry medical G
allergic to sulfonamides. identification at all times.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia. Alert: Instruct patient to report episodes
of low glucose to prescriber immediately;
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS a severely low glucose level is sometimes
Alert: Micronized glyburide (Glynase fatal in patients receiving as little as 2.5 to
PresTab) contains drug in a smaller parti- 5 mg daily.
cle size and isn’t bioequivalent to regular • Advise patient to avoid alcohol, which
glyburide tablets. In patients who have been may lower glucose level.
taking Glynase or DiaBeta, adjust dosage.
• Although most patients may take drug
once daily, those taking more than 10 mg glycerin
daily may achieve better results with twice- GLI-ser-in
daily dosage.
• Drug is a second-generation sulfonylurea. Colace , Fleet Babylax ,
Adverse effects are less common with Sani-Supp 
second-generation drugs than with first-
generation drugs such as chlorpropamide. Therapeutic class: Laxative
Alert: Use of oral hypoglycemics may Pharmacologic class: Trihydric alcohol
carry a higher risk of CV mortality than use Pregnancy risk category C
of diet alone or of diet and insulin therapy.
• During periods of increased stress, such AVAIL ABLE FORMS
as infection, fever, surgery, or trauma, Enema (pediatric): 4 ml/applicator 
patient may need insulin therapy. Monitor Suppositories: Adult, children, and infant
patient closely for hyperglycemia in these sizes 
• Patient switching from insulin therapy to INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
an oral antidiabetic should check glucose ➤ Constipation
level at least three times a day before meals. Adults and children age 6 and older: 2 to
Patient may need hospitalization during 3 g as rectal suppository; or 5 to 15 ml as
transition. enema.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Children ages 2 to 6: 1 to 1.2 g as rectal
glyburide with glimepiride or glipizide. suppository; or 2 ml as enema.


• Teach patient about diabetes and the im- Rectal
portance of following therapeutic regimen, • Give drug into the rectum as directed. The
adhering to specific diet, losing weight, patient should retain the drug for at least
getting exercise, following personal hygiene 15 minutes.
programs, and avoiding infection. Explain
how and when to monitor glucose level, and

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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664 gold sodium thiomalate

AC TION week to total dose of 1 g. If condition im-

Draws water from the tissues into the feces, proves and no toxicity occurs, give 25 to
thus stimulating evacuation. 50 mg every 2 weeks for 2 to 20 weeks;
Route Onset Peak Duration
then, 25 to 50 mg every 3 to 4 weeks as
P.R. 15–30 min Unknown Unknown
maintenance therapy. If relapse occurs,
resume injections at weekly intervals.
Half-life: Unknown. Children: Initially, a test dose of 10 mg
I.M.; then, 1 mg/kg I.M. weekly, not to
ADVERSE REACTIONS exceed 50 mg for a single injection. Follow
GI: cramping pain, hyperemia of rectal adult spacing of doses.
mucosa, rectal discomfort.
None significant. • Give drug I.M. only, preferably into
gluteal muscle.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Drug should be pale yellow; don’t use if it
None reported. darkens.
• When injecting gold sodium thiomalate,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS have patient lie down for 10 to 20 minutes to
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive minimize hypotension.
to drug and in those with intestinal obstruc-
tion or signs and symptoms of appendicitis, AC TION
fecal impaction, or acute surgical abdomen, Probably acts by inhibiting sulfhydryl
such as undiagnosed abdominal pain or systems, which alters cellular metabolism.
vomiting. May also alter enzyme function and
immune response and suppress phagocytic
• Drug is used mainly to reestablish proper Route Onset Peak Duration
toilet habits in laxative-dependent patients. I.M. Unknown 3–6 hr Unknown

PATIENT TEACHING Half-life: 3 to 27 days (single dose); 14 to 40 days

• Tell patient that drug must be retained for (3rd dose); up to 168 days (11th dose).
at least 15 minutes and that it usually acts
within 1 hour. Entire suppository need not ADVERSE REACTIONS
melt to be effective. CNS: seizures, confusion, hallucinations.
• Warn patient about adverse GI reactions. CV: bradycardia, hypotension.
EENT: corneal gold deposition, corneal
gold sodium thiomalate GI: diarrhea, metallic taste, stomatitis,
Aurolate, Myochrysine anorexia, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomit-
ing, ulcerative enterocolitis.
Therapeutic class: Antiarthritic GU: acute renal failure, albuminuria,
Pharmacologic class: Gold compound proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome, nephritis,
Pregnancy risk category C acute tubular necrosis, hematuria.
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, aplastic
AVAIL ABLE FORMS anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia,
Injection: 50 mg/ml with benzyl alcohol in eosinophilia, anemia.
2-ml and 10-ml vials Hepatic: hepatitis, jaundice.
Skin: rash, dermatitis, erythema, exfolia-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES tive dermatitis, diaphoresis, photosensitivity
➤ Rheumatoid arthritis reaction.
Adults: Initially, 10 mg I.M., followed by Other: anaphylaxis, angioedema.
25 mg in 1 week. Then, 25 to 50 mg every

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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golimumab 665

INTERACTIONS • Watch for anaphylactoid reaction for

Drug-drug. Penicillamine: May increase 30 minutes after administration.
risk of serious hematologic and renal reac- Alert: Keep dimercaprol available to treat
tions. Avoid use together. acute toxicity.
Drug-lifestyle. Sun or ultraviolet light • Monitor CBC, including platelet count,
exposure: May cause photosensitivity before every second injection.
reaction. Advise patient to avoid excessive • If adverse reactions are mild, some
sunlight exposure. rheumatologists resume gold therapy
after 2 to 3 weeks’ rest.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Monitor platelet counts if patient develops
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, purpura or ecchymoses.
and AST levels.
• May decrease hemoglobin level and PATIENT TEACHING G
hematocrit. • Inform patient that increased joint pain
• May increase eosinophil count. may occur for 1 to 2 days after injection but
• May decrease granulocyte, platelet, and usually subsides.
WBC counts. • Advise patient to report rash or skin
problems immediately and to stop drug until
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS reaction subsides. Itching may precede skin
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive inflammation; consider itchy skin eruptions
to drug and in those with history of severe during gold therapy to be a reaction until
toxicity from previous exposure to gold or proven otherwise.
other heavy metals. • Advise patient to report unusual bleeding
• Contraindicated in those who have or bruising.
recently received radiation therapy and • Instruct patient to report a metallic taste.
in those with hepatitis, exfoliative dermati- Promote careful oral hygiene.
tis, severe uncontrollable diabetes, renal • Urge patient to avoid sunlight and arti-
disease, hepatic dysfunction, uncontrolled ficial ultraviolet light, which may cause
heart failure, systemic lupus erythemato- gray-blue skin pigmentation.
sus, colitis, Sjögren syndrome, urticaria, • Tell patient that benefits may not appear
eczema, hemorrhagic conditions, or severe for 3 to 4 months.
hematologic disorders. • Stress need for follow-up care.
• Use cautiously, if at all, in patients with
rash, marked hypertension, compromised
cerebral or CV circulation, or history of golimumab
renal or hepatic disease, drug allergies, or go-LIM-myoo-mab
blood dyscrasias.
• Warn women about risks of gold therapy Therapeutic class: Antiarthritic
during pregnancy. Pharmacologic class: Tumor necrosis
Black Box Warning Give drug only under factor (TNF) blocker
constant supervision of prescriber thor- Pregnancy risk category B
oughly familiar with drug’s toxicities and
Black Box Warning Monitor for signs of Injection: 50 mg/0.5-ml prefilled syringe;
gold toxicity including fall in hemoglobin, 50 mg/0.5-ml prefilled autoinjector
leukopenia <4,000 WBC/mm3 , proteinuria,
hematuria, pruritus, rash, stomatitis, or INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
persistent diarrhea. ➤ Moderate to severe active rheumatoid
• Analyze urine for protein and sediment arthritis in combination with methotrex-
changes before each injection. ate; active psoriatic arthritis alone or in

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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666 golimumab

combination with methotrexate; active EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

ankylosing spondylitis • May increase liver enzyme levels.
Adults: 50 mg subcutaneously monthly. • May decrease platelet, WBC, and
neutrophil counts.
• Remove drug from refrigerator 30 min- • Use cautiously in patients with malig-
utes before administration and allow it to nancies; invasive fungal infection; chronic
reach room temperature. infection (hepatitis B, tuberculosis [TB]);
• Inspect solution before administration. history of recurrent infection, hematologic
Don’t use solution if discolored or cloudy abnormalities, or heart failure; or preexist-
or if foreign particles are present. Drug is ing or recent onset of CNS demyelination.
normally colorless to slightly opalescent to • Use in pregnant women only if bene-
light yellow. fit outweighs risk to fetus. It isn’t known
• Prefilled syringe and prefilled syringe in if drug appears in breast milk. Women
autoinjector contain latex. Don’t handle if shouldn’t breast-feed while taking drug.
sensitive to latex. • Safe use in children hasn’t been estab-
• Rotate injection sites. Don’t inject drug lished.
into areas where skin is tender, bruised, red,
Black Box Warning Monitor patient closely
AC TION for signs and symptoms of infection before
Binds to human TNF-alfa to neutralize and after treatment. TB, invasive fungal in-
its activity and inhibit its binding with fection, and other opportunistic infections,
receptors, thereby reducing the infiltration which are sometimes fatal, may occur in
of inflammatory cells. patients receiving golimumab. Stop drug if
Route Onset Peak Duration
serious infection or sepsis develops during
Subcut. Unknown 2–6 days Unknown
Black Box Warning Evaluate patient for
Half-life: 2 weeks. latent TB with tuberculin skin test before
initiating treatment. Treat latent TB before
ADVERSE REACTIONS therapy with golimumab. Monitor all
CNS: dizziness, paresthesia, fever. patients for active TB during treatment
CV: hypertension. even if initial latent TB test is negative.
EENT: nasopharyngitis, oral herpes, • Monitor patient for new or worsening
pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. heart failure; stop drug if signs and symp-
Respiratory: bronchitis, upper respiratory toms occur.
tract infection. • Monitor patient for lymphomas and other
Skin: injection-site reactions. malignancies.
Other: influenza. • Monitor CBC regularly during therapy.


Drug-drug. Abatacept, anakinra: May • Teach patient how to give subcutaneous
increase risk of serious infection. Avoid injection.
using together. • Instruct patient to report signs and
CYP450 substrates (such as cyclosporine, symptoms of infection, new or worsening
theophylline, warfarin): May alter levels heart failure, or liver or nervous system
of these drugs. Monitor patient closely and problems.
adjust dosages as needed. • Advise women to report pregnancy,
Live vaccines: May increase risk of in- possible pregnancy, or plans to become
fection. Postpone live-virus vaccine until pregnant.
therapy has ended. • Tell patient to avoid live vaccines while
taking this drug.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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goserelin acetate 667

• Advise breast-feeding women to stop • After cleaning area with an alcohol swab
breast-feeding during therapy. and injecting a local anesthetic, stretch
patient’s skin with one hand while grasping
SAFETY ALERT! barrel of syringe with the other.
• Insert needle into the subcutaneous fat;
goserelin acetate then change direction of needle so that it
GOE-se-rel-in parallels the abdominal wall. Push needle in
until hub touches patient’s skin; withdraw
Zoladex about 1 cm (this creates a gap for drug to
be injected) before depressing plunger
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic completely.
Pharmacologic class: Gonadotropin- • To avoid need for a new syringe and
releasing hormone analogue injection site, don’t aspirate after inserting G
Pregnancy risk category X (endometrio- needle. If needle penetrates a blood vessel,
sis and endometrial thinning); D (breast blood will appear in the syringe chamber.
cancer) Withdraw needle, and inject elsewhere with
a new syringe.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Never give by I.V. injection.
Implants: 3.6 mg, 10.8 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES A luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone
➤ Endometriosis, including pain relief (LH-RH) analogue that acts on the pituitary
and lesion reduction gland to decrease the release of follicle-
Women: 3.6 mg subcutaneously every stimulating hormone and LH, dramatically
28 days into the anterior abdominal wall lowering sex hormone levels (estrogen in
below the navel. Maximum length of women and testosterone in men).
therapy is 6 months. Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ Endometrial thinning before endome- Subcut. Rapid 30–60 min Throughout
trial ablation therapy
Women: 3.6 mg subcutaneously into the
Half-life: About 41⁄2 hours.
anterior abdominal wall below the navel.
Give one or two implants, 4 weeks apart.
➤ Palliative treatment of advanced ADVERSE REACTIONS
breast cancer in premenopausal and CNS: lethargy, pain, dizziness, insomnia,
postmenopausal women anxiety, depression, headache, chills,
Women: 3.6 mg subcutaneously every emotional lability, stroke, asthenia.
28 days into the anterior abdominal wall CV: edema, heart failure, arrhythmias,
below the navel. peripheral edema, hypertension, MI,
➤ Palliative treatment of advanced peripheral vascular disorder, chest pain,
prostate cancer hot flashes.
Men: 3.6 mg subcutaneously every 28 days GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipa-
or 10.8 mg subcutaneously every 12 weeks tion, ulcer, anorexia, abdominal pain.
into the anterior abdominal wall below the GU: sexual dysfunction, impotence, lower
navel. urinary tract symptoms, renal insufficiency,
urinary obstruction, vaginitis, UTI, amenor-
Subcutaneous Hematologic: anemia.
• Implant comes in a preloaded syringe. If Metabolic: hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia,
package is damaged, don’t use the syringe. weight increase, gout.
Make sure drug is visible in the translucent Musculoskeletal: back pain, osteoporosis,
chamber of the syringe. decreased bone mineral density.
• Give drug into the anterior abdominal wall Respiratory: COPD, upper respiratory
below the navel using aseptic technique. tract infection.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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668 granisetron

Skin: rash, diaphoresis, acne, seborrhea, PATIENT TEACHING

hirsutism. • Advise patient to return every 28 days for
Other: changes in breast size, changes in a new implant. A delay of a couple of days
libido, infection, breast swelling, pain, and is permissible.
tenderness. • Tell patient that pain may worsen for first
30 days of treatment.
INTERACTIONS • Tell women to use a nonhormonal form
None significant. of contraception during treatment. Caution
patient about significant risks to fetus.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Urge women to call prescriber if menstru-
• May increase calcium and glucose levels. ation persists or if breakthrough bleeding
May decrease hemoglobin level. occurs. Menstruation should stop during
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Inform women that a delayed return of
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive menstruation may occur after therapy ends.
to LH-RH, LH-RH agonist analogues, or Persistent lack of menstruation is rare.
goserelin acetate.
• Contraindicated in pregnant or breast-
feeding women and in patients with obstruc- granisetron
tive uropathy or vertebral metastases. gran-IZ-e-tron
• The 10.8-mg implant is contraindicated in
women because of insufficient data support- Granisol, Sancuso
ing reliable suppression of estradiol.
• Because drug may cause bone density loss granisetron hydrochloride
in women, use cautiously in patients with Kytril
risk factors for osteoporosis, such as family
history of osteoporosis, chronic alcohol Therapeutic class: Antiemetic
or tobacco abuse, or use of drugs such as Pharmacologic class: Selective
corticosteroids or anticonvulsants that affect serotonin (5-HT3 ) receptor antagonist
bone density. Pregnancy risk category B


• Before giving to women, rule out preg- Injection: 0.1 mg/ml in 1-ml single-use
nancy. vials; 1 mg/ml in 1-ml, single-dose,
• When drug is used for prostate cancer, preservative-free vials and 4-ml multidose
LH-RH analogues such as goserelin may vials containing benzyl alcohol
initially worsen symptoms because drug Oral solution: 1 mg/5 ml
first increases testosterone level. Some pa- Tablets: 1 mg
tients may temporarily have increased bone Transdermal patch: 3.1 mg per 24 hours
pain. Rarely, disease may get worse (spinal
cord compression or ureteral obstruction), INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
although the relationship to therapy is ➤ To prevent nausea and vomiting from
uncertain. emetogenic cancer chemotherapy
• When drug is used for endometrial thin- Adults and children age 2 and older:
ning, if one implant is given, surgery should 10 mcg/kg I.V. undiluted and given by
be performed 4 weeks later; if two implants direct injection over 30 seconds, or diluted
are given, surgery should be performed and infused over 5 minutes. Start giving at
2 to 4 weeks after patient receives second least 30 minutes before chemotherapy. Or,
implant. for adults, 1 mg P.O. up to 1 hour before
• May increase risk of diabetes and CV chemotherapy and repeated 12 hours later.
diseases (MI, stroke, and sudden cardiac Or, for adults, 2 mg P.O. daily given up to
death) in men being treated for prostate 1 hour before chemotherapy. Or, apply a
cancer. Monitor patient closely. single patch to the upper outer arm 24 to

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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granisetron 669

48 hours before chemotherapy. Remove the ADVERSE REACTIONS

patch a minimum of 24 hours after com- CNS: asthenia, headache, fever, agitation,
pletion of chemotherapy or a maximum of anxiety, CNS stimulation, dizziness, insom-
7 days. nia, somnolence, pain.
➤ To prevent nausea and vomiting from CV: bradycardia, hypertension, hypoten-
radiation, including total body irra- sion.
diation and fractionated abdominal GI: constipation, nausea, vomiting, ab-
radiation dominal pain, decreased appetite, diarrhea,
Adults: 2 mg P.O. once daily within 1 hour dyspepsia, flatulence, taste disorder.
of radiation. GU: oliguria, UTI.
➤ Postoperative nausea and vomiting Hematologic: anemia, leukocytosis,
Adults: 1 mg I.V. undiluted and given over leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
30 seconds. For prevention, give before Respiratory: cough, increased sputum. G
anesthesia induction or immediately before Skin: alopecia, rash, dermatitis.
reversal. Other: hypersensitivity reactions (ana-
phylaxis, urticaria, dyspnea, hypotension),
• Store bottle of oral solution in an upright INTERACTIONS
position. None known.
 For direct injection, give drug undiluted EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
over 30 seconds. • May increase ALT and AST levels. May
 For intermittent infusion, dilute with decrease hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
normal saline solution for injection or May alter fluid and electrolyte levels with
D5 W to a volume of 20 to 50 ml. prolonged use.
 Infuse over 5 minutes, starting within • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
30 minutes before chemotherapy and only
on days chemotherapy is given. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
 Diluted solutions are stable 24 hours at • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
room temperature. to drug.
 Don’t freeze vials. •H Overdose S&S: Headache.
 Once the multiuse vial is penetrated, use

contents within 30 days. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. • Drug regimen is given only on days when
Transdermal chemotherapy is given. Treatment at other
• Apply patch to intact, healthy skin. times isn’t useful.
• Each patch is packed in a pouch and
should be applied directly after the pouch PATIENT TEACHING
has been opened. • Stress importance of taking second dose
• Do not cut the patch into pieces. of oral drug 12 hours after the first for maxi-
mum effectiveness.
AC TION • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
May block 5-HT3 in the CNS in the immediately.
chemoreceptor trigger zone and in the pe-
ripheral nervous system on nerve terminals
of the vagus nerve.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O., I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Transdermal Unknown 48 hr Unknown

Half-life: 5 to 9 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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670 guaifenesin

Route Onset Peak Duration

guaifenesin (glyceryl P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
guaiacolate) Half-life: Unknown.

Allfen Jr, Altarussin , Balminil† , ADVERSE REACTIONS

Benylin E† , Diabetic Tussin , CNS: dizziness, headache.
Ganidin NR, Guiatuss , Humibid , GI: vomiting, nausea.
Liquibid, Mucinex , Mucinex Mini- Skin: rash.
Melts , Naldecon Senior EX ,
Organidin NR, Robitussin , Scot- INTERACTIONS
Tussin Expectorant , Siltussin  None significant.

Therapeutic class: Expectorant EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

Pharmacologic class: Propanediol • May interfere with uric acid level determi-
derivative nation and with 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
Pregnancy risk category C and vanillylmandelic tests.


Capsules: 200 mg  • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Granules: 50 mg , 100 mg  to drug.
Liquid: 100 mg/5 ml ∗ , 200 mg/5 ml 
Tablets: 100 mg , 200 mg , 400 mg • Some liquid formulations contain alcohol.
Tablets (extended-release): 600 mg , • Drug is used to liquefy thick, tenacious
1,200 mg  sputum. Evidence suggests that guaifen-
esin is effective as an expectorant, but no
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES evidence exists to support its role as an
➤ Expectorant antitussive.
Adults and children age 12 and older: • Monitor cough type and frequency.
200 to 400 mg P.O. every 4 hours, or 600 to • Stop use 48 hours before 5-
1,200 mg extended-release capsules or hydroxyindoleacetic acid and vanillyl-
tablets every 12 hours. Maximum, 2,400 mg mandelic tests.
daily. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Children ages 6 to 11: 100 to 200 mg P.O. guaifenesin with guanfacine.
every 4 hours. Maximum, 1,200 mg daily.
Children ages 2 to 5: 50 to 100 mg PATIENT TEACHING
(immediate-release) P.O. every 4 hours. • Tell patient to contact his health care
Maximum, 600 mg daily. provider if cough lasts longer than 1 week,
recurs frequently, or is accompanied by high
ADMINISTRATION fever, rash, or severe headache.
P.O. • Inform patient that drug shouldn’t be used
• Don’t break or crush extended-release for chronic or persistent cough, such as with
products. smoking, asthma, chronic bronchitis, or
• Empty entire contents of granule packet emphysema.
on the patient’s tongue. Tell patient to swal- • Advise patient to take each dose with one
low without chewing for best taste. glass of water; increasing fluid intake may
prove beneficial.
AC TION • Tell patient to empty entire contents
Increases production of respiratory tract of granule packet onto the tongue and to
fluids to help liquefy and reduce the viscos- swallow without chewing for best taste.
ity of tenacious secretions. • Encourage deep-breathing exercises.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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guanfacine hydrochloride 671

vessels, resulting in a decrease in peripheral

guanfacine hydrochloride vascular resistance and a reduction in heart
GWAHN-fa-seen rate.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Intuniv, Tenex
P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr 24 hr
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive P.O. (extended- Unknown 4–8 hr Unknown
Pharmacologic class: Centrally acting
antiadrenergic Half-life: About 17 hours; for extended-release
Pregnancy risk category B tablet, about 18 hours.


Tablets: 1 mg, 2 mg CNS: dizziness, somnolence, fatigue, G
Tablets (extended-release): 1 mg, 2 mg, headache, insomnia, asthenia.
3 mg, 4 mg CV: bradycardia.
GI: constipation, dry mouth, diarrhea,
➤ Hypertension GU: impotence.
Adults: Initially, 1 mg immediate-release Skin: dermatitis, pruritus.
tablet P.O. once daily at bedtime. If response
isn’t adequate after 3 to 4 weeks, increase INTERACTIONS
dosage to 2 mg daily. Dosage may be further Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May in-
increased to 3 mg P.O. after an additional crease sedation. Use together cautiously.
3 to 4 weeks. Tricyclic antidepressants: May inhibit
✷ NEW INDICATION: Pediatric hypertension antihypertensive effects. Monitor blood
Children age 12 and older: Initially, 1 mg pressure.
immediate-release tablet P.O. daily at Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol: May increase
bedtime. May increase to 2 mg after 3 to sedation. Discourage alcohol use.
4 weeks as needed.
hyperactivity disorder None reported.
Children age 6 and older: Extended-release
form only. Initially, 1 mg P.O. once daily in CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
a.m. Adjust dosage in increments of 1 mg/ • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
week as needed. Dosage range is 1 to 4 mg/ to drug.
day. Or, initially, 0.05 to 0.08 mg/kg P.O. • Use cautiously in patients with severe
once daily. Adjust dosage up to 0.12 mg/kg. coronary insufficiency, recent MI, cere-
Maximum total dose is 4 mg/day. brovascular disease, or chronic renal or
hepatic insufficiency.
ADMINISTRATION •H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, lethargy,
P.O. bradycardia, hypotension.
• When given with another antihyperten-
sive, give dose at bedtime to reduce somno- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
lence. • Monitor blood pressure frequently.
• Don’t give extended-release tablet with • Risk and severity of adverse reactions
high-fat meal; give with water, milk, or increase with higher dosages.
other liquid. • Drug may be used alone or with a diuretic.
• Don’t crush, break, or allow patient to • Rebound hypertension may occur and, if it
chew extended-release tablets. occurs, will be noticeable within 2 to 4 days
after therapy ends.
AC TION • Children on long-term treatment require
Reduces sympathetic outflow from the periodic reassessment.
vasomotor center to the heart and blood

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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672 haloperidol

• Don’t substitute immediate-release for haloperidol decanoate

extended-release or vice versa, or use Injection: 50 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml
together. haloperidol lactate
• Immediate-release form may be used as Injection: 5 mg/ml
monotherapy or in combination with other
antihypertensives. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ Psychotic disorders
guanfacine with guanidine, guaifenesin, Adults and children older than age 12:
or guanabenz. Don’t confuse Tenex with Dosage varies for each patient. Initially,
Xanax, Entex, or Ten-K. 0.5 to 5 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. Or, 2 to 5 mg
I.M. lactate every 4 to 8 hours, although
PATIENT TEACHING hourly administration may be needed until
• Tell patient not to stop therapy abruptly control is obtained. Maximum, 100 mg P.O.
and to follow tapering instructions from daily.
provider. Children ages 3 to 12 who weigh 15 to
• Advise patient to avoid activities that 40 kg (33 to 88 lb): Initially, 0.5 mg P.O.
require alertness before drug’s effects are daily divided b.i.d. or t.i.d. May increase
known; drowsiness may occur. dose by 0.5 mg at 5- to 7-day intervals,
• Warn patient that he may have a lower depending on therapeutic response and
tolerance to alcohol and other CNS depres- patient tolerance. Maintenance dose,
sants during therapy. 0.05 mg/kg to 0.15 mg/kg P.O. daily given
• Caution patient that drug may decrease in two or three divided doses. Severely
saliva and contribute to dental caries, disturbed children may need higher doses.
periodontal disease, oral candidiasis, and ➤ Chronic psychosis requiring
discomfort. Advise patient to have routine prolonged therapy
dental exams. Adults: 50 to 100 mg I.M. decanoate every
• Advise patient not to take extended- 4 weeks.
release form with a high-fat meal because ➤ Nonpsychotic behavior disorders
of increase in drug exposure. Tablet may be Children ages 3 to 12: 0.05 to 0.075 mg/kg
taken with water, milk, or other liquid. P.O. daily, in two or three divided doses.
• Tell patient not to crush, chew, or break Maximum, 6 mg daily.
extended-release tablets. ➤ Tourette syndrome
Adults: Initially, 0.5 to 2 mg P.O. b.i.d., t.i.d.,
or as needed. Up to about 10 mg/day may be
haloperidol needed.
ha-loe-PER-i-dole Children ages 3 to 12: 0.05 to 0.075 mg/kg
P.O. daily, in two or three divided doses.
Haldol, Novo-Peridol† Elderly patients: 0.5 to 2 mg P.O. b.i.d. or
haloperidol decanoate t.i.d.; increase gradually, as needed.
Haldol Decanoate, Haloperidol LA† ➤ Hiccups 
Adults: 0.5 to 2 mg P.O. daily, b.i.d. or t.i.d.
haloperidol lactate Or, 2.5 to 5 mg I.M. one to three times daily.
Haldol Or, 5 to 10 mg/day as I.V. or subcutaneous
Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic ➤ Prevention of chemotherapy-induced
Pharmacologic class: Phenylbutyl- nausea and vomiting
piperadine derivative Adults: 1 to 2 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours
Pregnancy risk category C given on a set schedule.
Adjust-a-dose: For debilitated patients,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS initially, 0.5 to 2 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d.;
haloperidol increase gradually, as needed.
Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg,
20 mg

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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haloperidol 673

ADMINISTRATION CV: tachycardia, hypotension, hyperten-

P.O. sion, ECG changes, torsades de pointes,
• Protect drug from light. Slight yellowing with I.V. use.
of concentrate is common and doesn’t affect EENT: blurred vision.
potency. Discard very discolored solutions. GI: dry mouth, anorexia, constipation,
• Dilute oral dose with water or a beverage, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia.
such as orange juice, apple juice, tomato GU: urine retention, menstrual irregulari-
juice, or cola, immediately before adminis- ties, priapism.
tration. Hematologic: leukopenia, leukocytosis.
I.V. Hepatic: jaundice.
 Only the lactate form can be given I.V. Skin: rash, other skin reactions, diaphore-
 Monitor patient receiving single doses sis.
higher than 50 mg or total daily doses Other: gynecomastia.
greater than 500 mg closely for prolonged
QTc interval and torsades de pointes. INTERACTIONS H
 Store at controlled room temperature, Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May increase
and protect from light. anticholinergic effects and glaucoma. Use
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, am- together cautiously.
photericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex, Azole antifungals, buspirone, macrolides:
benztropine, cefepime, diphenhydramine, May increase haloperidol level. Monitor
fluconazole, foscarnet, heparin, hydromor- patient for increased adverse reactions;
phone, hydroxyzine, ketorolac, morphine, haloperidol dose may need to be adjusted.
nitroprusside sodium, piperacillin and Carbamazepine: May decrease haloperidol
tazobactam sodium, sargramostim. level. Monitor patient.
I.M. CNS depressants: May increase CNS
• Protect drug from light. Slight yellowing depression. Use together cautiously.
of injection is common and doesn’t affect Lithium: May cause lethargy and confusion
potency. Discard very discolored solutions. after high doses. Monitor patient.
• When switching from tablets to decanoate Methyldopa: May cause dementia. Monitor
injection, give 10 to 15 times the oral dose patient closely.
once a month (maximum 100 mg). Rifampin: May decrease haloperidol level.
Alert: Don’t give decanoate form I.V. Monitor patient for clinical effect.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
AC TION CNS depression. Discourage use together.
A butyrophenone that probably exerts an-
tipsychotic effects by blocking postsynaptic EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
dopamine receptors in the brain. • May increase liver function test values.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• May increase or decrease WBC count.
P.O. Unknown 3–6 hr Unknown
I.M. Unknown 3–9 days Unknown • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
(decanoate) to drug and in those with parkinsonism,
I.M. (lactate) Unknown 10–20 min Unknown coma, or CNS depression.
Half-life: P.O., 24 hours; I.M., 21 hours.
• Use cautiously in elderly and debilitated
patients; in patients with history of seizures
or EEG abnormalities, severe CV disorders,
ADVERSE REACTIONS allergies, glaucoma, or urine retention; and
CNS: severe extrapyramidal reactions, in those taking anticonvulsants, anticoagu-
tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant lants, antiparkinsonians, or lithium.
syndrome, seizures, sedation, drowsiness, •H Overdose S&S: Severe extrapyramidal
lethargy, headache, insomnia, confusion, reactions, hypotension, sedation.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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674 heparin sodium


• Monitor patient for tardive dyskinesia, Carpuject: 5,000 units/ml
which may occur after prolonged use. It may Premixed I.V. solutions: 1,000 units
not appear until months or years later and in 500 ml of normal saline solution;
may disappear spontaneously or persist for 2,000 units in 1,000 ml of normal saline
life, despite ending drug. solution; 12,500 units in 250 ml of half-
Alert: Watch for signs and symptoms of normal saline solution; 25,000 units in
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (extrapyra- 250 ml of half-normal saline solution;
midal effects, hyperthermia, autonomic 25,000 units in 500 ml of half-normal saline
disturbance), which is rare but commonly solution; 10,000 units in 100 ml of D5 W;
fatal. 12,500 units in 250 ml of D5 W; 20,000
Black Box Warning Elderly patients with units in 500 ml of D5 W; 25,000 units in
dementia-related psychosis treated with 250 ml D5 W; 25,000 units in 500 ml D5 W
atypical or conventional antipsychotics Single-dose ampules and vials: 1,000 units/
are at increased risk for death. Antipsy- ml, 5,000 units/ml, 10,000 units/ml,
chotics aren’t approved for the treatment of 20,000 units/ml, 40,000 units/ml
dementia-related psychosis. Syringes: 1,000 units/ml, 2,500 units/ml,
• Don’t withdraw drug abruptly unless 5,000 units/ml, 7,500 units/ml,
required by severe adverse reactions. 10,000 units/ml, 20,000 units/ml
Alert: Haldol may contain tartrazine. Unit-dose vials: 1,000 units/ml,
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 2,500 units/ml, 5,000 units/ml,
Haldol with Halcion or Halog. 7,500 units/ml, 10,000 units/ml,
20,000 units/ml
PATIENT TEACHING Vials (multidose): 1,000 units/ml,
• Although drug is the least sedating of 2,000 units/ml, 2,500 units/ml, 5,000 units/
the antipsychotics, warn patient to avoid ml, 10,000 units/ml, 20,000 units/ml,
activities that require alertness and good 40,000 units/ml
coordination until effects of drug are heparin sodium flush
known. Drowsiness and dizziness usually Syringes: 1 unit/ml, 10 units/ml,
subside after a few weeks. 100 units/ml
• Warn patient to avoid alcohol during Vials: 10 units/ml, 100 units/ml
• Tell patient to relieve dry mouth with INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
sugarless gum or hard candy. ➤ Full-dose continuous I.V. infusion
therapy for deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
SAFETY ALERT! MI, pulmonary embolism
Adults: Initially, 5,000 units by I.V. bolus;
heparin sodium then 20,000 to 40,000 units/day by I.V.
HEP-ah-rin infusion with pump. Titrate hourly rate
based on PTT results (every 4 to 6 hours in
Hepalean†, Heparin Lock Flush the early stages of treatment).
Solution (with Tubex), Heparin Children: Initially, 50 units/kg I.V.; then
Sodium Injection, Hep-Lock, 25 units/kg/hour or 20,000 units/m2 daily by
Hep-Pak I.V. infusion pump. Titrate dosage based on
Therapeutic class: Anticoagulant ➤ Full-dose subcutaneous therapy for
Pharmacologic class: Anticoagulant DVT, MI, pulmonary embolism
Pregnancy risk category C Adults: Initially, 5,000 units I.V. bolus and
10,000 to 20,000 units in a concentrated
AVAIL ABLE FORMS solution subcutaneously; then 8,000 to
Products are derived from beef lung or pork 10,000 units subcutaneously every 8 hours
intestinal mucosa. or 15,000 to 20,000 units in a concentrated
solution every 12 hours.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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heparin sodium 675

➤ Full-dose intermittent I.V. therapy for vein, because falsely elevated PTT will
DVT, MI, pulmonary embolism result. Always draw blood from the
Adults: Initially, 10,000 units by I.V. bolus; opposite arm.
then titrated according to PTT, and 5,000 to  Don’t skip a dose or try to “catch up”

10,000 units I.V. every 4 to 6 hours. with a solution containing heparin. If

➤ Fixed low-dose therapy for prevention solution runs out, restart it as soon as
of venous thrombosis, pulmonary em- possible, and reschedule bolus dose
bolism, embolism associated with atrial immediately. Monitor PTT.
fibrillation, and postoperative DVT  Concentrated heparin solutions (more

Adults: 5,000 units subcutaneously every than 100 units/ml) can irritate blood
12 hours. In surgical patients, give first dose vessels.
2 hours before procedure; then 5,000 units  Never piggyback other drugs into an

subcutaneously every 8 to 12 hours for 5 to infusion line while heparin infusion is

7 days or until patient can walk. running. Never mix another drug and
➤ Consumptive coagulopathy (such as heparin in same syringe when giving a H
disseminated intravascular coagulation) bolus.
Adults: 50 to 100 units/kg by I.V. bolus or  Incompatibilities: Alteplase; amikacin;

continuous I.V. infusion every 4 hours. amiodarone; amphotericin B cholesteryl;

Children: 25 to 50 units/kg by I.V. bolus or ampicillin sodium; atracurium; caspo-
continuous I.V. infusion every 4 hours. If fungin; chlorpromazine; ciprofloxacin;
no improvement within 4 to 8 hours, stop codeine phosphate; cytarabine; dacar-
heparin. bazine; dantrolene; daunorubicin; dextrose
➤ Open-heart surgery 4.3% in sodium chloride solution 0.18%;
Adults: For total body perfusion, 150 to diazepam; diltiazem; dobutamine; dox-
400 units/kg continuous I.V. infusion. orubicin; doxycycline hyclate; droperidol;
Frequently, a dose of 300 units/kg for proce- ergotamine; erythromycin gluceptate
dures estimated to last less than 60 minutes, or lactobionate; filgrastim; gentamicin;
or 400 units/kg for those estimated to last haloperidol lactate; hydrocortisone sodium
more than 60 minutes, is used. succinate; hydroxyzine hydrochloride;
➤ Patency maintenance of I.V. indwelling idarubicin; kanamycin; labetalol; levo-
catheters floxacin; levorphanol; meperidine;
Adults: 10 to 100 units I.V. flush. Use suffi- methadone; methylprednisolone sodium
cient volume to fill device. Not intended for succinate; morphine sulfate; nesiritide;
therapeutic use. netilmicin; nicardipine; penicillin G potas-
sium; penicillin G sodium; pentazocine
ADMINISTRATION lactate; phenytoin sodium; polymyxin
I.V. B sulfate; prochlorperazine edisylate;
 Draw blood to establish baseline coagu- promethazine hydrochloride; quinidine
lation parameters before therapy. gluconate; reteplase; 1/6 M sodium lac-
 Use an infusion pump to provide maxi- tate; solutions containing a phosphate
mum safety. Check continuous infusions buffer, sodium carbonate, or sodium
regularly, even when pumps are in good oxalate; streptomycin; sulfamethoxa-
working order, to ensure correct dosing. zole and trimethoprim; tobramycin sulfate;
Place notice above patient’s bed to caution trifluoperazine; triflupromazine; van-
I.V. team or laboratory personnel to apply comycin; vinblastine; warfarin.
pressure dressings after taking blood. Subcutaneous
 During intermittent infusion, always • Give low-dose injections sequentially
draw blood 30 minutes before next sched- between iliac crests in lower abdomen
uled dose to avoid falsely elevated PTT. deep into subcutaneous fat. Inject drug
Blood for PTT may be drawn 4 hours subcutaneously slowly into fat pad.
after continuous I.V. heparin therapy starts. • Don’t massage injection site; watch for
Never draw blood for PTT from the tubing signs of bleeding there.
of the heparin infusion or from the infused

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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676 heparin sodium

• Alternate sites every 12 hours—right for clover, white willow: May increase risk of
morning, left for evening. Record location. bleeding. Discourage herb use.
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May interfere
AC TION with anticoagulant effect of heparin.
Accelerates formation of antithrombin III- Discourage smoking.
thrombin complex and deactivates throm-
bin, preventing conversion of fibrinogen to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
fibrin. • May increase ALT, AST, and potassium
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate Unknown Variable
• May increase INR, PT, and PTT. May
Subcut. 20–60 min 2–4 hr Variable decrease platelet count.
• Drug may cause false elevations in some
Half-life: 1 to 2 hours. Half-life is dose-dependent tests for thyroxine level.
and nonlinear and may be disproportionately
prolonged at higher doses.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
ADVERSE REACTIONS tive to drug. Conditionally contraindicated
CNS: fever. in patients with active bleeding, blood
EENT: rhinitis. dyscrasia, or bleeding tendencies, such as
Hematologic: hemorrhage, overly pro- hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, or hepatic
longed clotting time, thrombocytopenia, disease with hypoprothrombinemia; sus-
white clot syndrome. pected intracranial hemorrhage; suppurative
Metabolic: hyperkalemia, hypoaldostero- thrombophlebitis; inaccessible ulcerative
nism. lesions (especially of GI tract) and open
Skin: irritation, mild pain, hematoma, ulcerative wounds; extensive denudation
ulceration, cutaneous or subcutaneous of skin; ascorbic acid deficiency and other
necrosis, pruritus, urticaria. conditions that cause increased capillary
Other: hypersensitivity reactions, including permeability.
chills, anaphylactoid reactions. • Conditionally contraindicated during or
after brain, eye, or spinal cord surgery;
INTERACTIONS during spinal tap or spinal anesthesia;
Drug-drug. Antihistamines, digoxin, during continuous tube drainage of stomach
quinine, tetracycline: May interfere with or small intestine; and in subacute bacterial
anticoagulant effect of heparin. Monitor endocarditis, shock, advanced renal disease,
patient for therapeutic effect. threatened abortion, or severe hypertension.
Antiplatelet drugs, salicylates: May increase • Use cautiously in women during menses
anticoagulant effect. Use together cau- or after childbirth and in patients with mild
tiously. Monitor coagulation studies and hepatic or renal disease, alcoholism, occu-
patient closely. pations with high risk of physical injury, or
Cephalosporins, penicillins: May increase history of allergies, asthma, or GI ulcera-
risk of bleeding. Monitor patient closely. tions.
Nitroglycerin: May decrease effects of • Use cautiously in women older than age
heparin. Monitor patient closely. 60 because of an increased risk of bleeding.
Oral anticoagulants: May increase additive •H Overdose S&S: Bleeding, nosebleeds,
anticoagulation. Monitor PT, INR, and PTT. hematuria, tarry stools, easy bruising,
Thrombolytics: May increase risk of hemor- petechial formations.
rhage. Monitor patient closely.
Drug-herb. Angelica (dong quai), boldo, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
bromelains, capsicum, chamomile, dan- • Although heparin use is clearly hazardous
delion, danshen, devil’s claw, fenugreek, in certain conditions, its risks and benefits
feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, must be evaluated.
horse chestnut, licorice, meadowsweet, • If a woman needs anticoagulation during
motherwort, onion, passion flower, red pregnancy, most prescribers use heparin.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hepatitis B immune globulin, human 677

Alert: Some commercially available hep- the time since it was given. Generally, 1 to
arin injections contain benzyl alcohol. 1.5 mg of protamine per 100 units of hep-
Avoid using these products in neonates and arin is given if only a few minutes have
pregnant women if possible. elapsed; 0.5 to 0.75 mg protamine per
• Drug requirements are higher in early 100 units heparin, if 30 to 60 minutes have
phases of thrombogenic diseases and febrile elapsed; and 0.25 to 0.375 mg protamine
states; they are lower when patient’s condi- per 100 units heparin, if 2 hours or more
tion stabilizes. have elapsed. Don’t give more than 50 mg
• Elderly patients should usually start at protamine in a 10-minute period.
lower dosage. • Abrupt withdrawal may cause increased
• Check order and vial carefully; heparin coagulability; warfarin therapy usually
comes in various concentrations. overlaps heparin therapy for continuation of
Alert: USP and international units aren’t prophylaxis or treatment.
equivalent for heparin. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Alert: Heparin, low–molecular-weight heparin with Hespan. H
heparins, and danaparoid aren’t inter- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
changeable. heparin sodium injection 10,000 units/ml
Alert: Don’t change concentrations of and Hep-Lock 10 units/ml.
infusions unless absolutely necessary. This
is a common source of dosage errors. PATIENT TEACHING
Alert: There is the potential for delayed • Instruct patient and family to watch for
onset of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia signs of bleeding or bruising and to notify
(HIT), a serious antibody-mediated reaction prescriber immediately if any occur.
resulting from irreversible aggregation of • Tell patient to avoid OTC drugs contain-
platelets. HIT may progress to the devel- ing aspirin, other salicylates, or drugs that
opment of venous and arterial thromboses, may interact with heparin unless ordered by
a condition referred to as heparin-induced prescriber.
thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (HITT). • Advise patient to consult with prescriber
Thrombotic events may be the initial pre- before starting herbal therapy; many herbs
sentation for HITT, which can occur up have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, or fibri-
to several weeks after stopping heparin nolytic properties.
therapy. Evaluate patients presenting with
thrombocytopenia or thrombosis after stop-
ping heparin for HIT and HITT hepatitis B immune
• Draw blood for PTT 4 to 6 hours after globulin, human (HBIG)
dose given subcutaneously. hep-ah-TYE-tis
• Avoid I.M. injections of other drugs to HepaGam B, HyperHEP B S/D,
prevent or minimize hematoma.
• Measure PTT carefully and regularly.
Anticoagulation is present when PTT values Therapeutic class: Prophylactic agent
are 11⁄2 to 2 times the control values. Pharmacologic class: Immune serum
• Monitor platelet count regularly. When Pregnancy risk category C
new thrombosis accompanies thrombocy-
topenia (white clot syndrome), stop heparin. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Regularly inspect patient for bleeding Injection: 1-ml, 5-ml vials; 0.5-ml neonatal
gums, bruises on arms or legs, petechiae, single-dose syringe; 1-ml single-dose
nosebleeds, melena, tarry stools, hematuria, syringe
and hematemesis.
• Monitor vital signs. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Alert: To treat severe overdose, use ➤ Hepatitis B exposure in high-risk
protamine sulfate (1% solution), a hep- patients
arin antagonist. Dosage is based on the dose Adults and children: 0.06 ml/kg (usual dose
of heparin, its route of administration, and is 3 ml to 5 ml) I.M. as soon as possible,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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678 hepatitis B immune globulin, human

but within 7 days after exposure (within Route Onset Peak Duration
14 days if sexual exposure). Repeat dose I.M. 1–6 days 3–11 days 2 mo
28 days after exposure if patient doesn’t I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
elect to receive the hepatitis B vaccine. Half-life: Antibodies to HBsAg, 21 days.
Neonates born to hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg)-positive patients: 0.5 ml
I.M. within 12 hours of birth. ADVERSE REACTIONS
➤ To prevent hepatitis B recurrence CNS (I.V.): chills, fever, headache.
following liver transplantation in GI (I.V.): nausea, vomiting.
HBsAg-positive liver transplant patients Musculoskeletal (I.V.): arthralgia, low
(HepaGam B only) back pain, myalgia.
Adults: 20,000 international units I.V. at Skin: pain and tenderness at injection site,
rate of 2 ml/minute. Give first dose given urticaria.
simultaneously with the grafting of the Other: anaphylaxis, angioedema, cold
transplanted liver (anhepatic phase); then symptoms or flu, malaise.
daily on days 1 through 7, every 2 weeks
from day 14 through 12 weeks, monthly INTERACTIONS
from month 4 onward. Drug-drug. Live-virus vaccines: May
Adjust-a-dose: Adjust dosage in patients interfere with response to live-virus
who don’t reach anti-HBs levels of vaccines. Postpone routine immunization
500 international units/L within the first for 3 months.
week after transplantation. Give 10,000
international units I.V. until target level is EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
reached. None reported.


I.M. • Contraindicated in patients with history of
• Inspect for discoloration or particulates. anaphylactic reactions to immune serum.
Make sure drug is clear, slightly amber, and • Give to patients with coagulation
moderately viscous. disorders or thrombocytopenia only if
• Inject into anterolateral thigh or deltoid benefit outweighs risk.
muscle in older children and adults; inject • Use cautiously in patients with specific
into anterolateral thigh in neonates and IgA deficiency.
children younger than age 3.
 Give HepaGam B through a separate • Obtain history of allergies and reac-
I.V. line using an I.V. administration set via tions to immunizations. Keep epinephrine
infusion pump. 1:1,000 available.
 During preparation, don’t shake vials; • For postexposure prophylaxis (such as
avoid foaming. after needlestick or direct contact), give
 Set administration rate at 2 ml/minute. drug with hepatitis B vaccine.
Decrease rate of infusion to 1 ml/minute or • A vial of HBIG (human) that has been
slower if the patient develops discomfort entered should be used within 6 hours.
or infusion-related adverse events, or Don’t reuse or save for future use.
if there is concern about the speed of • The maltose contained in HepaGam B
infusion. can interfere with some blood glucose
 Alert: Don’t give HyperHEP B or monitoring systems, causing falsely
Nabi-HB I.V. elevated readings.
• Antibodies present in HepaGam B may
AC TION interfere with some serological tests.
Provides passive immunity to hepatitis B. • Look alike–sound alike: This immune
globulin provides passive immunity; don’t
confuse with hepatitis B vaccine. Both

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydralazine hydrochloride 679

drugs may be given at same time. Don’t mix  Drug is compatible with normal saline,

in the same syringe. Ringer’s, lactated Ringer’s, and several

other common I.V. solutions.
PATIENT TEACHING  Replace parenteral therapy with oral

• Inform patient that pain and tenderness therapy as soon as possible.

may occur at injection site.  Incompatibilities: Aminophylline,

• Tell patient to report signs and symptoms ampicillin sodium, chlorothiazide, D5 W,

of hypersensitivity immediately. dextrose 10% in lactated Ringer’s solution,
dextrose 10% in normal saline solution,
diazoxide, doxapram, edetate calcium
hydrALAZINE hydrochloride disodium, ethacrynate, fructose 10% in
hye-DRAL-a-zeen normal saline solution, fructose 10% in
water, furosemide, hydrocortisone sodium
Apresoline†, Novo-Hylazin†, succinate, mephentermine, metaraminol
Nu-Hydral† bitartrate, methohexital, nitroglycerin, H
phenobarbital sodium, verapamil.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive I.M.
Pharmacologic class: Peripheral dilator • Switch to oral form as soon as possible.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Unknown. A direct-acting peripheral
Injection: 20 mg/ml in 1-ml vial vasodilator that relaxes arteriolar smooth
Tablets: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg muscle.
Route Onset Peak Duration
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES P.O. 20–30 min 1–2 hr 2–4 hr
➤ Hypertension I.V. 5–20 min 10–80 min 2–6 hr
Adults: Initially, 10 mg P.O. q.i.d.; gradu- I.M. 10–30 min 1 hr 2–6 hr
ally increase over 2 weeks to 50 mg q.i.d.,
based on patient tolerance and response. Half-life: 3 to 7 hours.
Once stabilized, maintenance dosage can
be divided b.i.d. Recommended range is ADVERSE REACTIONS
12.5 to 50 mg b.i.d. CNS: headache, peripheral neuritis,
Children: Initially, 0.75 mg/kg daily P.O. dizziness.
divided into four doses; gradually increased CV: angina pectoris, palpitations, tachy-
over 3 to 4 weeks to maximum of 7.5 mg/kg cardia, orthostatic hypotension, edema,
or 200 mg daily. Maximum first P.O. dose is flushing.
25 mg. EENT: nasal congestion.
➤ Severe essential hypertension GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia,
Adults: 20 to 40 mg I.M. or I.V. slowly; constipation.
repeat as needed. Switch to oral form as Hematologic: neutropenia, leukopenia,
soon as possible. agranulocytopenia, agranulocytosis,
thrombocytopenia with or without
P.O. Skin: rash.
• Give drug with food to increase absorp- Other: lupuslike syndrome.
 Give drug slowly and repeat p.r.n., Drug-drug. Diazoxide, MAO inhibitors:
generally every 4 to 6 hours. Hydralazine May cause severe hypotension. Use together
changes color in most infusion solutions; cautiously.
these color changes don’t indicate loss of Diuretics, other hypotensive drugs: May
potency. cause excessive hypotension. Dosage
adjustment may be needed.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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680 hydrochlorothiazide

Indomethacin: May decrease effects of PATIENT TEACHING

hydralazine. Monitor blood pressure. • Instruct patient to take oral form with
Metoprolol, propranolol: May increase levels meals to increase absorption.
and effects of these beta blockers. Monitor • Inform patient that low blood pressure
patient closely. May need to adjust dosage and dizziness upon standing can be mini-
of either drug. mized by rising slowly and avoiding sudden
Drug-food. Any food: Food may increase position changes.
drug absorption. Encourage patient to take • Tell woman of childbearing age to notify
with food. prescriber if she suspects pregnancy. Drug
will need to be stopped.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient to notify prescriber of un-
• May decrease hemoglobin level. explained prolonged general tiredness or
• May decrease neutrophil, WBC, granulo- fever, muscle or joint aching, or chest pain.
cyte, platelet, and RBC counts.
• May cause positive ANA titers.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug. Apo-Hydro†, Microzide,
• Contraindicated in those with coronary Novo-Hydrazide†, Nu-hydro†, Oretic,
artery disease or mitral valvular rheumatic Urozide†
heart disease.
• Use cautiously in patients with suspected Therapeutic class: Diuretic
cardiac disease, stroke, or severe renal Pharmacologic class: Thiazide diuretic
impairment and in those taking other anti- Pregnancy risk category B
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, tachycardia, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
headache, flushing. Capsules: 12.5 mg
Oral solution: 50 mg/5 ml
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Tablets: 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg
• Monitor patient’s blood pressure, pulse
rate, and body weight frequently. Drug may INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
be given with diuretics and beta blockers to ➤ Edema
decrease sodium retention and tachycardia Adults: 25 to 100 mg P.O. daily or inter-
and to prevent angina attacks. mittently; up to 200 mg initially for several
• Elderly patients may be more sensitive to days until nonedematous weight is attained.
drug’s hypotensive effects. ➤ Hypertension
• Obtain CBC, lupus erythematosus cell Adults: 12.5 to 50 mg P.O. once daily.
preparation, and antinuclear antibody titer Increase or decrease daily dose based on
determination before therapy and periodi- blood pressure.
cally during long-term therapy. Children ages 6 months to 12 years: 1 to
Alert: Monitor patient closely for signs 2 mg/kg P.O. daily in a single dose or two
and symptoms of lupuslike syndrome (sore divided doses. The total daily dose shouldn’t
throat, fever, muscle and joint aches, rash), exceed 37.5 mg for children up to age 2 or
and notify prescriber immediately if they 100 mg in children ages 2 to 12.
develop. Children younger than age 6 months: Up to
• Improve patient compliance by giving 3 mg/kg P.O. daily in two divided doses.
drug b.i.d. Check with prescriber. Adjust-a-dose: In patients older than age 65
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse initially, 12.5 mg daily. Adjust in increments
hydralazine with hydroxyzine. of 12.5 mg, if needed.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydrochlorothiazide 681

ADMINISTRATION Antihypertensives: May have additive anti-

P.O. hypertensive effect. Use together cautiously.
• Give drug with food to minimize GI Barbiturates, opioids: May increase ortho-
upset. static hypotensive effect. Monitor patient
• To prevent nocturia, give drug in morning. closely.
If second dose is needed, give in early after- Bumetanide, ethacrynic acid, furosemide,
noon. torsemide: May cause excessive diuretic
response, causing serious electrolyte
AC TION abnormalities or dehydration. Adjust doses
Increases sodium and water excretion by carefully, and monitor patient closely for
inhibiting sodium and chloride reabsorption signs and symptoms of excessive diuretic
in distal segment of the nephron. response.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of
P.O. 2 hr 4–6 hr 6–12 hr
digoxin toxicity from diuretic-induced
hypokalemia. Monitor potassium and H
Half-life: 51⁄2 to 15 hours. digoxin levels.
Cholestyramine, colestipol: May decrease
ADVERSE REACTIONS intestinal absorption of thiazides. Separate
CNS: dizziness, vertigo, headache, pares- doses by 2 hours.
thesia, weakness, restlessness. Diazoxide: May increase antihypertensive,
CV: orthostatic hypotension, allergic hyperglycemic, and hyperuricemic effects.
myocarditis, vasculitis. Use together cautiously.
GI: pancreatitis, anorexia, nausea, epi- Lithium: May decrease lithium excretion,
gastric distress, vomiting, abdominal pain, increasing risk of lithium toxicity. Monitor
diarrhea, constipation. lithium level.
GU: renal failure, polyuria, frequent urina- NSAIDs: May increase risk of renal failure.
tion, interstitial nephritis. May decrease diuretic and antihypertensive
Hematologic: aplastic anemia, agranu- effects. Monitor renal function and blood
locytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pressure.
hemolytic anemia. Drug-herb. Dandelion: May interfere with
Hepatic: jaundice. diuretic activity. Discourage use together.
Metabolic: asymptomatic hyperuricemia, Licorice: May cause unexpected rapid
hypokalemia, hyperglycemia and impaired potassium loss. Discourage use together.
glucose tolerance, fluid and electrolyte im- Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
balances, including dilutional hyponatremia orthostatic hypotensive effect. Discourage
and hypochloremia, metabolic alkalosis, use together.
hypercalcemia, volume depletion and
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps. • May increase glucose, cholesterol, triglyc-
Respiratory: respiratory distress, pneu- eride, calcium, and uric acid levels. May
monitis. decrease potassium, sodium, chloride, and
Skin: dermatitis, photosensitivity reactions, hemoglobin levels.
rash, purpura, alopecia. • May decrease granulocyte, WBC, and
Other: anaphylactic reactions, hypersensi- platelet counts.
tivity reactions, gout.
INTERACTIONS • Contraindicated in patients with anuria
Drug-drug. Amphotericin B, cortico- and patients hypersensitive to other
steroids: May increase risk of hypokalemia. thiazides or other sulfonamide derivatives.
Monitor potassium level closely. • Use cautiously in children and in patients
Antidiabetics: May decrease hypoglycemic with severe renal disease, impaired hepatic
effects. Adjust dosage if needed. Monitor function, or progressive hepatic disease.
glucose level.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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682 hydrocortisone (oral; injection; rectal)

•H Overdose S&S: Electrolyte imbalance,

dehydration. hydrocortisone (oral;
injection; rectal)
• Monitor fluid intake and output, weight,
blood pressure, and electrolyte levels. Cortef, Cortenema
• Watch for signs and symptoms of
hypokalemia, such as muscle weakness hydrocortisone acetate
and cramps. Anucort-HC, Anusol-HC, Cortifoam,
• Drug may be used with potassium-sparing Proctocort
diuretic to prevent potassium loss.
• Consult prescriber and dietitian about hydrocortisone cypionate
a high-potassium diet or potassium sup-
plement. Foods rich in potassium include hydrocortisone sodium
citrus fruits, tomatoes, bananas, dates, and succinate
apricots. A-Hydrocort, Solu-Cortef
• Monitor creatinine and BUN levels regu-
larly. Cumulative effects of drug may occur Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
with impaired renal function. Pharmacologic class: Glucocorticoid
• Monitor uric acid level, especially in Pregnancy risk category C
patients with history of gout.
• Monitor glucose level, especially in AVAIL ABLE FORMS
diabetic patients. hydrocortisone
• Monitor elderly patients, who are espe- Enema: 100 mg/60 ml
cially susceptible to excessive diuresis. Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg
• Stop thiazides and thiazide-like diuretics hydrocortisone acetate
before parathyroid function tests. Injection: 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml suspension
• In patients with hypertension, therapeutic Rectal aerosol foam: 10% aerosol foam
response may be delayed several weeks. (provides 90 mg/application)
Rectal suppository: 25 mg, 30 mg
PATIENT TEACHING hydrocortisone cypionate
• Instruct patient to take drug with food to Oral suspension: 2 mg/ml
minimize GI upset. hydrocortisone sodium succinate
• Advise patient to take drug in morning Injection: 100-mg vial, 250-mg vial,
to avoid need to urinate at night; if patient 500-mg vial, 1,000-mg vial
needs second dose, have him take it in early
• Advise patient to avoid sudden posture ➤ Severe inflammation, adrenal insuffi-
changes and to rise slowly to avoid dizziness ciency
upon standing quickly. Adults: 20 to 240 mg P.O. daily. Or, initially,
• Encourage patient to use a sunblock to 100 to 500 mg succinate I.M. or I.V.; repeat
prevent photosensitivity reactions. every 2, 4, or 6 hours as needed.
• Tell patient to check with prescriber or ➤ Shock
pharmacist before using OTC drugs. Adults: Initially, 50 mg/kg succinate I.V.,
repeated in 4 hours. Repeat dosage every
24 hours as needed. Or, 0.5 to 2 g every 2 to
6 hours, continued until patient is stabilized
(usually not longer than 48 to 72 hours).
➤ Adjunct treatment for ulcerative
colitis and proctitis
Adults: 1 enema (100 mg) P.R. nightly for
21 days. Or, 1 applicatorful (90-mg foam)
P.R. daily or b.i.d. for 14 to 21 days. Or,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydrocortisone (oral; injection; rectal) 683

25 mg rectal suppository b.i.d. for 2 weeks. influences protein, fat, and carbohydrate
For severe proctitis, 25 mg P.R. t.i.d. or metabolism.
50 mg b.i.d. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O., I.V., Variable Variable Variable
Half-life: 8 to 12 hours.
• Give drug with milk or food when
possible. Patient may need another drug
to prevent GI irritation. ADVERSE REACTIONS
I.V. CNS: euphoria, insomnia, psychotic
 Don’t use acetate or suspension form for behavior, pseudotumor cerebri, vertigo,
I.V. route. headache, paresthesia, seizures.
 Reconstitute hydrocortisone sodium CV: heart failure, hypertension, edema,
succinate with bacteriostatic water or arrhythmias, thrombophlebitis, throm-
bacteriostatic saline solution before adding boembolism. H
to I.V. solutions. For direct injection, EENT: cataracts, glaucoma.
inject over 30 seconds to 10 minutes. For GI: peptic ulceration, GI irritation,
infusion, dilute with D5 W, normal saline increased appetite, pancreatitis, nausea,
solution, or dextrose 5% in normal saline vomiting.
solution to 1 mg/ml or less. GU: menstrual irregularities, increased
 Incompatibilities: Amobarbital, ampi- urine calcium levels.
cillin sodium, bleomycin, ciprofloxacin, Hematologic: easy bruising.
colistimethate, cytarabine, dacarbazine, Metabolic: hypokalemia, hyperglycemia,
diazepam, dimenhydrinate, ephedrine, carbohydrate intolerance, hypercholes-
ergotamine, furosemide, heparin sodium, terolemia, hypocalcemia.
hydralazine, idarubicin, Ionosol B with Musculoskeletal: growth suppression in
invert sugar 10%, kanamycin, methylpred- children, muscle weakness, osteoporosis,
nisolone sodium succinate, midazolam, tendon rupture.
nafcillin, pentobarbital sodium, phenobar- Skin: hirsutism, delayed wound healing,
bital sodium, phenytoin, prochlorperazine acne, skin eruptions.
edisylate, promethazine hydrochloride, Other: cushingoid state, susceptibility to
sargramostim, vancomycin, vitamin B infections, acute adrenal insufficiency
complex with C. after increased stress or abrupt withdrawal
I.M. after long-term therapy.
• Inject deep into gluteal muscle. Rotate After abrupt withdrawal: rebound inflam-
injection sites to prevent muscle atrophy. mation, fatigue, weakness, arthralgia, fever,
Avoid subcutaneous injection because dizziness, lethargy, depression, fainting,
atrophy and sterile abscesses may occur. orthostatic hypotension, dyspnea, anorexia,
• Injectable forms aren’t used for alternate- hypoglycemia. After prolonged use, sudden
day therapy. withdrawal may be fatal.
• Have the patient lie on his left side during INTERACTIONS
administration and for 30 minutes afterward Drug-drug. Aspirin, indomethacin, other
to allow fluid to distribute throughout the NSAIDs: May increase risk of GI distress
left colon. Have patient try to retain the and bleeding. Use together cautiously.
enema for at least 1 hour but preferably all Barbiturates, carbamazepine, fospheny-
night. toin, phenytoin, rifampin: May decrease
corticosteroid effect. Increase corticosteroid
AC TION dosage.
Not clearly defined. Decreases inflam- Cyclosporine: May increase toxicity.
mation, mainly by stabilizing leukocyte Monitor patient closely.
lysosomal membranes; suppresses immune Live attenuated virus vaccines, other
response; stimulates bone marrow; and toxoids and vaccines: May decrease

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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684 hydrocortisone (oral; injection; rectal)

antibody response and increase risk of • For better results and less toxicity, give a
neurologic complications. Avoid using once-daily dose in morning.
together. Alert: Salts aren’t interchangeable.
Oral anticoagulants: May alter dosage Alert: Only hydrocortisone sodium succi-
requirements. Monitor PT and INR closely. nate can be given I.V.
Potassium-depleting drugs such as thiazide • Enema may produce same systemic
diuretics: May enhance potassium-wasting effects as other forms of hydrocortisone.
effects of hydrocortisone. Monitor potas- If enema therapy must exceed 21 days,
sium level. taper off by giving every other night for 2 to
Skin-test antigens: May decrease response. 3 weeks.
Postpone skin testing until after therapy. • High-dose therapy usually isn’t continued
Drug-herb. Echinacea: May increase beyond 48 hours.
immune-stimulating effects. Discourage use • Always adjust to lowest effective dose.
together. • Monitor patient’s weight, blood pressure,
Ginseng: May increase immune-modulating and electrolyte level.
response. Discourage use together. • Monitor patient for cushingoid effects,
including moon face, buffalo hump, central
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS obesity, thinning hair, hypertension, and
• May increase glucose and cholesterol increased susceptibility to infection.
levels. May decrease T3 , T4 , potassium, and • Unless contraindicated, give a low-sodium
calcium levels. diet that’s high in potassium and protein.
• May cause decreased 131 I uptake and Give potassium supplements.
protein-bound iodine levels in thyroid • Drug may mask or worsen infections,
function tests. May cause false-negative including latent amebiasis.
results in nitroblue tetrazolium test for • Stress (fever, trauma, surgery, and
systemic bacterial infections. May alter emotional problems) may increase adrenal
reactions to skin tests. insufficiency. Increase dosage.
• Watch for depression or psychotic
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS episodes, especially during high-dose
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive therapy.
to drug or its ingredients, in those with • Inspect patient’s skin for petechiae.
systemic fungal infections, in those receiv- • Diabetic patient may need increased
ing immunosuppressive doses together with insulin; monitor glucose level.
live virus vaccines, and in premature infants • Periodic measurement of growth and
(succinate). development may be needed during high-
• Use with caution in patient with recent dose or prolonged therapy in children.
MI. • Elderly patients may be more susceptible
• Use cautiously in patients with GI ulcer, to osteoporosis with prolonged use.
renal disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, • Gradually reduce dosage after long-term
diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, cirrho- therapy.
sis, diverticulitis, nonspecific ulcerative • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
colitis, active hepatitis, recent intestinal Solu-Cortef with Solu-Medrol (methylpred-
anastomoses, thromboembolic disorders, nisolone sodium succinate), or hydrocorti-
seizures, myasthenia gravis, heart failure, sone with hydroxychloroquine.
tuberculosis, ocular herpes simplex, emo-
tional instability, and psychotic tendencies PATIENT TEACHING
or in women who are breast-feeding. • Tell patient not to stop drug abruptly or
without prescriber’s consent.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Instruct patient to take oral form of drug
• Determine whether patient is sensitive to with milk or food.
other corticosteroids. • Warn patient on long-term therapy about
• Most adverse reactions to corticosteroids cushingoid effects (moon face, buffalo
are dose- or duration-dependent.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydrocortisone (topical) 685

hump) and the need to notify prescriber hydrocortisone valerate

about sudden weight gain or swelling. Westcort
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of
early adrenal insufficiency: fatigue, muscle Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid
weakness, joint pain, fever, anorexia, nau- Pharmacologic class: Corticosteroid
sea, shortness of breath, dizziness, and Pregnancy risk category C
• Instruct patient to carry a card with his AVAIL ABLE FORMS
prescriber’s name and name and dosage of hydrocortisone
drug, indicating his need for supplemental Cream: 0.5% , 1% , 2.5%
systemic glucocorticoids during stress. Gel: 1%, 2%
• Warn patient about easy bruising. Lotion: 0.25%, 0.5% , 1% , 1%, 2%,
• Urge patient receiving long-term therapy 2.5%
to consider exercise or physical therapy. Ointment: 0.5% , 1% , 2.5%
Also, tell him to ask prescriber about Rectal cream: 1%  H
vitamin D or calcium supplement. Rectal ointment: 1%
• Advise patient receiving long-term Spray: 1% 
therapy to have periodic eye examinations. Stick roll-on: 1%
• Caution patient to avoid exposure to Topical solution: 1%, 2.5%
infections (such as chickenpox or measles) hydrocortisone acetate
and to notify prescriber if such exposure Cream: 0.5% , 1% , 1%, 2%, 2.5%
occurs. Lotion: 0.5%
Ointment: 0.5% , 1% 
Rectal foam: 90 mg per application
hydrocortisone (topical) Suppositories: 25 mg, 30 mg
hye-droe-KOR-ti-sone hydrocortisone butyrate
Cream: 0.1%
Ala-Cort, Ala-Scalp, Anusol-HC, Ointment: 0.1%
Cetacort, Cortizone-5 , Solution: 0.1%
Cortizone-10 , Cortizone-10 hydrocortisone probutate
Quickshot , Dermolate , Cream: 0.1%
Hi-Cor 2.5, HydroSkin, HydroTex, hydrocortisone valerate
Hytone, LactiCare-HC, Maximum Cream: 0.2%
Strength Cortaid Faststick, Procort , Ointment: 0.2%
Scalpicin , Synacort, Tegrin-HC ,
➤ Inflammation and pruritus from
hydrocortisone acetate corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses,
Anusol HC , Cortaid , Cortef adjunctive topical management of
Feminine Itch , Corticaine , seborrheic dermatitis of scalp
Gynecort , Lanacort-5 , Adults and children: Clean area; apply
Lanacort 10 , ProctoCream-HC, cream, gel, lotion, ointment, or topical
ProctoFoam-HC, Tucks, U-cort solution sparingly daily to q.i.d. Spray
aerosol onto affected area daily to q.i.d.
hydrocortisone butyrate until acute phase is controlled; then reduce
Locoid, Locoid Lipocream dosage to one to three times weekly as
needed. Give children lowest dose that
hydrocortisone probutate provides positive results.
Pandel ➤ Inflammation from proctitis
Adults: 1 applicatorful of rectal foam P.R.
daily or b.i.d. for 2 to 3 weeks; then every
other day as needed. Give enema once
nightly for 21 days or until patient improves;

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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686 hydrocortisone (topical)

may use every other night for 2 to 3 months. Skin: burning, pruritus, irritation, dryness,
Insert suppository b.i.d. for 2 weeks. erythema, folliculitis, hypertrichosis,
hypopigmentation, acneiform eruptions,
ADMINISTRATION allergic contact dermatitis, atrophy, macer-
Topical ation, secondary infection, striae, miliaria
• Gently wash skin before applying. To with occlusive dressings.
prevent skin damage, rub in gently, leaving Other: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
a thin coat. When treating hairy sites, part axis suppression, Cushing syndrome.
hair and apply directly to lesions. Rectal
• Check individual products for frequency CNS: seizures, increased intracranial
of administration. pressure, vertigo, headache.
• Avoid applying near eyes or mucous CV: hypertension.
membranes or in ear canal; may be safely EENT: cataracts, glaucoma.
used on face, groin, armpits, and under GI: peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, abdominal
breasts. distention.
• Change dressing as prescribed. Stop drug GU: menstrual irregularities.
and tell prescriber if skin infection, striae, or Metabolic: fluid or electrolyte disturbances,
atrophy occurs. decreased carbohydrate tolerance.
• When using aerosol near the face, cover Musculoskeletal: muscle weakness, osteo-
patient’s eyes and warn against inhaling porosis, necrosis and fractures in bone.
spray. Aerosol contains alcohol and may Skin: impaired wound healing, fragile skin,
cause irritation or burning when used petechiae, erythema, sweating.
on open lesions. Don’t spray longer than
3 seconds or from closer than 6 inches INTERACTIONS
(15 cm) to avoid freezing tissues. If spray is None significant.
applied to dry scalp after shampooing, drug
doesn’t need to be massaged into scalp. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• Continue treatment for a few days after • May increase glucose level.
lesions clear.
• Insert suppositories blunt end first after • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
removing foil wrapper. to drug or its components.
• Don’t use as monotherapy in primary
AC TION bacterial infections (impetigo, paronychia,
Unclear. Diffuses across cell membranes to erysipelas, cellulitis, angular cheilitis),
form complexes with cytoplasmic receptors, treatment of rosacea, perioral dermatitis, or
showing anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, acne.
vasoconstrictive, and antiproliferative • Drug isn’t for ophthalmic use.
activity. Considered a low-potency (hydro- • Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
cortisone, hydrocortisone acetate) and a feeding women.
medium-potency (hydrocortisone butyrate, •H Overdose S&S: Systemic effects.
hydrocortisone probutate, hydrocortisone
valerate) drug, according to vasoconstrictive NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
properties. • If an occlusive dressing is applied and
Route Onset Peak Duration
a fever develops, notify prescriber and
Topical, P.R. Unknown Unknown Unknown
remove dressing.
• If antifungal or antibiotic combined with
Half-life: Unknown. corticosteroid fails to provide prompt
improvement, stop corticosteroid until
ADVERSE REACTIONS infection is controlled.
Topical • Systemic absorption is likely with use of
GU: glycosuria. occlusive dressings, prolonged treatment,
Metabolic: hyperglycemia. or extensive body surface treatment. Watch

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydromorphone hydrochloride 687

for symptoms, such as hyperglycemia, SAFETY ALERT!

glycosuria, and hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal axis suppression. hydromorphone
• Avoid using plastic pants or tight-fitting hydrochloride
diapers on treated areas in young children. (dihydromorphinone
Children may absorb larger amounts of hydrochloride)
drug and be more susceptible to systemic hye-droe-MOR-fone
• Monitor patient for fluid or electrolyte Dilaudid, Dilaudid-HP, Exalgo
disturbances (sodium and fluid retention,
potassium loss, hypokalemic alkalosis, Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic
negative nitrogen balance from catabolism Pharmacologic class: Opioid
of protein). Pregnancy risk category C
• Drug may suppress skin reaction testing. Controlled substance schedule II
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse H
hydrocortisone with hydroxychloroquine. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Injection: 1 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml,
• Teach patient or family member how to Liquid: 5 mg/5 ml
apply drug. Lyophilized powder for injection: 10 mg/ml
• Tell patient to wash hands after applica- Suppositories: 3 mg†
tion. Tablets: 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg
• If an occlusive dressing is ordered, advise Tablets (extended-release): 8 mg, 12 mg,
patient to leave it in place for no longer 16 mg
than 12 hours each day and not to use the
dressing on infected or weeping lesions. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Tell patient to stop drug and report signs ✷ NEW INDICATION: Moderate to severe
of systemic absorption, skin irritation or pain in opioid-tolerant patients requiring
ulceration, hypersensitivity, infection, or continuous analgesia for extended period
lack of improvement. of time
• Instruct patient to insert suppositories Adults currently on immediate-release
blunt end first after removing foil wrapper. hydromorphone: Starting dose of extended-
• For perianal application, instruct patient release form is equivalent to total daily dose
to place small amount of drug on a tissue of immediate-release form. May increase
and gently rub in. every 3 to 4 days. Maximum dose is 64 mg
• Tell patient to disassemble applicator or (extended release form) P.O. once daily.
aerosol cap and clean with warm water after ➤ Moderate to severe pain
each use. Adults: 2 to 4 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours
• Tell patient to stop using this product if p.r.n. Or, 1 to 4 mg I.M., subcutaneously,
condition worsens or if symptoms persist or I.V. (slowly over at least 2 to 5 minutes)
for more than 7 days. every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n. Or, 3 mg P.R. sup-
pository every 6 to 8 hours p.r.n. Or, 2.5 to
10 mg oral liquid every 3 to 6 hours p.r.n.
Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients and
those with renal or hepatic impairment,
reduce initial starting dose.

• Give drug with food if GI upset occurs.
Black Box Warning Patient should swallow
extended-release tablets whole; don’t break,
chew, dissolve, crush, or inject them.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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688 hydromorphone hydrochloride

Black Box Warning Don’t give extended- insomnia, drug withdrawal syndrome
release tablets with other extended-release (extended-release form), fever, asthenia,
opioids. headache, pain.
I.V. CV: hypotension, flushing, bradycardia,
 For infusion, drug may be mixed in chest discomfort, edema.
D5 W, normal saline solution, dextrose 5% EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, nystagmus.
in normal saline solution, dextrose 5% in GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation,
half-normal saline solution, or Ringer’s or anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, ileus, dry
lactated Ringer’s solutions. mouth.
 Give by direct injection over no less than GU: urine retention.
2 minutes. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, muscle
 Respiratory depression and hypotension spasms.
can occur. Give slowly, and monitor patient Respiratory: respiratory depression, bron-
constantly. Keep resuscitation equipment chospasm.
available. Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, hyperhydrosis.
 Incompatibilities: Alkalies, ampho- Other: induration with repeated subcu-
tericin B cholesteryl complex, ampicillin taneous injections, physical dependence,
sodium, bromides, cefazolin, dexametha- pain.
sone, diazepam, gallium nitrate, haloperi-
dol, heparin sodium, iodides, minocycline, INTERACTIONS
phenobarbital sodium, phenytoin sodium, Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May increase
prochlorperazine edisylate, sargramostim, risk of urine retention or severe constipa-
sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphate, tion. Use together cautiously.
thiopental. CNS depressants, general anesthetics,
I.M. hypnotics, MAO inhibitors, other opioid
• Document administration site. analgesics, sedatives, tranquilizers, tri-
Subcutaneous cyclic antidepressants: May cause additive
• Rotate injection sites to avoid induration effects. Use together with caution; reduce
with subcutaneous injection. hydromorphone dose and monitor patient
Rectal response.
• Refrigerate suppositories. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
additive effects. Discourage use together.
Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
in the CNS, altering perception of and • May increase amylase and lipase levels.
emotional response to pain. Also suppresses • May interfere with hepatobiliary imaging
the cough reflex by direct action on the studies because delayed gastric emptying
cough center in the medulla. and contraction of sphincter of Oddi may
Route Onset Peak Duration
increase biliary tract pressure.
P.O. 15–30 min 30–60 min 4–5 hr
P.O. 15–30 min 12–16 hr 18–24 hr
(extended- • Contraindicated in patients hypersen-
release) sitive to drug; in those with intracranial
I.V. 10–15 min 15–30 min 2–3 hr lesions that cause increased intracranial
I.M. 15 min 30–60 min 4–5 hr pressure; in those with paralytic ileus,
Subcut. 15 min 30–90 min 4 hr narrowed or obstructed GI tract; and in
P.R. Unknown Unknown 4 hr those with depressed ventilation, such as in
Half-life: 21⁄2 to 4 hours; P.O. (extended-release), status asthmaticus, COPD, cor pulmonale,
11 hours. emphysema, and kyphoscoliosis.
Black Box Warning Extended-release form
ADVERSE REACTIONS is contraindicated in opioid-naı̈ve patients.
CNS: sedation, somnolence, clouded senso- It isn’t indicated for acute pain or postop-
rium, dizziness, euphoria, light-headedness, erative pain or as a p.r.n. analgesic. Fatal

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydroxychloroquine sulfate 689

respiratory depression may occur in patients PATIENT TEACHING

who aren’t opioid-tolerant. Accidental in- • Instruct patient to request or take drug
take, especially in children, can cause fatal before pain becomes intense.
hydromorphone overdose. Black Box Warning Warn patient that
• Use with caution in elderly or debilitated extended-release tablets must be taken
patients and in those with hepatic or renal whole. Caution patient not to cut, chew,
disease, hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, crush, dissolve, or inject them.
prostatic hyperplasia, or urethral stricture. • Tell patient to store suppositories in
•H Overdose S&S: Constricted pupils, cold refrigerator.
clammy skin, extreme somnolence pro- • Advise patient to take drug with food if
gressing to stupor or coma, respiratory GI upset occurs.
depression, skeletal muscle flaccidity, • When drug is used after surgery, encour-
bradycardia, hypotension, apnea, cardiac age patient to turn, cough, and breathe
arrest, circulatory collapse, death. deeply to avoid lung problems.
• Caution patient about getting out of H
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS bed or walking. Warn outpatient to avoid
• Reassess patient’s level of pain at least hazardous activities that require mental
15 and 30 minutes after administration. alertness until drug’s CNS effects are
• For better analgesic effect, give drug on a known.
regular schedule, before patient has intense • Advise patient to avoid alcohol during
pain. therapy.
Black Box Warning Dilaudid-HP, a highly
concentrated form (10 mg/ml), may be
given in smaller volumes to prevent the hydroxychloroquine sulfate
discomfort of large-volume I.M. or subcu- hye-drox-ee-KLOR-oh-kwin
taneous injections. Don’t confuse Dilaudid-
HP with standard parenteral formulations. Plaquenil
Check dosage carefully.
• Discontinue all other extended-release Therapeutic class: Antimalarial
opioids before giving extended-release form Pharmacologic class: Aminoquinoline
of hydromorphone. Pregnancy risk category C
• Monitor respiratory and circulatory status
and bowel function. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Keep opioid antagonist (naloxone) avail- Tablets: 200 mg (equivalent to 155 mg base)
• Don’t use extended-release form within INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
14 days of stopping MAO inhibitor. Black Box Warning Prescribers should be
• Discontinue use of extended-release form completely familiar with this drug before
if stopped for more than 3 days. prescribing.
• Drug may worsen or mask gallbladder ➤ Suppressive prevention of malaria
pain. attacks caused by Plasmodium vivax,
• Drug is a commonly abused opioid. P. malariae, P. ovale, and susceptible
• Drug may cause constipation. Assess strains of P. falciparum
bowel function and need for stool softeners Adults: 310 mg base P.O. weekly on the
and stimulant laxatives. same day each week, beginning 1 to 2 weeks
Alert: Cough syrup may contain before entering malaria-endemic area and
tartrazine. continuing for 4 weeks after leaving area.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse If not started before exposure, double first
hydromorphone with morphine or oxymor- dose to 620 mg base in two divided doses
phone or Dilaudid with Dilantin. 6 hours apart.
Children: 5 mg/kg base P.O. weekly on
the same day each week, beginning 1 to
2 weeks before entering malaria-endemic

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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690 hydroxychloroquine sulfate

area and continuing for 4 weeks after as narrowing of arterioles, macular lesions,
leaving area. Don’t exceed adult dose. If pallor of optic disk, optic atrophy.
not started before exposure, double first GI: anorexia, abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
dose to 10 mg/kg base in two divided doses, nausea, vomiting.
6 hours apart. Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leukope-
➤ Acute malarial attacks nia, thrombocytopenia, hemolysis in
Adults: Initially, 620 mg base P.O., followed patients with G6PD deficiency, aplastic
by 310 mg base 6 hours after first dose; then anemia.
310 mg base daily for 2 days. Metabolic: weight loss.
Children: Initially, 10 mg/kg base P.O.; then Musculoskeletal: skeletal muscle weak-
5 mg/kg base at 6 hours, 24 hours, and ness.
48 hours after the first dose. Skin: pruritus, lichen planus eruptions,
➤ Lupus erythematosus skin and mucosal pigmentary changes,
Adults: 310 mg base P.O. daily or b.i.d., pleomorphic skin eruptions, worsened
continued for several weeks or months, psoriasis, alopecia, bleaching of hair.
depending on response. For prolonged
maintenance dose, 155 to 310 mg base daily. INTERACTIONS
➤ Rheumatoid arthritis Drug-drug. Aluminum salts (kaolin),
Adults: Initially, 310 to 465 mg base P.O. magnesium: May decrease GI absorption.
daily. When good response occurs, usually Separate dose times.
in 4 to 12 weeks, cut dosage in half. If Cimetidine: May decrease hepatic
objective improvement doesn’t occur within metabolism of hydroxychloroquine.
6 months, discontinue drug. Monitor patient for toxicity.
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level.
ADMINISTRATION Monitor drug levels; monitor patient for
P.O. toxicity.
Alert: Drug dosage may be discussed
in “mg” or “mg base”; be aware of the EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
difference. • May decrease hemoglobin level.
• To improve compliance when drug is used • May decrease granulocyte, WBC, and
for prevention, advise patient to take drug platelet counts.
immediately before or after a meal on the
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AC TION to drug and in those with retinal or visual
May bind to and alter the properties of DNA field changes or porphyria.
in susceptible organisms. • Contraindicated for long-term therapy for
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2–41⁄2 hr Unknown
• Use with caution in patients with severe
GI, neurologic, or blood disorders.
Half-life: 32 to 50 days. • Use with caution in patients with
hepatic disease or alcoholism because drug
ADVERSE REACTIONS concentrates in liver.
CNS: seizures, irritability, nightmares, • Use with caution in those with G6PD
ataxia, psychosis, vertigo, dizziness, deficiency or psoriasis because drug may
hypoactive deep tendon reflexes, lassitude, worsen these conditions.
headache. •H Overdose S&S: Headache, drowsiness,
CV: cardiomyopathy. visual disturbances, cardiovascular col-
EENT: blurred vision, difficulty in lapse, seizures, sudden and early respiratory
focusing, reversible corneal changes, and cardiac arrest; atrial standstill, nodal
typically irreversible nystagmus, sometimes rhythm, prolonged intraventricular conduc-
progressive or delayed retinal changes such tion time, progressive bradycardia leading
to ventricular fibrillation or arrest.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydroxyurea 691

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ➤ To reduce frequency of painful crises

• Ensure that baseline and periodic oph- and need for blood transfusions in adult
thalmic examinations are performed. Check patients with sickle cell anemia with
periodically for ocular muscle weakness recurrent moderate to severe painful
after long-term use. crises
• Make sure patient is examined with an Adults: 15 mg/kg Droxia P.O. once daily. If
audiometer before, during, and after blood counts are in acceptable range, dose
therapy, especially if therapy is longterm. may be increased by 5 mg/kg daily every
• Monitor CBC and liver function studies 12 weeks until maximum tolerated dose or
periodically during long-term therapy; 35 mg/kg daily has been reached. If blood
if severe blood disorder—not caused by counts are considered toxic, withhold drug
disease—develops, drug may need to be until counts recover. Resume treatment after
stopped. reducing dose by 2.5 mg/kg daily. Every
Alert: Monitor patient for possible over- 12 weeks, drug may then be adjusted up
dose, which can quickly lead to toxic signs or down in 2.5-mg/kg daily increments H
or symptoms. Children are extremely until patient is at a stable, nontoxic dose for
susceptible to toxicity. 24 weeks.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
PATIENT TEACHING clearance less than 60 ml/minute or end-
• Advise patient taking drug for prevention stage renal disease, initial dose should be
to take drug immediately before or after a 7.5 mg/kg/day. Give dose after dialysis on
meal on the same day each week, to improve dialysis days.
compliance. ➤ Thrombocytopenia 
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions Adults: 15 to 20 mg/kg P.O. daily. Titrate to
promptly. maintain platelet count of 400 × 109 /L or
less and absolute neutrophil count of greater
SAFETY ALERT! than 1,000 cells/mm3 .

hye-drox-ee-yoor-EE-a P.O.
• Wear gloves when handling drug or its
Droxia, Hydrea container, and wash hands before and after
contact with bottle or capsule. If powder
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic from capsule is spilled, wipe up immedi-
Pharmacologic class: Antimetabolite ately with a damp towel. Dispose of towel in
Pregnancy risk category D a closed container such as a plastic bag.


Capsules: 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 500 mg May inhibit DNA synthesis.
Route Onset Peak Duration
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES P.O. Unknown 2 hr 24 hr
➤ Melanoma; resistant chronic myelo-
cytic leukemia; recurrent, metastatic, Half-life: 3 to 4 hours.
or inoperable ovarian cancer; head and
Adults: 80 mg/kg Hydrea P.O. as single CNS: malaise, fever, drowsiness.
dose every 3 days; or 20 to 30 mg/kg P.O. GI: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
as single daily dose. For carcinoma of head stomatitis, constipation.
and neck with radiation, give 80 mg/kg as Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope-
single dose every third day beginning at nia, anemia, megaloblastosis, bone marrow
least 7 days before radiation and continue suppression.
during and after radiation. Metabolic: hyperuricemia, weight gain.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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692 hydroxyurea

Skin: rash, itching, alopecia, cutaneous 95,000/mm3 or more, hemoglobin level

vasculitic toxicities (including vasculitic more than 5.3 g/dl, and reticulocyte count
ulcerations and gangrene). (if hemoglobin level is below 9 g/dl) at least
Other: chills. 95,000/mm3 . Toxic levels are neutrophil
count less than 2,000/mm3 , platelet count
INTERACTIONS less than 80,000/mm3 , hemoglobin level
Drug-drug. Cytotoxic drugs, radiation less than 4.5 g/dl, and reticulocyte count (if
therapy: May enhance toxicity of hydroxy- hemoglobin level is below 9 g/dl) less than
urea. Use together cautiously. 80,000/mm3 .
Interferon: May increase the risk of • Hydroxyurea may dramatically lower
cutaneous vasculitic toxicities, including WBC count in 24 to 48 hours.
vasculitic ulcerations and gangrene. Stop Alert: Patients who have received or are
drug. currently receiving interferon may be at
a greater risk for developing cutaneous
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS vasculitic toxicities. Monitor closely.
• May increase BUN, creatinine, hepatic • Monitor fluid intake and output; keep
enzyme, and uric acid levels. May decrease patient hydrated.
hemoglobin level. • Allopurinol is used to treat or prevent
• May decrease WBC, RBC, and platelet tumor lysis syndrome.
counts. • To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M.
injections when platelet count is less than
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Give blood transfusions for cumulative
to drug and in those with WBC count less anemia.
than 2,500/mm3 , platelet count less than • Dosage change may be needed after
100,000/mm3 , or severe anemia. chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
• Use cautiously in patients with renal • Auditory and visual hallucinations and
dysfunction and in the elderly. hematologic toxicity increase when renal
•H Overdose S&S: Acute mucocutaneous function decreases.
toxicity; soreness, violet erythema on palms • Drug crosses blood-brain barrier.
and soles followed by scaling of hands and • Radiation therapy may increase risk or
feet; severe generalized hyperpigmentation severity of GI distress or stomatitis.
of the skin; stomatitis.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Tell patient and caregiver to wear gloves
Alert: Droxia may cause severe, some- when handling drug or its container and
times life-threatening adverse effects. to wash their hands before and after contact
Administer under the supervision of a with the bottle or capsule. If powder from
physician experienced with the use of this capsule is spilled, wipe up immediately with
medication for the treatment of sickle cell a damp towel and dispose of the towel in a
anemia. closed container such as a plastic bag.
Alert: Hydroxyurea is mutagenic, clasto- • Tell patient who can’t swallow capsules
genic, and genotoxic. Secondary leukemias that he may empty contents into water, drink
have occurred after long-term use. Carefully immediately, and rinse mouth with water
consider the potential benefits relative to afterward. Inform patient that some inert
the undefined risk of developing secondary material may not dissolve.
malignancies. • Advise patient to watch for signs and
• Routinely measure BUN, uric acid, liver symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
enzyme, and creatinine levels; monitor fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose-
blood counts every 2 weeks. bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). He also
• Acceptable blood counts during dosage should take his temperature daily.
adjustment are neutrophil count of • Caution women of childbearing age to
2,500/mm3 or more, platelet count of consult prescriber before becoming pregnant.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hydroxyzine hydrochloride 693

• Aspirate I.M. injection carefully to pre-

hydrOXYzine hydrochloride vent inadvertent I.V. injection. Inject deeply
hye-DROX-i-zeen into a large muscle.

Atarax†, Vistaril AC TION

Suppresses activity in certain essential
hydrOXYzine pamoate regions of the subcortical area of the CNS.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 15–30 min 2 hr 4–6 hr
Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic
I.M. Unknown Unknown 4–6 hr
Pharmacologic class: Piperazine
derivative Half-life: 3 hours.
Pregnancy risk category NR
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CNS: drowsiness, involuntary motor H
hydroxyzine hydrochloride activity.
Capsules: 10 mg†, 25 mg†, 50 mg† GI: dry mouth, constipation.
Injection: 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml Skin: pain at I.M. injection site.
Syrup: 2 mg/ml†, 10 mg/5 ml Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
Tablets: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg
hydroxyzine pamoate INTERACTIONS
Capsules: 25 mg, 50 mg Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May cause
Oral suspension: 25 mg/5 ml additive anticholinergic effects. Use
together cautiously.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES CNS depressants: May increase CNS
➤ Anxiety depression. Use together cautiously; dosage
Adults: 50 to 100 mg P.O. q.i.d. Or, 50 to adjustments may be needed.
100 mg I.M. q.i.d. Epinephrine: May inhibit and reverse
Children age 6 and older: 50 to 100 mg P.O. vasopressor effect of epinephrine. Avoid
daily in divided doses. using together.
Children younger than age 6: 50 mg P.O. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
daily in divided doses. CNS depression. Discourage use together.
➤ Preoperative and postoperative
adjunctive therapy for sedation EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Adults: 50 to 100 mg P.O. or I.M. • May cause false increase in urinary
Children: 0.6 mg/kg P.O or I.M. 17-hydroxycorticosteroid level.
➤ Pruritus • May cause false-negative skin allergen
Adults: 25 mg P.O. or I.M. t.i.d. or q.i.d. tests by reducing or inhibiting the cutaneous
Children age 6 and older: 50 to 100 mg P.O. response to histamine.
daily in divided doses.
Children younger than age 6: 50 mg P.O. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
daily in divided doses. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug, patients in early pregnancy, and
ADMINISTRATION breast-feeding women.
P.O. • Use cautiously in elderly patients.
• Give drug without regard for meals. •H Overdose S&S: Hypersedation.
• Shake suspension well before giving.
• Parenteral form (hydroxyzine hydrochlo- • If patient takes other CNS drugs, watch
ride) is for I.M. use only, preferably by for oversedation.
Z-track injection. Never give drug I.V. or • Elderly patients may be more sensitive to
subcutaneously. adverse anticholinergic effects; monitor
these patients for dizziness, excessive

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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694 hyoscyamine

sedation, confusion, hypotension, and INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

syncope. ➤ Acute rhinitis, anticholinesterase
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse poisoning, GI disorders, GU disorders
hydroxyzine with hydroxyurea, Hydrogesic, (cystitis, renal colic), parkinsonism
or hydralazine. Don’t confuse Vistaril with Adults and children age 12 and older: For
Restoril. regular and sublingual tablets, usual dosage
is 1 to 2 tablets P.O. every 4 hours or as
PATIENT TEACHING needed, with maximum dosage of 12 tablets
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities in 24 hours. Or, for Mar-Spas orally dis-
that require alertness and good coordination integrating tablets, 1⁄2 to 1 tablet P.O. three
until effects of drug are known. to four times a day, 30 minutes to 1 hour
• Tell patient to avoid use of alcohol while before meals and at bedtime. Or, for all
taking drug. other disintegrating tablets, usual dosage
• Advise patient to use sugarless hard candy is 1 to 2 tablets P.O. every 4 hours, with
or gum to relieve dry mouth. maximum dose of 12 tablets in 24 hours.
• Warn women of childbearing age to avoid For extended-release tablets, usual dosage
use during pregnancy and breast-feeding. is 1 to 2 tablets P.O. every 12 hours, with
maximum dose of 4 tablets in 24 hours.
Or, for extended-release and timed-release
hyoscyamine capsules, usual dosage is 1 to 2 capsules
hye-AH-ska-meen P.O. every 12 hours (dosage may be adjusted
to 1 capsule every 8 hours if needed), with
Cystospaz, Hyospaz maximum dosage of 4 capsules in 24 hours.
Or, for oral solution, usual dosage is 1 to
hyoscyamine sulfate 2 ml P.O. every 4 hours or as needed, with
Anaspaz, Cystospaz, Cystospaz-M, maximum dosage of 12 ml in 24 hours. Or,
HyoMax-FT, IB-Stat, Levbid, Levsin∗ , for elixir, usual dosage is 1 to 2 teaspoon-
Levsin Drops∗ , Levsin SL, Levsinex fuls P.O. every 4 hours or as needed, with
Timecaps, Mar-Spas, Neosol, NuLev, maximum dosage of 12 teaspoonfuls in
Symax Duotab, Symax FasTab, 24 hours. Or, for oral spray, usual dosage is
Symax SL, Symax SR 1 to 2 ml (1 to 2 sprays) P.O. every 4 hours
or as needed, with maximum dosage of
Therapeutic class: Antispasmodic 12 ml (12 sprays) in 24 hours.
Pharmacologic class: Belladonna Children age 2 to younger than 12: For
alkaloid, anticholinergic regular and sublingual tablets, usual dosage
Pregnancy risk category C is 1⁄2 to 1 tablet P.O. every 4 hours or as
needed, with maximum dosage of 6 tablets
AVAIL ABLE FORMS in 24 hours. Or, for all other disintegrating
hyoscyamine tablets, usual dosage is 1⁄2 to 1 tablet P.O.
Tablets: 0.15 mg every 4 hours or as needed, with maximum
hyoscyamine sulfate dosage of 6 tablets in 24 hours. Or, for oral
Capsules (extended-release): 0.375 mg solution, usual dosage is 0.25 to 1 ml P.O.
Elixir: 0.125 mg/5 ml∗ every 4 hours or as needed, with maximum
Injection: 0.5 mg/ml dosage of 6 ml in 24 hours. Elixir dosages
Oral spray: 0.125 mg/ml∗ are based on body weight: If patient weighs
Oral solution: 0.125 mg/ml∗ 50 kg (110 lb), usual dosage is 1 tsp (5 ml)
Tablets: 0.125 mg, 0.15 mg every 4 hours or as needed. If patient
Tablets (chewable): 0.125 mg weighs 40 kg (88 lb), usual dosage is 3⁄4 tsp
Tablets (extended-release): 0.375 mg (3.75 ml) every 4 hours or as needed. If
Tablets (orally disintegrating): 0.125 mg, patient weighs 20 kg (44 lb), usual dosage is
0.25 mg 1⁄ tsp (2.5 ml) every 4 hours or as needed. If
Tablets (S.L.): 0.125 mg patient weighs 10 kg (22 lb), usual dosage is
1⁄ tsp (1.25 ml) every 4 hours or as needed.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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hyoscyamine 695

For elixir, don’t exceed 6 teaspoonfuls • Sublingual tablets are formulated to

in 24 hours. Or, for GI disorders, 0.25 to be placed under the tongue; however, the
0.5 mg (0.5 to 1 ml undiluted) administered tablets may be chewed or taken orally.
subcutaneously, I.V., or I.M. Some patients • Dispense spray in original container with
may need only a single dose; others may metered sprayer.
require doses two, three, or four times a day I.V.
at 4-hour intervals.  Use when P.O. and S.L. routes aren’t

Children younger than age 2: Oral solution possible or when rapid effect is needed.
dosages are based on body weight: If  Injection contains sodium metabisul-

patient weighs 10 kg (22 lb), usual dosage fite, which may cause allergic reaction in
is 8 drops P.O. every 4 hours or as needed, certain people.
with maximum of 48 drops in 24 hours. If  Incompatibilities: None reported.

patient weighs 7 kg (15 lb), usual dosage I.M.

is 6 drops P.O. every 4 hours or as needed, • Injection contains sodium metabisulfite,
with maximum of 36 drops in 24 hours. If which may cause allergic reaction in certain H
patient weighs 5 kg (11 lb), usual dosage people.
is 5 drops P.O. every 4 hours or as needed, Subcutaneous
with maximum of 30 drops in 24 hours. If • Injection contains sodium metabisulfite,
patient weighs 3.4 kg (7.5 lb), usual dosage which may cause allergic reaction in certain
is 4 drops P.O. every 4 hours or as needed, people.
with maximum of 24 drops in 24 hours. S.L.
➤ Preanesthetic medication • Hyoscyamine sublingual tablets are
Adults and children older than age 2: 5 mcg formulated for sublingual administration;
(0.005 mg)/kg of body weight given sub- however, they may be chewed or taken
cutaneously, I.V., or I.M. 30 to 60 minutes orally.
before anticipated time of anesthesia in-
duction or when preanesthetic opioid or AC TION
sedatives are administered. Blocks acetylcholine action at muscarinic
➤ To reduce drug-induced bradycardia receptors, which decreases GI motility and
during surgery inhibits gastric acid secretion.
Adults and children older than age 2: Route Onset Peak Duration
Administer I.V. in increments of 0.125 mg P.O. 20–30 min 1⁄2 –1 hr 4–12 hr
(0.25 ml undiluted); repeat as needed. P.O. 20–30 min 40–90 min 12 hr
➤ Reversal of neuromuscular blockade (extended)
Adults and children older than age 2: I.V. 2–3 min 15–30 min 4 hr
0.2 mg (0.4 ml undiluted) given subcuta- I.M., Subcut. Unknown 15–30 min 4–12 hr
neously, I.V., or I.M. for every 1 mg neostig- S.L. 5–20 min 1⁄ –1 hr
2 4 hr
mine or equivalent dose of physostigmine or Half-life: Conventional tablets, 2 to 31⁄2 hours;
pyridostigmine. extended-release capsules or tablets, 5 to 6 or
9 hours, respectively; I.M., 121⁄2 hours or longer.
ADMINISTRATION Prolonged in patients with renal dysfunction.
• Give drug 30 minutes to 1 hour before ADVERSE REACTIONS
meals and at bedtime. Bedtime dose can be CNS: confusion or excitement in elderly
larger; give at least 2 hours after last meal of patients, fever, headache, insomnia, drowsi-
day. ness, dizziness, nervousness, weakness,
• Don’t crush or split extended-release fever (especially in children).
capsules. CV: palpitations, tachycardia.
• Extended-release tablets are scored and EENT: blurred vision, mydriasis, increased
may be broken to allow for dosage titration. intraocular pressure, cycloplegia, photopho-
Don’t crush or allow patient to chew tablets. bia.
• Hyoscyamine orally disintegrating tablets
may be taken with or without water.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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696 ibandronate sodium

GI: constipation, dry mouth, paralytic ileus, dry mouth; headache; hot, dry skin; nausea;
dysphagia, heartburn, loss of taste, nausea, vomiting.
GU: urinary hesitancy, urine retention, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
impotence. Alert: Overdose may cause curare-like
Skin: urticaria, decreased or lack of effects, such as respiratory paralysis. Keep
sweating. emergency equipment available. Drug is
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. dialyzable.
• Monitor patient’s vital signs and urine
INTERACTIONS output carefully.
Drug-drug. Amantadine, antihistamines, • Monitor patient for CNS signs and symp-
antiparkinsonians, disopyramide, toms, including confusion, disorientation,
glutethimide, MAO inhibitors, meperidine, short-term memory loss, hallucinations,
phenothiazines, procainamide, quinidine, ataxia, euphoria, fatigue, and agitation.
tricyclic antidepressants: May have additive Signs and symptoms usually resolve within
adverse effects. Avoid using together. 12 to 48 hours after drug is discontinued.
Antacids: May decrease absorption of oral • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
anticholinergics. Separate doses by 2 or Anaspaz with Anaprox or Antispas.
3 hours.
Ketoconazole: May interfere with keto- PATIENT TEACHING
conazole absorption. Separate doses by 2 or • Urge patient to take drug as prescribed.
3 hours. • Caution patient not to crush or chew
extended-release tablets.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to avoid driving and other
None reported. hazardous activities if drowsiness, dizzi-
ness, or blurred vision occurs; to drink
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS plenty of fluids to help prevent constipation
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- and heat stroke; and to report rash or other
tive to anticholinergics and in those with skin eruption.
glaucoma, obstructive uropathy, obstructive • Advise patient not to take any new drug
disease of the GI tract, severe ulcerative or OTC preparation unless directed by
colitis, myasthenia gravis, paralytic ileus, prescriber.
intestinal atony, unstable CV status in acute
hemorrhage, tachycardia secondary to car-
diac insufficiency of thyrotoxicosis, or toxic ibandronate sodium
megacolon. eh-BAN-drow-nate
• Use cautiously in patients with autonomic
neuropathy, hyperthyroidism, coronary Boniva
artery disease, arrhythmias, heart failure,
hypertension, hiatal hernia with reflux Therapeutic class: Antiosteoporotic
esophagitis, hepatic or renal disease, known Pharmacologic class: Bisphosphonate
or suspected GI infection, and ulcerative Pregnancy risk category C
• Use cautiously in patients in hot or humid AVAIL ABLE FORMS
environments; drug can cause heatstroke. Injection: 3 mg/3-ml prefilled syringe
• Use cautiously in children and the elderly Tablets: 2.5 mg, 150 mg
because they may be more susceptible to
adverse effects. Psychosis has been reported INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
in sensitive individuals receiving anticholin- ➤ To treat or prevent postmenopausal
ergics. osteoporosis
•H Overdose S&S: CNS stimulation; blurred Women: 2.5 mg P.O. daily or 150 mg P.O.
vision; dysphagia; dilated pupils; dizziness; once monthly, taken first thing in the
morning, with a large glass of plain water,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ibandronate sodium 697

1 hour before any food or other drugs. Or, INTERACTIONS

for treatment, 3 mg I.V. bolus once every Drug-drug. Aspirin, NSAIDs: May
3 months. increase GI irritation. Use together cau-
➤ Bone metastases  tiously.
Adults: 20 to 50 mg P.O. daily for up to Products containing aluminum, calcium,
96 weeks. Or, 20 mg I.V. bolus or 6 mg I.V. magnesium, or iron: May decrease iban-
infusion over 1 to 2 hours every 3 to 4 weeks dronate absorption. Give oral ibandronate
for up to 2 years. 1 hour before vitamins, minerals, or
ADMINISTRATION Drug-food. Food, milk, beverages (except
P.O. water): May decrease drug absorption. Give
• Give drug first thing in the morning 1 hour oral drug on an empty stomach with plain
before eating or drinking and before any water.
other drugs. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May
• Give drug with plain water only. decrease drug absorption and increase risk
I.V. of esophageal irritation. Discourage use
 Prefilled syringes are for single use only. together. I
 Give undiluted using needle provided


 Give by I.V. bolus over 15 to 30 seconds. • May increase cholesterol level.
 Don’t use if drug is discolored or con- • May decrease total alkaline phosphatase
tains particulate matter. level. May interfere with bone-imaging
 Store at room temperature. agents.
 Incompatibilities: Calcium-containing

solutions and other I.V. drugs. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
AC TION tive to drug and in those with uncorrected
Inhibits bone breakdown and removal to hypocalcemia. Oral form is contraindicated
reduce bone loss and increase bone mass. in those who can’t stand or sit upright for
Route Onset Peak Duration
60 minutes.
P.O. Unknown 1⁄
–2 hr Unknown
Alert: There may be an increased risk of

I.V. Rapid Unknown Unknown atypical fractures of the thigh in patients

treated with biphosphonates.
Half-life: 11⁄2 to 61⁄2 days for the 150-mg dose. • Don’t give to patients with severe renal
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Use cautiously in patients with a history
CNS: asthenia, dizziness, headache, insom- of GI disorders.
nia, nerve root lesion, vertigo. •H Overdose S&S: Hypocalcemia, hypophos-
CV: hypertension. phatemia, hypomagnesemia.
EENT: nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis.
GI: dyspepsia, abdominal pain, constipa- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tion, diarrhea, gastritis, nausea, vomiting. • Correct hypocalcemia or other distur-
GU: cystitis, UTI. bances of bone and mineral metabolism
Musculoskeletal: back pain, arthralgia, before therapy.
arthritis, joint disorder, limb pain, localized • Make sure patient has adequate intake of
osteoarthritis, muscle cramps, myalgia. calcium and vitamin D.
Respiratory: bronchitis, upper respiratory • Watch for signs or symptoms of
tract infection, pneumonia. esophageal irritation, including dysphagia,
Skin: rash. painful swallowing, retrosternal pain, and
Other: allergic reaction, infection, heartburn.
influenza, tooth disorder. • Monitor patient for bone, joint, and
muscle pain, which may be severe and
incapacitating and may occur within days,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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698 ibuprofen

months, or years of start of therapy. When

drug is stopped, symptoms may resolve ibuprofen
partially or completely. eye-byoo-PROH-fen
• Watch for signs and symptoms of uveitis
and scleritis. Advil , Axum† , Caldolor,
Alert: Drug may lead to osteonecrosis, Excedrin IB , Ibuprohm, Ibutab ,
mainly in the jaw. Dental surgery may Midol Liquid Gels , Motrin IB,
worsen condition. Consider stopping drug if Motrin Migraine Pain, Neoprofen,
patient needs a dental procedure. Novo-Profen†, Pamprin Ibuprofen
• Use during pregnancy only if benefit Formula† , PediaCare Fever 
outweighs risk to fetus.
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women. Therapeutic class: NSAID
Pharmacologic class: NSAID
PATIENT TEACHING Pregnancy risk category D; in 3rd
• Tell patient receiving I.V. form, if she trimester
misses a dose, reschedule the missed dose
as soon as possible. Subsequent injections AVAIL ABLE FORMS
should be rescheduled once every 3 months Capsules: 200 mg 
from that dose. She shouldn’t receive more Injection: 400 mg/4-ml, 800 mg/8-ml
than one dose in a 3-month time frame. single-dose vials
• Tell patient taking monthly dose to take Oral drops: 40 mg/ml 
it on same date each month and to wait at Oral suspension: 100 mg/5 ml 
least 7 days between doses if she misses a Tablets: 100 mg , 200 mg , 400 mg,
scheduled dose. 600 mg, 800 mg
• Tell patient taking daily dose not to take Tablets (chewable): 50 mg , 100 mg 
a missed dose later in the day. She should
skip the missed dose and resume her normal INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
schedule the next day. ➤ Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,
• Instruct patient to take oral drug first arthritis
thing in the morning 1 hour before eating Adults: 300 to 800 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.
or drinking and before any other drugs, Maximum daily dose is 3.2 g.
including OTC drugs, such as calcium, ➤ Mild to moderate pain
antacids, and vitamins. Adults: 400 mg P.O. every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n.
• Advise patient to swallow drug whole Or, 400 to 800 mg I.V. every 6 hours p.r.n.
with a full glass of plain water while stand- ➤ Fever
ing or sitting and to remain upright for at Adults: 200 to 400 mg P.O. every 4 to
least 1 hour after taking drug. 6 hours, for no longer than 3 days. Maxi-
• Caution patient to take only with plain mum daily dose is 1.2 g. Or, 400 mg I.V.
water. followed by 400 mg I.V. every 4 to 6 hours
• Instruct patient not to chew or suck on the or 100 to 200 mg I.V. every 4 hours p.r.n.
tablet. Children ages 6 months to 12 years: If
• Advise patient to take calcium and child’s temperature is below 102.5◦ F
vitamin D supplements as directed by (39.2◦ C), give 5 mg/kg P.O. every 6 to
prescriber. 8 hours. Treat higher temperatures with
• Tell patient to report any bone, joint, or 10 mg/kg every 6 to 8 hours. Maximum
muscle pain. daily dose is 40 mg/kg.
• Advise patient to stop drug and im- ➤ Clinically significant patent ductus
mediately report to prescriber signs and arteriosus
symptoms of esophageal irritation, such as Premature infants who weigh between 500
dysphagia, painful swallowing, retrosternal and 1,500 g who are no more than 32 weeks
pain, or heartburn. gestational age: 10 mg/kg I.V. followed by
5 mg/kg I.V. 24 hours later followed by a

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ibuprofen 699

third dose of 5 mg/kg I.V. 24 hours after tiveness of diuretics or antihypertensives.

second dose. Monitor patient closely.
➤ Juvenile arthritis  Aspirin: May negate the antiplatelet effect
Children: 30 to 50 mg/kg daily P.O. in three of low-dose aspirin therapy. Advise patient
or four divided doses. Maximum daily dose on the appropriate spacing of doses.
is 2,400 mg/day. Aspirin, corticosteroids: May cause adverse
GI reactions. Avoid using together.
ADMINISTRATION Bisphosphonates: May increase risk of
P.O. gastric ulceration. Monitor patient for signs
• Give drug with milk or meals. of gastric irritation or bleeding.
I.V. Cyclosporine: May increase nephrotoxicity
 Dilute drug with normal saline solu- of both drugs. Avoid using together.
tion, 5% dextrose, or lactated Ringer’s Digoxin, lithium, oral anticoagulants: May
solution. For 400-mg dose, use at least increase levels or effects of these drugs.
100 ml of diluent. For 800-mg dose, use at Monitor patient toxicity.
least 200 ml of diluent. Give over at least Methotrexate: May decrease methotrex-
30 minutes. ate clearance and increases toxicity. Use I
 Diluted solutions are stable for 24 hours together cautiously.
at room temperature. Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic,
 Correct dehydration before administer- ginger, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut,
ing drug. red clover: May increase risk of bleeding,
based on the known effects of components.
AC TION Discourage use together.
May inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, to White willow: Herb and drug contain
produce anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and similar components. Discourage use
antipyretic effects. together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
P.O. Variable 1–2 hr 4–6 hr
adverse GI reactions. Discourage use
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown together.
Sun exposure: May cause photosensitivity
Half-life: 2 to 4 hours. reactions. Advise patient to avoid excessive
sunlight exposure.
CNS: dizziness, headache, nervousness. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
CV: edema, fluid retention. • May increase BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST,
EENT: tinnitus. and potassium levels.
GI: abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, • May decrease glucose and hemoglobin
decreased appetite, diarrhea, dyspepsia, levels and hematocrit.
epigastric distress, flatulence, heartburn, • May decrease neutrophil, WBC, RBC,
nausea, nonnecrotizing enterocolitis, platelet, and granulocyte counts.
GU: acute renal failure, azotemia, cystitis, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
hematuria. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, aplastic to drug and in those with angioedema,
anemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, pancyto- syndrome of nasal polyps, or broncho-
penia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, pro- spastic reaction to aspirin or other NSAIDs.
longed bleeding time. Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the
Metabolic: hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia. treatment of perioperative pain after CABG
Skin: pruritus, rash. surgery.
• Contraindicated in pregnant women.
INTERACTIONS • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
Drug-drug. Antihypertensives, furosemide, patients with GI disorders, history of peptic
thiazide diuretics: May decrease the effec- ulcer disease, hepatic or renal disease,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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700 ibutilide fumarate

cardiac decompensation, hypertension, • Caution patient that use with aspirin,

asthma, or intrinsic coagulation defects. alcohol, or corticosteroids may increase risk
•H Overdose S&S: Abdominal pain, nausea, of GI adverse reactions.
vomiting, lethargy, drowsiness, headache, • Teach patient to watch for and report to
tinnitus, CNS depression, seizures, hypo- prescriber immediately signs and symptoms
tension, bradycardia, tachycardia, atrial of GI bleeding, including blood in vomit,
fibrillation, metabolic acidosis, coma, acute urine, or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and
renal failure, hyperkalemia, respiratory black, tarry stool.
depression and failure. • Tell patient to contact prescriber before
using this drug if fluid intake hasn’t been
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS adequate or if fluids have been lost as a
• Check renal and hepatic function perio- result of vomiting or diarrhea.
dically in patients on long-term therapy. • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
Stop drug if abnormalities occur and notify that require mental alertness until effects on
prescriber. CNS are known.
• Because of their antipyretic and anti- • Advise patient to wear sunscreen to avoid
inflammatory actions, NSAIDs may mask hypersensitivity to sunlight.
signs and symptoms of infection.
• Blurred or diminished vision and changes SAFETY ALERT!
in color vision may occur.
• Full anti-inflammatory effects may take ibutilide fumarate
1 or 2 weeks to develop. eye-BYOO-ti-lyed
Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an
increased risk of serious GI adverse events Corvert
including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo-
ration of the stomach or intestines, which Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic
can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater Pharmacologic class: Methanesulfo-
risk. nanilide derivative
• Monitor patients for signs and symptoms Pregnancy risk category C
of GI ulceration and bleeding.
Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase AVAIL ABLE FORMS
the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or Injection: 0.1 mg/ml in 10-ml vials
stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be
greater with longer use or in patients with INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
CV disease or risk factors for CV disease. ➤ Rapid conversion of recent onset
• If patient consumes three or more atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter to
alcoholic drinks per day, drug may cause sinus rhythm
stomach bleeding. Adults who weigh 60 kg (132 lb) or more:
1 mg I.V. infusion over 10 minutes. May
PATIENT TEACHING repeat dose if arrhythmia doesn’t respond
• Tell patient to take with meals or milk to 10 minutes after completing first dose.
reduce adverse GI reactions. Adults who weigh less than 60 kg:
Alert: Drug is available OTC. Instruct 0.01 mg/kg I.V. infusion over 10 minutes.
patient not to exceed 1.2 g daily, not to give May repeat dose if arrhythmia doesn’t
to children younger than age 12, and not respond 10 minutes after completing first
to take for extended periods (longer than dose.
3 days for fever or longer than 10 days for
pain) without consulting prescriber. ADMINISTRATION
• Tell patient that full therapeutic effect for I.V.
arthritis may be delayed for 2 to 4 weeks.  Give drug undiluted or diluted in 50 ml

Although pain relief occurs at low dosage of diluent, and add to normal saline solu-
levels, inflammation doesn’t improve at tion for injection or D5 W before infusion.
dosages less than 400 mg q.i.d.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-I LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:42

ibutilide fumarate 701

Add contents of 10-ml vial (0.1 mg/ml) H1 -receptor antagonist antihistamines,

to 50-ml infusion bag to form admixture phenothiazines, tetracyclic antidepressants,
of about 0.017 mg/ml ibutilide. Use drug tricyclic antidepressants, other drugs that
with polyvinyl chloride plastic bags or prolong QT interval: May increase risk for
polyolefin bags. proarrhythmia. Monitor patient closely.
 Give drug over 10 minutes.
 Stop infusion if arrhythmia is terminated EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
or patient develops ventricular tachycardia None reported.
or marked prolongation of QT or QTc
interval. If arrhythmia doesn’t respond CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
10 minutes after infusion ends, may repeat Black Box Warning Administer drug only
dose. when the benefits of maintaining sinus
 Admixtures with approved diluents are rhythm outweigh the immediate risks of
stable for 24 hours at room temperature; ibutilide administration and the risks of
48 hours if refrigerated. maintenance therapy.
 Don’t infuse parenteral products that • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
contain particulate matter or are discol- to drug or its components. I
ored. • Contraindicated in patients with history
 Incompatibilities: None reported. of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. Use
not recommended in breast-feeding women.
AC TION • Use cautiously in patients with hepatic or
Prolongs action potential in isolated cardiac renal dysfunction.
myocyte and increases atrial and ventricular • Safety and effectiveness of drug haven’t
refractoriness, namely class III electrophys- been established in children.
iologic effects. •H Overdose S&S: Ventricular ectopy, ven-
Route Onset Peak Duration
tricular tachycardia, third-degree AV block.
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: Averages about 6 hours. Black Box Warning Only skilled personnel
trained in identification and treatment of
ADVERSE REACTIONS acute ventricular arrhythmias, particularly
CNS: headache. polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, should
CV: sustained polymorphic ventricular give drug. Cardiac monitor, intracardiac
tachycardia, AV block, bradycardia, heart pacing, cardioverter or defibrillator, and
failure, ventricular extrasystoles, nonsus- drugs to treat sustained ventricular tachycar-
tained ventricular tachycardia, hypoten- dia must be available.
sion, bundle-branch block, hypertension, • Before therapy, correct hypokalemia
prolonged QT interval, palpitations, tachy- and hypomagnesemia to reduce risk of
cardia. proarrhythmia.
GI: nausea. Black Box Warning Patients with atrial
fibrillation lasting longer than 2 to 3 days
INTERACTIONS must be adequately anticoagulated,
Drug-drug. Class IA antiarrhythmics generally over at least 2 weeks.
(disopyramide, procainamide, quinidine), • Monitor ECG continuously during admin-
other class III drugs (amiodarone, sotalol): istration and for at least 4 hours afterward or
May increase potential for prolonged until QTc interval returns to baseline; drug
refractoriness. Don’t give these drugs for can induce or worsen ventricular arrhyth-
at least five half-lives before and 4 hours mias. Longer monitoring is required if ECG
after ibutilide dose. shows arrhythmia or patient has hepatic
Digoxin: Supraventricular arrhythmias may insufficiency.
mask cardiotoxicity from excessive digoxin • Don’t give class IA or other class III
level. Use with caution in patients who may antiarrhythmics with infusion or for 4 hours
have an increased digoxin therapeutic range. afterward.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-I LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:42

702 idarubicin hydrochloride

PATIENT TEACHING injection without preservatives. Add 5 ml

• Tell patient to report adverse reactions to 5-mg vial, 10 ml to 10-mg vial, or 20 ml
promptly. to 20-mg vial. Don’t use bacteriostatic
• Instruct patient to alert nurse of discom- saline solution. Vial is under negative
fort at injection site. pressure.
Black Box Warning Give drug over 10 to
SAFETY ALERT! 15 minutes into a free-flowing I.V. infusion
of normal saline or D5 W solution run-
idarubicin hydrochloride ning into a large vein. Do not give I.M. or
eye-duh-ROO-bi-sin subcutaneously.
Black Box Warning Drug is a vesicant;
Idamycin PFS tissue necrosis may result.
 If extravasation occurs, stop infusion

Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic immediately and notify prescriber. Treat

Pharmacologic class: Semisynthetic with intermittent ice packs for 1⁄2 hour
anthracycline immediately and then for 1⁄2 hour q.i.d. for
Pregnancy risk category D 4 days.
 Reconstituted solutions are stable for

AVAIL ABLE FORMS 72 hours at 59◦ to 86◦ F (15◦ to 30◦ C);

Injection: 1 mg/ml in 5-, 10-, and 20-ml 7 days if refrigerated and protected
single-dose vials from light. Label unused solutions with
chemotherapy hazard label.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Incompatibilities: Acyclovir sodium,

Dosages vary. Check treatment protocol alkaline solutions, allopurinol, ampi-

with prescriber. cillin sodium with sulbactam, cefazolin,
➤ Acute myeloid leukemia, including cefepime, ceftazidime, clindamycin phos-
French-American-British classifications phate, dexamethasone sodium phosphate,
M1 through M7, with other approved etoposide, furosemide, gentamicin, hep-
antileukemic drugs arin, hydrocortisone sodium succinate,
Adults: 12 mg/m2 daily for 3 days by slow lorazepam, meperidine, methotrexate
I.V. injection (over 10 to 15 minutes) with sodium, piperacillin sodium with tazobac-
100 mg/m2 daily of cytarabine for 7 days tam, sodium bicarbonate, teniposide,
by continuous I.V. infusion. Or, the cytara- vancomycin, vincristine.
bine may be given 25-mg/m2 bolus; then
200 mg/m2 daily for 5 days by continuous AC TION
infusion. A second course may be given, if Unknown. Probably inhibits nucleic acid
needed. synthesis and interacts with the enzyme
Adjust-a-dose: If patient experiences severe topoisomerase II. Drug is highly lipophilic,
mucositis, delay second course of therapy which increases rate of cellular uptake.
until recovery is complete and reduce Route Onset Peak Duration
dosage by 25%. I.V. Unknown Few min Unknown
Black Box Warning Reduce dosage in
patients with hepatic or renal impairment. Half-life: 20 to 22 hours.
Don’t give idarubicin if bilirubin level
exceeds 5 mg/dl. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: headache, changed mental status,
ADMINISTRATION peripheral neuropathy, seizures, fever.
I.V. CV: HEMORRHAGE, heart failure, MI,
 Preparing and giving parenteral drug may myocardial insufficiency, arrhythmias,
be mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. myocardial toxicity, atrial fibrillation, chest
Follow facility policy to reduce risks. pain, asymptomatic decline in left ventricu-
 Reconstitute to final concentration of lar ejection fraction.
1 mg/ml using normal saline solution for

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-I LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:42

ifosfamide 703

GI: nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, from rapid lysis of leukemic cells. Allopuri-
mucositis. nol may be ordered.
GU: renal dysfunction, red urine. • Assess patient for systemic infection and
Hematologic: myelosuppression. ensure that it’s controlled before therapy
Hepatic: changes in hepatic function. begins.
Metabolic: hyperuricemia. • Give antiemetics to prevent or treat
Skin: alopecia, rash, urticaria, bullous nausea and vomiting.
erythrodermatous rash on palms and soles, • Monitor hepatic and renal function tests
urticaria, erythema at previously irradiated and CBC frequently.
sites, tissue necrosis if extravasation occurs. • To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M.
Other: INFECTION, hypersensitivity injections when platelet count is below
reactions. 50,000/mm3 .
Black Box Warning Severe myelosuppres-
INTERACTIONS sion may occur.
Drug-drug. Alkaline solutions, heparin: • Anticipate need for blood transfusions for
These combinations are incompatible. Don’t anemia.
mix idarubicin with other drugs unless • Notify prescriber if signs or symptoms of I
specific compatibility data are known. heart failure occur.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS idarubicin with daunorubicin or doxoru-
• May increase uric acid level. May bicin.
decrease hemoglobin level.
• May decrease WBC, neutrophil, and PATIENT TEACHING
platelet counts. • Teach patient to recognize signs and
symptoms of leakage of drug into surround-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ing tissue, and tell him to report them if they
• Use cautiously in patients with bone occur.
marrow suppression induced by previous • Warn patient to watch for signs and symp-
drug therapy or radiotherapy, impaired toms of infection (fever, sore throat, fatigue)
hepatic or renal function, previous treatment and bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds,
with anthracyclines or cardiotoxic drugs, or bleeding gums, tarry stools).
a cardiac condition. • Advise patient that red urine for several
•H Overdose S&S: Severe and prolonged days is normal and doesn’t indicate presence
myelosuppression, increased severity of GI of blood.
toxicity, severe arrhythmia, acute cardiac • Caution woman of childbearing age to
toxicity, increased incidence of delayed avoid becoming pregnant during therapy.
cardiac failure. Recommend that she consult prescriber
before becoming pregnant.
Black Box Warning Drug should be given SAFETY ALERT!
only under the supervision of a physician
experienced in the use of cancer chemo- ifosfamide
therapeutic agents. eye-FOSS-fa-mide
Black Box Warning Cardiotoxicity is the
dose-limiting toxicity of drug. It is more Ifex
common in those who have received prior
anthracyclines or who have pre-existing Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
cardiac disease. Pharmacologic class: Nitrogen mustard
• Cardiovascular side effects occur with Pregnancy risk category D
greater frequency in older patients.
• Make sure patient is adequately hydrated AVAIL ABLE FORMS
before treatment. Hyperuricemia may result Powder for injection: 1 g, 3 g

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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704 ifosfamide

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Incompatibilities: Cefepime, mesna

➤ Testicular cancer with epirubicin, methotrexate sodium.

Adults: 1.2 g/m2 daily I.V. for 5 consecutive
days. Repeat treatment every 3 weeks or AC TION
after patient recovers from hematologic Cross-links strands of cellular DNA and
toxicity. Don’t repeat doses until WBC interferes with RNA transcription, causing
count exceeds 4,000/mm3 and platelet count an imbalance of growth that leads to cell
exceeds 100,000/mm3 . death. Not specific to cell cycle.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with renal
Route Onset Peak Duration
insufficiency, reduce dosage as follows: I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
If glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is 30 to
60 ml/minute, give 75% of usual dose; if Half-life: About 14 hours.
GFR is 10 to 30 ml/minute, give 50% of
usual dose. Don’t give dose if GFR is less ADVERSE REACTIONS
than 10 ml/minute. For patients with hepatic CNS: somnolence, confusion, hallucina-
dysfunction, consider decreasing dosage tions, depressive psychosis, fever, seizures,
to 25% of usual dose if serum AST level is coma.
greater than 300 units/L or if bilirubin level GI: nausea, vomiting.
is greater than 3 mg/dl. GU: hemorrhagic cystitis, hematuria.
I.V. Skin: alopecia.
 Preparing and giving drug may be muta- Other: infection, phlebitis.
genic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. Follow
facility policy to reduce risks. INTERACTIONS
 Give a protective drug such as mesna to Drug-drug. Anticoagulants, aspirin,
prevent hemorrhagic cystitis. Ifosfamide NSAIDs: May increase risk of bleeding.
and mesna are physically compatible and Avoid using together.
may be mixed in the same I.V. solution. Barbiturates, chloral hydrate, fospheny-
 Obtain urinalysis before each dose. If toin, phenytoin: May increase ifosfamide
microscopic hematuria occurs, notify toxicity. Monitor patient closely.
prescriber. Adjust dosage of mesna, if Corticosteroids: May inhibit hepatic
needed. Adequate fluid intake (2 L daily, enzymes, reducing ifosfamide’s effect.
either P.O. or I.V.) is essential before, and Monitor patient for increased ifosfamide
72 hours after, therapy. toxicity if corticosteroid dosage is suddenly
 Reconstitute each gram of drug with reduced or stopped.
20 ml of diluent to yield a solution of Cyclophosphamide: May increase risk of
50 mg/ml. Use sterile water for injection or cardiac tamponade in patients with tha-
bacteriostatic water for injection. Solutions lassemia. Monitor patient closely.
may then be further diluted with sterile Myelosuppressives: May enhance hemato-
water, dextrose 2.5% or 5% in water, logic toxicity. Dosage adjustment may be
half-normal or normal saline solution for needed.
injection, dextrose 5% and normal saline
solution for injection, or lactated Ringer’s EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
injection. • May increase liver enzyme levels.
 Infuse each dose over at least 30 minutes. • May decrease WBC and platelet counts.
 Reconstituted solution is stable for

1 week at room temperature or 6 weeks if CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

refrigerated. However, use solution within • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
6 hours if drug was reconstituted with tive to drug and in those with severe bone
sterile water without a preservative (such marrow suppression.
as benzyl alcohol or parabens). • Use cautiously in patients with renal
impairment or compromised bone marrow

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-I LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:42

iloperidone 705

reserve as indicated by leukopenia, • Caution woman of childbearing age to

granulocytopenia, extensive bone marrow avoid becoming pregnant during therapy.
metastases, previous radiation therapy, or Recommend that she consult prescriber
previous therapy with cytotoxic drugs. before becoming pregnant.

Black Box Warning Drug should be admin- iloperidone
istered under the supervision of a physician ill-oh-PER-ih-done
experienced in the use of cancer chemother-
apeutic agents. Fanapt
Black Box Warning Urotoxic side effects,
especially hemorrhagic cystitis, and CNS Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic
toxicities, such as confusion and coma, may Pharmacologic class: Dopamine and
require cessation of ifosfamide therapy. serotonin antagonist
Black Box Warning Severe myelo- Pregnancy risk category C
suppression has been reported.
• Give antiemetic before drug, to reduce AVAIL ABLE FORMS I
nausea. Tablets: 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg, 8 mg,
• Ensure that patient is adequately hydrated 10 mg, 12 mg
during therapy.
• Don’t give drug at bedtime; infrequent INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
urination during the night may increase ➤ Schizophrenia
possibility of cystitis. If cystitis develops, Adults: Initially, 1 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase
stop drug and notify prescriber. dosage daily as needed according to the
• Bladder irrigation with normal saline following dosing schedule: 2 mg P.O. b.i.d.
solution may be done to treat cystitis. on day 2; 4 mg P.O. b.i.d. on day 3; 6 mg P.O.
• Monitor CBC and renal and liver function b.i.d. on day 4; 8 mg P.O. b.i.d. on day 5;
tests. 10 mg P.O. b.i.d. on day 6; 12 mg P.O. b.i.d.
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. on day 7. Maximum dosage is 12 mg P.O.
injections when platelet count is less than b.i.d.
50,000/mm3 . Adjust-a-dose: For patients taking CYP2D6
• Anticipate blood transfusions because of inhibitors (fluoxetine, paroxetine) and
cumulative anemia. CYP3A4 inhibitors (clarithromycin,
• Assess patient for mental status changes; ketoconazole), reduce dosage by half.
dosage may have to be decreased.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ADMINISTRATION
ifosfamide with cyclophosphamide. P.O.
• Give drug with or without food.
• Remind patient to urinate frequently to AC TION
minimize contact of drug and its metabo- May antagonize dopamine type 2 and sero-
lites with the lining of the bladder. tonin type 2.
• Advise patient to watch for signs and Route Onset Peak Duration
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat, P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose-
bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell Half-life: 18 to 37 hours.
patient to take temperature daily.
• Instruct patient to avoid OTC products ADVERSE REACTIONS
that contain aspirin. CNS: aggression, delusion, dizziness,
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding extrapyramidal effects, fatigue, lethargy,
during therapy because of possible risk of restlessness, somnolence, tremor.
toxicity to infant. CV: hypotension, orthostatic hypotension,
palpitations, tachycardia.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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706 iloperidone

EENT: blurred vision, conjunctivitis, dry NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

mouth, nasal congestion, nasopharyngitis. Black Box Warning Fatal cardiovascular
GI: abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea. events may occur in elderly patients with
GU: ejaculation failure, erectile dysfunc- dementia. Drug isn’t approved for use in
tion, urinary incontinence. patients with dementia-related psychosis.
Metabolic: weight gain, weight loss. Alert: Obtain baseline blood pressure
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, muscle spasm, measurements before starting therapy, and
musculoskeletal stiffness, myalgia. monitor blood pressure regularly. Watch for
Respiratory: dyspnea, upper respiratory orthostatic hypotension, especially during
tract infection. first dosage adjustments.
Skin: rash. Alert: Watch for evidence of neuroleptic
malignant syndrome (hyperthermia, muscle
INTERACTIONS rigidity, altered mental status, and auto-
Drug-drug. Alpha1 blockers: May enhance nomic instability), which is rare but can be
antihypertensive effects. Use together cau- fatal.
tiously. Alert: Life-threatening hyperglycemia
Centrally acting drugs: May increase CNS may occur in patients taking atypical anti-
effects. Use together cautiously. psychotics. Monitor patients with diabetes
CYP3A4 or CYP2D6 inhibitors (clarithro- regularly. Monitor fasting blood glucose
mycin, fluoxetine, ketoconazole, parox- level at drug initiation and periodically
etine): May increase iloperidone level. during therapy in patients with risk factors
Reduce dosage by half. for diabetes.
Dextromethorphan: May increase dextro- • Monitor patient for tardive dyskinesia,
methorphan level. Avoid use together. which may occur with prolonged use of
Drugs that prolong QT interval: May cause drug. If tardive dyskinesia occurs, dis-
lethal arrhythmias. Avoid use together. continue drug unless patient’s condition
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol: May increase CNS warrants continued use.
effects. Discourage use together. • Monitor patient for suicidal thinking and
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Dispense lowest appropriate quantity of
• May decrease hematocrit. drug to reduce the risk of overdose.
• Monitor patient for weight gain.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Periodically reassess patient to determine
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive continued need for therapy.
to drug or its components. • Monitor CBC frequently during the first
• Avoid use with other drugs known to few months of therapy and discontinue
prolong QT interval and in elderly patients drug if WBC count drops with no other
with dementia-related psychosis. underlying cause.
• Use cautiously in patients with history of • Drug may lower seizure threshold in
stroke, transient ischemic attack, arrhyth- patients with a history of seizures; monitor
mia, QT-interval prolongation, diabetes, these patients closely.
seizures, orthostatic hypotension, neurolep-
tic malignant syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, PATIENT TEACHING
leukopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, • Warn patient to avoid driving and other
suicidal ideation, or priapism. hazardous activities that require mental
• Safe use in pregnancy hasn’t been estab- alertness until the drug’s effects are known.
lished. Use only if benefit to mother out- • Tell patient drug can be taken with or
weighs risk to fetus. It isn’t known if drug without food.
appears in breast milk. Patient shouldn’t • Warn patient to rise slowly, avoid hot
breast-feed during therapy. showers, and use other precautions to avoid
•H Overdose S&S: Prolonged QT interval, fainting when starting therapy.
drowsiness, sedation, tachycardia, hypoten- • Advise patient to avoid becoming over-
sion. heated or dehydrated.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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iloprost 707

• Tell women of childbearing age to notify ADMINISTRATION

prescriber about planned, suspected, or Inhalational
known pregnancy. • Use only I-neb AAD or Prodose AAD
• Advise breast-feeding women not to delivery devices, per manufacturer’s
breast-feed during therapy. instructions.
• Instruct patient to report symptoms
of dizziness, palpitations, or fainting to AC TION
prescriber. Lowers pulmonary arterial pressure by
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol use while dilating systemic and pulmonary arterial
taking drug. beds. Drug also affects platelet aggregation,
• Tell male patient to seek emergency although effect in pulmonary hypertension
medical care if an erection lasts more than treatment isn’t known.
4 hours. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Warn patient and caregiver about the risk Inhalation Unknown Unknown 30–60 min
of neuroleptic malignant syndrome and
advise them to seek emergency medical care Half-life: 20 to 30 minutes.
if symptoms occur. I
• Tell patient to notify prescriber about ADVERSE REACTIONS
other prescription or OTC drugs he’s taking CNS: headache, insomnia, syncope.
or plans to take. CV: hypotension, vasodilation, chest pain,
heart failure, supraventricular tachycar-
dia, palpitations, peripheral edema.
iloprost GI: nausea, tongue pain, vomiting.
EYE-loe-prost GU: renal failure.
Musculoskeletal: trismus, back pain,
Ventavis muscle cramps.
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis,
Therapeutic class: Pulmonary pneumonia.
vasodilator Other: flulike syndrome.
Pharmacologic class: Prostacyclin
Pregnancy risk category C Drug-drug. Anticoagulants: May increase
risk of bleeding. Monitor patient closely.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Antihypertensives, vasodilators: May in-
Inhalation solution: 10 mcg/ml, 20 mcg/ml crease effects of these drugs. Monitor pa-
in single-dose ampules tient’s blood pressure.


➤ Pulmonary arterial hypertension in • May increase alkaline phosphatase and
patients with New York Heart Associa- GGT levels.
tion (NYHA) Class III or IV symptoms
Adults: Initially, 2.5 mcg inhaled using CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
the I-neb or the Prodose Adaptive Aerosol • No contraindications known. Avoid using
Delivery (AAD) systems. As tolerated, in patients whose systolic blood pressure is
increase to 5 mcg inhaled six to nine times less than 85 mm Hg.
daily while patient is awake, as needed, but • Use cautiously in elderly patients, patients
to no more than every 2 hours. Maximum, with hepatic or renal impairment, and pa-
5 mcg nine times daily. tients with COPD, severe asthma, or acute
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with Child-Pugh pulmonary infection.
class B or C, consider increasing dosing •H Overdose S&S: Diarrhea, flushing,
interval to every 3 to 4 hours depending on headache, hypotension, nausea, vomiting.
patient response.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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708 imatinib mesylate


• Keep drug away from skin and eyes.
• The 2-ml ampule must be used with the imatinib mesylate
Prodose AAD System and may be used with eh-MAT-eh-nib
the I-neb AAD System. The 1-ml ampule
must be used only with the I-neb AAD Gleevec
• Take care not to inhale drug while provid- Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
ing treatment. Pharmacologic class: Protein-tyrosine
• Monitor patient’s vital signs carefully at kinase inhibitor
start of treatment. Pregnancy risk category D
• Watch for syncope.
• If patient develops evidence of pulmonary AVAIL ABLE FORMS
edema, stop treatment immediately. Tablets: 100 mg, 400 mg


• Advise patient to take drug exactly as ➤ Relapsed or refractory Philadelphia
prescribed and using Prodose AAD or I-neb chromosome–positive (Ph+) ALL
AAD. Adults: 600 mg P.O. daily.
• Urge patient to follow manufacturer’s ➤ Aggressive systemic mastocytosis
instructions for preparing and inhaling drug. (ASM) without the D816V c-Kit mutation
• Advise patient to keep a backup Prodose or with c-Kit mutational status unknown
AAD or I-neb AAD in case the original Adults: 400 mg P.O. daily.
malfunctions. Adjust-a-dose: For patients with ASM
• Tell patient to keep drug away from skin associated with eosinophilia, a clonal
and eyes and to rinse the area immediately if hematologic disease related to the fusion
contact occurs. kinase FIP1L1-PDGFRα, initial dose is
• Caution patient not to ingest drug 100 mg/day. Increase dose from 100 mg to
solution. 400 mg/day if no adverse drug reactions and
• Inform patient that drug may cause if insufficient response to therapy.
dizziness and fainting. Urge him to stand ➤ Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) or
up slowly from a sitting or lying position chronic eosinophilic leukemia (CEL), or
and to report to prescriber worsening of both
symptoms. Adults: 400 mg P.O. daily.
• Tell patient to take drug before physical Adjust-a-dose: In HES/CEL patients with
exertion but no more than every 2 hours. demonstrated FIP1L1-PDGFRα, fusion
• Tell patient not to expose others, espe- kinase, initial dose is 100 mg/day. Increase
cially pregnant women and infants, to drug. dose from 100 mg to 400 mg/day if no
• Teach patient how to clean equipment and adverse drug reactions and if insufficient
safely dispose of used ampules after each response to therapy.
treatment. Caution patient not to save or use ➤ Myelodysplastic (MDS) or myelopro-
leftover solution. liferative (MPD) disease with PDGFR
gene rearrangements
Adults: 400 mg P.O. daily.
➤ Unresectable, recurrent, or metastatic
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
Adults: 800 mg P.O. daily.
➤ Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
in blast crisis, in accelerated phase, or
in chronic phase after failure of alfa
interferon therapy; newly diagnosed
Ph+ chronic-phase CML

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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imatinib mesylate 709

Adults: For chronic-phase CML, 400 mg AC TION

P.O. daily as single dose with a meal and Inhibits the abnormal tyrosine kinase
large glass of water. For accelerated-phase created by the Philadelphia chromosome
CML or blast crisis, 600 mg P.O. daily as abnormality in CML; it inhibits tumor
single dose with a meal and large glass growth of murine myeloid cells and
of water. Continue treatment as long as leukemia lines from CML patients in blast
patient continues to benefit. May increase crisis.
daily dose to 600 mg P.O. in chronic phase Route Onset Peak Duration
or to 800 mg P.O. (400 mg P.O. b.i.d.) in P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
accelerated phase or blast crisis.
Children age 2 and older: For newly diag- Half-life: Within 7 days.
nosed Ph+ chronic-phase CML only, give
340 mg/m2 daily P.O. Don’t exceed 600 mg. ADVERSE REACTIONS
➤ Kit (CD117)-positive or GI stromal CNS: CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE, fatigue,
tumors (GISTs) after resection headache, pyrexia, weakness, depression,
Adults: 400 mg P.O. daily. dizziness, insomnia.
➤ Kit-positive unresectable or metastatic CV: edema. I
malignant GISTs EENT: epistaxis, nasopharyngitis.
Adults: 400 mg P.O. daily or b.i.d. GI: GI HEMORRHAGE, abdominal pain,
➤ Ph+ chronic-phase CML in patients anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
whose disease has recurred after stem nausea, vomiting.
cell transplant or who are resistant to alfa Hematologic: HEMORRHAGE, NEUTRO-
interferon therapy PENIA, THROMBOCYTOPENIA, anemia.
Children age 2 and older: 260 mg/m2 daily Metabolic: hypokalemia, weight increase.
P.O. as a single dose or divided into two Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia,
doses. Have patient take with meal and muscle cramps, musculoskeletal pain.
large glass of water. May increase dosage to Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, pneumonia.
340 mg/m2 daily. Skin: petechiae, rash, pruritus.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine Other: night sweats.
clearance of 40 to 59 ml/minute, don’t
exceed 600 mg daily; if creatinine clearance INTERACTIONS
is 20 to 39 ml/minute, don’t exceed 400 mg Drug-drug. Acetaminophen: May increase
daily; if creatinine clearance is less than risk of hepatic toxicity. Monitor patient
20 ml/minute, don’t exceed 100 mg daily. closely.
For patients with severe hepatic failure, CYP3A4 inducers (carbamazepine, dex-
reduce dosage by 25%. See manufacturer’s amethasone, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
package insert for full details on dosage rifampin): May increase metabolism
adjustment. and decrease imatinib level. Use together
ADMINISTRATION CYP3A4 inhibitors (clarithromycin, eryth-
P.O. romycin, itraconazole, ketoconazole): May
• For daily dosing of 800 mg and above, decrease metabolism and increase imatinib
use the 400-mg tablet to reduce exposure to level. Monitor patient for toxicity.
iron. Dihydropyridine-calcium channel blockers,
• For patients unable to swallow tablets, certain HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
disperse the tablets in water or apple juice (simvastatin), cyclosporine, pimozide,
(50 ml for 100-mg tablet or 200 ml for triazolo-benzodiazepines: May increase
400-mg tablet). Stir and have patient drink levels of these drugs. Monitor patient for
immediately. toxicity, and obtain drug levels, if appro-
Levothyroxine: May increase levothyroxine
clearance, causing increased thyroid stim-
ulating hormone levels and symptoms of

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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710 imipenem and cilastatin sodium

hypothyroidism. Monitor thyroid function. • In patients with HES and cardiac involve-
Warfarin: May alter metabolism of ment, cases of cardiogenic shock/left ven-
warfarin. Avoid using together; use stan- tricular dysfunction have been associated
dard heparin or a low–molecular-weight with the initiation of imatinib therapy. The
heparin. condition is reversible with administration
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease of systemic steroids, circulatory support
drug effects. Discourage use together. measures, and by temporarily withhold-
ing imatinib. Monitor echocardiogram and
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS serum troponin in patients with HES/CEL
• May increase creatinine, bilirubin, alka- and in patients with MDS/MPD or ASM
line phosphatase, AST, and ALT levels. May associated with high eosinophil levels.
decrease potassium and hemoglobin levels. • Grade 3/4 hemorrhage has been reported
• May decrease neutrophil and platelet in patients with newly diagnosed CML and
counts. with GIST. GI tumor sites may be the source
of GI bleeds in GIST.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Gastrointestinal perforations, some fatal,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive have been reported.
to drug or its components.
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in PATIENT TEACHING
those with hepatic impairment. • Tell patient to take drug with food and a
• Severe congestive heart failure and left large glass of water.
ventricular dysfunction have occurred in • Advise patient unable to swallow tablets
patients taking imatinib. Use cautiously in to mix them in water or apple juice (50 ml
patients with cardiac disease or risk factors for 100-mg tablet or 200 ml for 400-mg
for cardiac failure. tablet). Tell him to stir and drink immedi-
• Safety and effectiveness in children ately.
younger than age 2 haven’t been established. • Advise patient to report to prescriber any
•H Overdose S&S: Muscle cramps, ascites, adverse effects, such as fluid retention.
elevated creatinine, AST, ALT, and bilirubin • Advise patient to obtain periodic liver
levels. and kidney function tests and blood work to
determine blood counts.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Tell patient to avoid or limit the use of
• Monitor patient closely for possibly acetaminophen in OTC or prescription
severe fluid retention. Elderly patients may products because of potential toxic effects
have an increased risk of edema. on the liver.
• Monitor weight daily. Report unexpected,
rapid weight gain.
• Monitor CBC weekly for first month; imipenem and cilastatin
every other week for second month and sodium
periodically thereafter. im-ih-PEN-em and sye-luh-STAT-in
• Monitor liver function tests carefully
because hepatotoxicity (occasionally Primaxin
severe) may occur; decrease dosage as
needed. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
• May increase dose if no severe adverse Pharmacologic class: Carbapenem,
reactions or severe non–leukemia-related beta-lactam
neutropenia or thrombocytopenia in the Pregnancy risk category C
following circumstances: disease progres-
sion, failure to achieve a satisfactory hema- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
tologic response after at least 3 months of Powder for injection: 250 mg, 500 mg,
treatment, or loss of a previously achieved 750 mg
hematologic response.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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imipenem and cilastatin sodium 711

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  After reconstitution, solution is stable

➤ Serious lower respiratory tract, bone, for 4 hours at room temperature and for
intra-abdominal, gynecologic, joint, skin, 24 hours when refrigerated.
and soft-tissue infections; UTIs; endo-  Don’t give by direct I.V. bolus injection.

carditis; and bacterial septicemia, caused  For adults, give each 250- or 500-mg

by Acinetobacter, Enterococcus, Staphy- dose by I.V. infusion over 20 to 30 minutes.

lococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Infuse each 750-mg to 1-g dose over 40 to
Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Morganella, 60 minutes.
Proteus, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas  For children, infuse doses of 500 mg or

aeruginosa, and Bacteroides, including less over 15 to 30 minutes. Infuse doses

B. fragilis greater than 500 mg over 40 to 60 minutes.
Adults who weigh more than 70 kg (154 lb): If nausea occurs, the infusion may be
250 mg to 1 g by I.V. infusion every 6 to slowed.
8 hours. Maximum daily dose is 50 mg/kg/  Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, anti-

day or 4 g/day, whichever is less. biotics, amiodarone, amphotericin B

Children age 3 months and older (except for cholesteryl complex, azithromycin,
CNS infections): 15 to 25 mg/kg I.V. every dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer’s injection, I
6 hours. Maximum daily dose is 2 to 4 g. etoposide, fluconazole, gemcitabine,
Infants ages 4 weeks to 3 months who weigh lorazepam, meperidine, midazolam,
1.5 kg (3 lb) or more (except for CNS infec- milrinone, sargramostim, sodium
tions): 25 mg/kg I.V. every 6 hours. bicarbonate.
Neonates ages 1 to 4 weeks who weigh I.M.
1.5 kg or more (except for CNS infections): • Obtain specimen culture and sensitivity
25 mg/kg I.V. every 8 hours. tests before giving first dose. Begin therapy
Neonates younger than age 1 week who while awaiting results.
weigh 1.5 kg or more (except for CNS infec- Alert: Don’t give I.M. solution by I.V.
tions): 25 mg/kg I.V. every 12 hours. route.
➤ Intra-abdominal, lower respiratory,
skin and skin-structure, and gynecologic AC TION
infections Inhibits bacterial cell-wall synthesis; en-
Adults: 500 to 750 mg I.M. every 12 hours. zymatic breakdown of drug in the kidneys
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is causes adequate antibacterial levels of drug
less than 70 ml/minute, adjust dosage and in the urine.
monitor renal function test results. Consult Route Onset Peak Duration
manufacturer’s package insert for specific I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
dosage adjustments. For patients on hemo- I.M. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
dialysis, administer dose after hemodialysis
and at 12-hour intervals timed from the end Half-life: 1 hour after I.V. dose; 2 to 3 hours after
of that dialysis session. I.M. dose.


I.V. CNS: seizures, dizziness, fever, somno-
 Obtain specimens for culture and lence.
sensitivity testing before giving first dose. CV: hypotension, thrombophlebitis.
Begin therapy while awaiting results. GI: pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea,
 Reconstitute piggyback units with 100 ml nausea, vomiting.
of compatible I.V. solution to provide Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocyto-
solution containing 2.5 to 5 mg/ml. penia, eosinophilia.
 When reconstituting powder, shake until Skin: injection site pain, pruritus, rash,
the solution is clear. Solutions may be col- urticaria.
orless to yellow; variations of color within Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity
this range don’t affect drug’s potency. reactions.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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712 imipramine hydrochloride

Drug-drug. Beta-lactam antibiotics: May imipramine hydrochloride
have antagonistic effect. Avoid using together. im-IP-ra-meen
Ganciclovir: May cause seizures. Avoid
using together. Novo-pramine†, Tofranil
Probenecid: May increase cilastatin level.
May be used together for this effect. imipramine pamoate
• May increase BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, Therapeutic class: Antidepressant
alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, and LDH Pharmacologic class: Tricyclic
levels. antidepressant (TCA)
• May increase eosinophil count. May Pregnancy risk category D
decrease WBC and platelet counts.
• May interfere with glucose determination AVAIL ABLE FORMS
by Benedict’s solution or Clinitest. imipramine hydrochloride
Tablets: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Capsules: 75 mg, 100 mg, 125 mg, 150 mg
to drug, in those with a history of hyper-
sensitivity to local anesthetics of the amide INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
type, and in those with severe shock or heart ➤ Depression
block. Adults: 75 to 100 mg P.O. daily in divided
• Use cautiously in patients allergic to doses, increased by 25 to 50 mg. Maximum
penicillins or cephalosporins because drug daily dose is 200 mg for outpatients and
has similar properties. 300 mg for hospitalized patients. Give entire
• Use cautiously in patients with history dose at bedtime.
of seizure disorders, especially if they also Adolescents and elderly patients: Initially,
have compromised renal function. 30 to 40 mg daily; maximum shouldn’t
• Use cautiously in children younger than exceed 100 mg daily.
age 3 months. ➤ Childhood enuresis
Children age 6 and older: 25 mg P.O. 1 hour
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS before bedtime. If patient doesn’t improve
Alert: Don’t use for CNS infections in within 1 week, increase dose to 50 mg if
children because drug increases the risk of child is younger than age 12; increase dose
seizures. to 75 mg for children age 12 and older. In
Alert: If seizures develop and persist either case, maximum daily dose is
despite anticonvulsant therapy, stop drug 2.5 mg/kg.
and notify prescriber. ➤ Chronic tension headaches 
• For patients receiving hemodialysis, Adults: 10 to 25 mg P.O. t.i.d.
drug is recommended only when benefits ➤ Attention deficit hyperactivity
outweigh possible risk of seizures. disorder 
• Monitor patient for bacterial or fungal Children and adolescents: Initially,
superinfections and resistant infections 1 mg/kg/day titrated to maximum dosage
during and after therapy. of 4 mg/kg/day or 200 mg/day, whichever is
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions ADMINISTRATION
promptly. P.O.
• Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V. • Give drug without regard for food.
insertion site. • Give full dose at bedtime if possible.
• Urge patient to notify prescriber about
loose stools or diarrhea.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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imipramine hydrochloride 713

AC TION St. John’s wort, SAM-e, yohimbe: May

Unknown. Increases norepinephrine, sero- cause serotonin syndrome. Discourage use
tonin, or both in the CNS by blocking their together.
reuptake by the presynaptic neurons. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance
Route Onset Peak Duration
CNS depression. Discourage use together.
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
Smoking: May lower level of drug. Monitor
patient for lack of effect.
Half-life: 11 to 25 hours. Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo-
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid
ADVERSE REACTIONS excessive sunlight exposure.
CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, seizures,
stroke, excitation, tremor, confusion, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
hallucinations, anxiety, ataxia, paresthesia, • May increase or decrease glucose level.
nervousness, EEG changes, extrapyramidal • May increase liver function test values.
CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
ECG changes, MI, arrhythmias, heart • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- I
block, hypertension, precipitation of heart tive to drug and in those receiving MAO
failure. inhibitors; also contraindicated during acute
EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus, mydriasis. recovery phase of MI.
GI: dry mouth, constipation, nausea, • Use with extreme caution in patients at
vomiting, anorexia, paralytic ileus, risk for suicide; in patients with history of
abdominal cramps. urine retention, angle-closure glaucoma,
GU: urine retention. or seizure disorders; in patients with in-
Hematologic: bone marrow depression. creased intraocular pressure, CV disease,
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia. impaired hepatic function, hyperthyroidism,
Skin: rash, urticaria, photosensitivity reac- or impaired renal function; and in patients
tions, pruritus, diaphoresis. receiving thyroid drugs. Injectable form
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. contains sulfites, which may cause allergic
reactions in hypersensitive patients.
INTERACTIONS Black Box Warning Imipramine isn’t
Drug-drug. Barbiturates, CNS depres- approved for use in children except for
sants: May enhance CNS depression. Avoid those with nocturnal enuresis.
using together. •H Overdose S&S: Cardiac arrhythmias,
Cimetidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, parox- severe hypotension, seizures, CNS depres-
etine, sertraline: May increase imipramine sion, coma, ECG changes, drowsiness,
level. Monitor drug levels and patient for stupor, ataxia, restlessness, agitation, hyper-
signs of toxicity. active reflexes, muscle rigidity, athetoid and
Clonidine: May cause life-threatening hyper- choreiform movements, tachycardia, con-
tension. Avoid using together. gestive heart failure, respiratory depression,
Epinephrine, norepinephrine: May increase cyanosis, shock, vomiting, hyperpyrexia,
hypertensive effect. Use together cautiously. mydriasis, diaphoresis.
MAO inhibitors: May cause hyperpyretic
crisis, severe seizures, and death. Avoid NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
using within 14 days of MAO inhibitor • Monitor WBCs during therapy and
therapy. monitor patient for fever and sore throat.
Quinolones: May increase the risk of life- Discontinue drug if pathological neutrophil
threatening arrhythmias. Avoid using depression occurs.
together. • Monitor patient for nausea, headache, and
Drug-herb. Evening primrose oil: May malaise after abrupt withdrawal of long-
cause additive or synergistic effect, lowering term therapy; these symptoms don’t indicate
the seizure threshold and increasing the risk addiction.
of seizure. Discourage use together. • Don’t withdraw drug abruptly.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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714 imiquimod

• Because of hypertensive episodes during

surgery in patients receiving TCAs, stop imiquimod
drug gradually several days before surgery. ih-mih-KWI-mahd
• If signs or symptoms of psychosis occur
or increase, expect prescriber to reduce Aldara, Zyclara
dosage. Record mood changes. Monitor
patient for suicidal tendencies, and allow Therapeutic class: Immunosuppressant
only a minimum supply of drug. (topical)
Black Box Warning Drug may increase Pharmacologic class: Immune response
the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior modifier
in children, adolescents, and young adults Pregnancy risk category C
with major depressive disorder or other
psychiatric disorder. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• To prevent relapse in children receiving Cream: 3.75%, 5% in single-use packets
drug for enuresis, withdraw drug gradually. containing 12.5 mg imiquimod
• Recommend sugarless hard candy or gum
to relieve dry mouth. Saliva substitutes may INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
be useful. ➤ External genital and perianal warts
Alert: Tofranil and Tofranil-PM may Adults and adolescents age 12 and older:
contain tartrazine. Apply thin layer of 5% cream to affected
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse area three times weekly before normal
imipramine with desipramine. sleeping hours and leave on skin for 6 to
10 hours. Continue treatment until genital
PATIENT TEACHING or perianal warts clear completely or
Black Box Warning Advise families and maximum of 16 weeks.
caregivers to closely observe patient for ➤ Typical, nonhyperkeratotic, nonhyper-
increased suicidal thinking and behavior. trophic actinic keratoses on the face or
• Tell patient to take full dose at bedtime scalp in immunocompetent adults
whenever possible, but warn him of Adults: Wash area with mild soap and water
possible morning dizziness upon standing and dry at least 10 minutes. Apply Aldara
up quickly. cream to face or scalp, but not both concur-
• If child is an early-night bed-wetter, tell rently, twice weekly at bedtime, and wash
parents it may be more effective to divide off after about 8 hours. Treat for 16 weeks.
dose and give the first dose earlier in day. Or, apply Zyclara 3.75% once daily at bed-
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking time for two 2-week cycles. Separate cycles
this drug. by 2-week no-treatment period.
• Advise patient to consult prescriber ➤ Superficial basal cell carcinoma
before taking other prescription or OTC Adults: Wash area with mild soap and water
drugs. and allow to dry thoroughly. Apply a thin
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities layer of 5% cream to the biopsy-confirmed
that require alertness and good coordination area, including 1 cm of skin surrounding
until effects of the drug are known. Drowsi- tumor, five times a week at bedtime; wash
ness and dizziness usually subside after a off after about 8 hours. Treat for 6 weeks.
few weeks.
• Warn patient not to stop drug suddenly. ADMINISTRATION
• To prevent oversensitivity to the sun, ad- Topical
vise patient to use sunblock, wear protective • Wash area with mild soap and water and
clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure to dry completely before applying cream.
strong sunlight. • Discard unused portion of single-use

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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imiquimod 715

AC TION • Drug isn’t a cure; new warts may develop

Has no direct antiviral activity in cell during therapy.
culture. Drug induces mRNA-encoding • Maximum tumor diameter of superficial
cytokines including interferon alfa at the basal cell carcinoma should be 2 cm or
treatment site. smaller. Cream may be applied to neck,
Route Onset Peak Duration
trunk, or arms and legs (excluding hands
Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
and feet).
• Assess treatment site for clearance
Half-life: About 20 hours. 12 weeks posttreatment.


CNS: dizziness, headache. • Advise patient that effect of cream on
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. transmission of genital or perianal warts is
Skin: local itching, burning, pain, sore- unknown. New warts may develop during
ness, erythema, ulceration, edema, erosion, therapy; drug isn’t a cure.
induration, flaking, excoriation. • Tell patient to use cream only as directed
Other: fungal infection, flulike symptoms. and to avoid contact with eyes, lips, or I
INTERACTIONS • Tell patient to wash hands before and after
None significant. applying cream.
• Tell patient to wash the area with mild
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS soap and water and dry completely before
None reported. applying cream.
• Advise patient to apply cream in thin
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS layer over affected area and rub in until
• Drug isn’t recommended for treatment cream isn’t visible. Advise patient to avoid
of urethral, intravaginal, cervical, rectal, or excessive use of cream. Tell him not to
intra-anal human papillomavirus disease. occlude area after applying cream and to
• Safety of drug in breast-feeding women is wash with mild soap and water 6 to 10 hours
unknown. after application of cream.
•H Overdose S&S: Severe local skin reac- • Advise patient that mild local skin reac-
tions. tions, such as redness, erosion, excoriation,
flaking, and swelling at site of application
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS or surrounding areas, are common. Tell
• Don’t use until genital or perianal tissue him that most skin reactions are mild to
is healed from previous drug or surgical moderate. Advise him to report severe skin
treatment. reactions promptly.
• Patient usually experiences local skin • Instruct uncircumcised man being treated
reactions at site of application or surround- for warts under the foreskin to retract fore-
ing areas. Use nonocclusive dressings, such skin and clean area daily.
as cotton gauze, or cotton undergarments • Advise patient that drug can weaken
in management of skin reactions. Patient’s condoms and vaginal diaphragms and that
discomfort or severity of the local skin use together isn’t recommended.
reaction may require a rest period of • Advise patient to avoid sexual contact
several days. Resume treatment once while cream is on the skin.
reaction subsides. • Advise patient to minimize or avoid
Alert: Women with a local inflamma- exposure to sunlight and other UV light;
tory reaction that causes severe vulvar encourage sunscreen use.
swelling may be at risk for urinary retention. • Tell patient to store drug at temperatures
If symptoms of urinary retention occur, below 86◦ F (30◦ C) and to avoid freezing.
interrup or discontinue drug and monitor • Tell patient to discard partially used pack-
patient carefully. ets and not to reuse.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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716 immune globulin intramuscular

immune globulin Adults and children: Initially, 1.3 ml/kg
intramuscular (gamma I.M. Maintenance 0.66 ml/kg (at least
globulin, IG, IGIM) 100 mg/kg) every 3 to 4 weeks. Maximum
GamaSTAN S/D single dose of IGIM is 30 to 50 ml in adults
and 20 to 30 ml in infants and small children.
immune globulin Gamunex
intravenous (IGIV) Adults: 300 to 600 mg/kg I.V. every 3 to
Carimune NF, Flebogamma, 4 weeks.
Gammagard Liquid, Gamunex, Hizentra
Octagam, Privigen Adults and children: Initial dose is
1.53 times previous IGIV dose in grams
immune globulin divided by number of weeks between IGIV
subcutaneous (IGSC, SCIG) doses. Multiply dose in grams by 5 to ob-
Hizentra, Vivaglobin tain dose in milliliters. Adjust dose based
on clinical response and IgG trough levels
Therapeutic class: Antibody to goal of 1.3 times trough level before
Pharmacologic class: Immune serum last IGIV treatment. Give by subcutaneous
Pregnancy risk category C infusion weekly. See package insert for full
dosage adjustment guidelines.
immune globulin intramuscular Adults and children: 300 to 600 mg/kg
Injection: 15% to 18% in vials and single- I.V. every 3 to 4 weeks. Start infusion
dose syringes at 30 mg/kg/hour for 30 minutes. If no
immune globulin intravenous discomfort is experienced, increase rate
Injection: 5% in 10-ml, 50-ml, 100-ml, and to 60 mg/kg/hour for 30 minutes. Rate
200-ml vials (Flebogamma); 5% in 1-g, can then be increased to maximum of
2.5-g, 5-g, 10-g single-use bottles 200 mg/kg/hour.
(Octagam) Privigen
Injection: 5% single-use vials Adults: 200 to 800 mg/kg every 3 to
Injection (preservative-free): 5%, 10% 4 weeks. Start infusion at 0.5 mg/kg/minute
single use vials and increase slowly to 8 mg/kg/minute.
Powder for injection: 0.5-g, 3-g, 6-g, 12-g Vivaglobin
vials (Carimune NF) Adults and children: Initial dose is
immune globulin subcutaneous 1.37 times previous IGIV dose divided
Injection: 16%, 20% single-use vials by number of weeks between IGIV doses.
Recommended weekly dose is 100 to
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES 200 mg/kg by subcutaneous infusion.
➤ Primary immunodeficiency (IGIV) Adjust dosage based on clinical response
Carimune NF and serum IgG trough levels. See package
Adults and children: 200 mg/kg I.V. insert for full dosage adjustment guidelines.
monthly. Start with 0.5 to 1 ml/minute ➤ Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
of 3% solution; gradually increase to polyneuropathy
2.5 ml/minute after 15 to 30 minutes. Adults: 2,000 mg/kg I.V. Gamunex in
Flebogamma divided doses over 2 to 4 days every
Adults: 300 to 600 mg/kg I.V. every 3 to 3 weeks. Or, 1,000 mg/kg I.V. over 1 day
4 weeks. Infuse at 0.5 mg/kg/minute and every 3 weeks or 500 mg/kg I.V. on 2 con-
increase after 30 minutes to 5 mg/kg/minute. secutive days every 3 weeks.
Gammagard Liquid ➤ Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Adults: 300 to 600 mg/kg I.V. every 3 to Carimune NF
4 weeks. Infuse at 0.8 mg/kg/minute and Adults and children: 400 mg/kg I.V. for 2 to
increase every 30 minutes to 8.9 mg/kg/ 5 consecutive days, depending on platelet
minute. count and immune response.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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immune globulin intramuscular 717

Gamunex • Give drug soon after reconstitution.

Adults: 2,000 mg/kg I.V. in divided doses • The gluteal region should not routinely
over 2 days or 400 mg/kg I.V. in 5 doses over be used. If necessary, only the upper outer
5 days. quadrant should be used.
Privigen I.V.
Adults: 1,000 mg/kg I.V. for 2 days.  After reconstitution, Carimune NF

➤ Pediatric HIV infection (IGIV) contains at least 96% IgG; Octagam

Children: 400 mg/kg I.V. once every 2 to contains about 50 mg of protein/ml and
4 weeks. at least 96% IgG.
➤ Kawasaki syndrome  Most adverse reactions are related to a

Children: 400 mg/kg I.V. daily over 2 hours rapid infusion rate. If they occur, decrease
for 4 consecutive days, or a single dose of infusion rate or stop infusion until reaction
1,000 mg/kg over 10 hours. Start within subsides. Resume infusion at a rate the
10 days of disease onset. Give with aspirin patient can tolerate.
(100 mg/kg P.O. daily through day 14; then  Store Octagam at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to

3 to 5 mg/kg P.O. daily for 5 weeks). 8◦ C) for 24 months or at no higher than

➤ Hepatitis A exposure (IGIM) 77◦ F (25◦ C) for up to 18 months from I
Adults and children: 0.02 ml/kg I.M. as the date of manufacture.
soon as possible after exposure. Up to Carimune NF
0.06 ml/kg may be given for prolonged  Use 15-micron in-line filter when giving.

or intense exposure. Reconstitute with normal saline solution,

➤ Measles exposure (IGIM) D5 W, or sterile water. Infusion rate is
Adults and children: 0.25 ml/kg I.M. within 0.5 to 1 ml/minute for 3% solution. After
6 days after exposure. 15 to 30 minutes, increase rate to 1.5 to
➤ Measles postexposure prophylaxis 2.5 ml/minute.
(IGIM) Gammagard Liquid
Immunocompromised children: 0.5 ml/kg  Drug should be at room temperature

I.M. (maximum 15 ml) immediately after during administration.

exposure.  Normal saline solution should not be

➤ Chickenpox exposure (IGIM) used as a diluent. If dilution is preferred,

Adults and children: 0.6 to 1.2 ml/kg I.M. as D5 W may be used.
soon as possible after exposure.  The use of an in-line filler is optional.

➤ Rubella exposure in first trimester of  Begin infusion at 0.5 ml/kg/hour.

pregnancy (IGIM) If tolerated, gradually increase every

Women: 0.55 ml/kg I.M. as soon as possible 30 minutes to 5 ml/kg/hour.
after exposure (within 72 hours). Gamunex
➤ Guillain-Barré syndrome (IGIV)   Incompatible with saline solutions.

Adults: 2,000 mg/kg I.V. over 2 to 5 days Compatible with D5 W, if needed.

within 2 to 4 weeks of onset.  Infuse I.V. at a rate of 0.01 ml/kg/minute

Children: 2,000 mg/kg I.V. over 2 days for first 30 minutes. If no problems, rate
within 2 to 4 weeks of onset. can be slowly increased to maximum of
➤ Severe exacerbation of myasthenia 0.08 ml/kg/minute.
gravis (IGIV)  Store vials at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C).

Adults: 1,000 to 2,000 mg/kg I.V. over 2 to During first 18 months from the date of
5 days. manufacture, store vials for up to 5 months
at room temperature not exceeding 77◦ F
ADMINISTRATION (25◦ C); then vials must be used immedi-
I.M. ately or discarded. Don’t freeze vials.
• Give in the anterolateral aspects of the Octagam
upper thigh and the deltoid muscle of the  Octagam should be at room tempera-

upper arm. Divide doses larger than 10 ml ture during infusion. If using an infusion
and inject into several muscle sites to reduce set (not mandatory), the filter size must
pain and discomfort.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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718 immune globulin intramuscular

be 0.2 to 200 microns. Initially, infuse at ADVERSE REACTIONS

30 mg/kg/hour for the first 30 minutes; if CNS: severe headache requiring hospital-
tolerated, infuse at 60 mg/kg/hour for the ization, faintness, fever, headache, malaise.
second 30 minutes; if further tolerated, CV: chest pain, chest tightness, heart
infuse at 120 mg/kg/hour for the third failure, MI.
30 minutes. If tolerated, infusion can be GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea,
maintained at less than 200 mg/kg/hour. vomiting.
Adverse reactions usually disappear with Musculoskeletal: back pain, arthralgia, hip
slowing or stopping the infusion. For pain, muscle stiffness at injection site.
patients at risk for renal dysfunction, Respiratory: pulmonary embolism, trans-
reduce infusion time to less than fusion related acute lung injury, dyspnea.
200 mg/kg/hour. Skin: erythema, urticaria, pain, local
Privigen infusion-site reactions, rash.
 If necessary dilute with D5 W Other: anaphylaxis, angioedema, chills.
 Begin infusion at 0.5 mg/kg/min. If

well tolerated, may increase gradually to INTERACTIONS

8 mg/kg/min. Drug-drug. Live-virus vaccines: Length
 For chronic ITP, maximum infusion rate of time to wait before giving live-virus
is 4 mg/kg/min. vaccinations varies with dose of immune
 Infusion line may be flushed with D5 W globulin given. Check the recommendations
or normal saline solution. of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.


• IGSC is given by subcutaneous infusion. • May falsely elevate serum glucose level
• Infusion sites include abdomen, thighs, (for IGIV preparations containing maltose,
upper arms, and lateral hip. such as Octagam).
• Up to four infusion sites may be used • May cause positive Coombs’ test.
at the same time, with at least 2 inches
• Give up to 15 ml per site with initial • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
infusion. May increase to 20 ml per site to drug or its components.
after fourth infusion and to maximum of • Hizentra is contraindicated in patients
25 ml per site as tolerated. hypersensitive to polysorbate 80, patients
• Initially infuse at 15 ml/hour. May in- with hyperprolinemia, and IgA-deficient
crease to maximum of 25 ml/hour per site patients with antibodies against IgA and
as tolerated. Total infusion rate for all sites history of hypersensitivity.
combined must not exceed 50 ml/hour. • Use IGIV cautiously in patients with
• Don’t mix with other products. a history of CV disease or thrombotic
AC TION Black Box Warning Use IGIV cautiously
Provides passive immunity by increasing in patients with renal dysfunction or a
antibody titer. The primary component is predisposition to renal failure, including
IgG. It’s unknown how it works for idio- patients with preexisting renal insufficiency,
pathic thrombocytopenic purpura. diabetes mellitus, volume depletion, sepsis,
Route Onset Peak Duration
paraproteinemia, those older than age 65,
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
and those receiving nephrotoxic drugs. Give
I.M. Unknown 2–5 hr Unknown at minimum concentration and infuse as
Subcut. Unknown 2.9 days Unknown slowly as practicable.
Half-life: 21 to 24 days in immunocompromised NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Obtain history of allergies and reac-
tions to immunizations. Keep epinephrine
1:1,000 available to treat anaphylaxis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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indapamide 719

• IGIV administration may be linked to given at 50% of the usual starting dose, may
thrombotic events. be needed.
• If patient is at risk for a thrombotic event,
make sure infusion concentration is no more ADMINISTRATION
than 5% and start infusion rate no faster P.O.
than 0.5 ml/kg/hour. Advance rate slowly • Give drug with food to minimize GI
only if well tolerated, to a maximum rate of upset.
4 ml/kg/hour. • To prevent nocturia, give drug in the
• Don’t give as prophylaxis against hepatitis morning.
A if 6 weeks or more since exposure or
onset of symptoms. AC TION
• Products made from human plasma may Enhances excretion of sodium chloride and
contain infectious agents, such as viruses water by interfering with sodium transport
and, potentially, the Creutzfeldt-Jakob in the distal tubule.
disease agent. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 1–2 hr Within 2 hr Up to 36 hr
• Explain to patient and family how drug Half-life: About 14 hours.
will be given.
• Tell patient that local reactions may occur ADVERSE REACTIONS
at injection site. Instruct him to notify CNS: headache, nervousness, dizziness,
prescriber promptly if adverse reactions light-headedness, weakness, vertigo,
persist or become severe. restlessness, drowsiness, fatigue, anxiety,
• Inform patient of possible need for depression, numbness of limbs, irritability,
therapy more than once monthly to maintain agitation, lethargy.
adequate immunoglobulin G levels. CV: orthostatic hypotension, palpitations,
PVCs, irregular heartbeat, vasculitis,
flushing, chest pain, edema.
indapamide EENT: rhinorrhea, blurred vision, pharyn-
in-DAP-a-mide gitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis.
GI: anorexia, nausea, epigastric distress,
Lozide† vomiting, abdominal pain or cramps,
diarrhea, constipation.
Therapeutic class: Diuretic GU: nocturia, polyuria, frequent urination,
Pharmacologic class: Thiazide-like erectile dysfunction.
diuretic Metabolic: asymptomatic hyperuricemia,
Pregnancy risk category B fluid and electrolyte imbalances, including
dilutional hyponatremia, hypochloremia,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia,
Tablets: 1.25 mg, 2.5 mg weight loss, volume depletion and dehy-
dration, hyperglycemia.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps and
➤ Edema of heart failure spasms.
Adults: Initially, 2.5 mg P.O. daily in the Respiratory: cough.
morning. Increased to 5 mg daily after Skin: rash, pruritus, urticaria.
1 week, if needed. Other: gout, infection.
➤ Hypertension
Adults: Initially, 1.25 mg P.O. daily in the INTERACTIONS
morning. Increased to 2.5 mg daily after Drug-drug. Amphotericin B, cortico-
4 weeks, if needed. Increased to 5 mg daily steroids: May increase risk of hypokalemia.
after 4 more weeks, if needed. If response Monitor potassium level closely.
is inadequate, a second antihypertensive, Antidiabetics: May decrease hypoglycemic
effect of sulfonylureas, causing elevated

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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720 indinavir sulfate

glucose levels. Adjust dosage, if needed. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

Monitor glucose level. • Monitor fluid intake and output, weight,
Barbiturates, opioids: May increase blood pressure, and electrolyte levels.
orthostasis. Monitor patient closely. • Watch for signs of hypokalemia, such as
Bumetanide, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, muscle weakness and cramps. Drug may
torsemide: May cause excessive diuretic be used with potassium-sparing diuretic to
response, causing serious electrolyte ab- prevent potassium loss.
normalities or dehydration. Adjust doses • Consult prescriber and dietitian about
carefully, and monitor patient closely for a high-potassium diet or potassium sup-
signs and symptoms of excessive diuretic plement. Foods rich in potassium include
response. citrus fruits, tomatoes, bananas, dates, and
Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of apricots.
digoxin toxicity from indapamide-induced • Monitor creatinine and BUN levels
hypokalemia. Monitor potassium and regularly. Cumulative effects of drug may
digoxin levels. occur in patients with impaired renal
Cholestyramine, colestipol: May decrease function.
absorption of thiazides. Separate doses by • Monitor uric acid level, especially in
2 hours. patients with history of gout.
Diazoxide: May increase antihypertensive, • Monitor glucose level, especially in
hyperglycemic, and hyperuricemic effects. diabetic patients.
Use together cautiously. • Monitor elderly patients, who are espe-
Lithium: May decrease lithium clearance cially susceptible to excessive diuresis.
that may increase lithium toxicity. Avoid • Stop thiazides and thiazide-like diuretics
using together. before parathyroid function tests.
NSAIDs: May increase risk of NSAID- • Therapeutic response may be delayed
induced renal failure. Monitor patient for several weeks in hypertensive patients.
signs and symptoms of renal failure.
Drug-herb. Dandelion: May interfere with PATIENT TEACHING
drug activity. Discourage use together. • Instruct patient to take drug in morning to
Licorice: May cause unexpected rapid prevent need to urinate at night.
potassium loss. Discourage use together. • Tell patient to take drug with food to
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase minimize GI upset.
orthostatic hypotensive effect. Discourage • Advise patient to avoid sudden posture
use together. changes and to rise slowly to avoid dizziness
upon standing quickly.
• May increase BUN, creatinine, glucose,
cholesterol, triglyceride, calcium, and indinavir sulfate
uric acid levels. May decrease potassium, in-DIN-ah-ver
sodium, phosphate, and chloride levels.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral
to other sulfonamide-derived drugs and in Pharmacologic class: Protease inhibitor
those with anuria. Pregnancy risk category C
• Use cautiously in patients with severe
renal disease, impaired hepatic function, or AVAIL ABLE FORMS
progressive hepatic disease. Capsules: 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, GI
disorders, weakness, electrolyte imbalance,
hypotension, depressed respirations.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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indinavir sulfate 721

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Skin: pruritus, rash.

➤ HIV infection, with other antiretrovi- Other: flank pain.
rals, when antiretrovirals are warranted
Adults: 800 mg P.O. every 8 hours. Consider INTERACTIONS
reducing indinavir to 600 mg every 8 hours Drug-drug. Amprenavir, saquinavir: May
when patient is taking delaviridine 400 mg increase levels of these drugs. Dosage
t.i.d. Reduce indinavir to 600 mg every adjustments not needed.
8 hours when patient is taking itraconazole Carbamazepine: May decrease indinavir
200 mg b.i.d. or ketaconazole. When patient exposure to the body. Consider an alterna-
is taking indinavir and rifabutin, decrease tive drug.
rifabutin to one-half the standard dosage Clarithromycin: May alter clarithromycin
and increase indinavir to 1,000 mg every level. Dosage adjustments not needed.
8 hours. Delavirdine, itraconazole, ketoconazole:
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with mild May increase indinavir level. Consider
to moderate hepatic insufficiency from reducing indinavir to 600 mg every 8 hours.
cirrhosis, reduce dosage to 600 mg P.O. Didanosine: May alter absorption of indi-
every 8 hours. navir. Separate doses by 1 hour and give on I
an empty stomach.
ADMINISTRATION Efavirenz, nevirapine: May decrease indin-
P.O. avir level. Increase indinavir to 1,000 mg
• Give drug on an empty stomach with every 8 hours.
water 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: May in-
Or, give it with other liquids (such as skim crease levels of these drugs and increase
milk, juice, coffee, or tea) or a light meal. risk of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis.
A meal high in fat, calories, and protein Avoid using together.
reduces drug absorption. Lopinavir and ritonavir combination: May
• Store capsules in the original container increase indinavir level. Adjust indinavir
and keep desiccant in the bottle; capsules dosage to 600 mg b.i.d.
are sensitive to moisture. Nelfinavir: May increase indinavir level by
50% and nelfinavir by 80%. May need to
AC TION adjust dosage to indinavir 1,200 mg b.i.d.
Inhibits HIV protease by binding to the and nelfinavir 1,250 mg b.i.d. Monitor
protease-active site and inhibiting activity patient closely.
of the enzyme, preventing cleavage of the Proton-pump inhibitors (lansoprazole,
viral polyproteins and forming immature omeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole): May
noninfectious viral particles. reduce the antiviral activity of indinavir.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Avoid using together.
P.O. Unknown <1 hr Unknown
Rifabutin: May increase rifabutin level and
decrease indinavir level. Give indinavir
Half-life: 2 hours. 1,000 mg every 8 hours and decrease the
rifabutin dose to either 150 mg daily or
ADVERSE REACTIONS 300 mg two to three times a week.
CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, Rifampin: May decrease indinavir level.
headache, insomnia, malaise, somnolence. Avoid using together.
GI: nausea, abdominal pain, acid regurgi- Rifapentine: May decrease indinavir level.
tation, anorexia, diarrhea, dry mouth, taste Use with extreme caution, if at all.
perversion, vomiting. Ritonavir: May increase indinavir level
GU: hematuria, nephrolithiasis, dysuria. twofold to fivefold. Adjust dosage to
Hematologic: neutropenia, thrombocy- indinavir 400 mg b.i.d. and ritonavir
topenia, anemia. 400 mg b.i.d., or indinavir 800 mg b.i.d.
Metabolic: hyperbilirubinemia, hyper- and ritonavir 100 to 200 mg b.i.d.
glycemia. Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil: May
Musculoskeletal: back pain. increase levels of these drugs and increase

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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722 indomethacin

adverse effects (hypotension, visual complications of HIV infection. Drug hasn’t

changes, and priapism). Tell patient not been shown to reduce the risk of HIV trans-
to exceed prescribed dosage. Sildenafil mission.
dosage shouldn’t exceed 25 mg in a 48-hour • Advise patient to use barrier protection
period. Tadalafil dosage shouldn’t exceed during sexual intercourse.
10 mg in a 72-hour period. Vardenafil • Caution patient not to adjust dosage or
dosage shouldn’t exceed 2.5 mg in a stop therapy without first consulting pre-
24-hour period. scriber.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May reduce • Advise patient that if a dose is missed, he
drug level by more than half. Discourage should take the next dose at the regularly
use together. scheduled time and shouldn’t double the
Drug-food. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice: dose.
May decrease drug level and therapeutic • Instruct patient to take drug on an empty
effect. Discourage use together. stomach with water 1 hour before or 2 hours
after a meal. Or, he may take it with other
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS liquids (such as skim milk, juice, coffee, or
• May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, amy- tea) or a light meal.
lase, hemoglobin, and glucose levels. • Instruct patient to store capsules in the
• May decrease neutrophil and platelet original container and to keep desiccant in
counts. the bottle; capsules are sensitive to mois-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Tell patient to drink at least 48 ounces
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive (1.5 L) of fluid daily.
to drug or its components. • Advise women to avoid breast-feeding
• Contraindicated with alfuzosin, alpra- because drug may appear in breast milk.
zolam, amiodarone, dihydroergotamine, Also, to prevent transmitting virus to infant,
ergonovine, ergotamine, methylergonovine, advise HIV-positive women not to breast-
midazolam, sildenafil (when used to treat feed.
pulmonary hypertension), triazolam, and
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic indomethacin
insufficiency from cirrhosis. in-doe-METH-a-sin
• Safety and effectiveness in children
haven’t been established. Indocin, Indocin SR, Novo-Methacin†,
•H Overdose S&S: Nephrolithiasis/ Nu-Indo†, Pro-Indo†
urolithiasis, flank pain, hematuria, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea. indomethacin sodium
• Drug must be taken at 8-hour intervals.
• Drug may cause nephrolithiasis. If signs Therapeutic class: NSAID
and symptoms of nephrolithiasis occur, Pharmacologic class: NSAID
prescriber may stop drug for 1 to 3 days Pregnancy risk category B; D in 3rd
during acute phases. trimester
• To prevent nephrolithiasis, patient should
maintain adequate hydration (at least AVAIL ABLE FORMS
48 ounces or 1.5 L of fluids every 24 hours indomethacin
while taking indinavir). Capsules: 25 mg, 50 mg
Capsules (sustained-release): 75 mg
PATIENT TEACHING Oral suspension: 25 mg/5 ml ∗
• Tell patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV Suppositories: 50 mg
infection and that he may continue to indomethacin sodium trihydrate
develop opportunistic infections and other Injection: 1-mg vials

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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indomethacin 723

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Watch carefully for bleeding and for

➤ Moderate to severe rheumatoid reduced urine output.

arthritis or osteoarthritis, ankylosing  Incompatibilities: Amino acid in-

spondylitis jection, calcium gluconate, cimetidine,

Adults: 25 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. with food dextrose injection, dobutamine, dopamine,
or antacids or 25 mg P.R. b.i.d. or t.i.d.; gentamicin, levofloxacin, solutions
increase daily dose by 25 or 50 mg every with pH less than 6, tobramycin sulfate,
7 days, up to 200 mg daily. Or, 75 mg tolazoline.
sustained-release capsules P.O. to start, in Rectal
morning or at bedtime, followed by 75 mg • If suppository is too soft, place in refriger-
sustained-release capsules b.i.d. if needed. ator for 15 minutes or run under cold water
➤ Acute gouty arthritis in wrapper.
Adults: 50 mg P.O. or P.R. t.i.d. Reduce dose
as soon as possible; then stop therapy. Don’t AC TION
use sustained-release form. May inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, to
➤ Acute painful shoulders (bursitis or produce anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and
tendinitis) antipyretic effects. I
Adults: 75 to 150 mg P.O. or P.R. daily in Route Onset Peak Duration
divided doses t.i.d. or q.i.d. for 7 to 14 days. P.O. 30 min 1–4 hr 4–6 hr
➤ To close a hemodynamically significant I.V. Immediate Immediate 4–6 hr
patent ductus arteriosus in premature P.R. Unknown Unknown 4–6 hr
Neonates older than age 7 days: 0.2 mg/kg Half-life: 41⁄4 hours.
I.V.; then two doses of 0.25 mg/kg at 12- to
24-hour intervals. ADVERSE REACTIONS
Neonates ages 2 to 7 days: 0.2 mg/kg I.V.; P.O. and rectal
then two doses of 0.2 mg/kg at 12- to 24- CNS: headache, dizziness, depression,
hour intervals. fatigue, somnolence, syncope, vertigo.
Neonates younger than 48 hours: 0.2 mg/kg CV: edema, hypertension.
I.V.; then two doses of 0.1 mg/kg I.V. at EENT: hearing loss, tinnitus.
12- to 24-hour intervals. GI: pancreatitis, abdominal pain, anorexia,
constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, GI bleed-
ADMINISTRATION ing, nausea, peptic ulceration.
P.O. Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
• Give drug with food, milk, or antacid. I.V.
I.V. GU: hematuria, interstitial nephritis,
 Reconstitute powder for injection with proteinuria.
sterile water or normal saline solution. For
each 1-mg vial, add 1 or 2 ml of diluent INTERACTIONS
for a solution containing 1 mg/ml or Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides, cyclospor-
0.5 mg/ml, respectively. Give over 20 to ine, methotrexate: May enhance toxicity of
30 minutes. these drugs. Avoid using together.
 Use only preservative-free sterile saline Anticoagulants: May cause bleeding.
solution or sterile water to prepare. Never Monitor patient closely.
use diluents containing benzyl alcohol Antihypertensives: May decrease antihyper-
because it has been linked to toxicity in tensive effect. Monitor patient closely.
newborns. Antihypertensives, furosemide, thiazide
 Because injection contains no preserva- diuretics: May impair response to both
tives, reconstitute drug immediately before drugs. Avoid using together, if possible.
use and discard unused solution. Aspirin: May decrease level of indo-
 If anuria or marked oliguria is evident, methacin. Avoid using together.
withhold administration of second or third Aspirin, corticosteroids: May increase risk
scheduled I.V. dose and notify prescriber. of GI toxicity. Avoid using together.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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724 indomethacin

Bisphosphonates: May increase risk of • Use cautiously in elderly patients, those

gastric ulceration. Monitor patient with history of GI disease, and those with
for symptoms of gastric irritation or epilepsy, parkinsonism, hepatic or renal
GI bleeding. disease, CV disease, infection, and mental
Diflunisal, probenecid: May decrease indo- illness or depression.
methacin excretion. Watch for increased •H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, lethargy,
indomethacin adverse reactions. confusion, nausea, vomiting, paresthesia,
Digoxin: May prolong half-life of digoxin. numbness, aggressive behavior, disorien-
Use together cautiously. tation, seizures, headache, dizziness, GI
Dipyridamole: May enhance fluid retention. bleeding.
Avoid using together.
Lithium: May increase lithium level. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Monitor patient for toxicity. • Because of the high risk of adverse effects
Penicillamine: May increase bioavailability from long-term use, drug shouldn’t be used
of penicillamine. Monitor patient closely. routinely as an analgesic or antipyretic.
Phenytoin: May increase phenytoin level. • Sustained-release capsules shouldn’t be
Monitor patient closely. used for acute gouty arthritis.
Triamterene: May cause nephrotoxicity. • If ductus arteriosus reopens, a second
Avoid using together. course of one to three doses may be given. If
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic, ineffective, surgery may be needed.
ginger, horse chestnut, red clover: May • Watch for bleeding in patients receiving
cause bleeding. Discourage use together. anticoagulants, patients with coagulation
Senna: May inhibit diarrheal effects. defects, and neonates.
Discourage use together. • Because NSAIDs impair synthesis of
White willow: Herb and drug contain similar renal prostaglandins, they can decrease
components. Discourage use together. renal blood flow and lead to reversible renal
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause GI impairment, especially in patients with renal
toxicity. Discourage use together. failure, heart failure, or liver dysfunction;
in elderly patients; and in those taking
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS diuretics. Monitor these patients closely.
• May increase potassium level. • Drug causes sodium retention; watch for
• May decrease hemoglobin level and weight gain (especially in elderly patients)
hematocrit. and increased blood pressure in patients
• May increase liver function test values. with hypertension.
• Monitor patient for rash and respiratory
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS distress, which may indicate a hypersensi-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- tivity reaction.
tive to drug and in those with a history of • Because of their antipyretic and anti-
aspirin- or NSAID-induced asthma, rhinitis, inflammatory actions, NSAIDs may mask
or urticaria. signs and symptoms of infection.
• Contraindicated in pregnant or breast- Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an
feeding women and in neonates with increased risk of serious GI adverse events
untreated infection, active bleeding, including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo-
coagulation defects or thrombocytopenia, ration of the stomach or intestines, which
congenital heart disease needing patency can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater
of the ductus arteriosus, necrotizing risk.
enterocolitis, or significant renal impairment. Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
• Suppositories are contraindicated in the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or
patients with history of proctitis or recent stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be
rectal bleeding. greater with longer use or in patients with
Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the CV disease or risk factors for CV disease.
treatment of perioperative pain after CABG • Monitor patient on long-term oral therapy
surgery. for toxicity by conducting regular eye

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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infliximab 725

examinations, hearing tests, CBCs, and continued therapy. In those patients, con-
kidney function tests. sider stopping drug.
Children age 6 to 17: For Crohn’s disease,
PATIENT TEACHING 5 mg/kg I.V. infusion over at least 2 hours.
• Tell patient to take oral dose with food, Repeat at 2 and 6 weeks, then every 8 weeks
milk, or antacid to prevent GI upset. thereafter.
• Alert patient that using oral form with ➤ Moderately to severely active rheuma-
aspirin, alcohol, other NSAIDs, or cortico- toid arthritis
steroids may increase risk of adverse GI Adults: 3 mg/kg I.V. infusion over at least
reactions. 2 hours. Repeat at 2 and 6 weeks after first
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of GI infusion and every 8 weeks thereafter. Dose
bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine, may be increased up to 10 mg/kg, or doses
or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and black, may be given every 4 weeks if response is
tarry stool. Tell him to notify prescriber inadequate. Use with methotrexate.
immediately if any of these occurs. ➤ Moderate to severe ulcerative colitis
• Tell patient to immediately report signs or Adults: Induction dose, 5 mg/kg I.V. over at
symptoms of cardiac events, such as chest least 2 hours. Repeat at 2 and 6 weeks, then I
pain, shortness of breath, weakness, and every 8 weeks thereafter.
slurred speech. ➤ Ankylosing spondylitis
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities Adults: 5 mg/kg I.V. infusion over at least
that require mental alertness until CNS 2 hours. Repeat at 2 and 6 weeks, then every
effects are known. 6 weeks thereafter.
• Tell patient to notify prescriber immedi- ➤ Psoriatic arthritis, with or without
ately if visual or hearing changes occur. methotrexate
Adults: 5 mg/kg I.V. infusion over at least
2 hours. Repeat at 2 and 6 weeks after first
infliximab infusion, then every 8 weeks thereafter.
in-FLICKS-ih-mab ➤ Chronic severe plaque psoriasis
Adults: 5 mg/kg I.V. infusion over at least
Remicade 2 hours. Repeat dose in 2 and 6 weeks, then
give 5 mg/kg every 8 weeks thereafter.
Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory
Pharmacologic class: Tumor necrosis ADMINISTRATION
factor (TNF) blocker I.V.
Pregnancy risk category B  Reconstitute with 10 ml sterile water

for injection, using syringe with 21G or

AVAIL ABLE FORMS smaller needle. Don’t shake; gently swirl
Lyophilized powder for injection: 100-mg to dissolve powder. Solution should be
vial colorless to light yellow and opalescent.
It may also develop a few translucent par-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ticles; don’t use if other types of particles
➤ Moderately to severely active Crohn’s develop or discoloration occurs.
disease; reduction in the number of  Dilute total volume of reconstituted drug

draining enterocutaneous and recto- to 250 ml with normal saline solution for
vaginal fistulas and maintenance of injection. Infusion concentration range is
fistula closure in patients with fistulizing 0.4 to 4 mg/ml.
Crohn’s disease  Use an in-line, sterile, nonpyrogenic,

Adults: 5 mg/kg I.V. infusion over at least low–protein-binding filter with a pore size
2 hours. Repeat at 2 and 6 weeks, then less than 1.2 micrometer.
every 8 weeks thereafter. For patients who  Begin infusion within 3 hours of prepa-

respond and then lose their response, con- ration and give over at least 2 hours.
sider 10 mg/kg. Patients who don’t respond  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.

by week 14 are unlikely to respond with

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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726 infliximab


Binds to human tumor necrosis factor • May increase liver enzyme level. May
(TNF)-alpha to neutralize its activity and decrease hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
inhibit its binding with receptors, thereby • May decrease WBC and platelet counts.
reducing the infiltration of inflammatory • May cause false-positive antinuclear
cells and TNF-alpha production in inflamed antibody test result.
areas of the intestine.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to murine proteins or other components
Half-life: 91⁄2 days. of drug. Doses greater than 5 mg/kg are
contraindicated in patients with moderate to
ADVERSE REACTIONS severe heart failure.
CNS: fatigue, fever, headache, dizziness, • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
depression, insomnia, malaise, pain, patients with active infection, history of
systemic and cutaneous vasculitis. chronic or recurrent infections, a history of
CV: hypertension, chest pain, flushing, hematologic abnormalities, or preexisting
hypotension, pericardial effusion, tachy- or recent onset of CNS demyelinating or
cardia. seizure disorders; or in those who have lived
EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, in regions where histoplasmosis is endemic.
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
nausea, intestinal obstruction, consti- Alert: Watch for infusion-related reac-
pation, flatulence, oral pain, ulcerative tions, including fever, chills, pruritus, ur-
stomatitis, vomiting. ticaria, dyspnea, hypotension, hypertension,
GU: UTI, dysuria, increased urinary and chest pain during administration and
frequency. for 2 hours afterward. If an infusion-related
Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia, reaction occurs, stop drug, notify prescriber,
pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, and give acetaminophen, antihistamines,
hematoma. corticosteroids, and epinephrine.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, • Give for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
arthritis, myalgia. colitis only after patient has an inadequate
Respiratory: coughing, upper respira- response to conventional therapy.
tory tract infections, bronchitis, dyspnea, • Consider stopping treatment in patient
respiratory tract allergic reaction. who develops significant hematologic
Skin: rash, acne, alopecia, candidiasis, dry abnormalities or CNS adverse reactions.
skin, eczema, erythema, erythematous rash, • Notify prescriber for symptoms of new or
increased sweating, maculopapular rash, worsening heart failure.
papular rash, urticaria. Alert: Histoplasmosis, coccidioidomyco-
Other: abscess, chills, ecchymosis, flulike sis, blastomycosis, and other opportunistic
syndrome, hot flashes, peripheral edema, infections may develop with use of this
toothache. drug.
Black Box Warning Watch for development
INTERACTIONS of lymphoma and infection. A patient with
Drug-drug. TNF blockers (abatacept, chronic Crohn’s disease and long-term
anakinra, golimumab, rilonacept): May exposure to immunosuppressants is more
increase the risk of serious infections and likely to develop lymphoma and infection.
neutropenia. Avoid using together. • Drug may affect normal immune
Vaccines: May affect normal immune responses. Patient may develop autoim-
response. Postpone live-virus vaccine until mune antibodies and lupus-like syndrome;
therapy stops. stop drug if this happens. Symptoms should

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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insulin 727

Black Box Warning Drug may cause dis- isophane insulin suspension
seminated or extrapulmonary tuberculosis and insulin injection
and fatal opportunistic infections. combinations
Black Box Warning Evaluate patient for Humulin 70/30 , Novolin 70/30 ,
latent tuberculosis infection with a tuber- Novolin 70/30 PenFill , Novolin 70/30
culin skin test. Treat latent tuberculosis Prefilled 
infection before therapy.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic
Remicade with Renacidin. Pharmacologic class: Pancreatic
PATIENT TEACHING Pregnancy risk category B
• Tell patient about infusion-reaction symp-
toms and adverse effects and the need to AVAIL ABLE FORMS
report them promptly. Available without a prescription
• Advise patient to seek immediate medical insulin (regular)
attention for signs and symptoms of infec- Injection (human): 100 units/ml
tion, including persistent fever, cough, (Humulin R, Novolin R, Novolin R I
shortness of breath, or fatigue; or unusual PenFill, Novolin R Prefilled)
bleeding or bruising. isophane insulin suspension (NPH)
• Tell women to stop breast-feeding during Injection (human): 100 units/ml
therapy. (Humulin N, Novolin N, Novolin N
• Tell patient that before he receives PenFill, Novolin N Prefilled)
vaccines, he should alert prescriber to isophane insulin suspension and insulin
therapy. injection combinations
• Advise parent to get child up-to-date for Injection (human): 100 units/ml (Humulin
all vaccines before therapy. 70/30, Novolin 70/30, Novolin 70/30
PenFill, Novolin 70/30 Prefilled)
SAFETY ALERT! Available by prescription only
insulin (regular)
insulin (regular) Injection (human): 500 units/ml
IN-su-lin (Humulin R Regular U-500 [concentrated])
insulin (lispro)
Humulin R , Humulin R Regular Injection (human): 100 units/ml (Humalog)
U-500 (concentrated), Novolin R , insulin lispro protamine and insulin
Novolin R PenFill , Novolin R lispro
Prefilled  Injection (human): 100 units/ml (Humalog
Mix 75/25, Humalog Mix 50/50)
insulin (lispro)
➤ Moderate to severe diabetic keto-
insulin lispro protamine and acidosis or hyperosmolar hyperglycemia
insulin lispro regular insulin
Humalog Mix 75/25, Humalog Mix Adults older than age 20: Loading dose of
50/50 0.15 units/kg I.V. by direct injection, fol-
lowed by 0.1 unit/kg/hour as a continuous
isophane insulin suspension infusion. If glucose level doesn’t fall by
(NPH) 50 mg/dl in the first hour, double the insulin
Humulin N , Novolin N , Novolin N infusion rate every hour until glucose level
PenFill , Novolin N Prefilled  decreases steadily by 50 to 75 mg/dl/hour.
Decrease rate of insulin infusion to 0.05 to
0.1 unit/kg/hour when glucose level reaches
250 to 300 mg/dl. Start infusion of D5 W
in half-normal saline solution separately

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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728 insulin

from the insulin infusion when glucose neously within 15 minutes before or after a
level is 150 to 200 mg/dl in patients with meal.
diabetic ketoacidosis or 250 to 300 mg/dl ➤ Hyperkalemia 
in those with hyperosmolar hyperglycemia. Adults: 50 ml of dextrose 50% given over
Give dose of insulin subcutaneously 1 to 5 minutes, followed by 5 to 10 units of
2 hours before stopping insulin infusion regular insulin by I.V. push.
(intermediate-acting insulin is recom-
Adults and children age 20 and younger: I.V.
Loading dose isn’t recommended. Begin  Give only regular insulin I.V.

therapy at 0.1 unit/kg/hour I.V. infusion.  Inject directly into vein or into a port

After condition improves, decrease rate close to I.V. access site. Intermittent
of insulin infusion to 0.05 unit/kg/hour. infusion isn’t recommended.
Start infusion of D5 W in half-normal saline  For continuous infusion, dilute drug in

solution separately from the insulin infusion normal saline solution and give at pre-
when glucose level is 250 mg/dl. scribed rate.
➤ Mild diabetic ketoacidosis  Incompatibilities: Aminophylline,

regular insulin amobarbital, chlorothiazide, cytarabine,

Adults older than age 20: Loading dose digoxin, diltiazem, dobutamine, dopamine,
of 0.4 to 0.6 unit/kg divided in two equal levofloxacin, methylprednisolone sodium
parts, with half the dose given by direct I.V. succinate, nafcillin, norepinephrine, pen-
injection and half given I.M. or subcuta- tobarbital sodium, phenobarbital sodium,
neously. Subsequent doses can be based on phenytoin sodium, ranitidine, sodium
0.1 unit/kg/hour I.M. or subcutaneously. bicarbonate, thiopental.
➤ Newly diagnosed diabetes, type 1 Subcutaneous
regular insulin • Injection dosage is expressed in USP
Adults older than age 20: Individualize units. Use only the syringes calibrated for
therapy. Initially, 0.5 to 1 unit/kg/day sub- that concentration of insulin.
cutaneously as part of a regimen with short- • To mix insulin suspension, swirl vial
acting and long-acting insulin therapy. gently or rotate between palms or between
Adults and children age 20 and younger: palm and thigh. Don’t shake vigorously, to
Individualize therapy. Initially, 0.1 to avoid bubbling and air in syringe.
0.25 unit/kg subcutaneously every 6 to • Regular insulin may be mixed with NPH
8 hours for the first 24 hours to determine insulin in any proportion. When mixing
insulin requirements; then adjust accord- regular insulin with NPH, always draw up
ingly. regular insulin into syringe first.
➤ Control of hyperglycemia with • Switching from separate injections
Humalog and longer-acting insulin in to a prepared mixture may alter patient
patients with type 1 diabetes response. When NPH is mixed with regular
Adults: Dosage varies among patients and insulin in the same syringe, give immedi-
must be determined by prescriber familiar ately to avoid loss of potency.
with patient’s metabolic needs, eating • Lispro insulin may be mixed with
habits, and other lifestyle variables. Inject Humulin N; give within 15 minutes before a
subcutaneously within 15 minutes before or meal to prevent a hypoglycemic reaction.
after a meal. • Don’t use insulin that changes color or
➤ Control of hyperglycemia with becomes clumped or granular in appear-
Humalog and sulfonylureas in patients ance.
with type 2 diabetes • Check expiration date on vial before using
Adults and children older than age 3: contents.
Dosage varies among patients and must • Drug is usually given subcutaneously.
be determined by prescriber familiar with To give, pinch a fold of skin with fingers
patient’s metabolic needs, eating habits, at least 3 inches (7.5 cm) apart and insert
and other lifestyle variables. Inject subcuta- needle at a 45- to 90-degree angle.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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insulin 729

• Press, don’t rub, site after injection. calcitonin, cyclophosphamide, danazol,

Rotate injection sites to avoid overuse of diazoxide, diltiazem, diuretics, dobutamine,
one area. Diabetic patients may achieve epinephrine, estrogens, ethacrynic acid,
better control if injection site is rotated hormonal contraceptives containing estro-
within same anatomic region. gen, isoniazid, lithium, morphine, niacin,
• Store injectable insulin in cool area. nicotine, phenothiazines, phenytoin, pro-
Refrigeration is desirable. Don’t freeze. gestogens, somatropin, terbutaline, thyroid
hormones: May diminish insulin response.
AC TION Monitor glucose level.
Increases glucose transport across muscle Bronchodilators and other inhaled drugs:
and fat cell membranes to reduce glucose May alter the absorption of inhaled insulin.
level. Helps convert glucose to glycogen; Consistently time doses of other inhaled
triggers amino acid uptake and conver- drugs with inhaled insulin, and monitor
sion to protein in muscle cells; stimulates glucose level closely.
triglyceride formation and inhibits release Carteolol, nadolol, pindolol, propranolol, timo-
of free fatty acids from adipose tissue; and lol: May mask symptoms of hypoglycemia
stimulates lipoprotein lipase activity, which as a result of beta blockade (such as tachy- I
converts circulating lipoproteins to fatty cardia). May delay recovery from hypo-
acids. glycemic episodes. Use together cautiously
Route Onset Peak Duration
in patients with diabetes.
I.V. (regular) Immediate Unknown Unknown
Rosiglitazone: May cause fluid retention
Subcut. (rapid) 1⁄2 –11⁄2 hr 2–3 hr 5–7 hr that may lead to or worsen heart failure.
Subcut. 1–21⁄2 hr 4–15 hr 24 hr Monitor patient closely.
(intermediate) Drug-herb. Basil, bay, bee pollen, burdock,
Subcut. 4–8 hr 10–30 hr 36 hr ginseng, glucomannan, horehound, marsh-
(long-acting) mallow, myrrh, sage: May affect glycemic
Half-life: About 9 minutes after I.V. use. control. Discourage use together, and
monitor glucose level carefully.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Drug-food. Unregulated diet: May cause
EENT: blurred vision. hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Urge
GI: dry mouth. caution and monitor patient’s diet.
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia. hypoglycemic effect. Discourage use
Skin: rash, urticaria, pruritus, swelling, together.
redness, stinging, warmth at injection site. Marijuana use: May increase glucose level.
Respiratory: increased cough, respiratory Inform patient of this interaction.
tract infection, dyspnea, reduced pulmonary Smoking: May increase glucose level and
function. decrease response to drug. Monitor glucose
Other: lipoatrophy, lipohypertrophy, level.
anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reactions.
INTERACTIONS • May decrease glucose, magnesium, and
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, anabolic potassium levels.
steroids, antidiabetics, calcium, chloro-
quine, clonidine, disopyramide, fibrates, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
fluoxetine, guanethidine, lithium, MAO • Contraindicated in patients with history
inhibitors, mebendazole, octreotide, of systemic allergic reaction to pork when
pentamidine, propoxyphene, pyridoxine, porcine-derived products are used or hyper-
salicylates, sulfinpyrazone, sulfonamides, sensitivity to any component of preparation.
tetracyclines: May enhance hypoglycemic • Contraindicated during episodes of hypo-
effects of insulin. Monitor glucose level. glycemia.
Acetazolamide, adrenocorticosteroids, •H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia.
albuterol, antiretrovirals, asparaginase,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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730 insulin aspart (rDNA origin) injection

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS effects are temporary. Instruct patient on

Alert: Regular insulin is for patients with insulin peak times and their importance.
circulatory collapse, diabetic ketoacido- • Instruct patient on proper use of equip-
sis, or hyperkalemia. Don’t use Humulin ment for monitoring glucose level.
R (concentrated) U-500 I.V. Don’t use • Advise patient not to smoke within
intermediate- or long-acting insulins for 30 minutes after insulin injection because
coma or other emergencies requiring rapid smoking decreases amount of insulin
drug action. Also, ketosis-prone type 1, absorbed subcutaneously.
severely ill, and newly diagnosed diabetic • Advise patient to avoid vigorous exercise
patients with very high glucose levels may immediately after insulin injection, espe-
need hospitalization and I.V. treatment with cially of the area where injection was given,
regular fast-acting insulin. because it increases absorption and risk of
Alert: Some patients may develop insulin low glucose episodes.
resistance and need large insulin doses • Teach patient to avoid alcohol because it
to control symptoms of diabetes. U-500 lowers glucose level.
insulin is available as Humulin R (concen- • Advise patient to wear or carry medical
trated) U-500 for such patients. Give phar- identification at all times, to carry ample
macy sufficient notice when requesting refill insulin and syringes on trips, to keep
prescription. Never store U-500 insulin in carbohydrates (lump of sugar or candy)
same area with other insulin preparations on hand for emergencies, and to note time
because of the risk of severe overdose if zone changes for dosage schedule when
accidentally given to the wrong patient. traveling.
• Monitor patient for hyperglycemia • Advise woman planning pregnancy to first
(rebound, or Somogyi, effect). consult prescriber.
• Advise patient to store injectable insulin
PATIENT TEACHING at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). Tell him not to
• Make sure patient knows that drug freeze or expose vials to excessive heat or
relieves symptoms but doesn’t cure disease. sunlight.
• Instruct patient about the disease and
importance of following therapeutic SAFETY ALERT!
regimen, adhering to specific diet, losing
weight, getting exercise, following personal insulin aspart (rDNA origin)
hygiene program, and avoiding infection. injection
Emphasize importance of timing injections IN-su-lin AS-part
with eating and of not skipping meals.
• Stress that accuracy of measurement is NovoLog, NovoRapid†
important, especially with concentrated
regular insulin. A magnifying sleeve or dose insulin aspart (rDNA origin)
magnifier may improve accuracy. Show protamine suspension and
patient and caregivers how to measure and insulin aspart (rDNA origin)
give insulin. injection
• Advise patient not to change order in NovoLog Mix 70/30
which insulins are mixed or model or brand
of insulin, syringe, or needle. Be sure patient Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic
knows when mixing two insulins to always Pharmacologic class: Human insulin
draw the regular into the syringe first. analogue
• Teach patient that glucose level and urine Pregnancy risk category B
ketone tests provide essential guides to
dosage and success of therapy. It’s important AVAIL ABLE FORMS
for patient to recognize symptoms of high PenFill cartridges: 3 ml (100 units/ml)
and low glucose levels. Insulin-induced low Prefilled syringes: 3 ml (100 units/ml)
glucose level is hazardous and may cause Vial: 10 ml, containing 100 units of insulin
brain damage if prolonged; most adverse aspart per ml (U-100)

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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insulin aspart (rDNA origin) injection 731

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Store drug between 36◦ and 46◦ F (2◦
➤ Control of hyperglycemia in patients and 8◦ C). Don’t freeze. Don’t expose vials
with diabetes to excessive heat or sunlight. Opened vials
NovoLog of NovoLog Mix 70/30 and opened vials
Adults and children age 2 and older: and cartridges of NovoLog are stable at
Dosage is highly individualized. Typical room temperature for 28 days. Punctured
daily insulin requirement is 0.5 to 1 unit/kg/ cartridges of NovoLog Mix 70/30 may be
day, divided in a meal-related treatment stored at room temperature up to 14 days;
regimen. About 50% to 70% of dose is don’t refrigerate punctured cartridges.
provided with NovoLog and the remainder Subcutaneous
by an intermediate- or long-acting insulin. External insulin pump
Give 5 to 10 minutes before start of meal • Don’t dilute or mix insulin aspart with any
by subcutaneous injection in the abdominal other insulin when using an external insulin
wall, thigh, or upper arm. pump.
External insulin infusion pumps (adults and • Insulin aspart is recommended for use
children age 4 and older): Initially, based on with Disetronic H-TRON plus V100 with
the total daily insulin dose of the previous Disetronic 3.15 plastic cartridges and I
regimen. Usually 50% of the total dose Classic or Tender infusion sets, Polyfin
is given as meal-related boluses, and the or Sof-set infusion sets, and MiniMed
remainder as basal infusion. Adjust dose if Models 505, 506, and 507 with MiniMed
needed. 3-ml syringes.
NovoLog Mix 70/30 • Replace infusion sets, and choose a new
Adults: Dosage is individualized based on infusion site every 48 hours or less. Insulin
the needs of the patient. Doses are usually may be stored and used in the pump for up
given twice daily within 15 minutes of to 6 days.
meals. Each dose is intended to cover two • Discard insulin exposed to temperatures
meals or a meal and a snack. higher than 98.6◦ F (37◦ C). The temper-
ature of the insulin may exceed ambient
ADMINISTRATION temperature when the pump housing, cover,
Subcutaneous tubing, or sport case is exposed to sunlight
• Inspect insulin vials before use. NovoLog or radiant heat.
is a clear, colorless solution. It should not I.V.
contain particulate matter or be cloudy,  NovoLog may also be given as an I.V.

viscous, or discolored. NovoLog Mix 70/30 infusion with close medical monitoring
should be uniformly white and cloudy and of glucose and potassium levels. Using a
should not contain particulate matter or be polypropylene bag, dilute insulin aspart to
discolored. a concentration of 0.05 to 1 unit/ml in nor-
• Give NovoLog 5 to 10 minutes before mal saline solution, D5 W, or 10% dextrose
start of meal. Give NovoLog Mix 70/30 injection with 40 mEq/L of potassium
up to 15 minutes before start of meal. chloride.
Because of its rapid onset of action and Alert: Don’t give 70/30 form I.V. and
short duration of action, patients also may don’t mix it with other insulin products.
need longer-acting insulins to prevent
hyperglycemia. AC TION
• Let insulin warm to room temperature Regulates glucose metabolism. It has the
before giving to minimize discomfort. same glucose-lowering effect as regular
Give by subcutaneous injection into the human insulin, but its effect is more rapid
abdominal wall, thigh, or upper arm. Rotate and of shorter duration.
sites to minimize lipodystrophies.
• When giving and mixing NovoLog with
NPH human insulin, draw up NovoLog into
syringe first and give immediately after dose
is drawn up.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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732 insulin aspart (rDNA origin) injection

Route Onset Peak Duration Drug-herb. Burdock, dandelion, eucalyp-

I.V. Immediate Unknown 3–5 hr tus, marshmallow: May increase drug’s
Subcut. 15 min 1–3 hr 3–5 hr effects. Discourage use together.
Subcut. (70/30) Rapid 1–4 hr ≤24 hr Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
Half-life: 81 minutes.
or decrease drug effect, causing hypo-
glycemia or hyperglycemia. Advise patient
to monitor glucose level.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Exercise: May alter the need for drug,
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hypokalemia. requiring dose adjustment. Advise patient to
Skin: injection site reactions, lipodystrophy, report changes in physical activity.
pruritus, rash. Marijuana use: May increase glucose level.
Other: allergic reactions. Inform patient of this interaction.
Smoking: May increase glucose level and
INTERACTIONS decrease response to insulin. Monitor
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, disopyra- glucose level.
mide, fibrates, fluoxetine, oral antidiabetics,
propoxyphene, salicylates, somatostatin EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
analogue (octreotide), sulfonamide antibi- • May increase alkaline phosphatase level.
otics: May enhance the glucose-lowering May decrease glucose and potassium levels.
effect of insulin and may potentiate hypo-
glycemia. Monitor glucose level, and watch CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. • Contraindicated during episodes of
May need insulin dose adjustment. hypoglycemia and in patients hypersen-
Beta blockers, clonidine: May increase or sitive to NovoLog or one of its components.
decrease the glucose-lowering effect of • Use cautiously in patients susceptible
insulin and cause hypoglycemia or hyper- to hypoglycemia and hypokalemia, such
glycemia. May reduce or mask symptoms of as those who have autonomic neuropathy
hypoglycemia. Monitor glucose level. or are fasting, taking potassium-lowering
Corticosteroids, danazol, diuretics, drugs, or taking drugs sensitive to potas-
estrogens, isoniazid, niacin, phenothiazine sium level.
derivatives, progestins (as in hormonal •H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia, hy-
contraceptives), somatropin, sympath- pokalemia.
omimetics (epinephrine, salbutamol, terbu-
taline), thyroid hormones: May decrease the NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
glucose-lowering effect of insulin and cause • The time course of NovoLog action may
hyperglycemia. Monitor glucose level. May vary among people or at different times in
require insulin dose adjustment. the same person and depends on the site of
Crystalline zinc preparations: May be injection, blood supply, temperature, and
incompatible with NovoLog. Don’t mix physical activity.
together. • Adjustments in the dose of NovoLog or
Guanethidine, reserpine: May reduce or of any insulin may be needed with changes
mask symptoms of hypoglycemia. Monitor in physical activity or meal routine. Insulin
glucose level. requirements also may be altered during
Lithium salts, pentamidine: May increase emotional disturbances, illness, or other
or decrease glucose-lowering effect of stresses.
insulin and may cause hypoglycemia or • Adjust dose regularly, according to
hyperglycemia. Pentamidine may cause patient’s glucose measurements. Monitor
hypoglycemia, sometimes followed by glucose level regularly.
hyperglycemia. Monitor glucose level. • Periodically monitor glycosylated
MAO inhibitors: May increase insulin’s hemoglobin level.
effects. Monitor patient and glucose level • Assess patient for rash (including
closely. pruritus) over whole body, shortness of
breath, wheezing, hypotension, rapid pulse,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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insulin aspart (rDNA origin) injection 733

or sweating, which may signify a gener- inserting the NovoLog Penfill cartridge
alized allergy to insulin. Severe cases, into a compatible delivery device or using
including anaphylactic reactions, may be the NovoLog FlexPen. Then, to turn the
life-threatening. device upside down so the glass ball inside
• Patients with renal dysfunction and the cartridge or pen travels the length of
hepatic impairment may need close glu- the cartridge and to repeat this rolling and
cose monitoring and dose adjustments of turning technique at least 10 times until the
NovoLog. suspension is uniformly white and cloudy.
• Observe injection sites for reactions, such • Teach patient proper insulin injection
as redness, swelling, itching, or burning. technique and importance of timing dose to
These reactions should resolve within a few meals and adhering to meal plans.
days to a few weeks. • Tell patient to report swelling, redness,
• Assess patient and notify prescriber and itching at injection site, and instruct
for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia patient on the importance of rotating injec-
(sweating, shaking, trembling, confusion, tion sites to avoid lipodystrophies.
headache, irritability, hunger, rapid • Instruct patient on correct use of injection
pulse, nausea) and hyperglycemia pen, if indicated. I
(drowsiness, fruity breath odor, frequent • Instruct patient to use the same brand
urination, thirst). of insulin, especially if mixing insulin.
• Symptoms of hypoglycemia may occur in Changing brands of insulin may necessitate
patients with diabetes, regardless of glucose dosage changes.
value. • Tell patient not to dilute or mix insulin
• Patients with long duration of diabetes, aspart with any other insulin when using an
diabetic nerve disease, or intensified external insulin pump.
diabetes control may have different or less- • Instruct patient to monitor glucose level
pronounced early warning symptoms of regularly.
hypoglycemia; severe hypoglycemia may • Advise patient to avoid vigorous exercise
occur in such patients with virtually no immediately after insulin injection, espe-
warning. cially of the area where injection was given;
For external pump use with NovoLog it causes increased absorption and increased
• Monitor patient with an external insulin risk of low glucose level.
pump for erythematous, pruritic, or thick- • Advise patient to store insulin at 36◦ to
ened skin at injection site. 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C), and avoid freezing or
Alert: Pump or infusion set malfunctions excessive heat or sunlight.
or insulin degradation can lead to hyper- • Advise women to notify prescriber about
glycemia and ketosis in a short time because planned, suspected, or known pregnancy.
there’s a subcutaneous depot of fast-acting • Urge patient to carry medical identifica-
insulin. tion at all times.
• Teach patient how to properly use the • Instruct patient about the importance of
external insulin pump. diet and exercise. Explain long-term com-
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse plications of diabetes and the importance of
NovoLog Mix 70/30 with Novolin 70/30. yearly eye and foot examinations.

• Tell patient not to stop insulin therapy
without medical approval.
• Advise patient of the warning signs of low
glucose level (shaking, sweating, moodi-
ness, irritability, confusion, or agitation).
Tell patient to carry sugar (candy, sugar
packets) to counteract low glucose level.
• Instruct patient to roll the cartridge or
pen between his palms 10 times before

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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734 insulin detemir (rDNA origin) injection

SAFETY ALERT! kept at room temperature, below 86◦ F

(30◦ C). Don’t store in-use cartridges and
insulin detemir (rDNA origin) prefilled syringes in a refrigerator or with
injection the needle in place. Keep all cartridges and
IN-su-lin DEH-teh-meer prefilled syringes away from direct heat and
sunlight. Unopened cartridges and prefilled
Levemir syringes can be used until the expiration
date printed on the label if they’re stored in
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic a refrigerator. Keep unused cartridges and
Pharmacologic class: Insulin analogue prefilled syringes in the carton so they’ll
Pregnancy risk category C stay clean and protected from light.


Injection: 100 units/ml in 10-ml vials, 3-ml Regulates glucose metabolism by binding
cartridges (PenFill), 3-ml prefilled syringes to insulin receptors, facilitating cellular
(InnoLet, FlexPen) uptake of glucose into muscle and fat, and
inhibiting release of glucose from liver.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Route Onset Peak Duration
➤ Hyperglycemia in patients with Subcut. Unknown 6–8 hr 6–23 hr
diabetes mellitus who need basal (long-
acting) insulin Half-life: 5 to 7 hours.
Adults and children age 6 and older: Base
dosage on patient response and glucose ADVERSE REACTIONS
level. In insulin-naive patients with type CV: edema.
2 diabetes, start with 0.1 to 0.2 units/kg Metabolic: HYPOGLYCEMIA, sodium
subcutaneously once daily in the evening retention, weight gain.
or 10 units once or twice daily based on Skin: injection site reactions, lipodystrophy,
glucose level. Patients with type 1 or pruritus, rash.
2 diabetes already receiving basal-bolus Other: allergic reactions.
treatment or basal insulin may switch to this
drug on a unit-for-unit basis, adjusted to INTERACTIONS
glycemic target. Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, antidiabetic
drugs, disopyramide, fibrates, fluoxetine,
ADMINISTRATION MAO inhibitors, octreotide, propoxyphene,
Subcutaneous salicylates, sulfonamides: May increase the
Alert: Don’t give I.V. or I.M. glucose-lowering effect of insulin and risk
Alert: Don’t mix or dilute with other of hypoglycemia. Monitor glucose level
insulins. carefully.
• Give by subcutaneous injection in the Beta blockers, clonidine, guanethidine,
thigh, abdominal wall, or upper arm. Rotate reserpine: May decrease or conceal signs
injection sites within the same region. of hypoglycemia. Avoid using together, if
• Store unused insulin detemir between possible.
36◦ and 46◦ F (2◦ and 8◦ C). Don’t freeze. Clonidine, lithium salts: May increase or
Don’t use insulin detemir if it has been decrease glucose-lowering effect of insulin.
frozen. Monitor glucose level carefully.
• After initial use, store vials in a refriger- Corticosteroids, danazol, diuretics,
ator, never in a freezer. If refrigeration isn’t estrogens, isoniazid, phenothiazines, pro-
possible, keep in-use vial unrefrigerated at gestogens, somatropin, sympathomimetics,
room temperature, below 86◦ F (30◦ C), for thyroid hormones: May decrease glucose-
up to 42 days. Keep vial as cool as possible, lowering effect of insulin. Monitor glucose
away from direct heat and light. level carefully.
• After initial use, a cartridge or prefilled
syringe may be used for up to 42 days if

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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insulin detemir (rDNA origin) injection 735

Other insulins: May alter the action of one Alert: Urge patient not to mix with any
or both insulins if mixed together. Don’t mix other insulin or solution.
or dilute insulin detemir with other insulins. • Instruct patient to use only solution that’s
Pentamidine: May cause initial hypo- clear and colorless, with no visible particles.
glycemia followed by hyperglycemia. Use • Tell patient to recognize and report signs
together cautiously. and symptoms of hyperglycemia, such as
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, flushed dry
or decrease effect of drug. Discourage use skin, dry mouth, increased urination, thirst,
together. and loss of appetite.
• Urge patient to check glucose level often
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS to achieve control and avoid hyperglycemia
• May decrease glucose level. and hypoglycemia.
• Teach patient to recognize and report
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia, such
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive as sweating, dizziness, light-headedness,
to drug or its components. Don’t give drug headache, drowsiness, and irritability.
with an insulin infusion pump. • Advise patient to carry a quick source of I
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic simple sugar, such as hard candy or glucose
or renal impairment; they may need dosage tablets, in case of hypoglycemia.
adjustment. • Caution patient not to stop insulin
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia. abruptly or change the amount or type of
insulin used without consulting prescriber.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Advise patient to avoid alcohol because it
• Monitor glucose level routinely in all lowers the glucose level.
patients receiving insulin. • Caution women to consult prescriber
• Measure patient’s glycosylated before trying to become pregnant.
hemoglobin level periodically. • Tell patient to store unused vials, car-
• Watch for hyperglycemia, especially if tridges, and prefilled syringes in the refrig-
patient’s diet or exercise pattern changes. erator at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C).
• Assess patient for signs and symptoms • After initial use, vials may be refrigerated
of hypoglycemia. Insulin doses may need or stored at room temperature, below 86◦ F
adjustment. (30◦ C), away from direct heat and light,
• Early warning symptoms of hypoglycemia for up to 42 days. Cartridges or prefilled
may be less pronounced in patients who take syringes may be stored at room temperature,
beta blockers and those with longstanding below 86◦ F (30◦ C). Tell patient not to
diabetes, diabetic nerve disease, or intensi- store or refrigerate insulin with a needle in
fied diabetes control. Monitor glucose level place.
closely in these patients because severe • Caution against freezing drug and against
hypoglycemia could develop before symp- using drug that has been frozen.
toms do.
• Insulin requirements may be altered
during illness, emotional disturbance, or
stress, or if patient changes his usual meal
plan or exercise level.
• Starting dosage, increments of change,
and maintenance dosage should be conser-
vative in elderly patients as hypoglycemia
may be harder to recognize.

• Teach diabetes management, including
glucose monitoring, injection techniques,
and continuous rotation of injection sites.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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736 insulin glargine (rDNA origin) injection


Reduces glucose level by stimulating
insulin glargine (rDNA peripheral glucose uptake, especially by
origin) injection skeletal muscle and fat, and by inhibiting
IN-su-lin GLAR-gene hepatic glucose production.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Lantus Subcut. 1 hr None 24 hr

Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic Half-life: Unknown.

Pharmacologic class: Pancreatic
Pregnancy risk category C Metabolic: hypoglycemia.
Skin: lipodystrophy, pruritus, rash.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Other: allergic reactions, pain at injection
Injection: 100 units/ml in 10-ml vials, site.
3-ml cartridge (OptiClik), 3-ml disposable
insulin device (SoloStar) INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, disopyramide,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES fibrates, fluoxetine, MAO inhibitors, oc-
➤ To manage type 1 (insulin-dependent) treotide, oral antidiabetics, propoxyphene,
diabetes in patients who need basal (long- salicylates, sulfonamide antibiotics: May
acting) insulin to control hyperglycemia cause hypoglycemia and increase insulin
Adults and children age 6 and older: effect. Monitor glucose level. May need to
Individualize dosage, and give subcuta- adjust dosage of insulin glargine.
neously once daily at the same time each Beta blockers, clonidine: May mask signs
day. Maintenance dosage is 2 to 100 units of hypoglycemia and may either increase
daily. or reduce insulin’s glucose-lowering effect.
➤ To manage type 2 (non–insulin- Avoid using together, if possible. If used
dependent) diabetes in patients who together, monitor glucose level carefully.
need basal (long-acting) insulin to control Corticosteroids, danazol, diuretics, estro-
hyperglycemia gens, isoniazid, phenothiazines (such as
Adults: Individualize dosage, and give prochlorperazine, promethazine hydrochlo-
subcutaneously once daily at the same time ride), progestins (such as hormonal contra-
each day. If patient is insulin-naive, start ceptives), somatropin, sympathomimetics
with 10 units subcutaneously daily. Adjust (such as albuterol, epinephrine, terbu-
dose to patient response. Maintenance taline), thyroid hormones: May reduce the
dosage is 2 to 100 units daily. glucose-lowering effect of insulin. Monitor
glucose level. May need to adjust dosage of
ADMINISTRATION insulin glargine.
Subcutaneous Guanethidine, reserpine: May mask the
Alert: Don’t give I.V. or with an insulin signs of hypoglycemia. Avoid using to-
pump. gether, if possible. Monitor glucose level
Alert: Don’t mix or dilute with other carefully.
insulins or solutions. Lithium: May either increase or decrease
• Rotate injection sites with each dose. the glucose-lowering effect of insulin.
• Store unopened insulin vials and 3-ml Monitor glucose level. May require dosage
cartridge system in the refrigerator; opened adjustments of insulin glargine.
vials may be stored at 86◦ F (30◦ C) or less Pentamidine: May cause hypoglycemia,
and away from direct heat. Discard opened which may be followed by hyperglycemia.
vials or cartridge system after 28 days Avoid using together, if possible.
whether refrigerated or not. Don’t freeze Drug-herb. Burdock, dandelion, euca-
or refrigerate the open, in-use cartridge lyptus, marshmallow: May increase hypo-
system if inserted in OptiClik. glycemic effects. Discourage use together.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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insulin glargine (rDNA origin) injection 737

Licorice root: May increase dosage require- such as fatigue, weakness, confusion,
ments of insulin. Discourage use together. headache, pallor, and profuse sweating.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use, emotional • Urge patient to wear or carry medical
stress: May increase or decrease the identification at all times.
glucose-lowering effect of insulin. Advise • Advise patient to treat mild hypoglycemia
patient to self-monitor glucose level. with oral glucose tablets. Encourage patient
to always carry glucose tablets in case of a
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS low-glucose episode.
• May decrease glucose level. • Educate patients on the importance of
maintaining prescribed diet, and explain
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS that adjustments in drug dosage, meal
• Contraindicated during hypoglycemic patterns, and exercise may be needed to
episodes and in patients hypersensitive to regulate glucose.
drug or its components. Alert: Advise patient not to dilute or mix
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or any other insulin or solution with insulin
hepatic impairment. glargine. If the solution is cloudy, urge
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia, severe hy- patient to discard the vial. Use solution only I
poglycemia (coma, neurologic impairment, if it’s clear and colorless.
seizures). Alert: Make any change of insulin cau-
tiously and only under medical supervision.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Changes in insulin strength, manufacturer,
• Because of prolonged duration, this isn’t type (such as regular, NPH, or insulin
the insulin of choice for diabetic ketoacido- analogues), species (animal, human), or
sis. method of manufacturer (rDNA versus
• The rate of absorption, onset, and dura- animal source insulin) may require a change
tion of action may be affected by exercise in dosage. Oral antidiabetic treatment taken
and other variables, such as illness and at the same time may need to be adjusted.
emotional stress. • Tell patient to consult prescriber before
• As with any insulin therapy, lipodystrophy using OTC medications.
may occur at the injection site and delay • Inform patient to avoid alcohol, which
insulin absorption. Reduce this risk by lowers glucose level.
rotating the injection site with each injec- • Advise patient to avoid vigorous exercise
tion. immediately after insulin injection, espe-
• Hypoglycemia is the most common cially of the area where injection was given;
adverse effect of insulin. Early symptoms it causes increased absorption and increased
may be different or less pronounced in risk of low glucose.
patients with long duration of diabetes, • Advise woman planning pregnancy to first
diabetic nerve disease, or intensified consult prescriber.
diabetes control. Monitor glucose level • Advise patient that if OptiClik device
closely in these patients because severe malfunctions, drug may be drawn from the
hypoglycemia may result before the patient cartridge system into a U-100 syringe and
develops symptoms. injected.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse • Advise patient on proper drug storage:
Lantus with Lente. store unopened insulin vials and 3-ml
cartridge system in the refrigerator, opened
PATIENT TEACHING vials may be stored at 86◦ F (30◦ C) or
• Teach proper glucose monitoring, injec- less and away from direct heat, discard
tion techniques, and diabetes management. opened vials or cartridge system after
• Tell patient to take dose once daily at the 28 days whether refrigerated or not, and
same time each day. don’t freeze or refrigerate the open, in-use
Alert: Educate diabetic patients about cartridge system if inserted in OptiClik.
signs and symptoms of low glucose level,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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738 insulin glulisine (rDNA origin) injection

SAFETY ALERT! the infusion fluid, sterile 0.9% sodium

chloride solution, using polyvinyl chloride
insulin glulisine (rDNA (PVC) Viaflex infusion bags and PVC
origin) injection tubing (Clearlink system Continu-Flo
IN-su-lin GLUE-lih-seen solution set) with a dedicated infusion line.
The use of other bags and tubing hasn’t
Apidra, Apidra SoloStar been studied.

Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic AC TION

Pharmacologic class: Human insulin Lowers glucose level by increasing periph-
analogue eral glucose uptake and decreasing hepatic
Pregnancy risk category C glucose production. When drug is given by
subcutaneous injection, onset of action is
AVAIL ABLE FORMS more rapid and duration of action shorter
Injection: 100 units/ml in 10-ml vial, 3-ml than those of regular human insulin.
cartridge (OptiClik), or 3-ml prefilled pen Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate Unknown Unknown
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Subcut. 15 min 55 min Unknown
➤ Diabetes mellitus
Adults and children age 4 and older: Half-life: 13 minutes (I.V.), 42 minutes (subcuta-
Individualize dosage. Give 0.5 to 1 unit/kg/ neous).
day subcutaneous injection within 15 min-
utes before a meal. If regimen also includes ADVERSE REACTIONS
a longer-acting insulin or basal insulin CNS: headache, seizures.
analogue, give within 20 minutes after CV: hypertension, peripheral edema.
meal starts. Or, give drug as continuous EENT: nasopharyngitis.
subcutaneous infusion using an external Metabolic: hypoglycemia.
infusion pump. Or, drug may be given I.V. Respiratory: upper respiratory tract
under strict medical supervision with close infection.
monitoring of blood glucose and potassium Skin: injection site reactions, lipodystro-
levels. phy, pruritus, rash.
Other: allergic reactions, anaphylaxis,
ADMINISTRATION insulin antibody production, influenza.
Alert: Drug has a more rapid onset and INTERACTIONS
shorter duration of action than regular Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, disopyramide,
human insulin. Give within 15 minutes fibrates, fluoxetine, MAO inhibitors, oral
before or within 20 minutes after the start of antidiabetics, pentoxifylline, propoxyphene,
a meal. salicylates, sulfonamide antibiotics: May
• Don’t mix drug in a syringe with any other increase glucose-lowering effects. Monitor
insulin except NPH. glucose level, and watch for evidence of
• When used in an external subcutaneous hypoglycemia.
infusion pump, don’t mix drug with any Beta blockers, clonidine, lithium, pentami-
other insulin or diluent. dine: May cause unpredictable response to
• Store unopened vials in the refrigerator insulin. Use together cautiously; monitor
and opened vials in the refrigerator or below patient closely.
77◦ F (25◦ C). Use opened vials within Clozapine, corticosteroids, danazol,
28 days. Infusion bags are stable at room diazoxide, diuretics, estrogens, glucagons,
temperature for 48 hours. Protect from isoniazid, olanzapine, phenothiazines, pro-
direct heat and light. gestogens, protease inhibitors, somatropin,
I.V. sympathomimetics (such as epinephrine,
 Use at a concentration of insulin gluli- albuterol, and terbutaline), thyroid
sine 1 unit/ml in infusion systems with

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-I LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:42

interferon alfa-2b, recombinant 739

hormone: May decrease glucose-lowering draw insulin glulisine into the syringe first,
effects. Monitor glucose level carefully. followed by NPH insulin, and to inject the
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol: May potentiate mixture immediately.
or reduce insulin effects, resulting in either • Instruct patient to rotate injection sites to
hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Discour- avoid injection-site reactions.
age alcohol use. • If patient is using an external infusion
pump, teach proper use of the device. Tell
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS patient not to mix insulin glulisine with any
• May decrease glucose level. other insulin or diluents. Instruct patient to
change the infusion set, reservoir with insu-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS lin, and infusion site at least every 48 hours.
• Contraindicated during periods of hypo- • Teach patient the signs and symptoms of
glycemia and in patients hypersensitive to hypoglycemia (sweating, rapid pulse, trem-
insulin glulisine or one of its ingredients. bling, confusion, headache, irritability, and
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired nausea). Advise the patient to treat these
renal or hepatic function and in pregnant or symptoms by eating or drinking something
breast-feeding women. containing sugar. I
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia, hypo- • Instruct the patient to contact a health care
kalemia. provider for possible dosage adjustments if
hypoglycemia occurs frequently.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Show patient how to monitor and log
• Use with a longer-acting or basal insulin glucose levels to evaluate diabetes control.
analogue. • Explain the possible long-term compli-
• Changes in insulin strength, manufac- cations of diabetes and the importance of
turer, type, or species may cause a need for regular preventive therapy. Urge patient to
dosage adjustment. follow prescribed diet and exercise regimen.
• Changes in physical activity or usual To further reduce the risk of heart disease,
meal plan may cause a need for dosage encourage patient to stop smoking and lose
adjustment. weight.
• Insulin requirements may be altered • Instruct patient to carry medical identifi-
during illness, emotional disturbances, or cation showing that he has diabetes.
stress. • Tell patient to store unopened vials in the
• Early warning signs of hypoglycemia may refrigerator and opened vials in the refriger-
be different or less pronounced in patients ator or below 77◦ F (25◦ C). Opened vials
who take beta blockers, who have had an should be used within 28 days. Protect from
oral antidiabetic added to the regimen, or direct heat and light.
who have long-term diabetes or diabetic
nerve disease. SAFETY ALERT!
• Monitor patient for lipodystrophy at injec-
tion site; it may delay insulin absorption. interferon alfa-2b,
• Redness, swelling, or itching may occur at recombinant (IFN-alpha 2)
injection site. in-ter-FEER-on


• Tell patient to take drug within 15 minutes
before starting a meal to 20 minutes after Therapeutic class: Antiviral
starting a meal, depending on regimen. Pharmacologic class: Biologic response
• Teach patient how to give subcutaneous modifier
insulin injections. Pregnancy risk category C
• Tell patient not to mix insulin glulisine in
a syringe with any insulin other than NPH. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• If patient is mixing insulin glulisine with Solution for injection: 3, 5, and 10 million
NPH, tell patient to use U-100 syringes, to international units/dose in multidose pens;

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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740 interferon alfa-2b, recombinant

10 million international units/vial; 18 and ➤ Adjunct to surgical treatment in pa-

25 million international units in multidose tients with malignant melanoma who are
vials asymptomatic after surgery but at high
Powder for injection: 10, 18, and 50 million risk for systemic recurrence for up to
international units/vial with diluent 8 weeks after surgery
Adults: Initially, 20 million international
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES units/m2 by I.V. infusion 5 consecutive
➤ Hairy cell leukemia days weekly for 4 weeks; then maintenance
Adults: 2 million international units/m2 dose of 10 million international units/m2
I.M. or subcutaneously, three times weekly subcutaneously three times weekly for
for 6 months or more if patient is respond- 48 weeks. If adverse effects occur, stop
ing to treatment. therapy until they abate; then resume
➤ Condylomata acuminata (genital or therapy at 50% of the previous dose. If
venereal warts) intolerance persists, stop therapy.
Adults: 1 million international units for each ➤ First treatment of clinically aggressive
lesion (maximum five lesions in a single follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma with
course) intralesionally three times weekly chemotherapy containing anthracycline
for 3 weeks. Additional course may be given Adults: 5 million international units sub-
at 12 to 16 weeks. cutaneously three times weekly for up to
➤ AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma 18 months.
Adults: 30 million international units/m2
subcutaneously or I.M. three times weekly. ADMINISTRATION
Maintain dose unless disease progresses I.V.
rapidly or intolerance occurs.  Prepare infusion solution immediately

➤ Chronic hepatitis B before use.

Adults: 30 to 35 million international units  Based on desired dose, reconstitute

weekly I.M. or subcutaneously, given as appropriate vial strength of drug with

5 million international units daily or 10 mil- diluent provided. Withdraw dose and
lion international units three times weekly inject into a 100-ml bag of normal saline
for 16 weeks. solution. Final yield of drug shouldn’t be
Children ages 1 to 17: 3 million interna- less than 10 million international units/
tional units/m2 subcutaneously three times 100 ml.
weekly for first week; then increase to 6 mil-  Infuse over 20 minutes.

lion international units/m2 subcutaneously  Store solution in refrigerator. Store

three times weekly (maximum is 10 million powder before and after reconstitution in
international units three times weekly) for refrigerator. Use within 24 hours.
total of 16 to 24 weeks.  Incompatibilities: Dextrose solutions.

Adjust-a-dose: If WBC count is less than I.M.

1.5 × 109 /L, granulocyte count is less • Carefully monitor injection sites in
than 0.75 × 109 /L, or platelet count is less patient with thrombocytopenia. Avoid I.M.
than 50 × 109 /L, reduce dose by 50%. injections if possible.
Permanently discontinue drug if WBC • In patients whose platelet count is below
count is less than 1 × 109 /L, granulocyte 50,000/mm3 , give subcutaneously.
count is less than 0.5 × 109 /L, or platelet • Give drug at bedtime to minimize daytime
count is less than 25 × 109 /L. drowsiness.
➤ Chronic hepatitis C Subcutaneous
Adults: 3 million international units I.M. or • For condylomata acuminata intralesional
subcutaneously three times weekly. In pa- injection, use only 10 million-international
tients tolerating therapy with normalization unit vial because dilution of other strengths
of ALT at 16 weeks of therapy, continue for for intralesional use results in a hypertonic
18 to 24 months. In patients who haven’t solution.
normalized the ALT, consider stopping

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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interferon alfa-2b, recombinant 741

• Don’t reconstitute drug in 10 million- Live-virus vaccines: May increase adverse

international unit vial with more than 1 ml reactions to vaccine or decrease antibody
of diluent. response. Postpone immunization.
• Use tuberculin or similar syringe and 25G Zidovudine: May cause synergistic adverse
to 30G needle. effects (higher risk of neutropenia). Care-
• Don’t inject too deep beneath lesion or too fully monitor WBC count.
superficially. As many as five lesions can be
treated at one time. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• To ease discomfort, give in evening with • May increase calcium, phosphate,
acetaminophen. AST, ALT, LDH, alkaline phosphatase,
and fasting glucose levels. May decrease
AC TION hemoglobin level.
Unknown. May inhibit tumor or viral cell • May increase PT, INR, and PTT. May
replication and modulate host immune decrease WBC and platelet counts.
response by enhancing macrophage activity
and improving specific lymphocytes’ cyto- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
toxicity for target cells. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive I
Route Onset Peak Duration
to drug or its components.
I.V. Unknown 15–60 min 4 hr
Alert: Combination therapy with ribavirin
I.M., Subcut. Unknown 3–12 hr 16 hr is contraindicated in pregnant women and in
men whose female partners are pregnant.
Half-life: 31⁄2 to 81⁄2 hours. • Use cautiously in elderly patients and
in those with history of CV disease, pul-
ADVERSE REACTIONS monary disease, diabetes mellitus, coagula-
CNS: apathy, amnesia, asthenia, depres- tion disorders, renal impairment, and severe
sion, difficulty in thinking or concentrating, myelosuppression.
dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, paresthesia, • Depression and suicidal behavior have
somnolence, anxiety, lethargy, nervousness, been linked to drug use; patients with
weakness, headache. psychotic disorders, especially depression,
CV: chest pain, cyanosis, edema, hypoten- shouldn’t continue drug treatment.
sion. Alert: Neurotoxicity and cardiotoxicity
EENT: conjunctivitis, earache, rhinorrhea, are more common in elderly patients,
sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis. especially those with underlying CNS or
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, dry mouth, dys- cardiac impairment.
pepsia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, •H Overdose S&S: Abnormal liver enzyme
constipation, esophagitis, flatulence, stom- levels, renal failure, hemorrhage, MI.
GU: decreased libido, impotence. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocytope- Black Box Warning Alpha interferons
nia, anemia, neutropenia. cause or aggravate fatal or life-threatening
Hepatic: hepatitis. neuropsychiatric, autoimmune, ischemic,
Respiratory: coughing, dyspnea. and infectious disorders. Monitor patients
Skin: alopecia, dryness, increased di- closely with periodic clinical and laboratory
aphoresis, pruritus, rash, dermatitis. evaluations. Withdraw patients with persis-
Other: flulike syndrome, injection site tently severe or worsening signs or symp-
reaction. toms of these conditions from therapy.
Alert: Not all dosage forms are appro-
INTERACTIONS priate for all indications. Read package
Drug-drug. Aminophylline, theophylline: insert for approved indications before use.
May reduce theophylline clearance. Monitor • Ensure patient is well hydrated, especially
theophylline level. at beginning of treatment.
CNS depressants: May increase CNS • At start of treatment, monitor patient
effects. Avoid using together. for flulike signs and symptoms, which

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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742 interferon alfacon-1

tend to diminish with continued therapy. • If patient will give drug to himself, teach
Premedicate patient with acetaminophen to him how to prepare injection and to use
minimize these symptoms. disposable syringe. Give him information
• Periodically check for adverse CNS reac- on drug stability.
tions, such as decreased mental status and • Tell patient that drug may cause tempo-
dizziness, during therapy. rary partial hair loss; hair should return after
• Monitor CBC with differential, platelet drug is stopped.
count, blood chemistry and electrolyte stud- • Advise patient to notify prescriber if signs
ies, and liver function tests. Monitor ECG or symptoms of depression occur.
if patient has cardiac disorder or advanced Black Box Warning Because of fetal risk,
stages of cancer. warn women of childbearing age and
• For patients who develop thrombocytope- male patients with partners of childbear-
nia, exercise extreme care in performing ing age who are receiving combination
invasive procedures; inspect injection site therapy with ribavirin to use two forms of
and skin frequently for signs and symptoms contraception.
of bruising; limit frequency of I.M. injec-
tions; test urine, emesis fluid, stool, and SAFETY ALERT!
secretions for occult blood.
• Severe adverse reactions may need dosage interferon alfacon-1
reduction to one-half or stoppage of drug in-ter-FEER-on
until reactions subside.
• Use with blood dyscrasia–causing drugs, Infergen
bone marrow suppressants, or radiation
therapy may increase bone marrow suppres- Therapeutic class: Immune response
sion. Dosage reduction may be needed. modifier
• For condylomata acuminata, maximum Pharmacologic class: Biologic response
response usually occurs in 4 to 8 weeks. modifier
If results are not satisfactory after 12 to Pregnancy risk category C
16 weeks, a second course may be started.
Patients with 6 to 10 condylomata may re- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ceive a second course of treatment; patients Injection: 9 mcg/0.3-ml, 15 mcg/0.5-ml
with more than 10 condylomata may receive vials
additional courses.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Chronic hepatitis C viral infection in
• Advise patient to avoid contact with patients with compensated liver disease
persons with viral illness; patient is at in- Adults: 9 mcg subcutaneously three times
creased risk for infection during therapy. weekly for 24 weeks; for patients who don’t
• Advise patient that laboratory tests will be respond or who relapse, 15 mcg subcuta-
performed before and periodically during neously three times weekly for up to
therapy. 48 weeks. Allow at least 48 hours between
• Teach patient proper oral hygiene during doses.
treatment because bone marrow suppressant Adjust-a-dose: For patients intolerant to
effects of interferon may lead to microbial higher doses, dose may be reduced to
infection, delayed healing, and bleeding 7.5 mcg. Don’t give doses below 7.5 mcg
gums. Drug also may decrease salivary flow. because decreased efficacy may result.
• Advise patient to check with prescriber ✷ NEW INDICATION: Chronic hepatitis C
for instructions after missing a dose. viral infection in patients with compen-
• Stress need to follow prescriber’s sated liver disease (in combination with
instructions about taking and recording ribavirin)
temperature and how and when to take acet- Adults weighing more than 75 kg (165 lb):
aminophen. 15 mcg daily subcutaneously with ribavirin
1,200 mg P.O. daily for up to 48 weeks.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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interferon alfacon-1 743

Adults weighing less than 75 kg: 15 mcg INTERACTIONS

daily subcutaneously with ribavirin Drug-drug. Drugs metabolized by
1,000 mg P.O. daily for up to 48 weeks. cytochrome P-450: May alter drug levels.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients intolerant to Monitor changes in levels of these drugs.
starting dose, may decrease to 9 mcg daily, Myelosuppressives: May cause added
and then to 6 mcg daily as necessary. hematologic toxicities; use cautiously
together. Monitor CBC and therapeutic
ADMINISTRATION or toxic level of myelosuppressive.
• Store drug in refrigerator at 36◦ to 46◦ F EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
(2◦ to 8◦ C); don’t freeze. Injection may • May increase triglyceride and TSH levels.
be allowed to reach room temperature just May decrease T4 levels.
before use. • May increase PT and INR. May decrease
• Avoid vigorous shaking. granulocyte, WBC, and platelet counts.
• Discard unused portion. May decrease hemoglobin and hematocrit
Induces gene-mediated biological responses CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
that include antiviral, antiproliferative, and • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
immunomodulatory effects and cytokine to alpha interferons, to Escherichia coli–
regulation. derived products, or to any component of
Route Onset Peak Duration
product; and in patients with history of
Subcut. Unknown 24–36 hr Unknown
severe psychiatric disorders, autoimmune
hepatitis, or decompensated hepatic disease.
Half-life: Unknown. • Use with caution in patients with history
of cardiac disease and other autoimmune
ADVERSE REACTIONS or endocrine disorders, in those with ab-
CNS: amnesia, anxiety, depression, dizzi- normally low peripheral blood cell counts,
ness, emotional lability, headache, insom- and in those receiving drugs that cause
nia, malaise, nervousness, paresthesia, myelosuppression.
suicidal ideation, agitation, confusion. • Use of monotherapy isn’t recommended
CV: hypertension, palpitations, tachycardia, unless patient is intolerant to ribavirin.
chest pain. • Use of combination therapy in treatment-
EENT: pharyngitis, retinal hemorrhages, naı̈ve patients and in patients with human
rhinitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, ear pain, papilloma virus or HIV-1 hasn’t been evalu-
epistaxis, loss of visual acuity or visual ated for safety and efficacy.
field, tinnitus. • Patients with limited response to prior
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, therapy, Gentotype 1, high viral load,
dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, African-American race, or cirrhosis are
decreased saliva, flatulence, hemorrhoids, less likely to benefit from combination
taste perversion. therapy.
GU: dysmenorrhea, vaginitis. •H Overdose S&S: Anorexia, chills, fever,
Hematologic: anemia, granulocytopenia, myalgia, elevated liver enzyme levels.
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, ecchymo-
sis, lymphadenopathy, lymphocytosis. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Metabolic: hypothyroidism. Black Box Warning Alpha interferons may
Respiratory: congestion, cough, infection, cause or aggravate fatal or life-threatening
bronchitis, dyspnea. neuropsychiatric, autoimmune, ischemic,
Skin: alopecia, erythema at injection site, and infectious disorders. Monitor patients
pruritus, rash, dry skin. closely with periodic clinical and laboratory
Other: body pain, flulike symptoms, hy- evaluations. Withdraw patients with persis-
persensitivity reactions, decreased libido, tently severe or worsening signs or symp-
toothache. toms of these conditions from therapy.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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744 interferon beta-1a

Black Box Warning Use with ribavirin SAFETY ALERT!

may cause birth defects or fetal death.
Female patients and female partners of interferon beta-1a
male patients should avoid pregnancy. in-ter-FEER-on
Black Box Warning Use with ribavirin may
cause hemolytic anemia and worsen cardiac Avonex, Rebif
• Discontinue ribavirin if interferon Therapeutic class: Antiviral
alfacon-1 is stopped, even temporarily. Pharmacologic class: Biologic response
• Obtain the following laboratory tests modifier
before therapy, 2 weeks after it starts, and Pregnancy risk category C
periodically during therapy: CBC with
platelet count, and creatinine, albumin, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
bilirubin, TSH, and T4 levels. Avonex
Alert: If hypersensitivity reaction occurs, Lyophilized powder for injection: 33 mcg
stop drug immediately and treat. Premedica- (6.6 million international units)
tion with acetaminophen or ibuprofen may Prefilled syringe: 30 mcg (6 million interna-
decrease adverse effects. tional units)/0.5 ml
• Allow at least 48 hours to elapse between Rebif
doses. Parenteral: 8.8 mcg (2.4 million inter-
• Dosages and adverse reactions vary national units), 22 mcg (6 million inter-
among different subtypes of drug. Don’t national units), and 44 mcg (12 million
use different subtypes in a single treatment international units) in prefilled syringe
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ To slow accumulation of physical dis-
• If drug is to be used at home, instruct ability and decrease frequency of clinical
patient on appropriate use, dosage, and worsening in patients with relapsing
administration. Give the patient information forms of multiple sclerosis (MS)
leaflet available from the manufacturer Adults age 18 and older: 30 mcg Avonex
to the patient. Also teach patient proper I.M. once weekly. Or, initially, 8.8 mcg
disposal procedures for needles, syringes, Rebif subcutaneously three times weekly for
drug containers, and unused drug. 2 weeks; then increase dose to 22 mcg three
• Instruct patient not to reuse needles or times weekly for another 2 weeks. Then
syringes or reenter vial. increase to a maintenance dose of 44 mcg
• Urge patient not to use vial that’s discol- subcutaneously three times weekly.
ored or contains particulates. Adjust-a-dose: For Rebif, in patients with
• Tell patient that nonnarcotic analgesics leukopenia or elevated liver function test
and bedtime administration may be used values (ALT greater than five times upper
to prevent or lessen flulike symptoms limit of normal), reduce dosage by 20% to
(headache, fever, malaise, muscle pain) 50% until toxicity is resolved. Stop treat-
related to therapy. ment if jaundice or other signs of hepatic
• Instruct patient to immediately report injury occur.
symptoms of depression. ➤ First MS attack if brain magnetic
resonance imaging shows abnormalities
consistent with MS
Adults: 30 mcg Avonex I.M. once weekly.

• Visually inspect Rebif for particulate
matter and discoloration before administra-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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interferon beta-1a 745

• Rotate sites of injection. EENT: abnormal vision, sinusitis, de-

• Administer Rebif at same time on same creased hearing, otitis media.
3 days at least 48 hours apart each week GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
(late afternoon or evening on Monday, nausea, anorexia, dry mouth.
Wednesday, and Friday). GU: increased urinary frequency, ovarian
• Store Rebif in the refrigerator between cyst, urinary incontinence, vaginitis.
36◦ and 46◦ F (2◦ and 8◦ C). Don’t freeze. Hematologic: lymphadenopathy, leukope-
Rebif may be stored at or below 77◦ F nia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia,
(25◦ C) for up to 30 days if away from heat anemia.
and light. Hepatic: abnormal hepatic function, au-
I.M. toimmune hepatitis, bilirubinemia, hepatic
• To reconstitute lyophilized Avonex, inject injury, hepatitis.
1.1 ml of supplied diluent (sterile water Metabolic: hyperthyroidism, hypothy-
for injection) into vial and gently swirl to roidism.
dissolve drug. Don’t shake. Musculoskeletal: back pain, muscle ache,
• Use drug as soon as possible; may be used skeletal pain, arthralgia, muscle spasm.
up to 6 hours after being reconstituted if Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- I
stored at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). tion, dyspnea.
• Rotate sites of injection. Skin: injection site reaction, alopecia, ec-
• The Avonex and diluent vials are for chymosis at injection site, nevus, urticaria.
single use only; discard unused portions. Other: chills, flulike syndrome, infection,
• Store Avonex prefilled syringes in the hypersensitivity reactions, herpes simplex,
refrigerator at 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). herpes zoster, neutralizing antibodies.
Once removed from refrigerator, warm to
room temperature (about 30 minutes) and INTERACTIONS
use within 12 hours. Don’t use external Drug-drug. Myelosuppressants: May cause
heat sources, such as hot water, to warm added hematologic toxicities; use cautiously
syringe, or expose to high temperatures. together. Monitor CBC.
Don’t freeze. Protect from light. Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
• After giving each dose, discard any photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
remaining product in the syringe. take precautions against sun exposure.


Unknown. Interacts with specific cell recep- • May increase liver enzyme level. May
tors found on the surface of cells. Binding decrease hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
of these receptors causes the expression of a May increase or decrease thyroid function
number of interferon-induced gene products test levels.
believed to mediate the biological actions of • May increase eosinophil count. May
interferon beta-1a. decrease WBC and platelet counts.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Subcut. Unknown 16 hr Unknown
I.M. Unknown 3–15 hr Unknown • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to natural or recombinant interferon beta,
Half-life: I.M., 10 hours; subcutaneous, 69 hours. human albumin, or other components of
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Use cautiously in patients with depres-
CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, fever, sion, seizure disorders, or severe cardiac
headache, pain, sleep difficulty, depression, conditions.
seizures, suicidal ideation or attempt, • It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
suicidal tendency, abnormal coordination, milk; a breast-feeding woman must either
ataxia, hypertonia, malaise, speech disorder, stop breast-feeding or stop drug.
syncope. • Safety and effectiveness of drug in
CV: chest pain, vasodilation. chronic progressive MS or in children

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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746 interferon beta-1b, recombinant

younger than age 18 haven’t been estab- below 77◦ F (25◦ C) for up to 30 days and
lished. away from heat and light.


• Monitor patient closely for depression
and suicidal ideation. It isn’t known if these interferon beta-1b,
symptoms are related to the underlying recombinant
neurologic basis of MS or to the drug. in-ter-FEER-on
• Monitor WBC count, platelet count, and
blood chemistries, including liver function Betaseron, Extavia
tests. Rare but severe liver injury, including
liver failure, may occur in patients taking Therapeutic class: Antiviral
Avonex. Pharmacologic class: Biologic response
• Give analgesics or antipyretics to decrease modifier
flulike symptoms. Pregnancy risk category C


• Advise patient to read medication guide Powder for injection: 9.6 million interna-
that comes with drug. tional units (0.3 mg)
• Teach patient and family member how to
reconstitute drug and give I.M. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Caution patient not to change dosage ➤ To reduce frequency of exacerbations
or schedule of administration. If a dose in relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis
is missed, tell him to take it as soon as he Adults: 0.0625 mg subcutaneously every
remembers. He may then resume his reg- other day for weeks 1 and 2; then 0.125 mg
ular schedule. Tell patient not to take two subcutaneously every other day for weeks 3
injections within 48 hours of each other. and 4; then 0.1875 mg subcutaneously every
• Show patient how to store drug. other day for weeks 5 and 6; then 0.25 mg
• Inform patient that flulike signs and subcutaneously every other day thereafter.
symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, muscle
aches, headache, chills, and joint pain, ADMINISTRATION
are not uncommon at start of therapy. Subcutaneous
Acetaminophen 650 mg P.O. may be taken • To reconstitute, inject 1.2 ml of supplied
immediately before injection and for an- diluent (half-normal saline solution for in-
other 24 hours after each injection, to lessen jection) into vial and gently swirl to dissolve
severity of flulike signs and symptoms. drug.
• Advise patient to report depression, suici- • Reconstituted solution contains 8 million
dal thoughts, or other adverse reactions. international units (0.25 mg)/ml.
• Instruct patient to keep syringes and • Don’t shake. Discard vial that contains
needles away from children. Also, instruct particulates or discolored solution.
him not to reuse needles or syringes and to • Inject immediately after preparation.
discard them in a syringe-disposal unit. • Rotate injection sites to minimize local
• Caution women not to become preg- reactions and observe site for necrosis.
nant during therapy because of the risk of • Store at room temperature. After reconsti-
spontaneous abortion. If pregnancy occurs, tution, if not used immediately, drug may be
instruct patient to notify prescriber immedi- refrigerated for up to 3 hours.
ately and to stop drug.
• Advise patient to use sunscreen and avoid AC TION
sun exposure while taking drug because A naturally occurring antiviral and im-
photosensitivity may occur. munoregulatory drug derived from human
• Tell patient to store Rebif in the refriger- fibroblasts. Drug attaches to membrane
ator between 36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C) and receptors and causes cellular changes,
not to freeze. Rebif may also be stored at or including increased protein synthesis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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interferon gamma-1b 747

Route Onset Peak Duration occur. Monitor liver function at 1, 3, and 6

Subcut. Unknown 1–8 hr Unknown months after therapy starts and periodically
Half-life: 8 minutes to 41⁄4 hours.
• Monitor patient for signs of depression.
• Monitor CBC.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Monitor thyroid function tests every
CNS: depression, anxiety, emotional 6 months in patients being treated for
lability, depersonalization, suicidal ten- thyroid disorder.
dencies, confusion, hypertonia, asthenia,
migraine, seizures, headache, pain, dizzi- PATIENT TEACHING
ness, malaise, fever, chills, insomnia. • Warn woman about dangers to fetus. If
CV: chest pain, peripheral edema, palpita- pregnancy occurs during therapy, tell her to
tions, hypertension, tachycardia, peripheral notify prescriber and stop taking drug.
vascular disorder. • Advise patient to read medication guide
EENT: laryngitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, that comes with drug.
abnormal vision. • Teach patient how to perform subcuta-
GI: diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, neous injections, including solution prepa- I
vomiting, dyspepsia. ration, aseptic technique, injection site rota-
GU: menstrual bleeding or spotting, early tion, and equipment disposal. Periodically
or delayed menses, fewer days of menstrual reevaluate patient’s technique.
flow, menorrhagia, urgency, impotence, • Tell patient to take drug at bedtime to
prostate disorder, frequency. minimize mild flulike signs and symptoms
Hematologic: LEUKOPENIA, lym- that commonly occur.
phadenopathy. • Advise patient to report suicidal thoughts
Musculoskeletal: myasthenia, arthralgia, or depression.
myalgia, leg cramps. • Urge patient to immediately report signs
Respiratory: dyspnea. or symptoms of tissue death at injection site.
Skin: inflammation, pain, necrosis at injec- • Advise patient of importance of obtaining
tion site, diaphoresis, alopecia, rash, skin routine blood tests.
Other: breast pain, flulike syndrome, pelvic SAFETY ALERT!
pain, generalized edema.
interferon gamma-1b
None significant.
• May increase ALT and bilirubin levels. Therapeutic class: Immune response
• May decrease WBC and neutrophil modifier
counts. Pharmacologic class: Biologic response
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pregnancy risk category C
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
tive to interferon beta, human albumin, or AVAIL ABLE FORMS
components of drug. Injection: 100 mcg (2 million international
• Use cautiously in women of childbear- units)/0.5-ml vial
ing age. Evidence is inconclusive about
teratogenic effects, but drug may be an INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
abortifacient. ➤ Chronic granulomatous disease, severe
malignant osteopetrosis
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults with body surface area (BSA) greater
Alert: Serious liver damage, including than 0.5 m2 : Give 50 mcg/m2 (1 million
hepatic failure requiring transplant, can

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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748 interferon gamma-1b

international units/m2 ) subcutaneously CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

three times weekly, preferably at bedtime. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
Adults with a BSA 0.5 m2 or less: tive to drug or to genetically engineered
1.5 mcg/kg subcutaneously three times products derived from Escherichia coli.
weekly. • Use cautiously in patients with cardiac
Adjust-a-dose: If patient has severe reaction, disease, including arrhythmias, ischemia,
decrease dosage by 50% or stop drug until or heart failure. The flulike syndrome com-
reaction subsides. monly seen with high doses of drug can
worsen these conditions.
ADMINISTRATION • Use cautiously in patients with compro-
Subcutaneous mised CNS function or seizure disorders.
• Discard unused drug. Each vial is for CNS adverse reactions that may occur at
single use only and doesn’t contain a preser- high doses of drug can worsen these condi-
vative. tions.
• Don’t mix with other drugs in the same •H Overdose S&S: Decreased mental status,
syringe. dizziness, gait disturbance, elevated liver
• Store in refrigerator before use. Discard enzyme and triglyceride levels, neutropenia,
unpunctured vials left at room temperature thrombocytopenia.
for more than 12 hours.
AC TION • Administer in the deltoid or anterior thigh
Interleukin-type lymphokine. Drug has muscle.
potent phagocyte-activating properties and Alert: The drug’s activity is expressed in
increases the oxidative metabolism of tissue international units (1 million international
macrophages. units/50 mcg). This is equal to what was
Route Onset Peak Duration
previously expressed as units (1.5 million
Subcut. Unknown 7 hr Unknown
units/50 mcg).
• Premedicate patient with acetaminophen
Half-life: 6 hours. to minimize signs and symptoms at start
of therapy; these tend to diminish with
ADVERSE REACTIONS continued therapy.
CNS: fatigue, chills, dizziness, fever, • Before beginning therapy and at 3-month
headache. intervals, monitor CBC, platelet count, renal
GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. and hepatic function tests, and urinalysis.
Hematologic: neutropenia, thrombocy-
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia. • If patient will give drug to himself, teach
Skin: erythema and tenderness at injection him how to give it and how to dispose of
site, rash. used needles, syringes, containers, and
Other: flulike syndrome. unused drug.
• Instruct patient how to manage flulike
INTERACTIONS signs and symptoms (fever, fatigue, muscle
Drug-drug. Myelosuppressants: May aches, headache, chills, joint pain) that
increase myelosuppression. Use together commonly occur.
with caution. Monitor patient closely. • Advise use of acetaminophen.
Rotavirus live vaccine: May increase risk
of infection by live vaccine. Don’t use


• May increase liver enzyme levels.
• May decrease neutrophil and platelet

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ipratropium bromide 749

ipratropium bromide • Prime nasal spray before first use and after
ih-pra-TROE-pee-um unused for more than 24 hours.
• Tilt patient’s head backward after dose to
Atrovent, Atrovent HFA allow drug to spread to back of nose.

Therapeutic class: Bronchodilator AC TION

Pharmacologic class: Anticholinergic Inhibits vagally mediated reflexes by
Pregnancy risk category B antagonizing acetylcholine at muscarinic
receptors on bronchial smooth muscle.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Route Onset Peak Duration
Inhaler: 17 mcg/metered dose (Atrovent Inhalation 5–15 min 1–2 hr 3–6 hr
Nasal spray: 0.03% (21 mcg/metered dose), Half-life: About 2 hours.
0.06% (42 mcg/metered dose)
Solution (for inhalation): 0.02% (500 mcg/ ADVERSE REACTIONS
vial) CNS: dizziness, pain, headache. I
CV: palpitations, chest pain.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES EENT: blurred vision, rhinitis, pharyngitis,
➤ Bronchospasm in chronic bronchitis sinusitis, epistaxis.
and emphysema GI: nausea, GI distress, dry mouth.
Adults: Usually, 2 inhalations q.i.d.; patient Musculoskeletal: back pain.
may take additional inhalations as needed Respiratory: upper respiratory tract in-
but shouldn’t exceed 12 inhalations in fection, bronchitis, bronchospasm, cough,
24 hours. Or, 250 to 500 mcg every 6 to dyspnea, increased sputum.
8 hours via oral nebulizer. Skin: rash.
➤ Rhinorrhea caused by allergic and Other: flulike symptoms, hypersensitivity
nonallergic perennial rhinitis reactions.
Adults and children age 6 and older: Two
0.03% nasal sprays (42 mcg) per nostril INTERACTIONS
b.i.d. or t.i.d. Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May in-
➤ Rhinorrhea caused by the common crease anticholinergic effects. Avoid using
cold together.
Adults and children age 12 and older: Two Drug-herb. Jaborandi tree: May decrease
0.06% nasal sprays (84 mcg) per nostril effect of drug. Advise patient to use cau-
t.i.d. or q.i.d. tiously.
Children ages 5 to 11: Two 0.06% nasal Pill-bearing spurge: May decrease effect of
sprays (84 mcg) per nostril t.i.d. drug. Advise patient to use cautiously.
➤ Rhinorrhea caused by seasonal
Adults and children age 5 and older: Two None reported.
0.03% nasal sprays (84 mcg) per nostril
q.i.d. Total dose is 672 mcg/day. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
ADMINISTRATION to drug, atropine, or its derivatives.
Inhalational • Use cautiously in patients with angle-
• Shake canister before use, except for HFA closure glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, or
aerosol. bladder-neck obstruction.
• If more than 1 inhalation is ordered, wait • Safety and effectiveness of nebulization
at least 2 minutes between inhalations. or inhaler in children younger than age 12
• Use spacer device to improve drug haven’t been established.
delivery, if appropriate.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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750 irbesartan

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS him to tilt head backward to allow drug to

• If patient uses a face mask for a nebu- spread to back of nose.
lizer, take care to prevent leakage around
the mask because eye pain or temporary
blurring of vision may occur. irbesartan
• Safety and effectiveness of use beyond er-bah-SAR-tan
4 days in patients with a common cold
haven’t been established. Avapro
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Atrovent with Alupent. Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Pharmacologic class: Angiotensin II
PATIENT TEACHING receptor antagonist
• Warn patient that drug isn’t effective for Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and
treating acute episodes of bronchospasm 3rd trimesters
when rapid response is needed.
• Teach patient to perform oral inhalation AVAIL ABLE FORMS
correctly. Give the following instructions Tablets: 75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg
for using an MDI:
– Shake canister. The HFA form doesn’t INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
need to be shaken. ➤ Hypertension
– Clear nasal passages and throat. Adults: Initially, 150 mg P.O. daily, in-
– Breathe out, expelling as much air from creased to maximum of 300 mg daily, if
lungs as possible. needed.
– Place mouthpiece well into mouth, and Adjust-a-dose: For volume- and sodium-
inhale deeply as you release dose from depleted patients, initially, 75 mg P.O. daily.
inhaler. (Patient should close his eyes.) ➤ Nephropathy in patients with type 2
– Hold breath for several seconds, remove diabetes
mouthpiece, and exhale slowly. Adults: Target maintenance dose is 300 mg
• Inform patient that use of a spacer device P.O. once daily.
with MDI may improve drug delivery to
• Warn patient to avoid accidentally spray- P.O.
ing drug into eyes. Temporary blurring of • Give drug without regard for meals.
vision may result.
• If more than 1 inhalation is prescribed, AC TION
tell patient to wait at least 2 minutes before Produces antihypertensive effect by compet-
repeating procedure. itive antagonist activity at the angiotensin II
• Instruct patient to remove canister and receptor.
wash inhaler in warm, soapy water at least Route Onset Peak Duration
once weekly. P.O. Unknown 1⁄ –2 hr 24 hr
• If patient is also using a corticosteroid

inhaler, instruct him to use ipratropium first Half-life: 11 to 15 hours.

and then to wait about 5 minutes before
using the corticosteroid. This lets the bron- ADVERSE REACTIONS
chodilator open air passages for maximal CNS: fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, headache.
effectiveness of the corticosteroid. CV: chest pain, edema, tachycardia.
• Instruct patient to prime nasal spray by EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinus abnor-
pumping seven times before first use or after mality.
unused for 1 week. Prime with two pumps GI: diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain,
after unused for 1 day. nausea, vomiting.
• Instruct patient to sniff deeply after each GU: UTI.
spray and to breathe out through mouth. Tell Musculoskeletal: musculoskeletal trauma
or pain.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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irinotecan hydrochloride 751

Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- SAFETY ALERT!

tion, cough.
Skin: rash. irinotecan hydrochloride
None reported. Camptosar

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic

None reported. Pharmacologic class: DNA topoiso-
merase inhibitor
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pregnancy risk category D
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired Injection: 20 mg/ml in 2- and 5-ml vials
renal function, heart failure, and renal artery
stenosis and in breast-feeding women. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Black Box Warning Use during pregnancy ➤ Metastatic carcinoma of the colon or I
can cause injury and death to the developing rectum that has recurred or progressed
fetus. When pregnancy is detected, stop after fluorouracil (5-FU) therapy
drug as soon as possible. Adults: Initially, 125 mg/m2 by I.V. infu-
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, tachycardia, sion over 90 minutes on days 1, 8, 15, and
bradycardia. 22; then 2-week rest period. Thereafter,
additional courses of treatment may be re-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS peated every 6 weeks with 4 weeks on and
• Drug may be given with a diuretic or other 2 weeks off. Subsequent doses may be ad-
antihypertensive, if needed, for control of justed to low of 50 mg/m2 or maximum of
hypertension. 150 mg/m2 in 25- to 50-mg/m2 increments
• Symptomatic hypotension may occur based on patient’s tolerance. Or, 350 mg/m2
in volume- or sodium-depleted patients by I.V. infusion over 90 minutes once every
(vigorous diuretic use or dialysis). Correct 3 weeks. Additional courses may continue
the cause of volume depletion before indefinitely in patients who respond favor-
administration or before a lower dose is ably and in those whose disease remains
used. stable, provided intolerable toxicity doesn’t
• If hypotension occurs, place patient in occur.
a supine position and give an I.V. infusion Adjust-a-dose: Consider reducing starting
of normal saline solution, if needed. Once dose in patients age 65 and older, in those
blood pressure has stabilized after a tran- who have received pelvic or abdominal
sient hypotensive episode, drug may be radiation, or in those who have a perfor-
continued. mance status of 2 or increased bilirubin
• Dizziness and orthostatic hypotension level. Give 300 mg/m2 by I.V. infusion over
may occur more frequently in patients with 90 minutes once every 3 weeks. Or, give
type 2 diabetes and renal disease. 100 mg/m2 by I.V. infusion over 90 minutes
once weekly.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ First-line therapy for metastatic
• Warn woman of childbearing age of con- colorectal cancer with 5-fluorouracil
sequences of drug exposure to fetus. Tell her (5-FU) and leucovorin
to call prescriber immediately if pregnancy Regimen 1
is suspected. Adults: 125 mg/m2 I.V. over 90 minutes
• Tell patient that drug may be taken with- on days 1, 8, 15, and 22; then leucovorin
out regard for food. 20 mg/m2 I.V. bolus on days 1, 8, 15, and
22 and 5-FU 500 mg/m2 I.V. bolus on
days 1, 8, 15, and 22. Courses are repeated
every 6 weeks.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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752 irinotecan hydrochloride

Regimen 2 binds to the topoisomerase I–DNA complex

Adults: 180 mg/m2 I.V. over 90 minutes and prevents religation of these single-
on days 1, 15, and 29; then leucovorin strand breaks.
200 mg/m2 I.V. over 2 hours on days 1, 2, Route Onset Peak Duration
15, 16, 29, and 30; then 5-FU 400 mg/m2 I.V. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
I.V. bolus on days 1, 2, 15, 16, 29, and 30
and 5-FU 600 mg/m2 I.V. infusion over Half-life: About 6 to 12 hours.
22 hours on days 1, 2, 15, 16, 29, and 30.
Adjust-a-dose: See manufacturer’s package ADVERSE REACTIONS
insert for details on dosage adjustment. CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fever, headache,
insomnia, pain, akathisia.
ADMINISTRATION CV: edema, vasodilation, orthostatic
I.V. hypotension.
 Drug packaged in plastic blister to pro- EENT: rhinitis.
tect against inadvertent breakage and GI: DIARRHEA, abdominal cramping, pain,
leakage. Inspect vial for damage and signs and enlargement, anorexia, constipation,
of leakage before removing blister. dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, stomatitis,
 Wear gloves while handling and prepar- vomiting.
ing infusion solutions. If drug contacts Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia, neu-
skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. tropenia, thrombocytopenia.
If drug contacts mucous membranes, flush Metabolic: dehydration, weight loss.
thoroughly with water. Musculoskeletal: back pain.
 Dilute drug in D5 W injection (preferred) Respiratory: dyspnea, increased cough.
or normal saline solution for injection Skin: alopecia, rash, sweating.
before infusion to yield 0.12 to 2.8 mg/ml. Other: chills, infection.
 Solution is stable for up to 24 hours at

77◦ F (25◦ C) in ambient fluorescent light- INTERACTIONS

ing. Solutions diluted in D5 W, stored at Drug-drug. CYP3A4 enzyme-inducing
36◦ to 46◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C), and protected anticonvulsants (phenytoin, phenobarbital,
from light are stable for 48 hours. How- or carbamazepine), rifampin, rifabutin:
ever, because microbial contamination May significantly decrease irinotecan levels.
may occur during dilution, use admixture For patients requiring anticonvulsant treat-
within 24 hours if refrigerated or 6 hours ment, consider substituting non–enzyme-
if kept at room temperature. Refrigerating inducing anticonvulsants at least 2 weeks
admixtures using normal saline solution before start of irinotecan therapy.
isn’t recommended because of low and Dexamethasone: May increase risk of
sporadic risk of visible particulate. Don’t irinotecan-induced lymphocytopenia.
freeze admixture because drug may pre- Monitor patient closely.
cipitate. Diuretics: May increase risk of dehydration
 Premedicate patient with antiemetic and electrolyte imbalance. Consider stop-
drugs on day of treatment starting at least ping diuretic during active periods of nausea
30 minutes before giving irinotecan. and vomiting.
 Watch for irritation and infiltration; Ketoconazole: May increase irinotecan
extravasation can cause tissue damage. If levels leading to drug toxicity. Stop keto-
extravasation occurs, flush site with sterile conazole at least 1 week before starting
water and apply ice. Notify prescriber. irinotecan therapy. Ketoconazole is con-
 Store vial at 59◦ to 86◦ F (15◦ to 30◦ C). traindicated during irinotecan therapy.
Protect from light. Laxatives: May increase risk of diarrhea.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. Avoid using together.
Neuromuscular-blocking agents: May
AC TION prolong the neuromuscular-blocking effects
Interacts with topoisomerase I, inducing of succinylcholine, and the neuromuscular
reversible single-strand DNA breaks. Drug blockade of nondepolarizing drugs may be

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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iron dextran 753

antagonized. Monitor patient for prolonged • Monitor WBC count with differential,
effects of succinylcholine if given together. hemoglobin level, and platelet count before
Other antineoplastics: May cause additive each dose.
adverse effects, such as myelosuppression Black Box Warning Drug can cause severe
and diarrhea. Monitor patient closely. diarrhea. Treat diarrhea occurring within
Prochlorperazine: May increase risk of 24 hours of drug administration with 0.25 to
akathisia. Monitor patient closely. 1 mg atropine I.V., unless contraindicated.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease Treat late diarrhea (more than 24 hours after
drug levels by about 40%. Use together is irinotecan administration) promptly with
contraindicated. loperamide. Monitor patient for dehydra-
tion, electrolyte imbalance, or sepsis, and
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS treat appropriately.
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, • Delay subsequent doses until normal
AST, and bilirubin levels. May decrease bowel function returns for at least 24 hours
hemoglobin level. without antidiarrheal. If grade 2, 3, or 4 late
• May decrease WBC and neutrophil diarrhea occurs, decrease subsequent doses
counts. within the current cycle. I
• To decrease risk of dehydration, withhold
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS diuretic during treatment and periods of
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive active vomiting or diarrhea.
to drug. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
• Safety and effectiveness of drug in irinotecan with topotecan.
children haven’t been established.
• Use cautiously in elderly patients. PATIENT TEACHING
•H Overdose S&S: Severe neutropenia, • Inform patient about risk of diarrhea
severe diarrhea. and methods to treat it; tell him to avoid
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Instruct patient to contact prescriber if
Black Box Warning Administer drug under any of the following occur: diarrhea for the
the supervision of a physician experienced first time during treatment; black or bloody
with cancer chemotherapy. stools; symptoms of dehydration such as
Black Box Warning Drug may cause severe light-headedness, dizziness, or faintness;
myelosuppression. inability to drink fluids due to nausea
• Pelvic or abdominal irradiation may or vomiting; inability to control diarrhea
increase risk of severe myelosuppression. within 24 hours; or fever or infection.
Avoid use of drug in patients undergoing • Warn patient that hair loss may occur.
irradiation. • Caution women to avoid pregnancy or
• Patients with UGT1A1∗ 28 allele or breast-feeding during therapy.
UGT1A1 7/7 genotype are at increased
risk for neutropenia. Patient should be
considered for initial minus 1 level dosage iron dextran
adjustment; monitor patient closely. DexFerrum, InFeD, Proferdex
• If neutropenic fever occurs or if absolute
neutrophil count drops below 500/mm3 , Therapeutic class: Iron supplement
temporarily stop therapy. Reduce dosage, Pharmacologic class: Hematinic
especially if WBC count is below Pregnancy risk category C
2,000/mm3 , neutrophil count is below
1,000/mm3 , hemoglobin level is be- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
low 8 g/dl, or platelet count is below 1 ml iron dextran provides 50 mg elemental
100,000/mm3 . iron.
• A colony-stimulating factor may be Injection: 50 mg elemental iron/ml in 1-ml
helpful in patients with significant neutro- and 2-ml single-dose vials

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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754 iron dextran

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  After completing I.V. dose, flush the vein

➤ Iron deficiency anemia with 10 ml of normal saline solution.

Adults and children weighing more than  Patient should rest for 15 to 30 minutes

15 kg (33 lb): I.V. or I.M. test dose is after I.V. administration.

required. (See the package insert.) Total  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs,

dose may be calculated using dosage table parenteral nutrition solutions for I.V.
in package insert or by using the following infusion.
formula: I.M.
Dose (ml) = 0.0442 (desired Hb
• Inject I.M. deep into upper outer quadrant
of buttock—never into the arm or other
− observed Hb) × LBW
exposed area—with a 2- to 3-inch 19G or
+ (0.26 × LBW)
20G needle.
Note: LBW = lean body weight in kg. For • Use Z-track method to avoid leakage into
males, LBW = 50 kg + 2.3 kg for each subcutaneous tissue and staining of skin.
inch of patient’s height over 5 feet. For • After drawing up drug, use a new sterile
females, LBW = 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg for each needle to give injection.
inch of patient’s height over 5 feet.
Children weighing 5 to 15 kg (11 to 33 lb): AC TION
Use dosage table in package insert or calcu- Provides elemental iron, an essential com-
late dose as follows: ponent in the formation of hemoglobin.
Dose (ml) = 0.0442 (desired Hb Route Onset Peak Duration
− observed Hb) × weight in kg I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
+ (0.26 × weight in kg). I.M. 72 hr Unknown 3–4 wk
I.V. Half-life: 5 to 20 hours.
Adults and children: Inject 0.5-ml test dose
over at least 5 minutes. If no reaction occurs ADVERSE REACTIONS
in 1 hour, give remainder of therapeutic I.V. CNS: headache, transitory paresthesia,
dose. Repeat therapeutic I.V. dose daily. dizziness, malaise, fever, chills, seizures,
Single daily dose shouldn’t exceed 100 mg. disorientation.
Give slowly (1 ml/minute). Don’t give drug CV: chest pain, tachycardia, bradycardia,
in the first 4 months of life. hypotensive reaction, peripheral vascular
I.M. (by Z-track method) flushing.
Adults and children: Inject 0.5-ml test GI: nausea, anorexia, abdominal pain,
dose. If no reaction occurs in 1 hour, give diarrhea.
remainder of dose. Daily dose ordinarily GU: hematuria.
shouldn’t exceed 0.5 ml (25 mg) for infants Hematologic: leukocytosis, lymphadenop-
who weigh less than 5 kg (11 lb); 1 ml athy.
(50 mg) for those who weigh less than 10 kg Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia.
(22 lb); and 2 ml (100 mg) for heavier Respiratory: bronchospasm, dyspnea,
children and adults. Don’t give drug in wheezing, respiratory arrest.
the first 4 months of life. Skin: rash, urticaria, soreness, inflam-
➤ Iron replacement for blood loss mation, brown skin discoloration at I.M.
Adults: Replacement iron (in mg) = blood injection site, local phlebitis at I.V. injection
loss (in ml) × hematocrit. site, sterile abscess, necrosis, atrophy.
Note: This formula is based on the Other: fibrosis, anaphylaxis, delayed
approximation that 1 ml of normocytic, sensitivity reactions.
normochromic red cells contains 1 mg of
elemental iron. INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Chloramphenicol: May
ADMINISTRATION increase iron level. Monitor patient closely.
 Check hospital policy before giving I.V.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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iron sucrose injection 755


• May cause false increase in bilirubin iron sucrose injection
level and false decrease in calcium level. Venofer
Use of more than 250 mg iron may color
the serum brown. Drug may alter measure- Therapeutic class: Iron supplement
ment of iron level and total iron-binding Pharmacologic class: Hematinic
capacity for up to 3 weeks; I.M. injection Pregnancy risk category B
may cause dense areas of activity for 1 to
6 days on bone scans using technetium-99m AVAIL ABLE FORMS
diphosphonate. Injection: 20 mg/ml of elemental iron in
5-ml and 10-ml single-dose vials
Black Box Warning Fatal anaphylactic INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
reactions have been reported. Fatal reactions ➤ Iron deficiency anemia in patients who
have occurred when the test dose was toler- are hemodialysis dependent and receiving
ated. Give only when indications have been erythropoietin therapy
clearly established and for iron deficiencies Adults: 100 mg (5 ml) of elemental iron I.V. I
not amenable to oral iron therapy. Keep directly in the dialysis line, either by slow
emergency equipment readily available. injection over 2 to 5 minutes or by infusion
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- over 15 minutes during the dialysis session
tive to drug, in those with acute infectious one to three times a week to a total of
renal disease, and in those with any anemia 1,000 mg in 10 doses; repeat as needed.
except iron deficiency anemia. ➤ Iron deficiency anemia in chronic
• Use cautiously in patients who have kidney disease patients not on dialysis
serious hepatic impairment, rheumatoid Adults: 200 mg by undiluted slow I.V.
arthritis, or other inflammatory diseases injection over 2 to 5 minutes on five
because these patients may be at higher risk separate occasions in a 14-day period to
for certain delays and reactions. a total cumulative dose of 1,000 mg.
• Use cautiously in patients with history of ➤ Iron deficiency anemia in peritoneal
significant allergies or asthma. dialysis-dependent chronic kidney
•H Overdose S&S: Hemosiderosis. disease patients
Adults: 300 mg I.V. infusion over 90 min-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS utes on two separate occasions 14 days
Black Box Warning Observe for signs and apart, followed by one 400-mg infusion
symptoms of anaphylactic-type reactions over 21⁄2 hours 14 days later.
with every dose given. Have epinephrine
immediately available in event of acute ADMINISTRATION
hypersensitivity reaction. I.V.
• Don’t give iron dextran with oral iron  Inspect drug for particulate matter and

preparations. discoloration before giving.

• I.V. or I.M. injections of iron are advisable  For infusion, dilute 100 mg elemental

only for patients in whom oral administra- iron in a maximum of 100 ml normal
tion is impossible or ineffective. saline solution immediately before infu-
• Monitor hemoglobin level, hematocrit, sion, and infuse over at least 15 minutes.
and reticulocyte count. Dilute dose 300 mg or greater in a maxi-
• Maximum daily dose should not exceed mum of 250 ml normal saline solution.
2 ml undiluted iron dextran.  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs,

parenteral nutrition solutions.

• Teach patient signs and symptoms of AC TION
hypersensitivity and iron toxicity, and tell Exogenous source of iron that replenishes
him to report them to prescriber. depleted body iron stores and is essential for
• Inform patient that drug may stain skin. hemoglobin synthesis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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756 isoniazid

Route Onset Peak Duration • Transferrin saturation level increases

I.V. Unknown Unknown Variable rapidly after I.V. administration of drug.
Obtain iron level 48 hours after I.V. use.
Half-life: 6 hours.
• Monitor ferritin level, transferrin
saturation, hemoglobin level, and hema-
CNS: headache, asthenia, malaise, dizzi- • Withhold dose in patient with signs and
ness, fever. symptoms of iron overload.
CV: heart failure, hypotension, chest pain, • Keep dose selection in elderly patients
hypertension, fluid retention. conservative because of decreased hepatic,
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal renal, or cardiac function; other disease; and
pain, taste perversion. other drug therapy.
Metabolic: gout, hyperglycemia.
Musculoskeletal: leg cramps, bone and PATIENT TEACHING
muscle pain. • Instruct patient to notify prescriber if
Respiratory: dyspnea, wheezing, pneumo- symptoms of overdose or allergic reaction
nia, cough. occur.
Skin: rash, pruritus, injection site reaction.
Other: accidental injury, pain, sepsis,
hypersensitivity reactions. isoniazid (INH, isonicotinic
acid hydrazide)
INTERACTIONS eye-soe-NYE-a-zid
Drug-drug. Oral iron preparations: May
reduce absorption of oral iron preparations. Isotamine†
Avoid using together.
Therapeutic class: Antituberculotic
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pharmacologic class: Isonicotinic acid
None reported. hydrazine
Pregnancy risk category C
• Contraindicated in patients with hy- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
persensitivity to drug or its components, Injection: 100 mg/ml
evidence of iron overload, or anemia not Oral solution: 50 mg/5 ml
caused by iron deficiency. Tablets: 100 mg, 300 mg
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, dyspnea, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
headache, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, joint ➤ Actively growing tubercle bacilli
aches, paresthesia, abdominal pain, muscle Adults and children age 15 and older:
pain, edema, cardiovascular collapse. 5 mg/kg daily P.O. or I.M. in a single
daily dose, up to 300 mg/day, with other
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS drugs, continued for 6 months to 2 years.
Alert: Rare but fatal hypersensitivity For intermittent multiple-drug regimen,
reactions, characterized by anaphylactic 15 mg/kg (up to 900 mg) P.O. or I.M. up to
shock, loss of consciousness, collapse, three times a week.
hypotension, dyspnea, or seizures, may Infants and children: 10 to 15 mg/kg daily
occur. Have epinephrine readily available. P.O. or I.M. in a single daily dose, up to
• Mild to moderate hypersensitivity reac- 300 mg/day, continued long enough to
tions, with wheezing, dyspnea, hypotension, prevent relapse. Give with at least one other
rash, or pruritus, may occur. antituberculotic. For intermittent multidrug
• Giving drug by infusion may reduce the regimen, 20 to 30 mg/kg (up to 900 mg) P.O.
risk of hypotension. or I.M. two or three times weekly.
➤ To prevent tubercle bacilli in those
exposed to tuberculosis (TB) or those

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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isoniazid 757

with positive skin test results whose chest Benzodiazepines, such as diazepam, tri-
X-rays and bacteriologic study results azolam: May inhibit metabolic clearance
indicate nonprogressive TB of benzodiazepines that undergo oxidative
Adults: 300 mg daily P.O. in a single dose, metabolism, possibly increasing benzodi-
continued for 6 months to 1 year. azepine activity. Monitor patient for adverse
Infants and children: 10 mg/kg daily P.O. in reactions.
a single dose, up to 300 mg/day, continued Carbamazepine, phenytoin: May increase
for up to 1 year. levels of these drugs. Monitor drug levels
ADMINISTRATION Cycloserine: May increase CNS adverse
P.O. reactions. Use safety precautions.
• Always give drug with other antitubercu- Disulfiram: May cause neurologic symp-
lotics to prevent development of resistant toms, including changes in behavior and
organisms. coordination. Avoid using together.
• Give drug 1 hour before or 2 hours after Enflurane: In rapid acetylators of isoniazid,
meals. may cause high-output renal failure because
I.M. of nephrotoxic inorganic fluoride level. I
• Solution may crystallize at a low tempera- Monitor renal function.
ture. Warm vial to room temperature before Ketoconazole: May decrease ketoconazole
use to redissolve crystals. level. Monitor patient for lack of efficacy.
Meperidine: May increase CNS adverse
AC TION reactions and hypotension. Use safety
May inhibit cell-wall biosynthesis by precautions.
interfering with lipid and DNA synthesis; Oral anticoagulants: May enhance antico-
bactericidal. agulant activity. Monitor PT and INR.
Route Onset Peak Duration Phenytoin: May inhibit phenytoin
P.O., I.M. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown metabolism and increase phenytoin level.
Monitor patient for phenytoin toxicity.
Half-life: 1 to 4 hours. Rifampin: May increase the risk of hepato-
toxicity. Monitor liver function tests closely.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Drug-food. Foods containing tyramine
CNS: peripheral neuropathy, seizures, toxic (such as aged cheese, beer, and chocolate):
encephalopathy, memory impairment, toxic May cause hypertensive crisis. Tell patient
psychosis. to avoid such foods or eat in small quanti-
EENT: optic neuritis and atrophy. ties.
GI: epigastric distress, nausea, vomiting. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, aplastic risk of drug-related hepatitis. Discourage
anemia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, use of alcohol.
hemolytic anemia, sideroblastic anemia.
Hepatic: hepatitis, bilirubinemia, jaundice. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, • May increase transaminase, glucose, and
hypophosphatemia, metabolic acidosis. bilirubin levels. May decrease calcium,
Skin: irritation at injection site. phosphate, and hemoglobin levels.
Other: gynecomastia, hypersensitivity • May increase eosinophil count. May
reactions, pyridoxine deficiency, rheumatic decrease granulocyte and platelet counts.
and lupuslike syndromes. • May alter result of urine glucose tests
that use cupric sulfate method, such as
INTERACTIONS Benedict’s reagent and Diastix.
Drug-drug. Antacids and laxatives con-
taining aluminum: May decrease isoniazid CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
absorption. Give isoniazid at least 1 hour Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
before antacid or laxative. patients with acute hepatic disease or
isoniazid-related liver damage. Severe

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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758 isoproterenol hydrochloride

and sometimes fatal hepatitis associated Black Box Warning Tell patient to notify
with isoniazid therapy may occur even after prescriber immediately if signs and symp-
months of treatment. If signs or symptoms toms of liver impairment occur, such as
suggest hepatic damage, discontinue iso- appetite loss, fatigue, malaise, yellow skin
niazid because a more severe form of liver or eye discoloration, and dark urine.
damage can occur. • Advise patient to avoid alcoholic bev-
• Use cautiously in elderly patients, in those erages while taking drug. Also tell him to
with chronic non–isoniazid-related liver avoid certain foods: fish, such as skipjack
disease or chronic alcoholism, in those and tuna, and products containing tyramine,
with seizure disorders (especially if taking such as aged cheese, beer, and chocolate,
phenytoin), and in those with severe renal because drug has some MAO inhibitor
impairment. activity.
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, dizzi- • Encourage patient to comply fully with
ness, slurring of speech, blurring of vision, treatment, which may take months or years.
visual hallucinations, respiratory distress,
CNS depression progressing from stupor to
coma, seizures, severe metabolic acidosis, isoproterenol hydrochloride
acetonuria, hyperglycemia. eye-soe-proe-TER-e-nole


Black Box Warning Drug’s pharmacoki-
netics vary among patients because drug Therapeutic class: Bronchodilator
is metabolized in the liver by genetically Pharmacologic class: Nonselective
controlled acetylation. Fast acetylators beta-adrenergic agonist
metabolize drug up to five times faster than Pregnancy risk category C
slow acetylators. About 50% of blacks and
whites are fast acetylators; more than 80% AVAIL ABLE FORMS
of Chinese, Japanese, and Inuits are fast Injection: 200 mcg/ml in 1- and 5-ml
acetylators. A report suggests the risk of ampules and 5- and 10-ml vials
fatal hepatitis increases in black and
Hispanic women and in the postpartum INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
period. ➤ Bronchospasm during anesthesia
• Peripheral neuropathy is more com- Adults: Dilute 1 ml of a 1:5,000 solution
mon in patients who are slow acetylators, with 10 ml of normal saline or D5 W. Give
malnourished, alcoholic, or diabetic. Give 0.01 to 0.02 mg I.V. and repeat as necessary.
pyridoxine to prevent peripheral neuropathy. Or, give 1:50,000 solution undiluted using
Black Box Warning Monitor hepatic same dose.
function closely for changes. Monitor ➤ Heart block, ventricular arrhythmias
patients older than age 35 monthly and Adults: Initially, 0.02 to 0.06 mg I.V.; then
measure hepatic enzyme levels before 0.01 to 0.2 mg I.V. or 5 mcg/minute I.V.
starting treatment. Elevated liver function Or, initially, 0.2 mg I.M.; then 0.02 to 1 mg
study results occur in about 15% of pa- I.M., as needed.
tients; most abnormalities are mild and Children: Initial I.V. infusion of 0.1 mcg/
transient, but some may persist throughout kg/minute. Adjust dosage based on
treatment. patient’s response. Usual dosage range is
0.1 to 1 mcg/kg/minute.
• Instruct patient to take drug exactly as Adults and children: 0.5 to 5 mcg/minute
prescribed; warn against stopping drug isoproterenol hydrochloride by continuous
without prescriber’s consent. I.V. infusion. Usual concentration is 1 mg
• Advise patient to take drug 1 hour before or 5 ml in 500 ml D5 W. Titrate infusion
or 2 hours after meals. rate according to heart rate, central venous
pressure, blood pressure, and urine flow.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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isoproterenol hydrochloride 759

ADMINISTRATION Halogenated general anesthetics or cyclo-

I.V. propane: May increase risk of arrhythmias.
 For infusion, dilute with most common Avoid using together.
I.V. solutions, but don’t use with sodium Propranolol, other beta blockers: May
bicarbonate injection; drug decomposes block bronchodilating effect of isopro-
rapidly in alkaline solutions. terenol. Monitor patient carefully.
 Don’t use solution if it’s discolored or

contains precipitate. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

 Give by direct injection or I.V. infusion. • May increase glucose level.
 For shock, closely monitor blood

pressure, central venous pressure, ECG, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

arterial blood gas measurements, and • Contraindicated in patients with tachy-
urine output. Carefully titrate infusion rate cardia or AV block caused by digoxin
according to these measurements. Use a intoxication, arrhythmias other than those
continuous infusion pump to regulate flow that may respond to drug, angina pectoris,
rate. or angle-closure glaucoma.
 Store at room temperature. Protect from • Contraindicated when used with gen- I
light. eral anesthetics with halogenated drugs or
 Incompatibilities: Alkalies, aminoph- cyclopropane.
ylline, furosemide, metals, sodium bicar- • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
bonate. those with renal or CV disease, coronary
insufficiency, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or
AC TION history of sensitivity to sympathomimetic
Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by stim- amines.
ulating beta2 receptors. As a cardiac stimu- •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, hyperten-
lant, acts on beta1 receptors in the heart. sion, tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia
Route Onset Peak Duration
or fibrillation, palpitations, angina, sudden
I.V. Immediate Unknown < 60 min death.
• Correct volume deficit before giving
CNS: headache, mild tremor, weakness, Alert: If heart rate exceeds 110 beats/
dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, anxiety. minute during I.V. infusion, notify pre-
CV: palpitations, rapid rise and fall in scriber. Doses that increase the heart rate
blood pressure, tachycardia, angina, to more than 130 beats/minute may induce
arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, pulmonary ventricular arrhythmias.
edema. • Drug may cause a slight increase in sys-
GI: nausea, vomiting. tolic blood pressure and a slight to marked
Metabolic: hyperglycemia. decrease in diastolic blood pressure.
Skin: diaphoresis. • Monitor patient for adverse reactions.
Other: swelling of parotid glands with • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
prolonged use. Isuprel with Isordil.


Drug-drug. Corticosteroids (I.V.), the- • Tell patient to report chest pain, fluttering
ophylline: May cause cardiotoxic effects in chest, or other adverse reactions.
leading to myocardial necrosis and death. • Remind patient to report pain at the I.V.
Use together cautiously. injection site.
Epinephrine, other sympathomimetics: May
increase risk of arrhythmias. Use together
cautiously. If used together, give at least
4 hours apart.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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760 isosorbide dinitrate

isosorbide dinitrate Thought to reduce cardiac oxygen demand
eye-soe-SOR-bide by decreasing preload and afterload. Drug
also may increase blood flow through the
Apo-ISDN†, Cedocard SR†, collateral coronary vessels.
Dilatrate-SR, Isordil Titradose
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 15–40 min Unknown 4–8 hr
isosorbide mononitrate 1⁄ –4 hr
P.O. 2 Unknown 6–12 hr
Apo-ISMN†, ISMO, Monoket (extended-
Therapeutic class: Antianginal P.O. (S.L.) 2–5 min Unknown 1–4 hr
Pharmacologic class: Nitrate
Pregnancy risk category C; B for Half-life: dinitrate P.O., 5 to 6 hours; S.L., 2 hours;
mononitrate, about 5 hours.


isosorbide dinitrate CNS: headache, dizziness, weakness.
Capsules (sustained-release): 40 mg CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia,
Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg palpitations, ankle edema, flushing, faint-
Tablets (S.L.): 2.5 mg, 5 mg ing.
Tablets (sustained-release): 40 mg EENT: sublingual burning.
isosorbide mononitrate GI: nausea, vomiting.
Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg Skin: cutaneous vasodilation, rash.
Tablets (extended-release): 30 mg, 60 mg,
Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May in-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES crease hypotensive effects. Monitor patient
➤ Acute anginal attacks (S.L. isosorbide closely during initial therapy.
dinitrate only); to prevent situations that Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil: May cause
may cause anginal attacks life-threatening hypotension. Use of nitrates
Adults: 2.5 to 5 mg S.L. tablets for prompt in any form with these drugs is contraindi-
relief of angina, repeated every 5 to cated.
10 minutes (maximum of three doses for Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
each 30-minute period). For prevention, hypotension. Discourage use together.
2.5 to 10 mg every 2 to 3 hours. Or, 5 to
40 mg isosorbide dinitrate P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
for prevention only (use smallest effective • May falsely reduce value in cholesterol
dose). Or, 20 mg ISMO or Monoket b.i.d. tests using the Zlatkis-Zak color reaction.
with the two doses given 7 hours apart.
ADMINISTRATION • Contraindicated in patients with hyper-
P.O. sensitivity or idiosyncrasy to nitrates and
• Give patient S.L. tablet at first sign of in those with severe hypotension, angle-
attack. Tell him to wet tablet with saliva and closure glaucoma, increased intracranial
place under his tongue until absorbed. Dose pressure, shock, or acute MI with low left
may be repeated every 10 to 15 minutes for ventricular filling pressure.
a maximum of three doses. • Use cautiously in patients with blood
• Tell patient taking P.O. form of isosorbide volume depletion (such as from diuretic
dinitrate to swallow oral tablet whole on an therapy) or mild hypotension.
empty stomach either 30 minutes before or •H Overdose S&S: Venous pooling,
1 to 2 hours after meals. decreased cardiac output, hypotension,
• Store drug in a cool place, in a tightly methemoglobinemia.
closed container, and away from light.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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isotretinoin 761

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS carefully and to lie down at first sign of

• To prevent tolerance, a nitrate-free dizziness.
interval of 10 to 14 hours per day is rec- • Caution patient to avoid alcohol because it
ommended. The regimen for isosorbide may worsen low blood pressure effects.
mononitrate (1 tablet on awakening with • Advise patient that use of sildenafil,
the second dose in 7 hours, or 1 extended- tadalafil, or vardenafil with any nitrate may
release tablet daily) is intended to minimize cause severe low blood pressure. Patient
nitrate tolerance by providing a substantial should talk to his prescriber before using
nitrate-free interval. these drugs together.
• Monitor blood pressure and heart rate and • Instruct patient to store drug in a cool
intensity and duration of drug response. place, in a tightly closed container, and away
• Drug may cause headaches, especially from light.
at beginning of therapy. Dosage may be
reduced temporarily, but tolerance usually
develops. Treat headache with aspirin or isotretinoin
acetaminophen. eye-so-TRET-i-noyn
• Methemoglobinemia has been seen with I
nitrates. Symptoms are those of impaired Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret
oxygen delivery despite adequate cardiac
output and adequate arterial partial pressure Therapeutic class: Antiacne
of oxygen. Pharmacologic class: Retinoic acid
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse derivative
Isordil with Isuprel or Inderal. Pregnancy risk category X


• Caution patient to take drug regularly, as Capsules: 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg
prescribed, and to keep it accessible at all
Alert: Advise patient that stopping drug ➤ Severe nodular acne that’s unrespon-
abruptly may cause spasm of the coronary sive to conventional therapy
arteries with increased angina symptoms Adults and adolescents: 0.5 to 2 mg/kg P.O.
and potential risk of heart attack. daily in two divided doses with food for
• Tell patient to take S.L. tablet at first sign 15 to 20 weeks.
of attack. He should wet tablet with saliva
and place under his tongue until absorbed; ADMINISTRATION
he should sit down and rest. Dose may P.O.
be repeated every 10 to 15 minutes for a • Before use, have patient read patient
maximum of three doses. If drug doesn’t information and sign accompanying consent
provide relief, tell patient to seek medical form.
help promptly. • Give drug with or shortly after meals to
• Advise patient who complains of tingling facilitate absorption.
sensation with S.L. drug to try holding
tablet in cheek. AC TION
• Warn patient not to confuse S.L. with P.O. May normalize keratinization, reversibly
form. decrease size of sebaceous glands, and
• Advise patient taking P.O. form of isosor- make sebum less viscous and less likely to
bide dinitrate to take oral tablet on an empty plug follicles.
stomach either 30 minutes before or 1 to Route Onset Peak Duration
2 hours after meals and to swallow oral P.O. Unknown 3 hr Unknown
tablets whole.
• Tell patient to minimize dizziness upon Half-life: 30 minutes to 39 hours.
standing up by changing to upright position
slowly. Advise him to go up and down stairs

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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762 isotretinoin

ADVERSE REACTIONS Drug-food. Any food: May increase absorp-

CNS: pseudotumor cerebri, depression, tion of drug. Advise patient to take drug
psychosis, suicidal ideation or attempts, with milk, a meal, or shortly after a meal.
suicide, aggressive and violent behavior, Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
emotional instability, headache, fatigue. risk of hypertriglyceridemia. Discourage
EENT: conjunctivitis, epistaxis, drying use together.
of mucous membranes, dry nose, corneal Sun exposure: May increase photosen-
deposits, dry eyes, hearing impairment sitivity reaction. Advise patient to avoid
(sometimes irreversible), decreased night excessive sunlight exposure.
vision, visual disturbances.
GI: nonspecific GI symptoms, nausea, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
vomiting, abdominal pain, dry mouth, • May increase AST, ALT, alkaline phos-
anorexia, gum bleeding and inflammation, phatase, triglyceride, glucose, and uric acid
acute pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel levels.
disease. • May increase platelet count and erythro-
Hematologic: increased erythrocyte sedi- cyte sedimentation rate.
mentation rate, anemia, thrombocytosis.
Metabolic: hypertriglyceridemia, hyper- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
glycemia. to parabens (used as preservatives), vitamin
Musculoskeletal: rhabdomyolysis, skeletal A, or other retinoids.
hyperostosis, tendon and ligament calci- Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
fication, premature epiphyseal closure, woman of childbearing potential, unless
decreased bone mineral density and other patient has had two negative pregnancy
bone abnormalities, back pain, arthralgia, test results before beginning therapy, will
arthritis, tendinitis. begin drug therapy on second or third day
Skin: cheilitis, cheilosis, fragility, rash, dry of next menstrual period, and will comply
skin, facial skin desquamation, petechiae, with stringent contraceptive measures for
pruritus, nail brittleness, thinning of hair, 1 month before therapy, during therapy, and
skin infection, peeling of palms and toes, for at least 1 month after therapy.
photosensitivity reaction. • Use cautiously in patients with a history
of mental illness or a family history of
INTERACTIONS psychiatric disorders, asthma, liver disease,
Drug-drug. Corticosteroids: May increase diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis,
risk of osteoporosis. Use together cau- genetic predisposition for age-related
tiously. osteoporosis, history of childhood osteo-
Medicated soaps, cleansers, and coverups; porosis, weak bones, anorexia nervosa,
preparations containing alcohol; topical re- osteomalacia, or other disorders of bone
sorcinol peeling agents (benzoyl peroxide): metabolism.
May have cumulative drying effect. Use •H Overdose S&S: Vomiting, facial flushing,
together cautiously. abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, ataxia.
Micro-dose progesterone hormonal con-
traceptives (“minipills”) that don’t contain NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
estrogen: May decrease effectiveness of • Patient must have negative results from
contraceptive. Advise patient to use differ- two urine or serum pregnancy tests; one is
ent contraceptive method. performed in the office when the patient is
Phenytoin: May increase risk of osteomala- qualified for therapy, the second during the
cia. Use together cautiously. first 5 days of the next normal menstrual
Products containing vitamin A, vitamin A: period immediately preceding the beginning
May increase toxic effects of isotretinoin. of therapy. For patients with amenorrhea,
Avoid using together. the second test should be done at least
Tetracyclines: May increase risk of pseudo- 11 days after the last unprotected act of
tumor cerebri. Avoid using together. sexual intercourse. A pregnancy test must

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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itraconazole 763

be repeated every month before the patient given to the patient each time isotretinoin is
receives the prescription. dispensed, as required by law.
Black Box Warning If pregnancy does • Advise patient to take drug with or shortly
occur during treatment, discontinue after meals to facilitate absorption.
drug immediately and refer patient to an • Tell patient to immediately report visual
obstetrician-gynecologist experienced in disturbances and bone, muscle, or joint
reproductive toxicity. pain.
• Monitor baseline lipid studies, liver • Warn patient that contact lenses may feel
function tests, and pregnancy tests before uncomfortable during therapy.
therapy and at monthly intervals. • Advise patient not to drive at night
• Regularly monitor glucose level and until effect on vision is known. Drug may
CK levels in patients who participate in decrease night vision.
vigorous physical activity. • Warn patient against using abrasives,
• Most adverse reactions occur at doses medicated soaps and cleansers, acne prepa-
exceeding 1 mg/kg daily. Reactions are rations containing peeling drugs, and
generally reversible when therapy is stopped topical products containing alcohol
or dosage is reduced. (including cosmetics, aftershave, cologne) I
Alert: If patient experiences headache, because they may cause cumulative irrita-
nausea and vomiting, or visual disturbances, tion or excessive drying of skin.
screen for papilledema. Signs and symp- • Tell patient to avoid prolonged sun expo-
toms of pseudotumor cerebri require stop- sure and to use sunblock. Drug may have
ping the drug immediately and beginning additive effect if used with other drugs that
neurologic interventions promptly. cause photosensitivity reaction.
Black Box Warning To minimize the risk • Warn patient that transient exacerbations
of fetal exposure, the drug is only avail- may occur during therapy.
able through a restricted FDA-approved • Warn patient not to donate blood during
distribution program called iPLEDGE. therapy and for 1 month after stopping drug
• A second course of therapy may begin because drug could harm fetus of a pregnant
8 weeks after completion of the first course, recipient.
if necessary. Improvements may continue • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
after first course is complete. immediately, especially depression,
• Patients may be at increased risk of bone suicidal thoughts, persistent headaches,
fractures or injury when participating in and persistent GI pain.
sports with repetitive impact. • Advise patient to read iPLEDGE carefully
• Spontaneous reports of osteoporosis, and to fully understand all information
osteopenia, bone fractures, and delayed before signing it.
healing of bone fractures have occurred
in patients taking drug. To decrease this
risk, don’t exceed recommended doses and itraconazole
duration. eye-tra-KON-a-zole
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Accutane with Accupril or Accolate. Sporanox

PATIENT TEACHING Therapeutic class: Antifungal

Black Box Warning Warn woman of Pharmacologic class: Synthetic triazole
childbearing age that, if this drug is used Pregnancy risk category C
during pregnancy, severe fetal abnormalities
may occur. Advise her to either abstain from AVAIL ABLE FORMS
sex or use two reliable forms of contracep- Capsules: 100 mg
tion simultaneously for 1 month before, Oral solution: 10 mg/ml
during, and for 1 month after treatment.
An isotretinoin medication guide must be

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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764 itraconazole


➤ Pulmonary and extrapulmonary CNS: headache, fever, dizziness,
blastomycosis, nonmeningeal histoplas- somnolence, fatigue, malaise, asthenia,
mosis pain, tremor, abnormal dreams, anxiety,
Adults: 200 mg P.O. daily; increase as depression.
needed and tolerated by 100 mg to maxi- CV: heart failure, hypertension, edema,
mum of 400 mg daily. Give dosages exceed- orthostatic hypotension.
ing 200 mg P.O. daily in two divided doses. EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.
Continue treatment for at least 3 months. In GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdomi-
life-threatening illness, give a loading dose nal pain, anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence,
of 200 mg P.O. t.i.d. for 3 days. increased appetite, constipation, gastri-
➤ Aspergillosis tis, gastroenteritis, ulcerative stomatitis,
Adults: 200 to 400 mg P.O. daily. gingivitis.
➤ Onychomycosis of the toenail (with or GU: albuminuria.
without fingernail involvement) Hematologic: neutropenia.
Adults: 200 mg P.O. once daily for 12 con- Hepatic: hepatotoxicity, liver failure,
secutive weeks. impaired hepatic function.
➤ Onychomycosis of the fingernail Metabolic: hypokalemia, hypertriglyc-
Adults: 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 1 week, eridemia.
followed by 3 weeks drug free. Repeat Musculoskeletal: myalgia.
dosage. Respiratory: pulmonary edema, upper
➤ Oropharyngeal candidiasis respiratory tract infection.
Adults: 200 mg oral solution swished in Skin: rash, pruritus.
mouth vigorously and swallowed daily, for Other: decreased libido, injury, herpes
1 to 2 weeks. zoster, hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria,
➤ Oropharyngeal candidiasis in patients angioedema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome).
unresponsive to fluconazole tablets
Adults: 100 mg oral solution swished in INTERACTIONS
mouth vigorously and swallowed b.i.d., for Drug-drug. Alprazolam, midazolam, triazo-
2 to 4 weeks. lam: May increase and prolong drug levels,
➤ Esophageal candidiasis CNS depression, and psychomotor impair-
Adults: 100 to 200 mg oral solution swished ment. Avoid using together.
in mouth vigorously and swallowed daily, Antacids, carbamazepine, H2 -receptor
for at least 3 weeks. Treatment should con- antagonists, isoniazid, phenobarbital,
tinue for 2 weeks after symptoms resolve. phenytoin, rifabutin, rifampin: May
decrease itraconazole level. Avoid using
P.O. Chlordiazepoxide, clonazepam, clorazepate,
• Before starting therapy, confirm diag- diazepam, estazolam, flurazepam, quazepam:
nosis of onychomycosis by sending nail May increase and prolong drug levels, CNS
specimens for testing. depression, and psychomotor impairment.
• Don’t interchange capsules and oral Avoid using together.
solution. Clarithromycin, erythromycin: May
increase itraconazole levels. Monitor
AC TION patient for signs of itraconazole toxicity.
Interferes with fungal cell-wall synthesis Cyclosporine, digoxin, tacrolimus: May
by inhibiting ergosterol formation and increase levels of these drugs. Monitor drug
increasing cell-wall permeability, leading to levels.
osmotic instability. Black Box Warning Dofetilide , pimozide,
Route Onset Peak Duration
quinidine: May increase levels of these
P.O. Unknown 3–4 hr Unknown
drugs by cytochrome P-450 metabolism,
causing serious CV events, including tor-
Half-life: 1 to 81⁄
4 hours. sades de pointes, QT interval prolongation,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ixabepilone 765

ventricular tachycardia, cardiac arrest, and NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

sudden death. Avoid using together. Alert: Capsules and oral solution aren’t
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (atorvastatin, interchangeable.
fluvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin): • Perform baseline liver function tests and
May increase levels and adverse effects of monitor results periodically. In patients with
these drugs. Avoid using together, or reduce baseline hepatic impairment, give drug only
dose of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. if patient’s condition is life threatening. If
Don’t use itraconazole with lovastatin or liver dysfunction occurs during therapy,
simvastatin. notify prescriber immediately.
Indinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir: May
increase levels of these drugs; indinavir PATIENT TEACHING
and ritonavir may increase itraconazole • Teach patient to recognize and report
levels. Monitor patient for toxicity. signs and symptoms of liver disease
Oral anticoagulants: May enhance antico- (anorexia, dark urine, pale stools, unusual
agulant effect. Monitor PT and INR. fatigue, and jaundice).
Oral antidiabetics: May cause hypo- • Instruct patient not to use oral solution
glycemia, similar to effect of other anti- interchangeably with capsules. I
fungals. Monitor glucose level. Avoid using • For the oral solution, tell patient to take
together. 10 ml at a time.
Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors • Advise patient to take solution without
(sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil): May food and to take capsules with a full meal.
increase levels of these drugs, increasing • Urge patient to list the other drugs he’s
adverse effects. Give PDE5 inhibitors with taking for prescriber to avoid drug interac-
caution and in reduced doses. tions.
Drug-food. Grapefruit and orange juice: May • Advise women of childbearing age that
decrease drug level and therapeutic effect. an effective form of contraception must be
Discourage use together. used during therapy and for two menstrual
cycles after stopping therapy with capsules.
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT, SAFETY ALERT!
AST, bilirubin, triglyceride, and GGT levels.
May decrease potassium level. ixabepilone
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in pa- Ixempra
tients hypersensitive to drug or those receiving
alprazolam, dofetilide, ergot alkaloids, lovas- Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
tatin, midazolam, pimozide, quinidine, sim- Pharmacologic class: Microtubule
vastatin, or triazolam; in those with ventricular inhibitor
dysfunction or a history of heart failure; and in Pregnancy risk category D
those who are breast-feeding. If signs and symp-
toms of heart failure occur, stop itraconazole. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Use cautiously in patients with Injection: 15 mg, 45 mg vials
hypochlorhydria; they may not absorb drug
• Use cautiously in HIV-infected patients ➤ With capecitabine for metastatic or
because hypochlorhydria can accompany locally advanced breast cancer, after
HIV infection. failure of anthracycline and a taxane; or
• Use cautiously in patients receiving other alone for metastatic or locally advanced
highly bound drugs. breast cancer, after failure of anthracy-
cline, taxanes, and capecitabine
Adults: 40 mg/m2 I.V. over 3 hours every
3 weeks. Doses for patients with body

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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766 ixabepilone

surface area (BSA) greater than 2.2 m2 AC TION

should be calculated based on 2.2 m2 . Causes cell death by inhibiting cell division.
Premedicate with an H1 antagonist, such Route Onset Peak Duration
as diphenhydramine 50 mg P.O. and an H2 I.V. Rapid 3 hr 3 wk
antagonist such as ranitidine 150 to 300 mg
1 hour before ixabepilone infusion. Half-life: 52 hours.
Adjust-a-dose: If toxicities occur, refer
to package insert for adjustments for ADVERSE REACTIONS
monotherapy and combination therapy. CNS: insomnia, peripheral neuropathy,
In patients with hepatic impairment headache, fatigue, asthenia, dizziness,
receiving combination therapy who have an fever, pain.
AST or ALT up to 2.5 × ULN or bilirubin CV: edema, chest pain.
up to 1 × ULN, the standard dose may EENT: increased lacrimation.
be given. Treatment is contraindicated GI: anorexia, taste disorder, nausea,
with higher AST, ALT, or bilirubin levels. vomiting, stomatitis, mucositis, diarrhea,
Patients with moderate hepatic impairment constipation, abdominal pain, gastroe-
receiving monotherapy should be started sophageal reflux disease.
at 20 mg/m2 . The dosage in subsequent Hematologic: FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA,
cycles may be increased to 30 mg/m2 if LEUKOPENIA, anemia, THROMBOCYTO-
tolerated. Use in patients with AST or ALT PENIA.
greater than 10 × ULN or bilirubin greater Hepatic: acute hepatic failure, jaundice.
than 2 × ULN isn’t recommended. Refer to Metabolic: dehydration, weight loss.
package insert for additional guidance. Musculoskeletal: myalgia, arthralgia,
skeletal pain.
ADMINISTRATION Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
I.V. tion, dyspnea, cough.
 Protect drug from light. Skin: alopecia, rash, nail disorder,
 Keep refrigerated. Let stand at room palmer-plantar erythrodysesthesia disorder,
temperature for 30 minutes before admin- pruritus, exfoliation, hyperpigmentation.
istration. Other: hypersensitivity reactions, hot flush.
 The white precipitate in diluent will

clear at room temperature. INTERACTIONS

 Drug may be a contact irritant; handle Drug-drug. CYP3A4 inducers (such as
and give with care. Wear gloves and avoid dexamethasone, phenytoin, carbamazepine,
inhaling vapors. rifampin, rifampicin, rifabutin, or pheno-
 Reconstitute drug before use, using barbital): May decrease ixabepilone level,
supplied diluent, to a concentration of causing treatment failure. Avoid using
15 mg/8 ml or 45 mg/23.5 ml. Gently swirl together.
and invert vial. CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as ketoconazole,
 Before giving drug, further dilute with itraconazole, clarithromycin, atazanavir,
lactated Ringer’s solution supplied in nefazodone, saquinavir, telithromycin,
di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)–free ritonavir, amprenavir, indinavir, nelfi-
bags. Final concentration should yield navir, delavirdine, or voriconazole): May
0.2 mg/ml to 0.6 mg/ml. increase ixabepilone level. Avoid using
 Infuse within 6 hours of preparation. together. If use together is necessary,
 Administer through a 0.2- to 1.2-micron decrease ixabepilone dose according to
in-line filter, using a DEHP-free adminis- manufacturer’s instructions.
tration set. Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
 Incompatibilities: Unknown. Don’t drug level. Discourage use together.
give with other I.V. drugs. Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
drug level. Discourage use together.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-K LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:46

ketoconazole (oral) 767

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to call prescriber for skin
• May increase bilirubin, AST, and ALT rash, itching, flushing, swelling, difficulty
levels. breathing, or chest tightness.
• May decrease neutrophil, WBC, RBC, • Tell patient that he will need periodic
and platelet counts. blood testing during treatment.
• Tell patient not to drink grapefruit juice
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Alert: Advise patient that ixabepilone
to drug or its components. contains alcohol. Avoid dangerous activities
• Contraindicated in patients with neu- such as driving or operating machinery if
trophil counts less than 1,500 cells/mm3 or dizzy or drowsy.
platelet count less than 100,000 cells/mm3 . • Caution women of childbearing age to
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in avoid pregnancy and breast-feeding during
patients with AST or ALT > 2.5 × ULN or therapy.
bilirubin > 1 × ULN in combination with
• Use cautiously in patients with cardiac ketoconazole (oral)
disease. kee-toe-KOE-na-zole


• Monitor baseline and periodic CBC and K
liver enzymes and adjust dose as needed. Therapeutic class: Antifungal
• Premedicate with H1 and H2 antagonists Pharmacologic class: Imidazole
1 hour before infusion to avoid hypersen- derivative
sitivity reaction. If patient experiences a Pregnancy risk category C
hypersensitivity reaction, also premedicate
with corticosteroids. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Monitor cardiac function. Discontinue Tablets: 200 mg
drug in those who develop cardiac ischemia
or impaired cardiac function. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• In patients with CNS changes, be aware ➤ Systemic candidiasis, chronic muco-
that drug contains dehydrated alcohol. cutaneous candidiasis, oral candidiasis,
• Monitor for signs of peripheral neuropa- candiduria, coccidioidomycosis, blasto-
thy, hypersensitivity reactions or infections. mycosis, histoplasmosis, chromomycosis,
• Peripheral neuropathy is generally and paracoccidioidomycosis; severe
reversible and should be managed by dose cutaneous dermatophyte infections that
adjustment and delays. are resistant to topical therapy
• Drug may cause fetal harm. Tell patient to Adults and children who weigh more than
avoid becoming pregnant. 40 kg (88 lb): Initially, 200 mg P.O. daily
• Because of drug’s potential risk, breast- in a single dose. Dosage may be increased
feeding should be stopped or drug should be to 400 mg once daily in patients who don’t
stopped. respond.
• Elderly patients have a greater risk of Children age 2 and older: 3.3 to 6.6 mg/kg
grade 3 or 4 adverse effects when used with P.O. daily in a single dose.
• Tell patient to report numbness or tingling • For patient with achlorhydria, dissolve
of hands or feet. each tablet in 4 ml aqueous solution of
• Advise patient to call prescriber for fever 0.2 N hydrochloric acid and have patient
above 100.5◦ F (38◦ C) or signs of in- sip solution through a glass or plastic straw.
fections such as chills, cough, or pain or Then have patient drink a glass of water
burning on urination.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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768 ketoconazole (oral)

because drug needs gastric acidity for disso- Paclitaxel: May inhibit metabolism. Use
lution and absorption. together cautiously.
• Patient should wait at least 2 hours after Phenytoin: May alter the metabolism of one
dose before taking antacids, anticholiner- or both drugs. Monitor patient for adverse
gics, and histamine-2 (H2 ) blockers. effects.
Rifampin, isoniazid: May decrease keto-
AC TION conazole level. Avoid using together.
Interferes with fungal cell-wall synthesis Theophylline: May decrease theophylline
by inhibiting formation of ergosterol and level. Monitor theophylline level.
increasing cell-wall permeability that makes Warfarin: May enhance effects of antico-
the fungus susceptible to osmotic instability. agulant. Monitor PT and INR and adjust
Route Onset Peak Duration
dosage, as needed.
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
Drug-herb. Yew: May inhibit drug
metabolism. Discourage use together.
Half-life: 8 hours.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • May increase lipid, alkaline phosphatase,
CNS: suicidal tendencies, severe depres- ALT, and AST levels. May decrease
sion. hemoglobin level.
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocyto- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
penia. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Hepatic: fatal hepatotoxicity. to drug or any of its components.
Skin: pruritus. Black Box Warning Due to increased risk
of hepatotoxicity, use cautiously in patients
INTERACTIONS with hepatic disease and in those taking
Drug-drug. Antacids, anticholinergics, other hepatotoxic drugs.
H2 -receptor antagonists: May decrease • Women taking ketoconazole shouldn’t
absorption of ketoconazole. Wait at least breast-feed.
2 hours after ketoconazole dose before
giving these drugs. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Chlordiazepoxide, clonazepam, clorazepate, Alert: Because of risk of hepatotoxicity,
diazepam, estazolam, flurazepam, midazolam, drug shouldn’t be used for less serious
quazepam, triazolam: May increase and pro- conditions, such as fungal infections of skin
long levels of these drugs. May cause CNS or nails.
depression and psychomotor impairment. Black Box Warning Due to increased risk
Avoid using together. of hepatotoxicity, monitor patient for signs
Cyclosporine, methylprednisolone, and symptoms of hepatotoxicity, includ-
tacrolimus: May increase drug levels. ing elevated liver enzyme levels, nausea
Monitor drug levels, if appropriate. that doesn’t subside, and unusual fatigue,
Digoxin: May increase digoxin level. jaundice, dark urine, or pale stool.
Monitor digoxin level. • Doses up to 800 mg/day can be used to
Isoniazid, rifampin: May increase keto- treat fungal meningitis and intracerebral
conazole metabolism. Monitor patient for fungal lesions.
decreased antifungal effect. Alert: Drug is a potent inhibitor of the
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (atorvastatin, cytochrome P-450 enzyme system. Giving
fluvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin): this drug with drugs metabolized by the
May increase levels and adverse effects of cytochrome P-450 3A4 enzyme system may
these drugs. Avoid using together, or reduce lead to increased drug levels, which could
dose of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. increase or prolong therapeutic and adverse
Oral antidiabetics: May cause hypo- effects.
glycemia. Monitor glucose level.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-K LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:46

ketoconazole (topical) 769

PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea

• Instruct patient with achlorhydria to dis- pedis, tinea versicolor from susceptible
solve each tablet in 4 ml aqueous solution of organisms; seborrheic dermatitis;
0.2 N hydrochloric acid, sip mixture through cutaneous candidiasis
a glass or plastic straw, and then drink a Adults: Cover affected and immediate
glass of water because drug needs gastric surrounding areas daily for at least 2 weeks.
acidity for dissolution and absorption. For seborrheic dermatitis, apply b.i.d. for
• Instruct patient to wait at least 2 hours 4 weeks. Patients with tinea pedis need
after dose before taking antacids, anti- 6 weeks of treatment.
cholinergics, or H2 blockers. ➤ Scaling caused by dandruff
• Make sure patient understands that treat- Adults: Using shampoo, wet hair, lather, and
ment should continue until all tests indicate massage for 1 minute. Rinse hair thoroughly
that active fungal infection has subsided. with warm water, then repeat. Leave drug
If drug is stopped too soon, infection will on scalp for 3 minutes, then rinse and dry
recur. Minimum treatment for candidiasis is hair with towel or warm air flow. Shampoo
7 to 14 days; for other systemic fungal twice weekly for 4 weeks, with at least
infections, 6 months; for resistant dermato- 3 days between shampoos and then intermit-
phyte infections, at least 4 weeks. tently, as needed, to maintain control.
• Reassure patient that nausea is common
early in therapy but will subside. To mini- ADMINISTRATION
mize nausea, instruct patient to divide daily Topical
amount into two doses or take drug with • Don’t let drug come in contact with eyes.
• Review signs and symptoms of hepatotox- AC TION
icity with patient; instruct him to stop drug Probably inhibits yeast growth by altering
and notify prescriber if they occur. the permeability of the cell membrane.
• Advise patient to discuss any new drugs Route Onset Peak Duration
or herbal supplements with prescriber. Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown

Half-life: Unknown.
ketoconazole (topical)
Skin: abnormal hair texture, increase
Extina, Ketoderm†, Ketozole, Nizoral, in normal hair loss, irritation, pruritus,
Nizoral A-D , Xolegel oiliness, or dryness of hair and scalp with
shampoo use, scalp pustules, severe irrita-
Therapeutic class: Antifungal tion, pruritus, and stinging with cream.
Pharmacologic class: Imidazole
Pregnancy risk category C INTERACTIONS
None known.
Foam: 2% None reported.
Gel: 2%
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES to drug or its components.
➤ Seborrheic dermatitis in immunocom- • Use cautiously in pregnant and breast-
petent patients feeding women.
Adults and children age 12 and older: • Ketoconazole cream contains sulfites
Apply foam to affected area b.i.d. for that may cause allergic reactions, including
4 weeks. Apply gel to affected area once anaphylaxis, in susceptible patients.
daily for 2 weeks.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-K LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:46

770 ketoprofen

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS daily. Maximum dose is 300 mg daily, or

• Most patients show improvement soon 200 mg daily for extended-release capsules.
after treatment begins. Or, 50 or 100 mg P.R. b.i.d.; or one supposi-
• Treatment of tinea corporis or tinea cruris tory at bedtime (with oral ketoprofen during
should continue for at least 2 weeks to the day).
reduce possibility of recurrence. ➤ Mild to moderate pain, dysmenorrhea
Alert: Product contains sodium sulfite Adults: 25 to 50 mg P.O. every 6 to 8 hours
anhydrous, which may cause severe or life- p.r.n. Maximum dose is 300 mg daily.
threatening allergic reactions, including Adjust-a-dose: For patients age 75 and
anaphylaxis, in patients with asthma. older, reduce dosage. For patients with
mildly impaired renal function, maximum
PATIENT TEACHING daily dose is 150 mg. For patients with
• Tell patient to stop drug and notify pre- glomerular filtration rate of less than 25 ml/
scriber if hypersensitivity reaction occurs. minute/1.73 m2 , end-stage renal disease, or
• Advise patient to check with prescriber impaired liver function and serum albumin
if condition worsens; drug may have to be level less than 3.5 g/dl, maximum daily dose
stopped and diagnosis reevaluated. is 100 mg.
• Tell patient to avoid using shampoo on
scalp if skin is broken or inflamed. ADMINISTRATION
• Warn patient that shampoo applied to P.O.
permanent-waved hair removes curl. • Give drug 30 minutes before or 2 hours
• Warn patient to avoid drug contact with after meals with a full glass of water. If
eyes. adverse GI reactions occur, drug may be
• Tell patient to continue drug for intended given with milk or meals.
duration of therapy, even if signs and symp- • Don’t crush delayed-release or extended-
toms improve soon after starting treatment. release tablets.
• Tell patient not to store drug above room Rectal
temperature (77◦ F [25◦ C]) and to protect • Rectal suppository replaces oral dose;
from light. don’t use suppository in addition to tablets
or capsules.
ketoprofen AC TION
kee-toe-PROE-fen Unknown. Produces anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, and antipyretic effects, possibly
Apo-Keto† by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis.
Therapeutic class: NSAID Route Onset Peak Duration
Pharmacologic class: NSAID P.O. 2–3 hr 6–7 hr Unknown
Pregnancy risk category B; D in (extended-
3rd trimester P.O., P.R. 1–2 hr 30–120 min 3–4 hr

AVAIL ABLE FORMS Half-life: 2 to 51⁄

2 hours for extended-release forms.
Capsules: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg
Capsules (extended-release): 100 mg, ADVERSE REACTIONS
150 mg, 200 mg CNS: headache, dizziness, CNS excitation
Suppositories: 50 mg†, 100 mg† (which includes insomnia, nervousness, and
Tablets (enteric-coated): 50 mg†, 100 mg† dreams) or CNS depression (which includes
Tablets (extended-release): 200 mg† somnolence and malaise).
CV: peripheral edema.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES EENT: tinnitus, visual disturbances.
➤ Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis GI: dyspepsia, abdominal pain, anorexia,
Adults: 75 mg t.i.d. or 50 mg q.i.d., or constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
200 mg as an extended-release tablet once stomatitis, vomiting.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ketoprofen 771

GU: nephrotoxicity, UTI signs and symp- hypertension, heart failure, or fluid reten-
toms. tion.
Skin: photosensitivity reactions, rash. •H Overdose S&S: Lethargy, drowsiness,
nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, respira-
INTERACTIONS tory depression, coma, seizures, GI bleed-
Drug-drug. Aspirin, corticosteroids: May ing, hypotension, hypertension, acute renal
increase risk of adverse GI reactions. Avoid failure.
using together.
Aspirin, probenecid: May increase ketopro- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
fen level. Avoid using together. • Don’t use sustained-release form for
Cyclosporine: May increase nephrotoxicity. patients in acute pain.
Avoid using together. • Because NSAIDs impair synthesis of
Hydrochlorothiazide, other diuretics: May renal prostaglandins, they can decrease
decrease diuretic effectiveness. Monitor renal blood flow and lead to reversible renal
patient for lack of effect. impairment, especially in patients with
Lithium, methotrexate, phenytoin: May renal or heart failure or liver dysfunction,
increase levels of these drugs, leading to in elderly patients, and in those taking
toxicity. Monitor patient closely. diuretics. Monitor these patients closely.
Warfarin: May increase risk of bleeding. • Check renal and hepatic function every
Monitor patient closely. 6 months or as indicated.
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic, • Drug decreases platelet adhesion and K
ginger, horse chestnut, red clover: May aggregation, and can prolong bleeding time
cause bleeding based on the known effects about 3 to 4 minutes from baseline.
of components. Discourage use together. Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an
White willow: Herb and drug contain simi- increased risk of serious GI adverse events
lar components. Discourage use together. including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo-
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause GI ration of the stomach or intestines, which
toxicity. Discourage use together. can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater
Sun exposure: May cause photosensitivity risk.
reactions. Advise patient to avoid excessive Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
sunlight exposure. the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or
stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS greater with longer use or in patients with
• May increase creatinine, BUN, ALT, and CV disease or risk factors for CV disease.
AST levels. • NSAIDs may mask signs and symptoms
• May increase bleeding time. of infection because of their antipyretic and
• May increase or decrease iron test results. anti-inflammatory actions.
• May falsely increase bilirubin level.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Alert: Drug is available without prescrip-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive tion. Instruct patient not to exceed 75 mg
to drug and in those with history of aspirin- daily.
or NSAID-induced asthma, urticaria, or • Tell patient to take drug 30 minutes before
other allergic reactions. or 2 hours after meals with a full glass of
Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the water. If adverse GI reactions occur, patient
treatment of perioperative pain after CABG may take drug with milk or meals.
surgery. • Tell patient not to crush delayed-release or
• Avoid use during last trimester of preg- extended-release tablets.
nancy. • Tell patient that full therapeutic effect may
• Drug isn’t recommended for children or be delayed for 2 to 4 weeks.
breast-feeding women. • Teach patient signs and symptoms of GI
• Use cautiously in patients with history bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine,
of peptic ulcer disease, renal dysfunction, or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and black,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-K LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:46

772 ketorolac tromethamine (ophthalmic)

tarry stool. Tell him to notify prescriber ➤ Reduce ocular pain, burning, and
immediately if any of these occurs. stinging after corneal refractive surgery
• Alert patient that using with aspirin, (Acular LS)
alcohol, other NSAIDs, or corticosteroids Adults and children age 3 and older: 1 drop
may increase risk of adverse GI reactions. q.i.d. to affected eye, as needed, for up to
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities 4 days after surgery.
that require mental alertness until CNS ➤ Reduce pain and photophobia after
effects are known. incisional refractive surgery (Acular PF)
• Because of possibility of sensitivity to the Adults and children age 3 and older: 1 drop
sun, advise patient to use a sunblock, wear q.i.d. to affected eye, as needed, for up to
protective clothing, and avoid prolonged 3 days after surgery.
exposure to sunlight. ➤ Reduce pain and inflammation after
• Instruct patient to report problems with cataract surgery (Acuvail)
vision or hearing immediately. Adults: 1 drop b.i.d. to affected eye begin-
• Tell patient to protect drug from direct ning 1 day before surgery, continuing on day
light and excessive heat and humidity. of surgery, and through first 2 weeks after
ketorolac tromethamine ADMINISTRATION
(ophthalmic) Ophthalmic
KEE-toe-role-ak • Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac
for 1 minute after instillation.
Acular, Acular PF, Acular LS, • Store drug away from heat in a dark,
Acuvail tightly closed container and protect from
Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory
(ophthalmic) AC TION
Pharmacologic class: NSAID Thought to inhibit the action of cyclo-
Pregnancy risk category C oxygenase, an enzyme responsible for
prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins
AVAIL ABLE FORMS mediate the inflammatory response and
Acular cause miosis.
Ophthalmic solution: 0.5% Route Onset Peak Duration
Acular PF Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
Ophthalmic solution: 0.5%
Acular LS Half-life: 4 hours.
Ophthalmic solution: 0.4%
Ophthalmic solution: 0.45% CNS: headache (Acular LS).
EENT: transient stinging and burning on
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES instillation, conjunctival hyperemia, corneal
➤ Relief from ocular itching caused by edema, corneal infiltrates, iritis, ocular
seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (Acular) edema and ocular pain (Acular LS), ocular
Adults and children age 3 and older: 1 drop inflammation (Acular), ocular irritation,
into conjunctival sac in each eye q.i.d. ocular pain, superficial keratitis, superficial
➤ Postoperative inflammation in pa- ocular infections.
tients who have had cataract extraction Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
Adults and children age 3 and older: 1 drop INTERACTIONS
to affected eye q.i.d. beginning 24 hours None significant.
after cataract surgery and continuing
through first 2 weeks of postoperative EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
period. None reported.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-K LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 0:46

ketorolac tromethamine (oral; injection) 773


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ➤ Short-term management of moder-
to components of drug and in those wearing ately severe, acute pain for single-dose
soft contact lenses. treatment
• Use cautiously in patients with bleed- Adults younger than age 65: 60 mg I.M. or
ing disorders or those hypersensitive to 30 mg I.V.
other NSAIDs or aspirin. Use cautiously in Children ages 2 to 16: 1 mg/kg I.M.
breast-feeding women. (maximum dose 30 mg) or 0.5 mg/kg I.V.
(maximum dose 15 mg).
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults age 65 and older: 30 mg I.M. or
• Acuvail may be used with other topical 15 mg I.V.
ophthalmics when given at least 5 minutes Adjust-a-dose: For renally impaired patients
apart. or those who weigh less than 50 kg (110 lb),
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 30 mg I.M. or 15 mg I.V.
Acular with Acthar. ➤ Short-term management of moder-
ately severe, acute pain for multiple-dose
• Teach patient how to instill drops. Advise Adults younger than age 65: 30 mg I.M.
him to wash hands before and after instilling or I.V. every 6 hours for maximum of
solution, and warn him not to touch tip of 5 days. Maximum daily dose is 120 mg. Or,
dropper to eye or surrounding tissue. 31.5 mg (one 15.75-mg spray in each
• Advise patient to apply light finger pres- nostril) every 6 to 8 hours; maximum daily
sure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after instil- dose is 126 mg.
lation. Adults age 65 and older: 15 mg I.M.
• Stress importance of compliance with or I.V. every 6 hours for maximum of
recommended therapy. 5 days. Maximum daily dose is 60 mg. Or,
• Tell patient not to instill drops while 15.75 mg (one spray in only one nostril)
wearing contact lenses. every 6 to 8 hours; maximum daily dose is
• Advise patient to report excessive bleed- 63 mg.
ing or bruising to prescriber. Adjust-a-dose: For renally impaired patients
• Remind patient to discard drug when it’s or those who weigh less than 50 kg, 15 mg
no longer needed. I.M. or I.V. every 6 hours. Maximum daily
dose is 60 mg. Or, 15.75 mg (one spray
in only one nostril) every 6 to 8 hours;
ketorolac tromethamine maximum daily dose is 63 mg.
(oral; injection) ➤ Short-term management of moder-
KEE-toe-role-ak ately severe, acute pain when switching
from parenteral to oral administration
Sprix, Toradol† (oral therapy is indicated only as con-
tinuation of parenterally given drug and
Therapeutic class: NSAID should never be given without patient
Pharmacologic class: NSAID first having received parenteral therapy)
Pregnancy risk category C; D in Adults younger than age 65: 20 mg P.O.
3rd trimester as single dose; then 10 mg P.O. every 4 to
6 hours for maximum of 5 days. Maximum
AVAIL ABLE FORMS daily dose is 40 mg.
Injection: 15 mg/ml in 1- and 2-ml vials and Adults age 65 and older: 10 mg P.O. as
1-ml Tubex syringes, 30 mg/ml in 1- and single dose; then 10 mg P.O. every 4 to
2-ml single-dose vials, 1- and 2-ml Tubex 6 hours for maximum of 5 days. Maximum
syringes, and 10-ml multiple-dose vials daily dose is 40 mg.
Nasal spray: 15.75 mg/spray Adjust-a-dose: For renally impaired patients
Tablets: 10 mg or those who weigh less than 50 kg, give
10 mg P.O. as single dose; then 10 mg P.O.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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774 ketorolac tromethamine (oral; injection)

every 4 to 6 hours. Maximum daily dose is CV: arrhythmias, edema, hypertension,

40 mg. palpitations.
EENT: (nasal spray only) increased
ADMINISTRATION lacrimation, nasal discomfort, rhinalgia,
P.O. rhinitis, throat irritation.
• Give drug with food if GI upset occurs. GI: dyspepsia, GI pain, nausea, constipa-
I.V. tion, diarrhea, flatulence, peptic ulceration,
 Dilute with normal saline solution, D5 W, stomatitis, vomiting.
5% dextrose and normal saline solution, GU: renal failure.
Ringer’s solution, lactated Ringer’s solu- Hematologic: decreased platelet adhesion,
tion, or Plasma-Lyte A. prolonged bleeding time, purpura.
 Give injection over at least 15 seconds. Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, rash.
 Protect from light. Other: pain at injection site.
 Incompatibilities: Azithromycin;

fenoldopam mesylate; haloperidol lactate; INTERACTIONS

nalbuphine; solutions that result in a Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II
relatively low pH, such as hydroxyzine, receptor antagonists: May cause renal im-
meperidine, morphine sulfate, and pairment, particularly in volume-depleted
prochlorperazine; thiethylperazine. patients. Avoid using together in volume-
I.M. depleted patients.
• When appropriate, give by deep I.M. Anticoagulants: May increase anticoagu-
injection. lant levels in the blood. Use together with
• Patient may feel pain at injection site. extreme caution and monitor patient
• Put pressure on site for 15 to 30 seconds closely.
after injection to minimize local effects. Antiepileptic (such as carbamazepine,
Intranasal phenytoin): May increase seizure activity.
• Discard nasal spray within 24 hours of Use together cautiously.
first dose, even if bottle still contains medi- Antihypertensives, diuretics: May decrease
cation. effectiveness. Monitor patient closely.
• Each 1.7-g bottle contains eight sprays. Lithium: May increase lithium level.
• Activate pump before first use by pump- Monitor patient closely.
ing five times. Methotrexate: May decrease methotrexate
• Have patient blow his nose before use, sit clearance and increased toxicity. Avoid
upright or stand, and tilt his head slightly using together.
forward. Pentoxifylline: May increase risk of bleed-
• Insert tip into the nostril, point away from ing. Avoid use together.
the septum, and spray once. Probenecid: May increase level and toxicity
of ketorolac. Avoid using together.
AC TION Salicylates: May increase the risk of serious
May inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, to ketorolac adverse effects. Avoid using
produce anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and together.
antipyretic effects. SSRIs: May increase risk of GI bleeding.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Use together cautiously.
P.O. 30–60 min 30–60 min 6–8 hr
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic,
I.V. Immediate 1–3 min 6–8 hr ginger, horse chestnut, red clover: May
I.M. 10 min 30–60 min 6–8 hr cause bleeding. Discourage use together.
Intranasal Unknown 1⁄ –2 hr
2 6–8 hr White willow: Herb and drug contain
similar components. Discourage use
Half-life: 4 to 6 hours. together.


CNS: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, • May increase ALT and AST levels.
sedation. • May increase bleeding time.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ketorolac tromethamine (oral; injection) 775

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Carefully observe patients with coagu-

Black Box Warning Contraindicated in lopathies and those taking anticoagulants.
patients hypersensitive to drug and in those Drug inhibits platelet aggregation and can
with active peptic ulcer disease, recent GI prolong bleeding time. This effect disap-
bleeding or perforation, advanced renal pears within 48 hours of stopping drug and
impairment, cerebrovascular bleeding, doesn’t alter platelet count, INR, PTT, or
hemorrhagic diathesis, or incomplete PT.
hemostasis, women during labor and Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
delivery and while breast-feeding, and those the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or
at risk for renal impairment from volume stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be
depletion or at risk for bleeding. greater with longer use or in patients with
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in CV disease or risk factors for CV disease.
children younger than age 2 and in patients Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an
with history of peptic ulcer disease or GI increased risk of serious GI adverse events
bleeding or past allergic reactions to aspirin including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo-
or other NSAIDs. ration of the stomach or intestines, which
Black Box Warning Nasal spray hasn’t been can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater
approved for pediatric use. risk.
Black Box Warning Contraindicated as • Don’t give drug concomitantly with other
prophylactic analgesic before major surgery forms of ketorolac or other NSAIDs.
or intraoperatively when hemostasis is • NSAIDs may mask signs and symptoms
critical; and in patients currently receiving of infection because of their antipyretic and
aspirin, an NSAID, or probenecid. anti-inflammatory actions.
Black Box Warning Contraindicated for
treatment of perioperative pain in patients PATIENT TEACHING
requiring coronary artery bypass graft • Tell patient to discard nasal spray within
surgery. 24 hours of the first dose, even if medication
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in remains in the bottle.
patients currently receiving aspirin or • Warn patient using nasal spray that he
NSAIDs. may experience transient, mild to moderate
• Use cautiously in patients who are elderly nasal irritation that lasts for a few minutes
or have hepatic or renal impairment or and won’t worsen with next dose.
cardiac decompensation. • Advise patient to take a sip of water after
•H Overdose S&S: Abdominal pain, nausea, using nasal spray to decrease throat sensa-
vomiting, peptic ulcers, GI bleeding, hyper- tion.
ventilation, renal dysfunction, metabolic • Teach patient to read package insert and
acidosis, hypertension, lethargy, drowsiness, full directions for use of nasal spray bottle.
respiratory depression, coma, anaphylaxis. • Warn patient not to take ketorolac with
other NSAIDs.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Advise patient to maintain adequate fluid
• Correct hypovolemia before giving. intake.
Black Box Warning Oral therapy is only • Advise patient to be alert for signs and
indicated as a continuation of I.V./I.M. symptoms of CV events (chest pain, short-
therapy. The maximum combined duration ness of breath, weakness, slurred speech)
of parenteral, nasal, and oral therapy is and to seek medical attention immediately if
5 days. they occur.
• In children age 2 and older, use as a single • Tell patient to promptly report edema and
dose only. weight gain.
Black Box Warning Sprix isn’t indicated • Teach patient the warning signs and
for use in children or for minor or chronic symptoms of hepatotoxicity (nausea,
painful conditions. fatigue, lethargy, pruritus, jaundice, right
• Don’t give drug epidurally or intrathecally upper quadrant abdominal tenderness,
because of alcohol content. flulike symptoms) and advise him to stop

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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776 ketotifen fumarate

drug and seek medical help immediately if Route Onset Peak Duration
they occur. Ophthalmic Within min Unknown Unknown
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber imme-
Half-life: Unknown.
diately if she is pregnant.
• Warn patient receiving drug I.M. that pain
may occur at injection site. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of GI CNS: headache.
bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine, EENT: conjunctival infection, rhinitis,
or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and black, burning or stinging of eyes, conjunctivitis,
tarry stool. Tell him to notify prescriber dry eyes, eye discharge, eye pain, eyelid
immediately if any of these occurs. disorder, itching of eyes, keratitis, lacrima-
• Tell patient not to take drug for more than tion disorder, mydriasis, ocular allergic
5 days in a row. reactions, ocular rash, pharyngitis, photo-
Other: flulike syndrome.
ketotifen fumarate
None significant.
Alaway , Zaditor 
Therapeutic class: Antihistamine None reported.
Pharmacologic class: H1 receptor CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
antagonist and mast cell stabilizer • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Pregnancy risk category C to components of drug.
• Contraindicated for irritation related to
AVAIL ABLE FORMS contact lenses.
Ophthalmic solution: 0.025%
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Soft contact lenses may absorb the
➤ To temporarily prevent eye itching preservative benzalkonium. Contact lenses
from allergic conjunctivitis; or the tem- shouldn’t be inserted until 10 minutes after
porary relief of itchy eyes due to pollen, drug is instilled.
ragweed, grass, animal hair, and dander • To prevent contaminating dropper tip and
Adults and children age 3 and older: solution, don’t touch eyelids or surrounding
Instill 1 drop in each affected eye every 8 to areas with dropper tip of bottle.
12 hours but not more than twice a day.
ADMINISTRATION • Teach patient the proper technique for
Ophthalmic instilling drops.
• Drug is for ophthalmic use only. Don’t • Advise patient not to wear contact lens if
inject or give orally. eye is red. Warn him not to use drug to treat
• Close bottle tightly when not in use. contact lens–related irritation.
• Don’t touch tip of dropper to any surface. • Instruct patient who wears soft contact
lenses and whose eyes aren’t red to wait at
AC TION least 10 minutes after instilling drug before
Stabilizes mast cells to inhibit release of inserting contact lenses.
mediators involved in hypersensitivity • Advise patient to report adverse reactions.
reactions and blocks action of histamine • Advise patient to keep bottle tightly
at the H1 receptor, temporarily preventing closed when not in use.
itching of the eye.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

labetalol hydrochloride 777


 Give by slow, direct I.V. injection over
labetalol hydrochloride 2 minutes at 10-minute intervals.
la-BET-ah-loll  For I.V. infusion, prepare by diluting

with D5 W or normal saline solutions; for

Trandate example, 200 mg of drug to 160 ml D5 W
to yield 1 mg/ml.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive  Give labetalol infusion with an infusion-

Pharmacologic class: Alpha and beta control device.

blocker  Monitor blood pressure closely every

Pregnancy risk category C 5 minutes for 30 minutes; then every

30 minutes for 2 hours. Then, monitor
AVAIL ABLE FORMS hourly for 6 hours.
Injection: 5 mg/ml in 20- and 40-ml  Patient should remain supine for 3 hours

multiple-dose vials after infusion. When given I.V. for hyper-

Tablets: 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg tensive emergencies, drug produces a
rapid, predictable fall in blood pressure
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES within 5 to 10 minutes.
➤ Hypertension  Store at room temperature. Protect from

Adults (inpatients): 200 mg P.O., followed light.

by 200 to 400 mg P.O. in 6 to 12 hours  Incompatibilities: Alkali solutions,

depending on blood pressure response. May amphotericin B, cefoperazone, ceftriax-

increase by 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. one, furosemide, heparin, nafcillin, sodium
Adults (outpatients): 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. bicarbonate, thiopental, warfarin. L
with or without a diuretic. If needed, dosage
is increased to 200 mg b.i.d. after 2 days. AC TION
Further increases may be made every 2 to May be related to reduced peripheral vascu-
3 days until optimal response is reached. lar resistance, as a result of alpha and beta
Usual maintenance dosage is 100 to 400 mg blockade.
b.i.d. Maximum dose is 2.4 g daily in two Route Onset Peak Duration
divided doses given alone or with a diuretic. P.O. 20 min 2–4 hr 8–12 hr
➤ Severe hypertension, hypertensive I.V. 2–5 min 5 min 2–4 hr
Adults: 200 mg diluted in 160 ml of D5 W, Half-life: About 51⁄2 hours after I.V. use; 6 to
infused at 2 mg/minute I.V. until satisfac- 8 hours after P.O. use.
tory response is obtained; then infusion is
stopped. Maximum dose is 300 mg. ADVERSE REACTIONS
Or, give by repeated I.V. injection; CNS: dizziness, vivid dreams, fatigue,
initially, 20 mg I.V. slowly over 2 minutes. headache, paresthesia, transient scalp
Repeat injections of 40 to 80 mg every tingling, syncope, vertigo, asthenia.
10 minutes until maximum dose of 300 mg CV: orthostatic hypotension, ventricular
is reached, as needed. arrhythmias.
EENT: nasal congestion.
ADMINISTRATION GI: nausea, vomiting.
P.O. GU: sexual dysfunction, urine retention.
• When switching from I.V. to P.O. form, Respiratory: bronchospasm, dyspnea.
begin P.O. regimen at 200 mg after blood Skin: rash.
pressure begins to rise; repeat dose with
200 to 400 mg in 6 to 12 hours. Adjust INTERACTIONS
dosage according to blood pressure Drug-drug. Beta agonists: May blunt
response. bronchodilator effect of these drugs in
• If dizziness occurs, give dose at bedtime patients with bronchospasm. May need to
or in smaller doses t.i.d. increase dosages of these drugs.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

778 lacosamide

Cimetidine: May enhance labetalol’s effect. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Use together cautiously. Trandate with Trental or Tridrate.
Halothane: May increase hypotensive
effect. Monitor blood pressure closely. PATIENT TEACHING
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May alter dosage Alert: Tell patient that stopping drug
requirements in previously stabilized abruptly can worsen chest pain and trigger a
diabetic patient. Monitor patient closely. heart attack.
Nitroglycerin: May blunt reflex tachycardia • Advise patient that dizziness is the most
produced by nitroglycerin but not the hypo- troublesome adverse reaction and tends to
tension. Monitor BP if used together. occur in the early stages of treatment, in
NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive patients taking diuretics, and with higher
effects. Monitor blood pressure. dosages. Inform patient that dizziness can
Tricyclic antidepressants: May increase be minimized by rising slowly and avoiding
incidence of tremor. Monitor patient for sudden position changes.
tremor. • Warn patient that occasional, harmless
Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease scalp tingling may occur, especially when
antihypertensive effects. Discourage use therapy begins.


• May increase transaminase and urea lah-COSS-ah-mide
• May cause false-positive increase of urine Vimpat
free and total catecholamine levels when
measured by a nonspecific trihydroxyindole Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant
fluorometric method. May cause false- Pharmacologic class: Functionalized
positive test result for amphetamines when amino acid
screening urine for drugs. Pregnancy risk category C


• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- Injection: 200 mg/20-ml vial
sitive to drug or its components and in Oral solution: 10 mg/ml
those with bronchial asthma, overt cardiac Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg
failure, greater than first-degree heart block,
cardiogenic shock, severe bradycardia, and INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
other conditions that may cause severe and ➤ Adjunct therapy for partial-onset
prolonged hypotension. seizures
• Use cautiously in patients with heart Adults and adolescents age 17 and older:
failure, hepatic failure, chronic bronchitis, Initially, 50 mg P.O. b.i.d.; increase at
emphysema, peripheral vascular disease, weekly intervals to a maximum daily dosage
and pheochromocytoma. of 100 to 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. May administer
•H Overdose S&S: Orthostatic hypotension, I.V. at an equivalent daily dosage and
bradycardia, heart failure, bronchospasm, frequency when P.O. administration is
seizures. temporarily not feasible.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with mild or
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS moderate hepatic impairment or severe
• Monitor blood pressure frequently. Drug renal impairment, maximum recommended
masks common signs and symptoms of daily dosage is 300 mg. Withhold drug in
shock. patients with severe hepatic impairment.
• In diabetic patients, monitor glucose Dosage supplementation of up to 50%
level closely because beta blockers may should be considered following a 4-hour
mask certain signs and symptoms of hemodialysis treatment.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

lacosamide 779

ADMINISTRATION • Use lacosamide during pregnancy only

P.O. if potential benefit to the mother justifies
• Give drug with or without food. potential risk to the fetus.
I.V. • It isn’t known if drug appears in breast
 Reconstitute with normal saline solu- milk. Patient should either stop breast-
tion, D5 W, or lactated Ringer’s solution. feeding or stop drug.
Discard solution if discolored or if particu- • Safety and efficacy in children younger
late matter is present. Solution is stable for than age 17 haven’t been established.
24 hours at room temperature. •H Overdose S&S: Coma.
 Infuse over 30 to 60 minutes.
 Discard unused solution in vial. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
 Incompatibilities: None known. • Monitor patient for signs and symptoms
of multiorgan hypersensitivity reaction,
AC TION including fever, rash, eosinophilia, hepatitis,
May selectively enhance slow inactivation nephritis, lymphadenopathy, and myocar-
of sodium channels, stabilizing hyperex- ditis. If reaction is suspected, discontinue
citable neuronal membranes and inhibiting drug and begin alternative treatment.
repetitive neuronal firing. • Obtain an ECG in patients with severe
Route Onset Peak Duration
cardiac disease or known conduction
P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr Unknown
defects before starting drug.
I.V. Unknown 30–60 min Unknown Alert: Withdraw drug gradually to
minimize potential for increased seizure
Half-life: Approximately 13 hours. activity.
• Enroll pregnant patients in the UCB AED L
ADVERSE REACTIONS registry by calling 1-888-537-7734.
CNS: asthenia, ataxia, balance disorder, • Encourage pregnant patients to enroll in
depression, dizziness, fatigue, gait distur- the North American Antiepileptic Drug
bance, headache, memory impairment, Pregnancy Registry at 1-888-233-2334.
somnolence, tremor. Registry information can also be found at
EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, nystagmus,
vertigo. Alert: Drug may increase risk of suicidal
GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. thinking and behavior. Monitor patient
Skin: pruritus, skin laceration. closely for worsening depression, suicidal
Other: contusion. thoughts or behavior, and unusual changes
in mood or behavior.
INTERACTIONS • Closely observe patients with mild to
Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, phenobarbi- moderate hepatic impairment during dosage
tal, phenytoin: May decrease lacosamide titration.
level. Adjust dosage as needed.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause PATIENT TEACHING
additive drowsiness. Don’t use together. • Inform patient that drug may be taken
without regard to meals.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient to report mood changes or
• May increase liver function test values. suicidal thoughts immediately.
• Warn patient to avoid driving and oper-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ating heavy machinery until drug’s CNS
• Lacosamide isn’t recommended for effects are known.
patients with severe hepatic impairment. • Advise woman to notify prescriber if she
• Use cautiously in patients with known suspects or is considering pregnancy or
cardiac conduction problems, depression, plans to breast-feed.
myocardial ischemia, or heart failure and in • Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly.
those with a history of suicidal thoughts. • Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

780 lactulose

• Advise patient to report blurred vision, bacterial degradation, which lowers the pH
dizziness, double vision, nausea, uncoordi- of colon contents.
nated movement, or vertigo. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 24–48 hr Variable Variable
P.R. Unknown Unknown Unknown
LAK-tyoo-lose Half-life: Unknown.

Cephulac, Constulose, Enulose, ADVERSE REACTIONS

Kristalose GI: abdominal cramps, belching, diarrhea,
flatulence, gaseous distention, nausea,
Therapeutic class: Laxative vomiting.
Pharmacologic class: Disaccharide
Pregnancy risk category B INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Antacids: May decrease lactu-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS lose effectiveness. Avoid using together.
Packets: 10 g, 20 g
None reported.
Adults: 10 to 20 g or 15 to 30 ml P.O. daily, • Contraindicated in patients on a low-
increased to 60 ml/day, if needed. galactose diet.
➤ To prevent and treat hepatic enceph- • Use cautiously in patients with diabetes
alopathy, including hepatic precoma mellitus.
and coma in patients with severe hepatic •H Overdose S&S: Diarrhea, abdominal
disease cramps.
Adults: Initially, 20 to 30 g or 30 to 45 ml
P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d., until two or three soft NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
stools are produced daily. Usual dose is • Monitor sodium level for hypernatremia,
60 to 100 g daily in divided doses. Or, 200 g especially when giving in higher doses to
or 300 ml diluted with 700 ml of water or treat hepatic encephalopathy.
normal saline solution and given as reten- • Monitor mental status and potassium
tion enema P.R. every 4 to 6 hours, as levels when giving to patients with hepatic
needed. encephalopathy.
• Replace fluid loss.
ADMINISTRATION • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
P.O. lactulose with lactose.
• To minimize sweet taste, dilute with water
or fruit juice or give with food. PATIENT TEACHING
Rectal • Show home care patient how to mix and
• Prepare enema (not commercially avail- use drug.
able) by adding 200 g (300 ml) to 700 ml of • Inform patient about adverse reactions
water or normal saline solution. The diluted and tell him to notify prescriber if reactions
solution is given as retention enema for become bothersome or if diarrhea occurs.
30 to 60 minutes. Use a rectal balloon. • Instruct patient not to take other laxatives
• If enema isn’t retained for at least during lactulose therapy.
30 minutes, repeat dose.

Produces an osmotic effect in colon; result-
ing distention promotes peristalsis. Also
decreases ammonia, probably as a result of

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

lamivudine 781

➤ Chronic hepatitis B with evidence of

lamivudine (3TC) hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication and
lam-ah-VEW-den active liver inflammation
Adults: 100 mg Epivir-HBV P.O. once daily.
Epivir, Epivir-HBV, Heptovir† Children ages 2 to 17 years: 3 mg/kg
Epivir-HBV P.O. once daily, up to a max-
Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral imum dose of 100 mg daily. Optimum
Pharmacologic class: Nucleoside duration of treatment isn’t known; safety
reverse transcriptase inhibitor and effectiveness of treatment beyond 1 year
Pregnancy risk category C haven’t been established.
Adjust-a-dose: For adult patients with
AVAIL ABLE FORMS chronic hepatitis B and creatinine clear-
Epivir ance of 30 to 49 ml/minute, give first dose
Oral solution: 10 mg/ml of 100 mg Epivir-HBV; then give 50 mg
Tablets: 150 mg, 300 mg P.O. once daily. If clearance is 15 to 29 ml/
Epivir-HBV minute, give first dose of 100 mg; then give
Oral solution: 5 mg/ml 25 mg P.O. once daily. If clearance is 5 to
Tablets: 100 mg 14 ml/minute, give first dose of 35 mg; then
give 15 mg P.O. once daily. If clearance is
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES less than 5 ml/minute, give first dose of
Black Box Warning Epivir tablets and oral 35 mg; then give 10 mg P.O. once daily.
solution (used to treat HIV infection) con- For adults with HIV and creatinine clear-
tain a higher dose of the active ingredient ance of 30 to 49 ml/minute, give 150 mg
than Epivir-HBV tablets and oral solution P.O. b.i.d. or 300 mg P.O. once daily. If clear- L
(used to treat chronic hepatitis B infection). ance is 15 to 29 ml/minute, give first dose
Patient with HIV infection should receive of 150 mg P.O.; then 100 mg P.O. once daily.
only dosing forms appropriate for HIV If clearance is 5 to 14 ml/minute, give first
treatment. dose of 150 mg P.O.; then 50 mg P.O. once
➤ HIV infection, with other antiretro- daily. If clearance is less than 5 ml/minute,
virals give first dose of 50 mg P.O.; then 25 mg
Adults and children older than age 16: Give P.O. once daily.
300 mg Epivir P.O. once daily or 150 mg
Children ages 3 months to 16 years: 4 mg/kg P.O.
Epivir solution P.O. b.i.d. Maximum dose is • Give without regard for food.
150 mg b.i.d.
Children 14 kg (31 lb) or more who can AC TION
reliably swallow tablets: Weighing 14 to A synthetic nucleoside analogue that in-
21 kg (46 lb), give 1⁄2 tablet (75 mg) P.O. hibits HIV and HBV reverse transcription
b.i.d.; 21 to less than 30 kg (66 lb), give via viral DNA chain termination. RNA-
1⁄ tablet (75 mg) P.O. in morning and
2 and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
1 tablet (150 mg) P.O. in evening; 30 kg activities.
or more, give 150 mg P.O. b.i.d. Route Onset Peak Duration
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with chronic P.O. Unknown 1–3 hr Unknown
hepatitis B and creatinine clearance of 30 to
49 ml/minute, give 150 mg Epivir P.O. daily. Half-life: 5 to 7 hours.
If clearance is 15 to 29 ml/minute, give
150 mg P.O. on day 1 and then 100 mg daily; ADVERSE REACTIONS
if it’s 5 to 14 ml/minute, give 150 mg on day Adverse reactions pertain to the combina-
1 and then 50 mg daily; if it’s less than 5 ml/ tion therapy of lamivudine and zidovudine.
minute, give 50 mg on day 1 and then 25 mg CNS: dizziness, fatigue, fever, headache,
daily. insomnia and other sleep disorders,
malaise, neuropathy, depressive disorders.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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782 lamivudine

EENT: nasal symptoms. laboratory abnormalities suggest pancreati-

GI: anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, tis. Monitor amylase level.
pancreatitis, abdominal cramps, abdominal Alert: Lactic acidosis and hepatotoxicity
pain, dyspepsia. have been reported. Notify prescriber if
Hematologic: neutropenia, thrombocyto- signs of lactic acidosis or hepatotoxicity
penia, anemia. occurs.
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. Black Box Warning Hepatitis may recur in
Metabolic: lactic acidosis. some patients with chronic HBV when they
Musculoskeletal: musculoskeletal pain, stop taking drug.
arthralgia, myalgia. • Safety and effectiveness of Epivir-HBV
Respiratory: cough. for longer than 1 year haven’t been estab-
Skin: rash. lished; optimum duration of treatment isn’t
Other: chills. known.
Black Box Warning Test patients for HIV
INTERACTIONS before starting treatment and during therapy
Drug-drug. Trimethoprim and sulfametho- because form and dosage of lamivudine in
xazole: May increase lamivudine level Epivir-HBV aren’t appropriate for those
because of decreased clearance of drug. infected with both HBV and HIV. If lamivu-
Monitor patient for toxicity. dine is given to patients with HBV and HIV,
Zalcitabine: May inhibit activation of both use the higher dosage indicated for HIV
drugs. Avoid using together. therapy as part of an appropriate combina-
Zidovudine: May increase zidovudine level. tion regimen.
Monitor patient closely for adverse reac- • Because of a high rate of early virologic
tions. resistance, don’t use triple antiretroviral
therapy with abacavir or didanosine,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS lamivudine, and tenofovir as new treatment
• May increase ALT and bilirubin levels. for never-treated or pretreated patients.
May decrease hemoglobin level. Monitor patients currently taking this
• May decrease neutrophil and platelet therapy and those who take it with other
counts. antiretrovirals, and consider a different
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Monitor patient’s CBC, platelet count,
Black Box Warning Lactic acidosis and and renal and liver function studies. Report
severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, includ- abnormalities.
ing fatal cases, have been reported.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive PATIENT TEACHING
to drug. • Inform patient that long-term effects of
• Use cautiously in patients with renal drug aren’t known.
impairment. • Stress importance of taking drug exactly
Alert: Use drug cautiously, if at all, in as prescribed.
children with history of pancreatitis or other • Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV
significant risk factors for development of infection, that opportunistic infections and
pancreatitis. other complications of HIV infection may
• The Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry still occur, and that transmission of HIV
monitors maternal-fetal outcomes of to others through sexual contact or blood
pregnant women exposed to lamivudine. contamination is still possible.
To register a pregnant woman, call the • Teach parents or guardians the signs and
Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry at 1-800- symptoms of pancreatitis. Advise them to
258-4263. report signs and symptoms immediately.

Alert: Stop treatment immediately and
notify prescriber if signs, symptoms, or

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

lamotrigine 783

primidone, or valproate: 25 mg (immediate-

lamotrigine release) P.O. daily for 1 to 2 weeks; then
la-MO-tri-geen 50 mg P.O. daily for another 2 weeks.
Continue to increase by 50 mg/day every
Lamictal, Lamictal CD, Lamictal ODT, 1 to 2 weeks until an effective maintenance
Lamictal XR dose is reached. Daily maintenance dose
is 225 to 375 mg P.O. daily in two divided
Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant doses.
Pharmacologic class: Phenyltriazine Adults and children older than age 12
Pregnancy risk category C taking carbamazepine, phenytoin, phe-
nobarbital, or primidone but not valproate:
AVAIL ABLE FORMS 50 mg (immediate-release) P.O. daily for
Tablets: 25 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg 2 weeks; then 100 mg P.O. daily in two
Tablets (chewable dispersible): 2 mg, 5 mg, divided doses for 2 weeks. Increase, as
25 mg needed, by 100 mg daily every 1 to 2 weeks.
Tablets (extended release): 25 mg, 50 mg, Usual maintenance dosage is 300 to 500 mg
100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg P.O. daily in two divided doses. Or, 50 mg
Tablets (orally disintegrating): 25 mg, (extended-release) P.O. daily for 2 weeks;
50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg then 100 mg P.O. daily for 2 weeks; then
200 mg P.O. daily for 1 week; then 300 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES P.O. daily for 1 week; then 400 mg P.O.
➤ Adjunct treatment of partial seizures daily for 1 week. Daily maintenance dose is
or primary generalized tonic-clonic 400 to 600 mg.
seizures caused by epilepsy or generalized Children ages 2 to 12 weighing 7 to 40 kg L
seizures of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (15 to 88 lb) taking valproate: 0.15 mg/kg
Adults and children older than age 12 P.O. daily in one or two divided doses
taking valproate: 25 mg (immediate- (rounded down to nearest whole tablet) for
release) P.O. every other day for 2 weeks; 2 weeks, followed by increasing the daily
then 25 mg P.O. daily for 2 weeks. Con- dose with an additional 0.3 mg/kg daily
tinue to increase, as needed, by 25 to 50 mg in one or two divided doses for every 1 to
daily every 1 to 2 weeks until an effective 2 weeks. Thereafter, usual maintenance
maintenance dosage of 100 to 400 mg dosage is 1 to 5 mg/kg daily (maximum,
daily given in one or two divided doses is 200 mg daily in one to two divided doses).
reached. When added to valproate alone, Children ages 2 to 12 weighing 7 to 40 kg
the usual daily maintenance dose is 100 to (15 to 88 lb) taking anticonvulsant drugs
200 mg. Or, 25 mg (extended-release) P.O. but not carbamazepine, phenytoin, pheno-
every other day for 2 weeks; then 25 mg P.O. barbital, primidone, or valproate: 0.3 mg/
daily for 2 weeks; then 50 mg P.O. daily for kg (immediate-release) P.O. daily in one
1 week; then 100 mg P.O. daily for 1 week; or two divided doses (rounded down to
then 150 mg P.O. daily for 1 week. Daily the nearest whole tablet) for 2 weeks; then
maintenance dose is 200 to 250 mg. 0.6 mg/kg P.O. daily in two divided doses
Adults and children older than age 12 not for another 2 weeks; then increase the daily
taking carbamazepine, phenytoin, pheno- dose with an additional 0.6 mg/kg P.O. daily
barbital, primidone, or valproate: 25 mg in two divided doses every 1 to 2 weeks.
(extended-release) P.O. daily for 2 weeks; Thereafter, usual maintenance dose is 4.5 to
then 50 mg P.O. daily for 2 weeks; then 7.5 mg/kg P.O. daily. Maximum dose is
100 mg P.O. daily for 1 week; then 150 mg 300 mg daily in two divided doses.
P.O. daily for 1 week; then 200 mg P.O. Children ages 2 to 12 weighing 7 to 40 kg
daily for 1 week. Daily maintenance dose is (15 to 88 lb) taking carbamazepine, pheny-
300 to 400 mg. toin, phenobarbital, or primidone but not
Adults and children older than age 12 valproate: 0.6 mg/kg P.O. daily in two
taking anticonvulsant drugs but not car- divided doses (rounded down to nearest
bamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, whole tablet) for 2 weeks; then increase

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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784 lamotrigine

the daily dose with an additional 1.2 mg/kg Adults taking valproate: Initially, 25 mg
daily in two divided doses every 1 to 2 weeks. (immediate-release) P.O. every other day
Usual maintenance dosage is 5 to 15 mg/kg for 2 weeks; then 25 mg P.O. once daily for
P.O. daily (maximum 400 mg daily in two 2 weeks. Dosage may then be doubled at
divided doses). weekly intervals to maintenance dosage of
➤ To convert patients from therapy with 100 mg daily.
a hepatic enzyme-inducing anticonvul-
sant alone to lamotrigine therapy ADMINISTRATION
Adults and children age 16 and older: Add P.O.
lamotrigine (immediate-release) 50 mg • Chewable dispersible tablets may be
P.O. once daily to current drug regimen for swallowed whole, chewed, or dispersed in
2 weeks, followed by 100 mg P.O. daily in water or diluted fruit juice.
two divided doses for 2 weeks. Then in- • If tablets are chewed, give a small amount
crease daily dosage by 100 mg every 1 to of water or diluted fruit juice to aid in swal-
2 weeks until maintenance dose of 500 mg lowing.
daily in two divided doses is reached. The • Orally disintegrating tablets should be
concomitant hepatic enzyme-inducing anti- placed on the tongue and moved around in
convulsant can then be gradually reduced by the mouth.
20% decrements weekly for 4 weeks. • Orally disintegrating tablets may be swal-
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with severe renal lowed with or without water and without
impairment, use lower maintenance dosage. regard to food.
➤ To convert patients with partial • Give extended-release tablets once daily
seizures from adjunctive therapy with with or without food. Patient must swallow
valproate to therapy with lamotrigine tablets whole and must not chew, crush, or
alone divide them.
Adults and children age 16 and older: Add
lamotrigine (immediate-release) until AC TION
200 mg daily is achieved; then gradually Unknown. May inhibit release of glutamate
decrease valproate to 500 mg daily by and aspartate (excitatory neurotransmitters)
decrements of no more than 500 mg daily in the brain via an action at voltage-sensitive
per week. Maintain these dosages for sodium channels.
1 week, then increase lamotrigine to 300 mg
Route Onset Peak Duration
daily while decreasing valproate to 250 mg P.O. Unknown 1–5 hr Unknown
daily. Maintain these dosages for 1 week,
then stop valproate completely while Half-life: 141⁄2 to 701⁄4 hours, depending on dosage
increasing lamotrigine by 100 mg daily schedule and use of other anticonvulsants.
every week until a dose of 500 mg daily is
➤ Bipolar disorder CNS: ataxia, dizziness, headache, som-
Adults: Initially, 25 mg (immediate-release) nolence, seizures, aggravated reaction,
P.O. once daily for 2 weeks; then 50 mg P.O. anxiety, concentration disturbance,
once daily for 2 weeks. Dosage may then be decreased memory, depression, dysarthria,
doubled at weekly intervals, to maintenance emotional lability, fever, incoordination,
dosage of 200 mg daily. insomnia, irritability, malaise, mind racing,
Adults taking carbamazepine or other speech disorder, sleep disorder, tremor,
hepatic enzyme-inducing drugs without vertigo.
valproate: Initially, 50 mg (immediate- CV: palpitations.
release) P.O. once daily for 2 weeks; then EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, rhinitis,
100 mg daily in two divided doses for nystagmus, pharyngitis, vision abnormality.
2 weeks. Dosage is then increased by GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
100 mg weekly to maintenance dosage anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth,
of 400 mg daily, given in two divided doses. dyspepsia.
GU: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, vaginitis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

lamotrigine 785

Musculoskeletal: muscle spasm, neck pain. in behavior indicating worsening of suicidal

Respiratory: cough, dyspnea. thoughts or behavior or depression. Symp-
Skin: rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toms such as anxiety, agitation, hostility,
toxic epidermal necrolysis, acne, alopecia, mania, and hypomania may be precursors to
hot flashes, pruritus. emerging suicidality
Other: chills, flulike syndrome, infection, • Don’t stop drug abruptly because this may
tooth disorder. increase seizure frequency. Instead, taper
drug over at least 2 weeks.
INTERACTIONS Black Box Warning Serious rashes requir-
Drug-drug. Acetaminophen: May decrease ing hospitalization and discontinuation of
therapeutic effects of lamotrigine. Monitor treatment have been reported in associa-
patient. tion with lamotrigine therapy. Stop drug at
Carbamazepine: May decrease effects of first sign of rash, unless rash is clearly not
lamotrigine while increasing toxicity of drug-related.
carbamazepine. Adjust doses and monitor Alert: Drug may cause aseptic menin-
patient. gitis. Monitor patient for symptoms such
Ethosuximide, oxcarbazepine, phenobar- as headache, fever, neck stiffness, nausea,
bital, phenytoin, primidone: May decrease vomiting, rash, and photophobia. Discon-
lamotrigine level. Monitor patient closely. tinue drug if no other cause of meningitis is
Folate inhibitors, such as co-trimoxazole found.
and methotrexate: May have additive effect • Reduce lamotrigine dose if drug is added
because lamotrigine inhibits dihydrofolate to a multidrug regimen that includes val-
reductase, an enzyme involved in folic acid proic acid.
synthesis. Monitor patient. • Evaluate patients for changes in seizure L
Hormonal contraceptives containing estro- activity. Check adjunct anticonvulsant level.
gen, rifampin: May decrease lamotrigine • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
levels. Adjust dosage. By the end of the lamotrigine with lamivudine or Lamictal
“pill-free” week, lamotrigine levels may with Lamisil, Ludiomil, labetalol, or
double. Lomotil.
Valproate: May decrease clearance of lam-
otrigine, which increases lamotrigine level; PATIENT TEACHING
also decreases valproate level. Monitor • Inform patient that drug may cause rash.
patient for toxicity. Combination therapy of valproic acid and
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause lamotrigine may cause a serious rash. Tell
photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to patient to report rash or signs or symptoms
avoid excessive sun exposure. of hypersensitivity promptly to prescriber
because they may warrant stopping drug.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Warn patient not to engage in hazardous
None reported. activity until drug’s CNS effects are known.
• Advise patient or caregiver to immedi-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ately report headache, fever, neck stiffness,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive nausea, vomiting, rash, drowsiness, confu-
to drug or its components. sion, or light sensitivity to his health care
• Use cautiously in patients with renal, provider.
hepatic, or cardiac impairment. • Warn patient that the drug may trigger
•H Overdose S&S: Ataxia, nystagmus, sensitivity to the sun and to take precautions
increased seizures, decreased level of until tolerance is determined.
consciousness, coma, intraventricular • Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly.
conduction delay. Alert: Advise women of childbearing age
to discuss drug therapy with prescriber if
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS considering pregnancy. Babies exposed to
Alert: Closely monitor all patients taking drug during the first trimester have a greater
or starting antiepileptic drugs for changes risk of cleft lip or palate.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

786 lansoprazole

• Advise women of childbearing age that ➤ Long-term treatment of pathologic

breast-feeding isn’t recommended during hypersecretory conditions, including
therapy. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Adults: Initially, 60 mg P.O. once daily.
Increase dosage, as needed. Give daily
lansoprazole amounts above 120 mg in evenly divided
lanz-AH-pray-zol doses.
➤ Helicobacter pylori eradication to
Prevacidi, Prevacid SoluTab reduce risk of duodenal ulcer recurrence
Adults: For patients receiving dual ther-
Therapeutic class: Antiulcer apy, 30 mg P.O. lansoprazole with 1 g P.O.
Pharmacologic class: Proton pump amoxicillin, each given t.i.d. for 14 days.
inhibitor For patients receiving triple therapy, 30 mg
Pregnancy risk category B P.O. lansoprazole with 1 g P.O. amoxicillin
and 500 mg P.O. clarithromycin, all given
AVAIL ABLE FORMS b.i.d. for 10 to 14 days.
Capsules (delayed-release): 15 mg, 30 mg ➤ Short-term treatment of symptomatic
Orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) gastroesophageal reflux disease
(delayed-release): 15 mg, 30 mg Adults: 15 mg P.O. once daily for up to
8 weeks.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Children ages 12 to 17: 15 mg P.O. once
➤ Short-term treatment of active daily for up to 8 weeks.
duodenal ulcer Children ages 1 to 11 who weigh more than
Adults: 15 mg P.O. daily before eating for 30 kg (66 lb): 30 mg P.O. once daily for
4 weeks. up to 12 weeks. Dosage can be increased
➤ Maintenance of healed duodenal up to 30 mg b.i.d. in patients who remain
ulcers symptomatic after 2 weeks.
Adults: 15 mg P.O. daily. Children ages 1 to 11 who weigh 30 kg
➤ Short-term treatment of active benign or less: 15 mg P.O. once daily for up to
gastric ulcer 12 weeks. Dosage can be increased up to
Adults: 30 mg P.O. once daily for up to 30 mg b.i.d. in patients who remain symp-
8 weeks. tomatic after 2 weeks.
➤ Short-term treatment of erosive ➤ NSAID-related ulcer in patients who
esophagitis continue NSAID use
Adults: 30 mg P.O. daily before eating for Adults: 30 mg P.O. daily for 8 weeks.
up to 8 weeks. If healing doesn’t occur, ➤ To reduce risk of NSAID-related ulcer
8 more weeks of therapy may be given. in patients with history of gastric ulcer
Maintenance dosage for healing is 15 mg who need NSAIDs
P.O. daily. Adults: 15 mg P.O. daily for up to 12 weeks.
Children ages 12 to 17: 30 mg P.O. once
daily for up to 8 weeks. ADMINISTRATION
Children ages 1 to 11 who weigh more than P.O.
30 kg (66 lb): 30 mg P.O. once daily for up • Give 30 to 60 minutes before a meal.
to 12 weeks. Increase dosage up to 30 mg • Don’t crush or allow patient to chew
b.i.d. in patients who remain symptomatic capsules.
after 2 weeks. • Contents of capsule can be mixed with
Children ages 1 to 11 who weigh 30 kg 40 ml of apple juice in a syringe and given
or less: 15 mg P.O. once daily for up to within 3 to 5 minutes via a nasogastric (NG)
12 weeks. Increase dosage up to 30 mg b.i.d. tube. Flush with additional apple juice to
in patients who remain symptomatic after give entire dose and maintain patency of the
2 weeks. tube.
• To give ODTs using an oral syringe,
dissolve a 15-mg tablet in 4 ml water or a

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

lansoprazole 787

30-mg tablet in 10 ml water and give within Drug-food. Food: May decrease rate and
15 minutes. Refill syringe with about 2 ml extent of GI absorption. Advise patient to
(15-mg tablet) or 5 ml (30-mg tablet) of take before meals.
water, shake gently, and give any remaining
• To give ODTs through an NG tube 8 None reported.
French or larger, dissolve a 15-mg tablet in
4 ml water or a 30-mg tablet in 10 ml water CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
and give within 15 minutes. Refill syringe • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
with about 5 ml of water, shake gently, and to drug.
flush the NG tube. Alert: There may be an increased risk of
• ODTs contain 2.5 mg phenylalanine/ hip, wrist, and spine fractures associated
15-mg tablet and 5.1 mg phenylalanine/ with proton pump inhibitors.
30-mg tablet. • It’s unknown if drug appears in breast
milk. Breast-feeding women should either
AC TION stop breast-feeding or stop drug.
Inhibits proton pump activity by binding
to hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphos- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
phates, located at secretory surface of gas- • Patients with severe liver disease may
tric parietal cells; to suppress gastric acid need dosage adjustment, but don’t adjust
secretions. dosage for elderly patients or those with
Route Onset Peak Duration
renal insufficiency.
• Just because symptoms respond to
P.O. 1–3 hr Unknown 24 hr
therapy, gastric malignancy shouldn’t be L
Half-life: Less than 2 hours. ruled out.
Alert: Amoxicillin may trigger anaphy-
ADVERSE REACTIONS laxis in patients with a history of penicillin
GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, hypersensitivity.
nausea. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Prevacid with Pepcid, Prilosec, or Prevpac.
Drug-drug. Ampicillin esters, digoxin, iron PATIENT TEACHING
salts, ketoconazole: May inhibit absorption • For best effect, instruct patient to take
of these drugs. Monitor patient closely. drug 30 to 60 minutes before eating.
Atazanavir: May reduce GI absorption of • Tell patient he may mix the capsule’s
atazanavir, reducing antiviral activity. Don’t contents with a small amount (about
use together. 2 ounces) of apple, cranberry, grape,
Clarithromycin: May increase lansoprazole orange, pineapple, prune, tomato, or veg-
levels and adverse effects. Monitor patient. etable juice. The patient must drink the
Sucralfate: May cause delayed lansoprazole mixture within 30 minutes. To ensure com-
absorption. Give lansoprazole at least plete delivery of the dose, the patient should
30 minutes before sucralfate. fill the glass two or more times with juice
Theophylline: May mildly increase theo- and swallow the contents immediately.
phylline clearance. Adjust theophylline • Contents of capsule can be mixed with
dosage when lansoprazole is started or 1 tablespoon of applesauce, Ensure, pud-
stopped. Use together cautiously. ding, cottage cheese, yogurt, or strained
Drug-herb. Male fern: May inactivate herb. pears and swallowed immediately. The
Discourage use together. capsule and granules shouldn’t be chewed
St. John’s wort: May increase risk of sun or crushed.
sensitivity. Advise patient to avoid excessive • Tell patient taking ODTs to allow tablet to
sunlight exposure. dissolve on tongue until all particles can be

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

788 lanthanum carbonate

lanthanum carbonate None reported.
Fosrenol • May increase calcium level.

Therapeutic class: Antihyperphos- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

phatemic • No known contraindications.
Pharmacologic class: Non-calcium, • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women
non–aluminum phosphate binder and patients with acute peptic ulcer, ul-
Pregnancy risk category C cerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or bowel
Tablets (chewable): 500 mg, 750 mg, 1 g NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Monitor patient for bone pain and skeletal
➤ To reduce phosphate level in patients • Check serum phosphate levels during
with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) dosage adjustment and regularly as needed
Adults: Initially, 250 to 500 mg P.O. t.i.d. throughout treatment.
with meals. Adjust every 2 to 3 weeks by • Drug isn’t recommended for children
750 mg daily until reaching desired phos- because it’s deposited in developing bone,
phate level. Reducing phosphate level to including the growth plate.
less than 6 mg/dl usually requires 1,500 to
3,000 mg daily. PATIENT TEACHING
• Urge patient to follow a low-phosphorus
ADMINISTRATION diet. Assist with meal planning as needed.
P.O. • Tell patient to take drug with or immedi-
• Give drug with or just after a meal. ately after meals.
• Remind patient to chew tablets com- Alert: Remind patient to chew tablets
pletely before swallowing them. completely before swallowing them.
• Instruct patient to avoid taking lanthanum
AC TION within 2 hours of oral drugs known to inter-
Inhibits phosphate absorption by binding act with antacids.
to phosphate released during digestion • Explain that the most common side
and forming highly insoluble lanthanum- effects are nausea and vomiting and that
phosphate complexes. they tend to subside over time.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: 53 hours. lah-PAH-tih-nihb


CNS: headache.
CV: hypotension. Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
EENT: rhinitis. Pharmacologic class: Kinase inhibitor
GI: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomit- Pregnancy risk category D
ing, abdominal pain.
Metabolic: hypercalcemia. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Respiratory: bronchitis. Tablets: 250 mg
Other: dialysis graft occlusion or compli-
➤ Advanced or metastatic breast can-
cer with capecitabine when tumors

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

lapatinib 789

overexpress HER2 and patient has had EENT: mucosal inflammation.

prior therapy, including an anthracy- GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis,
cline, a taxane, and trastuzumab dyspepsia.
Adults: 1,250 mg (5 tablets) P.O. once daily Hematologic: anemia, NEUTROPENIA,
as a single dose on days 1 through 21, with THROMBOCYTOPENIA.
2,000 mg/m2 /day capecitabine given P.O. Musculoskeletal: arm or leg pain, back
in two doses 12 hours apart on days 1 to 14. pain.
Repeat 21-day cycle. Respiratory: DYSPNEA.
➤ HER2-positive, hormone receptor– Skin: palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia,
positive metastatic breast cancer in rash, dry skin.
postmenopausal women
Adults: 1,500 mg P.O. once daily with letro- INTERACTIONS
zole 2.5 mg once daily. Drug-drug. Antiarrhythmics, other drugs
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with decreased that prolong QT interval, cumulative high-
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) dose anthracycline therapy: May prolong
that is grade 2 or higher by NCI Common QTc interval. Avoid using together.
Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events CYP2C8 inhibitors, P-glycoprotein sub-
(NCI CTCAE), or LVEF that drops below strates: May increase lapatinib level. Avoid
the institution’s lower limit of normal due using together.
to treatment, stop drug. After 2 weeks if Strong CYP3A4 inducers (dexametha-
patient has recovered normal LVEF and sone, phenytoin, carbamazepine, rifampin,
is asymptomatic, resume at reduced dose rifabutin, rifapentine, phenobarbital): May
of 1,000 mg/day and monitor LVEF. In significantly decrease lapatinib level. Avoid
patients with severe hepatic impairment using together or gradually increase dose of L
(Child-Pugh class C), reduce dose to lapatinib, as tolerated, to 4,500 mg/day. If
750 mg/day. In patients with grade 2 or the strong inducer is stopped, adjust lapa-
higher toxicity by NCI CTCAE, withhold tinib dose to recommended dose.
drug. Resume normal dose of 1,250 mg/day Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (ketoconazole,
if initial episode of toxicity improves to itraconazole, clarithromycin, atazanavir,
grade 1 or lower. If toxicity recurs, resume indinavir, nefazodone, nelfinavir, ritonavir,
at 1,000 mg/day. saquinavir, telithromycin, voriconazole):
May significantly increase lapatinib level.
ADMINISTRATION Avoid using together or reduce lapatinib
P.O. dose to 500 mg/day. If the strong inhibitor
• Give drug once daily; don’t divide doses. is stopped, allow 1 week before increasing
• Give drug 1 hour before or 1 hour after a lapatinib dose.
meal. Drug-food. All food: May increase expo-
• Give capecitabine with or within 30 min- sure to drug. Advise patient to take at least
utes after food. 1 hour before or 1 hour after a meal.
Grapefruit: May increase drug level.
AC TION Discourage use together.
Inhibits ErbB-driven tumor cell growth; Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May signifi-
additive effects may be seen when given cantly decrease drug level. Discourage use
together with capecitabine. together, or gradually increase lapatinib
Route Onset Peak Duration
dose as tolerated to 4,500 mg/day.
P.O. Up to 11⁄2 hr 4 hr Unknown
Half-life: 141⁄4 hours; after repeated dosing, 24 hours. • May increase total bilirubin, AST, and
ALT levels. May decrease hemoglobin level.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • May decrease platelet and neutrophil
CNS: insomnia. counts.
CV: decreased LVEF, prolonged QT

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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790 latanoprost


• Use cautiously in patients with left ven- ➤ Increased intraocular pressure (IOP)
tricular dysfunction; conditions that may in patients with ocular hypertension or
decrease LVEF; severe hepatic impairment; open-angle glaucoma who are intolerant
hypokalemia; hypomagnesemia, or diarrhea. or who had insufficient response to other
•H Overdose S&S: Diarrhea, vomiting. IOP-lowering medications
Adults: Instill 1 drop in conjunctival sac of
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS each affected eye once daily at bedtime.
Black Box Warning Liver toxicity and
deaths have occurred days to several months ADMINISTRATION
after start of treatment. Monitor LFTs Ophthalmic
during treatment and as indicated. • Don’t allow tip of dispenser to contact
• Evaluate LVEF before starting treatment, eye or surrounding tissue. Serious damage
and monitor during treatment. to eye and subsequent vision loss may be
• Correct hypokalemia and hypomagne- caused by contaminated solutions.
semia before start of treatment. • Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal
• Monitor for excessive diarrhea; give sac for 1 minute after instilling drug to
antidiarrheals and correct electrolyte abnor- minimize systemic absorption.
malities, as needed. • If more than one ophthalmic drug is being
• Monitor blood counts for anemia and used, give at least 5 minutes apart.
• Interstitial lung disease and pneumoni- AC TION
tis has occurred in patients during drug Thought to increase outflow of aqueous
therapy. Monitor patient for pulmonary humor, thereby lowering IOP.
symptoms, including dyspnea, cough, Route Onset Peak Duration
hypoxia, and fever. Ophthalmic 3–4 hr 8–12 hr Unknown

PATIENT TEACHING Half-life: 3 hours (from aqueous humor).

• Tell patient to immediately report short-
ness of breath, palpitations, fatigue, diar- ADVERSE REACTIONS
rhea, and change in medications or OTC CV: angina pectoris.
preparations to prescriber. EENT: blurred vision, burning, foreign
• Instruct patient not to divide doses but to body sensation, increased brown pigmenta-
take drug once daily, regardless of number tion of the iris, itching, stinging, conjuncti-
of tablets per dose, 1 hour before or after a val hyperemia, dry eye, excessive tearing,
meal. eye pain, eyelash changes, lid crusting or
• Remind patient to take capecitabine only edema, lid discomfort, photophobia, punc-
as prescribed. tate epithelial keratopathy.
• Advise patient that he will need routine Musculoskeletal: muscle, joint, or back
blood tests to evaluate for adverse effects. pain.
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
latanoprost Skin: allergic skin reaction, rash.
lah-TAN-oh-prost Other: cold, flulike syndrome.
Therapeutic class: Antiglaucoma Drug-drug. Eyedrops that contain
Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin thimerosal: May cause precipitation of
analogue eyedrops. Give at least 5 minutes apart.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS None reported.
Ophthalmic solution: 0.005% (50 mcg/ml)

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

leflunomide 791


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug, benzalkonium chloride, or other leflunomide
components of drug. leh-FLEW-no-mide
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
renal or hepatic function. Arava
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women;
it’s unknown if drug appears in breast milk. Therapeutic class: Antiarthritic
• Safety and effectiveness of drug in chil- Pharmacologic class: Pyrimidine
dren haven’t been established. synthesis inhibitor
•H Overdose S&S: Ocular irritation, conjucti- Pregnancy risk category X
val or episcleral congestion.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg, 100 mg
• Don’t give drug while patient is wearing
contact lenses. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Giving drug more frequently than rec- ➤ To reduce signs and symptoms of
ommended may decrease its IOP-lowering active rheumatoid arthritis; to slow
effects; don’t exceed once-daily dosing. structural damage as shown by erosions
• Drug may gradually change eye color, and joint space narrowing seen on X-ray;
increasing amount of brown pigment in iris. to improve physical function
This change in iris color occurs slowly and Adults: 100 mg P.O. every 24 hours for
may not be noticeable for months or years. 3 days; then 20 mg (maximum daily dose)
Increased pigmentation may be permanent. P.O. every 24 hours. Dose may be decreased L
to 10 mg daily if higher dose isn’t well
• Inform patient of risk that iris color may Adjust-a-dose: For confirmed ALT eleva-
change in treated eye. tions between two and three times the upper
• Teach patient how to instill drops, and limit of normal (ULN), reduce dose to
advise him to wash hands before and after 10 mg/day; if elevations persist despite dose
instilling solution. Warn him not to touch tip reduction or if ALT elevations of greater
of dropper to eye or surrounding tissue. than three times ULN are present, stop drug
• Advise patient to apply light finger pres- and give cholestyramine or charcoal.
sure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after instil-
lation to minimize systemic absorption. ADMINISTRATION
• Instruct patient to report reactions in the P.O.
eye, especially eye inflammation and lid • Give drug without regard for food.
• Tell patient who wears contact lenses to AC TION
remove them before instilling solution and An immunomodulatory drug that inhibits
not to reinsert the lenses until 15 minutes dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, an en-
have elapsed. zyme involved in pyrimidine synthesis,
• If patient is using more than one topical and that has antiproliferative activity and
ophthalmic drug, tell him to apply them at anti-inflammatory effects.
least 5 minutes apart. Route Onset Peak Duration
• If patient develops another eye condition P.O. Unknown 6–12 hr Unknown
(such as trauma or infection) or needs eye
surgery, advise him to contact prescriber Half-life: 15 to 18 days.
about continued use of multidose container.
• Stress importance of compliance with ADVERSE REACTIONS
recommended therapy. CNS: anxiety, asthenia, depression, dizzi-
ness, fever, headache, insomnia, malaise,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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792 leflunomide

migraine, neuralgia, neuritis, pain, paresthe- Rifampin: May increase active leflunomide
sia, sleep disorder, vertigo. metabolite level. Use together cautiously.
CV: hypertension, angina pectoris, chest Tolbutamide: May increase tolbutamide
pain, palpitations, peripheral edema, tachy- level. Monitor patient.
cardia, varicose veins, vasculitis, vasodila-
EENT: blurred vision, cataracts, conjunc- • May increase AST, ALT, glucose, lipid,
tivitis, epistaxis, eye disorder, pharyngitis, and CK levels.
rhinitis, sinusitis. • May decrease potassium level.
GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia,
cholelithiasis, colitis, constipation, dry CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
mouth, dyspepsia, enlarged salivary glands, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
esophagitis, flatulence, gastritis, gastroen- to drug or its components.
teritis, gingivitis, melena, mouth ulcer, Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
nausea, oral candidiasis, stomatitis, taste pregnant women and women of childbear-
perversion, vomiting. ing potential who are not using reliable
GU: albuminuria, cystitis, dysuria, hema- contraception.
turia, menstrual disorder, pelvic pain, • Drug isn’t recommended for patients
prostate disorder, urinary frequency, UTI, with evidence of infection with hepatitis
vaginal candidiasis. B or C viruses, severe immunodeficiency,
Hematologic: anemia. bone marrow dysplasia, or severe uncon-
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. trolled infections; in women who are breast-
Metabolic: diabetes mellitus, hyper- feeding; in patients younger than age 18; or
glycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperthyroidism, in men attempting to father a child.
hypokalemia, weight loss. Black Box Warning Drug isn’t recom-
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, arthrosis, back mended for patients with preexisting liver
pain, bone necrosis, bone pain, bursitis, disease or ALT more than twice the upper
joint disorder, leg cramps, muscle cramps, limit of normal (ULN).
myalgia, neck pain, synovitis, tendon rup- Black Box Warning Use cautiously in
ture, tenosynovitis. patients taking other drugs that can cause
Respiratory: respiratory infection, asthma, liver damage.
bronchitis, dyspnea, increased cough, lung • Use cautiously in patients with renal
disorder, pneumonia. insufficiency.
Skin: alopecia, rash, acne, contact dermati- •H Overdose S&S: Diarrhea, abdominal pain,
tis, dry skin, eczema, fungal dermatitis, hair leukopenia, anemia, elevated liver function
discoloration, hematoma, maculopapular test results.
rash, nail disorder, pruritus, skin discol-
oration, skin disorder, skin nodule, skin NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
ulcer, subcutaneous nodule. • Vaccination with live vaccines isn’t
Other: abscess, allergic reaction, cyst, recommended. Consider the long half-
ecchymoses, flulike syndrome, hernia, life of drug when contemplating giving a
herpes simplex, herpes zoster, increased live vaccine after stopping drug treatment.
sweating, injury or accident, tooth disorder. Alert: Men planning to father a child
should stop drug therapy and follow rec-
INTERACTIONS ommended leflunomide removal protocol
Drug-drug. Charcoal, cholestyramine: (cholestyramine 8 g, P.O. t.i.d. for 11 days).
May decrease leflunomide level. Sometimes In addition to cholestyramine, verify drug
used for this effect in overdose. levels are less than 0.02 mg/L by two sep-
Methotrexate, other hepatotoxic drugs: May arate tests at least 14 days apart. If level is
increase risk of hepatotoxicity. Monitor greater than 0.02 mg/L, consider additional
liver enzyme levels. cholestyramine treatment.
NSAIDs (diclofenac, ibuprofen): May in- • Risk of malignancy, particularly lympho-
crease NSAID level. Monitor patient. proliferative disorders, is increased with use

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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letrozole 793

of some immunosuppressants, including • Inform patient he may continue taking

leflunomide. aspirin, other NSAIDs, and low-dose corti-
Black Box Warning Liver enzyme levels costeroids during treatment.
should be monitored regularly during treat- • Inform patient that it may take 4 weeks to
ment. If ALT rises to more than twice the begin to see improvement from therapy.
ULN, discontinue drug and monitor liver
function tests until ALT returns to normal. SAFETY ALERT!
Alert: Monitor platelet and WBC counts
and hemoglobin level or hematocrit at letrozole
baseline and monthly for 6 months after LE-tro-zol
starting therapy and every 6 to 8 weeks
thereafter. Femara
Alert: Monitor AST, ALT, and serum
albumin levels monthly if treatment in- Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
cludes methotrexate or other potential Pharmacologic class: Aromatase
immunosuppressives. inhibitor
• Stop drug and start cholestyramine or Pregnancy risk category D
charcoal therapy if bone marrow suppres-
sion occurs. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Watch for overlapping hematologic Tablets: 2.5 mg
toxicity when switching to another an-
Alert: Rare cases of severe liver injury, ➤ Metastatic breast cancer with disease
including cases with fatal outcome, have progression after antiestrogen therapy L
occurred during leflunomide therapy. Most (such as tamoxifen)
cases occur within 6 months of therapy Postmenopausal women: 2.5 mg P.O. as
and in a setting of multiple risk factors single daily dose.
for hepatotoxicity (liver disease, other ➤ First-line treatment of hormone
hepatotoxins). receptor–positive or hormone receptor–
• Carefully monitor patient after dose unknown, locally advanced, or metastatic
reduction. Because the active metabolite breast cancer
of leflunomide has a prolonged half-life, it Postmenopausal women: 2.5 mg P.O. once
may take several weeks for levels to decline. daily until tumor progression is evident.
➤ Adjuvant treatment of hormone-
PATIENT TEACHING sensitive early breast cancer
• Explain need for and frequency of Postmenopausal women: 2.5 mg P.O. daily.
required blood tests and monitoring. ➤ Extended adjuvant treatment of early
Black Box Warning Instruct patient to use breast cancer following 5 years of adju-
birth control during course of treatment and vant tamoxifen therapy
until it’s been determined that drug is no Postmenopausal women: 2.5 mg P.O. once
longer active. daily for 5 years.
• Warn patient to immediately notify pre-
scriber if signs or symptoms of pregnancy ADMINISTRATION
occur (such as late menstrual periods or P.O.
breast tenderness). • Drug is a hormonal agent and considered
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding a potential teratogen. Follow safe-handling
during therapy. procedures.
• Instruct patient to immediately report • Give drug without regard for meals.
rash or mucous membrane lesions, unusual
tiredness, abdominal pain, jaundice, easy AC TION
bruising, bleeding, fever, recurrent infec- Inhibits conversion of androgens to
tions, or pallor, which may be warnings of estrogens, which decreases tumor mass
infrequent but serious adverse reactions.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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794 leuprolide acetate

or delays progression of tumor growth in • Inform patient about potential adverse

some women. effects.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Advise patient to use caution performing
P.O. Unknown 2 days Unknown
tasks that require alertness, coordination, or
dexterity, such as driving, until effects are
Half-life: About 2 days. known.


CNS: headache, somnolence, dizziness,
fatigue, mood changes. leuprolide acetate
CV: hot flashes, MI, thromboembolism, loo-PROE-lide
chest pain, edema, hypertension.
GI: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diar- Eligard, Lupron, Lupron Depot,
rhea, abdominal pain, anorexia. Lupron Depot-Ped, Lupron Depot–
Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, weight 3 Month, Lupron Depot–4 Month
Musculoskeletal: bone pain, limb pain, Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
back pain, arthralgia, fractures. Pharmacologic class: Gonadotropin-
Respiratory: dyspnea, cough. releasing hormone analogue
Skin: rash, pruritus, alopecia, diaphoresis. Pregnancy risk category X
Other: viral infections, breast pain.
INTERACTIONS Depot injection: 3.75 mg, 7.5 mg,
Drug-drug. Tamoxifen: May reduce plasma 11.25 mg, 15 mg, 22.5 mg, 30 mg, 45 mg
letrozole levels. Give letrozole immediately Injection: 5 mg/ml in 2.8-ml multiple-dose
after tamoxifen course is completed. vials


• May increase cholesterol level. ➤ Advanced prostate cancer
Adults: 1 mg subcutaneously daily. Or,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 7.5 mg I.M. depot injection monthly. Or,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive 7.5 mg subcutaneous Eligard once monthly.
to drug or its components. Or, 22.5 mg I.M. depot injection every
• Use cautiously in patients with severe 3 months. Or, 22.5 mg subcutaneous
liver impairment; dosage adjustment isn’t Eligard every 3 months. Or, 30 mg I.M.
needed in those with mild to moderate liver depot injection every 4 months. Or, 30 mg
dysfunction. subcutaneous Eligard every 4 months.
Or, 45 mg subcutaneous Eligard every
• Dosage adjustment isn’t needed in ➤ Endometriosis
patients with creatinine clearance of 10 ml/ Adults: 3.75 mg I.M. depot injection as
minute or more. single injection once monthly for up to
• Use drug only in postmenopausal women. 6 months. Or, 11.25 mg I.M. every 3 months
Rule out pregnancy before starting drug. for up to 6 months.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ Central precocious puberty
Femara with FemHRT. Children: Initially, 0.3 mg/kg (minimum
7.5 mg) I.M. depot injection as single
PATIENT TEACHING injection every 4 weeks. May increase in
• Instruct patient to take drug exactly as increments of 3.75 mg every 4 weeks, if
prescribed. needed. Stop drug before girl reaches age 11
• Tell patient to take drug with a small glass or boy reaches age 12.
of water, with or without food.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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leuprolide acetate 795

➤ Anemia related to uterine fibroids AC TION

(with iron therapy) Stimulates and then inhibits release of
Adults: 3.75 mg I.M. depot injection once follicle-stimulating hormone and luteiniz-
monthly for up to 3 consecutive months. Or ing hormone, which suppresses testosterone
11.25 mg I.M. depot injection for 1 dose. and estrogen levels.
Route Onset Peak Duration
ADMINISTRATION I.M., Subcut. Variable 1–2 mo 60–90 days
• Products have specific mixing and admin- Implant Unknown 4 hr 12 mo
istration instructions. Read manufacturer’s
directions closely. Half-life: Unknown.
• Never give by I.V. injection. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Give depot injections under medical CNS: dizziness, depression, headache,
supervision. pain, insomnia, paresthesia, asthenia.
• Use supplied diluent to reconstitute drug CV: arrhythmias, angina, MI, peripheral
(extra diluent is provided; discard remain- edema, ECG changes, hypotension, hyper-
der). tension, murmur, hot flashes.
• Inject into vial; shake well. Suspension GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipa-
will appear milky. Use immediately. tion.
• Draw 1 ml into a syringe with a 22G GU: impotence, vaginitis, urinary
needle. frequency, hematuria, UTI, amenorrhea.
• When preparing Lupron Depot–3 Month Hematologic: anemia.
22.5 mg, use a 23G or larger needle. With- Metabolic: weight gain or loss.
draw 1.5 ml from ampule for the 3-month Musculoskeletal: transient bone pain L
form. during first week of treatment, joint dis-
• When using prefilled dual-chamber sy- order, myalgia, neuromuscular disorder,
ringes, prepare for injection according to bone loss.
manufacturer’s instructions. Respiratory: dyspnea, sinus congestion,
• Gently shake syringe to form a uniform pulmonary fibrosis.
milky suspension. If particles adhere to Skin: reactions at injection site, dermatitis,
stopper, tap syringe against your finger. acne.
• Remove needle guard and advance Other: gynecomastia, androgen-like
plunger to expel air from syringe. Inject effects.
entire contents I.M. as with a normal injec-
Subcutaneous None significant.
• For the two-syringe mixing system,
connect the syringes and inject the liquid EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
contents according to manufacturer’s • May increase albumin, alkaline
instructions. phosphatase, bilirubin, BUN, calcium,
• Mix product by pushing contents back creatinine, glucose, LDH, phosphorus, and
and forth between syringes for about uric acid levels. May decrease hemoglobin
45 seconds; shaking the syringes won’t level.
mix the contents enough. • May alter results of pituitary-gonadal
• Attach the needle provided in the kit and system tests during therapy and for
inject subcutaneously. 12 weeks after.
• Suspension settles very quickly. Remix
if settling occurs. Must be given within CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
30 minutes. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Never give by I.V. injection. to drug or other gonadotropin-releasing
hormone analogues, in women with undiag-
nosed vaginal bleeding, and in pregnant or
breast-feeding women.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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796 levalbuterol hydrochloride

• The 30- and 45-mg depot injections are • Advise women of childbearing age to
contraindicated in women and children. use a nonhormonal form of contraception
• Use cautiously in patients hypersensitive during treatment.
to benzyl alcohol.

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS levalbuterol hydrochloride

• A fractional dose of drug formulated to lev-al-BYOO-ter-ol
give every 3, 4, or 6 months isn’t equivalent
to same dose of once-a-month formulation. Xopenex
• After starting treatment for central pre-
cocious puberty, monitor patient response levalbuterol tartrate
every 1 to 2 months with a gonadotropin- Xopenex HFA
releasing hormone stimulation test and sex
corticosteroid level determinations. Mea- Therapeutic class: Bronchodilator
sure bone age for advancement every 6 to Pharmacologic class: Beta2 agonist
12 months. Pregnancy risk category C
Alert: During first few weeks of treatment
for prostate cancer, signs and symptoms AVAIL ABLE FORMS
of disease may temporarily worsen or Inhalation aerosol: 45 mcg per actuation
additional signs and symptoms may occur Solution for inhalation: 0.31 mg, 0.63 mg,
(tumor flare). or 1.25 mg in 3-ml vials; 1.25 mg/0.5-ml
• May increase risk of diabetes and CV vials (concentrate)
events. Monitor patient closely.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ To prevent or treat bronchospasm
• Before starting child on treatment for in patients with reversible obstructive
central precocious puberty, make sure par- airway disease
ents understand importance of continuous Adults and adolescents age 12 and older:
therapy. 0.63 mg given t.i.d. every 6 to 8 hours, by
• Carefully instruct patient who will give oral inhalation via a nebulizer. Patients with
himself subcutaneous injection about the more severe asthma who don’t respond
proper technique and advise him to use only adequately to 0.63 mg t.i.d. may benefit
the syringes provided by manufacturer. from 1.25 mg t.i.d.
• Advise patient that, if another syringe Children ages 6 to 11: 0.31 mg inhaled t.i.d.
must be substituted, a low-dose insulin by nebulizer. Routine dosage shouldn’t
syringe (U-100, 0.5 ml) may be an appro- exceed 0.63 mg t.i.d.
priate choice but that needle gauge should Adults and children age 4 and older:
be no smaller than 22G (except when using 2 inhalations Xopenex HFA (90 mcg) every
Lupron Depot–3 Month 22.5 mg). 4 to 6 hours. In some patients, 1 inhalation
• Instruct patient to store leuprolide acetate every 4 hours is sufficient.
powder (depot) and diluent at room tem-
perature, to refrigerate unopened vials of ADMINISTRATION
leuprolide acetate injection, and to protect Inhalational
leuprolide acetate injection from heat and • Keep unopened vial in foil pouch. After
light. opened, vial must be used within 2 weeks
• Inform patient with history of undesirable and protected from light.
effects from other endocrine therapies that • Release four test sprays before first use of
leuprolide is easier to tolerate. inhaler or after unused for more than 3 days.
• Reassure patient that adverse effects • Shake canister well before use.
disappear after about 1 week. Explain that • Use a spacer device to improve inhalation,
symptoms of prostate cancer or central as appropriate.
precocious puberty may worsen at first.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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levalbuterol hydrochloride 797

AC TION disorders, hyperthyroidism, or diabetes

Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by stimu- mellitus, and in those who are unusually
lating beta2 receptors; also, inhibits release responsive to sympathomimetic amines.
of mediators from mast cells in the airway. •H Overdose S&S: Exaggeration of adverse
Route Onset Peak Duration
reactions, hypokalemia, seizures, angina,
Inhalation 5–15 min 1 hr 3–4 hr
hypertension, hypotension, arrhythmias,
muscle cramps, dry mouth, palpitations,
Half-life: 31⁄4 to 4 hours. nausea, insomnia, cardiac arrest, sudden
CNS: dizziness, migraine, nervousness, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
pain, tremor, anxiety, asthenia, fever, Alert: As with other inhaled beta
headache. agonists, drug can produce paradoxical
CV: tachycardia. bronchospasm or life-threatening CV
EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, turbinate edema, effects. If this occurs, stop drug immedi-
pharyngitis. ately and notify prescriber.
GI: dyspepsia, diarrhea. • Drug may worsen diabetes mellitus and
Musculoskeletal: leg cramps. ketoacidosis.
Respiratory: increased cough, asthma. • Drug may temporarily decrease potassium
Other: viral infection, flulike syndrome, level, but potassium supplementation is
accidental injury, lymphadenopathy. usually unnecessary.
• The compatibility of levalbuterol mixed
INTERACTIONS with other drugs in a nebulizer hasn’t been
Drug-drug. Beta blockers: May block established. L
pulmonary effect of the drug and cause
severe bronchospasm. Avoid using together, PATIENT TEACHING
if possible. If use together is unavoidable, • Warn patient that he may experience
consider a cardioselective beta blocker, but worsened breathing. Tell him to stop drug
use cautiously. and contact prescriber immediately if this
Digoxin: May decrease digoxin level up to occurs.
22%. Monitor digoxin level. • Tell patient not to increase dosage without
Loop or thiazide diuretics: May cause ECG consulting prescriber.
changes and hypokalemia. Use together • Urge patient to seek medical attention
cautiously. immediately if levalbuterol becomes less
MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants: effective, if signs and symptoms become
May potentiate action of levalbuterol on worse, or if he’s using drug more frequently
the vascular system. Avoid using within than usual.
2 weeks of MAO inhibitor or tricyclic anti- • Tell patient that the effects of levalbuterol
depressant therapy. may last up to 8 hours.
Other short-acting sympathomimetic • Tell patient not to double the next dose if
aerosol bronchodilators, epinephrine: he misses one. Tell him to take doses at least
May increase adrenergic adverse effects. 6 hours apart.
Use together cautiously. • Advise patient to use other inhalations
and antiasthmatics only as directed while
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS taking levalbuterol.
None reported. • Inform patient that common adverse
reactions include palpitations, rapid heart
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS rate, headache, dizziness, tremor, and
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive nervousness.
to drug or to racemic albuterol. • Encourage woman to contact prescriber if
• Use cautiously in patients with CV dis- she becomes pregnant or is breast-feeding.
orders (especially coronary insufficiency, • Tell patient to keep unopened vials in foil
hypertension, and arrhythmias), seizure pouch. After the foil pouch is opened, vials

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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798 levetiracetam

must be used within 2 weeks. Inform patient ➤ Adjunctive treatment for partial-onset
that vials removed from the pouch, if not seizures in patients with epilepsy
used immediately, should be protected from Adults and adolescents age 16 or older:
light and excessive heat and used within Initially, 500 mg P.O. or I.V. b.i.d. Increase
1 week. dosage by 500 mg b.i.d., as needed, for
• Teach patient to use drug correctly when seizure control at 2-week intervals to
inhaling by nebulizer. maximum of 1,500 mg b.i.d. Or, give
• Instruct patient to breathe as calmly, extended-release tablets 1,000 mg P.O. daily.
deeply, and evenly as possible until no more May increase in increments of 1,000 mg
mist is formed in the nebulizer reservoir every 2 weeks to maximum recommended
(5 to 15 minutes). dosage of 3,000 mg P.O. daily.
• Tell patient using the inhaler to release Children ages 4 to 16: Initially, 10 mg/kg
four test sprays into the air away from the P.O. b.i.d. Increase dose by 10 mg/kg b.i.d.
face before the first use or if it hasn’t been at 2-week intervals to recommended dose
used for more than 3 days. of 30 mg/kg b.i.d. If patient can’t tolerate
this dose, reduce it. For children who weigh
20 kg or less, use the oral solution.
levetiracetam Adjust-a-dose: Immediate-release and
lee-vah-tih-RACE-ah-tam oral solution: For adults with creatinine
clearance of 50 to 80 ml/minute, give
Keppra, Keppra XR 500 to 1,000 mg every 12 hours; if clear-
ance is 30 to 50 ml/minute, give 250 to
Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant 750 mg every 12 hours; if clearance is less
Pharmacologic class: Pyrrolidine than 30 ml/minute, give 250 to 500 mg
derivative every 12 hours. For dialysis patients, give
Pregnancy risk category C 500 to 1,000 mg every 24 hours. Give a
250- to 500-mg dose after dialysis.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS For extended release tablets, if creati-
Injection: 500 mg/5 ml single-use vial nine clearance is 50 to 80 ml/minute, give
Oral solution: 100 mg/ml 1,000 to 2,000 mg every 24 hours. If clear-
Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg, 1,000 mg ance is 30 to 50 ml/minute, give 500 to
Tablets (extended-release): 500 mg, 750 mg 1,500 mg every 24 hours. If clearance is less
than 30 ml/minute, give 500 to 1,000 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES every 24 hours.
➤ Adjunctive therapy for myoclonic
seizures of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy ADMINISTRATION
Adults and adolescents age 12 and older: P.O.
Initially, 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase by • Give drug without regard for food.
1,000 mg/day every 2 weeks to daily dose of • P.O. and I.V. forms are bioequivalent.
3,000 mg. • Tablets should be swallowed whole and
➤ Adjunctive therapy for primary gener- shouldn’t be chewed, broken, or crushed.
alized tonic-clonic seizures I.V.
Adults and adolescents age 16 and older:  Dilute drug before giving.

Initially, 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase dose  Dilute 500-mg, 1,000-mg, or 1,500-mg

by 500 mg b.i.d. every 2 weeks to dose of dose in 100 ml normal saline, D5 W, or

1,500 mg b.i.d. lactated Ringer’s injection and infuse over
Children ages 6 to 16: Initially, 10 mg/kg 15 minutes.
P.O. b.i.d. Increase dose by 10 mg/kg b.i.d.  Drug is compatible with diazepam,

at 2-week intervals to dose of 30 mg/kg lorazepam, and valproate sodium for

b.i.d. For children who weigh more than 24 hours at a controlled room temperature.
20 kg (44 lb), use either tablets or oral  Incompatibilities: Unknown with

solution. For children who weigh 20 kg other antiepileptics besides diazepam,

or less, use the oral solution. lorazepam, and valproate sodium.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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levobunolol hydrochloride 799

AC TION • Seizures can occur if drug is stopped

May act by inhibiting simultaneous neu- abruptly. Tapering is recommended.
ronal firing that leads to seizure activity. • Monitor patients closely for such adverse
Route Onset Peak Duration
reactions as dizziness, which may lead to
P.O., I.V. 1 hr 1 hr 12 hr
Alert: Closely monitor all patients taking
Half-life: About 7 hours in patients with normal or starting antiepileptic drugs for changes
renal function. in behavior indicating worsening of suicidal
thoughts or behavior or depression. Symp-
ADVERSE REACTIONS toms such as anxiety, agitation, hostility,
CNS: asthenia, headache, somnolence, am- mania, and hypomania may be precursors to
nesia, anxiety, ataxia, depression, dizziness, emerging suicidality.
emotional lability, hostility, nervousness, • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
paresthesia, pain, vertigo. Keppra with Kaletra.
EENT: diplopia, pharyngitis, rhinitis,
GI: anorexia. • Warn patient to use extra care when sitting
Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia. or standing to avoid falling.
Respiratory: cough. • Advise patient to call prescriber and not
Other: infection. to stop drug suddenly if adverse reactions
INTERACTIONS • Tell patient to take with other prescribed
Drug-drug. Antihistamines, benzodi- seizure drugs.
azepines, opioids, other drugs that cause • For the oral solution, tell patient or parent L
drowsiness, tricyclic antidepressants: May to use a calibrated measuring device, not a
lead to severe sedation. Avoid using together. household spoon.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May lead to • Warn patient that drug may cause dizzi-
severe sedation. Discourage use together. ness and somnolence and that he should
avoid driving, bike riding, or other haz-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS ardous activities until he knows how the
• May alter liver function test results. May drug will affect him.
decrease hemoglobin and hematocrit. • Inform patient that drug can be taken with
• May decrease WBC, RBC, and neutrophil or without food.
counts. • Tell patient not to chew, crush, or break
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug. levobunolol hydrochloride
• Use cautiously in immunocompromised LEE-voe-BYOO-no-lahl
patients, such as those with cancer or HIV
infection. Leukopenia and neutropenia have AKBeta, Betagan
been reported with drug use.
• Use cautiously in patients with history of Therapeutic class: Antiglaucoma
psychiatric symptoms, especially psychotic Pharmacologic class: Nonselective beta
symptoms and behaviors. blocker
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, aggres- Pregnancy risk category C
sion, agitation, coma, depressed level of
consciousness, respiratory depression, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
somnolence. Ophthalmic solution: 0.25%, 0.5%


• Use drug only with other anticonvulsants; ➤ Chronic open-angle glaucoma, ocular
it’s not recommended for monotherapy. hypertension

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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800 levocetirizine dihydrochloride

Adults: One or two drops once daily (0.5%) CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
or b.i.d. (0.25%). • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in those with bronchial asthma,
ADMINISTRATION sinus bradycardia, second- or third-degree
Ophthalmic AV block, cardiac failure, cardiogenic
• Don’t let tip of dropper touch patient’s eye shock, or history of bronchial asthma or
or surrounding tissue. severe COPD.
• Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal • Use cautiously in patients with chronic
sac for 1 minute after instilling drug to bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes mellitus,
minimize systemic absorption. hyperthyroidism, or myasthenia gravis.
• Safe use in pregnant or breast-feeding
AC TION women hasn’t been established.
Thought to reduce formation, and possibly •H Overdose S&S: Bradycardia, hypotension,
increase outflow, of aqueous humor. bronchospasm, acute heart failure.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Ophthalmic 1 hr 2–6 hr 24 hr
• Normal IOP is 10 to 21 mm Hg.
Half-life: Unknown.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Teach patient how to instill drug. Advise
CNS: syncope, depression, headache, in- him to wash hands before and after instil-
somnia. lation and to apply light finger pressure on
CV: hypotension, bradycardia, heart fail- lacrimal sac for 1 minute after drops are
ure, slight reduction in resting heart rate. instilled.
EENT: transient eye stinging and burning, • Warn patient not to touch tip of dropper to
blepharoconjunctivitis, corneal punctate eye or surrounding tissue.
staining, decreased corneal sensitivity, • Advise elderly patient to report shortness
erythema, itching, keratitis, photophobia, of breath, chest pain, or heart irregularities
tearing. to prescriber. Drug may be absorbed sys-
GI: nausea. temically and produce signs and symptoms
Respiratory: bronchospasm. of beta blockade.
Skin: urticaria. • Advise patient to carry medical identifica-
tion at all times during therapy.
Drug-drug. Dipivefrin, epinephrine, sys-
temically administered carbonic anhydrase levocetirizine
inhibitors, topical miotics: May further dihydrochloride
reduce intraocular pressure (IOP). Use LEE-voe-se-TIR-a-zeen
together cautiously.
Metoprolol, propranolol, other oral beta
blockers: May increase ocular and systemic Therapeutic class: Antihistamine
effects. Use together cautiously. Pharmacologic class: H1 -receptor
Reserpine, other catecholamine-depleting antagonist
drugs: May increase hypotensive and brady- Pregnancy risk category B
cardiac effects. Monitor blood pressure and
heart rate closely. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause Oral solution: 2.5 mg/5 ml
photophobia. Advise patient to wear sun- Tablets: 5 mg
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS ➤ Seasonal and perennial allergic rhini-
None reported. tis; uncomplicated skin manifestations of
chronic idiopathic urticaria

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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levodopa and carbidopa 801

Adults and children age 12 and older: 5 mg CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

P.O. once daily in the evening. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Children ages 6 to 11: 2.5 mg P.O. once to drug or to cetirizine.
daily in the evening. • Contraindicated in patients with creati-
Children ages 6 months to 5 years: 1.25 mg nine clearance less than 10 ml/minute or
(2.5 ml) P.O. daily in the evening. Don’t those undergoing hemodialysis.
exceed this dose. • Contraindicated in patients age 6 to 11
Adjust-a-dose: For patients ages 12 and with impaired renal function.
older with creatinine clearance of 50 to •H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness; initial agita-
80 ml/minute, give 2.5 mg P.O. once tion and restlessness, then drowsiness (in
daily; with creatinine clearance of 30 to children).
50 ml/minute, give 2.5 mg P.O. every other
day; and with creatinine clearance 10 to NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
30 ml/minute, give 2.5 mg P.O. twice • Monitor patient’s renal function.
weekly (once every 3 to 4 days). • Patient should avoid engaging in
hazardous occupations requiring mental
ADMINISTRATION alertness and motor coordination, such as
P.O. operating machinery or driving a motor
• Give drug without regard for food. vehicle.
• Drug is excreted in breast milk; avoid use
AC TION in nursing mothers.
H1 -receptor inhibition creates antihistamine • Safety and effectiveness in patients
effect, relieving allergy symptoms. younger than age 6 months haven’t been
established. L
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 1 hr 24 hr
• Use drug during pregnancy only if
benefits to mother clearly outweigh risk
Half-life: 8 hours. to fetus.


CNS: fatigue, pyrexia, somnolence. • Warn patient not to perform hazardous
EENT: dry mouth, epistaxis, nasopharyngi- tasks or those requiring alertness and coor-
tis, pharyngitis. dination until CNS effects are known.
Respiratory: cough. • Advise patient to avoid use of alcohol and
other CNS depressants while taking this
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May have • Advise patient not to take more than the
additive effects when taken together. Avoid recommended dose because of increased
using together. risk of somnolence at higher doses.
Ritonavir: May increase serum concentra-
tion and increase half-life of levocetirizine.
Use cautiously together. levodopa and carbidopa
Theophylline: May decrease the clearance lee-voe-DOE-pa and kar-bih-DOE-pa
of levocetirizine. Use cautiously together.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May have Parcopa, Sinemeti, Sinemet CRi
additive effect when taken with levocetir-
izine. Discourage use together. Therapeutic class: Antiparkinsonian
Pharmacologic class: Decarboxylase
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS inhibitor and dopamine precursor
• May prevent, reduce, or mask positive Pregnancy risk category C
result skin wheal in diagnostic skin test.
Tablets: 100 mg levodopa with 10 mg car-
bidopa (Sinemet 10–100), 100 mg levodopa

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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802 levodopa and carbidopa

with 25 mg carbidopa (Sinemet 25–100), AC TION

250 mg levodopa with 25 mg carbidopa Levodopa, a dopamine precursor, relieves
(Sinemet 25–250) parkinsonian symptoms by being converted
Tablets (extended-release): 200 mg levo- to dopamine in the brain. Carbidopa inhibits
dopa with 50 mg carbidopa (Sinemet CR), the decarboxylation of peripheral levodopa,
100 mg levodopa with 25 mg carbidopa which allows more intact levodopa to travel
Tablets (orally disintegrating): 100 mg to the brain.
levodopa with 10 mg carbidopa, 100 mg Route Onset Peak Duration
levodopa with 25 mg carbidopa, 250 mg P.O. Unknown 40–150 min Unknown
levodopa with 25 mg carbidopa
Half-life: 1 to 2 hours.
➤ Idiopathic Parkinson disease, ADVERSE REACTIONS
postencephalitic parkinsonism, and CNS: syncope, agitation, bradykinetic
symptomatic parkinsonism resulting episodes, confusion, dementia, suicidal
from carbon monoxide or manganese tendencies, dizziness, dream abnormalities,
intoxication headache, insomnia, neuroleptic malignant
Adults: 1 tablet of 100 mg levodopa with syndrome, paresthesia, psychotic episodes,
25 mg carbidopa P.O. t.i.d.; then increased somnolence.
by 1 tablet daily or every other day, as CV: cardiac irregularities, hypertension,
needed, to maximum daily dose of 8 tablets. hypotension, orthostatic hypotension,
May use 250 mg levodopa with 25 mg palpitations, phlebitis, MI.
carbidopa or 100 mg levodopa with 10 mg GI: anorexia, constipation, dark saliva,
carbidopa tablets, as directed, to obtain duodenal ulcer, diarrhea, dry mouth,
maximal response. Optimum daily dose dyspepsia, GI bleeding, taste alterations,
must be determined by careful adjustment vomiting.
for each patient. GU: dark urine, urinary frequency, UTI.
Patients given conventional tablets may Hematologic: agranulocytosis, hemolytic
receive extended-release tablets; dosage and nonhemolytic anemia, leukopenia,
is calculated on current levodopa intake. thrombocytopenia.
Extended-release tablets should provide Musculoskeletal: back pain, muscle
10% more levodopa daily, increased as cramps, shoulder pain.
needed and as tolerated to 30% more levo- Respiratory: dyspnea, upper respiratory
dopa daily. Give in divided doses at inter- tract infection.
vals of 4 to 8 hours. Allow at least a 3-day Skin: alopecia, rash, diaphoresis, dark
interval between dosage adjustments. sweat.
Other: increased libido, hypersensitivity.
• Give drug with food to decrease GI upset, Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May cause
but avoid giving with high-protein meals, additive hypotensive effects. Use together
which can impair absorption and reduce cautiously.
effectiveness. Iron salts: May reduce bioavailability of
• Don’t crush or break extended-release levodopa and carbidopa. Give iron 1 hour
form. before or 2 hours after Sinemet.
• Give orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) MAO inhibitors: May cause risk of severe
immediately after removing from bottle. hypertension. Avoid using together.
Place tablet on patient’s tongue, where it Papaverine, phenytoin: May antagonize
will dissolve in seconds and be swallowed antiparkinsonian actions. Avoid using
with saliva. No additional fluid is needed. together.
Phenothiazines, other antipsychotics: May
antagonize antiparkinsonian actions. Use
together cautiously.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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levodopa and carbidopa 803

Drug-herb. Kava: May decrease action of than with levodopa alone. Observe patient
drug. Discourage kava use altogether. and monitor vital signs, especially while
Octacosanol: May worsen dyskinesias. adjusting dosage. Report significant
Discourage use together. changes.
Drug-food. Foods high in protein: May Alert: Because of risk of precipitating a
decrease levodopa absorption. Don’t give symptom complex resembling neurolep-
levodopa with high-protein foods. tic malignant syndrome, observe patient
closely if levodopa dosage is reduced
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS abruptly or stopped.
• May increase uric acid, ALT, AST, • Hallucinations may require reduction or
alkaline phosphatase, LDH, and bilirubin withdrawal of drug.
levels. May decrease hemoglobin level and • Test patients receiving long-term therapy
hematocrit. regularly for diabetes and acromegaly,
• May decrease WBC, granulocyte, and and periodically for hepatic, renal, and
platelet counts. hematopoietic function.
• May falsely increase urinary cate-
cholamine level and serum and urinary PATIENT TEACHING
uric acid levels in colorimetric tests. May • Tell patient to take drug with food to
falsely decrease urinary vanillylmandelic minimize GI upset; however, high-protein
acid level. May cause false-positive results meals can impair absorption and reduce
in urine ketone tests using sodium nitro- effectiveness.
prusside reagent and in urinary glucose tests • Tell patient not to chew or crush
using cupric sulfate reagent. May cause extended-release form.
false-negative results in tests using glucose • Warn patient and caregivers not to L
oxidase. May alter results of urine screening increase dosage without prescriber’s
tests for phenylketonuria. orders.
• Caution patient about possible dizziness
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS when standing up quickly, especially at start
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive of therapy. Tell him to change positions
to drug and in those with angle-closure slowly and dangle his legs before getting out
glaucoma, melanoma, or undiagnosed skin of bed. Elastic stockings may control these
lesions. adverse reactions in some patients.
• Contraindicated within 14 days of MAO • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
inhibitor therapy. and therapeutic effects.
• Use cautiously in patients with severe • Inform patient that pyridoxine (vitamin
CV, renal, hepatic, endocrine, or pulmonary B6 ) doesn’t reverse beneficial effects of
disorders; history of peptic ulcer; psychi- levodopa and carbidopa. Multivitamins
atric illness; MI with residual arrhythmias; can be taken without reversing levodopa’s
bronchial asthma; emphysema; or well- effects.
controlled, chronic open-angle glaucoma. • Teach patient to take ODT immediately
•H Overdose S&S: Muscle twitching, bleph- after taking from bottle and to place on top
arospasm. of tongue. Tablet will dissolve in seconds
and will be swallowed with saliva. No addi-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS tional fluid is needed.
• If patient takes levodopa, stop drug at
least 8 hours before starting levodopa-
• Giving levodopa and carbidopa together
typically decreases amount of levodopa
needed by 75%, reducing risk of adverse
• Therapeutic and adverse reactions occur
more rapidly with levodopa and carbidopa

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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804 levodopa, carbidopa, and entacapone

the decarboxylation of peripheral levodopa,

levodopa, carbidopa, and which allows more intact levodopa to travel
entacapone to the brain. Entacapone is a reversible
lee-voe-DOE-pa, kar-bih-DOE-pa, and COMT inhibitor that increases levodopa
en-ta-KAP-own level.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Stalevoi P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 hr Unknown
Therapeutic class: Antiparkinsonian 11⁄
Half-life: 2 to 2 hours carbidopa, 1 to 5 hours
Pharmacologic class: Dopamine levodopa, and 1 to 4 hours entacapone.
precursor, decarboxylase inhibitor,
and catecholamine-O-methyltransferase ADVERSE REACTIONS
(COMT) inhibitor levodopa and carbidopa
Pregnancy risk category C CNS: syncope, agitation, bradykinetic
episodes, confusion, dementia, suicidal
AVAIL ABLE FORMS tendencies, dizziness, dream abnormalities,
Tablets (film-coated): 50 mg levodopa, headache, insomnia, neuroleptic malignant
12.5 mg carbidopa, 200 mg entacapone; syndrome, paresthesia, psychotic episodes,
75 mg levodopa, 18.75 mg carbidopa, somnolence.
200 mg entacapone; 100 mg levodopa, CV: cardiac irregularities, hypertension,
25 mg carbidopa, 200 mg entacapone; hypotension, orthostatic hypotension,
125 mg levodopa, 31.25 mg carbidopa, palpitations, phlebitis, MI.
200 mg entacapone; 150 mg levodopa, GI: anorexia, constipation, dark saliva,
37.5 mg carbidopa, 200 mg entacapone; duodenal ulcer, diarrhea, dry mouth,
200 mg levodopa, 50 mg carbidopa, 200 mg dyspepsia, GI bleeding, taste alterations,
entacapone vomiting.
GU: dark urine, urinary frequency, UTI.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Hematologic: agranulocytosis, hemolytic
➤ Idiopathic Parkinson disease, to and nonhemolytic anemia, leukopenia,
replace (with equivalent strengths) levo- thrombocytopenia.
dopa, carbidopa, and entacapone given Musculoskeletal: back pain, muscle
individually or to replace immediate- cramps, shoulder pain.
release levodopa and carbidopa for a Respiratory: dyspnea, upper respiratory
patient who has end-of-dose “wearing tract infection.
off,” who’s taking a total daily levodopa Skin: alopecia, rash, diaphoresis, dark
dose of 600 mg or less and who has no sweat.
dyskinesia Other: increased libido, hypersensitivity.
Adults: 1 tablet P.O.; determine dose and entacapone
interval by therapeutic response. Maximum, CNS: dyskinesia, hyperkinesia, agitation,
8 tablets daily. anxiety, asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, hypo-
kinesia, somnolence.
ADMINISTRATION GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, con-
P.O. stipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, flatulence,
• Don’t cut tablets. gastritis, taste perversion, vomiting.
• Give only 1 tablet at each dosing interval. GU: urine discoloration.
• Give drug with food to decrease GI upset, Musculoskeletal: back pain.
but avoid giving with high-protein meal, Respiratory: dyspnea.
which can decrease absorption. Skin: increased sweating, purpura.
Other: bacterial infection.
Levodopa, a dopamine precursor, relieves INTERACTIONS
parkinsonian symptoms by converting to Drug-drug. Ampicillin, chloramphenicol,
dopamine in the brain. Carbidopa inhibits cholestyramine, erythromycin, probenecid,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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levodopa, carbidopa, and entacapone 805

rifampicin: May interfere with entacapone • Contraindicated in patients with angle-

excretion. Use together cautiously. closure glaucoma, suspicious undiagnosed
Antihypertensives: May cause orthostatic skin lesions, or a history of melanoma.
hypotension. Adjust antihypertensive • Contraindicated within 2 weeks of MAO
dosage as needed. inhibitor therapy.
CNS depressants: Additive effects. Use • Use cautiously in patients with past or
together cautiously. current psychosis and in patients with
Dopamine (D2) receptor antagonists such severe CV or pulmonary disease; bronchial
as butyrophenones, iron salts, isoniazid, asthma; biliary obstruction; or renal,
metoclopramide, phenothiazines, pheny- hepatic, or endocrine disease.
toin, risperidone: May decrease levodopa, • Use cautiously in patients with chronic
carbidopa, and entacapone effects. Monitor open-angle glaucoma or a history of MI
patient for effectiveness. and residual atrial, nodal, or ventricular
Drugs metabolized by COMT, such as arrhythmias.
alpha-methyldopa, apomorphine, dobu- •H Overdose S&S: CNS disturbances,
tamine, dopamine, epinephrine, isopro- hypotension, tachycardia, rhabdomyolysis,
terenol, isoetharine, norepinephrine: May transient renal insufficiency, abdominal
increase heart rate, arrhythmias, and exces- pain, loose stools.
sive blood pressure changes. Use together
Metoclopramide: May increase availability • Certain CNS effects, such as dyskinesia,
of levodopa and carbidopa by increasing may occur at lower dosages and sooner
gastric emptying. Monitor patient for with levodopa, carbidopa, and entacapone
adverse effects. than with levodopa alone. Dyskinesia may L
Nonselective MAO inhibitor: May disrupt require a reduced dosage.
catecholamine metabolism. Avoid using • During the first adjustment period,
together. monitor patient with CV disease carefully
Selegiline: May cause severe hypotension. and in a facility equipped to provide in-
Use together cautiously, and monitor blood tensive cardiac care.
pressure. • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome may
Tricyclic antidepressants: May increase risk develop when levodopa and carbidopa are
of hypertension and dyskinesia. Monitor reduced or stopped, especially in patients
patient closely. taking antipsychotic drugs. Watch patient
carefully for fever, hyperthermia, muscle
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS rigidity, involuntary movements, altered
• May increase alkaline phosphatase, AST, consciousness, mental status changes, and
ALT, LDH, glucose, BUN, and bilirubin autonomic dysfunction.
levels. May decrease hemoglobin level and • During extended therapy, periodically
hematocrit. monitor hepatic, hematopoietic, CV, and
• May decrease platelet and WBC counts. renal function.
• May cause false-positive reaction for • Diarrhea is common; it usually develops
urinary ketone bodies on a test tape. May 4 to 12 weeks after treatment starts but may
cause false-negative result for glucosuria appear as early as the first week or as late as
with glucose oxidase testing methods. many months after treatment starts.
Alert: Monitor patient for hallucinations,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS depression, and suicidal tendencies.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its ingredients. PATIENT TEACHING
Alert: Drug may increase the risk for MI, • Advise patient to take drug exactly as
stroke, and death. Monitor cardiovascular prescribed.
status closely. • Tell patient to report a “wearing-off”
effect, which may occur at the end of the
dosing interval.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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806 levofloxacin

• Tell patient that urine, sweat, and saliva Adults: 500 mg P.O. or I.V. infusion over
may turn dark (red, brown, or black) during 60 minutes every 24 hours for 7 to 10 days.
treatment. ➤ Acute bacterial worsening of chronic
• Advise patient to notify the prescriber bronchitis caused by S. aureus, S. pneu-
if problems making voluntary movements moniae, M. catarrhalis, H. influenzae, or
increase. H. parainfluenzae
• Tell patient that diarrhea is common with Adults: 500 mg P.O. or I.V. infusion over
this treatment. 60 minutes every 24 hours for 7 days.
• Inform patient that hallucinations may ➤ Community-acquired pneumonia
occur. from S. pneumoniae (resistant to two
• Urge patient to immediately report or more of the following antibiotics:
depression or suicidal thoughts. penicillin, second-generation cephalo-
• Explain that he may become dizzy if he sporins, macrolides, trimethoprim-
rises quickly. Urge patient to use caution sulfamethoxazole, tetracyclines),
when rising. S. aureus, M. catarrhalis, H. influenzae,
• Tell patient that a high-protein diet, H. parainfluenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
excessive acidity, and iron salts may reduce Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneu-
the drug’s effectiveness. mophila, or Mycoplasma pneumoniae
• Urge patient to avoid hazardous activities Adults: 500 mg P.O. or I.V. infusion over
until the CNS effects of the drug are known. 60 minutes every 24 hours for 7 to 14 days.
• Advise patient to notify prescriber if she ➤ To prevent inhalation anthrax after
becomes pregnant. confirmed or suspected exposure to
Bacillus anthracis
Adults: 500 mg I.V. infusion or P.O. every
levofloxacin 24 hours for 60 days.
lee-voe-FLOX-a-sin Children age 6 months and older weighing
at least 50 kg (110 lb): 500 mg by slow I.V.
Levaquini infusion every 24 hours for 60 days.
Children age 6 months and older weighing
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic less than 50 kg (110 lb): 8 mg/kg (not to
Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone exceed 250 mg/dose) by slow I.V. infusion
Pregnancy risk category C every 12 hours for 60 days.
➤ Chronic bacterial prostatitis caused by
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, or
Infusion (premixed): 250 mg in 50 ml D5 W, Staphylococcus epidermidis
500 mg in 100 ml D5 W, 750 mg in 150 ml Adults: 500 mg P.O. or I.V. over 60 minutes
D5 W every 24 hours for 28 days.
Oral solution: 25 mg/ml∗ Adjust-a-dose: In patients with a creatinine
Single-use vials: 500 mg, 750 mg clearance of 20 to 49 ml/minute, give first
Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg dose of 500 mg and then 250 mg daily. If
clearance is 10 to 19 ml/minute, give first
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES dose of 500 mg and then 250 mg every
➤ Acute bacterial sinusitis caused by 48 hours. For patients receiving dialysis
susceptible strains of Streptococcus or chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,
pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, or give first dose of 500 mg and then 250 mg
Haemophilus influenzae every 48 hours. For patients using the 5-day
Adults: 500 mg P.O. or I.V. infusion over regimen for acute bacterial sinusitis, use
60 minutes every 24 hours for 10 to 14 days the Adjust-a-dose schedule for nosocomial
or 750 mg P.O. every 24 hours for 5 days. pneumonia.
➤ Mild to moderate skin and skin- ➤ Community-acquired pneumonia from
structure infections caused by Staphy- S. pneumoniae (excluding multidrug-
lococcus aureus or S. pyogenes resistant strains), H. influenzae,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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levofloxacin 807

H. parainfluenzae, M. pneumoniae, and ADMINISTRATION

C. pneumoniae P.O.
Adults: 750 mg P.O. or I.V. over 90 minutes • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
every 24 hours for 5 days. tivity tests before therapy and as needed
➤ Complicated skin and skin-structure to determine if bacterial resistance has
infections caused by methicillin-sensitive occurred.
S. aureus, E. faecalis, S. pyogenes, or • Give drug with plenty of fluids.
Proteus mirabilis • Give 2 hours before or 6 hours after
Adults: 750 mg P.O. or I.V. infusion over antacids, sucralfate, and products con-
90 minutes every 24 hours for 7 to 14 days. taining iron or zinc.
➤ Nosocomial pneumonia caused by • Give oral solution 1 hour before or
methicillin-susceptible S. aureus, Pseu- 2 hours after a meal.
domonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, I.V.
E. coli, K. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, or  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

S. pneumoniae tivity tests before therapy and as needed

Adults: 750 mg P.O. or I.V. infusion over to determine if bacterial resistance has
90 minutes every 24 hours for 7 to 14 days. occurred.
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is  Give this form only by infusion.

20 to 49 ml/minute, give 750 mg initially  Dilute drug in single-use vials, accord-

and then 750 mg every 48 hours; if clear- ing to manufacturer’s instructions, with
ance is 10 to 19 ml/minute, or patient is D5 W or normal saline solution for injec-
receiving hemodialysis or chronic am- tion to a final concentration of 5 mg/ml.
bulatory peritoneal dialysis, give 750 mg  Infuse doses of 500 mg or less over

initially and then 500 mg every 48 hours. 60 minutes and doses of 750 mg over L
➤ Complicated UTI caused by 90 minutes.
E. faecalis, Enterobacter cloacae, E. coli,  Reconstituted solution should be clear,

K. pneumoniae, P. mirabilis, or P. aerug- slightly yellow, and free of particulate

inosa; acute pyelonephritis caused by matter.
E. coli  Reconstituted drug is stable for 72 hours

Adults: 250 mg P.O. or I.V. over 60 minutes at room temperature, for 14 days when
every 24 hours for 10 days. refrigerated in plastic containers, and for
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is 6 months when frozen.
10 to 19 ml/minute, increase dosage interval  Thaw at room temperature or in refriger-

to every 48 hours. ator.

➤ Complicated UTI caused by E. coli,  Incompatibilities: Acyclovir sodium,

K. pneumoniae, or P. mirabilis; acute alprostadil, azithromycin, furosemide,

pyelonephritis caused by E. coli heparin sodium, indomethacin sodium
Adults: 750 mg P.O. or I.V. over 90 minutes trihydrate, insulin, mannitol 20%, nitro-
daily for 5 days. glycerin, propofol, sodium bicarbonate,
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is sodium nitroprusside. The manufacturer
20 to 49 ml/minute, increase dosage interval recommends not mixing or infusing other
to every 48 hours. If creatinine clearance is drugs with levofloxacin.
10 to 19 ml/minute or patient is receiving
dialysis, give 750 mg P.O. or I.V. initial dose, AC TION
then 500 mg every 48 hours. Inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase and prevents
➤ Mild to moderate uncomplicated UTI DNA replication, transcription, repair, and
caused by E. coli, K. pneumoniae, or recombination in susceptible bacteria.
S. saprophyticus Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults: 250 mg P.O. daily for 3 days. P.O., I.V. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
➤ Traveler’s diarrhea 
Adults: 500 mg P.O. daily for up to 3 days. Half-life: About 6 to 8 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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808 levofloxacin

ADVERSE REACTIONS Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause

CNS: encephalopathy, seizures, dizziness, photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
headache, insomnia. avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
GI: pseudomembranous colitis, abdominal
pain, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
nausea, vomiting. • May decrease glucose and hemoglobin
GU: vaginitis. levels.
Hematologic: lymphopenia, eosinophilia, • May increase eosinophil count. May
hemolytic anemia. decrease WBC count.
Metabolic: hypoglycemia. • May produce false-positive opioid assay
Musculoskeletal: back pain, tendon rupture. results.
Respiratory: allergic pneumonitis,
Skin: erythema multiforme, Stevens- Black Box Warning Drug is associated
Johnson syndrome, photosensitivity, with increased risk of tendinitis and tendon
pruritus, rash. rupture, especially in patients older than
Other: anaphylaxis, multisystem organ age 60 and those with heart, kidney, or lung
failure, hypersensitivity reactions. transplants.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
INTERACTIONS to drug, its components, or other fluoro-
Drug-drug. Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum– quinolones.
magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, • Use cautiously in patients with history
didanosine, magnesium hydroxide, products of seizure disorders or other CNS diseases,
containing zinc, sucralfate: May interfere such as cerebral arteriosclerosis.
with GI absorption of levofloxacin. Give • Use cautiously and with dosage adjust-
levofloxacin 2 hours before or 6 hours after ment in patients with renal impairment.
these products. • Safety and efficacy of drug in children
Antiarrhythmics (Class IA procainamide, younger than age 18 and in pregnant and
quinidine or Class III amiodarone, breast-feeding women haven’t been estab-
dofetilide), chlorpromazine, erythromycin, lished.
fluconazole, imipramine, ziprasidone: May
increase risk of life-threatening cardiac NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
arrhythmias. Avoid use together. • If patient experiences symptoms of
Antidiabetics: May alter glucose level. excessive CNS stimulation (restlessness,
Monitor glucose level closely. tremor, confusion, hallucinations), stop
Iron salts: May decrease absorption of levo- drug and notify prescriber. Begin seizure
floxacin, reducing anti-infective response. precautions.
Separate doses by at least 2 hours. • Patients with acute hypersensitivity
NSAIDs: May increase CNS stimulation. reactions may need treatment with
Monitor patient for seizure activity. epinephrine, oxygen, I.V. fluids, antihis-
Black Box Warning Steroids: May in- tamines, corticosteroids, pressor amines,
crease risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture. and airway management.
Monitor patient for tendon pain or inflam- • Most antibacterials can cause pseu-
mation. domembranous colitis. If diarrhea occurs,
Theophylline: May decrease clearance of notify prescriber; drug may be stopped.
theophylline. Monitor theophylline level. • Drug may cause an abnormal ECG.
Warfarin and derivatives: May increase Alert: If P. aeruginosa is a confirmed or
effect of oral anticoagulant. Monitor PT and suspected pathogen, use with a beta-lactam.
INR. • Monitor glucose level and results of renal,
Drug-herb. Dong quai, St. John’s wort: hepatic, and blood counts.
May cause photosensitivity reactions.
Advise patient to avoid excessive sunlight

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-L LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 18, 2011 6:44

levothyroxine sodium 809

PATIENT TEACHING 6 to 8 weeks, making dosage adjustments in

• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, 12.5- to 25-mcg increments until patient is
even if signs and symptoms disappear. euthyroid and TSH level normalizes.
• Advise patient to take drug with plenty of Adults: For patients age 50 or older or those
fluids and to space antacids, sucralfate, and younger than age 50 with underlying car-
products containing iron or zinc. diac disease, give 25 to 50 mcg P.O. daily.
• Tell patient to take oral solution 1 hour Adjust dose every 6 to 8 weeks, if needed,
before or 2 hours after eating. until patient is euthyroid and TSH level
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous tasks normalizes.
until adverse effects of drug are known. Children in whom growth and puberty are
• Advise patient to avoid excessive sunlight complete: 1.7 mcg/kg P.O. once daily.
exposure. Children older than age 12 in whom growth
• Instruct patient to stop drug and notify and puberty are incomplete: More than
prescriber if rash or other signs or symp- 150 mcg or 2 to 3 mcg/kg P.O. daily.
toms of hypersensitivity develop. Children ages 6 to 12: 100 to 150 mcg or
Black Box Warning Tell patient that 4 to 5 mcg/kg P.O. daily.
tendon rupture may occur with drug and Children ages 1 to 5: 75 to 100 mcg or 5 to
to notify prescriber if he experiences pain or 6 mcg/kg P.O. daily.
inflammation. Children ages 6 months to 1 year: 50 to
• Instruct diabetic patient to monitor 75 mcg or 6 to 8 mcg/kg P.O. daily.
glucose level and notify prescriber about Children ages 3 to 6 months: 25 to 50 mcg
low-glucose reaction. or 8 to 10 mcg/kg P.O. daily.
• Instruct patient to notify prescriber of Infants and neonates birth to 3 months:
loose stools or diarrhea. 10 to 15 mcg/kg P.O. daily. In neonates at L
risk for cardiac failure, use a lower initial
dose (such as 25 mcg daily), and increase
levothyroxine sodium every 4 to 6 weeks as needed.
(T4 L-thyroxine sodium) Elderly patients with underlying cardiovas-
lee-voe-thye-ROX-een cular disease: 12.5 to 25 mcg P.O. daily;
increase by 12.5 to 25 mcg every 4 to
Eltroxin†, Euthyrox†, Levo-T, 6 weeks, depending on response.
Levothroid, Levoxyli, Synthroidi, ➤ Severe, long-standing hypothyroidism
Unithroid Adults: 12.5 to 25 mcg P.O. daily. Increase
in increments of 25 mcg every 2 to 4 weeks
Therapeutic class: Thyroid hormone as needed.
replacement Children: 25 mcg P.O. daily. Increase in
Pharmacologic class: Thyroid hormone increments of 25 mcg every 2 to 4 weeks as
Pregnancy risk category A needed.
➤ Hypothyroidism (when rapid onset
AVAIL ABLE FORMS of effect is critical or when oral route is
Powder for injection: 200 mcg, 500 mcg precluded for long periods of time)
Tablets: 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 75 mcg, 88 mcg, Adults and children: Approximately one-
100 mcg, 112 mcg, 125 mcg, 137 mcg, half of previously established oral dosage
150 mcg, 175 mcg, 200 mcg, 300 mcg I.V. or I.M. Maintenance dosage is 50 to
100 mcg/day (0.05 to 0.1 mg/day) I.V. or
➤ Thyroid hormone replacement ➤ Myxedema coma or stupor without
Adults: For patients younger than age 50 concomitant severe heart disease
or those older than age 50 who have been Adults and children: 200 to 500 mcg
recently treated for hyperthyroidism, or (0.2 to 0.5 mg) I.V. as solution contain-
have been hypothyroid for a short time, give ing 100 mcg/ml. May give additional 100 to
1.7 mcg/kg P.O. once daily. Monitor thyroid- 300 mcg or more on second day. Maintain
stimulating hormone (TSH) levels every continued daily administration of lesser

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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810 levothyroxine sodium

amounts until patient can take daily oral Metabolic: weight loss, increased appetite.
dose. Musculoskeletal: decreased bone density,
muscle weakness.
ADMINISTRATION Respiratory: dyspnea.
P.O. Skin: allergic skin reactions, diaphoresis,
• Synthroid may contain tartrazine. hair loss.
• Give drug at same time each day on an Other: heat intolerance, impaired fertility.
empty stomach, preferably 1⁄2 to 1 hour
before breakfast. INTERACTIONS
• Give levoxyl with a full glass of water to Drug-drug. Amiodarone, iodide (including
prevent choking, gagging, and difficulty iodine-containing radiographic contrast
swallowing. agents), lithium: May reduce thyroid hor-
• If necessary, crush tablet and suspend it mone secretion. Monitor thyroid function
in small amount of formula (except soy for- studies if used together.
mula, which may decrease the absorption), Antacids, calcium carbonate, cholestyra-
breast milk, or water, and give by spoon or mine, colestipol, ferrous sulfate, sucralfate:
dropper. Crushed tablet can also be sprin- May impair levothyroxine absorption.
kled over food, except foods containing Separate doses by 4 to 5 hours.
large amounts of soybean, fiber, or iron. Beta blockers: May reduce beta-blocker
I.V. effects. Monitor patient.
 Reconstitute by adding 5 ml sodium Carbamazepine, hydantoins, phenobarbital,
chloride 0.9% injection only. rifampin: May increase hepatic metabolism,
 Shake vial. resulting in hypothyroidism. Monitor pa-
 Use immediately after reconstitution. tient.
 Discard any unused portion. Digoxin: May decrease glycoside effects.
 Incompatibilities: Don’t mix or give Monitor patient for clinical effect.
with anything other than sodium chloride Estrogens: May decrease thyroid levels.
0.9% injection. Monitor levels after 12 weeks of therapy and
I.M. adjust levothyroxine dose as needed.
• Reconstitute by adding 5 ml sodium Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: May release
chloride 0.9% injection only. free thyroid hormone. Monitor patient for
• Shake vial. tachycardia.
• Use immediately after reconstitution. Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May alter glu-
• Discard any unused portion. cose level. Monitor glucose level. Dosage
adjustments may be needed.
AC TION Ketamine: May produce marked hyper-
Not completely defined. Stimulates tension and tachycardia. Use together cau-
metabolism of all body tissues by accel- tiously.
erating rate of cellular oxidation. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors:
Route Onset Peak Duration
May increase levothyroxine requirements.
P.O. 24 hr Unknown Unknown
Adjust dosage as needed.
I.V., I.M. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sympathomimetics such as epinephrine:
May increase risk of coronary insufficiency.
Half-life: 3 to 4 days in hyperthyroidism; 9 to Monitor patient closely.
10 days in hypothyroidism. Theophylline: May decrease theophylline
clearance in hypothyroidism; clearance may
ADVERSE REACTIONS return to normal when euthyroid state is
CNS: nervousness, insomnia, tremor, achieved. Monitor theophylline level.
headache, fever, fatigue. Tricyclic antidepressants, tetracyclic antide-
CV: tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmias, pressants: May increase therapeutic effects
angina pectoris, cardiac arrest. and toxicity of both drugs. Monitor patient
GI: diarrhea, vomiting. closely.
GU: menstrual irregularities.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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levothyroxine sodium 811

Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant • Patients with adult hypothyroidism are

effects. Monitor patient for bleeding and unusually sensitive to thyroid hormone.
check PT and INR closely. Warfarin dosage Start at lowest dosage, and adjust to higher
adjustment may be needed. dosages according to patient’s symptoms
Drug-herb. Horseradish: May cause ab- and laboratory data until euthyroid state is
normal thyroid function. Discourage use in reached.
patients undergoing thyroid function tests. • When changing from levothyroxine to
Lemon balm: May have antithyroid effects; liothyronine, stop levothyroxine and begin
may inhibit TSH. Discourage use together. liothyronine. Increase dosage in small incre-
Drug-food. Cottonseed meal, dietary fiber, ments after residual effects of levothyroxine
soybean flour, walnuts: May decrease ab- have disappeared. When changing from
sorption of drug. Dosage adjustments may liothyronine to levothyroxine, start levothy-
be needed. roxine several days before withdrawing
liothyronine to avoid relapse. Drugs aren’t
• May decrease thyroid function test results. • Long-term therapy causes bone loss
May alter results of liothyronine, protein- in premenopausal and postmenopausal
bound iodine, and radioactive 131 I uptake women. Consider a basal bone density
studies. measurement, and monitor patient closely
for osteoporosis.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Patients taking levothyroxine who need
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- to have 131 I uptake studies performed must
sitive to drug and in those with acute MI stop drug 4 weeks before test.
uncomplicated by hypothyroidism, un- • Patients taking anticoagulants may need L
treated subclinical or overt thyrotoxicosis, their dosage modified and require careful
or uncorrected adrenal insufficiency. monitoring of coagulation status.
Black Box Warning Don’t use either alone • Dosage may need to be increased in preg-
or with other therapeutic agents for treat- nant patients.
ment of obesity or for weight loss. • Drug shouldn’t be used for infertility
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in (unless associated with hypothyroidism).
those with angina pectoris, hypertension, Black Box Warning Drug should not be
other CV disorders, renal insufficiency, or used for the treatment of obesity or for
ischemia. weight loss.
• Use cautiously in patients with diabetes • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
mellitus, diabetes insipidus, or myxedema levothyroxine with liothyronine or liotrix or
and during rapid replacement in those with Lamictal.
•H Overdose S&S: Signs and symptoms of PATIENT TEACHING
hyperthyroidism, confusion, disorientation, • Teach patient the importance of compli-
cerebral embolism, shock, coma, seizures, ance. Tell him to take drug at same time
death. each day, preferably 1⁄2 to 1 hour before
breakfast, to maintain constant hormone
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS levels and help prevent insomnia.
• Patients with diabetes mellitus may need • Make sure patient understands that
increased antidiabetic doses when starting replacement therapy is usually for life.
thyroid hormone replacement. The drug should never be stopped unless
• Watch for angina, coronary occlusion, or directed by prescriber.
stroke in patients with arteriosclerosis who • Warn patient (especially elderly patient)
are receiving rapid replacement. to notify prescriber immediately about chest
• In patients with coronary artery disease pain, palpitations, sweating, nervousness,
who must receive thyroid hormone, observe shortness of breath, or other signals of
carefully for possible coronary insuffi- overdose or aggravated CV disease.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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812 lidocaine hydrochloride

• Tell caregiver of infant or child who can’t arrhythmias subside or adverse reactions
swallow tablets to crush tablet and suspend develop. Don’t exceed 300-mg total bolus
in small amount of water and give by spoon during a 1-hour period. Simultaneously,
or dropper. Crushed tablet can be sprinkled constant infusion of 20 to 50 mcg/kg/minute
over food, except foods containing large (1 to 4 mg/minute) is begun. If single bolus
amounts of soybean, fiber, or iron. has been given, smaller bolus dose may
• Tell patient using Levoxyl to take pill with be repeated 15 to 20 minutes after start of
plenty of water to avoid choking, gagging, infusion to maintain therapeutic level.
or getting the pill stuck in his throat. Children: 1 mg/kg by I.V. or intraosseous
• Advise patient who has achieved stable bolus. If no response, start infusion of 20 to
response not to change brands. 50 mcg/kg/minute. Give an additional bolus
• Tell patient to report unusual bleeding and dose of 0.5 to 1 mg/kg if delay of greater
bruising. than 15 minutes between initial bolus and
• Advise patient not to take OTC or other starting the infusion. Bolus doses shouldn’t
prescription drugs without first consulting exceed 3 to 5 mg/kg.
prescriber. Elderly patients: Reduce dosage and rate of
• Advise patient to report pregnancy to infusion by 50%.
prescriber because dosage may need adjust- Adjust-a-dose: For patients with heart
ment. failure, with renal or liver disease, or
• Advise patient to protect tablets from light who weigh less than 50 kg (110 lb), reduce
and moisture. dosage.


lidocaine hydrochloride  Injections (additive syringes and

(lignocaine hydrochloride) single-use vials) containing 40, 100, or

LYE-doe-kane 200 mg/ml are for the preparation of I.V.
infusion solutions only and must be diluted
LidoPen Auto-Injector, Xylocaine, before use.
Xylocard†  Prepare I.V. infusion by adding 1 g

(using 25 ml of 4% or 5 ml of 20% in-

Therapeutic class: Antiarrhythmic jection) to 1 L of D5 W injection to provide
Pharmacologic class: Amide derivative a solution containing 1 mg/ml.
Pregnancy risk category B  Use a more concentrated solution of up

to 8 mg/ml in fluid-restricted patient.

AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Patients receiving infusions must be on

Infusion (premixed): 0.2% (2 mg/ml), 0.4% a cardiac monitor and must be attended at
(4 mg/ml), 0.8% (8 mg/ml) all times. Use an infusion control device
Injection (for direct I.V. use): 1% (10 mg/ml), for giving infusion precisely. Don’t exceed
2% (20 mg/ml) 4 mg/minute; faster rate greatly increases
Injection (for I.M. use): 300 mg/3 ml auto- risk of toxicity.
matic injection device  Avoid giving injections containing

Injection (for I.V. admixtures): 4% preservatives.

(40 mg/ml), 10% (100 mg/ml), 20%  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin,

(200 mg/ml) ampicillin, cefazolin, ceftriaxone, fentanyl

citrate (higher pH brands), methohexi-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES tal sodium, phenytoin sodium, sodium
➤ Ventricular arrhythmias caused by bicarbonate, thiopental sodium.
MI, cardiac manipulation, or cardiac I.M.
glycosides • Give I.M. injections in the deltoid muscle
Adults: 50 to 100 mg (1 to 1.5 mg/kg) by only.
I.V. bolus at 25 to 50 mg/minute. Bolus • Drug may cause soreness at injection site.
dose is repeated every 3 to 5 minutes until

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lidocaine hydrochloride 813

AC TION Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase

A class IB antiarrhythmic that decreases the metabolism of lidocaine. Monitor patient
depolarization, automaticity, and excitabil- closely.
ity in the ventricles during the diastolic
phase by direct action on the tissues, espe- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
cially the Purkinje network. • May increase CK levels with I.M. use.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. Immediate Immediate 10–20 min
I.M. 5–15 min 10 min 2 hr • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to the amide-type local anesthetics.
Half-life: 11⁄2 to 2 hours (may be prolonged in • Contraindicated in those with Adams-
patients with heart failure or hepatic disease).
Stokes syndrome, Wolff-Parkinson-White
syndrome, and severe degrees of SA, AV, or
ADVERSE REACTIONS intraventricular block in the absence of an
CNS: confusion, tremor, stupor, restless- artificial pacemaker.
ness, light-headedness, seizures, lethargy, • Use cautiously and at reduced dosages in
somnolence, anxiety, hallucinations, ner- patients with complete or second-degree
vousness, paresthesia, muscle twitching. heart block or sinus bradycardia, in elderly
CV: hypotension, bradycardia, new or patients, in those with heart failure or renal
worsened arrhythmias, cardiac arrest. or hepatic disease, and in those who weigh
EENT: tinnitus, blurred or double vision. less than 50 kg (110 lb).
GI: vomiting. •H Overdose S&S: Circulatory depression,
Respiratory: respiratory depression and change in level of consciousness, seizures,
arrest. hypoventilation. L
Skin: soreness at injection site.
Other: anaphylaxis, sensation of cold. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Monitor isoenzymes when using I.M.
INTERACTIONS drug for suspected MI. A patient who has
Drug-drug. Atenolol, metoprolol, nadolol, received I.M. lidocaine will show a seven-
pindolol, propranolol: May reduce hepatic fold increase in CK level. Such an increase
metabolism of lidocaine, increasing the risk originates in the skeletal muscle, not the
of toxicity. Give bolus doses of lidocaine at heart.
a slower rate, and monitor lidocaine level • Monitor drug level. Therapeutic levels are
and patient closely. 2 to 5 mcg/ml.
Cimetidine: May decrease clearance of Alert: Monitor patient for toxicity. In
lidocaine, increasing the risk of toxicity. many severely ill patients, seizures may be
Consider using a different H2 receptor the first sign of toxicity, but severe reactions
antagonist if possible. Monitor lidocaine are usually preceded by somnolence, con-
level closely. fusion, tremors, and paresthesia. If signs
Ergot-type oxytocic drugs: May cause of toxicity occur, stop drug at once and
severe, persistent hypertension or stroke. notify prescriber. Continuing could lead to
Avoid using together. seizures and coma. Give oxygen through a
Mexiletine: May increase pharmacologic nasal cannula if not contraindicated. Keep
effects. Avoid using together. oxygen and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Phenytoin, procainamide, propranolol, equipment available.
quinidine: May increase cardiac depressant • Monitor patient’s response, especially
effects. Monitor patient closely. blood pressure and electrolytes, BUN, and
Succinylcholine: May prolong neuromuscu- creatinine levels. Notify prescriber promptly
lar blockade. Monitor patient closely. if abnormalities develop.
Drug-herb. Pareira: May increase the • If arrhythmias worsen or ECG changes
effects of neuromuscular blockade. Discour- (for example, QRS complex widens or
age use together. PR interval substantially prolongs), stop
infusion and notify prescriber.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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814 lindane

PATIENT TEACHING • Apply thin layer to cover body only once.

• For I.M. form, tell patient that drug may Use 1 ounce for children younger than age
cause soreness at injection site. Tell him to 6 and 1 to 2 ounces for older children and
report discomfort at the site. adults.
• Tell patient to report adverse reactions • Don’t leave drug on for longer than
promptly because toxicity can occur. 12 hours; remove drug by washing thor-
lindane AC TION
LIN-dayn May inhibit neuronal membrane function in
arthropods, causing neuronal hyperactivity,
Hexit† seizures, and death after penetrating the
parasite’s exoskeleton.
Therapeutic class: Scabicide,
Route Onset Peak Duration
Topical 190 min Unknown Unknown
Pharmacologic class: Ectoparasiticide
and ovicide Half-life: About 18 hours.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CNS: seizures, dizziness.
Lotion: 1% Skin: alopecia, dermatitis, pruritus,
Shampoo: 1% urticaria.


➤ Parasitic infestation (scabies, Drug-drug. Drugs that lower the seizure
pediculosis) threshold (anticholinesterases, antide-
Adults and children: Centers for Disease pressants, antipsychotics, cyclosporine,
Control and Prevention recommend not chloroquine sulfate, imipenem, isoniazid,
bathing before applying on skin. If patient methocarbamol, meperidine, mofetil, my-
does bathe, let skin dry and cool thoroughly cophenolate, penicillins, pyrimethamine,
before using drug. For scabies, apply thin quinolones, tacrolimus, theophylline): May
layer of lotion over entire skin surface from precipitate seizure activity if used together.
the neck down (with special attention to Monitor patient if used together.
skinfolds, creases, under fingernails, inter- Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May lower
digital spaces, and genital area) and rub in seizure threshold. Discourage use together.
thoroughly; for pediculosis, apply thin layer Oil-based hair products: May increase
of lotion to hairy areas. After 8 to 12 hours, absorption of drug. If oil-based hair prod-
wash drug off. ucts are used, urge patient to wash and dry
Apply shampoo undiluted to dry hair hair before using drug.
and work into lather for 4 minutes; small
amounts of water may increase lathering. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Apply 30 ml of shampoo for short hair, None reported.
45 ml for medium-length hair, or 60 ml for
long hair. Rinse thoroughly and rub dry with CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
towel. Comb with a fine-tooth comb. Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
Elderly patients: May need to reduce dosage premature infants and in those with seizure
because of increased skin absorption. disorders. Use cautiously in infants, chil-
dren, elderly patients, patients with skin
ADMINISTRATION conditions other than lice infestation, and
Topical those who weigh less than 50 kg (110 lb); all
• If patient bathes before application, make are at greater risk for CNS toxicity, includ-
sure his skin is dry and cool before applying ing seizures and death.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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linezolid 815

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Tell patient to avoid inhaling vapors.

to drug or its components and in those with • Advise family member to wear gloves
inflamed skin. when applying drug.
•H Overdose S&S: CNS excitation, seizures. • Tell patient to wash drug off skin and
to notify prescriber immediately if skin
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS irritation or hypersensitivity develops.
Black Box Warning Use lindane products • Discourage repeated use, which can
only as second-line treatment of lice in- lead to skin irritation, systemic toxicity, or
festation or in patients who can’t tolerate seizures. Advise patient to repeat use only if
treatment with safer medications. live lice or nits are found after 1 week.
• Permethrin 1% cream rinse and pyrethrins • Warn patient not to use other creams or
with piperonyl butoxide are safer than oils during treatment because of potential
lindane for pubic lice. for increased absorption.
• Apply topical corticosteroids or give oral • Advise breast-feeding women to avoid a
antihistamines, as prescribed, for pruritus. lot of skin-to-skin contact with infant while
• Make sure that hospitalized patients are drug is present. Interrupt breast-feeding
placed in isolation, with special linen- with expression and discarding of milk for
handling precautions, until treatment is at least 24 hours following use.
completed. • Instruct patient to change all clothing and
• Intact skin absorbs 6% to 13% of drug. bed linens and launder them in hot water or
Absorption is increased if applied to face, dry clean after drug is washed off body.
scalp, axillae, neck, scrotum, or irritated or • After application for lice infestation, tell
broken skin. patient to use fine-tooth comb or tweezers to
• Avoid drug contact with eyes. remove nits from hairy areas. L
Black Box Warning When used correctly, • Advise patient to use shampoo form to
drug is safe and effective. When overused, it clean combs or brushes and to wash them
can cause adverse reactions. Don’t confuse thoroughly afterward.
prolonged itching with reinfestation. • Warn patient that itching may continue
• Treat sexual partners simultaneously. for several weeks after effective treatment,
especially for scabies.
PATIENT TEACHING • Instruct patient to reapply drug if it’s
• Teach patient or family member how washed off during treatment time.
to apply drug: Apply thin layer to cover • Tell patient to warn other family members
body only once. Use 1 ounce for children and sexual partners about infestation.
younger than age 6 and 1 to 2 ounces for • Advise patient to use product carefully
older children and adults. Don’t leave drug and follow all directions. Overusing prod-
on for longer than 12 hours; remove drug by uct will cause unwanted side effects. Tell
washing thoroughly. him not to confuse prolonged itching with
• If patient bathes before application, tell reinfestation.
him to let skin dry thoroughly and cool
before applying drug.
• Instruct patient to put lotion under finger- linezolid
nails after trimming nails short. A tooth- lih-NEH-zoe-lid
brush can be used to apply lotion under
fingernails. Tell patient to wrap toothbrush in Zyvox
paper and throw away immediately after use.
• Inform patient that drug can be poisonous Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
when misused. Warn patient not to apply Pharmacologic class: Oxazolidinone
to open areas, acutely inflamed skin, or to Pregnancy risk category C
face, eyes, mucous membranes, or urethral
opening. If accidental contact with eyes AVAIL ABLE FORMS
occurs, advise patient to flush with water Injection: 2 mg/ml
and notify prescriber.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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816 linezolid

Powder for oral suspension: 100 mg/5 ml Children ages 5 to 11: 10 mg/kg P.O. every
when reconstituted 12 hours for 10 to 14 days.
Tablet: 600 mg Neonates age 7 days or older and infants
and children younger than age 5: 10 mg/kg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES P.O. every 8 hours for 10 to 14 days.
➤ Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus Neonates younger than age 7 days:
faecium infections, including those with 10 mg/kg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 to
concurrent bacteremia 14 days. Increase to 10 mg/kg every 8 hours
Adults and children age 12 and older: when patient is 7 days old. Consider this
600 mg I.V. or P.O. every 12 hours for 14 to dosage increase if neonate has inadequate
28 days. response.
Neonates age 7 days or older and infants
and children through age 11: 10 mg/kg I.V. ADMINISTRATION
or P.O. every 8 hours for 14 to 28 days. P.O.
Neonates younger than age 7 days: • Give tablets and suspension with or with-
10 mg/kg I.V. or P.O. every 12 hours for out meals.
14 to 28 days. Increase to 10 mg/kg every • Reconstitute suspension according to
8 hours when patient is 7 days old. Con- manufacturer’s instructions.
sider this dosage increase if neonate has • Store reconstituted suspension at room
inadequate response. temperature and use within 21 days.
➤ Hospital-acquired pneumonia caused I.V.
by Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-  Inspect solution for particulate matter

susceptible [MSSA] and methicillin- and leaks.

resistant [MRSA] strains) or Streptococ-  Drug is compatible with D5 W injection,

cus pneumoniae (including multidrug- normal saline solution for injection, and
resistant strains [MDRSP]); complicated lactated Ringer’s injection.
skin and skin-structure infections, in-  Don’t inject additives into infusion bag.

cluding diabetic foot infections without Give other I.V. drugs separately or via a
osteomyelitis caused by S. aureus (MSSA separate I.V. line to avoid incompatibil-
and MRSA), S. pyogenes, or S. agalactiae; ities. If single I.V. line is used, flush line
community-acquired pneumonia caused before and after infusion with a compatible
by S. pneumoniae (including MDRSP), solution.
including those with concurrent bac-  Infuse over 30 minutes to 2 hours. Don’t

teremia, or S. aureus (MSSA only) infuse drug in a series connection.

Adults and children age 12 and older:  Store drug at room temperature in its

600 mg I.V. or P.O. every 12 hours for 10 to protective overwrap. Solution may turn
14 days. yellow over time, but this doesn’t affect
Neonates 7 days or older, infants and chil- drug’s potency.
dren through 11 years: 10 mg/kg I.V. or P.O.  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B,

every 8 hours for 10 to 14 days. ceftriaxone sodium, chlorpromazine

Neonates younger than age 7 days: hydrochloride, diazepam, erythromycin
10 mg/kg I.V. or P.O. every 12 hours for lactobionate, pentamidine isethion-
10 to 14 days. Increase to 10 mg/kg every ate, phenytoin sodium, trimethoprim-
8 hours when patient is 7 days old. Con- sulfamethoxazole.
sider this dosage increase if neonate has
inadequate response. AC TION
➤ Uncomplicated skin and skin- Prevents bacterial protein synthesis by
structure infections caused by S. aureus interfering with DNA translation in the
(MSSA only) or S. pyogenes ribosomes. Also prevents formation of a
Adults: 400 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 10 to functional 70S ribosomal subunit by bind-
14 days. ing to a site on the bacterial 50S ribosomal
Children ages 12 to 18: 600 mg P.O. every subunit.
12 hours for 10 to 14 days.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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linezolid 817


P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown • No dosage adjustment is needed when
I.V. Unknown 30 min Unknown switching from I.V. to P.O. forms.
Alert: Nausea and vomiting may be symp-
Half-life: 61⁄4 hours.
toms of lactic acidosis. Monitor patient for
unexplained acidosis or low bicarbonate
ADVERSE REACTIONS level and notify prescriber immediately if
CNS: headache, dizziness, fever, insomnia. these occur.
GI: diarrhea, nausea, pseudomembranous Alert: Drug may cause thrombocytopenia.
colitis, altered taste, constipation, oral In patients at increased risk for bleeding,
candidiasis, tongue discoloration, vomiting. those with existing thrombocytopenia,
GU: vaginal candidiasis. those taking other drugs that may cause
Hematologic: leukopenia, myelosuppres- thrombocytopenia, and those receiving
sion, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, this drug for longer than 14 days, monitor
anemia. platelet count.
Skin: rash. Alert: Drug may lead to myelosuppres-
Other: fungal infection. sion. Monitor CBC weekly.
Alert: Pseudomembranous colitis or
INTERACTIONS superinfection may occur. Consider these
Drug-drug. Adrenergic drugs (such as diagnoses and take appropriate measures
dopamine, epinephrine, pseudoephedrine): in patients with persistent diarrhea or
May cause hypertension. Monitor blood secondary infections.
pressure and heart rate; start continuous • Inappropriate use of antibiotics may lead
infusions of dopamine and epinephrine at to development of resistant organisms; L
lower doses and titrate to response. carefully consider other drugs before start-
Serotoninergic drugs: May cause serotonin ing therapy, especially in outpatient setting.
syndrome, including confusion, delirium, • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
restlessness, tremors, blushing, diaphoresis, Zyvox with Zovirax. Both come in a
and hyperpyrexia. Notify prescriber imme- 400-mg strength.
diately of signs and symptoms of serotonin
Drug-food. Foods and beverages high in • Tell patient that tablets and oral suspen-
tyramine (such as aged cheeses, air-dried sion may be taken with or without meals.
meats, red wines, sauerkraut, soy sauce, • Stress importance of completing entire
tap beers): May increase blood pressure. course of therapy, even if patient feels better.
Provide a list of foods containing tyramine • Tell patient to alert prescriber if he has
and advise patient that tyramine content of high blood pressure, is taking cough or cold
meals shouldn’t exceed 100 mg. preparations, or is being treated with SSRIs
or other antidepressants.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise patient to avoid large quantities
• May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, of tyramine-containing foods (such as aged
alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, amylase, cheeses, soy sauce, tap beers, red wine)
lipase, and BUN levels. May decrease during therapy.
hemoglobin level. • Inform patient with phenylketonuria that
• May decrease WBC, neutrophil, and each 5 ml of oral suspension contains 20 mg
platelet counts. of phenylalanine. Tablets and injection don’t
contain phenylalanine.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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818 liothyronine sodium

liothyronine sodium (T3 ) P.O.
lye-oh-THYE-roe-neen • When switching from I.V. therapy, dis-
continue I.V. dose, begin P.O. at a low dose,
Cytomel, Triostat and increase gradually according to patient
Therapeutic class: Thyroid hormone • Give drug at same time each day, prefer-
replacement ably before breakfast.
Pharmacologic class: Thyroid hormone I.V.
Pregnancy risk category A Alert: Don’t give I.M. or subcutaneously.
 Give repeat doses 4 to 12 hours apart.

AVAIL ABLE FORMS  To store, refrigerate vials.

Injection: 10 mcg/ml in 1-ml vials∗  When switching to P.O. levothyroxine

Tablets: 5 mcg, 25 mcg, 50 mcg from I.V. liothyronine, decrease I.V. dose
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Incompatibilities: None reported.

➤ Congenital hypothyroidism
Children: 5 mcg P.O. daily; increase by AC TION
5 mcg every 3 to 4 days until desired Unclear. Enhances oxygen consumption
response is achieved. by most tissues of the body; increases the
➤ Myxedema basal metabolic rate and the metabolism of
Adults: Initially, 5 mcg P.O. daily; increase carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
by 5 to 10 mcg every 1 to 2 weeks until Route Onset Peak Duration
daily dose reaches 25 mcg. Then increase P.O. Unknown 2–3 days 3 days
by 5 to 25 mcg daily every 1 to 2 weeks. I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Maintenance dosage is 50 to 100 mcg daily.
➤ Myxedema coma, premyxedema coma Half-life: Less than or equal to 21⁄2 days.
Adults: Initially, 10 to 20 mcg I.V. for
patients with CV disease; 25 to 50 mcg ADVERSE REACTIONS
I.V. for patients who don’t have CV disease. CNS: nervousness, insomnia, tremor,
Adjust dosage based on patient’s condition headache, fever.
and response. Switch patient to oral therapy CV: tachycardia, arrhythmias, angina,
as soon as possible. cardiac decompensation and collapse, MI.
➤ Simple (nontoxic) goiter GI: diarrhea, vomiting.
Adults: Initially, 5 mcg P.O. daily; may GU: menstrual irregularities.
increase by 5 to 10 mcg daily every 1 to Metabolic: weight loss.
2 weeks, until daily dose reaches 25 mcg. Musculoskeletal: accelerated bone matura-
Then increase by 12.5 to 25 mcg daily every tion in infants and children.
1 to 2 weeks. Usual maintenance dosage is Skin: skin reactions, diaphoresis.
75 mcg daily. Other: heat intolerance.
Patients older than age 65 and children:
5 mcg daily; increase by 5 mcg daily every INTERACTIONS
1 to 2 weeks. Drug-drug. Aluminum and magnesium
➤ Thyroid hormone replacement antacids, cholestyramine, colestipol, sucral-
Adults: Initially, 25 mcg P.O. daily; increase fate: May impair liothyronine absorption.
by up to 25 mcg every 1 to 2 weeks until Separate doses by 4 to 5 hours.
satisfactory response occurs. Usual mainte- Beta blockers: May reduce beta-blocker
nance dosage is 25 to 75 mcg daily. effect. Monitor patient for clinical effect.
➤ T3 suppression test to differentiate Digoxin: May decrease glycoside effect.
hyperthyroidism from euthyroidism Monitor patient for clinical effect.
Adults: 75 to 100 mcg P.O. daily for 7 days. Insulin, oral antidiabetics: First thyroid
replacement therapy may increase insulin or
oral hypoglycemic requirements. Monitor

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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liothyronine sodium 819

glucose level. Dosage adjustments may be •H Overdose S&S: Headache, irritability,

needed. nervousness, sweating, arrhythmia (includ-
Ketamine: May cause hypertension and ing tachycardia), increased bowel motility,
tachycardia. Use with caution and be menstrual irregularities, angina and heart
prepared to treat hypertension. failure (possibly induced or aggravated),
Sympathomimetics such as epinephrine: shock, thyroid storm.
May increase risk of coronary insufficiency.
Monitor patient closely. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Theophylline: May decrease theophylline • Watch for angina, coronary occlusion,
clearance in hypothyroidism; clearance may or stroke in patients with arteriosclerosis
return to normal when euthyroid state is who are receiving rapid replacement. In
achieved. Monitor theophylline level. patients with coronary artery disease who
Tricyclic antidepressants: May enhance must receive thyroid hormones, watch for
both drugs. May cause transient cardiac possible coronary insufficiency.
arrhythmias. Monitor patient. Alert: Drug may be used when a rapid-
Warfarin: May increase warfarin effect. onset or a rapidly reversible drug is desir-
Monitor patient for bleeding and check PT able, or in patients with impaired peripheral
and INR closely. Warfarin dosage adjust- conversion of levothyroxine to liothyronine.
ment may be needed. • Long-term therapy causes bone loss
Drug-herb. Horseradish: May cause in premenopausal and postmenopausal
abnormal thyroid function. Discourage women. Consider a basal bone density
horseradish use in patients undergoing measurement, and monitor patient closely
thyroid function tests. for osteoporosis.
Lemon balm: May have antithyroid effects; • Thyroid hormone replacement require- L
may inhibit thyroid-stimulating hormone. ments are about 25% lower in patients older
Discourage use together. than age 60 than in young adults.
Drug-food. Cottonseed meal, dietary fiber, • Monitor pulse and blood pressure.
soybean flour, walnuts: May decrease • When changing from levothyroxine to
absorption of drug. Advise patient that this drug, stop levothyroxine and start this
dosage adjustments may be needed. drug at a low dosage. Increase dosage in
small increments after residual effects of
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS levothyroxine have disappeared. When
• May decrease thyroid function test results. changing from this drug to levothyroxine,
May alter results of liothyronine, protein- start levothyroxine several days before
bound iodine, and radioactive 131 I uptake stopping this drug to avoid relapse.
studies. • Patients who need 131 I uptake studies
done must stop drug 7 to 10 days before test.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • In pregnant patients, dosage may need to
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive be increased.
to drug and in those with acute MI un- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
complicated by hypothyroidism, untreated levothyroxine with liothyronine or liotrix.
thyrotoxicosis, or uncorrected adrenal insuf- Don’t confuse Cytomel with Cytotec.
ficiency. Also contraindicated with artificial
rewarming of patients. PATIENT TEACHING
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in • Teach patient importance of compliance.
those with angina pectoris, hypertension, Tell him to take thyroid hormones at same
other CV disorders, renal insufficiency, or time each day, preferably before breakfast,
ischemia. to maintain constant hormone levels and
• Use cautiously in patients with diabetes help prevent insomnia.
mellitus, diabetes insipidus, or myxedema • Make sure patient understands that re-
and during rapid replacement in those with placement therapy is usually for life. Drug
arteriosclerosis. should never be stopped unless directed by

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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820 liotrix

• Advise patient who has achieved a stable clinical and laboratory evaluations of T4
response not to change brands. and TSH.
• Warn patient (especially elderly patient) Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients and
to notify prescriber at once about chest patients with long-standing myxedema with
pain, palpitations, sweating, nervousness, or cardiovascular impairment, initial dose is
other signals of overdose or aggravated CV 1 tablet of Thyrolar-0.25 daily. Reduce dose
disease. if angina occurs.
• Tell patient to report unusual bleeding and ➤ Congenital hypothyroidism
bruising. Children older than age 12: More than
• For diabetic patients, advise them to 18.75/75 (T3 /T4 ) mcg P.O. daily.
monitor glucose level closely. Children ages 6 to 12: 12.5/50 (T3 /T4 ) to
• Tell patient not to take OTC or other 18.75/75 mcg (T3 /T4 ) P.O. daily.
prescription medications without first Children ages 1 to 5: 9.35/37.5 (T3 /T4 ) to
consulting his prescriber. 12.5/50 (T3 /T4 ) mcg P.O. daily.
• Advise woman to report pregnancy Children ages 6 to 12 months: 6.25/25
to prescriber because dosage may need (T3 /T4 ) to 9.35/37.5 (T3 /T4 ) mcg P.O. daily.
adjustment. Newborns and infants birth to 6 months:
3.1/12.5 (T3 /T4 ) to 6.25/25 (T3 /T4 ) mcg
P.O. daily.
Thyrolar • Give drug at same time each day, prefer-
ably before breakfast.
Therapeutic class: Thyroid hormone
replacement AC TION
Pharmacologic class: Thyroid hormone Not clearly defined. Stimulates metabolism
Pregnancy risk category A of all body tissues by accelerating the rate of
cellular oxidation and provides both T3 and
AVAIL ABLE FORMS T4 to the tissues.
Tablets: Levothyroxine sodium 12.5 mcg Route Onset Peak Duration
and liothyronine sodium 3.1 mcg P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
(Thyrolar-0.25); levothyroxine sodium
25 mcg and liothyronine sodium 6.25 mcg Half-life: Unknown.
(Thyrolar-0.5); levothyroxine sodium
50 mcg and liothyronine sodium 12.5 mcg ADVERSE REACTIONS
(Thyrolar-1); levothyroxine sodium CNS: nervousness, insomnia, tremor,
100 mcg and liothyronine sodium 25 mcg headache.
(Thyrolar-2); levothyroxine sodium CV: tachycardia, arrhythmias, angina
150 mcg and liothyronine sodium 37.5 mcg pectoris, cardiac decompensation and
(Thyrolar-3) collapse.
GI: diarrhea, vomiting.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES GU: menstrual irregularities.
Dosages are expressed in thyroid equiva- Metabolic: weight loss.
lents and must be individualized to approxi- Musculoskeletal: accelerated rate of bone
mate the deficit in patient’s thyroid secretion. maturation in infants and children.
➤ Hypothyroidism Skin: allergic skin reactions, diaphoresis.
Adults: Initially, a single daily dose of Other: heat intolerance.
Thyrolar-0.5. Adjust dosage by 1 tablet
of Thyrolar-0.25 at 2- to 3-week intervals. INTERACTIONS
Maintenance dose is 1 tablet of Thyrolar-1 Drug-drug. Beta blockers: May reduce
or Thyrolar-2 daily. Readjust dose within beta-blocker effect. Monitor patient for
the first 4 weeks of therapy after proper clinical effect.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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liotrix 821

Cholestyramine, colestipol: May impair NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

liotrix absorption. Separate doses by 4 to • Watch for angina, coronary occlusion, or
5 hours. stroke in patients with arteriosclerosis who
Digoxin: May decrease glycoside effect. are receiving rapid replacement.
Monitor patient for clinical effect. • In patients with coronary artery disease
Estrogens: May decrease thyroid levels. who must receive thyroid hormones, mon-
Monitor levels after 12 weeks of therapy and itor patient for possible coronary insuffi-
adjust liotrix dose as needed. ciency. Also watch carefully during surgery
Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: May release because arrhythmias may arise.
free thyroid hormone. Monitor patient for • Thyroid hormone replacement require-
tachycardia. ments are about 25% lower in patients older
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May alter than age 60 than in young adults.
glucose level. Monitor glucose level. • Dosage may need to be increased in
Dosage adjustments may be needed. pregnant patients.
Sympathomimetics such as epinephrine: • Monitor pulse and blood pressure.
May increase risk of coronary insufficiency. • Long-term therapy causes bone loss
Monitor patient closely. in premenopausal and postmenopausal
Theophylline: May decrease theophylline women. Consider a basal bone density
clearance in hypothyroidism; clearance may measurement and monitor patient closely
return to normal when euthyroid state is for osteoporosis.
achieved. Monitor theophylline level. • Patients taking liotrix must stop drug
Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant 7 to 10 days before undergoing 131 I uptake
effects. Monitor patient for bleeding and studies.
check PT and INR closely. Warfarin dosage Black Box Warning Don’t use drug to treat L
adjustment may be needed. obesity.
Drug-herb. Horseradish: May cause • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
abnormal thyroid function. Discourage Thyrolar with thyroid or Synthroid; don’t
horseradish use in patients undergoing confuse liotrix with levothyroxine or
thyroid function tests. liothyronine.
Lemon balm: May have antithyroid effects;
may inhibit thyroid-stimulating hormone. PATIENT TEACHING
Discourage use together. • Teach patient importance of compliance.
He should take thyroid hormones at same
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS time each day, preferably before breakfast,
• May decrease thyroid function test results. to maintain constant hormone levels and
May alter results of liothyronine, protein- help prevent insomnia.
bound iodine, and radioactive 131 I uptake • Tell patient that drug should never be
studies. stopped unless directed by prescriber.
• Warn patient (especially elderly patient)
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS to notify prescriber immediately about chest
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive pain, palpitations, sweating, nervousness,
to drug and in those with acute MI uncompli- or other signs of overdose or aggravated CV
cated by hypothyroidism, untreated thyrotox- disease.
icosis, or uncorrected adrenal insufficiency. • Tell patient to report unusual bleeding and
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in bruising.
those with angina pectoris, hypertension, • Advise patient not to take other drugs
other CV disorders, renal insufficiency, or (OTC or prescription) without first
ischemia. consulting his prescriber.
• Use cautiously in patients with diabetes • Advise patient to report pregnancy
mellitus, diabetes insipidus, or myxedema to prescriber because dosage may need
and during rapid replacement in those with adjustment.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypermetabolic state.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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822 liraglutide


✷ NEW DRUG CNS: dizziness, headache.
CV: hypertension.
liraglutide EENT: nasopharyngitis, sinusitis.
leer-ah-GLOO-tide GI: constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
Victoza nausea, vomiting.
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic Metabolic: hypoglycemia.
Pharmacologic class: Glucagon-like Musculoskeletal: back pain.
peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist Respiratory: influenza, upper respiratory
Pregnancy risk category C tract infection.
Skin: injection site reactions.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Other: thyroid cancer.
Injection: 0.6 mg, 1.2 mg, 1.8 mg in
prefilled syringes INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Insulin secretagogues (sulfonyl-
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES ureas): May increase risk of hypoglycemia.
➤ As adjunct to diet and exercise to Reduce dosage of insulin secretagogue
improve glycemic control in patients with before beginning drug.
type 2 diabetes mellitus Oral medications: May impair absorption of
Adults: Initially, 0.6 mg subcutaneously these drugs. Use together cautiously.
daily; after 1 week, increase dosage to
1.2 mg subcutaneously daily. May increase EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
dosage to 1.8 mg subcutaneously daily if • May decrease blood glucose level.
needed to achieve glycemic control. • May increase serum bilirubin level.
Subcutaneous • Contraindicated in patients with personal
• Give drug once daily at any time of or family history of medullary thyroid carci-
day, independently of meals. Inject into noma and in those with multiple endocrine
abdomen, thigh, or upper arm. Injection site neoplasia syndrome type 2.
and timing can be changed without dosage • Use cautiously in patients with renal
adjustment. or hepatic impairment and in those with
• Inspect solution before each injection. history of pancreatitis.
Use solution only if it is clear, colorless, and • Safe use in pregnancy hasn’t been
contains no particles. established. Use only if benefit outweighs
• Before first use, store drug in refrigerator risk to fetus. It isn’t known if drug appears
at between 36◦ and 46◦ F (2◦ and 8◦ C). in breast milk. Patient should either stop
• After initial use of liraglutide pen, pen can breast-feeding or stop drug.
be stored for 30 days at room temperature • Elderly adults may be more sensitive to
(59◦ to 86◦ F [15◦ to 30◦ C]) or in refriger- drug. Use cautiously.
ator (36◦ to 46◦ F). Keep pen cap on when •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, hypo-
not in use. Discard pen after 30 days. glycemia.


Stimulates insulin release in the presence Black Box Warning Drug may cause
of elevated glucose levels by increasing thyroid C-cell tumors, including medullary
intracellular cAMP. thyroid cancer. Monitor patient closely.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Monitor patient closely for signs and
Subcut. Unknown 8–12 hr Unknown
symptoms of pancreatitis (persistent, severe
abdominal pain, which may radiate to the
Half-life: 13 hours. back, and vomiting).

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lisdexamfetamine dimesylate 823

• Drug isn’t recommended for first-line

therapy in patients who have inadequate lisdexamfetamine
glycemic control with diet and exercise. dimesylate
• Drug isn’t a substitute for insulin; it lis-DEX-am-FET-a-meen
shouldn’t be used for treatment of diabetic
ketoacidosis or type 1 diabetes mellitus. Vyvanse
• Monitor blood glucose and hemoglobin
A1c levels. Therapeutic class: CNS stimulant
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms Pharmacologic class: Amphetamine
of hypoglycemia (tachycardia, palpita- Pregnancy risk category C
tions, anxiety, hunger, nausea, diaphoresis, Controlled substance schedule II
tremors, pallor, restlessness, headache, and
speech and motor dysfunction). AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Monitor GI status; drug slows gastric Capsules: 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg,
emptying. 60 mg, 70 mg


• Warn patient that drug may increase ➤ Attention deficit hyperactivity
risk of thyroid tumor; tell him to report disorder (ADHD)
such signs and symptoms as hoarseness, Adults and children ages 6 to 12: Initially,
difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, 30 mg P.O. once daily in the morning.
or lump in the neck. Increase by 10 or 20 mg at weekly inter-
• Advise patient to stop taking drug and vals to a maximum of 70 mg daily.
notify health care provider if he experiences L
persistent, severe abdominal pain that may ADMINISTRATION
radiate to the back and may or may not be P.O.
accompanied by vomiting. • Capsules may be swallowed whole or the
• Warn patient to avoid sharing pen with contents dissolved in a glass of water and
another person, even if needle is changed. taken immediately.
• Tell patient that stress, such as fever, • Give drug in the morning to prevent
trauma, infection, or surgery, may change insomnia.
drug requirements and to seek medical
advice promptly. AC TION
• Emphasize to patient importance of May increase the release of norepinephrine
adhering to a diet and exercise program and dopamine into extraneural spaces by
and monitoring glucose and hemoglobin blocking their reuptake into the presynaptic
A1c levels. neuron.
• Teach patient how to give subcutaneous Route Onset Peak Duration
injection; instruct patient to rotate sites to P.O. Rapid 1 hr Unknown
prevent injection-site reactions.
• Instruct patient to discard pen after Half-life: Less than 1 hour.
30 days.
CNS: headache, insomnia, irritability,
aggressive or hostile behavior, agitation,
delusional thinking, dizziness, fever,
hallucinations, labile affect, restlessness,
somnolence, tic, tremor.
CV: ventricular hypertrophy, increased
blood pressure, increased heart rate.
EENT: abnormal vision, blurred vision.
GI: abdominal pain, decreased appetite,
dry mouth, nausea, vomiting.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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824 lisdexamfetamine dimesylate

Metabolic: slow growth, weight loss. idiosyncratic reactions to them, in agitated

Respiratory: dyspnea. patients, and in those with a history of drug
Skin: hyperhidrosis, rash. abuse.
• Contraindicated in patients with advanced
INTERACTIONS arteriosclerosis, hyperthyroidism, symp-
Drug-drug. Adrenergic blockers: May tomatic CV disease, structural cardiac
inhibit adrenergic blocking effects. Avoid abnormalities, moderate to severe hyperten-
using together. sion, or glaucoma.
Antihistamines: May inhibit sedative effects • Contraindicated within 14 days of MAO
of antihistamines. Monitor patient. inhibitor therapy.
Antihypertensives, veratrum alkaloids: May • Use cautiously in patients with a history
inhibit antihypertensive effects of these of arrhythmias, MI, stroke, or seizures.
drugs. Avoid using together. • Use cautiously in patients with preexisting
Chlorpromazine, haloperidol: May psychosis, bipolar disorder, or aggressive
decrease effectiveness of amphetamines. behavior; or Tourette syndrome.
Monitor patient closely. •H Overdose S&S: Assaultiveness, confusion,
Ethosuximide: May delay absorption of this hallucinations, hyperpyrexia, hyperreflexia,
drug. Monitor patient closely. panic states, rapid respiration, restlessness,
Lithium: May inhibit anorectic and CNS rhabdomyolysis, tremor, fatigue, depression,
stimulant effects of amphetamine. Monitor arrhythmias, circulatory collapse, hyper-
patient closely. tension, hypotension, abdominal cramps,
Tricyclic antidepressants: May cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, seizures, coma.
adverse CV effects. Avoid using together.
MAO inhibitors: May cause severe hyper- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tension or hypertensive crisis. Avoid using • Diagnosis of ADHD must be based on
within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy. complete history and evaluation of the
Meperidine: May increase the analgesic child with consultation of psychological,
effect of meperidine. Use together cautiously. educational, and social resources.
Norepinephrine: May increase adrenergic • Give the lowest effective dose in the
effects of norepinephrine. Monitor patient morning. Afternoon doses may cause
closely. insomnia.
Phenobarbital, phenytoin: May delay Black Box Warning Monitor patient for
intestinal absorption of these drugs and signs of drug dependence or abuse. Misuse
enhance their anticonvulsant effects. may cause sudden death.
Monitor patient closely. • Abruptly stopping the drug can cause
Propoxyphene: May cause fatal seizures if severe fatigue and depression.
overdose of propoxyphene taken. Don’t use • Monitor patient closely for adverse CV
together. effects, new or worsening behavior (aggres-
Urine acidifiers (ammonium chloride, sion, mania), vision problems, or seizures.
sodium acid phosphate), methenamine: • Monitor blood pressure and pulse
May decrease serum level due to increased routinely.
renal excretion of amphetamine. Monitor • Effectiveness of this drug when taken
patient for decreased drug effects. longer than 4 weeks isn’t known. Periodi-
Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase CNS cally interrupt therapy to determine whether
stimulation. Discourage use together. continuation is necessary.
• Growth may be suppressed with long-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS term stimulant use. Monitor the child for
• May increase corticosteroid level. growth and weight gain. Stop treatment if
• May interfere with urinary steroid test. growth is suppressed or if weight gain is
lower than expected.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • The drug may trigger Tourette syndrome.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Monitor patient, especially at the start of
to sympathomimetic amines or in those with therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lisinopril 825

• Monitor patient for the appearance or are well controlled on 20 to 40 mg daily as

worsening of aggressive behavior or hostility, a single dose. For patients taking a diuretic,
especially when treatment is initiated. initially, 5 mg P.O. daily.
Children age 6 and older: Initially,
PATIENT TEACHING 0.07 mg/kg (up to 5 mg) P.O. once daily.
Black Box Warning Warn patient that the Increase dosage based on patient response
misuse of amphetamines can cause serious and tolerance. Maximum dose, 0.61 mg/kg
CV adverse events, including sudden (don’t exceed 40 mg). Don’t use in children
death. with a creatinine clearance less than
• Tell patient or caregiver that drug should 30 ml/minute.
be taken in the morning to prevent insomnia. Adjust-a-dose: In adults, if creatinine clear-
• Advise patient to swallow capsule whole. ance is 10 to 30 ml/minute, give 5 mg P.O.
If he’s unable to do so, the contents may daily; if clearance is less than 10 ml/minute,
be dissolved in a glass of water and taken give 2.5 mg P.O. daily.
immediately. Once dissolved, don’t store for ➤ Adjunct treatment (with diuretics and
later use. cardiac glycosides) for heart failure
• Tell patient or caregiver that abruptly Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. daily; increased
stopping drug can cause severe fatigue, as needed to maximum of 20 mg (40 mg for
depression, or general withdrawal reaction. Zestril) P.O. daily.
• Caution patient to avoid activities that Adjust-a-dose: If sodium level is less than
require alertness or good psychomotor coor- 130 mEq/L, serum creatinine greater than
dination until CNS effects of drug are known. 3 mg/dl, or creatinine clearance less than
• Warn patient with seizure disorder that 30 ml/minute, start treatment at 2.5 mg
drug may decrease seizure threshold. Urge daily. L
him to notify his prescriber if a seizure ➤ Hemodynamically stable patients
occurs. within 24 hours of acute MI to improve
• Instruct patient or caregiver to report survival
palpitations or visual disturbances. Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O.; then 5 mg after
• Tell patient or caregiver to report worsen- 24 hours, 10 mg after 48 hours, followed by
ing aggression, hallucinations, delusions, or 10 mg once daily for 6 weeks.
mania. Adjust-a-dose: For patients with systolic
• Advise patient to avoid caffeine consump- blood pressure 120 mm Hg or less when
tion while taking drug. treatment is started or during first 3 days
after an infarct, decrease dosage to 2.5 mg
P.O. If systolic blood pressure drops to
lisinopril 100 mm Hg or less, reduce daily mainte-
lye-SIN-oh-pril nance dose of 5 mg to 2.5 mg, if needed.
If prolonged systolic blood pressure stays
Prinivili, Zestrili under 90 mm Hg for longer than 1 hour,
withdraw drug.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Pharmacologic class: ACE inhibitor ADMINISTRATION
Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and P.O.
3rd trimesters • Give drug without regard for food.
• If made into a suspension by pharmacist,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS shake before each use.
Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg,
30 mg, 40 mg AC TION
Causes decreased production of angiotensin
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES II and suppression of the renin-angiotensin-
➤ Hypertension aldosterone system.
Adults: Initially, 10 mg P.O. daily for
patients not taking a diuretic. Most patients

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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826 lisinopril


P.O. 1 hr 7 hr 24 hr • May increase BUN, creatinine, potassium,
and bilirubin levels.
Half-life: 12 hours.
• May increase liver function test values.


CNS: dizziness, headache, fatigue, pares- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
thesia. tive to ACE inhibitors and in those with a
CV: orthostatic hypotension, hypotension, history of angioedema related to previous
chest pain. treatment with ACE inhibitor.
EENT: nasal congestion. Black Box Warning Use during pregnancy
GI: diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia. can cause injury and death to the developing
GU: impaired renal function, impotence. fetus. When pregnancy is detected, stop
Metabolic: hyperkalemia. drug as soon as possible.
Respiratory: dyspnea, dry, persistent, • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
tickling, nonproductive cough. renal function; adjust dosage.
Skin: rash. • Use cautiously in patients at risk for hy-
Other: angioedema. perkalemia and in those with aortic stenosis
or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The safety
INTERACTIONS and efficacy of lisinopril on blood pressure
Drug-drug. Allopurinol: May cause hyper- in children younger than age 6 or in children
sensitivity reaction. Use together cautiously. with GFR less than 30 ml/minute hasn’t
Azathioprine: May increase risk of anemia been established.
or leukopenia. Monitor hematologic studies •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension.
if used together.
Diuretics, thiazide diuretics: May cause ex- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
cessive hypotension with diuretics. Monitor • When using drug in acute MI, give patient
blood pressure closely. the appropriate and standard recommended
Indomethacin, NSAIDs: May reduce treatment, such as thrombolytics, aspirin,
hypotensive effects of drug. Adjust dose and beta blockers.
as needed. • Although ACE inhibitors reduce blood
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May cause hypo- pressure in all races, blood pressure
glycemia, especially at start of lisinopril reduction is less in blacks taking the ACE
therapy. Monitor glucose level. inhibitor alone. Black patients should take
Lithium: May cause lithium toxicity. drug with a thiazide diuretic for a more
Monitor lithium levels. favorable response.
Phenothiazines: May increase hypotensive • ACE inhibitors appear to increase risk of
effects. Monitor blood pressure closely. angioedema in black patients.
Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium • Monitor blood pressure frequently. If drug
supplements: May cause hyperkalemia. doesn’t adequately control blood pressure,
Monitor laboratory values. diuretics may be added.
Tizanidine: May cause severe hypotension. • Monitor WBC with differential counts
Monitor patient. before therapy, every 2 weeks for first
Drug-herb. Capsaicin: May cause ACE 3 months of therapy, and periodically
inhibitor-induced cough. Discourage use thereafter.
together. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Ma huang: May decrease antihypertensive lisinopril with fosinopril or Lioresal. Don’t
effects. Discourage use together. confuse Zestril with Zostrix, Zetia, Ze-
Drug-food. Potassium-containing salt beta, or Zyrtec. Don’t confuse Prinivil with
substitutes: May cause hyperkalemia. Proventil or Prilosec.
Monitor laboratory values.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lithium carbonate 827


Alert: Rarely, facial and throat swelling ➤ To prevent or control mania in bipolar
(including swelling of the larynx) may disorder
occur, especially after first dose. Advise Adults: 600 mg P.O. t.i.d. Or, 900-mg
patient to report signs or symptoms of controlled-release tablets P.O. every
breathing problems or swelling of face, 12 hours. Or, 10 ml (lithium 16 mEq)
eyes, lips, or tongue. P.O. t.i.d. Increase dosage based on blood
• Inform patient that light-headedness can levels to achieve optimum dosage. Rec-
occur, especially during first few days of ommended therapeutic lithium levels are
therapy. Tell him to rise slowly to minimize 1 to 1.5 mEq/L for acute mania and 0.6 to
this effect and to report symptoms to 1.2 mEq/L for maintenance therapy.
prescriber. If he faints, advise patient to stop ➤ Borderline personality disorder 
taking drug and call prescriber immediately. Adults: 900 to 2,400 mg P.O. in three to four
• If unpleasant adverse reactions occur, divided doses or 900 to 1,800 mg (extended
tell patient not to stop drug suddenly but to release) P.O. daily in two divided doses,
notify prescriber. titrated to maintain serum levels of 0.8 to
• Advise patient to report signs and symp- 1 mEq/L.
toms of infection, such as fever and sore
• Tell women of childbearing age to notify P.O.
prescriber if pregnancy occurs. Drug will • Give drug after meals with plenty of water
need to be stopped. to minimize GI upset.
• Instruct patient not to use salt substitutes • Don’t crush controlled-release tablets.
that contain potassium without first consult- L
ing prescriber. AC TION
Probably alters chemical transmitters in
the CNS, possibly by interfering with ionic
lithium carbonate pump mechanisms in brain cells, and may
LITH-ee-um compete with or replace sodium ions.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Carbolith†, Duralith†, Lithane†,
P.O. Unknown 30 min–3 hr Unknown
Half-life: 18 hours (adolescents) to 36 hours
lithium citrate (elderly).
Therapeutic class: Antimanic CNS: fatigue, lethargy, coma, epilep-
Pharmacologic class: Alkali metal tiform seizures, tremors, drowsiness,
Pregnancy risk category D headache, confusion, restlessness, dizzi-
ness, psychomotor retardation, blackouts,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS EEG changes, worsened organic mental
lithium carbonate syndrome, impaired speech, ataxia,
Capsules: 150 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg incoordination.
Tablets: 300 mg (300 mg equals 8.12 mEq CV: arrhythmias, bradycardia, reversible
lithium) ECG changes, severe bradycardia, hypoten-
Tablets (extended-release): 300 mg, 450 mg sion.
lithium citrate EENT: tinnitus, blurred vision.
Syrup (sugarless): 8 mEq lithium/5 ml; GI: vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, thirst,
5 ml lithium citrate liquid contains 8 mEq nausea, metallic taste, dry mouth, abdomi-
lithium, equal to 300 mg lithium carbonate nal pain, flatulence, indigestion.
GU: polyuria, renal toxicity with long-
term use, glycosuria, decreased creatinine
clearance, albuminuria.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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828 lithium carbonate

Hematologic: leukocytosis with leukocyte CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

count of 14,000 to 18,000/mm3 . • Contraindicated if therapy can’t be closely
Metabolic: transient hyperglycemia, goiter, monitored.
hypothyroidism, hyponatremia. • Avoid using in pregnant patient unless
Musculoskeletal: muscle weakness. benefits outweigh risks.
Skin: pruritus, rash, diminished or absent • Use with caution in patients receiving
sensation, drying and thinning of hair, neuromuscular blockers and diuretics; in
psoriasis, acne, alopecia. elderly or debilitated patients; and in
Other: ankle and wrist edema. patients with thyroid disease, seizure
disorder, infection, renal or CV disease,
INTERACTIONS severe debilitation or dehydration, or
Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors: May increase sodium depletion.
lithium level. Monitor lithium level; adjust •H Overdose S&S: Diarrhea, vomiting,
lithium dosage, as needed. drowsiness, muscular weakness, lack of
Aminophylline, sodium bicarbonate, urine coordination, giddiness, ataxia, blurred
alkalinizers: May increase lithium excre- vision, confusion, tinnitus, large output of
tion. Avoid excessive salt, and monitor dilute urine, slurred speech, loss of con-
lithium levels. sciousness, myoclonic limb movements,
Antiarrhythmics and other drugs that agitation, urinary or fecal incontinence,
prolong QT interval: May increase risk seizures, arrythmias, hypotension, periph-
of life-threatening arrhythmias. Avoid use eral vascular collapse, coma.
Calcium channel blockers (verapamil): NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
May decrease lithium levels and may Black Box Warning Drug has a narrow
increase risk of neurotoxicity. Use together therapeutic margin of safety. Determining
cautiously. drug level is crucial to safe use of drug.
Carbamazepine, fluoxetine, methyldopa, Don’t use drug in patients who can’t have
NSAIDs, probenecid: May increase effect of regular tests. Monitor level 8 to 12 hours
lithium. Monitor patient for lithium toxicity. after first dose, the morning before second
Neuromuscular blockers: May cause dose is given, two or three times weekly for
prolonged paralysis or weakness. Monitor the first month, and then weekly to monthly
patient closely. during maintenance therapy.
NSAIDs (such as indomethacin): May • When drug level is less than 1.5 mEq/L,
increase plasma lithium level. Monitor adverse reactions are usually mild.
lithium level closely. • Monitor baseline ECG, thyroid studies,
Thiazide diuretics: May increase reabsorp- renal studies, and electrolyte levels.
tion of lithium by kidneys, with possible • Check fluid intake and output, especially
toxic effect. Use with caution, and monitor when surgery is scheduled.
lithium and electrolyte levels (especially • Weigh patient daily; check for edema or
sodium). sudden weight gain.
Drug-food. Caffeine: May decrease lithium • Adjust fluid and salt ingestion to compen-
level and drug effect. Advise patient who sate if excessive loss occurs from protracted
ingests large amounts of caffeine to tell diaphoresis or diarrhea. Under normal con-
prescriber before stopping caffeine. Adjust ditions, patient fluid intake should be 21⁄2 to
lithium dosage, as needed. 3 L daily, and he should follow a balanced
diet with adequate salt intake.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Check urine specific gravity and report
• May increase glucose and creatinine and level below 1.005, which may indicate
TSH levels. May decrease sodium, T3 , T4 , diabetes insipidus.
and protein-bound iodine levels. • Drug alters glucose tolerance in diabetics.
• May increase 131 I uptake and WBC and Monitor glucose level closely.
neutrophil counts.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lomustine 829

• Perform outpatient follow-up of thyroid used with other myelosuppressive drugs.

and renal functions every 6 to 12 months. Reduce dosage by 30% for WBC count
Palpate thyroid to check for enlargement. nadir 2,000 to 2,999/mm3 and platelet count
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse nadir 25,000 to 74,999/mm3 ; by 50% for
Lithobid with Levbid. WBC count nadir less than 2,000/mm3 and
platelet count nadir less than 25,000/mm3 .
PATIENT TEACHING Reduce dosage in patients with renal
• Tell patient to take drug with plenty of impairment: For creatinine clearance of
water and after meals to minimize GI upset. 10 to 50 ml/minute, give 75% of usual dose;
• Explain the importance of having regular for creatinine clearance of less than 10 ml/
blood tests to determine drug levels; even minute, give 50% of usual dose.
slightly high values can be dangerous.
• Warn patient and caregivers to expect ADMINISTRATION
transient nausea, large amounts of urine, P.O.
thirst, and discomfort during first few days • Give antiemetic before drug to reduce
of therapy and to watch for evidence of nausea.
toxicity. • Give 2 to 4 hours after meals; drug will
• Instruct patient to withhold one dose and be more completely absorbed if taken when
call prescriber if signs and symptoms of toxi- stomach is empty.
city appear, but not to stop drug abruptly. • Store capsules at room temperature. Avoid
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities exposure to moisture, and protect from
that require alertness and good psychomotor temperatures greater than 104◦ F (40◦ C).
coordination until CNS effects of drug are
known. AC TION L
• Tell patient not to switch brands or take Cross-links strands of cellular DNA and
other prescription or OTC drugs without interferes with RNA transcription, causing
prescriber’s guidance. an imbalance of growth that leads to cell
• Tell patient to wear or carry medical death. Not specific to cell cycle.
identification at all times. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: 1 to 2 days.
lomustine (CCNU)
CNS: disorientation, lethargy, ataxia,
CeeNU dysarthria.
GI: nausea, vomiting, stomatitis.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic GU: nephrotoxicity, progressive azotemia,
Pharmacologic class: Nitrosourea renal failure, amenorrhea, azoospermia.
Pregnancy risk category D Hematologic: anemia, LEUKOPENIA,
Capsules: 10 mg, 40 mg, 100 mg Hepatic: hepatotoxicity.
Skin: alopecia.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Other: secondary malignant disease.
➤ Brain tumor, Hodgkin lymphoma
Adults and children: 100 to 130 mg/m2 INTERACTIONS
P.O. as single dose every 6 weeks. Repeat Drug-drug. Anticoagulants, aspirin,
doses shouldn’t be given until WBC count NSAIDs: May increase risk of bleeding.
exceeds 4,000/mm3 and platelet count is Avoid using together.
greater than 100,000/mm3 . Myelosuppressives: May increase myelo-
Adjust-a-dose: Reduce dosage according to suppression. Monitor patient.
degree of bone marrow suppression or when

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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830 loperamide

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Recommend that she consult prescriber

• May increase urine urea level. May before becoming pregnant.
decrease hemoglobin level.
• May decrease WBC, RBC, and platelet
counts. loperamide
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Diar-aid Caplets , Imodium A-D ,
to drug. Imodium A-D EZ chews, K-pec II ,
• Use cautiously in patients with decreased Neo-Diaral 
platelet, WBC, or RBC counts and in those
receiving other myelosuppressives. Therapeutic class: Antidiarrheal
Pharmacologic class: Piperidine
Black Box Warning Monitor CBC weekly. Pregnancy risk category B
Usually not given more often than every
6 weeks; bone marrow toxicity is cumu- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
lative and delayed, usually occurring 4 to Chewable tablets: 2 mg 
6 weeks after drug administration. Tablets: 2 mg 
• Periodically monitor liver function test Capsules: 2 mg
results. Oral liquid: 1 mg/5 ml , 1 mg/7.5 ml 
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M.
injections when platelet count is less than INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
50,000/mm3 . ➤ Acute, nonspecific diarrhea
• Anticipate blood transfusions because of Adults and children older than age 12:
cumulative anemia. Initially, give 4 mg P.O.; then 2 mg after
• Therapeutic effects come with toxicity. each unformed stool. Maximum, 16 mg
Black Box Warning Bone marrow sup- daily, unless otherwise directed.
pression, notably thrombocytopenia and Children ages 8 to 12: 2 mg P.O. t.i.d. on
leukopenia is the most common and severe first day. Maximum, 6 mg daily. If diarrhea
of the toxic effects of the drug. persists, contact prescriber.
Children ages 6 to younger than 8: 2 mg
PATIENT TEACHING P.O. b.i.d. on first day. If diarrhea persists,
• Advise patient to take capsules on an contact prescriber. Maximum, 4 mg daily.
empty stomach, if possible, and to wear Children ages 2 to 5: 1 mg P.O. t.i.d. on
gloves when handling capsules. first day. Maximum, 3 mg daily. If diarrhea
• Advise patient to watch for signs and persists, contact prescriber.
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat, ➤ Chronic diarrhea associated with
fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose- chronic bowel disease
bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell Adults: Initially, give 4 mg P.O.; then 2 mg
patient to take temperature daily. after each unformed stool until diarrhea
Alert: Tell patients that to give the proper subsides. Adjust dosage to individual
dose of lomustine, two or more different response. Maximum dose is 16 mg/day.
types and colors of capsules may be dis- ➤ Traveler’s diarrhea 
pensed. Adults: 4 mg P.O. followed by 2 mg after
• Instruct patient to avoid OTC products each unformed stool for a maximum of
that contain aspirin or NSAIDs. 16 mg/day.
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding
during therapy because of possible risk of ADMINISTRATION
toxicity to infant. P.O.
• Caution woman of childbearing age to • Use the liquid formulation for children
avoid becoming pregnant during therapy. ages 2 to 5.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lopinavir and ritonavir 831

AC TION improvement occurs within 48 hours. In

Inhibits peristalsis. chronic diarrhea, tell patient to notify pre-
Route Onset Peak Duration
scriber and to stop drug if no improvement
P.O. Unknown 21⁄2 –5 hr 24 hr
occurs after taking 16 mg daily for at least
10 days.
Half-life: 9 to 141⁄2 hours. • Advise patient with acute colitis to stop
drug immediately and notify prescriber
ADVERSE REACTIONS about abdominal distention.
CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue. • Warn patient to avoid activities that
GI: constipation, abdominal pain, dis- require mental alertness until CNS effects
tention or discomfort, dry mouth, nausea, of drug are known.
vomiting. • Tell patient to report nausea, abdominal
Skin: hypersensitivity reactions, rash. pain, or abdominal discomfort.
• Advise patient to relieve dry mouth with
INTERACTIONS ice chips or sugarless gum.
Drug-drug. Saquinavir: May increase
loperamide levels and decrease saquinavir
levels. Avoid using together. lopinavir and ritonavir
None reported. Kaletra∗ i

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- Pharmacologic class: Protease inhibitor L
tive to drug and in those who must avoid Pregnancy risk category C
• Contraindicated in patients with bloody AVAIL ABLE FORMS
diarrhea or diarrhea with fever greater than Capsules: lopinavir 133.3 mg and ritonavir
101◦ F (38◦ C), in breast-feeding women, 33.3 mg
and in children younger than age 2. Tablets: lopinavir 100 mg and ritonavir
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic 25 mg; lopinavir 200 mg and ritonavir
disease. 50 mg
•H Overdose S&S: Paralytic ileus, CNS Solution: lopinavir 400 mg and ritonavir
depression. 100 mg/5 ml (80 mg and 20 mg/ml)∗


• If symptoms don’t improve within ➤ HIV infection, without other anti-
48 hours, stop therapy and consider another retrovirals (efavirenz, fosamprenavir,
drug. nevirapine, nelfinavir), in treatment-
• Drug produces antidiarrheal action naive adults
similar to that of diphenoxylate but with- Adults: 800 mg lopinavir and 200 mg
out as many adverse CNS effects. ritonavir P.O. once daily (patients with
Alert: Monitor children closely for CNS less than 3 lopinavir resistance-associated
effects; children may be more sensitive to substitutions) or evenly divided b.i.d.
these effects than adults. ➤ HIV infection, without other anti-
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse retrovirals (efavirenz, fosamprenavir,
Imodium with Ionamin. nevirapine, nelfinavir), in treatment-
experienced adults
PATIENT TEACHING Adults: 400 mg lopinavir and 100 mg
• Advise patient not to exceed recom- ritonavir P.O. b.i.d.
mended dosage. ➤ HIV infection, with other anti-
• Tell patient with acute diarrhea to stop retrovirals (efavirenz, fosamprenavir,
drug and seek medical attention if no

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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832 lopinavir and ritonavir

nevirapine, nelfinavir), in treatment- • Refrigerated drug remains stable until

naive adults expiration date on package. If stored
Adults: 500 mg lopinavir and 125 mg riton- at room temperature, use drug within
avir (tablets) P.O. b.i.d., or 533 mg lopinavir 2 months.
and 133 mg ritonavir (oral solution) P.O.
b.i.d. AC TION
➤ HIV infection, with other anti- Lopinavir is an HIV protease inhibitor,
retrovirals (efavirenz, fosamprenavir, which produces immature, noninfectious
nevirapine, nelfinavir), in treatment- viral particles. Ritonavir, also an HIV pro-
experienced adults who have reduced tease inhibitor, slows lopinavir metabolism,
susceptibility to lopinavir thereby increasing lopinavir level.
Adults: 600 mg lopinavir and 150 mg Route Onset Peak Duration
ritonavir (tablets) P.O. b.i.d. P.O. Unknown 4 hr 5–6 hr
➤ HIV infection, without other anti-
retrovirals (efavirenz, fosamprenavir, Half-life: About 6 hours.
nevirapine, nelfinavir), in infants
Infants age 14 days to 6 months: 16 mg/kg ADVERSE REACTIONS
lopinavir and 4 mg/kg ritonavir (oral so- CNS: encephalopathy, abnormal dreams,
lution) P.O. b.i.d. Don’t use in conjunction abnormal thinking, agitation, amnesia,
with other antiretrovirals (efavirenz, fosam- anxiety, asthenia, ataxia, confusion, de-
prenavir, nevirapine, nelfinavir) in children pression, dizziness, dyskinesia, emotional
less than age 6 months. lability, fever, headache, hypertonia, insom-
➤ HIV infection, without other anti- nia, malaise, nervousness, neuropathy,
retrovirals (efavirenz, fosamprenavir, pain, paresthesia, peripheral neuritis,
nevirapine, nelfinavir), in children somnolence, tremors.
Children age 6 months to 18 years who CV: chest pain, deep vein thrombosis,
weigh 15 to 40 kg (33 to 88 lb): 10 mg/kg edema, hypertension, palpitations, throm-
lopinavir and 2.5 mg/kg ritonavir P.O. b.i.d. bophlebitis, vasculitis.
Don’t exceed adult dosage. EENT: abnormal vision, eye disorder, otitis
Children age 6 months to 18 years who media, sinusitis, tinnitus.
weigh less than 15 kg: 12 mg/kg lopinavir GI: hemorrhagic colitis, pancreatitis,
and 3 mg/kg ritonavir P.O. b.i.d. Don’t diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, abnor-
exceed adult dosage. mal stools, anorexia, cholecystitis, consti-
➤ HIV infection, with other anti- pation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, dysphagia,
retrovirals (efavirenz, fosamprenavir, enterocolitis, eructation, esophagitis, fecal
nevirapine, nelfinavir), in children incontinence, flatulence, gastritis, gas-
Children age 6 months to 18 years who troenteritis, GI disorder, increased appetite,
weigh 15 to 45 kg (33 to 99 lb): 11 mg/kg inflammation of the salivary glands, stoma-
lopinavir and 2.75 mg ritonavir P.O. b.i.d. titis, taste perversion, ulcerative stomatitis,
Don’t exceed adult dosage. vomiting.
Children age 6 months to 18 years who GU: abnormal ejaculation, hypogonadism,
weigh less than 15 kg: 13 mg/kg lopinavir renal calculus, urine abnormality.
and 3.25 mg/kg ritonavir P.O. b.i.d. Don’t Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia,
exceed adult dosage. thrombocytopenia in children, anemia.
Hepatic: hyperbilirubinemia in children.
ADMINISTRATION Metabolic: Cushing’s syndrome, dehydra-
P.O. tion, decreased glucose tolerance, hyper-
Alert: Many drug interactions are possi- glycemia, hyperuricemia, hyponatremia in
ble. Review all drugs patient is taking. children, hypothyroidism, lactic acidosis,
• Give oral solution with food. Give tablets weight loss.
without regard for food. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, arthrosis, back
• Tablets must be swallowed whole; don’t pain, myalgia.
crush or divide, and tell patient not to chew.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lopinavir and ritonavir 833

Respiratory: bronchitis, dyspnea, lung acterized by peripheral vasospasm and

edema. ischemia. Avoid using together.
Skin: acne, alopecia, benign skin neoplasm, Felodipine, nicardipine, nifedipine: May
dry skin, exfoliative dermatitis, furun- increase levels of these drugs. Use together
culosis, nail disorder, pruritus, rash, skin cautiously.
discoloration, sweating. Hormonal contraceptives (ethinyl
Other: chills, decreased libido, facial estradiol): May decrease effectiveness of
edema, flu syndrome, gynecomastia, contraceptives. Recommend nonhormonal
lymphadenopathy, viral infection. contraceptives.
Indinavir, saquinavir: May increase levels
INTERACTIONS of these drugs. Avoid using together.
Drug-drug. Amiodarone, bepridil, lido- Itraconazole, ketoconazole: May increase
caine, quinidine: May increase antiarrhyth- levels of these drugs. Don’t give more than
mic level. Use together cautiously. Monitor 200 mg/day of these drugs.
levels of these drugs, if possible. Lovastatin, simvastatin: May increase risk
Amprenavir, efavirenz, nelfinavir, nevira- of adverse reactions, such as myopathy,
pine: May decrease lopinavir level. Consider rhabdomyolysis. Avoid using together.
increasing lopinavir-ritonavir combination Midazolam (parenteral), triazolam: May
dose. Don’t use a once-daily regimen of cause prolonged or increased sedation
lopinavir-ritonavir combination with these or respiratory depression. Avoid using
drugs. together. Don’t give with oral midazolam.
Antiarrhythmics (flecainide, propafenone), Rifabutin: May increase rifabutin level.
pimozide: May increase risk of cardiac Decrease rifabutin dose by 75%. Monitor
arrhythmias. Avoid using together. patient for adverse effects. L
Atorvastatin: May increase level of this Rifampin: May decrease effectiveness of
drug. Use lowest possible dose and monitor Kaletra. Avoid using together.
patient carefully. Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil: May
Atovaquone, methadone: May decrease increase level of these drugs and adverse
levels of these drugs. Consider increasing effects, such as hypotension and prolonged
doses of these drugs. erection. Warn patient not to take more than
Carbamazepine, dexamethasone, pheno- 25 mg of sildenafil in 48 hours, more than
barbital, phenytoin: May decrease lopinavir 10 mg of tadalafil in 72 hours, or more than
level. Use together cautiously. 2.5 mg vardenafil in 72 hours.
Clarithromycin: May increase clarithro- Warfarin: May affect warfarin level.
mycin level in patients with renal impair- Monitor PT and INR.
ment. Adjust clarithromycin dosage. Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: Loss of
Cyclosporine, rapamycin, tacrolimus: May virologic response and possible resistance to
increase levels of these drugs. Monitor drug. Discourage use together.
therapeutic levels. Drug-food. Any food: May increase absorp-
Delavirdine: May increase lopinavir level. tion of oral solution. Tell patient to take with
Avoid using together. food.
Didanosine: May decrease absorption of
didanosine because lopinavir-ritonavir EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
combination is taken with food. Give • May increase amylase, cholesterol,
didanosine 1 hour before or 2 hours after and triglyceride levels. May decrease
lopinavir-ritonavir combination. hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
Disulfiram, metronidazole: May cause • May decrease RBC, WBC, neutrophil,
disulfiram-like reaction. Avoid using and platelet counts.
Ergot derivatives (dihydroergotamine, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
ergonovine, ergotamine, methylergonovine): • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
May increase risk of ergot toxicity char- to drug or any of its components.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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834 loratadine

• Contraindicated with CYP3A metabo- • Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV
lized drugs, including dihydroergotamine, infection, that opportunistic infections and
ergonovine, lovastatin, methylergonovine, other complications of HIV infection may
midazolam, pimozide, rifampin, simvas- still occur, and that transmission of HIV
tatin, triazolam, and St. John’s wort. to others through sexual contact or blood
• Use cautiously in patients with a history contamination remains possible.
of pancreatitis or with hepatic impairment, • Advise patient taking an erectile dysfunc-
hepatitis B or C, marked elevations in liver tion drug of an increased risk of adverse
enzyme levels, or hemophilia. effects, including low blood pressure, visual
• Use cautiously in elderly patients. changes, and painful erections, and to
• The Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry promptly report any symptoms to his pre-
monitors maternal-fetal outcomes of preg- scriber. Tell him not to take more often than
nant women taking Kaletra. Health care directed.
providers are encouraged to enroll women • Warn patient to tell prescriber about
by calling 1-800-258-4263. any other prescription or nonprescription
•H Overdose S&S: Alcohol-related toxicity. medicine that he’s taking, including herbal
• Don’t administer tablets or oral solution
as a once-daily dosing regimen when com- loratadine
bined with efavirenz, nevirapine, ampren- lor-AT-a-deen
avir, or nelfinavir.
• Avoid once-daily dosing in children Alavert , Alavert Children’s ,
younger than age 18. Children’s Claritin Allergy ,
• Monitor patient for signs of fat redistri- Claritin , Claritin Hives Relief ,
bution, including central obesity, buffalo Claritin 24-Hour Allergy , Claritin
hump, peripheral wasting, breast enlarge- Liqui-Gels , Claritin RediTabs ,
ment, and cushingoid appearance. Clear-Atadine , Dimetapp Children’s
• Monitor total cholesterol and triglycerides Non-Drowsy Allergy , Triaminic
before starting therapy and periodically Allerchews 
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms Therapeutic class: Antihistamine
of pancreatitis (nausea, vomiting, abdom- Pharmacologic class: Piperidine
inal pain, or increased lipase and amylase Pregnancy risk category B
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms AVAIL ABLE FORMS
of bleeding (hypotension, rapid heart rate). Capsules: 10 mg 
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Syrup: 1 mg/ml 
Kaletra with Keppra. Tablets: 10 mg 
Tablets (chewable): 5 mg 
PATIENT TEACHING Tablets (orally disintegrating): 5 mg ,
• Tell patient to take oral solution with food. 10 mg 
Tablets may be taken without regard to food.
Alert: Tablets must be swallowed whole; INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
don’t crush or divide, and tell patient not to ➤ Allergic rhinitis
chew. Adults and children age 6 and older:
• Tell patient also taking didanosine to take 10 mg P.O. daily. Or, 5 mg RediTabs
it 1 hour before or 2 hours after lopinavir- every 12 hours.
ritonavir combination. Children ages 2 to 5: 5 mg chewable tablets
• Advise patient to report side effects to or syrup P.O. daily.
prescriber. ➤ Chronic idiopathic urticaria 
• Tell patient to immediately report severe Adults and children age 6 and older: 10 mg
nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. P.O. daily.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lorazepam 835

Children ages 2 to 5: 5 mg P.O. daily. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

Adjust-a-dose: In adults and children age 6 • Stop drug 4 days before patient undergoes
and older with hepatic impairment or GFR diagnostic skin tests because drug can
less than 30 ml/minute, give 10 mg every prevent, reduce, or mask positive skin test
other day. In children ages 2 to 5 years with response.
hepatic or renal impairment, give 5 mg
every other day. PATIENT TEACHING
• Make sure patient understands to take
ADMINISTRATION drug once daily. If symptoms persist or
P.O. worsen, tell him to contact prescriber.
• Give Claritin RediTabs on the tongue, • Tell patient taking Claritin RediTabs
where it disintegrates within a few seconds. to use tablet immediately after opening
• Give drug with or without water. individual blister.
• Advise patient taking Claritin RediTabs
AC TION to place tablet on the tongue, where it
Blocks effects of histamine at H1 -receptor disintegrates within a few seconds. It can
sites. Drug is a nonsedating antihistamine; be swallowed with or without water.
its chemical structure prevents entry into the • Warn patient to avoid alcohol and haz-
CNS. ardous activities that require alertness until
Route Onset Peak Duration
CNS effects of drug are known.
P.O. Rapid 1.3–2.5 hr 24 hr
• Tell patient that dry mouth can be relieved
with sugarless gum, hard candy, or ice chips.
Half-life: 81⁄2 hours.
CNS: headache, drowsiness, fatigue, lorazepam
insomnia, nervousness. lor-AZ-e-pam
GI: dry mouth.
Ativan, Lorazepam Intensol,
INTERACTIONS Novo-Lorazem†, Nu-Loraz†
Drug-drug. Cimetidine, ketoconazole,
macrolide antibiotics (clarithromycin, Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic
erythromycin): May increase loratadine Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine
level. Monitor patient closely. Pregnancy risk category D
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase Controlled substance schedule IV
CNS depression. Discourage use together.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Injection: 2 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml
• May prevent, reduce, or mask positive Oral solution (concentrated): 2 mg/ml
result in diagnostic skin test. Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ➤ Anxiety
to drug. Adults: 2 to 6 mg P.O. daily in divided
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic doses. Maximum, 10 mg daily.
or renal impairment and in breast-feeding Elderly patients: 1 to 2 mg P.O. daily in
women. divided doses. Maximum, 10 mg daily.
•H Overdose S&S: Somnolence, tachycar- ➤ Insomnia from anxiety
dia, headache, extrapyramidal reactions, Adults: 2 to 4 mg P.O. at bedtime.
palpitations. ➤ Preoperative sedation
Adults: 2 mg I.V. total or 0.044 mg/kg I.V.,
whichever is smaller. Larger doses up to

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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836 lorazepam

0.05 mg/kg I.V., to total of 4 mg, may be ADVERSE REACTIONS

needed. Or, 0.05 mg/kg I.M. 2 hours before CNS: drowsiness, sedation, amnesia,
procedure. Total dose shouldn’t exceed insomnia, agitation, dizziness, weakness,
4 mg. unsteadiness, disorientation, depression,
➤ Status epilepticus headache.
Adults: 4 mg I.V. If seizures continue or CV: hypotension.
recur after 10 to 15 minutes; then, an addi- EENT: visual disturbances, nasal conges-
tional 4-mg dose may be given. Drug may tion.
be given I.M. if I.V. access isn’t available. GI: abdominal discomfort, nausea, change
in appetite.
• Mix oral solution with liquid or semisolid Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May
food, such as water, juices, carbonated increase CNS depression. Use together
beverages, applesauce, or pudding. cautiously.
I.V. Digoxin: May increase digoxin level and
 Keep emergency resuscitation equip- risk of toxicity. Monitor patient and digoxin
ment and oxygen available. level closely.
 Dilute with an equal volume of sterile Drug-herb. Kava: May increase sedation.
water for injection, normal saline solution Discourage use together.
for injection, or D5 W. Give slowly at no Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
more than 2 mg/minute. additive CNS effects. Discourage use
 Monitor respirations every 5 to 15 min- together.
utes and before each I.V. dose. Smoking: May decrease drug’s effective-
 Contains benzyl alcohol. Avoid use in ness. Monitor patient closely.
 Refrigerate intact vials and protect from EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
light. • May increase liver function test values.
 Incompatibilities: Aldesleukin,

aztreonam, buprenorphine, caffeine CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

citrate, floxacillin, foscarnet, idarubicin, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
imipenem-cilastatin sodium, omeprazole, tive to drug, other benzodiazepines, or the
ondansetron hydrochloride, sargramostim, vehicle used in parenteral dosage form; in
sufentanil citrate, thiopental. patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma;
I.M. and in pregnant women, especially in the
• For status epilepticus, drug may be given first trimester.
I.M. if I.V. access isn’t available. • Use cautiously in patients with pul-
• For I.M. use, inject deeply into a muscle. monary, renal, or hepatic impairment, or
Don’t dilute. history of substance abuse.
• Refrigerate parenteral form to prolong • Use cautiously in elderly, acutely ill, or
shelf life. debilitated patients.
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, confusion
AC TION lethargy, ataxia, hypotonia, hypotension,
May potentiate the effects of GABA, de- hypnotic state, stage 1 to 3 coma, death.
press the CNS, and suppress the spread of
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Monitor hepatic, renal, and hematopoietic
P.O. 1 hr 2 hr 12–24 hr
function periodically in patients receiving
I.V. 5 min 60–90 min 6–8 hr repeated or prolonged therapy.
I.M. 15–30 min 60–90 min 6–8 hr Alert: Use of this drug may lead to abuse
and addiction. Don’t stop drug abruptly
Half-life: 10 to 20 hours. after long-term use because withdrawal
symptoms may occur.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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losartan potassium 837

• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ To reduce risk of stroke in patients

lorazepam with alprazolam or clonazepam. with hypertension and left ventricular
Don’t confuse Ativan with Atgam. hypertrophy
Adults: Initially, 50 mg P.O. once daily.
PATIENT TEACHING Adjust dosage based on blood pressure
• When used before surgery, drug causes response, adding hydrochlorothiazide
substantial preoperative amnesia. Patient 12.5 mg once daily, increasing losartan
teaching requires extra care to ensure to 100 mg daily, or both. If further adjust-
adequate recall. Provide written materials ments are required, may increase the daily
or inform a family member, if possible. dosage of hydrochlorothiazide to 25 mg.
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
that require alertness or good coordination ADMINISTRATION
until effects of drug are known. P.O.
• Tell patient to avoid use of alcohol while • Give drug without regard for meals.
taking drug. • If made into suspension by pharmacist,
• Notify patient that smoking may decrease store in refrigerator and shake well before
drug’s effectiveness. each use.
• Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly
because withdrawal symptoms may occur. AC TION
• Advise women to avoid becoming preg- Inhibits vasoconstrictive and aldosterone-
nant while taking drug. secreting action of angiotensin II by
blocking angiotensin II receptor on the
surface of vascular smooth muscle and other
losartan potassium tissue cells. L
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
Half-life: 2 hours.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Pharmacologic class: Angiotensin II ADVERSE REACTIONS
receptor antagonist Patients with hypertension or left ventric-
Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and ular hypertrophy
3rd trimesters CNS: dizziness, asthenia, fatigue,
headache, insomnia.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CV: edema, chest pain.
Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg EENT: nasal congestion, sinusitis, pharyn-
gitis, sinus disorder.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES GI: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea,
➤ Hypertension dyspepsia.
Adults: Initially, 50 mg P.O. daily. Maxi- Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps, myalgia,
mum daily dose is 100 mg in one or two back or leg pain.
divided doses. Respiratory: cough, upper respiratory
Children age 6 and older: 0.7 mg/kg (up infection.
to 50 mg) P.O. daily, adjust as needed up to Other: angioedema.
1.4 mg/kg/day (maximum 100 mg). Patients with nephropathy
Adjust-a-dose: For adults who are hepati- CNS: asthenia, fatigue, fever, hypesthesia.
cally impaired or intravascularly volume CV: chest pain, hypotension, orthostatic
depleted (such as those taking diuretics), hypotension.
initially, 25 mg. EENT: sinusitis, cataract.
➤ Nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients GI: diarrhea, dyspepsia, gastritis.
Adults: 50 mg P.O. once daily. Increase GU: UTI.
dosage to 100 mg once daily based on blood Hematologic: anemia.
pressure response.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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838 lovastatin

Metabolic: hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, • If antihypertensive effect is inadequate

weight gain. using once-daily doses, a twice-daily
Musculoskeletal: back pain, leg or knee regimen using the same or increased total
pain, muscle weakness. daily dose may give a more satisfactory
Respiratory: cough, bronchitis. response.
Skin: cellulitis. • Monitor patient’s blood pressure closely
Other: flulike syndrome, diabetic vascular to evaluate effectiveness of therapy. When
disease, angioedema, infection, trauma, used alone, drug has less of an effect on
diabetic neuropathy. blood pressure in black patients than in
patients of other races.
INTERACTIONS • Monitor patients who are also taking
Drug-drug. Lithium: May increase lithium diuretics for symptomatic hypotension.
level. Monitor lithium level and patient for • Regularly assess the patient’s renal func-
toxicity. tion (via creatinine and BUN levels).
NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive • Patients with severe heart failure whose
effects. Monitor blood pressure. renal function depends on the angiotensin-
Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium aldosterone system may develop acute renal
supplements: May cause hyperkalemia. failure during therapy. Closely monitor
Monitor patient closely. patient, especially during first few weeks of
Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease therapy.
antihypertensive effects. Discourage use • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
together. Cozaar with Zocor.
Drug-food. Salt substitutes containing
potassium: May cause hyperkalemia. PATIENT TEACHING
Monitor patient closely. • Tell patient to avoid salt substitutes; these
products may contain potassium, which
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS can cause high potassium level in patients
• May increase liver enzyme or bilirubin taking losartan.
levels. • Inform women of childbearing age about
consequences of second and third trimester
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS exposure to drug. Prescriber should be
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive notified immediately if pregnancy is
to drug. Breast-feeding isn’t recommended suspected.
during losartan therapy. • Advise patient to immediately report
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired swelling of face, eyes, lips, or tongue or any
renal or hepatic function. breathing difficulty.
Black Box Warning Drugs that act directly
on the renin-angiotensin system (such
as losartan) can cause fetal and neonatal lovastatin (mevinolin)
morbidity and death when given to women loe-va-STA-tin
in the second or third trimester of preg-
nancy. These problems haven’t been Altoprev, Mevacori
detected when exposure was limited to
the first trimester. If pregnancy is suspected, Therapeutic class: Antilipemic
notify prescriber because drug should be Pharmacologic class: HMG-CoA
stopped. reductase inhibitor
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, tachycardia, Pregnancy risk category X
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg
• Drug can be used alone or with other Tablets (extended-release): 20 mg, 40 mg,
antihypertensives. 60 mg

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lovastatin 839


➤ To prevent and treat coronary heart CNS: headache, dizziness, insomnia,
disease; hyperlipidemia peripheral neuropathy.
Adults: Initially, 20 mg P.O. once daily with EENT: blurred vision.
evening meal. Recommended range is 10 to GI: abdominal pain or cramps, consti-
80 mg as a single dose or in two divided pation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence,
doses; maximum daily recommended dose heartburn, nausea, vomiting.
is 80 mg. Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps, myalgia,
Or, 20 to 60 mg extended-release tablets myositis, rhabdomyolysis.
P.O. at bedtime. Skin: alopecia, rash, pruritus.
➤ Heterozygous familial hypercholes-
terolemia in adolescents INTERACTIONS
Adolescents ages 10 to 17: Give 10 to Drug-drug. Amiodarone, verapamil: May
40 mg daily P.O. with evening meal. Patients cause myopathy and rhabdomyolysis. Don’t
requiring reductions in LDL cholesterol exceed 40 mg lovastatin (or 20 mg Alto-
level of 20% or more should start with prev) daily.
20 mg daily. Azole antifungals, protease inhibitors: May
Adjust-a-dose: For patients also taking cause myopathy and rhabdomyolysis. Avoid
cyclosporine, give 10 mg P.O. daily, not to using together.
exceed 20 mg daily. Avoid use of lovastatin Cyclosporine: May cause severe myopathy
with fibrates or niacin at doses greater than and rhabdomyolysis. Don’t use together.
1 g/day; if combined with either, the dosage Danazol, gemfibrozil or other fibrates,
of lovastatin shouldn’t exceed 20 mg daily. niacin: May cause myopathy and rhab-
For patients also taking amiodarone or ver- domyolysis. Don’t exceed 20 mg lovastatin L
apamil, the dosage of lovastatin shouldn’t daily.
exceed 40 mg daily, or 20 mg daily Diltiazem, macrolides (azithromycin, clar-
for Altoprev. For elderly patients, diabetic ithromycin, erythromycin, telithromycin),
patients, or patients with creatinine clear- nefazodone: May decrease metabolism of
ance less than 30 ml/minute, carefully HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, increasing
consider dosage increase greater than 20 mg toxicity. Monitor patient for adverse effects
daily and implement cautiously if necessary. and report unexplained muscle pain.
For patients requiring smaller reductions in Oral anticoagulants: May increase oral
cholesterol levels, use immediate-release anticoagulant effect. Monitor patient
lovastatin. closely.
Drug-herb. Eucalyptus, jin bu huan, kava:
ADMINISTRATION May increase risk of hepatotoxicity. Dis-
P.O. courage use together.
• Give drug with evening meal, which Pectin: May decrease drug effect. Discour-
improves absorption and cholesterol age use together.
biosynthesis. Red yeast rice: May increase risk of adverse
• Don’t crush, split, or allow patient to chew reactions because herb contains compounds
extended-release tablets. similar to those in drug. Discourage use
AC TION Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, an early (and drug level, increasing risk of adverse
rate-limiting) step in cholesterol biosynthesis. effects. Discourage use together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
risk of hepatotoxicity. Discourage use
P.O. Unknown 14 hr Unknown together.
Half-life: 3 hours. • May increase ALT, AST, and CK levels.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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840 loxapine succinate

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Alert: Advise patient not to crush or chew

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive extended-release tablets.
to drug and in those with active liver dis-
ease or unexplained persistently increased
transaminase level. loxapine succinate
• Contraindicated in pregnant and breast- LOX-a-peen
feeding women and in women of childbear-
ing age. Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic
• Use cautiously in patients who consume Pharmacologic class: Dibenzapine
substantial quantities of alcohol or have a derivative
history of liver disease. Pregnancy risk category NR


• Have patient follow a diet restricted in Capsules: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg
saturated fat and cholesterol during therapy.
• Obtain liver function test results at the INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
start of therapy, at 6 and 12 weeks after the ➤ Psychotic disorders
start of therapy, and when increasing dose; Adults: Initially, 10 mg P.O. b.i.d. In severely
then monitor results periodically. disturbed patients, up to 50 mg daily may
• Heterozygous familial hypercholes- be desirable. Increase dosage fairly rapidly
terolemia can be diagnosed in adolescent over the first 7 to 10 days until symptoms
boys and in girls who are at least 1 year are controlled. Usual therapeutic and main-
postmenarche and are 10 to 17 years old; if tenance range is 60 to 100 mg daily.
after an adequate trial of diet therapy LDL
cholesterol level remains over 189 mg/dl or ADMINISTRATION
LDL cholesterol over 160 mg/dl and patient P.O.
has a positive family history of premature • Give drug without regard for food.
CV disease or two or more other CV disease
risk factors. AC TION
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Unknown. Probably exerts antipsychotic
lovastatin with Lotensin, Leustatin, or effects by blocking postsynaptic dopamine
Livostin. Don’t confuse Mevacor with receptors in the brain.
Mivacron. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30 min 90 min–3 hr 12 hr
• Instruct patient to take drug with the Half-life: 8 hours.
evening meal.
• Teach patient about proper dietary man- ADVERSE REACTIONS
agement of cholesterol and triglycerides. CNS: extrapyramidal reactions, sedation,
When appropriate, recommend weight tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant
control, exercise, and smoking cessation syndrome, seizures, drowsiness, numbness,
programs. confusion, syncope, pseudoparkinsonism,
• Advise patient to have periodic eye exami- EEG changes, dizziness.
nations; related compounds cause cataracts. CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia,
• Instruct patient to store tablets at room ECG changes, hypertension.
temperature in a light-resistant container. EENT: blurred vision, nasal congestion.
• Advise patient to promptly report unex- GI: dry mouth, constipation, nausea, vomit-
plained muscle pain, tenderness, or weak- ing, paralytic ileus.
ness, particularly when accompanied by GU: urine retention, menstrual irregularities.
malaise or fever. Hematologic: leukopenia, agranulocyto-
Alert: Tell woman to stop drug and notify sis, thrombocytopenia.
prescriber immediately if she is or may be Hepatic: jaundice.
pregnant or if she’s breast-feeding. Metabolic: weight gain.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lubiprostone 841

Skin: allergic reactions, rash, pruritus. conventional antipsychotics are at increased

Other: gynecomastia, galactorrhea. risk for death. Antipsychotics aren’t ap-
proved for the treatment of dementia-related
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May
increase anticholinergic effect. Use together PATIENT TEACHING
cautiously. • Warn patient to avoid activities that
CNS depressants: May increase CNS require alertness and good coordination
depression. Use together cautiously. until effects of drug are known. Drowsiness
Epinephrine: May inhibit vasopressor effect and dizziness usually subside after first few
of epinephrine. Avoid using together. weeks.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase • Advise patient to report bruising, fever, or
CNS depression. Discourage use together. sore throat immediately.
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking
• May increase liver function test values. • Advise patient to get up slowly to avoid
May decrease WBC, granulocyte, and dizziness upon standing quickly.
platelet counts. • Tell patient to relieve dry mouth with
• May cause false-positive results for sugarless gum or hard candy.
urinary porphyrin, urobilinogen, amylase, • Recommend periodic eye examinations.
and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid tests and
for urine pregnancy tests that use human
chorionic gonadotropin. lubiprostone
loo-bee-PRAHS-tohn L
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Amitizai
to dibenzapines, in those in a coma, and
in those with severe CNS depression or Therapeutic class: Laxative
drug-induced depressed states. Pharmacologic class: Chloride channel
• Use cautiously in patients with seizure activator
disorder, CV disorder, glaucoma, or history Pregnancy risk category C
of urine retention.
•H Overdose S&S: Mild depression of the AVAIL ABLE FORMS
CNS and cardiovascular systems, hypoten- Capsules: 8 mcg, 24 mcg
sion, respiratory depression, unconscious-
ness, extrapyramidal symptoms, seizures, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
renal failure. ➤ Chronic idiopathic constipation
Adults: 24 mcg P.O. b.i.d. with food.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ➤ Irritable bowel syndrome with
• Obtain baseline blood pressure measure- constipation
ments before starting therapy and monitor Women 18 years and older: 8 mcg P.O. b.i.d.
pressure regularly. with food and water.
• Monitor patient for tardive dyskinesia,
which may occur after prolonged use. It may ADMINISTRATION
not appear until months or years later and P.O.
may disappear spontaneously or persist for • Give drug with food.
life, despite ending drug. • Patient should swallow capsule whole.
Alert: Watch for evidence of neurolep-
tic malignant syndrome (extrapyramidal AC TION
effects, hyperthermia, autonomic distur- Increases intestinal fluid secretion by
bance), a rare but deadly disorder. activating chloride channels, and increases
Alert: Elderly patients with dementia- intestinal motility.
related psychosis treated with atypical or

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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842 lymphocyte immune globulin

Route Onset Peak Duration • Don’t give drug to a patient with severe
P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown diarrhea.
• Safety and effectiveness in children
Half-life: Cannot be reliably calculated.
haven’t been established.


CNS: headache, anxiety, depression, dizzi- • Tell patient to take drug with food and to
ness, fatigue, insomnia, pyrexia. swallow capsule whole. Advise patient not
CV: chest pain, peripheral edema. to open or chew capsules.
EENT: nasopharyngitis, pharyngolaryngeal • Explain to patient he may experience
pain, sinusitis. diarrhea; advise him not to take drug if he
GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal disten- develops severe diarrhea.
tion, abdominal pain or discomfort, con- • Advise patient about a proper diet and the
stipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia, flatulence, need to drink plenty of fluids.
gastroesophageal reflux disease, loose
stools, stomach discomfort, viral gastroen-
teritis, vomiting. lymphocyte immune
GU: UTI. globulin (antithymocyte
Metabolic: weight gain. globulin [equine], ATG, LIG)
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain, LIM-foh-site
limb pain, muscle cramps.
Respiratory: bronchitis, cough, dyspnea, Atgam
upper respiratory tract infection.
Other: influenza. Therapeutic class: Immunosuppressant
Pharmacologic class: Immunoglobulin
INTERACTIONS Pregnancy risk category C
None reported.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Injection: 50 mg of equine IgG/ml in 5-ml
None reported. ampules


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ➤ To prevent acute renal allograft
to drug or its components and in those with rejection
a history of mechanical GI obstruction. Adults and children: 15 mg/kg I.V. daily
• Use cautiously in women who are or may for 14 days; then alternate-day therapy for
become pregnant. 14 days. Give first dose within 24 hours of
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, di- transplantation.
arrhea, dizziness, headache, abdominal ➤ Acute renal allograft rejection
pain, flushing, retching, dyspnea, pallor, Adults and children: 10 to 15 mg/kg I.V.
stomach discomfort, anorexia, asthenia, daily for 14 days. Additional alternate-day
chest discomfort, dry mouth, hyperhidrosis, therapy to total of 21 doses can be given.
syncope. Start therapy when rejection is diagnosed.
➤ Aplastic anemia
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults: 10 to 20 mg/kg I.V. daily for 8 to
• Patient may experience dyspnea and 14 days. Additional alternate-day therapy to
chest tightness within 1 hour of first dose. total of 21 doses can be given.
Symptoms resolve within 3 hours but may
recur with repeat dosing. ADMINISTRATION
• Periodically assess patient’s need for I.V.
continued therapy.  Don’t use solutions that are older than

• Monitor patient for diarrhea. 12 hours, including actual infusion time.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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lymphocyte immune globulin 843

 Dilute concentrated drug for injection Other: anaphylaxis, chills, febrile reac-
before giving. Dilute required dose in tions, hypersensitivity reactions, infections,
250 to 1,000 ml of half-normal or normal night sweats, serum sickness.
saline solution. Final concentration of drug
shouldn’t exceed 4 mg/ml. INTERACTIONS
 Allow diluted drug to reach room tem- None significant.
perature before infusion.
 When adding drug to infusion solution, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
make sure container is inverted so drug • May increase liver enzyme and glucose
doesn’t contact air inside container. Gently levels. May decrease hemoglobin level.
rotate or swirl container to mix contents; • May decrease WBC and platelet counts.
don’t shake because this may cause exces-
sive foaming or denature the drug protein. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
 Infuse with an in-line filter with a pore • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
size of 0.2 to 1 micron over at least 4 hours to drug.
(most institutions use 4 to 8 hours) into a • Use cautiously in patients receiving addi-
vascular shunt, arterial venous fistula, or tional immunosuppressive therapy (such as
high-flow central vein. corticosteroids or azathioprine) because of
 Refrigerate at 35◦ to 47◦ F (2◦ to 8◦ C). increased risk of infection.
Concentrate is heat sensitive. Don’t freeze.
 Incompatibilities: Don’t dilute with NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
dextrose solutions or those with a low salt Alert: Do an I.D. skin test at least 1 hour
concentration because a precipitate may before first dose. Give an I.D. dose of 0.1 ml
form. Proteins in drug can be denatured by of a 1:1,000 lymphocyte immune globulin L
air. Drug is unstable in acidic solutions. along with a contralateral normal saline
control. Marked local swelling or erythema
AC TION larger than 10 mm indicates increased
Unknown. Inhibits cell-mediated immune risk of severe systemic reaction such as
responses either by altering T-cell function anaphylaxis. Severe reactions to skin test,
or eliminating antigen-reactive T cells. such as hypotension, tachycardia, dyspnea,
Route Onset Peak Duration
generalized rash, or anaphylaxis, usually
I.V. Immediate 5 days Unknown preclude further use of drug. Anaphylaxis
may still occur in patients with negative skin
Half-life: About 6 days. tests.
Black Box Warning Drug should only be
ADVERSE REACTIONS used by physicians experienced in immuno-
CNS: seizures, headache, malaise. suppressive therapy in the treatment of renal
CV: chest pain, hypotension, edema, transplant or aplastic anemia patients.
iliac vein obstruction, tachycardia, throm- • Monitor patient for hypotension, respi-
bophlebitis. ratory distress, and chest, flank, or back
EENT: laryngospasm. pain, which may indicate anaphylaxis or
GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdom- hemolysis.
inal distention, epigastric pain, hiccups, • Keep airway adjuncts and anaphylaxis
stomatitis. drugs at bedside during administration.
GU: renal artery stenosis. • Watch for signs and symptoms of infec-
Hematologic: LEUKOPENIA, THROMBO- tion, such as fever, sore throat, malaise.
CYTOPENIA, aplastic anemia, hemolysis,
lymphadenopathy. PATIENT TEACHING
Metabolic: hyperglycemia. • Instruct patient to report adverse drug
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia. reactions promptly, especially signs and
Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary edema. symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
Skin: pruritus, rash, urticaria. fatigue).

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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844 magnesium chloride

• Tell patient to immediately report discom- (5 g or 10 ml of the undiluted 50% solution

fort at I.V. insertion site because drug can in each buttock.) Base subsequent doses on
cause a chemical phlebitis. magnesium level. Do not exceed 30 to 40 g
• Advise women to avoid pregnancy during in a 24 hour period.
therapy. ➤ Barium poisoning
Adults: 1 to 2 g magnesium sulfate I.V.
➤ Cerebral edema
magnesium chloride Adults: 2.5 g (25 ml of a 10% solution) I.V.
magnesium sulfate P.O.
• Give drug with food.
Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant • Store between 20◦ and 25◦ C (68◦ and
Pharmacologic class: Magnesium salt 77◦ F).
Pregnancy risk category C (chloride I.V.
injection); A (sulfate injection)  Concentration should be 200 mg/ml or

AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Inject bolus dose slowly at a rate of

magnesium chloride 150 mg/minute or less, or use infusion

Injection: 20% in 50-ml vials pump for continuous infusion to avoid
Tablets (delayed-release): 64 mg respiratory or cardiac arrest. Maximum
magnesium sulfate infusion rate is 150 mg/minute. Rapid drip
Injectable solutions: 10%, 12.5%, 50% in causes feeling of heat.
2-, 5-, 10-, 20-, and 50-ml ampules, vials,  For severe hypomagnesemia, watch for

and prefilled syringes respiratory depression and evidence of

heart block. Respirations should be better
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES than 16 breaths/minute before giving dose.
➤ Mild hypomagnesemia  Incompatibilities: Alcohol (in large

Adults: 1 g I.V. by piggyback or I.M. every amounts), alkali carbonates and bicar-
6 hours for four doses, depending on bonates, amiodarone, amphotericin B,
magnesium level. Or, 3 g P.O. every 6 hours calcium chloride, calcium gluconate,
for four doses. cefepime, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin,
➤ Symptomatic severe hypomagnesemia, cyclosporine, dobutamine, drotrecogin
with magnesium 0.8 mEq/L or less alfa, heavy metals, hydralazine, hydrocor-
Adults: 5 g I.V. in 1 L of solution over tisone sodium succinate, I.V. fat emulsion
3 hours. Base subsequent doses on 10%, phytonadione, polymyxin B, pro-
magnesium level. caine, quinolones, salicylates, sodium
➤ Magnesium supplementation bicarbonate, soluble phosphates, vitamin B
Adults: 64 mg (one tablet) P.O. t.i.d. complex.
➤ Magnesium supplementation in total I.M.
parenteral nutrition (TPN) • Undiluted 50% solutions may be given
Adults and children: 8 to 24 mEq I.V. daily by deep I.M. injection to adults. Dilute
added to TPN solution. solutions to 20% or less for use in
Infants: 2 to 10 mEq I.V. daily added to children.
TPN solution. Each 2 ml of 50% solution
contains 1 g, or 8.12 mEq, magnesium AC TION
sulfate. Replaces magnesium and maintains
➤ Seizures associated with epilepsy, magnesium level; as an anticonvulsant,
glomerulonephritis, or hypothyroidism reduces muscle contractions by interfering
Adults: 1 g I.M. or I.V. with release of acetylcholine at myoneural
➤ Severe preeclampsia or eclampsia junction.
Adults: 4 to 5 g I.V. in 250 ml of solution.
Simultaneously, give up to 10 g I.M.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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magnesium citrate 845


P.O. Unknown 4 hr 4–6 hr • Keep I.V. calcium available to reverse
I.V. Immediate Unknown 30 min magnesium intoxication.
I.M. 1 hr Unknown 3–4 hr • Test knee-jerk and patellar reflexes
Half-life: Unknown.
before each additional dose. If absent,
notify prescriber and give no more magne-
sium until reflexes return; otherwise, patient
ADVERSE REACTIONS may develop temporary respiratory failure
CNS: toxicity, weak or absent deep tendon and need cardiopulmonary resuscitation or
reflexes, flaccid paralysis, drowsiness, I.V. administration of calcium.
stupor. • Check magnesium level after repeated
CV: slow, weak pulse, arrhythmias, hypo- doses.
tension, circulatory collapse, flushing. • Monitor fluid intake and output. Output
GI: diarrhea. should be 100 ml or more during 4-hour
Metabolic: hypocalcemia. period before dose.
Respiratory: respiratory paralysis. • Monitor renal function.
Skin: diaphoresis. • After giving to toxemic pregnant woman
Other: hypothermia. within 24 hours before delivery, watch
neonate for signs and symptoms of magne-
INTERACTIONS sium toxicity, including neuromuscular and
Drug-drug. Alendronate, fluoroquinolones, respiratory depression.
nitrofurantoin, penicillamine, sodium • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
polystyrene sulfonate, tetracyclines: May magnesium sulfate with manganese sulfate.
decrease bioavailability with oral magne-
sium supplements. Separate doses by 2 to PATIENT TEACHING
3 hours. • Explain use and administration of drug to M
Cardiac glycosides: May cause serious patient and family.
cardiac conduction changes. Use together • Tell patient to report adverse effects.
with caution.
CNS depressants: May have additive effect.
Use together cautiously. magnesium citrate
Neuromuscular blockers: May cause (citrate of magnesia)
increased neuromuscular blockage. Use
together cautiously. magnesium hydroxide
(milk of magnesia)
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Milk of Magnesia , Milk of Magnesia-
• May increase magnesium level. May Concentrated , Phillips’ Milk of
decrease calcium level. Magnesia 


• Contraindicated in patients with myocar- (Epsom salts )
dial damage or heart block, coma, and in
pregnant women in actively progressing Therapeutic class: Laxative
labor. Pharmacologic class: Magnesium salt
• Use parenteral magnesium with caution in Pregnancy risk category B
patients with impaired renal function.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, facial AVAIL ABLE FORMS
flushing, feeling of warmth, thirst, nausea, magnesium citrate
vomiting, lethargy, dysarthria, drowsiness, Oral solution: About 168 mEq magnesium/
diminished deep tendon reflexes, shallow 240 ml 
respirations, apnea, coma, cardiac arrest. magnesium hydroxide
Chewable tablets: 300 mg, 600 mg
Oral suspension: 400 mg/5 ml, 800 mg/5 ml

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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846 magnesium citrate

magnesium sulfate Route Onset Peak Duration

Granules: About 40 mEq magnesium/5 g  P.O. 30 min–3 hr Variable Variable

Half-life: Unknown.
➤ Constipation, to evacuate bowel before
Adults and children age 12 and older: 11 to GI: abdominal cramping, diarrhea, nausea.
25 g magnesium citrate P.O. daily as a single Metabolic: fluid and electrolyte distur-
or divided dose. Or, 2.4 to 4.8 g or 30 to bances with daily use.
60 ml magnesium hydroxide P.O. (2 to Other: laxative dependence with long-term
4 tablespoons at bedtime or upon arising, or excessive use.
followed by 8 ounces of liquid) daily as
a single dose or divided. Or, 10 to 30 g INTERACTIONS
magnesium sulfate P.O. daily as a single or Drug-drug. Oral drugs: May impair
divided dose. absorption. Separate doses.
Children ages 6 to 11: 5.5 to 12.5 g magne-
sium citrate P.O. daily as a single or divided EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
dose. Or, 1.2 to 2.4 g or 15 to 30 ml mag- • May alter fluid and electrolyte levels with
nesium hydroxide P.O. (1 to 2 tablespoons, prolonged use.
followed by 8 ounces of liquid) daily as a
single or divided dose. Or, 5 to 10 g magne- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
sium sulfate P.O. daily as a single or divided • Contraindicated in pregnant patients
dose. Don’t use dosage cup. about to deliver and in patients with myocar-
Children ages 2 to 5: 2.7 to 6.25 g magne- dial damage, heart block, fecal impaction,
sium citrate P.O. daily as a single or divided rectal fissures, intestinal obstruction or
dose. Or, 0.4 to 1.2 g or 5 to 15 ml magne- perforation, renal disease, or signs and
sium hydroxide P.O. (1 to 3 tsp, followed symptoms of appendicitis or acute surgical
by 8 ounces of liquid) daily as a single or abdomen, such as abdominal pain, nausea,
divided dose. Or, 2.5 to 5 g magnesium or vomiting.
sulfate P.O. daily as a single or divided dose. • Use cautiously in patients with rectal
Don’t use dosage cup. bleeding.
•H Overdose S&S: Blurred or double vision,
ADMINISTRATION coma, dizziness, syncope, drowsiness, in-
P.O. creased or decreased urination, bradycardia,
• Give drug at times that don’t interfere dyspnea.
with scheduled activities or sleep. Drug
produces watery stools in 3 to 6 hours. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Chill magnesium citrate before use to • Before giving drug for constipation,
improve its palatability. determine whether patient has adequate
• Shake suspension well; give with a large fluid intake, exercise, and diet.
amount of water when used as laxative. Alert: Monitor electrolyte levels during
When giving by nasogastric tube, make prolonged use. Magnesium may accumulate
sure tube is placed properly and is patent. if patient has renal insufficiency.
After instilling drug, flush tube with water • Drug is recommended for short-term use
to ensure passage to stomach and maintain only.
tube patency. • Magnesium sulfate is more potent than
other saline laxatives.
Saline laxative that produces an osmotic PATIENT TEACHING
effect in the small intestine by drawing • Teach patient how to use drug.
water into the intestinal lumen. • Teach patient about dietary sources of
fiber, including bran and other cereals, fresh
fruit, and vegetables.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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magnesium sulfate 847

• Warn patient that frequent or prolonged Anticoagulants (such as warfarin): May

use as a laxative may cause dependence. increase risk of adverse effects. Use
together cautiously.
Bisphosphonates: May impair absorption of
magnesium oxide bisphosphonate. When administering both
mag-NEE-see-um drugs, separate doses by 2 hours.
Enteric-coated drugs: May be released
Mag-Ox 400 , Maox , Uro-Mag  prematurely in stomach. Separate doses by
at least 1 hour.
Therapeutic class: Antacid
Pharmacologic class: Magnesium salt EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Pregnancy risk category B • May increase magnesium level.


Capsules: 140 mg  • Contraindicated in patients with severe
Tablets: 400 mg , 420 mg , 500 mg renal disease.
• Use cautiously in patients with mild to
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES moderate renal impairment.
➤ Acid indigestion •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, nausea,
Adults: 140 mg P.O. with water or milk after vomiting, urine retention, bradycardia,
meals and at bedtime. vasodilation, ECG changes, hyporeflexia,
➤ Oral replacement therapy in mild secondary CNS depression, respiratory
hypomagnesemia changes, coma, cardiac arrest.
Adults: 400 to 840 mg P.O. daily. Monitor
Alert: Monitor magnesium level. With M
ADMINISTRATION prolonged use and renal impairment, watch
P.O. for evidence of hypermagnesemia (hypoten-
• When used to treat acid indigestion, give sion, nausea, vomiting, depressed reflexes,
with water or milk. respiratory depression, and coma).
• If diarrhea occurs, use a different drug.
Reduces total acid load in GI tract, ele- PATIENT TEACHING
vates gastric pH to reduce pepsin activity, • Advise patient not to take drug indis-
strengthens gastric mucosal barrier, and criminately or to switch antacids without
increases esophageal sphincter tone. prescriber’s advice.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Urge patient to report signs of GI bleed-
P.O. 20 min Unknown 20–180 min
ing, such as tarry stools, or coffee-ground
Half-life: Unknown.
GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea. magnesium sulfate
Metabolic: hypermagnesemia. mag-NEE-zee-um

INTERACTIONS Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant

Drug-drug. Allopurinol, antibiotics, Pharmacologic class: Mineral;
digoxin, iron salts, penicillamine, phenoth- electrolyte
iazines: May decrease effects of these drugs Pregnancy risk category A
because may impair absorption. Separate
doses by 1 to 2 hours. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Injection: 4%, 8%, 10%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%
Injection solution: 1% in D5 W, 2% in D5 W

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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848 magnesium sulfate

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES tericin B, calcium gluconate, cefepime,

➤ To prevent or control seizures in ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, cyclosporine,
preeclampsia or eclampsia dobutamine, heavy metals, I.V. fat
Women: Initially, 4 g I.V. in 250 ml D5 W emulsion 10%, polymyxin B, procaine,
or normal saline and 4 to 5 g deep I.M. salicylates, sodium bicarbonate, soluble
into each buttock; then 4 to 5 g deep I.M. phosphates.
into alternate buttock every 4 hours, as I.M.
needed. Or, 4 g I.V. loading dose; then • For adults, give undiluted 50% concentra-
1 to 3 g hourly as I.V. infusion. Total dose tion by deep injection.
shouldn’t exceed 30 or 40 g daily. • For children, dilute to concentration of
➤ Hypomagnesemia 20% or less with D5 W or normal saline for
Adults: For mild deficiency, 1 g I.M. every injection.
6 hours for four doses; for severe deficiency,
5 g in 1,000 ml D5 W or normal saline solu- AC TION
tion infused over 3 hours. May decrease acetylcholine released
➤ Seizures, hypertension, and en- by nerve impulses, but anticonvulsant
cephalopathy with acute nephritis in mechanism is unknown.
children Route Onset Peak Duration
Children: 20 to 40 mg/kg I.M. as needed to I.V. 1–2 min Rapid 30 min
control seizures. Dilute the 50% concen- I.M. 1 hr Unknown 3–4 hr
tration to a 20% solution and give 0.1 to
0.2 ml/kg of the 20% solution. Half-life: Unknown.
➤ To manage life-threatening ventricular
arrhythmias, such as sustained ventricu- ADVERSE REACTIONS
lar tachycardia or torsades de pointes CNS: depressed reflexes, drowsiness,
Adults: If associated with cardiac arrest, flaccid paralysis, hypothermia.
give 1 to 2 g diluted in 10 ml D5 W I.V. CV: flushing, hypotension, bradycardia,
or intraosseous over 15 to 20 minutes. If circulatory collapse, depressed cardiac
torsades de pointes is intermittent and not function.
associated with cardiac arrest, dilute 1 to 2 g EENT: diplopia.
in 50 to 100 ml D5 W and give I.V. over 5 to Metabolic: hypocalcemia.
60 minutes. Respiratory: respiratory paralysis.
➤ To manage preterm labor  Skin: diaphoresis.
Adults: 4 to 6 g I.V. over 20 minutes,
followed by 2 to 4 g/hour I.V. infusion for INTERACTIONS
12 to 24 hours, as tolerated, after contrac- Drug-drug. Anesthetics, CNS depressants:
tions have stopped. May cause additive CNS depression. Use
together cautiously.
ADMINISTRATION Cardiac glycosides: May worsen arrhyth-
I.V. mias. Use together cautiously.
 If necessary, dilute to maximum level of Neuromuscular blockers: May cause
20%. Infuse no faster than 150 mg/minute increased neuromuscular blockade. Use
(1.5 ml/minute of a 10% solution or together cautiously.
0.75 ml/minute of a 20% solution). Drug
is compatible with D5 W and normal saline EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
solution. • May increase magnesium level. May
 Maximum infusion rate is 150 decrease calcium level.
mg/minute. Too-rapid infusion produces
uncomfortable feeling of heat. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
 Monitor vital signs every 15 minutes • Parenteral administration contraindicated
when giving drug I.V. in patients with heart block or myocardial
 Incompatibilities: Alkali carbonates damage.
and bicarbonates, amiodarone, ampho-

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mannitol 849

• Contraindicated in patients with toxemia

of pregnancy during 2 hours preceding mannitol
delivery. MAN-i-tole
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired
renal function. Osmitrol
• Use cautiously in pregnant women during
labor. Therapeutic class: Diuretic
•H Overdose S&S: Disappearance of the Pharmacologic class: Osmotic diuretic
patellar reflex, sharp drop in blood pressure, Pregnancy risk category B
respiratory paralysis.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Injection: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%
• If used to treat seizures, take appropriate Solution for irrigation: 5 g/100 ml
seizure precautions.
Alert: Watch for respiratory depression INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
and signs and symptoms of heart block. ➤ Test dose for marked oliguria or
• Keep I.V. calcium gluconate available to suspected inadequate renal function
reverse magnesium intoxication, but use Adults and children older than age 12:
cautiously in digitalized patients because of 200 mg/kg or 12.5 g as a 15% to 20% I.V.
danger of arrhythmias. solution over 3 to 5 minutes. Response is
• Check magnesium level after repeated adequate if 30 to 50 ml of urine/hour is
doses. excreted over 2 to 3 hours; if response is
• Signs of hypermagnesemia begin to inadequate, a second test dose is given. If
appear at levels of 4 mEq/L. still no response after second dose, stop
• Effective anticonvulsant level ranges from drug.
2.5 to 7.5 mEq/L. ➤ Oliguria M
• Monitor fluid intake and output. Make Adults and children older than age 12:
sure urine output is 100 ml or more in 50 to 100 g I.V. as a 15% to 25% solution
4-hour period before each dose. over 90 minutes to several hours.
• Observe neonates for signs of magnesium ➤ To prevent oliguria or acute renal
toxicity, including neuromuscular or respi- failure
ratory depression, when giving I.V. form of Adults and children older than age 12:
drug to toxemic mothers within 24 hours 50 to 100 g I.V. of a 5% to 25% solution.
before delivery. Determine exact concentration by fluid
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse requirements.
magnesium sulfate with manganese sulfate. ➤ To reduce intraocular or intracranial
pressure or cerebral edema
PATIENT TEACHING Adults and children older than age 12:
• Inform patient of short-term need for 1.5 to 2 g/kg as a 15%, 20%, or 25% I.V.
drug and answer any questions and address solution over 30 to 60 minutes. For maxi-
concerns. mum intraocular pressure reduction before
• Review potential adverse reactions and surgery, give 60 to 90 minutes preopera-
instruct patient to promptly report any tively.
occurrences. Reassure patient that, although ➤ Diuresis in drug intoxication
adverse reactions can occur, vital signs, Adults and children older than age 12:
reflexes, and drug level will be monitored 5% to 25% solution continuously up
frequently to ensure safety. to 200 g I.V., while maintaining 100 to
500 ml urine output/hour and a positive
fluid balance.
➤ Irrigating solution during
transurethral surgical procedures
Adults: 2.5% to 5% solution.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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850 mannitol

I.V. Drug-drug. Lithium: May increase urinary
 Change I.V. administration apparatus excretion of lithium. Monitor lithium level
every 24 hours. closely.
 To redissolve crystallized solution

(crystallization occurs at low temperatures EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

or in concentrations higher than 15%), • May increase or decrease electrolyte
warm bottle or bag in a hot water bath levels.
with occasional shaking. Cool to body • May interfere with tests for inorganic
temperature before giving. Don’t use phosphorus or ethylene glycol level.
solution with undissolved crystals.
 Give as intermittent or continuous infu- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
sion at prescribed rate, using an inline filter • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
and an infusion pump. Don’t give as direct to drug.
injection. • Contraindicated in patients with anuria;
 Check patency at infusion site before severe pulmonary congestion; frank pul-
and during administration. monary edema; active intracranial bleeding
 Monitor patient for signs and symp- (except during craniotomy); severe dehydra-
toms of infiltration; if it occurs, watch for tion; metabolic edema; previous progressive
inflammation, edema, and necrosis. renal disease or dysfunction after start-
 Incompatibilities: Blood products, ing drug, including increasing azotemia
cefepime, doxorubicin liposomal, and oliguria; or previous progressive heart
filgrastim, imipenem-cilastatin, failure or pulmonary congestion after drug.
meropenem, potassium chloride, •H Overdose S&S: Increased electrolyte
sodium chloride, strongly acidic or excretion, orthostatic tachycardia or
alkaline solutions. hypotension, decreased central venous
pressure, impaired neuromuscular function,
AC TION intestinal dilation and ileus, pulmonary
Increases osmotic pressure of glomerular edema or water intoxication if urinary
filtrate, thus inhibiting tubular reabsorption output is inadequate.
of water and electrolytes. Drug elevates
plasma osmolality and increases water flow NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
into extracellular fluid. • Monitor vital signs, including central
Route Onset Peak Duration
venous pressure and fluid intake and output
I.V. 30–60 min 1 hr 6–8 hr
hourly. Report increasing oliguria. Check
weight, renal function, fluid balance, and
Half-life: About 11⁄2 hours. serum and urine sodium and potassium
levels daily.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • In comatose or incontinent patient, use
CNS: seizures, dizziness, headache, fever. urinary catheter because therapy is based on
CV: edema, thrombophlebitis, hypotension, strict evaluation of fluid intake and output.
hypertension, heart failure, tachycardia, If patient has urinary catheter, use an hourly
angina-like chest pain, vascular overload. urometer collection bag to evaluate output
EENT: blurred vision, rhinitis. accurately and easily.
GI: thirst, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, • To relieve thirst, give frequent mouth care
diarrhea. or fluids.
GU: urine retention. • Drug is commonly used in chemotherapy
Metabolic: dehydration. regimens to enhance diuresis of renally
Skin: local pain, urticaria. toxic drugs.
Other: chills, thirst. • Don’t give electrolyte-free solutions with
blood. If blood is given simultaneously, add
at least 20 mEq of sodium chloride to each

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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maraviroc 851

liter of drug solution to avoid pseudoagglu- AC TION

tination. Blocks viral entry into cells by binding
to chemokine receptor 5 co-receptor and
PATIENT TEACHING preventing the initiation of HIV replication
• Tell patient that he may feel thirsty or have cycle.
a dry mouth, and emphasize importance of Route Onset Peak Duration
drinking only the amount of fluids ordered. P.O. Unknown 1⁄ –4 hr Unknown
• Instruct patient to promptly report adverse

reactions and discomfort at I.V. site. Half-life: 14 to 18 hours.

maraviroc CNS: dizziness, paresthesias, sensory
mahr-AY-vih-rok abnormalities, peripheral neuropathy, sleep
Selzentry disturbances, depressive disorders, pyrexia,
pain, disturbances in consciousness, stroke.
Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral CV: unstable angina, acute cardiac failure,
Pharmacologic class: CCR5 co-receptor coronary artery disease, MI, myocardial
antagonist ischemia, vascular hypertensive disorders.
Pregnancy risk category B GI: abdominal pain, constipation, dyspep-
sia, stomatitis, appetite disorders.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS GU: urinary tract signs and symptoms.
Tablets: 150 mg, 300 mg Hepatic: cirrhosis, hepatic failure,
cholestatic jaundice.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Musculoskeletal: muscle pains, joint pain,
➤ Combined with CYP3A4 inhibitors myositis, osteonecrosis, rhabdomyolysis.
including protease inhibitors (except Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- M
tipranovir/ritonavir) to treat CCR5- tion, bronchitis, sinusitis, cough, pneumonia.
tropic HIV-1 infection with evidence of Skin: rash, pruritus, dermatitis, eczema,
viral replication or HIV-1 strains resis- folliculitis, condyloma acuminatum.
tant to multiple antiretrovirals Other: herpes infection, influenza.
Adults and children age 16 and older:
150 mg P.O. b.i.d. INTERACTIONS
➤ Combined with nucleoside reverse Drug-drug. CYP3A inhibitors (protease
transcriptase inhibitors, tipranavir/ inhibitors except tipranavir/ritonavir),
ritonavir, nevirapine, or other drugs delavirdine, ketoconazole, itraconazole,
that aren’t strong CYP3A inhibitors or clarithromycin, nefazodone, telithromycin:
CYP3A inducers, to treat CCR5-tropic May increase levels of maraviroc. Decrease
HIV-1 infection with evidence of viral dose of maraviroc.
replication or HIV-1 strains resistant to CYP3A inducers (carbamazepine, efavirenz,
multiple antiretrovirals phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin): May
Adults and children age 16 and older: decrease levels of maraviroc. Increase dose
300 mg P.O. b.i.d. of maraviroc.
➤ Combined with CYP3A inducers, to Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
treat CCR5-tropic HIV-1 infection with levels of maraviroc. Discourage use together.
evidence of viral replication or HIV-1
strains resistant to multiple antiretro- EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
virals • May increase AST, ALT, bilirubin,
Adults and children age 16 and older: amylase, lipase, and CK levels.
600 mg P.O. b.i.d. • May decrease absolute neutrophil count.
P.O. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Give drug without regard for food. to drug or its components.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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852 mebendazole

• Use cautiously in patients with pre-

existing liver dysfunction or patients who mebendazole
are infected with viral hepatitis B or C. me-BEN-da-zole
• Use cautiously in patients at risk for CV
events, with a history of postural hypoten- Therapeutic class: Anthelmintic
sion, or taking another medication known to Pharmacologic class: Benzimidazole
lower blood pressure. Pregnancy risk category C
• Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab-
lished in children younger than age 16. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Patient shouldn’t breast-feed while Tablets (chewable): 100 mg
taking drug because of the potential for
HIV transmission and serious drug side INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
effects in infants. ➤ Pinworm
• Pregnant women exposed to drug should Adults and children older than age 2: Give
be registered in the Antiretroviral Pregnancy 100 mg P.O. as a single dose; repeat if infes-
Registry 1-800-258-4263. tation persists 3 weeks later.
➤ Roundworm, whipworm, and hook-
• Effectiveness hasn’t been established in Adults and children older than age 2: Give
patients with dual, mixed, or CXCR4–tropic 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 3 days; repeat if infes-
HIV-1 infection. tation persists 3 weeks later.
• Monitor patient closely for signs and ➤ Trichinosis 
symptoms of infection. Adults: 200 to 400 mg P.O. t.i.d. for 3 days;
Black Box Warning Due to increased risk then 400 to 500 mg t.i.d. for 10 days.
of hepatotoxicity, monitor patient closely. ➤ Capillariasis 
Systemic allergic reaction with pruritic Adults and children: 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. for
rash, eosinophilia, or elevated IgE may 20 days.
precede hepatotoxicity. Patients with signs ➤ Dracunculiasis 
or symptoms of hepatitis or allergic reaction Adults: 400 to 800 mg P.O. daily for 6 days.
should be evaluated immediately.
• Instruct patient to promptly report signs • Tablets may be chewed, swallowed whole,
or symptoms of hepatitis or allergic reaction or crushed and mixed with food.
(rash, yellow eyes or skins, dark urine,
vomiting, and abdominal pain). AC TION
• Caution patients that drug doesn’t cure Selectively and irreversibly inhibits uptake
HIV infection and that they may still of glucose and other nutrients by susceptible
develop HIV-related illness, including helminths.
opportunistic infections.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Caution patient that drug doesn’t reduce P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Variable
risk of transmission of HIV to others.
• If patient feels dizzy while taking drug, Half-life: 3 to 9 hours.
advise him to avoid driving or operating
• Instruct woman to tell her prescriber CNS: seizures, fever.
if she’s pregnant or planning to become GI: transient abdominal pain and diarrhea
pregnant while taking drug. in massive infestation and during expulsion
• Advise patient to take drug every day as of worms.
prescribed with other antiretrovirals. Tell Skin: urticaria.
patient not to change the dose or dosing
schedule or stop any antiretroviral without
consulting prescriber.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mecasermin 853

INTERACTIONS deficiency or children with growth-

Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, hydantoin: hormone gene deletion who have de-
May decrease mebendazole level, which veloped neutralizing antibodies to growth
may decrease drug’s effect. Monitor patient hormone
for drug effectiveness. Children age 2 and older: Initially, 0.04 to
Cimetidine: May increase mebendazole 0.08 mg/kg twice daily subcutaneously. If
level. Monitor patient for increased adverse well tolerated for at least one week, may
effects. increase by 0.04 mg/kg per dose, to the
maximum dose of 0.12 mg/kg given twice
• May increase liver function test values
with prolonged use. ADMINISTRATION
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Reduce dose if hypoglycemia occurs
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive despite adequate food intake.
to drug. • Give dose about 20 minutes before or
• Safe use in pregnant women and children after a meal or snack.
younger than age 2 hasn’t been established. • Hold dose if patient is unable to eat.
•H Overdose S&S: GI complaints. • Do not increase dose to make up for 1 or
more omitted doses.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Rotate sites for injection (thigh, abdomen,
• Give drug to all family members to buttocks, or upper arm). New injections
decrease risk of spreading the infestation. should be given at least 1 inch from previ-
• No dietary restrictions, laxatives, or ous injection site(s) and never into areas
enemas are needed. where the skin is tender, bruised, red, or
hard or lacks fatty tissue. M
• Teach patient about personal hygiene, AC TION
especially good hand-washing technique. Promotes growth because synthetic drug is
Advise him to refrain from preparing food identical to endogenous insulin-like growth
for others. factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and
• To avoid reinfestation, teach patient to IGF-1.
wash perianal area daily, change undergar- Route Onset Peak Duration
ments and bedclothes daily, and wash hands Subcut. 1 hr 2 hr Unknown
and clean fingernails before meals and after
bowel movements. Half-life: About 6 hours.

mecasermin CNS: headache, dizziness, seizures,
meh-KAH-sur-men intracranial hypertension, pain.
Increlex CV: murmur.
EENT: tonsillar hypertrophy, otitis media,
Therapeutic class: Growth factor papilledema, fluid in middle ear, sensitivity
Pharmacologic class: Human insulin to sound.
growth factor GI: vomiting.
Pregnancy risk category C GU: hematuria, ovarian cysts.
Hematologic: iron deficiency anemia,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS enlarged thymus, lymphadenopathy.
Injection: 10 mg/ml∗ Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Musculoskeletal: muscle atrophy, arthral-
➤ Growth failure in children with severe gia, bone pain, scoliosis.
primary insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1)

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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854 meclizine hydrochloride

Skin: injection-site reaction, bruising. • Teach parent how to inject drug and
Other: snoring. dispose of syringes properly.
• Tell parent to inject drug subcutaneously
INTERACTIONS into child’s upper arm, upper thigh, stomach
None known. area, or buttocks. Caution against injecting
it into a muscle or vein.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • To decrease injection site reactions,
• May increase AST, LDH, and transam- advise parent to rotate the injection site
inase levels. May increase or decrease for each dose.
glucose level. • Tell parent to regularly monitor the child’s
glucose level. Review signs and symptoms
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS of hypoglycemia, including dizziness,
• Contraindicated in patients with closed tiredness, hunger, irritability, sweating,
epiphyses, active or suspected cancer, or nausea, and a fast or irregular heartbeat.
allergy to drug or its components. I.V. use • Advise parent and child to keep a quick
is also contraindicated. Don’t use in place source of sugar (such as orange juice,
of growth hormone or for other causes of glucose gel, or candy) readily available
growth failure. in case hypoglycemia occurs.
• Use cautiously in pregnant or breast- • Explain that child should avoid hazardous
feeding women. activities while the dose is being adjusted.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia, Hypoglycemia can cause unconsciousness,
acromegaly. seizures, or death.
• Advise parent to have the child’s tonsils
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS checked regularly and to monitor child for
• Make sure patient has had a baseline enlarged tonsils and snoring or sleep apnea.
ophthalmic examination before therapy. • Tell parent to notify prescriber if child
• Monitor glucose level carefully, especially develops nausea and vomiting with
in small children, whose oral intake can be headache, hypoglycemic episodes, limping,
inconsistent. hip or knee pain, snoring, trouble swallow-
• Check patient regularly for adenotonsillar ing, earaches, or breathing problems.
enlargement. Ask parent or caregiver if the
child has developed snoring, sleep apnea, or
reduced hearing. meclizine hydrochloride
• Monitor patient for changes typical of (meclozine hydrochloride)
acromegaly. MEK-li-zeen
• Monitor child experiencing rapid growth
closely for development of a limp, hip Antivert, Antivert/25 , Antivert/50,
or knee pain, or progression of scoliosis Bonamine†, Bonine , Dramamine
(if present). Less Drowsy Formula , Meni-D
• Safety and effectiveness in children
younger than age 3 are not known. Therapeutic class: Antivertigo
Pharmacologic class: Anticholinergic
PATIENT TEACHING Pregnancy risk category B
• Explain that drug must be kept refrig-
erated and protected from direct light and AVAIL ABLE FORMS
avoid freezing. Capsules: 25 mg
• Tell parent that vials are stable for 30 days Tablets: 12.5 mg, 25 mg , 50 mg
after opening if kept refrigerated. Tablets (chewable): 25 mg 
• Warn parent not to use cloudy drug.
• Tell parent to give drug 20 minutes before INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
or after a meal or snack and to withhold ➤ Vertigo
dose if the child can’t or won’t eat. Adults: 25 to 100 mg P.O. daily in divided
doses. Dosage varies with response.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-M LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:6

medroxyprogesterone acetate 855

➤ Motion sickness • Drug may mask signs and symptoms

Adults and children age 12 and older: 25 to of ototoxicity, brain tumor, or intestinal
50 mg P.O. 1 hour before travel; then daily obstruction.
for duration of trip. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Antivert with Axert. Don’t confuse
ADMINISTRATION Dramamine Less Drowsy with other
P.O. Dramamine formulations.
• Chewable tablets may be chewed or
swallowed with water. PATIENT TEACHING
• Advise patient to avoid hazardous
AC TION activities that require alertness until CNS
Unknown. May affect neural pathways effects of drug are known.
originating in the labyrinth to inhibit nausea • Urge patient to report persistent or serious
and vomiting. adverse reactions promptly.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 1 hr Unknown 8–24 hr
medroxyPROGESTERone acetate
Half-life: About 6 hours. me-DROX-ee-proe-JESS-te-rone

ADVERSE REACTIONS Depo-Provera, Depo-subQ Provera

CNS: drowsiness, auditory and visual 104, Proverai
hallucinations, excitation, nervousness,
restlessness. Therapeutic class: Estrogen
CV: hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia. Pharmacologic class: Progestin
EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, dry nose Pregnancy risk category X
and throat, tinnitus. M
GI: anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dry AVAIL ABLE FORMS
mouth, nausea, vomiting. Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg
GU: urinary frequency, urine retention. Injection (suspension): 104 mg/0.65 ml,
Skin: rash, urticaria. 150 mg/ml, 400 mg/ml


Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May in- ➤ Abnormal uterine bleeding caused by
crease drowsiness. Use together cautiously. hormonal imbalance
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase Women: 5 to 10 mg P.O. daily for 5 to
drowsiness. Avoid use together. 10 days beginning on day 16 or 21 of men-
strual cycle. If patient also has received
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS estrogen, give 10 mg P.O. daily for 10 days
• May prevent, reduce, or mask diagnostic beginning on day 16 or 21 of cycle.
skin test response. ➤ Secondary amenorrhea
Women: 5 to 10 mg P.O. daily for 5 to
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS 10 days. Start at any time during menstrual
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive cycle (usually during latter half of cycle).
to drug. ➤ Endometrial hyperplasia
• Use cautiously in patients with asthma, Postmenopausal women (intact uterus)
glaucoma, or prostatic hyperplasia. receiving conjugated estrogen 0.625 mg:
•H Overdose S&S: Hyperexcitability alter- 5 or 10 mg P.O. daily for 12 to 14 consec-
nating with drowsiness, seizures, hallucina- utive days per month, beginning day 1 or
tions, respiratory paralysis. 16 of cycle.
➤ Endometrial or renal cancer
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adults: 400 to 1,000 mg I.M. weekly.
• Stop drug 4 days before diagnostic skin Dosage may be decreased to 400 mg/month
tests to avoid interference with test response. when disease has stabilized.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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856 medroxyprogesterone acetate

➤ Contraception Skin: rash, induration, sterile abscesses,

Women: 150 mg (Depo-Provera) I.M. acne, pruritus, melasma, alopecia,
once every 3 months. Or, 104 mg Depo- hirsutism.
subQ Provera subcutaneously once every Other: breast tenderness, enlargement, or
3 months. secretion; hot flashes.
➤ Endometriosis
Adults: 104 mg Depo-subQ Provera subcu- INTERACTIONS
taneously once every 3 months. Therapy for Drug-drug. Aminoglutethimide, carba-
longer than 2 years isn’t recommended. mazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,
phenytoin, rifampin: May decrease pro-
ADMINISTRATION gestin effects. Monitor patient for dimin-
P.O. ished therapeutic response. Tell patient to
• Giving this drug immediately before or use a nonhormonal contraceptive during
after a meal increases its bioavailability. therapy with these drugs.
I.M. Anticonvulsants, corticosteroids: These
• Shake vigorously before use. drugs can also reduce bone mass. Monitor
• Give by deep I.M. injection in the gluteal patient.
or deltoid muscle. Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine
• I.M. injection may be painful. Monitor level. Advise caution.
sites for evidence of sterile abscess. Rotate Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase
injection sites to prevent muscle atrophy. risk of adverse CV effects. If smoking
Subcutaneous continues, may need alternative therapy.
• Shake vigorously before use.
• Give subcutaneous injection into the EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
anterior thigh or abdomen. • May increase liver function test values,
coagulation tests, and prothrombin factors
Suppresses ovulation, possibly by inhibiting • May reduce metyrapone test results. May
pituitary gonadotropin secretion, thus pre- cause abnormal thyroid function test results.
venting follicular maturation and causing
endometrial thinning. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
P.O. Rapid 2–4 hr 3–5 days
to drug and in those with active thromboem-
I.M. Slow 24 hr 3–4 mo bolic disorders or history of thromboem-
Subcut. Unknown Unknown Unknown bolic disorders, cerebrovascular disease,
apoplexy, breast cancer, undiagnosed ab-
Half-life: 21⁄4 to 9 hours P.O., 50 days I.M., 40 days normal vaginal bleeding, missed abortion,
or hepatic dysfunction; also contraindicated
during pregnancy. Tablets are contraindi-
ADVERSE REACTIONS cated in patients with liver dysfunction or
CNS: depression, stroke, pain, dizziness. known or suspected malignant disease of
CV: thrombophlebitis, pulmonary genital organs.
embolism, edema, thromboembolism, • Use cautiously in patients with diabetes,
syncope. seizures, migraine, cardiac or renal disease,
EENT: exophthalmos, diplopia. asthma, or depression.
GI: bloating, abdominal pain.
GU: breakthrough bleeding, dysmenorrhea, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
amenorrhea, cervical erosion, abnormal • Drug shouldn’t be used as test for preg-
secretions. nancy; it may cause birth defects and
Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice. masculinization of female fetus.
Metabolic: weight changes. • Depo-Provera and Depo-subQ Provera
Musculoskeletal: loss of bone mineral may cause a significant loss of bone mineral
density. density.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mefloquine hydrochloride 857

• Monitor patient for pain, swelling, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

warmth, or redness in calves; sudden, severe ➤ Acute malaria infections caused by
headaches; visual disturbances; numbness mefloquine-sensitive strains of Plasmo-
in extremities; signs of depression; signs dium falciparum or P. vivax
of liver dysfunction (abdominal pain, dark Adults: 1,250 mg (5 tablets) P.O. as a single
urine, jaundice). dose with food and at least 8 ounces of
water. Patients with P. vivax infections
PATIENT TEACHING should receive further therapy with pri-
• According to FDA regulations, patient maquine or other 8-aminoquinolines to
must read package insert explaining avoid relapse after treatment of the initial
possible adverse effects of progestins infection.
before receiving first dose. Also, give Children: 20 to 25 mg/kg P.O. as a single
patient verbal explanation. dose with food and at least 8 ounces of
Black Box Warning Teach patient that this water. Maximum dose 1,250 mg. Dosage
product does not protect against HIV or may be divided into two doses given
other sexually transmitted diseases. 6 to 8 hours apart to reduce the incidence
• Advise patient to take medication with and severity of adverse effects. Patients
food if GI upset occurs. with P. vivax infections should receive
Alert: Tell patient to report unusual symp- further therapy with primaquine or other
toms immediately and to stop drug and 8-aminoquinolines to avoid relapse after
notify prescriber about visual disturbances treatment of the initial infection.
or migraine. ➤ To prevent malaria
• Teach women how to perform routine Adults and children weighing more than
breast self-examination. 45 kg (99 lb): 250 mg P.O. once weekly.
• Advise patient to immediately report to Prevention therapy should start 1 week
prescriber any breast abnormalities, vaginal before entering endemic area and continue M
bleeding, swelling, yellowed skin or eyes, for 4 weeks after returning. If patient returns
dark urine, clay-colored stools, shortness of to an area without malaria after a prolonged
breath, chest pain, or pregnancy. stay in an endemic area, prevention therapy
• Advise patient that injection must be should end after three doses.
given every 3 months to maintain adequate Children who weigh 31 to 45 kg (68 to
contraceptive effects. 99 lb): 187.5 mg (3⁄4 of a 250-mg tablet) P.O.
• Tell patient that because this is a long- once weekly.
acting method of birth control, it may take Children who weigh 21 to 30 kg (46 to
some time for fertility to return after the last 66 lb): 125 mg (1⁄2 of a 250-mg tablet) P.O.
injection. once weekly.
• Tell women to immediately report to Children who weigh 11 to 20 kg (24 to
prescriber a suspected pregnancy. 44 lb): 62.5 mg (1⁄4 of a 250-mg tablet) P.O.
• Advise patient that amenorrhea is possi- once weekly.
ble with prolonged use. Children who weigh 5 to 10 kg (11 to
• Encourage adequate intake of calcium and 22 lb): 5 mg/kg (approximately 1⁄8 of a
vitamin D. 250-mg tablet) P.O. once weekly.

mefloquine hydrochloride P.O.
MEH-flow-kwin • Because giving quinine and mefloquine
together poses a health risk, give mefloquine
Therapeutic class: Antimalarial no sooner than 12 hours after the last dose
Pharmacologic class: Quinine derivative of quinine or quinidine.
Pregnancy risk category C • Patient should avoid taking drug on empty
stomach and should always take it with at
AVAIL ABLE FORMS least 8 ounces of water.
Tablets: 250 mg

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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858 mefloquine hydrochloride

AC TION • Contraindicated for prevention of malaria

May be caused by drug’s ability to form in patients with a history of seizures or
complexes with hemin and to raise intraves- an active or recent history of depression,
icular pH in parasite acid vesicles. generalized anxiety disorder, psychosis,
Route Onset Peak Duration
schizophrenia, or other major psychiatric
P.O. Unknown 7–24 hr Unknown
• Use cautiously when treating patients with
Half-life: About 21 days. cardiac disease or seizure disorders.
•H Overdose S&S: Possibly more pronounced
ADVERSE REACTIONS adverse reactions.
CNS: seizures, suicidal behavior, fever,
dizziness, syncope, headache, psychotic NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
changes, hallucinations, confusion, anxiety, • Patients with P. vivax infections are at
fatigue, vertigo, depression, tremor, ataxia, high risk for relapse because drug doesn’t
mood changes, panic attacks. eliminate the hepatic-phase exoerythrocytic
CV: chest pain, edema. parasites. Give follow-up therapy with
EENT: tinnitus, visual disturbances. primaquine.
GI: vomiting, nausea, loose stools, • Monitor liver function test results periodi-
diarrhea, abdominal discomfort or pain, cally.
dyspepsia. • If overdose is suspected, induce vomiting
Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocyto- or perform gastric lavage because of risk
penia. of cardiotoxicity. Mefloquine has produced
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. cardiac reactions similar to quinidine and
Skin: rash. quinine.
Other: chills. Alert: When drug is used preventively,
psychiatric symptoms (acute anxiety, de-
INTERACTIONS pression, restlessness, confusion) that occur
Drug-drug. Beta blockers, quinidine, may precede onset of a more serious event.
quinine: May cause ECG abnormalities and Replace drug with other therapy.
cardiac arrest. Avoid using together.
Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, PATIENT TEACHING
valproic acid: May decrease drug levels and • Advise patient taking drug for prevention
loss of seizure control at start of mefloquine to take dose immediately before or after a
therapy. Monitor anticonvulsant level. meal on the same day each week, to improve
Chloroquine, quinine: May increase risk compliance beginning 1 week before arrival
of seizures and ECG abnormalities. Give at endemic area.
mefloquine at least 12 hours after last dose. • Tell patient not to take drug on an empty
Halofantrine: May cause fatal prolongation stomach and always to take it with at least
of the QTc interval if given with or subse- 8 ounces of water.
quent to mefloquine. Do not use together. • Advise patient to use caution when per-
Valproic acid: May decrease valproic acid forming activities that require alertness and
level and loss of seizure control at start of coordination because dizziness, disturbed
mefloquine therapy. Monitor anticonvulsant sense of balance, and neuropsychiatric
level. reactions may occur.
• Instruct patient taking drug for preven-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS tion to stop drug and notify prescriber if
• May increase transaminase level. May signs or symptoms of impending toxicity,
decrease hematocrit. such as anxiety, depression, confusion, or
• May decrease WBC and platelet counts. restlessness, occur.
• Advise patient undergoing long-term
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS therapy to have periodic ophthalmic exams
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive because drug may cause ocular lesions.
to mefloquine or related compounds.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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megestrol acetate 859

• Advise women of childbearing age to use ADVERSE REACTIONS

reliable contraception during treatment. CV: thrombophlebitis, heart failure,
hypertension, thromboembolism.
SAFETY ALERT! GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence,
constipation, dry mouth, increased appetite.
megestrol acetate GU: breakthrough menstrual bleeding,
me-JESS-trole impotence, vaginal bleeding or discharge,
Megace, Megace ES, Megace OS† Metabolic: hyperglycemia, weight gain.
Musculoskeletal: carpal tunnel syndrome.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic Respiratory: pulmonary embolism,
Pharmacologic class: Progestin dyspnea.
Pregnancy risk category D (tablets); Skin: alopecia, rash.
X (oral suspension) Other: gynecomastia, tumor flare.


Oral suspension: 40 mg/ml None significant.
Oral suspension (concentrated): 125 mg/ml
Tablets: 20 mg, 40 mg EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase glucose level.
➤ Breast cancer (palliative treatment) CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Adults: 40 mg P.O. q.i.d. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
➤ Endometrial cancer (palliative to drug.
treatment) • Contraindicated in known or suspected
Adults: 40 to 320 mg P.O. daily in divided pregnancy. Patient shouldn’t breast-feed M
doses. while taking drug.
➤ Anorexia, cachexia, or unexplained • Use cautiously in patients with history of
significant weight loss in patients with thrombophlebitis or thromboembolism.
Adults: 800 mg P.O. (20 ml regular oral sus- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
pension) or 625 mg P.O. (5 ml concentrated • May increase glucose level in diabetic
oral suspension) once daily. patients.
• Drug isn’t intended for prophylactic use
ADMINISTRATION to avoid weight loss. Start treatment with
P.O. megestrol acetate oral suspension only after
• Drug is a hormonal agent and is con- treatable causes of weight loss are sought
sidered a teratogen. Follow safe-handling and addressed.
procedures. • Drug is relatively nontoxic with a low risk
• Give drug without regard for meals. of adverse effects.
• Shake suspension well before pouring. • Two months is an adequate trial period in
patients with cancer.
Inhibits hormone-dependent tumor growth PATIENT TEACHING
by inhibiting pituitary and adrenal steroido- • Inform patient that therapeutic response
genesis. Drug may also have direct cytotox- isn’t immediate. Drug must be taken for at
icity; its appetite-stimulating mechanism is least 2 months to determine effectiveness.
unknown. • Tell patient drug may be taken without
Route Onset Peak Duration
regard for food.
P.O. Unknown 1–5 hr Unknown
Alert: Tell patient that the ES oral suspen-
sion is more concentrated than the regular
Half-life: About 10 days. oral suspension, so a smaller amount is

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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860 melphalan

• Advise women to stop breast-feeding ADMINISTRATION

during therapy because of risk of toxicity to P.O.
infant. • Give drug when patient has an empty
• Advise women of childbearing age to use stomach; food decreases drug absorption.
an effective form of contraception while I.V.
receiving drug. Black Box Warning Preparing and giving
this form may be mutagenic, teratogenic,
SAFETY ALERT! or carcinogenic. Follow facility policy to
reduce risks.
 Because drug isn’t stable in solution,
melphalan (L-PAM,
phenylalanine mustard) reconstitute immediately before giving
MEL-fa-lan with the 10 ml of sterile diluent supplied
by manufacturer. Shake vigorously until
Alkeran solution is clear. The resulting solution
will contain 5 mg/ml of melphalan. Im-
melphalan hydrochloride mediately dilute required dose in normal
Alkeran saline solution for injection to no more
than 0.45 mg/ml. Give infusion over 15 to
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic 20 minutes.
Pharmacologic class: Nitrogen mustard  Monitor infusion carefully. Extravasa-

Pregnancy risk category D tion causes painful inflammation.

 Reconstituted product begins to degrade

AVAIL ABLE FORMS within 30 minutes. After final dilution,

Lyophilized powder for injection: 50 mg nearly 1% of drug degrades every 10 min-
Tablets (scored): 2 mg utes. Administration must be finished
within 60 minutes of reconstitution.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES  Don’t refrigerate reconstituted product

➤ Multiple myeloma because precipitate will form.

Adults: Initially, 6 mg P.O. daily for 2 to  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B,

3 weeks; then stop drug for up to 4 weeks chlorpromazine, D5 W, lactated Ringer’s

or until WBC and platelet counts stop drop- injection. Compatibility with normal
ping and begin to rise again; maintenance saline injection depends on the concen-
dose is 2 mg daily. Or, 10 mg/day for 7 to tration; don’t prepare solutions with a
10 days, followed by 2 mg/day when WBC concentration exceeding 0.45 mg/ml.
is greater than 4,000 cells/mm3 and platelet
count is greater than 100,000 cells/mm3 ; AC TION
dosage is adjusted to between 1 and 3 mg/ Cross-links strands of cellular DNA and
day depending on hematologic response. interferes with RNA transcription, causing
Or, 0.15 mg/kg P.O. daily for 7 days fol- an imbalance of growth that leads to cell
lowed by a rest period of at least 14 days; death. Not specific to cell cycle.
maintenance dose is 0.05 mg/kg/day or Route Onset Peak Duration
less. Or 0.25 mg/kg/day for 4 days (or P.O., I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
0.2 mg/kg/day for 5 days); repeat every
4 to 6 weeks. Half-life: 2 hours.
Or, give I.V. to patients who can’t tolerate
oral therapy, 16 mg/m2 given by infusion ADVERSE REACTIONS
over 15 to 20 minutes at 2-week intervals for CV: vasculitis.
four doses. After patient has recovered from GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, oral ulcera-
toxicity, give drug at 4-week intervals. tion, stomatitis.
➤ Nonresectable advanced ovarian cancer Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, leukope-
Adults: 0.2 mg/kg P.O. daily for 5 days. nia, bone marrow suppression, hemolytic
Repeat every 4 to 5 weeks, depending on anemia.
bone marrow recovery. Hepatic: hepatotoxicity.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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melphalan 861

Respiratory: pneumonitis, pulmonary •H Overdose S&S: Vomiting, ulceration of

fibrosis. the mouth, diarrhea, GI hemorrhage, bone
Skin: pruritus, alopecia, urticaria, ulcera- marrow suppression.
tion at injection site.
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
reactions. Black Box Warning Administer drug only
under the supervision of a physician experi-
INTERACTIONS enced in the use of cancer chemotherapeutic
Drug-drug (I.V. melphalan only). Antico- agents.
agulants, aspirin, NSAIDs: May increase Black Box Warning Severe bone marrow
risk of bleeding. Avoid using together. suppression with resulting bleeding or
Carmustine: May decrease threshold for infection may occur.
pulmonary toxicity. Use together cautiously. Black Box Warning Drug is leukemogenic
Cimetidine: May decrease melphalan level. and potentially mutagenic.
Monitor patient closely. Black Box Warning Hypersensitivity reac-
Cisplatin: May increase renal impairment, tions, including anaphylaxis, have occurred
decreasing melphalan clearance. Monitor with I.V. form.
patient closely. • Dosage may need to be reduced in
Cyclosporine: May cause severe renal patients with renal impairment.
impairment. Monitor renal function closely. • Monitor uric acid level and CBC.
Interferon alfa: May increase melphalan • To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M.
elimination. Monitor patient closely. injections when platelet count is less than
Myelosuppressives: May increase myelo- 50,000/mm3 .
suppression. Monitor patient. • Give blood transfusions for cumulative
Vaccines: May decrease effectiveness of anemia.
killed-virus vaccines and increase risk of • Anaphylaxis may occur. Keep antihis- M
toxicity from live-virus vaccines. Postpone tamines and steroids readily available to
routine immunization for at least 3 months give if needed.
after last dose of melphalan. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Drug-food. Any food: May decrease oral melphalan with Mephyton.
drug absorption. Advise patient to take drug
on an empty stomach. PATIENT TEACHING
• Advise patient to take tablets on empty
• May increase urine urea level. May • Advise patient to report pain or redness at
decrease hemoglobin level. I.V. site.
• May decrease RBC, WBC, and platelet • Advise patient to watch for signs and
counts. symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
• May cause a false-positive direct fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising,
Coombs’ test. nosebleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools).
Tell patient to take temperature daily.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct patient to avoid OTC products
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive that contain aspirin or NSAIDs.
to drug and in those with disease resistant • Advise women to stop breast-feeding
to drug. Patients hypersensitive to chlor- during therapy because of risk of toxicity to
ambucil may have cross-sensitivity to this infant.
drug. • Advise women of childbearing age to
• Contraindicated in patients with severe consult prescriber before becoming
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or anemia pregnant.
and in those with chronic lymphocytic
• Use cautiously in patients receiving radia-
tion and chemotherapy.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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862 memantine hydrochloride

• Patients may take capsules intact or

memantine hydrochloride capsules may be opened, sprinkled on apple-
meh-MAN-teen sauce, then swallowed. Don’t allow patients
to divide, chew, or crush capsules.
Namenda, Namenda XR
Therapeutic class: Anti-Alzheimer Antagonizes NMDA receptors, the persis-
Pharmacologic class: N-methyl-D- tent activation of which seems to increase
aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist Alzheimer symptoms.
Pregnancy risk category B
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 3–7 hr Unknown
Capsules (extended-release): 7 mg, 14 mg, Half-life: 60 to 80 hours.
21 mg, 28 mg
Oral solution: 2 mg/ml ADVERSE REACTIONS
Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg CNS: stroke, aggressiveness, agitation,
anxiety, ataxia, confusion, depression,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES dizziness, fatigue, hallucinations, headache,
➤ Moderate to severe Alzheimer’s hypokinesia, insomnia, pain, somnolence,
dementia syncope, transient ischemic attack, vertigo.
Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. once daily. CV: heart failure, edema, hypertension.
Increase by 5 mg/day every week until EENT: cataracts, conjunctivitis.
target dose is reached. Maximum, 10 mg GI: anorexia, constipation, diarrhea,
P.O. b.i.d. Doses greater than 5 mg should nausea, vomiting.
be divided b.i.d. GU: incontinence, urinary frequency, UTI.
Or, for extended-release capsules, initial Hematologic: anemia.
dose is 7 mg P.O. once daily. Increase as Metabolic: weight loss.
tolerated by 7-mg increments each week to Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain.
target dosage of 28 mg P.O. once daily. Respiratory: bronchitis, coughing,
To convert from immediate-release to dyspnea, flulike symptoms, pneumonia,
extended-release form: Patients taking upper respiratory tract infection.
immediate-release 10 mg twice daily may Skin: rash.
switch to extended-release 28 mg once daily Other: abnormal gait, falls, injury.
the day following the last immediate-release
tablet. Patients with severe renal failure INTERACTIONS
taking immediate-release 5 mg twice daily Drug-drug. Cimetidine, hydrochlorothi-
may switch to extended-release 14 mg once azide, quinidine, ranitidine, triamterene:
daily the day following the last immediate- May alter levels of both drugs. Monitor
release tablet. patient.
Adjust-a-dose: Reduce dosage in patients NMDA antagonists (amantadine, dextro-
with moderate renal impairment. Drug isn’t methorphan, ketamine): Combined use
recommended for patients with severe renal unknown. Use together cautiously.
impairment. For extended-release form, Urine alkalinizers (carbonic anhydrase
no dosage adjustment is recommended inhibitors, sodium bicarbonate): May
for patients with mild to moderate renal decrease memantine clearance. Monitor
impairment; a target dosage of 14 mg/day is patient for adverse effects.
recommended for patients with severe renal Drug-herb. Herbs that alkalinize urine:
impairment. May increase drug level and adverse effects.
Use together cautiously.
ADMINISTRATION Drug-food. Foods that alkalinize urine:
P.O. May increase drug level and adverse effects.
• Give drug without regard for food. Use together cautiously.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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menotropins 863

Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May alter drug

adherence, decrease its effectiveness, or menotropins
increase adverse effects. Discourage use men-oh-TROE-pins
Nicotine: May alter levels of drug and Menopur, Repronex
nicotine. Discourage use together.
Therapeutic class: Ovulation stimulant
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pharmacologic class: Gonadotropin
• May increase alkaline phosphatase Pregnancy risk category X
level. May decrease hemoglobin level and
hematocrit. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Injection: 75 international units of luteiniz-
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ing hormone (LH) and 75 international
• Contraindicated in patients allergic to units of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
drug or its components. activity per ampule
• Contraindicated for mild Alzheimer’s
disease or other types of dementia. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Immediate-release form isn’t recom- ➤ Assisted reproductive technologies
mended for patients with severe renal Adults: Initially, 225 units subcutaneously
impairment. (Menopur, Repronex) or I.M. (Repronex
• Use cautiously in patients with seizures, only) for patients who have received
hepatic impairment, or moderate renal gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
impairment. agonist or antagonist pituitary suppres-
• Use cautiously in patients who may have sion. Adjust dose based on ultrasound
an increased urine pH (from drugs, diet, and estradiol levels not more frequently
renal tubular acidosis, or severe UTI, for than every 2 days and not to exceed 75 to M
example). 150 units Repronex or 150 units Menopur
•H Overdose S&S: Restlessness, psychosis, per adjustment. Maximum daily dose is
visual hallucinations, somnolence, stupor, 450 units. Use for maximum of 12 days
loss of consciousness. (Repronex) or 20 days (Menopur). Then,
5,000 to 10,000 units of human chorionic
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS gonadotropin (hCG) after adequate follic-
• In elderly patients, even those with a ular development.
normal creatinine level, use of this drug may ➤ Infertility with oligo-anovulation
impair renal function. Estimate creatinine (Repronex)
clearance; reduce dosage in patients with Adults: Initially, 150 units subcutaneously
moderate renal impairment. Don’t give drug or I.M. daily for 5 days in patients who
to patients with severe renal impairment. have received GnRH agonist or antagonist
• Monitor patient carefully for adverse pituitary suppression. Adjust based on
reactions as he may not be able to recognize response; 75 to 150 units per adjustment
changes or communicate effectively. and not more frequently than every 2 days.
Maximum daily dose is 450 units; don’t use
PATIENT TEACHING for more than 12 days. If patient response
• Explain that drug doesn’t cure Alzheimer’s is adequate, 5,000 to 10,000 units of hCG.
disease but may aid patient to maintain Hold hCG if estradiol level is greater than
function for a longer period of time. 2,000 picograms/ml.
• Tell patient or caregiver to report adverse
• Urge patient to avoid alcohol during I.M.
treatment. • Refrigerate powder or store at room
• To avoid possible interactions, advise temperature. Protect from light.
patient not to take herbal or OTC products • Reconstitute with 1 to 2 ml of sterile
without consulting prescriber. normal saline solution for injection. Do not

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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864 menotropins

shake; gently swirl until the solution is clear. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Use immediately. None reported.
• Rotate injection sites.
• Only Repronex should be given I.M. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Subcutaneous • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Refrigerate powder or store at room to drug and in those with primary ovarian
temperature. Protect from light. failure, uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal
• Reconstitute with 1 to 2 ml of sterile dysfunction, pituitary tumor, abnormal
normal saline solution for injection. Do not uterine bleeding, uterine fibromas, ovarian
shake; gently swirl until the solution is clear. cysts or enlargement not due to polycystic
Use immediately. ovarian syndrome, sex hormone–dependent
• Use alternating sides of the lower tumor of the reproductive tract (Menopur
abdomen for subcutaneous administration. only), or any cause of infertility other than
Rotate injection sites. anovulation (Repronex only).
• Contraindicated in pregnant women.
AC TION •H Overdose S&S: Ovarian hyperstimulation.
In women who haven’t had primary ovarian
failure, drug mimics FSH in inducing fol- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
licular growth and LH in aiding follicular • Prescriber should be experienced in
maturation. fertility treatment.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Alert: Watch for ovarian hyperstimulation
I.M., subcut. 9–12 days 12–18 hr Unknown
syndrome, which may rapidly progress to
a life-threatening condition, characterized
Half-life: Menopur, 11 to 13 hours; Repronex, 54 to by dramatic increase in vascular perme-
60 hours. ability, which causes rapid accumulation
of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, thorax,
ADVERSE REACTIONS and pericardium. Signs and symptoms are
CNS: stroke, headache, migraine, malaise, hypovolemia, hemoconcentration, elec-
fever, dizziness. trolyte imbalance, ascites, hemoperitoneum,
CV: tachycardia, venous thrombophlebitis, pleural effusion, hydrothorax, and throm-
arterial occlusion, pulmonary embolism. boembolism. Condition is common and
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal severe if woman becomes pregnant.
cramps, bloating.
GU: ovarian enlargement with pain and PATIENT TEACHING
abdominal distention, multiple births, • Tell women about possibility of multiple
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, births (which occur about 20% of the time).
ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, menstrual • In women being treated for infertility,
disorder. encourage daily intercourse from day before
Musculoskeletal: aches, back pain, joint hCG is given until ovulation occurs.
pains. • Instruct patient to immediately report
Respiratory: acute respiratory distress severe abdominal pain, bloating, swelling
syndrome, pulmonary infarction, of hands or feet, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
atelectasis, dyspnea, tachypnea, increased substantial weight gain, or dyspnea.
Skin: rash, injection-site pain, injection-site
Other: gynecomastia, anaphylaxis, hyper-
sensitivity reactions, injection site reaction,
chills, breast tenderness.

None significant.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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meperidine hydrochloride 865

SAFETY ALERT! I.V. infusion of a more dilute solution

(1 mg/ml) titrated to patient’s needs.
meperidine hydrochloride ➤ Obstetric analgesia
(pethidine hydrochloride) Adults: 50 to 100 mg I.M. or subcuta-
me-PER-i-deen neously when pain becomes regular;
repeated at 1- to 3-hour intervals.
Demeroli, Pethidine†
Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic P.O.
Pharmacologic class: Opioid • Syrup has local anesthetic effect. Give
Pregnancy risk category B; D if used for with full glass of water.
prolonged periods or in high doses at I.V.
term  Keep opioid antagonist (naloxone)

Controlled substance schedule II available.

 Give drug slowly by direct injection.

AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Drug may also be given by slow conti-

Injection: 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml, 75 mg/ml, nuous infusion. Drug is compatible with

100 mg/ml most solutions, including D5 W, normal
Syrup: 50 mg/5 ml saline solution, and Ringer’s or lactated
Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg Ringer’s solutions.
 Protect from light and store at room


➤ Moderate to severe pain  Incompatibilities: Acyclovir, allopuri-

Adults: 50 to 150 mg P.O., I.M., or subcuta- nol, aminophylline, amobarbital, ampho-

neously every 3 to 4 hours p.r.n. tericin B, cefepime, cefoperazone, doxoru-
Children: 1.1 to 1.8 mg/kg P.O., I.M., or bicin liposomal, ephedrine, furosemide, M
subcutaneously every 3 to 4 hours. Maxi- heparin, hydrocortisone sodium succi-
mum, 100 mg every 4 hours p.r.n. nate, idarubicin, imipenem and cilastatin
Adjust-a-dose: Reduce meperidine doses by sodium, methylprednisolone sodium suc-
25% to 50% when administered with pheno- cinate, morphine, pentobarbital, phe-
thiazines and other tranquilizers because nobarbital sodium, phenytoin, sodium
they potentiate the action of meperidine. bicarbonate, sodium iodide, thiopental.
Reduce dosage in elderly patients and in I.M.
those with hepatic and renal impairment. If • Oral dose is less than half as effective as
creatinine clearance is 10 to 50 ml/minute, parenteral dose. Give I.M. if possible. When
give 75% of normal dose. If clearance is changing from parenteral to oral route,
less than 10 ml/minute, give 25% to 50% of increase dosage.
normal dose. Subcutaneous
➤ Preoperative analgesia • Subcutaneous injection isn’t recom-
Adults: 50 to 100 mg I.M. or subcuta- mended because it’s very painful, but it
neously 30 to 90 minutes before surgery. may be suitable for occasional use. Monitor
Children: 1 to 2.2 mg/kg I.M. or sub- patient for pain at injection site, local tissue
cutaneously up to the adult dose 30 to irritation, and induration after subcutaneous
90 minutes before surgery. injection.
Adjust-a-dose: Reduce dosage in elderly
patients and in those with hepatic or renal AC TION
impairment. If creatinine clearance is 10 to Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors
50 ml/minute, give 75% of normal dose. If in the CNS, altering perception of and
clearance is less than 10 ml/minute, give emotional response to pain.
25% to 50% of normal dose.
➤ Adjunct to anesthesia
Adults: Repeated slow I.V. injections of
fractional doses (10 mg/ml). Or, continuous

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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866 meperidine hydrochloride

Route Onset Peak Duration Ritonavir: May significantly increase level

P.O. 15 min 60–90 min 2–4 hr and toxic effects of meperidine. Avoid use
I.V. 1 min 5–7 min 2–4 hr together.
I.M., Subcut. 10–15 min 30–50 min 2–4 hr Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
Half-life: 21⁄2 to 4 hours.
additive effects. Discourage use together.


ADVERSE REACTIONS • May increase amylase and lipase levels.
CNS: clouded sensorium, dizziness,
euphoria, light-headedness, sedation, som- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
nolence, seizures, hallucinations, headache, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
paradoxical anxiety, physical dependence, to drug and in those who have received
syncope, tremor. MAO inhibitors within past 14 days.
CV: bradycardia, cardiac arrest, shock, • Avoid use in patients with end-stage renal
hypotension, tachycardia. disease.
GI: biliary tract spasms, constipation, dry • Use with caution in elderly or debilitated
mouth, ileus, nausea, vomiting. patients and in those with increased intra-
GU: urine retention. cranial pressure, head injury, asthma and
Musculoskeletal: muscle twitching. other respiratory conditions, supraventricu-
Respiratory: respiratory arrest, respira- lar tachycardias, seizures, acute abdominal
tory depression. conditions, hepatic or renal disease, hy-
Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, urticaria. pothyroidism, Addison’s disease, urethral
Other: induration, local tissue irritation, stricture, and prostatic hyperplasia.
pain at injection site, phlebitis after I.V. •H Overdose S&S: Dry mouth, increased
delivery. muscle activity, tremors, tachycardia, respi-
ratory depression, delirium, hallucinations,
INTERACTIONS tonic/clonic seizures, mydriasis, skeletal
Drug-drug. Aminophylline, barbiturates, muscle flaccidity, circulatory collapse,
heparin, methicillin, morphine sulfate, death.
phenytoin, sodium bicarbonate, sulfon-
amides: Incompatible when mixed in same NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
I.V. container. Avoid using together. • In elderly patients or in those with renal
Chlorpromazine: May cause excessive dysfunction, active metabolite may accu-
sedation and hypotension. Avoid using mulate, causing increased adverse CNS
together. reactions.
Cimetidine: May increase respiratory and • Drug may be used in some patients who
CNS depression. Monitor patient closely. are allergic to morphine.
CNS depressants, general anesthetics, • Reassess patient’s level of pain at least 15
hypnotics, other opioid analgesics, pheno- and 30 minutes after administration.
thiazines, sedatives, tricyclic antidepres- • Because drug toxicity frequently appears
sants: May cause respiratory depression, after several days of treatment, drug isn’t
hypotension, profound sedation, or coma. recommended for treatment of chronic pain.
Use together with caution; reduce meperi- • In neonates exposed to drug during labor,
dine dosage. monitor respirations. Have resuscitation
MAO inhibitors: May increase CNS excita- equipment and naloxone available.
tion or depression that can be severe or fatal. • Monitor respiratory and CV status care-
Avoid using together. fully. Don’t give if respirations are below
Phenytoin: May decrease meperidine level. 12 breaths/minute, if respiratory rate or
Watch for decreased analgesia. depth is decreased, or if change in pupils is
Protease inhibitors: May increase respi- noted.
ratory and CNS depression. Avoid using • If drug is stopped abruptly after long-
together. term use, monitor patient for withdrawal

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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mercaptopurine 867

• In postoperative patients, monitor bladder ADMINISTRATION

function. P.O.
• Monitor bowel function. Patient may need • Give total daily dosage at one time, calcu-
a stimulant laxative and stool softener. lated to the nearest multiple of 25 mg.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse • If giving allopurinol concurrently, reduce
Demerol with Demulen. dosage of mercaptopurine to one-third to
one-fourth of the usual dose.
PATIENT TEACHING • Give on an empty stomach.
• Encourage postoperative patient to turn,
cough, deep-breathe, and use an incentive AC TION
spirometer to prevent lung problems. Inhibits RNA and DNA synthesis.
• Caution ambulatory patient about getting Route Onset Peak Duration
out of bed or walking. Warn outpatient to P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
avoid driving and other potentially haz-
ardous activities that require mental alert- Half-life: Unknown.
ness until drug’s CNS effects are known.
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol during ADVERSE REACTIONS
therapy. GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, painful oral
• Caution patient that drug isn’t intended ulcers, diarrhea, pancreatitis, GI ulceration.
for long-term use. Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocyto-
penia, anemia.
SAFETY ALERT! Hepatic: jaundice, hepatotoxicity.
Metabolic: hyperuricemia.
mercaptopurine Skin: rash, hyperpigmentation.
(6-mercaptopurine, 6-MP) M
mer-kap-toe-PYOOR-een INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Allopurinol: Slows inactivation
Purinethol of mercaptopurine. Decrease mercaptop-
urine to 25% or 33% of normal dose.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic Azathioprine: Increased risk of severe
Pharmacologic class: Purine analogue myelosuppression. Avoid giving together.
Pregnancy risk category D Hepatotoxic drugs: May enhance hepato-
toxicity of mercaptopurine. Monitor patient
AVAIL ABLE FORMS for hepatotoxicity.
Tablets (scored): 50 mg Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers:
May antagonize muscle relaxant effect.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Notify anesthesiologist that patient is
➤ Acute lymphoblastic leukemia receiving mercaptopurine.
Adults and children: 2.5 mg/kg P.O. once Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim: May en-
daily (rounded to nearest 25 mg). May hance bone marrow suppression. Monitor
increase to 5 mg/kg daily after 4 weeks if no CBC with differential carefully.
improvement. Warfarin: May decrease or increase anti-
After remission is attained, usual mainte- coagulant effect. Monitor PT and INR.
nance dose for adults and children is 1.5 to
2.5 mg/kg once daily. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine • May increase uric acid, transaminase,
clearance of less than 50 ml/minute, or alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin levels.
patients receiving hemodialysis, continuous May decrease hemoglobin level.
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, or contin- • May decrease WBC, RBC, and platelet
uous renal replacement therapy, give dose counts.
every 48 hours.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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868 meropenem


• Contraindicated in patients resistant or • Instruct patient to watch for signs and
hypersensitive to drug. symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
•H Overdose S&S: Anorexia, nausea, vom- fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, nose-
iting, diarrhea, myelosuppression, hepatic bleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell
dysfunction, gastroenteritis. patient to take temperature daily.
• Tell patient to take drug on an empty
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS stomach in the evening.
Black Box Warning A diagnosis of acute • Caution women of childbearing age
lymphatic leukemia must be established to consult prescriber before becoming
before starting therapy. The supervising pregnant.
physician must be knowledgeable in assess- • Advise women to stop breast-feeding
ing response to chemotherapy. during therapy because of risk of toxicity to
• Risk of relapse is lower with evening infant.
administration than with morning adminis-
• Consider modifying dosage after meropenem
chemotherapy or radiation therapy in mare-oh-PEN-em
patients who have depressed neutrophil
or platelet counts or impaired hepatic or Merrem IV
renal function.
Alert: Drug may be ordered as Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
“6-mercaptopurine” or as “6-MP.” The Pharmacologic class: Carbapenem
numeral 6 is part of drug name and doesn’t Pregnancy risk category B
refer to dosage.
• Monitor CBC and transaminase, alkaline AVAIL ABLE FORMS
phosphatase, and bilirubin levels weekly Powder for injection: 500 mg, 1 g
during induction and monthly during
• Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or ➤ Complicated skin and skin-structure
anemia may persist for several days after infections from Staphylococcus aureus
drug is stopped. (beta-lactamase or non-beta-lactamase–
• Watch for signs of bleeding and infection. producing, methicillin-susceptible
• Monitor fluid intake and output. Encour- isolates only), Streptococcus pyogenes,
age 3 L fluid intake daily. S. agalactiae, viridans group strepto-
Alert: Watch for jaundice, clay-colored cocci, Enterococcus faecalis (excluding
stools, and frothy, dark urine. Hepatic dys- vancomycin-resistant isolates), Pseu-
function is reversible when drug is stopped. domonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli,
If right-sided abdominal tenderness occurs, Proteus mirabilis, Bacteroides fragilis, and
stop drug and notify prescriber. Peptostreptococcus species
• Monitor uric acid level. Use allopurinol Adults and children who weigh more than
cautiously. 50 kg (110 lb): 500 mg I.V. every 8 hours
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. over 15 to 30 minutes as I.V. infusion.
injections when platelet count is below Children ages 3 months and older who
100,000/mm3 . weigh 50 kg or less: 10 mg/kg I.V. every
• Anticipate need for blood transfusions 8 hours over 15 to 30 minutes as I.V. in-
because of cumulative anemia. fusion or over 3 to 5 minutes as I.V. bolus
• GI adverse reactions are less common in injection (5 to 20 ml); maximum dose is
children than in adults. 500 mg I.V. every 8 hours.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ Complicated appendicitis and
Purinethol and propylthiouracil (PTU). peritonitis from viridans group strep-
Both are available in 50-mg strengths. tococci, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. fragilis,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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meropenem 869

B. thetaiotaomicron, and Peptostrepto-  For bolus, add 10 ml of sterile water for

coccus species injection to 500 mg/20-ml vial or 20 ml to

Adults and children who weigh more than 1 g/30-ml vial. Shake to dissolve, and let
50 kg: 1 g I.V. every 8 hours over 15 to stand until clear. Give over 3 to 5 minutes.
30 minutes as I.V. infusion or over 3 to  For infusion, an infusion vial (500 mg/

5 minutes as I.V. bolus injection (5 to 20 ml). 100 ml or 1 g/100 ml) may be directly
Children ages 3 months and older, who reconstituted with a compatible infusion
weigh 50 kg or less: 20 mg/kg I.V. every fluid. Or, an injection vial may be recon-
8 hours over 15 to 30 minutes as I.V. in- stituted and the resulting solution added to
fusion or over 3 to 5 minutes as I.V. bolus an I.V. container and further diluted with
injection (5 to 20 ml); maximum dose is 1 g an appropriate infusion fluid. Don’t use
I.V. every 8 hours. ADD-Vantage vials for this purpose. Give
Adjust-a-dose: For adults with creatinine over 15 to 30 minutes.
clearance of 26 to 50 ml/minute, give usual  For ADD-Vantage vials, constitute only

dose every 12 hours. If clearance is 10 to with half-normal saline solution for injec-
25 ml/minute, give half usual dose every tion, normal saline solution for injection,
12 hours; if clearance is less than 10 ml/ or D5 W in 50-, 100-, or 250-ml Abbott
minute, give half usual dose every 24 hours. ADD-Vantage flexible diluent containers.
➤ Bacterial meningitis from S. pneu- Follow manufacturer’s guidelines closely
moniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and when using ADD-Vantage vials.
Neisseria meningitidis  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.

Children who weigh more than 50 kg: 2 g

I.V. every 8 hours. AC TION
Children ages 3 months and older, who weigh Inhibits cell-wall synthesis in bacteria.
50 kg or less: 40 mg/kg I.V. every 8 hours; Readily penetrates cell wall of most gram-
maximum dose, 2 g I.V. every 8 hours. positive and gram-negative bacteria to reach M
➤ Community-acquired pneumonia  penicillin-binding protein targets.
Adults: 500 mg I.V. every 8 hours for at Route Onset Peak Duration
least 5 days in combination with a fluoro- I.V. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
➤ Hospital-acquired pneumonia Half-life: 1 hour.
Adults: 1 g I.V. every 8 hours for 7 to 8 days. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: seizures, headache.
ADMINISTRATION CV: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.
I.V. GI: pseudomembranous colitis, constipa-
 Obtain specimen for culture and sensi- tion, diarrhea, glossitis, nausea, vomiting.
tivity tests before giving first dose. Begin GU: RBCs in urine.
therapy while awaiting results. Respiratory: apnea, dyspnea, pneumonia.
Alert: Serious hypersensitivity reactions Skin: injection site inflammation, pruritus,
may occur in patients receiving beta- rash.
lactams. Before therapy begins, determine Other: anaphylaxis, sepsis, hypersensitiv-
if patient has had previous hypersensitivity ity reactions, inflammation.
reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins,
beta-lactams, or other allergens. If an INTERACTIONS
allergic reaction occurs, stop drug and Drug-drug. Probenecid: May decrease
notify prescriber. Serious anaphylactic renal excretion of meropenem; probenecid
reactions require emergency treatment. competes with meropenem for active tubu-
 Use freshly prepared solutions of drug lar secretion, which significantly increases
immediately whenever possible. Stability elimination half-life of meropenem and
of drug varies with form of drug used extent of systemic exposure. Avoid using
(injection vial, infusion vial, or ADD- together.
Vantage container).

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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870 mesalamine


• May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, mesalamine
alkaline phosphatase, LDH, creatinine, me-SAL-a-meen
and BUN levels. May decrease hemoglobin
level and hematocrit. Apriso, Asacol, Asacol HD,
• May increase eosinophil count. May Canasa, Lialda, Pentasa, Rowasa,
decrease WBC count. May increase or sfRowasa
decrease PT, PTT, and INR, and platelet
count. Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory
Pharmacologic class: Salicylate
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pregnancy risk category B
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to components of drug or other drugs in AVAIL ABLE FORMS
same class and in patients who have had Capsules (controlled-release): 250 mg,
anaphylactic reactions to beta-lactams. 375 mg, 500 mg
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in Rectal suspension: 4 g/60 ml
those with a history of seizure disorders or Suppositories: 1,000 mg
impaired renal function. Tablets (delayed-release): 400 mg, 800 mg,
• Safety and effectiveness of drug haven’t 1.2 g
been established for infants younger than
• Use drug cautiously in breast-feeding ➤ Active mild to moderate distal ulcera-
women; it’s unknown if drug appears in tive colitis, proctitis, or proctosigmoiditis
breast milk. Adults: Two 400-mg tablets (800 mg)
•H Overdose S&S: Exaggerated adverse P.O. t.i.d. for total dose of 2.4 g daily for
reactions. 6 weeks. Or 1 g capsules P.O. q.i.d. for total
dose of 4 g up to 8 weeks. Or 1,000 mg sup-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS pository P.R., retained in the rectum for 1 to
• In patients with CNS disorders, bacterial 3 hours or longer, once daily at bedtime. Or
meningitis, and compromised renal func- 4 g retention enema once daily (preferably
tion, drug may cause seizures and other at bedtime).
CNS adverse reactions. ➤ Remission-induction of active, mild to
• If seizures occur during therapy, stop moderate ulcerative colitis
infusion and notify prescriber. Dosage Lialda
adjustment may be needed. Adults: Two to four 1.2 g tablets (2.4 to
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms 4.8 g) P.O. once daily with a meal for up to
of superinfection. Drug may cause over- 8 weeks.
growth of nonsusceptible bacteria or fungi. Pentasa
• Periodic assessment of organ system Adults: Four 250-mg capsules or two
functions, including renal, hepatic, and 500-mg capsules (1 g) P.O. 4 times daily
hematopoietic function, is recommended for a total dose of 4 g for up to 8 weeks.
during prolonged therapy. ➤ Maintenance of remission of ulcerative
• Monitor patient’s fluid balance and weight colitis
carefully. Adults: 1.5 g Apriso P.O. once daily in the
morning. Or, 1.6 g Asacol daily in divided
• Advise women not to breast-feed during
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions P.O.
or signs and symptoms of superinfection. • Give Lialda with food.
• Advise patient to report loose stools to • Don’t administer drug with antacids.
prescriber. • Don’t crush or cut delayed-release or
controlled-release forms.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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metformin hydrochloride 871

• Intact or partially intact tablets may be CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

seen in stool. Notify prescriber if this occurs • Contraindicated in children and in
repeatedly. patients allergic to mesalamine, sulfites
Rectal (including sulfasalazine), any salicylates, or
• Patient should retain rectal dosage form any component of the preparation.
overnight (for about 8 hours). Usual course • Use cautiously in renally impaired, elderly,
of therapy for rectal form is 3 to 6 weeks. pregnant, and breast-feeding patients.
• Shake suspension well before each use •H Overdose S&S: Confusion, diarrhea,
and remove sheath before inserting into headache, hyperventilation, diaphoresis,
rectum. tinnitus, vertigo, vomiting.


An active metabolite of sulfasalazine, • Monitor periodic renal function studies in
drug probably acts topically by inhibiting patients on long-term therapy.
prostaglandin production in the colon. • Because the mesalamine rectal suspen-
Route Onset Peak Duration
sion contains potassium metabisulfite, it
P.O., P.R. Unknown 3–12 hr Unknown
may cause hypersensitivity reactions in
patients sensitive to sulfites.
Half-life: About 5 to 10 hours. • Absorption of drug may be nephrotoxic.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
CNS: headache, dizziness, fever, fatigue,
malaise, asthenia. PATIENT TEACHING
CV: chest pain. • Instruct patient to carefully follow instruc-
EENT: pharyngitis. tions supplied with drug and to swallow
GI: abdominal pain, cramps, discomfort, tablets whole without crushing or chewing. M
flatulence, diarrhea, rectal pain, bloating, • Advise patient to stop drug if fever or rash
nausea, pancolitis, vomiting, constipation, occurs. Patient intolerant of sulfasalazine
eructation. may also be hypersensitive to mesalamine.
GU: interstitial nephritis, nephropathy, • Tell patient to remove foil wrapper from
nephrotoxicity. suppositories before inserting into rectum.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia, back • Teach patient about proper use of reten-
pain, hypertonia. tion enema.
Respiratory: wheezing. • Tell patient that enema solution may
Skin: itching, rash, urticaria, hair loss. stain bedsheets, clothing, and most floor
Other: chills, acne. coverings. Patient should use protective
underpads and linens.
Drug-drug. Azathioprine, mercaptopurine: SAFETY ALERT!
May cause blood disorders. Monitor blood
cell counts and adjust therapy as needed. metformin hydrochloride
Lactulose: May impair release of delayed- met-FORE-min
or extended-release products. Monitor
patient closely. Fortamet, Glucophagei,
Warfarin: May decrease anticoagulation Glucophage XRi, Glumetza,
effect. Monitor effectiveness of therapy Riomet
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pharmacologic class: Biguanide
• May increase BUN, creatinine, AST, ALT, Pregnancy risk category B
alkaline phosphatase, LDH, amylase, and
lipase levels. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Oral solution: 500 mg/5 ml

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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872 metformin hydrochloride

Tablets: 500 mg, 850 mg, 1,000 mg Adjust-a-dose: For elderly or debilitated
Tablets (extended-release): 500 mg, patients, use conservative initial and
750 mg, 1,000 mg maintenance dosage because of potential
decrease in renal function. Adjust dosage
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES carefully. Don’t adjust to maximum dosage.
➤ Adjunct to diet to lower glucose level ➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise in type
in patients with type 2 (non–insulin- 2 diabetes as monotherapy or with a
dependent) diabetes sulfonylurea or insulin (Glumetza)
Adults: If using regular-release tablets or Adults: Initially, 500 mg P.O. once daily in
oral solution, initially 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. the evening with food for patients on in-
given with morning and evening meals, or sulin therapy. Increase as needed in weekly
850 mg P.O. once daily given with morning increments of 500 mg, to a maximum of
meal. When 500-mg dose of regular-release 2,000 mg daily. If glycemic control not
form is used, may increase dosage by 500 mg attained at this dose, give 1,000 mg b.i.d.
weekly to maximum dose of 2,500 mg Decrease insulin dose by 10% to 25% when
P.O. daily in divided doses. When 850-mg fasting glucose level is less than 120 mg/dl.
dose of regular-release form is used, may If patient has not responded to four
increase dosage by 850 mg every other weeks of maximum dose Glumetza
week to maximum dose of 2,550 mg P.O. monotherapy, consider the gradual addi-
daily in divided doses. If using extended- tion of an oral sulfonylurea.
release formulation, start therapy at 500 mg Adjust-a-dose: For elderly, malnourished,
(1000 mg for Glumetza and Fortamet) or debilitated patients, don’t adjust to
P.O. once daily with the evening meal. maximum dosage.
May increase dose weekly in increments of ➤ Polycystic ovary syndrome 
500 mg daily, up to a maximum dose of Adults: 1,500 to 2,000 mg P.O. daily in
2,000 mg once daily (2500 mg for Fortamet). divided doses as monotherapy or as part of a
If higher doses are required, consider a combination.
trial of 1000 mg b.i.d. or using the regular-
release formulation up to its maximum ADMINISTRATION
dose. P.O.
Children ages 10 to 16: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. • Give drug with meals. Maximum doses
using the regular-release formulation only. may be better tolerated if total dose is
Increase dosage in increments of 500 mg divided into t.i.d. dosing and given with
weekly up to a maximum of 2,000 mg daily meals (immediate-release tablets only).
in divided doses. • Don’t cut or crush extended-release
Adjust-a-dose: For elderly or debilitated tablets.
patients, dosage should be conservative
because of potential decrease in renal AC TION
function. Decreases hepatic glucose production
➤ Adjunct to diet and exercise in type and intestinal absorption of glucose and
2 diabetes as monotherapy or with a improves insulin sensitivity (increases
sulfonylurea or insulin (Fortamet) peripheral glucose uptake and use).
Adults age 17 and older: Initially, 500 mg Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. with evening meal for patients on in- P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
sulin therapy. Increase dosage based on glu- (conventional)
cose level in increments of 500 mg weekly P.O. (extended- Unknown 4–8 hr Unknown
to a maximum of 2,500 mg daily. Decrease release)
insulin dose by 10% to 25% when fasting P.O. (solution) Unknown 21⁄2 hr Unknown
blood glucose level is less than 120 mg/dl. Half-life: About 6 hours.
If patient has not responded to four weeks
of maximum dose Fortamet monotherapy, ADVERSE REACTIONS
consider the gradual addition of an oral CNS: asthenia, headache, dizziness, chills,
sulfonylurea. light-headedness.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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metformin hydrochloride 873

GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal • Contraindicated in patients with renal

bloating, flatulence, anorexia, taste disorder, disease and in those with a serum creatinine
abnormal stools, constipation, dyspepsia. greater than or equal to 1.5 mg/dl (males) or
Hematologic: megaloblastic anemia. greater than or equal to 1.4 mg/dl (females).
Metabolic: lactic acidosis, HYPO- • Contraindicated in patients with acute
GLYCEMIA. heart failure requiring pharmacologic
Respiratory: rhinitis, upper respiratory intervention and in patients with condi-
tract infection. tions predisposing to renal dysfunction,
Other: accidental injury, infection. CV collapse, MI, hypoxia, and septicemia.
Temporarily withhold from patients having
INTERACTIONS radiologic studies involving use of contrast
Drug-drug. Beta blockers: Hypoglycemia media containing iodine.
may be difficult to recognize in patients Black Box Warning Because of risk of
using beta-blockers. Monitor patient and lactic acidosis, drug is contraindicated in
blood glucose. patients older than age 80, unless creatinine
Calcium channel blockers, corticosteroids, clearance indicates normal renal function.
estrogens, fosphenytoin, hormonal con- • Use caution when giving drug to elderly,
traceptives, isoniazid, nicotinic acid, phe- debilitated, or malnourished patients and to
nothiazines, phenytoin, sympathomimetics, those with adrenal or pituitary insufficiency
thiazide and other diuretics, thyroid drugs: because of increased risk of hypoglycemia.
May produce hyperglycemia. Monitor •H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia, lactic
patient’s glycemic control. Metformin acidosis.
dosage may need to be increased.
Cationic drugs (such as amiloride, cimet- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
idine, digoxin, morphine, procainamide, • Before therapy begins and at least
quinidine, quinine, ranitidine, triamterene, annually thereafter, assess patient’s renal M
trimethoprim, vancomycin): May compete function. If renal impairment is detected, a
for common renal tubular transport sys- different antidiabetic may be indicated.
tems, which may increase metformin level. • When switching patients from
Monitor glucose level. chlorpropamide to metformin, take care
Nifedipine: May increase metformin level. during the first 2 weeks of metformin
Monitor patient closely. Metformin dosage therapy because the prolonged retention
may need to be decreased. of chlorpropamide increases the risk of
Radiologic contrast dye: May cause acute hypoglycemia during this time.
renal failure. Withhold metformin at • Monitor patient’s glucose level regularly
the time of or prior to the procedure and to evaluate effectiveness of therapy. Notify
48 hours after the procedure. Restart drug prescriber if glucose level increases despite
only after renal function is evaluated and therapy.
found to be normal. • If patient hasn’t responded to 4 weeks
Drug-herb. Guar gum: May decrease hypo- of therapy with maximum dosage, an oral
glycemic effect. Discourage use together. sulfonylurea can be added while keeping
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase metformin at maximum dosage. If patient
drug effects. Discourage use together. still doesn’t respond after several months
of therapy with both drugs at maximum
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS dosage, prescriber may stop both and start
• May decrease vitamin B12 and insulin therapy.
hemoglobin levels. • Monitor patient closely during times of
increased stress, such as infection, fever,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS surgery, or trauma. Insulin therapy may be
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive needed in these situations.
to drug and in those with hepatic disease or Black Box Warning Risk of drug-induced
metabolic acidosis. lactic acidosis is very low, however when
it occurs it is fatal in approximately 50%

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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874 methadone hydrochloride

of cases. Reported cases have occurred • Tell patient not to change drug dosage
primarily in diabetic patients with signifi- without prescriber’s consent. Encourage
cant renal insufficiency; in those with other patient to report abnormal glucose level test
medical or surgical problems; and in those results.
with other drug regimens. Risk increases Alert: Advise patient not to cut, crush, or
with degree of renal impairment and patient chew extended-release tablets; instead, he
age. Suspect lactic acidosis in any diabetic should swallow them whole.
patient with metabolic acidosis lacking • Tell patient that inactive ingredients may
evidence of ketoacidosis. be eliminated in the stool as a soft mass
Black Box Warning Stop drug immediately resembling the original tablet.
and notify prescriber if patient develops a • Advise patient not to take other drugs,
condition related to hypoxemia or dehydra- including OTC drugs, without first checking
tion because of risk of lactic acidosis. with prescriber.
• Stop drug temporarily for surgical pro- • Instruct patient to carry medical identifi-
cedures (except minor procedures that cation at all times.
don’t restrict intake of food and fluids) and • Tell patient that adverse effects of diar-
for patients undergoing radiologic studies rhea, nausea, and upset stomach generally
involving use of contrast media containing subside over time.
iodine. Don’t restart drug until patient’s oral
intake has resumed and renal function has SAFETY ALERT!
been deemed normal by prescriber and at
least 48 hours after contrast media. methadone hydrochloride
• Monitor patient’s hematologic status for METH-a-done
evidence of megaloblastic anemia. Patients
with inadequate vitamin B12 or calcium Dolophine, Methadose
intake or absorption appear to be predis-
posed to developing subnormal vitamin B12 Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic
level. These patients should have routine Pharmacologic class: Opioid agonist
vitamin B12 level determinations every 2 to Pregnancy risk category C
3 years. Controlled substance schedule II
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Glucophage with Glucovance or Glucotrol. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Dispersible tablets (for methadone mainte-
PATIENT TEACHING nance therapy): 40 mg
• Instruct patient about nature of diabetes Injection: 10 mg/ml
and importance of following therapeutic Oral solution: 5 mg/5 ml, 10 mg/5 ml,
regimen, adhering to specific diet, losing 10 mg/ml (concentrate)
weight, getting exercise, following personal Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg
hygiene programs, and avoiding infection.
Explain how and when to monitor glucose INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
level. Teach evidence of low and high ➤ Severe pain
glucose levels. Explain emergency Adults: 2.5 to 10 mg P.O., I.M., or subcuta-
measures. neously every 3 to 4 hours p.r.n.
Black Box Warning Instruct patient to stop ➤ Opioid withdrawal syndrome
drug and immediately notify prescriber Adults: Initially, 20 to 30 mg P.O. daily often
about unexplained hyperventilation, muscle suppresses withdrawal symptoms (highly
pain, malaise, dizziness, light-headedness, individualized; some patients may require a
unusual sleepiness, unexplained stomach higher dose). Initial dose shouldn’t exceed
pain, feeling of coldness, slow or irregular 30 mg. Maintenance dose is 20 to 120 mg
heart rate, or other nonspecific symptoms of P.O. daily. Dosage adjusted, as needed.
early lactic acidosis. Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients and those
• Warn patient not to consume excessive with renal or hepatic impairment, reduce
alcohol while taking drug. initial dose.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methadone hydrochloride 875

ADMINISTRATION methadone effect. Watch for decreased pain

P.O. control.
• Oral form legally required in maintenance CNS depressants, general anesthetics,
programs. Completely dissolve tablets in hypnotics, MAO inhibitors, sedatives, tran-
1⁄ cup of orange juice or powdered citrus quilizers, tricyclic antidepressants: May
drink. cause respiratory depression, hypotension,
• Oral dose is half as potent as injected profound sedation, or coma. Use together
dose. with caution. Monitor patient response.
I.M. Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase in-
• For parenteral use, I.M. injection is hibitors (delavirdine, efavirenz, nevirapine),
preferred. Rotate injection sites. protease inhibitors (lopinavir and ritonavir,
Subcutaneous nelfinavir, ritonavir), rifamycins: May in-
• Monitor patient for pain at injection crease methadone metabolism causing
site, tissue irritation, and induration after opioid withdrawal symptoms. Monitor
injection. patient and adjust dose as needed.
Protease inhibitors, cimetidine, fluvoxa-
AC TION mine: May increase respiratory and CNS
Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors depression. Monitor patient closely.
in the CNS, altering perception of and Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
emotional response to pain. additive effects. Discourage use together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30–60 min 90–120 min 4–6 hr
I.M., Subcut. 10–20 min 1–2 hr 4–5 hr • May increase amylase level.
Half-life: 15 to 25 hours. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive M
CNS: clouded sensorium, hallucinations, • Use with caution in elderly or debilitated
dizziness, light-headedness, sedation, patients and in those with acute abdominal
somnolence, seizures, agitation, choreic conditions, severe hepatic or renal impair-
movements, euphoria, headache, insomnia, ment, hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease,
syncope. prostatic hyperplasia, urethral stricture,
CV: arrhythmias, bradycardia, prolonged head injury, increased intracranial pressure,
QT interval, cardiac arrest, shock, cardio- asthma, and other respiratory conditions.
myopathy, heart failure, flushing, phlebitis, Black Box Warning Deaths have been
edema, hypotension, palpitations. reported during initiation of methadone
EENT: visual disturbances. therapy for opioid dependence. Exercise
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, extreme caution when initiating treatment.
anorexia, biliary tract spasm, constipation, •H Overdose S&S: Miosis, respiratory de-
dry mouth, glossitis, ileus. pression, somnolence, coma, cool clammy
GU: urine retention. skin, skeletal muscle flaccidity, hypoten-
Metabolic: hypokalemia, hypomagne- sion, apnea, bradycardia, noncardiac pul-
semia, weight gain. monary edema, death.
Respiratory: respiratory arrest, respira-
tory depression, pulmonary edema. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, urticaria. Black Box Warning Respiratory depression,
Other: decreased libido, induration, pain at QT interval prolongation, and torsades de
injection site, physical dependence, tissue pointes have been observed during treat-
irritation. ment. Be vigilant during treatment initiation
and dose titration.
INTERACTIONS • Reassess patient’s level of pain at least
Drug-drug. Ammonium chloride, other 15 and 30 minutes after parenteral
urine acidifiers, phenytoin: May reduce

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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876 methimazole

administration and 30 minutes after oral

administration. methimazole
Black Box Warning When used in opioid meth-IM-a-zole
withdrawal syndrome, treatment products
shall be dispensed only by opioid treatment Tapazole
• Because Diskets are available in 10-mg Therapeutic class: Antihyperthyroid
doses, they may not be appropriate for Pharmacologic class: Thyroid hormone
initial dosing in many patients. antagonist
• An around-the-clock regimen is needed to Pregnancy risk category D
manage severe, chronic pain.
• Patient treated for opioid withdrawal syn- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
drome usually needs an additional analgesic Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg
if pain control is needed.
• Monitor patient closely because drug has INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
cumulative effect; marked sedation can ➤ Hyperthyroidism
occur after repeated doses. Adults: If mild, 15 mg P.O. daily. If mod-
• Monitor circulatory and respiratory status erately severe, 30 to 40 mg daily. If severe,
and bladder and bowel function. Patient may 60 mg daily. Daily amount is divided into
need a stool softener and stimulant laxative. three equal doses and given at 8-hour in-
Alert: Respiratory depressant effects may tervals. Maintenance dosage is 5 to 15 mg
last longer than analgesic effects. Monitor daily.
patient’s respiratory status closely. Children: 0.4 mg/kg P.O. in three divided
• When used as an adjunct in the treatment doses daily given at 8-hour intervals. Main-
of opioid addiction (maintenance), with- tenance dosage is 0.2 mg/kg in divided
drawal is usually delayed and mild. doses daily.
Alert: Use caution when dosing. Con-
fusion has occurred between ml and mg ADMINISTRATION
doses. P.O.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse • Give drug with meals to minimize adverse
methadone with methylphenidate (Metadate GI effects.
CD, Metadate ER), dexmethylphenidate,
and Mephyton. AC TION
Inhibits synthesis of thyroid hormones.
PATIENT TEACHING Route Onset Peak Duration
• Caution ambulatory patient about getting P.O. Rapid 30–60 min Unknown
out of bed or walking. Warn outpatient
to avoid hazardous activities that require Half-life: 5 to 13 hours.
mental alertness until drug’s CNS effects are
• Instruct patient to increase fluid and fiber CNS: headache, drowsiness, vertigo,
in diet, if not contraindicated, to combat paresthesia, neuritis, neuropathies, CNS
constipation. stimulation, fever.
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol during CV: edema.
therapy. GI: nausea, vomiting, salivary gland
Black Box Warning Caution patients not enlargement, loss of taste, epigastric
to use CNS depressants during initiation of distress.
treatment with methadone. Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leukope-
nia, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia.
Hepatic: jaundice, hepatic dysfunction,
Metabolic: hypothyroidism.
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methimazole 877

Skin: rash, urticaria, discoloration, pruritus, Alert: Patients older than age 40 may
erythema nodosum, exfoliative dermatitis, have an increased risk of drug-induced
lupuslike syndrome, abnormal hair loss. agranulocytosis.
Other: lymphadenopathy. • Watch for evidence of hypothyroidism
(mental depression, cold intolerance, and
INTERACTIONS hard, nonpitting edema); notify prescriber
Drug-drug. Aminophylline, theophylline: because patient may need dosage adjust-
May decrease clearance of these drugs. ment.
Dosage may need to be adjusted. Alert: Stop drug and notify prescriber
Beta blockers: Beta-blocker clearance may if severe rash or enlarged cervical lymph
be enhanced by hyperthyroidism. Dosage of nodes develop.
beta blocker may need to be reduced when • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
patient becomes euthyroid. methimazole with mebendazole, methazol-
Cardiac glycosides: May increase cardiac amide, metolazone, or metronidazole.
glycoside level. Cardiac glycoside dosage
may need to be reduced. PATIENT TEACHING
Potassium iodide: May decrease response to • Tell patient to take drug with meals to
drug. Methimazole dosage may need to be reduce adverse GI reactions.
increased. • Warn patient to report fever, sore throat,
Warfarin: May alter dosage requirements. mouth sores, skin eruptions, anorexia,
Monitor PT, PTT, and INR. itching, right upper quadrant pain, or yellow
skin or eyes.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient to ask prescriber about using
• May decrease hemoglobin level. iodized salt and eating shellfish because the
• May decrease granulocyte, WBC, and iodine in these foods may make the drug
platelet counts. less effective. M
• May alter thyroid uptake of 123 I or 131 I. • Warn patient that drug may cause
drowsiness; advise patient to use caution
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS when operating machinery or a vehicle.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Instruct patient to store drug in light-
to drug and in breast-feeding women. resistant container.
• Use cautiously in pregnant patients. • Teach patient to watch for evidence of
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, epi- hypothyroidism (unexplained weight gain,
gastric distress, headache, fever, joint pain, fatigue, cold intolerance) and to notify
pruritus, edema, aplastic anemia, agranulo- prescriber if it arises.
cytosis, hepatitis, nephrotic syndrome, • Tell women not to use drug while breast-
exfoliative dermatitis, neuropathies, CNS feeding.
stimulation or depression.

• Pregnant women may need less drug as
pregnancy progresses. Monitor thyroid
function studies closely. Thyroid hormone
may be added to regimen. Drug may be
stopped during last few weeks of pregnancy.
• Monitor CBC periodically to detect
impending leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
and agranulocytosis; also monitor hepatic
function. Stop drug if liver abnormality
Alert: Doses higher than 30 mg daily
increase risk of agranulocytosis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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878 methotrexate

SAFETY ALERT! Children younger than age 1: 6 mg intrathe-

cally every 2 to 5 days.
methotrexate ➤ Burkitt lymphoma (stage I, II)
(amethopterin, MTX) Adults: 10 to 25 mg P.O. daily for 4 to
meth-oh-TREX-ate 8 days, with 1-week rest intervals.
➤ Lymphosarcoma (stage III)
methotrexate sodium Adults: 0.625 to 2.5 mg/kg daily P.O., I.M.,
Methotrexate LPF, Rheumatrex, or I.V.
Trexall ➤ Osteosarcoma
Adults: Initially, 12 g/m2 I.V. as 4-hour
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic infusion. Give subsequent doses 15 g/m2
Pharmacologic class: Folic acid I.V. as 4-hour I.V. infusion at postopera-
antagonist tive weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 29, 30,
Pregnancy risk category X 44, and 45. Give with leucovorin, 15 mg
P.O. every 6 hours for 10 doses, beginning
AVAIL ABLE FORMS 24 hours after start of methotrexate
Injection: 25 mg/ml in 2-ml, 4-ml, 8-ml, infusion.
10-ml, 20-ml, and 40-ml preservative-free ➤ Breast cancer
single-use vials; 25 mg/ml in 2-ml and Adults: 40 mg/m2 I.V. on days 1 and 8 of
10-ml vials containing benzyl alcohol each cycle, combined with cyclophos-
Lyophilized powder: 1,000-mg vials, phamide and fluorouracil.
preservative-free; 2.5-mg/ml, 25-mg/ml Adjust-a-dose: In patients older than age 60,
vials give 30 mg/m2 .
Tablets (scored): 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg, ➤ Mycosis fungoides
10 mg, 15 mg Adults: 5 to 50 mg P.O. or I.M. once weekly;
or 15 to 37.5 mg I.M. twice weekly.
➤ Trophoblastic tumors (choriocarci- Adults: 10 to 25 mg P.O., I.M., or I.V. as
noma, hydatidiform mole) single weekly dose; or 2.5 to 5 mg P.O.
Adults: 15 to 30 mg P.O. or I.M. daily for every 12 hours for three doses weekly.
5 days. Repeat after 1 or more weeks, based Dosage shouldn’t exceed 30 mg per week.
on response or toxicity. Number of courses ➤ Rheumatoid arthritis
is three to maximum of five. Adults: Initially, 7.5 mg P.O. weekly, either
➤ Acute lymphocytic leukemia in single dose or divided as 2.5 mg P.O.
Adults and children: 3.3 mg/m2 daily P.O., every 12 hours for three doses once weekly.
I.V., or I.M. with 60 mg/m2 prednisone Dosage may be gradually increased to
daily for 4 to 6 weeks or until remission maximum of 30 mg weekly.
occurs; then 30 mg/m2 P.O. or I.M. weekly ➤ Poly-articular course JRA
in two divided doses or 2.5 mg/kg I.V. every Children and adolescents age 2 to 16:
14 days. 10 mg/m2 P.O., or I.M. once weekly. Or,
➤ Meningeal leukemia 20 to 30 mg/m2 /week I.M. or subcuta-
Adults and children: 12 mg/m2 or less neously.
(maximum 15 mg) intrathecally every 2 to ➤ Head and neck carcinomas
5 days until CSF is normal; then one addi- Adults: 40 to 60 mg/m2 I.V. weekly.
tional dose. Or, for children, use dosages Response to therapy is limited to 4 months.
based on age.
Children age 3 and older: 12 mg intrathe- ADMINISTRATION
cally every 2 to 5 days. P.O.
Children ages 2 to 3: 10 mg intrathecally • Give drug when patient has an empty
every 2 to 5 days. stomach.
Children ages 1 to 2: 8 mg intrathecally • Tablets may contain lactose. If needed,
every 2 to 5 days. give with OTC lactose enzyme supplement.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methotrexate 879

I.V. tion, malaise, fatigue, dizziness, headache,

 Preparing and giving parenteral drug aphasia, hemiparesis, fever, drowsiness.
may be mutagenic, teratogenic, or car- EENT: pharyngitis, blurred vision.
cinogenic. Follow facility policy to reduce GI: gingivitis, stomatitis, diarrhea, abdo-
risks. minal distress, anorexia, GI ulceration and
 Dilution of drug depends on product, bleeding, enteritis, nausea, vomiting.
and infusion guidelines vary, depending on GU: nephropathy, tubular necrosis, renal
dose. failure, hematuria, menstrual dysfunction,
 Reconstitute 20-mg vial to a concentra- defective spermatogenesis, infertility,
tion no greater than 25 mg/ml. Recon- abortion, cystitis.
stitute 1-g vial to a concentration of Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia, throm-
50 mg/ml. bocytopenia.
 If giving infusion, dilute total dose in Hepatic: acute toxicity, chronic toxicity,
D5 W. including cirrhosis and hepatic fibrosis.
 Reconstitute solutions without preser- Metabolic: diabetes, hyperuricemia.
vatives with normal saline solution or Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia, oste-
D5 W immediately before use, and discard oporosis in children on long-term therapy.
unused drug. Respiratory: pulmonary fibrosis, pulmo-
 Incompatibilities: Bleomycin, chlor- nary interstitial infiltrates, pneumonitis,
promazine, droperidol, gemcitabine, dry, nonproductive cough.
idarubicin, ifosfamide, midazolam, Skin: urticaria, pruritus, hyperpigmen-
nalbuphine, promethazine, propofol. tation, erythematous rashes, ecchymoses,
I.M. rash, photosensitivity reactions, alopecia,
• Preparing and giving parenteral drug may acne, psoriatic lesions aggravated by expo-
be mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. sure to sun.
Follow facility policy to reduce risks. Other: chills, reduced resistance to infec- M
Intrathecal tion, septicemia, sudden death.
• Preparing and giving parenteral drug may
be mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. INTERACTIONS
Follow facility policy to reduce risks. Drug-drug. Acitretin: May increase the risk
Black Box Warning Use preservative-free of hepatitis. Avoid using together.
form for intrathecal administration. Acyclovir: Use with intrathecal methotrex-
ate may cause neurologic abnormalities.
AC TION Monitor patient closely.
Reversibly binds to dihydrofolate reductase, Digoxin: May decrease digoxin level. Moni-
blocking reduction of folic acid to tetrahy- tor digoxin level closely.
drofolate, a cofactor necessary for purine, Folic acid derivatives: Antagonizes
protein, and DNA synthesis. methotrexate effect. Avoid using together,
Route Onset Peak Duration
except for leucovorin rescue with high-dose
P.O. Unknown 1–2 hr Unknown
methotrexate therapy.
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: May decrease
I.M. Unknown 30 min–1 hr Unknown phenytoin and fosphenytoin levels. Monitor
Intrathecal Unknown Unknown Unknown drug levels closely.
Hepatotoxic drugs: May increase risk of
Half-life: For doses below 30 mg/m2 , about 3 to hepatotoxicity. Monitor patient closely.
10 hours; for doses of 30 mg/m2 and above, 8 to
15 hours.
NSAIDs, phenylbutazone, salicylates: May
increase methotrexate toxicity. Avoid using
ADVERSE REACTIONS Oral antibiotics: May decrease absorption
CNS: arachnoiditis within hours of of methotrexate. Monitor patient closely.
intrathecal use, leukoencephalopathy, Penicillins, sulfonamides, trimethoprim: May
seizures, subacute neurotoxicity possibly increase methotrexate level. Monitor patient
beginning a few weeks later, demyelina- for methotrexate toxicity.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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880 methotrexate

Probenecid: May impair excretion of metho- childbearing potential unless benefits

trexate, causing increased level, effect, outweigh risks.
and toxicity of methotrexate. Monitor • Contraindicated in breast-feeding women.
methotrexate level closely and adjust dosage Black Box Warning Use cautiously and at
accordingly. modified dosage in patients with impaired
Procarbazine: May increase risk of nephro- hepatic or renal function, bone marrow
toxicity. Monitor patient closely. suppression, aplasia, leukopenia, thrombo-
Theophylline: May increase theophylline cytopenia, or anemia.
level. Monitor theophylline level closely. • Use cautiously in very young, elderly,
Thiopurines: May increase thiopurine level. or debilitated patients and in those with
Monitor patient closely. infection, peptic ulceration, or ulcerative
Vaccines: May make immunizations in- colitis.
effective; may cause risk of disseminated •H Overdose S&S: Leukopenia, thrombo-
infection with live-virus vaccines. Postpone cytopenia, anemia, pancytopenia, bone
immunization, if possible. marrow suppression, mucositis, stomatitis,
Drug-food. Any food: May delay absorption oral ulceration, nausea, vomiting, GI ulcer-
and reduce peak level of methotrexate. ation, GI bleeding, sepsis or septic shock,
Instruct patient to take drug on an empty renal failure, aplastic anemia, headache,
stomach. seizures, acute toxic encephalopathy, cere-
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase bellar herniation associated with increased
hepatotoxicity. Discourage use together. intracranial pressure, death.
Sun exposure: May cause photosensitivity
reactions. Advise patient to avoid excessive NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
sunlight exposure. Black Box Warning Methotrexate-induced
Black Box Warning Methotrexate given lung disease is a potentially dangerous
with radiotherapy may increase the risk of lesion that may occur at any time during
soft tissue necrosis and osteonecrosis. therapy. It isn’t always fully reversible.
Pulmonary symptoms (especially a
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS dry, nonproductive cough) may require
• May increase uric acid level. May interruption of treatment and careful
decrease hemoglobin level. investigation.
• May decrease WBC, RBC, and platelet Black Box Warning Diarrhea and ulcerative
counts. stomatitis require interruption of therapy;
• May alter results of laboratory assay for hemorrhagic enteritis and death from in-
folate, which interferes with detection of testinal perforation may occur.
folic acid deficiency. Black Box Warning Malignant lymphomas
may occur in patients receiving low-dose
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- Black Box Warning Methotrexate may
sitive to drug and in those with psoriasis induce tumor lysis syndrome in patients
or rheumatoid arthritis who also have with rapidly growing tumors.
alcoholism, alcoholic liver, chronic liver Black Box Warning Severe, occasionally
disease, immunodeficiency syndromes, or fatal skin reactions have been reported
blood dyscrasias. following single or multiple doses of
Black Box Warning When high doses of methotrexate. Reactions have occurred
drug are used to treat osteosarcoma, don’t within days of methotrexate administration.
give NSAIDs before or with drug. Use Recovery has been reported with discontin-
together may elevate and prolong serum uation of therapy.
methotrexate level, resulting in severe bone Black Box Warning Potentially fatal op-
marrow suppression, aplastic anemia, and portunistic infections, especially Pneumo-
GI toxicity. cystis carinii pneumonia, may occur with
Black Box Warning Contraindicated methotrexate therapy.
in pregnancy; do not use in women of

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta 881

Black Box Warning The high-dose regi- PATIENT TEACHING

mens for osteosarcoma require meticulous • Advise patient to watch for signs and
care. symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat,
Alert: Drug may be given daily or once fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising,
weekly, depending on the disease. To avoid nosebleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools).
administration errors, know your patient’s Tell patient to take temperature daily.
dosing schedule. Black Box Warning Fully inform patient
• Monitor pulmonary function tests peri- of the risks involved with methotrexate
odically and fluid intake and output daily. therapy.
Encourage fluid intake of 2 to 3 L daily. • Teach and encourage diligent mouth
• Monitor uric acid level. care to reduce risk of superinfection in the
• Drug distributes readily into pleural effu- mouth.
sions and other third-space compartments, • Instruct patient how to take leucovorin.
such as ascites, leading to prolonged sys- Stress the importance of taking as pre-
temic level and risk of toxicity. Use drug scribed until instructed by prescriber to
cautiously in these patients. stop.
Alert: Alkalinize urine by giving sodium • Tell patient to use highly protective sun-
bicarbonate tablets or fluids to prevent block when exposed to sunlight.
precipitation of drug, especially at high • Warn both men and women to avoid
doses. Maintain urine pH above 7. If BUN conception during and for at least 12 weeks
level is 20 to 30 mg/dl or creatinine level after therapy because of risk of abortion,
is 1.2 to 2 mg/dl, reduce dosage. If BUN birth defects, or fetal death.
level exceeds 30 mg/dl or creatinine level • Advise women to stop breast-feeding
is higher than 2 mg/dl, stop drug and notify during therapy.
Black Box Warning Watch for increases in M
AST, ALT, and alkaline phosphatase levels, methoxy polyethylene
which may signal hepatic dysfunction. glycol-epoetin beta
Periodic liver biopsies are recommended for meh-THOCKS-ee paw-lee-ETH-ah-leen
psoriatic patients who are under long-term GLIGH-call eh-poe-EH-tin BAY-tah
• Watch for signs and symptoms of bleed- Mircera
ing (especially GI) and infection.
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. in- Therapeutic class: Colony stimulating
jections when platelet count is below factor
50,000/mm3 . Pharmacologic class: Erythropoietin
• Give blood transfusions for cumulative receptor activator
anemia. Patient may receive injections of Pregnancy risk category C
RBC colony-stimulating factors to promote
RBC production and decrease need for AVAIL ABLE FORMS
blood transfusions. Injection: 50 mcg/ml, 100 mcg/ml,
• Leucovorin rescue is needed with doses 200 mcg/ml, 300 mcg/ml, 400 mcg/ml,
of more than 100 mg and starts 24 hours 600 mcg/ml, 1,000 mcg/ml in single-dose
after therapy starts. Leucovorin is continued vials
until methotrexate level falls below 5 × Prefilled syringe: 50 mcg/0.3 ml, 75 mcg/
10 − 8 M. Consult specialized references for 0.3 ml, 100 mcg/0.3 ml, 150 mcg/0.3 ml,
specific recommendations for leucovorin 200 mcg/0.3 ml, 250 mcg/0.3 ml, 400 mcg/
dosage. Monitor methotrexate level and 0.6 ml, 600 mcg/0.6 ml, 800 mcg/0.6 ml
adjust leucovorin dose.
• The WBC and platelet count nadirs INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
usually occur on day 7. ➤ Anemia caused by chronic renal failure
Adults: 0.6 mcg/kg I.V. (preferred for
patient on hemodialysis) or subcutaneously

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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882 methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta

once every 2 weeks to keep hemoglobin • Give drug undiluted.

level at 10 to 12 g/dl. When hemoglobin • Don’t pool unused portions of drug
reaches maintenance level, give 1.2 mcg/kg because it contains no preservatives.
I.V. or subcutaneously once monthly, and • Plunger must be fully depressed in order
adjust as needed. Don’t increase dosage for the needle guard to activate.
more often than once monthly. • Store drug in original carton, in refrige-
If patient is converting from epoetin alfa rator, and protect from light.
or darbepoetin, use this dosage table: • Sites for subcutaneous injection include
the outer area of the upper arms, the front of
Methoxy the middle thighs, and the abdomen (except
Previous Previous polyethylene for 2-inch area around the navel).
epoetin darbepoetin glycol-epoetin beta
alfa dose alfa dose (mcg/ (mcg/ AC TION
(units/wk) (mcg/wk) 2 wk) month)
Activates erythropoietin receptors to stimu-
Less than Less than 40 60 120 late erythropoietin production.
8,000– 40–80 100 200 Route Onset Peak Duration
16,000 I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
More than More than 80 180 360 Subcut. Unknown 72 hr Unknown
Half-life: 3 to 8 days.
Adjust-a-dose: If increasing hemoglobin
level approaches 12 g/dl, reduce dosage ADVERSE REACTIONS
by 25%. If level continues to increase, CNS: headache, seizures, stroke.
withhold dose until hemoglobin level CV: heart failure, hypertension, hypoten-
begins to decrease; then restart therapy sion, myocardial infarction, procedural
at a dosage 25% below the previous dose. hypotension.
If hemoglobin level increases more than EENT: nasopharyngitis.
1 g/dl over 2 weeks, decrease dosage by GI: constipation, diarrhea, vomiting.
25%. If hemoglobin level increases less GU: urinary tract infection.
than 1 g/dl over 4 weeks, increase dosage by Hematologic: arteriovenous (AV) fistula
25%. Dosage shouldn’t be increased more site complication, AV fistula thrombosis,
often than every 4 weeks. pure red cell aplasia.
Metabolic: fluid overload.
ADMINISTRATION Musculoskeletal: back pain, limb pain,
I.V. muscle spasms.
 Don’t shake drug; doing so may denature Respiratory: cough, upper respiratory tract
it. infection.
 Don’t give drug if it contains particles or Other: allergic reactions, increased risk of
is discolored. death, tumor progression.
 Give drug undiluted.
 Don’t pool unused portions of drug INTERACTIONS
because it contains no preservatives. None reported.
 Plunger must be fully depressed in order

for the needle guard to activate. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

 Store drug in original carton, in refriger- • May increase hemoglobin level.
ator, and protect from light. • May decrease platelet count.
 Incompatibilities: Don’t give with other


Subcutaneous • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
• Don’t shake drug; doing so may denature to drug or its components and patients with
it. uncontrolled hypertension.
• Don’t give drug if it contains particles or
is discolored.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methyldopa 883

Black Box Warning Contraindicated in SAFETY ALERT!

patients with anemia caused by cancer
chemotherapy. methyldopa
• Use cautiously in patients with history of meth-ill-DOE-pa
hypertension and in breast-feeding women.
•H Overdose S&S: Cardiovascular events. Novo-Medopa†, Nu-Medopa†

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS methyldopate hydrochloride

Black Box Warning In patients with renal
failure, drug may increase risk of serious Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
CV events, including death, when target Pharmacologic class: Centrally acting
hemoglobin level is greater than 12 g/dl. antiadrenergic
Check hemoglobin level often until it’s Pregnancy risk category B for P.O.;
stabilized. Individualize dosing to achieve C for I.V.
and maintain hemoglobin level between
10 and 12 g/dl. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Monitor patient for signs and symptoms methyldopa
of allergic reaction, such as tachycardia, Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg
pruritus, and rash. methyldopate hydrochloride
• Assess ferritin level and transferrin satu- Injection: 50 mg/ml
ration before and during treatment. Provide
iron supplement if patient’s ferritin level is INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
less than 100 mcg/L or serum transferrin ➤ Hypertension, hypertensive crisis
saturation is less than 20%. Adults: Initially, 250 mg P.O. b.i.d. to t.i.d.
• Drug may increase risk of cardiovascular in first 48 hours. Increase if needed every
events. Control patient’s blood pressure, and 2 days. May give entire daily dose in M
monitor it carefully. evening or at bedtime. Adjust dosages if
• Assess renal function and fluid and elec- other antihypertensives are added to or
trolyte balance. deleted from therapy. Adjust dosage at
48-hour intervals. Maintenance dosage is
PATIENT TEACHING 500 mg to 2 g daily in two to four divided
• Teach patient how to inject drug and doses. Maximum recommended daily dose
safely dispose of used needles. is 3 g. Or, 250 to 500 mg I.V. every 6 hours.
• Tell patient how to store drug at home. Maximum dosage is 1 g every 6 hours.
• Explain possible side effects and allergic Switch to oral antihypertensives as soon as
reactions, and urge patient to report them to possible.
health care provider immediately. Children: Initially, 10 mg/kg P.O. daily
• Inform patient about the need for frequent in two to four divided doses; or, 20 to
monitoring of blood pressure and iron and 40 mg/kg I.V. daily in four divided doses.
hemoglobin levels. Urge patient to comply Increase dose daily until desired response
with treatment for hypertension. occurs. Maximum daily dose is 65 mg/kg or
3 g, whichever is less.

• If unpleasant adverse reactions occur,
patient shouldn’t suddenly stop taking drug
but should notify his prescriber.
 Dilute appropriate dose in 100 ml D5 W.

Infuse slowly over 30 to 60 minutes.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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884 methyldopa

 Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B; Lithium: May increase lithium level. Watch

drugs with poor solubility in acidic media, for increased lithium level and signs and
such as barbiturates and sulfonamides; symptoms of toxicity.
methohexital; some total parenteral nutri- MAO inhibitors: May cause excessive sym-
tion solutions. pathetic stimulation. Avoid using together.
Tolbutamide: May impair metabolism of
AC TION tolbutamide. Monitor patient for hypo-
May inhibit the central vasomotor centers, glycemic effect.
decreasing sympathetic outflow to the heart, Drug-herb. Capsicum: May reduce antihy-
kidneys, and peripheral vasculature. pertensive effect. Discourage use together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 4–6 hr Unknown 12–48 hr
I.V. 4–6 hr Unknown 10–16 hr • May increase creatinine level. May
decrease hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
Half-life: About 2 hours. • May increase liver function test values.
May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • May interfere with results of urinary uric
CNS: decreased mental acuity, sedation, acid testing, serum creatinine test, and AST
headache, weakness, dizziness, paresthesia, test. May cause positive Coombs’ test result.
parkinsonism, involuntary choreoathetoid May falsely increase urine catecholamine
movements, psychic disturbances, depres- level, interfering with the diagnosis of
sion, nightmares. pheochromocytoma.
CV: orthostatic hypotension, edema, brady-
cardia, myocarditis, aggravated angina. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
EENT: nasal congestion. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
GI: dry mouth, pancreatitis, nausea, vomit- to drug and in those with active hepatic
ing, diarrhea, constipation. disease (such as acute hepatitis) or active
GU: galactorrhea, dark urine. cirrhosis.
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, leuko- • Contraindicated in those whose previous
penia, bone marrow depression, hemolytic methyldopa therapy caused liver problems
anemia. and in those taking MAO inhibitors.
Hepatic: hepatic necrosis, hepatitis. • Use cautiously in patients with history of
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia. impaired hepatic function or sulfite sensiti-
Skin: rash. vity and in breast-feeding women.
Other: drug-induced fever, gynecomastia. •H Overdose S&S: Sedation, acute hypoten-
sion, weakness, bradycardia, dizziness,
INTERACTIONS constipation, abdominal distention, flatus,
Drug-drug. Amphetamines, nonselective diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
beta blockers, norepinephrine, phenothia-
zines, tricyclic antidepressants: May cause NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
hypertensive effects. Monitor patient closely. • Monitor patient’s blood pressure regu-
Anesthetics: May need lower doses of anes- larly. Elderly patients are more likely to
thetics. Use together cautiously. experience hypotension and sedation.
Barbiturates: May decrease actions of • Occasionally, tolerance may occur, usu-
methyldopa. Monitor patient closely. ally between the second and third months
Ferrous sulfate: May decrease bioavaila- of therapy. Adding a diuretic or adjusting
bility of methyldopa. Separate doses. dosage may be needed. If patient’s response
Haloperidol: May increase antipsychotic changes significantly, notify prescriber.
effects of haloperidol or cause psychosis. • After dialysis, monitor patient for hyper-
Use together cautiously. tension and notify prescriber, if needed.
Levodopa: May increase hypotensive Patient may need an extra dose of drug.
effects, which may increase adverse CNS • Monitor CBC with differential counts
reactions. Monitor patient closely. before therapy and periodically thereafter.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methylergonovine maleate 885

• Patients who need blood transfusions Adults: 0.2 mg I.M. every 2 to 4 hours to
should have direct and indirect Coombs’ a maximum of five doses. For excessive
tests to prevent crossmatching problems. uterine bleeding or other emergencies,
• Monitor patient’s Coombs’ test results. In 0.2 mg I.V. over 1 minute while monitoring
patients who have received drug for several blood pressure and uterine contractions.
months, positive reaction to direct Coombs’ After first I.M. or I.V. dose, 0.2 mg P.O.
test indicates hemolytic anemia. every 6 to 8 hours for 2 to 7 days. Decrease
• Report involuntary choreoathetoid move- dosage if severe cramping occurs.
ments. Drug may be stopped.
• If unpleasant adverse reactions occur, • Store tablets in tightly closed, light-
advise patient not to suddenly stop taking resistant container. Discard if discolored.
drug but to notify prescriber. I.V.
• Instruct patient to report signs and symp-  Don’t routinely use this form because of

toms of infection. risk of severe hypertension and stroke.

• Tell patient to check his weight daily and  Dilute to 5 ml with normal saline solu-

to notify prescriber if he gains 2 or more tion, as needed.

pounds in 1 day or 5 pounds in 1 week.  Give slowly over at least 1 minute while

Sodium and water retention may occur but carefully monitoring blood pressure.
can be relieved with diuretics.  Store solution below 46◦ F (8◦ C). Daily

• Warn patient that, particularly at the stock may be kept at room temperature for
start of therapy, drug may impair ability to 60 to 90 days.
perform tasks that require mental alertness.  Incompatibilities: None reported.

A once-daily dose at bedtime minimizes I.M.

daytime drowsiness. • Store in refrigerator and protect from light. M
• Inform patient that low blood pressure and • Drug may be given after delivery of the
dizziness upon rising can be minimized by anterior shoulder, after delivery of the
rising slowly and avoiding sudden position placenta, or during the puerperium.
changes and that dry mouth can be relieved
by chewing gum or sucking on hard candy AC TION
or ice chips. Increases motor activity of the uterus by
• Tell patient that urine may turn dark if left direct stimulation of the smooth muscle,
sitting in toilet bowl or if toilet bowl has shortening the third stage of labor, and
been treated with bleach. reducing blood loss.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 5–10 min 30 min 3 hr
methylergonovine maleate I.V. Immediate Unknown 45 min
meth-ill-er-goe-NOE-veen I.M. 2–5 min Unknown 3 hr
Methergine Half-life: 11⁄2 to 123⁄4 hours.
Therapeutic class: Oxytocic
Pharmacologic class: Ergot alkaloid ADVERSE REACTIONS
Pregnancy risk category C CNS: seizures, stroke with I.V. use, dizzi-
ness, headache, hallucinations.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CV: hypertension, transient chest pain,
Injection: 0.2 mg/ml in 1-ml ampules palpitations, hypotension, thrombophlebitis.
Tablets: 0.2 mg EENT: tinnitus, nasal congestion.
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, foul taste.
➤ To prevent and treat postpartum Musculoskeletal: leg cramps.
hemorrhage caused by uterine atony Respiratory: dyspnea.
or subinvolution Skin: diaphoresis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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886 methylnaltrexone bromide

Drug-drug. Clarithromycin, delavirdine, methylnaltrexone bromide
erythromycin, indinavir, itraconazole, keto- mehth-eel-NAHL-trek-zone
conazole, nelfinavir, ritonavir, telithromycin,
troleandomycin, voriconazole: May cause Relistor
vasospasm, leading to ischemia. Avoid
using together. Therapeutic class: Laxative
Clotrimazole, fluconazole, fluoxetine, flu- Pharmacologic class: Peripherally acting
voxamine, nefazodone, saquinavir, zileuton: μ-opioid receptor antagonist
May increase risk of vasospasm. Use to- Pregnancy risk category B
gether cautiously.
Dopamine, ergot alkaloids, I.V. oxytocin, AVAIL ABLE FORMS
regional anesthetics, vasoconstrictors: Injection: 12 mg/0.6 ml single-use vial
May cause excessive vasoconstriction. Use
together cautiously. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ Opioid-induced constipation in those
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS receiving palliative care for advanced
• May decrease prolactin level. illness when response to laxatives is
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Adults weighing less than 38 kg (84 lb):
• Contraindicated in pregnant patients, in 0.15 mg/kg subcutaneously every other day,
patients sensitive to ergot preparations, and as needed.
in patients with hypertension or toxemia. Adults weighing 38 to 61 kg (84 to 134 lb):
• Use cautiously in patients with sepsis, 8 mg subcutaneously every other day, as
obliterative vascular disease, or hepatic or needed.
renal disease. Adults weighing 62 to 114 kg (136 to
• Use cautiously during last stage of labor. 251 lb): 12 mg subcutaneously every other
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, ab- day, as needed.
dominal pain, numbness, tingling of the Adults weighing more than 114 kg (251 lb):
extremities, rise in blood pressure; in severe 0.15 mg/kg subcutaneously every other day,
cases, followed by hypotension, respiratory as needed.
depression, hypothermia, seizures, coma. Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is less
than 30 ml/minute, reduce dose by one-half.
• Monitor and record blood pressure, pulse ADMINISTRATION
rate, and uterine response; report sudden Subcutaneous
change in vital signs, frequent periods • Administer no more than one dose within
of uterine relaxation, and character and 24 hours.
amount of vaginal bleeding. • To determine injection volume for the
• Monitor contractions, which may begin 0.15 mg/kg dose, multiply patient’s weight
immediately. Contractions may continue for in pounds by 0.0034 and round up to the
up to 45 minutes after I.V. use or for 3 hours nearest 0.1 ml, or multiply patient’s weight
or more after P.O. or I.M. use. in kilograms by 0.0075 and round up to the
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse nearest 0.1 ml.
Methergine with terbutaline. • Store drug at room temperature, away
from light.
PATIENT TEACHING • After drawn into a syringe as directed,
• Explain use of drug to patient and family. drug is stable at room temperature for
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions 24 hours.
promptly. • Give injections subcutaneously into the
abdomen, thighs, or upper arms.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methylphenidate hydrochloride 887

AC TION • Warn patient that no more than one dose

Antagonizes GI μ-opioid receptors, should be taken within a 24-hour period.
preventing opioid-induced slowing of GI • Advise women of childbearing age to
motility and transit time. notify prescriber if pregnancy is desired or
Route Onset Peak Duration
if it occurs.
Subcut. Unknown 30 min Unknown

Half-life: About 8 hours. methylphenidate

CNS: dizziness.
GI: abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, Concertai, Metadate CD, Metadate
diarrhea. ER, Methylin, Methylin ER, Ritalini,
Ritalin LA, Ritalin-SRi
None reported. methylphenidate
transdermal system
None reported.
Therapeutic class: CNS stimulant
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pharmacologic class: Piperidine
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive derivative
to the drug and in those with known or Pregnancy risk category NR; C (for
suspected mechanical GI obstruction. Concerta, Daytrana, Metadate CD,
• Use cautiously in patients with peritoneal Ritalin LA)
catheters. Controlled substance schedule II M
•H Overdose S&S: Orthostatic hypotension.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Oral solution (Methylin): 5 mg/5 ml,
• Drug will relieve opioid-induced consti- 10 mg/5 ml
pation without affecting opioid-mediated Tablets (chewable): 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg
analgesic effects. Tablets (Ritalin, Methylin): 5 mg, 10 mg,
• Don’t use in pregnant women unless the 20 mg
benefits outweigh risk to fetus. Extended-release
• It’s unknown whether the drug is excreted Capsules (Metadate CD): 10 mg, 20 mg,
in breast milk. Avoid use in breast-feeding 30 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg
women. Capsules (Ritalin LA): 10 mg, 20 mg,
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t 30 mg, 40 mg
been established. Tablets (Concerta): 18 mg, 27 mg, 36 mg,
54 mg
PATIENT TEACHING Tablets (Metadate ER, Methylin ER):
• Inform patient that drug may be effective 10 mg, 20 mg
within a few minutes to a few hours after Sustained-release
administration. Tablets (Ritalin-SR): 20 mg
• Instruct patient to discontinue therapy, Transdermal system
and notify prescriber if severe or persistent Patch: 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg
diarrhea occurs.
• Tell patient that vial is for single-use only; INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
remaining drug should be discarded. ➤ Attention deficit hyperactivity
• Advise patient to avoid injecting the drug disorder (ADHD)
into areas where the skin is tender, bruised, Adults: 10 mg (immediate-release) P.O.
red, or hard, to avoid areas with scars or b.i.d. or t.i.d. Dosage varies; maximum
stretch marks, and to rotate injection sites. dosage is 60 mg daily.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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888 methylphenidate hydrochloride

Children age 6 and older: Initially, 5 mg b.i.d., give 10 mg P.O. once daily. If pre-
P.O. b.i.d. immediate-release form before vious methylphenidate dosage was 10 mg
breakfast and lunch, increasing by 5 to b.i.d., give 20 mg P.O. once daily. If pre-
10 mg at weekly intervals, as needed, vious methylphenidate dosage was 15 mg
until an optimum daily dose of 2 mg/kg b.i.d., give 30 mg P.O. once daily. If pre-
is reached, not to exceed 60 mg/day. vious methylphenidate dosage was 20 mg
To use Ritalin-SR, Metadate ER, and b.i.d., give 40 mg P.O. once daily. If previous
Methylin ER tablets in place of immediate- methylphenidate dosage was 30 mg b.i.d.,
release methylphenidate tablets, calculate give 60 mg P.O. once daily.
methylphenidate dosage in 8-hour intervals. Daytrana
Concerta Adults and children ages 6 to 17: Initially,
Adults ages 18 to 65 not taking apply one 10-mg patch to clean, dry, non-
methylphenidate, or for patients taking irritated skin on the hip, alternating sites
other stimulants: Initially, 18 or 36 mg P.O. daily. Apply 2 hours before desired effect
daily. May increase dosage in 18-mg incre- and remove 9 hours later. Increase dose
ments at weekly intervals to maximum of weekly as needed to a maximum of 30 mg
72 mg daily. daily. Base final dose and wear time on
Adolescents age 13 to 17 not currently patient response.
taking methylphenidate, or for patients ➤ Narcolepsy
taking other stimulants: 18 mg P.O. Adults: 10 mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. immediate-
extended-release Concerta once daily in release, 30 to 45 minutes before meals.
the morning. Adjust dosage by 18 mg at Dosage varies; maximum dose is 60 mg/day.
weekly intervals to a maximum of 72 mg Children age 6 and older: Initially, 5 mg
P.O. once daily in the morning. P.O. b.i.d. (before breakfast and lunch)
Children age 6 to 12 not currently taking immediate-release. Increase dosage, if
methylphenidate or patients taking stimu- needed, by 5 to 10 mg weekly. Maximum
lants other than methylphenidate: 18 mg dose is 60 mg. To use Ritalin-SR, Metadate
extended-release P.O. once daily every ER, or Methylin ER tablets in place of
morning. Adjust dosage by 18 mg at weekly immediate-release methylphenidate tablets,
intervals to a maximum of 54 mg daily calculate the dose of methylphenidate in
every morning. 8-hour intervals.
Adolescents and children age 6 and older
currently taking methylphenidate: If previ- ADMINISTRATION
ous methylphenidate dosage was 5 mg b.i.d. P.O.
or t.i.d. give 18 mg P.O. every morning. If • Give chewable tablet with at least 8 oz
previous dosage was 10 mg b.i.d. or t.i.d. (237 ml) of water.
give 36 mg P.O. every morning. If previous • Give drug after meals to reduce appetite-
dosage was 15 mg b.i.d. or t.i.d. give 54 mg suppressant effects; give last daily dose
P.O. every morning. Maximum conversion at least 6 hours before bedtime to prevent
daily dose is 54 mg. Once conversion is insomnia.
complete, adjust adolescents age 13 to 17 to • Metadate CD or Ritalin LA may be swal-
maximum dose of 72 mg once daily. lowed whole, or the contents of the capsule
Metadate CD may be sprinkled onto a small amount of
Adults and children age 6 and older: cool applesauce and taken immediately.
Initially, 20 mg P.O. daily before break- • Extended-release and sustained-release
fast, increasing by 10 to 20 mg at weekly tablets (Metadate ER, Methylin ER,
intervals to a maximum of 60 mg daily. Ritalin-SR) must be swallowed whole and
Ritalin LA never crushed, chewed, or divided.
Adults and children age 6 and older: • Concerta may be taken with or without
Initially, 10 to 20 mg P.O. once daily. food and must be swallowed whole. Don’t
Increase by 10 mg at weekly intervals to crush, divide, or allow patient to chew
a maximum of 60 mg daily. If previous Concerta tablets.
methylphenidate dosage was 5 mg P.O.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methylphenidate hydrochloride 889

Transdermal levels (or coagulation times if patient is also

• Avoid placing the patch on the waistline or taking warfarin).
where tight clothing may rub it off. Centrally acting alpha2 agonists, clonidine:
May cause serious adverse events. Avoid
AC TION using together.
Releases nerve terminal stores of norep- Centrally acting antihypertensives: May
inephrine, promoting nerve impulse trans- decrease antihypertensive effect. Monitor
mission. At high doses, effects are mediated blood pressure.
by dopamine. MAO inhibitors: May cause severe hyper-
Route Onset Peak Duration
tension or hypertensive crisis. Avoid using
P.O. (Methylin, Unknown 2 hr Unknown
within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy.
Ritalin) Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase
P.O. Unknown 5 hr 8 hr amphetamine and related amine effects.
(Methylin ER, Discourage use together.
P.O. (Metadate Unknown 11⁄2 hr; Unknown
P.O. (Ritalin LA) Unknown 1–3 hr; Unknown • May decrease hemoglobin level and
4–7 hr hematocrit.
P.O. (Concerta) Unknown 6–8 hr Unknown • May decrease platelet and WBC counts.
Transdermal 2 hr Variable 14 hr

Half-life: Conventional, 3 to 6 hours; extended-

release (Metadate ER, Methylin ER, Ritalin SR), • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
3 to 8 hours, (Concerta, Metadate CD, Ritalin LA) to drug and in those with glaucoma, motor
8 to 12 hours; transdermal, 3 to 4 hours. tics, family history or diagnosis of Tourette
syndrome, or history of marked anxiety,
ADVERSE REACTIONS tension, or agitation. Also contraindicated M
CNS: nervousness, headache, insomnia, within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy.
seizures, tics, dizziness, akathisia, dyskine- Avoid use in patients with structural cardiac
sia, drowsiness, mood swings. abnormalities.
CV: palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias, • Because it doesn’t dissolve, Concerta isn’t
hypertension. recommended in patients with a history
EENT: pharyngitis, sinusitis. of peritonitis or with severe GI narrowing
GI: nausea, abdominal pain, anorexia, (such as small bowel inflammatory disease,
decreased appetite, vomiting. short-gut syndrome caused by adhesions
Hematologic: thrombocytopenia, throm- or decreased transit time, cystic fibrosis,
bocytopenic purpura, leukopenia, anemia. chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction, or
Metabolic: weight loss. Meckel diverticulum).
Respiratory: cough, upper respiratory tract • Use cautiously in patients with a history
infection. of emotional disorder, seizures, EEG ab-
Skin: exfoliative dermatitis, erythema normalities, or hypertension, and in patients
multiforme, rash, urticaria, application site whose underlying medical conditions might
irritation (redness, swelling, papules). be compromised by increases in blood
Other: viral infection. pressure or heart rate, such as those with
preexisting hypertension, heart failure,
INTERACTIONS recent MI, or hyperthyroidism.
Drug-drug. Anticonvulsants (such as phe- Black Box Warning Use cautiously in
nobarbital, phenytoin, primidone), SSRIs, patients who have a history of drug de-
tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine, pendence or alcoholism. Long-term abusive
clomipramine, desipramine), warfarin: use can lead to tolerance and psychological
May increase levels of these drugs. Monitor dependence. Psychotic episodes can occur.
patient for adverse reactions and decrease Monitor patient for severe depression dur-
dose of these drugs as needed. Monitor drug ing drug withdrawal.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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890 methylphenidate hydrochloride

•H Overdose S&S: Agitation, cardiac arrhyth- • Warn patient with seizure disorder that
mias, confusion, seizures, coma, delirium, drug may decrease seizure threshold. Urge
dryness of mucous membranes, euphoria, him to notify prescriber if seizure occurs.
flushing, hallucinations, headache, hyper- • Advise patient to avoid beverages contain-
pyrexia, hyperreflexia, hypertension, muscle ing caffeine while taking drug.
twitching, mydriasis, palpitations, sweating, • Tell parent to apply patch immediately
tachycardia, tremors, vomiting. after opening; don’t use if pouch seal is
broken. Press firmly in place for about
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 30 seconds using the palm of your hand,
• Chewable tablets contain phenylalanine. being sure there is good contact with the
• Don’t use drug to prevent fatigue or treat skin, especially around the edges. Once
severe depression. applied correctly, the child may shower,
• Drug may trigger Tourette syndrome in bathe, or swim as usual.
children. Monitor patient, especially at start • Inform parent if patch comes off, a new
of therapy. one may be applied on a different site, but
• Observe patient for signs of excessive the total wear time for that day should be
stimulation. Monitor blood pressure. 9 hours. Upon removal, fold patch in half
• Check CBC, differential, and platelet so the sticky sides adhere to itself, then
counts with long-term use, particularly if flush down toilet or dispose of in a lidded
patient shows signs or symptoms of hema- container.
tologic toxicity (fever, sore throat, easy • If the applied patch is missing, have
bruising). parent ask the child when or how the patch
• Monitor height and weight in children on came off. Teach child that patch shouldn’t
long-term therapy. Drug may delay growth be shared or removed except by parent or
spurt, but children will attain normal height health care provider.
when drug is stopped. • Encourage parent to use the application
• Monitor patient for tolerance or psycho- chart provided with patch carton to keep
logical dependence. track of application and removal.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse • Tell parent to remove patch sooner than
Ritalin with Rifadin, or Ritalin SR with 9 hours if the child has decreased evening
Ritalin LA. appetite or has difficulty sleeping.
• Tell parent the effects of the patch lasts for
PATIENT TEACHING several hours after its removal.
• Tell patient or caregiver to give last daily • Warn parent and patient to avoid exposing
dose at least 6 hours before bedtime to patch to direct external heat sources, such as
prevent insomnia and after meals to reduce heating pads, electric blankets, and heated
appetite-suppressant effects. water beds.
• Warn patient against chewing sustained- • Tell parent to notify prescriber if the child
release tablets. develops bumps, swelling, or blistering
• Metadate CD or Ritalin LA may be swal- at the application site or is experiencing
lowed whole, or the contents of the capsule blurred vision or other serious side effects.
may be sprinkled onto a small amount of
cool applesauce and taken immediately.
Alert: Warn patient to take chewable
tablet with at least 8 oz (237 ml) of water.
Not using enough water to swallow tablet
may cause the tablet to swell and block the
throat, causing choking.
• Caution patient to avoid activities that
require alertness or good psychomotor
coordination until CNS effects of drug are

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methylprednisolone 891

methylPREDNISolone P.O.
meth-ill-pred-NISS-oh-lone • Give drug with milk or food when
possible. Critically ill patients may need
Medroli, Medrol Dosepak to take drug with an antacid or H2 -receptor
methylprednisolone acetate I.V.
Depo-Medrol  Use only methylprednisolone sodium

succinate, never the acetate form.

methylprednisolone sodium  Reconstitute according to manufac-

succinate turer’s directions using supplied diluent, or

A-Methapred, Solu-Medrol use bacteriostatic water for injection with
benzyl alcohol.
Therapeutic class: Corticosteroid  Compatible solutions include D5 W,

Pharmacologic class: Glucocorticoid normal saline solution, and dextrose 5% in

Pregnancy risk category C normal saline solution.
 For direct injection, inject diluted drug

AVAIL ABLE FORMS into vein or free-flowing compatible I.V.

methylprednisolone solution over at least 1 minute.
Tablets: 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg, 16 mg, 24 mg,  For intermittent or continuous infusion,

32 mg dilute solution according to manufacturer’s

methylprednisolone acetate instructions and give over prescribed
Injection (suspension): 20 mg/ml, duration. If used for continuous infusion,
40 mg/ml, 80 mg/ml change solution every 24 hours.
methylprednisolone sodium succinate  For shock, give massive doses over at

Injection: 40-mg vial, 125-mg vial, 500-mg least 10 minutes to prevent arrhythmias M
vial, 1,000-mg vial, 2,000-mg vial and circulatory collapse.
 Discard reconstituted solution after


➤ Severe inflammation or immunosup-  Incompatibilities: Allopurinol,

pression aminophylline, calcium gluconate,

Adults and children: 4 to 48 mg P.O. daily. ciprofloxacin, cytarabine, diltiazem, do-
After favorable response is noted, determine cetaxel, doxapram, etoposide, filgrastim,
maintenance dosage by decreasing dosage gemcitabine, glycopyrrolate, nafcillin,
until lowest dosage that will maintain ade- ondansetron, paclitaxel, penicillin G
quate clinical response is achieved. Or, 10 to sodium, potassium chloride, propofol,
80 mg acetate I.M. daily, or 10 to 40 mg sargramostim, vinorelbine, vitamin B
succinate I.M. or I.V. up to six times daily. complex with C.
Or, 4 to 40 mg acetate into smaller joints I.M.
or 20 to 80 mg acetate into larger joints. • Give injection deeply into gluteal muscle.
Intralesional use is usually 20 to 60 mg Avoid subcutaneous injection because
acetate. Repeat intralesional and intra- atrophy and sterile abscesses may occur.
articular injections every 1 to 5 weeks. • Dermal atrophy may occur with large
Children: Not less than 0.5 mg/kg I.M. doses of acetate form. Use several small
every 24 hours. injections rather than a single large dose,
➤ Shock and rotate injection sites.
Adults: 100 to 250 mg succinate I.V. every
2 to 6 hours. Or, 30 mg/kg I.V. initially; AC TION
repeat every 4 to 6 hours as needed. Give Not clearly defined. Decreases inflam-
over 3 to 15 minutes. Continue therapy for mation, mainly by stabilizing leukocyte
2 to 3 days or until patient is stable. lysosomal membranes; suppresses immune
response; stimulates bone marrow; and

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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892 methylprednisolone

influences protein, fat, and carbohydrate Oral anticoagulants: May alter dosage
metabolism. requirements. Monitor PT and INR closely.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Potassium-depleting drugs such as thiazide
P.O. Rapid 2–3 hr 30–36 hr
diuretics: May enhance potassium-wasting
I.V. Rapid Immediate 1 wk effects of methylprednisolone. Monitor
I.M. 6–48 hr 4–8 days 4–8 days potassium level.
Intra-articular Rapid 7 days 1–5 wk Salicylates: May decrease salicylate
levels. Monitor patient for lack of salicy-
Half-life: 18 to 36 hours. late effectiveness.
Skin-test antigens: May decrease response.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Postpone skin testing until after therapy.
CNS: euphoria, insomnia, psychotic Toxoids, vaccines: May decrease antibody
behavior, pseudotumor cerebri, vertigo, response and may increase risk of neuro-
headache, paresthesia, seizures. logic complications. Avoid using together.
CV: arrhythmias, heart failure, hyperten- Drug-herb. Echinacea: May increase
sion, edema, thrombophlebitis, thromboem- immune-stimulating effects. Discourage use
bolism, cardiac arrest, circulatory collapse together.
after rapid use of large I.V. dose. Ginseng: May increase immune-regulating
EENT: cataracts, glaucoma. response. Discourage use together.
GI: peptic ulceration, GI irritation,
increased appetite, pancreatitis, nausea, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
vomiting. • May increase glucose and cholesterol levels
GU: menstrual irregularities. and urine calcium levels. May decrease T3 ,
Metabolic: hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, T4 , potassium, and calcium levels.
carbohydrate intolerance, hypercholes- • May decrease 131 I uptake and protein-
terolemia, hypocalcemia. bound iodine levels in thyroid function
Musculoskeletal: growth suppression in tests. May cause false-negative results
children, muscle weakness, osteoporosis. in nitroblue tetrazolium test for systemic
Skin: hirsutism, delayed wound healing, bacterial infections. May alter reactions to
acne, various skin eruptions. skin tests.
Other: cushingoid state, susceptibility to
infections, acute adrenal insufficiency CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
after increased stress or abrupt withdrawal • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
after long-term therapy. tive to drug or its ingredients, in those with
After abrupt withdrawal (may be fatal systemic fungal infections, in premature
after prolonged use): rebound inflamma- infants (acetate and succinate), and in
tion, fatigue, weakness, arthralgia, fever, patients receiving immunosuppressive
dizziness, lethargy, depression, fainting, doses together with live virus vaccines.
orthostatic hypotension, dyspnea, anorexia, • Use cautiously in patients with GI ulcer-
hypoglycemia. ation or renal disease, hypertension, osteo-
porosis, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism,
INTERACTIONS cirrhosis, diverticulitis, nonspecific ulcer-
Drug-drug. Aspirin, indomethacin, other ative colitis, recent intestinal anastomoses,
NSAIDs: May increase risk of GI distress thromboembolic disorders, seizures, active
and bleeding. Use together cautiously. hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, heart failure,
Barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenytoin, tuberculosis, ocular herpes simplex, emo-
rifampin: May decrease corticosteroid tional instability, and psychotic tendencies
effect. Increase corticosteroid dosage. or in breast-feeding women.
Cyclosporine: May increase toxicity.
Monitor patient closely. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Ketoconazole and macrolide antibiotics: • Medrol may contain tartrazine. Watch
May decrease methylprednisolone clear- for allergic reaction to tartrazine in patients
ance. Decreased dose may be required. with sensitivity to aspirin.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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methyltestosterone 893

• Drug may be used for alternate-day • Instruct patient to carry or wear medical
therapy. identification indicating his need for sup-
• Most adverse reactions to corticosteroids plemental systemic glucocorticoids during
are dose- or duration-dependent. For better stress. This card should contain prescriber’s
results and less toxicity, give a once-daily name, name of drug, and dosage taken.
dose in the morning. • Warn patient on long-term therapy about
Alert: Different salts aren’t interchange- cushingoid effects (moon face, buffalo
able. hump) and the need to notify prescriber
Alert: Don’t give Solu-Medrol intrathe- about sudden weight gain or swelling.
cally because severe adverse reactions may • Advise patient receiving long-term ther-
occur. apy to consider exercise or physical therapy.
• If immediate onset of action is needed, Also, tell patient to ask prescriber about
don’t use acetate form. vitamin D or calcium supplement.
• Always adjust to lowest effective dose. • Instruct patient to avoid exposure to infec-
• Monitor patient’s weight, blood pressure, tions (such as chickenpox or measles) and to
electrolyte level, and sleep patterns. contact prescriber if such exposure occurs.
Euphoria may initially interfere with sleep,
but patients typically adjust to therapy in
1 to 3 weeks. methylTESTOSTERone
• Monitor patient for cushingoid effects, meth-ill-tes-TOSS-ter-own
including moon face, buffalo hump, central
obesity, thinning hair, hypertension, and Android, Metandren†, Methitest,
increased susceptibility to infection. Testred, Virilon
• Measure growth and development
periodically in children during high-dose Therapeutic class: Androgen
or prolonged treatment. Pharmacologic class: Androgenic M
• Drug may mask or worsen infections, anabolic steroid hormone
including latent amebiasis. Pregnancy risk category X
• Watch for depression or psychotic Controlled substance schedule III
episodes, especially in high-dose therapy.
• Diabetic patient may need increased AVAIL ABLE FORMS
insulin; monitor glucose level. Capsules: 10 mg
• Watch for an enhanced response to drug Tablets: 10 mg, 25 mg
in patients with hypothyroidism or cirrhosis. Tablets (buccal): 10 mg
• Unless contraindicated, give low-sodium
diet that’s high in potassium and protein. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Give potassium supplements as needed. ➤ Metastatic breast cancer
• Elderly patients may be more susceptible Women 1 to 5 years after menopause: 50 to
to osteoporosis with prolonged use. 200 mg P.O. daily.
• Taper off dosage after long-term therapy. ➤ Hypogonadism
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Men: 10 to 50 mg P.O. daily.
Solu-Medrol with Solu-Cortef or methyl- ➤ Postpubertal cryptorchidism
prednisolone with medroxyprogesterone. Men: 30 mg P.O. daily.


• Tell patient not to stop drug abruptly or P.O.
without prescriber’s consent. • Give without regard for food.
• Instruct patient to take oral form of drug • Have patient rinse mouth after buccal
with milk or food. tablet dissolves.
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of early
adrenal insufficiency: fatigue, muscle weak- AC TION
ness, joint pain, fever, anorexia, nausea, Stimulates target tissues to develop nor-
shortness of breath, dizziness, and fainting. mally in androgen-deficient men. May have

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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894 methyltestosterone

some antiestrogen properties, making it • May increase RBC count and resin uptake
useful in treating certain estrogen- of T3 and T4 .
dependent breast cancers.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
• Contraindicated in pregnant or breast-
feeding women and in men with breast or
Half-life: Unknown. prostate cancer.
• Use cautiously in elderly patients; patients
ADVERSE REACTIONS with cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease; and
CNS: headache, anxiety, depression, pares- healthy males with delayed puberty.
thesia. •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, edema.
GI: irritation of oral mucosa with buccal
administration, nausea. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
GU: oligospermia, decreased ejaculatory • Don’t give to women of childbearing age
volume, priapism, amenorrhea. until pregnancy is ruled out.
Hematologic: suppression of clotting • In children, obtain X-rays of wrist bones
factors, polycythemia. before therapy begins to establish bone
Hepatic: reversible jaundice, cholestatic maturation level. During treatment, bones
hepatitis. may mature more rapidly than they grow
Metabolic: hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, in length. Periodically review X-rays to
hyperphosphatemia, hypercholesterolemia, monitor bone maturation.
hypercalcemia. • Drug is typically used only for intermit-
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps or tent therapy. Because of potential hepato-
spasms. toxicity, watch closely for jaundice.
Skin: hypersensitivity reactions, acne. • Promptly report evidence of virilization
Other: androgenic effects in women, in women, such as deepening of the voice,
altered libido, hypoestrogenic effects in increased hair growth, acne, or baldness.
women, excessive hormonal effects in men, • Watch for hypoestrogenic effects in
male pattern baldness. women (flushing, diaphoresis, vaginal
bleeding, nervousness, emotional labil-
INTERACTIONS ity, menstrual irregularities, and vaginitis,
Drug-drug. Cyclosporine: May increase including itching, dryness, and burning).
cyclosporine toxicity. Monitor cyclosporine • Watch for excessive hormonal effects in
levels. men. If patient is prepubertal, watch for
Hepatotoxic drugs: May increase risk premature epiphyseal closure, acne, pri-
of hepatotoxicity. Monitor liver function apism, growth of body and facial hair, and
closely. phallic enlargement. If he’s postpubertal,
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May decrease watch for testicular atrophy, oligospermia,
glucose level; may alter dosage require- decreased ejaculatory volume, impotence,
ments. Monitor glucose level in diabetic gynecomastia, and epididymitis.
patients. • Unless contraindicated, use with high-
Oral anticoagulants: May increase sensitiv- calorie, high-protein diet. Give small,
ity to oral anticoagulants; may alter dosage frequent meals.
requirements. Monitor PT and INR. • Periodically check cholesterol, calcium,
Oxyphenbutazone: May cause elevated and hemoglobin levels, hematocrit, and
oxyphenbutazone level. Use together cau- cardiac and liver function test results.
tiously. • Check weight regularly. Control edema
with sodium restriction or diuretics.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Alert: In breast cancer, therapeutic
• May increase sodium, potassium, phos- response usually occurs within 3 months. If
phate, liver enzyme, lipid, and calcium disease appears to progress, stop drug.
levels. May decrease thyroxine-binding • Report signs of hypercalcemia. In
globulin and total T4 levels. metastatic breast cancer, hypercalcemia

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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metoclopramide hydrochloride 895

may indicate progression of bone metas-

tases. metoclopramide
• Evaluate semen every 3 to 4 months, hydrochloride
especially in adolescent boys. met-oh-KLOE-pra-mide
Alert: Don’t use to enhance athletic
performance or physique. Apo-Metoclop†, Octamide PFS,
• Look alike–sound alike: Testosterone and Reglan
methyltestosterone aren’t interchangeable.
Don’t confuse methyltestosterone with Therapeutic class: Antiemetic
medroxyprogesterone. Pharmacologic class: Dopamine
PATIENT TEACHING Pregnancy risk category B
• Make sure patient understands impor-
tance of using effective contraception AVAIL ABLE FORMS
during therapy. Injection: 5 mg/ml
• Tell women of childbearing age to report Syrup: 5 mg/5 ml
menstrual irregularities and to stop drug Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg
while awaiting examination.
• Instruct patient to stop drug immedi- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
ately and notify prescriber if pregnancy is ➤ To prevent or reduce nausea and
suspected. vomiting from emetogenic cancer
• Tell patient to place buccal tablet in upper chemotherapy
or lower buccal pouch between cheek and Adults: 1 to 2 mg/kg I.V. 30 minutes before
gum; tablet needs 30 to 60 minutes to dis- chemotherapy; repeat every 2 hours for two
solve. Tell patient not to eat, drink, chew, or doses, then every 3 hours for three doses.
smoke while buccal tablet is in place and not ➤ To prevent or reduce postoperative M
to swallow tablet. nausea and vomiting
• Instruct patient to change buccal tablet Adults: 10 to 20 mg I.M. near end of
absorption site with each dose to minimize surgical procedure; repeat every 4 to
risk of irritation. Advise patient to rinse 6 hours, as needed.
mouth after using buccal tablet. ➤ To facilitate small-bowel intubation, to
• Tell women to immediately report aid in radiologic examinations
evidence of virilization, such as acne, Adults and children older than age 14: 10 mg
swelling, weight gain, increased hair I.V. as a single dose over 1 to 2 minutes.
growth, hoarseness, clitoral enlargement, Children ages 6 to 14: 2.5 to 5 mg I.V.
decreased breast size, deepening of voice, slowly over 1 to 2 minutes.
changes in libido, male pattern baldness, Children younger than age 6: 0.1 mg/kg I.V.
and oily skin or hair. slowly over 1 to 2 minutes.
• Teach patient signs and symptoms of low ➤ Delayed gastric emptying secondary to
glucose level (hypoglycemia) and method diabetic gastroparesis
for checking glucose level; drug enhances Adults: 10 mg P.O. 30 minutes before each
hypoglycemia. Instruct patient to report meal and at bedtime for mild symptoms.
signs or symptoms of hypoglycemia imme- Or, give 10 mg by slow I.V. infusion over
diately. 1 to 2 minutes 30 minutes before each meal
• Advise women to wear cotton underwear and at bedtime for up to 10 days for severe
and to wash after intercourse to decrease symptoms; then P.O. dose may be started
risk of vaginitis. and continued for 2 to 8 weeks.
➤ Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Adults: 10 to 15 mg P.O. q.i.d., as needed,
30 minutes before meals and at bedtime.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine
clearance below 40 ml/minute, decrease
dosage by half.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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896 metoclopramide hydrochloride

➤ Gastroparesis  depression, dizziness, extrapyramidal symp-

Adults: 10 to 20 mg P.O. 30 minutes before toms, fever, hallucinations, headache, in-
meals and at bedtime for up to 8 weeks. somnia, tardive dyskinesia.
CV: bradycardia, supraventricular tachy-
ADMINISTRATION cardia, hypotension, transient hypertension.
P.O. GI: bowel disorders, diarrhea, nausea.
• Give drug before each meal and at GU: incontinence, urinary frequency.
bedtime. Hematologic: agranulocytosis, neutro-
I.V. penia.
 Drug is compatible with D5 W, normal Skin: rash, urticaria.
saline solution for injection, dextrose 5% Other: loss of libido, prolactin secretion.
in half-normal saline solution, Ringer’s
injection, and lactated Ringer’s injection. INTERACTIONS
Normal saline solution is the preferred Drug-drug. Anticholinergics, opioid anal-
diluent; drug is most stable in this solution. gesics: May antagonize GI motility effects
 Give doses of 10 mg or less by direct of metoclopramide. Use together cautiously.
injection over 1 to 2 minutes. Dilute doses CNS depressants: May cause additive CNS
larger than 10 mg in 50 ml of compatible effects. Avoid using together.
diluent, and infuse over at least 15 minutes. Levodopa: Levodopa and metoclopramide
Monitor blood pressure closely. have opposite effects on dopamine recep-
 No need to protect drug from light if tors. Avoid using together.
infusion mixture is given within 24 hours. MAO inhibitors: May increase release of
If protected from light and refrigerated, it’s catecholamines in patients with hyperten-
stable for 48 hours. sion. Use together cautiously.
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, ampi- Phenothiazines: May increase risk of
cillin, amphotericin B, calcium gluconate, extrapyramidal effects. Monitor patient
cefepime, chloramphenicol sodium suc- closely.
cinate, cisplatin, doxorubicin liposomal, Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
erythromycin lactobionate, fluorouracil, additive CNS effects. Discourage use
furosemide, methotrexate sodium, peni- together.
cillin G potassium, propofol, sodium
I.M. • May increase liver function tests, aldo-
• Inspect for particulate matter and discol- sterone and prolactin levels.
oration. If either is present, don’t use. • May decrease neutrophil and granulocyte
Stimulates motility of upper GI tract, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
increases lower esophageal sphincter • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
tone, and blocks dopamine receptors at tive to drug and in those with pheochro-
the chemoreceptor trigger zone. mocytoma, tardive dyskinesia, or seizure
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30–60 min 1–2 hr 1–2 hr
• Contraindicated in patients for whom
I.V. 1–3 min Unknown 1–2 hr stimulation of GI motility might be danger-
I.M. 10–15 min Unknown 1–2 hr ous (those with hemorrhage, obstruction, or
Half-life: 4 to 6 hours. Black Box Warning Long-term or high-
dose drug use has been linked to tardive
ADVERSE REACTIONS dyskinesia, even after the drug was stopped,
CNS: anxiety, drowsiness, dystonic re- especially in older, female, and diabetic
actions, fatigue, lassitude, restlessness, patients.
neuroleptic malignant syndrome, seizures,
suicide ideation, akathisia, confusion,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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metolazone 897

• Use cautiously in patients with history of ➤ Hypertension

depression, Parkinson disease, or hyperten- Adults: 2.5 to 5 mg P.O. once daily. Base
sion. maintenance dosage on blood pressure.
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, disorienta-
tion, extrapyramidal reactions; seizures, ADMINISTRATION
lethargy (in infants and children). P.O.
• Give drug without regard for meals.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • To prevent nocturia, give drug in the
• Monitor bowel sounds. morning.
• Safety and effectiveness of drug haven’t Black Box Warning Don’t interchange
been established for therapy lasting longer Zaroxolyn tablets and other formulations of
than 12 weeks. metolazone that share its slow and incom-
• Discontinue drug if signs and symptoms plete bioavailability.
of tardive dyskinesia develop. Avoid treat-
ment for longer than 12 weeks except in rare AC TION
cases in which therapeutic benefit is thought Increases sodium and water excretion by
to outweigh risk of tardive dyskinesia. inhibiting sodium reabsorption in ascending
• Monitor patient for involuntary move- loop of Henle.
ments of face, tongue, and extremities, Route Onset Peak Duration
which may indicate tardive dyskinesia. P.O. 1 hr 2–8 hr 12–24 hr
• Monitor patient for dizziness, headache,
or nervousness after metoclopramide is Half-life: About 14 hours.
stopped as these may indicate withdrawal.
Alert: Use 25 mg diphenhydramine I.V. to ADVERSE REACTIONS
counteract extrapyramidal adverse effects CNS: dizziness, headache, fatigue, vertigo,
from high doses. paresthesia, weakness, restlessness, drowsi- M
ness, anxiety, depression, nervousness,
PATIENT TEACHING blurred vision.
• Tell patient to avoid activities that require CV: orthostatic hypotension, palpitations,
alertness for 2 hours after doses. vasculitis.
• Urge patient to report persistent or serious GI: pancreatitis, anorexia, nausea, epi-
adverse reactions promptly. gastric distress, vomiting, abdominal pain,
• Advise patient not to drink alcohol during diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth.
therapy. GU: nocturia, polyuria, impotence.
Hematologic: aplastic anemia, agranulo-
cytosis, leukopenia, purpura.
metolazone Hepatic: jaundice, hepatitis.
me-TOLE-a-zone Metabolic: hyperglycemia and impaired
glucose tolerance, fluid and electrolyte
Zaroxolyn imbalances, including hypokalemia, hy-
pomagnesemia, dilutional hyponatremia
Therapeutic class: Diuretic and hypochloremia, metabolic alkalosis,
Pharmacologic class: Thiazide-like and hypercalcemia, volume depletion and
diuretic dehydration.
Pregnancy risk category B Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps.
Skin: dermatitis, photosensitivity reactions,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS rash, pruritus, urticaria.
Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Drug-drug. Amphotericin B, corticoste-
➤ Edema in heart failure or renal disease roids: May increase risk of hypokalemia.
Adults: 5 to 20 mg P.O. once daily. Monitor potassium level closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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898 metolazone

Anticoagulants: May decrease anticoagu- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

lant response. Monitor PT and INR. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Antidiabetics: May alter glucose level and to thiazides or other sulfonamide-derived
require dosage adjustment of antidiabetics. drugs and in those with anuria, hepatic
Monitor glucose level. coma, or precoma.
Barbiturates, opioids: May increase ortho- • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
static hypotensive effect. Monitor patient renal or hepatic function.
closely. •H Overdose S&S: Orthostatic hypotension,
Bumetanide, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, syncope,
torsemide: May cause excessive diuretic CNS depression, electrolyte abnormalities,
response, causing serious electrolyte ab- hemoconcentration, depressed respirations,
normalities or dehydration. Adjust doses GI irritability and hypermotility.
carefully, and monitor patient closely for
signs and symptoms of excessive diuretic NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
response. • Monitor fluid intake and output, weight,
Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of blood pressure, and electrolyte levels.
digoxin toxicity from metolazone-induced • Watch for signs and symptoms of hy-
hypokalemia. Monitor potassium and pokalemia, such as muscle weakness and
digoxin levels. cramps. Drug may be used with potassium-
Cholestyramine, colestipol: May decrease sparing diuretic to prevent potassium loss.
intestinal absorption of thiazides. Separate • Consult prescriber and dietitian about a
doses. high-potassium diet. Foods rich in potas-
Diazoxide: May increase antihypertensive, sium include citrus fruits, tomatoes,
hyperglycemic, and hyperuricemic effects. bananas, dates, and apricots.
Use together cautiously. • Monitor glucose level, especially in
Lithium: May decrease lithium clearance, diabetic patients.
increasing risk of lithium toxicity. Monitor • Monitor uric acid level, especially in
lithium level. patients with history of gout.
NSAIDs: May increase risk of renal failure. • Monitor elderly patients, who are espe-
May decrease diuretic and antihypertensive cially susceptible to excessive diuresis.
effects. Monitor renal function and blood • In hypertensive patients, therapeutic
pressure. response may be delayed several weeks.
Other antihypertensives: May have additive • Monitor blood pressure. If response is
effects. Use together cautiously. inadequate, another antihypertensive may
Drug-herb. Dandelion: May interfere with be added.
diuretic activity. Discourage use together. • Metolazone and furosemide may be used
Licorice: May cause unexpected rapid together to enhance diuretic effect.
potassium loss. Discourage use together. • Unlike thiazide diuretics, metolazone is
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase effective in patients with decreased renal
orthostatic hypotensive effect. Discourage function.
use together. • Stop thiazides and thiazide-like diuretics
Sun exposure: May increase risk for photo- before parathyroid function tests.
sensitivity reaction. Advise patient to avoid • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
excessive sunlight exposure. Zaroxolyn with Zarontin.


• May increase glucose, calcium, choles- • Tell patient to take drug in morning to
terol, and triglyceride levels. May decrease prevent need to urinate at night.
potassium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, • Advise patient to avoid sudden posture
and hemoglobin levels. changes and to rise slowly to avoid effects
• May decrease granulocyte and WBC of dizziness upon standing quickly.
counts. • Instruct patient to use a sunblock to
prevent photosensitivity reactions.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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metoprolol succinate 899

and tolerated at intervals of not less than

metoprolol succinate 1 week to maximum of 400 mg daily.
meh-TOH-pruh-lol ➤ Stable symptomatic heart failure
(New York Heart Association class II)
Toprol-XLi resulting from ischemia, hypertension, or
metoprolol tartrate Adults: 25 mg Toprol-XL P.O. once daily for
Betaloc†, Betaloc Durules†, 2 weeks. Double the dose every 2 weeks, as
Lopresor†, Lopresor SR†, tolerated, to a maximum of 200 mg daily.
Lopressor, Novo-Metoprol†, Adjust-a-dose: In patients with more severe
Nu-Metop† heart failure, start with 12.5 mg Toprol-XL
P.O. once daily for 2 weeks.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Pharmacologic class: Selective beta ADMINISTRATION
blocker P.O.
Pregnancy risk category C • Give drug with or immediately after meal.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS  Give drug undiluted by direct injection.

metoprolol succinate  Although best avoided, drug can be

Tablets (extended-release): 25 mg, 50 mg, mixed with meperidine hydrochloride or

100 mg, 200 mg morphine sulfate or given with an alteplase
metoprolol tartrate infusion at a Y-site connection.
Injection: 1 mg/ml in 5-ml ampules  Store drug at room temperature and

Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg protect from light. Discard solution if it’s
Tablets (extended-release): 100 mg†, discolored or contains particles.
200 mg†  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B. M


➤ Hypertension Unknown. A selective beta blocker that
Adults: Initially, 50 mg P.O. b.i.d. or 100 mg selectively blocks beta1 receptors; decreases
P.O. once daily; then up to 100 to 400 mg cardiac output, peripheral resistance, and
daily in two or three divided doses. Or, 50 to cardiac oxygen consumption; and depresses
100 mg of extended-release tablets (tartrate renin secretion.
equivalent) once daily. Adjust dosage as Route Onset Peak Duration
needed and tolerated at intervals of not less P.O. 15 min 1 hr 6–12 hr
than 1 week to maximum of 400 mg daily. P.O. (extended- 15 min 6–12 hr 24 hr
Children ages 6 to 16: 1 mg/kg P.O. once release)
daily, not to exceed 50 mg P.O. once daily. I.V. 5 min 20 min 5–8 hr
➤ Early intervention in acute MI
Half-life: 3 to 7 hours.
Adults: 5 mg metoprolol tartrate I.V. bolus
every 2 minutes for three doses. Then,
15 minutes after the last I.V. dose, give ADVERSE REACTIONS
25 to 50 mg P.O. every 6 hours for 48 hours. CNS: fatigue, dizziness, depression.
Maintenance dosage is 100 mg P.O. b.i.d. CV: hypotension, bradycardia, heart
➤ Angina pectoris failure, AV block, edema.
Adults: Initially, 100 mg P.O. daily as a GI: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heart-
single dose or in two equally divided doses; burn.
increased at weekly intervals until an ade- Respiratory: dyspnea, wheezing.
quate response or a pronounced decrease in Skin: rash.
heart rate is seen. Effects of daily dose be-
yond 400 mg aren’t known. Or, give 100 mg INTERACTIONS
of extended-release tablets (tartrate equiv- Drug-drug. Amobarbital, butabarbital, butal-
alent) once daily. Adjust dosage as needed bital, pentobarbital, phenobarbital, primidone,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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900 metoprolol succinate

secobarbital: May reduce metoprolol effect. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

May need to increase metoprolol dose. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Cardiac glycosides, diltiazem: May cause to drug or other beta blockers.
excessive bradycardia and increased depres- • Contraindicated in patients with sinus
sant effect on myocardium. Use together bradycardia, greater than first-degree heart
cautiously. block, cardiogenic shock, or overt cardiac
Catecholamine-depleting drugs such as failure when used to treat hypertension
MAO inhibitors, reserpine: May have addi- or angina. When used to treat MI, drug
tive effect. Monitor patient for hypotension is contraindicated in patients with heart
and bradycardia. rate less than 45 beats/minute, greater than
Chlorpromazine: May decrease hepatic first-degree heart block, PR interval of
clearance. Watch for greater beta-blocking 0.24 second or longer with first-degree heart
effect. block, systolic blood pressure less than
Cimetidine: May increase metoprolol effects. 100 mm Hg, or moderate to severe cardiac
Give another H2 agonist or decrease dose of failure.
metoprolol. • Use cautiously in patients with heart
Fluoxetine, paroxetine, propafenone, quini- failure, diabetes, or respiratory or hepatic
dine: May increase metoprolol level. Moni- disease.
tor vital signs. •H Overdose S&S: Bradycardia, hypotension,
Hydralazine: May increase levels and effects bronchospasm, cardiac failure, cardiac
of both drugs. Monitor patient closely. May arrest, coma, AV block, nausea, vomiting.
need to adjust dosage.
Indomethacin, NSAIDs: May decrease NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
antihypertensive effect. Monitor blood • Always check patient’s apical pulse
pressure and adjust dosage. rate before giving drug. If it’s slower than
Insulin, oral antidiabetics: May alter dosage 60 beats/minute, withhold drug and call
requirements in previously stabilized dia- prescriber immediately.
betic patients. Monitor patient closely. • In diabetic patients, monitor glucose level
I.V. lidocaine: May reduce hepatic closely because drug masks common signs
metabolism of lidocaine, increasing risk and symptoms of hypoglycemia.
of toxicity. Give bolus doses of lidocaine at • Monitor blood pressure frequently; drug
a slower rate, and monitor lidocaine level masks common signs and symptoms of
closely. shock.
Prazosin: May increase risk of orthostatic • Beta blockers may mask tachycardia
hypotension in the early phases of use to- caused by hyperthyroidism. In patients with
gether. Assist patient to stand slowly until suspected thyrotoxicosis, taper off beta
effects are known. blocker to avoid thyroid storm.
Rifampin: May increase metoprolol Black Box Warning When stopping
metabolism. Watch for decreased effect. therapy, taper dosage over 1 to 2 weeks.
Terbutaline: May antagonize bronchodila- Abrupt discontinuation may cause exacer-
tory effects of terbutaline. Monitor patient. bations of angina or myocardial infarction.
Verapamil: May increase effects of both Don’t discontinue therapy abruptly even in
drugs. Monitor cardiac function closely, and patients treated only for hypertension.
decrease dosages as needed. • Beta selectivity is lost at higher doses.
Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease Watch for peripheral side effects.
antihypertensive effects. Discourage use • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
together. metoprolol with metaproterenol miso-
Drug-food. Food: May increase absorption. prostol, or metolazone. Don’t confuse
Encourage patient to take drug with food. Toprol-XL with Topamax, Tegretol, or
• May increase transaminase, alkaline
phosphatase, LDH, and uric acid levels.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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metronidazole (oral; injection) 901

PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Intestinal amebiasis

• Instruct patient to take drug exactly as Adults: 750 mg P.O. t.i.d. for 5 to 10 days;
prescribed and with meals. then treat with a luminal amebicide, such as
• Caution patient to avoid driving and iodoquinol or paromomycin.
other tasks requiring mental alertness until Children: 35 to 50 mg/kg daily in three
response to therapy has been established. divided doses for 10 days; then treat with a
• Advise patient to inform dentist or pre- luminal amebicide, such as iodoquinol or
scriber about use of this drug before proce- paromomycin.
dures or surgery. ➤ Trichomoniasis
• Tell patient to alert prescriber if shortness Adults: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 days, or 2 g
of breath occurs. P.O. in single dose (may give the 2-g dose in
• Instruct patient not to stop drug suddenly two 1-g doses, both on the same day); wait
but to notify prescriber about unpleasant 4 to 6 weeks before repeating course.
adverse reactions. Inform him that drug Children: 5 mg/kg P.O. t.i.d. for 7 days.
must be withdrawn gradually over 1 or ➤ Refractory trichomoniasis
2 weeks. Adults: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 days.
• Inform patient that use isn’t advisable in ➤ Bacterial infections caused by anaero-
breast-feeding women. bic microorganisms
Adults: Loading dose is 15 mg/kg I.V. in-
fused over 1 hour. Maintenance dose is
metronidazole (oral; 7.5 mg/kg I.V. or P.O. every 6 hours. Give
injection) first maintenance dose 6 hours after loading
me-troe-NI-da-zole dose. Maximum dose shouldn’t exceed 4 g
Flagyl, Flagyl ER, Florazole ER†, ➤ To prevent postoperative infection in
Novo-Nidazol† contaminated or potentially contami- M
nated colorectal surgery
metronidazole hydrochloride Adults: Infuse 15 mg/kg I.V. over 30 to
Flagyl IV RTU 60 minutes and complete about 1 hour
before surgery. Then, infuse 7.5 mg/kg I.V.
Therapeutic class: Antiprotozoal over 30 to 60 minutes at 6 and 12 hours after
Pharmacologic class: Nitroimidazole first dose.
Pregnancy risk category B ➤ Bacterial vaginosis
Adults: 750 mg Flagyl ER P.O. daily for
Capsules: 375 mg ➤ Clostridium difficile–associated
Injection: 500 mg/100 ml in vials or ready- diarrhea and colitis
to-use minibags Adults: Usually 250 mg P.O. q.i.d. or
Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg 500 mg P.O. t.i.d. for 10 days. Or, 500 mg
Tablets (extended-release): 750 mg to 750 mg I.V. every 6 to 8 hours when P.O.
route isn’t practical.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Children: 30 to 50 mg/kg/day P.O. given in
Black Box Warning Use metronidazole only three to four equally divided doses for 7 to
for the conditions for which it’s indicated. 10 days. Don’t exceed adult dose.
Avoid unnecessary use. ➤ Pelvic inflammatorydisease (PID) 
➤ Amebic liver abscess Adults: 500 mg I.V. every 8 hours with
Adults: 500 to 750 mg P.O. t.i.d. for 5 to ofloxacin or with I.V. levofloxacin. For
10 days; or 2.4 g P.O. once daily for 1 to ambulatory patients, 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. with
2 days. Or, 500 mg I.V. every 6 hours for ofloxacin or levofloxacin for 14 days.
10 days if patient can’t tolerate P.O. route. ➤ Bacterial vaginosis 
Children: 35 to 50 mg/kg daily in three Nonpregnant women: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for
divided doses for 10 days. Maximum, 7 days; or, 2 g P.O. as a single dose.
750 mg/dose.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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902 metronidazole (oral; injection)

Pregnant women: 250 mg P.O. t.i.d. or Route Onset Peak Duration

500 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 7 days. P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
➤ Prophylaxis after sexual assault  I.V. Immediate 1 hr Unknown
Adults: 2 g P.O. in a single dose with Half-life: 6 to 8 hours.
ceftriaxone and either azithromycin or
CNS: headache, seizures, fever, vertigo,
ADMINISTRATION ataxia, dizziness, syncope, incoordination,
P.O. confusion, irritability, depression, weak-
• Give drug with food. ness, insomnia, peripheral neuropathy.
I.V. CV: flattened T wave, edema, flushing,
 Flagyl IV ready-to-use (RTU) minibags thrombophlebitis after I.V. infusion.
need no preparation. EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.
 Don’t use aluminum needles or hubs GI: nausea, abdominal cramping or pain,
to reconstitute the drug or to transfer re- stomatitis, epigastric distress, vomiting,
constituted drug. Equipment that contains anorexia, diarrhea, constipation, proctitis,
aluminum will turn the solution orange; dry mouth, metallic taste.
the potency isn’t affected. GU: vaginitis, darkened urine, polyuria,
 To reconstitute lyophilized vials, add dysuria, cystitis, dyspareunia, dryness
4.4 ml of sterile water for injection, bacte- of vagina and vulva, vaginal candidiasis,
riostatic water for injection, sterile normal genital pruritus.
saline solution for injection, or bacterio- Hematologic: transient leukopenia,
static normal saline solution for injection. neutropenia.
Reconstituted drug contains 100 mg/ml. Musculoskeletal: transient joint pains.
Add contents of vial to 100 ml of D5 W, Respiratory: upper respiratory tract
lactated Ringer’s injection, or normal infection.
saline solution to yield 5 mg/ml. Neutral- Skin: rash.
ize this highly acidic solution by carefully Other: decreased libido, overgrowth of
adding 5 mEq sodium bicarbonate to each nonsusceptible organisms, especially
500 mg; the carbon dioxide gas that forms Candida.
may need to be vented.
 Infuse drug over at least 1 hour. Don’t INTERACTIONS
give by I.V. push. Drug-drug. Busulfan: May increase busul-
 Don’t refrigerate the neutralized diluted fan toxicity. Avoid using together.
solution; precipitation may occur. Refrig- Cimetidine: May increase risk of metroni-
erated Flagyl IV RTU may form crystals, dazole toxicity because of inhibited hepatic
which disappear after the solution warms metabolism. Monitor for toxicity.
to room temperature. Disulfiram: May cause acute psychosis and
 Incompatibilities: Aluminum, amino confusion. Avoid giving metronidazole
acid 10%, amoxicillin sodium and within 2 weeks of disulfiram.
clavulanate potassium, amphotericin B, Lithium: May increase lithium level, which
aztreonam, ceftriaxone, dopamine, may cause toxicity. Monitor lithium level.
filgrastim, meropenem, other I.V. drugs, Phenobarbital, phenytoin: May decrease
warfarin. metronidazole effectiveness; may reduce
total phenytoin clearance. Monitor patient.
AC TION Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant effects
Direct-acting trichomonacide and ame- and risk of bleeding. Reduce warfarin as
bicide that works inside and outside the needed.
intestines. It’s thought to enter the cells of Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
microorganisms that contain nitroreductase, disulfiram-like reaction, including nausea,
forming unstable compounds that bind to vomiting, headache, cramps, and flushing.
DNA and inhibit synthesis, causing cell Warn patient to avoid alcohol during and for
death. 3 days after completing drug therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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metronidazole (topical; vaginal) 903

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Tell patient he may experience a metallic

• May decrease WBC and neutrophil taste and have dark or red-brown urine.
counts. • Tell patient to report to prescriber symp-
• May falsely decrease triglyceride and toms of candidal overgrowth.
aminotransferase levels. • Tell patient to report to prescriber imme-
diately any neurologic symptoms (seizures,
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS peripheral neuropathy).
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or other nitroimidazole derivatives
and in patients in first trimester of preg- metronidazole (topical;
nancy. vaginal)
Alert: If drug must be given to a pregnant me-troe-NI-da-zole
woman for trichomoniasis, use the 7-day
regimen, not the 2-g single-dose regimen. MetroCream, MetroGel, MetroGel
The 2-g dose produces a high level that’s Vaginal, MetroLotion, Noritate,
more likely to reach fetal circulation. Rosasol†, Vandazole
• Use cautiously in patients with history of
blood dyscrasia, CNS disorder, or retinal or Therapeutic class: Antibacterial (topical)
visual field changes. Pharmacologic class: Nitroimidazole
• Use cautiously in patients who take hep- Pregnancy risk category B
atotoxic drugs or have hepatic disease or
alcoholism. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, ataxia, Topical cream: 0.75%, 1%
neurotoxicity. Topical gel: 0.75%, 1%
Topical lotion: 0.75%
• Monitor liver function test results care-
fully in elderly patients. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Observe patient for edema, especially if ➤ Inflammatory papules and pustules of
he’s receiving corticosteroids; Flagyl IV acne rosacea
RTU may cause sodium retention. Adults: If using a 0.75% preparation, apply
• Record number and character of stools thin film to affected area b.i.d., morning and
when drug is used to treat amebiasis. Give evening. If using a 1% preparation, apply
drug only after Trichomonas vaginalis in- thin film to affected area once daily. After
fection is confirmed by wet smear or culture response is seen (usually within 3 weeks),
or Entamoeba histolytica is identified. adjust frequency and duration of therapy.
• Sexual partners of patients being treated ➤ Bacterial vaginosis
for T. vaginalis infection, even if asymp- Adults: One applicatorful vaginally daily or
tomatic, must also be treated to avoid b.i.d. for 5 days. For once-daily use, give at
reinfection. bedtime.


• Instruct patient to take extended-release Topical
tablets at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after • Clean area thoroughly before use, and
meals but to take all other oral forms with then wait 15 to 20 minutes before applying
food to minimize GI upset. drug to minimize risk of local irritation.
• Inform patient of need for sexual part- Avoid contact with eyes.
ners to be treated simultaneously to avoid Vaginal
reinfection. • Screw the end of the applicator onto the
• Instruct patient in proper hygiene. tube and squeeze slowly. The plunger will
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol and alcohol- stop when the applicator is full.
containing drugs during and for at least
3 days after treatment course.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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904 micafungin sodium

• Wash plunger and barrel in warm, soapy CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

water and rinse thoroughly. Dry before • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
reassembling. to drug or its ingredients, such as parabens,
and other nitroimidazole derivatives.
AC TION • Use cautiously in patients with history
Unknown. May cause bactericidal effect by or evidence of blood dyscrasia and in those
interacting with bacterial DNA. Drug is with hepatic impairment.
active against many anaerobic gram- • Use vaginal gel cautiously in patients with
negative bacilli, anaerobic gram-positive history of CNS diseases. Oral form may
cocci, Gardnerella vaginalis, and Campy- cause seizures and peripheral neuropathy.
lobacter fetus. • Use in pregnant and breast-feeding
Route Onset Peak Duration
women only if clearly needed.
Topical Unknown 8–12 hr Unknown
Vaginal Unknown 6–12 hr Unknown NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Topical therapy hasn’t been linked to the
Half-life: Unknown. adverse effects observed with parenteral
or oral therapy, but some drug may be
ADVERSE REACTIONS absorbed after topical use.
Topical form • Don’t use vaginal gel in patients who have
EENT: lacrimation if applied around eyes. taken disulfiram within past 2 weeks.
Skin: transient redness, dryness, mild burn-
ing, stinging, contact dermatitis, pruritus, PATIENT TEACHING
rash. • Instruct patient to avoid use of topical gel
Vaginal form around eyes.
GI: cramps, nausea, loose stools, metallic • Advise patient to clean area thoroughly
or bad taste in mouth, pain. before use and to wait 15 to 20 minutes
GU: cervicitis, vaginitis, perineal and after cleaning skin before applying drug to
vulvovaginal itching, vaginal burning. minimize risk of local irritation. Cosmetics
Skin: transient redness, dryness, mild may be used after applying drug.
burning, stinging. • If local reactions occur, advise patient to
Other: overgrowth of nonsusceptible apply drug less frequently or stop using it
organisms. and notify prescriber.
• Advise patient to avoid sexual intercourse
INTERACTIONS while using vaginal preparation.
Drug-drug. Disulfiram: May cause • Caution patient to avoid alcohol while
disulfiram-like reaction when used with being treated with vaginal preparation.
vaginal form of metronidazole. Avoid using
together, and wait 2 weeks after stopping
disulfiram before starting metronidazole micafungin sodium
vaginal therapy. mick-a-FUN-gin
Lithium: May increase lithium level. Moni-
tor lithium level. Mycamine
Oral anticoagulants: May increase antico-
agulant effect. Monitor patient for adverse Therapeutic class: Antifungal
reactions. Pharmacologic class: Echinocandin
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause Pregnancy risk category C
disulfiram-like reaction when used with
vaginal form. Discourage use together. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Lyophilized powder for injection: 50 mg,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS 100-mg single-use vial
• May interfere with AST, ALT, LDH,
triglyceride, and glucose levels.
• May increase or decrease WBC count.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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micafungin sodium 905

INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Metabolic: hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,

➤ Candidemia, acute disseminated hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia.
candidiasis, and Candida peritonitis Skin: infusion site inflammation, phlebitis,
and abscesses pruritus, rash.
Adults: 100 mg I.V. daily for 10 to 47 days Other: pyrexia, rigors.
(mean duration 15 days).
➤ Esophageal candidiasis INTERACTIONS
Adults: 150 mg I.V. daily for 10 to 30 days. Drug-drug. Cyclosporine: May increase
➤ To prevent candidal infection in cyclosporine level. Monitor for adverse
hematopoietic stem cell transplant reactions and decrease cyclosporine dose if
recipients needed.
Adults: 50 mg I.V. daily for 6 to 51 days. Itraconazole: May increase itraconazole
level. Monitor for itraconazole toxicity and
ADMINISTRATION reduce itraconazole dose if needed.
I.V. Nifedipine: May increase nifedipine level.
 Use aseptic technique when preparing Monitor blood pressure, and decrease
drug. nifedipine dose if needed.
 Reconstitute each 50-mg or 100-mg Sirolimus: May increase sirolimus level.
vial with 5 ml of normal saline solution or Monitor patient for evidence of toxicity, and
D5 W for injection. To minimize foaming, decrease sirolimus dose if needed.
dissolve powder by swirling the vial; don’t
 Dilute dose in 100 ml of normal saline • May increase alkaline phosphatase, ALT,
solution or D5 W for injection. AST, bilirubin, BUN, creatinine, and LDH
 Flush line with normal saline solution levels. May decrease calcium, magnesium,
for injection before infusing drug. phosphorus, potassium, and hemoglobin M
 Infuse drug over 1 hour. levels and hematocrit.
 Reconstituted product and diluted in- • May decrease neutrophil and platelet
fusion may be stored for up to 24 hours at counts.
room temperature.
 Protect diluted solution from light. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
 Incompatibilities: Drug may precipitate • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
when mixed with commonly used drugs. to drug.
• Use cautiously in patients with severe
AC TION hepatic disease.
Inhibits synthesis of an essential component
of fungal cell walls. Drug is active against NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, • Injection site reactions occur more often
C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis. in patients receiving drug by peripheral I.V.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• To reduce the risk of histamine-mediated
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown reactions, infuse drug over at least 1 hour.
Alert: If patient develops signs of serious
Half-life: Unknown. hypersensitivity reaction, including shock,
stop infusion and notify prescriber.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Monitor hepatic and renal function during
CNS: headache, insomnia. therapy.
CV: atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, car- • Monitor patient for hemolysis and
diac disorders, hypertension, hypotension, hemolytic anemia.
tachycardia, vascular disorders. • Use drug in pregnant women only if
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, clearly needed.
vomiting. • It’s unknown whether drug appears in
Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia, breast milk. Use cautiously in breast-
thrombocytopenia, anemia. feeding women.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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906 miconazole

PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Vulvovaginal candidiasis

• Advise patient to report pain or redness at Adults and children age 12 and older: One
infusion site. applicatorful or 100-mg Monistat 7 suppos-
• Tell patient he’ll likely need laboratory itory vaginally at bedtime for 7 days; repeat
tests to monitor his hematologic, renal, and course, if needed. Or, 200-mg Monistat 3
hepatic function. suppository vaginally at bedtime for 3 days.
Or, one 1,200-mg suppository vaginally at
bedtime for 1 day. Or, apply topical cream
miconazole sparingly to affected area b.i.d. for 7 days.
mi-KON-a-zole ✷ NEW INDICATION: Oropharyngeal
Oravig Adults: One buccal tablet to the gum region
once daily for 14 consecutive days.
miconazole nitrate
Desenex , Femizol-M , Fungoid ADMINISTRATION
Tincture , Lotrimin AF , Micatin , P.O.
Micozole† , Monistat 1 , • Instruct patient not to crush, chew, or
Monistat 3 , Monistat 7 , swallow buccal tablets.
M-Zole 3 , M-Zole 7 , Tetterine† , Topical
Ting , Vagistat-1 , Zeasorb-AF  • Don’t use occlusive dressings.
• Lotion is preferred in skinfolds.
Therapeutic class: Antifungal Vaginal
Pharmacologic class: Imidazole • Suppository is inserted high into vagina
Pregnancy risk category C with applicator provided.
• Store between 59◦ and 86◦ F (15◦ and
Aerosol powder: 2% 
Aerosol spray: 1%, 2%  AC TION
Buccal tablets: 50 mg Fungicidal; disrupts fungal cell membrane
Lotion: 2%  permeability.
Powder: 2%  Route Onset Peak Duration
Topical cream: 2%  P.O. Unknown 7 hr Unknown
Topical ointment: 2%  Topical, Unknown Unknown Unknown
Topical solution: 2%  vaginal
Vaginal cream: 2% , 4% 
Half-life: Unknown.
Vaginal suppositories: 100 mg ,
200 mg , 1,200 mg 
➤ Tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea GI: diarrhea, nausea, dysgeusia, upper
pedis, cutaneous candidiasis, common abdominal pain, vomiting (buccal tablets).
dermatophyte infections GU: pelvic cramps, pruritus, and irritation
Adults and children older than age 2: Apply with vaginal cream, vulvovaginal burning.
sparingly b.i.d. for 2 to 4 weeks. Powder or Skin: allergic contact dermatitis, burning,
spray can be used liberally over affected irritation, maceration, pain, edema.
area. In children younger than age 2, use
only under the direction and supervision of INTERACTIONS
a physician. None significant.
➤ Tinea versicolor
Adults and children older than age 2: Apply EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
sparingly daily for 2 weeks. In children None reported.
younger than age 2, use only under the
direction and supervision of a physician.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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midazolam hydrochloride 907


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components. Cross-sensitivity midazolam hydrochloride
to imidazole antifungals may occur. mid-AY-zoh-lam
• Don’t use in children younger than age 2.
• Don’t use vaginal preparation during the Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic
first trimester of pregnancy. Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine
• Use cautiously in breast-feeding women. Pregnancy risk category D
Controlled substance schedule IV
• Avoid using within 72 hours of certain AVAIL ABLE FORMS
vaginal and latex products, such as con- Injection: 1 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml
doms or vaginal contraceptive diaphragms, Syrup: 2 mg/ml
because drug causes latex breakdown.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Preoperative sedation (to induce
• Advise patient that vaginal form of drug is sleepiness or drowsiness and relieve
for perineal or vaginal use only and to keep apprehension)
drug out of eyes. Adults: 0.07 to 0.08 mg/kg I.M. about
• Caution patient that frequent or persistent 1 hour before surgery.
yeast infections may suggest a more serious ➤ Moderate sedation before short diag-
medical problem. nostic or endoscopic procedures
• Tell patient to cautiously insert vaginal Adults younger than age 60: Initially, small
form high into the vagina with applicator dose not to exceed 2.5 mg I.V. given slowly;
provided. repeat in 2 minutes p.r.n., in small incre-
Alert: Vaginal preparation shouldn’t be ments of first dose over at least 2 minutes M
used during first trimester of pregnancy. Use to achieve desired effect. Total dose of up
vaginal preparation during pregnancy only to 5 mg may be used. Additional doses to
if recommended by prescriber. maintain desired level of sedation may be
• Tell patient that drug may stain clothing. given by slow titration in increments of 25%
• Warn patient to stop drug if sensitivity or of dose used to first reach the sedative end
chemical irritation occurs. point.
• Tell patient to use drug for full treatment Patients age 60 or older and debilitated
period prescribed and to notify prescriber if patients: 0.5 to 1.5 mg I.V. over at least
symptoms persist or worsen despite therapy. 2 minutes. Incremental doses shouldn’t
• Advise patient to avoid tampons and exceed 1 mg. A total dose of up to 3.5 mg is
sexual intercourse during vaginal treatment. usually sufficient.
• Instruct patient to apply sparingly in ➤ To induce sleepiness and amnesia and
skinfolds and rub in well to prevent skin to relieve apprehension before anesthesia
breakdown. or before and during procedures
• Tell patient to store vaginal product P.O.
between 59◦ and 86◦ F (15◦ and 30◦ C). Children ages 6 to 16 who are cooperative:
• Tell patient not to crush, chew, or swallow 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg P.O. as a single dose, up to
buccal tablets. 20 mg.
Infants and children ages 6 months to
5 years or less cooperative, older children:
0.25 to 1 mg/kg P.O. as a single dose, up to
20 mg.
Children ages 12 to 16: Initially, no more
than 2.5 mg I.V. given slowly; repeat in
2 minutes, if needed, in small increments of
first dose over at least 2 minutes to achieve

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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908 midazolam hydrochloride

desired effect. Total dose of up to 10 mg Children: Initially, 0.05 to 0.2 mg/kg may
may be used. Additional doses to maintain be given I.V. over 2 to 3 minutes or longer;
desired level of sedation may be given by then continuous infusion at rate of 0.06 to
slow titration in increments of 25% of dose 0.12 mg/kg/hour. Increase or decrease
used to first reach the sedative end point. infusion to maintain desired effect.
Children ages 6 to 12: 0.025 to 0.05 mg/kg Neonates more than 32 weeks’ gestational
I.V. over 2 to 3 minutes. Additional doses age: Initially, 0.06 mg/kg/hour. Adjust rate,
may be given in small increments after 2 to as needed, using lowest possible rate.
3 minutes. Total dose of up to 0.4 mg/kg, Neonates less than 32 weeks’ gestational
not to exceed 10 mg, may be used. age: Initially, 0.03 mg/kg/hour. Adjust rate,
Children ages 6 months to 5 years: 0.05 to as needed, using lowest possible rate.
0.1 mg/kg I.V. over 2 to 3 minutes. Addi-
tional doses may be given in small incre- ADMINISTRATION
ments after 2 to 3 minutes. Total dose of up P.O.
to 0.6 mg/kg, not to exceed 6 mg, may be • Give drug without regard for food,
used. but don’t give with grapefruit juice or
I.M. grapefruit.
Children: 0.1 to 0.15 mg/kg I.M. Use up to I.V.
0.5 mg/kg in more anxious patients. Black Box Warning I.V. midazolam should
Adjust-a-dose: For obese children, base only be used in hospital or ambulatory-
dose on ideal body weight; high-risk or care settings, including physicians’ and
debilitated children and children receiving dental offices, that can provide continuous
other sedatives need lower doses. monitoring of cardiac and respiratory
➤ To induce general anesthesia function. Appropriate resuscitative drugs
Adults older than age 55: 0.3 mg/kg I.V. and equipment and personnel trained in
over 20 to 30 seconds if patient hasn’t their use and skilled in airway management
received premedication, or 0.2 mg/kg I.V. should be ensured.
over 20 to 30 seconds if patient has received  Drug may be mixed in the same sy-

a sedative or opioid premedication. Addi- ringe with morphine sulfate, meperidine,

tional increments of 25% of first dose may atropine, or scopolamine.
be needed to complete induction.  When mixing infusion, use 5-mg/ml

Adults younger than age 55: 0.3 to vial and dilute to 0.5 mg/ml with D5 W or
0.35 mg/kg I.V. over 20 to 30 seconds if normal saline solution.
patient hasn’t received premedication, or Black Box Warning Give slowly over at
0.25 mg/kg I.V. over 20 to 30 seconds if least 2 minutes, and wait at least 2 minutes
patient has received a sedative or opioid when titrating doses to produce therapeutic
premedication. Additional increments of effect.
25% of first dose may be needed to com- Black Box Warning Do not administer
plete induction. by rapid injection in the neonatal
Adjust-a-dose: For debilitated patients, population.
initially, 0.2 to 0.25 mg/kg. As little as  Incompatibilities: Albumin, amoxi-

0.15 mg/kg may be needed. Reduce doses in cillin sodium, amphotericin B, ampicillin
elderly patients. sodium, bumetanide, butorphanol, cef-
➤ As continuous infusion to sedate intu- tazidime, cefuroxime, clonidine, dexa-
bated patients in critical care unit methasone sodium phosphate, dimenhydri-
Adults: Initially, 0.01 to 0.05 mg/kg may be nate, dobutamine, foscarnet, fosphenytoin,
given I.V. over several minutes, repeated at furosemide, heparin sodium, hydrocorti-
10- to 15-minute intervals until adequate sone, imipenem-cilastatin sodium, lactated
sedation is achieved. To maintain seda- Ringer’s injection, methotrexate sodium,
tion, usual initial infusion rate is 0.02 to nafcillin, omeprazole sodium, pentobar-
0.1 mg/kg/hour. Higher loading dose or in- bital sodium, perphenazine, prochlorper-
fusion rates may be needed in some patients. azine edisylate, ranitidine hydrochloride,
Use the lowest effective rate. sodium bicarbonate, thiopental, some

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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midazolam hydrochloride 909

total parenteral nutrition formulations, Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase

trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. bioavailability of oral drug. Discourage use
I.M. together.
• Inject deeply into a large muscle. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
additive CNS effects. Discourage use
AC TION together.
May potentiate the effects of GABA,
depress the CNS, and suppress the spread of EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
seizure activity. None reported.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 10–20 min 45–60 min 2–6 hr
I.V. 90 sec–5 min Rapid 2–6 hr • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
I.M. 15 min 15–60 min 2–6 hr tive to drug and in those with acute angle-
closure glaucoma, shock, coma, or acute
Half-life: 2 to 6 hours. alcohol intoxication.
• Use cautiously in patients with uncom-
ADVERSE REACTIONS pensated acute illness and in elderly or
CNS: oversedation, drowsiness, amnesia, debilitated patients.
headache, involuntary movements, nystag- Black Box Warning Pediatric dosages must
mus, paradoxical behavior or excitement. be calculated on a mg/kg basis and all dosages
CV: variations in blood pressure and pulse should be titrated slowly.
rate. Alert: Midazolam should only be admin-
GI: nausea, vomiting. istered by persons specifically trained in the
Respiratory: APNEA, decreased respira- use of anesthetics and the management of
tory rate, hiccups. respiratory effects of anesthetics, including
Other: pain at injection site. resuscitation of patients in the age-group M
being treated.
INTERACTIONS •H Overdose S&S: Excessive sedation, som-
Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May cause nolence, confusion, impaired coordination,
apnea. Use together cautiously. Adjust diminished reflexes, coma, altered vital
dosage of midazolam if used with opiates or signs.
other CNS depressants.
Diltiazem: May increase CNS depression NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
and prolonged effects of midazolam. Use Black Box Warning A qualified individ-
lower dose of midazolam. ual, other than the practitioner performing the
Erythromycin: May alter metabolism of procedure, should monitor patient through-
midazolam. Use together cautiously. out procedure. Have oxygen and resuscitation
Fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, equipment available in case of severe respira-
miconazole: May increase and prolong tory depression. Excessive amounts and rapid
midazolam level, CNS depression, and infusion have been linked to respiratory arrest.
psychomotor impairment. Avoid using Continuously monitor patient, including chil-
together. dren taking syrup form, for life-threatening
Hormonal contraceptives: May prolong respiratory depression.
half-life of midazolam. Use together • Monitor blood pressure, heart rate and
cautiously. rhythm, respirations, airway integrity, and
Rifampin: May decrease midazolam level. arterial oxygen saturation during procedure.
Monitor for midazolam effectiveness.
Theophylline: May antagonize sedative PATIENT TEACHING
effect of midazolam. Use together cautiously. • Because drug diminishes patient’s recall
Verapamil: May increase midazolam level. of events around the time of surgery, pro-
Monitor patient closely. vide written information, family member
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease instructions, and follow-up contact.
drug level. Discourage use together.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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910 miglitol

• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities INTERACTIONS

that require alertness or good coordination Drug-drug. Digoxin, propranolol, ra-
until effects of drug are known. nitidine: May decrease bioavailability of
these drugs. Watch for loss of effect of these
SAFETY ALERT! drugs and adjust dosage.
Intestinal absorbents (such as charcoal),
miglitol digestive enzyme preparations (such as
MIG-lah-tall amylase, pancreatin): May reduce effect of
miglitol. Avoid using together.
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic • May decrease iron level.
Pharmacologic class: Alpha-glucosidase
Pregnancy risk category B • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components and in those with
AVAIL ABLE FORMS diabetic ketoacidosis, inflammatory bowel
Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg disease, colonic ulceration, partial intestinal
obstruction, chronic intestinal diseases with
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES marked disorders of digestion or absorption,
➤ Adjunct to diet in patients with type 2 or conditions that may deteriorate because
diabetes, alone or with a sulfonylurea of increased gas formation in the intestine.
Adults: 25 mg P.O. t.i.d. May start with • Contraindicated in those predisposed
25 mg P.O. daily and increase gradually to intestinal obstruction and in those with
to t.i.d. to minimize GI upset; dosage may creatinine level greater than 2 mg/dl.
be increased after 4 to 8 weeks to 50 mg • Use cautiously in patients also receiving
P.O. t.i.d. Dosage may then be further in- insulin or a sulfonylurea because drug may
creased after 3 months, based on glyco- increase hypoglycemic potential of these
sylated hemoglobin level, to maximum of drugs.
100 mg P.O. t.i.d. •H Overdose S&S: Transient increases in
flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal
• Give drug with first bite of each main NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
meal. • In patients also taking insulin or a sul-
fonylurea, dosage adjustment of these drugs
AC TION may be needed. Monitor patient for hypo-
Lowers glucose level by inhibiting the glycemia.
alpha-glucosidases in the small intestine, • Diabetes management should include diet
which convert carbohydrates to glucose. In- control, an exercise program, and regular
hibiting these enzymes delays the digestion testing of urine and glucose level.
of carbohydrates after a meal, resulting in • Monitor glucose level regularly, especially
a smaller increase in postprandial glucose during situations of increased stress, such as
level. infection, fever, surgery, or trauma.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Monitor glycosylated hemoglobin level
P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
every 3 months to evaluate long-term
glycemic control.
Half-life: About 2 hours. • Treat mild to moderate hypoglycemia
with a ready form of sugar, such as glucose
ADVERSE REACTIONS tablets or gel. Severe hypoglycemia may
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence. necessitate I.V. glucose or glucagon.
Skin: rash. • Monitor patient for adverse GI effects.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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milnacipran hydrochloride 911

PATIENT TEACHING Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine

• Stress importance of adhering to diet, clearance of 5 to 29 ml/minute, give 25 mg
weight reduction, and exercise instructions. b.i.d.
Urge patient to have glucose and glycosyl-
ated hemoglobin levels tested regularly. ADMINISTRATION
• Inform patient that drug treatment relieves P.O.
symptoms but doesn’t cure diabetes. • Give drug with or without food.
• Teach patient how to recognize high and
low glucose levels. AC TION
• Instruct patient to have a source of glu- Unclear. Milnacipran is a potent inhibitor
cose readily available to treat hypoglycemia. of neuronal norepinephrine and serotonin
• Advise patient that sucrose (table sugar, reuptake; however, it doesn’t affect the
cane sugar) or fruit juices shouldn’t be used uptake of dopamine or other transmitters.
to treat low-glucose reactions with this Route Onset Peak Duration
drug. Oral glucose (dextrose) or glucagon is P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr 36–48 hr
necessary to increase glucose.
• Advise patient to seek medical advice Half-life: 6 to 8 hours; active metabolite, 8 to
promptly during periods of stress, such as 10 hours.
fever, trauma, infection, or surgery, because
dosage may have to be adjusted. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Instruct patient to take drug three times CNS: anxiety, depression, dizziness,
daily with first bite of each main meal. dysgeusia, falls, fatigue, fever, headache,
• Show patient how and when to monitor hypoesthesia, irritability, insomnia,
glucose level. migraine, paresthesia, seizures, stress,
• Advise patient that adverse GI effects somnolence, tension headache, tremors.
are most common during first few weeks of CV: chest discomfort, chest pain, flush- M
therapy and should improve over time. ing, hypertension, palpitations, peripheral
• Urge patient to carry medical identifica- edema, tachycardia.
tion at all times. EENT: blurred vision.
GI: abdominal distention, abdominal pain,
constipation, decreased appetite, diarrhea,
milnacipran hydrochloride dry mouth, flatulence, gastroesophageal
mil-NAY-sih-pran reflux disease, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting.
GU: cystitis, UTI; in men—dysuria, ejacu-
Savella lation disorder, ejaculation failure, erectile
dysfunction, libido decrease, prostati-
Therapeutic class: Anti-fibromyalgia tis, scrotal pain, testicular pain, testicular
Pharmacologic class: Selective swelling, urethral pain, urinary hesitation,
serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake urine retention, urine flow decrease.
inhibitor Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, weight
Pregnancy risk category C loss.
Respiratory: dyspnea, upper respiratory
AVAIL ABLE FORMS tract infection.
Tablets: 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg Skin: hyperhidrosis, pruritus, rash.
Other: chills, contusion, hot flush, night
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES sweats, peripheral edema.
➤ Fibromyalgia
Adults: Initially, 12.5 mg P.O. once daily; INTERACTIONS
increase dosage to 12.5 mg b.i.d. on days 2 Drug-drug. Clomipramine: May cause
and 3, followed by 25 mg b.i.d. on days 4 to euphoria and orthostatic hypotension
7. Increase to 50 mg b.i.d. by day 7. when switching from clomipramine to
milnacipran. Monitor patient closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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912 milnacipran hydrochloride

Clonidine: May inhibit clonidine’s effects. • Use in pregnant women only if the benefit
Use together cautiously. to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.
Digoxin: May cause orthostatic hypotension It isn’t known if drug appears in breast milk;
and tachycardia. Avoid use together. discourage breast-feeding during therapy.
Epinephrine, norepinephrine: May cause • Safety and efficacy in children haven’t
paroxysmal hypertension and arrhythmia. been established.
Avoid use together. •H Overdose S&S: Hypertension, cardiac
Lithium, other serotonergic drugs: May arrest, decreased level of consciousness,
cause serotonin syndrome (diarrhea, dizziness, elevated liver function test
dysreflexia, fever, hallucinations, loss of results.
coordination, nausea, tachycardia). Avoid
MAO inhibitors: May cause hyperthermia, Black Box Warning Drug may increase
rigidity, myoclonus, autonomic instability, the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
rapid fluctuations of vital signs, agitation, in children, adolescents, and young adults
delirium, and coma. Avoid using drug with major depressive disorder or other
within 2 weeks after MAO inhibitor psychiatric disorder. Drug isn’t approved for
therapy; wait at least 5 days after stopping use in children.
milnacipran before starting MAO inhibitor. • At least 14 days should elapse between
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance discontinuation of an MAO inhibitor and
CNS depression. Discourage use together. initiation of milnacipran therapy. Allow
at least 5 days after stopping milnacipran
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS before starting an MAO inhibitor.
• May increase liver function test values. • Monitor patient closely for worsening
• May decrease sodium level. depression or suicidal behavior, especially
during the first few months of therapy and
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS with dosage adjustments.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Decrease dosage gradually, and watch
to drug or its components, in those with for signs and symptoms that may arise
uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma, and when drug is stopped, such as dysphoria,
within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy. irritability, agitation, dizziness, sensory
Alert: Serotonin syndrome, a potentially disturbances, anxiety, confusion, headache,
life-threatening condition, may occur, lethargy, emotional lability, insomnia, hypo-
particularly with concomitant use of mania, tinnitus, and seizures.
serotonergic drugs (including triptans and • Carefully monitor heart rate and blood
tramadol) and drugs that impair serotonin pressure.
metabolism (including MAO inhibitors). • Monitor patient for signs of hyponatremia
Signs and symptoms of serotonin syndrome (headache, difficulty concentrating, mem-
include mental status changes (agitation, ory impairment, confusion, weakness, un-
coma, hallucinations), autonomic instabil- steadiness, hallucination, syncope, seizures,
ity (hyperthermia, labile blood pressure, coma, respiratory arrest).
tachycardia), neuromuscular aberrations • Monitor liver function tests values and
(hyperreflexia, incoordination), and diar- sodium level before and during therapy.
rhea, nausea, and vomiting.
• Avoid use in patients with end-stage renal PATIENT TEACHING
disease. Black Box Warning Warn families and
• Use cautiously in patients with a history caregivers to immediately report signs and
of mania, seizures, severe hepatic impair- symptoms of worsening depression (such
ment; or dysuria, in patients who consume as agitation, irritability, insomnia, hostility,
substantial amounts of alcohol; and in those and impulsivity) and suicidal behavior.
with hypertension or controlled angle- • Advise patient to avoid taking nonste-
closure glaucoma. roidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-M LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:6

milrinone lactate 913

while taking drug to reduce the risk of ADMINISTRATION

bleeding. I.V.
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking  Give loading dose undiluted as a direct

drug. injection over 10 minutes.

• Instruct woman of childbearing age to  Prepare I.V. infusion solution using

notify prescriber if she becomes pregnant, half-normal saline solution, normal saline
is planning pregnancy during therapy, or is solution, or D5 W. Prepare the 100-mcg/ml
breast-feeding. solution by adding 180 ml of diluent per
• Warn patient not to stop drug suddenly. 20-mg (20-ml) vial, the 150-mcg/ml solu-
• Tell patient to consult prescriber before tion by adding 113 ml of diluent per 20-mg
taking other prescription or OTC drugs. (20-ml) vial, and the 200-mcg/ml solu-
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities tion by adding 80 ml of diluent per 20-mg
that require alertness and good coordination (20-ml) vial.
until drug’s effects are known.  Incompatibilities: Bumetanide,

• Tell patient that drug may be taken with furosemide, imipenem and cilastatin
or without food but that food may increase sodium, procainamide, torsemide.
• Advise patient to regularly monitor blood AC TION
pressure and pulse while taking drug. Produces inotropic action by increasing
cellular levels of cAMP and vasodilation by
SAFETY ALERT! relaxing vascular smooth muscle.
Route Onset Peak Duration
milrinone lactate I.V. 5–15 min 1–2 hr 3–6 hr
Half-life: 21⁄2 to 33⁄4 hours.
Therapeutic class: Inotrope M
Pharmacologic class: Bipyridine ADVERSE REACTIONS
phosphodiesterase inhibitor CNS: headache.
Pregnancy risk category C CV: VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS,
ventricular ectopic activity, sustained
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibril-
Injection: 1 mg/ml lation, hypotension, nonsustained ventricu-
Injection (premixed): 200 mcg/ml in D5 W lar tachycardia.


➤ Short-term treatment of acutely None significant.
decompensated heart failure
Adults: Give first loading dose of 50 mcg/kg EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
I.V. slowly over 10 minutes; then give • May cause abnormal liver function test
continuous I.V. infusion of 0.375 to results.
0.75 mcg/kg/minute. Titrate infusion
dose based on clinical and hemodynamic CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
responses. Don’t exceed 1.13 mg/kg/day. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is to drug.
50 ml/minute, infusion rate is 0.43 mcg/ • Contraindicated for use in patients with
kg/minute; if 40 ml/minute, infusion rate severe aortic or pulmonic valvular disease
is 0.38 mcg/kg/minute; if 30 ml/minute, in place of surgery and during acute phase
infusion rate is 0.33 mcg/kg/minute; if of MI.
20 ml/minute, infusion rate is 0.28 mcg/ • Use cautiously in patients with atrial
kg/minute; if 10 ml/minute, infusion rate flutter or fibrillation because drug slightly
is 0.23 mcg/kg/minute; and if 5 ml/minute, shortens AV node conduction time and may
infusion rate is 0.2 mcg/kg/minute. Don’t increase ventricular response rate.
exceed 1.13 mg/kg/day. •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension.
†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.
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914 minocycline hydrochloride

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Children older than age 8: Initially, 4 mg/kg

• In patients with atrial flutter or fibrillation, P.O. or I.V.; then, 2 mg/kg P.O. or I.V. every
give digoxin before milrinone therapy. Drug 12 hours.
is typically given with digoxin and diuretics. ➤ Gonorrhea in patients allergic to
• Improved cardiac output may increase penicillin
urine output. Reduce diuretic dosage when Adults: Initially, 200 mg P.O.; then 100 mg
heart failure improves. Potassium loss may every 12 hours for at least 4 days. Obtain
cause digitalis toxicity. samples for follow-up cultures within 2 to
• Monitor fluid and electrolyte status, blood 3 days after treatment.
pressure, heart rate, and renal function ➤ Syphilis in patients allergic to
during therapy. Excessive decrease in blood penicillin
pressure requires stopping or slowing rate of Adults: Initially, 200 mg P.O.; then 100 mg
infusion. every 12 hours for 10 to 15 days.
• Correct hypoxemia. ➤ Meningococcal carrier state
Adults: 100 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
• Instruct patient to report adverse reactions ➤ Uncomplicated urethral, endocervical,
to prescriber promptly, especially angina. or rectal infection caused by C. trachoma-
• Tell patient that drug may cause headache, tis or Ureaplasma urealyticum
which can be treated with analgesics. Adults: 100 mg P.O. every 12 hours for at
• Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V. least 7 days.
insertion site. ➤ Uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis
Men: 100 mg P.O. every 12 hours for 5 days.
➤ Treatment of inflammatory lesions
minocycline hydrochloride of nonnodular moderate to severe acne
mi-noe-SYE-kleen vulgaris
Adults and children age 12 and older:
Dynacin, Minocin, Solodyn 1 mg/kg extended release (Solodyn) P.O.
once daily for 12 weeks.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic ➤ Rheumatoid arthritis 
Pharmacologic class: Tetracycline Adults: 100 mg P.O. twice daily for up to
Pregnancy risk category D 48 weeks.
Adjust-a-dose: Decrease dosage in patients
AVAIL ABLE FORMS with renal impairment. Don’t exceed
Capsules: 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg 200 mg Minocin in 24 hours.
Capsules (pellet-filled): 50 mg, 100 mg
Injection: 100 mg ADMINISTRATION
Tablets: 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg P.O.
Tablets (extended-release): 45 mg, 65 mg, • Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-
90 mg, 115 mg, 135 mg tivity tests before first dose. Begin therapy
while awaiting results.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Give drug with a full glass of water. Drug
➤ Infections caused by susceptible gram- may be taken with food.
negative and gram-positive organisms • Drug shouldn’t be given within 1 hour of
(including Haemophilus ducreyi, Yersinia bedtime, to avoid esophageal irritation or
pestis, and Campylobacter fetus), Rick- ulceration.
ettsiae species, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, • Give Solodyn at the same time each day,
and Chlamydia trachomatis; psittacosis; with or without food.
granuloma inguinale • Solodyn tablet must be swallowed whole
Adults: 200 mg P.O. or I.V. initially; then and not crushed, chewed, or split.
100 mg P.O. or I.V. every 12 hours. May use I.V.
100 or 200 mg P.O. initially; then 50 mg  Reconstitute powder with 5 ml sterile

q.i.d. water for injection; further dilute to 500 to

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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minocycline hydrochloride 915

1,000 ml with sodium chloride injection, Ferrous sulfate and other iron products,
dextrose injection, dextrose and sodium zinc: May decrease antibiotic absorption.
chloride injection, Ringer’s injection, Give drug 2 hours before or 3 hours after
or Ringer’s lactate injection. (Don’t use iron.
solutions containing calcium because a Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease
precipitate may form.) contraceptive effectiveness and increase risk
 Avoid rapid administration and don’t of breakthrough bleeding. Advise patient to
administer with other drugs. use nonhormonal contraceptive.
 Parenteral therapy is indicated only Isotretinoin: May cause pseudomotor cere-
when oral therapy isn’t adequate or tol- bri. Avoid giving shortly before, during, and
erated. Institute oral therapy as soon as shortly after minocycline therapy.
possible. Methoxyflurane: May cause nephrotoxicity
when given with tetracyclines. Avoid using
AC TION together.
May be bacteriostatic by binding to Oral anticoagulants: May increase antico-
microorganism’s ribosomal subunits, in- agulant effect. Monitor PT and INR, and
hibiting protein synthesis; may also alter adjust dosage.
the cytoplasmic membrane of susceptible Penicillins: May disrupt bactericidal action
microorganisms. of penicillins. Avoid using together.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr Unknown
photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
P.O. (extended- Unknown 31⁄2 –4 hr Unknown avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• May increase BUN and liver enzyme
Half-life: 11 to 26 hours P.O., 15 to 23 hours I.V.
levels. May decrease hemoglobin level. M
• May increase eosinophil count. May
ADVERSE REACTIONS decrease platelet and neutrophil counts.
CNS: intracranial hypertension, headache, • May falsely elevate fluorometric test
light-headedness, dizziness, vertigo. results for urine catecholamines. Parenteral
CV: thrombophlebitis, pericarditis. form may cause false-positive results of
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, dysphagia, copper sulfate test (Clinitest). May cause
glossitis, epigastric distress, oral candidia- false-negative results in urine glucose tests
sis, vomiting. using glucose oxidase reagent (Diastix or
Hematologic: neutropenia, thrombocy- Chemstrip uG).
topenia, eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia.
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Musculoskeletal: bone growth retardation • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
in children younger than age 8. to drug or other tetracyclines. Solodyn
Skin: increased pigmentation, maculopapu- tablets contraindicated in pregnancy, breast-
lar and erythematous rashes, photosensitiv- feeding, or by persons of either gender
ity reactions, urticaria. attempting to conceive a child.
Other: anaphylaxis, enamel defects, • Use cautiously in patients with impaired
hypersensitivity reactions, permanent dis- renal or hepatic function. Use of these drugs
coloration of teeth, superinfection. during last half of pregnancy and in children
younger than age 8 may cause permanent
INTERACTIONS discoloration of teeth, enamel defects, and
Drug-drug. Antacids (including sodium bone growth retardation.
bicarbonate) and laxatives containing alu- •H Overdose S&S: Dizziness, nausea,
minum, magnesium, or calcium; antidiar- vomiting.
rheals: May decrease antibiotic absorption.
Give antibiotic 1 hour before or 2 hours
after these drugs.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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916 minoxidil

• Monitor renal and liver function test minoxidil (topical)
results. mi-NOX-i-dill
Alert: Check expiration date. Outdated
or deteriorated drug may cause reversible Men’s Rogaine , Minoxidil Extra
nephrotoxicity (Fanconi syndrome). Strength for Men , Rogaine Extra
• Don’t expose drug to light or heat. Keep Strength for Men , Theroxidil ,
cap tightly closed. Women’s Rogaine 
• If large doses are given, therapy is
prolonged, or patient is at high risk, monitor Therapeutic class: Hair-growth stimulant
patient for signs and symptoms of superin- Pharmacologic class: Direct-acting
fection. vasodilator
• Check patient’s tongue for signs of candi- Pregnancy risk category C
dal infection. Stress good oral hygiene.
• Drug may discolor teeth in older children AVAIL ABLE FORMS
and young adults, more commonly when Topical foam: 5% 
used as long-term treatment. Watch for Topical solution: 2% , 5% 
brown pigmentation, and notify prescriber if
• Photosensitivity reactions may occur ➤ Androgenetic alopecia
within a few minutes to several hours Adults: 1 ml of solution or half a capful of
after exposure. Photosensitivity lasts foam applied to affected area b.i.d. Maxi-
after therapy ends. mum daily dose is 2 ml of solution.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Minocin with niacin or Mithracin. ADMINISTRATION
PATIENT TEACHING • Don’t use 5% solution in women.
• Tell patient to take entire amount of drug • Dry hair and scalp thoroughly before
exactly as prescribed, even after he feels application.
• Instruct patient to take drug with a full AC TION
glass of water. Drug may be taken with Stimulates hair growth, possibly by
food. Tell patient not to take within 1 hour dilating arterial microcapillaries around
of bedtime to avoid esophageal irritation or hair follicles.
ulceration. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Warn patient to avoid driving or other Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
hazardous tasks because of possible adverse
CNS effects. Half-life: Unknown.
• Caution patient to avoid direct sunlight
and ultraviolet light, wear protective cloth- ADVERSE REACTIONS
ing, and use sunscreen. CNS: headache, dizziness, faintness, light-
• Tell patient to take Solodyn at the same headedness.
time each day, with or without food. CV: edema, chest pain, hypertension,
• Tell patient to swallow Solodyn tablet hypotension, palpitations, increased or
whole and not to crush, chew, or split tablet. decreased pulse rate.
• Warn patient not to take more than EENT: sinusitis.
1 Solodyn tablet each day. GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
GU: UTI, renal calculi, urethritis.
Metabolic: weight gain.
Musculoskeletal: back pain, tendinitis.
Respiratory: bronchitis, upper respiratory

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mirtazapine 917

Skin: irritant dermatitis, dry skin or scalp, 4 months before clinical effects appear.
flaking, local erythema, pruritus, allergic Tell him that drug must be used daily for
contact dermatitis, eczema, hypertrichosis, optimal results. Almost half of patients will
worsening of hair loss. experience moderate to dense hair growth.
• Tell patient that stopping drug may cause
INTERACTIONS loss of new hair growth. New hair growth
Drug-drug. Petroleum jelly, topical cor- is usually fine and may be colorless but
ticosteroids, topical retinoids, other drugs will resemble existing hair after continued
that may increase skin absorption: May in- treatment.
crease risk of systemic effects of minoxidil.
Avoid using together.
None reported.
Remeron, Remeron Soltab
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Therapeutic class: Antidepressant
to drug or components of solution. Pharmacologic class: Tetracyclic
• Use cautiously in patients older than antidepressant
age 50 and in those with cardiac, renal, or Pregnancy risk category C
hepatic disease.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs):
• Patient needs to have normal, healthy 15 mg, 30 mg, 45 mg
scalp before beginning therapy because Tablets: 7.5 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg, 45 mg
absorption of drug through irritated skin M
may cause adverse systemic effects. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Treatment will most likely succeed in ➤ Depression
patients with balding area smaller than Adults: Initially, 15 mg P.O. at bedtime.
4 inches (10 cm) that developed within past Maintenance dose is 15 to 45 mg daily.
10 years. Adjust dosage at intervals of at least 1 week.


• Teach patient how to apply drug. Tell P.O.
him to dry hair and scalp thoroughly before • Give drug without regard for food.
application and not to apply drug to other • Remove ODT from blister pack and
body areas. Tell patient not to use drug on immediately place on patient’s tongue.
irritated or sunburned scalp or with other • ODT may be given with or without water.
drugs on scalp. Tell him to thoroughly wash • Don’t split or crush ODT.
hands after application.
• Warn patient to avoid inhaling any spray AC TION
or mist from drug and to avoid spraying Thought to enhance central noradrenergic
around eyes because solution contains and serotonergic activity.
alcohol and may be irritating. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Inform patient that more frequent appli- P.O. Unknown 2 hr Unknown
cations or using more than 2 ml daily won’t
increase hair growth but instead may in- Half-life: About 20 to 40 hours.
crease adverse reactions. Tell patient not to
double the dose for missed applications. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Teach patient to monitor pulse rate and CNS: somnolence, suicidal behavior,
body weight. dizziness, asthenia, abnormal dreams,
• Advise patient that therapy will be abnormal thinking, tremors, confusion.
prolonged and will continue for at least CV: edema, peripheral edema.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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918 misoprostol

GI: increased appetite, dry mouth, consti- • Although agranulocytosis occurs rarely,
pation, nausea. stop drug and monitor patient closely if he
GU: urinary frequency. develops a sore throat, fever, stomatitis, or
Metabolic: weight gain. other signs and symptoms of infection with
Musculoskeletal: back pain, myalgia. a low WBC count.
Respiratory: dyspnea. • Lower dosages tend to be more sedating
Other: flulike syndrome. than higher dosages.


Drug-drug. Diazepam, other CNS depres- Black Box Warning Advise families and
sants: May cause additive CNS effects. caregivers to closely observe patient for
Avoid using together. increasing suicidal thinking and behavior.
MAO inhibitors: May sometimes cause fatal • Caution patient not to perform hazardous
reactions. Avoid using within 14 days of activities if he gets too sleepy.
MAO inhibitor therapy. • Tell patient to report signs and symp-
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause toms of infection, such as fever, chills, sore
additive CNS effects. Discourage use throat, mucous membrane irritation, or
together. flulike syndrome.
• Instruct patient not to use alcohol or other
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS CNS depressants while taking drug.
• May increase ALT, cholesterol and • Stress importance of following pre-
triglyceride levels. scriber’s orders.
• Instruct patient not to take other drugs
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS without prescriber’s approval.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- • Tell women of childbearing age to report
tive to drug and within 14 days of MAO suspected pregnancy immediately and to
inhibitor therapy. notify prescriber if breast-feeding.
Black Box Warning Mirtazapine isn’t • Instruct patient to remove ODTs from
approved for use in children. blister pack and place immediately on
• Use cautiously in patients with CV or tongue. Tell the patient to be sure his hands
cerebrovascular disease, seizure disorders, are clean and dry if he touches the tablet.
suicidal thoughts, hepatic or renal impair- • Advise patient not to break or split tablet.
ment, or history of mania or hypomania.
• Use cautiously in patients with conditions
that predispose them to hypotension, such misoprostol
as dehydration, hypovolemia, or antihyper- mye-soe-PROST-ole
tensive therapy.
• Give drug cautiously to elderly patients; Cytotec
decreased clearance has occurred in this age
group. Therapeutic class: Antiulcer
•H Overdose S&S: Disorientation, drowsi- Pharmacologic class: Prostaglandin E1
ness, impaired memory, tachycardia. analogue
Pregnancy risk category X
• Don’t use within 14 days of MAO in- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
hibitor therapy. Tablets: 100 mcg, 200 mcg
• Record mood changes. Watch for suicidal
Black Box Warning Drug may increase ➤ To prevent NSAID-induced gastric
risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in ulcer in patients at high risk for compli-
children to adolescents, and young adults cations from gastric ulcer and in patients
ages 18 to 24 with major depressive or other with history of NSAID-induced ulcer
psychiatric disorder.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mitomycin 919

Adults: 200 mcg P.O. q.i.d. with food; if not pregnancies, higher doses of the drug,
tolerated, decrease to 100 mcg P.O. q.i.d. prior cesarean delivery or uterine surgery,
Give dosage for duration of NSAID therapy. or five or more previous pregnancies. Make
sure woman understands dangers of drug to
ADMINISTRATION herself and her fetus and that she receives
P.O. both oral and written warnings about these
• Give drug with food. dangers. Also, make sure she can comply
• Give last dose at bedtime. with effective contraception and that the
result of a pregnancy test performed within
AC TION 2 weeks of starting therapy is negative.
A synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue that • Drug causes modest decrease in basal
replaces gastric prostaglandins depleted by pepsin secretion.
NSAID therapy, decreases basal and stim- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
ulated gastric acid secretion, and increases misoprostol with mifepristone.
gastric mucus and bicarbonate production.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 30 min 60–90 min 3 hr
• Instruct patient not to share drug.
Black Box Warning Remind pregnant
Half-life: 20 to 40 minutes. woman that drug may cause miscarriage,
often with potentially life-threatening
CNS: headache. Black Box Warning Advise woman not to
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, begin therapy until second or third day of
dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, vomiting. next normal menstrual period.
GU: cramps, dysmenorrhea, hypermenor- • Advise patient to take drug as prescribed
rhea, menstrual disorders, postmenopausal for duration of NSAID therapy. M
vaginal bleeding, spotting. • Tell patient that diarrhea usually occurs
early in the course of therapy and is usually
INTERACTIONS self-limiting. Taking drug with food helps
Drug-food. Any food: May decrease minimize the diarrhea.
absorption rate of drug. However, manu-
facturer recommends that patient take drug SAFETY ALERT!
with food.
mitomycin (mitomycin-C)
None reported.
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Pharmacologic class: Antineoplastic
• Contraindicated in those allergic to antibiotic
prostaglandins, pregnant women, or those Pregnancy risk category D
who are breast-feeding.
• Use with caution in patients with inflam- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
matory bowel disease. Powder for injection: 5-, 20-, 40-mg vials
•H Overdose S&S: Sedation, tremors,
seizures, dyspnea, abdominal pain, fever, INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
diarrhea, palpitations, hypotension, Dosage and indications vary. Check treat-
bradycardia. ment protocol with prescriber.
➤ Disseminated adenocarcinoma
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS of stomach or pancreas with other
Black Box Warning Take special precau- chemotherapeutic agents
tions to prevent use of drug during preg- Adults: 10 to 20 mg/m2 as an I.V. single
nancy. Uterine rupture is linked to certain dose. Repeat cycle at 15 mg/m2 after 6 to
risk factors, including later trimester

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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920 mitomycin

8 weeks when WBC and platelet counts ADVERSE REACTIONS

have returned to normal. CNS: headache, neurologic abnormalities,
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with myelo- confusion, drowsiness, fatigue, fever, pain.
suppression, if leukocytes are 2,000 to EENT: blurred vision.
2,999/mm3 and platelets are 25,000 to GI: mucositis, nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
74,999/mm3 , give 70% of initial dose. If diarrhea, stomatitis.
leukocytes are less than 2,000/mm3 and GU: renal toxicity, hemolytic uremic syn-
platelets are less than 25,000/mm3 , give drome.
50% of initial dose. Hematologic: THROMBOCYTOPENIA,
LEUKOPENIA, microangiopathic hemolytic
I.V. Respiratory: interstitial pneumonitis,
 Drug is a vesicant. Never give drug I.M. pulmonary edema, dyspnea, nonproductive
or subcutaneously. cough, acute respiratory distress syndrome.
 Preparing and giving drug may be muta- Skin: cellulitis, induration, desquama-
genic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. Follow tion, pruritus, pain at injection site, re-
institutional policy to reduce risks. versible alopecia, purple bands on nails,
 Using sterile water for injection, re- rash, sloughing with extravasation.
constitute drug in 5-mg vials with 10 ml, Other: septicemia, ulceration.
20-mg vials with 40 ml, and 40-mg vials
with 80 ml. INTERACTIONS
 Give drug into the side arm of a free- Drug-drug. Vinca alkaloids: May cause
flowing I.V. acute respiratory distress when given
 When reconstituted with sterile water, together. Monitor patient closely.
solution is stable for 14 days under refrig-
eration and 7 days at room temperature. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
When diluted, drug is stable in D5 W for no • May increase BUN and creatinine levels.
more than 4 hours, normal saline solution May decrease hemoglobin level.
for no more than 48 hours, sodium lactate • May decrease WBC and platelet counts.
for no more than 24 hours.
 The combination of mitomycin (5 to CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
15 mg) and heparin (1,000 to 10,000 units) • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
in 30 ml normal saline solution is stable for to drug and in those with thrombocytopenia,
72 hours at room temperature. coagulation disorders, or an increased
 Stop infusion immediately and notify bleeding tendency from other causes.
prescriber if extravasation occurs because • Don’t give to patients with serum creati-
of potential for severe ulceration and nine level greater than 1.7 mg/dl.
 Incompatibilities: Aztreonam, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
bleomycin, cefepime, etoposide, filgras- Black Box Warning Administer drug under
tim, gemcitabine, piperacillin sodium- the supervision of a physician experienced
tazobactam sodium, sargramostim, topote- with cancer chemotherapeutic agents.
can, vinorelbine. Black Box Warning Bone marrow suppres-
sion is the most common and severe toxic
AC TION effect.
Similar to an alkylating drug, cross-linking Alert: Extravasation may occur, causing
strands of DNA and causing an imbalance cellulitis, ulceration, and tissue slough.
of cell growth, leading to cell death. If signs or symptoms of these conditions
Route Onset Peak Duration
occur, stop infusion immediately and notify
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
prescriber. Withdraw 3 to 5 ml of blood;
then remove infusion needle. Treatment
Half-life: About 50 minutes. may include ice compresses, application
of dimethyl sulfoxide, limb elevation, and

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mitoxantrone hydrochloride 921

protecting site from friction. If skin necrosis INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

develops, skin grafting may be necessary. ➤ Combination initial therapy for acute
• Continue CBC and blood studies at least nonlymphocytic leukemia
8 weeks after therapy stops. Leukopenia Adults: Induction begins with 12 mg/m2 I.V.
and thrombocytopenia are cumulative. daily on days 1 to 3, with 100 mg/m2 daily
If WBC count falls below 2,000/mm3 or of cytarabine on days 1 to 7 as a continuous
granulocyte count falls below 1,000/mm3 , 24-hour infusion. A second induction may
follow institutional policy for infection be given if response isn’t adequate. Mainte-
control in immunocompromised patients. nance therapy is 12 mg/m2 on days 1 and 2,
• To prevent bleeding, avoid all I.M. in- with cytarabine 100 mg/m2 on days 1 to 5 as
jections when platelet count is less than a continuous 24-hour infusion.
100,000/mm3 . ➤ To reduce neurologic disability and
• Anticipate need for blood transfusions to frequency of relapse in chronic progres-
combat anemia. sive, progressive relapsing, or worsening
• Monitor patient for dyspnea with non- relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
productive cough; chest X-ray may show Adults: 12 mg/m2 I.V. over 5 to 15 minutes
infiltrates. every 3 months.
• Monitor renal function tests. ➤ Advanced hormone-refractory
• Leukopenia may occur up to 8 weeks prostate cancer
after therapy and may be cumulative with Men: 12 to 14 mg/m2 as a short I.V. infusion
successive doses. every 21 days. Drug is given as an adjunct to
Black Box Warning Hemolytic uremic syn- corticosteroid therapy.
drome is characterized by microangiopathic
hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and ADMINISTRATION
renal failure. Most cases occur at doses of I.V.
60 mg or more.  Preparing and giving drug may be muta- M
genic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. Follow
PATIENT TEACHING facility policy to reduce risks.
• Advise patient to report any pain or  Dilute dose in at least 50 ml of normal

burning at site of injection during or after saline solution for injection or D5 W injec-
administration. tion. Don’t mix with other drugs.
• Warn patient to watch for signs and symp- Black Box Warning Give slowly into a
toms of infection (fever, sore throat, fatigue) free-flowing I.V. infusion of normal saline
and bleeding (easy bruising, nosebleeds, solution or D5 W injection over at least
bleeding gums, tarry stools). Tell patient to 3 minutes.
take temperature daily. Black Box Warning Never give
• Inform patient that hair loss may occur subcutaneously, intra-arterially, or
but that it’s usually reversible. intramuscularly.
Black Box Warning Drug is not for
SAFETY ALERT! intrathecal use.
Black Box Warning Severe local tissue
mitoxantrone hydrochloride damage may occur if there is
mye-toe-ZAN-trone extravasation.
 If extravasation occurs, stop infusion

Novantrone immediately and notify prescriber.

 Once vial is penetrated, undiluted so-

Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic lution may be stored for 7 days at room

Pharmacologic class: DNA-reactive temperature or 14 days in refrigerator.
agent; anthracenedione Don’t freeze.
Pregnancy risk category D  Incompatibilities: Amphotericin B,

aztreonam, cefepime, doxorubicin lipo-

AVAIL ABLE FORMS somal, heparin sodium, hydrocortisone,
Injection: 2 mg/ml other I.V. drugs, paclitaxel, piperacillin

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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922 mitoxantrone hydrochloride

sodium and tazobactam sodium, propofol, • Use cautiously in patients with previous
sargramostim. exposure to anthracyclines or other car-
diotoxic drugs, previous radiation therapy
AC TION to mediastinal area, or heart disease. Signif-
Reacts with DNA, producing cytotoxic icantly myelosuppressed patients shouldn’t
effect. Probably not specific to cell cycle. receive drug unless benefits outweigh risks.
Route Onset Peak Duration
•H Overdose S&S: Severe leukopenia.
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: Terminal half-life, 23 to 215 hours. Black Box Warning Administer under the
supervision of a physician experienced with
ADVERSE REACTIONS cytotoxic chemotherapy.
CNS: fever, headache, seizures. Black Box Warning Except when used to
CV: arrhythmias, ECG abnormalities, treat ANLL, mitoxantrone should generally
heart failure, tachycardia. not be given to patients with baseline neu-
EENT: conjunctivitis, sinusitis. trophil counts less than 1,500 cells/mm3 .
GI: abdominal pain, bleeding, constipation, Frequently monitor peripheral blood cell
diarrhea, mucositis, nausea, stomatitis, counts for all patients using drug.
vomiting. • Closely monitor hematologic and labora-
GU: amenorrhea, menstrual disorder, UTI, tory chemistry parameters, including liver
renal failure. function studies. Obtain CBC and platelet
Hematologic: myelosuppression, anemia. count before each course of treatment.
Hepatic: jaundice. Patient may require blood transfusion or
Metabolic: hyperuricemia. RBC or WBC colony-stimulating factors.
Musculoskeletal: back pain. • Avoid all I.M. injections if platelet count
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, upper respi- falls below 50,000/mm3 .
ratory tract infection, pneumonia. Black Box Warning Use of drug has been
Skin: alopecia, ecchymoses, local irritation associated with cardiotoxicity. Monitor left
or phlebitis, petechiae. ventricular ejection fraction before initi-
Other: fungal infections, sepsis. ating therapy and prior to each dose; risk
of cardiotoxicity increases with cumula-
INTERACTIONS tive dose of 140 mg/m2 , although toxicities
None significant. may occur at any dose. Continue ongoing
cardiac monitoring to detect late occurring
• May increase ALT, AST, bilirubin, • If severe nonhematologic toxicity occurs
GGT, and uric acid levels. May decrease during first course, delay second course
hemoglobin level and hematocrit. until patient recovers.
• May decrease leukocyte and granulocyte Black Box Warning Secondary AML has
counts. been reported with mitoxantrone therapy.
Alert: Women with multiple sclerosis who
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS are biologically capable of becoming preg-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive nant and even if they are using birth control,
to drug. should have a pregnancy test, and the results
Black Box Warning Evaluate left ventricu- should be known, before receiving each
lar ejection fraction (LVEF) before initiating dose.
treatment and prior to administering each
dose of mitoxantrone to patients with mul- PATIENT TEACHING
tiple sclerosis. All patients with multiple • Advise patient to report any pain or
sclerosis who have finished treatment burning at site of injection during or
should receive yearly, quantitative LVEF after administration.
evaluation to detect late-occurring cardiac • Tell patient that urine may appear blue-
toxicity. green within 24 hours after receiving drug

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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modafinil 923

and that the whites of his eyes may turn Route Onset Peak Duration
blue. These effects are not harmful but may P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
persist during therapy.
Half-life: 15 hours.
• Advise patient to watch for signs and
symptoms of bleeding and infection.
• Recommend that women consult ADVERSE REACTIONS
prescriber before becoming pregnant. CNS: headache, nervousness, dizziness,
insomnia, fever, depression, anxiety, cata-
plexy, paresthesia, dyskinesia, hypertonia,
modafinil confusion, syncope, amnesia, emotional
moe-DAFF-in-ill lability, ataxia, tremor, mania, hallucination,
suicidal ideation.
Alertec†, Provigil CV: arrhythmias, hypotension, hyperten-
sion, vasodilation, chest pain.
Therapeutic class: CNS stimulant EENT: rhinitis, pharyngitis, epistaxis,
Pharmacologic class: Analeptic amblyopia, abnormal vision.
Pregnancy risk category C GI: nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, anorexia,
Controlled substance schedule IV vomiting, mouth ulcer, gingivitis, thirst.
GU: abnormal urine, urine retention,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS abnormal ejaculation, albuminuria.
Tablets: 100 mg, 200 mg Hematologic: eosinophilia.
Metabolic: hyperglycemia.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Musculoskeletal: joint disorder, neck pain,
➤ To improve wakefulness in patients neck rigidity.
with excessive daytime sleepiness caused Respiratory: asthma, dyspnea, lung
by narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea- disorder. M
hypopnea syndrome, and shift-work sleep Skin: sweating.
disorder Other: herpes simplex, chills.
Adults and adolescents age 16 and older:
200 mg P.O. daily, as single dose in the INTERACTIONS
morning. Patients with shift-work sleep Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, pheno-
disorder should take dose about 1 hour barbital, rifampin, and other inducers
before the start of their shift. of CYP3A4: May alter modafinil level.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with severe Monitor patient closely.
hepatic impairment, give 100 mg P.O. daily, Cyclosporine, theophylline: May reduce
as single dose in the morning. levels of these drugs. Use together cau-
➤ Multiple sclerosis–related fatigue  tiously.
Adults: 50 mg P.O. b.i.d. for up to 3 months. Diazepam, phenytoin, propranolol, other
drugs metabolized by CYP2C19: May in-
ADMINISTRATION hibit CYP2C19 and lead to higher levels of
P.O. drugs metabolized by this enzyme. Use to-
• Give drug without regard for food; how- gether cautiously; adjust dosage as needed.
ever, food may delay effect of drug. Hormonal contraceptives: May reduce
contraceptive effectiveness. Advise patient
AC TION to use alternative or additional method of
Unknown. Similar to action of sympath- contraception during modafinil therapy and
omimetics, including amphetamines, for 1 month after drug is stopped.
but drug is structurally distinct from am- Itraconazole, ketoconazole, other inhibitors
phetamines and doesn’t alter release of of CYP3A4: May alter modafinil level.
dopamine or norepinephrine to produce Monitor patient closely.
CNS stimulation. Methylphenidate: May cause 1-hour delay
in modafinil absorption. Separate dosage

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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924 mometasone furoate

Phenytoin, warfarin: May inhibit CYP2C9 Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrol-
and increase phenytoin and warfarin levels. ysis, and drug rash with eosinophilia and
Monitor patient closely for toxicity. hypersensitivity have been reported.
Tricyclic antidepressants (such as • Advise woman to notify prescriber about
clomipramine, desipramine): May in- planned, suspected, or known pregnancy, or
crease tricyclic antidepressant level. Reduce if she’s breast-feeding.
dosage of these drugs. • Caution patient that use of hormonal con-
traceptives (including depot or implantable
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS contraceptives) together with modafinil
• May increase glucose, GGT, and AST tablets may reduce contraceptive effective-
levels. ness. Recommend an alternative method of
• May increase eosinophil count. contraception during modafinil therapy and
for 1 month after drug is stopped.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct patient to confer with prescriber
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive before taking prescription or OTC drugs to
to drug and in those with a history of left avoid drug interactions.
ventricular hypertrophy or ischemic ECG • Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking
changes, chest pain, arrhythmias, or other drug.
evidence of mitral valve prolapse linked to • Warn patient to avoid activities that
CNS stimulant use. require alertness or good coordination
• Use cautiously in patients with recent MI until CNS effects of drug are known.
or unstable angina and in those with history
of psychosis.
• Use cautiously and give reduced dosage mometasone furoate
to patients with severe hepatic impairment, moe-MEH-tah-zone
with or without cirrhosis.
• Use cautiously in patients taking MAO Asmanex Twisthaler
• Safety and efficacy in patients with severe mometasone furoate
renal impairment haven’t been determined. monohydrate
• Modafinil isn’t approved for use in chil- Nasonex
dren younger than age 16 for any indication.
•H Overdose S&S: Agitation or excitation, Therapeutic class: Antiasthmatic
insomnia, slight or moderate elevations in Pharmacologic class: Glucocorticoid
hemodynamic parameters, aggressiveness, Pregnancy risk category C
anxiety, confusion, decreased PT, diarrhea,
irritability, nausea, nervousness, palpita- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
tions, sleep disturbances, tremor, bradycar- Inhalation powder: 110 mcg/inhalation,
dia, chest pain, hypertension, tachycardia, 220 mcg/inhalation
hallucination, restlessness. Nasal spray: 50 mcg/spray


• Monitor hypertensive patients closely. ➤ Maintenance therapy for asthma;
• Although single daily 400-mg doses have asthma in patients who take an oral
been well tolerated, the larger dose is no corticosteroid
more beneficial than the 200-mg dose. Adults and children age 12 and older who
previously used a bronchodilator or in-
PATIENT TEACHING haled corticosteroid: Initially, 220 mcg by
Alert: Advise patient to stop drug and oral inhalation every day in the evening.
notify prescriber if rash, peeling skin, Maximum, 440 mcg/day.
trouble swallowing or breathing, or other Adults and children age 12 and older who
symptoms of allergic reaction occur. Rare take an oral corticosteroid: 440 mcg b.i.d.
cases of serious rash including Stevens- by oral inhalation. Maximum, 880 mcg/day.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mometasone furoate 925

Reduce oral corticosteroid dosage by no Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, back pain,

more than 2.5 mg/day at weekly intervals, myalgia.
beginning at least 1 week after starting Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
mometasone. After stopping oral cortico- tion, respiratory disorder.
steroid, reduce mometasone dose to lowest Other: accidental injury, flulike symptoms,
effective amount. infection.
Children 4 to 11 years: 110 mcg by oral
inhalation once daily in the evening. INTERACTIONS
➤ Allergic rhinitis Drug-drug. Ketoconazole: May increase
Adults and children age 12 and older: mometasone level. Use together cautiously.
2 sprays (50 mcg/spray) in each nostril once
Children ages 2 to 11: 1 spray (50 mcg/ None reported.
spray) in each nostril once daily.
Adults: 2 sprays (50 mcg/spray) in each • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
nostril once daily to b.i.d. to drug or its ingredients and in those with
status asthmaticus or other acute forms
ADMINISTRATION of asthma or bronchospasm (as primary
Inhalational treatment).
• Have patient breathe deeply and rapidly • Use cautiously in patients at high risk for
during administration. decreased bone mineral content (those with
• Have patient rinse his mouth after admin- a family history of osteoporosis, prolonged
istration. immobilization, long-term use of drugs that
Intranasal reduce bone mass), patients switching from
• Before initial use, prime nasal spray pump a systemic to an inhaled corticosteroid, and M
10 times or until fine spray appears. patients with active or dormant tuberculosis,
• Pump may be stored for 1 week with- untreated systemic infections, ocular herpes
out repriming. If unused for more than simplex, or immunosuppression.
1 week, reprime two times or until a fine • Use cautiously in breast-feeding women.
spray appears. •H Overdose S&S: Hypercorticism.
Unknown, although corticosteroids in- Alert: Don’t use for acute bronchospasm.
hibit many cells and mediators involved in • Wean patient slowly from a systemic cor-
inflammation and the asthmatic response. ticosteroid after he switches to mometasone.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Monitor lung function tests, beta-agonist
Inhalation Unknown 1–21⁄2 hr Unknown
use, and asthma symptoms.
Intranasal Unknown Unknown Unknown Alert: If patient is switching from an oral
corticosteroid to an inhaled form, watch
Half-life: 5 hours (oral); 5.8 hours (nasal). closely for evidence of adrenal insuffi-
ciency, such as fatigue, lethargy, weakness,
ADVERSE REACTIONS nausea, vomiting, and hypotension.
CNS: headache, depression, fatigue, • After an oral corticosteroid is withdrawn,
insomnia, pain. hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
EENT: allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis, dry function may not recover for months. If
throat, dysphonia, earache, epistaxis, nasal patient has trauma, stress, infection, or
irritation, sinus congestion, sinusitis. surgery during this HPA recovery period,
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, dyspepsia, he is particularly vulnerable to adrenal
flatulence, gastroenteritis, nausea, oral insufficiency or adrenal crisis.
candidiasis, vomiting. • Because an inhaled corticosteroid can be
GU: dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorder, systemically absorbed, watch for cushingoid
UTI. effects.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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926 montelukast sodium

• Assess patient for bone loss during long-

term use. montelukast sodium
• Watch for evidence of localized mouth mon-tell-OO-kast
infections, glaucoma, and immunosuppres-
sion. Singulairi
• Use drug only if benefits to mother justify
risks to fetus. If a woman takes a cortico- Therapeutic class: Antiasthmatic
steroid during pregnancy, monitor neonate Pharmacologic class: Leukotriene-
for hypoadrenalism. receptor antagonist
• Monitor elderly patients for increased Pregnancy risk category B
sensitivity to drug effects.
PATIENT TEACHING Oral granules: 4-mg packet
• Instruct patient on proper use and routine Tablets (chewable): 4 mg, 5 mg
care of the inhaler or nasal spray pump. Tablets (film-coated): 10 mg
• Tell patient to use drug regularly and at
the same time each day. If he uses it only INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
once daily, tell him to do so in the evening. ➤ Asthma, seasonal allergic rhinitis,
• Caution patient not to use drug for perennial allergic rhinitis
immediate relief of an asthma attack or Adults and children age 15 and older:
bronchospasm. 10 mg P.O. once daily in evening.
• Inform patient that maximal benefits Children ages 6 to 14: 5 mg chewable tablet
might not occur for 1 to 2 weeks or longer P.O. once daily in evening.
after therapy starts; instruct him to notify Children ages 2 to 5: 4 mg chewable tablet
his prescriber if his condition fails to or 1 packet of 4-mg oral granules P.O. once
improve or worsens. daily in the evening.
• Tell patient that if he has bronchospasm Children ages 12 to 23 months (asthma
after taking drug, he should immediately only): 1 packet of 4-mg oral granules P.O.
use a fast-acting bronchodilator. Urge him once daily in the evening.
to contact prescriber immediately if bron- Children ages 6 to 23 months (perennial
chospasm doesn’t respond to the fast-acting allergic rhinitis only): 1 packet of 4-mg oral
bronchodilator. granules P.O. once daily in the evening.
Alert: If patient has been weaned from ➤ Prevention of exercise-induced
an oral corticosteroid, urge him to contact bronchospasm
prescriber immediately if an asthma attack Adults and children age 15 and older:
occurs or if he is experiencing a period of 10 mg P.O. at least 2 hours before exercise.
stress. The oral corticosteroid may need to Patients already taking a daily dose
be resumed. shouldn’t take an additional dose. Also,
• Warn patient to avoid exposure to chick- an additional dose shouldn’t be taken within
enpox or measles and to notify prescriber if 24 hours of a previous dose.
such contact occurs.
• Long-term use of an inhaled cortico- ADMINISTRATION
steroid may increase the risk of cataracts P.O.
or glaucoma; tell patient to report vision • Give oral granules directly in the mouth,
changes. dissolved in 5 ml of cold or room tempera-
• Advise patient to write the date on a new ture baby formula or breast milk, or mixed
inhaler on the day he opens it and to discard with a spoonful of cold or room temperature
the inhaler after 45 days or when the dose soft foods (use only applesauce, carrots,
counter reads “00.” rice, or ice cream).
• Give oral granules without regard for

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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montelukast sodium 927

AC TION Continue appropriate rescue drug for acute

Reduces early and late-phase bronchocon- worsening.
striction from antigen challenge. • Drug may cause behavior and mood
Route Onset Peak Duration
changes. Monitor patient and consider
P.O. (chewable, Unknown 2–21⁄2 hr 24 hr
discontinuing drug if neuropsychiatric
granules) symptoms develop.
P.O. Unknown 3–4 hr 24 hr
(film-coated) PATIENT TEACHING
Half-life: 23⁄4 to 51⁄2 hours. • Inform caregiver that the oral granules
may be given directly into the child’s mouth,
ADVERSE REACTIONS dissolved in 1 teaspoon of cold or room-
CNS: headache, asthenia, dizziness, temperature baby formula or breast milk, or
fatigue, fever. mixed in a spoonful of applesauce, carrots,
EENT: dental pain, nasal congestion. rice, or ice cream.
GI: abdominal pain, dyspepsia, infectious • Tell caregiver not to open packet until
gastroenteritis. ready to use and, after opening, to give the
GU: pyuria. full dose within 15 minutes. Tell her that
Hematologic: systemic eosinophilia. if she’s mixing the drug with food, not to
Respiratory: cough. store excess for future use and to discard the
Skin: rash. unused portion.
Other: influenza, trauma. • Advise patient to take drug daily, even if
asymptomatic, and to contact his prescriber
INTERACTIONS if asthma isn’t well controlled.
Drug-drug. Phenobarbital, rifampin: May • Warn patient not to reduce or stop taking
decrease bioavailability of montelukast other prescribed antiasthmatics without
because of hepatic metabolism induction. prescriber’s approval. M
Monitor patient for effectiveness. • Advise patient to seek medical attention
if short-acting inhaled bronchodilators are
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS needed more often than usual during drug
• May increase ALT and AST levels. therapy.
• Warn patient that drug isn’t beneficial in
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS acute asthma attacks or in exercise-induced
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive bronchospasm, and advise him to keep
to drug or its ingredients. appropriate rescue drugs available.
• Use cautiously and with appropriate • Warn patient that drug may cause
monitoring in patients whose dosages of behavior and mood changes, and to
systemic corticosteroids are reduced. report development of these symptoms
•H Overdose S&S: Headache, vomiting, psy- to prescriber.
chomotor hyperactivity, thirst, somnolence, • Advise patient with known aspirin sensi-
mydriasis, hyperkinesia, abdominal pain. tivity to continue to avoid using aspirin and
NSAIDs during drug therapy.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Alert: Advise patient with phenylke-
• Assess patient’s underlying condition, and tonuria that chewable tablet contains phe-
monitor him for effectiveness. nylalanine.
Alert: Don’t abruptly substitute drug for
inhaled or oral corticosteroids. Dose of
inhaled corticosteroids may be reduced
Alert: Drug isn’t indicated for use in
patients with acute asthmatic attacks, status
asthmaticus, or as monotherapy for manage-
ment of exercise-induced bronchospasm.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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928 morphine hydrochloride

SAFETY ALERT! 5 to 30 mg P.O. or 10 to 20 mg P.R. every
4 hours p.r.n.
morphine hydrochloride For continuous I.V. infusion, give loading
MOR-feen dose of 15 mg I.V.; then continuous infusion
Doloral†, M.O.S†, M.O.S.-S.R† of 0.8 to 80 mg/hour.
For extended-release tablet, give 15 or
morphine sulfate 30 mg P.O., every 8 to 12 hours.
Astramorph PF, Avinza, DepoDur, For extended-release Kadian capsules
Duramorph PF, Infumorph, Kadian, used as a first opioid, give 10 or 20 mg P.O.
M-Eslon†, M.O.S. Sulphate†, MS every 12 hours; increase at rate of up to
Contin, MSIR, Oramorph SR, RMS 20 mg every other day and individualize
Uniserts, Roxanol, Statex† dosage.
For epidural injection, give 5 mg by
Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic epidural catheter; then, if pain isn’t relieved
Pharmacologic class: Opioid adequately in 1 hour, give supplementary
Pregnancy risk category C doses of 1 to 2 mg at intervals sufficient
Controlled substance schedule II to assess effectiveness. Maximum total
epidural dose shouldn’t exceed 10 mg/
morphine hydrochloride For intrathecal injection, a single dose
Oral solution: 1 mg/ml†, 5 mg/ml†, of 0.2 to 1 mg may provide pain relief for
10 mg/ml†, 20 mg/ml†, 50 mg/ml† 24 hours (only in the lumbar area). Don’t
Suppositories: 10 mg†, 20 mg†, 30 mg† repeat injections.
Syrup: 1 mg/ml†∗ , 5 mg/ml†∗ , 10 mg/ml†∗ , Children: 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg subcutaneously
20 mg/ml†∗ , 50 mg/ml†∗ or I.M. every 4 hours. Maximum single
Tablets: 10 mg†, 20 mg†, 40 mg†, 60 mg† dose, 15 mg.
Tablets (extended-release): 30 mg†, 60 mg† ➤ Moderate to severe pain requiring
morphine sulfate continuous, around-the-clock opioid
Capsules (extended-release beads): 30 mg, Adults: Individualize dosage of Avinza. For
45 mg, 60 mg, 75 mg, 90 mg, 120 mg patients with no tolerance to opioids, begin
Capsules (extended-release pellets): 10 mg, with 30 mg Avinza P.O. daily; adjust dosage
20 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, by no more than 30 mg every 4 days. When
100 mg, 200 mg converting from another oral morphine
Injection (epidural): 10 mg/ml form, individualize the dosage schedule
Injection (with preservative): 0.5 mg/ml, according to patient’s schedule.
1 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml, ➤ Single-dose, epidural extended pain
8 mg/ml, 10 mg/ml, 15 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml, relief after major surgery
50 mg/ml Adults: Inject 10 to 15 mg (maximum
Injection (without preservative): 0.5 mg/ml, 20 mg) DepoDur via lumbar epidural ad-
1 mg/ml, 10 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml ministration before surgery or after clamp-
Oral solution: 10 mg/5 ml, 20 mg/5 ml, ing of umbilical cord during cesarean sec-
20 mg/ml (concentrate), 100 mg/5 ml tion. May be injected undiluted or may
(concentrate) be diluted up to 5 ml total volume with
Soluble tablets: 10 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg preservative-free normal saline solution.
Suppositories: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg
Tablets: 15 mg, 30 mg ADMINISTRATION
Tablets (extended-release): 15 mg, 30 mg, P.O.
60 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg • Oral solutions of various concentrations
and an intensified oral solution (20 mg/ml)
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES are available. Carefully note the strength
➤ Moderate to severe pain given.
Adults: 5 to 20 mg subcutaneously or I.M. • Give morphine sulfate without regard to
or 5 to 15 mg I.V. every 4 hours p.r.n. Or, food.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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morphine hydrochloride 929

• Oral capsules may be carefully opened • Store DepoDur in refrigerator. Unopened

and the entire contents poured into cool, vials can be stored at room temperature for
soft foods, such as water, orange juice, up to 7 days. After drug is withdrawn from
applesauce, or pudding; patient should vial, it can be stored at room temperature for
consume mixture immediately. up to 4 hours before use.
Black Box Warning Don’t crush, break, or Rectal
chew extended-release forms. • Refrigeration of rectal suppository isn’t
Sublingual needed.
• For S.L. use, measure oral solution with
tuberculin syringe. Give dose a few drops at AC TION
a time to allow maximal S.L. absorption and Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors
minimize swallowing. in the CNS, altering perception of and
I.V. emotional response to pain.
 For direct injection, dilute 2.5 to 15 mg
Route Onset Peak Duration
in 4 or 5 ml of sterile water for injection P.O. 30 min 1–2 hr 4–12 hr
and give slowly over 4 to 5 minutes. P.O. 1–2 hr 3–4 hr 12–24 hr
 For continuous infusion, mix drug with (extended-
D5 W to yield 0.1 to 1 mg/ml, and give by a release)
continuous infusion device. I.V. 5 min 20 min 4–5 hr
 In adults with severe, chronic pain, I.M. 10–30 min 30–60 min 4–5 hr
maintenance I.V. infusion is 0.8 to Subcut. 10–30 min 50–90 min 4–5 hr
80 mg/hour; sometimes higher doses P.R. 20–60 min 20–60 min 4–5 hr
Epidural 15–60 min 15–60 min 24 hr
are needed.
 Make sure an opioid antagonist is
Intrathecal 15–60 min 30–60 min 24 hr

immediately available before adminis- Half-life: 2 to 3 hours.

tering I.V. M
 Incompatibilities: Aminophylline, ADVERSE REACTIONS
amobarbital, cefepime, chlorothiazide, CNS: dizziness, euphoria, light-
fluorouracil, haloperidol, heparin sodium, headedness, nightmares, sedation, somno-
meperidine, pentobarbital, phenobarbital lence, seizures, depression, hallucinations,
sodium, phenytoin sodium, prochlor- nervousness, physical dependence, syncope.
perazine, promethazine hydrochloride, CV: bradycardia, cardiac arrest, shock,
sodium bicarbonate, thiopental. hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia.
I.M. GI: constipation, nausea, vomiting,
• Document injection site. anorexia, biliary tract spasms, dry mouth,
• Store injection solution at room tempera- ileus.
ture and protect from light. GU: urine retention.
• Solution may darken with age. Don’t Hematologic: thrombocytopenia.
use if injection is darker than pale yellow, Respiratory: apnea, respiratory arrest,
discolored, or contains precipitate. respiratory depression.
Subcutaneous Skin: diaphoresis, edema, pruritus, skin
• Document injection site. flushing.
• Store injection solution at room tempera- Other: decreased libido.
ture and protect from light.
• Solution may darken with age. Don’t INTERACTIONS
use if injection is darker than pale yellow, Drug-drug. Cimetidine: May increase
discolored, or contains precipitate. respiratory and CNS depression when given
Epidural with morphine sulfate. Monitor patient
• Don’t mix DepoDur with other drugs. closely.
Once DepoDur is given, don’t give any CNS depressants, general anesthetics,
other drugs into epidural space for at least hypnotics, MAO inhibitors, other opioid
48 hours. Don’t use in-line filter during analgesics, sedatives, tranquilizers, tricyclic
administration. antidepressants: May cause respiratory

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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930 morphine hydrochloride

depression, hypotension, profound seda- 12 breaths/minute, withhold dose and notify

tion, or coma. Use together with caution, prescriber.
reduce morphine dose, and monitor patient Black Box Warning Morphine has an abuse
response. liability similar to other opioid analgesics
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause and may be misused, abused, or diverted.
additive CNS effects. Warn patient to avoid Black Box Warning Kadian capsules are not
alcohol. for use on an as-needed basis.
• Preservative-free preparations are avail-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS able for epidural and intrathecal use.
• May increase amylase level. May decrease Black Box Warning When the epidural or
hemoglobin level (morphine sulfate). intrathecal route is used, observe patients in
• May decrease platelet count. a fully equipped and staffed environment for
• May cause abnormal liver function test at least 24 hours after the initial dose.
values (morphine sulfate). Black Box Warning Infumorph is not
recommended for single-dose
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- • When drug is given epidurally, monitor
tive to drug and in those with conditions patient closely for respiratory depression
that would preclude I.V. administration of up to 24 hours after the injection. Check
opioids (acute bronchial asthma or upper respiratory rate and depth every 30 to
airway obstruction). 60 minutes for 24 hours. Watch for
• Contraindicated in patients with GI pruritus and skin flushing.
obstruction. • Morphine is drug of choice in relieving
• Use with caution in elderly or debili- MI pain; may cause transient decrease in
tated patients and in those with head injury, blood pressure.
increased intracranial pressure, seizures, • An around-the-clock regimen best
chronic pulmonary disease, prostatic hyper- manages severe, chronic pain.
plasia, severe hepatic or renal disease, acute • Morphine may worsen or mask gallblad-
abdominal conditions, hypothyroidism, der pain.
Addison’s disease, and urethral stricture. • Constipation is commonly severe with
• Use with caution in patients with circu- maintenance dose. Ensure that stool soft-
latory shock, biliary tract disease, CNS de- ener and/or stimulant laxative is ordered.
pression, toxic psychosis, acute alcoholism, • Taper morphine sulfate therapy gradually
delirium tremens, and seizure disorders. when stopping therapy.
•H Overdose S&S: Miosis, CNS depres- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
sion, respiratory depression, apnea, flaccid morphine with hydromorphone or Avinza
skeletal muscles, bradycardia, hypoten- with Invanz.
sion, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest,
respiratory arrest, death. PATIENT TEACHING
• When drug is used after surgery, encour-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS age patient to turn, cough, deep-breathe,
• Reassess patient’s level of pain at least and use incentive spirometer to prevent lung
15 and 30 minutes after giving parenterally problems.
and 30 minutes after giving orally. • Caution ambulatory patient about getting
• Keep opioid antagonist (naloxone) and out of bed or walking. Warn outpatient to
resuscitation equipment available. avoid driving and other potentially haz-
• Monitor circulatory, respiratory, bladder, ardous activities that require mental alert-
and bowel functions carefully. Drug may ness until drug’s adverse CNS effects are
cause respiratory depression, hypotension, known.
urine retention, nausea, vomiting, ileus, or Black Box Warning Drinking alcohol or
altered level of consciousness regardless taking drugs containing alcohol while tak-
of the route. If respirations drop below ing extended-release capsules may cause
additive CNS effects. Warn patient to read

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride 931

labels on OTC drugs carefully and not to use tering half of patient’s daily morphine dose
alcohol in any form. as Embeda every 12 hours or by administer-
• Tell patient to swallow morphine sulfate ing total morphine dose as Embeda every
whole or to open capsule and sprinkle beads 24 hours.
or pellets on a small amount of applesauce
immediately before taking. ADMINISTRATION
Alert: Warn patient not to crush, break, or P.O.
chew extended-release forms. • If patient has difficulty swallowing whole
capsule, open capsule, sprinkle pellets onto
SAFETY ALERT! small amount of applesauce, and administer
immediately. Caution patient not to chew
morphine sulfate and pellets. Have patient rinse mouth to make
naltrexone hydrochloride sure all pellets are swallowed.
MOR-feen and nal-TREX-own • Don’t administer pellets through a naso-
gastric or gastric tube.
Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic Selective mu agonist that produces anal-
Pharmacologic class: Opioid agonist- gesia and sedation by binding with the mu
antagonist opioid receptor.
Pregnancy risk category C
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 71⁄2 hr Days
Capsules: 20 mg morphine and 0.8 mg Half-life: 29 hours.
naltrexone, 30 mg morphine and 1.2 mg
naltrexone, 50 mg morphine and 2 mg ADVERSE REACTIONS M
naltrexone, 60 mg morphine and 2.4 mg CNS: anxiety, depression, dizziness,
naltrexone, 80 mg morphine and 3.2 mg fatigue, headache, insomnia, irritability,
naltrexone, 100 mg morphine and 4 mg lethargy, restlessness, sedation, somno-
naltrexone lence, tremor.
CV: cardiac arrest, flushing, hypotension,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES peripheral edema, shock.
➤ Moderate to severe pain when a EENT: dry mouth.
continuous, around-the-clock opioid GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, constipation,
analgesic is needed for an extended decreased appetite, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
period of time flatulence, nausea, stomach discomfort,
Adults: Individualize dosage according vomiting.
to patient’s previous analgesic treatment, Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, muscle
general condition, concurrent medication, spasms.
type and severity of pain, and degree of Respiratory: apnea, respiratory arrest,
opioid tolerance. Initially, give lowest dose respiratory depression.
possible; titrate no more frequently than Skin: hyperhidrosis, pruritus.
every other day to allow for stabilization Other: hot flush, chills.
before escalating dosage. If pain relief is
inadequate, administer every 12 hours. INTERACTIONS
The 100-mg morphine/4-mg naltrexone Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May cause
capsules are for use only in opioid-tolerant urine retention, severe constipation, or
patients. First dose of Embeda may be taken paralytic ileus. Use together cautiously and
with last dose of any immediate-release monitor patient closely.
(short-acting) opioid medication because of Cimetidine: May cause confusion and
extended-release characteristics of Embeda. severe respiratory depression. Avoid use
Adjust-a-dose: For patients receiving other together.
morphine preparations, convert by adminis-

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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932 morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride

CNS depressants (antiemetics, general • Use caution in elderly and debilitated

anesthetics, phenothiazines, sedative- patients and in those with severe renal or
hypnotics, other tranquilizers): May cause hepatic insufficiency, Addison’s disease,
respiratory depression, hypotension, pro- myxedema, hypothyroidism, prostatic
found sedation, or coma. Use together cau- hypertrophy, and urethral stricture.
tiously; reduce initial dosage of one or both •H Overdose S&S: Respiratory depression,
agents by at least 50% and monitor patient somnolence progressing to stupor or coma,
closely. skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold and clammy
Diuretics: May cause antidiuretic hormone skin, constricted pupils, pulmonary edema,
release, rendering diuretics ineffective, and bradycardia, hypotension, death.
urine retention due to bladder sphincter
spasm. Use together cautiously. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
MAO inhibitors: May cause anxiety, con- Black Box Warning Capsules contain
fusion, significant respiratory depression, pellets of morphine sulfate. The pellets
or coma. Avoid use together and within shouldn’t be crushed, dissolved, or chewed
14 days of stopping treatment with MAO because drug will be released and absorbed
inhibitors. rapidly; resulting dose may be fatal, espe-
Mixed agonist/antagonist opioid analgesics cially in opioid-naı̈ve patients.
(butorphanol, nalbuphine, pentazocine): Alert: Drug isn’t intended for use as an “as
May reduce analgesic effects and precipitate needed” analgesic.
withdrawal symptoms. Avoid use together. Black Box Warning Morphine 100 mg/
Muscle relaxants: May enhance neuromus- naltrexone 4 mg is for use in opioid-tolerant
cular blocking action of skeletal muscle patients only.
relaxants, causing respiratory depression. • Drug has an abuse liability similar to
Use together cautiously. other opioid analgesics and may be misused,
P-glycoprotein inhibitors (such as quini- abused, or diverted.
dine): May increase morphine level. Use • Monitor circulatory, respiratory, bladder,
together cautiously. and bowel functions carefully. Drug may
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause cause respiratory depression, hypotension,
additive CNS effects. Warn patient to avoid urine retention, nausea, vomiting, constipa-
alcohol. tion, ileus, or altered level of consciousness.
• Taper drug gradually when stopping
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS therapy to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
• May interfere with tests that use enzymes • Keep opioid antagonist (naloxone,
to detect opioids. nalmefene) and resuscitation equipment
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive PATIENT TEACHING
to drug or its components and in those with Black Box Warning Warn patient taking
significant respiratory depression, acute or Embeda that consuming alcoholic bev-
severe bronchial asthma, or hypercapnia in erages or prescription or nonprescription
unmonitored settings without resuscitative drugs containing alcohol may cause dose to
equipment. be fatal.
• Contraindicated in patients with known or Alert: Tell patient to swallow capsules
suspected paralytic ileus. whole or open capsule and sprinkle pellets
• Use cautiously in patients with COPD, on small amount of applesauce immediately
cor pulmonale, decreased respiratory before taking; instruct patient that capsules
reserve, hypoxia, hypercapnia, head injury, shouldn’t be crushed, dissolved, or chewed.
increased intracranial pressure, shock, • Caution patient that drug has potential for
biliary tract disease including pancreatitis, abuse and should be protected from theft.
CNS depression, toxic psychosis, acute • Warn patient to avoid driving and other
alcoholism, or delirium tremens. potentially hazardous activities that require

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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moxifloxacin hydrochloride (oral; injection) 933

mental alertness until drug’s effects are Respiratory: increased cough.

known. Skin: rash.
• Caution ambulatory patient about getting Other: infection.
out of bed or walking because drug may
cause a drop in blood pressure with position INTERACTIONS
change. None reported.
• Tell patient the importance of dietary
changes, stool softeners, and laxatives to EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
prevent constipation, a common adverse None reported.
effect of drug.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
moxifloxacin hydrochloride to drug or other fluoroquinolones.
(ophthalmic) • Use cautiously in pregnant or breast-
mocks-ah-FLOX-a-sin feeding women.


• Systemic drug may cause serious hyper-
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic sensitivity reactions. If allergic reaction
Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone occurs, stop drug and treat symptoms.
Pregnancy risk category C • Monitor patient for superinfection.
• Solution isn’t for injection subconjuncti-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS vally or into anterior chamber of the eye.
Solution: 0.5% • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Vigamox with Avonex.
➤ Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by PATIENT TEACHING
susceptible strains of gram-positive and • Tell patient to stop drug and seek
gram-negative organisms and Chlamydia medical treatment immediately if evidence
trachomatis of hypersensitivity reaction develops, such
Adults and children age 1 and older: 1 drop as itching, rash, swelling of the face or
into affected eye t.i.d. for 7 days. throat, or difficulty breathing.
• Tell patient not to wear contact lenses
ADMINISTRATION during treatment.
Ophthalmic • Instruct patient not to touch dropper tip to
• Place gentle pressure on lacrimal duct for anything, including eyes and fingers.
1 to 2 minutes after instilling drop.

AC TION moxifloxacin hydrochloride

Inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase, (oral; injection)
preventing cell replication and division. mocks-ah-FLOX-a-sin
Route Onset Peak Duration
Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
Avelox, Avelox I.V.

Half-life: 13 hours. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic

Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone
ADVERSE REACTIONS Pregnancy risk category C
CNS: fever.
EENT: conjunctivitis, dry eyes, increased AVAIL ABLE FORMS
lacrimation, keratitis, ocular discomfort, Injection: 400 mg/250 ml
pain, or pruritus, otitis media, pharyngitis, Tablets (film-coated): 400 mg
reduced visual acuity, rhinitis, subconjuncti-
val hemorrhage.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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934 moxifloxacin hydrochloride (oral; injection)


➤ Acute bacterial sinusitis caused by P.O.
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus • Give drug without regard for food. Give at
influenzae, or Moraxella catarrhalis same time each day.
Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. every 24 hours • Space doses of antacids, sucralfate,
for 10 days. multivitamins, and products containing
➤ Complicated skin and skin-structure aluminum, magnesium, iron, and zinc to
infections caused by methicillin- avoid decreasing drug’s therapeutic effects.
susceptible Staphylococcus aureus, • Store drug at controlled room tempera-
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, ture.
or Enterobacter cloacae I.V.
Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. every 24 hours  Don’t use if particulate matter is visible.

for 7 to 21 days.  Flush I.V. line with a compatible solution

➤ Complicated intra-abdominal infec- such as D5 W, normal saline, or Ringer’s

tion caused by E. coli, Bacteroides fragilis, lactate solution before and after use.
Streptococcus anginosis, Streptococcus  Give only by infusion over 1 hour. Avoid

constellatus, Enterococcus faecalis, rapid or bolus infusion.

Proteus mirabilis, Clostridium perfrin-  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs.

gens, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, or

Peptostreptococcus species AC TION
Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. every 24 hours Interferes with action of enzymes needed
for 5 to 14 days. Start with the I.V. form; for bacterial replication. Inhibits topoiso-
switch to P.O. when appropriate. merases I (DNA gyrase) and IV, impairing
➤ Community-acquired pneumonia bacterial DNA replication, transcription,
from multidrug-resistant S. pneumoniae repair, and recombination.
(resistance to two or more of the fol- Route Onset Peak Duration
lowing antibiotics: penicillin, second- P.O., I.V. Unknown 1–3 hr Unknown
generation cephalosporins, macrolides,
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetra- Half-life: About 12 hours.
cyclines), S. aureus, M. catarrhalis,
H. influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, ADVERSE REACTIONS
K. pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, CNS: dizziness, headache, malaise, in-
Legionella pneumophila, or Mycoplasma somnia, nervousness, anxiety, somnolence,
pneumoniae tremor, vertigo.
Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. every 24 hours CV: prolonged QT interval, palpitations,
for 7 to 14 days. tachycardia.
➤ Acute bacterial worsening of chronic GI: pseudomembranous colitis, abdominal
bronchitis caused by S. pneumoniae, pain, anorexia, constipation, diarrhea,
H. influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, K. pneu- dyspepsia, nausea.
moniae, S. aureus, or M. catarrhalis GU: vaginal candidiasis, vaginitis.
Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. every 24 hours Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombocyto-
for 5 days. penia, thrombocytosis, eosinophilia.
➤ Uncomplicated skin-structure or Hepatic: abnormal liver function,
skin infection caused by S. aureus or cholestatic jaundice.
S. pyogenes Musculoskeletal: tendon rupture.
Adults: 400 mg P.O. or I.V. every 24 hours Respiratory: dyspnea.
for 7 days. Skin: injection site reaction, pruritus,
➤ Hospital-acquired pneumonia  rash (maculopapular, purpuric, pustular),
Adults: 400 mg I.V. once daily over sweating.
60 minutes, followed by switch to 400 mg Other: allergic reaction.
P.O. once daily. Recommended duration of
treatment is 7 to 8 days.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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moxifloxacin hydrochloride (oral; injection) 935

INTERACTIONS significant bradycardia or acute myocardial

Drug-drug. Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum- ischemia.
magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, • Use cautiously in patients who may have
didanosine, magnesium hydroxide, multivita- CNS disorders or risk factors for seizures.
mins, products containing zinc: May interfere • Safety and efficacy in children, adoles-
with GI absorption of moxifloxacin. Give cents younger than age 18, and pregnant or
moxifloxacin 4 hours before or 8 hours after breast-feeding women haven’t been estab-
these products. lished.
Class IA antiarrhythmics (such as pro-
cainamide, quinidine), class III antiarrhyth- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
mics (such as amiodarone, sotalol): May Alert: Monitor patient for adverse CNS
increase risk of cardiac arrhythmias. Avoid effects, including seizures, dizziness, con-
using together. fusion, tremors, hallucinations, depression,
Drugs that prolong QT interval, such as and suicidal thoughts. If these occur, stop
antipsychotics, erythromycin, tricyclic drug and notify prescriber.
antidepressants: May have additive effect. • Monitor patient for hypersensitivity reac-
Avoid using together. tions, including anaphylaxis.
NSAIDs: May increase risk of CNS stimula- • If diarrhea develops during therapy, send
tion and seizures. Avoid using together. stool specimen for Clostridium difficile test.
Black Box Warning Steroids: May in- Black Box Warning Rupture of the Achilles
crease risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture. and other tendons is linked to fluoro-
Monitor patient for tendon pain or inflam- quinolone use. If pain, inflammation, or
mation. tendon rupture occurs, stop drug and notify
Sucralfate: May decrease absorption of prescriber.
moxifloxacin, reducing anti-infective
response. If use together can’t be avoided, PATIENT TEACHING M
give at least 6 hours apart. • Instruct patient to take drug once daily, at
Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant the same time each day, without regard to
effects. Monitor PT and INR closely. meals.
Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause • Tell patient to finish entire course of
photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to therapy, even if symptoms are relieved.
avoid excessive sunlight exposure. • Advise patient to drink plenty of fluids.
• Tell patient to space antacids, sucralfate,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS multivitamins, and products containing
• May increase GGT, amylase, and LDH aluminum, magnesium, iron, and zinc to
levels. May decrease hemoglobin level. avoid decreasing drug’s therapeutic effects.
• May increase eosinophil count. May • Instruct patient to contact prescriber
decrease PT and WBC count. May increase and stop drug if he experiences allergic
or decrease platelet count. reaction, rash, heart palpitations, fainting,
or persistent diarrhea.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Direct patient to contact prescriber, stop
Black Box Warning Drug is associated drug, rest, and refrain from exercise if he
with increased risk of tendinitis and tendon experiences pain, inflammation, or tendon
rupture, especially in patients older than rupture.
age 60 and those with heart, kidney, or lung • Warn patient that drug may cause dizzi-
transplants. ness and light-headedness. Tell patient to
• Contraindicated in patients hypersen- avoid hazardous activities, such as driving
sitive to drug or other fluoroquinolones or operating machinery, until effects of drug
and in those with prolonged QT interval or are known.
uncorrected hypokalemia. • Instruct patient to avoid excessive
• Use cautiously in patients with ongoing sunlight exposure and ultraviolet light
proarrhythmic conditions, such as clinically and to report photosensitivity reactions to

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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936 mupirocin

Route Onset Peak Duration

mupirocin Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
Half-life: Unknown.
Bactroban, Centany
Therapeutic class: Antibacterial (topical) CNS: headache.
Pharmacologic class: Antibiotic EENT: rhinitis, pharyngitis, burning or
Pregnancy risk category B stinging with intranasal use.
GI: taste perversion, nausea, abdominal
AVAIL ABLE FORMS pain, ulcerative stomatitis.
Intranasal ointment: 2% Respiratory: upper respiratory tract
Topical cream: 2% congestion, cough with intranasal use.
Topical ointment: 2% Skin: burning, erythema with topical use,
pain, pruritus, rash, stinging.
Adults and children: Apply to affected areas Drug-drug. Chloramphenicol: May
t.i.d. for 1 to 2 weeks. Reevaluate patient interfere with the antibacterial action of
in 3 to 5 days; may cover affected area with mupirocin on RNA synthesis. Monitor
dressing. patient for clinical effect.
➤ Traumatic skin lesions infected with
Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
pyogenes None reported.
Adults and children: Apply thin film t.i.d.
for 10 days; may cover with gauze dressing, CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
if needed. Reevaluate patient if improve- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
ment doesn’t occur in 3 to 5 days. to drug or its components.
➤ To eradicate nasal colonization by • Use cautiously in patients with burns
methicillin-resistant S. aureus in adult or large open wounds and in those with
patients and health care workers impaired renal function because serious
Adults and children age 12 and older: renal toxicity may occur.
Divide ointment in single-use tube between
nostrils (1⁄2 tube per nostril) b.i.d. for 5 days. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
After application, close nostrils by press- • Drug isn’t for ophthalmic or internal use.
ing together and releasing sides of nose • Prolonged use may cause overgrowth of
repeatedly for 1 minute to spread ointment nonsusceptible bacteria and fungi.
throughout nares. • Local reactions appear to be caused by
polyethylene glycol vehicle.
ADMINISTRATION • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Topical Bactroban with bacitracin, baclofen, or
• Cosmetics and other skin products Bactrim.
shouldn’t be used on treated area.
• Other nasal products shouldn’t be used • Tell patient to notify prescriber immedi-
with intranasal ointment. ately if condition doesn’t improve or gets
worse in 3 to 5 days.
AC TION • Tell patient not to use other nasal products
Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by re- with intranasal ointment.
versibly and specifically binding to bacterial • Warn patient about local adverse reactions
isoleucyl transfer-RNA synthetase. related to drug use.
• Caution patient not to use cosmetics or
other skin products on treated area.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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muromonab-cd3 937

EENT: photophobia, tinnitus.

muromonab-CD3 GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal
myoo-roh-MOH-nab pain, GI pain.
GU: renal dysfunction.
Orthoclone OKT3 Hematologic: anemia, leukocytosis,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
Therapeutic class: Immunosuppressant Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia.
Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal Respiratory: dyspnea, hyperventilation,
antibody hypoxia, pneumonia, pulmonary edema,
Pregnancy risk category C respiratory congestion, wheezing.
Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, rash.
Injection: 1 mg/1 ml in 5-ml ampules INTERACTIONS
Drug-drug. Immunosuppressants: May
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES increase risk of infection. Consider reducing
➤ Acute allograft rejection in renal immunosuppressant dosage. Use together
transplant patients; steroid-resistant cautiously.
hepatic or cardiac allograft rejection Indomethacin: May increase muromonab-
Adults and children weighing more than CD3 level, causing encephalopathy and
30 kg (66 lb): 5 mg I.V. daily for 10 to other CNS effects. Monitor patient closely.
14 days. Live-virus vaccines: May increase repli-
Children weighing 30 kg (66 lb) or less: cation and effects of vaccine. Use together
2.5 mg I.V. daily for 10 to 14 days. cautiously.
Drug-herb. Echinacea: May decrease
ADMINISTRATION effect of muromonab. Discourage use
I.V. together. M
 Using aseptic technique, draw solution

into syringe through low–protein-binding EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

0.2- or 0.22-micron filter. Discard filter • May increase BUN and creatinine levels.
and attach needle for I.V. bolus injection. • May cause abnormal urine cytologic study
 Give bolus over less than 1 minute. results.
 Don’t shake or freeze.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AC TION to drug or other products of murine (mouse)
A murine monoclonal antibody that reacts origin, in those who have history of seizures
in the T-lymphocyte membrane with CD3, or are predisposed to seizures, in pregnant
needed for antigen recognition. Depletes or breast-feeding women, and in patients
blood of CD3+ T cells, restoring allograft with uncontrolled hypertension.
function and reversing rejection. • Contraindicated in those with antimurine
Route Onset Peak Duration
antibody titers of 1:1,000 or more or in
I.V. Immediate Unknown 1 wk
uncompensated heart failure fluid overload,
as evidenced by chest X-ray or weight gain
Half-life: Unknown. greater than 3% the week before treatment.
•H Overdose S&S: Hyperthermia, severe
ADVERSE REACTIONS chills, myalgia, vomiting, diarrhea, edema,
CNS: asthenia, fever, headache, tremor, oliguria, pulmonary edema, acute renal
meningitis, seizures, confusion, depres- failure, hemolytic anemia, hemolytic uremic
sion, dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, malaise, syndrome.
nervousness, somnolence.
CV: edema, hypertension, hypotension, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tachycardia, arrhythmia, bradycardia, Black Box Warning Drug should be
chest pain, vascular occlusion, vasodilation. used only by physicians experienced in

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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938 mycophenolate mofetil

immunosuppressive therapy and manage-

ment of solid organ transplant patients. mycophenolate mofetil
• Never give I.M. my-koe-FIN-oh-late
• Obtain chest X-ray within 24 hours before
starting drug treatment. CellCept
• Assess patient for signs and symptoms of
fluid overload before treatment. mycophenolate mofetil
Black Box Warning Anaphylactic or ana- hydrochloride
phylactoid reactions may occur following CellCept Intravenous
administration of any dose. Serious to life-
threatening systemic, cardiovascular, and mycophenolic acid
CNS reactions have occurred. Give therapy (mycophenolate sodium)
in facility equipped and staffed for car- Myfortic
diopulmonary resuscitation, where patient
can be monitored closely. Therapeutic class: Immunosuppressant
• Most adverse reactions develop within Pharmacologic class: Mycophenolic acid
30 minutes to 6 hours after first dose. derivative
• Before giving drug, pretreat patient with Pregnancy risk category D
an antipyretic to reduce risk of pyrexia
and chills. Treat temperature over 100◦ F AVAIL ABLE FORMS
(38◦ C) with antipyretics before giving mycophenolate mofetil
drug, and evaluate risk of infection. Capsules: 250 mg
Black Box Warning Premedicate with Powder for oral suspension: 200 mg/ml
methylprednisolone 8 mg/kg 1 to 4 hours Tablets: 500 mg
before first dose to reduce the severity of mycophenolate mofetil hydrochloride
infusion reaction. Injection: 500 mg/vial
• Patients may develop antibodies to drug, mycophenolic acid
which can lead to loss of effectiveness and Tablets (extended-release): 180 mg,
more severe adverse reactions if a second 360 mg
course is attempted.
• Use blood tests to monitor organ system INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
functions periodically during treatment. ➤ To prevent organ rejection in patients
receiving allogenic renal transplants
PATIENT TEACHING Adults: 1 g I.V. or P.O. (regular-release)
• Inform patient of expected adverse b.i.d. with corticosteroids and cyclosporine.
reactions. Or, 720 mg extended-release tablets P.O.
• Reassure patient that reactions will dimin- b.i.d. 1 hour before or 2 hours after food.
ish as treatment progresses. Children age 5 to 16 (extended-release):
• Tell patient to avoid people with infec- 400 mg/m2 P.O. b.i.d. Maximum dose,
tions because drug lowers resistance to 720 mg P.O. b.i.d.
infection. Children 3 months to 18 years: For oral
• Advise women to avoid pregnancy during suspension, give 600 mg/m2 P.O. b.i.d.,
therapy. maximum dose is 1 g b.i.d. Or, for patients
with body surface area (BSA) of 1.25 to
1.5 m2 , give 750 mg (tablets or capsules)
P.O. b.i.d. If BSA is greater than 1.5 m2 ,
give 1 g (tablets or capsules) P.O. b.i.d.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with severe
chronic renal impairment outside of
immediate posttransplant period, avoid
doses above 1 g b.i.d. If neutropenia
develops, interrupt or reduce dosage.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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mycophenolate mofetil 939

➤ To prevent organ rejection in patients GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diar-

receiving allogenic cardiac transplant rhea, dyspepsia, nausea, oral candidiasis,
Adults: 1.5 g P.O. or I.V. b.i.d. with vomiting, hemorrhage.
cyclosporine and corticosteroids. GU: hematuria, UTI, renal tubular
➤ To prevent organ rejection in patients necrosis.
receiving allogenic hepatic transplants Hematologic: anemia, LEUKOPENIA,
Adults: 1 g I.V. b.i.d. over no less than THROMBOCYTOPENIA, hypochromic
2 hours or 1.5 g P.O. b.i.d. with cyclosporine anemia, leukocytosis.
and corticosteroids. Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, hyper-
Adjust-a-dose: If neutropenia develops, stop glycemia, hyperkalemia, hypokalemia,
or reduce dosage. hypophosphatemia.
Musculoskeletal: back pain.
ADMINISTRATION Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, infection,
P.O. bronchitis, pneumonia.
• Don’t crush tablets; don’t open or crush Skin: acne, rash.
capsules. Other: infection, sepsis.
• Avoid inhaling powder in capsule or
having it contact skin or mucous mem- INTERACTIONS
branes. If contact occurs, wash skin thor- Drug-drug. Acyclovir, ganciclovir, other
oughly with soap and water, and rinse eyes drugs that undergo renal tubular secretion:
with water. May increase risk of toxicity for both drugs.
• The extended-release tablets are not inter- Monitor patient closely.
changeable with other forms. Antacids with magnesium and aluminum
I.V. hydroxides: May decrease mycophenolate
 Reconstitute and dilute to 6 mg/ml using absorption. Separate dosing times.
14 ml of D5 W. Azathioprine: Inhibits purine metabolism. M
 Never give by rapid or bolus I.V. injec- Don’t use together.
tion. Infuse drug over at least 2 hours. Cholestyramine: May interfere with entero-
 Use within 4 hours of reconstitution and hepatic recirculation, reducing mycopheno-
dilution. late bioavailability. Avoid using together.
 Incompatibilities: Other I.V. drugs or Phenytoin, theophylline: May increase both
solutions. drug levels. Monitor drug levels closely.
Probenecid, salicylates: May increase
AC TION mycophenolate level. Monitor patient
Inhibits proliferative response of T and B closely.
lymphocytes, suppresses antibody forma- Vaccines, live: May decrease vaccine’s
tion by B lymphocytes, and may inhibit effectiveness. Avoid using together.
recruitment of leukocytes into sites of Drug-herb. Cat’s claw, echinacea: May
inflammation and graft rejection. increase immunostimulation. Discourage
Route Onset Peak Duration
use together.
P.O. Unknown 30–75 min 7–18 hr
Drug-food. Food: May delay absorption of
P.O. (extended- Unknown 11⁄2 –23⁄4 hr 8–17 hr extended-release form. Advise patient to
release) take on an empty stomach 1 hour before or
I.V. Unknown Unknown 10–17 hr 2 hours after a meal.
Half-life: About 18 hours.
• May increase cholesterol and glucose
ADVERSE REACTIONS levels. May decrease phosphorus and
CNS: asthenia, fever, headache, pain, hemoglobin levels. May increase or
tremor, dizziness, insomnia, progressive decrease potassium level.
multifocal leukoencephalopathy. • May decrease platelet count. May increase
CV: chest pain, edema, hypertension. or decrease WBC count.
EENT: pharyngitis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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940 nabumetone

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Stress importance of following treatment

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive as prescribed.
to drug, its ingredients, or mycophenolic • Inform patient of the importance of
acid and in patients sensitive to polysorbate follow-up visits and ongoing lab tests
80. during therapy.
• Use cautiously in patients with GI • Tell women to have a pregnancy test
disorders. 1 week before therapy begins.
• Oral suspension contains aspartame; use Black Box Warning Instruct woman to use
cautiously in patients with phenylketonuria two forms of contraception during therapy
or those who restrict intake of phenylala- and for 6 weeks afterward, even if she has
nine. a history of infertility. Tell her to notify
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, diar- prescriber immediately if she suspects
rhea, neutropenia. pregnancy.
Black Box Warning Warn patient of the
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS increased risk of lymphoma and other ma-
Black Box Warning Increased risk of lignancies.
infection and lymphoma may result from
Black Box Warning Drug should only be nabumetone
use by health care providers experienced in nah-BYOO-meh-tone
immunosuppressive therapy and manage-
ment of renal, cardiac, or hepatic transplant Therapeutic class: NSAID
patients. Pharmacologic class: NSAID
• Start drug therapy within 24 hours after Pregnancy risk category C; D in
transplantation. Use I.V. form in patients 3rd trimester
unable to take oral forms.
• I.V. form can be given for up to 14 days; AVAIL ABLE FORMS
switch patient to capsules or tablets as soon Tablets: 500 mg, 750 mg
as oral drugs can be tolerated.
Alert: Drug may cause progressive INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). ➤ Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis
Consider PML in patients reporting Adults: Initially, 1,000 mg P.O. daily as a
neurologic symptoms. single dose or in divided doses b.i.d. Maxi-
Alert: Drugs causing immunosuppression mum, 2,000 mg daily.
increase the risk of opportunistic infections, Adjust-a-dose: For patients with moderate
including activation of latent viral infections or severe renal insufficiency the maximum
such as BK virus–associated neuropathy, starting dose should not exceed 500 or
which may lead to serious outcomes, 750 mg P.O. once daily. With careful
including kidney graft loss. monitoring, daily doses may be increased to
Alert: Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) has a maximum of 1,500 mg.
occurred in patients treated with this drug
in combination with other immunosup- ADMINISTRATION
pressants. Patients may experience fatigue, P.O.
lethargy, or pallor. PRCA may be reversible • Take drug with food, milk, or antacids to
with dose reduction or stopping drug. increase absorption.
However, this may put graft at risk. • Limit alcohol intake to avoid risk of GI
• Warn patient not to open or crush capsules AC TION
nor to cut, crush, or chew extended-release Unknown. Produces anti-inflammatory,
tablets, but to swallow them whole on an analgesic, and antipyretic effects, possibly
empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis.
after a meal.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nabumetone 941

Route Onset Peak Duration Black Box Warning Contraindicated for the
P.O. Unknown 9–12 hr Unknown treatment of perioperative pain after CABG
Half-life: About 24 hours.
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and
patients with renal or hepatic impairment;
ADVERSE REACTIONS heart failure, hypertension, or other con-
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, ditions that may predispose patient to
insomnia, nervousness, somnolence. fluid retention; or a history of peptic ulcer
CV: edema, vasculitis. disease.
EENT: tinnitus. •H Overdose S&S: Lethargy, drowsiness,
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, GI bleed-
bleeding, anorexia, constipation, dry mouth, ing, coma, hypertension, acute renal failure,
flatulence, gastritis, nausea, stomatitis, respiratory depression, anaphylaxis.
ulceration, vomiting.
Respiratory: dyspnea, pneumonitis. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Skin: increased diaphoresis, pruritus, rash. • Because NSAIDs impair synthesis of
renal prostaglandins, they can decrease
INTERACTIONS renal blood flow and lead to reversible renal
Drug-drug. Diuretics: May decrease impairment, especially in patients with
diuretic effectiveness. Monitor patient renal or heart failure or liver dysfunction,
closely. in elderly patients, and in those taking
Lithium, methotrexate: May cause toxic diuretics. Monitor these patients closely.
levels of lithium or methotrexate. Use • During long-term therapy, periodically
together cautiously. monitor renal and liver function, CBC, and
Warfarin, other highly protein-bound drugs: hematocrit; assess patients for signs and
May cause adverse effects from displace- symptoms of GI bleeding.
ment of drugs by nabumetone. Use together Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an
cautiously. increased risk of serious GI adverse events N
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic, including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo-
ginger, horse chestnut, red clover: May ration of the stomach or intestines, which
cause bleeding. Discourage use together. can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater
White willow: Herb and drug contain risk.
similar components. Discourage use Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
together. the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or
Drug-food. Any food: May increase stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be
absorption. Advise patient to take drug greater with longer use or in patients with
with food. CV disease or risk factors for CV disease.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
risk of additive GI toxicity. Discourage use PATIENT TEACHING
together. • Instruct patient to take drug with food,
milk, or antacids. Drug is absorbed more
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS rapidly when taken with food or milk.
None reported. • Advise patient to limit alcohol intake
because using drug with alcohol increases
• Contraindicated in patients with hyper- • Teach patient signs and symptoms of GI
sensitivity reactions and history of aspirin- bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine,
or NSAID-induced asthma, urticaria, or or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and black,
other allergic-type reactions. tarry stool. Tell him to notify prescriber
• Contraindicated in children and in immediately if any of these occurs.
pregnant women during third trimester • Warn patient against hazardous activities
of pregnancy. that require mental alertness until CNS
effects are known.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

942 nadolol

• Advise patient that use of OTC NSAIDs AC TION

in combination with nabumetone may Reduces cardiac oxygen demand by block-
increase the risk of GI toxicity. ing catecholamine-induced increases in
heart rate, blood pressure, and force of
myocardial contraction. Depresses renin
nadolol secretion.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr 24 hr
Apo-Nadol†, Corgard
Half-life: About 20 to 24 hours.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
Pharmacologic class: Nonselective beta ADVERSE REACTIONS
blocker CNS: fatigue, dizziness, fever.
Pregnancy risk category C CV: BRADYCARDIA, HEART FAILURE,
hypotension, peripheral vascular disease,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS rhythm and conduction disturbances.
Tablets: 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
pain, constipation, anorexia.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Respiratory: increased airway resistance.
➤ Angina pectoris Skin: rash.
Adults: 40 mg P.O. once daily. Increase
in 40- to 80-mg increments at 3- to 7-day INTERACTIONS
intervals until optimal response occurs. Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May
Usual maintenance dose is 40 to 80 mg increase antihypertensive effect. Monitor
once daily; up to 240 mg once daily may be blood pressure closely.
needed. Cardiac glycosides: May cause excessive
➤ Hypertension bradycardia and additive effects on AV
Adults: 40 mg P.O. once daily. Increase conduction. Use together cautiously.
in 40- to 80-mg increments until optimal Epinephrine: May decrease the patient
response occurs. Usual maintenance dose response to epinephrine for treatment of
is 40 to 80 mg once daily. Doses of 320 mg an allergic reaction. Monitor patient closely
daily may be needed. for decreased clinical effect.
Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is General anesthetics: May increase hypoten-
31 to 50 ml/minute, change dosing interval sive effects. Consider stopping nadolol
to every 24 to 36 hours; if clearance is 10 to before surgery.
30 ml/minute, every 24 to 48 hours; and if Insulin: May mask symptoms of hypo-
clearance is less than 10 ml/minute, every glycemia, as a result of beta blockade (such
40 to 60 hours. as tachycardia). Use with caution in patients
➤ Prevention of migraine  with diabetes.
Adults: 80 to 240 mg P.O. daily for 2 to I.V. lidocaine: May reduce hepatic
18 months. metabolism of lidocaine, increasing the
risk of toxicity. Give bolus doses of lido-
ADMINISTRATION caine at a slower rate and monitor lidocaine
P.O. level closely.
• Give drug without regard for food. NSAIDs: May decrease antihypertensive
• Check apical pulse before giving drug. If effect. Monitor blood pressure and adjust
slower than 60 beats/minute, withhold drug dosage.
and call prescriber. Oral antidiabetics: May alter dosage
Alert: Abruptly stopping drug may worsen requirements in previously stabilized
angina and cause an MI. Reduce dosage diabetic patients. Monitor glucose closely.
gradually over 1 to 2 weeks. Phenothiazines: May increase hypotensive
effects. Monitor blood pressure.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 22, 2011 18:58

nafcillin sodium 943

Prazosin: May increase risk of orthostatic angina. Because coronary artery disease is
hypotension in the early phases of use common and may be unrecognized, don’t
together. Assist patient to stand slowly discontinue nadolol therapy abruptly, even
until effects are known. in patients treated only for hypertension.
Reserpine: May increase hypotension or
bradycardia. Monitor patient for adverse PATIENT TEACHING
effects, such as dizziness, syncope, and • Explain importance of taking drug as
postural hypotension. prescribed, even when patient feels well.
Verapamil: May increase effects of both • Teach patient how to check pulse rate
drugs. Monitor cardiac function closely and and tell him to check it before each dose.
decrease dosages as necessary. If pulse rate is below 60 beats/minute, tell
patient to notify prescriber.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Black Box Warning Warn patient not to stop
None reported. drug suddenly.


• Contraindicated in patients with bronchial nafcillin sodium
asthma, sinus bradycardia and greater than naf-SIL-in
first-degree heart block, cardiogenic shock,
and overt heart failure. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
• Use cautiously in patients with heart Pharmacologic class: Penicillinase-
failure, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or resistant penicillin
renal or hepatic impairment and in patients Pregnancy risk category B
undergoing major surgery involving general
anesthesia. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Use cautiously in diabetic patients Infusion: 1 g, 2 g premixed or Add-Vantage
because beta blockers may mask certain vials
signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. N
Black Box Warning Exacerbation of INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
ischemic heart disease may occur following ➤ Systemic infection caused by suscep-
abrupt withdrawal of drug. Exacerbation tible organisms (methicillin-sensitive
of angina and, in some cases, myocar- Staphylococcus aureus)
dial infarction have occurred after abrupt Adults: 500 mg to 1 g I.V. every 4 hours,
discontinuation of therapy. depending on severity of infection.
•H Overdose S&S: Bradycardia, cardiac ➤ Acute or chronic osteomyelitis caused
failure, hypotension, bronchospasm. by susceptible organisms
Adults: 1 to 2 g I.V. every 4 hours for 4 to
• Monitor blood pressure frequently. If ➤ Native valve endocarditis caused by
patient develops severe hypotension, give a susceptible organisms
vasopressor, as prescribed. Adults: 2 g I.V. every 4 hours for 4 to
• Drug masks signs and symptoms of shock 6 weeks, combined with gentamicin for
and hyperthyroidism. first 3 to 5 days.
Black Box Warning If nadolol is to be dis-
continued after long-term administration, ADMINISTRATION
particularly in patients with ischemic heart I.V.
disease, dosage should be gradually reduced  Before giving drug, ask patient about

over a period of 1 to 2 weeks and the patient allergic reactions to penicillin.

carefully monitored. If angina markedly  Obtain specimen for culture and sensi-

worsens or acute coronary insufficiency de- tivity tests before giving. Begin therapy
velops after drug cessation, nadolol should while awaiting results.
be temporarily restarted and other measures
taken to appropriately manage unstable

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

944 nafcillin sodium

 Check container for leaks, cloudiness, or Warfarin: May decrease effects of warfarin
precipitate before use. Discard if present. when used with nafcillin. Monitor PT and
 Give drug over 30 to 60 minutes. INR closely.
 Change site every 48 hours to prevent


 Reconstituted vials of 10 to 40 mg/ml • May decrease hemoglobin level and
are stable for 24 hours at room tempera- hematocrit.
ture. • May decrease neutrophil, WBC,
 Incompatibilities: Aminoglycosides, eosinophil, granulocyte, and platelet counts.
aminophylline, ascorbic acid, aztreonam,
bleomycin, cytarabine, diltiazem, droperi- CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
dol, gentamicin, hydrocortisone sodium • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
succinate, insulin, labetalol, meperidine, to drug or other penicillins.
methylprednisolone sodium succinate, • Safety and effectiveness in children
midazolam, nalbuphine, pentazocine haven’t been established.
lactate, promazine, vancomycin, verapamil • Use cautiously in patients with GI dis-
hydrochloride, vitamin B complex with C. tress and in those with other drug allergies
(especially to cephalosporins) because of
AC TION possible cross-sensitivity.
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis during bacterial • Skin sloughing from subcutaneous
multiplication. extravasation has been reported.
Route Onset Peak Duration
•H Overdose S&S: Neuromuscular hyperex-
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown
citability, seizures.
Half-life: 30 to 90 minutes. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• If large doses are given or if therapy is
ADVERSE REACTIONS prolonged, bacterial or fungal superin-
CNS: neurotoxicity. fection may occur, especially in elderly,
CV: thrombophlebitis, vein irritation. debilitated, or immunosuppressed patients.
GI: nausea, pseudomembranous colitis, • Monitor sodium level because each gram
diarrhea, vomiting. of drug contains 2.9 mEq of sodium.
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leuko- • Monitor WBC counts twice weekly in
penia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, patients receiving drug for longer than
anemia, eosinophilia. 2 weeks. Neutropenia commonly occurs in
Skin: severe tissue necrosis. the third week.
Other: anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity • An abnormal urinalysis result may indi-
reactions. cate drug-induced interstitial nephritis.


Drug-drug. Aminoglycosides: May have • Tell patient to report burning or irritation
synergistic effect; drugs are chemically and at the I.V. site.
physically incompatible. Don’t combine in • Advise patient to notify prescriber if a
same I.V. solution. rash develops or if signs and symptoms of
Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease superinfection appear, such as recurring
contraceptive effectiveness. Advise use of fever, chills, and malaise.
additional form of contraception during
Probenecid: May increase nafcillin level.
Probenecid may be used for this purpose.
Rifampin: May cause dose-dependent
antagonism. Monitor patient closely.
Tetracycline: May decrease nafcillin’s
effectiveness. Avoid concurrent use.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

nalbuphine hydrochloride 945


Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors
nalbuphine hydrochloride in the CNS, altering perception of and
NAL-byoo-feen emotional response to pain.
Route Onset Peak Duration
I.V. 2–3 min 30 min 3–6 hr
Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic I.M. 15 min 1 hr 3–6 hr
Pharmacologic class: Opioid agonist- Subcut. 15 min Unknown 3–6 hr
antagonist, opioid partial agonist Half-life: 5 hours.
Pregnancy risk category B
AVAIL ABLE FORMS CNS: dizziness, headache, sedation,
Injection: 10 mg/ml, 20 mg/ml vertigo, confusion, crying, delusions, de-
pression, euphoria, hallucinations, hostility,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES nervousness, restlessness, speech disorders,
➤ Moderate to severe pain unusual dreams.
Adults: For a patient of about 70 kg (154 lb), CV: bradycardia, hypertension, hypoten-
10 to 20 mg subcutaneously, I.M., or I.V. sion, tachycardia.
every 3 to 6 hours p.r.n. Maximum, 160 mg EENT: blurred vision, dry mouth.
daily. GI: biliary tract spasms, constipation,
➤ Adjunct to balanced anesthesia cramps, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting.
Adults: 0.3 mg/kg to 3 mg/kg I.V. over 10 to GU: urinary urgency.
15 minutes; then maintenance doses of Respiratory: respiratory depression,
0.25 to 0.50 mg/kg in single I.V. dose p.r.n. asthma, dyspnea, pulmonary edema.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with renal or Skin: burning, clamminess, diaphoresis,
hepatic impairment, decrease dosage. pruritus, urticaria.
I.V. Drug-drug. CNS depressants, general
 Inject slowly over at least 2 to 3 minutes anesthetics, hypnotics, MAO inhibitors,
into a vein or into an I.V. line containing a sedatives, tranquilizers, tricyclic antide-
compatible, free-flowing I.V. solution, such pressants: May cause respiratory depres-
as D5 W, normal saline solution, or lactated sion, hypertension, profound sedation,
Ringer’s solution. or coma. Use together with caution, and
 Respiratory depression can be reversed monitor patient response.
with naloxone. Keep resuscitation equip- Opioid analgesics: May decrease analgesic
ment available, particularly when giving effect. Avoid using together.
I.V. Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
 Incompatibilities: Allopurinol, ampho- additive effects. Discourage use together.
tericin B, cefepime, diazepam, docetaxel,
ketorolac, methotrexate sodium, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
nafcillin, pentobarbital sodium, None reported.
piperacillin and tazobactam sodium,
promethazine, sargramostim, sodium CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
bicarbonate, thiethylperazine. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
I.M. to drug.
• Document injection site. • Use cautiously in patients with history of
• Store vial in carton to protect from light. drug abuse and in those with emotional in-
Subcutaneous stability, head injury, increased intracranial
• Document injection site. pressure, impaired ventilation, MI accom-
• Store vial in carton to protect from light. panied by nausea and vomiting, upcoming
biliary surgery, and hepatic or renal disease.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

946 naloxone hydrochloride

Alert: Certain commercial preparations caused by pentazocine, propoxyphene

contain sodium metabisulfite. methadone, nalbuphine and butorphanol
•H Overdose S&S: Respiratory depression, Adults: 0.4 to 2 mg I.V., I.M., or subcu-
CV effects, CNS effects, somnolence, taneously. Repeat dose every 2 to 3 min-
dysphoria. utes, p.r.n. If patient doesn’t respond after
10 mg have been given, question diagnosis
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS of opioid-induced toxicity.
• Reassess patient’s level of pain at least Children age 1 month and older: 0.01 mg/kg
15 and 30 minutes after parenteral adminis- I.V.; then, second dose of 0.1 mg/kg I.V.,
tration. if needed. If I.V. route isn’t available, drug
• Drug acts as an opioid antagonist and may may be given I.M. or subcutaneously in
cause withdrawal syndrome. For patients divided doses.
who have received long-term opioids, give Neonates: 0.01 mg/kg I.V., I.M., or subcuta-
25% of the usual dose initially. Watch for neously. Repeat dose every 2 to 3 minutes,
signs of withdrawal. p.r.n.
Alert: Drug causes respiratory depres- ➤ Postoperative opioid depression
sion, which at 10 mg is equal to respiratory Adults: 0.1 to 0.2 mg I.V. every 2 to 3 min-
depression produced by 10 mg of morphine. utes, p.r.n. Repeat dose within 1 to 2 hours,
• Monitor circulatory and respiratory if needed.
status and bladder and bowel function. If Children: 0.005 to 0.01 mg I.V. repeated
respirations are shallow or rate is below every 2 to 3 minutes, p.r.n.
12 breaths/minute, withhold dose and notify
• Constipation is commonly severe with I.V.
maintenance therapy. Make sure stool  Give continuous infusion to control

softener or other stimulant laxative is adverse effects of epidural morphine.

ordered.  Dilute 2 mg of drug in 500 ml D5 W or

• Psychological and physical dependence normal saline solution to yield a concen-

may occur with prolonged use. tration of 0.004 mg/ml.
 Titrate rate to patient’s response.

PATIENT TEACHING  If 0.02 mg/ml isn’t available, adult

• Caution ambulatory patient about getting concentration (0.4 mg) may be diluted
out of bed or walking. Warn outpatient to by mixing 0.5 ml with 9.5 ml of sterile
avoid driving and other hazardous activities water for injection to make neonatal
that require mental alertness until drug’s concentration (0.02 mg/ml).
CNS effects are known.  Incompatibilities: Alkaline solutions,

• Teach patient how to manage troublesome amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate,

adverse effects such as constipation. preparations containing bisulfite, sulfite,
long-chain or high-molecular-weight
naloxone hydrochloride I.M.
nal-OX-one • Use mixtures within 24 hours. After
24 hours, discard.
Therapeutic class: Antidote Subcutaneous
Pharmacologic class: Opioid antagonist • Use mixtures within 24 hours. After
Pregnancy risk category B 24 hours, discard.


Injection: 0.02 mg/ml, 0.4 mg/ml May displace opioid analgesics from their
receptors (competitive antagonism); drug
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES has no pharmacologic activity of its own.
➤ Known or suspected opioid-induced
respiratory depression, including that

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

naltrexone 947

Route Onset Peak Duration PATIENT TEACHING

I.V. 1–2 min 5–15 min Variable • Reassure family that patient will be
I.M., Subcut. 2–5 min 5–15 min Variable monitored closely until effects of opioid
Half-life: 30 to 81 minutes in adults; 3 hours in


CNS: seizures, tremors. nal-TREX-one
CV: ventricular fibrillation, tachycardia,
hypertension with higher than recom- Vivitrol
mended doses, hypotension.
GI: nausea, vomiting. naltrexone hydrochloride
Respiratory: pulmonary edema. ReVia
Skin: diaphoresis.
Other: withdrawal symptoms in opioid- Therapeutic class: Opioid cessation
dependent patients with higher than recom- agent
mended doses. Pharmacologic class: Opioid antagonist
Pregnancy risk category C
None significant. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Injection: 380 mg/vial dose kit
None reported. naltrexone hydrochloride
Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
to drug. ➤ Adjunct for maintaining opioid-free
• Use cautiously in patients with cardiac state in detoxified patients N
irritability or opioid addiction. Abrupt Adults: Initially, 25 mg P.O. If no with-
reversal of opioid-induced CNS depression drawal signs occur within 1 hour the patient
may result in nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, may be started on 50 mg every 24 hours the
tachycardia, CNS excitement, and increased following day. From 50 to 150 mg may
blood pressure. be given daily, depending on schedule
• Duration of action of the opioid may Adults: 50 mg P.O. once daily or 380 mg
exceed that of naloxone, and patients may I.M. in the gluteal muscle once monthly.
relapse into respiratory depression.
• Respiratory rate increases within 1 to ADMINISTRATION
2 minutes. P.O.
Alert: Drug is only effective for reversing • Keep container tightly closed and protect
respiratory depression caused by opioids from light.
and not for other drug-induced respiratory I.M.
depression, including that caused by benzo- • Use only the diluent, needles, and other
diazepines. components supplied with the dose kit.
• Patients who receive drug to reverse Don’t substitute.
opioid-induced respiratory depression may • Administer I.M. into gluteal muscle.
exhibit tachypnea. Avoid giving I.V., subcutaneously, or
• Monitor respiratory depth and rate. inadvertently into fatty tissue. Monitor
Provide oxygen, ventilation, and other the injection site.
resuscitation measures.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
naloxone with naltrexone.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

948 naltrexone

AC TION • Don’t begin treatment for opioid de-

Probably reversibly blocks the effects of I.V. pendence until patient receives naloxone
opioids by competitively occupying opiate challenge, a test of opioid dependence. If
receptors in the brain. signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal
Route Onset Peak Duration
persist after naloxone challenge, don’t give
P.O. 15–30 min 1 hr 24 hr
I.M. Unknown 2–3 days >30 days • Patient must be completely free from
opioids before taking naltrexone or severe
Half-life: About 4 hours. withdrawal symptoms may occur. Patients
who have been addicted to short-acting
ADVERSE REACTIONS opioids, such as heroin and meperidine,
CNS: insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, must wait at least 7 days after last opioid
headache, depression, dizziness, fatigue, dose before starting drug. Patients who have
somnolence. been addicted to longer-acting opioids such
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, as methadone should wait at least 10 days.
anorexia, constipation, increased thirst. • In an emergency, patient may be given an
GU: delayed ejaculation, decreased potency. opioid analgesic, but dose must be higher
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity. than usual to overcome naltrexone’s effect.
Musculoskeletal: muscle and joint pain. Watch for respiratory depression from the
Skin: injection site reaction, rash. opioid; it may be longer and deeper.
Other: chills. • For patients expected to be noncompliant
because of history of opioid dependence,
INTERACTIONS use a flexible maintenance-dose regimen
Drug-drug. Products that contain opioids: of 100 mg on Monday and Wednesday and
May decrease effect of opioid. Avoid using 150 mg on Friday.
together. • Use drug only as part of a comprehensive
Thioridazine: May increase somnolence and rehabilitation program.
lethargy. Monitor patient closely. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
naltrexone with naloxone.
• May increase AST, ALT, and LDH levels. PATIENT TEACHING
• May increase lymphocyte count. • Advise patient to carry medical identifi-
cation and to tell medical personnel that he
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Tell patient that drug can block the effects
to drug or dependent on opioids, those of opioids or opioid-like drugs, including
receiving opioid analgesics, those who fail heroin, pain medicine, antidiarrheals, or
the naloxone challenge test or who have a cough medicine.
positive urine screen for opioids, or those in Alert: Warn patient if he uses large doses
acute opioid withdrawal. of heroin or any other opioid; serious injury,
Black Box Warning Contraindicated in coma, or death can occur.
patients with acute hepatitis or liver failure. • Advise patient who previously used
Use cautiously in patients with mild he- opioids that he may be more sensitive to
patic disease or history of recent hepatic lower doses of opioids once naltrexone
disease. therapy is stopped.
•H Overdose S&S: Injection-site reaction, Black Box Warning Tell patient to report
nausea, abdominal pain, somnolence, adverse effects, especially those related to
dizziness. liver injury, to prescriber immediately.
Alert: Tell caregiver of alcohol-dependent
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS patient to monitor him closely for signs of
Black Box Warning Discontinue drug if depression or suicide ideation and to report
patient develops symptoms and/or signs of this immediately to prescriber.
acute hepatitis.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

naphazoline hydrochloride 949

• Give patient the names of nonopioid INTERACTIONS

drugs that he can continue to take for pain, Drug-drug. Anesthetics: Cyclopropane and
diarrhea, or cough. halothane may sensitize the myocardium
• Tell patient to report pain, swelling, to sympathomimetics; local anesthetics
tenderness, induration, bruising, pruritis, may increase the absorption of topical
or redness at the injection site. drugs. Monitor patient for increased adverse
Beta blockers: May cause more systemic
naphazoline hydrochloride adverse effects. Monitor patient for adverse
naf-AZ-oh-leen systemic effects.
MAO inhibitors, maprotiline, tricyclic
Advanced Eye Relief , AK-Con, antidepressants: May cause hypertensive
Albalon, All Clear , Clear Eyes , crisis if naphazoline is systemically
Nafazair, Naphcon , 20/20 Eye absorbed. Use together cautiously.
Therapeutic class: Vasoconstrictor None reported.
Pharmacologic class: Sympathomimetic
Pregnancy risk category C CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
AVAIL ABLE FORMS to drug’s ingredients and in those with acute
Ophthalmic solution: 0.012% , 0.03% , angle-closure glaucoma.
0.1% • Use of 0.1% solution is contraindicated in
infants and small children.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES • Use cautiously in patients with hyperthy-
➤ Ocular congestion, irritation, itching roidism, cardiac disease, hypertension, or
Adults: Instill 1 or 2 drops into the con- diabetes mellitus.
junctival sac of affected eye(s) every 3 to N
4 hours, up to q.i.d. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Drug is most widely used ocular decon-
Ophthalmic • Rebound congestion and conjunctivitis
• Store drug in tightly closed container. may occur with frequent or prolonged use.


Thought to cause vasoconstriction by local • Teach patient how to instill drug. Advise
adrenergic action on the blood vessels of the him to wash hands before and after instil-
conjunctiva. lation and to apply light finger pressure on
Route Onset Peak Duration
lacrimal sac for 1 minute after drops are
Ophthalmic 10 min Unknown 2–6 hr
instilled. Warn him not to touch tip of
dropper to eye or surrounding tissue.
Half-life: Unknown. • Warn patient not to exceed recommended
dosage to avoid rebound congestion and
ADVERSE REACTIONS conjunctivitis.
CNS: dizziness, headache, nervousness, • Tell patient to notify prescriber if sun
weakness. sensitivity, blurred vision, pain, or lid
EENT: blurred vision, eye irritation, swelling develops.
increased intraocular pressure, keratitis, • Instruct patient not to use OTC prepara-
lacrimation, photophobia, pupillary tions longer than 72 hours without consult-
dilation, transient eye stinging. ing prescriber.
GI: nausea.
Skin: diaphoresis.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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950 naproxen

825 mg naproxen sodium; then 275 mg

naproxen every 8 hours until attack subsides.
na-PROX-en ➤ Mild to moderate pain, primary
EC-Naprosyn, Naprosyni, Adults: 500 mg naproxen P.O.; then 250 mg
Novo-Naprox†, Nu-Naprox† every 6 to 8 hours up to 1.25 g daily. Or,
naproxen sodium 550 mg naproxen sodium; then 275 mg
Aleve , Anaprox, Anaprox DS, every 6 to 8 hours up to 1,375 mg daily. Or,
Apo-Napro-Na† , Naprelan, 1,000 mg controlled-release Naprelan once
Novo-Naprox Sodium† daily. In patients older than age 65, don’t
exceed 400 mg daily.
Therapeutic class: NSAID
Pharmacologic class: NSAID ADMINISTRATION
Pregnancy risk category B; D in P.O.
3rd trimester • Take drug with food or milk to minimize
GI upset. Drink a full glass of water or other
AVAIL ABLE FORMS liquid with each dose.
naproxen P.R.
Oral suspension: 125 mg/5 ml • Not for use in children younger than
Suppositories: 500 mg† age 16.
Tablets: 200 mg, 250 mg, 375 mg, 500 mg
Tablets (delayed-release): 375 mg, 500 mg AC TION
Tablets (extended-release): 375 mg, May inhibit prostaglandin synthesis to
750 mg, 1,000 mg produce anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and
naproxen sodium antipyretic effects.
Capsules: 200 mg  Route Onset Peak Duration
Tablets (controlled-release): 412.5 mg, P.O. 1 hr 2–4 hr 7 hr
550 mg P.R. Rapid 21⁄2 hr Unknown
Tablets (film-coated): 220 mg , 275 mg,
550 mg Half-life: 10 to 20 hours.
Note: 275 mg of naproxen sodium contains
250 mg of naproxen. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, headache,
➤ Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, CV: edema, palpitations.
ankylosing spondylitis, pain, dysmenor- EENT: tinnitus, auditory disturbances,
rhea, tendinitis, bursitis visual disturbances.
Adults: 250 to 500 mg naproxen b.i.d.; GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea,
maximum, 1.5 g daily for a limited time. dyspepsia, epigastric pain, heartburn, nau-
Or, 375 to 500 mg delayed-release EC- sea, occult blood loss, peptic ulceration,
Naprosyn b.i.d. Or, 750 to 1,000 mg stomatitis, thirst.
controlled-release Naprelan daily. Or, 275 to GU: renal failure.
550 mg naproxen sodium b.i.d. Hematologic: ecchymoses, increased
➤ Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bleeding time.
ankylosing spondylitis Metabolic: hyperkalemia.
Adults: One 500-mg suppository (can Respiratory: dyspnea.
replace one P.O. dose of 1,000 mg) b.i.d. Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus, purpura, rash,
➤ Juvenile arthritis urticaria.
Children: 10 mg/kg P.O. in two divided
➤ Acute gout Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors: May cause
Adults: 750 mg naproxen P.O.; then 250 renal impairment. Use together cautiously.
mg every 8 hours until attack subsides. Or,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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naproxen 951

Antihypertensives, diuretics: May decrease NURSING CONSIDERATIONS

effect of these drugs. Monitor patient • Because NSAIDs impair synthesis of
closely. renal prostaglandins, they can decrease
Aspirin, corticosteroids: May cause adverse renal blood flow and lead to reversible renal
GI reactions. Avoid using together. impairment, especially in patients with renal
Lithium: May increase lithium level. failure, heart failure, or liver dysfunction;
Observe patient for toxicity and monitor in elderly patients; and in those taking
level. Adjustment of lithium dosage may be diuretics. Monitor these patients closely.
required. • Monitor CBC and renal and hepatic
Methotrexate: May cause toxicity. Monitor function every 4 to 6 months during long-
patient closely. term therapy.
Oral anticoagulants, other sulfonylureas, Black Box Warning NSAIDs cause an
highly protein-bound drugs: May cause increased risk of serious GI adverse events
toxicity. Monitor patient closely. including bleeding, ulceration, and perfo-
Probenecid: May decrease elimination of ration of the stomach or intestines, which
naproxen. Monitor patient for toxicity. can be fatal. Elderly patients are at greater
Drug-herb. Dong quai, feverfew, garlic, risk.
ginger, ginkgo, horse chestnut, red clover: Black Box Warning NSAIDs may increase
May cause bleeding, based on the known the risk of serious thrombotic events, MI, or
effects of components. Discourage use stroke, which can be fatal. The risk may be
together. greater with longer use or in patients with
White willow: Herb and drug contain CV disease or risk factors for CV disease.
similar components. Discourage use • Because of their antipyretic and anti-
together. inflammatory actions, NSAIDs may mask
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause signs and symptoms of infection.
adverse GI reactions. Discourage use • Drug may have a heart benefit, similar to
together. aspirin, in preventing blood clotting.
• May increase BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, Alert: Drug is available without prescrip-
and potassium levels. tion (naproxen sodium, 200 mg). Instruct
• May increase bleeding time. patient not to take more than 600 mg in
• May interfere with urinary 5-hydroxy- 24 hours. Dosage in patient older than
indoleacetic acid and 17-hydroxycortico- age 65 shouldn’t exceed 400 mg daily.
steroid determinations. • Advise patient to take drug with food or
milk to minimize GI upset. Tell him to drink
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS a full glass of water or other liquid with
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive each dose.
to drug and in those with the syndrome of • Tell patient taking prescription doses for
asthma, rhinitis, and nasal polyps. arthritis that full therapeutic effect may be
Black Box Warning Naproxen (except delayed 2 to 4 weeks.
controlled-release tablets) is contraindicated • Warn patient against taking naproxen and
for the treatment of perioperative pain after naproxen sodium at the same time.
CABG surgery. • Teach patient signs and symptoms of GI
• Patient should avoid drug during last bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine,
trimester of pregnancy. or stool; coffee-ground vomit; and black,
• Use cautiously in elderly patients and in tarry stool. Tell him to notify prescriber
patients with renal disease, CV disease, immediately if any of these occurs.
GI disorders, hepatic disease, or history of • Caution patient that use with aspirin,
peptic ulcer disease. alcohol, other NSAIDs, or corticosteroids
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, heartburn, may increase risk of adverse GI reactions.
indigestion, nausea, vomiting, seizures.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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952 naratriptan hydrochloride

• Warn patient against hazardous activities ADVERSE REACTIONS

that require mental alertness until CNS CNS: paresthesia, dizziness, drowsiness,
effects are known. malaise, fatigue, vertigo, syncope.
CV: tachyarrhythmias, abnormal ECG
changes, coronary artery vasospasm, tran-
naratriptan hydrochloride sient myocardial ischemia, MI, ventricular
nar-ah-TRIP-tan tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation,
palpitations, hypertension.
Amerge EENT: ear, nose, and throat infections,
Therapeutic class: Antimigraine GI: nausea, hyposalivation, vomiting.
Pharmacologic class: Serotonin 5-HT1 Other: sensations of warmth, cold, pres-
receptor agonist sure, tightness, or heaviness.
Pregnancy risk category C
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Drug-drug. Ergot-containing or ergot-type
Tablets: 1 mg, 2.5 mg drugs (dihydroergotamine, methysergide),
other 5-HT1 agonists: May prolong
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES vasospastic reactions. Avoid using within
➤ Acute migraine attacks with or 24 hours of naratriptan.
without aura Hormonal contraceptives: May slightly
Adults: 1 or 2.5 mg P.O. as a single dose. increase naratriptan level. Monitor patient.
If headache returns or responds only par- SSRIs (fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxe-
tially, dose may be repeated after 4 hours. tine, sertraline): May cause weakness,
Maximum, 5 mg in 24 hours. hyperreflexia, and incoordination. Monitor
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with mild to patient.
moderate renal or hepatic impairment, Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May increase
reduce dosage. Maximum, 2.5 mg in serotonergic effect. Discourage use
24 hours. together.
Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase
ADMINISTRATION naratriptan clearance. Discourage smoking.
• Give drug without regard for food. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
• Give drug whole; don’t split or crush tablet. None reported.
• If no response occurs with first tablet,
prescriber should be consulted before giving CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
second tablet. If more relief is needed • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
after first tablet (if a partial response occurs to drug or its components, in those with
or headache returns), and prescriber has prior or current cardiac ischemia, in those
approved a second dose, give a second tablet with cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular
(but not sooner than 4 hours after first tablet). syndromes, and in those with uncontrolled
AC TION • Contraindicated in elderly patients,
May act as an agonist at serotonin receptors patients with creatinine clearance below
on extracerebral intracranial blood vessels, 15 ml/minute, patients with Child-Pugh
which constricts the affected vessels, in- grade C, and patients who have used ergot-
hibits neuropeptide release, and reduces containing, ergot-type, or other 5-HT1
pain transmission in the trigeminal agonists within 24 hours.
pathways. • Use cautiously in patients with risk factors
Route Onset Peak Duration
for coronary artery disease (CAD), such
P.O. Unknown 2–3 hr Unknown
as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia,
obesity, diabetes, smoking, strong family
Half-life: 6 hours. history of CAD, postmenopausal women,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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natalizumab 953

and men older than age 40, unless patient is • Tell patient to alert prescriber about both-
free from cardiac disease. Monitor patient ersome adverse effects.
closely after first dose. • Tell patient to swallow tablet whole, and
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or not to split, crush, or chew tablet.
hepatic impairment.
• Safety and efficacy of treating cluster
headaches or more than four headaches in a natalizumab
30-day period haven’t been established. nah-tah-LIZ-yoo-mab
•H Overdose S&S: Chest pain, ischemic ECG
changes. Tysabri

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Therapeutic class: Immune response

• Assess cardiac status in patients who modifier
develop risk factors for CAD. Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal
Alert: Drug can cause coronary artery antibody
vasospasm and increased risk of cerebrovas- Pregnancy risk category C
cular events.
• Drug isn’t intended to prevent migraines AVAIL ABLE FORMS
or manage hemiplegic or basilar migraine. Injection: 300 mg/15 ml single-use vials
• Use drug only when patient has a clear
diagnosis of migraine. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
Alert: Combining drug with an SSRI or ➤ To slow the accumulation of physical
an SSNRI may cause serotonin syndrome. disabilities and reduce the frequency of
Symptoms include restlessness, hallucina- clinical exacerbations in relapsing forms
tions, loss of coordination, fast heartbeat, of multiple sclerosis (MS) for patients
rapid changes in blood pressure, increased who failed to respond or were unable to
body temperature, hyperreflexia, nausea, tolerate other therapies. Or moderate to
vomiting, and diarrhea. Serotonin syndrome severe Crohn’s disease in patients with N
is more likely to occur when starting or inadequate response or intolerance to
increasing the dose of naratriptan, the SSRI, conventional therapy.
or the SSNRI. Adults: 300 mg I.V. over 1 hour every
4 weeks.
• Instruct patient to take drug only as ADMINISTRATION
prescribed and to read the accompanying I.V.
patient instruction leaflet before using drug.  Dilute 300 mg in 100 ml normal saline

• Tell patient that drug is intended to solution.

relieve, not prevent, migraines.  Invert I.V. bag gently to mix solution;

• Instruct patient to take dose soon after don’t shake.

headache starts. If no response occurs with  Infuse over 1 hour; don’t give by I.V.

first tablet, tell him to seek medical approval push or bolus.

before taking second tablet. Tell patient  Flush I.V. line with normal saline

that if more relief is needed after first tablet solution after infusion is complete.
(if a partial response occurs or headache  Refrigerate solution and use within

returns), and prescriber has approved a 8 hours if not used immediately.

second dose, he may take a second tablet  Incompatibilities: Don’t mix or infuse

(but not sooner than 4 hours after first with other drugs. Don’t use any diluent
tablet). Tell him not to exceed 2 tablets other than normal saline solution.
within 24 hours.
• Advise patient to increase fluid intake. AC TION
• Advise patient not to use drug if she May block interaction between adhesion
suspects or knows that she’s pregnant. molecules on inflammatory cells and recep-
tors on endothelial cells of vessel walls.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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954 natalizumab

Route Onset Peak Duration may prescribe drug. Contact the TOUCH
I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown Prescribing Program at 1-800-456-2255.
• Report serious opportunistic and atypical
Half-life: 7 to 15 days.
infections to Biogen Idec at 1-800-456-2255
and to the FDA’s MedWatch Program at
CNS: progressive multifocal leukoen- • The safety and efficacy of natalizumab
cephalopathy (PML), depression, fatigue, treatment beyond 2 years are unknown.
headache, somnolence, vertigo. Black Box Warning Drug may cause PML.
CV: chest discomfort. Withhold drug immediately at the first signs
EENT: tonsillitis. or symptoms suggestive of PML. Symp-
GI: abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, toms include clumsiness; progressive weak-
gastroenteritis. ness; and visual, speech, and sometimes
GU: UTI, vaginitis, amenorrhea, dysmen- personality changes.
orrhea, irregular menstruation, urinary • Obtain a brain MRI before starting
frequency, urinary urgency, ovarian cyst. therapy.
Metabolic: weight increase or decrease. Alert: Watch for evidence of hypersensi-
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, extremity tivity reaction during and for 1 hour after
pain, muscle cramps, swollen joints. infusion, which may include dizziness,
Respiratory: lower respiratory tract urticaria, fever, rash, rigors, pruritus,
infection. nausea, flushing, hypotension, dyspnea,
Skin: rash, dermatitis, pruritus, urticaria, and chest pain.
night sweats. • If hypersensitivity reaction occurs, stop
Other: hypersensitivity reaction, infusion- drug and notify prescriber.
related reaction, tooth infections, herpes, • Patients who develop antibodies to drug
infection, rigors, seasonal allergy, have an increased risk of infusion-related
cholelithiasis. reaction.
• Discontinue drug in patients with jaun-
INTERACTIONS dice or other evidence of significant liver
Drug-drug. Corticosteroids, immunosup- injury. Elevated serum hepatic enzymes and
pressants, TNF inhibitors: May increase elevated total bilirubin levels may occur as
risk of infection. Avoid using together. early as 6 days after the first dose.


• May increase liver function test values • Tell patient to read the “Medication Guide
and lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, for Tysabri” before each infusion.
basophil, and nucleated RBC counts. • Urge patient to immediately report pro-
• May cause transient decrease in gressively worsening symptoms persisting
hemoglobin. over several days, including changes in
thinking, eyesight, balance, or strength.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Advise patient to inform all health care
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive providers caring for him that he’s receiving
to drug or its components or in those with this drug.
current or past history of PML. Use with • Tell patient to schedule follow-up
other immunosuppressants isn’t recom- appointments with prescriber at 3 and
mended. 6 months after the first infusion, then at
• Safety and efficacy in patients with least every 6 months thereafter.
chronic progressive MS haven’t been • Urge patient to immediately report rash,
established. hives, dizziness, fever, shaking chills, or
itching while drug is infusing or up to
Black Box Warning Only prescribers reg- • Tell patient about the potential for liver
istered in the TOUCH Prescribing Program injury.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nateglinide 955


nateglinide • May increase uric acid level.
Starlix • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug, in those with type 1 diabetes or
Therapeutic class: Antidiabetic diabetic ketoacidosis, and in pregnant or
Pharmacologic class: Meglitinide breast-feeding patients.
derivative • Use cautiously in patients with moderate
Pregnancy risk category C to severe liver dysfunction or adrenal or
pituitary insufficiency, and in elderly and
AVAIL ABLE FORMS malnourished patients.
Tablets: 60 mg, 120 mg •H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemic symptoms.


➤ Type 2 diabetes, as monotherapy, or • Don’t use with glyburide or other oral
with metformin or a thiazolidinedione antidiabetics; may use with metformin or a
Adults: 120 mg P.O. t.i.d. taken 1 to 30 min- thiazolidinedione.
utes before meals. Patients near goal HbA1c • Monitor glucose level regularly to
when treatment is started may receive 60 mg evaluate drug’s effectiveness.
P.O. t.i.d. • Observe patient for signs and symptoms
of hypoglycemia. To minimize risk of hypo-
ADMINISTRATION glycemia, make sure that patient has a meal
P.O. immediately after dose. If hypoglycemia
• Give drug 1 to 30 minutes before a meal. occurs and patient remains conscious, give
him an oral form of glucose. If he’s uncon-
AC TION scious, treat with I.V. glucose.
Lowers glucose level by stimulating insulin • Risk of hypoglycemia increases with N
secretion from pancreatic beta cells. strenuous exercise, alcohol ingestion, or
Route Onset Peak Duration
insufficient caloric intake.
P.O. 20 min 1 hr 4 hr
• Symptoms of hypoglycemia may be
masked in patients with autonomic neuro-
Half-life: About 11⁄2 hours. pathy and in those who use beta blockers.
• Insulin therapy may be needed for
ADVERSE REACTIONS glycemic control in patients with fever,
CNS: dizziness. infection, or trauma and in those undergoing
GI: diarrhea. surgery.
Metabolic: hypoglycemia. • Monitor glucose level closely when other
Musculoskeletal: back pain, arthropathy. drugs are started or stopped, to detect possi-
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- ble drug interactions.
tion, bronchitis, coughing. • Periodically monitor HbA1c level.
Other: flulike symptoms, accidental • Drug’s effectiveness may decrease over
trauma. time.
• No special dosage adjustments are usually
INTERACTIONS necessary in elderly patients, but some
Drug-drug. Corticosteroids, rifamycins, elderly patients may have greater sensitivity
sympathomimetics, thiazides, thyroid prod- to glucose-lowering effect.
ucts: May reduce hypoglycemic action of
nateglinide. Monitor glucose level closely. PATIENT TEACHING
MAO inhibitors, nonselective beta blockers, • Tell patient to take drug 1 to 30 minutes
NSAIDs, salicylates: May increase hypo- before a meal.
glycemic action of nateglinide. Monitor
glucose level closely.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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956 nebivolol hydrochloride

• Advise patient to skip the scheduled renin activity and decreasing peripheral
dose if he skips a meal to reduce risk of vascular resistance.
hypoglycemia. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Instruct patient on risk of hypoglycemia, P.O. Unknown 11⁄2 –4 hr Unknown
its signs and symptoms (sweating, rapid
pulse, trembling, confusion, headache, Half-life: 12 to 19 hours.
irritability, and nausea), and ways to treat
these symptoms by eating or drinking some- ADVERSE REACTIONS
thing containing sugar. CNS: asthenia, dizziness, fatigue,
• Teach patient how to monitor and log headache, insomnia, paresthesia.
glucose levels to evaluate diabetes control. CV: bradycardia, chest pain, peripheral
• Advise patient to notify prescriber for edema.
persistent low or high glucose level. GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea.
• Instruct patient to adhere to prescribed Metabolic: hypercholesterolemia, hyper-
diet and exercise regimen. uricemia.
• Explain possible long-term complica- Respiratory: dyspnea.
tions of diabetes and importance of regular Skin: rash.
preventive therapy.
• Encourage patient to wear a medical INTERACTIONS
identification bracelet. Drug-drug. Clonidine: May cause further
decrease in blood pressure. Simultaneous
withdrawal may cause life-threatening re-
nebivolol hydrochloride bound hypertension. Discontinue nebivolol
neh-BIH-voh-lawl for several days before gradual tapering of
Bystolic CYP2D6 inhibitors, such as fluoxetine,
paroxetine, propafenone, quinidine: May
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive increase nebivolol level. Monitor blood
Pharmacologic class: Beta blocker pressure closely, and adjust nebivolol dose
Pregnancy risk category C as needed.
Digoxin, diltiazem, disopyramide, verap-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS amil: May increase the risk of bradycardia.
Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg Monitor patient’s ECG and vital signs.
Catecholamine-depleting drugs, such as,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES guanethidine, reserpine: May cause brady-
➤ Hypertension cardia or severe hypotension. Monitor
Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. once daily. patient closely.
Increase at 2-week intervals to a maximum
dose of 40 mg, if needed. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with severe • May increase BUN, uric acid, and triglyc-
renal impairment or moderate hepatic im- eride levels. May decrease HDL and choles-
pairment, start with 2.5 mg P.O. once daily. terol levels.
Increase dose cautiously, if needed. • May decrease platelet count.


P.O. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensi-
• May give drug without regard to food. tive to drug and those with decompensated
cardiac failure, severe bradycardia, second-
AC TION or third-degree AV block, sick sinus syn-
Selectively blocks beta1 -adrenergic recep- drome (unless a permanent pacemaker is in
tors, reducing heart rate, myocardial con- place), cardiogenic shock, bronchial asthma
tractility, and sympathetic tone. Nebivolol or related bronchospastic conditions, or
also reduces blood pressure by suppressing

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nelarabine 957

severe hepatic impairment (greater than • Caution patient to avoid driving and other
Child-Pugh B). tasks requiring alertness until his response
• Use cautiously in patients with com- to therapy is known.
pensated heart failure, in perioperative • Tell patient to alert prescriber if he
patients receiving anesthetics that depress develops shortness of breath.
myocardial function (such as cyclopropane • Caution patient with diabetes or sponta-
and trichloroethylene), in diabetic patients neous hypoglycemia that drug may mask
receiving insulin or oral antidiabetics or symptoms of low blood glucose level,
subject to spontaneous hypoglycemia, in especially increased heart rate.
patients with severe renal impairment, and • Urge women not to breast-feed during
in patients with thyroid disease (use may therapy.
mask hyperthyroidism and withdrawal may
worsen it), pheochromocytoma, or periph- SAFETY ALERT!
eral vascular disease (may cause or worsen
symptoms of arterial insufficiency). nelarabine
•H Overdose S&S: Bradycardia, hypotension, neh-LAR-uh-been
cardiac failure, fatigue, dizziness, hypo-
glycemia, vomiting, bronchospasm, heart Arranon
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
Alert: Patients with a history of severe demethylation agent; prodrug of
anaphylactic reaction to several allergens cytotoxic deoxyguanosine
may be more reactive to repeated exposure Pregnancy risk category D
to nebivolol (accidental, diagnostic, or
therapeutic), and they may not respond to AVAIL ABLE FORMS
amounts of epinephrine typically used to Injection: 5 mg/ml in 50-ml vial
treat allergic reactions. N
• Check patient’s blood pressure and heart INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
rate often. ➤ T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
• Monitor hepatic and renal function test and T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma in
results. patients whose disease hasn’t responded
• If nebivolol must be stopped, do so to or has relapsed after treatment with at
gradually over 1 to 2 weeks. least two chemotherapy regimens
• Because beta blockers may mask tachy- Adults: 1,500 mg/m2 I.V. over 2 hours on
cardia caused by hyperthyroidism, be sure days 1, 3, and 5. Repeat every 21 days.
to withdraw nebivolol gradually in patients Children: 650 mg/m2 I.V. over 1 hour
with suspected thyrotoxicosis to avoid daily for 5 consecutive days. Repeat every
thyroid storm. 21 days.
• Observe a diabetic patient closely because
drug may mask evidence of hypoglycemia. ADMINISTRATION
• If patient has heart failure, watch for I.V.
worsening symptoms, renal dysfunction, Black Box Warning Drug is for I.V. use
or fluid retention. His diuretic dosage may only.
need to be increased.  Wear gloves and protective clothing

• Store drug at room temperature in a light- when preparing drug, and avoid skin
resistant container. contact.
 Transfer undiluted dose to a

PATIENT TEACHING polyvinylchloride infusion bag or glass

• Instruct patient not to stop drug suddenly container.
but to notify prescriber about unpleasant  Once prepared, drug may be stored for

adverse reactions. Explain that drug must be 8 hours at 86◦ F (30◦ C).
withdrawn gradually over 1 or 2 weeks.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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958 nelarabine

 For adults, infuse dose over 2 hours; for magnesium, albumin, and hemoglobin
children, infuse over 1 hour. levels and hematocrit.
 Dispose of drug according to facility’s • May decrease WBC, platelet, and neu-
protocol for hazardous waste. trophil counts.
 Incompatibilities: None reported.


AC TION • Contraindicated in pregnant or breast-
Probably accumulates in leukemic cells, feeding women and in patients hypersensi-
inhibiting DNA synthesis and causing cell tive to drug or any of its components.
death. • Use cautiously if patient is receiving or
Route Onset Peak Duration
has received intrathecal chemotherapy
I.V. Immediate 2 hr 3–25 hr
and in patients with severe renal or hepatic
Half-life: Parent drug, 30 minutes; active metabo- •H Overdose S&S: Severe neurotoxicity,
lite, 3 hours. myelosuppression, death.


CNS: dizziness, fatigue, fever, headache, Black Box Warning Administer under the
hypoesthesia, paresthesias, peripheral supervision of a physician experienced with
neuropathy, rigors, somnolence, demyeli- chemotherapy.
nation peripheral neuropathies, seizures, • Monitor CBC at baseline and regularly
abnormal gait, asthenia, ataxia, confusion, throughout treatment.
decreased level of consciousness, depres- Black Box Warning Monitor patient for
sion, insomnia, pain. signs of severe neurotoxicity, including
CV: edema, petechiae, chest pain, hypoten- ataxia, coma, confusion, excessive som-
sion, sinus tachycardia. nolence, Guillain-Barré–like symptoms,
EENT: blurred vision, epistaxis, sinusitis. peripheral neuropathy, and seizures. For
GI: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomit- NCI Common Toxicity Criteria grade 2 or
ing, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, higher, stop treatment. Patient may not fully
anorexia, stomatitis. recover even after drug is stopped.
Hematologic: FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA, • Take steps to prevent hyperuricemia
LEUKOPENIA, NEUTROPENIA, THROMBO- caused by tumor lysis syndrome. Appropri-
CYTOPENIA, anemia. ate care includes hydration, alkalinization of
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, dehydration, body fluids, and allopurinol.
hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
hypomagnesemia. PATIENT TEACHING
Musculoskeletal: myalgia, arthralgia, back Alert: Tell patient to immediately report
pain, limb pain, muscle weakness. tingling or numbness in hands or feet,
Respiratory: cough, dyspnea, pleural problems with fine motor skills, unsteadi-
effusion, wheezing. ness when walking, weakness when getting
Other: infection, weakness. out of a chair or climbing stairs, tripping
while walking, or seizures. These may be
INTERACTIONS signs of serious adverse effects.
Drug-drug. Live-virus vaccines: Virus • Explain the importance of regular blood
replication may occur; immunocompro- tests to evaluate drug effectiveness and
mised individuals may become ill. Don’t detect adverse effects.
give live-virus vaccines to immunocompro- • Tell patient to report being more tired or
mised patients. paler than usual, trouble breathing, unusual
bruising or bleeding, or fever.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Advise care when driving or operating
• May increase creatinine, transaminase, hazardous machinery because drug may
bilirubin, glucose, and AST levels. May cause sleepiness or dizziness.
decrease potassium, calcium, glucose,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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nelfinavir mesylate 959

• Urge patient to avoid live-virus vaccines in the production of immature, noninfec-

while taking this drug. tious virus.
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown 2–4 hr Unknown
nelfinavir mesylate
nell-FIN-ah-veer Half-life: 31⁄
2 to 5 hours.


CNS: seizures, suicidal ideation.
Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral GI: diarrhea, pancreatitis, flatulence,
Pharmacologic class: Protease inhibitor nausea.
Pregnancy risk category B Hematologic: leukopenia, thrombo-
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Hepatic: hepatitis.
Powder: 50 mg/g powder in 144-g bottle Metabolic: hypoglycemia, dehydration,
Tablets: 250 mg, 625 mg diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hyper-
➤ HIV infection Other: redistribution or accumulation of
Adults: 1,250 mg b.i.d. or 750 mg P.O. t.i.d. body fat.
with meals or light snack.
Children ages 2 to 13: 45 to 55 mg/kg P.O. INTERACTIONS
b.i.d. or 25 to 35 mg/kg P.O. t.i.d. with meals Drug-drug. Amiodarone, ergot derivatives,
or light snack; don’t exceed 750 mg t.i.d. lovastatin, midazolam, pimozide, quinidine,
➤ To prevent infection after occupational simvastatin, triazolam: May increase levels
exposure to HIV  of these drugs, causing increased risk of
Adults: 1,250 mg P.O. b.i.d. with two other life-threatening adverse events. Avoid using
antiretrovirals (zidovudine and lamivudine, together. N
lamivudine and stavudine, or didanosine Atorvastatin: May increase atorvastatin
and stavudine) for 4 weeks. level. Use lowest possible dose or consider
➤ To prevent infection after nonoccupa- using pravastatin or fluvastatin instead.
tional exposure to HIV  Azithromycin: May increase azithromycin
Adults: 1,250 mg P.O. b.i.d. or 750 mg level. Monitor patient for liver impairment.
P.O. t.i.d. (in conjunction with two other Carbamazepine, phenobarbital: May
antiretrovirals). Begin within 72 hours of reduce the effectiveness of nelfinavir. Use
exposure and continue for 28 days. together cautiously.
Cyclosporine, sirolimus, tacrolimus: May
ADMINISTRATION increase levels of these immunosuppres-
P.O. sants. Use together cautiously.
• Give oral powder to children unable to Delavirdine, HIV protease inhibitors (indin-
take tablets. May mix oral powder with avir, saquinavir): May increase levels of
small amount of water, milk, formula, soy protease inhibitors. Use together cautiously.
formula, soy milk, or dietary supplements. Didanosine: May decrease didanosine
Patient should consume entire amount. absorption. Take nelfinavir with food
• Don’t reconstitute with water in the at least 2 hours before or 1 hour after
original container. didanosine.
• Use reconstituted powder within 6 hours. Ethinyl estradiol: May decrease contracep-
• Mixing with acidic foods or juice isn’t tive level and effectiveness. Advise patient
recommended because of bitter taste. to use alternative contraceptive measures
during therapy.
AC TION Methadone, phenytoin: May decrease levels
An HIV-1 protease inhibitor, which prevents of these drugs. Adjust dosage of these drugs
cleavage of the viral polyprotein, resulting accordingly.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

960 neomycin sulfate

Rifabutin: May increase rifabutin level and • Advise patient to take drug daily as
decrease nelfinavir level. Reduce dosage of prescribed and not to alter dose or stop
rifabutin to half the usual dose and increase drug without medical approval.
nelfinavir to 1,250 mg b.i.d. • If patient misses a dose, tell him to take
Sildenafil: May increase adverse effects it as soon as possible and then return to
of sildenafil. Caution patient not to exceed his normal schedule. Advise patient not to
25 mg of sildenafil in a 48-hour period. double the dose.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease • Tell patient that diarrhea is the most
drug level. Discourage use together. common adverse effect and that it can be
controlled with loperamide, if needed.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Instruct patient taking hormonal contra-
• May increase ALT, AST, alkaline phos- ceptives to use alternative or additional
phatase, bilirubin, GGT, amylase, CK, and contraceptive measures while taking
lipid levels. May decrease hemoglobin level. nelfinavir.
May increase or decrease glucose level. • Advise patient taking sildenafil about an
• May decrease WBC and platelet counts. increased risk of sildenafil-related adverse
events, including low blood pressure, visual
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS changes, and painful erections. Tell him to
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive promptly report any symptoms. Tell him not
to drug or its components and in patients to exceed 25 mg of sildenafil in a 48-hour
receiving amiodarone, ergot derivatives, period.
lovastatin, midazolam, pimozide, quinidine, • Warn patient with phenylketonuria that
simvastatin, or triazolam. powder contains 11.2 mg phenylalanine per
• Contraindicated in pregnant women gram.
unless no other treatment option exists • Advise patient to report use of other pre-
because of the presence of the carcinogen scribed or OTC drugs because of possible
ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) in Viracept. drug interactions.
Children currently receiving Viracept may
continue, but children shouldn’t be started
on this drug. neomycin sulfate
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic nee-o-MYE-sin
dysfunction or hemophilia types A or B.
Monitor liver function test results. Neo-fradin
• It’s not known if drug appears in breast
milk. Because safety hasn’t been estab- Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
lished, advise HIV-infected women not to Pharmacologic class: Aminoglycoside
breast-feed, to avoid transmitting virus to Pregnancy risk category D
the infant.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Oral solution: 125 mg/5 ml
• Drug dosage is the same whether drug is Tablets: 500 mg
used alone or with other antiretrovirals.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
nelfinavir with nevirapine. ➤ To suppress intestinal bacteria before
PATIENT TEACHING Adults: After saline cathartic, 1 g neomycin
• Advise patient to take drug with food. with 1 g erythromycin base P.O. at 1 p.m.,
• Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure HIV 2 p.m., and 11 p.m. on day before 8 a.m.
infection. surgery; or 2 g neomycin with 2 g metro-
• Tell patient that long-term effects of drug nidazole P.O. at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. on day
are unknown and that there are no data preceding surgery.
stating that nelfinavir reduces risk of HIV

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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neomycin sulfate 961

➤ Adjunctive treatment for hepatic coma CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

Adults: 4 to 12 g P.O. daily in divided doses • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
for 5 to 6 days; or 200 ml of 1% solution. to other aminoglycosides and in those with
intestinal obstruction.
ADMINISTRATION • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
P.O. those with impaired renal function, neu-
• For preoperative disinfection, provide a romuscular disorders, or ulcerative bowel
low-residue diet and a cathartic immediately lesions.
before therapy. •H Overdose S&S: Neurotoxicity, ototoxicity,
Inhibits protein synthesis by binding directly NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
to the 30S ribosomal subunit; bactericidal. Black Box Warning Due to increased risk
Route Onset Peak Duration
of nephrotoxicity, monitor renal function:
P.O. Unknown 1–4 hr 8 hr
urine output, specific gravity, urinalysis,
BUN and creatinine levels, and creatinine
Half-life: 2 to 3 hours. clearance. Report to prescriber evidence of
declining renal function.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Black Box Warning Due to increased risk
CNS: neuromuscular blockage. of ototoxicity, evaluate patient’s hearing
EENT: ototoxicity. before and during prolonged therapy. Notify
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malabsorp- prescriber if patient has tinnitus, vertigo,
tion syndrome, Clostridium difficile–related or hearing loss. Deafness may start several
colitis. weeks after drug is stopped.
GU: nephrotoxicity, possible increase in • Watch for signs and symptoms of superin-
urinary excretion of casts. fection, such as fever, chills, and increased
pulse rate.
INTERACTIONS Black Box Warning Neuromuscular block- N
Drug-drug. Black Box Warning Acyclovir, age and respiratory paralysis have been
amphotericin B, cephalosporins, cidofovir, reported after administration of aminogly-
cisplatin, methoxyflurane, vancomycin, cosides. Monitor patient closely.
other aminoglycosides: May increase • For adjunctive treatment for hepatic coma,
nephrotoxicity. Monitor renal function decrease patient’s dietary protein and assess
test results. neurologic status frequently during therapy.
Black Box Warning Atracurium, pancuro- • The ototoxic and nephrotoxic properties
nium, rocuronium, vecuronium: May increase of drug limit its usefulness.
effects of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants,
including prolonged respiratory depression. PATIENT TEACHING
Use together only when necessary, and • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
expect to reduce dosage of nondepolarizing promptly.
muscle relaxants. • Encourage patient to maintain adequate
Digoxin: May decrease digoxin absorption. fluid intake.
Monitor digoxin level.
Black Box Warning I.V. loop diuretics (such
as furosemide): May increase ototoxicity.
Monitor patient’s hearing.
Oral anticoagulants: May inhibit vitamin
K–producing bacteria; may increase antico-
agulant effect. Monitor PT and INR.


• May increase BUN, creatinine, and non-
protein nitrogen levels.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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962 nesiritide

SAFETY ALERT!  Before giving bolus dose, prime the

I.V. tubing. Withdraw the bolus and give

nesiritide over 60 seconds through an I.V. port in the
neh-SIR-ih-tide tubing.
 Immediately after giving bolus, infuse

Natrecor drug at 0.1 ml/kg/hour to deliver 0.01

Therapeutic class: Vasodilator  Store drug at 68◦ to 77◦ F (20◦ to

Pharmacologic class: Human B-type 25◦ C).

natriuretic peptide  Incompatibilities: Bumetanide,

Pregnancy risk category C enalaprilat, ethacrynate sodium,

furosemide, heparin, hydralazine, insulin,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS sodium metabisulfite.
Injection: Single-dose vials of 1.5 mg
sterile, lyophilized powder AC TION
Increases cyclic guanosine monophosphate
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES (cGMP) level, relaxes smooth muscle, and
➤ Acutely decompensated heart failure dilates veins and arteries. Drug reduces
in patients with dyspnea at rest or with pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and
minimal activity systemic arterial pressure in patients with
Adults: 2 mcg/kg by I.V. bolus over heart failure.
60 seconds, followed by continuous infu- Route Onset Peak Duration
sion of 0.01 mcg/kg/minute. I.V. 15 min 1 hr 3 hr
Adjust-a-dose: If hypotension develops
during administration, reduce dosage or Half-life: 18 minutes.
stop drug. Restart drug at dosage reduced
by 30% with no bolus doses. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: anxiety, confusion, dizziness, fever,
ADMINISTRATION headache, insomnia, paresthesia, somno-
I.V. lence, tremor.
 Reconstitute one 1.5-mg vial with 5 ml CV: hypotension, bradycardia, ventricular
of diluent (such as D5 W, normal saline tachycardia, angina, atrial fibrillation, AV
solution, 5% dextrose and 0.2% saline node conduction abnormalities, ventricular
solution injection, or 5% dextrose and extrasystoles.
half-normal saline solution) from a pre- GI: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.
filled 250-ml I.V. bag. Hematologic: anemia.
 Gently rock (don’t shake) vial until Musculoskeletal: back pain, leg cramps.
solution becomes clear and colorless. Respiratory: apnea, cough, hemoptysis.
 Withdraw contents of vial and add back Skin: injection site reactions, rash, pruritus,
to the 250-ml I.V. bag to yield 6 mcg/ml. sweating.
Invert the bag several times to ensure
complete mixing, and use the solution INTERACTIONS
within 24 hours. Drug-drug. ACE inhibitors: May increase
 Use the formulas below to calculate hypotension symptoms. Monitor blood
bolus volume (2 mcg/kg) and infusion flow pressure closely.
rate (0.01 mcg/kg/minute):
Bolus volume = 0.33 × patient weight
(ml) (kg)
• May increase creatinine level more than
0.5 mg/dl above baseline. May decrease
Infusion flow rate = 0.1 × patient weight hemoglobin level and hematocrit.
(ml/hr) (kg)

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

nevirapine 963


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive nevirapine
to drug or its components. neh-VEER-ah-pine
• Contraindicated in patients with cardio-
genic shock, systolic blood pressure below Viramune
90 mm Hg, low cardiac filling pressures,
conditions in which cardiac output de- Therapeutic class: Antiretroviral
pends on venous return, or conditions that Pharmacologic class: Nonnucleoside
make vasodilators inappropriate, such as reverse transcriptase inhibitor
valvular stenosis, restrictive or obstructive Pregnancy risk category C
cardiomyopathy, constrictive pericarditis,
and pericardial tamponade. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
•H Overdose S&S: Excessive hypotension. Oral suspension: 50 mg/5 ml
Tablets: 200 mg
• Don’t start drug at higher-than- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
recommended dosage because this may ➤ Adjunct treatment in HIV-infected
cause hypotension and may increase creati- adults who have experienced clinical or
nine level. immunologic deterioration; used with
Alert: This drug may cause hypotension. nucleoside analogue antiretrovirals
Monitor patient’s blood pressure closely, Black Box Warning Adhere strictly to
particularly if he also takes an ACE in- 14-day lead-in period with nevirapine
hibitor. 200-mg-daily dosing.
Alert: Drug binds to heparin, including the Adults: 200 mg P.O. daily for the first
heparin lining of a coated catheter, decreas- 14 days; then 200 mg P.O. b.i.d.
ing the amount of nesiritide delivered. Don’t Adjust-a-dose: For patients on dialysis,
give nesiritide through a central heparin- give an additional 200-mg dose after each
coated catheter. dialysis treatment. Patients with a creatinine N
• Drug may affect renal function. In pa- clearance equal to or greater than 20 ml/
tients with severe heart failure whose renal minute don’t require dosage adjustment.
function depends on the renin-angiotensin- ➤ Adjunct treatment in HIV-infected
aldosterone system, treatment may lead to children
azotemia. Children age 8 and older: 4 mg/kg P.O. once
• Results of giving this drug for longer than daily for first 14 days; then 4 mg/kg P.O.
48 hours are unknown. b.i.d. thereafter. Maximum daily dose is
400 mg.
PATIENT TEACHING Children ages 2 months to 8 years: 4 mg/kg
• Tell patient to report discomfort at I.V. P.O. once daily for first 14 days; then
site. 7 mg/kg P.O. b.i.d. thereafter. Maximum
• Urge patient to report to prescriber daily dose is 400 mg.
symptoms of hypotension, such as dizzi-
ness, light-headedness, blurred vision, or ADMINISTRATION
sweating. P.O.
• Tell patient to report to prescriber other • Use drug with at least one other antiretro-
adverse effects promptly. viral.

Binds directly to reverse transcriptase
and blocks RNA-dependent and DNA-
dependent DNA polymerase activities by
disrupting the enzyme’s catalytic site.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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964 nevirapine


P.O. Unknown 4 hr Unknown • Perform laboratory tests, including renal
function tests, before therapy and regularly
Half-life: 25 to 30 hours.
• Increased AST or ALT levels or coin-
ADVERSE REACTIONS fection with hepatitis B or C at the start of
CNS: fever, headache, paresthesia. therapy suggest a greater risk of hepatic
GI: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, adverse events.
ulcerative stomatitis. Black Box Warning Severe and, in some
Hematologic: neutropenia. cases, fatal hepatotoxicity, particularly in
Hepatic: hepatitis. the first 18 weeks of treatment, has been
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. reported and may occur in all patients,
Skin: blistering, rash, Stevens-Johnson including those receiving the drug for
syndrome. postexposure prophylaxis, an approved
use. Hepatotoxicity is often linked with rash
INTERACTIONS and fever. Women and patients with higher
Drug-drug. Drugs extensively metabolized CD4 + cell counts are at increased risk.
by cytochrome P-450: May lower levels of Women with CD4 + cell counts greater
these drugs. Dosage adjustment of these than 250/mm3 , including pregnant women
drugs may be needed. receiving long-term treatment for HIV in-
Ketoconazole: May decrease ketoconazole fection, are at considerably higher risk for
level. Avoid using together. hepatotoxicity.
Protease inhibitors or hormonal contracep- • Monitor patient for signs and symptoms
tives: May decrease levels of these drugs. of hepatitis including rash. Closely monitor
Use together cautiously. liver function tests at baseline and during
Rifabutin, rifampin: Dosage adjustment the first 18 weeks of treatment; then monitor
may be needed. Monitor patient closely. frequently thereafter.
Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant • Perform liver function tests immediately
effect of warfarin. Monitor INR and if hepatitis or hypersensitivity reactions are
adjust warfarin dose as needed. suspected.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease Black Box Warning Severe, life-threatening
drug level. Discourage use together. skin reactions, including fatalities, have
occurred. The greatest risk of reaction is
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS within the first 6 weeks of therapy. Monitor
• May increase ALT, AST, GGT, and biliru- patient for blistering, oral lesions, conjunc-
bin levels. May decrease hemoglobin level. tivitis, muscle or joint aches, or general
• May decrease neutrophil count. malaise. Especially look for a severe rash
or rash accompanied by fever. Report these
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS signs and symptoms to prescriber. Patients
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive who experience a rash or hypersensitivity
to drug. reactions must discontinue nevirapine and
• Don’t give to patients with severe hepatic seek medical evaluation immediately.
impairment from drug accumulation. Alert: If hepatitis occurs, permanently
• In patients with mild to moderate hepatic stop drug and don’t restart after recovery.
function, use cautiously; pharmacokinetics In some cases, hepatic injury progresses
haven’t been evaluated in these patients. anyway.
• Drug appears in breast milk. Don’t use Alert: Patients who have stopped therapy
drug in breast-feeding women. for more than 7 days should restart therapy
•H Overdose S&S: Edema, erythema no- as if receiving drug for the first time.
dosum, fatigue, fever, headache, insomnia, • Antiretroviral therapy may be changed if
nausea, pulmonary infiltrates, rash, vertigo, disease progresses while patient is receiving
vomiting, weight decrease. this drug.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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nicardipine hydrochloride 965

• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ Hypertension

nevirapine with nelfinavir. Adults: Initially, 20 mg immediate-release
capsule P.O. t.i.d.; range, 20 to 40 mg t.i.d.
PATIENT TEACHING Or, 30 mg sustained-release capsule b.i.d.;
• Inform patient that drug doesn’t cure range, 30 to 60 mg b.i.d. Adjust dosage
HIV and that illnesses from advanced HIV every 3 days based on patient response.
infection still may occur. Explain that drug Or, for patient who can’t take oral form,
doesn’t reduce risk of HIV transmission. 5 mg/hour (50 ml/hour) I.V. infusion ini-
• Instruct patient to report rash immediately tially; then, increase by 2.5 mg/hour (25 ml/
and to stop drug until told to resume. hour) every 5 minutes for rapid control or
• Tell patient with signs or symptoms of every 15 minutes for gradual control to
hepatitis (such as fatigue, malaise, anorexia, maximum of 15 mg/hour (150 ml/hour).
nausea, jaundice, liver tenderness or he-
patomegaly, with or without initially abnor- ADMINISTRATION
mal transaminase levels) to stop drug and P.O.
seek medical evaluation immediately. • Give drug with or without food, but avoid
• Stress importance of taking drug exactly giving with high-fat meal.
as prescribed. If a dose is missed, tell patient • Don’t break or crush sustained-release
to take the next dose as soon as possible and capsules; they must be swallowed whole.
not to double next dose. I.V.
• Tell patient not to use other drugs unless  Dilute to a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml

approved by prescriber. with D5 W, dextrose 5% in normal saline

• Advise women of childbearing age that solution or half-normal saline solution,
hormonal contraceptives and other hor- and normal saline solution or half-normal
monal methods of birth control shouldn’t be saline solution.
used with this drug.  Check premixed bags for leaks, solution

clarity, and intact seal. Don’t add other

drugs to bag. N
niCARdipine hydrochloride  Give by slow infusion.
nye-KAR-de-peen  Closely monitor blood pressure during

and after completion of infusion.

Cardene, Cardene I.V.,  If hypotension or tachycardia occurs,

Cardene SR titrate infusion rate.

 Change peripheral infusion site every

Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive 12 hours to minimize risk of venous

Pharmacologic class: Calcium channel irritation.
blocker  When switching to oral form, give first

Pregnancy risk category C dose of t.i.d. regimen 1 hour before stop-

ping infusion. If using a different oral
AVAIL ABLE FORMS drug, start it when infusion ends.
Capsules: 20 mg, 30 mg  If solution is kept at room temperature,

Capsules (sustained-release): 30 mg, use within 24 hours.

45 mg, 60 mg  Incompatibilities: Ampicillin sodium,

Injection: 2.5-mg/ml vial; 20 mg/200-ml, ampicillin and sulbactam sodium, cefoper-

40 mg/200-ml premixed bag azone, ceftazidime, furosemide, heparin
sodium, lactated Ringer’s solution, sodium
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES bicarbonate, thiopental.
➤ Chronic stable angina (used alone or
with other antianginals) AC TION
Adults: Initially, 20 mg immediate-release Inhibits calcium ion influx across cardiac
capsule P.O. t.i.d. Adjust dosage every and smooth muscle cells but is more
3 days based on patient response. Usual selective to vascular smooth muscle than
range, 20 to 40 mg t.i.d.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
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966 nifedipine

cardiac muscle. Drug also dilates coronary about 1 hour after giving the immediate-
arteries and arterioles. release form and 2 to 4 hours after giving
Route Onset Peak Duration
the sustained-release form. Check for or-
P.O. 20 min 1–2 hr Unknown
thostatic hypotension. Because large swings
(immediate- in blood pressure may occur based on drug
release) level, assess antihypertensive effect 8 hours
P.O. 20 min 1–4 hr 12 hr after dosing.
• Extended-release form is preferred
I.V. Immediate Immediate Unknown because of improved compliance, fewer
fluctuations in blood pressure, and less risk
Half-life: 2 to 4 hours. of death than with shorter-acting drugs.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
ADVERSE REACTIONS Cardene with Cardura or codeine.
CNS: headache, dizziness, light-
headedness, asthenia. PATIENT TEACHING
CV: peripheral edema, palpitations, flush- • Tell patient to take oral form exactly as
ing, angina, tachycardia. prescribed.
GI: nausea, abdominal discomfort, dry • Advise patient to report chest pain im-
mouth. mediately. Some patients may experience
Skin: rash. increased frequency, severity, or duration of
chest pain at beginning of therapy or during
INTERACTIONS dosage adjustments.
Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May • Tell patient to get up from a sitting or
increase antihypertensive effect. Monitor lying position slowly to avoid dizziness
blood pressure closely. caused by a decrease in blood pressure.
Cimetidine: May decrease metabolism of • Tell patient drug may be taken with or
calcium channel blockers. Monitor patient without food but shouldn’t be taken with
for increased pharmacologic effect. high-fat foods.
Cyclosporine: May increase plasma level of • Tell patient to swallow sustained-release
cyclosporine. Monitor patient for toxicity. capsules whole; don’t crush, break, or chew.
Drug-food. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice:
May increase bioavailability of nicardipine.
Discourage use together. NIFEdipine
High-fat foods: May decrease absorption of nye-FED-i-peen
nicardipine. Discourage use together.
Adalat CC, Adalat XL†, Afeditab CR,
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Apo-Nifed†, Nu-Nifed†, Procardia,
None reported. Procardia XLi

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive

• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Pharmacologic class: Calcium channel
to drug and in those with advanced aortic blocker
stenosis. Pregnancy risk category C
• Use cautiously in patients with hypoten-
sion, heart failure, or impaired hepatic and AVAIL ABLE FORMS
renal function. Capsules: 10 mg, 20 mg
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, bradycardia, Tablets (extended-release): 20 mg†, 30 mg,
palpitations, flushing, drowsiness, confu- 60 mg, 90 mg
sion, slurred speech.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS ➤ Vasospastic angina (Prinzmetal’s or
• Measure blood pressure frequently during variant angina), classic chronic stable
initial therapy. Maximal response occurs angina pectoris

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nifedipine 967

Adults: Initially, 10 mg short-acting capsule Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary edema,

P.O. t.i.d. Usual effective dosage range cough.
is 10 to 20 mg t.i.d. Some patients may Skin: rash, pruritus.
require up to 30 mg q.i.d. Maximum daily
dose is 180 mg. Adjust dosage over 7 to INTERACTIONS
14 days to evaluate response. Or, 30 to Drug-drug. Antiretrovirals, verapamil,
60 mg (extended-release tablets, except cimetidine: May decrease nifedipine
Adalat CC) P.O. once daily. Maximum daily metabolism. Monitor blood pressure closely
dose is 120 mg. Adjust dosage over 7 to and adjust nifedipine dosage as needed.
14 days to evaluate response. Azole antifungals, erythromycin, nefaz-
➤ Hypertension odone, quinupristin and dalfopristin, val-
Adults: 30 or 60 mg P.O. extended-release proic acid: May increase the effects of
tablet once daily. Adjusted over 7 to nifedipine. Monitor blood pressure closely
14 days. Doses larger than 90 mg (Adalat and decrease nifedipine dosage as needed.
CC) and 120 mg (Procardia XL) aren’t Cyclosporine, tacrolimus: May increase
recommended. serum levels of these drugs and increase
risk of toxicity. Monitor serum levels and
ADMINISTRATION adjust dosage as needed.
P.O. Digoxin: May cause elevated digoxin level.
• Don’t give immediate-release capsules Monitor digoxin level.
within 1 week of acute MI or in acute Diltiazem: May increase the effects of
coronary syndrome. nifedipine. Monitor patient closely.
Alert: Don’t use capsules S.L. to rapidly PDE5 inhibitors (such as sildenafil):
reduce severe high blood pressure because Increases risk of hypotension. Monitor
the result may be fatal. blood pressure and adjust nifedipine dosage
• Give extended-release tablets whole; don’t if needed.
break or crush tablet. Phenytoin: May reduce nifedipine
• Don’t give drug with grapefruit juice. metabolism. Monitor patient and adjust N
• Protect capsules from direct light and nifedipine dosage as needed.
moisture and store at room temperature. Propranolol, other beta blockers: May
cause hypotension and heart failure. Use
AC TION together cautiously.
Thought to inhibit calcium ion influx across Quinidine: May decrease levels and effects
cardiac and smooth muscle cells, decreasing of quinidine while increasing effects of
contractility and oxygen demand. Drug may nifedipine. Monitor heart rate and adjust
also dilate coronary arteries and arterioles. nifedipine dose as needed.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Rifamycins: May decrease nifedipine levels.
P.O. 20 min 30–60 min 4–8 hr
Monitor patient.
P.O. 20 min 6 hr 24 hr Drug-herb. Ginkgo: May increase effects
(extended) of drug. Discourage use together.
Half-life: 2 to 5 hours.
Ginseng: May increase drug levels with
possible toxicity. Discourage use together.
Melatonin, St. John’s wort: May interfere
ADVERSE REACTIONS with antihypertensive effect. Discourage use
CNS: dizziness, light-headedness, together.
headache, weakness, somnolence, syncope, Drug-food. Grapefruit juice: May increase
nervousness. bioavailability of drug. Discourage use
CV: flushing, peripheral edema, heart together.
failure, MI, hypotension, palpitations.
GI: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdomi- • May increase ALT, AST, alkaline phos-
nal discomfort. phatase, and LDH levels.
Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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968 nilotinib


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ✷ NEW INDICATION: Newly diagnosed,
to drug. chronic-phase Philadelphia
• Use cautiously in patients with heart chromosome–positive chronic
failure or hypotension and in elderly myelogenous leukemia
patients. Use extended-release tablets Adults: 300 mg P.O. b.i.d.
cautiously in patients with severe GI ➤ Chronic and accelerated-phase
narrowing. Philadelphia chromosome–positive
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, dizziness, chronic myelogenous leukemia in patients
palpitations, flushing, nervousness. resistant to or intolerant of imatinib
Adults: 400 mg P.O. b.i.d., 12 hours apart.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Adjust-a-dose: If QTcF interval exceeds
• Monitor blood pressure and heart rate 480 msec, withhold drug; it if returns to
regularly, especially in patients who take less than 450 msec and within 20 msec of
beta blockers or antihypertensives. baseline within 2 weeks, resume therapy at
• Watch for symptoms of heart failure. previous dose. If QTcF interval is 450 to
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 480 msec after 4 weeks, reduce dose to
nifedipine with nimodipine or nicardipine. 400 mg once daily; if QTcF interval re-
turns to more than 480 msec, stop therapy.
PATIENT TEACHING If neutrophil count is less than 1,000/mm3
• If patient is kept on nitrate therapy while or platelet count less than 50,000/mm3 ,
nifedipine dosage is being adjusted, urge stop therapy. If neutrophil count exceeds
continued compliance. Patient may take 1,000/mm3 and platelet count exceeds
S.L. nitroglycerin, as needed, for acute chest 50,000/mm3 within 2 weeks, resume ther-
pain. apy at previous dose. If blood counts stay
• Tell patient that chest pain may worsen low for more than 2 weeks, reduce dose to
briefly as therapy starts or dosage increases. 400 mg P.O. once daily. If serum amylase,
• Instruct patient to swallow extended- lipase, bilirubin, or hepatic transaminase
release tablets without breaking, crushing, levels are grade 3 or greater, withhold drug;
or chewing them. when levels return to grade 1 or less, resume
• Advise patient to avoid taking drug with therapy. Withhold drug with other clini-
grapefruit juice. cally significant moderate or severe toxicity.
• Reassure patient taking the extended- When toxicity resolves, resume at 400 mg
release tablet that the wax mold may be P.O. once daily; increase to 400 mg P.O.
passed in the stools. Assure him that drug b.i.d. when clinically appropriate.
has already been completely absorbed. Black Box Warning Dosage reduction is
• Tell patient to protect capsules from direct recommended in patients with hepatic im-
light and moisture and to store at room pairment. For mild to moderate impairment
temperature. at baseline, initially give 300 mg b.i.d. If
tolerated, may increase to 400 mg b.i.d.
For severe hepatic impairment at baseline,
nilotinib initially give 200 mg b.i.d. May titrate to
nye-low-TIH-nibb 300 mg b.i.d., then 400 mg b.i.d. as
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic P.O.
Pharmacologic class: Kinase inhibitor Black Box Warning Give with water on an
Pregnancy risk category D empty stomach. Restrict food intake for at
least 2 hours before and 1 hour after dose.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Give capsule whole.
Capsules: 150 mg, 200 mg

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nilotinib 969

AC TION telithromycin, voriconazole): May increase

Stops leukemic cell lines by inhibiting nilotinib level. Avoid using together, or
Bcr-Abl kinase. consider reducing dose to 400 mg daily.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Midazolam: May increase midazolam level.
P.O. Unknown 3 hr Unknown
Avoid using together.
P-glycoprotein substrates: May increase
Half-life: 17 hours. nilotinib levels. Avoid using together.
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease
ADVERSE REACTIONS nilotinib level. Avoid using together.
CNS: asthenia, fatigue, fever, headache, Drug-food. Food: May increase drug level.
insomnia, dizziness, paresthesia. Avoid eating 2 hours before and 1 hour after
CV: flushing, hypertension, palpitations, taking dose.
peripheral edema, prolonged QT interval. Grapefruit: May increase drug level. Avoid
EENT: nasopharyngitis, vertigo. using together.
GI: abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain,
anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
flatulence, nausea, vomiting. • May increase lipase, bilirubin, alkaline
Hematologic: anemia, FEBRILE NEUTRO- phosphatase, AST, ALT, potassium, and
PENIA, THROMBOCYTOPENIA, NEUTRO- creatinine levels. May decrease albumin,
PENIA, PANCYTOPENIA. sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, and
Hepatic: elevated lipase level. hemoglobin levels.
Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia, • May decrease neutrophil and platelet
hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, hypomagne- counts.
semia, hyponatremia, hypophosphatemia,
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, myalgia, Black Box Warning Contraindicated in
back pain, bone pain, limb pain, muscle patients with prolonged QT-interval syn-
spasms, musculoskeletal chest pain, pain in drome, hypokalemia, and hypomagne- N
extremities. semia. Avoid use in patients with galactose
Respiratory: cough, dysphonia, dyspnea, intolerance, severe lactose deficiency, or
exertional dyspnea. glucose-galactose malabsorption.
Skin: alopecia, dry skin, eczema, erythema, Black Box Warning Obtain electrocardio-
hyperhidrosis, night sweats, pruritus, rash, gram (ECG) to monitor the QTc at baseline,
urticaria. 7 days after initiation, and periodically
thereafter, as well as following any dose
INTERACTIONS adjustments.
Drug-drug. Black Box Warning Antiar- • Use cautiously in patients with hepatic
rhythmics and other drugs that prolong QTc impairment, elevated lipase levels, or a
interval: May further prolong QTc interval. history of pancreatitis.
Avoid using together.
UGT1A1 substrates, warfarin: May • Monitor patient’s phosphate, potassium,
increase levels of these drugs. Avoid calcium, and sodium levels before and
using together. during therapy. Monitor the complete blood
CYP3A4 inducers (carbamazepine, count every 2 weeks for the first 2 months
dexamethasone, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and then monthly thereafter.
rifabutin, rifampin, rifapentin): May de- • Assess patient for evidence of fluid
crease nilotinib level. Avoid using together, retention, such as shortness of breath and
or consider increasing dosage. swelling of hands, ankles, feet, or face.
Black Box Warning CYP3A4 inhibitors • Check lipase, amylase, ALT, AST, and
(atazanavir, clarithromycin, indinavir, alkaline phosphatase levels periodically
itraconazole, ketoconazole, nefazodone, during therapy.
nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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970 nimodipine

• If stopping a CYP3A4 inhibitor, allow an Adjust-a-dose: For patients with hepatic

appropriate washout period before escalat- failure, 30 mg P.O. every 4 hours for
ing the nilotinib dose. 21 days.
• Caution women to avoid becoming preg-
nant during therapy because of the risk of ADMINISTRATION
fetal harm. P.O.
• It isn’t known whether drug appears in • If drug needs to be given via nasogastric
breast milk. Advise women to avoid breast- (NG) tube, make a hole in each end of
feeding during therapy. capsule with an 18G needle and extract
• Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab- contents into syringe. Empty syringe into
lished in children. patient’s NG tube. Flush tube with 30 ml
of normal saline solution according to
PATIENT TEACHING manufacturer’s directions.
• Instruct patient to immediately report an Black Box Warning Don’t give drug I.V.
irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, or or by other parenteral routes. Death and
swelling of the hands, ankles, feet, or face. serious, life-threatening adverse reactions
• Urge patient to immediately notify pre- have occurred. If using a needle to extract
scriber about a sudden onset of abdominal contents of capsule, make sure that drug
pain, nausea, and vomiting. isn’t then given I.V. instead of P.O. Label the
• Tell patient to avoid grapefruit during syringe “for oral use only” before withdraw-
therapy. ing the contents of the capsule.
Black Box Warning Instruct patient to take • Administer drug not less than 1 hour
drug with water, and to restrict food intake before or 2 hours after a meal.
for at least 2 hours before and 1 hour after
taking the drug. AC TION
• Advise women of childbearing age to use Inhibits calcium ion influx across cardiac
an effective form of contraception while and smooth-muscle cells, decreasing my-
taking nilotinib and to notify prescriber ocardial contractility and oxygen demand;
immediately if pregnancy occurs. also dilates coronary and cerebral arteries
• Advise women to stop breast-feeding and arterioles.
during therapy because of the risk of Route Onset Peak Duration
toxicity to infant. P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown

Half-life: 8 to 9 hours; may be 1 to 2 hours.

CNS: headache, psychic disturbances.
Therapeutic class: Vasodilator CV: hypotension, flushing, edema, tachy-
Pharmacologic class: Calcium channel cardia.
blocker GI: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort.
Pregnancy risk category C Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps.
Respiratory: dyspnea, wheezing.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Skin: dermatitis, rash.
Capsules: 30 mg
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May
➤ To improve neurologic deficits after increase hypotensive effect. Monitor blood
subarachnoid hemorrhage from rup- pressure.
tured intracranial berry aneurysm Calcium channel blockers: May increase
Adults: 60 mg P.O. every 4 hours for CV effects. Monitor patient closely.
21 days. Begin therapy within 96 hours Cimetidine: May increase nimodipine
after subarachnoid hemorrhage. bioavailability. Monitor patient for adverse

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nisoldipine 971

Drug-food. Any food: May decrease drug 40 mg daily. Doses of more than 40 mg
absorption. Advise patient to take drug daily aren’t recommended.
on empty stomach and to avoid grapefruit Patients older than age 65: Initially, 8.5 or
juice. 10 mg P.O. once daily; adjust dosage as for
other adults.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Adjust-a-dose: For patients with impaired
None reported. liver function, initially, 8.5 or 10 mg P.O.
once daily; dosage is adjusted as for adults.
• No known contraindications. ADMINISTRATION
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic P.O.
failure. • Give drug whole; don’t crush or split
•H Overdose S&S: Marked hypotension. tablet.
• Don’t give with high-fat meal or grape-
• Monitor blood pressure and heart rate in
all patients, especially at start of therapy. AC TION
Prevents calcium ions from entering
PATIENT TEACHING vascular smooth muscle cells, causing
• Explain use of drug and review adminis- dilation of arterioles, which decreases
tration schedule with patient and family. peripheral vascular resistance.
Stress importance of compliance for Route Onset Peak Duration
maximum drug effectiveness. P.O. Unknown 6–12 hr 24 hr
• Instruct patient to report persistent or
severe adverse reactions promptly. Half-life: 7 to 12 hours.
• Tell patient not to drink grapefruit juice
while taking this drug. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: headache, dizziness. N
CV: peripheral edema, vasodilation,
nisoldipine palpitations, chest pain.
nye-SOHL-di-peen EENT: sinusitis, pharyngitis.
GI: nausea.
Sular Skin: rash.

Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive INTERACTIONS

Pharmacologic class: Calcium channel Drug-drug. Cimetidine: May increase
blocker bioavailability and peak nisoldipine level.
Pregnancy risk category C Monitor blood pressure closely.
CYP3A4 inducers such as phenytoin: May
AVAIL ABLE FORMS decrease nisoldipine level. Avoid using
Tablets (extended-release): 8.5 mg, 17 mg, together; consider alternative antihyperten-
20 mg, 25.5 mg, 30 mg, 34 mg, 40 mg sive therapy.
Quinidine: May decrease bioavailability of
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES nisoldipine. Adjust dosage accordingly.
➤ Hypertension Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease
Adults: Initially, 17 mg P.O. once daily, antihypertensive effects. Discourage use
increased by 8.5 mg/week or at longer together.
intervals, as needed. Usual maintenance Peppermint oil: May decrease drug effect.
dose is 17 to 34 mg daily. Doses of more Discourage use together.
than 34 mg daily aren’t recommended. Or, Drug-food. Grapefruit products: May
initially, 20 mg P.O. once daily, increased increase drug level, increasing adverse
by 10 mg per week or at longer intervals as reactions. Discourage use together.
needed. Usual maintenance dose is 20 to

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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972 nitazoxanide

High-fat foods: May increase peak drug INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

level. Discourage use together. ➤ Diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium
parvum or Giardia lamblia
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Adults and children age 12 and older:
None reported. 500 mg P.O. with food every 12 hours for
3 days.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Children ages 4 to 11: Give 10 ml (200 mg)
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensi- P.O. with food every 12 hours for 3 days.
tive to dihydropyridine calcium channel Children ages 1 to 3: Give 5 ml (100 mg)
blockers. P.O. with food every 12 hours for 3 days.
• Contraindicated in breast-feeding women.
• Use cautiously in patients with heart ADMINISTRATION
failure or compromised ventricular P.O.
function, particularly those receiving beta • Give drug with food.
blockers and those with severe hepatic • Discard unused suspension after 7 days.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension. AC TION
May interfere with an enzyme-dependent
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS electron transfer reaction, essential for
• Monitor frequency, duration, or severity anaerobic energy metabolism.
of angina after starting calcium channel Route Onset Peak Duration
blocker therapy or at time of dosage P.O. Rapid 1–4 hr Unknown
increase. Report worsening of symptoms
to prescriber immediately. Half-life: Unknown.
• Monitor blood pressure regularly, espe-
cially when starting therapy and during ADVERSE REACTIONS
dosage adjustment. CNS: headache.
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea,
• Tell patient to take drug as prescribed,
even if he feels better. INTERACTIONS
• Advise patient to swallow tablet whole Drug-drug. Drugs that are highly protein-
and not to chew, divide, or crush it. bound: May compete for binding sites. Use
• Remind patient not to take drug with a together cautiously.
high-fat meal or with grapefruit products.
Both may increase drug level in the body EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
beyond intended amount. • May increase creatinine and glutamate
pyruvate transaminase levels.
nye-te-ZOCKS-a-nide • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to nitazoxanide.
Alinia • Use cautiously in patients with renal
or hepatic dysfunction. Safety and effec-
Therapeutic class: Antiprotozoal tiveness haven’t been established in HIV-
Pharmacologic class: Antiprotozoal positive patients, other immunodeficient
Pregnancy risk category B patients, or infants younger than age 1.


Oral suspension: 100 mg/5 ml Alert: A single tablet contains more of
Tablets: 500 mg the drug than is recommended for pediatric
doses and shouldn’t be given to children
age 11 or younger.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nitrofurantoin 973

• Monitor glucose level in patients with ADMINISTRATION

diabetes who are taking the suspension. P.O.
• Obtain urine specimen for culture and
PATIENT TEACHING sensitivity tests before giving. Repeat
• Tell caregiver or patient to give drug with as needed. Begin therapy while awaiting
food. results.
• Instruct caregiver or patient to keep • Give drug with food or milk to minimize
container tightly closed and to shake it GI distress and improve absorption.
well before each use.
• Advise caregiver or patient that drug may AC TION
be stored at room temperature. May interfere with bacterial enzyme
• Advise caregiver or patient to discard systems and bacterial cell-wall formation.
suspension after 7 days. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Inform diabetic patient or his caregiver P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
that suspension contains 1.48 g of sucrose
per 5 ml. Half-life: 15 minutes to 1 hour.

nitrofurantoin macrocrystals CNS: ascending polyneuropathy with
nye-troh-fyoo-RAN-toyn high doses or renal impairment, dizzi-
ness, drowsiness, headache, peripheral
Macrobidi, Macrodantin neuropathy.
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
nitrofurantoin microcrystals abdominal pain.
Furadantin, Novo-Furantoin† GU: overgrowth of nonsusceptible organ-
isms in urinary tract.
Therapeutic class: Antibiotic Hematologic: agranulocytosis, hemolysis
Pharmacologic class: Nitrofuran in patients with G6PD deficiency, throm- N
Pregnancy risk category B bocytopenia.
Hepatic: hepatic necrosis, hepatitis.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Metabolic: hypoglycemia.
nitrofurantoin macrocrystals Respiratory: asthmatic attacks, pul-
Capsules: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg monary sensitivity reactions.
nitrofurantoin microcrystals Skin: Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
Oral suspension: 25 mg/5 ml exfoliative dermatitis, maculopapular,
erythematous, or eczematous eruption,
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES pruritus, transient alopecia, urticaria.
➤ UTIs caused by susceptible Other: anaphylaxis, drug fever, hypersen-
Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus sitivity reactions.
aureus, enterococci; or certain strains
of Klebsiella and Enterobacter species INTERACTIONS
Adults and children older than age 12 Drug-drug. Antacids containing magne-
years: 50 to 100 mg P.O. q.i.d. with meals sium: May decrease nitrofurantoin absorp-
and at bedtime. Or, 100 mg Macrobid P.O. tion. Separate dosage times by 1 hour.
every 12 hours for 7 days. Probenecid, sulfinpyrazone: May inhibit
Children ages 1 month to 12 years: 5 to excretion of nitrofurantoin, increasing drug
7 mg/kg P.O. daily, divided q.i.d. levels and risk of toxicity. The resulting
➤ Long-term suppression therapy decreased urinary levels could lessen
Adults: 50 to 100 mg P.O. daily at bedtime. antibacterial effects. Avoid using together.
Children: 1 mg/kg P.O. daily in a single dose Drug-food. Any food: May increase absorp-
at bedtime or divided into two doses given tion. Advise patient to take drug with food
every 12 hours. or milk.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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974 nitroglycerin

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Store drug in amber container. Don’t

• May increase bilirubin and alkaline phos- store in metals other than stainless steel or
phatase levels. May decrease glucose level. aluminum to avoid precipitation.
• May decrease granulocyte and platelet
• May cause false-positive results in urine • Instruct patient to take drug for as long as
glucose tests using cupric sulfate (such as prescribed, exactly as directed, even after he
Benedict’s reagent, Fehling’s solution, or feels better.
Chemstrip uG). • Tell patient to take drug with food or milk
to minimize stomach upset.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Instruct patient to report adverse reac-
• Contraindicated in infants age 1 month tions, especially peripheral neuropathy,
and younger and in patients with anuria, which can become severe or irreversible.
oliguria, or creatinine clearance less than • Alert patient that drug may turn urine dark
60 ml/minute. Also contraindicated in preg- yellow or brown.
nant patients at 38 to 42 weeks’ gestation • Warn patient not to store drug in metals
and during labor and delivery. other than stainless steel or aluminum.
• Use cautiously in patients with renal • Advise patient not to use antacid prepara-
impairment, asthma, anemia, diabetes tions containing magnesium trisilicate.
mellitus, electrolyte abnormalities,
vitamin B deficiency, debilitating disease, SAFETY ALERT!
and G6PD deficiency.
•H Overdose S&S: Vomiting. nitroglycerin
(glyceryl trinitrate)
• Drug may cause an asthma attack in
patients with a history of asthma. Minitran, Nitro-Dur, Nitrolingual,
• Monitor fluid intake and output carefully. NitroMist, Nitrostati, Nitro-Time,
Treatment may turn urine brown or dark Trinipatch†
• Monitor CBC, renal function, and Therapeutic class: Antianginal
pulmonary status regularly. Pharmacologic class: Nitrate
Alert: Monitor patient for signs and Pregnancy risk category C
symptoms of superinfection. Use of nitrofu-
rantoin may result in growth of nonsuscep- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
tible organisms, especially Pseudomonas Aerosol (translingual): 0.4 mg/metered
species. spray
• Monitor patient for pulmonary sensitivity Capsules (sustained-release): 2.5 mg,
reactions, including cough, chest pain, 6.5 mg, 9 mg
fever, chills, dyspnea, and pulmonary Injection: 5 mg/ml; 100 mcg/ml,
infiltration with consolidation or effusions. 200 mcg/ml, 400 mcg/ml
Alert: Hypersensitivity may develop when Tablets (S.L.): 0.3 mg (1⁄200 grain), 0.4 mg
drug is used for long-term therapy. (1⁄150 grain), 0.6 mg (1⁄100 grain)
• Some patients may experience fewer Topical: 2% ointment
adverse GI effects with nitrofurantoin Transdermal: 0.1 mg/hour, 0.2 mg/hour,
macrocrystals. 0.3 mg/hour, 0.4 mg/hour, 0.6 mg/hour,
• Dual-release capsules (25 mg nitrofuran- 0.8 mg/hour release rate
toin macrocrystals combined with 75 mg
nitrofurantoin monohydrate) enable patients INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
to take drug only twice daily. ➤ To prevent chronic anginal attacks
• Continue treatment for 3 days after sterile Adults: 2.5 or 6.5 mg sustained-release
urine specimens have been obtained. capsule every 8 to 12 hours. Increase to an
effective dose in 2.5- or 6.5-mg increments

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nitroglycerin 975

b.i.d. to q.i.d. Or, use 2% ointment: Start 15 to 20 ml of the new concentration

dosage with 1⁄2 -inch ointment, increasing by before use. This will clear the line of the
1⁄ -inch increments until desired results are old drug solution.
achieved. Range of dosage with ointment  Incompatibilities: Alteplase, bretylium,

is 1⁄2 to 5 inches. Usual dose is 1 to 2 inches hydralazine, levofloxacin, phenytoin

every 6 to 8 hours. Or, transdermal patch sodium.
0.2 to 0.4 mg/hour once daily. Topical
➤ Acute angina pectoris; to prevent or • To apply ointment, measure the prescribed
minimize anginal attacks before stressful amount on the application paper; then place
events the paper on any nonhairy area. Don’t rub
Adults: 1 S.L. tablet (1⁄200 grain, 1⁄150 grain, in. Cover with plastic film to aid absorption
1⁄ and to protect clothing. Remove all excess
100 grain) dissolved under the tongue or in
the buccal pouch as soon as angina begins. ointment from previous site before applying
Repeat every 5 minutes, if needed, for the next dose. Avoid getting ointment on
15 minutes. Or, one or two metered-dose fingers.
sprays Nitrolingual into mouth, preferably Transdermal
onto or under the tongue. Repeat every 3 to • Patch can be applied to any nonhairy part
5 minutes, if needed, to a maximum of three of the skin except distal parts of the arms or
doses within a 15-minute period. legs. (Absorption won’t be maximal at distal
➤ Hypertension from surgery, heart sites.) Patch may cause contact dermatitis.
failure after MI, angina pectoris in acute • A cardioverter/defibrillator shouldn’t be
situations, to produce controlled hypoten- discharged through a paddle electrode that
sion during surgery (by I.V. infusion) overlies a nitroglycerin patch.
Adults: Initially, infuse at 5 mcg/minute, • Remove patch before defibrillation.
increasing as needed by 5 mcg/minute every Because of the aluminum backing on the
3 to 5 minutes until response occurs. If patch, the electric current may cause arcing
a 20-mcg/minute rate doesn’t produce a that can damage the paddles and burn the
response, increase dosage by as much as patient. N
20 mcg/minute every 3 to 5 minutes. Up to • When stopping transdermal treatment of
100 mcg/minute may be needed. angina, gradually reduce the dosage and
frequency of application over 4 to 6 weeks.
P.O. • Give tablet at first sign of attack. Patient
• Give 30 minutes before or 1 to 2 hours should wet the tablet with saliva, place it
after meals. under tongue until absorbed. Dose may be
• Drug must be swallowed whole and not repeated every 5 minutes for a maximum of
chewed. three doses. If drug doesn’t provide relief,
I.V. contact prescriber.
 Dilute with D5 W or normal saline solu- Buccal
tion for injection. Concentration shouldn’t • The tablet should be placed between the
exceed 400 mcg/ml. lip and gum above the incisors or between
 Always give with an infusion control the cheek and gum. Tablets shouldn’t be
device and titrate to desired response. swallowed or chewed.
 Regular polyvinyl chloride tubing can Translingual
bind up to 80% of drug, making it neces- • Patient using translingual aerosol form
sary to infuse higher dosages. A special shouldn’t inhale the spray but should release
nonabsorbent polyvinyl chloride tubing is it onto or under the tongue. He should wait
available from the manufacturer. Always about 10 seconds or so before swallowing.
mix in glass bottles and avoid using a filter.
 Use the same type of infusion set when AC TION
changing lines. A nitrate that reduces cardiac oxygen
 When changing the concentration of in- demand by decreasing left ventricular end-
fusion, flush the administration set with diastolic pressure (preload) and, to a lesser

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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976 nitroglycerin

extent, systemic vascular resistance (after- to adhesives (transdermal), or hypersensi-

load). Also increases blood flow through the tivity to nitrates.
collateral coronary vessels. • I.V. nitroglycerin is contraindicated in
Route Onset Peak Duration
patients hypersensitive to I.V. form, with
P.O. 20–45 min Unknown 3–8 hr
cardiac tamponade, restrictive cardiomy-
I.V. Immediate Immediate 3–5 min opathy, or constrictive pericarditis.
Topical 30 min Unknown 2–12 hr • Use cautiously in patients with hypoten-
Transdermal 30 min Unknown 24 hr sion or volume depletion.
S.L. 1–3 min Unknown 30–60 min •H Overdose S&S: Vasodilation, decreased
Buccal 3 min Unknown 3–5 hr cardiac output, venous pooling, hypoten-
Translingual 2–4 min Unknown 30–60 min sion, methemoglobinemia.
Half-life: About 1 to 4 minutes.
• Closely monitor vital signs during infu-
ADVERSE REACTIONS sion, particularly blood pressure, especially
CNS: headache, dizziness, syncope, in a patient with an MI. Excessive hypoten-
weakness. sion may worsen the MI.
CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, • Monitor blood pressure and intensity and
flushing, palpitations. duration of drug response.
EENT: S.L. burning. • Drug may cause headaches, especially
GI: nausea, vomiting. at beginning of therapy. Dosage may be
Skin: cutaneous vasodilation, contact reduced temporarily, but tolerance usually
dermatitis, rash. develops. Treat headache with aspirin or
Other: hypersensitivity reactions. acetaminophen.
• Tolerance to drug can be minimized with
INTERACTIONS a 10- to 12-hour nitrate-free interval. To
Drug-drug. Alteplase: May decrease tissue achieve this, remove the transdermal system
plasminogen activator-antigen level. Avoid in the early evening and apply a new
using together; if unavoidable, use lowest system the next morning or omit the last
effective dose of nitroglycerin. daily dose of a buccal, sustained-release, or
Antihypertensives: May increase hypoten- ointment form. Check with the prescriber
sive effect. Monitor blood pressure closely. for alterations in dosage regimen if toler-
Heparin: I.V. nitroglycerin may interfere ance is suspected.
with anticoagulant effect of heparin. • Wipe off nitroglycerin paste or remove
Monitor PTT. patch before defibrillation to avoid patient
Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil: May cause burns.
severe hypotension. Use of nitrates in any • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
form with these drugs is contraindicated. nitroglycerin with nitroprusside.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
hypotension. Discourage use together. PATIENT TEACHING
• Caution patient to take nitroglycerin
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS regularly, as prescribed, and to have it
• May falsely decrease values in cholesterol accessible at all times.
determination tests using the Zlatkis-Zak Alert: Advise patient that stopping drug
color reaction. abruptly causes spasm of the coronary
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Teach patient how to give the prescribed
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive form of nitroglycerin.
to drug. • Tell patient to take S.L. tablet at first sign
• Contraindicated in patients with early MI of attack. Patient should wet the tablet with
(oral and sublingual), severe anemia, in- saliva, place it under tongue until absorbed,
creased intracranial pressure, angle-closure and then sit down and rest. Dose may be
glaucoma, orthostatic hypotension, allergy repeated every 5 minutes for a maximum of

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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nitroprusside sodium 977

three doses. If drug doesn’t provide relief, SAFETY ALERT!

he should obtain medical help promptly.
• Advise patient who complains of a nitroprusside sodium
tingling sensation with S.L. drug to try nye-troe-PRUSS-ide
holding tablet in cheek.
• Tell patient to take oral tablets on an Nipride†, Nitropress
empty stomach either 30 minutes before
or 1 to 2 hours after meals, to swallow oral Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive
tablets whole, and not to chew tablets. Pharmacologic class: Vasodilator
• Remind patient using translingual aerosol Pregnancy risk category C
form that he shouldn’t inhale the spray but
should release it onto or under the tongue. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Tell him to wait about 10 seconds or so Injection: 50 mg/vial in 2-ml and 5-ml vials
before swallowing.
• Tell patient to place the buccal tablet INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
between the lip and gum above the incisors ➤ To lower blood pressure quickly in
or between the cheek and gum. Tablets hypertensive emergencies, to produce
shouldn’t be swallowed or chewed. controlled hypotension during anesthe-
• Tell patient to take an additional dose sia, to reduce preload and afterload in
before anticipated stress or at bedtime if cardiac pump failure or cardiogenic
chest pain occurs at night. shock (may be used with or without
• Urge patient using skin patches to dopamine)
dispose of them carefully because enough Adults and children: Begin infusion at
medication remains after normal use to be 0.3 mcg/kg/minute I.V. and gradually titrate
hazardous to children and pets. every few minutes to a maximum infusion
• If patients using skin patches are sched- rate of 10 mcg/kg/minute.
uled for an MRI, advise them to notify the Adjust-a-dose: Patients also taking other
facility that they are wearing a patch. antihypertensives are extremely sensitive to N
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol. nitroprusside. Titrate dosage accordingly.
• To minimize dizziness when standing up, Use with caution in patients with severe
tell patient to rise slowly. Advise him to go renal impairment or hepatic insufficiency;
up and down stairs carefully and to lie down use minimum effective dose.
at the first sign of dizziness.
Alert: Advise patient that use of sildenafil, ADMINISTRATION
tadalafil, or vardenafil with any nitrate may I.V.
cause life-threatening low blood pressure.  Prepare solution by dissolving 50 mg in

Use together is contraindicated. 2 to 3 ml of D5 W injection or according to

• Tell patient to store drug in cool, dark manufacturer’s instructions.
place in a tightly closed container. Tell him Black Box Warning Further dilute concen-
to remove cotton from container because it tration in 250, 500, or 1,000 ml of D5 W
absorbs drug. to provide solutions with 200, 100, or
• Tell patient to store S.L. tablets in original 50 mcg/ml, respectively.
container or other container specifically  Reconstitute ADD-Vantage vials labeled

approved for this use and to carry the as containing 50 mg of drug according to
container in a jacket pocket or purse, not manufacturer’s directions.
in a pocket close to the body.  Because drug is sensitive to light, wrap

solution in foil or other opaque material;

it’s not necessary to wrap the tubing. Fresh
solution has a faint brownish tint. Discard
if highly discolored after 24 hours.
 Use an infusion pump. Drug is best

given via piggyback through a peripheral

line with no other drug. Don’t titrate rate

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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978 nitroprusside sodium

of main I.V. line while drug is being CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS

infused. Even a small bolus can cause • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
severe hypotension. to drug.
 Check blood pressure every 5 minutes • Contraindicated in those with compen-
during titration at start of infusion and satory hypertension (such as in arteriove-
every 15 minutes thereafter. nous shunt or coarctation of the aorta),
 If severe hypotension occurs, stop inadequate cerebral circulation, acute heart
infusion; effects of drug quickly reverse. failure with reduced peripheral vascular
Notify prescriber. resistance, congenital optic atrophy, or
 If possible, start an arterial pressure tobacco-induced amblyopia.
line. Regulate drug flow to desired blood • Use with extreme caution in patients with
pressure response. increased intracranial pressure.
 Incompatibilities: Amiodarone, • Use cautiously in patients with hypothy-
atracurium besylate, bacteriostatic water roidism, hepatic or renal disease, hypona-
for injection, levofloxacin. Don’t mix with tremia, or low vitamin B level.
other I.V. drugs or preservatives. •H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, acidosis,
cyanide or thiocyanate toxicity.
Relaxes arteriolar and venous smooth NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
muscle. Black Box Warning Drug may cause rapid
Route Onset Peak Duration
decrease in blood pressure. Use drug only
I.V. Immediate 1–2 min 10 min
when available equipment and personnel
allow blood pressure to be continuously
Half-life: 2 minutes. monitored.
• Obtain baseline vital signs before giving
ADVERSE REACTIONS drug; find out parameters prescriber wants
CNS: headache, dizziness, increased in- to achieve.
tracranial pressure, loss of consciousness, • Keep patient in supine position when
apprehension, restlessness. starting therapy or titrating drug.
CV: bradycardia, hypotension, tachycardia, Black Box Warning Giving excessive doses
palpitations, ECG changes, flushing. of 500 mcg/kg delivered faster than 2 mcg/
GI: nausea, abdominal pain, ileus. kg/minute or using maximum infusion
Hematologic: methemoglobinemia. rate of 10 mcg/kg/minute for more than
Metabolic: acidosis, hypothyroidism. 10 minutes can cause cyanide toxicity.
Musculoskeletal: muscle twitching. Alert: If patient is at risk, check thio-
Skin: diaphoresis, pink color, rash. cyanate level every 72 hours. Level higher
Other: thiocyanate toxicity, cyanide toxi- than 100 mcg/ml may be toxic. If profound
city, venous streaking, irritation at infusion hypotension, metabolic acidosis, dyspnea,
site. headache, loss of consciousness, ataxia, or
vomiting occurs, stop drug immediately and
INTERACTIONS notify prescriber.
Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May cause • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
sensitivity to nitroprusside. Adjust dosage. nitroprusside with nitroglycerin.
Ganglionic-blocking drugs, general anes-
thetics, negative inotropic drugs, other PATIENT TEACHING
antihypertensives: May cause additive • Instruct patient to report adverse reactions
effects. Monitor blood pressure closely. promptly.
Sildenafil, vardenafil: May increase • Tell patient to alert nurse if discomfort
hypotensive effects. Avoid use together. occurs at I.V. insertion site.


• May increase creatinine level.
• May decrease RBC and WBC counts.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol transdermal system 979

norelgestromin and ethinyl CNS: headache, emotional lability, dizzi-
estradiol transdermal ness, fatigue.
system CV: thromboembolic events, MI, hyperten-
nor-el-JES-troe-min and ETH-i-nill sion, edema, cerebral hemorrhage.
EENT: contact lens intolerance, changes in
Ortho Evra corneal curvature.
GI: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting,
Therapeutic class: Contraceptive gallbladder disease, cholestatic jaundice.
Pharmacologic class: Estrogenic and GU: dysmenorrhea, changes in menstrual
progestogenic steroids flow, vaginal candidiasis.
Pregnancy risk category X Hepatic: hepatic adenomas, benign liver
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Metabolic: weight changes.
Transdermal patch: norelgestromin 6 mg Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec-
and ethinyl estradiol 0.75 mg per patch, tion.
delivering 150 mcg norelgestromin and Skin: application site reaction, melasma,
20 mcg ethinyl estradiol daily pruritus, acne.
Other: breast tenderness, enlargement, or
➤ Contraception
Women: Apply 1 patch weekly for 3 weeks. INTERACTIONS
Apply each new patch on the same day of Drug-drug. Acetaminophen, clofibric acid,
the week. Week 4 is patch-free and with- morphine, salicylic acid, temazepam: May
drawal bleeding is expected. On the day decrease levels or increase clearance of these
after week 4 ends, apply a new patch to start drugs. Monitor patient for lack of effect.
a new 4-week cycle. The patch-free interval Ampicillin, barbiturates, carbamazepine,
between cycles should never be longer than felbamate, griseofulvin, oxcarbazepine, N
7 days. phenylbutazone, phenytoin, rifampin, tetra-
cyclines, topiramate: May reduce contra-
ADMINISTRATION ceptive effectiveness, resulting in unin-
Transdermal tended pregnancy or breakthrough bleeding.
• Apply patch to a clean, dry area of the Encourage backup method of contraception
skin on the buttocks, abdomen, upper outer if used together.
arm, or upper torso. Don’t apply to the Anticoagulants: May increase or decrease
breasts or to skin that is red, irritated, or cut. effect of anticoagulant. Monitor patient and
lab values.
AC TION Ascorbic acid, atorvastatin, itraconazole,
Combination hormonal contraceptives act ketoconazole: May increase hormone
by suppressing gonadotropins. The primary levels. Use together cautiously.
mechanism of this action is ovulation inhi- Cyclosporine, prednisolone, theophylline:
bition. However, changes in cervical mucus May increase levels of these drugs. Monitor
increase the difficulty of sperm entry into patient for adverse reactions.
the uterus, and changes in the endometrium HIV protease inhibitors: May affect
decrease the likelihood of implantation. contraceptive effectiveness and safety.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Use together cautiously.
Transdermal Rapid 2 days Unknown
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May reduce
effectiveness of drug and cause break-
Half-life: Ethinyl estradiol, 6 to 45 hours; norelges- through bleeding. Discourage use together.
tromin, 28 hours. Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase risk
of CV adverse effects, related to age and
smoking 15 or more cigarettes daily. Urge
patient not to smoke.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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980 norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol transdermal system

EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS hypercholesterolemia, morbid obesity, and

• May increase circulating total thyroid diabetes.
hormone, triglyceride, other binding • Encourage women with a history of hyper-
protein, sex hormone–binding globulin, tension or renal disease to use a different
total circulating endogenous sex steroid, contraceptive. If this drug is used, monitor
corticoid, and factor VII, VIII, IX, and X blood pressure closely and stop use if hyper-
levels. May decrease antithrombin III and tension occurs.
folate levels. • Drug may be less effective in women who
• May decrease free T3 resin uptake and weigh 90 kg (198 lb) or more.
glucose tolerance. Black Box Warning Cigarette smoking
increases the risk of serious adverse cardiac
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS effects. The risk increases with age espe-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive cially in women over 35, and in those who
to any component of this drug and in those smoke 15 or more cigarettes daily.
with past history of deep vein thrombosis or • The risk of thromboembolic disease
related disorder; current or past history of increases if therapy is used postpartum or
cerebrovascular or coronary artery disease; postabortion.
past or current known or suspected breast • Birth control patch users may be at higher
cancer, endometrial cancer, or other known risk for developing serious blood clots
or suspected estrogen-dependent neoplasia; versus birth control pill users.
or hepatic adenoma or cancer; and in those • Rule out pregnancy if withdrawal bleed-
who are or may be pregnant. ing fails to occur for two consecutive cycles.
• Contraindicated in patients with throm- • If skin becomes irritated, the patch may
bophlebitis, thromboembolic disorders, be removed and a new patch applied at a
valvular heart disease with complications, different site.
severe hypertension, diabetes with vascular • Stop drug and notify prescriber at least
involvement, headaches with focal neuro- 4 weeks before and for 2 weeks after an
logic symptoms, major surgery with pro- elective surgery that increases the risk of
longed immobilization, undiagnosed abnor- thromboembolism, and during and after
mal genital bleeding, cholestatic jaundice prolonged immobilization. Teach the patient
of pregnancy or jaundice with previous hor- about alternative methods of contraception
monal contraceptive use, or acute or chronic during this time.
hepatocellular disease with abnormal liver • Stop drug and notify prescriber if patient
function. has headaches, vision loss, proptosis,
• Use cautiously in patients with CV dis- diplopia, papilledema, retinal vascular
ease risk factors, with conditions that might lesions, jaundice, or depression.
be aggravated by fluid retention, or with a
history of depression. PATIENT TEACHING
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, with- • Emphasize the importance of having
drawal uterine bleeding. regular annual physical examinations to
check for adverse effects or developing
Alert: Patients taking combination hor- • Tell patient that drug doesn’t protect
monal contraceptives may be at increased against HIV and other sexually transmitted
risk for thrombophlebitis, venous thrombo- diseases.
sis with or without embolism, pulmonary • Advise women to apply patch on the first
embolism, MI, cerebral hemorrhage, cere- day of menstrual cycle or the first Sunday of
bral thrombosis, hypertension, gallbladder menstrual cycle.
disease, hepatic adenomas, benign liver • Advise patient to use a backup method of
tumors, mesenteric thrombosis, and retinal contraception for the first 7 days.
thrombosis. • Tell patient switching from estrogen-
• Increased risk of MI occurs primarily in progestin oral contraceptives to apply first
smokers and women with hypertension, patch on the first day of withdrawal bleeding.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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norepinephrine bitartrate 981

If no bleeding within 5 days of last hormon- INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

ally active pill, advise patient to obtain a ➤ To restore blood pressure in acute
pregnancy test. hypotension; severe hypotension during
• Advise patient to immediately apply a cardiac arrest
new patch once the used patch is removed, Adults: Initially, 8 to 12 mcg/minute by I.V.
on the same day of the week every 7 days for infusion; then titrate to maintain systolic
3 weeks. Week 4 is patch free. Bleeding is blood pressure at 80 to 100 mm Hg in previ-
expected to occur during this time. ously normotensive patients and 40 mm Hg
• Tell patient to apply each patch to a clean, below preexisting systolic blood pressure in
dry area of the skin on the buttocks, ab- previously hypertensive patients. Average
domen, upper outer arm, or upper torso. Tell maintenance dose is 2 to 4 mcg/minute.
patient not to apply to the breasts or to skin
that’s red, irritated, or cut. ADMINISTRATION
• Tell patient to carefully fold the used I.V.
patch in half so that it sticks to itself, before  Use a central venous catheter or large

discarding. vein, such as the antecubital fossa, to min-

• Tell women to immediately stop use if imize risk of extravasation. Give in D5 W
pregnancy is confirmed. alone or D5 W in normal saline solution
• Tell patient who wears contact lenses to for injection. Use continuous infusion
report visual changes or changes in lens pump to regulate infusion flow rate and a
tolerance. piggyback setup so I.V. line stays open if
• Advise patient not to smoke while using norepinephrine is stopped.
the patch.  Never leave patient unattended during

• Tell patient that if a patch becomes infusion. Check blood pressure every
detached for less than one day, to reapply 2 minutes until stabilized; then check
it or replace it immediately and continue the every 5 minutes.
schedule. If the patch is detached for more  During infusion, frequently monitor

than one day, a new cycle should be started ECG, cardiac output, central venous pres- N
and back-up contraception should be used sure, pulmonary artery wedge pressure,
for the first week. pulse rate, urine output, and color and
• Stress that if patient isn’t sure what to do temperature of limbs. Titrate infusion rate
about mistakes with patch use, she should based on findings and prescriber guide-
use a backup method of birth control and lines.
contact her health care provider. Black Box Warning Check site frequently
• Tell patient undergoing an MRI to alert for signs and symptoms of extravasation.
facility that she’s using a transdermal patch. If they appear, stop infusion immediately
and call prescriber. To prevent slough-
SAFETY ALERT! ing and necrosis, use a fine hypodermic
needle to infiltrate area with 5 to 10 mg
norepinephrine bitartrate phentolamine in 10 to 15 ml of normal
(levarterenol bitartrate, saline solution. Also, check for blanching
noradrenaline acid tartrate) along course of infused vein, which may
nor-ep-i-NEF-rin progress to superficial sloughing.
 Protect drug from light. Discard dis-

Levophed colored solution or solution that contains

precipitate. Solution will deteriorate after
Therapeutic class: Vasopressor 24 hours.
Pharmacologic class: Direct-acting  If prolonged therapy is needed, change

adrenergic injection site frequently.

Pregnancy risk category C  Avoid mixing with alkaline solutions,

oxidizing drugs, or iron salts. The use

AVAIL ABLE FORMS of normal saline solution alone isn’t
Injection: 1 mg/ml

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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982 norethindrone

recommended because of the lack of • Contraindicated during cyclopropane and

oxidation protection. halothane anesthesia.
 Incompatibilities: Alkaline-buffered • Use cautiously in patients taking MAO
antibiotics, aminophylline, amobarbital, inhibitors or tricyclic or imipramine-type
chlorothiazide, chlorpheniramine, insulin, antidepressants.
lidocaine, pentobarbital sodium, phenobar- • Use cautiously in patients with sulfite
bital sodium, phenytoin sodium, ranitidine sensitivity.
hydrochloride, sodium bicarbonate, strep- •H Overdose S&S: Headache severe hyper-
tomycin, thiopental, whole blood. tension, reflex bradycardia, increased
peripheral resistance, decreased cardiac
AC TION output.
Stimulates alpha and beta1 receptors in
the sympathetic nervous system, causing NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
vasoconstriction and cardiac stimulation. • Drug isn’t a substitute for blood or fluid
Route Onset Peak Duration
replacement therapy. If patient has volume
I.V. Immediate Immediate 1–2 min after
deficit, replace fluids before giving vaso-
infusion pressors.
• Keep emergency drugs on hand to reverse
Half-life: About 1 minute.
effects of drug: atropine for reflex bradycar-
dia, phentolamine to decrease vasopressor
ADVERSE REACTIONS effects, and propranolol for arrhythmias.
CNS: headache, anxiety, weakness, dizzi- • Notify prescriber immediately of
ness, tremor, restlessness, insomnia. decreased urine output.
CV: bradycardia, severe hypertension, • When stopping drug, gradually slow
arrhythmias. infusion rate. Continue monitoring vital
Respiratory: asthma attacks, respiratory signs, watching for possible severe drop in
difficulties. blood pressure.
Skin: irritation with extravasation, necrosis • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
and gangrene secondary to extravasation. norepinephrine with epinephrine.
Other: anaphylaxis.
INTERACTIONS • Tell patient to report adverse reactions
Drug-drug. Alpha blockers: May antago- promptly.
nize drug effects. Avoid using together. • Advise patient to report discomfort at I.V.
Antihistamines, atropine, ergot alkaloids, insertion site.
guanethidine, MAO inhibitors, methyl-
dopa, oxytocics: When given with sympath-
omimetics, may cause severe hypertension norethindrone
(hypertensive crisis). Avoid using together. nor-ETH-in-drone
Inhaled anesthetics: May increase risk of
arrhythmias. Monitor ECG. Camila, Errin, Micronor, Nor-QD
Tricyclic antidepressants: May potentiate the norethindrone acetate
pressor response and cause arrhythmias. Aygestin
Use together cautiously.
Therapeutic class: Contraceptive
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Pharmacologic class: Progestin
None reported. Pregnancy risk category X


• Contraindicated in patients with mesen- norethindrone
teric or peripheral vascular thrombosis, Tablets: 0.35 mg
profound hypoxia, hypercarbia, or hypoten- norethindrone acetate
sion resulting from blood volume deficit. Tablets: 5 mg

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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norethindrone 983


➤ Amenorrhea, abnormal uterine Drug-drug. Barbiturates, carbamazepine,
bleeding fosphenytoin, phenytoin, rifampin: May
Women: 2.5 to 10 mg norethindrone acetate decrease progestin effects. Monitor patient
P.O. daily for 5 to 10 days, beginning in the for diminished therapeutic response.
assumed latter half of the menstrual cycle. Drug-food. Caffeine: May increase caffeine
➤ Endometriosis level. Urge caution.
Women: 5 mg norethindrone acetate P.O. Drug-lifestyle. Smoking: May increase
daily for 14 days; then increased by 2.5 mg risk of adverse CV effects. If smoking
daily every 2 weeks, up to 15 mg daily. continues, may need alternative therapy.
Therapy may continue for 6 to 9 months
or until breakthrough bleeding warrants EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
temporary termination. • May increase liver function test values.
➤ Contraception May alter coagulation factors and thyroid
Women: Initially, 0.35 mg norethindrone function tests.
P.O. on first day of menstruation; then • May decrease metyrapone test results.
0.35 mg daily.
ADMINISTRATION • Contraindicated in pregnant women,
P.O. patients hypersensitive to drug, and patients
• Give drug at same time every day, con- with breast cancer, undiagnosed abnormal
tinuously, with no interruption between pill vaginal bleeding, severe hepatic disease,
packs. missed abortion, or current or previous
thromboembolic disorders.
AC TION • Use cautiously in patients with diabetes,
Suppresses ovulation, possibly by inhibiting seizures, migraines, cardiac or renal dis-
pituitary gonadotropin secretion, and forms ease, asthma, and depression.
thick cervical mucus. N
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• If switching from combined oral contra-
ceptives to progestin-only pills (POPs), take
Half-life: 5 to 14 hours. the first POP the day after the last active
combined pill.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • If switching from POPs to combined pills,
CNS: depression, stroke, headache, mood take the first active combined pill on the first
swings. day of menstruation, even if the POP pack
CV: thrombophlebitis, pulmonary isn’t finished.
embolism, edema, thromboembolism. Alert: Norethindrone acetate is twice as
EENT: exophthalmos, diplopia. potent as norethindrone. Norethindrone
GI: bloating, abdominal pain or cramping. acetate shouldn’t be used for contraception.
GU: breakthrough bleeding, dysmenorrhea, • Patients with menstrual disorders usually
amenorrhea, cervical erosion, abnormal need preliminary estrogen treatment.
secretions. • Watch patient closely for signs of edema.
Hepatic: cholestatic jaundice. • Monitor blood pressure.
Metabolic: weight changes. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Skin: melasma, rash, acne, pruritus, Micronor with Micro-K or Micronase.
alopecia, hirsutism, hemorrhagic skin
Other: breast tenderness, enlargement, • According to FDA regulations, patient
or secretion; premenstrual-like syndrome, must read package insert explaining
anaphylactic reactions. possible adverse effects before receiving
first dose. Also, give patient verbal

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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984 nortriptyline hydrochloride

• Tell patient to take drug at the same time ➤ Postherpetic neuralgia 

every day when used as a contraceptive. If Adults: Mean dosage is between 58 and
she’s more than 3 hours late taking the pill 89 mg P.O. for at least 5 weeks.
or if she has missed a pill, she should take
the pill as soon as she remembers, and then ADMINISTRATION
continue the normal schedule. Also tell her P.O.
to use a backup method of contraception for • Give drug without regard for food.
the next 48 hours. • Whenever possible, give full dose at
Alert: Tell patient to report unusual symp- bedtime.
toms immediately and to stop drug and
notify prescriber about visual disturbances AC TION
or migraine, or pain or numbness in her Unknown. Increases the amount of norep-
arms or legs. inephrine, serotonin, or both in the CNS
• Teach women how to perform routine by blocking reuptake by the presynaptic
breast self-examination. neurons.
• Tell women to report suspected pregnancy Route Onset Peak Duration
to prescriber. P.O. Unknown 7–81⁄2 hr Unknown
• Encourage patient to stop or reduce
smoking because of the risk of CV com- Half-life: 18 to 24 hours.
• Tell patient with diabetes that glucose ADVERSE REACTIONS
levels may be affected and to closely CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, seizures,
monitor her levels. stroke, tremor, weakness, confusion,
• Tell patient that drug does not protect headache, nervousness, EEG changes,
against HIV or other sexually transmitted extrapyramidal syndrome, insomnia, night-
diseases. mares, hallucinations, paresthesia, ataxia,
• Tell patient that if she vomits soon after agitation.
taking a pill to use a back-up method of CV: tachycardia, heart block, MI, ECG
birth control for 48 hours. changes, hypertension, hypotension.
EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus, mydriasis.
GI: constipation, dry mouth, nausea, vomit-
nortriptyline hydrochloride ing, anorexia, paralytic ileus.
nor-TRIP-ti-leen GU: urine retention.
Hematologic: agranulocytosis, throm-
Aventyl, Pamelori∗ bocytopenia, bone marrow depression,
Therapeutic class: Antidepressant Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia.
Pharmacologic class: Tricyclic Skin: rash, urticaria, photosensitivity
antidepressant reactions, diaphoresis.
Pregnancy risk category D Other: hypersensitivity reactions.


Capsules: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg Drug-drug. Barbiturates, CNS depres-
Oral solution: 10 mg/5 ml∗ sants: May enhance CNS depression. Avoid
using together.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Cimetidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, parox-
➤ Depression etine, sertraline: May increase nortriptyline
Adults: 25 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d., gradually level. Monitor drug levels and patient for
increased to maximum of 150 mg daily. signs of toxicity.
Give entire dose at bedtime. Monitor level Clonidine: May cause life-threatening hyper-
when doses above 100 mg daily are given. tension. Avoid using together.
Adolescents and elderly patients: 30 to Epinephrine, norepinephrine: May increase
50 mg daily given once or in divided doses. hypertensive effect. Use together cautiously.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-N LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:14

nystatin 985

MAO inhibitors: May cause severe excita- term therapy; these symptoms don’t indicate
tion, hyperpyrexia, or seizures, usually with addiction.
high doses. Avoid using within 14 days of • Because patients using tricyclic antide-
MAO inhibitor therapy. pressants may suffer hypertensive episodes
Quinolones: May increase the risk of life- during surgery, stop drug gradually several
threatening arrhythmias. Avoid using days before surgery.
together. • If signs or symptoms of psychosis occur
Drug-herb. Evening primrose oil: May or increase, expect to reduce dosage. Record
cause additive or synergistic effect, lowering mood changes. Monitor patient for suicidal
seizure threshold and increasing the risk of tendencies and allow him only a minimum
seizure. Discourage use together. supply of drug.
St. John’s wort, SAM-e, yohimbe: May cause Black Box Warning Drug may increase
serotonin syndrome and reduced drug level. the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
Discourage use together. in children, adolescents, and young adults
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May enhance with major depressive disorder or other
CNS depression. Discourage use together. psychiatric disorder.
Smoking: May decrease drug level. Monitor • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
patient for lack of effect. nortriptyline with amitriptyline.
Sun exposure: May increase risk of photo-
sensitivity reactions. Advise patient to avoid PATIENT TEACHING
excessive sunlight exposure. Black Box Warning Advise families and
caregivers to closely observe patient for
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS increased suicidal thinking or behavior.
• May increase or decrease glucose level. • Advise patient to take full dose at
• May increase eosinophil count and liver bedtime whenever possible to reduce risk of
function test values. May decrease WBC, dizziness upon standing quickly.
RBC, granulocyte, and platelet counts. • Warn patient to avoid activities that require
alertness and good coordination until effects N
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS of drug are known. Drowsiness and dizzi-
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive ness usually subside after a few weeks.
to drug and during acute recovery phase of • Recommend use of sugarless hard candy
MI; also contraindicated within 14 days of or gum to relieve dry mouth. Saliva substi-
MAO inhibitor therapy. tutes may be needed.
Black Box Warning Nortriptyline isn’t • Tell patient to consult prescriber before
approved for use in children. taking other prescription or OTC drugs.
• Use with extreme caution in patients with • Warn patient not to stop drug suddenly.
glaucoma, suicidal tendency, history of • To prevent oversensitivity to the sun,
urine retention or seizures, CV disease, advise patient to use sunblock, wear protec-
or hyperthyroidism and in those receiving tive clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure
thyroid drugs. to strong sunlight.
•H Overdose S&S: Cardiac arrhythmias,
severe hypotension, shock, congestive heart
failure, pulmonary edema, seizures, CNS nystatin
depression, coma, ECG changes, confu- nye-STAT-in
sion, restlessness, disturbed concentration,
transient visual hallucinations, dilated Mycostatin, Nilstat
pupils, agitation, hyperactive reflexes,
stupor, drowsiness, muscle rigidity, vomit- Therapeutic class: Antifungal
ing, hypothermia, hyperpyrexia. Pharmacologic class: Polyene macrolide
Pregnancy risk category C
• Monitor patient for nausea, headache, and AVAIL ABLE FORMS
malaise after abrupt withdrawal of long- Oral suspension: 100,000 units/ml

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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986 nystatin

Powder (bulk): 50, 150, or 500 million ADVERSE REACTIONS

units; 1, 2, or 5 billion units GI: transient nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
Tablets: 500,000 units GU: irritation, sensitization, vulvovaginal
Vaginal tablets: 100,000 units burning (vaginal form).
Skin: rash.
➤ Intestinal candidiasis INTERACTIONS
Adults: 500,000 to 1 million units P.O. as None significant.
tablets t.i.d.
➤ Oral candidiasis (thrush) EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Adults and children: 400,000 to • None reported.
600,000 units P.O. as oral suspension q.i.d.
Infants: 200,000 units P.O. as oral suspen- • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
sion q.i.d. to drug.
Low-birth-weight and premature infants: •H Overdose S&S: Nausea, GI upset.
100,000 units P.O. oral suspension q.i.d.
➤ Vaginal candidiasis NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Adults: 100,000 units, as vaginal tablets, • Drug isn’t effective against systemic
inserted high into vagina, daily at bedtime infections.
for 14 days.
ADMINISTRATION • Advise patient to continue taking drug
P.O. for at least 2 days after signs and symptoms
• To treat oral candidiasis, after the patient’s disappear. Consult prescriber for exact
mouth is clean of food debris, have him hold length of therapy.
suspension in mouth for several minutes • Instruct patient to continue therapy during
before swallowing. When treating infants, menstruation.
swab medication on oral mucosa. • Explain that factors predisposing
• Suspension made with bulk powder women to vaginal infection include use of
contains no preservatives. Use immediately; antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, and
don’t store. corticosteroids; diabetes; reinfection by
• Prescriber may instruct immunosup- sexual partner; and tight-fitting pantyhose.
pressed patients to suck on vaginal tablets Encourage woman to wear cotton under-
(100,000 units) because this provides wear.
prolonged contact with oral mucosa. • Instruct woman in careful hygiene for
Vaginal affected areas, including cleaning perineal
• Vaginal tablets can be used by pregnant area from front to back.
patients up to 6 weeks before term to treat • Advise patient to report redness, swelling,
maternal infection that may cause oral or irritation.
candidiasis in neonates. • Tell patient, especially an older pa-
tient, that overusing mouthwash or wear-
AC TION ing poorly fitting dentures may promote
Probably binds to sterols in fungal cell infection.
membrane, altering cell permeability and
allowing leakage of intracellular compo-
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O., vaginal Unknown Unknown Unknown

Half-life: Unknown.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

octreotide acetate 987

 Solution is stable for 24 hours.

octreotide acetate  Incompatibilities: Total parenteral
ok-TREE-oh-tide nutrition.
Sandostatin, Sandostatin LAR • Don’t use if particulates or discoloration
Depot are observed.
• Follow the mixing instructions included
Therapeutic class: Growth hormone in the packaging and give immediately after
Pharmacologic class: Synthetic mixing.
octapeptide • Rotate injection sites.
Pregnancy risk category B • Avoid deltoid muscle injections. May
cause significant discomfort.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Never give the injectable suspension by
Injection ampules: 50 mcg/ml, 100 mcg/ml I.V. or subcutaneous routes.
Injection (single-dose vials): 50 mcg/ml, Subcutaneous
100 mcg/ml • Don’t use if particulates or discoloration
Injection (multidose vials): 200 mcg/ml, are observed.
500 mcg/ml, 1,000 mcg/ml Alert: Don’t use LAR Depot for subcuta-
Injection for LAR (powder for suspension): neous administration.
10 mg/5 ml, 20 mg/5 ml, 30 mg/5 ml
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Mimics action of naturally occurring
➤ Flushing and diarrhea from carcinoid somatostatin.
tumors Route Onset Peak Duration
Adults: 100 to 600 mcg daily subcuta- I.V. Rapid 30 min <12 hr
neously or I.V. in two to four divided doses I.M. Unknown 2–3 wk Unknown
for first 2 weeks of therapy. Usual daily Subcut. 30 min 30 min <12 hr
dosage is 450 mcg. Base subsequent dosage
on individual response. Half-life: About 11⁄2 hours; long-acting, unknown.
➤ Watery diarrhea from vasoactive O
intestinal polypeptide–secreting tumors ADVERSE REACTIONS
(VIPomas) CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, light-
Adults: 200 to 300 mcg daily subcuta- headedness.
neously or I.V. in two to four divided doses CV: arrhythmias, bradycardia, conduction
for first 2 weeks of therapy. Base subsequent abnormalities, edema.
dosage on individual response but usually EENT: blurred vision.
shouldn’t exceed 450 mcg daily. GI: abdominal pain or discomfort, diar-
➤ Acromegaly rhea, gallbladder abnormalities, loose
Adults: Initially, 50 mcg subcutaneously or stools, nausea, pancreatitis, constipation,
I.V. t.i.d.; then adjust based on somatomedin fat malabsorption, flatulence, vomiting.
C levels every 2 weeks. If Sandostatin LAR GU: pollakiuria, UTI.
is used, give 20 mg I.M. (intragluteally) at Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia,
4-week intervals. hypothyroidism, suppressed secretion of
➤ Dumping syndrome  growth hormone and gastroenterohepatic
50 to 100 mcg subcutaneously one to three peptides (gastrin, vasoactive intestinal
times daily before meals. Or, 10 to 20 mg polypeptide, insulin, glucagon, secretin,
LAR depot I.M. monthly. motilin, and pancreatic polypeptide).
Musculoskeletal: backache, joint pain.
ADMINISTRATION Skin: alopecia, erythema or pain at injec-
I.V. tion site, flushing, wheal.
 For other uses, dilute in 50 to 200 ml Other: cold symptoms, flulike symptoms,
D5 W or normal saline solution and infuse pain or burning at subcutaneous injection
over 15 to 30 minutes. site.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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988 ofatumumab

INTERACTIONS with type 1 diabetes mellitus and those

Drug-drug. Beta blockers (such as propran- receiving oral antidiabetics or oral diazo-
olol): May have additive effect and further xide may need dosage adjustments during
lower heart rate. Decrease beta blocker therapy. Monitor glucose level.
dosage as needed. • Drug may alter fluid and electrolyte
Bromocriptine: May decrease bromocrip- balance; other therapies may need adjusting.
tine availability. Monitor patient for effec- • Half-life may be altered in patients with
tiveness. end-stage renal failure who are receiving
Cyclosporine: May decrease cyclosporine dialysis.
level. Monitor patient closely. • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
CYP3A4-metabolized drugs (such as quini- Sandostatin with Sandimmune or San-
dine, terfenadine): May decrease excretion doglobulin.
of these drugs. Use with caution and reduce
dosage as needed. PATIENT TEACHING
Insulin, oral hypoglycemics: May have • Urge patient to report signs and symptoms
decreased effectiveness from octreotide. of abdominal discomfort immediately.
Monitor patient and adjust dosage of hypo- • Stress importance of the need for periodic
glycemics as needed. laboratory testing during octreotide therapy.
• Advise patient that drug may restore
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS fertility in some women with acromegaly
• May decrease vitamin B12 level. May and that she should use effective birth
increase or decrease glucose level. control if pregnancy isn’t desired.
• May alter liver function test values. • Tell patient that drug may cause dizziness,
drowsiness, or vision changes and that these
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS symptoms may increase with alcohol use or
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive certain other medications. Advise patient
to drug or its components. not to drive or perform hazardous tasks until
• Use cautiously in elderly patients, who drug’s effects are known.
may be more sensitive to drug. • Warn diabetic patient to monitor blood
•H Overdose S&S: Hypoglycemia, flushing, glucose level closely and to discuss results
dizziness, nausea. with prescriber before making dosage
• Look alike–sound alike: To avoid giving SAFETY ALERT!
drug by the wrong route, don’t confuse ✷ NEW DRUG
octreotide acetate injection with injectable
depot suspension product. ofatumumab
• Monitor baseline thyroid function tests. oh-fuh-TOO-moo-mab
• Monitor IGF-I (somatomedin C) levels
every 2 weeks. Dosage adjustments are Arzerra
based on this level.
• Periodically monitor laboratory tests, Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
such as thyroid function, glucose, urine Pharmacologic class: Monoclonal
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, plasma sero- antibody
tonin, and plasma substance P (for carcinoid Pregnancy risk category C
• Monitor patient regularly for gallbladder AVAIL ABLE FORMS
disease. Therapy may be related to the Injection: 100 mg/5-ml single-use vials
development of cholelithiasis because
of its effect on gallbladder motility or fat INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
absorption. ➤ Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
• Monitor patient closely for signs and refractory to fludarabine and alem-
symptoms of glucose imbalance. Patients tuzumab

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ofatumumab 989

Adults: Initially, 300 mg I.V. infusion (dose of toxicity, increase dose every 30 min-
1), followed 1 week later by 2,000 mg I.V. utes to 25 ml/hour, 50 ml/hour, 100 ml/
weekly for 7 weeks (doses 2 through 8); hour, and 200 ml/hour, respectively. For
then 4 weeks later give 2,000 mg I.V. weekly doses 3 through 12, begin infusion at
for 4 weeks (doses 9 through 12). Give 50 mg/hour (25 ml/hour). If no signs of
acetaminophen 1,000 mg, an oral or I.V. toxicity, increase dose every 30 minutes to
antihistamine (cetirizine 10 mg or equiv- 50 ml/hour, 100 ml/hour, 200 ml/hour, and
alent), and an I.V. corticosteroid (pred- 400 ml/hour, respectively.
nisolone 100 mg or equivalent) 30 minutes  Incompatibilities: Other I.V. medica-

to 2 hours before treatment. May reduce tions.

corticosteroid dosage for doses 3 through
8 if a Grade 3 or greater infusion reaction AC TION
didn’t occur with preceding dose. For doses Binds to normal and CLL B lymphocytes,
10 through 12, give prednisolone 50 to causing cell lysis.
100 mg or equivalent if a Grade 3 or greater Route Onset Peak Duration
infusion reaction didn’t occur with dose 9. I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Adjust-a-dose: For Grade 1, 2, or 3 infusion
reaction, interrupt infusion. If reaction Half-life: 14 days.
resolves or remains Grade 2 or less, infuse
at half the previous infusion rate; if Grade 3, ADVERSE REACTIONS
infuse at 12 ml/hour. If tolerated, may in- CNS: fatigue, fever, headache, insomnia.
crease infusion rate after resuming infusion. CV: hypertension, hypotension, peripheral
For Grade 4 infusion reaction, discontinue edema, tachycardia.
therapy. EENT: nasopharyngitis, sinusitis.
GI: diarrhea, nausea.
I.V. thrombocytopenia.
 To prepare 300-mg dose, withdraw Hepatic: HEPATITIS B REACTIVATION.
and discard 15 ml from 1,000-ml bag of Musculoskeletal: back pain, muscle spasm.
normal saline solution. Withdraw 5 ml of Respiratory: bronchitis, cough, dyspnea, O
drug from each of three vials and add to pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infec-
normal saline solution. Gently invert bag tion.
to mix solution. Skin: hyperhidrosis, rash, urticaria.
 To prepare 2,000-mg dose, withdraw Other: chills, herpes zoster infection,
and discard 100 ml from 1,000-ml bag infusion reactions, sepsis.
of normal saline solution. Withdraw 5 ml
of drug from each of 20 vials and add to INTERACTIONS
normal saline solution. Gently invert bag None reported.
to mix solution.
 Inspect solution; discard if discolored, EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
cloudy, or if particulate matter is present. • May decrease neutrophil and platelet
 Administer using infusion pump, in- counts.
line filter provided by manufacturer, and
administration set containing polyvinyl CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
chloride. • Use cautiously in patients with history of
 Flush I.V. line with normal saline COPD, serious infusion reaction, neutro-
solution before and after each dose. penia, thrombocytopenia, or hepatitis B.
 Begin infusion within 12 hours of prepa- • Live-virus vaccines are contraindicated
ration; discard prepared solution after during and following treatment.
24 hours. • Use in pregnancy only if benefit out-
 Begin dose 1 at 3.6 mg/hour (12 ml/ weighs risk to fetus.
hour) and dose 2 at 24 mg/hour (12 ml/ • It isn’t known if drug appears in breast
hour) for 30 minutes; then, if no signs milk. Because of the risk of adverse effects,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

990 ofloxacin (ophthalmic)

women shouldn’t breast-feed while taking symptoms, such as dizziness, confusion,

drug. loss of balance, difficulty talking or
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t walking, and vision problems.
been established. • Warn patient to avoid live-virus vaccines
during and after treatment.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS • Inform patient that periodic blood testing
Alert: Don’t administer live-virus vaccines will be necessary during therapy.
during or following treatment. • Caution woman of childbearing age to
• Drug has been associated with small- avoid becoming pregnant and to use effec-
intestine obstruction; perform a diagnostic tive contraception during therapy. Advise
evaluation if suspected. her to consult prescriber before becoming
Alert: Monitor neurologic status closely pregnant.
for signs and symptoms of progressive
multifocal leukoencephalopathy, a poten-
tially fatal condition. Discontinue drug and ofloxacin (ophthalmic)
consult neurologist if condition is suspected. oh-FLOX-a-sin
Alert: Drug may cause serious infusion
reactions (bronchospasm, dyspnea, laryn- Ocuflox
geal edema, pulmonary edema, flushing,
hypertension, hypotension, syncope, cardiac Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
ischemia, MI, back pain, abdominal pain, Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone
fever, rash, urticaria, and angioedema); Pregnancy risk category C
monitor patient closely. Discontinue infu-
sion and institute symptomatic treatment if AVAIL ABLE FORMS
reactions occur. Ophthalmic solution: 0.3%
• Monitor patients with history of hep-
atitis B for signs and symptoms of active INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
infection. Discontinue drug and administer ➤ Conjunctivitis caused by Staphylo-
appropriate treatment if active infection is coccus aureus, S. epidermidis, Strep-
suspected. tococcus pneumoniae, Enterobacter
• Monitor CBC regularly during therapy; cloacae, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus
increase frequency of monitoring if Grade 3 mirabilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
or 4 cytopenias develop. Adults and children older than age 1: Give
1 or 2 drops in conjunctival sac every 2 to
PATIENT TEACHING 4 hours daily while patient is awake, for first
• Instruct patient to watch for signs and 2 days; then q.i.d. for up to 5 additional days.
symptoms of infection (fever, sore throat, ➤ Bacterial corneal ulcer caused by
fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising, pallor, S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. pneumoniae,
petechiae, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, P. aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, and
worsening weakness, tarry stools) and to Propionibacterium acnes
report them to his prescriber. Adults and children older than age 1: Give
• Teach the patient to take his temperature 1 or 2 drops every 30 minutes while patient
daily and to report any elevation to his is awake and 1 or 2 drops 4 and 6 hours
prescriber. after patient goes to bed on days 1 and 2. On
• Advise patient to report signs and symp- day 3, 1 or 2 drops hourly while patient is
toms of infusion reactions, including fever, awake; continue for 4 to 6 days. Then, 1 or
chills, rash, or breathing problems within 2 drops q.i.d. for an additional 3 days or
24 hours of infusion. until cured.
• Tell patient to report signs and symptoms
of hepatitis, including worsening fatigue ADMINISTRATION
and yellowing of skin or eyes. Ophthalmic
• Advise patient to report new or worsening • Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac
abdominal pain or nausea or new neurologic for 1 minute after drug instillation.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

ofloxacin (oral) 991

AC TION prescriber if anyone develops same signs or

Inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase, an enzyme symptoms.
needed for bacterial replication. • Stress importance of compliance with
Route Onset Peak Duration
recommended therapy.
Ophthalmic Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Warn patient not to use leftover drug for
new eye infection.
Half-life: 4 to 8 hours. • Remind patient to discard drug when it’s
no longer needed.
EENT: transient ocular burning or discom-
fort, chemical conjunctivitis or keratitis, ofloxacin (oral)
eye dryness, eye pain, itching, lacrimation, oh-FLOX-a-sin
periocular or facial edema, photophobia,
redness, stinging. Therapeutic class: Antibiotic
Pharmacologic class: Fluoroquinolone
INTERACTIONS Pregnancy risk category C
None significant.
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Tablets: 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg
None reported.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS ➤ Acute bacterial worsening of chronic
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive bronchitis, uncomplicated skin and skin-
to drug or other fluoroquinolones and in structure infections, and community-
breast-feeding women. acquired pneumonia
Adults: 400 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
• Stop drug if improvement doesn’t occur ➤ Sexually transmitted infections, such
within 7 days. Prolonged use may result in as acute uncomplicated urethral and
overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms, cervical gonorrhea, nongonococcal O
including fungi. urethritis and cervicitis, and mixed
• Solution isn’t for injection into conjunc- infections of urethra and cervix
tiva or anterior chamber of the eye. Adults: For acute uncomplicated gonorrhea,
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse 400 mg P.O. once as a single dose; for
Ocuflox with Ocufen. cervicitis and urethritis, 300 mg P.O.
every 12 hours for 7 days.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ Cystitis from Escherichia coli,
• If an allergic reaction occurs, tell patient Klebsiella pneumoniae, or other
to stop drug and notify prescriber. Serious organisms
acute hypersensitivity reactions may need Adults: 200 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
emergency treatment. 3 days (E. coli or K. pneumoniae), 200 mg
• Tell patient to clean excessive discharge P.O. every 12 hours for 7 days (other
from eye area before application. organisms).
• Teach patient how to instill drops. Advise ➤ Complicated UTI
him to wash hands before and after instilling Adults: 200 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
solution, and warn him not to touch tip of 10 days.
dropper to eye or surrounding tissue. ➤ Prostatitis from E. coli
• Advise patient to apply light finger Adults: 300 mg P.O. every 12 hours for
pressure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after 6 weeks.
drug instillation. ➤ Pelvic inflammatory disease
• Tell patient not to share drug, washcloths, Adults: 400 mg P.O. every 12 hours with
or towels with family members and to notify metronidazole for 10 to 14 days.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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992 ofloxacin (oral)

➤ Moderate to severe traveler’s INTERACTIONS

diarrhea Drug-drug. Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum–
Adults: 200 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 3 days. magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate,
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with creatinine magnesium hydroxide: May decrease effects
clearance less than 20 ml/minute, give first of ofloxacin. Give antacid at least 6 hours
dose as recommended; then give subse- before or 2 hours after ofloxacin.
quent doses at 50% of recommended dose Antidiabetics: May affect glucose level,
every 24 hours. For patients with hepatic causing hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
impairment, don’t exceed 400 mg/day. Monitor patient closely.
Didanosine (chewable or buffered tablets
ADMINISTRATION or pediatric powder for oral solution): May
P.O. interfere with GI absorption of ofloxacin.
• Give drug without regard for meals Separate doses by 2 hours.
but not at the same time as antacids and Hypoglycemic agents (oral), insulin: In-
vitamins. creases hypoglycemic action. Use cautiously.
• Give drug with plenty of fluids. Iron salts: May decrease absorption of
ofloxacin, reducing anti-infective response.
AC TION Separate doses by at least 2 hours.
Interferes with DNA gyrase, which is Black Box Warning Steroids: May increase
needed for synthesis of bacterial DNA. risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture.
Spectrum of action includes many gram- Monitor patient for tendon pain or inflam-
positive and gram-negative aerobic bacteria, mation.
including Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudo- Sucralfate: May decrease absorption of
monas aeruginosa. ofloxacin, reducing anti-infective response.
Route Onset Peak Duration
If use together can’t be avoided, separate
P.O. Unknown 15–120 min Unknown
doses by at least 6 hours.
Theophylline: May increase theophylline
Half-life: 4 to 71⁄
2 hours. level. Monitor patient closely and adjust
theophylline dosage as needed.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Warfarin: May prolong PT and INR.
CNS: seizures, increased intracranial Monitor PT and INR.
pressure, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, Drug-lifestyle. Sun exposure: May cause
fever, headache, insomnia, lethargy, photosensitivity reactions. Advise patient to
malaise, nervousness, sleep disorders, avoid excessive sunlight exposure.
visual disturbances.
CV: chest pain, phlebitis. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
GI: nausea, pseudomembranous colitis, • May increase BUN, creatinine, and liver
abdominal pain or discomfort, anorexia, enzyme levels. May decrease hemoglobin
constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, dysgeu- level and hematocrit. May increase or
sia, flatulence, vomiting. decrease glucose level.
GU: external genital pruritus in women, • May increase erythrocyte sedimentation
glycosuria, hematuria, proteinuria, vaginal rate and eosinophil count. May decrease
discharge, vaginitis. neutrophil count. May increase or decrease
Hematologic: leukopenia, neutropenia, WBC count.
anemia, eosinophilia, leukocytosis.
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
Musculoskeletal: body pain, tendon Black Box Warning Drug is associated
rupture. with increased risk of tendinitis and tendon
Skin: photosensitivity, pruritus, rash. rupture, especially in patients older than
Other: anaphylactoid reaction, hypersensi- 60 and those with heart, kidney, or lung
tivity reactions. transplants.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or other fluoroquinolones.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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olanzapine 993

• Use cautiously in pregnant patients and in • Warn patient that hypersensitivity reac-
those with seizure disorders, CNS diseases, tions may follow first dose; he should stop
such as cerebral arteriosclerosis, hepatic drug at first sign of rash or other allergic
disorders, or renal impairment. reaction and call prescriber immediately.
• Ofloxacin appears in breast milk in levels • Advise patient to avoid prolonged expo-
similar to those found in plasma. Safety sure to direct sunlight and to use a sunscreen
hasn’t been established in breast-feeding or when outdoors.
pregnant women.
• Safety and efficacy in children younger
than age 18 haven’t been established. olanzapine
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting, oh-LAN-za-peen
seizures, vertigo, dysgeusia, psychosis,
dizziness, drowsiness, hot and cold flushes, Zyprexai, Zyprexa Zydis
facial swelling and numbness, slurred
speech, mild to moderate disorientation. olanzapine pamoate
Zyprexa Relprevv
Black Box Warning Rupture of tendons Therapeutic class: Antipsychotic
is linked to fluoroquinolone use. If pain, Pharmacologic class: Dibenzapine
inflammation, or tendon rupture occurs, derivative
stop drug and notify prescriber. Pregnancy risk category C
Alert: Patients treated for gonorrhea
should be tested for syphilis. Drug isn’t AVAIL ABLE FORMS
effective against syphilis, and treating Injection: 10 mg
gonorrhea may mask or delay syphilis Injection (extended-release): 210-mg base/
symptoms. vial, 300-mg base/vial, 405-mg base/vial
• Periodically assess organ system func- Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg,
tions during prolonged therapy. 15 mg, 20 mg
• Monitor patient for overgrowth of nonsus- Tablets (orally disintegrating): 5 mg, 10 mg,
ceptible organisms. 15 mg, 20 mg O
• Monitor renal and hepatic studies and
CBC in prolonged therapy. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Monitor blood sugar closely. ➤ Schizophrenia
• Monitor patient for adverse CNS effects, Adults: Initially, 5 to 10 mg P.O. once daily
including dizziness, headache, seizures, or with the goal to be at 10 mg daily within
depression. Stop drug and notify prescriber several days of starting therapy. Adjust dose
if these effects occur. in 5-mg increments at intervals of 1 week or
• Monitor patient for hypersensitivity more. Most patients respond to 10 to 15 mg
reactions. Stop drug and initiate supportive daily. Safety of dosages greater than 20 mg
therapy, as indicated. daily hasn’t been established. Or, 150 to
300 mg (extended-release) I.M. every
PATIENT TEACHING 2 weeks or 405 mg (extended-release) I.M.
• Tell patient to drink plenty of fluids every 4 weeks.
during drug therapy and to finish the entire ➤ Short-term treatment of acute manic
prescription, even if he starts feeling better. episodes linked to bipolar I disorder
• Tell patient drug may be taken without Adults: Initially, 10 to 15 mg P.O. daily.
regard to meals, but he shouldn’t take Adjust dosage as needed in 5-mg daily
antacids and vitamins at the same time as increments at intervals of 24 hours or more.
ofloxacin. Maximum, 20 mg P.O. daily. Duration of
• Warn patient that dizziness and light- treatment is 3 to 4 weeks.
headedness may occur. Advise caution ➤ Short-term treatment, with lithium
when driving or operating hazardous or valproate, of acute mixed or manic
machinery until effects of drug are known. episodes linked to bipolar I disorder

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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994 olanzapine

Adults: 10 mg P.O. once daily. Dosage range • To reconstitute I.M. injection, dissolve
is 5 to 20 mg daily. Duration of treatment is contents of one vial with 2.1 ml of sterile
6 weeks. water for injection to yield a clear yellow
➤ Long-term treatment of bipolar I 5 mg/ml solution. Store at room temperature
disorder and give within 1 hour of reconstitution.
Adults: 5 to 20 mg P.O. daily. Discard any unused solution.
Adjust-a-dose: In elderly or debilitated • Olanzapine extended-release formula
patients, those predisposed to hypotensive is intended for deep gluteal I.M. injection
reactions, patients who may metabolize only.
olanzapine more slowly than usual (non-
smoking women older than age 65) or may AC TION
be more pharmacodynamically sensitive May block dopamine and 5-HT2 receptors.
to olanzapine, initially, 5 mg P.O. Increase Route Onset Peak Duration
dose cautiously. P.O. Unknown 6 hr Unknown
➤ Agitation caused by schizophrenia and I.M. Rapid 15–45 min Unknown
bipolar I mania I.M. (extended Unknown 6 hr Months
Adults: 10 mg I.M. (short-acting) (range release)
2.5 to 10 mg). Subsequent doses of up to Half-life: 21 to 54 hours; 30 days (extended
10 mg may be given 2 hours after the first release).
dose or 4 hours after the second dose, up to
30 mg I.M. daily. If maintenance therapy is ADVERSE REACTIONS
required, convert patient to 5 to 20 mg P.O. CNS: somnolence, insomnia, parkinsonism,
daily. dizziness, neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
Adjust-a-dose: In elderly patients, give suicide attempt, abnormal gait, asthenia,
5 mg I.M. In debilitated patients, in those personality disorder, akathisia, tremor,
predisposed to hypotension, and in patients articulation impairment, tardive dyskinesia,
sensitive to effects of drug, give 2.5 mg I.M. fever, extrapyramidal events (I.M.).
➤ Depressive episodes associated with CV: orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia,
bipolar I disorder chest pain, hypertension, ecchymosis,
Adults: 5 mg P.O. with fluoxetine 20 mg peripheral edema, hypotension (I.M.).
P.O. once daily in the evening. Dosage EENT: amblyopia, rhinitis, pharyngitis,
adjustments can be made based on efficacy conjunctivitis.
and tolerability within ranges of olanzapine GI: constipation, dry mouth, dyspepsia,
5 to 12.5 mg and fluoxetine 20 to 50 mg. increased appetite, increased salivation,
➤ Treatment-resistant depression vomiting, thirst.
Adults: 5 mg P.O. with 20 mg fluoxetine GU: hematuria, metrorrhagia, urinary
P.O. once daily in the evening. Dosage incontinence, UTI, amenorrhea, vaginitis.
adjustments can be made based on efficacy Hematologic: leukopenia.
and tolerability within ranges of olanzapine Metabolic: hyperglycemia, weight gain.
5 to 20 mg and fluoxetine 20 to 50 mg. Musculoskeletal: joint pain, extremity
pain, back pain, neck rigidity, twitching,
P.O. Respiratory: increased cough, dyspnea.
• Give drug without regard for food. Skin: sweating, injection site pain (I.M.).
• Don’t crush or break orally disintegrating Other: flulike syndrome, injury.
tablet (ODT).
• Place immediately on patient’s tongue INTERACTIONS
after opening package. Drug-drug. Antihypertensives: May
• ODT may be given without water. potentiate hypotensive effects. Monitor
I.M. blood pressure closely.
• Inspect I.M. solution for particulate Carbamazepine, omeprazole, rifampin:
matter and discoloration before adminis- May increase clearance of olanzapine.
tration. Monitor patient.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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olanzapine 995

Ciprofloxacin: May increase olanzapine aspiration, cardiopulmonary arrest, cardiac

level. Monitor patient for increased adverse arrhythmias, delirium, neuroleptic malig-
effects. nant syndrome, respiratory depression or
Diazepam: May increase CNS effects. arrest, seizures, hypertension, hypotension.
Monitor patient.
Dopamine agonists, levodopa: May cause NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
antagonized activity of these drugs. Monitor • ODTs contain phenylalanine.
patient. • Monitor patient for abnormal body
Fluoxetine: May increase olanzapine level. temperature regulation, especially if he
Use together cautiously. exercises, is exposed to extreme heat, takes
Fluvoxamine: May increase olanzapine anticholinergics, or is dehydrated.
level. May need to reduce olanzapine dose. • Obtain baseline and periodic liver func-
Drug-herb. St. John’s wort: May decrease tion test results.
drug level. Discourage use together. • Monitor patient for weight gain.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase Alert: Watch for evidence of neuroleptic
CNS effects. Discourage use together. malignant syndrome (hyperpyrexia, muscle
Smoking: May increase drug clearance. rigidity, altered mental status, autonomic
Urge patient to quit smoking. instability), which is rare but commonly
fatal. Stop drug immediately; monitor and
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS treat patient as needed.
• May increase AST, ALT, GGT, CK, Alert: Drug may cause hyperglycemia.
triglyceride, and prolactin levels. Monitor patients with diabetes regularly. In
• May increase eosinophil count. May patients with risk factors for diabetes, obtain
decrease WBC count. fasting blood glucose test results at baseline
and periodically.
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Alert: Monitor patient for symptoms of
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive metabolic syndrome (significant weight
to drug. gain and increased body mass index,
Black Box Warning Sedation (including hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypercholes-
coma) or delirium have been reported terolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia). O
following injections of danzapine extended- • Monitor patient for mental status changes,
release formula. This drug must be admin- sedation, coma, or delirium.
istered in a registered health care facility • Monitor patient for tardive dyskinesia,
with ready access to emergency response which may occur after prolonged use. It may
services. After each injection, patient must not appear until months or years later and
be observed at the health care facility by may disappear spontaneously or persist for
a health care provider for at least 3 hours. life, despite stopping drug.
Olanzapine extended-release is available • Periodically reevaluate the long-term
only through the restricted Zyprexa usefulness of olanzapine.
Relprevv Patient Care Program. Black Box Warning Drug may increase
• Use cautiously in patients with heart risk of cardiovascular or infection-related
disease, cerebrovascular disease, conditions death in elderly patients with dementia.
that predispose patient to hypotension, Olanzapine isn’t approved to treat patients
history of seizures or conditions that might with dementia-related psychosis.
lower the seizure threshold, and hepatic • A patient who feels dizzy or drowsy after
impairment. an I.M. injection should remain recumbent
• Use cautiously in elderly patients, those until he can be assessed for orthostatic
with a history of paralytic ileus, and those hypotension and bradycardia. He should
at risk for aspiration pneumonia, prostatic rest until the feeling passes.
hyperplasia, or angle-closure glaucoma. Alert: Drug may increase the risk of
•H Overdose S&S: Agitation, aggressiveness, suicidal thinking and behavior in young
dysarthria, tachycardia, extrapyramidal adults ages 18 to 24 during the first
symptoms, reduced level of consciousness, 2 months of treatment.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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996 olmesartan medoxomil

• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse ➤ Hypertension

olanzapine with olsalazine or Zyprexa with Adults: 20 mg P.O. once daily if patient has
Zyrtec. no volume depletion. May increase dosage
to 40 mg P.O. once daily if blood pressure
PATIENT TEACHING isn’t reduced after 2 weeks of therapy.
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous tasks Adjust-a-dose: In patients with possible
until full effects of drug are known. depletion of intravascular volume (those
• Warn patient against exposure to extreme with impaired renal function who are taking
heat; drug may impair body’s ability to diuretics), consider using lower starting dose.
reduce temperature.
• Inform patient that he may gain weight. ADMINISTRATION
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol. P.O.
• Tell patient to rise slowly to avoid dizzi- • Give drug without regard for food.
ness upon standing up quickly. • Drug may be made into suspension by
• Inform patient that ODTs contain phenyl- pharmacist if patient is unable to swallow
alanine. pills.
• Tell patient to peel foil away from ODT, • Refrigerate suspension, which may be
not to push tablet through. Have patient stored for up to 4 weeks.
take tablet immediately, allowing tablet to • Shake suspension well before use.
dissolve on tongue and be swallowed with
saliva; no additional fluid is needed. AC TION
• Tell patient to take drug with or without Blocks vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-
food. secreting effects of angiotensin II by selec-
• Urge woman of childbearing age to notify tively blocking the binding of angiotensin II
prescriber if she becomes pregnant or plans to the angiotensin I, or AT1 , receptor in the
or suspects pregnancy. Tell her not to breast- vascular smooth muscle.
feed during therapy. Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. Rapid 1–2 hr 24 hr

olmesartan medoxomil Half-life: 13 hours.

Benicari CNS: headache.
EENT: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
Therapeutic class: Antihypertensive GI: diarrhea.
Pharmacologic class: Angiotensin II GU: hematuria.
receptor antagonist Metabolic: hyperglycemia, hypertriglyc-
Pregnancy risk category C; D in 2nd and eridemia.
3rd trimesters Musculoskeletal: back pain.
Respiratory: bronchitis, upper respiratory
AVAIL ABLE FORMS tract infection.
Tablets: 5 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg Other: flulike symptoms, accidental injury.


✷ NEW INDICATION: Pediatric hypertension Drug-herb. Ma huang: May decrease
Children ages 6 to 16: For children weigh- antihypertensive effects. Discourage use
ing 35 kg (77 lb) or more, initially, 20 mg together.
P.O. daily, with maintenance dosage of
20 to 40 mg daily. For children weighing EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
20 to less than 35 kg (44 to less than 77 lb), • May increase glucose, triglyceride, uric
initially, 10 mg P.O. daily, with maintenance acid, liver enzyme, bilirubin, and CK
dosage of 10 to 20 mg daily. levels. May decrease hemoglobin level
and hematocrit.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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olopatadine hydrochloride 997


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Tell patient to take drug exactly as
to the drug or any of its components and in prescribed and not to stop taking it, even
patients who are pregnant. if he feels better.
Black Box Warning Drug may cause fetal • Tell patient to take drug without regard to
and neonatal complications and death when meals.
given to pregnant women after the first • Tell patient to report to health care
trimester. If patient taking drug becomes provider any adverse reactions promptly,
pregnant, stop drug immediately. especially light-headedness and fainting.
• Use cautiously in patients who are • Advise women of childbearing age of the
volume- or sodium-depleted, those whose consequences of second and third trimester
renal function depends on the renin- exposure to drug and to immediately report
angiotensin-aldosterone system (such as pregnancy to health care provider.
patients with severe heart failure), and those • Inform diabetic patients that glucose
with unilateral and bilateral renal artery readings may rise and that the dosage of
stenosis. their diabetes drugs may need adjustment.
• It’s unknown if drug appears in breast • Warn patients that inadequate fluid intake,
milk. Patient should stop either breast- excessive perspiration, diarrhea, or vomit-
feeding or using drug. ing may lead to an excessive drop in blood
• Safety and efficacy in children haven’t pressure, light-headedness, and possibly
been established. fainting.
•H Overdose S&S: Hypotension, tachycardia, • Instruct patients that other antihyper-
bradycardia. tensives can have additive effects. Patient
should inform his prescriber of all medica-
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS tions he’s taking, including OTC drugs.
• Symptomatic hypotension may occur
in patients who are volume- or sodium-
depleted, especially those being treated olopatadine hydrochloride
with high doses of a diuretic. If hypoten- oh-loh-PAT-ah-dine
sion occurs, place patient supine and treat O
supportively. Treatment may continue once Patanase
blood pressure is stabilized.
• If blood pressure isn’t adequately con- Therapeutic class: Antihistamine
trolled, a diuretic or other antihypertensive Pharmacologic class: Histamine1 -
drugs also may be prescribed. receptor antagonist
• Overdose may cause hypotension and Pregnancy risk category C
tachycardia, along with bradycardia from
parasympathetic (vagal) stimulation. Treat- AVAIL ABLE FORMS
ment should be supportive. Nasal spray: 665 mcg/100 ml
• Closely monitor patients with heart failure
for oliguria, azotemia, and acute renal INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
failure. ➤ Seasonal allergic rhinitis
• Monitor BUN and creatinine level in Adults and children age 12 and older:
patients with unilateral or bilateral renal 2 sprays into each nostril b.i.d.
artery stenosis. Children ages 6 to 11: 1 spray into each
• Although ACE inhibitors reduce blood nostril b.i.d.
pressure in all races, they reduce it less
in blacks taking the ACE inhibitor alone. ADMINISTRATION
Black patients may have a more favorable Intranasal
response if drug is taken with a thiazide • Prime before use by releasing 5 sprays or
diuretic. until a fine mist appears.
• Reprime with 2 sprays when not used for
more than 7 days.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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998 olsalazine sodium

AC TION • Tell patient to prime the spray before

Selectively antagonizes H1 -receptor activity. initial use, and again when spray hasn’t been
Route Onset Peak Duration
used for more than 7 days.
Intranasal Rapid 1⁄
4 –2 hr Unknown
• Caution patient to avoid hazardous activ-
ities until drug effects are known.
Half-life: 8 to 12 hours. • Tell patient to notify prescriber if epistaxis
or nasal ulcerations occur.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Warn patient to avoid spraying drug into
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, malaise, eyes.
somnolence. • Advise patient to avoid alcohol use while
EENT: nasal septum perforation, epistaxis, taking drug.
pharyngolaryngeal pain, postnasal drip,
nasopharyngitis, throat irritation.
GI: bitter taste, dry mouth, thirst, abdom- olsalazine sodium
inal pain, diarrhea, nausea. ol-SAL-uh-zeen
GU: UTI, occult blood in urine.
Respiratory: cough, influenza. Dipentum

INTERACTIONS Therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory

Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May cause Pharmacologic class: Salicylate
additive sedative effects. Use together Pregnancy risk category C
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol: May increase CNS AVAIL ABLE FORMS
depression. Discourage using together. Capsules: 250 mg


• May increase CPK levels. ➤ Maintenance of remission of
ulcerative colitis in patients intolerant
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Adults: 500 mg P.O. b.i.d. with meals.
to drug or its components.
•H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness (in adults), ADMINISTRATION
agitation and restlessness followed by P.O.
drowsiness (in children). • Give drug with food.


• Monitor nasal passages for ulceration Unknown. After oral use, converts to
before and during therapy. 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA or
• Monitor for somnolence. mesalamine) in the colon, where it has
• Give drug only if benefit to mother local anti-inflammatory effect.
outweighs risk to fetus. Route Onset Peak Duration
• Appearance of drug in breast milk isn’t P.O. Unknown 1 hr Unknown
known. Use only if benefits to mother
outweigh risk to child. Half-life: About 1 hour.
• Safety and efficacy haven’t been estab-
lished in children under age 12. ADVERSE REACTIONS
• Use cautiously in elderly patients because CNS: headache, depression, vertigo,
they may have impaired liver, renal, or dizziness, fatigue.
cardiac function. GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain,
dyspepsia, bloating, anorexia.
PATIENT TEACHING Musculoskeletal: arthralgia.
• Advise patient or parent to read package Skin: rash, itching.
instructions for drug use.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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omalizumab 999


Drug-drug. Anticoagulants: May prolong ➤ Moderate to severe persistent asthma
PT or INR. Monitor bleeding study results. in patients with positive skin test or in
Drug-food. Any food: May decrease GI vitro reactivity to a perennial aeroal-
irritation. Advise patient to take drug with lergen and whose symptoms aren’t
food. adequately controlled by inhaled
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Adults and adolescents age 12 and older:
• May increase ALT and AST levels. 150 to 375 mg subcutaneously every 2 or
4 weeks. Dose and frequency vary with
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS pretreatment immunoglobulin E (IgE) level
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive (international units/ml) and patient weight.
to salicylates. Divide doses larger than 150 mg among
• Use cautiously in patients with asthma, more than one injection site.
hepatic impairment, and renal disease.
• Regularly monitor BUN and creatinine • Reconstitute with sterile water for injec-
levels and urinalysis in patients with renal tion only. Swirl gently, don’t shake. Use
disease. 18 g needle to draw medication into
• Monitor liver enzyme levels in patients syringe, then replace with a 25 g needle
with hepatic impairment. for administration.
• Absorption of drug or its metabolites may • The lyophilized product takes 15 to
cause renal tubular damage. 20 minutes to dissolve.
• Diarrhea sometimes occurs during • The fully reconstituted product will
therapy. Although diarrhea appears to be appear clear or slightly opalescent and may
dose-related, it’s difficult to distinguish from have a few small bubbles or foam around
worsening of disease symptoms. the edge of the vial.
• Similar drugs have caused worsening of • Because the solution is slightly viscous, it
disease. may take 5 to 10 seconds to give. O
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse • Use reconstituted solution within 4 hours
olsalazine with olanzapine. if at room temperature or within 8 hours if
• Teach patient to take drug in evenly AC TION
divided doses and with food to minimize Inhibits binding of IgE to high-affinity
adverse GI reactions. receptor, on surface of mast cells and
• Instruct patient to report persistent or basophils, which limits release of allergic
severe adverse reactions promptly. response mediators.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Subcut. Unknown 7–8 days Unknown
oh-mah-LIZ-uh-mab Half-life: About 26 days.

Therapeutic class: Antiasthmatic CNS: headache, dizziness, fatigue, pain.
Pharmacologic class: DNA-derived EENT: pharyngitis, sinusitis, earache.
humanized immunoglobulin monoclonal Musculoskeletal: arm pain, arthralgia,
antibody fracture, leg pain.
Pregnancy risk category B Respiratory: upper respiratory tract
Powder for injection: 150 mg in 5-ml vial

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1000 omega-3–acid ethyl esters

Skin: injection site reaction, dermatitis, • Explain that patient may not notice an
pruritus. immediate improvement in asthma after
Other: viral infections. therapy starts.

None reported. omega-3–acid ethyl esters
• May increase IgE level. Lovaza, Omacor

CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS Therapeutic class: Antilipemic

• Contraindicated in patients severely Pharmacologic class: Ethyl ester
hypersensitive to drug. Pregnancy risk category C
• Safety and effectiveness haven’t been
established in children younger than age 12. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Drug should be given only in a health care Capsules: 1 g
setting under direct medical supervision
because of the risk of anaphylaxis. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
➤ Adjunct to diet to reduce triglyceride
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS levels 500 mg/dl or higher
Alert: Don’t use this drug to treat acute Adults: 4 g P.O. once daily or divided as 2 g
bronchospasm or status asthmaticus. b.i.d.
• Don’t abruptly stop systemic or inhaled
corticosteroid when omalizumab therapy ADMINISTRATION
starts; taper the dose gradually and under P.O.
supervision. • Give drug without regard for meals.
• Injection site reactions may occur, such • Capsules must be swallowed whole. Do
as bruising, redness, warmth, burning, not extract contents of capsule.
stinging, itching, hives, pain, induration,
and inflammation. Most occur within 1 hour AC TION
after the injection, last fewer than 8 days, May reduce hepatic formation of triglyc-
and decrease in frequency with subsequent erides because two components of drug are
injections. poor substrates for the necessary enzymes.
Black Box Warning Observe patient for at These components also block formation of
least 2 hours after the injection, and keep other fatty acids.
drugs available to respond to anaphylactic Route Onset Peak Duration
reactions. These reactions usually occur P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
within 2 hours of subcutaneous injection;
however, delayed reactions may occur up to Half-life: Unknown.
24 hours after administration. If the patient
has a severe hypersensitivity reaction, stop ADVERSE REACTIONS
treatment. CNS: pain.
• Drug increases IgE level, so it can’t be CV: angina pectoris.
used to determine appropriate dosage during GI: altered taste, belching, dyspepsia.
therapy or for 1 year after therapy ends. Musculoskeletal: back pain.
• Patient medication guide must be given Skin: rash.
with each dose. Other: flulike syndrome, infection.


• Tell patients not to stop or reduce the Drug-drug. Anticoagulants: May prolong
dosage of any other asthma drugs unless bleeding time. Monitor patient.
directed by the prescriber. Patient medica-
tion guide must be given with each dose.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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omeprazole 1001


• May increase ALT and LDL cholesterol omeprazole
levels. oh-ME-pray-zole


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components. omeprazole magnesium
• Use cautiously in patients sensitive to fish. Prilosec OTC 

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Therapeutic class: Antiulcer

• Assess patient for conditions that con- Pharmacologic class: Proton pump
tribute to increased triglycerides, such inhibitor
as diabetes and hypothyroidism, before Pregnancy risk category C
• Evaluate patient’s current drug regimen AVAIL ABLE FORMS
for any drugs known to sharply increase Capsules (delayed-release): 10 mg, 20 mg,
triglyceride levels, including estrogen 40 mg
therapy, thiazide diuretics, and beta Powder for oral suspension: 20 mg/packet,
blockers. Stopping these drugs, if appro- 40 mg/packet
priate, may negate the need for drug. Tablets (delayed-release): 20 mg 
• Continue diet and lifestyle modifications
during treatment. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• Obtain baseline triglyceride levels to ➤ Symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux
confirm that they’re consistently abnormal disease (GERD) without esophageal
before therapy; then recheck periodically lesions
during treatment. If patient has an inade- Adults: 20 mg P.O., as delayed-release
quate response after 2 months, stop drug. or oral suspension, daily for 4 weeks for
• Monitor LDL level to make sure it doesn’t patients who respond poorly to customary
increase excessively during treatment. medical treatment, usually including an
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse adequate course of H2 -receptor antagonists. O
Lovaza with lorazepam or lovastatin. Children ages 2 to 16 weighing 20 kg (44 lb)
or more: 20 mg P.O. daily.
PATIENT TEACHING Children ages 2 to 16 weighing less than
• Explain that taking drug doesn’t reduce 20 kg: 10 mg P.O. daily.
the importance of following the recom- ➤ Erosive esophagitis and accompanying
mended diet and exercise plan. symptoms caused by GERD
• Remind patient of the need for follow-up Adults: 20 mg P.O. daily for 4 to 8 weeks.
blood work to evaluate progress. Children ages 2 to 16 weighing 20 kg or
• Advise patient to notify prescriber about more: 20 mg P.O. daily.
bothersome side effects. Children ages 2 to 16 weighing less than
• Tell patient to report planned or suspected 20 kg: 10 mg P.O. daily.
pregnancy. ➤ Maintenance of healing erosive
Adults: 20 mg P.O., as delayed-release or
oral suspension, daily.
Children ages 2 to 16 weighing 20 kg or
more: 20 mg P.O. daily.
Children ages 2 to 16 weighing less than
20 kg: 10 mg P.O. daily.
➤ Pathologic hypersecretory conditions
(such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)
Adults: Initially, 60 mg P.O. daily; adjust
dosage based on patient response. If daily

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1002 omeprazole

dose exceeds 80 mg, give in divided doses. ADVERSE REACTIONS

Doses up to 120 mg t.i.d. have been given. CNS: asthenia, dizziness, headache.
Continue therapy as long as clinically GI: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea,
indicated. flatulence, nausea, vomiting.
➤ Duodenal ulcer (short-term treatment) Musculoskeletal: back pain.
Adults: 20 mg P.O., as delayed-release or Respiratory: cough, upper respiratory tract
oral suspension, daily for 4 to 8 weeks. infection.
➤ Helicobacter pylori infection and Skin: rash.
duodenal ulcer disease, to eradicate
H. pylori with clarithromycin (dual INTERACTIONS
therapy) Drug-drug. Ampicillin esters, azole anti-
Adults: 40 mg P.O. every morning with fungals (such as ketoconazole), iron deriva-
clarithromycin 500 mg P.O. t.i.d. for tives: May cause poor bioavailability
14 days. For patients with an ulcer at start of of these drugs because they need a low
therapy, give another 14 days of omeprazole gastric pH for optimal absorption. Avoid
20 mg P.O. once daily. using together.
➤ H. pylori infection and duodenal Benzodiazepines, diazepam, fosphenytoin,
ulcer disease, to eradicate H. pylori with phenytoin, warfarin: May decrease hepatic
clarithromycin and amoxicillin (triple clearance, possibly leading to increased
therapy) levels of these drugs. Monitor drug levels.
Adults: 20 mg P.O. with clarithromycin Cilostazol: May increase cilostazol level.
500 mg P.O. and amoxicillin 1,000 mg P.O., Reduce cilostazol dosage.
each given b.i.d. for 10 days. For patients Clopidogrel: May decrease antiplatelet
with an ulcer at start of therapy, give another activity. Avoid use together.
18 days of omeprazole 20 mg P.O. once Salicylates: Enteric-coated forms may
daily. dissolve faster, increasing risk of gastric
➤ Short-term treatment of active benign adverse effects. Use together cautiously.
gastric ulcer Drug-herb. Ginkgo biloba: May decrease
Adults: 40 mg P.O. once daily for 4 to therapeutic effects of drug. Discourage use
8 weeks. together.
➤ Frequent heartburn (2 or more days a Male fern: May inactivate herb. Discourage
week) use together.
Adults: 20 mg P.O. Prilosec OTC once daily Pennyroyal: May change rate at which
before breakfast for 14 days. May repeat the herb’s toxic metabolites form. Ask patient
14-day course every 4 months. about the use of herb, and discourage use
ADMINISTRATION St. John’s wort: May increase risk of sun
P.O. sensitivity. Advise patient to avoid excessive
• Don’t crush tablets or capsules. Capsules sunlight exposure.
may be opened for patients who have diffi-
• Give drug at least 1 hour before meals. None reported.


Inhibits proton pump activity by binding • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphos- to drug or its components.
phatase, located at secretory surface of Alert: There may be an increased risk of
gastric parietal cells, to suppress gastric acid hip, wrist, and spine fractures associated
secretion. with proton pump inhibitors.
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Use cautiously in patients with Bartter
P.O. 1 hr 30 min–2 hr <3 days
syndrome, hypokalemia, and respiratory
alkalosis and in patients on a low-sodium
Half-life: 30 to 60 minutes. diet.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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ondansetron 1003

• Long-term administration of bicarbonate

with calcium or milk can cause milk-alkali ondansetron
syndrome. Zuplenz
•H Overdose S&S: Confusion, drowsiness,
blurred vision, tachycardia, nausea, ondansetron hydrochloride
vomiting, diaphoresis, flushing, headache, on-DAN-sah-tron
dry mouth.
Zofran, Zofran ODT
• Dosage adjustments may be necessary Therapeutic class: Antiemetic
in Asians and patients with hepatic impair- Pharmacologic class: Selective
ment. serotonin (5-HT3 ) receptor antagonist
Alert: Amoxicillin may trigger anaphy- Pregnancy risk category B
laxis in patients with a history of penicillin
hypersensitivity. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
• Drug increases its own bioavailability Injection: 2 mg/ml
with repeated doses. Drug is unstable in Oral solution: 4 mg/5 ml
gastric acid; less drug is lost to hydrolysis Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs): 4 mg,
because drug increases gastric pH. 8 mg
• Gastrin level rises in most patients during Oral soluble film: 4 mg, 8 mg
the first 2 weeks of therapy. Premixed injection: 32 mg/50 ml
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse Tablets: 4 mg, 8 mg, 24 mg
Prilosec with Prozac, Prilocaine, or Prinivil.
PATIENT TEACHING ➤ To prevent nausea and vomiting from
• Tell patient to swallow tablets whole and highly emetogenic chemotherapy
not to open, crush, or chew them. Adults: 24 mg P.O. 30 minutes before
• Instruct patient to take drug at least 1 hour chemotherapy. Or, three successive 8-mg
before meals. doses of oral soluble film given 30 minutes
• Caution patient to avoid hazardous before start of single-day highly emetogenic O
activities if he gets dizzy. chemotherapy.
• Advise patient that Prilosec OTC isn’t Children age 6 months to 18 years:
intended to treat infrequent heartburn (one 0.15 mg/kg I.V. over 15 minutes beginning
episode of heartburn a week or less), or 30 minutes before chemotherapy. Give
for those who want immediate relief of second dose of 0.15 mg/kg I.V. over 15 min-
heartburn. utes 4 hours after first dose. Give third
• Inform patient that Prilosec OTC may 0.15-mg/kg I.V. dose 8 hours after first dose.
take 1 to 4 days for full effect, although ➤ To prevent nausea and vomiting from
some patients may get complete relief of moderately emetogenic chemotherapy
symptoms within 24 hours. Adults and children age 12 and older:
8 mg P.O. 30 minutes before chemotherapy.
Then, 8 mg P.O. 8 hours after first dose.
Then, 8 mg every 12 hours for 1 to 2 days.
Or, a single dose of 32 mg by I.V. infusion
over 15 minutes beginning 30 minutes
before chemotherapy. Or, three doses of
0.15 mg/kg I.V. For 3 dose regimen, give
first dose 30 minutes before chemotherapy
and subsequent doses 4 and 8 hours after
first dose. Infuse drug over 15 minutes. Or,
8 mg oral soluble film 30 minutes before
chemotherapy, followed by 8 mg oral solu-
ble film 8 hours after first dose. Then give

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1004 ondansetron

8 mg oral soluble film every 12 hours for • For Zuplenz, open film pouch with dry
1 to 2 days after completing chemotherapy. hands and immediately place film on top
Children ages 4 to 11: 4 mg P.O. or oral sol- of the tongue, where it will dissolve in 4 to
uble film 30 minutes before chemotherapy. 20 seconds. Then have patient swallow with
Then, 4 mg P.O. 4 and 8 hours after first dose. or without liquid. Wash hands after giving
Then, 4 mg every 8 hours for 1 to 2 days. Zuplenz.
Infants and children ages 6 months to I.V.
11 years: Three doses of 0.15 mg/kg  If precipitate is noted in vial, shake

I.V. Give first dose 30 minutes before vigorously until dissolved.

chemotherapy; give subsequent doses  Dilute drug in 50 ml of D5 W injection or

4 and 8 hours after first dose. Infuse drug normal saline solution for injection.
over 15 minutes.  Drug is stable for up to 48 hours after

➤ To prevent postoperative nausea and dilution in D5 W, 5% dextrose in half-

vomiting normal saline solution for injection,
Adults: 4 mg undiluted solution for 5% dextrose in normal saline solution,
injection I.M. or I.V. over 2 to 5 minutes and 3% sodium chloride solution for
immediately before induction of anesthesia. injection.
Or, 16 mg P.O. or 2 successive 8-mg oral  Infuse over 15 minutes.

soluble films 1 hour before induction of  Incompatibilities: Acyclovir sodium,

anesthesia. allopurinol, aminophylline, amphotericin

Children ages 1 month to 12 years who B, ampicillin sodium, ampicillin sodium
weigh more than 40 kg (88 lb): 4 mg I.V. as and sulbactam sodium, cefepime, cefop-
a single dose. erazone, dacarbazine with doxorubicin,
Children ages 1 month to 12 years who dexamethasone sodium phosphate,
weigh 40 kg or less: 0.1 mg/kg I.V. as a droperidol, fluorouracil, furosemide,
single dose. ganciclovir, lorazepam, meropenem,
➤ To prevent nausea and vomiting from methylprednisolone sodium succinate,
radiation therapy in patients receiving piperacillin sodium, sargramostim, sodium
total body irradiation, single high-dose bicarbonate.
fraction to abdomen, or daily fractions to I.M.
abdomen • Document injection site.
Adults: 8 mg P.O. t.i.d. For patients receiv- • If precipitate is noted in vial, shake
ing total body irradiation, give 8 mg P.O. or vigorously until dissolved.
oral soluble film 1 to 2 hours before each
fraction of radiation therapy each day. For AC TION
patients receiving single high-dose fraction May block 5-HT3 in the CNS in the
radiation therapy to the abdomen, give 8 mg chemoreceptor trigger zone and in the
P.O. or oral soluble film 1 to 2 hours before peripheral nervous system on nerve
therapy, then every 8 hours for 1 to 2 days terminals of the vagus nerve.
after completion of therapy. For patients Route Onset Peak Duration
receiving daily fractionated radiation ther- P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
apy, give 8 mg P.O. or oral soluble film 1 to I.V. Immediate 10 min Unknown
2 hours before therapy, then every 8 hours I.M. Unknown 41 min Unknown
for each day therapy is given.
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with severe Half-life: 4 hours.
hepatic impairment, total daily dose
shouldn’t exceed 8 mg. ADVERSE REACTIONS
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, malaise,
ADMINISTRATION sedation, extrapyramidal syndrome, fever,
P.O. pain.
• Open blister of ODT just before use CV: arrhythmias, chest pain.
by peeling backing off. Don’t push ODT GI: constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain,
through foil blister. decreased appetite, xerostomia.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

oprelvekin 1005

GU: gynecologic disorders, urine retention. SAFETY ALERT!

Respiratory: hypoxia.
Skin: pruritus, rash. oprelvekin
Other: chills, injection site reaction. oh-PRELL-veh-kin

Drug-drug. Apomorphine: May cause
profound hypotension and loss of con- Therapeutic class: Hematopoietic
sciousness. Use together is contraindicated. Pharmacologic class: Recombinant
Drugs such as cimetidine that alter hepatic human interleukin
drug-metabolizing enzymes, phenobarbital, Pregnancy risk category C
rifampin: May change pharmacokinetics of
ondansetron. No need to adjust dosage. AVAIL ABLE FORMS
Drug-herb. Horehound: May enhance Injection: 5-mg single-dose vial with
serotoninergic effects. Discourage use diluent
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS ➤ To prevent severe thrombocytopenia
• May increase ALT and AST levels. and reduce need for platelet transfusions
after myelosuppressive chemotherapy
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS with nonmyeloid malignancies
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Adults: 50 mcg/kg as single daily subcu-
to drug. taneous injection until postnadir platelet
• Rarely, transient electrocardiographic count is at least 50,000/mm3 . Treatment
changes, including prolonged QT interval, beyond 21 days per course isn’t recom-
have been reported. Monitor patient care- mended. Begin dosing 6 to 24 hours after
fully. completion of chemotherapy. Discontinue
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic drug at least 2 days before the start of the
impairment. next planned cycle of chemotherapy.
•H Overdose S&S: Sudden transient blind- Adjust-a-dose: In patients with severe renal O
ness, severe constipation, hypotension. impairment (creatinine clearance less than
30 ml/minute), the recommended dosage is
• Monitor liver function test results. Don’t
exceed 8 mg in patients with hepatic impair- ADMINISTRATION
ment. Subcutaneous
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse • Give drug in the abdomen, thigh, hip, or
Zofran with Zosyn, Zantac, or Zoloft. upper arm. Don’t inject I.D. or intravascu-
PATIENT TEACHING • Reconstitute each single-dose vial with
• Instruct patient to immediately report 1 ml of supplied diluent. Avoid excessive
difficulty breathing after drug administra- or vigorous agitation. Discard unused
tion. portions.
• Tell patient receiving drug I.V. to report • Use reconstituted drug within 3 hours.
discomfort at insertion site. • Store drug and diluent in refrigerator until
• For patient taking ODTs, tell him to open ready to use. Don’t freeze.
blister just before use by peeling backing
off and not by pushing through foil blister, AC TION
and tell him that taking it with liquid isn’t Directly stimulates proliferation of
required. hematopoietic stem cells and megakary-
• Teach patient to place ODTs on tongue, ocyte progenitor cells. Also induces
allow to dissolve, then swallow with saliva. megakaryocyte maturation, resulting in
increased platelet production.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1006 orlistat

Route Onset Peak Duration Black Box Warning Oprelvekin has caused
Subcut. Unknown 3–5 hr Unknown allergic or hypersensitivity reactions,
including anaphylaxis. Discontinue drug
Half-life: 7 hours.
permanently in patients who develop
allergic or hypersensitivity reaction.
CNS: asthenia, headache, insomnia, dizzi- PATIENT TEACHING
ness, paresthesia, syncope. • Instruct patient about appropriate prepa-
CV: ATRIAL FLUTTER OR FIBRILLATION, ration and administration of drug if he is
tachycardia, palpitations, edema, vasodila- going to self-administer.
tion. • Warn patient about potential adverse
EENT: conjunctival injection, blurred reactions. Tell him to report any occurrence.
vision, eye hemorrhage, pharyngitis, • Tell patient to keep drug refrigerated and
rhinitis. not to reconstitute until just before use.
GI: oral candidiasis, nausea, vomiting, • Urge patient to call prescriber immedi-
diarrhea. ately if swelling, rapid heartbeat, or diffi-
Hematologic: anemia, neutropenic fever. culty breathing occurs.
Metabolic: dehydration, hypocalcemia. • Tell patient to report signs and symptoms
Respiratory: dyspnea, cough, pleural of increased bleeding or bruising.
Skin: rash, skin discoloration, exfoliative
dermatitis. orlistat
Other: hypersensitivity reactions, allergic ORE-lah-stat
reaction, anaphylaxis, neutropenic fever.
Alli , Xenical
Drug-drug. Diuretics, ifosfamide: May Therapeutic class: Antiobesity
cause life-threatening hypokalemia. Closely Pharmacologic class: Lipase inhibitor
monitor fluid and electrolyte status. Pregnancy risk category B


• May increase fibrinogen and von Wille- Capsules: 60 mg , 120 mg
brand factor.
• May decrease calcium and hemoglobin INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
levels and hematocrit. ➤ To manage obesity, including weight
loss and weight maintenance with a
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS reduced-calorie diet; to reduce risk of
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive weight gain after previous weight loss
to drug or its components. Adults and children ages 12 to 16: 120 mg
• Use drug cautiously in patients with heart P.O. t.i.d. with or up to 1 hour after each
failure because of fluid retention. main meal containing fat.
•H Overdose S&S: Increased incidence of ➤ Weight loss (OTC formulation)
cardiovascular reactions. Adults age 18 and older: One 60-mg
capsule P.O. with each meal containing fat.
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Dosage shouldn’t exceed 3 capsules a day.
• Closely monitor fluid and electrolyte
status in patients receiving long-term ADMINISTRATION
diuretic therapy. P.O.
• Fluid retention can be severe; monitor • Give drug with each main meal containing
patient closely. fat (during or up to 1 hour after the meal).
• Obtain a CBC before chemotherapy and
at regular intervals during drug therapy.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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orlistat 1007

AC TION nephrolithiasis or those at risk for anorexia

Forms a bond with active site of gastric and nervosa or bulimia.
pancreatic lipases, inactivating them. As • Use cautiously in patients receiving
a result, enzymes can’t hydrolyze dietary cyclosporine therapy because of potential
triglycerides into absorbable free fatty changes in cyclosporine absorption related
acids and monoglycerides. The undigested to variations in dietary intake.
triglycerides are not absorbed, resulting in
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Exclude organic causes of obesity, such
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
as hypothyroidism, before starting drug
Half-life: 1 to 2 hours. • Drug is recommended for use in patients
with an initial body mass index (BMI) of
ADVERSE REACTIONS 30 or more or those with a BMI of 27 or
CNS: headache, dizziness, fatigue, sleep more and other risk factors (such as hyper-
disorder, anxiety, depression. tension, diabetes, or dyslipidemia).
CV: pedal edema. Alert: Drug may cause pancreatitis or,
EENT: otitis. rarely, liver dysfunction, including liver
GI: flatus with discharge, fecal urgency, failure. Monitor patient closely.
fatty or oily stool, oily spotting, increased • In diabetic patients, dosage of oral anti-
defecation, abdominal pain, fecal inconti- diabetic or insulin may need to be reduced
nence, nausea, infectious diarrhea, rectal because improved metabolic control may
pain, vomiting. accompany weight loss.
GU: menstrual irregularity, vaginitis, UTI. • As with other weight-loss drugs, potential
Musculoskeletal: back pain, leg pain, for misuse exists in certain patients (such as
arthritis, myalgia, joint disorder, tendinitis. those with anorexia nervosa or bulimia).
Respiratory: influenza, upper respira- • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
tory tract infection, lower respiratory tract Xenical with Xeloda.
Skin: rash, dry skin. PATIENT TEACHING O
Other: tooth and gingival disorders. • Advise patient to follow a nutritionally
balanced, reduced-calorie diet that derives
INTERACTIONS only 30% of its calories from fat. Tell him to
Drug-drug. Cyclosporine: May decrease distribute daily intake of fat, carbohydrate,
cyclosporine levels, risking organ rejection and protein over three main meals. If a meal
in transplant patients. Avoid using together. is occasionally missed or contains no fat,
Fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A tell patient that dose of drug can be omitted.
and E and beta-carotene): May decrease • Advise patient to adhere to dietary guide-
absorption of vitamins. Separate doses by lines. GI effects may increase when patient
2 hours. takes drug with high-fat foods, specifically
Warfarin: May change coagulation values. when more than 30% of total daily calories
Monitor INR. come from fat.
• Drug reduces absorption of some fat-
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS soluble vitamins and beta-carotene.
None reported. • Tell patient with diabetes that weight
loss may improve his glycemic control, so
CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS dosage of his oral antidiabetic (such as a
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive sulfonylurea or metformin) or insulin may
to drug or its components and in those need to be reduced during drug therapy.
with chronic malabsorption syndrome or • Tell women of childbearing age to inform
cholestasis. prescriber if pregnancy or breast-feeding is
• Use cautiously in patients with history planned during therapy.
of hyperoxaluria or calcium oxalate

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1008 oseltamivir phosphate

• Advise patient to report signs and symp- Children ages 1 to 12 who weigh less than
toms of liver injury, such as loss of appetite, 15 kg (33 lb): 30 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days.
itching, yellowing of skin, dark urine, light- Adjust-a-dose: For adults and adoles-
colored stools, or right upper quadrant cents with creatinine clearance of 10 to
abdominal pain. 30 ml/minute, reduce dosage to 75 mg P.O.
once daily for 5 days.
➤ To prevent influenza after close contact
oseltamivir phosphate with infected person within 2 days of
oz-el-TAM-ah-ver exposure; to prevent H1N1 influenza A 
Adults and adolescents age 13 and older:
Tamiflu 75 mg P.O. once daily for at least 10 days.
Children age 1 and older who weigh more
Therapeutic class: Antiviral than 40 kg (88 lb): 75 mg P.O. once daily for
Pharmacologic class: Selective 10 days.
neuraminidase inhibitor Children age 1 and older who weigh 23 to
Pregnancy risk category C 40 kg (51 to 88 lb): 60 mg P.O. once daily
for 10 days.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS Children age 1 and older who weigh 15 to
Capsules: 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg 23 kg (33 to 51 lb): 45 mg P.O. once daily
Oral suspension: 12 mg/ml after recon- for 10 days.
stitution Children age 1 and older who weigh 15 kg
(33 lb) or less: 30 mg oral suspension P.O.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES once daily for 10 days.
➤ To prevent influenza during a commu- Adjust-a-dose: For adults and adoles-
nity outbreak cents with creatinine clearance of 10 to
Adults and adolescents age 13 and older: 30 ml/minute, reduce dosage to 75 mg P.O.
75 mg P.O. once daily for up to 6 weeks. every other day or 30 mg once daily.
Children age 1 to 12 who weigh more than ➤ To prevent H1N1 influenza A in
40 kg (88 lb): 75 mg P.O. once daily for children younger than age 12 months 
10 days. Children age 6 to 11 months: 25 mg P.O.
Children age 1 to 12 who weigh more than once daily for 10 days.
23 kg (51 lb) to 40 kg (88 lb): 60 mg P.O. Children age 3 to 5 months: 20 mg P.O. once
once daily for 10 days. daily for 10 days.
Children age 1 to 12 who weigh more than ➤ To treat H1N1 influenza A 
15 kg (33 lb) to 23 kg (51 lb): 45 mg P.O. Adults: 75 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days.
once daily for 10 days. Children age 1 and older who weigh more
Children age 1 to 12 who weigh less than than 40 kg (88 lb): 75 mg P.O. b.i.d. for
15 kg (33 lb): 30 mg P.O. once daily for 5 days.
10 days. Children age 1 and older who weigh more
➤ To treat influenza than 23 kg (51 lb) to 40 kg (88 lb): 60 mg
Adults and adolescents age 13 and older: P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days.
75 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days. Begin treat- Children age 1 and older who weigh more
ment within 2 days of onset of influenza than 15 kg (33 lb) to 23 kg (51 lb): 45 mg
symptoms. P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days.
Children ages 1 to 12 who weigh more than Children age 1 and older who weigh less
40 kg (88 lb): 75 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days. than 15 kg (33 lb): 30 mg P.O. b.i.d. for
Children ages 1 to 12 who weigh more than 5 days.
23 kg (51 lb) to 40 kg (88 lb): 60 mg P.O. Children age 6 to 11 months: 25 mg P.O.
b.i.d. for 5 days. b.i.d. for 5 days.
Children ages 1 to 12 who weigh more than Children age 3 to 5 months: 20 mg P.O.
15 kg (33 lb) to 23 kg (51 lb): 45 mg P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days.
b.i.d. for 5 days. Children younger than age 3 months: 12 mg
P.O. b.i.d. for 5 days.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

oxaliplatin 1009

ADMINISTRATION such as hallucinations, delirium, and

P.O. abnormal behavior. Risks and benefits of
• Give drug with meals to decrease GI continuing drug should be evaluated.
adverse effects.
• Store at controlled room temperature PATIENT TEACHING
(59◦ to 86◦ F [15◦ to 30◦ C]). • Instruct patient to begin treatment as
• Capsules may be opened and mixed with soon as possible after appearance of flu
sweetened liquids such as chocolate syrup. symptoms.
• Inform patient that drug may be taken
AC TION with or without meals. If nausea or vomiting
Inhibits influenza A and B virus enzyme occurs, he can take drug with food or milk.
neuraminidase, which is thought to play a • Tell patient that, if a dose is missed, he
role in viral particle aggregation and release should take it as soon as possible. However,
from the host cell and appears to interfere if next dose is due within 2 hours, tell him to
with viral replication. skip the missed dose and take the next dose
Route Onset Peak Duration
on schedule.
P.O. Unknown Unknown Unknown
• Advise patient to complete the full course
of treatment, even if symptoms resolve.
Half-life: 1 to 10 hours. • Alert patient that drug isn’t a replace-
ment for the annual influenza vaccination.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Patients for whom vaccine is indicated
CNS: dizziness, fatigue, headache, insom- should continue to receive the vaccine each
nia, vertigo. fall.
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting. SAFETY ALERT!
Respiratory: bronchitis, cough.
None significant.
Eloxatin O
• None reported. Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
Pharmacologic class: Platinum
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive Pregnancy risk category D
to drug or its components.
• Use cautiously in patients with chronic AVAIL ABLE FORMS
cardiac or respiratory diseases, or any Solution for injection: 5 mg/ml in 10-ml,
medical condition that may require im- 20-ml, and 40-ml single-use vials
minent hospitalization. Also use cautiously
in patients with renal failure. INDICATIONS & DOSAGES
• It’s unknown if drug or its metabolite ➤ First-line treatment of advanced
appears in breast milk. Use only if benefits colorectal cancer with 5-fluorouracil
to patient outweigh risks to infant. and leucovorin (5-FU/LV)
•H Overdose S&S: Nausea, vomiting. Adults: On day 1, give 85 mg/m2 oxaliplatin
I.V. in 250 to 500 ml D5 W and leucovorin
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 200 mg/m2 I.V. in D5 W simultaneously over
• Drug must be given within 2 days of onset 120 minutes, in separate bags using a Y-line,
of symptoms. followed by 5-FU 400 mg/m2 I.V. bolus
• Safety and effectiveness of repeated over 2 to 4 minutes, followed by 600 mg/m2
treatment courses haven’t been established. 5-FU I.V. infusion in 500 ml D5 W over
Alert: Closely monitor patients with 22 hours.
influenza for neuropsychiatric symptoms,

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1010 oxaliplatin

On day 2, give 200 mg/m2 leucovorin I.V.  Reconstitute powder using sterile water

infusion over 120 minutes, followed by for injection or D5 W. Add 10 ml to a

400 mg/m2 5-FU I.V. bolus over 2 to 50-mg vial or 20 ml to a 100-mg vial,
4 minutes, followed by 600 mg/m2 5-FU for a yield of 5 mg/ml. Never reconstitute
I.V. infusion in 500 ml D5 W over 22 hours. with sodium chloride solution or other
Repeat cycle every 2 weeks. solution containing chloride.
Adjust-a-dose: In patients with unresolved  Reconstituted solutions must be further

and persistent grade 2 neurosensory events, diluted in an infusion solution of 250 to

reduce oxaliplatin to 65 mg/m2 . In those 500 ml of D5 W.
with persistent grade 3 neurosensory events,  Inspect bag for particulate matter and

consider stopping drug. In patients recov- discoloration before giving, and discard if
ering from grade 3 or 4 GI or hematologic present.
events, reduce dose to 65 mg/m2 and reduce  Don’t use needles or I.V. administration

dose of 5-FU by 20%. Delay dose until neu- sets that contain aluminum because it
trophil count is 1.5 × 109 /L or more and displaces the platinum, causing it to lose
platelet count is 75 × 109 /L or more. potency and form a black precipitate.
➤ With 5-FU/LV for the adjuvant treat-  Give oxaliplatin and leucovorin over

ment of stage III colon cancer in patients 2 hours at the same time in separate bags,
who have had complete resection of the using a Y-line. Extend the infusion time to
primary tumor 6 hours to decrease acute toxicities.
Adults: On day 1, give oxaliplatin, 85 mg/m2  Store unopened vials at room tempera-

I.V. in 250 to 500 ml D5 W and 200 mg/m2 ture. Reconstituted solutions are stable if
leucovorin I.V. infusion in D5 W, both over refrigerated (36◦ to 46◦ F [2◦ to 8◦ C])
120 minutes at the same time, in separate for up to 24 hours. After final dilution,
bags, using a Y-line. Follow with 5-FU solutions are stable for 6 hours at room
400 mg/m2 I.V. bolus over 2 to 4 minutes, temperature and up to 24 hours under
then 600 mg/m2 5-FU in 500 ml D5 W as a refrigeration.
22-hour continuous infusion.  Incompatibilities: Alkaline solutions

On day 2, give leucovorin, 200 mg/m2 or drugs such as 5-FU. Flush infusion line
I.V. infused over 120 minutes, followed by with D5 W before giving any other drugs
5-FU 400 mg/m2 as an I.V. bolus over 2 to simultaneously.
4 minutes, then 600 mg/m2 5-FU in 500 ml
D5 W as a 22-hour infusion. AC TION
Repeat cycle every 2 weeks for a total of Probably inhibits cell replication and tran-
6 months. Premedicate with antiemetics, scription by forming platinum complexes
with or without dexamethasone. that cross-link with DNA molecules. Not
Adjust-a-dose: For patients with persistent specific to cell cycle.
grade 2 neurotoxicity, consider an oxali- Route Onset Peak Duration
platin dose reduction to 75 mg/m2 . For I.V. Unknown Unknown Unknown
patients who recovered from grade 4 neu-
tropenia, grade 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia, or Half-life: 391 hours (gamma phase).
a grade 3 or 4 GI event, reduce oxaliplatin to
75 mg/m2 and 5-FU to a 300 mg/m2 bolus ADVERSE REACTIONS
and 500 mg/m2 22-hour infusion. Delay CNS: pain, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue,
dose until neutrophils are 1.5 × 109 /L or headache, dizziness, insomnia, fever.
more and platelets are 75 × 109 /L or more. CV: chest pain, thromboembolism, edema,
flushing, peripheral edema.
ADMINISTRATION EENT: rhinitis, pharyngolaryngeal dyses-
I.V. thesias, pharyngitis, epistaxis, abnormal
 Preparing and giving drug may be muta- lacrimation.
genic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic. Follow GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis,
facility policy to reduce risks. abdominal pain, anorexia, constipation,

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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oxaliplatin 1011

dyspepsia, taste perversion, gastroe- patients with renal impairment hasn’t been
sophageal reflux, flatulence, mucositis. established.
GU: dysuria, hematuria. • Monitor CBC, platelet count, and liver
Hematologic: FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA, and kidney function before each chemo-
anemia, LEUKOPENIA, THROMBOCYTO- therapy cycle.
PENIA. Black Box Warning Monitor patient for
Hepatic: veno-occlusive disease. hypersensitivity reactions, which may
Metabolic: hypokalemia, dehydration. occur within minutes of administration.
Musculoskeletal: back pain, arthralgia. Keep epinephrine, corticosteroids, and
Respiratory: dyspnea, cough, upper respi- antihistamines available.
ratory tract infection, hiccups, pulmonary • Monitor patient for injection site reaction;
toxicity. extravasation may occur.
Skin: injection site reaction, rash, alopecia. • Monitor patient for neuropathy and pul-
Other: anaphylaxis, hand-foot syndrome, monary toxicity. Peripheral neuropathy may
allergic reaction, rigors. be acute or persistent. Acute neuropathy is
reversible; it occurs within 2 days of dosing
INTERACTIONS and resolves within 14 days. Persistent
Drug-drug. Nephrotoxic drugs (such as peripheral neuropathy occurs more than
gentamicin): May decrease elimination of 14 days after dosing and causes paresthe-
nephrotoxic drugs and increase gentam- sias, dysesthesias, hypoesthesias, and other
icin levels. Monitor patient for signs and neurologic impairment that can interfere
symptoms of toxicity. with daily activities (such as walking or
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • Avoid ice and cold exposure during infu-
• May increase creatinine, bilirubin, AST, sion of drug because cold temperatures can
and ALT levels. May decrease potassium worsen acute neurologic symptoms. Cover
and hemoglobin levels. patient with a blanket during infusion.
• May decrease neutrophil, WBC, and • Diarrhea, dehydration, hypokalemia,
platelet counts. and fatigue may occur more frequently in
elderly patients. O
• Contraindicated in patients allergic to PATIENT TEACHING
drug or other platinum-containing com- • Inform patient of potential adverse
pounds and in pregnant or breast-feeding reactions.
patients. • Tell patient to avoid exposure to cold
• Use cautiously in patients with renal or cold objects (such as cold drinks or
impairment or peripheral sensory neuro- ice cubes), which can bring on or worsen
pathy. acute symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
•H Overdose S&S: Thrombocytopenia, dysp- Advise patient to drink warm drinks, wear
nea, wheezing, paresthesia, vomiting, chest warm clothing, and cover any exposed skin
pain, respiratory failure, bradycardia, dyses- (hands, face, and head). Have patient warm
thesia, laryngospasm, myelosuppression, the air going into his lungs by wearing a
nausea, diarrhea, neurotoxicity. scarf or ski mask. Have him wear gloves
when touching cold objects (such as frozen
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS foods, door knobs, or mailboxes).
• Administer drug under the supervision of • Tell patient to contact prescriber imme-
a physician experienced in the use of cancer diately if he has trouble breathing or expe-
chemotherapeutic agents. riences signs and symptoms of an allergic
• Drug doesn’t require patient prehydration. reaction, such as rash, hives, swelling of lips
• Give antiemetic with or without dexam- or tongue, or sudden cough.
ethasone before drug to reduce nausea. • Tell patient to contact prescriber if
• Drug clearance is reduced in patients with fever, signs and symptoms of an infection,
renal impairment. Dosage adjustment for persistent vomiting, diarrhea, or signs and

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

1012 oxazepam

symptoms of dehydration (thirst, dry mouth, INTERACTIONS

light-headedness, and decreased urination) Drug-drug. CNS depressants: May
occur. increase CNS depression. Use together
SAFETY ALERT! Digoxin: May increase digoxin level and
risk of toxicity. Monitor patient closely.
oxazepam Drug-herb. Kava: May increase sedation.
ox-AZ-e-pam Discourage use together.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause
Novoxapam†, Oxpam† additive CNS effects. Discourage use
Therapeutic class: Anxiolytic
Pharmacologic class: Benzodiazepine EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
Pregnancy risk category D • May increase liver function test values.
Controlled substance schedule IV
AVAIL ABLE FORMS • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
Capsules: 10 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg to drug; in pregnant women, especially
in the first trimester; and in those with
➤ Alcohol withdrawal, severe anxiety • Use cautiously in elderly patients and in
Adults: 15 to 30 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. those with history of substance abuse or in
➤ Mild to moderate anxiety whom a decrease in blood pressure might
Adults and children older than age 12: 10 to lead to cardiac problems.
15 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. •H Overdose S&S: Drowsiness, confusion,
Elderly patients: Initially, 10 mg t.i.d.; lethargy, ataxia, hypotonia, hypotension,
cautiously increase to 15 mg t.i.d. to q.i.d. hypnotic state, stage 1 to 3 coma, death.
➤ Severe anxiety syndromes; agitation;
anxiety associated with depression NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Adults and children older than age 12: 15 to • Monitor hepatic, renal, and hematopoietic
30 mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. function periodically in patients receiving
repeated or prolonged therapy.
ADMINISTRATION Alert: Use of this drug may lead to abuse
P.O. and addiction. Don’t stop drug abruptly
• Give drug without regard for meals. because withdrawal symptoms may occur.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
AC TION oxazepam with oxaprozin.
May stimulate GABA receptors in the
ascending reticular activating system. PATIENT TEACHING
Route Onset Peak Duration
• Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities
P.O. Unknown 3 hr Unknown
that require alertness or good coordination
until effects of drug are known.
Half-life: 5 to 13 hours. • Tell patient to avoid use of alcohol while
taking drug.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • Notify patient that smoking may decrease
CNS: drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness, drug’s effectiveness.
vertigo, headache, syncope, tremor, slurred • Warn patient not to stop drug abruptly
speech, changes in EEG patterns. because withdrawal symptoms may occur.
CV: edema. • Warn women of childbearing age to avoid
GI: nausea. use during pregnancy.
Hepatic: hepatic dysfunction.
Skin: rash.
Other: altered libido.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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oxcarbazepine 1013

is 2,400 mg P.O. divided b.i.d. Withdraw

oxcarbazepine other anticonvulsant completely over 3 to
oks-car-BAZ-e-peen 6 weeks.
Children ages 4 to 16: Initially, 8 to
Trileptal 10 mg/kg daily P.O. divided b.i.d., while
reducing dose of concomitant anticonvul-
Therapeutic class: Anticonvulsant sant. Increase oxcarbazepine by a maximum
Pharmacologic class: Carboxamide of 10 mg/kg daily at weekly intervals to
derivative achieve the recommended daily dose shown
Pregnancy risk category C in the table. Withdraw other anticonvulsant
completely over 3 to 6 weeks.
AVAIL ABLE FORMS ➤ To start single-drug treatment of
Oral suspension: 300 mg/5 ml (60 mg/ml) partial seizures in patients with epilepsy
Tablets (film-coated): 150 mg, 300 mg, Adults: Initially, 300 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase
600 mg dosage by 300 mg daily every third day to a
daily dose of 1,200 mg divided b.i.d.
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES Children ages 4 to 16: Initially, 8 to
➤ Adjunctive treatment of partial 10 mg/kg daily P.O. divided b.i.d., increas-
seizures in patients with epilepsy ing the dosage by 5 mg/kg daily every third
Adults: Initially, 300 mg P.O. b.i.d. Increase day to the recommended daily dose range
by a maximum of 600 mg daily (300 mg shown in the table.
P.O. b.i.d.) at weekly intervals. Recom-
mended daily dose is 1,200 mg P.O. divided Recommended doses for monotherapy
b.i.d. Weight (kg) Dose (mg/day)
Children ages 4 to 16: Initially, 8 to
20 600–900
10 mg/kg daily P.O. divided b.i.d., not to 25 900–1,200
exceed 600 mg daily. The target mainte- 30 900–1,200
nance dose depends on patient’s weight and 35 900–1,500
should be divided b.i.d. If patient weighs 40 900–1,500
between 20 and 29 kg (44 and 64 lb), target 45 1,200–1,500 O
maintenance dose is 900 mg daily. If patient 50 1,200–1,800
weighs between 29 and 39 kg (64 and 86 lb), 55 1,200–1,800
target maintenance dose is 1,200 mg daily. 60 1,200–2,100
If patient weighs more than 39 kg (86 lb), 65 1,200–2,100
target maintenance dose is 1,800 mg daily. 70 1,500–2,100
Target doses should be achieved over
2 weeks. Adjust-a-dose: If creatinine clearance is less
Children ages 2 to 4: Initially, 8 to 10 mg/kg than 30 ml/minute, start therapy at 150 mg
P.O. daily divided b.i.d., not to exceed P.O. b.i.d. (one-half usual starting dose) and
600 mg daily. If patient weighs less than increase slowly to achieve desired response.
20 kg (44 lb), a starting dose of 16 to ➤ Alcohol withdrawal syndrome 
20 mg/kg may be considered. Maximum Adults: 600 to 1,800 mg P.O. in divided
maintenance dosage should be achieved doses for 6 weeks to 6 months.
over 2 to 4 weeks and shouldn’t exceed
60 mg/kg/day as a twice-daily regimen. ADMINISTRATION
➤ To change from multidrug to single- P.O.
drug treatment of partial seizures in • Shake suspension well.
patients with epilepsy • Mix suspension with water or give
Adults: Initially, 300 mg P.O. b.i.d., while directly from syringe.
reducing dose of concomitant anticonvul- • Suspension and tablets may be inter-
sant. Increase oxcarbazepine by a maximum changed at equal doses.
of 600 mg daily at weekly intervals over • Give drug without regard for food.
2 to 4 weeks. Recommended daily dose

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1014 oxcarbazepine

AC TION Phenobarbital: May decrease level of active

Thought to prevent seizure spread in the metabolite of oxcarbazepine; may increase
brain by blocking voltage-sensitive sodium phenobarbital level. Monitor patient closely.
channels, and to produce anticonvulsant Phenytoin: May decrease level of active
effects by increasing potassium conduction metabolite of oxcarbazepine; may increase
and modulating high-voltage activated phenytoin level in adults receiving high
calcium channels. doses of oxcarbazepine. Monitor phenytoin
Route Onset Peak Duration
level closely when starting therapy in these
P.O. Unknown Variable Unknown
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase
Half-life: About 2 hours for the drug; about 9 hours CNS depression. Discourage use together.
for the active metabolite. Children younger than
age 8 have a 30% to 40% increase in clearance.
ADVERSE REACTIONS • May decrease sodium and thyroxine
CNS: abnormal gait, ataxia, dizziness, levels.
fatigue, headache, somnolence, tremor,
vertigo, aggravated seizures, abnormal CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
coordination, agitation, amnesia, anxiety, • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
asthenia, confusion, emotional lability, feel- to drug or its components.
ing abnormal, fever, hypesthesia, impaired
concentration, insomnia, nervousness, NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
speech disorder. Alert: Between 25% and 30% of patients
CV: chest pain, edema, hypotension. with history of hypersensitivity reaction to
EENT: abnormal vision, diplopia, nystag- carbamazepine may develop hypersensiti-
mus, abnormal accommodation, ear pain, vities to oxcarbazepine. Ask patient about
epistaxis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. carbamazepine hypersensitivity and stop
GI: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, drug immediately if signs or symptoms of
rectal hemorrhage, anorexia, constipation, hypersensitivity occur.
diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, gastritis, Alert: Closely monitor all patients taking
taste perversion, thirst. or starting antiepileptic drugs for changes
GU: urinary frequency, UTI, vaginitis. in behavior indicating worsening of suicidal
Metabolic: hyponatremia, weight increase. thoughts or behavior or depression. Symp-
Musculoskeletal: back pain, muscular toms such as anxiety, agitation, hostility,
weakness. mania, and hypomania may be precursors to
Respiratory: upper respiratory tract infec- emerging suicidality.
tion, bronchitis, chest infection, coughing. Alert: Withdraw drug gradually to
Skin: acne, bruising, hot flashes, increased minimize potential for increased seizure
sweating, purpura, rash. frequency.
Other: allergic reaction, infection, lym- • Watch for signs and symptoms of
phadenopathy, toothache. hyponatremia, including nausea, malaise,
headache, lethargy, confusion, and de-
INTERACTIONS creased sensation.
Drug-drug. Carbamazepine, valproic • Monitor sodium level in patients receiving
acid, verapamil: May decrease level of oxcarbazepine for maintenance treatment,
active metabolite of oxcarbazepine. Monitor especially patients receiving other therapies
patient and level closely. that may decrease sodium levels.
Felodipine: May decrease felodipine level. • Oxcarbazepine use has been linked to
Monitor patient closely. several nervous system–related adverse
Hormonal contraceptives: May decrease reactions, including psychomotor slowing,
levels of ethinyl estradiol and levonorges- difficulty with concentration, speech or
trel, reducing hormonal contraceptive effec- language problems, somnolence, fatigue,
tiveness. Caution women of childbearing age and coordination abnormalities, such as
to use alternative forms of contraception. ataxia and gait disturbances.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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oxybutynin chloride 1015

PATIENT TEACHING Adults: 5 mg P.O. b.i.d. to t.i.d., to maximum

• Tell patient to take drug with or without of 5 mg q.i.d.
food. Children age 5 and older: 5 mg P.O. b.i.d., to
• Tell patient to contact prescriber before maximum of 5 mg t.i.d.
interrupting or stopping drug. ➤ Overactive bladder
• Advise patient to report signs and symp- Adults: Initially, 5 mg P.O. Ditropan XL
toms of low sodium in the blood, such as once daily. Dosage adjustments may be
nausea, malaise, headache, lethargy, and made weekly in 5-mg increments, as
confusion. needed, to maximum of 30 mg P.O. daily.
Alert: Multiorgan hypersensitivity reac- Or, apply one patch twice weekly to dry,
tions may occur. Tell patient to report fever intact skin on the abdomen, hip, or buttock.
and swollen lymph nodes to his prescriber. Or, 1 g topical gel once daily applied to dry,
Alert: Serious skin reactions, including intact skin on the abdomen, upper arms or
Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic shoulders, or thighs.
epidermal necrosis, can occur. Advise ➤ Symptoms of detrusor overactivity
patient to immediately report skin rashes to associated with a neurological condition
his prescriber. (e.g. spina bifida)
• Caution patient to avoid driving and other Children age 6 and older: 5 mg P.O.
potentially hazardous activities that require Ditropan XL once daily. May increase in
mental alertness until effects of drug are 5-mg increments, as needed, to maximum of
known. 20 mg P.O. daily.
• Instruct woman using hormonal contra-
ceptives to use alternative form of contra- ADMINISTRATION
ception while taking drug. P.O.
• Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking • Don’t crush extended-release tablets.
drug. • Give extended-release tablets without
• Advise patient to inform prescriber if regard for food.
he has ever experienced hypersensitivity Topical
reaction to carbamazepine. • Use immediately after sachets are opened.
• Apply to dry, intact skin on the abdomen, O
upper arms or shoulders, or thighs.
oxybutynin chloride • Rotate application sites.
ox-i-BYOO-ti-nin Transdermal
Ditropan, Ditropan XL, Gelnique, • Apply to dry, intact skin on the abdomen,
Oxytrol hip, or buttock.
• Avoid reapplication to the same site
Therapeutic class: Urinary within 7 days.
Pharmacologic class: Antimuscarinic AC TION
Pregnancy risk category B Relaxes smooth muscle of bladder by
antagonizing muscarinic receptors,
AVAIL ABLE FORMS relieving symptoms of overactive bladder.
Syrup: 5 mg/5 ml Route Onset Peak Duration
Tablets: 5 mg P.O. 30–60 min 3–4 hr 6–10 hr
Tablets (extended-release): 5 mg, 10 mg, P.O. (extended- Unknown 4–6 hr 24 hr
15 mg release)
Topical gel: 10% in 1-g sachets Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown
Transdermal patch: 36-mg patch delivering Transdermal 24–48 hr Varies 96 hr
3.9 mg/day Half-life: For tablets or oral solution, 2 to 3 hours;
for extended-release tablets, 12 to 13 hours; for
INDICATIONS & DOSAGES patch, 7 to 8 hours; for gel, 64 hours.
➤ Uninhibited or reflex neurogenic

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1016 oxybutynin chloride

ADVERSE REACTIONS with megacolon, urine or gastric retention,

CNS: dizziness, insomnia, restlessness, or obstructive uropathy.
hallucinations, asthenia, fever, headache. • Contraindicated in elderly or debilitated
CV: palpitations, tachycardia, vasodilation. patients with intestinal atony and in hemor-
EENT: mydriasis, cycloplegia, decreased rhaging patients with unstable CV status.
lacrimation, amblyopia, blurred vision, dry • Use cautiously in elderly, pregnant, or
eyes. breast-feeding patients and in those with
GI: constipation, dry mouth, nausea, autonomic neuropathy, reflux esophagitis,
vomiting, decreased GI motility. or hepatic or renal disease.
GU: urinary hesitancy, urine retention, • Extended-release form is not recom-
impotence. mended for children who can’t swallow the
Skin: rash, decreased diaphoresis. tablet whole without chewing, dividing, or
Other: suppression of lactation. crushing, or children under 6 years.
Transdermal patch • Use extended-release form cautiously in
CNS: fatigue, somnolence, headache. patients with bladder outflow obstruction,
CV: flushing. gastric obstruction, ulcerative colitis, in-
EENT: abnormal vision. testinal atony, myasthenia gravis, or gastroe-
GI: dry mouth, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sophageal reflux and in those taking drugs
nausea, flatulence. that worsen esophagitis (bisphosphonates).
GU: dysuria. •H Overdose S&S: Restlessness, tremors,
Musculoskeletal: back pain. irritability, seizures, delirium, hallucina-
Skin: pruritus, erythema, vesicles, macules, tions, flushing, fever, dehydration, cardiac
rash, burning at application site. arrhythmias, vomiting, urine retention,
hypotension or hypertension, respiratory
INTERACTIONS failure, paralysis, coma.
Drug-drug. Anticholinergics: May increase
anticholinergic effects. Use together cau- NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
tiously. • Before giving drug, get confirmation
Atenolol, digoxin: May increase levels of of neurogenic bladder by cystometry and
these drugs. Monitor drug levels closely. rule out partial intestinal obstruction in
CNS depressants: May increase CNS patients with diarrhea, especially those with
effects. Use together cautiously. colostomy or ileostomy.
CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as ketoconazole): • If patient has UTI, treat him with anti-
May alter oxybutynin concentration. Use biotics.
together cautiously. • Drug may aggravate symptoms of hyper-
Haloperidol: May decrease haloperidol thyroidism, coronary artery disease, heart
level. Monitor drug level closely. failure, arrhythmias, tachycardia, hyperten-
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May increase sion, or prostatic hyperplasia.
CNS effects. Discourage use together. • Obtain periodic cystometry as directed to
Exercise, hot weather: May cause heat- evaluate response to therapy.
stroke. Advise patient to use with caution in • Monitor patient for residual urine after
hot weather. voiding.
• Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS Ditropan with diazepam or Dithranol or
None reported. oxybutynin with Oxycontin.


• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Warn patient to avoid hazardous activities,
to drug or its components and in those with such as operating machinery or driving,
myasthenia gravis, GI obstruction, untreated until CNS effects of drug are known.
angle-closure glaucoma, megacolon, ady- • Caution patient that using drug during
namic ileus, severe colitis, ulcerative colitis very hot weather may cause fever or heat-
stroke because it suppresses sweating.

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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oxycodone hydrochloride 1017

• Tell patient to swallow Ditropan XL INDICATIONS & DOSAGES

whole and not to chew or crush it. ➤ Moderate to severe pain
• Instruct patient to measure syrup with a Adults: 5 to 30 mg immediate-release form
teaspoon. P.O. every 6 hours. Or, 5 mg oral concen-
• Advise patient to store drug in tightly trate solution every 6 hours p.r.n. and indi-
closed container at 59◦ to 86◦ F (15◦ to vidualize dosage. Or, one suppository P.R.
30◦ C). three to four times daily p.r.n.
• Instruct patient using transdermal patch ➤ Moderate to severe pain in patients not
to change patch twice a week and to choose currently receiving opioids, who need a
a new application site with each new patch continuous, around-the-clock analgesic
to avoid the same site within 7 days. Warn for an extended period of time
patient to only wear one patch at a time. Tell Adults: 10 mg controlled-release tablets P.O.
patient to dispose of old patches carefully in every 12 hours. May increase dose every
the trash in a manner that prevents acciden- 1 to 2 days as needed.
tal application or ingestion by children and Adjust-a-dose: For elderly patients and
pets. patients with hepatic impairment, decrease
• Tell patient using transdermal patch to initial starting dose by one-third to one-half.
keep patch in sealed pouch until imme-
diately before application, not to expose ADMINISTRATION
patch to sunlight, and to wear patch under P.O.
clothing. • To minimize GI upset, give drug after
• Tell patient to remove patch before under- meals or with milk.
going an MRI. Black Box Warning Swallow extended-
• Advise patient using topical gel to rotate release tablets whole.
application sites. Black Box Warning The 60- and 80-mg
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol while controlled-release tablets, or a single
taking drug. 40-mg dose, or a total daily dose of more
• Tell patient that drug may cause dry than 80 mg is limited to opioid-tolerant
mouth. patients.
• Patients taking the controlled-release O
SAFETY ALERT! form around-the-clock may need to take the
immediate-release form for worsening of
oxycodone hydrochloride pain or prevention of incident pain.
ox-i-KOE-done Rectal
• Chill wrapped suppository in refrigerator
ETH-Oxydose, M-Oxy, OxyContini, for 30 minutes or under cold running water
Roxicodone, Supeudol† if too soft to administer.

Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic AC TION

Pharmacologic class: Opioid Unknown. Binds with opioid receptors
Pregnancy risk category B in the CNS, altering perception of and
Controlled substance schedule II emotional response to pain.
Route Onset Peak Duration
AVAIL ABLE FORMS P.O. (immediate- 10–15 1 hr 3–6 hr
Capsules: 5 mg release) min
Oral solution: 5 mg/5 ml, 20 mg/ml P.O. (controlled- Unknown 21⁄2 hr 12 hr
Suppository: 10 mg†, 20 mg† release)
Tablets (controlled-release): 10 mg, 15 mg, P.R. Unknown Unknown Unknown
20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg Half-life: 2 to 3 hours; controlled-release,
Tablets (immediate-release): 5 mg, 10 mg, 4.5 hours.
15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

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1018 oxycodone hydrochloride

ADVERSE REACTIONS Black Box Warning Patients must be

CNS: clouded sensorium, dizziness, eupho- screened for increased risk of opioid abuse
ria, light-headedness, physical dependence, (personal or family history of substance
sedation, somnolence. abuse or mental illness) before being
CV: bradycardia, hypotension. prescribed opioids.
GI: constipation, nausea, vomiting, ileus. Black Box Warning Oxycodone controlled-
GU: urine retention. release tablets are indicated for the man-
Respiratory: respiratory depression. agement of moderate to severe pain, when a
Skin: diaphoresis, pruritus. continuous, around-the-clock opioid anal-
gesic is needed for an extended period of
INTERACTIONS time. They aren’t intended for use as as-
Drug-drug. Anticoagulants: Oxycodone needed analgesics.
hydrochloride products containing aspirin •H Overdose S&S: CNS depression, respi-
may increase anticoagulant effect. Monitor ratory depression, apnea, flaccid skeletal
clotting times. Use together cautiously. muscles, bradycardia, hypotension, circu-
CNS depressants, general anesthetics, latory collapse, cardiac arrest, respiratory
hypnotics, MAO inhibitors, other opioid arrest, death.
analgesics, sedatives, tranquilizers, tricyclic
antidepressants: May cause additive effects. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
Use together with caution. Reduce oxy- • Reassess patient’s level of pain at least
codone dose and monitor patient response. 15 and 30 minutes after administration.
CYP3A4 inhibitors such as azole antifun- • For full analgesic effect, give drug before
gals (ketoconazole), macrolide antibiotics patient has intense pain.
(erythromycin), protease inhibitors • Single-drug oxycodone solution or tablets
(ritonavir): May increase oxycodone level, are especially useful for patients who
increase or prolong adverse effects, and shouldn’t take aspirin or acetaminophen.
cause fatal respiratory depression. Care- • Monitor circulatory and respiratory
fully monitor patient over extended period status. Withhold dose and notify prescriber
of time and adjust oxycodone dosage as if respirations are shallow or if respiratory
needed. rate falls below 12 breaths/minute.
Drug-lifestyle. Alcohol use: May cause • Monitor patient’s bladder and bowel
additive effects. Discourage use together. patterns. Patient may need a stimulant
laxative because drug has a constipating
• May increase amylase and lipase levels. • For patients who are taking more than
60 mg daily, stop drug gradually to prevent
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive • Drug isn’t intended for as-needed use or
to drug. for immediate postoperative pain. Drug
• Contraindicated in known or suspected is indicated only for postoperative use if
paralytic ileus, significant respiratory de- patient was receiving it before surgery or if
pression, acute or severe bronchial asthma. pain is expected to persist for an extended
• Contraindicated in women immediately time.
before and during labor and delivery, and in Black Box Warning Drug is potentially
breast-feeding women. addictive and abused as much as morphine.
• Use with caution in elderly and debili- Chewing, crushing, snorting, or injecting it
tated patients and in those with head injury, can lead to overdose and death.
increased intracranial pressure, seizures, Black Box Warning All patients on opioids
asthma, COPD, prostatic hyperplasia, should be routinely monitored for signs
severe hepatic or renal disease, acute and symptoms of misuse, abuse, and
abdominal conditions, urethral stricture, addiction.
hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, and • OxyContin CR has been formulated
arrhythmias. to prevent immediate access to full-dose

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
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LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

oxymetazoline hydrochloride (intranasal) 1019

oxycodone by cutting, chewing, or breaking • Wait 1 to 2 minutes between sprays.

the tablet. Attempts to dissolve tablets will • Rinse tip of container with hot water and
result in a gummy substance that can’t be dry with a clean tissue.
drawn-up into a syringe or injected.
PATIENT TEACHING Thought to cause local vasoconstriction of
• Instruct patient to take drug before pain is dilated arterioles, reducing blood flow and
intense. nasal congestion.
• Tell patient to take drug with milk or after Route Onset Peak Duration
eating. Intranasal 5–10 min 6 hr <12 hr
Black Box Warning Tell patient to swallow
extended-release tablets whole. Half-life: Unknown.
• Caution ambulatory patient about getting
out of bed or walking. Warn outpatient to ADVERSE REACTIONS
avoid driving and other hazardous activities CNS: anxiety, dizziness, headache, insom-
that require mental alertness until drug’s nia, restlessness.
CNS effects are known. CV: CV collapse, hypertension, palpita-
• Advise patient to avoid alcohol use during tions.
therapy. EENT: dryness of nose and throat, in-
• Tell patient not to stop drug abruptly. creased nasal discharge, rebound nasal
congestion or irritation, sneezing, stinging.
Other: systemic effects in children.
hydrochloride (intranasal) INTERACTIONS
ox-i-met-AZ-oh-leen None significant.

Afrin , Dristan 12 Hour Nasal , EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS

Duration , Genasal , Nasal None reported.
Relief , Neo-Synephrine 12 Hour
Sinus Congestion , Vicks Sinex  • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug and in children younger than age 6.
Therapeutic class: Decongestant • Use cautiously in patients with hyperthy-
Pharmacologic class: Sympathomimetic roidism, cardiac disease, hypertension, or
Pregnancy risk category C diabetes mellitus.
• Use cautiously in those with difficulty
AVAIL ABLE FORMS urinating because of an enlarged prostate.
Nasal solution: 0.05%  •H Overdose S&S: Hypertension, bradycar-
dia, drowsiness, rebound hypotension.
Adults and children age 6 and older: 2 to • Monitor patient for rebound congestion or
3 sprays of 0.05% solution in each nostril systemic effects.
b.i.d. Don’t use for more than 3 days. • Don’t give to children younger than age 6.


Intranasal • Teach patient how to use drug.
• Don’t exceed two doses in a 24-hour • Caution patient not to share drug because
period. this could spread infection.
• Have patient sit upright and tilt head back • Tell patient not to exceed recommended
slightly. dosage and to use only when needed.
• Have patient occlude opposite nostril • Inform patient that prolonged use may
during administration. result in rebound congestion.

†Canada OTC Off-label use i Photoguide *Liquid contains alcohol.

P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

1020 oxymetazoline hydrochloride (ophthalmic)

Alert: Warn patient that excessive use may hyperemia with excessive doses or pro-
cause slow or rapid heart rate, high blood longed use.
pressure, dizziness, and weakness. Other: trembling.

oxymetazoline Drug-drug. Anesthetics: Cyclopropane and
hydrochloride (ophthalmic) halothane may sensitize the myocardium
ox-i-met-AZ-oh-leen to sympathomimetics; local anesthetics
may increase the absorption of topical
OcuClear , Visine L.R.  drugs. Monitor patient for increased adverse
Therapeutic class: Vasoconstrictor Beta blockers: May cause more systemic
Pharmacologic class: Direct-acting adverse effects. Monitor patient for adverse
sympathomimetic amine systemic effects.
Pregnancy risk category C MAO inhibitors, maprotiline, tricyclic
antidepressants: If significant systemic
AVAIL ABLE FORMS absorption of oxymetazoline occurs, use
Ophthalmic solution: 0.025% together may increase pressor effect of
oxymetazoline. Avoid using together.
➤ Relief from eye redness caused by EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS
minor eye irritation None reported.
Adults and children age 6 and older: Instill
1 to 2 drops in affected eye every 6 hours, as CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS
needed. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive
to drug or its components and in those with
ADMINISTRATION angle-closure glaucoma.
Ophthalmic • Use cautiously in patients with hyperthy-
• Don’t use if solution has become cloudy roidism, cardiac disease, hypertension, eye
or changed color. disease, infection, or injury.
• Apply light finger pressure on lacrimal sac
for 1 minute after drug instillation. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
• Don’t touch tip of dropper to any surface. • Rebound congestion and conjunctivitis
may occur with frequent or prolonged use.
AC TION • Look alike–sound alike: Don’t confuse
Acts on alpha-adrenergic receptors in the Visine with Visken.
arterioles of the conjunctiva to produce
vasoconstriction, resulting in decreased PATIENT TEACHING
conjunctival congestion. • Teach patient how to instill drops.
Route Onset Peak Duration
Advise him to wash hands before and
Ophthalmic 5 min Unknown 6 hr
after instillation, and warn him not to touch
tip of dropper to eye or surrounding tissue.
Half-life: Unknown. • Instruct patient to apply light finger pres-
sure on lacrimal sac for 1 minute after drug
CNS: headache, insomnia, light- • Advise patient to stop drug and con-
headedness, nervousness. sult prescriber if eye pain occurs, if vision
CV: irregular heartbeat, palpitations, tachy- changes, or if redness or irritation con-
cardia. tinues, worsens, or lasts for longer than
EENT: transient stinging on first instilla- 72 hours.
tion, blurred vision, increased intraocular
pressure, keratitis, lacrimation, reactive

Reactions may be common, uncommon, life-threatening, or COMMON AND LIFE-THREATENING.

Interaction may have a rapid onset or delayed onset.
P1: NAI Printer: RRD
LWBK786-O LWBK786-Drug NDH2012 & Disease LWBK786-Drug2012 February 17, 2011 1:18

oxymorphone hydrochloride 1021

SAFETY ALERT! Black Box Warning ER tablets aren’t for

as-needed use.
oxymorphone hydrochloride I.V.
ox-i-MOR-fone  Assess respiratory status before giving.

Withhold dose and notify prescriber if

Opana, Opana ER respirations are shallow or rate falls below
12 breaths/minute.
Therapeutic class: Opioid analgesic  If necessary, dilute drug in normal saline

Pharmacologic class: Opioid solution.

Pregnancy risk category C; D if used for  Give drug by direct I.V. injection.

prolonged periods or high doses at term

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