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Scout Promise

Since the publication of Scouting for Boys in 1908, all Scouts and Guides around the world have taken a Scout (or Guide) promise or oath to live up to ideals of the movement, and subscribed to a Scout Law. The wording of the Scout Promise (or Oath) and Scout Law have varied slightly over time and from country to country. Some national organization promises are given below. Although most Scouting and Guiding organizations use the word 'promise', a few such as the Boy Scouts of America tend to use 'oath' instead. Typically, Scouts and Guides will make the three-fingered Scout Sign when reciting the promise. Original 1908 In his original book on boy scouting, Baden-Powell introduced the Scout Promise, as follows:[1] Before he becomes a scout, a boy must take the scout's oath, thus:

On my honour I promise that--I will do my duty to God and the King. I will do my best to help others, whatever it costs me. I know the scout law, and will obey it. While taking this oath the scout will stand, holding his right hand raised level with his shoulder, palm to the front, thumb resting on the nail of the digitus minimus (little finger) and the other three fingers upright, pointing upwards:--This is the scout's salute and secret sign. World Organization of the Scout Movement requirements The form of the promise has varied slightly from country to country and over time, but must fulfill the requirements of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) to qualify a National Scout Organization for membership. Together with clarifying itsScout Law, the Constitution of WOSM states: Article II, paragraph 2: "Adherence to a Promise and Law" All members of the Scout Movement are required to adhere to a Scout Promise and Law reflecting, in language appropriate to the culture and civilization of each National Scout Organization and approved by the World Organization, the principles of Duty to God, Duty to others and Duty to self, and inspired by the Promise and Law conceived by the Founder of the Scout Movement in the following terms: The Scout Promise

On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and the King (or to God and my Country) To help other people at all times and To obey the Scout Law. In order to accommodate many different religions within Scouting, "God" may refer to a higher power, and is not specifically restricted to the God of the monotheistic religions. The WOSM Constitution explains "Duty to God" as "Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting therefrom." The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), which is a sister organization to WOSM, has the very same wording in their constitution (Part I, Article 2: Original Promise), and follows similar policies. Alternative promises Although the Constitution of WOSM states that the Promise should include a reference to Duty to God, six countries (Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Finland) were granted the right in the 1920s by Lord Baden-Powell to additionally use an alternative promise without a reference to God. Three of these countries still offer this alternative promise (France, the Netherlands and Czech Republic), where others have abandoned it. WOSM stated in 1932 that no new exceptions would be made and expressed the hope that the few remaining countries would stop using any promise lacking a reference to Duty to God. The Israeli Scouts, though founded in 1919/1920, and joining WOSM in 1951 and WAGGGS in 1963, also have no 'duty to God' or apparent equivalent in their promise. In 1969, the Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs isralites de France decided to abandon the triple promise of Baden-Powell because the explicit reference to "God" is not satisfactory from a Jewish perspective. The word God (Dieu) poses also problems, because etymologically it comes from Zeus, which makes it inappropriate in Jewish texts of thought or education, where all pagan references must be banished. Non-WOSM Scouting Scout sections that follow traditional Scouting, such as Baden-Powell Scouts within the World Federation of Independent Scouts, use several promises including the original Scout promise above that includes the reference to God. Some, however, for example the 1st Tarrant Scout Group in Fort Worth, Texas use a blend of the original promise and the "Outlander Promise" which, "according to tradition", B-P wrote for Scouts that had to omit the reference to God or a monarch for reasons of conscience. Many of these are translations from the native languages of a particular organization and translations of the same words by different people can vary.

Boy Scouts of the Philippines Boy and Senior Scouts On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, the Republic of the Philippines and to obey the Scout law. To help other people at all times, To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight KAB Scouts On my honor, I will do my best to love God and my country, the Republic of the Philippines, to do a good turn daily and to obey the Scout law Girl Scouts of the Philippines On my honor i will do my duty To God & my country To help other people at all times & to live by the Girl Scout Law

The Scout Law

A Scout is Trustworthy. A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can always depend on him. A Scout is Loyal. A Scout is true to his family, friends. Scout Leaders, school, nation, and world community. A Scout is Helpful. A Scout is concerned about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward. A Scout is Friendly. A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs that are different from his own. A Scout is Courteous. A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that good manners make it easier for people to get along together.

A Scout is Kind. A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not harm nor kill any living creature needlessly but will strive to save and protect all harmless life. A Scout is Obedient. A Scout follows the rules of his family, school and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them. A Scout is Cheerful. A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy. A Scout is Thrifty. A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses his time and property. A Scout is Brave. A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him. A Scout is Clean. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean. A Scout is Reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

The Scout Uniform

The Scout uniform gives the Scouts and Scouters a sense of belonging to a worldwide organization. The uniform of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines today, has become a national symbol of young boys trained to meet the responsibilities of their duty to GOD and Country, to Others, and to Self. The Boy Scouts of the Philippines is the largest uniformed volunteer organization in the country. Scout and Scouters are nationally recognized and accepted. We, in Scouting today, have inherited the tradition of a uniform that stands for good character, responsible citizenship, and selfless service. It is our responsibility to safeguard this tradition and to hand it down stronger and more honorable than ever to the next generation of Scouts and Scouters. What the Uniform Means First of all, the Uniform makes you feel that you are a member of our movement that you belong to a world-wide brotherhood of young people numbering millions. Everywhere you go, if you wear the Scout Uniform, you will find Scout friends. This gives you a feeling of comfort and ease.

Second, whenever and wherever you wear the Uniform, it proclaims you as a person of character. The Uniform symbolizes our Scout Oath, our Law, our Daily Good Turn habit, and the Ideals of our Movement. If you are to wear it, be sure to wear it with honor. Third, the Scout Uniform stands for Preparedness. An accident occurs, a crowd gathers around. No one knows just what to do. A uniformed Scout steps quietly forward. The crowd lets him through, for he is supposed to know what to do in an emergency. He administers first aid and slips away, probably without his name being known. The Scout uniform quietly says that hero is a fellow who is ready to be helpful to other people at all times. Why is it that Scouts are expected to do these things? Because Service is synonymous with Scouting. Laging Handa is Scout Motto . No matter what nationality or race or religion a Scout belongs to, he is a brother to every other Scout. Fourth, the uniform is a symbol of democracy. In Scouting, young people stand shoulder to shoulder regardless of social standing. The son of a governor or that of a wealthy man becomes equal of a laborers son in Scouting. Both pledged to give the same service; both are sworn to the same Oath and Law; and wear the same uniform. Poverty or social position is no hindrance to the acquisition of advancement badges and insignia of labor. And lastly, the Uniform stands for Outdoor life. The color and design of the shirt, the pants, the neckerchief, the stockings, the shoes, and the hat, are suggestive of the outdoors. Khaki blends beautifully with the color of the outdoors. The reddish brown color of th neckerchief symbolizes the iron rich soil of the Philippines and its tropical environment which remains a great challenge for Scouts to conquer, conserve and preserve. Comfortable short pants, the short-sleeved shirt, afford freedom of movement and ease of motion. It is just the type of uniform an outdoorsman will want to wear. Furthermore, the many features of open-ness in the Uniform point to Scouts honesty and trustworthiness. The shorts, pants and the short-sleeved-shirt with collar personify the spirit of a true Scout always open and on the level, ever honest and ever deserving of trust. When to Wear the Uniform There is ONLY ONE WAY TO WEAR the Scout Uniform CORRECT WAY. Study the illustrations and use them as your guide. The Scout Uniform is worn on the following occasions: In all activities of the Unit (meetings, hikes, camps, rallies, camporees, jamborees/jamborettes, etc.); During special religious services services for Scouts and Scouters; When appearing for advancement before a Board of Review or a Court of Honor; and

When prescribed for official and/or special Scouting activities. When NOT to Wear the Uniform When soliciting funds or engaged in any selling, marketing or promotional campaign, or in any commercial venture not related to Scouting (This does not however, forbid Scouts in uniform from selling tickets for Scouts benefit shows, rallies, and similar Scouting events); When engaged in any endeavor/activity of a political party; When appearing professionally on stage, in motion pictures, or modeling without specific authority from the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines; When taking part in parades, except for the purpose of rendering service as a Scout/er or when representing officially the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and; When one ceases to be a Scout/er through failure to register; or leaves the Scout Movement for any other reason.


Scouts of the National Scout Organizations wear uniforms made of different materials and designs. But there is one feature of the scout uniform that is universal in use. This item is the neckerchief. It is the distinguishing feature of Scout Uniforms all over the world. You may encounter boys and/or adult wearing light brown shirts and off-shade of brown pants, but you cannot really set them apart as Scouts unless they wear a neckerchief. Any boy or adult who wears a neckerchief is presumed to be a Scout. Uses The neckerchief is a handy item in ones equipment. In fact it serves many practical purposes. It ca be used as a tourniquet and a bandage. In the absence of a hat, it sometimes serves to protect the head form the heat of the sun. During cold evenings, Scouts sit around the campfire with neckerchief slides pulled close to the neck. During emergencies in the forest, and when you are in need of signal flags, neckerchiefs admirably come to the rescue. In the absence of ropes, neckerchiefs may also be joined together to be used as one. The official neckerchief slide is is the form of a wooden Carabao head. The carabao is an animal of burden which is so valuable, an asset to the Filipino farmer in plowing and harrowing the rice fields and in transporting farm produce to market. It

characteristics are representative of the qualities and values which is highly appreciated by Filipinos. Thus, it is regarded as the national animal of the Philippines. This characteristic also typifies what B.P. calls good character in a person, one who uses his full potential to render selfless service to all. To a Filipino, the carabao is a symbol of humility, patience, industry, strength, and persistence, characteristics which are held highly by every Filipino. Its ability to adapt to varying circumstances and which enables it to accomplish its task is reminiscent of the courage of the Filipino to face and triumph over insurmountable odds for the greater good of all. Being a gentle lovable animal, the carabao exemplifies the Filipinos kindness, friendliness and hospitality. The slide is made of soft wood taken from the branch of a santol tree (Sandoricum Koetjape). It could also be taken from farm wood trees. . The fruit of which is golden in appearance when ripe, and its pulp is nutritiously delicious. The roots of this tree grow deep into the earth that makes it stand firm against the wind and it has crown that provides shade and coolness for the tired traveller and worker. These qualities make the tree stand for gentleness of character of a Filipino in his relationship and for the firmness by which he stands in order to uphold what is right, just,and true. In response to environmental preservation efforts, BSP uses recycled, plastic bold cast (PBC) materials in its carabao slide. How to Wear the Neckerchief First, roll the long edge upon over itself evenly in several flat folds leaving about 6 inches form the apex of the neckerchief. The place it high around the neck and draw the neckerchief slide up over the ends and adjust to fit snugly. The slide is one first distance from the chin. Fix the two ends of your neckerchief below th slide in even rolls.

The Birth and Development of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines

Scouting was introduced in the Philippines by the Americans as early as 1910. However, the earliest recorded all-Filipino troop was organized in Zamboanga by a young second lieutenant by the name of Sherman L. Kiser through the sponsorship of Mrs. Caroline S. Spencer, an American widow who was in the Philippines to do works of charity with the people of Sulu in 1914. The troop was composed of 26 Muslim boys and was known as the Lorillard Spencer Troop in honor of Mrs. Spencer's son who was an active Scout in the U.S.A.

In 1923, the Philippine Council BSA was formed through the efforts of the Rotary Club of Manila mainly to launch Scouting as a nationwide movement and provide guidance to the troops which had been independently organized throughout the country. Eventually, through the issuance of Commonwealth Act No. 111 by then President Manuel L. Quezon on October 31, 1936, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines was established as a public corporation tasked to, according to Section 3 of the law: "to promote through organization and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in Scout craft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues, using the methods which are in common use by Boy Scouts." From the early troops in 1914, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines prides itself today as one of the largest Scout organizations in the world, in terms of the number of Scouts against the number of young people of Scouting age, with over 2 million members nationwide. Introduction Any attempt to write the history of Scouting in the Philippines must perforce be gin with the impressive milestones because there are many of them to describe the long road that the Movement has traveled to grow in size and reputation and become, in the words of President Fidel v. Ramos, the chief Scout, a powerful process for youth development. The election of Atty. Francisco S. Roman as Chairman of the World Scout Committee is one such milestone. Coming as it did during the 34th World Scout Conference held in Oslo, Norway, on July 8-12 , 1996, Atty Roman's triumph thrust the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to the limelight in time to add glitter to the celebration of the 60th year of Diamond Jubilee of its founding. With Atty. Roman, a former National President of the BSP and later its International Commissioner, at the helm of the World Scout Committee, a Filipino once again presides over the highest governing body of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) with a membership now exceeding 30 million boys and adult leaders in more than 150 countries. President Ramos, a Life Member of the BSP, was quick to recognize the significance of this development. In a message to the new top World Scout official, the President said this is truly a fine tribute to your own dynamic involvement in the Scouting movement as it is a reflection of the growing globality of the Filipino, as well as the respect, admiration and confidence that our country has gained in the international community.

Atty. Roman repeated the achievement of the late Antonio c. Delgado, a businessman and a Rotarian like himself, who became the first World Scout Committee Chairman form Asia 25 years ago, during the 23rd World Scout Conference held in Tokyo, Japan, on August 12-17, 1971. Delgado was then the BSP Vice President for International Affairs. Three other Filipinos have had this rare distinction of being elected members of the World Scout Committee, namely, Jorge B. Vargas (at the 13th International Conference held in Australia in 1951, Dr. Mariano V. De los Santos (at the 16tth International Confer ence in 1957) and H.B. Reyes (at the 18th International Conference held in Portugal in 1961). The International Committee at present called the World Scout Committee, was formed by the founder of Scouting, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, during the first Biennial Conference that he called in 1920 to establish a management structure and provide direction to the Scout units that as early as that time were already mushrooming all over the world. One other distinction for which Philippine Scouting is known is its immense size. With its school-based membership constantly between 2.5 and 2.6 million boys, the BSP has been for many years the largest Scouting organization in Asia and the second in the world. The situation may soon change, however, with the approval in Oslo of a reduced fee system for Third World countries and the news about a sudden surge in membership of the Gerakan Pramuka in Indonesia as a result. Still, the BSP is expected to remain one of the three largest National Scout Associations in the world. As a measure of the prestige that the BSP enjoyed and continues to enjoy in the international community, the Philippines hosted the 10thWorld Jamboree in 1959, the first time that a World Jamboree was held in Asia. The Philippines was the site also of the First Asia-Pacific Jamboree in 1973 , as well as the the 12th Asia Pacific Jamboree in 1991 of which President Ramos, at that time the Secretary of National Defense, was Chairman of the Organizing Committee. The Philippines likewise hosted the fist ASEAN Jamboree in 1993 with President Ramos again as the moving spirit behind the project. In recognition of his outstanding service to Scouting, President Ramos received the Bronze Wolf medal, the highest and only international medal given by WOSM in 1955. The first Filipino to receive the coveted award was Jorge B. Vargas, who was the BSP President from 1949 to 1961, followed by Gabriel A. Daza, who was President from 1961 to 1968, and Atty. Roman, who received the award following his stint as Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee(1989-1992). Roman received the award during the 33rd World Scout conference held in Bangkok in 1993, at which time he was also elected member of the World Scout Committee.

Another distinctive feather in the cap of Philippine Scouting came in 1956 when the Philippines was selected the seat of the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Headquarters that has since been providing direction and guidance to more than half of the world's Scout population. The 40th Anniversary of that event was celebrated in Malacanang on July 24, 1996 with President Ramos receiving the Asia-Pacific Regional Award for Distinguished Service form the officials of the Regional Committee. The Asia-Pacific Scout Region has grown from 10 countries with 1.2 million members in 1956 to 23 countries with 18 million members today. The First Regional Chairman was a Filipino, Dr. Mariano V. de los Santos, then the President of the University of Manila, while the first Executive Commissioner was Guillermo R. Padolina, another Filipino. Predictably, the First Far East Regional conference was held in Baguio city in 1958. It was no wonder that Atty. Roman's predecessor in the World Scout Committee, Neil M. Westaway of Australia, was moved to say, while on a visit to the Philippines in 1995, that growth and development of the BSP is one of the great success stories of World Scouting. There are three ways of reckoning the beginning of Scouting in the Philippines, each one of which could be a legitimate cause for celebration. If the existence of Boy Scouts in the Philippines is the basis, there are accounts that cannot be disputed that there were Scouts in the country soon after the establishment of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910. There are records about an all-Muslim troop that was formed in Zamboanga on November 15, 1914. However, the formation of the early Scout units was generally sporadic, done without formal direction mostly by American soldiers working under the new colonial government at the time. The formal introduction of Scouting in the Philippines actually took place in 1923 with the establishment of the Philippine Council of the Boy Scouts of America under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Manila. There was a big celebration of the 50th year or Golden Anniversary of that event in 1973. Indeed, 1923 marked the launching of Scouting on a nationwide scale and is acknowledged as the formal establishment of the Scouting organization in the country. Still, there is a third point of reckoning and this was the establishment of the the Boy Scouts of the Philippines following the signing of Commonwealth Act No. 111 in 1936. This marked the emancipation , the declaration of independence, as it were, of Philippine Boy Scouts from the BSA. The Early Years

And yet to be correct, the history of Scouting in the Philippines must go back to the beginning of the American occupation of the islands, which make it one of the oldest in the world. This is supported by a wealth of information about the history of Scouting in the Philippines in a book written by Mr. Alfonso J. Aluit entitled A Bequest of Hope in 1973. Lord Baden-Powell launched the Scouting Movement when he brought 20 boys to Brownsea Island off the southern coast of England for the first Boy Scout camp in August 1907. The Movement reached the United States with the formal incorporation of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910. There are accounts that say that the Americans took steps to bring Scouting to the Philippines incident to the colonization of the country after 1910 and that, in fact, there were Boy Scout units in Manila by 1912. These accounts are believable because the U.S. government in those times was engaged in pacification campaign here in the aftermath of the bloody Philippine-American war. These accounts are contained in a book entitled The Boy Scout Story, which is about the beginning of Scouting in America by Wm. Charles Ousler published in 1955. The book recalls that at one meeting of the BSA committee on Organization, a report was submitted stating that Scoutmasters have been enrolled approximating 2,500 (from) 44 States in the Union and our two dependencies, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Another references to the Philippines in the book was about the first meeting of the BSA National Council in Washington in 1911. The book quoted the BSA Executive Secretary, Dr. James E. West, as announcing the formation of troops not only in continental United States but also in Puerto Rico, Honolulu and Manila. Dr. West ran the BSA for 32 years from 1911 to 1943. These statements, while sketchy, were confirmed by disclosures across the Atlantic by Lord Baden-Powell himself. The venerable founder of the Movement wrote an article in the July 27, 1912 issue of The Scout, a magazine of the British Scout Association, about a trip he made to the Philippines in the summer of that year. By then he had retired from the British Army, where he emerged as the most celebrated officer at the time, to devote his full time to Scouting. Baden-Powell described the Philippines and Filipinos in detail in his article. At one point,he observed, Filipinos are very fond of music, and almost every boy would (try to) get our Musician's Badge. And when he came to describing Philippine products like coconut, hemp, sugar and tobacco, the old warrior added. But there are also some still more important products in Manila and other neighboring towns. I think I need scarcely tell you, these are Boy Scouts.

These 1912 article carried a sub-heading Boy Scouts of the Philippines, full 24 years before the BSP came into being. Baden-Powell went on to tell about a fire in Manila that rendered 3,000 people homeless and how delighted he was by what he was told about the incident. He said, Two patrols of the Manila Boy Scouts reached the fire almost with the firemen, reported to the proper authorities, and worked for hours under very trying conditions... He said they performed cheerfully, and efficiently all the tasks given by the firemen and the Scoutmaster. He identified the Scoutmaster as Mr. Elwood Brown of YMCA Manila. Mr. Aluit said what is established by Baden-Powell's story is that by 1912 there was a Boy Scout troop functioning in Manila. What is not known is whether they were Filipino or American boys. The same Mr. Brown and other American names were mentioned later by the late Atty. William H. Quasha in his own recollection of the beginning of Scouting in the Philippines. Quasha, an American who died only this year at age 82 following a brilliant ca reer as a legal luminary, philanthropist, and Scouter, confirmed that as early s 1910 these Americans who were living in the Philippines commenced Boy Scout troops here and encouraged their growth.

The First Filipino Troop There are very few actual accounts of the early Scouting activities in the Philippines. One of these few documented stories was the formation of an all-Muslim troop in Zamboanga in 1914. The story is documented not only in pictures and the account of the organizer himself but also in actual interviews with the two surviving members of that troop in 1973. Those interviews, done by two Scouters Antonio T. Uy of Davao and Armando Puno of Zamboanga are contained in an article they wrote in a commemorative issue of the Philippine Scouting magazine in 1973. The setting for the formation of the all-Muslim troop was the early years of the American occupation when American soldiers were all over the country to quell the remaining pockets of rebellion after the Philippine-American war. The initiative to form a troop, according to Messr. Uy and Puno, came from Mrs. Caroline S. Spencer, an American widow who was in the Philippines o do works of charity with the natives of Sulu. Assigned to arrange for her transportation and accompany her during her trips to various islands in the archipelago was a young second lieutenant by the name of Sherman L. Kiser.

In one of their trips, Mrs. Spencer noticed small boys wandering aimlessly and she wondered aloud about having someone to worry about having someone to worry about providing direction direction to their lives. She suggested to Lt. Kiser to form a Boy Sout troop and they discussed the matters seriously. It was natural for Mrs. Spencer to suggest this because her son, Lorrilard Spencer, Jr., was active in Scouting in the United States. Unfortunately, Lt. Kiser was soon reassigned to Zamboanga and Mrs. Spencer herself had to return to the U.S. And so the plan to form a troop in Sulu did not materialize. However, Lt. Kiser decided to carry out the plan in Zamboanga. Because he saw there are same problem situation involving boys of Scouting age. He formed troops of 26 boys, all Muslims, and the community responded enthusiastically. Lt. Kiser wrote later that when Mrs. Spencer heard about the good news, she sent enough money to buy uniforms and construct a headquarters for the boys. And so, as far as the Philippine Scouting history goes, the first recorded Filipino Boy Scout troop was formed in Zamboanga on November 15, 1914, the date the boys took their oath before Lt. Kiser. It was called Lorillard Spencer Troop, after the son of Mrs. Spencer. On the basis of the names of the members of the troop kept by Lt. Kiser, who wrote about the troop later as retired army colonel, Scouters Uy and Puno launched an unbelievable search for survivors in 1973. They found two of them Abdurahman Indasan Amping, who was then 74 years old and an imam (priest) in Zamboanga, and Datu Pangilan Abtahi, 72 a retired school teacher and chief of police in Davao province. Amping and Abtahi vividly recalled the excitement about the new thing that came to their lives in 1914 and remembered going to camping and hiking, including the skills that they learned like knot tying and producing fire by rubbing pieces of bamboo together. Lt. Kiser had good reason to be proud of his achievement. Amping and Abtahi ,together with three other survivors who surfaced subsequently were special guests at the First Asia-Pacific Regional Jamboree held at Mt. Makiling, Los Banos, Laguna in 1973. There are other accounts that mention the formation of other troops elsewhere,including the Corregidor where Lt. Kiser was assigned later, but there are no record or details of these. One exception is the story about a troop that was formed in Boac, Marinduque by 16-year old Celso Mirafuente in 1922 on the basis of a BSA handbook and clippings of Boys Life magazine that came into his possession. There is no question that the troop existed. In fact, according to Mt. Aluit, the BSP made this patent when it presented an award to Mirafuente in 1954 as a pioneer Scouter in the province of Marinduque.

Scouting in the Philippines Today

The BSP Family THE BSP FAMILY Membership in the Boy Scouts of the Philippines is designed with five sections for five specific age groups: SECTION / AGES / FOCUS OF ACTIVITIES

KID Scouting* / (4-5 years old Kinder 1 and 2) / The Individual KAB Scouting** / (6-9, Grade 1-3) / The Home and Institution Boy Scouting / (10-12, Grade 4-6) / Outdoors & Community Senior Scouting / (13-17, High School) / Outdoors Rover Scouting / (16-24) / Service-Oriented Projects/Activities (for young men and women) * KID - Kabataang Imumulat Diwa ** KAB - Kabataang Alay sa Bayan BSP's Pride BSP is one of the largest Scout organizations in the world today (after Gerakan Pramuka of Indonesia and the Boy Scouts of America, first and second, respectively) and is one of the world's National Scout Associations having the highest penetration rate (Scout density), with one Scout out of two boys of Scouting age enrolled in the Scouting program. Two Filipinos have had the honor to serve as Chairman of the World Scout Committee, the executive body of the World Organization of the Scout Movement; and . BSP National President Jejomar C. Binay is a member of the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee, while other Filipino Scout officials are now holding important posts in the Asia-Pacific Regional SubCommittees TOTAL MEMBERSHIP (as of June 2008): 2,069,115 KID Scouts: 43,186 KAB Scouts: 728,310 BOY Scouts: 755,139

SENIOR Scouts: 380,604 ROVER Scouts: 13,222 SCOUTERS: 107,115 LAY LEADERS: 41,539 SCOUT POTENTIAL: 8,815,232 SCOUT MEMBERSHIP: GOAL 2,689,358 The Scout Sign How executed. The Scout Sign is made with the right hand palm forward with forefinger, middle and ring finger pointed upward, the thumb folded over the little finger. The forearm forms a right angle with the upper arm which is horizontally in line with the shoulder. Its meaning. The three fingers pointing upward indicate th three parts of the Scout Oath, the same meaning as the three components of the Scout trefoil. They also signify that a Scout reaches upward to bigger and nobler ideals. The joined thumb and little fingers joined together represent the unity of the Scouting movement and symbolize the bond of brotherhood that binds all Scouts of the world together. Its uses. The Scout sign is used by Scouts when he makes a solemn pledge, while reciting the Scout Oath and Law, as well as the Panunumpa sa Watawat. It is also used as a greeting of recognition sign among Scouts and Scouters all over the world. The Scout Handshake Scouts all over the world use the Scout Handshake. Scouts everywhere greet each other with a warm left handshake. Using it makes one feel that he belongs to the world of brotherhood of Scouting and that he is one among the millions of Scouts in various parts of the world dedicated to the same ideal of service. A Scout shakes hands with another Scout with the left hand. The grandson of an Ashanti Chief who fought against B-P told this story of the origin of the Scout left handshake. When the Chief surrendered to B-P, the latter extended his right hand as a token of friendship. The Ashanti Chief however, insisted on shaking with the left hand, explaining, "the bravest of the brave shake hands with the left hand, because in order to do so, they must throw away their greatest protection, their shield." Thus Scouts and Pathfinders shake hands with the left hand as proof of their good faith and true friendliness. The Scout Badge

The Scout Badge figure came from the French fleur-de-lis (Lily Flower) in which it is most visible in all European logo as well as those who are inspired by the Mythologies. The Badge is divided into two (2) parts: 1. The Scroll (Symbolizes the smile of a scout) 2. The Trefoil (Symbolizes the 3 duties of a scout.

-Duty to God, Duty to others and Duty to self. The 3 stars represents Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao as well as Truth, Faith and Knowledge respectively. The stars under which we sleep or hike on during camping. The Sun as a whole represents Liberty and Freedom. The 8 rays of the sun represents the first 8 provinces (Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga, Batangas, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Cavite and Laguna) that fought against the Spanish Rule. The color Red represents Courage, Bravery, Heroism, for the blood of those who died for our country while the color Blue stands for Peace, Justice and Noble Ideas. The color White stands for Purity and the Equilateral Triangle based on the hoist side represents Equality. The Single Band in the trefoil means World Brotherhood. The Scroll is like the mouth of a smiling scout, showing that a Scout is Cheerful. The Scout Motto is written in the Scroll. The Overhand Knot tied at the bottom represents Our Scout Slogan, Do a Good Turn Daily.

The Scout Spirit

The Scout Ideals as contained in the Scout Oath and Law presents a code for living and a standard of conduct that must be observed by all members of the Scouting movement. Scout spirit is living everyday in accordance with our Scout Ideals. You show it in the way you act and the things you say and do in Scouting as well as in your daily life. Spiritual Training Spiritual training is an important element in the training of Scouts. Without it all training in knowledge and skills are of little value. The best time in life to instill love of God and of fellowmen is while we are still young. Boys, at heart, can enter more easily than grown-ups into

the spiritual realm when provided with such opportunities. Informally, the Scout's outdoor experiences and his contact with nature introduces and makes him aware of a spiritual force above man. The spiritual training of Scouts can happen formally through the encouragement of their leaders to attend to their religious duties and obligations. Stress Duty to God at all times. World Brotherhood A Filipino Scout is a brother to all Scouts around the world because the Boy Scouts of the Philippines belongs to the the World Organization of the Scout Movement. World Brotherhood is not merely a theoretical or academic concept or a precept in Scouting. It is a living reality that finds a fulfillment in the acceptance of the principle of the brotherhood of men through the fatherhood of God. This world brotherhood is perhaps best in evidence during world jamborees. As the Founder said, The Scout Movement aims to establish brotherhood among Scouts in all nations and to help develop peace and happiness in the world and goodwill among men.

Founders of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines

GENERAL VICENTE LIM Brigadier General Vicente Lim is one of the greatest Filipino military career officers. He was only 22 years old when he entered the United States Military Academy at West Point on March 1, 1910 where he graduated on June 11, 1914. In 1926, General Lim returned to the United States to take the Advanced Course in the Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and the Army War College in Washington, D.C. Because of his distinguished military accomplishments, General Lim was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on November 1, 1936. Before this on July 31, 1936, he was appointed as Chief of the War Plans Division of the Philippine Army. General Lim became a member of the Executive Board of the Philippine Council, Boy Scouts of America upon its organization in the 1920s. He first served as Chairman of the Civic Service Committee. In 1933, he was elected President of the Philippine Council which was then on the verge of collapse due to financial problems. Together with the other members of the board, he brought back the council to financial stability. This led to his appointment as Chairman of the Finance Committee in 1934-37. On October 12, 1936, he was elected Treasurer of the newly established Boy Scouts of the Philippines.

He fought gallantly with his troops against the Japanese during World War II and went underground after the Fall of Bataan to undertake guerilla activities. He was captured some time after and executed by the Japanese somewhere in Mindoro. General Lim appears on the present P1,000 bill together with then Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos and Josefa Llanes Escoda, founder of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, both of whom were also executed by the Japanese.

J.E.H.STEVENOT Joseph Emile Hamilton Stevenot, better known to many as J.E.H. Stevenot is a byword to many Scouts in the Philippines. With his family, he has been residing for many years in the Philippines as President of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company. With the establishment of the Philippine Commonwealth in 1935 and the imminent granting of independence to the Philippines ten years hence, JEH Stevenot worked with the six others mentioned here for the separation of the Scouting movement in the country from the United States and the Boy Scouts of America. Together, they founded the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and worked for the passage in the National Assembly of the bill that was to be approved on October 31, 1936 by President Manuel L. Quezon as Commonwealth Act No. 111. On January 1, 1938, when the organization has started operating independently, the reconstituted National Council elected him as President of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. When World War II broke out in the Pacific in 1941 and the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, reserve Major Stevenot was called to active duty in the US Army and assumed the rank of colonel. He was drafted into the staff of General Douglas MacArthur whom he later joined in his escape from Corregidor to Australia. While on a mission in New Celedonia in the South Pacific on June 8, 1943, he met his death. After the war years, Don Gabriel A. Daza, who was a close friend and colleague in the PLDT who was then serving as BSP Treasurer, caused his remains to be exhumed and brought for burial in the Philippines where he was inferred with full Scouting honors at La Loma Cemetery. His wife Elma, who died in California in 1983, had a wish to be buried beside her husband and her cremated remains were brought here by her daughter and also buried at La Loma.

GABRIEL A . DAZA Gabriel A. Daza is one of the strongest pillars of Philippine Scouting. From its infancy, Mr. Daza has managed to contribute his bright ideas and efforts in the growth of Scouting in the Philippines. What he has done and contributed should be a continuing legacy that must be nurtured if not improved by those coming after him.

As one of the incorporators of the BSP, his connection with the country's Scouting movement started as early as 1928 when he registered as a member in the Cebu Council, Boy Scouts of America. Because of his deep interest in Scouting, Col. JEH Stevenot appointed him Secretary of the Boy Scout Foundation. By profession, Mr. Daza is a Consulting Electrical Engineer and is the first licensed professional electrical engineer in the Philippines. Born in Borongan, Samar in February 6, 1896, he grew up under the Jesuits and obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Ateneo de Manila in 1914. Traveling soon to the United States for further studies, he supported himself by working in various companies. On his return to Manila after completing his studies, he was appointed Sales Engineer of Carlton Neil Engineering and Machinery Company. From 1922 to 1930, he was supervising engineer of the Visayas Electric Company in Cebu. In 1931, he joined the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company where JEH Stevenot was President. Until his retirement in 1960, he held the post of Vice-President and Treasurer of that company. Reeling from the destruction wrought by World War II, especially for a fledging organization like the BSP in the immediate post-war years, it was fortunate that a charter member like Mr. Daza was around for the reconstruction. With charter members JEH Stevenot and General Lim dead from the war and Jorge B. Vargas tainted with collaboration immediately after country's liberation, it remained for him, Judge Manuel Camus, Arsenio Luz and Carlos P. Romulo to pick-up the pieces for the BSP. The latter, however, was too busy in government to take a direct hand in BSP affairs. As a member of the Philippine War Damage Commission, he arranged with the American liberation forces for a Scouter military liaison for office and equipment donations that can e utilized to jumpstart the BSP office, including its initial postwar location at the Mehan Gardens. With Mr. Jorge B. Vargas cleared of collaboration charges and again an influential figure in the government and with him as BSP Treasurer working in tandem, they arranged with the Philippine government for the land donation on which the present BSP office stands the law entitling the BSP to 10,000 hectares total grant for camping and other purposes, mainly agricultural and whose income is designed to support the programs and activities of the organization (which was the basis for 6,000 hectares Davao Land Grant). As Treasurer, his careful husbanding of BSP resources enabled him to announce to the Board by 1952 that the organization had already enough funds to start constructing its own building. The BSP office building was inaugurated in 1955 by President Ramon Magsaysay. Done by noted Architect Juan Nakpil, the BSP building was an architectural novelty at the time, featuring adjustable sun louvers on its west facade and cantilevered stairs and overhang. As BSP President and Chief Scout from 1961-1967, Mr. Daza devoted his time fully in planning and implementing

programs and projects especially in the Davao Land Grant to make it an income-generating asset of the organization. He was President and Chief Scout in 1963 when the tragedy befell the contingent in July 28. It was through his personal sympathies, interests and effort that the organization was mobilized to cope wit this tragedy, together with the subsequent establishment of the BSP Alaala Mausoleum at the North Cemetery. MANUEL CAMUS Judge Manuel Camus is commonly referred to as the Grand Old Man of Philippine Scouting. He started his volunteer work in Scouting as Scoutmaster of Troop 3 of the Central Student YMCA in 1922. In spite of his work as a Judge in the Court of First Instance of Manila, he found time to lead the members of his troop which to this day they remember very well. Judge Camus was chosen National Scout Commissioner of the Philippine Council, Boy Scouts of America in 1923. He held this post until the dissolution of the Council in 1937 with the establishment of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. When the BSP started operating an independent organization in January1938, Judge Camus was again appointed National Scout Commissioner. In 1945, he was elected President of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, left vacant by the death of Col. JEH Stevenot. When the Boy Scouts of the Philippines was granted recognition by the Boy Scouts International Bureau as an independent organization in 1946, Judge Camus was installed as BSP International Commissioner which position he held until the time of his death in 1949. CARLOS P. ROMULO General Carlos P. Romulo hails from Camiling, Tarlac and rose to prominence as a writer, journalist and diplomat. He was associate editor of The Philippine Herald 1922-1923; Editor,Manila Times, 1930; Editor-in-chief, TVT Publications, 1931; and publisher, DMHM newspapers His achievements as a journalist-writer is formidable, having won the Pulitzer Prize in journalism after his series of write-ups on pre-World War II political and military situations in various countries in Southeast Asia. In writing this series, Romulo made extensive prior tours to Malaya, Burma,. China, Java (Indonesia), French Indochina and India in 1941. He was in the staff of General MacArthur when they retreated to Australia with the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in 1942 until their return ti liberate the country in 1944. The postwar years saw General Romulo involved in diplomacy, serving at one time or another as Philippine Ambassador to the United States. He was elected as President of the Fourth General Assembly of the United and twice as Chairman of the UN Security Council. One of his greatest

accomplishments in the UN as a diplomat is the nine articles and sections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which he authored and sponsored. As writer, he produced more than 17 books written in collaboration with Mervin Gray and Pearl C. Buck all of which were published in the United States. His Scouting involvement in his later years while serving in the government as Secretary of Foreign Affairs in the 70's was as Chairman of the Golden Jubillee Committee, tasked with the preparation for the Golden Jubilee Celebration of organized Scouting in the country in 1973. When Presidential Decree 460 amending Commonwealth Act No. 111 was issued on May 17, 1974, he was also appointed by President Marcos in this decree to be chairman of the Interim BSP Restructuring Committee. JORGE B. VARGAS When BSP President Judge Manuel Camus died in December 1949, the burden of who was to handle the mantle of leadership for a growing Scouting movement in the country was taken over by Jorge B. Vargas. He held the post of President and Chief Scout until 1961. Mr. Vargas' connection with the local Scouting movement dates back as early as 1935. On that year, he became a member of the Executive Board of the Philippine Council, Boy Scouts of America. He was also then serving in the government as Executive Secretary to Commonwealth President Manuel L. Quezon. Together with the other six incorporators of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, he was greatly instrumental in the passage of Commonwealth Act No. 111. Even the numbering of this law was his design, so that boys can easily remember it, as it can symbolize the three upraised fingers in the Scout sign and also stands for the three duties of a Scout. As Executive Secretary, he purposely timed it for the signature of President Quezon so it will have this number. Active in the international level in the field of Scouting and sports, he was a long time member of the 12-man Boy Scouts International Committee. He received the Bronze Wolf, the highest award in world Scouting for his distinguished and meritorious services rendered to promote Scouting internationally. A number on national Scout associations have also conferred upon him their highest Scouting awards. Among these are the Silver Fox Award from the Boy Scouts of Canada, the Silver Wolf from the British Boy Scouts Association and the White Eagle Award from the Boy Scouts of Nippon. An avid sportsman and a brilliant lawyer, he wrote the original law creating the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes and the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation. He envisioned the former to support from its proceeds non-profit civic organizations like the Red Cross, the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the Philippine Tuberculosis Society and the PAAF. This law having been amended, this is not the case anymore with the PCSO. He was mainly responsible for eliciting Philippine

government guarantees and support during the time of President Carlos Garcia that enabled the country to host the 1959 10th World Scout Jamboree in Makiling, Laguna. This was the first World Scout Jamboree to be held in Asia. He has served for many years as President of the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation. In this capacity and his active work in every Philippine participation in international sports competition like the Far Eastern (Asian) Games and the World Olympics has caused his election to the International Olympic Committee for many years. An avid and consummate collector, Mr. Vargas' memorabilia and records of his services in government are considerable, to which must be added his Filipiniana and art collection, and those he has accumulated in Scouting and sports. All of these he has donated to his Alma Mater and they housed in the University of the Philippines Vargas Museum. ARSENIO N. LUZ Arsenio Nicasio Luz as charter member once served as Vice President of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. Mr. Luz became a journalist at a young age. He joined the staff of La Vanguardia and ElRenacimiento. In 1911, he was appointed Editor of El Ideal, another widely read Spanish paper. His stint at El Ideal was followed by his appointment as Editor and General Manager of the Philippine Herald. His rise in the journalistic field continued until he became publisher of the Evening News after the war. If Mr. Luz had been outstanding in literary, business and government circles, more can can be said of him in his participation in civic ventures and welfare activities. For many years, he had been connected at one time or another as officer or member of the Rotary Club, Club Filipino, Philippine Columbian Association, Wack Wack Golf and Country Club, Casino Espanol, Los Tamaraos, Polo Club, The Walrus, Black Cat Inn, Mandarin Club, and many other social, civic, and business organizations. In 1923, when the Manila Council under the Boy Scouts of America was organized by the Manila Rotary Club, Mr. Luz was elected as member of its Executive Committee. In 1934, he was elected Second Vice President of the Philippine Council. The following year, he was unanimously chosen as First Vice President . He served in this capacity until 1937 when Commonwealth Act No. 111 was passed by the First National Assembly. He was one of the charter members and incorporators of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. During the years that he was actively connected with the BSP, Mr. Luz besides holding the distinction of being Vice President of the organization, held many committee chairmanship in the BSP.

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