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Jim Heffernan

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Jim Heffernan
CS577 Fall 1 09/26/98 4:25:02 PM

Definition Introduction Technology Basics X.25 HDLC - (Data Link Layer)

LAPB Frame Format Overview LAPB Field Level Definitions Transmission

X.25 versus Frame Relay Key Terms Bibliography Definition

A CCITT (Comite Consultatif Internationale de Telegraphique et Telephonique) standard that defines a protocol for gaining access to public packet-switching networks.

In 1976 the CCITT adopted the X.25 standard labeled "Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit Terminating Equipment (DCE) for Terminals Operating in the Packet Mode on Public Data networks". X.25 is a peer-to-peer network and is only an interface protocol to packet-switched public networks. Packet-switching techniques are a flexible alternative that provides statistical multiplexing (the ability

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to have more than one logical channel over one physical channel) and any-to-any connectivity. The DTE interfaces with an X.25 service provider (DCE). Packet switches within the X.25 network are refereed to as Data Switching Equipment (DSE). X.25 specifies standards for the bottom three layers of the OSI-model.

Technology Basics
X.25 defines a telephone network for data communications. To begin communication, one computer calls another to request a communication session. The called computer can accept or refuse the connection. If the call is accepted, the two systems can begin full-duplex information transfer. Either side can terminate the connection at any time. The X.25 specification defines a point-to-point interaction between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). DTEs (terminals and hosts in the user's facilities) connect to DCEs (modems, packet switches, and other ports into the PDN, generally located in the carrier's facilities), which connect to packet switching exchanges (PSEs, or simply switches) and other DCEs inside a PSN and, ultimately, to another DTE.

X.25 HDLC (Data Link Layer)

Layer 2 X.25 is implemented by LAPB((Link Access Procedure Balanced)HDLC). LAPB defines packet framing for the DTE/DCE link. LAPB allows both sides (the DTE and the DCE) to initiate communication with the other. During information transfer, LAPB checks that the frames arrive at the receiver in the correct sequence and error-free (Layer 1 X.25 defines the electrical and mechanical procedures for activating and deactivating the physical medium connecting the DTE and the DCE). The link layer is split in two separate procedures based on ISO 3309 High Level Data Link Control (HDLC)**: a. Link Access Procedure (LAP) - This is an original X.25 provision consisting of the HDLC "asynchronous response mode".

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b. Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB) / CCITT X.25 - This one was added later and is similar to the HDLC "asynchronous balanced mode". The LAPB makes it possible for communicating parties to operate in an autonomous, balanced mode in which neither is considered a master or slave. ( ** The HDLC LAPB data link protocol corresponds to the IEEE divided MAC/LLC data link sub-layers ).

X.25 HDLC (Data Link Layer) - Frame Format Overview The frame format of X.25 is according to the ISO 3309 standard. The FLAG field is used to identify the beginning and ending of a frame. The ADDRESS field designates the binary address of the receiving station. The CONTROL field indicates the type of frame, such as: Information (I) frame-- Information frames, contain data packets, and may also contain some control information (necessary for full-duplex operation). Send and receive sequence numbers and the poll final (P/F) bit perform flow control and error recovery. The send sequence number refers to the number of the current frame. The receive sequence number records the number of the frame to be received next. In full-duplex conversation, both the sender and the receiver keep send and receive sequence numbers. The poll bit is used to force a final bit message in response; this is used for error detection and recovery. The Information fields contain the actual data and a data header, or is empty. The data header is 24 bits and split up in 4 parts: 4 bits General Format Identifier (GFI) 4 bits Logical Channel Group Number (LGN) 8 bits Logical Channel Number (LCN) 8 bits Packet Type ID (PTI) or P(R) | M | P(S) | 0 (Packet sequence numbers used when a packet contains user data) Supervisory (S) frames These frames provide control information. They contain routine operational commands, including the response to previously received frames. They request and suspend transmission, report on status, and acknowledge the receipt of I frames. They do not have an information field. They do not contain data. Unnumbered (U) frames These frames, as the name suggests, are not sequenced. They are used for control purposes. They consist of command information to start or stop the communication link. For example, they can initiate a connection using standard or extended windowing (modulo 8 versus 128), disconnect the link, report a protocol error, or similar functions. They do not contain data.
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The FRAME CHECK SEQUENCE is the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) code. X.25 HDLC (Data Link Layer) - LAPB - Field Level Definitions Flag (1 byte) (LAPB) Protocol: LAPB LAPB PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) Field: Flag Length: 1 byte Contents: start of frame / end of frame indicator. The flag field is a synchronization pattern and always set to 01111110. A flag octet is used for both end of frame and start of frame indication. Address (1 byte) (LAPB) Address (1 byte) (LAPB) Protocol: LAPB LAPB PCI Field: address Length: 1 byte Contents: DTE and DCE IDentifier. The address field is always 8 bits in length; an extension is not possible. The address field has two possible values X'01' and X'03' which are also known as A and B. Which are used to indicate 'originate' and 'answer'. Because LAPB is used with point-to-point links, there are only two address codes: 01h = DTE > DCE Sending (DTE to DCE) 03h = DTE < DCE Responding (DCE to DTE) Control (1 byte) (LAPB) Control (1 byte) (LAPB) Protocol: LAPB LAPB PCI
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Field: control Length: 1 byte Contents: frame format / sequence number. The CONTROL field is initialized with a Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (SABM). There is also an extended operation (SABME) that provides a modulo-128 frame window. LAPB is a full-duplex mode of operation.

Information (n bytes) (LAPB) Information (n bytes) (LAPB) Protocol: LAPB LAPB PCI Field: information Length: n bytes Contents: user data (X.25 packet). FCS (2 bytes) (LAPB) FCS (2 bytes) (LAPB) Protocol: LAPB LAPB PCI Field: frame check sequence (FCS) Length: 2 bytes Contents: checksum. The checksum covers these fields: address, control, information (data). X.25 HDLC (Data Link Layer) - The Transmission The transmission is started in a virtual circuit operation with a call request. The initiating DTE asks the network for a virtual circuit with the destination DTE. The packet used for this is called a Call Request packet. The Call Request packet contains the destination address. The address (along with the originating DTE's identification) is used by the network for the duration of the call.

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The network responds with a "connect" message or with a message saying that the circuit can't be established and usually why. Now the actual data transfer can begin, on a routine or interrupt basis, and according to a set of "flow control" constraints imposed by the network. All these activities are handled by specific packet types. X.25 defines more than 30 packet types for various functions. The whole picture of a physical configuration related to X.25 is shown in the following diagram:

In the diagram above, there are three computers(DTE) connecting to the network node(DCE) through local modems(designated by M) or digital interfaces(DSU), then through the communication link, and finally through the remote modems or DSUs.

X.25 Versus Frame Relay

International connectivity based on national X.25 networks is well-established on a world-wide scale. Services rely on the X series of ITU recommendations; user access bandwidth typically range up to 64 kbps. X.25 network access is offered also by PAD facilities, and in some countries via the ISDN B- or D-channel. Some examples of Public X.25 Networks are: Sprintnet (was telenet) AT&T X.25 (was BT tymnet) Compuserve Packet Network Canada Datapac

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Frame relay, on the other hand, has emerged in the last decade as a digital evolution of X.25 packet switching. Because digital transmission facilities have much lower error rates than analog lines, frame relay was developed as a simplified form of variable-length packet switching that was intended to accommodate "bursty" data transmissions. Frame relay network switches differ from X.25 in that they do not perform extensive overhead functions for error correction and flow control processing. Rather, these functions are performed by the end-user access device, such as a router or a FRAD. Reduced network overhead allows more efficient throughput and lowers transmission cost. Bursty traffic can be accommodated with low latency because frame relay traffic relies on a simple format that encapsulates data in variable lengths. Identifiers in each capsule establish "virtual circuits" within the WAN. At the access points, these virtual connections are statistically multiplexed in order to reduce WAN line capacity requirements. As time-sensitive data flows begin to reach capacity, time division multiplexing is imposed on traffic, according to management priorities. With FRADs, the dynamic prioritization of protocols using software settings is a relatively simple process that takes place at the lower OSI levels. This streamlined scheme of handling is consistent with the intended efficiencies of the frame relay packet format and other broadband protocols.

Key Terms:
HDLC ISO's High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) This standard corresponds to Layer 2 (the Data Link Layer) of the ISO 7-layered architecture. It is responsible for the error-free movement of data between network nodes. The job of the HDLC layer is to ensure that data passed up to the next layer has been received exactly as transmitted (i.e error free, without loss and in the correct order). Another important job is flow control, which ensures that data is transmitted only as fast as the receiver can receive it. There are two distinct HDLC implementations: HDLC NRM (see (SDLC) and HDLC Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB). Usually when referring to HDLC people mean LAPB or some variation. LAPB (Link Access Protocol B-Channel) is a bit-oriented synchronous protocol that provides complete data transparency in a full-duplex point-to-point operation. It supports a peer-to-peer link in that neither end of the link plays the role of the permanent master station. HDLC NRM (also known as SDLC), on the other hand, has a permanent primary station with one or more secondary stations. HDLC LAPB is a very efficient protocol. A minimum of overhead is required to ensure flow control, error detection and recovery. If data is flowing in both directions (full duplex), the data frames themselves carry all the information required to ensure data integrity. HDLC LAPB is the Link Layer (Level 2 of the OSI model) that is usually used by X.25, the ITU (previously called the CCITT) standard for Packet Switched Networks. DCE: Abbreviation for data circuit-terminating equipment . 1. In a data station, the equipment that performs functions, such as signal conversion and coding, at the network end of the line between the data terminal equipment (DTE) and the line, and that may be a separate or an integral part of the DTE or of intermediate equipment. 2. The interfacing equipment that may be required to couple the data terminal equipment (DTE) into a transmission circuit or channel and from a transmission circuit or channel into the DTE.

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Synonyms data communications equipment (deprecated) , data set (deprecated). DTE Short for Data Terminal Equipment, a device that controls data flowing to or from a computer. The term is most often used in reference to serial communications defined by the RS-232C standard. This standard defines the two ends of the communications channel as being a DTE and Data Communications Equipment (DCE) device. In practical terms, the DCE is usually a modem and the DTE is the computer itself, or more precisely, the computer's UART chip. For internal modems, the DCE and DTE are part of the same device.

X.25 and Related Protocols, Uyless Black, IEEE Computer Society Press Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall ATM The Broadband Telecommunications Solution, L G Cuthbert and J-C Sapanel, The Institution of Electrical Engineers "Apple's Remote Access 2.0 gains X.25 support and better cellular performance", Journal: InfoWorld, vol.15, no.50, 1993 "News Round-up", Journal: Communications International, vol.20, no.1, 1993 "Cisco router software will enhance X.25 links", Journal: InfoWorld, vol.16, no.35, 1994 "Sprint grows network to cope with WAN demand", Journal: InfoWorld, vol.16, no.39, 1994 "Sprint offers nationwide wireless access to public X.25 network", Journal: InfoWorld, vol.16, no.27, 1994 "X.25 Packet Switching Goes Mobile", Journal: Data communications, vol.23, no.13, 1994

Web - X.25 RFC's

RFC0874 M. Padlipsky, "Critique of X.25", 09/01/1982. (Pages=13) rfc874 - A CRITIQUE OF X.25 RFC1356 A. Malis, D. Robinson, R. Ullmann, "Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the Packet Mode", 08/06/1992. (Pages=14) (Obsoletes RFC0877 RFC1613 J. Forster, G. Satz, G. Glick, R. Day, "cisco Systems X.25 over TCP (XOT)", 05/13/1994. (Pages=13) RFC1461 D. Throop, "SNMP MIB extension for MultiProtocol Interconnect over X.25", 05/27/1993. (Pages=30) RFC1382 D. Throop, "SNMP MIB Extension for the X.25 Packet Layer", 11/10/1992. (Pages=69) RFC1381 D. Throop, F. Baker, "SNMP MIB Extension for X.25 LAPB", 11/10/1992. (Pages=33) RFC1090 R. Ullmann, "SMTP on X.25", 02/01/1989. (Pages=4)

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RFC1086 J. Onions, M. Rose, "ISO-TP0 bridge between TCP and X.25", 12/01/1988. (Pages=9)

X.25--Packet Transmission Protocol Cisco Systems X.25 product offering X.25 Enhancements EE-535 - Virtual Textbook TRI-EDI USER GROUP NEWSLETTER NO.11

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