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India has developed a complex tradition of student politics dating from the era of Congress Party domination. Student unions are organised both within universities, like the Student Council of IISc and across universities, but affiliated with political parties, as in the case of NSUI, ABVP, SFI,etc. The latter compete in elections to control posts in the former. Examples of activist unions include the Delhi University Students Union. All India Law Students' Association (AILSA) is a non-profit association of students and lawyers who are dedicated to the promotion of welfare of law students all over India. AILSA provides students with opportunities to Interact with legal professionals in international arena. The organization's activities include academic conferences, publications, the global coordination of student organizations, Seminars, providing free legal aid Non political student association in India in which NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (NSAI)IS THE UNION SURGE FOR STUDENT.

All India Law Students' Association

All India Law Students' Association

Abbreviation Motto Formation Type

AILSA "Justice to all"

All India Law Students' Association (AILSA) is a non-profit association of students and lawyers who are dedicated to the promotion of welfare of law students all over India. AILSA provides students with opportunities to interact with legal professionals in international arena. The organization's activities include academic conferences, publications, the global coordination of student organizations, Seminars, providing free legal aid. etc.[2][3]

by the AILSA General Council.

August 16, 2008 (3 years ago) Presidents of the Association are elected Student Organisation

Past Presidents: To contribute to legal education and foster mutual Year Name University understanding and to Purpose/focus Gupta 2008 Neha promote social responsibilityUniversity (Pune) Bhartiya Vidyapeeth among law students and 2009 young lawyers; also providing 2010 Suresh legal aid to the of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia Faculty needy 2011 Sharma (New Delhi) Headquarters New Delhi 2012[4] Siddharth NALSAR University of Law (Hyderabad) Nayak* 423/424, New Rajinder Nagar, Location New Delhi
Region served India Official langua English, Hindi ges President Main organ Siddharth Nayak Executive Council of AILSA

* Incumbent President

Eminent Jurist Dr. Adish Aggarwala, President, International Council of Jurists, [5] Chairman, All India Bar Association is the patron of the organisation.

Parent organiz All India Bar Association[1] ation Volunteers Website 10,000 and above http://www.lawstudentsindia.o rg AILSA is the india's largest independent, non-political and non-profit making law students' association

Opposing All India Bar Exam


AILSA has openly condemned and challenged the introduction of All India Bar Exam. Ten students who were awaiting the results of final year law examination have challenged the Bar Council of India's (BCI) resolution to conduct an All India Bar Examination, which will entitle advocates to practice in India. Sunil Bhagure and nine other students from the Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad, who appeared for final exams of the five-year law course in May, filed the petition in the high court, seeking quashing of the BCI's resolution terming it as illegal and violating the Supreme Court's order.[6]

Supporting Jammu Law Students

Law students throughout India extended their support of the issues raised by the Jammu Law Students Association (JLSA). In a letter written to Nitin Parihar, President of JLSA, Sidharth Nayak, who is the executive head of The Jurists, extended its support. The issue with respect to the recognition of integrated degree to be granted to the students was approved by support campaign aide by the Jurists for JLSA. The agreement was in coalition with All India Law Students Association on behalf of the Academic Council, Advisory Panel and the Managerial Board. In another letter addressed to the President JLSA, Suresh Sharma, President, AILSA, vide notice number 2011/P-1/30, dated 30-01-2011, has recognised the affiliation of JLSA with AILSA.[7] Though no statement was given by the Vice-Chancellor.

Delhi University Students Union

The Delhi University Students Union, generally abbreviated DUSU, is the umbrella student organisation at the University of Delhi. DUSU elections are considered most high profile student union elections in country as it provides opportunity to enter directly into national politics.[1] The University of Delhi has a long history of student political activity. DUSU is the representative body of students from most Colleges and Faculties. EachCollege also has its own students union to which elections are held every year. Student elections are keenly contested. Several of the office bearers of DUSU have gone on to hold public offices at the Centre and in different States. The elections to Delhi University Students Union, formerly indirect through the electoral votes of college councillors, are now held by direct voting in the autumn term by the students of the University and constituent colleges. The elections are usually held in AugustSeptember of each year.[2]

The current leadership of DUSU (20112012) is a mixed bag of 3 representatives from ABVP while one from NSUI. It is after a long gap that no girl candidate is elected to panel (Last time it happened in 1977 - 78).[3]

Office Bearers (20112012)

Office Bearer's Name AJAY CHHIKARA Vikas Choudhary Vikas Yadav Jitesh sharma Student Organization NSUI ABVP ABVP ABVP Post Held President Vice President General Secretary Joint Secretary

National Students Union of India

National Students Union of India Type Student organization Founded 1969 Location New Delhi, India Website National Students Union of India

National Student's Union Of India (NSUI) is a students organization and is a frontal organization of the Indian National Congress.



NSUI was conceived in 1971 by former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi and then was formally constituted on 9 April 1971. The organization traces its origin to the Indian independence movement spearheaded by Indian National Congress.
[edit] Entry into mainstream politics

Many NSUI members have gone on to join mainstream national politics via the Indian Youth Congress and the parent Indian National Congress.

Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad

Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad Type Founded Location Motto Website Student organization 1948 Mumbai, India Knowledge-Character-Unity

Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) (Hindi: ), is an all India student organization working in the field of education. ABVP was founded in 1948 and formally registered on 9 July 1949.[1] As of January 2012, Milind Marathe is the National President, Umesh Dutt is the National General Secretary and Sunil Ambekar is the National Organising Secretary of the organisation.[2]


Flag of ABVP

ABVP was started in 1948 after Indian Independence with the objective of channeling students' energy in the task of national reconstruction. It was founded by a group of students and teachers and registered on 9 July 1949. ABVP has gradually spread its work across various universities in India. The group runs projects and programmes aimed at national integration and using social consciousness to solve the economic and other problems. They also run programmes designed to improve the abilities of individual students. Thus ABVP conducts Book-Bank, Students' Vacation Employment Bureau, First Class First Felicitation Functions, Inter Collegiate and inter-University Music Competitions, Painting Competitions, Literary Competitions, Student- Writers' Meets, Sports Meets, Social Participation Campus, Personality Development Camps, Technical, Medical, Management, Agri Students Workshops, Technical Exhibitions, Indo-Foreign Students' Bureau, Study Circles and Art Circles, Students' Experience in inter-state Living, My Home is India, Students for Development etc.

World Organisation for Students & Youth (WOSY)

During the International Youth Year 1985, ABVP launched the World Organization of Students and Youth (WOSY). It is the first international youth body with India as headquarters.[citation needed] It was launched in Delhi on 29 October 1985 by Indian and Foreign student delegates from 14 countries. The organisation was inaugurated by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the former Prime minister of India. The organization works to bring together students and youth from various countries to promote peace and the welfare of humanity.

Political stances
ABVP opposes terrorism in Kashmir and foreigners coming to Assam and border states. They also work to integrate citizens from the north-east into other parts of the country. The group has played major roles in many rescue operations after natural calamities such as the earthquake in Marathwada and Gujarat.

The official ABVP magazine Rashtriya Chhatrashakti is published monthly in Hindi from New Delhi.

Students' Federation of India

Students Federation of India

Flag of the Students Federation of India Abbreviation Motto Formation Membership General Secretary SFI Study And Struggle 1970 .2 Million as of 2010 Ritabrata Banerjee

Parent organiz Communist Party of India ation (Marxist)

Students Federation of India (SFI) is one of the major student organisations in India. SFI is politically linked to the Communist Party of India (Marxist). Founded in 1970, it claimed a membership strength of nearly .2 million school and university students as of 2010.[1] SFI is currently led at the All India level by Ritabrata Banrjee, General Secretary and P.K. Biju MP, President.

Though SFI is active throughout India, it is most prominent in student politics in the states of West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura. It also has some pockets of influence in Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Rajasthan , Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. It has a strong base in the universities all over Kerala and West Bengal . It has a few other strong-holds which include Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, Himachal Pradesh University in Shimla, University of Hyderabad, Osmania University, and University of Rajasthan ,Kalyni govt. . It is the major student organisation in Kerala. SFI was founded in 1970. This group believes that Education is a major tool of social transformation and that this concept is especially relevant in a country like India, where regressive forces still prevail. Proper education, they believe, will counteract such forces and will help to build a new society based on rationality and justice. The Students Federation of India, abbreviated SFI, is an organization of students which

is ever aware of its role in society. It identifies with a society's progressive forces and is totally committed to the idea of independence, democracy, and socialism. It includes students from all the academic institutions of India - from schools to colleges, from professional institutions to research academies. In In Tripura there is a special sub-orgaisation for tribal students, Tribal Students Union.

The official organ Student Struggle is published monthly in English. It is currently edited by G.Selva Apart from, many State Committees of SFI publish magazines in the corresponding regional languages. Chhatra Sangram is the Bengali organ published by the West Bengal State Committee. Its circulation is nearly 30 thousands. Anirban Hazra is the editor of the organ.Since 1964 it is publishing.It played a great role to develop the left student movement in West Bengal.Student is the Malayalam organ published by the Kerala State Committee. Resistance is the E-Journal of SFI Kerala Unit. Researcher is the journal of rsearch scholars published by the Kerala State Committee. Student Struggle is published in Telugu by the Andhra Pradesh State Committee of SFI. Pudhiya Paadhai is published in Tamil Nadu.

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