Chester County Historical Society - Discover Your Family Tree

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Discover Your Family Tree: Genealogy Workshop

Chester County Historical Society, 225 N. High Street, West Chester Saturday, April 21, 2012, 9:30-1:30

Kim Bucklaw, Assistant Archivist and genealogist at the Chester County Archives, will host a morning genealogy workshop designed especially for beginners as well as for seasoned genealogists looking for a refresher on research procedures and best practices. The workshop will consist of two sessions and a special bonus consulting session. The consulting session will be limited to 10 participants:
Session 1: Getting Started in Genealogy- Learn about oral history strategies, basic genealogical forms and worksheets, the importance of citations, and record hotspots like historical societies, libraries, courthouses and archives, and how to make sense of the records youll find. Session 2: Chester County Records and Genealogy- This session will focus specifically on Chester County records- where to find them, what they mean, and why they are important to genealogical research. If you dont have Chester County roots, thats OK! A lot of what you learn in Chester County can be applied to records you find elsewhere. This will be a great opportunity to see examples of real documents and learn how genealogists use them. Bonus Session: Breaking Down Brick Walls- Have you hit a seemingly dead end in your family tree? If so, bring your research notes and a specific problem that has you stumped. In this casual group session, Kim will consult with 10 lucky genealogists on their brick wall problem and offer suggestions on thinking out of the box to get that puzzle solved! All workshop attendees are welcome to sit in on the bonus session. However consultations will be limited to the first 10 paid registrations. If you are staying for this session, you may wish to bring a bagged lunch. Cost: $10 members $25 non-members Light breakfast refreshments will be served.
Additional registration forms available at: Questions? Call 610-344-6760

Registration Form: Discover Your Family Tree, April 21, 2012

Please fill out all five sections and return to: Chester County Archives 601 Westtown Road, Suite 80 P.O. Box 2747 West Chester, PA 19380

1. Contact information Name Address Address (cont.) City, State, Zip Phone Email 2. Are you a member of the Chester County Historical Society? If not, join CCHS now and enjoy the discounted member rate for this workshop! Membership Fees: Individual membership $35 Family membership $40 Senior (65 or older) membership $30 Senior (65 or older) family membership $35 No, thank you. Im not interested in joining at this time. Total $ 3. Workshop Registration Fees: CCHS member: Non-member: x $10 = $ x $25 = $ Total $ 4. Are you interested in participating in the free bonus consulting session? (Limit 10) Yes, Ive hit a brick wall and Id like some help. No, I am not interested in participating. 5. Payment information Membership fees (section 2) $ Workshop fees (section 3) $ Total fees enclosed $ I would like to pay by: (please no cash) Check or money order (payable to CCHS) Visa MasterCard
Credit card number Expiration date Signature for credit card payment

Remember a membership

allows you to visit CCHS library and museum for free! Visit our website or call 610-692-4800 for a list of full member benefits.

Important: You will receive a confirmation via email or phone if you qualify to participate in the bonus session.

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