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Money Leaks:

Confessions of a Disgruntled Billion Dollar Hedge Fund Trader

Dear Fellow Trader,
Im about to reveal to you a trading system that has generated BILLIONS in profits for one of the largest and most influential hedge funds. The weird part is that this system just fell into my lap. To my knowledge, nothing like this has ever been revealed to the trading public before. Ever. And Ive been trading for a living for nearly 12 years. Ive not only developed many winning systems of my own, but Ive tested and traded nearly every system known to man.

Ive never had access to a major hedge funds proprietary system before

In a minute, Ill tell you the whole bizarre story, and how this unusual situation could set you on your path to true financial freedom, too. Listen, I know that right now you may be frustrated out of your mind. All the trial and error All the disappointing trading statements The stinging losses, And the big winners that got away. You may even be at your wits end today

Every trader has been there, believe me. I know I have. The market is designed to fool as many people as often as possible so the few who understand the game can win the lion share. If youve ever had a losing trade, you know what I mean. Ever bought right before price plummeted? Ever sold short only to get squeezed out? Ever get stopped out right before move went your way? Sick of sitting on the side lines, gun shy and confused?

Its not your fault. Thats because the trading game is intentionally rigged against you. Until now, youve been showing up to a virtual gunfight with a butter knife. Youve got to understand what youre up against. When you place a trade, youre going up against big money fat cats like banks, hedge funds, and other ruthless professionals who have you beat hands down.

Unless you have a serious edge, sooner or later youre gonna get crushed
These fat cats are so powerful that they move the market with their massive positions.

They can afford to test their trading systems with resources that we can barely imagine. At last, you and I dont have to beat the fat cats anymore. Now we can JOIN THEM. Stay with me because Im going to reveal the 5 key ingredients of that system right here in this report. What is so amazing is that the answer to your trading prayers has been sitting right in front of your nose the whole time.

Heres how a billion dollar system fell into my lap

About a year ago, I met an unassuming guy who quietly trades billions of dollars from a cubicle in one of the largest hedge funds in the world. Lets call him Trevor, to protect his identity. We had some laughs while sharing war stories. Before his hedge fund desk days, Trevor cut his teeth as a private trader in the late 80s. We kept in touch and I picked his brain when I could. Of course, he couldnt tell me much about the proprietary systems he traded, but what he did tell me was fascinating. I imagined that the hedge fund had some complex artificial intelligence program that beeped and told Trevor when to buy and sell like a drone. One time I jokingly said that hed gotten spoiled by the hedge funds big fancy trading systems and couldnt cut it as an individual trader anymore. Trevor laughed and said I had no idea how wrong I was He said something that haunted me.

You have all the same trading tools I do the difference is how we use them.
Of course, this just made me even more curious. But he couldnt tell me anything more while he worked for the hedge fund.

Then it happened
Out of the blue, Trevor got downsized. It was as ruthless as it was clich how it went down. He was replaced by the new guys hed been unwittingly training to take his own job. Once the young guns were matching his performance, the hedge fund figured it could get two traders for the price of one seasoned veteran and they cut him loose.

Little did they know that was the last straw

The screwed the wrong guy (and their loss is our gain!) See, ever since the 2008 market collapse when 6 trillion dollars in wealth was erased from everyday Americans retirement accounts, Trevor had a gnawing guilty feeling. Thats because his trading desk made record profits while every day investors got led to slaughter. Now that the fat cats kicked him to the curb, he decided to even up the score.

He decided to finally share the proprietary system he traded with me.

Obviously, he couldnt go public with the system directly, but he could share a series of trading reports with me that were intended for high net worth clients. I was actually was a legitimate client prospect and there wasnt anything technically wrong with him doing so. By themselves, the reports wouldnt reveal the system to anyone but an experienced trader. However, Trevor knew I could piece together the five simple components that make up the system from what he gave me.

It was a heck of puzzle.

It took me a while, but I did it.

He challenged me to find a way to benefit other traders without destroying they system by overexposing it. So I promised Id put it in a training format that was accessible for even the newest of traders and make it available for a limited time to make sure only serious traders got access. I cant show you the actual reports or Trevor could potentially get in hot water. The key is you need to know HOW the pieces all fit together and the specific rules that go with them. Ill be telling you more about how the system works in the next few days. For now, Ive got to warn you, the five parts that make up this billion dollars system are probably familiar to you. Theyre in most charting programs and trading books.

So why arent these same indicators successful for you?

First, the magic isnt in the individual parts by themselves. The magic is in the precise combination, the precise order, and the set up rules. Second, part of the power of this system is that with it, once you have the rules, you know when to expect the big fat cats to enter and exit the market. This gives you an incredible gift of focus. Now you know when to watch the market and when you can safely stay out .

This is a bigger deal than you may realize

One of the BIGGEST reasons traders fail is because they overtrade. Third, this focus and this combination of advantages gives you the essential CONFIDENCE to take trades that conquer the indecision and fear factor that plague so many.

Everyone thinks choice is a good thing and it is to a point. Too much choice will drive you nuts. Part of the reason so many traders are confused and struggle is because there are SO MANY systems and indicators that you dont know WHICH ones to focus on.

Thats how the proven combination of just 5 parts can be hidden right in front of your nose.
Listen, these huge commercial traders have done millions of dollars in testing and trading to know what combination and what rules to follow. Youll be shocked perhaps to learn that the winning trading tools are pretty old school. Now that Ive seen them work together, it makes perfect sense. Old school works. They use techniques that have been proven over decades great myth is that trading is rocket science. That belief actually holds many traders hostage. Successful trading methods DO NOT have to be complicated to win, and many traders lose because they over-complicate things.

In the heat of trading, SIMPLICITY wins.

The key is to understand that there IS order behind the apparent chaos of the markets, and that order is driven by money flow. For the first time, every day traders like you and me can know with high probability where and when the big money will flow in and out of the market.

The market is not random!

The trading public has been conditioned to behave in predictable ways that the big fat cats take advantage of.

Thats right, certain patterns, like head and shoulders and break outs, and so forth, are often a trap designed to separate you from your money. See, the big hedge funds confirm their signals on 5 rules that create a system that is highly accurate and astoundingly simple. This is key - Simple rules allow you to trade with confidence.

Here are the pieces Like I said, its so old school I almost couldnt believe it myself.

Part 1: The Trusty Trend Line:

Trend lines are the oldest and easiest method of determining the trend in any market. As you can see in the chart below, the longer a trend is and the more times that price reacts to that line, the more significant it is when the line is inevitably broken. Another key is that the steeper the slope of a trend line, the sooner it will be broken.

Youre going to hear me say this throughout the descriptions of the 5 parts of the hedge funds system trend lines can be highly effective, but beginners can get lost drawing trend lines all over the place and lose the value in subjective interpretations. Used as part of the 5 elements of the system, however, youll be amazed at how precise and clear the use of trend lines becomes.


Part 2: Fibonacci Retracement:

In the twelfth century an Italian named Leonardo Fibonacci derived a mathematical ratio found throughout nature by, believe it or not, studying how many rabbits could be produced over a year from one original pair in an enclosed place, when pairs give birth each month to a new pair that in turn can breed in two months. Who cares, right? Well, this seemingly inconsequential question led to the discovery of the Golden Ratio, a measurement that can be found in everything from proportions of the human bodys appendages, the angles in the Great Pyramids, and in the retracements of price in the financial markets, and traders throughout the ages are eternally grateful for the Italians discovery. For example, you can set time and price targets into the future and be astounded at how accurately market prices will react when it reaches them.

While incredibly accurate when calculated expertly, like most technical analysis it can be rather subjective and confusing to trade by Fibonacci levels alone. I can tell you, though, that as an essential piece in the hedge funds trading system, Fibonacci Retracements are deadly accurate.


Part 3: Waves Analysis

Waves Analysis allows you to discover the underlying order and patterns in market structure. Adherents to the method have identified waves within market moves as a predictable series of various lengths and size. This makes intuitive sense, as you look at the chart below you can see that markets move in one direction in waves and then correct in the opposite direction. In this example, you can see there are 5 Motive waves in the direction of the trend, and three Corrective waves labled A, B and C.

While powerful, on its own, Wave analysis is prone to subjectivity and it takes experience to master. What was fascinating to me is how hedge funds system harnesses the power of Wave Analysis while all but eliminating the subjectivity.


Part 4: Pivot Reversals

Ive been a fan of pivot reversals for years and thats because they work incredibly well to identify key support and resistance areas where price will turn. Theyre easy to spot because of their simplicity: a pivot high has a higher high than the bar before it and after it. A pivot low has a lower low than the bar before is and after it. Thats it. While easy to identify, the trouble traders can get into is how to trade pivot reversals, and when to do so. As with the other parts of the hedge funds proprietary system, they work incredibly well when combined with the other parts because the questions are answered in context of the larger decision matrix. Thats a fancy way of saying they work great when used as part of this system.


Part 5: Ichimoku Clouds:

Lately theres been a lot of buzz about Ichimoku Clouds, and for good reason. Its a technical system that clearly illustrates support and resistance levels and trend direction all in one. Fans of Candlesticks consider Ichimoku Clouds an integral part of their analysis. In simple terms, you are a buyer of a market when price is above the Cloud, and a seller below the cloud. If that sounds easier said than done, youre right. Ichimoku Clouds are best in trending markets and can chop you up in sideways conditions. Thats why the hedge funds system uses the strengths of the indicator while balanced in context with the other 4 parts of the matrix. I cant stress that enough because I know someone is going to go off half-cocked and put on trades based on what they THINK the system is and get bushwhacked. Dont say I didnt warn you Still, the chart below shows you a beautiful trend defined by the Ichimoku Cloud that gives you an idea of why this time proven indicator is a key part of the hedge funds system.


When these 5 parts all line up according to the rules the hedge fund spent billions of dollars perfecting, its a beautiful thing to behold. Once you see it happen, youll know that youve got a high probability set up that the big fat cats will be jumping on. Youll have the confidence that youre finally trading WITH the big money instead of flying blind and going against the money flow. I dont know what the hedge fund calls this method, but I call it Cloud Control The Ichimoku Cloud is the center point of the system and its the foundation element. The other four parts give you control and allow you to identity high probability, low risk trades with precision When Cloud Control signals a trade, I trade with the peace of mind that some of the markets biggest players are going my way. In fact, Ive just posted a video to show you how Cloud Control works in several different markets and time frames.
Go check it out and see for yourself how precise and powerful this is no matter what market or time frame you prefer to trade whether its Forex, futures, stocks or anything else. Im out of time here, but first, a quick word to the wise Dont go try to trade what Ive shared with you without first knowing exactly how the pieces all fit together, ok? You wouldnt take random amounts of ingredients from a recipe and toss them together every which way, would you?

To get the results you want, youve got to know the precise recipe
the ingredients, the measurements, the order they go together, what the baking temperature is, and the cook time.


Ive done all that work for you and I can report that Cloud Control calls for a two to one win loss ratio. Thats deliciously profitable! Still, there is no such thing as a sure thing trading system that is 100% right all the time and past performance is no guarantee of future results. That said, I can tell you that the confidence you get from trading a billion dollar system proven by one of the largest hedge funds in the world is absolutely priceless. I hope you get to experience that for yourself. So keep your eyes peeled for my next email over the next few days. Until then, go check out the video I posted that shows you Cloud Control trades in action on several markets here:
And, if you, like me, want to help other traders win against the fat cats, consider forwarding this on to your friends.

Good Trading,


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