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Patent: Encouraging Innovation or Excuse for Greed

Patent comes from latin litterae patetes, opening the public documents issued by a ruler. Meaning of patent narrowed to invention. It is not confined to origin but explain future of intellectual property. In beginning patents were used as public disclosure about private ownership, they are now used in spreading technology. The intellectual property system is spreading its reach with changing role from a business asset to input for innovations. Companies are using intellectual property for legal protection. The risk of market misbalance would arise if exchange of intellectual property would occur. Mere presence of market patents cannot make it acceptable like market of forged bank notes. Copyright can be allowed for software not patents, which discourages further innovations. At the initial stage of electricity invention, debate was there like on patenting software, because they are ideas not property and control on ideas is not viable. Ideas are raw material for information age. Thus, strict control on them would affect technological progress. Innovation should be encouraged without any protect on new ideas. Balance of this is a test for all. Ans(b)(i) 1. Role of intellectual property has changed. Earlier it used to be a part of business asset, but now, it is used inputs in innovations. It is not transferring knowledge, but enabling money markets for firms. 2. When companies have taken patents for certain products. They get the right to sell or use them solely in the market. Thus, competition does not arise and they earn more profit. 3. Patent of idea stops the new innovation and updation in technology. Further, every person has different mind and same idea can come in many minds. Hence, patents for is not feasible. 4. Ideas are not like physical goods which can contain same features. Every idea would be different from the other in one way or the other. This makes ideas nonrivalrous goods. Ans (b) ii

1. Brick-wall: patent used to be brick wall because it was the tool to stop arising new competition for the products. But, now this is used as currency and can be transferred to others. 2. Enter the Fray: Entering the fray means becoming a part of it. China and india which were not part of the intellectual property system. But, they have become part of it, this is called entering the fray. 3. Follow on Innovations: once an innovation as taken place, there comes many other related innovations, like once someone invented operating system, then many others invented operating systems with newer features. So, these afterward inventions are called follow-on innovations.

The HRD Department, Government of india, New Delhi Sub: Need for a course in anger management. Dear Sir/Madam, In this machine era, people are working with machines throughout the day. They have less interaction with people and are becoming introvert. They are also facing tough competition in the market and their desires are growing like regularly. Once, they do not accomplish their desires they become frustrated and get angry with their family members, colleagues and others who interacts with them. The changing lifestyle have changed the psychology of people. Number of murder cases, assault cases, rape cases etc is increasing day by day. But, the main problem have not been identified, which forced people for such crimes. The stressed life leading to angry nature is the main rationale of all such crimes. Unfortunately there is no such course in the market which can help people manage their anger. Thus there is a great need of course on anger management which can help people control their anger. This course should be made a compulsory part of syllabus in higher education. Open training sessions should be made available for corporates. I hope introducing such course will not only bring the crime rates down, but also refresh

people to work enthusiastically in their respective fields. This will result into higher production. I hope you would take an effective action on my suggestions and would order the related authority to introduce course on anger management.

Yours faithfully, Balram Chandigarh.

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