Intro Lesson Plan

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Topic: Introducing project Learning objectives: Students will be able to Explain what must be done for the brochure

re project Create a KWL chart with their partner for their assigned country

Time Frame: 2 days (2 50 minute class periods) Resources:

Student: project rubric and instructions, chart paper, markers Teacher: project rubric and instructions, Smartboard

Activities: Teacher will introduce the project by explaining what is required. Students will be reading aloud the instructions. The teacher will then assign the students their partners and they will choose their country. Each pair will be picked randomly and when picked they can pick a country from the list provided. Then the partners will work together to create a KWL chart about their country. Logistics: The project will be introduced and explained during whole group instruction. Then the students will work with their partners to create their KWL chart. Each group will present. Teacher support: The teacher will have the students read aloud the project instructions while questioning the students of their understanding of the requirements. Work flow: Teacher will handout project instructions. When students are finished brainstorming for their KWL chart, they will receive chart paper and markers. Social learning: Students will be paired with their partners for the first time. They will have to decide together what country to pick and discuss what they know about that country. Each pair will present their chart so they will have to decide how they are going to split up the presentation. Product: Students will create a KWL chart about their country Assessment: Teacher will walk around the room while the students are working to see how the students are getting along and if they understand the KWL assignment. The teacher can assess the students while they present and they can assess their KWL chart.

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