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Topic: vocabulary booklet Learning objectives: students will be able to Explain the why it is important to understand vocabulary from

rom country Look up definitions of words Put definition in their own words to better understand the meaning

Time Frame: One class period (50 minutes) Resources: Student: Computer, dictionary, encyclopedia, paper, pencil Teacher: Smartboard, computer, dictionary, encyclopedia

Activities: Students will be given a passage above their reading level about a subtopic of culture from another country. The students will practice picking out words they dont know the meaning of and looking up the definitions. The teacher will also model how to write your own definition instead of copying it down from your source. Logistics: The reading passages will be handed out by the teacher Teacher support: The teacher will model reading a passage and looking up works that are unknown. While the students are working on the activity, the teacher will walk around the room. Work flow: As the teacher is modeling the activity, the students will be taught in whole group instruction. The activity will be done individually Product: Students will have definitions of words that were unknown to them before the lesson Assessment: The teacher can assess the students by walking around the room while the students are looking up definitions to make sure they are doing it properly. They can also look at the definitions written down to see if they were able to put in their own words or if they just copied.

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