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DATE: MARCH 12, 2012 TIME: 7:00 PM



Peggy Chandler, Suzette Reeves, Cheryl Smith Bunten Road Park Activities Building Barry Smith Yvonne Hunter-Cabell Yvonne Cabell, Sam Carr, Mark Carter, Susan Holland, Andy Miller, Barry Smith, Rob Welch Rick Austin, Bill Smith

Meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Barry Smith. Former Secretary, James Deloach resigned recently. Newly appointed Secretary, Yvonne Cabell was introduced . (Voted into office via email.)


Motion made to approve the January 9, 2012 minutes. Approved by majority vote. TREASURERS REPORT


Susan Holland presented financial reports and led a general discussion. There is more money on hand than usual for this time of year due to the low expenditures thus far. Barry Smith called for motion to approve the Treasurers report. Motion approved by Andy Miller , seconded by Rob Welch. Approved by majority vote. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE



Andy Miller reported on landscape maintenance. Andy is working on bids for repairing and enhancing the entrance lighting at Heath and Kensington. Sam Carr and Andy Miller will get bids for repairing the dam fencing and gates. GENERAL MAINTENANCE Sam Carr reported on the street signs. Repairs needed for the message board will be added to list. One of the guests inquired as to who is responsible for flowers around sign posts on corner lots. It was determined that the HOA is not responsible for maintaining these areas . Barry Smith and Sam Carr will be checking to ensure that we stay in compliance with the Safe Dams regulations. DEVELOPMENT Barry Smith reported that an estimate of $291.40 is the cost of repair of Humphreys storage shed. Sam Carr moved to approve the expenditure , Andy Miller seconded. Approved by majority vote. Barry Smith thanked the Humphrey family for helping the HOA in the past, and for currently providing storage space for the HOAs Christmas decorations and miscellaneous items. These items will be kept in the storage shed until further notice.




WEB DEVELOPMENT Barry Smith reported that NDHA website is active. Website address is and will soon be linked with


Rob Welch reported that two steel doors have been purchased to replace the rotten wooden doors for the pool bathrooms. He needs help to install them. OLD BUSINESS

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Cheryl Smith distributed copies of the Compliance Standards for NDHA. Some of the language of the Compliance Standards was revised. Revised Compliance Standards will be posted on the ND website for further discussion prior to asking for a community vote. Barry Smith, Mark Carter and Bill Smith will come up with a plan for the tennis/lake security fencing and trespassing signs. After securing the tennis and lake access, permanent restrooms will be considered. In the meantime, two temporary portals have been installed. Rob Welch and Mark Carter went to Home Depot to check out the cost of a shed to have on the property behind the pool. A shed on clearance was found at a price of $400. It had to be torn down to move by truck, too much trouble and expense. Alternatives were discussed and a shed kit was proposed. A discussion resulted in Rob getting exact measurements for building a platform and getting a kit. He estimated a cost of around $1,500. For the project. This would be for storage of HOA items, decorations, yard sale sign, tables, etc. and would not be for paper document storage. Cheryl Smith submitted an estimate from Docufree Box Scanning to scan the paper NDHA records. She will continue searching for an alternative source as this source is very costly. The NDHA Spring Yard Sale is scheduled for March 24, 2012. It will be the only HOA sponsored yard sale this year. There wil l not be a dumpster ordered, as last year, due to the lack of a good way to monitor the amount and type of debris. Overfilling resulted in significant unbudgeted expense last year. NEW BUSINESS Yvonne Cabell reported that Gail VanArsdale and she delivered the first welcome bask et this year to Daniel and Laura Buchanan. The costs of the baskets have decreased due to the donation of baskets, coupons and gift certificates solicited from local business owners. Gail donated homemade baked goods. Cheryl Smith asked the board to pay an outstanding invoice for a welcome basket that was delivered in 2011. Susan Holland moved to reimburse the $42, Rob Welch seconded. Approved by majority vote.

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MEETING ADJOURNED Susan Holland made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Andy Miller seconded. Approved by majority vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM by Barry Smith. /yhc NEXT MEETING: The next board meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2012

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