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Questions: Level instruments, advanced Copyright c 2002-2003 Tony R.

Kuphaldt Learning Objectives: How to calculate dierential pressure transmitter range values for level measurement scenarios with elevated or suppressed transmitters. How to develop calibration tables for any level measurement scenario, given an allowable percentage of span error. How to calculate dierential pressure transmitter range values for level measurement scenarios with wet legs. Identify the potential problem associated with locating a liquid pressure transmitter above the process connection. How to calculate dierential pressure transmitter range values for level measurement scenarios with remote seals. How to calculate dierential pressure transmitter range values for level measurement scenarios with gas and liquid purge. Develop calibration tables for displacer-based level transmitters. How to calculate dierential pressure transmitter range values for level measurement scenarios with interfaces of two dierent liquids. Identify volume measurement nonlinearities caused by vessel shape.

Question 1 Determine the lower and upper range-values for the dierential pressure transmitter being used here to measure water level, in pressure units of inches water column (W.C.). Assume a measured variable span of 40 feet:


Measurement span = 40 ft Water



Question 2 Determine the LRV and URV points for a transmitter measuring water level in the same vessel, but this time located 10 feet beneath the vessel: 1


Measurement span = 40 ft Water

0% 10 ft

Question 3

Determine the LRV and URV points for a transmitter measuring water level in the same vessel, but this time located 10 feet above the bottom of the vessel:


Measurement span = 40 ft Water


10 ft 0%

Question 4

What do the terms elevation and suppression refer to in regard to level measurement by head pressure?

Question 5

A pneumatic dp cell (3-15 PSI output range) is used to measure the level of water in this vessel: 2


Measurement span = 35 ft Water DP cell with 3-15 PSI output

0% 7 ft

Determine the LRV and URV points for the transmitters calibration, and also the output signal pressure if the water level happens to be 10.7 feet.

Question 6

Determine a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario. In other words, what applied pressures correspond to the ideal transmitter signal output values for 5 points along the 0% to 100% scale?

100% Process liquid S.G. = 0.85 Measurement span = 14 ft DP cell with 3-15 PSI output 0% 5 ft

Question 7

In one calculation, determine the span of this transmitter (in inches of water column). Then, calculate a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter. 3

100% Process liquid S.G. = 0.81 Measurement span = 110 in DP cell with 4-20 mA output 2 ft


Question 8 In one calculation, determine the span of this transmitter (in inches of water column). Then, calculate a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter. The tubing connecting the low side of the transmitter to the top of the pressurized vessel is dry: that is, there is no liquid in it to generate any head pressure.


pressure Process liquid S.G. = 0.85 "dry" leg DP cell with 10-50 mA output

Measurement span = 30 ft


Question 8.5 What will happen if the dry leg tubing connecting the low side of the dierential pressure transmitter to the top of the vessel in question #8 were to ll with liquid from condensing vapors inside the vessel? If this dry leg were to become wet, what eect would it have on the transmitters ability to measure vessel liquid level?

Question 9 In one calculation, determine the span of this transmitter (in inches of water column). Then, calculate a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter. The tubing connecting the low side of the transmitter to the top of the pressurized vessel is wet: it is lled with a liquid of specic gravity = 1.1. Note the height of this wet leg: 35 feet! 4


pressure Process liquid S.G. = 0.85 "wet" leg S.G. = 1.1 DP cell with 35 ft 10-50 mA output

Measurement span = 30 ft


Question 10 Determine a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario.

100% wet leg S.G. = 1 50 in S.G. = 1 70 in DP cell with 6-30 PSI output

0% 6 in
Question 11

Most pneumatic dierential pressure transmitters are not able to measure negative pressures of the kind encountered in question #10 (where the high side pressure is actually less than the low side pressure), at least not without special elevation springs installed to introduce a bias force in the forcebalance mechanism. If a normal, unaltered pneumatic transmitter with an output signal range of 6-30 PSI were used to measure liquid level in the vessel shown in question #10, how would it have to be connected to the process, and what would its 5-point calibration table look like? Question 12 Determine a 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario, with a calibration tolerance of +/- 1%. Also, specify which side (high or low) of the transmitter that the calibration pressure must be applied for each calibration point (in other words, assume that the calibrator has no capacity for producing precision vacuums, only precision pressures). 5

100% Process liquid D = 75 lb/ft3 Measurement span = 15 ft

DP cell with 4-20 mA output

7 ft 0%

Question 13

Determine a 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario, with a calibration tolerance of +/- 2%, specifying which side (high or low) of the transmitter that the calibration pressure must be applied for each calibration point.

100% Process liquid S.G. = 2 Measurement span = 19 ft


DP cell with 10-50 mA output

5 ft 0% 11 ft

Question 14

Generally speaking, it is not a good practice to locate a liquid pressure transmitter above the process connection when head pressures or other low pressure ranges are being measured. Why is this?

Question 15

A pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure (not level!) inside of a large pipe. Its measurement range is 0 to 500 PSI, and it is connected to the pipe by a vertical stretch of tubing 12 inches high: 6

Pressure transmitter

12 in

Range = 0-500 PSI

Why is the mounting position of the transmitter (above the process connection to the pipe) not a problem here, although it would almost certainly be a problem if liquid head or some other low pressure range were being measured?

Question 16 One solution to the problem highlighted in question #14 is to use a remote seal isolating the transmitter from the process liquid. What is a pressure transmitter remote seal (sometimes called a chemical seal), and why would it address the problem described in question #14?

Question 17 Determine a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario.

100% Process liquid D = 60 lb/ft3 Measurement span = 11 ft

DP cell with 4-20 mA output

5 ft 0% Remote seal Seal fill fluid S.G. = 1.9

Question 18 Determine a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario. 7

100% Process liquid D = 88 lb/ft3 Measurement span = 24 ft

DP cell with 10-50 mA output

15 ft

9 ft 0% Remote seal Seal fill fluid S.G. = 1.75

Question 19 What would happen to the level measurement system shown in question #18 if the vapor pressure within the vessel were to suddenly increase (assuming an unchanging liquid level)?


Pressure INCREASE Process liquid D = 88 lb/ft3

DP cell with 10-50 mA output

Measurement span = 24 ft

15 ft

9 ft 0% Remote seal Seal fill fluid S.G. = 1.75

Question 19.5 Draw the P&ID (owsheet) symbol for an electronic dierential pressure transmitter with remote seals measuring liquid level, as shown in questions #18 and #19.

Question 20 A liquid storage vessel holding a very corrosive liquid has its level measured by a bubbler system, whereby a transmitter measures the backpressure of air inside a dip tube inserted into the vessel: 8

Compressed air supply dip tube 100% Process liquid D = 94 lb/ft3 needle valve Pressure regulator DP cell with 4-20 mA output

Measurement span = 18 ft


Determine a 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario, with a calibration tolerance of +/- 0.5%, specifying which side (high or low) of the transmitter that the calibration pressure must be applied for each calibration point. Assume that the lower range-value of the process (0% level) is exactly the same height as the bottom of the dip tube.

Question 21 Purge systems may be used to detect head pressure in a vessel even when there is no dip tube. For example, in this level measurement system, compressed air is used as a purge medium directly into the vessel where the transmitter tubing connects:

needle valve

100% Process liquid D = 73 lb/ft3 Measurement span = 22 ft

air bubbles

Compressed air supply Pressure regulator

0% needle valve

What would happen to the transmitters output if the lower process connection were to become plugged by debris (despite the cleaning action of the compressed air owing through it)?

needle valve

100% Process liquid D = 73 lb/ft3 Measurement span = 22 ft

Compressed air supply Pressure regulator


Blockage needle valve

Question 22 Given the level measurement system shown in question #21, what would happen to the transmitters output if the upper process connection were to become plugged by debris?

needle valve Blockage 100% Process liquid D = 73 lb/ft3 Measurement span = 22 ft

air bubbles

Compressed air supply Pressure regulator

0% needle valve
Question 23 In purged (bubbler) instrument systems, simple ow-indicating devices are usually installed in line with the purge tubing to indicate purge uid ow: 10

Flow indicator Supply FI

dip tube


If the purge uid is a gas (such as compressed air), the ow indicator may be as simple as a glass jar partially lled with oil, with a dip tube indicating gas ow by a series of bubbles coming out the end:


dip tube


Such a device is called a sight feed bubbler. Another popular ow-indicating device is called a rotameter: a vertical, conical tube made of transparent material, a plummet inside the tube supported against the force of gravity by the force of the moving purge uid: 11

Rotameter Supply

dip tube


Rotameters can withstand greater static pressures than sight feed bubblers, and are able to indicate the ow of purge liquids as well as purge gases. Why is a ow indicator desirable to have in a purge system, when the system will function quite well without purge uid ow indication?

Question 24

Determine a 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this waterpurged level measurement system, with a calibration tolerance of +/- 0.3%, specifying which side (high or low) of the transmitter that the calibration pressure must be applied for each calibration point. 12

Static pressure = 50 PSIG


100% Process liquid D = 73 lb/ft3 Measurement span = 22 ft 24 ft



Pressurized 100 PSI water supply

10-50 mA

10 ft

Question 25

What will be the weight of an iron rod (D = 490.68 pounds per cubic foot), 5 feet long and 2 inches in diameter, as it hangs inside a dry vessel? 13


5 ft Vessel (dry)

2 in
What will the scale indicate when the vessel lls with water until 3 feet of the rod is submerged?



3 ft

Question 26

The principle of liquid displacement may be used to create a level transmitter instrument, generating an output signal proportional to the change in weight of a displacer rod suspended in a liquid: 14



Vessel Block valves Process liquid displacer

Weightmeasuring mechanism

Displacer "cage"

Often, the displacer is housed inside its own cage for easy removal from the process, as shown, or it may be inserted directly into the process vessel like this:

Weightmeasuring mechanism Vessel displacer Process liquid

A common means of dry-calibrating a displacer-type level instrument is to close both block valves and drain the displacer cage of all liquid to simulate 0% process level (LRV), then use a string and mechanical scale to apply a measured amount of upward force on the displacer to simulate the buoyant force generated by submersion in the process liquid at 100% of measurement range (URV): 15

Pull up on string until scale registers the desired force "Dry" calibration Scale

Vessel valves closed Process liquid displacer

Weightmeasuring mechanism

Liquid drained out of cage

But suppose you had no scale to use for such a dry calibration. Can you think of another way to simulate a 100% level (URV) condition without actually lling the process vessel level up to that level? Question 27 Suppose that a displacer-type level transmitter is used in a liquid process service where a hard, scaly residue accumulates and adheres to the displacer surface over time. What eect will such a residue have on the transmitters calibration, as it alters both the dry weight and the eective volume of the displacer? Will there be a zero shift, a span shift, or both? In which direction(s) will the shift(s) be? The following graph is a transfer function depicting process liquid level versus transmitter output for a transmitter with no residue accumulation:


Transmitter output

0% 0%

Process liquid level


What will this graph look like after a substantial amount of residue has accumulated on the displacer?


Question 28 Determine a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table (upward force on the displacer vs. percentage of measurement range) for the displacer level transmitter in this scenario:

100% Measurement span = 24 in Water 0%


Block valves

100% Measurement span = 24 in 0%

The displacer weighs 10 pounds (dry) and has a diameter of 3 inches. The 0% process liquid level (LRV) is even with the bottom of the displacer.

Question 29 Determine a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table (upward force on the displacer vs. percentage of measurement range) for the displacer level transmitter in this scenario:

100% Measurement span = 30 in 0%


Process liquid D = 55 lb/ft3

Block valves

100% Measurement span = 30 in 0%

The displacer weighs 15 pounds (dry) and has a diameter of 3.5 inches. The 0% process liquid level (LRV) is even with the bottom of the displacer.

Question 30 How much head pressure (in PSI) will there be at the bottom of this vessel when lled with water? 17

Liquid in


11 ft


Head pressure = ???

How much head pressure (in PSI) will there be at the bottom of this vessel when lled with gasoline (42 lb/ft3 )?

Liquid in


11 ft


Head pressure = ???

How much head pressure (in PSI) will there be at the bottom of this vessel when half lled with gasoline (42 lb/ft3 ) and half lled with water (a water-gasoline interface at the 50% level mark)?

Liquid in

Overflow (gasoline) 11 ft (water) Head pressure = ???

Question 31 18

Determine a basic 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this gasoline/water interface level measurement scenario.

Liquid in

Overflow (gasoline) D = 42 lb/ft3 11 ft (water) D = 62.428 lb/ft3 DP cell with 4-20 mA output

Question 32

Determine a 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario, with a calibration tolerance of +/- 0.25%. Also, specify which side (high or low) of the transmitter that the calibration pressure must be applied for each calibration point.

100% S.G. = 0.8 Interface measurement span = 6 ft S.G. = 1.0


6 foot "wet" leg S.G. = 0.8 DP cell with 3-15 PSI output

The lighter liquid has a specic gravity of 0.8, while the heavier liquid has a specic gravity of 1.0. Assume that the liquids total level always remains above the 100% level for interface measurement.

Question 33

Determine a 5-point (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) calibration table for the transmitter in this level measurement scenario, with a calibration tolerance of +/- 0.75%. Also, specify which side (high or low) of the transmitter that the calibration pressure must be applied for each calibration point. 19

DP cell with 4-20 mA output 100% S.G. = 0.75 Interface measurement span = 30 in 0% Remote seal Seal fill fluid S.G. = 1.1
The lighter liquid has a specic gravity of 0.75, while the heavier liquid has a specic gravity of 1.2. Assume that the liquids total level always remains above the 100% level for interface measurement (above the upper transmitter remote seal height). Question 34 Identify and describe at least three technologies for measuring liquid level other than head-pressure (or displacement) transmitters. Question 34.5 Suppose the level of an oil sump is to be measured by a displacer-type level instrument. Of course, the displacer must be immersed in the oil bath in order for it to function. The problem is this: the oil in this sump is very turbulent, owing to large ow rates entering and exiting the sump. This turbulence will cause the displacer instrument to exhibit errors, as the displacer gets pushed laterally by the turbulent oil. Can you think of a solution to this problem (and dont say, Use a dierent type of level instrument!)?

30 in

S.G. = 1.2


"choppy" liquid surface

displa cer


Flow will exert lateral force on displacer, causing measurement errors


Question 35 Most liquid level measurement technologies work by sensing the height of the liquid in a storage vessel. However, what is often desired to be known about a storage vessel is how much volume or mass of liquid that it holds. Depending on the shape of the vessel, height may or may not directly correlate to volume or mass. In which of these vessels will the relationship between liquid level and liquid volume be linear (directly and constantly proportional throughout the entire measurement range)? Assume the use of a dp cell (head pressure) level transmitter in all cases: 20

Cylindrical (vertical)


Cylindrical (horizontal)


Question 36 Plot an approximate transfer function graph (volume versus level) for this conical liquid storage vessel:

Cylindrical (vertical)

Level Volume

Show how the vessel level will change as the volume changes, with the volume as the independent variable (horizontal axis), and the level as the dependent variable (vertical axis):


Liquid level


0% 0%
Question 37 Draw the symbols for the following types of liquid level indicating instruments, each one mounted to the top of a process vessel: Float Radar gauge Ultrasonic (sound) gauge Laser (light) gauge Resistive tape Capacitance probe

Liquid volume



Question 38 Examine this P&ID drawing, and determine what type of instrument is attached to the process vessel:



Short answers

Answer 1 LRV = 0 W.C. URV = 480 W.C. Answer 2 LRV = 120 W.C. URV = 600 W.C. Answer 3 LRV = -120 W.C. (120 W.C. of vacuum applied to the high side, or 120 W.C. of pressure applied to the low side) URV = 360 W.C. Answer 4 The terms elevation and suppression (or depression) describe situations where the pressure transmitter is not located at the 0% process level height. Believe it or not, these terms are often interchanged when speaking of the same scenario (the transmitter mounted either above or below the vessels 0% level)! The Instrument Engineers Handbook, however, attempts to clarify(?) the issue by distinguishing elevated zero and suppressed zero from elevated span and suppressed span. One refers to the perspective of the transmitter while the other refers to the perspective of the process. Answer 5 LRV = 84 W.C. URV = 504 W.C. Transmitter output at 10.7 feet of water level = 6.669 PSI Answer 6

Input (" W.C.) 51 86.7 122.4 158.1 193.8

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 3 PSI 6 PSI 9 PSI 12 PSI 15 PSI


Answer 7 Span = 89.1 W.C.

A vacuum applied to the "high" side, or a pressure of 19.44 "W.C. applied to the "low" side.

Input (" W.C.) -19.44 2.835 25.11 47.385 69.66

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA

Answer 8 Span = 306 W.C.

Input (" W.C.) 0 76.5 153 229.5 306

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 40 mA 50 mA

Answer 8.5 If the formerly dry leg were to become wet, there will be a zero shift in the transmitters response. More specically, the transmitter will register a falsely low liquid level in the vessel.

Answer 9 Span = 306 W.C. 24

Input (" W.C.) -462 Either calibrate the transmitter with vacuums of these magnitudes, or with pressures applied to the "low" side -385.5 -309 -232.5 -156

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 40 mA 50 mA

Answer 10

Input (" W.C.) -64 Calibrate transmitter using vacuums of these magnitudes applied to "high" side or pressures of these magnitudes applied to "low" side -51.5 -39 -26.5 -14

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 6 PSI 12 PSI 18 PSI 24 PSI 30 PSI

Answer 11 Connecting the transmitter to the process vessel:

wet leg S.G. = 1

S.G. = 1

DP cell with 6-30 PSI output

Note "low" and "high" port orientations!


Calibration table (all positive pressures):

Process level, in percent Input (" W.C.) 14 26.5 39 51.5 64 % 100 75 50 25 0 Output (ideal) 6 PSI 12 PSI 18 PSI 24 PSI 30 PSI

When calibrating this transmitter, the pressure values shown in the table will all be applied to the high side, with the low side vented to atmosphere. Note how lower transmitter signal pressures correspond to higher process level percentages the transmitter is indicating in reverse!

Answer 12

Input (" W.C.) 100.92 (L) 46.85 (L) 7.21 (H) 61.27 (H) 115.33 (H)

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA

Output Output (minimum) (maximum) 3.84 mA 7.84 mA 11.84 mA 15.84 mA 19.84 mA 4.16 mA 8.16 mA 12.16 mA 16.16 mA 20.16 mA

Answer 13 26

Input (" W.C.) 120 (L) 6 (L) 108 (H) 222 (H) 336 (H)

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 40 mA 50 mA

Output Output (minimum) (maximum) 9.2 mA 19.2 mA 29.2 mA 39.2 mA 49.2 mA 10.8 mA 20.8 mA 30.8 mA 40.8 mA 50.8 mA

Answer 14 If a pressure transmitter is elevated above the connection point to a vessel or pipe containing a liquid, there is always a possibility that the liquid will run out of the tubing if the vessel or pipe ever goes dry:

(empty vessel)

... Fill liquid dribbling out of vertical piping between transmitter and vessel
If this were to happen, the amount of head suction normally created by the liquid height in the connecting tubing would be reduced, shifting the zero of the measurement system.

Answer 15 The change in head pressure (or suction) caused by a liquid column in the 12 inch length of connecting tubing is inconsequential compared to the pressure range being measured (500 PSI). There would be so little applied pressure dierence between a lled tube versus an empty tube that it would hardly be noticed.

Answer 16 A remote seal, or chemical seal, is one or more diaphragm units that convey pressure to a remotelylocated pressure transmitter by means of uid-lled capillary tubing. Here is a diagram of remote seals used on a pneumatic force-balance dierential pressure transmitter: 27

Pneumatic differential pressure transmitter Regulated compressed air supply orifice nozzle flapper bellows Air pressure signal out fulcrum and seal
force bar


(transmitter filled with oil as well)

capillary tubing diaphragm diaphragm



Chemical seal

Chemical seal

A remote seal would solve the problem of question #14 because the diaphragm between the process liquid and the capillary liquid prevents the capillary liquid from ever dribbling out into the process vessel. In other words, the head pressure (or suction) caused by the vertical column of capillary ll uid is unchanging: 28


Process vessel

capillary tube Fill fluid head

remote diaphragm

Answer 17

Input (" W.C.) -114 -82.28 -50.57 -18.85

% 0 25 50 75

Output (ideal) 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA

12.87 100

Note how all but one of the calibration points involve negative pressures. If the low side of the transmitter is vented (without a remote seal attached), these negative pressures may be easily simulated by applying positive pressure directly to that port. If the low side has a remote seal, the transmitter must be calibrated by bolting a pressure ange on to the seal and applying pressure there. In any case, it is imperative that all remote seal diaphragms are maintained level with the transmitter while being calibrated, so that there are no head pressure eects while on the calibration bench!

Answer 18 29

Input (" W.C.) -504 -402.51 -301.01 -199.52 -98.03

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 40 mA 50 mA

Answer 19 Ideally, there would be no change in the transmitters response if the vessels static pressure were to increase or decrease. This is because the transmitter only measures the dierence in pressure between the top and bottom seals. This dierential pressure is entirely the result of liquid head, not static pressure. Answer 19.5

LT 10-50 mA output

Answer 20

Input (" W.C.) 0 81.31 (H) 162.62 (H) 243.93 (H) 325.24 (H)

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA

Output Output (minimum) (maximum) 3.92 mA 7.92 mA 11.92 mA 15.92 mA 19.92 mA


4.08 mA 8.08 mA 12.08 mA 16.08 mA 20.08 mA

Answer 21 If the lower process connection were to become blocked by debris, the transmitters output signal would increase, quite possibly to a magnitude greater than 100%.

Answer 22 If the upper process connection were to become blocked by debris, the transmitters output signal would decrease, quite possibly to a magnitude less than 0%.

Answer 23 Having a purge uid indicator in place is an excellent troubleshooting tool, for problems such as those mentioned in questions #21 and #22.

Answer 24

Input (" W.C.) 288 (L) 210.82 (L) 133.65 (L) 56.47 (L) 20.71 (H)

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 40 mA 50 mA

Output Output (minimum) (maximum) 9.88 mA 19.88 mA 29.88 mA 39.88 mA 49.88 mA 10.12 mA 20.12 mA 30.12 mA 40.12 mA 50.12 mA

Answer 25 Dry weight = 53.52 pounds Submerged (by 3 feet) weight = 49.44 pounds

Answer 26 Vent the displacer cage to atmosphere by opening it up at the top (the same hole through which you would normally access the displacer to attach a string and scale), then slowly open the lower block valve to let process liquid into the cage. If the vessel is pressurized signicantly above atmospheric pressure, the liquid will rise up and ll the chamber as far as you let it: 31

(vented) valve closed Vessel displacer Weightmeasuring mechanism

Process liquid

valve open

Be careful, though! If the process liquid is hazardous and/or under high pressure inside the process vessel, this technique would not be recommended!

Answer 27

The zero will be shifted down, and the span shifted up, by accumulated residue on the displacer:


With residue

Transmitter output

No residue

0% 0%

Process liquid level


On the graph, the downward zero shift is represented by the lower left-hand end of the line, while the upward span shift is represented by a steeper slope.

Answer 28 32

Input (lb) 0 1.532 3.064 4.597 6.129

Answer 29

% 0 25 50 75 100

Input (lb) 0 2.297 4.593 6.890 9.187

Answer 30

% 0 25 50 75 100

Head pressure when completely full of water = 4.769 PSI Head pressure when completely full of gasoline = 3.208 PSI Head pressure when water-gasoline interface is at 50% level = 3.988 PSI Answer 31

Input (" W.C.) 88.81 99.6 110.4 121.2 132

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA

Answer 32

Input (" W.C.) 0 3.6 (H) 7.2 (H) 10.8 (H) 14.4 (H)

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 3 PSI 6 PSI 9 PSI 12 PSI 15 PSI

Output Output (minimum) (maximum) 2.97 PSI 5.97 PSI 8.97 PSI 11.97 PSI 14.97 PSI 3.03 PSI 6.03 PSI 9.03 PSI 12.03 PSI 15.03 PSI

Answer 33

Input (" W.C.) 10.5 (L) 7.125 (L) 3.75 (L) 0.375 (L) 3.00 (H)

% 0 25 50 75 100

Output (ideal) 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA 20 mA

Output Output (minimum) (maximum) 3.88 mA 7.88 mA 11.88 mA 15.88 mA 19.88 mA 4.12 mA 8.12 mA 12.12 mA 16.12 mA 20.12 mA

Answer 34 Liquid level measurement technologies other than head pressure or displacement: Vessel weight measurement Radar gauge Ultrasonic (sound) gauge Laser (light) gauge Resistive tape Capacitance probe Float

Answer 34.5 The simplest solution would be to mount a vertical pipe inside the sump, both ends open, with the bottom end fully submerged and the top end above the highest oil level, to act as a stilling well for the 34

displacer to rest in. This stilling well duplicates the same liquid level inside of it as there is throughout the rest of the sump, without all the turbulence to drag the displacer laterally:



Stilling well (vertical pipe) Flow


Answer 35

The relationship between level and volume will be linear for the (vertical) cylindrical and rectangular vessel shapes. It will be nonlinear for the others (horizontal cylindrical, and spherical).

Answer 36

Imagine liquid lling this vessel at a constant ow rate. Level in this vessel will rise slowly at rst, then more rapidly as the cross-sectional area decreases. The result is a transfer function that looks like this:


Liquid level

0% 0% Liquid volume 100%

Answer 37

Float: 35




Ultrasonic: 36




Resistive tape:





Answer 38 The instrument in question is a level gauge, otherwise known as a sightglass.


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