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Leadership Academy Overview

This project is about establishing a Leadership Academy that will develop Muslim leaders intellectually, Islamically, spiritually, ethically, physically and socially. The objectives of the Leadership Academy will be to: Develop independent, critical thinkers, thriving for academic and moral excellence, and embarking on a programme of lifelong learning and service to Islam and society. Develop an Esprit de Corps of Muslim Leaders by combining traditional Islamic knowledge and global leadership skills. Develop an internationally networked Order of Young Muslim Leaders with a solid work ethic, who communicates well and are able to function in a diverse and everchanging world. Provide internationally accepted, comprehensive programmes that give participants theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

The programmes at the Academy will be based on Ottoman principles of: 1. Governance, Statecraft and Academic Development. 2. Religious, Spiritual & Ethical Development (Islam & Quran). 3. Infaq, Service to Islam and Social Development. 4. Physical and Military Development. These programmes will be offered over a four year period where students / cadets will also be taught core competencies. The educational philosophy at the Academy will be to develop a sense of discipline, honour, duty and service to Islam, and the acquisition of knowledge will be fostered in the students to enable then to take up senior positions in diplomacy, government, business and the military. A defining aspect of the programme is building the character of the students through a variety of activities that develop mental and physical toughness and at the same time enabling them to govern and lead at different levels. Activities will include tactics and other concepts of military operations substantiated by simulated field operations. Field camps will be established for a few days and students participate in numerous field operations. They will be exposed to battle conditions and made to apply their tactical knowledge to hard ground situations. Other activities will include: Endurance-Building Events: Endurance s one of the higher virtues of an effective leader. Regular stamina and endurance building exercises will be conducted to develop in the students, physical hardihood, determination and willpower. Skills and Agility: Students must become proficient in a host of individual skills. A course of numerous Physical Training Tests develops their body fitness and promotes their agility. The students have to engage in frequent tough conditioning exercises. This fitness acquired over a long period of strenuous training stays with the participants as a life-time asset. Mustering Courage: The different physical training events not merely physically harden the students, but they also develop in them a great deal of courage. This will include events like boxing, obstacle / assault course, etc.

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