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Saadia Rauf Roll no.

14-10001 MCOM 103 (D)

Questionnaire: Dissonance of Pakistani Advertisement with Cultural Values---Analysis of Consumer Perception

1) Please fill in the following demo graphs: Name: Fayyaz Ahmed________________________________________ Age: _27____________________________________________________ Education: _Post Graduation____________________________________ Marital Status: _Single____________________________________________ Occupation: _Chartered Accountantancy________________________________ City : _Karachi____________________________________________________ 2) How much time do you spend in watching TV? a) Less than 2 hrs b) 2 to 4 hrs c) 4 to 6 hrs d) More than 6 hrs 3) How many commercials/ads do you come across while watching any TV program? a) 4-5 b)6-10 c) 11-15 d) More than 15 4) Which other tools of media do you have access to other than TV? a) Local newspapers b) Local magazines c) Internet

d) radio/fm

5) Do you watch/read the whole of the ad? a) Yes b) No. 6) Do you think that the advertisements on the bill boards/poster panels at the traffic signals are usually very cheap and offensive? a) Yes b) No 7) What do you find most offensive in Pakistani advertising? a) The message they convey is not suitable for the audience under 18 b) The language used in the commercials (as in promos/logos/dialogues) c) The way the ad is shot goes totally opposite as to how our society is going d) Influence of the foreign cultures e) Stunts are displayed, but the precaution is shown in a very narrow text; it can be very dangerous for our population as more than half is illiterate f) The way models are dressed up hardly goes parallel to our social values g) Others (Please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Which ads do you feel should be banned? a) Cellular Companies/ Mobile phones b) Cosmetics and feminine products c) Clothing d) Edibles (soft drinks/ice creams, etc) e) Population growth (use of contraceptive measures)

9) What problem do you wish the related authorities to have a check on, especially in newspapers/magazines? a) Plenty of medical related advertisements, but they are not verified b) Adverting occult (as in black magic/ fortune telling) that misleads masses c) Ads containing content displaying nudity d) Lack of information about the products; publicizing a product even without showing a Companys NTN number/ license. 10) As a neutral person, what do you think one can get out of our advertising? a) One who does not go dandy is out fashioned and not updated b) One who is not fair or slim should be made a laughing stock c) Mobile phones should only be used to bluff around d) One cant be cool unless he/she has friends from the opposite gender 11) What are your views regarding inexpensive packages introduced by cellular companies? a) Annoyance due to rapid wrong calls b) Heavy flow of suggestive text/multimedia messages from unknown numbers c) Packages are offered at that time when most of the people would not find it decent to use them 12) Is media killing our social/moral values in the guise of emancipation? a) Yes b) No 13) Do you think that one cant watch TV/listen to radio/use internet with family and friends due to our advertisements? a) Yes b) No

14)Do you think that our ads are promoting anti-Pakistani or foreign culture when Companies or Brands introduce new products or incentives on events like Halloweens night, Valentines day, New Years eve etc.?

a) Yes b) No 15) On average, how many ads do you recommend per year to others that promote our culture? a) 2-4 b) 4-7 c) More than 7 16) Do you think that Pakistani advertising hardly promotes our national heroes and legends who have worked diligently for the good image/establishment/prosperity of Pakistan rather it is promoting people (especially from showbiz) who hardly have any idea about our ideologies and have negligible contribution in promoting Pakistani culture and ideologies? a) Yes b) No 17) Is the number of ads meant for mass awareness and public welfare very less as compared to those that promote glamour? a) Yes b) No 18) How often do you see ads that show the natural and cultural sites of Pakistan (as in shot in landscapes, deserts, fields, historical places? a) At most 3 per year b) At most 5 c) More than 5 19) How much do you find Pakistani advertisement responsible for the increasing crime rate, especially in youth by inculcating frustration and hype in the guise of freedom of speech and expression? a) Not at all b) It is the main cause c) It can be a side cause but it is not the main cause 20) How many times has it been that you saw an advertisement showing that a product/ brand would be sold in sale but the quality was not up to the mark?

a) At the start and end of all seasons b) On half yearly basis c) After every year d) Once in a blue moon

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