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Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

The Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity By Mark I. Bubeck

A Paper Submitted to Dr. Kennedy Adarkwa In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course Spiritual Factors of Church Growth Evan 670-B01 LUO

By Daniel S. Tomlinson 18 February 2012

The Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity Introduction In his book, The Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity, Mark Bubeck analyses the practicing Christian dealing with the unfamiliar ground of spiritual warfare and their ability, and authority in Christ, to find victory in His name. Bubeck deals with combating spiritual enemies and gaining victory through the power of the Holy Spirit. His intended goal is to alert, prepare and equip Christians in the battles that already exist and to lay out guidelines and prayer practices in dealing with demonic attacks. Mark Bubeck is a graduate from the Moody Bible Institute, received a Diploma in Theology from the Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary and received his Doctorate of Ministry from Talbot Theological Seminary. Additionally, he is the president of the International Center for Biblical Counseling. Bubeck Summary Mark Bubeck, in his book The Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity, immediately establishes the intended audience for his reading by stating This is not a topic for idle curiosity or trifling interest. There is too much at stake for us to be satisfied with anything less than being mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Corinthians 10:4).1 He continues to elaborate on the state of preparedness for the Christian base by claiming that it is not fully focused on the three unique enemies that desire to defeat spiritual believers.2 Bubeck systematically describes these enemies as existing in the form of the flesh, the world and the devil. Bubeck's tactic on dealing with the flesh begins by acknowledging that mans sinful nature is a result of mans willingness to depart from the presence of God. He adds that we must never
1 2

Bubeck, Mark I.. The Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity,. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975. Ibid, 22

underestimate the terrible strength of our fallen nature to hinder and destroy spiritual life and the holy life God desires us to live.3 Bubecks offered recourse is escape the law of the flesh, and its total demise, by establishing a new life in the Lord Jesus Christ. He also points to Galatians 5 which properly, and descriptively, stresses killing the old man through leaning on Him through prayer. Dealing with the world as an enemy of believers is addressed by understanding that the world system is opposed to all believers and their support, and love, for Jesus Christ.4 Bubeck states The world tempts us to be ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ.5 He also gives biblical reference to support his claim that the world tempts believers to conform to the worlds standards.6 Bubeck encourages believers to stand on the Biblical proof that the prince of the world stands condemned and the Christians have victory over the world. He continues this encouragement by presenting the Word of God as the confirmed sword of the Spirit. As such it gives insight into how Satan operates and how the Word of God equips believers to stand against him in spiritual warfare. Dealing with the occult and facing Satans kingdom is a topic in which Bubeck sees as necessary to recognize as it becomes a common problem of todays society. He draws a parallel to the life of the apostle Paul and his writing of the epistle to the Ephesians as a guidebook on battling spiritual warfare. He points to putting on ones armor as an avenue to appropriate what our Lord offers to you for your victory and protection.7 Bubeck states Christians greatly err when they avoid the subject of spiritual warfare because of the fearsome power of Satan.8 Understanding and avoiding the fear of the enemy is
3 4 5 6 7 8

Ibid, 27 Ibid, 47 Ibid, 50 Ibid, 50 Ibid, 77 Ibid, 79

the strengthening of the faith in which, what Bubeck claims, prevents Satan from having an advantage over Christians.9 He continues by writing that Satan attacks believers minds, wills and emotion but standing on 2 Timothy 1:7 ensures Christians that God has already issue the equipment in which to enter into battle.10 Bubeck declares that believers experiencing spiritual attack should apply sound Biblical doctrine in ones daily walk. This includes practicing, what he coins, doctrinal praying.11 This is done by using of the practice of praying or applying the objective, absolute truths of the Word of God as the hope and basis of resolving our prayer burden and should be used daily in praise, petition and intercession.12 Aggressively using this tactic, he claims, brings to grasp the tremendous power of his spiritual weaponry through understanding this (Biblical Scripture) will find a new joy in prayer.13 In cases of demonic activity, Bubeck states Spiritual warfare is not a trifling matter. It requires the appropriation of all of our victory in the Lord Jesus Christ.14 He explains The believers authority is truly a settled fact. God, our heavenly father, has planned it so; our Lord Jesus Christ declared it so; and the work of the Holy Spirit makes it so.15 He continues his instruction by suggesting that the believer boldly appropriate all given victory in the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer. Bubeck sees spiritual warfare as being vehemently opposed to spiritual revival. He claims that Satan will make every attempt to thwart a revival within the body of Christ. Once

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Ibid, 79 Ibid, 89 Ibid, 95 Ibid, 95 - 96 Ibid, 103 Ibid, 123 Ibid, 116

again, Bubeck encourages approaching the Lord in prayer to petition for protection against these types of attacks and offers a prayer for revival. Tools For Warfare is the title of chapter 11 in which Bubeck lists, what he considers, are needed elements in the daily fight against spiritual attack. Among this list he includes daily affirming ones faith, reciting warfare prayers, renouncing the enemys attacks and affirming the saving blood of Christ. With these suggestions, Bubeck also scripts prayers, with bulleted tips and instructions, for the reader. Bubeck ends his text with encouraging unity among the Christian body. He states Believers must begin to see their deep and vital need of one another.16 He continues by suggesting that Christians lean on the Lord, as a body, instead of extending an effort to become experts in the topic of spiritual warfare. Bubeck reminds the readers that the end is at hand and that during this time it is of upmost importance that the Christian body be united in evading the enemys attacks. He writes The battle lines are being more aggressively drawn by the enemy of our souls. He is boldly intruding more openly into the affairs of men.17 The only substantial threat to the enemy, Bubeck claims, is a united Christian front. He finalizes his book with looking for that blessed hope as summarized in Titus 2:13.18 Evaluation and Critique Mark Bubeck, in his book The Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity, presents an argument that is offered in a common view for Biblical Christians. His style is simplistic in describing spiritual warfare and reveals Scripture to support his position. Each presentation that he makes is described in an issue and solution context that presents a problem that is followed by a detailed, explained and instructive course of actions in response. In regards to Bubecks proposed
16 17 18

Ibid, 155 Ibid, 157 Ibid, 158

issues and solutions, there is a common practice of offering Biblical reference for the reader to reflect on. Given this overview, there are several strengths and one minor weakness of Bubecks book. One of Bubecks strengths in his writing style is his ability to tie his surrounding themes to a major, and relative, theme. He adequately connects the common foes of man, fleshly and worldly temptations, as instruments and opportunities for the demonic attacks, sponsored by Satan, to take place. With this said, the author presents a solid model in which the reader can utilize to associate their own experiences and situations to the attacks of the enemy. Bubeck writes both Satan and mans flesh or old nature have a vital part in formulating the world system in its activities and philosophies.19 The overarching focus of Bubeck is given by presenting a detailed biography of Satan through covering Satans original state, his rebellion and fall, his titles and names, his abilities, activity, strategy, destiny.20 By doing this Bubeck provides intelligence to the reader on an enemy that has already declared war. Once again, Bubecks strength is repeated in connecting the enemy to the readers knowledge base which creates the projection of the intended goal of providing and equipping Christians to contend with and defeat the enemy of God. Another strength of Bubeck is his reliance on the Word of God to support and propel his argument that spiritual warfare is a very real threat to the Body of Christ. The author continually refers to Scripture when presenting his arguments and successfully seeks Gods response within the Bible. This trend is common through the entirety of the text therefore only one example will be given of this practice. When Bubeck is explaining the worldly system of man as an enemy to Christian beliefs, in chapter 3, he quotes 1 John 2:15 to support his argument. He follows this
19 20

Ibid, 47 Ibid, 55 - 65

argument by reminding the reader of John 12:31 that declares the prince of this world to be defeated.21 This principle is essential when providing and credible analysis in which to support a Biblically based argument. Bubeck adheres to this principle and properly delivers his message through Biblical reference. Although Bubeck gives a detailed analysis on the topics of fleshly sin, worldly temptations and Satan, he conversely displays the ability to shift the readers attention from these peripheral themes to the primary theme of the Glory of God. In chapter one he states a fact of history is that the Lord Christ died on the cross of Calvary. He died there bearing our sins in His own body. He that knew no sin, became sin for us. This is absolute fact declared true by the Word of God.22 In his final chapter this perspective is repeated as he writes As believers remain tightly bound together and tightly bound to their Head (Christ), the devouring fires of Satan can do us little harm.23 Bubeck does well to remind the reader of Gods intended hope for man and His never ending love. The negative aspect of this book has less to do with the author as it does with the publisher. Although Bubeck has compiled an accurate view of spiritual warfare, one aspect of this text that could be improved upon is revising the book to be more applicable to todays audience. This book was written in 1975 and gives references that may not be familiar with much of todays society. In chapter 5 the reader is reminded of the age of the book as the author writes about the movie The Exorcist which was released in 1973. Bubeck dedicates five paragraphs to the events surrounding this movie in which one would have to be in his or her fifties to relate to it. A person who may have been too young, or not born at all, at the release of this film may have viewed it since then but

21 22 23

Ibid, 48-52 Ibid, 37 Ibid, 155

the events discussed in the book would not be relative or applicable to that person. By revising this edition, it has the opportunity to reach an audience that has yet to consider this topic. Regardless of this minor setback, Bubeck has amassed a writing that is applicable to the Christian faith and addresses a topic that is not often addressed and often ignored. It has proven to be a useful guide for understanding the enemy of God that has declared war on His body. It also provides a source of reference to better understand the demonic forces that exist within the world and offers Biblical hope for the Christian reader. This book should not be intended for new Christians or those who are not strong in their faith. Bubeck admittedly states This is not a topic for idle curiosity or trifling interest. There is too much at stake for us to be satisfied with anything less than being mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Corinthians 10:4).24 With this said, it is an excellent reference that offers sound Biblically based guidance for an established Christian. Personal Application I found the reading by Mark Bubeck to be very thought provoking and, at times, a writing that caused me to reflect and rely on the Word of God. I must admit that I have been guilty of avoiding addressing the topic of spiritual warfare at this level. Even from the onset, I approached this book with many reservations and, ashamedly, apprehension. Being drawn in to the topics that Bubeck wrote of has caused me to give deep consideration to the subject of spiritual warfare and demonic activity among the Christian body and within the world in which we live in. As such, I feel that I can apply several key elements learned from this book to develop and mature my faith as a Christian. The bondage in which the Christian believer can come into when considering fleshly-living is real and apparent. The world that we live in is significantly influenced by the prince of this

Ibid, 18

world which is a result of the fall of man. As a minister of the Lord I feel compelled to admit that fleshly temptations surround me daily. It has become very common to view lustful scenarios within todays media, from television to billboard, that it is difficult for a man to guard himself from distractions such as these. Bubeck writes this rather sobering observation, then, indicates that willful indulgence in fleshly sins without claiming our ground of victory in the Lord Jesus Christ can produce a bondage to Satan.25 I feel compelled by the Holy Spirit to introduce the practical prayer that Bubeck authors in which to establish our victory over flesh through the blood of Christ.26 Secondly, I will put on the armor of God in prayer to adequately face the threat of Satans attacks. Bubeck addresses the influence of the world by facing the enemys kingdom through the Word of God. He states the Word of God is upon the accomplished victory which is ours to appropriate and claim through our Lord Jesus Christ. Spiritual attacks come in various forms in which they are, sometimes, difficult to recognize. Equipment myself with the armor of the Lord, through prayer and daily practice, will prepare me to face these unexpected attacks. Bubeck writes it is vital important and appropriate to receive that which the Lord offers and that which is intended for victory and protection. Not only is it Gods gift to me to use His armor but it is my responsibility to do so. Finally, one application that I feel inspired to focus on prioritizing is a subject that Bubeck speaks of when reviewing the dos & donts of confrontation warfare.27 As he writes of this topic he states Constant dependence upon the Holy Spirit for wisdom in necessary when dealing with the powers of darkness.28 As a result, I will focus on the positive application of doctrine,

25 26

Ibid, 35 Ibid, 38 27 Ibid 124 28 Ibid, 124


warfare praying, a walk of praise and Scripture memorization. These elements, I feel, are essential in preparing for battle against the enemy. I feel it helpful to utilize the analogy of team sports to adequately explain this position. In team sports, games are seldom won without weeks, months or years of preparing to meet their opponent head on. Just as teams review their opponents tactics and apply counter measures and special plays to overcome their opponents efforts, so must I, as a chosen child of God, when dealing with the adversary that Bubeck writes of. God desires victory for me in my Christian walk and these elements carry forward that which God wishes to equip me with to adequately, and boldly, face the enemy. In summary, reading this book has been an experience of enlightenment and inspiration to me. It has caused me to reflect on my current walk with Christ and to consider, more closely, the attacks of the enemy and the desire of Satan to see me, as a Christian soldier, fall on the spiritual battlefield. I must remind myself to, and develop the practice of, continually seek His direction and protection.


Bibliography Bubeck, Mark I.. The Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity,. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975

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