Akshaya Tritiya

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Akshaya Tritiya also known as Akha Teej is a Hindu holy day, that falls on the third Tithi (Lunar

day) of Bright Half (Shukla Paksha) of Hindu month of Vaishakha. This day is ruled by god Vishnu, the preserver-god in the Hindu Trinity. It is also traditionally celebrated as the birth day of the Hindu sage Parashurama, the sixth avatar (incarnation) of the god Vishnu. According to Hindu mythology, on this day the Treta Yuga began and the river Ganges, the most holy and sacred river of India, descended to the earth from the heaven. The word "Akshaya" means the never diminishing in Sanskrit and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. The day is particularly considered auspicious for buying long term assets like gold and silver, including ornaments made of the same; diamond and other precious stones; and the real estate. The legend states that any venture initiated on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya shall continue to grow and bring prosperity. Hence, it is normal to see many of the new ventures, like starting a business, ground breaking for construction on the Akshaya Tritiya. As per Hindu electional astrology (Muhurta) three Lunar days (Tithis) are held as most auspicious. These are called Sade-Teen Muhurtas also. These Tithis are : 1st Tithi of Bright Half of Chaitra (starting of new year), 10th Tithi of Bright Half of Ashvina (Vijay Dashmi), 3rd Tithi of Bright Half of Vaishakha (Akshay Tritiya- Parshu Jyanti) & 1st Tithi of Bright Half of Karttika are called Sade-Teen (3 ) Muhurt. The first three Tithis are counted as full & the last one as half Tithi, and constitute Sade - Teen Muhurt. The Sun and Moon are astrologically believed to be at their most exalted equal brightness on this day. Akshaya Tritiya is also called Navanna Parvam. Akshaya Tritiya falling on a Rohini star day is considered more auspicious. Starting a new activity or buying valuables on this day is considered to bring luck and success. The religious merit that is acquired by giving gifts on this day is considered inexhaustible. Many buy new gold jewelry on this day. Most Jewel stores stock in new jewelry models for this occasion with "Lakshmi-inscribed" gold coins, diamond jewellery and golden dollars with the pictures of many gods and goddesses.

Akshaya Trithiya, or Akha Teej, is a highly auspicious day which falls on the third day after Amavasi (no moon) in the Hindu month of Vaishakha. In 2010, the date of Akshaya Trithiya is May 16. As per Hindu astrology and almanac, each second on the Akshaya Trithiya day is auspicious. It is said that there is no need to look for a muhurat on the day. The word Akshaya means that which never diminishes and the day is ideal for beginning new ventures as it is believed that all investments on this day appreciates. Note: Most Panchangs in North India except for Mithila Panchang has termed Akshay Tritiya 2010 as inauspicious - it is not good for marriages and other auspicious events. (More details can be found here.)

In a traditional Hindu lunar calendar, Akshay Tritiya is observed on the third day of Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) in Vaishakh Month. It is believed that the sun and the moon are most radiant and best placed on the day. Therefore it is one of the most popular dates in Hindu calendar for marriages, for beginning new ventures, for investing and for purchasing valuables like gold and diamond. Parashuram Jayanti is also observed on Akshaya Tritiya day. There are numerous legends associated with Akshaya Tritiya; most popular is that of Sudama or Kuchela visiting Lord Krishna in Dwarka with a handful of beaten rice (poha or aval). Another legend suggests that the Pandavas received the Akshaya Pathram (bowl) from Lord Krishna (in the Mahabharata) on this day. It is also believed that Sage Vyasa began the composition of Mahabharata on the day. Lord Vishnu and his incarnations are worshipped on the day. People also conduct Lakshmi puja on Akshaya Tritiya. But nowadays, Akshaya Trithiya is associated with gold purchase and many people wait for the day to make investments in gold. Hindus believe in the theory of "mahurats" or auspicious timings in every step in life - be it to begin a new venture or making an important purchase. Akshaya Tritiya is one such momentous occasion, which is considered one of the most auspicious days of the Hindu Calendar. It is believed, any meaningful activity started on this day would be fruitful. Once a Year Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third day of the bright half of Vaishakh month (April-May), when the Sun and Moon are in exaltation; they are simultaneously at their peak of brightness, which happens only once every year. Holy Day Akshaya Tritiya, also known as "Akha Teej", is traditionally the birthday of Lord Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. People conduct special Pujas on this day, bathe in holy rivers, make a charity, offer barley in a sacred fire, and worship Lord Ganesha & Devi Lakshmi on this day. The Golden Link The word "Akshaya" means imperishable or eternal - that which never diminishes. Initiations made or valuables bought on this day are considered to bring success or good fortune. Buying gold is a popular activity on Akshaya Tritiya, as it is the ultimate symbol of wealth and prosperity. Gold and gold jewelry bought and worn on this day signify never diminishing good fortune. Indians celebrate weddings, begin new business ventures, and even plan long journeys on this day.

Myths & Legends The day also marks the beginning of the "SatyaYug" or the Golden Age - the first of the four Yugas. In the "Puranas", the holy Hindu scriptures, there is a story that says that on this day of Akshay Tritiya Vedavyas along with Ganesha started writing the great epic Mahabharata. Ganga Devi or Mother Ganges also descended to earth on this day. Bright Births It is also believed that people born during this time shine bright in life. Many luminaries were born during this period: Basaveshwara born on May 4, Ramanujacharya and Adi Shankaracharya on May 6, Swami Chinmayananda on May 8 and Lord Buddha on May 16. Patna: Remember the Abhi-Ash wedding on Akshay Tritiya in 2007? Since then, this auspicious day on the Hindu calendar has been the most sought-after date for marriage. But there will be no marriages on May 16 this year. For, almost after a century, plane-tary conjunctions are not good this time and there is no shubh ma-hurat or shubh lagna for tying the much-awaited knot. "Though the tithi falls on the third day of the bright half (Shukla paksha) of Vaishakh when the sun and moon are simultaneously at their peak of brightness and every moment of this day is considered auspicious, both Venus and Jupiter are combusted this year and several doshas of the nakshatra fall on that day, marriages are a strict no no," warned Delhi astrologer Sameer Upadhyaya. "Going by legend, Akshay Tritiya marks the first day of Treta Yug. It is on this day that Lord Vishnu was incarnated as Parshuram. This accounts for the day to be auspicious enough for the couples to get into wedlock without any prior mahurat. But this year, both because of planetary combination and this Vaishakh being adhik-mas or malmas, no marriages should be solemnised. So, one can only look for shubh mahurats only after May 28," said Mukeshwar Mishra, another astrologer of repute. "Normally on Akshay Tritiya, a rare and extremely auspicious combination of sthir yog and saubhagya karan makes it more spe-cial for marriages. However, 2010 is an exception. The stars are not favourable for any auspicious ceremony, be it marriage, upanayan, grih pravesh, namkaran, etc." said Acharya Mithilesh Mishra of Varanasi. The Mithila Panchang is an exception though as priest R N Thakur says: "According to our almanac, marriages can be solemnised af-ter May 15." No other almanac has any shubh mahurat before the end of this month. Amitesh Mishra and Shruti Samant, both working as executives with a private bank, had planned to tie the knot on Akshay Tritiya. "They were very disheartened when their priest said the day is not auspicious," said Mitali, their colleague. Same was the case with Navneet, US-based architect, who desper-ately wanted to enter into wedlock this Akshay Tritiya. His fiancee, Anamika, is also dejected as all her plans to fly out this year have gone awry.

"Our elders did not approve of the marriage on this date," she sighed. Buying gold and silver is a popular activity on this day. However, this year, jewellers, too, are apprehensive many may not prefer to buy gold. An Auspicious Day It is well known that Indians believe passionately in the theory of muhurts or auspicious times to perform sacraments, to make major purchases or to begin new ventures. Inspite of modern technology and changing lifeviews, this dedication to auspicious time is a prominent feature of Indian life. Akshaya Tritiya, the third day of the bright half of Vaishakh, is considered one of the four most sacred days of the vear. The word Akshaya means that which never diminishes - hence beginnings made or valuables bought on this day are considered certain to bring luck and success. All over India people celebrate weddings, plan new business ventures, long journeys and other events on this day. Like Diwali, Dussera and Gudi Padva. Akshava Tritiva is reserved for buying gold, silver and other assets. On this day jewellers keep their shops open well into twilight time to entertain their buyers. Akshaya Tritiya or Akha TeeJ is traditionally the birthday of Parshurama, the sixth incarnation of Vishnu. The Puranas tell how he reclaimed land from the sea along the west coast of India by his valour. Even today Goa and the Konkan are called Parshurama Kshetra. He then settled 96 selected families there, called Shahanavkuli Brahmins, who are said to have created the cultural heritage of this nart of India. In India gold is regarded as the ultimate symbol of wealth and prosperity. Buying gold and jewellery is a popular activity on Akshaya Tritiya, one of the most auspicious days of the year.

Belief in Luck and Fortune a number of festivals and days around the world are celebrated because these two abstracts exist in the human minds. Among the Hindus, there are four days in the whole year, which are believed to be one of the Golden Days or auspicious days. They are Ugadi, Vijayadashami and Balipaadyami and Akshaya Tritiya. Observing certain rituals on these days, promises to bring luck and fortune to the devotees. Akshaya Tritiya - The Auspicious Day If we look separately into the words Akshaya Tritiya, we will have a clear idea about the etymology, followed by the time of year when this day comes. Akshaya stands for something which never diminishes and Tritiya stands for third day. Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third day of the Vaisakha, the first month in the Hindu calendar. On this day the Sun and the Moon are at the height of their brightness simultaneously.

The Significance Akshaya Tritiya is popularly known as Akshya Thiritiya, Akshaya Trutheeya, Akshaya Tritiiya , Akshaya Trithi and also called Akha Teej. The day is believed to bring good luck, eternal prosperity and success. Any activity, which commences on this day, is regarded to be very auspicious in every form. This day is so auspicious that any moment of the day can be considered to be beneficial for starting something new like a new business etc. According to Vedic Scholars, wedding can be conducted on any time of this day without in-depth study for a shubha mahurat. The Hindus all over the world keep this day in mind while undertaking new business ventures or planning for weddings or traveling to distant lands. There are several reasons behind the day to be regarded as auspicious, which takes us to the legends and myths related to this day. Another reason for the significance of this day is that the temples for the pilgrims of Badri Kedar Yatra or the Char Dham Yatra, opens on the Akshaya Tritiya. Akshaya Tritiya, variously spelt as Akshya Thiritiya, Akshaya Trutheeya, Akshaya Tritiiya and also called Akshaya Trithi, falling on the third day of the bright half of the lunar month of Vaisakha of the traditional Hindu calendar, is one of the four most auspicious days of the year for Hindus. Akshaya Tritiya is also known as "Akha Teej". The birthday of Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Vishnu falls on this day. The 'Dharmasindhu' mentions this is the adi tithi of satayuga. The word Akshaya, a Sanskrit word, literally means one that never diminishes, and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. Akshaya Tritiya is observed when tritiya prevails more before the noon. Whoever worships lord krishna and applies chandan all over lord krishna goes to vaikuntha. Any japa, homa, pitru tarpana, or dana done that day becomes a-kshaya means he earns lots of good karma that day. In the Mahabharata, the Pandavas received the Akshaya Pathram (bowl) from Lord Krishna on this day. The Akshaya Pathram provided unlimited food for the Pandavas during their exile. Due to this reason, people believe that anything that is acquired on this day will be replenished. This day is specially important as on this day any thing you donate is akshaya or never ending. Therefore people conduct special puja for Goddess Lakshmi and buy new gold and silver ornaments and invest money in shares and real estate. This festival is widely celebrated in all parts of India by different sections of the society irrespective of their religious faith and social grouping. Lord Kubera, considered to be the lord of wealth. According to puranas Lord Kubera himself pray to Goddess Lakshmi on this day. It is important to pray goddess lakshami for wealth, lord shiva for health, marriage, and saubhagya. For moksha pray to lord krishna and apply chandan (sandal wood paste) all over his idol. According to some classics Shri Veda Vyasa and Lord Ganesha started writing mahabharata on this day. It was on this day that the Pandavas unearthed weapons that decided their victory over the Kauravas. Also, it is also believed that Goddess Vijaya Chamundeshwari killed Asura on this day. This day is particularly considered auspicious for buying long term assets like gold and silver, including ornaments made of the same; diamond and other precious stones; and the real

estate. The legend states that any venture initiated on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya shall continue to grow and bring prosperity. Hence, it is normal to see many of the new ventures, like starting a business, ground breaking for construction etc on the Akshaya Tritiya Day. Majority of the people believe that wearing gold is considered to be inviting Goddess Lakshmi in to house. Astrologically, it is believed that the sun and the moon are most radiant and best placed on the Askhaya Tritiya day. Many devote Hindus choose the day to conduct auspicious functions. There is no need to select a muhurat on this day as the entire day is devoid of malefic influences. Large number of marriages and several new beginnings take place on the day. The entire day is good for performing auspicious occassions. The 3rd phase of the waxing Moon in the Vedic month of Vaisakha, when the Sun is in exaltation, is celebrated as Akshaya Tritiya. This year Akshaya Tritiya falls on May 16. 'Akshaya' means inexhaustible and undecaying, while 'Tritiya' is the 3rd phase of the waxing or the waning Moon. Akshaya Tritiya is the most special of all Tritiya days; it is the only 3rd phase of the Moon during the entire year that is the most blessed time for money, business success, abundant prosperity and eliminating losses. Akshaya Tritiya is considered to be as powerful as Maha Shivaratri. It is the perfect day to make new beginnings so that they produce imperishable results, to practise the art of giving to ensure infinite returns, and to maximize the divine blessings in your life by performing only auspicious actions. Legend of Akshaya Tritiya The scriptures refer to this day with great reverence. The Mahabharata epic narrates that the Pandavas received the Akshaya Patram, the bowl that grants undiminishing food, on this day. Annapurna, the Goddess of food, was born on this day, and later Lord Shiva came down as a beggar and took alms from Annapurna on this day. This is the day Lord Krishna bestowed unimaginable wealth on his poor friend Kuchela who had come to see him with a handful of puffed rice. Kubera, the Banker in heaven, also got his coveted position on Akshaya Tritiya due to his past giving habits on this day. An Interesting Story from Puranas>> The Grand Day of Generous Giving 'The hand that gives is the hand that gathers' - is a timeless truth. Universe is a mysterious place and has its own secret laws. One of the important secrets to manifesting material success is to first give with a clean heart. Those who have made it really big clearly understand this power of giving with a pure heart. This act according to the Vedas brings back the money manifold.

This is the single most powerful day for charities. "If you want maximum benefit for your donation, this is the one day when you can do it. There are specific items for giving on this day - poor feedings at certain temples, cow and calf, land, gold, umbrellas, hand fans, and cool refreshing drinks", says Dr. Baskaran Pillai, Founder, AstroVed. The Divinely Golden Day On this day, wealth will increase in homes where gold coins and items are kept for pooja and worshipped as Goddess Lakshmi. The Tamil Siddhas, the spiritual scientists of Southern India, spoke of an unchallenged Divine law - 'Wearing Gold attracts Gold'. So, if you want more gold in your life, get yourself more gold items. Akshaya Tritiya 17 April 2010 and 16 May 2010

The third day (Tritiya) of the waxing Moon in Vaishakha month - the only day when both Sun and Moon annually

Note- due to the adhika masa (extra lunar month) this year- the official celebration of Akshaya Tritiya i on 16 May. 17 April- both Sun and Moon are exalted, so that day should also be considered to be Akshay so this year we have two Akshaya tritiyas instead of one. Adhika masa is a very auspicious month and Cl read more about it. The dates mentioned are for Indian Standard Time. In Europe, it will be the same dates w it will be on 16 April and 15 May

Akshaya means that which never ends. All over India people celebrate weddings, plan new business ventures, l and other events on this day and buy gold, silver and other assets. It is a good time to begin what you want to b

The two legends about this date are both connected with Mahabharata. When Pandavas were in exile, Lord Kris Draupadi a bowl called the Akshaya Pathram. Whatever food Draupadi put in this bowl, it never finished, so sh her family despite having few resources.

Ved Vyas, the great Rishi wrote many of the great books including Shrimad Bhaagvat. While writing the Maha Vyasa realised that his thoughts were flowing faster than he could write. So on this auspicious Akshaya tritiya, Ganesha to help him write. Ganesha put a condition to Ved Vyasa that he ( Ved Vyas) should not to stop his na Vyas agreed to this only if Ganesha himself only write the shlokas if he understood them. So the great Rishi an helper both gave us the great epic Mahabharatha.

On Akshaya tritiya, panchanga need not be consulted as this day is so auspicious that it cancels all negative infl difficult planets and yogas. Often this is a day chosen for beginning new projects. It is also an excellent day to g Performing Vishnu Pooja and reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra ( 1008 names of Vishnu) are considered auspicious on this day for prosperity and progress.

It is a good day to begin study or writing as you get many spiritual benefits and special energy that allows you t higher thoughts quickly.

Dana (donation) given today is said to give manyfold results. you can feed the poor, do service to humanity, giv favourite charity. Anna dana - feeding the poor is considered the best donation of all. How to celebrate Akshaya Tritiya Make a donation to a worthy cause Give Annadanam - donate food as a service to humanity Begin an important project If you have always wanted to write, this is a great day to put pen to paper and write the first words.

You must only do these if you believe in this philosophy. if you undertake projects half heartedly, the results ar good. The word Akshaya means that which never diminishes - hence beginnings made or valuables bought on this day are considered certain to bring luck and success. This day is specially important as on this day any thing you donate is shaya or never ending. Akshaya Tritiya marks the beginning of the Treta Yug. The birthday of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Vishnu falls on this day. This is one of the most auspicious days according to the Hindu calendar. So this day is considered auspicious for starting new ventures and making new purchases. In Sanskrit, the meaning of Akshay is never diminishing. As the meaning says, on the day of Akshay Tritiya people never feel the dearth of happiness or bliss. What is the Importance and Significance of Akshay Tritiya as per the Hindu Astrology? According to the Hindu Astrology, especially in terms of Muhurtas, Akshaya Tritiya is considered as one of the three most auspicious Muhurtas (Sade-Teen Muhurat). One is the first thithi of the Chaitra Month (Ugadi Day), second is the tenth thithi of the Lunar month Ashwin or Aswayuja masam (Vijaya Dashmi Day) and the third one is the third thithi of Vaishakha masa, the Akshaya Tirtiya Day. It is also referred as Unboojha Muhurat. What is the Importance and Significance of Akshaya Tritiya as per the Hindu Mythology? As per the Hindu religious texts and epics, the Thretha Yuga was started on the day of Akshaya Tritiya. On the day of Akshaya Tritiya, Hindus also observe the birthday of Lord Parasurama, the sixth incarantion of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu. As mentioned in the Vedas, on the day of Akshaya Trithiya, along with Lord Ganesha Sage Veda Vyasa initiated writing the great epic, Mahabharata. Puranas describe the day of

Akshaya Trithiya is the birthday of Lord Parasurama (Lord Parasurama Jayanthi). The Hindu scriptures and other sacred texts explained the greatness of Lord Parasuram. On the day of Akshaya Tirtiya, Lord Shri Balarama Jayanthi (birthday of Lord Sri Balaram) is also celebrated. Balarama was the elder brother of Lord Sri Krishna. Lord Balaram is significantly known with his weapon Hal. Lord Balarama is also referred as one of the Dasavatara, ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. What are the Rituals, Customs and Traditions of Akshay Tritiya? Akshay Tritiya festival is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Worship of Lord Vishnu on Akshay Tritiya eradicates and removes ones sins and makes him free from all sorrows. Puranas described that Devotees who perform Sri Maha Vishnu Puja on Akshay Tritiya may attain salvation. In some regions, devotees keep fasts on Akshaya Tritiya. As per the Puranas, charity of food, clothes and other edible material on Akshaya Tritiya is also considered as most important ritual of the festival. There is a ritual to perform Goddess Tulsi Puja on Akshay Tritiya in some regions of India. Many astrologers in North India are claiming that Akshay Tritiya 2010 is not good for auspicious functions like marriage, house warming etc. Akshay Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej or Akhatrij, is one of the most sought after days for marriages, marriage, upanayan, grih pravesh, namkaran in a year as it is famous for shubh ma-hurat or shubh lagna and is also counted among the three and half most auspicious days in a Hindu Lunar year. So what is the astrological problem with Akshay Tritiya 2010 falling on May 16? Times of India reports "Though the tithi falls on the third day of the bright half (Shukla paksha) of Vaishakh when the sun and moon are simultaneously at their peak of brightness and every moment of this day is considered auspicious, both Venus and Jupiter are combusted this year and several doshas of the nakshatra fall on that day, marriages are a strict no no," warned Delhi astrologer Sameer Upadhyaya. this year, both because of planetary combination and this Vaishakh being adhik-mas or malmas, no marriages should be solemnised. So, one can only look for shubh mahurats only after May 28," said Mukeshwar Mishra, another astrologer of repute. Please note that there are exceptions for some Hindu communities The Mithila Panchang is an exception though as priest R N Thakur says: "According to our almanac, marriages can be solemnised af-ter May 15." No other almanac has any shubh mahurat before the end of this month. Some Panchangs in western part of India considers this Akshaya Tritiya auspicious.

Akshaya Tritiya is the third day of bright half (Shukla Paksha) of Vaishaka month of Hindu (April May). This is one of the four most auspicious days of the year. It is the day when entire 24 hours are regarded auspicious and there is no need to look for time to start auspicious things. In year 2010, Akshaya Tritiya falls on 16th of May. Why this day is so important: Akshaya literally means never diminishing or never ending. It is the auspicious occasion that is widely celebrated. There are several reasons for Akshaya Tritiya being considered auspicious. They are as follows:

This is the day when Lord Vishnu was incarnated as sage Parashuram.

Veda Vyasa and Lord Ganesh initiated writing of Mahabharata on the day of Akshaya Tritiya

Hindu mythology says that Treta Yuga began on this day while some Vedic books mention Satya Yuga began on this day.

It is also mentioned that Mother Ganges descended from heavenly abode to the earth on the day of Akshata Tritiya.

Astrologically, this day is the brightest day. On this day Sun is in Aries and Moon is in Taurus and the positions are such that they emit maximum light.

For the Jains, it is a special day. Bhagvan Rishabhdev, the first tirthankar broke his fast with sugarcane juice after fasting for whole year. Following his example, Jains celebrate this day by fasting.

What all should be done on Akshaya Tritiya: Akshaya Tritiya is best celebrated by taking up initiatives. Any initiations made on this day are considered to bring good fortune and success.

Gold and silver are bought and worn on this day as they are symbol of wealth and prosperity. Buying gold on this day signifies never-diminishing money or wealth for the whole year. Rituals are observed on this day such as Lakshmi pooja or Vishnu Pooja. It is also meant auspicious to have a holy dip in Ganges river. Some Hindus worship Lord Ganesh and seek for his blessings for the whole year. Tulasi Poojan is done in some regions of India. Charity of food, clothes and edible materials on Akshaya Tritiya is also considered an important, favorable ritual of the day.

Naturally so, 'Akshaya' means inexhaustible and undecaying, while 'Tritiya' is the 3rd phase of the waxing or the waning Moon. It is the 3rd phase of the waxing Moon in the Vedic month of Vaisakha (May-June) that is celebrated as Akshaya Tritiya. On this day, the Sun and the Moon are in exaltation; they are simultaneously at their peak of brightness, which happens only once every year. Even the scriptures refer to this day with great reverence. The Mahabharata epic narrates that the Pandavas received the Akshaya Patram, the bowl that grants undiminishing food, on this day. Annapurna, the Goddess of food, was born on this day, and later Lord Shiva came down as a beggar and took alms from Annapurna on this day. This is the day Lord Krishna bestowed unimaginable wealth on his poor friend Kuchela who had come to see him with a handful of rice flakes. Kubera, the Banker in heaven, also got his coveted position on Akshaya Tritiya due to his past giving habits on this day. Akshaya Tritiya is the perfect day to make new beginnings so that they produce imperishable results, to practise the art of giving to ensure infinite returns, and to maximize the divine blessings in your life by performing only auspicious actions. Praying on this day can help you make swift progress in life and eliminate deep-rooted negative thoughts about money. It is the best day to go for new investments like fixed deposits in banks, post office savings scheme, insurance policies, share market, mutual funds, and so on. It is an ideal day for starting new ventures. Thousands of marriages are performed on this day. It is a wonderful day to forgive and forget the past and renew relationships with friends and relatives. It is also the apt time to resolve to give up bad habits, and adopt good habits. "The hand that gives is the hand that gathers" - is a timeless truth. One of the important Secrets of the universe for manifesting material success is to first give with a pure heart. This act, according to the Vedas, brings back the money manifold. However, on Akshaya Tritiya, the returns are not just manifold, they are infinite. This is the single most powerful day for charities. So, if you want maximum benefit for your donation, this is the one day when you can do it. Any seed we plant on Akshaya Tritiya day will grow to infinite dimensions, so one should choose to plant the seeds of prosperity, joy, success, and compassion.

Akshaya Tritiya this year falls on 2010 date is May 16th. According to the Telugu calendar, Vyayanama Year, Uttarayana Vasanta Rutuvu Vaisakha month, Tadiya Thidi. Akshaya Tritiya is traditionally observed as the birthday of Parusurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Puranas spoke about how he reclaimed the land from the sea. The Sun and Moon are astrologically believed to be at their most exalted equal brightness on this day. The brightness is at its best at the west coast of India. Goa and Konkan regions, even today, are referred to as Parusurama Kshetra. Akshaya Tritiya, the third day of the bright-half of the lunar month of Vaisakha is considered as one of the most sacred days of the year. The word, "Akshaya" means one that never diminishes. Hence, starting a new activity or buying valuables on this day is considered to certainly bring luck and success. The religious merit that is acquired by giving gifts on this day becomes inexhaustible. Many buy new gold jewelry on this day. Most Jewel stores stock in new jewelry models for this occasion. "Lakshmi-inscribed" gold coins, diamond jewelery and golden dollars with the pictures of many gods and goddesses. The day is generally observed by fasting and worship Lard Vasudeva with rice grains. The day gains more importance when it falls on a Monday or under Rohini Star. A dip in the Ganges on this day is considered to be very auspicious. Akshaya Tritiya is also called Navanna Parvam. This day also happens to be Parusurama Jayanti. Akshaya Tritiya falling on a Rohini star day is considered more auspicious. Needless to say, this rare occasion comes this year. Lord Kubera, considered to be the richest, is one amongst the Astadikpalakas. Lakshmi Tantram says that this Lord will himself pray to Goddess Lakshmi on this day. Most of us are already aware of Dharma, Ardha, Kama and Moksha. Out of these, Ardha plays an important role. Ardha here means money. Even decades passes by, the importance of Ardha remains the same. Without Ardha, nothing can be achieved. Here Ardha merely does not only mean money but also includes honour, happiness etc. The pujas we have to perform on Akshaya Tritiya are as under: Kubera Lakshmi Puja This puja has to be performed on this day only. The puja should commence in the morning and ends in the evening. From the next day onwards, one has to perform the puja regularly for 108 times by reciting the moola mantra. A photo of Goddess Lakshmi Devi along with Sudarsana Kubera Yantra could be used for the puja. Light with pure ghee should be used. Also light dhoop sticks with Kumkum and turmeric can be used. The moola mantra for the pujas is as follows:

Kubera Twam Danadeesam Gruha Te Kamala Sithta Tam Devem Prehayasu Twam Madgruhe te Namo Namah Akshaya Tritiya is one of the most significant day in the year. In 2010, this day falls on 16th May. There are numerous instances in our Hindu texts that mark this day as auspicious. It is said that every minute of this day is positive and provides blessings and abundance. Hence this day is the best day to get married. Marrying on Akshaya Tritiya brings good fortune, prosperity and longevity to the couple. Most Indian Hindu customs requires the right muhurat or a significantly positive time of the day. This is based on the constellations and the planetary positioning of the bride and grooms birth chart. It is deducted on the science of astrology. But Akshaya Tritiya nullifies all the negativity, Graha dosh or ill effects of the planets. It is also the best day to buy gold, silver and platinum. The reason for this is explained in the Mahabharata. Our previous post Buying Gold? will give you a detailed understanding behind this reason. Akshaya Tritiya, or Akha Teej, is an auspicious day which falls on the third day after Amavasi (no moon) in the Hindu month of Vaishakha. According to Hindu astrology and almanac, each second on Akshaya Tritiya is auspicious. It is said there is no need to look for a muhurat on the day. The word Akshaya means that which never diminishes, and the day is ideal for beginning new ventures as it is believed that all investments on this day are bound to appreciate. Akshaya Tritiya and Parashuram Jayanti are both being observed on Monday. In a traditional Hindu lunar calendar, Akshay Tritiya is observed on the third day of Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) in Vaishakh Month.It is one of the most popular dates in Hindu calendar for marriages, for beginning new ventures, for investing and for purchasing valuables like gold and diamond. There are numerous legends associated with Akshaya Tritiya, the most popular being that of Sudama visiting Lord Krishna in Dwarka with a handful of beaten rice (poha). Another legend is that the Pandavas received the Akshaya Pathram (bowl) from Lord Krishna (in the Mahabharat) on this day. The food came in abundance, when they were in the forest. It is also believed that Sage Ved Vyas began the composition of Mahabharata on the day. But nowadays, it is associated with gold purchase and many people wait for the day to make investments in gold.

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