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For the specific attention of Mr.

Githu Muigai, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and for the general attention of those involved in, and aware of UN resolution 64169

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Mr Taylor , 113 Pembury Road, Tottenham LONDON N17 8LY ======================================================================= Sources of reference not included in the license, but wholly relevant to the text :

Dear Mr Muigai I write in regard of your address to the UN on 10th January 2011 in Ankara Turkey [Cooperation and common approaches in the combat of racism and racial discrimination and suggestions for possible improvements] I have found fault with your view that all forms of racism are best countered by equal emphasis and determination. I seek to convince you of the need of a particular approach to the problem of racism, based on the understanding that the historical approach of racists and racism in the developed nations has been systematic, calculated and interconnected, and so regarding all forms of racism and discrimination as requiring the same emphasis and the same determination is to prey into the hands of the racist structures that already exist. In short, in addressing the problem of race in Britain, and particularly in the International Year of People of African descent, Africanism and the restoration of it is paramount. The denial of the Africans inalienable natural behaviour of cultural memory has been the cornerstone of the development of the wealth of western civilisation over the last half millennium, in particular the European colonies in the American continent, and those corporations divested of European crown colonial control, such as, but not limited to, the United States Corporation. The subsequent influence of misappropriated dreams, freedom, ideas and labour on the development on modern / Western technology, leisure time, working practises, material goods, intellectual property and popular culture is not only irrefutable, but directly attributable to planned, strategised institutionalised racism in governments, between governments and through corporations and other NGOs, despite governments. To be forced to construct such an amount of cumulative historical wealth for others, and yet have so little dominion over that same said wealth (unless joining in, and thus legitimising, the process) is at the very least bad accounting practice. The conditions in which Africans CURRENTLY face them selves go above and beyond current understanding of what is acceptable competitive social transformation. Or as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us "There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have a stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it."

This position, though extreme, is in concordance with both Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights [This reads No Punishment without Law and assures no punishment outside Law for those wittingly or unwittingly pushed outside the protection of the law of the land] AND Britains own Magna Carta Article 61, 1215 [ Which states, albeit archaically, that if we do not correct the transgression, or if we are out of the kingdom, if our justiciar does not correct it, within forty days, reckoning from the time it was brought to our notice or to that of our justiciar if we were out of the kingdom, the aforesaid four barons shall refer that case to the rest of the twenty-five barons and those twenty-five barons together with the community of the whole land shall distrain and distress us in every way they can, namely, by seizing castles, lands, possessions, and in such other ways as they can, saving our person and the persons of our queen and our children, until, in their opinion, amends have been made; and when amends have been made, they shall obey us as they did before ] So you see, not dealing with the corruption of Africanism at the root of racism in modern (post 1500) civilisation legitimises and obscures the impunity with which Western civilisation has operated against the interests of the African race in Diaspora. You CANNOT successfully use the institutions, ideologies, historical benefactors or cumulative mechanisms of racism to combat racism consistent with the victim led approach you subscribe to in your address. Inclusion of Africans in the highest level of Western civilisation today or tomorrow, does not make any provision or remedy for the 30 consecutive generations of compounded wealth accumulation to which they have been denied access and in which they continue to be denied participation, proportional to their contribution to the common wealth. In this, the year of the African, (also the 30th Anniversary of the National Black Peoples day of Action in the UK See House of Commons Early Day Motion 1289 for more information) and in the designated month of African American history it behoves you to look at the problem of racism from an African perspective. To treat all forms of discrimination as equal is tantamount to treating all people the same, which they are not. Treating all people the same, even treating all people equally, is a form of discrimination. Our histories (once connected to us) are what make us unique. The power structures and processes which discriminate against Africans based on appearance may be different to the power structures and processes which discriminate against Africans based on ideology, nationality or geography. These again may be different to the power structures which discriminate against Africans based on income, social network status and other personal data held in computers and archives. Yet, as the need arises, these organisations have demonstrated time and again that they can and will pull together and pool resources to ensure the right to self-determination of peoples (Art. 1 : .03/13/1984. ) of the African in Diaspora remains a distant, often intangible, prospect.

For example, With regard to your observations on hate crimes, and incitement to racial and religious hatred, many respected Western newspapers routinely publish content under the guise of free and fair debate which, while falling well short of the threshold of hatred, does enough stoke the embers of prejudice amongst its readership. Where the Rule of Law is upheld and the state does not abuse its monopoly on legitimised violence such extreme ideas rarely go as far as manifesting themselves in physical action. However, and perhaps more dangerously, promotion of extremist ideas, attitudes and politics in Britain, for example, actually helps corporations, political parties and civil servants in the Centre to maintain a status quo. A status quo which means that AfroPeans persons descendant of African Origin, existing in Europe, or its constructs - do not significantly influence the rate or nature of transition away from their current situation. Despite the institution of numerous think tanks, the absence of a political party working in the specific interests of the AfroPean caucus at either local or national or supranational level is the biggest obstacle to combating AfroPean race politics and race economics in the British political system. Western ideologies such as socialism, capitalism, conservatism liberalism Marxism, have very little to do with the true nature, language and ideals of African civilisation, past or present, and indeed African civilisation and language and religion predates all of these concepts and constructs. Consider that in at least one African language, there is no word for Should. Perhaps they have always understood that Should does not empower an individual to take responsibility for his own desired transformation, but is instead outer directed, a passive surrender to the unknown, a stereotype of the surrender to forces greater than the individual.

Another particularly odious example is the combination of freedom of capital accumulated from the transatlantic trade, and the principle of freedom of speech in promoting a cultural ambivalence under the guise of consumerism. This constructs an atmosphere which, although not in itself racist, contributes to the lack of preparedness of the general population in coming to terms and dealing with the net effect(s) of cumulative historical racism. We must never forget that in talking of Africans in Diaspora, we are talking about the following activities which, then and now, were crimes. Not crimes against humanity, but crimes against the African, which, then and now, disgust humanity.

1) Kidnap 2) Rape and forced / coerced miscegenation 3) Physical torture and mental persecution 4) Forced and coerced labour 5) False imprisonment (mental and physical) 6) Misappropriation of human capital and intellectual property, and the profit derived thereof. 7) Religious Persecution

In regard of the seven deadly sins outlined above I draw your attention to the following:
1) KIDNAP Kidnap, as far as I am aware, does not change a person's nationality. Therefore, the descendants of slaves, having always been human, are, without a bill of sale, still Africans of the various tribes outlined. If the Africans were not US citizens at the point of transaction - then it is kidnap, and repatriation is past due, plus restitution for kidnap - the companies had a duty of care to understand where their human resources were coming from, and account for their transactions. The British Governments subsequent reparations to slave holding companies shows a clear understanding on the part of the government that it was aware of the trade, and as such, it also failed to regulate its own commercial interests 2) RAPE AND FORCED / COERCED MISCEGENATION Here the psychosis of the supremacist is ultimately revealed. by his own definition, he is either aiding and abetting bestiality, or his classification of the African as non or sub human is incorrect at the outset. Judging from the compatibility of the two strands of humanity on a physical level the latter appears to be the case, and considering this to be the case, what the supremacist does to "us" he does to himself. Production of human resources for physical labour is not the sole aim of a union between a man and a woman. But the children produced by many kidnapped African women were brought into existence largely to this end. This is miscegenation. Insufficient attention was paid to the personal and spiritual development experienced by others at the time. 3) PHYSICAL TORTURE AND MENTAL PERSECUTION While the level and nature of persecution of Europeans in Diaspora in the Americas is accepted and understood, it was and is by no measure comparable to, the level, type and nature of persecution that they inflicted on Africans. In Islamic law, persecution is regarded a greater crime than murder. Persecution instils a spirit of psychosis into both parties, and the extremes of human behaviour are made manifest, as we have evidenced from European states numerous human rights transgression by proxy (King Leopold in Zaire, Hitler in Namibia, the US government in Tuskegee, Amritsar Massacre, Tony Blair in Iraq etc) 4) FORCED AND COERCED LABOUR The argument that Slavery is required in order to protect and expand society is not only false, but has never been proven by Western civilisation in Western civilisation; and is also prejudiced. There are many documented examples of societies who functioned in a balanced, non-psychotic way without a system of slavery and certainly without the system of slavery as we know and relate it to Africans. To this day some 1.3 million African Americans find them selves, by reason of successive generations of wealth denial, imprisoned, and suffering forced and coerced labour.

5) FALSE IMPRISONMENT (MENTAL AND PHYSICAL) Whether or not there was pre-existing Slavery in Africa is irrelevant; in regard of the sovereignty principle pre-existing in Africa, and in regard of the level and nature of physical and mental bondage unique to the transatlantic slave trade. In the absence of written records of the agreements between parties to treat human beings in the way that they were treated, there is no evidence that the African tribes were initially aware of or condoned the depravity suffered in the trafficking of humans to the Americas, and their subsequent exposure to bondage and seasoning. Once this became known, the attempt of African tribes, villages and nations to resist further trespass and kidnap is well documented. In terms of the kidnapped Africans participation in Western Democratic institutions, I would draw your attention to the manifest truth that, in the west Freedom as espoused by popular culture is actually freedom to be ignorant of one's history. This is in direct contrast to the African tradition, which is to directly connect to ancestry and historical culture, 6) MISAPPROPRIATION OF HUMAN CAPITAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, AND THE PROFIT DERIVED THEREOF. In the event that bills of sale are produced, the natural law still holds that Africans were not sold or regarded as chattel or Negroes or sub human or genetically inferior at the point of transaction. If they were citizens at the point of transaction then compensation for their work as equals is past due. The number, scope and scale of copyright and patent infringements is beyond the scope of this particular communication. Britain's reparations to the slave holding companies are tantamount to aiding and abetting known felons. At worst, failing to regulate industry while receiving profit in the form of taxation is money laundering; if ignorance of the law is not an excuse, then it cannot be an excuse for the law. Al-Jazeera researchers estimate that, since 1970 alone, more than 800 Billion*has left African Governance through anonymous trusts, fake foundations , money laundering, tax havens, trade mispricing and foreign banks and multinationals working in Africa whilst avoiding paying tax. The financial rewards of this 800 can, for the most part, be traced back to those countries proudly bailing out Africa with "aid" , resulting in an equivalent $10 loss per $1 of aid. 7) RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION None of the Africans chose to learn/ adopt the language or religion. Any such endeavour can be viewed in the context of a survival mechanism to avoid further persecution, and as an attempt to obtain a degree of civil liberty, (or, more recently social mobility) The way African religions were proscribed and the way European religions were prescribed are functions of the AB (lower) man in African Theology, concerning itself only with the basic instinct to avoid death. Africans have higher aspirations than this. This religious persecution has seen the AfroPean in Diaspora all too often put class, and social aspiration before issues of race, to his / her own detriment. Class and social aspirations may have changed, but race, and the reactions to it, do not, and have not.

The net result of the crimes outlined above, and the continued perpetuated ignorance of them, is that the abilities of AfroPeans descendants of African extraction existing in Europe or its constructs to establish families, homes and communities in relation to the AfroPean population and contribution to civil society has been severely undermined, with all the associated consequences for the right of peoples to self determination. I would urge you to look at the institutional practises which reward contribution to culturally ambivalent western society at the expense of the AfroPean choosing to (re) connect with and (re)invest in his own African centred culture. Dr Marimba Ali correctly observes that Culture is the immune system of a people From this you will understand the significance of AfroPeans in Diaspora forming communities (not neighbourhoods) Where AfroPeans can control the politics, economics, religion and education of AfroPeans in a manner concentric to African cultures(s), and for the reconciliation and reparation of AfroPeans in an Afro centric manner. To be clear I do not wish to give the impression that progress is not being made. What I do want to make clear is that the situation is still and currently unacceptable, and the threat and fear of regression can no longer be used in advocacy of the status quo.


Below is an outline of the key stages which must be built upon IN SUCCESSION in order to minimise the effects of racism, and promote self determination. The core components of racism Prejudice, Power and Process are here located next to the strategies required to counter them.

SELF AWARENESS Realisation of worthy ideals, and reflection of the incompleteness and inadequacies of previous modes of self expression


SELF EXPRESSION Formulation of institutions and media that re-present the modalities of self discipline

SELF DISCIPLINE Patterns, programs, systems and modalities in support of the goal of self awareness



I have observed seven righteous remedies for the seven sins. These can be described in stages, thus: 1) RETREAT / REGROUP- physically remove the lower body from harm / persecution, and then, by varying degrees, the ethereal body / mind, soul (memory of the heart) Spirit. And then, form patterns of like minded people doing the same. But you must first get yourself out. 2) RECONCILIATION - understand, document, connect and relate to what has actually happened, individually and in groups. 3) REPARATIONS - in groups and in communities, within our own community forgiving ourselves, and others, for the imbalances that we have caused to each other as a consequence of our experiences. Understanding and accepting that the psychosis of others has been responsible for this situation, not ourselves. Forgiving (NOT forgetting) those suffering from the same psychosis. Recognising and reducing individual behaviour which is inappropriate to group development 4) REORGANISATION - forming new, effective groups, armed with the knowledge and experience of the first three stages. Two different types of group are needed here; one type of group to deal with and administer remedies 1-3, and one type of group to deal with remedies 5-7 5) RECIPROCITY - this is a natural stage, and we do not need to concern ourselves with it. But basically is stems from "Einsteins law" that for every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction. White supremacist action has created an imbalance / psychosis within the white supremacist himself, and it his own responsibility to remedy it. Just as, at the basic, lower level every man is responsible for organising and controlling his own primordial functions. Remember that the relationship between Africans and Europeans does not encompass the whole world view paradigm of either Africans or Europeans. But the rest of the world knows how seriously to take the Wests self- assertion of itself as a bastion of freedom and democracy based on the way it has treated Africans. 6) RESTITUTION - this is where organisations ( governments, tribes, civil action groups ) get together to negotiate true, balanced and fair settlement of affairs - changes of the law, changes in politic structure, refocusing of religious beliefs, and financial recompense. As a bare minimum, and a point of departure, the (then) 2bn that was paid in compensation to British companies to mitigate their loss against the abolition of free and forced labour of kidnapped and raped Africans can be reclaimed, at the weight value of the sterling silver or other base metal it was backed against at the time. Further, the reparation has to be made to African nation states in the first instance, for the wrongful kidnap of its citizens. How the British Empire treats its own citizens is a different matter, again beyond the scope of this communication. 7) REMEMBRANCE - THIS MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN - we must use media to remind ourselves of the reasons we had to go through this process in the first place. No just the root of the cause, but all of the various protracted scenarios that make up our history. Addressing this stage before dealing with the others is mere affirmation, and until such time is to be regarded with cynicism.

BUILDING BLOCKS OF RACIAL INTEGRITY AND TOLERANCE IN AFROPEAN DIASPORA With font size as an indicator of priority (Larger is more immediate Smaller is more imperative)








Again, racism can most simply be understood in terms of three component attributes



Prejudice This is an inalienable natural behaviour, and not a problem in and of itself. As a case in point, if you are reading this sentence, you pre judge it to be worthy of your attention. Power Control of resources in a mental or physical state or paradigm e.g., military power, economic power, intellectual authority, power over communications, energy policy and media, executive, legislative, judicial authority. Process Overt and covert Systems which can be used to affect the leverage on power and prejudice in a repeatable way with predictable consequences, most typically ensuring the power of veto on progress i.e. the status quo. We have seen time and again that Western Education systems are effective at highlighting that something is not right, and that the situation is undesirable, but they fall well short of providing a vehicle for producing Africans that contribute politically, socially and economically to the retreat, reparation and restitution of AfroPeans in Diaspora. Knowing is NOT proving. It is also important to be aware of State and corporate / NGO attempts to reframe the historical and cumulative abuses of inalienable African natural behaviour as a current contemporary civil rights or even human rights By definition, Civil and human rights are applicable to any person at any time. But in and of themselves civil rights movements today do little to combat the injustices of yesterday. This can be seen as part of the simple but effective tactic of putting considerations of Sovereignty, Class, Religion, Politics, Community, Gender, consumerism and sexuality all before the issue of race. In as much as no acceptable restitution has been made to date, after 600+ years of injustice, the developed world is complicit in promulgating the unspoken consensus that the questions of race have been answered, and while uncomfortable with that history, the developed world accepts that, in terms of racial status, history and future have already been decided, and decisions and actions are irreversible. As such we see that sovereign nation states - and the corporations that often control them will use instruments and arguments of class, religion, politics, community, commerce, and gender to address individual or minority group concerns and situations regarding race. But will NOT use the African root race, or African root race history. Or even the Afropean root race and its history. As most knowledge of - and interaction with - African society in the West is gained through popular consumer culture, we understand from this that encouraging AfroPeans in Diaspora to know and communicate their own true history is both simple and effective in combating racism, and is the obvious and logical step after protecting AfroPeans from physical and emotional persecution, and allowing opportunity to reconcile and physical / emotional persecution.

Finally, in regard of the ethnically desegregated data you desire, I trust that you will understand that, the racial profiling of AfroPeans 2005 2010 - as confirmed by the UKs ministry of Justice and the ineffectiveness and implementation of the McPherson report findings 1994-2001, as well as many other documents, have given legitimate caused for concern in the AfroPean community, undermining the reasons to trust, and even the motivation to communicate. I trust that you will understand that in this instance inclusion of a diagram is to avoid obfuscation and irrelevant terminology to address turnkey solution strategies for what is essentially a simple problem, which in and of itself attests to the importance of the relevance of the medium, the capacity to understand, and the mode of articulation (which, though essential to the process, need not be the largest component)

Reason to Trust Motivation to communicate


= Mode(s) of Articulation = Mode(s) of expression

The solution to the problem of gathering ethnically desegregated data is, I believe to empower local community grassroots organisations to collect their own census data both quantitative analysis and qualitative expressions, and for these same local community grassroots organisations, accountable to and within the communities in which they serve, to interpret the data themselves, share the data amongst other local community grassroots organisations, accountable to and within the communities in which they serve. This collated data can then be presented and made publicly available with the consent and at the discretion of the communities, and the organisations that serve them.

This MUST include qualitative survey as well as statistics. A video archive can be useful in the respect, as it engages and encourages us to share both perspective and, more importantly, context. Video and text evidence in support of the conclusions drawn in this document can be found as follows: DR MARIMBA ANI WHAT IS CULTURE? APOCALYPSE AFRICA; MADE IN AMERICA ANTHRAX WAR STERILISATION OF BLACKS IN SOUTH AFRICA


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