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Members: Faizan Ahmed Muhammad Qasim Zubair Ashraf Umair Arif (EL-088) (EL-096) (EL-097) (EL-102)





Ms. Maria Waqas (Subject Teacher)

The group members of the project are very thankful to the lab staff of LDST Lab, Microprocessors Lab, Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab and especially Miss Madiha Shabbir , Incharge of Amplifiers and Oscillators Lab in the Electronics Department for their immense cooperation without whom we were unable to complete and implement this project .

We would also like to thank Ms. Maria Waqas who support and help us whenever we need it.

Group Members Faizan Ahmed Muhammad Qasim Muhammad Zubair Umair Arif

Push Buttons

Resistors (4.7k) 10 line to 4 line Priority Encoder (74147) Octal D-type Flip-Flop (74LS273)

4-bit Binary Full Adder (74C83) BCD to 7-Segment Decoder (74LS47)

Common Cathode 7 Segments

HEX inverter (74LS04) Quad 2-Input AND Gate (74F08) Quad 2-Input OR Gate (74LS32)




Buttons from 1 to 9 are connected to the encoder IC (74147). Whenever a button is pressed, a 0 is passed to the encoder pin and the encoder produces an equivalent BCD code.

Clock Pulse:
The output of the encoder is first inverted and then OR so that whenever a button is pressed we get a clock pulse used for controlling the input of the register ICs.

Registering and Shifting:

IC used for the registering purpose is 74LS273 (Octal D-type Flip-Flop), as the input of this IC are not active low, the inverted output of the encoder is connected to the first four Flip Flops of the OCTAL D-Type Flip Flop IC. The output of first four registers is connected to the input of the other four registers, in this way the BCD codes gets shifted from the first four to the other four Flip Flops when given a clock pulse.

Zero Logic:
When no button is pressed, the register receives no input or we can say a BCD code 0000 is appearing at the input, if we now give a clock pulse to the register, it will save this code. A button is use to for this purpose, when this button is pressed it generates a high low pulse signal which is first ORed with the original clock pulse and then given the register IC.

Plus and AC Buttons:

This is a 2 digit adder and so there should be 2 digits that are to be added and 2 more digits to which the previous 2 digits are to be added, saved in our register. We have used two register ICs (74LS273), each saving 8bits of data or 2 digits. We know that a Flip Flop only registers a bit when it is given a clock pulse, so the output from the encoder are given to both the register ICs and a MUX is used to control the clock pulse. A button (Plus Button) is used, when pressed saves a bit in a D Flip Flop which actually acts as the select line of the MUX and so after the Plus Button being pressed, our digits are then saved in the other register IC while the data in the first register IC remains unchanged. A button (reset button) is directly connected to the RST pin of all the Flip Flop and so when this button is pressed its clears all the registers. So this button acts as the AC button used in calculators.

Addition and BCD Correction:

4-bit Binary Full Adder (74C83) is used for addition. This is BCD addition so we need to do a check and do BCD correction i.e. if the output is greater than 9, a 6 is to be added to it to get the correct BCD code/sum. Another same adder IC is used for this purpose with some extra circuitry to identify whether or not the output is greater than 9.

Output from the adder circuitry (2 digits) is displayed on 7-segments. BCD to 7segment decoders used are 7447. The final carry out from the adder is connected directly to a 3rd 7-segment used to show only a 0 or a 1 as our final output may consist of 3 digits (if the sum is greater than 99).

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