21 Hadith

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1. "The Warrior is the one who combats his inner self" - Imam Ali (as) 2.

"Faith can exist only with action and action is part of it, such that faith c an remain firm only when accompanied by action" - Imam Sadiq (as) 3. "Search for knowledge even in China for seeking knowledge is a requirement fo r all Muslims and angels spread their wings for the seekers of knowledge and der ive pleasure from what they search for." - Prophet (saw) 4. Islam has four basic principles: complete reliance on Allah, entrusting all a ffairs to Allah, satisfaction with the decree of Allah and submission to the wil l of Allah" - Imam Ali (as) 5. Indeed the believer is one who when he is happy is not led by his happiness t o commit any wrong or indecent act and if he is angered is not diverted from tel ling the truth by his anger and when he empowered is not led by his power to tra nsgress against that which does not rightfully belong to him. - Imam Muhammad Ba qir (as) 6. "The best of worship is habitually to ponder over Allah and His power" - Imam Sadiq (as) 7. "Consistent action upon one's conviction, though it be little, is better with Allah than action without conviction, though it be much" - Imam Sadiq (as) 8. "How many a fleeting desire that lasts but an hour brings about enduring sorr ow" - Imam Ali (as) 9. "Every believing servant has two rays in his heart: a ray of fear and a ray o f hope. If they were to be weighed up against each other they would not exceed e ach other" - Imam Sadiq (as) 10. "Whoever fears Allah, Allah makes him feared by everything else and whoever does not fear Allah Allah makes him fearful of everything else" - Imam Sadiq (as ) 11. "Blessings be on the person whom Allah sees crying on account of his awe of Allah for a sin nobody saw him commit" - Imam Baqir (as) 12. "Do not let yourself be overcome by a bad opinion of Allah, might and exalte d, for it will not leave any bond between you and your friend (Allah)" - Imam Al i (as) 13. Kindness and charity eliminate poverty, increase life, and fend off seventy harsh deaths - Imam Baqir (as) 14. "There are two types of shyness: One is due to being weak and the other is d ue to strength, submission to Allah in Islam and faith" - Prophet (saw) 15. There are five things that if a person lacks he will also lack in enjoyment. They are: the intellect, good manners, belief, generosity, and a good nature. Imam Sadiq (as) 16. Train your children in three things: the love of your Prophet, the love of h is progeny, and the recitation of the Qur'an - Prophet (saw) 17. "Be careful to have truthful friends and try to obtain them for they are you r support when you are in welfare and your advocator when you have misfortune" Imam Sadiq (as) 18. Join your children in marriage because thereby Allah renders their tempers g ood, adds to their sustenance, and increases their sense of honor - Prophet (saw ) 19. He who removes a grief out of the grieves of this world for his Muslim broth er/sister, Allah will decrease for him a grief out of the grieves of the Hereaft er 20. "Avoid laziness and discontent as these are the two keys to every vice" - Im am Baqir 21. "Happy is he who has not great expectations and wishes in his life and tries to make the most of his remaining lifetime" - Imam Ali (as)

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