11.6 Volume of Pyramids-Cones

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Geometry: 11.

6 Volume of Pyramids/Cones 1

11.6 Volume of Pyramids/Cones Steve Keller Honors Geometry 04/04/2012 I. Goals (Standards): G-GMD.1. Give an informal argument for the formulas for the circumference of a circle, area of a circle, volume of a cylinder, pyramid, and cone. Use dissection arguments, Cavalieris principle, and informal limit arguments. II. Objectives: Students will be able to find the volume of pyramids Students will be able to find the volume of cones III. Materials: Chalkboard Water 3 sets of Pyramid/Cone and Prism/Cylinder of corresponding dimensions IV. Motivation: We learned about volume of prisms and cylinders yesterday, and, as we did with surface area, we will move onto volume of pyramids and cones today. Link: http://www.slideshare.net/guest11dd19/prisms-pyramids Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZPeEBigUpk V. Lesson Procedure: Volume of Pyramid/Cone Bring out a cone and its corresponding cylinder (same altitude and base area) Have the students guess the ratio between the volume of the cylinder and the volume of the cone (will probably guess 1/2) THE ACTIVITY Have 3 teams of 3 Have one students lie on the ground (not a girl) Have one student hold a cylinder/prism over the guy on the grounds head Have the other student in the group be the runner i. The runner will run to the water fountain (QUITELY) and fill the cone/pyramid with water ii. Then the runner will come back and pour the water from the cone/pyramid into the cylinder/prism (trying not to spill on the person lying on the grounds head iii. It should take three times, but due to lack of precision, it will take four iv. Afterwards, suggest as an answer Talk to students about why it is 1/3 and how they were not precise in their pouring

Geometry: 11.6 Volume of Pyramids/Cones 2


Formula Ask the students for the formula for volume of a prism/cylinder (V=Bh) Knowing this, what is the formula for volume of a pyramid/cone?

Cavalieris Principle a. If two solids have the same height and the same cross-sectional area at every level, then they have the same volume. Solving problems: We are going to solve these in a similar way, in the following format: a. BA= b. Examples a. Find the Volume of this Regular Pentagonal Pyramid

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Find the Volume of the Right Cone (

Geometry: 11.6 Volume of Pyramids/Cones 3


Mother-of-All problem Ask students what this is Octagonal prism under an octagonal cone Where do we start? Find the volume of the prism, then the cone, then add Might have to tell students that 13 is the lateral edge

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Volume of a Frustum of a Cone:

Assessment Questioning throughout HW: pg 618 #10-21 Test next Wednesday (04/11/2012)

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