Banking Automation: 3. Specific Requirements

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SUBMITTED TO Mrs. Shagun Goel

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional requirements

Functional requirements specify which output should be produced from the given inputs. They describe the relationship between the input and output of the system. For each functional requirement, a detailed description of all the data inputs and their source, the units of measure, and the range of valid inputs must be specified. All the operations to be performed on the input data to obtain the output should be specified. This includes specifying the validity check on the input and output data, parameters affected by the operations, and equation or other logical operations that must be used to transform the inputs to corresponding output. For instance if there is a formula for computing the output, it should be specified. An important part of the specification is the system behavior in abnormal situations, like invalid input (which can occur in many ways) or error during computation. The functional requirement must clearly state what the system should do if such situations occur. Specifically, it should specify the behavior of the system for invalid inputs and invalid outputs. Furthermore, behavior for situation where the input is valid but the normal operation can not be performed should also be specified. An example of this situation is A BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, where a withdrawal can not be made even by valid customers if the he does not have enough balance in his account.

1. Login Form

Use Cases of Login Form

Use case 1: Login

Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario

Bank staff User id and password should be created. 1. Start the application 2. Staff member prompted for login and password 3. Staff member enter login and password 4. System does authentication 5. Main screen is displayed 1. Prompt the user that he typed wrong password 2. Allow him to reenter the password 3. Give him maximum three chances

Alternate scenario:

2. Operating An Account

Use Cases of Operating An Account

Use case 2: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario

Operating an Account Customer Customer id should be entered ,if dont have a customer id then create a new account 1. Start the application 2. Customers prompted for login 3. Customer enter Customer id 4. System does authentication 5. Main screen is displayed

Alternate scenario:

1. Prompt the Customer that he typed wrong id 2. Allow him to reenter the id 3. Give him maximum three chances

3. Create a New Account

Use Cases of Create a New Account

Use case 3: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario

Create a new Account Customer Customer should click on create new account on the operation on account 1. Start the application 2. Customers can fill personal detail 3. Customer can fill declaration form 4. Customer can fill specimen signature card from where the signature is taken by an electronic procedure whenever needed.

4. Personal Detail Form

Use Cases of Personal Detail Form

Use case 4: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Personal Detail Customer Customer id should already be created 1. User enters the customers name, address and contact no.,D.OB.,category,region,edu. Qualification, martial status, occupation, monthly turnover ,date & other required information.

5. Declaration Form

Use Cases of Declaration Form

Use case 5: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario 1. User enters the customers name, address., particular of transaction, amount of transaction, assessed to tax, verification name, date, place, signature. Declaration form Customer Customer should have selected the create a new account & then click on declaration form

6. Specimen Signature Form

Use Cases of Specimen Signature Form

Use case 6: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Specimen Signature Customer Customer should have selected the create a new account & then click on Specimen Signature 1. User enters the customers name, account no., occupation, address, D.O.B., name of signatory, constitution, specimen signature & its account no., branch, manager & date. 2. The signature of the customer is taken or checked from here by an electronic procedure whenver needed.

7. Checking Account Number

Use Cases of Checking Account Number

Use case 7: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Alternate scenario Checking account number Bank staff User should have entered the account number that has already been created by the customer. 1. Account number should be entered correctly to choose the operation choice 1. Prompt the user that he typed wrong account no. 2. Allow him to reenter the account no. 3. Give him maximum three chances

8. Operation Choice

Use Cases of Operation Choice

Use case 8: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Operation Choice Bank staff User should enter the correct account number & then click on submit 1. select any choice update customer detail or operating on account

9. Select Operations On an Account

Use Cases of Select Operations On an Account

Use case 9: Primary actor Precondition: Select Operations on an account Bank staff User should enter the correct account number & then click on submit & then select any choice update customer detail or operating on account from operation choice 1. select any choice deposit ,withdrawal of money or display the statement.

Main scenario

10. Deposit Form

Use Cases of Deposit Form

Use case 10: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Deposit form Customer User should click on deposit from select operations on an account 1. User should enter correct TXT no., branch, date, account no., account holder name, amount, by cash/cheque, PAN no., signature of depositor & telephone no.

11. Withdrawal Form

Use Cases of Withdrawal Form

Use case 11: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Withdrawal form Customer User should click on withdrawal from select operations on an account 1. User should enter correct TXT no., saving bank account no., branch, amount by cash/cheque & signature of account holder 2. After & before withdrawal the balance should be checked as the minimum balance or a limit as for eg. Rs.100 should always be there.

12. A.T.M. Card

Use Cases of A.T.M. Card

Use case 12: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Alternate scenario A.T.M. Card Customer User should have an A.T.M. card. 1. User should enter correct card no., pin no., Statement needed, withdrawal, deposit amount. 1. Prompt the user that he typed wrong card or pin no. 2. Allow him to reenter them . 3. Give him maximum three chances

13. Statement Form

Use Cases of Statement Form

Use case 13: Primary actor Precondition: Main scenario Statement form Bank staff User should click on statement from Select operations on an account 1. User should enter correct account no., date & is provided with the statement.(consists of information of the last 9-10 withdrawals or deposits made including Interest). **Interest is calculated every 3 months on the minimum balance kept in the account b/w 10th & the last day of each month.


1. USER FRIENDLY: The system should be user friendly so that it can easily be understand by the user without any difficulty. 2. EASE OF MAINTENANCE: The system should be easy to maintain and use.


The system should be less time consuming which could be achieved by good programming. 4. ERROR FREE: The system should easily handle the user error in any case. 5. STATIC:

Software runs on standalone machine. Supports only single user.



The response of all operations is good which is made possible by carefull programming. 7. Portability : The software should not be architecture specific,it should be easily transferred to other platforms if need be.

3.3 Design Constraint

There are a number of factors in the clients environment that may restrict the choices of a designer. Such factors include standards that must be followed, resource limits, operating environment, reliability and security requirements, and policies that may have an impact on the design of the system. An SRS (Software Requirements analysis and Specification) should identify and specify all such constraints. Standard Compliance: This specifies the requirements for the standards the system must follow. The standards may include the report format and accounting procedures.

Hardware Limitations: The software may have to operate on some existing or predetermined hardware, thus imposing restrictions on the design. Hardware limitations can include the type of machines to be used, operating system available on the system, languages supported, and limits on primary & secondary storage. Hardware limitations of this software are: Software runs on Pentium level computers with at least 32 MB of memory. The system should have Windows 95 or its higher version & MS-DOS as operating System.

Reliability and Fault Tolerance: Fault tolerance requirements can place a major constraint on how the system is to be designed. Fault tolerance requirements often make the system more complex & expensive, Requirements about system behavior in the face of certain kinds of faults is specified. Recovery requirements re often an integral part here, detailing what the system should do if some failure occurs to ensure certain properties. Reliability requirements are very important for critical applications. Security: Security requirements are particularly significant in defense systems and database systems. Security requirements place restrictions on the use of certain commands, control access

to data, provide different kinds of access requirements for different people, require the use of passwords and cryptography techniques, and maintain a log of activities in the system.

3.4 Hardware Requirements

Intel Pentium machines Floppy Disk Drive UPS Printer 1.44MB 500 V.A


Operating System RDBMS : Windows 2000 : SQL Server


SECURITY: The system should be secure from the unauthorized access and should be password protected so that no other user can access it. PORTABILITY: The system should be machine independent. CORRECTNESS: It is defined as the extent to which program satisfies specifications, fulfils users mission objectives. EFFICIENCY:

It is defined as the extent to which the amount of computing resources and code required to perform function. FLEXIBILITY: It is defined as the extent to which effort needed to modify operational programs. TESTABILITY: It is defined as the extent to which effort needed to test to ensure performance as intended. REUSABILITY: It is defined as the extent to which effort it can be reused in another application. MAINTAINABILTY : The application will be designed in a maintainable manner. It will be easy to incorporate new requirements in individual modules.

4. Software Design Engineering

4.1 Data Dictionary

The data dictionary provides an organized approach for representing the characteristics of each data object and control item. It has been proposed for describing the content of objects defined during structured analysis. A data dictionary is very important in the software development process because of the following reasons : 1. A data dictionary lists standard terminology for all relevant for use by a engineers working on a project. 2. The dictionary provides the analyst with means to determine the definition of different data structures in terms of their component elements. The format of data dictionary contain the following information: Name the primary name of the data or control item, the data store or an external entity. Alias other names used for the first entry.

Where-used/how-used a listing of the processes that use the data or control item and it is used (e.g. input to the processes, output from the processes, as a store, as an external entity). Content description a notation for representing content. Supplementary information other information about data types, preset values (if known), restrictions or limitations, and so forth. The data dictionary for objects of the class acc of the account holder in this project is as follows:

1. name : aliases : where used/how used : & make

customer account holder He is there to open his account transactions. .

Name of the attribute

Data Type




String of characters(exp. a dot allowed)

-Should not contain any digit or special symbol -Should not be more than 25 characters

It is an identification detail about the person whose accounts present in the bank or wishes to open one.



Should not contain more than 10 digits.

It is automatically generated as and when a new account is created. It is unique to a customer. By specifying this no. an account holder is able to view his account details & do transactions. It is the PERMANENT ACCOUNT NO. of income tax required for any financial work.


String of integers & characters

Should contain combination of characters & digits making a total 10



-Should not contain more than 14 characters Should not contain any special symbol

Account no. is automatically generated as and when a new account is opened. It is unique to a customer. By specifying this no. an account holder is able to do transactions.


String of characters

-Should contain at most 50 characters

It provides the address of the account holder, through which account holder can be contacted


String of integers

-Should contain at most 8 characters -in case of mobile no.10 characters can be there. Should not contain any special symbol except comma

It provides the telephone number of the account holder through which account holder can be contacted


String of integers

It is the amount that is currently present in the account.

8) Date

String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except slash.

It is the date on which the account was created.

2. name : ATM aliases : none where used/how used : The customer is provided with an ATM card on opening a savings a-

ccount to operate his account from a any part of the country.

It is an identification detail about the person whose accounts present in the bank or wishes to open one.


String of characters(exp. a dot allowed)

-Should not contain any digit or special symbol -Should not be more than 25 characters

2) CARD NO .


-Should not contain more than 10 characters. -Should not contain any special symbol.

It is an identification number which is entered prior to pin no. in case of using ATM.

3) PIN NO.


-PIN = *consist of 6 no. unique to to 8 digit* account holder and -It should not contain is never visible. It is a character

It is an identification

given in order to be able to access ATM account of the Account holder

3. name : aliases : where used/how used :

Account none It is openend by the customer & operated upon by making transactions.


String of characters(exp. a dot allowed)

-Should not contain any digit or special symbol -Should not be more than 25 characters

It is an identification detail about the person whose accounts present in the bank or wishes to open one.



-Should not contain more than 14 characters Should not contain any special symbol

Account no. is automatically generated as and when a new account is opened. It is unique to a customer. By specifying this no. an account holder is able to do transactions. It is calculated every month on the balance of the account according to the rate of interest specified by the bank. Interest calculated is then added to the balance. It is the amount that is currently present in the account.


String of floating point numbers

Should not contain any special symbol except comma


String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except comma


String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except comma

It is the amount that should be always present in the account e.g. RS100/-

6 Date

String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except slash.

It is the date on which the transactions were made.-

4. name : aliases : where used/how used :

Bank staff actor They maintain the customers accounts..

It is an identification detail that is unique to a bank staff member to gain access to the system

1) USER - ID

String of characters

Should not contain more than 10 characters.


String of characters

-Should not contain more than 10 characters

It is an identification detail which must be entered along with the user id by the bank staff to gain access of the system It is in encrypted form and is never visible.

5. name : aliases : where used/how used :

Forms A/c opening, withdrawal & deposit form. Through these forms customer provides info to the bank staff.

Name of the attribute

Data Type




String of characters(exp. a dot allowed)

-Should not contain any digit or special symbol -Should not be more than 25 characters

It is an identification detail about the person whose accounts present in the bank or wishes to open one.


String of integers & characters

Should contain combination of characters & digits making a total 10

It is the PERMANENT ACCOUNT NO. of income tax required for any financial work.



-Should not contain more than 14 characters Should not contain any special symbol

Account no. is automatically generated as and when a new account is opened. It is unique to a customer. By specifying this no. an account holder is able to do transactions.


String of characters

-Should contain at most 50 characters

It provides the address of the account holder, through which account holder can be contacted It provides the telephone number of the account holder through which account holder can be contacted


String of integers

-Should contain at most 8 characters -in case of mobile no.10 characters can be there. Should not contain any special symbol except comma


String of integers

It is the amount that is currently present in the account.

7) Date

String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except slash.

It is the date on which the account was created.

6. name : aliases : where used/how used : Statement None It is generated by the bank staff & provided on customers request.

Name of the attribute

Data Type




String of characters(exp. a dot allowed)

-Should not contain any digit or special symbol -Should not be more than 25 characters

It is an identification detail about the person whose accounts present in the bank or wishes to open one.



-Should not contain more than 14 characters Should not contain any special symbol

Account no. is automatically generated as and when a new account is opened. It is unique to a customer. By specifying this no. an account holder is able to do transactions. It is the date on which the account was created.

3) Date

String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except slash.


String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except comma

It is the amount that is currently present in the account.

7. name : aliases : where used/how used : Details None It is maintained by the by the bank staff & info. provided by


Name of the attribute

Data Type




String of characters(exp. a dot allowed)

-Should not contain any digit or special symbol -Should not be more than 25 characters

It is an identification detail about the person whose accounts present in the bank or wishes to open one.



-Should not contain more than 14 characters Should not contain any special symbol

Account no. is automatically generated as and when a new account is opened. It is unique to a customer. By specifying this no. an account holder is able to do transactions. It is the date on which the account was created.

3) Date

String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol except slash.


String of integers

Should not contain any special symbol

It is the amount that is currently present

except comma

in the account.


String of characters

-Should contain at most 50 characters

It provides the address of the account holder, through which account holder can be contacted It provides the telephone number of the account holder through which account holder can be contacted


String of integers

-Should contain at most 8 characters -in case of mobile no.10 characters can be there.

7. name : aliases : where used/how used : Account no. None It is generated automatically while creating a new account.

Name of the attribute

Data Type




String of characters(exp. a dot allowed)

-Should not contain any digit or special symbol -Should not be more than 25 characters

It is an identification detail about the person whose accounts present in the bank or wishes to open one.


E-R Diagram

gener ate


Subm it


Provide informati n ininffoinf o info.

provide s provide s



ATM card


Account number


provide s

a upd te

handle .


upda te

hav e



Perform transactions CUSTOMER maintains Open accounts Adds interest STATEMENT DISPLAY




(b) Level 1 DFD


gives information input details

Bank staff

Open accoun t1

Store details


data input account number

withdrawal/ deposit

Update Customer Details 2 data


Modify accoun t 3

store ACCOUNTS Add interest

data Min balance Generate Interest 4

Displa y Status 6 Data


Banking with A.T.M. 5

(b) (i) Level 2 DFD


Gives information

Bank Staff

Input details

Customer Records

Deposit Minimum Initial Balance Check Initial Balance 1.2

Customer details 1.1

Store details

status true Generate Account number 1.3

Store new account


Status true

(ii) Level 2 DFD


gives information

Bank staff
Input account number Find accoun t 2.1 stores detail


input details

Check input details are correct 2.2

(iii) Level 2 DFD

Bank staff

gives information Input deposit / withdrawal withdrawal Check type of Transaction 3.1 deposit

current balance store balance

Compare current balance 3.2

Calculate new balance with interest 3.3

(iv) Level 2 DFD

ACCOUNTS Minimum balance

User account 4.1 checks Amount deposit 4.1 plus Amount withdrawal 4.2


User updated account 4.3

Add interest

Modify accoun t 3

(v) Level 2 DFD

gives information

Bank staff

Input details

store new account

Generate ATM card number 5.1

Deposit min

Initial balance

Check initial balance 5.2

Store new account


(iv) Level 2 DFD

ACCOUNTS Minimum balance

User account 4.1 checks Amount deposit 4.1 plus Amount withdrawal 4.2


User updated account 4.3

Add interest

Modify accoun t 3

(vi) Level 2 DFD



Modifie d data from bank 6.1

Combined information 6.3


Data save


Modifie d data from ATM 6.2

Data save


Banking with A.T.M. 5

Horizontal Partitioning
Banking Management System

Open Account

Customer Record

Banking with ATM


Vertical Partitioning
Banking Management System

Open Account

Customer Record

Banking with ATM


Date Account No Address


Edit personal details

Card no. withdrawal



Withdrawa l

Initial Balance

Test cases

1. Name

2. User password

It is a string of characters. It should not contain numbers. It should not contain any special characters. It can include spaces. It should be of 10 characters. It should not be displayed,it is hidden with *. It should be integer. It should be in the form dd-mm-yyyy. It should be string of characters. Special symbols are not allowed. Spaces can be included.

Name in number will give error. Usage of special symbols will give an error.

Password greater than 10 characters will show an error. For wrong password user will get 3 chances to reenter. Date in characters will give error.

3. Date

4. Address

Special characters will give error message.

5. Phone no.

6. Account number

It should be of integer type. Mobile no. should be of maximum 10 digits. Residential no. should be of maximum 8 digits. Special symbols are not allowed. It should be string of integers. It should not include spaces. It should be a string of integers. It should not contain any special characters. It should not include spaces. Amount is of type integer. It is calculated in rupees. It should be a combination of string & integers. No spaces or any special character is allowed. It should contain maximum of 10 digits. It should not contain any special symbols .
-PIN should consist of 6 to 8 digit. -It should not contain a character. It is hidden by *.

Usage of special character will give an error. If the maximum limit of phone nos. are crossed ,error message will be prompted to re-enter the number. It is generated automatically by the system when all requirements for opening a record are fulfilled. Use of special characters & spaces will give an error.

7. Customer ID

8. Amount

9. PAN no.

Amount containing special characters will give an error message & prompt the user to re-enter it. Other than integer and character will generate an error.

10. Card no.

If character or special symbols are used error will be caused. Password less than 6 or greater than 8 digits will cause an error. User will be given 3 chances to reenter.

11. PIN no.

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