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MPW Report FAQs

Do we have to answer the report as 4 questions or can we write an 800 word response that incorporates the 4 questions? Either style is acceptable. This assignment is assessing your academic writing skills; your ability to analyse documents; and your capacity to construct a coherent and logical discussion. Either approach may be suitable in demonstrating these skills.

Can we go over the word limit? + or 10% is acceptable i.e. 720 880 words.

Is the reference list included in the word limit? No

Are references required? Absolutely failure to reference sourced information could result in an allegation of academic misconduct. Students must use the Harvard method. The Harvard method uses in-text citations for all quotations and paraphrased material with the inclusion of a detailed reference list at the completion of the work. Examples of Harvard referencing can be found in the Learning Guide on page 7 in the examples of academic writing.

How do I use Turnitin? A tutorial for students is available on the Library website.

Do I need to submit a hard copy? Yes all students should submit a hard copy of their assignment to their tutor in the tutorial after the deadline. Details can be found on page 5 of the Learning Guide.

All copies should use an appropriate cover page and include the name of the tutor, tutorial time, day and campus. List of MPW tutors: Bree Barker Tim Dein Huntley Evans Louise Ingersoll Toni Moore Laura Murray Do I need to submit my Turnitin originality report with the hard copy? No. Teaching staff have access to all student reports and can obtain a copy of the report once all assignments have been submitted if need be. Students may wish to attach a copy of the Turnitin receipt as evidence of submission.

Do I need to conduct more research for the report? Further research is not required though students may use additional sources if this assists them in answering the questions effectively. HINT: The textbook is an obvious source that is not on the list but may be used in the assignment. What font should I use? The assignment should be legible with appropriate margins and suitable font and spacing. Ariel, Calibri and Times New Roman are acceptable, 11 or 12 font with either 1.5 or double spacing. What should I do if I cant meet the deadline? If any student is affected by illness or misadventure, then please refer to the UWS Special Consideration Policy and an extension of time may be awarded. If poor time management is the culprit students should submit the assignment as soon as possible even if a late penalty is deducted. If you are not able to submit an assignment or you decide to discontinue the unit, please cease your enrolment prior to the census date of March 31 this will ensure that you will not receive an Absent Fail grade and you will not be charged for the unit.

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