Nlu Delhi 2011 Solution

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NLU Delhi 2011 Answers and Explanations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 d a d b c d c 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 c b b a b d c c b d b c b a c 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 d a b a c a d c c b d a b c d 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 a b c d d c d a b d c b b d a 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 c d b b b b d d a a b d a a b 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 c c c c b a a b c a c c b a b 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 b c b a d c c a c b d c b b c 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 a c c c b d a b b c b b d d d 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 d d d c d a a c d a c a a b b 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 * * d b d a c d c b d a d c d

d(*) 23 b b b b b b b 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1. d

Refer to the lines The recent work of Addison Gayles passes a judgment on the value of Black fiction by clear political standards, rating each work according to the ideas of Black identity, which it propounds. It is clear from these lines that rating by political standards (as done by Addison Gayle) is objectionable to the author. The author reviews the validity of a work of criticism. The Roger Rosenblatts book Black Fiction is the book with respect to which criticism is being validated by the author. He raises objection to the basis of criticism, states what is required before writing an acceptable criticism and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the book Black Fiction. Option (b) is incorrect because no critical approach is discussed in the passage. The author does not provide any data regarding the limitations of a kind of criticism. Recapitulation, which means a summary, of the major points in a work of criticism is not presented in the passage. Thus, option (a) is the correct choice. Refer to the lines Rosenblatt work does leave certain aesthetic questions openespecially since an attempt to appraise might have led to interesting results. Thus, option (d) is the correct answer. Refer to the last paragraph of the passage. Irrespective of such omissions Black Fiction is a tightly constructed, and levelheaded and penetrating criticism is exemplified in its forthright and lucid style. Thus, option (b) is the most suitable option. Refer to the lines Roger Rosenbatts book Black Fiction, manages expounding on Black History and The recent work of Addison Gayles passes a judgment on the value of Black fiction by clear political standards, rating each work according to the ideas of Black identity, which it propounds. It is clear from these lines that rating by political standards (as done by Addison Gayle) is objectionable to the author. So he will be least likely to agree with option (c). The passage does not provide definition of any of the terms mentioned in the passage (the words expressionism, surrealism demand a definition but definitions are not given). Thus option (d) is the correct option. As the word these is used to denote plural number, so these kind is incorrect. these kinds is the correct phrase. Parts (a), (b) and (c) do not contain any error. Though the phrase a three-weeks-old baby is also correct as per some books, it is the most suitable choice as the question does not provide No error option.

9. b

Will rain is incorrect. The correct phrase should be If it rains this afternoon. The preposition of is inappropriate with the word familiar. familiar with is the grammatically correct phrase. Pick up holes is grammatically incorrect. Pick holes is the correct phrase. It means to find mistakes in something someone has done or said, to show that it is not good or not correct. For example: The lawyer did her best to pick holes in the witnesss statement. With the words superior, inferior, anterior, posterior than is not used. Superior to is the correct phrase. The subject of the sentence is the steep rise which is singular in number. So, have is incorrect. has affected is the correct phrase. With the words with, together with, along with, as well as, the subject should follow the first subject. Since the first subject is singular in number (Kiran), so the verb should be is. Much water has passed/flowed under the bridge is the correct phrase. It means that something is in the past and no longer important. With the words each and every, the verb as well as the pronoun should be singular in number. So, usage of the pronoun their is incorrect. on murder is incorrect because of the preposition on. Found guilty of murder is the correct phrase. Since the word movie is a countable noun, it should be preceded by an article a. Appointed in the correct word. The sentence has an error- an article a is required before the countable noun working group. walk around is the correct phrase. It means to walk with no particular goal. It also means to behave in a certain manner or have certain properties; for example: He walks around with his nose in the air. Hard-working is both logically as well as grammatically correct in the given context. Lethargic and hostile are not positive traits and are logically incorrect in the context of promotions. The word dripping is logically correct here. Plaintive means sounding sad, especially in a weak complaining way; mournful. For example: a plaintive cry/voice. Thus, the adverb plaintively is correct here.

10. b

11. b 2. a

12. b

13. b

14. b

3. d

15. b

4. b

16. c

5. c

17. b

18. b

19. a

6. d

20. b

21. d 7. c

8. d*

22. c 23. c

24. b

The preposition to is appropriate with the word inimical. Over is the correct preposition in the given context. The previous sentence talks about the size of dots when the color of the dots is on the lighter side of grey. The next sentence that talks about larger dots should logically refer to darker areas. Hence, option (b) darker is the correct choice. The reference to half-tone and the technical nature of the paragraph suggests that tone would be the most suitable word for the given blank.

72. d

25. d 26. b

Zaverilal should compensate as he said that the article was strong and almost unbreakable. The fact that the article broke will hold Zaverilal liable. None of the options given explore this possibility. Hence its none of the above. The principle clearly states that interference with anothers good which leads to denial of title to goods will hold the interferer liable. Thus Shyam will succeed. (Please check if the title to the goods was denied in the given case). The answer should be (b) as though there was an interference with goods, the denial of the title of the other party is not the case. The principle states that the purpose of damages is to compensate the injured person and not to improve his position, the amount has spent 4 lakhs thus he should get back the amount he has spent. Here the illegal activity is the act of stealing. The driver was oblivious of this fact and his right to action for getting injured ensues as a result of his legal act of driving. The principle states that the court should not take notice of trifles, the fact speaks about a matter which is a trifle and of a trivial nature for the Court to entertain the same. After the limitation period ends Rohan makes a part payment; this brings forth the commencement of a fresh period of limitation. As the cause of action starts from the date of part payment, recovery of debt would be allowed. As ignorance of law is not an excuse he is bound under the law to file his tax return. Vasan cannot be held liable.Note according to CLAT Patern the answer should be d (answer to be marked with respect to the principle provided). As NLU Delhi does not follow CLAT pattern the answer according to NLU D is c. The fact that firm veerappas firm was at a distance of Half a furlong which is a reasonable distance, cannot make Veerappa liable. According to the principle Ramlal is not liable as Ramlal is entitled to protect his property by using lawful means. Protecting the firm by keeping a ferocious dog is legally permissible. Mr. Rajender will not get any compensation as he violated the traffic rules by riding the scooter on the right side of the road. Ramakrishna is liable to pay Rs 40,000 as agreed in the contract.

73. a

27. c

74. a 28. b Since the initial step cannot logically be a copy, option (c) is negated. Print is the most suitable word as per the context. The reversal of light areas and dark areas so that black becomes white is the only logically correct idea. Hence, reversed is the correct choice. As black becomes white, so white should become black. Hence, option (c) is the correct choice. The picture is projected on the screen. On is the correct preposition. The verb ruled which means arranged is the correct choice. The preposition into is the correct choice. Light from the negative is the correct phrase. 78. c 35. c The paragraph mentions the screen and the former sentence also talks about the picture being projected on the screen. This makes screen the correct word for the given blank. 37. d 43. b 49. d 55. d 61. c 67. d 38. c 44. c 50. d 56. c 62. d 68. d 39. c 45. d 51. c 57. b 63. b 69. a 40. b 46. a 52. d 58. b 64. b 70. a 82. a 41. d 47. b 80. b 48. c 54. b 60. a 66. b 71. b 53. a 59. d 81. a 65. b 77. c 75. b

29. a

30. c

76. c

31. d

32. a

33. b 34. a

79. c

36. a 42. a

The fact that the bank under a scheme authorized agents to collect money on commission basis makes the bank liable, as the bank projected the agent as its employee and the agent while collecting deposits on the behalf of the back projected himself as an employee.

83. b

84. c

Krishna cannot exercise the right to self defense as there is no imminent threat to his life. The fact that Mangeshkar was driving at 140 km/hr in Bangalore which is crowded and secondly his act scared the people using the road makes the act rash and negligent. The principle clearly states that when two or more person, in the facts only Bharat is the person who has committed the act, thus its not criminal conspiracy. The manufacturers of a commodity are under a duty of care for the products it sells to its consumers. The fact that the bottle of beer contained a snail makes the manufacturer liable. The university is under an obligation to take reasonable care to prevent injury which a reasonable person would foresee. The injury caused to the child in the given case is foreseeable and not remote. Thus the university would be held liable. The snake charmer is liable as because of his carelessness the child was injured. The snake charmer is under a duty to take care of the snakes and see that the snakes do not escape. The fact that the marriage happened after 6 months makes Bs claim invalid. Under the DPSP the state is entitled to make laws to organize animal husbandry. Right to Religion is a Fundamental Right, the mere fact of not singing the national anthem in the morning does not amount to disrespect .Moreover it is stated in the principle that the Constitution expects a citizen to respect national anthem as a fundamental duty. No mandatory compliance of such is mentioned. Right to freedom of expression does not authorize another person to defame any person. (Please check. The answer should be here as the statement made was in nature of a criticism. Moreover the principle speaks of freedom of speech and expression and not of defamation.) According to the principle citizens is expected to take reasonable duty of care, the fact that Y injured P proves that Y did not observe reasonable care on his behalf. X cannot be made liable for the same. Standard of care is based on the foreseight of an ordinary prudent person Tort-feasors are the persons who commit the tort jointly or together.

97. c

85. a

The first blow is for self defense, but when the thief is unconscious after the first blow, there is no eminent threat to Qs life or property, thus the second blow is unreasonable. Private defense is only available only against the defender. There is no self-defence against selfdefence. Here right of private defence cannot be claimed as the robbers were fleeing and there was no imminent danger to the property. However as none of the options cover this scenario singularly, option c is the best choice.

98. a

86. c

99. c

87. c

100. b As both X and Y conspired to poison Z, thus both are liable. 101. d Though murder has not taken place, but both X and Y did conspire, making both of them liable for criminal conspiracy. As there is no option which covers this directly, option d is the best choice. 102. c 103. b As the principle of Contributory Negligence is given, and the facts clearly states that due to the negligent act of X, X died. Y would be only partly liable to the extent of his negligent act. 104. b The rescuer is not entitled for the payment as the rescuer had no idea of the promise when he acted to save the child. 105. c The agreement is not valid as it was signed under threat of suicide which amounts to coercion as per the principle. 106. a Carpet covers the floor just as wall paper covers the wall. 107.c Kaziranga National Park is famous for rhinocerous. Similarly, Gir is famous for lions.

88. b

89. a

90. b

91. b

92. c

93. b

108. c The alphabetical position number of the three letters in each successive term increases by 2. Required term is IWX. 109. c The series is moving as:
6 11 21 36 56 (8 1)

94. a

95. d


+ 10

+ 15

+2 0

+2 5

96. c

110. b Let the present age (in years) of son and father be x and 3x respectively. 4(x 5) = 3x 5 or x = 15 The age of son is 15 years.

111. d

As the next bus is at 9:35 a.m., the last bus must have left at 9:05 a.m. Therefore, the enquiry clerk gave this information at 9:15 a.m.

120. d Sun rises in the East in morning.

V ikram s S h ad ow to w ards w e st (Fa cin g N o rth ) E a st V ikram SUN S h aile sh (Fa cin g S ou th )

112. a The argument says that beans are plumper when they are prepared without pre- soaking. So when the quality is more important then pre-soaking should be avoided. The assumption here is that plumper beans are of better quality. Thus, option (a) is correct. 113. b The argument says that children under six are not allowed from 12 to 5 P.M. and also after 5 P.M. to closing time. This means that they can go to the pool only before noon. Since everyone in the neighborhood is permitted to swim at the pool, if the neighborhood has a child under six, then the pool must be open for him/her before noon. Hence, option (b) is the correct choice. 114. b The alphabetical position number of each successive term increases by 4, 4, 6, 6 and so on. The required term is X(24). 115. c The series is moving as: 3 = 22 1 7 = 23 1 15 = 24 1 31 = 25 1 63 = 26 1 (127) = 27 1 116. b P is added before each letter of SIR. Therefore, MAN can be written as PMPAPN. 117. b The coding follows the pattern: 3+1=4 51=4 7+1=8 91=8 6+1=7 Therefore, code for 46823 in the same code language will be 55914. 118. d Day before yesterday was Tuesday. Yesterday was Wednesday. Today is Thursday and tomorrow will be Friday. So, day after tomorrow will be Saturday. 119. d
(N o rth -W est) (N o rth -E ast)

Therefore, Shailesh was facing South direction. 121. d Option (d) is the most plausible inference. The argument says almost every Wednesday so the best inference would be most if not all Wednesdays. Options (a) is incorrect because the question does not say that half priced coffee is offered on only every Wednesday. Apart from it being done on almost every Wednesday, it may also be done on every Friday. In that case, the most common day will be Friday. Thus, option (a) cannot be inferred. Option (b) has the same error. Option (c) reverses the reasoning. There may be some days when half priced coffee is offered and free poetry readings are not scheduled. Half priced coffee may be given even without the poetry schedule because the question does not say that half priced coffee is offered only on those days when poetry is scheduled. Thus, (c) reverses the reasoning and becomes incorrect. 122. d Rama is neither a brother of Krishna nor is he a lecturer means that Rama is not a brother of Krishna and he is not a lecturer. Thus, option (d) is correct. 123. d Make hay while the sun shines means to make the most of ones opportunities when one has the chance. None of the options is logically similar to it. 124. c The constitution has given the right of free speech. People speak freely in order to enjoy this right. The argument with a similar logic is Wealth gives power to enjoy material things. People enjoy these things by spending their wealth. Here, wealth is playing the same role as constitution was playing. It empowers people. Constitution gives right of free speech and wealth gives power to enjoy. One exercises his right to free speech by speaking freely; one exercises the power to enjoy material things by spending money and buying them. Thus, these two arguments are analogous and have a similar pattern of reasoning. 125. d Literature is the mirror in which the society can see itself. This statement implies that literature is a reflection of the society. The current issues, ideologies, patterns, problems etc of the society are reflected in the literature of that time. Literature enables people to get acquainted with the mass issues and ideologies. Option (c) does not correctly bring forward the meaning of the statement. It is a half-baked idea. Thus, option (d) would be a better answer.

(S o uth-w e st)

(S o uth-E ast)

Therefore, Ram is facing South-East direction now.

126. a The argument says that exploitation of charitable instincts of alms givers may aggravate poverty by inducing laziness in beggars. Statement (a) which states that destitution(poverty) is a result of unwillingness to work (laziness) supports this reasoning. This statement means that beggars became poor and had to beg because they were lazy and unwilling to work. Now, if they are given alms, it will fulfill their needs and they may continue to be lazy. 127. a The statement that child labor is only a reflection of the malaise in the society means that the society is not in a good shape as depicted by the prevalence of child labor. This supports the statement that people do not abhor (hate) child labour (implied by its prevalence in the society). 128. c If the quality of governance is decided on the basis of law and order, it means that law must be indispensable (important) for society (that is why law and order has been used as a criterion). Other options are beyond the scope of the argument. 129. d All the options present possibilities which may be true. No option can be conclusively considered as a false inference. 130. a Politician is a subset of Men and Men is a subset of Honest. Thus, the conclusions that can be drawn are: 1. All politicians are honest 2. At least one politician is honest. All honest persons are politicians may or may not be true. Thus, option (d) is not a conclusion but a possibility. Therefore, options (b), (c) and (d) are negated. But some politicians are not honest is neither a conclusion nor a possibility. It does not follow from the given premises. 131. c In the given argument, science and critical thinking are considered to be related. Similarly, religion is related to dogma. As dogma is not acceptable, therefore religion is not acceptable. The argument also says that critical thinking shakes the foundation of morality. Therefore, if science is accepted (which means critical thinking is accepted as they both are related), then the foundations of morality are shaken. Thus, option (c) is correct. 132. a Rameshs liking for strawberries, apples, oranges and grapes can be expressed in the following order: Strawberry > Apple > Orange > Grape Thus, the statement that he likes grapes more than strawberries is false. 133. a The statement that Justice should not only be done but also seen to have been done means that people should know that justice is done; simply doing justice without making people aware of it is not enough. Option (a) is correct. The rest of the options are beyond the scope of the given statement.

134. b The argument states that one needs to choose ones exercise regime (yoga or aerobics) on the basis of ones requirements and expectations. Option (b) is best supported by the argument. Option (d) is close but can be negated easily because the argument says that yoga is not the best choice for those looking for a fast paced workout. It may not be the best but it may still be rigorous. Moreover, we cannot say that this is the opinion of most of the people. Thus, option (d) is negated. 135. b Empirical means based on experiments rather than theories. Faith and instinct are difficult to measure. So, options (c) and (d) are negated. Whether only poor people are driven to violence or not can be easily verified and tested. Thus, option (b) can be empirically tested. Engineer something (often disapproving) means to arrange for something to happen or take place, especially when this is done secretly in order to give yourself an advantage. This may be difficult to measure. Thus, option (b) is correct. 136. * 137. * The given question is incomplete. The given question is incomplete.

138. d The argument is based on the reason for the tendency of a magnetic needle to swing towards the poles. Robert Norman and his predecessor offer a different reasoning for this tendency. So, option (d) effectively expresses the problem they are working on. 139. b Analogy is the process of comparing one thing with another thing that has some similar features. In the given question, James Maxwell noticed that mathematical laws of uniform motion of heat are analogous to the laws of attraction that are inversely proportional to square of the distance. He thought that the source of heat is analogous to the center of attraction, flow of heat is analogous to the accelerating effect of attraction and temperature is analogous to potential. Thus, option (b) is correct. 140. d The issue here is the criterion to define a straight line. If 180 degree angle is used as the criterion to decide straight, then Euclidean geometry is followed. But, if less than 180 degree is also considered straight then we are referring to Non-Euclidean geometry. So, the choice of definition of a straight line is the issue at stake.
R 100 Amount to be paid after 7 months S.I. = P T = 800 + 800 7 11 Rs. 851 12 100

141. a

142. c Number of men days required = 16 16 = 256 Number of men days completed in 4 days = 16 4 = 64 Number of men on work after 4 days = 16 + 8 = 24 From this instant onwards work will be completed in
256 64 = 8 days. 24

147. a Present value of share = Rs. 100 Dividend on Rs. 100 shares = Rs. 12 Let the value of share at the time of purchase be Rs. x.

15 x = 12 or x = 80 100 The shares were bought at price of Rs. 80.

148. d Let the price of the article be Rs. 100. New price = 0.9 100 = Rs. 90 Required percentage increase
= 10 1 100 = 11 % 90 9

143. d Initial number of members = 500 Number of members at beginning of 3rd year
10 = 500 1 + = 605. 100

144. c Let the school begins t minutes after the boy leaves his home. According to question,
t + 2.5 t 5 8 = 10 60 60 2t = 70 or t = 35 Required distance t + 2.5 t 5 = 8 = 10 = 5 km. 60 60

149. c Using alligations,

R s. 4 0 R s. 5 0

R s. x

145. b Share of Monu

6 = 324 = Rs. 108. 18

146. d The given information can be shown with help of Venn diagram.
(8 4% ) P h ysics y M athe m a tics (4 2% ) z

50 x 3 = or x = 44 x 40 2

Required profit percentage =

4 100 = 9.09% 44

150. d Let the value of car 4 years ago be Rs. x According to question,
10 x 1 = 52,488 or x = 80,000 100 Required answer = Rs. 80,000

x + y = 0.84 1000 = 840 .(i) y + z = 0.42 1000 = 420 .(ii) x + y + z = 1000 .(iii) Adding equations (i) and (ii), then subtracting eq. (iii) from it, we get y = 260.

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