History Essay

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The League of Nations failed to bring benefits to countries in the 1920s.

How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

The League of Nations did bring benefits to countries in the 1920s by resolving conflicts peacefully and doing humanitarian social work. However, they also left unresolved conflicts, and instead the league was betrayed by the members nations. The League of Nations managed to resolve some conflicts peacefully. This can be seen through the dispute between Finland and Sweden over Aaland Islands in 1920 which was resolved by the League of Nations. The dispute between Poland and Finland for upper Silesia in 1921 was also resolved by the League of Nations. Therefore, the League of Nations was successful in resolving some of the conflicts successfully. The League of Nations also did social work such as aiding the war refugees and prisoners of war by providing a refugee committee, this accomplished one of the League of Nations aims which was to provide a better living environment for the people. They were also did the pioneering work in health and prevention of tropical diseases by Health Organization, to prevent the spread of yellow fever and malaria. In addition, they set up an International Labor Organization to improve workers rights and working condition. This stopped child labor. As shown, the League of Nations was successful in reaching her aim of providing a better working condition for the people. However, on the flipside, the League of Nations had unresolved conflicts such as the Russo- Polish war, 1920 1921. The conflict involving Greece and Turkey was also unresolved as members of the League of Nations; Britain and France took opposing sides. Due to this, the League of Nations was not successful in this area of resolving conflicts. The League of Nations was unsuccessful in bringing benefits to other countries as their members betrayed the league. This can be seen in the invasion of Ruhr, where the league broke her own rules. In the other hand, the Corfu Incident, 1923 also showed the Leagues failure. Due to this the nationalistic aspirations of the member nations, the decision making was slow and difficult. In conclusion, The League of Nations indeed brought benefits to the countries in 1920s, despite their several failures, the League of Nations was new and therefore could be excused for their failures. In the end, the League still accomplished one of its aims to provide a better working condition for the people.

The sources are different in siding with the Tamils and the Sinhalese. From source A to accommodate displaced Tamils and Muslims as refugees among them. How despicable it is to bite the hand that feeds them!. However from source B the harsh reality is that a Tamil in Sri Lanka is and will remain a second-class citizen to the Sinhalese.

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