Black Israelitescreed1

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The Original

The Creed: Volume 1

Supreme Master Malik Hakim Ghanni 7/7/2011

Black Israelites/The Originalz Creed: The mission of our family is to create unity, self determination a nurturing place of faith, order, truth, love, happiness, power, freedom and wealth, and to provide opportunity for each individual to become responsible independent, and effectively interdependent, in order to serve worthy purposes in society and regain control of our universe. Our family mission: To love each other To help each other To believe in each other To wisely use our time, talents, and resources to bless others To lift the state of the earth To assist our people to realize that they are free beings, with unlimited potential, who can create their own world, and be responsible for all events that occur in their life Forever. Demand justice Take back control of the media Take back control of our money supply Take back control of our foreign policy Ensure future generations never again have to live with the tyranny of the New World Order



We have to unite under the common banner of the Black Israelite/Original Movement. We will follow specific procedures of working our way out of our present and particular state of being into the next higher state of being(Power of 7/Perfected/Purified/Sattvic). We are the creation of everything we see and do and think. Our creation is a reflection of ourselves. We are responsible for our universe alone and not another. We must take control of our universe and take responsibility for everything we think and say and do. You are your own sovereign, you are your own nation and thus you have the responsibility to tell

the nations around you what is expected of them. Our law will be the Supreme Law of the Land.



We need to spread this knowledge around the globe so that the agents of the New World Order can no longer operate in secrecy. We need to demand justice and to begin dismantling the institutions that give the New World Order control over our lives. We need to ensure that never again will we allow the New World Order to gain control of the people. III. Pledge

Our action plan consists of knowledge, justice and freedom. In order for us to succeed we need to embrace and share this knowledge so that we can reach as many people as possible as fast as possible. We need to stop playing the game with the New World Order and demand justice through our elected representatives or run our office ourselves. We only need to have 100% commitment from a strong minority to achieve success. If we put the effort in and stand up for our rights we can stop this downward spiral and restore freedom for all.



Our home will be a place where our family, friends, and guests find joy, comfort, peace, and happiness. We will seek to create a clean and orderly environment that is livable and comfortable. We will exercise wisdom in what we choose to eat, read, see, and do at home. We want to teach our children to love, learn, laugh, and to work and develop their unique talents. Be thankful for what we have and what we can give to others.

A Message from Supreme Master Malik Ghanni To all freedom fighters, my name is Malik Hakim Ghanni. I'm The founder of the Black Israelites/Original Movement. I have been a member of this movement for over 20 years. Why? I am passionate about my people denouncing the New World Orders claim of ownership of the world. My people and I believe that through fraud, deception and usury the New World Order has made themselves the rulers of humankind. I aim to be open and be able to keep you informed with what is happening in this society and the world.

No longer shall we sit by allowing this New World Order agenda to stay hidden. We shall unite with a common purpose and with a common goal to spread the knowledge of this tyranny across the globe and to demand justice until the world is free from the slavery and perdition the New World Order has created on this earth. The next year is going to be an exciting time with the beginning of the redemption of my people. I hope to see that the transition to the new movement free the minds of the people. I intend to: Be approachable and open to suggestions and comments by all. Make sure that with all the changes that are coming that you stay in control. See a greater input of ideas from a broader range people so that this movement is run in the fairest way possible. So What Now? All you have to do now is come to the meetings, listen to the speeches and make up your mind to stand up for your rights. The future of the world depends upon your decision and commitment! Share our website url ( with friends and colleagues Contact Us Contact us via email ( to let us know what you think about this website as well as our goals and action plan. We would love to hear from fellow patriots and freedom fighters trying to restore our liberty. We need your commitment and help to unite the resistance to a mass movement for change so that we can succeed in defeating the New World Order!

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