The Tree of Life

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The Tree of Life Etz Chayyim:


Deut. 20:19: When thou shalt besiege a city along time, in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them: for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field is mans life to employ them in the siege: The word City: Strongs #5894, `er. #1. A Masculine noun indicating a watcher. #2. From Strongs #5782, `ur. a). A verb meaning to stir, to arouse, to awaken. b). It is used of raising something or someone to action. #3. From Strongs # 5783, ur. a). Through the idea of opening the eyes. b). To be exposed, be bared, to be laid bare. c). To be naked, to be made naked. We need to go back and get a running start so we can demand what city is being spoken of. We began with Deut. 20:17. Lets go to the next verse: Deut. 20:18. That they teach Strongs # 3925 lamad. #1. To learn, teach, exercise in. #2. To be taught, be trained. After all their abominations Strongs #8441, To`ebah. #1. A disgusting thing, an abomination. a). In a ritual sense (of unclean food, idols, mixed marriages). Which they have done unto their gods. Gods Strongs #430 `elohim. Lets look at the first place the word gods is talked about. Gen. 3:5. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened; and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

You need to know that when you besiege a city the Watchers are there. They have had peace for a long time. And now the Children of Israel are being called to go in and awake a sleeping beast. Ephesians 6:11-12: Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Put on Strongs #1746, enduo; in the Greek: #1. To sink into (clothing), put on, to clothe ones self. #2. In the sense of sinking into a garment. Throughout Torah Put On is a Covenant Term meaning to be in Covenant by exchanging garments. The Whole Armour Strongs #3833, pa-nop-le-a, panoplea; Also in the Greek: Lets look at the word Whole in the Hebrew language, #3605, Kol: #1. Whole, all, any or every. #2. Its from Strongs #3634, Kalal: a) To complete, perfect, make complete. b) To put a crown upon, to crown. #3. Its from Strongs #3618 Kalah: a) A Bride, daughter-in-law, young wife. Thus, it is the Bride (Kallah) who needs to put on (to sink into a garment) the whole armour of God. Armour Strongs #3833, Pa-nop-le-a: #1. Full armour, complete armour. a) Includes shield, sword, lance, helmet, greaves, and breastplate. 1. Greave leg armour worn below the knee. 2. Lance a thrusting weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp metal Head. Stand against the wiles of the devil: Wiles Strongs #3180, me-tho-da-a:

#1. Cunning arts, deceit, craft, trickery. Before you come near the city of Watchers, you need to put on your Brides garment. The Full Armour of God so that you will be able to stand against the trickery of the devil. Remember Adam and Eve how Satan caused them to sin by exposing their nakedness and sin enters into the whole (kalah-Bride) earth through them! When thou shalt besiege a city a long time in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees: Against it to take it: Strongs #8610, tafash or topash: a) To lay hold, to catch, handle b) A sense of handling the law skillfully or planning strategy in warfare. Thou shalt not lo: Destroy Strongs # 7843, sha-chat: #1. To destroy, corrupt, go to ruin. #2. The verb is used to denote the actions of the world (it is corrupt) and ultimately the reason for Gods flooding it. Gen. 6: 11- 13. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. The word corrupt is Shachat! We know that the world was corrupt because of the giants, the Nephilim who came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them. The same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. It was the DNA of men that became corrupted or destroyed Shachat. Hence the reason for the flood. In the Hebrew language there is a two-letter word. It is a sign of the definite direct object. It is Strongs # 853, ET. #1. Aleph-Tav, Yahoshua our Messiah. #2. The beginning and the end.

From Strongs # 226, Ot. #1. Sign, a distinguishing mark. #2. A banner, remembrance. From Strongs # 225, Ot or Ut. #1. To consent, agree. #2. It is used by Jacobs sons to lure the sons of Shechem to be circumcised. Gen. 34:15. In the Hebrew language there is a hyphen (-) thats sometime placed between two words to bind them together. It is called a binder. That means you cannot separate the two words. The word ET Aleph-Tav and the word tree `Ets, has that hyphen (-) between them and cannot be separated. The word Tree Strongs # 6086, `Ets. #1. Tree, wood, timber. #2. From Strongs # 6095, a tsah. a) Meaning to shut, to wink the eye. b) It refers to closing one eye, usually to indicate deception. The Hebrew word for bones is: Strongs # 6106 etsem. #1. Meaning bone, substance, self. #2. The first use of the term is in Genesis when Adam proclaimed Eve was Bone of his Bones (etsem). #3. Jeremiah said that the word of God was like a fire shut up in his bones. (Jer. 20:9). #4. Our bones are also seen as being a tree. Deut. 20: 19. When thou shalt besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them. There is a reason why He is telling you this. Its because you are going to be there a long time (Yamim rabbim) many days. Thou shalt not destroy or corrupt yourself as in the days of Noah where the people were not skillful in the Torah and only 8 people took hold of the Tree of Life and survived the attack of the giants Nephilim.

When thou shalt take hold of a city. Take hold of it with Wisdom Prov. 3: 18. Wisdom: She is as a tree of life (ets chayim) to tem that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. Ets Chayim Tree of Life is also the name for each of the two wooden shafts attached to the ends of a Torah Scroll. Each shaft extends beyond the top and bottom of the scroll and is used both as a handle to hold the Sefer Torah and as a means to scroll from portion to portion when reading. Lets look at the word for Trees again: Tree Strongs #6086, Ets. In this verse its spelled with Ayin, Tzadde, Hey. #1. The Hey represents becoming fruitful. Mark 8: 22-25 READ. And thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field is mans life). In the Hebrew language it reads: Lotikrot Ki haadam ets hashadeh. You shall not cut it down for it is like a man the tree of the field. Song. 2:3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons, I sat down under His shadow with great delight and His fruit was sweet to my taste. The Word for Apple: Strongs # 8598, tappu ach. #1. Apple, apple tree. #2. The Bridegroom is described as an apple tree among the trees of the forest. #3. The smell of apples was considered refreshing and pleasant. From Strongs # 5301 nafak. #1. To blow, to breathe. #2. It is used of projecting ones breath but in a figurative sense of God blowing the breath of life into Adam. Gen. 2:7. His fruit Strongs #6529 peri, per-ee. 1. From 6509, fruit, (first) fruit, reward. #3. It refers to what is naturally produced. The crop from trees, land. a)Or the result of ones deeds or actions. (Isa. 3:10).

C). Fruit trees were a feature of the Garden of Eden and of a man-made garden of beauty and delight. d). The Bride admires the fruit of her bridegroom. e). Abundant fruit will be a mark of a restored Jerusalem. (Amos 9:14). From Strongs # 6332 Purim. #1. From 6331, a lot (as by means of a broken piece, purim) #2. Referring to a lot cast to make decision. (We are making decisions right now). #3. A Jewish feast day. It refers to the Jewish feast day celebrating the great deliverance of the Jews under the Persian Empire. From Strongs #6331 Pur. #1. Meaning to break, to bring to naught. It refers to causing the plans of machinations of nations or peoples to come to nothing (Ps. 33:10) or to cut off or stop something. Ps. 89:33. Sweet Strongs # Matoq. #1. Means sweet. #2. Gods law are sweeter than honey. Ps. 9:10. #3. Pleasant words are as sweet as honey. (Prov. 16:24). I know the question you want to ask. Brenda why are you talking so much about trees and apples. I asked that same question of YHVH. Why does the world say Adam and Eve ate an Apple? YHVH answered me by showing me the numbers that are placed on our fruit and vegetables in the grocery store.

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