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There are no ambient air quality standards in Malaysia. The Malaysian government, however, established ambient air quality guidelines in 1988. Pollutants addressed in the guidelines include ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, total suspended particles, particulate matter under 10 microns, lead and dust fall. The averaging time, which varies from 1 to 24 hours for the different air pollutants in the RMAQG, represents the period of time over which measurements is monitored and reported for the assessment of human health impacts of specific air pollutants. Recommended (RMAQG) Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines
Malaysia Guidelines ppm Ozone 1 Hour 8 Hour 1 Hour 8 Hour 1 Hour 24 Hour 1 Hour 24 Hour 24 Hour I Year 24 Hour I Year 3 Month 1 year 0.10 0.06 30 9 0.17 0.04 0.13 0.04 (ug/m3) 200 120 35 10 320


Averaging Time

Carbon Monoxide #

Nitrogen Dioxide

Sulphur Dioxide

350 105 150 50 260 90 1.5

Particulate Matter (PM10) Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) Lead Dust fall

133 mg/m /day #(mg/m3)

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