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Copyright © 2001 Informix Software, Corp.

All Rights Reserved
RedBack Release 4
Documentation DRB-3007

Informix Software, Corp., reserves the right to make changes to this document and the software described
herein at any time and without notice. Informix Software, Corp. makes no warranty, express or implied, other
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eTeam Software

Contributors and Technical Reviewers

Tim Berry, Mark Chazan, Wayne Fox, Jürgen Joarder, Nghia La, and Colin Reyburn.

Informix Software is a trademark of Informix Software Corp. RedBack, uniVerse, UniData, SB+, SBOPEN,
SBClient, SBDesktop, ObjectCall, EasyX, DataStage, ESL, UniVerse Call Interface, UniVerse Objects, uV/
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Chapter 1 - Installation ..................................................................13

Installation Details ....................................................................................14

Chapter 2 - Introduction ................................................................15

What are Active Server Pages? .................................................................16
What are RedPages? .................................................................................18
RedPage Architecture .........................................................................18
What are RedBack Business Objects? ......................................................21
RBO Class Hierarchy ..........................................................................22
Session object ...........................................................................................24
Limitations ................................................................................................26

Chapter 3 - Using RedPages .........................................................27

Introduction ...............................................................................................28
RedObject .................................................................................................30
RedObject Properties ..........................................................................30
RedObject Methods ............................................................................35
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject .......................................38

RedPages 5

Create instance of RedObject .............................................................38

Attach a RBO Class to this object ......................................................38
Get/Set property values of the RBO and call methods .......................39
Destroy object .....................................................................................40
RedObject Code Example .........................................................................41
RedSet Object ...........................................................................................43
RedSet Properties ................................................................................43
RedSet Methods ..................................................................................47
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedSet .............................................51
Create an instance of a RedSet object. ................................................51
Call the Open Method .........................................................................51
Add New Records to the Object .........................................................52
Select the Current Record ...................................................................52
Get/Set Property Values ......................................................................52
Destroy the object (optional) ..............................................................52
RedSet Code Example ..............................................................................53
RedField Object ........................................................................................55
Default Property or Method ................................................................55
RedField Properties .............................................................................56
RedField Methods ...............................................................................61
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedField ..........................................71
Create an Instance of a RedField Object ............................................71
Assign the RedField a String Value ....................................................71
Manipulate the Field ...........................................................................72
Extract the Modified String ................................................................72

6 RedPages

Destroy the Object ..............................................................................72

RedField Code Example ...........................................................................73
ADO Object ..............................................................................................75
ADO Object Model .............................................................................75
ADO API Reference ...........................................................................75
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using ADO ................................................76
Create ADO Connection object ..........................................................76
Create an instance of the RedBack Business Object ..........................77
Call RedBack Methods .......................................................................78
Access Field Values ............................................................................79
Destroy objects ...................................................................................80
ADO Code Examples ................................................................................81
Error Handling ..........................................................................................87

Chapter 4 - RBODemo ...................................................................91

RBODemo ................................................................................................92
Design Goals .......................................................................................92
Starting RBODemo .............................................................................93
Overview - Retail Part of RBODemo .................................................94
Step 1: Entering the RedPages Shoe Store .........................................95
Step 2: Login Page ..............................................................................96
Step 3: Choose Shoe Category and Shoe Style ...................................97
Step 4: Selecting Shoes .......................................................................99
Step 5: Shopping Cart .......................................................................100
Step 6: Checkout ...............................................................................101
Step 7: Thank you .............................................................................102

RedPages 7

Detail - Employee Maintenance .......................................................103

Appendix A - RedPage Configuration Issues............................121

rgw.ini .....................................................................................................122
Example rgw.ini File Settings ...........................................................122
Logging ...................................................................................................124
Example rgw.ini File Settings ...........................................................124
Logging Levels .................................................................................124

Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes...........................................127

Error Codes .............................................................................................128

8 RedPages
Preface - Introduction to
Informix Documentation

This preface contains useful information about Informix’s conventions for documenting command
syntax and system output, as well as providing explanations of the specially designed icons that
indicate important notes, tips, and warnings in the documentation.

Features of Informix Manuals

Informix strives to produce useful, high quality documentation while maintaining a consistent look
and feel. It will help you to know the following conventions which are common to this and all
Informix manuals. This section explains the following:
• conventions
• elements of syntax statements
• notes, warnings, and tips
• screen captures

RedPages 9
All Informix manuals depict command syntax according to industry standards. The following table
lists the syntax conventions:

Convention Description
bold courier font Bold courier font indicates text that you must enter in the manner
shown. You must enter all punctuation marks that appear in bold,
unless otherwise indicated.
courier font Courier font indicates system output, such as prompt signs, responses
to commands, and program code. Courier font is also used to depict
paths to directories or files.
bold Bold font indicates the name of an element on the screen, such as a
menu, a form, or a prompt. It also indicates the names of files or direc-
tories, and for the names of objects, properties, methods, events, func-
tions, and subroutines where they appear in the main text of the
lower case italics Lower case italics is used for syntactical expression of user-supplied
words, variables, and expressions
xx Italic lower-case xx indicates a placeholder for an application id. For
example, xxCONTROL.
<> Field, denotes a supplied name or value or an HTML tag.
> The > character separates each option in a menu hierarchy. For exam-
ple, “choose Setup > Miscellaneous”, means choose the Setup menu
then the Miscellaneous option.
[] Square brackets indicate an item that is optional. You may include a
number of items enclosed in brackets in a Unidata command or func-
{} Braces indicate that you must choose one of the items separated by the
vertical bar ( | ).


10 RedPages
Convention Description
| Vertical bar separates option arguments from which you may choose.
... An ellipsis (...) after an argument indicates that you may use more than
one argument on a single command line.

Conventions (continued)

Elements of Syntax Statements

In some cases you may enter as part of paragraphs. The syntax statement includes the command
name, required arguments, and options that you can use with the command. Italics represents a
variable that you can replace with any valid option. The following figure illustrates the elements of
a syntax statement:
command names square brackets indicate
appear in boldface an optional argument

no brackets or braces a vertical line indicates that

indicates a required you may choose between
argument the given arguments

COMMAND required [option] [option1 | option2]

{option1 | option2} required... "string"

braces indicate that you an ellipsis indicates that quotation marks

must choose between you may enter more than must enclose a
the given arguments one argument literal string

Important Notes, Warnings, and Tips

You will notice several different icons throughout this manual. These icons draw attention to
important information about the product.

A Note icon indicates important additional information on the subject.

RedPages 11
A Warning icon alerts you to the danger of deleting or corrupting data.

A Reminder icon marks information that is discussed in detail in another chapter or Informix

A Tip icon denotes shortcuts, commands, or procedures that may help you use Informix products
more efficiently.

12 RedPages
Chapter 1 - Installation

This chapter provides general information about the installation of the RedBack Gateway, which
contains the Redpages ActiveX component, redpages.dll.

RedPages 13
Chapter 1 - Installation

Installation Details
Microsoft’s Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.1 or later must be installed prior to the
RedBack Gateway installation. This provides the required Microsoft libraries to allow the
RedPages ActiveX component to successfully communicate with the web server and ActiveX
Data Objects (ADO).
Please refer to the “Getting Started” manual for a step-by-step guide to installing the Redback

14 RedPages
Chapter 2 - Introduction

This chapter provides a general introduction to RedPages (RedBack aware Active Server Pages)
with RedBack.

This manual describes the interaction of RedBack with Microsoft’s Active Server Pages technol-
ogy. Due to this association all of the code examples shown in this manual refer to VBScript code
inside .ASP files and it is assumed that user has some experience in ASP and VBScript.

RedPages 15
Chapter 2 - Introduction

What are Active Server Pages?

Active Server Pages (ASP) is a technology available in Microsoft's Internet Information Server
(IIS) that enables you to quickly and easily build interactive web pages. This is accomplished by
allowing web developers to include server-side executable scripts (written in VBScript or JavaS-
cript/JScript) directly in the HTML content. The scripts run on the IIS web server, before the
HTML is sent to the web browser, thus allowing for dynamic generation of the HTML page at
To execute an ASP page, the web browser needs only to request an Active Server Page which has
been published on the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). The IIS then calls the ASP
DLL, which reads the file from top to bottom, executes commands as specified in your code, and
finally sends back HTML content to the web browser.
Active Server Pages use .ASP for the file extension of the basic unit of an ASP application. An
ASP application can be said to be all of the .ASP files in a virtual directory and its subdirectories.
ASP files consist of ASCII text and contain standard HTML tags plus script commands. Therefore,
to create a .ASP file, you can simply rename an HTML file, replace the .HTM or .HTML file
extension with .ASP. The Microsoft Internet Information Server uses the .ASP extension to iden-
tify Active Server Pages. Whenever a web browser requests a file from IIS that ends with the .ASP
extension, IIS first passes the file to the ASP module for processing. In the case of a standard
.HTML file converted to a .ASP file no work is performed by the ASP module as no special script
commands have been included. To develop interactive web sites, scripts needs to be added to the
HTML code. Active Server Page script code is contained in a tag that begin with a "<%" and ends
with a "%>".
The scripts in Active Server Pages generally generate HTML code with populated data which will
be presented to the web browser.

ASP is not a scripting language. ASP simply provides an environment within which you can run
script code from your HTML pages.

16 RedPages
What are Active Server Pages?

It is beyond the scope of this manual to explain the details of ASP. For more information, refer to
the documentation provided with the ASP software or the numerous books written on the subject.

Script code can be written in any language for which an ActiveX scripting engine is available. ASP
as supplied by Microsoft ships with scripting engines for VBScript and JScript, both of which can
be used to develop code that runs on the web server.

Refer to Microsoft documentation supplied with the Microsoft Internet Information Server for
more information regarding VBScript and JavaScript.

RedPages 17
Chapter 2 - Introduction

What are RedPages?

RedPages is a set of ActiveX components which give access to RedBack Business Objects
(RBO's) that reside in a UniVerse/Unidata database via an ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) interface.
This allows for easy building of ASP applications against a Universe/Unidata database using stan-
dard Microsoft protocols. Any HTML/ASP authoring tools, such as Microsoft's FrontPage and
Visual Interdev may be used to design the HTML pages for your website.
Active Server Pages (ASP) connecting to the RedBack Application Server via RedPages can oper-
ate and interoperate in the same ASP session with ASPs connecting to other databases. They can
also be made to operate and interoperate with existing and off-the-shelf ASP applications because
of ADO.
In addition to providing an ADO interface, RedPages also provides a class (called RedObject) that
extends ADO to make it easier to manipulate the host RedBack objects in a standard object man-
ner, ie create object, get/set properties and call methods. RedObject uses ADO internally but pro-
vides a wrapper to shield the developer from needing to know ADO. Developers may choose to
either use ADO directly, or use RedObjects or a combination of both.
RedBack RedPages provide the following features:
• full support for the apartment threaded model required for Active Server Pages.
• allows communication from Active Server Pages to RedBack objects and methods.
• full integration with Active Server Pages session management.
• all connection management, pooling etc is completely transparent to the Active Server
Page developer.

RedPage Architecture
RedPages functionality is provided by redpages.dll which is an ActiveX component that develop-
ers can access via method calls in their scripting language. The redpages.dll runs in the same pro-
cess space as the Microsoft Internet Information Server.

18 RedPages
What are RedPages?

The RedPages DLL provides communication between the web server and the RedBack gateway as
shown in the following illustration:

Client Web Server RedBack Server


Web Browser
Gateway Requester Gateway Responder

Web Server Application Server

Active OLE DB RedPage
Server ActiveX
Pages /ADO Component

UniData uniVerse

RedBack components

Access to the redpages.dll is made via ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). ADO is a Microsoft technol-
ogy for an application-level programming interface. ADO, is a database programming model that
allows programmers to write applications over OLE DB from many programming languages
including Visual Basic, Java, VBScript, JScript, and C/C++.

RedPages 19
Chapter 2 - Introduction

The following diagram illustrates the RedBack data access architecture.

RedPages (.asp)

ActiveX Data Object (ADO)


Data Provider
RedBack Gateway

uniVerse/UniData RDBMS

RedPages will typically be used as a mechanism to populate the data fields on a form before the
HTML page is sent back to the client web browser. RedPages can also be used for queries which
will return a table of data for convenient report generation.
The RedPages DLL has two sides to it. On one side it performs the functionality of rgw.dll i.e. pro-
vides all of the communication ofthe RedBack Gateway Requester which in turn communicates
with the RedBack Scheduler on the uniVerse/UniData backend. On other side, it is an OLE DB
provider which, through ADO, exposes methods and a collection of form data fields which are
name/value pairs that can be interrogated or overwritten as required.

20 RedPages
What are RedBack Business Objects?

What are RedBack Business Objects?

RedBack enables you to design your business rules and logic using objects known as RBOs (Red-
Back Business Objects) based on classes that support inheritance.
RBOs reside on the host tier and are independent of the user interface. This provides flexibility to
change the user interface without having to modify the RBOs.
A visual tool called RedBack Designer is supplied as part of the RedBack product and is used to
design and maintain RBOs. Another tool called the RedBack RBOScope is also provided and is
used to test RBOs prior to deployment. For more details on RBOs, the RedBack Designer and the
RedBack RBOScope, please refer to the “Developing With RBOs” manual.

The RedBack Business Object model provides the following major benefits:
• Freedom to design HTML pages and graphics using third party web design tools such as
Visual Interdev, FrontPage, HomeSite and other HTML/ASP development tools. Accord-
ingly RedBack enables developers to use either Active Server Pages (known as RedPages)
or RedBack data aware Java components (known as RedBeans) when designing websites
or applications.
• Ability to define business objects that contain the business logic (fields, calculations etc)
using the RedBack Designer. The RedBack Designer has been designed to be quick and
intuitive to use and requires almost no knowledge of the uniVerse/UniData development
RedBack 4 now introduces the option of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) which allows the user to
make requests to RedBack outside of the RBO model. This may prove useful if the user needs to
generate recordset output but where the data can not be retrieved from a simple SELECT state-
ment. For more details please see Appendix B, RedBack Remote Procedure Calls in the “Develop-
ing With RBOs” manual.

RedPages 21
Chapter 2 - Introduction

RBO Class Hierarchy

The RedBack Business Object hierarchy comprises the following objects (see the “Developing
RBO Applications” manual for more information):


The RBO class is the superclass for all the RedBack Business Object classes.

The emailObject class is a subclass of RBO. This class provides properties and methods to allow
email messages to be sent from the Application Server.

The SysInfo class is a subclass of RBO. This class provides properties and methods to obtain
information about the operating system, database platform and RedBack installation.

The uObject class is a subclass of RBO. This class provides properties and methods to facilitate
access to uniVerse and UniData databases. Typically, any classes that need to read/write data will
inherit from this class.

22 RedPages
What are RedBack Business Objects?

The uQuery class is a subclass of uObject. This class provides properties and methods to enable
queries to be run against uniVerse and UniData databases.

The sbObject class is a subclass of RBO. This class is used to interact with SB+ applications.
RBOs are stored on the uniVerse/UniData backend and RedBack is the vehicle used to retrieve,
store or update data associated with RBOs.
For example, you may want to create an RBO called “Employee”. The Employee RBO might con-
tain the employee’s name, street address, starting date etc.

See the “Developing With RBOs” manual for information about building RBOs.

RedPages 23
Chapter 2 - Introduction

Session object
ASP provides a Session object that stores each users state on the web server. The ASP page has
access to this state and you should use it store data, handles etc. that you will need on subsequent
web server submits both for the same page and other pages.
Care should be taken when using the Session object, as it has been found to result in high memory
usage on the Web Server. Applications where high hits are expected may be better served by not
using Session objects at all.

Due to memory management issues with Microsoft Internet Information Server version 4 and ear-
lier, the RBODemo application no longer uses the ASP session object as it has been observed to be

Program Example

If IsObject(Session("EmpObj")) then
' Not first time - already have Employee object
Set oEmp = Session("EmpObj")
End If

First the page checks to see if we have EmpObj in the Session object. If we do then we have
already created it and we can retrieve it from Session and set oEmp with its value.
After creating oEmp for the first time it is stored in Session so that subsequent page submits to the
web server can retrieve it, for example,

Program Example

Set Session("EmpObj") = oEmp ' Preserve for when page recalled

24 RedPages
Session object

The Session object can also be used to store other information. For example, the EmpLookup.asp
example page, stores the recordset handle and also the current page number

Program Example

' Save recordset handle for future calls to this page

Set Session("EmpRecSet") = rs
Session("EmpPages") = pageCount

RedPages 25
Chapter 2 - Introduction

There is a maximum of 1024 fields that can be returned in a recordset.
There is a maximum of 512 accounts that can be setup in the rgw.ini file.
A hostname cannot be longer than 256 characters.

26 RedPages
Chapter 3 - Using

This chapter provides an overview of using RedPages (RedBack aware Active Server Pages) with

RedPages 27
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

As previously mentioned , the RedPages ActiveX component provides an ADO interface to the
RedBack host server (RBO Server). ADO is designed to a be a generic interface to retrieve and
update data on a host via recordset objects. These recordset objects normally deal with the result of
a query on a database table.
This is not the ideal interface for manipulating data that has not been produced as the result of a
query. For example, a read on an Employee record. For this reason, RedPages provides an interface
to ADO through its RedObject class available from the ASP page on the web server.
The RedObject class is an additional class to make the task of interfacing to a non-query RBO
easier and more intuitive. It is not necessary to use RedObjects to make full use of the RedPages
functionality, as ADO is still supported, but we recommend you use this object.
Where the data has come from a query, then a RecordSet will be created. The RecordSet allows the
code to move through the rows of data returned from the server, and get/set properties for the cur-
rent row. Pages of data can be retrieved and then scrolled through and the result can is often dis-
played in a report or lookup.
In addition to RedObject, RedPages provides two other classes called RedSet and RedField.
RedSet objects allow you to store information in the same manner as a RecordSet but without hav-
ing a connection to any physical RBO on the RBO server.
The RedSet can be used to store multi-dimensional data on the client without the requirement of
updating state in a server RBO. For example, the RBODemo shoe store uses a RedSet to store the
contents of the basket. Rather than update a Basket RBO on the server each time a shoe is added to
the basket, this information is stored on the web server using a RedSet object. This greatly reduces
the need to "hit" the server and results in faster pages.
RedField objects allow for easy manipulation of dynamic multi-valued strings within the scripting
language. RedField also provides other useful string functions that the Universe/UniData Basic
programmer is familiar with.
For details on the properties and methods of RedObject see “RedObject” on page 30, for details
on the properties and methods of RedSet see “RedSet Object” on page 43, and for details on the
properties and methods of RedField see “RedField Object” on page 55.

28 RedPages

The following diagram shows the RedPages components in relation to ASP and ADO:
Server ADO.Connection
RedPages RedBack
OLEDB Application
Provider Server
RedObject (RBOs)


In summary then the objects provided by RedPages are:

This exposes the properties and methods of RBOs to ASP. The EMPMAINT.ASP supplied with
the RBOdemo demonstration project supplied with RedBack is an example of using RedObject.

This is used to create temporary record storage. To use this you simply define a number of fields,
open the recordset and edit as required. A good example of this can be found in the shopping bas-
ket in the RBOdemo demonstration project (see BASKET.ASP).

This is used to manipulate multivalue data/strings. A number of the ASP files in the RBOdemo
demonstration project supplied with RedBack use RedField. See, for example, EMPMAINT.ASP.

RedPages 29
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

RedObject provides a simple interface for manipulating objects and their properties and is recom-
mended instead of using ADO directly. RedObject still uses an ADO connection object to connect
to the host and returns standard ADO recordsets for uQuery selects. For other RBO classes, the
RedObject object keeps the state of all the properties of the RBO and application developers use
standard object methodology to get/set these properties.

The RedObject class does not add any new functionality to RedPages. RedObject represents an
alternative way to create and manipulate RBO objects from the client.

RedObject Properties
Properties Access
Account rw
ActiveConnection rw
Errors r
Password rw
Property rw
RBOClass rw
RBOHandle rw
SessionID rw
UserID rw

Account Property
This is the name of the uniVerse or UniData account.

30 RedPages

This can have a number of formats:

1, Accountname
This is a name given to represent a U2 (i.e. uniVerse or UniData) account. This name corresponds
to an entry in the rgw.ini file which maps the name to an IP address and port number (see "rgw.ini"
on page 104 for more information about this ini file).
2, IPaddress:portnumber
This format specifies the IP number for the host machine and the port number to be used to com-
municate with the specific account.

handle.Account = AccountName
sAccount = handle.Account

ActiveConnection Property
This is the handle to an ADO connection object that must have been created prior to creation of
this RedObject object. An ADO connection object needs only be created once per account that
you are connecting to.

This property has been superceded by the Account, UserID, and Password properties and the
Open2 method in release 3.2.3 of RedBack.

handle.ActiveConnection = oConnect
oConnect = handle.ActiveConnection

RedPages 31
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Errors Property
This property returns the ADO Errors collection. The Errors collection contains any errors that
may have been generated during an operation (see Microsoft documentation regarding ADO
objects for more information).

aErrors = handle.Errors

Password Property
This is the password for the user name specified in the UserID property.

handle.Password = "Jupiter10"

Property Property
This is the property to use to get/set any of the RBO properties. As it is the default property of the
RedObject class, the Property may be omitted.

handle("PropName") = value

Due to issues relating to VBScript it is recommended that handle("propname").Value = Value be

handle.Property("propname") = value

32 RedPages

value = handle("propname")
value = handle.Property("propname")

RBOClass Property
This is the class name of the RBO object that you want instantiated on the host (for which this
RedObject object is the client proxy for).

handle.RBOClass = RBOClass
RBOClass = handle.RBOClass

RBOHandle Property
If you have a handle to an exisiting host RBO object and wish to access its properties or methods,
then set this property to that handle (instead of setting the RBOClass property). You may get such
a handle as a results of getting a property value on another object.

handle.RBOHandle = value
value = handle.RBOHandle

SessionID Property
This is the Session Id generated by RedBack on the application server (normally when the first
request is made). Once you have a session Id, you should use if for all subsequent requests (passed
as a parameter in the Open2 method. This will associate all RBO instances for a user and allow the

RedPages 33
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

handle.SessionId = value
value = handle.SessionId

UserID Property
This is the user name to use when accessing a uniVerse or UniData account and RBO that has
secruity restrictions applied to it.

There currently is no mechanism to apply security restrictions to an account. This property is pro-
vided for when that functionality becomes available.

handle.UserID = UserName
sUser = handle.UserID

34 RedPages

RedObject Methods

Open Method
This is used to physically create the object on the host computer. Once this method has been called,
all the initial property values are available to query / set and host methods may be called. The
ActiveConnection, RBOClass and RBOHandle property values may optionally be passed to the
Open call. If not, they must be set before this method is called else it will fail.

This method was superceded by the Open2 method in release 3.2.3 of RedBack.

handle.Open([oConnect], [RBOClass/RBOHandle])

Open2 Method
This is used to physically create the object on the host computer. Once this method has been called,
all the initial property values are avilable to query/set and the host methods may be called. This
method should be used in preference to the Open method. It performs the same operation as the
Open method but encapsulates the creation of an ADO Connection object that would otherwise
need to be supplied in the ActiveConnection property.

RedPages 35
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

The Open2 method also allows client user session information to be saved on the RBO Server and
therefore alleviates session management on the web server which may sometimes be a perfor-
mance issue. To update client user session information to the RBO Server, the ReCalc method is
recommended or any user defined method will also update the client session information to the
RBO Server on execution.To restore an object’s session information the Open2 method must be
called using a valid RBOHandle or valid session id. The RBOHandle is the only user session infor-
mation that needs to be stored by the client (in a browser cookie for example). Please see the
RBODemo Shoe Store application for an example.

The RBODemo application is an example demonstration only and real world applications will
require different considerations and methodologies.

The user login and user password arguments are only used by the RedBack RBOScope applica-

Handle.Open2([Account], [RBOClass|RBOHandle], [User], [Password], [SessionId])

CallMethod Method
This is used to call a method of the RBO.

obj = handle.CallMethod(MethodName)
• obj is equal to null for any method other than Select on a uQuery object.
• Select method returns an ADO recordset.

36 RedPages

• the session id should be passed with every Open2 method call as it will associate the cur-
rent RBO with previously created RBO’s within that session instance. It is recommended
that you preserve the session id after you create the first RBO so that it can be used in each
subsequent Open2 method call.

Close Method
This is used to close the object. Closing the object releases all resources associated with the RBO
object on the client. The object may be reused by either re-opening the RBO object or by specify-
ing a new RBOClass/RBOHandle and then calling Open2 again.


RedPages 37
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject

These are the typical steps you use to access RedBack Business Objects on the host computer via
RedObjects. For full example ASP pages to maintain a data file, and display queries, see the Emp-
Maint and EmpLookup code pages in Chapter 4.
1. Create an instance of a RedObject
2. Attach a RBO Class to this object
3. Get/set property values of the RBO and call methods
4. Destroy object (optional)

Create instance of RedObject

handle = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject")

Attach a RBO Class to this object

Use the Open method to attach this object to a RBO. The Open will instantiate the RBO on the
host and make available the getting and setting of its properties via the RedObject.

Preferred Method
handle.Open2 Account RBOClass/RBOHandle
Alternatively, it is possible to specify the following sequence:
handle.Account = Account
handle.RBOClass = RBOClass

38 RedPages
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject

Alternate Method
handle.Open oConnect, RBOClass
Alternately, you may do the following:
handle.ActiveConnection = oConnect
handle.RBOClass = RBOClass

Get/Set property values of the RBO and call

Get Property Value
variable = handle("propname")
or within HTML code in an ASP page :

Set Property Value:

handle("propname").Value = variable

Call RBO method

handle.CallMethod methodName
If the method is a "Select" on a RBO query object, then it returns a recordset object else a null
object pointer is returned.

Program Example

Set rs = obj.CallMethod ("Select")

RedPages 39
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Destroy object
There are three steps.
Firstly it is necessary to notify the RedBack backend to destroy the RBO. The syntax to do this is:
Next it is necessary to make the RedObject release all resources beying used by RedObject. The
syntax to do this is:
Finally, it is necessary to notify the Microsoft IIS to release all resources associated with RedOb-
ject. The syntax to do this is:
Set handle = Nothing

Program Example

Set oEmp = Nothing

40 RedPages
RedObject Code Example

RedObject Code Example

Program Example

<TITLE>RedPages RedObject Example</TITLE>
On error Resume Next

'1. Create a RedObject instance that will be used to communicate

'with the RBO Server
Set oEmp = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject")

'2. Attach the Employee RBO to this local object, at the same time
'setting the account details
oEmp.Open2 "RBODemo", "OFFICE:Employee"

'3. Now we can specify the read. First we set the EmpId value in the
'RedObject, this is because with RedObjects, all changed data will be
'sent to the server, rather than the page having to specify each data
'element individually. Note: ASP has problems assigning values to a
'default property so we have to explicitly specify the Value property.
oEmp("EmpId").Value = Request.QueryString("EmpId")
oEmp("EmpId").Value = "1002"' Hard coded for test run
oEmp.callMethod "ReadData"

'5. Now in order to get the property values you would do the following
FirstName = oEmp("FirstName")
LastName = oEmp("LastName")
Response.Write ("First Name=" & FirstName & " LastName=" & LastName)

'6. Destroy the object when finished with it. This releases any resources

RedPages 41
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

'that it uses.
Set oEmp = Nothing

See “EmpMaint.asp” on page 110 for a complete listing of the program example sup-
plied with RBOdemo.

42 RedPages
RedSet Object

RedSet Object
RedSet provides a mechanism to create your own local objects to save state or record information.
RedSet does not make any connection to the backend but keeps the state of the object in memory.

RedSet Properties
Properties Access
AbsolutePosition rw
Property rw
RecordCount r

RedSet Object Properties

AbsolutePosition Property
Specifies the ordinal position of a RedSet object's current record.

handle.AbsolutePosition = 2
pos = handle.AbsolutePosition

Settings and Return Values

Sets or returns a Long value from 1 to the number of records in the RedSet object (RecordCount),
or returns one of the following constants.

Constant Description
The Recordset is empty, the current position is unknown.

RedPages 43
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

The current record pointer is at BOF (that is, the BOF property is True).
The current record pointer is at EOF (that is, the EOF property is True).

Use the AbsolutePosition property to move to a record based on its ordinal position in the RedSet
object, or to determine the ordinal position of the current record.
AbsolutePosition is 1-based and equals 1 when the current record is the first record in the RedSet.
You can obtain the total number of records in the RedSet object from the RecordCount property.
You should not use the AbsolutePosition property as a surrogate record number.
The position of a given record changes when you delete a preceding record.

BOF, EOF Properties

BOF indicates that the current record position is before the first record in a RedSet object.
EOF indicates that the current record position is after the last record in a RedSet object.

If handle.BOF then ...

If handle.EOF then ...

Return Value
The BOF and EOF properties return Boolean values.

Use the BOF and EOF properties to determine whether a RedSet object contains records or
whether you've gone beyond the limits of a RedSet object when you move from record to record.
The BOF property returns True (-1) if the current record position is before the first record and
False (0) if the current record position is on or after the first record.

44 RedPages
RedSet Object

The EOF property returns True if the current record position is after the last record and False if the
current record position is on or before the last record.
If either the BOF or EOF property is True, there is no current record.
When you first open the RedSet, the BOF and EOF properties are set to True, and the Recordset
object's RecordCount property setting is zero.
If you delete the last remaining record, the BOF and EOF properties may remain False until you
attempt to reposition the current record.
This table shows which Move methods are allowed with different combinations of the BOF and
EOF properties.

MoveFirst, MovePrevious, MoveNext

Move 0
MoveLast Move < 0 Move > 0
BOF=True, Allowed Error Error Allowed
BOF=False, Allowed Allowed Error Error
Both True Error Error Error Error
Both False Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed

Permissable Move Methods with BOF and EOF Properties

Allowing a Move method doesn't guarantee that the method will successfully locate a record; it
only means that calling the specified Move method won't generate an error.
The following table shows what happens to the BOF and EOF property settings when you call
various Move methods but are unable to successfully locate a record.

MoveFirst, MoveLast Set to True Set to True

BOF/EOF Settings With Unsuccessful Location of Record

RedPages 45
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Move 0 No change No change
MovePrevious, Move < 0 Set to True No change
MoveNext, Move > 0 No change Set to True

BOF/EOF Settings With Unsuccessful Location of Record

Property Property
This is the property to use to get/set any of the properies in the RedSet Object. As it is the default
property of the RedSet class, the Property word may be omitted.

handle("propname") = value
value = handle("propname")
value = handle.Property("propname")
handle("propname").Property = value

Due to issues relating to VBScript it is recommended that handle("propname").value be used
when setting a property value.

RecordCount Property
Indicates the current number of records in a RedSet object.

count = handle.RecordCount

46 RedPages
RedSet Object

Return Value
Returns a Long value.

Use the RecordCount property to find out how many records are in a RedSet object.
The property returns -1 when ADO cannot determine the number of records. Reading the
RecordCount property on a closed RedSet causes an error.

RedSet Methods

RedSet Object Methods

AddNew Method
Creates a new record in the RedSet object.

handle.AddNew FieldList, Values

RedPages 47
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages


Optional. A single name, or an array of names or ordinal positions of the fields in the new record.

Optional. A single value, or an array of values for the fields in the new record. If Fields is an array,
Values must also be an array with the same number of members; otherwise, an error occurs. The
order of field names must match the order of field values in each array.

Use the AddNew method to create and initialize a new record.
After you call the AddNew method, the new record becomes the current record.

Close Method
Closes an open object and any dependent objects.


Use the Close method to close a RedSet object to free any associated system resources. Closing an
object does not remove it from memory; you can still open it again later. To completely eliminate
an object from memory, set the object variable to Nothing.

Delete Method
Deletes the current record.


48 RedPages
RedSet Object

Move Method
Moves the position of the current record in a RedSet object.

handle.Move NumRecords, Start


Signed Long expression specifying the number of records the current record position moves.

Optional. One of the following BookmarkEnum values:
Default. Start at the current record.
Start at the first record.
Start at the last record.

If the NumRecords argument is greater than zero, the current record position moves forward
(toward the end of the RedSet). If NumRecords is less than zero, the current record position moves
backward (toward the beginning of the RedSet).
If the Move call would move the current record position to a point before the first record, ADO sets
the current record to the position before the first record in the RedSet (BOF is True). An attempt
to move backward when the BOF property is already True generates an error.
If the Move call would move the current record position to a point after the last record, ADO sets
the current record to the position after the last record in the RedSet (EOF is True). An attempt to
move forward when the EOF property is already True generates an error.
Calling the Move method from an empty RedSet object generates an error.

RedPages 49
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

If you pass the Start argument, the move is relative to the record with this.

MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious Methods

Moves to the first, last, next, or previous record in the RedSet object and makes that record the
current record.

handle.{MoveFirst | MoveLast | MoveNext | MovePrevious}

Use the MoveFirst method to move the current record position to the first record in the RedSet.
Use the MoveLast method to move the current record position to the last record in the RedSet.
Use the MoveNext method to move the current record position one record forward (toward the
bottom of the RedSet). If the last record is the current record and you call the MoveNext method,
ADO sets the current record to the position after the last record in the RedSet (EOF is True). An
attempt to move forward when the EOF property is already True generates an error.
Use the MovePrevious method to move the current record position one record backward (toward
the top of the RedSet).

Open Method
Opens a RedSet object. The field list passed to the Open method defines the fields that will be cre-
ated in the internal ADORecordset object.

handle.Open fieldlist
Where fieldlist is a comma separated list of names of properties the object should support.

Initially the RedSet object is created with no records. No other operation is permitted until the
Open method has been called to define the RedSet.

50 RedPages
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedSet

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedSet

These are the typical steps you use to create a RedSet object:
1. Create an instance of a RedSet object
2. Call the Open method
3. Add new records to the object
4. Select the current record.
5. Get/Set property values of the RedSet Object
6. Destroy the object (optional)

Create an instance of a RedSet object.

This creates an empty shell for a new RedSet object. Before anything can be done with the object
it must first be opened and the properties it supports defined. This is done with the Open method

handle = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedSet")

Call the Open Method

Call the Open method, passing the list of property names the object should contain.
Opening a RedSet object defines the fields that will be supported in its internal ADORecordset.

handle.Open fieldlist
Where fieldlist is a comma separated list of names of properties the object should support.

RedPages 51
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Add New Records to the Object

To save data in the RedSet object you must first add a new record. This is done by calling the
AddNew method. After you call the AddNew method, the new record becomes the current record.


Select the Current Record

Moves to the first, last, next, or previous record in a specified RedSet object and makes that record
the current record.

handle.{MoveFirst | MoveLast | MoveNext | MovePrevious}

Get/Set Property Values

Syntax for Get Property Value
variable = handle("propname")
or within HTML code in an ASP page:

Syntax for Set Property Value

handle("propname").Value = variable

Destroy the object (optional)


52 RedPages
RedSet Code Example

RedSet Code Example

Program Example

<TITLE>RedPages RedSet Example</TITLE>
On error Resume Next

'1. First create a RedSet object instance

Set oSet = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedSet")

'2. Next Open the RedSet object and define the properties or fields it will
oSet.Open "Name, PhoneNo"

'3. Now to add some records

oSet("Name").Value = "Colin Reyburn"
oSet("PhoneNo").Value = "5550-1234"
oSet("Name").Value = "Tony Watkins"
oSet("PhoneNo").Value = "5550-1235"
oSet("Name").Value = "Jurgen Joarder"
oSet("PhoneNo").Value = "5550-1236"

'4. Move to the first record in the RedSet


'5. Do stuff with the RedSet

Response.Write("Name PhoneNo.")

RedPages 53
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

While Not oSet.EOF

Response.Write(oSet("Name") & " " & oSet("PhoneNo"))

'6. Close and Release the RedSet object when finished.

Set oSet = Nothing

54 RedPages
RedField Object

RedField Object
RedField is a nested data structure, that can represent uniVerse/UniData nested data-base fields. It
is limited to two levels of nesting.

chr(253) and chr(252) are the default values for ValueMarker and SubValueMarker. It is possible
to change these values using the ValueMark property.

Access to each of the two levels uses a syntax similar to that found in the uniVerse/UniData
BASIC language, with nesting operators: .Value and .SubValue. In this section, the notation [.Nest-
ingOp] is used to represent one of the following nesting operators:
[.NestingOp] = .Value(ValueIndex) |
.SubValue(ValueIndex, SubValueIndex) ]

Program Example

Set dyn = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.Redfield") ’ CreateObject

’ Access the entire contents like a normal String (no NestingOp)
dyn = "THIS" ’ default property is .StringValue
’ This is how to access a Value
Msgbox dyn.Value(1) ’ result is "THIS"
’ This is how to access the LAST Value
dyn.Value(-1).Ins "GREAT"
’ dyn now contains "THIS<ValueMarker>GREAT"
’ This is how to access a SubValue
dyn.SubValue(1, 2) = "IS"
’ dyn = "THIS<SubValueMarker>IS<ValueMarker>GREAT"

Default Property or Method

If you access a RedField object without specifying a property or a method, the StringValue prop-
erty is accessed as the default.

RedPages 55
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

RedField Properties
Properties Access
count r
length r
StringValue rw
ValueMark rw

RedField Object Properties

count Property
Returns the number of values, or subvalues contained in the specified portion of the object.


This syntax has the following parameters:

Part Description
[.NestingOp] Can be:
• Value(ValueIndex)
ValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.count to specify a value position.
• -1 to specify the last value position; equivalent to Red-

Parts of the Syntax

56 RedPages
RedField Object

If .NestingOp is omitted, count returns the number of values in the object.
If .NestingOp is .Value(v), count returns the number of subvalues in value ‘v’.
If .NestingOp is .SubValue(v, s), count always returns 0.

length Property
Returns the string length contained in the specified portion of the object.


This syntax has the following Parameters:

Part Description
[.NestingOp] Can be either:
• .Value(ValueIndex)
• .SubValue(ValueIndex,SubValueIndex)
ValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.count to specify a value position.
• -1 to specify the last value position; equivalent to
SubValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.Value(v).count to specify a sub-
value position within value ‘v’.
• -1 to specify the last subvalue position; equivalent to

Parts of the Syntax

RedPages 57
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

If .NestingOp is omitted, length returns the total number of characters in the object, counting each
ValueMarker, and SubValueMarker delimiter as 1.
If .NestingOp is .Value(v), length returns the number of characters in value ‘v’ including any
SubValueMarker delimiters.
If .NestingOp is .SubValue(v,s), length returns the number of characters in subvalue ‘s’ of value

58 RedPages
RedField Object

StringValue Property
This sets or returns in string format, the contents of the specified portion of a RedField object. If
the portion already contains a string it is replaced.

RedField[.NestingOp][.StringValue] [=String]

The syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
[.NestingOp] Can be either:
• .Value(ValueIndex)
• .SubValue(ValueIndex,SubValueIndex)
ValueIndex Can be:
• an integer that specifies a value position.
• -1 to specify the last value position; equivalent to
meaning replace the last value.
SubValueIndex Can be:
• an integer that specifies a subvalue position within value ‘v’.
• -1 to specify the last subvalue position; equivalent to
meaning replace the last subvalue.

Parts of the Syntax

If .NestingOp is omitted, the entire contents of the RedField object are set to String.
If .NestingOp is .Value(v), the String is set in the value ‘v’.
If .NestingOp is .SubValue(v,s), the String is set in the subvalue ‘s’ of value ‘v’.

RedPages 59
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Zero (0) values of ValueIndex and SubValueIndex are automatically translated to 1.

If ValueIndex or SubValueIndex are -1, the String will replace the last value or subvalue respectiv-

Property ValueMark
This property gets or sets the current integer value that is used to delimit values within a dynamic
string by the RedField object. The SubValueMark is always automatically calculated as the value
for ValueMark-1.

Redfield.ValueMark = Integer

is a number which represents the ASCII character.

60 RedPages
RedField Object

RedField Methods

RedField Object Methods

Del Method
This deletes an element (Value or SubValue) from the specified portion of the RedField object.


This syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
[.NestingOp] Can be either:
• .Value(ValueIndex)
• .SubValue(ValueIndex,SubValueIndex)

Parts of the Syntax

RedPages 61
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Part Description
ValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.count to delete a nominated value
• -1 to delete the last value position; equivalent to
SubValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.Value(v).count to delete a nomi-
nated subvalue position within value ‘v’.
• -1 to specify the last subvalue position; equivalent to

Parts of the Syntax

If .NestingOp is omitted, the entire contents of the RedField object are deleted.
Zero (0) values of ValueIndex and SubValueIndex are automatically translated to 1.

62 RedPages
RedField Object

Ins Method
This inserts an element (Value or SubValue) into the specified portion of the RedField object.

RedField[.NestingOp].Ins [String]

This syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
[.NestingOp] Can be either:
• .Value(ValueIndex)
• .SubValue(ValueIndex,SubValueIndex)
ValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.count+1 to insert a nominated
value position.
• -1 to append after the last value position; equivalent to
SubValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and (RedField.Value(v).count+1) to insert a
nominated subvalue position within value ‘v’.
• -1 to append after the last subvalue position; equivalent to
String The contents of the element to be inserted.

Parts of the Syntax

After insertion, all other elements after the position specified will be increased by 1.

RedPages 63
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

If .NestingOp is omitted, the entire contents of the RedField object are replaced with String.
Zero (0) values of ValueIndex and SubValueIndex are automatically translated to 1.
If String is omitted, a NULL string (i.e. "") is inserted.
If an insertion is done into an empty or NULL string position the String simply replaces the null
wihout inserting a new value or subvalue.

64 RedPages
RedField Object

Replace Method
This replaces an element (Value or SubValue) from the specified portion of the RedField object.

RedField[.NestingOp].Replace [String]

This syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
[.NestingOp] Can be either:
• .Value(ValueIndex)
• .SubValue(ValueIndex,SubValueIndex)
ValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.count to replace a nominated
value position.
• -1 to delete the last value position; equivalent to
SubValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.Value(v).count to replace a nomi-
nated subvalue position within value ‘v’.
• -1 to specify the last subvalue position; equivalent to
String The new contents of the element to be replaced.

Parts of the Syntax

If .NestingOp is omitted, the entire contents of the RedField object are replaced.

RedPages 65
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Zero (0) values ValueIndex and SubValueIndex are automatically translated to 1.

If String is omitted, a NULL string (i.e. "") is replaced.

66 RedPages
RedField Object

This method is used on an initial string to replace all occurrences of one substring with another

newstr = RedField.SwapString(oldstr,origseq,newseq)
This syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
oldstr The string that is to have its substrings swopped.
origseq The sequence of characters to be replaced.
newseq The sequence of characters to replace the origseq with.

Parts of the Syntax

origseq and newseq are strings so if you wish to replace a single character they should still be
passed as a string i.e. to replace all character ‘A’ with the character ‘B’ you would do a

The SwapString method has no effect on the current contents of the RedField object.

RedPages 67
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

SubValue Method
This is a nesting operator to access a specific subvalue, when combined with another property or


This syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
ValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.count to specify an existing value
• -1 to specify the last value positioin; equivalent to
• -1 or (RedField.count+1) to specify a new value position
after the last one; used to insert new values with Insert or
SubValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.Value(v).count to specify an
existing subvalue position within value ‘v’.
• -1 to specify the last subvalue position; equivalent to
• -1 or (RedField.Value(v).count+1) to specify a new
subvalue position after the last one; used to insert new subval-
ues with Insert or StringValue

Parts of the Syntax

Zero (0) values of ValueIndex and SubValueIndex are automatically translated to 1.

68 RedPages
RedField Object

SubValue must be combined with another property or method, otherwise it porduces an invalid

RedPages 69
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Value Method
This is a nesting operator which is used to access a specific value, when combined with another
property or method.


This syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
ValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.count to specify an existing value
• -1 or (RedField.count+1) to specify the last value posi-
tion; used to insert new fields with Insert or StringValue
SubValueIndex Can be:
• between 1 and RedField.Value(v).count to specify an
existing value position.
• -1 to specify the last value position; equivalent to
• -1 or (RedField.count+1) to specify a new value position
after the last one; used to insert new values with Insert or

Parts of the Syntax

Zero (0) values of ValueIndex are automatically translated to 1.
Value must be combined with another property or method, otherwise it produces an invalid object.

70 RedPages
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedField

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedField

These are the typical steps involved when using a RedField object.
1. Create an instance of a RedField object
2. Assign the RedField a string value
3. Manipulate the field
4. Extract the modified string
5. Destroy the object

Create an Instance of a RedField Object

This creates an empty RedField object.

handle = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedField")

Assign the RedField a String Value

This can be done in a variety of different was Using the Ins, Replace and Append methods.

handle.StringValue = dynastring
handle.Replace dynastring
handle.Ins dynastring
handle.Append dynastring

RedPages 71
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Manipulate the Field

The RedField allows individual elements to be added, deleted or replaced from the string value.

To insert element at Value position 2:
handle.Value(2).Ins StringValue
To delete SubValue 3 of Value 1:
To add a new SubValue to the end of Value 2
handle.SubValue(2, -1).Append

Extract the Modified String

Once the string has been manipulated using the RedField it can then be extracted again as a
dynamic string.

dynastring = handle

Destroy the Object

When you have finished with any object it is important to close or reset the object to release any
resources it may be consuming.

handle.StringValue = ""
Set handle = Nothing

72 RedPages
RedField Code Example

RedField Code Example

Program Example

<TITLE>RedPages RedField Example</TITLE>
On error Resume Next

'1. Create a RedField object instance that will be used to manipulate

'our string
Set oFld = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedField")

'2. Create our initial string. A list of names and item counts and convert
'the ':' and ',' separators into SubValue and Value Marks.
mystring = "Colin:100,Jurgen:205,Tony:313,Mike:400"
mystring = oFld.SwapString(mystring, ":", chr(252))
mystring = oFld.SwapString(mystring, ",", chr(253))

'3. Assign the string to the RedField. Note: ASP has trouble making an
'assignment to a default property so we have to specify StringValue
oFld.StringValue = mystring

'4. Decrement the item count for each person by 10

count = 1
While count <= oFld.Count
icount = oFld.SubValue(count, 2)
oFld.SubValue(count, 2).StringValue = icount - 10

count = count + 1

'5. Insert a new person between Jurgen and Tony. Note: ASP has trouble

RedPages 73
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

'making an assignment to a default property so we have to specify

'StringValue explicitly.
oFld.Value(3).Ins "Nghia"
oFld.SubValue(3, 2).StringValue = "800"

'6. Remove Mike from the list


'7. Extract the dynamic string and convert back to the original
mystring = oFld.SwapString(oFld, chr(253), ",")
mystring = oFld.SwapString(mystring, chr(252), ":")

'8. Remove the RedField object when we are finished with it

oFld= ""
Set oFld = Nothing

74 RedPages
ADO Object

ADO Object
ADO Object Model
This can be found at the following location:

This location is not maintained by Informix Software Corp and may be subject to change without

ADO API Reference

This can be found at the following location:

This location is not maintained by Informix Software Corp and may be subject to change without

RedPages 75
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using ADO

These are the typical steps you use to access RedBack Business Objects on the host computer via
The typical steps for using ADO are:
1. Create an ADO Connection object
2. Create an instance of the RedBack Business Object
3. Call RedBack methods
4. Access field values
5. Destroy objects
These steps are discussed in greater detail below.

Create ADO Connection object

RedObjects use ADO as the connection mechanism to the host provider where the RBO's reside.
Access to your RedBack Business Object is through a connection, the environment necessary for
exchanging data. The Connection object is used to specify a particular provider.

Using collections, methods and properties of a Connection object, you can examine errors returned
from the data source with the Errors collection.

The provider is the RedBack component (redpages.dll) which provides access to the uni-
Verse/UniData backend. This is done in the following manner

Set connectionobjectname = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

connectionobjectname.Provider = "RedBack.RedPages"
connectionobjectname.Open Accountname

76 RedPages
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using ADO


Optional. Denotes the name of the uniVerse or UniData account.
This can have a number of formats:
1, Accountname
This is a name given to represent a U2 (i.e. uniVerse or UniData) account. This name corre-
sponds to an entry in the rgw.ini file which maps the name to an IP address and port number
(see “rgw.ini” on page 122 for more information about this ini file).
2, IPaddress:portnumber
This format specifies the IP number for the host machine and the port number to be used to
communicate with the specific account.

Program Example

Set objconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

objconn.Provider = "RedBack.RedPages"
objconn.Open "RBODemo"

Create an instance of the RedBack Business

commandobjectname.CommandText =

RedPages 77
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Program Example

Set rbo = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

rbo.ActiveConnection = objconn
rbo.CommandText = "OFFICE:Employee.Create()"
The statement "rbo.Execute" is required to invoke "rbo.CommandText"

Call RedBack Methods

commandobjectname.CommandText = String
where string can take a number of forms. These include:
"methodname(parameters)" - this is the most common form used.

These can take one of the following forms:
("Inputfieldname1=Value1", "Outputfieldname1","Outputfieldname2"...)

The exact methods which can be called will depend on the design of the RedBack Business Object
(RBO). The RBO is an object with a set of methods associated with it. These are created by the
application programmer via the RedBack Explorer. Therefore the actual method names available
will be determined by the application programmer.

78 RedPages
Step-by-Step Instructions for Using ADO

Program Example

rbo.CommandText = "OFFICE:Employee.Create()"
rbo.CommandText = "ReadData(EmpId=" & Request.QueryString("EmpId")& ")"

To invoke rbo.CommandText it is necessary to invoke:

Set Employee = rbo.Execute

Access Field Values

Set fields = RedBackObjectName.fields

Program Example

rbo.CommandText = "ReadData(EmpId=" & Request.QueryString("EmpId") & ")"

Set record = rbo.Execute
Set fields = record.fields
name = fields("EmpName")

In general field values are a single data value i.e. Employee="Colin". A feature of the uni-
Verse/UniData databases is that any data field can contain nested or multivalued data. Each field
may be made up of 1 or more ‘values’ and each value may be made up of 1 or more ‘subvalues’.

The string returned from the ‘field value’ operation above will contain all of this nested data in
what is referred to as a dynamic string.
To assist extraction, creation and manipulation of dynamic strings redpages.dll also registers an
object titled RedField. The RedField object provides a simple mechanism for working with
dynamic strings (see “RedField Object” on page 55).

RedPages 79
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

Destroy objects
Set RedBackBusinessObjectName = Nothing

Program Example

Set rbo = Nothing

80 RedPages
ADO Code Examples

ADO Code Examples

Read Example
The following code is a typical example of a RedBack RedPage which performs a read action.

Program Example

<TITLE>RedPages ADO Read Example</TITLE>

On error Resume Next
'Note in VBScript there is no need to use the Dim statement for local
'Note RBO is used as an abbreviation to denote "RedBack Business Object"
'1. Create the ADO connection object, set the provider and Open the account
Set objconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objconn.Provider = "RedBack.RedPages"
objconn.Open "RBODemo"

'2. Now we need a command object for the RBO we are going to reference. It is
'through this object that each RBO server request is made. The Command
'object is passed the ADO Connection object so it knows where to connect
'with each of its requests
Set rbo = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
rbo.ActiveConnection = objconn

'3. Now we can tell the command object to create an instance of a RBO on the
'RBO server. We do this by assigning the required method call to the
'command object's "command" string and then executing it.
rbo.CommandText = "OFFICE:Employee.Create()"

RedPages 81
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

'5. Now do a ReadData, passing in the EmpId value of "1010". Each name/value
'that is to be sent back has to be placed as an argument to the method
'call The "Set employee" statement will assign the resulting recordset
'(from the execute) to the variable "employee"
EmpId = Request.QueryString("EmpId")
EmpId = 1010 ' hard coded for test purposes
rbo.CommandText = "ReadData(EmpId=" & EmpId & ")"
Set employee = rbo.Execute

'6. Now we can retrieve the required property values from the recordset.
FirstName = employee("FirstName")
LastName = employee("LastName")
Response.Write("FirstName=" & FirstName & " LastName=" & LastName)

'7. If we want to reuse the Connection and Command objects for reuse in
'another ASP page then we can save them as follows:
Set Session("connectionvariablename") = objconn
Set Session("rbovariablename") = rbo

'Note to destroy an object the recommended way to do this is to:

Set rbo = Nothing
Set objconn = Nothing

Write Example
The following code is a typical example of a RedBack RedPage which performs a write action.

Program Example

<TITLE>RedPages ADO Write Example</TITLE>

82 RedPages
ADO Code Examples


On error Resume Next
'Note in VBScript there is no need to use the Dim statement for local
'Note RBO is used as an abbreviation to denote "RedBack Business Object"
'1. Create the ADO connection object, set the provider and Open the account
'If we want to reuse the Connection object from the Read example we would
'insert the following code instead of the next 3 lines:
'Set objconn = Session("connectionvariablename")
Set objconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objconn.Provider = "RedBack.RedPages"
objconn.Open "RBODemo"

'2. Now we need a command object for the RBO we are going to reference. It is
'through this object that each RBO server request is made. The Command
'object is passed the ADO Connection object so it knows where to connect
'with each of its requests
Set rbo = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
rbo.ActiveConnection = objconn

'3. Now we can tell the command object to create an instance of a RBO on the
'RBO server. We do this by assigning the required method call to the
'command object's "command" string and then executing it.
rbo.CommandText = "OFFICE:Employee.Create()"

'5. Now do a ReadData, passing in the EmpId value of "1010". Each name/value
'that is to be sent back has to be placed as an argument to the method
'call The "Set employee" statement will assign the resulting recordset
'(from the execute) to the variable "employee"
EmpId = Request.Form("EmpId")
Name = Request.Form("FirstName")
EmpId = 1010 ' hard coded for test purposes
Name = "Nghia La"
rbo.CommandText = "WriteData(EmpId=" & EmpId & ",FirstName=" & Name & ")"
Set employee = rbo.Execute

RedPages 83
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

'6. If we want to reuse the Connection and Command objects for reuse in
'another ASP page then we can save them as follows:
Set Session("connectionvariablename") = objconn
Set Session("rbovariablename") = rbo

'Note to destroy an object the recommended way to do this is to:

Set rbo = Nothing
Set objconn = Nothing

RecordSet Code Example

Program Example

<TITLE>RedPages Recordset Example</TITLE>

On error Resume Next

'The RecordSet is used to scroll through the result of a uQuery,

'where normally, more than one row of data is returned.
'First we need RedObject for the EmpLookup RBO
Set oLookup = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject")
oLookup.Open2 "rbodemo", "OFFICE:EmpLookup"

'Now we can do the actual selection. A recordset is returned from

'a Select. This will return the first page
Set rs = oLookup.CallMethod("Select")

84 RedPages
ADO Code Examples

'Now that we have the first page we can get and set values for that
'page, that tell us how many items were selected and what the page
'size is (determined by the RBO from the class definition).
pageSize = oLookup("items_per_page")
rs.PageSize = pageSize
max = oLookup("MaxRows")
pageCount = Int(max/pageSize)
If max Mod pageSize then
pageCount = pageCount + 1
End if

'As we will be returning to this page on the web server we need to

'preserve the RecordSet handle so that we do not have to reselect
'the data and recreate the RedObject for each subsequent page display.
'Also, preserver the current page number
Set Session("EmpRecSet") = rs
Session("EmpPages") = pageCount

'This section of code, will loop through each item on a page,

'displaying the details in the HTML page. The movement through each
'row is done with rs.MoveNext. This will also return the next page
'if the move extends beyond the current page.
'When a page is at the end then rs.EOF will be set to true.
For i = 1 to rs.PageSize
If rs.EOF then
Exit For
End if
<A HREF="EmpMaint.asp?action=ReadData&EmpId=<%=rs.Fields("EMP.ID")%>"> <%=
rs.Fields("EMP.ID")%> </A>
<TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"><%=rs.Fields("FIRST.NAME")%> </TD>
<TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <%=rs.Fields("LAST.NAME")%> </TD>
<IMG SRC=<% ="images/" & rs.Fields("IMAGE")%> WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=98>
If i < rs.PageSize Then

RedPages 85
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

End if

'Clean up all objects we no longer need

Set oLookup = Nothing


86 RedPages
Error Handling

Error Handling
When writing ASP applications that communicate via ADO to data sources such as the RedPages
OLE DB provider, there is a need to handle various error conditions and messages that the provider
may generate. The mechanism for determining the success or failure of any operation is by check-
ing the ADO Errors collection associated with the Connection object.
The ADO Errors collection contains the provider-specific errors generated by a single operation.
Each Error object constitutes one such error in the collection. To get information about an error,
query the properties of an Error object from the Connection object. To get all the Error objects in
the Errors collection, use code to loop through the collection.
ADO errors (for example, invalid use of ADO properties or methods), as opposed to provider
errors (those generated by the RedPages provider), do not appear in the Errors collection. ADO
errors are captured by the exception handling mechanism of your run-time environment. For exam-
ple, in Microsoft® Visual Basic® and Microsoft® Active Server Pages®, the occurrence of an
ADO Error will trigger an On Error event and appear as a VB or ASP Err object.
If you want to trap both provider-specific errors (by querying the properties of an Error object)
and ADO errors (by trapping ADO errors through the run-time exception handler) in your applica-
tion, you have to write error-handling code for both. (See example code below)
Error numbers returned by ADO are 32-bit hexadecimal values that define the error. Each error
code consists of a number of pieces with the lower 16-bit being the actual error identifier. A nega-
tive number indicates a trappable error condition, 0 indicates success and a positive number indi-
cates an informational type status.
Any provider-specific trappable error (negative number) generated by the provider is added to the
ADO Errors collection and is also handled through the run-time exception handler.
Any provider-specific non-trappable error (positive number) generated by the provider is added to
the ADO Errors collection but is not handled by the run-time exception handler.
This means that the On Error event generated in VB or ASP will only occur for negative error
numbers. If you wish to check for non-trappable errors then you will need to examine the ADO
Errors collection.
Non-trappable error numbers usually represent a successfully completed operation but indicate
that some extra information was returned with regard to that operation.

RedPages 87
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

A common non-trappable error in RedBack is error number 0x50040023 (See “RedBack Error
Codes” on page 127 for a list of all error codes). This error number represents an Alert generated
by the RedBack Application Server. Alerts are messages sent from the RedBack Application
Server to inform the user of something. An example of this is the Alert message generated when
you log in to a RedBack Application Server that is running with a temporary license. The message
shows how many days before the temporary license expires.
The following ASP code fragment demonstrates how to handle both trappable and non-trappable
errors. The code creates an ADO connection object and opens a connection to the rbodemo
account. It then creates a RedObject and attempts to Open a "OFFICE:Employee" object on the
server. After the Open method call we test the returned error number and either write the error
message to the page or add the Alert message to the StatusText variable.

Program Example

<TITLE>RedPages Error handling example</TITLE>
On Error Resume Next

'Create and Open the Employee RedObject

Set oEmp = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject")
oEmp.Open2 "rbodemo", "OFFICE:Employee"
errno = GetErrNumber(oEmp)
If errno < 0 Then
Response.Write("Error opening OFFICE:Employee. Error=" &
End If

If errno > 0 Then

StatusText = GetErrDescription(oEmp)
StatusText = "Object opened successfully"
End If


88 RedPages
Error Handling

'Gets the error Number from either the On Error Err object or ADO
'Errors collection
'Note: Err.Number is only filled in for trappable errors (negative
'Passed: obj - The RedObject
Function GetErrNumber(obj)
GetErrNumber = 0
If Err.Number Then
GetErrNumber = Err.Number
If not IsEmpty(obj) and IsObject(obj) Then
If obj.Errors.Count > 0 Then
GetErrNumber = obj.Errors.Item(0).Number
End If
End If
End If
End Function

'Gets the error Description from either the On Error Err object or
'ADO Errors collection
'Note: Err.Number is only filled in for trappable errors (negative
'Passed: obj - The RedObject
Function GetErrDescription(obj)
GetErrDescription = ""
If Err.Number Then
GetErrDescription = Err.Description
If not IsEmpty(obj) and IsObject(obj) Then
If obj.Errors.Count > 0 Then
GetErrDescription = obj.Errors.Item(0).Description
End If
End If
End If
End Function

RedPages 89
Chapter 3 - Using RedPages

90 RedPages
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

RBODemo is a fictitious shoe store which demonstrates key features of the RedBack product.
This chapter takes you through some of the code used in the RedPages version of RBODemo.

RedPages 91
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

RBODemo is a demonstration program. RBODemo was built to demonstrate some of the main
features of RedBack which can be applied to the development of web-based transactional applica-
tions. You can view the code in the RBODemo application to show how these RedBack concepts
are applied.

RBODemo is not a full commercial application and has purposely been kept simple to help iden-
tify and clarify RedBack concepts.

The RBODemo application is bundled with RedBack and is installed during the RedBack installa-
tion process.

RBODemo can be disabled from a live runtime system by deleting it from your system (refer to
your database documentation for further information on how to do this) or by removing references
to it in rgw.ini and rgwresp.ini (see the Administration manual for more details).

Refer to the “Developing With RBOs” manual for more information about design methodology.

Design Goals
RBODemo is based on a fictional shoe store called “RedPage Shoes”. We have identified three
types of potential users for this application, these being:
• external retail customers ordering directly form the RedPages shoe store,
• external trade customers wanting to purchase shoes,
• internal staff who maintain the shoe stock records in the application, and managers who
maintain administrative records such as employee details.
The following sections provide more information about RBOdemo.

92 RedPages

Starting RBODemo
Type in the following URL in order to launch RBODemo:
where the web_server_name is either the domain name of the web server or the IP address of the
web server machine.
The following web page will be presented:

From this screen it is possible to go to the RedPages version of the shoe store by clicking on the
RedPage store link.

RedPages 93
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Overview - Retail Part of RBODemo

The retail part of RBODemo would typically be used by individuals who would typically only buy
one or two pairs of shoes. The steps of how individual customers would typically use the system
are described below.
In describing this section of the shoe store we will also provide some suggestions for the web

It is always a good idea to design a static set of web pages to get an idea of how your application
will look.

94 RedPages

Step 1: Entering the RedPages Shoe Store

In order to cater for these multiple audiences, we designed three ways to enter the application,
based on whether they are trade customers, retail customers or staff:

Retail customers click on the picture of the shoe store to gain access whereas trade customers and
staff click on the menu links provided along the left hand side of the screen.
Trade customers will be taken to Step:2 Login Page, whereas retail customers will be taken to
Step 3:Choose Shoe Category and Shoe Style.

RedPages 95
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Step 2: Login Page

Provide login details and then click on the Proceed button..

96 RedPages

Step 3: Choose Shoe Category and Shoe Style

RedPages 97
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

The dropdown combo box is dynamically created from data in the database..

98 RedPages

Step 4: Selecting Shoes

Users simply click on the Add to cart button to select a pair of shoes that they want to buy

RedPages 99
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Step 5: Shopping Cart

The Shopping cart page is used to show your selection. You also specify the shoe size and quan-
tity from here:

100 RedPages

Step 6: Checkout
This is the page where the customer provides delivery details and payment information.

RedPages 101
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Step 7: Thank you

This page provides a confirmation of the order.

102 RedPages

Detail - Employee Maintenance

In chapter 3 we gave you an overview of using RedPages, and earlier in this chapter we gave you
an overview of design and navigation considerations. Now it is time to bring these principles
together. We will do this by examining the employee maintenance section of RBOdemo in detail.

The Pages

It is always a good idea to design a static set of web pages to get an idea of how your application
will look. The following screens will take you through the employee maintenance section.

Step 1: Enter the RedPages Shoe Store

Select Staff Entry:

RedPages 103
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Step 2: The BackOffice Page is Displayed

Select the Employees link from the menu list shown on the left hand side.

This screen has been built using frames.

The code, which can be found in BackOffice.asp for this is shown below for information purposes

Program Example

<FRAMESET COLS="18%,82%">

104 RedPages


Step 3: The Employee Maintenance Screen

This screen is used to add employees, remove employees and change current employee’s details.
Click on the Lookup button.

Step 4: Select Employee

In the following screen click on the link for the employee’s details that you want:

RedPages 105
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Step 5: Editing Details

Details can be edited as required. When finished press the Accept button. The next time you view
this record you will see the amended details.

106 RedPages

The Building Blocks

The following diagram shows the building blocks that comprise the employee maintenance




EmpLookup.asp RBO

RBOs Defined for RBODemo

The RBOs which were defined when designing RBODemo have been supplied with the RedBack
product and will be created in the uniVerse/UniData backend when you install RBODemo. The
following screens show that two modules were defined for RBODemo, these being:

RedPages 107
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Within the OFFICE module a number of RBOs are designed and viewed by using the RedBack

108 RedPages

The Employee RBO is particularly relevant regarding the employee maintenance portion of

Refer to the documentation supplied with RedBack Designer for more information.

The Code
All of the user interface code is handled by the web server in RedBack aware Active Server Pages
(ASP) called RedPages. RedPages are saved using the same .asp extension as ASP and support the
same scripting languages as ASP.
The code for the user interface of the employee maintenance section of RBODemo is contained in
the following three files:
• EmpMaint.asp
• EmpLookup.asp

RedPages 109
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

The ASP code is contained within tags that have a percentage symbol, i.e.
and is shown in bold in the code examples that follow.
The file is simply a file that contains common routines, which are used by the
other two files.
EmpMaint.asp handles the employee maintenance routines and EmpLookup.asp handles the
lookup routines.
The code for these three files is shown below for reference purposes.


Program Example

<% Response.Buffer = true %>


On error Resume Next
Const VM = "ý"

firstTime = OpenObj("EmpObj", "OFFICE:Employee", 1, oEmp)

' Create two objects to hold multivalue Dept codes and descriptions
Set oCodes = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedField")
Set oDescs = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedField")
If firstTime Then
oCodes.StringValue = oEmp("DeptCodes")
oDescs.StringValue = oEmp("DeptDescs")
oCodes.StringValue = Request.Form("Codes")
oDescs.StringValue = Request.Form("Descs")
End If

' Generic field object for string operations

110 RedPages

Set oFld = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedField")

' Focus object

If Request.Form("EmpId") = "" Then
focusObj = "EmpId"
focusObj = ""
End If

' What is the action to take - passed in 'action'

action = Request.QueryString("action")

Select Case action

Case "ReadData"
Case "WriteData"
Case "ClearForm"
Case "Validate"
Case Else
' Just show form
End Select


<!--#include file=""-->

Sub ReadData()
On error Resume Next
' First look if id passed in URL string (eg from lookup) else get from form
EmpId = Request.QueryString("EmpId")
If IsEmpty(EmpId) Then EmpId = Request.Form("EmpId")
' Set the propery in the object to the new value
oEmp("EmpId").Value = EmpId
' Now do the read by calling the ReadData method
oEmp.CallMethod "ReadData"
If Err.Number Then DisplayError
focusObj = "FirstName"
End Sub

RedPages 111
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Sub WriteData()
' Update all property values in object then call WriteData method
oEmp.CallMethod "WriteData"
If Err.Number Then DisplayError
focusObj = "EmpId"
End Sub

Sub Validate()
fName = Request.QueryString("field")
If oEmp(fName) <> "" Then
If fName = "Salary" Then
' Validate Salary
oEmp.CallMethod "ValidateSalary"
' Validate (Numeric/Date/Time)
vType = Request.QueryString("type")
oEmp("ServerValidate").Value = fName & VM & vType
oEmp.CallMethod "Validate"
End IF
If Err.Number Then DisplayError
If oEmp("ServerStatus") = 1 Then focusObj = fName
End If
End Sub

Sub ClearForm()
' Clear form via Clear method
focusObj = "EmpId"
End Sub

Sub UpdateEmp()
' Update all property values in Emp object
oEmp("EmpId").Value = Request.Form("EmpId")
oEmp("LastName").Value = Request.Form("LastName")
oEmp("FirstName").Value = Request.Form("FirstName")
oEmp("Salary").Value = Request.Form("Salary")
oEmp("HireDate").Value = Request.Form("HireDate")
oEmp("Dept").Value = Request.Form("Dept")
oEmp("Interests").Value = oFld.SwapString(Request.Form("Interests"), vbCrLf,
End Sub

112 RedPages

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function SendToWebServer(action)
document.Form1.action = "EmpMaint.asp?action=" + action;

<% If oEmp("ServerStatus") = "1" Then
Response.Write("<BR>Error: " & oEmp("ServerMessage"))
End If
oEmp("ServerStatus").Value = 0
oEmp("ServerMessage").Value = ""
ground:#D29B9E;color:#633132;font-family:Arial">Employee Mainte-
<TD vAlign=center NOWRAP><BR>Employee ID</TD>
<TD vAlign=top>
<INPUT name="EmpId" size=5 value="<%=oEmp("EmpId")%>" onchange=SendToWeb-
<A HREF="EmpLookup.asp"><IMG height=30 src="images/btn_lookup.jpg" bor-
<TD vAlign=top width="59%" ROWSPAN=4 ALIGN="RIGHT">
<% ImageFile = oEmp("ImageFile")
If ImageFile = "" Then ImageFile = "onepixel.gif"
<IMG height=121 src="images/<%=ImageFile%>" width=102>
<TD vAlign=center>First Name</TD>
<TD vAlign=top>
<INPUT name="FirstName" size=25 value="<%=oEmp("FirstName")%>"></TD>
<TD vAlign=center>Last Name</TD>

RedPages 113
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

<TD vAlign=top><INPUT name="LastName" size=25 value=

<TD vAlign=center>Hire date</TD>
<TD vAlign=top><INPUT name="HireDate" size=10 value="<%=oEmp("HireDate")%>"
<TD vAlign=center>Salary</TD>
<TD vAlign=top><INPUT name="Salary" size=10 value="<%=oEmp("Salary")%>"
<TD vAlign=top width="20%" ROWSPAN=3 ALIGN="RIGHT">
<A HREF="JavaScript:SendToWebServer('WriteData')"><IMG height=30 src=
"images/btn_accept.jpg" border=0><BR></A>
<A HREF="JavaScript:SendToWebServer('ClearForm')"><IMG height=30 src=
"images/btn_clear.jpg" border=0><BR></A>
<IMG height=30 src="images/btn_delete.jpg" border=0></TD>
<TD vAlign=center>Department</TD>
<TD vAlign=top>
<SELECT name="Dept">
<% ' Set dept codes and descriptions
For i = 1 to oCodes.Count
If oEmp("Dept") = oCodes.Value(i) Then sel = "SELECTED " Else sel = ""
<OPTION <%=sel%>VALUE=<%=oCodes.Value(i)%> > <%=oDescs.Value(i)%>
<% Next %>
<TD vAlign=top>Interests</TD>
<TD WIDTH="59%" VALIGN="top">
<% Interests = oFld.SwapString(oEmp("Interests"), VM, vbCrLf) %>
<TEXTAREA name="Interests" wrap=off rows=4 cols=24><%=Interests%></TEXTAREA>

<INPUT name="EmpObj" value="<%=oEmp.RBOHandle%>" type=HIDDEN>

<INPUT name="Codes" value="<%=oCodes%>" type=HIDDEN>
<INPUT name="Descs" value="<%=oDescs%>" type=HIDDEN>

114 RedPages

<% If focusObj <> "" Then %>

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
var hFocusObj = document.Form1.<%=focusObj%>;
<% End If %>

' Destroy objects (on Web Server)
If isObject(oEmp) Then
Set oEmp = nothing
End If
If isObject(oCodes) Then
Set oCodes = nothing
End If
If isObject(oDescs) Then
Set oDescs = nothing
End If
If isObject(oFld) Then
Set oFld = nothing
End If



Program Example

<% Response.Buffer = true %>


RedPages 115
Chapter 4 - RBODemo


On Error Resume Next

firstTime = OpenObj("EmpRecSet", "OFFICE:EmpLookup", 1, oLookup)

page = Request.QueryString("page")
If IsEmpty(page) then
page = 1
page = Cint(page)
End If

If firstTime Then
' Do selection
Set rs = oLookup.CallMethod("Select")
If Err.Number Then DisplayError

maxRows = oLookup("MaxRows")
' Selection already done and have recordset
oLookup("page_no").Value = page
Set rs = oLookup.CallMethod("PageDisp")
If Err.Number Then DisplayError

' restore maximum rows

maxRows = Request.Form("maxRows")
End If

' Set the recordset page size to number of items specified in RBO
pageSize = oLookup("items_per_page")
rs.PageSize = pageSize
pageCount = Int(maxRows/pageSize)
If maxRows Mod pageSize then pageCount = pageCount + 1

<!--#include file=""-->

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function SendToWebServer(page)

116 RedPages

document.Form1.action = "EmpLookup.asp?page=" + page;


<CENTER><H3 STYLE="background:#D29B9E;color:#633132;font-family:Arial">Employee
<TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=3><B>Click on an Employee ID to select it.</B></TD>
<TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><B>Page <%=page%> of <%=pageCount%></B></TD>
<TR><TD WIDTH="10%" VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#000000">
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2 COLOR="#ffffff"><P ALIGN="LEFT">Emp ID</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="30%" VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#000000">
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2 COLOR="#ffffff"><P ALIGN="LEFT">First Name</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="30%" VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#000000">
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2 COLOR="#ffffff"><P ALIGN="LEFT">Last Name</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="30%" VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#000000">
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2 COLOR="#ffffff"><P ALIGN="RIGHT">Photo</FONT></TD>

' Now script for each employee row
For i = 1 to rs.PageSize
if rs.EOF then Exit For
<A HREF="EmpMaint.asp?action=ReadData&EmpId=<%=rs.Fields("EMP.ID")%>"> <%=
rs.Fields("EMP.ID")%> </A>
<TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"><%=rs.Fields("FIRST.NAME")%> </TD>
<TD WIDTH="25%" VALIGN="TOP"> <%=rs.Fields("LAST.NAME")%> </TD>
<IMG SRC=<% ="images/" & rs.Fields("IMAGE")%> WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=98>
If i < rs.PageSize Then rs.MoveNext

RedPages 117
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

<TR><TD COLSPAN=6 VALIGN="BASELINE"><IMG height=4 src="images/totals.JPG" width=


<% If pageCount > 1 Then %>
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2>Goto:
<% If page > 1 Then %>
<A HREF="JavaScript:SendToWebServer('<%=page-1%>')">Prev</A> &nbsp;
<% End If %>
<% For i = 1 to pageCount %>
<% If i <> page Then %>
<A HREF="JavaScript:SendToWebServer('<%=i%>')"> <%=i%> </A> &nbsp;
<% End If %>
<% Next %>
<% If page < pageCount Then %>
<A HREF="JavaScript:SendToWebServer('<%=page+1%>')">Next</A> &nbsp;
<% End If %>
<% End If %>

<INPUT name="EmpRecSet" value="<%=oLookup.RBOHandle%>" type=HIDDEN>

<INPUT name="maxRows" value="<%=maxRows%>" type=HIDDEN>

' Destroy object (on Web Server)
If isObject(oLookup) Then
Set oLookup = nothing
End If



118 RedPages

Program Example

<Function OpenObj(objName, objClass, objSave, objHandle)

On error Resume Next
OpenObj = False

' Hardcode account, user id and password

stdAccount = "rbodemo"
stdUserid = ""
stdPassword = ""

' Session id
sessionId = Request.Cookies("RedBack")("SessionId")

' Previous object handle

prevObjHandle = ""
Select Case objSave
Case 1
' Object handle was saved (in form)
prevObjHandle = Request.Form(objName)
Case 2
' Object handle was saved (in a cookie)
prevObjHandle = Request.Cookies("RedBack")(objName)
End Select

If prevObjHandle = "" Then

' Create object
Set objHandle = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject")
objHandle.Open2 stdAccount, objClass, stdUserid, stdPassword, sessionId

If Err.Number Then
OpenObj = True

' Save session id

Response.Cookies("RedBack")("SessionId") = objHandle.SessionID

If objSave = 2 Then

RedPages 119
Chapter 4 - RBODemo

Response.Cookies("RedBack")(objName) = objHandle.RBOHandle
End If
End If
' Object already created - re-create object
Set objHandle = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject")
objHandle.Open2 stdAccount, prevObjHandle, stdUserid, stdPassword, ses-
If Err.Number Then DisplayError
End If
End Function

Sub DisplayError()
Response.Write("Error: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description)
End Sub

120 RedPages
Appendix A - RedPage
Configuration Issues

This appendix details some RedPage configuration issues.

RedPages 121
Appendix A - RedPage Configuration Issues

Configuration of RedPages is controlled via the file rgw.ini file which is located in the Web
Server's 'document root' directory. If a Web Server is not present on the machine where RedPages
is install then rgw.ini is placed in the Windows directory instead.

An example rgw.ini is automatically generated by the install procedure. You may use this file as is
or edit it to suit your requirements.

Example rgw.ini File Settings

# example rgw.ini file. this is a comment line.
uvtest fred:8300
udttest fred:8301

uvtest/udttest are the account names (a unique key used throughout RGW), fred is the host name of
the RedBack Server Machine, and 8300/8301 are the ports used to connect to the Responder.
If the Web Server Machine and the RedBack Server Machine are the same machine, use 'localhost'
instead of 'fred' above.
You can use the raw ip address instead of the hostname if you prefer. For example, for the account
uvtest quoted in the above example, you could use:

instead of
uvtest fred:8300

You can further control RedPages behavior for rgw.dll only by setting the RGWLOADINI system
environment variable as follows:
0 Default. Load rgw.ini contents at dll attach and use that cache thereafter unless rgw.ini
changes - in which case reload rgw.ini for all subsequent requests.
1 Fastest. Load at dll attach and never check on rgw.ini thereafter. It will be necessary to
restart IIS or other application using RedPages to pick up changes to rgw.ini.

122 RedPages

2 This gets the location of rgw.ini at dll attach but unconditionally reload rgw.ini for every
request but is not particularly useful.
3 Do not do anything at dll attach. This gets the location of rgw.ini for each request and
unconditionally reloads rgw.ini for every request.

RedPages 123
Appendix A - RedPage Configuration Issues

Logging in RedPages is controlled through a set of rgw.ini settings that determine what level of
logging is required.

Example rgw.ini File Settings

; Logging is to the file RBLOG/redpages.log.
; Use 1 to switch a level on, 0 to switch it off (default on).
; The names below match the names in include/mylog.h and
; the headers in each log file entry.
; (Default is to switch only PANIC, ERROR and INIT on).
panic=1 ; panic
err=1 ; error
wrn=1 ; warning
inf=0 ; informational (licensing)
init=1 ; initialization/termination
trace=0 ; reserved for function call stack trace
verb=0 ; verbose
big=0 ; big

redpages.log is located in the web server’s logging directory (“%SystemRoot%\System32\Log-
Files” by default) or the system temp directory if the web server logging directory cannot be found.

Logging Levels
Panic level entries are internal errors that are deemed serious and may not be recoverable. Often
the only course of action is to terminate RedPages.

Examples of panic Entries

• Not being able to resolve a host name to an IP address.

124 RedPages

• Not being able to open a given IP address.

• Using a persistent connection that has expired.
• Not being able to open/close/read/write files.

Error level entries are internal errors that are classes as bad but not quite panic material.

Examples of err Entries

• Having to truncate data because it is too large for internal bufers.
• Encountering file names that are too long.
• Various problems creating Command or Recordset objects.

Warning level entries are things that aren't actually errors but weren't really expected.

Examples of wrn Entries

• Finding a persistent connection is busy.
• Trying to read a file that has a size of 0.
• The maximum number of fields has been exceeded.

Informational level entries show the state of operation at various points in the code.

Examples of Inf Entries

• Notification that various operations happened successfully.
• What IP address and port are being used.
• The command being executed.
• What account and method are being called.

RedPages 125
Appendix A - RedPage Configuration Issues

• SessionID and UserID being used.

• Spider packet processing information.

Initialization/termination entries are Informational pieces specifically related to the Initializataion
and Termination of RedPages.

Examples of init Entries

• Info about the rgw.ini file location and search path.
• Info about problems during startup.

Trace entries show the entry and exit position of each function as they are called. Turning this on
generates a large amount of data and is only really of use to engineering.

Verbose entries are informational level entries but those that occur a lot more frequently than oth-
ers or are sligthly larger in size.

Example of verb Entries

• Info about building up Recordset data.

Big entries and informational level entries again but are those that are generally big.

Examples of big Entries

• All the data sent to the host.
• All the data returned from the host.

126 RedPages
Appendix B - RedBack
Error Codes

This appendix details the RedBack standard error values.

RedPages 127
Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes

Error Codes
Values are 32 bit values of the following syntax:

3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|Sev|C|R| Facility | Code |

Sev - (bits 30-31) is the severity code
- Success
- Informational
- Warning
- Error
C - (bit 29) is the Customer code flag
R - (bit 28) is a reserved bit
Facility - (bits 16-27) is the facility code
Code - (bits 0-15) is the facility's status code

Defined facility codes

1 Spider protocol error codes

2 Backend Responder error codes
3 Backend Scheduler error codes
4 RedPages ADO Interface error codes
5 RedPages general error codes
6 ISAPI, rgw.dll error codes
7 CGI, rgw.exe, rgw error codes
8 Generic Gateway error codes
9 Apache module error codes

Spider protocol error codes

0xF0010001 Error found in spider protocol

A protocol error can be the result of a number of different errors. Usu-

ally this is due to bad data being passed either to the backend or being received
from the backend. It is also possible that the data being passed has been cor-
rupted in transmission although the link between the Web Server and the backend

128 RedPages
Error Codes

is usually a pretty clean one. Other reasons for this error include: A filename
that has been passed is greater than 1024 characters or less than 3 characters,
The backend replied with an HTML form rather than XML.

0xF0010002 Error allocating memory

A memory allocation has failed. This can either be because the system has
run out of virtual memory or the amount of memory requested is invalid. The Error
description should show the amount of memory being requested.

0xF0010003 Error building data string

This is an internal error generated when trying to add the Spider version
information to the data being sent to the backend.
If this happens it is likely the internal stack has been corrupted. The Web
Server should be restarted.

0xF0010004 Error message from responder detected

The RedBack responder returned an error. The Error description will con-
tain the actual error message generated by the responder. These errors include,
The responder was unable to allocate memory to hold the sent data, The account
information sent was either invalid or unable to be located in the request data.

0xF0010005 Error creating event for named pipe operations

An error was generated while trying to create a Win32 event to use for
named pipe operations. The error number returned in the Error description is the
actual Win32 error code generated.

0xF0010010 Error attempting to get a file size

An error was generated when trying to get the size of a file while doing a
document get or put. This is usually due to an incorrect filename or path being
specified or the Web Server not having the correct permissions to access the

0xF0010011 Error attempting to open a file

An error was generated when trying to open a file while doing a document
get or put. This is usually due to an incorrect filename or path being specified
or the Web Server not having the correct permissions to access the file.

0xF0010012 Error trying to read from a file

RedPages 129
Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes

An error was generated trying to read from a file. The error description
specifies which file the error occurred on. Generally if the file can be opened
the read operations should succeed. Check that the file can be opened with other
programs such as notepad.

0xF0010013 Error trying to write to a file

An error was generated trying to write to a file. Check that there is suf-
ficient disk space to write the data.

0xF0010021 Error reading from socket to backend

An error was generated trying to read data from the backend. The most
likely cause of this is that the socket connection to the backend has been lost.
This could be due to some network disconnection or the backend responder exiting
because of some error condition. Check the responder log files to see if and why
it may have exited.

0xF0010022 Error writing to socket to backend

An error was generated trying to write data to the backend. The most
likely cause of this is that the socket connection to the backend has been lost.
This could be due to some network disconnection or the backend responder exiting
because of some error condition. Check the responder log files to see if and why
it may have exited.

Backend Responder error codes

Not supported yet

Backend Scheduler error codes

Not supported yet

RedPages ADO Interface error codes

0xF0040011 No Connection Object specified

An attempt to Open a RedObject object was made without first assigning an

ADOConnection object. The ADOConnection object defines which account to log into
and what user ID and password to use.

0xF0040012No RBOClass or RBOHandle specified

130 RedPages
Error Codes

An attempt to Open a RedObject object was made without first assigning a

RBOClass or RBOHandle. In order to open the RedObject we need to know what to
open. RBOClass tells us what type of RBO object to create while RBOHandle tells
us which existing RBO object to connect to.

0xF0040013 Error Creating RedProperty

An Error was encountered while trying to create the internal RedProperty

Object. RedProperty objects are created temporarily by RedObject to allow the
setting and getting of values. Failure to create a RedProperty object is probably
due to invalid or currupted register setting. Try un-registering RedPages with
'regsvr32 /u redpages.dll', remove everything in the registry that refers to
RedPages then re-registering it with 'regsvr32 redpages.dll'.

0xF0040014 Object not open

An attempt to call a method on a RedObject was made but the object has not
been successfully opened. Before any operation can be performed on a RedObject it
must first be opened by calling the Open method.

0xF0040015 Couldn't set CommandText

An error occurred while trying to set the internal ADOCommand's Command-

Text property. Check the Err.Number and Err.Description values for more informa-

0xF0040016 Couldn't set ActiveConnection

An error occurred while trying to set the internal ADOCommand's ActiveCon-

nection property. Check the Err.Number and Err.Description values for more infor-

0xF0040017 ADOCommand Execute Failed

An error occurred while trying to Execute the internal ADOCommand's Exe-

cute. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values and the RedPages.log logfile
for more information and look in the.

0xF0040018 Error Creating internal ADOCommand object

An Error was encountered while trying to create the internal ADOCommand

Object. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values and the RedPages.log logfile
for more information and look in the.

RedPages 131
Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes

0xF0040019 Error getting the ADORecordset's ADOFields collection

An Error was encountered while trying to get the internal ADORecordset

object's ADOFields collection. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values and
the RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0xF004001A Error getting the ADOCommands's ADOProperties collection

An Error was encountered while trying to get the internal ADOCommand

object's ADOProperties collection. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values
and the RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0xF004001B Error getting the ADOCommands's "Maximum Rows" property

An Error was encountered while trying to get the internal ADOCommand

object's "Maximum Rows" property. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values
and the RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0xF004001C Error getting the ADOCommands's "Maximum Rows" value

An Error was encountered while trying to get the internal ADOCommand

object's "Maximum Rows" property value. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description
values and the RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0xF004001D Property not found

An attempt was made to access a property that the RedObject or RedSet

object does not support. Check the name of the property you are trying to access
again. The RedPages.log logfile will contain the name of the property that the
error was reported for.

0xF004001E Error Creating internal ADOConnection object

An Error was encountered while trying to create the internal ADOConnection

Object that RedSet uses. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values and the
RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0xF004001F Error Opening internal ADOConnection object

An Error was encountered while trying to open the internal ADOConnection

Object that RedSet uses. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values and the
RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

132 RedPages
Error Codes

0xF0040020 Error setting ADOConnection Provider

An Error was encountered while trying to set the internal ADOConnection

Object's Provider property. Check the Err.Number, Err.Description values and the
RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0xF0040021 Error getting the ADOField

An Error was encountered while trying to get the specified field from
internal ADORecordset Object used by RedSet. Check the Err.Number, Err.Descrip-
tion values and the RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0xF0040022 Error setting the ADOField value

An Error was encountered while trying to set the specified field value of
internal ADORecordset Object used by RedSet. Check the Err.Number, Err.Descrip-
tion values and the RedPages.log logfile for more information and look in the.

0x50040023 RedBack Alert generated

RedBack alerts are informational messages generated by RedBack

as a result of a request. They are not errors and can be safely
ignored but contain information that may be useful to prompt or
show to the user. An example of this is the message indicating
that you have logged in using the 30 day trial license

RedPages general error codes

0xF0050001 Invalid spider instance received

An invalid spider instance handle was passed to a RedPages internal func-

tion. A spider instance is generated for each ADO Connection object. This error
can occur because of either a corrupt program stack or there was not enough mem-
ory to create a new spider instance.

0xF0050002 Persistent connection has timed out

This error occurs when a request is made over a persistent connection that
has timed out and been closed. Persistent connections are established from the
backend and are set up with a timeout period. If the connection has been inactive
for more than the amount of time specified by the timeout the connection is

0x50050003 Persistent connection is busy (Warning)

RedPages 133
Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes

This warning is generated if a request is made on a persistent connection

and that connection is already busy performing some other request. In multi-
threaded environments it is possible to have multiple requests to the backend at
the same time. Each of these requests uses a different socket connection to the
backend. When using persistent connections though each of these requests needs to
be passed through the same socket connection. This warning just states that the
socket is currently busy.

0xF0050004 Error allocating memory

A memory allocation has failed. This can either be because the system has
run out of virtual memory or the amount of memory requested is invalid.

0xF0050005 Error building up Values string

This is an internal error generated when trying to add Name Value pairs to
the data being sent to the backend. If this happens it is likely the internal
stack has been corrupted.

0xF0050010 Error opening socket to backend

An error was generated when trying to open a socket connection to the

backend. This could be because an invalid host name, IP Address or port number
has been specified or there is a problem with the network connections.

0xF0050011 Error setting blocking mode on for socket

An error was generated when trying to set a socket to use blocking mode.
The Error description contains the actual error number returned from the winsock
function call.

0xF0050012 Error closing socket to backend

An error was generated when trying to close a socket connection to the


ISAPI, rgw.dll error codes

0xF0060001 PATH_INFO environment variable too long

The maximum length for the PATH_INFO environment variable has been
exceeded. The PATH_INFO environment variable set up by the Web Server has a max-

134 RedPages
Error Codes

imum length of 8Kb within RGW. The PATH_INFO environment variable contains the
Web Server URL, account details and persistent connection information.

0xF0060002 No rgw.ini configuration file could be found

RGW requires a configuration file rgw.ini to specify the RedBack account

names, IP addresses and port numbers. This file normally resides in the Wed
Server's WWWROOT directory. Without this file RGW cannot contact any RedBack

0xF0060003 Invalid account name specified

The account name specified in the URL could not be found in the rgw.ini
file. The only accounts available to RGW are those that have been defined in the
rgw.ini configuration file.

0xF0060004 Error allocating memory

A memory allocation has failed. This can either be because the system has
run out of virtual memory or the amount of memory requested is invalid.

0xF0060005 Persistent connection has timed out

This error occurs when a request is made over a persistent connection that
has timed out and been closed. Persistent connections are established from the
backend and are set up with a timeout period. If the connection has been inactive
for more than the amount of time specified by the timeout the connection is

0x50060006 Persistent connection is busy (Warning)

This warning is generated if a request is made on a persistent connection

and that connection is already busy performing some other request. In multi-
threaded environments it is possible to have multiple requests to the backend at
the same time. Each of these requests uses a different socket connection to the
backend. When using persistent connections though each of these requests needs to
be passed through the same socket connection. This warning just states that the
socket is currently busy.

0xF0060007 Values string maximum length exceeded

The combined length of all environment variable values has exceeded 16Kb
in length. This includes QUERY_STRING, PATH_INFO and the 18 other environment
variables the Web Server provides.

RedPages 135
Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes

0xF0060008 Names string maximum length exceeded

The combined length of all environment variable names has exceeded 8Kb in
length. This includes QUERY_STRING, PATH_INFO and the 18 other environment vari-
ables the Web Server provides.

0xF0060009 Error writing to Web Server

An error was generated trying to write data back to the Web Server.

0xF006000A Error building environment variables

An error was generated while trying to build up the list of environment

variables. This is most likely due to either the environment variable names being
too long of the values being too long.

0xF0060010 Error opening socket to backend

An error was generated when trying to open a socket connection to the

backend. This could be because an invalid host name, IP Address or port number
has been specified or there is a problem with the network connections.

0xF0060011 Error setting blocking mode on for socket

An error was generated when trying to set a socket to use blocking mode.
The Error description contains the actual error number returned from the winsock
function call.

0xF0060012 Error closing socket to backend

An error was generated when trying to close a socket connection to the


CGI, rgw.exe, rgw error codes

0xF0070001 Error setting signal

An error was generated trying to set signal handler for the Unix signals
(Unix only)

0xF0070002 Maximum path length exceeded

136 RedPages
Error Codes

The maximum length for the PATH_INFO environment variable has been
exceeded. The PATH_INFO environment variable set up by the Web Server has a max-
imum length of 8Kb within RGW. The PATH_INFO environment variable contains the
Web Server URL, account details and persistent connection information.

0xF0070003 PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable not set or incorrect

The PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable was not set or is invalid. RGW

for CGI uses the PATH_TRANSLATED environment to find the default document root
directory for the web server.

0xF0070004 Invalid account name specified

The account name specified in the URL could not be found in the rgw.ini
file. The only accounts available to RGW are those that have been defined in the
rgw.ini configuration file.

0xF0070005 Error updating environment variables

An error was generated while trying to update the host name and address in
the rgw.ini file.

0xF0070006 Error allocating memory

A memory allocation has failed. This can either be because the system has
run out of virtual memory or the amount of memory requested is invalid.

0xF0070007 Error opening socket to backend

An error was generated when trying to open a socket connection to the

backend. This could be because an invalid host name, IP Address or port number
has been specified or there is a problem with the network connections.

0xF0070008 Error building environment variables

An error was generated while trying to build up the list of environment

variables. This is most likely due to either the environment variable names being
too long of the values being too long. (see next two errors)

0xF0070009 Values string maximum length exceeded

The combined length of all environment variable values has exceeded 16Kb
in length. This includes QUERY_STRING, PATH_INFO and the 18 other environment
variables the Web Server provides.

RedPages 137
Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes

0xF007000A Names string maximum length exceeded

The combined length of all environment variable names has exceeded 8Kb in
length. This includes QUERY_STRING, PATH_INFO and the 18 other environment vari-
ables the Web Server provides.

0xF007000B Error reading data from Web Server

An error was generated while trying to read data from the Web Server

Generic Gateway error codes

0xF0080001 Error allocating memory

A memory allocation has failed. This can either be because the system has
run out of virtual memory or the amount of memory requested is invalid.

Apache module error codes

0xF0090001 Invalid account name specified

The account name specified in the URL could not be found in the rgw.ini
file. The only accounts available to RGW are those that have been defined in the
rgw.ini configuration file.

0xF0090002 Error allocating memory

A memory allocation has failed. This can either be because the system has
run out of virtual memory or the amount of memory requested is invalid.

0xF0090003 Error building environment variables

An error was generated while trying to build up the list of environment
variables. This is most likely due to either the environment variable names being
too long of the values being too long. (see next two errors)

0xF0090004 Values string maximum length exceeded

The combined length of all environment variable values has exceeded 16Kb
in length. This includes QUERY_STRING, PATH_INFO and the 18 other environment
variables the Web Server provides.

0xF0090005 Names string maximum length exceeded

138 RedPages
Error Codes

The combined length of all environment variable names has exceeded 8Kb in
length. This includes QUERY_STRING, PATH_INFO and the 18 other environment vari-
ables the Web Server provides.

0xF0090006 Error creating an Apache client block

An error was generate while trying to create an Apache client block. An

Apache client block is used to pass information to a from the Apache Web Server.

0xF0090007 Error reading an Apache client block

An error was generated while trying to read from an Apache client block.

0xF0090008 Persistent connection has timed out

This error occurs when a request is made over a persistent connection that
has timed out and been closed. Persistent connections are established from the
backend and are set up with a timeout period. If the connection has been inactive
for more than the amount of time specified by the timeout the connection is

0x50090009 Persistent connection is busy (Warning)

This warning is generated if a request is made on a persistent connection

and that connection is already busy performing some other request. In multi-
threaded environments it is possible to have multiple requests to the backend at
the same time. Each of these requests uses a different socket connection to the
backend. When using persistent connections though each of these requests needs to
be passed through the same socket connection. This warning just states that the
socket is currently busy.

0xF009000A Error opening socket to backend

An error was generated when trying to open a socket connection to the
backend. This could be because an invalid host name, IP Address or port number
has been specified or there is a problem with the network connections.

0xF009000B Error closing socket to backend

An error was generated when trying to close a socket connection to the


RedPages 139
Appendix B - RedBack Error Codes

140 RedPages

Account err, 125
name, 77 Error
Active Server Pages, 21, 21 codes, 128
ADO, 19, 28, 30, 31 handling, 87
Errors collection, 32

FrontPage, 21
big, 126

HomeSite, 21
CommandText, 78 HTML, 21
Configuration, 122
conventions, 10
inf, 125
D init, 126
Demonstration programs, 91 IP address, 77
redpages, 20

RedPages 141

Java, 21 panic, 124
Property, RedField
count, 56
L length, 57
StringValue, 59
Limitations, 26
ValueMark, 60
Logging, 124
Property, RedObject
Logging levels, 124
Account, 30
ActiveConnection, 31
M Errors, 32
Password, 32
Method, RedField Property, 32
Del, 61 RBOClass, 33
Ins, 63 RBOHandle, 33, 33
Replace, 65 UserID, 34
SubValue, 68 Property, RedSet
SwapString, 67 AbsolutePosition, 43
Value, 70 BOF, 44
Method, RedObject EOF, 44
CallMethod, 36 Property, 46
Close, 37 RecordCount, 46
Open, 35
Open2, 35
Method, RedSet R
AddNew, 47
Close, 48
creating an instance of, 77
Delete, 48
what are they, 21
Move, 49
RBOdemo, 91
MoveFirst, 50
RBOs, 21
MoveLast, 50
RedBack Business Objects, 21
MoveNext, 50
RedBack Designer, 21
MovePrevious, 50
RedField, 79
Open, 50
object, 55
RedPages, 18
calling Redback methods, 78
architecture, 18

142 RedPages

configuration, 122
object, 43
rgw.ini, 122

trace, 126

verb, 126
Visual Interdev, 21

wrn, 125

RedPages 143

144 RedPages
RedPages DRB-3007

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