Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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Gun Control Persuasive Essay

Thousands of dollars, thrown in the wind as your gun collection is confiscated. This threat is a reality for many perfectly sane gun owners, coming from intrusive government organizations like Handgun Inc. While other nations are getting along fine with universal conscription and principles like it, we are be dictated to by some intrusive government organization which, in its existence, violate the Constitution of the United States.

As mention above many other nations have minimal gun control, yet have very low gun crime rates. For example, in Switzerland, there is universal conscription. This means that every able-bodied man must have a fully-automatic gun in their homes. When they are 20-34 years old, they also keep government-issued selective combat rifles and semi-automatic handguns in their home, as they are

considered candidates for the military. In Switzerland, there is virtually no gun crime. Norway is another nation with little gun control, with about 500000 unregistered shotguns alone. In fact, shotguns were an over-the-counter product up until 1989. Still, Norway, has a very low gun rate.

But what is a psychopath gets his hands on an

AK-47 and goes on a killing spree? you ask. First of all, a psychopath would be labeled mentally disabled, therefore denied permission to purchase, use, or own guns, even in a country like Switzerland. Second of all, this person would most likely have previous conflicts or indications of wanting to have conflict with the law. Take the Columbine High School massacre, for example. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had created a website where they blogged about instructions on making explosives, people they wanted to kill,

and hate for society in general. Not only that, but they were involved in the law several times. Also, if you think about it, someone planning to commit an armed robbery o murder probably wont suddenly decide to abide with gun laws. They would most likely just buy the guns, legal or otherwise.

So say the psychopath bought the guns, and started killing people. These average law-abiding citizens have little means of defense, given the strict gun control laws. For example, new North Carolina concealed gun laws are making it hard to get permits to carry concealed weapons. However, a shoe-shiner in Israel drew a socalled concealed weapon and killed a terrorist who had already killed three and was planning to continue. As well as North Carolina, Massachusetts also has very strict gun laws. To purchase any firearm, you must have permits to own, shoot, and purchase any firearm.

Strict gun control laws, however wanted, are unneeded and unconstitutional. Countries like Switzerland and Norway are getting along just fine, and even if there are psychopaths, not many would be able to get their hands on firearms. Gun control laws are putting innocent people in a place where they cannot defend themselves, and should be removed.

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