Tutorial 4

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TUTORIAL:4 Q:1FindtheresistivitiesofintrinsicSiandintrinsicGaAsat300K. Q : 2 Assume that the mobility of electrons in silicon at T = 300 K is n= 1300 cm2/Vs.

assumethatthemobilityismainlylimitedbylatticescattering.Determinetheelectronmobilityat (a)T=200Kand(b)T=400K.

themobilitywillbe250cm2/Vs.Ifonlythesecondmechanismispresent,themobilitywillbe500 cm2/Vs.Determinethemobilitywhenbothscatteringmechanismsexistatthesametime.

300K,foreachofthefollowingimpurityconcentrations:(a)51015boronatoms/cm3;(b)21016 boronatoms/cm3and1.51016arsenicatoms/cm3;and(c)51015boronatoms/cm3,1017arsenic atoms/cm3,and1017galliumatoms/cm3.

concentration, Find the maximum resistivity m in terms of the intrinsic resistivity i and the mobilityratio.

typesiliconsample.Findtheresistivityofthesampleifitsdiameteris200mmanditsthicknessis 50m.Thecontactcurrentis1mA,andthemeasuredvoltagebetweentheinnertwoprobesis 10mV.

Q : 7 given a silicon sample of unknown doping, Hall measurement provides the following
information:W=0.05cm,A=1.6103cm2,I=2.5mA,andthemagnitudefieldis30nT(1T=104 Wb/ cm2 ). If a Hall voltage of +10 mV is measured, find the Hall coefficient, conductivity type, majoritycarrierconcentration,resistivity,andmobilityofthesemiconductorsample.

Q : 8 A semiconductor is doped with ND ( ND >> ni ) and has aresistance R1. The same
semiconductor is then doped with an unknown amount of acceptors NA ( NA >>ND ), yielding a resistanceof0.5R1.FindNAintermsofNDifDn/Dp=50.

Q:9AnintrinsicSisampleisdopedwithdonorsfromonesidesuchthatND=N0 exp(ax).(a)
Findanexpressionforthebuiltinfield(x)atequilibriumovertherangeforwhichND>>ni.(b) Evaluate(x)whena=1m1.

Q : 10 An ntype Si slice of a thickness L is inhomogeneously doped with phosphorus donor

whoseconcentrationprofileisgivenbyND(x)=N0 +(NL N0)(x/L).Whatistheformulaforthe electric potential difference between the front and the back surfaces when the sample is at thermalandelectricequilibriaregardlessofhowthemobilityanddiffusivityvarieswithposition? What is the formula for the equilibrium electric field at a plane x from the front surface for a constantdiffusivityandmobility?

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