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Prof. Pratibha Deshmukh(maam)
Kundan kumar (roll no 2010B24)

We would like to take this opportunity to convey my heart-full thanks & deep appreciation for the help rendered to us, by all of you resulting in the successful completion of our UML project. We wish to give grateful acknowledgment to all ever-helpful people whose experience and guidance allowed us to make this invaluable piece of mere hard work. We are highly indebted to our Project Guide Prof. Pratibha Deshmukh for continuous support and guidance without which this project couldnt have been in reality. We would like to thank Prof. Pratibha Deshmukh for their backing support in lab thoroughly checking of our project and reports and also provided suggestion for improvement. We express our deep regards to all of those who stretch their helping hand in the execution of our UML project. And thankful to those whom we forgot to thank. We would like to thank my colleagues who were readily in a positive comment all the time.

Sr No
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Introduction Current System Limitation of the current system Proposed system Domain Analysis Requirement Specification Use Case Class Diagram Activity Diagram Object Diagram Statechart Diagram Sequence Diagram Collaboration Diagram References

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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 14 16 18 20 23 25

A multi-threaded airport simulation

A critical step of the project is to design a modeling and simulation infrastructure to experiment and validate the proposed solutions.

The ever growing demand of air transport shows the vulnerability of the current air traffic management system: congestion, time delays, etc. particularly in poor whether conditions.

The project is focused on controller and pilot assistance systems for approach and ground movements. The critical step of the project was to design an airport modeling and simulation infrastructure to improve the safety and efficiency of ground movements in all whether conditions. It simulates the arrivals and departures at an airport in a time sequence. During every minute, planes may enter the system, they may land, they may take off, or they may crash. The project must keep track of planes, assign planes to runways, execute the take offs and landings, and keep track of status of each plane, runway and terminal.

So the finally made computer software should model various aspects of the total airports operation-connecting airside and landside, literally from the airspace to the curb.

As part of case study, following analysis diagrams will be created 1. Use cases for the system. 2. Class diagram for initially identified classes. 3. Activity diagram to show flow for each use case. 4. Sequence and collaboration diagrams. 5. State chart diagram shows states before and after each action.

Conceptualization Assumptions: o All takeoffs take the same amount of time and all landings take the same amount of time (though these two times may be different). o Planes arrive for landing at random times, but with a specified probability of a plane arriving during any given minute. o Planes arrive for takeoff at random times, but with a specified probability of a plane arriving during any given minute. o Landings have priorities over takeoffs. o Planes arriving for landing have a random amount of fuel and they will crash if they do not land before they run out of fuel.

Input will be: o The amount of time needed for one plane to land. o The amount of time needed for one plane to takeoff. o The probability of a plane entering the landing queue in any given minute. o The probability of a plane entering the takeoff queue in any given minute. o The maximum minutes until a plane waiting to land will crash. o The status of each runway, plane and terminal.

The output of the program will be:


o Total simulation time. o The number of planes that took off in the simulated time. o The number of planes that landed in the simulated time. o The average time a plane spent in the takeoff queue. o The average time a plane spent in the landing queue. o Updated status of each runway, plane, and terminal.

Key terms: o Aircraft simulation. o Airport: runways, terminals, planes, control room. o Aircraft: passengers, model no, cockpit, pilots. o Function points: Transmit/receive signals Pilot sends signals for takeoff/landing Loop -Check status of each runway -Finalize a free runway -Assign the runway to the plan Update status of runway and terminal Get the plane landed safely Check if time left for next departure Loop -Check the status of each terminal

-Validate if terminal suitable for particular aircraft -Assign terminal to aircraft Get the plane parked in the terminal. Update status of terminal

Requirement analysis:

Textual analysis: This covers the requirements and diagrams of the project. The complete simulation of airport control system.

Actors: These are who are involved in interaction of the whole process. 1. Technical head: He is the person who supervises the controls the ground traffic on runway. He checks the status of runways and assigns the free runways and terminals for take off and landing. 2. Pilot: He is the person who controls the aircraft. He transmits or receives signals regarding the free runways and terminal from the control room. He is responsible for the safe landing or takes off of the planes.

Use cases:

The steps involved in the whole process are indicated as use cases: o Transmit / Receive signals. o Check availability of runways. o Land the plane. o Check if time left for next departure. o Check for free terminal. o Update status of runway, terminal.

1. Transmit / Receive signals: The pilot in the aircraft transmits signals for requesting a free runway to take off or land. The control room on the ground receives these signals from the aircrafts. 2. Check availability of runway: The status of each runway in the airport is checked if its free and its going to be free until the particular aircraft is landed or takes off. If this is going to be free then the runway number is transmitted to the pilot on aircraft. 3. Land the plane: The plane is landed safely on the airport as per directions given by the control room regarding runway and timings. 4. Check if time left for next departure: If the plane leaves immediately after landing then assign again a runway for take off. If there is still time then the plane has to be parked in a terminal. 5. Check availability of terminals: The status of each terminal is to be checked to find a free terminal. It should be checked whether that

particular model of plane fits into that terminal. Then that particular terminal has to be assigned to the plane.

6. Update status: The status of runway and terminal are to be set to be using while using them. The status has to be immediately changed as soon as the work is complete. This should be supervised carefully to avoid collisions and crashes of aircrafts. Classes: The classes contain the attributes and operations related to them the main classes classified in this solution are: 1. Control Room: He is the person who supervises the controls the ground traffic on runway. He checks the status of runways and assigns the free runways and terminals for take off and landing. 2. Plane-Cockpit: He is the person who controls the aircraft. He transmits or receives signals regarding the free runways and terminal from the control room. He is responsible for the safe landing or takes off of the plane. 3. Runway: This is the part the planes uses to land or take off only one plane can use a runway at a time to take off or land. 4. Terminal: This is the place where the planes are parked until the next departure. The terminals differ in size and shape. The plane suitable fro that particular terminal is to be parked in it.


5. Take off / Land: The leaving of plane is called take off and coming back to runway is called landing. The runway is used for either purpose. Diagrams The diagrams are of two types: 1. Static diagrams Static diagrams are again divided into four: a)Class diagram b) Object diagram c) Component diagram d) Deployment diagram a. Class diagram A class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces and collaborations and their relationships.

Classes of airport simulation are:





Control room

-Technical head no of staff systems to control

+Receive signals form planes (). +Check for free runway () +send runway no () +check time for next departure () +Look for free terminal () +send terminal no to plane () +Get palne parked () +Update status of runway after each take off or landing () +Send signals to ground station () +receive runway no () +Land on runway () +Request terminal if time left for next departure () +Receive terminal no () +Get the plane parked in the terminal () -----------

Take off/Landing

-runwayno flight no status time taken -no of pilots flight no destination -timings



-no of terminals -size of terminal flight model which fits in status of terminal -no of runways -length of runway status of runway free timings runway no


+Update status of runway after each take off or landing()

2. Dynamic Diagrams


They are divided into five:

1. Usecase Diagram: Organizes the behavior of the system. 2. Sequence Diagram: Focused on the time ordering of messages. 3. Collaboration Diagram: Focused on structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages. 4. Statechart Diagram: Focused on changing state of system driven by events. 5. Activity Diagram: Focused on the flow of control from activity to activity. 1. Use case diagram

A use case diagram shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships.


Use cases

Technical head

.Transmit/Receive signals .Look for free runway .Check whether conditions .Give directions to aircrafts .Look for free terminal .Get the plane parked in the free terminal


.Transmit/receive signals .Land or take off the plane safely .Give acknowledgement about the timings to control

.Get the plane into the free terminal

2. Sequence Diagram: A diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of messages. It consists of set of objects and actor. Actors 1. Technical head: He is the person who supervises the controls the ground traffic on runway. He checks the status of runways and assigns the free runways and terminals for take off and landing. 2. Pilot: He is the person who controls the aircraft. He transmits or receives signals regarding the free runways and terminal from the control room. He is responsible for the safe landing or takes off of the planes. Objects 1. Runway: This is the path the plane uses to land or take off. Only one plane can use a runway at a time to take off or land. 2. Take off/Landing: The leaving of plane is called take off and coming back to runway is called landing. The runway is used for either purpose. 3. Whether Conditions: The whether department decodes the atmospheric data files from the current whether conditions and sends them to the control room. The systems in the control room checks whether the condition is suitable for landing the planes. 4. Terminal: This is the place where the planes are parked until the next departure. The terminals differ in size and shape. The plane suitable for that particular terminal is to be parked in it. 5. Cockpit: He is the person who controls the aircraft. He transmits or receives signals regarding the free runways and terminal from the control room. He is responsible for the safe landing or takes off of the planes.

3. Collaboration Diagram: A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages. It shows set of objects, links among those objects and messages sent and received by those objects.

4. State Chart Diagram: A state chart diagram shows a state machine, consisting of states, transitions, events and activities. It emphasizes the event ordered behavior of an object, which is especially useful in modeling reactive systems.

5. Activity Diagram: An activity diagram shows the flow from activity to activity within a system. It emphasizes the flow of control among objects.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The system should maintain the record of every visited customer. Customers are catageriozed on the basis of their buying behaviour. Regular Customers may provided some discounts or etc. Customers may offer on their frequency of visiting . System should check weather this is an old customer or new. If it is a new customer then organizations save the records manually. The order clerk provides some more products catalog to the customer and make them buy some products. System calculates the bill for the products sell to customer. Customer provides information about their account or billing address etc. Customer makes payment for the goods and organizations keep the record with them.


There are few limitation in the current system

Mannual working in the customers management.. All Records are maintained in register. Some time amount calculation shows false amount. So the bills calculation is not proper. System can not produce customers reports as needed on time, they will first have to take
the details and then only they can prepare the reports.

Billing records can not be generated immidiately. As the organization grows the management of such huge records becomes problem.


The proposed system is an Object oriented Software system. It is easy to build. System can support the latest technology. The system will reduce the work load of the HR. Fast in record generation. Accurate billing Calculation. Generate bills slips, and maintains each and every details. User friendly in nature. Searching of records become easy. Huge customer database supports system.


1. What is Class Diagram 2. Iterative and Incremental Design 3. Develop Class Diagram: Using Different Approach 4. Stages in Building a Class Diagram 5. Object Identification 6. Before Daigramming Classes: Object Identification 7. Object Identification Technuiques 8. Object Categories 9. Textual Analysis Step 1: Requirement Statement Step 2: Identifying Nouns Step 3: Rejection Criteria for Candidate Objects Step 4: Preparing Revised Object List Analysis Decisions 10. Practical Training: Conduct Textual Analysis . 11. Idenitify Object Relationships 12. Assoications and Multiplicity . 13 Inheritence. 14. Step-by-Steo Demo - Drawing Class Diagram.

Software Requirement

Oracle 9i for DataBase. Windows Operating System(XP/Server).

Hardware Reuirement.

Printer. Pentium-4 OR Above PC. Key Board. Mouse/Pointing Device.

A use case diagram depicts participation relationships between actors and use cases. The diagram has an association between an actor and each use case in which the actor participates. This diagram contains three basic components: System ActorUse case

Notations used in Use case diagram are as follows: Tool Name Notation
S yste m

Description System boundary where all use cases will reside.


Actor which uses the system. Actor

At r co

Use Case


It is generally function or process in the system. It shows direct association between actor and use cases. It shows dependency between two use cases. It means one use case includes another use case.

Association Dependency




It means one use case invokes another use case optionally or sometimes.



It means one use case invokes another use case always.




Class Diagram:
A Class diagram is a visual representation of an application showing its classes and the relationships between those classes. When you open a Class diagram, the IDE displays a specific selection of UML element icons in the Modeling Palette. Using the Class diagram model, you describe the static structure of the elements in your application. The IDE lets you graphically create diagrams that contain classes. The classes are arranged in hierarchies that share common structure and behavior and are associated with other classes. Notations used in Class Diagram are as follows:

Tool Name

C ssN m la a e + ttri u 1 A b te + ttri u 2 A b te + p ra o 1 O e ti n () + p ra o 2 O e ti n ()

A class defines a collection of similar instances. It exists at compilation time and serves as a type. It defines the interface and implementation of its instances.


Raj : Student

An object is a particular instance of a class. Each object represents a particular instance of something in the problem or solution domain and is created as needed.


An association is a relationship between classes in a class diagram.


Association Class
C la s s 1 C la s s 2

A s s o c ia t io n C la s s

An association can be modeled as a class. Each instance of the class represents a link between objects. An association class is like any other class except that its instances represent links. It can have independent behaviors, and it can be associated with other classes.

C lass1

C lass2

The aggregation relationship is a special form of association used to model the whole-part or part-of relationship.

Specialization Generalization


V e hicle

C ar


Specialization is a relationship between classes. Specialization is the is-a-kind-of relationship, in which the specialization is the subclass, or subtype and the generalization is the super class or supertype.

C lass1

C lass2

A dependency is a catch all relationship. It can appear in any diagram and is used to model different kinds of relationships.



catalog +catalogid +session +year +description +enddate 1..* 0..* productitem +productid +vender +gender +description shipper inventoryitem +inventoryid +size +color +options +quantityonhead +avgcost +reorderqty 1 1 0..* orderitem +quantity +price +backorderstatus +shipperid +nam e +address +phoneno

catalogproduct +price +splprice

0..* 1

1 0..* shipment +trackingno +datesent +tim esent 1..* 0..1 +shipingcost +datearrived +tim earrived

returnitem +quantity +price +reason +condition


0..* 1 customer +account no +name +billingaddress +shipping address +phoneno

1..* 1 order +orderid +prioritycode +orderdate +shipinghandling +tax +grandtotal() ordertransaction +date +transactiontype +am ount +paymentmethod

1 0..*

1..* 1

web order

telephone order +phoneclerk +callstarttime +lengthofcall

mail order


An activity diagram depicts a workflow view of activities. You can also draw a system-level activity diagram in which each use case is modeled as an activity. That activity diagram specifies the temporal sequencing of the use cases.

Notations used in Activity diagram are as follows:

Tool Name Initial State Action State Decision Synchronizati on Transition Signal send state Flow final Final state


Description The initial activity. state of the

I s eBo su o k

Represents the activity. One activity conditionally follows another activity. Multiple activities either follow or precedes synchronization bar. Shows the flow between activities.

Invalid Member

Used to send the signals.

Shows the activity.




Shows the final state i.e. end of activity.



c s mr mk c ll u to e a e a

E te c s mr in r a n o ) n r u to e fo mtio ( r

D p yc s mr in r a n c r e t c s mr c y ) is la u to e fo mtio / ur n u to e ( .s s

Ys e

N o

V r c s mr in r a nc r e t( r e ify u to e fo mtio o r c o )

I itia min inc s mr in r a nu ec s ( .s s n te a ta u to e fo mtio s a e s y )

S r od r o ) ta t r e ( c

C e te n wo d r c y ) r a s e r e ( .s s

F r e c ite o ah m R q e t ite top r c s ( ) e u s m uh a e c E te ite in r a no ) n r m fo mtio ( c

E do d r( ) n re c E dfo e c n r ah

A dite too d r c y ) d m r e ( .s s

C lc la to l d e c y ) a u te ta u ( .s s

G ep y e t in r a n c iv a mn fo mtio ( )

V r p y e t fin liz o d r c y ) e ify a mn a e r e ( .s s

E te p y e t( c n r a mn o )


An Object diagram in the UML, is a diagram that shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled system at a specific time. An Object diagram focuses on some particular set of object instances and attributes, and the links between the instances. A correlated set of object diagrams provides insight into how an arbitrary view of a system is expected to evolve over time. Notations used in object diagram are as follows:
Tool Name Notation Description


An object is a particular instance of a class. Each object represents a particular instance of something in the problem or solution domain and is created as needed. An association is a relationship between classes in a class diagram.



The aggregation relationship is a special form of association used to model the whole-part or part-of relationship.

Specialization & Generalization

Specialization is a relationship between classes. Specialization is the is-akind-of relationship, in which the specialization is the subclass, or subtype and the generalization is the super class or super type.


custom er

Order Clerk

Order system


A State chart or transition diagram describes the state-based behaviour of a class of instances across all scenarios. An object has meaningful state-based behaviour if you can say one of the following: The object passes through a set of states. Some of the objects behaviours are meaningful in some states but meaningless in others. In other words, whether the object responds to a particular request depends upon the state it is in. The objects methods must be executed in a particular order.

Notations used in State Chart diagram are as follows: Tool Name State Notation Description

On Shelf

Describes the particular state of the object.

Composite State

A composite state is composed of a collection of lower-level sub-states that share semantics. The states outside the composite state in some cases may ignore the internal details of the composite state and interact with it as a single state. It shows two internal state machines that execute in parallel. The dashed line is included to emphasize the concurrency. The transitions in a state machine can also split and join, resulting in parallel states.

Parallel State

On Shelf On Shelf

Issue d Discard ed



A d d it e m ()

S t a r t o r d e r ()

O p e n f o r it e m a d d s R) C o m p le t e O r d e r ( e a d y f o r s h ip p in g

b e g in s h ip p in g () I n s h ip p in g

tg B e in g s h ip p e dS h ip p in g c u r r e n t ( )[ b a c k o r d e r sWeaxitisin s ] f o r b a c k o r d e r s b a c k o r d e r s a r r iv e ()

S h ip p in g c o m p le t e ()

S h ip p e d

P a y m e n t c le a r e d ()

C lo s e d

a r c h iv e ()


An interaction diagram is graphical representation of how objects interact with one another in a scenario. Objects communicate in an interaction diagram by sending messages. A Sequence diagram is organized temporally with the focus on the order in which messages are sent between objects.

Notations used in Sequence diagram are as follows: Tool Name Object Notation
Mb e e mr

Description Object can be an actor, class or physical entity.

Synchronous message Asynchronous message Return message Found message Lost message Create message Destroy message Conditional message Combined fragment

When one object sends this message & waits for the response or completion of process. When one object sends this message & does not wait for response or completion of process. It is used to give response for a message call. It is used when the sender object is not known or not significant. It is used when the receiver object is not known or not significant. When new object is created in the process. <<create>> When an object is destroyed in the process. <<destroy>> Message along with the condition. [if book<2]issuebook
seq CombinedFragment1

To show certain activities in loop, parallel and optional it is used.





Order clerk

Computer system

1 : contacts() 2 : Enter custom inform er ation()

3 : Display custom information er 4 : Verify customer information()

5 : Start order()

6 : Create new order 7 : Request item to purchase 8 : Enter item information()

9 : Add item to order()

10 : End order 11 : End order()

12 : Calculate total due()

13 : Give payment information 14 : Enter paym ent() 15 : Verify paym ent()


A collaboration diagram is spatially oriented with an emphasis on the links between objects. Notations used in Collaboration diagram are as follows: Tool Name Object Notation Description Object can be an actor, class or physical entity.


Synchronous message Asynchronous message Return message Found message Lost message New message Delete message <<delete>> Conditional message <<new>>

When one object sends this message & waits for the response or completion of process. When one object sends this message & does not wait for response or completion of process. It is used to give response for a message call. It is used when the sender object is not known or not significant. It is used when the receiver object is not known or not significant. When new object is created in the process. When an object is destroyed in the process.

Message along with the condition. [if book<2]issuebook



1 : a c c e s s . in f o ( )

O r d e r r e g is t

cu sto m e r

1 1 : c a n c e l o r d e r / c o m it ( )

3 : s e le c t o r d e r ( )

1 2 : c o n f ir m a t io n ( )

8 [ o r d e r c o m it / c a n c e l] : : c a n c e l it e m / c o m it it e m ( ) T e le p h o n e a g e n t O rd e r 1 0 : p a y m e n t()

6 : r e t u r n it e m 5 : o r d e r it e m ( ) 2 : a c c e s s c u s t in f o ( ) 7 : s e le c t it e m ( ) it e m c a t a lo g 9 : t o t a l p r ic e ( )

4 : s e le c t c u s t o m e r ( )

C u s to m e rco d e

it e m c o d e : it e m


REFERENCES Designing flexible object oriented systems with UML Charles Ritcher. Object oriented analysis and design, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Thomson. Object oriented modeling and design with UML James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha
(2nd edition).

The unified modeling language user guide Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar

Object oriented modeling and design James Rumbaugh. Teach yourself UML in 24 hours Joseph Rumbaugh.
Object oriented analysis and design: using UML Mike ODocherty Wiley


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