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Dominic Coles IELTS Blog

The bar chart below shows the different types of accommodation chosen by the British when they went on holiday in 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Dominic Coles IELTS Blog

Sample Answer This bar chart shows the results of a survey on whether people in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales stayed in hotels, caravans, campsites or self-catering accommodation when they went on holiday in 2010. The most striking feature of the chart is that in all four countries the majority of people chose to stay in hotels. This gure was highest in England at around 55%, almost twice the number of people who cooked for themselves (27% of the sample) and far greater than the number who stayed in campsites (12%) and nally caravans (6%). A similar pattern was repeated for the Scots and the Welsh. In each case, around 50% of holidaymakers went to hotels with around 30% in self-catering apartments. The one difference being that caravan holidays at 12% were twice as popular than camping holidays in Scotland. The one country that shows a different pattern is Northern Ireland. It is notable how there just over 30% of the population chose caravan holidays in preference to self-catering accommodation and camping (both around 12%).

Notes on organisation
The report starts with the most signicant detail The general pattern of the chart is described in relation to England: giving appropriate examples. The situation in Scotland and Wales is compared to England: noting differences and similarities. Not too much detail is included There is a separate paragraph describing the situation in Northern Ireland to emphasise the exception to the general pattern.

Dominic Coles IELTS Blog
Notes on language The most striking feature of the chart is that in all four countries the majority of people chose to stay in hotels. This gure was highest in England at around 55%, almost twice the number of people who cooked for themselves (27% of the sample) and far greater than the number who stayed in campsites (12%) and nally caravans (6%). A similar pattern was repeated for the Scots and the Welsh. In each case, around 50% of holidaymakers went to hotels with around 30% in self-catering apartments. The one difference being that caravan holidays at 12% were twice as popular than camping holidays in Scotland. The one country that shows a different pattern is Northern Ireland. It is notable how there just over 30% of the population chose caravan holidays in preference to self-catering accommodation and camping (both around 12%).

There is a wide variety of comparison language used - a key part of the task. Note in particular how similar and different are used to make comparisons Also note how the word twice is used to avoid repeating numbers unnecessarily.

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