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Welcome to Lourdes!

Published by the Irish Pilgrimage Trust and HCPT - The Pilgrimage Trust





Father Perry Gildea CM
The startling moment of the first apparition saw Bernadette instinctively reach for the Rosary beads in her pocket. Each further time Bernadette met with Our Lady the Rosary was part of the experience. Though Bernadette was a poor and uneducated child the Rosary seems to have been a familiar part of her life. Did her parents or her foster mother in Bartrs tell her the stories we call mysteries? Did they tell her how an Angel came and gently but amazingly asked Mary if she would become the mother of Gods only son? Did they tell her how Mary rushed off after her own wonderful moment to be with her cousin Elizabeth, waiting for her long wished for baby? Did they tell of the wonderful compassionate understanding between these two women so chosen by God? Did they describe how Mary and her husband Joseph

Bernadette had a Rosary in her pocket!

had to travel away to Bethlehem just when the baby was due? Did they describe their anxiety as they desperately sought for a place where their baby might be born? Did they carefully describe the stable, the shepherds, the kings, and how the family had to escape to Egypt to avoid Herods anger? Did they tell the wonderful story of how they were greeted in the great temple in Jerusalem by two old wise people, Simeon and Anna, who recognised their little baby as truly the Son of God and saviour of the world? What did they tell her about the joyful family pilgrimage to Jerusalem that nearly ended in disaster when they lost their little boy who stayed behind, and Mary and Joseph were panic stricken? Did they reassure her that once found he was a good and obedient child who

Monday 9th April 1800 meeting of all Central Service Groups & Regional Service Groups, Salle Sanctuaires (Hotel Solitude, 1st floor) 1930 2100 Concert, St Pius X Underground Basilica 2300 0000 Youth Gathering, St Pius X Underground Basilica Tuesday 10th April 2045 Torchlight Procession

Wednesday 11th April 1800 Meeting of all Group Chaplains / Liturgists, Hotel Solitude bar 2030 - Meeting of all international Group Leaders, Salle Sanctuaires (Hotel Solitude, 1st floor ) 2100 Doctors meeting venue tbc on arrival in Lourdes (probably Hotel Continental)


Yesterday (Saturday) on coach D4 from airport, possibly belonging to someone from group 40? Please come to The Base with details of your phone and we will give it back to you.

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grew up in their loving family? The Rosary is a series of beautiful stories about the unfolding of Gods loving plan for the revealing of his love and the salvation of the whole human family. That is why we call these stories mysteries. They come in different moods. The ones just described we call joyful, others are sad or glorious. Knowing and praying these stories prepared Bernadette for her personal encounter with the Mother of Jesus.

Jennie Black and Yvonne McKenna now comprise the Pilgrimage team with Phil Burns George Overton has joined George Mullis in the Fundraising and Communications team

Do you want your message in print? Email before midday, for publication that day, or give your message to Reception at The Base. Hi. Got a new group in Lourdes and new games. Looking forward to this week and having fun with my group. Love from Eddy, group 16. Dear Jon, what did you have stashed away that interested the sniffer dog so much? From anonymous, group 16. Happy Easter from group 16. Come early for Midlands Mass 1400 Tuesday. Big yay to all of group 16! We're here and ready for a great week! Sophie your banner is quite good? Mummy is with you this year and I'm determined to find you a lovely boyfriend. Lesley xxxxxx To absent friends we miss you, keep pink!! From all in group 26. Group 26 is 45 years young. Thank you to my amazing group for a pinktastic week. From Tina. To all the Mums & Dads of the children & helpers of group 36. Here safe & sound. Love you all! From Anna Merchant. A big happy group 36 welcome to all our new helpers this year. Hope you all have a fab time & want to come back again next year. From Margaret & Cath. Roz, thanks for getting us here in one piece. Love group 53. Dear Richard and everyone at group 56, have a fabulous Easter!! Love Anna G (formerly of HQ). To everyone at HQ, all the best for a good Easter 12. Best wishes Anna G.


Assistance available during Torchlight Procession and Trust Mass
If you have anyone in your group who uses a hearing aid, and is attending the Torchlight Procession or the Trust Mass, we are able to transmit the sound through our loop system. For details please contact Andy Clare, or any music technician, before the service starts.


Grotto Jottings in Tatler, celebrates his Golden

Father Perry, author of

Anniversary as a Priest today (Easter Sunday). 50 years! Best wishes Father, and congratulations from all of us.


If anyone has spare wheelchair cushions they think might not be for their groups, group 134 have lost two! Please could you either drop them at The Base or bring to Hotel Solitude? Thanks from Jo Fishwick, group 134.

Joining the team at The

Base in Lourdes this year are several new HCPT staff from Rugby. Please say hello and welcome them to the pilgrimage, especially if they are spending time with your group during the week: Debra Oliver-Tyson works with Cath McGoohan in the Admin team

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way up the ranks!
Why have you travelled on pilgrimage this year? Have you been before? This will be my 11th year in Lourdes! I started in my 6th Form Central Service Group, 711, for two years which was a great way to meet lots of different family groups and learn more about the Trust. After that I knew I wanted to join a family group and was invited to join group 120, which takes children from Treloars School in Alton, Hampshire. Most of the children there have cerebral palsy or similar conditions, so all our young people are wheelchair users. I recently attended the Group Leaders training workshop in Rugby to help Sue, our Group Leader, more as her deputy. I found the course really useful and reassuring to learn about the help and support that is there. It has given me the confidence to believe I could lead a group in the future but I hope Sue will lead 120 for a while yet! Unfortunately group 120 are not travelling this year, so Im really glad that group 84 has allowed me to join them

Calvin originally joined the Easter Pilgrimage in his teens as a helper, and is working his
this year instead! I get so much out of going to Lourdes every year. It is the most tiring week ever, but gives you all the energy you need for the next 12 months. I particularly like the feeling of community and family you get from being a part of HCPT, and the many friendships I have made over the years. What do you do for a living? I am a fundraiser for the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, a large charity supporting over 60,000 RAF veterans, serving personnel and their families. I specialise in building relationships with other charities and major donors. I am pleased that I have also been able to use these skills to support HCPT as a member of the Fundraising Subcommittee. Tell us about your family My parents have always supported me going to Lourdes - although I have not yet been forgiven for once flying back after six months in Sierra Leone on the Friday morning to get changed, have a haircut, and then repacked my bags with warmer clothes and left for Lourdes first thing Saturday! My father particularly enjoys helping with HCPT fundraising including a 100 mile sponsored walk in 24 hours a few years ago. My mother teaches in the Marist Senior school in Ascot, I have a sister who is studying to be an RE teacher, and a brother studying maths and physics in Southampton University. Last July, Katy and I got married (after being together since we met at university), and Im really excited she is coming to Lourdes for the first time this year! Where will you be during the week? What are you most looking forward to? Group 84 is a very different group from the ones I have travelled with before. The children


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from schools and parishes in East London are younger than the ones from Treloars, and have very different needs. I will be doing so many things I havent done before, so Im looking forward to going to the beach and visiting the forest. They are a great group and have made Katy and me feel most welcome and we are looking forward to our week in Lourdes! I always look forward to seeing friends the most particularly from Met Deep South, and old friends from school I only seem to see out in Lourdes!


Hey group 73!!! Hope you're having an awesome time. We're missing you all loads, but are busy looking after your Mums & Dads. So sorry we can't be with you this year, but we're with you in our hearts and working hard to get this cancer beat so we can be back with you soon. Have an amazing pilgrimage, sing lots, party lots and wear your cowboy hats with pride! 73 we love you lots of love, Jo & Pete. Han W- thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work over the last 5 weeks You are a star and all of 73 love you. You CAN do this and will be AMAZING as GL. Sending you cyber hugs every day. Jo xxx PS that'll teach you to talk to strangers in Uganda - just look where it ends up :-). Wishing my lovely Wife a great time in Lourdes with group 74. Love from Richard, Liam, Robbie, Joel, Aaron & Faye xxxxxx A big hi to all of group 75. Hope you all have a fab time! From Steve Mawson. PS wheres the box at babe? Hope group 75 has another great week. From Ann Marie & Kira. To group 81, have a wonderful week, enjoy and be happy. The 3 Muskateers will ensure you do! Thank you for all your love & support, I miss you all, with lots of love Janet xx Congratulations to Natalie Hanlon & Stefan Urbaniak. Getting married on Saturday after meeting in Lourdes, 2005. From Cecil Williams, group 83 (was 719). Hello group 83. Hope you are having a wonderful time. Annie, try not to sing too much, you'll make it rain! Luv Katie James xx Message for Julia Hamblin, are you free for a bank shift on Thursday? Luv Katie James. Well done Team London to Lourdes Cycle = James, Ben, Rob, Leigh, Matt + Captain Steve. 600 miles in 8 days bosh!!! From Matt + Leigh, group 84. There are 80 years between the eldest & youngest members of group 98. From MJ.


Medical HQ asks all healthcare professionals on pilgrimage to please report to HCPT Medical HQ on arrival in Lourdes (Salle Beout, 1st floor, Hotel Solitude), in order to be briefed on the new arrangements for care of the groups this year. Even if you have other responsibilities, it is vitally important to make yourself known to Medical HQ. If you have a healthcare professional in your group, please pass this message on. Thank you.


Wanted: in connection with the theft of a laptop & the use of an innocent child as an accomplice. Reward for information leading to the capture of this dangerous criminal. From Lauren Kreamer, group 124 ;) Young redhead male, looking for holiday romance, all offers considered, must like sunset strolls and freshly cut grass. Not a high standard needed. Group 134. Jennie in 142, this week distance is no issue. Would be nice to catch up. Happy Easter, love Jacob x

If you are near the Rosary Square or

the Crowned Virgin Statue between 1630 and 1745 daily, please be aware that your movement will be restricted by Lourdes authorities. This is because of the Blessed Sacrament Procession.

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Friend of HCPT badge, the Trust is not conferring any responsibility on that person, nor giving any group leader any reason to view this person any differently to any other non-group member.

0830 - 1100 - set up equipment Ciaran, Scottish musicians and Michelle to arrive by 1100 (we will run through your parts in the gaps which will inevitably happen during the day) 1100 - 1125 - Jacob, Group 215 1125 - 1145 - Sam, Group 16 1145 - 1215 - West Country 1215 - 1245 - Yorkshire 1245 - 1330 - lunch 1330 - 1400 - IHCPT 1400 - 1500 - "mop up" for anyone else 1500 - 1600 - tidy up for Blessed Sacrament Procession 1830 - all musicians and acts in the chorale for final check and warm up for concert 1930 - concert starts

Todays birthdays Many happy returns! James, group 20 Alice, group 24 Oliver, group 37 Edward, group 56 Mark, group 72 Jake, group 81 Caitlin, group 131 Abigail, group 204


As you go around Lourdes this week you will

doubtless see pilgrims proudly sporting Friends of HCPT badges. These badges are issued to friends of the Trust, such as the Old & Bold Groups, who have made their own way to Lourdes to be there with the Easter Pilgrimage or at the same time as a Hosanna House Group. We extend a warm welcome to Friends of HCPT to our pilgrimage, great supporters of the Trust through the year, and many of whom have given many years service as group leaders, regional officers, helpers and trustees. It should be pointed out that Friends of HCPT do not formally undergo the same vetting procedures as other Trust helpers and in particular have not been cleared by the CRB procedures. To that end, by giving a person a

Biarritz weather tomorrow

Lourdes weather tomorrow

Gavarnie weather tomorrow

Morning Afternoon Evening

Mist 5 Sunshine 16 Sunshine 15

Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunshine -1 Sunshine 11 Sunshine 8

Morning Afternoon Evening

Cloudy 10 Sunshine 15 Sunshine 15

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To Group 178, have a great week, sorry I can't be there to say hello! Enjoy, love Janet Group 81 x To Mo, thanks for leading us Limeys back to Lourdes. Looking forward to a superb time. Shine in the limelight group 181, Ned. To the lovely Group 184, I hope you all have a fantastic week - I'll be thinking of you all. Lots and lots of love Helen xxxx Congratulations to Matt Allen & Sofia on the birth of their baby daughter Eleanor. From all of group 187. Were missing Father Matt already but youre definitely being served up every day A massive HELLO to group 209, hope you all have a wonderful time this year and sorry I couldn't be there with you for a second year in a row :-( . I will be there next year with our new addition too. I will be watching out for you on the internet so make sure youre smiling. Lots of love forever friends ;-) from Sarah, Gary and Baby Bump ;-) Thanks for everyones support back home group 215 made it to Lourdes xx. From Sharon. A huge welcome to Anna, Marie, Anne, Katie, Conor, Christian, Rachael & Ged into our family of 216, you have all made the group so special, our week together in 216 is going to be fab!!! Simon x 216 We love you, deep down in our hearts! Such a wonderful group... and well done to our new group leader Natalie Carey and our new deputy Paul Deay who have put so much effort into making sure we have such a wonderful week in Lourdes - you both are inspirations and you've both given tremendous support to all in your group, assets to the Manchester Region! Lots of love, Group 216 xx Happy Easter to the Manchester region!! Here's to yet another amazing week in Lourdes! Simon (216) x Group 737, hope you all arrived in Lourdes safely, have a good week. Christine & John Garland. Its a miracle Bruno Gambini was seen shopping!! No really he was!!! From anonymous, group 800. Enjoy your teabags. With love from the Yorkshire region. Were looking forward to our Trust Mass 2013. From Joe McG. Welcome to my cousins from the colonies! From your overseas group 606 (Ron McCahill). To all Met East groups have a fantastic week. Pray for sun. From Tina. Jet Set 3 - Welcome to Lourdes Di, Maria, Gabbi, Dan and Stephen. Welcome back to Sue, Ruth, Lee, Dominic and Peter! Raise your glasses to a fantastic tour! Lots of love Lis and Chaddy xxx Jet Set 3 Wales - hello Gloria. Just to say have a wonderful time! From your very first helper - see you tomorrow!!!! Ann x Hi everyone. Hope you all arrived safely in Lourdes. Have a wonderful week. Well be thinking of you. All the very best, Maureen & John Johnston. Have a fantastic time and enjoy every minute. Hope the sun shines for you all, in the sky and in your hearts. Love 'Walking William' (Marshall).

Tatler is the daily newsletter of HCPT and IHCPT during the Easter pilgrimage Compiled by Father Stephen Myers, George Mullis and George Overton Your Group's copies of Tatler are available to collect from the Base from 1700 every afternoon To contribute a message or article, you should please go to Reception at the Base, or email: Deadline is midday for your message or article to be included the same day

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