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Graphing with Ages

Directions: 1. Choose 20 people to get their ages. You can either do people you know, or you can look up the information online. Fill in the chart with the names and ages of the people your choose. a. Family and friends b. Actors/Actresses c. Musicians d. Other Celebrities 2. Use the information you gathered to find the mean, median, mode and range of the ages. 3. Decide what intervals to use based on the information you gathered. Fill in the frequency chart with the data you collected. 4. Based on your frequency chart, create a stem-and-leaf plot. 5. Then choose at least two of the five following graphs to make: a. Bar Graph: Draw a bar graph to show the exact ages and frequency from your data. b. Double Bar Graph: Draw a double bar graph to represent the ages of males and females within the intervals from your frequency chart. c. Histogram: Draw a histogram to represent the age intervals and frequency. d. Circle Graph: Choose one of the following: i. Create a circle graph to show the amount of males and females from your data. Be sure to include the total number and the percentage. ii. Create a circle graph to show the amount of people in each interval. Be sure to include the total number and the percentage. e. Box-and-Whisker Plot: Create a box-and-whisker plot based on the data. Be sure to include the five important numbers (lowest age, greatest age, median of all ages, median of upper quartile, median of lower quartile) 6. Explain what each of your graphs mean in a short paragraph. 7. Make sure graphs include all necessary information (titles, labels, keys, etc.) and look neat and creative. 8. A rubric will be used to grade this project; please look over it to make sure your project includes all the necessary information.

Graphing with Ages


Information Chart Mean, Median, Mode and Range Frequency Chart Stem-and-Leaf Plot First Graph
Twenty peoples ages are accurately displayed Mean, Median, Mode and Range is correctly identified. Intervals are correctly used and data is correctly inserted. Plot is correctly titled, key is shown and data is correctly inserted. All necessary titles are used in the graph. Information is correctly represented. All necessary titles are used in the graph. Information is correctly represented. Paragraphs contain few errors. Explanations accurately portray what the graphs mean. All charts and graphs are legible. Graphs are colorful and easy to read.

1519 peoples ages are accurately displayed One of the four figures is misidentified. One or two mistakes occur in the frequency chart. One or two mistakes occur in the stemand-leaf plot. One or two mistakes occur in the graph.

Less than 15 peoples ages are displayed Two or more of the four figures is misidentified. Three or more mistakes occur in the frequency chart. Three or more mistakes occur in the stem-and-leaf plot. Three or more mistakes occur in the graph. Three or more mistakes occur in the graph. Paragraphs contain too many errors that make it hard to read and understand. Explanations do not portray what the graphs mean. Charts and graphs are unreadable and not neat.


Second Graph

One or two mistakes occur in the graph.

Explanation of each Graph

Paragraphs contain many errors. Explanations have some mistakes as to what the graphs mean. Some grammar mistakes or other errors occur throughout project.

Creativeness and Neatness Comments:

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