Covenant Theology vs. Dispensationalism

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Covenant Theology vs Dispensationalism

by Elders K.D. Ward and Mike Maney

Note: Let it be understood that in discussing covenant teaching, we are not discussing first-faith (salvation of the spirit). Because of the goodness of God, salvation from Hell is offered to everyone and is solely by grace through faith; it is a gift from God. However, not all saved people are in covenant relationship simply because they are saved. In addition to offering a salvation from Hell, God made additional provisions for people to serve Him in an acceptable manner made possible under covenant relationship. Covenant Theology 1. Covenant Theology is a model for interpreting the Bible as a whole unit and as having a singular objective. This model emphasized the unity of Scripture. 2. Covenant Theology does recognize different eras or periods of time in which God has chosen to work with men in different ways. Yet, this is not what is meant by Dispensationalism. 3. Under the Covenant Theology model is seen Gods overall purpose the establishment of His everlasting Kingdom 4. God's kingdom purpose (brought out by the covenant theology model) finds its roots in the call of Abraham, and the everlasting promises that God made with him. 5. The Abrahamic covenant and its promises were to be renewed in Isaac and Jacob (Israel). This covenant was to be AN EVERLASTING COVENANT. Dispensationalism 1. Dispensationalism teaches that God does not have a singular purpose throughout the Scriptures. This model emphasized a separate purpose of God in the Old and New Testaments. 2. Dispensationalism defined: God has a totally different purposedifferent promisesand different destiny for the faithful New Testament saints than He does for the faithful Old Testament saints. 3. Under the Dispensationalism model is seen a fragmented purposethat Old Testament faithful cannot qualify for the New Testament bride 4. The Dispensationalsim model finds its roots in the teachings of J.N. Darby, of the Plymouth Brethren, in the 1830's. Others followed Darbys doctrine and developed it even further were C.I. Scofield, Lewis Sperry Chafer, and Charles Ryrie. Today, most everything that is written on ecclesiology and eschatology is written from the viewpoint of Darby's

(Covenant Theology Continued)

(Dispensationalism Continued)

"I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant." Gen.17:7 6. This covenant and its enjoining promises assured Abraham of a kingly line which includes the kings which will reign with Christ in His kingdom. "I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you." Gen.17:6 "And hath made us kings and priest unto God and His Father..." Rev.1:6 7. This model teaches that various other covenants were included within the framework of the Abrahamic; such as the Davidic covenant which paved the way for a kingly line, the Levitical covenant which provided for a priestly order. 8. The New covenant is also within the framework of the Abrahamic covenant. Therefore, the writer to the Hebrews spoke of the New Covenant (ch.8) as being made with the "HOUSE OF ISRAEL AND WITH THE HOUSE OF JUDAH." 9. However, the New covenant which was made with the House of Israel was made with the apostles who were the elect remnant of Israel; the bulk of the nation had been cut off due to their unbelief towards Jesus as being their Messiah.

Dispensational interpretation. These Protestant views have even found their way into the Missionary Baptist camp so that most all writings have been Darby's, Scofields, Chafers and Ryries Dispensationalism repackaged around the "local church" concept. 5. Dispensationalists refute that the Abrahamic covenant was to be an everlasting covenant in that they do not accept that its scope reaches even to the faithful saints of the New Covenant. 6. This model has no provisions for a kingly line passing on down through the Abrahamic covenant. 7. Under the Dispensationalism model there is no continuity with Abrahamic (everlasting) covenant to the Davidic, Levitical, or New Covenant. 8. The New covenant is not at all connected with any pre-existing Old Testament purpose, people, or destiny; rather it is totally divorced from God's eternal purpose established through the Abrahamic covenant. 9. Dispensationalism, however, teaches that the New covenant was not made with the house of Israel; there was no remnant left of the nation of Israel with which to continue God's covenant purpose through the Abrahamic covenant. 10. Dispensationalists do not really know what to do with this passage in

(Covenant Theology Continued)

(Dispensationalism Continued)

"Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, the remnant will be saved {preserved}." Romans 9:27 10. In Romans, ch.11, the covenant is set forth by the figure of an olive tree. The root of this tree represents the Abrahamic covenant; the fatness (riches) symbolizes the blessings; the branches represent individuals who are connected to the covenant. 11. Some of the branches (unbelieving Jews) were broken off, while a remnant of believing Jews were spared and retained their existing covenant relationship; these Jews which were spared along with the root and the tree became the ekklesia. Wild olive branches (believing Gentiles) are being grafted onto this same olive tree which represents the New covenant into the promises of Abraham (Romans 11:17). This is how Gentiles are brought into the covenant structure. This is how Gentiles may become children of Abraham (his spiritual seed)... be blessed with faithful Abraham (Gal.3:9) and become heirs with him according to the promise (Gal 3:29}. 12. Therefore, the Abrahamic covenant was never disannulled with the entrance of the Mosaic. Thus, when the Mosaic was eventually made obsolete, the Abrahamic covenant still in force. Such is why Jesus stated that many would come from the east, west,

Romans 11. They do not accept this Olive tree analogy as representing Gentiles who were engrafted into an existing covenant with Israel. 11. They do not understand how Gentiles are "grafted in among them"...and "with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree"...and are "supported by the root" (Romans 11:18-22). Because they deny this fact, statements found in Ephesians ch.2&3 are confusing since Paul argues the fact of Gentiles coming into the ekklesia (which began with the remnant of Israel) are actually made "fellow citizens with the (Jewish) saints and of the household of God" (Ephesians 2:19) and are made "fellow heirs and of the same body..." (Ephesians 3: 6). 12. Under the Dispensational model, there is NO CONTINUITY FROM THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT TO THE EKKLESIA established by Jesus. Those following Dispensationalism as their model for biblical interpretation, view the whole Old Testament (including the Davidic, Levitical, Abrahamic covenants) as being done away with, rather than merely the Mosaic covenant being abolished. 13. Dispensationalism rejects the concept thatTHERE IS ANY CONTINUITY BETWEEN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE (JEWISH) APOSTLES WHO WERE THE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH. "HAVING BEEN BUILT ON THE

(Covenant Theology Continued)

(Dispensationalism Continued)

north, and south and sitdown with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom. Such is why church members are referred to as "children" and "heirs" of Abraham. 13. The New covenant, as made with the apostles (the remnant of Israelthe Ekklesia), is the Abrahamic renewed and continued in Christ. (Romans 15:8-11) 14. Now, under the renewed Abrahamic covenant, the church has better promises than Israel had while under the Mosaic. These better promises include: - A Better Sacrifice (Heb.9:14) - A Better Mediator (High Priest) (Heb.9:15) - A Better Approach to God (Heb.4:14-16) - A Better Administration of the Spirit (2Cor.3:7,8) 15. Thus, the COVENANT MODEL sets forth that the Old Testament faithful already in covenant with God, will be joined by the engrafted ekklesia (spiritual seed of Abraham) into the everlasting covenant made with Abraham will receive along with them the abundant (bridal) entrance into the everlasting kingdom of Christ (2Pet.1:11). The uncovenanted and unfaithful saved will be subjects outside the city in the future kingdom ages (Revelation 21:24).

FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES AND THE PROPHEIS, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF BEING THE CHIEF CORNER STONE." 14. Once again, this model deniesthat the "better promises" given to the church for this age have any connection with the everlasting covenant made in Gen.17:6,7. 15. Mainline Dispensationalists embrace a universal church and universal bride which will live in heaven for all eternity, while the saved of the Old Testament will live on the earth. Mainline Dispensationalists have accepted a "lordship salvation" approach believing that one is saved by grace and kept by works. They see personal salvation being lost rather than salvation as a gift and bridal relationship being forfeited. Many Missionary Baptists, while accepting the basic tenants of Darby's Dispensational approach, are modified dispensationalists. Although they agree with Darby's views that Abraham, David, John the Baptist, etc., will not be in the bride along with the church, they do believe in a reward system as well as in a literal earthly kingdom. Many do likewise see that the covenant promises are conditional.
The Landmark Chronicles November, 1994

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