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Springside Bitz n Bytes

Welcome to all the new residents of our community and welcome to Spring 2012.
Even though it almost seems like we didnt really have one this year, its nice to know that winter is over (after the surprise Easter storm) and we can now put away the parkas and start thinking about what to plant this year. We encourage all of our readers to take advantage of all of the great upcoming activities in the months ahead. There will be garage sales, bingos, ladies events, school and church functions, to name but a few, and we encourage one and all to join in the fun. If you are interested in becoming a part of any of the clubs and organizations, please consider this your invitation and know that wed be delighted to have you onboard. There is something for everyone in Springside! We hope you enjoy this issue and wish you all a wonderful spring!

Just when we thought we were out of the woods....Mother Nature gave us a reality check with a heavy rain which was followed by heavy wet snow on Easter weekend. A common sight was robins enjoying a smorg of earthworms, while huddling the snow covered ground. Town employees were out on the job Saturday to ensure that the streets were in good, drivable conditions for residents to make their trek to the churches for Easter Sunday services. Pictured below is Dan Derow cleaning the street by Springside Fine Foods. Despite the less than enjoyable weather conditions, residents still enjoyed Easter Sunday with family and friends.

Box 388 Springside, SK. S0A 3V0 Email: Phone: (306)792-2104 Fax: (306)792-4770

Spring 2012 edition

Deadline for next issue June 15, 2012

Spring is here
-Marion Ockochinski
A while back I asked our Facebook Friends to post what the first thing that makes them think, "Spring is here." Deb is our Christmas fiend who loves Christmas soooo much and could do a Christmas issue two or three seasons of the year (if we would let her). I love spring with fall being a close second. When I married Lloyd he hated spring. All it made him think of was sloppy roads, mud and problems. I think I have begun to bring him around. Another 36 years should do it! Spring to me is when you have been outside in crisp air that makes you feel alive when you breathe in as deep as you can. Your feet are cold inside rubber boots, but you hate to let the day end and go in the house. You have a garden spade in one hand that you have been enlarging snow-melt rivers with, watching one little stream join another to empty a puddle. You become aware of crows cawing greetings. You smell the pungent smell of cattle on the breeze. Along the warm south edges of the house you may find the beginnings of something green; some perennial that you had forgotten belonged there until just that moment. "Hello green thing!" It is too early to worry about mowing lawns, fighting dandelions, swatting mosquitoes. Its still too soon for lots of the busy-ness that we manufacture. It is a time to feel new, to enjoy the warmth on our faces, too long muffled under hoods and scarves... to feel the crisp tang of the air in our lungs. It is time to watch the sparkle of the spring sun on the trickling water and to hear the drips of melting snow. Its time to feel truly alive in the moment, just blessed to belong to the world and the newness of SPRING! Here are some of the answers we have received from our Facebook Friends. Enjoy and Happy Spring! Michelle Eckhart The smell of mud Julie Brooks Spring is here when the Golf Course opens!!!

Deb Keyowski When the cats come through the cat door with muddy feet and track up the house. Noelia Gouty Bonato The birds singing in the morning. Mary Pinder When the geese and ducks start flying through in huge flocks! Sandy Yachiw Spring is here when the Curling Rink closes! Jessie Banks Spring is close when you can smell the farmers working the fields. James H J Prophet HE IS RISEN INDEED. ALLELUIA! Jesus Christ rises from the dead. New life. New birth. Sin is no more and we are saved. "5 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise. 8 And they remembered his words, 9 and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. 10 Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles, 11 but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. 12 But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened." Luke 24:5-12 Judy Berrns You know its spring when there is that certain something in the air a breeze that is just a little fresher and warmer a scent unlike any other. That and of course the pussy willows! Rhonda Eastcott Spring is here when you hear the frogs and hear the robins. Albert Curtis The crocuses come out.

Join us on Facebook at

Springside Baptist Church

Spring 2012 Pastor Mike Anderson 792-2290

He Is Risen!
Upcoming Events at SBC:
Courageous Movie Good Friday Service March 25 @6:30 pm. April 6 @ 10:00 am

Ladies Dessert Night

We are excited to extend an invitation to the ladies of our community to our Ladies Dessert Night coming up in May. It is free and open to all ladies age 13 & up! Kathleen Gibson, a gifted speaker, author, and radio personality, will share on the theme of Hospitality. Amanda Buhler from Ebenezer will bring special music. Please bring your favorite tea cup & saucer along with you. Come and share in an evening of fun, food and fellowship!

The Good Friday Service will be Friday, April 6 at 10:00 a.m. There will be several special music numbers, as we remember the road Jesus took to Calvary and the sacrifice He made on the cross. Easter Sunday Service will be Sunday, April 8 at 10:50 a.m. Please join us as we celebrate Jesus resurrection and victory over sin and death.

Easter Sunday Service April 8 @ 10:50 am Creation Ministries April 14 @ 7:00 pm April 15 @ 10:50 am May 7 @7:00 pm May 27

Ladies Dessert Night Church Picnic

SBC Presents:

Grad Service Moms Morning Out!

June 3 @ 7:00 pm

A Movie Event

Are you at home with your little ones every day? Feel a need for some adult conversation? Our moms group meets every Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:00 am. We are currently going through the book laughing Matters by Phil Callaway. We discuss issues that face parents today, share with and support one another. Come make some new friends, and be encouraged! At the end of April we will break for the summer, and start meeting again after Thanksgiving. Child care is provided.

Hasnt science disproved the Bible? What evidence is there for creation? Did we evolve from pond scum? But whats the answer? Can the majority of scientists really be wrong? Richard Fangrad from Creation Ministries International will be at SBC on Saturday April 14 at 7:00pm and 10:50am Sunday April 15. His presentation will answer life impacting questions like; Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going? Discover the answers with Richard Fangrad when he brings his powerful message. This dynamic multimedia presentation will equip you to always have a reason for the hope that lies with you. Dont miss it! All are welcome.

Sunday, March 25, 6:30 pm All are welcome. No Admission

The AWANA program is for all children in the community, ages 2 to grade 6. It runs on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. AWANA will wrap up for the year with the Awards Night & Store Night on May 2, and resume again in September.

Please contact the church office for more information on any of our programs or Sunday Services! 306-792-2102

The Gardening Corner

Attracting Hummingbirds to your Garden

There is nothing that says spring quite as much as putting out the hummingbird feeders and watching the cute little birds flitting around your feeder. Planting flowers that attract hummingbirds is the way to maximize your chances of enticing these delightful little birds to your yard. The most popular hummingbird flowers include:
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Bleeding Hearts Columbine Desert Trumpet Calico Bush Columbia Lily Scarlet Creeper Red Fireweed Trumpet Vine Cardinal Flower Trumpet Honeysuckle Bee Balm Carpet Bugle Impatiens Petunias Salvia Butterfly Bush Coral Bells Fuchsia Larkspur Cannas

Choose blooms in a variety of colors. While red is one of the most attractive shades to hummingbirds, they will drink from any suitable flower no matter what its color. A more varied garden will attract more birds. If you want to ensure a bold red color in the garden, add a red gazing ball or sculpture near the flowers. Remove faded flowers throughout the season. Hummingbirds recognize that wilted flowers have no more nectar and will avoid bushes with many faded blooms in favor of better feeding locations. Removing the faded flowers can also encourage the plants to produce additional blooms. Avoid using any pesticides or insecticides to manage the hummingbird flowers. These chemicals can be harmful to the birds and will also kill the insects that are another important source of hummingbird food. Add a mister or small dripper near the flowerbeds to give hummingbirds a source of water and leave some branches available for the birds to perch when they are not feeding. These tactics will keep the birds around the garden for longer periods of time.

A Homemade Nectar Recipe:

Step 1: Bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Step 2: Add 1/4 cup of white granulated sugar. Step 3: Stir well until the sugar is dissolved. Step 4: Boil this mixture for 2 minutes to help prevent it from spoiling too rapidly. Step 5 Allow to thoroughly cool. Step 6: Pour into a clean hummingbird feeder.

Tips for Hummingbird Gardens

It takes more than just planting the right flowers to attract hummingbirds to your garden. For the best results x Combine both annual and perennial flowers. Perennials will bloom for years and offer longer lasting blooms, while annuals are a bolder burst of color that can attract greater numbers of birds. x Plant flowers in tiers and use plants that grow to different heights. Some hummingbirds prefer taller stems, while others want to be closer to the ground, and providing layered vegetation gives the birds more options to choose from. If the plants are all the same height, consider creating a sloping garden or using flower boxes to add tiers.

Winged Jewel
-author unknown With wings spun of silver and hearts of gold, these tiny creatures our hearts behold. With angelic features and colors so bright, make even the heaviest heart seem light. The magical way they flit through the sky, they appear, and then vanish in the blink of an eye. They're sending a message for us to retrieve,

Anything's possible for those who believe!

Bitz nBytes Receive donations from local groups at Meet and Greet

Mark your Calendar

April 6- Good Friday April 8 Easter Sunday April 14- Rabies Clinic at the fire hall April 21- Ladies Night at the town hall May 6- U.C.W. Strawberry Social at the seniors Center May 7- S.R.A. bingo at the hall May 7- Ladies Dessert night at the Baptist Church May 12 Whitesand Wildlife Highway Clean up May 13- Mothers Day May 21- Victoria Day May 26- Springside Community Garage Sale June 1- GX Star Search at the Rec Complex June 4- S.R.A. bingo at the town hall June 17- Fathers Day July 1- Canada Day Interdenominational Church Service & BBQ

Cornerstone Credit Union Springside Branch presented Bitz nBytes with a cheque from money which had been raised at a Wieners and Beans Supper. Pictured from left to right are Credit Union employees Carleen Koroluk, Mae Pawliw, Amy Barrowman, and Beth Koban. Accepting the cheque are Bitz nBytes volunteers Rhonda Eastcott, Regina Melnyk , Marion Ockochinski and Deb Keyowski.

Gladys Goltz
Sept. 15, 1921 Jan. 15, 2012

Brian Berrns, president of the Springside Snowmobile Club presents Bitz nBytes volunteer, Deb Keyowski with a cheque for $300.00. Volunteers Marion Ockochinski, Rhonda Eastcott and Regina Melnyk are pictured in the second row. Missing from the photo is Bitz nBytes volunteer, Cristal Ockochinski. Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. --St. Francis of Assisi

Submitted by Grace Goltz

She is just away In a land of light and peace Where warmth helps to ease your pain And love abounds and worldly difficulties cease.... She is just away, but her memory remains and the love she left within your heart will help to ease your pain.


Celebrating Success Local Student receives Scholarships

Melissa Turner is a first year Agribusiness student at Lakeland College in Vermilion, Alberta and is currently enrolled in the livestock concentration of Agribusiness. To date, scholarships that she has received include the 2010-2011 Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarship (awarded by Saskatchewan Agriculture), the Canadian Board Entrance Scholarship (awarded by Lakeland College), the 2011 Canadian Wheat Board 4-H scholarship (awarded by the the Saskatchewan 4-H Council), the Rusnak, Balacko, Kachur and Rusnak Law Scholarship (awarded by the Yorkton Regional High School), the Parkland Therapeutic Riding award (Parkland Therapeutic Riding Assoc.), the Monsanto Canadian 2011 Opportunity Scholarship (Monsanto Canada Inc) and the Stanley R. Fulks Memorial Scholarship (awarded by Lakeland College) Melissa was selected to receive the Saskatchewan General Proficiency Award by the Ministry of Education. Upon graduation from Agribusiness at Lakeland College she plans to continue her education and pursue her Bachelor of Agribusiness. Melissa is the daughter of Elwood and Donna Turner of Springside. Congratulations Melissa!

Pictured above left to right are former Springside residents Jim and Joyce (Bennet) Cockle, their granddaughter Angeline with her baby son Gabriel Charles de la Reta and their son Charles Cockle. Pictured at left is the newest member of the family, Gabriel, who was born on th Aug. 9 , 2011 in Hamilton, Ontario, with his proud parents, Angeline and Alex de la Reta.

Scoops is now hiring for

both part time and full time employment in both their Yorkton and Springside locations. To apply or for further information, call Nicole at 792-4768.

Spring Cleaning Tip Dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 quart of warm water for a general cleaner. Or, use baking soda on a damp sponge. .

May 26, 2012

Second Annual Community Garage Sale

Home Daycare Opening April 2nd in Springside

+Hours 7am to 6pm +Open Monday to Friday +Closed stat holidays +Before and after school care available +Large fenced backyard +Healthy snacks and lunches provided +Has certificate in Early Childhood Education +Four years work experience at Accent On Kids in Yorkton +Limited spots available +Contact Janine at 792-2123 for further information

May 26th is the date set aside for the second annual Community Garage Sale in Springside. All residents are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to do some spring cleaning and make a little pocket money. Advertising for the event will be provided by Springside Bitz n Bytes through the internet, local papers, radio and T.V. Anyone who registers their sale will be included in our community garage sale map, which will be made available at several locations around town. Please call Deb at 792-2104 or send us an email at to register your location by May 1 to ensure that your sale is listed on the map. Anyone who would like to rent a space at the rink for the day can call Trevor at 792-4707. The cost for space rental will be $15.00 and extra tables can be rented at $10.00 for use at your residence. Proceeds from the table and space rental will go to the S.R.A. for sports, recreation and culture in the community.

Blast from the Past

-photo submitted by Terry Matkowski
Sadie Hawkins Day at Springside School. (Year unknown) L .to R. Jim Barber, Ernie Stefanyshyn, Elizabeth Stefanyshyn, Loreen Jonat, teacher, Mr. Holinaty

Attention schools, churches, clubs and organizations consider raising money for a cause or bringing awareness to your organization by hosting a garage sale. This is a great opportunity to do some fundraising. .

Springside U.C.W.

Mothers Day Strawberry Social

Sunday, May 6th 2:00 5:00 p.m. At the Springside Seniors Center Everyone Welcome
Leap Year Trivia

Most years that can be evenly divided by 4 are

leap years. Exception: Century years are NOT leap years UNLESS they can be evenly divided by 400.

From this day forward

Julie Effa, daughter of Ken and Elaine Effa and James Bishop were married on Jan. 12, 2012 on Waikanae Beach, New Zealand. The newlyweds currently reside in Waikanae, New Zealand, where Julie is attending school where she is studying midwifery. We wish James and Julie many years of health and happiness.

Announcing the arrival of Ethan Gabert Richard born March 3, 2012 at 6:22 AM, weighing 10 lbs. and measuring 22 inches. Proud parents are Coleen (nee Gabert) & Ren Richard of Weyburn, SK. Proud grandparents are Mervin & Vicki Gabert of Springside, SK and Maurice & Cynthia Richard of Fredericton, NB.

Ffion Maeve
Cole Michael Forrester arrived on March 15, 2012 in Sylvan Lake Alberta. Cole is the son of Jennifer and Adam Forrester. Proud grandparents are Orley and Betty (Rodgerson) Neuert and great grandmother, Vi Rodgerson of Springside. Congratulations and welcome Cole. Born March 1, 2012 To big sister Mackenzie and to Dad and Mom Lisa (Ockochinski) and Lar Quigley 9 lbs. 4 oz. Proud grandparents are Lloyd and Marion Ockochinski of Springside.

From Grandmas kitchen;

Doreens Chocolate Sundae Pudding

-Judy Berrns
This is truly a tribute to my wonderful mother-in-law Doreen as it was after enjoying one of her amazing suppers that I first tried this dessert. It's simple and easy, but totally decadent, rich and very chocolaty - and even better with a glob of vanilla ice cream on top:

St. Pauls Lutheran Church

-Vicar James H. J. Prophet
Merry Easter and the Lord's richest blessings to you all! Holy Week service times: Maunday Thursday--April 5 @ 7:30pm in Yorkton, Zion Lutheran Church 234 Independent St. Good Friday--April 6 @ 11am in Springside


1 cup flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 3/4 cup sugar 1 T. cocoa Mix dry ingredients together. 1/2 cup milk 1 tsp. vanilla 2 T. melted butter 3/4 cup walnuts Add the above to the dry ingredients - mix well and spread into a greased baking dish. SAUCE 3/4 cup brown sugar 3 T. cocoa 1-3/4 cup boiling water Mix and pour carefully over batter. Do not mix. Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 1/2 hour. The cake will rise to the top with the sauce on the bottom. Let stand before serving. Serves 8.

Easter Sunday--April 8 @ 11am in Springside May your hearts rejoice as you reflect and celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ? He is Risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia! In Christ, James H J Prophet 1 Peter 3:15

Celebrating Canada Day

New Signage at the Rink

Sunday July 1, 2012

Interdenominational church Service

Please note the new signage at the Recreation Complex. There are now two handicapped parking spots as well as reserved emergency vehicle parking.

At the Springside Rec Complex

With special music

BBQ to follow Sponsored by Town Council

Hello again from Springside Community Council!

-Dee Valstar
Its hard to believe that our school year is half over already! Our students at Springside School blessed our community with a very entertaining Christmas concert on December 20th, 2011. Thank you to all that brought a non-perishable item for the food bank! We would also like to thank the following businesses for donating the fantastic raffle items for the Christmas concert; The Craft Shack, Springside Family Foods, The Hair Shoppe, Drake Meats (Dale Audette), Scoops- Nicole Roy, Scentsy (Michelle Eckhart), Card Making (Jessie Banks), Made by Julie O (Julie Ockochinski), Springside School Kindergarten class, Valstar Farms and S.C.C. Congratulations to all our winners that evening! Springside students have been busy working towards the Caught You Caring program which has consisted of several awards including; Caring Award, Respect Award and Cooperation Award. Congratulations to all our caring, respectful and cooperative kids! The NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) has been very well received by our Springside students and finished up just prior to February break. The school celebrated Family Literacy Day on January 25 by inviting parents in to learn about different countries with their children! Jump Rope for Heart was a huge success again this year raising $3061.00! Thank you for all the support.

The Talent Showcase night raised $250.00. There were Also personal donations of $100.00 for a total of $350.00 that were passed on to Telemiracle! The students always enjoy entertaining the community with their many talents. Thank you to all parents and community members that purchased tickets to the Terriers game on January 11, 2012. The school made $360 off the game! Once again the S.C.C. recognized Teacher/Staff Appreciation week February 12-18. We honored our principal, teachers, and staff and bus drivers with tokens of appreciation throughout the week. Please remember to say Thank you to all that help educate our children! The S.C.C has been awarded a grant from the Good Spirit School Division to send a member to the SCC Rural Congress. This year Michelle Eckhart will be representing our S.C.C from March 25 27, 2012. We look forward to hearing what other school community councils are doing for their students and communities! Thank you to Stephen Biblow for his continued generosity! Stephen donated the sand needed to complete the sidewalk and swing pad in our playground. The S.C.C has purchased a school music kit for our students and is working towards assisting with the purchase of a new projector for our Gr. 1-2 SMART board as well as a new piano for our students. We would also like to be able to assist with the purchase of a Lower Literacy Initiative Kit for our students. Please watch for our upcoming fundraiser Veseys bulbs and seeds! Spring is fast approaching and what a great gift for Mothers Day! S.C.C would like to remind parents, students and community members that clothing can be purchased with the logo of our Springside STARS at The school does have samples for sizing if you are interested. Our final meeting for this school year will be held on Tuesday, May 8th at the school at 7:00pm. Happy Spring!!!

"Students Come First"

School Community Councils
As per the Ministry of Education, School Community Councils "provide a province-wide mechanism for parents, community members, school staffs and students to be actively involved in local initiatives that positively impact student learning and success, including school-level learning improvement plans and career development initiatives".

Happy Centre 4-H Club

-Annelies Valstar
My name is Annelies Valstar. I am 8 years old and I am going to report the news from my 4-H club. We have 7 members and 2 leaders. Our members are; Jessica Brown, McKenna Omiecinski, Layden Omiecinski, Matthew Zalys-Smeretsky, Camryn Molnar, Ry-Lynn Molnar and myself. Our general leader is Mrs. Lisa Brown and our project leader is Miss Stephanie Lockhart. We have had a lot of fun this 4-H year and we get to ride lots! On October 30th, 2011 our club had a Halloween ride where we all dressed up our horses and ourselves and paraded around the arena. Then we had supper in the Happy Centre School. On December 11th, 2011 our club had a Christmas party! We went on sleigh rides, played broom ball on the frozen pond at Mr. & Mrs. Nagys place. Then we had hotdogs and treats. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Nagy. On January 22nd, 2012, we had a winter project meeting at Mr. & Mrs. Omiecinskis house. We all brought material to make shipping boots for our horses! There were lots of different color materials. Mrs. Omiecinski helped us all with her sewing machine! Thank you Mrs. Omiecinski! On February 19th, 2012, we had our public speaking at the Happy Centre School. It was scary but fun! Thank you to Mr. Ron Rudoski for judging our speeches. We also cut out a giant heart and pinned our shipping boots on them wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day. It looked really cool! On March 10th, 2012 we had our first ride of the New Year. It was FUN! Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Beres for the use of your arena! Our next ride will be on March 24th, 2012. Our club is selling Saskatchewan 4-H Lottery tickets and Tupperware for fundraisers. If anyone is interested please contact any of our members or our leaders. Well- thats all for now from the Happy Centre 4-H Club!

Back Row L-R Matthew Zalys-Smeretsky, Annelies Valstar. Front Row L-R McKenna Omiecinski, Layden Omiecinski, RyLynn Molnar, Camryn Molnar, Jessica Brown

Valentine made by members of the Happy Centre 4-H Club which displays the members shipping boots which they made as a winter project.

Halloween ride at happy Centre School Oct. 30, 2011

Sleigh rides with Mr. and Mrs. Nagy on Dec. 11, 2011

-In loving memory of Jared Berrns

Berrns Family and Springside Lions Club Donate $6,000.00 to the Health Foundation
On Jan. 27th, members of the Springside Lions Club and guests enjoyed a potluck supper at the Springside Town Hall, after which a presentation was made to the Health Foundation. Brian and Judy Berrns, who lost their son, Jared on Feb 10, 2011 to complications from diabetes donated $3,000.00 in Jareds memory and the Springside Lions Club matched the donation. The money will be used for new dialysis chairs and monitoring equipment at the Yorkton Hospital. In recognition of this wonderful contribution, the Health Foundation will place an In Memory of Jared Brian Berrns plaque at the entrance of the Dialysis Program and on the main donor wall of the hospital. The Lions Clubs of Saskatchewan will soon mark a 25 year partnership of fundraising and building diabetes awareness with the Canadian Diabetes Association. The Lions currently sponsor the Travelling Diabetes Resource Program to visit communities to provide diabetes related resources to people with diabetes, their family as well as to those at risk of developing the disease.
Pictured above presenting a cheque for $3,000.00 to Ross Fisher of the Health Foundation is president of the Springside Lions Club, Connie Zazula. Lions members, seated L to R.; Jeanette Karapita, Gordon Berrns and Sonya Biblow. Middle row; Judy Berrns, Kalvin Werner and back row Melvin Hnidey, Chuck Allary, Barry Merriman and Brian Berrns.

Presenting the cheque for $3,000.00 from the Berrns family to Ross Fisher of the Health Foundation is Jareds mother, Judy Berrns. Also pictured seated are his grandfather, Gordon, dad Brian, nephews Landen and Hayden and brother and sister in law, Derek and Rochelle Berrns.

Farming is risky business. Risk management is not only about buying insurance, its about anticipating what could go wrong and taking steps to reduce the impact if and when it should happen. For a free consultation, call Jack Sobkovich or Deb Keyowski at 792-4732.

Living with Celiac Disease

-Michelle Eckhart
Celiac (SEE-lee-ak) disease is a digestive condition triggered by consumption of the protein gluten, which is primarily found in bread, pasta, cookies, pizza crust and many other foods containing wheat, barley or rye. People with celiac disease who eat foods containing gluten experience an immune reaction in their small intestines, causing damage to the inner surface of the small intestine and an inability to absorb certain nutrients. Celiac disease can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Eventually, the decreased absorption of nutrients (malabsorption) that occurs with celiac disease can cause vitamin deficiencies that deprive your brain, peripheral nervous system, bones, liver and other organs of vital nourishment. Some people also experience dermatitis from exposure to gluten. No treatment can cure celiac disease. However, you can effectively manage celiac disease by changing your diet. Some people have a milder form called Gluten sensitivity. They may not be as adversely affected by foods but need to be aware of how much gluten you consume. If you've been diagnosed with celiac disease, you'll need to avoid all foods that contain gluten. Ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian, who can help you plan a healthy gluten-free diet. Here's an overview of foods that contain gluten and gluten-free foods that are safe to eat. Always avoid avoiding eating gluten, avoiding food and drinks containing: x Barley, Bulgur, Durum, Rye, Wheat, and Spelt Avoid unless labeled 'gluten-free' Avoid these foods unless they're labeled as gluten-free or made with corn, rice, soy or other gluten-free grain. Also check the label to see that they're processed in a facility that is free of wheat or other contaminating products: x Beers, Breads, Cakes, muffins, cookies, cereal, crackers, oats, pastas, processed luncheon meat, soy sauce, ketchup and soups. Certain grains, such as oats, can be contaminated with wheat during growing and processing stages of production. It's not clear whether oats are harmful for most people with celiac disease, but doctors generally recommend avoiding oats unless they are specifically labeled gluten-free. The question of whether people eating a gluten-free diet can consume pure oat products remains a subject of scientific debate.

Allowed foods there are still many basic foods allowed in a gluten-free diet. With all foods, check the label to see that each is labeled gluten-free or call the manufacturer to doublecheck. Grains and starches allowed in a gluten-free diet include: x Amaranth, arrowroot, buckwheat, corn, Glutenfree flours (rice, soy, corn, potato, bean), Pure corn tortillas, quinoa, rice, tapioca Other gluten-free foods include: x Fresh meats, fish and poultry (not breaded, batter-coated or marinated),fruits, most dairy products, potatoes, rice, vegetables, wine and distilled liquors, ciders and spirits Fortunately for bread and pasta lovers with celiac disease, there are an increasing number of gluten-free products on the market. For further information please consult the following websites:

Generic Gluten-Free Flour Mixture

Yield 6 1/3 cups 4 cups white rice flour 1 1/3 cup potato starch 1 cup tapioca flour Sift ingredients together and store in plastic containers. Refrigerate for longer storage periods.

Zucchini Brownies
(Gluten free)
-Shirley Hueser
1 cup almond butter 1 cups zucchini 1/3 cup raw honey 1 egg 1 tsp. Vanilla 1 tsp. Baking soda 1 tsp. Cinnamon tsp. Nutmeg tsp. Allspice 1 cup dark chocolate chunks Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix. Pour into a greased 9x9 inch cake pan. Bake 25-30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Sausage Tasting Evening at the Springside Baptist Church

The Springside Baptist church women's ministry hosted a sausage tasting event at the church on Monday, Jan. 9th. Special guest speaker, taxidermist (and sausage tasting judge), Allan Bohn gave an informative talk about taxidermy. A delicious supper of home- made sausages with all the trimmings was enjoyed by all.
Office Phone (306) 792-4466 Email Mailing Address Good Spirit Bible Camp Box 295 Springside, SK S0A 3V0

Good Spirit Bible Camp Camp Dates 2012

May 18-21: Family Camp 1 June 8-10: College & Career June 29-July 2: Family Camp 2 June 30: Camp Fun Day July 3-6: Staff Training July 8-13: Junior 1 & LIT July 15-20: Senior High

Sausage tasting judges for the evening, left to right Allan Bohn, Jordan Hintz, Lonnie Gabert and Jamie Breitkreuz.

July 22-27: Tween August 3-6: Family Camp 3 August 7-10: Scamper August 12-17: Junior 2 August 19-24: Young Teen


SPRINGSIDE LOANS ASSOC. And the winners are.... Left to right; Sarah Kriger, Doug Goltz, Cheryl Minke, Darrel Hueser, Geraldine Goltz, Bob Kriger, Harold Kriger and Darlene Tillman. is offering loans for business up to $15,000.00 at 4% interest. For more information contact Joan at the town office at 792-2022

Mothers day WORD SEARCH

Can you find the word MOTHER in all these different languages?










MOEDER (Afrikaans) AHM (Arabic) MOTHER (English) MAMAN (French) MUTTER (German) MAKUAHINE (Hawaiian) MAJI (Hindi) MAMMA (Italian) OKAASAN (Japanese) MATER (Latin)

HAAKUI (Maori) PABO (Punjabi) MADRE (Spanish) MZAZI (Swahili) MUTER (Yiddish)

Working with the numbers already given, complete each diagram with the missing numbers. Place a number into each box so that each row across, each column down, and each small 9-box square within the large diagram (there are 9) will contain every number from 1-9. No number shall appear more than once in any row, column, or small 9-box square.
General History of Springside Page 5

1 4 5 2 4 9 4 1 8 4 7 3 8 5 6 6

4 2 1 9

4 6

At Councils second meeting (1910), the primary concern focused on passing several bylaws that would ensure safety and peace in the village. Finally, No person or persons, being the owner or occupier of stables or premises within the village, shall be allowed to let manure accumulate to the extent of more than one load at any time after the first day of April, 1910. .fines not exceeding $25.00 were assessed.

5 2 6 4

Pretty Painted Flower Pot

Perfect for Mothers Day; give Mom a gift you made yourself.

What You Will Need: Coffee Can Hammer & nail Paint Embellishments - Ribbon, Stickers Glue Black Marker Rock/Pebbles to line bottom of can Potting Soil Potted Flower Plant How to Make it: Remove label from coffee can and wash inside and out Have adult poke drain holes in the bottom of the can with the hammer & nail Paint the outside of the can After paint dries glue ribbon around the top and bottom sections of the can Using the black marker write the phrase Motherhood is like fresh flowers that are always in bloom or a phrase of your choice Decorate can with stickers Place single layer of pebbles or rocks inside the can Add enough potting soil to fill 1/3 of the can Transplant potted flower plant into the can, add extra potting soil to fill the gaps and make the plant fit snug Place potted flower on a plate and water

Q. How do rabbits keep their fur neat? A. They use a hare brush! Q. What did the dirt say to the rain? A. if this keeps up, my name will be mud Q. What is a spring chick after it is 5 months old? A. 6 months old Q. What did the big flower say to the little one? A. Youre really growing, BUD! Q. If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch? A. None. Roosters dont lay eggs

Springside Kids Rec. Hockey

-Radell Audette
This year a new team was created in Springside, the Springside Kids Rec. Hockey team. The S.R.A. provided some funding to keep the fees affordable and used equipment was collected and donated which would allow first timer players a chance to play hockey. This program allowed kids to try out the sport without the travelling and pressure of a tier hockey team. There were 17 kids aged 10 and under on the team. They practiced twice a week and were led by coach Jasmine Hueser. Jasmine worked on their skills which included skating and passing, and having fun. Jasmine doesn't have any children, but volunteered her time because she loves the game and wanted to teach kids how much fun playing hockey can be. Since there was such a great turnout, the kids were given white and blue Springside Lions Jerseys. This allowed them to play a scrimmage game at the end of each practice. Brody Popowich came out each practice to lead the team in stretches and demonstrate the drills. This allowed the kids to see what to do and helped them to learn. Anna Weber decided she would like to be a goalie, so we found her some pads and a stick and put her in net. Nick Ruff, a goalie from Yorkton came to every practice to help work with Anna. She is loving the game and being a goalie. The kids would shoot and raise the puck on Anna, but she never flinched, and tried to save them all. She was always smiling and waiting for the next puck coming her way. A game was played on Mar 5th against the parents. There were many laughs and memories were created for everyone involved. The kids had a lot of energy and the parents were sweating but in the end, everyone played a good game and had fun. The dedication and commitment from the players and kids was unbelievable. They played through Christmas holidays, February break, and will continue to play until they lock the rink doors. The kids and parents have been a great group to play with and I am sure everyone is looking forward to next year.
Players from the Springside Rec hockey team enjoy noncompetitive recreational hockey.

Springside Parkland Lions Ladies Hockey

-Geoff Gray
The Springside Parkland Lions participated in the Bantam A Female Provincials, knocking off Weyburn easily in the first round. In the second round we came up against a very good Estevan squad, and the first game in Springside last Wednesday resulted in a 4- 4 tie, setting up a one game showdown in Estevan Sunday afternoon. While the girls played very well, we came up a goal short, losing 3 to 2. This brought the girls quest for a provincial championship to an end, and we are now turning our focus to the league playoffs. The girls finished the regular season in second place, and received a bye in the first round of playoffs for their efforts. The second round of playoffs begins Wednesday in Springside, with the host team facing off against Weyburn. The season has gone very well, and the girls are an outstanding group of young ladies and athletes. Herb Breitkreuz and the rest of the coaching staff are looking forward to playoffs. We all believe the girls have an excellent opportunity to win the teams first league championship.

Springside Skating Club News

-Michelle Eckhart
It has been an eventful and fun filled year for the Skating Club. Our skaters have been busy learning new skills and performing for the public at Carnival. Carnival was held on March 4th and the Skating Club would like to thank all of those that attended. We would like to invite you to attend our Annual Ladies Night entitled Boots, Belts & Beauties on April 21, 2012. Tickets are $25.00 which includes one beverage. We are encouraging everyone to dress in their country best for the evening! Tickets are available from Janine Graves at 792- 2123 or Tracey Werner at 792-2143. Please come out and join us for a great evening which includes a meal, entertainment, and many great prizes. The Skating club would like to thank the many parents, volunteers, and the public for their continued support throughout the year. We would also like to thank our skating coach, Christine Strang for her tremendous job with our skaters.

Springside Seniors Centre

-Peter Chuchak

not had an opportunity to share. We invite you to drop by the Centre and perhaps incorporate them in our seniors activities. May you all have a memorable and joyous Easter. May God bless all with health safety and love.

Happy Easter from the Seniors Centre.

Springside Skating Club presents

With an exceptionally warm winter, the seniors were fortunate to attend and enjoy all of our activities and functions without having to do any rescheduling. Though we still may get a surprise change in the weather, at this time of the season it should be short lived. At our January potluck supper we had entertainment provided by Ed Hicke and George Flander. Vincent Churko entertained us in February. We have Len Gadica booked for the March potluck. We have guests attend our potluck and as they leave, we hear comments of how much they enjoyed the live entertainment. All are impressed by the spread we lay out for supper. We the seniors are proud of our efforts and strive to do even better. We extend our invitation to all of you, every last Thursday of the month. Bring your favorite dish or dessert and enjoy the smorg and fellowship. There is no admission fee. Welcome all. We had twenty participants sign up for our February shuffleboard tournament. Many of us were not recipients of prize money, (including my partner and myself) however; we all had double our moneys worth of fun. Cribbage is also a monthly event. Other events featured are: wellness, whist, bingo and pool. We also have regular meetings. Please note that annual memberships are due. Our bulletin board is scheduled with events and activities of interest to any age group. We continually are in search of new ideas. There are many in our community with talent and skills that you may have and

Ladies Night Out

Boots, Belts and Beauties

Saturday, April 21st Springside Town Hall Cocktails 5:30 Supper 6:30 Entertainment, 50/50 draws, raffle tickets, prizes for the best dressed Western Gal. Join us for a fun evening. Tickets are $25.00 (which includes one free beverage with your supper) available at Springside Fine Foods or call Janine Graves at 792-2123 or Tracey Werner at 792-2143

Springside Community Bitz

Word has been received of the passing of Esther (Dutz) Heppner of Kelowna , B.C. Condolences are extended to family and friends. A belated but very sincere Thank You is extended to everyone who showed up to help at the fall supper which was held in November. What a wonderful surprise to have so many volunteers do so much to help make the evening a success. It is people like you who make our community such a wonderful place to live.

Springside Skating Club Ice Carnival 2012

So You think You can Skate!

Sunday March 4th, the Springside Recreation Complex played host to the Springside Skating Clubs annual skating carnival. A large crowd gathered to spend an entertaining afternoon watching the accomplishments of our young athletes. Guest skaters for the afternoon were Laney Hancock and Carolyn Hauser, both from the Yorkton Figure Skating Club. This years recipient of the Jody Semeniuk Memorial award for most enthusiastic skater was shared between Tyla Stott and Grace Balog. The Ernie Romaniuk memorial award for most sportsmanlike skater went to Tayler Shindle.

Congratulations to all the skaters in the club on a job well done!

Tyler & Jodi Werner

Were married on January 18, 2012 at Nassau Breezes Resort in the Bahamas. Tyler is the son of Evan & Barb Werner of Springside, SK. Jodi is the daughter of Joe & Mary Jean Soprocalle of Good Soil, SK.

Congratulations & Best Wishes on your recent marriage may you always remember the love you shared on that day!

Home Daycare Spaces Available

Experienced, reliable, responsible mother of two providing full time childcare in her home. Meals, crafts, activities and fresh air provided. For more information call Tabitha Brandt at 792-4443

Mothers Day Word Search Solution

M U T T E R M P M A D R E A A M A K U A H I N E M B M M U T E R H M M O O O A A M A E T O A M A D H K K A T E E M A M U N E R R A A Z I R J S A A H M I A Z N I -

Sudoku Solution

7 4 8 2 6 9

9 3 5 1 7 4

1 6 2 5 3 8

8 9 6 3 1 2

5 7 3 4 9 6

4 2 1 8 5 7

2 1 7 9 8 3

3 5 9 6 4 1

6 8 4 7 2 5

1 6 7 4 8 3 5 2 9 5 2 4 7 1 9 6 8 3 3 8 9 5 2 6 4 7 1

The Pet Corner

Skunk Spray Neutralizer Recipe

1 qt. 3% hydrogen peroxide (fresh bottle) cup baking soda 1-2 tsps. Liquid dish soap Mix ingredients together in an open container and use immediately. Apply thoroughly to the fur and allow the solution to remain on the fur for five minutes then rinse with water. Application may be repeated if needed. The solution may be used on pets or people. Avoid splashing into eyes or mouth. Never mix ingredients in advance or store the solution in a closed container because the oxygen released may cause the container to explode. This solution will discolor fabric. Recipe was developed by Paul Krebaum, a Chemist from Lisle, Ill.

When your best friend isnt feeling well

Does your pet typically beg for food when youre eating, or sniff around the kitchen when youre cooking? If your normally always-hungry pet begins to turn down food or treats, it can be alarming. However, loss of appetite does not always mean illness, although many pets do refuse to eat if they are feeling unwell. If your pet doesnt eat for 48 hours or starts displaying other symptoms, consult your vet. Other non-illnessrelated reasons your dog or cat may not have an appetite: Food intolerance. While some pets have stomachs tough enough to eat out of the garbage (sometimes literally, when they are misbehaving!), others may have very delicate digestive systems. Choose high-quality, unprocessed and balanced diets to help avoid digestive upsets like as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Sensitive temperaments. Did your pets normal environment change? Travel, new pets in the household, or even a new location for your pets food dish can cause emotional distress or anxiety in your pet, which can affect appetite. If a new pet was introduced, monitor feeding to ensure your pet isnt encountering an aggressive situation every time he or she tries to eat. Fur balls in cats are usually harmless, causing mild discomfort and digestive disruptions. Dry foods can help reduce the formation of fur balls in the stomach and sweep the fur along the intestines in the right direction. Note: In severe, rare cases an obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract may be caused if a fur ball cannot be passed. Closely monitor your pet and seek medical care if necessary.

Guardian Angel Animal Rescue

306-728-7616 or 306-783-7771
Will foster stray, abandoned, neglected, unwanted, and abused animals. GAAR members will strive to find the right home best suited to an individual animal. We will not place animals simply as a means to move them out. Guardian Angel Animal Rescue defines a "good" home as one that is a match for the animals temperament, energy level and training requirements. A good home must meet both the physical and psychological needs of the animal.

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. ~George Eliot

Whitesand Wildlife Federation Awards Night & Banquet

On the evening of March 17 at the Theodore Rec Centre, Club President Evan Werner with the help of Murray Werner presented plaques to the predetermined winners of various categories. Northern Pike Junior: 1. Mitchell Madsen - 24lbs 6oz Walleye Junior: 1. Marrisa Chartier 5lbs 6oz Logan Ross - 5lbs 6oz 2. Robert Bodnarchuk 1lbs Perch Junior: 1. Robert Bodnarchuk 12oz Walleye Ladies: 1. Oreshia Stengel - 5lbs 7oz Northern Pike Men: 1. Randy Bodnarchuk 9lbs 12oz 2. Murray Werner 6lbs 6oz Walleye Men: 1. Ron Ross 14lbs 7oz 2. Rick Chartier 11lbs 5oz 3. Rick Chartier 10lbs 11oz 4. Rick Chartier 8lbs 3oz 5. Evan Werner 6lbs 1oz 6. Murray Werner 2lbs Perch Men: 1. Ian Spearman 1lbs 3oz Whitetail Deer Mens: 1. Garth Breitkreuz 153 4/8 2. Don Gawryluik 148 2/8 3. Jack Konkel 139 6/8 4. Wayne Kozak 135 3/8 5. Matthew Shindle 134 4/8 6. Barry Kozak 129 7. Jamie Breitkreuz 128 8. Evan Werner 121 5/8 Whitetail Deer (Non-typical): 1. Bernie Grunert 155 6/8 (pictured) Moose: 1. Kalvin Werner 188 5/8 Elk: 1. Tracey Werner 236 6/8 (pictured) Mule Deer: 1. Leonard Foster 139 5/8 (pictured)

Mule Deer (Non-typical): 1. Rob Kobsar 194 5/8 Photography Wildlife: 1. Rick Chartier (pictured)

3rd Annual Ditch Clean

Will be held Saturday May 12th, To get involved or to become a club member call Evan: (306)647-2742

Bitz nBytes would like to think the following for their generous donations;
Jim and Cheryl Graves Ray Pakish Town of Springside Mervin & Shirley Guy Nelson & Ros Arndt Bill & Arlene Ward Terrence & Lynda Langley Emil & Sonya Biblow Trevor & Annie Shindle Darren Lowe Metro Skwarchuk Joyce & Bill Anaka Joyce Cockle Whitesand Wildlife Federation & to all who contribute anonymously through our donation boxes located at various businesses in Springside. It is only through your generosity that we can make this paper happen.

Watch for our summer issue which will be distributed in midJuly. Deadline for submissions is June 15th. Please adhere to the deadline date. Thank you.

Our most sincere gratitude is extended to Mr. Ray Kerr and Toshiba in Yorkton for all their support in making our paper a reality.

Bitzn Bytes is a community newspaper, created by non -paid volunteers and not affiliated with, or funded by any club or organization. Canada Post rates are applicable to all mail outs as well as insertion into the mailboxes. Any donations are gratefully accepted and appreciated. If you wish to contribute to the paper, please make your cheque payable to BitznBytes, Box 388, Springside, SK. S0A 3V0. Donation cans are also located at Springside Fine Foods, Cornerstone Credit Union-Springside Branch, and the town office. Money raised will be used for the creation and distribution of the paper. Receipts are available upon request.

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