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Department of Student Welfare and Services

Room 101 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University +63.2.426.6001 local 5445

SUBJECT: DSWS AY 2011-2012 Shirt Design

9 April 2012 Greetings, earthlings! Who are not busy this summer? May I request for volunteers who are capable of designing our official DSWS AY 2011-2012 shirt? Yes, the one that should have been for last year. This is so that come next school year, it will be ready. Making of designs and ideas are open to all members and even alumni of the said school year. I will inform and contact the AY 2011-2012 core members for them to discuss which design they opt to have printed for the shirt of the said school year. For the incoming school year, AY 2012-2013, there will be new members obviously. And so with this, we will have to wait until July, maybe, to choose and finalize the design for the abovementioned academic year in order to give chance to the new and incoming members for them to pass their designs too. For this, I will have to limit the submissions of the designs to the would-be-current AY 2012-2013 members. May I request you guys to please pass your designs by the end of Aprilthats April 30, exactly 3 weeks from now. Kindly please send your entries to Do NOT post them in Facebook or elsewhere. Guidelines for the designs are 1.) it MUST be wearable within campus (meaning no green connotations, bad words, etc.), 2.) alumni from earlier batches can wear and avail of it, 3.) not too many colors and must be visible in both black and white background, and most importantly 4.) it must be related to DSWS (loans, lost & found, carpool, SST, DSWS family, etc.). Other than that, let your creative juices flow! Shirt printing will probably start by September depending on the progress of the org. We will have the shirts of AY 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 printed simultaneously to avail of the the more the less principle of mass production. So please, I know that most of you have nothing better to do this summer, so what better way to spend it by contributing your awesomeness to the org! Have you any questions, comments, violent reactions, you may contact me at 0917.538.4224 or email me at So please pass your designs! Thank you. P.S. The kind and awesome soul of whose design will be chosen will receive a small reward (small lang, ha!) be it a discount on the shirt or whatever, we will think about it. :D Joanne Montalbo Human Resources Head Noted By: Danielle Santos Secretary General

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