Thermal Resistance Calculation of AlGaN-GaN Devices

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11, NOVEMBER 2004


Thermal Resistance Calculation of AlGaNGaN Devices

Ali Mohamed Darwish, Andrew J. Bayba, and H. Alfred Hung
AbstractWe present an original accurate closed-form expression for the thermal resistance of a multinger AlGaNGaN high electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) device on a variety of host substrates including SiC, Si, and sapphire, as well as the case of a single-crystal GaN wafer. The model takes into account the thickness of GaN and host substrate layers, the gate pitch, length, width, and thermal conductivity of GaN, and host substrate. The models validity is veried by comparing it with experimental observations. In addition, the model compares favorably with the results of numerical simulations for many different devices; very close (1%2%) agreement is observed. Having an analytical expression for the channel temperature is of great importance for designers of power devices and monolithic microwave integrated circuits. In addition, it facilitates a number of investigations that are not practical or possible using time-consuming numerical simulations. The closed-form expression facilitates the concurrent optimization of electrical and thermal properties using standard computer-aided design tools. Index TermsAlGaN, GaN, high electron-mobility transistor (HEMT), reliability, thermal resistance, wide bandgap.
Fig. 1. FET HEMT dimensions. Gate dimensions are thickness is t , and gate-to-gate spacing is s.

L 2W

, substrate


HE reliability and power performance of GaN devices depend critically on the operating channel temperature. Record power densities [1][4], i.e., 30 W/mm [1], have been obtained, usually from single-nger (or double-nger) devices, which run cooler than multinger devices. In multinger devices, lower power densities are observed [5]. This is mainly due to thermal effects. The device performance is critically affected by self-heating [6]. The maximum allowed channel temperature drives the design of the cooling system, device package, and maximum dc/RF power limitations. Therefore, an accurate estimate of channel temperature is highly desirable. Generally, the temperature behavior is governed by the three-dimensional Laplace equation. Only a few cases (e.g., concentric spheres, concentric cylinders, parallel plates) can be solved analytically in closed form [7], [8]. The rest are either intractable or result in innite series summations [8]. Hence, numerical solutions are more commonly pursued and a number of accurate simulators have been developed based on nite-volume, nite-difference, and nite-element techniques.12

However, numerical methods are not practical for most circuit designers since they are time consuming, require expensive software packages, and do not allow for interactive optimization of device conguration during monolithic-microwave integrated-circuit (MMIC) designs. In this paper, a simple closed-form expression for the channel temperature that is highly accurate (1%2%) is presented. The current theoretical approach closely mimics the actual heat/temperature propagation and, hence, allows the visualization of the constant-temperature contours. To our knowledge, this is the rst closed-form expression for thermal resistance of GaN high electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) devices. This paper is an expansion of a previously published paper [9]. The solution of Laplaces equation in prolate spheroidal and cylindrical coordinates will be used in a similar manner to our earlier analysis of GaAs eld-effect transistors (FETs) [10]. The availability of an analytical expression for the channel temperature is of great importance to designers of power devices and MMICs. It facilitates the optimization of the device layout to reduce the thermal resistance. Second, it facilitates the study of how device parameters affect reliability. II. PROBLEM DEFINITION AND SOLUTION Consider an HEMT with a constant highly localized heat source (Fig. 1) on a substrate of thickness . The gate of the device represents a heat source with length and width , gategate spacing , and GaN layer thickness . The substrate

Manuscript received April 21, 2004. The authors are with the Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD 20783 USA (e-mail:;; Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TMTT.2004.837200
1ANSYS 2Thermal

Inc., ANSYS 7.0, Canonsburg, PA, 2002. Analysis System 6.1, Harvard Thermal Inc., Harvard, MA, 1997.

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright.




Fig. 2. Cross section of HEMT. Each HEMT is composed of multiple ngers. Finger spacing is s. Heat spreads in regions IIII.

is assumed to be wide enough that it has no effect on the temperature (no constraint of heat ux). The following boundary conditions are assumed. 1) The dissipated power generates a constant heat ux directly under the gates (surface area of heat source is for each gate). 2) All surfaces (except bottom of substrate) are adiabatic, no heat ux allowed. 3) The bottom of the substrate is an isothermal surface (constant temperature) plane. 4) The substrates used (GaN, SiC, Si, or sapphire) have a constant thermal conductivity . The cross section of a typical device is shown in Fig. 2. In the analysis, the AlGaN barrier layer is assumed to have no effect on the thermal resistance because it is typically very thin and has negligible thermal resistance. Additionally, any nucleation layer (between the substrate and GaN layer) has negligible thickness and, hence, has minimal thermal inuence. Numerical analysis was used to verify that the barrier and nucleation layers have trivial effect on the thermal resistance. The device is viewed as a two-layer problem with a long and thin heat source on the top and an isothermal base at the bottom. The problem shall be divided into three distinct regions, i.e., IIII. Region I is contained in the GaN buffer layer. Regions II and III are contained in the substrate material, with region II being the one close to the GaN interface (see Fig. 3). The following observations and assumptions will lead to the solution. 1) For an HEMT having multiple ngers, the outer ngers are the coolest. The ngers in the middle are the hottest. The middle ngers are surrounded to the left- and righthand side with numerous ngers and we can assume that we have adiabatic planes between each nger and the next (see dashed lines in Fig. 2). 2) In region I, isothermal surfaces propagate as circular cylinders [see Fig. 3(a)], the cylinder length is into and out of the page. 3) In region II, isothermal surfaces propagate as prolate spheroids.


(c) Fig. 3. (a) Three-dimensional view of isothermal surfaces for regions IIII. (b) Cross section of HEMT with typical isothermal surfaces shown for regions IIII. The total resistance is the sum of resistance of each region. (c) Cross section of HEMT with typical isothermal surfaces shown based on ANSYS simulation. The gate is the hottest region. In this case, the following values were used: t = 100 m, t = 1 m, L = 0:25 m, W = 250 m, and s = 25 m.



In region III, isothermal surfaces propagate as elliptic cylinders, the cylinder length is horizontal (left- to righthand side of page). The total thermal resistance equals the sum of the thermal resistances of all regions


The inner spheroid is now completely specied. The outer spheroid should cover the resistance up to the adiabatic line located away from center. As explained in the Appendix, the correct choice for the minor radius of the outer spheroid is . Thus,

The thermal resistance of region I is the resistance between and . The resistance for region II is between sursurface and , and for region III, the resistance is between face and . In the following, the thermal resistance surface of each region shall be evaluated. A. Region I Thermal Resistance The resistance of the GaN layer can be estimated by using the resistance of a cylinder between two planes (see the Appendix). Inspection of Fig. 3 suggests the following assignments (refer to the Appendix for an explanation of some of the notations used):

The major radius can be deduced from

as follows:

The thermal resistance equations can now be simplied. The result for region II is

For surface

, the radius is roughly equal to

. Hence,


B. Region II Thermal Resistance Here, the isothermal surfaces are assumed to be prolate spheroids and, hence, Laplaces equation solution for prolate spheroids shall be used. The general solution is given in the Appendix. Inspection of Fig. 3(b) suggests the following assignments: C. Region III Thermal Resistance Here, the isothermal surfaces are assumed to be elliptic cylinders and, hence, Laplaces equation solution for elliptic cylindrical coordinates shall be used. The general solution is given in the Appendix. It is most sensible to match the radii of region with region IIs outer surface IIIs inner surface

The inner prolate spheroid is expected to have a major radius equal to half the gatewidth

Since the cylinders run perpendicular to the gate ngers, the length is set equal to the gate spacing

For the inner prolate spheroid, the minor radius is expected to , where is estimated be proportional to and, thus, to be based on geometrical reasoning. The inner radius is also expected to be proportional to the ratio of thermal conductivities of the two materials. The reason for this is that a poor thermal substrate, for example, will impede the heat ow and act as a bottleneck leading to higher thermal resistance. This bottle neck effect can be accounted for by reducing the minor radius of the prolate spheroid by the ratio of . The opposite is also true for a good thermal substrate. Thus, the minor radius is chosen as

The inner elliptic cylinder is now completely specied. The outer elliptic cylinder should cover the resistance up to the bottom plane located away from gate center. As explained in the Appendix, the correct choice for the minor radius of the outer elliptic cylinder is equal to , where . Thus,

The major radius can be deduced from the fact that




Now the thermal resistance equations can be simplied. The result for region III is


Fig. 4. Dependence of thermal resistance on SiC substrate thickness (t) for several practical thicknesses.

At this point, we can summarize all of the above results and evaluate the total thermal resistance as

Fig. 5. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate length (L ) for several practical situations.




The metal thickness of the gate, drain, and source is thin (2 m or less), thus, its heat capacity can be ignored. Numerical analysis predicts a slight reduction in thermal resistance if the drain/source metal is thick (more than 2 m). The substrate thickness is greater than the gate pitch , which is typically the case. III. VERIFICATION OF MODEL

The equations have been rearranged and simplied. The thermal resistance is composed of three terms, i.e., a GaN contribution and two substrate contributions. The substrate contribution is made up of two components, i.e., the thermal spreading resistance and the bulk thermal resistance. As expected, the thermal spreading term is independent of the substrate thickness , and the bulk thermal resistance term is inversely proportional to gate pitch (approximately). Finally, it should be pointed out that, in constructing the model, several approximations were made. They need to be observed to ensure the accuracy of the result. 1) The heat source is long and thin, i.e., and , which is typically the case in HEMT structures. 2) There are at least two gate ngers on each side of the center gate nger in order to justify adiabatic boundary conditions.

The best way to test the validity of a model is against experimental data. However, direct measurement of temperature is not readily achieved since infrared techniques often employed have limited spatial resolution. Thus, we shall consider other means of validation. One of the most accurate means, showing excellent agreement with experiment [14], of calculating thermal resistance, heat ux, and temperature is through the use of sophisticated nite-element programs. To verify our model, we used one of the standard nite-elements programs, i.e., ANSYS. The element shape selected is tetrahedral, and highly rened meshing is chosen to ensure the accuracy of the result (at the expense of speed). The analysis is performed on a GaN HEMT structure, as shown in Fig. 1. Very close agreement is observed (within 1%2%) between ANSYS and the solutions from the current theoretical model. and are Figs. 47 show the comparison as changed, respectively. Unless otherwise specied, the following parameters were used. m. m. m. m.



Fig. 6. Dependence of thermal resistance on gatewidth (W ) for several practical widths.

Fig. 8. Dependence of thermal resistance on sapphire substrate thickness for several practical thicknesses.

Fig. 7. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate pitch (s) for several practical spacings, assuming t = 100 m.

Fig. 9. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate length (L ) for several practical situations.

m. W/cm K. W/cm K. The parameters were varied across a wide range of practical situations. Close observation of the curves shows that, in many instances, our model and ANSYS are indistinguishable. On average, the difference is only 1%2%. The overall excellent agreement observed suggests that our model very closely mimics the actual heat ux and temperature propagation in the structure. The above analysis is repeated for GaN on sapphire. and Figs. 811 show the comparison as are changed, respectively. Unless otherwise specied, the following parameters were used. m. m. m. m. m. W/cm K. W/cm K. The parameters were varied across a wide range of practical situations. Very close agreement is observed. It is instructive to compare this set of curves with the preceding set GaNSiC curves. As expected, a signicant increase in thermal resistance is evident. The same analysis and comparison is repeated for GaN on , and silicon. Figs. 1215 show the comparison as

Fig. 10. Dependence of thermal resistance on gatewidth (W ) for several practical widths.

Fig. 11. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate pitch (s) for several practical spacings, t = 100 m.



Fig. 12. Dependence of thermal resistance on Si substrate thickness several practical thicknesses.

for Fig. 15. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate pitch (s) for several practical spacings, t = 100 m.

Fig. 13. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate length (L ) for several practical situations.

Fig. 16. Dependence of thermal resistance on GaN substrate thickness t for several practical thicknesses.

Fig. 14. Dependence of thermal resistance on gatewidth (W ) for several practical widths.

are changed, respectively. Unless otherwise specied, the following parameters were used. m. m. m. m. m. W/cm K. W/cm K. The parameters were varied across a wide range of practical situations. Very close agreement is observed. Lastly, the same analysis and comparison is repeated for GaN on GaN (i.e., single-crystal GaN wafer). Figs. 1619 show the comparison as and are changed, respectively. Unless otherwise specied, the following parameters were used. m. m.

Fig. 17. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate length (L ) for several practical situations.

m. m. W/cm K. The parameters were varied across a wide range of practical situations. Very close agreement is observed. The above cases present a comparison between the theoretical model and ANSYS numerical simulations in approximately 200 different scenarios where every device parameter was varied across a wide range. The consistent agreement between the two suggests that the model very closely mimics the actual heat propagation. Table I compares the thermal resistance of a specic GaN device on sapphire, SiC, and Si substrates. It should be pointed out that, in all the above analyses, the thermal conductivity was assumed to be constant. In reality, is temperature dependent. This can be easily taken into account analytically without any approximation using Kirchhoffs



Fig. 18. Dependence of thermal resistance on gatewidth (W ) for several practical widths.


Fig. 19. Dependence of thermal resistance on gate pitch (s) for several practical spacings, t = 100 m. TABLE I THERMAL RESISTANCE COMPARISON FOR DIFFERENT SUBSTRATES (b) Fig. 20. (a) Comparison between calculated and measured channel temperature [13]. (b) Comparison between calculated and measured channel temperature [13].

transformation [16] once the temperature-independent thermal resistance is calculated using the model above. The model accounts for the temperature difference between the gate and base plate (assumed to be at constant temperature) only. It does not include the effects of the package (mounting method, package material, etc.). IV. COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENT The submicrometer gate-length dimension makes it very challenging to measure temperature right at the channel. Nonetheless, Kuball et al. were able to measure channel temperature with high resolution using Raman spectroscopy [13]. This is an attractive high-precision (approximately 1- m resolution) approach to measuring the channel temperature without perturbing the device. The following device parameters were used: gate-gate spacing (25 m); gate length (0.8 m); gatewidth (250 m);

number of gates (8); substrate thickness (350 m); thermal conductivity: ( cm); total power input, 20 V 670 mA; base heating: 20% of peak temperature. The measured channel temperature was Measured C


Our model predicts, at room-temperature operation, a peak temperature rise Calculated C C if if W K cm W K cm

This is close to the measured value. Moreover, [13] measured temperature at varying input powers for two devices (8 250 m and 4 250 m). The four-nger case violates the second assumption at the end of Section II. Nonetheless, it will be analyzed with the expectation that our model will over estimate the temperature. The data is plotted on Fig. 20(a) and (b) along with our models prediction for two cases: W/cm K, and



W/cm K. The rst value was used in order to be consistent with [13] simulation assumptions. The second value was used based on [15] and meaof a high purity semi-insulating substrate surements3 of was found to be equal to 4.9 W/cm K along the where -axis [15], and 4.08 W/cm K along the -axis. In calculating the channel temperature, again, room-temperature operation was assumed and that the base heats up by 20% of the peak temperature rise is consistent with [13]. Our models predictions case) are very close to the simulation results in (for case) are very [13]. Our models predictions (for is more close to the measured data. The second value of accurate according to [15]. As expected, our model, which assumes a large number (ve or more) of ngers shows better agreement with the eight-nger device [see Fig. 20(b)]. As was pointed out in [13], several issues contribute to the difference between theory and experiment. First, the measurement has 10 C margin of error. Second, there are many uncertainties and in the simulation, including the proper values of . Lastly, the thermal conductivity is assumed to be constant with temperature. In reality, it is temperature dependent and decreases as a function of temperature. That may be why the measured data curves up [see Fig. 20(b)] as the dissipated power increases. This nonlinearity can be accounted for in the model using Kirchhoffs transformation [16]. V. CONCLUSION An accurate model is presented for the thermal resistance of AlGaNGaN on a variety of host substrates including SiC, Si, and sapphire, as well as the case of a single-crystal GaN wafer. A simple closed-form expression based on device geometry, conguration, and material parameters has been derived. Excellent agreement has been obtained between the model and extensive ANSYS numerical simulations across various variables (substrate thickness, gate pitch, gatewidth, and gate length); close to 200 cases have been compared. The model was veried by comparing it to experimental data. Again, close agreement is observed. The closed-form model can be readily used by device and MMIC designers to optimize the device geometry and conguration to achieve the desired thermal performance. The development of an analytical expression for the channel temperature is of great importance to designers of power devices and MMICs. It facilitates layout optimization and reliability improvement. APPENDIX Laplaces equation has a closed-form solution in many coordinates including curvilinear coordinates.

Fig. 21.

Cylinder between two innite planes.

Below is the solution in elliptic cylindrical coordinates and prolate spheroidal coordinates. References [11] and [12] may be consulted for more details. A. Cylinder Between Two Planes The thermal resistance of a cylinder between two planes (see Fig. 21) is [11]

where is the cylinder length (parallel to gate), is the thermal conductivity, is the substrate thickness, and is the inner radius. If we have half a cylinder above a plane, then the resistance is twice the above. B. Prolate Spheroidal Coordinates The thermal resistance of two confocal prolate spheroids with minor radii and , respectively, and major radii and , respectively, is


provided that

with S. G. Mller, CREE Inc., Durham, NC, who measured along a-axis [see [15]] and along the c-axis (unpublished data) and determined that k along the c-axis is approximately 20%30% less than k along the a-axis. Thus, along the c-axis, a value of 4:9=1:2 = 4:08 W/cm 1 K is expected. The commonly used value of k = 3:3 W/cm 1 K is based on earlier substrates with lower purity than currently achieved.


The challenge in estimating thermal resistance is to properly map the dimensions of the problem at hand to the correct radii of the inner and outer prolate spheroids. In doing so, a common issue is how to pick the radius of a spheroid to approximate a plane. It has been shown [17] through analytical and numerical methods that the thermal resistance is a slowly changing function of the conductor shape and aspect ratio provided the total area is held constant. Based on that, we can compute a geometrical factor that scales the radius such that the arc lengths are equal (see Fig. 22) inside/outside of the plane . For the prolate spheroid, the geometrical factor .



Fig. 22. Geometrical scaling factor for the spheroid minor radius is chosen . such that

L =L

C. Elliptic Cylindrical Coordinates Given two half-plane confocal elliptic cylinders, i.e., A and and and major radii and , B, with minor radii respectively, and cylinder length (perpendicular to gate), the thermal resistance between them is


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provided that

Following similar reasoning as above, a geometrical factor for elliptic cylinders can be estimated as .

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Ali Mohamed Darwish was born in Manhattan, KS, in 1969. He received the B.Sc. and M.S. degrees (with honors) in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park, in 1990 and 1992, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, in 1996. In 1990, he joined COMSAT Laboratories, where he conducted the experimental work for his M.S. thesis. In 1992, he was a Research Assistant with the Optics and Quantum Electronics Group, MIT. In 1997, he cofounded Amcom Communications Inc., a leading supplier of high-power microwave devices. In May 2003, he joined the RF Electronics Division, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, where he currently conducts research on wide-bandgap materials (GaN), thermal analysis of active devices, and novel MMIC concepts. Dr. Darwish was the recipient of a National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellowship.



Andrew J. Bayba received the B.S. degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, in 1985, and the Masters degree from The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, in 1992, both in mechanical engineering. For over 18 years, he has been a Mechanical Engineer with the Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, where, for the last ve years, he has focused on packaging and heat removal of high-power-density RF Devices. Mr. Bayba is a Professional Engineer in the state of Maryland. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

H. Alfred Hung received the S.B. degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, in 1968, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in 1970, and 1974, respectively. He is currently with the Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, where he is involved with the development of new electronic devices, sensors, and multifunction RF subsystems. His research interests include wide-bandgap and compound semiconductors and RF microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technologies for millimeter-wave and mixed-signal integrated circuits. He is the Army lead in numerous research programs. He previously held various research, functional, and program management positions with General Technical Services, TRW, Raytheon, and COMSAT Laboratories. He was also an Adjunct Professor with the George Washington University. He has been involved in the areas of GaAs and InP HEMTs and HBTs, related MMICs, and subsystems integration, as well as optical/microwave techniques for wireless and radar systems and terrestrial and satellite communications. He has authored or coauthored over 100 publications in journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He is on the Editorial Boards of technical journals. Dr. Hung has also been active with IEEE conference technical committees.

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