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April 9, 2012 Attorney Michal Teneh Office of Freedom of Information Ministry of Justice 29 Salah A-Din Street By fax: 02-646-7085

By email: Response within 14 days is kindly requested.

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@ea, c=US Date: 2012.04.09 16:08:40 +03'00'

RE: Request for reconsideration of response (T/6), pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (1988), in re: Detainees Courts Dear Attorney Teneh: Thank you for your response, referenced above, pertaining to the Detainees Courts of the State of Israel. [1] I write to request that you reconsider your response, for the following reasons: 1. Your response indicates that you understood my request as seeking contact information for the Detainees Courts and their clerks. I apologize if my request was ambiguous. The request was for official, legal information regarding the names and locations of the Detainees Courts, which are currently in operation. 2. The request for legal records, pertaining establishment of the specific facilities, in locations, which are currently in operation, was not addressed at all in your response. 3. The request for legal records, pertaining to the appointment of Clerks of the Detainees Courts, currently in operation, and their duties and responsibilities, was not addressed at all in your response. 4. The web page, to which you referred in your response (screen print attached), is undated and unsigned. Moreover, the identity of the website and server is not verified. Such web site cannot be reasonably considered valid, official publication for the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act (1988). 5. It is also doubted that the information on the web page is complete. The web pages of attorneys, who routinely appear before the Detainees Courts, list additional Detainees Courts, in locations other the ones listed in the web page. Therefore, I would be grateful, if you would provide official records, which provide the legal foundation for: 1. The establishment of each of the individual Detainees Court facilities, which are in operation today, in their various locations. 2. The appointment of each of the individual Clerks (or equivalents) in each of the facilities of the Detainees Courts, which are in operation today. Also, I would be grateful if you would clarify, what the valid registration in your office is of Freedom of Information requests. I noticed that some of the responses are designated numbers, T-6, T-53, while others are designated numbers, 12/6, 11/53. 1/2

Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD

ID: 05362559-6 PO Box 31440 Jerusalem 91313 Email:

LINKS: [1] 12-04-02 Freedom of Information response (T/6) by the Ministry of Justice, in re: a) Apostille certification procedure, b) Names, locations, clerks of the Detainees Courts

April 9, 2012 Screen Print of web page at:


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