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MM2DM2 Design & Manufacture

Project Brief: Energy Optimisation Design Project Type: System Design Deadline: Poster Presentation during Design Office (11.00-13:00) on Wednesday 27th April 2011. Poster will be submitted to the respective tutor upon presentation.

This is an individual exercise which requires research into energy resources and efficient use of generated energy. Novel solutions are required to power the Sutton Bonnington campus with the objective of sustainability.

Learning Outcomes: It is intended that students will gain particular learning outcomes, viz: Systems Design. Achieving sustainability requires system design. The aim of supplying electrical power and heat to the Sutton Bonnington campus will require you to approach the problem in a holistic fashion. You will need to look critically at the renewable energy methods possible (and combinations of these methods). Also methods of using that energy in an efficient manner will need to be addressed. Your solution will have an impact on the environment and these effects need to be considered at the design stage. This is an indeterminate design project, and as a result, you will be responsible, in some part, for specifying the problem as well as providing a solution. Research You will be given some details of the existing Sutton Bonnington power generation system, the amount of power used currently and a cost per annum to pay for gas/electricity as well as maintenance. You will need to do your research to determine suitable ways of providing equivalent heating and power outputs. The quality of your final solution will rely upon your ability to find the relevant information. Individual working-This is an individual design assignment and the indeterminate nature of the project leads naturally to the development of unique solutions. Communication skills Your key deliverable for this project will be a poster which you will present. It must be well thought out and present your solution in a concise and convincing manner.


Requirements: You are required to design an energy production system for providing the electrical and heating requirements of the University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonnington campus. In line with sustainability objectives, your design should consider/include (amongst other aspects): 1. Energy. The energy that you produce must be from a renewable source. This includes solar, hydro, wind, geothermal, or biomass power. Any combination of these sources can be used. 2. Social and Environmental Impact. How will your design impact surrounding residents, wildlife, and plant life? Will you be affecting future generations in and adverse way? 3. CO2 Neutral. You should aim to achieve an output of zero additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (Note that biomass will release C0 2 as it burns, however, plant life uses C02 for synthesis and it is possible to develop a closed carbon cycle.) 4. Efficient Energy Use. The electrical and heating infrastructure on the campus may be replaced in order to make best use of the energy that you produce. (Note that your system may produce surplus electricity that could be sold back to the National Grid.) 5. Cost. The University will be providing the funding for this renewals project and, as such, your solution should show an economic benefit. You will need to outline the cost of capital investment and other operational costs. Your design should break even within a 10 year period. Additional government subsidies may be available as renewable energy is of national interest. Your final submission will be a poster presentation and you will be asked to justify your solution to your tutor in a brief period of time (5 minutes maximum).

Background information: The Sutton Bonnington Campus The Sutton Bonnington (SB) Campus at the University of Nottingham comprises the School of Biosciences, ten residential buildings and eight support services buildings. The SB campus also includes a number of agricultural farms not located directly on the campus but situated in the surrounding area. The current provision for electrical power on the SB campus is supplied from the National Grid.


The heat-only plant is used to raise the temperature of the hot water flowing through a district heating system from the return temperature of 130 degrees Celsius to a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. The hot water is pumped to a pressure of 6 bar before it enters the heat-only plant and is distributed around the district heating system through a network of pipes. The heat-only plant consists of a boiler fired from natural gas. The annual maintenance costs for the existing plant equipment are estimated to be 2,000. The total energy consumption by the SB campus can be taken as follows: 1. Heating: 2. Electricity: 11,000,000 KWh per year 10,000,000 KWh per year

The total cost for this energy is 500,000 per annum. In the current climate, you can expect the cost for this energy to rise by 10% per year over the next 10 years. It can be assumed that these levels of energy consumption will remain stable over the next 10 years. For the purpose of this assignment, these numbers should be achieved using renewable energy sources. Should energy efficient lighting or heating systems be devised, such that these consumption levels are not required, the additional energy could be sold back to the National Grid or equivalent. The UK government, under the Kyoto protocol and certain EU directives (see Useful Links), has an obligation to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in the UK and is therefore attempting to introduce schemes that enable it to meet reduction targets. The government has intervened and will support planning permission for the installation of renewable energy infrastructure. This includes, but is not limited to, provision for strategic positioning of wind turbines and solar panels, drilling into geothermal reservoirs, commitment of surrounding land to farming of biomass crops, and the installation of a hydropower resource on the River Trent.

Rules of Engagement: This is an individual exercise. Stay in your group informally, maintaining your usual seating area. Discuss ideas amongst yourselves. Correspond with your assigned tutor (analogous with the design leader in industry). Your tutor will refer to you by your group number. There is NO single correct answer. You are to derive your own specification and resulting solution. The environment is a key user in this project, but the estates department and campus users must remain primary considerations.


Although you will not be marked on a weekly basis, you should be prepared to discuss your progress with your tutor each week.

Schedule: 6th April 2011 13th April 2011 20th April 2011 27th April 2011 : : : : Introduction and research Reading and developing proposal Finalising/fine-tuning proposal and poster Poster presentation

Marking Scheme: Poster Presentation (100%) o Validity and creativity of overall solution o Engineering justification o Environmental impact o Business viability o Evidence of research o Quality of poster (clarity, ease of assimilation, visual impact) o Defence of solution Your tutor will have 5 minutes with you to view your poster and discuss it. Clearly mark your poster with name, student number and group number. Leave your poster with your tutor at the end of the presentation session. If you have supporting documentation (this should not be extensive), add a front sheet to it and hand it to your tutor after the presentation.

Useful Links: University of Nottingham Environment Pages: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: The European Climate Change Program: DTI Energy Group: Forest Products Association of Canada:


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