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"I SHALL RETURN" The American soldiers were afraid.

As they looked around the beautiful islands of the Philippines they wondered if they would ever see home again. It was 1942 and World War II was raging. All around them was fighting and death. The Japanese army was gaining ground. It looked as if the end was in sight. Could they hold on? Or, would the Japanese push them into the sea? The Americans had a great leader. His name was General Douglas MacArthur. At first he planned to fight the Japanese on the beach. However, he quickly saw that this plan would be hopeless. He then commanded his forces to retreat to the area around Bataan, hoping that they could hold off the invasion until help arrived. Even this did not work. In March, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt ordered MacArthur to escape to Australia by submarine. General MacArthur did not want to leave his troops behind. He knew that awful things would happen to them. Many of his men would be captured and killed. He hardly knew what to do. Finally he departed for Australia leaving his troops with one big promise, "I CAME THROUGH AND I SHALL RETURN." The years slowly passed and the war dragged on for the men left behind. Thousands of soldiers were captured and many died. Those that lived wondered whether they would ever see MacArthur again. Would the General keep his promise? How long would it be before help would come? Finally, on January 9, 1945, MacArthur and his troops landed north of a place called Manila. By the end of February, they had recaptured much of the island. Their leader had returned! They were free again! Over 1900 years ago, the greatest of all conquerors made a promise that is yet to be fulfilled. The Lord Jesus Christ told His followers, "If I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (John 14:3).Today, His coming is nearer than ever before! Unfortunately, some people see all the problems of the world and how long it has been and they wonder if it will really happen as Jesus said. The Word of God can never fail. He will come again! He is coming to take all the "saved" people on earth to Heaven to be with Him forever. For those who have received Him as their Savior, it will be a moment of victory and celebration. For those who have never trusted Him as Savior and Lord, His coming will be tragic. They will have to face a terrible time of judgment and wrath ahead. For each of us, the simple words of Christ "I shall come again" are either golden words of promise or dark words of danger. The Bible closes with the statement, "Surely I come quickly" (Rev. 22:20). The big question is, "Are you ready for His coming?"

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