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College Code 83

B. Tech III Year II Sem LAB Internal Examinations, April -2012 SUBJECT: MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LAB Date & Session: 09, 10, 11 & 13 April AN BRANCH: ECE Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:25M

1. Perform all arithmetic operations practically using XPO-86 microprocessor kit a. 568 a. 1234 b. 894 b. 4567 2. Perform all logical operations practically on the following data using XPO-86 kit 3. Write an ALP to find out sum of first 15 natural numbers using XPO-86 Kit and verify the output 4. Using XPO-86 microprocessor kit, find out the factorial of 12D with the help of an ALP 5. Display the Fibonacci series up to 9 numbers with the help of an ALP on XPO-86 Kit 6. With the help of an ALP perform multiplication and Division operations on signed 16-bit numbers on XPO-kit, on the following data a) 5689 b)2359 7. Write an ALP to move a block of 12 numbers of 8-bit each from location 2000H to 4000H on XPO-86 Kit, and display all the numbers in the same fashion 8. With the help of an ALP find the difference between logical shift and rotate operations on any data pattern on XPO-86 microprocessors kit and perform practically 9. Write an ALP to perform ASCII arithmetic operations practically on microprocessors kit 10. Write an ALP to perform logical left shift and left rotate operations with and without carry using XPO-86 Kit and neatly draw the flow chart for each operation 11. Explain the procedure of moving a block of 16 numbers from location on 1000H to 3000H along with ALP and flowchart on XPO-86 kit practically 12. Perform signed multiplication on 5589 and 6657, division on 4568 and 24 with the help of ALP on XPO86 13. With minimum number of instructions display the Fibonacci series up to 13 numbers using an ALP on XPO-86 Kit 14. Find out practically the Factorial of 16D using an ALP on XPO-86 Kit 15. Write an ALP and procedure to find the sum of first 17 natural numbers on XPO-86 Kit 16. Using XPO-86 Microprocessors kit write an ALP and execute the universal logical operations 17. With the help of ALP practically show the difference in handling ASCII values to that of BCD number systems 18. Write an ALP to perform ASCII arithmetic operations practically on microprocessors kit 19. Using XPO-86 microprocessor kit, find out the factorial of 12D with the help of an ALP 20. Display the Fibonacci series up to 9 numbers with the help of an ALP on XPO-86 Kit 21. With the help of an ALP perform multiplication and Division operations on signed 16-bit numbers on XPO-kit, on the following data a) 5689 b)2359

22. Write an ALP to move a block of 12 numbers of 8-bit each from location 2000H to 4000H on XPO-86 Kit, and display all the numbers in the same fashion 23. With the help of an ALP find the difference between logical shift and rotate operations on any data pattern on XPO-86 microprocessors kit and perform practically 24. Perform all arithmetic operations practically using XPO-86 microprocessor kit a. 568 a. 1234 b. 894 b. 4567 25. Perform all logical operations practically on the following data using XPO-86 kit 26. Write an ALP to find out sum of first 15 natural numbers using XPO-86 Kit and verify the output 27. Perform signed multiplication on 5589 and 6657, division on 4568 and 24 with the help of ALP on XPO86 28. With minimum number of instructions display the Fibonacci series up to 13 numbers using an ALP on XPO-86 Kit 29. Find out practically the Factorial of 16D using an ALP on XPO-86 Kit 30. Write an ALP and procedure to find the sum of first 17 natural numbers on XPO-86 Kit 31. Using XPO-86 Microprocessors kit write an ALP and execute the universal logical operations 32. With the help of ALP practically show the difference in handling ASCII values to that of BCD number systems 33. Write an ALP to perform logical left shift and left rotate operations with and without carry using XPO-86 Kit and neatly draw the flow chart for each operation 34. Explain the procedure of moving a block of 16 numbers from location on 1000H to 3000H along with ALP and flowchart on XPO-86 kit practically 35. Write an ALP to perform logical left shift and left rotate operations with and without carry using XPO-86 Kit and neatly draw the flow chart for each operation 36. Explain the procedure of moving a block of 16 numbers from location on 1000H to 3000H along with ALP and flowchart on XPO-86 kit practically

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