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THE BUG provides insight into the latest and current topics that has been under hot discussion in the last 6 months. Our vision is to provide the students with the information and points, for and against the debatable topics from the Social, Economic and Commercial angle. The topics were chosen by the MBA students, ExStudents and management level employees in various organizations. Our Product is a Service and Our Service is our Product, is our motto indicating the service that we are offering through our product for the students, who would aspire to prepare fullfledged for the GD and Placement process. Many companies and groups try to prepare students for Group Discussions, teaching them the style, approach, personality that has to be developed during the process. But we believe that all the students possess all these qualities. All they need is just a few bullet points that have to be remembered during the Group Discussion. Then their flow would become spontaneous. Group Discussions are not difficult to crack, as students think. But it is true that students do not know why they got rejected though they would have given their best during GD. Sometimes the entire group gets rejected just because a single person who did not show the right attitude. Students deviate from the discussion. They do not know what to discuss. Sometimes, they would not even understand the topic which becomes a serious problem and is the cause of fear for the students. Our objective is to alleviate all these fear from the students and prepare them to face the GD with strength. Many media channels create the fear among the students about the difficulty getting jobs. But we believe that many jobs are available in the market. It is just the fear that has to be allayed. Right candidates deserve the right job and the right jobs are always available to the right candidates. It is just they have to take it or leave it. In between they need just some motivation and that is what we provide through our product. When a person speaks, it should be impressive enough to catch the attention of the speaker. It does not matter who speaks. Sometimes it does, but without much stuff in the speech, people would not appreciate. We believe that all the candidates are good speakers, but it is just that they should have a few valid points with them, using which they would catch the hearts of the listeners.

WE SHALL JUST ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE!!! The FIRE is YOU and fuel, our Product.

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Recession Version 2.0 (Double Dip Recession) Possible?

When gross domestic product (GDP) growth slides back to negative after a quarter or two of positive growth. A double-dip recession refers to a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed by another recession. The causes for a double-dip recession vary but often include a slowdown in the demand for goods and services because of layoffs and spending cutbacks from the previous downturn For (Yes, possible) S&P downgraded the rating of US credit rating from AAA to AA+, first time since 1917 is an indication of fragile economic recovery Against (No, Not possible) The US economy went into recession only when the downturn turned into a worldwide plunge after the failure of Lehmann Brothers in September 2008, that led to the vanishing of credit for nearly all borrowers. Banks in US needed bailouts to survive. No such situation is expected currently, hence possibility of recession is less The fall in stock market (due to downgrading of rating of US) looked more a buying opportunity than the start of another slide to recession levels. US managed to increase countrys debt ceiling and avoided a technical default. Even if the US had technically defaulted by being unable to issue cheques for a few days - as actually happened in 1995 nobody doubted that the cheques would become cashable with a small delay In the month of July, global investors exited emerging markets (Asian and European) and rushed into dollars as a safe haven. No matter how big the problems no other country is a safe haven for investment. Investors may look for an alternative to US dollar as main global currency, but neither Euro nor Yen looks capable According to the U.S. Department of Commerces Bureau of Economic Analysis, the U.S. economy posted a 0.4 percent GDP increase in the first quarter of 2011, and 1.3 percent growth in the second quarter. The Bureau of Economic Analysis attributed the GDP growth in the second quarter of 2011 to contributions from exports, nonresidential fixed investment, private inventory investment, and federal government spending, but noted

Unavailability of Credit causing a decline in world trade volumes was seen when US posted availability of only $73 billion cash reserve on August 2nd during decision making whether to raise the borrowing ceiling limit or default the payment choice. Finally they decided to raise the borrowing limit, which indicates availability of credit is under stress for the US government itself August 1st week news on GDP showed the double dip arrival, an expansion of only 1.3% and consumer spending up 0.1% in 2nd quarter for US. Astonishingly low by any account. The debt ceiling trouble and lack of longer term resolution to deficit will make it worse. May 2011 employment data showed jobless rate rose unexpectedly, as the economy added only 58000 jobs Inflation (WPI) has risen almost twice than last year. Investments have yielded less. 10 year treasury yielded 3%.There are 10 reasons why double dip recession is possible (READ POSSIBLE CONCLUSION COLUMN)

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Fed also indicated that it is going to cut spending in trillions of dollars, which means, when economy is also not growing even though the rates are at the lowest level (almost zero), this move would cause a big negative sentiment in the coming days. If they have to cut spending, they have to outsource to cheaper countries, which means again the unemployment data would go high in the US. The problem gets compounded with rising Inflation

that those gains were partly offset by negative spending at the state and local level. This directly negated the meaning of Double Dip recession It is the Eurozone, which is in more danger. The only possible safe haven is US in that case. Though the Asian economies are growing, they are vulnerable to sudden shocks Japanese economy, the 2nd largest, is in turmoil after the recent nuclear and earthquake effects.

Possible Conclusion It is any wonder that many Americans believe that the economic downturn is still in progress? Home prices have fallen to 2002 levels. Values have dropped nearly 50 percent in parts of Florida, California, Nevada and Arizona. Property values are also down that much in parts of troubled big cities like Detroit. Estimates are that as many as 11 million homes have underwater mortgages. Banks have inventories of as many as 2 million foreclosed homes which have not even been released to the market. Home prices could fall another 10 percent if current trends persist. Though growth has not been high, possibilities of recession is also medium. If US were to slide back to recession, one possible cause could be a lack of federal spending to prop up the economy, which is highly possible TEN REASONS FOR HIGH POSSIBILITY OF DOUBLE DIP RECESSION 1) Inflation : High Core Inflation of around 7% (still increasing) for a economy like US 2) Less Yield on Investments: Ten year treasury yields around 3% (so less). 3) Auto Industry: GM, Chrysler just escaped from bankruptcy, job loss is high. Consumers deferring the purchase of auto 4) Oil Prices: Volatile, impact on other business is very high (Airline suffers), Rising cost of gas. Crude moving to $100 recently and coming back irrespective of economic situation is a cause of concern 5) Federal Budget: Declined any chance of economic stimulus package, which is essential for a full recovery. First $787 billion Obama stimulus package may have saved some American jobs, but it is long over and did not work if a drop in unemployment and a sharp improvement in GDP were its primary goals 6) China economy slows: A slowdown in the Chinese economy is usually seen as a cause of global commodity price inflation, but the effects cut two ways. Chinas appetite for energy and raw materials may fall. But, the demand for goods and services by its very large and growing middle class drops as well. Chinese purchaser manufacturing and export numbers have fallen as the central government has tightened the ability to borrow Exclusive rights granted to the creator of the original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. This Copyright protects the expression and fixation of The BUG

money. US exports to China are key to the health of many American businesses 7) Unemployment: 2 immediate problems. People without jobs drastically curtail their spending, which will ultimately affect GDP growth. The second is the need for tens of billions of dollars every year in government aid to keep the unemployed from becoming destitute. That support has increased deficits and the domino effect is that cash-strapped governments need to make more spending cuts. It may be the biggest challenge the economy faces 8) Debt ceiling: The economic and employment effects of the debt cap are the same as the deficit, but they are actually more insidious and longer term. The first by-product of debt reduction, or at least a slowdown in its growth, is a combination of higher taxes and a lower level of government services. Higher taxes usually slow economic improvements, particularly when they are not coupled with stimulus measures 9) Access to Credit: Though the money is cheaply available, it hurts the lender like Fed and the banks in terms of profit and growth 10) Housing: Potential home buyers, though cheaper cost, margins are higher as 20%. Still the home prices are falling, leading to deferring of decisions to buy homes. Drop in value happened so that the balance sheets of millions were destroyed. Their ability to consumer was severely damaged, further harming the GDP

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APPLE The probable first TRILLION DOLLAR Company What are the possible MARKETING Strategies that is taking a company there?
In August 1st week, US FED had a cash reserve of $73 billion, whereas the company APPLE INC had a reserve of around $75 billion, richer than the US government. This got Apple into the limelight again. This showed that APPLE INC has been brought to such a top position from doldrums in 1997. The two reasons were Innovation and Marketing. Can these two attributes bring a small company into a Worlds Number 1 monopoly? Or what else can contribute? Marketing Strategies Apple continuously is able to outsmart, outsell and outperform their competition in every way and is the only company to actually increase its profit by an average of around 80% per year Apples massive sales growth is occurring about 10 times faster than that of most companies. Couple all this with the $76 billion worth of cash reserves and investments, and it seems clear that Apple is headed straight for the financial skyways Further, with Apple just now beginning to venture into new territories such as cloud computing, and with the popularity of the iPhone, iPad, and notebooks like the MacBook Air continuing to rise exponentially, Apple still has tremendous room to grow Companys global market, share in its key markets (Smart phones, Tablets and Macs) is proportionately good. (High market in Smart Phone and Tablet and less in Mac A Better Diversified market share) Law of BIG NUMBERS A company with a big market cap of billion dollars can easily double it in a much shorter time taken to reach that previous place Apple never missed targets of production. In fact, the company increases production even before the launch through its accurate estimate. Apple always believes in creating hype in the market before its launch. The product is out of the box innovative and hence attracts the market so much (ex: IPad) Apple sells every product as a package iPhone, iPad, iPod, iStore, iAds, iBooks, App store. The ease of use and intuitive design found in Apple products is as close to perfect as it gets. 100% frustration few is what is driving Apples success Apple pays higher prices to secure a reduced inventory of the parts that they need to continue ramping up their product. Also it pays cash up front to secure supply. Apple retail stores solidify a position in retail selling. People visit Apple stores not only for products, but also because they are rich architectural marvels and contain employees who can answer any question. Face to face selling is the best way when it comes to expensive products Apple is always bullish because of the new products in pipeline. Apple is ready to open the largest data center that exists. Cloud services may be also a plan. The dream plan such as Apple Security With one iPhone you can operate your door lock, car windows and doors, bank lockers etc. cannot be even visualized by any other company Massive scale, high profile ground breaking Marketing campaigns is a main reason. Markets for Innovative products do not exist but they have to be created. Therefore, defining the market without being afraid of redefining its market, breaking through well work product convention by believing in creating and owning whole new markets has made Apple creative in the market Apple has a powerful grip on the high tech media because of its long tradition of nurturing Exclusive rights granted to the creator of the original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. This Copyright protects the expression and fixation of The BUG

relationships with them and it has fanatically devoted the users who are powerful influencers Marketing messages are user centric and inspirational. Inspires the best of emotions in the people. Awakens the Child Like sense of wonder in people. No other company does EMOTIONAL MARKETING better then Apple Apple never gives competition a leg to stand on. Combining different models of Price challenge-Innovation-Smaller size/physical attributes is Apples biggest strength. Strategies that create loyal customers that is followed by Apple are - A store for just Apple - Complete solution - A strong identification with everything young, up to the minute and smart campaigns - Varied products for entire market space - Media outlets, bloggers etc love to write about Apple - Delivering the Quality - Consistency in delivering - Attractiveness of products (beautiful Shapes, Size, Physical attributes)

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India named among five WORST PLACES FOR WOMEN in the world
A new survey in London named India among the top 5 countries that are considered as most dangerous places for women. The survey was launched by TrustLaw website, a product of Thomson Reuters Foundation. It revealed Afghanistan, Congo, Pakistan, India and Somalia as the top 5 countries where record of womens progress in different field is extremely poor. For (The survey is right) Although India is rapidly developing country, it still places great cultural burdens on women Against (Wrong) Cultural is an integral part of the country and everybody is facing it. It is not only for women but also for men. The country is developing and people are getting educated very well and the cases of forced religious burdens are very less in the country When a child (girl) goes missing, the reports are not being filed by the parents immediately for prompt action. If the citizens are responsible, then easily those things can be stopped Female infanticide is a major trouble because even educated females avoid giving birth to a girl child. That is why many governments like UP, TN etc. came up with lot of beneficial schemes for girl children. Though the medical facilities are extended to the pregnant women in the country, still the women prefer to do it household. It is whose mistake? Forced marriage laws are very much effective in the nation only when the complaint is lodged. If the girls do not wish to lodge a complaint, then it becomes their private problem and government cannot involve in it Yes, sexual violence is a major problem. This can be prevented only with the help of every citizen in the country. The girls should be bold enough to learn defensive acts against the wrong-doers as well as they should develop a strong mentality to bring the wrong-doers to punishment by taking them to court of law Recently the high court ordered 11 death sentences to an honor killing verdict in Rajastan khap panchayat. Such cases have to be reported immediately, thanks to the media

Incredibly high rates of human trafficking and prostitution involving women are a major reason. Around 50 million female have reportedly gone missing in the last century for India Female foeticide and infanticide records an incredibly high rate in India still. Especially in rural places. Hidden dangers such as lack of education or terrible access to healthcare are also reasons 1 in 112 women have a chance of dying in childbirth, due to inadequate rural medical facilities. Around 37% of the women are illiterate and as many as 49% of the girls face forced marriage

Record of sexual violence in the city (can cite the case of a teen girl murdered inside the police station in UP June 2011). Many reports on rape cases is a major reason, especially in the capital city of India The cause of honor killing has also increased in the country (can cite the Khap Panchayat verdicts in Rajastan for honor killing). Lack of healthcare facility for pregnant women is another major reason

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Possible Conclusion The country is facing a lot of problems in terms of security to women, especially in the capital city of the country Such acts, though punishable heavily by the law, the citizens are averse in bringing it to the court of law. It is time for the citizens to act. The public should support women if they face any such public problems ** Always argue for women. Never deviate the topic by foraying into the too-much freedom that the women enjoy. That could bring a negative image to you The government has tried implementing WOMENS BILL of 33% reservation passed by Rajya Sabha. It is seen as a step towards empowering Women and bringing women to the up front Representation of Women in Societies have gone up. In colleges, the ratio of women have increased majorly. In post-graduation colleges, average proportion of women/girls representation is around 32%, significantly increased from 21% year on year, making them independent. These are all steps towards making India, a proud place for Women to live

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