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Present continuous Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous of the verb in brackets.

Use contractions where possible. What____________ (they / do) now? 2. The teacher_________________ (speak) to the class. 3. We_______________ (not listen). 4. Who____________________ (Sally / sit) next to? 5. You_________________ (wear) your new top today. 6. David_____________ (not finish) his homework. 7. I _____________ (have) breakfast. 8. They ____________ (practise) their English. 9. We ____________ (have) a terrible holiday. 10. My brother ____________ (talk) on the phone now.

There is/there are Write the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

There_______any chairs in the room. _____ there a telephone in the office? There_______a library near the cinema. Are there_______computers in your classroom? 'Is there a clock in your bedroom?' 'Yes, there________' There __________ some books the shelves. ______ there any posters on the wall? I walk to school because there ___________ a bus.

Have to Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of have to. Use contractions where possible.
1. 2. 3. 4.

I always do homework at the weekend. Do you have to study Italian? No, I . Wepay to go to school. It's free. Our teacher wear a uniform but we do.

5. 6. 7. 8.

your friends have to walk to school? My mother go to a lot of meetings. The school is closed on Sundays so the teachers work. Does your teacher use a computer?

Adverbs of frequency Write the correct answer. Never- always- often- sometimes- usually. They hate rock music and _________ listen to it. 2. We ________watch this programme - it's our favourite. 3. Nick's teacher is annoyed because Nick is _________late. 4. How _____________do you play chess? 5. Good athletes _________ do a lot of training. 6. I like swimming and I ____________ go to the swimming pool. 7. Sofia ___________comes to my house and we listen to CDs in my room.

Present Simple My brother _____________ (love) James Bond films. 2. I __________(live) in Paris. 3. Brad and Angelina _____________(not live) in Canada 4. Our lesson _________________ (finish)at four o'clock. 5. We ______________ (get up)at seven o'clock. 6. _______ they_______ (do) any sports? 7. _________ Simone ____________(like) water sports? 8. Jan ___________ (not enjoy) playing football. 9. This train _________(not go) to Liverpool. 10. Lucy and Anna______________ (go) to school by bus.

Adverbs Adjectives Complete the sentences 1. My sister dances________ ( beautiful) 2. I can't run___________ ( Fast) 3. He is a __________(slow) player. He plays______________ (slow) 4. Michael swims very _________ (good) 5. You can pass this exam ___________ (easy)

Comparative Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Are the Jeans ____________ (expensive) than the shorts? We have a _______________ (big) house than you. Is Australia __________ (hot) England? Elephants are ______ (large) than dogs. Ice skating is ___________________ (dangerous) playing chess. Exams are _____________ (bad) lessons. I am a ___________ (good) student than Julia. England is _____________ (far) from Poland than Denmark.

Superlative Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjective in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Antartica is the _______________ (cold) place in the world. Whats the __________ (big) city in the world? Jane is the___________ (bad) singer in the band. Maths is the ___________ (interesting) subject at school. We are the ___________ (young) students in our class. Where is the ___________ (large) building in the world? Mary and Paul are the _________ (lazy) people I know. Is this the ___________ (expensive) camera in the shop?

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