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Physiology questions

1- A 62 old man with COPD presents to the ER in respiratory distress. The physician uses succniylecholine to produce muscle relaxation prior to tracheal intubation. Soon after infusion he developed severe bradycardia. Which drug would counteract the bradycardia without affecting muscle relaxation: a- Curare b- Atropine c- Epinephrine d- Acetylcholine e- Dopamine 2- When a pheochromocytoma suddenly discharges a large amount of epinephrine into the circulation the patients heart rate would be expected to: a- Increase because epinephrine has a direct chronotropic effect on the heart b- Increase because of increased parasympathetic discharge to the heart c- Decrease because the increase in blood pressure stimulates the carotid and aortic baroreceptor d- Decrease because of increased tonic parasympathetic discharge to heart. e- Increase because of decrease vagal tone

3- Loss of fear and emotion is often observed in the lesion at: a- subthalmic nucleus b- thalamus c- amygdaloidal nucleus d- sensory cortex e- substantia nigra 4- Which of the following will require the smallest increase in oxygen consumption by the heart: a- Generating an increase in left ventricular pressure. b- Severe hypertension. c- Generating an increase in stroke volume. d- Aortic stenosis. e- Heart failure 5- A 53 year old man complains of mild chronic cough and heart burn. Esophageal manometric and endoscopic evaluation reveals a lower esophageal sphincter [LES] pressure and mild gastro esophageal reflux. Which of the following is the primary genesis of LES pressure in adult? a- Tonic excitatory sympathetic nerve input to the smooth muscles b- Tonic excitatory parasympathetic nerve input to the smooth muscle c- Circulating gastrin d- Myogenic properties of LES smooth muscle e- Local production of nitric oxide by enteric nerves

6- Match the following lesion in the pyramidal tract of one side with their respective effects: A B 1- In crus of the midbrain a- Monoplegia and aphasia 2- In the cerebral cortex in b- Hemiplegia and sensory the left side disturbances in the opposite 3- In the internal capsule side 4- In the medulla above c- Contralateral hemplegia and motor decussation ipsilatral eye is fixed 5- In the pons downward and outward d- Contralateral hemplegia and ipsilatral facial pulsy e- Contralateral hemplegia and ipsilatral lingual muscle paralysis

7- A 16 years old girl complains of being tired more than usual, she also complains from muscle cramps in her legs and generalized weakness after exercise. Her BP 160/100 mmHg. Her ECG showed prolong QT interval and U wave. Blood analysis showed hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis. Plasma rennin activity and aldosterone level are lower than normal. Her clinical condition reversed after she is placed on diuretic amiloride, which blocks tubular epithelial channels. Based on this finding, which of the following renal transport processes is major defect causing her metabolic disorder? a- Greater than normal sodium reabsoption by the proximal tubules b- Greater than normal sodium reabsoption by the distal tubules c- Inability of distal nephron to secret potassium ions d- Inability of distal nephron to secret hydrogen ions e- Inability of distal nephron to concentrate urine

8- In starvation which of the following is reduced: a- Plasma T4 b- plasmaT3 c- reverse tri-iodothyroxine d- D thyroxin e- TSH 9- For each of the intravenous fluids, select the most appropriate option: A 1- 50 glucose 2- 1.8% saline 3- 5 % glucose 4- Normal saline 5- 8.4% sodium bicarbonate B a- Isotonic solution mainly expands the ECV b- Isotonic solution mainly expands ICV & ECV c- Major nutrient used in IV nutrition d- Hypertonic fluid with about twice the osmolarity of plasma e- Occasionally used to severe acidosis

10-Enterogastric nervous reflexes from the duodenum: a- Promotes antral contraction b- Are activated by isotonic antral fluid c- Are activated by increase PH of antral mucosa d- Are the cause of hunger contraction e- Produce inhibitory effect on gastric contraction 11-A young woman is found comatose, having taken unknown number of sleeping pills an unknown time before. An arterial blood sample

yields the following values: pH 7.0 2HCO314 meq/L PaCO2 68 mmHg. This patient's acid-base status is most accurately described as a- Uncompensated metabolic acidosis. b- Uncompensated respiratory acidosis. c- Simultaneous respiratory and metabolic acidosis. d- Respiratory acidosis with partial renal compensation. e- respiratory acidosis with complete renal compensation 12-A 20-monthes old baby presented to the pediatrician for check up. On examination Babinski sign was elicited, this may indicate damage to which of the following: a- Spinal cord. b- Cerebellum c- Brainstem d- Pyramids e- None of the above. 13-The upstroke of ventricular action potential is primarily due to which one of the following actions: a- An inward flux of Ca2 b- An inward flux of K+ current c- An inward flux of Na+ d- An outward flux of K+ current e- An outward flux of Cl14-You are asked to assess a patient in ICU who is ventilated at frequency of 12/min and a Tidal volume of 0.6L. His arterial PH> 7.6, to correct his condition you should: a. Decrease Dead space b. Decrease Tidal volume c. Increase oxygen fraction d. Increase mint ventilation e. Use positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)

15- If the FSH producing cells were selectively destroyed this would lead to: a- Decrease level of testosterone b- Decrease level of LH c- Decrease sperm count d- Increase level of testosterone e- Sertoli cells proliferation 16- If natural Killer cells are selectively destroyed by irradiation then: a- Adaptive immunity will be affected b- Lyses of tumor cells will be accelerated c- Host rejection of bacteria infected cells will be impaired d- Host rejection of tumor cells will be impaired e- The affected person becomes highly susceptible to fungal infections 17-If electron transport chain is inhibited, which of the following cells will be least or not affected: a- Cardiac muscle cells b- Parietal cells of the stomach c- Parotid duct cells d- Proximal convoluted tubule cells e- Red blood cells 18- A23 years old female presents with fatigue and found to have higher than normal COP, most likely she has: a- Hypertension b- Aortic regurgitation c- Anemia d- Hyperthyroidism e- Third degree heart block

19- If the patient is unable to hear high frequency sounds, the damage to the basilar membrane is closet to which of the following: a- Oval window b- Cochlea c- External meatus d- Spiral ganglion e- Schala Media 20- The following values are measured for potassiumion in a human subject.Plasma K+ 5 meq/literUrine K+ 50 meq/literRenal creatinine clearance 80 ml/minUrine formation rate 1.5 ml/minuteThis patient's potassium clearance is closest to which of the following? a- 5 ml/minute b- 7.5 ml/minute. c- 15 ml/minute. d- 50 ml/minute. e- 75 ml/minute

The Answerers
Questions 123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Answers B A C C D 1-c 2-a 3-b 4-e 5-d B B 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a 5-e E C D C B C D E C A C


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