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"chasing shadows" 12th Draft 4/9/12 By Joseph Eulo

loosely based on "The Waif of Ocean City" by Mark Soifer

(C) 2012 Joey Eulo NULL&Void Films

Joseph Eulo 908-437-8565


A CLOSE UP of a half eaten bowl of fruit loops on the living room coffee table. A CLOSE UP of a BROKEN TOY TRUCK on the hallway floor. A CLOSE UP of a Braided Leather Belt hanging over a chair. 2 INT. BEDROOM (1) CAMERA DOLLY RIGHT to Reveal ANTHONY HEAVENS, 9 years old, in bed awake, fully dressed in a short sleeved shirt, dirty blue jeans and a pair of faded Chuck Taylor All Star sneakers. Anthony clutches a old beatup FLASHLIGHT to his chest. His eyes are locked on the bedroom door. The CLOCK on the night stand behind him reads 4:59AM. A BROKEN TOY TRUCK and a TABLE LAMP occupy the space next to the clock. The TICKING of the clock fills in the silence. The numbers on the clock slowly turn to 5:00AM. 3 INT. FRONT DOOR GLORIA, mid 30s, unlocks the front door and enters dressed in a wrinkled and soiled waitress uniform complete with apron. She stumbles inside fumbling with a large bag of groceries in one hand, and a bottle of whiskey wrapped in a brown paper bag in the other. A red leather handbag hangs from her shoulder. Keys dangle from her fingers. The grocery bag slips and smashes to the floor. Fruits and vegetables roll out in different directions. The bottle of whiskey settles on the floor next to her foot. GLORIA (putting her keys in her purse defeated) Great...just..Great! 3 2




She looks at the ripped grocery bag on the floor and SIGHS. She picks up the the bottle of whiskey, removes the cap, leans against the wall, and takes a long satisfying drink from the bottle. She wipes her face with her hand and kicks the door SHUT behind her. SOUND OF DOOR SLAM CUT TO ON DOOR SLAM 4 INT. BEDROOM (2) Anthony, jumps out of bed, flashlight in hand. He moves to the closet, opens the door, kneels and checks the contents on the floor inside: A rolled up green SLEEPING BAG, a SUPERMAN COMIC BOOK, a CIGAR BOX, a CRUCIFIX, a King James BIBLE with the cover torn off, and a half eaten bag of COOL RANCH DORITOS. 5 INT. KITCHEN Gloria drops the torn grocery bag on the counter. Grabs the bottle of whiskey and takes another drink. 6 INT. LIVING ROOM (1) Gloria walks to the TV, bottle in hand, handbag on her shoulder, and turns the knob on the TV set. An old Black and white Orson Wells film plays on the TV. Gloria awkwardly drops down on the sofa and takes another long drink from the paper bag. A half eaten abandoned bowl of fruit loops sits on the coffee table in front of her. She removes her purse from her shoulder and tosses it on the table upending the bowl. Milk and bits of cereal fly into the air and land on her. She stands up, sober for a brief moment, shocked. The bottle of whiskey falls to the floor and spills. GLORIA Damn it! CUT TO ON "DAMN IT" 6 5 4


INT. BEDROOM (3) Anthony, looks up from the closet and stares at the door.

INT. LIVING ROOM (2) Gloria picks up the bottle, rips off the paper bag and like a jeweler examining a diamond, scrutinizes its contents. She curses under her breath and takes another drink.

Gloria slams the bottle down hard on the coffee table. Glares at the upended bowl of fruit loops. Reaches for her belt and with one swift movement removes it from her waist. GLORIA (Inebriated) Anthony!, many times do I have to tell you.. 9 INT. BEDROOM (4) Anthony, startled, quickly looks down into his flashlight. He flips the switch. Nothing. He looks at the door in fear. 10 INT. LIVING ROOM (3) 10 9

Gloria picks up the bottle from the table, curses under her breath, and steps toward the hallway. 11 INT. HALLWAY (1) 11

She trips over a broken toy truck on the floor and stumbles into a FRAMED FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH hung on the hallway wall. Gloria gazes into the tilted FRAMED FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH. It captures her attention. She stares, first with a look of confusion then with recognition. BEAT A slight smile fills her face. Her eyes moisten.





Anthony unscrews the flashlight, two dead "D" batteries fall to the hardwood floor. THUMP. Anthony looks up in regret at the door. THUMP. CUT TO ON SECOND THUMP 13 INT. HALLWAY (2) The sound from Anthonys room brings Gloria back to the present. Her smile fades. GLORIA (Angry, yelling) Anthony!...Anthony!....Get... CUT TO ON "GET" 14 INT. BEDROOM (6) GLORIA (CONTD O.S.) ...Your Ass Out Here!...Now! Anthony rushes to the dresser and opens the drawer. He urgently searches through socks, underwear, and flashlight parts. 15 INT. HALLWAY (3) Gloria, reaches up to touch the faces in the FRAMED PHOTO. The bottle of whiskey slips through her fingers and shatters on the hardwood floor. 16 INT. BEDROOM (7) SOUND OF GLASS SHATTERING (O.S.) GLORIA (O.S.) Damn it! 16 15 14 13


Anthony, quickly snatches two "D" batteries from the drawer and jams them into the flashlight. 17 INT. HALLWAY (4) 17

Light spilling out from the gap underneath Anthonys door illuminates the broken glass in the hallway. Gloria steps to avoid the shards. SOUND OF GLASS BEING CRUSHED UNDER FOOT GLORIA (CONT) Damn it! 18 INT. BEDROOM (8) 18

Anthony frantically points the flashlight into his face once more AND flips the switch. It flickers. He smacks it. It lights up. 19 INT. HALLWAY (5) 19

Gloria, snatches the frame off the wall, punches the glass, rips out the photograph, and drops the frame to the floor. She stares at the photo in her hand. She scowls at Anthonys door then takes a determined step forward. STOMP. belt in one hand. STOMP. photograph in the other. CUT TO ON SECOND "STOMP" 20 INT. BEDROOM (9) Anthony looks at the flashlight in his hand. STOMP. closet. STOMP. At the bedroom door. SILENCE. The hardwood floor creaks. 20 At the

6. In one quick movement he turns, throws the flashlight into the closet, flips off the light, and dives into bed. 21 INT. BEDROOM (10) Gloria SLAMS open the door. Anthony lands on the bed facing the wall, his backside to the Gloria, his eyes closed tightly. Gloria stands in the doorway in silhouette for a long moment. She raises her hand, like a graceful ballerina, and flips on the lights. She steps slowly toward Anthony. Anthony turns to face his mother. She glares at him. BEAT Anthony stares back, searching his mothers eyes. SILENCE Gloria raises her belt. Anthony defiantly shakes his head No. BEAT Suddenly, like a lion pouncing on her prey, Gloria grabs Anthony by the arm, drags him out of bed, across the room and throws him into the closet. She SLAMS the door shut with her back. She slides to the floor, photograph in hand crying. 22 INT. CLOSET Darkness. A beam of light illuminates Anthonys face Halloween style. It turns and shines on the cigar box on Anthonys lap. He opens the box and scans its contents with the light. The beam stops on a old metal dog tag and photo of a man in a US army uniform. Anthony gently picks up the dog tag then the photo. He stares into the photograph and traces the mans face with his thumb. (CONTINUED) 22 21



BEAT ANTHONY (whispering to the photograph) Where are you? A single tear streaks down his emotionless face. The flashlight dims, then flickers, then darkness. 23 FLASHBACK SEQUENCE - AROUND OCEAN CITY - MONTAGE 23

Anthony and his dad playing on the beach, walking the beach with a little dog. Anthony, his dad, and Gloria watching TV Anthony and his dad playing skee ball. Anthony and his dad on the Jetty watching the sunset/rise. Anthonys POV at dad in Army fatigues as he leaves for war. RON M. HEAVENS Come on, let me see your soldier face...(taking dog tag off his neck) Here take this...(handing it to Anthony)...Keep this for me...and give it back when we meet again...ok son.. A LOUD BUZZING/RINGING FROM THE ALARM CLOCK ENDS FLASHBACK SEQUENCE 24 INT. BEDROOM (11) - 6:00 AM BUZZING FROM ALARM CLOCK CONTINUES Anthony opens the closet door. dashes over to the night stand and silences the Alarm clock. BUZZING ENDS The Clock reads 6:01 AM. Anthony grabs his flashlight and blanket and tiptoes through the open bedroom door. 24





Gloria is passed out on the sofa. Her red handbag lies open on the coffee table. Anthony places his blanket over his mother and tucks in the edges. He reaches for the handbag on the table and removes the change purse. . He opens the clasps. He finds a dime, a piece of gum, and purple prayer card inside. Anthony removes the card and reads it: ON CARD TRIALS ARE NOT ENEMIES OF FAITH BUT ARE OPPORTUNITIES TO PROVE GODS FAITHFULNESS. ON ANTHONY Gloria stirs in her sleep and mumbles, Anthony startled, takes the dime, returns the change purse, and stuffs the prayer card in his back pocket. He steps softly toward the front door and exits the apartment. Dog tag, around his neck flashlight in his back pocket. 26 EXT. 5TH STREET JETTY - SUNRISE 26

Anthony sits on Indian style on the large rocks close to the edge of the jetty. The dog tag hangs from his neck. Flash light in his grasp. Seagulls are flying around him. Calling out to him and each other. The sun is rising over the ocean. Anthony looks toward the horizon, reaches for the prayer card and reads it once more. He looks up toward the horizon, beams of sunshine warm his face.

9. 27 EXT. 4TH STREET Anthony walks along the edge of the curb, like a tightrope walker, trying to keep his balance. A dozen or so KIDS are walking past him, carrying school books, backpacks, and lunch boxes. Anthony makes it to the corner without falling. He looks up. A man in a U.S. ARMY UNIFORM catches his eye. The uniformed man is holding the hand of a young boy. The pair cross the street in front of him. Anthony reaches for the dog tag hanging from his neck. His questioning eyes fixed on the father and son crossing the street. They enter the corner store. Anthony follows. 28 INT. CORNER STORE - DAY The BELL over the door RINGS as Anthony enters. The STORE CLERK, early 40s, medium build, sporting a dirty apron, looks up from the counter. A small sign on the cash register gives warning. ON SIGN SHOPLIFTERS WILL BE SHOT ON STORE CLERK STORE CLERK Hey Kid, you gonna buy something? Anthony nods his head YES. STORE CLERK You got 5 minutes to find what your looking for Kid. Anthony ducks down the first aisle and circles around to the next stopping behind a battery display. He grabs a two-pack of "D" batteries off the display, then looks at the uniformed man and the young boy at the counter. STORE CLERK (CONTD) (to the uniformed man as he rings up a pack of smokes and a candy bar) (CONTINUED) 28 27



That will be a buck fifty-two? The uniformed man hands the store clerk two bills and pockets the smokes. UNIFORMED MAN (handing the boy the candy bar.) dont tell your The boy looks up...smiles. YOUNG BOY I wont.....Thanks pop!. Anthony, looks down at his sneakers. The store clerk hands the man his change. BEAT Anthony looks around to see if anyone is looking. He stuffs a pack of "D" batteries in his pocket. The bell over the door RINGS as the uniformed man and boy exit. The store clerk turns to Anthony. STORE CLERK Times up Kid! find what your looking for? Anthony, grabs a pack of candy from the rack and approaches the counter. He holds up the pack of candy. STORE CLERK seven cents kid. Anthony, looks out the window and watches the man and boy cross the street. Anthony digs into his pocket and hurriedly slaps a dime on the counter then rushes toward the door. STORE CLERK Hey Kid, your change! Anthony, walks through the door, looks over his shoulder waves to the clerk to "just keep it".



EXT. CORNER STORE - DAY Anthony, in a rush, bumps into JONATHAN a boy one year older, two years dumber, and twice his size. Jonathans new blue beach cruiser crashes to the ground.


Jonathan shoves Anthony to the sidewalk, Three of Jonathans friends point at him and laugh. The candy, flashlight, and stolen batteries shake loose from Anthonys pants. JONATHAN Watch where your going! Jonathan picks up his bike and looks it over. He kicks down the bike stand and turns to Anthony on the ground. JONATHAN (picking up the candy from the ground) Normally I would pound you for this..(examining the candy)...But.. School KIDS gather around as Anthony stands up. JONATHAN (CONTD) ...I am willing to make an exception...this time Jonathan raises the candy in the air. JONATHAN (CONT) (to the crowd of kids, evil grin on his face) a sweet deal...wouldnt you say?! A little girl, nods her head up and down. Anthony steps closer, and angrily shakes his head NO. JONATHAN (CONT) (to Anthony with a smile) have it your way Heavens (shrugs)...its your funeral... Anthony jumps up to snatch the candy but misses. Jonathan grabs Anthony and puts him in a head lock. More Kids gather around them.




KIDS (as a group chanting) FIGHT.... FIGHT.... FIGHT Jonathan rubs his knuckle into his scalp. KID 1 (shaking her head) He should of taken the deal. KIDS (CONTD) (as a group) FIGHT.... FIGHT.... Anthony struggles to get free. A little girl covers her eyes. The store clerk emerges from the store. STORE CLERK (to the bully) Break it up...I SAID! (louder to Jonathan) Break it up... Jonathan lets go. He pushes Anthony to the ground. STORE CLERK (to the kids) Now you better get going!..the school bells is about to ring. The kids run off. Jonathan gets on his bike. JONATHAN (as he peddles off) Well finish this at Recess..Heavens! School kids hurry past. Anthony rubs his knee. BEAT STORE CLERK (offering his hand to Anthony sitting on the sidewalk) Hey kid... didnt your pop teach you how to fight? Anthony gives him a hard look, refuses his hand, and gets up by himself.




STORE CLERK (CONTD) (raising his hand in the air) Ok..have it your way kid! The store clerk, bends to pick up Anthonys flashlight from the ground. STORE CLERK (CONTD) (as he reaches for the flashlight) Want some advice Kid? Anthony wipes his face with his hand. STORE CLERK (CONTD) (not waiting for an answer) Your smaller then he Next time, kick him as hard as you can...right.. square.. in the balls. The store clerk smiles, stands chuckling. Holding Anthonys flashlight. STORE CLERK (CONTD) (turning to Anthony) I promise you he will never... Store clerk notices the Purple bruises on Anthonys back as he kneels to tie his shoe. STORE CLERK (CONTD) (smile gone, voice trailing) .... bully you again. They lock eyes, a quiet moment ensues between them. The store clerk holds out the flashlight. Anthony, grabs it and wipes his tears away with his hand. BEAT The store clerk uncomfortably looks away, and notices the stolen pack of batteries on the sidewalk. STORE CLERK (CONTD) Hey! He steps past Anthony and reaches to pick up the pack of batteries.




STORE CLERK (CONTD) (incredulous) whats this?! SCHOOL BELL BEGINS TO RING Anthony, runs off toward the boardwalk in the opposite direction of the school, Jonathan, and the store clerk. END SCHOOL BELL The store clerk holds up the pack of batteries and waves them in the air at Anthony as he Runs toward the boardwalk. STORE CLERK (pissed) Hey Kid! 30 MONTAGE - AROUND OCEAN CITY A) Anthony watching salt water taffy being made. B) Anthony helping little old ladies at the grocery store. C) Anthony ducking behind a trash can to avoid the TRUANT OFFICER. E) Anthony leaning into the wishing well grabbing change. F) Anthony stealing a stack of newspaper from vending machine. G) Anthony putting a grocery bag into the trunk of a car. H) Anthony selling newspapers on the Boardwalk I) CU of change being put in Anthonys hand. I) The truant officer looking for Anthony at the mini golf. J) Anthony running to St. Augustine church on 13th Street. K) putting money into the collection box. Making a cross on his chest. L) Anthony back at SHRIVERS pointing to a piece of candy. L) Anthony sitting on a bench at the music pier eating taffy. 30


Anthony checks the coin return on a row of pinball machines. On the last one he finds a quarter. Anthony darts over to the change booth, stands on his tiptoes, reaches up, and places the quarter on counter in front of the ATTENDANT. The Attendant takes the quarter and replaces it with two dimes and a nickle. He slides the change close to the edge. Anthonys hand reaches up and grabs the coins. Anthony dashes over to the skeeball machines at the back of the arcade. He pockets one dime and a nickel and inserts the other dime into the coin slot. NINE baseball-sized wooden balls roll into place. Anthony rubs his hands together and with the concentration of a professional ball player, grabs the first ball, winds up and rolls a 50-pointer. He smiles. The truant officer passes by the entrance and spots Anthony in the arcade. He quietly enters and creeps behind him. Anthony winds up and rolls again. The truant officer raises his clipboard and flips the page. He finds Anthonys name adds red X next to it. ON CLIPBOARD OCNJ TRUANCY REPORT MAY-JUNE 1981 TRUANT OFFICER: MR. ROONEY HEAVENS, Anthony 4th grade ON TRUANT OFFICER Anthony grabs another ball and rolls a 100 pointer. He Jumps up and down in celebration laughing and smiling. The truant officer taps him on the shoulder. Anthony, turns around. His smile drops from his face. (CONTINUED) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X



TRUANT OFFICER Come on Anthony...Lets go.. Anthony mockingly thrust his arms out to him to be handcuffed. TRUANT OFFICER (CONTD) ...No Funny Business. 32 INT. PRIMARY SCHOOL - VICE PRINCIPALS OFFICE 32

Anthony, stands in front of an old metal gray desk. His head down. Ms. Stevens, an overworked, underpaid, vice principal sits behind the desk reading Anthonys attendance record. ON ATTENDANCE RECORD STUDENT: Anthony Heavens, Jr. GRADE: 4th TRUANT: 15/60 ABSENT: 10/30 LATE: 12/30 ON VICE PRINCIPAL Ms. Stevens leans back and looks at Anthony in disbelief. MS. STEVENS (incredulously) Anthony this is the 16th time you have been caught on the boardwalk this spring. SILENCE. Ms. Stevens leans forward and flips the page on Anthonys attendance report. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) (looking down flipping through attendance record) you somehow eluded Mr. Rooney six times by hiding out under the boardwalk....What do you have to say for yourself? BEAT.




MS. STEVENS (CONTD) (with concern) ...Anthony whats going on? is everything Ok at home? Anthony, looks up, locks eye with her, opens his mouth to speak THEN the SECRETARY enters and Interrupts a typed INDEX CARD in hand. SECRETARY Here is... MS. STEVENS (motioning to the secretary to stop) What is it Anthony? Anthony drops his head and stares at the floor. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) Anthony, is your mother home? BEAT. Anthony shakes his head. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) is she at work? he shrugs. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) Anthony I cant help you if you dont talk to me.... Silence. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) Are you going to talk to me? he shakes his head. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) (signals secretary to approach) leave me with no other choice. The secretary steps closer hands Ms. Stevens the typed index card.


CONTINUED: MS. STEVENS (CONTD) Im going to have to call your father. Anthonys head snaps up. SECRETARY (to the vice principal) his (nodding to Anthony) fathers home address and phone number. Anthony stares at the index card. MS. STEVENS (looking at Anthony with phone in hand ready to dial) Last Chance...!


Anthony is frozen. He stares at the index card. Ms. Stevens begins to punch in the numbers. Loud VOICES OF KIDS arguing in hallway, stops Ms. Stevens in mid dial. The secretary exits, Ms. Stevens places the phone down and follows. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) (to Anthony as he walks out) Dont go anywhere. Anthony watches them leave. He darts over to the desk and picks up the index card: ON INDEX CARD: ANTHONY HEAVENS, 4TH GRADE PARENTS DIVORCED FATHER: RON M. HEAVENS. MOTHER: GLORIA HEAVENS FATHERS Phone # (609) 555-1212 3206 ASBURY AVENUE, APT 4C OCEAN CITY, NJ 08244 ON ANTHONY: Anthony, looks over his shoulder then stuffs the index card in his pocket. He creeps past the vice principle and secretary in the hallway. BEAT. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: The vice principal returns with TWO KIDS the secretary follows. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) (to secretary) Where did he go?


Anthony can be seen through the window exiting the school. SECRETARY (looking around) I dont know... Anthony stops at the bike rack in front of the school. MS. STEVENS (to secretary) Call Police Department and notify county child services... Secretary reluctantly taking notes. MS. STEVENS (CONTD) (frustrated) ..let them deal with him. 33 EXT. SCHOOL - BIKE RACK Anthony scans the crowded bike rack. He locks on to a familiar blue beach cruiser and grins. He grabs the bike, removes it from the rack, gets on, and begins to peddle away. Jonathan is in the window. He watches Anthony ride off on his bike. He pounds on the window. Other KIDS rush over to see whats going on. They laugh at Jonathan. Anthony hears the pounding, smiles and rides off. 34 MONTAGE - ON BIKE TO FIND DAD - OCEAN CITY The sun is setting as Anthony... A) rides past the Corner Store, Clerk is sweeping sidewalks. B) FRONT CU of Anthony Riding Bike C) riding past the Jetty. D) riding past the Music Pier. E) riding past the Arcade. F) past the truant officer. G) past the Church. H) Past The little old ladies at the supermarket. the 34 33





EXT. FATHERS APARTMENT BUILDING Anthony, out of breath, stops on the sidewalk in front of the apartment building. He drops the bike on the sidewalk and enters the building with the Index Card in hand, dog tag around his neck, and flashlight in his back pocket.



INT. FATHERS APARTMENT BUILDING DING. Elevator doors open. Anthony stands there looking at the Index Card in his hand. He steps out, looks left. ANTHONYS POV then down at the Index Card once more. He looks up, he stands in front of a door marked "4C." Anthony rings the door bell.


The door opens. The light from the apartment illuminates his face. ANTHONY Dad? A disheveled man with a .45 Caliber Pistol in camouflage pants and an army green undershirt answers the door. He glares down at Anthony. His eyes dart back and forth searching. Beads of sweat trickle down his face. He recognizes Anthony, pockets the pistol, turns and walks down the hallway. Anthony follows. 37 INT. FATHERS APARTMENT - KITCHEN RON HEAVENS sits at the kitchen table. A metal cigar case and a ZIPPO Lighter sits next to a dirty shot glass, a hypodermic needle and a spoon. A half empty open bottle of cognac stands tall next to an Ash tray filled with brown cigar butts. Ron gently places his .45 Pistol on the table barrel pointing toward Anthony as he enters. (CONTINUED) 37



BEAT RON M. HEAVENS So what do you want? Anthony stares at his father. Dog tag around his neck, Index card in his hand, flashlight in his back pocket. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (pointing to the chair) Go on take a seat... Anthony defiantly shakes his head NO. Ron reaches for the metal case removes a cigar and puts it in his mouth. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) So what do you want? Anthony stands silent. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (grabs zippo off of the table) Your looking for me .. you found what? Anthony just stands there eyes fixed on his father. Ron flicks the Zippo doesnt light. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (frustrated he slams the Zippo on the table) What Now? Silence. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) You didnt think about the fact that I wasnt looking for you....and (pointing) there was a reason for that... Anthony stares, eyes locked on his father. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) Arent you going to say something? Silence. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) Like...what you expected from this meeting? (CONTINUED)



Anthony shakes his head NO. Ron picks up the lighter and attempts to light the cigar again. It dosent light. He calmly places the lighter down on the table. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (leaning forward in chair) Now listen I...cant be your father ok?! Anthony glares at him. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) There are two types of people in this world...those who love..and those who kill......and I cant love.. Beat. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (Angrily) Say something Damn it! Anthony stands defiantly silent. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) Something...Say one damn word....what do you want from me? Silence. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) I cant be your father. Anthony removes the dog tag from around his neck. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (leans back in chair) Maybe in a few will understand. Ron grabs the .45 pistol from the table and slams in the magazine and cocks it. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (holding the .45 up in the air) Have you ever seen one of these? Anthony shakes his head No.


CONTINUED: RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (sliding the .45 across the table) Here take a look. Anthony reaches for the pistol. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) (Ron snatches the .45 back before he can touch it.) maybe not..


Ron ejects the round chambered in the barrel and slams the pistol on the table. He stands, pushes the chair away from the table, and gets a breath away from anythony. RON M. HEAVENS (CONTD) Now you have two can say something...or get the hell out of here. Anthony removes the dog tag from around his neck. He holds it by the chain and offers it to his father. Ron looks down at the dog tag dangling from Anthonys fist. BEAT. Anthony dosent wait for his father, he lets go. Ron catches it. Anthony exits the apartment. 38 EXT. 59TH STREET APARTMENT BUILDING 38

The organge glow of the sun fill the sky. Anthony walks past the blue beach cruiser lying on the sidewalk. A GUN SHOT rings out. 39 EXT. BOARDWALK - SUN SETTING Anthony stops in the middle of the boardwalk pulls out the prayer card from his pocket and reads the words: CU ON CARD TRIALS ARE NOT ENEMIES OF FAITH BUT ARE OPPORTUNITIES TO PROVE GODS FAITHFULNESS. (CONTINUED) 39



ON ANTHONY Anthoy contiues to walk down the boardwalk, flashlight in his hip pocket. The orange glow of the setting sun lights up his path as the seagulls cry out and fly around him. FADE OUT THE END

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