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Doctrinal Deviations

2 Timothy 4:1-5
By Dr. Gary M. Gulan, 1989, (Rev. 92) Introduction: The term doctrine frightens church people. Paul shared with Timothy the importance of doctrine by using the word in three ways: 1. that which is taught (Gr. didachie a body of truth to hold to), 2. teaching applied to everyday living (Gr. didaskalia" truth to be practiced), and 3. men who are to teach (Gr. didaskalous" truth made known to individuals in a formal manner). Doctrine stabilizes, protects, purifies, enhances and brings growth to a local church. By reviewing five facts associated with doctrinal shifts we will be able to more effectively minister in today's unsettled doctrinal climate. 1. THE TIMING OF DOCTRINAL SHIFTS (4:3 the time will come...) There are two views as to when these doctrinal deviations will occur. A. Eschatological viewpoint In the future close to the end times these things will happen. B. Prophetical viewpoint In every church there will be a point in time these things will happen. 2. THE TENDENCY TOWARD DOCTRINAL SHIFTS There are four characteristics of individuals involved in doctrinal shifts. A. Unwillingness to consider doctrine as important to life, (4:3) Endure (Gr. hugiainouses) meaning sound in health or wholesome. B. Lustfulness for feel good teachings, (4:3) Through their lusts (Gr. epithumias a strong irregular, impure, sometimes violent desire") they search for teachings that bring self gratification or that make them feel better in a fleshly way. C. Openness to other contrary teachings, (4:4) They will turn away their ears from the truth which shows an openness for something to take the place of truth. D. Coldness toward the truth, (4:3) The church people with the itching ears no longer tolerate theology or are satisfied with it. 3. THE TRAGEDY SURROUNDING DOCTRINAL SHIFTS There are two spiritual heart breakers concerning doctrinal shifts. A. People willing to embrace falsehood, (4:3)

There are church members willing to heap to themselves (Gr. episoreuo meaning to gather or accumulate in piles) false teachers who will fulfill their fleshly desires. B. Teachers willing to give falsehood, (4:4) There are teachers willing to accommodate people's tastes and desires with fables or myths. 4. THE TRIALS WITHIN DOCTRINAL SHIFTS Doctrinal shifts hurt churches, pastors, missionaries, teachers, and institutions through four avenues. A. Tensions, (example: 2:17-18; 3:8-10; 4:14-15) Well meaning people who make choices to hear, learn and practice things contrary to Scripture will clash with those taking God's side on the issues. B. Confrontations, (example: 4:16) Pastors and churches will have to confront these situations both privately and publicly. C. Discipline, (example: 1 Timothy 1:19-20) Some will have to be removed from the church in order to preserve doctrinal purity. D. Separation, (example: 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14; 1 Timothy 6:3-5) Some pastors, teachers and churches will have to separate from other pastors, teachers and churches. 5. THE TREATMENT FOR DOCTRINAL SHIFTS Paul gives four commands for us today in view of doctrinal shifts. A. We are commanded to watch, (Gr. nephew) (4:5) We must be sound minded and vigilant concerning doctrinal trends and the practices of others. B. We are commanded to endure, (Gr. kakopatheson") (4:5) We must take a stand even if we feel the affliction and suffer evil for it. C. We are commanded to replace those who practice false doctrine with new converts, (4:5) We must lead others to Christ and ground them in sound doctrine if we want our churches to grow. D. We are commanded to continue to make full proof of the ministry,(4:5) We must minister the way in which God intended us to serve Him. We must not stop serving or quit our calling. Conclusion: These are difficult days as Paul knew they would be. Churches are experiencing doctrinal challenges just as Paul stated to Timothy.

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