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3 May 2012 The CiTy of edinburgh CounCil eleCTions

The CiTy of edinburgh CounCil eleCTions 3 May 2012

LEITH WaLk WaRD Covering communities in Pilrig, Bonnington, Broughton, Canonmills and Easter Road

your VoTe for a green CounCillor really CounTs

You are electing 4 councillors to represent Leith Walk Ward on the City Council. Both Labour and the SNP are well established in the area and are certain to win councillors. In 2007 To re-elect Maggie Chapman the Conservatives finished 5th of the as one of your four Leith Walk parties running in Leith Walk. Giving councillors, put a 1 next to a 1 to the Greens is the best way to ensure that a Conservative does her name not get elected. Greens have fought Anderson hard to protect jobs and services in Chris h TY R , Edinburg GREY PA 1 Park Way Edinburgh, and your Green Councillor Bowes led the opposition to Jenny burgh RTY privatising social care. PA rrace, Edin BROWN 91 Ride Te Greens opposed the waste Chapman Maggie by the Liberal Democrat/ inburgh Street, Ed 23a Bath SNP administration of
Bob inburgh Drive, Ed 33 Station

VoTe Maggie ChaPMan

If re-elected to serve the people of Leith Walk in May, I promise to continue to prioritise the needs of local communities and individuals by fighting to keep public services in public ownership; giving you more say in how council money is spent, and working hard to improve the appearance of the public spaces in and around Leith Walk.

VoTe green

3.5million of Council money on making the case for privatising things like Committee Services. A first vote for the Greens will send a clear message against privatisation.


2 4 1 3



Can you help Maggie Chapman and the Edinburgh Greens in Leith Walk, by delivering some leaflets, putting up a window poster, making a donation or joining the Scottish Greens? The Scottish Green Party (Edinburgh Branch) 23a Bath Street, EDINBURGH EH15 1HB t. 07816 350 953 e. w.


Give you the power to choose local spending priorities Push for proper investment into the public spaces of Leith Walk, making it a better place to live, work and play Support community renewable energy generation

@MaggieEdinburgh @EdinburghGreens

Cllr Maggie Cha pman has represented Le ith Walk ward for the last five years. She led the cam paign against the priv atisation of social care serv ices and resolutely oppo sed the privatisation of othe r council services.She te aches at Edinburgh Nap ier University and strongly be lieves that education is a pu blic good to which everyo ne should have the right.

Promoted by Dave Owen on behalf of the Scottish Green Party, both of 20 Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5QR. Printed on recycled paper by Cowan Print, 23 Brougham Street, Ednburgh.

Just 14% of 1 votes sees Maggie re -elected

CounCillor Maggie ChaPMan ansWers your QuesTions

WhaT haVe you aChieVed loCally?
Successfully defeated the LibDem/SNP plans to privatise social care for some very vulnerable people
to fight Maggie continues ding to for council spen rol of remain in the cont t affected the people mos by it.

Campaigned for a Living Wage for all council employees and fair pay and conditions in Council contracts Given Leith Walk residents the chance to decide how to spend Community Grant money through eith Decides events Demanded an end to mis-management of Council projects (like the trams) through arms-length companies that remove council activities from democratic control

Making a differenCe
Green councillors were first elected in Edinburgh in 2007. Since then they have worked hard to make Edinburgh a greener and fairer city. Cllr Steve Burgess Successfully campaigned for lower car-parking charges for vehicles which cause less pollution. Steve also secured a commitment to look at ways of investing in services using income from tourism. Cllr Maggie Chapman Pioneered the eith Decides scheme, giving the community more say over how money is spent in their area. Maggie was also instrumental in ensuring the Council rejected deeply unpopular changes to social care services. Cllr Alison Johnstone Won a commitment to invest money in school energy budgets, worked with campaigners to keep Meadowbank Stadium at Meadowbank, and with local traders to promote and protect small independent businesses in the face of unfettered supermarket expansion.

WhaT haVe you done for loCal serViCes?

Ive been involved in campaigns to keep local schools open, to retain Post Office services at Brunswick Road, and supported the work of community groups such as the Pilmeny Development Project and Friends of Dalmeny Street Park. I also secured funding for summer activities for school children.

WhaT Will you do if re-eleCTed?

Continue to fight privatisation of council services
Just 14% of 1 votes in Leith Walk on May 3 will see Maggie returned again as one of the wards four councillors

Fight to have eith Decides extended to cover all neighbourhood spending, giving you the power to choose local priorities Push for proper investment into the public spaces of Leith Walk, to make it a more attractive and enjoyable place to live, work and play Make sure that economic development is focused on the skills people need for jobs, rather than just supporting big business. Ensure the Councils financial resources are used to benefit communities and local businesses through better procurement decisions when buying goods and services Continue to support community renewable energy generation but oppose large-scale biomass plants

That is with just three Green councillors. Think what more Green councillors could do!

Greens in Edinburgh want to make Edinburgh a fairer and greener city and listen to the priorities of local people.
Well defend public services provided by public bodies - opposing privatisation and demanding accountability from companies the Council works with. Well support a programme of green jobs, investing in energy efficiency of homes, public buildings and energy generation. Well protect public assets - our local schools, parks, libraries and leisure facilities. Well use the councils powers to back local businesses over giant supermarkets and chainstores, breathing new life into neighbourhoods. Well give more power to communities, including community councils, parent councils and residents groups.

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