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1 VOD .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Hypotzy .................................................................................................................................................. 3

2 METODOLOGIE PRCE ............................................................................................................. 4

1.1 POJMY ................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 ANALZA ZDROJOVHO DLA .............................................................................................................. 6

4.1 ANALZA ZDROJOVHO DLA .............................................................................................................. 8

5 KULTURN ASOPROSTOR, MDIUM A FORMT ZDROJOVHO UMLECKHO DLA- ROYAL MCDONALD ................................................................................. 9
4.2 ANALZA ZDROJOVHO DLA ............................................................................................................ 10

6 KULTURN ASOPROSTOR, MDIUM A FORMT DLA PEDSTAVUJCHO KULTURN TRANSFR ................................................................................................................... 11

6.1 ANALZA DLA BANKSYHO NAPALM ...................................................................................................... 12

7 SROVNN ZDROJOVHO DLA A KULTURNIHO TRANSFERU ................................... 15 8 ZVR............................................................................................................................................ 16 9 SEZNAM POUIT LITERATURY .......................................................................................... 17 10 INTERNETOV ODKAZY ....................................................................................................... 17 11 PLOHY .................................................................................................................................... 18 12 REERE ODBORN LITERETURY..................................................................................... 23
12.1 VOD ................................................................................................................................................... 25 12.2 Reere odborn literatury 1. stupn .................................................................................................. 26 12.2.1 Knin tituly.......................................................................................................................................... 26 12.2.2 Internetov odkazy ............................................................................................................................. 26 12.2.3 Audio video tituly ................................................................................................................................ 27

12.3 Reere odborn literatury 2. Stupn .................................................................................................. 28 12.3.1 Banksy ................................................................................................................................................. 28 12.3.2 O knize Wall and Piece ........................................................................................................................ 29 12.4 Reere odborn literatury 3.stupn ................................................................................................... 30 12.4.1 Recenze knihy Wall and Piece ............................................................................................................. 30 12.5 ZVR ................................................................................................................................................... 32

Podmtem pro zkoumn v tto seminrn prci se stal kulturn transfer mezi nkolika umleckmi pedmty: snmek od -Nick Ut, Dvka z Trang Bang, Willard Scott, Ronald McDonald, Walt Disney+ Ub Iwerks, Mickey Mouse. A k jejich spolen adaptaci v podob grafitu od Banksyho, Napalm. Na tomto snmku meme vidt Mickey Mouse a Ronalda Mc Donalda jak dr malou vietnamskou holiku za ruce. Co mne zrovna vedlo k volb tohoto tmatu? Je to snmek vietnamsk dvky, kter petrvv v mnoha podvdom a prv dky Banksyho adaptaci upozoruje dnen konzumn spolenost na jist politick a kontroverzn otzky.

Clem m semestrln prce, je analyzovat a piblit kulturn transfer postav z originlnch snmk a porovnat je s jejich adaptac v Banksyho dle. Interpretovat snmek tak, jak byl vnmn pi jeho zrodu, analyzovat a porovnat s adaptac od Banksyho. Urit kulturn asoprostor, mdium a formt vech kulturnch text.

1.1 Hypotzy 1. Dla s politickmi vzkazy jsou stle vce lbiv pro jejich rznorodost se dekdovat. 2. Doshnout u divk o vce pozornosti k dvce z Napalmu, doshneme pouitm maskot znzorujcch moc, penze a slvu.

Jedn se o souhrn vech teoreticko- metodologickch prostedk. Tzn. Vychzet z uritch postup a nvod, kter slou k naplnn uritho cle. Zkladem je srovnvn nkolika dl pomoc jednotlivch metod, kter na sebe navazuj, vzjemn se dopluj i pekrvaj. Pot dochz k identifikaci shod a rozdl, dosazen do asovho kontextu a potvrzen i vyvrcen hypotz. 1.1 POJMY

INTERTEXTUALITA- intertextualita odkazuje k vdomm citacm uritho textu v rmci jinho textu, co vypovd o narstajc kulturn sebereflexi. Zven pozornost vnovan intertextualit je pokldan za znak postmodern situace. [1] KULTURN TRANSFR- jedn se o pevod uritho formtu v prostoru a ase na jin formt, mdium i nr. Tento penos meme sledovat v odlinch kulturnch oblastech a subkulturch. Mezi hlavn druhy kulturnho transferu se ad nap. pevyprvn, refert, peklad, adaptace, parodie, rekonstrukce atd.


Nick Ut, Phan Thin Kim Phuc napalmov tok- 1972 [5]

Nzev umleckho dla: Phan Thin Kim Phuc napalmov tok Autor: Nick Ut Datace: 8.ervna 1972 Kulturn oblast: Euro-Americk Kulturn epocha: 70. lta Kulturn proud i smr: Dokumentrn Komunikan mdium: Fotografie Umleck druh i formt: fotografie nr: Dokumentrn tvorba Nmt: zachycen okamiku, jen se odehrval nkolik minut po vbuchu bomb ve vesnici Trang Bang. Cl/Posln: Clem a poslnm tto fotografie, se pozdji stalo chrnit miliony dt, kter jsou nedobrovoln soust krutch boj pod nadvldou silnch mocnost. Bohuel tato fotografie mla velmi siln dopad na onu dvenku, jen je na fotografii jeliko se pozdji stala symbolem komunistick vietnamsk propagandy.


Jedn se o jeden z nejslavnjch snmk z vlky ve Vietnamu, kter zachycuje nevinn zden a poplen dti, je utkaj ped napalmem. Od konce vlky ve Vietnamu ji uplynulo mnoho let, ale jejm symbolem se stala ona ernobl fotografie nah, poplen dvenky, jen utk z vesnice, kterou zashl napalm. Snmek byl pozen 8. ervna v letech 1972 na silnici u vesnice Trang Bang, 40 km od Saigonu. Podil ji fotograf Nick Ut, kter byl tehdy soust americk armdy a zrove zachrncem dvky z fotografie. Fotografie byla pvodn urena pro americk lid, kter tehdy prudce vystupoval proti vlce ve Vietnamu, nakonec snmek obletl cel svt. Ovem nebyla to lehk cesta, fotografie nemla bt pvodn zveejnna, prv kvli nahot poplen dvky. editor at the AP rejected the photo of Kim Phuc running down the road without clothing because it showed frontal nudity. Pictures of nudes of all ages and sexes, and especially frontal views were an absolute no-no at the Associated Press in 1972...Horst argued by telex with the New York head-office that an exception must be made, with the compromise that no close-up of the girl Kim Phuc alone would be transmitted. The New York photo editor, Hal Buell, agreed that the news value of the photograph overrode any reservations about nudity. _ Nick Ut [3] O pravosti fotografie pochyboval tak prezident R. Nixon, kter se domnval, e jde o podvrh. Nick Ut k tomuto naen ekl toto: "Even though it has become one of the most memorable images of the twentieth century, President Nixon once doubted the authenticity of my photograph when he saw it in the papers on June 12, 1972.... The picture for me and unquestionably for many others could not have been more real. The photo was as authentic as the Vietnam war itself. The horror of the Vietnam war recorded by me did not have to be fixed. That terrified little girl is still alive today and has become an eloquent testimony to the authenticity of that photo. That moment thirty years ago will be one Kim Phuc and I will never forget. It has ultimately changed both our lives" _ Nick Ut [3]

Nick Ut za tuto fotografii zskal mnoho ocenn, jednou z nich je napklad Pulitzerova cena.

Spolenost dostla jakhosi procitnut, prv dky tto fotografii a uvdomila si, e bhem vlky trp pevn civiln oban a dti, kter nejsou strjci chte moci dret v rukou cel svt.


Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse- 1930 [6]

Nzev: Mickey Mouse Zadavatel: studio Walt Disney Autor: Walt Disney a Ub Twerks Datace: 1928 Komunikan mdium: animovan postavika nr: animace Nmt: Maskot spolenosti Walt Disney. Mickey je ern my, kter obvykle nos erven trenrky, velk lut boty a bl rukavice. Cl/ Posln:

Dleitost Mickey Mouse spov v tom, e byl prvn vytvoen jako nhrada za postavu Osvalda astnho krlka, aby se pozdji stal maskotem a ikonickou postavou studia Walt Disney.


Walt Disney na jae roku 1928 dal Ub Iwerks aby vytvoil nco, co bude pro studio charakteristick. Iwerks nakreslil mnoho nvrh zvat jako psy, koky, abky aj., ale dn z tchto kreseb nebyla pijata. Walt Disney zskal pro Mickey Mouse inspiraci podle kreseb my na jeho farm od Hugh Harman. Tyto kresby inspirovaly Ub Iwerks, kter tak vytvoil my, kter a do dnen doby neodmysliteln pat ke studiu Walt Disney. Mickey Mouse debutoval v letech 1928 a o pr let pozdji ml u na kont pes 130 film. Objevil se i v celoveernch filmech. Mickey byl dokonce nominovn na Oscara za nejlep krtk animovan film. V letech 1978 se stal Mickey prvn kreslenou postavikou, kter m hvzdu na hollywoodskm chodnku slvy. Meme ci, e tato animovan my je jakousi ikonou pravho americkho snu. Bhem mnoha let meme hovoit o tom kolik Mickey Mouse zail kulturnch transferu, ale bylo jich nespoet, nap. komiks, videohry i reln plyov postavy neuvitelnch velikost.

"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing that it was all started by a mouse." Walt Disney, Disneyland; October 27, 1954


Ronald McDonald [7]

Nzev: Ronald McDonald Autor: Willard Scott Datace: 1963 Komunikan mdium: klaun Umleck druh i formt: reklama Nmt: klaun, kter ije ve svt dobrodrustv a fantazie

Cl/ Posln: Ronald McDonald, klaun, jen je maskotem spolenosti McDonald. Mohli jsme se s nm setkvat v televiznch reklamch jako s klaunem, kter obv svt fantazie McDonald. V poslednch letech byl Ronald z reklam vyazen a msto toho je zobrazovn pmo v interakci s normlnmi dtmi v jejich kadodennm ivot.


Ronald McDonal je maskotem spolenosti, kter vlastn etzec fs fud McDonald po celem svt u mnoho let. Jeho kolem je se s lidmi pivtat velm smvem a bavit dti. Proto Ronald podporuje i mnoho nadac po celm svt.



Banksey, Napalm- 2004 [8]

Nzev umleckho dla: Napalm (mete se setkat i s jinm nzvem) Autor: Banksy Datace: 2004 Kulturn oblast: Euro-Americk Kulturn epocha: Postmodern kultura Subkultura: Vysok, profnn, novtorsk, komern a nekomern vyuit Kulturn proud i smr: Street art Komunikan mdium: ablonov graffiti (engl. Stencil Graffiti) Umleck druh i formt: Plakt, limitovan reprodukce nstnn graffiti nr: Street art Nmt: Napalm



Banksy je pseudonym pro anglickho graffiti umlce, politickho aktivistu, male a filmovho reisra. Stal se jednm z nejvlivnjch umlc na doby, take se s jeho prac setkvme v mnoha ulicch po celm svt. A wall has always been the best place to publish your work. [2] Banksyho prce je velmi provokativn, l jeho osobn filozofii a nut divka, aby si odnesl plnohodnotn soud z jeho dla, a u je pozitivn nebo negativn. Styl jeho kresby je vtinou satirick skladba, s tmatem kulturn, etick a politick scny. Je mnoho lid co jeho prce obdivuj, ale i mnoho co ho berou jako vandala. Some people become cops because they want to make the world a better place. Some people become vandals because they want to make the world a better looking place. [2] They say graffiti frightens people and is symbolic of the decline in society, but graffiti is only dangerous in the mind of three types of people: politicians, advertising executives and graffiti writers. [2] Za vrcholn dlo, meme povaovat obraz Napalm, kter vychz z fotografie, kter zskala Pulitzerovu cenu. Nejsilnjm momentem snmku je pohled na nahou, poplenou dvku s nataenmi paemi. Banksy si prv uvdomuje vechny tyto aspekty a umst dvku z fotografie pomoc monte mezi dv americk ikony dnenho konzumu, kter pedstavuj penze a moc. Dky tomu vytvoil a cynick dlo. Mickey Mouse a Ronald McDonald dr za ruce vietnamskou dvku. Na prvn pohled se meme domnvat, e se dvka usmv. Ale Banksy ve skutenosti udlal to, e vzal dv odlin dla, kter jsou si komern podobn, a dosadil je k dvce, kter prv stav svj zoufal strach proti dvma maskotm americky uznvan spolenosti. Divk, kter vnm obraz prvn, se me tzat, pro tyto postavy dlaj z dvenky trosku. Jin si snad me myslet, e ji zachrauj. Jak by ji ale mohli zachraovat, sta, kdy se podvme do jejich tv. Jestli jsou toto ty americk tve hrdosti, sly, dstojnosti a snu, tak pro psob a znechucujcm dojmem. Banksy svou tvorbou oslovuje mnoho generac. A i kdy nkdo onu dvenku z fotografie nepozn, tak pozn Mickey Mouse a Ronalda McDonald. Dlat analzu tohoto dla je velmi subjektivn zleitost, skrv v sob mnoho vrstev a spoustu odlinch nzor.


Kdy si s odstupem lovk uvdom co vlastn myk a klaun maj v na spolenosti pedstavovat, tak prvotn vc, kter m napad je ta, e jsou maskoty pro dti, jsou jejich vzorem a soust jejich fantazie. Proto ve spojen s nahou dvkou na m psob vulgrn a pedofiln. Co tm ml Banksy vlastn namysli. Mohli bychom spekulovat o tom, e chtl poukzat jak nsil je bhem vlky provdno na bezbrannch ench a dtech, a zrove poukzat na politick znsilovn dnen spolenosti. Klaun by ml ve skutenosti bt nevinn a okouzlujc bytost, kter pin dtem radost. A s mykem by si dti mli ut co nejvce zbavy. Tak pro na ns tento vjev z banksyho obrazu takto psob? Je to snad zpsobeno i technikou, jakou byl obraz namalovn? Prv ten kontrast bl a ern a ta grafick istota m za nsledek, e na ns psob hrzostranm dojmem. Hypotz a analz k tomuto Banksyho dlu je mnoho a vytvoit si jasn nzor na Napalm je tk. Proto bych zde rda citovala i jin analzy.

As I never attended the Street Art Exhibition, I don't have the overall feel of the event but looking at the picture that has been chosen, I can clearly tell it has street art connotations. Without looking at the second picture, I would still have had a guess that this had a political message, but now I have a better scope of the subject and a more emotive response. I could guess the street art influence, due to the simplicity of the picture but the deeper meaning it provokes. Politically, I think the message is also quite clear. It is aimed at America, which is represented by two major organisations. These two Characters are instantly recognisable worldwide, and they connote money and power. The figure in the centre, is the exact oppersite and reflects vunerablility and exploitation. Upon learning where the picture of the central person was taken from, the picture then has a more direct and specific meaning. It shows the concequence of the attack on Vitenam on America. It no longer becomes a picture dipicting wealth and power issues, but one based on a violent event. I personally find the picture thought prevoking, as Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse may just be fictional characters whose effects on people only go so far, but they have helped create the one of the most powerful nations who's effects on people are life changing. _Joe Parker. [4]

Amazing picture! It inspires so much power and in the same time it gives me the feeling of helplessness. I must say that when I first saw this piece of art I was shocked. I was just a child and I couldn't understand why the girl was naked and why those characters are holding her.


The picture not only does it mix child nudity with fictional characters, the two being recognized by the majority of people (Mickey Mouse and R. McDonald), but it also tries to point out, in an ironic way, how the Americans are treating the Vietnamese people.The second picture helps you understand the context- the horrible attack of the American troops on Vietnam. In the first picture, the soldiers are replaced by the American symbols. Another interesting fact is, how the girl's face is ironically modified so that it gives you the impression she's smiling, although in those circumstances she must have been terrified. The author of the picture has combined a multitude of elements that result into a protest against the American attack, trying to draw attention over a serious matter. _Roxana Albescu [4]

The picture that Harriet and I chose in the street art exhibition was mainly due to that fact that it can be taken in on many different frames of mind. The amount of things and comments that can be said about this simple yet shocking picture are undeniable. The first time I saw this picture it was hard for me to look at it, as I knew the orginal picture from previous studies, Harriet was not familiar with it and so I dont think it shocked her as much the first time she saw it as much as it did to me. Having said this, I think this picture is amazing as it captures the vunerability of America's society by choosing two of the most well known faces in American culture (Mickey mouse and Ronald McDonald) . It is clear from the picture that it indicates America's blindness to the real world. This is due to the fact that America is seen to be a fun loving, happy go lucky country which is shadowed by iconic characters such as Mickey and Ronald. However, a scratch below the surface shows how cruel America can be, this is shown with the famous image of the girl in Napalm running away naked from the acid bomb burns burning her skin. This famous image is portrayed by Bansky in such a way that it is as if he is trying draw attention to the 'real' America which could possibly be the way in which Americans are so blind about the real world and are just happy to ignore the real serious matters in the world and have them over shadowed by Mickey mouse. _Amy Swallow [4]



Nick Ut, Napalm- 1972 [5]

Banksy, Napalm- 2004 [8]

Pouit dokumentrn fotografie, posunut do jinho kontextu, kulturnho asoprostoru, mdia. Dokumentrn fotografie ablonov graffiti Kulturn epocha 70 let kultura modern doby Dokumentrn novtorsk, komern a nekomern vyuit

Mickey Mouse a Ronald McDonal drc vietnamskou dvku za ruce. Jde o zajmav kontrast, kde dv ikony Ameriky hraj roli kontroverznch postav. Z etickho hlediska by se to mohlo, dotknou pmo spolenosti McDonald A studia Walt Disney a dvky z obrazu dnes u dospl Kim Phuc. Banksy asto tvo dla, kter v sob nesou zakdovan vzkazy a politick vpovdi. Autor dla vak zachoval stejnou kompozici dvenky. Co zmnil, je prosted, formt a podstata. Tady to novodob podn ve mn vyvolalo vt nalhavost a pocit vypovdt. People ether love me or Theky hate me, or Theky dont really care. [2]


Clem m semestrln prce, je analyzovat a piblit kulturn transfer postav z originlnho snmku a porovnat je s jejich adaptac v Banksyho dle. A odpovdt na mnou stanoven hypotzy. Prvn hypotza dla s politickmi vzkazy jsou stle vce lbiv pro jejich rznorodost se dekdovat se potvrzuje a to v tvorb Banksyho dla Napalm. Autor se uvdomle zabv kdy a vzkazy a dky tomu dostv dlo schopnost hovoit samo za sebe. Dky tomu dv divkovi monost si ujasnit pohled na dlo a jeho filozofii, a je to pozitivn i negativn.

Druh hypotza doshnout u divk o vce pozornosti k dvce z Napalmu, doshneme pouitm maskot znzorujcch moc, penze a slvu tato hypotza se mi potvrdila. Jeliko pvodnm clem fotografie nebylo it propagandu, ale pravdu. Z Banksyho dla se dvka z fotografie stala znmou i pro ty co ji neznali, protoe ji autor uloil do kompozice nejznmjch tv svta konzumu a tm poukazuje na spolenost, kter je jm zaslepen. Dky tomu se vynoilo mnoho spekulac a analz a to jen potvrzuje mou hypotzu.

Nzory, kter jsem v tto prci uvedla, jsou podloeny odbornmi zdroji, doplnn o mj subjektivn pohled.



[1] BARKER, Chris, Slovnk kulturlnch studi, Portl 2006, ISBN:80-7367-099-2 [2] Banksy, Wall and Piece, 2005, 238 stran, ISBN: 1- 8441- 3787- 2

[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]



Obrzek 1- Banksy, Can't Beat the Feeling, 2006, Deutsche Bank Collection

Obrzek 2- Banksy- Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse save Britney Spears - REMIX - 2007


Obrzek 3- Banksy

Obrzek 4- Banksy, Ronald McDonald


Obrzek 5-Banksy

Obrzek 6-Banksy


Obrzek 7-Banksy, Revolutionary STOP

Obrzek 8- Banksy, Girl


Obrzek 9- Banksy, NY 2009

Obrzek 10- Banksy, zabil telefonn budku




12.1 VOD 12.2 Reere odborn literatury 1. stupn 12.3 Reere odborn literatury 2. stupn 12.4 Reere odborn literatury 3. Stupn 12.5 ZVR


12.1 VOD

Za nmtov okruh m reere jsem si vybrala osobnost anglickho street- artu Banksyho. Je to osobnost, kter hraje dleitou roli v mnou zvolenm kulturnm transferu (Napalm). Clem tedy bude vytvoit seznam odkaz, bibliografickch daj, literatury a internetovch odkaz, kter mi pomou lpe pochopit dla a ivot tohoto umlce, kter skrv svou identitu ped svtem a nechv promlouvat jen sv dla. Reeri vypracuji do tech rovn. V prvn rovni se bude jednat o vpis vyhledvanch kninch titul a internetovch odkaz. Ve druh zpracuji ivotopis osobnosti Banksyho a pedstavm jeho knihu Wall and piece. Ve tetm stupni reere uvdm recenzi Wall and piece.


12.2 Reere odborn literatury 1. stupn 12.2.1 Knin tituly

[1] Banksy locations & tours: [a collection of graffiti locations and photographs in London, England; over 75% of locations updated ; 25 photo improved or added ; extra love & peace included] / by Martin Bull, 2009, ISBN: 9781604860603 [2] Wall and piece / Banksy, 2005, ISBN: 1- 8441- 3787- 2

[3] Banging your head against a brick wall / [publ. by] Banksy, 2006, ISBN: 0954170407

[4] Banksy Locations & Tours, Volume 2: A Collection of Graffiti Locations and Photographs from around the UK. Bull, Martin, 2005, ISBN: 1844137864

[5] Something to s(pr)ay : der Street Artivist Banksy ; eine kunstwissenschaftliche Untersuchung / Ulrich Blanch. Blanch, Ulrich, 2010, ISBN: 3828822835

[6] Cut it out, Banksy, 2004, ISBN:


[7] Existencilism / [publ. by Banksy], Banksy, 2002, ISBN: 0954170415

[8] Street art : the graffiti revolution / Cedar Lewisohn, 2008, ISBN: 9781854377678

12.2.2 Internetov odkazy

[9] NICK UT, Dostupn z : [10] VISUAL ANALYSIS OF BANKSYS NAPALM , Dostupn z:


[11] BANKSY-THEMANIFESTO, Dostupn z: [12] BANKSY STREET ART BY BANKSY Dostupn z : [13] BANKSY: CREATIVE CRIMINAL?, Dostupn z: [14] NAPALM, Dostupn z: [15] BANKSY: THE JOKER, Dostupn z: [16] GRAFFITI GENIUS, Dostupn z: [17] BANKSY PRANKSY:YOU CAN BANKSY ON IT, Dostupn z: [18]BANKSY VERSUS BRISTOL MUSEUM, Dostupn z: [19] [20] BANKSYS WALL AND PIECE, Dostupn z: [21]BANKSY, Dostupn z : [22] BANKSY > QUOTES, Dostupn z:

12.2.3 Audio video tituly

[23] Exit through the gift shop / a film by Banksy.; [video],Ifans, Rhys,Fairey,Shepard,Banksy 2010


12.3 Reere odborn literatury 2. Stupn

12.3.1 Banksy

Banksy je Anglick street artov umlec. Do dnen doby je jeho totonost neznm. Vme jen zkladn informace a to jsou ty, e se narodil nedaleko Bristolu v roce 1974. Ve street artu zanal v letech 1990 jako freehand umlec (DBZ). Pouval ablony, ale zabval se i klasickmi graffiti. Od roku 2000 pracoval jen se ablonovou technikou. TECHNIKA- ablony jsou tradin run kreslen nebo jsou titn na listech z acettu. ablony umouj minimalizovat as a monost pekrvn barev. POLITICK A SOCILN TMATA- Banksyho prce se zabv celou adou politickch a spoleenskch tmat a existencionalismem. Krom toho, se tak zaobr lidskou hrabivost, chudobou, pokrytectvm, nudou, zoufalstvm, absurditou a odcizenm. V roce 2003 sed mu podail neuviteln kousek a to ten, e poprv vpaoval na oficiln vstavu sv padlky, nap. leknny od Moneta, do kterch vmaloval odpadky a nkupn kok. To v sob neslo symboliku destrukce lovka k prod. Nebo obraz Mony Lisy od Leonarda Da Vinciho s obm lutm smvem. Banksyho ablony jsou vrazn a vtipn, nkdy i s kombinac hesel. Tyto hesla jsou vtinou proti vlce, anti-kapitalismu. astmi podmty jsou opice, krysy, vojci, policist, dti a star lid. 2002- vstava s nzvem Existencilism, prvn vstava v Los Angeles. 2003 na vstav pod nzvem Turf War, kter se konala ve skladu, kde Banksy pomaloval zvata, to vyvolalo vzpouru mezi ochrnci zvat a ti se na protest pipoutali k zbradl.


2004- vytvoil bankovky a hlavu krlovny nahradil za obrzek princezny Diany a bankovky pojmenoval Banksy of England pot je vhodil do davu lid na karnevalu v Notting Hill, bankovky se pozdji staly sbratelskm kouskem. 2005- Banksy na cestch po Palestinskm zem vytvoil devt snmk na Izraelskou ze zpadnho behu Jordnu. 2006- vydraen soubor obraz Kate Moss, jen byly vytvoeny ve stylu Andy Warhola ( Marilyn Monroe) 2007- se vydraily ti Banksyho prce za dosud nejvy cenu. Banksy se stv nedlnou soust sbratel a zaujm tak msto vedle Moneta, Picassa, Pissarra aj. 2008- Banksy uspodal festival, kter se konal 3- 5 kvtna v Londn v oputnm tunelu na Leake Street. Banksy pozval na 39 umlc.
13. 7. 2009- Museum and Art Gallery- vce ne 100 umleckch dl, vetn instalac a animac. Jedna z jeho nejvtch vstav. 2010- svtov premira filmu Exit Through the Gift Shop na filmovm festivalu v Park City, Utah, dne 24. Ledna. Jeho snmek byl rovn navren na Oscara za nejlep dokumentrn film.

V kvtnu 2011 vypustil ven litografick tisk, kter l kouen obsahu benznov bomby v balen lahvi TESCO. The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages Banksy [22] 12.3.2 O knize Wall and Piece

Jde o sebran spisy nejdanjho umlce Britnie. Banksy je zodpovdn za dekorace v ulicch na zdech a mostech po celm svt.


Vtipn jsou jeho krysy se slunenky, opici se zbranmi hromadnho nien, nebo dti s balnky. Jeho prohlen jsou drz poznmky o vem od monarchie a k vlkm a konzumu.

UKZKA: When I was eighteen I spent one night trying to paint LATE AGAINA in big silver bubble letters on the side of a passenger train. British transport police showed u pand I got ripped to shreds running away through a thorny bus. The rest of my mates made it to the car and disappeared so I spent over an hour hoden unrra doper truck with engine oil leasing all over me. As I lay there listening to the cops on the tracks I realised I had to cut my painting time in half or give up altogether. I was staring straight u pat the stencilled plate on the botm of a fuel tank hen I realised I could just copy that style and make each letter free feet high. I go home at last and crawled into bed next to my girlfriend. I told her Id had an epiphany that night and she toldme to stop taking that drug cos its bad for your heart. [2]

12.4 Reere odborn literatury 3.stupn

12.4.1 Recenze knihy Wall and Piece

About a month back I watched a hilariously ironic documentary (or rather mockumentary?) called Exit Through The Gift Shop. The film centers around street-art culture and profiles the infamous and ingenious graffiti artists of our time, brought to you by none other than British enigma (love him or hate him), Banksy. The DVD is being released mid-December in the States and Im not exactly sure if its getting a world-wide release but given Banskys character, doubt hell have a problem with you downloading it. This is after all the same guy, who after selling his art for a total of about half a million dollars, went on his website and posted an image of people running into an art auction house with the message - I Cant Believe You Morons Actually Buy This Sh*t. As mentioned in the film, it was initially meant to be focused around Banksy himself, along with profiling graffitis biggest stars, including a certain Shepard Fairey, the artist who designed the inspirational Obama Hope posters but Banksy (as humble as he is!) began to feel that perhaps the star of the documentary should be the bat-sh*t crazy cameraman who followed and filmed all these artists over the years. What transpires is an extremely funny,


deeply ironic film that pokes fun at not only street-art culture but also the hipsters who seem to be obsessed with the next big thing, without any focus on the actual quality of work. Dont really want to spoil anything, so will leave it at that and urge you to give it a watch. After watching Exit Through the Gift Shop, I was inspired to review Banksys book for the FlipkartBlog, Wall and Piece, which was released in 2005. I notice on Twitter we consistently get a lot of requests for recommendations on books for design and while admittedly this isnt your conventional design/art book, its a title that deserves to be in the collection of all artists and graphic designers. Banksy is truly one of a kind. His stencil-based art is thought provoking, eye catching and genuinely revolutionary. The balls of his artistry is symbolized by the medium in which he chooses to display his work - hijacking crass billboard adverts, not intimidated to deface popular landmarks, hitting up tall corporate buildings (for ultimate visibility), even tagging farm animals in the rural areas. The book is filled with pretty much all of Banksys exploits pre-2005; highlighting his prolific work in Palestine on the Segregation Wall as well as pictures of him adding his own spoof artwork in the Louvre and various other world renowned museums - particularly his piece of the Mona Lisa with a smiley face. His fascination with monkeys and rats is also shown as there is an extensive collection of these works in the book - baboons holding placards with various anarchist messages and a variety of ghetto fabulous rodents holding boom-boxes and such. One particular project of his which was especially incisive was when he printed out a batch of counterfeit 10 pound notes (theyre selling on ebay for about $400 now) - replacing the Queens head with Lady Diana and replacing the word Bank with Banksy turns out he went to a music festival and flung them in the crowd! There is deep significance in all of Banksys work and the bottom line is all of it is ridiculously cool. The book also features write ups by the mystery man, which are fun to read and filled with social themes. Find it funny that when he adds his graffiti/artwork to buildings or houses, the artwork more often than not are worth more than the buildings themselves. If you want a basic understanding of the kind of artist he is and the themes he likes working in, check out his intro segment for The Simpsons from this year it caused quite a stir! Hes without a doubt the most visionary artist of our generation and you gotta respect the fact that he still remains anonymous. [20]


12.5 ZVR Po napsn tto reere jsem dospla k nzoru, e Banksiho dlo ovlivuje svou filozofi nejen kritiky a umlce, ale rovn se stv nekonenou inspirac pro dnen spolenost lid, kterm nen lhostejn, kde ij. Je vjimen jak svou tvorbou, tak hloubkou a komplikovanost sv osobnosti. O Banksym mohu ct toto: je mistrem svho oboru a dv monost lidem vyjdit sv mylenky a pocity bez jakchkoli zbran. Myslm si, e tato reere pro m byla skvlou ppravou pro napsn m semestrln prce.


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