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Architectural Modeling with Rhino

Robert Beson & Gabriele Ulacco

Architectural Modeling AR-MA | Robert Beson | Gabriele Ulacco 2011 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit http:// or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Architectural Modeling with Rhino What is Rhino NURBS Modeling Where it fits in the design process Rhino and other programs Rhino Geometry Types 5 5 5 5 5 Surfaces Surfaces Creating Surfaces Surfaces from Curves Surfaces from other Surfaces Solids and Polysurfaces Polysurface Edit Tools 12 13 13 13 13 13 Tutorial 00a: Move and Snaps Move, Copy, and Rotate Display Modes 19 19

Tutorial 00b: Curves Curve Degree Modeling Aids 20 20

Rhino Interface Editing Start Rhino Navigating 3D Space Command Line Escape Key Toolbar Buttons Undo / Redo 7 7 7 7 7 7 Selecting Object Visibility Lock Objects Edit Curves and Surfaces Transforms 14 14 14 14 15

Tutorial 1a: Site Import Start Rhino Import Contours with Earth and Sketchup Import the file into Rhino Organise Layers 21 21 22 22

Viewports Viewports Contraining the cursor Coordinate System Object Snaps 8 9 9 9

Curve and Surface Analysis Tutorial 1b: Extract Contours Measure Distance, Angle, and Radius Curve and Surface Direction 16 16 Contour Scaled Contours Virtual Test Model 24 25 26

Curve and Surface Analysis Curves Points Curves, Lines and Polylines Curve Degree Curve Direction Free-form Curves Curve from other Curves Curves based on Surfaces 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 Visual Surface Analysis Edge Evaluation Find the Open Edges on a Polysurface 17 17 17 Tutorial 1d: Site from Contours Organise your layers Tracing the Contours Raise the Contours to the correct level Surfacing 1: Patch Surfacing 2: Delauney Triangulation 28 28 28 29 29

Organisation and Presentation File Operations Organisation Annotation 18 18 18

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Tutorial 2a: Barcelona Pavilion Import CAD drawing Clean up file Rotate the elevations Model the volumes 30 30 30 31 Dimensions Organisation Representation Analysis Repair Snaps Construction Plane Selection Miscellanies Object Properties Walkthrough 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52

Tutorial 2b: Documentation Elevations Sections Exploded Axonometric Saved Views Export to Illustrator 33 33 34 35 35

Appendix 3: Rhino Commands

Appendix 1: Rhino Menus Shortcuts Shortcuts 38 40

Appendix 2: Rhino Toolbars Standard Main Points Point Editing Curves Curve Editing Surfaces Surface Editing Solids Solid Editing Meshes Mesh Editing Transformations
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 51

Architectural Modeling with Rhino

What is Rhino Rhinoceros (Rhino) is a stand-alone, commercial NURBSbased 3-D modeling tool, developed by Robert McNeel & Associates that specializes in free-form non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) modeling. Rhino was originally developed in 1992 as NURBS plugin for AutoCAD. Since then, it has developed into an invaluable tool for architectural design and development. NURBS Modeling NURBS, Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines, are mathematical representations of 3-D geometry that can accurately describe any shape from a simple 2-D line, circle, arc, or curve to the most complex 3-D organic free-form surface or solid. Because of its underlying mathematical structure, Rhino works very well with downstream applications such as CNC fabrication. The advantage over using polygon modelers is that there are no facets. The models can be rendered at any resolution. A mesh can be created from the model at any resolution. Where it fits in the design process Depending on preference and need, Rhino is used at many stage of the architectural procurement process: from early schematic design through to fabrication drawings. However, its strength is found in Design Development stages. Because of its accuracy, Rhino does lose a little speed; however combined now with Grasshopper, Rhino is a powerful modeling and parametric design tool. Microstation. It fits in the middle. Rhino Geometry Types Rhino uses the following geometry types: Points A single point in 3D space. Often used as placeholders and modeling aids. Curves All lines in Rhino are curves. They can be straight or curved, open or closed. Surfaces All surfaces are 3D NURBS objects. They can represent rectilinear as well as organic forms. Surfaces can be edited through their control points. We can edit the shape of single surfaces by turning on and manipulating their control points. Polysurfaces A polysurface is collection of two or more surfaces that are joined together. If a polysurface encloses a volume of space, Rhino defines it as a solid. Polysurfaces cannot be edited through their control points - you must first explode them into their component surfaces. Solids In Rhino, a solid is any object that is completely closed. Mesh Objects Although not a mesh modeler, Rhino does support mesh objects. In contrast to NURBS geometry, meshes are composed of points joined together by line segments that enclose a polygonal face. The collection of these faces makes the mesh object.

Rhino and other programs Rhino is primarily a 3D modeling program. For ideation and conceptual design, it is not as fast as an animation package like Maya or 3D Studio Max, but it is far more accurate. Also, although it support simple drafting, it is not as robust a documentation package as AutoCAD or
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Rhino Interface
Main menu Almost all commands within Rhino can be found with the pull-down menus

Command Feedback Command Line The command line, in combination with aliases and keyboard short-cuts, is the quickest way to interact with Rhino. Viewports Title By default, Rhino will start with four viewports: Top, Front, Right, and Perspective. The active viewport is highlighted blue. Double click with LMB to maximize the viewport. RMB click on the viewport title to open the viewport menu.

Toolbars The toolbars contain all of the commands in the main, pulldown, menus as well as some specific macros.

More... RMB click on the grey area of the window to access all the toolbars. Gird Snap Snaps your drawing to the current grid. Orthogonal drawing Constrains your drawing to the cardinal axes. Planar drawing Constrains your drawing to the construction plane. Object Snaps Show or hide your object snaps.

Object Snaps Use the object snaps for precision placement of elements.

Coordinate Readout Indicates the x,y,z coordinate of your current drawing position in either the CPlane or World coordinate space. The fourth number indicates the distance. CPlane vs World Indicates whether your coordinate readout is using world or construction plane coordinates.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Rhino Interface
Start Rhino When you start Rhino, it will ask you to choose a Template File to begin. For architectural modeling, you will generally choose, Large - Meters. This gives you a tolerance of 0.01mm. you want to draw a polyline - begin typing pol and the pull-down menu will populate with commands beginning with your input text. Knowing how the command line works as well as a number of key commands is critical to working with Rhino. With this in mind, we will focus from this point on commands and toolbars. Repeat Last Command Often you will need to repeat a command many times while modeling. It is very quick in Rhino to repeat the last command used. Simply click the Spacebar, Enter key, or Right Mouse Button (RMB). Escape Key The Esc key will cancel any command. It will also deselect any current selection set. Toolbar Buttons The toolbar buttons are a graphical interface to the commands. However, they are a far slower and less efficient manner of interacting with the program. Mouse over the toolbutton to see the associated tooltip. If there are a number of tools that you are using often, you can pull the toolbar out and dock it on the interface. Buttons with flyouts are marked with a small white triangle in the lower left corner. Hold the mouse button down over the button to access them.




Navigating 3D Space The first thing you generally want to do within any 3D software is work out how to move around. Navigating the interface in Rhino is a combination of the RMB and Ctrl or Shift key. Orbit Pan Zoom RMB Shift + RMB Ctrl + RMB (or the Scroll-Wheel)

It is good practice to zoom selectedon the current object or region of drawing you are working on. ZS [Enter] Zoom Selected

Command Line Rhino works by typing commands to the command window. There are very many commands in Rhino - above 700. For a complete listing see the Appendix. The Command Line is the preferred method to interact with Rhino. In combination with keyboard short-cuts and aliases, it is by far faster than searching through pull-down menus or toolbars. To use the command line, simply start typing. Whenever you begin typing, Rhino will automatically assume you are typing a command. To enter commands press Enter, Spacebar or the Right Mouse Button (RMB). Command Drop-down List The command names predictive and usually intuitive. If
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Undo / Redo Rhino support unlimited undo and redos. The short-cuts are standard windows short-cuts: Undo Redo Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y

Viewports Rhino starts by default with four viewports: Top, Front, Right, and Perspective. The last viewport used is the active viewport, and is highlighted blue. Maximize Viewports Maximise and minimise the viewports by double-clicking on the viewport titles. Also, you can access the viewport menu by RMB clicking on the viewport title. Display Modes You can change the way your model looks on screen to suit your current modeling needs. It is easy to shift between the following with keyboard shortcurs: Wireframe Ctrl+Shift+W Useful for very technical modeling of complex lines and surfaces. Ghosted Ctrl+Shift+G Useful for overlapping objects and interior spaces. Shaded Ctrl+Shift+S Useful for massing and general modeling. Rendered Ctrl+Shift+R Useful for form checking. Viewport Properties Access a viewports properties by RMB clicking onthe viewport title and choosing Viewport Properties at the bottom of the list. This allows you to (1) change between parallel and perspective camera projection; (2) change the length of the camera lens from a wide angle to telephoto; and (3) specifically place the camera and its center of interest.





Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Modeling Aids
The cursor can always move freely in space, but chances are, you will want to relate your modeling elements to the construction plane grid or to existing objects. You can restrict the cursors movement to the grid, enter specific distances and angles from a point, and snap to specific locations on existing objects. Coordinate System Rhino uses two coordinate systems: construction plane coordinates and world coordinates. World coordinates are fixed in space. Construction plane coordinates are defined for each viewport. Contruction Planes Each viewport has a construction plane. A construction plane is like a tabletop that the cursor moves on unless you use coordinate input, elevator mode, or object snaps or a few other instances where input is constrained. The construction plane has an origin, x- and y-axes, and a grid. The construction plane can be set to any orientation. By default, each viewports construction plane is independent of those in other viewports.

Contraining the cursor

Ortho off

Ortho The Shift key will temporarily enable orthoganal drawing. This will force your cursor to draw in the cardinal directions. You can toggle ortho on and off using the F8 key. Direction Use the Tab key to lock the direction of your cursor as you draw. This is extremely useful in combination with the Shift key and the Object Snaps.a
Ortho on

Object Snaps Object snaps constrain the marker to specific points on an object allowing you to quickly model accurately. To turn object snaps on and off: 1. 2. On the status bar, click the Osnap pane. In the Osnap toolbar, check or clear the desired snaps.

Distance While drawing, you can enter a numeric value to contrain the cursor to a distance from the first point. During any command that requires two points, such as the Line command, place the first point. Then at the next prompt, type a distance and press Enter or the Spacebar. Elevator Mode To move the marker in the construction plane z-direction, hold the Ctrl key and click a point on the construction plane, and then drag vertically from the construction plane and click to pick a point. This constraint is called elevator mode. Using elevator mode to move your pick point vertically from the construction plane lets you work more in the Perspective viewport. Planar Mode Planar mode constrinas the marker to the plane of the previous pick point, parallel to the active construction plane. This helps you work in perspective without have to set up construction planes.
Elevator Mode Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Distance constrained

Points The following are useful commands for working with points. Point Use the Point or Points commands to draw points. Divide Curve with Points Use the Divide command to divide a curve according to the number of sections you desire, or into particular lengths. Import Points from text file Sometimes, you may want to import a list of points from a text file. See the RhinoScript for this in the appendix.

Curves, Lines and Polylines All lines in Rhino are curves. Polylines are adjaced and joined Line segments. We will draw both and have a look at the difference. 1. Enter the Line command and LMB click to place the start point. LMB click somewhere else to make the end point. Repeat above. You may snap to the previous end point if you wish, or make a new line that is not adjacent.


Now repeat the process with the PolyLine command. 3. Enter Polyline and with the LMB click in the viewport to enter the first point. Continue LMB clicking to enter subsequent points. To complete the command, use the Enter or Spacebar key. While drawing your PolyLine you can close it by (1) LMB clicking on the first point, or (2) using the Close option (enter C).


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Curve Degree The degree of the curve tells us if the curve is linear (degree1) or curvy (degree 2+). The degree relates to the underlying mathematical expression of the curve. It particular it is the exponent to which the polynomial function is raised.
Degree 1

Curve from other Curves Modeling is often a case of drawing curves, making surfaces from those curves and then extracting curves from the surfaces to make new surfaces. Rhino has many tools to edit and extract curves. We will use the following commands: Extend

Curve Direction Every curve and surface has a direction, which is often useful to know. Use the Dir command to check the direction of the curve. If you need to change the direction, use the Flip command.
Degree 2

Fillet Chamfer Blend Offset

Free-form Curves Generally, we will use the Curve command, and less often the InterCrv command. Both draw free-form curves. The Curve command uses control points to draw, while the InterCrv draws a curve through the points you pick.
Degree 3

Curves based on Surfaces Project Duplicate Edge Duplicate Border Intersection Contour Section Curve from Surface Isocurve Extract Wireframe

Curve 5. Enter Curve and LMB click to pick a start point. Continue clicking to add points to your curve. Click Close to make a closed curve, or press Enter to end the command. Notice that the curve is being drawn near the points you click. These are the control points by which the curve is weighted. Interpolated Curve Next compare the InterpCrv command. 6. Enter InterpCrv and using the LMB click to enter the first point and continue clicking to enter subsequent points. Type C to close or Enter to complete the command.

Drawing curves in Rhino is one of the most important techniques to master. Although the InterpCrv seems more intuitive to use at first, I recommend using mostly the Control Point Curve.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Surfaces A surface is like a rectangular stretchy rubber sheet. The NURBS form can represent simple shapes, such as planes and cylinders, as well as free-form, sculptured surfaces. All surface creation commands in Rhino result in the same object: a NURBS surface. Rhino has many tools for constructing surfaces directly or from existing curves. All NURBS surfaces have an inherently rectangular organization. Even a closed surface such as a cylinder is like a rectangular piece of paper that has been rolled up so two opposite edges are touching. The place where the edges come together is called the seam. If a surface does not have a rectangular shape, either it has been trimmed or the control points on the edges have been moved. Closed vs Open A surface can be open or closed. A cylinder without the ends capped is closed in one direction. A torus (donut shape) is closed in twodirections. Surface Control Points The shape of a surface is defined by a set of control points that are arranged in a rectangular pattern. Rebuilding Surfaces Use the Rebuild command to reparametize the the surface. This is an extremely common and useful command. It effectively allows you to adjust the amount of control points (and therefore control) you have over a surface. Trimmed and Untrimmed Surfaces Surfaces can be trimmed or untrimmed. A trimmed surface has two parts: a surface that underlies everything and defines the geometric shape, and trimming curves that mark sections of the underlying surface that are removed from view. Trimmed surfaces are created with commands that trim or split surfaces with curves and other surfaces. Some commands create trimmed surfaces directly.
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA 12

Since it can be important for you to know if a surface is trimmed, the Properties command lists the trimmed or untrimmed state of the surface. Some Rhino commands work only with untrimmed surfaces and some software does not import trimmed NURBS surfaces. Trimming curves lie on the underlying surface. This surface may be larger than the trim curves, but you will not see the underlying surface because Rhino does not draw the part of the surface that is outside the trim curves. Every trimmed surface retains informationvabout its underlying surface geometry. You can remove the trimming curve boundaries tovmake the surface untrimmed with the Untrimvcommand. If you have a trim curve that runs across a surface, the trim curve itself does not have any real relationship to the control point structure of the surface. You can see this if you select such a trimmed surface and turn its control points on. You will see the control points for the whole underlying surface. If you create a surface from a planar curve, it can be a trimmed surface. The illustrated surface was created from a circle. The control points display shows the rectangular structure of the surface. The Untrim command removes the trimming curve from the surface to get back to the underlying untrimmed rectangular surface.

Creating Surfaces We will explore the following commands for creating surfaces. SrfPt Plane CutPlane Surface from Points Rectangular Surface Cutting Plane

Surfaces from Curves EdgeSrf ExtrudeCrv Loft Sweep1 Sweep2 Surface from Planar Curves Extrude curve Loft a surface between curves Sweep a profile along 1 rail. Sweep a profile along 2 rails.

Surfaces from other Surfaces Fillet between Two Surfaces Blend between Two Surfaces Offset Surfaces

Solids and Polysurfaces Box Pipe Cap Creates a solid retangular solid. Extrude a circular profile along a curve. Caps planar holes.

Polysurface Edit Tools Ctrl+J Explode Boolean...

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Join polysurfaces together. Explode a polysurface into parts. Boolean operations on objects.

Selecting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select objects in Rhino by LMB clicking on them. Hold the Shift key to add to your selection. Hold the Ctrl key to remove objects from your selection. Use Esc to cancel the selection. Use Ctrl A to select all. Rhino will offer a pop-up menu to help when selecting objects that are overlapping. Lock Objects You can also lock objects on a per-object basis. This allows you to use an object as reference for modeling while not disturbing it. Use Ctrl+L to lock objects, and Ctrl+Shift+L to unlock them.

Edit Curves and Surfaces The editing operations in this section break objects apart, cut holes in them, and put them back together. Some of these commands connect curves to curves or surfaces to surfaces or polysurfaces and break a composite curve or polysurface into its components. The commands: Join, Explode, Trim, and Split apply to curves, surfaces, and polysurfaces. The Rebuild, ChangeDegree, and Smooth commands alter the shape of a curve or surface by changing its underlying control point structure. In addition, objects have properties that are assigned to them such as color, layer, rendering material, and other attributes depending on the object. The Properties command manages these properties. Join (Curves & Surfaces) The Join command connects curves or surfaces together into one object. For example, a polycurve can consist of straight-line segments, arcs, polylines, and freeform curves. The Join command also connects adjacent surfaces into a polysurface. Explode The Explode command removes the connection between joined curves or surfaces. For polysurfaces, this is useful if you want to edit each individual surface with control points. Trim & Split The Trim and Split commands are similar. The difference is when you trim an object, you select the parts to remove and they are deleted. When you split an object, all parts are left.

Window Selection LMB click + drag the mouse to draw a selection box. 7. 8. Draw the box from left to right to select objects within the box Draw from right to left to select all objects that the box crosses.

Select by Object Type Use the following commands to select by object type. 9. SelPt Point Objects Curves Surfaces Polysurfaces Meshes

10. SelCrv 11. SelSrf 12. SelPolySrf 13. SelMesh

Object Visibility Besides using layers, you can quickly control the visibility of objects by hiding and showing them. Use Ctrl+H to hide objects, Ctrl+Alt+H to show objects and the SwapView command to toggle between hidden and visible objects.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

The Split command will split a surface with a curve, surface, polysurface, or its own isoparametric curves. The Untrim command removes a surfaces trimming curve, with an option to keep the curve so you can re-use it. Control Point Editing You can make subtle changes in the shape of a curve or surface by moving the location of its control points. Rhino offers many tools for editing control points. Some commands such as Rebuild, Fair, and Smooth offer some automated solutions for redistributing control points over a curve or surface. Control Point Visibility To edit curves and surfaces by manipulating control points, use the PointsOn (F10) command to turn the control points on. When you are finished with control-point editing, use the PointsOff command or press Esc to turn them off. Control points of polysurfaces cannot be turned on for editing. Transforms Transforms change the location, rotation, number and shape of whole objects by moving, mirroring, arraying, rotating, scaling, shearing, twisting, bending, and tapering. The transform commands do not break the objects into pieces or cut holes in them. Move Use the Move command when you want to move an object a certain distance or if you want to use object snaps to place an object accurately. Copy
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA 15

The Copy command makes copies of objects. Some transform commands like Rotate, Rotate 3-D, and Scale have a Copy option. This lets you create a copy of the object as you rotate or scale it. Rotate The Rotate command rotates an object in relation to the construction plane. Rotate 3D Rotate3D allows you to first define the axis about which you would like to rotate. Scale Scale command give you control over the direction of the scale. You can resize objects uniformly in one, two, or three directions, or scale an object with a different scale factor in each direction. Mirror The Mirror command reverses the orientation of the object across a defined line. By default, a copy is made. Orient The Orient commands combine move or copy, scale, and rotate operations to help you position and size objects in one command. Array Copies objects into evenly spaced rows and columns.

Curve and Surface Analysis

Since Rhino is a mathematically accurate NURBS modeler, tools that provide accurate information about the objects are provided. Measure Distance, Angle, and Radius Some analysis commands provide information about location, distance, angle between lines, and radius of a curve. For example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Distance displays the distance between two points. Angle displays the angle between two lines. Radius displays the radius of a curve at any point along it. Length displays the length of a curve. EvaluatePt displays coordinate information for any point.

Curve and Surface Direction Curves and surfaces have a direction. Many commands that use direction information display direction arrows and give you the opportunity to change (flip) the direction. The Dir command displays the direction of a curve or surface and lets you change the direction. The illustration shows the curve direction arrows. If the direction has not been changed, it reflects the direction the curve was originally drawn. The arrows point from the start of the curve toward the end of the curve. The Dir command also displays surface u-, v-, and normal direction. Surface normals are represented by arrows perpendicular to the surface, and the u- and v-directions are indicated by arrows pointing along the surface. Closed surfaces always have the surface normals pointing to the exterior. The Dir command can change the u-, v-, and normaldirections of a surface.
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA 16

Curve and Surface Analysis

Visual Surface Analysis Visual surface analysis commands let you examine surfaces to determine smoothness as determined by its curvature, tangency, or other surface properties. These commands use NURBS surface evaluation and rendering techniques to help you visually analyze surface smoothness with false color or reflection maps so you can see the curvature and breaks in the surface. The CurvatureAnalysis command analyzes surface curvature using false-color mapping. It analyzes Gaussian curvature, mean curvature, minimum radius of curvature, and maximum radius of curvature. The EMap command displays a bitmap on the object so it looks like a scene is being reflected by a highly polished metal. Tool helps you find surface defects and validate your design intent. The fluorescent tube environment map simulates tube lights shining on a reflective metal surface. The Zebra command displays surfaces with reflected stripes. This is a way to visually check for surface defects and for tangency and curvature continuity conditions between surfaces. Edge Evaluation Geometry problems such as Boolean or join failures can be caused by edges on surfaces that have become broken or edges between surfaces that have been moved through point editing so they create holes. An edge is a separate object that is part of the surfaces boundary representation. The ShowEdges command highlights all the edges of the surface. Some operations and export features require closed polysurfaces, and a model using closed polysurfaces is generally higher quality than one with small cracks and slivers. Rhino provides a tool for finding the unjoined or naked edges. When a surface is not joined to another surface, it has naked edges. Use Properties command to examine the object details. A polysurface that has naked edges lists as an open polysurface. Use the ShowEdges command to display the unjoined edges. Other edge tools let you split an edge, merge edges that meet end-to-end, or force surfaces with naked edges to join. You can rebuild edges based on internal tolerances. Other edge tools include: SplitEdge splits an edge at a point. MergeEdge merges edges that meet end to end. JoinEdge forces unjoined (naked) edges to join nearby surfaces. RebuildEdges redistributes edge control points based on internal tolerances.

Find the Open Edges on a Polysurface A polysurface may look closed, but the Properties command may tell you that it is open.
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA 17

Organisation and Presentation

File Operations Rhino is an excellent intermediary for importing and exporting a majority of different file formats. Import & Insert The Import command will import your file and merge it with the current Rhino document. This is the general method for bringing externally created geometry into Rhino such as dwg, dxf, iges, and obj. Insert by contrast, allows you to import external , geometry as a block instance. Export Selected The Export command allows you to select specific pieces of geometry to export to other programs. For instance, you might export a mesh for finite element analysis, or for rendering in another program. Organisation Rhino offers aids to organizing your work: layers, groups, blocks, and worksessions. Each method offers a different approach to model organization. Using layers lets you assign a layer designation to objects. Groups associate objects so they can be selected as one. Blocks let you store and update an association of objects. Worksessions let you work on a part of a project while using other models in the project as references. Layers Layers are a way of grouping objects and applying certain characteristics to all objects that have that layer assignment. There are two mental models you can use when you think of layerslayers can be thought of either as a storage location for the objects or as a way to assign a set of characteristics or properties to objects. To accomplish the most common tasks related to layers, click the Layer pane in the status bar to display the popup layer list. You can set the current layer; change the on/ off, locked/unlocked state; and the layer color. In addition,
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

right-click the layer name to create a new layer, rename a layer, delete the selected layer, select objects on the selected layer, change objects to the selected layer, and copy objects to the selected layer. Groups A group is a collection of objects that select as one for moving, copying, rotating, or other transforms and applying properties such as object color. Grouping objects assigns a group name to each object that is displayed as a part of its properties. Objects with the same group name belong to the same group. Group groups objects for selection. A group can contain one or more sub-groups. Ungroup destroys the group.

The Dot command places a text dot. Dots are always parallel to the view. There are no controls for the dot size. Dots are displayed in the layer color. Dot size is constant on the screen. As you zoom in and out, the dot displays the same size. Make 2D The Make2D command creates curves from the selected objects as silhouettes relative to the active view. The silhouette curves are projected flat and then placed on the world x,y-plane. The command options create the 2-D drawing from the current view, current construction plane, create a four-view layout, set layers for the hidden lines, and display tangent edges.

Annotation Rhino provides the ability to add notation to your model in the form of dimensions, leaders, and text blocks. These appear as objects in the model. A different form of notation, the annotation dots and arrowheads, always display facing towards the view plane. Dimensions The Dim command places horizontal and vertical dimensions depending on the direction you pick the points. Dimensions are created using the current dimension style. Create new dimension styles to control text size and font, and other dimension properties. Use the settings in the Document Properties dialog box to create new styles and set the properties of existing styles. Text The Text command places annotation text in your model. Leader The Leader command draws an arrow leader. Annotation Dots

Tutorial 00a: Move and Snaps

Move, Copy, and Rotate To begin with, we will have a look at a few files and practice some basics. 1. 2. Browse to the file: 00_Introduction/00a_Snaps.3dm and open it. Use the Rotate and Rotate3D command to align your objects with their respective holes. You can pre or post-select your object. Using the object snaps, enter Move and select the object you want to move. Now LMB click on the point you want to move from and then LMB click on the point to which you want to move. Enter the Copy command to move the object while duplicating it.



Display Modes 5. Experiment with the different display modes. Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+G Ctrl+Shift+R Wireframe Shaded Ghosted Rendered

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 00b: Curves

Curve Degree All lines in Rhino are curves. The degree of the curve tells us if the curve is linear (degree1) or curvy (degree 2+). The degree relates to the underlying mathematical expression of the curve. It particular it is the exponent to which the polynomial function is raised.

Curve Menu > Line > Single Line Modeling Aids Ortho Hold the Shift key to temporarily constrain your movements to the cardinal directions. Alternatively you can toggle it on or off using F8. Planar With Planar turned on, this forces your inputs to be on a plane parallel to the construction place that passes through the last point that you picked. To ENTER a command, you can either the Enter key, or the Spacebar. Spacebar and Enter will also REPEAT the last command used.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 1a: Site Import

In this tutorial we will import a 3D mesh from Google Earth as our site. Start Rhino When Rhino opens, a dialog box will ask you to select a Template File. For architectural projects, use the Large Object - Millimeters.3dm. We are going to use Google Earth and Sketchup to import the mesh, from which we will later extract contours. Import Contours with Earth and Sketchup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start Google Earth and Sketchup. Within Google Earth, navigate to the current site on which you are working. Zoom to an appropriate distance in Google Earth. Start Sketchup and go to Tools > GoogleEarth > Get Current View Go to Window > Layers to open the layers palette. Set the layers as indicated. You want the Google Earth Terrain layer turned on and the others off. We highly recommend obtaining accurate contours from a site survey. It is often necessary to import the 2D drawing and trace these in Rhino by hand. The trick here is to zoom in to an appropriate distance

Within all of these tutorials, we will be using millimeters. The Large Template.... Using Google Earth and Sketchup for contours is a quick and easy way to produce a site model, but by no means accurate.

Youll notice if you spin the model around (MMB) that it is 3-dimensional. 6. 7. Export the model for use in Rhino by going to File > Export > 3D Model Save the file as an AutoCAD DWG File.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 1a: Site Import

Import the file into Rhino 8. Back in Rhino, go to File > Import and browse to the location you save the contours. Import vs Insert Inport merges the file into your existing document, whereas Insert places a linked copy as a block. Rhino is an excellent file transfer utility. Refer to Appendix 4 for a list of file formate that Rhino can import and export.

You will need to change the drop-down menu Files of type in order to view the DWG. Change it to All. The file is now imported, but you may not be able to see it due to the layer being off. We are now going to explore the Layers Palette.

Organise Layers We are going to clean up the imported objects. Then we will make a new layer called Terrain and move the mesh to it and then delete the other layers. 9. Type the command Layer to open the layers palette.
Delete Layer New Sub-Layer New Layer Move Up Move Down Move to Parent Filter Tools

10. LMB click the light switches to turn on all the layers. 11. Delete the Layer called Google Earth Snapshot by selecting it and LMB clicking the Delete Layer button. Now the imported object is a strange compound object made up a mesh, curves, text objects and a block. This is normal when importing other file types. It is sitting across two layers and we need to simplify it. 12. Select the object and use the Explode command to break into its component pieces. LMB click on the objects to select some of them. You will see that it is made up of curves and meshes. We need to delete all the curves and then rejoin the mesh. 13. Type SelCrv to select the curves. 14. Press the Delete key to delete them. 15. Type SelText and delete it. 16. Type SelBlockInstance and delete it.
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA 22 Layer Colour Lock Layer Layer Visibility Current Layer Layer Name

Tutorial 1a: Site Import

You should now have a clean collection of individual mesh faces. We are going to join these into a single mesh. 17. Select all the meshes, either with Ctrl+A, or SelMesh 18. With the meshes selected, hit Ctrl-J We now have a single, clean mesh for our site that we can begin working on. To finish, we will clean up our layer palette. 19. Type Purge to remove all empty layers and block definitions. 20. LMB on the layer 0 name to rename it to Site. 21. Save your file (Ctrl+S) What we learned:

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 1b: Extract Contours

In this tutorial, we will take the mesh from the last step and extract some contours from it. Contour 1. 2. 3. Make a new layer called Site Contours@1000 and make it current. Select the mesh and enter the Contour command. Using one of the elevational views (Front or Right), snap to the lowest point on the site as the contour plane base point. While holding Shift, move the mouse up (to set the direction perpendicular to the contours) and LMB click. Choose an appropriate distance for your contours. Here I am using 1000.

We have now extracted contours from our site. These could be used for further modeling purposes or for constructing a scaled site model, which we will do now.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 1c: Physical Site Model

Our goal here is to use our contour curves to make a scaled, physical site model. Our fabrication strategy is to prepare the file for laser cutting. As we saw before, when we contour the mesh it leaves us with open polylines because it is a single, open surface and not a solid polysurface. We will make some side for your surface to combat this.

Scaled Contours 1. 2. 3. Make a new, active layer called Site Scaled-1:500 . Using the Copy command, select the mesh and move it to make a copy. Move the copy to the newly created layer (RMB click on the layer and choose Copy object to layer). Select the mesh and enter the command Scale . Snap to an origin point about which you want to scale, and enter an appropriate scale factor. Here I am using 0.002 (for 1:500). It will be hard to see where it has gone, but since it is still selected we can zoom to it using the command: ZS (Zoom Selected).



Now, we plan on making the model from 2mm box-board. Before we contour it with a 2mm spacing we need some sides in order to get closed polylines. 6. 7. 8. Select the mesh and enter DupBorder . Enter Copy with the options [InPlace]. Enter SetPt and set the dialog box to [Set Z] only, as indicated. Press Ok and snap to the lowest point on the mesh. Move the new polyline down 10mm: Move [Vertical] -10.


We now have two polylines - one forming the top of our sides, the other the base of our model.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 1c: Physical Site Model

10. Select the two lines and enter Loft . 11. Select the surface and the mesh and enter Contour This time, since we are working at scale, . enter 2mm for the distance between contours. We now need to layout the contours for laser cutting. We will use a trick here to do this quickly. 12. Select the contours and copy them over next the mesh. 13. Select the copied contours and enter CageEdit with the following options: [Bounding Box | World | XPointCount=2, yPointCount=2, ZPointCount=2] 14. Select the four, top-points of the box and move them a good distance to the right (in the positive y-direction). Move it enough so that no lines are overlapping. Hit Esc a couple of times to exit the command and selection. 15. Delete the bounding box. 16. Select all the curves and enter ProjectToCPlane with the option to [DeleteInputCurve=YES]. You now have all the curves laid out for laser cutting. As a final check we can quickly build a virtual model of what our physcial will look like. Virtual Test Model 17. Select all of the original contour and enter ExtrudeCrv with a distance of 2mm. We now have a contoured site model. Well do the following to clean it up and were done. 18. Delete the still selected curves as we dont need them anymore. 19. Select all the solids and enter BooleanUnion This . will combine everything into a single solid object. 20. The last step to clean it up is to enter MergeAllFaces .
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA 26

Tutorial 1d: Site from Contours

Here we are going to explore a second, and generally more likely, way to produce a site model. We are going to import a jpeg of our contours, scale them to full size, trace them, then move them into position. Once in position we will explore two options for surfacing. 1. 2. 3. Start Rhino with Large Objects - Millimeters template. Type PictureFrame - browse to the file: 02_ topographic_contour.jpg and open it. Place it in the top viewport by LMB clicking in the viewport. Hold Shift (to constrain your direction) while LMB clicking a second point. This is generally the preferred way to bring in reference images with which to model. It is helpful to put them on their own layer, which you can later lock or disable.

This command makes a plane and texture maps the jpeg to it. We now need to scale it to the correct size. In order to scale it correctly, we need to draw a reference line in Rhino that matches a known dimension - in this case the 100m site boundary. 4. Type PolyLine and draw a 100m line on top of the dimension. To do this: First, LMB click on the beginning of the dimension line. Second, while holding Shift, move the mouse in the positive x-direction and tap the Tab key. Last, type 100000 to enter the distance you want to draw.

We have now drawn a 100m long line in the positive x-direction. The next step is to scale the image to match. 5. 6. Select the image by LMB clicking it. Type Scale and as the Origin Point, LMB click (with End Snap enabled) to the beginning of the line we just drew. For the First Reference Point, LMB click on the end of the dimension line. Finally, for the Second Reference Point, LMB click on the end of the line. This is a complicated step at first and worth repeating a few times.

Hopefully, you should now have an accurately-sized image reference to trace. Before moving on, measure another known distance. 7. Type Distance and with two LMB-clicks measure the distance of the vertical dimension. Make sure

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Tutorial 1d: Site from Contours

it is close to 70m. It should be fine. If not, repeat step 6. Organise your layers Before we can trace the contours we need to clean up and organise our layers. 8. If not already open, type Layer to open the layer palette. Reorganise by moving the reference image to Layer 1 and rename the layer. Lock the Reference Image Layer by LMB clicking on the Lock Icon.


10. Go to Layer 2 and rename it to Contours and make it active by LMB clicking in the check-box column.

Tracing the Contours 11. Type Curve and begin tracing the contours. It will work best if your curves exceed the boundary of the site here. 12. Make a new layer and name it Site Boudary 13. Type Polyline and trace the boundary of the site. 14. Now we can turn off the Reference Image layer. 15. Use the Trim command to trim the curves to the edge of the site boundary. For the [Cutting Object] select the boundary curve; and for the [Objects to Trim] select the curves. Raise the Contours to the correct level There are a number of ways to do this. In this case we know height of the top contour so our strategy will be to raise all the contours to this height and then move them sequentially down. 16. Enter Move and, when prompted, select the contour curves. Enter V to constrain the
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

There are a few tips for drawing curves: 1. 2. 3. Use as few points as possible. Draw quickly and loosely and come back to edit detial after. It is good practice to try to draw your curves in the same direction - and generally anti-clockwise.

You can trim quickly by using a selection crossing to select many of the curves at one. LMB drag from bottom right to top left.


Tutorial 1d: Site from Contours

movement vertically. LMB click on the Site Boundary line for the first point and type: 10500 to move all the curves up to the 10.5m level. 17. Now, selecting all the curves (minus the centermost, smallest one) move the curves down -500mm at a time. Each time you move the set down, deselect the next inner-most curve. Work your way down the list until they are in right position. Surfacing 1: Patch A Patch fits a surface through selected curves and points. it is a quick and easy way to surface simple terrains. It is not a very accurate method, but the advantage is that you have a surface to work with rather than a mesh. 18. Make a new layer called Patch Surface and make it the current layer. 19. Select the contour curves, but not the boundary curve and enter the Patch command with the options in the diagram. The next thing we need to do is trim the new surface with the site boundary. 20. Enter Trim and select the boundary curve as the cutting object. Next, select the patch surface as the object to trim. You should do this in Perspective or Top viewport and make sure that the setting: ApparentIntersection=No.

Remember there are two methods for selecting when executing a command. You can pre-select or post-select your objects.

Surfacing 2: Delauney Triangulation For this next step to work, we have to have the PointSetReconstruction plugin installed. 21. Make a new layer called Mesh Surface and make it active. Turn off the Patch Surface layer. 22. Enter Delaunay and select the contour curves. For the spacing, choose a relatively large number - in this case, I am choosing 1000. Change the shader to None.
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

You can download the plugin from the RhinoLabs website: The site tells us that: Delaunay triangulation is a 2.5Dimensional process of fitting triangles through unorganized points so that there are no gaps left in a mesh. It is well suited for recreating surfaces that are implied by a collection of points. The output is always a mesh (not a NURBs surface) and it cannot deal with z-based overlap of points.

Tutorial 2a: Barcelona Pavilion

In this tutorial, we will begin with CAD drawings and use them as reference in constructing the Barcelona Pavilion by Mies van der Rohe, 1929. We want to build a model for documentation, analysis and rendering. With this in mind our strategy will be to rotate the elevations and section and align them with the plan. These will then be used for modeling. We will go through key sections of building the pavilion, but to model properly should take you about 3 hours.

Import CAD drawing 1. Start Rhino with Large-Millimeters template and go to File > Import. Browse to the file: 01_Barcelona_Import.dxf

Clean up file In this, like most cases with importing files, there will be a little bit to clean up. 2. Enter SelBlockInstances and explode them with the Explode command. You will have to repeat this three times due to nested blocks. Make 6 new layers and name them: A_Plan A_Elev_South A_Elev_East A_Elev_West A_Elev_North A_Section Move the object to the correct layers. Purge the file to remove all empty layers and block definitions.


4. 5.

Rotate the elevations 6. Using the Rotate3D and Rotatecommands, rotate the eleveations into the correct position and

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Tutorial 2a: Barcelona Pavilion

align them with the plan. With this information we can now begin modeling the volumes. Model the volumes 7. Add some more layers to hold our 3D geometry: Z_Base Z_Roof Z_Columns Z_Walls Z_Frames Z_Glass Z_Bench Z_Water Well start with the Base - make this the current layer. 8. 9. Use the Polyline command to trace out the base of the pavilion. Select the line you drew and ExtrudeCrv down to make the base of the pavillion. Remember to use the Shift and Tab keys in combination with the Snaps to constrain your movement and draw accurately.

10. Change to the Column layer and using the Polyline again trace one of the colums and extrude it up 3000mm. 11. Copy (using Snaps) the newly created column to the other seven positions. 12. For the walls, we will use the Box command (Solid > Box > Corner to Corner Height) to trace out the walls. Move your way around the pavilion extruding the walls. 13. For the steps: model one step as a box and copy it to the other positions. Move them sequentially down 125mm. You can then use the Scale1D or , Stretch command to flatten out the bottoms. Next, we will draw the window frames. Switch to the frame layer and using the plans and elevations begin to model the frames.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 2a: Barcelona Pavilion

14. Trace the elevation of the frame with a PolyLine. 15. Use the Offset command to offset the curve 50mm inwards. 16. Select both curves and enter ExtrudeCurve to make a sold frame 50mm wide. 17. For the glass, we will switch layers and use Polyline. Turn on Mid snap and snap to the midpoint of inside edges. 18. Again use the ExtrudeCurve command, but with [BothSides] option to extrude a volume 5mm on each side. This will make a single 10mm volume for the glass. 19. Model the benches using the same techniques. 20. For the pools, we will use the BooleanDifference command. Use the Box command to block out a box as the negative shape of the pool. You want to sink it about 450mm into the base. With BooleanDifference select first the object you want , to subtract from, and then select the objects that you will subtract with. Add a single Plane for the water. 21. Modeling the surrounding site here is tricky and will require a combination of the commands you have used so far. My technique was to use PolyLines to draw a wireframe of the base. These curves were then used to make both PlanarSrf and 4-Point surfaces (SrfPt). Organise your layers, delete any extraneous curves and youre done. The next step is documentation. When using the Boolean commands, make sure that your volumes completely intersect.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 2b: Documentation

In this tutorial we are going to take the model we just built and look at options for producing a documentation set. In particular we will look at producingthe following orthographic drawings: elevations, sections, and axonometrics. We will also look at setting up perspective views and creating hybrid vector-render images.

Elevations First up well have a look at the easiest thing to produce - elevations. In Rhino, the Make2D command makes it very easy to produce hidden line drawings. 1. Make the Front Viewport active by clicking inside it and entering the Make2D command. Select all the objects you would like to produce line drawings for - in this case, select everything. Select the options as indicated.

You will notice that it will produce the drawing on the construciton plane, at the origin, in the top viewport. 2. Redo the following for the top, left, back, and right and lay them out.

Sections Plans and sections are effectively made the same way, so we will just make one of them - a section. We need two types of linework here: (1) the actual section line, and (2) the linework that would be in the background of a plan or section drawing. In contrast to the make2d, this is a destructive process so we will need to make a copy of our model before cutting plans or sections. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copy the entire model to the right. In top view, draw a line where you want to cut your section. Make a new, active, layer called Z_Section_A. Enter Section and select the entire model to section with the illustrated options.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA

Tutorial 2b: Documentation

This is the section done, next we have to trim the model back to the section line and make the remaing lines 2D. 7. Enter CutPlane command and drag a selection box over the copied model. Next, select the beginning and end of the line as the Start and End of the Cut Plane. The Cut Plane command simply makes a plane, perpendicular to the construction plane, that is just large enough to pass through your model.

We will use the Cut Plane to trim our model. 8. Enter Trim and select the Cut Plane as the cutting object. Next rotate the view around so you can easily select the side of the model you want to trim. Delete any objects (on the trimmed side) that do not pass through the trim line.


10. Now we can also delete the Cut Plane. 11. Move the sectioned lines out of the way, by selecting them with through the layer palette. (RMB click on the layer and choose: Select Objects) 12. Back in the Front Viewport we can select our trimmed model and Make2D on it. 13. Overlay both the make2d lines (on the Make2D visible layer) and the section lines. These two sets of lines make up our section. You may add annotations and dimension as needed. Soon we will export them at scale to Illustrator for layout.

Exploded Axonometric Lastly we will make an exploded axonomertic with the Make2D command and combine it with a rendering. 14. Select the original model and copy it to a new position. 15. Again using the Select by Layer (RMB click on the layer you want to select), break the pavillion apart to communicate its salient features. At this point, it will be useful to setup and save a view that we can come back to.
Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA 34

Tutorial 2b: Documentation

16. RMB-click on the Perspective Viewport title and choose Viewport Options Change from . Perspetive view to Parallel. 17. Rotate the new view around to set up a view with which you are happy.

Saved Views 18. RMB-click again on the viewport title again and choose Set View > Named View. 19. Save it with a name - in this case: AXON 20. At this point, you might draw a few lines over the exploded model to indicate the directions the planes have been moved. 21. Make2D on the axonometric viewport. Remember to move the new linework away from the origin before making any more 2D drawings. 22. Lastly, without moving the camer, Render the same view. Export to Illustrator Now we can export our 2D documentation to Illustrator. 23. In the top viewport enter Export and select all of your 2D drawings. 24. Choose Adobe Illustrator .ai from the Save As Type dropdown menu. 25. Choose the appropriate scale in the options dialogue. For example, if you want to export at 1:200, you must enter 200mm = 1mm. Open the drawing in Illustrator. Here you can adjust your layout, change your linewights and colours, and add annotations. Here you will also Place your rendered image behind your linework to create the hybird image. You must be in the Top Viewport to export to Illustrator at scale. Remember, a useful way to draw vertical lines in the perspective viewport is using Elevator Mode. You can activate Elevator Mode by Ctrl+LMB clicking on the point from which you would like to draw perpendicular to the construction plane.

If you do move the view, it is easy to get back to it by RMB clicking on the viewport title and choosing set view. Your saved view will be in the list.

It is important that your drawings be close to the origin. If they are too far away from 0,0,0 they will not be visible in Illustrator.

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Tutorial 2b: Documentation

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

File Edit View Curve Surface Solid









Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus


The File pull-down menu contains those commands that are common to many programs.

Save early, save often and save incrementally. Dont copy / paste between files. Instead use File > Export Select and Import. Worksession Manager works well to break large files up into smaller pieces for work among teams. For example, one person could be working on plans, while another works on the site.

Shortcuts New Open Save Print Ctrl+N Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Ctrl+P

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Edit A Select Objects B Control Points ... > Select Objects C Visibility

The edit menu and its sub-menus are very useful, though largely accessed through keyboard shortcuts. Most of the Select Objects commands can be accessed by the command: sel... For example, to select all of the visible, unlocked curves, type SelCrv


Use Select > Duplicate Objects to clean up your files, especially before sending files for laser-cutting. It is much easier to access the layer commands through the layer editor than the pull-down menu.

Groups D E

Blocks F


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

View A Zoom B Set View C Set CPlane D Set Camera


Within the view commands, the Construction Planes (Set CPlane) and CPlane View are necessary for difficult modeling tasks, for example, in extracting true elevations of cranked elements. Use the Background Bitmap command to place an image as modeling reference.

Shortcuts Orbit Pan Zoom Zoom Extents All Zoom Selected

Viewport Layout E F Active Viewport G Page Layout H Background Bitmap Capture J

RMB RMB+Shift RMB+Ctrl (or Scroll-wheel) ZEA Enter ZS Enter

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Curve A B C D E F G H J K L M A Point Object B Point Cloud C Line D Polyline E Rectangle F Polygon G Freeform

Point Object

N Circle H J Arc K Ellipse L Parabola M Hyperbola N Extend Curve P Convert


Curve From Objects R

Curve Edit Tools

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Surface A A Plane B Extrude Curve C Variable Fillet D Surface Edit Tools

Edge Tools E B


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Solid A B A Box B Sphere C Ellipsoid D Paraboloid

C D Extrude Curve E E F G H J Solid Edit Tools ... > Edges ... > Faces ... > Holes F Extrude Surface G Extrude to Boundary H Fillet Edge

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Mesh A A Poly Mesh Primitives B Mesh Repair Tools C Mesh Edit Tools D Mesh Boolean

B1 B2

B C D ... > Collapse

B1 B2

.... > Extract

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus






Cage Editing


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Tools A B C D A Object Snap B 3-D Digitizer C Commands D RhinoScript


... > On Object

License Manager E F

File Utilities G


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Analyze A B C A Curve B Surface C Mass Properties D Edge Tools E Diagnostics


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 1: Rhino Menus

Render A Current Renderer


Help A A B

Learn Rhino B

Help on the Web C


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 2: Rhino Toolbars



Points Point Editing


Curve Editing

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 2: Rhino Toolbars

Surfaces Surface Editing


Solid Editing

Meshes Mesh Editing

Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 2: Rhino Toolbars








Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 2: Rhino Toolbars

Construction Plane



Object Properties


Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA


Appendix 3: Rhino Commands

3DFace 3View 4View AddNextU AddNextV AddPrevU AddPrevV AddToGroup Alerter Align AlignMeshVertices AlignProfiles Angle ApplyBoxMapping ApplyCrv ApplyCylindricalMapping ApplyMesh ApplyMeshUVN ApplyPlanarMapping ApplySphericalMapping ApplySurfaceMapping Arc Area AreaCentroid AreaMoments Array ArrayCrv ArrayCrvOnSrf ArrayHole ArrayHolePolar ArrayPolar ArraySrf Arrowhead AssignBlankTexture AttachGHSData Audit Audit3dmFile Autosave BackgroundBitmap Bend Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA Blend BlendCrv BlendEdge BlendSrf Block BlockManager Boolean2Objects BooleanDifference BooleanIntersection BooleanSplit BooleanUnion Boss Bounce BounceLight BoundingBox Box BringViewportToTop Cage CageEdit Calc CalcRPN Camera Cancel Cap Chamfer ChamferEdge ChamferSrf ChangeDegree ChangeLayer ChangeToCurrentLayer Check CheckInLicense CheckMesh CheckNewObjects CheckOutLicense Circle ClearAllMeshes ClearUndo ClippingPlane CloseCrv CloseRenderWindow ClosestPt CloseViewport CollapseMeshEdge CollapseMeshFace CollapseMeshFacesByArea CollapseMeshFacesByAspectRatio CollapseMeshFacesByEdgeLength CollapseMeshVertex CommandHelp CommandHistory CommandList CommandPrompt Commands Cone Conic Connect ConnectSrf Contour Convert ConvertToBeziers Copy CopyCPlaneSettingsToAll CopyCPlaneToAll CopyDetailToViewport CopyLayout CopyRenderWindowToClipboard CopyToClipboard CopyToLayer CopyViewportToDetail CPlane CreateSolid CreateUVCrv Crv2View CrvDeviation CrvEnd CrvSeam CrvStart CSec CullControlPolygon CullDegenerateMeshFaces Curvature CurvatureAnalysis CurvatureAnalysisOff CurvatureGraph CurvatureGraphOff Curve CurveBoolean CurveThroughPolyline CurveThroughPt CurveThroughSrfControlPt Cut CutPlane CutVolume Cylinder Delete DeleteHole DeleteMeshFaces DeleteSubCrv Detail DigBeep DigCalibrate DigCamera DigClick DigDisconnect Digitize DigPause DigScale DigSection DigSketch Dim DimAligned DimAngle DimDiameter DimOrdinate DimRadius DimRecenterText DimRotated Dir DirectionalLight DisableOsnap DisplayCommandPrompt Distance Divide DivideAlongCreases DocumentProperties DocumentPropertiesPage DollyZoom Domain Dot DraftAngleAnalysis DraftAngleAnalysisOff DragMode Drape DrapePt DupBorder DupEdge DupFaceBorder DupLayer DupMeshEdge DupMeshHoleBoundary EarthAnchorPoint Echo EdgeSrf EditLightByLooking EditPtOn EditScript EditText Ellipse Ellipsoid EMap EMapOff EndBulge Enter EvaluatePt EvaluateUVPt Exit Explode Export ExportBitmaps 53

Appendix 3: Rhino Commands

ExportOptions ExportWithOrigin Extend ExtendCrvOnSrf ExtendSrf ExtendTrimmedSrf ExtractBadSrf ExtractConnectedMeshFaces ExtractControlPolygon ExtractDuplicateMeshFaces ExtractIsocurve ExtractMeshEdges ExtractMeshFaces ExtractMeshFacesByArea ExtractMeshFacesByAspectRatio ExtractMeshFacesByDraftAngle ExtractMeshFacesByEdgeLength ExtractMeshPart ExtractNonManifoldMeshEdges ExtractPt ExtractRenderMesh ExtractSrf ExtractSubCrv ExtractWireframe ExtrudeCrv ExtrudeCrvAlongCrv ExtrudeCrvTapered ExtrudeCrvToPoint ExtrudeSrf ExtrudeSrfAlongCrv ExtrudeSrfTapered ExtrudeSrfToPoint Fair Fillet FilletCorners FilletEdge FilletSrf FillMeshHole FillMeshHoles Fin Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA FitCrv FitSrf FixedLengthCrvEdit FlatShade FlattenSrf Flip Flow FlowAlongSrf FoldFace Fullscreen GCon GetUserText GhostedViewport GradientView Grid Group HandleCurve Hatch HBar Heightfield Helix Help Hide HideInDetail HidePt HideSwap History HistoryPurge HistoryUpdate Hydrostatics Hyperbola Hyperlink IGESStudy Import ImportOptions IncrementalSave Insert InsertControlPoint InsertEditPoint InsertKink InsertKnot InsertLineIntoCrv InterpCrv InterpCrvOnSrf Intersect Invert InvertPt Join JoinEdge Lasso Layer LayerStateManager Layout LayoutProperties Leader Length LimitReferenceModel Line LinearLight Lines LineThroughPt LinetypeDisplay List LoadScript Lock LockSwap Loft MacroEditor Maelstrom Make2D MakeHole MakeNonPeriodic MakePeriodic MakeUniform MappingOff MappingOn Match MatchLayer MatchMeshEdge MatchSrf Maximize MaxViewport MeanCurve Merge2MeshFaces MergeAllFaces MergeEdge MergeFace MergeSrf Mesh MeshBooleanDifference MeshBooleanIntersection MeshBooleanSplit MeshBooleanUnion MeshBox MeshCone MeshCylinder MeshEllipsoid MeshFromPoints MeshHeightfield MeshIntersect MeshOutline MeshPatch MeshPlane MeshPolyline MeshSphere MeshSplit MeshTCone MeshToNURB MeshTorus MeshTrim Minimize Mirror ModelBasepoint Move MoveCrv MoveEdge MoveFace MoveHole MoveTargetToObjects MoveUntrimmedEdge MoveUntrimmedFace MoveUVN MPlane NamedCPlane NamedPosition NamedView NetworkSrf New NewFloatingViewport NewViewport NextOrthoViewport NextPerspectiveViewport NextU NextV NextViewport NextViewportToTop NoEcho Notes Offset OffsetCrvOnSrf OffsetMesh OffsetNormal OffsetSrf OneLayerOff OneLayerOn Open OpenTutorialModels Options OptionsPage Orient Orient3Pt OrientCameraToSrf OrientCrvToEdge OrientOnCrv OrientOnSrf Ortho OrthoAngle Osnap PackTextures Pan 54

Appendix 3: Rhino Commands

Parabola Paraboloid Paste Patch PatchSingleFace Pause PerspectiveAngle PerspectiveMatch PictureFrame Pipe PlaceHole Plan Planar PlanarMesh PlanarSrf Plane PlaneThroughPt PlayAnimation Point PointCloud PointCloudSection PointDeviation PointGrid PointLight Points PointsFromUV PointsOff PointsOn Polygon Polyline PolylineOnMesh PopupMenu PopupToolbar PrevU PrevV PrevViewport Print PrintDisplay PrintRenderWindow Project Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA ProjectOsnap ProjectToCPlane Properties PropertiesPage PtOffSelected Pull Purge PurgeRefObjects PushViewportToBack Pyramid QuadrangulateMesh Radius RailRevolve ReadCommandFile ReadEveryIGESEntity ReadViewportsFromFile Rebuild RebuildCrvNonUniform RebuildEdges RebuildMesh RebuildMeshNormals RecordAnimation Rectangle RectangularLight Redo RedoMultiple RedoView ReduceMesh RefreshAllTextures RefreshShade ReleaseFromCage RemapCPlane RemoveControlPoint RemoveEdge RemoveFlippedNormals RemoveFromGroup RemoveKnot RemoveMappingChannel RemoveMultiKnotSrf Render RenderedViewport RenderInWindow RenderPreview RenderPreviewInWindow RenderPreviewWindow RenderWindow Reparameterize Rescue3dmFile Restore Revolve RevolvedHole RhinoMail Rib Ribbon Rotate Rotate3D RotateCamera RotateEdge RotateFace RotateHole RotateView RoundHole Run RunScript Save SaveAs SaveAsTemplate SaveRenderWindowAs SaveSmall Scale Scale1D Scale2D ScaleEdge ScaleNU ScreenCaptureToClipboard ScreenCaptureToFile Section SelAll SelBadObjects SelBlockInstance SelBlockInstanceNamed SelBox SelCaptives SelChain SelChildren SelClosedCrv SelClosedMesh SelClosedPolysrf SelClosedSrf SelColor SelConnected SelControls SelCrossing SelCrv SelDim SelDot SelDup SelDupAll Select SelGroup SelID SelLast SelLayer SelLayerNumber SelLeader SelLight SelMaterialName SelMesh SelNakedMeshEdgePt SelName SelNone SelObjectsWithHistory SelOpenCrv SelOpenMesh SelOpenPolysrf SelOpenSrf SelParents SelPolyline SelPolysrf SelPrev SelPt SelPtCloud SelShortCrv SelSrf SelText SelTrimmedSrf SelU SelUntrimmedSrf SelUV SelV SelVisible SelWindow SetActiveViewport SetCurrentRenderPlugIn SetDisplayMode SetFlythroughAnimation SetGroupName SetIGESLayerLevelMap SetLayerLinetype SetLayerToObject SetLinetype SetLinetypeScale SetMaximizedViewport SetObjectDisplayMode SetObjectName SetOneDaySunAnimation SetOrtho SetPathAnimation SetPlanar SetPt SetRedrawOff SetRedrawOn SetSeasonalSunAnimation SetSnap SetSpotlightToView SetTurntableAnimation SetUserText SetView SetViewToSpotlight SetWorkingDirectory 55

Appendix 3: Rhino Commands

SetZoomExtentsBorder Shade ShadedViewport ShadeSelected Shear ShearFace ShortPath Show ShowEdges ShowEdgesOff ShowInDetail ShowOsnap ShowPt ShowSelected ShowToolbar ShrinkTrimmedSrf ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge Silhouette SimplifyCrv Sketch SketchUpImportOptions Slab Smash Smooth Snap SnapSize SoftEditCrv SoftEditSrf SoftMove Sphere Spiral Split SplitDisjointMesh SplitEdge SplitFace SplitMeshEdge SplitMeshWithCurve SplitViewportHorizontal SplitViewportVertical Splop Architectual Modeling with Rhino AR-MA Spotlight SrfControlPtGrid SrfPt SrfPtGrid SrfSeam STEPTree Stretch SubCrv SwapMeshEdge SwapView Sweep1 Sweep2 Symmetry SynchronizeCPlanes SynchronizeViews Taper TCone Text TextObject TextProperties ThicknessAnalysis ThicknessAnalysisOff TiltView ToggleFloatingViewport Toolbar Torus TriangulateMesh TriangulateNonPlanarQuads Trim Tube Turntable Twist Undo UndoMultiple UndoSelected UndoView Ungroup UnifyMeshNormals Unlock UnlockSelected UnpackTextures UnrollSrf Untrim Unweld UnweldEdge VariableBlendSrf VariableChamferSrf VariableFilletSrf VariableOffsetSrf ViewCaptureToClipboard ViewCaptureToFile ViewFirstFrame ViewFrameNumber ViewLastFrame ViewNextFrame ViewportProperties ViewportTabs ViewPreviousFrame Volume VolumeCentroid VolumeMoments WalkAbout WebBrowser Weight Weld WeldEdge WeldVertices What WireCut WireframeViewport Worksession XRayViewport Zebra ZebraOff Zoom Zoom1To1Calibrate ZoomLens ZoomNaked


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